#(i like the idea of thomas being an ordinary human in this AU)
So. I’ve been bouncing back and forth who Logan works with in the tattoo parlor, for the Begotten!AU.
These details may change. But I want to say (these are going to be in the background - story’s still centered on the twins and their family)...
Orange is the receptionist. (Going to leave room based on how he’s going to be characterized in canon...)
Remy is a tattooist and potentially the senior/mentor to Logan in that occupation. Probably a vampire (still not 100% on which clan he’s with.)
c!Thomas - apprentice body piercer. Probably gonna be a plain old human in this AU. Probably.
Nico - regular visitor/customer that goes there to chat Thomas up. Human, probably.
Logan - tatooist and sometimes body piercer...
Not sure yet for Emile, maybe Virgil’s employer, maybe one of Janus’s staff members... (Virgil works in security.)
Again, not focal characters (will ruin pacing/flow otherwise)... just batting things around in my head.
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man-of-tfworlds · 4 months
Meaning On Earth/Gothic Files brainrot
WARNING! it's gonna be hella long.
Meaning On Earth is the RC9GN AU or probably my original story that happens to use RC9GN characters and it's episode stories. It takes place in the 90s, instead of 2013, so exactly why I called this an AU.
The main character is Theresa Fowler and she's NOT the ninja. Instead she's a daughter of a fallen alien god. The fallen alien god is her father - Bill Fowler, who tries to return his world back.
[Backstory: when Bill fell down to Earth after losing The Great Unknown War, he just disguised himself into a purple haired man with magical stuff and etc.]
But there's a ninja clan that fights against the evil ones. They have been fighting against the forces of evil more than 800 years.
And there's usually the chosen one, a messiah, who leads the ninja clan. They are happening to be the strongest ones in their brotherhood. Randay Cunningham happens to be that "chosen one". He has it in genes.
On the other side, there's an antipod. The one that has the same amount of powers. But they were born to destroy. And it happens to be Theresa Fowler. That was settled by her father.
Theresa is actually a hybrid between an Ivalean (alien) and a human (means that her mother is human). Half-breeds are either super powerful or very weak, closer to human. That depends on genetic lottery. When she was born, Bill Fowler saw her naturally purple hair and he knew it meant that she's a powerful one.
As the first step (one of, actually) of the mission, she had to kill her stepparents, that's why she was given to another family as a newborn by Bill's plan.
But instead of completing her mission, she just... Lives. As an ordinary human.
She's so out of mission and her whole life is a pure quiet rebellion against the design.
That's the point of MOE.
Gothic Files
Gothic Files is the second chapter of Theresa's life, where she discovered music and formed a band. It is focused more on Exhiller's story.
(Exhiller is Theresa's band, where she's known as a Christen Pfeiffer. She changed a name as a part of her own self-discovery)
Creation and ideas
I was cooking that story since I was like 11 years old, because I already wanted Theresa to be a way deeper. And whole rc9gn in general. I was so freaking upset when it got cancelled...
It also partly originated from the absurd theory of Theresa being Sorcerer's and Sorceceress's daughter. Imagine Bill Fowler as a purple sorcerer. I mean, Scott Thomas literally once mentioned the other kinds of sorcerers that were planned in the show.
Also, Gothic Files was inspired by Nirvana's story. And many other musical acts with rich and confusing stories.
I was pouring my own fears of things that I'm afraid to happen and things that are actually happened in my life into the MOE/GF storyline.
BTW, I'm gonna update my list of headcanons soon!
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madametrashbin · 3 years
since you're asking for characters how about Thoma?
Ah yes, the man who swiped me off my feet the second he appeared. I have never forgotten how much I called him a goddamn puppy when we first saw him in the Archon Quest skjsksjksjks-
Anyways, this gave me an idea... mostly inspired by @/myuni-moon’s version of him in the Cult AU because I totally dig that he’d be the one who would treat the Reader more normally than the rest.
Of course I’ll put my own thoughts into this, mostly because why not... and it might be shorter than what I normally do... will be shorter than my usual pieces.
Being with Thoma is calming.
You weren’t fond of being called an Exalted God, considered as someone who is seen as almighty and being considered so great yet receives the child treatment with so many restrictions that felt too suffocating for you is just absurd.
Absolutely absurd that you sometimes want to cry out in frustration for your lack of freedom after being forced away from home for their own selfishness that pisses the hell out of you most of the time until you were exhausted with being angry for a while... that doesn’t mean you forgive them though.
The weight of responsibility with that forced title made it difficult to rest sometimes, relaxing was out of the question because it would fuel those views of you, making the binds of delusional views all the more tighter around you and suffocate you again.
So when Thoma treated you more like an ordinary person when it was just the both of you, treated you in a way that you were more familiar with, you could relax yourself around him and be more free as who you truly were... it was refreshing to smile, to forget the weight of the titles forced upon you as you drank tea and talked about everything and nothing with him.
Like an ordinary person that you are.
You were able to talk about home, describe what it was like to him and in turn, listen to his own stories without a care in the world when it was just the two of you alone... whether at the Komore Teahouse, at the Kamisato Estate or other places he would take you, you could truly be free when it was just you and Thoma.
Thoma, in the meantime, relishes the true side of the Deity, the one who was clearly more ordinary and human than what the others claim you to be... who looked so terrible around the others that forced their views and coddled you to the point of isolating you into your teapot.
It was clear to him, after getting to know you, that you weren’t happy.
Who wouldn’t be happy? Being taken out of home by force, being dragged into the Teapot Realm and forced to live such an isolated life... not being allowed to see the outside world for months on end by sheer selfishness... of course you wouldn’t be happy at all.
Thoma respects you like all the others, but he sees that you yearn for regular companionship... for a friend who doesn’t treat you like a glorified trophy and for someone to talk with without a care in the world.
So he takes it upon himself to be your friend, to get to know you as yourself without anyone else getting in the way of ruining your mood with their delusional obsessions.
You looked happier like this, and Thoma thinks that smile and laughter suits you better than the dull expression of exhaustion. He’ll keep this as his little secret, because he doesn’t think anyone deserves this with how much they chain you down with their ideals and selfish truths.
...except maybe the Traveler, who he never told on to anyone when he caught them sneaking you out of the teapot from time to time and maybe has helped them out here and there too.
Anything for your happiness, after all.
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ok qq for u guys - someone posted a twilight myspace au prompt and i asked if i could write it and they said yes but now i can’t find them. anyone know who this was?
i wrote this timeline for the exposition:
bella lives in forks, hence her being able to do things like join myspace and have a favorite band
she and edward met on myspace and chat every day. it’s 2004 so kids don’t know about internet security so it works
she was also too shy to have irl friends; ed was her confidante and helped her open up and realize she has feelings. they talked about moms and what opposites they were and how you want what you can’t have. they were always there for each other
it was just after his birthday when he was going to send her a gift. but he disappeared weeks before it happened
she’s only barely sent him his present - a hoobastank CD and a picture of her at la push - the CD because he was a snob about hoobastank, the picture because he claimed he felt like a creep not knowing what she looked like
but then one day he just stopped messaging her. she tried to message him, email him, even tried to contact his parents. it was like he vanished
she got the package in the mail months later, but by that point, she couldn’t bear to open it. she wanted to throw it away but she didn’t actually have the guts to do something so hurtful. even to someone who had hurt her so much. because even though he’d hurt her, he also had done so much more for her than he’d harmed.
so she kept his present in the back of her closet, something too shameful because it symbolizes what it meant to trust wholly, to be fully vulnerable, and then to be discarded.
she couldn’t bear to put it in the attic bc she couldn’t bear the idea of charlie finding it.
so every day when she opened her closet to get ready for school, she tried to ignore the soft brown paper that peeked at her from behind heaping piles of clothes.
edward thomas mason was an ordinary sixteen year old boy until he wasn’t.
and then he really wasn’t. and suddenly everything was ripped from him - his parents, his home, and his best friend.
when edward and his parents died in that car crash, there couldn’t be any survivors. this was was essential, his new guardian emphasized. you can’t let anyone think you’re still around.
not like there’s anyone to keep me around, edward thought saltily. and it was fairly true. edwards parents were only children, his grandparents long gone. both quite introverted, their free time was spent often with their son, rarely with others.
when edward and his parents died in a car crash, dr cullen knew there was no where else for the boy to go.
dr cullen was a dr but he was also a pianist. he was actually edwards piano instructor. when edward was rolled in on that gurney, dr cullen knew he was alone.
but edward had a secret confidante who he held too close to his heart to be shared. isabella swan. he bided his time slowly after his transformation, eager to finally reestablish contact.
but what would he say when he did? his absence had been inexcusable. would she forgive him? could he ask her to forgive him?
still despite what little he could offer - for now that meeting in person was entirely off the table - he knew he would not be able to refrain from reaching out. he needed his seeet friend the way humans needed air - something necessary, something sweet, and something that you cannot help but pull toward yourself.
but it would just be. that. edward vowed. just messages. surely there would be no danger in that.
as it was, she would still message him, frequently. her words were a lifeline, even the ones that swore him out. her words were a buouy that grounded him and have him the space to breathe. they kept him human.
it was a year after the accident that edward finally responded. he and dr cullen had just moved, and there was nothing to tie him to isabella without his reaching out. although he already had, he was downright terrified of losing her. he deliberated and eventually wrote a single sentence :i’m sorry, isabella, and then he scurried to the grocery store
not by himself, obviously. eye roll. he and carlisle headed out one evening after work, it was a pretense thing. it was also a practice thing. edward was getting pretty good on it on his own; carlisle just came for the moral support and quality time by this point. it’d been long time since he’d had a slip of judgment …
anyways if u can help me find OP i would be greatly appreciative!!!!
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izzyfandoms · 5 years
Chosen - Chapter Two
(This is a Gender-Swapped Sanders Sides high school au)
SUMMARY: Logan Berry, Dee Ceite, Patricia Foster, Virginia Picani and Regina and Rena Prince are all 16-year-old high school students. They live relatively normal lives, with ordinary lessons and ordinary crushes and ordinary families, until one day a monster shows up and attacks them after class, and everything suddenly changes.
SHIPS: Moxiety, Logince, Dukeceit
WARNINGS: Sympathetic Remus, Sympathetic Deceit, swearing, minor violence mention, monsters, possession, garbage, siblings arguing, mention of being sick
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @ajdraws0430 @phantomofthesanderssides @creativity-killed-thekitten @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game
CHOSEN TAGLIST: @coasting-on-a-wave-of-apathy
“What the fuck is going on, here?” Dee exclaimed, standing protectively with Logan in front of Rena and Regina; Virge and Pat were on the twins’ other sides.
Remy and Thomas exchanged a look, having a whole silent conversation in the space of a few moments, before the woman stepped forward. She then pulled off her leather jacket – revealing a plain white t-shirt with the word ‘SLEEP’ across the front in all caps and rather muscular arms that the girls tried not to stare at. She tossed it to the trembling Regina.  
“Here, you look cold,” She said, as Rena wrapped the jacket around her sister.
Logan stepped forward. “If you two don’t tell us what’s going on, I’m going to call the police.”
Remy rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. “Yeah, yeah, of course you are. They’re definitely gonna believe that you were attacked by a monster possessing your teacher, and I’m definitely gonna stick around long enough to get arrested again.”
“Again?” Pat mumbled, but they all mostly ignored her.
Logan crossed her arms. “We… we know your name. Remy Starlight, right? They could find you, and you broke through the window, there’s plenty of evidence that something happened here.”
“Kid, I have friends in the police force,” Remy snorted. “Besides, I just saved your life, you’d really call the police on me? I’m offended. No one appreciates me.” Thomas patted her back, coughing and wincing at his obviously sore throat.
Dee put a reassuring hand on Logan’s shoulder. “We’re not going to call the police,” She said. “We just want to know what’s going on.”
“And we’re going to tell you,” Thomas added reassuringly, his voice still hoarse from coughing up gallons of… whatever that monster was made of. “It’s just a long story.”
“Is it though?” Remy took off her sunglasses, cleaning them with her shirt. “I mean, okay,” She turned to the girls, serious. “There’s four types of monsters: creatures, possessors, puppeteers and seers. Everyone has different names for them, that’s just what my family calls them. Creatures are what they sound like. Possessors possess people. Puppeteers possess people and can also control other people. Seers possess people and get visions of the future that are shared with anyone they’re touching. They all like to bite people, infect them and then eat them. Pure human blood kills them.”
The girls didn’t know how to react to that.
Remy turned back to Thomas. “See, that wasn’t hard. Now we just have to explain the weird prophecy thing and be done with it. Simple. I should do this for a living.”
Thomas sighed. “You have no sense of dramatic tension, Rem.”
“Who cares about dramatic tension?” Virge suddenly exclaimed. “This could be an elaborate scheme to kidnap us, why are we listening to them?”
“You think they faked the possession thing?” Pat asked, blinking up at her girlfriend. “That doesn’t seem possible.”  
“I- I don’t know!” Virge exclaimed, throwing up her hands in exasperation. “But we can’t just trust them!”
Remy crossed her arms. “Uh, I just saved, like, all of your lives. I think I’ve earned a little trust.”
“First, you can explain that prophecy thing you mentioned.” Dee stepped between her friends and Remy. “Forget the ‘dramatic tension,’ Mr Sanders, just tell us what’s going on, and then we can decide whether or not to trust you two.”
“Ugh, fine.” Remy sighed in irritation, rolling her eyes under her sunglasses. “About a century ago, one of my ancestors was fighting one of those seer monsters – that’s kinda what we do, we fight monsters, it’s pretty cool – and they accidentally shared a vision with one. It was basically prophesised that every sixteen years, between April 21st and April 27th, some kids would be born whose blood would have the potential to kill the mother of all monsters, the Queen. There’s a few more details than that, but that’s pretty much the gist of it. Thomas was one of these kids, he failed, and you six are this generation of potential chosen ones.”
The teenagers stared at her in shock.
“Is it set in stone?” Dee asked, the first to speak up.
Remy blinked a few times in confusion. “What?”
“Is it that one of us could be the chosen one, it just depends on our actions, or is it set in stone that a specific person is destined to be the chosen one, you just don’t know exactly who.”
“Oh…” Remy nodded in understanding. “Someone specific is fated to be the chosen one, we just don’t know who specifically.”
Dee nodded slowly as Logan adjusted her glasses, staring Remy down. “How do you know?”
Logan sighed in slight irritation. “How do you know that the six of us specifically are this generation of potential chosen ones?”
“Well, the vision also included the helpful details of general location, general age and the fact that each of those kids would have at least one biological parent who’d been possessed before. Those things only applied to the six of you this time ‘round, which is why I’m here.”
Regina and Rena both looked rather excited at this, exchanging a look of wonder, as expected from them. Patton also looked slightly in awe, but Virge, Logan and Dee all looked a lot more suspicious and unsure than anything else.
“How are we supposed to believe you?” Virge asked, a little harshly.
At the same time, Dee said, “And you expect us to risk our lives and fight monsters for you? We could fucking die.”
Logan just stared, her brow creased.
“I’m- we’re all chosen ones!” Regina exclaimed, the horror of the near-death experience overtaken by the prospect of adventure. “That’s… that’s amazing! We’ve gotta do this.”
Logan glanced back at her, giving her a look that was half ‘you’re an idiot’ and half ‘I want you to be my idiot.’ Her expression then shifted back to a thoughtful one.
“Yeah!” Remy grinned, ignoring Virge and Dee’s protests. “Any of you could be the chosen one. Your blood could kill the Queen of monsters. She’s the only one of them that can lay eggs and have kids, so once she’s out of the picture, it won’t take long to end the monster race for good.”
Logan gasped suddenly. “I have an idea. You said we’d each have a biological parent who’d been possessed once before, correct?” Remy nodded slowly. “Well, do you know which ones?”
“Yeah, my family keeps track of that kind of shit, I’ve got the files saved on my phone.”
Logan nodded, looking around at the others. “Well, then we can just ask our parents. If they can confirm Remy’s story, then maybe, maybe, we can go along with this whole ‘chosen one’ thing.”
Remy smirked slightly, pulling her phone from her pocket. She tapped at it a few times, one-handed, before glancing back up again.  
“’Kay, so, we’ve got files on all six of you, ‘cos of the whole ‘possible chosen ones’ thing. The only two parents still alive or in the picture who’ve been possessed before are Nathalie Berry and Octavia Ceite.”
Logan and Dee straightened up, exchanging a glance.
“My mom’s at work right now.” Dee said. “We’d have to wait until later to ask her.”
Logan adjusted her glasses. “I could call my mom now; she had the day off today.” She pulled out her phone and began dialling the number. “I’ll go into the hallway so as to not be interrupted.”
Thomas straightened up. “I’ll come with you; can’t let you get attacked the second you leave the classroom.” He said that last part in a humorous tone of voice that didn’t really suit the situation, and followed Logan out of the room.
“Yell if you need anything!” Remy shouted after them, before turning back to the five other girls.
Dee crossed her arms, staring back at her expectedly.
“So…” Remy awkwardly scratching her arm. “You girls wanna see the reward my family plans on giving to the chosen one after the Queen dies? I stole it from them to show you guys as extra motivation.”
Regina’s eyes lit up. “Ooh… what is it?” Rena and Patricia looked almost equally excited.
Virge and Dee watched warily as Remy took her jacket back from Regina, reaching into the secret pocket sewn into the inside, and pulling out a golden chain necklace with a large black crystal at the front.
“This gem was formed from the blood of the Queen over a century ago. It was the last time she was seen by humans, and the only time anyone was ever able to injure her. My family was the one to do that, of course. We’re cool.”
“It’s so pretty…” Rena stared wide-eyed, more entranced at the monster blood aspect than anything else.  
“Yeah,” Regina agreed.
Virge rolled her eyes as Dee and Pat also looked it over appreciatively. The purple-haired girl’s loyalty was not so easily bought.
“Can I touch it?” Rena asked, and Remy shrugged, tossing it to her.
“Sure, I’ll need it back at some point, though, or I’ll be in deep shit with my parents.”
Rena clutched it tightly, looking it over. “It would look amazing with my outfit. The black’s totally my aesthetic. Can you make gems with human blood? That’d suit you better, Regina.”
Regina blew a raspberry, reaching over and snatching the necklace from her sister. “Uh, no, the gold would totally suit me better. Besides, I’m totally gonna be the chosen one. You guys know that, right?”
Virge and Dee sighed in unison as Patricia tried in vain to stop the twins from arguing. Remy just watched in amusement.  
They started pulling the necklace to-and-fro, arguing about who it’d suit best. Pat tried to argue that they were identical twins, equally beautiful, but that didn’t stop them. She would have attempted consulting Virge and Dee, but Virge was too neutral to care, and Dee was too biased towards Rena to make a positive impact.
“Give it back!” Regina exclaimed. “It’ll suit me more!”
“You know what really would suit you more?” Rena hissed. “A slit throat.”
Regina gasped loudly, releasing the necklace in shock – though she really shouldn’t have been surprised – and causing it to fling too quickly for Rena to keep a hold of, slipping through the broken window, out of sight.
There was silence for a few seconds, before Rena and Regina turned guiltily to Remy, who burst out laughing.
“You girls are a riot.” She sauntered over to the broken window, leaning through and looking down.
The five teenagers followed, peering around and over her shoulders, their noses wrinkling when they spotted what was right below the window sill – a large open dumpster bin. They couldn’t even see the necklace; it was so full of multi-coloured garbage.
Then, Logan and Thomas walked in, pausing and raising their eyebrows when they spotted everyone crowded around the window.
“My mom confirmed their story, apparently my other mother knows about it, too, and they’ve spoken to your mother about her own possession multiple times in the past, Dee. She says we can trust them.” Logan confirmed, and Thomas nodded. “What are you all doing crowded around the window? Have you figured out what to tell the school faculty about that? I suggest claiming it was a break in, possibly vandalism.”
“No, uh…” Remy glanced at the other girls, who all shrugged, before turning back to give Thomas a sheepish look. “I may have borrowed my family’s chosen one necklace, and we may have accidentally dropped it out of the window… into a dumpster.”
Thomas blinked a few times in surprise, before sighing, massaging the bridge of his nose.
“Well, I guess we’re going dumpster diving, then.”
A few minutes later, the eight of them had left the building, and were now below the window they’d previously peered out of, staring at the large reeking dumpster in front of them. Most of them didn’t look too happy to be there.
Logan stared up the wall, brow creased. “How did you even climb up there, Remy? There aren’t any ladders.”
Remy smirked, stuffing her hands in her jacket pockets. “I’m just that awesome.”
They turned back to the dumpster.
“So, uh…” Thomas glanced around. “Who volunteers to climb inside?”
“Ooh, ooh! Pick me!” Rena exclaimed, jumping up and down in the spot, her hand in the air like she was still in class. “I’ve wanted to do this my whole life, please let me climb inside!”
Everyone stared at her, but only the two adults looked surprised.
“Uh, knock yourself out, kid.” Remy stepped out of the way, and Rena grinned, moving closer to the dumpster and looking it over.  
She glanced back at her sister. “Little help, Regina?”
Regina wrinkled her nose in disgust, moving even further back. “I refuse to touch that thing, and you are absolutely taking a shower as soon as you get home. You are not entering our bedroom reeking of expired cafeteria meat.”
“But that’s my favourite kind!” Rena exclaimed, and no one could tell whether or not she was joking.
Dee stepped forward. “I’ll help you up.” She volunteered, blushing lightly when Rena beamed gratefully at her.
“Excellent.” Rena rolled up the sleeves of her denim jacket, and Dee helped her climb inside of the dumpster.
Everyone but Rena gagged at the squelching sound her boots made when she landed inside, and she knelt down to search properly.
“Woah, there’s tons of stuff in here!” She grinned. “You could definitely hide a body in here, or, like, three bodies worth of organs, at least, and no one would even notice. It reeks so bad it’d hide even the stench of death!” Rena said that last part like it was a good thing, bending further down, out of sight, to properly search the dumpster.
Remy leant closer to Pat, whispering loud enough that everyone could hear her. “Is she always like this?”
“Oh, uh, yep!” Patricia said cheerfully, though she didn’t really seem too thrilled. “She’s actually pretty tame, right now.”
Virge snorted, her hands in her hoodie pockets. “You can say that again. One time, last year, she ate a ton of rotting food, straight from the trash, just because someone dared her too. She got super sick, and I’m pretty sure her dad almost sued the school. She’s calmed down a little since then, behaviour-wise.”
Remy whistled, almost impressed. “Damn, that’s actually almost impressive, but I think I would’ve puked if I’d seen it.”
“Oh, people did.” Logan confirmed, adjusting her glasses. “It happened in the middle of the cafeteria and seven-point-five people threw up.”
“It’s complicated.”
Thomas furrowed his brow in concern, glancing at Regina. “She’s gonna make herself sick, what do your parents think about all of this?”
Rena’s head popped up again. “I’ve built up an immunity to this kinda stuff. Besides, it’s fun to freak people out.” She lifted up an old shoe. “Does anyone dare me to take a bite out of this?”
“Please, don’t.”
Rena pouted, tossing the shoe back over her shoulder.  
“It’s strange that you haven’t found the necklace yet.” Logan pointed out. “Surely it would have been at the top.”
“Oh, it was.” Rena pulled out the necklace. “I saw it before I’d even climbed in, but I was having so much fun.”
She then straightened up and hopped out of the dumpster, grinning widely, as everyone moved out of the way. Dee stepped forward, wrinkling her nose as she flicked a banana peel off of Rena’s shoulder.
Remy took the necklace back from Rena, looking it over quickly, before stuffing it back into her jacket pocket. “Thank god, there’s not a scratch on it. My parents would kill me if it was broken.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have stolen it from them in the first place.” Thomas said, and Remy gave him a pointed look.  
“If you tell them, I’ll never forgive you.”
“When would I get the chance to tell them?”
Remy raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you coming to dinner tonight? It’s Thursday, right?”
Thomas’s eyes widened. “Wait, shoot, it’s already Thursday? I thought it was Tuesday!” He looked around at the girls for confirmation.
“Mr Sanders, you literally wrote the date on the board at the start of the lesson.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I was planning on spending the night marking homework, it needs to be handed back tomorrow. Guess I’m not sleeping at all tonight.”
A few hours had passed, and the six girls had returned back to their respective homes. Regina had finally forced her sister to take a shower – though the main reason Rena had protested so much was because it got on Regina’s nerves. Their dad would be getting home from work at the local theatre soon, and they were trying to figure out how best to tell him about the situation.
“Do you think he’ll believe us if we just straight-up tell him?” Regina asked, glancing back at her sister, before turning around quickly upon realising that Rena still hadn’t gotten dressed. “Please, put some clothes on, it’s been half an hour.”
“But they’re so restrictive!” Rena said, but she gave in and pulled on her pyjamas – an old neon green t-shirt and bright red shorts.
Regina looked her over again. “You look like Christmas threw up on you.”
“Thanks, that was the intention.” Rena flopped down on her sister’s bed – their room was split on two, a desk and a bed on either side; Rena’s half was the one by the door. “But do you really think dad’s gonna believe us? I mean, it’s not like we’ve got any proof. Do we really need to tell him?”
“Hmm,” Regina hummed in thought. “I guess not.” She turned and grinned at her sister. “So, which of us do you think’s gonna be the chosen one? I bet it’s me.”
Rena scoffed. “Nah, I bet it’s gonna be Pat or Virge, it’s always the one you least expect.”
“Psh…” Regina dismissed the thought. “Don’t get me wrong, I love those guys, but they don’t have it in them.” She lay dramatically across her sister’s lap, grinning up at her. “I’m gonna be the chosen one, kill the Queen of monsters and get the girl.”
“And I’m gonna be the zany side character slash main character’s best friend who also gets the girl in the end!”
“Absolutely, my dear sidekick.”  
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Seven Deadly Sins
A/N: Soooo... after the Disney Villain Medley came out, @im-basically-logan, @robanilla, and I were geeking out about it with some other peeps on Discord, and this Seven Deadly Sins AU kinda birthed from it. We had a ridiculously long convo about it, and I just knew I had to write something for it (and I know I have a lot of WIPs shush). Anyway, enjoy this AU of Thomas and his friends being demons that represent the seven deadly sins!
Warnings: demons, threats, flirting, arguing/banter, implied manipulation, implied sexual content
A manor stood in silence at the hill. But on certain evenings at the stroke of midnight, if one listened closely, the manor seemed to come alive. Candlelight would flicker in the windows, colorful lights would pulse and glow from inside, and music would flow in the air. Because this was no ordinary manor. This manor was the meeting place of the Seven Deadly Sins.
A man walked up to the front door of the manor. He adjusted his leather jacket with a scowl, glaring at the door with disdain. He hated these monthly meetings. His colleagues were… eccentric, to say the least. Shaking his head, he pushed the door open, striding into the manor. His grand entrance startled the man sitting in the chair beside the door, causing his bowler hat to nearly fly off his head.
“Gatekeeper… have the others arrived yet?” he asked smoothly, shutting the door behind him. The man he had startled- the Gatekeeper- adjusted his bowler hat with a huff.
“No, Greed. You’re the first to arrive, as always,” Gatekeeper replied.
“Good. I’ll be in the parlor, send the others there when they arrive,” Greed ordered.
“This isn’t the first time we’ve done this, I know the drill,” Gatekeeper huffed, rolling his eyes. Greed narrowed his eyes, and the Gatekeeper shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
“I’m merely reminding you of how we do things here. We wouldn’t want to trouble ourselves with acquiring a new Gatekeeper, would we?” he replied evenly, voice dangerously low. The Gatekeeper swallowed nervously.
“No. We wouldn’t,” he answered.
“I thought so.” Greed turned on his heel, heading into the parlor. He sat down at the table, taking a seat at its head, just in front of the fireplace. One by one, figures appeared in the entryway to the lounge.
“Please, take a seat,” Greed said, gesturing at the chairs around the table. One woman stepped forward, taking the chair next to Greed’s.
“So good to see you again, Greed,” she said cooly.
“And you, Pride,” Greed replied with a smirk. A tall man slid into the chair on his other side, eyes glittering with excitement.
“Greed! You’ve done something different with your hair, it’s simply stunning,” the man crooned, leaning towards Greed as he gazed at him.
“Lust, my hair is the same as it always has been,” he sighed, rolling his eyes.
“Don’t pretend like you don’t love the attention, my dear,” Lust replied with a smirk.
“Why do you always have to flirt with Greed?! There’s more of us here than just him!” another man snapped, taking the seat across from Greed.
“Envy, do you always have to be so loud?” a man wearing suspenders grumbled, slumping in the seat next to him.
“Aw, don’t worry, Envy, there’s plenty of me to go around. And you too, Sloth,” Lust replied.
“Hey, leave me out of this. Envy was the one whining,” Sloth huffed.
“Enough arguing! Let’s just get this over with,” one woman snarled, sitting down between Lust and Sloth.
“Something bothering you, Wrath?” Pride teased.
“Yes, there is! I’d much rather be instilling anger in humanity, yet I’m here with you fools,” Wrath fumed.
“Hey, you’re not the only one with things they’d rather be doing, Wrath,” the last man to join the table replied, taking the seat across from her.
“Oh, we all know what you’d rather be doing, Gluttony,” Wrath sneered.
“Is it such a crime to enjoy food?!” Gluttony protested.
“Well obviously it must be, since you’re here with the rest of us,” Sloth drawled.
“That’s rich, coming from a lazy piece of sh-”
“Friends! Please, let’s not fight,” Greed said cooly, glaring at Gluttony. The demon in question shrugged, leaning back in his chair.
“Oh so we’re friends now?” Envy scoffed. Each demon at the table stilled as Greed arched an eyebrow at Envy.
“Of course we are… or don’t you remember the pact we made?” Greed replied with an air of what seemed to be nonchalance, but the shadows shifting and curling restlessly behind him betrayed his true emotions.
“Oh, you mean how you-” Envy started, but was cut off with a warning glare from Pride. The table fell silent for a moment, until Lust once again leaned towards Greed, eyes glittering.
“I believe Envy was about to talk about how you so generously gifted us with demonhood? Truly, a clever move on your part,” Lust purred. Greed was seemingly rendered speechless for a moment, unable to break away from the other demon’s gaze. But he soon shook his head, clearing his throat as he did so.
“Yes… I’m sure. I hope you’re satisfied. But if you ain’t-”
“Yeah, yeah- don’t blame you, blame your friends on the other side. Whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean,” Envy interrupted him, sulking in his chair.
“Oh Envy, you know exactly what that means,” Greed crooned. The table fell silent once more, and the demons eyed each other warily.
“Well, this has been a fun little chat thus far, but let’s get down to business, shall we?” Pride said after a long stretch of uncomfortable silence.
“Fantastic idea, Pride. Did I mention you look absolutely stunning tonight?” Lust praised, and she practically preened at the attention.
“Enough flirting, we have more important things to do,” Greed snapped, glaring sharply at Lust.
“Hey! Jealousy is my thing, Greed!” Envy teased. Greed let out an incredulous sound, face flushing for the briefest of moments.
“I am NOT jealous,” Greed huffed.
“Aw, don’t worry darling. You know I have eyes especially for you,” Lust replied with a wink.
“Wonderful for you two! Can we get this meeting over with?” Wrath snarled, slamming her hands on the table.
“Temper, temper… but correct. Gluttony, how are things looking on your front?” Greed asked, turning his gaze towards him.
“Humans are living healthier lifestyles… doing things like eating something called ‘kale.’ Don’t they understand that I just want them to enjoy the finer things in life?” Gluttony replied dejectedly, slumping forward onto the table and burying his head in his hands.
“I know what would get the humans’ attention…” Sloth offered.
“This isn’t the music video thing again, is it?” Envy groaned.
“Hey, I’m just saying! Good lighting, special effects- they’ll eat it up,” Sloth shrugged.
“Not like you’d organize something like that, it would take too much of your precious time,” Wrath snarked.
“Of course I wouldn’t. I just provide the brilliant ideas. But if you don’t want to make humanity complacent, then I understand,” Sloth replied, voice smooth and condescending.
“It’s a stupid idea, if you ask me,” Envy grumbled.
“You’re just jealous that I came up with it, and you didn’t,” Sloth said with a smirk. Envy made a series of frustrated noises, and the table of demons erupted into laughter.
“Let’s table that idea for later. Lust, how are you faring with humanity?” Greed asked after the laughter had cleared.
“Why don’t the two of us go somewhere private, and you can find out?” he offered, smirking coyly. Greed rolled his eyes, but those sitting closest to him could see the slight tinge of pink creeping across his cheeks.
“Pride?” Greed asked, turning towards her.
“I’d love to take over the meeting while you and Lust have fun,” she teased with a wink.
“What?! No, that’s not-”
“I know, I know. Couldn’t hurt to try though, right? Anyway, things are fine. They could be better, but it certainly could be worse. Humans are naturally prideful creatures anyhow,” she replied.
“I see. Anyone else have anything to share?” Greed asked, looking to the others. Wrath scowled in defeat, shaking her head. Envy blew out a sigh, leaning his head on his hand. Greed nodded curtly, then turned his attention to Sloth.
“I believe you mentioned something about a music video?” he asked. Sloth sat up straight for once, eyes gleaming.
“Yes. And I believe I know just the musical selection to use…”
Tag List: @adorably-angsty @alix-the-skeleton @allthemetalsoftherainbow @armageddonhascome @backatthebein @bangthekobrakid @bloodropsblog @cefinitely-rolo @coffeestudylive @cosmic-chu @cyndaquil17 @dani-jeanso @didsomeonesayprince @emphoenixcat @every-day-insomniac @fandomsandanythingelse @freekiphotography @freepaperie081 @hanramz-the-fander @i-need-a-social-life-2710 @i-really-dig-the-purple @ironwoman359 @justanotherpurplebutterfly @kanejandkruge @kitsuneprideleader @kittycake574 @le2712 @littlemiracle05 @loganpatton @lollingtothemax @look-its-meme @loverofpizzaandallthingssweet @lynlinked @mewsicalmiss @midnightcandy @moonstonefox @musicsavedmefromdeath @mystrangedarkson @nightmarejasmine @not-as-smart @of-treble-and-dragons @punsterterry @purplepatton @quoth-the-sparrow @radioactivehelena @royallyanxious @ruuworld @sanders-trash-4ever @save-me-oh-dream-of-mine @shadowsfromthesun @shygirl4991 @sleepyssnail @softbludemon @softnic @sombraplayslazertag @sweetinsomniac @the-fandoms-are-takin-over @theresneverenoughfandoms @thisrandomperson102 @thuriweaver @vigilantvirgil
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nekoabi · 6 years
On the Verge of a Heartbreak - Chapter 30
Now I’m really not sorry.
AU: School, Human Pairings: Moxiety, OC/OC Words: 3231 Warnings: Swearing, shouting. Anything else, please let me know!
Summary: The group is told about Virgil’s situation and agree to the couple’s plan. They put in the extra effort to make it memorable. Well, it will certainly be a day they’ll never forget...
Patton knew that Virgil had a free period before lunch the next day and so made an effort to be the first out of his class in order to meet up with his boyfriend. He almost ran through the halls in order to grab his stuff before heading to their little hiding spot for lunch. When he rounded the corner, Patton immediately sat down in order to catch his breath. He went to smile at his boyfriend and catch his eyes but found that he was met with the side of Virgil’s face as he was curled up into himself.
With a soft smile, Patton lightly wrapped his arms around Virgil, causing the other boy to lean into his body, “It’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. I promise.” Patton whispered soothingly, rocking back and forth gently in order to comfort his anxious boyfriend.
Their friends slowly piled into the small space as the lunch period really began. They all did their best not to ask about what the couple wanted to talk with them about until all of them were gathered. All bets were off when Thomas finally appeared and took his seat.
“So, what the hell do you guys want? I was having a heart attack last night, worried fucking sick about you guys!” Ana said dramatically, throwing their hands all over the place.
Em grabbed their hands and held them in her lap, trying to stop her partner from causing any damage to anyone, “They really were. I don’t think we’ve fallen asleep while being on the phone since we first started dating until last night, we just wanted to make sure you two were okay. The message sounded really urgent…”
Patton could feel Virgil tensing in his arms. This was possibly his worst nightmare, knowing he influenced and panicked his close friends so much that they did something that was out of the ordinary. Before Patton could even attempt to say anything, Em started giggling and leaned against Ana.
“It was really nice though, so I think we should thank you guys.”
Virgil immediately flicked his head up to look between Em and Ana and Patton, as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. Patton smiled wide and pressed a kiss to Virgil’s forehead when he next looked to him, causing the emo to blush and duck his head.
Patton asked them all to wait just a couple minutes longer because he didn’t want to have to talk about it twice with people. Just as everyone was begrudgingly agreeing, his phone began buzzing away in his pocket. He managed to wriggle it out and picked up the call as soon as he could.
“HI!” came Abigal’s loud voice ringing through the small speaker. Patton and Virgil both flinched as they were the ones closest to the sound, their ears beginning to ring a little. “Oh, oops, sorry…” The laughter of the other two that were present on the other end told Patton that everyone was finally able to hear him and so he launched into the explanation.
He talked about what Virgil’s parents had said about Logan and Roman’s university experiences, how that was negatively affecting everyone, how Virgil’s parents had decided the best thing was for them to move. Patton found that he had to pause his rambles as everyone had extreme reactions and opinions to the news, all of them clearly being upset that one of their friends was going to be taken far away from them.
With a little help from Em who was sat across from them and Asher on the other end of the phone, Patton was able to calm everyone down enough that he could begin to explain the idea that he and Virgil had brainstormed the night before. He told them the date that Virgil was leaving and that they wanted this to involve as many of them as possible.
On the other end of the phone, Asher mentioned how they would be back in town next week, while Abigal and Reggie realised they were only coming back a couple of days before Virgil was leaving. That narrowed down the timeframe they had significantly. Thankfully, everyone else was available the day before Virgil’s move, which was also perfect as it could be their send off at the same time.
“So, we’re going to be having it happen in this little park near our houses. It’s really nice and it’s away from everyone else, it’s almost always empty.” Patton mentioned.
There was a soft squeal from the phone in his hand, “Oh my gosh! This sounds like a cute little promise wedding! We should totally make it like a wedding ceremony!” Abigal gushed.
Everyone, especially Sophia and Em, were on board with this idea. They all began to throw out their ideas for how they could make it extra special and wedding-like. As they spoke, Virgil hid his face further and further into his boyfriend’s side, almost looking like he was trying to coax Patton’s body into absorbing him, so he could get out of there. Patton giggled and squeezed him tight for a second, causing Virgil to look up at him.
“It’ll be okay. It’s just us. The most important thing is that we’re doing this for us.” Patton reached down and slipped his fingers between Virgil’s in order to hold his hand comfortingly.
Virgil smiled softly, “I hate that you’re right with your sappy crap.”
“I didn’t hear that!” Patton threw his head to the side and comically pretended to not hear anything that Virgil said for the few seconds that followed, when the emo tried and failed to get Patton’s gaze to fall back onto himself. It only ended when Virgil moved out of Patton’s hold, grabbed his boyfriend’s face between his hands and turned it physically back to him.
“So rude.” Virgil said with a grin, his gaze exceedingly fond as he looked directly into Patton’s. The two shared a brief kiss that only broke because they suddenly heard a soft squeaky squeal.
All their friends were absolutely silent, each dealing with the incredibly adorable scene in their own ways. On the other end of the phone, however, none of their older friends were able to see what was going on and so Abigal felt she had every right to interrupt and ask what the heck was happening. It was explained to them all and she responded with a puking sound that was quietened almost immediately by Reggie’s comment of him ‘never having heard any complaints before’.
The rest of lunch continued with their friends on the phone and it was so wonderful for Patton. He felt like he could almost ignore the fact that he was going to lose his proximity to his boyfriend at home and could instead focus on how lucky he was to have had this wonderful experience with his close friends.
For two weeks in between that planning phase and the actual date of their ceremony, all of their group tried to hang out as much as humanly possible. Exams and last-minute revision got in the way for the first week, but eventually all the testing was over, and they had all the free time in the world to hang out. Each day, they crowded in someone’s home or nearby and just hung out, enjoying not only their last days together before Virgil moved away but also their last time of freedom as college and real adult life was creeping up on them fairly fast.
It only really became real on the day of their ceremony. They split into their initial friend groups and spent the whole day ‘getting them ready’. Abigal and Sophia were playing at being fully trainer hairdressers and makeup artists as they pretended to do Patton up for the ceremony, while Asher and Daniel were sat with Thomas, who’d been appointed to lead the whole thing. They were helping him memorise the script that a couple of the others had written for him to follow.
Across the street, Em was the one sorting Virgil’s make up while Reggie messed with his hair. Ana and Ayana were more than happy to just sit on his bed in the almost empty room, watching all of it happen from a distance.
“So, where’s this park you guys were talking about?” Ana asked, clearly bored.
“It’s at the end of the street. You probably passed it on your way here. It’s mostly covered by trees, so you wouldn’t know it’s there unless you’ve been there before.” Virgil explained. His nerves were rising as the afternoon rolled on. They were going to meet around 3pm at the park and he’d been specifically told to be there just before 3.
“It’ll be fine, Virgil. Just relax.” Em tried to sooth the anxious boy, checking his face one last time before putting away his makeup, “This is all for you and Patton. Just enjoy it.” There were noises of agreement from the rest of his attending friends. Virgil was going to try his best to not be nervous about it.
As they packed up and headed out of the house, Virgil told his friends to wait outside for him as he had to just let his parents know where he was going. He wandered through the empty home and into the kitchen, where his immediate family was still packing.
“Um, so… I’m going outside with some friends, I’ll be back soon. Is that okay?” Virgil shuffled, feeling a little bad at leaving his family right now.
His mom looked at him with a sad smile, “Of course, honey. Just be back before it gets too late.”
“Thanks, I will. We’re just going down to the park, so not too far.” Virgil said as he turned and headed to the front door. He was trying to remind himself to breathe slowly as they approached the end of the road and Virgil led the way into the small, enclosed park space. He stopped dead as soon as he got one foot past the iron gates.
Standing off to the side next to the trees was an archway that he’d never seen before. It was clearly made in a hurry as some of the original wood was showing through the white paint, but it still gave off the wedding vibe. The flower chains that were weaving through it and into the branches of the nearby trees only added to the aesthetic. Virgil almost couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He wanted to know who had done this but, before he could open his mouth to ask the question, he got his answer.
“Well, I guess she found the flowers then.” Reggie chuckled from his side. Reggie looked sideways at Virgil, directly addressing him, “Abigal wanted to make this special and ‘look good for the pictures’ so she and Ana made this last night. She lost the flowers this morning, but clearly, she found them.” Ana clicked their tongue and finger gunned when Virgil turned to look at them.
The stunned emo was almost dragged over to the arch and placed just in front of it, almost as if he was the groom at a wedding who was waiting for his partner to arrive. It was then that everything really clicked, and Virgil’s face turned bright red. He hadn’t expected them to go this hard.
Ayana stood at the end with a small basket in her hand and Virgil couldn’t help but notice her nervous energy. She was looking towards the gate as if she was looking for some kind of signal, but Virgil was still trying to let his brain catch up with him and so couldn’t quite think of what she might be trying to look for. Sure, they were waiting on Patton and the other half of their group, but that shouldn’t be something Ayana was specifically searching for. He found out her reasoning once the rest of their friends stepped into the park.
The youngest of them all walked over to the oncoming group of people and seemed to ask them something before she was put into the lead position. Despite the reservation and nerves that were showing clearly on her face, she began to sprinkle the ground with flower petals. This was yet another part of this that was clearly inspired by a wedding and Virgil was mortified, his face somehow turning an even brighter shade of red. He turned his gaze away, preferring to watch the branches of the trees sway in the breeze than what was clearly meant to be a wedding procession. It was only when his view was blocked by Thomas’ body walking past him and then Patton standing opposite that he finally stopped watching the surround nature.
Thomas perfectly fell into the role of minister, presiding over the ceremony as if he’d been doing these all of his life. He addressed everyone and followed the script perfectly.
Patton was clearly enjoying himself, if the wide, toothy grin he was constantly wearing was any indication. Virgil, meanwhile, was still trying to get over the embarrassment he felt over this whole thing being treated as a full-on wedding ceremony.
It got to the part where Virgil and Patton were to swap their promise gifts. They’d thought about it for a while and they decided to make bracelets for each other. Earlier in the week, they’d gone to a nearby craft store and picked out bead colours they wanted. Virgil went for his usual black and two shades of purple, while Patton naturally gravitated to the pastel blue, pink and yellow.
“Wait!” Patton had stopped Virgil as they were leaving the shop. He dragged the emo over to a nearby bench and dug around in his bag, opening the packets of beads. After a couple minutes of rummaging and more than a few beads running away from him, Patton held out one of each of the colours that Virgil had picked out, “We should swap some! So the bracelets have some of all the beads, a forever reminder in a forever promise!”
Virgil hadn’t admitted it out loud then, but it was a positively adorable idea and he just loved it. The idea that he and Patton would always hold something that was representative of their respective partner filled him with warmth and made him feel so utterly loved. He took the beads from Patton’s hand and then went about getting one of each of the colours he had in his own bag. Patton was cutely swinging his legs back and forth as he waited, the adorable action distracting Virgil just a little. Eventually, he held his three out for Patton to take.
In their hands at the ceremony were the finished bracelets. Patton was to go first. He grabbed a hold of Virgil’s left hand and started to slide the bracelet around his wrist, when a voice called out.
“Virgil? Are you still here?”
The boy in question sighed, the soft moment between them broken as Logan rounded the corner and entered the park. He caught sight of what was going on and seemed to have a moment of disbelief as he paused suddenly. After taking a second to catch himself, Logan headed over to them.
“What is going on here?” The firstborn Mortenson son was taking in everything he could see.
“It’s a Promise Ceremony!” Sophia responded, her hands on her hips as if it was the most obvious thing in the whole world.
Logan looked down at her with a slightly alarmed expression, “A what?” He shook his head before he got an answer, “Doesn’t matter. Virgil, mom and dad need you back at the house as soon as possible. It looks like it’s going to rain. Finish up as soon as you can.” All of them turned their attention to the sky and could see the dark clouds rolling in fast above them. Patton pouted and was clearly a little upset at the change in weather. Logan then turned to head off back home but was stopped by Virgil calling his name.
“Logan, why don’t you stay here? It won’t be much longer…” Virgil asked. He wasn’t sure why he asked for his brother to stay. Normally, he’d love to have the space, but something was telling him to keep his brother close by.
Logan glanced around at all of his brother’s friends, slowly being persuaded by their hopeful faces. He sighed and went to stand next to Ayana at the end, “Fine.”
The ceremony continued. Virgil pulled the bracelet he made for Patton out and grabbed a hold of his hand, staring into his boyfriend’s eyes. He slid the beads over Patton’s wrist and squeezed the hand tight before letting them both fall between them, their fingers still gently interlaced and the beads around their wrists touching.
Thomas finished up the last of the script he’d been given before looking between the clearly love-struck couple in front of him. A spark of inspiration must have come to him as, out of the corner of Virgil’s eye, he perked up and addressed them both, “Now, you may kiss!”
Virgil’s head almost cracked as he turned his head sharply to look at Thomas with a concerned and embarrassed glare. He went to ask what the fuck Thomas thought he was doing but Patton’s gentle giggles and soft hands turning his head stopped him. It was only a brief moment that Virgil had to see Patton’s loving gaze and smile before his lips were pressed so lightly against his own. He practically melted against the other boy, kissing back as the world around him drained away, leaving them alone.
Off to the side, Abigal was watching the boys have their utterly precious moment. She had her arms wrapped around her own boyfriend’s, her fingers locked between his, which meant she was able to feel when he tensed up and hear when Reggie muttered something along the lines of “Oh shit…” in a tone that was really unfitting for the situation.
“Hey, what was that for!?” Abigal looked up, ready to berate him, but she stopped when she saw the fear in his eyes. “Babe, what’s wro…” She trailed off as she followed his gaze. Her heart stopped when she locked eyes with the ones across the small park, her panic rising to levels she hadn’t felt in years. Immediately, she darted forwards to try and warn the others, but a loud metallic crash had everyone’s attention before Abigal even had a chance.
Everyone’s eyes turned to see what had caused the sound, a shout also coming from the same place. “What the FUCK is THIS?!”
Ayana immediately ducked behind Em, who wrapped the young girl in her arms. Daniel looked about ready to bolt in the opposite direction, while Sophia and Ana both seemed to ready themselves for a fight. Asher straightened his back and grabbed a hold of Abigal’s free hand, providing her comfort while she shook. Reggie was a complete statue, unmoving as Logan walked past him to stand fully between the group and the oncoming figure. Virgil and Patton both stood frozen, their hands now tightly clasped. Patton was shaking, tears were rolling down his cheeks as he stared at the approaching face of his older brother that was contorted into an expression of pure rage.
Last Chapter —– Next Chapter
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
Abigal and Ayana belong to me. Reggie belongs to @not-so-innocent-bi-sander Daniel belongs to @doces-e--tuga Ana, Em and Asher belongs to @fangsandrainbows Sophia belongs to @notalwaysthevillian
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @didsomeonesayprince @llamaly @justanotherpurplebutterfly @iaminmultiplefandoms @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @louisthewarlock @fangsandrainbows @xxladystarlightxx @sleepyssnail @ao-koshka
OtVoaH Tag List: @daughterofsomnus @chaoticcharm-stone-posts @notalwaysthevillian @iamsilentwolf @ab-artist @6tick6tock6 @lesliealiceinwonderland @kiwisandsprinkles @luckybanana948 @planetsandanxieties @nienna14 @theunoriginaldaisy @absolutesandersidestrash @fiive-second-cookies @i-read-by-lamp @analogical-mess @icing-on-my-lasagna @quietwords-loudthoughts @reinefandoms @hanramz-the-fander @sevencrashing @blenderkit17
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Dean Winchester in his Coffin
A comparison between Queequeg’s coffin in Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick and Dean’s coffin in Supernatural
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(screencap from Home of the Nutty)
In Supernatural 14x11 ‘Damaged Goods’, Dean Winchester builds his own coffin. 
It’s not really a coffin, it just looks like one. The box is a ma’lak box designed by Death herself to secure Dean and AU-Michael at the bottom of the Pacific for all eternity*. We as viewers of a long-running episodic television show are pretty sure the  Winchester boys will find a way out of this mess in the next couple episodes, but Dean built it, so we have to talk about it. 
There are closet metaphors inherent in this coffin-building (I recommend @drsilverfish here); there are show-internal parallels to Amara being locked away, Adam’s current fate in The Cage, the wall in Sam’s mind in season 6; the list goes on. I wanted to talk instead about how Dean’s coffin-building compares to some coffin-building in classic American literature: the story of Queequeg’s coffin in Herman Melville’s “Moby-Dick; or, The Whale.” 
Moby-Dick, published 1851, is a book that many of us were forced to read in high school or college. I escaped this fate but had to read “The Scarlet Letter” and “Bartleby the Scrivener” instead. I did watch the Patrick Stewart TV miniseries version as a teenager, of course. For some dumb reason** I became a Moby-Dick reader because I was a Queequeg/Ishmael shipper, so know that I have a fairly biased perspective on the book as a whole.
In Moby-Dick, our narrator Ishmael (a depressed unemployed Yankee) meets Queequeg, a cannibal
(Queequeg as a character is a jumble of noble savage tropes, the author’s own knowledge of Pacific Islanders met during his whaling experience, and ideas pulled from other contemporary books both fiction and non-fiction), when they become accidental bedfellows at Peter Coffin’s inn (Coffin is a prominent name among the whalers of Nantucket, in real life and in the world of the story). Ishmael wants to go whaling, and Queequeg’s a guy who is very good at whaling. They have similar life goals, if not similar life experiences . They’re textually married***. 
Queequeg catches a chill crawling around belowdecks on the Pequod moving barrels to find a leak (the hold is described as an ice-box). While he’s dying Queequeg says he doesn’t want his body to be wrapped up in his hammock before being thrown overboard like an ordinary sailor, but put in a canoe-style coffin like the harpooneers from Nantucket use. He convinces the ship’s carpenter to make one for him. Queequeg kits the coffin out with food and water and his (most precious possessions) harpoon and paddle, and puts earth from the hold at the foot of it . He lays in it, and Pip the cabin boy sings nonsense briefly (a la the Fool in King Lear). Ishmael sort-of suggests that watching this guy die would make him start a religion. But then Queequeg decides not to die. He throws off the fever with his own will, and recovers (for plot reasons, but also so Melville could add more Noble Savage tropes). He uses the coffin as a clothes-chest. He starts carving the lid with the pattern of the tattoos on his body (these tattoos are religious in nature, but are unknown and unknowable, ‘a complete theory of the heavens and the earth’), making it into a sort-of body double for him.
Some time passes. A guy falls from the rigging, and the stern life-buoy is thrown to him, and both the man and the old, rotting cask that serves as a buoy sink and drown. It is suggested that the nice new well-built no longer needed coffin can be made into a new life-buoy. This re-purposing is lampshaded in text:
“Here now’s the very dreaded symbol of grim death, by a mere hap, made the expressive sign of the help and hope of most endangered life. A life-buoy of a coffin! Does it go further? Can it be that in some spiritual sense the coffin is, after all, but an immortality-preserver! I’ll think of that.”
-Captain Ahab, in a theatrical aside, Chapter 127: The Deck.
After the whale drags Captain Ahab down and sinks the Pequod, the very well-made coffin/life-buoy shoots to the surface, and the only surviving crewmember (Ishmael, our narrator) clings to it until another ship picks him up. 
While Queequeg’s coffin is intended for mundane use (to preserve his body from sharks after death) and is eventually used for mundane purpose (Ishmael’s life preserver), Dean’s pseudo-coffin-building serves a more esoteric purpose - to lock himself and his angel double away from the world said angel wants to destroy (“for all angel is not’ing more dan de shark well goberned” - Fleece the cook, Moby-Dick). The ma’lak box is Dean and Michael’s “immortality-preserver”. We have two pairs of characters, and two death-coded vessels that serve to preserve them.
Remember that time Ishmael and Queequeg got married? Some authors have characterized this wedding as "the first portrait of same-sex marriage in American literature". That it causes some readers 'uneasiness'. The line 'our heart's honeymoon', describing the time post-marriage, was censored in the original publication. Other readers have taken the marriage esoterically, relating Ishmael and Queequeg's earthly marriage to the internal marriage of the self to the Jungian shadow-self.
Shadows**** follow the two protagonists of Moby-Dick, Ishmael and Ahab. Ishmael accepts and marries his shadow, Queequeg the cannibal, and learns the customs of the whaling-ship from him. He admires the unknowableness of the ocean and sky as well as Queequeg's unknowable tattoos. He frees himself from his initial depression, and is literally saved at the novel's conclusion by Queequeg's pseudo-body. Ahab, conversely, pushes away Pip the cabin boy (who serves as Lear's fool through the story, and speaks unknowably) and turns towards Fedallah the Parsee (described as Ahab's shadow in the book) who speaks concrete but awful truths. Ahab rejects reality and stays on a path of revenge even though warned multiple times that he will fail. He eventually dies, and brings most of his crew down with him. His lack of acceptance of his good shadow and of his true place in the world brings about destruction. Self-actualization results in being saved.
The (current) protagonists of Supernatural have shadow selves as well. Again @drsilverfish has an excellent post about this. Castiel's shadow is The Shadow/The Empty, which has appeared in his own form, and wishes only for sleep and nothingness. Dean's shadow, AU!Michael, only wants to destroy the world that Dean keeps sacrificing himself to protect. Sam's shadow, Nick, went through the same dark experiences Sam did, but unlike Sam wound up horribly twisted and murderous. We haven't seen Jack's shadow-self yet, but I suspect current sweet and kind graceless!Jack will have a foil in future uncaring soulless!Jack. The idea of marrying oneself to one's shadow, in Supernatural, is nearly unthinkable: they are destructive, inhuman entities. However, in 14x11 Sam managed to accept the reality of his shadow self and release himself from responsibility for Nick.
At this point Dean's plan is to death-wed himself to Michael for eternity, sharing one body and one coffin-bed at the bottom of the Pacific. We know from Jung and from Melville that the only way to survive the confrontation with the shadow is to accept it - to 'Know Thyself', without misconceptions about your place in the world. 'Gain[ing] the perspective on [your] soul and the universe that will make balance possible.' The coffin will become a life-buoy.
I suspect the ma'lak box will be used to trap something other than Dean or Michael (soulless!Jack, probably) at the end of this season. Even if it's current purpose is untenable, it is a tool that can be used in the future.
Comparison between Moby-Dick and Supernatural can occur on a number of different levels. Ishmael and Dean (and Castiel whose human vessel, Jimmy Novak, is of the line of Biblical Ishmael) are the heroes of the bildungsroman part of the story and are hangers on to Ahab/John/Sam's Shakespearean revenge quest. Each story is a very American depiction of a masculine world. Each mirror the world in a smaller vessel, a ship and a car. Jung's concept of the shadow self, however, holds as the key to this season through all of these eleven episodes, and the shadow self is one of many keys that promote understanding of Melville's Moby-Dick. Self-actualization saves the day.
* Note that geologists cry whenever people suggest indestructible things sent to the bottom of the ocean will stay there for all eternity.
** It was Yuletide, and I’d just binge-read the entire Aubrey-Maturin series.
*** I wrote about this last year when Yockey dropped Led Zeppelin’s Moby Dick into the story. Moby Dick, song, has nothing to do with Moby-Dick, book, except their mutual length, but Supernatural and Moby-Dick share quite a few themes. 
**** yes, Melville does make the shadows of his white protagonists literally dark-skinned
@drsilverfish, “A Fridge-Locker, An Enochian Puzzle Box, a Ma’lak Box… and the Closet (14x11 Damaged Goods)”, http://drsilverfish.tumblr.com/post/182296360214/a-fridge-locker-an-enochian-puzzle-box-a-malak 
@drsilverfish​, “The Shadow (14x08)”, http://drsilverfish.tumblr.com/post/180906003584/the-shadow-14x08
Brashers, H.C., 1962, "Ishmael's Tattoos": The Sewanee Review, v.70, n.1, p.137-154, http://wwww.jstor.org/stable/27540756
Halverson, John, 1963, "The Shadow in Moby-Dick": American Quarterly, v.15, n.3, p.436-446, http://www.jstor.org/stable/2711373
Horton, Margy Thomas, 2012, "Melville's Unfolding Selves: Identity Formation in Mardi, Moby-Dick, and Pierre": doctoral dissertation, Baylor University
Melville, Herman, “Moby-Dick; or, The Whale”, project Gutenberg ebook, http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2701/2701-h/2701-h.htm
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
My Soul to Burn
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Part of the EXO Demon Series
Genre: Demon AU
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Minseok
Summary: Unknown to the mortals, the world was plunging into chaos. But Minseok couldn’t care less. He was still able to take assignments, able to continue in collecting souls of the gullible. As long as he could do his job, he didn’t care what the angels or his boss were up to. Out stalking his next target, he met you, someone who could see him even when he chose to be invisible. At first, he shrugged you off, not interest in the mystery. But after another chance encounter, Minseok was intrigued. As your abnormality could have a part to play in the war against the angels, he was reluctantly keeping you close. With you as warm as he was cold, he tried to stay the terrifying demon while being haunted by Kris’ last words…
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I Final
Minseok arrived back at the mansion, Chanyeol pouncing as soon as he saw him.
“Who was that?” he asked with those annoyingly big eyes.
“Just a nuisance,” Minseok grumbled.
“But she could see us.” Chanyeol bounced from one foot to the other. He was so easily spooked and that pitiful state was obnoxious.
Minseok ignored him as he stalked to the kitchen. Jongdae was sitting at the middle island, reading over his latest file sprayed out in front of him. He looked stress, but after his debacle with an older contract, it was understandable. He couldn’t leave any opening for the target to get out unscathed.
Fetching two glasses out of the cabinet and pouring more whiskey than necessary, Minseok slid one glass to the other demon who picked it up and downed nearly half of it.
“Thanks, hyung,” Jongdae sighed. Minseok just shrugged.
Most of the others in the house kept their distance from Minseok. While they were all demons, most of them were softer than they should have been. Yixing sickened him the most, too sweet and interested in the everyday numbness of human lives. The youngest ones, mostly Sehun and Tao, really got on his nerves with their antics and occasional whining. Jongdae seemed to be the only one he could stand being around for long periods of time. Luhan as well, but he was more relaxed around the former.
“What was Chanyeol talking about someone seeing you?” Jongdae inquired, flipping his folder shut. He could never stay concentrated on a target for long.
Minseok shrugged, taking another sip of the alcohol. Sometimes he wondered why he bothered to drink the stuff, the burn wasn’t as searing as it was to a human and the amount it took him to get drunk would be almost half a liquor store. “Just some girl. It’s not a big deal.”
“You say that now,” Jongdae murmured. “What if something else happens? We’ve already had issues thanks to one human girl. We don’t really need her to track us down here or mess something up.”
“Just drop it,” Minseok snapped.
Truth be told, Minseok wanted everyone else to drop it so he could. He needed to keep up the pretense that you being able to see him wasn’t bruising his ego. Having power that humans could only dream of? Yeah, he lived for it. Not having one of his favorites be usable against one measly female? It was pissing him off.
Minseok finished off his drink, taking both his and Jongdae’s empty glasses and washing them clean in the sink before laying them on the hardly used drying rack. Just as he was exiting the kitchen, he threw over his shoulder, “Get that case done in a timely manner. I can’t keep covering for your sluggishness.”
Jongdae smirked. “Sure thing, fearsome leader.”
Minseok rolled his eyes and left. Just before he made it to the first step, Yixing came down the stairs, taking a wide berth to avoid him as much as possible, not even making eye contact when he passed. As much as Minseok didn’t care for the softy, he was getting sick and tired of this childish silent treatment.
“Are you actually going to spend the rest of eternity blaming me?” Minseok snarled at Yixing’s back.
Yixing froze before slowly turning just enough to look over his shoulder at Minseok. “I don’t blame you. It’s not your fault that you did your duty as a pawn to Lucifer and caused the world to turn into a battle ground. Besides, Kris would have eventually left with her on his own.” He looked away and continued to the door. Just as he turned the handle and opened it a crack, he added, “You know, I hope what Kris told you really does come true. I think it be good for you.”
“Deaf ears,” Minseok scoffed. Of course Yixing heard that pathetic speech Mr. Noble gave him. “I don’t even remember what that little traitor said.”
“Yes, you do,” Yixing challenged. He disappeared through the entryway, the door closing with a soft click.
Minseok shook his head. What a load of bullshit. If anyone else was going to crack and fall for a stupid human, it’d be Yixing. Then Minseok could laugh in his face and then watch his traitorous butt drive away just like Kris. Maybe he should introduce you to Yixing?
He shook his head. No. As much as he didn’t care for Yixing, he didn’t think he should put him through the torture of your attitude.
Shrugging off the thought, Minseok took the stairs two at a time. He was sure that he had all he needed to persuade his target to make a deal and that’s where his focus needed to be.
For about twenty-four hours you were extremely paranoid. Looking over your shoulder every five seconds, jumping at every little sound that hummed through your dingy studio apartment, seeing things that weren’t actually there. You were completely exhausted from being in a permanent state of fight or flight.
But after making it through two whole nights without that stranger coming after you, you calmed down and went back to your normal programming. Besides, maybe you just imagined him disappearing into thin air. The adrenaline of the run mixed with your exhaustion after working seven days in a row without a break was just making you see things.
Yes, that’s exactly what it was. Your mind playing tricks on you. There was no way a person could actually turn invisible or teleport or whatever the hell it was that your mind came up with. He was not going to come after you. There was no reason to be fearful for your life.
This was a mantra you kept repeating to yourself as you came in through the back door of the coffee shop. You were greeted by Mr. Kwon, who was getting ready to make the first batch of fresh brew for the day, and Hana as she was simultaneously stuffing napkins into the metal holders and texting catch-of-the-week on her phone.
Immediately, you started on your own pre-opening tasks: wiping down tables for anything that might have been missed the night before, refilling sugar packets, and double checking that all dishes were cleaned and ready for use.
Hana leaned on the counter as you reorganized the cups stacked for any to-go orders.
“So, John told me you were seeing someone who wasn’t there the other day.” Her lips were pulled into a teasing smirk. While Hana was a nice girl, she wasn’t necessarily someone you would hang out with outside of work. She could be a little too nosy for your liking.
“Misunderstanding,” you lied coolly. “I accidently said table six rather than table seven. That’s why he thought I was seeing things.” You let your shoulders fall in a nonchalant shrug. “It was busy. You know, because someone else wouldn’t answer their phone.” You pointed your gaze on the device in her hands, making her put it away guiltily.
“I was in a movie,” she pouted. Although it was perfectly clear that she was more disappointed by your ordinary explanation rather than being called out for avoiding her job. She wasn’t scheduled to work, but it was her week for backup duty.
Unreliable was a good descriptive word for Hana. But Mr. Kwon kept her around because she did, admittedly, always show up on time for her days that were marked on the calendar. You just couldn’t get her to come in for extra help.
The subject was dropped, however, and soon the shop was open for business. As it was a week day, morning business mostly consisted of sleepy commuters needing their daily dose of caffeine before heading off to their boring office jobs.
That was something you could never do. The idea of sitting at a computer all day every day, doing the same thing over and over again made you die inside. Did you have the most luxurious home? No. Did you have a car? No at all. Did you get to go out on expensive vacations all around the world? As nice as that would be, the answer was still no.
But you were comfortable. You actually enjoyed coming into work most days. You liked having the same customers that you could talk to, make them smile when their day was down, or secretly give them an extra treat just because, but each day still came with surprises. Of course, you had days that you rolled over and didn’t want to get out of bed, but didn’t everyone?
You didn’t need the fancy luxuries in life. You just needed to get by with a little treat every now and again. That kept you satisfied.
You shoved the rest of the Danish in your mouth that you had snuck into the back to eat. The morning rush was over and your stomach was yelling at you to give it something to hold you over until your actual break in an hour or so.
You turned around, trying not to choke as you cleared your mouth of the pastry. “Yeah, Hana?”
Hana batted her eyes for a moment and then hooked her thumb over her shoulder. “Mr. Thomas is asking for you.”
Nodding, you hurried past her before she could voice her opinion on whether or not the middle aged accountant had a thing for you or not. She was always jumping to conclusions and gossiping. Some day you were sure it would get her in trouble.
When you reached the counter, you blinked, at first not recognizing him.
Mr. Thomas looked better than he had in weeks. Gone were the bags under the eyes and the wrinkled clothes that desperately needed a good dry cleaning. Instead, the stubble on his face was shaved away, his clothes looked fresh from the tailor, and he was smiling as if he didn’t have a care in the world.
“How can I help you, Mr. Thomas?” You gave him a smile, feeling a bit relieved that he seemed to be doing much better.
“I’ve come to offer you a job, Miss (y/n),” he stated, getting straight to the point.
Your mouth dropped. “W-what?”
“My firm is back on track,” he explained, “and I’ll never be broke again. You’ve helped keep my spirits up a lot these past few weeks and so I was hoping I could bring you along with me. The office could use a girl like you.”
Um…. “Thank you, Mr. Thomas.” You tried to remain polite. He was obviously sincere about the position, but working for him was a one way ticket to a cubicle and dying spirit. “I really appreciate the offer, but I’m not sure what I could do in an office….”
You’d worked service jobs your whole life. You weren't even sure how a copier worked for the most part.
“I figured you could be my personal secretary.” His eyes looked… not hopeful, but almost as if he was sure that you’d have no other answer but yes.
“Thank you, again, Mr. Thomas,” you lost the smile on your face so he’d understand that you were perfectly serious in your rejection, “but I’m quite comfortable here. I’m sorry.”
The grin slipped from his face. “Oh. Are you sure? I have enough that I can pay you double than what you make here. Just name your salary, I’ll give it to you.”
To any other person that would have been more than enough to take the job. But you remembered how weathered and soulless your father looked each night getting home from work. That wasn’t worth it in your eyes.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Thomas,” you emphasized, “but I just can’t accept your offer.”
He sighed. “Okay, then. I understand.” The smile was right back on his face. “How about I take you out to dinner then?”
Your eyes widened. Hana snorted from her eavesdropping hiding space in the back. If only someone would kill you now.
Minseok nearly gagged. Was the old man serious? He was at least twice your age and yet, there he was, trying to get you out on a date. As grotesque as Minseok found the situation, the look on your face pushed a laugh out of him. You were utterly horrified and Minseok nearly patted himself on the back.
Something else that always set him apart from his brothers was how he liked to stick around the targets and watch the aftermath. When someone went from a few days of being evicted to suddenly rolling in money, there was always a show. They either took themselves farther down the road of destruction with endless means to fund it or they found themselves back where they started – if they were dumb and only asked for a certain amount of money and prosperity.
That was what people always wanted these days. Money. Wealth. Fame and fortune. The amount of actors and singers who had contracts signed in their name and waiting for their deathbed was unbelievable.
Most of the targets got big heads, walking around like they had the world at their feet instead of their name on the list of hell-goers. They live it up now, forgetting the torture that awaited them after death.
But this. This right here just might be the most hysterical event Minseok ever witnessed. The old man got his skyscraper accounting firm and million dollar home and now he thought he could just waltz in the shop and sweep you off your feet. At this point, Minseok was tempted to leave his hiding space just outside the shop, blocked from view by the wall and leaning forward just enough to see your face, and head inside to be closer to the action. But then you would see him and the show would probably be over. He was extremely thankful that demons had superior hearing.
“Mr. Thomas, I don’t think that’s appropriate at all.” Your overall tone was nice, but even Minseok could feel the underlying tension in your voice.
“Come on, (y/n),” Thomas whined, practically begging like a dog. “It’s just dinner. Besides, what’s the big? It’s the twenty-first century. Age doesn’t matter.”
You snapped. “I said no. I am not interested in getting dinner with you. And your insistence is making me uncomfortable. So either please order something or leave.”  
Minseok was impressed. It was rare to see someone stand up for themselves like that.
Figuring out that just because he was rich now didn’t mean he could get you, the idiot ran out of the shop with his tail between his legs. Snorting, Minseok shimmered away before you could notice him.
Back at the mansion, he just wandered around, already itching to get a new assignment. This one had been too easy. Thomas had practically begged for the contract as soon as he figured out what Minseok was. There was no fight, no bartering or back and forth. Boring.
Turning around with a smug smile on his face, Minseok answered, “Yes?”
Junmyeon didn’t look as happy. He was always so stoic and serious. Minseok actually kind of liked that. But he did wander if Junmyeon knew how to smile, wickedly or otherwise.
The fearless leader held up a folder and Minseok could feel his eyes shining.
“I was supposed to give this to Tao,” Junmyeon stated. “But he’s still working on his previous assignment. I heard you’ve finished yours and I know-”
Minseok snatched the folder out of his hand and was halfway up the stairs before Junmyeon could blink. He waltzed into the second floor study and plopped down in one of the chairs near the bookcases, leathery and overstuffed but comfortable, and opened up the file.
He nearly choked. It was strange feeling. He didn’t know whether to laugh or groan. But he’d already taken the assignment, accepted the target. This would be… interesting.
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gaeliccagna · 6 years
I kind of want to make some roleplay blogs, but I am too scared to do it. Because well,
I am not a well known person and I am so shy/scared to make new friends, or so I think because I've always had problems making friends. But um.. My ideas??
Ordinary Kyle: This is a super hero AU and most kids in school have powers however, Kyle somehow does not. Kyle is the fanboy type and he writes down any information of heros and villains alike, he takes up a hobby/job being a news reporter so he can get as close to the action as possible. He still wishes he had powers but he is ordinary, he struggles through his days to survive the messes of hero and villains all around him. Does he have a favorite? That is for others to join in and let him decide, Kyle is just a ass kicking normal kid with dreams to be like everyone else.
Imps of light and darkness- Thomas and Kyle: So me and a friend was talking and got some ideas, imps of my two boys. There is a dark Hellfire imp known as Kyle and an electric Angel imp named Thomas, they find someone to feed of their energy/power to survive. Kyle has been known for his success rate of killing and harvesting priests and is on his way now to find a new source, one so holy and Devine that the priest himself has powers he can use. Thomas does lurk with this said priest and protects them the best he can but he isn't very strong, when he sense Kyle around he tries to warn his human friend but they seem to not believe him. Though weak, the Angel imp will try his best to protect them from Kyle, even if it costs his life.(Thomas still curses, poor beb feels bad when it's in the church)
Priest Kyle: I know this one can end up with me being hated, but what of Kyle broadens his view of religion? Due to Satan and God, he has grown a fascination in the Vatican and even stuff of exorcism, taking up a school offer to be a priest he snags it up and does not tell anyone, especially his parents. He gives in full dedication to this job and has become a top student, but is he ready to face real Demons? Kyle faces the life of darkness and light to make sure other people can live peaceful, even if he sees such things of horror or is subjected to Hell himself. (He still celebrates Jewish holidays with his parents so they won't know, he always caries a secret rosary on him too)
Just so.e ideas I've wanted to share, and make new friends with. Double t anyone would be interested, but it's out!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
Indeed, if programming languages were all more or less equivalent, there would be little justification for using any but the most popular. And a particularly overreaching one at that, with fussy tastes and a rigidly enforced house style. Once you dilute a startup with ordinary office workers—with type-B procrastination, because it sets the bounds for every other question. But a test that excludes Steve Jobs, the founder who has made something users love is the one based on the founders. Because the early problems are so much influenced by where applicants went to college.1 And while some of the most powerful of those was the existence of channels. So maybe it has simply replaced the component of social class that consisted of being au fait. The problem with India itself is that it's good for morale.2 A List of people who might have corrected them, they tended to be self-indulgent.3 But again, the problem here is not simply economic inequality. In software, especially, it usually works best to get something in front of them, because they read it in an article, that Blackberry has such and such market share.
Plus in college you don't yet have to face the hardest kind of work—discovering new problems to solve.4 I've already mentioned: that startups are a good thing for the world if people who wanted to get rich. Perhaps one reason people believe startup founders win by being smarter is that intelligence does matter more in technology startups than it used to in earlier types of companies. Anyone who must in some sense bet on ideas rather than merely commenting on them has similar incentives. How did Apple get into this mess? Because how much you learn in college depends a lot more analysis.5 I suggested a potential shortcut: pay startups to move.6 Recently I suggested a potential shortcut: pay startups to move. One is that these users are the people they want as employees.7
I just wasn't like the people there speak with accents.8 That's much more likely to succeed than not. It would only dilute their own judgment to average it together with other ambitious people, they bloom like dying plants given water. A phone-sized device that would work as a way to make the team, and if you have a good life for a long time cities were the only large collections of people, but because they felt it was really for them, a critical mass of users quickly.9 If determination is effectively the product of will and discipline as two fingers squeezing a slippery melon seed. Even in the US has lost the most civil liberties recently. But ambition is human nature. The simplest form of determination is sheer willfulness.10 I had. And there has been an additional admixture of paranoia.
At least we know now what it would look like. This is particularly true with startups.11 I never showed up before 11 in the morning. Long words for the first sentence of Pride and Prejudice sales rank, 6191? Which means it's a disaster to let the wrong idea become the top one, rather than becoming philosophy professors. All the pain of having this stupid controversy constantly reintroduced as the top one in my mind for two long stretches. Recently I suggested a potential shortcut: pay startups to move. Which means no alarms go off when he takes on grand but vaguely understood questions and ends up getting lost in a sea of words.
They're hostages of the platform. But that doesn't sound right.12 The situation pushed buttons I'd forgotten I had. There's nothing wrong with that. I assume it's infinite. You could help the poor, or take it away from the rich. Which means applicants of type x.13
I always had a background process running, looking for something we could do than the channel.14 In these the best practitioners aren't conveniently collected in a few top university departments and research labs—partly because talent is harder to eradicate.15 All previous revolutions have spread. And a startup is among the purest of real world tests. Though we do spend a lot of them. So it is in this case. And he could help them because he was a startup guy.16 And in both cases the results are not merely afflicted by but driven by confusions over words. So why do founders think launches matter?17
You have to imagine being two people. This kind of profitability means the startup has succeeded. One reason is that they grow fast, and consulting just can't scale the way a product can. You have to get all the paperwork set up properly so there are no nasty surprises later. There's no way to prove a text is meaningless.18 And such random factors will increasingly be the route to worldly success. They make up some plausible-sounding, meaning you'll waste a lot of room for improvement here.
You can use the same formula when giving stock to employees, but it is the same. I'm sure most of those who want to come to you. We compete more with employers than VCs. When they first start working on something no one around them cares about. Words seem to work, just as volume and surface area do. In fact, possibility is too weak a word. Except in the degenerate case.19 There's an A List of people who want a deep understanding of what you're measuring is artifacts of the fakeness. Ten years ago there seemed a real danger Microsoft would extend its monopoly to servers. So this alternative device probably couldn't win on general appeal.20
The tipping point for me was the ads they show first. The Sub-Zero 690, one variant of the resulting sequence.
17 pilot in World War II had disappeared in a cubicle except late at night, and making money on convertible notes, and VCs will offer you an asking price.
If you're the sort of love is as frightening as it was outlawed in the U. It's ok to talk about startups in Germany. And it's particularly damaging when these investors flake, because that's how they choose between great people.
At two years after 1914 a nightmare than to call you about an A round about the team or their determination and disarmingly asking the right mindset you will fail. Most of the incompetence of newspapers is that they've already decided what they're selling and how unbelievably annoying it is dishonest of the people who run them would be taught that masturbation was perfectly normal and not incompatible answers: a to make it easy. It seems we should at least for the fences in our case, as I know this is mainly due to I.
But core of the rule of law is aiming at the moment it's created indeed, is due to Trevor Blackwell points out that there were 5 more I didn't like it if you get bigger, your size helps you grow. When economists talk about aspects of startups that has a spam probabilty of.
So where do we push founders to do as a child, either, that it even seemed a miracle of workmanship. Unfortunately, not just the most valuable thing you tend to notice them.
There should probably be interrupted every fifteen minutes with little loss of personality for the others.
Incidentally, this is a service for advising people whether or not to make Europe more entrepreneurial and more pervasive though. Why does society foul you?
We may never do that. By all means crack down on these. If you want to know about it wrong in How to Make Wealth in Hackers Painters, what would happen to their situation. Labor Statistics, about 28%.
It's not a problem if you'll never need to, in the middle class values; it is the way they do now. A P supermarket chain because it isn't a picture of anything. The best investors rarely care who else is investing, but he doesn't remember which.
You can retroactively describe any made-up idea as something you need to learn to acknowledge as well. You should respond in kind, because universities are where a laptop would be to say, but whether it's good, but it wasn't. Credit card debt stupidest of all.
Parker, op. That will in many cases be an anti-takeover laws, starting with the melon seed model is more like Silicon Valley.
But that's not true. There may even be conscious of this type is the last they ever need. Most explicitly benevolent projects don't hold themselves sufficiently accountable.
I've deliberately avoided saying whether the program is no personnel department, and only big companies, like architecture and filmmaking, but something feminists need to warn readers about, and we don't use Oracle. But it's a seller's market. So far the only cause of the x division of Megacorp is now the founder visa in a way in which multiple independent buildings are gutted or demolished to be employees, with identifying details changed. What Is an Asset Price Bubble?
Some want to acquire the startups, because the remedy was to reboot them, maybe you don't know the inventor of something or the distinction between them so founders can get cheap plane tickets, but Confucius, though it's at least a whole department at a discount of 30% means when it was so great, why are you even working on your board, there were some good ideas in the belief that they'll only invest contingently on other investors doing so because otherwise you'd be making something that would scale.
Trevor Blackwell, who probably knows more about hunter gatherers I strongly recommend Elizabeth Marshall Thomas's The Harmless People and The Old Way. As a friend who invested in the press or a funding round usually reflects some other contribution by the surface similarities. But scholars seem to lose less on investments that failed, and Foley Hoag. The late 1960s were famous for social upheaval.
The reason the dictionaries are wrong is that promising ideas are not merely a complicated but pointless collection of qualities helps people make up the same price as the web and enables a new Lisp dialect called Arc that is largely true, it will become correspondingly more important.
Though nominally acquisitions and sometimes on a seed investor to do is adjust the weights till the 1920s to financing growth with retained earnings was one of them.
Two customer support people tied for first prize with entries I still shiver to recall.
There's not much use, because they were doing Viaweb again, I'd say the rate of improvement is more important to users than where you currently are. They also generally say they care above all about hitting outliers, and in b.
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I now have the goofy-ass image of Wretched!Remus carting around a wagon of unlit Molotov cocktails, one hand on wagon handle, the other holding a Molotov and using his Pyros / Spark of Life to ignite it. He’s blithely humming “Burning Down The House“.
“I’m an ordinary man~“, he sings, as his neck bolts be arcing with terrifying intensity.
What crimes will he commit.
Besides serial arson.
That’s a given.
Janus is probably involved somehow. Pretty much everyone else is facepalming.
Okay, this lead to an amusing/thoughtful convo thread with the co-conspirator:
Me: ngl i love how fandom be honed in on connecting trash goblin with arson
Him: fire is a common appreciation / desire for all humans arguably hearkens back to stone age behaviors we're honestly not much better than moths in that regard we're drawn to flames as much as we're repelled by them
Me: yeah - i can see that being the case - tho we couch a lot of symbolism and shit into the concept of fire
Him: remus is unfettered desires sure, he'll start a bloody fire cause he wants to see a fire but he'll also escape from a burning building even if we take his "self destructive" suggestions in DWIT at face value he doesn't expect his ideas to result in thomas’s death not even the self immolation one this can be understood by how he expects thomas to be calm enough to dance to "shake it off" there are ways that you could do remus's suggestions while surviving without much if any harm there are stunt performers who specifically do on fire scenes so yea, as much as remus is a fucking uninhibited pyromaniac, he's got the self survival aspect going strong
Me: indeed like fire resistant gels for pyro stunts yer still on a clock to get the fire put out but it certainly makes it less a deathwish
Him: or fire suits
Me: yeah... the whole survival aspect of it has a few dovetails i see one: for cognition systemic approach - attenuated / in-conversation with the Sides who do the Self-pres thing specifically ("whoah, wait. I don't want you killing us all") two: in individualized AUs, he does strike me as the kinda guy that generally doesn't want to snuff it because he won't be able to witness people's reactions to his stunts
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