#(dw steve is still the main one)
antihcroes · 2 years
okay but kate wallis and joy from room are coded the same way and if kate hadn’t shot martin then she very well could’ve ended up like joy, tell me i’m wrong -
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streamafterlaughter · 4 months
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summary: a night out with your friends turns sour, but you’re rescued by an unexpected hero
A/N: i wrote a chapter based on this post for my main fic, but feel a desperate need to write it again putting more detail into it bc i love a fictional man covered in blood idk what to tell you!!! let me know if you want a part II, im feeling a miniverse comin’ on (dw, chapter 23 of FD is in the works, i promise!) reblogs and comments always appreciated!
tags/tw: friends to lovers, mentions of sexual harassment, blood, violence (eddie gets in a fight), swearing, slut shaming, confessions, drunkish!eddie. (lmk if i missed something!) fluff, angst, slight hurt/comfort. reader and eddie are about 22-23, out of high school, happy etc etc. best friend!robin and best friend!steve feature, of course.
Your friendship had been simple, at first. You and Eddie had met as kids, before boys had cooties and girls were lame. Eddie had been cornered on the playground, by some giants in the grade above you. They'd shoved him against the chain link fence, their greasy leader demanding he hand over his lunch money. When Eddie blubbered that he didn’t have any, that he hadn’t eaten lunch in weeks, the goons cackled at him, shoving him to the ground while calling him things like “trailer trash.” You couldn’t stand it, even at eleven years old. The poor kid, with hair buzzed closely to his scalp, dressed in all black, carrying around a battered notebook with doodles of dragons on its cover. Your face had warmed with anger, hands balled into fists ready to swing on the group that would outnumber you five to two, or five to one if you were being realistic. This kid clearly wasn’t a fighter.
“Hey!” You had shouted, stomping your worn out converse against the mulch of the playground. “What the hell are you doing, Jared?” You hadn’t been afraid to get in the kid’s face, brows furrowed together as you jabbed your tiny finger into his puffed out chest. “What’s he ever done to you, huh? I don’t think it’s his fault your mother left.” You know now, it wasn’t the nicest thing to say, but it had worked. Jared’s goons had gone silent, anticipating his retort, but all he’d done was cry. What a bitch.
When he’d run, tail tucked between his legs, you’d turned to the cowering boy behind you, offering your hand. “You okay?”
He’d nodded, clearly still shaken up but trying to be brave. “I can take care of myself.” Of course, it had been embarrassing. Not because you were a girl, or younger than him, but you were braver. You didn’t give a shit what people thought of you. Even then, he could tell. You were fucking cool.
”Yeah, sure looked like it. Whatever. I’m Y/n.” You held out your hand to him again, this time to shake, like you were a seasoned lawyer, or something.
“Eddie.” He’d taken your hand, given it a brief shake, but you could tell he was nervous by the way your palm stuck to his.
”Hi, Eddie. You wanna walk to Benny’s with me? Get some burgers?”
He’d shaken his head. “I don’t have money.”
You’d only shrugged. “I got it.” You didn’t think mentioning that Benny was your uncle, or that you and your friends could always eat free, was worth mentioning. From that day on, you and Eddie had been inseparable.
The Hideout is loud. You’re wrapped around your best friend’s arm as he leads you through the bar. It’s the only time you’ve seen this place busy, let alone filled with people that don’t qualify for a discount at Denny’s.
The crowd must be the fault of the band. They're full of life on the tiny stage in the back of the bar, somehow convincing patrons to take to the sticky wooden floor to dance.
“You wanna drink, sweets?” You hear him even over the loud music, like a siren call meant only for you.
“Yes, please!” You look up at Eddie, who’s already staring at you. His rich brown eyes sparkle in the dancing stage lights, and you find your tongue in knots at the sight of him.
He nods, sliding his jacket from your shoulders before seating you at a table. “I’ll be right back!” He promises before skipping off to the bar. You keep your eyes trained on him, hypnotized by the way he glided towards the bar, weaving between the mass of gyrating bodies.
You can’t exactly pinpoint when your feelings for him started changing. You assume it had to have been high school. He started growing his hair out, dressing in leather and denim, and listening to a lot of heavy metal. Something about it was attractive to you, watching your best friend become the man he is now, at twenty three years old.
Even with an exterior most find scary, Eddie is still the kindest soul you know. That’s what really pulled you in. He’s always treated you with kindness and care, never once letting you leave his house angry, and knowing just what to say to calm you down. He always makes sure you’re home safe after a night drinking, sometimes even willing to forfeit his own fun to drive you to your place, or crash at his trailer.
Of course, these feelings have stayed stuffed deep, deep down. You can’t bring yourself to ruin what you have with him, risking your closest friendship to maybe be told what you want to hear.
“Hey! You still in there?” Eddie waves his decorated hand a few inches from your face, and you’re dragged back to earth. He places your drink on the table in front of you.
“Yeah, sorry.”
“Penny for your thoughts?” He rests his chin on his knuckles, full attention on you, and you feel your face warm.
“Just happy to be out with you is all.” Not a lie, but not exactly the truth. Safe.
“Alright.” He’s never been one to pry. “You wanna dance?” The song has changed to something slower, and you try not to read into his timing as you nod your head cautiously, taking Eddie’s hand as he leads you to the floor.
Eddie places his hands on either of your hips, and you can’t help but stiffen. “This alright?” He must have felt it too.
“Yes, yeah,” You stumble to reassure him, nervous you’ll scare him off. He’s always been such a gentleman, so careful with you.
You drape your arms around his neck loosely, casually. Safely. Still just two friends, swaying to some angst ridden tune you can’t understand the words to.
It’s later when Steve and Robin arrive, already drunk from spending the night at a concert in the city. You’re still not down for the count, and Eddie’s nursing his sixth drink of the night as the music has switched from guitar driven to computer beats coming from a turntable.
“Since when does The Hideout hire DJs?” Robin shouts over the bass driven music, eyes squinting in the bright lights.
“Ever since the place sold to some big wig in Indy, they’ve been doing this shit on weekends!” Eddie informs her as Steve starts talking about how “this is actually a great business tactic.” You decide now is a good time to slip back to the bar for a refill.
Unfortunately, you are one of about fifty people to have that idea, and you groan as you fight to find an open space along the counter. You mumble “excuse me” after “sorry” after “move, please!” until you’ve almost reached the front. As you’re about to order, you feel a hand squeeze your ass.
You whip your head around, and come face to face with a large, muscular man in a tight t-shirt and even tighter jeans.
“Hey, baby,” He winks, the disgusting smirk on his face sending a chill through your body. “You here all by yourself, gorgeous?” Your throat tightens. This is what it’s like, you know that. You shouldn’t be by yourself, that was your mistake. Your throat tightens, impossibly dry, before looking back up at this man. He is seemingly a foot and a half taller than you, likely able to break you in half using only his bicep, and he’s is standing way too close. You can even smell the whiskey on his tongue. “Uh, well,”
“Cmon, let’s go dance, huh?” He interrupts, snatching your wrist with an iron grip, and you squeeze your eyes shut as he leads you towards the dance floor, already formulating an escape route. You’ll say you need to use the bathroom, then you’ll find your friends and leave. Easy enough, right? Unfortunately as you reach the dance floor, the song slows again and you find yourself flush against this beast of a man, his big arms caging you into his chest. You feel the tears start to well in your eyes, blurring your already obscured vision. Your heart drops into your stomach when you realize you are completely, fully, and hopelessly trapped.
“Sooo,” Robin turns to Eddie, who’s been staring across into space, daydreaming about you for the last five minutes. “Where’s your girl?”
“What?” He’d heard her, but he wants to hear it again. And again and again.
“Your baby, dingus! You’re one true-“
“Would you shut up?” He interrupts her slurring of teasing, aching jabs, feeling his face heat up with every syllable. “She’s not my- y’know, she’s not mine.”
“Oh, please!” Steve snorts, causing Eddie to whip his head to look at him. “We all know she’s yours, and you’re hers, and all that romantic bullshit, okay? No use trying to squirm out of it. Be grateful you got that much. We all know she loves you.”
He rolls his eyes, but his heart is skipping with each word. He wants to believe them, desperately. He can’t bring himself to have those hopes, though, not about you. He’d only disappoint you, or scare you off when he got too close. It’s better, keeping you at a distance. Safer.
“Is that… No,” Robin looks beyond Eddie, and he turns to follow her gaze. He finds you easily, the only figure he’d recognize in such a loud, multicolored environment. You’re squished against a boulder of a man as you sway to the music, but he can’t see your face. Eddie feels his heart catch in his throat as he turns back to his friends.
“See? I told you she’s not mine.” He clears his throat when he hears his own voice crack. Not fucking now.
“Who is that guy?” Steve asks, craning his neck to get a better view.
“Probably just some club sleaze, she’s probably not even having fun.” Robin shrugs. Her comment clicks in Eddie’s brain before it clicks in her own, though.
“I gotta go.” He shoves himself from the table.
“Should I go with him?”
Robin shrugs. “That dude is gigantic. Maybe watch his back.”
“Hey, um,” The song has ended, and you need to get the fuck out of here. “I’ll be right back, I gotta use the ladies’ room,” You peel yourself away from him, but he grabs your arm before you can.
“Nuh uh, you can use the bathroom at my place. C’mon.” There will be no talking yourself out of this. Usually you can confuse a man into leaving you alone, but this guy’s different. You can sense the danger, the complete lack of empathy, like it’s a scent he’s giving off. You have to make a scene.
You twist your arm, writhing to get out of his grip, when you feel the cooling rings of a familiar hand on your shoulder. “Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie’s voice is low, so this man/monster can’t hear him. “I’m gonna get you out of here. Hang on.” He moves in front of you, between you and the giant causing him to drop your arm. There’s an angry red ring of his lasting grip around your wrist. “You gotta problem, buddy?” The guy puffs his chest out at Eddie, like some weird, animalistic instinct to seem bigger. Like he needs that advantage.
“Yeah, I do. Why were your hands on my girl?”
You try not to think about the words too much. Despite the situation though, you feel your heart skip. Steve joins him beside you, placing his hand on your other shoulder protectively.
“Your girl, huh? Well your girl’s a fuckin’ slut then, she’s been dancing with me for the last ten minutes.”
“What the fuck did you just call her, you prick?”
“You heard me bitch boy, she’s a slut! And I like my girls dirty.” Before Eddie can respond, the guy swings his arm into Eddie’s unsuspecting face as you watch, frozen and helpless. Your hands fly to your mouth to muffle the shriek, but you catch the attention of some nearby patrons.
Eddie doesn’t go down, though. The adrenaline keeps him on his feet. “Oh, we’re doin’ this now?” Eddie smirks as he wipes the blood from his split lip. “Cmon, I know you got more in ya than that. You’re massive!” Eddie taunts him before launching at the guy, managing to double him over with a punch to the gut. “You’ll have to do more than that if you want her, big guy. I’ll lay down my fuckin’ life in this bar for that woman.”
The crowd has now turned their attention to where Eddie’s got the brute in a headlock. He gets one more punch in before his opponent breaks out of his grasp, sending his elbow straight into Eddie’s nose. “Oh, ho, ho,” Eddie cackles maniacally as he lifts away from the counter, blood now dripping from his nostrils into his mouth, staining his skin and his shirt. “Look at you, tough guy.” He spits a mouthful of blood onto the bar floor. “Real big of you beatin’ on someone a quarter your size.”
Before anyone else can make a move, the bouncers are rushing up behind them, escorting both men out the front entrance while you follow behind with Steve and Robin. It takes six guys to move the giant, leaving Eddie to comply with the disgruntled manager. You watch as your adversary curses at Eddie before walking into the night, disappearing before anyone could think to call the cops.
“Oh my god, what the fuck?!” Robin is laughing nervously as she looks between you and Eddie, then to Steve with that annoying, know-it-all glint in her eyes.
“Eddie, he could have fuckin’ killed you!” Steve, ever the babysitter, scolds his friend with an elbow to his ribs, causing Eddie to wince in pain.
“Yeah, maybe, but if it meant keeping her safe-,” He cuts himself off as he meets your teary eyes. “Oh, no. Sweets, what’s wrong?”
You shake your head, barely able to look at the bloody boy in front of you. He’s hurt because of you. You were supposed to keep him safe.
“I’m so sorry, Eddie.” You whisper, afraid your voice will betray you for speaking at full volume. “You shouldn’t have done that, I shouldn’t have let you.” The tears are warm on your cheeks when they spill, and as quickly as they do, you have six arms wrapped around you.
“Get some rest, we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” You shut the cab door behind you before following Eddie into his trailer. You don’t want to be alone tonight, and Eddie has graciously offered a sleepover at his place.
“How’s your face?” You ask, already on your way to the freezer for an ice pack.
“I’m fine, honey, I promise.” His voice says otherwise, low and scratchy from a night of straining it. “How are you doing, though?”
It’s a loaded question. How are you supposed to feel, watching your best friend risk his life for you? You’re grateful, sure, but the guilt eats at you still. “I’m just so, so sorry Eddie,” You carefully lift your hand to caress his swollen cheek. “You really didn't have to do that.”
“What was I supposed to do? Let him hurt you? I couldn’t live with myself.” He shakes his head, wincing in pain. “I meant what I said. I’d risk my life to keep you safe.”
You shake your head, not accepting his answer. “Why?” It’s meek, barely a whisper as you blot the remaining blood from his lip.
“What do you mean why?” His words are muffled by the tissue.
You huff, getting upset despite yourself. “You’re telling me you’d put yourself in danger if it meant keeping me out of it? What’s the point? Why do that to yourself because I’m too stupid to make the right decisions? What do you gain from that?”
He shakes his head, clearly frustrated. “Do I have to gain something from it? I do it because I love you, y/n. Simple as that.” You gape at him, and he rolls his eyes, the beginning of a smirk twitching on his face. “Do I have to spell it out for you?”
“It would be helpful, yes.” You’re just about begging now, the nervous sweat causing your shirt to stick to you.
“Sweets, I accepted that I would die for you a long fuckin’ time ago. If it meant keeping you happy, I would tie myself to the train tracks. Or, in this case, let some fucker twice my size beat the living shit out of me.”
You can’t accept it, logically. Your brain won’t let you believe any of his claims. “But I don’t-“
“No.” His voice is stern, almost scolding. “No more of that ‘I don’t deserve you’ shit. Okay? Absolutely not. Because you do. You saved my life all those years ago, and I promised myself I’d make sure to protect yours, too. You are my best friend, and the absolute love of my life, so I’m gonna give you everything I’ve got.” He laces his fingers with yours, and you watch as his rings catch the light.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel that way about me, I’ll never ask you for that, it wouldn’t be fair. But I can’t stand by when you’re in trouble, it’s not what I do.”
Your heart is fighting to free itself from your ribcage. It wants to jump from your skin, straight into Eddie’s open palms. Though the ever present coward in you wishes to curl up inside yourself and hide from him, everything else in your body is being pulled towards him, compelled as if by nature.
Before you even notice you’re crying again, Eddie wraps himself around your shaking frame, rubbing soothing patterns on your back as you sob, open mouthed and ugly, into his t-shirt. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m right here.” He coos, and you focus on his breathing, matching the pace to calm the stutter of your cries.
You claw at his jacket, inhaling his scent of cigarettes and pine soap. You need him closer. He tightens his grip on you, and you look up to face him. His own cheeks are wet with tears, his eyes screwed shut trying to stifle the bite of the wracking sobs you know the strength of well. This is the only chance you’re getting, so you move with calculation. Despite the anxious pounding of your heart, and everything in your head telling you that he’s not yours and never could be, you crane your neck to reach Eddie’s split and swollen lips, squeezing your eyes shut as you place your mouth on his, ever so gently.
Before Eddie can react, you’re gone, face inches away from him as his eyes flutter open. “Whoa. Uh, w-what… what are you doing?” He sputters, face now bright red, and you feel your own cheeks blush.
“I’m- I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed… ” You cover your mouth with your hand to hide the shame, feeling the fire in your stomach. You have just ruined years of friendship, and for one stupid kiss! But Eddie’s beaming, and he’s still gripping you close to him. “I've just wanted to do that for so long.” You admit shyly, shifting against his grip, ready to retreat, but he holds you tighter.
“Can you do it again?” His voice is more confident now. You’re not sure you’ve heard him correctly, but when you look at him, it’s undeniable.
You mirror his smile, nodding before leaning into him again. He makes the connection, taking the lead as your body contorts around his, lips locking together as he holds you flush against him. His lips are so soft, and he’s so gentle with you, even though you can tell he’s eager, like maybe he’s also wanted to do this for a while. The thought causes you to smile against his lips, and you feel his own lips stretch against yours as your hands move from his shoulders to his hair.
One of his hands moves from your waist to caress your face, holding your jaw like a precious pearl he’s discovered after years at sea. Your tears fall freely now, ones of overwhelming love for Eddie, ones you never could have hoped to shed, content letting them simmer in the pit of your throat if it meant keeping your best friend. You’re breathless when he lets you go, fighting the urge to chase after his lips. After almost a decade of wondering what Eddie would taste like, what kissing him would feel like, now you get to know. “I have been in love with you since that day on the playground,” He confesses, tightening his arms around your waist to keep you close. “But I’m such a chicken shit, I didn’t wanna ruin anything. You were so sweet to me, I couldn’t risk losing that, losing you.” The words seem to spill from him now, like he’s been craving to tell you. You suppose he has.
You take in the sight of your best friend, battered and bruised for the sake of your honor, like a knight thrown into battle without armor. He’s beautiful, even in black and blue. You bring your hand to his cheek, rubbing small circles on his skin as he leans into your touch. You could stay here forever, you think. “I love you too, Eds. I have for as long as I can remember.” He smiles at you, lip splitting again but he doesn’t even flinch. You return the grin, feeling your cheeks ache from how wide you’ve stretched your mouth. “Thank you for keeping me safe.” You kiss him again, letting yourself taste the blood he’d spilled for you, a silent promise that you’ll make sure he never has to again.
taglist @children-of-the-grave :p
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squivulous · 1 year
My Podcast Masterlist
I have a long commute, giving me two hours a day to listen to podcasts. Here is my documentation of all the audio dramas I’ve consumed plus a little blurb. I just wanted to organize them in a list and also (selfishly) get recommendations if anyone would be so kind. Or maybe you’ll see something that’ll interest you. Enjoy!
Podcasts I’m Caught Up With
The Penumbra Podcast: I’ve made an animatic for this one. I’m down bad. This is the one that sucked me into this podcast world.
Malevolent: Arthur dating sim when??? Everyone wants him. Also it took me way too long to find out it was an actual play podcast.
Red Valley: Gordon fan all the way. Normally I do like the Sad Boy but Gordon is that type of dorky that makes me want to protect him.
Caravan: Interesting world and love a main character that makes questionable decisions. Everything is going to be fine :)
WOE.BEGONE: I’m obsessed. It happened slowly but now I think about it every day… And the music is so good! Mike Walters is cringefail, bbygurl, easy to manipulate, and saws his left arm off at the shoulder.
The Cellar Letters: Legit gets me spooked at times. Steve and Nate are good vibes. I’m sure glad nothing ever happens to them.
Harbor: Love that Sam being a malewife ruined his life.
Rifted: Aurora, another Sad Boy to add to my collection. Daniel should give him a kiss to make him feel better.
Heroics: Pls come back some day… I need more Josh. He’s in his slay era.
Second Fiddles: Max is owning being a bbygurl. Also there are a lot of poop jokes which is weird but I’ll look past it.
Hand in Glove: idk anything about baseball but these baseball players are smoochinggg.
Find Us Alive: Lancaster in booty jorts. It's canon. Don't look it up. I'm right. ALSO HE NEEDS TO TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM PLS. C
The Kingmaker Histories: The kiss is still the subject of much historical debate. Eisen <3
The Viridian Wild: It hasn’t been updated since 2021 but I still have hope.
Dos: After You: Ghosting GONE WRONG
Brimstone Valley Mall: SEASON TWO IS COMING. 90’s mall setting is really fun and I’m here for the thing Asmoraius and Trent have going on.
Levian: It starts off with a bang! Well not quite since his sister walks in oops. Excited to see where this pirate tale takes us.
Midnight Burger: Each episode is a delight and as someone who is bad at science, I appreciate Gloria and Caspar. Caspar pls stay forever and also Brodie <3
Return Home: I’m really listening to it for Buddy and DW.
Raythe Reign: Sometimes you need a yaoi.
The White Vault: At this point, I know what I’m getting into and yet still decide to get attached to these characters
The Amelia Project: Please don’t hurt the Interviewer! He’s too goofy for all this drama. I’m scared!
Fawx & Stallion: James Stallion being canonically hot in any situation is such a win
Victoriocity: Inspector Fleet has had a long week and needs some days off
Yokai Detective Agency: I’m always a sucker for detective stories and I’m looking forward to where this one is going
The Grotto: the music is so good but also please help. The emotional turmoil is torrential.
Camlann: Yo…. Dai, for real???
The Strange Case of Starship Iris: Idk how they’re still alive
Podcasts I’ve Completed
Dash: This might not be completed? This is actually the first audio drama I finished. Classic noir but supernatural and boys are smooching!
The Two Princes: This was wholesome and had good vibes. I prefer the first season but it was still a fun time.
The Magnus Archives: Arrived late to the party on this one, but I love all the fanart. Awakened my interest in pathetic men.
EOS 10: I also am not 100% sure this is done but I enjoyed the shenanigans!
Wolf 359: Eiffel, my beloved. I liked the silly and dramatic parts of this story. It hurt my soul but it was worth it :)
Time:Bombs: noahdeaart's fanart made me think this was going in a different direction... Still a fun one!
Valence: Love this one WAAAAHHH! Pls listen. I love Nico. Sad Boy but hides it under their chaos energy.
The Bright Sessions: I would 1005% listen to a spin-off just about Mark. This Sad Boy keeps collecting trauma and I need to see him and Oliver maybe go on adventures or something. ANYTHING.
Roommates: I, too, had a pandemic college experience. It's kinda bizarre that there's already a story about that and I love it!
Look Up: Wholesome. Briggon Snow kept me fed.
Moonface: Appreciate having an audio drama from an Asian American perspective. Didn’t realize how much I needed that.
Murray Mysteries: Must protect Jonathan.
Kaleidotrope: More wholesome content. I got more into it by the second half. The hosts have a fun dynamic!
Re: Dracula: Still thinking about Inside You.
Wooden Overcoats: Rudyard is my fav. Chapman deserves the hate.
The Vanishing Act: this Rudyard wasn’t my fav. I was happy to listen to him suffer but also happy when he fell in love. A win for Griffson!
Greater Boston: Michael Tate <3
Ars Paradoxica: Nikhil Sharma <3
Podcasts I’m Catching Up On
Life with Althaar: I knew that plant lady was sus
Love and Luck: I’m on ep 87 now some magical things are going down
Going Lowbrow: I wasn’t expecting a musical but I’m not complaining.
SAYER: There are no bees on Typhon :)
WTNV: I got behind during high school and now I’m too scared to get caught up… one day. It's been so long at this point I think I'd need to start over.
BRASS: I fell behind on episodes :(
Not Quite Dead: If there are vampires, I'm automatically interested. Only a few eps in.
Hi Nay: I’m listening to Murphy respectfully.
Unwell: I just listened to the Christmas episode and cried
Podcasts I’ve Dropped
Moonbase Theta Out
Archive 81
The Sheridan Tapes
Jar of Rebuke
I’ll keep this updated every so often. Most of these I’ve found either from scouring rec lists or seeing nice fanart.
Please let me know of any recommendations you may have! Thanks for reading if you got this far. Mad respect.
Last updated: 06/08/24
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weeswine · 2 years
Stuff I have noticed watching ST season 4 for the 5th or something time:
(Or just my rekindling of opinions and feelings)
Lucas wasn't a back stabber, he sent Jason and the crew to El and Hops old cabin (me too busy just focusing on Lucas (he is babygirl✨️))
Eddie isn't present for like 2 episodes and that is just a big wow [also Erica, miss her :(]
That classic shot of Eddie at the d&d table is not him being a dramatic whore™, rolling dice, but actually congratulating Erica
Why is Erica wearing the flag? Like slay and also the American theme song is playing but like girl?????
Erica supports the gays ✨️ (She probably is a gay 🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸)
Angela still deserves that skate to the head [slayed !]
Murray is slay.
Still cant look at Robins outfit from the psych ward (sorry but yeah nah)
Alexei 😫
Jason is a leader but not a responsible or smart one, like he is hunting down a couple of 20 y/os and their half a dozen 14 y/o children??? And supporting his teammates to do the same (i didnt like him before but jeez dude)
also you can see his style of leadership of basketball and children hunting have some similarities sus
California Dreamin was played because ... *drumroll* THEY ARE IN CALIFORNIA!
The main group are the pick me girls of character developement (they dont develope like other characters~ they get desensitized and are used to death and gore *bites lip, tucks hair behind ear, giggles and pukes little*) but also geniuenly concerned for their sanity:
Argyle: Omg that dude dead, my 1st (?) death, the party is not here my dudes😔, wtf is happening, Ive never been through this, Im meant to deliver pizzas not dead bodies🍍🍍🍍
Byer boys + Mike: Oh my ✨️gawwdd✨️ Argyle get over it already ... like chop chop this agent died like 20 seconds ago move on !
(but they were in danger like Argyle indeed dude chop chop)
Does Yuri always just drug his coffee with sleepy pills? Like my guy thats not what coffee is meant to be used for, and the pills wouldve been low dosage cause unless Yuri is a maths wiz he wouldve been counting his mula for a while
Hop! Just dont have feet. At this point get rid of them! Get those 'orrid manky things outta 'ere!
The most horrific part of ST is not asshole Vecna and his gang, its just watching Hop get his feet dragged or him running around in the snow, no shoes, big cuts, the only thing keeping is feet on his body is Joyce, she is a super glue.
Vecna is more than just a piece of shit, hes the entire digestive system.
But him just targeting traumatised kids and touching them on the fore head, like: "Dw sweetie~ I'll fix you, shh is okay, you be nasty never again <3 Nurse Vecna will make you all better~ :)"
They are not nasty! They just been through some shit. Fuck you twerp
Freds visions with the funeral family giving ✨️Tisphone✨️ vibes ~♡
Early season 4 Mike is an asshole (dw it gets gayer *pats on head*)
Steve 🥰
Robin 😍
Nancy 😘
Eddie 🤩 (star fish boy)
Together united in harmony, they are the power Rangers💕💞✨️✨️
Dacre Montgomery (Billy) was in power Rangers (hes also aAussie which is just so oool)
Conspirewithme: #headcanons
Joyce could totally just go 1v1 brawl with the entirety of the upsidedown, Id pay to see it.
That guy who hired Robin and Steve who also worked at the arcade defo played d&d with Eddie at some point
I need to see El just have a giant therapy dog (think Perrito but Great Dame size)
Mike might be projecting Will onto El butttt he bi af, have you seen his cheekbones??? ( im watching a documentary on "Mike Gay????😱😱")
I am only up to the beggingin of episode 5, gods i hope this makes sense and im not accidently offending anyone
(Im a tag sl**)🐌
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peachpitmp3 · 2 years
Steddie shipper here n i agree w everything u said about eddie in the post. Some fics are REALLY out of character and I don’t like those, same with the ones that make steve out to be like already into Eddie during s4 events. I think (hopefully) most steddie shippers are aware that there is so little interaction bw them and they’re still mostly strangers by the end. I just like it because Eddie has a lot of characteristics I have, and I’m a queer man, but I most have always related to Steve, so there’s some self-insert stuff going on fs. We’re not all bad i promise!!!!!!!!!!
hiii!! yeah, one of my main issues is definitely with fic writers acting like steve was anything other than neutral or distantly respectful towards eddie before the end of vol 2. doesnt make sense to me.
w everything i said in my post i think the biggest thing for me is just that it can be frustrating when a minor non-canonically queer character overshadows a canonical queer character in fandom, especially when it's mlm vs wlw, which happens a lot.
that said, i also completely understand that a lot of ppl identify w eddie in the few scenes of him that we get. i just think it's equally important to appreciate the rep that we DID get instead of just making up stuff and ignoring everything else.
and lastly dw dw i know not all eddie/steddie fans are bad <33 ive read some really good fics and talked to some rad ppl
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barnesafterglow · 2 years
the long haul
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: while trying to console steve at his own party, a liquor cabinet and blondie lead to a confession you could only imagine in your dreams
word count: 2.1k
warnings: underage drinking, best friends to lovers, a hint of nancy slander but it gets resolved dw, nancy is lowkey a matchmaker, cheesy confessions (my speciality), blink and you miss it marvel reference, set *gestures vaguely* between s2 and s3 i guess
a/n: ahh here is my first steve harrington fic!! i have been in love with this man since 2016 and will continue to love him for the rest of my days <3 this is also the first thing i have enjoyed writing in months, so i really hope y'all enjoy it too :) special thanks to @pellucid-constellations and her steve harrington playlist for making this possible
main masterlist ─ stranger things masterlist
i no longer have a taglist, but you can follow @theafterglowlibrary and turn on notifications to get fic updates!
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“Steve. Steve!” You had been saying his name for the entirety of the last song and, despite the fact that he was less than 10 feet away from you, he hadn’t even glanced in your direction. You weren’t sure whether to blame it on the speakers or the booze.
“Harrington!” You finally pushed your way through the small crowd, tugging on his hair, until his attention was at last on you.
“Hey!” He wrapped you in a hug once the glassiness in his eyes gave way to recognition. “Everything okay?”
“If Nancy spilling an entire wine cooler down the front of her dress is ‘okay' to you, then yeah everything is totally rad.” You tried to keep the bitterness out of your tone, you really did, but somehow it crept in anyways.
“Nancy’s here?” It was a wonder he didn’t know the second she walked in. They had broken up months ago and it was like she was still the center of his universe - even when he was screwing everything that walked and complaining to you about his lack of a relationship afterwards. “Where?”
His head swiveled around, scanning the throng of your friends and whoever else had shown up, until he caught a glimpse of her in the kitchen.
“I don’t even know why she’s here,” you muttered, though he either didn’t hear you or opted to ignore you, instead making his way towards her. You followed, begrudgingly, and hoped he wouldn’t do anything too stupid.
You watched the floor as you walked, determined not to have another incident like last weekend - which involved cheap beer and a pair of skimpy underwear - and didn’t notice Steve had come to a halt until you smacked into the broad expanse of his back. 
“What the f- oh.” You peered around him to see what had him so tripped up, and were both surprised and disgusted to see Nancy practically wrapped around Jonathan, the two of them pressed against Steve’s kitchen counter.
You scoffed at the sight because, really, who goes to a party at their ex’s house just to hook up with the guy you dumped him for? It was just another reason for your bitterness towards the girl - a list filled with disgustingly petty revelations that spoke more on yourself than her, if you thought about it too long.
“C’mon, Harrington, let’s get another drink.” You pulled on the hem of his t-shirt, finally getting him to turn towards you, though his eyes lingered in the opposite direction for just a moment longer. 
“But all the -” 
“A good drink, Steve.” The corner of his mouth ticked up at your suggestion, and seeing Nancy must have really struck him to the core if he wasn’t even going to pretend to argue with you about raiding his dad’s expensive liquor.
As platonically as you could manage, you linked your fingers with his and coaxed him towards the basement door. To your surprise, no one even glanced in your direction as the two of you made your way back through the crowd, and the beat of Duran Duran quieted as the door clicked shut behind Steve.
He padded across the carpeted floor towards the liquor cabinet, and the smile he gave you when he picked the old lock was the first time he truly felt like your best friend again since the night he got with Nancy.
And you really needed to stop thinking about her.
He flopped down on the couch beside you, a half full bottle of rum in his hand, and took a swig before passing it over. The burn was welcome, much better than the warm beer you had been drinking upstairs, and soon enough you were coaxing the last drops from the dregs of the bottle.
“I hope my dad won’t miss this one.” Steve said, feet hung over the back over the couch, his hair grazing the floor. You hoped he wouldn’t barf once he sat upright again, because you knew you would be the one cleaning him up.
“You took this one from the back, right?” He nodded. “I bet you a movie rental that he doesn’t notice for at least a month. Just invite Tommy over before then and you can blame it on him.”
Steve laughed, even though you were right, and shifted on the couch so his head rested in your lap. As if on instinct, you carded your fingers through the long strands, mussing it up even more than the sweat and dancing from the hours before. You looked down at his face to see a content smile there, before a pinch of disappointment appeared between his eyebrows and the look in his eyes as he opened them was no longer carefree, but forlorn.
“Why would she even come?” His voice was barely a whisper, and if you hadn’t been mere inches from his face, you were sure you wouldn’t have even heard it. “Do you think she just wants to rub it in? Her and Jonathan?”
“Steve, honey,” you sighed, bringing your thumb down to his forehead to smooth the worry lines between his eyes. “You were the one who wanted to ‘try being friends’ after she broke up with you.”
“It was mutual,” he insisted.
“Right. You were the one who insisted on trying to be friends after your mutual breakup, and I think her coming was her trying to do that. But we all make stupid decisions when we’re drunk and around someone we love. I don’t think she was trying to hurt you.”
It was surprising how much clearer your drunk mind was, that you could admit to yourself that you didn’t dislike Nancy as much as you told yourself you did, and that she really wasn’t a bad person at all. She had just hurt your best friend - the one you had been telling yourself for at least a decade that you weren’t in love with - and it wasn’t even intentional. Suddenly, every scoff and eyeroll seemed stupid, and you felt like a raging bitch.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” His eyes closed again, your fingers still gently combing through his hair.
“Don’t you know I’m always right, Stevie?” You tried to come off as joking, but your voice cracked, the alcohol in your system breaking down a dam of emotions you tried desperately to keep at bay. Hearing the waiver in your words, his peaked one eye open, and it suddenly registered how close you were to him, bent over his head, so close that if he leaned up just a few scant inches, your lips would be pressed together.
His hand searched out yours - the one that wasn’t playing with his hair - and intertwined your fingers together, squeezing gently; an unspoken are you okay?
You nodded and then suddenly the basement door cracked open. You both stilled, waiting for someone to interrupt you, but no one appeared and instead notes of Blondie drifted down the stairs.
“Is this -”
“The song we danced to at the eighth grade talent show? Yes.”
Suddenly, Steve was on his feet, pulling you with him, and the former melancholic mood was wiped away as he spun you around and around, trying to mimic the moves that didn’t win you any awards when you were 14 and certainly weren’t any better now.
The two of you danced until you were dizzy and giggling, and you had to lean on your best friend to keep from falling down. Once your head stopped swimming, you realized Steve was staring at you, a sparkle in his eye that you had never seen before, not even when he had looked at Nancy.
But that just couldn’t be right. You were the one pining for your best friend for years, not him. Right?
That sliver of hope burned bright as his fingertips traced a gentle pattern over your face; the line of your nose, the curve of your cheekbone, landing on the cushion of your bottom lip. Your mouth parted and before you could make sense of it, his lips were covering yours and it was everything you had ever wanted but never dared hope for.
You had always imagined your first kiss with Steve would come in the middle of a fight, after a confession that you just couldn’t keep in anymore. You always imagined heat and hands and losing your minds in each other, but instead it was soft and sweet and tasted of alcohol, and yet somehow it was still utterly perfect.
He pulled away, just far enough to separate your lips, but instead pressed his forehead to yours, breath a little heavy, mingling with yours.
“I’m -”
“Why -”
You spoke at the same time, both giggling at the overlap of voices, and you gently poked his side, prompting him to talk first.
“I’m not sure why I did that.” You frowned, suddenly terrified that it didn’t mean what you thought it meant. When you tried to pull away, he hooked his fingers in the loop of your jeans, pulling you tight against him. “No, no, that came out wrong. I don’t know why I did that now, when I should have done it a long time ago.
“I’ve always loved you, I think. I just never really knew what it meant. It took Nancy telling me to get a clue before I figured out that the funny feeling I got in my stomach every time you laughed or fell asleep on my shoulder wasn’t platonic. I thought it was just you and that’s why I never felt that way with anyone else.”
“Not even Nancy?” You cursed yourself for asking the question, cringing at the insecurity laced through your voice.
“Not even Nancy,” Steve confirmed. 
“But you two broke up months ago. Why did you wait so long to say anything? Why did you -” You swallowed around the lump in your throat. “Why did you go on all those dates and everything?”
“You’re gonna think I’m stupid if I tell you.” You huffed at his answer, shifting your body and stepping on his toes until he yelped and shuffled away. “Fine, fine, just stay off my toes.”
He closed the small gap of space that had crept between you, his hands gentle where they settled at your hips. You let yourself melt into him, your own hands wrapping around his neck and tangling in the soft hair at his nape.
“You’ve been my best friend for longer than I can even remember. We’ve been through everything together. First, I was scared that you would never feel the same way, then when I started thinking you just might, I was terrified of ruining our friendship. I mean, I don’t exactly have a stellar track record when it comes to dating.”
You made a noise - half scoff and half laugh - and he brought a hand up to flick your nose.
“Hey! You wanted to know, and I told you that you would think I’m stupid. Which I am, because if you’ve made it this long without killing me, I think you could probably handle me for the long haul.”
“The long haul?” It was like every moment you had spent secretly pining and drawing Mrs. Harrington in the margins of your diary had led to this moment. “You saying you wanna go steady with me?”
“Go steady? You’ve been reading too many of those Captain Brooklyn comics.”
“It’s Captain America, Steve.”
“Whatever.” He smiled that ridiculous lopsided grin that turned your insides out and you got a sudden jolt of courage, tilting your head up to press your lips to his again and, yeah, it was just as amazing the second time around.
Then the basement door was flung open, and what once was barely a crack gave way to strobe lights and booming bass. 
“Harrington!” Someone shouted, followed by the sound of what may have been glass breaking, and Steve pulled away with a sigh.
“Tomorrow night, after you help me clean this mess, I’m taking you for a movie and ice cream. Heard that new place in the mall is really good.”
“What makes you think I’m helping you clean up?”
“Because you're my best friend. And you love me.” He finally stepped away from you, placing a quick kiss on your forehead before turning to the stairs. When he made it to the top, he looked back down at you and gave you a small wink before disappearing into the party.
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theconstantsidekick · 3 years
Power Broker (1) | b.b
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader, Past!Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader
Genre: Fluff with a touch of angst.
Summary: Bucky breaks out Zemo. Sam suggests they need help handling him, seeing as he can push Bucky’s buttons unlike anyone else. So they go to the only person who can handle both Bucky and Zemo, the only Stark left in the Superhero business… well kind of. Only problem is, she seems reluctant.
Warnings: None I can think of.
a/n: Alright, so I said, I’d do this if I got a 100 notes... and I did. So here this is. Essentially these are snippets of scenes that introduce y/n into the story as a character without making drastic changes. The plot points remain mostly same as they take place in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, except that y/n is also a main character with them, if that makes sense. The rest of the MCU events stay the same as well. No drastic retcons. The previous upload was the second part to gauge reception. Here on out, I’ll be posting in order, dw. Thanks for you support. And oh, I guess the tag list is open?
Power Broker (2) | Series Masterlist
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“What are you talking about? You wanna break Zemo outta jail? Where the hell are we, Buck? Have you lost your mind?” Sam shouts as both men make their way into the room with torches in their hands. Sam has no idea where they are, and the calmness that Bucky is exuding is kinda pissing him off.
“We have no leads, no moves, nothing. Sam,” Bucky shouts back.
“What we have is one of the most dangerous men in the world behind bars,” Sam’s trying his best to reason with the geezer but he’s failing.
“And we also have eight Super Soldiers that are loose,” Bucky counters.
“Zemo's gonna mess with our minds,” He reasons, “Especially yours. No offense.”
Bucky walks over to a lever and pulls it, lighting up the abandoned workshop. Cars and equipment scattered around. “Offense” He chides, turning off his flashlight. Sam copies the motion as Bucky steps towards him, saying, “Super Soldiers go against everything he believes in. He is crazy, but he still has a code.” The old man walks away.
“I've been on the wrong side of that code, Buck and so have you.” Sam urges. “He blew up the UN, he killed King T'Chaka and framed you for it. Did you forget that? You think the Wakandans forgot about it? It's a rhetorical question. They didn't.” And Sam is terrified of the idea of having to deal with Wakandans as enemies.
Bucky finally stands in front of him, shifting his weight from one foot to another once, and then stilling.
“I know why this matters to you, but it's pushing you off the deep end.” Sam’s voice is calmer now, softer. He really does empathize. He does. But he’d rather do it any other way.
“Sam, we don't know how they're gettin' the serum. We don't even know how many of them there are.” Bucky counters, arms wide open. Sam has to look away and take a few steps forward because Grumpy is grinding his last nerve. But then Bucky says, “Look, let me just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?” 
Sam’s brain stills for a second. 
He cocks his head back, “What did you do?” he asks.
“I didn't do anything.” Bucky replies with painful innocence and Sam knows he is painfully fucked. “The weakest point in any system isn't the software, the hardware, it's the meatware. The human element.” Bucky points to his head. “Now, in this lockup, it's nine to one, prisoners to guards. And if two prisoners start fighting, then the protocol says four guards have to respond.”
“So why would two prisoners randomly start fighting at that moment?” Sam interrupts. 
“Who knows? There could be many reasons…”  Bucky responds, feigning more ignorance. Sam’s sixth sense, which he likes to call his Barnes Bullshit Detector, is sounding alarms already. Bucky continues, “But the point is, these things escalate. Lockdown procedures would have to be initiated, and with all those bodies flying around left and right, wouldn't be hard to slip down a hallway or two.” Oh yeah, the sirens are blaring, they’re fucking ringing in Sam’s here so loud he can barely hear the man in front of him as adds, “And if the fire alarm got tripped while the prisoners were being separated... someone could use the chaos to their advantage.”
Bucky is being far too casual about this whole thing for Sam’s liking, so he says as much, “I don't like how casual you're bein' about this. This is unnatural.” He’s wearing a snide smile, he hopes conveys his disagreement.. “Are you— And where are we, man?” His smile is all gone. He’s fucking pissed. And then there’s a sound of a car door opening outside.
And from the shadow walks out, none other than, Baron Helmut Zemo, wearing a fucking gaurd uniform? Sam’s gonna kill the old man, super soldier or not.
“Whoa. Whoa, whoa.” Sam shouts out, walking over to Zemo.
Bucky cuts in his way, trying to hold him back. He says, “No, listen.”
Sam doesn’t want to fucking listen, “What are you doin' here?” He exclaims pointing at Zemo.
“I didn't wanna tell you 'cause I knew you wouldn't let this happen,” Bucky reasons as if he were talking about buying a damn puppy instead of breaking out a criminal mastermind form high security prison, while being on probation by the government. 
“What did you do?” Sam asks exasperated.
“We need him, Sam,” Bucky replies.
“You're going back to prison!” Sam states pointing towards Zemo.
“If I may—” Zemo begins to speak, taking off his hat.
“No!” Both men scream at Zemo in unison, cutting him off.
“Apologies.” Zemo says simply.
“When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you backed him. You broke the law, and you stuck your neck out for me. I'm asking you to do it again,” Bucky’s voice is soft, almost pleading. The tinge of desperation in it makes Sam’s skin crawl, because he wants to help the guy. He really does. But Zemo is one of his least favourite people in the world. And that’s saying something when you’ve just fought an alien who took out half the universe with a snap of his finger.
“I really think I'm invaluable—” Zemo tries.
“Shut up,” Sam throws back with finality. 
“Okay,” Zemo responds.
Sam takes a breath, a moment. And fuck if the old man isn’t right. He really thought the recklessness would end in Steve’s absence. Oh to be so naive, he thinks. So he relents. “If we do this, you don't make a move without our permission,” Sam tells Zemo, leaving no room for argument.
“Fair,” Is Zemo’s only response.
“And,” Sam adds, looking back at Bucky, “We call in help.”
“Help?” Bucky asks, confused.
“Yeah, you know, the leash.” Sam’s wearing a smirk. If Bucky’s gonna make him hang out with Zemo, Sam’s gonna enjoy every second of it.
“No,” Bucky refuses, backing away.
Ah, there it is, the enjoyment. “Oh come on! We need a freaking leash and you know it” Sam knows Bucky cannot really refuse him, but he adds regardless, “Someone needs to keep you in check, and him,” he points to Zemo. “And especially both of you together. Who’d be better at that than her?”
“Come on, Sam. You’re here, aren’t you?” Bucky sounds desperate. He’s pacing around, moving his weight from one foot to another. Sam knows he shouldn’t enjoy it as much as he does.
“Yeah, but I can’t kick your ass nearly as well as she can.” Sam retorts, smiling.
“She hates me,” Bucky says, finally looking at Sam.
“No, she doesn’t,” Sam replies easily.
“I killed her best friend… I—I—The things I’ve done...” He breaks himself off, head falling down. “She hates me.” He declares with finality.
“Hey, look.” Sam urges gently and he does look up. Then Sam adds, “She doesn’t hate you, man. She never has. Trust me.”
“How do you know that?” Bucky asks helplessly.
Sam’s face breaks into a smile, “You’d already be dead if she did.”
Read part 2 here. Find series masterlist here.
tag list: @thisisparadisemylove​​ @justab-eautifulmess​​ @intothesoul​​ 
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stuckybangs · 3 years
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The StuckyBB2022 Rules and Expectations
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for showing interested in the Stucky Big Bang 2022! We've updated our rules and expectations, which can be found under the cut!
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send us a message!
General Rules
A new rule for the 2022 round, you must be at least 18 years old to join this event. If we find out that you’re underage, you will be banned.
Fic and art must be new content. It cannot be posted somewhere already. If your fic is going to be part of a series, it must be able to stand alone.
We are striving to keep this event safe for all fans, especially our fellow queer BIPOC shippers. As with the previous round, we have decided to ban all cop AUs, as well as any AU that would glorify a racist institution. We also do not allow any content that promotes hate speech, racism, queerphobia, religious intolerance, etc.
The relationship between Steve and Bucky must be a main focus of the story. Gen is also acceptable, but these two characters must play a large role in the story.
Communication is key! If you run into trouble, please communicate with us and we will make changes. This challenge is for fun and to celebrate our favorite men out of time! In past rounds, when everyone was overwhelmed and worried about deadlines, we were more than happy to extend the deadline for everyone. So if you are stressed, remember that you probably aren’t the only one.
Participants are expected to post their contribution in a public place for 30 days after the posting date. After 30 days, the participant may protect the content.
There is no limitation to where a participant may post their content – AO3, LJ, Tumblr, DW, etc. A masterpost will be submitted to our Tumblr.
Adult content must be handled appropriately. This means tagging, warning, and hiding content under read mores.
We will NOT allow underage sex in any big bang submissions. This means no sex scenes if the characters are under 18.
For this bang, both writers and artists can submit their works to be claimed. In the sign-up forms, you will indicate whether you are submitting for claims or are planning to claim fic/art. Any participant may sign up for more than one part of the challenge. Writers can also be artists and vice versa. The only restriction is that a writer may not choose their own fic to become an artist for and vice versa.
For Writers
This challenge has two categories. A mini bang is any fic between 2K-8K words. A big bang is any fic over 10K words.
You do not have to decide on your category at sign up. An artist will have different commitments depending on the category you decide. If at first check-in you still cannot decide what length you expect your fic to be, you will automatically be categorized as a mini bang.
We are allowing writing teams. In other words, co-authors are a go!
You must have a beta reader before your fic is posted. If you are having trouble finding a beta, send us an ask with the following info: two or three sentences about your fic, a rating, and a word count. We will then post that info to allow available betas to contact you.
For Artists
This challenge has two categories. A mini bang is expected to produce one piece of art. At this time, there is no minimum of pixel width/etc, although it is suggested you produce something around 400x400.
A big bang is expected to produce two pieces of art. As with the mini bang, there is no minimum pixel width/etc, but it is suggested the two pieces are something around 400x400 each.
In terms of mediums, we accept digital art, traditional art, and manips (which are clearly heavily edited from the original images).
Moodboards will only be accepted as art to be claimed by a writer or in the case of an artist dropping out. The artist pinch hitter may then use a moodboard with a minimum of 8 images.
For Betas
Usually writers will credit their betas. You may remain anonymous if desired, but you must communicate that with your writer.
There are no “rules” for betas. The general expectation for a beta is to make yourself available to the writer/artist to bounce ideas and do a check over the writer’s work before posting. Some writers need their betas more than others. While prior experience is desired, you don’t need to be an experienced beta.
For Pinch Hitters
We always hope things go according to plan, but you’re our last line of defense.
I’d love to give more details about the expectations of pinch hitters, but a lot of that comes down to timing. If your services are needed during the first day of the challenge, it is a general request that you fill the expectations of your prompt. If your services are required during a time where the full expectations of your prompt are impossible to fill, leniency will be granted! Whether that is in the form of more time before posting or fewer requirements to fill can be discussed on an individual basis.
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Squirmy Tony •Part 2- M-Verse•
Warnings: Medications, small mentions of blood, no gore dw x
Fandom: Marvel
●○●This is a Tickle Fic Story●○●
-M-Verse may also include Gore in some chapters-
Steve sat at the window in the Lab while Tony worked. Slight blush on his face from when Rogers had tickled him to hell but he tried to focus.
Steve was drawing in the little A5 pad Tony had handed him, he watched the stars outside and tried not to worry about the girl whom he had saved hours prior. He began to focus on Tony, watching his every move. Once he had noticed his pattern and his main move, he began sketching the philanthropist.
He looked at the little details, like the way his hair was a littke greasy and messed up, the tiny drops of sweat and the way his eyes focused on his work. Moving his eyes from the paper to his friend seemed comforting, the billionaire may be a genius but he absolutely sucked at comforting, so it was nice that he could be from afar.
Steve drew a little version of Tony, leaning over his desk and focusing on one of the IronMan helmets. After a while Steve placed on the finishing touches and smiled between his friebs and his art.
"You alright there Roger's?" Tony asked, still working on his helmet.
"Much better, thanks Tony" Steve smiled at Stark and then turned back to his drawing to add a few more shading detail. Unknowing to Steve, Tony could and always could see Steve in his visual perversion, so Tony saw the smile and continued to smile back at himself with a smirk.
Stark coughed to cover it up and then stood tall, turning to see his Super Soilder friend.
"So what did you draw in the end?" He asked walking over.
"Hmm? Oh nothing too great. Just some trash" Steve chuckled to himself, soon noticing the playboy walk over to him to get a glimpse of the art.
"So you gonna show me?" Tony asked impatiently, leaning his head to the side. Steve then looked back and forth of his friend and drawing. He shrugged and turned it around, sure Tony would get annoyed at him for calling him trash.
"Oh damn Rogers, that's pretty good" He seemed surprised, he knew the super solider enjoyed drawing but he hadn't expected him to do so well.
"Yeah, but its such a trashy model" Steve sighed, silently chuckling to himself as he got up. Tony gasped, placing a hand on his heart and stepping back.
"Excuse you! That model is one of the best around, though ya didn't get my ass" Tony Winked at the soldier, he knew he was only messing so he played along.
"Meh, but it ain't America's ass is it?" Steve smirked, stepping closer to his friend with a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Nah but its better" A remark Tony would quickly regret at the strong blond man lifted his friend into the air and over his shoulder and began walking him to the couch in the lab.
"Steve! Steve put me down!?" Tony knew what would happen, but his ego was too big to let go of.
"Okay" Steve then threw his friend onto the couch long ways with a humph. Tony tried to crawl out but there was no way he could. Steve had grabbed his arms and placed them above his head as he sat over the smaller man that was between his legs. Tony and Steve locked eyes, mischief burning.
"Let go Rogers-" Tony hesitated. Steve thought for a moment, jokingly of course, and then agreed.
"Okay!" And dug into the brown haired man's sides causing a squeal to escape, followed by heart laughter, after a second Syeve slowed down and started to spider his fingers lightly across his stomach, this made thousands of babyish giggles escape into the open air.
"Steheheveeeeehehr!!!" Tony pleaded as he tried to think straight, he wasnt expecting it to go like this, usually Roger's would start by teasing and lightly then rougher, this time he went all in and it caused a brilliant reaction.
Steve began to drag his fingers up Tony's sides and ribs, occasionally tapering the man, sending him into squeals and wiggling around even more harshly.
"Steheheveee! NooAHAHAAAHHH NAHH" Steve tasered the billionaire and shook his fingers between his rib cage.
"Sorry Tony, does this Tickle?" He teased, making the billionaire squirm even more, leading perfect access to his underarms. Steve shit his hands up that automatically caused Tony to slam his arms down, they both stared at each other for a moment. Tiny nervous giggles coming from the all powerful Tony Stark and a mischievous look coming from the War Hero Steven Rogers.
Suddenly he began to wiggle his fingers in the mans under arms, making him buck and squeal, trying to push Steve's scratching arms away.
Tony wasnt the most ticklish person in the world, no where near, Steve might have been a tiny bit worse to be honest. But Steve was much larger than Tony, and knew all the ways to make the billionaire scream if he wanted to. Turn the richest, sarcastic, one of the most powerful men in the world into a puddle of giggling laughter.
Steve scratched the unshaven hollows of Tony's armpit, then began to scrape down his ribs. He soon had the billionaire begging with his belly laughter and tingles everywhere.
"Stoooppppp!!! StehAHVEAHH sT0Ppp!!!"
Steve knew Tony was tired now, so he did the last thing he would usually do to torture his friend. Steve lifted up the white tank top his friend had on with slight dirt on. Tony knew what was about to happen, and squirmed more than he had before. Trying to keep his shirt down. It only landed him with Steve sighing with a smirk and placing his hands above his head.
"No- no Rogers don't you dare- I cant- no- NO STEVE DON'T"
Steve then bent down to the billionaire's outty belly button, and blew on it sending shivers down Tony's spine.
"But you always love it" He smirked up. It always seemed to surprise Tony how taunting the blond man really could be.
"Roger's! Ihihi- nohoho" Giggles began to sprew out Tony's mouth, Steve had begun blowing on it and his belly, just pushing cold air.
Suddenly Steve stared Tony right in the eyes and placed his lips over the man's most sensitive area, blowing a massive raspberry causing an inhuman scream to come from the billionaire mouth.
"NAHAHAHA" Tony buzzed as the sensation spread through his body, making him squeal and laugh harder than before. Destroyed by ticklish sensations the man gave in, his laughter echoing throughout the compound.
Steve let go of his arms and sat next to the now curled up teary man on the couch giggling. He patted his thigh and laughed laying back closing his eyes just listening to the laughter. Steve was and is glad he had these moments with people, it made him smile.
"Fuhuhuck youhoho" Tony giggled, clutching his sides and belly, turning onto his back to look at Roger's. Steve opened his eyes and innocently looked at the billionaire in confusion.
"What do you mean Tony?"
"I'm getting you back capsical" Tony Grunted.
Steve laughed, he knew it was probably true, but even so he enjoyed the memories. It wasn't uncommon for the two of them to get into tickle fights. They weren't sure why but it was an unspoken agreement between the two of them. It made everything seem a little more child like in their hectic lives.
Tony lay back, still clutching his sides as he giggled his way back to reality, Steve chuckled at the endless giggles that poured from his friends mouth. That's when F.R.I.D.A.Y notified them of the young girls health.
"Mr. Roger's, the young female child you brought in earlier is now getting better. If you would like to see her she's reating but is in good condition."
"Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y, I'll be going" Steve hopped up off the couch and smiled at his sighing genius friend. "You wanna come?"
Tony sighed for a moment, opening his eyes looking over the super solider. He grunted, "sure, why not" the man proceeded to get up and sigh looking towards Steve. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, delete the last however long that tickle fight was footage."
"No! Save it and put it on a tape or something, dont delete it please." Steve smirked at tony who now was blushing a little harder with a death glare. "And anyways, it wasn't really a tickle fight, more like an ambush in which you failed" Steve began walking off as a very pissed Tony was left to glare at him before running towards him to follow.
Tony pressed the code pad and they both exited. Tony then tweaked Steve's side, making the much larger man jump and stare at him. Making Tony laugh.
The two made their way to the med bay, chatting about the mission and what Tony had actually been working on the whole time Steve had been sketching him. Once they made it there they saw Bruce outside waiting for them. He smiled at the super soldier and other genius.
"So that was the laughter I assume?" He asked pointing his head at Tony and his light blush, the billionaire rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a smile, Steve on the other hand automatically agreed and laughed with Bruce.
"Well anyways, now you're done would you like to come see her?" Bruce already knew the answer so they all walked into the Med Bay and towards the young girl while bruce explained the situation.
"She seem's to be alright to some degree, her heart is beating quite fast or slow at sudden changes and her blood type seems a little off (your blood type) but it seems okay. We've stitched up a few wounds but otherwise shes healing appalling fast which is a good sign. Allhough she is pale and quite skinny."
Steve looked over the young girl, her hair was now much smoother, having washed out the gruesome things now her (y/h/c) hair stood out even more. Her skin was washed and she were now in a much cleaner hospital grown.
"Shes gonna be alright, but Tony I need to speak with you" Bruce turned a little more nervous within his speech as he motioned Tony to follow him as Steve looked over the girl.
"What's up Anger?" Tony joked, he saw the girl, she seemed fine- well to a degree. Something was off but he pushed it away.
Bruce looked between the girl and Tony, then focusing on the male he began to explain once more, "She has no record. I can't find anything on her from her blood type, she had woken up earlier- dont tell Steve. But she was out of it, she seemed in pain but dizzy. I asked her if she could answer some things and she agreed quietly, she said her name was y/n y/l/n she doesn't remember anything else though. I've searched files and even got F.R.I.D.A.Y doing back round checks on y/l/n's but we found nothing"
Tony raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl and Steve, "you found nothing and she presumably has no life?"
"Nada nothing, it's like she came out of no where. Not only no life, no family, no DNA relatives of known. Even her DNA seems intertwined." Now both men were watching you. Yes, you.
"I guess we've got a new kid then" Tony shrugged.
"What? Tony you can't just adopt her-"
"I dont see why not? She has no life Bruce, nothing. What are we going to do with her? She has no records and the government will have questions. It's best she stays with us" Tony explained, still watching you as Bruce watched him. Partchly in shock but he too could agree.
"I mean... are you sure Tony?"
Stark shrugged and chuckled turning to Bruce, "I've already got a teen or two, how hard could it be?"
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doctorhawke · 4 years
aaaaahh thank you @missveils for the tag because this is the first one of these ive gotten to do for this sideblog and aaaaaaaaaaaah im having so much fun
1. NAME: charlie
2. BIRTHDAY: june 27!!
3. SUN SIGN: cancer (and everybody says it makes sense for me jfdlskghdlskfj)
4. HEIGHT: 5’5′
5. HOBBIES/INTERESTS: oh jflksdjgslk i draw all the time constantly, used to embroider a BUNCH of patches and keep trying to make dragon age ones because i have ideas but no motivation to get back into it, i also make playlists constantly and ive kind of been thinking about posting some of my da ones here because i love formatting them (i have a whole series on my main blog aka star trek but ive been sapped for ideas there because im very hyperfixated. but its SO satisfying making them and posting them). also i guess i should shoutout that im a history major and i enjoy reading historical nonfiction books though usually i only manage reading them for classes jfldskgjls
6. FAVORITE COLOR: ohh either blue or red but definitely like bright jewel tones in general especially for wearing
7. FAVORITE BOOKS: i haven’t read anything in ages but. love invisible cities for the vibes, italo calvino can be super gross tho. love richard siken’s crush. love novala takamoto’s kamikaze girls. love michael ende’s the neverending story.
8. LAST SONG: at this very moment listening to local god by everclear which i have a lot of thoughts on re: my inquisitor and his polycule involvement with varric (theyre in bisexual rogues together)
9. LAST FILM/SHOW: my last movie was the psych 2 movie (it was STELLAR im SO SOFT and it has me thinking about my da2 psych au) though idk if thats like.... Film... in terms of film it would be portrait of a lady on fire. i wept. show is FJSDLKGJSDFJ GOD DONT LOOK AT ME BUT SUPERNATURAL i watch it with my dad and we started a rewatch, in season three now and its jflsdkhgldsfj its still good i wont lie please nobody make eye contact with me. i also have a spn au with my cousland sisters and eventually im going to post about that fjlskdgjslkfjdslkgjdslkghxclkgjlsdkglkfjklxghdlkgjlk
10. INSPIRATION: ohhhh music always. always always it helps so much with figuring out What Having OCs Means... Who They Are... and i love the motif potential
11. STORY BEHIND THE URL: oh literally my first hawke was a doctor. i was so afraid to fight that my gf built him for me and made him a mage healer who just buffs everyone... now that i have six hawkes hes literally perfect for that hes their support mage and nyx is their damage mage. i will always have a special place in my heart for steve he romanced anders and theyre in doctor love together. isabela hated him because he was such a goody goody and it broke my heart because i wanted to be friends with her so bad (dw every other hawke in my little family gets along famously with her fjlsdkgdslkfj)
tagging @merrybandofmurderers @magebastard @jowanmancer @fenrismissingeyebrows also there are like a million people i would tag but ive already seen answer them so everyone just take these vibes: <3333333
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scoffingatgravity · 4 years
Tagged by @korzoff. Thanks! :)
Rules: Pick 5 shows, and then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people. I’m tagging @pre-successful, @jollythunderstorms, @pizza-n-sunshine, @missnobodynobodius, and @just-a-random-soul-things
1. Miracle Workers
2. Elena Of Avalor 
3. Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
4. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
5. Doctor Who
Answers below cut
who’s your favorite character from 1? In S1, it was probably Craig Bog. In S2, it’s 
who’s your least favourite character in 2? Shuriki. I appreciate her as a villain, but she’s The Worst. Ash is a close contended, though.
what’s your favourite episode of 4? I don’t recall episode titles (sorry), but the one where Entrapta tells Hordak imperfection is beautiful and he falls in love with her.
what is your favourite season of 5? Either S8 or S9. Basically, I’m a sucker for the seasons with Twelve and Clara.
what’s your favourite couple of 3? Mitch and Maggie Clarke.
what’s your favourite couple in 2? I am a sucker for the concept of Esteomi, but with the age gap tightened up/AU scenarios.
what’s your favourite episode in 1? In S1, it’s hard to decide (and I don’t know episode titles again), but maybe when they discover God is illiterate and Craig gets super drunk. In S2, maybe “Day In Court”? It had King Cragnoor have temporary character growth and Steve Buscemi calling Karan Soni hot.
what’s your favourite episode in 5? There is so much show to cover, but I’ll pick "Last Christmas” because it featured Santa Claus reuniting my OTP.
what’s your favourite season in 2? I’ll go with S2 because S3 is too painful right now.
how long have you been watching 1? One or two months.
how did you get into 3? My sister watched the pilot and recommended it to me. I was already intrigued by the trailers, so I watched it and got hooked.
favourite actor in 4? Well, uh, I’ll just stick with the main/recurring voice actors. Keston John. Everyone else is great, though. My choice is mainly based on the TGP connection, as he’s Uzo.
which do you prefer? 1, 2 or 5? This is an evil choice. I love DW, but the current season has soured my love. However, I still love everything before it. Miracle Workers hasn’t disappointed me yet, and neither has EoA. Ah, man, this is so hard. I guess I prefer DW for overall, but Miracle Workers for current seasons.
which show have you seen more of, 1 or 3? I have watched all episodes of both, and also rewatched clips of both, so it’s a tie.
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? SEAHAWK! I love Bow, but - oh, to be a hot sailor!
would a crossover of 3 and 4 work? I mean, portals exists in SPOP, so it’s not too out there. Why not?
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? In S1, God and Sanjay? I don’t know. In S2, Lord Vexler and Prince Chauncley.
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? With DW, it depends on the season/seasons, and ZEP hasn’t finished yet. I think DW keeps things tighter, though.
which has better theme music, 2 or 4? For the instrumental portion, EoA 100% Both have pretty decent lyrics that tell the audience what vibe to expect from the shows, though.
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
All Anon Asks as of 10/29/2018 in my in box.
1.       One thing to point out about these “leaks” as opposed to the two real leaks in the past, the new leaks are on purpose and posted with the intent to cause drama and hype. And as for DW not making a statement, why would they? They are getting free marketing and with such a huge gap between the last press event and the last season why not let it fester and create that hype, they know people will still watch. People are gonna want to tune in to find out the truth, DW knows that.
You know the saying about “No news is good news” well in regard to management in a lot of cases to draw in hype, and also to pretty much not have to deal with the legal nightmare of finding all the images and getting the fakes taken down they go with the idea of “Any publicity is good” because that means that they’re getting hype as you pointed out. As you said Anon, the point of these leaks is to cause drama and create issues between fans and then sit back and laugh at all the shocked kids that are freaking out. They probably are already planning round two or three of this.
2.       Voltron is set in the super fancy future why would anything ever be sepia tone? Especially something that’s happening in a flash forward.
So the basics here is that it’s supposed to feel “Nostalgic”. Like “Oh look at that memory we shared together of a wonderful time.”
Again typically sepia is used to make things look or feel aged. Old photos, memories, etc. Sepia is not a color you use willy nilly because it doesn’t always look good on screen in large dosages in filter. The color brown in general is typically used, or at least that color, for sunset like moments to make the viewer feel melancholy that time is ending. You never use that color when you’re showing something triumphant. Also if you do use it for a happy occasion you tend to use it for a photo in a memory book.
Look at Coco, and the photos on the alter, you have several that are black and white and a few that are a brown color because they’re supposed to invoke a certain feeling in you. You want to feel warm and welcome and like everything is in the past and nostalgic. And the leakers got people to feel that way with the colors. And Flash forwards tend to be brighter and blurred in some cases with frosted edges. Or something to depict that it’s not in the present. And if it is just a time skip, there would be no need for the color change.
3.       I think it’s weird that in the second wedding photo Shiro is leaning away from Roy as he leans in. Odd???
It’s something that normally happens in some anime. The less, shall we say dominating person leans back embarrassed by the attention and more aggressive actions by the more dominate person who is initiating the kiss. By the body language this means that Roy here is the more aggressive figure in their relationship going in for a kiss though still acting a bit shy about it, while Shiro is less aggressive and is being more shy and then decides to go with it. This sort of action usually happens with a girl in Shiro’s place, as in Japan the girl is seen as less aggressive a figure and why certain female characters over the years have been seen as very different than most of their counter parts.
4.       Don’t know if it’s been pointed out yet but in the kiss pic Roy’s arm just randomly disappears through Shiros chest. That’s not how it works.
Correct Anon. The arm should be either around his waist or on his shoulder or chest. As per the kiss with Hikaru (Rick Hunter) and Misa (Lisa) from Macross. Roy’s arm is blending into Shiro’s side and that’s not a good thing. I know Mir makes some small mistakes here and there, but man this would have the art being sent right back to the studio if it was blurring that badly. Unlike Hasbro in the 1980s this sort of thing isn’t tolerated as much anymore because digital means it’s a quick fix rather than hours of reanimating the scene.
5.       so, since you're the go to person regarding the legitimacy of the Voltron leaks, I just saw the [SPOILER] photo of the paladins grown up projected on a screen with people in front smiling [/SPOILER] the person that shared this with me said this is a photo of the french VA team finishing dubbing. Thoughts? Comments? Tumblr doesn't let me link the image, but if you're interested I can share it with you some other way.
Holy hell, um. Not sure what to think of that. But okay. XD Yeah I discuss that in the main blog post about it.
So as I said before I think the photo of the cast is real, and more than likely taken on another date. The thing that jumps out to me about the photo after examining it more is where they are looking. Everyone is staring off to the center of the screen, but the camera that took the photo is off to the right. This means that this was probably a photo being taken because of the man in the center, who I’m betting is a famous and well known voice actor.
These sorts of pictures happen from time to time, even here in the states, when a cast gets someone that is famous and they want to take a photo with them. Remember actors are fan boys and girl’s too.
When I went to Anime Midwest a few years ago Sonny Straight (Lupin the 3rd, Krillen, a number of characters in anime) mentioned how he was sitting next to the late VA of Speed Racer, Peter Fernandez, who was signing small cars of the Mach 5. He was talking to him, while geeking out in his mind, and Mr. Fernandez gave him a car with his autograph on it. Sonny basically was playing with the car when Mr. Fernandez wasn’t looking making the noise of the Mach 5.
Nolan North just recently confessed to chasing down Sir. Anthony Hopkins on to an elevator and talking to him for a while, because he didn’t want to miss a shot to meet the famous actor who was recording lines on Retro Replay. (Also watch the show it’s funny.) 
So more than likely the picture was being taken with a well-known French VA and that it was for posterity sake for the studio and the actors. Studios will sometimes do this if they have a named actor in the cast doing a voice.
6.       I've gone back through Bexs likes and I don't see any of the leaks. What's the source on that claim?
I’ve only been told about this, I haven’t seen anything of it either. I do not have an Instagram so I can’t tell you about that stuff.  
Either Bex liked something that was similar, or someone thought that they liked it, or something. I really can’t say for sure. But regardless, unless it’s in their contracts and the NDA states they can’t like fan art, actors typically do like art.
7.       Watching your post about the whole studio thing I thought about something, I didn’t know about Ezor’s va leak but maybe when she did it she simply didn’t think the fandom would immediately jump on it and spread it, then is it possible that the french studio ‘leak’ is real too and that the same thing happened?
Most actor’s don’t think that what they say is important. I think in Kimiko’s case she really wanted to just give the fans the okay that Shiro was going to show up again because of all the freaking out on Social Media about it and trying to be a good person. Lionel (I think that’s how you spell his name) the French VA seems like he was thinking of just showing that they were recording the show again. Maybe getting people excited, since, most people that follow Voltron aren’t following the dub actors save for those that are following in France right now. And I don’t know how many know of the actor due to the fact that he’s more a live action actor like Steve is so this is his first dubbing job for a cartoon.
The thing is that the second picture was a personal one that was taken at some other point in time, because of the change that Lionel’s hair has gone through it seems. Also, as I said before this was taken from the side meaning that they’re looking at another camera, so it’s not a case of them taking a “Last hurray” photo, and more likely that they were taking a picture with a well-known actor that had visited the studio to do a voice.
The “leak” is real in that it is a legit photo of the cast, what’s fake is the stuff behind them.
8.       I reported the violations to the French company but they haven’t got back to me :/ surely over something this serious they would?
I wouldn’t expect them to be getting back to you regarding this. The photo that was taken wasn’t their property in this case, it’s owned by whoever took it from the side of the editing booth. If it was a professional photo, then yeah they would want to know info.  It could be that too, much like DW here in the state’s the legal department isn’t seeing anything huge to go after and would rather people just ignore it.
After all they have only a month and a few days here states side for it to come out, also in France too, so more than likely they are more worried about the promotional stuff they need to do after She-ra comes out.
You’re right, if it was serious we would see things about it all over the place, not just on Tumblr but on other sites that cover this sort of news. Like with the Mir incident. This is not serious to them and probably isn’t even registering yet for them.
9.       One of the most glaring things for me is that Roy isn't even on the poster. Even the most minor characters are in it and yet you're going to tell me Shiro's future husband isn't? Yeah, no way. Also in your post debunking the leaks you forgot to mention how the background characters are weirdly static (especially Pidge) in the wedding edits, but Shiro and Roy are moving.
Yeah having Roy on the poster would be a legal nightmare waiting to happen, as rsasai said in one of their other posts, since the show is airing in Japan and Japan worships Roy and Macross, you would have to deal with Studio Nue, Tatsunoko and Big West for any rights to be used. Not to mention that fans of Macross would want to know what the hell was going on since Roy is a big deal. As I said above reminds me way to much of a Newtype magazine static illustration that was traced over.
10.   I commend you on your impeccable taste in TV shows, my good comrade. Also, whomst else misses the 80s & 90s where people would just watch and enjoy the shows they watched, and didn’t ruin them or the experience for other fans? Ahhh the good old days!
Maybe I’ll list all my favorite shows. XD And thank you, I like to think I have good taste in shows. At least I hope I do.
Well it depened on who you watched the show with, but over all, for the most part, people genuinely weren’t as worked up over shows. Or at least I never noticed save for a Lisa is better, Lynn is better fight I once saw between two girls on the playground about Robotech, but other than that…it was mostly quiet. Not sure about at offices in the day though over shows like Dallas or Dynasty.
11.   To the people who say “The staff having not said anything about the leaks yet means they are true!”. I am almost sure they didn’t say anything about the “Klance voiceline leaks” either, and it was fake.
O.O What? Wait…is that like a dialogue line that was said? OR are we talking about those old telephone call lines where you paid like 9.95 and a dollar or something every minute after a few minutes to talk to your favorite character? Because if it’s the latter, hell yes it would be fake since no one does that anymore. Well save Cdawg who does it for Black butler calls but those are free.
12.   An anon sent to you said "maybe DW just doesn't care anymore since the show is almost over" but it's really not about VLD anymore. Like I said before in a previous ask, this sets a very bad precedent. DW is a business, which means they have to look to the future. By not taking this seriously, they're implying they won't take any of their other licensed shows/IPs seriously either. No company would want to damage their reputation so badly just because a contract is almost over.
But see, the thing is, it’s not that they don’t care it’s a question of how the legal wants them to handle it. If you kick up too much of a fuss, then it’s “Well they are real” if you  don’t then you have people saying you’re not doing enough. Ultimately it’s not up to DW to chase things down since they are not the main license holder, that is WEP, and the other studios are not owned by DW or WEP they are only licensing the series to dub via Netflix. Then throw NBC Universal on this, and you have that factor in play here…you’d have a lot of people involved. Does it look bad, kinda. But most studios have the same response. It’s easier to let things die on their own than interviene as it becomes making a mountain out of a mole hill. Or to put it in a better way. Let’s take a real case that recently happened. There’s a famous artist that likes to take images and do a little change then say they are his own works of art. He’s been doing this for years and artists hate him because he’s taking their copyrighted works and screwing with them only a little and calling them his own. Recently, like a year or so ago, he went on Instagram, found cosplay and other pictures of female celebs and non celebs, commented on it. Took the photo and the comment, put it together as a larger picture and called it his own. This is considered art appropriation and can be seen as a legal way of doing art. Richard Prince, the artist in question, has been getting away with it for years. And someone who’s cagey enough probably could use that as a defense in a lawsuit. https://www.theverge.com/2015/5/30/8691257/richard-prince-instagram-photos-copyright-law-fair-use
13.   in the french va video, who is the guy in the middle? the director?
That guy in the middle may be Patrick Borg. Reason the cast may be taking the picture with him is he’s the voice of Son Goku in Dragon Ball and has been since the start of Dragon ball Z, and is a well-known in VA in France. Or It’s Jerome Wiggins who does a main character on Zagtoonz Zak Storm. My guess though, it’s probably Patrick, and since the crew is pretty much younger actors who grew up around the hype of Dragon ball Z, wouldn’t surprise me if  they were taking a picture with him because he was doing a voice for them.
14.   No, it's the opposite now. All the evidence in the Universe prooves that the leaks are real but you all choose not to believe in it. And I'm okay with it and I'm more than okay If I'm wrong but if the leaks are real almost everyone who believes that the are fake would be greatly dissapointed and will feel betrayed
As I said before Anon, if you want to believe it, fine. That’s up to you. I have no horse in this race, I’m only presenting facts as I find them and having two graphic designers and other people look over the images and such, to them they seem doctored or created. I’d rather people make the call themselves, but as other’s have said well before me, it seems insane that two studios decided to risk their careers to leak this stuff. You do realize that in doing so they will have cost the trust of several other clients they have and it would probably put them out of business with Netflix, and cause BTI Studios to lose the deal with Altor and Shamrock that they recently made this past year, and for Netflix to pull out of it’s vendorship with VSI and probably make other networks, like CN, and Nick, pull out of the deal. No one, in their right mind, would put themselves or their careers in danger over a cartoon show. No one. It would cause them to be blacklisted and not have work in the VA community ever again. The sheer level of WTF that would have to run through someone’s minds to do this if they were a professional in this field would be astonishing. Honestly, no I wouldn’t feel betrayed or disappointed. I would be more worried for the studios and wonder if they would be able to continue to run as they are, or have to close due to the fact that most of their clients would bolt knowing their intellectual property wasn’t safe. Then there would be the lawsuits from WEP, NBC Universal and probably Mir for putting out copyrighted material that they don’t own. Would I be upset about the show, no, honestly I wouldn’t. Allura dying would be a mirror and parallel to Ryou dying and taking Lotor with him from Go lion, something Voltron the original didn’t do. Shiro being married, awesome. Roy Fokker getting his name out there and getting people to watch Macross to know who the hell this hottie is, okay in my book. The crew taking a picture together, nothing wrong there.
The only thing that could disappoint me is no ending or a cliff hanger, since, well I got that with Force from DiC and this would be the first show to have a real ending outside of the original.
I don’t get why people are worried about me or others feeling disappointed when there are four other variants of the show that exist that we can watch. That’s just silly. I’m more surprised that people don’t care about the well-being and lively hood and careers of the VAs internationally being wrecked by all of this. That’s where my concern lies. Shipping and all the other things, I don’t care about. My care was that the characters were happy and got along, and that the robot fights were cool.
15.  You list Roy's arm/hand as vanishing on 13 but they're both still visible, I've redlined it for you: i(.)imgur(.)com/2UHctWY(.)png
Side note. you can’t send pictures that way.  And if you mean where the arm seems to blend down around the waist area. I can’t tell for sure if that’s his right arm or his left. Also that would be a weird way to hold someone if you’re going to kiss them like that in genera. 
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soap-brain · 6 years
B, K, M, N, U, X! (I tried not to ask too many but djfsdhlkdf... pls?)
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.aos kirk being besties with aos uhura. like.. in retrospect it makes absolute sense (if you use fan characterization and not... you know... jar jar assbrands characterization) and they would be fucking TERRIFIC
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? already done!
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.i mean technically hugh but i think i look up to him too much and uhh there are,,, Reasons,,, for why that would probably not be the best idea, so imma definitely go with tilly!! she’s got so much self confidence but she’s still far too relatable and too much like me, so that would work out, and she’s so bubbly and caring and smart and i love her a whole lotalso yumi moon bc she’s perfect and loves chickens
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).for disco:1. content2. content3. content:/// ya know. i wanna be able to be picky with content and choose stuff i genuinely like, not stuff bc that’s all there isalso same for legmen, the high king’s golden tongue, and a couple other faves of mine but most of that is yet another case of me having to make that content. esp with legmen, bc there is legitimately only one other person in the fandom with me and she’s currently writing a different novel 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.disco - it’s a tie between hugh and tilly, i think? bc hugh... hugh is just so good and he’s who i aspire to be. tilly is just 1000000% best friend material and i love her so muchtos - uhura??????? yes???? do i even need to explain this??? (also her abs in mirror mirror like HEWWO???)fallen empire - leonidas. he is soft (battle hardened veteran), tiny (6′7″ or something), sweet (ex soldier) and needs to be protected (cyborg, therefore already better than all of us)also bc i love more character, have more characterstales from the high court - it’s a tie between... well... TECHNICALLY between all of them but i’m especially partial to allen (wanna be his level of amazing and Getting Shit Done) and lesto (cool fucking dude) and shemal (i’m just lov him ok? he’s soft and needs to be protected)idk whether this counts as a fandom but @its-life-jim ‘s oc areum?? she is Good. steve is also good but she’s a catmcu (do NOT @ me) - bucky barnes (he has never done anything wrong) and sam wilson and also shuri??? the best??? i Will die for her. also okoye? amazing and the best. love t’challa too! shadowhunters - i will die for magnus bane please understand that and have a good day. he’s just the best. so sassy and snarky and such a big softie on the insidewonder woman - naturally i would also die for diana. and steve. and... oh god i forgot her name but the amazon’s general?? the one who died?? I LOVE HERmad max fury road - furiosa. i am big gay. also she’s just really cool and a Tough WomanTM but not in the male way, ya know?dbh (again, do NOT @ me, don’t talk to me, don’t even look at me or breathe in my direction) - connor. he was sent by cyberlife directly into my heart (i know dbh is garbage, dw)star wars - finn????? rey, the dirt eating lesbian????? poe????? bb8????? yes????? listen they are all perfect and have never done anything wrong and also i am bi
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom. already answered!
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lizzexx · 6 years
Teasers and Updates!
Hello! Hello! :D
Just going to post a little note here. I’m really focusing on getting back into writing again and editing too. So, to keep me motivated and focused, what I’m going to do is post some teasers!
I’ve got a tentative idea of the stories I’m going to try and update this year and, to celebrate getting even that squared away, I’m going to post a teaser/sneak peek for each! :D
So far, the spin-off stories, namely DW, Sherlock, and Merlin, are going to be on hold :( I’ll still probably update them, but sporadically, only when I can really find the extra time. So I can’t say when that will happen :/
But I’m going to try and focus on the main, multi-chapter stories that I’ve already started and are currently still in progress.
So this year, I’m going to try and update:
-Angel’s New Beginnings -Menna’s LOTR series -Lyssa’s Calm Before the Storm -Claire’s The Relationship Expansion -Sadie’s Intercession
I’m going to TRY to update Proffy and Angel’s AUs every so often, when I can find the time ;)
IF I can manage it, I’m also going to try and get some movie-stories caught up. Like Victoria and Cora in Star Trek, Kona and Athena in Thor, and get Leena’s Sherlock series caught up too.
AND, if I can manage it also, I’m going to TRY and introduce Steve’s OC for my Captain America series! :D
I can’t say just yet when I’ll start posting the stories, but when I do, I’m going to try and post at least 3 chapters a week. I’ll probably update more frequently once I get my momentum back and get into a more firm routine, but that’s what I’m going to aim for. I’ll also try to update different stories so that we at least get a variety and get more than one story going strong. I don’t want to just focus on one story to completion and forget the others, I want to try and rotate the ones still in progress.
So, that’s all I have at the moment, I’m going to work on revising my ‘Upcoming Stories’ page.
And I’ll be posting at least 1 sneak peek/teaser a day :)
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submission: sorry to bring up race issue again.
If Posey played Stiles and DOB played Scott, do you think the Sterek ship would still be popular? I just wiki’d Ao3 and if you checked its wiki page & go to the website citation 7, it shows that the top 20 pairing are all white. Scott is actually the first non-white person, ranking 21st with Allison.
People argue that Stiles is more interesting / Scott is written badly by the producers, but to be honest, it’s not like the other characters in the top 20 pairings are all well-written. Scott’s generic personality is generic, because it’s also used by other male main characters, but it’s only Scott who’s deemed uninteresting because of having that personality, while the others are shipped/praised just fine.
Another point that I’d like to argue, usually people pair the two main character in the show, right? It’s always been weird to me when I find out that only a few people ship Scott x Stiles. I’ve heard, “I only can see them as bromance, no sexual or romantic attraction at all”. But there are more “brotherly” pairs who are shipped romantically by the fans. Ironically, didn’t one of your anon said “Maybe with Ned & Peter it’s about brothers. There is this disconnect that men cannot be affectionate, kind & loving to each other. They don’t need to be gay. I like to point out Turk & J.D. from Scrubs as the ultimate broship. They love each other totally, but they are clearly very straight.“ Which is ironic, because Ned is also non-white. And that “only brothers” line seem to only affect when there'a PoC in the pairing?
For example, Steve x Bucky is veryyy similar to Scott x Stiles (relationship wise, not personality), both have this “you’re my brother, i will never leave you, etc etc”, but Stucky is probably the 2nd most popular ship in MCU after Stony.
It gets me wondering, do people say that they can’t see them as romantic and sexual because ‘unconscious’ racism? Some races are desexualized a lot by the media (especially Asian men), so maybe that plays part?
When I think about it more, it gets even sadder, because the 21st rank that Scallison gets is probably because of the main pairing Sterek, with Scallison as the background (without any sexual scenes, romance scenes are probably basic, like Scott rambling about Allison, or mentioning that Allison is pregnant, etc).
Back to the original question, if Scott was white, and Stiles was hispanic, would Sterek be as popular as they are right now? Would Scott x Derek be more popular? If Scott x Stiles were white, do you think they will have more shippers?
I agree with the anon that you had a few days ago. It comes down to appearance (which is really tied to race, and how the race is portrayed by the media & consumed by the public). Even the shittiest / most boring people can be shipped (and fanfic'ed) as long as he’s hot. I mean that’s fanfic, right? We can ‘alter’ some of the personalities to fit our imagination. And people like to imagine beautiful/handsome people. Steve Rogers is probably the most basic archetype of a male hero. But people still worship him.
I know you’ve said “it does seem reductive to me to assume that more people ship Tony/Bruce than Tony/Rhodey because of race.” I’m not saying that, but race plays a big part in appearance, and appearance plays a big part in ‘shippabilty’ / ‘likability’. I observe people can let white characters off the hook about the flaws in their personality, actions, character growth, etc. But when it’s PoC, people are tend to be more critical. Thus making the white characters more likable (and shippable) to themselves. Maybe they’re doing that consciously, maybe they’re not, I don’t know.
Scott is boring? True, but isn’t Steve more boring if we use the standard we use on Scott?
Scott makes questionable / bad choices. So do Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, or everyone.
Scott has delusional fans? Tony Stark Protection Squad exists.
I know you’re probably bored of this topic already but I really want to know your insight. Please answer this when you have time.
By the way, yanny/laurel?
I’ve broken this up into sections to answer. And, as always, I can only answer for my personal opinions, but as someone who has been accused of systematic racism just because I like Stiles more than Scott–even though in plenty of other ships and fandoms my fave isn’t the white guy–I can only assume that the same holds true for other fans in my position.  
If Posey played Stiles and DOB played Scott, do you think the Sterek ship would still be popular? I just wiki’d Ao3 and if you checked its wiki page & go to the website citation 7, it shows that the top 20 pairing are all white. Scott is actually the first non-white person, ranking 21st with Allison. Scott is actually the first non-white person, ranking 21st with Allison.
People argue that Stiles is more interesting / Scott is written badly by the producers, but to be honest, it’s not like the other characters in the top 20 pairings are all well-written. Scott’s generic personality is generic, because it’s also used by other male main characters, but it’s only Scott who’s deemed uninteresting because of having that personality, while the others are shipped/praised just fine. 
I don’t know. A fan’s response to a character on a show is partly because of the character as it is written, and partly because of the actor who plays them. All I can tell you is that if DOB had played Scott, then that would be a different Scott than the one Posey played. And maybe the actor then playing Stiles wouldn’t have had the same screen presence as DOB’s Stiles, or the same chemistry with Derek. To me, it’s like you’re trying to say that if DOB had played Scott, the only difference would have been race, and that’s simply not true. It’s downplaying everything that both DOB and Posey bring to their characters as actors.
People argue that Stiles is more interesting / Scott is written badly by the producers, but to be honest, it’s not like the other characters in the top 20 pairings are all well-written. Scott’s generic personality is generic, because it’s also used by other male main characters, but it’s only Scott who���s deemed uninteresting because of having that personality, while the others are shipped/praised just fine.
I have said that I personally find Stiles more relatable, and yes, that Scott was badly written. Actually I’ve said that all the characters suffered from bad writing to a certain extent, but with Scott it’s more apparent because he was the main character. When he equivocates, or is a hypocrite, or does something that doesn’t make sense, it carries more weight because Scott is also supposed to be driving the plot. He is a weak character. And by that I don’t mean he is personally weak–I mean that as a protagonist his character isn’t dynamic enough to drive the plot. And I don’t mean that I think that any other character, as written in the show, could have driven the plot either. This is the fault of the writers, not the characters, and not the actors.
I haven’t checked the list of the other top 20 pairings, but I would be very surprised if there aren’t also plenty of people out there who don’t like those characters and that pairing. The difference is, it’s not automatically assumed to be racism by people who do like those characters. For every person shipping Stucky, I’m sure there is a Stony shipper going “Ew, no, no way.”
Also, lack of representation in fandom is tied directly to lack of representation in the media itself. If the white ships are more popular, that’s not necessarily that fans are actively rejecting ships with POC in them–it’s just that white characters are over-represented in the media. I talked in a previous post about the ships coming out of Black Panther–and they are catching up fast. 
Another point that I’d like to argue, usually people pair the two main character in the show, right?
Not always. The main character is Shadowhunters is Clary, right? But people ship Malec over anything with Clary in it.
It’s always been weird to me when I find out that only a few people ship Scott x Stiles. I’ve heard, “I only can see them as bromance, no sexual or romantic attraction at all”. But there are more “brotherly” pairs who are shipped romantically by the fans. Ironically, didn’t one of your anon said “Maybe with Ned & Peter it’s about brothers. There is this disconnect that men cannot be affectionate, kind & loving to each other. They don’t need to be gay. I like to point out Turk & J.D. from Scrubs as the ultimate broship. They love each other totally, but they are clearly very straight.“ Which is ironic, because Ned is also non-white. And that “only brothers” line seem to only affect when there'a PoC in the pairing? For example, Steve x Bucky is veryyy similar to Scott x Stiles (relationship wise, not personality), both have this “you’re my brother, i will never leave you, etc etc”, but Stucky is probably the 2nd most popular ship in MCU after Stony.
That’s not irony though. And you’re attempting to use one person’s opinion in an attempt to explain a pattern, when race might not come into that pattern at all. Because plenty of people ship Peter with Shuri or with MJ. And as I said in my response, I don’t ship either Peter or Ned with anyone. If you can use one anon’s opinion to give weight to your idea that the lack of Peter/Ned fics is based on racism, then I can use my opinion to tell you why it’s not. And again, I’m not saying race doesn’t come into it, but a single anecdote is not evidence of that. It’s just that it fits your confirmation bias. I don’t ship Peter/Ned, and I do ship Stucky, but I also ship another interracial brotherly pair: Stormpilot. So in my case–and I can only assume for the case of a lot of other people–it’s not about race.  
It gets me wondering, do people say that they can’t see them as romantic and sexual because ‘unconscious’ racism? Some races are desexualized a lot by the media (especially Asian men), so maybe that plays part?
Again though, this only works as a pattern if you entirely disregard Malec. And Malec is huge.
When I think about it more, it gets even sadder, because the 21st rank that Scallison gets is probably because of the main pairing Sterek, with Scallison as the background (without any sexual scenes, romance scenes are probably basic, like Scott rambling about Allison, or mentioning that Allison is pregnant, etc).
This is another assumption. You might be correct, but we don’t know because where is the data showing that it’s only background Scallison in Sterek fics? And again, if you’re attempting to say that Scallison is less popular because of race, then what’s to stop me from wondering if it’s less popular because it’s het? M/m slash has always been a huge driving force in fandom, all the way back to Kirk/Spock. M/m has always been the cornerstone of fanfic. 
Back to the original question, if Scott was white, and Stiles was hispanic, would Sterek be as popular as they are right now? Would Scott x Derek be more popular? If Scott x Stiles were white, do you think they will have more shippers?
And again, this is impossible to answer. If Scott was white, then the entire dynamic would change–not because Scott was white, but because it would be another actor playing him, and bringing something entirely different to the show, and to fics, and to all pairings.
I agree with the anon that you had a few days ago. It comes down to appearance (which is really tied to race, and how the race is portrayed by the media & consumed by the public). Even the shittiest / most boring people can be shipped (and fanfic'ed) as long as he’s hot. I mean that’s fanfic, right? We can ‘alter’ some of the personalities to fit our imagination. And people like to imagine beautiful/handsome people. Steve Rogers is probably the most basic archetype of a male hero. But people still worship him.
And plenty of people do ship Scott, and will always ship Scott. Plenty of people think Scott is hot. Plenty of people worship Scott. Personally, I prefer Stiles. But again, that’s nothing to do with race. Because I’m looking at the pictures from Solo, and I’m like “Han who? Show me all the Lando.” If we did a poll and more people thought Stiles was attractive than Scott, that’s still not a complete picture, you know?
I know you’ve said “it does seem reductive to me to assume that more people ship Tony/Bruce than Tony/Rhodey because of race.” I’m not saying that, but race plays a big part in appearance, and appearance plays a big part in 'shippabilty’ / 'likability’. I observe people can let white characters off the hook about the flaws in their personality, actions, character growth, etc. But when it’s PoC, people are tend to be more critical. Thus making the white characters more likable (and shippable) to themselves. Maybe they’re doing that consciously, maybe they’re not, I don’t know.
Scott is boring? True, but isn’t Steve more boring if we use the standard we use on Scott?
Scott makes questionable / bad choices. So do Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, or everyone.
Scott has delusional fans? Tony Stark Protection Squad exists.
The issue I have with your comparison between Scott and Steve isn’t that Scott is boring, or that Steve is boring. My issues with Scott are because of his hypocrisy, not his “boringness”. I’m nowhere near as clued into the MCU characters, but I see Steve as developing from a cookie-cutter hero prototype into a much more complex and dynamic character. And you yourself brought up the Tony Stark Protection Squad–which exists because Tony Stark, a white guy, gets a shitload of hate for his character flaws and questionable decisions. Nobody is letting Tony off the hook because he’s white, but the entire premise behind the Scott McCall Delusional Squad is that only reason Scott is not the fan fave is because he’s Latinx. And that’s just not true. 
And I think it’s important to note that there are always two characters in a ship. I’ve said before that Stucky is my favourite MCU ship, even though neither Steve nor Bucky are my favourite characters. But Bucky is definitely the one I like the ship for. I like the damaged guys with the dark pasts and the capacity and willingness to murder their enemies. It’s why I like Stucky. It’s why I like Thorki. It’s why I like Sterek and Steter. Scott doesn’t bring that to a ship, you know? But the Hales certainly do.
Usual disclaimer: Of course racism exists in fandom, because racism exists in the real world and fandom is made up of people from the real world. But when it comes down to Teen Wolf–this particular show and this particular fandom–my favourite character happens to be white. This is because I think DOB was the best actor out of the main cast, and had the best screen presence, and the best chemistry with the other characters. I also found the character of Stiles to be the most relatable to me, personally. But in other fandoms, and in other shows, the white guy isn’t always my favourite at all. And I can only assume, especially when you look at powerhouse ships like Malec, that this is true for a lot of other fans.
Yes, racism exists. Yes, it may even be the reason Scott is not the fan fave for some fans. But for many other fans–and I would hope most other fans–this isn’t the case. The fact Stiles is the fan fave in Teen Wolf isn’t proof of racism. It’s a single data point, and you can’t make a pattern from that. Especially not when Malec also exists, and is shipped enthusiastically by many of the same fans.
I know you’re probably bored of this topic already but I really want to know your insight. Please answer this when you have time.
By the way, yanny/laurel?
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oldtumblhurgoyf · 8 years
A Pseudo-History of Hypereconomic Diplomacy
So I corresponded with someone way back in 2009 who ran a game of HED way back in the 70s. I don’t remember at all how I found this wonderful man, but he scanned a bunch of the stuff he still had and then I took those scans and typed them up into the rules and tables I posted earlier. Even better, he helped me figure out where the original scans were incorrect (as they were from a game in progress and some stuff had changed) as well as sent along the maps which allowed for someone else to make the maps I posted earlier.
Anyway, I went back through my email and still had all of them we had exchanged. Below I’m pasting them bulk of them, which contains a bit of history of the game and how he did things back then. This is actually a series of emails he sent, often prompted to some extent by questions I had asked. I present it here as one big essay on the history of Hypereconomic Diplomacy as he remembers it.
Also on the off chance that you know the following gentlemen who were in some way involved in this game back in the 70s (they’d mostly be around 60 now I think and were all from Britain by the sounds of it), I’d love to chat with them and get some scans or maybe even pay postage for some old hard copies of HED stuff:
Don Miller Pete Ansoff Steve Norris Martin Feather Stephen Agar Frank Kopel
A little history then.  Hypereconomic Diplomacy Mk I was designed by Don Miller (the man after whom Miller numbers were named) in about 1972.  The earliest Diplomacy variants (I think Youngstown was the first) date from around 1967.�� Don created some of the basic economic systems and ran the first game in a zine called Aux Armes in 1968.  You can see a run of Aux Armes at http://www.whiningkentpigs.com/DW/oldzines/aux10.pdf which also shows the relative simplicity of the game at that stage.  It folded after about a year for unspecified reasons. I know that Don went blind at some stage in a life which is a bit of a drawback in running a zine.
The idea got taken up by one Pete Ansoff re-worked to create Hyperec Mk II and Pete launched it as a game, housing it in a zine of its own called The Siberian.  Pete ran The Siberian for 15 issues (1971-73).  But he was a law student and needed to actually pass some exams so he handed the reins on to Steve Norris who ran the zine for the next 5 years.  Doug Kent’s archive reckons the last known issue as number 51.
In Britain we had one player who’d started playing in the game and he introduced me to it in 1973/4.  At the time I was 17, running a sub-zine, studying for ‘A’ levels (the British equivalents of SATs) and planning a university life.  I joined in Steve’s game and inside a few months was busy redesigning the game.  Steve knew that there were flaws in his game that neither he nor Pete could by that stage correct and so they both contributed some changes whilst I did likewise and made the rules more coherent.
The zine I created for it was Hyperion.  As well as being a pun on the game, it’s an allusion to a poem by Keats, and turns up in an SF book by Richard Cowper.  What can I say?  I was 17 for God’s sake and 80% geek to 20% hippy.  The game started in 1974 and ran for 9 seasons in total.  I did 5 seasons and I then went to University and discovered life, alcohol, women, sound and lights for visiting rock bands, running discos and anything but studying.
The game stopped.  I eventually got it together enough to hand it on to a guy called Martin Feather who ran the game for 2 seasons (Martin now works at the Jet Propulsion Labs in CA and is a very high-end computer person).  At the end of my first year in Uni, I got chucked out as they seemed to resent offering a college course to someone who didn’t actually go to lectures or study.  How unfair - and in hindsight there are other things I should have done about it, but didn’t. 
I move back home and as Martin was struggling with it, retook the reins, GMing the next couple of seasons, but then I moved back to live on people’s floors at my Uni and had a sort of surrogate 2nd year.  It was never going to work to run a zine from that kind of existence and the thing died in a messy fold in 1977.
I got back into publishing a zine in 1981 once my life had sorted itself out and ran Home of the Brave for around the next 14 years and 130 issues.  But that was just a calm dip zine with nothing special.
GMing Hyperec was hard.  It took around 50 hours to GM a season’s play.  There were around 55 players, 1 for each country in the world in 1900.  The game revolves around 4 aspects of a country’s existence – Manpower, Agriculture, Industry and Money.  So in 1900 China has lots of Manpower, reasonable Agricul ture and no real Industry.  Holland has Industry and little Manpower etc etc.  You have to trade these factors around and buy Stuff with them.  Stuff includes the military units that are then able to fight the wars that inevitably result.
Money is a different thing because the game has a system that says that money is never spent out of existence.  If you buy something from someone else, the money transfers to them.  If you (as the US player say) spend money, it goes into the US economy and a proportion of it returns to your stockpile each turn.  The total amount remains the same.
The game has a whole set of banking systems that support this system and which can be used to ‘grow’ money if the money is put to one side and not spent.  And there are a whole load of other transport, research, fishing and other systems that form part of the game.
In 1975 I had a pocket calculator that I’d built myself, which was so slow that if you asked it to calculate a mathematical function it would think about it for 20 seconds.  And there was lot of calculating in Hyperec as you’ll see.  In a way I was running a PBM country management game.
The game developed quite a life of its own.  As well as the actual zine itself, people published their own newspapers for propaganda purposes.  One player sold his country (Peru) to the Bolivian player and used the money to actually play as a bank rather than a country.  The combined Perivia was the dominant country in South America by the time the game folded.  Maybe it’s no surprise that the guy playing Bolivia ended up in real-life politics and is now an MP and a possible member of Gordon Brown’s government in the next reshuffle.
I thought at the time that what I was doing was indulging in some damn stupid hobby.  In hindsight if I’d have had a sense of application it could have been a living in itself.  PBM games for computer adjudication got quite popular in the 80s as computers became a more established part of life.   What I have found is that the skills I used to develop the game and to run a zine actually turned out to be useful life-skills.  These days I have a small accountancy firm (www.emtacs.com) and the communications techniques and basic abilities to use language as a tool are enormously useful.  The abilities to organise large systems, hold stuff in your head and to recognise patterns are all just good business skills.
The game in a modern context would need a serious revamp but it would be a relatively simple thing to use Excel to present reports, do the maths and control the mechanisms of the game.  I’ll be quite happy to lend a hand if you ever threaten to get another game off the ground and I could even round up 2-3 players from the old game to join in!
Right - time to go hunt stuff in the garage and the attic. I'll get back to you.
OK – some progress to report, but I’m afraid they come with a bit of a story and a mumbling apology.  The good news is that I have a set of rules for Hyperec which will be coming your way.  The bad news is that I think I have less in the way of material of the passage of the game than I’d like and the better news is that I know where to get hold of copies.
I have been delving into my garage where old zines, unused toys and books etc are living and unearthed a ring binder and a folder with Hyperec written on them.  I dragged them back in the house and sat down to read. And went “oh yes, now I remember.”…..
To carry the story on from where I left it, Hyperion folded and I dropped out of the hobby in 1977.  The game died with no-one remotely able or willing to take it on.  I kept in distant touch with a few people and then returned properly to running a zine in 1981.  My finds in the garage prodded my memory that there was in fact another attempt at running a game of Hyperec. 
Martin Hammon was a good friend who’d played in my game and vanished at a similar time to me and was returning when he had the idea that he’d like to run a game of Hyperec because he had had so much fun playing mine.  He set up a zine called Stuart and asked me for help.  And so I bundled a lot of stuff, copies of Hyperion, the rules and much more and sent them to Martin.  His game lasted for a shorter period than mine.
It’s 25 years back now and so I’m afraid I can’t remember why the game ran aground.  Martin was a bit of a chaotic and it may have been his (a) separation and divorce, (b) his kitchen-fitting business folding or (c) ill-health or (d) he just couldn’t hack it.  When I handed on the stuff I probably said something about having it back and I may have more stuff to find in my garage. 
Regardless – Martin died about 5 years ago (dodgy heart, about 48-50) and I’m pretty sure that’s a dead end (no pun intended).
What I do have are some relics of my running the thing – a couple of the set-up issues, a couple of the zine I used to publish between main deadlines (Japetus) and a whole lot of stuff pertaining to the game Martin ran and a set of the rules which Martin rewrote to incorporate some of the changes.
I’ll mail you over a whole lot of this stuff in the next day or so, but what I can do tomorrow is try scanning a whole chunk (including the rules) and emailing it over to you.  I would scan it here but my home scanner doesn’t seem to want to play right now, but I’ve another scanner in the office and I’ll be in there tomorrow. I’m a little worried about the quality of the printing and whether it will stand up to scanning and reprinting, but we can try.  I’m worried most about the maps but I can probably recreate these if necessary.
And I should thank you for taking me on a trip into the past.  My younger daughter, Steph (19) was fascinated by the whole thing and the idea that I did this kind of thing when I was 2 years younger than she was.  The whole idea of being able to write a zine of probably 10-15,000 words in the course of a long weekend, without a word-processor is quite scary.  He most accurate comment when confronted with it all was “God you were such a geek, Dad”.  You’re not wrong there girl, but it didn’t harm me in the long-term.
The other source of material is the UK Zine Archive run by an old friend of mine, Stephen Agar who has issues 1-8 of Hyperion and which he can either lend me or scan for me.  If you are ever to run this thing as a reality then you’d probably find it fairly invaluable as a template to create a game report for the thing.  I’ll talk to Stephen about that.
So – browse the rules and I’ll send you the rest of the stuff on Monday.  I’m not sure if you gave me an address so give me it again.  Have a think about it and then if you decide you’re serious I’ll give you a hand with setting up.  I think the rules may need a bit of tweaking since issues 1-6 of Hyperion were full of rule changes. 
There’s no doubt that Hyperec would make a fascinating test case in a new millennium.  I ran it in a world where the only practical way to communicate internationally was to send an air letter and wait 10 days for a reply.  I can quite see it being a big success.  I was saddled with having to create the game reports every issue and spend hours working with fiddly numbers that would be a piece of cake done in Excel.  It cost me a lot of money to produce something, print 65 copies of it and deal with a bulk mailout.  You’d have none of these problems.
In terms of the number of people playing you ideally need around 60!  The catch is that you need people who can be encouraged to be sufficiently in love with the concept that they are happy to play Nicaragua (not relly that much of a superpower in 1914.  The trick is to have a kind of hierarchy of standby players.  If Turkey misses a turn, then the following turn you invite the player of Nicaragua to send orders in for their country and for Turkey.  Then you'll be able to offer someone else the chance to take over Nicaragua if Turkey dsrops out altogether.
As you'll see - a little inactivity in the minor countries doesn't matter too much but having an NMR from the UK or France is a bigger problem.
Some of the printing on the tables is a little bit faint and these are the ones I worry most about in a scanning sense.  Let me know how they turn out your end.  If there are a few missing ones I can fill in the blanks but if they're just illegible I can retype.
The more I look at this the more I realise that this is such an online accessible game.  The tables and the maps were things I had to redo and redraw from scratch every turn or two.  These days you'd just have an Excel sheet or 6 that hung on to this data and you could amend it as appropriate and then permit online access for all players.  It would actually need an active website and the ability to update that website on a very regular basis.  How are your HTML skills then?
The rules and everything are a little bit dry and I'll try and drop you a line that explains how the game plays in a more coherent way.  My friend Stephen Agar has said he'll dig the copies of Hyperion out of the UK Zine Archive and stick them into pdf's that you and I can read and which will not require them to cross the pond.  That's a big help although I will send over a whole bunch of stuff anyway.  I don't think the postage cost will be hideous so don;t worry about that.
I think some of the maps and provinces may be 'in play' items.  The rules permit subdivision and recombination of provinces so some people's actions will have produced different provinces.  They all started as pretty straight.  But then Bolivia and Peru agreed to merge into Perivia and some people started to label the newly-formed provinces with fun names - hence Midgard (which was the name of a free-form RPG of the 70's, or a book, or something), Doc's Pleasure Garden and Rivendell.  Some peope went to an atlas and come up with the Cianares, Hejaz etc.  This game taught me a hell of a lot about the geography of the world.
There's a number of changes to the first spreadsheet brought about because this version of the tables must have been compiled from the game-in-progress.  A distant bell of memory is ringing to tell me that I put these tables together to simplify things.  I think they once were a part of the rules at the relevant point but I separated them into a 4-page document which contained everything because that was what people referred to once the game was in progress.  The game had one or two strange turnings.  Different countries swapped bits of one another - hence anomalies like Greek Sumatra, Aden being a province of India, Brazil having renamed itself Rivendell etc etc.  Plus a stab at humour here and there.
So - Doc's Pleasure Island was a renamed half of Haiti (named after Papa Doc Duvalier who ran the country for a long time with voodoo and a secret police).  Perivia was the renamed combination of Peru & Bolivia, Rivendell I hope you'd know, Cyrenia was a half of Cyprus and Leazes End is named after one end of Newcastle United Football Club's ground.  Hejaz was floated into a new nation, and divided between Benson & Hejaz etc etc.  The investment performance table of countries in the various regions has been badly affected by this and is seemingly cocked-up anyway.  I have tried to correct this and re-labelled a couple of the regions but in essence, it doesn't matter.  Some countries are blessed with being in more than one investment return area for bank purposes.
What else?  The Public Works thing is a strange iterm that just seems daft.  It's really a means of transferring money into the escrow (economy) of a particular country.  That can have a logic but I've forgotten what it was!
Having a bit of a browse trying to track down people who played in the first game led me to the NA Variant Bank that tells me there is a Hyperec 4 and a Hyperec 5, but I can't find any details of these nor do I have any idea if the NA Variant Bank is still intact.  It didn't help me track down Pete Ansoff, Steve Norris or Frank Kopel who were leading lights of my game.
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