#(at least from what ive seen. its probably other fandoms too im just not in many other fandoms)
cleverpaws · 8 months
one of these days i will drop an essay abt how there's actually no objectively correct characterization of any gen1 characters because they are, when in their most un-filtered state, supposed to be the streamers that play them, and to assume we know basically anything about who those people are is to miss the point of the social experiments entirely. and none of you are ready
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evelili · 1 year
I just finished your Magnum Opus, and it was super great. I especially loved the Pinkie chapter (which surprised me because she’s my least favorite character!). Anyway, do you have any mlp fic recommendations?
oh boy do i have a list for you, strap in!
if you read my magnum opus writeup, you may have seen i mentioned three authors that dragged me back into mlp. if you're interested in sciset (and what's probably the most popular eqg fic on the entire site), Long Road to Friendship by Albi is a longfic that started after the first eqg movie and is a rlly lighthearted read. i don't normally care for OCs but gosh if i dont accept Albi's version of trixie's parents as canon in my heart haha. if you're interested in pony adventure fic, i also rlly liked Sunset of Time, another rlly well done longfic ive carried in my brain since i first read it xd
the second author, Monochromatic, aka the raritwi authority aka someone who has a GREAT taste in editors, has written three of the most formative longfic ive ever read: The Enchanted Library, its sequel The Enchanted Kingdom, and Crimson Lips which i unfortunately can no longer link since she's taken it down, but i believe you can still buy physically through PFP if you wanted to take a gamble on it (it would be a very good gamble). apart from her longfic though i also adore some of her shorter works, including but not limited to The Choices We Make, a really interesting Pinkie study that's definitely shaped how i view her, Your Own Worst Enemy, which is just. peak rarity content, and Injuring Eternity, which while being one of her older works still has certain passages that wreck me emotionally on sight.
and the third author responsible for my magnum opus is the one and only Aragon, who i can not only recommend for his fics but ALSO for his blog posts and comics (see the comic index on his profile for links to all of them, as well as this amazing blogpost about his neighbour that is just peak comedy). he's also the writer responsible for the banger longfic Crime and Funishment which absolutely defined my writing aspirations for a few years and is the definition of comedy if you looked it up in my heart, as well as In Hindsight, yet another banger rarity fic, and Love Is In Doom which is just bloody, silly, stupid fun (and has sunset shimmer in it)
and then if we want to talk fics i love written by other authors, Sleepless Knights by r5h has my favourite brand of scitwi written right into the margins, Administrative Angel by horizon has one of the most amazing endings to an opening chapter ive ever read AND an amazing celestia, The Best Night Ever by Capn_Chryssalid is a fandom classic with a groundhog day twist on the gala episode from s1, Side by Side by Krickis is a feel-good rarijack oneshot w a focus on lgbt (specifically trans) themes, Wax Earplugs by Reedhoarse has a dysfunctional mess of an adagio dazzle that i adore, Merge Request by FanOfMostEverything has all the scitwi/midnight shenanigans you could ask for wrapped up in the relatable content of github hell, Guppy Love by PaulAsaran is a rarijack longfic with an incredibly realistic setting and an interpretation of mermaids that i love so much, Doused Flame by heartlessons has me handshaking on the "sopping wet pathetic relatable guy" flash sentry interpretation that won me over recently, 80 Days 'Til the World's Farthest Shore by Cynewulf feels like reading a professionally published short story (and i mean that in the best of ways, it's enthralling), and finally if you'll allow me to be self-centred a bit i also am very proud of my two oneshots Heartstrings and Something About Midnights if you wanted to check em out too xd
oops long post!! im not sorry for it, i hope you can find something in here that catches your fancy (or even all of it haha), there's soooo many incredible fics in the fandom it floors me every day that i can read all these incredible works for free!!!
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remusawoooo · 3 months
anon here, excited to read the essay! i asked you because i really like your takes and i see people in the more canon-adjacent parts of the marauders fanbase to complain about the extremes of the fanon one, though personally ive never really seen anything Too extreme, tho thats probably just tantamount to how well i curate my spaces i suppose (ive seen people say that fanon makes remus really “alpha” or makes sirius “bimbofied” and while ive seen hints of those extremes here and there, mostly it looks like it varies from person to person. ive just seen remus be more assertive than he probably is in canon, or sirius being more dramatic and “fem” than he probably is in canon). from what i know people like exaggerating events (the prank, etc.) or shifting some personality traits, but i dont really think thats a bad thing - i personally enjoy it. as long as they dont completely turn characters into stereotypes (though its a pitfall of every fandom, i fear), then whatever its just camp.
people are allowed to criticize stuff like that though, not taking that away from anyone, i personally just dont really care enough to be totally accurate esp since this hyperfix is kind of the bottom of the barrel for me LMAO. but i ask mostly bc im just curious to see what other peoples opinions are, and bc i think - especially in a fanbase like this - that its incredibly important to be at least a little critical with your media experience and reflect on it. saying “oh fuck canon we’re just having fun” is fine and all, i dont think anyone is stopping you, i think the personalities people have made up for characters that have zero screen time are super fun and the little ships are not everyones tea but like its fine. but even still, people should be way more aware of what characters theyre dealing with and from what franchise, and like reflect on any biases you may have. if youre making shit up for a random DE character, or retconning some sutff, okay, whatever, but be sure to not defend or like suddenly turn to really weird rhetoric. idk i think its the bare minimum in a fanbase like this
i definitely rambled way too much here, super sorry op! i hope this doesnt bother you, feel free to reply or feel free to not. i just really like hearing peoples thoughts on things, and i like your takes and your blog so i hope i didnt catch you by surprise. i really am just an outsider trying to look in LOL
hello anon, I'm sorry I lost your ask. I was writing on my laptop and saved the draft (but apparently had to press on alt, and didn't do it) so I basically lost your question and half of my initial response. Ty for sending in another ask!! Not a bother at all, i find this very lovely :D 
I was mortified to find that someone who isn't really a part of the fandom was perceiving me while I was complaining about fictional characters ahahaha. still, thank you for validating me and asking my thoughts on the mischaracterization of marauders!! I do talk about it daily, unfortunately, and without any prompt too. I'll try to gather all my thoughts here. I don't necessarily come across fanon as much as I did when I reentered the fandom and honestly, I can not be more with you about curating your space !! at the end of the day, I am just here to have fun, and really, pointing out these issues is not a good time at all! But I do post a lot about these, I can't be bothered to bottle up any thoughts lol.
I think the major issue I have with current interpretations is the underlying bigotry that comes along with it. There is a lot of unchecked problematic content that doesn't sit right with me.
Flanderizing characters in fandom interpretations is not limited to marauders fandom obviously. any popular media will face this because so many of us want to interact with one character so their traits are simplified for easier consumption and to find a common ground. this is also not limited to new marauders fandom. even in the older era, leather jacket-wearing, motorbike-driving quintessential bad boy siruis was a thing. so I won't nitpick on silly simplifications.
I just want to say that this isn't about me wanting everyone to have the same interpretations as I do about the canon. I follow so many lovely people and I don't agree with all of their posts. But, we all just simply share the love for these characters in the text and form an imaginary community. So, if we were to remove all the issues I will mention, it is still very well possible to have different personal takes.
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Here are some of my issues:
Queerness, Gender roles, and misogyny:
My biggest problem is the representations of queer relationships. the fandom packages these couples in a strange and obvious heteronormative mold where the individuals fit into male and female gender roles. mlm and wlw are now an “f/m”* stereotype and characterization gets affected by the ships. Heterosexual relationships shouldn't have these limitations either, anyway. There is no one way to be a woman or a man. With queer relationships in particular, we have reclaimed the word queer now but it was used to describe the unconventional weirdness in the relationship. We didn't fit into the normal portrayal of a loving relationship. So, it really bothers me, even in fiction, that queer ships are popularly consumed in a way that represents a traditional template. (*this is not about gender itself but the gender roles! f/m can very well be queer!). 
Let's take the biggest victim in this fandom: sirius.
Sirius’ portrayal concerning his gender and sexuality has heavily changed his characterization in the fanon. We have a character who is popularly headcanonned as trans and is it a coincidence that all their traits have changed from the og material? Sirius is suddenly vain, whiny, and dumb. Canon doesn't suggest this interpretation, it has to have stemmed from somewhere. It's the implicit bias. Sirius becomes a caricature of what a woman “should be”. When we focus on sexuality, there is the suddenly short twink sirius who has the same new traits- proving the point of fulfilling gender roles. These characteristics are a stand-in for the “female” role of the traditional relationship and it becomes more clear in the example of new age wolfstar. Remus is now the big alpha stoic manly man- the obvious stand-in for the “male” role. I could go on, it is apparent in the way you can see remus becomes a caretaker and sirius is taken care of.
The point I am trying to make is not to discourage gender/sexuality hc. I love them, keep them coming. But, why is female sirius not tall suddenly? It is not inherently bad at all to have a feminine and masculine pairing! But why do we need to change the constitutions of these characters to consume their relationship?
I'll keep dropping disclaimers because I hate being misinterpreted: I don't obviously mean every single person is doing this or that doing one of the things means doing the other too. 
It is related to the point above. I was personally so excited to see the popular desi james hc. Even in fanon, I have never seen such a prevalent and encouraged brown rep, it was quite sweet to come back to that. But the problem is the change of characteristics that comes with race hc. Desi james is also a manly dude who is big and buff as opposed to the white petite and delicate regulus within jegulus ship. The melanin is directly proportional to the manliness here. 
This is a propagation of race stereotypes. Maybe jegulus was a bad example because usually there are seen as blank templates. I will raise the argument that this can't be all we can come up with for blank canvases then. Either way, my point about race still stands when you repeatedly design interracial queer relationships so they fall into heteronormative roles. Anyway, same issue with wolfstar when there is a brown remus.
Canon, JKR, and hypocrisy:
Refusing to engage with source material is funny when we are picking characters out of it. the interpretations of the characters will be from their book. otherwise, they are just original characters with the same name. you can add onto the traits and a lot of the time fandom comes to a consensus regarding a few things! This is common in every fandom but I don't think I have seen such reluctance to not only critically engage with media but also shame others who do. We are surely in special circumstances with this fandom but I really do think jkr and how we navigate the fanon should be two different things.
Most of us don't condone jkr or even remotely agree with any nonsense she spews on the daily. Most of us can see the problematic nature of even consuming this media and staying in this fandom. It is one of the reasons I even left the fandom. Most of us are simply doing our best to engage carefully while distancing ourselves from her. So, it is quite laughable when some love to take the moral high ground for rejecting canon while still engaging with the same characters. (the rejection of canon in question being sirius’ height, lol)
(Sirius' height is quite a polarising fact apparently. Unfortunately, the point about height is also discussed so disingenuously. When I talk about sirius’ height, it is not really about him being 6 or 7 feet. It will not really impact my life. It is about what it represents. He is bimbofied as he becomes short. It's an issue of "WHY" again.)
Of course, this isn't an accusation of intentional bigotry from everyone here. The problem with this fandom is that the people in it tell themselves that it is progressive and to run away from the problematic creator as much as possible. We are not progressive if all we do is co-opt queer and racially diverse identities on such a superficial level. The bias manifests in subtle forms. I just wish we check ourselves from time to time, that's all. 
There is a lot of hostility when we try to discuss issues in the fanon. Things are interpreted in the most misguided way to just win the argument. Like I said in the beginning, we all just want to have a good time. That also means creating a welcoming space for vulnerable groups (especially when the same identities are used to pat yourselves on the backs for inclusivity points). I didn't even cover everything btw, I just wrote about the issues that concern me. queer and poc also partake in biased representations, I also probably have some biases that I didn't identify yet. I just think it would be super neat if everyone tried to make an effort to unlearn and engage with media without hurting anyone. 
I have other issues but they are all just super subjective opinions and smth I can ignore when others do. ex: I really don't like giving tragic backstories to bigots in the story. Not every supremacist loser has a trauma that forced them into oppressing people! There is also "tropeyfication" of all major ships. Just an overall issue in the reading world I think, though.
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Anon, I didn't mean to make it preachy in any way btw. You probably asked for a silly little rant and I went full lecture mode, so I apologize for the tone shift!! I mentioned these because every other issue can be brought down to these imo. Like you said, I also don't have any fixation on everything being canon-compliant. I only complain by asking about the thought process behind certain kinds of changes, if that makes sense! I hope this wasn't a drag really and you can see where I am coming from. If I misspoke anywhere, pls lmk. Thanks for sharing your opinions too!!
This is a long long rant, anyone who read everything, you are wonderful and patient. Thank you for taking the time. This huge post and the content can make you think, “who cares this much?” or “it's not that serious” and yaa it really isn't that serious. The characters aren't real but we all are. the identities projected are real. so, it does matter to talk about this.
Everything said this is a fun place to be once you find your own corner in the playground.
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angstics · 2 months
nonsense deadpool & wolverine rant
ive been talking about deadpool 3 for days over on twitter -- which is a lot for a movie i was meh about and will forget in 2 weeks (like i have all other deadpool films). BUT i like thinking about how gay ppl & themes are treated in popular film and this is probably going to be the biggest "gay themed" film this year ... which is sad considering this is the year of 2 luca guadagnino films and monkey man and tv glow et al. anyhow. this was a big hit in fandom -- which should not be a surprise considering the mcu and comics fandoms. the "this was sooooo gay" response has been irritating, and so has the counter-argument. the text may not be a gay text but it DOES use gay elements in its text. like Obviously so. to the point that it's hard to discern whether it's appropriation or meaningful, a homophobic joke or somewhat earnest... and why???
part of it will always be the comic characterization of deadpool as a hypersexual pansexual freak who sexually harasses men because that has been deemed highlarious. there's at least one joke recycled (about being tied up together and getting an erection), replacing spiderman in the comics with wolverine in the movie. i can easily see straight men playing these jokes with each other -- i probably have on youtube. this is what makes the "you cant deny this is gay" thing fandom people say sooooooooooooooooooo annoying -- HOMOSEXUAL encounters are not limited to people with THE GAY GENE. straight men sexually harass their friends ("friends") all the time. allllll the time. what makes someone (and a relationship) gay is intention and affection and desire and identity and cultural place -- and a billion other things. there are many movies about two men (and less about two women) who everyone sees as super gay... defiant ones (1958) comes to mind since i recently was reminded of it. heat 1995, thelma & louise 1991. dead poets society 1989 also comes to mind. but no one Serious is claiming this is the dominant (as in "common") reading or INTENDED meaning -- no one is saying these are gay characters in gay relationships. they arent like fried green tomatoes 1991 or midnight cowboy 1969 or rebel without a cause 1955, where it was verifiably gay in some way.
there's a phenomena where a character / relationship (probably) wasnt supposed to be gay, but it came off that way UNDENIABLY because they borrowed too much from gay experiences -- like scream 1992, or very commonly in terms of trans experiences: psycho 1960, silence of the lambs 1991, synecdoche new york 2008. and fraiser lol. Every movie is different and has a different way of doing things which result in different suggestions and conclusions and interpretations and impacts. Big surprise.
deadpool 3 obscures these boundaries in this new pseudo-progressive age. but it is still inaccurate to pretend it was "gay coding" -- as in they were hiding a gay story via Big Subtext and using a straight story to sell a gay movie (which i have seen suggested the use of DP's ex). i cant fucking believe we're still doing destiel conspiracies. im sure stucky had a similar reaction this deadpool ship has (and the spideypool ship), but i think it is understood that Steve Whatshisname wasnt and would never be gay (Bucky could be, he has time).
the misunderstanding comes in the blurring. it's like in the middle of a political compass. ok fine i made one
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some moments obviously meant to evoke a gay spirit: bar scene, car scene, madonna scene, "introducing the boyfriend" scene, the Appreciation of the Male Body & Fighting as Fucking theme (note that DP's lesbians were just standing there in 2 scenes?)
Deadpool (and Wolverine) really are pan: an alternate Wolverine is in love w the Mythic Hercules in a comic series (and maybe Cyclops? Subtextually? Throupley?). deadpool is well known in comics, but he does off-hand talk about having non-vaginal sex (? or masturbating?) in this movie
what is romantic is defined by DP's LI: the movie cant hide behind everything being a joke when it has a guiding emotional core consisting of DP's lost (female) love, who he can express affection and attraction to in both serious and comedic contexts
No honest romantic or sexual tension: i have seen movies with subtextual / coded tension and this doesnt have it. it's no popped champagne bottle, or face caressed in blood. there is also no story. i havent mentioned this yet but this movie has a really lackluster story between dp & wolverine that doesnt allow for much interpretation even in a platonic or narrative sense
all these things are true at once, and ignoring one aspect for another doesnt make sense of the film (and characters and audience reaction) as a whole. at the end of the day............. it doesnt matter........ i only really care about being accurate and respecting film history & gay history & continuing to call for gay gay gay stories in popular film. dp3 made a lot of gay jokes that were genuinely unexpected, so it isnt LE FOU 2. but it isnt the end of the line. this was a good thread that described the split well
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firadessa · 3 months
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it's boredom time, so i thought i'd make the rare personal thoughts on fairies write some propaganda for some of my rarepairs, especially the one i named this blog after lol
iridessa/fira (firadessa)
most people think it's self explained, these two are light fairies
however, these two have similar and yet slightly different personalities (to me at least. if you ever say fira and iridessa are basically the same character, or that fira's character traits are too vague from what we have on her its on sight)
fira is a character that is anxious like iridessa, but its implied at same time she is a bubbly character where iridessa is more mellow, fira can also be mellow sure but has a sunnier vibe
its slightly canon that fira over worries, iridessa also does this but her worries are more logical (fira thought the eclipse made the sun disappear, where dessa worries about things that are possible)
ive shipped this since 2021 when making my own blog (this one) but i think them <3 so you will too
rarepair but NOT a crackship because it makes logical sense as a ship, despite the few interactions they have in canon due to the book characters sometimes not being included in the "main canon" sometimes and not some other times. iridessa was also introduced in the books first, wearing a blue and yellow number similar to firas, and fira and iridessa have been written in books coexisting in universes leaning more book or leaning more movie (maybe) so its not exactly a book/movie ship, but it isnt exactly not a book/movie ship
canon to the book "iridessa and the secret of the never mine" (a book that never released in the us and is buried as a pdf so ill make sure to make it more accessible to everyone) that these two wont stop talking to eachother, to the annoyance of others. they start talking in the mine and they are told to stop and they are like "we'll pick this up at dinner" so precious
hc- iridessa is more likely to get angry that fira
half a hc- fairies have different glows, and i think they sometimes get warmth too- i feel like if iridessa is ever cold (she seems like the type to get cold easily despite the temp outside) she would hover near fira
hc- fira is the only one who can take iridessa's anxiousness
attentive to each others energy levels
elegant in their own way, glittering
but also silly, fun, and dorky
sun/moon sun is fira, moon is iridessa (who is ironically afraid of the dark)
they dont realize their dating until someone teases them for being a couple at dinner at the tearoom
attached to the hip, they go everywhere together
romantic & platonic as one thing meshed together (im thinking cute pining sweethearts and best friend bracelet sort of thing cause im alloace and i associate real romance with "sweetheart levels" of a cheesy greeting card- thats real to and lived to me okay), bff and sweetheart goals
they check up on eachother. constantly
they cuddle in iridessa's bed from the book, its like a swan bed
their bedrooms, google em and look at pics of them side by side and youll get why i love this paring.
in fira's house they dont do any cuddling but giggle and do eachothers hair and stuff
they dont dress up when they are together, just dress casual
but they do play dress up, a little bit
they will face their FEAR-AS. together. of the dark probably.
fira has a firefly companion (canon) dessa loves. and the firefly has a secret language for them <3
met on a full moon type vibes
before they go out and hang out together they act like old besties "i havent seen you in forever!!"
please look at "fira's perfect tea party" on youtube or an audiobook of fira and the full moon and note the voice they use to her. contrast to raven's delivery of the worried and hesitant iridessa (unrelated but raven plays iridessa really well, and the other movie voice actors deserve more praise in the fandom)
bestfriends to sweethearts to lovers
not me being the founder of this ship cause nobody ships book/movie :(
vidia/rani or ranividia if youd like to call it that :)
actually feels more of a hear me out than the others. and i will call this a crackship
enemies to frenemies to lovers to dearest
okay i understand vidia is not the nicest character in the books, so many ships with her besides her and prilla dont really work. and she is a bully but hear me out...
i believe the first time it was that vidia felt sympathy, when they cut off rani's wings. and that she actually has a soft spot for rani, even though she has a superiority complex. vidia was intended to be a "wicked" or bad fairy, so i think her having some faith in others- maybe even a small amount, gives her a lot of complexity. she took pity on rani, even knowing rani could never fly as fast as she did
there is evidence to support her having a soft side and to her getting along with rani, when she snowboards and is greatful for the snow day. the second is in a comic on her with a scavenger hunt, and they actually work together
repression vs expression
if they became an actual thing it would be like vidia's getting revenge and "she asked for no poppy seeds" sort of thing
elonid from ok ko + cassunzel from rta.. hear me out utenaanthy from utena its an anime lmao the pity thing (its not in a savior way) im on an utena forum talking about this ship. another is a tiktok for "divorce but good together parings"
vidia- secret relationship or "don't tell anyone about this"
rani- "ily. i'll keep this a secret. everyone already knows but i wont tell you that cause i know you wouldnt be able to take it."
rani doesnt know any fairy swears, vidia knows all of them (the only fairy, learned them from pirates), and doesnt use them around rani
they dont get personal yet know each other emotionally
rani's not her therapist, vidia doesnt have a therapist and will never get one. yet rani soothes vidia's temper, and vidia actually listens to her because her reputation is being sensitive. vidia character arc because of rani. vidia motivated by rani to change.
vidia- "dont use pet names for me!" vidia "i love you my shell" (a real honest petname, because rani's thing is shells and its like her emotional shell came off omg... rani's is "feather"- no my)
vidia- reputation matters, rani- whats a reputation?
listen pridia is the GOAT but i think i need a vidia paring where the other one is just as a loner/introvert as she is...
they sleep on two leaves next to eachother, hands held
my tink/zarina from the movies
youd think they are polar opposites and they are! but they are not.
they dont do public displays of affection, for anything. at first it was vidia's reputation but honestly they arent comfortable with that and nobody really gossips or pays attention to their relationship
i said cassunzel earlier but i think its a lot of new dream as well, a lot of "getting to know you" that is precious like in Tangled
rani writing fancy letters, vidias are chicken scratch but still have effort put into them and decoration like hers, and its not like "she tried" she made her edgy masterpiece
edgy soft dynamic, not a personal fan of it- but i really like it here
sacred devotion
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
I've seen you're taking creepypasta requests ? I really like your Zalgo's concept ! so..
can you drop some of your headcanons about him?? I'm really interested!!
stay safe!
Zalgo headcannons!
hihihihi i promise i saw you send this in a few hours after you asked this and i truly didnt mean to push writing this off for so long ive just been going through it (2 new interests have been kicking my ass for the past 7 or so weeks) but we're back !!
CAUTION these hcs are heavily centered around my concept!! i wasnt totally sure if you wanted these as romantic, so i decided to go down a middle road and just make it how interacting with the guy would probably go down + other ideas!! warning this is a lot of scattered rambling because my brain is all over the place and its 7am
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the main thing that my take on zalgo and the main fandom interpretation have in common is the fat that theyre both powerful entities capable of causing mass destruction and chaos
however my zalgo exists more so as a... weird half concept half tangible entity if that makes sense? like he indirectly interacts with the world around him instead of going out and wrecking things himself; a close comparison i can think of is mother mabuka from fran bow but even then it seems she has more direct influence in that universe compared to zalgo... or maybe my interpretation of her is all whack too but eh
exists everywhere and nowhere at once, in my au he's responsible for the creation of the other creepypasta characters. for demon characters like slenderman or the rake he hand crafted them himself to cause torment. for characters like ben or eyeless jack he plants the seed to cause them to become what they were. for ben he allowed him to come back as an angry ghost, and for eyeless jack he made the curse that eventually infects the guy (although jack was just the unlucky host, zalgo had no specific target)
and keeping true to the original zalgo comic stuff, he can corrupt media in anyway he wishes, and perhaps implant subliminal messages or 'viruses' to infect more people? that second part is mostly a concept idea but i vibe with it
so how does one interact with a being that doesn't totally exist?
you dont
at least you cant initiate it; no if zalgo wants to be perceived by you he'll come to you, typically if you can offer something to him (usually the ability to cause issues for others, ie general creepypasta character criteria)
injecting this really quick but admin is really into the concept of certain characters/entities being just a simple part of nature, zalgo falls under this idea. he just exists because of the laws of the universe
is he capable of forming bonds? sure he definitely has some sort of favoritism towards certain creatures thanks to how effective they are, but like, what about emotional bonds?
probably not, if im being honest; like sure he can check in on you more often than his other agents of chaos, but that doesn't necessarily mean hes your friend
but lets pretend you somehow made friends with the omnipresent and almost omniscient birthplace of wrath and doom:
you cant touch him but he can touch you, kinda. it kinda feel like being wrapped around with a huge freeing cold and immensely heavy blanket when he decides to grace you with his presence
you know how when in adventure time, the lich makes the screen go dark (ex. the fall meme) i feel like itd be something like that
though ive never watched adventure time/never got too far into it SOBS i plan on changing that i promise
oh he is so so so clingy and he so truly hates your mortality
even in death he wont let you go, he'll probably forcefully bring you back, and by extension twisting you into something you weren't before
like this dude is genuinely not someone you want to fuck around with
even if you dont end up dying hes probably going to change you in some way at some point
on a lighter note hes the type to tear the world apart for you, both in the "i care about you as much as a creature like me can" and a "if you ever leave me im going to find you, i already know where you are because i have eyes everywhere"
like i dont like writing stuff that can dip into yandere territory but like. zalgo would do that kind of shit
bonus hcs, he doesnt really care how people perceive him.. because they cant, and even if he allows it he still doesnt care. wanna use any pronouns for him? he doesnt give a damn. see him as a god? as a devil? he doesnt care. truly could not give a shit what you think, he is unbothered
i feel my hcs for him have shifted a bit since i last brought him up in a post but i think
out of all the creepypastas, zalgo is the one i have with the most changing hcs
esp since in this au hes like. the reason everyone exists as they are, and why everything is going on; he is literally the reason all the bad things happened to everyone and hes responsible for the monster-type characters existence
okay thats all i apologize again if this is a mess i simply got. silly and im running off two hours of sleep and im scratching my brain trying to remember my ideas since i havent really thought of zalgo in 2 months (thanks to other brainrots SOBS)
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catonatrain · 8 months
Hi, I hope you're doing well ! For the character ask game, what about Momoi Satsuki with 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 16 & 23 ?
thank you for the questions !! finally able to finish this since i was a bit busy !!
everything will go under the cut because i ended up writing like a very mini essay
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
she is my daughter !! i rlly love the love she has to offer to the world !! and most importantly, i love her passion for basketball as well -- i rlly enjoyed how integral she was to the teams she was a manager to due to her data collecting, and how those analytical abilities made her a force to be reckoned with !! in conclusion, that's my girl !!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
ok i do feel like i answered that in the last question, so i'll add that im absolutely so endeared by the fact she nicknames many people :] honestly kagamin and midorin are amongst my fav nicknames from her... think kagami and midorima won there
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i don't have too much experience with the fandom -- since i got into knb in mid 2022 and rlly have only interacted with a few ppl on tumblr and my friends -- but from what ive seen, i rlly love the amount of love ive seen !! most people ive seen like her a lot and support her !! even those in other fandoms (looking at my beloved a3! fandom the most) -- when momoi's on polls (ex. @/girlygirltournament, @/girls-in-love-bracket, @/pinkandbluebracket) there's always a lot of support for her !!
quick fun fandom thing -- i do want to say that in the pink&blue poll, an alliance was made with a3! fans because both a3! fans and knb fans were super supportive of each other and had a fun competition and ever since then... they have been brother in arms 2 me...
and of course my favorite is still @/pinkhairswagtourney where we arranged for muku (the a3! pink haired boy ever, i even have a little can badge of him) and momoi to tie and be a team together !! and then they won the whole tournament... being able to beat madoka :D and i like to think it is bc of our shared love for charas
(also to anyone reading this, i think you guys should vote for a3! charas when u see them on polls)
THIS GOT REALLY LONG but essentially, momoi is very loved from what ive seen and even to those outside of the knb fandom and that is smth i like a lot :>
8. What's something the fandom when it comes to this character that you despite?
again, i don't really interact with fandom, but i can guess (based on most fandom patterns) that there are people who likely ignore her in favor of the other (most likely male) charas and that'd make me :(
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
i like to think she and takao will eventually become besties and have a very fun group with midorima and kise
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
i assume this question excludes ships you would have no real opinion on (so probably some pairs where they dont interact that much -- even tho i have shipped charas who have very little interactions it all depends on the vibes...)
anyways that makes it a tough question for me !! i personally do prefer aomine and momoi to be platonic, but like. i get it. theyre childhood friends who love each other a lot. inseparable... their bond is just very special to me...
this ended up being me talking abt how i like aomine and momoi's bond but i think that's ok even if i basically didnt answer the question because like. after writing all of this im like... yeah its not my least favorite but i already committed to writing this much
23. Favorite picture of this character?
THIS IS SO HARD... i love so many momois in da world... but ill choose this one for now because she looks soooo happy in it !! look at her smile, she is everything to me...
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rpfisfine · 10 months
do you hate miles?🤨
i was wondering when someone would send me an ask like this yeah i dont like him to be honest. i know ppl on here have largely moved on from the fateful 2016 interview and it has been discussed to death and yeah he immediately said he was joking etc etc but i dont think its weird to think you shouldnt have to feel pressured to like completely forgive and forget and absolve the sins of a male musician saying something that made a female reporter feel unsafe or objectified or 'caught in an increasingly distressing situation' or act like its some sort of unheard of and unimaginable offense that has never happened before in the history of music interviews and one someone’s favorite musician who can do no wrong in their eyes could definitely never get caught up in (esp given how gross in general the music industry is towards women). OR even go so far to say the reporter did it all for attention i cant believe this is even a discussion that has ever been had in any form ever like genuinely nothing makes me angrier than ppl who literally turn into blatant sexists whenever their favorite white guy's reputation is even mildly put at risk ive literally seen one person on here say the whole interview was made up and exaggerated and that she just wanted to 'join the me too movement' which is like Okay man i think you might just not have any respect for women in real life maybe. even watered down and not as extreme its a take thats more prevalent on am tumblr than i thought or previously imagined and i hate how bad it makes the fandom look like i trust that everyone on here is a reasonably intelligent and empathetic human being who has at least a basic tumblr education on the fact that victim blaming is bad so we dont rly need to turn around and immediately go 'she just misunderstood what he was saying' or 'she just didnt get his sense of humor' like Alright
i hope im articulating all this reasonably well like i think its literally fine that ppl have accepted his apology and moved on and are able to enjoy him as an artist and/or as a person too thats awesome and im happy for the ppl that i follow that have this kind of relationship with him. even if it wasnt for the interview thing he stil wouldnt be for me i used to be a pretty big fan of his music when i was younger but nowadays since ive found different music i dont rly pay any attention to him. im glad he was able to spark alex creatively but thats as far as my enjoyment goes of him to be yonest
also ive just realized now that all this makes me look kind of contrived given the fact that ive written milex before and i dont rly have like an impenetrable explanation i literally started writing for jamex around the time the car album came out bc i found out all my fav jamex fics had gotten deleted by their author so i wanted to fill the void and then one day i was like wait am i good enough yet to write a functional milex fic (plus i was hoping to get more ppl to notice my writing and milex offers a pretty easy way to do that) so then i wrote 2 and i was like ok i am cool. i dont intend to write another fic for them
hope this makes sense i probably forgor to say like 10 other things i wanted to say but thats okay
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charliechaotic · 8 months
ayup. gonna do some headcanon / writing requests for a specific set of au sanses, except its just gonna be my am versions, as kinda a way to develop it a bit :>
(note: esp for Cross/Backstab, I dont know what im doing! The others I have at least vague concepts of TvT)
Name references:
The Stars:
Ink -> Sketch, 'Squid'
Dream -> Solaria, 'Sunshine', 'Ria', 'Glowstick'
Swap -> Orion, 'Blue', 'Rigel'
The Bad Sanses/Nightmares Gang -> The Comets
Nightmare -> Lunaris, 'Luna'
Horror -> Butcher, 'Butch'
Killer -> Blade
Murder -> Fracture
Cross -> Backstab, 'Bax'
Error -> Terminal
•Sketch is kindaaaa a manipulative bastard(sorry gang)
•Solaria is transfem! (also, was in stone 1000 years instead of 500, so the apple twins are older!)
•Orion is very freshly 16 years old, universe was destroyed, and is the current main target of Sketch's manipulation- cowabummer! (is aware of being a replacement.) Uhhh right also he isnt Technically a 'Sans'- Think of it like.. Au-ing an Au. He's from an AU of the Swap au? [also he may be my favorite] TRANS MASC !!
•Lunaris is very non nightmare- more dadmare core, really? Also, its the kinda thing where the corrupted and past version are kinda the same? Corrupted Lunaris has his memories, and isnt Quite the original, but he isnt some random dude. Think of the corruption even like his birthday ig?
•Butcher is also very dad core- He doesn't eat until he's made sure everyone else has- also, doesn't have a 'papyrus' / general brother character-
•Blade is like a goofy uncle kinda guy, def a prankster- Tends to go against Lunaris the most often
•Fracture doesn't speak too much, general keeps to himself- but when he does it's either a Lot, or something important to listen to- Also he's a major space and greek mythology nerd.
•Backstab uh. Doesn't have anything to him yet? I'll mostly base it off of fandom stuff I've seen of cross shdjej (gladlt accepting suggestions- my buddy helped start this stuff and he kinda has the role of Backstab but is hyperfixating on smth else rn 😔)
•Terminal is 16, and WAY less destructive than Error. He still destroys stuff, but 1. He's a kid, and 2. Once he joined The Comets he's kinda only destroyed stuff for when its needed for a job. (note: terminal i ALSO made by my other buddy, but I have a better hand of him) HUMAN RACIST!!(/hj) He is a BULLY to HUMANS ONLY!!
Also yeah these guys aren't skeletons anymore lmao- different kinda monster species that comes with the AM. Monsters are the ones with Soul traits in this too :> (Havent worked out who is what yet- Solaria is /Probably/ Kindness)
I have refs for everyone except Fracture and Backstab rn but theyre all done in gachalife2 except for like. one drawing ive done of Orion (literally done less than thirty minutes ago)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
have you ever considered some abstract-ass pairings? like the "how the fuck did you even come up with that pairings?
im not accusing you of doing it lol, but i personally do and am. curious to see if i am normal
IM NOT TOTALLY SURE, because i tend to have very specific reasonings for why i think two characters would be good together, but i definitely think that from an outside perspective some of my ships can be seen as pretty abstract..
(under the cut again sorry im nonstop yapping for way too long guys..)
BUT almost any pairing you think of in a semi-popular fandom like saiki k, SOMEBODY has probably made content about it.. and its more popular in japan, so you may not be able to FIND ur pairing but theres probably SOMETHING out there about it, just in a language you aren't searching in or something.. like, toritsuka x kuboyasu is one pairing i have NEVER seen an english speaking person post about, but if you go in japanese or korean speaking saiki k spaces, that ship is EXTREMELY popular! theres TONS of fanart!!
so yea, whats popular or even what gets any content at all can be surprising sometimes.. like, a few of my favorite tdlosk ships are arisu x rifuta, arisu x aiura, and rifuta x yumehara (+arisu x yumehara but this is kinda popular i think) (im just a lesbian with a bias towards sapphic ships, i see two pretty girls and i ship..) and i shipped them before i ever started looking online for content and when i finally did, i didnt think i would ever see any content of them but. there is. theres plenty of content of them. theyre rare enough pairs that i dont think they have ship names so it can be hard to actually find that content since theres no ship name ever tagged, but it very much exists!
if youd asked me this like a month ago i wouldve said that saiki x suzumiya is one of these abstract ships for me (if you wanna know why i like it, i just like the idea of instead of satou being so average he balances her out, saiki just like superhero-ing every other minute without her even noticing. i also like this as a polycule which ill talk about in a minute-) but somebody on here posted it around that time LOL.. theres also some other rare pairs i enjoy like mera x saiki or kuboyasu x yumehara, but though these are rare-ish pairs, they still have a notable presence so i wouldnt quite call them abstract.. (also yo damn well kubosai is my NUMBER ONEEEE ship, which you could call a rare pair if you didnt go on tumblr or ao3 cuz its VERY concentrated over here and doesnt really exist anywhere else.. except in the japanese fandom LOL.. but yea its definitely not a rare pair over here, its gotten way more popular recently too..)
the more abstractness comes when you start shipping polycules... then its way less likely for you to be able to find your specific ship.. lol.. like the ones i just talked about, you put rifuta x yumehara x arisu x aiura all together ?? no WAY am i gonna find that, it may exist somewhere but youll never find it, or at least i couldnt lol.. some of my fav rare (more like completely nonexistent except for some IVE posted about) polyam ships are the one i just said, kuboyasu x saiki x hairo x nendo, (also love kuboyasu x saiki x kaido but this one actually gets content hehe.. same with kuboyasu x kaido x yumehara.. LOVE that one..) mera x yumehara x aiura, kuboyasu x saiki x saiko (x kaido maybe), toritsuka x kaido x yumehara, mera x saiki x kuboyasu (x saiko sometimes and/or hairo) and probably more that im forgetting... i also really love the psychickers x satou and suzumiya which im actually not sure if theres ever been content of them, i think the only time ive seen it mentioned is someone being like "theyre dating hehe" on a pic of them lol.. its a funny ship for me because its actually one of my favorites even though some of the individual ships im not a fan of + i also hc that satou is very very straight but idk.. somehow this works.. i feel like maybe if he starts dating suzumiya and shes bi and polyam then it might accidentally give him a sexuality crisis because hes probably never even considered that he could be queer before.. idk.. whatever.. it just works..
idk, someone give me examples of tdlosk rare pairs that could actually work...
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artisticmenace · 1 year
Other DNIs below.
im approachable and you should talk to me. cue hypnosis.
Hello, dear friends and accociates. Welcome to the normal info section.
hiii. I'm tabs. I'm suuuper gay(asexual panromantic). I'm also an artist. Any scorn or prejudice will be promptly ignored. Criticism will be looked over as long as its constructive.
dude i AM the stress ball
About me:
I have a bunch of OCs, and I'm writing so many (unfinished)books... Yeah, that's right. I like to suffer and die creatively TWICE!! I can not be helped. I'm just goofy like that sometimes. I hate most non canon ships for fandoms im in, but I'll probably just go "ew" and leave you alone(depends on the ship, really). I haven't been tested for autism or ADHD but enough things line up, so I'm like 80% sure. The 20% is self-doubt. I like to dress fancy, and my general look is deep woods cottagecore that has recently drank from the lake of maximalism. You won't see pictures of me, probably, because my room is NOT clean. Sometimes, I vent on here, but that's because I am the only demographic this blog needs. I love you, too, but your feelings are only being considered a little bit. I use tone tags every now and then if I feel I would be misunderstood. On that note, I am more likely to ignore or ask for clarification if you say something rancid or silly than get on your ass about it.
Those Days:
I'm gonna be making a comic called Those Days about a small town old gay couple, Scott and Rodney, telling their life's story. They've been friends since their sophomore year in high school, and they've seen a lot. Scott was a punk, to say the least.
For the actual comic, you'll need to thosedayscomic, the blog I made for the comic.
^^ I'm currently working on the first issue. I do have lots of art of them though.
Tags for my comic:
those days, those days comic. also any character names first and last.
Current Fixations:
Camp Here and There (Waiting for S2)
Welcome to Night Vale (all caught up)
The Magnus Archives (help)
The Magnus Protocol (screaming)
Gravity Falls (fan for a while and now ive read through the book of bill. cryifn)
What's Currently Crippling:
good omens is going to kill me. i will never be able to think of anything else what the hell
I love interaction! I will always discuss my interests, and l o r e when asked. In other words, PLEASE TALK TO ME !!!
If you want to use my art for your pfp go ahead, just credit me.
Don't repost my art. Please and thankies.
i use ibispaintx btw and i watch the ads for my brushes
Art Requests/Asks: Open!!
Art Trades: Open!!
DMs: Open(as long as you arent a creep or an asshole obviously)
(cant do commissions because the world hates me but dont be shy to trade me. not particular on what i get back as long as i made someone happy. cause it feels amazing to see something i did made someone happy)
DNI LIST because I'm a little hater:
proshippers (what the fuck. what the actual fuck. fictional or not.)
active members of the hazbin/helluva fandom(if i am reminded of that shitshow when you interact with my page UTAFSHBDBDBDJNSJAGAHAOSHHAGA)
racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, etc
18+ blogs (a whole minor)
those problematic "sexualities" (ex. super straight, MAP, zoosexual)(also RCTA what the fuck)
people who fake disabilities/mental illness
people who actively misuse words that describe mental illnesses even though they are well informed about that sort of thing
those fucking people who ruin pretty houses and antique furniture and old clothing. fuck you.
people who write smut about canonically sex repulsed asexual characters(jonathan sims) and just people who decide they dgaf about anything like that. bi-erasure, aro-erasure. anything erasure. i hope youre having a terrible day.
sydelijah shippers get out.
(this one is unserious) people who dont deadname twitter
people who are mean to me. i havent had any yet but just in case. if you disagree with my take, thats ok bc you arent the demographic for my blog. I AM!!!! /silly srs
Here's my sick tags:
artisticmenace - anything that is a post by me
menaceartisticity - art and art related things
themenaceuseswords- text posts. i say shit sometimes.
themenacerants - my new tag for when i lose my shit
menaceencouragement - words of solace and encouragement from me
menacepoetry - poetry/songs yeah. probably sad stuff cause im miserable sometimes
menacescrawling - writing. oh buddy boy.
menacemusicality - im a choir kid what do you want from me
Thank you, I love you.
going to collect these things because why not
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credits, top to bottom:
cowboyinternist (2)
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
I wish I could get paid like $16,000 (after taxes) or more a month for mediocre plotting, weak characterization, and once-a-month subpar audio porn like this basic and uninspired creative. This is quite bitter of course lol because his work was a fixation of mine for awhile until I realized how not great a lot of it is if you think about anything for more than two seconds and I also watched a lot of the podcast and realized he’s not a particularly kind person either lol.
It does have a little bite to it, but i don’t disagree with you. once again, under the cut because i am so so opinionated and i love ranting.
God i wish i could get paid that much too like gahddamn.
I sometimes wish i could say that his work was just a hyper fixation of mine, but at some point along the way it became closer to that of a special interest. I have quite a lot of fun criticizing and analyzing his work now, critically engaging with it (both being critical of it and having my brain on while i listen so i realize how bad it is at times lol) has become something i enjoy thoroughly. Good brain exercise.
I never was a patreon and im not going to be so i don’t know about the quality of his audio porn but like. I have GWA for that LMAO.
I agree about the mediocre plotting, ive talked plenty on this blog about how his plots are so often mediocre. I think a lot of them fall through because of the fandom reaction to them, or even their potential reactions. Which is a shame because Im of the opinion that he writes darker stuff better, but he doesn’t even just fumble the ball like he fucking drops it sometimes. (Fucking Marcus. Kody.) (the weak ass shit with inversion having no major consequences. Kill some characters you pussy) I think one of the reasons his plots are mediocre is because of the lack of consequences, of actual gravity and stakes. We never kill anyone. No one sustains permanent injuries. We need some kind of fear lingering over us that is palpable and that feels probable, something that has us sitting on the edge of our seats. But he tiptoes around doing things like this, and it has happened so often that we have settled in our comfort that no one important is going to get hurt, and nothing is going to change radically. Honestly it’d be a great time to do so now that we’re comfortable, but i doubt he will. Kill a listener. Kill a major speaker. Give someone permanent injuries. Fuck up relationships beyond repair. Have some horrible secret be revealed, betrayal and hurt and all that jazz. I havent listened to the Avior finale yet, but from the opinions ive seen from people i respect i dont have my hope very high.
Yeah if you think about any plot related stuff theres a 90% chance the floor is going to collapse out from under you. Its actually genuinely impressive how badly this man can fuck up an allegory, gotta give him props for that.
I feel like his characterization fumbles as well a lot of the time, his characters start off with so much personality and quirks and then he starts really fleshing them out and then……. They get buffed and smoothed out. At least thats what it feels like with all the fluffy, no plot comfort audios with little plot in between for months at a time. I do genuinely enjoy a lot of the characters (or the earlier, more full renditions of them. Or just the idea i have of them in my head) but i still think lately they’ve gone down hill. And i hope thats a trend that ends.
I’ve said it in anons to other people so if thats why this sounds familiar, its because it was me lmao, but i don’t particularly care for Erik’s personality all that much. I tried watching his livestreams way back, but i didnt last long because his chat is fucking annoying ass all hell and he wasn’t entertaining enough to justify me staying (for reference, i watch streams a lot. Ive moderated streams, Ive seen very annoying chats. His is horrible). I watched the podcast for a while but i just got sick of his and odies personalities. Hes kinda boring and comes off as fake to me. I wont assert that i know what hes actually like, i dont know the guy and it literally could just be general dislike (we’re human, it happens). I just tend to separate the artist from the art with this one. Its whateves.
But aside from all that, i hope that you still find some kind of joy in staying here if you choose to do so. Maybe its the fanfics, or you critiquing and analyzing the frankly subpar content, or maybe you make art of your own or play with what these characters could be like little dolls in your head, as long as it brings you joy.
Thank you for the ask anon! 💕
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janiedean · 2 years
had no idea about the witcher bts drama (or that there was any at all) but im also lowkey feeling bad for Hemsworth (not that ppl are being shitty to him, everywhere i see fandom has been weirdly mature when it comes to the actors) - but so many are not gonna watch S4 with Cavill who IS geralt for all of us and if the show is THAT disrespectful to the books, i feel S3 is probably bad. which might turn away even casual fans. And of course even the remaining would keep comparing him and Cavill? I mean good that he's getting the Netflix money though lol.
(although now that i think about it, Netflix seems to be just doing worse and worse business wise and NO FUCKIN WONDER)
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i mean there is nothing about this that screams SENSED BUSINESS DECISION from anyone netflix starting but then again they seem to be headed for taking any single shitty business choices they could so ì wouldn’t be surprised BUT
wrt the behind the scenes stuff HC has never made a mystery that he tried to course correct - see that they wanted to play roach’s death for laughs and he refused/used the book stuff, and i think just very recently someone who used to write for the show who is now headlining some xmen thing idk about said that some ppl in the writers room either werent familiar with books/games or like actually disliked them actively which given some show choices AND the fact that they totally missed what’s imvho a pretty fundamental aspect of the books’ tone at least is not at all surprising to hear, and that’s not counting the showrunner trying to have CIVIL CONVERSATIONS BC EVERYONE SHOULD BE HEARD with.. some altright/borderline neonazis on twt which was when i unfollowed her and that’s all i know wrt bts drama but if s3 is headed towards more s2 stuff i can believe HC would be like you know what im out
that said it’s a total crap choice they should have either renegotiated with him and stopped making stuff up or ended at s3 because he’s not the kinda face you can recast at this point not counting the fact that he was good at the part, and like… idk how smart its on hemsworth’s end tbh because like he’s a nice dude and i did enjoy the few stuff of his ive seen but he’s nowhere near looking like a suitable replacement and if s4 tanks he’ll have it on his back anyway and like…. it’s not fair to him either? and the fact that he’s not established makes it worse imvho because people will just expect him to be.. not HC and like it’s just bad, i’m sorry for the other actors too tbh bc HC doesn’t need that show on his cv to work but for everyone else main it was their first huge job and.. yeah :/ i mean idt he should have stayed if he hated it but like tldr fuck netflix
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void-chara · 2 years
seeing people leaving the dteam fandom talking about how they are ashamed of how much they centered their lives around it and how unhealthy it was, and im happy for them to be happier, but i cannot relate or understand at all. this is how i am with every fandom. its the symptoms. has been since i was little. when i was a little kid i wouldnt eat unless my parents made references to my intrests. like when i was a toddler they had to call everything coal rocks, because i was super into thomas the train. after that when it was bambi they had to say that line that the dad deer said about “how do you know you dont like it if you wont try it” and my dad had to do a funny voice and everything, even with food i knew i liked. when i liked ariel i needed them to call my food seaweed, and its also probably part of the reason seafood is still one of my favorite types of food. half of my current clothing is videogame merch bought from fangamer, most of it being undertale. id say i wear undertale merch at least three times a week which is saying something concidering how infrequently i do my laundry. i could identify probably any undertale song almost as soon as it starts playing. when i find music i like i listen to it for twelve hours a day for at least a month. the only reason my mcyt obsession was less healthy than any of my others is because i didnt fully take into account emotionally that theyre real people, even though i knew it logically. having a longterm “Normal” intrest is not an option for me, and even if it was itd probably be less healthy for me than what i currently do. i need hyperfixations to make up for the adhd dopamine deficit, and keep my brain at least semi-functional. i need special intrests for the comfort and familiarity. this isnt an option. glad for everyone whos gonna have a much more balenced life now but thats just not an option for me cant relate. im too disabled i guess lol. not upset with anyone whos saying things like that im just feeling sort of bad about it for RSD reasons probably and wanted to explain my obssesions. anywya glad to see the neurotypicals leaving can fandoms go back to being unapologetially weird and strange now lol ive seen way to many people talking about weirdos and freaks and making fun of executive dysfuntion issues. can we stop that now
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
watching deadly class and god damn thats an identical white boy. just like the other ones. this one gets beaten to a bloody mess more often though. and Saya's name is really god damn close to mine and one time someone pronounced it a bit weird and i got a bit surprised.
tbh im on ep 7 and im kinda losing interest in the plot. ill watch for the bloody dudes though. but this series is definetly not helping me with my temptation for smoking.
yeah im ten minutes into this episode and its really fucking boring. i mean like the villains hot and all but i like do not care for these people enough for this. im just honestly waiting until eveyone gets all bloody again. tbh i was readying myself for boring teen shit cuz of stuff ive seen from the fandom, but i guess i was preparing for the wrong kind of boring lol. i mean uhh marco?? what the fucks even the main guys name lmaooo. im really hoping he dies in a bloody mess cuz the breed of white guy he is looks really good when literally on the brink of death and covered in blood.
anyways yeah im giving up at uhh 27:16 of episode seven. and spoilers sorry but so im watching this on some website for free and i think episode 5 was somehow cut short, because i did not see like chico dying. like any of that scene. i just had to piece everything together from the "previously on deadly class" half minute of episode 6. it doesnt really matter anyways but its kinda funny. also in the pilot when marco tried to kill himself im pretty sure i thought "do it you pussy" and i laughed about that for a solid minute. and at another point i think it was something,, basically just an intrusive thought came related to the scene i was watching, and i laughed about that as well for some time because it was like a horrible thing to think if i actually meant it. shame i dont remember it cuz i bet it was real funny. oh and i was also thinking about the like villain dude, chester i think? i was thinking whether or not the burn scar was prosthetic and im gonna look it up now.
aw man it is prosthethic. idk what i was hoping for tbh, i was just thinking that itd probably be easier to just get an actor that has a burn scar than do all that make up, espec since all the flash backs back to when he doesnt have them are animated, so you wouldnt have like that problem either.
but hey, at least now i know the vibe and basic premise of this show so i can read any fics i happen to stumble upon. that is literally like, top 5 reasons im watching all this shit: so i can read more fics and make sure that im not missing out on shit. thats why i thought this was gonna a be a bit more of a light show, cuz all the fandom shit seemed to be just teens, but its not like im that surprised that teenagers are writing fics about mentally ill trained killers like come on. thats like peak YA shit. also i kinda disliked marco at the beginning cuz he was talking a bit too harshly about "the scizos", but then he had that communist awakening and i kinda like him now. oh and you can call me a snowflake all you want but the word " the r word gets thrown around a bit too lightly for my taste. not rape, the other one.
oh actually i think the intrusive thought i had was something about viktor being gay or something. like way before marco said it. and im really trying to stop calling people gay for looking a bit too hard at someone. or maybe it wasnt that cuz i think viktor was saying some shit about sucking dick and if thats true then i had the full right to call his ass gay in my thoughts.
and before i go,, i fucking love billy. lord knows if i was in that school i would be so fucking whipped for that boy like oh my god. id def be a rat too. and im gonna stop here before i create a deadly class self-insert oc in my head cuz i really dont like this series that much. but billy is so fucking, uhhhh,,,,, well i was gonna say hot cuz thats like the word i use for attractive people usually, but i honestly wouldnt really call him hot.....ummm i mean id say cute if it didnt sound so patronising and infantalising......okay whatever he's attractive and honestly id call him hot if i even got eye contact form him back so...no actually i think just being in his vicinity would be enough....yeah my standards are like so low to the ground, you could manipulate me so fucking easily cuz my nerves would be too shot out the whole time to even register anything. and afterwards id be thinking "no im so aware of myself id know if i was being manipulated". also i already dont trust myself so you could gaslight me real easy as well. i mean id probably kill you if you went too hard with it cuz sometimes i get a bit in my head when frustrated, but honestly my weak ass would be brought down with the promise of like,, a hug. i am really fucking starved of attention and tenderness and literally everything that parents are supposed to give you and i dont have the strength to be in denial about that. i literally started crying when my sister shared an experience with me that i fully related to.
LMAO WHAT THE FUCK DID THIS POST TURN INTO IM SORRY ITS LITERALLY 5:05AM AND WATCHING MOVIES AND SHIT ALWAYS PUTS ME IN A MOOD. well,, i was gonna tag this as "i experienced media" but after this fucking text wall of rambling on i dont think it fits that anymore.
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dykeyote · 2 years
Oh you listen to TMA?, well would you recommend it?
i did listen :D!! not much anymore haha but i was real into it back in like 2020 (: and well . that is a VERY layered question bc i have very mixed feelings about tma as a podcast sorry anon im sure u were hoping for a cut and dry yes or no but alas .... i ramble
so basically short answer is that if you want to get into non-dnd fiction podcasts and be an active member of fandom for them i would highly recommend you listen to tma not even out of tmas own original quality but just because its So popular and its made Such an impact on the fiction podcast landscape . i would recommend wtnv for a similar reason but also just because wtnv is just great and a wonderful listen (and my special interest lol) - SOOO many people around you are gonna be referencing tma and referencing the entities and listening to at leaset a good chunk of it at least once will make your experience in the fiction podcast fanbse more enjoyable because when people say stuff like . idk "sydney would be a corruption avatar" youll understand wtf theyre saying . so just on a very functional level id recommend you listen to it just so you understand the references that people around you make (:
whether i would recommend tma based on its own merits is .... more complicated . because tma is one of those pieces of media where the good attributes are REALLY INCREDIBLY GOOD and the bad attributes are very noticeable, and some of those can even be the same thing - for example, while ive had many in depth discussions about how poorly implemented i think the entities system is and how frustrating it is that theyre so poorly balanced throughotu all the episodes, i still think its one of the most genius pieces of world lore ive seen and does an AMAZING job at accurately encapsulating every single fear you could think of.
so basically, while i would recommend tma both because it has some VERY amazing aspects and because it had such an Impact on fiction podcasts that itll be tricky to avoid it if u wanna keep getting into narrative podcasts, i would recommend you examine it critically while you do so. like by all means have fun its GREAT the horrors creepy its popular for a reason!! but also make sure youre able to examine the writing flaws, both the ones that are just writing issues (like the pacing problems) and the ones that probably come to mind more when you think of "examining media critically" (like the narratives Very odd relationship to the police) . basically i would recommend checking it out and i think its very likely youd enjoy it but dont get too attached to it that you cant handle valid criticism because there is a LOT of valid criticism to be made
also ive heard stuff about ethics issues with the production company itself, im not really caught up on which parts of that are real and what the accepted appropriate ways to handle it are (like i said im not actively keeping up with tma anymore so i dont really know much about the good or the bad rn), but basically i wouldnt contribute to the the magnus protocol kickstarter (its got enough money as it is) and would instead support your favorite smaller podcasts instead (: theres loads to support if u wanna support a podcast financially!! blue mayfield (creator of camp here and there) in particular is struggling quite a bit, thats a good place to support (:
but again to wrap it all around this isnt a post dissuading you from listening i WOULD suggest you listen to it to understand what other people say about it in podcast spaces as well as because it genuinely has some really good creepy episodes and strong compelling characters w interesting dynamics and some really good examinations into themes like what it means to be human or the nature of fear and where it comes from . its definitely an enjoyable listen and one id recommend listening to at least once to anyone who wants to get into fiction podcasts and interact with the fanbase in any way!! i loved it in 2020 and i still adore many of the characters now (: i just have a lot of emotions about it lol im sure this is a way longer and more convoluted answer than you were hoping for whoops </3
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