#female logan sanders
audioaujom · 3 months
4: A Hanover Welcome
MITT Hub, <prev, next >
Hey everyone! I’m lucky to squeeze this update out because it’s been mostly pre-written for a long time, since I’m stuck hardcore on a bunch of my favorite old DisneyXD shows right now and can’t seem to work on anything else. But I’m making it work! Kinda…
Word Count: 2250
Chapter TWs: Blood and Violence, Torture
Logan’s back thudding into a wall brought him out of the strange, unfocused daze he had been in since arriving at the Hanover mansion. The place was a maze, and he got bored of watching the same white pillars passing him and the gaudy portraits hung on every available surface. Instead he was now met with dark stone and a tall set of slightly rusted iron bars in front of him.
He blinked, shifting his gaze up to the blank face of Maxwell, who wasn’t meeting his eyes.
“Why are you acting squeamish now?” Logan asked humorlessly, sliding down the wall to the floor. “You are the reason I’m here.”
Maxwell didn't answer him, instead grabbing a heavy pair of shackles from a nearby bench. 
Logan scoffed, but didn’t fight him as they locked into place around both of his wrists in front of him. 
“It’ll be easier for all of us if you just cooperate.” Maxwell suddenly mumbled, earning a dry chuckle.
“While that may be so, I don’t feel inclined to do so.”
Maxwell then turned and vanished up the stairs, his steps and the closing of the door echoing in the dim basement. Logan glanced around from where he was sitting, looking for anything that might be useful.
The place was truly barren, even when he stood and approached the bars to see further into the larger room around him. Faint torch light flickered on the bare dark walls that led into more similar-looking dungeon, Logan deciding to just take a seat back on the floor to wait for whatever was to come next.
At least they are not going to kill me right away. I suppose they must want to know how much I know about their ceremony, and how I found out. Not to mention if I’ve told anyone.
He frowned. He hadn’t at any point from when he first picked a fight with the twins to now been unaware of the situation—it would be hard to misjudge, after all—but the realization of an impending interrogation left a bad taste in his mouth.
A real shame. I quite like this shirt.
Logan’s train of thought was broken by the thudding of footsteps from further up the staircase, him glancing up as the towering frame of Genevieve Hanover slowly came into the light. He watched as she sauntered forward, her dark hair hanging around her shoulders as she unlocked and threw the cell door open to approach him.
She was incredibly tall, the added heels under the hem of her low hanging skirt giving her more than a few inches on Logan if he was standing. Piercing, clouded blue eyes that stuck out from her pale features stared down at him, a perfectly manicured hand resting on her hip. “I’ve got a couple questions for you, and I’d like it if you answer me quickly and honestly.”
“And I would very much like to be enjoying a hot cup of coffee right now, but we are not always given what we want.” Logan retorted, earning a quiet laugh from the elegant looking woman. 
“Can I at least have the pleasure of knowing your name?” She asked, staring at him unblinkingly.
Logan swallowed, glancing back up to meet her gaze with a surprising air of confidence. “Answering even the simplest of questions would set a bad precedent, would it not?”
“I suppose that’s true.” She shrugged easily, flashing him an empty smile as she tied her hair back. “But that will only make this worse for you.”
“I implore you to do your worst, then.”
She seemed to take this as an invitation, gripping his throat tightly in one hand and pulling him up to his feet. He let out a quiet, surprised gasp as he grabbed her arm for support, the tips of his feet barely scraping against the floor.
“Just remember that I gave you a chance to answer me.”
“Duly noted.” Logan managed in between gasps, her grip gradually starting to crush his throat. The passive look on his face seemed to anger her, and he worked to maintain it even as black spots began swirling in his vision in front of her face. Burning fire coursed through his lungs as she threw him back down to the floor, the momentary reprieve as she let go disappearing as he hit the floor hard enough to wind him of the small amount of air he had managed to gasp in. His head spun as he tried to blink the spots away, the air cold and damp as it scorched down his throat.
“You have quite the grip, Mrs. Hanover.” He wheezed out, her clicking her tongue at his remark and moving to tower over him.
“The only thing you should be telling me is your name and how you found out about our ceremony.”
“I’m afraid the lack of oxygen to my brain has caused me to develop sudden onset retrograde amnesia.” Logan snarked, propping himself up onto his elbow on one side as he caught his breath. Normally, his critical thinking skills would prevent him from mouthing off, especially given the circumstances, but he just couldn’t seem to keep himself quiet.
Oh well. They’ll just be killing me either way, right?
Genevieve sighed, shaking her head before kicking him hard on the underside of his jaw, sending him crashing back to the floor. He suppressed a wince, blood sloshing into the roof of his mouth as he collided with the floor again, deciding that trying to get back up only gave her a wider array of options. She smirked down at him, winding up to send her next strong kick to his stomach. He noticed and in the split second he had before her leg reached him, braced himself as best he could and managed to grab onto her leg when she kicked at him, stopping the blow a hair in front of his stomach. The moment of surprise was all he needed, twisting her leg as best he could and sending her crashing face first into the bars of the cell. She grabbed onto two bars as she fell, catching herself but not well enough that where her shoulders hit the metal wouldn’t bruise later. 
Her casual demeanor was gone when she turned back around to face him, anger blazing behind the blue of her eyes as she stalked back over to him. His calm facade cracked a little as he smirked back at her, this only seeming to enrage her further as she hauled him back up to his feet by a bruising grip on his forearms. He watched with an empty expression as she eyed a spot on the ceiling above them. She paused for a moment, clearly calculating something, before wrenching his arms above his head so that way the chain connecting his hands would catch on a lowered hook Logan hadn’t noticed while examining his surroundings. He barely contained a grimace at the abrupt change in position.
Well, this is sure to be unpleasant.
She was no longer smiling, hiking up the side of her skirt to produce a blade hidden in a holster on her leg, the shined metal glinting a bit in the light as she pointed it at him.
He only raised an eyebrow, as if daring her to continue.
“You’re going to wish I had just killed you.” She said lowly, cutting up through the buttons on his shirt after forcefully untucking it to let it hang off his shoulders. The movements with her blade were slow and calculated, catching the folded fabric of his tie and easily slicing it away as well.
“Death would be a superior alternative to this view.” Logan commented easily, earning a hitched breath as the point of the blade came to rest against his neck.
“That’s a sharp tongue you have. If I didn’t need answers from you, I’d cut it off.”
Logan eyed the edge of the blade as she flipped it to gently run the sharp edge down the center of his chest, not drawing any blood but leaving an uncomfortable tingling in its wake. He managed to prepare himself just in time for her to press the blade hard against his ribs on the right side, an inaudible hiss escaping through his teeth as blood started to bead and then run down his exposed side. Without removing her pressure she began to run bloody lines up and down his chest, a criss-cross of oozing crimson decorating the front of his chest all the way up to his shoulders before she stopped and hummed in satisfaction as the first wince broke through his facade.
“You can tell me to stop at any time, you know.”
“I happen to find the abstract nature of your cutting patterns of particular interest.” He said levelly, regaining the composure he lost.
Her face went blank, taking a few deep breaths before taking several steps back. Her expression was one of concentration as she held the knife by the bloody tip, raising it to her shoulder and aiming with one eye shut before she threw it at him.
His eyes widened as it flew spiraling through the air, before the blunt end thudded off of his collarbone. He swore in surprise, glaring at her. “Despite everything else you seem to be good at, your aim needs work.”
“...yeah, not a very good throw.” She admitted, walking over and picking the blade up. “Want me to try again?”
“I can’t say that would be preferable, but you improving your aim could be seen as a worthwhile way to spend your time.”
She sighed loudly, spinning the blade in her hand a few times before looking him up and down in thought. She abruptly stopped, closing the small gap between them and forcing the blade all the way up to the hilt into the flesh of his upper thigh.
This time he couldn’t stop the gasp that bubbled out of his throat, the hot pain that blossomed out from the wound igniting the small cuts and bruises up the rest of his body he had managed to ignore. His stomach dropped at the wicked smile that crossed her face, the smallest flick of her wrist rotating the blade and starting to tear a sickening hole into his leg. He ground his teeth together as his facade cracked further and a grimace overtook his features.
“Maybe I’ve finally found a way to get through to you.”
Logan didn’t respond this time, too busy fighting down the scream of agony in his chest as she twisted the blade further. He couldn’t keep the pain off his face, however, much to Genevieve’s delight. She then suddenly let go, leaving the knife in his leg as she walked around behind him.
His stomach twisted, the first real seeds of fear fighting their way to the surface as he could no longer see where she was. She threaded a hand up through the back of his hair, getting a firm hold and yanking his head back far enough he could look up into her glinting eyes. She smirked as he tried to blankly look back at her, any last amount of his composure falling as she threw his head forward and let go. His hair fanned forward and into his eyes, some sweat sticking strands of it to his forehead as he waited for her to make her next move.
He jumped a little as he felt her hands on one of his shoulders, for once unsure of what to brace himself for. He felt her press painfully hard on his shoulder before a brief moment of nothing, hearing a quiet pop as he was certain the joint was pushed out of place. As soon as she let go of him an intense electric wave of pain jolted out from his shoulder, his head dropping forward with a shout as his position left a constant pressure on the excruciating ache that was his dislocated shoulder. 
“Shit.” He grunted, his breathing coming in more ragged gasps as she came back around to grab onto the handle of the blade again.
“Now… Anything you’d like to tell me?”
“Yes, a question.” He struggled to get a grip on his breathing again, her raising her eyebrows in mild surprise.
“Go ahead.”
“While I feel like this may be crossing a boundary, I couldn't help but notice that look in your eyes. So I have to ask: Have you practiced this on your husband in the bedroom?”
Genevieve didn’t answer, instead wrenching the blade around in almost a full circle before yanking it out, an arc of blood spraying out that she easily side stepped.
This time, Logan screamed.
He panted hard for air as blood soaked down through his pants and dripped onto the floor. He didn’t bother holding himself together, unable to suppress the agony as she lifted his head with two fingers under his chin to make him look back at her.
“I guess all I can do now is let you sit here and think about it. If you haven’t bled out by the time I think to come back down, maybe you’ll feel more inclined to tell me what I want to know.”
He watched as she turned and stormed out, her slamming the door behind her hard enough it bounced back open, leaving the knife on the floor as she disappeared back up the stairs.
Ah, fuck.
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meadowofbluebells · 5 months
The Final Contract - Ch. 1
Summary: Janus and Logan Eleazar had no desire to be tutors. Between Janus' magic and Logan's skill with potions, they were hitmen at the top of their game. Even still, in order to kill Lord Edgar Leander, they needed to infiltrate the manor the nobleman lived in. Being tutors was an easy in and should have mattered very little to their over-arching plan. However, their young pupil, Roman Leander, had discovered a secret Janus was keeping from Logan. As a result, Janus found himself focusing more than he should on the boy and the life he led. He couldn't help but think that despite the lavish world Roman lived in, he was one of the most unhappy children he had ever seen.
Notes: This short story is also posted on AO3 under the same username. It was written for the 2023 Sanders Sides Big Bang.
A man had started following Janus around twenty minutes ago. He’d been returning home from getting dinner when he had first noticed the man tailing him. Up until that point, it had been a fairly typical day. Janus had spent most of his afternoon reading, while Logan poured over his notes at the desk by their bed. As was usual, they had spent hours enjoying each other’s silent company. The only sound in their brick townhouse was the sound of flipping pages and scratching pencils. 
However, after Logan had tugged on his hair for the fifth time, surrounded by wads of paper, Janus had finally declared that it was time to eat. He put the book he was reading on the ethics of magic onto his nightstand and went to stand by his husband’s side. Logan had groaned, barely looking up, as Janus proceeded to list off some possible meals. Logan had hummed and hawed over the options presented, eyes scurrying across the page, until Janus rolled his eyes and suggested he go to the store and get cookies. He smirked as Logan perked up at the idea, kissed his husband on the cheek, and slipped from the house. Hopefully, he would get back before Logan had given himself a bald spot. 
That had been nearly an hour ago. Janus had noticed the man following him about a block away from the market. He couldn’t get much information from the cursory glances he could manage without alerting the man to the fact that he had been spotted. Still, as Janus weaved his way through the busy city streets, he was able to put a few things together. The man kept tensing his hands. He was nervous, unpractised. None of Janus’ enemies would be senseless enough to send such an unskilled underling to kill him. He adjusted the bags in his arms as they slipped into one of the scarcely populated side streets. Something else had to have made Janus a target. He figured he had a pretty good idea what that was based on the way that the man kept not-so-subtly glaring at the engraved pocket watch that swung at his side. 
Janus sighed begrudgingly as he slipped into the shadows of a dark alley and quickly deposited his bags on the ground. Then, with a flair of magic, he ensured that any untrained eye would bounce right off him. There was a tickle in the back of his throat that he studiously ignored with a deep breath of musty air. With that accomplished, he leaned against the dirty wall and waited for his prey to round the corner. The man would only be a few seconds behind him. The fact that he had followed Janus this far from a populated area spoke of his less-than-impressive intelligence. A smart thief would be able to notice the obvious trap they were walking into. Oh well, at the very least, the little stray could provide a bit of entertainment. It had been a few months since he’d had a chance to stretch his claws.
Sure enough, the man appeared within a minute, brandishing a knife that must have been hidden on his person. He was all puffed up, grinding his teeth as he tried to determine which of the shadowy crevices Janus had hidden in. 
Janus could only smirk as he watched him pass right by him. There was a fine shiver to the man’s movements that made him look more like a kitten than anything else. Janus would have even laughed if he wasn’t so annoyed at the imbecile disturbing his evening. 
Thus, with a sigh, he allowed his glamour to drop and called out in a detached drawl, “Are you, by chance, looking for me?” He lazily flicked some dust off of his black overcoat before crossing his arms and turning an unimpressed expression on the clawless attacker. 
The man swung around, eyes dilated in shock as he set his sights on Janus. However, Janus would have to give him credit, he did recover faster than most. Maybe this small obstacle in his day wouldn’t be so boring after all. 
“Give me your money, and you won’t get hurt.” Spit flung from the man’s mouth as he spoke, and he tried to puff up even further. His grey cloak floated around his form as he took a menacing step forward. The knife in his hand seemed to shine in the low light of the alley. 
Janus sighed at the unoriginal line. Boring it is then. He leaned his weight further to one side, absently analyzing his gloved fingers.  “My money? To you?” Janus rolled his eyes. “I think not.” 
“I’m not afraid to use this,” The mugger said as he brandished the dagger. He pointed the sharp edge toward Janus. 
He watched as the mugger swung the sharp weapon in a slashing motion. “Yes, I am sure you would,” Janus said as he started walking forwards. “However, the way you are gripping it is too high up on the hilt. If you really want to cut a person in a wide arc, you should hold your implement lower down. The way you’re gripping it is more in line with a caveman first learning to hunt.” The attacker took a step back at the predatory look that had entered Janus’ eye. His smirk grew, and his skin buzzed with energy as a hint of panic entered the man’s brown eyes. 
“S-shut up!”
“Oh, have I frightened you?” Janus tilted his head innocently as he drew closer. “I guess your incompetence is rather frightening.” The attacker looked side to side, searching for an out. At this, Janus bolted forward, hooked his foot around the man’s ankle, and used the moment of imbalance that followed to slam the man into the brick wall at their side. With the flick of his wrist, he had the sharp edge of a dagger at the man’s neck. He leaned in close, humming in amusement as the man’s breath hitched in fear. “Just a tip, always keep your eyes on your target.” He pressed the knife further into the man’s neck. Warm blood trickled over the edge and slid down Janus’ gloves. He slammed the man’s head against the concrete. “Ah, I don’t know why I offered you that advice, stupid people like you never learn.” He sighed in annoyance and slammed the thief’s head a second time for good measure. The man cried out and slumped forward, breathing but unconscious. His long brown locks were coated with crimson red. 
Janus lowered his knife and stepped back, watching disdainfully as the man dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. A puff of dust floated up from the ground. With a grumble, he slipped the dagger back into the hidden compartment in his coat sleeve and looked down at his blood-spattered gloves. “Oh, look what you made me do.” His brows furrowed as he turned to grab his groceries. “If the cookies I bought for Logan are ruined, I’m coming back to finish the job,” he called over his shoulder as he rifled through the bags. 
However, as he was digging around, a tremor started up in his hands. He tensed, his eyes widening, as he clutched the wall. “Come on, not now.” His body, however, cared little for his wishes. He hissed in pain as a coughing fit overtook him. He quickly stuffed his face in his elbow as the coughing shook his body. For a minute, it felt like his lungs were rattling loose from their confines.
Once the coughing fit had subsided, he lifted his face to see blood coating his jacket and the taste of iron on his tongue. In a routine manner, he turned further from the food and spat the remaining blood on the ground. The little speckles of red quickly dried in the evening sun. He took a large gulp of air, his shoulders slumping in relief as his beating heart started to fade into its regular rhythm. 
With a sigh, Janus turned back to his bags and hefted them into his arms. His body, weakened by the fit, protested the movement. However, Janus, being used to moving through pain, simply gritted his teeth and kept walking. One step in front of the other, that’s all that mattered. As he reached the mouth of the alley, he cloaked himself in a glamor and turned back to look at the prone form wrapped in shadows. With a roll of his eyes, he muttered “Good riddance,” and stepped out into the street. After all, he had a famished husband to feed and a hungry Logan was good for no one, especially when he was caught up in his work. Besides, Janus reasoned, the man would wake up of his own accord eventually. Hopefully, anyhow. 
Janus slammed the door as he entered the two-story house he shared with his husband. He smiled as he was wrapped in the familiar scent of herbs and wood. His shoes scraped against the wooden floor as he shuffled them off and placed them neatly in their regular spot. 
“Hey! Don’t slam the door! I just fixed that!” Logan’s voice trailed out from their room.
“That was two months ago now,” Janus called back as he listened to Logan’s chair skid across the ground as he stood up. He put the groceries on a side table and started rifling around for the cookies.
“Just because it was a while ago doesn’t mean we should destroy our own home.” Janus smiled at the familiar response. “Now,” Logan continued as he rounded the corner, “did you get the coo- What happened?” 
Janus turned to look at his husband, noting the shocked tone and startled stance. “Nothing much, just a mugger who mistakenly thought I would be easy prey.” He smiled as he stretched his arms out in front of him like a cat stretching after a successful hunt.
Logan quickly stepped forward and grasped Janus’ arms. “Are you alright?” His fingers tightened around the bloody gloves.  
Janus smirked. “I am here, aren’t I?” 
Logan gave him an unimpressed look as he turned the slightly shorter man back and forth in search of hidden wounds. “Are you sure it wasn’t anyone we know?” His furrowed brow spoke of the way his mind was already compiling lists of possible adversaries. 
“He was much too unprepared to be sent by any of our enemies. Unless they sent him specifically for us to dispose of.” 
“Is he dead?” His fingers brushed against the mostly dried blood at Janus’ elbow. 
Janus froze for just a second before smoothly grasping his husband’s hands with his own. He pulled them up towards the space between their chests, rubbing circles along the knuckles. “He wasn’t worth the effort.” 
Logan’s tense form relaxed slightly at the words, before he frowned at Janus’ hands. “He ruined your good gloves.” 
Janus looked at the marred yellow fabric covering his hands and shrugged. “You know I always keep a spare.” He leaned up and kissed Logan’s cheek. “Now can we please sit down and eat the cookies I oh-so-valiantly protected from harm?” He sighed humorously as a sparkle entered Logan’s eye. In quick succession, Logan grasped the grocery bags and tugged the shorter man out of the entryway. Janus shook his head and smiled at his husband’s antics, allowing himself to be tugged along. 
Soon, they were tucked into the corner of their kitchen, eating a plate full of cookies. The sound of crumbs falling to their plates was broken up by the intermittent sound of children calling out to each other on the street and horses galloping by. It ought to have been peaceful, watching Logan being so caught up in his dessert that he hardly noticed the crumbs falling on his blue coat. 
To Janus, however, the cookies tasted more like iron than anything else - a phantom bitter taste that slowly sucked away the sweet flavor. The taste was getting more prominent day by day. It was like an ever-ringing alarm bell, growing louder with each fit - a constant reminder that there would be another attack soon enough. It was getting worse, he knew it was, and it was getting harder and harder to deny. If that fit had occurred even a few minutes earlier, that mugger could have taken him down. His heart raced as he imagined the feeling of the man’s knife lodged between his ribs. 
“While you were out, I got word of a new contract.”
Janus blinked. “Huh?” “We got a new job offer.”
A job. Oh, how desperately he wanted to go. He wanted all of it. Adrenaline racing through his body. The feel of a knife in his hand. The satisfaction of a job well done as he and Logan watched the final moments of a person’s life. Yet, another part of him, the part that tasted blood and was dripping with grief, knew it wasn’t a good idea. He wasn’t strong enough, he could already feel a constant ache in his bones. He didn’t want to put Logan in danger. What would happen if he had another fit at an inopportune moment? Most of all, though, there simply wasn’t enough time. Deep down, he knew that, even if the understanding hurt more than any fit. 
Logan raised his eyebrow as he set his glass down. Steam twirled around the top. The scent of mint curled through the air. “I think it would be beneficial for us to take it. The victim is looking for tutors for his son, so we have an easy in.” 
“We just finished a contract a couple of months ago.”
“Yes, but we have taken jobs much closer together in the past. There is a multitude of benefits. It involves breaking a rather strong protection spell. A corrupt nobleman i-” “We were starving back then, Logan.” The words were louder than he intended them to be. The two men stared at each other. 
There was a momentary lull in the conversation. The clock in the background ticked on, making the seconds that passed seem all the longer. Then, Logan pushed back his chair and stood up. The sound of wood scraping together made Janus wince. “I think your encounter today affected you more than you are willing to admit. If you really don’t want to take the job, we won’t, but I think we should wait until tomorrow to discuss it.” With that, he left the room, leaving Janus with a mind buzzing with thoughts. He clutched his warm glass between his hands, hoping desperately that the tea would wash away the iron. 
Eventually, he got himself under control enough to follow his husband to bed. He had expected a cold shoulder, but Logan welcomed him with open arms. Soon, they were wrapped around each other and Logan was fast asleep. Janus, however, was not so lucky. He lay in the dark, begging his body to slip into sleep. 
He had tossed and turned for hours before giving up and sneaking out of their bedroom by the dim light of a candle. Quietly, he made his way to the living room. The light bounced off the walls as he moved, catching on the blue fabric of their curtains and the yellow blanket that sat rumpled on the couch. In the nearest corner of the room sat a bookshelf overflowing with books on every topic known to man. Janus moved a number of piles away from where they were haphazardly stacked in front of the shelving unit before dropping to his knees. He took a deep breath before reaching under the bookshelf, pawing away at the dusty ground before his fingers grasped the edge of a cardboard box. He pulled it out and took off the lid. A small puff of dust fell to the ground, the little specks glowing like embers in the candlelight. 
Inside the box was a treasure trove of memories. A few of Logan’s notebooks, filled to the brim with scribbled ideas. A photo they took on their wedding day, both of them smiling broadly in their matching suits. The first pair of gloves Logan had gotten him. It was all there, placed with care in the little shoebox - evidence of a life well-lived.
He pulled each item out one by one, giving each the reverence they deserved. They calmed his racing heart, filling him with warmth. It was odd to think of how long it had been since these items were acquired. With them all laid out before him, it felt simultaneously like it was yesterday and eons ago. He could remember huddling together for warmth when they were in their youth - watching their breath freeze in the air to distract themselves from the cold. The adoration he felt as he watched Logan scribble away, mind lost in a complex web of brilliance. The hope for the future they felt on their wedding day, both of them wearing dashing grey suits, smiling widely as they stood for a photo. It was all still there, swirling within him to create the unbreakable bond that they shared. 
Yet, the memorabilia, and the emotions they evoked, also opened up a chasm of pain. It ripped through his heart, making him gasp at the weight of the emotions released. Anguish. Grief. Anger. It all tangled up within him, encroaching on his memories and tainting them with rot, demanding to be acknowledged. 
“I’m dying.” The whispered words felt so foreign on his tongue. Yet, they were also a relief, finally free from the confines of his mind. He could feel it in every bone of his body. A certainty that horrified him. He could see it in his mind’s eye, a doorway to the other side, light flickering from the crack in the door. “Why can’t I just say that? Go in there, wake him up, and te-” his voice shook as tears started to prick at his eyes, “t-tell h-him I’m d-dying.” He wiped at his eyes. “Dear gods above, I’m dying.” He quickly covered his mouth to smother the broken sob that tried to break free. 
He clutched the box tighter, curling around it like a shield.  The items within were faded with age, yet at that moment they felt like a lifeline. They were a reminder of the life he had led and the love that he shared. At the same time, they were a reminder of all that was lost. He was supposed to lead a long life with his husband, loving him for decades more. Yet, there, in the dark of night, all of that was ripped away from him. By god, he was abandoning Logan, the other half of his soul. The man who had comforted him and cared for him. Death was going to take him away and leave Logan all alone. This was the end of their happily ever after, and Logan didn’t even know it. This was the end of everything.
They had completed their first job during their teen years. They were young but effective. It had been a whirlwind couple of weeks. Creating plans, choosing the means of death, ending a life, covering their tracks, and so on. By the time they got home that night and Janus had dropped the glamor protecting them from view, they were absolutely spent. Their muscles were sore and their eyes half-lidded. Yet, Janus could not get his heart to stop beating. Despite the desperate need for sleep, he couldn’t imagine lying down and closing his eyes. He tried to regulate his breathing. He needed to calm down. He needed to st-
“Are you crying?” Logan’s voice seared through his overstretched mind; concerned and soft. His eyes darted up to watch Logan’s expression as he reached up to touch his face. Logan’s brow furrowed and he stepped toward Janus. “You are. Jan-”
“Leave me alone,” Janus hissed as he stepped back, rotting floorboards crunching under his feet. His heart raced all the wilder as he curled into himself. He blinked rapidly to dispel the flood of tears. His breath was coming out in puffs, pale white in the heatless room. 
“Hey, Janus, it’s ok.” Logan telegraphed his movements as he slowly stepped forward again and tugged Janus close, wrapping him in his arms. He gently rubbed soothing circles into the sobbing teen’s back. His hands seemed all the warmer against Janus’ chilled form. “It’s ok.” 
“There was so much blood.” Janus buried his nose into Logan’s neck, his breath hitching as his vision blurred. 
“I know.” He gently combed his fingers through Janus’ hair. His voice was steady and calm, pulling Janus from the panic of his own mind word by word.
“He looked so pale.” 
“I know, it’s alright. We knew this was going to be hard.” He pulled back from Janus, reaching up to wipe the tears from under his eyes. He held the other teen’s gaze in the dull blue light streaming into their decrepit apartment.  His smile was soft and gentle. “But now that it’s over, we can go collect our money. Get some food, put some money towards getting a better place.”
Janus snorted as he rubbed at his reddening eyes. “Somewhere where the neighbors don’t throw empty beer bottles at the wall. I wish we had been hired to kill them instead. I would happily stab them.” He glared at the wall covered in peeling paint, wishing their drunkard neighbors could feel the weight of his hatred.
Logan laughed at the scowl that was forming on Janus’ face. “We could even buy some cookies.”
Janus rolled his eyes and gave a fragile smile, turning back to look at Logan with his chilled cheeks and pink nose. “Are cookies all you can think about?”
“No, I have my thoughts categorized based on importance,” Logan said in an analytical tone. His eyes became glazed as that brilliant mind started working. “While sweets are probably higher than is optimal for my health, it isn’t at the top.”
“Oh yeah? What is then?”
Logan shook his head, once again focusing on Janus’ disheveled form. A delicate smile softened his face as he leaned forwards and kissed Janus’ forehead. “You,” he murmured. He smiled lightly as he pulled back to look at Janus’ blushing face. The flustered man’s mouth moved without forming any words before he slumped forward and buried his face in Logan’s neck again. Logan hummed gently and curled his arms around the other teen. “Are you ok now?”
“N-No,” Janus whispered in a shaky voice as he grasped tightly on Logan’s blood-stained jacket, “but, I will be”. His hands shook, pulling on the already fragile seams. They stood like that as the minutes ticked by, taking strength from each other’s presence. 
Janus smiled weakly at the memory, his cheeks still sticky with tears. After that mission, Logan had laid in bed all night with Janus, refusing to sleep so that he could wake him up from nightmares. While others’ death no longer scared Janus, used to all the indecencies that came along with it, he still cherished that night. There was a part of him, a large part of him, that wanted to cling to Logan again. To lay his cheek on his chest and listen to that soothing heartbeat. Yet, even as his brain screamed at him to go and curl up in his husband’s arms, to tell him the truth, he couldn’t bring his body to cooperate. A part of him felt like his rapidly beating heart should be hearable by everyone in the world. However, his highly trained ears heard nothing but the dripping wax of the candle and the occasional creak of the floor beneath him. 
His hands tensed around the memory box. He couldn’t tell Logan. It simply wasn’t possible. He couldn’t steal his happiness just yet. Instead, he would ensure that they spent their final months together doing what made Logan happy. One final contract. One final adventure. Then he would go and everything would be, well, not perfect, maybe not even okay, but manageable, and manageable is just what a dying man needs. 
Written By: meadowofbluebells
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vinbee631 · 2 years
Family Ties
Logan used to have a hard time expressing his emotions. His new family ensures this changes. (For the better, I may add.)
writing these logince fics has been so much fun! i can't believe I'm almost done with all of them!
thank you all for the support on my last couple posts. it means the word to me, and it's crazy to me that there are several humans that have read all the silly little words I mash together and neglect to proofread
anyways!! this work is connected to day 4: winter, so you may have to read Welcome to the Family to understand some of this
enjoy! (the prompt for day 6 is hopes & dreams also)
Logan had been in college for eight years.
It was strange to think about, all that time (and money, as well. Even with financial aid, college was unreasonably expensive) he had spent to get to this point. In two weeks, he would graduate with his doctorate degree, and he wouldn’t ever have to step foot on a college campus again if he didn’t feel so inclined.
And yet, this very thing he had worked for, the commitment he poured his soul into for eight years, was overwhelmingly anxiety-inducing.
He had no idea what he was going to do. Oh, not with his career. He had already been job searching and starting applications that he needed his doctorate certificate to finish. However, the idea of leaving behind an atmosphere he had accustomed himself to for so long was ridiculously daunting.
He had become an adult here. He pulled his first all-nighter during freshman year finals, and it was followed by an incredibly unhealthy amount in the next seven. He made some of his best friends here, friends he had trusted enough to drink in front of for the first time when he turned 21. He got his autism diagnosis mailed to the apartment he still lived in two years later.
He came out here.
He lost contact with his biological family because of that, and gained an entirely new family as a result, not necessarily while he was at college, but during that timeline, so it counted in his opinion.
That was perhaps his fondest memory of all those he had made in his time tied to his school. Roman and his siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents had been so welcoming to him from the very beginning, and his love and trust in them had grown stronger than ever through the years.
Even as he endured all the teasing from them when he and Roman finally decided to start dating three years ago.
It was a very stark contrast from his biological family’s reaction, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
…His family.
Logan had tried to distance himself from thinking about his biological family ever since they disowned him, but the three of them had been extremely close up until that fateful day. Coming out had gone… poorly, and ever since then, the complete loss of contact has been jarring.
Perhaps jarring was an understatement. His mother and grandpa were the most important people in his life up until he was 22 years old. They’d raised him, fostered his love for astrology, helped him with even the hardest of classes, and paid for his first four years of college in full.
Then, Logan told them he was gay, and they threw him away like he’d never meant anything to them in the first place.
Logan sighed, shaking himself. It was too early in the day for this many mental tangents.
Perhaps he should call someone.
To anyone else, this would be strangely out of character. Logan had never been one to willingly talk out his feelings. Another thing his biological family had given him, always being closed off, opting to deal with personal problems quietly and alone.
After spending about 10 seconds with his new family, it was clear none of them had ever operated that way.
They shared everything with each other. Good news, bad news, funny news articles they’d found while doom-scrolling, anything they could. It took Logan some time to get used to this, but now, it was instinctual to be comfortable sharing what was on his mind.
And now, he did a lot more infodumping as well, something he had never been allowed to do with his biological family.
Yeah, the separation from them had taught him a lot about the reality of how good his biological family had actually been for him.
Subconsciously, as he had found himself mentally trailing off, Logan had called Gram.
“Well, hello, dear. It’s been quite a long time since you called me. I was beginning to think we’d never speak again.” Logan snickered at the teasing. He’d called her two days ago, but he was quite used to her dramatics and had picked up quite a bit of her sarcasm himself.
“Hello, Gram. I didn’t imagine I’d ever see the day where you, of all people, complained about having a conversation, but I suppose there is a first time for everything,” he jested back.
“Oh, leave an old woman be, I was just surprised. I figured you’d be busy with all the graduation preparation or whatever it is they make you poor kids do nowadays.”
“Gram, college is not that much different than when you were a kid. But no, my schedule is rather free for the next few days. And… I have missed you, quite a bit.”
“Oh dear,” she mumbled gently, fondness overtaking her tone, “you are far too sweet to me. I’ve missed you as well, darling. You’ve had a long couple of months, haven’t you?”
Logan nodded, then quickly realized his mistake. “Ah, yes, I suppose so. I suppose it has been worth it, though. The only thing I would change about all this is allowing myself some more free time for my family.”
“Entirely too sweet, Roman has been a terrible influence on you,” she joked. “Now, what’s going on?”
Logan blinked, taking a long moment to process her question. “I’m- not sure what you mean? I have a completely free day today, so I called to talk to you, as I have done many times before. So, nothing is going on other than this conversation?”
“My bad, darling. That was a bad way of phrasing it. I meant: what’s wrong? I can tell when one of my babies is upset, and it’s pretty clear, hon.”
“N-nothing’s wrong, Gram. I... I mean, it has been a long week, but nothing out of the ordinary. I am doing just fine,” he replied smoothly, sneaking in as much of a smile into his voice as he could manage.
Logan could hear her head shake through the phone, and not just because of the audible rustling. “You’re testing my grandma senses, dear? Trust me, I dealt with Roman in his slumps. I know how to tell when someone’s hiding a problem from me. Especially you, considering all the time it took to convince you that sharing is alright. I mean that nicely, by the way, I care a lot about you feeling alright.”
“Thanks, Gram. I… suppose it is a bit complicated to explain.” He didn’t elaborate further, cutting himself off with a long sigh. Was this really how he wanted to spend his valuable time talking to one of his closest family members?
“I have an idea, if you’ll hear me out. Why don’t you come up for the weekend. Roman will be here too if you’re not up for talking with me this time. He’ll want to see you anyway, and so do I.”
Logan thought it over. He didn’t have any classwork. Really, the only reason he was still near campus was because he’d already made his final housing payment, and he intended to use the space for as long as he owned it. If he left on Friday, he’d get plenty of time with Gram and Roman, and whoever else happened to be there, and still have the opportunity to leave on time to get back to his minimal responsibilities on Tuesday.
“...Yeah, I’ll be there. It will be… nice to talk things out in person. And to see you, of course.”
“Oh, you, such a flatterer. Worse than Roman, I swear. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you, hon. Love you big bunches.”
“Love you big bunches as well, Gram.”
The weekend came far too quickly, and yet not fast enough. Logan was anticipating the time with his boyfriend and family, but the real reason for his visit had been looming over him all week.
He knew it would be good to discuss what was bothering him. That did not make it any easier to look forward to doing so.
The four hour drive passed as fast as a blink, and Logan realized with an achinly fond smile that Gram had been waiting on the porch for him.
“Get over here, baby,” he heard her call as soon as he closed the car door behind himself. She met him halfway, wrapping her arms securely around his waist and inching up on her tiptoes and nudging Logan to bend down so she could kiss his cheek.
“Hello there, beanstalk. I’ve not missed this height difference, but I did miss you. You’ve been so busy, I’ve been lucky to get all those weekly calls.”
Logan chuckled. “I wouldn’t mist those for anything, Gram. I’ll always have time to talk to you.”
“Don’t remind me, I’m sure I know that,” she reassured. “I recall a good handful of those calls prefaced with a warning that you were at work or driving to class, or whatever else it was that made you so busy, you wild little multitasker.”
“Says you,” Logan teased right back as she ushered him inside. “Every time I come over, you’re cooking six things at once and in three separate conversations. I’d argue that’s much more impressive multitasking.”
“Flattery,” she laughed, pinching Logan’s cheek, “but as much as I love to tease, that’s not quite why you’re here, now is it?”
“Well, of course not, it’s because Romam is coming tonight, and you’d hardly miss the opportunity to tease us together under one roof,” Logan replied innocently, making her chuckle again.
“Oh, you are terrible. I would never do such a thing! Except, perhaps I already have. Alright, stop distracting me! I had a point, and you have become a worse instigator than your boyfriend,” she chided, nudging him along to the living room and onto a couch right next to her.
“Now, I won’t push you outside of what you’re comfortable with if you’re not up for this right now, but even over the phone, it was obvious you’re having a hard time. We can talk things through now, or wait for some other time, or never if you’d rather talk things out with Roman when he gets here. Or, a surprise fourth option, I guess.”
“I’ll take door number four,” Logan deadpanned, his false glare breaking with Gram’s laughter. “No, I… suppose I should talk things out. It won’t do any good to let them fester.”
“At least one kid listens to my lectures,” Gran shook her head, gently squeezing Logan’s hand. “Ignore my whining. You talk whenever you’re ready, dearheart.”
Logan took a deep breath, squeezing her hand back. Despite all the ruminating he’d already done, it was considerably difficult to figure out how to express all those pesky emotions he’d been dealing with.
Eventually, it all just spilled out. It started with his biological family, how the memories had been creeping up on him now that he was finally going to be moving on from the last connection he had to them.
Next, it was losing that connection, losing his home of eight years to graduation. He was still confident with his job choice and the ease of getting one of those, but the act of leaving… he was terrified.
There were other things as well, his returning, paralyzing fear of failure creeping back as he began to transition into something new. There were a few jobs he had considered applying for that he had to stop considering because of their terrible policies for the disabled. Not that he needed many accommodations, but an institution such as those would likely not be welcoming to an autistic individual.
And after all the work he’d put into acquiring this job, he was not about to settle for a place that would not make him feel human.
By the time he had gotten everything off his chest, and shed a few tears in the process, it had been… a while. At least an hour, likely more. Gran had been attentive the whole time, offering nonverbal support and comfort as he vented.
God, he loved her so much.
Once he was feeling calmer, a byproduct of the venting and the love his grandma had been pouring out to him, she tugged him along to the kitchen with a smile.
“Instead of making you sit through a saccharinely sweet talk about how much I love and support you, and whatnot, we’re gonna bake cookies. Sound good?”
“I would not be opposed to the love and support but yes, cookies sound fantastic.”
Gran whacked him gently on the arm, the smirk peeking through betraying her true feelings. “Quit being cheeky, you absolute menace. Here I am offering my home to you and giving you all the support you deserve, and you treat me like this in response? The cruelty! Whatever happened to respecting your elders?”
Logan laughed, and in an impulsive but familiar move, leaned down to wrap her in a firm hug. “Thank you. I… I needed this, more than I think I realized.”
“Oh, of course, Lo. Anytime, I-” Gran cut herself off with a smile. “Enough from me. You’d better go and say hi to your boyfriend.”
Logan perked up immediately, ending their hug with a final squeeze before rushing out the door to meet Roman as he hopped out of his Uber.
“Logan!! Oh, my precious starshine!” Roman exclaimed, throwing down his bags to scoop Logan off the ground. Logan giggled, nudging halfheartedly at Roman’s hold. “Roman I am taller than you, this is obscene-!” He cut himself off with a squeak as Roman began to spin him around joyfully.
“If you drop me I will never forgive you!!” Roman laughed joyously in his ear, but he did noticeably tighten his grip on his boyfriend. “Worry not, light of my life! The only thing I’ve ever dropped is my jaw at the sight of your lovely face!”
Logan resisted the urge to roll his eyes, smirking fondly at Roman as he was set down. “You are perhaps the clumsiest man I’ve ever met, forgive me for doubting the validity of your statement.”
Roman gasped loudly, a dramatic move Logan could recognize from a mile away. “You- don’t believe me? Your own partner? Would I ever lie to the loveliest man in existence, the force of nature that keeps my very heart beating? The slander, in my own childhood home! You disparage me, starlight!”
“You are incorrigible, but I suppose I knew that when I signed up for this,” Logan continued, laughing at the over-exaggerated gasp that was so forceful it made Roman cough.
“You win this one Tall, Dark, and Handsome. C’mon, let’s go in. Gram’s probably got a whole laundry list of teasing remarks at the ready, the old sap. Emphasis on the old.”
“Be nice!” Logan chided, huffing at his boyfriend’s antics. “Your grandmother is a saint, and to imply that the first thing she will do at the sight of us is jest is a slanderous oversight. I cannot believe you right now. She’s already teasing us right now, under her breath, testing out which ones sound the best.”
Roman wheezed, nearly buckling over as he walked. “You- you have a point, beloved. Forgive me for such an oversight. Now, let’s head in to hear what she’s planned for us, yes?”
The rest of the day continued similarly. Logan eventually ran out of conversation spoons just after dinnertime, and spent a few hours in his guest room destressing. Around ten that night, he wandered down the hall to Roman’s room, curling up with him on his bed.
“Welcome back, dear. Feeling calmer?” Logan nodded, shifting closer so he could kiss Roman’s cheek. ‘Much calmer, thank you, sweetheart. How are you?”
“Oh, a bit stressed about the upcoming show but hey, that’s just life. Also, Gran snitched on you, so I’m gonna awkwardly transition into bugging you about that now.”
Logan groaned, hiding his face in Roman’s chest. “Awful, terrible family. Why did I ever sign up for this? You people are so cruel to me.”
“Not as cruel as them, I can assure you of that.” Roman had meant it in a teasing manner, but Logan couldn’t help but wince. It was perhaps a bit too soon to be joking about something like that so soon after he figured out all his feelings.
“Ouch, that was in poor taste, wasn’t it? I’m sorry, beloved.” Logan shook his head, leaning up for another kiss. “Not your fault, I suppose it was a bit funny. I’m just… “I let them control me for years, and I didn’t even realize. They were so… harmful to me, but they were the only people I had. It… it was so hard to realize that all that time spent idolizing them was time wasted. And, I don’t think I’ve ever completely moved on from it, which is terrible. They don’t deserve it, even if they are just thoughts.”
“First of all, you are allowed to grieve over losing them as much as you need. No, they don’t deserve it, but you deserve to process what they did in a healthy way. And yeah, the things they’ve done were terrible, but it wasn’t time wasted. You truly did love them, and they taught you so many things that make you so special. It’s not time wasted, it’s just… time you had to spend to get to us.”
Logan blinked, pushing away the sting of happy tears. “I.. suppose you have a point. I know I need to process my grief healthily, I just wish they didn’t make that so difficult. They… I almost wish they would have made it more obvious that they were terrible people. They hid it behind so much positive and healthy behavior, it can be hard for me to remember that they are bad for me.”
Roman sighed, rubbing a hand across Logan’s back, sending shivers through his body. “I know, darling, it is very complicated. It can be hard to deal with all the gray space in the black and white of talking to someone or cutting them off entirely. But, no matter how positive some of their influences were, you’re so much better off here. I hope you can remember that.”
“I am trying,” Logan decided, “and I know I will get there. It just… I want to be able to block them out forever as they did to me, but I’m not sure I’ll ever be capable of that.” “You don’t have to push yourself to forget them entirely, but I can understand why that would be desirable,” Roman reassured. “You have dealt with all of this incredibly well given the circumstances, and you have accomplished so much. Hell, you’re graduating with a doctorate this year! You’re amazing, Lo, and if they can’t see that beyond the hatred, then it’s their loss.”
“It truly is,” Logan agreed, “especially since it means they never get to meet you.”
“Aww, come here, precious.” Roman grinned, hugging his boyfriend so close, Logan could feel his boyfriend's heartbeat pulse through his own body. “You’re incredible. I am so proud of you and the things you have accomplished. I am so confident in you, and I know this change is going to be hard, but you’re gonna embrace it just like everything else.”
“Ah, she really did snitch on me, huh?” Roman nodded solemnly, still holding his boyfriend as tight as he could manage without actually hurting him. (Logan loved this, he had been encouraging Roman to help him with pressure stimming for years, and his boyfriend always agreed.)
“I can’t say I’m surprised, but… I’m not upset that she did. Talking about everything again would be way too many spoons for one day.”
“Well, if you do need to talk more, I’m always here, my love. You are so important to me, and anything you need, I can provide.”
“The same to you, dearest. Now, it is getting late, and I know you’re going to be up early working tomorrow. Sleep with me?”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, starlight.” Logan smiled, kissing him gently on the lips before pulling the covers up around him. He truly was lucky for every single person in his life. Even his biological family, he supposed.
Without them, he never would have received the kind of love the Reyes family would be outpouring to him for years to come.
He and Roman fell asleep tangled in each other's arms, and Logan only dreamt of love and happiness.
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cameronthecryptid · 2 years
My male dnd pcs: Sad, pathetic, insane, blood covered, rain soaked, boy man
My female dnd pcs: Performing Arts nerd
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shelbbswrites · 1 year
Zoey 102 is exactly what I thought it would be, and I don’t mean that negatively.
I only wish it had MORE Quinn and Logan. I know that after all this time, a substantial portion of this movie would be about Zoey and Chase FINALLY getting together — and staying together. I appreciate the female-led creative team giving their story some depth to bridge the years of adulthood, BUT there is much more meat with Quinn and Logan.
Erin Sanders is giving the best and surprisingly vulnerable performance in this movie, and I just want to see more of her. I want Matthew Underwood to have more real estate to tug back those layers of Logan Reese as an adult. I can see them. They’re RIGHT THERE.
I read an interview with the director, Nancy Hower (because the writers and actors are on strike until the AMPTP brings them a fair deal), and she said they have hopes to keep the franchise going in more movies and even a sequel show.
I honestly think that could be fun.
Considering how iCarly was able to reinvent itself and become a stronger show, I think Zoey 102 (or whatever it would be called by then) could do the same, especially if it keeps a female-led (!!!) team.
A show would really open up this rom-com and allow the creatives to get into the depths of these characters and their relationships all these years later, AND it wouldn’t have to rely so heavily on Zoey — and Zoey & Chase — then.
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Sanders Sides fic idea:
Janus, Logan, or Virgil (writer's choice!) teaching female!Reader how to waltz. Why? Because Roman's planning his birthday in the Mind Palace, and it's bound to be extra.
Authors note: This short fic will be about Janus but I would love to write about Logan and Virgil later on so if you want it just send me an ask or leave a comment (P.S, sorry this took a little while lol)
Warnings: none
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Janus and you were trying to cook dinner for the other sides. Keyword: trying.
The reason you both weren’t getting very far was due to the amount of blatant romantic tension that was going on between the both of you. At least, it was blatant to the other sides.
You and Janus just couldn’t seem to pick up on the thick, romantic tension between the both of you. You just wrote it off as having imagined the tension due to the fact you just couldn’t wrap your head around the idea of Janus reciprocating your feelings towards him.
Which frustrated the other sides more than Remus (which is a very rare accomplishment so good job?). This has been going on for months now and today was no exception.
“No, that’s not how you bread the chicken. Here let me show you.”
Janus said before stepping behind you and wrapping his hands around your torso and taking your hands with his. His soft hands guiding yours, the warmth of his chest against your back, his face right on your shoulder. All of these things made your heart race and your cheeks heat up, making it hard to concentrate on the task at hand. You could’ve sworn he stopped guiding your hands to bread the chicken and was instead caressing them.
Janus opened his mouth to say something when he suddenly jerked away from you at the sound of Romans loud voice coming from behind you.
“Watch out, lovebiiirds! The noblest Roman comin’ through!” He announces in his overly dramatic fashion like usual, making his way between the two of you, which effectively ruined the moment between the both of you.
You quickly tried to hide the fact you were flustered beyond belief and cleared your throat in an attempt to clear my head.
“Oh we-we’re not-.. it’s not like-” You attempted to keep your usual sarcastic attitude up up but failed miserably. That was before Janus interrupted while focusing on washing his hands before putting his gloves back on.
“Love how you just barge in so dramatically, Roman.” Janus said in his obviously sarcastic voice, and with clear annoyance, but Roman couldn’t seem to catch on to that.
“Oh thank you! I’ve been told to tone it down a bit but cmon! Who doesn’t love my dramatic self!” Roman said with his dramatic arm gestures that you had to dodge. Janus rolled his eyes in annoyance and looked down sassily at his gloves as he fixed the buttons on them.
“I can think of a few people.” Janus mumbled under his breath but Roman must’ve heard him as he whipped his head towards the deceitful side and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Excuse yo-.”
“So Roman, any reason why you came to talk with us?” You exclaimed in a loud manner to get his attention back and stopping the brewing argument. It seemed to work as Roman then turned to me and a smile replaced his offended look.
“Oh yeah! Soooo, because my birthday is coming up, I decided to host a formal dance! Yknow like waltzing and everything. Here’s an invitation.”
He was talking quiet loud again and summoned a very glittery, bright card to shove into your hands. He then walked away in a dramatic fashion while wiggling his fingers at you both and said in a teasing tone, “Byeeee, don’t be late lovebirds!!” He finished off with a wink before strutting away. Roman calling you both ‘lovebirds’ made you flush red yes but then you realized. You have no clue how to dance.
You sighed as you opened the invitation, looking down at it in slight annoyance over the fact you didn’t know how to dance.
“Hey, you ok?”
Janus’ voice snapped you out of your own thoughts and you looked up at him, seeing a worried look etched onto his face.
“I know Roman can be a lot at times but you shouldn’t let that…theater diva get to you.”
He said with a slight smirk at the name he called Roman. You let out an airy chuckle and look at him with a slightly mischievous face.
“First of, you’re a diva too..” You said tauntingly and cut him off before he could retaliate. “…and second, it isn’t Roman’s fault I felt a little..disappointed you could say.”
“…Disappointed? Why would you feel like that?” He asked with a tilt of his head. He moved slightly closer to you as he said this and as you looked up at him, you couldn’t help but think he resembled a puppy. This made you crack a smile as you motioned to the card.
“Well it’s a formal dance and…I can’t dance.” Sheepishly, you rubbed the back of your neck at admitting this. While you started to get lost in your own thoughts, you heard Janus give his most dramatic and most exaggerated sighs of all time.
“Oh wow you beat your ‘dramatic sigh’ personal record.” A small smirk settling on your face as you said this. Janus just continued giving you his signature sassy look and sighed once more before speaking.
“You’re the one being dramatic here. I could easily teach you how to dance. Specifically waltzing. It’s not the end of the world that you don’t know how.”
You looked at him for any sign that he was lying to you but nope he was being one hundred percent serious about that. He even gave you that look that made you realize he was not lying in the slightest.
“You..know how to waltz? I’m both not and very surprised.”
He rolled his eyes, trying to fight the small smile making its way onto his face. He grabbed your hand with his gloves ones and pulled you into the living room, turning around to face you once you got there. You raised an eyebrow as he pulled you in closer to him by your waist, trying your best to stop the blush from creeping up to your face.
“W-wait, right now? What about dinner?” You said in a confused tone as Janus lifted one of your hands, making you instinctively place your free hand on his shoulder. He shrugged and made a face that said, ‘we’ll deal with that later.’”
“Now, I want you to take one step forward with your left foot ok?” He said as he guided you by the waist. After stepping on his polished dress shoes a couple of times, you both managed to settle into a nice rhythm. You even managed to do it without having to look down at your feet.
The waltz felt beautiful. Both of you ignored the world around you as you could only concentrate on one another. The waltz wasn’t very graceful or professional but it was imbued with the passion the both of you held for one another as you continued to spin around the living room.
You couldn’t help but get lost in the moment as you continued the dance. Your eyes grazed over his appearance, specifically the snake half of his face. His slit pupil, the pink around his eye, the smooth scales running down his face to his neck disappearing down into his dress shirt. You’re chest swelled up with love at the fact you were sharing this intimate moment with him. One where it was just the two of you and no one else. One where, even if you both weren’t saying anything, the waltz clearly spelled out what you felt about each other.
A sly smirk settled on his face as he saw you basically checking him out, failing to hide the deep passion he held for you in his eyes. This in turn made him pull you in even closer as you until both of your chests were touching. Due to this you both came to a slow stop to just stare into each others eyes. His breath was intertwining with yours from how close you were and his eyes were drinking in your appearance.
You felt your heart practically stop as you saw him lean in closer to your face. This couldn’t be happening, right? You’re just imagining his eyes glancing from your eyes to your lips, right? Once you realized this was all very real, all other thoughts calm to a screeching halt in your mind as all you could focus on was the sincerity and love in his eyes. You took your time leaning in wanting this moment to as long as possible.
You could practically feel his soft lips grazing yours when, not surprisingly, all of the sides barged into the room as if it was on queue. The sudden sound of all the sides talking all at once made both you and Janus jump away from each other as if you were burned.
“We absolutely cannot take a dog off the street, Patton. You don’t know where it’s been, if it’s someone else’s, if it’s been vaccinated-”
“But Logan! That dog needs a home and did you see his face!? He needs love.”
“Patton we’ve been over th- REMUS GET DOWN FROM THERE!”
“I’m going to my room you all give me a headache.”
“I give you a headache!? IM LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE NOT YELLING.”
“You are now, stupid.”
Janus once more groaned in annoyance and had to pinch his nose in order to not lash out at everyone (and also to hide his flushed face) while you simply just snickered at all the havoc going on.
You moved closer to Janus and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, successfully getting his attention.
“We can continue what we started once we finish the food.”
A little cheeky smile made its way to his face and he nodded as you both made your way to the kitchen, getting ready to have to spray Remus with soap in order to keep him from adding random objects to the meal.
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thatonelesbianfander · 3 months
I got bored and threw the Sanders Sides cast into a Hunger Games Simulator again
Here’s how it went!
So, last year I got bored one day, and decided to throw the sides along with C!Thomas and Nico into a Hunger Games Simulator and see how it went. Well, now I’m doing it again with almost double the cast! There will be two rounds since the first round was pretty short and ended very abruptly.
Here’s a link to the simulator I’m using if you would like to try it yourself!
Here’s the link to part 1 if you would like to see it! (You do not need to see it before this one though!
Side note: I am using canon pronouns for the sides instead of my headcanon pronouns to keep from confusion! Also, any real life people are playing their character versions from the series! Also, unlike part 1, this part won’t really have any images from the actual game since I can’t fit them all in here!
Trigger warning for death, violence, murder, and suicide under the cutoff
First, let’s meet the tributes!
Returning tributes:
Thomas Sanders (male, he/him)
Logan Sanders (male, he/him)
Roman Sanders (male, he/him)
Patton Sanders (male, he/him)
Virgil Sanders (male, he/him)
Remus Sanders (male, he/him)
Janus Sanders (male, he/him) (part 1’s winner)
Nico Flores (male, he/him)
Orange Sanders (male, he/him)
New tributes:
Joan (nonbinary, they/them)
Leslie Odom Jr (male, he/him)
Mary Lee and Lee (grouped, they/them)
S1 Roman (male, he/him)
S1 Patton (male, he/him)
S1 Logan (male, he/him)
S1 Virgil (male, he/him)
Crofters Bear (male, he/him)
Lilypadton (male, he/him)
Lilly Singh (female, she/her)
Mr. Fuzzy (male, he/him)
Now that we’ve met the tributes, let’s get into the game!
Round 1: Bloodbath
The sky is clear, and the day is high. In the center of an arena, 20 people spawn on platforms. At the sound of a gun, the players sprint off their podiums and to the cornucopia. 0 people dead, 20 remain.
Right off the bat, we’ve got our first death with S1 Patton deciding to commit suicide as he could not handle the circumstances. Orange Sanders decided to stay at the cornucopia for resources. Meanwhile Mary Lee and Lee found a bag of explosives, which Nico Flores steals from the two. Nico grabs an explosive from the bag, setting it off and killing Virgil Sanders in the process. Both S1 Logan and Thomas Sanders grabbed a bag not realizing it was empty, while Roman Sanders grabs a first aid kit and runs away. Meanwhile, Remus Sanders grabs a sword, sneaking up behind S1 Virgil and decapitating him. Over at another side of the center of the arena, Joan severely injured Leslie Odom Jr., running away after and leaving him to die. Over in another section, the Crofters Bear takes a hatchet to the chest from Mr. Fuzzy. Meanwhile, S1 Roman and Lilly Singh make it off from the cornucopia, Lilly with a shovel and S1 Roman with a pair of sais. Logan Sanders decided to run away from the cornucopia, and gets away just in time as Lilypadton set off a explosive he also stole from the explosive bag which kills Patton Sanders and Janus Sanders who were running away behind him.
Round 2: Day 1
The first day of the Hunger Games starts as everyone eventually leaves the cornucopia and splits off in different directions. 7 people dead, 13 remain.
Thomas snuck through the forest of the arena, crossing paths with Lilly Singh. Under a lot of pressure and not knowing what to do, Thomas attacks Lilly but Lilly managed to escape before he could do any real damage. Meanwhile in another section, Mary Lee and Lee made a slingshot as Roman tainted S1 Roman’s food, killing him. Orange Sanders lurked around the forest, hunting for other tributes. Meanwhile, S1 Logan received clean water from an unknown sponsor as Logan Sanders steals from Joan while they weren’t looking. Orange stalked through the forest some more, coming across an open patch of land where Mr. Fuzzy and Remus Sanders stood. Orange watched as the two threatened a double suicide. The threat failed though and Mr. Fuzzy and Remus both died. Meanwhile, in another section of the arena, Lilypadton travels to higher ground hoping to get an advantage over the others as Nico tried to sleep through the entire day.
Round 3: Night 1
As the sun set on day 1, night became increasingly closer, and the chaos of the day starts to die down a little. 10 people dead, 10 remain.
At Lilypadton’s camp, Lilypadton sat on the ground trying desperately to start a fire. he ends up not being successful though and soon decides to sleep without warmth. Meanwhile, Joan caught Logan trying to steal from his camp again. The two enter a fight, which Joan eventually wins, overpowering Logan and killing him. Over in another section, Roman decided to set up camp for the night, but while setting up, he looks off into the distance just in time to see Lilly Singh shoot an arrow. Lilly, who was originally aiming for Mary Lee and Lee, instead misses them and shoots Nico Flores. A scream could be heard a few minutes later as Orange screamed for help. This scream frightened S1 Logan. He decided to ask Thomas if he could stay in his shelter, to which Thomas agrees, letting S1 Logan into his shelter.
Round 4: Day 2
The sun rose, signaling the start of the second day. The surviving contestants take down their camps and start their move once more. 12 people dead, 8 remain.
Thomas walked through the woods of the arena, stumbling upon Lilypadton. Lilypadton, under stress tried to run away in Thomas’s direction. Thomas, taking this as a charge, kills Lilypadton before he could potentially attack. Meanwhile, Lilly searches for a water source with Orange as Orange thinks about home. The two instead stumble upon Joan and Roman fighting Mary Lee and Lee, and S1 Logan. Lilly and Orange watch as S1 Logan and Mary Lee and Lee eventually come out of the fight victorious.
Round 5: Night 2
The sun eventually set over the arena again, and the chaos of the day eventually settled as well. 15 people dead, 5 remain.
Lilly stalked around the forest, now alone with her own thoughts. She had broken off with orange a little bit before sun down, and now searched for food. She soon stumbled upon the rest of the tributes all camping together. Lilly looked down at the explosive she had picked up during the bloodbath. She took a deep breath, throwing the explosive into the camp. The explosive detonated as soon as it hit the ground, killing Orange, Thomas, S1 Logan, and Mary Lee and Lee in one strike, ending the games.
Total rounds: 5
Bloodiest round: 1
Most kills: Lilly Singh
First blood: Nico Flores
Last blood: Lilly Singh
First death: S1 Patton
Last deaths: Orange Sanders, Thomas Sanders, S1 Logan, Mary Lee and Lee
Character Stats:
Thomas Sanders- 1 kill, dead round 5
Logan Sanders- 0 kills, dead round 3
Roman Sanders- 1 kill, dead round 4
Patton Sanders- 0 kills, dead round 1
Virgil Sanders- 0 kills, dead round 1
Remus Sanders- 1 kill, dead round 2
Janus Sanders- 0 kills, dead round 1
Nico Flores- 1 kill, dead round 3
Orange Sanders- 0 kills, dead round 5
Joan- 2 kills, dead round 4
Leslie Odom Jr- 0 kills, dead round 1
Mary Lee and Lee- 2 kills, dead round 5
S1 Roman- 0 kills, dead round 2
S1 Patton- 0 kills, dead round 1
S1 Logan- 2 kills, dead round 5
S1 Virgil- 0 kills, dead round 1
Crofters Bear- 0 kills, dead round 1
Lilypadton- 2 kills, dead round 4
Lilly Singh- 5 kills, winner
Mr. Fuzzy- 1 kill, dead round 2
Game 2
The arena stood quiet, all reset from the events before. On the podiums, the tributes started to reform, the scars and wounds from the previous round healing. The tributes looked around, taking in their surroundings. Before anyone had any time to process anything though, a gun sounded.
Round 1: Bloodbath
As the gun sounds, the players rush off their podiums and to the cornucopia in the middle. 0 people dead, 20 remain.
Thomas was the first to grab something, grabbing a back bag and rushing off before anything could get too chaotic. Both of the Romans teamed up and started a fight with Mary Lee and Lee, and Lilly Singh, but don’t win. Virgil on the other hand decided to hide in the cornucopia while the Crofters Bear grabs a sickle and Joan grabs a pair of sais. Leslie Odom Jr scared Orange away from the cornucopia so Janus, who he paired up with, could grab a bottle of alcohol and a rag. Chaos soon broke out at the corucopia as Logan killed Lilypadton with his own weapon. S1 Virgil runs into Joan while running away from S1 Logan. S1 Virgil looked down at the pair of sais Joan was holding them, snatching them from Joan and repeatedly stabbing S1 Logan with them. Joan and S1 Virgil retreated together after. Meanwhile, back at the cornucopia, Remus protects S1 Patton from Mr Fuzzy’s attack, killing Mr Fuzzy in the process. Remus is not quick enough to save Patton though as Nico stabs him with a tree branch.
Round 2: Day 1
The first day of the Hunger Games starts as everyone eventually leaves the cornucopia and splits off in different directions. 6 people dead, 14 remain.
The Crofters Bear snuck through the forest, stumbling upon a river. The Crofters Bear watched as S1 Virgil ran through the water and away from S1 Patton. Meanwhile, Lilly Singh, Orange, and Logan stood near a tree. Lilly had received medical supplies from an unknown sponsor which Logan was helping her apply to her wounds from her previous fight with the Romans. Orange stood near the two, holding the hatchet he had also received from a sponsor, on the lookout for any threat. Janus tried to sneak up on the two but before he or Orange could do anything, he was scared away when Logan pulled out a knife. Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, Mary Lee and Lee had Thomas and Joan tied up. They handed a knife to Leslie, forcing him to chose who to kill, Leslie reluctantly decides to kill Thomas, letting Joan go free. Meanwhile, Virgil, Nico, and Remus were at another tree, Virgil attempting to climb it to grab the apples that grew on it as Remus made a wooden spear. Virgil grabbed one of the fruits, but ended up losing his balance, falling from the tree and on top of Nico, who tried to catch him which killed them both.
Round 3: Night 1
As the sun set on day 1, night became increasingly closer, and the chaos of the day starts to die down a little. 9 people dead, 11 remain.
Leslie, Janus, and Remus decided to set up camp together. To cope with what he had just been through, Remus started to sing some songs. Janus and Leslie soon joined in, the three singing songs together. Meanwhile, at another section of the forest, Logan, S1 Virgil, and Mary Lee and Lee fought. Logan ended up tripping and falling into a frozen lake, drowning as S1 Virgil strangled Mary Lee and Lee with a rope. In another part of the arena, Orange and the Crofters Bear set up camp. orange tended to his wounds as the Crofters bear tried to light a fire. He was unsuccessful though, and the two just decided to sleep without warmth instead. Near the two’s camp, Lilly and S1 Patton fought, the fight ending with Lilly bashing in S1 Patton’s head with a mace. Meanwhile, Joan tried to search for a camp, but ended up passing out due to exhaustion.
Round 4: Day 2
The sun rose, signaling the start of the second day. The surviving contestants take down their camps and start their move once more. 12 people dead, 8 remain.
As Janus, Remus, and Leslie disbanded from the night before, Leslie decided to stalk Remus throughout the day. Meanwhile, Janus bumped into Joan, the two deciding to work together for the day. As Orange and the Crofters bear left their camp, Orange, like Leslie with Remus, also decided to stalk the Crofters bear throughout the day. Meanwhile, while all of that was happening, Lilly Singh tends to S1 Virgil’s wounds from the night before.
Round 5: Night 2
The sun eventually set over the arena again, and the chaos of the day eventually settled as well. 12 people dead, 8 remain.
Lilly sets up camp by herself, successfully starting a fire and sleeping in the warmth. Meanwhile, the Crofters Bear passed out from exhaustion near Janus and Orange’s camp where Janus cried himself to sleep and Orange was awoken by nightmares. Orange curled up next to Janus, falling back asleep after some breathing exercises. Meawhile, at Leslie’s camp, he made himself food before deciding to put his fire out. Over at another camp, Joan, Remus, and Virgil all sleep in shifts, all too anxious to sleep without protection.
Round 6: Feast
As the sun rises, the cornucopia is refilled with more supplies. The players are all alerted of this, and after taking down their camps, decide to investigate. 12 people dead, 8 remain.
Chaos breaks out at the cornucopia as people fight for supplies. Lilly Singh ends up setting an explosive off on Janus as Remus sets Leslie on fire with a molotov. Joan and S1 Virgil fight, but Joan is able to convince S1 Virgil not to kill them. S1 Virgil agrees but Joan kills him as soon as he turns his back. Meanwhile, Orange and the Crofters bear get into a fight over raw meat. The Crofters bear ends up giving up and running away before Orange could kill him though.
Round 7 & 8: Day 3 & Night 3
Everyone who survived the chaos make off with the supplies they gathered, splitting off into opposite directions. 15 people dead, 5 remain.
Remus and Orange stand near a berry bush, Remus going through the medical supplies he had received from a sponsor to find something to patch up Orange’s wounds he had gotten from picking berries. Meanwhile, Lilly, Joan, and the Crofters bear all get into a fight, Lilly tripping and falling into a pit as Joan throws a knife into the Crofters Bear’s head. That night, Joan runs into Orange and Remus. The two were hesitant around Joan at first, but the three eventually ended up setting up camp together, talking about the games and what might happen in the morning together.
Round 9 & 10: Day 4 & Night 4
Remus, Joan, and Orange all wake up at different times, each leaving the camp and going off on their own. 17 people dead, 3 remain.
Throughout the day, the three traveled around the arena. Orange headed up to higher ground, while Remus stalked through the forest. Remus eventually came across Joan again, who was picking berries from a bush. Remus decided it would be the perfect time to strike and ambushed Joan, killing them. Remus stalked off again, hunting for Orange. He eventually found him during the night. Orange, knowing Remus had bad intentions, tried to run away but Remus ended up killing him anyway, ending the games.
Total rounds: 10
Bloodiest round: 1
Most kills: Lilly Singh
First blood: Mary Lee and Lee, and Lilly Singh
Last blood: Remus Sanders
First death: Roman Sanders, and S1 Roman
Last death: Orange Sanders
Character Stats:
Thomas Sanders- 0 kills, dead round 2
Logan Sanders- 1 kill, dead round 3
Roman Sanders- 0 kills, dead round 1
Patton Sanders- 0 kills, dead round 1
Virgil Sanders- 0 kills, dead round 2
Remus Sanders- 3 kills, winner
Janus Sanders- 0 kills, dead round 6
Nico Flores- 1 kill, dead round 2
Orange Sanders- 0 kills, dead round 10
Joan- 2 kills, dead round 9
Leslie Odom Jr- 1 kill, dead round 6
Mary Lee and Lee- 2 kills, dead round 3
S1 Roman- 0 kills, dead round 1
S1 Patton- 1 kill, dead round 3
S1 Logan- 0 kills, dead round 1
S1 Virgil- 2 kills, dead round 6
Crofters Bear- 0 kills, dead round 7
Lilypadton- 0 kills, dead round 1
Lilly Singh- 4 kills, dead round 7
Mr. Fuzzy- 0 kills, dead round 1
At the end of the games, all the players were returned to their normal lives and timelines all healed up with no memories of the events from the days before. They all went back to their normal day-to-day lives, not to be bothered anymore.
Thanks for reading! I might do a part three so keep an eye out for that!
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creativia10 · 11 months
*materializes into existence*
Mayhaps platonic analogical? Logan meeting one of Virgil's pet spiders? Maybe?
Idk if you're up for requests rn, but here this is in case you are.
Have fun writing :D
When Virgil Can Share His Spider Love
Warnings: Spiders
Pairing: Platonic Logan and Virgil
Wordcount: 3059
Notes: Yes I am most certainly up for requests. My first post about taking fanfic writing requests was for Sanders Sides, but this is actually my first writing request for this series. Most of them have been for the Owl House. I actually haven't written for analogical (platonic of otherwise) in a while, so this is nice.
This prompt implies that Virgil has more than one pet spider, which was a concept I don't think I've seen before. So I wanted to play with that idea in a way that still stuck true to the initial prompt. This almost gets me to want to write a fic about Virgil acquiring his first spider pet actually. I'm also considering one about Logan getting a pet. Maybe another fic related to this one, sometimes I get inspired.
It's almost common knowledge at this point that Virgil  has a pet spider. So he doesn’t think much of it. When Logan approached Virgil one day out of the blue, his pet spider was not a topic he expected to come up.
 Logan was all business. His posture straight and face neutral. Not an unusual look for the logical side. His eyes had a direct and focused look to them as he faced Virgil. That said he had an intent purpose for coming to the other.
Virgil tensed instinctively. His first response to anything always being to stay on guard.
Logan’s hands were folded behind his back and he nodded to the anxious side.
“Virgil. If I could have a moment of your time, I wanted to ask something of you,” Logan said.
Yeah, that wasn’t helping at all.
Virgil leaned back a bit and nodded.
“Uh…yeah Logan? What’s up?”
Logan tilted his head slightly at the reaction, but his face didn’t twitch.
“Apologies if my approach has distressed you at all. It is nothing bad, I can assure you.”
Now that should reassure him in some way, but this was Virgil. Hopefully the others would understand by now it’s not that simple to calm him down.
“Uh huh. Just out with it, Logan. What did you want to ask?” Virgil asked.
Logan nodded and straightened up again.
“Right, yes. I have been informed of the uh spider situation in your room.”
Ah, yes. Virgil knew what he was referring to.
After the mini-plushies video, Roman had seen Virgil's use for mini-Roman. A companion for his pet spider. Roman had not approved, not wanting any version of him to be near a spider. So he got Remus to give Virgil another spider, so that could be the first one’s companion. Little did Roman know, the new one was a male spider. Seeing as the original was a female…you can see where that went.
Roman had even more incentive to avoid Virgil’s room than he had before. Virgil loved having many spiders in his room though. These spiders were all over the room now. The webbing from the Halloween special was no longer a one-time thing. Since there were so many spiders around. Most of them were still small, as the majority were still babies. They were actually hard to keep track of because of that. Another thing that made the other sides unnerved.
“Ah. Yeah? What about it?” Virgil asked.
He wasn’t sure why Logan was asking. It didn’t affect him. The other sides rarely went into Virgil’s room anyways because of the affect it had on them.
“Well, uh,” Logan shifted. The first break in his perfectly logical posture.
 Now Virgil narrowed his eyes, but in confusion.
Logan cleared his throat.
“I haven’t heard of such a phenomenon happening with another side before. Which, of course I suppose makes sense. Seeing as this is a new thing, and we only know of other sides of Thomas. Not to mention you are the only side here with an affinity for spiders. As most of them have a fear of them due to Thomas’ arachnophobia…”
The rambling…was Logan nervous?
“Logan,” Virgil simply said.
Logan stopped mid-sentence and then adjusted his tie.
“Ah, right. Well, anyways, I found myself curious about the state of these spiders in your room. As I often am with anything out of the ordinary in the mindscape when it’s not solely imagination based. It only makes sense as the aspect of Thomas for logic. That I would want to know as much as I can, especially if it pertains to himself,” Logan said.
“Logan, you don’t have to justify being curious about something,” Virgil said.
Something shifted briefly in Logan’s face, that was gone in a blink. Logan adjusted his glasses.
“Of course not. I wasn’t doing that. I don’t need to do such a thing,” Logan said.
Virgil found himself wondering if Janus would call Logan out on that were he around. Virgil decided to let it be for now though.
“Okay. Anyways,” Virgil gestured for Logan to get to his point.
Logan nodded again.
“Right, yes. Is it okay with you that I enter your room and observe the spiders in there,” Logan asked.
Virgil blinked. He wasn’t sure why, but that was not what he expected Logan to ask.
Maybe to ask a bunch of questions, given Logan’s love for knowledge. But to actually want to see them? Nobody had ever expressed an interest in something of Virgil’s like that before. He didn’t blame the others for fearing spiders, of course. But it was nice that someone actually wanted to know more about the creatures. And not just want to get rid of them right away.
“Is that all?” Virgil found himself asking.
Logan nodded.
“Yes. I wanted to see how the many spiders behaved in an enclosed environment such as your room. Not to mention if their behaviors compare to real spiders at all. I'm curious to see what that could mean for Thomas’ subconscious,” Logan said.
“Okay. Yeah, you can watch them. But under one condition,” Virgil said and held a finger up.
Virgil could see the excited gleam in Logan’s eye once Virgil had said yes. Logan rolled his shoulders back and re-straightened his posture. But Virgil could still see Logan’s excitement.
“Yes, of course. What is it?” Logan asked.
“You must not harm any of them,” Virgil said more seriously. The others’ dislike of the spiders was not the only reason no one else had gone in since so many spawned. Like Virgil said, most of the spiders were so small. His difficulty keeping track of them made Virgil nervous as well. He wasn’t versed in the proper way to take care of so many spiders. They had started to crawl around before he could get them in an enclosed space for their own safety.
He didn’t want to chance anyone else stepping on them. Especially when he was barely sure about being able to avoid such a thing himself. Plus, even though he doesn’t think anyone would want to upset Virgil, he is well aware of fight-or-flight when it comes to seeing something you are afraid of. He doesn’t think anyone would want to upset Virgil. But one of them could smack a spider instinctively without meaning to.
Nobody had complained about the ban from his room for the time being. Yet, Virgil could see Logan being more careful. Logan had the science knowledge on how to be around critters. And would be more cautious in Virgil’s room anyways.
“If you so much as swing near a spider, I will ban you from my room and from all the spiders,” Virgil continued.
Logan nodded.
“Of course, Virgil. I promise, I mean no harm to your spiders. I will be extra careful,” Logan said.
Virgil’s shoulders untensed and he sighed in relief.
“Okay,” Virgil said. He gestured for Logan to follow him and headed to his room.
He stopped in front of his door and turned around. Then he waved for Logan to step back some. Logan furrowed his brows in confusion but stepped back anyways.
“Okay. So first, I need to make sure none of them are in the way. So there is a clear path to walk in without a chance of anyone getting stepped on. I also ask that you not come in here without me,” Virgil said.
“Of course, Virgil. This is your room. I wouldn’t enter without you unless you said I could.”
Virgil nodded and then carefully opened the door. He quickly looked on the ground and then stepped forward, closing the door behind him. He wanted to make sure none of them could escape from the room. Spiders running rampant through the mindscape was the last thing they needed.
As Virgil looked forward on the ground, he squinted and kneeled to get a better view. There were some on the floor. Looking like little black dots with tiny legs scattering about. He reached forward and gently brushed them to the side. Most of them reacted instantly, scurrying away. Some heading to the closest webs and jumping away. The ones closest to his hands started to climb onto his fingers the moment his warmth came near them.
He sighed at those ones and held his hands to his chest as he stood up. Then he moved his hands to the closest webs at his shoulder level and lead them to cling onto those instead.
Virgil scanned the floor another time to be sure and then turned to the door.
“Okay Logan! You can come in now. Please close the door quickly, and still watch your step the whole time. They move around a lot.”
The door opened and Logan swiftly slipped inside. He closed the door almost as soon as he was in. Honestly, Virgil was impressed.
Logan leaned against the door for a moment. Then he looked down in front of him, before he followed Virgil’s path to the center of the room. Logan walked at a slower pace though as he was looking around at the room.
Virgil’s room tended to have a lot of spider webs and cobwebs, as he liked the aesthetic. But there were way more now. The newer ones were more distinguishable. They had nicer designs and the designs were easier to see. Most of them didn’t block walkways thankfully. But the walls were covered in spiderwebs, along with some corners. And the webs were covered in spiders. They were scurrying about, spinning webs, and crawling along the furniture as well.
Logan looked around himself a lot, as though he couldn’t decide where to focus on.
“Fascinating…” Logan said, “I assumed that others had vastly overestimated the amount in here. Given the other sides’ wariness of spiders.”
Virgil snorted at that.
“Ah, no. The spiders reproduced fast.”
Logan hmmed at that. as he stepped forward to the wall right to their side. He observed a particularly intricate web hanging there.
“Do they always have this much energy?” Logan asked. His thinking face on.
Virgil thought about it.
“I’m not sure actually. There’s always some sort of movement going on, except maybe at night. It’s hard to determine if it’s the same spiders or not though,” Virgil said.
“Yes, I can imagine the sheer amount of them would make discerning that difficult. Now a 24/7 camera on them and careful observation may help with gathering data for that,” Logan muttered.
“I’m not putting a camera in here, Logan,” Virgil said.
Logan waved that off, “Yes, of course not. I was just thinking out loud,” Logan said.
Virgil hmmed at that. He knew Logan wouldn’t breach his privacy, but even bringing up such a thing made Virgil nervous.
Virgil took a breath. Logan continued to mutter to himself aloud. He leaned in closer to the webs than most people tended to, while being mindful not to get stuck in one.
A small hiss got Virgil’s attention, and he glanced to his bedside table. He smiled when he saw his first spider companion sitting there. Virgil walked over and then kneeled so he was eye-level with her.
“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you,” Virgil said softly.
He had no idea where her mate was though. Probably on one of the ceiling webs or something.
He reached forward slowly before he started to pet her.
He heard Logan come over to them, and then sit on the bed. The bed was one of the few places the spiders didn’t take over in the room. Unless it was night time and they decided to follow mom cuddling with Virgil. Before he has to shoo them away that is.
Virgil shifts so Logan can see, before Virgil puts a hand out in front of the bedside table. He gently coaxes her crawl onto his hand. Virgil felt her little legs tap lightly against his hand as she scurried on. He stood up with her in his hand. Then he turned to face Logan.
“Would you like to meet her?” Virgil asked.
Logan blinks. “Meet her?”
“You know, like pet her and maybe hold her,” Virgil said.
Logan looked at the spider with an awed look.
“Ah…if it is truly okay?” Logan asked.
Virgil nodded and sat beside the other on the bed.
“Yeah, I trust you. Plus, I’m right here in case you change your mind.”
Logan nodded.
Virgil holds his hand out, and Logan reaches forward hesitantly. He pets her softly, barely even touching her.
“I can’t promise they would all be this chill with petting,” Virgil said. “Even if the others weren’t too small for that anyways. I don’t know them all yet. I haven’t even really tried naming the new ones, as I wouldn’t know how to keep track of which one was who.”
“What is this one’s name then?” Logan asked.
Virgil felt his face warm. Nobody had asked about her name yet, so he hadn’t needed to admit it.
Logan paused and then smiled.
“Like from the book?” Logan asked.
Virgil sighed.
“Yeah…I named her when I was young, alright? And I thought of the spider friend from the book when I saw her…” Virgil muttered.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed, Virgil. It’s cute,” Logan said, still smiling.
Virgil groaned.
“I don’t want to seem cute,” Virgil said.
“Ah, of course. Having one sentimental name for a pet doesn’t have to take away from your uh, quote ‘toughness’,” Logan said.
“I’ll give the other spiders much cooler names,” Virgil said.
“Of course. I would expect nothing less,” Logan said.
They went back to just focusing on the spider after that.
“It has been a while since Thomas has touched such a creature. Especially given his arachnophobia. I myself never have on my own. I don’t interact with the imagination much,” Logan said after a moment.
Virgil nods.
“I understand. I don’t go out of my way for the twins’ creatures. But it is nice to have my own little companion like this,” Virgil said.
Logan nodded, petting her softly again.
“Yes, I recall there are many positive benefits to having a pet. I can uh,” Logan clears his throat again, “I can see the appeal.”
“Did you want to hold her?” Virgil asked.
Logan inhaled.
“Yes,” He said.
Logan held his hands out.
“Be very careful with her,” Virgil said.
“I will,” Logan said softly.
Virgil quietly encouraged her to crawl onto Logan’s hand. She was much more hesitant to crawl onto Logan’s hand. Charlotte stepped forward at a slower pace as though cautious about the new surface.
Virgil saw Logan refrain from jolting at Charlotte’s first little taps onto his hand. He only twitched briefly. The touches of the little legs tickle, especially if you’re not used to it. Logan’s eyes widened as he looked down at her. After a moment of no more movement, Charlotte continued to crawl onto Logan’s hand.
He slowly brought her closer to his chest, and put his other hand up near the first as a wall to keep her from falling. She spun in a circle on his hand.
Logan’s mouth twitched into a smile at that.
“I think she likes you,” Virgil said.
Logan glanced up, but didn’t look away from her for long.
“How can you tell?” Logan asked.
Virgil shrugged.
“Well for one thing, the fact that she has stayed on your hand. She also hasn’t tried to bite or attack you at all,” Virgil said.
“Was that a concern?” Logan asked.
“I don’t know. Like I said, this hasn’t come up much. She at least doesn’t dislike you or see you as a threat. Probably because she trusts me,” Virgil said.
Logan nodded.
“Do you think she is more intelligent than a real spider? Along with the others around here?” Logan asked.
“I’m not sure. It wouldn’t surprise me though. Considering Thomas’ fear of spiders, these ones are surprisingly friendly. More so than I would expect,” Virgil said.
“That could make it easier for them to exist in the mindscape,” Logan said.
“Perhaps,” Virgil said.
Charlotte stayed put for a moment after doing her spins. She crawled side to side for a moment. But then decided to get brave and started to climb up Logan’s arm.
Logan gasped and froze, clearly unprepared for that.
“Charlotte no!” Virgil exclaimed. He wrapped his hands around her and pulled her off of Logan before she could get past his elbow.
She then proceeded to attempt crawling around his fingers.
Virgil struggled to get a hold of her again. He ended up using a scientific gentle pinch to hold her still before setting her back down on the bedside table. She moved side to side again before starting to climb up the wall to get to the web there.
Virgil sighed and turned back to Logan.
“Sorry about that. She decided to be in an adventurous mood all the sudden,” Virgil said.
Logan laughed a little.
“It’s fine. Honestly, it was a bit amusing once I realized what was happening. I was only concerned it would be harder to watch out for her when she was crawling about,” Logan said.
 Virgil nodded.
“Yeah, I know what you mean. Which is why it was better to get her off of you. In fact, I think spider visit time may be over now. They may not seem like it, but spiders can actually get quite shy. I wouldn’t want to chance how they would be once they get tired of being around a new person,” Virgil said.
Logan nodded. “Of course. I’m grateful for any amount of time I got with them.”
Logan walked out of the room, Virgil behind him to close the door carefully again.
Logan smiled at Virgil once he was in the hallway.
“Thank you, Virgil. I know that was a bit of an unusual request for you. I don’t take your trust for granted,” Logan said.
Virgil smiled a bit shyly at him.
“No problem, Logan. It’s not that big of a deal. Let me know if you ever wanna swing by again to visit them. Maybe you can help me find a way to name the new ones without going crazy,” Virgil said.
Logan nodded at him.
“Of course. I’d be honored.”
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ao3feed-loceit · 5 months
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tma-entity-song-poll · 5 months
Battle of the Fear Bands!
B4R1: The Extinction
That Funny Feeling:
"20,000 years of this, 7 more to go"
London Calling:
“The song is all about the world tearing itself apart through war, famine, and disasters. The sound intensity lends itself to a feeling of danger. At the end of the song, there is a repeating "SOS" (the international distress signal) in Morse code, implying an outgoing call for help at the end of the world.”
Lyrics below the line!
That Funny Feeling:
I can't really, uh, play the guitar very well Um, or sing, so, you know, apologies
Stunning 8K resolution meditation app In honor of the revolution, it's half-off at the Gap Deadpool's self-awareness, loving parents, harmless fun The backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun
There it is again That funny feeling That funny feeling There it is again That funny feeling That funny feeling
The surgeon general's pop-up shop, Robert Iger's face Discount Etsy agitprop, Bugles' take on race Female Colonel Sanders, easy answers, civil war The whole world at your fingеrtips, the ocean at your door The livе-action Lion King, the Pepsi Halftime Show Twenty-thousand years of this, seven more to go Carpool Karaoke, Steve Aoki, Logan Paul A gift shop at the gun range, a mass shooting at the mall
There it is again That funny feeling That funny feeling There it is again That funny feeling That funny feeling
Reading Pornhub's terms of service, going for a drive And obeying all the traffic laws in Grand Theft Auto V Full agoraphobic, losing focus, cover blown A book on getting better hand-delivered by a drone Total disassociation, fully out your mind Googling "derealization," hating what you find That unapparent summer air in early fall The quiet comprehending of the ending of it all
There it is again That funny feeling That funny feeling There it is again That funny feeling That funny feeling
Hey, what can you say? We were overdue But it'll be over soon You wait Hey, what can you say? We were overdue But it'll be over soon Just wait Ba-da-da, ba-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da-da Hey, what can you say? We were overdue But it'll be over soon You wait Ba-da-da, ba-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da-da Hey, what can you say? We were overdue, oh But it'll be over soon You wait Ba-da-da, ba-da-da, ba-da Hey, what can you say? We were overdue But it'll be over soon You wait Ba-da-da, ba-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da-da
London Calling:
London calling to the faraway towns Now war is declared, and battle come down London calling to the underworld Come outta the cupboard, ya boys and girls
London calling, now don't look to us Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust London calling, see we ain't got no swing Except for the ring of that truncheon thing
The ice age is coming, the sun's zoomin' in Meltdown expected, the wheat is growin' thin Engines stop running, but I have no fear 'Cause London is drownin', and I live by the river
(London calling) to the imitation zone Forget it, brother, you can go it alone London calling to the zombies of death Quit holdin' out and draw another breath
London calling, and I don't wanna shout But while we were talking, I saw you noddin' out London calling, see we ain't got no Hyde 'Cept for that one with the yellowy eyes
The ice age is coming, the sun's zoomin' in Engines stop running, the wheat is growin' thin A nuclear error, but I have no fear 'Cause London is drowning, and I, I live by the river
The ice age is coming, the sun's zoomin' in Engines stop running, the wheat is growin' thin A nuclear error, but I have no fear 'Cause London is drowning, an' I, I live by the river
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh Now get this
(London calling) Yes, I was there, too And ya know what they said? Well, some of it was true (London calling) At the top of the dial And after all this, won't you give me a smile? (London calling)
I never felt so much alike, alike, alike
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mr-laveau · 2 years
Mr. Laveau's Masterlist of Design Ethnicities (headcanons)
I recently had a chat with my friends about the inclusivity of my designs and that reminded me that I have not properly shared what my HC for each design is, so I'm doin that! As well as small headcanons!
*forewarning, I also have alt designs which are different ethnicities but that doesn't overtake from each one as I do switch between their uses. Also this will update as time goes on.
•Sam is Latino in his first design, he's Afro-latino in one of his alternate designs and his newer alternate design is Navajo because I was sent something by @autisticempathydaemon where Sam and Lovely are siblings and I'm committing to it.
•Darlin'/Darren (he/they) is Japanese-American while his first alt design, Daryl, is African-american (of caribbean descent) while a newer design will be Chinese-latino.
•Lasko is a mixed Asian-American (He's Japanese & Desi)
•Gavin is a incubus, yes, but he does present as a dark-skinned desi man in my head
•Avior is Vietnamese
•Milo is afro-italian
•FL/Fern (they/them) is Caribbean afro-hispanic (their dad is black, their mom is from Cuba but immigrated from Venezuela)
•Asher is Latino (C last name is Castillo)
•David is Bedouin Arab (both of his parents are immigrants from Egypt) - Additionally I fucked around in my headcanons and he shifts into a giant jackal instead of a wolf
•Vincent is of Sri-Lankan descent, I die on this hill
•William is a black man - He is from France but immigrated to New Orleans before moving to Dahlia
•Damien is Rroma/Rromani
• Caelum is black
•Sweetheart/Sadhil is desi-american (he/they) - Their parents are immigrants - they're very disconnected from their cultural roots outside of knowing how to cook dishes they picked up from his mom
•Lovely/Logan (they/them) is Navajo/Native American - they're an ex-foster kid who never got adopted fully and they don't know their parents cuz they were put in the system at an early age. Their alt design, Landon Vale (he/they) is mixed (afro-polynesian)
•Huxley is chinese-american
•Angel/Alex (he/she/they) is mixed African-American - I've also headcanoned them as Guy's older sibling!
•Baaabe/Avery(she/he) is Vietnamese-American - She's half-siblings w Ollie and rocks romantic goth fashion.
•Quinn is white - also had a weird situationship with Darren that in their mutually destructive relationship before they cut him off.
•Christian is white
•Bright Eyes/Bea Bright (she/they) is dark-skinned and African-American
•Fred is desi-latino because I say so, that's all I need to say
•Alexis is Persian - oddly enough and I've explained it to my peeps and I'm explaining it now because her being Persian is an active decision to make commentary in the way that I've written her versus how she's generally percieved and how quickly people are willing to throw WOC with flaws into the role of a villain
•Starlight/Sama Latif (they/them) is mixed Assyrian/Iraqi
• Geordi is mixed African-Caribbean and is of Garifuna descent
• Cutie/Cara Teller (she/they) is Afro-korean and that's for a good ass reason, because simply put, Asian dad trauma especially while being raised female
•Morgan is Afro-latino because I simply wanna make a "we don't talk about Bruno reference", I think it could be funny–I think
•Seer/Apollo Sanders (he/him) is mixed (mayan-indigenous/African-american) - Apollo's namesake also has the gift of prophecy and his last name, Sanders, is derivative from Seers's cat, Sandy from @castleaudios which is based on the oracle Cassandra that was cursed not to be believed...by Apollo.
Anyways, that's all for now, byeeeeee
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beetlewine-art · 1 year
Sanders Sides: Names and their meanings.
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I was curious about what Logan's name means since is one of my favorite names for a boy, so i searched it up and i decided to share the meanings of the sides names like i did with the characters of "Encanto" and some of Disney's female villains. I don't remember doing one for the sides, so i decided to do it.
Side notes
.I wanted to put more than one meaning since names can have multiple meanings depending on the culture and i didn't put ALL of the meanings that Google give me in the post. For example, i saw that Roman can also mean "Gilged" or "Golden" but it was in just one source, while Strong and Powerful apeared multiple times. I am in no way a name expert and i was just curious about what their names could mean and i make a quick Google search so if you know another meaning for their names or think any of the info that i put here is wrong, please feel free to share and correct me in the comments.
. If you are wondering what Thomas name means, it aparently means "Twin or "Alike-looking man" so it means the same as Remus.
. Fun fact, the name of my Sanders Sides OC, Reagan means: "Little Ruler/King" or "Royal" and is a gender neutral name.
Tell me, what do you think of their names? Do you like their meanings?
Tag list: @emobeanwhoneedssleep @maze-arts @roman-can-gay
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meadowofbluebells · 1 year
Janus Was Not Dying
Notes: This short story is also posted on AO3 under the same username.
Summary: Janus had always thought that constructing everyone else’s false realities would ensure that he kept his own feet planted firmly within the truth. After all, to be a successful liar, one must be aware of the truth that is being denied. Yet, here he was, destroying himself in the name of a lie. Falling into the same trap as the others - telling himself one thing despite knowing that it was false. Because, despite seeing all the evidence to the contrary, Janus was not dying.
Janus was a secret keeper. The one who hid away all of Thomas’ darkest truths. He’d sit in the shadows and whisper everything that comforted his host. Then, when Thomas was successfully convinced of the alternative reality Janus presented, the side would slip away to bury the truth as deep as he could.  
Janus was also a protector, he allowed the little delusions that each of the other sides told themselves. Patton was always happy. Roman was never scared. Logan didn’t have feelings. Each side had their little secrets that they used as shields against the realities of their roles. They entrusted them to Janus, and he guarded them closely. For a long time that had worked fine. Sure, sometimes his mind would become sluggish with the weight of responsibility. Now and again he would find some dark crevice of the mind to scream and yell. Overall, though, Janus had been alright with his sentry role. 
None of that, however, prepared Janus for the challenge he now faced. It was something he had never considered possible. He’d always thought that constructing everyone else’s false realities would ensure that he kept his own feet planted firmly within the truth. After all, to be a successful liar, one must be aware of the truth that is being denied. Yet, here he was, destroying himself in the name of a lie. Falling into the same trap as the others - telling himself one thing despite knowing that it was false. Because, despite seeing all the evidence to the contrary, Janus was not dying. 
It was not the most straightforward lie to tell oneself. After all, pretty flowers dipped in scarlet blood were hard to ignore. Especially when the navy petals were splayed across the bright white of the bathroom sink. Yet, Janus turned a blind eye. He simply swept the delicate blossoms up and tossed them in the bin. Wiping away the macabre evidence in a routine manner. 
Check for any residue on the face. Toss the flowers. Clean the sink. Smile. Survive. Repeat. It was child's play. As simple as breathing. Well, as simple as breathing could be when one’s insides resembled a lush garden. 
By the time Janus left the harshly light bathroom, he had wrapped himself in an entirely new visage. Pinched lips were traded in for a bright smirk. Hunched shoulders were forcefully pulled back. Uneven breaths were lost with a wave of eloquent words. The others didn’t even blink an eye as he returned to the common room. All the pieces of Thomas sitting in smaller clusters going about their business. And Janus took his place among them, soaking in their presence as much as he could manage. He took care to store away each floaty laugh and shining smile. Hoping that they would comfort him in his weaker moments when he desperately wanted to give in to the demands that his disease laid at his feet. Using them to reassure himself that his greatest trick, letting the dying man live, would work another day. 
Still, sitting among his fellow sides was its own brand of torture because inevitably his eyes would land on Logan. That particular day, the logical side was sitting straight and scribbling away in his planner. Sometimes, he would pause and adjust his glasses or tap his pen against the book’s edge. He barely looked up when Remus vaulted over the couch or Patton started squealing over something of little interest. At least, that’s what Logan would have the rest of the sides believe. Janus, however, could scry the fundamental lie in Logan’s actions. He could see how Logan’s eyes narrowed slightly at Remus’ mishandling of the furniture. He had also long since memorized the way Logan’s eyebrows raised in curiosity. So he recognized the movement instantly when Patton started showing off whatever oh-so-adorable thing had caught his eye this time. 
Janus, however, refused to call Logan out on his hidden emotions. Making lying his expertise may have made Janus better at catching others in a lie, but it had also taught him the value of the lies people tell themselves. Logan found comfort in believing that he had no emotions, so Janus would indulge him. Knowing that Logan’s misguided beliefs about himself were both a balm and a brand on Janus’ aching wounds. On one hand, Logan was happy, and on the other, it made it harder and harder for Janus to deny his approaching demise. 
As a result of this dilemma, Janus learned to interact with Logan in small stints. He packed as much as he could into a shared roll of the eyes at the others’ antics or the joint recognition of a rare moment of calm. 
There was some idiotic part of him that wanted to scream in these moments. He wanted to throw himself to the floor and belt out a mournful cry until there was nothing left in him. At least then his throat would be bleeding due to something of his own choice. Maybe, if he was lucky, he would collapse and never get up again. It wouldn’t be peaceful, but it would be his. He would take the shadow of death and pin it down, demanding that he take the reins. There would be no more pain. No more grief. No more fear. He could simply cease to be. 
However, when this urge would overtake him, he’d look up and Logan would be there. A calm presence bringing Janus tea and blankets. He’d sit and read aloud without any prompting, and Janus would float. He’d be drawn in by the steady voice and the warm brushes of shoulders, and suddenly the urge to yell would mellow into a restrained sigh. The crinkling of pages and the gentle voice wrapping him in the image of a warm wish that Janus knew he could not possess. 
Eventually, Janus would wake from his stupor when Logan’s voice faded away. He’d grit his teeth - furious at the lost opportunity to leave, and yet thankful to fight another day. Then, he’d turn to Logan. He’d take everything in. The way the logical side messed with his tie. His straight posture. The weight of that ever-present emotionless expression. He’d use them to repair the cracks in the foundation of his vow. Mudding each crevice up with little tidbits of Logan alive, safe, and well. All the while reciting a mantra of the four little words that had come to destroy him, ‘I was not dying’. 
Over weeks, the mantra should have become easier to recite, but they dragged on his soul more each day. These instances with Logan also became harder to attain as time passed and Janus’ condition worsened. There were days when he could barely breathe due to the greedy flowers crowding his chest cavity. Janus was certain that the flower's scent was even mixing into his breath. He swore the soft floral scents were mocking him with each shaking breath - only being interrupted by the sharp scent of iron when another coughing fit took hold. Janus wanted to reach his hand down his throat and rip the flowers out by their roots. However, seeing how that wasn’t possible, he had taken to surrounding himself with stronger smells. Candles and coffees had made glorious allies as he tried to keep his head above water. 
It had been on one such occasion - when Janus had been drinking coffee instead of his usual herbal tea - that everything came crashing down. It was early morning in the mindscape. He had spent most of the night listening to a symphony of his wheezing breath. It was how he had spent most of his nights in recent days. So, when Janus’ clock struck an hour that he deemed good enough, he abandoned all pretense of sleep and slowly made his way to the kitchen.
 In the past, he may have entered the common area with a flourish befitting a side of his caliber.  Though, seeing as none of the others were around, Janus momentarily gave in to his exhaustion. He eased his body into one of the kitchen chairs - hissing in annoyance at how slow his limbs were to cooperate. Eventually, he managed to arrange his body into a position that at least mimicked comfort. After taking a moment to drag air into his lungs, he conjured a steaming mug of coffee. The liquid burned as he swallowed, but at least that was a pain that he could control. 
For a few minutes, he just sat there. Raising the mug to sip at the drink. All the while forlornly thinking of the abandoned tea canister collecting dust in the shadowy crevices of the cabinet. In the past, he had enjoyed the routine of making tea by hand instead of snapping his fingers and having a drink ready for him. Now, he could only enter the kitchen when the others were not around - too tired to walk around much. Still, Janus wasn’t dying. He was made of sterner stuff than that.  
Slowly, half-lidded eyes turned to the latest acquisition within his philosophy collection. He’d intended to take full advantage of the others’ tendency to sleep in. Besides, occasionally he could hear the sound of Logan, the only other side with the sense to take advantage of the morning, moving his chair around at his desk. The subtle noise was a monotonous sound that finally seemed to relax Janus into his chair. It was about all the interaction with the logical side that Janus could handle anymore. 
So, with a warm beverage at his fingertips and the wisdom of those long dead before him, Janus became engrossed in his book. He took notes here and there, determining which points had fallen out of favor over the centuries and which he believed could apply to Thomas’ life. Now and again, his pen would tap against the table as he thought about the pros and cons of an argument. He had been so focused on the pages beneath his nose that he didn’t even hear Logan walk into the kitchen, and snag a glance at his mug. 
“Are we out of tea?’ 
Janus jerked up at the unexpected intrusion into his haven. The chair he was sitting on screeched loudly at the sudden movement. However, that mattered little compared to the rush of blood and fragrant petals coating his mouth. They were all he needed to know who had spoken. 
“Sorry, I did not mean to frighten you.”  More flowers twisted their way up his esophagus as Logan rounded the table to face Janus head-on. Janus tracked his movement. He hopped with everything in him that he could keep down the flowers begging to be let out.
He smiled in lieu of a response. Knowing that if he tried to speak, Logan would see the blood coating his teeth. 
The logical side’s nose wrinkled in confusion as his shrewd gaze took Janus in. “Are you alright?” He made an aborted attempt to reach out to touch Janus before clearly thinking better of it. 
Janus wanted desperately to slip away, but he knew he had forfeited the ability to drop into his room weeks ago. He simply couldn’t muster the energy required. So, instead, he bit the inner corners of his cheeks - hoping desperately that the cursed blossoms crawling up his throat could wait long enough for him to dissuade Logan of his concerns. 
Thus, with one quick lick across his front teeth, he said, “Everything is alright. I simply leaned too far back in my chair.” He punctuated the statement with an unsteady smirk. 
However, he knew instantly that his ploy hadn’t worked. He felt his abused heart beat frantically against his chest as the shorter side’s eyes widened behind his glasses.
“Janus! You are bleeding!”
And Janus, with exhaustion and fear flooding his mind, simply replied, “Am I?”
Logan quickly swooped in closer to Janus. “Yes!” The shake in his voice betrayed his fear as he continued, “Janus, what is going on?” 
“Nothing, I’m absolutely fine.” Janus bit out.
“I said I’m fine,” Janus hissed as he moved further away from the logical side.
“You certainly are not,” Logan said as he shuffled closer. A muscle in his cheek twitched as he took in Janus’ tense position and hostile tone. 
Janus, however, could barely care. All he could think about was the flood of red and blue that was about to tumble out of his mouth at any second. Then, from one moment to the next, that fragile foundation broke and Janus fell into the depths. 
With a shaking hand, Janus wiped across his face, smearing droplets of blood across his chin with the movement. His shoulders curled in as a sob ripped its way out of his chest. With it came a jumbled mess of bloody flowers that slipped onto Janus’ lap. 
He watched, curled up on his chair, as Logan’s eyes widened. “Hanahaki disease.” Then after a moment, “They’re blue. Oh, Janus.” And there, there was everything Janus had been avoiding. A cascade of emotion overtook Logan’s face. Teary eyes told of sadness. Pale cheeks hinted towards fear. All of it, every droplet, discoloration, and whimper, rolled through Janus like lava. Logan was scared for Janus, and well, wasn't that a cruel ending to the charade? Both his goals, to hide and protect, were up in a blaze with one bout of coughing. He had wondered which would be worse - having his secret revealed or exposing Logan’s. Sitting there, he couldn’t say which was more devastating. In fact, he couldn’t even say that he was devastated because, for the first time in ages, he felt free. There was terror, frustration, and distress, but also a traitorous bit of peace. It was soft, gently protecting him from the nasty thorns of the other emotions. Yes, he could die. He knew he could. It would be ok now. 
“Stay there,” Logan said as he sifted away to get tissues. The words pulled the broken side from the newfound shelter that was in his mind. He blinked lazily as he registered the words. The doorway to the shelter slammed shut and Janus sat ramrod straight - ready to do battle into his final hours. 
“Logan, you didn’t want anyone to know you had emotions. My feelings were an obstacle to that goal.” The words gave him the momentum to reconstruct his mask. The tear stains under his eyes faded away as he took on a double of his own form. He felt the way it sucked away at the final dredges of his energy, but it was worth it. 
Logan turned back and sighed as he took in Janus’ nonplussed face. His shoulders slumped and he gave a rueful smile. Gently, he reached up and started rubbing a tissue under Janus’ eyes. 
Janus furrowed his brows. “What are you doing?”
Logan’s wobbly smile grew as he maneuvered the deceitful side’s head with light fingers. “Well, logically, the tears are still there. They have simply been hidden away under a sort of glamour. So, I am cleaning them up.” A shaky breath fell out of him. “If I must watch the man I love die, I might as well take care of him. Especially since he is foolishly risking his life in a misguided attempt to save me.” 
“It was the best choice.” 
“It was foolish.”
“You didn’t want anyone to see. If I confessed, and you reciprocated, they would know.” Janus stared at Logan, hoping to force him to accept reason through will alone. 
“If you had died,” Logan said in a steadier voice, “they would have known anyway.” There was a pause as Logan pulled Janus closer. The glamour melted away as Janus buried his face in the junction between Logan’s neck and shoulder. He gripped the fabric of Logan’s shirt tightly, his fingers shaking with the effort. “I love you, Janus,” Logan murmured. 
In an instant, the four words that had raced in Janus’ mind for months fell away. They were replaced with something new. Something that came even easier than breathing. Three little words that Janus savored each and every day, ‘I love you’.
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loganslowdown4 · 2 years
So Thomas and Joan a couple years ago made a video out of a bunch of quotes from the movie Anchorman, and I just found the transcription I made for it again…
So here I present to you:
Anchorman Sides
Roman: I need all of you to stop what you’re doing and listen! CANNONBALL!!
Roman: I’m kind of a big deal.
Logan: Really.
Roman: People know me.
Logan: Well I’m very happy for you.
Roman: I’m very important, uhhh I have… many leather bound books.
Remus: What in the hell’s diversity?
Roman: Well I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.
Virgil: Hey nice clothes gentlemen. I didn’t know the Salvation Army was having a sale. HAHAHAHAHA
Patton: Hey! Where did you get those clothes? At the toilet store?
Logan: I will have you know that I have more talent and more intellegence in my little finger than you do in your entire body! Sir!
Roman: You are a smelly pirate hooker!
*dog barks*
Roman: You pooped in the refridgerator? How’d you do that? I’m not even mad, that’s amazing.
Roman: I’m not prepared. I’m really not prepared at all.
Remus: I woke up this morning… and I shit a squirrel.
Janus: They had to bring a female in. Change your diapers, wipe the dribble away from your bubbling lips. Rub vaseline all over your hiney and tell you it’s special you different from everyone else’s. *laughs*
Patton: You said hiney!
Logan: Pat get back over here.
Patton: haha Hiney
Roman: You’re a real hooker. I’m gonna slap you in public.
Logan: *laughs* You have man boobs.
Roman: You’ve got a dirty whore-ish mouth, that’s what you have.
Logan: A jazz flute is for little fairy boys.
Roman: Ok, you know what? That’s uncalled for. I can’t work with this man.
Logan: I’m Logan Sanders.
Roman: And I’m Roman Sanders. Go fuck yourself, San Diego.
Virgil: *screams*
Patton: Why did you say that? You’re my hero, Roman!
Roman: Pat, I…
Patton: And you come out with stink like that! Poop! You poop mouth! The poop outta your mouth! *cries*
Roman: Pat, if I were to give you some money out of my wallet, would that ease the pain?
Roman: We are IN LOOOOOOVVVVEEE!!!!!
Roman: Did I say that loud?
Virgil: Yeah, you pretty much yelled it.
Patton: I love carpet.
Roman: Pat are you just looking at things in the office and saying that you love them?
Patton: I love lamp.
Roman: Do you really love the lamp? Or are you just saying it because you saw it?
Patton: I love lamp! I love lamp!
Roman: Pat, where’d you get a hand grenade?
Patton: I don’t know.
Remus: What do you say we go out on a date? Have some chicken, maybe some sex. You know, see what happens?
Logan: Oh, let me get this over here *dick punches Remus, Remus keels over* Sorry.
Patton: People seem to like me because I’m polite, and I’m rarely late. I like to eat ice cream, and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Remus: I’m all about having fun, you know, get a couple cocktails in me, start a fire in someone’s kitchen. Maybe go to Sea World, take my pants off.
Roman: Great Oden’s Raven!
Janus: *referring to his cologne* It’s called ‘Sex Panther’ by Odeon. It’s illegal in 9 countries.
Roman: Jan, I’m gonna be honest with you. That smells like pure gasoline.
Janus: They’ve done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works every time.
Roman: That doesn’t make sense
Patton: Logan.
Logan: Ahem.
Patton: I would like to extend to you an invitation to the ‘pant’s party’.
Logan: Excuse me?
Patton: The…party. The pants…with pants. The party with pants?
Logan: Pat, are you saying that there’s a party in your pants and I’m invited?
Patton: That’s it!
Logan: Did Janus tell you to say this, Patton?
Patton: No…Yes he did.
Logan: Ok. No, I don’t want to go to a party in your pants.
Patton: Very well. Virgil, would you like to go to a party in my pants?
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*materializes into existence*
Hey :D
Just wondering about the Sanders Sides sigils you drew. May I ask what inspired each design?
They're all so unique, and I love it!
Have a good day :D
i'll gladly tell you the inspirations behind each of em ^^
For Logan's sigil: i scribbled some simplified objects including a tie, a lightbulb and the symbol for mercury (the planet) and mashed all that together 👓
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for Roman: Obviously the top part is shaped like a crown, as for the rest, it's a mix of the symbol for mars (which is also the male symbol) and the iconic flourish he does with his arms ( i saw that little bit in a lot of other sigils so i added it to my roman sigil lol) 👑
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Patton's is one of the simplest: It's just a scale with an incomplete heart at the bottom (while creating it, i also tried to include the venus sigil -which is also the female symbol- but it didn't work out ^^') 🐶
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Janus's sigil is also pretty simple: the base is an upside down cross, with a snake around it, and four dashes to represent four hands holding onto the cross 🐍
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for Virgil's sigil: i mashed together a cross and the saturn symbol, and then added 8 little dashes to represent spider legs 💜
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and finally, Remus's sigil: the man body is a simplified sword, wrapped in tentacles. as for the little orbs thingies, they don't have much significance ( i added them because the design felt a bit too plain -but i guess they kinda look like eyeballs lol) 🐙
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thank you for the ask! ^^
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I posted 5,542 times in 2022
541 posts created (10%)
5,001 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 674 of my posts in 2022
#sanders sides - 179 posts
#thegayemo - 117 posts
#tss incorrect quotes - 108 posts
#virgil sanders - 104 posts
#sanders sides incorrect quotes - 104 posts
#ts virgil - 90 posts
#janus sanders - 86 posts
#roman sanders - 83 posts
#ts janus - 80 posts
#remus sanders - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i think i’m way too innocent i originally thought this meant virgil and janus would be sleeping together by like sharing a bed and cuddling
My Top Posts in 2022:
Virgil: *dies*
Roman: Timer starts now! When is he coming back? I say two months!
Remus: Bullshit. One month.
Janus: Nah, half a month.
Logan, scratching chin in thought: One week.
Virgil: I give him 5 minutes
444 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Things I want from the Sanders Sides season finale
Janus and Remus interacting
Roman and Remus interacting
Roman and Virgil being friends
Find out Virgil’s backstory with being a dark side
Backstory of Virgil and Janus
Something with the orange side
Logan to be happy and listened to
Roman angst
Logan angst
Virgil angst
466 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
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487 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Things I absolutely loved about the Baymax show…
Trans guy buying period stuff. It feels so good to have representation of non-female people getting periods!!!!!
The opening talking about periods. Yessss this should not be a topic that people are ashamed to talk about!
Kiko taking medication on screen. This was a very small detail but I almost never see that in a show. It’s nice to see other people taking medication especially since this is a taboo topic to talk about. I love the normalization of have prescriptions.
The little kitty is precious and I want to give them so many hugs!!!
Mbita asking out Yukio! I’m so glad to see a queer couple. Seeing a gay couple in every days life like a farmers market melts my heart!
An all gender bathroom!!!!!! I wish they had these at my school
Plus many many more things but this was at the top of my brain
766 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Happy pride month y’all
2,125 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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