#(be thankful he refused to drag anyone LOL)
ckret2 · 3 days
Chapter 69 (lol) of human Bill Cipher being a prisoner with terrible fashion sense: beach episode!!! Well, lake episode. Close enough.
And a few other people come to town.
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Just after dawn, a sleek, nondescript black government SUV, now dusty from a long drive, parked in front of the Gravity Falls Police Department. Three agents in sleek, nondescript black suits stepped out.
As they left the car, Blubs came out to meet them, Durland trailing behind him. "Agent Powers, Agent Trigger! Good to see you again." He shook Powers's hand, then glanced at the new agent. "And you are...?"
"Agent Dale!" The rookie shook Blubs's hand next, beaming. "Very pleased to meet you. I was just saying in the car—you have a beautiful town here, just beautiful."
"Wouldn't stop talking about it," Trigger muttered.
Blubs chuckled. "Why, thank you. We're quite proud of it ourselves."
Durland said, "Say, Agent Dale—don't you agents usually have tougher-sounding codenames?"
"Agent Clyde S. Dale. Like the horse."
"Ohhh. Yup, that'll do it."
"Sheriff Blubs," Powers said. "I trust you have the requested materials?"
"Right inside," Blubs said. "We've got the readings on last week's gravity anomaly from McGucket's scanners, and reports on this weekend's power surge."
"No overlap between the incidents?"
"None anyone here detected."
"Hmm. Has anything else strange happened since we were last in town?"
Blubs hesitated. "Well—never mind all that." He quickly shifted topics, "Say, I like your 'honk if you want to be arrested' bumper sticker." ("Oh is that what it says?" Durland asked.)
Agent Powers said solemnly, "I can get you the contact information of the shop where I bought it. It's a very nice small business run by art students."
"Would you? That'd be delightful."
Powers paused before following the cops and his agents into the police department, glancing out at Gravity Falls' town square—the modest little main street shops, the town hall, the statue of the town founder, the distinctive water tower with the faded muffin graffiti, and the familiar mountains surrounding the little valley town.
And then he let out a long, frustrated sigh.
"Fine," he muttered grumpily, glaring at the town as though it were an old rival as annoyed to see him as he was to see it. "Let's just get this over with."
He followed Blubs into the police department.
"Attention, everybody," Stan said, standing in the entryway with his fists on his hips, Soos beaming behind him. "I've got some great news!"
Abuelita and Bill glanced up from one of Abuelita's soap operas; Mabel and Dipper craned their necks to see Stan from where they were having dinner at the kitchen table.
Stan announced, "It's finally time!"
Dipper and Mabel blinked. Bill said, "Great. I'll get the ritual daggers, you can set up the blood red candles. Dolores?"
Abuelita said, "I will put out the good sacrifice altar." Bill laughed in delight.
"Yeah, yuck it up, you two," Stan said. "We're going fishing tomorrow! I've got the bait, I found everyone's rods, Soos and I patched up the old boat, I even—" He paused at the sound of the vending machine opening. "Hey! Ford!"
Ford ducked in from the gift shop. "What?" 
Stan chucked a hat at him. "I made you a fishing buddy hat! See, it's got your name! That's pretty good!"
"Oh." Ford inspected the letters haphazardly stitched onto the hat. "Why?"
"Fishing tomorrow! Half the summer's gone by, and we haven't gone fishing once! The guys from the lodge probably think I'm too ashamed to show my face. But it rained this weekend, the weather's just cleared up, now's the perfect time for fishing!"
"Oh," Ford said again, trying to drag his thoughts from magical tapes to fishing. "If you'd let me know earlier, I'd have built another fish-summoning beacon like the one on our boat." (Bill glanced curiously at Ford at the mention of an invention he didn't already know about; then stubbornly refused to be interested and dragged his gaze back to the TV.)
"No beacons! This isn't fishing for survival, this is about the sport! Asserting our manhood! Just the skill, strength, and patience of three men—and some women and children—against the lake!" (Soos beamed at being included amongst the men.)
Ford considered that. He didn't assert his manhood very often; usually he just sort of let his manhood hang around minding its own business, like an old cat that wants to be in the same room as you without socializing. It sounded like an intriguingly novel experience. "Okay, great. What time?"
"I want everyone on the road tomorrow morning! By six thirty at the latest."
The kids groaned.
"C'mon, dudes," Soos said encouragingly. "It'll be fun! After about three hours, once you're awake enough to think."
"No griping, we've gotta be there early to get a prime fishing spot," Stan said. "Tomorrow's a lodge fishing day. We're going home with a haul so big they'll be embarrassed they kicked me out!"
Dipper asked, "You mean the lodge for the Royal Order of the Holy Mackerel, right? Why'd they kick you out?"
Stan sighed, "Once the town found out about Ford, they realized I'd spent the last thirty years attending lodge meetings under his membership. Since I'd never undergone the—" He rolled his eyes and made finger quotes, "'sacred angler initiation rites,' they booted me. And they said I can't try to join again, just because of that one dumb little white lie! And my extensive criminal record."
Ford hurriedly crossed the living room to avoid blocking Abuelita's TV view. (Bill looked through him like he wasn't there.) "Stan got a lot more out of my membership than I did—once I'd finished my initiation I probably only ever attended three meetings. I tried to petition the Mackerels to let him rejoin."
"How'd they respond?" Mabel asked.
"They kicked me out too."
Bill scoffed. "Big deal! The Fishmasons and all their subordinate organizations are just a big boring social club that got you hotel discounts three hundred years ago. The mystique around them is more interesting than anything they actually do."
"Figuring that out is why I stopped attending after three meetings," Ford said. "I joined to learn about the dark secret underbelly of Western politics—not sit around eating charcuterie and fancy nuts while everyone talks about baseball and makes fun of me for not knowing what a fly ball is. It's a stupid term! Doesn't the ball always fly?"
"Really, they aren't even worth joining," said Bill Cipher, the only person to have ever been kicked out of seventeen separate Masonic lodges in seventeen separate bodies.
Reminded of the fancy nuts he was missing out on at this very second, Stan set his jaw in determination. "Yeah, well, they're a big boring social club that'll rue the day they kicked out Stan Pines! Out the door, six thirty, on the dot!"
"I don't have an alarm," Bill said. "Hey star girl, wake me at five."
Mabel shuddered at the thought of setting an alarm that early. "No way. You can borrow my radio."
"Hold on, I didn't say you're invited," Stan said. "We've already got a full boat! Me, my brother, the kids, and Soos and his girl. Nobody wants to sit on the lake with you for eight hours."
"I wanna sit on the lake with Bill!"
"Nobody but Mabel wants that."
"Relax! I don't want to sit on a boat with you underpainted clowns either," Bill said. "I just want to sit on the beach! I miss sunlight! Sunlight without being forced to hike through half the valley on no food or sleep."
(Ford decided that was his cue to make himself scarce. He scooted into the guest room.)
"Well," Stan said, "we're not staying thirty feet from the shore, we're not leaving anybody behind, and we don't trust you to stay put on the beach without your dumb magic bracelet—so how do you expect that to work."
"I'll just stay with Dolores."
Stan and Soos stared at Abuelita. Soos said, "Abuelita? Do you want to come?"
Abuelita considered it. "Sure. The weather is nice. I can catch up on my reading."
"Yes!" Bill hopped off the couch. "Then it's a plan!"
"Hey, hold on," Stan said as Bill breezed past him, "I didn't agree to—"
"Hey star girl!" Bill leaned into the kitchen. "Need your fashion services! I need a swimsuit before tomorrow."
Mabel gasped in delight. "What kind?"
"Whatever exposes the most skin without getting me arrested. I'm absorbing as much sunlight as possible."
"With sunscreen, right?" Soos said.
Bill turned and gave him a blank-faced stare.
Soos hopefully repeated, "With sunscreen?"
"Don't need it."
"You totally do, dude. Not many people talk about this? But having more melanin doesn't totally protect you from sun damage, it just slows it down," Soos said. "Trust me on this. When I was like eight, I went to this water park—
"Uh-huh, and three days later you were peeling off flakes of your own dead flesh," Bill said. "It's cute how you think you know more about humans from 23 years of passively being one than I do from 500,000 years of actively studying them."
"C'mon, star girl! No time to waste!" Bill grabbed Mabel's hand and tugged her off her chair.
"Wait, my sandwich—!" Mabel grabbed the rest of her dinner off her plate and shoved it in her mouth as Bill dragged her upstairs.
Abuelita shot him a dirty look as he passed, but turned back to her soap opera.
Just past five in the morning, Bill crept by the guest room door. He glanced through the wall as he passed; good, both of the Stans were in bed and sound asleep. Bill wouldn't have had a chance to get up to his mischief if Ford had decided to sleep downstairs.
He snuck behind the vending machine; paused to squint toward the future and confirm that when he looked at the stairs, he could only see himself using them anytime soon; then down to the elevator; and down, down to Ford's study.
Bill sighed in relief when the elevator slid open and he saw that Ford had left his study door ajar. He crept into the room, feet socked, hands gloved—Ford was the kind of paranoid to actually check for prints if he suspected anything, and Bill's triangular whorls were very distinctive—and looked through the objects piled on the shelves and furniture for any concealed sensors or cameras. The coast was clear.
He idly scanned the nearby shelves for any sign of his stolen time tape, didn't find it, but didn't expect to. That wasn't what he was here for.
He knelt in front of a half-disassembled filing cabinet, flipped through the files in the removed bottom drawer until he found several folders together about curses and hexes, and flipped through them until he found the one labeled "Curses & Hexes (w/ ingredients)". Good old Sixer, left everything exactly where Bill remembered it.
He rifled through the pages—"aha!"—until he found the paper he was looking for and pulled it out. Handwritten at the top of a ragged-edged piece of notebook paper were the words "Reverse Sunscreen". Bill read through the list of ingredients—"Oh, pepper juice, not pepper flakes, right."—then put the paper back.
He glanced back and forth between the past and present to ensure he put the files back exactly where he'd found them—again, considering Ford's paranoia, he might notice any difference.
And then he returned to the elevator and headed upstairs.
The whole time he was in the study, Bill didn't let himself glance at the back of the room where Ford's shrine to him used to be.
"Heya, pal," Bill said. "It's been a while! Where have you been hiding all summer?"
Gompers blinked up at Bill.
"I guess we both look different than we did the last time we met, huh? I think your makeover went better than mine, though! You didn't fall as far as I did." He didn't have as far to fall.
Gompers accepted the backhanded compliment with utter indifference.
"But hey, why talk about the past! Let's let bygones be bygones. Here." Bill knelt, pulled one of Ford's nutrition pills from the folds of his beach towel, and held it out. "A peace offering! A little snack for you."
Gompers eyed it warily.
"Come on, you've eaten worse things than this."
He delicately ate the pill out of Bill's hand.
"Thaaat's right. Tell me how you like that thing later."
Leaning on his car, Stan—the only other person who'd actually been ready to go at 6:30—looked over Bill's shirt and trout slippers, and asked warily, "You didn't forget that humans need to wear pants, right?"
Bill got to his feet, shoved his makeshift umbrella-cane under the same arm as his beach towel, and pulled up the hem of the puma shirt he'd stolen from the gift shop to reveal his bikini bottom. It was teal with little puffy gold triangles painted on. "Cover-up dress. Your arbitrary fashion rules are different for beaches."
Stan considered whether a t-shirt counted as a dress, decided he didn't know enough about dresses and he might as well give this one to Bill, and grunted. "Fine, you're legal."
"Am I free to go, officer?"
"Never compare me to a cop again."
"Stop acting like one!" Bill trotted off to his ride to wait for the other humans to assemble.
There wasn't room for all eight beachgoers in one vehicle; the Pines piled together in Stan's car, while the Ramirezes (including Melody—honorary future Ramirez—and Bill—magic braceleted to Abuelita) took Soos's truck. So that Abuelita didn't have to squeeze past the front seats into the back, Bill and Melody were assigned the back bench; when Bill greeted Melody and she only responded with a vague mumble and an averted gaze, he scooted closer to the middle of the bench, spread his knees to take up more space, and smugly pretended not to notice how Melody squeezed herself against the door.
By the time the Ramirez vehicle parked at the beach, the Pines family was already out of their car: Stan was glaring up the beach with his fists on his hips, the kids were unsuccessfully searching Mabel's supply bag for Dipper's sunscreen, and Ford was lingering back at the car, pretending to check the contents of their tackle box but actually trying to shake the sudden memory of weightlessness and water in his throat. As Bill passed, Ford muttered, "I'm surprised you wanted to get this close to the lake so soon. Considering." It had been less than a week since their joint near death experience.
"Why not? Nearly drowning was the most fun part of that hike." (Ford wondered whether that was a red flag, an underhanded comment about how unfun the rest of the hike had been, or just Bill being Bill; and, for his own peace of mind, decided it was probably the third thing.) "Looks like you got something fun out of the trip, too." Bill snapped the shoulder strap of Ford's waders.
Ford shoved Bill's hand away. "As long as I have them, I might as well use them."
When everyone caught up with Stan, he was scowling at four men, ages ranging from 50 to 80, wearing fishing vests and hats with the Holy Mackerel's distinctive stylized fish symbol. "Eugene," Stan muttered. "Eugene and his goons wanted to kick me out of the lodge for years. Just because I have a grating personality and am generally unpleasant to be around! And tried to get the lodge to pick a local affordable housing fund as our charity for fundraising one year!"
Ford gave Stan a surprised look. "You never mentioned you worked with an affordable housing charity."
"Yeah. The Compassionate Angel's Fund For Gravity Falls Tourism Business Owners Who Are Behind On Their Mortgage Payments."
Ford snorted. 
Bill said, "I think you should've gotten away with it just for being funny."
"Don't even look at them," Stan instructed the group. "These jerks aren't worth it." The collected group studiously avoided looking at the Mackerels, except Bill and Abuelita, who didn't care.
As they walked up the beach toward the pier and veered around the Mackerels, Stan suddenly stopped, turned straight toward them, and said loudly, "Why, Eugene! What a coincidence! I almost didn't notice you!"
A tall, elderly man with a fishing rod over one shoulder and a black wooden cane in his other hand glanced over at the Pines/Ramirez party. "Oh," he said, with a voice like he'd found a fly stuck in gum on his cane. "Hello, Stan-ley. We haven't seen you out on the lake this summer."
Stan laughed loudly, as if Eugene had told a hilarious joke. "Oh, that! I was just waiting for perfect fishing weather! I'm not about to waste my time out on the lake on a bad fishing day!" He gestured behind himself, "Besides, I had to wait until my whole family was free to come along."
(Soos elbowed Melody and whispered excitedly, "He called us his family!")
Stan clapped his hands proudly on Dipper and Mabel's shoulders—who looked like they hoped the sandy beach would swallow them whole—and said, "I don't see your family, Eugene, where are they?"
"Dead." With mournful dignity, Eugene said, "I outlived my wife and all three of my children. Remember? You ate potato chips during my daughter's funeral."
Stan opened his mouth, shut it, and said, "Was that the really boring one that went like an hour?"
Ford, who didn't always have the best social instincts but could tell when Stan had screwed up, started shooing the rest of the family away from the scene, elbowed Stan, and said, "Let's get to the boat. You wanted to get a prime fishing spot, right?"
Eugene looked at Ford. "Ah. You must be the real Stanford Pines?" he said. "So I'm assuming, anyway. Apparently it's hard to tell you two apart."
Stan scowled; but before he could retort, Bill pushed past him to butt into the conversation. "Is it ever! Listen, take it from someone who's made this mistake—you've got to count the fingers on these two, every time."
Eugene huffed sardonically. "So it seems." (Ford self-consciously hid his hands in his pockets and shot Bill a dark look as he shuffled off with the rest of the family.)
"Say, while I've got your attention—name's Goldie, by the way—I couldn't help but admire your cane!" He tapped the tip of his umbrella against Eugene's cane. "I'm in the market for an upgrade from this substitute I've been using! That's no blackwood, right? That looks like true ebony."
"Good eye," Eugene said, surprised. "Yes, genuine Gaboon ebony."
"Must've dropped a lot of gold on this thing," Bill said appreciatively. "You've gotta tell me where you got it."
"I'm afraid I don't remember off the top of my head..."
"That's fine! Look it up—" (he twisted around to speak over his shoulder as Stan grabbed his arm and dragged him away) "—I'm sure we'll meet again!"
About fifteen feet away, Stan growled, "What was that?"
"Networking. I've got plans for that guy," Bill said. "Hey, did you hear him? Gaboon ebony?" He laughed condescendingly. "Easiest way to make a guy look like a moron, start talking about 'true' ebonies. Didja know the word 'ebony' comes from Egyptian? And when they talked about 𓍁𓈖𓏭𓆱, they were talking about African blackwood. Wood so hard it sinks and you have to tool it like a metal! Gaboon ebony is a flimsy usurper!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"But you don't pretend you do, and that's what makes you better than that guy." Bill tugged Stan down by the shoulder. "Listen, Fisherman. I can't tell you where the fish are biting but I can tell you where they're swimming. It'll give you an advantage, but you'll need to do the rest."
Stan squinted mistrustfully at Bill. "What's the catch."
"The catch is you have to accept my help. Do you want it or not?"
"And why are you offering?"
"Because I think these lodge guys are a bunch of snobs. And they should've chosen your charity. It was funny."
That, plus Stan had been the most reluctant to let Bill live; Bill had to convince him he'd made the right choice.
Bill gave Stan directions to a bunch of fish he could see underwater by the Island Head Beast's right earhole; and then, his good deed for the day done, he headed off to claim a spot on the beach.
Ford had gone into Tate & Backle's to properly purchase the clothing they'd borrowed after the eclipse, and Soos was helping set Abuelita up with a low beach chair and a large umbrella. Bill smoothed out a patch of sand about ten feet from Abuelita so he could lay out his beach towel and dump his supplies for the day beside it. While Mabel and Melody got the boat ready, Dipper wandered around looking for sunscreen to borrow. He saw Bill's tube, snatched it without asking, and generously coated his arms, legs, and face. Bill fought back a grin and pretended not to notice.
He tossed aside his t-shirt and fish slippers, settled down on the towel in his bikini, carefully squeezed several horizontal lines of reverse sunscreen across the front of his abdomen and thighs, and drew a few vertical lines in between to break them up.
Ford trudged over from the bait shop to tell Bill, "I thought you'd like to know those ridiculous fish slippers were thirty dollars."
Bill laughed. "Whoa! Seems like a lot of money for some cheap novelty shoes! It's too bad you decided to trap me in a position where I'm too destitute and powerless to make my own purchases, isn't it?"
"All right, all right." Ford's gaze caught on the bruise-blue line discoloring the skin from Bill's left shoulder to his right hip—had he gotten injured during one of his hikes the past week? Or had that always been there? Ford didn't think he'd ever seen Bill's body shirtless, maybe it had always been here—but then he noticed Bill's lines of sunscreen and barked a laugh. "I suppose you're not planning to rub that in."
"Brilliant observation." Bill began smoothing down the lines with a finger, maintaining the pattern he'd drawn.
"You wanted to come out here to suntan? I'm sure you're already aware of the cancer risks from tanning."
"If I'm in this body long enough to get cancer, I'll welcome it." Bill lay down, laced his hands behind his head, and gave Ford an obnoxious smile. "Anyway, basal cell carcinomas are delicious. There's something kinda romantic about them, you know?"
Ford ruminated on that with thoughtful bafflement, shushed the voice in his head trying to point out that Bill was waving ever more red flags, and concluded that perhaps humans weren't meant to comprehend the romanticism of skin cancer. "Fine."
"What's everyone standing around for?" Stan asked, trudging up to Soos and Ford. "C'mon, we're burning daylight! Let's..." He trailed off, staring at Bill.
His bikini top consisted of two triangular red cups. Each cup had an enormous staring eye.
"See something ya like?" Bill asked dryly.
Stan quickly looked away. "Ugh. That's indecent."
"What is?"
"What's indecent about eyeballs?"
"It looks like...!" He gestured vaguely but emphatically.
"What? What does it look like? Tell me what it looks like, Stanley."
"Never mind!" He turned away with a huff and muttered to Ford, "Can you believe him?"
"I honestly didn't notice anything until you pointed it out." Ford waved back at Bill dismissively as he followed Stan toward the boat. "Enjoy your sunburn."
"I will! I haven't had a good sunburn in centuries! That's one of the best features of earthling bodies!" Bill got comfortable and shut his eyes.
Soos finished getting Abuelita settled, headed toward the boat—but hesitated as he passed by Bill. Bill opened an eye a crack to glower up at him. "What?"
Soos mumbled, "You could've just told me you wanted to get sunburned. I mean—yesterday."
"But you didn't ask if I wanted a sunburn," Bill snapped. "You just assumed I didn't know how they work. And that's the point: you assumed I was stupid instead of considering that maybe you didn't know my plan."
"Oh. Uh... sorry." Soos rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to make you feel stupid."
Bill's irritation flared higher. He sat up. "I didn't say you made me feel stupid," he hissed, voice low, talking fast. "There's nothing that you could do to make me feel stupid. But that doesn't mean you aren't treating me like I'm stupid, does it?"
"Whoa—!" Soos raised his hands defensively. "Chill, dawg. I didn't mean—"
"What's the phrase, do ut des? 'Do unto others'? Your species's phrase. Don't treat me like I'm stupider than you and I won't have to return the favor—sound like a fair deal, Question Mark?" Bill stared up at him challengingly, brows raised.
"But th— I w— You..." Soos's protests that he'd been doing nothing but trying to do-unto-others Bill got jumbled all around under the force of Bill's spotlight glare. His shoulders slumped. "Sure," he mumbled. "Sorry."
"Good." Bill lay back down. "Get out of my sun."
Soos trudged away; and Bill took a deep breath, tried to get in a meditative mindset where he could shut off his mind, and focused on the feeling of sunshine on his body.
He'd just about managed to drop into a proper trance when Abuelita called sweetly, "Bill? Would you grab a bottle of water for me?"
His face twitched toward a frown as he was dragged back to full consciousness. Hadn't Soos left them close enough for her? Some grandson. 
He tried to think of an excuse to stay where he was; then growled in irritation and sat up. "Okay, okay." He couldn't afford to offend the chef with access to the poisons.
The bag with the water bottles was right behind Abuelita's elbow; but maybe her joints were stiff. Bill knelt to unzip the bag. "Another bodice ripper?" he asked, glancing at her book. 
"A powerful sorceress queen has been captured by her enemies. She just learned they are led by her former apprentice."
"I can sympathize with that." Bill dragged the bag up next to Abuelita's knee so he wouldn't need to grab another bottle for her later. "Who's the love interest—guileless guard? Heroic rescuer?"
"The apprentice."
"Sympathy's gone." Bill glanced toward the boat to see what the rest of the household was up to.
They'd already reached the spot Bill had indicated and started fishing. Soos was excitedly reeling in his line; the boat listed to one side as everyone crowded around him to see what he'd brought up. Stan dipped a net in the water to scoop up his catch.
It was a boot.
Everyone's faces fell in disappointment.
Except for Ford's, who gleefully snatched up the boot he'd kicked off during the eclipse when he fell in the lake. He dumped the water out of his boot, switched places with Soos, and began fishing the same spot.
Abuelita said, "My grandson has been very nice to you."
Bill looked at her warily.
"Hasn't he?" She had a polite smile and daggers in her eyes.
He had the oddest feeling that this was going somewhere dangerous. "Yeah yeah yeah, sure he has," Bill said. "Nothing but nice. I think I'll take a little stroll, stretch these legs! See ya!" He stood to escape.
He only got a step away before the enchanted bracelet pulled tight around his wrist. He turned around to stare in amazement.
Abuelita had wrapped the slack of the bracelet thread around her hand.
Bill had made a severe miscalculation.
"So," Abuelita said. "Why are you being mean to my grandson." It was a trap all along. She'd agreed to be handcuffed to him so she could corner him for an interrogation.
"Whaaat," Bill said. "Me? No way! I'd never!"
Abuelita stared at him patiently.
"I don't even talk to him," Bill said, trying to think of a conversational escape route.
She raised a brow.
Got it. "He's just too nice, you see! I don't know how to talk to a guy that nice," he lied. "Makes things awkward!" How could any grandmother complain about her grandson being called too nice? "Yeah—not Jesús's fault at all. I don't hold it against him."
"Ah," Abuelita said, "you aren't used to people being nice to you?"
Sure, they could go with that, try to get him some pity. "Yeah! You know how it is. King of Nightmares, scourge of the multiverse—I'm not a popular guy."
"But you have friends, don't you? The scary ones you brought with you to town last year? Are they not nice to you?"
Bill hesitated, trying to figure out his story now. "Sure—they're nice to me. They're my friends! They love me! They'd do anything I say!"
"Oh. So, you're only comfortable with people being nice to you when you can control them." Abuelita smiled sweetly.
Swift, efficient, and brutal. Bill gaped at her.
"I'm glad you have nothing against Soos," she said. "And that you won't be rude to him."
Bill snapped his mouth shut. "Of course not." He gave Abuelita a tight smile. Played like a fiddle. Even though he'd been lying, she still managed to make him look like a loser. How embarrassing. "If you don't mind, I've got a sunburn to get back to."
"I'm not stopping you." She let the extra thread on the bracelet cuffs unwind from her hand and drop to the sand.
Bill trudged back to his towel, snapping as he went, "I hope this is one of those books you hate where the couple only gets hitched because they've got a baby coming."
"The sorceress has magical birth control."
"Course she does."
Bill flopped onto his towel again and stared at the sky. Ouch.
(I've been promising Agent Powers AND a beach episode for ages, and we finally get to them both at the same time. Let me know what y'all think so for!)
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kisseobie · 4 months
i love hard hours.. hehe….. what do you think about piwon and public sex 😵‍💫😵‍💫
p1harmony and public sex
pairings: ot6 p1harmony x reader
genre: nsfw (mdni)
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a/n: mwahahaha i think many thoughts abt this actually…. thank u for ur contributions user wispyxjae
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keeho ୭
is into it if you’re into it. doesn’t really think of it himself, but when you timidly bring it up to him before a date night he’s all ears. is definitely a hard dom, but a service dom at that, so who is he to refuse your cute little fantasy? as we may have noticed from my other keeho writings i’m … a bit obsessed with the idea of fucking him in a car and i’m not straying from that desire here either.. just imagine riling him up underneath the table during your date at a fancy restaurant, sliding one foot out of your red high heels and rubbing your foot along his groin, all while he glares at you, clearly unimpressed with your antics. keeho taking out his annoyance at your teasing him in the car, parked in a packed lot where anyone could walk by and see (and hear) what he’s doing to you. may even fuck you on the hood of his car if he’s feeling bold (and secretly is sure no one would be able to see) lol
theo ୭
personally, i think theo would be the one to bring up the idea of public sex to you. he’s not gonna be overly disappointed if you turn him down, but if you agree to it, he’s wasting no time the next instance the two of you are out and about to get down to business. the mens restroom is his personal favorite place to drag you to, it’s private enough if he puts in the effort to lock and barricade the door, but has thin enough walls for the opposite side to listen in on the nastiness of it all. although i may see him as a switch who leans submissive, i think public sex draws out a more dominant side to theo, in fact, it’s not even only dominance, he’s mean too. slapping your ass—and face if you’re into that—fucking into you so hard you’re drooling. definitely becomes a reoccurring part of your relationship once he’s gotten a taste of the thrill of being caught
jiung ୭
hmmm with jiung, i think you’d have to convince him. he’s definitely the voice of reason within your relationship, and it takes you several begs on multiple occasions, batted eyelashes and all, for him to finally give you the green light to pursue your little kink. i think you’d have a lot of fun with it, and would always aim to surprise your boyfriend when you’re out in public, like giving him a handjob at the movies, or even coercing him into a quickie in a dressing room stall. he’s always anxious that you’ll get caught and will have to live with the embarrassment of it, but a part of him, the possessive side maybe, also doesn’t mind. loves to know that he’s insatiable to you, so much so that you can’t go more than a few days without pulling him into a mildly secluded era to fuck and suck him like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do <3
intak ୭
intak is shyer than most may believe. due to this, i think he might be a little apprehensive at first, but when the pair of you first begin having sex in more public places, he realizes he may be into it even more than you, despite it being your idea. this might not be considered public, but his favorite risky place to fuck you would definitely be the groups’ shared kitchen counter. the fact that any of his members could walk in on him eating you out really riles the poor boy up :( besides that, i think intak might even be a little weirdo that would enjoy fucking you in more unusual locations.. like the top floor of a parking garage at night.. or maybe even a busy library :DD he just can’t say no to you, sorry!
soul ୭
is neutral on the topic. he’s a pervy boy who loves fucking his hot girlfriend, so if said gf wants to have sex in an empty classroom, he’ll clear off some desks and get his ass to work! he really doesn’t mind most of your sexual fantasies, and in true shota fashion, is just the cute boyfriend who wants to give you each and everything you ask for, so i think sho would just go with the flow if you asked to be intimate in more risky, public places. i specifically can imagine you, dolled up in a flowy sundress, on a little picnic with your boyfriend, and soul having a mischievous smile on his face, giggling while poking his head under your dress and giving you head in a secluded area of a public park. he’s so eager to please :(
jongseob ୭
this man bro… i don’t think with yall it would really be a conversation, more of just a spur of the moment thing that would soon become a reoccurring fantasy shared by both of you! i can picture the two of you at an arcade of sorts, squeezing into a photo booth and taking cute couple photos. the film strip you chose had quite a few slots, and you suggest a kiss shot, which somehow leads to your boyfriend making out with you, and eventually pulling up your shirt and bra to knead at your tits, all whilst the photo booth continues to capture the intimate scene with consistent clicks. when yall finally realize the session has ended, you’re both blushing and scrambling out of the booth the retrieve the photos before anyone else can take a peak at them… woah
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taglist: @woozixo @hearts4chanhee @kyokopi @astro-doll-the-star @soobiary @kyaaramello @t3ssamoodboard @angelcbf @idontknow-1s-world @vivienne-sim @elissasimp @imjustayapper @ihatewreckingballmains @sosaverse @seobing @www90kitsch @khfviq @barbiekh86t @bbyjjunie @taeyangi @fullsunstrawberry @jihnyah @intheemptymirror @watamotee33 @dreamer1299 @jixnnsie @wonootnoot @yukx-x047 @sundancearchives @chuuswifereal @seisyiss @fishsquishh @sunnyyangie
© kisseobie, please do not repost my writing!
𓂃✧ ୭
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Husband!König has many piercings, some he regrets some he admires himself from getting.
Getting in military after many years of bullying gave him lots of confidence, you can see it. From his lines in game you can understand how cocky and sure of himself he is. He’s a colonel now yes, but he was younger too. I believe he got to hookup more from his 19’s to his late 20’s, this gave him a possibility to discover himself, what he liked and to actually explore himself as a young adult. I believe he has had a brow piercing, the hole almost totally closed because he decided it was too risky keeping one on the field (image he actually rips it off because it gets stuck in something;-; ewwww) He just took it off and never really thought about putting it back in.
Classic but I do image him having a tongue piercing. Like listen, we know König eats pussy for pleasure, he would be okay with only feasting on your pussy for the rest of his life if he could choose to. So ofc, when he started to watch porn and noticed many actors having piercings, and how hot il looked while they ate pussy, he just went with it and got one. The fact that he actually went to a piercer instead of just asking Nikto for help by sticking a mf needle in his tongue and risking an infection, is actually pure luck, because our König is also a proud mf, he takes pride in being good at anything, And why wouldn’t he be able to stick a needle in his own tongue alone! (Thank god Nikto was the one to persuade him, he would’ve gotten an infection).
NOW, König has a big cock, we all know it, he knows it, everyone knows it. And how can his big attributes be highlighted if not by some downstairs piercings??? He’s got one on his tip, unfortunately removed due to the discomfort it gave him by constantly rubbing against his TOO TIGHT pants (whore). BUT DONT BE SAD! He once stumbled across a stack of porn magazines, they were old fashioned ones, probably from late 90’s, depicting naked man and women on each and every page (lol ofc they were porn magazine.)
A model in particular captured his attention, his soft dick resting on the side of a thigh, he could see the small piercings along the under part. Thank god König is also a tech genius, he works with advanced technology every day, so a silly and fast google search brings him to what he is looking for, that strange piercing’s name. Yes everyone, a Jacob’s ladder ;). He’s got one, his dick all hot and bothered form the moment he saw that model’s picture, because he was sure that it would feel SO GOOD to be inside a nice hot pussy, feeling how after each and every thrust the piercings would drag around the insides of a girl, making a moaning mess out of her.
Yes he got one, and he was very careful with it, König is a pretty clean lad, he may not have a skincare, may not use fancy lotions and shampoos, but he knows his routine, he keeps himself clean, even more now that he got the piercings. Well I think he got them in his 30’s, he was already mature enough to understand if he could or couldn’t take care of such an important body modification, and he went for it. He got it done when he knew he’d have the most time off from work, where he knew he could spent at least a few months outside the base and actually be able to care for the wound. Very sexy mature choice woof woof bark bark snarl gnawn
He has a failed lip piercing guys, if got ripped off when a bullet hit his face and scarred a bit of his lips, destiny wanted for the bullet to be deviated exactly by his lip piercing. He’s got a bit of a trauma now, refusing to get another one, but still grateful that the first one kinda saved his life and his face from the possibility of a fucking hole being planted inside of it. He was so sexy too, you have seen a pic (yes a pic, I never see anyone talking about how they actually have technology incorporated in their lives! They take pics guys! Like boomers probably, but they do!) you may try to convince him to get one again, and who knows, maybe he’ll actually consider, but only because YOU asked!! Image now the contrast of his tongue piercing and his lip one while he eats you out, woof woof bark, I’d faint.
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raythekiller · 1 year
Weird question, but how would the creeps and Lane be affected by a reader who has obsessive pheromones. Ex. Any person they spend enough time with, the person (or people) surrounding them gets obsessed with the reader. I kinda imagine everyone putting on a gas mask once they snap out of it lol
I wonder if Lane would be affected, would they stay the same or be worse?
Please and thank you for serving us. I bid you a good day. Take care 🩷🩷🩷
🗒 ❛ Reader With Obsessive Pheromones ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Lane The Lurker
#Notes: this was such a fun concept to write
pronouns used: none, gn! reader
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
Absolutely falls for it. And it's so difficult to snap him out of it because he will not leave your side unless he's being forcefully dragged away, and that while still putting up a fight. Gets super touchy with you and actually treats you decently. He's just going on and on about how attractive you are and wow is that a new perfume? Once Masky manages to pull him away he'll refuse to come near you or even look you in the face, embarrassed about his own behavior. Avoids you like the plague.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
My God he's already horny normally, imagine now. Hits on you nonstop in a very suggestive manner and is another one that refuses to leave your side. Will probably try to kiss you once or twice before being dragged away. To everyone's surprise, he doesn't seem to mind the fact that he was only obsessed with you because of the pheromones and still hits on you while wearing a gas mask. He's just funky like that.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
He gets super flustered around you and stutters twice as much. Doesn't really try to flirt or make any moves, he just stands there awkwardly. Actually doesn't take him long to snap out of it since he gets overwhelmed with his own feelings and scurries away from you himself, without much needed intervention. He didn't like the feeling so he only talks to you while wearing a mask.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
Oof... Well, you see, obsession kind of triggers something... demonic inside of him, pretty similar to how I describe him in my NSFW posts. He's unable to speak and just kind of circles around you, acting like a guard dog. Will actually roar and claw and bite at anyone who tries to approach you or take him away from you, so he's the hardest to snap out of it. If he manages, though, he'll apologize for his behavior and ask you to please be more careful with this... power of yours.
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Look, I'm trying to keep this post SFW, but it's getting a little difficult. He doesn't really show any change in behavior, to the point you might think he's immune somehow. That is, until he corners you against a wall, demanding you help him with the... Uhm, problem you've created. You'll have to get him out of it yourself. Once he's back to normal, he'll threaten you to not say a word about what he said to you to anyone else, his face flushing lightly underneath the mask.
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Extremely similar to Masky. Doesn't show any sings of being affected until he makes a move, running a hand up your thigh and kissing your neck. You have to be lucky enough for someone to walk by or else things might escalate. Once he's normal again, he'll chuckle at you like it's no big deal, writing something on a piece of paper and handing it to you. It reads "Played a dangerous game there, doll".
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Lane The Lurker
Oh boy. It's gonna be pretty impossible to get them out of it because they don't want to go back to normal. They enjoy the feeling of obsession. Follows you around like a lost puppy and does literally anything you ask them to, but asks for kisses and such as compensation. Can and will threaten to kill anyone that approaches you, being another creep or family member or anything else. They want every last bit of your attention and they plan to get it.
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softxsuki · 9 months
Hello, congratulations on your milestone!!! I am not sure if there are any spots left, but if there are, can you please do the trope enemies to lovers with a tokyo revengers character? Have a nice day and congratulations again!!!
1.5k Follower Event Trope #1 Tokyo Revengers
Trope 1: Enemies to Lovers
This event is now CLOSED. You can check out the masterlist for this event here.
| Pairing: Baji x Gn!Reader | Genre: mmm fluffish?? | Post-Type: Drabble | Word Count: 760 |
Warnings: Slight mention of violence and being killed (baji says it once, no one actually dies)
Note: Thank you so much! I had this one sitting in my google docs for while because I didn't like it, but I reread it today and I think it grew on me after letting it sit there for a while lol. Enjoy :D
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“Why are you here again?” Baji spits, not impressed at all.
You were another person Mikey had dragged in, finding you interesting and deeming you both friends, not that you minded. You hadn’t joined Toman, but Mikey always invited you over to their base, and you quickly became fond of many of them, including a certain black-haired man that couldn’t find it in him to accept you.
“Still suspicious of me? Seriously Kei, ever thought about loosening up?” You question, walking past him.
The nickname makes Baji’s heart flutter slighty, much to him mentally refusing to acknowledge it. “Oi, I told you about calling me that name. Stop acting like we’re so close to each other! I don’t want you here,” he grits, hating how unfazed you were by his  ‘hatred’ for you.
“Yeah yeah, I know you like it,” you tease, disappearing down the stairs to head back home for the day.
Since the first time Mikey introduced you to everyone, Baji had his suspicions about you. How could everyone just openly accept you to hang around them and listen in on their meetings? What if you were working for a rival gang, showing up to get intel for them? Why was he the only one suspicious of you? And why did you have such an affect on him? Your carefree attitude, your disregard for being surrounded by dangerous men. He felt so conflicted.
The longer you hung around, the more he let his walls fall, yet he kept that stubborn, rudeness whenever you were with him. He refused to show that he had somewhat trusted you, let alone that he may or may not have a thing for you–though he’d never admit that to anyone, he could barely admit it to himself. 
One day though, you had managed to gain all his trust. You had found a sneaky rat from a rival gang sneaking around Toman’s grounds, just looking for trouble. Could you fight? No. Were you still going to call him out and try and get him to leave? Yes.
You approach the man and begin to threaten him, talking big for someone who couldn’t defend themselves. Baji was watching the whole thing go down from afar. A tinge of suspicion grew as he watched you approach the man who was clearly up to no good and didn’t belong with Toman, but that all vanished as soon as he saw you try and make him leave.
“That idiot,” he grunts to himself, tying his hair up as he makes his way over to you, arriving just in time as the guy goes to throw a punch your way.
Baji quickly pushes you out of the way, and easily beats the guy up, mentally making a note of the gang attire he wore so he could inform Mikey of the situation later.
“Are you insane? It’s like you were just asking to get killed! You should have just shouted for one of us to help, we’d be able to hear you if you screamed loud enough. What kind of idiot who knows they’re weak, tries to fight someone off alone?” Baji went on and on, telling you off, yet all you could do was smile at him.
“Stop looking at me like that with that stupid grin, it isn’t funny”
“Heh, you care about me,” you smirk, egging him on.
“Of cour- What?! NO! No, I don't. What made you ever come to that conclusion?” He screamed, his face growing red at his almost confession. Why were you so irritatingly cute?
He could deny it all he wanted, but it was obvious how he felt for you. Now knowing that he could trust you, he started hanging around you more often. And after a few more months, he became the one who’d invite you over.
“You know…you could just ask me out instead of staring at me all the time. I’d say yes.” You say from beside him, feeling his eyes on you as you sit side by side on the shrine steps.
“What?! I-” He groans, feeling stupid that he was so obvious. With a sigh, he looks away from you. “Then let’s date.” 
You didn’t expect him to actually go along with it. Who knew the man who had hated you so much would be secretly admiring you and finally have the guts to ask you out.
“Sure,” you shrug, feeling your own face heat up.
It would take some time to fully warm up, but dating was the first step, a large step from where you’d been with each other before.
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Posted: 1/2/2024
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stardust-sunset · 13 days
Hi I don’t know if you’ve answered this before but I just saw the headcanons you made about Soda being sick and I was wondering if you had any headcanons about how everyone likes to be taken care of when they’re sick? And could I be your 🎃 anon if it’s not taken? Thank you!!
Ooh ofc!! I’ll do my best!
With Ponyboy, he’ll never admit it but he just wants to be held. He probably won’t seek it out but the gang knows to just hold him for a bit. He doesn’t have the weakest immune system? But he does have a VERY weak stomach and gets stress induced stomachaches very easily and it’s always obvious but he tries to hide it because he feels like a burden to his brothers already, even post book he feels like a burden so he just tries to hide it but he has a VERY vocal tummy that has no problem ratting him out. He also likes being red to. It’ll put him to sleep in five seconds flat.
Soda likes constant cuddles, but unlike Pony he’s VERY vocal about it. I feel like he’s whiny too when he’s sick lol-like you try to get up for even a second and he’s whining for you to come back because he wants more cuddles. Soda has a very strong immune system (probably because he ate rocks and dirt as a kid but shhhhhh) but he too feels like a burden. But it’s very obvious when he’s sick. Sometimes Darry will take off work but it’s kind of rare. If he and Pony have work and school Pony will tell Steve and Steve will up and skip school for him. He just loves being held.
Darry is difficult. I think he’d want to be left alone because god forbid he gets the rest of the gang sick. He also really just doesn’t want to be touched because he feels gross and sweaty. He does however really enjoy sick foods like soup and crackers. It just makes him happy. He’s VERY stubborn’ tho and Pony/Soda need to literally threaten not to talk to him if he pulls that shit. He has a fairly strong immune system. But when he’s sick it’s really intense. He gets headaches a lot and that paired with chronic back pain it just isn’t pretty.
Johnny…it’s hard with him. He’s not really used to being taken care of? So he honestly probably just hangs out in the lot because he doesn’t want anyone else to get sick. However usually Dally or Darry will see him and they’ll drag him to wherever they’re staying. I feel like he just wants to get better as soon as possible to get out of everyone’s hair, but in all honesty it feels good to be taken care of. I feel like when he gets sick it’s like…these really awful things. He doesn’t get to eat often so he probably eats from dumpsters and whatnot (or at least he used to) but he’s gotten worms and shit. It’s intense. But he has the strongest immune system I think. He’s learned.
Dallas doesn’t get sick. But when he does he’s a complete ass about it and makes it everyone’s problem. He’s constantly trying to leave and refuses a lot of the medicines and stuff because “he doesn’t need that pussy shit” but he does. And they probably have to wrap it up in a slice of ham like he’s a damn dog. He hates being sick though, like he’ll literally straight up walk out and Darry has to carry his ass back clawing and screaming. He’s silly. shut he has a very strong immune system. Either that or he tries to drink it off but he can’t hold it down and he gets mad.
Two Bit
Two gets really delusional. It’s like he’s high. He’s like his normal self just a lot slower Like he starts having hallucinations and stuff. It’s mildly concerning because one second he’s just staring off into space and the next he’s yelling about the Ketchup Man or something. He doesn’t mind being taken care of though. He probably tries to live off beer and cake but he throws it all up. He doesn’t really have curtesy though and will like…cough on people lmao
Steve is hard 😭 I think he’s kind of like Dally how he hates being taken care of but the only one who can get through to him is Soda and Soda will drive his ass home from the gas station to just lay down and relax. Steve gets genuinely mad that he’s sick lmao-like he’s so mean to Pony too like Pony will be coming home from school and he’ll just look at Steve and Steve’s like “what’re you lookin’ at” with a puffy nose and watery eyes. He gets lowkey mean but never to Soda (or Darry because Darry will kill him) but he’s SO mean to Pony (well Pony’s probably mean back lmao) but in the end he just wants to be sleeping. He sleeps a LOT. Like seventeen hours a day lmao
I hope these are good!! Had to kinda rush things a bit towards the end, sorry 😭
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yeyinde · 2 years
My mostly wholesome Price thought of the day is just wanting to give him a massage. And I don’t mean a quick shoulder rub; no, I mean a proper full-body massage with oils and candles, and all because he deserves to be pampered. Price (and honestly all of the boys) is so stressed all the time, it comes with the job, and because he’s in charge and bears so many different burdens, I am certain he carries some of that tension in his body, especially his back and shoulders. He’d never ask for one, but I’m sure he would appreciate it so much. Knowing that you care enough to want to relieve some of his stress would warm his heart and just make him love you that much more. Plus, you’d get to touch him however you want, and he’d undoubtedly thank you afterward by making you feel good, so it’s truly a win-win situation. In conclusion, I love him, and I am projecting because I, too, am stressed about finals and would benefit greatly from a massage lol -🧚🏽‍♀️
You always seem to know exactly what is going on in my head, and I'm genuinely in awe over everything you write.
Price, to me, is someone who never takes. He gives, always. He'll be as rough as you want. As sharp as you need. He puts everyone, and everything, before himself. He's a natural born leader. Utilitarian to his core. He's the first one who takes the shot, who gets blood on his hands, to spare everyone else from the hardships of it. He carries the weight of every single action on his shoulders and eases it with vices in the form of cigars and scotch, and screams himself raw on the battlefield. He refuses to be coddled or cared for because it's not Important. He's not important compared to everything else. 
He's secondary even in his own life. 
So, imagine just—pretty little woman'ing him in the tub. 
He comes home, reeking of stale tobacco and aching from his duties. Joints aching from carrying the world in his hands. He just wants to sink into bed with you by his side. 
But you don't let him. You drag him to the washroom where it smells of lavender and clary sage. Where you've run him a warm bath, poured him a glass of his favourite scotch (and a bottle of water, because God knows this man needs something more than malt in his belly), and you've given him a cigar. You don't condone his bad habits, but he's a man who bears the brunt of everything in his aching muscles. You let him have his comforts—some of the only things he chooses for himself.
You pull him into the bathroom, undress himself yourself despite his protests that you're doing too much, he doesn't any of this, he just wants you—
You press kisses, and pepper reverent whispers into each battle scar and old wound. You sing hymns in every knot that clots under his skin until it's smooth again. 
It's easy to revere him in the same way he does you, and you worship each blemish on his body until adamantine sapphires melt into liquid blue lagoons. Until his shoulders sag, and the wrinkles in his forehead dissipate.
He goes willingly when you tug him into the tub, brows raising when you get in first, settling against the back. Price huffs, amused, a little bewildered, but he goes along with your demands, and sinks into your embrace. It's a little awkward, a little unsure. He isn't a man who allows himself these small moments of affection—its all saved for you. Not him, never him. 
But you persist. 
You've never held him like this—and with the way he tenses before liquifying with a groan into your arms, you wonder if anyone ever has. It cudgels into you. A small moment where you resolve, absolutely, to hold him like this more often. 
Price huffs, and tsks the entire time you wash him, telling you it isn't worth it, he can just shower, you don't need to go so far for me, love. 
It breaks you a little.
You press a kiss to his nape. "Shut up, and let me spoil you for a moment." 
The stutter in his lungs, the sudden silence—it's all an extension of just how brassbound and ironclad his resolve is, and how heavy he must feel to carry it all alone. Has anyone ever spoiled him before? Has anyone ever tried to rub the grit off with gentle hands, and a soft touch? 
(You ache at the thought.)
You nip his skin when he sinks down against you, eyes fluttering shut in a moment of contentment, bliss. He looks so young like this. So raw and vulnerable, and you feel the affection spume deep inside of you. Your unshakeable mountain of a man. 
Your head falls, forehead resting on this shoulder as you run your fingers over his worn, battered flesh. Each stroke to his skin is done with purpose, conviction. You touch him as if you could suffuse the heft of your love into his marrow where it will aerate in his heavy bones, and ease his burdens. 
He rumbles, a noise of pure pleasure, and you hug him closer to your body at the surprise that leaks into the grunt. 
He deserves the world and more—
"I'll make you feel even better when we're finished, love."
—and you plan on showing him. 
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
Ok, but the bad thing about Amnesia Wukong in Slow Boiled is that he is very much still in his "I can take care of myself/Baby? What Baby" stage. We don't know when the event of Redson's sealing took place, so it is entirely possible he is still trying to hide the egg from everyone except Tang and Ao Lie. If so, he'll refuse to Dadsy try to help him. If it's after the white bone demon event and the egg is out for the Pilgrims, he would still be reluctant since he and Baije don't have a decent relationship yet. If it's after Macaque's death... well... it won't be anywhere near the same Wukong they know. This Wukong would be silent, mournful, and heartbroken... lifeless almost. His cockiness more a mask to hide the way Macaque's death affected him than real, and very, very brittle
referencing this post a litte.
Ooof, and its a little weird that Amnesiac!Wukong didn't comment on the lack of Ao Lie in the gang.
Going by his vibe in the episode, SWK likely "defaulted" to the time just before/during the Kingdom of Women arc (he didn't recognise Scorpion Queen) but his memory was jumping around the place - hence why he corrected there being *four* rings of Samadhi when Pigsy mentioned them.
In the Slow Boiled au; Amnesiac!Wukong is def at the "Baby? What baby? I'm just fat lol." to anyone other than Ao Lie or Tripitaka. This Wukong is confused and cautious with Pigsy's more careful/paternal side towards him, and wonders aloud if Zhu Bajie is just messing with him.
Once Tang is "rescued" (aka the gang gains 1+ party member with Scorpion Queen), Amnesiac!Wukong gets really solemn at the TEA.
Pigsy: "You ok, kid?" Amnesiac!Wukong, quietly: "I miss him." Pigsy: "Who?" Amnesiac!Wukong, eyes filled with tears: "Macaque. I miss him so much..." *buries face into knees* Pigsy: *realising that Wukong and Macaque were A Thing* "Oh... Him." (*a moment passes between them*) Pigsy: "You'll see him again soon. I promise. If not, I'll drag that punk straight out of Diyu myself." Amnesiac!Wukong, wiping his face: "That's... uncharacterisacally sweet of you, piglet... thanks." Pigsy: "No problem, kid."
Shortly after this interaction, Tang suggests putting Wukong back under astral projection so that he can "reboot" his mind. Wukong agrees only if the others meditate with him. Tang falls asleep when he joins in.
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angstysebfan · 1 year
Always The Friend Part 2
Pair: Bucky Barnes / Female Reader  Summary: It’s the next morning and you have to decide if staying is the best choice since Bucky obviously doesn’t want you as a friend either.  Warnings: Implied smut... thats all. Oh and the feels. lol
A/N: Rewriting my whole masterlist, so hang on tight. Hope these will be better than the originals! I tend to write for female readers, but I try not to use any details so this will be for all races. If you see me miss a detail, please let me know so I can fix it. I want everyone to be able to enjoy my stories.
My stories have not been beta’d or really edited, so sorry of there is some mistakes.
Read part 1 here
The next day you wake up feeling horrible. Like you were hungover but didn't drink. You still can’t believe you unknowingly told Bucky your feelings and he hasn't said anything. He hasn't come to talk to you or anything. Now, not only is your heart broken from unrequited love, but you also lost your best friend in the process. You knew you shouldn't have told him, because look what happens when he finds out. You're sure he is probably laughing with Emily over your stupidity.
You drag yourself out of bed because you are hungry. You skipped dinner last night, not wanting to see him, but you know you can't skip another meal. You figured you would lay low for the next few days and let things die down. If it's still too awkward, or Bucky and Emily make it hard on you, you will have to make a decision on whether to stay or not. But for now, you will lay low and stay hidden if possible. First you will sneak into the kitchen for food and then hunker down in your room.
“Friday, is anyone out in the hall right now?” You ask the AI.
“No, agent Y/L/N,” she replies. You sigh in relief and head out your door. You quietly walk to the kitchen hoping to grab coffee and a small box of cereal to bring back to your room.
When you walk into the kitchen it's empty. Thank god! So you quickly put get everything you need and start the process of making coffee. You're trying to be quick to get out of there before someone, especially Bucky, sees you.
“Y/N?” you hear quietly. You close your eyes in both frustration. Damn silent super soldier. 
You take a deep breath and refuse to turn towards him. “Morning. I.... uh... just wanted to get coffee and cereal. I won’t bother you,” you say quickly. 
You continue to make your coffee feeling the heat climb up the back of your neck. Already the tears are starting to form. Stop! Don't give him anything!
“I-I actually wanted to talk to you,” he said taking a cautious step toward you.
You turn and look at him. “Please don’t,” you say. 
You look at his face and see that he hasn't slept at all. The dark circles under his eyes, the puffiness and redness, he looks... horrible. You ignore it cause he made you feel horrible.
“I don’t need to hear how embarrassed you were to hear what I said in front of your girlfriend, or how you don’t feel the same way. I'll assume our friendship is over, which sucks, but I understand,” You voice cracked.
You grab your supplies and head out of the kitchen back to your room and lock your door. Only then did you allow the tears to come out again, your proud that you stood your ground and said something. It doesn't help your broken heart, but right now nothing will help that. As you sit there silently crying, there is a light knock on your door. You ignore it, not wanting to see anyone, when you hear Bucky call through the door.
"Bells, please. Let me in. I just wanna talk. Please," he whispers that last word, but you heard it.
You decide to hear him out. At least then you can get closure and decide if staying here is the best thing for you. You wipe your tears and walk to the door, opening it and walking away, letting Bucky walk in on his own accord. He comes in and slowly closes the door as you sit on your bed, refusing to look at him. He sighs and sits next to you, allowing your shoulders to touch. Your betraying body once again burns with the skin to skin contact.
“I have a lot to apologize for Y/N. First is that I should've ran after you yesterday or at least come last night after allowing things to calm down. I was just scared I guess, but I'm sorry. I've been trying to get the guts to come here and talk all night. So, when I ran into you in the kitchen I knew if I didn't talk to you now I was truly going to lose you, and... and I can't have that.”
You looked at him for a moment. “What were you scared of?” You asked, ignoring the fluttering in your heart at the rest of his declaration.
He gulps and takes a deep breath. “Scared that you didn’t really mean it. That you're not really in love with me. I-I've been in love with you since the day I met you, my Bella, and the thought of you feeling the same way doesn't make sense to me. I mean you're so amazing and I'm... me,” You’re speechless. 
"When will you finally see yourself the way everyone else does? Bucky, your the most caring person in the world. You would give anyone the shirt off your back if they needed it. You're amazing Bucky. More amazing then you even know, which is why I meant it. I've been in love with you for so long, but I was scared I would lose you, and well now you have Emily, so."
“I broke up with Emily right after you left the room. She kept me away from you on purpose, and I wasn’t 100% sure about her anyway. Besides, if there was even the slightest chance I could be with the love of my life, I was going to try.” He said shrugging at you. “I’m just sorry I didn’t come to you yesterday. I should have and told you all of this right away. I should have told you awhile ago. But...”
You put your hand to his mouth, silencing him. “We both should have said something awhile ago. I’m sorry I never did, but... I love you Bucky. I’ve loved you since I met you.” Bucky smiled at you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Can I kiss you, Belle?” He whispered rubbing his nose against yours. You nodded wrapping your arms around his neck as he lowers his head to bring your lips to his.
You and Bucky spent the whole day in your room. You talked more about your feelings, and expressed them in the best way possible. Finally you both decide it's time to stop hiding, you showered, together, and head to dinner with the team with large smiles on your faces. When you walk in, hand in hand, the team all looks at the two of you with a smirk.
“About time you stopped being an idiot, Tinman!” Sam yelled.
Bucky flipped him off as you giggle leaning into Bucky. Bucky looks down at you with a soft smile wrapping his metal arm around your shoulders and kissing the top of your head. Dinner was eventful. The whole team talked about how it was about time you both told each other how you felt. You curled into Bucky’s side blushing by the end of the conversation. 
“Well I for one am so glad you two finally figured it out,” Steve said as dinner was wrapping up, staying silent up to this point.
“Oh yeah? Why's that punk?” Bucky said with a raised eyebrow. Everyone at the table looked at Steve, who had a big smile.
“Because... now I don’t need to hear you whine and pine about Y/N. 'Oh I love her but she will never love me back. Do you think she likes me?' You sounded like a teenage girl!” Steve said imitating Bucky.
Everyone was shocked at this, but then the whole table started laughing hysterically. You looked up at Bucky, who still had his jaw dropped in shock, and blushing. You laugh, taking his face in your hands, drawing his eyes to you. “It’s okay baby, I love how much you whined and pined for me. Makes me feel... special,” You bring him toward you and peck his lips.
Bucky smiled at you. “You are the most special, my Bella. I love you,” He says before kissing you again to the sounds of your team whooping in the background.
Gotta love happy endings!! Hope you all enjoyed. Feedback is appreciated. And stay tuned for my other works getting a reboot!
Permanent Taglist: @rebekahdawkins @marajade1974 @missvelvetsstuff @phillygirl77 @pattiemac1 @winterslove1917 @vampire7595
Story Taglist: @vicmc624 @jackiehollanderr @vampire7595 @learisa @wintermischief @magnificentsvn @winterslove1917
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kankuroplease · 5 months
are you going to make a Hc for all of Wolfgang's children???👀👁️👄👁️ I love it, ma'am, thank you very much! to make Hcs 😭 sniff* can you make a Hc for the little pirate Arashi, he's the baby of the family like his mother 😆 '' I like his little pirate mustache and Captain Hook look.🏴‍☠️
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Who knows lol but Arashi is how he looks
His parents were seasoned vets by the time he popped out
So he was relatively easy to handle even though he was a bit hyper compared to the others
He spent most of his childhood trying to keep up with his older siblings and matured rather quickly because if it
He even thought he’d hit a growth spurt like Asahi did, but that never happened
He’s the shortest of the boys in his family and roughly about the same height as his mother
No one really missed with him because everyone knew his older siblings were very protective of him and they (and their ninken) didn’t necessarily believe in fair fights
So it was smooth sailing for him
He told his dad most of his secrets
And he told his mother all of his secrets (she knew about his first boyfriend before anyone else)
Asahi was always dark and mysterious, so Arashi didn’t even noticed when he moved out
He didn’t get much time with Kuri as she got married and moved out while he was still young
Frederick always let him get away with everything because he refused to act as a parental figure when he wasn’t
Leonie let him play with her paints as long as he didn’t touch the works she was working on or had completed
Mika taught him how to swim
Sena taught him how to successfully hide things in places others wouldn’t think of
He got bored of the mundane things that filled his day while Asahi, Frederick, and Sena would be out exploring the world
So he hoped onto the first ship he could to do the same
But as luck would have it, that ship got ship wrecked and he was stranded on an island for a fortnight before getting rescued and taken to a port that was a pirate’s paradise
That’s where he joined a crew and fell in love the dangers and highs of being a pirate
No rules (well some rules) and the open salty sea was great
He learned to appreciate how his life was and even met his soulmate
A beautiful man from an island he never heard of
Rudest man he had ever met but also one of the kindest pirates around
Who also just so happened to be the captains son
He would risk being captured freeing other pirates whenever the opportunity arised
There was never a dull moment
They sailed for years, but eventually, Arashi got a bit homesick
He was also fairly certain his then husband was over the whole sea shanty deal
But they couldn’t go to his husbands home town because his father would almost certainly drag him back on the ship if he found them
So settling down in Arashi’s hometown was a good idea
He was a bit nervous to introduce his family to his husband as he never discussed his sexuality
It was a relief when all his siblings and parents welcomed them both with open arms even after all these years
And even more of a relief that his husband loved this village
They set to building a home while camping out under the stars (they passed on stay with Wolfgang and Ringo)
And worked as farmers during the day
He really wouldn’t change anything (accept for having to yank his husband’s wanted pictures off of walls lol s when they do manage to travel)
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
S/o being a real wife material and girl friend and a daughter of a gang leader/yakuza. (To be honest I been messing around the Cai chat group of Gun and my OC somehow it end up being my OC being to wife material that Gun fell for her lol)
SAM!! I DID IT!! So so sooooo sorry for taking so long. Thank you for the ask and providing your services for delicious C.ai. You provide the best little brain children. This turned out REALLY fun to write! As always, I read the request and hit half of it at best 🙇🏻‍♀️
Gun Park x Reader: I do
Part 2 here
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Gun easily picks you out.
At first the madame refuses. Gun stuffs her mouth with so much gold that she tells you he is top priority, a V-VIP. You cannot say no to his company, and she would happily face the wrath of your father.
So be it.
Sitting in a quiet corner, where the dimlights are forgiving with the worn leather sofa and the permanent water stains on the low table, Gun watches you sashay across the room to him. In a flimsy dress, cheap and shiny; skin-coloured to allude to nudity and keep the salacious patrons hungry and eager.
Your movements turn many heads. It's not a surprise.
"Hi~" you say, your voice sickly sweet as you take a seat next to him. Too close to be appropriate in anywhere but a hostess bar. "What's your name, handsome?"
"Shiro Oni," he replies simply, the words ringing in the air.
Gun lights up a cigarette, giving you a small courtesy to catch up with the meaning of the name, of tonight.
Your demeanour from a second ago is already long gone.
"Yamazaki Yuzuru," you spit, automatically recoiling away, "Or is it Gun Park you go by now?"
"Call me whatever you want, it doesn't matter," he takes another drag, impressed that you worked it out so quickly. Impressed that you know of his other alias.
"What do you want?" With anyone else you would have stormed out of the room, but you can't afford to leave.
"I'm here to discuss our agreement."
A simple statement of fact that incenses you.
"No fucking way."
"You keep saying no to an arranged marriage. Are you stupid?"
"I don't want to marry a fucking stranger." This is too far. You're in no mood for this conversation. You stand to leave but his hand reaches out, grabbing your wrist.
"Not so fast. I have an offer for you."
His tone compels you, all business and serious. No-one ever includes you in the family business. No-one ever takes you seriously.
It's here that Gun really looks at you. His pitch-black eyes staring into yours and chilling you to the bone. Yet you don't flinch, you're not afraid.
Gun smiles a little at this, you could be useful.
Your reputation precedes you. A spitball with a rebellious streak, a force to be reckoned with. Could have been great if you were born a man. Shame that the Yakuza still has outdated traditions. What a fucking waste.
"You don't want to be the daughter of a Yakuza clan forever. No ambitions, no power, no freedom. Forever under the thumb of your father and other men."
Gun can read you already. No-one behaves like you do expecting to just be a meek and filial daughter all their life. His next words reach into your soul.
"Join me, come to South Korea. I will make you my equal."
An equal? A partnership? Unheard of in the underworld. Scoffed at by your father, your mother, your brothers despite how much better you are. There must be a catch. "And what do you gain from it?"
"It benefits our clans to join. Saves a lot of headaches especially when my attention is elsewhere."
It's an honest admission of a weak spot you did not expect. "What if I say no?"
Gun stubs out his cigarette, so casual, so relaxed. "Then I will just kill every single one of you. Everyone you know will die."
Ah, there it is.
You thought your hairs would stand on end, you thought your jaw would drop in shock. But of course with the Shiro Oni, even with his 'attention elsewhere', when has anyone ever rejected him and lived to tell the tale. The Magami clan bloodshed a grim warning to anyone that would ever consider crossing him.
Gun's full attention is on you. A weaker person would shrink under his gaze. "Do you accept? I won't ask again."
You deliberate.
A chance to be greater than your birthright; to be seen as more than what is between your legs.
It's certainly enticing.
As much as it pains you to admit it, he's right. Your entire clan will either die by his hand or best case, stay where you are and you are destined to amount to nothing.
And maybe you can get to know this demon in South Korea. This 'Gun Park'. Being together. Here is a stranger that already offers you something no-one ever has, that fulfils all your desires without even fully knowing you.
Childish notions of romance still float in your head, despite how much you have tried to harden yourself from such foolish daydreams.
Staring into his eyes, you swallow down any doubt. You don't think about how this is exactly like making a deal with the devil.
"I do."
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taschamonnii · 1 year
You x Wanda Maximoff (MCU WandaVision - Elizabeth Olsen) 
Summary: Enchanted strap because Wanda wants babies. There is still a plot and big sad energy because I have many issues. You get a back story so that things matter more and hit harder. Yes I am ridiculously adding feelings to some weird smut. 
TW: SMUT, 18+, Enchanted Strap, Impregnating, GP!
Here is the title song: Enchanted By Taylor Swift 
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AN: I don’t want to talk about it. We are all going to hell and I am just dragging you all along with me lol I just have been seeing a lot of GP! With Wanda but most of the time it is Wanda with the GP! & I thought about how much she craves a family and got a weird idea. What can I say? My brain is a strange place. I really hope you all like it I surprised myself and really enjoyed writing it. I may want to write more of it but I just don't know if anyone else wants to see it.
Before you say anything just look at her and tell me you wouldn't do anything she asked!
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Word Count: 2,632 
Imagine This:
You are married to Wanda Maximoff. You both escaped the hero and villain scene after a close call. Wanda refused to lose you like she had lost everyone else she loved. You live in a cabin in the woods that is at the edge of a small town. You live a normal life. Well as normal as you can be with a witch as a wife and your own powers of hypersensitivity and mind reading. You both were part of the Avengers for a while. You were there after she had already lost Pietro. But you witnessed first hand losing Vision. 
You were friends, all the avengers cared for each other that is what made you a team. However, you had a crush on Wanda the instant you saw her but you were always on different missions and Natasha told you her and Vision were a thing so you pushed your crush aside. You didn’t have time for it anyway Natasha was training you on basically everything and she consumed most of your time. Nevertheless, you became close friends with Wanda and Vision because Nat really cared for Wanda.
You may or may not have had a fling with Nat but it was supposed to be strictly physical even though half the time it ended up being cuddling. Things all changed when that ugly purple asshole came to earth and fucked everything. You had arrived with Nat to try and help even though your powers are practically useless in the battle scenarios. You end up trapped with Nat as Thanos surrounds you both by the earth with a stone. You watch helplessly as everyone tries to fight the Barney looking bastard. Until there is no one left except Wanda who is falling apart as she slowly destroys Vision's mind stone and in turn Vision. You can feel her pain even from where you are trapped. Her thoughts are so loud, it is as if her soul is screaming and crying and it shatters your heart. You watch on as she has to fight off Thanos as she continues to destroy the stone. The flash and force of her destroying the stone blinds you for a moment and when you look again she is on the ground and Thanos is touching her head. You have to watch as he turns back the time and throws her aside as he takes Visions stone. Wanda’s soul only screams louder to you. You watch as people start to turn to dust all around you and you grab Natasha’s hand squeezing it for dear life. You watch Wanda fade into dust into nothing and hear her soul's last strangled cry; it sounds like relief. 
Natascha squeezes your hand harder. You look at her and both fight to escape and manage to get free running right to where Wanda just was. Nat gasps and folds in on herself grabbing at her sister's vest. You catch her before she falls to the ground. You know her sister and all the lives just lost weigh heavy on her. Her soul cries and you hold her thankful you still have her. She is your best friend and honestly all you really have. Especially now. 
You work with Nat and the others that remain to figure out a plan to fix this, to bring everyone back. The plan was good. The plan worked but not without great sacrifice. You didn’t get to time travel, you had your own part to play. You hugged Natasha before she left and you wish you had never let her go, not that you could have stopped her. 
Your mission was to retrieve people who come back if it worked. You went and waited in Wakanda. You brought Wanda and the others back and you consoled her the best you could. You understood the grief you’d lost all your family long ago and this whole thing just brought all that pain back to the surface. Wanda’s grief was the most painful thing you’d ever felt. Well except for the pain and grief you both feel when you return and learn Natasha sacrificed herself.
 You both fell to the floor in a pile holding each other like your lives depended on it because well they did. You stayed practically hooked together barely ever letting go of some kind of physical contact. You share Nats bed and fall asleep crying wrapped up in each other. The team builds on the original plan to destroy Thanos for good. You and Wanda are on autopilot. You both have no one left. Sure there is Clint and the others who care about you both but no one else understands. The night before the epic end-all fight you confess your fears even though you know Wanda can hear them and you can hear hers and they are the same. You are afraid you will lose each other. You decide to voice your locked away feelings and kiss her. 
The kiss is everything, it is life altering and she feels it too. It slows down time. It makes you both gasp for air and cling to each other harder. Like finding the last piece of a puzzle everything suddenly fits and makes sense and you can see a future with her something you’ve both never had the chance to dream of let alone have. 
The battle is epic. Wanda almost kills Thanos all on her own. You think she would have if he hadn’t sabotaged his own soldiers to escape her wrath. You’ve never seen her so angry. You were stationed on a ship with others that didn’t have battle powers. Unfortunately the ship wasn’t a safer place and it got hit. Wanda barely got to you in time as it went down. When she did get to you she didn’t let you go. The way her soul spoke to you refusing to lose you. You locked your gaze on hers and had to fight tears getting lost in her tear filled emerald eyes. A silent promise was made between you. Your souls promise to never let go and never leave the other. 
The battle ended soon after. Tony’s self sacrifice overshadowed everyone else especially Natasha’s and it was the extra solidification for you and Wanda to finally leave this life to go live a peaceful one alone. 
That is how you ended up here in this little cozy cabin in the woods on the outskirts of a precious small town you call home. Happily married to Wanda. It’s been a few years and you both have never known peace like this. She is so happy and you are determined to keep her as happy as possible for the rest of your lives. So when she starts to talk about this aching feeling of missing something you try your hardest to understand. 
She wants a family, a real family with you. She wants babies. More specifically, she wants to be pregnant. Even more specifically she wants you to get her pregnant and that you thought was pretty impossible but you have learned not to underestimate her powers. She wants everything her comforting sitcoms have and she is determined to have it all with you. 
And that is how you have found yourself in this situation. 
You are laying on your shared bed naked and flat on your back. She is naked on her knees in-between your legs. Her gaze is focused and intense; her green eyes map out every inch of you. 
She nibbles on her bottom lip, a nervous habit. "I trust you, Wanda." 
She glances up and meets your gaze, you're confident in her and trust her with your life. She moves to lean over you and lowers her lips to yours, capturing them in a searing kiss. A promise shared to be cautious as you both proceed. She leans back and smiles down at you. "I love you, y/n."
"I love you too, Wanda." 
Her gaze falls between your legs and red illuminates the room as she begins to manipulate reality. You hold yourself up on your elbows to watch completely in awe as a penis forms between your legs. You never thought this would be something you'd want. You admit you'd thought about what it would be like to be a man but never pictured you'd ever be like this. 
Her magic fades and she slowly takes it in her soft hands and fuck her hands are softer than ever as she gently touches it. Touches you. You can feel everything. You can't help the soft sigh that leaves your lips and her gaze shoots up to your face. 
"y/n, are you okay, my sweet girl?" 
You nod "MMMM mmm hmm"
"Can you feel it?"
She runs her slender fingers up to the tip and slides her thumb softly over the slit there. 
"Yes fuck Wanda that feels way too good. I don't know if I will be able to handle being inside you like this. It's so sensitive." 
"I'll go slow." 
You can feel it twitch and move on its own in her hands and as her deep raspy voice surrounds you. God you love her! 
She leans down and you watch in awe as she just ghosts her lips against the tip. It feels like when she teases your clit with soft kisses only 100 times stronger! You can't help the whimper that leaves your lips. 
She smirks and you can hear her thoughts. "I can't wait to taste you!"
"Fuck Wanda!"
She softly licks the tip and you throw your head back with a moan. 
It feels so hard it's almost like it's pulsing like when your clit throbs begging for friction. She reads you and wraps her lips around the tip bringing it into her warm mouth. 
"Fuck Wanda I can't! I'm gonna ah!" 
She sucks gently and flicks her tongue and holds the rest of the shaft in her long slender fingers that you usually love inside of you. It's overwhelming, it's too much and you can't stop your hips from gently bucking. Your hands fist the sheets. 
She sucks harder and squeezes you in her hands and that's it you erupt tumbling over the edge. A sort of plus runs up the shaft as you feel yourself cum and it's intense and weird to feel it shoot out the tip. It's short squirts pulsating. She moans and the vibrations have you whimpering. She sucks the tip dry with a pop and licks her lips. "You taste the same. Absolutely delicious!" 
The way she talks and looks at you while she licks her lips has you twitching for more. You want her more than anything else. You run your hands through her hair and tug her up. You kiss her lips nipping softly at her lower lip. "Sit on my face. I need to taste you." 
She whimpers as she kisses you harder. She moves effortlessly to hover over you and you can see how wet she is. You hold her hips and guide her closer. You latch onto her sucking and flicking your tongue. She moans breathlessly and you can feel yourself getting hard again. You can't get enough of her. You suck harder and she pulls your hair as she rocks her hips. Her legs squeeze around your head and you moan into her, sending her over the edge and making her crumple forward. She pulls away far too quickly but you can see it in her gaze as she slides her wet core against your abs. She leaves a trail down your body and you feel yourself twitch hard. 
You groan as she lowers herself. She runs her slick heat against you and you twitch even more, getting harder she slicks your entire member and lifts herself up. Her gaze is locked on it so she can line herself up and your gaze is locked on her. 
She glances up to check in and you nod before you both glance back down to watch her slick wet heat surround you. She goes slowly. She squeezes you tightly as she lowers herself all the way. You both sigh with relief. 
She lifts back up halfway and slowly goes back down and you have to throw your head back as a moan escapes your throat. She's so wet and as she slowly moves she feels hotter. She bottoms out and just gyrates her hips for a bit and you can feel that you fit perfectly inside her fully. “You hit every spot baby. AH! You feel so good!” 
She leans over you slowly coming down to kiss your lips. The position has you only half inside her and your body reacts needing to be inside her more. You bend your legs and move your hips sliding all the way in. You both moan into the kiss being able to feel so much pleasure with her whole body on top of you breasts pressed together and lips locked is fucking phenomenal! The angle also allows her to match your hips and soon you both find a rhythm that feels far too good. “I can’t do this for long. Wanda your so tigh-FUCK! You feel so GOOD!”
She hums happily against your neck and bites down sucking hard to leave her mark on your neck and it’s too much to have her all over you to feel her blazing skin and sweet sweat and hard nipples. Her hot breath against your skin, her tongue on your pulse all while being inside her tight soaking wet heat. 
You buck your hips out of rhythm and she sits up putting her hands on your breasts as she looks down at you. She smirks and then you feel her tighten around you. You can’t stop the whimper that leaves your lips as she continues to purposely contract around you. You grab her hips hard. She sighs and moans and squeezes your boobs hard as she constricts you and slightly moves her hips up like she is trying to milk you and it works. You erupt even harder than before. Hot strings of your cum shoot inside her and have her coming hard pulsing and contracting around you even harder. She presses her hips down hard holding onto you making sure you fill her up as much as possible. It is a sight to see. Your hands grip her sides harder and she squeezes your breasts harder. Her own nipples are so hard you want them in your mouth desperately. 
Her gaze finally meets yours after you both catch your breath “fuck that was so good baby I feel so full.” 
She leans down and presses her lips to yours and moves her hands to tug your hair. Her hard nipples graze yours and you are so overwhelmingly sensitive that your body jolts and she bites your bottom lip. You whimper as she releases your lip from between her teeth. “Next time will be even better I want to fuck you so many different ways like this Wanda.”
“Mmm you have no idea baby girl I have so many ideas. I love coming with you!”
She sat up and bit her bottom lip before fidgeting with her fingers. You know she wants to ask something but she is blocking you from hearing her thoughts and she is hesitating. You sit up and suppress a groan at the feel of moving at all while still deep inside her. You  caress her cheek softly with concern written on your face. “What is it, love?”
Her gaze locks on to you and your gaze softens. Her emerald eyes are so full of love.
“Would you let me get you pregnant? We could be pregnant together. We could create our family faster.”
AN: Who wants to see Wanda get the reader pregnant in the same way? Should I continue this or was this a horrible idea? 
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elvisabutler · 1 year
I know you aren’t taking requests again until March 12th, but I just wanted to ask early LOL!! Do you think you could write something about pregnant!reader and Austin being away for filming during her first trimester and when he comes back he notices her baby bump has developed and he goes feral (more breeding kink😸😸)
pop goes the bump
summary: your boyfriend- your eventual husband, truth be told, and you decide it's a good time to get pregnant before he goes off on location for filming. austin- gets a little surprise when he comes home. fandom: austin butler rating: m pairing: austin butler x plus sized female reader word count: 1894 warning: oral ( f receiving ). talk of pregnancy. talk of a breeding kink. pregnant reader. implied p in v sex ( future ). hiding something from a partner, technically. author’s note: first off anon, thank you for this request even though it was during the gala and honestly, let me tell you the way you were like I KNOW IT'S NOT MARCH 12TH BUT I'M DOING IT EARLY to this day makes me giggle. second, you know how to dangle a prompt and say this is irresistable isn't it? austin butler breeding kink- one of my weaknesses. honestly breeding kink in general is but you know there's a reason i can pump breeding kink fics out really quickly for anyone. i hope you're okay with this being a plus sized reader, i can rewrite this fairly easily without it being that but- i said the words big girl in the beginning and, my brain just ran away with it. also i'm aware the first trimester ends at twelve weeks but as i did plus size i adjusted our timeline just a bit for this knowing fully well my own bump with my daughter didn't pop until about sixteen to twenty weeks. in addition not apologizing for the title being a play on pop goes the weasel.
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The thing about your life with Austin is that you've gotten used to planning things around projects. You've been thoroughly thankful that since Elvis there hasn't been anything that ends in staying away in a different country for three years with a severe lack of communication. Only the typical several months of a filming schedule and award seasons that drag on but have an end goal in sight. Those are the sorts of things you can plan around, they are the things you thrive planning around. It's why after the Oscars you can't help but propose an idea to Austin.
"You want to try for a baby?" You ask simply with your head on his chest watching the sun slide slowly down the horizon, bathing you both in a warm glow. If you were a less perceptive woman you wouldn't have noticed how Austin's grip on your waist tightened and how he moved just enough to splay his hand on your stomach.
"I start filming for that movie in a few months," he murmurs against the shell of your ear, "you okay with that?"
Okay with being left alone while pregnant if it sticks before he leaves is what he means. However, at the same time it's also clarifying that you're okay with remembering he'll still be busy and may leave you alone to deal with your changing body. Your answer is a shrug as you turn to give him a kiss.
"As long as I'm not alone the whole time, I don't care. I'm a big girl, Austin."
The smirk that crosses his face as he shifts your positions is downright evil before he starts to kiss you. "Oh, I know just how much of a big girl you are, babe."
And so you try and try and try those four months before he leaves for filming and while it was discouraging to see your period come the first three months, you wait for your period to come that fourth month only to see nothing. Austin had to leave a week before and you couldn't help but call him the moment you confirmed it with the doctor. Yes, you could have told him when you had the positive test but you refused to get your hopes up until you could show him the little tiny speck of a baby on the sonogram photo. He talks about taking the weekend off to see you, to celebrate but you tell him that if he did that- he'd be gone longer on the backend of filming. He'd be gone longer when you're more pregnant than you are now so he's talked out of it, barely.
You never thought you'd be the sort of mom who watches all those little apps and tells their partner how big the baby is from week to week. It seemed silly to talk about babies being the size of blueberries and seeds and yet there was something so delightful, so touching about seeing the way Austin's face would light up at the knowledge of how your baby was growing and how he swears he sees your body changing. You have a bit of weight around the middle so you're pretty sure he's lying even if you can feel parts of your stomach hardening from the baby- from your uterus growing. Still, you show him your stomach every single week to document how it looks until one morning when you're sixteen weeks and you realize you can actually see a difference. You can see your bump- it's barely there but it's there, the physical representation that you're carrying Austin's and your child. That the baby is growing strong and healthy and going through all those little fruit sized milestones. You should show him, you think, you should show him like you have every week and yet this- this you want to keep to yourself until he comes home. It doesn't stop Austin from noticing how you don't show him the bump.
"Something wrong?" He asks, his brows furrowing just a little. "Nothing's wrong with-"
"No!" You answer a little too quickly, "no Austin, I would have told you if there was something wrong with them, I just- I don't want to show you any more until there's something you can see. Until I pop, you know?"
"Babe, I like seeing you grow, I don't-" He starts before stopping once he sees your face, sees how you stubbornly aren't going to show him a video of your bump. "You know I'm gonna see it come next month, right? In person."
You smile at the thought, smile at the fact that he's finally coming home after five months away and it almost makes you want to show him the little swell that you can finally tell is a baby. "I do. And that's why I think you can be patient and wait. It'll be worth it."
The answer he gives you is just a fond eye roll before he acquiesces, holding up his hands and telling you more about his day and how he's getting tips from some of the people on set who are parents. You listen without a care in the world as you rub at your bump.
Your belly continues to grow over the weeks until it's fairly obvious you're pregnant and not just carrying extra weight around the middle. It's firm and you swear you've felt a flutter or two from inside. You should show him and he keeps asking, almost begging after your last call but you know it'll be worth it to see the look on his face when he finally can see you in all your glory. Almost as if he wants to get back at you, he doesn't tell you when his flight is coming in beyond the day, leaving you to guess what time of the day he'd arrive. Still, you find yourself wearing a light green sundress on that day, it flows enough to not constrict your growing belly while still accentuating it enough that you keep looking down and smiling at it.
His plane lands around noon and he finds himself pulling up to your shared house around lunchtime, his key easily opening the front door and despite his call out to you, you don't hear him, earbuds firmly in your ears as you make yourself lunch. It doesn't take him long to follow the sounds of your singing to the kitchen where he stops in his tracks. Nothing could have prepared him for what he sees when you turn to throw something in the trash.
There's something to be said about his visceral reaction to you being literally barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen but his mind doesn't care. His mind that reminds him you've made fun of that phrase so many times that if you knew it's the first thing he thought of you'd laugh. But- but here you were, your dress stretching over your bump- God, when had it gotten so big- making lunch without a care in the world. He did that to you, he's made your chest swell, barely being contained by the top of your dress. He did that to you, made your belly grow and swell and you still had more months to go- he knows from the books this isn't even when the most growing happens. If he had seen you before now, seen even the hint of this swell he's pretty sure his reaction wouldn't be as strong as it is. He's pretty sure his cock wouldn't be standing at such attention that it's painful. He wants to fuck you, he wants to bury himself in your cunt and touch your stomach and whisper how he's going to always keep you this way now that he's seen how gorgeous you look carrying his child, how you look like a goddess. How you look like Venus, curves and swollen breasts and a stomach holding his child.
It's as if he's possessed when he sees you, throwing down his bags and immediately falling to his knees in front of you. You're startled and open your mouth to speak only to have his hands move to cup your stomach through your dress. His lips plant kisses all over it, over and over with mumbles you can't make out beyond our baby, gorgeous, can't believe you hid this from me, gonna keep you like this forever. The grin that threatens to overtake your face grows even more as you feel his hands move to the hem of your dress. He groans when he looks at your underwear, sees the wet spot he's already caused before dragging them down your legs just enough for him to place a kiss on your cunt. It twitches under the attention and you can feel the smirk he gives you. Words fail you as you feel his tongue against your cunt, licking slowly at first before one of his hands moves to spread you open, the other hand resting firmly on your bump. Your hands claw at the counter, praying that they'll help you stay standing up even as you grind into Austin's face. His nose nuzzles at your clit while his tongue dips in and out in a poor imitation of his cock. He knows you like the back of his hand, knows what gets you to come faster than any partner you've ever had but he isn't using it to his advantage this time. He's taking his time giving you leisurely licks around your clit, in your cunt, everywhere. His fingers tease you, crooking just so but not deep enough unless you grind down on them. It's a torturous game he's playing, it's a torturous punishment you've earned for not telling him but Austin is nothing if not kind. He's nothing if not kind as soon as he hears your whimpers and moans and feels one of your hands move to his hair, tangling within the strands and as he feels the other rest on top of his own against your bump.
Your orgasm comes quickly once he starts to attack your cunt with a vengeance, once his tongue runs across your clit, once his fingers crook and once he takes your hand and squeezes. You can't help the way you grind down as your oragasm overtakes you, wanting Austin to coax you through it, to lick you lightly through it as your legs shake and you lean against the counter for support. You hear a slurp that has you shuddering before Austin manages to pull himself out from under your dress, your release covering his lips and mouth as he grins up at you.
"Hi, mama."
You swear your heart skips in your chest as you look down at him and there it is again- that little flutter you swear you've been feeling. You exhale softly, and ruffle his hair. "Hi, daddy," you move to pull him up even as his hand never leaves your bump. "that was quite the hello. You like how I look?"
Austin lets out a shaky exhale before taking your hand and placing it in the front of his pants where his arousal is pushing against his sweatpants, "forget about lunch and I can show you how much."
The two of you order lunch about an hour later. You eat it an hour after that.
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class-1b-bull · 5 months
sorry but I can't stop imagining class 1b with a s/o that is usually really calm and doesn't really express their emotions much.
They get really flustered witg affection and will try to cover their face with their hand :)
Like their face will stotic,but they second their hugged (or kissed on the cheek) they'll get all red and embarrassed,they'll just be stuttering.
A normally calm s/o getting flustered with affection is so cute lmao (and thank you so much btw)
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he does everything he can to make his s/o flustered but the second they try to turn it around he starts blushing instead.
Sen - he will lightly tease his s/o for getting flustered so easily when hes just holding their hand. Other than that he wont acknowledge it much.
Kamakiri - he dosent acknowledge it at all. He will be dragging around his s/o with their face red asf just because hes holding their hand or whatever and he wont point it out at all. (He does purposely do things to make them flustered though since he thinks its funny lmao)
Kuroiro - he will definitely try to tease his s/o about how easily they get flustered but he is the exact same way. Stoic and calm most of the time but he melts the second anyone is nice to him lmao.
Kendo - she thinks her s/o getting flustered over little bits of affection is adorable. She will purposely do obvious affectionate gestures more often just to see them flustered
Kodai - shes also very calm and dosent show her emotions quite often so it was a bit of a surprise for her when she found out her s/o got flustered so easily. She dosent tend to make them flustered on purpose and most of her affection is behind closed doors to try and avoid embarrassing her s/o but other than that she doesn't do anything special.
Komori - she thinks her s/o getting flustered over something so small is the cutest thing and she will gush about it and compliment them for it. And all of that just makes her s/o more flustered and embarrassed
Shiozaki - she thinks its sweet that her s/o get so flustered by affection especially since it counters their usual demeanor. Other than silently thinking its sweet she doesn't do anything special.
Shishida - he tries not to get his s/o too flustered in public areas because that can be a bit embarrassing at times but he ends up doing it on accident instead. He thinks its adorable how his s/o will try to cover their face when theyre flustered from little things like holding their hand and whatever else.
Shoda - hes quite a shy person so I doubt he would initiate much physical affection so when he does and he gets to see his s/o get all flustered and embarrassed its like a rare gem for him
Pony - shes a very loving person so if her s/o gets flustered by affection easily then they will pretty much be flustered 24/7. Pony loves making her s/o flustered though, she thinks its the cutest thing and she refuses to let them hide their face when theyre blushing
Tsubaraba - he is the most over the top when it comes to his s/o. He will do everything he can to make them blush and flustered just because he thinks its cute.
Tetsutetsu - hes the type to say 'are you blushing?!?!?!?' Hella fucking loud whenever his s/o gets flustered lmao. He is a very loving person especially with his s/o so he rarely sees them calm and stoic anymore because they are always flustered and embarrassed around him from the constant affection lol
Tokage - she will instantly start teasing her s/o whenever they get red from the slightest ammount of affection that she gives them. She will randomly hug her s/o or smthn when theyre talking to someone so they have to pause and hide their face blushing lmao
Manga - he will forget about how easily flustered his s/o is until he sees them hide their face with their hand because theyre blushing real bad and then he will remember and start gushing and complimenting them about how cute they are flustered.
Honenuki - he unintentionally makes his s/o flustered and then he wont even let them cover their face with their hand because he wants to see how cute they look and what not.
Bondo - he thinks its cute but he wont voice it or let his s/o know that. Hes also kinds the same way but hes less stoic and more shy and introverted with it.
Monoma - Monoma does nothing but tease his s/o for getting flustered to no end. He will randomly grab their hand or smthn so they get flustered just so he can tease them
Reiko - she dosent mention how easily flustered her s/o is and she doesn't do much of anything special about that info but if her s/o is annoying her she will suddenly hug them tightly so they become all flustered and hide their face so they'll stop annoying her (its hard for her s/o to annoy her in the first place but still)
Rin - he will let his s/o know that hes going to hold their hand or whatever before he does so they have a bit to prepare to hopefully make them not as flustered and get them used to the affection but it honestly only makes it worse lmao. He thinks its adorable and even gets a little blush himself when his s/o gets all flustered and embarrassed
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
Tumblr media
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stellarsightz · 3 months
🌠wip whenever🌠
Tagged by the lovely @priafey 🫶 thank you for the tag and sorry for replying so late hahah
I think my cicerlyn hyperfixation is starting to leave me, but i keep thinking about them all the time lol. Enjoy a handful of snippets i particularly like that i found in my notes app
Tagging: @azures-grace @cicerosfavouritelistener @abstractredd @vestigme @rustyram035 @v1ctory-or-sovngarde + anyone who wants to join <333
Fire and smoke. Long wooden beams snapped in half, crumbling to the ground. Lynwallyn gritted his teeth and dragged himself up, fighting off the sweet lull of unconsciousness as it threatened to claim him. He couldn't afford to pause.
He dragged himself out of the rubble, barely stopping to inspect his injuries. He wrenched a sword out of the nearest corpse. He snagged a pile of clothes he found in what he assumed were the barracks. He took anything his bruised and charred arms could carry. He left and didn't look back.
Days blurred. He found an abandoned shack in the middle of a forest. He used the bedroll, took everything he could and left.
Rinse and repeat.
He slept through most of the day. At night, he prowled the forest and searched for unsuspecting prey. He let himself get lost in the hunt, savouring the feeling of warm blood running down his hands. A few stray dogs tailed after him as he walked back to his camp, licking their teeth and eyeing the mangled corpse of the poor animal he just caught. He snarled at them and watched with satisfaction as they whimpered and scuttled away.
He took what remained of his meal to his hideout and skinned it, slicing it into smaller parts and making what passed as a meal for the next day.
He was gone as soon as the sun rose. He soon found a small village, River something. He sold the few pelts he got from the animals he caught. He ignored the curious, if not apprehensive, looks the locals cast his way.
He exchanged the stolen sword for a set of daggers at the local blacksmith, humming appreciatively as their familiar, comforting weight settled in his hands. His last stop was the general goods store where he purchased a single healing potion and some rations. He left without a word.
[Lynwallyn travels for a while]
Cicero whined for what must have been the fiftieth time, fists clenching and unclenching as he paced.
It wasn't fair! The cruel, awful farmer refused to help in spite of Cicero's pleading and begging. Oh yes, he had done lots and lots of pleading and begging, he had even offered coin! He had seen that look in the farmer's eyes when he produced his purse, gleaming and scheming. Trying not to show just how much he wanted to reach out and snatch it. And yet, he refused to even lift a finger. Anger coiled in Cicero's stomach, burning so bright it made his hands shake. He let out a strangled groan.
"Awful! How awful! Cicero and his poor, poor Mother are stuck! Oh, how will Mother get to her new home now?"
He spun on his heel, shaking a fist in the direction of where Loreius' house stood.  "That damn farmer is of no help! So are those stupid guards!"
The Mer stared at him with a strange expression. His brow creased, eyes flitting over Cicero's face. "You could have killed me. But you didn't. Why?"
Why didn't he indeed, Cicero pondered. He remembered his fingers tingling as he reached for his knives, but something stilled his hand. He still has no idea why.
"Cicero is just a poor, humble jester, he knew a beast such as you would look for something different to eat. Yes, yes, Cicero imagines he would not be very tasty," he lied smoothly, giving the other man a wide grin. The Mer laughed softly.
The rope fell around his ankles before Cicero could react. The Mer closed the distance between them in a heartbeat. Cicero yelped, wriggling, as he was lifted off the ground and slammed against the nearest tree.
The man's eyes were even more impressive up close, his gaze almost burning into his skin as he leaned forward. Appraising. Analysing. Hungry.
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scaly-freaks · 3 months
Hiiii!! I fell in love with 'until the colours fade' and the end made me think that maybe Aegon was going to commit su*cide? it felt open ended too as if maybe he could work things out with Jae and they could be the family they both so desperately need. I was so angry with Aegon at first because the neglecting hit close to home, but I ended up feeling sad for both of them in the end. It felt like you meant to keep the mother unnamed but was she Amara? i wanted to guess because of the moodboard and the girl with the dark hair.
If you want to reveal anything about their life when she was still alive I'd really love that!! The idea of Aegon mourning her when he found out she died just made me so sad and I didn't even wannt to imagine it because they always feel so joined in my mind
Aaahhhh thank you so much (and thank you for being so sweet with your request omg)
It is open-ended. It's ultimately up to the reader to decide what happens without any input from me. My irls read the fic today and were dragging Aegon over the coals because they refused to accept that anyone once they've become a parent has any excuse not to raise a perfectly normal, well balanced child, which I didn't agree with, but to each their own. Traumatised children grow up to become parents all the time and don't stop being traumatised. All you can do is your best, even if that counts as bare minimum to someone else. To you, that is your best. Your intentions are there.
Aegon definitely didn't mean to let his intentions slip, but after the mother's death, aka someone he obviously relied on heavily in terms of emotional support, he lost his mind a little bit. His family is busy with their own lives, and are also quite neglectful of him because I imagine he's not the success story amongst the Targ-Hightowers. No one came to his house after the funeral to clean up and make sure there was food in the fridge when he got back. That's how they never realised Jae was still there until a week and a half later. He had the excuse (barely) of numbing himself on alcohol and drugs to avoid facing up to the fact that his wife was gone, hence why he forgot her. He let Jaehaera parent herself which was also wrong, and she became a latch key kid pretty much. If the electric bill isn't paid, the washing machine isn't working, and then who's cleaning her underwear? At eleven, she's probably thinking whatever, it's fine i'll reuse it, it doesn't look dirty because no one's teaching her that stuff (can't even say it's common sense because kids will be kids). She hasn't started her period yet, but I imagine Aegon would be a lot more aware of that this time round and actually buy her the stuff before he drags Helaena in to explain it all LOL.
And yes, 'Momma' was in fact Amara. And yuupppp, pulled my heartstrings to think of Aegon losing her. She was a baby having a baby, and then suddenly she was gone and Jaehaerys went with her.
Their life before she died was happy, I must admit. They both obviously struggled massively with mental illness and addiction and whatnot, but the kids were their pride and joy, something they made between them and would go to the ends of the earth for. Aegon was a good dad before she died, which is the most heartbreaking bit. Glimpses of it come through, for instance the glitter shampoo, buying Jae sweets after they fight, running after the ice cream van, but these are all notably things he did when she was way younger and before Amara died, suggesting he's frozen in time. Jae is growing up, and her Dad is failing to keep up. He's sluggish and trapped in memories he wants to return to. He used to put his all into making sure his kids were happy on the little money they had, and that his wife wasn't sinking into her depression again (Amara went through a couple suicide attempts during her post-partum period). She was terrified she'd go through with it one day and that it would never end even once the kids were older, and Aegon was the one who was like I won't let you, I promise, I'll keep you here even if it's not that simple.
The sad irony is she died and it was completely out of both their hands. She didn't want to leave, but she did. He tells Jaehaera no, baby, you're all me to disguise the fact that she has her mother's eyes and those eyes haven't looked at him the same since Amara died. Obviously Jaehaera's lonely and depressed and struggling to cope, so when she looks at her dad, he sees all those things staring back at him. He sees what Amara used to look like in her worst moments, but he doesn't have half the mental and emotional energy he used to in order to help his daughter. Instead, he drowns and watches her drown with him.
Amara is probably somewhere in the afterlife crying over the pair of them and not enjoying heaven I'm ngl 😭
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