#(also: george lovingly staring at himself >>>>)
russellius · 4 months
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TESTING 2024 : DAY 2 | so close!
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merrysithmas · 2 years
If you don’t mind be asking I have a bit of a steamy question.
Why do you think people see Anakin as a submissive? Like a guy who is characterized by his desire to possess the people he loves? A lust for power? An almost consent need for control? Slaughtered the sand people for killing his mom? Just is rather irreverent? A rebel who does things his way fuck the rules/orders? Dude who becomes DARTH VADER? I mean I know there’s that whole moment when he kneels to Palpatine but I don’t think that’s at all reflective of him in the grand scheme of things you know? My guy was at the end of his rope. 
Also, Obi-Wan couldn’t dom his way out of a paper bag and I say this as somebody whose best friend is a domme. I think people see him as the older and perhaps more masculine looking (the beard) but that doesn’t actually mean anything. Like my man has an inadequacy complex 10 miles wide and is in a consent state of self criticism. Sticks to the code and Jedi teachings to the point of orthodoxy like it’s canon that he takes pleasure in not only following the rules but following them well and to a T. And I say this lovingly but Obi couldn’t control Anakin to save his life. I see fans say that Obi-Wan needed to force Ani into submission and like tame him but our dude told Anakin no like everyday of his life but Ani just wasn’t having any of it. Anakin isn’t a brat that needs to be tamed he’s a super powerful demi-god with mental health issues.
I’m sorry if this is like super random and it’s way longer than I intended but it’s just wild out here in these fanfiction streets. It blows me away how popular this specific characterization is. 
i think that characterization is popular bc a lot of ppl have never watched TCW, haha. IMO you can't watch TCW and be convinced of the above dynamic. as Anakin grows he changes from a terrified brat pseudo-orphan into a wild, charismatic, headstrong young man, & Obi-wan's inexperienced bossy controlling unease in AOTC mellows to a soft, loveable refinement.
basically i have NOTHING ELSE TO ADD to what you said because I agree completely. I do not see the "daddy wan" pov personally haha. and frankly i don't like that dynamic between them. in my point of view, i don't like it at all and i don't think it does anything to express the immense and equal partnership between them. that's just my take and everyone has their own preferences.
i think a lot of people see it this way because Anakin, as a demi-god, is riddled with confusion about his place in the universe. it's why it's so obvious to people that he "badly needs a hug" that Obi-wan is too debilitatingly perfectionist to give him (or Padme for that matter - she just stares at him blankly whenever he confesses something painful or terrible LOL, thanks George).
via the nature of being borne of the Force itself (and born into slavery), he is always looking for a "master" - which is another thing that I think gets people on that track of thinking. he goes from slave, to unusual Padawan (he never had to learn with other Padawans in the temple) who understandably sometimes sees the Jedi order as a type of servitude, to dark side slave. a hallmark of anakin's character is that he NEVER has complete control over his destiny, which i'd argue is one of the main elements that drives him mad - and a fascinating and delicious literary foray into the subject of "destiny" and Star Wars at large,
he is tortured, actually tormented, by this lack of mastery over himself. he can NEVER HAVE mastery over himself as an agent of Fate/the Force which makes him so tragic. and that line of thinking seems to drive some ppl down a certain kink road LOL which is fine, but just not how i see it personally. he is always looking for direction in a mortal world that quite literally CANNOT understand him at all.
in a way he reminds of an animal starving for affection, a man dying for water, a forest fire burning its own body to ash. but in my opinion this DOES NOT lend itself into a traditionally submissive dynamic with Obi-wan "man of the cloth" Kenobi of all people. he loves pulling on Obi-wan's pigtails, causing him trouble, destroying everything he holds dear... Anakin is the classic "mean kid on the playground" to Obi-wan and adores him, loves him, and constantly bothers him.
as for Obi-wan he has a refined, gentle, self-assured, particular masculinity to him just like Anakin has an obvious "angelic" beauty. they both have masculine and feminine traits, which is awesome. but Obi-wan is harsh towards himself, judgmental towards others, insecure, perfectionist, and chained by his orthodoxy. Anakin, for all his beauty, is angry, rough, feral, unintentionally mean, brash, brave, and selfish.
Anakin is controlling, expressive, emotionally wild, untamed, and possessive. On the other hand, Obi-wan is paralyzed by his need to control himself, frequently behaviorally corsetted, unlearned in emotionality, and interpersonally anorexic.
basically, Anakin rails Obi-wan into oblivion and they both release their worst behavior on each other. they switch when they want to. they are often soft and sweet to each other because they're both saps (and in a war, and miserable, and alone, and in love). but also, consensually, Anakin chokes Obi-wan and spits in his mouth and Obi-wan slaps Anakin across the face making his ears ring lmao. Then Anakin leaves him a note the next day on his dresser when they're on leave from the warfront at the Temple:
Sorry I choked you and spit on you and called you a bitch. Liked the hair pulling thing. You look nice when you're asleep and not thinking so much. You are a bitch, though. Yours, A.
Same time tomorrow, right??
And Obi-wan does the same from Anakin.
Apologies for slapping you in the face and then calling you a psychopath in the middle of it. Seemed like you liked it. I saw the gleam in your eye. I have no further comment on that particular matter. -Obi
P.S. Yes. I'll be there early.
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 31 - Beer & Licorice. Episode 1.
The 20th of August 2014
Andy: Sits and stares a bit at his phone, after ending his sms conversation with A, then suddenly smiles bright as he looks up at Congo, sitting across from him on the ground in Gaby and George's garden
Congo: Smiles softly at Andy What?
Andy: Smiles lovingly I just realized, today is a month since I chose you as my mate…
Congo: Smiles almost shyly as he looks to the ground, blushing softly on his cheeks
Daniel: Observes Congo, then jumps up from the ground, lighting a joint from his pocket OMG! You're fucking blushing! Do you have any idea how much hotter you are making yourself?! I can't stand you two any longer! Watching you kiss, cuddle, hear you two moan in the toilet stall… or in the bushes! Bites bottom lip hard I'm so fucking horny! You can't even imagine! I'm trying so hard to not whore around and show Sebastian (the guy he had a crush on back then, one of Sparkle's younger friends) I'm not as bad as I seem… He groans deeply but this is ridiculous! Moans and sinks back down in the grass, puffing the joint a few times before talking again I mean, I'm happy for you guys… very… but… takes a big drag of the joint you are fucking turning me on, to the extreme… it's getting really hard being around you two!
Congo; Chuckles warmly Pass me that joint will you?
Daniel: Looks a bit questioning at Congo, but then passes on the joint Doesn't this supposedly just make you like really super horny? Andy mentioned something about that in all of his constant bragging about you…
Congo: Takes a big drag and holds the smoke in while talking He brags about me?
Andy: Blushes slightly, chuckling a bit nervously
Daniel: Rolls eyes All the fucking time! Gives me a headache… or a dick ache!
Congo: Chuckles warmly, then pads his chest hard That makes me happy… all the way in here. Winks at Andy and takes another big drag of the joint Any good news from back home?
Andy: Gets a cheeky grin on his face I got a green light.
Daniel: Looks confused at both of them What?
Andy: Shakes head softly Nevermind…
Daniel: Pulls shoulders a bit Home… Andy?
Andy: Smiles warmly at Daniel Yes?
Daniel: Looks a bit hesitant at Congo, then turns to Andy again Where do you feel most at home… I mean, out of the whole world? I mean, you have sorta lived with Congo in periods… you have your own house… and your beach house… but there's also A's house, and now this place looks around the garden isn't it hard knowing where home is by now?
Andy: Blushes deeper red and picks a small twig from the ground he starts breaking into pieces and throwing at the ground That's really not difficult to answer. The place I feel most as my home, is Congo's house… but to break it down to it's very core… home is, wherever I am with him… smiles softly at Congo
Daniel: Sighs softly well aren't you just the perfect couple? Points tongue at them both honestly… I love you guys, and I'm so happy for you both… I think it's absolutely perfect that you two happened to be mates…. and I really hope and believe you will succeed in your journey. And I know both me and Evan will support you and help you the best way possible… you know you can trust him right? That he wont tell M (the girl he was dating at the time)… or anyone else for that matter?
Andy: Nods softly Of course… I trust him with my life!
Daniel: Wait… does Gaby know he's in the picture now as well? I mean… for protection?
Andy: Nods firmly Yeah, don't worry, she had a brief talk with him this morning… he's being kept safe…
Congo: Smiles warmly at both of them and puffs the joint, then passes it on to Andy
Andy: Looks at the joint hesitating
Congo: Gives a quick agreeing nod it's alright, I asked George nicely… he said it works as a nice painkiller winks cheekily at Andy (Andy back then was very troubled, and very aggressive. So he used to take his anger out on fighting, or hurting himself in multiple ways. So he often had bruises, broken bones or cuts)
Andy: Chuckles hoarse and takes a big drag of the joint Pain relief… true… but it also makes ME very horny smiles cheekily at Congo and gazes a bit pensive at Daniel, then takes another big drag, keeping the smoke in his lungs as he speaks so Daniel… you and Sebastian… are you two mates?
Daniel: Bursts out a vague chuckle Nah Andy, those things are still not for me… most of the time I just feel like… I don't know… a big baby that everyone keeps constantly correcting, telling me I can't do shit on my own pulls shoulders and for a brief moment looks rather sad in his eyes, then smiles softly plus, if you are having a hard time being monogamous and sitting still, how the hell do you think I would make it work? chuckles warmly
Andy: Chuckles sheepishly as he feels the joint kick in you are right… but also wrong takes another big drag you aren't a big baby… and I know lots of things you are good at… like playing drums, that's a given… I think you are very smart… funny… caring… you are a very loyal friend… and apparently an awesome personal stylist? He laughs warmly for a bit and takes another big drag, and passes the joint to Daniel No, seriously… I love what you did with Congo yesterday! Those outfits you picked out for him… not to mention, thanks for that kilt winks at Daniel and gently bites his own lip, sighing a bit from pain but those outfits… I love Congo's style as it is…and you really kept that, but still polished him a bit… man… moans softly thank you!
Daniel: Chuckles softly as he feels the joint start buzzing in his body it's alright…. I just thought, now when his soon to be wife is such a hot stud… he should stud up a bit himself… I mean, Congo… your body is waaaay too fucking epic to hide under way too big flannel shirts… looks up and down Congo with a hungry look, then takes a big drag of the joint and looks at Andy with a cheeky grin but you owe me points tongue
Andy: Smiles cheeky at Congo, then at Daniel and how do I repay you? slowly crawls closer to Daniel, licking his own lips to wet them, then presses them gently against Daniels lips, poking his lip with his tongue to make Daniel open his mouth, then he strongly sucks the air and smoke from Daniels lungs leaving him breathless
Daniel: Sinks backwards down into the grass, looking up at Andy with a confused look on his face
Andy: Lowers his head towards Daniels, slowly pressing his lips against Daniels, biting them gently to make Daniel open his mouth, and as he does, Andy slips his tongue into Daniels mouth, quickly fluttering his own tongue over Daniels, before quickly sucking hard, so hard that Daniel feels like all air is being sucked out of his lungs, but in a tickling out of body experience, not uncomfortable at all. Although it takes him by surprise and makes him cough a bit. Andy chuckles happily, sits back in the grass, and blows out a bit of smoke from Daniels lungs, then grabs the joint and passes it to Congo before crawling back to where he came from
Congo: Observes them both with a sheepish smile on his face well… that actually turned me on more than I thought it would…
Daniel: Stares at both of them with open mouth
Andy: Laughs uncontrollably and lets himself fall down on his back, continuing to laugh
Congo: Takes big drag from the joint and observes the confused Daniel are you alright over there?
Daniel: gets up quick and walks fast inside, and as he returns shortly after to the sight of a laughing Congo and laughing Andy he sits down and opens one of the beers from the cold six pack he dragged with him, chucking down about half of it while observing the two of them
Congo: slowly stops laughing and takes a drag of the joint before handing it to Andy now please, tell me… who's the best kisser of us quickly leans towards Daniel, grabbing his back head and pressing his lips against his as he slides his tongue into Daniels wet mouth, poking his tongue against Daniels a few times, but quickly understands Daniel is way too stunned to react, so he pulls back and returns to his seat, chuckling softly
Andy: Takes a big drag of the joint, looking at Daniel curiously ……so?
Daniel: Looks confused at both of them, then quickly chucks down the other half of the beer, opening a new one
Andy: Laughs loudly and takes another drag of the joint then passes the rest on to Daniel here… smoke the rest of this while you get back to your senses winks at him
Congo: chuckles warmly and grabs one of the beers, opening it and chucks down about half of it before grinning cheekily at Andy kiss him again… he tastes like beer and licorice*
Andy: Bites his lips softly and slowly, teasingly crawling closer to Daniel, leaning closer and closer, slowly pushing him back down to lay in the grass, as he leans down and sensually licks Daniels cuts from the fight the night before, on the side of his cheek, slowly licking towards his lips, fluttering his tongue over Daniels lips, sliding it between them and brushing it quickly over Daniels tongue, before quickly pulling back, grabbing one of the beers as he gets up and walks the few steps to sit back down on his spot, licking his mouth as he opens the beer, nodding softly at Congo you are right… I definitely get licorice as well smiles cheekily and it starts to make me hungry…
Congo: Nods at Daniel yeah me too… are you gonna smoke the rest of that one or?
Daniel: Quickly puts the joint to his mouth and takes 3 big drags, then kills the joint bud on the ground without sitting up at any point
Andy: Tilts head and observes Daniel are you okay Daniel?
Daniel: Imagines himself melt into the ground, starting to feel extremely hot in his body as sweat forms on his naked chest and forehead
Andy: Daniel?
Daniel: Sinks further and further into the grass
Andy: Laughs loudly Congo… he's completely spacing out… I guess we wont be able to fuck him tonight after all continues laughing as he rolls around on the ground
Congo: Chuckles deeply then leans over and pads Daniels cheek Daniel?
Daniel: Feels Congo is veeeery far away, and his lips only slightly parts as he moans out a half choked yes
Congo: Are you in there? Daniel… we want to fuck you…
Daniel: feels the sweat from his forehead run down his temples and he swallows hard
Congo: Tilts head and observes Daniels body's reaction man you are hard as a rock…. let me help you with that slowly unzips Daniels pants and smiles anticipating as Daniels hard dick bounces out of his pants my my… looks like I'm almost getting competition here? licks lips hungrily
Daniel: Starts getting back to reality but… wait…. points at Andy still rolling around the ground laughing I… he….
Congo: Smiles at Daniel warmly and plants a leg on both side of Daniels hips, grabbing his dick firmly and leads it behind Congos ass as he lowers himself to sit on Daniels upper groin area I… he… what? Listen… him and I talked about this today… we are both okay with it… the three of us together if you want to? He already got a green card from me, and a green card from A… not on me though, so technically it's only you and him, if you ever mention it somewhere public…. but don't spread it wherever you go, please… he's still very fragile, and I don't want him to get hurt in any way by this… so if you are up for it… I mean…. you wanted us both, right? Only one rule, Daniel… never let anyone know I'm here… and beside that… my ass is mine and Andy's… I only share it if I feel absolutely right about it…. so unless you hear me say I'm ready for you… don't try or even ask… alright? I'm very private in that region… not meaning you can't touch the cheeks…
Daniel: Swallows hard how about Marius?
Congo: That's why I tell you, I'm not here. It's very important you remember this fact. I'm already on a very slippery slope with Andy… so it's not like I'm not already cheating. But just keep in mind, A will make sure my life will be hell, or even over if he finds out… so do all of us the favor to keep it inside… I trust you… so does Andy…
Daniel: Nods sheepishly, then gazes at the still chuckling Andy You're sure he wants? Points at Andy
Congo: Grabs Daniels hand I'm sure he wants… but what do you want? Places Daniels hand on his stomach, slowly running it down to the bulge in his pants, pressing it firmly against it, rubbing himself a bit with Daniels hand
Daniel: Whimpers I want both of you so god damn much!
Congo: Nods and grins wide good…
Daniel: But he's completely spacing out now…
Congo: Leans forwards a bit, leaning on one of his palms, locking his other hand around Daniels dick don't worry, he will snap out of it soon enough… everything will be alright…
Daniel: Moans softly I'm so fucking horny…
Congo: Grins wide and tightens his grip as he starts slowly stroking Daniels dick I know… I feel you… you're pulsating… don't worry… you'll both give and take tonight….
Daniel: Bites lips hard promise me I wont be able to walk afterwards?
Congo: Grins even wider oh, I fucking promise you Daniel… leans down and licks a drop of sweat of Daniels throat, making Daniel moan deep and longing.
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kitscutie · 2 years
I'll love you, forever and always.
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you and thomas found each other when you arrived at the facility, only kids, continuing to grow up together that close bond turned into love, when it's your turn to go into the maze you're not ready to let each other go just yet.
word count;
pairing; thomas x fem!reader
warnings; extremely angsty but a lil cute
A/N; this was originally part of my thomas story on wattpad (@/Sucker4Stiles) but I never got round to finishing that story so i did some work on it and posted it here! very happy to be back in my maze runner phase :p
Thomas' eyes felt frozen on you in front of him, the same girl that in a few hours he wouldn't be able to see anymore. You wouldn't even remember him but he longed to have your pretty face embedded in his mind before you went away.
The beaded bracelet you made him hung from his right hand, swinging softly with every tap of his feet. Though when you had fallen asleep Thomas had promised to join you, he still hadn't. The anxiety of what was to come flaring his nerves severely and therefore not letting his eyes rest.
The silence was suddenly broken by heavy breaths and metal clanking against the cement floors of a wicked room but what could also be seen as a cell.
Thomas lifted himself off of the small wooden stool he sat on and instead sat next to his lover on the bed. His hand softly stroked the stray hairs on your head back into a more orderly fashion onto the mattress beside you, quietly shushing you back into the slumber you so desperately needed.
"Thomas?" The words were mumbled followed by Thomas' frown. His full, real name was only ever used when you were upset or scared, which you were both right now.
"Right here darlin'." He softly replied, trying to keep you calm before you remembered what was about to happen. He knew deep down that you already did, information like that didn't just fade with sleep.
You flipped over onto your back, eyes staring into his lovingly, tears already present. "Thought they might've taken me already." Sadness radiated off of a usually bright and bubbly person like you, but there was nothing either of you could do.
"I wouldn't let them take you without saying goodbye sweetheart, you know this." He sweetly smiled, hand still carefully brushing the hair away from your face.
"Don't think they'd give you a choice my love." You smiled up at him, a contradiction to your eyes which were still filled by tears. You sighed letting one fall as you began to make a list of everything you would miss about him.
The sweet pet names had been something you and Thomas always indulged in, even if it came with plenty of mocking from the other boys in Group A. You never knew, nor did Thomas, if he was apart of group A, having been taken away for an 'assignment' most days of the week but you were optimistic, as was he.
You had always been confused as to why you were the only girl in their group, seeing as Group B was filled with girls, you heavily sympathized with Aris who was the only boy in said group. None of you knew why there were in groups in the first place. Passing it off as an attempt a organization, but it soon came clear when Nick then Alby, Ben George, Newt, Minho, Alfie, Winston, Jeff then Gally, shortly followed by a couple others, and now it was your own turn.
Your soft palm reached up to caress his cheek. Your eyes darted all over his face as if you were memorising every piece of it, although you didn't need to. Yet.
"Stop crying, I'll remember you." You chuckled. So naïve Thomas thought. It was a poor attempt at lightening the mood. Even if technically your words weren't true, it was still a nice thought. "I'm going to keep this on." He said bringing the bracelet into your view.
She gave him a small nod that didn't convey much feeling but reassured Thomas non the less that it was appreciated. Silence once again settled between you both as your fingers delicately played with each other. "I'm gonna miss you. So much."
Words mumbled and eyes glossing over.
"You'll be okay baby." He said sweetly, his own eyes matching yours. "You're brave, I know you are."
"Glad to know you think so." You smirked, even when your mood was down in the dumps he could make you smile. The abrupt noise of the door that led to the rooms slamming against the wall cut off his retort. Your face completely dropped and your eyes widened, tears quickly coming into view. "They're coming for me." You said, voice wavering and sounding mumbled.
"It's ok." He reassured you gently taking the blanket from on top of you and pulling you into his arms as you began to sob and shake. "It's ok, you're ok." He kept repeating like a prayer hoping that if he repeated himself enough times, it would become the truth.
Finally the door to your room swung open and your sobs turned into gasping as you tried to breath, cry and push yourself further back onto the bottom bunk all at once. Thomas' hands wrapped around your waist lightly pushing his lover towards the guards, attempting to make this easier for everyone.
"Tommy please, I love you." You choked out trying to reach for his hands, instead he pulled your face towards his own placing a final kiss to your lips before the guards got you and the room went quiet as the door shut behind them.
He heard you screaming his name as the guards retreated down the halls, dragging you with them. He couldn't help but feel betrayed by him for you, guilt swallowing him whole as he pulled your blanket over his face, smelling your sweet perfume still embedded in the fabric.
He only hoped to see you again, whether that was on the screens he observed every day, or in the flesh where he could embrace you and say how much he loved you.
"I love you too baby, forever and always." He spoke out into the empty room. Finally letting the tears fall.
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chippedaxe · 3 years
𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔗𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤
Title: 𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔗𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤
Warning(s): NSFW (minors dni), coarse language, monster fucking, slight size kink, demons, virginity
Pronouns: they/them non specified genitalia .
Synopsis: characters from the dsmp are monster hybrids, this is how their s/o (the reader) reacts to them.
Note: There's not rlly a reason for why I wrote this. If you guys disagree with me on these then that's okay, I just thought of these on the top of my head and I agree that my ideas could be better. (The title could also be better lmao)
2nd note (edit): there’s sfw but nsfw is included, just steer away from the nsfw content whilst reading if you don’t want to read it <3
Word count: 1.1K
* added cut for less clutter
- He looks like a weird kind of blob to be honest but it's a bit cute
- He looks like he's covered in bits of slime or some weird type of green goo
- You like listening to his weird slime noises that he makes, it sounds like plops and its absolutely adorable.
- He talks normally like a human as well but you like his weird slime babbling better.
- He feels so warm on your skin, the feeling he creates while he's inside of you (or you're inside him) is absolutely amazing and so euphoric.
- Everywhere gets dirty during sex, splatters of green goo or slime will be covering the walls and sheets.
- I feel like he would be touch starved from being a monster, not many people would go around him I assume. So he'd react kindly to your lewd touches and your praise~
- He's a type of blaze hybrid, he has sharp teeth and horns coming out from his forehead. He grumbles a lot and growls sometimes but you think its really cute (other people find it scary though)
- you could never find your baby scary <3 Ever since you guys met he was so kind to you, he'd keep you warm with his blaze rods and fire too ^^
- Such a sweetheart, you love to listen to the rumbling of his chest whenever you two lay together. He would probably be avoided during summer however since he'd just make the heat unbearable (you make it up to him at the end of summer)
- Imagine him fucking you with those warm blaze rods of his (not my original idea, someone else had it but idk their @ )
- He's such a beast, there'd be claw marks on the walls and the mattress would almost always get destroyed from sex. Sapnap just can't help making a mess when you're making him feel so good..
- He'd like to nibble on you and leave deep bite marks while rutting into you, maybe even use his fire on you for some temperature play if you'd like something like that.
- I feel like he'd be a bit of a shapeshifter and his shape would shift depending on a dream he has/ had.
- You can recognize him even when he's in a new state due to his distinct personality and because of his shades that he carries on him.
- He's a naturally tired creature so he sleeps a lot, often inviting you to come and join him lovingly.
- You'd always be intrigued with his new characters, eager to fuck each of his forms at least once. Your relationship together is very creative and curious, you guys will try anything and everything.
- Most sex together is sleepy sex, his hands will paw at you tiredly and you will have to put in most of the work.
- He can and will give you wet dreams by choice.
- He's a type of hybrid like medusa, his glasses are on at all times because if he takes them off then he'll turn you to stone.
- You have never seen her eyes before but that's alright, you still love them heaps.
- They will 100% kill anyone who gets to close to you with just a death stare, reassures you with lies that the person will be okay. They won't.
- His scales feel rough against your skin, it makes the sex feel a whole lot different and exotic though so you really don't mind it.
- Her nails claw into you to keep you in place as she ruts into you with their hips, not wanting to let you go for at least another hour.
- Wraps their arms around you lovingly to keep you two close to each other, loves having you close to them while you perform such a beautiful act together.
- Have you seen his old skin?? I imagine something like that but in monster type form, I guess that he'd also be extremely rubbery and stretchy.
- He can stretch his arms around you to give you amazing hugs, finds it hard to unravel his arms from you though.
- I feel as if he wouldn't be able to speak coherent English and his words would be broken speech, if he doesn't try to speak English then he will just be making his own goofy noises.
- Would be able to easily stretch if you were going to put something inside of him, I feel like he'd act so cute and lewd with his monster squeals too!!
- Fingering with him is fucking amazing, sex in general is amazing with him, he'd be able to stretch and basically shape himself into the perfect shape to be able to fuck your hole.
- He could easily tie you or himself up with his stretchy rubbery arms, makes your sex life a whole lot more exciting.
- I headcanon monster him as a human that was possessed by a demon and is now slowly turning into more of a demon.
- Tries to make deals with you for your soul but you reject him every time, surprised when he offers his love for free, you accept that graciously.
- Can reign hell fire and will if so pleases, definitely burns people who get to close to you or the people who hurt you in any.
- He's a demon, he is naturally very tempting, so it doesn't take much for him to get you into his bed. "Come on baby, you can ride me and pull on my horns.." He's got you right where he wants you.
- He's naturally very warm from being a demon so you guys will often have very hot sweaty sex, resulting in you guys being gross and needing a wash afterwards.
- He would be eccentric if you were a virgin, he'd be like "awe, for me? You shouldn't have.." and then absolutely devour and rail the shit out of you to make a memorable experience.
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fandomlit · 3 years
neutral, chap. 4 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary after waking from a taunting nightmare, tommy expels some late night energy on some wandering mobs. you give him another lesson about taking care of himself, even when working hard, and tommy asks if you’ll teach him archery, which, of course, doesn’t go without entertainment.
warnings nightmares, mob killing
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gif cred belongs to @halcyoncraft
he was running again. he didn’t know where or from what, but his legs carried him far and strongly, weaving him through trees and grass and other obstacles along the way. he didn’t know how in danger he was, but he wasn’t going to stop and find out.
then he tripped.
when he flipped onto his back, it was that goddamn mask staring down at him, the lips just under it laughing, “you’re so weak, tommy! did you do anything while you were in neutral?” then his axe came down and tommy braced himself for the pain and release of death.
he woke up instead.
sweating under his covers, tommy sucked in a harsh breath as he sat up. he threw the soft cotton off of him, running a warm hand down his face. it was just a dream; he was safe in neutral.
looking out of the window next to him, he saw the moon still high in the sky, casting a cool light into his bedroom. dream’s words rang through his head like a bell, and he rubbed at his temples with a sigh. was he actually getting weak? was relaxing such a bad thing? at the very least, some part of him must have thought so to conjure a nightmare like that..
with another sigh, tommy lifted himself out of bed and flipped open the ender chest. he drew out his sword before heading to the main floor of the house.
when he reached the bottom of the stairs, a voice called out to him, “tommy?” his heart nearly stopped for a moment, before peeking into the kitchen and realizing it was just y/n. she sat in candlelight, writing in a small journal with a slice of half-eaten pumpkin pie next to her. “are you alright?”
“yeah,” he breathed, his voice still heavy with sleep. “just gonna go kill some mobs.”
she nodded. she looked tired, and a part of tommy felt bad knowing that she was most definitely going to wait for him to return. “okay. have at it, kid.”
he nodded, turning to leave the kitchen. before he did so, he pursed his lips and looked over his shoulder to y/n. “you should go to bed.”
she gave him a smile, scribbling something down in the small journal. “i will, tommy. just gotta finish this up..” his natural curiosity was drawn to the small book, and he almost asked y/n what she was writing. but then dream’s voice rang through his mind again, and tommy silently headed for the doors of the house.
the night air was refreshing on his warm skin, cool and still as the moon illuminated the frontal beauty of neutral territory. he took a deep, calming breath of that crisp air before focusing on the task at hand: proving to himself that dream was wrong. that dream is always wrong.
after about twenty zombies, ten spiders, countless creepers, and a few endermen, tommy finally felt the burn in his arms become nearly too much to bear. he panted as he struck down one last spider, turning and finally deciding to return back to the comfort of y/n’s home.
he sheathed his sword when he finally entered the house, going straight to the kitchen to see that y/n was still awake and writing in her small journal.
“ready to go to bed?” he asked gruffly.
she looked up slowly before nodding, placing her quill down and capping her ink. “any trouble out there?”
“no,” he spoke, shaking his head. “wrote everything you needed to?” y/n blew out her candle and went to join the boy in the doorway to the kitchen.
“as much as i could, anyway,” she shrugged, smiling lazily as they began to walk toward the stairs. “what was your nightmare about?”
tommy was slightly startled, but a little too tired to react drastically to y/n’s deduction. “how’d you know i had a nightmare?”
“i’ve had them before,” she said simply. “and it seemed natural that you’d expel some energy onto mobs after such a thing.”
“you’re smart,” tommy credited.
“thank you,” y/n yawned.
they continued to climb the stairs in silence as tommy considered his words. “i was being hunted by dream again, but this time you weren’t there to save me. he called me weak and killed me.”
“so you wanted to prove to yourself that despite allowing yourself peace, you didn’t have to sacrifice your strength to get there,” y/n summed.
the boy half-smiled. she was spot on, as always. “exactly,” tommy breathed. 
y/n was silent for a moment as she thought. they stopped at the hallway to tommy’s room and it then occurred to tommy’s tired mind that her room was downstairs; she was walking with him because she cared about him. 
“honestly, tommy, if this is a real concern for you, then there is no harm in taking time out of your day to work out and train,” y/n spoke. “but the most important thing is to recognize when enough is enough, and when enough becomes too much. you’ve allowed yourself peace and care for the last two weeks, and achieving such a state doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice fighting or training; it just means that you need to be more aware and in tune with yourself as you’re doing it.” tommy nodded.
“don’t overwork yourself, is the summary here,” she said, picking a cobweb off of his shirt. “let yourself do the things you want, but make sure it’s not wearing you down. that’s taking care of yourself.”
“alright,” tommy spoke quietly. “thank you, y/n.”
“of course, kid,” she smiled. “get some sleep, alright? if you have another nightmare you’re free to bother me.” tommy nodded again. “good night, tommy.”
“good night, y/n,” he yawned as she turned to head down to her room. he made sure he heard her door shut before finally heading to his own room.
“can you teach me archery?” tommy questioned the next morning at breakfast. it was a question that had bugged him since y/n had first revealed her skills just a few days prior, and since he was going to start training, he figured that might be a good place to start.
“sure,” she chuckled as she scooped some more fruit onto his nearly half-eaten plate of french toast.
“why the laugh?” he questioned through a mouthful of berries.
she shrugged to herself. “your curiosity is showing.”
“i’ve been wondering about it since you took out the mob,” tommy admitted. “if i want to get stronger.. i think this is a good way to.”
“perfecting a skill is the perfect way to get stronger,” y/n voiced. “of course i’ll teach you, kid.” she smiled and he turned back to his breakfast with his own grin. “finish up your food and meet me in the basement; we gotta get you a bow first.”
tommy hadn’t been in the basement of the house yet. he opened the heavy, dusty trapdoor and assumed y/n didn’t go down their often either. he slid down the ladder easily and was immediately hit with heat.
y/n had a welding station upstairs in her shop area, but the basement had a more broad and intense version of that area. several anvils, all cracked and rusted and adorned with different materials were scattered in a sort of pattern amongst the space, a fire burning high in a fireplace at the far side of the room. seeing no sign of y/n, tommy moved to the room to his left.
the next room held a large nether portal, as well as a small farm for netherwart. the dark room felt empty to him, and he had to remind himself that he was in fact in y/n’s house still. he remembered she had said that she didn’t like going to the nether.
“i’m in here, tommy!” she called out. he took another left into a small storage room, where y/n was rustling through a chest. “how tall are you, kid?”
“6’1”,” he answered.
y/n smiled. “you’re a lot taller than i’ll ever be.” she took out a pretty oak bow, slightly scratched and obviously old. “you’ll have to use this for now, until i can make you one that’s your size.” he took the bow from her hands, shrugging.
“it’s fine.”
“good,” she hummed, still shuffling through the chest as tommy took the time to look around the small room.
“what’re the dispensers for?” tommy asked, staring at the wall that held the three stone tools.
“im nothing if not prepared, tommy,” y/n spoke as she took out a quiver and began to fill it with arrows for him. “in case of emergency, those dispensers will set off flares to let others know that im in trouble or that neutral is in danger.”
tommy nodded, still looking at the obviously unused dispensers. “smart.”
“i hope so,” she sighed, handing him the quiver of arrows. he strapped it around himself as she continued, “let’s just hope i never have to use them, yeah?”
“yeah,” he chuckled. she gave him a smile, hoisting her bow higher in her grip.
“you ready to shoot some things?”
“relax your shoulders,” y/n reminded. tommy did so, his fingers still white with effort against the taut string of the bow. “don’t pull so hard, tommy. you’re shaking.” he sighed as he let the string and arrow go limp, lowering his bow as y/n approached him closer.
it was his second day of archery training, and he was still missing nearly every target. y/n was a calm and collected teacher, offering him advice that was pointed directly for him and reassured him that there was no rush in the learning process. but after missing fifteen or so shots in a row, tommy was getting frustrated.
and it didn’t help with sapnap and george staring at him through the kitchen windows.
“doin’ great, kid,” sapnap encouraged weakly, taking a drink of the lemonade y/n had lovingly prepared for the boys. just watching the older man sip made tommy’s mouth dry, but he was determined to make five shots in a row before taking a break.
tommy glared at the man before turning his gaze back to his mentor. “ignore him, tommy,” y/n spoke gently. “nick couldn’t hit a target if it was three paces away.”
“that’s a lie!”
“im kidding,” y/n laughed, placing a hand on tommy’s shoulder and turning him away from the distraction that was sapnap. “but seriously, there’s almost always going to be someone watching when you shoot. the more you can tune them out, the better. just focus on your aim--and make sure your grip is looser. you’re gonna snap that string in no time otherwise.”
“loose grip, focus on aim,” tommy breathed and she patted his shoulder as he turned back to the target ahead of him. he hoisted the bow up slowly and pulled the string back just enough that it wasn’t fully taut. he made sure his aim was a little higher than his target, and released the whizzing arrow. the arrow pierced just outside of the center ring.
“perfect,” y/n smiled. “now, do it again.” and he did, taking another deep breath and allowing himself to focus in on the feel of the rough wood on his fingertips, and the tight string he was pulling. the arrow hit just beside his last. she nodded encouragingly. “keep going.”
tommy could feel his heart start to thump in his chest from the excitement of his accurate aim. he took another calming breath and watched as the arrow lodged closer to the center.
“great aim,” she complimented and he grinned as he pulled another one back, trying to contain his shaking as he aimed. the arrow shot lower than his previous, but on the target nonetheless. “still a good shot. one more?”
“yeah,” tommy nodded, licking his dry lips as he retrieved another arrow from his quiver. heart still thumping with utter excitement and pride at y/n complimentary words, he quickly released the arrow and his smile dropped as the arrow lodged into the ground before the target.
“hey, that’s fine!” y/n assured as tommy groaned and dropped his head. “four in a row is an amazing improvement, tommy. you should take a break and reward yourself.”
tommy sighed, looking to the shameful arrow. “yeah. alright.” he dropped the bow to the ground along with his quiver. he looked to his slightly splintered fingers. “im gonna go.. wash up.”
“alright,” y/n smiled as tommy scampered away. she entered into the open kitchen, smiling at her guests. “you boys doing alright?”
they nodded. “when did you take up parenting, y/n?” george giggled. she rolled her eyes as she went to pour her and tommy their own glasses of lemonade. “no, seriously! you care for that kid a lot, it-it’s not a bad thing!”
she sighed, leaning against her counter as she sipped at her lemonade. “i know you two haven’t always agreed with him in the past, but i think tommy’s a good kid. i like his ethic, and i think he has a lot of potential. but that being said..” she shook her head. “he’s so young.” the boys nodded. “he’s been thrown into such a life of chaos and destruction, and im not saying he’s at all innocent, but.. i think it’s good for him to learn that there’s more to this world than just war and enemies. there’s...”
“neutral,” sapnap finished for her. she let out a laugh.
“yeah, neutral,” she agreed, tapping her fingers against her cold glass. “but, yeah, if teaching him peace and self care is motherly of me..” she shrugged. “then i guess im alright with being a parent.”
“that’s sweet,” sapnap nodded. “i hate it.” the three of them laughed, y/n laying a light slap on the man’s arm before tommy’s voice called out to her.
“y/n! can i have some help?”
“im coming!” she called back, setting down her glass of lemonade.
“go help your poor son,” george teased, resting his head in his hand as he gazed at y/n amusedly. she rolled her eyes.
“behave, you two,” she laughed before leaving the kitchen.
there was a moment of silence before george spoke, “i do think it’s quite sweet how y/n’s taken tommy in. i think it’s good for both of them.”
“you say that now,” sapnap sighed, leaning back in his chair. “but just wait until tommy’s back to feeling 100% and y/n’s going around saying “pog” all the time.”
tag list!! @vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @221bee-slytherin @bllatrixcarpnter @soullesstaco @stxrryb1tch @amibismexy @keiarma @akaichi-blog @runningoffofcaffeine @nonetookind @aquilla-favonia @feverish-dove @izuruamme @weeb-bb @bialin @justachillbisexual @kiritokunuwu @natalie-is-a-wall comment below or message me if you would like to be added <3
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marcnutz · 3 years
hii can i be 🌙 anon??
also req for george messaging sapnap a picture of dreams hands that he posted and being like “holy shit he’s so hot i wish he liked me back” then sapnap replies with “DUDE HES LITERALLY RIGHT BESIDE ME” then dream messages him and makes him aware that it is very much not one sided and things go down from there 👁 you can make it nsfw if you’d like!
hi yes you can! welcome 🌙 anon! :) i used some colors for texts here dream george sapnap. I based some of these lines off of porn I've seen so they're kinda weird LMAOOO
Masterlist and Info
Tags: George x Dream, ~950 words, Facetime sex, Praise, Daddy Kink
Dream's latest Instagram post had sent not only Twitter into a frenzy, but George as well. It was a simple post of him showing off his newest setup. It wasn't the cool new keyboard that had caught the Brit's attention, it was Dream's large hands that were sprawled out on it.
The man quickly screenshotted the picture and cropped it so just Dream's large hands were visible. He quickly sent the photo as well as a quick text to one of his best friends.
Holy fuck Sapnap, he's so hot. I wished he liked me back...
Little did George know, Sapnap was currently watching whatever basketball game was on with the object of his affections sitting right next to him.
"Yo Sap, your phone went off," Dream said, handing Sapnap his phone. As he handed over the phone, he caught a quick glance at the message. It was the picture he had posted, and something about liking 'me' back. Who was me? Dream was dying to know.
Sapnap took his phone and immediately turned the screen away from his roommate once he saw the contents.
George's heart sank to his stomach, did Dream see? Would he hate him if he did?
Did he see?
That was not helpful.
George didn't know what to do. His life would be over if Dream ever felt out about his feelings. He ran over to his bed and threw himself over it dramatically. He was content to just lay here and die knowing his best friend was now aware he had a raging crush on him.
George was ripped from his thoughts by his phone going off, another text. George's stomach sunk as he saw who it was from.
So you think I'm hot?
George didn't know what to do. He had made the mistake of opening it, so he knew Dream knew he saw it. He just stared at the grey bubble until three dots appeared.
You're not so bad yourself, to be honest I often find myself thinking about you
Can I call?
George didn't want to call if he was being honest, but his front camera opened up with an incoming facetime call, and he was forced to face the object of his affections.
He pressed the green button and was met by Dream's handsome face, who had on a smug smirk and a large blush that went down his neck to his chest that looked... exposed? Oh no, Dream was not wearing a shirt, and why was his arm moving like that?
"H-hey..." George stuttered out.
"Hey yourself," Dream replied cooly, voice a little raspy. His voice and appearance did nothing to help his hard-on. "Sapnap tells me you have a little cruuuush~. I must say the things you say about me were quite shocking. More specifically, the things you want me to do to you."
Fear and anger bubbled in George's chest. Did Sapnap show Dream their private messages? His friendship with both of them was over. He could never leave his house again.
Dream sensed his friend's mood shift and quickly reassured him. "No no! Good shocking! I-I meant I feel the same! Even about the things you want to do together..."
George's eyes snapped back to his phone, did Dream just say what he thought he said?
"George. Can I be forward with you?" George could only nod. "The things I read... Turned me on... A lot..." Dream slowly moved his phone down to show his hard cock, on full display for George to see. His tip was already red and dripping pre-cum, and he was slowly stroking the base with his right hand. "In those messages, you said you wanted to do this... So let's do it. Go on, be a good boy and show me your pretty dick."
George threw his phone on the bed and wrestled out of his clothes. He threw his boxers into some forgotten corner of the room before turning his camera around and showing off his own cock to Dream.
"Wow! So pretty for me..." Dream's movements over his own dick sped up slightly. "What's my name?"
"D-Dream..." George moaned quietly, a little embarrassed that this was happening so fast.
"No, baby. Remember what you wanted to call me?"
George did remember, but was a little embarrassed to say it. Oh well, no going back now. "Daddy!" He yelled giving his best porn-star-style moan.
"Good boy! You learn so fast. Now stroke yourself for Daddy, I wanna see how good I make you feel."
George was quick to follow directions, thrusting up into his fist. It felt a thousand times better knowing Dream could see him. He was constantly throwing praise his way, telling him he was a good boy and that his cock was pretty.
"Why don't you spread yourself and show Daddy your pretty hole."
George laughed at that one but was quick to follow directions. He was happy he shaved the other day.
"God damn it. I'd do anything to be inside of you right now. Your tight hole would take me so damn good. Go touch yourself some more. You're close, I can tell."
George rubbed his thumb over his leaking tip, smearing the pre-cum down his shaft.
"D-Daddy, I'm so close. Can I please cum?" George moaned.
"Yes, baby, cum for Daddy."
That was all it took for George to spill all over his hand and chest. His eyes rolled back into his head and Dream praised him through his high.
As George came down he noticed that Dream had also reached his peak, and was staring at him lovingly.
"W-Well..." George stuttered. "Now what?"
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siriushxney · 3 years
included in headcanon — cc!dream, cc!george, cc!sapnap, cc!nihachu, cc!karl, cc!quackity
rating — fluff
warnings — n/a
note ! — I use the word beautiful a lot, and I just want y’all to know that I use words like this for everyone, not a specific gender <3
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mans is educated okay?
he knows what they are
knows what causes them
and knows that they are completely normal
when he first noticed them, he didn’t say a thing
in all honesty
he didn’t even pay kind to them really
a large percentage of people had them, and he had seen them on many before
so he didn’t draw attention to them
if however you are insecure because of them, or don’t feel confident wearing certain things because of them
you better get ready for a lecture
dream assures you that they are there for a reason, and that they are perfectly normal and beautiful
^ also one of the guys that would call them ‘tiger stripes’
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similar to dream
he knows what they are
and what they look like
but he couldn’t even begin to tell you what they are from
but despite that (and similar to dream) he knows that it’s normal
when he first sees them on you, he’d definitely stare
not in a bad way
but he’d just stare in wonder in a way
^ wants to learn more about them
if you’re insecure about them
george suddenly becomes your personal cheerleader and hype up man
^ assures you that even if you may not see them as beautiful
he does
and he always will
“I’ll love them enough for the both of us”
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l o v e s t h e m
like literally
he thinks they make you not only look cool
but also thinks that they add a story onto your body
the lines and placement of the marks just show a story without any words needed
he thinks they’re pretty neat
if your insecure with them
he will argue (lovingly) with you and try to show/convince you that they are very swaggy
even if you don’t believe him in the end, or still don’t see it
he will respect it
but be ready to be reminded of how he sees them every waking minute of every day
he’s a tracer
loves to run his finders over the lines and dips
^ very touchy in general
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* . NIKI
niki 100% has a shit ton of stickers that depict all different body types and sizes
^ she is a strong believe and supporter of the ‘all bodies are beauty’ saying
so that being said
she doesn’t look at you any differently for having them
nor does she point them out — she doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable!
but if she notices that you aren’t the most confident or comfortable with them
you will have her reminding you hourly how beautiful she thinks you and them are
okay I saw a picture once
so go with the flow here
niki would love to paint or draw on them — specifically with gold paint/ink
or make up cute patterns on them
^ turns them into literal art
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* . KARL
very verbal with his love
constant compliments
daily reassurances
but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t show to physically either
karl finds himself subconsciously tracing the dips in your skin
when he first saw them I don’t think he really reacted at all
^ maybe wanted to get a closer look at them so he could appriciate them
if you’re insecure about them
again — constant shower of affection, compliments, and reassurance
he just wants you to see yourself the way he sees you
and he wants you to see that even with ‘imperfections’ on your body
you’re beautiful
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another ‘tiger stripes’ man
but like
imagine dialled to 10
is a longtime participant in running his hands over them
over and over again
he says they’re quote on quote
“interesting to feel”
^ he means that in the nicest way ever
he’s educated a bit on stretch marks but has never actually given thought to them
when he first sees them he probably thinks no ty big of it let’s be honest here
if your insecure about them
first he’ll ask who the hell hurt you
second he’ll ask if there’s anything he can do to prove how beautiful they are
whispers of love and adoration for them
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zaina-xoxo · 3 years
Harry Potter headcanons (sad)
That Hermione and Ron always wanted a huge family. Like, 5 children filling a burrow. However, they ended up with only two. Why? Hermione’s torture at the hands of Bellatrix left its marks, and she couldn’t have children after Hugo. Dark Magic always left marks.
That Dumbledore never really left limbo. He stayed there forever, unable to allow himself to move due to the blood he had on his hands, lives he sacrificed for the greater good.
That George dyed his hair blue after the battle in order to stop reminding himself of Fred every time he saw a mirror.
That Grindelwald never stopped loving Dumbledore, and during their final duel, he actually had an opportunity to kill him, but couldn’t gather the will. Dumbledore used that moment to win.
That during Snape’s death, those tears with the memories, were also a sacrifice. Those tears were the memories themselves. So, when he died and went to the afterlife … he didn’t remember the person most featured in those memories, the one they focused on. In death, he never remembered Lily.
After the battle of hogwarts, Dennis Creevey becomes a photographer …. which was what his brother, Colin, had wanted to become when he grew up.
That Sirius willingly fell into the veil, which only kills if you completely were thrown into it. What happened was that half of his body went to the other side, and he was immediately assaulted by whispers of his dead loved ones, especially lily and James. He died with a smile, as he jumped in to his next great adventure.
That for the first fifteen years of his life, what Tom Riddle saw in the Mirror of Erised was himself with his parents in a rich household, in a loving family. All he wanted was to be loved. All that changed when he made his first horcrux.
That Dumbledore’s boggart was himself. And, that it really was him who killed Ariana, something he found out in the afterlife.
When Ron was a little boy he overheard his aunt Muriel talking to her friend that how amazing Ron's elder brothers were. But she called Ron ‘Molly's failed attempt for a girl’. She also said that Ron was worthless and he was no one compared to his elder brothers. Ron had developed insecurities about not being good enough from that overheard conversation.
When Ron left in DH Hermione wrote a letter. Conveying EVERYTHING she felt for him. She was almost certain that she would never see him again. She would never be able to tell him how she felt for him. She kept that letter in her beaded bag. Years later Ron found out that letter. And he cried.
Once during an auror mission Ron was injured badly. He almost died. Hermione didn't leave his side for once. When he was slightly better, Hermione told him that she was pregnant. That was when Ron had decided to quit his job.
When Ron and Hermione were staying at the shell cottage Hermione had a long conversation with Fleur. Hermione told her that there was a huge chance that she wouldn't survive the battle of Hogwarts. She was a muggleborn afterall. So if something happened she wanted Ron to move on with his life. She wanted Fleur to promise her that she would help Ron to move on with his life.
When the flashing green light came rushing at James Potter's way he didn't see death, but was reminded of two pairs of vibrant green eyes staring lovingly at him.
Death works differently in the HPU. Once you die, you have the choice to stay in limbo for as long as you want, or to take the train. You could also become a ghost. However, along with that there’s also the choice of becoming a creature which is the embodiment of death - a thestral. This is why Luna has a favourite Thestral, and why there’s a huge influx of them in the forbidden forest after the battle of hogwarts.
Neville kept visiting his parents. With every milestone that he hit — graduating Hogwarts, marrying Hannah Abbott, being hired as a professor — he made it a tradition to see them. It was not until he visited with a baby girl in his arms, Alice Francesca Longbottom, that he saw a flash of recognition in his mother’s eyes.
The day Harry was born, all the marauders found themselves in St. Mungo’s. Hours later, Remus awoke in his chair just in time to see a black-haired man with a crooked nose regarding the new-born. With a last glance upon Lily he left, seemingly unseen.
As a child Teddy had a huge crush on his Aunt Hermione, and he would often give her flowers and ask her if they could get married someday. Once he grew up, he was commonly teased about his childhood crush on his aunt (not sad)
During the first few years that Severus was teaching at Hogwarts, all of the other teachers were very uncertain of him. They all thought that Dumbledore was mad for hiring him, as they all knew of his reputation as a Death Eater. But eventually he struck up a very playful rivalry with Minerva. They would sit together at Quidditch matches and pass snarky comments back and forth, both of them snorting in amusement. It also wasn’t uncommon to find them sat together in the evenings, having a cup of tea or a glass of firewhiskey. By the time Harry Potter came to Hogwarts, Minerva believed in him almost as much as Dumbledore did. (He often urged Severus to tell her the real reason he defected from the Death Eaters, but Severus always refused.) His hatred of the young Gryffindor was often a point of contention between the two unlikely friends, but their friendship remained strong. It withstood Voldemort’s return and the reformation of the Order of the Phoenix. But in the aftermath of the Battle of the Astronomy Tower and Dumbledore’s death, Minerva was completely shocked and outraged. She couldn’t believe she’d ever befriended him at all and swore she’d never forgive herself for trusting him. During the last year the two taught together she avoided him at all costs, talking to him only when it was absolutely necessary, and when she had to she did so rather stiffly. After the Battle of Hogwarts ended and he was dead, however, she learned the truth about his actions from Harry, who told her about his tragic tale. She cried on and off for days. And the first time she came face to face with his portrait she completely broke down.
Had Fred not died, the twins would have had an overly casual double wedding [and would probably switch places to mess with their brides]
When Remus woke up in Harry’s compartment in POA, he saw Harry giving him the same comforting and concerned look as James. For a moment he thought he was seeing James again. Then in sunk in that his dear friend was dead and it was James’ son.
Teddy saw Sirius’ picture once. He didn’t know who he was, so he changed himself to look like him. It was only when he grew up that he understood why Harry started crying when he saw him.
Once Professor McGonagall was made headmistress, she let Hagrid become a student. Harry saw Hagrid’s Patronus for the first time in his life three years after the war. It was Hedwig.
When Petunia and Lily were little, they would read Alice in Wonderland. Petunia would read Dudley the book, fully knowing he didn’t like it. She was reading it for Harry, who was listening from inside his cupboard. Petunia believed she owed this to Lily.
When Harry was a baby, he didn’t know his own name. Each of the marauders gave him a nickname. (James called him troublemaker.) When he lived with the Dursleys, and they called him a “troublemaker”, toddler Harry would get excited thinking that his dad was going to take him away from these horrible people.
During the Battle of Hogwarts, Nearly-Headless Nick’s head finally came off. Hence, he had to join the Headless Hunt. Thus, Gryffindor needed a new applicant. The new house ghost was a 17-year-old redheaded man and a large group of 12 students were excited to meet their beloved uncle.
When Teddy Lupin was a baby, his color turned into the person he wanted to hold him. Occasionally, it was Harry or Ginny or any other Weasley. But one day it turned pink and he could do nothing about it.
The Marauders used to take turns babysitting Harry, and it became a tradition to pass the baby and say, “You’re it. Good luck.” And the last thing Sirius saw as he fell through the veil was Remus holding Harry, and the last thought that went though his head was, “You’re it. Good luck.”
After Fred’s funeral, George does not return to the Burrow until about a year later. He refuses to go upstairs where his and Fred’s old room is and barely says a word. His hair is some wild outrageous color, cropped short and crooked, and Mrs. Weasley goes into a fit. She loudly asks why he would do that to himself, and is not prepared when he says, “I kept seeing him in the mirror.”
It’s the year after the Battle of Hogwarts. The school is still being repaired and the class size has dwindled down to pitiful numbers. And the Thestrals are so excited about the newfound attention they’d been getting.
Dobby wrote a will in which he sent Harry over 200 pairs of socks, Ron a pair of trainers, and a misshapen hat for Hermione.
No matter what he was doing or who he was with, Harry would always stop and pet any stray dog that he came across. If he could, he would give them any food he had. Eventually he became known as the man with the treats. Not Harry Potter or the Chosen One; just the quiet man with dogbones. When dogs would bound up to him, throwing their paws onto his chest and barking with glee at his arrival, he was reminded irresistibly of Sirius.
At Colin’s funeral, Harry didn’t say a word. He had been to so many funerals recently that pleasantries felt like a waste of breath, and how terrible would it be for him to waste his breath when he was so lucky to have it? He stood silent and watching, and as the last of the attendees left, Harry placed a tiny picture on Colin’s grave, taken by the late boy himself. It was the only autograph Harry Potter would ever give.
On May 2nd, 1998, Hogwarts held a moment of silence for the fallen. Not a single portrait stirred, not a single stair shifted. Even Peeves ducked into a corner and went silent. Then, when the silence ended, millions of different colored sparks took off into the sky.
Tonks is easily excitable and loved entertaining Hermione and Ginny with her Metamorphosis abilities. One day, she found a picture of Harry in Sirius’ room to turn herself into, and ran downstairs to show Remus and Sirius. And it wasn’t until Tonks watched their hearts break that she realized Harry’s eyes were the wrong color.
Harry kept each and every one of the sweaters that Mrs. Weasley had knitted him. One day while cleaning, she saw them folded with so much care in his drawer. She turned to see Harry wearing his newest Christmas Sweater proudly, like it was the greatest honor he could have been given, and she burst into tears.
One day, Harry accidentally calls Mrs. Weasley “Mum” instead of Molly. His face goes bright red, fumbling with apologies, and she (once again) burst into tears.
The first thing Draco Malfoy did after the war was Apparate into Muggle London and march straight into a tattoo parlor. He emerges, his face still bloody and burned, with an arm void of a black skull. Instead, he looks down at the skin covered in flowers and the skull changed into a silhouette of the castle, and smiles for the first time in two years.
George pulls Harry aside:
(“Harry, you’ve died, haven’t you?”
Harry looked up at George and regarded him, careful not to let any incredulousness show in his eyes — he knew all too well of the torment George must be feeling, of the weight in what he was visibly preparing himself to say.
“I have,” said Harry carefully.
George dipped his head; as he did, Harry caught something in his eyes that pained him so deeply, he was grateful George had tried to hide it from him.
“Does it...” George spoke to his shoes, and his voice sounded much older than Harry remembered. “Did... Did dying hurt, Harry? D’you think… that Freddie was in pain when...”
But George did not need to specify. Like he had been smacked right across the face with the words left unspoken, Harry knew, and it was a long time before he answered.
“It didn’t hurt,” said Harry resolutely, like he was deciding it right then and there.“It didn’t?”
“Quicker and easier than falling asleep.”)
When Remus Lupin took the Map from Harry, he sat there for hours, opening and reopening it wrong on purpose just to see the clever insults sprout on the paper. It was almost like his friends, alive and well, were talking to him for the first time in 12 years.
The day Molly Weasley dies, the first thing she sees is a girl with red hair sprinting toward her. She panics, thinking it might be Ginny, but she sees startling green eyes and knows who it is immediately. Lily Potter pulls Mrs. Weasley into a hug and in a choked voice, whispers, “Thank you.”
Harry memorized every name of the 50 Fallen after the war ends. The day he dies, old and surrounded by his children, he repeats their names in his head like a mantra and begs for their forgiveness.
Eleven years later, at Hogwarts, students fill a corridor filled with portraits of those who died in the Battle of Hogwarts. They look for Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and other famous faces, but there’s a blue-haired first year in their midst, trying desperately to remember what his parents had looked like.
James Potter lost both of his parents at once. The news was delivered to him by Professor McGonagall with Sirius by his side, but James was in denial. He kept insisting that she was lying, and it wasn’t until Sirius broke down into tears that James knew, and it broke him.
Crookshanks was the Potters family cat mentioned in sirius' letter and escaped godrics hollow after Halloween and managed to find the magical menagerie. He found hermione and stayed with her because harry was only allowed hedwig and Ron already had scabbers. This is why he was especially angry towards Ron, due to smelling his masters betrayer on him, and didn't run away from sirius’ grim form.
Hedwig was a guardian angel. Hedwig is smarter than most owls and other animals in the magical world, often appearing to harry when he needs to write a letter. Female snow owls like hedwig are mostly white but they have grey marks and spots on their back wings, hedwig is portrayed as a white male snowy owl. White as an angelic being perhaps Perhaps? Perhaps hedwig was sent by his parents as a guard and friend to him, its why hedwig didn't want anyone else adopting her.
Dementors come from the death eater who were thrown into the Veil. Ever wonder why the veil of death is barley used? After the souls escape to the after life the bodies of those who enter become husks of their former selves, hungry for souls. Unmasked before thrown in with only the cloaks on their backs.
Four years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Molly Weasley was busy preparing food for Ron’s birthday. She mistakenly barked to George, “Get that chicken out of the oven, Fred!” George silently whispered, “Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother?”
JK Rowling has revealed that Lily Potter was pregnant was her second child when she was killed. Even worse, she had convinced James to make Snape the godfather of the child.
At Luna’s wedding, the whole of the front seats were reserved. Harry went up to her at the end of service and asked, “Luna, who’s sitting there?” Luna smiled her usual smile and said, “Right. They did sit here in a spiritual way I suppose.” She pointed the seats one by one, “Right, that’s for my mother, those are for your parents, that one is for Sirius, that one is for Professor Lupin, that one is for Tonks, then Mad-Eye, then Fred Weasley, then Professor Dumbledore, and then Professor Snape. Right then, bye!” Harry had never felt so touched before.
The reason Bellatrix was so wretchedly insane and slavishly devoted to Voldemort was that she lived for the promise that one day, if she did enough, someone might say “I love you” back. I know that she doesn’t deserve this but for love… wow Bellatrix.
When Harry and Ginny went to search for a house to live in they found an apparently perfect house, Ginny loves it, but Harry rejects with a clear excuse about it being too big for them. Ginny doesn’t notice Harry’s fixed look on the Cupboard under the stairs.
Before the Horcrux hunt, Ron and Hermione decided, that if either of them had to choose between saving each other's lives or Harry’s, they had to choose Harry for the sake of the world. No matter how painful it would be for them to let go of each other.
Sirius and Remus saved memories for Harry. Remus left them for Harry in his will, when Harry got a hold of them he got to see a part of James he never got to see in Snape's memory.
After the battle of Hogwarts, Neville went to visit his parents to tell them about it. After he finished, his mother, who normally spoke nonsense, smiled and said one word: “Proud”
On November 3rd 1981, Sirius Black sat alone in a cell in Azkaban softly singing: “Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Sirius...” whilst tears streamed down his face, wishing he could go back in time.
Mr. and Mrs. Potter, James and Sirius were out in public together one sunny afternoon. The elderly couple was talking to someone with that someone asking, “Oh, are these your sons?” Sirius turned beet red and becoming utterly flustered. Mr. Potter simply smiled and says, “Yes, they are.” With Mrs. Potter nodding proudly in agreement. Never once did they think to reply in any other way.
Harry as a preschooler drew two blond blots and a big black blot with a little black one standing a bit further away beside them with “My Family” scratched over the top and presented it to Uncle Vernon who ripped it apart and threw it away right in front of him.
When Harry and Ginny were married they moved to a house in Godric’s Hollow. After Lily was born and got older, she would visit her grandmother and namesake's grave everyday and leave lilies.
Harry Potter died at the ripe age of 101 surrounded by his loved ones, when he opened his eyes again he returned to the place he parted from his old mentor many years ago, but it wasn't Albus Dumbledore who greeted him at the station this time around. Standing a few feet away from him where a young couple patiently waiting for the son they were ripped away from so long ago to take him home and Harry Potter, the boy who lived, went gladly.
After the war, Minerva McGonagall went into a spiral of depression. It was brought on by watching so many students grow and die before her eyes.
At Ginny’s wedding she danced with George twice so it would feel like she was dancing with Fred.
After the second Wizarding War, everyone who died was given a chocolate frog card. When Teddy Lupin was on the train going to his first year of Hogwarts, he got the cards that had his parents on them, and it was like they were sending him off themselves.
These made me cry when I read them, I just can't :(
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wandsandwheezes · 3 years
Fake It | Weasley Twins | CH4
one // two // three
Warnings | 18+ SMUT, mature themes, fake relationships, secret relationships, love, sex, drama, angst, fluff, cheating
Summary // Fred Weasley has been set up to publicly date Y/N, London’s best Quidditch Seeker in order to drum up some publicity. Y/N however has a different ginger man on her mind; George Weasley.
A/N // im so sorry to the vanilla beans for this one xxxx
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Green was definitely your colour. At least that’s what George thought as you ran down the stairs, the dress you were wearing was elegant and sophisticated but still casual, George thought you looked absolutely ravishing in everything you wore. You smiled lovingly at him when you caught him staring. You hadn't spoke to Fred since the incident when he tried to kiss you, having well and truly avoided the topic for at least 3 days. you were not looking forward to having to feign your love for each other. 
Despite the fact that Fred had already apologised, it didn't make things any easier. "You look beautiful." he stated, as you straightened his tie and flattened down his hair, "And you look a mess, Fred". His tired eyes looked at you pleadingly, as his hands came up to button his suit jacket. George and his heavy stride came barrelling down the stairs, when you spotted him, he looked like a work of art, his features were glowing and he was clean shaven, perfect hair hanging and framing his face, a request from you that he should grow it out a little more than usual. He didn't look stressed or worried like Fred did, and in this moment you realised the toll that days like this took on Fred and George did too. 
The shop was perfectly pristine, the new massive display fully stocked and the centre of attention, Fred had briefed the employees this morning, making sure that they knew the drill. Crowds and the press were all gathered outside in anticipation, the volume growing so much that you began to hear it from within the confines of the shop. 
When the doors swung open, it well and truly became show time. You hung delicately off of Fred's arm, as you stepped out of the opening doors, huge flashes of cameras, as well as cheers of excitement all bombarded your senses, however it was nothing compared to the thrill of the stadium. 
Fred began to deliver the speech about the new line of products, taking a moment to thank the investors and patrons of the shop, George followed on by unveiling the collection of items from the new line, the gorgeous green packaging complimenting your dress perfectly. Your eyes were fixated on the man of your dreams as he talked with such passion and vigour. You had to remind yourself that there were hundreds if not, thousands of eyes on you and that you probably shouldn't have been staring at George the way you were but you just couldn't help it. Fred once again takes to the stage to begin the personal thank yous before the store opens. 
"we want to thank the family for their continued support in our endeavours, also, Cheryl, our press manager and last but very not least my gorgeous girl, who has been with us every step of the way." he beckoned you onto the stage, as he continued, "Even though she has quidditch practice out of her ears for the big game next week, she always finds the time to brighten my day." His hand snuck around your waist before travelling down to firmly grab your ass. 
Fred's mind was racing, he thought that here would be the perfect opportunity to finally have his lips on yours, crashing them down onto you without even a second thought. There was absolutely no way you could pull away in front of everyone, you were conflicted. The frantic flashing, as well as cheers and woos from the crowd were distraction enough. It was stopping you from hurling sick directly into his mouth at the thought of George being subjected to this bullshit. 
George watched the events unfold before him, stopping himself from ripping you away protectively. He wanted to cut off Fred's hand more than ever, disgusted that he had the balls to grab your perfect ass so candidly in public - an ass that didn't even belong to him. George was absolutely livid, he could tell your discomfort a mile away. His heart shattering at how hopeless and weak you were to the situation. 
The doors of the shop finally opened and shoppers began to swarm in, ready to grab the latest products and creating a comforting blanket of noise. Cherry was smiling happily at you, sending a wink and a thumbs up your way. Your eyes however were searching for your Lover, disappointed he was nowhere to be seen, you pull out your phone to see a text from less than a minute ago.
>> Toilets, Now. Don't make me wait x
This was not good, but your heart raced faster with every step you took towards the bathroom, the door was slightly ajar when you got there, slipping into the cosy room you noticed George there and waiting, you shut the door behind you, flicking the lock before you heard him cast a silencing charm on the room, you heard the sounds of the bustling shop slowly fade, leaving the only audible sound as your staggered breath. 
George's strong hand was on your cheek as he kissed you passionately. This kiss felt right, a thousand sparks of electricity coursing through you the very second your lips touched and you felt as if the whole world was spinning. His lips were the perfect warmth against yours, the sticky saliva rolling off both of your tongues as he parted your lips with his, taking the opportunity to swipe his tongue over yours, letting you know who you belonged to. He was moaning into your mouth, an action that made your cunt throb with anticipation. He pulled away only enough to spit directly into your mouth before feverishly shoving you down to your knees. "Use that wet mouth of yours, now Princess."
Your needy hands were unbuckling his belt, metal clinking against itself as you pulled his hard on out from his trousers, you obliged immediately, lips wrapping around his cock as you sucked, taking him deep down your throat. The sounds you made as you gagged on his thick shaft were sending him to heaven, his hand was firmly gripping your jaw as he coaxed nearly his whole length down your throat. You pulled away for air, moaning as he slipped out of your mouth, your hand came up to stroke him quickly before taking him past your lips again. This time however, George took no solace as his hand gripped into your hair, making it the perfect leverage to hold your face in place as he rocked his hips, cock fucking every flicker of anger directly down your throat. Hearing you choke and splutter with every thrust was only egging him on more, it was one of his favourite sounds and he couldn't get enough. 
"I hope he fuckling likes how my cock tastes." he growled as he locked eyes with you. "That's it take it all, my good little cockwhore." he was still fucking your mouth, chasing his own release, your hands gripped the back of his thighs as he pushed himself fully into your mouth, hot streams of his cum hitting the back of your throat, spilling out of your mouth as he pulled himself free. His thumb swiped from the corner of your mouth, "Swallow like a good little girl." he marvelled at you eagerly taking his thumb into your mouth. He smiled proudly when you opened your mouth, seeing every last drop gone. 
You loved it when George used your mouth like a fuck toy, it didn't happen often, but when it did, he was often angry like now or stressed and desperate for a release. "Up. get up on the sink." he commanded, you immediately pulled yourself to your feet, sitting up on the sink, his hands coming up to spread your legs apart as he found himself on his knees before you. "Tell me who you belong to." you sighed as his finger hooked quickly into your underwear pulling it to the side, you felt his breath fanning over your exposed pussy. "You, George, only you."
"Good, let's see if Daddy can help his pretty girl then, hm?" His sinful lips had attached to your clit, sucking slowly as his tongue lapped over it, the pleasure of being touched pulled a long desperate moan from you, you thanked that he had at least silenced the room, because with every motion and movement of his skilled tongue, you were moaning and spluttering, desperate to have a release. "Georgie, your tongue is so good!" he hummed in appreciation, thumb running through your sticky sweetness before coming up to circle over your clit at an antagonising rate. "I wanna cum daddy, please, feels too good." he chuckled, lips pressing dainty kisses along your inner thighs and right over your tight hole, before blowing a gentle cool breeze over your whole wet and glistening cunt. 
His hands found your thighs, hooking them into his arms to move and press your back against the wall. "I don't even care if we get caught or if I'm taking too long anymore, you're mine and I fuck you when I want." he pulled your hips down onto him, making you bounce against him a little, you knew it wouldn't take you long to be coming all over him, you were already a blubbering mess for him, pulling every moan from your lips as he kissed you feverishly. He knew he'd hit the right spot when you clenched all around him, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He pulled out of you, leaving you sat on the counter as your legs still shook from the orgasm running through your muscles. 
He used the mirror to make himself presentable once again, smirking as he left you blissed out on the counter, pressing a simple kiss to your lips. "Such a good girl, I love you, baby." He was out of the door before you knew it and you were left with your own juices running down your legs. You looked in the mirror, taken back by just how fucked out you looked, making yourself smile, George really did do a good job with his girl. You pulled yourself together, quickly, using a spell to fix up your hair and makeup, thankfully in time for Cherry to burst through the door. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you."
The small clip of her heels against the hardwood floor as you followed her to find Fred, was enough to pull you back down to earth, still high off the rush of ecstasy. It was no doubt she was wrangling you and Fred together for a picture opportunity, spotting George smirking as he clocked just how distracted you were. Smiling and posing for the cameras was second nature, Fred was watching just how happy you looked, his heart beating faster at the thought that you were smiling because of him. 
"Simply another perfect kiss from a star couple!" Cherry beamed before parading off to talk to the reporters. Fred's brow furrowed, "Another?" he queried, you'd realised now that he hadn't yet seen the paper with yourself and George caught on the cover. "She's probably comparing us to someone else, Freddie." you shrugged, avoiding his gaze. "Yeah, Probably." sadness falling to the pit of his stomach, the girl he was crazy for wouldn't even look at him, and he wanted nothing more than the electricity of his lips against hers once more, he needed it, no - he craved it. 
>>>>> Chapter 5
taglist //  @starlightweasley @slytherinsunrise @gcdric @theweasleysredhair @whiz-bangs78 @weasleysflowr @vogueweasley @minty-malfoy @vivianweasley @feetoffthetablee @thisismynerdyself @rip-us @witch-and-a-half @sarcasticallywitty15 @pandaxnienke @loony-loopy-lupinn @pigwidgexn@starkidpotty @mrmoonyy @mackaywhore​ @softlyqoos​ @colorfulprofessornickelangel​ @fandomscombine​ @satellitespidey​ @txtdreamss​ @aaannabbanana​ @kaylahmarie​
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
all to myself // f.w
summary: it’s fred’s birthday and he only wants to spend it with you
warnings: implied smut
word count: 2.4k
a/n: ok so here’s the deal. this was actually supposed to be a fred fic that involved the yule ball and then i realized i already wrote that one. so that was a brain fart. anyways, i replaced it with another fred fic but this was a non-requested idea!!! either way, enjoy! x
“Freddie, we’ve gotta get going,” you giggled, your skin erupting in goosebumps under his delicate touch, sloppy kisses being placed up and down your neck.
“Why don’t we skip dinner?” he mumbled against your skin, his soft hands slowly beginning to slide up under your shirt and grazing your skin with his fingers, “Much rather spend it alone here with you.”
You feebly attempted to push him off of you, not really wanting to lose the contact but knowing you had places to be, “Because we promised your mum. Also, it’s George’s birthday too, incase you’ve forgotten.”
He chuckled against your skin, “Y’know, darling, we could just say you’re sick.”
“Fred,” you groaned, successfully sliding out from under him and sitting upright on the bed, pulling your loose shirt back down from where he had hitched it up, “I need to get ready. We have to be there shortly. Then, after we return, you can have me all night.”
His eyebrows shot up and he smirked at you, “All night, you say? Quite tempting, I must admit.”
You gave him a quick wink and stood up off the bed, walking over to the dresser where your dress was hanging, smoothed out and ready to go. You had bought it nearly two years ago when shopping with Ginny, but had never found an occasion to wear it. Tonight felt like the right time.
You took it off the hanger and glanced at it. It was quite a lovely dress. You hoped Fred would like it. After all, there’s no one in the world you’d rather impress.
“I guess I should go get changed too, then,” Fred threw himself back onto the bed, groaning and sighing dramatically, arms spread out as he watched you walk with your dress in your hands.
You laughed at him, entering the bathroom, “Yes, go get changed. I’ll be ready in a few.”
Closing the door behind you and ignoring his antics, you stripped down and put on the dress, admiring yourself in the mirror. Even you had to admit, it was quite beautiful. It hugged your body perfectly, the silky smooth material shining under the bathroom lights. You grabbed your wand — which you had in the waistband of the sweats you were previously wearing — and brought it up to your hair, flicking it with a quick enchantment and having your hair fall straight over your shoulders. Although Fred loved you in your natural state, you knew he also loved it when you dressed up. Especially if it was for him.
Within five minutes, your makeup was done and you stepped outside of the bathroom, breath catching in your throat when you saw Fred sitting on the edge of the bed looking mighty fine.
His eyes widened immediately once they landed on you, scanning you up and down with his mouth slightly open, “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you? You’re actually trying to murder me.”
You blushed furiously, thankful for the makeup you had applied for hiding it. He stood up and walked over to you, letting you see his outfit fully.
“You look pretty good yourself, handsome,” you grinned as his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you into his body. He was wearing a dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows — he knew exactly how to rile you up and you’d be damned if you said it wasn’t working.
“I’m regretting agreeing to this dinner,” he mumbled, leaning over to place a kiss to your temple, arms tightening around you, “Not gonna be able to control myself.”
Your body felt like it was on fire as he leaned down once more, placing his lips against your neck and causing you to shiver. The idea of skipping dinner and staying in bed with him was incredibly tempting, even you had to admit that.
“C’mon, love,” you mumbled, subconsciously tilting your head once more even though every part of you knew you had to get going, “Your family’s waiting for us.”
“Let them wait,” he said softly against your skin, his hands sliding down the back of your dress further and further until you grabbed his arms and brought them up again, pulling away from him and raising an eyebrow.
“No more games, let’s go,” you grinned, locking your hand with his and walking towards the living room, “Just gonna grab the keys and we can apparate.” He groaned, pouting like a toddler who had been told they can’t have what they wanted. Although, this was how Fred behaved most days. He really was needy for your attention and touch — about as needy as you were for him.
“Why’d you need keys if we’re apparating?” he furrowed his eyebrows, his face no longer pouty as he realized he wasn’t going to get what he wanted just yet.
“Incase something happens,” you shrugged, not sure why the habit of bringing keys never died down even after you learned to apparate, “Now, let’s go.”
He sighed, rolling his eyes and pulling your body close to his, “Fine, fine, let’s go.” He leaned in a pressed a kiss to your lips before pulling his body away and holding your hand in his, the two of you momentarily being engulfed by darkness before appearing in the dining room of the Burrow.
“Oh — bloody hell,” Ron screeched, falling off of his seat and nearly knocking poor Hermione to the ground, his eyes bulging slightly before returning to their normal size, “Y’know you two can use Floo? That way you don’t give anyone — particularly me — a heart attack, thanks.”
You grinned as he stood up, placing his hand over his heart, “Good to see you, Ron. And you, Hermione.” She returned the greeting kindly.
Ron nodded in your direction, mustering up a sarcastic smile, before turning to Fred, “Happy birthday, mate. They’re all in the living room.”
Fred thanked his younger brother, who was now over the fright, and brought Hermione along with him to follow you two into the living room. Upon entering, Fred barely stepped inside before he was engulfed into a massive hug, his mother telling him happy birthday and how much she had missed him these last few weeks.
“Blimey, mum, can’t breathe,” Fred pretended to croak, patting her awkwardly on the back as she was much shorter than he was. You chuckled, Mrs Weasley clearly didn’t mind her son’s sarcasm at the moment.
“Oh!” she pulled away, enveloping you in a tight hug as well, “So nice to see you dear!” Molly Weasley gave, quite possibly, what could be considered the greatest hugs of all time. She was one of the most comforting and accepting people you had ever met and you’d gladly accept hugs from her every hour of the day.
“So lovely to see you too, Mrs Weasley,” you hugged back, smiling kindly as she pulled away before scolding you for not calling her Molly as she had repeatedly told you to do so.
Greetings went on for a while — Fred did have a large family, after all. All of his siblings and their spouses had shown up, crowding the Burrow with their much appreciated presence.
Colourful decorations were hung from the windows and staircase bannister, illuminating the room. Balloons floated around, sparking brightly under the lights. You had been here for multiple Weasley birthdays, hut every time, Mrs Weasley seemed to outdo herself on decorations. It was always lovely to see.
“I’d make a joke about staring into a mirror, but I’m the better looking twin anyways so it wouldn’t work,” Fred grinned as he approached George, the two hugging for a moment before wishing each other a happy birthday, George insisting that he was actually the better looking twin.
You laughed at their bickering before they already dived into business talk, planning their next line of products as you chatted with Hermione and Ginny.
The rest of the evening was filled with laughter, butterbeer, a rather incredible four tiered cake that Mrs Weasley had so lovingly made, and of course, a display of fireworks arranged by the birthday twins themselves.
No one celebrated Fred and George Weasley like Fred and George Weasley.
After the fireworks died down and the bugs started to come out, everyone made their way inside and sat around the living room, telling stories that made your stomach and cheeks hurt from laughing so hard.
You were comfortably situated on the soft carpet, resting your back against the couch and between Fred’s legs, who was playing with your hair and running his fingers along the back of your neck every now and then, distracting you from the conversation entirely. He was being incredibly subtle and cheeky, and you knew he was doing it on purpose.
“Could never look at a spider the same way,” everyone in the room laughed as Ron recalled his story of Fred traumatizing him as a child. A story that you had heard countless times but cracked you up nonetheless.
“Doesn’t beat the time George put blue hair dye in my shampoo,” Bill raised his eyebrows as if challenging Ron’s story, a laugh bubbling in your chest as you leaned your head back against Fred’s hand, the soothing feeling of his hands in your hair was causing your head to become heavy. That, and the more physical contact you could get with him, the better.
“Reckon you looked better with blue hair, mate,” Fred piped up, pointing to his twin across the room, “One of Georgie’s best works.”
“Why, thank you,” George placed his hand over his heart, “But I think I outdid myself later that week when I put green hair dye in Ginny’s shampoo. Never seen her as livid.”
You watched in amusement as the siblings around the room argued about old pranks, before sitting up and deciding to take a seat on the couch instead, where you could lean into Fred’s side instead. His arms wrapped around you, placing a quick kiss to your temple before turning his attention back to his family, his hand toying with hem of your dress.
You hummed silently, feeling perfectly at bliss, enjoying the chatter of the family until the party died down.
Bill and Fleur were the first to leave, soon followed by Charlie, then Percy, then Harry and Ginny. You could tell by the way Fred’s hands seemed to linger over your body when no one was looking that he was becoming eager to leave as well.
“Ready?” he mumbled in your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, goosebumps rising on your skin at his touch.
“Fine, we’ll go say bye to your family,” you spun around, tapping him lightly on the nose and grinning at his pleased expression, pulling away and leading the two of you back into the living room after saying by to Ginny and Harry at the door.
“Finally,” he chuckled, “Drivin’ me mad, love.”
Fighting the blush that was threatening to rise, you walked back into the living room where the remainder of his family was sitting around, enjoying each other’s company and conversing in small talk.
As much as you’d love to sit around and continue chatting, the bed at home was calling yours and Fred’s names and you weren’t sure how much longer you could wait.
“We’re gonna head out too,” Fred wrapped his arm around your waist, “she’s got early work tomorrow and isn’t feeling too great.”
You wanted so badly to turn and scowl at him for his ridiculous lie, but you kept a straight face and poked him in the side, out of view of his family. He jumped slightly, a smirk etching his way onto his overly proud face.
“Hope you feel better dear,” Molly Weasley hopped off the couch and made her way towards you, pulling you into a hug and then moving on to Fred, “Happy birthday, Freddie.”
Arthur, George, Ron and Hermione came over to bid you both a goodbye as well, each hugging and wishing to see you both again soon. The whole time you were planning the next get together, Fred’s hand moved lower and lower down your back, showing his impatience.
“Right, goodnight,” Fred said quickly once silence had overcome the room, grabbing your hand and apparating back to your cozy apartment.
You lost your balance at the sudden change in scenery, not expecting him to take you away so soon. You were nearly certain Arthur Weasley was about to say something before you two disappeared.
“Well, you took off rather quickly,” you smirked, removing your shoes and walking over to place them by the front door where Fred was doing the same, quickly undoing the laces as if his shoes were on fire.
Patience was never his strong suit.
“Had other engagements to attend,” he stood up straight after both your shoes had been removed, wrapping his arms around your waist and tossing you over his shoulder, your hair falling loosely and the blood rushing to your head as you laughed.
He quickly took off towards the bedroom, throwing you down on the bed as you continued laughing, clearly enjoying how riled up he was. It was true, you did the love the fact that you had such a strong effect on Fred without even putting that much of an effort. He was putty in your hands, as you were in his.
He unbuttoned his dress shirt, discarding it to the side and leaning over you, lips pressing up against yours with all the passion and lust that had been building up throughout the evening. His hands were warm as the grasped your hips, moving down to play with the hem of your dress, his lips still moving against yours.
Any and all thoughts you had were pushed out of your mind and your entire body was consumed by him — his touch, his kiss, his smell. He was intoxicating in every aspect and you couldn’t get enough.
“You’re too dressed for my liking,” he mumbled against your lips, hands moving up from the hem and sliding up your back, pulling you off the bed so he could reach the zipper and slowly pull it down, the cool air hitting your skin stimulating your senses and speeding up the beating of your heart.
“Impatient, are we?” you smirked, your hands roaming his bare chest and pressing your body up against his, absolutely loving the contact.
“Course. It’s my birthday,” he shrugged, lifting you up and placing you back down on the bed now that your dress was completely forgotten on the door, “Which means tonight, I have you all to myself.”
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mika-loverjoy · 3 years
Hello, are you still taking prompts? If so would love anything that’s a little bit angsty with George/Lando?! Would love a bit of jealous George and Lando having to comfort him? Thanks, really enjoying your writing <3
thank you so much luv!
I don't think I put enough angst but in return you get touchy and mesmerised Lando who can't stop thinking of George!
Lando was having a nice chat with Carlos, catching up after the race that just occured. His mind went to his boyfriend remembering how he winked at him and smiled so lovingly. That was also when Carlos started flirting with him but of course Lando didn't notice, only his boyfriend in mind.
Speaking of his boyfriend, there comes George. His face showing no emotion as he looked at him and then at Carlos. "Sorry but I need to speak to MY boyfriend" Carlos a bit startled by George's tone just nods and backs off a bit. Lando looks at him confused but grabbed onto George's palm and the older leads them between two motorhomes where no one could see them. "Lando, what the hell was that??" George hissed at him. Lando just looks up at him and stares. "was what?" George rolls his eyes and puts his hand on the wall behind Lando, making the other feel smaller than ever despite that he doesn't let go of the other hand. The older leans in closer face inches from Lando. "You and Carlos, him flirting with you?? You just accepting that??" Lando watching the other's lips move. "Wha..he was flirting with me!?" George covers the surprised Brit's mouth with his own hand where Lando still had a death grip on. "quiet, love" He removes his hand from plumb lips but doesn't seem happier. "All I'm trying to say is, I don't enjoy it when others flirt with my fucking boyfriend" At this point Goerge could start growling at him. Lando looks down contemplating and then back up with a smile on his face. "you're jealous!" George's eyes widening. "What? no huh!?" Lando enfold his arms around the older's waist and pulls him closer, the death grip gone from the other's palm. George now fully against him as Lando's sandwiched between him and the wall. "you are sooo jelous" The younger whispers against his mouth, Hot air hitting his lips. "I think I'm more sad than jelous, love" George looked him in the eyes and the younger saw how the other seemed so empty on the inside. Lando pressed a kiss to his lips hoping to bring some brightness in those sorrowful eyes. "I'm really sorry. I genuinely didn't know he was flirting, I'll tell him to stop." The younger brit seeing George's lips perk up a bit and sinking again. "I'm sorry for exaggerating but I only want you for my self, not for another." The older sighed. Lando props his head against the older's shoulder, hidding from George's gaze. "You shouldn't be sorry. I think if you'd let it slide I wouldn't be here with you." Lando's voice a bit more depressed, "I only want to be with you Georgie." george moves his hand from the wall no longer trapping the younger instead moving to pick Lando up by his thighs. "GEorrge!" Lando laughed when George looked reliefed, his arms now higher moved onto the other's shoulders. "I love you" Lando smother him with kisses. "I..Love..You...Too" The kisses lasting longer and longer. soft whimpers leave the youngers mouth and George slowly pulls away. "We should head back, okay?" Lando only nods but leans back in for another kiss. George just smiles but obeys and presses his lips onto his one last time before placing the other to the ground. Lando's legs wobbly as his feet landed on the floor. The taller helping the other keep balance till hes recoverd. "Honey, we only kissed. Compose yourself." George joked and sees the other coming down to earth. "Not my fault you are the prettiest person in the whole universe" Lando huffs and lets the other go, keeping his hands to himself this time. "You can go first don't want to draw suspicion" Lando stares at him dumbfounded. "You litterly said and i qoute 'Sorry but I need to speak to MY boyfriend'" Lando trying his best to imitate George's voice. "Russel, you didn't even notice the camera that was pointing at us when that went down!" George looked at him like a buffoon. "Now give me your hand so I can hold and proudly show off that you're also MY boyfriend" Russel kept his mouth shut and opend his hand up for the other. As they walked out from between the motorhomes everyone could see them hand in hand. even if the only thing George could see was how pretty Lando looked with ruffled hair and red bitten lips.
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years
“Why are you being so quiet?”
Warnings: N/A
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Words: 1.3k
Summary: Your love language is Quality Time
(This is apart of my series, “Love Languages” this part is about the love language of quality time) 
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Fred loved to talk. He loved that his voice naturally rose in conversations and particularly enjoyed the laughs he got from some witty joke. When paired with this twin, which was often, their voices combined making it harder not to hear. Fred loved to talk, especially to you. You, a quiet fellow, perhaps even quieter than most, thoroughly enjoyed time with your boyfriend. You didn’t mind that he went off on tangents and conversations were generally meaningless, you’d do anything to hear him chat as it brought you great comfort. Though Fred enjoyed talking, he most enjoyed talking to you. He barely noticed your quietness as his conversation filled the room. 
He first noticed your quiet stature during your first date. Fred sneaked you out after hours and down to the Black Lake. You spoke quietly to him, higher than a whisper as Fred held your hand sweetly. Together, you stared at the stars and the sparkling moon. 
“When I was younger,” You looked up at him, his neck craned towards the night sky. “We used to sneak out of past, after our bedtimes, I always had a feeling Mum knew though. I caught her watching us one night, through the window blinds.”
You stayed silent, intrigued by his story.
“But, we used to count as many stars as we could. I could never get past two hundred. But Bill, my eldest brother, could always get to at least four hundred, if not more. Maybe he was lying, that prick was always lying when he was younger,”
You giggled, making Fred’s ear perk up.
“Once in a while, we’d see a shooting star and pretend they were... Oh gosh, what were they called?”
“Meteor?” you answered softly,
“I think so. But, one night, everyone had fallen asleep in the garden. I saw one, a real one.”
“A meteor?”
Fred laughed under his breath, “It may seem ridiculous, but I thought it was... I’m not even sure. A unicorn? Maybe? Bloody hell, I was tired that night.”
You laughed with him, laying your head on his shoulder, “I don’t think it’s ridiculous.”
“Do you think I talk too much?” Fred asked making you shake your head rapidly.
“No! I don’t, I actually quite enjoy hearing you talk. It’s lovely just being here, together.”
Fred agreed, wrapping an arm around you.
The conversation was never faded nor old with Fred, for that you were grateful. “And then George said, ‘Eat my sweaty bollocks!’” Fred cracked up as you smiled at him. Together, you sat on the couch in the common room. Your legs were on Fred’s lap as you knitted, something you learned from his mother over the winter.
“That reminds me, during Potions, Lee said the funniest thing.” Fred set off, faster than a broom onto another story. 
You hummed frequently in response, looking up from your knitting needles to lean and give him a kiss. Fred spoke fast, watching you knit in concentration and rubbing your legs lovingly.
“Fred, you oaf, give Y/N a minute to talk, would you?” Fred heard his little sister, Ginny, chime in as she walked by the couch, “She can barely get a word in with your constant, and fairly stupid chatter.” 
Normally, Fred would send a snarky comment back, however as he digested Ginny’s words he felt his ears go warm. Is that what you thought? Did he truly take up all the conversation? Did you think he was painfully annoying and nothing but a sad chatterbox? Fred slummed down on the couch, only looking ahead to the fireplace. Noticing his sudden quietness, you perched up and pressed a long kiss to his cheek, sending him a beaming smile before returning back to your knitting. For the rest of the night, Fred remained quiet, only making small comments. He felt embarrassed as if he had just pushed you off and made you feel unimportant. Unbeknown to Fred, you truly just enjoyed his company, sitting with him, talking or playing Wizard Chess, you were happy just to be with your boyfriend.
The next few days, Fred barely spoke to you. Not in a rude way, he was merely just quieter than usual. He stayed by your side during meals with a hand on your leg and intertwined your hands when walking in the hall. George picked up on the sudden change in his twin’s behavior,
“What do you think about that, Freddie?” George asked him his opinion on a dispute between students that happened during morning classes. Fred opened his mouth to say something sarcastic but held his tongue.
“Well, what do you think, Y/N?” Fred turned, sending you a smile.
Your head perked up as you looked confusedly at him, “Oh! I well, maybe... I think Blate is a talented wizard, but he’s quite dim with words, isn’t he?”
George let out a bark of a laugh, “Isn’t that true! Fred, you really gotta let this one out of her cage sometime, she’s hilarious!”
Fred frowned, “Yeah...” his voice trailed off. You shot him a concerned look, squeezing his hand in yours.
“You alright?” you whispered to him. Fred pretended to smile and nodded.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
After dinner, Fred found himself right where he usually was. Resting on the couch, your head tucked on his lap whilst you read a book. 
You groaned, “I can’t believe she’d go back to him after all that!” Fred didn’t answer but merely smiled. “It’s almost annoying, really! He doesn’t seem to appreciate her!” Your boyfriend’s body became rigid as he heard that. Fred was silent, unusually silent and you had missed his constant chat. You sat up and scooted closer to him. 
“Alright, then. What’s wrong?”
Fred’s eyebrows shot up, “Wrong? Nothing’s wrong!”
“Why are you being so quiet?”
“I’m not quiet!” Fred whisper yelled,
“Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” you laugh, pushing his arm, “What happened to you? You’re usually quite talkative,”
“What’s so wrong with me just wanting to relax with my girlfriend?”
“You don’t seem relaxed, tell me, what’s wrong?”
Fred searched your eyes, watching your eyes turn more and more worried, “I just-”
“What is it, Freddie?” you asked as gingerly as you could.
“I talk too much.”
Your eyebrows furrowed before you burst out in giggles, “What are you talking about?”
“I mean. I just wanted to be quiet for a few days so you don’t have to... constantly hear me talk about pointless things, and-”
You cut him off simply, “I love hearing you talk.”
“You do?”
You placed his arm over your shoulder so you could cuddle close into his side, “Of course I do, I love hearing you talk more than anything. Freddie, you could talk about anything and everything and I’d still enjoy it. I just like spending time with you, my, somewhat oblivious, boyfriend.”
Fred let out a huge sigh of relief, putting his hand on his chest, “Thank every lord and god there is, I feel as though I were about to explode.”
“Freddie! You don’t need to be quiet or shy around me, I know I’m fairly quiet sometimes but I do genuinely enjoy being around you.”
“But, Ginny said-”
“I’m not Ginny, she may think you talk too much, but I think you talk the perfect amount. Your voice is my favorite thing to hear,”
“No.” Fred’s smiling face dropped into a sorrowful frown before you laughed and pushed him, “‘m only joking! Silly boy, now go on. Tell me about your day.” Fred grinned and pulled you closer so your legs were also on his lap and quickly spun into a detailed story. You watched Fred’s jaw move at a rapid pace, and his chuckles in between words. You watched Fred talk about the pranks he had planned and the ones that had failed but he swore to get right ‘next time,’ and you watched his eyes brighten when looking down at you. All you needed was a little company and, of course, Fred.  
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Opportunities and Experiences.
A/N: I was watching ER and I got to this really emotional scene with George Clooney though his final few episodes on the show and well, I was inspired, what can I say? I’ve bolded the quote that inspired it! This is a bit of angst, a bit of fluff, a bit of steaminess. As always, I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Neville receives a job offer.
Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, steaminess
Word count: 1.2k
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The letter had arrived by owl a month ago.
It was a bulky letter. Weighing down the owl so much that you snuck it some extra food and water before letting it fly away.
You leave it by Neville’s usual place at the kitchen table; his seat giving him perfect view of the garden he so lovingly tends to when he’s not away at Hogwarts.
Over his morning coffee, Neville reads the letter, his face getting more ashen with every word he takes in.
“Darling, what is it?” You ask, worried at the pallor of his face.
Neville coughs, clearing his throat before speaking. “It’s from the Magical Society for Herbology.”
You hold a hand to your mouth, “What does it say?”
He frowns, fingers gripping the parchment tightly. “They want me to join them on an expedition; to protect and learn to cultivate a rare plant that could help with the longevity of healing potions.”
“That’s wonderful news, Neville! I’m so proud!”
Neville nods without saying another word; instead, placing the letter on the table, staring at it in disbelief.
You frown at him; not expecting this reaction, “What is it, Neville? What aren’t you telling me?”
“The expedition,” Neville starts, swallowing against the lump in his throat, “It’s a year long.”
Silence falls after his announcement. You push away your plate, having lost your appetite from his words. Neville’s eyes watch your face; registering the emotions running over it.
For a long time, neither of you speak. You wonder how you could tell the love of your life to reject this once in a lifetime opportunity for the selfish reason of staying with you. Neville wonders how to tell you that he would love to go but he won’t if it means he won’t be able to see you every few months. A year is a long time; they know after their separation through the second wizarding war – your family choosing to keep you out of school for your safety meant that you barely saw Neville through your final year.
It was hell.
“I won’t go,” He states, simply. His mind supposedly made up.
“I won’t go,” He repeats, shrugging, “I won’t leave you for a year.”
But you know better; you see the light dim in his eyes – thoughts of what the expedition could do for his career flickering out like a burnt out candle. You know he’s doing this for you; choosing to reject this experience for you, and it’s too much for you bare.
You place your hands on the table, palms down. “I think you should go.”
“Really?” He asks, breathless.
“I don’t want you to go, but I think you should take this opportunity. Neville, you’re already making heads turn with your work at Hogwarts. This is an opportunity you cannot ignore.”
“It’s a year long! I can’t go that long without you.”
You smile at him; body warming from his simple words. “Nor I you. The war taught us that. But Neville, love, if you don’t do this, you’ll regret it.”
His face falls slack; mouth open at your words. He runs a hand over his face, “What did I do to deserve you?” He muses out loud.
You head to his aide; wrapping your arms around his shoulders, dropping a kiss to the mass of brown hair. “You were you, Longbottom. You won me over with your Herbology knowledge, and now you’ll win over the Magical Society for Herbology even more.”
Neville sends his confirmation letter the day after.
The next month is spent preparing for his journey. Every visit to the shops, you pick up something else that Neville could possibly need or use. You raid muggle and wizarding shops alike; going overboard in your worry.
Friends visit; congratulating him on this newest adventure and checking that you’ll be okay without him. You want to roll your eyes at them; they mean well, but they also forget that most of the year, he’s away at Hogwarts teaching whilst you work out of your home. You’re main concern isn’t him being away; it’s how you won’t get the option to see him over that time. At Hogwarts, there are school holidays where he comes home but this expedition means you’ll be going so long without feeling his kiss or looking into his blue eyes.
The night before he leaves, Neville can barely keep his hands off you. And you’re just the same; needing him as close to you as possible.
You barely leave your bedroom; only rising long enough for food, water and to use the bathroom.
Neville spends his time worshipping your body; whispering words of love as he trails his lips down the expanse of your body.
Neither of you sleep. Instead, exchanging lazy, lingering touches and sharing desire-filled kisses.
Tomorrow, he leaves for a year and you have no idea to when you’ll be able to see him in that time. You have no idea whether you’d be allowed to see him in that time.
That thought alone has you straddling the love of your life; bringing his lips to yours once again as you begin to rock against him. The early morning light of the sun starts to rise to the symphony of your moans.
Your lip begins to wobble as you watch him finish packing the rest of his clothes. He latches the trunk shut; the sound feeling like the death-knell for your relationship. “Neville,” you start, “I don’t want to wake up alone tomorrow.”
Then and there, his heart cleaves in two – the pieces falling to the floor, shattering as he takes in the tears now streaming freely down your face.
He’s at your side in an instant. Hands framing your face as his thumbs wipe away your tears. Neville hushes you, drawing you into his chest but all it does is make you sob harder.
You cling to him, hands pulling at his button-down shirt to keep him pressed against you. After all, how long will it be until you get to touch him again; to get to kiss him again?
Neville draws your face out from where it’s hidden in his chest. Using his index finger, he tilts your face up before dipping his head to kiss you.
Both your tears mix as you continue to kiss. The emotions you won’t get to experience due to the absence of his touch are poured into this singular instant. You paw at him; at any part of him you can reach to keep him close to you.
Neville pulls back with a sharp inhale. You keep your eyes closed as he presses kiss after kiss to your face all the while memorising it for he doesn’t know how long it’ll be until he sees you again.
The grandfather clock in the hall outside your shared bedroom begins to chime.
The tears start afresh as Neville presses one last kiss to your lips before murmuring, “It’s time.”
You nod, wiping your face. Plastering a small smile on your face, you watch Neville take a hold of his trunk and bag.
“I love you,” You say as goodbye.
“I love you,” Neville replies; not letting himself draw it out any longer before apparating.
Emptiness settles over you. Taking a seat on the bed, you run a hand over his pillow before hugging it to your chest and inhaling his familiar smell of fallen rain and mud.
A year – that’s how long his trip was.
A year.
If you survived the second wizarding war, you would survive this.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ @harrypotter289​ @dreamer821​ @kalimagik​ @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @the-hufflefluffwriter​ @figlia--della--luna​ @bforbroadway​ @idont-knowrn​ @summer-writes​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @black-lake-confessions​ @annasofiaearlobe​ @imboredandneedalife​ @levylovegood​ @mytreec​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @teheharrypotter​
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writeroutoftime · 4 years
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pairing: john shelby x reader
summary: it’s you birthday and when the love of your life and your family forget your birthday, you aren’t sure how to react 
warnings: none 
words: 1745
a/n: I wrote this story for @smallheathgangsters​, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEAH!! Thank you for being the wonderful person you are, I truly hope that you had an amazing birthday and that this year brings so many wonderful things your way. I’m so glad to call you a friend, and I hope you enjoy this story - even if it is kinda cheesy!! Best wishes!! 💛
As the morning sun rose across the streets of Birmingham, small peaks of light filtered through your bedroom curtains and dosed you in the morning sunrise. With a yawn and a full body stretch, you reached across the sheets and your eyes shot up at the lack of another body wrapped around yours. Normally, John had at least an arm thrown over your waist, but that morning you only found sheets cool to the touch.  
Moments later you curled back into your blankets and tried to let sleep wash over you once more, no longer confused. Every year on your birthday, without fail, John managed to slip out of bed before you woke up and recruited your children to make you breakfast in bed. While it usually ended with John shooing your child outside while he cleaned up the egg and flour streaked kitchen to prepare something edible, the thought always warmed your heart. 
Though, of course, your children would still find some way to cause mischief before the day had truly began. One year, Katie presented you with a bouquet of wildflowers they had found, and you had struggled to contain your giggles at the sight of the rest of your children’s face and clothes smeared with dirt.
However, when you heard no banging of pots or pans, early morning quarrels between Will and George, and no hushed whispers and giggles as your family attempted to sneak up the stairs to surprise you, worry began to flow through your veins. Quickly, you wrapped your robe around yourself before you padded into the kitchen to find your family.  The only one you could find was John, you sat calmly at the kitchen table, a cup of juice in his hand as he concentrated on the paper spread out in front of him.
“Morning, love.” John greeted coolly when he heard you walk in, not even sparing you a quick glance.
“Morning.” you responded look around, slightly dazed by the sight before you. “Where are the kids?”
John’s voice kept the same, nonchalant, tone as he turned the page of the paper. “Oh, Polly’s watching ‘em today. “
A glimmer of hope bubbled in your chest at your husband’s words. Maybe this had been John’s plan all along – a day alone just for the two of you. It was something you hadn’t the luxury to enjoy in quite a while, and you were well overdue for some quality time with your husband.  “So, any plans for today?” you asked slyly as you walked towards John, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and placing a kiss behind his ear.
“Not really. ‘Less you count Tommy dragging my ass in to work today.” he said with a slight chuckle.
Had he really forgotten? you thought to yourself as you pulled your arms back to wrap around yourself and watched John go about his morning like any other day. The thought made your heart clench, but you decided against speaking up. John had never forgotten your birthday in all the years you had known him, and while that made the fact that he had this year sting a little more, you also decided he was it must have slipped his mind because of how hard Tommy had been working him recently. Besides, it wasn’t like you wouldn’t have other birthdays, perhaps you simply overreacted.  
“Well, I’m off, love.” John told you, offering you a quick peck on the lips before he adjusted his cap and was out the door without another word.  
You were left, stunned, and staring wistfully at the door. With heavy feet you dragged yourself upstairs to prepare for the day, taking the time to bathe and pamper yourself in the way that your life hadn’t allowed you to over the past few weeks. You decided that even if John wasn’t going to spend the day with you, there had to be other’s that remembered, and the day would be celebrated in style.
As the morning wore on, you rung Ada up to see if she would be open to a nice afternoon out to have a birthday lunch and do a little bit of shopping. That hope was quickly crushed when Ada picked up and immediately told you she was late for a shift as the two of you spoke. Polly was just as evasive on the phone, claiming she was taking the kids out and rushed you off the line without wishing you a happy birthday. You didn’t even bother to call the office because you knew if Tommy had called John in, then Arthur and Finn wouldn’t be far behind.
Dejected, you slumped onto the couch with an exasperated sigh and pulled out a book to fill the time, but once you realized you had read the same sentence over and over, you shut the book and decided to walk through the meadow that surrounded your house. When the sun began to set, you made your way back to the still empty house and ran the last stretch of land when you heard the phone’s shrill ring.
“Hello?” you asked, desperate for contact with another person.
“y/n?” Tommy confirmed through the receiver. “You need to come down to the Garrison.” he commanded – no ‘how are you’ no ‘happy fucking birthday,’ just him barking orders, as always.
“Why?” you pressed, the anger finally beginning to boil inside of you.
There was a sigh from Tommy’s end before he responded. “Because John-Boy’s drunk off his ass and needs someone to bring him home.”
“Fine.” you spat and harshly slammed the phone back on its hook.  
The entire walk to the Garrison, you rehearsed the lecture you had for John and any other Shelby member unfortunate enough to cross paths with you. While you first thought you could excuse John’s forgetfulness, knowing that he had abandoned you to get drunk, you couldn’t keep quiet any longer. Upon reaching the Garrison, however, you noticed the noise that normally flowed from the doors and windows was absent.
Slightly concerned, and with hesitant steps, you made your way to the entrance, cursing yourself for not bringing the small gun John had gifted you so many birthdays ago. Ready to attack at a moment’s notice, you headed into the pub to be meet with a pitch-black room, until -  
“SURPRISE!” you heard from every corner of the pub as the lights were switched on to reveal the Garrison overly decorated with streamers, balloons, and confetti all around.  
Front and center of the crowd stood John with a huge smile on his face, surrounded by all of your children who ran up to hug you. The rest of the Shelby clan stood off to the side clapping and cheering up a storm – even serious, stoic Tommy had a smile on his face as he held Charlie in his arms.
There was a chorus of “Happy Birthday, y/n” as you were led you to a table off to the side with your birthday cake, a handful of presents, and what looked to be handmade cards. You smiled at each and every one of the cards that your children made you and they gave you hugs before Linda ushered them together to take them home for the evening.
It only took a few seconds after that before a drink found its way into your hands as you went around to hug Ada, Polly Arthur, Tommy, and even Finn. They all expressed their sorrow for having to act like they had forgotten the birthday of one of the most important people in their lives, but you assured them this was well worth the suspense. As you tried to converse with some of the other guests at your party, a pair of hands suddenly covered your eyes, resulting in a yelp to pass by your lips.  
“Happy birthday, angel.” John whispered into your ear, and you spun around to face him with a smile on your face.
“You remembered!” you exclaimed and wrapped your arms around John and burying your head in his chest.
The look that crossed his face was slightly guilty. “I’m sorry, I didn’t enjoy acting like that to you, I just wanted to surprise you.”
“Well, consider me surprised.” you said and kissed him to let him know that you weren’t mad in the slightest and that it was truly one of the sweetest things someone had done for you in a while.
John pulled away from the kiss after only a few seconds but dragged you off to the private room of the Garrison and told you to sit down. With your head tilted, you watched John as he pulled out a wrapped present from his pocket and handed it to you before he sat down as well.
Eagerly, you tore into the wrapping paper and threw it to the floor before you gasped at what was inside. Inside the small box sat a beautiful, diamond ring that sparkled from all angles, complete with two, smaller peridot stones set on either side of the main diamond. Tears sprung to your eyes as John knelt down in front of you and gentle took the ring out of the box.
“I know we’ve been together for so long, but I did promise you a ring you truly deserved when I was able to buy it.” he reminisced and looked up at you sheepishly.
The memory made you smile and cry a bit more out of happiness. All those years ago when you had found out you were expecting Katie and John proposed, it was with the ring that currently sat on your finger. While you cherished the ring with your whole heart, John never felt it was worth of enough for you and vowed that when he had made a name for himself, he would give you another ring.
“It’s beautiful.” you whispered and allowed him to slip it onto your ring finger, your old ring moving to your right hand until you could find a chain for it.
John lovingly rubbed his thumb across your cheekbone and lifted your hand to brush his lips against your knuckles. “Thank you for being my beautiful, perfect angel. I love you.” he confessed, more than happy to be sappy and emotional in honor of your birthday.
“I love you too.” you told him and grabbed his face in your hands and kissed him once more, looking forward to the many other perfect birthdays you would spend together.  
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ardett · 3 years
all dead hearts to you
Description: George and Dream have never met in person. It isn’t a problem until Dream calls George to tell him he’s going to kill himself.
check this out on Ao3 if you wanna be cool!
Author’s Note: Not me crashing recklessly into another fandom (also this is assuming sapnap went home to Texas after living with dream idk let me live)
title from Dead Hearts by Stars
also I'm new here, anyone wanna give me a welcome to the boys?
warnings: suicide warning (obviously) but no actual suicide, general anxiety and panic attacks
It’s 3am when George gets Dream’s call. 
Late, but only really for him. It’s still before midnight in Florida, right around 10pm. He’d like to say that he’s so practiced with converting time zones that he doesn’t even have to think about it but he still has to count backwards on his fingers, thinking on the jump between late late nights and early mornings.
He’s still awake but the leds in his room have been turned to red, set to the dimmest mode. He was streaming with Quackity up until about half an hour ago and his room has settled back into quiet again.
He feels the thrum of anxiety as he hears the ringtone. Dream usually only calls him when George is about to sleep through something important or if he’s on the road. George wonders if he forgot something today or maybe he let something slip on his call with Quackity.
Now that it’s on his mind, he realizes that he hasn’t heard from Dream all day. Or yesterday?
They’ve both been busy, though George has been busy with the usual things and Dream said something about needing to put his affairs in order or whatever that meant. They usually text at least but even that has been quieter.
George grabs his phone off his desk and picks up the call.
“Dream. What’s up?” he asks. George runs a quick hand through his hair, checking his screen quickly. It’s a real phone call, not even a discord call. “Hey, I’m putting you on speaker. I’m gonna put on my pajamas.”
He’s about to set the phone on his dresser when Dream says, “Oh, I probably shouldn’t be on speaker.”
There’s something off in his tone. Something flat. It sets George’s nerves on edge. 
“Yeah? Okay.” George tucks the phone back by his ear, slumping back on his bed. “Did you have something you had to tell me?”
“Yeah. George, I’m going to kill myself.”
Everything in George stills.
And then starts to spin.
“I’m going to—”
“You’re not serious.” George jerks upright, ignoring the lightheaded feeling sinking its fingers into his skull. “Dream, this isn’t funny.”
“I don’t think it is. It’s just going to happen.” 
There’s not even a tremor in Dream’s voice. George can’t feel anything past the bone deep shock in his system.
All he can think of is Dream, wrists bloody and split open. Dream, fingertips dusted white with the residue of unnamed pills. Dream, rope burns fracturing the long line of his neck. 
Dream, dead.
How is he even going to do it? Is he actually going to do it? George wants to ask but then he realizes he doesn’t want to know.
He imagines the first time he sees Dream in person is when he attends his funeral.
He imagines all the words he’s held in for so long, waiting and waiting for the moment he could say them to Dream face to face, finally being said to dead air.
But George can’t say that so all he manages is an obstinate, “No.”
“Stop disagreeing with me.”
“George,” Dream laughs. Laughs.
George feels dizzy with the disbelief swirling inside him. Surely this can’t be happening. What reason would Dream have to make this up though? Dream would never joke about something like this. Why is he laughing? 
How can Dream be so casual when George’s world is shattering? 
He doesn’t know what a future without Dream looks like.
They’ve always lived miles apart but Dream has never felt so far away. George has never felt like this. Like he couldn’t reach him.
“Dream.” Dream’s laugh cuts off as soon as he hears the plea in George’s voice. “Is something wrong? Are you— I can come there. I can be with you tomorrow. Sapnap can stay with you again. You don’t have to do this—”
“I know. But I want to. So I’m going to.” Any trace of mirth is gone. Dream sounds the same way he did when he decided he was going to break a world record or make YouTube work for him.
Determined. Steadfast. His voice has the steely confidence of knowing he won’t fail.
Usually it’s inspiring but now the familiarity of it just makes George sick. He’s never known Dream to be someone content with failure.
George's phone digs into his palm as his grip spasms. He tastes blood.
And he doesn’t even know why yet.
“What happened? Whatever it is, we can fix it.”
Dream sighs. “Nothing’s wrong, George.”
“There has to be something wrong. You can tell me,” George insists. Then he changes tactics and lies through his teeth. “I swear I won’t tell anyone else. We can work this out together, just the two of us. Just tell me what’s wrong.”
“I already told you nothing’s wrong,” Dream repeats.
“Then why would you… do that?” George trips over the word, rephrases it instead.
And then Dream rips that tiny defense to shreds.
“You can say it you know,” Dream says. “I’m going to kill myself. You should probably get used to it actually. People are going to ask you about it. I’m sorry about that,” he adds as an afterthought. 
The harsh, blunt words sting against George’s skin.
“Don’t apologize,” he strangles out. “Don’t apologize for that out of everything. Just don’t do it.”
“George,” Dream breathes, exasperated.
“I just don’t understand,” George begs. For the first time, his voice wavers.
Dream, cold gun in his cold hands. Dream, long limbs hanging over the railing of a bridge as he stares down. Dream, slumped over his table with a bottle of vodka nestled near his feet. 
Dream, dead.
“Don’t cry, okay?” Dream’s voice softens. George forgot how gentle Dream could be with him when he wanted. 
“I didn’t want to make you cry. Look, it’s just…” Dream trails off. Eventually, he continues even quieter. “This is it, you know? This is the top, this is the peak. It can’t go on like this forever, crazy numbers on videos and trending on twitter and all that shit. I’d rather go out like this than wait to hit the bottom. Doesn’t that make sense?” Dream persuades.
“No,” George insists, all the air leaving his lungs at once.
“Come on, George. Can you even picture yourself growing old? What happens when we’re 30, 40, and all of this is gone. Do you want that?”
The sick part of it all is that George has imagined the future. He imagines it lovingly, not viciously. Not like this.
He imagined a future with Sapnap and Bad and Karl and Quackity but most of all with Dream. He wants so badly to be with him. Sapnap talked about living together, how great parts of it had been, how he would have stayed if he hadn’t had to return home for family, and George so selfishly wants that for himself.
And he’s always known that’s not what Dream pictured. Dream doesn’t want what he wants. Dream doesn’t want to grow old with someone, much less George.
Can you even picture yourself growing old?
It hurts because George can and he always wanted it to be with Dream.
“What are you even saying? Do you want me to kill myself too?” George bites. He scrubs viciously at his eyes and stabs at the power button of his computer, teeth piercing into his lip as he waits for it to turn on.
“No, no, of course not. I would never— Come on, that’s obviously not what I’m saying.”
George fumbles with his keyboard, pulling up his discord messages with Sapnap.
He just needs someone else to help him, someone else to know. Someone who can do what he can’t. Someone who isn’t as fucking helpless as him, who doesn’t live an ocean away and who has never seen Dream in person and has never touched Dream, not once, has never known what the sun feels like in Florida.
Of course he was lying when he said this was going to stay between the two of them.
This isn’t the kind of thing he can do alone.
 George: Sapnap dream says hes going 
George: to kill himself
George: you have to get someone to him
George: call 999 
George: 911
 Sapnap: what
 George: please now sap Im on the phone with him
 Sapnap: are you joking
 George: no
George: do it
George: please fast now
 “Are you typing?” Dream questions, a note of warning in his tone.
George jerks. “No, I—”
He’s cut off by a beeping from his phone. 
His heart stops.
“What’s that sound?” Dream asks.
Sapnap is calling him.
George can picture him, knee jumping as he clutches his phone, hoping against hope that George is joking. He can practically hear the adrenaline trembling in Sapnap’s voice, can see the way Sapnap stands and paces.
He can’t answer though. He can’t leave Dream.
George declines the call, hand shaking.
“Who was that?” The question is flat.
“No one,” George says too quickly.
“No one?” Dream repeats. Only a second or two passes before George hears the same beep through his phone speaker, this time coming from Dream’s end. “Wow look who’s calling me. Sapnap. Wonder if he changed his name to No One,” Dream says without emotion.
 Sapnap: fck are you serious
 George bites his tongue, wincing.
 George: y
 George can’t manage to type anything more before Dream snarls, “You’re such a fucking snitch, you know that? It’s fine though, I thought this might happen. I was gonna call him after you, for the record.” It almost sounds like Dream is smiling. George’s heart twists. Why is he smiling? “I know you have to try as a friend to save me, or whatever you want to call it, but you really don’t have to. I want to do this. I’m going to.
“It’s not like you could really stop me anyway,” Dream continues. “You don’t even know where I live. You barely know what I look like. What, are you going to ask the police to search the entire state of Florida?”
“Sapnap knows,” George whispers. 
He tries to shake off the savagery seeping into Dream’s voice. He tells himself Dream is defensive, Dream is nervous, Dream is scared. Dream isn’t thinking about what he’s really saying.
Though things have never mattered before, the fact George has never been to Florida, that George has never seen Dream in person. But now Dream is weaponizing them against him, forcing George to acknowledge that for everything their relationship is, it can never replace an in person friendship. And Dream has always been a better fighter than George.
“No, he doesn’t. Me and Sap rented a house, remember? We never went to my house. I never sent him my actual address, I checked.” And Dream sounds so smug. Like he won.
George’s gaze darts back to his computer. 
But he already knows Dream isn’t a liar.
 Sapnap: I dont know his address
Sapnap: fuck
Sapnap: Im calling bad
Sapnap: dont let him hang up
 “People are so dumb about it, you know? They tell all their friends and then they get caught before actually doing it,” Dream goes on, not paying attention to George’s disconsolate silence.
“But you’re telling me,” George mutters. Hopelessness strings through him.
Sapnap isn’t writing anything else. George can only hope Bad picked up.
“Yeah but you’re literally in another country. What are you going to do about it?” 
George can’t manage any words. He doesn’t even know if he remembers how to breathe. 
Dream is right, he always seems to be right. George just wishes it wasn’t about this. Anything but this. He has to believe that Sapnap and Bad will figure something out. He has to trust them.
“Just think about how many people are found before they actually do it,” Dream goes on in George’s quiet. “Because they can’t commit. Most people are cowards. It’s dumb honestly. Just do it or don’t.”
“Don’t then,” George whispers.
His eyes burn with unshed tears. His fingers spasm on his bedsheets.
He doesn’t know what Dream wants. Does he want George to beg? To get on his knees and plead with him to save his own life? Because he would in a heartbeat but he doubts it would make a difference. 
Dream sighs. “I feel like you’re not listening to me, George.”
“No, I am.” George’s voice rises with his wrath. Suddenly all his terror and frustration comes to a bursting point. “I’m listening. I’m listening to you talk about killing yourself. I just think you’re wrong. I think it would be a lot fucking braver to stay alive even if your views go down, even if you’re not fucking famous, Dream. What the fuck? You’re a fucking coward for trying to leave!” George’s breaths heave through the staticy phone microphone. His fear and anger wind him.
There’s a moment of emptiness.
Then, lip curling, Dream says, “Trying to leave you?”
George chokes.
“Don’t try and pull this card, George. That’s what you’re trying to say, isn’t it? I’m a coward for leaving everyone behind? For leaving you?” 
Dream’s voice drowns out George’s. George flinches, though Dream can’t see it. 
“Don’t be so fucking selfish. I hate that, you know that?” Dream growls. “Everyone thinks they’re enough to save someone all by themselves. Wow, the sheer force of your love just fucking yanked me back from the edge of a cliff, give me a fucking break,” Dream scoffs. George’s ribs feel tight. “You can’t just reverse psychology or guilt me out of this.”
“Jesus, Dream, is it so hard to believe that maybe I care about you and I don’t want you to fucking die?” George grits out. 
The room swims before him. He can’t remember how to uncurl his fingers.
“Well it’s not up to you, is it?” Dream practically smirks.
And that’s it, isn’t it? The winning phrase. Because Dream’s right. 
It’s not up to George. 
George can only listen helplessly as Dream considers his own grave. He’s a constant witness to the storm that is Dream. He was always grateful to be dragged along in Dream’s hurricane winds and now he dreads the day they calm.
“You’re being cruel,” George murmurs. His aggression leaves him as soon as it came.
“I’m being honest,” Dream contends.
George sinks his head into his hands. “Why did you even call me then? To— to gloat?”
Dream’s voice goes low and quiet, vulnerable. George’s insides twist and melt and contort. “No, no, I just… I don’t know. I just wanted to talk to you one more time.”
“Don’t say that,” George hisses. The words are half muffled into his palms.
“Don’t say what?” Dream asks defensively.
“Don’t say one more time. You can’t— you can’t—'' It all hits George at once. He’s going to lose him.
He’s going to lose Dream.
Before he knows it, he’s sobbing into the phone, loud ugly heaving sobs. “Don’t do it, Dream. I’m serious. Please— Just wait for one of us to get there. We can be with you. We can help.”
Dream’s voice hardens again. “You mean you can stop me.”
“Dream—” George starts to beg, trying to figure out how to lie without Dream catching him.
But Dream beats him to it. 
“I’m gonna hang up now—”
Panic rips through George. The shock of it physically hurts in his veins, in his heart.
“No!” he almost screams. “Dream, Dream, don’t hang up—”
“Oh my god, relax. I’m calling Sapnap. I’m not doing anything yet.” He can almost hear Dream rolling his eyes. It’s not comforting.
George sniffles. He knows it sounds pathetic. He’s not one for pity but if it gets Dream to keep talking with him, he’s willing to stoop to any low. He just doesn’t know if he can believe Dream.
“Can’t you just… stay on the phone with me?” 
“What, forever? Is that your plan? Just keep me on the line until someone inevitably finds me somehow?” Dream mocks.
“No,” George says instead because he thinks it’s what Dream wants to hear.
Dream switches tactics. George recognizes the persuasion in his tone. 
“Don’t you want me to call Sapnap? Shouldn’t he also get the chance to talk with me?” Dream questions.
Guilts rests against George’s ribs. 
Of course he wants Sapnap to get the chance to talk to Dream. What if this is their last chance to talk? But George is too selfish to think about it much.
“That’s not what you’re asking me. Don’t try and pull that shit. You’re asking me to hang up. You’re asking for me to say goodbye and I’m…” George’s voice drops, almost inaudible. “I’m not ready.”
“George…” Dream’s voice trails off. His next words are nearly silent, something bitter and mournful about them. “You know I love you, right?”
“I know,” George mumbles.
“Are you gonna say it back to me?” Dream demands. George doesn’t know what holds him back now but something does.
“You know I do, Dream, why—”
The dial tone rings in George’s ears.
Dream hung up.
Not even 30 seconds pass, not nearly enough for the abrupt end of their call to sink in, when George’s phone is ringing again. He fumbles with his screen but manages to pick up.
George’s heart sinks. It’s not the voice he wants to hear. That he needs to hear.
“Yeah,” Bad affirms. “Are you okay?”
“Am I okay? Am I—” George scoffs and it feels like it rips his throat. He feels like he wants to scream. Like he wants to punch a wall. Like he would give anything to be somewhere warmer right now. “No, I’m obviously not okay, Bad. He’s going to— to—”
“I know. Sapnap told me.” 
Bad’s voice is collected, even. It just makes George more frustrated. How can everyone be so fucking calm about this? 
“George, just try to take some deep breaths, okay?” George ignores the suggestion. “Sapnap is on the phone with Dream. He just hung up on me to talk to him. I’m driving there right now, okay?”
George pauses. Something cold washes over him. He doesn’t know yet if it’s relief.
“You’re— you’re driving to Dream?”
“Yes,” Bad affirms. “We just have to keep him talking to someone for the next hour—”
“Hour? Are you serious? That’s too long!” George knows he’s screaming now. He doesn’t care.
“We have to call an ambulance, the police. There has to be someone we can call.” 
George squeezes his eyes shut, trying to think of other ways they could possibly get there in time. He comes up blank. He can’t accept it. He can’t.
Dream, alone. Dream, bereft. Dream, dead.
“I know but I can’t— I was trying to tell you.” Bad’s words are muffled. It sounds like he’s biting the inside of his cheek. He confesses, “I don’t know his exact address. Sapnap is going to try and get it while he talks to him. I’m driving to Orlando and hopefully Sap knows it by the time I get there but we’re just—”
“No, no, no—”
George thinks of Bad arriving just in time to find Dream’s body still warm. He’s going to be sick. His chest hurts. His lungs burn.
“Try and take some deep breaths—” Bad placates as George speaks over him.
“I’m never going to talk to him again. He’s going to kill himself.” George is spiraling. He can’t stop himself.
“George, I’m going to get there in time.” But Bad doesn’t sound sure of himself. George zeros in on the weakness.
“You don’t know that,” George hisses.
“This is hard for all of us, George!” George startles at Bad’s yell. He’s heard Bad raise his voice before but never at him, never seriously. “I’m sorry,” Bad apologizes, words quieting again. George hears a sniffle through the phone. 
Bad’s crying. 
God, George is a terrible person. He didn’t even think to check in on Bad. Bad’s the one who might find Dream halfway there or already committed. He’s the only one who’s even close to being able to do something and maybe that’s the worst position to be in.
To be so close and lose a friend anyway.
“You don’t have to apologize. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t… I know it’s hard for all of us. I know you’re doing everything you can. You’re doing more than me.” George tries to laugh but it gets stuck in his throat. It’s not funny anyway.
“It’s going to be okay,” but it doesn’t even sound like Bad believes himself.
“I don’t think I can talk about this anymore,” George murmurs. He feels exhausted. There’s so much adrenaline coursing through him that it hurts. “Can we just talk about something else just… just for a little?” he begs. Like anything could distract him from this.
“Yeah George.” George can hear the sympathy in Bad’s voice. He’s too far gone for the pity to bother him. “Let me— Let me tell you about what I did this weekend on the SMP.”
George sucks in a sharp inhale. “Not— not the SMP. Can you talk about something else?” 
“Of course,” Bad agrees easily. “So last Friday I went to visit my family…”
George lets Bad talk in the background. Every once in a while, one of them will sniffle or sob or take a breath that’s too shaky to be normal. Neither of them mentions it.
George listens to people walk past his window, their voices carrying up into the stars.
The noises of the highway drone on through his phone.
Bad drives.
George thinks about what it would be like to go on without Dream.
He’ll never be the same, he already knows. It will haunt him for years. For the rest of his life. The thought of being so close to someone and then losing them.
Death is natural. He knows that. But it’s the intentionality of it that aches the most. The idea that Dream would leave behind everything for something so painful and unknown.
And George just knows… part of him will die with Dream and never come back. 
George doesn’t know who he’ll be with that part missing.
part 1/3, though the next update won’t really be an update but it will be soon
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