#actually i could also rant about academia for a bit
i-am-church-the-cat · 4 months
my circadian rhythm needs to stop
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
Ok I have just been scrolling on your blog for like ages now and I just wanna say that I find your greek mythology rants literally so interesting bc a) they are so informative and when reading them it's obvious your dedicated abt it and b) I just love the way you write??? There's so much passion and it makes reading all your posts so interesting. I just love the info dumps especially bc I really want to know more abt greek mythology but I just don't have the time + have no idea where to start finding this information.
Plus I just really really love your art. It's so adorable?? I love your style and the way you draw your characters I just want to bundle them all up and never let go like I am literally etching every last bit into my brain.
Anyways I hope this doesn't seem like weird ☀️
These are like the kindest compliments, thank you!!!!
I'm so glad my passion for mythology comes through in my writing bc I do care so much about greek mythology and like mythology in general, if I thought I could make it in academia I would totally get a job in mythology research it is one of my favorite things. AND! I have a couple of resources I would totally recommend for a good place to start researching!
Theoi.com: oml this is such a phenomenally good resource for greek mythology. It has a whole bunch of different information and all of it is linked back to it's original source from antiquity. I will say that the writing on the website can be a bit dense, but it's not horrible and I could not recommend this site enough as a source for information.
If you have the money to buy a book I would recommend getting a copy of the Apollodorus' Library. This is a collection of mythography (It's like a mythological dictionary) that is thought to have been written around 2nd century BC. So, two plusses. 1. It's a primary source. 2. It has a lot of myths in a small package. Obviously, the original book is in ancient greek, which I sadly have not learned to read, but there are a lot of really good translations in english that are readily available. The one I have was translated by R. Scott Smith and Stephan M. Trzaskoma, and it's really cool because it also has the translated Hyginus' Fabulae, which is also mythography but this time it's roman. So like, two in one go! Woop woop!
After these two resources, I would recommend going trying to find resources that go more in depth on whatever myth catches your eye. Of course, that could be anything, so I can't really offer up a certain book or website for that, but I can give a couple of tips I use when looking into potential sources of information!
Primary resources!!! Always look for primary resources!! These are the sources that are actually from ancient greece, and have little to no additions from an author. I know these sources are usually more dense and harder to get through, but I think it's good to have an understanding of the original myth before you start looking at other people's interpretations of that myth, just so you don't get their thoughts confused with the actual original text. If you're having trouble figuring out if a book or site is a good primary research, search it up and look for reviews! Usually there's at least a couple people talking about how good the source is academic-wise.
I would always encourage researching ancient greek and roman history alongside researching mythology. These myths did not exist in a vacuum, and a lot of the time certain myths and stories are the direct result of the culture and politics of the era. I think the connections between greek mythology and history give you a greater understanding of both topics, and is always a good step!
(Also just my bias showing, but greek art history!!! is so good!!! and tells you so much about the culture!!! and then roman art history is also great!!! Because you get to see how the artists of rome used the cultural and artistic values of greece to create meaning and influence the people!! Like, Octavian purposefully had himself sculpted in a hellenistic style so that people would be less worried about him ruling from such a young age?? That's so interesting!!! I love art history!!!!)
I will say a lot of this does take a lot of time (I only really have time to research now bc it's summer so i'm not in college ;-;) but I really think it's such an interesting field, as you can probably tell by how long this was.
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luckyfailuregirl · 2 months
Okay I think it's time I finally do an intro post
Hello world!! My name's Lucky :]
Or Mila/Milamarie, but I prefer either of the shorter two.
Things I am:
-Genderfluid (I use any pronouns - my pronouns page!!)
-An artist, mostly draws my own ocs nowadays (I don't color often sadly, I'm not confident enough in it)
-A very slow poster,,,, But I'm trying to share my stuff more often!!
-A yapper, most of my posts are really long 💔💔
-The owner of @luckyisgirlfailing ^^
-Accepting doodle requests!! (If you want me to draw your own character, please know that I may take a while and as a human, I may mess up, but I'll try my best !!)
-A MINOR also, so don't be weird anywhere near any of my posts, please and thank you
Speaking of that...
-Homophobic and transphobic people, proshippers, NSFW accounts, etc. along those lines, and generally rude and unsupportive people. If you're any of these, distance yourself from my blog.
Insert smooth transition into other topics here/j
My current interests/hyperfixations:
-Pressure (roblox), Phighting (also roblox), IdentityV, OFF, Honkai Star Rail, and My Hero Academia!! I have some other interests on the backburner rn, but these are the main ones I've been thinking about a lot ^^
A quick explanation of my sona/OC of the same name:
-All things considered though, I am currently working through burnout so I don't create much art of said interests unless I feel like it, but it will be posted here eventually once I feel like I have enough media for people to be satisfied with !!!
About the tags I'll be using from here on out:
A lot of my posts at the time of writing this just have general tags, nothing specific to my blog yet, because I've been waiting until I could actually make an intro post. But! From now on, I'll be using the tags listed here for my things :)
#[the luckygirl's delineation!] - art !!! that included anything related to my writing :3
#[the luckygirl's syndrome!] - ranting/random stuff!! (side note: my name did not come from the syndrome/TikTok thing at all actually 😭😭 I've been using this name since I was like 7, I'm just using that term now as a play on words in my tags)
#luckyfailuregirl - for anything including my OC/SONA, not me (others can use this tag too since it's a character tag!!)
#kai talking to me!! yay!!!! - tag meant specifically for my friend kai :]
#reblogs - self explanatory
If some of you have seen my oc Lucky (full title being LuckyFailureGirl), you might be a bit confused on why my main blog is titled that and my RP blog for her is a separate play on words ( @luckyisgirlfailing ). Your confusion completely understandable!! To elaborate though, "LuckyFailureGirl" has always been a username of mine across platforms, so I used that when I came to Tumblr. When I finally wanted to make a blog for Lucky themselves, I realized it was kind of too late,,, and I had to come up with a different title for her blog, but that doesn't change her official title or name. He is my sona/oc, and we share the same name and pronouns, but she also has a very different personality from me at times. She's not really a good person, but she's not meant to be super edgy either!!! You can find more information on her background on her blog, or you can ask me about them. I love talking about my ocs!!!
Anyways! I think that's all I have to say for now. Enjoy your stay, all :]
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callioclops · 9 months
Woah, a pinned post
Figured I may as well start using Tumblr as an actual blog rather than a promotional tool for streaming that I no longer do and letting it just sit here and occasionally reblog something funny from my friends, so I'm making a introduction post.
Hi, I'm Calliope or Callie for short. I'm an autistic trans woman and I use she/her. My primary interests include structural analysis of TV and anime, and getting way too deep into the mechanics of various video games inevitably resulting in an attempt to flawlessly optimise whatever it is I'm meant to be doing. As you can imagine this draws me to roguelikes a lot, but also fighting games, RPGs, etc.
If you fall under any of these groups kindly fuck off: Homophobes, TERFs and other transphobes, and honestly just as a general catch-all if you harbour a hatred for any group of people for no reason besides their appearance or the way they refer to themselves.
Quick pre-emptive Q&A:
Why do you have anon asks turned off? - Simple answer is that I don't want anon hate. I think if you want to be mean to someone online you can at least have the courage to stand by what you said without hiding behind a circle with sunglasses. If you want to send an ask but don't want it to be public that it's you, put "[/p]" somewhere in the ask. If you aren't being hateful I'll respect your want to be anonymous. Obviously I'll still know but that's the best I can give.
What TV shows/anime do you usually talk about? - That's very dependant on what I'm watching at any given time. I'll try to keep this up to date (no promises) with what I'm currently interested in. At the time of writing (23/12/23) the two main ones are Rick & Morty and My Hero Academia. These two specifically I have heard are a turn off for a lot of people due to the fandoms, personally I don't really interact in that space.
What posts can I expect? - Probably not that many in all honesty. I'm writing this at 11pm and it's entirely possible that I'll just forget about this for weeks on end. But if I am to post it will likely be short rants about any of the above mentioned media. Either talks about specific episodes of a show or mechanical intricacies of video games. I like to imagine that it will be educational in a way that is completely incomprehensible in an academic capacity.
Why a cyclops? - Initially, I was attempting to 'transition' my online persona at the same time as I was transitioning in real life and wanted a pun or portmanteau based on my new name. Callioclops was the only one I could think of and I stuck with it. Over time though it really grew on me, I had design ideas for an icon (Thanks to @caeruluspirit for the profile image), I really just became engrossed in cyclopes and monocular creatures in general. I think part of this fascination also stems from an irl friend who has depth perception issues and once tried to explain it to me by saying "The sky is in front of the trees." I've been thining about that every so often ever since.
So yeah, I'm going to try and be a bit more active on here. Share a piece of my autism with a wider audience. If that interests you stick around, if not then by all means keep on moving.
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okay idk if you've listened to evermore but i cant stop thinking about tis the damn season and dorothea being about kylux, with hux being dorothea and then i get sad lol
I’m a folklore girlie at my CORE even tho I’ve been listening since debut so ofc i also love evermore the VIBES!!
(Hold on im saving this as a draft real quick this is worth getting out of bed to use the computer)
So i absolutely see your point about dorothea, but I think i get lost on that a bit because of the high school themes, and at 28 I have so much trouble reading high school aus, they make me feel gross? even college aus are starting to get that way, so I'm mainly writing grad/law school if i play with academia.
(if ur looking through my ao3 bookmarks this doesn't, weirdly, apply to ships i discovered WHILE in high school. thank god, I read so much steter fan fiction when I'm in a particularly foul mood.)
now that's a got the germination of a fic in me. It hasn't made the list of "actual aus I'm going to write" but it'll get there once I have even a HINT of plot.
I have a big au in my head about champagne problems as the starting song from Hux's POV, where he turns down the proposal of the proper society candidate and then runs away and meets kylo and it's a whirlwind romance?? I love that shit, I swear??
like imagine a world were they wERE together and then starkiller happened and everything goes to shit and it's over, but KYLO NEVER SAYS ANYTHING and hux iS STILL AT THE REST-AU-RANT
I have cried to this au that exists ONLY IN MY HEAD
(It's also on my playlist for the KYlux big bang but in that au it's entirely in kylo's head, and more a statement on his state of mind than the actual plot. THat fic is ONLY GOOD VIBES it's 100k of self indulgence and honestly a shameful amount of smut)
Willow also works for Hux, I feel like? It's an au, obviously, but I'm sure you've all fuckin noticed I only write modern AUs Im an absolute SLUT for them.
I just feel like "They count me out time and time again," and "show me the places were the others gave you scars" are pARTICULARLY good lines for them?
Gold rush is also perfect for any AU were you have Hux feeling self conscious? It's a song that's entirely about not wanting to fall in love, because you think it's not realistic? Like, it's about dreaming how good a love could be and then denying yourself it?
Tolerate it is great for a break up au from Kylo's perspective, absolutely, especially if you make kylo young enough that their age difference is proportional enough to matter, to change the dynamic of their relationship?
This sentence is just an appreciation of no body no crime i'm not using it for a kylux au its just a fuCKING GOOD SONG. Signed, former olive garden employee
Don't get me started on your losing me btw i wILL have a break down.
anyway yes I have mANY THOUGHTS about evermore this is surely both too much and not what you asked for but I hope it was at least enjoyable!!
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fluffykitteninabox · 2 years
¿What are your thoughts on the controversial Hagakure cover?
Hi cute question mark anon ✨✨✨
I don't think this is a separate issue from how Horikoshi handles his female characters in general so I'm going to talk more generally rant a bit (oops sorry)
also one reason this took so long is that I decided to join in the trend and gave the poor girl some clothes:
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The sexualisation of female characters in anime and manga is a big issue, especially when a big portion of them are underage (shonen is the most popular genre after all).
In my hero academia we see this with basically every single female character Horikoshi creates.
Momo, Hagakure, Himiko and Midnight all have "excuses" by the story to get naked on screen regularly. Supposedly it's because of their quirks, however there's plenty of male characters who's clothes don't get destroyed in every fight they're in, even if it would logically make sense for that to happen.
Male characters get to keep their dignity, but females don't get that same privilege.
The only male character that we see get fully naked because of their quirk is Mirio, but that's only one instance, and in every scene after that we get the explanation that he got a special costume made from his hair. If that's an option for him, why isn't it for Hagakure? Why does she have to run around naked in battle? Why do we need "jokes" about others accidentally touching her boobs because they didn't see her? We don't need that, she's a teenager!
Then there's Momo's design which is not only disgusting, but also doesn't make logical sense either. Supposedly the opening at the front is for practicality.
She "needs" to have big areas of skin open to make bigger objects.
Except that's a lie. We never really see her use the boob window for that. She mostly uses her arms to make things. And the biggest space she could have open for big objects is her back. And we actually see her use her back (and destroying her clothes in the process because of course she did!)
Most of the time when a female character is naked she gets objectified by the narrative and/or the framing/camera movement in a scene, while when a male character is naked it works as a form of fantasy fulfillment for the male target audience. I think this is part of "the male gaze" and not separate from it.
Here's a great video about this topic.
There's also the issue of Mineta's entire existence!
Mineta is the other reason I took so long to answer, because I went on tangent about how the concept for his character could have worked, and how I would have fixed it. But I realised this doesn't fit here so I took it out. (I might make a separate post about this)
This character (that Horikoshi has apparently admitted is a form of self insert) exists purely to objectify every single female character that's on screen. Every scene he's in, every line of dialogue he has adds no value to the story. He's supposedly there for comic relief, but most normal people don't find blatant sexism funny.
Some might say "oh but he gets punished for it. it's supposed to show how bad that is". Well yes but actually no. Mineta gets punished for his behaviour, but the viewers still get to see naked underage anime girls on screen. It's not a subversion of the trope if you're still doing the trope.
and Mineta's "jokes" get progressively worse as time goes on, which to me shows that this really isn't about the subversion of tropes/meta humour. It's just an excuse to sexualise female characters.
Thankfully this has seemingly stopped now (after the awful "joke" with Eri) presumably because Hori got backlash for it. He should have been getting backlash from the start but better late than never I suppose.
However Horikoshi hasn't (as far as I know) officially apologised for this. Even if he did stop inserting such jokes into the story, he clearly continued sexualising his female characters behind closed doors.
The Hagakure colour page is the culmination of all of those previous instances.
Horikoshi was able to freely sexualise underage female characters in his series time and time again with little to no backlash, because this type of thing is normalised in anime. So it makes sense that as this went on and he saw how much he was able to get away with, he kept doing it.
The page is truly disgusting to look at. Besides being completely naked there's also the pose itself, the weird barely there censors in the form of "keep out" tape of all things, but also something that I haven't seen anyone else talk about.
Her hand placement always felt weird to me. Even if she was wearing clothes, showing her hands in between her legs like that looks overtly sexual. It also creates this strong "V" shape, that deliberately directs the viewer's eyes downward towards that area instead of directing them up towards her face. (That's why I changed her hands to rest on top of her legs in my redraw)
Horikoshi is a professional artist, he knows what he's doing and he is known for his really intresting character designs. In this colour page, Hagakure is a sexual object first and a character second.
This is why Horikoshi's statement of "wanting to test her colour scheme" rings hollow to me. When you want to test what colours go well on a character you draw multiple versions of them and you basically play dress up by putting them in different outfits and changing the colours around. If he wanted to just test her hair and eyes, he could have just done a portrait from the neck and up.
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The way I see it, this is clearly just a poor excuse to avoid responsibility.
The issue isn't just Horikoshi himself, it's about how the sexualisation of women (underage or not) in anime is so normalised that it is presented as "part of the culture", and if you complain about it people will tell that "this is just how anime/Japan is" and that "you should just accept it"
If "part of a culture" promotes sexism then this is an objectively bad thing and said culture SHOULD be changed.
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amphitritebaby · 1 year
vicious by v e schwab review yippee!!! spoilers under the cut
not my first book of the year but i finished it like 20 mins ago so. :) huge rant incoming!
first off i was entertained so that means its already pretty good. second i Loved the stuff in the beginning, talking about them doing research, experimenting, stuff like that. i guess i was in the mood for dark academia lol. i did wish there was more of that though, i wanted more of the research, more of the actual experimenting with basically killing themselves and being brought back to life shit cause that was epic. i fucking love it when crazy people especially crazy academics get so obsessed with their work it drives them even more insane. big fan. also,,,,,, ok not to be fucking gay but i kinda wish there was more stuff about their relationship in the beginning? like i didnt need them to make about but the whole aspect of trusting each other to both kill them and bring them back to life.....knowing someone so well you know that they'll do literally any crazy ass idea you come up with.... literally being remade by another person... OUHG. and i do wish there was more of the religious aspect too.... like maybe more of eli's backstory? i know that it says it like once that he has scars from his religious father, but maybe it could have talked him about how that ties into him thinking its his purpose from god to kill other eos.... idk. oh yeah and maybe this is my fault but my idea of the book before i read it was that the kinda mystery of why vic and eli aren't friends any more but then it just kinda revealed it pretty early so i was a lil disappointed about that maybe the pacing was a bit weird? or maybe i was further along in the book than i thought oh well. but yeah i thought those bits were good. the stuff in the present wasn't as good in my opinion, like i liked sydney she was fun and all, and mitch was fine but he didn't feel all there or as 3 dimensional. and victor i guess i just couldn't tell what the reader was supposed to get out of him... like he would kill people and feel like no remorse and then like go be nice to sydney or whatever and usually that would work for me like aww soft murder dude love him but here it idk didn't work as well he kinda was just a dude. like ok you shot and killed and tortured a cop. whatevs i'd love to do that. also this is on me but for some reason i could only picture him as percy from the critical role show with a top hat so that made him way less menacing to me idk. thats my bad lmao. anyways i think it was definitely a solid book and from the other stuff ve schwab wrote i can for sure see how she's improved which is cool but yeah. i'd say a solid 3.75 stars out of 5 for me rant over now
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linawritestwst · 2 years
May I ask for the matchup please (≧▽≦)
Pronouns: she/her
Mtbi: Infp
Zodiac: Gemini
What I'm looking for a partner: I enjoy a partner who is very supportive of me and being there for me when I'm facing a hard time. Just them to listen with my rant before sitting in silence with them. I don't mind them being affection, I'm not used with physical affection but I'm willing to learn as long it not too much pda in public. I'd like a panther whom I can do activities with whatever is cooking together, playing video games, etc. In addition, it will be fun to learn thier hobbies, because I'm interested on what they like and learn from them.
What I don't look for a partner: I don't like somebody who constantly lies as I'm putting my full trust on them and I don't want to keep thinking if they're lying to me.
My appearance: I'm 5'1 (╥_╥). I have medium curly hair. I always has some sort of hair bow or flower clip onto my hair it my signature style. I wear glass because I don't like wearing contract. I have light brown skin and I'm at average built. My clothing style can varies from cottage core, romantic Academia core and soft girl style. I can't do make-up to save my life, but I least know my skin care.
Love language: quality time, act of service and gift giving.
Personality: I can be shy and quiet with people and take some time to open up. But once I do I can be the most talkative and bit goofy to be around. I can be a mom towards my friend as I always have someone in my backpack in case they need a bandaid or a band-aid. I also enjoy cooking for my friends and family. If I noticed my friends didn't eat then that where I start preparing a meal for them, while lightly lecturing them that they shouldn't miss out a meal. I had my serious moment usual when I'm focused with my homework or doing chores is where I'm bit blunt as I want to finish my task. However, if I noticed if I was rude when i was doing my task I usual apologize for it. In addition, I have a bad habit of apologizing for smallest things like I could bump into a plant and apologize to it. Furthermore, I tend to bottle up my feelings as I don't want to brother people with my issues. I enjoy my alone time to recharge my social engery that usually in a form of playing video games, taking care of my plants or crocheting. I viewed my plants as my children, I gave them names and I would talk/sing to them. Same applies to animals. I'm learning crocheting and I gave my friends the project I work hard on. Usual making blankets and scarf is my specialty at the moment. I also a suckered in having plushie in my bed as cuddling to them is comfy.
Hobbies: playing video games, taking care of plants and animals, cooking, crochet, spending time with friends and family, and watching YouTube.
Thank you so much for the matchup and I hope you have a great day (´• ω •`) ♡
hello and thank you so much, i hope you like your matchup and have a great day/night too!!
the character that i think would be a good partner for you is..
trey clover!
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i'll explain why i chose him:
if you want a supportive partner, trey is perfect for you! he's always got your back and he's always there to give you advice or listen to you talk about the things you have to deal with. sitting in silence is also okay, you don't have to talk all the time :) also i can see him being the type of person who actually likes physical affection, even though he doesn't talk about it much, but he prefers to do it in private and not around other people, so if you're not comfortable with pda, he's 100% okay with that!
YOUR HEIGHT DIFFERENCE WOULD BE SO CUTE.. he would find your hair accessories very cute too and you may get more of them from him in the future as a gift. also you both wear glasses, how cool is that?.. well, having vision problems is not cool, but hey!! you have something in common!! also i can see baking being one of your favorite activities to do together, you two always end up having so much fun! AND. *shakes you, but gently, so that i won't scare you* YOU TWO WEARING MATCHING COTTAGECORE OUTFITS.
your love languages would work so well together! trey is totally the type of person to give lots of acts of service. he may not be the best at giving quality time because he doesn't really know what is considered "fun" by most people so he's afraid you might find him a bit boring.. but hey, he can definitely take care of plants and animals together with you! also!! you two bonding over being the mom friend!!
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Hello, I recently found your page and really liked what I saw. May I request a Harry Potter matchup (students) both platonic and romantic plus a theme song and a bit of dialogue if possible, please.
I’m a 5’3 female, hetero. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I am a loud introvert and a Virgo, but my MBTI is ENTP while my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw. My main aesthetic is dark academia though I have a hidden interest in cottagecore and other cute things. I also love sweets and desserts above all else, and have an expensive taste when it comes to food. I have a weak body as I get sick quite easily and have low stamina, but when I still have some energy left, I am extremely active. I also dress rather elegantly and favour dresses over pants. I would describe myself as curious, eccentric, argumentative and feisty, picky, creative, intuitive, unpredictable, honest, sarcastic and a huge smartass. I am not afraid to clap back or stand up for others when wronged or insulted. I enjoy acting clever and mischievously to piss my friends off because I think it's funny, but I know to not take it too far. Even though I am verbally mean-spirited, I do have a deep care for others and tend to show it through actions rather than words. I have the tendency to get obsessed and nerd out over whatever I find interesting, whether it's an obscure part of ancient history, a franchise or character, stories that the lyrics of certain songs are conveying, aquatic animals and birds, floriography, desserts that I liked, legends and myths, unsolved crimes or even some odd conspiracy theories that seemed funny, I could get into it and accidentally stay up all night reading up random trivia about them. I become extremely talkative when it comes to those topics, as I have no shame in discussing and ranting about them to others. My hobbies are drawing, painting, writing, embroidering, travelling, spending time with others, baking and learning about random stuff. As extra pieces of information, I am actually easily flustered when it comes to romance (it's also why I don't show affection through words) and I like someone who I could have "playful" arguments or debates with.
Hello dear 💖, thanks for your request.
For harry potter, romance wise I ship you with:
Draco malfoy 🍏
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So I know it's not exactly what you thought but I think draco would be attracted to someone like you.
Draco would think your unbelievable at first, picking on your friends, he would find your feisty side attractive.
He would ask you to attend his manor to show off his riches and Purity.
He would give you secret expensive gifts.
He would tease and bully other people like gryffindors and hufflepluffs.
You would go on dates with him to expensive places.
You would be sick of him talking about potter all the time.
You: so draco, let me guess potter again.
Draco: yeah, it's always potter up to something.
You: for once can we please not talk about him
Draco: ugh fine, what is there we can do that isn't boring in this school.
You: going on a date to diagon ally.
Draco: *goes soft* for you I'll go, but only if we aren't seeing that stupid weasley shop.
You: of course *kisses him*.
You would have to need approval from dracos parents.
Dracos father doesn't necessarily agree with his choosing but admires your rich taste. His mother may think of you as a daughter figure.
Draco and you marry after the voldermort events and have a child with your eyes and his hair. They are sorted into ravenclaw.
Your theme song:
For the platonic side, you would be friends with:
Neville longbottom🌵
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I feel like neville longbottom of all people would be loyal to you.
I feel like you would also befriend ginny weasley.
You and neville would hang in the greenhouse and talk about things for hogwarts.
Neville would bring you plants and talk about herbology.
If your down, he would cheer you up.
He would most likely be more accepting of you.
You: ok longbottom, what did ya bring this time.
Neville: uh, thought I would give this to you, it's a Mimbulus mimbletonia.
You: wow, it's a cactus.
Neville: not exactly, it's a rare plant.
You: oh, if you give it here, I can draw it.
Neville: really that would be great.
You would draw the plants and paint them in the greenhouse.
Ginny would also debate things with you.
Neville would probably not get most of the jokes.
Either way your friendship is meaningful.
Your theme song:
Anyways that's all for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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bloodenkids · 2 years
What would be an example of something you do when you are over/under stimulated? 
What are your special interests? Talk about them. 
What is your neurodivergent ‘superpower’? 
For Ms. Bloodengutz and her sweet baby boy brother Harrison
“I always carry headphones with me in my bag. Music is the best way to help with overstimulation to block out the noise of people or give me something to focus on when things are too quiet. If I’m too overstimulated, I may have to leave, but most of the time, it’s just a cacophony of voices that pushes me over the edge, so headphones are a must.”
“My special interest has always been horror, specifically gothic horror. Dracula was my first specific special interest, where I spent a lot of time researching Bram Stoker, Vlad Tepes, and the effect the book has had on horror as a whole, especially with works based off of it or unofficial sequels. I also had a long standing hyperfixation that bordered on special interest regarding old horror movies, from the universal classic monsters to the B movies of the 40s and 50s. Either way, I could spend days ranting about Boris Karloff. Very few people know he’s a quarter Indian, even though his family actually has a prominent connection to India. Of course, people of the time likely wanted him to hide it. …even if he was often cast as an Asian man because of it.”
“Superpower? I supposed I would say it’s an attention to detail that often neurotypical people overlook. Tracking patterns as someone deeply interested in literature and other media can be ver helpful with themes and motifs that might get overlooked. …all this analysis likely would put me in a good place to study literature in academia, but I’m not sure if I could truly enjoy it in a pressurized environment.”
“I think I get understimulated more than I do overstimulated, and I really like tactile things in that instance. I’ll futz with my hair or twist my fingers if I don’t have anything particular to focus on. …mom wasn’t super forthcoming with helping that, but I revelry bought myself one of those tangles and I really like it. I also have some chewy necklaces that help. And that will usually give me enough. Overstimulation often triggers my panic disorder, so if I can, the best thing to do is to get away from whatever’s overstimulating me. If not, sunglasses are great in grocery stores or other places with crappy lighting, which can get me through it until I can go.”
“Theatre! Angels in America and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof are my favorite dramas. I love Tennessee Williams in general and even named my emotional support dog after Stella Kowalski, purely for doing the Marlon Brando bit. But I love queer theatre in general. I really, really love musical theatre though. …with that it’s hard to pick a favorite show bit my current dream role is Alfred from Alice by Heart.”
“It might sound silly, but I think years of masking have made me a better actor. I’ve watched people a lot to mimic them in certain situations, learned to at least kinda regulars my emotions… I think it’s made me dissect characters more and do that same sort of observation to build mannerisms for different roles to make them someone a little bit different from myself even in the small ways.”
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i sure hope no one looks at my copy of the first article, because instead of writing useful notes in the margins, i wrote my negative thoughts as an experiment to see if writing them down helped me move past them
#it kind of worked#but i'm really excited to finish this god damn study session so i can write a real rant in my notebook app#the last couple days i fell asleep without having a breakdown#but i can feel a new one coming on today#i'm really in a bit of a 'fake my own death' kinda mood tbh#which is a weird mood to be in#because it's like... i don't want to actually die#but i want all the perks of dying#i could vanish into the wilderness and become a hermit#isolate myself so long i forget human society#only hang on to language because i talk to all the plants and animals and also the rocks and wind and water etc#it sounds so nice#instead i'm here#pretending like i still give a shit about what at this point comprises a solid 55% of my life#when i absolutely do not#i'm struggling to find anything about academia that appeals to me anymore#which is funny in a sad way bc i spent a good 75% of my life preparing to become an academic#and now my whole life feels like one big never ending chore#even the work i designed myself based on my own interests barely interests me#like theoretically i'm interested#but in reality it seems i would rather spend my time standing on a cliff and wondering what falling that far feels like#my coping mechanisms appear to be getting more and more unhealthy too#it's not so much that i want to die#it's that the life i'm currently living doesn't make me feel alive#i feel like i'm just a shell walking around fulfilling tasks#and it's getting harder and harder to care if those tasks actually get done#tbh i don't remember the last time i felt alive#probably when i went to wallace's over spring break lmao
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pinkacademic · 2 years
How to get a Pink Academia FIX in the Summer
If you're still in school or university/college and the summer months have you craving eduction even when you're not constrained to the classroom, or if you're finished up and still living for the aesthetic, here are some ideas for how to maintain your little grey cells with a little pink twist.
- Get Ahead! Have a look at study guides for next year's modules or classes, and dedicate a bit of time to learning. This is especcially good if you're doing something transitional like GCSEs and A-levels (for anyone outside the UK, those are exams we do between the ages of about 14-16 and 16-18 respectivly) and you want to do better next year or maintain your marks. Make sure to make it fun and don't forget to actually enjoy your Summer! Try maybe a few hours in the week where you dress in your best plaid skirt and pearls, pour yourself an ice tea and make some colour-coded notes. Maybe make a day of it with some like-minded girlies (girlies in gender-neutral btw) and head to a cafe with your laptops.
- Reading Dates with your significant other and/or bffs are nice way to hang out together in the same space while doing separate things. You can make it into a book club and all read the same books and discuss, or you can read separate books and just enjoying each other's company, ocassional chit-chat (and ranting about how the author must die for the suffering they've put you through), and perhaps a hot beverage. You could also listen to an audio book together. Its like binging a series but much more pretentious!
- Learn Something New! Personally this year, I plan on dedicating my summer to a big craft project where I'll be learning new things that I've never tried before. You can paint or draw, learn a language, follow a couple of K-pop dance tutorials, whatever takes your fancy. Set aside a certain amount of time, maybe invite some friends over, and try anything! Make sure to make a purposeful time to it to encourage dedication.
- Turn your movie nights or your series binge into a film/tv analysis. Learn about different kids of film, videography, sound editing, history of televised media, and themes and analyses. All my fellow English students, apply anything you know about classic literature and apply it to your films. To get really Pink Academia about the whole thing, analyse adaptations such as Emma and Clueless, Little Women, Pride and Prejudice etc. If you're more scientifically minded, you can research NASA's most scientifically accurate films list, or look into the behind the scenes aspects such as light, sound, and effects... you can also lok for NASA's worst movies too and rant about how terribly inaccurate they are!
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 315: I Didn’t Expect This to Blow Up
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “guess which plot that you thought was dead is actually not dead and is making a comeback!” and we were all “EVIL HPSC??” and he was all “girl you know it,” and that’s the story of how we got a sexy Lady Nagant flashback with lots of guns and murder. Flashback!Lady was all “gotta murder peeps to preserve the people’s trust,” but then a little while later she was like “actually wait that makes no sense,” and so she shot her evil boss and they sent her to jail. Back in the present, Deku was all “okay fair, the hero system might in fact be a little fucked up, but hear me out... have you considered not helping AFO take over the world so he can murder like a bazillion more innocent people??” The chapter ended with the not-all-there Overhaul finally revealing himself to Deku, and I honestly have no idea where this is gonna go.
Today on BnHA: In what is unfortunately the single worst plan ever concocted by anyone in BnHA, Nagant is all “I’m going to try and get this Deku kid to panic and freeze up by putting someone in mortal danger.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t panic and freeze up at the sight of someone in mortal danger].” Nagant is all “omg no way.” Deku, who is now all of a sudden being so OP that even I have to acknowledge that it’s OP lol, is all “[smashes Nagant’s gun arm to bits]”, which sucks but is also really cool, and which also apparently makes Nagant decide that she actually likes this kid after all. Deku is all “NAGANT I REALLY LIKE YOU AND THINK YOU’RE GREAT SO PLEASE JOIN UP WITH ME AND STOP BEING EVIL.” Nagant is all “aw shucks (✿ •͈ᴗ•͈) well okay then” and everyone is all “( ・◡・) ✰ ( ˆᴗˆ ) ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)” and then Nagant FUCKING EXPLODES LIKE AN EGG IN THE MICROWAVE AND FALLS TO HER DEATH!!!! except not really because Hawks saves her??? In conclusion, (a) THE FUCK, and (b) AFO TURN ON YOUR LOCATION I JUST WANT TO TALK.
so I have to tell you guys something, which is that barely ten minutes after I made that “please don’t send me spoilers” post the other day, someone replied to the comments in a stunning fit of “tell me that you’re twelve without actually telling me you’re twelve” energy and posted what seemed to be the copy-pasted spoiler summary from reddit or twitter or whatever lol. so here is my good news/bad news rundown of all that
good news: I have very well-conditioned ABORT!! reflexes and have trained myself to immediately look away from the screen (usually in dramatic fashion) as soon as I realize that whatever I’m reading is a spoiler
bad news: unfortunately as I was subsequently deleting said comments, I accidentally read the very last one
good news??: said spoiler was so unbelievably, absurdly over-the-top that I’m almost positive this person was just trolling. like, there’s just no way lmao
bad news: but in the unlikely event that it is true I will absolutely lose my shit I swear to god
(ETA: “NAGANT DIES.” that was the spoiler I read lol. like, literally all I read from the person’s comments was “My Hero Academia Chapter 315 Title: “Beautiful Words.” Chapter starts with...” and then I noped out of there, and then of all the comments to read as I was deleting, it had to be that one lol. I seriously was just like “SURE, JAN.” all “just how gullible do you think I am” sob. but I was wrong. a troll, but an honest troll they remain.
but anyways like I’m pretty sure Nagant isn’t even actually dead lol, so in the end this whole little adventure doesn’t even have a point to it, but for me it was a journey!)
anyway, so there are apparently two versions of the chapter today?? no idea what the difference is, but I’m going to go with the Bean version, because it’s the one at the top and I don’t feel like making decisions today
huh, so Overhaul is actually more coherent than Horikoshi was letting on
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look at him having a whole back and forth conversation with her. side note, how is he still this jacked when he’s been sitting in a cell doing absolutely nothing for the past six months
anyway so he says he’ll go with her on one condition. I wonder what that condition could possibly be. do you think it could be the thing he literally hasn’t shut up about ever since he reappeared lol
yep! and damn -- maybe this guy will surprise me after all
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still would be nice if you also felt a bit sorry for the little girl you tortured and traumatized, but this is something at least. maybe Deku will yell at him for that other stuff lol
(ETA: also can’t help but wonder if he wants to make amends because he put him in a coma, or because his plan was a failure and ended up destroying the family. just hoping you’ve finally had that “hurting other people is bad” epiphany dude.)
anyways so now Nagant’s arm is transforming again, and this particular transformation happens to be the only truly unsexy thing that Nagant has done thus far so I’m just gonna skip right on ahead lol
aaaaand we’re back to the delirious ranting
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buddy. just. read the fucking room, guy
wow she really is aiming at Overhaul, then. those theories were spot-on
damn she’s really out here all “it really fucks with kids’ heads when you kill people right in front of them and make them blame themselves” like yo
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I’m picturing her saying all this in a very loud stage-whispery tone while making very significant eye contact with Deku lol
uh oh but wait
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um. okay. who’s gonna tell her. Nagant I might have some bad news for you about the kid you’re trying to capture here. specifically about the way he tends to do the opposite of what you’re thinking that he’s about to do
holy shit
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so it’s basically just “tap x repeatedly to charge up your attack” lol
and okay, so that’s cool and all, but is anyone else wincing at the thought of what that must be like on his knees. oh to be young
anyway, but so to the surprise of basically no one, Deku did not, in fact, freeze. I am very sorry, Nagant. he’s just like this
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someone wanna tell me how getting yoloed in the fucking ribs by this fucking slingshot kid moving at literal sniper bullet speed is in any way even remotely better than getting hit by the bullet itself lol
(ETA: this is 10x funnier now that we know the bullet wasn’t even gonna hit him lmao.)
anyway so now Nagant is having an extended “!?!?!?” reaction about how Deku just moved with no hesitation, and I’m starting to get an inkling of fear that the rest of this fight isn’t going to go very well for her and maybe that’s what all the “hoo boy” is about
oh my god Deku are you about to Gomu Gomu no Rocket yourself at her you insane little man
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now Three is popping up again and he’s all “I see you’ve learned your lesson and are now only using three quirks at once instead of five” like with all this effusive praise about how great and badass Deku is and sob, okay, yeah. this chapter is basically one of those machines that shoots tennis balls at people, except instead of tennis balls it shoots hot piping discourse
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lol oh my god it’s literally two opposing reactions at once wtf. do I love this or hate this. like just for once can Horikoshi actually let a badass lady character win their fucking fight without getting their arm ripped off, BUT ALSO fucking look at that absurdly cool “SMASH” onomatopoeia though. it looks like it’s about to float right off the page holy shit that’s some seriously good art
anyway so is this really the end?? do I need to break out my ಠ_ಠ faces
lmao okay yeah I can definitely see how this would piss a lot of people off
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he basically one-shotted her and she’s all “damn this kid is so amazing that I’m about to do a complete 180 turn on all of my previous angst” lmao. Horikoshi is really shounening it up today
on the plus side though, maybe this means there’s still a chance for her to join up with him after all? unless that spoiler was true lmao, then all hell is gonna break loose
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OH MY GOD AND HE SAYS THE BULLET WOULDN’T HAVE DONE MORE THAN GRAZE OVERHAUL ANYWAY, wow, I’m actually more relieved by that than I would have expected. I mean I would have forgiven her either way, but it means that there was still more hero in her than she was letting on
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lol but I mean, it’s also like, “oh so today they get to have brain cells”, thank you so much lol. sometimes it’s really hard to tell which times we’re supposed to question these character decisions that seem dumb, and which times we’re just supposed to full on embrace them and switch off our critical thinking
but okay, so in this case it really was Nagant going easy on him on purpose, and not just her fucking up for no good reason even though she used to do this for a living and was the best in the game. and I know in this case it’s probably just Horikoshi giving us some consolation headpats to soften the blow of her losing so abruptly, but you know what, shit. I’ll take it
also you guys the light is coming back into Deku’s eyes again for just a moment here and I’m having feels about it?? the way it still comes back when he’s reaching out to save someone, and following his own hero path instead of the much darker and lonelier Christopher Nolan path that’s been laid out for him instead that he never wanted?? it’s both reassuring and also very sad
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p.s. I am now absolutely scared shitless that that spoiler was actually true sob. swear to god, I will throw this manga into a fucking volcano. but we’re almost at the end of the chapter and this seems just WAY TOO GOOD to be true fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck f
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fuck, lol, I don’t wanna do it. I don’t wanna scroll down what have I ever done to deserve this oh my god
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can someone please give AFO a really good, sharpish kick in the balls. just really let him have it. I’m so tired, what the fuck
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bro. I was literally going through my Excel folders to find the spreadsheet about female characters in BnHA that I made back when Midnight died. was gearing myself up for a wholeass rant. and honestly I might just let all of that continue simmering on low to keep it warm just in case lol, because to tell you the truth I have absolutely no idea what’s happening right now
my girl straight up does not have a face. she used to have a face. people usually need those, idk. like, even if she’s alive, her gorgeous eyebrows are definitely not making it out of this and I’m gonna throw a funeral just for them
how the fuck did AFO just blow her up?? how did he know what was going on?? and if he had a quirk that could explode people at will, why is this the first we’re hearing of it?? you’d think that might have come in handy at Kamino or Jakku, like what
(ETA: present!me, who’s had more than three hours of sleep and can now actually remember facts about the series, would like to remind past!me that AFO gave Nagant a quirk, and so this is probably just more Vestige shenanigans now on his part. that’s also probably why Air Walk suddenly stopped working out of nowhere. still doesn’t explain why he doesn’t go around blowing people up more often though but maybe he thinks it’s gauche.)
Hawks just straight up out of nowhere. just Mirioed his way straight into the chapter just in time to be too late sob. here I was looking forward to seeing your face when Deku showed up with his new best friend. can’t believe Horikoshi deprived us of that moment
on the plus side, WELCOME BACK, HAWKS’S FEATHERS. I have no doubt that in this chapter of Deku being an almighty threequirk-mastering god, and Nagant losing anticlimactically only to be immediately blown up because girl characters in BnHA can only be cool for one fight and one fight only, there are still some people who are focusing solely on the “how dare Hawks get his wings back when he is a MURDERER this is an outrage what about CONSEQUENCES” discourse, and to hell with all the other discourses lmao
anyway, so yeah. wow. and now it’s just occurring to me that maybe the real reason why Overhaul is there is so he can get a head start on that amend-making by actually doing a good thing for once in his life, and using his quirk to heal Nagant. assuming he can still do that
and so now Horikoshi has got me out here actually rooting for Overhaul. you know what, on that note I think I’m just gonna go ahead and call it a day sob
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professorrw · 3 years
Disobeying the Captian
Pairing: female reader x Steve Rogers
Requested: Yes
Warnings: smut, 18+, spanking, unprotected sex, Captain kink
A/N: Requests are open for one-shots, headcanons, imagines, and drabbles for My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, and Marvel! My taglist is open so if you’d like to be on that just tell me! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Your heart is pounding out of your chest. Your footsteps are thundering on the metal tops of shipping containers. 
“Y/L/N get out of there! Retreat! That’s an order!” Steve yells. 
You ignore him and keep running, sights set on your fallen comrade. In just a moment the bomb will go off. But you can’t leave a man behind. You won’t. You jump down to the concrete ground and drop to the man’s level. “Can you walk?”
“I can try,” he pants out. His whole body was shaking and his leg was limp. You loop and arm under him and hoist him up. You start running back with the man limping along with you. Once you come into view of Steve he runs to meet you and as you pass the man along there’s an explosion. Heat gushes behind you and your head rings.
“Get in the chopper Y/N I got him!” You start running and risk a glance back at the chaos. The shipyard is in flames and your team is right at the edge of it. You jump into the back of the helicopter and help Steve fasten your teammate into a seat. You were clutching your burning chest. The intense running was killing your lungs.
You and Steve were the last to get in but as soon as you do the chopper takes off. You put on the aviation headset and let your head rest against the wall behind you. You can feel Steve’s glare even with your eyes closed. It was safe to say he was mad.
As soon as you land and your injured teammate is taken to get help Steve rounds on you. “Y/L/N you had no right to disregard orders.” He’s fuming and his eyes are narrowed at you.
“Steve, you know I couldn’t leave him behind. You wouldn’t leave him behind would you?” You cross your arms and stare right back at the taller man.
“This isn’t about what I would do, this is about you. You almost got yourself killed acting reckless.” At the last sentence his eyes momentarily soften but then he resumes his furious stance. If you weren’t blinded by anger you could have caught it.
“I won’t leave a man behind and that’s that Captain.” You weren’t going to let Steve make you feel guilty for your actions.
“What if you didn’t make it? What if you both died huh? Then we would have lost two people.” He raises his eyebrows, thinking he’s got the better of you. His hands are on his hips and his face is a foot from yours. His blue eyes are intense and burning.
“But I made it. I got to him in time and we made it back. No lives were lost.”
Steve swallows thickly, “You’ll come to my office later to discuss your punishment. Until then you’re dismissed.”
“My punishment?” you ask in disbelief. “What are you going to do, spank me? I saved him for Christ's sake!” Your arms are wide open and your eyebrows are raised.
“We’ll discuss this later Y/L/N,” he says through gritted teeth before turning from you. You scowl at his back and he disappears around a corner. For a minute you stand there, still in shock that he would punish you for that. You huff and finally turn around, making your way outside to the parking lot. 
You turn on your car and switch on the air conditioning. You were still sweaty from the mission and the thing you needed right now was some cool air. You pop open the center console and pull out your phone. You immediately dial Sam to rant about Steve’s behavior.
“Sam, you will not believe this. We just got back from a mission right? And one of my comrades fell, we took him to the med area and he’s getting treated, he should be okay, but I went back to save him because the bomb was about to explode and I couldn’t just leave him there. We get back and Steve blows up on me! He says, and I quote, ‘You had no right to disobey orders.’ Can you believe him?” Everything gushes out at once in one long and quick breath of air.
Sam starts cracking up on the other side of the line, “Oh Y/N. Don’t tell me you’ve lost your little crush over this? He cares about you obviously! Let me guess… he also said you could have died?”
Your mouth hangs open. “I- I do not have a crush on him. And …yeah.”
“You can’t lie to me! You were ecstatic when you heard you were being transferred to work with him. And it’s nothing to be upset over, he’s just in his feelings. He was probably scared.”
“He said he was going to punish me.”
“Oh- tell me how that goes,” he laughs again. “If that’s all I’ll be hanging up now. Ciao Y/N.”
“Sam-” there’s a beep and you pull your phone away from your face. He really hung up. Such an ass you think to yourself. You let a little breath escape your nose in a short laugh sort of way. Of course your best friend would say that. Of course Sam would say that. And why did he have to mention your crush on Steve? It was a girlish fantasy that would never be fulfilled.
You return inside and go to your room, mulling over Steve and Sam’s words. What kind of punishment would you get? Suspension? Cleaning the toilets? And also did Steve care about you? He’s never blown up on anyone else like that. Maybe he just doesn’t like you. Maybe he finds you aggravating. 
You head to dinner with another one of your teammates from the mission earlier that day and eat with them. Right at the tail end Stacey, another one of your teammates, taps you on the shoulder. “Cap wants to see you in his office when you're finished.”
“Thanks, Stace,” you say to him. You finish up your dinner slightly dreading what’s to come. The walk to Steve’s office has your stomach rolling and you think you might just throw up.
You step up to his door labeled “Captain Rogers” and knock. 
“Come in Y/N.” You step through the door and into his office. He’s sitting behind his desk lounging in his leather rolling chair. 
“Captain,” you say flatly. You stand in front of the now shut door and cross your arms.
“Y/L/N look. I apologize for yelling at you. I shouldn’t have. I should really be thanking you. Drake is alright and it’s all because of you. He fractured his kneecap and he’s undergoing surgery but they think he’ll be okay.”
“Good. I’m glad.” You let your front drop a bit now that Steve’s calmed down.
“But I still think you deserve a punishment.” You hear the change in his voice, the way it lowered when he said that and it sent shivers down your spine.
“What do you have in mind?” you croaked out. 
He chuckles and rises from his seat. He walks to the front of his desk and leans against it. He crosses his muscular arms over his just as muscular chest. He crosses his ankles and cocks his head to the side slightly. “What do you think I should do? I actually quite like the idea of spanking you. Do you think that’s a fair punishment?”
When he said that your entire body heat rose about forty degrees. Your cheeks were burning and your stomach was doing flips. It was like you were in a wet dream or something. You couldn’t deny that your Captain was turning you on. He always had. You had eyes after all. Everything about him was just… hot. His beard, his hair, his arms, his ass, the list went on.
You were incapable of responding and Steve found it amusing how flustered he made you. “How about it doll?”
“Yeah- Yeah that seems fair,” you manage to get out. Your voice was failing you and you sounded just as bewildered as you were.
Steve quit leaning on his desk and stood at full height beside it. “Bend over.” He motioned to the spot he had just left. You swallowed and walked over there in a daze. You did as you were commanded and bent over.
Steve’s hand rubbed on your butt before leaving it and coming back down with a loud smack. The motion pushed your whole body forward and your ass was already burning. Tears threatened the corners of your eyes. This was the first time in your whole life you had been spanked in such a manner. 
Once again he rubbed your plump butt before delivering another blow to it. Your knees felt weak and you thought they were going to give out on you.
“Three more doll,” Steve’s sultry voice said from beside you. You prepared for impact as his hand came down again, and again, and again. Your butt was numb and tears stained your face.
“That wasn’t so bad was it? Are you going to disobey me again?” His hand was rubbing circles on your throbbing ass cheeks.
You fervently shook your head. You were fully embarrassed from the experience.
“You’re such a good girl… I wish you would listen to me more often. If you were gone, who would I masturbate to? Who would I spank? Would you like it if I spanked other girls?” he asked in a soft voice.
You shook your head again and dared to turn around. Your knees were shaking and you were having trouble standing but you willed through it.
Steve cupped your cheek and rubbed his thumb across your lips. “ You’re such a good girl. Do you want your Captain to take care of you? Do you want your Captain to make you feel good?”
You nodded this time but he ‘tsked.’ “Use your words.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes Captain,” you answered.
“That’s what I like to hear.” He smiled at you and moved his hands to your waist. He grinded his crotch against you lightly as he pressed his lips against yours. You reciprocated the kiss and found purchase in his hair.
“Turn around for your Captain okay? Bend over again. Don’t worry, I won’t spank you.”
You did as he said and bent over the desk again. Steve got behind you this time and ran his hand along your spine before it went to your ass. He pulled your pants and underwear down and stopped to stare for a second.
He chuckled, “You’re already wet for me doll.” You couldn’t see what was going on but you could hear his belt buckle clink and then a zipper. You felt the tip of his cock brush against your slick folds. He moved it up and down your entrance, taunting it. He stopped at your cunt and pushed the tip in.
You gripped the edge of the desk and put your cheek against its cool surface. He waited for a second before he started to push more in. Your walls stretched to accommodate his thick member. It was without a doubt the biggest you ever had inside you.
You were moaning without a filter as he began to thrust into you. His balls were slapping against you repeatedly. He knew what he was doing, hitting your g-spot and sending tingles throughout you.
“You’re doing so good. You’re such a good girl.”
You moaned his name and then moaned “Captain” and that made him feral. He rutted into you without pause. He fucked you with superhuman strength. When your orgasm came he was still pounding into you trying to reach his own. You were worn out and your pussy was throbbing but he wasn’t going to stop until he came on you.
He body was rocking back and forth on the desk and the desk was scraping against the floor as it inched farther and farther back. Steve’s huge hands were pulling you to meet his thrusts. He pulled out of you and the next thing you knew warm liquid was spurting onto your bare ass cheeks. He stood there for a minute, admiring the art before him.
You pulled your underwear and pants back up and turned around, but still leaned against the desk. Steve smiled at you then held onto your waist to kiss you once more.
“If you disobey me again then I’ll punish you but if you act like a good girl I’ll make you feel good, how does that sound?”
“Good,” you whispered.
“Good Captain.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” He gave you one more kiss and let you get in order before you left his office.
Taglist: @bellamy1998​
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simeonisalesbian · 3 years
Holy frackin- whoever suggested female demon bros ily. 😳 As someone who is bi I still crush on them (but I want to see them as girls just once to make my heart really go ba-dump ba-dump)
Can I ask for general headcanons on life with the demon girls after the potion drank? (And cuddle headcanons cause your Belphie one made my heart melt)
Aasdfghjksdassgdf yall are feding me too much with these asks. I am but a simple lesbian who wants all the cuddles🥺👉👈
Proper lady Lucifer. Absolute Girlboss Lucifer
She’s still just as busy as always doing whatever work it is that keeps piling up.
Will happily let you sit on her lap while she works tho. She’s a sucker for the comfort you bring her, don't let her damn pride otherwise.
If you fall asleep with your head on her chest while she’s working, you’ll probably wake up in her bed still held close to her chest.
Rants about how much more cash she could make modeling like this. Also She could probably find ways to cheat at gambling like this
This being said Mammon will now steal half your closet for herself.
“Mammon, how do you have five of my hoodies? It's barely even been 24 hrs!”
Watch a scary movie with her. She’ll be in your lap in .5 seconds with her face buried in your chest.
You’ll have to cuddle her for the rest of the night though. Ya know so she can protect ya and all that.
Gamer gf Gamer gf Gamer gf Gamer gf ga-
Cuddles while gaming You’ll have to make the first move so it really is up to you whether you want Levi in your lap or vice versa
She’ll become a blushing stuttering mess but will relax soon enough just to give her a bit of reassurance.
This is also a surefire way to win any game against her.
We love a dark academia queen.
Loves to sit with you while you both read. Or she read to you. It doesn't really matter. The avatar of wrath is a sucker for domestic romance at heart.
She really does love having you in her arms and will often nuzzle the top of your head. Just let her hold you and she’s purring.
She’ll often hug you from behind. Especially if Lucifer is in the room
Asmodeus is another one who will steal your wardrobe but she also gives you permission to take stuff from hers so it’s even
Matching outfits for you two will be bought. It’s not optional. The two of you will be the cutest duo in the whole devildom.
You know the one meme of the girl sitting on top of another girl doing her makeup yeah that's asmo and MC
Will purposely put your face on her breasts when hugging or cuddling. She knows exactly what she’s doing.
Big tiddy strong gf
The image of Beel just standing behind mc and resting her boobs on a short MC’s head is living rent free in my mind…
Strong lady beel working out at gym 🥵
She’s the best pillow when cuddling. She’ll hug you close to her chest and she’s just so very warm and soft.
She’s still just a sleepy brat.
But cuddles are so fuckin nice so the brattiness cancels out lmao
The two of you will have to fight on who gets to lay on top of who.
Belphie will win anytime she actually wants to lay on you, but will still fight over it even if she wants your head on her chest.
Play with her hair while she’s sleeping and she’ll practically purr.
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
could you please do L, U, V, Y and Z for Armin Arlert Please Queen, i just passed by and i already love ur your account💕💕
i teared up a bit at how nice this ask is (´•ω•̥`) i wrote this in modern au again oopsy daisy
edit: added a read more bc this post is kinda long
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Armin is not terrible with kids, but no where near great. Growing up with no parents and having his grandfather die at such a young age led him to grow up fast, so he can't really relate to kids and what they... do.
Like he will see a baby and just talk normally to it. After doing some reading on why baby talk is important, he makes an effort to babble more to them but he really struggles. Or when he's with Gabi and Falco he asks them about quantum physics and Gabi is just like "uhhh I like fortnite."
He really tries. And it's not like he dislikes being around them, he just struggles, and kids don't really like him much either.
Also he cannot stand IPad kids. He blames it more on the parents then on the kids, because they're just kids, but one of his biggest peeves is crying, whiny children with snot on their bright blue silicone cases, eyes glued to a screen instead of dealing with the world. Since he is Armin, he's still polite and gentle with them, but the minute you're out of earshot he's complaining about it for a good 30 minutes.
In terms of his own children, he's actually a really good parent. He did a lot of research on how to raise kids well and he does his best to make sure his kids get what he couldn't in terms of upbringing. He's some what distant? Like his kids aren't ranting and raving about their new crush to their dad, but there's a really good bond between them and they go to him whenever he needs anything.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Armin is prone to telling a little white lie to get what he wants.
In general, he's subtly manipulative. Not in like an abusive or generally scummy way, but in a... human way. We all use manipulation to get what we want, in the end. Like puppy dog eyes or pouting.
He's always transparent about what he's doing, and it's not like he's causing any harm to you. In fact, most of the time its for your own good. Like if you're feeling a bit self conscious, he'll pretend not to notice until you manage to work up the nerve to think better of yourself, stuff like that. Or if something is bothering you, he'll figure out a way for you to bring it up instead of him so you get better at communication. He'll come clean after his little rouses work, but sometimes you wish he'd just tell you what he was doing as he was doing it.
He also takes a while to even consider you a priority. Even though his whole thing is taking your relationship slowly, you're quick to find out that he may call you his partner, but you're under school work, work, family and friends in the "Armin's Important Stuff" scale. He's not an easy shell to crack, so it's kind of expected, but unless you confront him, he will not even realize that he's doing wrong.
Chronic nail biter. Even when he's not nervous.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
On a scale of "beauty guru" to "horrendously stinky" he's a "I care for aesthetics."
He's got a very distinct dark/light academia (depends on his mood) aesthetic that he must keep up. His clothes are always ironed, never tattered, and though most of it is second hand he looks very put together and sometimes even expensive.
But in terms of beauty, it's not his priority at all. He likes the way he dresses because it makes him feel like he's ready to take on the day, and he showers everyday for obvious reasons, but he doesn't wear makeup, and his skincare routine is just washing his face and sunscreen.
Speaking of skincare, he has effortlessly flawless skin and hair. So smooth, so silky, and he barely puts in effort other than the basics. You're convinced it's because he's blessed by the gods, but he says its because he gets enough sleep every night.
His hair grows back super fast, so he has Mikasa cut it since he can't afford to go to the hair dresser so often. He liked the long hair as a kid, but now he finds it annoying, so he keeps it neatly cropped. She's a good hairstylist.
He's also... surprisingly ripped. He looks super skinny but he's got abs for days. Unlike most of his friends, only works out for mental clarity, and not muscles or gaining strength, so he's not like huge and bulky but he's pretty fit.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like overly judgmental people. It's only natural for people to assume things, but people who dedicate their free time to just assuming things about people annoys him to no end. Like people who assume the worst out of him because he hangs out with Eren, or people who think that he's some single virgin loser because he gets good grades.
Also, playing into Armin our semi-pretentious angel trope, he prefers a well read partner. Someone who he can make references too or will take his recommendations of classic literature, or maybe even watch ocean documentaries with him. They don't have to like every last thing he likes, and if they just haven't been exposed to things he won't mind at all, they just have to be open minded and not write off things he enjoys as "nerdy shit."
Piggy backing off that, he wants someone who somewhat cares about their academics. They don't have to be the next Einstein, or a straight A wonderchild like him, but rich brats who's parents are paying for their schooling just for them to party annoys him. It's not fair that he has to work so hard to keep his scholarships and other students are working hard to pay their tuition just for people to come because their Mommy and Daddy said so.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Armin falls asleep at 11 pm and wakes up at 7 am, without fail. It's amazing. You question if he's even a college student.
He uses an old fashioned alarm clock that's at the opposite side of his bed, but sometimes he wakes up on his own and forgets to turn it off, making him run out of the shower to stop the ringing before his roommates wake up.
Before you two started dating, he just slept on his side. But once you two got close, he can't sleep without hugging something if you're not spending the night.
When you do spend the night, he likes being little spoon, or facing you and having you nuzzled in his chest (or vice versa, he's not picky).
He's quite a neat cuddler. No limbs haphazardly thrown over you or anything. His legs are very gently intertwined with yours, he has his arms in a very specific spot to make sure you're comfortable, and he doesn't snore or anything.
Sometimes he sleep talks. Very rarely, though, but when you catch it, it is the funniest thing ever. He has really wild dreams for such a down-to-earth person— you caught him babbling about turning into a 150 meter skinless giant once. Weird.
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