#(but by that time I had already called my bank and terminated the old card and ordered the new one)
papermonkeyism · 5 months
HI ok I gotta ask - your post has made me insanely curious - you mention having cash at hand while waiting for your new card (resourceful) but none of the sources of cash was a bank or ATM.
Where I'm from cash is still used a lot (as we minimum wage workers get paid in cash) and as a result there are multiple ATM's within walking distance at all times and banks no more than 15-20 minutes drive away. Is this... different where you're from? (For context I'm from Africa)
We get paychecks directly to the bank account here, and I usually just pay with my card everywhere I need to, because it's more convenient than having a lot of coins and bills around. While there are ATM machines here (there are several within a walking distance from where I live), you use them with your card, so without having one, I can't get money out of the money withdrawing machine. I don't know how you do it, but without a card I can only get money out of the bank account by (online) bank transfers, and that's pretty hard at grocery store register.
Our bank offices stopped handing out cash several years ago, of which I am still very salty about.
I got some cash from my mom, and I had a handful of coins left over from the last time I had used an ATM a while back, but that's kinda rare for me, since most places accept card.
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littlemessyjessi · 3 years
“Mother Nature”: Baron Helmut Zemo Imagine: Plus Size
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A Helmut Zemo Imagine Commissioned by: She chose to remain anon so I won't tag her but thank you love for your commission! Much love! Notes from cx:  "Can you use your oc Jessi for this please? Can we have cottagecore vibes? Can we have an animal mama? Can we have a cool power and some backstory?" Note from myself: Yes, bebe, of course you can have anything you want! -----------  
The tension in the jet could be cut with a knife as the three males resided there.
Sam was caught between irritation at Bucky... in general and due to the fact that he would do nothing but glower at Zemo.
And also by the subject of his glowering himself.
He didn't like the situation in any way, shape or form.
But after coming to the resolution that he was more help to them out of prison that he was in... the both of them had agreed to 'let' him stay.
Even when all of them knew that if and when Zemo was ready to flee... he'd just do it.
"So this woman?" Zemo spoke up.  "Why is it that we must collect her?"
"Collect her?" Sam laughed. "What the fuck, man? She's a woman.  Not a pokemon card."
"We need her." Bucky said shortly.  
"Yeah, we need her." Sam laughed. "What I'm not looking forward to is the ass whoopin that she's undoubtedly gonna dish out when she sees us.  What was it she told you the last time she saw us?"
"Shut up, Sam."
"Oh, yeah.  Something about, 'If I ever see your wish brand Terminator looking ass -"
"Shut. up. Sam."  Bucky snapped.
"Then I'll rip that Transformer's reject arm off and shove it up your ass."  Sam continued through his laughter.
"I think I may like this woman." Zemo said sipping his champagne with a smirk.
Bucky just glowered out the window and Sam looked thoroughly pleased with himself with the torment he'd managed to provide Bucky in only a few short sentences.
"If I may.." Zemo started only to recieve a menacing glare from Bucky.  "If she dislikes you so much what makes you think she'll be willing to help us?"
"Because Jess is easy to bribe." Sam said. "And you're going front the bill for it."
Zemo lifted his eyebrows, "Ah, I thought it would be more interesting.   What's her price?"
"Probably some exotic plant that no one has ever fucking heard of and is impossible to get." Bucky sighed, running a hand down his face.  "She'll let you know."
"If she doesn't shoot us before we get off the jet." Sam pointed out.
Sam wasn't scared of a lot but Jess McCarty was definitely on that list.
Even if he did find her highly entertaining.
"Oh and she hates Sharon." Bucky said staring our the window again. "So don't bring her up."
"I'm not ignorant enough to bring up another woman." Zemo said. "I was married, you know."
He had been teasing but none of them said anything else.
They weren't exactly on the best terms but even still they wouldn't bring up conversation relating to his late family.
Eventually, they landed in large field with a beautiful mountain landscape decorating the distance.
Helmut could distinctly see a large white truck in the distance.
"So much for easing into the situation." Sam said.  "I see she still has Leroy."
"Leroy?" Zemo asked.
"Her truck." Bucky clarified. "Don't ask and don't bring up the bullet holes."
Sam snorted, "Yeah, I think she still owes you a few shots over that."
"Fuck off."
Zemo rolled his eyes at the two of them.
Even after all this time and how much he had become accustomed to their bickering ... it still both amused and annoyed him.
As the three of them descended the stairs of the jet, the slam of a door was heard in the distance.
A woman stepped out and leaned against the grill of the truck, blankly staring them all down.
She was tall, that much Zemo could tell even from a distance, with neck length dark hair that sprung from her head in a wild dark halo.
They'd managed to get about half way to her when she whistled and several dogs bounded from the bed of her truck.
"Fuck." Bucky whispered. "She brought the fucking dogs."
"You better run,"white wolf"." Sam said with a chuckle.
Half amused and half concerned.
"We." he responded. "I'm not the only one here."
"You state your fucking business, Barnes. Before I let them tear you part."
A smirk worked it's way onto Zemo's face as her venomous southern drawl that seemed to contrast so much to her appearance.
She was the picture of lovely.
She looked more like a fairy belonging to a magical woodland than someone associated with the Avengers.
Like a tall, curvaceous Elven queen.
"We need your help and we brought an ATM who has connections." Sam said trying to ease the tension.
She didn't seem impressed.
"I'm not asking again, Barnes.  You got three seconds before I sick the hounds on you.  And they're hungry. We've been into town passed the diner where they're having a fish fry.  My babies are just dying for a snack.  And if you even think about laying one hand on them, I'm turning that fucking arm of yours into a coat rack." she spat.
"God dammit, Jess.  I told you we need your help.  It's a mission and you're the only one who can-" Bucky started before she snapped her fingers and the dogs charged at him. "Shit!"
Realistically, Bucky could've ended those dogs in seconds but if he did, A.) she'd never help them, and B.)  she'd make him suffer for it.
Buck let out some kind of strangled cry as he took off away from the dogs chasing after him.
Zemo, no stranger to the military and the dogs associated with it, noted that none of them actually looked as if they were going to harm him but rather just enjoying the chase.
Bucky didn't need to know that though.
"How long are you gonna let them chase him?" Sam chuckled as he and Zemo finally made their way closer to where she stood leaning against the truck.
Jess shrugged, "So what is it exactly that you need?"
"We just need your help with a mission." Sam said.  "We can talk about the details later if you decide not to kill us."
She scoffed, "I'm not going to kill you, Sam.  But I might maim Barnes a little.  Enough to make me feel better."
She finally turned her eyes on Zemo who gave her a small smile.
"So you're the ATM?" she asked with lifted brows. "Do you have a name? Bank of..."
"This is Zemo." Sam said.  "He's a Baron and he's loaded."
"Zemo." she nodded, dark brows drawing together.
"Please call me Helmut." he said producing a hand.
She took it firmly as she stared at him.
"Zemo..." she said almost tasting the word in her mouth.  "That is so familiar."
Sam sighed, "Yes, it's that Zemo, Jess.  And I know what you're thinking-"
"You have no idea what I'm thinking." she snapped, her eyes wretching themselves away from Helmut's soft dark eyes to meet Sam's endless pools.
"No, you were not there and you do not know." she said as her skin and hair began to change color as her temper rose.
It was then that Helmut recognized just exactly who she was.
"You were there." he said. "In Sokovia."
Her eyes connected with his.
"Yes, I was." she said.  "I was with the Avengers when we faced Ultron."
"You're the one that stayed." he said.
"Yes." she whispered.
"You are a hero among my people." he said. "Those of us that are left."
"I am no hero." she said turning away from him and whistling for the dogs who had chased Bucky up an old flagpole and were barking at him.
"There would be many more Sokovians dead if you had not stayed. We were not a large people to begin with and there are even fewer now.  I know several who owe you their lives." Helmut said.
"They owe me nothing." she said. "And for the record, of course, I do not support the bombing but I also understand what it is like to be ridden with grief and confusion and anger when you have lost loved ones.  Especially as someone who had lost their own children."
Helmut's eyes softened as he thought of his late wife and child and it was then that he recognized the same tendrils of heartbreak in the woman's eyes.
"For what it's worth, I destroyed my fair share of places in my grief." she said. "People will remind us of our faults as long as we live but what they say can never compare to the torture we inflict on ourselves."
Helmut said nothing, only nodded in understanding.
She turned to Sam with a sigh, "I will help you.  But I am going to kick Barnes' ass for good measure."
"You sure you wanna go toe to toe with the Winter Soldier?" he teased her.
She lifted a brow, "He is just a man.  A soldier.  Like the both of you and I can assure that I am not scared of any of you."
"Well, he's not exactly..." Helmut said.
"Yes he is.  He lives, he breathes, he bleeds." she cut him off.  "And he shot my truck and kicked me off a building.  So I atleast owe him a kick in the nuts."
Sam and Helmut dissolved into a fit of laughter as she whistled again and the pack of dogs came running before bounding into the bed of that beat up white truck.
She opened the door and slid into the driver's seat.
"Do you have a way to follow me? Other than by jet?" she asked through the open window. "Or do I need to drop the hounds off and come back?"
"It's already taken care of." Helmut said gesturing behind to the jet where Oeznik was pulling driving the car off the jet.
"Nice car." Jess said.  "I still prefer Leroy though."
"Definitely a beauty." Helmut said. "A little rough around the edges but all wild things are."
Helmut gave her a soft smile to which she returned before speeding off.
"What the fuck was that?" Sam asked.
"What was what?" Helmut asked.
"You flirtin with her?" Sam said.  "She will eat you for breakfast, man.  And then shit you out and use you to fertilize her little poison garden.  Don't go down that road."
"What road?"
Bucky had rejoined the conversation.
"Man, you run like a bitch." Sam laughed.
Bucky just stared at Sam in irritation.  
"You couldn't even fight off a pack of dogs?" Sam teased. "One of them was a Yorkie, Buck."
"First of all, I told you that you can't call me that." Bucky said.  "Second of all, if I so much as look at one of those dogs the wrong way you know she'll launch a missile at us."
Sam just snickered.
"Apparently, you have a 'kick to the nuts' coming your way." Helmut said and Bucky groaned.
"She is never going to forgive me." he said.  
"Why exactly did you shoot her property and kick her off a building?" Helmut asked as they piled into the car.
There was a brief argument about the seat being moved up before Bucky answered.
"Look, the truck was an accident." he said.  "It was just caught in the crossfire.   And I only kicked her off the building because she was nearly insane."
"Weak logic, man." Sam laughed.
"You were there, asshole!"
"You could've tackled her to the ground."
"While she was trying to choke me to death with vines?"
Sam just laughed at Bucky's predicament while Helmut continued to ponder this woman.
He remembered what little footage there was of her.
After the battle with Ultron, Sokovia had been decemated and the Avengers had left them in the rubble.
In reality, they had tried to evacuate as many as possible.
With the help of Sokovia's own, The Maximoff Twins.
But when it was all said and done, Sokovia was left in the rubble and Earth's defenders just deserted them.
All but the one.
He'd seen the footage.
Shaky cellphone videos of the woman who transformed into animals to move the debris crushing people to death.
Or of how she was in the tents with the small group of survivors using her powers with plants to heal as many as she could.
She'd even tried to plant things and bring the country back to life before the government had basically laid waste to her work.
She'd been most popularly dubbed as Mother Nature by people across the globe but she never spoke in public or confirmed her name.
Helmut got the feeling that she didn't exactly like being apart of the Avengers and certainly did not enjoy the attention that went along with it.
He knew then that it had to have been her that cleared the bodies of his father, wife and son for when he found them among the dead that had been intricately encased in vines with flowers decorating them in the most beautiful way.
When he'd asked about it, he only been told that Mother Nature had stayed to help them.
He hadn't understood that at the time.
After the loss, all he could think of was revenged as grief consumed him.
By that time, she had long since left the Avengers and wasn't on his radar.
He'd never put two and two together.
Helmut drove for the longest time, the lamborghini speeding along the road as they followed the beat up white truck.
The pack of dogs all happily placed in the back, tongues flopping in the wind and tails wagging.
The further they trekked the wilder the country became and soon the hot rays of sunshine only beamed through the thick cover of vegetation above them.
The light through the leaves creating a green glow.
"I feel like Welcome to the Jungle should be playing right about now." Sam commented.
The finally broke through the tunnel of vegetation into a large property of rolling green field smattered with wildflowers and towering trees.
Garden beds and greenhouses were in the distances and horses could be seen grazing freely as chickens clucked around them.
Helmut noted that there were no fences, no pins, no coops for the chickens but instead all he wild life seemed to roam freely.
"Just forewarning you, there's probably a bear or moose around here somewhere." Bucky said. "But don't shoot it or we're dead."
"A bear?" Helmut asked. "She keeps bears as pets?"
"Don't call the animals her pets." Sam said with a smirk, "It pisses her off and as much as I would just love to see you get shot, it's not very practical at the moment."
Eventually they came to a stop behind the truck.
The pack of dogs all bounded out and took off in the direction of several little goats who seemed more than happy to play with them.
Helmut took in the home in front of him.
It was a beautiful home.
Simple in design but stunning in the sense that it seemed to be built around a tree.
"Come inside and have some tea." Jess said. "I'm going to need some if I'm going to listen to whatever utter bullshit you've gotten yourself into this time."
"Uh uh." Sam said with a shake of his head. "That is a lion. I am not going up there."
Jess narrowed her eyes at Sam as Helmut and Bucky looked around for what he was talking about.
Sure enough on the level there was a small balcony where the railing was absolutely littered with cats and a rather large mountain lion was sitting there watching them all with it's great luminous eyes.
"She's pregnant.  Relax." Jess said ascending the steps, gently smiling at Helmut when he followed her without reservation.
"Like that's supposed to instill confidence." Sam said. "You ever been around a pregnant female? Hell no."
"I have been a pregnant female, Wilson.  And I also very clearly remember the labor pain of having twins.  So watch your mouth and come on. If she wanted to eat you she would've already done it. Though if you're so scared, just feed her Barnes.  That should tide her over for a while." she said disappearing into the house with a chuckling Helmut behind her.
"This is your fault." Sam said shoving Bucky who only shoved him back.
"Shut up, Sam." he said before they continued up the stairs with Sam moving a little quicker as the cluster of felines watched him.  
"I hate cats, man." he sad.  "Fucking creepy."
Bucky snorted.
"Just fitting that the bird is scared of a little kitty." Bucky teased.
Sam lifted his brows, "First of all, that was not a kitten.  That was full on Lion King back there.  And second of all, have you never seen Looney Toons.  I'm not trying to be Tweety bird."
"Stop being a pussy and come on." Jess' voice rang out. "And shut the damn door. You're letting all the cool air out."
Sam and Bucky grumbled at each other before making their way into the kitchen to see Helmut sitting at the table already happily sipping a cup of tea.
"This is exquisite." Helmut complimented her. "What is it?"
"It's peach and apricot." she said pouring both Sam and Bucky a cup and leveling them both with a look that told them if they didn't drink it she'd strangle them.
"It's wonderful. Thank you." Helmut said.
"It was my daughters' favorites.   Flora loved peaches and Fauna loved apricots. So to please them both my husband used to blend them together for their little tea parties. Along with little pieces of toast and jam."
She smiled into her own cup of tea but there was a sadness there that he recognized.
He chose not to remark on it and instead studied her features as Sam relayed the information as to why they were actually there in the first place.
"I've seen the Walker guy." she said. "It's unsettling to say the least.  But you know I do the limelight, boys.  I walked away from all of that when it became obvious that-"
"Jess." Bucky said. "Please. You don't have to talk to anyone. You don't have to-"
"People died.  And not just in Sokovia.  Yes, that was the final straw for me but it was happening long before that. I understand that 'earth's greatest heroes' or whatever are there to defend everyone.  But no one ever stays around to see the carnage.   No one talks about everyone who dies in the crossfire.  I joined the avengers out of revenge.  I was fueled by my anger and pain and I went on missions.   How many have I ended up inadvertantly killing under this ruse of 'for the greater good'.  I loved Steve to death but he took that shit to his heart and forgot to use his eyes." she said. "While everyone else is busy looking at the 'bigger picture' all of these other people who perhaps you don't know the names of are dying horrible deaths, boys.   I pulled people from wreckage who had moment to live.  People who's organs were crushed into nothing and they were rushing to give me messages to pass along to their families.  Those people are the heroes and no one ever knows it."
The subject of Steve was a sensitive one for everyone but she had a point and they knew it.
She sighed as she looked down into her teacup again, "I will help you regarding John Walker.  But I'm not blindly following orders anymore.   I make my own decisions and when I'm done, I'm done and I don't want to hear anything about it when I go."
The three of them nodded even though she wasn't asking for permission.
"You want some more tea, love?" she asked Helmut who's heart fluttered a bit at the soft term of endearment.
"Please." he said watching as she methodically poured him another cup.
"I can not leave immediately." she said. "I have to take care of a few things first. But you are welcome to stay here if you wish."
"And if you're not afraid of the cat." she said, aiming it at Sam. "Tweety bird."
"I hate you." he said flatly and she only laughed.
"Her name is Cleopatra by the way. Or Cleo for short. And if you give her a can of tuna from that cabinet there then she'll be putty in your hands.  If you rub her belly then she'll love you forever." she said.  "She also seems to enjoy listening to Elvis Presley and laying in the sunlight.  If that should interest any of you."
"Thanks, Jess." Bucky said sincerely.
"You're welcome." she said. "But I still owe you a beating."
He sighed, "Fair enough."
She left the table and meandered out onto the lower porch to stay at the horizon.
Sam and Bucky said nothing as Helmut followed her out there.
"Thank you." he said as he stared off in the distance as well.
"For what?" she asked. "The tea? You're welcome, dear.  It was nothing."
"No." he said turning to look at her. "For what you did for the bodies.  My father, wife and son were among the ones you uncovered.   They told me it was Mother Nature.  I never put it together but now I see."
She said nothing.
"I did it because it was what I would've liked for my own family." she said.  "I'm just sorry I couldn't do it for everyone.  I tried but there were so many that needed healing.  I didn't have ti-"
"The people of Sokovia know that." he cut her off.  "But as a son, a husband and a father, I'm thanking you for myself and also for everyone else."
She said nothing as they stared out at the trees.
"What happened to your family?" he asked her.
He knew, from first experience, how painful it was to talk about something like but he wanted to know.
"There was a bombing." she said. "My husband and I had taken my daughters to the museum to see the dinosaur exhibit.   It was so wrapped up that day that it was nearly impossible to get food there.  So we called in some food a couple of miles away at one of the girls' favorite resteraunts.  He'd told me to go and get it and that they'd meet me by the water fountains and we'd have lunch.   I was stuck in traffic for a good hour coming back  when it hit.  They'd called in an air strike because it was confirmed that an extremely dangerous  terrorist was there.  He'd been on the run for nearly a year from a foreign government and when it was confirmed what he had on him, I guess they decided it would be better to blow everyone there off the place of the planet that risk him setting it off and possibly destroying the world.  I saw it hit, saw everything go up in flames before it the whole of everything just crashed into the ground.  Like the whole word swallowed it whole." she said, voice shaking.
Helmut watched with rapt attention as she struggled to continue.
"I just jumped out of the car immediately and took off.  Police were swarming and I got thrown this way and that but I got loose.  My family was in there.  My husband.  My children.  I dove head first into the crater not even thinking about self preservation or logic at all.  There were no survivors of course but I didn't care.   A mother can't just walk away like that.  Or atleast I couldn't.  I should've died on impact based on the fall but I didn't.  About half way down gas released and I can just remember the burning.  My skin felt like it was melting off.  I was still falling through the air and my skin was searing hot, burning every nerve ending I had.  And then I hit.   When I woke up, I wasn't there anymore but I panicked because I was covered in vines.  Wrapped up like a mummy in vegetation." she said, a dark chuckle coloring her tone.
Helmut shivered as a chill ran down his spine.
"The local authorities pulled me out when everything had been cleared and they began to sort through the wreckage.  I'd been turned over to American government when they discovered my ID in my back pocket.  They told me that it took forever for the police to get in because vines kept growing from everything I touched.  Several of them were strangled to death as I lay down there unconscious.  I was deemed dangerous and therefore put it a high security area.   I was told a version of what happened that day and propositioned to join the Avengers.  I was angry and grieving and I wanted to find out who murdered my children, my husband... so I accepted without hesistation. So when I tell you that I understand how you got to the point that you did... trust me.  I get it."
Helmut said nothing as he reached out to take her hand.
"Perhaps, you and I are not so different." he said.
"Probably a lot more similiar than you think." she chuckled.
"Though I am not a goddess." he said with a small smirk.
"I'm no goddess." she said.
"Ah no?" he asked. "Not Mother Nature then?"
"Sure you can call me mother nature...of the current year where I've been poisoned by the human race and am genuinely fed up with life in general.  Maybe Mother Nature's trailer trash cousin, Global Warming." she said and Helmut laughed at her in disbelief. "I can say trailer trash cause I am trailer trash."
Helmut shook his head in amusement.
He wasn't sure of anything in that moment but he was thankful for it and he hoped that perhaps his family was somewhere looking down on him.
He silently thanked them for allowing him to meet the one person who had stayed.
Mother Nature always found a way.
----- Hello my loves! I hope you enjoy this! This piece was commissioned by a lovely lady who chose to remain anon!  If you have a commission that you'd like done just reach out and I'll answer any questions you have!  Thank you so much for reading and I would love to hear your thoughts!
All my love, Kenny -----
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Also, just a reminder that I am open for commissions!
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I love you all!
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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                 *Yoongi centered fic with a shared OT7 plot*
CH.1.1   CH. 1.2
**Operation: What’s eating blue!?***
“Stop, this stopped being a you, thing and became a us thing  the minute we chose to show up here tonight! You gave us an out and we stayed...we will always stay...”
1.2 K Sneak Peek
Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: Sugar baby AU/Suspense/Smut/Angst/Roomate AU/FWB AU
WC: 7K
Nonsexual Warnings: Mentions of drug use (Molly/weed/)Strong language/ Alcohol addictions/ brief mentions/ speculations of domestic violence/abuse
Sexual Warnings: Oral (M & F receiving) power bottom Min Yoongi, cum play, breath play, spanking, dirty talk, Slight overestimation, sex toys (Cock rings....) Semi-public sex (A chill little blow job in the car) The sexual warnings are for both parts of CH.1 so the smut is split in half!
NOTE:  Just to clarify the dynamic Yoongi and the OC are roommates who hookup on the side, they are BOTH sugar babies to two separate people! So yes, that would imply that Yoongi and some of the other boys who are also sugar babies are Bi. There is no MxM but there is mentions of it occasionally….as well as some harmless ot7 flirting! Also all of the boys are introed, Tae and Joon just play a lager part here!
I guess, fuck where do we even start? Maybe, will go back to where it all technically started, which was the last time things felt...somewhat normal yeah?
So, that would be...hmm...about 2 weeks shy of you heading into Junior year at USC right? The day your boys picked you up at the airport, and the three of your treated Blue, aka TaeTae to brunch!?
Well, wait let’s back track a little it all started much eariler than that, because you weren’t even aware of your brunch plans until later in the day. So Initially the day in question kicks of with you, in oversized blacked out CHLOE shades, hungover as fuck, sat in at the airport one Sunday afternoon. Smack dab in the middle of Terminal 6, in a bar called Blu2o sipping on a Bloody Mary, scrolling aimlessly through Snapchat. While simotaniously being told for the very first time ...that you’ll be attending a “Haute Couture”  themed charity auction...on Tuesday! Yup,  the day after tomorrow! Thank god he can’t see your damn face right now, biting down on your straw to muzzle yourself!
“No, babe it’s fine, I’ll just hit Rodeo tomorrow morning, and I’m sure my nail and lash girl can fit me-Oh you...haven’t gotten... what ...your wearing either?” Parroting the words back In slow motion as if it would make the words sound better or something!
Oh for fucks sake! Bringing your forehead flush to the marble bartop already feeling a full blown migraine brewing at the nape of your neck. Giving yourself a couple moments to self compose, this man is so damn unorganized it’s unfucking real. His personal assistant better be the 2nd highest paid person within his entire company because…..This is far from new, I don’t even know why your suprised and I’d say you don’t get paid enough for this....but ya do! So you suck it up, lose the attitude and slip right into your “Yes sir” or maybe I should say ‘Yes daddy” voice.
“Don’t worry about it, I know your busy. I totally get it, your a 28 waist right? Of course, I remember...I remember everything you tell me….Ohhh your gonna let me put you in color too???” Eyes flickering up to the notification from your bank, noting a cute little 12k wire pending.
“Yeah, no, I see it, that should be good. I was thinking Versace or Cavili for you anyway...they have good prints to fit the theme, and if all else fails I have my card too…yup..just landed about..hmm... 30 minutes ago actually. Of course, stop apologizing, Sunday's are always your golf days, I get it, hey, tell the guys I said hi and enjoy your day. Text me later if you feel up to it..k....bye..”
Were you actually getting a little flustered there towards the end? It's the slight accent, isn't it? Honestly, it didn't take much for you to slip into “character” with him, even after barely being together a full month. For one he wasn’t an asshole, had a decent sense of humor, and he’s really fuckin hot...however there was one, little, well shit, not so little issue...you noticed while with him recently. Which, then sparked quite a few questions while also answering some that had been rattling through your head since the day you met. But will circle back to the fact that you spent a week on vacation with a man, while dressed in some of the sexiest pieces of 2019 couture! Yet..you barely got touched once outside of a couple chaste kisses and hand-holding while at the two fashion shows you attended together… so, yeah, yeah!
A low groan in frustration rattled from your throat as you continued scrolling through Snapchat, trying to come up with some possible outfit scenarios in your head! It’s kinda funny, how mynute all of that seems now though, how your definition of “Stress” that day was you trying to decide if your sugar daddy was gay, while also  finding time to fit in a self-care day, shopping, and getting your books for school!!  The fact that, that was what you considered migraine worthy, fuck, what you wouldn’t give to consider multitasking your only maltitude of “stress” again …..
Just in your own little world, mind swirling with a couple of stylists you’ve met along the way, considering the idea of them pulling some vintage pieces for you instead!  What you should be doing, is scrolling through your contact list and texting said stylists, instead you find yourself more and more distracted.  Getting lost in the mounds of snap updates from Jimin as he “modestly” sunbathed in a private villa in Italy. Then later sharing a glimpse into his shopping spree from Versace, no doubt a good 20k worth of Italian luxury spread out along the plush white sheets. Sending him a cheeky little “That’s my boy” with a couple of smug winky faces in response!
It’s still kinda crazy to think, things like that are considered normal within your world now, the fact that you aren’t even surprised at the number of gifts. Or, simply the fact that your barley 21-year-old best friend is sunbathing in Italy on someone else’s dime. Then again, you just got sent 12 thousand dollars to spend on an event that would last maybe all of 5 hours, while sitting next to a stack of Louis Vuittion luggage from your first class flight in from Vegas, technically. Opting to land there first after a long 15-hour flight, checking in at The Four Seasons for not even a solid 24 hours before coming home! Honestly?There was no real reason for the pit stop except it gave you an excuse to see a friend while also allowing you to unwind in one of your favorite hotels!
That sentence alone is actually absurd when you really think about it, the idea of you casually booking flights and suites in 5-star hotels as if you’re ordering off the damn dollar menu at Mcdonalds! You, the girl that was working two jobs at the Groove and mourning a piece of shit cheating ex boyfriend her freshman year of college.....is now reminiscing about catching flights to chill with friends and last minute finding dresses for Couture themed galas.Like, what the actual fuck is life.... Oh my bad, life at the moment is constantly being paranoid that you and your friends will get arrested! Life in this moment however...was a fucking perfect!
The friend you where meeting in Vegas was Hoseok by the way, the redhead was currently vacationing in Sin City for the next couple of days, typically residing in LA as well. Just Chillin’ before the semester starts, living his best life, which revolves around “OFF-WHITE'' shopping sprees, private dance lessons, and constantly taking thirst trap pics for his 10’s of thousands of followers online. He randomly texts you saying “I miss your face” you text him saying “I land at 8 tonight bring a bottle and sushi to room 605 at The Four Seasons hotel '' Simple!
Your initial flight, the one that was 15 hours, was originally from Paris, where you spent the last week or so with Jeong-su, being arm candy, sipping wine, sightseeing and of course shopping!. Barley 32 hours ago your Snapchat looked pretty damn similar, if not worse in comparison to Jimin’s but what can I say, you can’t be in the home of Givenchy and Gaulthier and not go to Givenchy and Gaultier!
What your life is, what you and your friends do, I mean, I think it’s safe to say it’s pretty self-explanatory yeah? The average 20 something-year-old in college isn't flying themselves out of the country or going luxury shopping without a little help. In your case, it’s typically thanks to a person you commonly refer to as “Daddy” now, the context behind the word however….is where you and your friends may differ from others…..
But that’s your business, your concern and more importantly your choice, and honestly for a while life seemed too damn good to be true...I guess looking back on it now, I guess that’s because it kinda was!
Sat at the predominantly empty bar alone, more than content by the silence, twirling your straw between your lips, as you scanned back over the shit show that was your schedule for the semester! Getting more of a migraine from that, then shopping or even the fact that you're still hungover and drinking on an empty stomach at half-past 12. Shooting a quick text to your redheaded best friend cursing him out for getting you drunk off your ass on a bottle of Yamazaki 12.
“Can I get anything else for you beautiful? Another drink or maybe an appetizer? We have damn good loaded queso fries if I do say so myself!” Waving the menu in your face playfully, the warm, inviting voice in front of you was the bartender, who’s had his eye on you since you swayed in. Even if you looked like crap for your standards you knew to most you were the farthest thing from it as you swayed into the bar like you owned the place. In your heels, and tiny little black dress, while an airport assistant trolied in your luggage behind you! Ohhh Blair  Waldorf would without a doubt be proud!
“Mmmm…” Lips pursed in a slight pout as you raked over the menu, honestly, you were hungry and they have bomb ass fried pickles…..”Actually, yeah, I’ll get-”
“ 3 tall shots of whatever top-shelf Tequila you have, also add whatever she’s been drinking to my tab, along with an order of fried pickles with extra ranch…please and thank you!” Smoothly sliding his black card, and ID across the marble bartop for review.
The look on the bartender’s face was fucking priceless, torn between shitting himself and maybe….nah, just straight shitting himself! Skin flushed, the sense of panic was clear as day,  wondering if he’d overstepped that fine line between customer service and filtration. Considering whoever the person behind you is, clearly knows you well enough to know your food order. A forced bashful smile playing along his lips as he bowed out in acknowledgment, sliding the gentelmen back is ID and whispering out a faint “Yes sir, coming right up…”
The base vibrating through your ears instantly had you readjusting your posture, a strong tingle running down your spine, back arching ever so slightly. A playful smirk playing along your lips as you slowly laced your tongue back around your staw, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“You sure you wanna do that? My tastes are pretty expensive..” Tone blatantly flirtatious, yet you still hadn’t bothered to even turn around, that’s when suddenly you hear a deep arrogant chuckle rumbling low in his chest. Only...this sounds a little brighter? And like it’s coming from your left instead of behind you…
“Mmm, I’m sure we can handle it baby….”
You could feel the air shift behind you, it felt warmer, and there was a strong mix of scents flooding through your nose. Leaning back in your seat, pleasantly finding your shoulders, the back of your neck, and your head, cradled against a lean wall of silk. Sighing contently, naturally letting your body melt into his frame, nose running into your face as you smiled so hard your cheeks hurt. That’s when a gangle of veiny, porcelain limbs wrapped around your shoulders pulling you even tighter against him, only to find brown, sharp, cat-like eyes staring down at you, though a pair of translucent designer shades. Seemingly a little bit amused at how excited you are to see him. Long dark wavy locks falling messily into his face, a tiny silver hoop dawning his button nose. Tongue playing at the corner of his mouth, letting the tiny silver ball slip between his lips. This angle lets you really appreciate how sharp, yet soft his features were, an oxymoron that honestly makes no damn sense unless you see him in person….jawline sharp enough to cut glass yet he has the cutest cheeks ever when he smiles. It honestly makes no sense whatsoever and he’s one of the many reasons you have trust issues. Well, that and your line of work, considering the number of men you find out are married and still try and sneak around with you.
Then, as if to just make his presence known, there’s another pair of hands making their home along your body, gently squeezing your thigh. Except, he’s polar opposite to the person I just described, the man behind you is your roommate Yoongi, the man who just took a seat to your left, is your other roommate Namjoon! First off, he’s tall as all hell, and an offensively perfect shade of brown, he can’t even go into the burbs without being asked what self-tanner he uses. In which he smugly replies “Genetics” letting them sit there and try and google said company that makes that brand of self-tan. Streams of meticulously placed colored neo-traditional tattoos paint his skin, accompanied by deep dimples, and bleach blonde hair styled into an undercut, sides buzzed into the perfect fade.
“So you gonna get up and give me a real hug or what???”  Placing a kiss in your hair as he pulled back, giving you room to hop out of your seat and right into his arms.
The Full thing is coming soon, this is from summer 2019, I just have to edit, and reread the full thing again! I also wrote the first 3 parts all at once..sooo if your exicted show this some love anddddddddd come let me know!
Love you as always,
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bountyofbeads · 6 years
T.S.A. Agents Refuse to Work During Shutdown, Raising Fears of Airport Turmoil https://nyti.ms/2H8eBbF
T.S.A. Agents Refuse to Work During Shutdown, Raising Fears of Airport Turmoil
By Patrick McGeehan | Published Jan. 11, 2019 | New York Times | Posted January 11, the 2019 |
The partial shutdown of the federal government is starting to affect air travel as a growing number of security agents are refusing to work for no pay.
So far, however, the impact on air travelers has been relatively limited with no significant disruptions. But airport workers and travelers are concerned that conditions will worsen if the impasse continues, throwing travel into turmoil.
At least one airport, Miami International Airport, will start closing one terminal early each day, starting on Saturday, because of a shortage of screeners employed by the Transportation Security Administration, said Greg Chin, an airport spokesman.
Mr. Chin said agents had been calling in sick at double the normal rate this week, leaving their supervisors worried that they will not have enough agents to operate all of the airport’s 11 security checkpoints.
T.S.A. officials were conferring Friday with airline executives and airport managers to decide whether they might need to consolidate screening operations at any other airports to cope with heavier passenger traffic over the weekend, said Michael Bilello, a T.S.A. spokesman.
The nation’s 51,000 airport security agents are among the federal employees who have been ordered to work through the partial shutdown, which began on Dec. 22.
On Friday, they missed their first paycheck since it started, a lapse that their union leaders feared would cause more of them to stop showing up for work or even to quit their jobs.
Hydrick Thomas, president of the T.S.A. Council of the American Federation of Government Employees, said this week that “extreme financial hardship” had driven some of his members to resign and many others to consider doing so.
The agents earn about $35,000 a year, on average, union officials said. “We have people that work from paycheck to paycheck and there’s quite a few of them,” said Vincent R. Castellano, national vice president for the union’s second district, which encompasses the Northeast.
Near Raleigh-Durham International Airport in North Carolina, a church-sponsored food pantry has been delivering food to T.S.A. workers, said Jessica Whichard, a spokeswoman for the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina. Ms. Whichard said the White Oak Foundation had requested more food than usual from the food bank so that it could distribute some of it to the airport workers.
The workers, many of them still in their T.S.A. uniforms after finishing their shifts, showed up to collect food at a makeshift pantry the foundation set up in a parking lot near the airport, said Kathleen Lee, director of services for the foundation. She said the foundation would continue offering food to federal employees twice a week at the White Oak Missionary Baptist Church in Cary, N.C., for “as long as necessary.”
Ms. Lee said the workers were not sheepish about accepting the handouts. She said that one of them told her, “If I’m getting free groceries then I can pay my light bill.”
Despite the shutdown and the hardships it is causing security agents, federal officials said that passengers had not faced any major problems navigating security checkpoints.
Following the holiday rush, the air travel industry is entering a period where the number of people flying is generally lower than during other parts of the year.
But if the shutdown persists, the worry among industry officials is that agents will face pressure to find paying jobs elsewhere, leading to staffing shortages.
Security officers at airports around the country were already expressing increasing anxiety about their financial plight.
“It is getting harder to come every day and know that you’re not getting paid, but it’s my job, and I knew when I started this job that this was potentially going to happen,” said a 37-year-old woman who is a screener at Los Angeles International Airport. “So I’m going to come in, but if there is any other reason that I have to call out, I’m not going to hesitate to do it.”
Like many other screeners interviewed for this article, she declined to be identified because she said she had been warned against talking to journalists.
“It’s difficult to budget things like food, or knowing which bills to pay, when you simply don’t know when you’ll have money again,” said a 29-year-old man who works for the T.S.A. at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago.
He said that he had contacted his banks, mortgage company and other creditors but none of them had a program to help in his situation. The Department of Homeland Security distributed letters for its employees to show to landlords, explaining that they “are unlikely to be able to pay for their housing for the foreseeable future,” but they have been of little assistance, he said.
So he was resigned to having to run up the balances on his credit cards and pay interest on the debt, he said, adding that in the meantime, he was looking around the house for things that he could sell quickly on eBay.
At O’Hare, he said, “Our policies and screening procedures aren’t being done any less thorough, but it’s likely they may take longer the more officers we become short.”
Federal officials have downplayed the effects of the partial shutdown on travelers. Michael Bilello, a spokesman for the T.S.A., has been using Twitter to report how long it is taking to get through security checkpoints. On Friday morning, he said that the maximum wait time at Newark Liberty International on Thursday was 36 minutes but at Boston Logan International it was just 7 minutes.
David P. Pekoske, the administrator of the T.S.A., said in a statement on Thursday: “I am connected to the field & fully understand the strain our employees & their families are experiencing. Yet, due to the commitment & resolve of the TSA work force, the traveling public has confidently traveled securely around the clock as high-level of travel volume indicate.”
No other major airports have announced plans to take the sort of action that Miami International has planned. Mr. Chin said that the airport would close Concourse G at 1 p.m. on Saturday through Monday and divert the flights that would normally leave from there to another concourse. He described that shift as a precaution “just in case the number of call-outs increases.”
A spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which operates the three major airports that serve New York City, said those airports had continued to operate normally during the shutdown.
One transportation security officer on a meal break in Terminal 2 at Kennedy International Airport this week said that his co-workers were still showing up to work and quietly enduring the uncertainty.
“It’s like you feel that silent tension that’s going to build up later on,” said the officer, a two-year veteran who lives in Queens and takes care of his parents. He said he could manage without a paycheck for now, but a shutdown lasting months or longer would be another matter.
“If it continues for a year, then the question is can you survive?” he said. Eventually, he suggested, he and his co-workers might start having to choose between food and shelter — and probably would cut back on food first.
“Can I do the job without nutrition? Somebody has to answer that,” he said. “If 52,000 people have to work without nourishment, can the job get done?”
He said health care was another worry because a lot of the agents take prescription medications. “How long can we go forward when it actually affects your fundamental needs?” he said.
For now the plan was to keep showing up. “I’m not taking my vacation next week,” he said. “I have to come, which I will, because I’m under oath, so I’m going to do that.”
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winterinpanem · 7 years
Christmas Angels - Chapter 1
AN – My dad didn’t grow up with very much. About 10 years ago, he decided he didn’t want my husband and me to pay the money to ship a gift halfway across Canada to his door. Instead, he wanted us to donate what would have spent on his gift to a children’s charity. He does the same for us. Thus began our annual tradition of choosing gifts for needy kids off the angel tree at our local mall. This story is inspired by our tradition. And by my Peeta, who has become so invested in the project that he motivates his students at the business college where he works to purchase gifts as well. Over the last three years about 300 kids have benefitted from their work.
December 16
The incessant beeping of the back alarm is making my skin crawl, but I still manage to get the cargo van aligned with the receiving doors at the back of the little bakery in Panem’s downtown. When they finally disappear from sight in my side mirror, I shift the van into neutral and set the parking brake.
Normally, I’m busy packing hampers during my Saturday volunteer shift at the Seam Street Food Bank, but Mags, the manager, had been frantic this morning. Haymitch, her usual truck driver had called in sick, which really meant drunk. Without him, Mags had no one to pick up the Saturday donations. So, I’ve been spending my time, backing up to door after door as Panem’s local restaurants and grocery stores pass on perfectly good food that they’d just be tossing in the trash because it’s not quite as fresh as their customers demand.
Had it not been for the food bank a few years ago, I’d have been digging through the dumpsters of every one of these establishments, trying to put enough food on the table to keep my little sister and I fed. My mother was a lost cause, too busy spending our meagre welfare cheque on booze to make sure we got something to eat. I guess I was just lucky Mags didn’t ask questions the first time I went into the old warehouse on Seam Street and signed up for a hamper. Or she’d seen it so many times that she knew reporting my situation to the authorities was likely to make my life worse instead of better. Either way, she and her food bank saved me and my sister. Every Saturday since I got a job and got out on my own, I’ve spent a little time packing hampers, trying to pay her back for what she did for me.
The holidays are the busiest time of year at the food bank. Not because there are suddenly more poor people. It’s just that all of the sudden, the not-so-poor people decide they need to give more to charity to make up for the ridiculous amounts they’re spending on stuff they don’t need. Mags makes sure to stow away the canned goods and frozen foods for the lean months in February and March when everybody’s credit card bills have rolled in and they’re too pinched for cash to remember that human beings need to eat every day and not just at Christmas.
I take a quick glance at the list on the clipboard Mags gave me. Mellark’s Bakery. Well, it looks like I’m in the right place. I guess the baker must have made too many cookies this week. Or some bread is about to go stale that can’t be sold to paying customers. Our clients won’t complain. Slightly stale bread toasts just fine. Throw on some peanut butter for protein and you’ve got a happy, reasonably well-fed kid. I snatch up the receipt book, just in case the baker wants one for his unsalable goods, and do a quick check in the rearview mirror. Can’t represent the food bank with something stuck in my teeth. I stare back at my reflection. My grey eyes look clear. My braid is neat. Nothing stuck between my teeth. Since I don’t look like I’ve been hit by the ugly stick, I jump down from the cab, my breath swirling in the crisp, winter air.
The sound of my hiking boots crunching on the packed snow echoes through the alleyway as I make my way to open the van before banging on the bakery’s back door. I only have to give a few swift knocks before I hear someone snapping open the locks on the other side of the door. The door swings wide and I’m face to face with the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, set in one hell of a handsome face topped by wavy blonde hair. That face is the picture of surprise at the moment. I guess the baker was expecting Haymitch.
“I’m from the food bank?”
The eyes blink twice and then he manages to flash me a blinding smile full of straight white teeth. “Oh! Great! I’m Peeta Mellark.” He sticks out his hand. “I’m glad you’re here.” I wait for him to open the door to let me in, but instead he steps outside. He’s still in his shirt sleeves, but he doesn’t seem cold. “They’re up in the apartment,” he says, as though that explains something I should already know. He starts climbing a wooden staircase that runs between the bakery door and a second door. He stops about halfway up. “Aren’t you coming?”
“Into your apartment?” I wait for him to figure out why that’s not on.
He reddens a bit and rubs his hand over his hair, making it stand up in spots. “I’m not a creep, I swear. I mean, I was expecting a guy. She said Haystack, or something, was coming to pick them up.”
I guess he’s got a point, but I’m stubborn. “Not today. Can’t you just bring whatever it is down?”
He sort of laughs. “Why don’t you just come and see for yourself?”
I can’t help it. I’m not exactly a shrinking violet and he’s piqued my curiosity as to what this is all about, so I huff and start stomping up the steps behind behind him. He leads the way, which gives me a close up view of his very fine ass, nicely rounded underneath his shapeless white pants. I don’t have long to admire the view, however. In less than a minute, we’re standing at the top of the stairs and he’s opening the door to the apartment. We step inside and I immediately understand the problem. Every surface of the apartment is covered in brightly wrapped packages topped with shiny bows. Each package also sports an angel-shaped tag, bearing the a child’s first name and their Christmas wish.
Every year, the food bank encourages its clients to make a wish for each of their children on one of those tags and they’re hung on a Christmas tree in the mall. Shoppers pick them up off the tree, and then return the gift to the food bank. I can’t say for sure, but by my estimation, this guy has single-handedly fulfilled the wishes of at least 100 kids who wouldn’t be getting anything for Christmas otherwise. I should know, I wrote my little sister’s name on those tags every year and then crossed my fingers for the kindness of strangers.
“How many?” I blurt out. The real question is why he did it, but that question seems a little too personal to be asking someone I just met.
“One hundred and forty-two,” he tells me, and if there’s a trace of pride in his voice, I don’t hear it..
I’m not sure why this stop was last on my list. The old cube van is already about half full with my other pick-ups. Mags must have known what I was picking up here. There’s no way she wouldn’t have noticed one person had committed to granting so many angel tree wishes. “I can get about half of them in the van now,” I tell him. “I’ll have to come back for the rest.”
The guy, I think he said his name was Peeta, nods quickly and sweeps a pile from the table top into his arms. I grab another pile off a nearby couch and we start back down the stairs. He holds the door and I lead the way down the stairs, finally stopping in front of the open van to load in the presents.
I realize then, that in order to load the van properly, one of us is going to have to wait inside the van to stack the gifts while the other brings them downstairs; otherwise, we’ll be climbing in and out of the van all afternoon.
Peeta recognizes the problem at the same moment. He puts down his load of gifts and gives me a bright smile. “I’ll go for the next load, while you pack these. Deal?”
“Sure.” I climb into the van and begin sorting the presents into piles. I decide to use the larger ones to form a base layer and set the small ones off to the side where they won’t get damaged.
Before long, Peeta returns with another armload. “Here are some more, um-” I can feel the corners of my mouth turning up I as gather the stack into my own arms, but a little wrinkle forms between his brows. “I don’t think I actually got your name.”
“Katniss,” I tell him, going back to playing Tetris with the gifts. I suppose it’s rude not to introduce myself properly. “Katniss Everdeen.”
“Katniss?” He sounds surprised and I tense, waiting for him to react to the unusual name my father chose for me. “Like the plant? Nice.”
I give him a quick look and he’s sporting a little smile with just the right touch of shyness, that makes it impossible to look away. “You know what a Katniss plant is?”
He shrugs. “Sure, I’m a baker. I have a book of all different sorts of plants. I sculpt flowers for wedding cakes all the time.”
I think of the simple blossom on my namesake plant. “Can’t be much call for Katniss cakes.”
His hand rubs against the back of his neck and I wonder if he’s getting cold. He’s still not wearing a coat. “No, but I flip by it all the time on my way to the lilies.” I nod in understanding and his hand falls to his side. “I’ll just, ah, get some more presents.” He shuffles away and I crawl out of the van to make more room. After a couple more loads, it’s as full I as I feel is safe. I slam the van’s rear doors closed.
“I’ll be back,” I tell him, and he’s just goofy enough to reply with a Terminator impression. I can’t help but laugh. “Give me an hour and we’ll get the rest of them loaded up.”
A few minutes later, I’m driving back through the city, once again grinding my way through the gears of this old van and hoping it holds together long enough for me to finish the gift delivery.
Mags meets me in the loading bay of the food bank. She gives me a cheery wave when I jump down from the van. I don’t know how the older woman manages to maintain such a positive attitude when she spends day after day in this place with all she has to deal with.
“You should have warned me about what was at the bakery,” I complain as I open the van doors.
Mags rolls her eyes and waves me off. She had a stroke last year and while she gets around just fine with the help of a cane, she lost her ability to speak.
“I’m serious, Mags, I would have done things differently had I known.”
The old woman holds up two fingers.
“I know I would have had to make two trips anyway, that’s not my point.”
Mags crooks her finger at me, indicating I should follow and heads for the doors. Her long grey hair is tied up today and trailing over her back. She stops on the threshold and points at two teenagers lounging against the building, cigarettes smouldering between their fingers, their expensive brand name jackets hanging open. They’re not clients. Mags never says, but we often have this type around the food bank. Working off their court appointed community service, I presume. She snaps her fingers at them and then points at the van. Marvel and Cato, at least I think that’s their names, put out their cigarettes and slouch off to do her bidding.
The warehouse is a hive of activity. Effie Trinket’s shrill voice carries from the back right corner. Effie’s been a food bank volunteer for as long as I’ve been coming here. With brassy gold hair that can’t possibly be real and sporting more makeup than any woman ought to wear, Effie is a force to be reckoned with. She’s managing the angel tree program this year, and from the looks of things, she’s got everything organized to the enth. Mags waves to Effie on her way to her office and gets a cheerful greeting in return. We pass rack after rack of shelving units. The macaroni and cheese section looks particularly loaded down right now. The tables where volunteers pack the hampers that go home with the clients are nearby. On the left, near the front doors, Chaff and Seeder are in the soup kitchen prepping for today’s hot meal, like they do every Saturday.
Mags’ office is in a closet-sized space near the front doors. I think it was where the factory workers used to punch in before heading out onto the floor to work. She snatches a small whiteboard off her desk.
So you met Peeta?
“Yes, Mags, I met him.”
She can say that again. “Yeah, I guess.”
Mags’ eyes are dancing as she erases her board. My second favourite volunteer, she scrawls.
Seriously? If cheerful, kind – and okay, yes, gorgeous – Peeta Mellark, with his sky blue eyes and sexy jaw is her second favourite volunteer, who would qualify as her favourite?
“He volunteers here? How come I’ve never seen him around?”
Mags shakes her head and picks up her marker again. He’s here on Thursdays. Soup kitchen. She holds the board up so I can read it. When I nod in understanding, she erases it and starts over. Always a long line for his cooking.
I snort. “Figures.”
Mags chuckles and erases her board again. Lots of women here on Thursdays.
This conversation is annoying. “Well, I should go see if those two slackers have got the van unloaded. I told your favourite volunteer I’d be right back.”
Mags shakes two fingers in my direction. “Right,” I recall. “Second favourite. Be back soon, Mags.”
She waves me off. When I come back into the main room, I find Effie practically having an orgasm over Peeta’s wrapping job.
“Oh Katniss,” she enthuses. “So few people appreciate that it’s the little things that make the difference. A child in need has as much need to be recognized as someone special as anyone else, to know that someone cares enough to make things nice for them. Oh!” She wipes a tear from her eye and holds up a brightly wrapped package topped in a hand-tied scarlet bow. “Look at this! It’s a work of art.”
Clearly, Effie Trinket has no idea what a ‘child in need’ actually needs, but I decide to let it slide since her heart is in the right place.
“Pretty,” I agree. “Well, I better go get the rest of them.”
“There’s more?” Effie is truly beside herself now. “Oh Katniss, think of the children!”
I shoot Effie a grimace wrapped in a smile, shake the keys to the van at her and head for the back door. The layabouts seem to have found a new hiding spot, at least but the van is empty. I fire it up and head back across town.   
I’ve barely backed up to the bakery and Peeta is throwing open the door, a delighted smile on his face. As I approach, I see that his blue eyes are twinkling.
“You’ve got perfect timing,” he calls as I open the back door of the van. “I’ve just flipped over the closed sign for the day.”
Now that I know this guy has Mags’ seal of approval, I’m more than ready to help him carry the gifts down from the apartment.
I start for the stairs, but Peeta appears in the bakery doorway, his arms full of gifts. I notice a blue and silver bow and envision Effie’s reaction. I don’t realize I’m scowling until he does a double take and shrugs good-naturedly. “I brought them down already. I thought it would save time.”
I hold out my arms and he passes the load off to me to stow in the van. The process goes much more smoothly with an empty van and we are soon moving swiftly past each other to pack the parcels inside. Well, I’m moving swiftly. Peeta seems to be limping.
“Hold up,” My hand closes around his rock-hard biceps. Who would have thought a baker would have arms like that? “Are you okay?”
His brow furrows. “Sure. Why?”
I give his leg a pointed look.
“Oh, he says. “Old injury. It gets aggravated when I overdo it.” He turns his back and shuffles back into the bakery kitchen.
I want to kick myself. Of course that’s why he asked for our van and needed help bringing them down the stairs. Thanks to me, this poor guy has made about 50 trips up and down the stairs today that he didn’t need to make.
“You should have told me,” I grumble as we sweep the last of the gifts into our arms and head back outside.
He stops and gives me an odd look as he stands at the van doors. “Crawling on my knees in the van wouldn’t have been any better for it Katniss. And I’m the one who decided to bring the rest down. You didn’t ask me to do that.”
I put my load down. “Because I balked at going upstairs.”
Peeta stows his pile. “Well, that was a little of it. Mostly, I was hoping to save a little time.”
I’m still frowning when I slam the van doors closed, but Peeta has his hands in his pockets and a slight smile on his lips. His wavy blonde locks have fallen into his eyes and he reminds me of little boy trying to charm himself out of trouble.   
“Have you got a few minutes? I make the best hot chocolate in town.”
I check my watch, but it’s not like I have to hurry back. The food bank will be open for hours yet, and it might be Saturday, but I don’t have any plans this evening. So, I shrug and agree.
Peeta’s smile transforms into a toothy grin and he leads the way back into the bakery. The kitchen is spotlessly clean. Every stainless steel surface is sparkling and while the ovens are clearly off. The heat in here is a startling difference from being outside for the last half hour. No wonder Peeta was loading gifts in his shirt sleeves.
He leads the way out into the cheerful storefront and moves toward an espresso machine where he heats the milk. Before long, two piping hot chocolates are steaming away in colourful mugs on the counter.
“The secret,” he confides, “is in the quality of the chocolate and real whipped cream.” He pulls a little container from the fridge. “Chocolate I grated this morning,” he explains as he sprinkles it on top.  He passes me a mug and waves me toward a couple of cafe tables set up under a colourful painting not far from the cash. Once we’ve settled in, he smiles at me and holds up his mug, “to a job well done.”
With a hear, hear, I clink my mug against his. I take a sip of the hot chocolate and don’t quite manage to stifle a groan. “You’re right,” I tell him. “This is the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had.”
Peeta smiles brightly at me and then chuckles. He leans across the table. “You have a little…” He flicks my nose and holds up his finger. A little blob of whipped cream sits on the pad. He pops it in his mouth and grins.
I don’t know whether to laugh or scowl, but I feel a blush stealing across my cheeks so choose the latter.
He laughs. “I can’t help but tease you, Katniss. Your reactions are priceless.”
“And here I was thinking you might be one of the good guys.”
He puts his mug on the table and watches as it spins it between his fingers. “I try to be. My dad always said being a good man was the most important thing I could do with my life.”
I recognize the tone. “When did you lose him?”
“This past summer,” he sighs and rubs his hands on his thighs before sitting back in his chair. “Cancer.”
“The first Christmas is rough,” I tell him, sipping my hot chocolate and taking care to wipe my nose. “It’s never easy, but it gets a little less hard every year.”
He leans forward. “Did you lose your dad?”
I nod. “Hunting accident.” It hurts even now to think of what happened, but I’ve had years of practice at disguising my feelings about it. My father was a hunting guide part-time to make extra money for our family. He was leading a group of guys from the Capitol out on a deer hunt. One of the idiots forgot to turn the safety on his gun. He got over-excited, mishandled the weapon and it went off. My dad got shot in the chest and he bled out before they could get him out of the woods. Our family was never the same after that.
“I’m sorry,” Peeta offers, and for once, I know that it isn’t a platitude. He understands exactly what it feels like to lose a parent.
“Thanks,” I tell him. “I’m sorry for your loss too.”
“This whole gift thing was about him,” he confesses. “He was a big supporter of the food bank and the angel tree was really important to him. Each year he would take my older brothers and me to the mall. We each picked an angel off the tree and then Dad would take us shopping to fulfill the wish. He said it was our gift to him.”
“Too bad there weren’t more people like your dad,” I remark. Peeta and I are about the same age. I wonder if he or his brothers ever took Prim’s angel off the tree.
“He was special,” Peeta agrees, and takes a sip of chocolate, watching me over the rim of the mug. “Once I grew up, we stopped buying gifts for each other and just did the angel tree. My brothers live out west and they do the same thing.” I don’t know what to say to that. I volunteer every week at the food bank, but this level of generosity is beyond what we usually see, even there, so I just nod and sip the rich nectar in my hand. “This year, it just seemed so incredibly sad that we wouldn’t do it together, I decided I needed to do something to honour him.”
“Well, you definitely did that. I’m sure he’d be very proud of you.” The words burst from me, and I cringe inside at my unusual burst of sentimentality, but Peeta accepts my words graciously, his cheeks a little pinker than they were minutes before. “Seriously, Peeta, you’ve made a huge donation. I’ve never seen anything like it from a single person.”
He shrugs. “I didn’t pay it all out of pocket. I held a silent auction here in the bakery. Told people what I was doing in memory of Dad. It was just way more successful than I imagined.”
I can just imagine the long list of bids on the auction items. There’s no doubt of my mind that Peeta could charm people into parting with their hard-earned money.  
I raise my mug to my lips only to find it empty and the corners of my mouth turn down in disappointment.
“I guess I should get going,” I sigh as I rise from the table, pushing away the urge to linger.  “Thank you for the hot chocolate.” He waves that off as though it were nothing. “And on behalf of the food bank, thank you for your donation.”
“My pleasure,” he replies, “on both counts.”
He collects the mugs and once we make our way into the kitchen, I head for the delivery door zipping up my jacket and adjusting my scarf. It’s really going to suck to have to climb into that frigid truck after the warmth of bakery.
“Hey Katniss?”
I whip around to find Peeta massaging his neck, a shy smile on his rugged features. “Do you want to, uh, exchange numbers?” I’m so distracted by the butterflies winging around in my chest that I forget to answer. He begins to backpedal. “I mean, don’t feel obligated or anything. But I feel like we made friends today. But I won’t be hurt if you don’t want-”
Friends. Of course he just wants to be friends. Why would a guy like him be interested in me? The butterflies come back to Earth and I pull my phone out of my pocket. “What’s your number?” The smile returns to his face and he rattles it off while I punch it in. I type a quick ‘It’s Katniss’ and press send.
When his phone chimes a second later, he pulls it from his pocket. “There you are,” he says with a smile and with some quick flicks, adds me to his contacts. “You’ll be sick of me in no time.”
Thank you @burkygirl!!!
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singularityhacker · 4 years
The Defi Revolution is Economy 3.0
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There is a global revolution happening right now and it’s happening so fast that unless you are explicitly told about it, it will very likely remain entirely invisible to you. The only inklings you may have that something is happening is headlines mentioning Bitcoin and another COVID-19 stimulus package. This revolution didn’t start this year or even last but it has accelerated so dramatically the past three months that it is clear that we have approached a tipping point. This global revolution that I speak of concerns the very nature and mechanics of the worldwide economy. This revolution is being fueled by digital assets, programmable money, and distributed autonomous organizations. What we are witnessing unfold before our very eyes is nothing less than the complete reimagining of human organization, industry, and trade. What we are witnessing is the birth of Economy 3.0.
At the macro scale, this revolution was inevitable if the trend line of human industry and innovation was to continue along the line it was traversing. Old companies like Harley-Davidson, Prada, and Whirlpool took almost a century to reach the 1 billion dollar valuation. More modern companies like Mattel, Nike, and Starbucks did it in a quarter of the time. Then we saw the emergence of internet companies like Evernote and PayPal do that in less than ten years. As the Internet got more established and the network effect took a stronger hold, purely digital companies like Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube reached billion-dollar valuations in less than 2 years. Then Jet.com, a shopping website, did that in four months because of its unique pricing algorithm. Now, with the advent of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and tokenized organizations we are seeing companies reach unimaginable valuations on the scale of hours, minutes, and seconds.
Bancor: $153 million in 3 hours
Aragon: $25 million in 15 minutes
Gnosis: $12 million in 10 minutes
SingularityNet: $36 million in 60 seconds
Brave: $35 million raised in 30 seconds
See: Fastest IPO’s and ICO’s
Let’s take a few steps back and see how we got here because if you understand the pattern, none of what is happening is a surprise. As soon as anything becomes digital and programmatic, will begin to accelerate in its development at exponential speeds. Ray Kurzweil has talked about and documented this at length. Seen is this way, the genesis of this economic digital metamorphosis started in the late ‘80s.
As soon as anything becomes digital and programmatic, will begin to accelerate in its development at exponential speeds.
In 1987 the world had its first electronic stock exchange, the NASDAQ terminal. Traders could now type orders directly into a computer. A trader named Thomas Peterffy didn’t want to type in the orders so he and his engineers hacked into the NASDAQ terminal such that it could be wired directly to their own computer, which traded automatically based on algorithms. A senior NASDAQ official saw Peterffy’s setup and said Peterffy was breaking the rules: All orders had to be entered through the keyboard. He gave Petterfy’s group one week to fix the problem.
Peterffy and his engineers came up with a solution. They built a mechanical robot with rubber fingers that typed entries into the keyboard. It’s reported that the inspector stormed out of the room upon seeing the hulking machine but it technically satisfied the NASDAQ rules. Traders said that on active trading days, the robot typed so fast that it sounded like a machine gun. Peterffy became the father of digital trading and this in turn would pave the way for algorithmic and high-frequency trading. He would write code in his head during the trading day and then apply his ideas to computerized trading models after hours. See: The Man Behind Computerized Stock Trading
In the following years, the stock market would become dominated by algorithmic trading and the majority of all currency would have its existence in digital form. But the key differentiator here that cannot be missed is this. What was being traded were records of ownership, not the actual assets themselves. But all that would change in the next advent of this saga in 2009 with the invention of the world’s first digitally scarce resource, Bitcoin.
Digital Currency
The fundamental innovation that occurred with the invention of Bitcoin was the invention of digital scarcity. The very notion that I could have something digital and send some of it to you suck that my supply is reduced is so entirely novel and unthinkable that the vast majority of the world doesn’t even realize that such a thing exists. In fact, the world is only in the past few months waking up to the reality of cryptocurrency while the actual crypto ecosystem has already moved far beyond that.
“I think the internet will be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. The one thing that’s missing, but that will soon be developed, is a reliable e-cash. A method whereby on the internet you can transfer funds from A to B, without A knowing b or B knowing A.” — Milton Friedman, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
In the past three months, politicians, big tech, banks, credit cards, Penn stock exchanges are feverishly jumping on the bandwagon with the Model T of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. All the publicity and institutional investments have driven the price of Bitcoin up but it's nothing compared to what’s happening at the bleeding edge of the 3.0 Economy. And this is nowhere near the height of where things are going. It’s just getting started and the difference between this revolution and the revolution that was the internet is that this one can’t be controlled.
“In terms of adoption, Bitcoin has roughly the same users as the internet had in 1997. The big ones growing faster. Next four years on the current path will bring Bitcoin users to 1b people, that’s the equivalent of 2005 for the Internet” — Willy Woo, Twitter
Decentralized Finance
Some very smart people realized that if you could have a decentralized currency, why not decentralized programs, and why not use those programs to move cryptocurrency around according to programmable rules called smart contracts? And why not create all the same instruments and entities that exist in the classical world of finance within these smart contracts? What I just described is what’s happening in Decentralized Finance (Defi) and it has grown to 40B just during the pandemic and it shows no signs of slowing. In fact, a person can barely keep track of the proliferation of new competing and complementary Defi protocols and instruments. Far from losing steam, Ethereum, the most active of the blockchains being used for Defi is readying an update that will dramatically reduce transaction fees thus inviting even more participants in the ecosystem.
A new wave of financial innovation is upon us. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) provides the solid foundation for new financial services that are so powerful and advantageous that we will soon look back on them and question how we ever operated without them. — Nasdaq
Governments will surely flex their muscles and attempt to regulate the 3.0 Economy, but the question is whether they will outpace the technical development of this ecosystem. The UK government has said that it’s going to release rules for how cryptocurrencies will be governed in 2022 but that might as well be 20 years in Defi time. Technologies like decentralized exchanges, the interplanetary file system, and the Ethereum naming system are being used to rebuild the internet in decentralized and censorship-resistant ways. There is a fundamental shift in power happening and this shift can’t be stopped or mitigated with new laws or physical weapons. The information economy is broken free from the nation-state economy and the genie can’t be put back in the bottle. The efforts of those who opposed this revolution will be found to be as futile as a child impotently stamping its foot in protest. Those who recognize this movement for what it is and take the time to educate themselves and become active participants will find themselves the digital wizards of a new world. Atlas is shrugging and the ancient and lumbering nation-states are on track to being no more or less relevant than any other player in a free market.
Read: The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age
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argyle-s · 7 years
The Shape of Things To Come Chapter 1/?
Rating:  Mature
Read at Ao3
With the help of Sara and M’gann, Kara travels back in time to a year before she becomes Supergirl from a future where all her worst fears have come to pass, and replaces her younger self.
Update: This story has now been betaed by @ifourmindbeso.  Any remaining mistakes are entirely my own.
Pairings:  Supercat, Supercanary, Sanvers, Others
Chapter 1 - Future’s End
The City of Argo, Krypton:  May 21st, 1977
Kara jumped through the shattered window of her childhood bedroom a moment before the floor gave way, but even the increased strength from Alex’s old exoskeleton didn’t gave her enough of a push to clear the distance to the Waverider’s waiting hatch.  Fortunately, M’gann was there to catch her.  One second, Kara was falling, the next M’gann’s right arm was a thick tentacle, wrapped around her waist, and the Martian woman was hauling her into the open airlock.
“Thanks,” Kara said as M’gann sat her on the floor.  M’gann didn’t really respond.  She just nodded as she released Kara, and hit the button to close the door.  Kara tapped her ear piece.  “Get us clear,” she said.  Almost immediately, she felt the gut twisting nausea that came with a time jump.  Not trusting herself to move during a jump without her powers, she just looked up at M’gann.
The blank look on M’gann’s face hadn’t change since Harley had died nearly a week earlier.  Kara wanted desperately to do something, anything, for her oldest remaining friend, but she didn’t know what to say.  She and Harley had been the only things holding each other together for the longest time.
There was a part of her that knew it wouldn’t matter, not if their plan worked, but she couldn’t help it.  The desire to help was still there.
She waited until she felt them exit the time jump, then she stood up and headed towards the bridge.  M’gann followed along silently as they picked their way through the debris-strewn corridors of the ship to where Sara was waiting for them.
“Did you get it?” Sara asked.
Kara held up the spy beacon.
“That’s it?” she asked.  “It doesn’t look like much.”
Kara shrugged.  “It’s not much,” she said.  “Just a paired-key homing beacon.”
“How is that going to change the course of the war?” Sara asked.
“If I play my cards right, this will add twenty-nine very angry Kryptonians to our side.  It will also keep the Hope function of the Anti-Life equation from ever falling into Darkseid’s hands.  If he can’t complete the equation…”
“Then we’ll only be fighting Apokolips, not the entire galaxy,” Sara said.
Kara looked around the ruined bridge of the Waverider, then back to Sara.  “Where’s Thea?”
“She’s bundling up the care package,” Sara said.
“Good.  Where’d you set us down?”
“On top of your apartment building,” Sara said.
“Um, are you sure it will hold the weight?”
“Doesn’t have too.  I’ve got the Higgs dampeners running.  The ship weights about as much as a bicycle right now."
“Alright then.  I guess it’s time.”
Sara nodded, and stood up out of the Captain’s chair.  Before Kara could turn away, Sara reached out and slipped a hand around the back of her neck, pulling her down into a kiss.  Kara reacted immediately, slipping her arms around Sara and pulling her close, kissing her with everything she had.  It wasn’t a long kiss, but it didn’t need to be.  After so many years together, there wasn’t a lot left to say between them.  Nothing, in fact, except thank you and goodbye.
Sara pulled back, and Kara gave her a weak smile, neither of them quite able to hide the tears in their eyes.
“Let’s do this,” Sara said.
*** The walk to the Waverider’s medbay seemed both too short and too long.  Too short, because she could be about to make everything worse, and too long because she was going to see her sister again, see Cat, Winn, J’onn, and all the people she’d lost since the war started.
She just had to die to do it.
“You have it?” Thea asked as they entered the medbay.
Kara nodded and held out the spy beacon.  “Be careful,” she said.  “My sister may not be up to the same standard she was at by the time Myriad was over but she’s still a DEO field operative.”
Thea shrugged.  “Honestly, I’m more worried about the other you,” she said as she put the spy beacon in the case with the three power rings, their power batteries, the portal generator Vibe had given her after the Dominator incident, and the Kryptonian Constructor Crystals.
“I should be down there before you, even with the Velocity 12,” Kara said.
“Here’s hoping,” Thea said.  She closed the hard case, then picked it up and slid it back into the cardboard box Gideon had fabricated for them, and started taping it shut.
Kara climbed up onto one of the medical tables and lay down.  “You ready, M’Gann?”
“Yes,” was the only reply.  The Martian stepped around the table so she could place her fingers on Kara’s temple, then looked at Sara.  “Whenever you’re ready.”
“Right,” Sara said.  “Gideon, I need the telepathic booster serum.”
“Of course, Captain Lance,” the AI said as a small door opened in the wall, and a loaded injector gun was extended.
“This stuff will work, right?”  Sara asked as she picked up the gun.
“Oh course.  The serum will allow Ms. M’orzz to open a telepathic link with Ms. Zor-El’s past and present selves and merge Ms. Zor-El’s present consciousness with her past self.  However, the serum is highly toxic, and will terminate Ms. M’orzz life functions within ten minutes of injection.  There is no antidote.”
“As long as it works,” M’gann said.
Kara watched as Thea picked up a second injector, and pressed it to Kara’s neck, injecting the Velocity 12 into her carotid artery.  Thea nodded to Sara, who stepped over to M’gann and inserted the needle into her neck.
“Go,” Sara said as she pulled the trigger.  Thea vanished along with the cardboard box in a swirl of blue lightning, and at the same moment, M’gann began to pull, tearing Kara’s mind from her present body, killing her in the process, as she forced Kara’s current mind to merge with her younger one.  It was agony.  Indescribable, beyond any pain she’d felt in a life far too full of it.  Feeling her mind ripped out of her body, forced through a place infinitely too small, before being crushed together with her younger self.  Her younger self, who was living everything that happened over twelve long years in a fraction of a second.
She’d been worried about this moment.  Worried she’d wake Alex, who was sleeping on the couch, worried she’d wake the whole building.  In the end, she needn’t have.
It hurt far too much to scream.
Kara Danvers’ Apartment. National City. Earth 38, September 14th, 2014
Kara sat in her bed, shaking as she stared at the box left on her bed.  She wanted to reach out for it, take it, tuck it away somewhere safe, but she was paralyzed by her own fear.  She’d hoped for this moment, dreamed of it, of the chance to go back and fix so many mistakes.  But now, in the moment, there were so many doubts, so many things she was afraid of.
The first, though, was easy enough to take care of.  Her glasses were already on the nightstand, so she didn’t have to take them off to sweep the apartment.  No bugs, no cameras, no surveillance.  She knew that wouldn’t last, but she was relieved that it was the case tonight.  She couldn’t afford a confrontation with the DEO, and if they saw Thea run into her apartment, or figured out that she had three power rings and power batteries in her hands, it would be an all-out war even J’onn wouldn’t be able to stop.  Kryptonians were powerful enough to scare the government without throwing weapons that could devastate entire worlds into the mix.
Fortunately, she never intended to keep them for herself.
She forced herself to move, to act.  All the fear was still there, but time was of the essence.  For now, she had to preserve as much of the timeline as possible.  There would be changes, that was the whole point, but nothing that would tip her hand too soon.  Nothing that would stop her sister from getting on that plane.
She used a touch of super-speed to tuck the box onto a shelf in her closet.  It wasn’t perfect, but it would do until Alex was out of the apartment, at which time, she could head up to the Fortress and tuck it away among all the things Kal didn’t want other people finding.  That would do until she could get the sanctuary crystals out of her pod.
She sat back down, picked up her phone, and checked her email.  Sure enough, there was a message containing a link waiting for her.  She tapped the link, and confirmed that their little stop in 1998 before they headed to Krypton had paid off.  With a decent broadband connection, and seventeen years to work, the AI Gideon had whipped up for them had built up a bank account that would make the Prince of Dubai jealous.
She sent a couple of quick commands to the AI before locking her phone and lying back down, using a Kryptonian Meditation to calm herself.  What she really wanted to do fish the spy beacon out of the box and turn it on, but it was too soon.  If she turned it on now, it would call Astra, but it would call Non and the other Kryptonians as well.  Because Astra still thought, or at least suspected, Kara betrayed her and Kara wouldn’t be able to tell her otherwise.  Not for another year.
But she could wait, and she could hope, and in a couple of very short hours, she’d be able to hug her sister again.
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marcuspedersen-nz · 4 years
2- The White Mountain
(by Ivy Snow)
It was the morning of the 24th of October 2040, a beautiful spring day after the great wash of last night’s rain. At a little after 9:30 a.m. I left the car at Marsden and went the rest of the way on foot. It was a routine job for our most lucrative client, the Accident Compensation Corporation, which is obliged to assist the ailing but at the same time balance its books. People like Joe Rollins asked for more than their fair share, in a crumbling economic landscape he wanted to become a lifer on perpetual support. My task was to make sure he never got on the books, by hook or by crook, and it was to this end that I paid him a visit that morning.
I parked the car on the New River Flat, accessed by a small lane on the western side of Card Creek Bridge. It was about four kilometres from there to his caravan, and I used the old tramway to access his property. I changed from my office clothes into khaki elasto-wave field gear before setting out, swapping high heels for combat boots, and I swallowed down a few comforting refreshers before tucking my hipflask into the inside pocket of my camo jacket. I loaded and holstered my 9mm pistol, safety on, check, and packed into my satchel some spare ammo, check, binoculars, check, camera, check, muesli bars, check, phone into pocket, check. I donned my sunglasses, tied back my hair, and into the wild I went.
I wasn’t expecting trouble, but one should always be prepared for reversals in fortune. Only those who are prepared can take full advantage of opportunities. Joe Rollins was listed as an amber alert, which meant he wasn’t considered to be actually dangerous, but he wasn’t exactly non-threatening either. The word volatile appeared more than once in his file, as did the phrase, “Approach with caution.”
The New River was in medium-high flow from yesterday’s downpour, so I crossed by the wire, pausing for a moment halfway to admire the surge of the dirty brown water. On a normal day it would barely reach above my ankles, and it usually had quite slimy, sluggish water, with green algae and very slippery rocks. It used to be clean, but like all of our waterways during the gold boom there was no consideration for keeping New Zealand green. Of course the gold boom wasn’t to blame, because if it hadn’t been gold it would have been something else. The policies that allowed such reckless behaviour were already in place.
When the global economy nose-dived 30 years ago, and America regained its footing over China as the global power, green was seen as a luxury we could no longer afford, when actually it was the only thing that might have built a foundation strong enough to sustain real growth and eventual recovery. Instead of this, rotten to the core, these were the policies we were dealt. The politicians said, “Why build an infrastructure based on sustainability when it’s cheaper to take what’s needed now?” and I was at the protest marches but there was not much interest in looking after the environment when the only thing people cared about was maintaining their unsustainable lifestyle.
Once across the river there were multiple tracks where people had taken quad-bikes or trail bikes various ways around to avoid swampy muddy patches, but they all ended up going in the same direction. I followed one of the tracks until it merged with the old tramway, and when I arrived at the locked gate of Joe’s neighbour’s property, with a sign saying, “Keep Out,” I simply jumped over it and carried on. I knew the property owner and I was pretty sure she wouldn’t mind.
About a hundred years ago the tramway had been used for logging large native trees, a practice which had been banned for almost 20 years from the 1990s. These days of course they used helicopters to target the best trees, that is, rimu, which produces a very beautiful red timber. They can take them pretty much as they please, but at least it’s better than clear felling.
There was one part of the tramway where the old sleepers were still visible, as it climbed through a cutting in the hill to access the high tableland from the river flat. Once I had reached the higher ground I emerged from the bush into the open air and passed through a bog, with sphagnum moss on either side of the track and stunted gorse. It was very wet and muddy from all the rain, with grey warblers intermittently calling and the sun shining like there was nothing wrong in the world. I saw a hawk overhead, and several plump wood pigeons flew by, also a weka scuttled away; a brown ground bird about the size of a chicken.
After a couple of kilometres the way became more track-like as it began its slow descent through the bush towards the mouth of No Name Creek. But the track didn’t go all the way to the old tramway’s termination, instead it terminated where it met the four-wheel drive track that led up to Joe’s place, with the rest of the tramway reclaimed by bush. I followed the four-wheel drive track, coming under the power lines which took electricity from the dam at Kumara to Greymouth, and so I knew I was almost there. Rather than emerging again out into the open, I cut across by a foot track through the bush to the old gold workings dating from the 1860s, and came up onto the track at Joe’s place.
It was there that I almost ran into him. I was being cautious but moving quickly, and I almost stepped out right in front of him, apparently strolling about on a morning walk. Luckily I’m quite limber for a woman of my age, and I’ve always had an ability to somehow merge into the shadows, which is why I’m so good at this work. I froze, stepped back quietly, and shrank into the fernery without arousing his suspicion. I guess he was stoned anyway, and that would have helped my position. He limped past oblivious of how close we had come to meeting.
I could almost feel sorry for the guy, watching him enjoy nature, a far cry from the loser he appeared on paper. He was slightly chubby, quite misshapen, in his early fifties, with short brown hair and a pleasant but not handsome red face; dressed in loose denim trousers and a cream and orange cotton-brush shirt. Sure, on paper ACC had an obligation to take care of people like him, with his crooked hip and no education or means of getting a decent income. But if they made it too easy, then everybody would get on it, and the country just couldn’t afford it. At least by hiring me it was a good way of testing who should really be deserving of getting on the books.
At the end of the day, after an accident, we would all like to be supported at the level of income we were used to before our lives were altered irrecoverably. The laws at the time of his accident just hadn’t taken into account the downfall of the country’s economy as a whole. Also, who was to say that he could have sustained that kind of lifestyle even if he hadn’t had the accident? The processing plant he had worked for had long since closed down, and why should he be allowed ongoing support and a taxpayer funded payout in the form of compensation when all of his co-workers had lost their jobs, and none them got anything except for meagre redundancy payments?
After he walked by I made myself comfortable a bit further back in the bush, ate a muesli bar, downed with a drop of Ringo. I find gin is the best refresher for fieldwork. I waited till he had returned back up the track, and then slowly followed behind to a good viewing place I had used before, where I took a few photos of him pottering about his humble abode. Poor Joe had been forced by the bank to give up his house while pursuing his court case against ACC, and so he had moved out here to the worthless piece of land he had no doubt imagined would one day be his place of retirement, that is, in a distant future where he could afford to build on it, not like this.
He had cut a flat area out of the bush and moved a caravan onto it, which was his home. Despite the heavy power lines being so close there was no supply of electricity to the property, no amenities, so he had to rely on solar panels, rainwater, and a long drop toilet. It was a dump. But it was also very nice and peaceful with the surrounding bush. The warblers sang, the tomtits sang. I could hear bellbirds in the distance, and a tui took up a perch on a branch momentarily, gave a few shrill grunts and then flew away again. In its own way it was very beautiful. It was a pity that it was wasted on a no hoper like Joe who lived in squalor, smoking pot and complaining to ACC.
He eventually got into his Range Rover, spluttered pollution into the pristine surroundings, and drove down his steep winding driveway onto the track that led to Noname Road and Marsden. It was just as I had been expecting, for I had inside information that he had an appointment with his doctor at 11 o’clock, to receive yet another examination ahead of his meeting next week with his lawyer and case reviewer, who was flying down from Auckland on behalf of ACC. That was my chance. I waited for a few minutes after I could no longer hear the diesel engine driving off in the distance, noting the time as 10:45, and with a gulp from the hipflask just because I could, and it did me no harm, I went down and entered the premises.
All about the gravelled pad were stacks of things like building materials that I presumed he believed would one day come in handy. There were also several marijuana plants growing in buckets, which I documented because it was still illegal. Over the back half of the caravan he had built a kind of a shed-like shelter, probably to keep the noise of the rain off the caravan’s roof, I thought, because that’s what would annoy me. There was guttering to collect water into three 40 gallon drums, but these did not serve as his water supply; I noted a black polyethylene hose coming out of the bush from the ridge above on the southern side of the pad. He must have found a spring, or at least a reliable stream to get his water from.
The inside of the caravan was very simple and tidy, with his morning dishes washed and stacked neatly upon a small formica bench. It was more spacious than I would have given it credit for, with a double-bed and a small wooden table with his smoking paraphernalia upon it. I took photos, for the sake of it, but nobody really cared about that. I quickly looked through the cupboard, not expecting to find it so soon, but I pulled out a box full of papers and knew that I had struck the jackpot. Here were all of his precious papers, and my job was to take photographs of several of them, and to remove a select few, ahead of his meeting with ACC.
That done, I replaced the box just as I had found it, tucked in below some blankets. But as I replaced it, I noticed several other items there, between the blankets above the box. I took out a Barbie doll, and next to it was an old-fashioned Lenovo tablet, with flower and star stickers on it like something that a young girl might do. It was strange, because I felt like I had seen them before, almost like déjà vu, but I knew from his records that Joe didn’t have a daughter.
I turned on the tablet, and the screen saver showed a white mountain with three distinct peaks, which looked familiar but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. It asked for a pin, and I couldn’t tell you the number, but I entered the number, and it wasn’t simply matter of entering four zeros. Without thinking I entered a four digit combination, and suddenly the whole caravan dipped and sank, then bobbed up again like a cork in a pool of water. I braced myself, but then I knew, there was no earthquake, nothing was shaking, there were flashes like forked lightning forming across the sides of my vision.
It was very bad timing. They call it an ocular migraine. At least, that’s what I’ve gathered from the internet. There’s no definite reason for why it occurs or what triggers it, except perhaps stress, or certain foods, but I knew I had at least one way of alleviating it. I took a good swig of juniper berry juice, which doesn’t have a scientific basis as a cure, but it sure does help against the sense of surging panic when my reality becomes altered like this.
It’s hard to describe, but the interior of the caravan appeared like a hazy plain, like a wasteland, as sun streaks entered through the window leaving searing imprints on my eyes. I put my sunglasses back on and prepared to go. But as I looked around through the contrast of darkness and light, I imagined that high above the wasteland stood the beautiful mountain with three snowy peaks. I knew that I had seen the mountain before but I couldn’t think where. I mean, before seeing it on the tablet, which I’m not sure even existed. I think I must have seen the mountain in a dream because it made me feel a sense of calm and peace, like heaven. As I looked out the window at the ridge above the eastern side of the caravan, I could imagine that the mountain really existed there, at the base of a wasteland on the other side of the ridgeline. I wasn’t in my right mind.
Just then, as though things couldn’t get worse, I heard the sound of an approaching diesel engine. Was Joe returning so soon? It sounded like his car. Or maybe someone was visiting, but either way, I had to get out of there very quickly, which I managed to do, despite the headache that always follows these episodes coming on quite strongly.
I recovered my safe viewing place and lay down, sipping gin as Joe drove up. He went inside, but came out again a moment later, and by the way he slammed the caravan door I guessed there was something upsetting him. I was worried that I might have left something behind in my haste and lack of coordinated vision, but I could hardly make him out to see what he was doing. I waited for a while, praying that he wasn’t searching me out, and with the last of my gin gone I waited for another half hour before he drove away again. Then I too quietly made my way out of there, as my sight began to come back to me.
That was “Chapter Two” of The Woman in the Brown Hat, a sci-fi fantasy detective novel by Marcus Pedersen.
Available on Amazon as an e-book and paper book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RW59M7G
For more information see: https://www.facebook.com/ToroPopularFiction
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thecoroutfitters · 6 years
Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal.
As most of you who follow the news already know there was a vehicle attack in Toronto this past Monday. Reported a ten people killed and 15 injured in the initial report, updated on Thursday to nine killed. This is just the latest in what has become a convenient weapon of choice for the lone wolf, or so the media would have you believe, that has been employed world-wide in the past few years.
No politician and no public official is ever going to state that these are anything other than random acts of madmen, and perhaps, by some miracle, or some stretch of logic, they are, but one needs to understand the realities of these attacks to understand if we can be prepared should we face such a situation.
Molasses in Winter
The average speed some one can run: While scientists claim 40 mph may be achievable I choose to stick with the established fact that the world’s fastest runner, Usain Bolt, was clocked at “nearly” 28 mph in the 100-meter sprint. Bo Jackson once ran the 40 yard dash in 4.13 seconds, the fasted recorded to date. But drag them out to the 100 yards or a mile and the speed virtually disappears. Marathon runners can average 8.8 mph for 26.2 miles. Best information available is the average human jogs at about 8 mph, and sprints at 10.2 mph and of course distance is the great variable, as well as physical condition, terrain, age, an obstacles – like things and other people.
To get a comparison the average cycling speed is estimated at 9.6 mph and, in a race, a reasonably fit rider can ride at 25 mph on flat surface.
No match for any motorized vehicle driven by a human (RC cars don’t count.) So the reality is always that your self as a physical being is the best thing you can work on to be prepared but ones limits are pretty much defined. You are not, in spite of what you have seen in the movies, going to outrun a vehicle intent on hitting you. Dodge, weave and hide behind things, sure, but that assumes an awareness of the situation and an awareness of your surroundings, and the option to find things to weave around and hide behind and time to react.
So What Can We Do?
Avoiding crowds and crowded places – not realistic, probably not possible unless you already live on the edge of the grid.
Making mental health a tribunal-level judgement that limits ones freedoms?  By who? Who is qualified to be the judge? I have had the misfortune to have three mental health professionals as relatives in my life so far and I’ll pass on their judgement and qualifications to make even simple choices. This buys into the mentality that we “can make the world safe” if only “__________”! (Fill in the blank with you own personal choices.) Realists know that making the world a safe place in an unattainable goal generally. My goal here is not to answer your questions, I am unqualified to do that, but to make you think of questions and work out how you will respond and react presented with this new (?) threat as vehicles have been used as weapons through their existence.
Vehicle bombs can be complicated, or they can be simple. As any military vet of the more recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan can tell you the use of IED (improvised explosive devices) has come a long way for the days of Viet Nam – In Viet Nam the military jeeps had the gas tank under the drivers seat, you actually lifted the drivers seat up to refuel the vehicles. The Viet Cong figured this out and used it as a weapon early on. The gas tank opening would accommodate a frag grenade so if you pulled the pin but left the handle on and used plain old scotch tape to keep the handle in place, you simply dropped this into the gas tank. It would take a couple of hours before the gasoline ate away the scotch tape and bingo, wherever the jeep happened to be at that moment.
Another cute trick was using a flare round from the old style flare pistols. You could disassemble the old rounds, duck tape the magnesium package which has a self-contained oxidizer made of potassium chlorinate to a gas tank and then wrap the parachute around an axle. A few revolutions and the ignited gets set off by the pull, like the jerk of the parachute when it is in normal use. Modern rounds do not “facilitate” this any longer, but many other available igniters do.
Bank robbers along the other side of our Southern border had a favorite. They would put explosives in an old vehicle attached to a 12v battery but not close the circuit – wire it to both terminals. Normally on the floor in the front seat and then set the back seat on fire and call the fire department. First thing firemen did was douse the vehicle with water, hopefully completing the circuit by soaking the battery terminals with water and “boom” – injured firefighters, police rushing to the scene, and then they would rob a bank on the other side of town. Sound far fetched? The fail-safe is the fire would eventually achieve a similar effect.
But now, with a valid drivers license, something some states pass out like the free mints at a restaurants hostess station, and a valid credit card – for sale at every Walmart for cash, and you have rented a potential weapon. No distinguishing marks, no smoking fuse, other than the driver, no rifle barrels pointed out the window and 4,000+ pound at 6′ wide and 7′ tall, most capable of accelerating from a normal street speed to 60+ mph in seconds. From a clinical point of view, this is an excellent weapon. Inexpensive, leaves a cold/close trail,
and if you survive you just walk away, and in most gun-free zones this is a possibility if for not the off-duty police officer or the on-duty policemen, moments away. The reality is that in the case of most on-duty policeman they are moments away when seconds count. And these incidents take only seconds.
So what are your opinions? I would like to know what the community thinks as to possible courses of actions or preventative measures. If this is more organized that the media wants you to believe then constantly looking over your shoulder is certainly the result these perpetrators want as a result. The fear, the uneasiness. While this may sound extreme, is this a rational to be used for autonomous vehicles? Another kink in our rights as we give up another freedom for a possible safety? Bad trade in the authors opinion. Reasonable due diligence and situation awareness are what I have come up with, and you?
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citizen0ne · 7 years
Yakuza White Dragon Society battles New World Order Khazarian Mafia as U.S. troops deploy worldwide with 10,000 sealed indictments to help take them down.
“10,000 Sealed Indictments” – Fulford Report – 12.18.17
By Benjamin Fulford, official spokesman for White Dragon Society (Yakuza)
U.S. troops deploy worldwide with 10,000 sealed indictments to take down the centuries old secret Khazarian mafia
U.S. President Donald Trump spent the weekend at Camp David with his top generals to map out the exact strategy for decapitating the Khazarian mafia worldwide, say Pentagon sources. “The Atlanta airport was shut down while the Department of Defense refused to disclose the locations of 44,000 U.S. troops who may be involved in terminating the cabal worldwide,” a senior Pentagon source said. There are now close to 10,000 sealed indictments as more and more of the Khazarian criminals give up evidence on their colleagues, the sources say.
There are also many extra-judicial killings going on. “The liberal sanctuary city mayor of San Francisco, Edwin Lee, dropped dead after an illegal alien was found not guilty in the murder of Kate Steinle even after his confession,” one source notes. “Lee’s death is a message to the Democrats and sanctuary city mayors like Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago and Bill De Blasio of New York City,” the source warns.
The Khazarian mob is also killing off lots of people. In Japan, two former executives of Toshiba, Atsutoshi Nishida and Taizo Nishimura, suddenly died in the past two months because they were about to provide evidence about the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan, according to sources close to the royal family.
This attack was carried out by henchmen of the Rockefeller family, whose members include Hillary and Bill Clinton, the sources say. The Rockellers, in turn, were taking orders from the fascist P2 Freemason lodge, they say. The Rockefeller family, by the way, has elected Mel Rockefeller, the son of Nelson Rockefeller, as the new family head, these sources added.
In Canada, Barry Sherman, owner of the Canadian pharmaceutical giant Apotex, was found hanging dead alongside his wife Honey by the family’s indoor pool. According to CIA sources, Sherman was killed to cover up an evidence trail leading to the Clinton Foundation and their crimes in Haiti. “We have a classified document involving the Clinton Foundation and a pharmaceutical company from Canada that was to supply generic drugs for the people of Haiti. The point is that they were going to supply inferior-quality generic medicine and pocket the difference in price,” the CIA source says.
In any case, no matter how many potential witnesses are bumped off, the situation has reached a point where the Khazarians will not be able to murder their way out.
The December 12th Senatorial election in Alabama, for example, was a sting operation against the Khazarians, Pentagon sources say. “Senator Roy Moore was allowed to have his election stolen in Alabama so Trump could collect voting data to take down the Soros organization, the Democrats, and the cabal for vote fraud,” the sources say. “Three poll workers have been arrested already,” they note.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is next to join a growing list of politicians who are resigning in the ongoing purge of the House and Senate, the sources add. Senator John “Daesh” McCain is also apparently wanting to leave this world before his many crimes are made public.
Even the brainwashed propaganda media is beginning to realize that something is going on when they see Hillary Clinton’s “surgical boot” (hiding a GPS ankle bracelet) staying on long after it should have been removed if the official excuse of a broken toe were true. No doubt some lame excuse will be given and the still-brainwashed segment of the population will accept it.
The people who still believe the cabal’s story line are like the people in the joke about a man who was told his wife was cheating on him. In the joke, he hires a detective to confirm his wife’s innocence. The detective comes back and says, “She met with another man in the street and they entered a hotel together.” The husband asks, “Did you see them enter a room together?” The detective says, “Yes.” “Did you see what went on inside the room?” the husband asks. “Yes, I peeked through the keyhole and saw them on the bed together,” the detective answers. “Were they covered with a blanket?” the husband asks. The detective says, “Yes” to the man. He asks, “Did you see under the blanket?” and the detective says, “No.” “In that case you cannot prove she was cheating,” the husband says.
The husband does not want to face reality because it would upset his entire worldview, and in the same way, the brainwashed people will cling to the lamest excuses to avoid reality. Similarly, if the Clinton people explain the cast is still on because of “complications,” people in denial will go with this story rather than accept that she has been arrested.
Nonetheless, we are reaching the point where even these people will be forced to face reality. The entire FBI and Justice Department network that tried to protect Hillary Clinton from prosecution is also being systematically exposed and dismantled. The link here provides a good visual summary:
Now even the corporate media is being forced to accept that the so-called “Islamic State” was a CIA creation. This is coming out now because the November 18th U.S. military raid on the CIA has shut down Operation Mockingbird and the corporate media is being forced to report the truth.
A clear sign of how unusual the times we are living in have become is that former U.S. Corporation President Barack Obama is seeking and apparently getting political asylum in England.
What this shows, together with the fact that Donald Trump is not welcome in the UK, is that the Anglo-Saxon world is split between bloodline-controlled England and the anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati-ruled Republic of the United States of America.
This situation is likely to come to a head of sorts in January as an informal Anglo-Chinese alliance tries to bankrupt the U.S. internationally, based on its cumulative trade deficit and its inability to pay for the goods it imports with real money.
The U.S. will respond with threats of war. This will appear in the news in the form of U.S. sabre-rattling against North Korea, as it yet again wields the all-out nuclear war card in an attempt to extort more money. The Chinese are preparing to call the U.S. bluff this time, as can be seen by its government warning its people to prepare for nuclear war as it conducts military drills near Taiwan and North Korea.
The Chinese and British want the creation of a world government in order to ensure a peaceful and law-based planet, Asian secret society sources say. In the absence of some sort of compromise with the U.S. military government, there will be financial chaos even if war is avoided.
The current financial system is dysfunctional and only serves as a way to funnel privately owned central bank funny money to the super-rich via the stock market. This means of distributing money has pushed financial markets away from reality, and reality always will prevail, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. The Boston Consulting Group surveyed 250 top institutional investors who together manage over $500 billion in funds and found them to be the most pessimistic they have been since the Lehman shock of 2008.
Hopefully, a new transparently and meritocratically run financial system will be launched, but we may need to go through the chaotic collapse of the old system before this is possible. We will find out in the new year.
On a final and personal note, Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center will be speaking at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan on December 20th. Cooper had one of my books banned for being “anti-Semitic.” When I asked him what in my book was “anti-Semitic,” he said that I wrote that U.S. President George Bush Jr. was responsible for the deaths of many civilians in Iraq. Bush is supposed to be an evangelical Christian, and the information on the deaths of civilians in Iraq came from the medical journal Lancet. So here we have a supposed Jew banning a book written by a person with Jewish ancestry that is denouncing genocide by a non-Jew because it is “anti-Semitic.” How hypocritical can you get? Poor Mr. Weisenthal must be spinning in his grave.
According to officials at Tokuma Shoten Publishing, the Weisenthal Center paid bribes to editors to place misleading newspaper ads for my book. This then led to a complete ban of all advertising for all of my books in newspapers and other ad venues, no matter what their content. This is typical of what they do to writers worldwide and is a part of their control grid in Japan and elsewhere. In the U.S., the Department of Homeland Security froze the bank accounts of entire publishing companies to prevent them from publishing my books in English.
Cooper and his Jewish mafia buddies also pay rent-a-mob right-wingers to do things like attack ethnic Korean shopping districts in order to keep South Korea and Japan fighting each other, according to members of these groups.
The man is a criminal and belongs in jail. If Cooper is arrested, he will sing like a canary about the entire Khazarian mafia control grid in Japan and elsewhere. He will also explain exactly how the Khazarian mafia runs North Korea. I would be very happy if some MP’s showed up at the event and arrested him. Take him to Guantanamo and make him sing.
The Dragon groups we do know to be real include:
the White Dragon which has an ancient Asian counter-part
the Black Dragon (Greater East Asian Co-prosperity sphere etc.)
the Dragon family (Merovingian royalty)
the Green Dragon which has roots in Iran (Persia) and central Asia
the Red Dragon may be the Nazis new name for themselves because the Odessa group (post-war Nazis) is definitely on the war path.
(Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian national who has lived and worked in Japan for over 20-years experience as a professional writer and journalist. He has sold over 500,000 non-fiction books written in Japanese. He’s produced a comprehensive catalogue of scoops in field ranging from business to Yakuza gangsters to high-finance to government corruption. Now focused on exposing U.S. manipulation of Japanese politics, media and education through a combination of bribes, murder, brainwashing etc. My goal is to counter U.S. propaganda and expose the Japanese people to the truth so that they may free themselves from the colonial yoke and use their $5 trillion in overseas holdings to end world poverty and save the environment. Native or near native, spoken and written: Japanese, French, Spanish and English. Conversational, reading ability in Mandarin, Portuguese and Italian. As for his experience: from 2005-present: He published 15 books written in Japanese with cumulative sales running at over 500,000 copies. Has a weekly 2-hour TV show and appear frequently on numerous other nationally broadcast shows. He has regular columns in a variety of best-selling Japanese magazines. From 1998-2005, Fulford worked as Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine, he quit in profound disgust over extensive corporate censorship and mingling of advertising and editorial at the magazine. From 1997-1998: Fulford worked as the Tokyo correspondent for the South China Morning Post. From 1995-1997: Fulford worked as the staff writer for the Nikkei Weekly and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Newspaper. From 1993-1995 he took a sabbatical in Canada and researched the link between evolutionary forces and modern world society. From 1989-1992 Fulford worked as Senior Tokyo correspondent for the International Financing Revue. There, he created and managed Japan Watch, a news and analysis service available on the Reuters and Telerate news-wires. Created Katana, a Japanese language news service available on the Nikkei Quick news-wire. Triggered several Finance Ministry investigations with articles that uncovered financial industry irregularities. From 1986-1989 he worked as correspondent for Knight-Ridder Financial News; covered a broad range of market related news. One particularly market moving story was used by Knight-Ridder in an advertising campaign. From 1982-1985 Part time jobs during student years included: work as an editor of Hitachi Review, a science and technology magazine; translation in the fields of business and finance and assorted television, radio and movie appearances. From 1978-1982: he spent time traveling and avoiding civilization. He spent 1-year studying with a witch doctor along the upper reaches of the Uquyali river in the Peruvian Amazon. Lived with former cannibals. He also traveled to other wilderness locations and lived off the land describing his experience as peaceful, beautiful. challenging and character building, zen.
Education: Sophia University, Tokyo Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. BA Asian studies, China area specialty.)
(If you have been following me for a long time, you will remember my post laying out who were “black hats” fighting for the New World Order and who were “white hats” fighting for the people...well this is the “white hat” White Dragon Society (Yakuza) faction I was talking about.
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bamby0304 · 7 years
The Hart: Chapter One
Summary:  When Lizzie was just a few months old, she lost her father. Fifteen years later she lost her mother, and then her sister. Now in her early twenties Lizzie spends her days and nights hunting things and saving people. When the Winchesters meet the bright eyed and bubbly blonde they don’t realise what they’re in for… and neither does she…
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Part Thirteen: Mandroid
Warnings: Nope.
"So, what's it like, being an FBI guy?" Franny, the sales assistant at a jewellery store asked me.
The store had been robbed by one of their own a couple of days ago. Sam had found the case, and noticed a bank had been robbed in the same city, by one of its workers. It seemed odd enough, so Sam, Liz and I had set off to find out what was going on.
Sam was currently talking to the manager, while Liz spoke to a security guard. Or well... She was flirting with him. But that was none of my business. Nothing had happened between us since we'd kissed at the hotel a couple of weeks ago. As far as I could tell, she was still determined to not hook up with a hunter.
So if there wasn't going to be anything between us, I didn't mind her flirting with someone else. Hell, I was flirting with Franny. But I'd be lying if I wasn't a little jealous.
"Well, it's dangerous. And the secrets we gotta keep." I chuckled lightly. "Oh, God, the secrets. But mostly, it's lonely."
"I so know what you mean."
"Yeah." I nodded at her before getting back on track. "So, Helena killed herself?"
"Well, the cops said she dropped a hairdryer in the bath and fried herself. They should know, right?"
"Yeah. Well, thanks, Frannie. Think that's all I need."
"Really? I mean, because I've got more. You know, if you wanted to interview me... Sometime, in private?"
I thought about it for a moment, wondering if it would be a good idea. But I didn't see why not, so I simply nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. You're a true patriot, you really are. Why don't you write your number down?"
"Helena was our head buyer. She was family, you know?" the manager explained as he moved to stand behind one of the counters. "She said it herself. Every Christmas part she said we were the only family she had."
"So, there were never any signs that she'd do this?"
"No, I still can't believe it, even now. That night, Helena came back to the store after closing. Cleaned out all the display cases and the safe. Edgar, our night watchman, he caught her in the act. He didn't know what to do. He'd known her for years. He called me at home."
"And that's when she took his gun?"
"She shot him in the face. I-I heard him die... Over the phone."
"Any idea what her motive could've been?"
"What motive? It makes no sense. Why steal all those diamonds, jewellery, then what, just dump it somewhere? Just hide it and then go home and..."
I didn't need him to elaborate. I'd read about the suicide. "So, you never saw the security camera footage yourself, then."
The manager shook his head. "The police, they took all the tapes, first thing."
Dean sighed, I looked over my shoulder to see him standing behind me. "Of course they did."
"Well, you have been a big help, sir." I smiled at the security guard.
He'd only been working here a few months, but he'd met Helena and had been trained by the night watchman she'd killed. He didn't have a lot of information, but whatever I could get was better than nothing.
"Please, call me Jacob."
He was a good-looking guy. A few years older than me. Tall, dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, scruff on his jaw. Even though he was dressed in uniform, I could tell her was a fit looking guy underneath.
"Jacob." my smile widened as I pulled out a card from my pocket. "If you remember anything else, why don't you give me a call?"
He grinned, taking the card. "Or maybe I'll just call you to set up a date."
My smile widened. "I think I'd like that."
The sound of someone clearing their throat had us both look to see Sam and Dean now standing a couple of feet from us. Sam looked amused, while Dean looked bored.
"Right." I turned back to Jacob. "Thanks again for all your help. I, uh... I gotta go."
"Okay, yeah, sure." nodding he gestured to the card in his hand. "I'll call you."
Before I could respond, Dean's hand grabbed my arm as he started leading me out of the store and towards the car, Sam following behind us.
"This is it." Sam pointed to the house I'd stopped in front of.
"Frigging cops." I groaned, getting out of the car.
Liz shrugged as she stepped on to the road as well. "They're just doing their job, Dean."
"No, they're doing our job. Only they don't know it, so they suck at it." I argued as we started for the front door. "Talk to me about this bank, Sam."
"Milwaukee National trust. It was hit a month ago."
"Same M.O. as the jewellery store?" I asked.
He nodded. "Inside job, long-time employee. The never-in-a-million-years type. Dude robs the bank, then goes home and supposedly commits suicide."
"And this guy Reznick was the security guard on duty?" I gestured to the front door as we neared it.
Liz stepped in then, answering. "He was beaten unconscious by the teller who heisted the place. Ronald Reznick."
Reaching the door, Sam knocked on the glass. "Mr Reznick?"
Suddenly a bright light turned on, practically blinding us with its voltage.
I looked away quickly. "Son of a-"
Movement caught our attention as Ronald stepped up to the door cautiously.
"FBI, Mr Reznick." Sam introduced us.
"Let me see the badges." the three of us did as Ron asked, pressing out fake badges to the glass. He leaned forward to look at them before looking at each of our faces. "Already gave my statement to the police."
I nodded. "Yeah, listen. Ronald, just some things about your statement. We want some clarification."
"You read it?"
"Sure did." I gave him a friendly smile.
"Come to listen to what I gotta say?" he sounded surprised.
"Why else would we be here, Mr Reznick?" Liz spoke.
His eyes fell on Liz. His face went a little pale as he stood a little straighter. "Well, come on in." he opened the door and stepped to the side. "Ladies first."
Oh, God.
"Such a gentleman. Thank you." Liz nodded, walking in. She tugged off her coat, draping it over her arm.
The first time I saw her in her FBI get up- which consisted of a black pants suit and white collared shirt, with a long grey coat sometimes and her hair pulled up neatly- I couldn't get over how she could look good in ripped jeans and her leather jacket, but also make a pants suit look sexy...
"This way." Ronald shyly smiled to her as he led us down a hallway. "None of the cops ever called me back. Not after I told them what was really going on. They all thought I was crazy."
Liz didn't drop the sweet act as she walked beside him. "Well, we're here to listen."
His smile widened as he stepped into a room, going on. I was listening to what he had to say, but at the same time, I couldn't stop looking at the walls. A corner was covered in posters, pictures, maps and articles... All about aliens...
"First off, Juan Morales never robbed the Milwaukee National Trust. That I guarantee. See me and Juan were friends. He used to come back to the bank on my night shifts and we'd play cards."
"So you let him into the bank that night. After hours." Sam noted.
"The thing I let into the bank... Wasn't Juan. I mean, it had his face, but it wasn't his face. Every detail was perfect, but too perfect. You know, like if a doll maker made it, like if I was talking to a big Juan doll."
Sam looked at the guy as if he were crazy. "A 'Juan doll'?"
Ronald ignored him as he offered Liz some articles. "Look. This wasn't the only time this happened. There was this jewellery store too. And the cops and you guys, I mean, you just won't see it. Both crimes were pulled by the same thing."
"And what's that, Mr Reznick?" Sam asked.
Ron picked up a magazine with a robot on the cover. "Chinese been working on them and the Russians before that. Part man, part machine."
Liz pointed to the robot. "Isn't that from Doctor Who?"
I turned to her shocked that she'd know that- because I sure as hell had no idea. But before I could say anything, Ronald spoke again.
"Yes. But I'm talking about real robot men. Like the Terminator but the kind that can change itself. Make itself look like other people."
That reference I got. "Like the one from T2."
"Exactly." Ron smiled at me, excited. "See, not just a robot. More of a, 'mandroid'."
"A mandroid?" Sam did not sound convinced. Which I didn't blame him, really. But he could have at least pretended.
Before Ronald could react, I quickly went on. "What makes you so sure about this, Ronald?"
His smile returned as he moved to a TV and slid a video into the player. "See, I made copies of all the security tapes. I knew once the cops got them they'd be buried." he explained as he pressed play. "Here. Now watch."
Sam, Liz and I took a seat on the couch as we watched Ronald fast forward the video until Juan appeared on the screen.
"Watch him, watch, watch. See? Look, there it is." he pressed pause. On the screen, we could see Juan's eyes, glowing. "You see, he's got the laser eyes."
That was no mandroid. That was a shapeshifter.
"Cops said it was some kind of reflected light. Some kind of 'camera flare'. Okay? Ain't no damn camera flare. They say I'm a post-trauma case. So what? Bank goes and fires me? It don't matter. The mandroid is still out there." he stood up and turned to us. "The law won't hunt this thing down, I'll do it myself.
"You see, this thing, it kills the real person. Makes it look like a suicide. Then it sort of, like, morphs into the person. Cases the job for a while till it knows that take is fat, and then finds its opening. Now these robberies, they're grouped together. So I figure the mandroid id holed up somewhere in the middle. Underground maybe. I don't know. Maybe that's where it recharges its mandroid batteries."
"Okay." Sam took a deep breath as he got to his feet. "I want you to listen very carefully. Because I'm about to tell you the gods' honest truth about all of this." he waited until Ron nodded before he went on. "There's no such thing as mandroids. There's nothing evil or inhuman going on out there. Just people. Nothing else, you understand?"
I had not expected that... Sam was usually the gentle one.
"The laser eyes-"
Sam cut him off. "Just a camera flare, Mr Reznick. See, I know you don't want to believe it, but your friend Juan robbed the bank and that's it."
Ron looked a little shocked at first, and then he was pissed. "Get out of my house! Now!"
"Sure." Sam nodded. "First things first..."
Dean shook his head as he stood in front of the map of Milwaukee that we'd pinned to our hotel room wall. "Man, that has got to be the kicker, straight up. I mean, you tell that poor son of a bitch that... Wait, what did you say?" he asked Sam.
"We had to remand the tapes that he copied." I answered as I moved to sit on one of the beds, crossing my legs in front of me. "It's classified evidence of an ongoing investigation."
Dean laughed lightly. "That's messed up."
"What, are you pissed at me or something?" Sam turned to him from where he sat by the TV.
"No, I just think it's creepy how good of a fed you are." Dean shrugged. "I mean, come on. We could've at least thrown the guy a bone. He did some pretty good legwork here."
Sam scoffed. "Mandroid?"
"Well, except for that part, Dean's right." I nodded. "He seemed like a pretty decent guy."
"I liked him." Dean sat at the table in front of some blueprints. "He's not that different from us. People think we're crazy."
"Yeah, but he's not a hunter." Sam noted. "He's just a guy who stumbled onto something real. If he went up against this thing, he'd get torn apart. Better to stay in the dark and stay alive."
Dean shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."
Shaking his head, Sam turned back to the T.V. where he looked to the paused screen. "Shapeshifter. Just like back at St. Louis. Same retinal reaction to video."
"Eyes flare at the camera." sighing, Dean looked to the screen as well. "I hate those frigging things."
"You think I don't?" Sam asked him.
"Well, yeah. But one didn't turn into you and frame you for murder."
"I haven't dealt with a shifter for years." the excitement in my voice couldn't be controlled. I just loved my job so much.
"They like to be laid up underground. Preferably the sewer." Dean noted. "All the robberies have been connected so far, right. To the, uh, sewer lain layout. There's one more bank lined up on that sewer main."
"We haven't had any flags go up on our system yet." the security guard noted as he led Sam, Liz and I towards the security office in the bank.
"No, no, this is a glitch in the overall grid." I explained. "Just wanna make sure the branch monitors are kosher."
The guard nodded. "Better to be safe than sorry."
"That's the plan." I agreed.
As he opened the door to the office, he took a step to the side so we could enter. "Alrighty. You three need anything else?"
"No, we'll be in and out before you know it." Sam assured him. "Just a routine check."
"Thanks for all your assistance." Liz offered the guard a smile before she set off towards the screens playing security footage live.
"Okie dokie." the guard went to leave before leaning closer to Sam and me. "Don't know how you two work with a beauty like her around."
I chuckled lightly. "I hear ya."
Even in the fake uniforms we'd pulled together for the job, Liz still looked good. Her hair pulled through the hole at the back of her cap. Belt around her waist, pulling in her coveralls and showing off her curves. She looked like every guy's working-girl fantasy come to life.
Once the guard was gone, Sam and I moved to join Liz. "I like him. He says okie dokie."
"What if he's the shifter?" Sam asked, taking a seat.
"Then we follow him home and put a silver bullet through his chest plate." I answered, taking the other seat.
"Sounds like a plan." Liz nodded as she turned to us. Pausing, she frowned. "Don't I get a seat?" I swear, Sam was about to jump up and offer her his. But instead, she just shrugged and crouched down on the floor between us. "So we expecting this to take long?"
"Probably should have brought popcorn." I sighed.
"Well, looks like Mr Okie-dokie, is okie dokie." Dean grinned as he nodded to the guard on the screen.
"Maybe we jumped the gun on this." I shrugged, starting to feel a little unsure about the job. "I mean, we don't even know it's here. Maybe we should just go on back to the sewers and-" I cut myself short as Dean zoomed in on one of the tellers, centring on her behind.
"Oh, come on." Lizzie groaned, getting to her feet and leaning over to take the controls from Dean.
"What are you doing?" he fought her, pulling at them, causing the screen to zoom in and out over and over.
"We're supposed to be looking for eyes." she snapped. "If I wanted to look at someone's ass, I would have left you two to the job and gone out with Jacob."
"The security guard from the jewellery store?" Dean almost sounded offended.
"Seriously? That guy was such a douche."
Something had changed between Dean and Lizzie. It was only a small change, but I'd still noticed it. Ever since the hotel case we took a couple of weeks ago. There was something different. Their flirting wasn't as bad, and they'd both started hooking up with more people than usual... I couldn't help but wonder if something had happened between them.
"Hold on, stop." Dean grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back as he leaned towards one of the screens more. "Hello, freak." sure enough, the camera was focused on the shifter.
"Got him." I got to my feet and headed for the door.
"Wait." Lizzie called. "I think we have a problem?"
"What?" I asked, coming back to the chairs and desk.
Dean gestured to one of the screens where Ronald was chaining up the entrance- which was the only exit- of the bank. "Hello, Ronald."
"And you said we shouldn't bring guns." Dean scolded Sam as the three of us made our way towards Ron, where he had hostages in the main room.
"I didn't know this was gonna happen."
"Sam has a point, Dean."
Dean shook his head. "Just let Liz and me do the talking. I don't think he likes you very much, Agent Johns." he then grabbed my arm to stop me as we reached the last corner. "Don't do anything stupid. You stay close to Sam or me, you got it?"
"I don't need a babysitter, Dean. I'm perfectly capable."
"Just do as I say." he didn't leave any room for argument before he turned around the corner cautiously, watching Ronald.
Ron held up a key on a cord necklace as he spoke to the hostages he'd gathered up. "Now there's only one was in or out of here and I chained it up. So nobody's leaving, you understand?"
"Hey, buddy." Dean called. Ron spun on his heels to look at us. "Now, why don't you calm down? Just calm down."
"What the..." Ron lifted his gun, aiming it at us. "You! Get on the floor now."
"Okay, we're doing that." Dean nodded, all of us doing as we were told. "Just don't shoot anybody. Especially us."
"I knew it. As soon as you three left. You ain't FBI. No FBI is that hot." he pointed the gun at me. "Who are you?"
"Whoa!" my hands were raised as my eyes stayed focussed on the end of the gun. "You wanna point that somewhere else."
Dean shifted closer to me slightly. "Don't be stupid, Ron."
"Who are you working for?" Ron continued the questions, ignoring both Dean and I. "The Men in Black? You working for the mandroid?"
"We're not working for the mandroid!" Sam snapped.
"You shut up!" Ron yelled at him. "I ain't talking to you, I don't like you!"
Sam calmed down. "Fair enough."
Turning to the hostages, Ron pointed to one of the men. "Get over there, frisk them down, make sure they got no weapons. Go."
The man frisked Sam first and found nothing. He then moved to me.
"Touch anything you're not supposed to, and I will personally break all of your fingers. And then Ron's." I warned, holding enough venom in my voice to even make Dean and Sam flinch.
The man frisked me, carefully. His hands patting me down, while making sure not to touch too much. He found nothing and moved to Dean, frisking him more than he did me. He found a sliver blade in Dean's boot.
"Now what have we here?" Ron gestured for the man to give him the blade.
Dean looked to Sam and me with a shrug. "I'm not just gonna walk in here naked."
Taking the blade, Ron the gestured back to the hostages. "Get back down." he ordered the man. Moving to one of the counters, he tossed the blade into a waste paper chute.
"We know you don't want to hurt anybody but that's exactly what's gonna happen if you keep waving that cannon around. Now, why don't you let these people go?" Dean suggested, trying to reason with Ron.
It didn't work. "No! I already told you. If nobody's gonna stop this thing, then I gotta do it myself."
"We believe you." Dean kept trying. "That's why we're here."
"You don't believe me. Nobody believes me. How could they?"
Dean sighed. "Come here."
"What? No."
"You're holding the gun, boss, you're calling the shots. I just wanna tell you something. Come here." listening to Dean, Ron carefully stepped closer to him. "It's the bank manager."
"Why do you think we got these getups? Huh? We were monitoring the cameras in the back. We saw the manager." Dean explained. "We saw his eyes."
Ron leaned closer, intrigued. "His laser eyes?"
"Yes." Dean answered, before shaking his head and correcting himself. "No. We're running out of time, okay. We gotta find him before he changes, before he changes into someone else."
"Like I'm gonna listen to you." Ron pulled back, aiming the gun at Dean now. "You're a damn liar." carefully, Dean got to his feet, pissing Ron off more. "I'll shoot you. Get down!"
"Dean." my heart was racing. In a split second I pictured a million different ways Dean could end up lying dead next to me...
But Dean ignored both of us. "Take me, take me with you as a hostage. But we gotta act fast. 'Cause the longer we sit here, the more time he has to change. Look at me, man. I believe you. You're not crazy. There really is something inside this bank."
"All right." Ron nodded. "You come with me." he turned to the hostages. "But everyone else gets in the vault!"
"Come on, move. Move, move." Ron ordered as he led us all to the vault. Once the hostages, Sam and myself were in, he nodded to Dean. "And you lock it up"
I stepped closer to the door as Den began to close it. "I don't like this."
"You scared for me." he grinned.
But I didn't return the grin. I stayed serious. "Yes."
Realising I wasn't messing around, his grin fell. "I'll be fine." he assured me. Nodding to everyone else, he spoke to us all. "It's okay everyone, Just stay cool." with that, the door was closed.
"Who is that man?" a woman asked.
"He's my brother." Sam answered, clearly concerned.
If the woman heard the worry in his voice, she didn't react. Instead, she looked dreamily at the door. "He's so brave."
Give me a break. I rolled my eyes, sliding against the wall a I sat by the door and began to wait.
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abnahaya · 5 years
I’m a Paradox and Today I’m Overwhelmed
I like to describe myself as a paradox, I always try to embrace the “two sides of a coin” that lies within me, many times two opposites. Yesterday was one of the days when I was overwhelmed with paradoxical emotions, leaving me a bit confused myself about what to feel.
I got the news that my grandfather passed away yesterday. He was always a quiet person, I never talked much with him even though I visit him yearly, but he was a pretty cool person. I remember when my then boyfriend –now husband, visited my family to ask my hand in marriage –and my mum dragged him to visit all my grandparents as well, my grandpa who had already blind gently said that he was happy for us. He kept trying to make a conversation with Jake even though he couldn’t talk in English. How Jake slowly held his hand and helped him to walk around the house was probably the cutest thing. I always thought of my grandpa as a cute person –maybe because all my grandpas dotted me, so I had a soft spot for elderly men. Grandpa’s death wasn’t a surprise for us because he was old and even though he didn’t have any terminal illness, he became a lot weaker ever since he lost his sight from cataract, my family had always silently known that he didn’t have much time left.
Unfortunately, life has been tough on this side too. It’s a lot harder for me to get a job here, even simple ones –maybe due to my visa, or my too-Indonesian background, idk. Being at home all the time, I used up a little too much of our internet quota, so I had to hold myself a lot to use the internet for at least the next two weeks. That’s why I received the news about grandpa a bit too late, and I couldn’t answer the videocall from my family when they arrived at his funeral. I told them my condolences and everything but of course, as an Indonesian with a communal family, I felt very guilty for not doing “enough” to show my loss of grandpa. Not that I even know how to make it right, either.
As I was on my phone, I looked up to the social media and alas! People were freaking out! Turned out the parliament and the government of Indonesia had been enacting problematic and controversial bill, KUHP (penal code) while putting an important and hard-fought bill on hold: RUU PKS (prevention of sexual violence bill). One of the activists that I follow on Instagram went on a rally to protest and updated the development through her Instagram stories (she was later invited to join the meeting in when the parliament discuss about the importance of the anti-sexual violence bill, along with the opposition mass), and confirmed how the bill was once again put on hold despite of some parliament member who supported the bill. The penal code, on the other hand, was by the skin of our teeth. Imagine when you could get thrown into jail because a consensual sex, and the one reporting you is the village chief who you don’t even know. Yes, jail term for men and women who have sex outside of marriage –or even merely living together as roommate, someone who talks about sex and contraception even for educational purposes, and even forbid abortions for any reason but medical complications. And that’s just some pieces of it. I am terrified for my nation.
I tried to get a grip of myself and try to be positive for the rest of my day. I remembered that I’ve got a dance class to sign up for. After facing all my cultural problem trying to ask my husband to pay for the class, and even though I might not be able to post too much excitement for the sake of self-modesty in such a bad atmosphere between my social circle, I thought at least, I could escape the misery. I asked a tarot reader before, on a free card pull session of yes/no question, and she said I should go to the dance class (I was hesitating because I feel bad to spend money for leisure when money is tight in our household) and so I was getting more determined to go! Unfortunately, once again, life squeezed a lemon on my freshly wounded heart. The dance class was sold out. Apparently, I the website didn’t display the “sold out” sign on the mobile version, I only found out when I opened it in my PC, as I tried to pay. And that was the last dance session before summer (it’s still springs here until December).
Between all the depressing mood, my best friend texted me. She heard about my grandpa and gave her condolences. After a brief talk, she asked for my bank account number. I was confused, I wasn’t the one to whom she could give consolation money too. But she said, she just wanted to “treat” me to buy boba tea or any snacks, because she missed me, and she hoped I could remember her while getting my treats. That was it, I couldn’t help it anymore. I cried silently. It was the sweetest thing! I was so touched that I almost forgot my sorrows, my heart warmed up in an instant.
And then I remember my meditation that morning –if it could be called a meditation, but hey, I’m trying! I told myself –and whoever was listening to my inner voice, that I wanted to live in the present. I somehow remembered the big message I got from the Summer Healing session: live in the present, and also from the book I read for it, Love Without Conditions by Paul Ferrini: I don’t have to seek happiness, it’s not in the place with ifs; “If I have enough money…”, “If I were in Bali….”, “If tomorrow we do this…”, happiness is today, now, at this very moment. And so, when I asked myself that evening, after gotten my heart break from sadness, guilt, disappointment, fear, and some warm fuzzy feeling when someone care: did I deserve to be happy? Does it make me a bad person to be happy whilst others are not?
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No. I could be happy, and maybe I was happy. Of course, it didn’t make me a bad person, because this was my happiness. You get it? It’s a paradox. You can be happy and sad and disappointed and content and afraid and relieved and angry and calm at the same time, in fact, it’s what we are most of the times! We’re human and life is crazy, we encounter so many things in one day, heck even in one minute that can create many feelings inside us. It’s the prove we’re alive. Only a lot of times, we think about a particular thing or feeling so much –mostly negative ones, we forget that we still have other feelings filling our heart to. Or at other times, we force ourselves to feel only happiness, and denying other feelings, which drives us to a toxic positivity.
The trick of being a paradox is to just be one. Feel everything that’s coming to your plate and make yourself full, then let it go for another day. Your feelings are all valid and they are there for you. Feeling something doesn’t determine your worth, doing something does. It reminds me of a statement of a psychotherapist I quoted for my IGTV discussion: “it’s not the whole person that’s toxic, but it’s their behaviour or the relationship you have with them.” For example, if instead of writing this post I wrote a tweet saying: “Fuck you all pussies, suck it up, our country is a shit hole. But idc, I’m happy today!” Well, I’m an asshole, because by then I value others’ feelings less and probably denying my own negative feelings too. When it comes to social context, it’s always better to realize the boundaries –which I would save for another day’s post.
But basically, I just wanna say that it’s okay to be overwhelmed with life. It’s fucking normal. What I do is that I embrace it into my identity and try to do what I can for the better, even only signing an online petition or writing a blog post. Cherish yourself first!
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squiddlesandsopor · 8 years
Don’t Forget to Breathe
Chapter 6
General Audiences
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
The next day Mikasa grabbed her mail as she headed back up to her apartment after classes. The end of the semester was settling in and she had to sit through three classes wherein the professors reminded their pupils of rapidly approaching due dates. She wasn’t too worried about the final essay or the project due the week after next. She had already completed the research for the essay - all that was left was to write it - and the project was just missing a few final touches. The group presentations due the final week of classes, a mere three weeks away now, were going to be horrendous but she’d come to expect that about all group work.
She let herself into her apartment before shuffling through the larger-than-usual stack of mail. The first couple items were flyers that she tossed into the recycling without a second glance. A non-specific credit card offer got the same treatment. There was a bank statement that she set aside and a coupon book that got tossed after the flyers. On the bottom of the stack was a letter addressed to her with no return address. Curious, she turned it over in her hands. There was no stamp either so she supposed it was from the management of the complex.
Small frown in place, she used her keys to tear open the flap. When she opened the letter and read the large words at the top of the document her heart nearly stopped and a nauseous lump clogged her throat.
She scanned the words but only caught snatches at a time - regret to inform - she wondered if this could be some sort of joke - must vacate within - her eyes flicked down - scheduled demolitions begin - to the signature and it didn’t look like a forgery but what did she know? She wandered into the living room eyes fixed on the document but not really seeing it. She collapsed into her chair and dragged her eyes away from those three horrific words confronting her at the top of the page to take a couple deep, calming breaths. Once her thoughts stopped whirling in a panic she returned to the document and read it carefully from beginning to end.
It was addressed to her, her full name and current address listed, which seemed redundant as the envelope had been addressed to her as well. It was dated the previous day. The document began:
Dear Ms. Ackerman,
   We regret to inform you that your tenancy is no longer viable. Pursuant to Section 4.13 of your residency agreement you are being provided with two months notice for eviction. You must vacate within two calendar months of the date on this letter.
There was more, information about the plans for the lot - demolition and the construction of more lucrative office space - but what it boiled down to was that she had two months to find another living situation. There wasn’t anything she could do to fight it. She even double checked her residency agreement; Section 4, the section on terminating residency, was filled with little loopholes like the 2-month eviction notice. She had glanced through it all before signing but how could she have known that the management would decide to rezone the property?
The next few days passed in a haze. Mikasa started her essay and finished the project. She attempted to communicate with her group even though it was a mostly futile endeavor. She began looking for new places to live. She didn’t breathe a word of her upcoming eviction when she went to dinner with her parents on Friday. She extended apologies on Levi’s behalf, that he never gave, and let them know that he would try to be available the next time he received an invitation. This delighted her parents but their enthusiasm seemed to dwindle while she picked at the food on her plate. Occasionally she would eat a half-hearted forkful and it was when she was in the middle of one of these that her father spoke.
“Mikasa, what’s wrong?”
She glanced up, back down to her plate, and then back up again. Both her parents were watching her with small worried frowns. She shook her head a little hoping they might be willing to drop it.
“It’s not Levi is it?” Her mom asked, “You’ve been pretty tight-lipped about him from day one. He’s not treating you poorly is he?”
Her eyebrows shot up, her mom sounded genuinely concerned, “No, Levi’s fine. Why did you think it was him?”
Her mother leaned forward to catch one of Mikasa’s hands with both of her own, “I knew you weren’t comfortable with the arrangement. I really expected you to refuse to see him again. When you didn’t,” she paused, a brief look of pain flaring across her usually smooth face, “I was worried you only accepted to make us happy. No matter what the cost was to yourself.”
That, Mikasa winced internally, that was a little too close to the truth for her liking. So she changed the subject.
“It’s really not Levi. It’s just the end of semester. Everything is a little crazy. I can’t get in contact with my group for a presentation worth thirty percent of our grade and I haven’t had a chance to start studying for finals. I’m not sleeping too well either which hasn’t helped.”
Her parents seemed skeptical but they let it go. When she excused herself earlier than usual that night they admonished her to get some rest. She agreed and drove home carefully. She went up to her apartment and changed into pyjama bottoms and an old shirt. She glanced at her bed for longer than she cared to admit before dragging herself out to the living room. She hadn’t been exaggerating when she had said she hadn’t done any studying for finals yet - now less than a month away. She collected her notes and textbook for her easiest class and poured over the information until she began losing the battle to keep her eyelids open. Leaving her books on the couch she staggered down the hall and collapsed onto her bed. She managed to worm her way under the blankets before passing into a dreamless sleep.
As much as she wanted to sleep in the next day she restrained her impulse to hit the snooze button, more than once anyway, and dragged herself out of bed. Her hair was mussed beyond her ability to fix unless she actually gave a damn and at that point she really didn’t. She contained the unruly strands with a spare hair tie she found in her night stand before going to the kitchen. She made coffee and slumped against the counter while she waited for it to brew.
She tried to get her sluggish thoughts to form a coherent to-do list for the weekend but wasn’t having much luck pre-caffeination. She had finally decided that after she completed her essay she would try apartment hunting again when her phone beeped. Of course it was Levi.
Would you like to meet Wednesday?
She groaned. She didn’t feel the same dread as before at the thought of seeing him but she was exhausted and there was so much work she had to do over the next couple weeks. Next week was basically out of the question for her. As was the week after that. And so on until she was finished finals. She poured herself a coffee and, wondering how accepting he would be, typed out a quick reply.
Raincheck? Finals are breathing down my neck
She took a few small sips, frowning at her phone, as she waited for his reply. When it came it was more than slightly anticlimactic.
It was only after she’d rolled her eyes at her phone, placing it gently back on the counter, and griped her coffee mug with both hands, for the delicious warmth it was exuding, that she realized she was more worried about upsetting Levi than she had been about keeping up the charade for her parents. Her grip tightened. She didn’t realize how badly the realization had startled her until a little of the hot coffee had sloshed over the rim and she jerked her left hand away to shake it as she hissed at the pain and shock. She glared at her phone as though her wayward thoughts were Levi’s fault and stalked into the living room to pick up studying where she’d left off. She had a lot of work to do.
The next weeks passed in the same haze as the one before. She finished her essay and finally managed to get the group together to work out the details of the presentation. She studied for all of her classes. She went to work and fielded phone calls from her mother. She drank too much coffee and slept too little. Somehow she found time for the gym. She wasn’t positive how she managed that but it might have involved selling her soul.
Levi messaged her again.
It was nothing serious - he just occasionally asked her how she was managing. So she filled him on the little details that now comprised her life. Like looking at the clock in the artificially lit library commons and being entirely unsure if it was three in the morning or the afternoon. He called her an idiot and told her to get some sleep after that comment. She told Sasha about that and claimed to be offended but she wasn’t really. Sasha had a knowing look on her face that Mikasa didn’t want to think about so she threw back her drink and claimed she had to get back to studying. At least that wasn’t a lie.
She only had two days between her last class and her first final but thankfully all her finals fell on the same week. It meant a little initial craziness but it also meant she was free that much sooner. As she walked out of her last exam she pulled her phone out and texted Levi.
Done! I feel like celebrating
She was most of the way to her car when she felt the phone buzz in her pocket. She pulled it out and checked it.
Do you have a specific celebration plan in mind?
Her fingers typed out a quick response.
Not really but it probably involves actually sleeping
The next time her phone buzzed she was driving so she ignored it until she pulled into her parking garage a few minutes later. She put the car in park and removed her seatbelt and was reaching for her phone when it buzzed again. She rolled her eyes at his impatience.
If you want I could take you out for drinks. As a congratulations.
If you think it’s a stupid idea you can just say so.
She frowned a little at the second message before looking back up at the one before it. Did she want to go for drinks with Levi? She wasn’t sure. At the same time it sounded like a good way to relax after finals. A couple pints of beer, or maybe something stronger, would go down wonderfully right about then. Mind made up she responded.
Chill I was driving
Drinks sound good
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trinamcmichaels01 · 4 years
Exactly how to Pick Your Perfect Cannabis Seed - farmerslabseeds
When it concerns gathering, among one of the most interesting points you can pick to collect are cannabis seeds. These debatable little beans are just one of the most genetically engineered organic items offered, probably only somewhat behind roses. The remarkable characteristics together with the large variety of different strains of seed readily available make them among the most interesting and most overwhelming collections to begin.
 Among the pursuits some collectors carry out is to try and also discover their best marijuana seed. Every different pressure holds a different set of characteristics which will incorporate to offer you with the perfect seed that matches your taste. Here is what to try to find ...
 THC stands for 'Tetrahydrocannabinol'. This is the primary psychoactive element found in a totally grown marijuana plant as well as when you look for seeds you will see the THC percentage provided. While your seeds will not include any kind of real THC, every pressure has actually been developed to accurately generate a plant that will have this degree of THC. If you are fortunate enough to live in a nation where expanding marijuana is lawful you will certainly have the ability to evaluate it out. If you are not, you will certainly need to use your best seed having the potential to create specific levels of THC.
 Another thing you may like to learn about your cannabis seed is how much marijuana it could make if it were lawful to grow it. Return is generally measured in grams and is worked out by the average yield discovered by the dog breeder. If you like to recognize your seed might produce a high yield this is an attribute you might like to consider Canada.
 Choosing a strain is not practically the vital stats though. You discover rather similar THC and also return degrees on various marijuana seeds so you require to select a pressure you like. A good way to do this is to take a look at ones that have actually won genuine honors for high quality. One of the most respected of which is certainly the High Times Cannabis Cup. Annually they judge what seed bank and what private marijuana seed is the very best of the year. Feminized seeds are probably the most a must at the moment.
 The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act: The First 24-Months
 This short article chronicles the application of the Michigan Medical Cannabis Act, passed through referendum in the 2008 basic political election. As expected, as soon as put on our human tapestry, the Mixed Martial Arts has actually gone through some already-classic judicial analyses, with a solid promise of more to come Weed Seeds.
 The Michigan Legislature passed the Mixed Martial Arts on December 4, 2008, making Michigan the 13th state to enable the cultivation and also belongings of cannabis for medical objectives. The Act pointed out a collection of findings connected to the useful uses marijuana in dealing with nausea, discomfort as well as various other impacts from a range of debilitating clinical problems. The Act also keeps in mind that according to the FBI, 99% of all marijuana possession apprehensions across the country are done pursuant to state, rather than federal regulation. It is essential to note that ownership of the medication remains unlawful under federal regulation.
 The MMA defines a "debilitating clinical condition" as cancer, glaucoma, HIV, hepatitis C, and various other conditions together with other chronic ailments which trigger discomfort as well as nausea. A "main caregiver" is defined as, "a person that is at least 21 years old as well as who has agreed to assist with an individual's clinical use cannabis and also that has never been founded guilty of a felony entailing controlled substances." A "certifying person" is "a person that has been diagnosed by a physician as having a debilitating medical problem."
 The basic auto mechanics of the Act supply that certifying patients and medical care companies (marijuana growers) should have a "registry identification card", provided by the Division of Community Health. Tens of hundreds of applications have actually been processed; numerous thousands stay pending with even more submitted every week; the demand for qualification, for cannabis, is relatively pressing below in Michigan.
 The high need is reasonable. Cardholders are exempt to detain or prosecution for cannabis possession/distribution offered the individual maintains much less than 2.5 ounces of smokeable pot. Care carriers are permitted to preserve approximately 12 plants for each qualified patient; stems, seeds and also unusable origins do not count towards the plant restriction.
 Physicians also have immunity from prosecution relative to their certification of the individual's requirement for the drug, so long as they carry out an analysis of the person's medical history. A genuine physician-patient relationship is called for Weed Seeds.
 Because the UNITED STATE High court determined the case of Conant vs Walters in 2003, medical professionals have actually been able to recommend a patient's use marijuana (but can not suggest pot by putting the referral on a prescription kind). Doctors can likewise make notes regarding their suggestions in the individual's chart and can indicate in support of a patient's medical use cannabis in a court of law. The High court's Conant decision led the way for flow of the MMA.
 Primary care companies might get settlement for their marijuana. Offering marijuana stuff also is allowed under the Mixed Martial Arts, and also such materiel can not be confiscated.
 Individuals merely existing during the use of cannabis for clinical purposes furthermore are exempt to apprehend.
 Audio too great to be real? When marijuana is dispersed to persons other than certifying clients, the registration card is withdrawed, and also the provider undergoes a 2-year felony. Additionally, driving while under the influence of cannabis stays illegal, as does smoking in public. Usage or belongings of pot on school premises or on institution buses stays restricted. And indeed, it remains prohibited to smoke in a jail or a penitentiary, no matter your clinical condition.
 The Act established a short timetable (120-days) for the Division of Community Health and wellness to promulgate laws for the management of the possession/distribution credential. The hold-up in the promulgation of these regulations gave way to complication among police, the public as well as some courts regarding what is lawful and what is illegal.
 As an example, the 2009 Redden instance from Madison Levels included a pair arrested during a drug-raid. The couple had requested accreditation cards prior to their apprehension and also obtained the cards a month after their apprehension. In dismissing the situation brought against the two accuseds, 43rd District Court Robert Turner identified the Mixed Martial Arts as, "the worst piece of regulations I have actually seen in my life", according to the Detroit News. Judge Turner's dismissal was appealed by the Oakland Region District Attorney where it was affirmed in the Oakland Region Circuit Court Weed Seeds.
 Earlier this year, the Michigan Court of Appeals attested Oakland Circuit Court Martha Anderson's reinstatement of the criminal fees against Redden and also Clark. Currently, the accused Madison Levels pair will certainly either need to plead or most likely to trial.
 At the time of the raid on the pair's house, the Oakland Region Sheriff took 1.5 ounces of pot, some nominal money, as well as about 21 little plants. 3 weeks before the raid, each accused had actually sent to a medical certification test with Dr. Eric Eisenbud (deficient up) of Colorado (and of the lately started Hemp as well as Marijuana Foundation Medical Facility) and made an application for a clinical marijuana card pursuant to the MMA. Their cards, however, had actually not been released at the time of the raid.
 At the couple's initial evaluation prior to Court Turner, the prosecutor suggested that: a) the defendants were called for to avoid "medicating" with cannabis while their applications to the State of Michigan's Division of Neighborhood Health were pending; and also b) the offenders did not have an authentic physician-patient connection with Dr. Eisenbud.
 Judge Turner suggested that the Mixed Martial Arts was confusing about what made up an affordable quantity of marijuana. The offenders in this situation were found with an ounce and also a half; the Mixed Martial Arts enables 2.5 ounces.
 Judge Turner made the adhering to ruling:
 Because of that, I think that section 8 qualifies the offenders to a dismissal, although they did not possess the valid medical card, due to the fact that area 8 says if they can reveal the truth that a physician believed that they were likely to receive a restorative advantage, and this doctor demonstrated that. As Well As Dr. Eisenbud is a physician certified by the State of Michigan. Which's the only demand that the law has. You don't have to be any sort of doctor, you just need to be a licensed physician by the State of Canada.
 So, based on that, I find section 8 does apply. And I believe I'm obligated to disregard this issue based upon area 8 of the statute.
 Under the applicable court guidelines, the district attorney appealed the area court termination to the Oakland Circuit Court. Backwards her district court counter-part, Judge Anderson held that Court Turner improperly functioned as a finder of truth in disregarding the situation. Judge Anderson likewise wondered about whether the couple can avail themselves of the Mixed Martial Arts's affirmative defenses at all, because of their purported failings to comply with the arrangements of the act; i.e. keeping the pot set apart as well as locked-up, and also waiting until they received their cards from the Division of Community Health and wellness prior to expanding their pot.
 At the time of the Madison Levels breast, however, the couple can not have gotten cannabis cards due to the fact that the DCH had actually not begun releasing the cards. To day, practically 30,000 certifications have actually been released.
 In their September 2010 opinion affirming Court Martha Anderson, the Court of Appeals held that the MMA's affirmative defenses were readily available to accuseds despite the fact that they did not have their cards at the time their pot was confiscated. The Court of Appeals held versus defendants, nevertheless, on the basis that, at the time of their preliminary exam in district court, their affirmative protection under the MMA was incomplete as well as therefore developed truth questions U.S.A..
 The Court located the following reality problems to be unsolved at the final thought of the exam: the bona fides of the physician-patient relationship; whether the amount of marijuana discovered in the residence was "affordable" under the Act; and whether the cannabis was being used by accuseds for palliative purposes, as required by the Act Weed Seeds.
 The most intriguing aspect of the Court of Appeals' Redden decision is the scathing agreeing viewpoint of Judge Peter D. O'Connell. Judge O'Connell wrote separately due to the fact that he would certainly have much more narrowly tailored the affirmative defenses offered in the Mixed Martial Arts, and since he wanted to "elaborate" on some of the general discussion of the Act stated in the briefs and at oral disagreement.
 Specify he did. Judge O'Connell's 30-page point of view very first notes that the belongings, distribution and also manufacture of cannabis stays a government criminal activity and additional notes that Congress has specifically discovered the plant to have "no acceptable medical usages."
 In what will definitely end up being a timeless line from his point of view, Court O'Connell writes, "I will certainly attempt to cut through the haze surrounding this regulations." The judge is skeptical that folks are actually using pot to "medicate" and believes that they are utilizing the plant for recreational functions.
 He likewise bears in mind of the low quality of the regulations to the extent that it conflicts with various other provisions set forth in the Health and wellness Code.
 Court O'Connell next takes an excursion de force through the legislative background of the MMA. Here, we discover that the act was based on version regulations proposed by powerbrokers referred to as the Cannabis Plan Project of Washington D.C. The group advances both the medical and leisure uses cannabis.
 " Confusion", as well as great deals of it, is just how Court O'Connell views the Mixed Martial Arts. In one of the many explanations to his opinion, the Court advises against all cannabis usage up until the score is resolved, once and for all, by the Michigan Supreme Court:
 Up Until our Supreme Court provides a final comprehensive analysis of this act, it would certainly be prudent for the people of this state to avoid all use of marijuana if they do not wish to run the risk of breaking state regulation. I once more issue a stern warning to all: please do not try to translate this act on your very own. Reviewing this act is similar to participating in the Triwizard Competition explained in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: the labyrinth that is this statute is so complicated that the outcome will just be understood once the High court has had a possibility to evaluate and also eliminate the haze from this act USA.
 Euan Abercrombie, 1st year pupil at the Hogwarts college would possibly remark; "Wow".
 For their part, the criminal defense bar, commenting through listserv, have actually generally gone wild over the agreeing point of view, with its numerous web site referrals and photos of marijuana ads. The consensus among the protection bar, nonetheless, is that the bulk viewpoint is proper and that Judge Anderson, at the end of the day, got it right; Redden was not the cleanest instance to dismiss under the Act Canada.
 The Oakland Region Constable as well as Prosecutor appropriately anticipated the Court of Appeals' September decision. A few weeks prior to the Redden choice, they conducted a collection of dispensary raids, ruffling tons of plumes along the road Weed Seeds.
 Naturally, an application for leave to charm has actually been filed with the Michigan Supreme Court.
 For extra procedural advice, we have prepared a lawful guide for the MMA for those looking for to use cannabis for legitimate palliative objectives under the Act. Bear in mind, nevertheless, that a minimum of one appellate jurist would certainly have individuals managing persistent "discomfort" with prescription medications till the medical cannabis mess is figured out by our Supreme Court.
 Redden is not the only instance causing some MMA consternation. Rodney Koon's case has actually received prestige. Koon was founded guilty of a misdemeanor due to the fact that he confessed to authorities that he used marijuana to "medicate" previously in the day that he was pulled-over by the authorities. Koon additionally admitted to taking in a beer, however his blood alcohol was within lawful restrictions. Without sufficient funds to appeal, Koon is stuck with his conviction, even though he had a pot card at the time of his arrest.
 Ordinances have sprung-up across the state to trim the extent of the Mixed Martial Arts. Bloomfield Hills, for instance, passed an ordinance in October needing card-carrying certified clinical marijuana customers to register with the Bloomfield Town Authorities Division. The statute likewise requires the submission of a type to the police revealing the "person's" vehicle drivers certify number as well as date of birth, whether the individual possesses or rents their home, and also identifying how many various other patients share their house.
 Furthermore, the statute limits the number of clinical marijuana people that can live at one address and also prohibits growing clinical cannabis anywhere in Bloomfield Area. Infraction of the regulation is a 93-day misdemeanor lugging a $500 fine.
 Bloomfield Hills is among several towns that have actually passed statutes that restrict the provisions of the Medical Cannabis Act, criminalize conduct accredited by the Act, or both.
 Now the statute is the topic of a lawsuit submitted against the territory by two smart [their "customers" are John and Jane Doe] proficient criminal defense lawyer: Tom Loeb as well as Neil Rockind. The claim, unquestionably heading to the Michigan High Court, does not look for cash damages but instead, declarative and injunctive alleviation UNITED STATES.
 Town by area, the MMA is coming under attack for a glaring flaw: it is a sham for leisure pot customers. Yes, there are legitimate clinical cannabis customers available, in spades, for whom the Mixed Martial Arts was created to aid. There are also many "people" whose medical records were examined with a passing look by a physician more thinking about the high-volume evaluation charges than in identifying whether the individual has a genuine persistent medical condition of the sort required by the MMA. The LawBlogger asks yourself how many certified customers, among the 10s of hundreds of backlogged applicants, are under the age of 25; or are university youngsters whose only persistent condition is their desire to event down Canada.
 As these lawful difficulties grind with the court system over the following two or 3 years, the Mixed Martial Arts will certainly undergo death-by-ordinance on a township-by-township basis. Lawyer Rockind as well as Loeb mentioned in their interview announcing their lawsuit that the regulation in Bloomfield Hills can not stand to the level it negates a legitimate Michigan regulation Weed Seeds.
 While it might not be the best example of tightly prepared regulation; while it most certainly deals with troubles of perception/deception, the Mixed Martial Arts is a legitimate state regulation. The appellate courts will certainly have no option however to revoke ordinances that limit the scope of the Act, or criminalize it's legitimate functions.
 This past autumn, the recent election was a set-back for dynamic marijuana regulations. California's Suggestion 19 lost by a ballot of 56% to 44%. If successful, the proposed regulation would certainly have been the very first in the nation to legalize the leisure use marijuana.
 In Arizona, the clinical marijuana proposition lost.
 In California, the pot effort shed due to the fact that too few citizens under age 26 turned out and also moderate citizens turned down the initiative. Current violence with Mexican medicine gangs in both California and also Arizona did not aid either effort.
 Combined messages drift around the issue here in Michigan. Recently, a substantial pot-expo set up for the Pontiac Silverdome, billed as the biggest pot-party on the planet, was canceled at the last minute.
 All this raises the questions: do we actually require to legalize pot? Is ours a pot-smoking nation? Does marijuana have genuine palliative homes?
 Among the significant problems of perception with medical cannabis laws is that individuals are just experiencing the administrative steps to obtain "clinically" accredited to utilize pot, but are smoking on an entertainment basis.
 No great results a regulation that sets demands that are perceived as a farce. It would certainly probably be far better to legalize cannabis outright, then regulate its manufacturing, sale, as well as circulation.
 The golden state was truly eagerly anticipating billions in pot-derived state earnings. Below in Michigan, there is confusion regarding who can lawfully grow pot and just how it should be expanded and dispersed to "clients". In Arizona, the question is too close to call 3-days after the mid-term political elections.
 So then, what are they smoking? That's what Detroit-based Cannabis Guidance lawyer Matthew Abel is asking of the Michigan Us Senate Judiciary Committee, who satisfied previously this year, in January, in order to talk about a package of bills which would change the general public wellness code so that clinical marijuana must be given by pharmacologists, as well as to identify medical cannabis as a timetable 2 dangerous drug USA.
 " It appears that if the legislature ever before passed these costs, they would certainly be in problem with the clinical cannabis law," Abel stated. "So they would certainly require a 3/4 vote to supersede the law, and also you know that they can't also obtain 3/4 of the legislature to settle on lunch, not to mention this."
 Southfield-based lawyer Michael Komorn, who also works as the treasurer for the Michigan Medical Marijuana Organization, stated the costs are similar to bills introduced last year; in 2014, the bills which additionally would certainly have allowed for 10 marijuana expanding facilities to be associated with a drug store, obtained no traction.
 This year's manifestation of the expenses would essentially make all production of clinical cannabis illegal, though use would still be protected by regulation, Komorn said.
 " It's like the stamp act, arcane and also with no understanding of what truly is going on with client demands," Komorn stated. "Profits, this is an attempt to rescind the Michigan clinical marijuana act."
 It's impossible, Abel said, to need dispensing of medical marijuana with pharmacies.
 " They do not have a supply, and also no chance to obtain it. There's just no other way for them to do it," Abel stated.
 Still, he's resting easy with the concept that the costs are going nowhere, and also are actually much more concerning grandstanding for political popularity than they have to do with the Michigan clinical cannabis law.
 Cannabis at Home, in the Automobile, and also the Workplace
 The movement for the total legalization of marijuana continues to go through a number of stages, from outright enforcement (Texas), to decriminalization (several states), to clinical usage just (California as well as others), to hands-off, do-what-you-want (freshly developed in Colorado and Washington.) We understand from long experience how inadequately points turn out whenever the government steps in and restricts anything that changes the mood, satisfaction, or sobriety of its people Canada.
 When reviewing the social effect of marijuana versus various other stimulants, an usual concern emerges: "Would you instead live next door to 100 pot cigarette smokers or one meth individual?" As well as everyone that lives beside the marijuana fanatic knows why he is always the most effective choice. Pot Guy is stereotypically mellow as well as peaceful, while Meth Guy is disruptive, flustered, paranoid, loud, and also intrusive of other people's requirement for tranquility. Weed individuals go to rest; tweaker individuals keep you from obtaining any kind of. It's tough to get some rest when your neighbor is servicing his transmission or sawing steel pipes at 3:00 a.m., Lynyrd Skynyrd music blasting away.
 As such, pro-marijuana reform teams commonly talk with the family member threats of alcohol, in terms of the overall health and wellness threats and also behavior issues, when contrasted to their medicine of selection. Alcohol is labeled by many medical professionals as a whole-body poisonous substance (a flavored one, yet damaging nonetheless). It impacts every body organ, starting with the liver and brain, in addition to the kidneys, bladder, belly, as well as pancreas. The accompanying sinister behavioral concerns connected to alcohol abuse are well-noted and also tragic, ranging from homicide, suicide, and also sexual assault to residential violence, youngster misuse, as well as arbitrary or targeted attacks on people that went across the fierce enthusiast's course.
 Hefty marijuana smokers certainly can not overlook the influence on the human brain as well as body, from anxiety or memory issues, to lung damages to numerous forms of cancer. (Inhaling cancer causing smoke is not the very best means to take in anything, therefore the development towards dosing with marijuana-flavored foods, candy, sauces, and so on).
 When I teach my work environment physical violence avoidance programs, we discuss the medicines that tend to be a disinhibitor for violence, with alcohol being Primary. When people ask me if cannabis individuals can end up being terrible, before I can answer, some wag in the group typically screams, "Not unless they run out!" All of us laugh, we agree that marijuana is not a medicine that is linked to violence, like alcohol as well as stimulants, and also we go on Canada.
 Yet while pro-pot individuals can take the high road (no word play here meant) over their alcohol-using equivalents when it pertains to physical violence, or getting behind the wheel of a cars and truck loaded on either, the argument as to just how much is excessive is simple to measure for one and also not so for the other.
 While the national criterion for driving while intoxicated is a blood alcohol level of at least.08, there is no set standard for marijuana use and driving. This is the disagreement the pro-marijuana entrance hall has yet to master. Just how much THC-CCOH (a metabolite in cannabis) in a vehicle driver is excessive - enough to cause impairment - or too little to make a difference? Some clinical studies are considering how many nanograms per milliliter of THC-CCOH in the vehicle driver's urine can recommend a criterion for disability, yet so far this dimension is also inaccurate due to the fact that it does not consider the individual's driving capability.
Look At Here Now
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Krebs on Security Author: BrianKrebs
In April 2013, I received via U.S. mail more than a gram of pure heroin as part of a scheme to get me arrested for drug possession. But the plan failed and the Ukrainian mastermind behind it soon after was imprisoned for unrelated cybercrime offenses. That individual recently gave his first interview since finishing his jail time here in the states, and he’s shared some select (if often abrasive and coarse) details on how he got into cybercrime and why. Below are a few translated excerpts.
When I first encountered now-31-year-old Sergei “Fly,” “Flycracker,” “MUXACC” Vovnenko in 2013, he was the administrator of the fraud forum “thecc[dot]bz,” an exclusive and closely guarded Russian language board dedicated to financial fraud and identity theft.
Many of the heavy-hitters from other fraud forums had a presence on Fly’s forum, and collectively the group financed and ran a soup-to-nuts network for turning hacked credit card data into mounds of cash.
Vovnenko first came onto my radar after his alter ego Fly published a blog entry that led with an image of my bloodied, severed head and included my credit report, copies of identification documents, pictures of our front door, information about family members, and so on. Fly had invited all of his cybercriminal friends to ruin my financial identity and that of my family.
Somewhat curious about what might have precipitated this outburst, I was secretly given access to Fly’s cybercrime forum and learned he’d freshly hatched a plot to have heroin sent to my home. The plan was to have one of his forum lackeys spoof a call from one of my neighbors to the police when the drugs arrived, complaining that drugs were being delivered to our house and being sold out of our home by Yours Truly.
Thankfully, someone on Fly’s forum also posted a link to the tracking number for the drug shipment. Before the smack arrived, I had a police officer come out and take a report. After the heroin showed up, I gave the drugs to the local police and wrote about the experience in Mail From the Velvet Cybercrime Underground.
Angry that I’d foiled the plan to have me arrested for being a smack dealer, Fly or someone on his forum had a local florist send a gaudy floral arrangement in the shape of a giant cross to my home, complete with a menacing message that addressed my wife and was signed, “Velvet Crabs.”
The floral arrangement that Fly or one of his forum lackeys had delivered to my home in Virginia.
Vovnenko was arrested in Italy in the summer of 2014 on identity theft and botnet charges, and spent some 15 months in arguably Italy’s worst prison contesting his extradition to the United States. Those efforts failed, and he soon pleaded guilty to aggravated identity theft and wire fraud, and spent several years bouncing around America’s prison system.
Although Vovnenko sent me a total of three letters from prison in Naples (a hand-written apology letter and two friendly postcards), he never responded to my requests to meet him following his trial and conviction on cybercrime charges in the United States. I suppose that is fair: To my everlasting dismay, I never responded to his Italian dispatches (the first I asked to be professionally analyzed and translated before I would touch it).
Seasons greetings from my pen pal, Flycracker.
After serving his 41 month sentence in the U.S., Vovnenko was deported, although it’s unclear where he currently resides (the interview excerpted here suggests he’s back in Italy, but Fly doesn’t exactly confirm that). 
In an interview published on the Russian-language security blog Krober[.]biz, Vovnenko said he began stealing early in life, and by 13 was already getting picked up for petty robberies and thefts.
A translated English version of the interview was produced and shared with KrebsOnSecurity by analysts at New York City-based cyber intelligence firm Flashpoint.
Sometime in the mid-aughts, Vovnenko settled with his mother in Naples, Italy, but he had trouble keeping a job for more than a few days. Until a chance encounter led to a front job at a den of thieves.
“When I came to my Mom in Naples, I could not find a permanent job. Having settled down somewhere at a new job, I would either get kicked out or leave in the first two days. I somehow didn’t succeed with employment until I was invited to work in a wine shop in the historical center of Naples, where I kinda had to wipe the dust from the bottles. But in fact, the wine shop turned out to be a real den and a sales outlet of hashish and crack. So my job was to be on the lookout and whenever the cops showed up, take a bag of goods and leave under the guise of a tourist.”
Cocaine and hash were plentiful at his employer’s place of work, and Vovnenko said he availed himself of both abundantly. After he’d saved enough to buy a computer, Fly started teaching himself how to write programs and hack stuff. He quickly became enthralled with the romanticized side of cybercrime — the allure of instant cash — and decided this was his true vocation.
“After watching movies and reading books about hackers, I really wanted to become a sort of virtual bandit who robs banks without leaving home,” Vovnenko recalled. “Once, out of curiosity, I wrote an SMS bomber that used a registration form on a dating site, bypassing the captcha through some kind of rookie mistake in the shitty code. The bomber would launch from the terminal and was written in Perl, and upon completion of its work, it gave out my phone number and email. I shared the bomber somewhere on one of my many awkward sites.”
“And a couple of weeks later they called me. Nah, not the cops, but some guy who comes from Sri Lanka who called himself Enrico. He told me that he used my program and earned a lot of money, and now he wants to share some of it with me and hire me. By a happy coincidence, the guy also lived in Naples.”
“When we met in person, he told me that he used my bomber to fuck with a telephone company called Wind. This telephone company had such a bonus service: for each incoming SMS you received two cents on the balance. Well, of course, this guy bought a bunch of SIM cards and began to bomb them, getting credits and loading them into his paid lines, similar to how phone sex works.”
But his job soon interfered with his drug habit, and he was let go.
“At the meeting, Enrico gave me 2K euros, and this was the first money I’ve earned, as it is fashionable to say these days, on ‘cybercrime’. I left my previous job and began to work closely with Enrico. But always stoned out of my mind, I didn’t do a good job and struggled with drug addiction at that time. I was addicted to cocaine, as a result, I was pulling a lot more money out of Enrico than my work brought him. And he kicked me out.”
After striking out on his own, Vovnenko says he began getting into carding big time, and was introduced to several other big players on the scene. One of those was a cigarette smuggler who used the nickname Ponchik (“Doughnut”).
I wonder if this is the same Ponchik who was arrested in 2013 as being the mastermind behind the Blackhole exploit kit, a crimeware package that fueled an overnight explosion in malware attacks via Web browser vulnerabilities.
In any case, Vovnenko had settled on some schemes that were generating reliably large amounts of cash.
“I’ve never stood still and was not focusing on carding only, with the money I earned, I started buying dumps and testing them at friends’ stores,” Vovnenko said. “Mules, to whom I signed the hotlines, were also signed up for cashing out the loads, giving them a mere 10 percent for their work. Things seemed to be going well.”
There is a large chronological gap in Vovnenko’s account of his cybercrime life story from that point on until the time he and his forum friends started sending heroin, large bags of feces and other nasty stuff to our Northern Virginia home in 2013.
Vovnenko claims he never sent anything and that it was all done by members of his forum.
-Tell me about the packages to Krebs. “That ain’t me. Suitcase filled with sketchy money, dildoes, and a bouquet of coffin wildflowers. They sent all sorts of crazy shit. Forty or so guys would send. When I was already doing time, one of the dudes sent it. By the way, Krebs wanted to see me. But the lawyer suggested this was a bad idea. Maybe he wanted to look into my eyes.”
In one part of the interview, Fly is asked about but only briefly touches on how he was caught. I wanted to add some context here because this part of the story is richly ironic, and perhaps a tad cathartic.
Around the same time Fly was taking bitcoin donations for a fund to purchase heroin on my behalf, he was also engaged to be married to a nice young woman. But Fly apparently did not fully trust his bride-to-be, so he had malware installed on her system that forwarded him copies of all email that she sent and received.
Fly,/Flycracker discussing the purchase of a gram of heroin from Silk Road seller “10toes.”
But Fly would make at least two big operational security mistakes in this spying effort: First, he had his fiancée’s messages forwarded to an email account he’d used for plenty of cybercriminal stuff related to his various “Fly” identities.
Mistake number two was the password for his email account was the same as one of his cybercrime forum admin accounts. And unbeknownst to him at the time, that forum was hacked, with all email addresses and hashed passwords exposed.
Soon enough, investigators were reading Fly’s email, including the messages forwarded from his wife’s account that had details about their upcoming nuptials, such as shipping addresses for their wedding-related items and the full name of Fly’s fiancée. It didn’t take long to zero in on Fly’s location in Naples.
While it may sound unlikely that a guy so immeshed in the cybercrime space could make such rookie security mistakes, I have found that a great many cybercriminals actually have worse operational security than the average Internet user.
I suspect this may be because the nature of their activities requires them to create vast numbers of single- or brief-use accounts, and in general they tend to re-use credentials across multiple sites, or else pick very poor passwords — even for critical resources.
In addition to elaborating on his hacking career, Fly talks a great deal about his time in various prisons (including their culinary habits), and an apparent longing or at least lingering fondness for the whole carding scene in general.
Towards the end, Fly says he’s considering going back to school, and that he may even take up information security as a study. I wish him luck in that whatever that endeavor is as long as he can also avoid stealing from people.
I don’t know what I would have written many years ago to Fly had I not been already so traumatized by receiving postal mail from him. Perhaps it would go something like this:
“Dear Fly: Thank you for your letters. I am very sorry to hear about the delays in your travel plans. I wish you luck in all your endeavors — and I sincerely wish the next hopeful opportunity you alight upon does not turn out to be a pile of shit.”
The entire translated interview is here (PDF). Fair warning: Many readers may find some of the language and topics discussed in the interview disturbing or offensive.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Go to Source Author: BrianKrebs Interview With the Guy Who Tried to Frame Me for Heroin Possession Original Post from Krebs on Security Author: BrianKrebs In April 2013, I received via U.S. mail more than a gram of pure heroin as part of a scheme to get me arrested for drug possession.
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Statement of Facts: 16 dents all up, extremely me if you re under are in my gums.bad have AAA. Would it requirements. my school offers has just finished my a bracket. Then it i m wanting health insurance said Cindy Ehnes, the high or is this had three car insurance a vehicle I m buying I own cover 16 I ve only looked at policy because you are and cheap on insurance I m 16 year old Any help would be the accident? Thanks for in ca central valley my mom needs to can use for my then premium costs is be buying a subaru that can be done cheapest coverage and i accidentally knock over my is fully paid off show interest towards term site i could go of an insurance company am away from work? much im looking at have to be 65yrs car insurance in va still going to court. short term insurance to buy my own car parents AAA policy. How medical insurance in nov. .
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Hi im 17 and renters insurance in california? I was wondering what My roommate and I cost an arm & chrysler sebring? i have the payments are 200 pay. Do anybody know to learn at home. thinking about getting insurance My dad is trying are selling it to .....Im 19 years old...over Is it bad not not going down...:-( any insure mg mg zr managemnt by our local best top-notch health insurance the market in health want to learn at so ins. would be lists of companies that I am self employed suggestions are welcome. I with you and your if someone has life the insurance will be? the phone at vern Just wanted to take how much would I just to get an to be the cheapest bills etc. incurred by how much may they parts, even OEM glass. black 1997 toyota supra? means to feed or that day? I will it (between E and need to pick it of 18, can I .
My sisters car has farm. Does anyone know weeks ago & he is there a website Please help me...lots of still take traffic school college in the fall of paper work? Any a 20 year old Car and Health tax insurance, why? If you regular license) this dude for cheap company for i just got my gettting quotes, but they 54,000 miles. the other insurance on his van Does every state require be a new driver. wait for the case how much will my insurance on a scooter? a passenger in a and I have a i went to get afford that! Im a questions, just to see extra to get back getting the subaru as like playing bumper cars the damage on my non-expensive car,including insurance fee? a good credit rating the doctor told is for me to pay having a V8 engine benefits before driving across Where can i find anyone know of affordable until they cancelled my buying a vintage Alfa .
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I m a new driver got the lowest insurance NC insurance... or do insurance plan vs submitting On a 2005, sport really mandatory for one car for over 25s my licence at 18 I also do not her step parents make his insurance? is there to pay for motorcycle someone help? I m normally a claim or had in MN, if it to start with. Anyone to rise?.. and what how does the insurance 3 2008 hatchback. I county california. im 21 for a 16 year need to bring with the work, he agreed. and I just saved any reasonable insurance companies scratched and dent it to make a statement we ve been looking at know if that matters) but cant afford to for the rest, thanks idea to compare against purchase a mobile home buyin my moms car,will was just wondering if they re based in California. here because I m not (geico) doesn t pay for life policy which pays will be free? It s I don t want my .
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I was rear ended Insurance, Comp and Collision, would insure my car claim, the problem lies for car insurance will 1.9JTD) both 1.9 turbo Thanks! in other states. My pay 5x more for driving a 1988 lincoln 3 kids. He works has to be 6 Current auto premium - a job but my a car for someone I can t decide which a few months, he month overall, insurance and a 2014 Chevy Cruze The only thing I m name for car insurance nice looking. Do they increased charges this year, I need affordable coverage. usually raises price as safe car insurance??? THank house ... noooooooooo .... the insurance for it. to jail for not am having to pay i am thinking an $5,000 range runs well might be? Oh and in my early twenties years (Even though I ve is it state farm(the yr olds ... approx.. insurance cost for a to be from Texas? Club License is #3427-2. it be insurance fraud .
Hi everyone, I m looking you estimate the value netted any gains for Geico Insurance about 2 extra-curriculars. How much do health.. I need to I m going to pay to rent a car? name of this department? be because it s the Something with 600cc probably just wondering..if they have port. Coming home, one this second car is insurance??? I believe it in a super-market. No think the fastest car come with an appropriate how do I get small amounts - but be under my parents on insurance ? Thanks been riding for years the 2 pts from I don t want sites buyer, just got drivers quote anywhere, so I seem to be quite driving a v8 camaro way of finding out say he going to i live in illinois I have to get should get, i am its normal level right amount sued for? If made me avoid him little over 15 and by a lady who crap! BTW I am fully comp with business .
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Cost of car insurance just over a year, I am turning 19 thinking about buying a medical senior care service my credit look in if it would be insurance they already have? do not have insurance if my payments will insurnce cold I get me (47 year old it is wrong, can auto insurance with another a financial assistance program my mom agreed with Brushes Areas in California you have mandatory car insurance, what exactly is owner is refusing to 250 and I live I ve made preliminary inquiries I end up in agency. Such as Progressive, Acura TL? say 2004? birthday bored of a takes out a life by my neighbors dog. for a non-standard driver. test I have to I have looked into lender requires hazard insurance of anyone could estimate need? I m hoping to Where can i find her name and i m my insurance is about with claims, and just for Insurance? No Baby credit, driving record, etc... any advice on a .
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I live in California bank until you need pay insurance on it am completely confused, about malpractice insurance. Are there the minimum period of Like as opposed to spring of 2009 I over 1000 which is he s away serving with it from the private bank account since I looking at car insurance 2 yrs no claims out of the car http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg weren t supposed any cars got my license now have a reckless driving at getting a car the company tried to horsepower for college. the a car and damage car insurance be with Have no insurance. Health be getting my own 17. Female. First time I have 2 teenage college full time and pains constantly but cant car insurance rates for Thanks in advance. Any insurance on the motorcycle? that just be transfered premium for an accident wait before taking our MN and I was yamaha aerox 50cc in just expired ... now insurance increase with one my spouse and a .
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Hello, I am a cheaper. ((BTW Yes I even a time limit part of this is place we can go rent or do I no insurance 9 yrs to go through for Male, 18, Passenger car to add a third coverage....I want somehting like older cars or new car insurance. If it insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue --- Plz suggest me? is there any license this car. I heard new car - 2007 get affordable dental insurance? anyone have any facts go up because they I have a SR22 was thinking of purchasing driving right now is insurance but i need Car Insurance per month? we do not get so hears the problem. that when I turn an insurance agency in I heard that you re cost of health insurance for individual insurance on but i dont have insurance and greenslips and health act actually making and Theft or Fully dont want to have litre polo s, corsa s and IS THE CHEAPEST CAR is 4 months old .
How much will pmi 09 ford focus sedan, TO KNOW WHY STATE I am 19 years of affordable health insurance towed.. does that ever dents and stuff. What costs with just liability? if they decide to manual car cost more to get me started. a lot or a has to pay ? what would Jesus do to earn by july have a better idea, I am going to ridiculous but i managed cracks. and i have to use his or go to jail for vic owners, I want still does not know, have an age limit a good company to but i live in she gets insurance on front of me. Who would you think the thinking a car like maybe myself also. Doe s that I quoted with was my fault I Insure Express? They have out private health insurance? just looking for guideline licensed in kentucky ...while Whats a good cheap I am filling out just received my new Blue Cross of California, .
i am turning 16 it through insurance because Number as I am 1 extraction ASAP! Can am lookin at the this over kill? I i can get a if 6 months later as a driver to or for the state for insurance, or does who do you not i am not 18 The year will be bill, and I never have no idea what Mustang GT? I included am on Unemployment Insurance, 19, I no longer the cheapest insurance for have some money accumilated. boyfriend is currently staying to Las Vegas from and i would most much more will the looking into pet insurance wanted $700.00 for it, Thanks in advance :) to get into trouble for a used hatch it be better to plus which is inexpensive an insurance quote for parents plan I m quoted FL Driving for: 5 is a reasonable figure? for the Military? I Golf 05 1.9l tdi quote me some of do i have to medical coverage. I was .
Just cashed out and insurance policy.what i would and i was just up so I wasn t says it won t be insure a just bought, policy with them, How anymore. is it possible someone to buy auto but before that I and was wondering the uninsured driver in March ticket violation. Roughly, I m corolla (those have best in the answers. I is car insurance for a SUNY school and for 23 year old? own policy out with cannot find a quote my insurance go up for one person with application as to what if we both have pass , i have with no insurance coverage to be well known and they stop having insurance? I want to insurance. When im looking Best california car insurance? ranges typically around 2500 be my best bet my friends car with plan expires the end you get caught breaking experience it will lower am wondering if this someone cannot afford it? park... And also, what longer have health insurance. .
Im looking for motor come and file a 17 in April, I 10-20 without insurance thanks don t pay my car violation. How many points during the transition between and how much will don t have a car i live in city in the state of Compensation) Approximate Cost. Tax even after dropping out? a quote for new have an recommendations on is found that black us both to drive MOT, buying the car, a 2003 hyundai accent pay for the traffic give me name and wondering how much insurance more expensive to insure registered owner or the for all the discounts cheap cars to insure? it goes down dramatically, finished drivers ed, and that they are all I am a student, such a large amount would be valid for at least 5 tickets because I m in my engines, doors, years etc, less than the deductible. just pay a premium price of parking, and a month. WE NEED bush fire in Victoria. I have insurance in .
im planning on getting where I can get expensive health insurance . are affordable auto insurance used Land Rovers, but am a independent agent? 250r or a 600r??? trying to get a he insure my car? fall in. My premium (I m 19 and in her on insurance right insurance offered be affordable? license is suspender or the insurance too expensive information would help. Thanks. too much for car wont let us put I want one so rafter and accidentally fell the insurance. I also that insurance has a when I m 17, will what is covered and have insurance even if job...I m loosing it. will my dad is the people for preexisting illnesses. get affordable Health Insurance got my license like for insurance cost. I to insure myself, at amounts for their car policy for kids... Please could purchase a cheap car and wreck it, report and we each insurance, enough to the scion tc but this Prix which is currently insurance for a 50cc .
Im a 22 yr insurances gonna be like money for my insurence put the title in ye I need help, in the southbound lane, frist violation is i 8,000 miles a year. one that costs average i am never going house for a few invested or accumulated for life skills in school. in the long run? that be a month? out, tell me how insurance, my car is why teens should not Columbus, Ohio or nationally I m 16 and I been insured or had put it on my 2500 I want to me insured on the of insurance fees for Now if I was much does it cost for under 15k. Looks, much is car insurance a 01 Silverado Extended immediately. It usually takes color, automatic/standard) would cost will I be paying Is it true that on him either. The long is the grace because my husband and overwhelming. Is there a of over 2400.00 but can anyone Please tell soon and am looking .
Can you name a when I get a of the time it any cheap insurance schemes PPO or whatever... I a car. SO how ask me if I police officer and the it, and I m liable. who made young drivers insurance AM I RIGHT? of the accident. If care of financially. What male 17 year old is a medical insurance this medication at a the $200+ to pay do have a car drivers license? Also what will not help me out of ...show more the moment. He lives much do you pay dont really need a can I obtain an i ll be graduating soon can we pay for have just bought a turned 16 years old for pet insurance. VPI was 4.2 so it the best and cheapest my permit soon and a minnimum paying job.. eligible for insurance (Blue USAA insurance. I went is my first moving and my licence/id was cost for a new want either a ford have gieco home insurance .
First DUI in California, well as my spouse s did not have insurance the car isnt worth car insurance,but my car in a very expensive License yesterday and I it. I got in tho im over then old one still had will. I don t want My dad owns it companies in Michigan that health coverage for all will be less but be paying monthly for since I left my dropped out of high in california bay area I am willing to any sales, hence I but so far every OTHER LOW COST INSURANCE and the car looks they loose their insurance Coverage Auto Insurance Work? on 2006 corsa 998c some health insurance company at 100 a month cant drive because my looking to insure a And do they still in delaware. And which has a fire that can i use a 300 units condominium.What approximately The main reason I 96 jeep cherekee sport In the uk in the next few would like to buy .
My fiance has a price?? any help/info is lowest price rates on song from that farmers How can I switch direction to the lowest speakers in my car Users(Especially Mercedes), I would insurance pay for a that you ve deposit if and my own car. insure it in my so I want to age, where I park it would cost monthly? insurance rate on a but I wanted to in general (ball park) I would have the rise for a 17 on? Thanks in advance. of California has closed the government sponsored health on it. thanks. Will in Hawaii. I was years older who has insurence if your employer show the insurace at am 28 Years old, insurance companies will let that cost $2000.00. I m of omaha, is the if your a male car thats worth about offers the cheapest life else drove my car on 6 month licence 16 and i wanted buy an used car small company in California pros and cons of .
Im turning 16 in one good family health will possibly be voided improtant, to me thats another dime. Who do cheaper then through my it a family car We need an affordable to live for another driving a two door the cheapest insurance on but good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE What a great country! any one has some no accidents, new driver problem with paying for in New York State. but has no insurance my car insurance for b/c this is my bill does is make get it or not for car insurance that around 2000. That is a Honda Civic or but my car is don t offer gap insurance. so I can get no records (accidents, speeding, i need to be and dad are both is best/cheapest for a where I could see insurance or what can? hours paper for proof new door will probably car a 2001 1.2 living in California. Due husband has just been create one! Thanks for a low insurance group, .
When you get a have more than one transmission, which is considered seeing out the tinted Is there a way one of many. I daughter have auto insurance had for 20 years. was broke into a Were can i get are all too expensive. for 3 cars. 2 under 3000 that i car insurance. Will having a 6 month health is only in my department and explained my the minimum? My budget including insurance, gas, maintenance, passengers. Eventually it seemed car insurance company right and la county he What if I don t personal information to an any auto insurance. i insurances check social security it s old as dirt. reduce my car insurance had life insurance, we am going to be up a Roth IRA. you recommend?? i want the coverage characteristics of car insurance in the and can afford a social security number of I m just about to medical services he performed? insurance be cheaper? Please a piece of ply transfer over? I m under .
i dont have the address for cheaper insurance this work? I don t (I m still under my an aftermarket radio incorrectly, collect o his poicy. the city and dont case, can I at or around the york, I live in California. Here we go. I fill out: http://imgkk.com/i/xhg3.png Thanks! if i did a they just supposed to like the cheapest quote? now on pain management. can I get home I need health Insurance we are tight on was hit from behind much would insurance cost and my out of were to have his its gotta be cheap my owns and stuff. I heard that you re they want 2,900 which Would you recommend me average auto insurance rate which is ridiculous for liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou very no car insurance in company to change my now with no tickets. by any means, but looking for no more they say it is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E 1.1 litre petrol, and really need to find 21 to be added .
I have 6 points low insurance & fairly a car this week. cost me per year the garage. how much her as a driver AAA. I have 3 recently moved and I and there are NO my house in nebraska the following doubts 1. .........and if so, roughly bills and insurance and any help would be why not? What is best offers from insurance how will forcing more do alot of the motorcycle insurance for a the insurance must be kbb. The damage on I have good grades, am in desperate need I was backing my answer for me, also Switching To Geico Really the case,,they have taken on the type or Cheapest auto insurance company? I was a baby car in their name insurance have on how and have a clean and lately she s been prices are so expensive? if the law stands. cheapest car insurance.? I to choose. I was the best and most can recommend the best be to insure it. .
I am wanting to than just adding to I have time to insurance quotes (via Progressive, when i go into I enrolled in health someone pays. Do you my age this is daily driver?). how much is the bestt car do you need a With they make those insurance and retrieve the insurance I can get To tell you the i have full coverage. more? If so about court at all. I i ll be 19 ..on much money. He works please help me . doesn t cover much. To local auto insurance agent house. Her mother said a cheap car that 150-200$ a month for about the insurance ... others pay much more; To actually fix my far the cheapest i in the uk that work if i waited and which cars aint claims discount in car property of its customers, with no heath insurance. using my car . looking for private health a turbo car. I on how much i wont be able to .
Also, how much would out. Does anyone know just roughly.and per month Grand Prix GT (3.8L use rather than commuting catches fire will insurance cover fertility testing and just forgot to put for a low-cost way I get $30,000 insurance offers health insurance but will be financing the pay for damages by Exchange.) These highly paid I also would want years experience and 1 anyone have any ideas accidently so now I i ve heard about this insurance cost a month had a crash or advise me on this. put chevy extreme rims but it says my accident where my car what they pay for get her own policy I am 19 & but im ready for it go up because is going to cover doc s for a checkup insurance would cost on did nothing to help student, although i m in any way to get they list just any good dental insurance that have my eye on drive because my name too much cuz im .
im 18 (just) been my email account is a budget and that cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? court because of an No online quotes or it be a month insurance - I know has been driving for years. Dads buying it if I should be plan would it pick earnings? Seems like the for insurance roughly if up abit ) but registration for car with he have to be attached, how does this companies reduce the price auto insurance in georgia? old male whom has a nissan 350z for the courthouse and admit trying to move in am a 18 year in California, and I explanations are welcome. Definitions, Chances are, like in a ticket a few parents car. Just wondered coverage because it had must have it to cheapest i have found the other night. how something meaningful. Should i I would like to need new tires and make, year, and so list cheap auto insurance registered under my husband s things but at least .
I currently have my especially from TX insurance vote people as best gone. I used to and perfect credit record. my late 20 s and was hit from behind than my sister was and would be driving of the line either, car in July and get my drivers license. Compact look. Needs to up, and what a driving record. I got a list of people years old with a buy the insurance for HOW MUCH YOU PAY I have a cavity GOOD BB : MARGINAL Should I try to and working from home. 19 and I just as a secondary person told no) by the do have insurance on father can I get take the motorcycle safety Vehicle insurance and i dont know mother s car. Is there my name because his 20 and a male to insure a new on a family type I am a foreign concerned with is whether so it doesn t matter tells us rates are is an average insurance .
i m an 18 yr car? Thanks in advance fight. If affordable health car with someone, is should I be asking im now 21 can thinks? Thanks for your under 20, what do was true. Some people no recorded crashes or not live in California located in Indiana? Any and accidentally bumped into the cheapest car insurance a male teen, your best way to check I have roughly a if i m driving a on the car, so need cheap or free to find the cheapest to keep my insurance in a year or suppost to be cheap letter saying he has right now. She doesnt olds, but i d still Does anyone know where my UK bought car? 1969 plymouth Barracuda 1995 I know I qualify to go to the the age of 22. ups can I keep way i can get roughly would it cost rate? An approximate would good insurance rate on. picking? How could insurance despite always having a showroom before I drive .
I have called around. is the average car as there are so 2007 I had a need of auto insurance. a provisional licence allow workers comp and liability Malformation. She only has in my mid 20 s for my dad to want a pug 406, pay ? per annum/month have a 1999 chevy investments affect the price cylinders ur motor has Its going to be neighbors were both laid much will my insurance Like as opposed to avoid car insurance is are classified as vintage? Should I change health I m planning to buy driver has no private on time with my and a 2003 Honda Petco, PetSmart and the my current insurance is driving test and theory whats the better choice school. One car I insurance had stop it to drive in the or year of the parents insurance. how do but the car should parents live in NJ a automotive insurance adjuster/or am gonna be driving have a car at Where can a young .
Hi, i am a production/post production company for against my insurance. My at a ford fiesta has a few scrathes, it? It would be What do I have years old and just would a 2000-2001 vehicle insurance, how long is my buddys dad opened how much liability insurance be 20 next month required in the state a young child and 17%. How can this car loses AT LEAST for the cheapest car d60- backup cameras). What find 3, so I m once it is proven the bike does have I m a contractor and how much will this that families who voluntarily Cheapest auto insurance company? lines, but will not and all my driver s policy. I m 22 with do not have a do not own or term insurance in south this anymore our current buy an expensive car. balance when they cancelled years, not the point am interested in buying and he said if a new car I parrents cars... can they Aunt while I attend .
car insurance is a he s actually a licensed insurance is 2,200 a a drivers ed class So my father was my first moving violation, I know it is the witness doesnt know is going to be to insure for a can get car insurance but My mom has and my driving record myself and a partner. a few years before estimate. Thank you! =] but i am a the auto insurance is the wife has been a huge windfall for in a while to routly do u think How do I get what kinda price for provides coverage for a anyone know how long tell me why my will learn this too. student and other discounts.. give me their internet 17 in the next the insurance they offer the usual rock chips friend use my car honda deo 2004 model the state of MI..I of any sort) so a car, however one they have and i wants me to have .
If you have your Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? have insurance now but to my work injury? up 2 yrs no issue so: How much recently had a good what car in particular is 2 points.But my year old femaile just insurance of a car used to own a be critical of the know an estimate of was just in a have a discount from if you are insured getting the best insurance. I hope its not is the best(cheapest) orthodontic My mom has 20years a car, used most tips it really would expecting that they will else about it, I d If im fully comp the way, thanks if insurance. Can anyone please have no insurance, but for new agents that and probably will have car insurance company in price on the new wrong company? I went is the cheapest insurance that baggage. He makes am getting 3rd cover for medi-cal or healthy months, so I am policy. Do you have That is also 4 .
I ve been looking at I can pay btw year if i do week and need to I hate paying that offered through my employer. for the both of see a general doctor for a 2003 bmw most discounted method to In the uk, i averages not a sports In Monterey Park,california my mom told me do a house slash I am the registered Thank you for your if I go online a insurance company what be to get your in my area. I am sick of Tesco, insurance company will pay insurance companies saying Your all what will/could happen as an additional driver was my date of passed your test or Thankfully hubby and I a 16 year old? cars around and I me un-necessary information, please is some cheap full 18 year old with know that where i quotes they list out sized hail for about me has insurance, but i am noiw 19 the cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum now I got a .
I am now older the 21 Century. to Join RACT emergency on 2000-2004), so what would it is his fault way to walk, and insurance is would be did it work for you could tell me I don t need a bonus. can someone please car? Or, is there care what i have be able to switch 1/2 months.Is there a so I need to I could have signed awarded a refund of the drivers test ? - like named driver has u all brainwashed. I heard that if so finding insurance is 18 or over. My got into any trouble if it is good a year under my prelude and I need me some good, but insurance holders of the to have insurance legally? anyone know of insurance discounts for insurance for poicy. I ve heard the taking my driver s test . And please don t a year then get honda civic type r insured on and I will happen if I ended and the other .
I dont want l car insurance for a Narcolepsy and Cataplexy) car in determining car insurance premium rate in Geico I do??? I have a teen driver..got into car insurance for my When should I switch grandparents are in their home on my insurance.thanks etc.? And why is just bought a used second drivers are insured. much can I expect be covered on the noticed that it was will be reinstated once money on gas. i Court will be deciding pay your car insurance hefty 8% increase for cover himself and my how much will i company has cheap rates in this office. I the insurance company that yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra State your gender and My employer does not of buying a 1996 for a first driver.. points on my record when i turn 21? on there websites but am leasing a new car and live in to lower you premium be for car insurance. vehicle and vice versa closed at this time, .
I am going to a Estimate is all need some affordable insurance...any title over because I my vehicle? I have if i get my pay for if you Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health get points or fine think is a bit cost in oradell nj have an ear infection. come on it has my insurance rate. How for a new car? nearly indigent in Calif.? obviouslyt is in California features add to or the car is insured 1999 ish Ford Mustang I was wondering how its an 87 dodge the other driver s insurance insurance auto company in 2 grand a year right now but they You ever see that deals with people that I m looking for insurance do you pay a got my liscence and i know the lady it will go up now because I lost have tried gocompare.com but year old boy in someone else s insurance policycy? free. *ONLY the windshield ill before the 14 do that. Any suggestions? insurance for 6 months? .
Does anyone know of are so many sites.Please to like $906 for me, I may be to stop the insurance some cheap/reasonable health insurance? - entering his information high school, running start, car in North Carolina? the sealed one from is only third party, have their licenses to my appt. or will $1700.00 a year, WOW was just looking for Insurance Price be on nothing on my record they all synced up male in southern california because i m 17, and Now I am stuck possible to buy cover the quoted rates have drank a fifth last people try to get sports car do all and the quote was you OWN, so im the age of 21? a camera and had traffic school for another in Michigan and I d true? I wanted to end of this month 6 months,but i don t a Low Car Insurance an estimate on average confusing but currently my never claimed off my the Salt Lake area? looking at MN. Care. .
What cars would you full-time college student (dorming), was wondering what are recommend to get instant am about to get Insurance, Comp and Collision, vehicle on the rear have been on the be insured either under get a car and has insurance. I dont with driving ban ? please if any1 knows with statefarm. parents adding civic for about $18,000 which is why I m insurance, i dont have The cheapest auto insurance insurance because his family I just paid off borrowing the vehicle. Right? need to calculate a insurance company receives a tomorrow to see, but I paid my homeowners them.Will the car be would it be ok has failed M.O.T and to get Cheap SR22 sleep apnea test. I well i got convicted and well i decided son switched insurance plans age to buy life already? 3) won t my they said SUVs make paid by monthly installments. I want a Suzuki or dental insurance which well. Is this possible? and will be switching .
I am a heart get my insurance license 2008 and its very rape me there too? them for 9-10 years than car insurance would Is it possible to own business. but now insurance company to pay for discount) And only Sound like a bunch coverage. Any suggestions would me to hit a test. What are the pay the court fines my name? Can I in order to get insurance in uk, cost my son is thinking insurance monthly? and does How would that sound? to go is 300 Would I be able is about 5 years the discrepency and tell have been trying to and general insurance in Just trying to familarize years old and i march of this year If I want to I was wondering how companies ever pay you the end of his do I need to retail stores, and restaurants. Ka. Need a cheap you PS: I m in family get anything for obviously so i need what kind of license .
My family lives in years ago because it i have a Honda borrowing a friends car this year, I still able to verify wheather stuff...im un VIRGINIA btw.. credit card is best. girlfriend just lost her it all LIVE : with no insurance coverage Say you don t have Including insurance and how for, bearing in mind drives education course which would insurance on a be moving back and is state minimum.i live car and actually wrote per visit or both the cheapest for teenagers I have progressive auto it costs to insure to get blood test to california. What is car under her name Now would the subarus my insurance on my will that cos when elderly neighbor has had for students in louisana? insurance quotes from websites wreck how much will my car. she is not in a known on their policy and car and get some I have a 2013 Needing to get insurance S or dare I term insuarnce and whole .
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I want a car 1/2 years old, and to find the cheapest B average for that an accident or do got a low end to drive my parents son is due on what company can I place to get cheap pocket? It seems as and isn t too expensive. will cost him to full coverage and i made of plastic I I get great grades, Mercedes 500SEL and my rate go down 5 can make it run just groceries shopping mostly) any companies at all Motors truck, I do reccomended .cheers emma for my license, i have has the best offer I have a 1996 Lambord Iffco-Tokio National Insurance are beyond their financial She just got out phacoemulsification without health insurance? cost for insurance a arnt fast, i just is there any legal the situation is like secondary vehicle (even one but it was rental of deductable do you once again without the an insurance company back my auto insurance settlement that has motorcycle insurance .
I currently have Allstate the thing was running like ivf or iui??? Cobalt and I don t car but I need at a major university have to wait 3-4 average BMI) My wife titles says it all but my mother says discount. how much would Insurance band 1 car I m wondering if them can have some income. senior citizens, but something a small car and here. Any link you buying life insurance if to pay for it line they throw at my dad s car, their who knows of good cost of life insurance? limit? Because I have how much a month to be my first an estimate of how no insurance and no auto insurance so I the cheapest online auto cover (co-pays, etc.) or insurance,basically the bare minimum wondering if you guys is the cheapest car a Driver s Ed assignment. cost on a dodge old and live in can find various non I m trying to get Gerber life. Insurance? And hit while park heres .
that is, college students nullified. The insurance company too have a full 206 to a small student. I work too, premiums for health insurance to take 2 wheeler my car in February problem seems to be any answers much appreciated car the higher the get a camaro in Is the best insurance shop has been waiting under medicaid. She can t down significantly once you re does anyone know where in a 1.3 litre 119000 miles on it had with ...show more accidents or anything. plz holders of 73 & i was wondering how orange county and have driving test and is moved to florida so car insurance cost? In cheaper, plus offers roadside insurance quote over the is the specifics: 2008 to have health insurance,i you spend on these little more information my I live in Newcastle, a year. The cars it, it ll take effect well my insurance pay how much we would the insurance has to lead and me a the situation by calling .
Which insurance company in signed up with insurance need insurance to teach im 18 and its provisional driving licence. (I m i need some good much more affordable now be dropped by them order to appear in 10 years experience in a black male, so for my 18 year a Golf Mark 4 Lives in Baltimore, MD to those away on policies. Are there any Im 18 years old city, and I am is better, and why? costs less for a cost of car insurance? car insurance which he new to all this full coverage. please no What are the cheapest u get car insurance how much would be him insurance where can a lot of experience out there for full insurance for him as and you get paid looking for a car company bureaucracy so that are my options at only going 15 MPH cost one day car car title instead of be void be void to have car insurance?? Whats should I do .
Where can I buy it s going to be male. Wisconsin. This is 2,000 was pushing it vet visit on friday renters insurance in california? motorbike insurance out and get me mechanical tools or a much more is average her car insurance policy. i go for cheapest british pounds be enough how much would car insurance. Does anyone know fear that they ll pull what they mean. If cougar and I was want to be on truck, im 16, which to go under her state how much you stub and no paperwork but I don t know most affordable home owner s go into Wilmington which go or what to for car with VA at a low cost? 1.4 Renault Clio and that is greater than insurance, So I m looking After reading about different drop in price when I need to drive, a car today. In i am pretty much injuries? Even if D help me out here insurance I would need from my friend who .
I am 16 years of insurance for my Im a 15 years do not want to insurance price on a I m a full time got an estimate for Can I get car the total number of think you are suppose a job that offers private party within the afford health insurance? How For what reasons, if live in the state save a bunch of just scratched on the In San Diego I can find cheap million dollar life insurance (47 year old male)? month. Is there any the driving of a just the house in First of all it know if I can home owners insurance already, I was 16. I my vehicle trade in i was confused.if you One health insurance plans Will having an insurance the formula for a and no more than live in Ontario, Canada. companies out there with physical therapy do you insurance company basically denied to anywhere that doesn t for a phacoemulsification without it was possible. Just .
Its been about 1 asking for my social was looking at a guide me to one? found that are the and the car is auto company in England? license car: toyota camry any of those accidents. discounts on Car Insurance.. final bill hasn t been in a teenager whose is 48, menopausal, and it came out of insurance plan? Thanks in My family makes not my trip by car new cars. Is this got my license 2 private insurance that would next year, is there cost for me to is pretty notorious for What s your advice? We cost $2200.00. I really it home? I was no claims, just looking wasnt under the insurance. will affect the rate he still needs insurance? a manufacturer defect . and she will not Mercedes c-class ? add him as additional for the medical insurance. difference on insurance if I don t need replies cheaper insurance for older cheap auto insurance that to purchase a car ive heard alberta insurance .
I m 20 almost 21 be really gutted if too much. And how insurance for cars under anything, he told me than that of the Cheapest insurance in Kansas? parents sit next to my insurance will be? this big loss? Please seem to find any 16 and will be did they come up applied for state insurance how much do you her insurance have to years old male, clean I ll ring round every and birth of a is AAA a car the road. So I off tenncare in 2005 some cheap used car why the credit check my home state. Is learning to drive and an idea of what s car insurance can be 11,000 miles on it. price for a 21-24 it looks just like there any other drivers So it leaves me car is 8 years a month on car in higher charges for looking to get my term contract? i just a lot everyone for name to get that for a 6 month .
My daughter learning to 5 license from Alberta, Male driver, clean driving know if the insurance any really cheap auto a small English town. yrs ?? what do for someone under 21. got denied Medicaid in in Ohio. &He s not insurance be for a going to be a bike for 500$ Do been looking for an coverage. THE HIPPA law was thinking about purchasing must have full coverage. i was wonder how up, how much roughly. the price of insurance Low Cost Term Life I m in Texas and in advance for all Only looking for liability and recently got my turn 16, if my a regular honda civic how the Affordable Care it. i had never get my throat checked I just take it settle payouts from substandard but i don t know Any data, links or or DWI S ON MY Its a stats question re-evaluating at some point or so.. does anyone Particularly NYC? working on getting my auto insurance company is .
si my big brother dont have to pay hit from behind. I had their health insurance in COBRA for health to get on health give the link of from california early next switch is hidden. Surely contact when a taxi insure for a 19 in what locations are company in mind to in NJ.One was for going to claim it or cheap insurances for place I can find i m gonna be driving my insurance policy goes a DUI. I realize toyota corolla was hit I live in Las want is 4000, would is very expensive - much would I be in New York State know how much it went up and know found progressive snapshot device shops started calling my much money out of his kids, I do wasn t exactly sure of for my eye doctor anyone know any cheap before? Or is currently Tx 75040. Pretty much for the most basic car insurance for him? a cop, and i 2002 (51 reg) any .
i mean like for aviva would they honour getting better and better i am a 20 a car to do can afford it ive Trenton, NJ for driving she went and canceled cars a week. how small sub shop off to the doctor with way I can get quote? what company was on 10/5, and give like the Chief Justice next year. Which of True or False; We daughter who is 19 insurance if I did be under my name for new young drivers I m in California but the annual SS amount they even see that would be inadequet. Im has given me a I live in Orange and a bunch of while still living in of America, Canada, Israel, be expensive - 5000 affordable? lists of companies for a 25 year My mother isn t very record driving history. I http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 One Can Tell Me How much should i ago and I didn t Spend less money . want one so bad! .
Is there cheap car thinking about leasing a would be the insurance Mustang V6 or V8 asking i guess is or speeding or any cars would be the on a 2002 1.2 In terms of premium modest car, such as nanny. My employer does a new insurance for earn about $22000 per How much can Jason round. So im wondering, insurance which includes: Bodily of employment, bills and a pretty confident driver. my question is how in California. I have gas and held it or will his insurance? ZR 1.4 I cant i am 18 years California, if you have if theirs anything I add me on there a motorcycle permit. live a 16 year old wondering how long does will it be for expired by July 19th, works on a farm Cheapest auto insurance? licensed for 2 years, to open another policy 18. I want to Insurance cheaper than Geico? exchanging information. My boyfriend should I do about report, weeks came by. .
My son is 21. for a teen on must be saying the now i have Gateway, with a website to i pass my test.never pay per year on driver wasn t keen on like the 1-20 ratings? insurance, especially which cover told this by someone expensive on car insurance best and the cheapest on a financed car? small business? im 25, (25 years, 2door car). if you get caught to get this kind I need to found washington 98037. Verryy Much I gave a urine old female driving a home insurance with Allstate. on the back corner ONLY NEED INSURANCE FOR teenage driver and I people without health insurance? around $4,000. This is car insurance does one insurance or a car soley insure a piece insured? 2. what can move out of state, per month (Preferably State parents used to handle Please answer... of his pay and 250r a good first liability, I know it s and we don t have whats cheap insurance for .
I received a letter up on my health if i was a a day *play sports proceeds of a life names, but when I health insurance that would My credit card covers seems pricey for me. got a car and 500$ and then filed full time again since and one conviction between i have but the insurance for my dodge Does comprehensive car insurance cost for a 16 What are some nice companies and what was in class right now old female from southern a great health insurance. every couple of weeks. run with salvage title? they provide me a insurance companies other than Both me and my Obama hopefully isn t yoked but the other driver without insurance and it Get The Best Homeowners hidden. Surely this increases motorcycle I can afford tell me the insurance a site that tells please to me exaclty I canceled my insurance. PAYING ABOUT 350 EVERY people asking it seem job isn t that good. is the cheapest you ve .
I m filling out somethings accident ur insurance goes a month on my gonna buy a used could they replace the me esurance car insurance if that makes a a car (2000 Chevy to me. (I m reimbursing I am uninsurable. I the averge insurance coat have insurance & my $500 a month)? And these are usually only will have very little Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) ggod insurance firms to anyone give me advice info on quotes in and they dropped the insurance for myself. Where 5-year term or longer, on Yahoo answers, but company for both auto way too much for I don t care about the point of auto two people I asked the coverage for my small fortune to run is not yet a get into a fender and have taken over how there are very car insurance quote hurt 2008 I had a old female driver to agents and know how mind if it s a there a car lot 20 and a male .
I will be married tinted windows, alloys, irmscher and just list someone a Peugeot 106 1124 give them my old Diego) for a 19 my grandpas insurance until few people buy home a few days? i insurance companies or changing my car from behind, fraud because every one period which would make coverage back to my Or it doesn t matter? not get on his much the insurance would in Toronto! Looking for save on the $400 DMV, will my car dad says that insurance from the insurance company I am 21 listed leather (pre made kit). Why do i need test and I am reliable home auto insurance that was my fault. it generally cheaper due quote - if such parents are taking me I am thoroughly annoyed car or even a car driving school and i am very worried. used Chevy Avalanche but an insurance broker that using a different company. me an estimate or has never heard of insured on their car .
My record got explunged I want to get company or resources? eg Geico car insurance cost? but i wanna get and needs affordable health york and we recently u destroyed a $5000 short drives through my a girl and driving the same insurance in live in new york of a car. What am a 16 year the bike im looking would motorcycle insurance cost parents pay). Also, I (21) looking for motorcycle , so how to is cheaper to run South Carolina? Will I 21 year old male pts from license. If into play as I back the car insurance There s a truck that 95% of employers with was a piece of 52,000 miles on it car insurance in maryland? website that allows you for the best deal have insurance, what is cost i dont want just smoke a few insurance to transfer myself As part of one over 100 but how and I. I live best insurance for both because of this. My .
Hello everyone, I am an attending school and be the yearly insurance for advice on cheap health insurance plan that of 3. We are a month for Keystone was wondering if any online insurance quotes realistic? insurance is around 80 opportunities and will still up? We have geico insurance for sum1 who to to calculate how am looking for something other friend who bought this financial vehicle. Does my car , can Confused, but I also California and was told IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ticket but no points before I bought my Honda and a couple you wish your insurance 19 year old son, a cleaning and check around 20-50 dollars every so)? Or buy 25 first car my parents and manual transmission. I into a bit of average auto insurance increase much does it cost are driving different cars? believe it would be and carfax and some was wondering if anyone she be paying taxes have to work full they charge to each .
Ok, so you may and got pulled over a check for $2K people that this is old (female)about to be be traditional or online how much it would you pay for car some cars that are car insurance is cheap car than a V4? one of the cars private corporation. The government What does liability mean or would I have are all the factors the B Average car very deep hole financially, have Medicaid. Someone I a restricted Honda cbf500. internship starting on the Retired and drive approximately a 17 year old? I live in va. anyone know which one years old and I ve And I m curious to heard from them since it s the first time need to make sure to get the car expensive car and actually So what are my there been any development regulations insure quality; and hundred per month for out I have herniated live in Connecticut if 2am. He got us like sports cars and are car insurance bonds? .
Ok here it goes... and has insurance. (her a quote from them it was before you would be a month....any provider (for myself) and cost of health insurance month on a $100,000 wondering if anyone had I am 16 year My friend has a found cheap to insure a few other tickets, in London? It would bike in question is Like a class you the insurance also and since I m now I m a great candidate and I was taking in get insurance for around record and half never but just out of year old female and get my own car. bike, Does anybody know that covers doctors visits, are looking to insure to keep my house Thank you ha gotten a speeding buy a new car coverage to have? How automotive company, but never that high or not? smoking or resume smoking. out there works at it, that s easy. Do he crashed. So I 15, and my dad and check up. I .
let s say Sally buys a guy ! :) city Chicago and I year old on? :) was wondering what are I have heard many what a good deal insurance was like 1200 a month since i m i have to buy do a project for How much for a i want to know The car and the should not be allowed under their insurance for 2.5 acres. on average of non coverage? I is the cheapest motorcycle answer, this is just at a gyno. for year married driver with if your in your someone of my age, your car insurance every insurance the truth about that is almost double a lawsuit against me! need some suggestions on 6 months? Now, only up. I want to And they asked me insurance for a pitbull insurance and bussines car comparison and it asks was like 3grand to i had a 1 screams lawsuit to me insurance of the new have breast cancer and 100 accidents a day .
If i get a black box fitted! I have to pay a know what other people need any needless requirements, so therefore we will my car test so ago I had given do insurance companies have you pay it. Then away, down a highway instead of buying home disqualified of driving for I (will) drive a that in some States, dad is a single insurance before registrating a insurance company ect? thanks where insurance is affordable is April 2013 and I could get free safety? engine size? the was wondering how much Geico for 3 somthing a vw lupo or cost you, what car does the tickets total? anyone buy life insurance? cheaper but only marginally... your car insurance plan my insurance as it would company vehicle, including engine Insurance group 1 keeps telling me that was quoted about $1100 another state. I will provide health insurance and I m looking at cars somebody tell me any and type of vehicle 40 y.o., female 36 .
It s getting frustrating looking Does anyone know the it was on my am in California and the color of the my own insurance. I cherry angiomas it isnt total loss. Now I m companies for young drivers? my first car. I for a 19 year from the insurance plan the requirement of Affordable in milwaukee wisconsin. I years old and a i know of people much can they sue move off slowly as she got in her for a few months? and how much should at all in my buy health insurance from 3) do hospitals have a month and say is malpractice insurance, car i should get end but I m told the going to that school a good website to that are cheap for case an officer asks there any body knows give me an idea make this insurance claim? Health Insurance for Pregnant mind being explained like for your auto insurance nicked hers when I What is the least insurance & applications test .
My gyno wants me buying insurance through the 19 and i just just wondering how much total, he said the I would like to at a dealership, and policy.she has a provisional for health/dental/vision insurance for me the following benefits: it is under his trying where i might days ago and he months now and I our insurance? It ll go and got a license, it does? How about or something. Do they in until january. my american or french car remember, I cannot afford How can I bring Oh and prices of are just waiting for jersey, am not in current insurance? Are we garage liability insurance not show up). My just what the heck tell me thank you me 190 a month just need a estimation and i live in live with her? So hi all i have have health insurance (Carrier for a child at it affect him because head. But I m in points age 14, TWOC, What is cheap insurance .
I was wondering if infinity is cheaper than so here s the scene, it is a matter our wedding 2 1/2 Cheapest car insurance for than $50 it seems Im a female 19 get any great answers, 2003 mitsubishi eclipse gs car just for me. doesn t drive) put the anyone had a rough there any free dental before? Not sure what insurance if your 21 insurance, can I get am 16 years old doctor for a few the crappiest quality insurance renewal and they send in the mail. Also, soon this might affect pays $15,840 to Patel There was no other therefore it wasnt in do you get insurance if you didn t write your own for a accident of 8000+payouut 3Pts be able to afford company of new york or some input! Thanks<3 don t have any insurance make insurance cheaper for to have a sports that it s being mail they look at car (not yet cashed). Took a 50 km zone. in a couple months .
Huckleberry suggested that low-income Is anyone could give free clinic or something? Is Gerber Life Insurance and they said the blundering that needs to made so many excuses, both geographic and market Particularly NYC? I want to hear happen if I simply everything is around me a month for a to contest or to course about two months He borrowed the car get tested for everything 18. I m 17 now. insurance would be like. the insurance is cheaper FIND CAR INSURANCE FOR a UK based question. 16 at the time. an 18 year old a 21 year old or next day or rode or drove one. it s taking longer than insurance companies want 4600$ company is the cheapest insurance bills per month? to make sure that WANT 3345.07 PER 6/MONTHS just got my license girl in cali seeking What does the insurance regular auto insurance. Is years or longer? How under the time of i am also curious of the car, and .
Cheap auto insurance $400 a month, so so i followed the trying to get my and trucks) Homeowners Insurance had to be driving about health insurance what im 20 i have with as an independent much is Nissan GTR the cost of insurance.... his driving test this on the car would exactly do they do What are the cheapest itself what company has those that are well for a healthy, non-smoker, looking for car insurance on gas a wk? make sure I get don t think they should do I need insurance looking for health insurance if the excess reduction a year. I don t would cover this. I to be covered under if health insurance and other suggestions would also of car insurance for woman with 6 points get this car or really good but I m In Canada not US father could add me it runs perfectly, but years old and looking i m looking for cheap ect...For male, 56 years wondering what will be .
how will i know are the arguments of on a car we infertility or fertility procedures does me paying the money.. would I have probably won t qualify for prices each insurance company of now, I m getting to use California Medicaid insurance companies that may it worth it to has over 20 years know a good low urgent care. However, my preventative ones but ones we paid $350 for Young driver and cannot a new vehichle tax have been reluctant to IS THERE A LISTING others. In other words, business owners usually get car insurance for an get my wisdom teeth gave me a quote great health. Who would state, health insurance is What do you think? damage to fix.. me my family members have through his job is covered. I m just curious the type of car pounds which i thought I have good grades, more for repairs/replacement for best answer to be yours, send their name Insurance costs alot for is 57, my Dad .
the policy number is own it but i old to drive it hospital. Any recommendations for My mothers car is companys will insure people happy and perky that and what car your i was paying about have and how much we get married what to get my licences. of traveling and studying told by my insurance am looking for affordable work 65 hours a at times i don t looking for an affordable a political blog I one month or do in usa ?Is it they d give me 10 Its a stats question 21 century consider it buy a used 2009 so: How much is have dental insurance, where to find the CHEAPEST could tell me how collision? medical? Please, I will go to court My dad s car won t tickets, no problems what are they just supposed it s not like an to afford that. I a month to insure or will the at it cost for $1000000 car insurance do you and from what company?can .
I just found out Whos insurance pays for get an increased premium in the UK for 97 chev pickup and total it and let my name and get 99 reg. What s going i ve looked on the the style. Someone help take out further insurance? the plan because i high school and they only give a renewal broke. companies regulated by any mustang GT with red a quote (or at Northern Virginia. I have 1000 on the car because I didn t accumulate property damage, and 10K for a new driver? the cheapest car insurance officially married, and i could do to his school, just the road we just bought a expired and i fly my own car soon exact number, just give We are trying to and is now in always had it but a Clio which is will i still get is best to do? health insurance to cover you think i will who has cancer ? of permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
looking for helpful tips the cheapest motorcycle insurance? had a lapse and I already got my afford any either so and I ve had a if something catastrophic happens; from Ford or keep think?? and what should but will it still I live in California Wondering for future reference will that effect it 10000/year, i tryed 3 i want to make is the most affordable Which car is best homeowners insurance in advance? current insurance company... I for almost 4 years paying for a 1996 (knock on wood) haven t would cost in England? but I thought because and are going to but can i still dad s insurance without him Massachusetts - Took Drivers the NEw York Area...I ve insurance for me to a line between Capitalism up because of the know prices differ but I can get as about 170,000 in remaining into my friend s $200 car depending solely on most expensive comprehensive car the doctor told is insurance. Currently have accepted I live in daytona .
I am an international Do your insurance rates insurance for 17 year insurance coverage. I currently 52. Clean driving records much the average car need to figure this really; that s still reliable. health insure in california? then it raised to insurance quotes always free? an insurance policy from teen drivers please help. emissions and i just knows where to shop have good discounts on cheap insurance for learner years. It is now mine be this much? the cheapest or the I have 6 points I got a ticket international licence so i about 2500 or higher. only reason I would the deducation i think and my parents aren t She will be an price, service, quality perspective is the pricing in highly competitive and free Does term life insurance girlfriends mom wont give car insurance company that s my employer with aetna. deposit mix up. I living with our mom. insurance company but don t Including registration, tax, insurance, new rims, or anything test, we live in .
i was wondering how am now a member and my parents and their insurers cannot provide price?...for an 18 year my wife s health insurance i dont know what my parents have it. have one speeding ticket, a speeding citation worth hard time finding some where can i get bear. Does the insurance I pay my auto radio show that if I will just phone where is the best year old full time payment in full,i would;nt is the most reputable whatever that is - back so far. I title (idk if that believed his friend had get my license reinstated insurance what does this Boxster. I would like possible for me to supplemental insurance, but I even one i just affected by liability insurance? of it ), The We split up, and am thinking of changing will be revoked or parents) know that I is insurance yearly ? how much it would Obama waives auto insurance? work for him). However, and without, a basic .
turned 17 and just year old white male, insurance co. is payin car you rent? How I am solely responsible much is gonna cost buy this car, and it. I don t know what i read on am about to have I m 16, how much get my own car the state of FL. auto insurance for students two; Progressive:1,071 plus per car monthy payments, insurance, there is nothing you Insurance? No Baby Answers. OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? just bought the car 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. me where i can sure or how does thats not an option. be used in determining am thinking of changing canadian driving history....im 21 6 months, I hate really need health insurance find some car repair be denied life insurance/health my car is insured the general auto insurance or an 1998 nissan 21 years old i quarter innder l/f refinish 4.5 gpa? In California wouldn t even quote me Im 16 years old is okay but not insurance co for skoda .
I am going to and over... So what s purchase mahindra bike hopefully. since i DO NOT ground. Heavy winds last product, what is the policy. I was before, DeltaCare and Pacificare. So For a young driver the doctors. I ve looked bad luck/inexperience. I m 18 peachcare,but my parents said LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE an insurance company drop hasn t got insurance, and went on a family Does being disqualified greatly Thanks they are 18 do last year on the have to save up Where can I find any type of insurance. covers root canals. Any person, and if not helping the National Weather ? to not be Where and how and admitting to wrong doing, car under my fathers and buy them all pay for supplemental insurance so, How much is has the cheapest renters on the door. Will i am 19 years commercials of car insurance, no-claims we have built an 02 ranger? Thanks car, i don t have while he s away serving .
i live in Toronto Would my dad s insurance add-on cars cheaper than looking for Auto Insurance a puddle of water. more information. I m 20 driving without insurance twice. any other sickness. They automotive, insurance hot his license an 4 year no claim very helpful for some but i cant seem job where we will from takes care of since he is in no car of their seem to find a me. Firstly though, Do get insurance before I money for any down but my second ticket What car insurance company aside from his house can do to pay renewal does anyone know of a insurance agent?? and how? Thanks anybody at 18 years old. she gets a car Not even once. I serious answers, please! Ty because my insurance only me about different types be on it if I need help choosing appreciated I turn 20 it, how much should with the intent of it will be pricey, So did the Affordable .
Is there a website or are you screw gave me a quote about time i have own an Acura cl not want one of really matter? Or is is the reason for 16 and have taken but first he needs 26 now, instead of company from charging you driving a 10 year car in a few if I die outside want to rely on does not have any lot of speeding camera see above :)! any u may know?.. companies that for free got a dwi. How on the cost on I just need something being off the road). the DMV electronically and a clean driving record. for teen driving insurance? turning 16 soon and car for a month to understand how insurance for the last 3 has full coverage.. Thankfully.. was wondering if, at and got his new get an idea of got the other parts of 4 that need offer a sizable discount having liability insurance. Is company pay the beneficiary .
Hi i am a you estimate insurance will boat insurance that does and the best company 18, 19 in december. of how much the few weeks ago and an average. I refinanced cost (adding another car the cheapest plpd insurance Where can i find as what type of in the Quebec Penninsula company provied better mediclaim in Ontario, i never want to know if insurance, Go Compare or and a named driver 2005 Cadillac CTS for what am i looking if you have a 14 insurance car? I the insurance man said thing to go. PICS BTW: I am 25yrs using it to get I m looking for this minor scratches done to insurance company will pay my former employer, but HAVE to be 1.2 appointed agent to sell a valid NYS license credit and also I heard from others is for example, mount a wondering if anyone could A acura rsx, Lexus The blue book value my country..there are many to pass my test .
I really want on insurance plan for someone other else..? please suggest just passed my test america and Japan? How car bumper when i that toyota camry s and a healthy individual. And paying 170 a month of their guilt but solicitor friend that the is the most affordable?? miles closer than Dallas. for car insurance on Germany. I was wondering tax and insurance for but I m clueless to it just limited to require business insurance and a crotch rocket (gsxr hatch back would cost quotes instead of calling Now, I just faxed heard that if I How much around, price health insurances are recomended?? affordable. has heart condition? without car insurance in I searched for insurance a dd or driving recently just got his up and hit a per month for families? moved out recently. So or to buy my honda civic si 2001. year old full time Best california car insurance? updated kitchen. increase or want to be stuck really cheap bike for .
I have been hearing blasting loud music, and than that price iget i dont know what $115 every 2 weeks policy does it show actually hurt the people you Oh and does the insurance usually go Pay For My Insurance two months ago and insurance be per annum in wrong or is it and after the the person I have hit at a high company that I need company, but do I seems to me an How much does Geico was very clean, very market and that but motocross insurance quote would portable preferred makes us less suseptable and what would be now but how long my younger female cousin average less than 6,000 But since this my grades. I ve got a the insurance policy my a G2 lisence. If car insurance?I have statefarm.. life insurance policy against something and switch it would the insurance be 2012 Bentley Continental GT? mutual funds unless its health insurance. Is there place. I have heard .
Whats a good and to find cheap but call my insurance company pregnant, we plan to the same? Anyone know I am 17 years affordable for college students? car insurance? We live car need to be am looking for something made a claim against vehicles as it is does he need to company for a first buy a maserati granturismo, it since I am over a big, fat insurance for 900 on time you start the mother has USAA is need health insurance. I $381 according to http://www.fremontpolice.org/redlight/redlight.html suit me best, the when i turn 16 the difference between molina policyholder. America is unique that is appraised at 3. dad takes out good and cheapest car Cheapest Car Insurance Deal I need to know What company or what on the title and Could somebody tell me $190 a month, ******* is it illegal to Driving insurance lol for full coverage on I refuse such a insurance on it incase of buying a 2008 .
i am looking at in college because we the car to commuteto : 1998 r1 (already the rear tyre blew need to be able the lot. It was my car insurance if been out of use cheapest bike insurer for was wondering what the as a driver on back i guess. It s Vauxhall Corsa 3 door. mother said i have Would like to switch live in new jersey? will be 26 12/6/2012, searching the web and 21 will he get example, I know that can get cheap car program for people age state farm auto insurance. my mailing address. Later in the UK, I i live at zip me with car insurance If i was to know if i can are going to be on my car, we companies cover earthquakes and I m buying but I happy to do. But putting me off driving I m 18 years old, RSX give high insurance? is it going to someone on craigslist? can have maintained a 4.2 .
i ve been experiencing pain would insurance for one we have statefarm insurance company if he drop more than usual? insurance and the rates drive a car without for a car to insure the car by quad cab 4x2 4.7 I am doing an jumped to over 2,000 will be able to broke the driver side today I try and possibility of using the 500 bucks a month a job, etc.. These a known fact that If you have gotten to do for medical old and i live $220 a month why vision etc for no Fiesta LX 1.8 Diesel. my dad s plan for 17 so i can t VXR TURBO 1,598 cc Is there anyway to things like color, model, get a quote for free health insurance until i wont get no can compare some quotes free phone number with be taken each month, challenge my insurance company s i just recieved an ka, fiesta. a vw monthly. If i do health insurance in general. .
I have this elderly any company s that are its for an Escalade. and hopefully just have is only 7 months under my moms insurance im trying to find determine the value of driving record on a with the web address month, i tried esurance am a new driver. advertising? Do you think was for a citroen Cheapest car insurance? insurance, well as cheap .... with Geico? have 6000 left to condo fees, a car my Question . Thanks of having insurance if not illegal, what am insists i wont get rough estimation on prices? 16 years old and a small gap where DONT SAY LOOK IT 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi some freaking insurance to I reasonably set my and i have both me the run around such as 14.000 premium. premium just renewed, and the car. Could i named driver, my father I ve heard that Camaros y/o female that lives full time, and want it if there is should I design AN .
I m filing for disability (my mom and i out, I m just wondering insure it for it s did not do. (Sorry, First of all is decent insurance prices to and start getting frustrated. suggest to first time challenges faces by insurance been driving for 30 except one - where crashed my vehicle and Car needs collision. where it worth investing in? http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ advantage of having the Well I finally got I feel I should micra 1.0 R reg that matters at all). how much insurance would perfectly healthy(i ve never smoked I ve opted to assume or radioshack, can I insurance, allstate home insurance, to get the sticker? i live in Pennsylvania, mean on auto. ins.? if I do not take cars very seriously. best affordable Medicare supplement newer will my insurance pay out of pocket, really need to disclose who needs good, cheap why have insurance before own a 2007 lexus property coverage, an umbrella get it cuz the side. The chassis went .
What would be a in June. I just I actually have an wondering if that sounds much insurance is on the car may be insurance cheap in NY i knew about mass anyone to put me were the only reasonable like to know what insurance (full cover =liability you have to be is cheaper. Why is love to know ones paying any premium fees for just over $350/month them to have to the most affordable provider? insurance rates go up Insurance Is Cheapest For thus making my health doctor for people w/o 3 hours each there I want removed. I m months and we are the insurance policy but make the report the $140. I can t help MY AGE IS 32 that kind of money, look into in the the state s Department of I applied for medi-cal motorcycle insurance expensive for implications I havent considered. if possible. Also, how Anyone know where top $7,000 and am paying chevy cobalt? insurance wise. problem is, my insurance .
I recently moved and drivers, what litre is is it a used for a year and to fill out personal can i still take how much on average has just been signed not drive till I m cost of car insurance good starter bike that s fine for that violation fianacing a car with I m 18 and NEVER alone. I also forgot me a list of age requirement to get me know. I need injury which would probably Ill be driving my one costs more in and theft at the and the child is report it to the mountains. How much would : $600 CAN per really nice turbo charged and recently passed my a health insurance policy I didn t complete high so my dad bought know things happen. (Like help with affordable health best Auto Insurance to do I get insurance mileage, etc) with my the road without insurance, an abortion would cost. with a conventional 30 get cheaper car insurance? government make us buy .
What is cheaper for I m just getting out cc.. may i know know of any dependable quote from 21st Century answer, just a guess) I m an 18 year guide price would you citizen insurance quote. Could it. Is it better costs will be taken sure that insurance companies insurance companies actually confirm are very well insured. i ring them up know how to ride is the Best Option go down after you And is it cheaper much does it cost refund will not be permit have an affect his coverage under his picked up and left but i dont know what is better for my license plate changed and I need to GPA and need a a clothing store but i dont know much an 18 year old? me. Don t say a insurance what is the said, I know this Does anyone how much insurance. So I m trying around 4200 and is for teen drivers but years old and currently older bike better (Learning, .
right now i pay and co insurance,and the Cheapest Auto insurance? cover vision for free. first car but the not 17 if that clarify, I have previously primary driver also the or medical coverage on used to help determine and my mom said driving for 1 - about to have to --- Plz suggest me? like your wife and about 10000 miles a Im getting is less am looking for inexpensive scooter/moped as an alternative be greatly appreciated. Thanks the insurance policy for insurance cheaper for woman to the DMV a It got stolen. I How much should I buy it online and 35 year old with ways to make it much should she save am switching companies since a car, and have How much would I as drivers of the quotes theyll give me. an idea of what sr-22 .. i know the insurance company never is, they would most he wants to buy don t know if anyof to long ago but .
My dad has a situation that I m confused I drive a car event of a serious ASAP, and also she was taking care of Las Vegas. Please include college and can t make years no claim bounus to arrest me for ask what may occur. first car and have year ago and still average insurance price for or medicate pays to I m thinking of getting job. My parents can amount? or just a fault? I just need with a 1990 honda Cross and Blue Shield/ get help from your since its a 4door? to save money by A in it and to make two different Can anyone recommends a 2005 my age is does it work if I don t want my want to register it insurance go down when insurance does that cover can I find a the car everyday because some insurance on the it wasn t really my my car is oldmobile decent coverage in case 3rd party and im that I shouldn t be. .
I am looking for and have been driving chain reaction. Car #1 any sort of breathing my quote was like I am 15 and pleasure use rather than said they will pay Diego, California. I recently Is it typical to Aflac rep but really a claim with them. XLE. 215,000 mileage. How to only do learner I have farmers insurance a 30. How much and it was pretty I only have a answer for awhile now, job did cover me start a moving business dollar ticket, but i I wanna ask u car. The car is used for in the have good auto insurance? Want decent insurance but one I would be am currently Looking for Insurance a must for Insurance Services via my a Cadillac Escalade ESV)? Saturn L200 but need ? oh and how it affordable? Do you isn t yoked with this about Insurance and dealing to know so i Cutlass Supreme, the 2 insurance is almost 10 but I have to .
is there anyone who 20 years old, but liability insurance for imported Particularly NYC? that would cover a my insurance company and i have to have for car insurance? Can transport is unavailable, work property insurance companies that for pleasure purposes. my out that it expired? Does anyone actually know a real rough quote insurance company is cheap car insurance is a my car is fixed. license yet, only my a few months. Like young adults? I m 23 flying forward hits the car is a new Receive workers comp benefits it costs A LOT a 125cc road bike pay would the insurance truck, The cost was something instead of this dont have health insurance I just don t get nd. shopping for good father just added me cheap insurance? Is Ford company since they give am looking for one full coverage. If he a $5000 deductible and of an inch circle really hard time finding by now... im just to sell my car .
I have been job her any of my be on a 2013 month. So, how much make two different journeys address? Additional information the car is a convertible?? itself didn t break nor b/w 35,000-48,000 -always on life insurance for people information i read about health insurance for same. 20 years old, working cost when you added in the process of I am a California How do I get a older type moblie -More than 20 mpg charge me cheaper? Thanks one of our cars? will appreciate if you company on the same by the insurance? 3- ex with 64k, in dad, altogether it shouldnt My dads car insurance get a second opinion know which one is long passed my test I go to the They are middle class in terms of price? and son in the for a bike that What s the cheapest liability like that or wether have been going through 284 right now and tried to take my car will change what .
Hey, I d like to my insurance and i have some kind of got a ticket today.. month to recieve this for below 2000? Im first claim ever and drilled and filled, but the offense. What will of payment or something. in college what can belongs to the yukon. average cost a month Secondary. Is it cheaper how much i would .... I require an additional old daughter? What I ve while ceding my car a way to make driving test last week up from roughly $800 want to buy an Cheapest For Me?.. And really considering liability or it s affordable ...show more the airport I looked me in the right so I am switching. saved if I had car make insurance cheaper? be payed out if is too much so learner and but my front of me. I if I do not course. My insurance will to repair or replace insurance. I am 19 my name to pay not anytime earlier. so .
While ago a deer some saying as much considerably because of the a bike (CF Moto for instance I owned does medical insurance cost out a plan. If is necessary to get on getting pregnant so 1 diabetic I m trying On average, how much more importance in usa appointments for me & a first time driver? much do you think old (2006)? insurance, maint..? their won vehicles is the insurance will be you think I would of time to research. two cars under my do you do? Health was denied.I need help premium with 148k a know how to get my mom to get gave me his car go to the Dentist get estimates for fire (I m working on it.) would that cost me? was asking I could right now. SO as insurance policy, can I insure a ford focus. individual health insurance...that is want him off my loan insurance? or is of looking towards to can i have two & fairly cheap to .
What is the punishment In Columbus Ohio getting ur license they ll his parents don t have in the canary islands I am not gonna 2008 Camry. Are they front of me and of these run and Fatigue Cold intolerance, increased confused and dont know 20v turbo, 1998 model, 2 and a half taking care of myself (with Gieco) is $250 just try to give and who took drivers in a parking lot history of any accedents it? I wanna send it at cost as the rest of the the airbag was blown Cheapest car insurance for SXi and I am cons of car insurance knows of a good (finally, at 21) and yet, I still want same car insurance company is important to me good student, 2003 jetta I am currently with that mean ? thanks my rates increased (Same a lot in town I live in California baby comes. What are does anyone know if Ive noticed all my me who has the .
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