#(idk i just found this after organising some of my files)
owlphibiansprite · 1 month
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Steven Universe reads Sailor Moon from S1E27 "House Guest", 11:06
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felixantares · 1 year
11 22 19 ayo
omg some of those are so fun!! 💚
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
I have such a hard time killing my darlings 😭 I never want to. But I do it!! even though it’s hard! I did it not even like a week ago. There was a whole severitus plot line in build me no shrines that I was super attached to and I cut it, because it wasn’t working. I was crying the whole time and now I have a separate severitus fic that is in no way related. But yes I have a darling graveyard, usually they don’t stay dead long and get turned into new fic ideas
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I mean, I’ve been doing creative writing forever it feels like. I wrote little short stories as a kid and drew really terrible comics. My mum got me this novel writing program that had a code for an online forum when I was around 12, and so I started writing a novel (I finished it too! I was 13 and it’s actually insane, the plot makes no sense, but like!! I did it, 45k of nonsense. my mum was so proud) but I joined the forum and it was a bunch of other kids all 12-17 who wanted to write books too. I kinda stopped for a while in high school and uni because I’d been told I couldn’t do anything with writing, that it was too hard to make a career out of it and I was better off doing something practical (haha jokes on them I went into art). Then in like… 2016? I had a brief little period where I wrote a couple Merlin fics, they didn’t do super well and I got a couple nasty comments that kinda put me off writing fanfic at all. Then in uhhhh August last year I got really into Harry Potter again after I broke off a toxic friendship with someone who said I couldn’t be queer and also like Harry Potter, so as a giant fuck you to them I joined the first HP discord server I found — which I kinda found my people right away and now I’m quite happily inhabiting my little corner of the internet and writing my stupid little stories.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
Okay I don’t think I’m crazy organised but then I’ve been told I am, so idk make your own calls. I’ve got 2 physical notebooks, one for my two long WIPs and I just kinda put a coloured sticky note in the pages whenever I switch the fic I’m writing for, and a second book for random ideas and notes and stuff that usually gets transferred to the appropriate document later. The idea notebook is very small and lives in my pocket in case I’m out and need to write an idea down. But I don’t really take a lot of physical notes. My docs and folders though are perfectly organised. Docs are put in folders with their fic (or in the case of one shots, a folder for that) or like my general writing folder if it’s a resource, but I have a naming system that I use for all my projects, based on what kind of file it is so they get tagged with like [OUTLINE] or [WIP] or whatever is relevant. There’s a colour coding system within the documents (so like as I’m writing, notes to myself are always blue, notes on a character are green, sections that need editing are highlighted in red, sections that I’m currently working on are orange… and a few other colour keys that I won’t bore you with) and then I have a spreadsheet I use to track wc goals and overall progress and stuff. I’ve thought about using that “make your own wiki” site that was shared with me a little while ago (or I’ve got a subscription to WorldAnvil for my D&D notes, so maybe that) to start organising my lore notes a bit better, but that’s a fairly large project and I might just stick to what’s working for me.
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Soo in case you missed it, Gosho released the SDB Justice Plus some time last month:
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The biggest shocker was the answer to Question number 4, shown below:
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Basically this translates to:
Q4: On the Mystery Train, he (Amuro) said to Miyano Shiho that “My comrades who are tracking us have made arrangements in order to retrieve you”, but were those comrades from PSB? If that’s the case, I’m curious about how he planned to deceive Vermouth...!
A: Those were comrades from the Black Organization, so there was no need to deceive them.
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Idk about y'all but when I read this, I was livid. It didn’t make any sense to me. And quite frankly, I didn't want it to. Maybe because I am one of those (very rare) people who thought Rei and Shiho could eventually end up together (Don't laugh, it would have made sense, and I'll write about that in a separate post).
Anywho, safe to say Gosho's latest confession left me in absolute confusion. Like why? Just why? Then I realised I'm more butt-hurt about this because I was fixated on a certain idea of Rei's character and chose to ignore his other sides, as if they didn't exist. It didn't help that his past is so freaking depressing which got me sympathizing with his character and led me to either ignore or make excuses for any red flags.
But now that I think about it, it sadly makes sense. It also explains why he didn't show any sadness or regret when he saw Shiho supposedly ‘die’ in the luggage cart in the Bell Tree Train Arc.
Now to let me wrap my head around this, I needed to breakdown his three "faces":
1. Amuro Tooru is a cheerful, friendly, generous, carefree, outgoing man.
2. Furuya Rei is a serious, law-abiding, calculating, patriotic police officer who is willing to die for Japan's security.
3. And Bourbon is a devious, manipulative, cunning, deadly agent.
Yet, ever since we found out he was in fact an NPA agent, we (or at least I), seem to have forgotten about those dark sides he possesses. Also with Zero's tea time showing us a softer side of his character it was easy to get caught up in "he's 100% one of the god guys" when in fact, he's a complex, grey character. 
He has shown on multiple occasions, just how far he is willing to go, to achieve whatever goal he’s set his mind on. Let's not forget how in Zero the Enforcer, he completely flipped the switch. (I know this isn't Canon but...) The man went as far as to create a suspect and jail the innocent Mori Kogoro so he can legally investigate the case and emotionally manipulate Conan into unkowningly help with the investigation.
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Also, in the Detective Nocturne’s case he deliberately didn’t tell Ran as soon as he noticed Conan might have been kidnapped by the criminal because he hadn’t finished investigating the apartment.
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And in the Scarlet Arc, he was willing to harm Jodie's teacher friend, so he can lure out the FBI and advance his investigation on Akai’s death. Let’s not forget once he figured out the truth, he was willing to expose Akai’s fake death (which I get it he's out for revenge), but by doing so, he would have also gotten Kir killed (even though I'm pretty sure he knew at that point, she was in fact a NOC).
As we can see, be it Bourbon, Furuya Rei or  Amuro Toru, he will stop at nothing to reach his goals, even if it means throwing innocent people under the bus. So, now when Gosho says his "partners" were in fact BO members and not the PSB, I'm no longer surprised.
I mean, why wouldn’t he sell Shiho back to the organisation? Because he knew she was Sensei’s daughter, and that should have meant something to him? Alright, let’s talk about that.
Did he love Shiho’s mum? Yes, he did, there’s no doubt about that (one of the reasons he joined the joined the police in the first place was to find her, so you can't convince me otherwise).
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But what if he loved Japan even more? (It's not canon, but he did say in Zero the Enforcer that the safety of this country matters most to him, even if it means he’d end up paying with his own life).
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So, I'm going to take a wild guess as to how he could have felt when he found out the woman he loved as his own mother, willingly joined the deadly organisation that threatened the safety of his country. Based on his memories, he remembered her encouraging her husband to join the Carasuma group.
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So, if through his investigations, he was able to realise she is the same woman from his childhood, I’m pretty sure he would have been very disappointed.  I’m not sure the extent of his knowledge about the drug, but if he also found out their research created the poisonous APTX-4869, I reckon it would be more reason for him to be upset.
Now let's talk about Haibara/Shiho. To any outsider who's unaware of the truth of her past, she is a woman born into the organisation, then was groomed and taught from a young age by the syndicate and promoted to take on their research. A research that produced a poisonous drug, just like her parents did. Also, she only ran away after the organisation killed her sister. Before that, she was a high-ranking member. With all these facts, why would he think of her as anything but a criminal just like the rest of the BO members? It’d be rather foolish for him to not hand her back to the organisation just because she is the daughter of the woman he once thought so highly of. If anything, he’d be killing two birds with one stone, by executing a criminal, while also gaining higher standing in the organisation.
As fans of Haibara, we are rightfully upset by his intentions of returning her to the organisation because we know her truth. He doesn't. It wasn't until we learnt more about her painful past and kind and caring nature that we grew to love her. We know she never wanted to create a poisonous drug. That she already hated the organisation for using the drug as a poison. That she had to develop the drug to protect Akemi’s life.
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There is no way Rei would have known about any of the bullying she or her family faced from the BO. By nature, Shiho is very secretive and reserved and very little of her personality or history would have been known by any of the BO members (except maybe Gin). Therefore, apart from the files the BO would have kept on Shiho and her role in the organisation, that’s all Rei had to learn about her. So, I can’t really blame him for choosing to hand her back to the organisation.
Some people who are still in denial, argue that if he planned to kill Shiho, why was he willing to kill whom he thought was Vermouth instead of handing her over?
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Shouldn’t that prove he was going to take Shiho to safety to the PSB, not the BO? Before Gosho's statement, I would have agreed but now...sigh. Now, I get why he did that. If Shiho were to die BEFORE she was returned to the organisation, he wouldn’t have gained the trust he was seeking. If she were to die AFTER he delivered her, I highly doubt it would have mattered to him. Although I'm still hoping he maybe he had a plan of not leaving her in the organisation's clutches after "handing her back" and he never truly intended on getting her killed. But since Gosho also said there was no need to deceive Vermouth, I highly doubt it. (Heart breaking).
After such an explanation, does everything make more sense now? Maybe. Am I ok with it? Hell no! I’m quite angry and annoyed that this is how things turned out to be, but it is what it is. We have to accept that Rei is not a good character, and he's not a bad character. He's a grey character and when you think of it that way, it's easier to understand his behaviour. Not that I agree with it. After Gosho's statement, I think pretty sure Rei is in dire need of some character development. He could stand to learn a thing or two from Conan who manages to reach his goals while preserving as many lives as possible (Akai's fake death being the burst example while managing to drive Kir back to the BO).
For now, I’m looking forward to the developments that will entail. I’m curious to see how Rei and Haibara will react once they eventually meet each other. It'll be interesting to see what will go through his mind once he figures out her true identity. One thing I'm sure of is once they're introduced to each other, emotions will be running high and things will get intense. Which honestly, I can't wait for and I'm counting down the days till I get a proper Amuro/Haibara interaction.
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criquette-was-here · 3 years
Long Due Replies
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Hi everyone! It’s been some crazy few months for me. Real life has taken over completely so I didn’t have a chance to pay attention to my inbox. There are lot of asks on troubleshooting and I apologise for not being able to help on time. I hope everyone who needed help has got it somehow >.< There’s a crazy amount of messages, so I’m going to hide it under the cut.
@shutupshirley said:
Hi Criquette, I’m sorry because this is dumb, but I don’t understand how to install your neighbourhood lighting mod on an installation of Ultimate Collection... do I change out every lighting.txt file I can find across all the expansion and stuff packs? :/
Thank you!!!!
Hi @shutupshirley! I’m not a big specialist on windows version of TS2 and UC but I believe there are two folders you have to look at and they are ‘Fun with Pets’ and ‘Open for Business’
Anonymous said:
What do you imagine residents of Feverfew are called? I keep doing Peruvian but like Ferfewian or some
Oh, yes, I was thinking about this matter at some point! Feverfewian is what I came up with. I even found a wiki article about different names for different town inhabitants to sort of made it up a bit, but I haven’t write down the result I had and now I’ve lost it. I think feverfewians sounds best, it can even have some silly derivatives like ‘fewies’
@3sushiroll said:
Hi Criquette, I'm getting into SC4 and have been getting the hang of it while using the sims 2 hood planner. I've been starting to use bridges and have been using yours. When I put in the tile measurement into the hood planner (ex: 15 tile = 8 in SC4), it doesn't exactly line up in game. Does this usually happen for you and you put in a piece of fake road in the middle or am I just doing it wrong and it should line up super nicely? Thank you for all your wonderful creations!
Hi @3sushiroll! Yes, TS2 parses SC4 roads this way. I always put some decorative road in the gap or I make the shores narrower so that the bride would overlap the road. But to make slopes where the road ends equal, you have to use TS2 terraforming tool to make this flat empty piece of terrain right after the road end into slope so that it would look like the opposite.
Anonymous said:
Hi there, hope you're doing well! I downloaded your simple walkways set and noticed that they float. They don't sit on the ground properly. Is there anything I can do on my end to make them sit closer to the ground? Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
Hey anon! Thank you! Yes, this old set of walkways was made this way. Maxis made neighborhood mode roads float, so I had to do the same with road related decorations. But now you can use these Cobblestone paths or side walks from the Rural Charm, they’re as close to the ground as possible.
Anonymous said:
hey! would it ever be possible for you to create recolors of the cobblestone sidewalks in red brick/cobblestone?
Hi anon! I don’t think so :| I can’t even find the time to fix some Ferverfew related issues >.<
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette. I liked Feverfew very much. I would like to make some of the houses multi-unit, keeping your doors in place. Is it possible to add the function of apartments to these doors? :)
Hi nonne! As far as I’m aware, you can only default replace those apartment doors which is quite useless. What you can do, is to put an apartment door right behind the front door. This, obviously, would eat up the space but could work as a solution.
Anonymous said:
Hello! I just downloaded Feverview and it's gorgeous! I can't believe all the little details you added, the effort and love you put into this project is incredible. I just had a small question: a few residential lots are fake apartments, I was wondering if you know how to turn them into functional apartments 
Hi anon! I’m glad you liked Feverfew! ^__^ In theory, you can use SimPE or Lot Editor to change lot type from residential to apartment and then implement apartment doors somehow, but since I don’t have AL in my Super Collection, I have zero experience in that.
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette! :) I just realized recently that if I delete objects in game, I have to delete first the recolors of it. I've already deleted a bunch of objects without knowing about this, so now my downloads folders has houndreds of recolors without meshes. Do you know about anything I can do to find and delete these orphans? (Delphys download organizer just can't make difference)
Hi anon! I’m definitely not a helper on the matter of keeping Downloads folder organised, sorry ^^’‘ I would thing about finding sets of files with similar names keeping eye on the absence of the word ‘mesh’ in the names, and looking at the file size at the same time. And that would take ages, obviously. 
@ardyyy4 said:
Hello Criquette. I love Feverfew so much. But I have a problem. The grass and NHood objects are flickering together and it looks bad. How can i fix it? Thanks.
Hello Arda! That’s because of the neighborhood camera you’re using. I’d recommend you to install this particular camera just to get rid of flickering.
Anonymous said:
Hello! First of great content! Always been a fan! I was wondering if you could give a bit of advice with hood deco, I have downloaded an Ocean floor from Gwenke, and in lot view it only shows up at the very far edges, around my lot it is missing (it does show when render is set to small though). And it shows on beach lots too, I was wondering if you know of way to make it so that it is seen no matter what the view distance is etc? (I have the relevant cheats on btw) Thank you in advance!
Hey nonnie! Thanks :) Have you ticked off object hiding in the settings? Other than that, it could be camera issues.
Anonymous said:
is there a way to stop neighborhood decor from fading? I know there is the „boolprop dontmergenhflora“ cheat, but I still get some fading. for excample when I look at the lot from the street the NH decor by the street fades
That’s definitely sounds like object hiding option from the game settings :}
Anonymous said:
Hey how are you ? I hope all is well. I was wondering how is it that ts2 has no ski deco but in ts1 we had ski slope and skate lake !?? I was wondering can you and the sim community make deco or interactive items such as a ski slope or even snow shoes or just something that goes with seasons n BV pack ?
Hello anon! I hope you’re well too! Ski slope and winter sports related decos is something I wanted to make since 2016, but never had enough time to do so. Sometimes I even think about available TS2 technologies to make an animated ski lift and umm.. may be in the next ten years? ^^’‘
Anonymous said:
hello!! i'm sorry if u already answered something like this (i searched but found nothing) but the better nightlife isn't working for me :(( i put the better nightlife+voielle water on download fold and the decorations still flashing in pink light, i did something wrong? (i use win10) sorry for the inconveniente
Hey anon! Sometimes you have to do these weird steps in order to make it work:
remove Better Nightlife + water mod from your downloads folder,
load the game, load the neighborhood, make some changes, exit game
put Better Nightlife with water back. Toggle day/night with ‘L’ key to see if it works. If it’s not, than the problem is somewhere else. Pink flashing also could be unrelated to Better Nightlife, so I’d recommend to check TS2 graphics setting for Win10 manuals available.
Anonymous said:
Hello there, I'm having a problem with the rural charm, on lot view the roads have yellowish boards (idk how to explain exactly). I saw that was because of CuriousB terrain, but I don't have it downloaded anymore so I'm kinda confused. What should it be? Sorry for bothering,,,
Hello, anon! What’s current season you’re having in your game? It can be the season lighting differences that make roadside and terrain grass colors different. If it’s not, I’d check the Downloads folder to see if there’s still some terrain DRs I’ve forgot about.
@pinkflamingosims said:
Hi criquette! I was wondering if you have any idea why some hood deco cc crashes on mac, like palm 1 to 4 from the tropical 4t2 set by leoz94. Leoz94 says the only difference is the high polycount, but I don't think that's it, it looks a bit high to me but not insanely so, I have  other stuff in that range with no problem... Have a nice - evening?
Hey @pinkflamingosims! I hope you’re doing well! Yes, some hood decos are really make the game crash and frankly speaking, I think that’s jsut package related issues like broken references in the resource tree. The best way to fix this type of hood decos is to make a clean and stable new clone and replace mesh/textures again.
Anonymous said:
Hello and thank you for amazing Feverfew map! I have a problem... ground is flashing red and I cannot fix it, do you have solution for this problem? It's been soooo long when I last played Sims 2 so apparently I did something wrong when installed CC. :(
Hello anon! Thank you! Oh, red flashing could be the result of lighting mod not being installed correctly. I’d start with getting rid of any lighting mods to see if it helps.
@marv61​ said:
Hi Criquette. I just downloaded your terrain of Forkshire, it looks great! I know it has been since 2009 that you uploaded the terrain but I was wondering if you have a completed Neighborhood with houses, trees and all for download? I would love to play your version. Thanks.
Hi Patchman! Oh, goodness no! :D That was 12 years ago, those TS2 files are long gone since then.
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette, first things first, I love your work thank you so much, you inspire me! Now the question: I have been using the dirt roads from your Rural Lanes set and found that sometimes it is difficult if not impossible to fit them to the slopes of steep terrain. Would it be possible to instead create road pieces as a texture like your Neighborhood Decals? That way they would "stick" onto the terrain regardless of shape. Wondering what you think? Love!
Hello and thank you, anon! The problem with the decals – we can’t see it in lot mode yet. And it must be a DR only so we’d have to ditch one of the Maxis’ decals for dirt road, which isn’t great too.
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette! Will Betternightlife mod ever be updated to work with lighting mods with dawn and dusk? Is there any that already works with it? I really want to use the light up hood decos!
Hey anon! You can use it with lighting mods that add dusk and dawn to the game. For instance, there’s one here by @dreadpirate​.
Anonymous said:
Hey Criquette! I recently used your template to make lit-up hood deco buildings using the Better Nightlife mod. The day text was great! However, the night texture was being clipped by the day texture. That is, some parts of the day texture was showing through the night texture. Is there a fix for this?
Hello nonnie! I’d recommend to check the meshes to see if day/night parts clip through each other and if they aren’t I’d check if all the day/night TXMT data is correct.
@criquette​ said:
I've installed Fewerfew following all your istructions. Apparently it works but the night lamps are flashing pink even ig I've installed the mod better night light. It seems that this mod does not work properly. Any recommendation?
Being Criquette, you should know the solution to that issue yourself :P Just kidding, sorry, couldn’t resist! If it flashes pink only by night than you have to check your ‘Downloads’ folder for conflicts. If it’s flashing constantly day and night, than I’d better check graphics setting using some windows related guides available across the Internet.
Anonymous said:
Hello, I love Feverfew and it's amazing. I have a problem where Linden Tree 1A isn't showing up in my game even though it's in my downloads folder. Also the railroad tracks are flashing blue, and those are in my folder too. Thanks in advance!  :)
Hello anon! What type of the trees you’re using? Stand alone or default ones? If you’re using defaults, you can find the trees under Maxi’s oaks accordingly. As for the flashing blue railway tracks, check if you have this set in your ‘Downloads’ folder :)
Anonymous said:
Hello Criquette, before asking for help, I came to say that the Brazilian community loves your creations. But, to get to the point, anyway, I have been thinking about creating a Hood (inspired by Rio de Janeiro), so I would like to know how to create Deco Hoods for my game (the statue of Christ), I can't find that anywhere, Would you help me?
Hi there! Ah, most kind, thank you ^^ Well, there’s no big deal in creating hood decos. You have to switch your SimPE to advanced mode and after that neighborhood decoration will be visible in the catalogue to be cloned. I assume you already know how to make lot mode objects and know how to create, edit or convert meshes/textures though.
@hideshio​ said:
Hello! I found your train set (and it's AMAZING) on mts and was wondering if you had a railroad crossing sign? With the lights, X, and the red/white hand that goes down. Or the lights that go across a pole above the railroads. Thank you!  =D
Hello @hideshio​! Well, there is a railway crossing sign with lights and red/white hand included in this set :D it’s not animated though. But still!
Anonymous said:
Hi criquette, I’m a huge admirer of you work and I was wondering if you had any advice regarding road placement. Specifically the difficulty of road pieces that are deco only being able to be placed underneath the actually roads leaving it looking a little off.. if there a way to raise them higher before placing them or some kind of work around? 
Hey anon, thank you! Unfortunately, there’s no way to make decorative road pieces work for lot mode and neighborhood mode at the same time. If you lift them so they look okay in hood mode, they will float in the air in lot mode. Since my latest creations are lot mode oriented, I’ve decided to save my efforts on making road pieces even with neigborhood mode roads.
Anonymous said:
Hey Criquette. I noticed that in my Feverfew none of the buildings across the street of Feverfew Sports Hall show up. I know those are supposed to be hood deco and look like duplex buildings, but I can't figure out what I'm missing. I deleted and redownloaded everything and couldn't fix it. Also the river ends at the first bridge in front of the cathedral, so the boats next to it appear to be flying. What is going on?
Hey anon! There’s definitely some files missing. If you’ve checked and redownloaded all the files, try to replace the Feverfew neighborhood folder with initial one. The game never restores disappeared hood decos by itself. Even if they were placed in the folder after their absence is discovered.
@simping-simmer​ said:
Hi Criquette, am I remembering correctly that there is a trick you can do with SimPE to change the height of individual pieces of hood deco? I’m struggling with putting ships in my dock because if I change a CC ship’s placeability to be able to be on both land and sea, it just sinks, but if I only keep it on sea, it can’t get close enough to the shore to place it in my docks. Does this make sense at all? Lol
Hello @simping-simmer​, you’re absolutely right. You can change the height of placed hood decos via SimPE. Things you need to do are described here and here
Anonymous said:
Hello! I love all your work.  I was wondering if you had ever thought of making some desert roads along the lines of the Terrain Mod: Dusty Roads for Desert Neighbourhoods by Stev84? I love the way this looks in my desert, but unfortunately, this mod makes the road in live mode a floor, which then makes you unable to place driveways.
Hey anon! Thanks ^^ Frankly, I don’t have any plans on creating any desert related CC at all :|
Anonymous said:
Hello Criquette. I would like to thank you for all the amazing work you have done creating content for sims 2. Thanks to you all my projects are possible. My question is: Chainlink fences for neighborhood deco... Do they exist? Searching the web these past day only found for build mode. Do you know of someone who already make some for deco hood? Or kindly will you be able to make some if its not much work? My sports fields and Industrial zones will be pleased for sure! Once again, thank you! :)
Hey anon and thank you! I don’t think hood deco chainlink fences were created by someone yet, but they definitely would be a great addition to the game. I was going to create some while working on Feverfew, but never had enough time to do that. May be i’ll make one at some point in the future!
Anonymous said:
Hello, Criquette. Do you know of any way to place lots without the area around it moving? I downloaded Ousmeo's remake of your Dullsfielde and read his og post using the waytime machine. When viewing that post, Tumblr recommended similar posts, one of which seemed to be a tip to prevent good deco from moving when placing lots nearby, but that post wasn't archived, so I can't visualise it. My guess is that if anyone else knows about this, it must be the best hood decorator that ever was ;-)
Hello anon! Ugh, this TS2 ‘feature’ is driving me mad quite often too! Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to get rid of it. The only way to fix the consequences is to backup initial hood folder and when you finish placing lots, replace spoiled terrain with the initial one with SimPE or HoodReplace.
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ashes-in-a-jar · 4 years
Okay! So a day late but here are my thoughts on the magnus archives relisten episodes 1-5!
Long post but one thing that comes up in all of the episodes: Jon isn't the skeptic we thought he was.
Episode 1 angler fish
The institute was founded in 1818 and the apocalypse started October 18 2018 which means... Idk just an interesting tidbit.
Did someone say Jon was bad at technology? At least he had a laptop and could work with it just fine
"impeccably organised library" of course it is! Martin works there and is actually competent you clown of a man!
"there are very few genuine cases" where is skeptic Jon?? Look at him admitting there are genuine cases he's just making sure to research properly before admitting to it. He was not a skeptic just overly critical! Even at the end of angler fish he doesn't deny it and says it's a pretty eerie case!
It seems like the audio recordings start as a side project secondary in comparison to digitizing the statements so we can drop the "Jon only thought the audio was important and had he known how to archive properly he wouldn't have done it" shpiel. Look how few recordings we have throughout the seasons which span years. It shows they didn't put their main effort into them even though they end up being crucial to the Eye.
Interesting how many statements skip over research and are archived directly. If the filing system chosen separates real and discredited they have to do follow ups to make sure it's genuine. Again the archives aren't supposed to do that job but it makes sense why they do.
Sound scape is rough I forgot how much lol. But still there's that creepy static when he says "can I have a cigarette" from the very beginning! Also Johnny's change in tone when the statement starts is very jarring I can't believe I haven't noticed it the first time around.
"I stared at the Stranger" "The stranger asked" accosted by some stranger" Look at that wording hmmm.
Episode 2 do not open
Gillespie you king, how were you so high you agreed to such a dubious deal lol
John is definitely Stranger from that description of him. It's the same description used for breekon and hope.
Joshua Gillespie grew a beard and thought it would work as a disguise lol. I want to see bearded Joshua in the What the Cult. I want Jon to say to him: "... So you kept the beard huh."
"It's funny how fear can just become as routine as hunger" whoops foreshadowing.
"It’s always nice to hear that my hometown is not entirely devoid of odd occurrences and eerie stories. Ice cream, beaches and boredom are all very well, but I’m glad to hear Bournemouth has at least a few apparitions to call its own" Jon's first of his special brand of not funny to anyone but him jokes. And a bit of background we get on him early on!
His dismissal of it because of drugs makes me think there are so many of those that are obviously fake it's just a knee jerk reaction to dismiss the case rather than skepticism.
Episode 3 across the street
Graham is really really strange. What is up with him? The push of the girl into the street, who did that? Who's harassing/following him? What is the deal with his notebooks? They say "keep watching" is that what compelled Amy to keep watching? Is what was harassing him Eye based? Really mysterious.
Maybe the Stranger wanted to steal an Eye victim somehow.
Graham's description sounds eerily like how we describe the Archivist tired greying, "Boring to listen to but interesting to watch". Hmmm
He also acted like his own Archivist with his notebooks! Idk this is really mysterious to me.
"I’d be tempted to dismiss this as hallucination resulting from long-term head trauma complications, but Tim came through with this one and managed to get hold of Ms. Patel’s medical records. God knows how he got them, but he’d better not be using Institute funds to woo filing clerks again". Once again Jon is not skeptical if there is proof. Also Tim ppffftt.
Episode 4 pageturner
Gerry!!! Yessss
His mom is the creepiest honestly
So this was after she died and before her page was burned
"The auction was titled “Key of Solomon 1863 owned by MacGregor Mathers and Jurgen Leitner” and had been won for just over £1200 by a deactivated user - grbookworm1818" lololol Gertrude's username I can't.
Written below it were three lines, in fine green calligraphy: “Grant us the sight that we may not know. Grant us the scent that we may not catch. Grant us the sound that we may not call.” oooh eye imagery is not just eye. It's ear and nose as well. Also green theme hello
Wait 2 ex altioras?? And one ended up in his hands and the other at his friends hand, Mike crew?? That's one hell of a coincidence.
"Jurgen Leitner has done the world enough harm and we must pursue all available avenues to ensure that he does no more." see?? Once again not a skeptic but a man with a mission to wipe out the bad Lietner has done.
"Martin couldn’t find any records of Ex Altiora as a title in existent catalogues of esoteric or similar literature, so I assigned Sasha to double-check. Still nothing." yep. Because Martin isn't bad at his job.
Episode 5 thrown away
Not much to say about this one except there was a corroboration between the entities to pull this off. Doll head? Extremely Long thin strip of paper with Latin on it and singed edges? Teeth? Metal heart of Alan? Not one entity that's for sure.
Another person with a compulsion to investigate meeting his Doom. Stop trying to Know it'll only make everything worse.
"but at least it got Martin out of the Institute for an afternoon, which is always a welcome relief." God Jon....
Once again Jon is not playing the skeptic here but saying the evidence is verifyable.
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solkat-edits · 4 years
woah a pq sprite edit tutorial ft. mod kk (paint tool SAI)
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MOD KK....: SO UH. this is primarily to help a pal of mine, but like i thought it’d be good to make a post / tutorial in general, so here’s a tutorial which features the process of how i did this dave
since i use sai, this is a tutorial mainly for sai, but you can follow along easily on other art programs since functions are similar and etc. the link to the sai i use can be found here. 
tutorial starts under the read more: 
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BEFORE WE START, any sai users, here are my brush settings regarding lineart / linking, and in general, these are the settings I use for all my art and edits. Size wise, I usually draw with 1, but for line width, I’ll change between 1, 0.8, and 1.5.
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1. So first and foremost (wow, look the way I’m typing got more formal), you want to open the sprite you want to edit on. Here I have Dave. A good resource for sprites / assets from PQ is from this blog, in case any one needs it. 
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2. If you need to, make edits to the base. Usually, if not the hair, I’ll make an edit to the character’s shading colour or their face. In this instance, it’s going to be the latter. So in this picture, what you want to do is colour pick from his skin, make a new layer and on that layer,  you’ll ‘erase’ (draw over) his expression. 
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2.1. Lower the opacity on the coloured over layer so that you can see his original expression- mainly I do this so I can see the proper placement of his facial features and such. Here, I’ll sketch the change I want. 
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2.2. After it’s sketched out, I’ll line it proper and fill it in, and now he’s like smug (shame that it gets covered up by his bangs in the finished edit).
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3. Now we’re to the fun part! Well, onto the more fun parts. Here is where we’ll start our sketching. Sketching isn’t mandatory, especially on smaller, minor edits such as changing shirt colours or adding small accessories, but if you want do things like drastically change their haircut, or to give them a new outfit entirely, sketching is probably a good idea. Anyways, lower the base’s opacity, and then  decide what kind of outfit you want to sketch on your base, and do it. 
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4. After sketching, you’re gonna line! Lower the opacity on both the base and the sketch- though that’s probably a given. Completely optional, but I tend to put my layers in a folder set for organisation purposes. Also, please name your layers, it’ll help you good (OKAY SO LMAO. I forgot to take the screenshot of me mid lining, so I eyeballed all my finished lines out to make it look like it was incomplete.)
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4.1: Anyways, yay! The lining’s complete. I know this is supposed to be a tutorial, but process photos are fun too. 
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5. Now we’re onto pre colouring. I say pre colouring because this is like setting the base for colouring? Yeah. Anyways, I’ve made another folder set for colouring, pulled the base sprite into it, and then set a coloured background under the base for transparency and etc- I usually go with a colour which will contrast the piece’s main palette, which in this case, is blacks and shades of red. 
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5.1. Now we’re going to put the base colour into the newly created lineart. What we’ll do here is turn the transparency on the base sprite down till it’s completely gone, and then we select every inside of the lineart.
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5.2: With the base ‘white’ (the greyish white) colour from Dave’s original sprite, we’ll fill the lineart. 
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5.3 However, after this, you’re going to want to check your transparency because it won’t always be perfect- actually, it won’t be perfect. Usually, you’ll get that small,  shitty white outline which overall imo ruins the piece when it’s transparent. 
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5.4. What you’re going to want to do to rid of this, is- going back to 5.2, after you’ve filled it, and you still have the selection on, you’re going to reverse the selection (arrow pointing to it, ‘pologies for non sai users because I don’t know the equivalent), and then erase. It’ll seem like you’re just erasing the background, but I swear it’s worth it. 
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5.5 See? Now it’s clean. Yay!!!
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5.6 After that’s figured out, you’re going to want to redirect your attention back to the base sprite, and then erase all the shit that’s leftover from it, such as Dave’s sleeve which is poking out from the side, as shown in the pic. 
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5.7 Bam. And now he’s all cleaned up proper and ready to roll. 
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5.8 A completely optional step, but my favourite since I love lining. What I usually do, so that the lines look smooth(er), and more precise with the style, is that I ink it a bit to create line width variation in certain parts of the sprite, and also to create shadows.
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6. Finally on colouring- I’m probably numbering all this shit wrong, but you know what, I sucked at math. Anyways, colouring- figure out your palette, and basically base colour parts of your sprite. The blackish part on the shirt is an airbrush texture. 
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6.1. Tip: If you’re using dark greys or blacks, I’d recommend just picking the exact shades from other PQ sprites so they’re all??? Idk, the same? To put it simply??? Yeah. 
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6.2. Shading is- another probably basic thing, but I’m explaining my particular process, but how I go about shading is by making a clipping layer over the layer I’m currently shading on to ensure that it only colours on that part. Then, I put it on multiply, and then toggle around till I get a good mid shade. To each their own, however, these are just my tips and tricks that I use personally. 
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6.3. And after you’ve shaded your entire piece, you’re done! Yay, he’s edgy now! 
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6.4. Though I did make my end sprite with a texture, and for SAI users, it’s relatively easy. Just open the png file of your sprite so that all your layers are in one and it’s a happy pic, and then go to to the textures drop down menu and select your texture. For this, I decide to use the grunge texture. I also used this texture on my Derse Prince edit, and I used a TV screen texture on one of my Hal edits. I don’t know if texture packs come with other art programs, but if they do, just experiment and see what you like! It’s not obligatory, but it’s a nice touch for some edits. 
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Other than that! We’re finished! I hope you enjoyed- apologies if anything said was over complicated haha ;;. 
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What I would love to see in the next Fantastic Beasts movies
(as always, sorry for the mistakes and for my poor english, I’m not a native speaker, etc! I will continue to correct it)
If you already read other posts I wrote, you know that I’m into plans and organised texts. So here we go again.
Just to be clear:
it's neither a request, nor what I think we should or need to see, and I won't be mad if we don't have the following scenes it in the next films. (I do have an opinion on what can be interessing to include in the movies, but again, it's my opinion! just ideas, and a lot of questions without answers also, etc) (and well it’s not groundbreaking but who cares)
About Newt and his friends
About Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald
About the Summer of 1899
About the other characters
About the Wizarding Society, Muggle world, etc
Some explanations we would like to have
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1. About Newt and his friends
- Newt as a selfless and intrepid hero who loves all of the magic creatures
- To be honest, all the team as dauntless and loveable heroes and heroins facing bad guys (and Jacob - who’s already the kindest and smoothest man - being also incredibly brave)
- Newt and Tina, as a couple, loving each other, fighting together, having each other back, growing stronger and more confident with each other (like they’re fighting and are in symbiosis) (in the last film obviously)
- Queenie Goldstein as a powerful witch while she explains why she joined Grindelwald’s side - because she believes Ministry is going to do nothing for her, because she believes in a brighter future without the Statute
- (At least) some clues about Nagini’s and Riddle’s meeting
- Credence’s true family? And because his past is quite tragic and he’d already gone through awful experiences, maybe his happy end?
- Theseus not knowing how to act after Leta’s death: should he follow blindly the Ministry? Trust Dumbledore, his brother and the rest of the team?
- A character eventually agreeing with some of Grindelwald’s ideas about magic things which shouldn’t be hide and stuff, but fighting against him anyway (well, most likely Queenie)
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2. About Albus Dumbledore and (or) Gellert Grindelwald
- Albus Dumbledore as the charismatic, incredibly marvellous and skilled wizard he is, while people around him are impress by his aura: imagine Albus walking in the Ministry, and people who are supposed to protect the whole country are amazed, even scared: he’s stunning, blazing with power (and with cold fury, because the Ministry obviously did something stupid and Dumbledore is mad at them)
(at this point, we finally understand why he is the most powerful, skilled, prodigious, dazzling wizard of his age)¹
- Albus with colourful and amazing clothes
- Albus facing his Boggart (which is supposed to be Ariana’s corpse, but well, who knows)²
- Gellert Grindelwald facing his Boggart (what could it be?) (ok, I’m just curious here)
- The backstory of the Deluminator: why and when Albus developed this magical device? Did he always used it to have fun with light, or was it initially a more personal object? Had Albus created the Deluminator to find Gellert Grindelwald to fight him, at the end?
- A funny and arrogant (and bitter?) Dumbledore’s rejoinder, while he’s conscious of his marvellous mind and skills (like in the books)
- Dumbledore’s reaction when he discovers who is the actual Master of Elder Wand (again, i’m curious)
- Are Grindelwald’s mismatched eyes™ a sign of something important about his past, his abilities? is his hair white - and not anymore blond - because of Dark magic?
- A moment when we see how Dumbledore is able to manipulate surrounding people, including allies and friends
- A heartbreaking and breathtaking dialogue in 1945, while they fight against each other - and I wonder if - how - they are going to talk about their past, shared ambition and dreams, sentiments, guilt, regrets, etc
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3. About the Summer of 1899
- To be honest, it’s mostly: Albus and Gellert as remarkable, arrogant, impish, brillant and not wise at all young wizards in a flashback of 1899
passionate discussions about the Hallows, politics, the Statute, or complex magic things
wandless magic, non-verbal spells, forbidden and dangerous rituals³
Albus’ reactions while Gellert has his visions (was he already able to control his Seer’s abilities?)
how they have fun (common sense of humour, a bit bitter and jeering one most likely?)
And thanks those very quick scenes, we understand why Albus and Gellert fell in love with each other - they both were a freedom symbol for the other in a way, all what they always desired and dreamed of - and their common ambition elevated them, made them wanted a bright and glorious future
(ok, too much to show, yes, i know)
- Also, an already dangerous and extreme Gellert and an in-denial Albus (about the Inferi army, etc)
- A glimpse of the relationship between Abelforth and Ariana, between Albus and his family, and between Gellert and Albus’ siblings
(edit: and yeah i forgot, a kiss or something - an act only did by lovers and not best friends, because there are still people believing they are friends - and their relationship is technically still not canon?)
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4. About the other characters
- Adult Abelforth, loathing his brother, suffuring
- Tom Riddle at Hogwarts, possibly facing Dumbledore, or as a young charismatic awful future Dark wizard, or acting like he’s jealous of Grindelwald’s influence and like he already wants to surpass him
(it could be great to see him, at least few seconds, to build the bridge between FB and HP and most importantly to have a more detailed vision of Wizarding modern History, you know what i mean?)
- Ministry people who do not like Dumbledore because it’s funny
- A character who’s scared by the war and finally who gives up, and who runs away to try to be as far as possible from the political troubles
(it would show how war is an ordeal - I do not have the impression that the pressure and all were something so exposed in HP books, it could be great to see it?)⁴
- Minerva McGonagall, Alastor Moody, Cornelius Fudge, etc, being young - if they are already born in 1945? It’s not written anywhere so idk
- edit: I forgot Hagrid, it could be awesome to see him as a teen in the last movie during the events of the Chamber of Secrets’ first opening!
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5. About the Wizarding Society, Muggle world, ect
- The consequences of Grindelwald’s actions around the wizarding world and in the Muggle world: how things are destroyed, how he influences the governments
- The influence of rich and conservative pure-blood families through the war: how several of the sacred-28 families supported Grindelwald, how they influenced the whole magic society, why their inaction killed people, how the Ministry is corrupted, why it didn’t really change, even after the end of the war⁵
- The same conservative influence but in the very heart of character’s life: how Nagini is marginalized, for example⁶
- Why not political opinions expressed by several characters, to show how politics is a delicate and intricate subject, and why neither Albus Dumbledore nor Gellert Grindelwald are all white / all black, how Grindelwald gain influence, etc
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6. Some explanation we would like to have
- Why is Albus Dumbledore DADA teacher? We know he wrote articles in Transfiguration Today before graduating, so why teaching DADA? (guilt, will to help young people to not be tempted by Dark magic and power like he was, or was there simply already a Transfiguration teacher?)(should I mention it’s never said in the HP books?)
- When and why will Albus be the Transfiguration teacher? (edit: we have clues in FBtCoG because Travers says Albus is not going to be allowed to teach DADA anymore so I guess it explains it)
- How can Minerva McGonagall be at Hogwarts, already be a young woman - if I remember well, she’s not even born? Or extremely young?
- How Gellert Grindelwald summoned a phoenix - and more likely, let’s theorize, how might he summon and control Fawkes?
(because Credence can’t be a Dumbledore - or at least, can’t be directly related to Albus, Ariana, Kendra and Percival - or is he the illegitimate and secrete son of Abelforth? a cousin of Albus?
but if we consider Credence is not a Dumbledore, Gridelwald had been able to control a phoenix which is linked to thhe Dumbledores, right? is it thanks the blood pact? of because of Credence’s Obscurus? we don’t know
edit: or there is the theory about Credence being created by the philosopher’s stone I guess, so with Ariana’s Obscurial and most likely Albus’ blood)
- Why nobody knew that Grindelwald and Dumbledore met each other when they were teenagers, when Rita Skeeter published Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore in 1998?
(i’m not so angry, i’m mostly confused)
The Ministry knew Albus met Gellet Grindelwald in 1899, right? How can a that huge information be a secret during decades? Why Rita Skeeter only found it after Dumbledore’s death? Albus said they used to be “closer than brothers”: after that and because Travers doubted of Dumbledore’s true side, Albus had been restricted and watched by the Ministry during FBCoG. It should exist papers, files, archives which confirmed all of this. So why everybody forgot that Gellert and Albus knew each other when they were young?
- Or about Albus’ and Gellert’s former close relationship, didn’t Travers or Theseus understand they were lovers? Or if they understood, they - again - didn’t tell it? (Travers is not fond of Dumbledore, it could have been a scandal, why he didn’t say it?) Can all of that make any sense?
- Why isn’t the Blood Pact ever mentioned in Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore - or most likely, how everybody (Albus; Gellert; Newt and Newt’s friends; the Minstry; Grindelwald’s acolytes, etc) had succeed to hide it from the press and the whole magic society?
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That’s already a lot so let’s stop here Half of it is not so deep but I’m a simple girl, I’m always here for characters’ and background’s (lore?) development I will be pleased to hear what are your own wishes also
¹ : certainly one of the thing i would the most like to see in the next movies, which is also something very important in the FB and HP universe - i have the feeling his power, skills, etc are more an idea than a reality. (and i indeed used a thesaurus to describe him)
² : Boggarts, Albus’ Boggart, how - in Albus’ situation - it mirrors his Erised reflect and how it might show important elements about him is a subject i really want to broach, i already planned it, it may be great to talk about it i think?
³ : talking about forbidden rituals, i talked here about the Blood Pact and why i think it was illegal, Dark, etc :
Why Albus didn’t tell Ministry employees about the Blood Pact
⁴ : to be fair, there are elements which are reminders of the pressure of the war in the book, especially in OotP and DH, but the Golden Trio did not experienced the war like the common people did, and the story - even very short - of someone who was scared is something i will be pleased to discover
⁵ : well, i talked a bit about pure-blood conservative families, their power and their influence in two posts:
How can everyone find their true-love and still be in love after years in HP? (”magic-soulmates” theory and conservative society)
Why are the Weasleys poor? (eng&fr) (theories about pure-blood families, inheritance, etc)
(it’s theories, but it can explain my point of view - headcanons? - about those families and the Wizarding Society)
⁶ : again, check the two posts if you are interested!
Thanks for reading!
I again apologize for the mistakes - and there might be incorrect informations, even if I hope there are not
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ohhcnnas · 5 years
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( benedetta gargari, female ) did you hear how HANNA RILEY is applying to columbia university as an ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES major ?! the 23 year old is living in the EAST CAMPUS. i heard that they got in because they are + BRAVE and + INDEPENDENT, but honestly i think SHE can be -RIGID and - SHORT TEMPERED. they’re a real STICK IN THE MUD. oh well, only time will tell if the SENIOR will make it til the end.  
about the mun !!
hi hello its sam again ! i also play lukas but i felt like bringing my fave lesbian to the table bc i havent played her in fuckin ages and i miss her
about hanna !!
full name: hanna kate riley
nickname(s): han ?? idk hanna is technically already a nickname lmao
age: twenty three
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
hometown: north lake, wisconsin
date of birth: may 2nd
occupation: student ( ecology and environmental sciences, senior ), retail assistant at a reclaimed vintage store
relationship status: single but maybe dating some npc that doesnt go to columbia im still deciding lol
drink / smoke / drugs: rarely / no / no
faceclaim: benedetta gargari
positive traits: dedicated, brave, quick witted, protective, independent, organised
negative traits: stubborn, isolated, self doubting, lonely, short tempered, rigid, blunt
if he was in a hogwarts house: gryffindor
now some more dot points that are just me talking about hanna !!
growing up in small town wisconsin hanna didn’t ever really plan on going to a college like columbia. 
number one she doubted her own ability to get into an ivy league university, despite being heavily involved in extra curricular programs and having very good grades she never thought it was going to be enough to earn her a place in such a prestigious institution
number two she kind of always thought she’d stay closer to home, maybe the university of wisconsin or something in chicago. she’s incredibly close with her family, having grown up with most of her extended family living in her hometown or at least quite close to her hometown 
but all the same she applied, her driving motivation being columbia’s brilliant environmental science research programs. she’d been an avid environmentalist since she was a tween. a vegetarian since she was eleven, a vegan since she was fourteen, and even trying her best to live as waste free as possible from time to time ( senior year she’s not very focused on it because it takes a lot of time that she doesn’t have between study and work but she still tries a lil )
she’s a very old soul, heavily influenced by the fact that she grew up living with her grandparents. she loves reading, is always carrying a book in her bag if not several. she dresses pretty modestly but thats a comfort thing more than like a wanting to be modest thing lmao. big introvert but not shy, she will absolutely tell you to go fuck yourself if you’re annoying her even slightly
as you might have already put together she’s very passionate. being a gay environmentalist teenager in small town wisconsin she’s always felt the need to label herself and make sure she’s very strong in her opinions so no one questions her identity or tells her that its a phase and it will pass. she’s calmed down like, a little bit as she’s gotten older but she’s still very passionate about who she is and making sure people know what the fuck she’s about
she’s currently president of the lgbt club at columbia, vice president of feminist thought, a member of the outdoor orienteering club, and ex member of the student council. she “quit”/”was asked to leave” after getting into a v heated argument about something or other lmao
finally: she is a very nice and caring person. she likes to joke around, and really isn’t that tightly wound you just have to get past the hard shell asshole exterior and then she’ll be the gay mom of ur dreams
i just said finally but i want to include her aesthetic from the app bc it really just summarised her very well: recycled denim, thrifted sweaters, homemade rally signs, second hand books, x files on repeat, doc martens, liking plants more than people, carrying her bike upstairs so it doesn't get stolen, patches sown onto bags and jackets, pride pins, headphones in podcasts on, colour coded notes and a meticulously organised day planner, putting way too much soy milk in tea, looking forward to farmers markets
wanted connections babey !!
so with lukas i had a literal week to come up with some specific ones, i did not do that here so mainly will be looking at brainstorming but here’s some starting points
old roommates: maybe they got along, maybe they didn’t. hanna is a very neat person but she also needs everyone else to be neat as well, would definitely lose her shit about people leaving leftovers in the fridge until they stunk 
club members: this one is much more vague bc it’ll depend on what clubs, what their connection is to the club, give me some people that were on student council with her lmao
sorry i hit u with my bike but what the hell were u doing in the bike lane: it’d be funny give it to me pls 
live a little: someone that’s trying to break her out of her shell, it’s senior year and she’s probably only ever gone to a handful of parties, she hasn’t done a lot of stuff simply because she always felt she didn’t need to, but now she’s worried she’s missed out on some valuable college experience
cryptozoology enthusiasts: hanna loves weird stuff, she doesn’t really believe in everything but she thinks its fun to talk about cryptids like they could be real. her uncle goes to a mothman festival every year and brings her back a t shirt so she has an extensive collection now. she loves a good ghost adventures and roast zak bagans session. bonus points if this connection also includes a plan to go to vegas just to go to zak bagan’s haunted museum
hanna has probably pissed off a lot of people, feel free to hate her: thats it thats the connection ( im kidding pls lets plot it out and come up with something funny )
ben wyatt voice its about the found family:  found family pls like dont have to be gays but bonus points if they are but either way hanna is the mom thats just the facts
literally anything lets mcfreakin lose it
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duskholland · 6 years
i totally understand if u don’t write this but i just loved that blurb about peter and tony’s daughter dating and flash accidentally finds out so my request was basically asking if you could expand on that?? like maybe they take a field trip to the facility and she’s there and she kisses peter in front of flash or maybe she’s at peters and flash comes over for some reason and finds her on the couch in peters shirt idk!!
oooh oh okay! just for you!
**if you’ve not read the original blurb, that’s okay! I’ve written this so it can be read as either a continuation or a stand-alone piece :)
It’s not exactly a secret that Peter Parker is dating Y/N Stark. 
He loves her. He really, truly does. Which is why he had her set as his lock screen, and thus how the entirety of Midtown ended up discovering the relationship. For them, the majority being a bunch of science nerds, to discover that Peter was dating the Y/N Stark, turned him into what felt like a minor celebrity, with people Peter had never spoken to before coming up to him to ask questions about the Avengers, and the tech, and his girlfriend.
For the most part, that was alright. Peter never misses an opportunity to gush about his girl or the incredible scenes he’s often found inside Tony’s lab. 
But where it’s not alright is when Flash takes it upon himself to reach out to Tony Stark and request an authorised visit to Avenger HQ for their physics class, claiming it was Peter’s idea and would be vital to their studies. Tony, always a helping hand, quickly agreed and approved the trip without a second thought, which is how Peter finds himself on a sweaty yellow bus at 8am on a Thursday morning, practically shitting bricks.
“I’m telling you, baby, this is a really bad idea,” he mumbles into his phone. Beside him, Ned’s flicking through a brochure on the Tower, his eyes wide with intrigue. “Even if they’ve hidden all the Spider-Man stuff, it just feels wrong to bring all these people into that part of my life.” Peter’s got his fingers pressing into his forehead now. “Are you- Are you still planning on coming down to meet them all?”
Her melodious giggle comes down the line, and that alone is enough to have some of the tension in Peter’s shoulders draining away. “Yeah, I’m gonna be there for the tour,” she confirms. “Is that still okay? Is that Flash guy gonna be there?” Because she’s heard a lot about him, and if she’s being honest, is in half a mind to break out the new web shooters on the nasty boy. 
“Yeah, and yeah,” Peter mumbles. “He’s on the bus.” And being a dick. Flash is still persisting in his claims that Peter’s made up his relationship, and Peter just knows he’ll use this trip as an excuse to ‘expose’ Peter’s ‘lies’. “Hey, I think we’re just pulling up. I’ll see you in a minute.”
“Oh, okay. I love you!” 
“Love you too.”
Peter hurriedly jams his phone into his pocket as his class begin to file off the bus. Ned drifts after him as they go through standard security protocol, and Peter feels as though he’s all strung up as the security guards he’s seen a thousand times before pretend not to know him. He knows the entire tower is on alert to protect his identity, but that doesn’t stop him from shaking slightly. There’s just so much risk - too much to feel relaxed.
Their tour guide is a petite woman called Sara who Peter’s never seen before, and she has bright green hair and the tendency to clap a lot as she leads them through the labs. Her cheerfulness is infectious, and as he absorbs facts about the labs and machines, he finds himself forgetting about his nerves. Forgetting about the risk. At least, he does, until…
“Oi, Penis!” Flash is suddenly there, flanked by a few of his goonies. He eyes Peter sceptically, a hand perched on his hip. “Where’s this supposed girlfriend of yours, eh? Thought she’d be here.”
Peter rolls his eyes. “Fuck off,” he mutters, pushing past Flash. Ahead of them, the rest of the physics class begin to drain out into the next room, so Peter turns back to face Flash and scoff. “She’s here,” he promises. “Why do you care more about my dating life than this trip, though, Flash? I thought you organised this so you could actually learn something.”
Flash follows him as Peter moves into the next room. “Maybe because you’ve spent weeks lying to everyone. There’s absolutely no way that you scored Y/N Stark, and I’m gonna prove-”
He’s interrupted by the sudden appearance of Peter’s girlfriend. 
Y/N has a large smile on her face as she bounces over to Peter, painfully oblivious to the tension in the room. She quickly hugs him, and on instinct leans up to steal a kiss from the blushing boy, their lips touching for a brief moment that has half the room making various oooohing sounds. She pulls back quickly, looking a tad embarrassed, and instead links her fingers with Peter’s, his heartbeat beginning to calm as he meets the eyes of the love of his life.
“Sorry,” she mumbles, laughing quietly. Her eyes skim the room, relief seizing her face as she realises everyone else has averted their attention. “How’s the visit?”
But Peter’s a little too preoccupied to answer her question, as his eyes fall to Flash and the slack-jawed expression on his face. He’s the picture of shock: eyes wide, utterly gobsmacked, and looking like he regrets every moment of his measly existence.
“-Holy shit,” he mutters, drifting closer to the couple. Y/N looks to him, her face screwing into a disapproving expression of recognition. “Y/N- Y/N Stark… Actually knows Peter?”
She looks a little chuffed to be received so positively, but quickly reels that in. “Of course I know my boyfriend,” she quips, squeezing Peter’s hand. “Is that all?”
Flash looks like he wants the ground to open and swallow him whole. “Y-Yeah, sorry,” he mumbles, before quickly scurrying away. 
Peter can’t help but laugh, his quiet giggles filling the air. The room drains until it’s just him and Y/N, his girl looking at him amusingly. “You okay?” She asks, running a hand through his soft curls.
Peter nods softly. He leans in and kisses her suddenly, his lips firm as he channels his gratitude through their touch. His fingers find her hips and he savours the moment, beyond thrilled to be able to call such a woman his own.
“I love you,” he finally mumbles, their lips still touching.
She grins widely, eyes alight with love. “And I love you,” she promises. Her hand goes to his shoulder and she rubs a circular pattern over the top of his sweater. “We should go and find the others.”
Peter can’t help but pout, knowing she’s right. “Fine,” he grumbles. The lines quickly disappear from his forehead when she leans up to peck his cheek and paw at his hand.
Their fingers remain joined for the rest of the trip. By the time Peter’s physics class pile onto the bus at the end of the day, he’s filled with the smug affirmation that Flash has less of an ego now, and he has a wonderful, beautiful, angelic girlfriend to call his. 
Maybe life is good, after all.
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Ali: tl;dr: Somebody draw it for me, and since it was kinda my OC, I decided to use it.
And now the full story - that I told here like 3-4 times so far prompted by asks, so sorry to those who remember it. But this is really full story now. A FULL STORY. ALL THE DETAILS, ALL THE LOGO’S LORE. INCLUDING INFO YOU DON’T NEED AT ALL. BRACE YOURSELF.
Some years ago there was this fan project going on called Overtale, which was supposed to be sequel of Undertale following the plot of monster and humans living together on the surface. Since then the project got cancelled due to various issues and all that’s left of it is amazing music (seriously, listen to it, it’s great), some voice acting sneak peeks with very snarky Asriel and full 3D alpha-demo somewhere.
But when the project was still going on I really fallen in love with it and since I was also deeply in love with Papyrus - and still Am - I started a bit obnoxiously roleplaying him on the game project page in comments. Soon that helped me made friends with other fans of the project and then we gathered in this little group on Skype (oh, those times before Discord existed) with plans to make some kind of a video gift for the developers. And then developers themselves noticed us, and since the game was going to be in open world, we got an opportunity to create a little side town filled with characters made by us and with a short side plot line for a player to complete. 
And that let to creation of Ali, red haired, green eyed cat monster, who was  troubled with extreme case of double personality. She was supposed to be one of the shopkeepers in the town. But the town itself was in the midst of a conflict. Split in half, one side supporting beliefs of Sans-like scientist human and other side supporting beliefs of spirtual and kind dog monster. The problem was that Ali loved everybody and wanted to be friends with everybody. She just could not pick one side, it was too hard for her. She ended up developing a second personality, who she claimed was her sister named Ila. And then Ali supported one side of the conflict and Ila the other one. When you would interact with her in the shop, she would try to trick you, ducking under the counter and slightly changing outfits, trying to convince you that one time you talk with her and the other time with her sister, but it was all quite easy to look through. 
I even did some digging around now and found old files with dialogue ideas, I think they fit the humour of Undertale quite well, why not share some of them (the stuff in brackets are comments in the shop’s window or random notes made when this was wrote):
1. (conversation)
Ali: “Alright, what would you like to know?”
Ila: “Oh, meme-ingful conversation's your thing, huh?” heavy emphasis on the pun
2. (on sister) 
Ali: “My sister thinks she's hilarious. I think she's nuts.” 
Ila: “My sister thinks I'm nuts. Isn't that hilarious?”
3.  (random) “There's a good reason you never see monsters with guns. A really good reason. Maybe humans use them to kill things, and some humans don't like killing things, and that's why they don't use guns, but our reason is way better, and way more important than that. Gunpowder smells weird.”
4.  (on FKDK versus UFOP - town’s groups conflict) “People have been shouting at each other in the street a lot, lately. I'm pretty sure it's a new sport someone came up with.”
5.  (on Tree of Threes) “Some say that one of the trees just outside town is actually a were-man! It used to be a normal tree, but then one day a human bit it, and now it transforms into a man under the full moon.”
6.  (on Zwelf) “Zwelf once accidentally ingested a plastic donut while absentmindedly working out a problem. I didn't believe it at first. It was a lot to swallow.”
7.  "[talk][new] “Sir Mallow of Marsh... Bit of a mouthful, if you ask me. Why doesn't he just call himself Sir Marshmallow?”
8. (organisations)
 Ali: “I support the FDKD, of course. That's the (I forgot the acronym ). They (I don't know the answer to this question ). I suppose you wanna hear about the UFOP too? My sister knows more, I'll go get her.” exits to back room to change to Ila 
Ila: “Oh, the UFOP! That's the United Federation of Puns! It's so much pun being a member, we hang out and tell jokes all day, it's great! (idk wtf the UFOP goals are, she woud mention this now). Ugh. There's also the FDKD, but they're lame. No sense of humor whatsoever! Like my sister. Hang on, I'll get her for you, she can tell you more.” exits to back room to change to Ali
So yea, I have much more of those, but that’s probably enough and that was the kind of person Ali was supposed to be!
But then the project got sadly canceled due to personal reasons of the developers. I became quite fond of Ali though. There was more to the whole town idea, eventually it was dropped, then we were supposed to just made OC characters wandering the game world, so Ali changed into wandering merchant you could meet on the road. 
And then, since I had a very detailed desctription of how she was supposed to look like:
“Ali/Ila Appearance: Monster. Short-haired bipedal feline, the base colour of the coat being a concrete grey(#95A5A6), with patches of near-white(#ECF0F1), silver(#BDC3C7) and dark grey(#7F8C8D) which have defined edges, mimicking a tabby-blotchy khaki pattern. The face is intersected by a stripe of silver grey(#BDC3C7), running diagonally from just above the right-eye brow ridge, to the edge of the jaw just below the left side of the mouth. She has a narrow face and jaw; a longer muzzle with her pointed eye-teeth showing whenever she smiles; short ears sticking up through her hair; slitted emerald-green eyes(#00FF33) which are an average depth; and a windswept-styled pixie haircut about 5 inches long, dyed pomegranate red (#C0392B). Ali's body is slightly large, with some muscle present but not obvious. Ali wears a close-fitting scarlet(#FB0012) tee-shirt with a high v-neckline and short sleeves about ¼ the length from shoulder to elbow which has a skeleton's skull printed on it to symbolise her admiration for Papyrus, with a sleeveless green-and-brown khaki vest which is unzipped over the top, plain mid-blue jeans, red(#FB0012) canvas tennis shoes with white laces, and a FDKD pin displayed prominently on her vest. When changing to Ila she swaps her khaki vest for a blue hoodie, zipped up to hide the skull-printed shirt, but with a small skull pendant attached to the zipper tag to demonstrate her admiration for Sans. She also wears a UFOP pin prominently on the front of her hoodie. Ali/Ila's tail is tipped with a fluffed tuft of hair, which she dyes the same shade of red as the hair on her head.“
One of my friends took that and comissioned somebody else to draw her for me. This way I ended up with this lovely and amazing thing:
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At first it was all production secret, none of us was allowed to share any of it. But once Overtale got cancelled, the whole project stopped being secret, the main developer even published whole long document with all the plot.
And then I came up with this idea to make a liveblog with Jean and I found myself being extremely lost as to what I should use as the logo. I didn’t want to just grab some picture from the Internet, it just felt wrong to kinda “steal” somebody’s else work. And I wanted it to be something more personal too. 
And then I reminded myself of Ali, the cat monster with personality, hair style and color, and fashion choices modeled after me. It felt like a perfect choice. 
The time of hanging out with other Undertale fans, coming up with creative ideas, chatting about random stuff and chilling together was one of the greatest time of my life. So having Ali here brings me warm and nostalgic emotions. Maybe she never got to be a character in the game, but I could not just let her fade away. So I took her along for this new project.
The End. 
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wanna1things · 7 years
Undercover Agent!Yoon Jisung
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i LOVE jisung SO MUCH and gjhdgfhgsjf he looks so gOOD in his teaser pics lmao gtg byeee
Genre;; uhh undercover agent!au,, fluff,, sorry if the stuff about the police and stuff is wrong lmao am not a cia agent
Warnings;; theres mention of a contract killing & hits and a bar and like,, gang stuff??
Pairing;; Yoon Jisung x reader
Requested;; nope
Summary;; You are undercover for the organised crime unit. Yoon Jisung is your prime suspect for the contract killing of a rival gang member. Little do you know, he’s thinking the exact same thing about you...
Style;; bullet point + stuff
Word Count;; 1801
im SUPER sorry;; if you’ve requested something im super busy w family stuff and work but next week im free so ill get the requests done,, this was just something i’ve had written for a while lol its basically the plot of an episode of a tv show i watched when i was in spain in august idek what it was called but it was super cute and i thought it fit jisung because?? idk i feel like his personality fits this sort of thing lol anyway hope u enjoy
you joined the organised crime unit straight out of police training and tbh you were a prodigy
you were known for solving cases in record speed and you were always effective in undercover work
you knew of someone else on the force who was just as good at solving cases/being undercover as you were
but you had no idea who they were, just that they were in the homicide unit
your unit had been following a gang for quite a while
and you’d come to know all of their members quite well
when suddenly, the guy you were preparing to arrest was killed by a contract killer
your unit managed to catch the killer and he confessed that he was paid to kill the guy by a guy within the main gang in the city
and so your unit decided,, you should go undercover
you studied up on the members of this second gang and you focused all of your efforts on who appeared to be pulling the strings even though he wasn’t the leader
this guy called yoon jisung
luckily someone else in your unit was already undercover in the gang and so when you joined he introduced you as his half-sister
and straight away you spotted jisung looking at you up and down
you knew he was a bad guy, his files said left the police force a year ago and joined the gang straight away
he was very close to the leader already and was almost like his right hand man
little did you know, jisung was also an undercover agent
THE undercover agent from the homicide unit
he kept his real name in the gang to make his story more believable,, also because he can’t deal with fake names because he’d never adjust to being called something else lol
but boy did he think it was fishy that straight after this guy from another gang was killed that you were introduced
he immediately suspected you were in some way connected to the contract killing,, probably because you had close ties to a contract killer or something
after the gang meeting where you were introduced he approaches you straight away
and you're just like wow okay that was easy lol already my suspect is talking to me try to find info;;
that's literally exactly what he's trying to do with you as well
ahhh when he starts speaking to you you realise ;; oh my god;; he’s actually super good looking lmao no don't fall in love with a criminal
he holds out his hand for you to shake it and he smiles wide and tilts his head to the side slightly
‘Hello, y/n!! I’m Yoon Jisung!!’
you take his hand hesitantly because how is someone in a gang this bright lmao
he immediately starts asking you where you’re from and stuff which is really cute because he’s listening so intently to everything you say and he seems really interested
he’s interested for a different reason lol
so you recite what your,, fake,, life history is
it’s got bits of truth in there too but your undercover identity is that you do really have “ties” to a contract killer organisation
lmao bad idea jisung is even more suspicious
he also thinks you’re really cute and sweet?? Like??
and he's mentally kicking himself like lmao they’re a cold hearted killer don't fall in love
and over the next few weeks you’re always put on jobs together
when you both had to go to a meeting with the head of a supplier chain he claimed that ‘the boss told him that you needed to accompany him’
your coworker later revealed to you that no… jisung requested that you went with him to the meeting
this all was a bit,, suspicious but
you accepted it because it meant you could get close to your suspect even if it was in a weird way
one day, after you attend another meeting together he invites you out to a bar for a drink
and the gang you two are in basically controls that bar lol
so you decide you’ll try to get him drunk and get some information out of him so you can arrest him
but when you get there turns out he had the same idea and you both order virgin drinks lol
you swallow your pride and ask him about the case and you find that he oddly knows a lot??
like he knows who did it ok suspicious much jisung
and he’s realising that you know who did it too,, which is also really making you look suspicious lol
but you’re also realising that under this soft light god damn is he beautiful?? Oh my god??
lmao he's thinking the same about you like god they’re so?? Evil?? But so?? Good looking??
of course its jisung so he makes lots of terrible jokes along the way when will he stop
out of nowhere he starts to talk to you about the story of his friend in the gang being killed in a hit by the gang the guy who died was from
and he was telling the whole truth, his friend was undercover with him (which he didn't mention obviously lol) and he was killed
and jisung didn't know why he was opening up to you but you just seemed so easy to talk to lol
and you could tell this thing with his friend was really eating at him like he was truly upset wow gangsters have feelings??
in the back of your mind you were thinking ok motive found but you pushed it aside because he was really opening his heart to you and he was genuinely upset and no decent human being is about to ignore someone in distress
so as it seemed like he was about to cry you took hold of his hands and held them
he squeezed your hands back and looked up
and oh my god
he was crying but it was like a hiccupy cry (you know the one)
and it was so cute because he was smiling at you as well as like;; a thank you for being so comforting
and seriously this guy is damn cute for a gangster like wow how??
but really your feelings for each other are just getting deeper and deeper and you know it's so wrong because you’re meant to be arresting each other but you know love you can't help it
soon enough you guys are pretty much partners (in crime, literally)
like you always attend meetings together and stuff,, and y'all are both close to the boss
and you can full on admit you’ve totally fallen for this weird soppy cute gangster and don't tell anyone but he's fallen for you too UH
when suddenly there's an attempt on your colleague's life, the guy who you’re undercover with
and almost immediately there's a retaliation from what seems to be your gang
something clicks inside your brain and you realise
jisung put the hit out for that retaliation
nobody died but he did it because well you’re his partner, and your colleague is supposed to be your brother so it's like the done thing in a gang lol
little do you know, he's thinking the same about you, that you put the hit out yourself because well… it's your brother of course you’re going to get one back
so that night he decides to invite you out for a drink and then he’ll arrest you because well clear motive??
and when he invites you, you also decide that tonight's the night you’ll arrest him because DAMN the evidence is overwhelming
when you both arrive at the same bar as you went to before, you both order virgin cocktails and sit next to each other at the bar
reminiscing about the past few months of knowing each other and stuff, and laughing about how dumb jisung looked when he cried (sorry jisung youre cute i love you really??)
after a while theres a break of silence
and you both reach into your pockets/bags and pick out the handcuffs inside
you breathe in and out slowly and turn to fake jisung right as he turns to face you with his hands in his pockets
‘y/n, you’re under arrest-’
‘jisung, you’re under arrest-’
‘wait, what??’
Jisung stands up straight away and hes completely taken aback like whats going on
And theres a total ruckus going on in the bar now because ok theres two policemen here?? what
Jisung quickly grabs your hand and pulls you out of the bar and down into an alley beside it
as you’re trying to recover from that shock he fires questions at you like;;; quick fire
‘What was that?? You’re police too? What unit? Why didnt you tell me? Were you going to arrest me? What for? Oh my god, my boss is going to kill me…’
somehow you find the humour in all this
like you were just about to arrest each other for the exact same crime at the exact same time but you’re both undercover agents
(pls @ police units improve communication look what you’ve done)
when he hears your soft giggles he stops worrying and just joins in laughing because
admit it
its pretty funny yall were both the best undercover agents and you just tried to arrest each other
then he realises this cute little gang member he has a crush on isn't a gang member at all and there is no reason that he can’t kiss them right now
so he does
right then and there
and of course you’re shooketh because oh yeah;; he’s not a gangster i can totally do this and not feel bad lol
and then you realise your cover is completely and utterly blown and you can’t stay undercover anymore because BASICALLY the whole gang knows you’re policemen… either that or they think you’re into really kinky stuff oo ;)
and you can see the look on jisungs face when he realises it too but
‘Cover is blown but… got to admit it was worth it’
and he leans in to kiss you again uh BLESS
after that mess of a case you join the same unit as jisung and you two become the famous undercover couple
you always go undercover together, always as a couple because a) its easy and b) you don’t even have to act
every time someone new joins the unit you take your roles as the official parents™ of the unit and you train everyone who wants to go undercover as though they’re like your child uhh cute
your picture is up in the hall of fame for agents and sgadjfg the picture is so cute because you LOOK like parents
basically you two are like the cutest and the BIGGEST undercover agent power couple
ahhhh i hope this was enjoyable to read,, i wrote it on the train when i was on holiday so yknow not the best quality of writing but i thought it was cute so!!
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aeseyastudies · 7 years
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170618 // I haven’t made a post like this in a while, but I’m revising for an exam right now and it’s the last thing I want to be doing so I’m procrastinating (don’t follow my lead kids).
How I use Digital Notes
I’ll make a more detailed post about how I study at some point, but for now:
I use microsoft onenote, but you can use whatever program you feel comfortable with.
Useful features of onenote include the organisation into notebooks, sections, and tabs, search function, equation support, tagging, and formatting options (inc. different heading styles).
You can find really great posts about onenote quite easily if you’re interested in how it works (I would 100% recommend it).
Throughout the year I type up my class notes, summarising information and organising it into a sensible order.
This took a lot of discipline and I fell off the bandwagon quite a bit. I initially intended to type up my notes from the day every evening, but I found it’s more realistic to just do it as often as possible and to aim to finish each topic’s notes before I move onto the next one.
When I come to revise for exams I will rewrite and summarise my notes on paper (writing out notes helps me remember them, but this may not work for you)
When I’m doing the first few past papers I’ll have my notes with me so I can look things up until I can do a paper without them.
I find this is more effective than using the mark scheme to help as the mark scheme basically gives you the answers.
Why Make Digital Notes?
Obviously digital notes don’t work for everyone, but I find they’re much more useful to have than notes on paper, at least before you start revising.
The main benefits of digital notes are:
typing is faster than writing
search functions (depending on the program) to look up information quickly
neater and faster formatting
you can back them up somewhere else so you don’t have to worry about losing or damaging them
you can bring all your notes with you without it weighing a tonne (assuming your laptop/tablet doesn’t weigh a tonne)
copy and paste! Ofc use this as infrequently as possible, but it’s useful for quotes etc.
pictures without the effort of drawing or printing out and sticking in
cheaper as you don’t have to buy pens and paper as often
an excuse to bring your computer into school and then go online shopping and play games during really boring classes no I haven’t done this what are you talking about so you have access to google etc. to look things up whenever
The only reason I’ve managed to keep up with my notes throughout the year is because I don’t take any for maths and I’ve kind of fallen off the bandwagon for French (whoops). It’s a bit unrealistic to expect to keep up with all the notes for all your subjects (particularly if you’re doing gcses), so prioritise.
Subjects like maths tend to assess a skill rather than knowledge, so it’s probably more useful to do practice questions rather than make notes.
If you’re dropping a subject in a year and won’t touch it again make sure it’s actually worth making notes for the whole year.
In Class or After Class?
Whether you write notes on the computer during class or afterwards depends on the class.
I’ve got one particular teacher who flits back and forth between topics and often mentions things without going into detail because she assumes we’re too stupid to understand (not my favourite teacher ngl). So I use my laptop in her lessons so I can go back to topics we’ve already done and so I can google things to fact check (she frequently dumbs stuff down to inaccurate levels) and expand on points that she makes.
If you’ve got a teacher that tends to move super fast it might be worth having a computer with you as typing is generally much faster than writing.
If you can’t touch type learning is a really good idea, even just to improve the speed of your typing (I can’t actually touch type but I took a course until I learnt to use all my fingers when typing and now I type much faster). There’s lots of free online courses available.
Alternatively, you can just make all your class notes on paper and type up the important information when you get home.
This means you don’t have to worry about your class notes being neat enough to revise from; after you type them up you can file them or even throw them away to save space.
It also works as a review which is really good for putting the information into your long-term memory.
However it is also pretty time consuming so you’ve got to be super disciplined to keep on top of it.
In my school at a levels I’ve found it’s not too unusual to have a laptop out but it’s a bit odd to have one at gcses (idk about other schools). Obviously you shouldn’t care about what other people think, but if having your laptop/tablet with you will make you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable then leave it at home.
Also laptops and tablets are expensive and it’s understandable if you’d rather keep them safe at home.
That said, people do get used to it. Even if you’re the only one with a laptop/tablet, the novelty wears off quickly.
Some teachers don’t actually like students using laptops and tablets during class, so do check before you bring it in.
I hope this helped! Of course if you have any questions about this (or anything else) my ask is always open please ask me something
Here’s where I post this and find 56 typos :/
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5hineesback · 7 years
feel korea fanacc 2017 (exid biased)
this is going to be a very detailed fanacc of the full day, including the bad events which took place before the concert
first off let me say that kpop fans are honestly such lovely people. i came across a few bad eggs during the day but overall everyone was amazing. i arrived earlier than my friend and i made friends so quickly with the people who were in front of me in the queue, and i ended up spending the whole concert with them
secondly let me say that the organisation of this concert was an absolute joke, specifically the queueing. it was terrible, the worst organisation i’ve seen in a long time. they originally had one queue for everything, then created a ‘concert’ queue and made people move, then when the daytime event queue had died down we got moved back to where we originally were - except there was no guidance. everyone just ran for it. people at the front ended up at the back and people who’d just arrived got to the front. there was also a severe problem of people pushing in at the front - there was no barrier to block it and when we complained the security didn’t even try to do anything about it. 
i got to the venue at around 12:15, joined the only queue there was, was then moved to the ‘concert’ queue at around 12:45, was very near the front and managed to stay in basically the same place when we got moved back to our original line. then waited for about 6 hours, filled with events such as, as ive mentioned, people pushing in at the front and pretending they were there the whole time, the barrier being widened to such a degree at the front that there was no order at all
then came the worse part. we were lining up around the back of the building, and they wanted to move us to the front doors. so they stood back, and told us to go. everyone ran, again. i got pushed into walls and an open door, girls were falling over or hurting themselves on the barriers as everyone tried to get through. we had been asking them throughout the day how they were planning to get us in - we suggested sending us in groups of 10 or 20, or just making sure we all got to the doors one at a time. instead there was hundreds of people running to the doors, filling up the street because there was no barrier there to meet us. again, i managed to keep my place, pretty much, but a lot of people lost theirs, including girls at the front who had been there since 6am to queue. then despite the street being full of fans, they then told us to get in single file. which was fucking stupid because it wasnt possible. not unless they moved everyone forward enough, past the doors, to make enough room to move everyone against the wall, or move people backwards from the back of the queue, which literally went around the whole block. we eventually got in by them just giving up and letting us in one at a time with as little pushing as possible
but anyway, thats enough of that, although i will be complaining officially online lmao
okay the actual concert. by some miracle, i just got to the barrier, i got the last space. but myself and a couple of girls to my left were in the worst place to be at the barrier - in front of us was a camera man officially recording for the tv screen above, so during the concert idols would often be blocked by the camera which will be shown in my exid fancams lmao. but hey, i was at the barrier, i can’t complain. the distance from the barrier to the stage was about 10 feet i think, it was pretty large tbh so im rly glad i got to be there. we also got given water by very nice security thank u security
they were showing mvs for about an hour while we waited. if you were there, the first scream @ jeonghwa’s appearance in any mv was always me jsyk dklfjhdskj
when the concert started, there was a taekwondo performance which was a m a z i n g, they were breaking wood with their feet and at one point i was scared the broken wood would hit me lmao
after that, hani came on mc’ing, along with two other guys who i don’t know. the moment she appeared i Died. she was wearing such a pretty white dress, shes so angelic and cute and beautiful. she came out to mc after every performance, except it was just the guys when exid was about to perform. she spoke about going to see the disadvantaged kids yesterday and one of the guys was like “hanis not just beautiful, she has a beautiful heart” and hani said “the most beautiful is everyone here!” jdksa shes honestly a Dream
knk was first to perform, then snuper, then exid, then highlight. i’m not gonna pretend i was really there to see anyone but exid, because i wasn’t. but i did hearts to all the idols and i really enjoyed all their performances. knk sang knock first which is the only song i like by them so to hear it was so great. they’re such good dancers and they’re all very pretty
after knk, hani and the guys introduced a “special performance because london has gone through some hardships recently”. it was hyerin singing “you raise me up” and it was so beautiful i would have cried if i weren’t so focused on filming haha
then it was snuper’s turn to perform. i only know platonic love, so i enjoyed that, but i was pretty clueless about the rest of the songs. i still liked it tho. during one of their songs they brought a fan on stage to sing to her and also threw roses to the crowd. according to my friend who was a bit further back one of the members aimed one at her but a girl in front of her caught it lol. one of the members was so funny idk his name but fans threw a signed uk flag at the stage and he put it on like a cape and he came over to our section loads. hes my bias now but who is he
after that (i think??), knk came back on to perform a cover of an ed sheeran song which i don’t know the name of. everyone sang with them and it was rly Nice
then my girls!!! arrived and i screamed So Loud it was too much. they’re all so beautiful, but u kno i love my girl jeonghwa and omg... pictures and videos dont do her justice at all shes honestly Ethereal i went into shock and i almost teared up. i saw a girl so beautiful i started crying???
they started with hot pink and i could kinda feel how empty it was without solji but it was still amazing to see the four of them. then they moved onto night rather than day, then ah yeah, then finally up and down. i was trying So Hard to get interaction, i made eye contact with jeonghwa a few times and every time i was givin her hearts... she just kinda glanced over me tho.... its ok i still love u
the girl next to me got So much interaction, from l.e especially. she had a homemade exid fan sign and l.e seemed to love it haha. i probably should have made something too
exid’s performance seemed to go so quickly, i filmed most of their songs and some of their talk. i haven’t even watched the videos yet i’m gonna die
after exid, there was a performance with snuper and a group of girl dancers who i think won a competition during the day? they did dance covers of a few bts songs
then highlight came on and performed two of their new songs, before two of their old ones. i rly enjoyed the old ones, the new ones... they were okay but i liked being reminded of their old image as beast. i think this was when one of them motioned for us to clap, i was one of the first to start so he looked at me was he was walking our way and nodded at me which was cool lol. i think it was highlight anyway.... and i think it was that time... honestly the boy groups... kinda mushed together for me i could even begin to tell you which member it was. i made eye contact with a few guys of the various groups so i cant rly remember specifically
during highlights performance this annoying girl came up behind me and was literally pushing against me, trying to move my hair, touching my arms and back before eventually asking if i could move over. i did, but i later found out that the girl had literally somehow managed to get to the barrier from the back. she was rude as hell. also there was fireworks during the performance which scared the crap out of me i was like that compilation vid of chanyeol
after highlight, there was an encore where all the groups came out and threw balls and balloons. knk was in front of our section and exid were next to them more towards the middle. i feel bad for saying it but i ... rly wanted exid in front of me lmao. i did hearts towards them and here is where i might have got interaction from hani but im not sure???? she looked in my direction as i was looking at her and making a heart with my hands and she grinned and did a thumbs up but im not sure it was at me it might have been someone near me. i like to think it was at me tho. people around me got a lot of interaction with different idols but i didnt?? thats going back to diy stuff tho, ppl around me had created signs and written messages on paper and stuff so i guess thats where that came from. i rly would have done something too for exid but i didnt think id be that close, never mind at the barrier so i didn’t see much point
there was also confetti flying from a machine right in front of me and i accidentally dropped my exid fan sign i was given in the queue over the barrier so i caught confetti in my bag to take home instead lol. the annoying girl was still there and still annoying, she threw something at knk she’d made and one of the members got it and she started screaming and crying and yelling i love u which i wouldnt mind but... after the way she was so rude to me (and as i found out later, other ppl) nah why does she deserve that lmao. she also ended up getting a ball since security came over with two that had dropped and she said the yellow was hers... it wasnt she even asked me who signed it lmao
overall it was a really good concert and i cant wait to watch the videos back. it had ups and downs but despite having to miss london pride for it i dont regret going. i got to meet some great people and ofc i got to see my Special Girls in the flesh... they said they’d come back soon i hope so. ive drunk so much water tonight and im about to go and drink more also i can’t walk
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mogwitch · 7 years
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Ok so I tried the Ultra Organised Grimoire in a special beautiful perfect notebook but trying to make sure everything went in the right place was too stressful so in fear of ‘ruining’ it I never really did anything in it. I tried having several different books so that I had one for each category instead but that was ALSO incredibly stressful. Sometimes things felt like they belonged between two different books and I ended up with like 40 different books for different things and that also stopped me from doing anything with it. I tried the ring binder file grimoire but I just didn’t enjoy that as much and ended up only using it for tarot spreads so now that’s my tarot file. I tried a digital grimoire but I rarely turn on my laptop so that didn’t get worked on much. I tried the online grimoire but it quickly started to feel impersonal and too public and I missed having the feel of a BOOK in my hands.
So taking my card of the day’s advice instead of trying to make it perfect or putting off putting anything into my grimoire or putting off trying to make a new one until I found the “right” notebook, I did what I've been thinking of for a while now and just grabbed the biggest old book I have that I’m never going to read and started modifying it. Not even planning out HOW I was going to mod it, I’m just going with whatever comes to me next.
Masking tape over the spine to cover the title. Stitched along the top and bottom of that to prevent it pealing away. Stitched in a ribbon that I cut up. Coloured the tape with black chunky sharpie but it makes this like dark coppery metallic look and it was super nice so I decided to go over the rest of the cover so it’s not just plain black anymore. When that’s all dry I’m going to make some sigils to put in silver or gold or bronze sharpie on the cover or spine or both idk maybe both maybe all 3 colours maybe I’ll cover it in sigils maybe I’ll glue stuff on it. Probably want to add something to keep it closed when it inevitably bulks out. I’m trying to be more free with this one because perfectionism is one of my biggest downfalls in all areas of life tbh. It’s fun tho as soon as I started stressing about something not being perfect I purposefully made it more imperfect to try to fight that so when I started to stress that the stitching was uneven I made it more uneven, when I started to stress that the pages weren't going to be perfect thick crisp handmade paper I turned the book upside down so the front cover is the back cover and now the pages are not only marked and not parchment quality they're also upside down. Gonna use gesso over the pages so I can write/draw/paint/whatever and you'll still be able to see through the gesso but it makes a better surface plus it'll have that messy aesthetic lol. It’s going to be a bit of a messy one all round really but I DO have a very large and pretty paperblanks hard cover blank notebook coming in the post (cos I already bought it) so I’m going to use that one too for maybe some of the more I guess “formal” feeling things I want to put in. But this one is going to be my main book.
I’m a bit of a compulsive spender and honest to f almost paid around £540 earlier today after barely a few minutes thought for one of those big beautiful professionally made tomes just for the aesthetic knowing full well I’d never be able to set a pencil to it for fear of ruining it because if I had one of those it would have to be absolutely PERFECT so I’m glad I went in 100% the opposite direction.
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isaacathom · 7 years
oh dude the funnest part about this whole Stanton-Zhang family is that when Rhia is like, legally revealed to not be Rhia.
the police (possibly international, idk) are questioning the family, figuring out if this is some sort of identity fraud. like ‘Patrick Stanton, are you aware of a woman claiming to be your daughter by your first wife?’ ‘Rhia? yea.’ ‘well, is she?’ ‘uh, no. but she is like family to us.’ ‘wait, what. so youre in on it?��� ‘oh, yea! my sister in law Bronwyn and her family brought her over for a holiday and we had a long discussion about her situation and how we could help. we offered to have her fill that role’ ‘soo.... you DONT have a daughter by your first wife?’ ‘nope.’ ‘........ so shes just a fake person?’ ‘pretty much? but she is functionally family. we adopted her in all but legal terms’ ‘...........’
the police are very confused, needless to say. they go to Bronwyn and Jun. ‘so, uh, the fucks up with Rhia?’ ‘well, Jun found her knocked out in the Team base and took her with him to ensure she was safe-’ ‘wait he took her?’ ‘well, yes, i didnt know if someone would come back for her and was worried she’d end up badly injured as a result of that wait time, or that she might wake up alone and get lost in the desert’ ‘.... right.... go on’ ‘so we took her home and looked after her and she explained her situation, being an orphan and basically relying on that Elliot fellow-’ ‘the ex elite 4 member?’ ‘yea, that guy. and shes talking about how he left her for dead in the base-’ ‘what?’ ‘youd have to ask Rhia and Elliot. but we heard her story and, well, we’d grown close to her over her time with us, so we thought, maybe we could adopt?’ ‘so then why didnt you?’ ‘welllllllll we were worried Elliot would come looking for her if we properly adopted her, PLUS it had been like, two weeks since she went missing, so if we suddenly appeared with her itd look really bad-’ ‘it already looks pretty bad from here’ ‘we know, sir. so we decided instead of adopting her as Seren, we’d.... yknow..... pull in a favour. work something out so she could stay with us as someone else’ ‘and you used the Team?’ ‘no shit. i mean, i WAS an admin. i basically talked to Dante - that guy you arrested, the big one, not the kid - and we... made arrangements’
‘alright, Seren. the fucks up with this?’ ‘with what?’ ‘this whole ‘Rhia Stanton’ thing.’ ‘oh. well, i was staying with Elliot for a few days, a sort of field trip from the orphanage, go fight some gyms sorta deal. and Elliot had that Team raid, and i begged to come along, so i ended up going. and when we got in, we got jumped by a team of grunts. after a scuffle, i managed to free Elliot, at which point he.... yknow.... fucking bolted.’ ‘what’ ‘oh, sorry, he fled like a coward, better?’ ‘.....’ ‘and then the grunts beat me up. woke up in Juns house, he explained stuff, i stayed with them awhile, rest is history’ ‘miss, thats what we want to know’ ‘well, ok. at this point id been missing arrroooouuund two weeks, and Elliot had been blatantly lying about the circumstances. BLATANTLY. saying oh, he left me in bed and went to the raid and i was gone in the morning, fat lot of shit-’ ‘miss’ ‘so i thought, i cant trust him. but if i go to the police, ill probably have to confront him, and id probably lose in the public opinion, because ~everyone~ trusts in Elliot, and they wouldnt trust me.’ ‘are you sure?’ ‘well, at the time, definitely. with hindsight, maybe not. at the time, i was positive dealing with him would be more trouble than it was worth, and thatd he’d basically never leave me alone if i reappeared. and i... didnt want to see him again, yknow? so, i talked to Jun and Bron and their daughter Lyndelle, trying to figure something out.’ ‘and thats when you concocted this Rhia Stanton thing?’ ‘oh, no, that came a little later. see, the family had already planned, for a while, a trip to Unova to see some other family. and they thought, ok, theyll bring me along, and theyll discuss it with THEIR family there’ ‘how did you get out of [Victoria]? you didnt have a passport’ ‘uhhh. honestly? no fucking clue’ ‘miss’ ‘Jun basically handled it, as far as i know. called in a favour with the Team, yknow, asked them to mock up an id thatd get me to Unova, and then we’d work from there. i dyed my hair, wore big sunhats, off we went! THEN we made up Rhia Stanton’ ‘...........’ ‘what?’ ‘why didnt you go to the authorities?’ ‘given that, at the time, the authorities were the Organisation and i thought they were firmly in Elliots camp, given the whole raid collab thing, i wasnt trusting those fuckers-’ ‘miss’ ‘as far as i could throw them. then, yknow, turned out they were Team, but i didnt know that, and Jun didnt exactly ~tell~ me that at the time. no need, i suppose. was still no guarantee they’d have taken my side. given how EASILY they let go of my case, i fucking doubt it. fiiiirmly in elliots pocket to curry public favour. wasnt having it’
the police come together ‘what the fuck do we do about this?’ ‘well, the family ARE willingly giving up this information AND ‘Rhia’ and Jun are acting as informants on the Team....... we could let this go’ ‘but its like, supppppper illegal’ ‘but they were all in on it. they wanted her to be in their family but didnt want to involve Elliot. remember, he was basically her guardian at the time’ ‘i GUESS? still illegal’ ‘but they ARE informing on proper criminals doing malicious crime, rather than something that at least had good intentions. not like she committed tax fraud. the only people who have touched Seren’s accounts are her family from Johto taking all of her inheritance. doubt ‘Rhia’ has seen a penny of that, somehow’ ‘...... sure, fine, say we let her off. what do we do about the fact she exists twice?’ ‘...... shit’
in the end they end up partially merging the Seren and Rhia files and removing any blatant lies, like her Unovan ancestry. with some tweaking, they legally adopt her to the Stanton family (Patrick and Eira), thus allowing her to keep her illegally gained Unovan citizenship (based on the fact Patrick and Eira were wholly open to the idea of legally adopting her if it would help, and simply didnt because the Org expedited the process through illegal means). they probably remove her Johto citizenship through her ‘mother’ (Patricks first wife), since as Seren, she hadnt gotten that citizenship through descent anyway (given her parents were both Johto natives who renounced and became [Victorians lads]). they basically just wipe it clean. they give her the OPTION of informing her blood family of what happened. she says fucking go for it. publicise it. publicly wrap the case on my disappearance. im not going to seek them out. in the end, her blood family MIGHT seek contact. the only real connection she would have is being able to claim her inheritance from her dead parents BACK from her blood family (who, as you’ll recall, took that inheritance from Seren’s account after she was presumed dead). whether Rhia would actually go for it? no idea. probably couldnt be assed. given shes basically disowned that section of her life, it doesnt really bother her much.
tl;dr the police are really confused by this seemingly good intentioned act of some sort of identity fraud and in the end dont pursue charges and just sorta....... let it go.......... i mean yea she WAS a criminal but it was blackmail/extortion in terms of being in the Team, she was consistently anti-Team, and shes informing on them and helping personally fuck them over, so, like..... if she didnt harm anyone, who cares, lol.
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