#(he started wearing a vest instead it’s cool lol)
akkivee · 6 months
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safyresky · 2 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 30/52: Milf Jacqueline strikes again...
In my notes/list, she was described as "holding her staff the way Cheri holds her broom in Frostmas and looking smug". She looks delighted instead, which checks out!
Very excited to do a full, PROPER design of her milf-fit! We've seen the original outfit deets HERE, but take the REST of the deets:
The pattern on her SLEEVES! Finally got it how I want it thanks to THIS POST.
The flourishes in each of the little diamonds on the sleeve are flexible—they can be anything tbh!
I went with like. A little circle and four whooshes around it bc I was feelin' it—snowflakey? Ish? I think they were more kaleidoscope-y when I originally did it and I am still quite fond of that design! The lil boops are just easier to doodle lmao
Fun fact: Her fit is a jacket. Custom made, (I think Jack made it for her, same as he did Fino's cloak except she knew EXACTLY what she wanted and was trying to find a place to get it made when Jack went allow me), and it doesn't have buttons but little clasps (these guys)—which is why it looks so smooth on the front!
Under the jacket is more active wear! Dark blue tank top, I think! She overheats a lot 🥵🔥
Moving right down: bike shorts are still bike shorts, just a sparkly grey! I had them grey anyway originally, but like, a dark grey. Now they're SPARKLING! But they don't actually sparkle, they're just. Y'know. A nice grey.
(I need to figure out best practise for using the metallic markers I have, tbh).
She has. Heckin. GARTERS NOW! Cause I thought they'd look cool. And they DO! And lil purple diamonds bc purple is my fave colour (presently) and it's bleeding into Jacqueline's palette!
The BOOTS! So I'm chronically behind in scrimbles and frostmas and lord knows what else bc I have been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley for about a month straight, and when I hit level 30? I think? I started getting the cool Forgotten getup, and the boots? A LOOK.
So that's what Jacqueline's boots are based on!
I wanted to make them the same colour as her dress but decided instead to do the middle blue, so they wouldn't blend in with her jacket OR the inside of her jacket lol.
AND HER STAFF. That's a whole THING.
She has 0 vested interest in looking into if she, too, can warlock, and the only reason she does is bc of shenanigans in a potential Pyros Redemption story.
she ends up having to A) see if she IS a warlock and B) train to staff summoning levels in order to figure out where tf Pyros's staff went after that gnarly defeat he suffered at the hand of Blaise AND Jack AND Jacqueline.
(Remember that? How they kicked his ass? And Jacqueline destroyed his staff? Yeah. There's a method to my madness :)
(It's an opal)
I have no idea how I made the gem holder so pretty but I did?
If you look closely, the very top of said decal and the pommel make a heart (coughs DITE cough cough)
I may switch the gradient! That is, reverse it so the pink is at the top and blue at the bottom. Still on the fence about it 🤔🤔🤔
In terms of like, colouring: Did mess up a bit on the mouth! BUT it looks okay! Yay :3. Almost gave her six fingers on the right hand—still not sure how I managed THAT. But overall, this is deffs in the top 5 scrimbles for sure (so far) :D
Need me a silver marker that can really POP on the dark blue pencil crayons tbh 🥹🥹🥹
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ouranbutworse · 7 months
Anime-Manga Comparisons, the dreaded episode 8
They actually don’t have a bunch of mannequins in the manga, just the one with one swimsuit, but Honey still suggests the one he chose in the anime, so it’s kind of confusing. Also the two piece in the manga has polka dots. Super cute. Kyoya offers to float her a loan, and the twins straight up say she has no breasts, as opposed to calling her flat. Manga also reveals she wears a sports bra, instead of the vest she wears in the anime. I’m not sure we ever actually see this manga.
Another tragic cut is one of my favourite Kyoya lines of all time when baseball Tamaki hits the twins into the distance, and Kyoya questions where his youth has gone that he has three children at age seventeen. I demand a reboot once again.
Of course, the biggest thing they removed from the anime is the fact that the beach they’re on is actually owned by the Nekozawa’s, and he’s even there with them! He’s a pretty cool dude, I wish they’d hung out with him more often, because it seems like their two clubs are actually really close. They also don’t show the huge cat rock.
The shellfish hunting in the anime is actually just collecting seashells in the manga, and when Kaoru gives her a scallop all the other hosts jump in to hand her other shells, which is just *insert relevant emoji here* They really do adore her, don’t they? Unfortunately, Tamaki doesn’t make his ‘crabtivating’ joke. I’m honestly shell shocked. I’m crabsolutely devastated. Third pun.
In the manga the twins actually call out Tamaki for using the family dynamic as some sort of defense mechanism, but he immediately gets distracted by a snake and that’s kind of it. Also the girls witness the entire attack, almost drowning, and rescue, which honestly makes Tamaki the coolest at that moment. Also Haruhi hits her head and starts bleeding, ouch.
In Nekozawa’s family mansion (the anime could have at least mentioned it!) the guys all play a cursed boardgame where every single square they land on is a bad one, the others are all vague and might not come true, but Tamaki’s is literally saying a friend hates him, lol. Nekozawa returns to tease Tamaki about liking white sundresses and plays the board game along with them, while freak of a man Kyoya says that not being charged puts a weight on his heart, and Nekozawa has more shenanigans until Haruhi turns on the lights and scares him. Her dress is the same in both, but the manga seems to always do cute patterns on everything.
While they fawn over how adorable she is and the twins coddle her, Tamaki gets a bloody nose and Honey karate chops his neck to stop the bleeding. It doesn’t work and he bleeds even worse, the dirty pervert.
Nekozawa abandons the others because they suck hardcore (the lights hurt him) and the others go for dinner, which is actually the fabled Fancy Tuna that I don’t think she ever gets to eat in the anime. And she doesn’t get to eat it here because Tamaki is awful and eats it all. She gets her own back by offering an empty crab leg and then trying to stab him with it, though.
Instead of Tamaki asking Kyoya to lead him to his room because it’s Kyoya’s place, instead he asks Kyoya to come with him because the hallways are dark and scary and he’s a big wimp. Also Mori lifts up Haru again to rush her to the bathroom, where they run into Nekozawa without his cloak. He’s so pretty!
Speaking of pretty… the upcoming scene isn’t that at all! But Kyoya is, isn’t he? Haruhi doesn’t even recognise him without his glasses on, the silly girl.
Thankfully the two scenes are really similar, so there aren’t any differences, and therefore I’m free to avoid talking about this scene for another day. Hooray! The only major difference is that Kyoya laughs harder in the manga, less attractive chuckle and more goofy giggle. Also Tamaki straight up calls Kyoya a bastard in the anime.
The lightning scene is the same, except that instead of Tamaki opening the closet Haruhi does it herself and then hits him in the face with the door. The poor pervert.
Episode 8… thankfully over!
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r0semirages · 1 year
So. I made an RTC swap au!!
It started just with an idea of John Doe!Ricky that I had for a pretty long time, but recently I decided to turn it into something cooler, so I made this whole thing. Maybe I'll sketch their designs later (or at least make picrews of them), but idk how much time it will take. I haven't change some things, like the relationships between some characters, because I thought it wouldn't work very well. But, this isn't fully finished yet, so there's some moments that may be changed in the future.
I imagine this AU more like a play, than a musical and honestly I really don't think that it'll become something serious, cause I'm not that good at writing and creating full stories, so, at least at the moment, it's just for fun. Also, the designs are based on the 2016 cast, but feel free to make your own interpretations with your favorite cast. And maybe someday I'll make them too, we'll see. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy it!! (Pls excuse me if there are any mistakes, english isn't my first language, blah blah blah. Also there are a lot of spoilers for rtc, so if you plan to watch it — don't read further!)
So, first is Penny — the most imaginative girl in town. She's super silly, sometimes awkward and doesn't really have any friends because most people think she's weird. Penny often gets left out or bullied, and she uses escapism to cope with this + all the stuff with her parents, who she didn't get enough love from. Her fantasies is a bit different from the original Ricky's: they don't have a lore, she just makes up random stories to escape from reality and writes them out sometimes. She *definetely* writes fanfiction and probably posts it online. For some reason people find it cool, but no one in the choir knows about it. She's still a Seven-Up fan and she plays the ukulele (that will be used in the new birthday song for Ricky)
I changed her design just a bit, now she wears a lot of accessories, mostly pins (bc I headcanon the og Ricky having them) and it's mostly based on Emily Rohm's Penny, while her personality is more like legoland Penny's.
The next is Ocean — the angriest girl in town. Like the og Mischa, she hates her parents (but in this case they aren't adoptive) and their lifestyle, but instead of becoming the most succesful to prove that she's different from them, this Ocean just becomes a total mess and starts hating everyone. Idk if I will make her like shitty rap about money in autotune, but she definetely has a history of stealing stuff from stores, lol.
Design changes: messy hair; she doesn't have a headband and a tie, her shirt isn't fully buttoned up. She wears a sweater vest over it with a short skirt (a dress, actually).
Then we have Constance — the most succesful girl in town. She's a big nerd and spends a lot of her time studying because she wants to be the best. In general she behaves just like original Ocean and treats Noel like Ocean would treat her in the og musical (they're besties, but not really). She's pretty mean and very ambitious. This Constance doesn't have as much love for her town as the og one and she plans to move out (and become a premier minister of Canada, maybe :p) She's the one to make the final vote in this AU and of course she will choose John Doe/Ricky.
I haven't change a lot of things in the design, but her hair isn't dyed anymore, buns are down, she has a tie and maybe some hairpins. In general she looks a bit more tidy
Next one: Noel — the nicest boy in town. A complete opposite to the og Noel, he doesn't want to change anything in his life and enjoys living in Uranium. He's still super homosexual and has a big crush on Mischa, and, as I've said before he's "best friends" with Constance who treats him like shit and makes jokes about how he's never gonna breed👍🏻 /ref
He's really insecure about himself, but very friendly with everyone else (especially Mischa). He still enjoys all the french stuff, but you know, in a less... horny... way. And his mother is a baker and Noel often helps her in their cafe
He now has a short-sleeved shirt, round glasses and half of his hair is purple (it's also a bit more messy). In general I didn't change a lot in his design, but I made him such an UwU softie boy /j
Then, Mischa — the most romantic boy in town (ah yes, this one is for you, Mischa simps). He's still in love with Talia and his backstory is the same, but instead of becoming an angry rapper, he became a sad romantic guy, who dreams about moving to Ukraine with his (probably non-existing) internet fiancé. He just wants to be happy :(
Design changes: his clothes and hair aren't that messy anymore and he has a black jacket (like the one chance theatre Noel had). Also his nails are usually black or any other dark shade!!
And! Finally! My best creation yet — John Doe!Ricky. Perhaps, the rest of the choir doesn't remember him (well, in fact they do remember him, but it's a different theory and I don't want to bring it here) because he couldn't talk and no one really noticed him. The only person he was pretty close with was Penny, but still, they weren't even friends, they just standed close to each other while the choir was performing and both sat in the back of a rollercoaster when the accident happened. There will be a role-swapped version of the Savannah scene, but I don't know what name should I use instead of Savannah yet (if you have any ideas, please drop them in the comments!! I'll be very grateful)
When he gets choosen by Constance he'll came back to life as Ricky and yes, he WILL remain disabled because I'm a very big Ricky fan + a very big ableism hater, don't expect that shit from me👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 Also he will still have 14 cats because. Why not. I love cats.
The only thing that will change is the fact that he's a little happier now?? People around him treat him better and he doesn't have to fantasize about fucking cat-people from Zolar to be happy lol. Oh man I'm writing a bit too much about him sorry I just love this guy a lot. Bless his little heart
Finally, about his design: honestly he's just a yassified version of this picture /hj
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Okay, so he has a head stolen from some super swag dressed in a Bowie-like style doll that for some reason was in the warehouse. He has a big purple star around one of his eyes and some parts of his hair are also colorful (purple/blue/pink). His clothes isn't very different, but maybe I'll add some more accesories
Well, that's all atm. I will try my best to make some content for this and keep developing this idea and I really really hope you will like it!
Reblogs/comments/likes are VERY appreciated and again, if you have any recommendations for improving this au I'll be really glad to hear them or just any of your thoughts!!!
Ty for reading (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
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Twisted Wonderland Magical Archive Character Art (Part 2. Heartslabyul)
I recently got the magical archives book and there is a lot of character design art in it for like all the characters and theres little notes in there so I just wanted to post it so if you want to use it for art reference or something its here haha.
Disclaimer: This book is in japanese. I do not speak japanese lmao. I tried my hardest to piece together things based off of what google translate said as well as context but if I translated something wrong feel free to correct me and i’ll update this haha.
starting off: here is the general dorm uniform for Heartslabyul students:
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Jesus christ this uniform has so many details ;u; Basic things: Characters are assigned a suit of a card in Heartslabyul, which determines the color of the vest and shoes (between black and red), as well as the little card pin on the jacket (shown below), even the little buttons on the jacket good god there is so much going on.
Some other misc. things: That little rose brooch is actually flat, their belt/ribbon thing is tied so the two ends of it alternate between yellow and black when next to each other. also the Heartslabyul uniform has gloves, but out of the main heartslabyul boys, Trey is the only one who actually wears them.
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These are some of the smaller details like buttons, pins, etc.  
Ok moving on to actual characters:
Riddle Rosehearts
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I think the note says something along the lines of Riddle being short, so the PE clothes are a little big on him lmao
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The note mentions that since they wear their uniforms under their lab coats, since riddle wears a bow instead of a normal tie it just goes over the coat.
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I love riddle’s dorm uniform so much lmao. also idk how much of the manga we’re considering canon but apparently wearing heels is a rule of the queen of hearts i think and riddle doesn’t actually particularly care for them, don’t quote me on that though. 
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angry riddle is,,,,,,something. It says his smile is innocent which is very cute lmao
I have the overblot design stuff too but i may put that in a separate post along with Leona’s and Jamil’s 
Ace Trappola 
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Ace ties the jacket around his waist, and his shoes are the same shoes he wears with his school uniform
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Ace wears his lab coat open with the goggles on his head (shame on u ace ur gonna go blind)
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His eyes are apparently supposed to be cat-like uwu. Also the collar from riddle’s unique magic is apparently heavy and very noticeable
Deuce Spade 
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Deuce wears his PE uniform with short sleeves
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Deuce pretty much wears his lab wear like, the exact way he’s supposed to lol (The note says something along the lines of “If you ignore the bangs, the googles are correct” haha)
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Note says roughly “Cool beauty with a little bit of grace” and that he has a sword-like eye. I’m starting to think the character designer really likes deuce haha. Deuce is a pretty boy.
Cater Diamond
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Cater wears a white long sleeved shirt under his PE uniform, and also rolls up his pant cuffs (bi king)
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Cater wears his lab coat open with the goggles around his neck (again, shame on you)
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God Cater is so pretty asdfghjkl. Some stuff from the notes: He has droopy eyes, both his ears are pierced, and he has a more mature face than Ace or Deuce because he’s older. might have translated it wrong but apparently his hair is supposed to be a pompadour???????????????? ok. also hes got a little fang moment going on look at his cute lil fang i love it. And his hair curls under his ears and his hair is roughly chin length.
Trey Clover
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Trey wears his PE uniform short sleeved and with running shoes.
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Trey wears his lab coat open and his goggles are actually prescription googles :0 he puts his glasses next to his magical pen in his coat pocket
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on the bottom panel theres a whole note about “You cant see through the sides of glasses!” which i just thought was funny. 
Anyways, thats it for Heartslabyul! I’ll be posting Savannahclaw’s next uwu
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salsdemise · 3 years
Hey hey heeyyy :)))
first of all i just wanted to say that i love ur posts smm 🥺❤
Could i please request a bit of a comfort fic for Asra regarding a mc (fem!reader- she/her) who is deeply insecure about her height!?
For context i am Asra's height and i always felt soooo insecure about being tall and not being perceived as feminine enough for a woman :(
sorry for being so long hsvshab love yaaa <3
I’m so glad you liked that fic!! I’m more than glad to write this for you! Tall women are super pretty and just as feminine as short or average height women!!
and its a-ok this was a little long!
Asra x fem!mc who’s insecure about being as tall as them :))
Notes: switching between they/them and he/him for asra, love for tall women <3/p, s/o used for you instead of y/n or mc lol(this fic kinda sucks so theres hcs at the bottom!), asra's text is in pink
Cw: body dysmorphia, generally just kinda self-doubt.
Today was tiring, for both you and Asra. While Asra went out to help Nadia with surveying her people, asking what they thought was an issue to be fixed, you stayed home, at the shop, running it and closing. Being left alone all day, with your thoughts and such, made you exhausted.
When Asra came home, he half expected you to be asleep at the counter, faust on your shoulders. But upon entering and seeing the shop tidy and quiet, he ventured upstairs to your shared room. What they weren’t expecting was to see you laying on the bed, curled in a ball and looking tired and sad.
“S/O? What’s wrong?” they spoke, taking off their scarf, bag and vest as well as their boots before sitting on the bed next to your curled up form.
You sighed, moving so you could sit up, your knees pulled to your chest, “Asra, am I,,I dunno, am I,, not feminine enough?”
Asra was visibly shocked at your words, putting their hands on your shoulders, “My dear, where is this coming from so suddenly? Why would you think you’re not ‘feminine’ enough?”
“My height, Asra. I’m as tall as you are, don’t you think it’s a little weird? A girl like me, as tall as her partner is-is weird!”
“Oh s/o, don’t you think like that. Just because you’re tall doesn’t mean you're any less feminine. It just means we’re the same height, and there’s nothing ‘weird’ or wrong about that,” Asra brings you into a hug, holding you close to his chest, your arms wrap around him too. “Height doesn’t define masculinity or femininity. You could be as tall as Muriel and still be just as feminie as smaller women. You’re perfect the way you are, my love.”
Smiling, you moved to kiss his cheek, “Thank you, Asra.” “Of course, my dear.” Bonus: hcs!(bc the fic kinda sucked) -Asra fucking loves you no matter what, if you wear heels that make you taller than him he swoons
-He’ll re-assure you for anything. No matter what
-if someone caused this insecurity by commenting on it, him, pasha and Ilya will be,,talking to them -You guys can probably wear each others clothes and they’ll be dressing up like you sometimes
- you mentioned you liked the dancing bit last time so,,,
-Asra likes to just take you places and dance with you and will even set it up so that as it goes on he’ll be able to bend down to kiss you -like that one scene of greg and rose from SU where he tries to fuse with her -he likes picking you up even if it is just that little bit and you end up on the floor -he loves that you’re as tall as him though.
-they don’t know why it’s just cool
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allies + eje human au headcanons
I had to look up what eje meant, which was Axis in Spanish 🌮 (there's no sombrero emoji, and I'm mad about it). This is mostly a college Human AU, but there's still some future stuff in there. Enjoy the longest list of Headcannons in one post lol
Human AU Hetalia!
Has rich parents, but doesn't tell anyone, and somehow his big house that everyone parties at doesn't give it away.
The only person who knows is Japan, and that's specifically because Japan's dad works for America's dad.
Is a college student, hoping to go for some kind of music degree.
A first year.
Black T-shirt and jeans. Has a plaid button up for everyday of the month, usually has it tied around his hips.
Has like, one basic tux and refuses to wear anything but converse or airwalkers.
Space nerd #1, except he's more into what's beyond our boundaries, and loves the constellations.
One of the most popular kids, and no matter how hard you try he's not easy to hate.
Gives off dumb college kid energy even though he's one of the A+ students.
His glasses are for show. It was meant to be a rebellious thing since Canada use to get bullied about his own glasses, now it's just an esthetic.
Skate boards and plays the acoustic guitar in his free time.
Jeans are usually missing the knee section.
Once set off firecrackers in a metal trash can as a school prank.
Last year of college, majoring in history after failing his cooking classes.
Graphic tee central. We are unsure how many he has but he's up to 43 different shirts worn on campus.
Usually has his earbuds in, listening to punk rock.
Has an ungodly amount of bracelets. His favorite one is a black snap bracelet with little pirate skulls.
Was practically raised by his older brothers.
Lives alone, but is secretly an amazing writer.
Has a Tumblr blog he writes spooky stuff on.
Top of his class, but can be a dummy if he's put on the spot.
No one is sure how he's been allowed to take nothing but art classes. No English, or science, just art.
Is also a transfer student, he's probably the second richest thanks to daddy.
Is the school stud, despite not sleeping with a single soul, and is actually extremely nervous about dating, and is just more comfortable with playful flirting.
He wants to be a fashion designer, or Model. Mostly a Designer.
Loose shirts and tight pants.
Has a weird obsession with belt sashes.
Plays violin like a god, and is a senior.
Another senior in college.
Had the unfortunate event of being in the same cooking class as England before Arthur decided to switch degrees.
Still hangs out with him and Japan.
One of the few who is taking advanced classes, and is literally everyone's tutor.
Going for a Degree in Cooking. Wants to be a head chef.
His parents are over seas, but he promised to get them to America as soon as he can.
He wears a lot of colorful shirts that is always tucked into his pants.
Most of which look like bowling shirts, but he likes to add little Chinese patches to them. Has a signature jean jacket that is overwhelmed with patches.
Has a panda beenie baby keychain, so everyone knows exactly who it belongs to when he losses his keys.
Very quick to panic, and hates to admit he's wrong.
Third and final transfer student, along with Japan, and France.
Poor confused child is trying so hard.
He's kind of shy, and is fully aware his social akwardness creeps everyone out.
Almost cried the day America and Prussia adopted him into the cool kid circle.
His broken english is probably the biggest turn off for the people at school. It's why no one really talks to him, mostly because they can't figure out what he's saying most of the time.
Biggest sweetheart though, and is painfully smart, but do to the english thing he's stuck in the average classes, but China comes swooping in and his english gets almost fluent by his third year.
He doesn't own a single thing tech, minus a flip phone, but somehow knows all the hot keys on the computer to every program, and it's only because he's lazy about it and it's the funniest thing.
Space nerd #2 but knows more about the planets and can name every single moon, and knows the history of space discoveries by heart.
Secretly a hopeless romantic, and doesn't realize he reads England's blog.
Is pretty much a closet goth, but likes bright colors too much to be seen in all black.
Knows way to much about torture devices and learned very quickly that gets you out casted in a school setting.
Isn't upset that he doesn't have many friends, but somehow attracts all the little kids from the grade school.
He likes his northface sweater, and loose pants. But his shirts are pretty colorful, and he likes collecting shoelaces.
He spends a lot of time in the woodwork shop, creating amazing figures and such.
I can feel the dissapointed stares of Matt not being a photographer. Welp, guess he also gets a degree in art then.
Second year, Because he skipped one year in college.
Clothing style is long sleeves and vests.
He likes feeling fancy, and owns an endless amount of beanies.
One of the few people who talks to Russia.
His locker has a snot ton of polar bear stickers that everyone stuck to it, and he loves it.
Is baby but can kick butt in the wrestling club after school.
Has a tiny white Pomeranian that he rescued from it's mother who wouldn't take care of it, probably because the puppy was the runt of the litter.
Has a Harley Davidson and it's been painted black with the aurora on it, making everyone think it was his non-existent girlfriend's or something. Now it's a running joke.
He's not a jock, but he's friends with them.
Military Dad.
Is usually found hanging out in the gymnasium on breaks. It's quiet and no one is going to bother him. Usually.
Senior, and so ready to get the heck out of college.
Ladies love him, but he really hates the attention, like please help him.
Style wise he's pretty basic, but really loves his camo print.
Has owned countless doggos, and only attracted so many girls the day he walked to school with a fluffy poodle that France Hijacked for the day.
Doesn't ever go to dances after the first one and everyone tried to get him drunk, to no avail.
Had out drank some of the dumber students to shut them up.
Can be mean if you persistently pester him for dumb stuff, especially if he's already said no.
He's into construction and is working on a degree in Construction Management.
Exchange student number 3
Degree in technology is what he desires.
Style = Geek, but like a stylish geek.
Him and Canada are in photography class together.
Japan is also part of the cool kids, but only when they're about to do some dumb stunt, and need a camera man.
Doesn't mind, loves watching them make fools of themselves.
Has a rebellious streak, and tends to be a complete sass.
As soon as something seems to go bad, he gone. He's heading towards the door. Been in detention once, and that was it.
Why does everyone go to him for advice when china is literally down the hall?
Rich kid #3 and his parents are traditional and are having a crisis over their son's rebellious attitude.
Is a first year, and is oddly enough, going for a degree in history.
Really likes antiques and old artsy stuff.
Has a few shared classes with France, and they pretty much own those classes.
Rivals America's charisma, but isn't as popular due to:
Being seen around France, and not doing dumb and entertaining crap like america.
Gets picked on a lot Because he doesn't understand you can't be nice to the Jock's girlfriend without everyone thinking your flirting, even though you just needed directions on your first day of school.
Germany is now his bodyguard and he was kind of like "???" But they get closer the longer they hangout.
Fancy shirt man, like hand me downs from his Italian father. So they're really nice, and a lot of eye melting patterns.
Gets attached to people easily, and is sensitive when he gets taken advantage of during assignments, but toughs through it because he has too.
Has two cats literally named Mona, and Lisa.
Has cried at least once at school because he's a soft guy, but he gets a thicker shell the older he gets and learns to just laugh off other people's stupidity.
Protective older brother gooooo
Second year in school, and his first year made him want to eat brinks.
Doesn't know what degree he wants, but settled for a degree in cooking.
Shares his brother's shirts practically and it confuses everyone Because, didn't Feliciano wear that shirt last week?
Immediately thinks people don't know washing machines exist Because of this, so his sass factor is high up there.
Doesn't really have friends, and also does not care. He's a bit of a lone wolf and needed something to do.
The amount of not caring attitude contrasts his high grades and his teachers are painfully confused by it.
Will jokingly tell people to fight him at McDonald's, and almost fought someone but literally laughed, and suggested they got something to eat instead.
He's somehow, in a bizarre and unwanted sense, everyone's brother which is just...
No one understands him, but they like him, and he doesn't know why and it kind of bugs him.
He's usually in the front of the school daydreaming about, god only knows what...
Is the epitomy of the "she doesn't even go here" joke from mean girls, except he does go to that school.
Why did he need a degree? Oh yeah, Because work places don't care what kind of paper, you just need a paper.
Rival friendship with america, and Russia has had to step in to break up petty fights.
He's not sure why he's part of the popular kids since he's so fricken chaotic and obnoxious. Or so he thinks.
Genuinely a sweet guy in his last year, desperately wanting a degree in mathematics. Like, no one understands why mathematics until he starts pulling card tricks from his pocket that deals with it, and blows everyone's mind.
He is also head of the newspaper club.
Has the style of a teenage band member and will not apologize for it.
Has hijacked the schools speaker system to blast evanescence, which gave a huge boost to his friendship with Russia, since the big fellow shares Prussia's taste in music.
Can eat a whole ghost pepper without batting an eyelash, and this is only Headcannon and a worthy note because he became sick the day after and the whole school had "in loving memory of Gilbert's stomach" posters all over the place.
Teacher's are very much done with his harmless antics. They're noticably stupid pranks, but only to the point it's annoying.
Like he managed to make all the teacher's computer backgrounds as Brad Pitt wearing a sombrero. There's no joke, and no punchline. It's just a poorly Photoshopped sombrero?
Races his brother to school every morning, and afternoon. Cops have stopped them at least twice due to other bystanders getting freaked out.
Him and Romano don't mix well, but try to leave each other alone.
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idnek83 · 4 years
Can u write something about soudam wedding?
I’m sorry this took like 3 weeks to answer, but here you go: 4.3k word worth of Soudam wedding ramblings.
(This is for a western style wedding by the way)
Wedding Planning
Neither of them know what they’re doing, cus neither of them ever really spent much time thinking about weddings growing up, much less their own weddings lol
So one day, after they’re engaged, they’re just hanging out with some friends. They’re on a couch, Soda’s laying with his head in Gundham’s lap, just vibing, then their friends start asking about what they have planned. They both kind of look at each other and shrug, cus they have planned literally nothing, they just know they kind of want to get married on their anniversary, but that’s really all they’ve got lol.
Sonia like presses them for ideas cus they must have at least some idea of what they want, right?
Soda looks up at Gundham and is like ‘probably lots of black stuff, yeah?’
Gundham nods and looks down at him ‘perhaps with vibrant accents in your preferred colors as well?’
Soda’s like ‘Oooh and we could have like an animal theme maybe?? OH! OR A ROBOT ANIMAL THEME????’ and Gundhams just like ‘whatever makes you happy’ and they throw out a couple more terrible ideas while Sonia silently suffers lol.
Eventually they’re laughing at their own stupid ideas and Sonia is just glad they actually realize their ideas were dumb and they didn’t seriously want a goth robot hamster ice sculpture lol. They admit they don’t super care how it all goes down, they both just want to get married and have fun with all their friends at the reception.
Sonia offers to take care of the planning and stuff with her team of professionals (Yes she has a team on wedding planners okay, she’s the kind of person who has been planning her wedding since she was 9 and also she’s a princess so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). She seems really excited and Soda and Gundham really don’t know what they’re doing so they agree to let her handle it as long as they get the final say on things. She immediately starts rambling about all her ideas and Soda and Gundham just kind of chuckle and smile at each other.
 Suit shopping
Fuyuhiko takes them suit shopping. They go together, they aren’t too concerned about keeping their outfits a secret from each other and they figure it’ll be fun to watch each other try on all kind of different things. Sonia comes too of course.
They start kind of idlily browsing sample suits (they’re getting custom suits made, Fuyuhiko wouldn’t hear otherwise) and Sonia asks what kind of suits they’d like to see each other in. They both stop and look at each other, and Fuyu rolls his eyes cus they’re just blatantly checking each other out lol.
Eventually Soda shrugs and is like “I don’t really care. As long as I get to see Gundham looking hot as hell in a tux I’m good with whatever” and Gundham kind of tilts his head and is like “So you would prefer me to wear a tuxedo?” Soda is dumb as hell and doesn’t realize Gundham is not using ‘tuxedo’ as a synonym for ‘suit’ like he was, so he gets super blushy and is like “Oh. I-I mean if you were thinking about a dress instead that’s cool too.” And Gundham’s eyes just widen a bit because he was not thinking about wearing a dress but now he’s thinking about Soda in a big, white, full skirted wedding dress. Soda is picturing Gundham in something a little more fitted with a high slit. They’re both just blushing and staring at each other until Fuyu clears his throat and tells Soda that a tuxedo is a type of suit, and he’s pretty sure that’s what Gundham meant. Soda just hides his face in his hands and apologizes. Gundham comes over to kiss his forehead and tell him it’s okay, and eventually they get back to looking at suits lol
Gundham’s done pretty quick. He does end up picking a tuxedo, and I’m not great at fashion but Just picture something black, very gothic, and a tiny bit extra haha. Soda super excited to see it once it’s done being made, cus Gundham already looked amazing in the sample suit. He maybe gets a little emotional looking at his fiancé all dressed up knowing it’s for their wedding, but nobody says anything and Gundham just smiles at him softly.
Soda has a lot more trouble. He doesn’t want to ruin their wedding by wearing something tacky so he’s trying to stick to traditional black. But every time he comes out and looks at himself in the full length mirror he can’t help but feel uncomfortable. He doesn’t look like himself,  he thinks he looks like some kid borrowing his dad’s suit for prom.
He’s on like the 12th sample suit, he’s trying all kinds of styles and different lapels and undershirts/vest combos but he still just feels like trash in all of them. This suit fits him like a glove, accentuates all of his best features, and he honestly looks so good in it. Sonia and Fuyuhiko are telling him as much, along with whatever staff are around.
But Soda still doesn’t feel like himself. And Gundham can tell.
Gundham comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist and they both just look at themselves in the mirror for a moment. Gundham makes a point of frowning as he looks at the suit and Soda laughs at how obviously exaggerated it is. It’s the first time he’s genuinely smiled in at least an hour.
“What’s wrong, babe? Don’t like it?”
“Hmm… perhaps if it was yellow… maybe blue?”
Soda laughs but he feels a little self conscious. He really doesn’t want to make their wedding tacky, but he just doesn’t feel right in such… boring colors. He tells Gundham as much. Gundham hums and kisses his cheek, still holding him from behind, and asks to see color samples for the suits materials while Soda insists he’ll be fine and he’ll just get used to the black.
Someone brings Gundham a collection of cloth samples, and he finally separates from his fiancé to stand in front of him and hold them up, one by one. Soda is insisting black is fine the whole time. Eventually Gundham stops, holding up a sort of deep red, and tilts his head. Soda looks at the color; he likes it, but he’s still worried it would be kind of tacky. Gundham asks for someone to bring him a jacket in that color.
He puts it on Soda and grabs a black suit jacket and a red tie for himself, before standing next to Soda and linking their arms. Soda looks in the mirror and, hey, that’s not too bad, the red actually looks pretty classy, and paired up with Gundham’s tie it looks…
He starts crying, but it’s mostly relief and happiness. Fuyu laughs at him but tells him he looks good and Sonia just smiles while Gundham pulls him into a hug. They order the 12th suit in red, and every time Soda tries t apologize for being so difficult Gundham just shuts him up with a kiss lol.
Wedding Traditions and Stuff
They start talking about wedding traditions one day after having a conversation with Sonia about how the wedding plans are going. The first thing that comes up is the whole ‘bride walking down the aisle’ thing since, obviously, there isn’t gonna be a bride. Gundham suggests they both just walk out together, but Soda kind of wants that moment where he’s standing at the alter and gets to watch Gundham walk down the aisle towards him. Gundham just smiles and kisses him and says he’s like that too.
Soda suggests they take dance lessons or something so they can have a cool first dance. Gundham says they can if he really wants to, but he would rather just be able to hold Soda close and sway to the music without having to worry about memorized steps. Soda blushes and agrees, he mostly suggested it cus he thought Gundham would like it anyways.
Neither of them really care about name changes. They both offer to change theirs, but in the end they just decide to keep their own names.
Sonia (jokingly) mentions being disappointed because there won’t be a bouquet toss, and Chiaki (also jokingly) responds that Gundham should just toss a single rose into the crowd like tuxedo mask. He agrees to do it (not jokingly)
They both write their own stupid sappy vows, it’s not even something they have to discuss.
Hajime is Soda’s best man, Sonia is Gundham’s. She insists on being called ‘best man’ instead of ‘maid of honor’ or ‘best woman’ because she likes the way it sounds lol.
They pick a very classic décor theme, but add in a lot of black accents for the aesthetic✨
They decide to do that thing where they spend the night before the wedding apart and don’t see each other again until the actual ceremony.
Bachelor Party
Soda wasn’t planning on having his own bachelor party, he figured they could just have like a joint bachelor party at their house or something because he loves his fiancé and prefers to party with him lol. But then Fuyuhiko, Hajime, and Nekomaru are carrying him out the front door while Gundham casually waves and tells him to have fun lol (They absolutely got Gundham’s permission before kidnapping his man haha).
(Gundham invites Sonia over for wine and calls it his bachelor party. They watch the bachelor and laugh about how funny they are.)
Soda is thrown in the back seat of one of Fuyu’s fancy cars with blacked out windows and yells at his friends for like the whole trip while they just laugh at him lol. They eventually get to a bar and Soda is just super relieved it’s not a strip club, Hajime tells him it’s cus Gundham wouldn’t let him, but Fuyu and Nekomaru insist it’s cus they have more class than that. (Whose lying? You choose lol).
They get a table and a round of shots as soon as they get inside. It’s actually pretty laid back as far as bachelor parties go, they mostly just sit and talk, and get Soda gushing about his soon to be husband lol. At one point, after a couple drinks, they do like a chugging contest for the first time since they graduated uni and Soda wins. Fuyu is just like ‘wtf when did you get so good at this?” and Soda is like “Well, thanks to Gundham I’ve gotten really good at swallowing” and everybody just fucking groans while he loses his mind laughing lol
As the night goes on Soda just gets sappier and sappier and starts complaining about how much he misses his boyfriend. Nekomaru pats him on the back and is like ‘he isn’t even your boyfriend anymore, he’s your fiancé’ and Soda just light up like ‘yeah… I’m so lucky…’ before he stops and his eyes go wide. The other guys kind of look at each other, confused, before Hajime’s like ‘uh, you good dude?’ and Soda’s just like ‘oh my god, he’s my fiancé! We’re gonna get fucking married next week!! Holy shit that means he’s gonna be my husband! I have to tell him!’ and the guys just laugh while he dials Gundham.
Gundham is surprised to get a call from Soda and gets a little worried, so he answers like ‘is everything alright, my paramour?’ and Soda is just like ‘Holy shit Gundham! Did you realize we’re gonna be husbands??!?’ and Gundham just laughs and relaxes while telling Soda that, yes, he did realize they were going to be husbands lol
Soda just rambles away on the phone about how excited he is to marry Gundham and how he promises to be a good husband and how much he loves him. The other guys roll their eyes and decide it’s probably time to call it a night lol.
When Soda gets home he immediately attaches himself to Gundham and tells him how much he missed him lol. Gundham just pets his hair and gets them both ready for bed as he asks if Soda enjoyed his bachelor party. He says his favorite part was when his fiancé kissed him good night, and Gundham just rolls his eyes and does it haha
The Wedding
Soda is super nervous the night before (not in a ‘I’m not ready for this’ way, he’s just excited and scared he’s gonna say/do something dumb or that something terrible is gonna happen and ruin the whole thing) and he ends up calling Gundham from his hotel room at like midnight and talking about all his worries (“What if I say ‘I don’t’ by accident and we have to do the whole wedding again?” “What if I have to pee in the middle of our vows?” “What if we get to the ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ part and like, Nekomaru suddenly decides he’s in love with you? There’s no way I could take him in a fight!”). Gundham smiles as he reassures Soda that whatever happens, they’ll get through it, and that he doesn’t really care what happens, as long as he gets to call Soda his husband by the end of the day.
They fall asleep telling each other how excited they are.
In the morning their respective best men wake them and help them get ready. Gundham styles his hair up and Soda puts his in a low ponytail, and they both put on their fancy new custom suits (They both got ties to match each other’s suits too haha). They’re both a little nervous but Hajime and Sonia are ready with all kinds of compliments and reassurances, and they get both grooms out their doors and on the road right on time.
Gundham gets to the venue first, and he’s a little taken aback by how good it looks. Sonia gushes about all the little details while Gundham just half listens and thanks her. He’s looking at the flower arrangements sitting in classy black vases, the chairs covered in white cloth held in place with black ribbon, and noticing all kinds of subtly gothic touches Sonia added to the décor. Soda may have been worried about making the wedding tacky with his suit, but Gundham had been worried about making it tacky with shitty gothic decorations. He’s amazed with how well Sonia managed to pull it off. He grabs both her hands and sincerely tells her that he loves her and that she is, and always will be, his dearest friend. They both get a little teary and hug it out haha.
Then Hajime ruins it by kicking in the front door and saying something like ‘Gundham you look hot as fuck, but get out of my sight right now so I can bring your stupid ass fiancé in. Also, hey Sonia, great job decorating.’ Lol
Sonia and Gundham head off into a little room to wait for the ceremony to start, and Hajime heads back out to get Soda. When Soda gets inside he’s just as impressed by the décor as Gundham was. He thinks it’s all very Gundham and he loves it. Hajime tells him he tried to get Sonia to throw in some hot pink roses for Soda and Soda is just like ‘thank god Sonia didn’t listen to you.’ Lol
Soda just heads right into the main hall, just taking in all the amazing décor until his eyes land on the wedding arch. He stares at it and it just really hit him that this is happening. He’s about to marry the love of his life. He’s about to be able to call Gundham his husband. He’s about to be Gundham’s husband. He starts tearing up and Hajime pats him on the back, smiling ‘Come on, ya big sap, lets get you married’
Hajime gets Soda up to the front to take his place under the arch and Sonia comes out to see how things are going. Everything is pretty much ready and the officiant is ready to go, so Sonia heads back to Gundham’s room and the officiant signals everyone to take their seats so they can get things started. Soda’s regained his composure in the tie it took everyone to settle down, and Hajime gives him one last pat on the back before he takes his place to the side and the music starts.
Soda looks up as the door opens and he sears the image into his mind immediately.
Gundham looks amazing, he always does, but there’s just something extra to it in that moment. He’s glowing, Soda decides, and as their eyes lock he feels himself tearing up again. It only gets worse as Gundham gets closer, it’s not long before he’s full on crying. He’s jut so overwhelmed with love and happiness, and he almost wants to sip all the vows and wedding rites and just be married already.
Gundham’s not doing much better. He’s vaguely aware of their friends and family waving to him and complimenting him or congratulating him as he passes, but he’s way too focused on Soda to really care. He looks so handsome in his deep red suit with his hair tied back, and he’s frozen, clutching his hands in front of him nervously the way he had been when Gundham entered. Gundham want’s to run to him, sweep him off his feet and just declare them married himself, but he manages to hold himself back. He doesn’t hold back his tears nearly as well though, and a few roll down his cheeks before he makes it to the altar.
When Gundham gets to Soda he immediately pulls him into a tight hug, Soda wrapping his arms around him just as quickly, and then they’re both laughing through their tears. Gundham gently strokes Soda’s hair, careful not to mess it up, and kisses his forehead. Sonia scoffs to let Gundham know he’s on thin ice for that, she’s very into wedding traditions, but lets it slide since it technically isn’t a real kiss lol.
They eventually pull themselves away from each other a bit and try to wipe away each other’s tears at the same time. It’s a little awkward but they’re happy and don’t care, they just keep staring at each other as they finally step back, still holding hands, and signal to the officiant that they’re ready to start.
Soda says his vows first, it’s on purpose, he wanted to go first cus he knew he would be too busy crying after Gundham’s vows haha. He’s like shaking really hard when he starts, cus he hates public speaking and he’s embarrassed to be so sappy in front of all their friends, but as he talks he watches Gundham light up and it just gets easier and easier, until he’s only shaking from the effort it’s taking not to kiss his groom.
Everyone is expecting Gundham’s vows to be long winded and extra extra, but to their surprise they’re pretty straight forward. Gundham explains, as part of his vows, that he doesn’t need extravagant metaphors to express his love and he wants to speak plainly and clearly, in hopes of expressing how clear his feelings for Soda are (he said he doesn’t need metaphors, nut technically the whole thing is a metaphor lol). Soda is in fact crying well before he finishes, and the only things that stop them from kissing once Gundham stops talking are a stern cough from Sonia and a disapproving tut from Hajime lol
The officiant does their thing, Soda and Gundham requested a shortened version of the usual spiel cus they didn’t want to have to stand through a stupidly long ceremony, but even that feels way too long to them haha. When they get to the ‘speak now or forever hold you peace’ part, Gundham raises a non-existent brow at Soda before gazing pointedly at Nekomaru for a second. Soda snorts and laughs and nobody else gets it, but no one speaks up either haha
Gundham is the first to say ‘I do’, then Soda nearly cuts the officiant off with his own ‘I do’ before they can even finish the question haha. The officiant basically steps out of the way while saying ;you may now kiss cus they can tell these two have no patience lol.
They both lean in before the officiant even finishes speaking. Their lips meet and Soda wraps his arms around Gundham’s neck while Gundham pulls him in by his waist. Their friends are cheering and clapping and both of them are crying again.
They both smile and laugh as they part and make their way back down the aisle, thanking all their friends and family, before heading outside to get some photos taken.
Photos take literal hours (wedding party, friends, family, just them, each of them separate, each of them separate with friends, separate with family, now each individual family member with both of them and each of them separately, etc, etc), and they’re both pretty tired by the end of it. They end up heading back to Gundham’s little waiting room to take a nap together.
Sonia sends Mahiru in to get a picture of them cuddled together on the little couch. Both of them have their suit jackets off, their ties loose, and a couple shirt buttons undone. Soda is lying between Gundham’s legs, head resting sideways on his chest and drooling a little. Gundham as his arms wrapped around Soda’s back and his cheek is pressed against his hair. One of Gundham’s legs is dangling off the front of the too narrow couch, along with one of Soda’s arms.
Despite how sloppy they both look, it’s one of their favorite pictures from their wedding day.
The Reception
When Soda and Gundham wake up from their nap like an hour later, they spend like a solid 20 minutes just tenderly making out being all ‘hey you’re my husband now and I’m gonna keep saying the word husband until we’re both sick of it’ haha (neither of them get sick of it). Eventually Sonia and Hajime come get them, Hajime makes a comment like ‘haha save something for your wedding night guys’ and Sonia is just bluntly like ‘yeah, you two will have plenty of time to fuck later’ lol
They all grab something to eat before the reception because Soda and Gundham have barely eaten anything all day.
Their first dance is literally just them holding each other and kissing and swaying to the music, and Soda is so glad Gundham didn’t want to take dance lessons cus he doesn’t want to do anything but hold and kiss his husband in that moment. After the first dance the champagne starts flowing freely and formal atmosphere dissolves pretty quickly lol
Gundham and Soda have both ditched their jackets and are alternating between chatting and laughing with their friends and rocking out on the dance floor (they’re terrible dancers but it’s their wedding and no one is allowed to judge them lol). They’re both kind of acting like they’re drunk but they haven’t actually had that much to drink, they’re just stupid happy. They keep sneaking off to make out, only for Hajime or Sonia to drag them back lol
By the mid night Gundham has lost his tie (They threw it on the ground during one of their make outs and both of them forgot lol) and Soda has some fresh hickies on his neck, and Sonia and Hajime decide they’ve fulfilled their socialization quota and finally release them lol. They thought about getting a hotel room, but they both agreed they would rather just spend their first night as a married couple in their own bed.
The Wedding Night 👀
(suggestive but not explicit)
They start making out the second they get in the limo (courtesy of the Kuzuryu family) to take them home. They can’t keep their hands off each other, but they manage to keep their clothes on for now haha.
Once they make it home they’re stumbling over each other to get to the door, but then Soda freezes when they get it unlocked and Gundham is just like ??? Soda looks at him wide eyed and is just like ‘I want to do the thing’ and before Gundham can figure out what he means, Soda literally sweeps him off his feet and carries him bridal style into their home. Gundham just laughs and lets it happen.
Soda throws Gundham onto the bed and jumps on top of him, resuming their earlier make outs for  bit before Gundham pushes him back. Its Soda’s turn to be like ??? but Gundham just says he has a surprise for him and heads off to the bathroom.
Soda is 100% expecting lingerie, but when Gundham steps out in a lacy white baby doll with matching white panties and stockings he nearly dies from joy.
Gundham says he noticed the way Soda had reacted to the idea of him in a wedding dress during their suit fitting and went out to buy this outfit pretty much right after. Maybe it wasn’t quite a wedding dress, but it definitely had a bridal feeling to it.
Once some of Soda’s blood makes it back up to his brain, he smirks and points out that Gundham doesn’t really qualify for the whole wearing white on your wedding day thing’ and Gundham’s like ‘hmm, really? Better make sure, just in case’
It’s all really tender, filled with reverent kisses and I love you’s and a couple of happy tears, and by the end of it both of them are completely naked and cuddled up, smiling as they look at the new matching gold rings adorning their fingers.
They both fall asleep thinking about how excited they are to spend the rest of their lives together.
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
okay so this is probably an extremely weird idea... but high school ah, right? readers a hockey player, paul's a figure skater- i'm a big fan of the beatles and hockey and thought of this so 😅 anyways, love your writings ❤️
SKSKSKALSL LMAOOO this is not a weird ask!! I'm a hockey fan too actually 😂✌🏻 In fact, this use to be a hockey/art blog before I it converted lol. And also, Paul would totally be a figure skater like... I can just see it so clearly lmao.
Oh but before I begin, ik you didn't specify reader's gender here and you guys know I do gender neutral reader when I can, but I feel like smashing some hockey related gender norms, so I hope it's cool with you all if I do a badass, hockey playing, female reader for this one 😌
With a heave, you push open the big, double door to your school's practice ice, and a blast of crisp, winter scented air rushes over you. You are the only girl on your school's hockey team, and it feels like the odds are against you.
You're tough, a good shot, and fast, but you still feel like you have a lot to prove. The accuracy of that sentiment is highly debatable, but nonetheless, extra practice never hurts.
Today you've just brought your skates, stick, and a weighted vest for speed drills. It's long after school hours by now, but as a member of the team, you can swipe into the rink anytime you want. That being said, the last thing you were expecting was to find the ice occupied...
The sound of shredding ice snaps your attention to the rink, and there you see a lone boy on skates, tearing it up.
He looks about your age, and if he's in here then he must go to your school... So why don't you recognize him?
You set down your equipment and lace up your skates, pretending to be occupied while you stare.
His strides are long and measured, with a grace you haven't quite seen before. He's wearing a leotard in your school's colors, and the spandex only accents his long, delicate legs as he goes around and around, somewhere between gliding and flying as he goes through a routine of tricks and moves.
He jumps once through the air with impressive form and lands squarely in the center of the ice. You're already feeling quite impressed by the show he's given so far, and you rise to give some polite applause at this last move. But then, you're cut off as he draws up to his full height and launches himself into a spin, perfectly contained to one spot.
As his arms draw in, he goes faster and faster until he's nothing more then a rotating column. Slowly, he drops down to a one legged crouch, his lifted skate held out in front of him with both hands as he arches forward to reach. By now, you feel dizzy just looking at him, but when he springs up over a foot in the air, completing two more aerial spins before landing perfectly on a single skate...
Well, you’re blown away.
To celebrate, you congratulate him like any true hockey fan would. You pound on the glass as hard and as loud as you can, being sure to accompany it with whoops and cheers of admiration. However, the sound of all your ruckus must’ve taken him by surprise, as the figure skater whips around all too fast and slips into a nasty looking fall.
“Shit”, you mutter. Without a moment to lose, you rush down the ramp and onto the ice with your skates thankfully all ready to go. Showing your best hustle, you skate over just as the young man begins to stir. You come to a full stop, trying not to spray him in ice, and drop down to see if he’s alright.
He groans, and sits up slowly, rubbing at his hip, “I’m fine, thanks...”
The British accent takes you by surprise, but you put it aside for now, “Here, let me help you to the bench”. Without giving him much of a wait, you lift him up to his feet easily with fairly impressive strength and help him off the ice while he tires to hide a blush.
Once you’re both settled down, Paul finally takes a moment to get a good look at you. The first thing he notices is your skates. “So... You’re on the, uh hockey team?”
A jolt of excitement goes through you as you assume he is knowledgeable on the topic. Finally, a guy who gets you. You launch into a hyper jabber, telling him all sorts of secular, hockey related things like your name, your jersey number, your position, and the drills you’re here to practice.
Paul has no idea what you’re talking about. In fact, he hardly knows the name of the sport to be quite honest, considering it’s not at all popular back in England... But, you seem so excited, what with your sweet smile and the gleam in your eyes, he can’t bring himself to interrupt you.
“Anyway, sorry, I’m talking too much”, you laugh.
“No no, it’s alright! It’s nice to meet such a passionate person”, he smiles. “Oh, um I’m Paul by the way! I uh, just moved here with my family a few weeks ago”
Well you figured as much, but you’re excited to get to know him more. After all, he seems quite nice, and you admit, you are rather curious about him...
Paul tells you a bit about his background in Liverpool to start off, but he quickly cuts to his passion for figure skating and how he got started in that. He tells you all about the his competitions and medals and how he’s hoping to take his dreams to the pros here in the States.
You listen intently, clinging to every word. Of course you were curious at first, but who would’ve thought he’d be so amazing to boot? You had no idea you were practically talking to a superstar.
Paul humbly denies the title, but he can’t help but feel quite proud of himself under all your attention. To be honest, he was rather worried he’d have a hard time finding his place in an American school, making friends and all that... But imagine his surprise to be here, not even one week into his school career, being fawned over by the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. 
When the conversation hits a bit of a slump, Paul starts up a new topic, “So, what kind of moves have you got out there? I’d imagine there’s quite a bit of fancy footwork that goes into your game... Maybe you could teach me a few things, eh?”, he smiles encouragingly and give a little chuckle as he bumps your shoulder.
You laugh nervously, “I think it’d be quite the opposite if anything... I’m pretty fast, but that’s about all I have going for me in terms of skating”, you look away and kick as a small pile of snow in front of you.
“Aw, well that’s an easy fix! Tell you what, how about I’ll show you some moves, and you can show me a bit about hockey afterwards!”, his hazel eyes beam at you, and you must admit, that would be a rather sweet deal...
You agree, and next thing you know, you’re both off onto the rink. Paul teaches you a little bit about spins, just some basic moves for maneuvering around others, and as well as helping you fine tune your backwards skating. 
“Here, like this...”, he lets go of your hands and instead tries to approach this by holding you from behind. Paul takes a firm grip on your waist, his fingers long and delicate as they curl around you, “Now, just move your feet like I do...”
The rest of his instructions are drowned out by the pounding in your ears and you hope against hope that you can pass off the redness in your cheeks as the touch of the cold. But, without even realizing, Paul is leading you through a smooth back skate... And just as you do realize, he lets you go and the surprise throws you off balance.
You tread some ice and slip backwards. Paul catches you, but it doesn’t do much good as he ends up going down as well. You land right on top of him, the two of you left with the wind knocked out of you. Thankfully you come to your senses in a jiffy and you roll over to check on Paul, to find yourself mere inches away from his pretty face.
He blinks a few times and shakes his head out a little before focusing on you with a little pout, “Now that’s the second time you’ve knocked me off my feet today”. You’re about to apologize, when his sad little face cracks into a sly smirk, “I hope this doesn’t come to be a pattern...”, he winks at you.
You gasp and bat at his chest as you push yourself up, a severe blush and an incredulous laugh escaping you. Paul shoots up to sit, “Where are you going!”, he laughs.
“I think we’ve had enough practice for one day”, you turn around, trying but failing to suppress your laughter. 
“Well hold on, how about some ice cream or something at least!”
Paul chases after you like a lost puppy, begging you for a little more time together today. You shake your head, but make some plans with him anyway. After all, who knows? You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take...
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
Sunset Swerve - Part 8
Pairing: Luke x OC
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: some light swearing
A/N: For some reason I really want to say ‘We’re in the endgame now” about this chapter but its not true? We’re in like the mid-game lol. Anyway, shoutout to @meangirlsx who unknowingly inspired some of the dialog between Luke and Jordan in this chapter with her tags on a previous chapter. Send me a message if you’d like to be added to the taglist and, as always, let me know what you think!
Part 7  Masterlist
When they arrived back in the studio, they had not expected it to be filled with music.
Julie grinned at them from behind her keyboard and everyone else stopped playing at their arrival.
“Grab your guitars, we’ve got work to do.” Even without saying it, it was obvious that the girl had forgiven Luke and Jordan wondered what Alex and Reggie had said to her.
Jordan did as she said, heading to her stand and slinging the strap of her electric across her body while Luke headed straight toward Julie.
“What made you come back?” He asked the question Jordan had been wondering herself.
“I realized how much music meant to all of us, and we’ve lost so much already.” The way Julie said it made it seem like she knew more than Jordan would’ve expected and she wondered again what the boys had told her. “We can’t lose this too.”
“Thanks,” Luke nodded thoughtfully, slipping the strap of his guitar across his body. “Alright boss, where we at?”
Julie smiled, settling into her place at the keyboard before leaning forward again. “Oh, and by the way, happy birthday.”
The genuine smile that drew from Luke sent a pang through her chest and she frowned, wondering if it was another one of those jolts. However, as she looked around she noticed none of the boys felt it. Oh hell, she cursed herself silently. She was so lost in her thoughts that she nearly missed Julie’s instructions to start at the pre-chorus.
Jordan was grateful for the distraction of the music, all her focus going into singing and playing, no room for stupid thoughts about stupid boys. Practice ended too quickly for Jordan’s taste but she knew realistically that Julie needed time to get ready and travel to the venue while they could just poof around. She just needed Luke to do something stupid so that she could remember why she hated him because her stupid smooth brain (Julie taught her that) had forgotten it.
Instead, he turned and directed his dopey smile at her and she swore she nearly swooned.
“We are gonna rock those managers’ faces off!” He exclaimed as they put their instruments away.
Jordan grinned back at him, silently blaming it on the rush of playing well and having a performance soon. She was always more agreeable around music. Out of the corner of her eye though she thought she saw Reggie and Alex share a knowing look and she glared at them suspiciously.
“Yeah man, it’s gonna be awesome,” Alex responded to Luke and the rest of the ghosts nodded in agreement as they shuffled around the studio getting ready for the performance.
Jordan decided to keep the outfit she’d been wearing all day, fishnets and her old black Madonna t-shirt under a pair of overall shorts and her Docs. With her outfit and hair already taken care of thanks to Past Jordan, she was just left to slap on some makeup, thankful that she hadn’t done it before she’d spent the afternoon crying. Luke sat down on the couch next to her, watching curiously as she worked.
“Do you mind?” She asked, looking away from the small mirror Julie had lent her to stare blankly at the boy.
“Nope!” He responded cheekily and she groaned, turning back to her mirror and her eyeliner.
She’d finally managed to get the wings down again, making only one mistake this time, so the process went by fairly quickly.
“Do you need me to do yours?” She deadpanned, turning to stare at Luke who was still watching her.
“Nah,” he breathed, smiling cheekily at her as he flipped his imaginary hair over his shoulder. “I’m naturally gorgeous, I don’t need makeup.”
Jordan gasped.
“Asshole!” She exclaimed, smacking his shoulder but laughing anyway. “You’re lucky it’s your birthday or it would be on sight for that.”
“‘On sight’?” Luke asked, puzzled.
“Some twenty-first-century lingo Julie taught me,” Jordan explained superiorly. “Basically means I’d fight you as soon as I saw you.”
Luke nodded lightly, eyes going wide at the threat but slowly a mischievous look began to take over his face.
“Hey Alex, Reg, who would win in a fight? Me or Jordan?” Luke called out and Jordan rolled her eyes, putting away her makeup stash.
“Jordan,” they both answered at the same time and Jordan laughed, giving them both high fives as she returned her makeup to her designated cubby in the back of the studio (they’d had to create an official organization system because the boys tended to just take anything they found and claim it as their own).
Luke pouted, sitting on the couch with his arms crossed like a petulant child as he glared at his bandmates.
“Sorry, man,” Alex shrugged, “Have you seen her boots? She’d absolutely curb stomp you without a second thought.”
Reggie nodded and Luke huffed, standing up from the couch and making his way to the door.
“You guys are mean,” he whined. “I’m gonna tell Julie.”
He’d meant it to be a threat but the other three ghosts weren’t fulling listening, only hearing Julie’s name.
“Oooh, I wanna see Julie!” Reggie exclaimed and Alex and Jordan responded with a chorus of ‘Me too!’s and ’Same!’s as they began clamoring around the furniture in the studio in a race to the door.
Luke rolled his eyes, grumbling under his breath as he followed after them.
When they arrived at Julie’s door, Reggie held his arms out dramatically, effectively halting the movement of the three ghosts behind him. Once he felt sure they weren’t just going to barge in he stuck his arm through the door, knocking three times while the other ghosts rolled their eyes or laughed.
“What are you guys doing?” They heard Julie ask through the door and Reggie stuck his whole torso through.
“We’re being classy,” Jordan snorted at that and Luke huffed, pulling Reggie back through by his belt loops.
With Reggie out of the way, Luke stepped through the door but at the sight of the girl sitting on her bed, all thoughts of tattling left his mind.
“What’re you doing? We go on in twenty minutes,” he asked as the rest of the ghosts stepped through.
Julie was sitting on the bed doodling on her mic, still in her clothes from earlier.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready?”
“I lied to my dad,” Julie explained forlornly, “So now I’m stuck in my room all night.”
“Yeah but like, the venue is packed with VIPs and managers,” Alex protested and Joran hit his arm.
“She’s grounded, the presence of VIPs and managers isn’t going to change that,” she huffed and Julie gave her a tight-lipped smile.
“What’re we gonna do about my aunt? She’s right downstairs.”
“Your aunt,” Luke repeated, chuckling as he crossed the room, throwing open her bedroom window. “You’re not taking the stairs.”
Jordan opened her mouth to defend the girl, never having been as big a fan of going around her parents’ backs as the guys had been, but before she could say anything Julie grinned at the group of ghosts.
“Okay. Let me get dressed, I’ll meet you guys there,” she said and the guys all grinned while Jordan looked at her nervously.
“Are you sure, Julie?” She asked warily and Luke whacked her arm with the back of his hand.
“Moss, don’t change her mind!” He hissed and Julie laughed.
“Thanks for the concern Jo,” she said, giving the girl a kind smile and Jordan felt her heart warm at the new nickname. “But it’s fine. We have managers to impress.”
She nodded and the ghosts prepared to poof out to the venue when Jordan stopped them again.
“What now, Moss?” Luke groaned.
“I wanna grab my flannel.”
“It’s chilly.”
“You’re a ghost you can’t-“
“Shut up.” She said, ending their back and forth by poofing into the studio and grabbing one of her flannels from her cubby.
When she poofed back to Julie’s room the boys were gone and Julie was sifting through the trunk in her room.
“The guys went ahead to the venue,” Julie explained and Jordan nodded.
“Alright, I’ll see you there then,” Jordan nodded. “By the way, that vest is super cool.”
Julie smiled in thanks before Jordan poofed away to meet the guys at the venue.
The announcer had just called Dirty Candy to the stage when Julie arrived.
“Am I too late?” She asked, slightly out of breath.
“Too early,” Flynn huffed, gesturing up to where Carrie was taking the stage.
Jordan couldn’t figure out how she felt about Dirty Candy. On one hand, Carrie was the spawn of a fraud who she’d always hated and Carrie was mean to Julie and Flynn but on the other hand, the group was really talented and she loved their sound. She supposed it was like her feelings towards Sunset Curve, she loved the music but hated the musicians.
“Wait, did she just make a big show of putting on sunglasses just to throw them away in the first verse?” Jordan laughed, furrowing her brow in confusion at the choreography.
“Shhhh,” Alex hushed her, staring enthralled at the performance.
Before they knew what was happening he was on the stage, dancing with the group.
Jordan whooped excitedly, cheering him on while the rest of the group exchanged looks of surprise.
“You having fun out there?” Julie questioned when Alex poofed back to the group.
“It’s not my fault. It’s my, um… it’s my feet.” Alex gulped.
“Yeah,” Julie said, clearly not believing.
“Put me back in coach,” Alex breathed, poofing back to the stage.
“Why have we been keeping him behind the drums?” Jordan joked as they watched him dance out the rest of the song. “He’s got moves.”
Reggie nodded enthusiastically in agreement, their eyes never leaving the stage.
“I was just doing that for you guys,” Alex said when he returned and everyone expressed varying forms of disbelief.
“Mhmm,” Julie hummed while Luke and Jordan rolled their eyes.
“Yeah, you can’t stop smiling now,” Reggie smirked knowingly and Alex blushed.
“That was, actually kinda good,” Julie admitted, looking as though she’d rather cut her tongue off than admit it. Jordan knew what that was like.
“Yeah, I forgot why I hate her so much,” Flynn agreed.
“Hi girls,” Carrie said in her overly-perky voice as she made her way over with her entourage in tow. “Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
“Now I remember,” Flynn pursed her lips, glaring at Carrie and Jordan snorted.
“If you’re looking for nick, he didn’t come,” Carrie addressed Julie coldly.
“That’s not why I’m here,” Julie scoffed, squaring up to the pink-haired girl.
“Okay, we have one more act tonight,” The announcer called, reading off the list on stage. “Julie and the Fat Ones?”
Dirty Candy snickered while the rest of them turned to glare at Luke.
“Yeah man, my handwriting sucks,” he admitted and Julie shook her head, making her way onto the stage while Carrie and her group stomped off.
“Hey. It’s actually Julie and the Phantoms,” Julie greeted the audience, quickly realizing they didn’t seem to care. “Okay.”
Jordan rocked back and forth on her heels excitedly as Julie placed her hands on the keyboard, beginning the song.
“Hearts on fire. We’re no liars, so we say what we wanna say,” she sang, the apathetic audience starting to pay attention. “I’m awakened, no more faking. So we push all our fears away.”
“Don’t know if I’ll make it cause I’m falling under. Close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder.”
Jordan took a deep breath, steadying herself as their time to join in approached. She reached out, grabbing Alex and Reggie’s hands on either side of her repeating the small ritual Apollo 81 had always done before going on stage.
“I wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine,” As Julie sang the refrain Jordan squeezed the boys’ hands comfortingly, letting go just in time for them to poof onstage.
“I got a spark in me. Hands up if you can see and you’re apart of me. Hands up if you’re with me,” Luke joined Julie for the chorus as she made her way out from the piano to center stage. Jordan immediately made her way over to Reggie, the two ghosts rocking out together in front of Alex’s drum set. The mood in the venue had become electric, everyone’s interests piqued by their sudden appearance. “Now till eternity. Hands up if you believe. Been so long and now we’re finally free.”
Luke joined her and Reggie on Alex’s platform, giving Julie the stage as she sang the second verse. As arranged, Jordan hopped down, joining Julie for the pre-chorus.
“We know we can make it, we’re not falling down under,” they sang together, Jordan taking the lower harmonies. They’d bonded a lot after the dance, they could see it in each other’s smiles. It felt good to be performing together. “Close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder.”
“I wanna fly, come alive,” Jordan started the refrain with her before backing off to give her the final line. Rejoining Luke and Reggie in the back. “Watch me shine.”
The three guitarists jumped down from the platform as the chorus hit, Luke immediately taking up the mic next to Julie as he joined her in the chorus again, Reggie and Jordan singing the background vocals on either side of them and Alex in the back. At one point in the chorus, Reggie made his way over to Jordan’s mic, the two singing together briefly before he bounced over to Luke, finally returning to his own mic as they hit the bridge.
Luke and Julie took up center stage as they shared a mic, singing through the call and response bridge. The two had obvious chemistry and as Jordan watched she felt a pit forming in her stomach. She passed it off as just nerves, she was about to pick up the chorus after all, and exchanged smiles with Alex and Reggie, the two boys calming her down.
The crowd roared as they hit the chorus for the final time, Reggie and Jordan leaning into their mics as they joined the chorus.
“I got a spark in me. Hands up if you can see, and you’re a part of me. Hands up if you’re with me…” They sang through the chorus, Jordan taking up Julie’s part so that she could riff off the vocals. They’d decided the final run-through of the chorus was the perfect place to really show off Julie’s pipes.
As the song wound down, the three guitarists backed off again, leaving Julie to sing the last “Finally free” on her own.
The crowd erupted into cheers when the song ended. Jordan sung her guitar to the side as they all took a bow, the four ghosts disappearing. They reappeared at the back of the venue, sitting on the countertop of the bar and giving Julie huge thumbs-ups as she finished out their performance.
“Thank you. We’re Julie and the Phantoms,” she said into the mic, soaking up the applause before adding with a wink to her ghost band, “Tell your friends.”
The four phantoms nearly lost their minds at that, all of them whacking each other’s limbs as they yelled excitedly. They were only starting to calm down when Julie bounded over to where they were sitting behind Flynn, giving her best friend a hug before grinning at the ghosts.
“You were incredible!” Flynn gushed to her friend.
“Yeah, we were!” Reggie exclaimed and Julie rolled her eyes slightly with a grin.
Just when Jordan thought the night couldn’t get any better, a woman in a power suit started making her way over to them, gracefully dodging Dirty Candy on her way.
“She looks all business,” Alex whispered and Jordan nodded.
“Wait! Who should do the talking?” Reggie panicked before looking around at the group, all of them giving him looks that said ‘really?’ “Oh, right, Julie.” He nodded.
“You’ve got this,” Luke whispered as the woman approached, sticking out her hand in introduction.
“Hi I’m Andi Parker and I would love to-“ she began but was cut off.
“Julie,” Ray called sternly from behind and everyone’s eyes widened.
“It’s time to go.” He said and Julie gulped, dropping Andi’s hand.
Oh shit.
Part 9
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx
Sunset Swerve Taglist: @oopsiedoopsie23 @angryknightstatesmantrash @onlygetaway @deni-gonzalez @advicefromnixxxx @brooke0297 
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feeling--pink · 4 years
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Hello and welcome to I redid my age up designs because I wanted to and so I did!!!!!!!!!! :D
uhhhhhhhhh explanations under the cut as per usual!!! :D
Officially speaking: shoot I figured out what I forgot
Okay so whenever I’m drawing I always forget SOMETHING right? That’s just a thing people deal with??
Anyways I forgot the FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS (except for Huey)
It’s very important that they all have friendship bracelets but I drew this over such a long period of time that I completely forgot to give it to people where it would be visible (i.e. Dewey, Boyd, kinda Lena)
It was almost important enough for me to go back but oh my gosh these pictures literally took an hour and I'm not doing that again very sorry
just: they’re there!!!!!! I promise!!!! Its just.... invisible.....
skdhjfgk okay sorry onto the actual thing
In order of left to right also known as height order!
I didn't change much from my first time doing this! 
Basically I gave him a dress shirt and a sweater vest :D
The key difference this time is that last time I made the undershirt red and the sweater vest burgundy! 
This time I made the undershirt pink!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Y’all that pink Huey trend from a little while ago was my life force
I hecking love the color pink so much
Anyways!! Moving on: he’s the shortest lol
As I have said before “Older Sibling Culture is being shorter than your younger siblings (I would know)”
But!!! I do love the concept fo Tall and Stronk Huey so he is actually very strong!!!
Instead he’s Short and Stronk!!!!! 
Webby and Boyd are the only one’s physically stronger than him but that’s because of spy training and literally being a robot (respectively)
But yes!!! Huey in a sweater vest and also very strong are important concepts so I did that here!!!!! 
(hmmn.... sweater vest,, nerd,,, weirdly strong,,,,,,, oh no I turned Huey into Chidi Anagonye klsdfjhgkakjahs)
y’all I messed up so much on this one
literally so many times
since you’re reading this I'll let you in on a secret
that may not be that secret ksdjfhlkds 
Anyways if you look closely at Webby you’ll probably see some weirdly placed lines
specifically around her face, shirt, hand, etc. 
basically I messed up enough that I thinned the paper significantly from erasing (multiple, separate times)
so I had so go in and paste another layer of paper over the thinned layer kjjdkahfgs
But enough about me messing up!! what’s with this outfit?
This one’s mostly about Vibes
I wanted to give off a femme lesbian vibe but still keep that formality we see in Webby’s regular outfit!
Hopefully I achieved that!!! 
This is one of the outfits I resigned completely from last time btw
The old one was fine but looks kinda weird to me now so this!!!
Oh yeah and I love long hair Webby a lot!!! So I included that!!!!
Louie is probably the one I changed the most about that still resembles the original design
Both times I gave him a button up for an undershirt
this is ‘cause I see y’all giving him suit jackets for when he’s an adult and he needs a middle stage before that
skdfjs- a middle evolution if you will jkadfhgkjhsfdka
But instead of a slip on hoodie over that I went with a zip up jacket because that’s just more practical y’know?
Also cheek tufts!!!!! 
I had them last time too but I love seeing adult louie with full cheek tufts so middle evolution effect comes into play again!!!
He and Webby are pretty much the same height right now btw
If you want to get technical about it Louie’s about a millimeter taller though!
I think that’s all I have for him though!
Okay so I barely changed anything from last time for Gosalyn
Mr reasoning behind her outfit is mostly that I wanted a flannel gay and Gos was the obvious choice for that
and I liked that decision so I kept with it!!!
Main differences this time include: hair and shoes
So for the original hair I wanted to give her the “bisexual haircut” and I do like Gos with short hair so I kept that!
But I was having a hard time figuring out how to draw her regular bang situation so I went with a totally different style instead!
But I have sense learned how to draw her hair from the show so I incorporated that instead! 
In the original I also had her wearing shoes! I changed that this time because I forgot to give her shoes until it was too late! jksdafhg
Yeah this happens often kdsjhvfkajl (mostly with Lena)
Oh boy where to begin! 
In the original my one and only goal was to make Lena look like as much of a Lesbian as possible
And I achieved that much!!!!!! 
But in doing so I neglected to make it look like Lena
I mean well it looked like her but it didn’t give off her complete vibe y’know?
So instead of a Hawaiian shirt gay I made her a leather jacket gay!!! Much more Lena in my opinion! :D
I based her hair off of my interpretation of her Phantom and the Sorceress hair! (I know it looks nothing like it but thats how I draw it so???)
In the original I made her hair fade from pink to blue as well and I liked that so I kept it!! 
Then I kept the blue button up undershirt!!
I thought about giving it pinstripes but I don't have a thin enough pen or pencil to pull that off so I didn't :P
Hint of her old green shoes coming from the sock color! 
And then finally: stompy boots
Just to tie it all together! :D
This man is LANKY!!!!!!!!!!
sorry I don't make the rules
Well technically I do sense I drew the thing- but thats unimportant!!!!
Dewey gets to be tall to annoy his brothers but in return he is LANKY tall
Otherwise I largely followed my original design!! 
All my reasons for the original were solely based off of ✨Vibes✨
I did change a few things though! 
For example: last time I gave him a 3/4 sleeve short and this time I just made them regular short sleeves
Last time I meant to give him shoes but I forgot so this time I didn't forget!! :D
Also cool socks!!
Oh and I added fingerless gloves!!!!!!!! 
This is once again based solely on ✨Vibes✨
I can’t put a lot of my reasons into words but I personally think I captured the theater kid meets aspiring pilot meets best friend to super hero’s sidekicks meets adventurer vibe pretty well!!
!! Okay I’m excited to get into this one!
In my original Boyd was the shortest because technically he can pick his own height being a robot and all
BUT for that same reason I made him tall because: he wants to be tall like Gyro
The idea that Boyd wants to be tall like Gyro is literally so cute yall
I also based his outfit largely off of Gyros!!! 
That is: dress shirt, vest, bowtie, pants
But in Boyd’s color scheme! :D
I’m still working out how to Not to make Boyd look like a popcorn bucket but that’s a problem for another day! 
To start off: literally nothing was changed from the original
akjfdsghkskhal I’m serious no color changes, no outfit elements, nothing
I liked the original one a lot so I just kept it and redid it for this!!
My inspiration for the original was as follows: ✨Librarian Vibes✨ 
And I think I achieved that with the original so I hope I achieved it here as well!! 
Also Violet is TALL
She’s the tallest now and will continue to be the tallest!!!
I mean just LOOK at her dads!!!! They’re SUPER tall!!
So therefore she gets to be tall too!!!!!!!!!
And I think that’s it!! Thank you so much for reading if you got this far!!!!!!!!! :D
Have a nice day folks! :D
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enamoured-x · 4 years
I know that every time I show up here I’m asking for another protective HC but a bitch needs to feel safe 😂😂😂 can we get one for Angel?
LOL same though
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*gif not mine*
angel can’t help himself
when he’s with you he’s always making sure you’re okay
he’s always got an arm around you or touching you in some way
he’s always just there if you need him
always coming to your defense if you need it
so when he stops by your work to bring you lunch, he’s angry
angry at the three men who were watching you from their desks while talking about you
and not in a kind way
some comments were suggestive
and other comments were sexist
and angel was not having it
especially when he realized you could hear it all
he could tell by your face
he didn’t know if you were going to cry or if you were going to yell
but he could tell how upset you were
but he knew you well to know that you wouldn’t saying anything to these assholes
it was a boys club at your job
all of them looking out for each other
so he walks over to you, drops your food on your desk
and before you can say anything to him
he’s turning to face the men who were watching you guys
“i would say if you got anything to say to my girl, then say it to her face. but i don’t like what you’re saying so instead you’re going to apologize.”
the men rolled their eyes
but you could tell they were nervous
not only was angel intimidating but he was wearing his vest
and although people didn’t know the logistics of the club
they knew angel could have the cavalry here within a few minutes
but that didn’t seem to scare one of the men
“apologize? for what? she should be apologizing, wearing those short skirts and keeping her shirt unbuttoned. just teasing us.”
you were raging now
how fucking dare he
you were in your work clothes
there wasn’t anything to them
“i’m sorry, the fuck did you just say?”
and you thought you were mad
angel had that look in his eyes
the one that always meant trouble
“come on, man. you heard me. she’s a fucking tease. she knows what she’s doing.”
you were clenching your teeth so hard
but you could tell angel was about to murder the man if he kept talking
so you grabbed his wrist
and he looked around at your other co workers watching
realizing he was at your place of work
he didn’t want to start something and get you in trouble
“yeah? well maybe we should go outside and continue this discussion?”
“nah, man. i ain’t fighting over some bitch.”
angel clenched his fist but didn’t say anything
instead he laughed
but there was no humor in it
then he turned to you
“let’s go have your lunch outside.”
he grabbed the bag again and then your hand
you had to admire angels self control
if you were anywhere else but at your work
that guy would have been knocked out on the floor already
you and angel get to one of the tables outside the building and sit down
he’s on his phone texting for a few seconds until he puts it down and looks at you
“does he eat out for lunch?”
you were confused by his question but you nodded
is all angel says as he kisses your cheek
“so, i brought you your favorite.”
he takes out your food and you quickly dive in
still confused at how calm he was now
and how quickly he left the situation
that is until you hear the roar of motorcycles
and next thing you know, the whole club was here and parking their bikes right in front of you both
your eyes widened
he smiled and got up to greet them
“hey, sweetheart. how are you?”
bishop asked pulling you into a hug
“i’m good, what’s going on?”
“heard someone was giving you some trouble.”
this time taza spoke up
“oh, no. guys, seriously it’s fine. there’s nothing to worry about. just some assholes.”
you tried to wave it off
but none of them were having it
“someone messes with you, they mess with all of us. you’re angels old lady, you’re family.”
as soon as he finished his sentence
the man and his friends who were harassing you walk outside
and they don’t notice right away
but boy when they do
it’s a sight to see
“boys, were going to have a little...talk.”
and the next day at work, they wouldn’t even look at you
but you did enjoy watching them and their bruised faces
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wendibird · 4 years
SPN 15X14 Observations
So, for whatever dumbass reason, when trying to use my actual television, the cable refuses to work properly 8 times out of 10. BUT I was able to stream tonight’s episode on my computer with my cable network’s app. So, there’s that. Because of that, and since it’s easier for me to type on my keyboard than on my phone, I actually took quick notes and observations during commercial breaks. Here are those, then some more of my thoughts following. (And I’m sorry if any of these seem a bit incoherent. They were more my observations to myself. *LOL*  
(everything else under the keep reading line since I got a bit rambly, and just in case anyone wants to avoid spoilers)
- Brothers being written a bit like characters of themselves rather than just themselves. (trying too hard?)
- Love Mrs. Butters. Actress really good. And the minor ret-con works with what we've seen.
- Sam more concerned about Jack. I think he understands him better, even though he hasn't seen much of him.
- "Ignoring your trauma doesn't make you healthy." (or something like that.) Good quote!
- Waiting for the catch.
- "Enjoy the world you're fighting for." (compare with Kevin's similar line: "I can't enjoy a world I need to save.")
- Mrs. Butters knows Jack isn't human.
- BOY did the shoe drop! But it was Sinclaire involved. Not surprised he took advantage of her natural protective nature.
- Wanted more plot for WHY exactly they still have Thor's Hammer. Have they had it this whole time? Last we saw Sam dropped it in 8X2. Or did Mrs. Butters conjure it up because they might need it? Was cool though that Sam was using it. Because we already know he can.
- Jack figured out on his own how to use the projector. (love that boy!)
- liked hearing him talk about what happened with Mary and how he feels.
- Mrs. Butters knows from experience about needing "second chances" I think.
- Why were they ALWAYS wearing the same clothes during the "We got one!" montages? Assuming it was supposed to have taken place over several days at least if not longer. (I highly doubt they went out on THAT many hunts in one day.)
- Yeeeah... So I get she's protective, but JACK IS BABY! She can clearly see his power levels but she has to have seen how he he actually IS? But she gave him the smoothies from the start, so she's been planning it from almost the start. Hrm.
- idk what anyone else says, I'm thrilled that Sam and Eileen had a date. Also, THIS is where that sweater-vest comes from. Bet we'll see him going for his gun too. (That clip was hotly debated in one of the discord servers I’m on)
- Dean is obviously still having some issues with Jack, but he also seems to know that they're his personal issues and he knows that Jack is good. (Expanding on this thought post episode, I was seeing this as Dean recognizing the difference between what he knows and what he’s feeling. So, yey! Personal growth!)
- Dean sees Jack as a weapon. He used him as a battering ram. He'll use him as a grenade to throw at Chuck. (More on this after the notes.)
- Sam sees him as a person. His argument was that Jack was someone he cared about. That killing him would HURT him.
- Also, did they HAVE to go for the fingernails again?!
- Poor Sam, getting tortured. And being the "favorite" of something bad.
- Also, SAM WAS RIGHT! To be cautious of her at first. Too many times he's had things/people seem good and turn out opposite.
- And because Dean had decided it was all okay, they both stopped looking up on her.
- Maybe Sam will realize that he doesn't always have to follow Dean's lead. He can pursue his own paths. (Not talking about them separating. Just, if he wants to look into something, he should do it. If he wants to follow a different lead, he should check it out.)
- I know he lost a lot of confidence last season but I hope he realizes that he doesn't by default make bad decisions.
- Okay, that was a good resolution. I'm glad she's going back to her people.
- Interdimensional geoscope: Dean saw nothing. Because ALL the other universes are gone. *sad-face*
- Love Sam and Jack. Wish we got a bit more. But it was something.
- Also love that Dean tried. That felt real to me. (the birthday cake)
More thoughts! 
So. Overall I liked this episode. It was lighthearted mostly, but touched on some serious topics and wasn’t completely disconnected with what is going on with everyone, despite the random holiday montage. *LOL* (Yes, I know she wasn’t bending time or anything, she was just choosing to celebrate some holidays with her boys regardless of when this is all taking place exactly.) It did feel a bit to me, at the start anyway, like the writing at least was trying too hard to “Sound like Sam and Dean” instead of just them being them. I mentioned that at the start but what I mean is, in this season especially (but not exclusively) I’ve noticed a lot of times where it feels to me like the writing/directing/whatever leads to the sum total of what we see is trying too hard to present this idea of who the characters are, like caricatures of them. The things associated with them get emphasized, sometimes out of proportion. Though in this episode, it only felt like that during the opening scene and maybe a few places elsewhere. Overall I thought the writing and especially the acting on the parts of the main 3 guys and the guest actor were well done and had a lot of nuance when needed. Like, as an example, when Sam and Dean sussed out that this being that they didn’t even know was a bit behind the times, they were actually pretty gentle with bringing her up to speed. And her reaction to realizing that everyone she knew before was dead felt very real. 
I liked what we saw of where each of the characters were emotionally this episode. It was the first one after Jack has been re-souled and it had definitely been weighing on my mind how everyone was doing. (Though I REALLY wish we could have actually seen Sam and Dean’s reactions to Jack tearfully begging their forgiveness last episode. But lacking any other input, I’m headcannoning that Sam gave him a very long, warm hug.)  
I also agree with Sam, I think there’s something more that Jack hasn’t told them yet, probably some details about Billy’s plan that he or her are sure the brothers won’t like. (Now, what exactly that could be is very much up in the air. I can think of quite a few options, but the details aren’t really important to me just now. Just the fact that something about it is weighing on Jack. More than just Mary’s death and the prospect of having to kill God. Which, in and of themselves would be more than enough.) 
Speaking of Sam, I liked that we saw all those little nods to how he feels about Jack, how he’s still worried about him, and seems to understand him. 
I also get where Dean’s coming from. And I thought it was well-portrayed. And let me just say, I am GLAD that he just outright told Jack where he was at. He didn’t sugarcoat it, but he also didn’t blow up at him, or reply with sarcasm or bring up other, unrelated stuff. Dean knows that Jack is trying, but he himself has some emotional stuff he needs to deal with. That he is dealing with. And it’s going to take him some time. 
I do however stand by my observation made during the episode that at least at that point in it, Dean considered Jack a weapon. An asset. He literally used him as a battering ram, and in a more meta way, he’s planning on using him as a grenade to throw at God. Even when arguing with Mrs. B about it, his response was in reference to Jack’s usefulness. Whereas Sam was arguing that Jack meant something to him, that he cared about him, and hurting Jack would hurt him. Now, I do think that Dean’s POV had shifted a bit by the very end. Dean’s love language has almost always been shown by doing things for people, and taking care of them. So him making that birthday cake for Jack really felt to me like him trying to tell him that he does actually care about him. And I think Jack got it. And true, the cake might not have been as neat and pretty as Mrs. B would have made it, but I thought it was beautiful because of all the thought that went into it. (Dean’s more of a cook than a baker too.) 
As a side note, something I thought about after the episode: when Mrs. B stepped in, she kind of took over that care-taker role. AND the research role. She made them lunches, cooked them dinners, decorated for holidays, and overall made them feel comfortable and safe. And she also pin-pointed where monsters were and made sure they were all stocked-up and ready to go. All they had to do was show up and get it done. And yeah, it must have been a nice break from the norm. But I also think about how much Dean finds his identity beyond hunting in taking care of people. And how much Sam finds his identity in researching and figuring things out. And with her doing that, they both took it easy on those ends. Dean didn’t have to make burgers for everyone since Mrs. B made a roast. Sam didn’t have to research since she could tell them where the monsters were and what kind. I almost wonder if both of them were starting to feel like those parts of themselves were all of a sudden unnecessary. (Which makes me a little sad, because it reminds me a bit of the “two cakes” concept in fandom. Who cares if someone else can “do it better”? If you do it, then there’ll be even more of the good thing!)  And as I observed above, Sam also stopped looking into HER. I mean, he didn’t even know what would kill a wood nymph. And I do think part of that also goes back to him having recently fallen back on letting Dean make the big decisions. Because last season so many of his blew up in his face. (Though I don’t think most of that was his fault. But Sam tends to blame himself for a lot.) And I do hope that maybe he’ll remember that he does have good instincts when he listens to them. And he can keep looking into something even if Dean thinks it’s fine. It’s not a betrayal to be prepared. 
ALSO! Being the absolute Saileen hoe that I am, even though we didn’t Eileen in this episode, I was thrilled that Sam went out on a date with her because she was in town! And true, we don’t know what all went down, but regardless, I see it as good that they’re at the very least still friends, and that hopefully Eileen is sorting out her own feelings vs whatever she might think could be Chuck’s manipulations. Even if Saileen isn’t Engame (and honestly, as much as I love it, I don’t think it will be) I would still like for them to be on good terms with each other. (And for her to NOT get fridged again!) 
Another thing I was pondering afterwards and a bit during: I wasn’t surprised that Sam held up to the torture fairly well. I mean, it still obviously hurt! (And again, WHY with the fingernails again?! As someone in one of my discord servers mentioned, we didn’t need THAT particular call-back to the Christmas Episode of Season 3!) But he was listening to what she was saying. And he understood the implications that she had been tortured into acting how they wanted her to act. And Sam understands torture, and how it can mess someone up. And despite what she had done to him, and was trying to still do, he validated what she had been through. He empathized with her. And that.... it’s just SO Sam! 
I will say that the resolution felt a little... abrupt. Like, her expression had changed a little during the fight/argument. Then back from the commercial break and she’s all packed-up and ready to leave and they’re all saying goodbye and wishing her well. I feel like there might have been some more scenes or parts of scenes that were originally there connecting things up more, but were cut for time.
I wouldn’t say this was a groundbreaking episode, but it WAS fun, and it did have some seriousness at it’s core, and I think it did what it needed to do. 
(And I apologize if this is just a big rambling mess. I’m not used to doing structured episode reviews. *LOL* Feedback and opinions are welcome though!) 
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the-crooked-empire · 4 years
So for Halloween, what would the joey drew studio staff dress up as this year?
Joey Drew - Doesn't dresses up, but wears a Halloween themed suit instead. The suit's main colors are orange and black, he also has a bowtie. He's mainly around Henry intead of the actual party. For a while, he welcomes the guests, makes sure everything is fine and stuff like that, then goes away to spent time with Henry. They have the rest of the night for themselves at Joey's house. Plus, Joey doesn't lets Henry take the costume off since Henry suprisingly looks great in it.
Henry Stein- He actually didn't wanted to dress up, but Joey made him dress up. Soo, a Ringmaster (thanks to Joey's tastes). His costume also has details such as as golden vest and bowtie, keys and little Bendy heads and chains on belt. His costume also has chains on other parts of it. The main colors of the costume are red, golden and black. He doesn't joins the party or anything like that, he'll just spend time with Joey instead.
Sammy Lawrence - He doesn't really cares about Halloween and since Henry's taken by Joey for the rest of the night and he doesn't really wants to show up at the party to see Susie singing and bitching about him, he just stays at home and reads some books or listens to music. Maybe writes a few little ones if he's in the mood. Next day, he still acts like nothing happened, but still eats the candy Henry gave him.
Wally Franks - Tries to be creative for the costume and starts thinking about it for like 3 months before Halloween, but ends up with a cheap costume. Either a Skeleton or Ghost. Unlike the others, comes the job with the costume in the morning with Shawn. Joey wouldn't let them in at first, but Henry would make him let them in after a short time. Will go to Trick or Treat at night with Shawn too, and eat the candy he got next day with Shawn.
Susie Campbell - Dresses up as Alice Angel and gives small bags with candy in them to people she likes. (AKA everyone except Sammy and Joey are getting candy) At night, she spends time with Allison, they chat about some rumors around Studio and stuff like that. Their way to spend the night is pretty much same with Joey and Henry, except they might decide they want to have a little fun too and decide to sing at the party.
Shawn Flynn - Dresses up as a Ghost or Skeleton like Wally and goes to Trick or Treat with Wally. Also, gives little children plushies of their favorite character in the show while Trick or Treating. Probably tries to make Wally agree on pranking Sammy when he shows up at work the next day AND succsees. They probably spend the rest of the night thinking about the perfect prank.
Grant Cohen - He's living alone so he'll call family members to ask how are they doing. He doesn't wants to spend time at the party or anyone else. He thinks Halloween night as free time spend since Joey Drew Studio's business is keeping him awake all night. He'll read a few books, maybe watch a movie and go to sleep really early. He puts a small Pumpkin with candies in it on his doorstep tho.
Bertrum Piedmont - Doesn't really celebrates Halloween and doesn't shows up at the party. (it's JOEY DREW Studio's party lol) He still sells some Halloween decorations and calls family members too. Also, he doesn't shows up at the party, but still shows up at somewhere else. Probably no one can find him whole night. Also, doesn't dresses up too.
Allison Pendle - Dresses up as a Disney princess such as Aurora from Sleeping Beauty or Ariel form The Little Mermaid (Green dress). Shows up at the party with Susie and sings a few songs, calls a few family members and talks about her favorite things about the season with Susie. Also, the rumors in the Studio becouse a little chat about rumors between you and your gal bestie wouldn't hurt, would it?
Lacie Benton - Sticks with young employees like Wally and Shawn and tells them spooky stories. Maybe shows up at the party if they're in the mood too. They dress up as a witch with a purple costume with golden stars and glitters. Also, a witch hat and black boots becouse they're cool.
Thomas Connor - Shows up at the party only to make sure no one's hurt and pipes are working just fine. Doesn't dresses up and wears his casual work uniform. Chats with Norman about random stuff and they probably spend the rest of the night chatting. Doesn't calls anyone, even family members.
Norman Polk - Chats with Thomas for the night and shows up at the party. He was only planning to stay for a few minutes, but Thomas is there, so he'll stay longer to chat. Doesn't dresses up, but calls family members.
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fanficshiddles · 5 years
Cooling down, One shot
Thank you for the prompt! Always love some Jotun Loki and knotting ;-)
torukun1 submitted:
Could you write a Jotun!Loki/OFC story where it’s an unbearably hot summer night and OFC-chan goes to her kitchen freezer to rub an ice cube on her face to cool off (the A/C’s broken) and Loki comes to see why she got up from bed and she tries to do some ice play but the coldness of the ice against his body makes Loki’s glamour disappear and he freaks out and gets scared, shoving her away and hiding himself because he’s ashamed of his true heritage and doesn’t want her to know how ugly and monstrous he really is (LOL yeah sure) but she thinks his Jotun form is super sexy and especially loves how cold he is because it’s so hot outside (also his Jotun!form should have ridges down there that are “ribbed for her pleasure”, so to speak. And plz include knotting!)
The OFC can be named and look like however you want or not be given any specifics at all, I don’t care either way.
 Violet wiped the sweat from her forehead when she made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Even the tiles on the floor were warm instead of cold like they normally were on her bare feet.
She was wearing minimal clothing, shorts and a vest top. No underwear, it was much too hot for any of that.
Heading straight to the freezer she rummaged around and grabbed the bag of ice cubes. She pressed it against her forehead, cheeks, then her chest.
‘Oh yes.’ She moaned at the cool feeling, though it didn’t last for long.
A long pair of arms suddenly wrapped around her waist and she was pulled back into a firm, warm body.
‘What are you doing out of bed, baby?’ Loki mumbled and pressed kisses along her shoulder.
‘It’s too hot. I can’t cope.’ She groaned, moving her head to the side to give him more access as he started kissing up her neck.
‘Hmm. So… sex is out of the question?’ Loki grinned, one of his hands slipped up to cup just below her left breast.
‘Unless there’s a way to do it without getting all hot and bothered.’ She sighed, annoyed that her hair was sticking to her neck, getting in Loki’s way too.
She turned around in his arms and a cheeky grin spread across her lips. Loki raised his eyebrow at her, wondering what she was up to. But he didn’t get a chance to ask before she pushed the bag of ice against his bare stomach, he was only wearing boxers.
Loki let out a gasp from the cold, but then to his horror, he realised his Seidr glamour had dropped and he was revealing his true Jotun form to her.
Violet’s eyes widened in awe as she gazed upon his blue form.
Truly beautiful.
She reached out to touch him, the tips of her fingers only just touching his forearm before he flinched and backed away.
‘Don’t touch me.’ He said quickly, voice wavering.
‘Loki? It’s ok. It’s’
‘No!’ Loki turned on his heels and ran out of the room, she heard him running upstairs into the bathroom and locking the door.
‘Oh, Loki.’ She sighed sadly and rushed up after him.
She tried the door, but it was locked. So she knocked softly.
‘Loki. Come on, it’s me. You don’t need to hide from me.’ She called through.
‘You… You shouldn’t have seen that side of me.’ He said back.
She shook her head. ‘Why not? It’s you.’
There was silence for a moment before he replied.
‘Because I’m a hideous monster.’
Her heart broke entirely for him. But she knew the only way to get him to come out.
‘Loki Odinson get your ass out here right now and speak to me face to face!’ She shouted firmly.
Loki gave in and unlocked the door, he emerged to find Violet with her arms folded over her chest. Though it was hard to take her seriously when she had sweat dripping down her forehead and her vest top was clinging to her in such a way that her hardened nipples were showing right through it.
She saw him moisten his lips with his tongue as he glanced down at her body, but then he looked into her eyes. He took her hands in his.
‘I was always told that frost giants were monsters. Children were told stories about them, they were the worst kind of monsters to have under your bed.’ He said sadly.
‘Loki. That doesn’t mean it’s true. It doesn’t mean you’re a monster. You are you. You’re no monster.’ Violet reached up and cupped his cheek. He closed his eyes and sighed, leaning into her touch.
‘I still wish you hadn’t seen that side of me. Frost giants are monsters. We’
‘Shhh!’ Violet put her hand over his mouth. ‘If you keep saying you’re a monster, then you’re one sexy ass monster.’ She smiled, slightly blushing.
Loki raised an eyebrow at her in wonder. And wanting her to continue.
‘I… uh… Thought you were really attractive like that. Beautiful.’ She admitted bashfully.
It was then Loki’s turn to smirk. He knew she wasn’t lying, because obviously he could tell a lie from a mile off.
He folded his arms over his chest in amusement. ‘You really think that side of me was attractive?’
She shrugged. ‘Yeah. You were nice and cold too… Is every part of your body cold?’ She asked and her gaze flitted down briefly to his boxers before going back up to his eyes.
‘Ohh yes.’ Loki nodded, his eyes darkening.
Violet fluttered her eyelashes at him and moved in closer to his body. ‘Well… I could certainly do with an icicle to suck right now…’ She teased and kissed just above his right nipple, unable to reach any higher because of how tall he was. Even on her tiptoes.
‘You… you’re serious? You want me to… let you spend time with my Jotun side?’
‘I do, Loki. I love you, for you. No matter what you look like… It just so happens that you are super sexy in both forms. But right now, I could do with some… cold.’ She grinned.
Loki cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. ‘Alright. For you.’
He took a step back and closed his eyes, concentrating for a second. Then his true form took over his body, his skin turned blue and the beautiful markings formed on his skin. His eyes were red and he even seemed to gain a bit more height.  
Violet was in complete amazement.
She stepped in close to him, she could see he was a little nervous about being in that form for her. But when she reached out and started trailing her fingers down his chest, he relaxed more and shivered under her touch.
‘So, so pretty.’ She said in wonder, then she reached up to trace the ridges on his face.
Violet loved how cool his skin was, she was already starting to cool down slightly. But her body was heating up in a different kind of way. Especially between her thighs.
‘Do you have these markings on your cock too?’ She grinned, trailing her fingers down his chest and lower to his abdomen.
‘Yes… Well, my cock is not exactly normal now.’
‘What do you mean?’ Violet asked.
‘There’s… ah, ridges, on them. And uhh… well, a knot.’ He rubbed the back of his head nervously, thinking she would instantly change her mind and run for the hills.
But he was surprised that her eyes widened in excitement and she quickly sank to her knees, yanking his boxers down on the way. Revealing his large cock, that was definitely a few inches bigger than previously, and he was already semi-hard.
Violet licked her lips, feeling hungry for him all of a sudden. He wasn’t lying when he said he had ridges, she shivered at the thought of that inside of her. How good it would feel. Better than any kind of sex toy.
She leaned in closer and anchored her hands on his lean thighs, enjoying the coolness on her palms while she licked the tip of his cock and then greedily started sucking him.
‘Oh, Violet.’ Loki moaned and his head fell backwards, he clenched his hands into fists at his sides to try and refrain from grabbing her hair. He didn’t want to hurt her.
But her mouth… God her mouth, it felt so wonderfully warm in contrast to his cold cock. She was so wet, her tongue rolled around him and she sucked with such vigour, Loki was cursing himself for not showing this form previously if this was how she was going to react.
She certainly did treat his cock like an icicle. When she tasted his precum, that made her go into a slight frenzy. There was an odd taste, slightly sweet and almost vanilla like. It was cool too.
So her eagerness heightened. She took him down her throat as far as she could before gagging around him, but even then, she didn’t slow down.
‘Calm down… love.’ Loki said strained. ‘I can’t knot your mouth, that won’t be… good.’ He grunted and gave a small thrust of his hips forward, but tried to control himself. Though it was getting to the stage where he couldn’t.
She hummed around him, and that was almost the breaking point for Loki. ‘Stop. Violet.’ He barked and this time he did grab her hair, but to pull her off him. ‘I need inside you.’
Violet squeezed her thighs together in excitement. She stood up quickly and he threw her over his shoulder quickly, making her laugh and wriggle excitedly. He gave her bum a playful smack, briefly forgetting his strength and making her yelp as it hurt like a bitch. But she liked it.
Loki carried her to the bedroom and tossed her down on the bed. He was on top of her instantly and tearing at her clothes like a wild animal.
Violet spread her legs wide for him, she could already feel her arousal soaking her. She’d never enjoyed giving a blowjob so much before. But now looking down between them at his imposing presence, she was getting more and more excited about him taking her in this form.
Loki kissed her forcibly, his tongue slid into her mouth and she could feel the changed dominance in him. It was only arousing her further. The more animalistic side to him.
‘I… won’t be able to stop once we start.’ He panted, his cock rock hard and straining towards her. Like it had a mind of its own and knew exactly where its destination was.
‘Just take me, Loki. Please.’ She whimpered and bucked her hips up towards him, trying to offer her body more to him.
He gripped her hips and flipped her over, making her gasp in surprise. He pulled her up onto her hands and knees, an arm around her middle just below her breasts. In one smooth movement, he pushed himself into her warm, wet, cunt.
The two started moaning and whimpering straight away. He moved as slow as possible to start with, pushing in as deep as he could get before pulling out. The ridges on his cock were perfectly placed, she could feel every single one massaging her inner walls. Hitting every pleasure point. Even ones she didn’t know existed.
‘Holy… Fuck... Loki.’ She cried out in pleasure. The sheer size of him was causing her clit to be stimulated with every thrust.
Loki was growling in ways that she had never heard before. His arm around her middle was tight, holding her as close to him as possible. Her arms and legs were too weak and shaky to hold herself up, so Loki had to do that for her. This was a dominant side that she had never seen before… And she loved every second of it.
Violet had never had such good cock before. She couldn’t stop crying because of how good it actually was. Loki nipped and sucked against the back of her neck, keeping her hair out of the way. His free hand couldn’t resist fondling her breasts, she was greatly enjoying the coolness of his fingers on her nipples.
She lost count how many times she came on his cock, he never relented. His stamina was amazing. But eventually, he started really pushing into her trying to get as deep as he could. The tip of him pressed against her cervix painfully, but the pleasure was still too good that it only mixed in nicely.
‘Mine!’ Loki snarled and bit down particularly hard on the back of her neck, shocking her body into complete submission as he started to swell inside of her.
‘Oh…. G… God.’ She sobbed as she felt him grow larger inside her, his knot throbbed deliciously right against her G spot.
She kept crying out and speaking garbled nonsense when he came inside her, spurting deep. It was so cold, it felt amazing. But he kept coming, his knot holding it all inside her, aside from a very small amount that managed to seep out from around his knot and down her thigh. She couldn’t believe it. She was surprised her stomach didn’t swell up from the sheer amount.
Loki released her neck from his teeth once he finished coming, the last few sprays shooting into her. The pulsing of his knot calmed down, but he was still snugly trapped inside of her.
He collapsed down on his side, pulling her with him. He made sure he kept her held firmly against him, not wanting to hurt her with his knot.
‘Holy…. Fuck.’ Was all she could say, she felt incredibly floaty. Still on a high.
Loki caressed her body softly, mainly her breasts, until she calmed down. But his touch was arousing her still, and not helping to get his own arousal down either. He had a feeling he wasn’t going to be pulling out of her for a while. At least a few more loads to go.
He buried his face into her hair while she enjoyed feeling his chest heaving against her back.
‘Cooler now, love?’ He asked cockily.
‘A… bit…’ She gasped, still not used to the feeling of all of him inside her like that when she moved slightly. ‘But… I am going to need you to come in my mouth later. I want to taste you more. Or, at least let me lick you clean when you pull out.’ She turned her head around enough to look at him, smiling. Eyes still glazed over.
‘Dirty little minx.’ He chuckled, holding her chin tightly while he kissed her. His cool lips felt delightful against hers.
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rexcaliburechoes · 4 years
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You know that game idea I was kicking around for a bit? And I ended up writing like. A bunch of paragraphs for it? Yeah, that one.
Well, I made some mock designs for it.
As it goes, I know 0 about character design and I am not very good at posing and proportions, as well as the fact that this is all a WIP and will probably never go anywhere. Good? Good.
Warning, this is pretty damn long because I discuss some potential character interactions and the designs because I need to talk about it lmao (obligatory readmore because I talk too much lmao)
Viola’s the odd one out of the three because I he just kind of popped into my brain one day and I went “sure let’s roll with that” simply because I was throwing around ideas for the rest of the String Quartet as it were (Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass). The other two I sat myself down and said “I’m doing this today okay” and then I did it but he’s weird because he just naturally occurred as it were. 
I’ve imagined him as something of a moody teen. He’s also kind of defensive and prickly and a bit angsty. He’s sweet under that outer shell of thorns, though. He has something of a inferiority complex to Violin, since as far as I am aware, violas don’t usually get solos in classical orchestra (though I could be 100% wrong and I’m admitting that bc I don’t remember much of symphony orchestra. Actually I remember a lot of symphony, but not enough, sadly).
Violin teases him a lot, but she makes it known that she doesn’t mean any of the joking barbs she throws at Viola. She knows he’s important in his own right, but still the jokes can hurt, so he’s distant from her. He wants the spotlight too, but he’s also a little afraid of it because what if he makes himself a laughingstock when he finally gets his solo? Poor thing.
Design-wise, I think he’d wear probably a dark red hoodie with white trim, or something. Idk. Yes, he wears skinny jeans (in black, probably), and no, I don’t know why I drew him with cuffed pant legs. He’s a Converse kind of guy, I think, and his hair is is a bleach blond. No clue if his hair has any other color in it.
He doesn’t wear his hood up all the time though. When he’s particularly moody, he’ll probably pull it over his head (I imagine his default sprite is him with his hood up because I think he won’t be that open to the player just yet) and close the strings, but otherwise, his hood is up enough because he wants to or it’s down because he wants to.
Imagine though, if the player gets enough “bond points” with him, his default will change to him having his hood down because he’s more comfy with the player, in general (and maybe the player like seeing his face idk) and that’s a barrier broken. Imagine Viola being a cuddlebug with the player because they’re so warm and it feels nice to be around them. Imagine Viola smiling more instead of looking grumpy. Imagine Viola finally opening up and learning that he is worthy of being a string instrument and he is loved and cherished for who he is and that he doesn’t need to be better than Violin to have worth because he is is own person, and that’s what matters.
Imagine him mending fences with Violin in a sidequest. Violin stops teasing him so much (but since she’s like a sister to him, of course she’s going to annoy him- it’s what siblings do) and Viola being more open to her and showing her that warmth he too has.
Gameplay-wise, since he’s a member of the Strings family, he would have a higher ATK stat with lower DEF and HP as a tradeoff. However, he’s more beefy than Violin, who probably is The Glass Tank to the entire String family. Maybe Stradivarius is the Most Glass Tankiest out of all of the Strings. I dunno.
Okay, so I’m not gonna lie, Guitar is my favorite design out of the three here. I don’t know if I wanted him to be bishounen or ikemen but since I can’t draw ikemen at freaking all, I went the bishounen route. but I think he’s still more handsome than pretty, so maybe he’s already ikemen?
So, I imagine Guitar as more of a mellow guy. He’s nice, maybe unremarkable, but that’s what’s great about him. He’s definitely handsome though, and he knows it. He’s most definitely a flirt. He takes pride in his appearance, but isn’t vain. Out of the Guitar brothers, he’s probably the most “chill” one. He’s also “cool” because… yknow. Guitars are cool. I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t really didn’t know what else to put for his character, so I might add or change things as I see fit in the future.
Design-wise, I wanted him to be pretty. In fact, the first thing I had in my mind was a white button-down and a vest. What I did not foresee, however, was how much of a pain in the ass drawing a collar was. I forgot how much I hated drawing collared men’s shirts lol. I actually wanted one side to be untucked, giving him like… a roguish?? Sexy??? Vibe. But I decided against it because it didn’t look good At All.
The vest was also a “should I or should I not” thing. Maybe it was because I really liked how I drew the shirt. i was worried that he’d look too formal, but I don’t think he looks too formal after it was finished. The coat slung over his shoulder was a “cool” booster lol. He never wears it, just like he’ll never button the top button of his shirt.
His color palate would probably be tans. White shirt, tan vest. Probably black pants, and the jacket is a wildcard. No clue what color it would be. His hair is probably a sandy brown and shiny. It looks very soft and it very much is. Most of the guitar players I see have long hair and/or a beard, so maybe he’ll have a little stubble? Dunno.
Imagine the player getting enough “bond points” with Guitar and him actually meaning what he says because initially he wanted to tease the player a bit or that was just a way he jokes around but now… he cares for their well-being deeply. Imagine Guitar being goofy and an utter prankster like his brother Electric Guitar. Imagine him being a bad influence to the younger/more impressionable instruments and getting all of them in trouble with the player because he too is cheery and bright but he’s just more well known for being mellow and romantic and smooth and he just keeps up with that image because he’s worried that others view him as strange or they would abandon him because he’s a popular hobby instrument but sometimes hobbies don’t pan out well and he’s been left in some attic alone and unplayed and abandoned only to be sold again to another person.
Imagine him worrying over his brothers because they’re doing something dumb and he has to bail them out. Imagine in a sidequest, he loses his cool and goes absolutely feral because his brothers are in mortal danger when he initially had more of a distant relationship to them.
Gameplay-wise, I imagine him to be a little more like the Brass family (of which I have yet to actually do anything for)- more beef in exchange for ATK. But since he’s from the Strings, he naturally has higher ATK and has more skills associated with the Strings family.
Okay. I have played violin for over 7 years guys. I haven’t played in an orchestra for a while though so my inf might be outdated or something because I’ve not been in an orchestral environment for two years.
So I’ve imagined Violin to be something of a drama queen? That’s too strong of a word for it, but I can’t think of anything else. Dramatic, perhaps, suits her better. She’s certainly formal and definitely haughty and “cultured” but she’s as cultured my file directory (aka not at all). Well, that’s a lie. She certainly has class. She likes attention but she’s not an attention whore and also she doesn’t have that much of an ego.  She takes her job very seriously, too, and is a perfectionist. Perhaps she’s more like Viola than she lets on…
She appreciates the “little guy” as it were and is not one of those “ohime-sama” characters. Yes, there’s a stylistic difference between a fiddle and a violin (bluegrass/country vs classical and jazz), but in the body and neck of the actual instrument, as well as the range, there is very little to no difference. The main differences are the strings (fiddles typically use steel strings for a brighter sound compared to violins which use synthetic or traditional gut strings) and the bridge (flatter for string crossing/chords and rounded for single note playing).
I’m getting ahead of myself. I imagine Violin parties hard in addition to simply being all wound up and “classy”. Like, she’s probably the one doing karaoke and shots and in general being Wild while also being her typical Responsible, Classic, Dramatic self. She’s also quite sweet and is a hopeless romantic, but she has something of a short fuse and can get really scary when she wants to be. She’s probably Disaster Bi.
Design-wise, my first thought was concert blacks. Seriously. Whenever you hear “violin”, please tell me that you, too, hear someone in an elegant black dress, absurdly beautiful and pristine? Just me? Okay. She has beautiful brown hair that’s wavy and silky and soft and maybe it’s magic but it changes color slightly in the light when you see it at a different angle.
Imagine the player getting enough “bond points” with her and she finally starts to let her hair down. Imagine she invites the player to a karaoke bar or simply to a small party/gathering she and a few other instruments have planned because she wants to have fun. Imagine she sets up a drinking game that includes Spin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven or something because she can be fun and she’s not just uptight and known for being for the nobility. Maybe she’s insecure about how others see her because she’s been seen always as a tightly wound person and she too can have fun and be wild and free and happy and not a stick in the mud. Maybe she’s a perfectionist because that’s what’s been drilled into her from her creation because she’s usually a sign of nobility and nobles have to be perfect and she must be perfect to charm crowds of people and she’s only beautiful because she’s perfect but she’s beautiful even with her imperfections and her quirks and she doesn’t need to be Wild to prove that she can be fun and that’s okay.
Imagine her and Viola making up in a sidequest. She knows that she teases him and pokes fun at him a lot but she really doesn’t mean it. She knows that he’s an important instrument in orchestras and she tells him that yes he is needed and is important and yes, she’ll stop poking fun at him because she realises that her comments actually do hurt and she doesn’t want him to feel unloved. But she’ll still annoy him because that’s what big sisters do but she’ll stay away from those kinds of jokes because she doesn’t mean it and it’s mean so she’ll stop.
Gameplay-wise, she’s definitely on the more glass canon side of things. She has excellent ATK, but her DEF and HP are kinda… shit. I’d pair her with other String instruments that have higher DEF and HP to help balance out her flaws or even put her on a team with Percussion or Brass or even have her with a Woodwind to help with healing and she’ll do the damage necessary.
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