#(and she really was the only light skin character in the movie lmao)
askuemki · 22 hours
So I have no idea if I’ll keep this post up, but…
A little rant abt re8?? (And cod.. kinda) maybe venting (just a mess :,)
Disclaimer, take my opinions with a grain of salt I just wanna ramble lmao
Also spoilers, maybe (update, definitely)
So I’ve been having fun dipping my toes into Donna Beneviento (god her last name is hard to spell) content. After watching the gameplays and to at least have a basic understanding for the game, I find myself really drawn to her, maybe more than Alcina tbh
By no means i’m a diehard fan or anything, recently it’s been hard to find a new fandom to get attached towards. As much as I adore cod, there isnt really much to get attached too… like sure, task 141 is a fun group and the there is some GREAT art about the ships- but I only got attached because of Valeria, I won’t deny it at all. I’m a diehard lesbian, but there isn’t really much cannon content of her?? It’s really damn disappointing sometimes, man… same with Laswell. I appreciate all of the fanartists out there though, I adore all of the content here, fanfics or fan art. With Farah, she’s a diffrent story.. personally I never really got attached to her, but as a character she’s pretty neat. Her story sort of brings to light the horrors happening today which is a bit of a benefit…?? But ever since I found out things about both Valeria’s and Farah’s actors I’ve been a little off about things here and there. I don’t think I’ll stop posting Valeria content at all, it just might be a little less offen to indulge in different things.
Some personal things have been happening to make me feel really disconnected from like.. fucking everything for some reason?? Like I’m drifting away from fandoms, I’m drifting away from people and I’m like alone again.. I’m lost in a damn dumpster fire. AI art doesn’t help with this at all.. like why do I draw?? I’ve been drawing since I was in kindergarten like I never really thought of the specifics of perusing art, more or so just that I want to. Like hey, I wanna make a game or movie series, and something in me doesn’t realize I need to put in the effort to learn shit with just ends up in me doing nothing but self pitting on something I can change and ugh.. wish I can slap myself to get out of it.
So I think I’ve been kind of finding myself relating to Donna. Not in her extreme way, more or so just her aspect of being isolated, and just being known primarily for one thing. Like.. our side of art? Damn. Shit. I think I’m worth nothing.. and with Donna we don’t really know much about her besides her being a cursed Dollmaker, and the bare bones of her past. And we both barely fucking speak man… both hide our faces too !! maybe I kin this woman or something I don’t know
But as I was looking through her tumblr tag, I saw a rant about how headcannons and stuff has been stripping away the interesting stuff about the re8 villains… and with the things I’ve seen so far?? I can kinda agree, honestly.
Don’t get me wrong, if it’s not too.. insane? (I know those boundaries are hard to define at times, but maybe REALLY immoral shit for our “normal” world) and people aren’t forcing these headcannons into other people? I don’t mind headcannons. You do you, boo!
But the fan content I’ve seen, people reduce Donna and Alcina (I’m surprised it was pronounced as AlCHIna and not AlSIna, but side tangent over) from the potential they really have. Yeah it’s definitely nice to see Donna more, especially in those intimate moments.. but sometimes I feel like people just depict her as some shy, easily gullible, girl, and not really the mentally deprived woman she is. Like I’d love to see ideas of the different dolls Donna could create, or unique imagery of her mental state outside of having porcelain skin. What about the kinds of plants she takes care of? Or the dolls she makes? I’d love to see more of it, whether she has favorites, or if it’s a situation where she has doll replicas of her deceased family. Man, I really wanna see Donna do more creepy shit, basically.
With Alcina however? She’s kind of reduced to that (I’m going to cringe at these words so terribly, god help me) “hot vampire mommy”.. I’ll take fault for not looking into her content as much, I’m sure there’s great content out there !! (I’m not sure if anyone would do this but.. feel free to send me any fic recommendations or art) With what I want to see for her? I’ve heard from the rant post as a man-hating woman she had primarily female statues in her castle, it would be fun to see what else she has cause of this worldview, as well as more whitty remarks from her; I really enjoy her throwback with Heisenberg. Just in general.. her being a comical villain.
Okay so, the reason why I made this post in the first place before all of this shit threw up from my brain. Belladonna. At first, this ship really interested me, I like the character dynamics, the art was neat. But then something came up in my mind.. (as well as another rant post on the ship..) isn’t the Dimitrescu bloodline related with Donna? Both are failed experiments from Mother Miranda, and technically adopted by her. Though from what I know, Donna is the only one officially adopted. So would that be family..? I’ve seen a few places where Alcina called Donna her sister, and it makes me feel really off.
And I’ve seen in a few fanarts, Donna technically older than the Dimitrescu sisters posed next to them like another sibling??
I would like to endorse the ship, but just the morality of everything is off centered for me. I rather not support weird incest…
So please if people could maybe clarify for me whether it would technically be okay for support this ship.. I’d appreciate it. If it isn’t okay, I have plans on making a fan character anyways, or I can take current characters and make a resident evil au or something, and ship them when Donna. (I have a character that honestly looks like a mix of Alcina and Bela, but by no means she’s relates to the franchise, lmao)
By no means I’m experienced in resident evil lore or the fandom, this is just coming from a newer fan of the series, and what I’ve seen so far.
If you read all of this.. thank you?? I apologize if I sound ridiculous here, this is like the only place I can rant abt things without being brushed off for other shit
Good night now!!! I need to stop pushing my sleep boundaries ugh
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
whose photo did you use for aelinor penrose in the graphic where she’s the hypothetical granddaughter of baela? i recognize india from queen charlotte in the granddaughter of rhaena graphic
damn i think i mixed up the dragon twins 😭 who is the aelinor penrose who isn’t queen charlotte dhshdhshdj
aldklsafj it's fine anon lmao. here's the graphic anon is referring to btw, from my "how is aelinor related to house targaryen" meta-
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The Aelinor Penrose that is the granddaughter of Rhaena (on the right) is Samantha Barks. She played Eponine in the Les Miserables movie and 25th anniversary, and has been in a bunch of productions since then (her oom pa pa as nancy in oliver! is genuinely one of my favorites, she's so fun). She has one (1) black grandparent so I thought she'd be a good fit for Aelinor!
If anyone is curious about my fancasts (i know how hard it is to find period resources for PoC!!) it's-
Viserys II - Linus Roache
Aegon IV - Alfred Molina
Daeron II - Marc Warren
Aerys I - Sami Zayn. The only not really accurate casting here, because I struggled on finding a North African or Palestinian fancast that has a facial heir, looks white, isn't egregiously old, and I hadn't already used for the Martells lmao, so I went with my man Sami Zayn (real name Rami Sebei), who is Syrian (so still West Asian like Palestinians) (and also a cool dude and great wrestler).
Daenaera Velaryon - Jodie Turner
Aegon III - Jamie Campbell Bower
Elaena - Kylie Bunbury (not a lot of people know this but her mom is white! she's my go to "mixed people should not be barred from playing monoracial characters because a lot of mixed people do not actually get clocked as being mixed" right next to bianca lawson as "plenty of light skinned people are in fact monoracial too").
Ronnet Penrose - Max Irons
Alyn Velaryon - gonna be real honest I just grabbed a model off pinterest because the Alyn casting hadn't been released yet when I made this lmao
Rhaena Specific Fancasts
Alyssa Hightower - Ruby Barker
Aelinor Penrose - Samantha Barks
Laena Penrose - Antonia Thomas
Robin Penrose - Regé-Jean Page
Ronnel Penrose - Willy Cartier (his mom is senegalese and vietnamese and he's talked a lot about how her identity has affected his own mixed identity which was why he came to mind)
Baela Specific Fancasts
Laena II Velaryon - Crystal Clarke
Ronnel Penrose - Howard Charles
Laena Penrose - Denée Benton
Robin Penrose - Adetomiwa Edun
Jon Waters - Adrian Lester
Jeyne Waters - Karidja Touré (she's in that amazing movie Girlhood but this picture is from a short film she was in called The Adventures of Selika)
Aelinor Penrose - India Amarteifio
Also here are some cute pics of the actors and their fams-
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[samantha barks and her mom and grandma (and sibling I think); willy cartier and his mom leah cartier; kylie bunbury and her mom; kylie bunbury and her dad and siblings]
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gae-bug · 2 months
A slight hyper fixation is forming on the movie coco so here are some things I jotted down while rewatching it last night.
-We first see Dante next to a shop that sells a bunch of alebrijes
-miguel commenting on how cool de la curz’s guitar is And how his fav song is remember me little does he know that that's hectors guitar and the song he wrote for coco, also he knew they were connected in some way
-they keep up with the dimple only on one side thingy
-the talent of this kid for being able to make a functioning guitar from scraps lying around is fucking amazing, even if his shine for de la curz is a stong fire hazzard-
-learnt by just watching and hearing without actually being taught!!!?!?!?! Bro is insanely good
-"I'm gonna play even if it kills me!" The universe took that a Lil to literally lol
-oh Dante, he shall always be my favorite animal character in a movie
-the collective gasp
-at least Miguel's dad showed some sing of 'okay this is a little to far’ when she went to smash the gitaur
-the way he folds the picture the opposite way, so instead of Hector being the one left out its Imelda
-just casually stealing from the dead, smart move tho with the fire work.
-I like that the petals start to flicker
-how did people realize it was missing so fast bro
-"oh hey Miguel.….😨😨😨😨”
-the city in the land of the dead is so pretty but would also be terrifying as someone who is afraid of heights.
-Hector has no eyebrows, he does got some sick move tho
-I love that everybody's afraid of imelda lol
-imaging still having to work a service job in the after life-
-again Dante is my favorite
-Hector has a broken rib
-I also love Hector's confusion, he's like tf u mean that asshole has KIDSS!!!?!?!!?!??!
-Hector’s guitar has a golden tooth just like him!
-Dante being the best count like 15 lol
-would all these dancer s also get in legal trouble for faking unibrows or do they get a pass bc it was a celebrities idea?
-coresction, Hector had SEVERAL broken ribs.
-"what do you know" alot buddy, A LOT.
-bro took his femur, and DIDNT RETURN IT-
-okay, ik I said Hector had no eyebrows and that is true but basically nobody else really does either but it's more noticeable to me on Hector because of him taking off the fake eyebrows.
-the fucking detail on Miguels face, you can see his skin through the face paint as if it was real.
-the foreshadowing from looking at the shot glasses, one dunk, one still full.
-the nuns are also playing remember me before they even said that everybody is playing it
-one of his arm and one of his leg bones are also being held together by what I think is gauze? Idk it's blue it might be ribbon.
-I love hectors excitement when migeul stars playing poco loca, especially considering that it was most likely a song HE wrote about Imelda
-he called Miguel's musical fantasy stupid bc his got him killed.
-skeleton horses have been spotted, plus 10 points(I say as if I'm keeping a point counter lmao)
-him laughing and genuinely having fun with people who actually enjoyed his music
-he looks better as a skeleton low key- (de la cruz)
- yk there's a thing called stairs Miguel…
-the shock on del la curz’s face bc he knows he DID NOT have children, but he sees this as an opportunity to get more famous so he runs with it
- notice how he doesn't mention him leaving his family bc he didn't leave a family
-can't believe this dude has pools in the shape of the gitaur that he murdered his best friend for.
-he murdered his best friend, stole his guitar, stole his songs AND profited off his death by putting in a move and making himself seem like the victim in that situation.
-all Hector cares about is seeing his daughter one last time
-takes his guitar before Hector even hits the ground.
-when Imelda says I give you my blessing the petal lights up but when de la curz says it the petals stays normal
-as soon as de la curz is meant to be seen as the bad guy you see him in green and purple lighting, colors Disney like to use for villains.
-even though he is fading hectors first priority was comforting miguel
-seeing Hector with skin is weird to me for some reason, maybe it's just because I'm so used to seeing him without it.
-Dante very well has over a hundred points for being the best at this point
-hector holding his hat like a sad wet cat.
-Imelda has earings but no ears-
-"she’s talking about me! I'm the love of your life!?" One of my favorite moments lol
-bro was stupid enough to keep the photo in his pocket.
-"I don't know what I said" "that's what I heard 🤭😏"
-'that's interesting yk why,’ 'why?' 'Because- *runs away*' seriously tho the run he does lmao
-this entire family got moves bro, and are also very good at avoiding the cops.
-I hate this fucking asshole
-dont you fucking call him 'old freond' you fucking bitch
-yes boo him off the stage! Throw your tomatoes!!!!
-bell: 2 Ernesto: 0
-you can start to see Miguel's skull through his skin
-her earrings are just pierced through her cheekbones-
-he follows the petals home
-"not all of us" STOPPPPP.
-I'm glad they didn't try to make it seem like he was singing perfectly and instead had it so you can hear the tears in his voice
-it's dirty gauze and duct tape that's holding his bones together btw
- it's been a year and bro has not gotten better clothes.
Edit: ok hector actually did get some slightly better clothes I think but like they are very similar to his old clothes and seem a lot worse compared to the rest of his family’s
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staticl0ve · 1 year
HIIIIII STATIC I LOVE YOU SM!!!!!! FOR ASK THINGy THING: 3, 9, 16,18 AND a question I’ve got separate.
Whether for a one-shot or a multi chapter fic, what story of yours (if all were possible) would you like a sequel for? And why?
I LOVE YOU!!! ♥️🧡💛💚💙💜
BABY GIRL. I love you. You’re amazing. You’re sunshine on a light breezy day: the warmth, the necessary vitamin d it provides, and the light the flowers all follow.
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated?
If we’re talking hits…maybe Sunflower. I wrote it in less than 48 hours and it’s fairly short but I was inspired to write something for @dattebae before she started TMG. If anything: I wish I had spent more time building up the angst eheh.
For actual underrated cause I lowkey loved the premise: Baby, it’s Cold Outside. Connor as Vision and the reader as a Scarlet Witch type seemed like such a fun AU since there aren’t too many superhero AUs. I tend to write AUs since I get so tired of the cop coworker dynamic and there’s only so much sad homicide/drug cases I wanna explore in writing. As for this story: I really liked making Connor feel like Vision by channeling the awkward android from when canon when he meets Hank at the bar and finds him at the precinct.
9) Do you visualize scenes in your head before you write them? (Can you picture the setting, character body language etc)
Oh yeah! For sure. I’m a super visual person and it’s more I struggle with finding different ways to build a scene and I’ve been trying to picture the words as the lens of a camera. Like describing rain: how else can I say it’s raining? Is it water dripping down rooftops, puddles, cold piercing water droplets on skin or the sound of it? Things like car rides from The Pig and the Fox.
Streetlights passed by, distant orbs of gold stretching and fading across his cheekbones like falling stars over freckled constellations.
At this point I’m running out of ideas on how to describe lights on faces LMAO. I can see it in my head but it’s so different trying to find a way to say it that has some impact in the story. The chapter’s titled ‘Gravity’ there was a little paragraph about rocks trapped in orbit and how gravitational pulls would make it fall to Earth so I thought it was kinda nice to tie all these space themes together. (Also so cliche to call his freckles constellations but it’s also so fun.)
16) Do you have a method for getting characters to sound/feel in character?
I can always hear Sixty’s voice and that’s because it’s lowkey half of the shit I’d say that and it’s so easy to write a fumbling, idiot that’s funny.
Connor: when I first started writing, I’d listen to the movie cuts of the game cause I had no idea how to write him. Now: I try to hear his voice when I write a line and edit it to death if it doesn’t sound quite like him. He swears, he does use abbreviations but there is a formality to how he talks and it’s so hard balancing that.
Nines. Well. For the human AU: I pictured Henry Cavill’s characters LOL. Someone standoffish, cold, occasionally lets out a one liner that makes one do a double take and hot as hell. For android Nines: I try to make him arrogant and stubborn (in his mind: he’s always right). I know there’s fanon where he’s just this awkward, stiff, unfunny wall of a man and that’s definitely a valid approach but I find him more charming to have him experience: hot, perfect, white boy who’s never struggled a day in his life finally goes through the emotional wringer.
18) What's the most obscure thing you've researched for a fic?
For The Boy Next Door, or Nines’ story: You Drive Me Crazy, I had to look how what I thought would be frats for Harvard and learned they’re too fancy for that lmao! They have “finals clubs” and I actually looked into which one I thought Nines and Luther would join by reading on the list of the top most ones and Jfc this was all for TWO PARAGRAPHS of setup lmao. I felt so silly doing it but it made me happy to have that in there.
If you were curious: I picked Spee Club cause it seemed the most chill. But if I’m being honest: I judged them by the alumni LMAO. This one had the Kennedy’s and I figured: yeah that sounds like a good fit. But mostly the mascot is a bear and I felt in my heart that Luther would just be so amused by it.
21. Whether for a one-shot or a multi chapter fic, what story of yours (if all were possible would you like a sequel for? And why?
Dancing with the Devil. This one because I always wished I expanded more on the weird human only secret society the baddie made. I dunno if it’d be a sequel, but I wish I had written more for the story. The first chapter is SOOO short but it was the second fic I’d ever written and at the time 1kish words was enough for a chapter. I’d love to have lengthened the playful “enemies” to lovers so that there would have been more room for tension.
So not quite a sequel (although I do have a very sad/angsty one that I never wrote…) but a wish to rewrite it one day or maybe do a spin off.
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h0rr0rsaxo · 2 years
Okay I have one more request in mind! So this can be a little part two to the smutty Vince and Addict fic you wrote, but this is more soft and kinda humorous.
So the morning after, Vince wakes up to Addict tracing his scars and when he seems to tense up a little so she peppers little kisses all over them to try and make him feel better and Vince even notices a few of hers.
When they finally get up, they both are just peacefully eating breakfast until Nightmare just kind of let's herself into Addicts house to see how they are doing and she freezes and notices how they both have hickies, messy hair, and they seem kinda tired, so she puts two and two together and yells something like: "YOU TWO FINALLY DID IT!" and she teases them and maybe tries to high-five Addict who in response rolls her eyes and continues eating her dry ass toast. Vince totally loves it though and happily accepts Nightmares high-five lmao-
(sorry if this is super long but I just thought it was a sweet and funny idea so please take your time and don't do this if you don't want to!!)
[ Sweet comfort - Simp Party ]
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SYNOPSIS; Addict shows Vince just how much she truly cares for him,
PAIRINGS; Vince x Addict
CONTENT WARNINGS; A hint of angst
NOTE; I kinda got really side-tracted with this, and didn't know how to really include Nightmare in this, but I added a slight twist to this if that makes up for it-- if not, I'll be glad to make a part two!
TAGS; @insane-horror-movie-addict
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Addict's eyes fluttered open as beams of sunlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains. She kept her eyes open for a while, fighting the bleary feeling, inhaling the caramel scent that floated through the white sheets, coaxing her to close her eyes to catch a few more minutes of sleep.
Finally, after such a long night of tiring yet pleasurable activities, Vince fell asleep beside her. Her hands found him, swaddling them in his warmth, and she brought them to her cheeks to rub their backs against her skin. He subsciously flushed when she lowered herself to his chest, and began peppering them with kisses so soft it almost made him question if she was even making contact. There were dozens of scars he had been insecure of, littered along his body, but Addict didn’t mind. In fact, she found it all the more attractive.
Addict turned his hands around, rubbing his calluses with her thumb as she admired them and the little scars along his arm, trailing puckers of kisses. Her lips drew a trail in kisses as they made their way up his hands from the base of his palms to the tips of his fingers. She looked up at Vince, who was now awake and whose gaze flew to the other side of the room when it met hers and whose cheeks burned with embarrassment. It was endearing, just like everything else about him.
His scars were her favorite thing. They were warm and rough and beautiful and strong. His hands easily enveloped hers when they walked home together. They were Addict's solace, her sanity, the only thing that could pull her out of whatever hole the world had dug for her. The hands she loved worked so hard everyday. The hands that held her; the hands that protected her; the hands that massaged her aching muscles; the hands that tickled her sides on a bad day and made her laugh even when she didn’t want to.
Once her lips had graced the pads of each finger and every scar along his chest, she turned his hands back around and pressed them into her forehead. Vince stared for a moment, heart racing and breathing quickening, before he pulled her hands to his lips for a kiss of his own. He soon let her go, and a hand made its way to her face—thumb below her lips, index finger on her jaw, the rest of his fingers curled beneath her chin—while the other looped around her waist. They shared a few kisses as light as the ones she'd left on his hands, and when she called his name in that silky voice of hers, Vince thought he was going to faint just from the sound. The hands she adored pushed her back, ready to return all the love she had shown them.
Pressing her back further into the warm chest behind her, Addict places a light kiss on the hand tucked under her head, slowly peppering kisses on the fading scars scattered here and there. A soft grunt sounded behind her, and she smiled knowing that Vince was at the edge of his exhaustion.
“Vince,” she whispered, turning around slowly.
“Last night, after I got out of my shower and stuff; what happened between us,” Vince struggled with his words, but he managed to spit them out. His amber eyes were stern with her, letting her know he wanted a truthful response, “Did the whiskey make you do it in all the hype? Or was that all you?”
Addict was completely taken aback from the sudden question and her eyes went blank for a second. She could feel her cheeks heating up in a blush, but she knew making Adducf wait long for an answer might make him think twice. She swallowed hard, “It was... mostly me.”
“What do you mean mostly?” Vince narrowed his eyes and Addict meekly turned away from his smoldering gaze.
“The whiskey... they gave me the courage to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time.” Addict's face felt like it was getting redder and redder by the second. She copped a smile and looked at him, her eyes a bit watery, “I know it’s probably not the most ideal first time between two people like that. I feel terrible it took some stupid drugs to get me to do something like we did. Too pussy to do it on my own I guess.”
Vince was speechless at her detailed answer, but nonetheless he was happy with what he heard. It completely eradicated any insecurity he had about the situation, and he knew exactly how she felt. Between the two of them, as much as he hated to say, it felt like a broken record lately. He could feel that type of tension between them every time they were alone, but neither of them had the courage to act on what they really wanted: each other. If he would’ve had it his way, and didn’t have his countless uncertainties about any situation regarding the girl that now sat next to him, he would’ve taken her up in his strong arms, pressed her up against the wall, and had his way with her.
“It’s alright...” Vince managed to stammer out after an uncomfortable silence, “Sometimes, just takes a lil’ bit.”
Addict nodded and fumbled with the edge of her towel in her fingers, “Well, after last night... what does that make us?”
What did sleeping together make them now? He just didn’t want anything to end; he didn’t want how they treated each other to end, and he sure as hell didn’t want the way she looked at him to end. She was just too important to him to let any of that happen. Besides, at the thought of it, he somewhat liked the idea of potentially being her play thing.
Addict's lips parted in slight awe and she felt the tingling sensation roll around in her stomach. The older Smith brother stared back, his amber eyes unsure of what she was going to do next. Her face became agonizingly hot and she could feel her watery eyes getting even more distraught. But Addict then smiled, completely delighted to hear what had said. Vince relished at the sight of her smile; there was nothing more he wanted than to see that remarkable smile of hers. As much as Addict wanted to climb on top of him and feel his rough, warm skin on her body, the sun was already high in the sky and she wanted to spend her waking moments. Limiting herself until the next time, Addict leaned up next to him, placing her lips on his cheek. Her lips smacked quietly as they left his skin, and slowly, they brushed up against his ear. Her warm breath caressed his ear and she smiled at the sight of goose bumps rolling up his arm.
“I’m yours.”
Addict then rested her chin on his shoulder and stared at him, his amber eyes continuing to stare at the water before them. She imagined everything he had to go through, knowing what kind of pain he had to have gone through during his life. She wondered how close he was to his mother and father before everything happened, but knew it wouldn’t be wise to ask at that moment. Vince, he was mostly alone after his tragedies, and it made Addict feel so powerless. Warmth crawled up the back of her throat and her eyes began to water, and as if he sensed it, Vince looked over at her.
“What’re you cryin’ for?” He asked a bit confused and Addict put on a smile, shaking her head,
“Nothing... just sad to think such a good guy like you had to go through all kinds of shit like that.”
“Good guy.” He smirked while scoffing and shook his head, “Never been told I was a good guy, ever.”
“Well, you know I have plenty before. And it shouldn’t matter what anyone says anymore,” Addict shook her head as her brown eyes stared at him, “People don’t know what you did for me, what you do for others. Let them think what they want. You saved my life and if you didn’t show up... I wouldn’t be sitting next to you right now. And it makes me sad to think I wouldn’t be here with you.”
Vince stared back at her, seeing her watery eyes managing to break a tear from them. He glanced down at her belly, where the sunken in scar of a knife wound glared back at him. It would always be a reminder of what terrible things had happened to her, but her presence, her eyes, her smile would always be there to show that he was the entire reason why she was still alive. He never really believed in God or all the stuff about destiny and fate, but he firmly believed that the woman sitting next to him crossed his path for a reason. Whether it was just her being there to be the only person who never judged him, him being there to be her protector, or them just being together to complete one another, he didn’t know for sure. All he knew was that he never wanted to leave her side, ever.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Vince nodded and she smiled, pulling herself to her knees and turning fully to face him,
“I tell you what,” She said enthusiastically, “Tonight, why don’t we go find a decent place to eat after we finish our motorcycle ride, and then maybe, if you’re up for it, we can go watch Varrick play.”
“I can deal with that.” Vince said, but shrugged, “To be honest, kinda miss your cookin’, darlin.”
Addict laughed under her breath, leaning forward and kissing him on his cheek, “Yeah well when we get back home, I’ll make sure to cook you whatever you want.”
"…I love you so damn much." 
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hinasho · 3 years
the harder they fall was so good BUT it ran into the issue making fictional stories about real life people always does
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
restless- b. barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader, mentions of natasha romanoff, sam wilson, and steve rogers warnings: mentions of nightmares and clingy bucky but it’s mostly fluff about: bucky can’t sleep without y/n a/n: i was going to post this yesterday but i fell asleep :| my computer was literally open and nearly dead when i woke up lmao
today marks one week that you’ve been gone, and with it, the official shortest amount of sleep that bucky has gotten in a week. he supposes it’s sightly pathetic that he can’t sleep well- or, really, at all- without you, but you continuously tell him you chase his nightmares away for him, and without you there to make them disappear, where else will they go but deep into the crevices of his mind, where they’ll hide long enough for him to let his guard down and lull himself to sleep, only to wake up with the ugly memories of things he hoped he’d forgotten. he’s constantly told that his attachment to you is overbearing- not by you, though. never by you- because it must be, with how much he clings to your side, always touching some part of you so that he’s sure that, yes, you’re there. not a dream or an illusion, although you’re good enough to be one.
he misses every part of you; your fingers and the way they run through his hair, trace his features with such tenderness he nearly believes he is what you see, your voice and its ability to transform the most mundane words into the greatest poetry, sing soft songs into his skin until he’s fallen asleep, your eyes and how they examine him in the best way possible, glowing when they meet his.
he longs for you, but he can only imagine your smile, the bitter reminder that you’re probably showing it to some psychopath for the mission you’re on. he hates steve every time the memory is evoked, the panic that comes with your being used as bait for some of the most screwed up villains in the world only returning stronger. he’s tempted to go get you himself, uncaring if he screws up the mission because at least he’ll have you.
stark will call him pathetic, then go to bed with the love of his life, so bucky prefers keeping his thoughts about you to himself, much like he’d like to keep you. you’ve told him you can handle yourself, and bucky never doubts it, having been victim to the using of your skills when he first encountered you as the winter soldier. you kicked his ass then, and you kick any and all ass now.
it doesn’t help his sleeping schedule, though your calls do. he swears you’re an angel because there’s no way a normal human could glow like that through a screen, but you always laugh off his words and simply tell him to turn his brightness down. however, you haven’t taught him that yet, so he greets you with the same sentence every time. his smile is always brighter after your calls, the dark bruises under his eyes reduced as if he got a full night’s rest. it’s your effect on him, and as much as everyone teases you both for it, they appreciate it.
you’re due to come back in a week or two, but bucky is unsure he can wait that long, and judging from your chirpier-than-usual voice in your latest interaction, you’ve finished early, like you always do. he likes to imagine it’s because of him, behind the deprecating voice that screams at him why would it be? (the answer is that you love him and hate every second you’re away from him)
sam scoffs when he overhears him telling that to steve, sitting down next to bucky, “man, there is no way you can tell that from a phone call. even if you could, i know she’s good, but to shave two weeks off mission time? natasha hasn’t even been able to do that.” a proud smile grows on bucky’s face without his permission as he shrugs, “she’s that good,” he brags, choosing to ignore the fake gag sam sends his way.
you frown when he tells you what he thinks on your call a few hours later, lips puckering into a small pout, “how did you know? i wanted it to be a surprise!” you ask through a crackled voice. so much for state of the art technology, bucky thinks, but is glad nonetheless to hear your voice. “i know you too well, doll. you’re really coming back today?”
you nod excitedly, biting your bottom lip. “mhm! i missed you and my bed too much to stay here a moment longer. villains are such pervs,” you complain, nose scrunching. bucky’s jaw sets when he hears your words, immediately thinking the worst. “but, i’m coming back today, so it’s fine. what do you want to do when i get back?”
bucky shrugs, “be with you,” he answers simply, making you laugh. “other than that, dummy. we could watch a movie, have a little date night to make up for the one i missed while i was gone.” bucky grins at this, remembering his plans for that night. “okay,” he agrees, “we’ll watch one of those movies on my list. although sam put some weird ones.”
you concur through chuckles that pass through the phone, reminding him how much you love him. he swears an oath to never let you go again and bites back a yawn that you see right through. “you’re sleeping the moment i get back,” you instruct, and bucky nods with your words, even when the sole idea of your being within arm’s reach is obviously too enticing to pass up for sleep. “whatever you want, doll. as long as you’re here.” he replies, thinking about spending the night pressing kisses to your hair and checking for any injuries you may have withheld from him.
the sentence is dishonest and you both know it, but you leave it at that, missing him too much and sure he’ll rest with how exhausted he must be. you say goodbye without the actual words, only giving a blown kiss and a “see you later.”
bucky spends the rest of the hours without you thinking of you, skimming through the words written in the little blue notebook you got him to replace his old one. that one sits on his dresser, the disuse proven by the layer of dust that covers it. the names he spent hours agonizing over, tracing his fingers over the indents made by the pen, are hidden by its cover. they never fade from his mind, though. only half of the pages of the one you gave him are blank now, and the ones that aren’t are bright and white, inviting him to drop his pen on the lines and jot whatever reference he didn’t understand but wants to. he eyes the names of the movies and shows, some accompanied by quotes that refer to them. “new girl: nick miller,” he reads, remembering how one of your friends said he was the avenger version of the character. “friends: ‘joey doesn’t share food,” sam told him that one when he didn’t let him have any of his chips. he looks at clueless, recalling the way all of his teammates stare at scott whenever the movie comes up. there are a couple pages like this, some of them recommendations and others titles he kept hearing. tonight, he decides on starting a new show, but he leaves the actual show up to you to decide.
you arrive a couple hours later, when stars have littered the darkness that bled through the sky. it’s all very rom-com-filmesque, the way you light up when you see his face- even through how tired you clearly are- and how you jump into his arms, ignoring the ache in your muscles because the way his arms wrap around you seems to make it disappear. he gathers you in his arms and kisses everywhere on your face, treasuring your laugh and the feeling of your lips pressing to his shoulder when you hug him again.
even when you pull away, he doesn’t let go of your hand, flesh fingers tracing small circles into your skin. you don’t complain, even when steve shoves papers in front of you and asks you to sign them with a sheepish look. sam comes by and teases bucky lightheartedly, hounding bucky to let you have both your hands. you chuckle at his request and squeeze bucky’s fingers, kissing the back of his hand, “oh, no, he better not,” you half-joke. he smiles, red tinting his cheeks as he gently draws you closer.
you don’t feel like driving at the moment, and you need to water your plants, completely sure that wanda forgot to do it, so you end up going to your room, even though you spend most of your time at his own room or your apartment outside the compound. you can tell how little the room has been used by the spotless counters and floors, furniture clean of any of the knickknacks you usually leave. you only sleep here when bucky leaves for long missions, his absence is overly blatant when he’s gone, and your plants keep you from feeling too alone.
you usher bucky inside, tugging open your drawers to search for something for him to wear. you grin at the soft fabric under the pads of your fingertips, recalling the memory of stealing them from bucky’s closet to soak in his scent when you couldn’t have the real thing. the considerable use has washed away all traces of him, and you decide that needs to be fixed, picking out clothing for him.
you change into one of his old shirts and make tea while he changes, smiling when you feel his arms wrapping around your waist and kissing your jaw. “what do you want to watch tonight?” he asks, and you contemplate it while you pour your drinks, shoveling spoons of sugar into each one to make it as sweet as possible- his favorite. “new girl, i think you’ll like it,” you reply after a moment.
he unravels his arms from around you, taking the mugs from the counter and following you to your room after you peck his cheek in thanks. “okay, i want to see what this nick miller is all about,” bucky says, making you laugh softly. “c’mon,” he urges, opening his arms for you after setting the cups down. you cuddle up to his side after you grab your computer, setting up netflix and choosing the show.
halfway through the first episode, bucky feels the fatigue hit him like a ton of bricks, hours of missed sleep catching up to him now that he’s finally relaxed and comfortable. keeping his eyes open is a job all on its own, and the sweet smell of your hair combined with the way your fingers move on his chest, softly writing letters and drawing shapes, is too much to resist.
you barely notice when he shuts his eyes, the evening of his breathing alerting you he’s succumbed to his tiredness. you stop the video and quietly shut your laptop, placing it on the bedside table while moving as little as possible. he feels you shift through your efforts, pulling you closer in his sleep. you chase away his nightmares like you always do, letting him sleep his first full night since you left.
he wakes up rejuvenated and embarrassed, sputtering out embarrassed apologies that you shush with kind reassurances and tender kisses. he’s reminded of how wonderful you are when you turn, arms extending to reach into your bag and carrying out a small stuffed animal that you say reminded you of him.
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channiebbang · 3 years
just listen, trust me.
synopsis: a misunderstanding drives jaemin away from the only person that he should've trusted. when reality slaps him in the face he feels miserable and tries to win his love back. or something of the sort lol
characters: Jaemin, Main Character, Jeno, and a bit of Haechan, Renjun, Chenle, Mark and Jisung.
pairing: boyfriend!jaemin x f.maincharacter
genre: angst angst angst and fluff
word count: 7k (fucking hell it's THAT long?) sorry lmao
warnings: none
author’s note: this took way too long to finish jfvamejgf but i really couldn't come up with a good enough ending. or more like i couldn't write down what i wanted to write lol but i finally finished it heheh i hope you like it and it satisfies the wait i made you go through lol 💛💛
the many things people told him echoed in his head. the dimmed lights of his studio room and the slow, low beat of the music not doing much to brighten up his mood.
she's being too friendly with that one friend of yours, don't you think?
he's warming up too much to her.
watch out, you wouldn't want someone to whisk her away from you, she is a bit naive, she could be affected too easily.
and it would all have fallen to deaf ears, because he was never one to let anyone talk about his personal life, only if one of his closest friends hadn't said something.
"jaem," jeno's voice made jaemin turn to his friend. jeno looked around to their other friends before figuring out they wouldn't let what he was going to say out of the circle.
"yeah," jaemin smiled at jeno, remnants of his laugher from what renjun was saying. jeno cleared his throat still unsure how to approach the topic.
as soon as the news reached his ears he had searched for his friend. he was unsure of the news but he figured jaemin could always ask y/n and they would solve things if it were to be lies. what jeno didn't know at the time was all the other stuff jaemin had heard.
"listen," jeno started, tongue darting out to wet his dry lips, "i.. people are saying some stuff and i-," he cleared his throat again, in nervousness, "i thought i should let you know. i don't think they are true at all! but... one can never be too sure, right?" he asked, voice unsure as his eyes darted to meet jaemin's. the latter's brows furrowed in confusion, wondering what the hell jeno was talking about and he was just about to ask when he continued.
"in case it's wrong then you guys can always just clear it out but i heard this from someone close and thought i would let you know either ways," jeno's hand scratched his neck in nervousness.
"just fucking say it, oh my god," chenle huffed, impatient with the suspense the older was building up.
"i swear to god, if you say something like a joke," haechan warned, mark snorting.
"i'm serious, just," jeno groaned, wondering why he had to be the one to break the news.
"just tell me, jeno," jaemin smiled and jeno felt the already heavy load on his shoulder get 20 kgs heavier. he took a deep breath. all in one go, he thought, just like a band aid.
"y/n is cheating on you."
and jaemin's world fell apart.
everyone could have been wrong but jeno? could jeno be wrong too?
silence. total silence followed as jaemin's smile fell and his eyes stared ahead to jeno but not really.
he thought about y/n, thought if he could picture her doing anything like than and the answer came right away, even before he finished his thought. no. just no. she could never. but they always said it's the people you least expect it from. but y/n? she could never... right?
"what the fuck are you talking about?" it was mark who had spoken, the defensive tone evident in voice as he did nothing to mask it and jeno looked away from jaemin's eyes to the eldest.
"y/n could never, she's not like that," renjun chuckled drily, in disbelief.
"jeno, are you sure about this?" haechan raised a hand in front of him to assess the grave situation.
"that's what i said. i heard this from someone who's reliable, i can't say who, though."
jaemin cleared his throat catching everyone's attention. he gulped the lump in his throat before he looked around the group.
"i'll handle this, don't worry."
that was all he said but even if he sounded calm and collected, his eyes said a different story, and his clenched jaw showed a different side of the coin. and as much as they wanted to believe he would handle it with care with y/n, they saw the storm coming even before he did. because jaemin's eyes were on fire, he was aflame. and that uncertainty he had before had just been consumed with jeno's confirmation. jaemin's tipping point was reached. as he turned to walk away a hand grasped his arm.
"jaemin," it was jisung, jaemin waited for him to go on.
"she would never do that." was all he said.
the ding of his phone's notification brought him back from the memory. he reached out to his phone deciding this could no longer be avoided. he was determined enough. with these thoughts running in his head he dialed y/n's number and pressed the phone to his ear.
"hello? jaem?" she answered, and he sighed because how could she sound so angelic, and how was he supposed to confront her when he felt his heart tighten just by her voice. he sucked up the weakness he felt for her when she called out his name again.
"hey, where are you?" he asked softly, but no matter how much he tried to conceal it, the coldness in his voice seeped through.
"i'm at the cafe near my apartment with kyunhae," she giggled and at the mention of the name jaemin saw red. what the fuck was she doing with him?
"when will you be done? i need to talk to you," he deadpanned, voice colder than y/n had ever heard and she felt at alert right away. why was he talking like that?
"jaem?" wonder laced her voice as she silently asked what was up but jaemin said nothing.
"it's urgent," he specified and y/n had asked him to pick her up right away, sensing something was wrong. and jaemin was left confused to stare at his phone again.
how long are you gonna pretend you care about me? why are you doing me this dirty? why are you faking caring about me?
with those thoughts he had gotten up, whisked his jacket from behind his bedroom door and out of the house he was.
as he drove through the streets he tried to think again, he tried to figure out again if she could really have cheated on him. he was desperate for it to be a lie but then again, jeno had confirmed it, hadn't he?
could the girl that held him so tightly when they slept, cheat on him? could the girl he grew to love so much do this to him? how could she even think about it when she cried during children's movies, had ice cream cravings out of nowhere, cried in his arms, clinging to him when he had almost fainted from low blood pressure, helped him stand back on his feet whenever he was sick, babying him through the whole process. how could she cheat on him when she kissed him so softly, as if he was the most precious thing she had, when she held him so close as he murmured sweet nothings in her ears, when she looked at him with so much love when he smiled, when right as he laughed he would look over at her and she would be staring at him. her excuse? she loved seeing him happy. how could the same person that confessed her love for him in between shallow breaths, gasps and whines as he made her feel good be the same person to cheat. how could she make him feel so loved and so important if it was all fake.
it took him a total of twenty minutes to reach the cafe. he parked the car outside as he texted y/n he was out front. he waited for her leaned against the side of his car.
the door to the entrance to the cafe opened and y/n walked out first, face turned behind her as she laughed with kyunhae. jaemin's hands balled into fists as he watched the interaction, the anger swam in his veins as he watched y/n collide her fist against his in a fist bump before calling out a text me later.
y/n turned out front to jaemin and the way her eyes seemed to genuinely spark up in bright stars as soon she saw him had his heart clenching in pain. how long have you been mastering this act? how can you look this genuine?
"hi, handsome," she gushed as she pressed her chest to his, arms wrapping around his neck as she pressed a soft kiss to his jaw. jaemin gulped, eyes trained to her relaxed expression, eyes closed and a soft smile on her lips as she hugged him standing on her tippy toes. his arms shoot out out of habit as they went to wrap around her waist before his hands hovered over her frame. he couldn't do it. he couldn't pretend everything was okay.
as y/n didn't feel jaemin hug her back she pulled away slowly, her eyes looking up at him as her arms slowly fell away from him.
"jaem?" she softly called him and his eyes met hers, cold as ever. her hand raised to rest on his cheek in affection but before she could touch his skin, his fingers wrapped around her wrist and stopped her in her tracks. y/n's brows furrowed in confusion.
"let's go," he simply said as he stepped away and opened the passenger seat door for her, y/n looked at him for a few seconds more as he looked to the side and waited for her to get in, so she did.
the silence was eating y/n alive as she fidgeted with her fingers, suspecting something was wrong. she raked her brain, wondering if she did or said anything wrong but it all came empty.
"jaem?" she tentatively called for him. jaemin waited for a few seconds before he hummed in acknowledgement, but even that small sound seemed cold, colder than he had ever been.
"is something wrong?" she softly asked, hand reaching out to grasp his and intertwining their fingers before resting it on her lap. but as soon as the back of his hand rested against her jeans clad thigh he shook off her hand to grasp the wheel again.
she sat frozen, eyes trained where their hands were, her hand still in her lap the same way he had shook it off. what did i do so bad? she wondered.
"i'm driving," came his excuse but she knew something else was up. he had never rejected her touch like this.
"if something is wrong please tell me, i'll help you," she shook off the hurt before turning to him and sending a small smile, eyes pleading, but jaemin stared ahead, silent.
a few minutes later jaemin parked the car in his apartment building garage before swiftly getting out and waiting for y/n. it took her a few seconds before she was out too. they made their way to the elevators. the elevator came, they got in, and it went up to jaemin and his friend's apartment floor. all in silence.
jaemin walked in first, leaving the door open for y/n. as she closed the door behind her she made eye contact with jisung. the boy smiled warmly at the girl and stepped towards her.
"oh! didn't know you were coming over, want some?" he raised the hot pot of ramen, seemingly on the way to his room, and y/n smiled shaking her head as she took her shoes off.
"i ate, but thank you," she smiled warmly and jisung threw her a thumbs up before walking to his room and closing the door.
y/n walked into the apartment looking around for which way jaemin went before her eyes fell on his seated figure in the living room. everyone seemed to be in their own rooms apart from mark, who stood in the kitchen.
"hey," he waved, a warm smile on his lips before his eyes shifted jaemin and his smile dimmed a bit, y/n waved back.
she shuffled towards jaemin, still confused as to what happened.
"jaemin?" she called for him, his head snapped her way before he slowly stood up.
"do you have anything to tell me?" he asked and y/n thought hard and careful if she had forgotten anything but came up with nothing so she timidly shook her head, hands picking at the border of her tshirt. the one that belonged to jaemin.
"did i forget anything?" she murmured, head low as she felt guilty for forgetting something that affected him so much.
"you have nothing to tell me?" he repeated, a scoff following and y/n looked back up at him, her brows furrowed.
"okay, let me ask you this," he said, hands resting on his hips as he looked up at the ceiling. mark watched, debating whether he should leave or not, but then choosing against it, someone had to try and do damage control.
"what is kyunhae to you?" at the new question y/n's brows furrowed even more.
"jaem what are you reaching at?" she asked, confusion eating her alive. jaemin's eyes sent daggers her way and she realized that she never wanted to have that gaze on her ever again.
"answer my question; what. is. kyunhae. to. you?" he asked again, emphasizing his words. the agitation clear in his voice as he ran a hand through his hair. mark stepped into the living room area.
"jaemin, chill," he tried to calm the younger and prevent him from saying anything he would regret later. this wasn't how he thought jaemin would handle things.
"why can't she just answer?!" jaemin exclaimed. the more she delayed her answer the more anger rose in him. her lips quivered seeing a jaemin she had never seen. he had never talked to her like that, with so much hartred.
"he's just a friend! that's all! why are you asking me that!" she answered, her voice a notch higher as she felt attacked. the way he talked to her made her feel defensive. she had never felt attacked by him and she was scared, she didn't know what happened, why he was acting like that. but no matter how naive she was she wasn't stupid.
she heard what people said about her, she knew things reached jaemin's ears in the past and she had done everything in her power to show him he was the only person she loved, only person she cared about. that he was her everything, her all. she had gifted him with a matching promise ring, to reassure him that she was his, always will be. she had told him not to listen to anyone, only her. she loved him, she really did. that's why she always told him when she would be out with kyunhae, she wanted him to know that whenever he needed it she will drop him and come running to jaemin. because jaemin was her priority. she had told him about meeting him today too but jaemin had forgotten it seems.
"then why the fuck do i hear different things?" he all but screamed and y/n stood frozen on her spot, scared. he had never raised his voice at her, much less in the process of accusing her of anything.
"i swear jaem," her voice came out in a trembled whisper as jaemin breathed heavily, "none of it is true, i swear," she pleaded, her eyes stinging in desperation. she needed him to believe her.
"you're lying," he shook his head, an empty chuckle leaving his lips as he threw his head back in disbelief and anger, "you've been lying for who knows how long," he muttered and y/n's brows furrowed, offended.
"i have never lied to you," she breathed out, before she remembered mark standing nearby. she took two quick steps towards him, taking a hold of his hand softly, "jaem, let's talk about it in your room, okay? let's solve this," she pleaded as she softly pulled his hand but jaemin snatched his arm away from her.
"no," he shook his head, "we're gonna do it here, so you can't lie to me anymore," his voice rose as he pointed around him and y/n's eyes blurred in frustration and hurt. how could he be like this.
"jaem what has gotten into you?" she asked, voice a tremble as the first tears threatened to spill, "please, i don't want to lose you, let's calm down and talk about this," she pleaded again.
"if you didn't want to lose me you should've thought about it before you cheated on me!"
y/n felt her heart break at his words, she felt like he had pushed her off of a building, she felt like the ground was snatched from under her feet and she was left falling into the void. the emotion swam in her expression.
"what's going on?"
mark's head snapped towards renjun and haechan's figures as they stepped out of their rooms and into the living room, eyes widened in alarm shifting from y/n to jaemin and then to mark.
mark shook his head. the three looked at y/n, her emotions set on her face and they knew right away they had the whole situation wrong. jaemin had it wrong.
she didn't look alarmed, caught in the act or guilty, she looked down right betrayed, hurt, and deceived.
"i did nothing of the sort, jaemin," her voice came out offended, disbelief swimming in her tone.
"jaem," haechan walked in front of his friend, partially blocking y/n's view, "that's enough, calm down," he muttered lowly, only jaemin hearing him. jaemin shook his head as he pushed haechan away softly.
"no, i need to know why," he insisted, "why would you do that to me? why not just tell me?" he asked again.
"i didn't do anything! i understand you heard it somewhere but hell, jaemin, at least ask me before you assume the worst!" she exclaimed her arms raising and dropping by her sides.
"and you're still fucking lying to me!" he raised his voice again in exasperation.
"i have no reason to lie to you! why are you saying all this to me? how could i ever do that to you, jaem?" her voice grew quiet at the end, just the thought of his implications finally sending the tears tumbling down her cheeks. jaemin scoffed.
"exactly, how could you do that to me?! all i ever did was treat you with care, i always put you first!" he countered again, the vein in his neck popping.
"jaem, you're not listening to me, please, just listen to me," she pleaded a sob escaping her lips as she stepped closer t him, her hands grasping his cheeks in desperation for him to look at her eyes, to believe her, "i love you, i would never ever do anything like that, please trust me, let them all be, just trust me."
but jaemin took a hold of her hands and let them fall in between them.
"what if it's someone close to me that told me," he scoffed stepping away.
"jaemin don't," renjun interfered, standing in front of y/n, blocking her completely from jaemin's eyes.
"just go home y/n," jaemin shook his head as his fingers ran trough his hair and he turned away.
"yah, you're exaggerating," mark called him out and jaemin threw him a glance.
"then why bring me here? why do this in front of everyone when you could've done that when you met me, why this whole thing?" she asked quietly. she didn't know what she felt, she didn't know who this person in front of her even was.
she understood jaemin, she really did. hearing so many things from so many people must've played with his head, she understood it. but fucking hell she wished he had talked to her about it, about all of it. she wished he didn't lash out on her, she wished he had just remembered who she was and how much she loved him. she was a person too, wasn't she? she could get hurt too, right?
when jaemin didn't answer she hurriedly turned around, making her way to the door. she fleetingly saw the youngest two silently standing in front of their door at the commotion but she paid no mind to that. all she wanted was to go away. y/n felt so lost, so betrayed; why didn't he believe her? why didn't he just ask her?
"y/n wait-" haechan tried to call back the girl but she was already out of the door, quickly walking to the elevator and pressing repeatedly on the button.
"fucking hell jaem, is this how you planned to handle it? really?" renjun scolded the black haired guy. jaemin sat on the couch, head in his hands and eyes brimming with tears. suspiciously all their phones dinged one after the other. chenle and jisung looking at each other in confusion as they were the only ones to notice.
mark ran out of the apartment slowly coming to a stop in beside of y/n. she kept her head down, tears dripping on the floor from the tip of her nose as she sniffled.
"y/n," mark took a hold of her elbow, "wait for a second, you can't leave alone. it's late, I'll take you home, hmm?" he tried to persuade her softly, careful not to be too loud. but she shook her head.
"thank you, but i need to be alone," she whispered, her shoulder shaking as she took in a harsh breath. mark's eyes softened.
"let me call you an uber, at least?" he offered again, hand caressing her hair in affection but she shook her head again.
"I'll be okay," she muttered as the doors to the elevator dinged and opened. y/n took a step forward before coming to a stop when another pair of shoes came into her view, she stepped aside muttering a sorry.
"oh, y/n..?" jeno's voice was surprised, his phone held on his hand and his eyes wide. he looked at mark, who held the most disappointed look on his face, brows furrowed. jeno looked back at y/n in confusion.
she looked up at his voice and the sight of her wet cheeks, red nose and swollen eyes sent an alarm to jeno. his eyes widened as he stammered.
"fuck, y/n, I'm so sorry- i didn't know-" jeno was at a loss of words as realization dawned on y/n and she smiled bitterly.
"it's okay," she simply said as she walked into the elevator and waited for the doors to close.
jaemin looked up as mark and jeno walked into the apartment, just at the same time as jisung and chenle stumbled out of their rooms, phone grasping in their hands.
"hyung, you gotta see this," chenle shoved his phone into jaemin's face. the latter took in a deep breath, taking the phone from the younger.
"jaem," jeno muttered, eyes remorseful, "i'm so sorry," he solemnly muttered out, and jaemin furrowed his brows in confusion before looking at the screen of chenle's phone.
under the instagram picture, written in bold letters, the words "SHE SAID YES" and the small line underneath "thank you y/n for helping me make it even more memorable" were mocking him. and as jaemin ran his fingers through his hair for the nth time that evening and gripped his roots in a vice like grip, his eyes scanned the picture. the picture of kyunhee and who he assumed was his fiancé now. jaemin felt like the biggest idiot in the planet.
so as y/n helped kyunhee with the preparations of his engagement party with the biggest smile she could muster up, the happiness she painted on didn't quite reach her eyes. jaemin had tried again and again to contact her but y/n made it a point to ignore all his texts and all his calls, only using her phone when extremely needed.
she helped her dear friend through the whole process, never missing a beat to tell him and the lucky girl how proud she was of them both.
kyunhee felt guilty taking her help, so much so that y/n had screamed at him to not give her the pity look. she had explained that she needed the distraction and after much thought he let her handle whatever she wanted.
he told himself if he ever came face to face with jaemin he would've made him taste his fist, but he knew they would resolve their misunderstanding. of course they would, they loved each other infinitly after all.
y/n was surprised when two days after the break up her mother came knocking on her door. at first she had thought jaemin had called her and as soon as she was about to send her mother away, the older woman had told, "i knew something wasn't right, i could feel it." and so y/n had her dearest mother at her apartment, making sure she got the energy she needed and she ate well.
jaemin on the other hand was lost. completely lost. he beat himself up for how he had talked to y/n, he scolded himself for not having talked it out. he regretted not listening to her when she was asking for him to listen.
he tried calling her a thousand times. he tried texting her from the boys' phones and every time he would let a dry laugh out when she would reply "tell jaem i don't want to speak." he knew his girl knew him too well and he felt worse every time because how did he let go of her? what an idiot.
so it was with a heavy heart and jaw clenched in embarrassment that jaemin was standing in front of a building, waiting for the one he misunderstood. truth be told, he was nervous, for what he still didn't know but he had a hunch.
"jaemin," a voice pulled him out of his thoughts and jaemin turned to his right to come face to face with a poker face kyunhee. he cleared his voice, holding out his hand for a handshake.
"hey, i hope i didn't mess up your schedule, i can only imagine how busy you are," jaemin smiled a tight lipped smile. kyunhee stared at him for a second before deciding to be cooperative for y/n's sake. he grasped jaemin's hand and gave it a firm shake before letting go.
"you technically did," he sighed, jaemin's brows furrowed, a confused sound leaving his lips, "mess up my schedule. i had an appointment i had to cancel," kyunhee said, arms crossing over his chest. jaemin blinked for a few seconds before muttering a soft sorry in embarrassment. silence fell upon the two guys. kyunhee's eyes stayed put on jaemin's wavering ones. he could practically see the wheels turning in the black haired guy.
"what the hell are you guys doing?" kyunhee sighed then. jaemin's eyes snapped on him, eyes wide in alarm.
"i-i'm very sorry for misunderstanding your intentions. i really am," jaemin blabbed, kyunhee rolled his eyes.
"why are you apologizing to me when the person you should apologize to is somewhere else?" kyunhee asked as a matter of fact.
"she doesn't want to talk to me," jaemin whispered, eyes looking away and jaw clenching. kyunhee scoffed catching jaemin's attention again.
"yeah no shit she doesn't," the newly engaged one spat out and jaemin let out a humorless snicker, head nodding.
"you acted like a total dick to her, i don't even know how she hasn't blocked you yet," kyunhee shot again and jaemin listened, for he knew he deserved it. the former's eyes softened for a second at jaemin's obvious miserable eyes, before hardening again.
"oi, dickhead," he called jaemin, foot kicking at his shin, jaemin ducked to hold his shin out of instinct, eyes snapping up in despair.
"oi! what was that for?" he called.
"i won't tell you to go to her place and beg for forgiveness, because quite frankly, that's not going to work," kyunhee deadpanned and jaemin nodded, hanging to his every word.
"give her time, jaemin, she's hurt," he continued.
jaemin stared at the floor at his feet as he thought. guilt enveloping him in its arms as usual these days. he took a deep breath again and looked up at his girlfriend's friend, he offered a small smile.
"thank you, really," jaemin muttered, genuine gratefulness in his voice, "for holding her up, i know it should've been me but i'm glad she has a friend like you, i'm really sorry again."
"it's okay, don't worry about it. just think about what kind of pose you need to hold when you're begging on your knees for her forgiveness," kyunhee bit back in a lighter tone, feeling weird about all the formality. jaemin snorted the real smile in a while, grateful kyunhee got rid of the heavy serious air around them.
"congratulations on your engagement, by the way," jaemin clapped the side of kyunhee's arm and the latter thanked him, before a thought hit him and his eyes squinted as he looked at jaemin.
"uhhh why are you looking at me like that?" the black haired one asked, an unsure tone to his voice.
"you know what? why don't you..."
"the place looks so pretty!" y/n turned to her mother with a proud smile as the older woman looked around the engagement party venue with sparkling eyes, "you did a great job, love," she turned to y/n and lovingly caressed her face.
"thank you, mom," y/n giggled, her hand grasping her mom's as they made their way through the crowd.
the venue was decorated in hues of white and lilacs, the stage at the front of it was decorated with fresh flowers and thin branches giving it a very fresh look.
her eyes lit up when she saw her dear friend and his fiancé in the distance.
"let's go say hi to kyunhee," she told her mother as they made their way towards the couple.
it was thirty minutes later, when y/n was enjoying her time with a few friends and their families that the murmurs started.
at first y/n didn't pay any attention to it because who cares if a handsome guy was at the party, she was already taken. well. not anymore, but that didn't change the fact that her heart lay where jaemin was.
so imagine her surprise when she turned around to look around the place and her eyes fell on none other than the handsome guy everyone was talking about. na jaemin.
as soon as their eyes met y/n's head snapped towards kyunhee a few meters away, talking to another guest, and the piece of shit had the audacity to smile at her and throw a wink before returning his eyes to the guest.
jaemin slowly came to a stop beside her, back as straight as a wooden plank, shoulders tense. he threw a tight lipped smile around the few people surrounding him as he greeted them.
"jaemin dear?" y/n's mother's eyes sparked up in adoration and y/n smiled softly at the scene as her mom engulfed a chuckling jaemin in her arms, hands grasping his face softly as she gushed over him.
"how long it has been, love, how are you?" she asked and jaemin chuckled before patting her back and stood back up straight to look at her.
"too long, sorry i couldn't come to say hi sooner, i was stuck with all the assignments i pushed back," he apologized, ever the gentleman and y/n's eyes stung a bit as she blinked.
"ahh you study so well, but don't neglect your health," she smiled again as she hugged him tighter and jaemin nodded hugging her back. what he didn't expect was the words the older woman whispered in his ear as she pulled away.
"make things right, love, fight for each other," and she gave him the most loving smile as she said something about enjoying the evening and walked to a group of ladies.
jaemin's eyes fell on y/n and she looked away as jaemin stepped up beside her as she pulled away from the small group, saying something about getting a glass of prosecco.
she threw him a side glance as she stopped at the table.
"why are you following me," at the sound of her voice jaemin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. his hand twitched to hold hers.
"i wanted some prosecco," he muttered and a small smile pulled at his lips when she blushed in embarrassment before nodding and moving away with the glass in her hand, jaemin doing the same. the two stood at the side in silence.
"y/n," jaemin called after a while and y/n hummed, her eyes trained to the live band, "i'm very sorry," he whispered. y/n stopped in the middle of taking a sip before detaching the glass from her lips.
"i don't want to talk about it, jaem," she muttered before taking the sip, finishing the content in the flute all in one go. jaemin's hand rested against the back of her waist in reflex.
"slow, you're gonna get dizzy," he muttered and y/n could hear the worry in his tone, and she hated it because how could he sound like that after all he had said.
there were a few things that put jaemin's worry at rest. that assured him that y/n was still is girl. he felt a small smile tug at his lips when she called him by his nickname, when she didn't push away his hand on her waist, his chest puffed out, and when she nodded at his words of worry he felt himself relax a bit.
"you're beautiful," he muttered loud enough for only y/n to hear as he took a sip of his prosecco, eyes set on her as she turned around with narrowed eyes, only to blush like crazy when her eyes met his. jaemin's eyes held an intimacy she couldn't hold right now. he let out a deep chuckle when her chest and neck set up in flames.
they stood there side by side as they watched the many couples dancing. jaemin's eyes would settle on her every few seconds, so much so that she could feel it every time.
"what are you two doing?" y/n's mother's voice made the couple's head snap to the side. y/n made sure a soft smile settled on her lips as her mother's friends followed her.
"who's this, y/n?" one of them asked, curious eyes settled onto jaemin, the latter giving a polite smile and a bow as he muttered his hellos. before y/n could answer, her mother chimed in.
"oh! this is jaemin, i told you about him! he's my daughter's boyfriend, such a gem, let me tell you. sweetest boy i ever met," she gushed, and y/n's panic stricken eyes met jaemin's smiling ones. her eyes narrowed at his pleased look.
"oh my, he's so gorgeous! you're absolutely stunning, dear!" one of the women smiled as she caressed his cheek and jaemin chuckled, muttering a thank you.
"well, what are you two doing here? go for a dance!" y/n's mother ushered as she pushed them to the clearing, where other couples were dancing.
y/n made to protest and push back but her words got swallowed up by the encouraging giggling of the older women as they stumbled upon the floor.
y/n looked at jaemin as he settled his prosecco flute on the tray of a passing waiter.
a few minutes later the two found themselves slowly swaying to the music. one of y/n's hands in jaemin's as his other hand rested against the middle of her back. his thumb brushed slowly in a comforting manner, so much so that y/n found herself stopping from leaning her head on his shoulder out of instict.
jaemin's eyes stayed on her features as hers looked anywhere but him. his heart hurt that she didn't want to even look at him, but he also understood. he had hurt her deeply, after all.
"y/n," he called, voice loud enough only for her to hear. she hummed in acknowledgment, "look at me," he tapped his thumb against her back and she reluctantly looked up at him.
"i'm sorry," he squeezed her hand, and she remained silent. she didn't know what to say. what do you say to sorry when you can't say it's okay? do you ignore it? do you say i heard you? do you just nod? what do you do?
people say sorry and expect everything to be fine, they say sorry when they know the answer is going to be it's okay. but, to y/n it wasn't okay, it couldn't be okay. she didn't know if it would be anytime soon or anything. all she knew was that she was hurt, extremely hurt. so she couldn't say it's okay.
she loved jaemin tremendously. so much so it was scary. she loved him so much her chest hurt sometimes, her lungs felt like giving out and her heart felt like squeezing the life out of it. it was painful how much she actually loved him. she felt like crying if she didn't ignore how much she actually loved him.
not because it was unhealthy, but because she knew she would give it all up for him. she couldn't dwell too much on the love she harbored for him, she just had to live with the knowledge that she loved him a lot. she knew if she tried to think about how much she loved him she would cry so much it would worry him. and she didn't know how she could ever explain that.
because how do you explain to someone you love them so much you want to cry because your heart hurts, it hurts so much because even your heart is too small to contain that much love. because you love everything about them, all of it. and you know how cheesy it is when people list out all the reasons why they love someone but your love is different; you can't pin point what exactly you love, you can't pin point what makes you happy about them, and you can't bring yourself to just find one physical attribute you love about them because that would be a lie, because that's not why you love them, and you can't say personality because as much as that's the closest thing as to why you love them, it's not quite there yet.
you just love them. the essence of what and who they are, with all their flaws and imperfections and all things perfect, it's just them entirely. it's their ability to smile when they're hurting, it's the way they make mistakes and they learn, the way they just are. and you can't explain it so you just accept it that when someone asks why you love them you'll just have to say a measly i love everything about them, and as cute as that sounds it's so basic and so underwhelming to what you actually feel but that's all that you're able to say.
so y/n stared at jaemin's eyes and her eyes stung and moistened up because she could feel her heart hurting, because she let herself actually feel how much she loved him. yes, he hurt her. yes, she was in pain. but the pain she felt from loving him was so much greater and so much more overwhelming.
jaemin was quick to softly push his hand on her back and encourage her to rest her head on his shoulder, knowing how much she hated crying in public. she gladly took the support, resting her forehead on his shoulder. he hushed her as his lips pressed against her hair.
"you hurt me," she said, and jaemin rested her hand clasped in his on his other shoulder, fingers squeezing hers, arm tightening around her back.
"i know, i'm so sorry, really, i'm so sorry, princess," he muttered, lips pressed to her hair.
"i felt like i lost everything," she started, voice trembling as she forced herself to not cry, "everything we build up, everything we went through, i felt like i lost all of it. i tried to care so much for you, i tried to show you how much i loved so hard, but i-" her voice choked, "-i felt like i lost it all, and you wouldn't even listen to me. i was so alone, i felt so alone," she continued, and jaemin's eyes stung as he listened to her, because that was all she needed; for him to listen to her.
he brought her hands behind his neck as he grasped her face in his hands and pulled her back to look her in the eyes. he sent her a soft smile as his thumbs caressed her cheeks.
"i'm so sorry i made you feel like that. i'm an absolute asshole,-" "yes you are," he chuckled as she interrupted him, "i will make it up to you. i swear, i will, please accept my apologies."
his lips downturned as she shook her head before his brows furrowed in confusion when she rested her head back on his shoulder and crossed her fingers at the back of his neck.
"make it up to me and maybe i will," she spoke softly and jaemin smiled fondly as he rest one arm around her waist and the other rose up to caress her head lovingly, and y/n's eyes closed at the action, a smile pulling at her lips.
"deal," he chuckled, before he smiled teasingly, "i'm surprised you didn't cry, you crybaby," he teased and she mutter a fuck you.
"why would i cry," she scoffed and jaemin laughed at her words.
after a beat of silence, "i read somewhere if you clench your butthole right when you're about to cry it stops the waterworks, guess it works."
and jaemin laughed loudly as she shook in his arms from her own laughter.
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mox-writes · 2 years
You're Insufferable (Bucky Barnes x Reader) MoxMas Day 31
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Warning: marijuana use, that's really it
Word Count: 1,856
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader (mentions 'she' once)
Summary: Your friend drags you to an underground party and you met Bucky, who immediately falls head over heels for you.
Prompt: Fluffy, pretty, ‘princess’ character meets emo, grunge, moody character at a trashy christmas party and accidentally (drunkenly) makes them fall for them.
A/N: So this is Bucky, but really it's Frank from Endings Beginnings lmao. I just don't like that name so he's Bucky. Crossposted on moongoddessmox! All feedback is encouraged and welcome! Thanks for reading! This concludes MoxMas!!
MoxMas Masterlist | Prompt List 2
“Maybe I should do a different shirt? I don’t know how I feel about the white tank,”
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“Y/N, you look fine, come on!” your friend, Nina, yanked your arm and pulled you from in front of the mirror. You had spent the last ten minutes trying to figure out what was wrong with your outfit. It was a yellow plaid pencil skirt with a tucked-in turtleneck tank top; you had dainty gold chains over the shirt and chunky heels with frilly socks that peeked out from the top. You were trying to decide if you should put an oversized jacket over it, but something other than that felt off.
“For the love of God, Y/N, it looks great, we’re gonna be late,” Nina threw your denim jacket at you and waited by the door. Her arms were crossed and an annoyed look was on her face. You rolled your eyes at her and slipped on the light blue jacket. She was dragging you to one of her underground parties, this one was in an abandoned subway station and was not your vibe, but you loved your friend so you agreed to go with her. She wasn’t really annoyed with you, you just tended to be the cause of tardiness every single time and there was a girl she was looking forward to seeing.
You followed her down the dusty steps of the station, loud music blared from somewhere nearby and echoed through the tunnels. You walked by people dressed in baggy jeans and jackets, most of them had beanies on and smelled of weed. Some others were dressed in dark skinny jeans and t-shirts, you swore you walked into a Converse ad. As you entered the main area, you were met with a dancing crowd and smog of marijuana. There were only a couple people dressed similarly to you but they were off with their friends and only gave you a nod of welcome as you traversed the abandoned station. Nina found the girl she was smitten with, a blue-haired, dark-skinned baddie with looks that could kill. You engaged in conversation with them for most of the night.
A couple hours in, people had created a mosh pit on the empty tracks, bumping and pushing each other to the music that played. Ice Nine Kills, Nina had told you. A band whose music was themed around horror movies. You couldn’t deny it was good, it made you almost want to get in the pit yourself. You settled for the circle pit on the platform though, a much safer option for someone who didn’t want to get knocked in the face and bleed on the crisp white tank on their body.
After going around and around the circle pit, jumping and running and laughing with Nina and your fourth alcoholic drink in hand, you had to take a break. It was nearing the time that you would take off your shoes and smoke a stranger’s blunt, so you scanned the crowd, looking for the perfect victim. That’s when you spotted him, a dark-haired, mysterious man sitting in the corner with a perfectly wrapped joint hanging from his lips. He watched you come to a stop in the pit, eyeing him and drunkenly walking toward him. He brandished a smile and sucked in a large puff of smoke, releasing it in your direction as you stood in front of him.
“Care to share?” you asked, your words slurring ever so slightly as you reached your hand out. He flicked his eyebrows up and picked the blunt from his lips, tipping the mouth end toward you for you to take. You smiled and grabbed it, your fingers brushing against his thick ones before holding it to your mouth and taking a long, deep drag of it. The longer you sucked, the bigger the man’s smile got, until you released it with a long, smooth exhale. He expected you to cough, to feel the burn of the smoke make your throat coarse and force you into a fit of coughs as you tried to breathe. But you didn’t. It was almost seductive, the way you released the neverending stream of smoke until your lips curled into a smile.
“I’m Bucky,” he said, tipping his head back a bit as if to project his voice up to your standing figure.
“I know,” he said as he took the blunt from you. You furrowed your brows, you didn’t remember meeting him before, you wouldn’t have forgotten such a beautiful man.
“Yeah? How’s that?” you asked as you sat on the empty milk crate beside him, crossing your legs to close the gap in your skirt. You traded the blunt back and forth as you spoke.
“You were at the last party, the one in the water tower. I’d remember that preppy little outfit any day,” that was it. That’s what was wrong with your outfit. You wore the exact same thing to the last party. Your cheeks became flush, embarrassed that he probably thought you didn’t wash your clothes. Not that he seemed like the peak of cleanliness.
“Also, I know Nina, she doesn’t shut up about you,” he shrugged and dragged on the joint again, exhaling the smoke and watching the crowd. They were dancing to Christmas music covers by indie and punk bands now, a much more appropriate playlist seeing as it was Christmas Eve.
“Funny, she doesn’t talk about you,” you joked, offering him the last puff. He smiled and looked down, shaking his head and letting you finish off the weed. His eyes crinkled when he smiled, the red Christmas lights that hung haphazardly around the lengths of the brick walls illuminated his face. You couldn’t see his eye color, it was shadowed by his brows and he was tinted red from the lights.
“So, do you always wear the same outfit to these things?” he looked at you, his smile never fading.
“Believe it or not, I actually have a full closet of outfits,”
“Ooh, a full closet you say? So, you just really like this one or something?” ugh. He was intoxicating. The way he felt comfortable enough to joke around with you made you ease up a bit.
“Listen, Buck, that party was so long ago I didn’t remember that I wore this,” you rolled your eyes.
“Funny, I remembered, isn’t that what’s supposed to matter?” he took a swig from his near-empty beer.
“Only if it’s someone important who remembers,” you smirked, unsure if that joke would be a step too far but being too drunk to marinate on it. Luckily, he laughed. A good, hearty laugh.
“I guess you’re right,” he shook his beer bottle, the last sip swishing around the bottom, “I need another, wanna come with?” he looked at you. God, she’s beautiful.
“Sure, but how about we get it somewhere else?” you winked. His eyes flashed to yours, before trailing down your body. Bucky smiled wide, perfect white teeth in full view before he slid his tongue across them. He stood up, straightening out his jeans before extending a hand to you. You took it and groaned as you stood, the ache in your feet present now with the pressure. You paused, leaning down to unclasp your shoes and take them off, holding them by the straps as you took his hand again. You tapped Nina on the shoulder as you walked by, telling her that you were leaving.
You and Bucky walked down the dark sidewalk in search of a bar that would be open. After block after block of zero luck, you decided to take a break from walking and sit on the curb of the empty street.
“I probably shouldn’t drink anymore anyway,” you chuckled softly. You rested your head on Bucky’s shoulder, a closeness you’d only share with a stranger after being intoxicated. He welcomed it though, the warmth of your body relaxed the chills the cold winter air caused him. You folded your arms over your chest in an attempt to get warmer, a skirt and tank top was a poor choice of outfit. Bucky noticed, taking in the sight of goosebumps on your face and neck. He slipped off his corduroy jacket and laid it over your shoulders. You accepted it, surprised that he would offer his one thing of warmth to a stranger.
“Thanks,” you muttered, resting back on him. He smiled and wrapped his metal arm around you. The arm took you by surprise, it was black and gold, and fuck it was cool.
“We should get you home,” he said against the top of your head, before helping you stand up.
By the time you reached your apartment on foot, you had sobered up quite a bit and got to know Bucky more. You stood on the steps, slipping off his jacket and handing it over to him. He took it and folded his hands underneath, pressing it against his chest. He watched you fiddle with the end of your own jacket, not wanting to part from him quite yet.
“Well, I should probably let you go in and get some rest, you had quite a busy night,” his voice was warm and light, he motioned randomly with one hand that he slipped out from under the jacket.
“Yeah, you’re right, running around town with some rando really exhausts you,” you smiled at him, “honestly, I’m surprised you’re not inviting yourself inside,” Bucky chuckled, looking down and flashing his eyes up at you.
“If you want me to come inside, darling all you have to do is ask,”
“Oh?” you took a few steps down to be closer to him, “well, who says I even think you’re cute enough to warrant such an idea?” your voice was lower now, seductive and waiting, waiting to see how he’d react. Bucky took a step closer as well until the clouds of your cold breath were one and the same.
“Maybe it is me who would like to come in, maybe you make my heart pound, and the thought of being away from you without so much as a kiss goodnight makes my stomach churn,” he was whispering, eyes dark and looking slowly between your lips and your eyes. Your stomach was consumed by butterflies. Swallowing hard you leaned forward until your lips almost touched. His eyes were locked on yours. You could see the color now under the street light, the purest, most beautiful blue you’d ever seen.
“But if I invite you in, you’ll see that I don’t actually have different clothes, my closet just looks like a cartoon character’s wardrobe. The same outfit labeled for different days,” you pulled away with a chuckle and a smirk. Hiking back up the steps, you turned around when you reached the door.
“You’re insufferable,” Bucky laughed. It was hard, almost a cough but it was pure. A release of sexual tension left his body with it and he was left wanting more, enticed by the chase.
“Goodnight, Buck, and Merry Christmas!” you blew him a kiss before disappearing through the door.
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moongoddessmox · 2 years
You're Insufferable (Bucky Barnes x Reader) MoxMas Day 31
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Warning: marijuana use, that's really it
Word Count: 1,856
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader (mentions 'she' once)
Summary: Your friend drags you to an underground party and you met Bucky, who immediately falls head over heels for you.
Prompt: Fluffy, pretty, ‘princess’ character meets emo, grunge, moody character at a trashy christmas party and accidentally (drunkenly) makes them fall for them.
A/N: So this is Bucky, but really it's Frank from Endings Beginnings lmao. I just don't like that name so he's Bucky. Crossposted on mox-writes for notification purposes! All feedback is encouraged and welcome! Thanks for reading! This concludes MoxMas!!
Masterlist | Mox-Writes | MoxMas Masterlist
Prompt List 2
“Y/N, you look fine, come on!” your friend, Nina, yanked your arm and pulled you from in front of the mirror. You had spent the last ten minutes trying to figure out what was wrong with your outfit. It was a yellow plaid pencil skirt with a tucked-in turtleneck tank top; you had dainty gold chains over the shirt and chunky heels with frilly socks that peeked out from the top. You were trying to decide if you should put an oversized jacket over it, but something other than that felt off.
“Maybe I should do a different shirt? I don’t know how I feel about the white tank,”
“For the love of God, Y/N, it looks great, we’re gonna be late,” Nina threw your denim jacket at you and waited by the door. Her arms were crossed and an annoyed look was on her face. You rolled your eyes at her and slipped on the light blue jacket. She was dragging you to one of her underground parties, this one was in an abandoned subway station and was not your vibe, but you loved your friend so you agreed to go with her. She wasn’t really annoyed with you, you just tended to be the cause of tardiness every single time and there was a girl she was looking forward to seeing.
You followed her down the dusty steps of the station, loud music blared from somewhere nearby and echoed through the tunnels. You walked by people dressed in baggy jeans and jackets, most of them had beanies on and smelled of weed. Some others were dressed in dark skinny jeans and t-shirts, you swore you walked into a Converse ad. As you entered the main area, you were met with a dancing crowd and smog of marijuana. There were only a couple people dressed similarly to you but they were off with their friends and only gave you a nod of welcome as you traversed the abandoned station. Nina found the girl she was smitten with, a blue-haired, dark-skinned baddie with looks that could kill. You engaged in conversation with them for most of the night.
A couple hours in, people had created a mosh pit on the empty tracks, bumping and pushing each other to the music that played. Ice Nine Kills, Nina had told you. A band whose music was themed around horror movies. You couldn’t deny it was good, it made you almost want to get in the pit yourself. You settled for the circle pit on the platform though, a much safer option for someone who didn’t want to get knocked in the face and bleed on the crisp white tank on their body.
After going around and around the circle pit, jumping and running and laughing with Nina and your fourth alcoholic drink in hand, you had to take a break. It was nearing the time that you would take off your shoes and smoke a stranger’s blunt, so you scanned the crowd, looking for the perfect victim. That’s when you spotted him, a dark-haired, mysterious man sitting in the corner with a perfectly wrapped joint hanging from his lips. He watched you come to a stop in the pit, eyeing him and drunkenly walking toward him. He brandished a smile and sucked in a large puff of smoke, releasing it in your direction as you stood in front of him.
“Care to share?” you asked, your words slurring ever so slightly as you reached your hand out. He flicked his eyebrows up and picked the blunt from his lips, tipping the mouth end toward you for you to take. You smiled and grabbed it, your fingers brushing against his thick ones before holding it to your mouth and taking a long, deep drag of it. The longer you sucked, the bigger the man’s smile got, until you released it with a long, smooth exhale. He expected you to cough, to feel the burn of the smoke make your throat coarse and force you into a fit of coughs as you tried to breathe. But you didn’t. It was almost seductive, the way you released the neverending stream of smoke until your lips curled into a smile.
“I’m Bucky,” he said, tipping his head back a bit as if to project his voice up to your standing figure.
“I know,” he said as he took the blunt from you. You furrowed your brows, you didn’t remember meeting him before, you wouldn’t have forgotten such a beautiful man.
“Yeah? How’s that?” you asked as you sat on the empty milk crate beside him, crossing your legs to close the gap in your skirt. You traded the blunt back and forth as you spoke.
“You were at the last party, the one in the water tower. I’d remember that preppy little outfit any day,” that was it. That’s what was wrong with your outfit. You wore the exact same thing to the last party. Your cheeks became flush, embarrassed that he probably thought you didn’t wash your clothes. Not that he seemed like the peak of cleanliness.
“Also, I know Nina, she doesn’t shut up about you,” he shrugged and dragged on the joint again, exhaling the smoke and watching the crowd. They were dancing to Christmas music covers by indie and punk bands now, a much more appropriate playlist seeing as it was Christmas Eve.
“Funny, she doesn’t talk about you,” you joked, offering him the last puff. He smiled and looked down, shaking his head and letting you finish off the weed. His eyes crinkled when he smiled, the red Christmas lights that hung haphazardly around the lengths of the brick walls illuminated his face. You couldn’t see his eye color, it was shadowed by his brows and he was tinted red from the lights.
“So, do you always wear the same outfit to these things?” he looked at you, his smile never fading.
“Believe it or not, I actually have a full closet of outfits,”
“Ooh, a full closet you say? So, you just really like this one or something?” ugh. He was intoxicating. The way he felt comfortable enough to joke around with you made you ease up a bit.
“Listen, Buck, that party was so long ago I didn’t remember that I wore this,” you rolled your eyes.
“Funny, I remembered, isn’t that what’s supposed to matter?” he took a swig from his near-empty beer.
“Only if it’s someone important who remembers,” you smirked, unsure if that joke would be a step too far but being too drunk to marinate on it. Luckily, he laughed. A good, hearty laugh.
“I guess you’re right,” he shook his beer bottle, the last sip swishing around the bottom, “I need another, wanna come with?” he looked at you. God, she’s beautiful.
“Sure, but how about we get it somewhere else?” you winked. His eyes flashed to yours, before trailing down your body. Bucky smiled wide, perfect white teeth in full view before he slid his tongue across them. He stood up, straightening out his jeans before extending a hand to you. You took it and groaned as you stood, the ache in your feet present now with the pressure. You paused, leaning down to unclasp your shoes and take them off, holding them by the straps as you took his hand again. You tapped Nina on the shoulder as you walked by, telling her that you were leaving.
You and Bucky walked down the dark sidewalk in search of a bar that would be open. After block after block of zero luck, you decided to take a break from walking and sit on the curb of the empty street.
“I probably shouldn’t drink anymore anyway,” you chuckled softly. You rested your head on Bucky’s shoulder, a closeness you’d only share with a stranger after being intoxicated. He welcomed it though, the warmth of your body relaxed the chills the cold winter air caused him. You folded your arms over your chest in an attempt to get warmer, a skirt and tank top was a poor choice of outfit. Bucky noticed, taking in the sight of goosebumps on your face and neck. He slipped off his corduroy jacket and laid it over your shoulders. You accepted it, surprised that he would offer his one thing of warmth to a stranger.
“Thanks,” you muttered, resting back on him. He smiled and wrapped his metal arm around you. The arm took you by surprise, it was black and gold, and fuck it was cool.
“We should get you home,” he said against the top of your head, before helping you stand up.
By the time you reached your apartment on foot, you had sobered up quite a bit and got to know Bucky more. You stood on the steps, slipping off his jacket and handing it over to him. He took it and folded his hands underneath, pressing it against his chest. He watched you fiddle with the end of your own jacket, not wanting to part from him quite yet.
“Well, I should probably let you go in and get some rest, you had quite a busy night,” his voice was warm and light, he motioned randomly with one hand that he slipped out from under the jacket.
“Yeah, you’re right, running around town with some rando really exhausts you,” you smiled at him, “honestly, I’m surprised you’re not inviting yourself inside,” Bucky chuckled, looking down and flashing his eyes up at you.
“If you want me to come inside, darling all you have to do is ask,”
“Oh?” you took a few steps down to be closer to him, “well, who says I even think you’re cute enough to warrant such an idea?” your voice was lower now, seductive and waiting, waiting to see how he’d react. Bucky took a step closer as well until the clouds of your cold breath were one and the same.
“Maybe it is me who would like to come in, maybe you make my heart pound, and the thought of being away from you without so much as a kiss goodnight makes my stomach churn,” he was whispering, eyes dark and looking slowly between your lips and your eyes. Your stomach was consumed by butterflies. Swallowing hard you leaned forward until your lips almost touched. His eyes were locked on yours. You could see the color now under the street light, the purest, most beautiful blue you’d ever seen.
“But if I invite you in, you’ll see that I don’t actually have different clothes, my closet just looks like a cartoon character��s wardrobe. The same outfit labeled for different days,” you pulled away with a chuckle and a smirk. Hiking back up the steps, you turned around when you reached the door.
“You’re insufferable,” Bucky laughed. It was hard, almost a cough but it was pure. A release of sexual tension left his body with it and he was left wanting more, enticed by the chase.
“Goodnight, Buck, and Merry Christmas!” you blew him a kiss before disappearing through the door.
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🕯Anon said: hi sweetheart 🕊 can you write about armin having a quiet night with the reader? something like wearing comfy pajamas, fairy lights, cute little candles, incense, soft songs and maybe some reading? and they just cuddling? 🥺 i think about that whenever i go to sleep and do all of the above, but i'm just by myself lmao anyways, thank you so much 🌸 (btw i'm the anon who asked you about the armin x painter!reader 🥺 hello 🥺 i just love how you write can we be friends please) 🕯
Quiet night with Armin
{ Armin x Reader | tw:none | sleep help, comfort, fluff | modern }
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{ "Twilight, Valley of the Genesee" 1865 by Samuel Colman 1832 - 1920 }
Shimmering golden hues weaved across pastel blue walls in the form of strings, crossing the bookshelf before making a turn at the plants corner, illuminating the room with a soft warm glow.
Your head rested against the satin pillow, just right above Armin's shoulder, close enough that you can see the rise and fall of his chest with every breath. The ends of his hair ghosting over your cheek whenever he leaned to tell a particular clever line of the book he's been reading to you.
You can't exactly remember the name of it, but you can clearly recall his excited smile this morning when showing it to you.
"It's one of my favourites" he said, "the last time i got to reread it was in high-school, has it really been that long?" And that's all you can remember from the conversation before it got sidetracked by him asking if you had lunch yet.
There's definitely something to be said about rereading a book over and over again, a sense of familiarity, an attachment to the characters, plot and world setting. It's almost magic how quickly your comfort book, show or movie can turn a horrible day into a nice one, making it the silver lining.
Looking at the way Armin would pause for a second after some lines, or chuckle at random scenes, like it's an inside joke between him and his mind, you can tell he's definitely recalling some good memories.
Just like how he's adding to his list of comfort memories by sharing this experience with you, he wants you to be a part of this silly book he once picked up as a child and continued to revisit every few years.
You glance at the remaining pages, just as he flips another one to start anew. You've already finished a third of the book, only a quarter remaining.
It's not that you're getting impatient, but it's more that the soft blanket draped over you, the warmth of Armin's body pressed next to yours and the sound of his voice, are all luring you into a hazy cloudy state where your eyelids feel too heavy and turning your head to check the clock seems too exhausting.
How long has it been? since you curled up against him right after you went to put your empty hot chocolate mugs in the sink.
You don't have the heart to tell him that your brain stopped registering the words he's saying and instead listens to the tone of his soft-spoken voice and reacts accordingly. Stealing another glance at the remaining pages, you notice a few missing, okay good, just a few more. You can hold on right?
Forcing your eyes open, you suppress a yawn threatening to rise before curling even closer to his shoulder, face against his neck, hand over his chest.
Instead of focusing on his calming heartbeat, you try to focus your attention on different things, like the smell of snowdrops flowers filling the room from the scented incense sitting on the nightstand. 
Snowdrops, the milky bell-like flowers who befriended the cold harsh snow herself.
An ancient German tale that Armin told you, on one early spring morning. When the universe was just in bloom, as the earth shaped its form and the plants dressed themselves, when the god in the heavens above just created snow, she was told to go seek her colours from the flowers below.
She came with her request, but the flowers turned their heads, refusing to acknowledge her for she is the reason for the harsh weather, deeming their life spans short, overzealous and jealous, protecting their colours from the merciless lady snow. 
She was left all alone, friendliness, colourless with no love or sympathy from a soul.
Except for one, came knocking on her door, head bowed down and humbly offered to share. Snowdrops were the flowers that warmed the snow's heart, and so white was the colour in which snow was known.
Snow made a vow, to always protect her one and only friend, even from her own self. Under her watchful gaze, snowdrops were gifted with warmth that let them be the first flowers to bloom when winter bid her goodbyes as spring was arriving soon.
You've never seen snowdrops the same since, their delicate and shy nature standing out between all the proud flowers, you even suggested planting some to Armin.
"...but sweetheart" you remember him saying with a frown, " snowdrops are poisonous."
Yeah, and so getting their scented incense was the second best option available.
You hear the sound of another page being turned, fewer left to go, just hold on a bit longer.
Wondering the room with your eyes, your gaze fell on the straw sunhat hanging from the on the back of a chair. It's Armin's favourite, he'd always wear it when the sun was particularly bright that day.
you remember him saying it was a gift from his grandpa when he was a child.
His grandpa...didn't you visit his farm a few months ago?
...yeah you did, you can recall clearly, how you were:
Squinting your eyes to avoid the bright sun, you wiped the sweat collecting on your forehead before leaning your head back against the wooden wall. The occasional passing cool breeze distracting you from the dryness in your throat, even after moving to sit in the shade your skin still felt too hot.
The grassy fields in front stretched wide before ending in white pained fences, where the crops patches for vegetables started.
The sudden gentle waves of cool air against your skin made you glance to the side, where Armin was fanning you with his hat, while holding a tray with two ice filled lemonades in his other hand.
"Are you sure you don't want to go inside?" He said, sitting next to you before handing you the cold drink, "you've already done a lot, I'll do take care of the rest."
You've been helping Armin with the farm work since sunrise, feeding the animals together and watering the crops, saying you're exhausted from the scorching hot sun was an underestimation.
And yet, somehow Armin seems unaffected. Not a sign of being bothered as he sat there next to you with his rolled up sleeves and cuffed pants, the slight flushing to his face was the only thing he got from the sun.
"Yeah, I need to lay down a bit." You remember saying, after emptying your drink in one go.
"If that's the case then-" setting the tray aside, Armin patted his lap while looking at you, "Come here."
Too tired to protest, you layed your head on his thigh, feeling your back stretching and the cool air from his fanning was already making you feel better.
"You know, there's a story my grandpa used to tell me about the sun."
An Australian folklore, about a time when the earth was merged in absolute Darkness, when even the stars refused to light up the sky.
Eternal darkness was the fate of humanity, as people were spent their lives carrying torches to light up their way.
Gnowee was an alone mother in a forsaken world, left to fend for her little son. Each day while he slept safely, she'd venture into the the fields in search for plants or seeds. Knowing very well that's it's a matter of life and death if she couldn't come back with something edible.
Each day she'd come with whatever she could find, feeding it to her son even if it meant sleeping on an empty stomach.
But with food scarce and the abyss looming at every corner, things were harder each day.
One day after rocking her child to sleep, she quietly left with her torch to dig for yams she saw on her way last time. Retracting her footsteps, it was a long journey but she knew it'd be worth it.
And so she walked and walked till she reached the place, began digging the ground but dirt and mud was all that she could find. But she couldn't just go back to her son empty handed, and so she wandered far.
She wandered so far in fact that she reached the end, not the end of her journey but the end of the earth itself.
Somehow, in someway she managed to pass from under it, her will for her son to live another day far greater that anything, and so she emerged from the other side.
The void.
Where nothingness lived.
Looking at the vast empty space, she didn't know where she was, the line between the ground and walls was so blurred that she thought she's floating.
Panic and dread filled her mind as she raised her torch higher and higher, attempting to clear a path for her to see. For she had to go back to her son, all alone sleeping by himself.
Climbing the sky was her only solution, as she wondered the world, unknowingly lighting up a path with her as she went.
"And so the Sun Goddess wonders the sky above, in search for her son." Armin told you that day, before offering you his own lemonade to drink because he was still worried about you.
You can't recall how that day ended, you think you might have fell asleep on his lap right after.
The fairylights on the wall reminded you of the clear stars sky you've seen while on the farm, his grandfather was a really sweet guy too.
With your mind still coulded in drowsiness, your hearing was also delayed apparently, since you just noticed the book in Armin's hold was closed with him staring at you with a smile instead.
Moving so he could set the book on the nightstand, Armin turned towards you before pulling you closer to him, making sure the covers don't slip off of you. He cupped your face, stroking your cheek with love in his eyes.
"I'm sorry baby, did I take too long?" He said, glancing at the clock behind you answered his question. 
You shook your head, murmuring a slurred "it's alright." 
Posture visibly relaxing, he gave your cheek a small kiss before resting too on the pillow next to you, a yawn escaping him.
With half closed eyes, you saw him cuddling close to your chest, features softening as he bid you goodnight. Your hand moved to stroke his hair just like he always liked, lacing your fingers through the soft strands you closed your eyes too. 
Warmth took over you, the feeling of his soft breath near your neck, the comfortable weight of his arms around you, the slow ticking of the clock, it all rocked you to sleep as you happily gave in.
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seattlesea · 3 years
✨My (maybe) Unpopular Heroes of Olympus Opinions✨
(maybe part one??? idk)
-I don’t really ship any of the main canon ships in HoO. None of them had any chemistry and most of them are either pedophilic, forced and rushed, or toxic in some way
-Most of the characters that were shoved into relationships (Leo, Nico, and Hazel especially) really did not need a love interest to complete their character arcs and their relationships ended up boring and flat cause Riordan just wanted everyone to have a love interest and it never went deeper than the skin
-Piper took advantage over Jason’s amnesiac state and manipulated him. She really went ‘But what if he has a girlfriend he can’t remember 👉👈 it would be wrong to start a relationship with him while he still has amnesia 👉👈 and cause it was based off lies and fake memories 👉👈 lmao imma just jump all over him and make him fall for me while he’s still amnesiac 🤪’ as if that’s not taking advantage over someone’s mental state
-And then she blamed her relationship being forced on Aphrodite and Hera saying they ‘forced her into a relationship’ and ‘arranged their relationship’ even though Aphrodite never said anything about or did anything to them and Hera gave Piper fake memories of them being a couple but it was Piper’s conscious choice to act out on those memories she knew were fake and her relationship was in no way influenced by anyone (especially Hera and Aphrodite) other than herself
-Shelper and Solangelo were way too rushed and forced (inside and outside of the books) and were only added for publicity, plus it seems like most of the fandom only like them cause they’re LGBTQ+ ships
-I hate Pipeyna and Pipabeth. My girls (especially Reyna) deserve better than some manipulative little girl who went ‘we were friends? no weren’t ❤️’
-The fandom portrays the characters really inaccurately (tweaking them a bit for humor is fine, but changing their entire personality is a different thing)
-The movies actually aren’t that bad when not compared to the books (I mean, you gotta admit- it’s pretty good effects for 2010)
-And speaking of the movies, they did a better job at portraying Thalia and Annabeth’s relationship in one movie than Riordan did in 5+ books
-Speaking of which, Riordan wrote pretty much every platonic friendship that weren’t Thalia/Nico and Reyna horribly and most of them shouldn’t have been friends and wasted all the potential for the good friendships
-Calypso should’ve joined the Hunters, not Reyna
-Annabeth and Piper are horrible friends lmao (separately and together)
-Silena is a hero and deserves redemption, but Luke doesn’t despite most of the fandom agreeing he does (he was a pedophile y’all)
-The fandom over-exaggerated the Tartarus fall, it wasn’t really that bad tbh
-Reyna is stronger and a better leader than Annabeth
-Annabeth’s intelligence is more tell than show (and quite a few characters including Leo, Reyna, and Octavian have shown more intelligence than her)
-Riordan over-glorifies and overpowers Percy way too much. Just cause he’s the main character doesn’t mean he has to be the best of the best after barely 8 months of training (four years at CHB only in the summers is 8 months total)
-Speaking of which, Jason can beat Percy (8 months versus Jason’s twelve years) and so can Annabeth, Reyna, Thalia, Hylla, Luke, Hazel and maybe Frank and Nico. Percy’s skill is overrated and unrealistic
-And I feel like most of the fandom knows that Jason can beat Percy but just doesn’t want to admit it cause they like Percy more
-Same thing with the Greeks and Romans- the majority know the Romans are stronger and can easily beat the Greeks but they don’t want to believe it cause they favor the Greeks more
-Percy and Annabeth shouldn’t have been part of the Seven, they already had their chance to shine. Riordan should’ve brought minor characters into light instead
-And Piper shouldn’t have been part of the Seven either. Riordan really expects me to believe that she’s stronger, more powerful, and a greater/better hero and deserved to be part of the Seven more than Reyna, Nico, Clarisse, Thalia, etc.?
-Riordan’s women line-up of Reyna, Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper was really cheap and boring (Avengers: Endgame women line-up who?)
-Percy (in HoO) and Piper are easily some of the worst, most underdeveloped characters Riordan has ever written
-Annabeth got really bland and weak in HoO and couldn’t do shit for herself without others (especially newbies) having to help and/or save her. She pretty much became exclusively Percy fangirl
-As much as I like them, Frank and Hazel don’t have what it takes to be Praetors and Reyna and Jason should’ve stayed as them
-Jason’s whole ‘am I more Greek or Roman’ arc was dumb af
-Riordan’s bias towards the Romans is also dumb af (the Romans could beat the Greeks in an instant)
-Jeyna is and always will be 1000x better than Jiper
-Hazel is the most powerful demigod (way more than Percy and even Jason)
-My hot take on who should’ve been the Seven: Reyna, Nico, Thalia, Frank, Hazel, Leo, and Clovis (son of the god of sleep puts Gaea back to sleep who?)
-Riordan confirming Piper bi was a cheap move to make her more likable. It didn’t even make any sense. A character is confirmed LGBT only after they become a minor character despite being a main character before and kisses some random unnamed girl only three months after her ex-boyfriend whom she still loved dies??? girl what??? Kinda obvious it was just for publicity. Like- Riordan, honey, the LGBTQ+ community is not a circus you can plop your characters into to make them more entertaining❤️
-The PJ series as a whole isn’t that creative. It’s legit just a copy of exactly what past mythological figures have already done and a bunch of character tropes and clichés shoved into one book
-And in general it’s not even that well-written (like HP, it’s over-exaggerated a lot)
-All of the romantic relationships and platonic friendships are extremely unrealistic. Like they never argue/fight, disagree, etc. (then grow stronger from those fights) at all??? Even if they’re complete opposites???
-Reyna is the best-written character in the whole series and a queen she deserved better and y’all sit on her too much
-Theyna is ✨amazing✨ their dynamic and chemistry was just *mwah Pansexual Muslim blessings to you* and people are allowed to ship them even though they’re Hunters and swore off love
-Rachel doesn’t deserve all the hate she gets. Y’all hate on her cause she crushed on Percy when half of you are doing the same thing and then y’all go and ship Percy with Nico, Jason, Artemis, Athena, etc. 
-If y’all want to hate on Jason for ‘not having a personality’ you’d also have to hate on most of the main HoO characters except Reyna, Nico, and Leo (and maybe Hazel) for the same reason cause they have the exact same problem tbh
-Zoë and Bianca’s deaths weren’t actually that sad. We didn’t get to see them enough nor did they have enough development for their deaths to have a real impact. The only sad thing about them was Zoë’s last words and Nico’s reaction
-Thalia needed more time in the books
-Reyna was the only main female character in HoO that wasn’t a boring, bland Mary Sue that all the other characters automatically loved. She was the only one with real flaws and distinct personality traits she’s my queen
-Piper, Annabeth, and Calypso did have flaws but the fact that they weren’t called out by other characters or even noticed are what makes them Mary Sues. It doesn’t matter how many flaws a character has, if they’re not called out by other characters (more specifically, other protagonists who actually like them) they don’t count as real character flaws
-Riordan can’t write female characters for shit
-Clarisse, Drew, and Octavian deserved better than being completely antagonized for no explained reason other than to make the protagonists seem better and to make the readers root for them. Those three had more potential than most of the Seven combined
-The whole ‘Aphrodite kids don’t train’ thing is bs. It’s specifically stated that all the demigods follow a strict schedule and have to follow it or they’ll be on stable duty or smth and the Aphrodite kids shouldn’t (and can’t) be excused from that
-Therefore, Drew should be way more powerful and skilled than Piper, at least enough to not back down automatically from a duel by a newbie who hasn’t even learned how to fight (Drew can control an entire cabin of people at once and Piper can barely control one person at a time, who’s more powerful again??)
-Also I have no idea why Riordan portrays all the Aphrodite kids as weak and girly in the first place. ‘Femininity’ and ‘weakness’ are not synonymous and ‘love’ and ‘beauty’ don’t equal ‘feminine’
-Speaking of which, love is actually really powerful but Piper doesn’t stand for love or ‘inner beauty’ and all her ‘thoughtful/insightful’ quotes in ToA/TBM about love were complete bs
-Riordan using the LGBTQ+ community for the sole purpose of making Piper seem more likable and ‘special’ was disgusting and proves he thinks that straight is the default- “...Or Hera’s ideas of what a perfect couple looked like. Piper finding her own way, not the one people expected of her” my ass. In other words, he’s saying ‘The expectations for love and the idea of a perfect couple are a heterosexual relationship, and anyone who 'finds their own way instead of the ones people expect’ are different’. ‘Different’ and ‘default’ are antonyms, so if you think LGBT people are different, then you think that straight is the default. Aphrodite is the goddess of love not heteronormative bullshit. Like Riordan, honey, you’re the one who thinks that the expectations for love and the idea of a perfect couple are heterosexual couples, not fictional gods from a fictional mythology. Remember kiddos- an author writes their own beliefs
If you don’t agree with some of these that’s fine sis it doesn’t matter if you have different opinions than me❤️
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
We need to talk about Captain Rex (CT-7567)
Alright everyone. I wanna start out by saying this is not an attack on Rex’s character or anyone who likes him as a character. This is merely meant to be educational and point out some concerns with trends in popular content. That said... I know I’m probably gonna get a lot of hate for this.
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So. Captain Rex. Leader of the 501st, arguably one of the main characters of The Clone Wars series. So beloved, he even carried on into Rebels, and now The Mandalorian. And there’s one thing in specific about him that made him catch everyone’s eye— his blond hair.
(FYI: “Blond” is the masculine form. “Blonde” is the feminine form. Please don’t comment to say I spelled it wrong lmao.)
This was a big deal. They’re all supposed to be clones of Jango Fett, right? He’s got black hair. The clones we saw in the movies all had black hair. So here comes along the leader of Anakin’s battalion, the one we are most meant to follow and remember.
And this is where I introduce you to the “dark skinned blond” trope in media.
The dark skinned blond is... a bit complicated. As a whole, it is part of the larger issue of exoticism and fetishization of dark skinned characters. The white/blond hair allows them to stand out more, but also gives them a sense of Eurocentric features: thus, they have a sense of mysticism to the audience.
This can be best seen with the most well-known character that falls into this trope: Ororo Monroe aka Storm from X-Men. Her white hair sets her apart so much that the Africans in her village saw her as a goddess, and it was used as just another thing that set her apart from being normal (for context, she is a mutant).
Another time this is shown is with Princess Yue from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Here, her hair is shown to turn white when the literal moon spirit heals her as an ill newborn. The white hair is meant to show she is blessed, setting her apart from the other introduced water tribe characters and having the audience know she is someone to remember.
(Disclaimer: Yue and Storm can also be included in the ‘magical white hair’ trope, which can also include light skinned characters like Elsa from Frozen).
Most recently, another character in this trope is Usagiyama Rumi, aka the rabbit hero Miruko from My Hero Academy (Boku no Hero Academia). She is one of the top 5 heroes, thus someone important to remember, and... alongside Storm, is subject to a very large amount of fetishization in comparison to the other characters in their series. (This could be further exacerbated due to Miruko being one of the only dark skinned characters in the anime series as well).
A few other characters that fall into the dark-skinned blond trope are Aqualad and Artemis from Young Justice, Allura from Voltron, Agni in Black Butler, and even Butler in that awful new Artemis Fowl movie. It is all done in an effort to make them more ambiguous, more exotic, so you can’t really tell where they’re from but you’re sure to remember them.
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[Image: Storm aka Ororo Monroe, Princess Yue, Miruko; Aqualad, Artemis, Allura, Butler. All have dark skin and varying shades of blond hair (white, platinum, yellow).]
So then we get to Captain Rex. Here we have this lead character we know nothing about at the start of the show, but he already stands out because he looks different, despite being a clone. It really doesn’t matter what the in-universe reason is for his blondness (I know people debate if it’s genetic mutation vs bleaching).
The point is this: his design is used to set him apart from the rest, to make him seem more exotic in comparison, and thus, make him the one the creators force the audience to remember.
Honestly... I don’t know. I have mixed feelings about this trope. For characters like Storm and Yue, at least there’s magic to explain it. At least you know it can’t be real. 
With characters more like Rex, who is meant to be normal (not magical)... it feels different. It felt like the creators-- specifically, the white creators-- thought he wouldn’t be good enough for the audience’s attention as a brown man unless there was something special about him. Something eye-catching. Exotic in comparison to the other clones.
It’s a strange feeling, because overall, it’s not something outwardly racist with the character development (like with Jar Jar Binks). This is far more subtle, so subtle that it’s hard to even fully verbalize. But it’s still there, and it’s a pattern, and it’s a bit worrisome, especially when concerning a character modeled off of a real person (Temuera Morrison’s appearance was not altered for his clone roles in the prequel trilogy, and Rex’s design came afterwards.).
I wish I had a conclusive ending to this mini-essay. I don’t really. There’s nothing that can be done about Rex or any of these characters’ appearances. Just... keep this in mind for the future. Often with visual media in particular, even how a character looks can influence your perception of them, often with years of history and reasoning behind it.
This has been Tea Time with Hawk. ☕️🦅Thanks for reading :)
Part 2 here.
Why I don’t think Rex’s hair is bleached.
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
A/N: Feeling writers block so I thought I’d throw in headcannons with some of my fave boys that has been sitting in my drafts! If you want me to continue this with more characters, request em!
Intentionally or Unintentionally CockTeasing The Haikyuu Boys Because They Can’t Have Sex
(Slight NSFW)
So this is wah gwan/
Background for Understanding:
Your boyfriend was playing volleyball and pulled the groin muscle in his inner thigh. After several x-rays, he would be out a little longer than a month before making a full recovery. But the doctor told him that the boy MUST refrain from ANY and ALL sexual activity if they ever want to play again. The look on his face looked like he had just been told that the world was ending lmao. You snickered and hugged him. Reassuring them that “It’ll be fine, babe.”
But it wouldn’t be.
Because you were a little shit (unintentional or not).
Needless to say, they were having a tough time refraining from any and all sexual activity—
Here’s why:
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“Y/N. Do you think this is funny?” Asks your boyfriend seriously as he gives you a disapproving look. You’d think he was your school principal by the way he was chastising you.
You feigned innocence as you pouted at him with wide eyes. “What? What am I doing now, Toshiiii?”
He didn’t blink.
“Must you practice your splits for cheerleading right here? In front of me? Wearing a thong? Why not go to the den.”
Suppressing your urge to giggle, you leaned further into your almost-middle splits as you flipped your hair—looking back at him over your shoulder.
“No, I want to be near you, Tosh.”
Your boyfriend scoffed at your response, unimpressed and frankly pissed.
“I do not want you near me doing that. Go. Now.”
You smile because as your giant serious boyfriend spoke he stared intently at your ass only. You could see the tent forming in his jeans as he watched you stretch.
“You’ll have much more space to do this in the den.” He added.
“Oh? You want me to go to the den because I’ll have more space, love? Or could it be because you want to help me stretch out elsewhere—maybe the inside of my pussy—but the doctor said you can’t?”
Toshi’s mouth fell open at your insinuation. Annoyed and undeniably horny, he makes himself shut his mouth again. You reached your hands forward in the stretch to give your man a better visual of your ass and you could hear him groan from behind you.
Ushijima made a move to take you upstairs before remembering the doctors orders and stopping. He reminded himself why he cared so much about that sport that was standing in his way from fucking his girlfriend to oblivion and tried to calm his anger at you for teasing him.
“I’ll go, then.” He stated angrily. “I’m going to Tendou’s. Tell me when you’re done stretching, and I’ll be back.”
You waved at your boyfriend happily as he left because he looked funny marching out with a huge boner sticking out from his front.
“Okay, baby! I will!”
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“Whoaa....” Murmured Shōyo as he watched you with wide eyes. For the past three minutes he has had his eyes glued to you while you devoured the ice cream cone he had just gotten you two from your fridge.
You used your tongue to lick all around the vanilla treat. Swirling your tongue up, down, and around, sometimes making a slurpy sound that sounded quite familiar to the boy who missed your blow jobs so much.
Mans sat there watching your tongue like he was in a trance, his eyes flicking from your mouth to his attention-starved dick then back to your mouth.
When the ice cream shrunk enough to be swallowed like your boyfriends cock, you enclosed your lips around it suggestively and met your boyfriends pleading eyes as you did it.
You finished the rest of your frozen treat happily, knowing you just made your boyfriend incoherent with lust.
“Mmmm......it’s so sticky........and tastes so good....” you sigh in delight as you lick your fingers of the white creamy sweetness.
“Shōyo? You haven’t even touched your ice cream. And it’s dripping all over your hand!”
After calling his name twice more Hinata snapped out of his trance, he looked over at his dripping strawberry ice cream cone that he’d forgotten he even had as soon as he heard your first slurp.
“Oh, Y/N. Here, please, take mine too!” He shoved his ice cream in your direction and you slowly take it from your oddly acting boyfriend.
“You want me to..... have your ice cream?”
Hinata nodded enthusiastically before he quickly wiped his hands clean with a paper towel. He leaned his head on his knuckles as he got comfortable, preparing himself to watch you swirl your tongue around ice cream again like this was his favourite Marvel movie!
“Okay, I’m ready.” He says with bright, eager eyes.
Actual footage of your boyfriend Shōyo:
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“Babe. You had to pick this movie on your choice of movie night?” Your boyfriend wiped his face as a show of stress. He begrudgily stared at his screen and then looked down at you through the slits of his eyes.
Pressed to his side on the couch, you smiled up at him innocently.
“365 Days? What’s wrong with it? I think it’s interesting so far. Plus, Atsumu suggested it to me. He told me to play it on our next movie night!”
Aran clenched his fists under the blanket at your words, secretly promising himself to tell his best friend’s new girlfriend how many girls Atsumu has really been with before her the next time Aran went over there.
“Oh he did, did he? Atsumu. That angel.....” He grimaced. “Was this before or after you told him about the doctors orders when he was worried?” Aran asked between clenched teeth.
“Uhhh.....after, I’m pretty sure. But, Aran, shhhhhhh! It’s getting to a good part!” Aran watched your beautiful eyes light up as the two characters in the movie started fucking on the yacht like animals.
“Ouuu, baby. We should try that position tonight!” You quip, pointing at the screen then taking a sip of your coke.
Aran cursed his stupid friend. “I—“
“Oh right, sorry! I forgot you can’t, poo. But as soon as you are cured, can we try that?!”
Your boyfriend stared you down in mental agony as he pictured pistoning his dick in you mirroring the position on screen—only right now on this couch. His dick jumped.
“Yeah.” He sighed. “When I’m cured.”
“How long again?” You asked as you grabbed the remote to turn up the sound volume during another hot sex scene.
“Too damn long.” He rolled his eyes as he looked back at the porn-disguised-as a-romantic-movie on screen too.
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“Auuuuuuhhhhhhhhh. Yesssssssssss. F-f-f-feels soooooooo g-o-o-o-d-d-d-d, Tadashi.....”
With a violent blush, your boyfriend gave the Furniture store worker a thumbs up.
“I umm.... guess she likes it.” Tadashi reasoned, putting his hand on your shoulder. He squeezed your shoulder silently trying to tell you to quiet down in the store.
Sitting in the turbo massage chair, you moaned some more, letting your boyfriend and the worker know how much you liked how it felt. Tadashi’s ears perked up at every sigh and moan you made. He couldn’t rid his mind of memories of you moaning just like that when you’re on top of him and he has a vibrator pressed to your clit. It was clouding his thoughts. He bit his lip as he zoned out thinking about the fun you two could have on this chair at home with a vibrator. Only a month longer from this stupid injury and you’d be extra sensitive on his dick with the help of this chair....
“—and the parts will be sold separately. Should I ring you up, sir?”
Tadashi was startled when his girlfriend slapped him blindly on the chest to get his attention back to the sales associate.
What is wrong with him? You thought as you felt your lower back getting kneaded. The man is standing right in front of him and he’s zoning out? Get it together, Space Cadet Yams.
“Huh?! Excuse me?! Sorry, what?” Tadashi rubbed his eyes. “Sorry, I was distracted. Can you repeat that?!” He apologized.
The sales associate smiled kindly.
“Sure thing Mr. Tadashi.....so, I was just explaining that the massage chair is the best of its generation. If you look right here on the remote I have— it has 8 brilliant speeds and intensity adjustments. Your girlfriend is on 2 right now which means that if I increase it to, let’s say, 5 ...”
As the associate spoke, Yams was pulled from paying attention to him as you moaned louder when the level setting increased. “O-o-oh my G-g-god.....Dashi y-y-y-es.”
Picturing you saying this while you were grinding on his cunt-buried dick, Yams knew he was on the verge of defying his doctors orders and just fucking you in the car....
The massage chair dug into your tense shoulders yes LORD—
“Oh b-b-baby. T-th-thats-s th-the sp-p-p-o-t-t..”
As a last ditch effort to save his volleyball career, Yams rudely snatched the remote from the employee’s hands, scattering to hide his new erection behind the massage chair.
He clicked a button on the remote to turn the massage chair off fully while blushing at the employees shocked expression due to being interrupted and basically assaulted.
“Um, sorry! We’ll take it!” Yams freaked out apologetically.
“😱 Yamaguchi!” You scolded your boyfriend’s sudden rudeness. “That was so impolit—“ turning in the chair to see your boyfriends dark blush that you recognized to be his horny face, you stopped. It only took one look at him for you to understand exactly why he just acted completely out of character and rude. It reminded you that you have been on this sex strike with him for far too long, ugh.
You stood up from the chair, calling the confused associates attention away from your horny boyfriend. “Um.... I can sign the paper work. Want to bring me to the cash?” You asked him professionally.
The salesman blinked at Yams before looking down at you. “Uh, of-of course ma’am. Follow me.”
As you two walked away Yams’ top half collapsed on the head rest of the chair. He tried to will his hard member to soften but with the massage chair currently under his skin and so close to him, he couldn’t get your vibrated moans out of his head.
He decided that a stroll through the store’s bathroom section might help.
Ya, that would definitely help.
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“I know what you’re doing.” Your boyfriend deadpanned as you showed up late to dinner wearing an extremely low cut dress in the chest area. Your breasts could stop traffic in that and you had only just taken off your trench coat after you and Akaashi sat down so he and the female server were basically the only ones who got an eyeful the entire night.
“I like this dress, Kashi. Don’t you? Can you pass me the salad, please?”
Challenging you with his eyes and trying his best not to look down at your remarkable chest, Akaashi reached over to share you some Mediterranean salad onto your plate like a gentleman.
“Say when.” He insisted.
You smiled and leaned forward to peer at his serving so that your boobs were pressed to the forearm he held the bowl with. Akaashi’s breath hitched. After sharing way more than you could eat, you leaned in close to his ear and whispered
Your boyfriend’s eyes flickered down to your boobs before he adjusted himself to relieve the tightening in his pants.
“So, how is your injury, babe?” You ask sweetly, taking a bite of the salad and smiling at him.
“It’s fine. As long as I get to play again it’s manageable, but I believe—“
“Crap.” You pretended to be just as uncomfortable as your boyfriend sitting with a boner as you clutched the bottom of your boobs. You pressed them upward, re-situating them with purpose. Akaashi stared at your breasts openly as he took a shaky deep breath.
“What’s the matter?” He asked hungrily, calling back his composure.
“Oh, my bra wire is just bugging me. Boys wouldn’t understand......” You fixed them some more.
“I know what you’re doing, Y/N.” Akaashi licked his lips and watched you basically fondle your soft breasts in front of him. It made his mouth water, but he tried not to show it.
“Hm. You’re the smartest person I know, so I reckon you do know what I’m doing....” You quirked an eyebrow as you removed your hands from your girls and took a gentle sip of your water.
“—Is it working?” You winked at him like a trained seductress-assassinator in a major motion picture.
Akaashi leaned back in his seat, he undressed you with his eyes; also like a trained seductress-assasinator in a major motion picture.
You shivered under the insanely beautiful man’s intensive gaze, closing your thighs to relieve the tension you suddenly felt in your private area since he made you beyond horny with that look.
“It’s working. Yes.” The side of Keiji’s lip quirked up in a half grin. “But I’m fairly certain you don’t know that the doctor called 3 days ago and told me that I am recovering exceptionally fast. He gave me the green light for physical activity again. Sexual: physical activity. I double checked.”
The blood drained from your face as you felt a wave of upcoming pleasure wash through you. You had been waiting 23 days without sex and in a flash you regrettably remembered just how much of your teasing over that period your gorgeous boyfriend had to endure. How much he had to pay you back for.
Akaashi smirked ever so sexily at your shocked reaction. Good, he thought to himself. So you knew what was in store for you tonight.
You stared at him like 👁👄👁
“Waiter.” Your hubby called over your head in his attractive voice with an elegant lift of his glass. He dropped his eyes to look back at you with a panty-dropping stare. As you shivered again, Akaashi proclaimed the weighted words that would inaugurate a long night of screams, kisses, and earth shattering orgasms:
“Cheque please.”
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ii. Fun Facts About The Cast | Actor Au | Obey Me
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Request: Its not, I love this AU tho
Word Count: 2303 words
Page Count: 6.5 pages
A.N. Hope you guys all like this! Fun facts about the cast lmao
[ Actor AU Masterlist ]
Fun Facts
Benjamin ( Lucifer )
- Is the dad of the cast.
- In any scenes with Dmitri ( Luke ), he makes sure to know if he is alright, and often will stop scenes to ask.
- He also is an overall joker, so he has trouble filming most of his scenes, will often start laughing in the middle of filming and can break character the easiest.
- Best with kids overall, probably due to having his own, keeps their lives private tho.
- His hair was white for a past show, but the directors liked the look, so that's why he has white tips.
- One of the few male characters who cannot do those diets to accentuate his abs- so that's why his character is always covered up.
- He's in shape! But, he likes the fat that protects his muscle, he says he needs to stay soft to hug his kids.
- Known diabetic, so there's a table full of foods so his sugars are stable, the cast has glucagon shots all over the sets to be safe.
- Is in his early thirties, but people say he can pull off early twenties- he just snorts at this.
Avery ( Mammon ) 
- Takes the job seriously, and his scenes are easiest to film.
- Dark humor and often is the "Lucifer" of the cast.
- Seeing him switch from Avery to Mammon leaves the rest of the cast and crew fucking s h o o k.
- Will always be seen looking his finest.
- No, no one has seen him in public in sweatpants or anything like that. His image is very serious.
- Is a sweetheart when with the rest of the cast tho.
- His eyes are actually that blue.
- No one is sure if his hair is actually white or not, the way he speaks about it is vague, and fans are always theorizing.
- Watching over Benji ( Lucifer ), and is usually the one to tell him to check his sugars, since the other is quite forgetful.
- Is an immigrant from Turkey, so he has an accent, makes people thirst for him more.
- Helps aspiring actors and directors get into the field, and goes on hard work and talent, not who tries to pay him off.
Jackson ( Leviathan )
- Is the resident fuckboi.
- Always with males and females hanging off him, at this point the pop gave up, no- they aren't his partner.
- Flexes a shit ton.
- Wearing chains, a Rolex, and anything designer.
- Donates half of his salary to ocean reserves and protection funds, he has the money for it, and the show pays him well.
- Always at the beach, or near lake houses and shit, the one ( 1 ) thing he likes about his character.
- Hates the fringe he wears with a passion.
- His hair is actually a light shade of brown, his eyes are a darker shade, but still pretty light.
- First generation, his parents are Korean, so you can pick up hints of their accent in his speech patterns. Gets heavy when he's sleepy. 
Ross ( Satan )
- Is a stoner.
- Goes on Instagram lives with either MC and gets high, talking about the dumbest shit or he's alone in his room and his cats join in.
- "So, if you think about- oH MY GOD PRINCESS. YES, COME TO DADDY."
- Has a kitten curled up on him, purrs loud as hell because mf is so warm, and the lives turn into purring ASMR sessions.
- Into self care, has a line of vitamins, face masks, and everything you can think of.
- Calls his fans his SaStans.
- Dmitri ( Luke ) is his younger brother.
- Will never let him out of his sight, and they love to be as mean as they can to each other, they love each other but love to bully one another.
- Is from the Bronx, so his accent is what Avery ( Mammon ) mimics for his character, often just records Avery's lines and sends them to him so he can practice.
- Owns an animal shelter he funds.
- "Carol Baskin? Who's that?"
- The REAL tiger king.
- Gets all his cats dyed to look like tigers.
Micheal ( Asmodeus )
- Chill as fuck.
- Has like 5+ kids, so the role fits him perfectly, and now it's an on running joke among fans that they are all his illegitimate children.
- You know why Asmodeus on the show wears so much makeup? 
- His eldest daughter is one of the makeup artists, and she loves to try new looks on him, and the producers think it would fit the character well.
- People speculate his age, looks young but is in his late 30's.
- His first child was born when he was 16, so he likes to support safe heavens and things like that for struggling youths- from being kicked out to needing assistance with mental health.
- Tired af.
- Always in sweatpants, him and Ross ( Satan ) are the trademark bums of the cast.
- Thinks it would be hilarious that when Micheal is revealed, in the show, that he plays the character.
- Is a writer as well, TSL is a real series and he writes it, so they let him use it in the show.
- Vlogs in his car, in a Wendy's parking lot, eating a shit ton of food and talking about the most random shit.
- Half asleep in all interviews, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, it's gotten to the point where everyone memes it too.
James ( Beelzebub )
- Himbo.
- One of the few cast members closest to their character.
- Absolute sweetheart.
- He's 20 years old.
- But how is he so fucking big???
- Comes from a big ass family, the middle child, he's baby 4 out of 9.
- All his siblings are redheads too.
- Very playful tho, with the cast always going along with his antics, making for the best bloopers.
- The contacts he wears make him blind af, which doesn't help since he's so tall, and will bump his head on the doorways and such.
- Can speak Scottish-Gaelic, and even has an accent to top it off.
- He is an absolute unit, and one of the characters who does the stupid diet to show off his form.
- Literally on the verge of passing out sometimes, so he needs to rest with Benjamin ( Lucifer ).
- All pictures, shirtless scenes, and such are filmed first so he can rest after and go back to a normal diet.
- Quiet guy, but loves talking about sports and his siblings tho.
- Is always carrying MC and Dmitri ( Luke ) around, now there are many off-guard photos posted to the casts shared twitter+instagram accounts
- Still pretty new to acting, but is amazing at emotional scenes, to the point fans actually think he's having a breakdown.
- Nah, he's just thinking about being alone, without his family- and it gets him bawling for said scenes.
Conner ( Belphegor )
- Crackhead 
- Will not stay still, either for filming or just when everyone is chilling.
- Scenes where he's asleep? He's usually turned away from the camera, cause the idiot is smiling and giggling.
- Has tripped over his tail multiple times.
- Comes from a farm-life, literal cowboy, his southern accent just hits hard.
- He hides it very well, but it comes out at times or with certain words.
- Sees Benjamin ( Lucifer ) as a mentor, he's in his early twenties and new to the scene, but they are best friends.
- Benjamin ( Lucifer ) has now acquired a new child.
- A living meme.
- You know how Tom Holland can't keep a secret?
- Yeah, he's worse.
- Rest of the cast have all had to physically stop him from talking at one point.
- The cow pillow? It's actually his, when he got the role his father has sewn it himself, so he will bring it with him.
- It's basically free promo for the show and comforts him in the city space.
- Gets overwhelmed in large crowds, so he usually makes sure to have another cast member close by, or he will literally leave to a less crowded place to take a breath.
- Apologized to MC after the scene in which he kills them.
- His mama raised him right, so he takes MC to his house for a movie, in which they cuddle and relax for the night.
- Felt really bad for like... a whole week.
- "Country boy I love you~"
Thomas ( Barbatos )
- Brat.
- This is one cocky man, he's smooth as hell, and one whisper can make you weak in the knees.
- Grew out the one side of his hair, but he slicks his hair back or will pin it back, dyes it himself when it's time to film.
- Loves to piss Alex ( Simeon ) off.
- Has a true crime podcast with Roman ( Diavolo ), Alex ( Simeon ), and Benjamin ( Lucifer ), because they're all old friends.
- Donates to the cold case foundation because he knows what it's like to lose someone and not know what happened to them.
- He has a twin who is his stunt double, they love to fuck with the rest of the cast, both of them are little shits.
- Is the motherfucker who makes a channel and reads the crackhead fanfics
- Loves every word of it tho.
- Responds to every fans dms. Every. One. As a whole account for this shit.
- Walks with a bit of a limp, so he wears a brace to help even himself, but during wide-shot scenes you can catch it sometimes.
- Took actual classes to be a butler for the role.
Roman ( Diavolo )
- Himbo 2.0
- Catch this man tweeting what he's trying to search up at 2 in the morning.
- Leaves them because it's hilarious, makes videos where he reads them out sometimes, it's all in good fun.
- He has a set of triplets at home, so that dad energy radiates into the show too.
- You know how Diavolo seems sus at points of the game? Yeah, he's still like that IRL.
- The rest of the cast was put off at first, but that's how he is, and everyone eased up pretty quickly.
- Makes jokes that he has family in the Italian mob, but needed to stop once his father called him, saying that there were too many eyes on the family now.
- Man was s h o o k.
- Has sensitive skin, so all his makeup and body paints need to be specially made, made with all natural products.
- The bags under his eyes are baby bags.
- Will bring his kids on set, to which everyone will gush over, and watch them when they aren't filming.
- Very private with his kids ( to the public ), doesn't post about them much, and only the cast really sees them.
- Wine dad.
- Catch him bringing the whole cast out for "family trips"
- People nicknamed him Caesar
- So many JoJo references now
- "Please, no."
Dmitri ( Luke )
- Is actually 12.
- Quotes vines, tiktoks, and other memes.
- Is one of the few people that Alex ( Simeon ) is openly nice too.
- Also has an accent, but since he's young and is learning, can now mimic every other cast member's accent.
- Wear earplugs for certain scenes, because of how raunchy and dark the scenes can get, so Simeon and Barbatos are always conveniently in the way, hiding the plugs.
- Is Ross' ( Satan ) younger brother, and if he isn't hanging off of him he's with James ( Beelzebub ), Benjamin ( Lucifer ), or MC.
- They know there are some sick fucks in Hollywood so he has an adult with him at all times.
- Posts pictures of him cuddling up to his brother and the kittens, new foods he is trying, and some pictures with family.
- He often is considered the new Gordon Ramsay.
- Had a collaboration with him.
- It was amazing.
- Best boy, catch him taking a nap in his ( and Ross' ) trailer, surrounded by tiger kittens.
Alex ( Simeon )
- Avatar of wrath who?
- The embodiment of "No talk me, I angy"
- Jkjk, though he does have a temper, he only loses it with Benjamin ( Lucifer ), Roman ( Diavolo ), and Thomas ( Barbatos ).
- A sweetheart with all children though, like you know Simeon on the show? 
- Yeah, he's only like that with kids.
- And respectable adults.
- Mama raised him well 2.0
- Grew up in NY
- Born in Gucci and Balenciaga.
- Was a child model and slowly expanded to acting.
- Dark humor galore.
- If Simeon met Alex, he'd probably have a stroke, cause THOSE WORDS are coming out of HIS mouth.
- Says the weirdest shit too.
- "Put your hand on my ass and call me a virgin."
- Bro are you okay???
- He is fluent in five languages and has a high IQ.
- Speaks: English, French, Italian, Arabic, and Mandarin
- Has a support system for children who struggle to learn conventionally, with trained tutors who are affordable, he knows what it's like to need certain needs met to learn, and he wants every kid to get that chance.
- Rough around the edges but has a heart of gold.
Derek ( Solomon )
- Loves to smoke with Ross ( Satan )
- He is more aloof than chill.
- One of the more awkward members, doesn't know how to socialize well, and is very shy.
- Watch out for Dmitri ( Luke ) on the down low.
- Didn't have the best life growing up, so he is a lot more street smart than book smart.
- Doesn't have a big social media influence.
- Very nice to fans, gives full hugs to them, and everyone feels so appreciated.
- Has a husky named Blue.
- Also has an owl, who he took in when he found it on his porch with a broken wing, and nursed it to health.
- He set it free, but she comes back often, and has a nest in the tree closest to his house.
- Named her Lovely.
- Animal person, so he helps Ross out with his animal shelters.
- Uses Blue as a living pillow, and only sleeps in his boxers when Blue is on his bed, because goddamn does that dog radiate heat.
- Him and MC live together, having grown up together, and made their livings together. 
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maliby · 4 years
Blankets and Horror Movies | pjm
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↬ Pairing: Jimin x F. Reader
↬ Story Genre: fluff
↬ Warnings: death in the movie they’re watching
↬ Word count: 1.6K
↬ Summary:  It’s movie night at your house and your annoying roommate Jungkook decides you should all watch a horror movie. You couldn’t bear to watch horror movies but it all became much more tolerable when you found out you were going to share a couch and a blanket with your crush - Park Jimin.
a/n: guys, if you’re reading my stuff for the first time this isn’t me lmao. I usually only write dirty ass smut, but I don’t know what came over me today that I felt like writing a tooth roting fluffy ass drabble (is this a known side effect of corona? did I catch it?). anyways...enjoy <3
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“You know what we should do? We should totally watch a horror movie!” Said your annoying roommate Jungkook, knowing damn well you couldn’t bear to watch those movies.
“Oh my god yes!” His friend Taehyung answered, much to your despair. “I’ll go make popcorn!” Before you could protest he was already running to your kitchen like a little kid.
“Jungkook, what are you doing?” You pulled your roommate aside and whispered to him in an angry tone. “You know damn well I can’t watch scary movies!”
“Why? Are you scared you’re gonna have nightmares?” His mocking tone made you want to punch him right in the stomach.
“Hey Y/N, you like horror movies right? Which one do you want to watch?” The sweet voice of Jimin - Jungkook’s friend who you had a crush on for about a year - asked you while he was browsing for something to watch.
Jimin’s question really made you second guess all your life choices. On one hand, you really couldn’t watch scary movies, you had tried it before and it didn’t work out well for you. On the other hand, you didn’t want Jimin to think you were a wuss so, in an attempt to look brave and cool you lied to him. “Oh yeah, I love them!”
“Hyung, put on the House of Wax, she loves that one!”
Jungkook knew you had a crush on his friend and he was taking every single opportunity to torture you. That brat. You’d soooo get back at him for this later.
“Oh good one!” Jimin quickly turned to Jungkook’s laptop and typed the name of the movie, sealing in your doom.
You looked at your roommate with killer eyes and quietly plotted your revenge as he gave you a stupid grin.
“The popcorn is done!” Said Taehyung, emerging back in the living room with two bowls filled with popcorn. 
“I call dibs on the bean bag!” Jungkook shouted as he quickly ran to the bean bag placed right in front of the couch.
“Me too!” Taehyung soon followed to the bean bag on the left, almost spilling all the popcorn as he threw himself to the bean bag.
Quickly doing the math in your head you realized that meant that you would have to sit on the sofa with Jimin - just the two of you. Obviously he would be your first choice - you wanting nothing more than to sit next to him - but the just the thought of it made you nervous.
“Come on, Y/N.” After pressing play, Jimin turned off the lights and picked up a blanket so he could sit on the couch. “Looks like we’ll be popcorn buddies!” He smiled at you and, for a moment, you almost forgot all about the movie, a warm fuzzy feeling spreading across your chest. 
Making your way to your crush, you passed by Taehyung and picked up your bowl of popcorn. You then joined Jimin under the blanket and took a deep breath, the smell of his cologne filling up your nostrils.
“Are you scared?” Jimin whispered so the other two couldn’t hear. He knew you and Jungkook bickered a lot so he probably figured if he asked it out loud Jungkook would come at you.
You were getting ready to deny it all but your crush saw right through you. “Don’t worry, if you feel scared you can hold onto me okay?”
You shyly nodded and turned your head to the TV.
It was hard paying attention to the movie. Firstly because you were too scared, but second because you could feel the heat radiating off of Jimin’s body. You weren’t glued to each other, but you were close enough that you could make contact at any minute, and that made your heart beat.
You reached your hand to get some popcorn but failed to notice that your crush was also reaching for the bowl, resulting in your hands touching. You both smiled at each other in a small gesture of apology, the crescent moons his eyes formed making you look back at the TV to hide the blush on your cheeks. 
As you looked back at the TV the first creepy scenes showed up - somebody was videotaping the main characters sleeping in their tents out in the woods. It wasn’t anything that serious, but the tension was so big that all of your muscles immediately tightened up. Jimin noticed this and placed his hand on your knee, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Everything alright?” He whispered once more.
“Yeah, it’s just...creepy.” Your whole body shivered with the creepy feeling making Jimin laugh.
“Come on, don’t go out by yourself!” Jungkook commented as the main girl left her tent alone to check the noise she had just heard.
“She’s so gonna die,” added Taehyung.
You instinctively grabbed the blanket covering you and Jimin and brought it up to your face, leaving your head exposed from the eyes up. The music was building up, and so was the tension in your body. Then, the main girl slowly turned around to reveal her worried boyfriend with a loud shrieky sound.
You jumped up at the sound and immediately recoiled next to Jimin, your head unconsciously nuzzling on your crush’s chest.
Jungkook laughed at your reaction. “You are such a baby.”
“Leave her alone Jungkook, it was a tense moment,” Jimin reasoned trying and succeeding on making you feel better. But once you realized his voice was coming right from above you and that you were practically on top of him you quickly backed away, feeling embarrassed.
“Mhm…” He teased and you kicked him off the bean bag, making Jimin and Taehyung laugh.
“Shut up and watch the movie, Jeon Jungkook,” you said, feeling victorious.
He scoffed and plonked himself back on the bean bag, everybody’s attention being back on the movie. Everybody’s but yours, for you couldn’t help but think about the contact you just had with Jimin. Now that you had tasted his embrace for a brief moment you found yourself missing it.
As the movie progressed and the events got more macabre you found yourself getting closer and closer to Jimin, now being completely nuzzled under his arm. The smell of his cologne and the softness of his hoodie bringing you some comfort.
At some point, as one of the characters was about to be killed Jimin covered your eyes and whispered to your hair: “Don’t look now.”
You started to shake as you heard the character scream and Jimin kept on trying to calm you down, placing kisses on top of your head. “Shhh, I’m here. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” You didn’t know if he was saying that just because of the movie, but something about the tone of his voice told you it was something else.
When the movie was over, you had your arms around Jimin and your head hidden on his chest. You were holding him so tight you wondered if he was having trouble breathing.
“It’s over now baby, you can look,” he whispered into your hair as his fingers drew soothing circles on your back.
“Oh my god look at Y/N!” Jungkook mocked you, making you boil in anger. “You’re such a chicken.”
“Wanna see who’s a chicken? Say that to me again, I dare you Jeon!” You started to pull back your sleeves but Jimin held you back.
“Come on guys, break it off. Don’t ruin movie night!”
“Fine…” You and your roommate both answered with a pouty face.
“Wanna watch another movie?” Taehyung asked as he grabbed the remaining popcorn with his hand and filled his whole mouth with it.
“Alright, but let’s watch something lighter this time.” Your request made Jungkook turn back around to tease you once more, but the look Jimin gave him made him keep quiet.
You didn’t know how many movies you watched. You didn’t even know which movies you watched, you were so focused on Jimin’s light touches that you barely could even think straight. 
Eventually, the four of you had fallen asleep but you woke up startled from a nightmare, waking Jimin up in the process. When you came to it, you noticed you had been sleeping right on top of him and you immediately backed away.
“Y/N is everything alright?” You could tell by the frown on his eyebrows that he was worried about you.
“Yeah...sorry I woke you. I just...had a nightmare about the movie.”
“Oh...come here.” He didn’t even wait for you to act, he simply took your hand and pulled you back to him, your arms wrapping around him as in instinct. “Wanna tell me what happened?”
“I-The bad guys from the movie had caught you and…” You started to cry, feeling the terrors of the vivid nightmare as you recalled the event.
“Shh-shh, it’s okay. I’m here, see?” He pulled your chin up so you could look him in the eyes. “Feel my heart.” He grabbed your hand and placed it right on his chest just on top of his heart - it was beating fast. “I’m alive. I would never leave you.”
Suddenly the mood changed. Your heart was beating fast but the nightmare wasn’t the motive anymore - it was Jimin. You looked him straight in the eyes and felt nothing but warmth, nothing but love.
His eyes danced between your own eyes and your lips and soon enough he was leaning in, moulding his plush lips against yours.
The kiss was sweet and tender, everything you saw Jimin as. His palms were pressed against your cheeks and his fingers were caressing your skin, drying up your tears in the process. 
When you broke apart both of you were breathless, just silently looking at each other and enjoying the moment.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he confessed as he leaned his forehead on yours, still rubbing circles on your cheek.
“Me too,” you smiled, the terrifying feeling of the nightmare being long gone and the feeling of Jimin’s lips being the only thing you could think of.
© maliby, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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