#(i did eat lunch today so like. there's that.)
sitepathos · 5 hours
From Gold to Mold
Chapter 1: The Change
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“Happy birthday, to you,” your teacher, Mrs. Palmer, and classmates finish singing to you.
“Thank you, everyone,” you giggle, happy that everyone did something special for your birthday in the middle of class.
You’re now six-years-old and your Momma’s promised to take you to Little Luigi’s Pizza Place after school, where you’ll get to open your presents from her, as well as eat all the pizza you want and have a cookie pizza for free! You begged her to let you stay home, but she laughed and said that she had to meet her publisher for her upcoming book, but she promised that after she was done, she’d come check you out and the two of you would go celebrate your birthday.
You look up at the clock (good thing it’s digital, because you haven’t learned to read the old clocks yet!) and see that it’s almost time for lunch.
“Come on, Momma,” you mutter to yourself. “Get here, already.”
Seriously, you didn’t plan to eat lunch, so you didn’t bother packing lunch today!
Just then, the intercom above the door chimes.
“Mrs. Palmer,” the school secretary asks.
“Can you please send Y/N Gould to the office, please? There’s someone here to see him.”
“Yes,” you cheer, making a few in the class laugh.
“Of course,” she responds before the device clicks off.
You grab your backpack and toss it over your back before rushing towards the door.
“Bye, Y/N,” one classmate says as you pass her.
“Happy birthday,” another says as you near the door.
“Enjoy your birthday, Y/N,” Mrs. Palmer says, her usual bright smile on her face. “We’ll see you tomorrow. Remember to have your worksheet done.”
And with that, you leave the room and skip down the hall to the main office, happy that your school is small so you don’t have to walk far. As you do, all you can think about is all the pizza you’re about to eat! And the chocolate chip cookie pizza that you get after that! And don’t forget about the presents! Maybe you’ll get the new Pokémon Platinum game for your DS, or a new stuffed animal, or maybe a new movie!
The suspense is practically tearing you apart and you enter the office, ready to greet your Momma when you see… Sheriff Foley. And he looks… sad. You look to the secretary, who’s standing behind him, and she has the same sad look.
“Y/N,” he says.
“Sheriff Foley,” you say, looking around to find Momma, but not finding her. “What’s wrong? Where’s Momma?”
“Son,” he says as the secretary begins to cry a bit. “I have some bad news.”
You feel a weird feeling in your stomach, like when you eat a bunch of ice cream and get sick, but this feeling is worse than that.
“It’s about your momma. I got a call from the police in Vegas and they said there had been a car accident. Some drunk fool leaving a casino hit your mother’s car.”
You feel your heart stop at the words “hit” and “mother.”
“Is she ok,” you manage to say. “She’s at the hospital, right?”
The secretary’s crying becomes louder.
“I’m sorry, son,” he says, a tear falling from his eye. “He was going too fast when he hit her. She’s gone.”
“Gone? Like missing?” Now, you’re crying. “Why can’t they find her?”
“No, gone as in she’s no longer with us.”
“Like… she’s gone to heaven,” you whisper.
He nods and it’s then you feel your entire world collapse. You remember what Momma said about going to heaven when you saw a squirrel asleep on the side of the road. She’d said that he had gone to heaven after falling asleep and that he wouldn’t be waking up again. That he’d always be there.
“No,” you cry, tears and snot falling from your face. “No, she can’t be in heaven! She said she’d be here!”
Sheriff Foley takes you into his arms as you cry.
The next few days go by in a blur. You stay with Sheriff Foley and his wife until the funeral. Unfortunately, the accident was so bad that the casket had to stay closed, so you weren’t able to see her one last time before she’s put in her grave. The whole town of Goodsprings is there; she was an author writing best-selling romance novels set during the Age of Sail and a pillar of the community, so everyone wanted to be there to say their final goodbyes to her and their condolences to you.
You said nothing during the whole thing. You hadn’t said anything since Sheriff Foley told you that Momma had gone to heaven and that she wouldn’t be back. The only noise to leave you is the sound of crying.
“Y/N,” he says as you watch the grave be filled with dirt. “When we leave, we’ll have to go by your house. You need to pack anything you need.”
“Why,” you ask, your voice sore from crying for days.
“Because a man is waiting there for you and when you have everything you need, he’ll take you to McCarran Airport. From there, you’ll go to Gotham City in New Jersey.”
You couldn’t believe your ears, first you lose Momma and now you’re losing your home?
“Why do I have to leave,” you say, tears streaming down your face.
“Because the county did some checking and found your father through a DNA test.”
You freeze at that. Your Daddy?
“Momma, do I have a Daddy,” you asked her once.
“You do, baby, but he doesn’t know about you,” she answered. “We met years ago, back when Momma was young and dumb. When I found out I was having you, I couldn’t find him. That’s when I realized I had to act right.” She rubbed her hand through your hair. “It’s thanks to you that I’m not like that anymore.”
That conversation goes through your head as you ride back to your house. You’re actually going to meet your Daddy? When you pull up to your house you see a fancy car sitting in the driveway and an elderly man in a suit standing next to it, watching you as you get out.
“I’m sorry, who’re you,” Sheriff Foley asks.
“Alfred Pennyworth,” the man says, bowing a little. “Butler to the Wayne Family. I apologize, Sheriff, but I’m afraid Master Bruce was unable to get away. Urgent business at Wayne Enterprises demanded his attention.”
“More urgent than his son?”
You can see the butler slightly flinch at that, despite how good he tries to hide it.
“I understand your frustration. I expressed the same sentiments, but Master Bruce couldn’t be persuaded to leave the matter to Mr. Fox.” He looks down at you. “I trust this is young Master Y/N?”
You can’t help but duck behind the sheriff’s legs to hide from him.
“Yeah, this is him.”
“I’m glad to meet you, though I wish it was under more joyous circumstances. You have my most sincere condolences for your loss.”
“Thank you,” you say, looking down at the ground.
“Come on, son, let’s get all your stuff packed.”
The three of you spend the next hour packing all your toys and clothes into cardboard boxes. When asked about your bed, dresser, and other larger things, Alfred said a room had already been prepared for you with a king sized bed and a dresser with room for all your clothes and more.
“Should you require anything else, I will ensure Master Bruce provides it.”
“What will happen to the house,” you finally ask Sheriff Foley, afraid for what he would say.
“Your momma already paid off her house and her will said that everything that’s hers goes to you. For now, the county will care for it until you turn eighteen, which is when you can inherit it.”
Hearing that should’ve made you feel better, but it didn’t because you’d have to wait so long to come back and even then, Momma still wouldn’t be here. As the two adults packed up the last of the boxes in the fancy rental car, you slipped away into your Momma’s office at the back of the first story. You slide open the doors, expecting to see her at her desk, working on her latest story like you’d done so many times before, but this time, an empty room and silence greets you.
You enter her office and hop into the big revolving chair, her favorite perfume still lingering from the morning of your birthday. You look at the desk and find something that takes your breath away: her favorite gold ink pen. One day, you’d asked her why your last name was Gould and she’d told you that your family came from a long line of goldsmiths who once made jewelry and other small things for rich people. Momma’s Daddy still worked with metal, even after the family practice was shut down, and when she said she was going to become a writer, he made her a gold ink pen to bring her good luck. You pick it up, looking at the beautiful design, and begin to tear up.
She carried it everywhere she went, so seeing it here cements the fact that she’s not coming back. Maybe if she wasn’t in a big hurry that morning, she would’ve remembered to take it with her and the accident never would’ve happened. And she’d still be here with you.
“Y/N,” the Sheriff says as he enters the office. “We finished packing everything. Are you ready to go?”
You want to say no and refuse to leave, but you know that you can’t stay here. You quietly pocket the pen and follow him to the car, where Alfred waits for you.
“Alright, son, be good for Mr. Pennyworth here. Do what he says and be a good boy like your momma taught you.” He gives you a hug and you wish it would never end, because then you’d never have to leave your home. “You’ll be back before you know it, and your home will be here waiting for you.”
A with that, you get into the car with Mr. Pennyworth and begin the drive to the airport. You use the mirror to see your house one last time, seeing it get smaller and smaller until it’s out of sight.
“I know this is sudden after the loss of your mother, but I promise Master Bruce and I will do everything we can to make Wayne Manor a home for you.”
“What’s it like?”
“The manor? It’s a large estate with a long and storied history that dates back to the early days of Gotham. There’s plenty of rooms for you to explore.”
“And what about my Daddy? What’s he like?”
“Master Bruce is a skilled businessman and one of Gotham’s biggest socialites. He’s also the adoptive father of Masters Dick and Jason.”
“He already has kids? Would they be my brothers?”
You’d heard of several of your classmates having older and younger siblings and had thought about having a brother or a sister. What would it be like to carry around someone younger than you or be care for by someone older than you.
“Master Dick would be your older brother, but he’s now living at the manor right now. He’s off finding himself right now, but I have no doubt that he’ll be back one day.”
“What about Jason?”
Mr. Pennyworth frowns at your words and you feel afraid that you’ve said something wrong.
“Master Jason would be your older brother, as well, but he was taken from us. With any luck, he and your mother have met one another.”
“When did he go to heaven?”
“He left us a few months ago, but it feels just like yesterday.”
And with that, the talk is over. You two arrive at the airport and after the butler returns the rental car, he guides you to the gate where a private jet awaits the two of you. You can’t help but be amazed that you’re riding in a private jet that looks so much better than the ones you’ve seen on tv. You sit in one of the seats and it’s way softer than your bed.
“Master Y/N, we’re getting ready for takeoff,” the butler says as he puts his seatbelt on. “Put your seatbelt on.”
You do as you’re told and before you know it, you feel the jet begin to move. You hurry to look out the window to see everything moving past before the jet begins to fly. You stare out the window, watching Nevada, the state you’ve called home, get smaller and smaller until you’re above the clouds, unable to see anything, even the massive buildings of the Strip, which could be seen for miles.
It’s then you realize that this is real, that you’re leaving everything you’ve ever known and won’t be back for years and tears begin to fall from your face. You’ve spent the last few days crying so much that you’d think that you’d think that you would run out of tears, but apparently not. Not wanting to disturb Mr. Pennyworth, you face the window and bite your lower lip to stop making noises.
Somehow the flight seemed to be both long lasting and not long enough, because eventually, you saw a city show up below you. You squint your eyes to get a better look through the smog and see many tall buildings, all of the having those scary stone creatures you saw on a movie once.
“Welcome to Gotham City, Master Y/N.”
A/N: I’m hoping to make this a series that sees somewhat regular updates, but don’t quote me on that. I’ve been getting back into Resident Evil and I look up Yandere Batfamily stuff on this site so much it’s not even funny. Sorry if the first chapter was so long, but I thought if the first chapter was long enough, people would forgive me if future chapters are a bit lacking. Also, this series is heavily influenced by several of my favorite users, like @acid-ixx , @gotham-daydreams , @luludeluluramblings , and @darkstaria . You should totally check them all out.
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lupinsweater · 2 days
hey gorgeous! rly love your writing!!!!!!!! so, the thing is, im with a horrible (emphasis on horrible) throat inflammation, those that even swallowing saliva hurts and eating solid food makes you cry, you know. I would love to see how Remus would comfort me in this situation!
Hope your doing well, xoxooooo
hi love! i’m so sorry you aren’t feeling well😢 being sick is the worst, especially with a sore throat! we all need a remus to comfort us…i hope this helps you feel a little better!🤎
Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader 💌 1.3k words
♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡
It was a chilly autumn morning when you woke up with a weight in your chest and a terrible ache in your throat. The blankets on your bed were tangled around your legs, and your sheets were damp with cold sweat. The first swallow you took felt like sandpaper, dry and painful, as though you’d spent the night screaming or partying instead of sleeping. Your head felt heavy on your shoulders as you slowly propped yourself up and rubbed your eyes- a dull throb behind them warned you of an oncoming headache.
You groaned softly as you charmed some water into the glass on your bedside table, wincing at the rawness in your throat. It wasn’t the kind of sore throat that you could ignore, or the kind that would go away with your glass of water and a little more rest. This was something much worse; this was the kind that told you today was going to be long and uncomfortable. The last thing you needed right now was to be getting sick, but there wasn’t much you could do about it now. You knew classes would begin soon, and nervous to miss anything, you forced yourself out of bed, cleaning yourself up as best as you could before making your way down to the Great Hall for breakfast.
By the time you sat down at the Gryffindor table, your friends were already eating and the scratch in your throat had gotten worse. Sirius waved at you, and Remus turned to look in your direction as you slid into the seat next to him.
“Good morning,” Remus said, his smile soft and familiar. He offered you a mug of hot chocolate, which you accepted gratefully.
“Morning,” you replied, though your voice was rougher than usual. You cleared your throat, hoping it would pass quickly. Remus, however, noticed immediately- his brows furrowed as you took a sip from your mug, his gaze lingering on you.
“You okay?” he asked. His concern was always close to the surface with you. Not wanting to worry him, you gave him a small smile.
“Just a bit of a sore throat,” you murmured, helping yourself to a muffin as you drained your mug. “It’s really nothing.”
Remus didn’t look convinced, but he let it slide, though you could tell he was keeping a closer eye on you than usual as you finished your meal. He hovered behind you through the corridors on the way to class, and he asked clarifying questions during Charms when he noticed your face scrunch in confusion at one of the instructions.
As the morning went on, you found yourself talking less and less, each word starting to feel more painful than the last. Remus watched you quietly, his eyes flickering with concern, but he didn’t push. By the time you reached your last class of the morning, the scratch in your throat had turned into a deep ache. You did your best to ignore it, pushing through the lecture as best as you could, but your voice was starting to strain more than ever, and your head was pounding painfully. You could barely hear Professor McGonagall over the dull thudding in your ears.
When the bell rang, Remus was quick to pack his things up. He helped you gather your things and ushered you out the door. You’d never seen him this eager to get to lunch before- your stomach was growling, but you didn’t have much of an appetite. Remus dragged you up the stairs and towards Gryffindor tower, and you pulled back on him, frowning.
“Wait, wait. Where are we going? Don’t you want lunch?” You croaked, looking at him with confusion. You knew the full moon was coming up, and his appetite was always insatiable during that time of the month. Remus just shook his head, tugging on your arm gently. Exasperated, you followed, allowing him to guide you back to the common room and sit you down by the fire.
“Okay, what’s this about?” You said in a half-whisper, folding your arms over your chest as you sunk into the squashy armchair.
“You clearly aren’t feeling well, dove,” Remus said, giving you a pointed look. You sighed, bringing a hand up to massage your nose bridge to relieve some strain from your headache.
“I know I’m not,” you grumbled hoarsely, meeting his eyes reluctantly. “It’s not like I have a lot of options here, Rem. I can’t afford to miss class, and I have assignments to hand in. And you know how much I hate taking Pepperup Potions- I just can’t handle the steam coming out of my ears, it makes me feel all funny.”
“I’m not going to ask you to take a Pepperup Potion,” Remus said, his expression a mix between amusement and mild annoyance. “Just wait here, okay? I’ll be right back.”
You knew he was just trying to look out for you, and you could already feel the tension leaving your shoulders as you soaked up the warmth from the fire. Remus raised an eyebrow at you, and you gave a small nod in return, knowing protesting wouldn’t do much anyways, as it was obvious he had already made up his mind.
You weren’t sure how long he was gone- you’d felt your eyelids begin to droop, and you were in a pre-sleep daze when he re-entered the common room, holding a tray of sandwiches and a teapot. Remus placed the food on the table in front of you, and shuffled over to the cabinet in the corner of the room and produced some plates and teacups, which he brought back over to you. He poured some tea into the teacup, then placed it in your hands, brushing some hair away from your face and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead that made you feel pleasantly warm.
“Here, drink this, dove. Honey and lemon. It will help,” he said, putting a few sandwiches on a place and setting it in front of you. You sat up blearily, taking slow sips of the tea. It really did feel soothing on your throat.
Remus sat down beside you, and the two of you ate your sandwiches in silence. He refilled your teacup twice, watching you with worried eyes.
“You really should go rest,” he said finally, his tone gentle but serious. “Your throat is only going to get worse if you keep pushing it, and you look awfully tired.”
You opened your mouth, prepared to argue your case again, but Remus gave you a soft, knowing look that made you close it again.
“Don’t worry about classes. I’ll take notes for you and hand in your assignments,” he said reassuringly. “Just go rest for me, okay?”
There was no point in fighting it any more. You knew he was right, and the warmth in his voice made you feel like it was okay to let him help you, just this once. You nodded, unable to do much else, and Remus smiled tenderly at you.
“I’ll come check on you later,” he promised, watching you carefully as you stood up. There was something in the way that he was looking at you that made you feel at ease. It wasn’t just worry—it was something closer, warmer. Maybe you weren’t ready to name it yet, but it was there, in every small, thoughtful gesture, and in the way he said, “Take care of yourself, dove,” as you climbed the stairs up and out of sight.
As you made your way back to your dorm to rest, you couldn’t help but feel grateful—not just for the tea, but for the quiet way Remus always seemed to know how to take care of you, without you even having to ask.
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tinsyfairy · 2 days
09.19 food diary ! 🍂
*note : this is not intended to encourage anybody or follow my habits i'm just documenting my life and i want to find others who are like me :)
₊⊹ intake limit : 1.3k
₊⊹ water intake : 1.5L
₊⊹ f4st¡ng time : 18 hrs
⌗ breakfast :
– 1/2 cup of strawbs and banana (53)
– 1 apple (95)
> total : 148
⌗ lunch :
– 3 mandarins (135)
> total : 135
⌗ dinner :
– 1 apple (95)
– 1/2 cup of berries (35)
– raw honey (53)
> total : 183
other :
– applesauce pouch (60)
– sf orange jello (5)
> total : 65
☆ total : 534
☆ burned : 529 / 15k st-eps / 25 min p¡late-s
☆ net : 5
— log :
hi friendsss! today was a fruit mono and pretty busy day but i did a lot of studying and catching up on work! I did c/$ some food my mom made bc I was getting b¡nge urges luckily after I did that they went away :) I think my parents are starting to not care if I eat w them at dinner mainly because they want me to focus on school (which is awesome because they usually cook high c-l low volume stuff) they're also allowing me to have meal alternatives instead of forcing me to e-t so now I can seriously control my intake instead of just estimating (i'll try to omad dinner sometimes with them though) anyways I hope you guys all had a great day orrr I hope you have a great day:) stay safe <3
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newtness532 · 11 days
yes it did take me 3 hours and 5 breaks to write 270 words but! i wrote 270 words and a win is a win
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terr4ance · 7 months
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It was my grandma's 90th birthday party on Saturday and we had a buffet with all sorts of stuff. At the end, there was some leftover salmon and prawns (among other things) which I wrapped and took home.
Bought some puff pastry (because I've made my own before and it is far more time than I currently have), cream, and spinach to make it into a pie. I'm quite happy with how it turned out :)
Despite her age, my grandma always bakes (and then loves to complain about how much it makes her knees hurt afterwards!). One of my favourite things she does is salmon tarts whenever she has leftover salmon. That was the main inspiration for this recipe.
- Puff pastry (I used two packs of premade stuff with a little left over)
- 1/2 onion
- 1 clove of garlic
- a bag of fresh baby leaf spinach
- a fresh salad tomato
- leftover poached salmon, smoked salmon, and prawns (shrimp)
- thyme, salt, pepper
- Worcester sauce (Lee and Perrins is the best)
- 300ml of double cream
- a bit of cheese (optional)
1. Preheat an oven to gas 4 (177°C/350°F).
2. Line a pie dish with puff pastry, leaving a little extra around the edges to account for shrinking. Put a sheet of baking paper on top and cover with baking beans (I used split peas because that's what we have). Put this into the oven and set a timer for 10 ish minutes (you want the pastry to be partially cooked).
3. Finely dice half an onion and add to a saucepan over medium heat. Grate in some garlic (or mince it if you aren't as lazy as me!). Fry until translucent.
4. Add a bunch of spinach and allow it to wilt. Dice a tomato and add it too.
5. Add salt, pepper, thyme, and a dash of Worcester sauce along with around 300ml of double cream. More can be added later to taste.
6. Once simmering, add the salmon and prawns (I also had a little tiny bit of smoked salmon) and heat through.
7. By this point, the pastry should be partially cooked. Remove it from the oven, remove the baking beans (O.E), and pour the sauce into the pie. Turn the oven up to gas 7 (220°C/425°F).
7.5. Before giving the pie a lid, I grated a bunch of red Leicester on top of the filling as I was slightly short of filling and didn't want the lid to sag. This is optional, but experiment with whatever you feel might work.
8. Lay more puff pastry on top of the pie and crimp the edges. You can also score the top to give it a fancy pattern, and egg-wash to seal and glaze if you can be bothered (I couldn't).
9. Put the pie back in the oven for a further 10-15 minutes, or until the pastry is golden.
10. Leave to cool before serving, and enjoy!
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elegyofthemoon · 2 months
i know that i applied for the leave of absence from my school a long while ago but,,, today i officially sent an email saying that i'm actually withdrawing now
i'm really glad i did wind up taking that time away from the school to figure myself out. it gave me a lot of time to reassess and get back in tune with myself and what i truly want rather than do things out of obligation towards others
even if i am a little exhausted that technically now i'm striving towards two dreams and working towards both at the same time, it's still nice to be like 'oh this is way more like me!' and feel at least a little happier with it :>
so! i'm much happier now at least. and at least for one of those dreams i can see so much progress for someone who only started to pick it back up in may. i'm really excited to share more of it but for now it's just the waiting game :]
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piplupod · 6 months
i need to lie down and curl into a ball and tuck myself into a box and be gently lowered into the earth i think. and just stay there for a few days... years... however long it needs to be until i can exist without feeling like i am a prey animal being hunted for sport every day !!!!!!!
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khaotunq · 4 days
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caspersscareschool · 10 months
#i have to say this somewhere or im gonna go crazy#so at a preschool. you HAVE to have one adult sitting at every table when kids are eating. and you also need a person in the hall#for kids getting their lunchboxes and going to the bathroom and shit ok. are you with me here. this makes sense#so today. my 2 coworkers had already taken the chairs bc i got caught up in the hall but i was so fucking hungry that i just ate standing u#which was fine. like i could just put my lunch down if someone needed my help and i Did that ok it was fine. no one was left alone#but later at SNACKTIME. it took me forever to get these 2 kids in the room and seated ready to eat & by the time i got in some kids were#already finished and ready to go to the playroom. so i was like ok i guess I'm not eating for the latter half of the day because they cant#be left alone. and my 2 coworkers at this point were sitting with the snackers and they looked fine so i looked after the Players#intermittently glancing to the snack tables to make sure everyone was fine mind you#So what happened here was.#There was a 20 second interval between the time i glanced up to see 2 adults at the snack table. And the time i glanced up to see#a completely unsupervised snack table. one kid STANDING UP ON THE TABLE blowing raspberries and pointing at the other kids#could not have been more than 20 or 30 seconds that i wasn't looking and NO ONE TOLD ME they were leaving the room#if i had been WARNED that they were leaving i would have prioritized the snackers and sat with them so no one choked and no one fucking#stood on the table#but they both just left for whatever reason without saying anything#and when i brought it up after school they were just like. well marty you were eating too much during lunch#next time you should eat before coming in to work so you can give the kids your full attention#??????? i already skipped a meal today for that exact reason?? how is it my fault that i don't want to starve?#am i actually in the wrong here because it's driving me FUCKING nuts. that was NOT a safe situation and it obviously can NOT happen again#but the issue was a lapse in communication not me wanting to eat food so i don't actually die#and those were two different times of day so they're not even relevant#obviously there are bigger issues in the world than this but i feel like throwing up over it. this was not my fault#I'm sorry that you guys can survive off of like 1 spoonful of granola and a single acai berry for the entire day but im not built like that
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exopelagic · 1 month
okay I severely misjudged spaghetti guy he’s actually just really cool
#okay so I came to this flat and he wasn’t here. greeted by a very dirty flat with shit all over the kitchen counters over cling film#I meet first my other flatmate who told me he stays in his room constantly bc of previous bad flatmates#has literally just a saucepan and some salt in the kitchen. so I’m like okay spaghetti guy potentially not great but could just be#how this guy is yknow#on Tuesday I get an email back saying he’s coming back from Norway tonight looking forward to seeing you feel free to use the kitchen sauces#rlly friendly message that I wasn’t expecting. I also didn’t know he’d been on a trip i just knew he wasn’t there bc his door was open#(to a REALLY nice room. multiple rlly nice plants (which he has little care labels for!!!) and it’s tidy and pretty#and he’s got a sheep teddy on the bed)#meanwhile I am in my own head bc I don’t wanna cook in the kitchen until I can clean it and I can’t clean it without moving his shit and#I haven’t seen him yet to talk abt it and I can’t bring myself to talk to him immediately bc I’m dying#and embarrassed as hell by how I’ve been cooking in my room with a microwave and air fryer (loud) and sneaking my shit out of the kitchen#but then yesterday I DO talk to him!! and he’s super friendly!! actually interested in having a conversation and Good at it.#and then he’s cooking and like. spaghetti burns but I’m not there for long and seems to be a mistake (he made the same thing for lunch today#and did Not burn the spaghetti) and is otherwise clearly competent bc the food smells Good and despite leaving a few things out it’s like#washed up stuff isn’t dirty and the sides are better despite still under cling film. more a case that he’s spread out than he’s messy#and now today we talked and i offered to hold onto some shit over summer bc complicated situation that boils down to he’s flying back home#and he cant take all his stuff and had to choose between chucking stuff/having literally nothing this weekend. like sleeping on the sofa etc#and then cleans the whole flat?? which I’m assuming a good chunk is his mess? but he did not need to do that. could’ve easily left#bc there are two people still living here who would’ve had to deal with it and he doesn’t know either at all#and THEN tonight we talk abt food which is fun bc we both ordered stuff. and he offers me some honeydew melon bc he’s been gorging himself#these past two days to finish it before it goes bad/he leaves which is also really sweet#and JUST NOW. I take my headphones out after finishing dinner and hear the sweetest fucking guitar#he plays the gentlest like dreamy sounding acoustic guitar I’ve heard in my life in his room (door closed by the time I leave)#this is actually just a really cool dude#now that the kitchens clear I’m gonna cook tomorrow and will probably offer him some bc otherwise he’s gonna be eating out all weekend#he has extra takeout for tomorrow night but might want smth Sunday#regardless I am just. huh??? left a bit stunned bc of the u turn my opinion of this guy has taken. bc my opinion of him was a reflection#of my discomfort moving to this weird dirty basement flat with two people I didn’t know#well. idk where to go from here. I think I’ll start by talking to him more this weekend. bc holy fucking shit.#luke.txt
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saintlesbian · 1 year
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god forbid a lil sheepy has a fun weekend
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i-am-church-the-cat · 4 months
my circadian rhythm needs to stop
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dandyshucks · 5 months
i know my avoidance for leaving the house is getting bad when not even the siren song of a free meal and pretending my blorbo is going along with me can get me to go out
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banannabethchase · 11 months
I really REALLY wish I enjoyed Halloween.
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dragqueenpentheus · 1 year
i forgot how evil 28 degrees feels on my body i genuinely cant make it a block
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bangtann-bangdamn · 1 year
I’m going to be honest, decisions were made last night and I went out drinking with some friends on basically an empty stomach and I am feeling it today 💀
I think I might have to postpone the not like the movies update today, but as I’m going on holiday next weekend it means there’s won’t be an update for 2/3 weeks which I don’t particularly want to do so I’m hoping that I will get a chance in the week after work to work on it and be able to post something before I go on holiday but watch this space
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