#(it lives in an arcade and sleeps in the vents)
confetti-critter · 1 year
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DATE OF BIRTH: November 23, 1996
I sleep all day and I play all night
Up in the vents, I might give you a fright
I’m not from around here but I think I’ll stay
There’s more cake here than in galaxies far away!
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While he is often joked to be the gay one on the team, he is actually abrosexual who currently switches between bisexual and or pansexual.
His favorite singers are Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Arianna Grande and at times will listen to Justin Bieber.
His favorite comics are DC and his favorite is the Flash and also enjoys Kid Flash. He also loves Beast Boy because he finds him funny.
Leo knows how to cook and bake. Though doesn't really do it often. He does it when he is hungry or bored. Or simply when Mikey can't make them any food.
He has actually babysitted Senor Hueso's son a few times. Mostly taking him out for ice cream, arcade and also buy him whatever he wanted.
Leo enjoys finding any poster or anything with some kind of picture on paper and hanging it on his walls in his room. He also enjoys at times just getting another copy of a comic he already has and cutting out pages and plastering them on his wall thinking it looks cool.
He enjoys collecting action figures and will actively snatch one he finds even if it came from the trash can.
Donnie judges Leo's outfit choices on many occasions and Leo learnt to deal with it. Though then he would just trash Donnie's clothes and make a mess whenever he gives him the most hurtful judgement.
When he is dealing with stress or feeling depressed he will shut his door, plop headphones on, get cuddled and put on his favorite movies and admire characters who he can relate to.
He jokes being a blonde girl after 'Bad Hair Day' episode.
He doesn't like cream the best. Despite that, he will devour cream cake anytime.
Whenever he wants to vent, he looks at a mirror and puts a photo of one of his family members or friends and start venting to them. He would eventually after the events of the movie start to communicate properly and start to genuinely vent to his close ones. He felt as if it was better then to bottle his emotions.
While he is seen as the type of guy to swear on a daily, he actually swears the least along with Donnie. Only when he is fully in-raged and in need of using curse words to express his rage or any other emotion of his. I'd say he is the 3rd to swear.
He actually sneaks out a lot with April to skateboard at a roller skating park at night.
If he had an Instagram, most of his pictures would be of his brothers sleeping or just fails or pranks.
He sliced a rabbit in half... (I feel like certain shippers are gonna come for me or start making jokes about that one rabbit character TMNT has crossovers with lmao-)
For absolutely, NO REASON, he begged Draxum to film him doing a very dangerous stunt with his tentacles. That day he broke 75 limbs and 2 of his ribs and lost 100 pounds of blood (not really but he broke a lot of bones)
He's a sci-fi nerd. Besides, Jupiter Jim, his favorite sci-fi movies are Star Wars, E.T., Monsters VS Aliens, Batman VS Superman.
He loves poor quality movies because he can then make fun of them. That's why him and Raph stopped watching live-action Disney movies-
He developed massive claustrophobia when Raph sacrificed himself for him and got in the pod.
Clings onto Raph after the movie and they both put a leash on each other 24/7 to make sure they are safe. Also since Leo is aware of the tracking devices, he always asks Donnie where Raph is. The same is with everyone else.
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ladyfly · 2 years
Over Worked, Under Paid.
You are the live in mechanic. You do everything from repairing arcade cabinets to midnight maintenance on any and all animatronics. Being the live in means you are working 24/7. If someone needs you they call and you have to answer. You are saving a lot of money.
Not to mention your room in the daycare. Sun and Moon were elated to learn you would be roomies! Their room was improved and a new room added. You got access to the plex kitchens and bathrooms. Laundry was done with the daycare laundry. Another task dumped on you.
Today was a long day. You got a call at 4:45am. A cleaning bot had been crushed in Mazercize. It was cleaning the maze and one of the walls malfunctioned. You got the funderfull task of fixing the maze and the bot. At 7:15am several lights in the west arcade had gone out.
11:10am the elevator got stuck. 5pm a race car engine overheated. Followed by several arcade games broke down. At 9pm you thought you would finally get sleep. Bleary eyed you shuffled to your bed. You let yourself flop down onto your bed... Your phone goes off
Your heart breaks. You are so damn tired. Even Sun and Moon can see how tired you are. You are needed in the West Arcade again. DJ is having issues with his table. Also several of the Mimi Music Men are damaged. A rabid racoon got into the vents and the Minis had to deal with it.
You practically fall into the arcade. Kids are running around everywhere. Parents laze about. You shuffle up to the DJ booth. DJ leans down and stares at you. He makes a disapproving sound at the state of you. You ignore the spider and get to work on the booth.
One of the Minis scuttles to you climbing on top of the booth "You look like crud."
You huff "I feel like crud. How many of you are damaged?"
The Mini does a little spin "Ten."
You rub your eyes "Ok. Get them ready behind DJ. It's safer for me to work on you guys there."
The Mini scurries off. You continue your work.
A man slams a hand down on the booth "Are you almost done? I did not pay to not hear music!"
You sigh inwardly "I'm almost done."
The man growls out "Well hurry up! People these days are so damn lazy!"
You close the booth and hurry to the space behind DJ. On the way DJ takes you in one of his back hands and gives you a gentle squeeze. When he lets you go you offer a hug of his wrist in return. You sit down with the ten damaged Minis.
Most of their injuries are cosmetic. Two have a missing limb and one is missing two limbs. You let out a loud yawn as you begin to work. What feels like hours later you finally finish.
Back at the Daycare Sun and Moon gets a message from DJ. It's apparently an emergency. Attached to the message is a picture of you passed out in the darkened tunnel behind DJ. Tiny spider bots cover your body. A stolen party room pillow is propped up under your head.
Sun saves the image for later. It's far too cute not to keep. Moon gives him tips on the fastest rout through the vents to the arcade. Sun crawls out of a third floor vent. A Mini DJ greets him with a clack of it's cymbals. Sun dances around excited children.
Most of them pay him no attention. A few out right avoid him. Only two greet the attendant. They remember him from their younger years. Every time someone stops him he can feel his anxiety ratchet up higher. His concern for you floods his systems.
DJ's message stated you had a fever. Weather it was from the poor sleep or overworking yourself he didn't know. What he did know was he and Moon had to get you to the daycare and tucked into bed. Hot soup was in order and management needed to be told of your condition.
As he approached the dance floor dread filled him. The higher ups would not be happy you are sick. They might even make you continue working. DJ greeted him with a wave, far to busy chatting with kids to properly greet him.
At the end of the tunnel Sun could see your sleeping form. God, you must be in worse shape than he thought. The echo of music is practically deafening.
The Mini Music Men make a path for Sun to get to you. Sun crouches down to your level. Sweat coats your body. You look pale. Cheeks flush with fever. How long had you been like this? Moon was fuming in their shared headspace.
The numerous colorful words caused Sun to temporarily block Moon. Language warnings were flooding his systems and blocking his vision. Sun takes you into his arms. On his way out of the arcade he fist bumps DJ. The large spider understanding Sun's need to flee to the Daycare.
Sun does not like the maintenance tunnels. They are dark, noisy, and full of endos. Luckily it's dark enough for Moon to take over.
Once the swap is complete Moon scans you. Sun had already done this but he feels the need. It helps calm his circuits.
Your temperature is 103. High but manageable. Nothing the celestial attendants couldn't handle. Sun is not entirely happy with the way Moon gets to the daycare. Sun thinks he's taking too many risks. Jumping up and down stairs with you in his arms.
Every carefully calculated landing sets his circuits on edge. What if he drops you? What if he lands in the middle of a group of endos? They would kill you on sight! What if-
"Sun... Sun... SUN!" Moon shouts.
Sun startles and shouts back into the headspace 'What?!'
Moon rolls his eyes "We are here. Get ready to take over."
Stepping into the light the transformation between Sun and Moon goes quickly. Since the pair stopped fighting for control the transformation is less painful. Sun jumps into the air as the wire latches onto his back.
Up in the tower Sun makes quick work of putting you into softer clothes. It scares him a little how hot your limp form feels. The lights in the daycare flip off for the hour. Moon shakes slightly before tucking you into bed.
After gathering supplies for when you wake he curls into bed next to you. Pulling you tight against his frame. Your phone goes off again. Glamrock Freddy is having issues with his hat. Moon growls. He takes your phone. Briefly he considers breaking your phone.
Instead he shoots off several messages to several people telling them you are sick and under Sun and Moon's care. Then he throws your phone off of the balcony and in to the ball pit. That's a problem for future Sun, not Moon.
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hyenasheep · 2 years
Another general Junkrat headcanons with him being in a relationship (gender neutral, they/them)
I mentioned in my previous headcanons that I headcanon Junkrat on aro/ace spectrum since he's rather looking for friends/family, I think he could be demiromantic since he's like extremely friendly but oftenly push away so it takes him quiet a lot of time to actually let someone closer to him (and definitely not just cuz I'm demisexual cough)
He wouldn't be able to shut up about them around Roadhog, like they would be captured by police or smth and he would still talk about them while making dreamy eyes, driving Roadhog insane
He's already extremely touch hungry and clingy, his adhd making it even worst, so if they would be comfortable with his constant cuddles, he would make a second plushie out of them. Sleeping while hugging them, resting his head on their shoulder or lap, holding hands etc. seeking comfort. Like at this point everyone around them would already think they're dating by how close they are.
If they would confess their feelings he would be extremely taken aback, including stuttering and blushing, probably wanting to run away at first or smth
He isn't used to praising but it makes him extremely melt, literally it could be anything and he would be on the verge of tears
If they would start dating he would literally do anything for his partner, he would have brought down the stars from the sky for them if he could (he probably tried it tho, feeling disappointed when Sigma told him it's not really possible)
sappy cheesy old school romantic gestures or extreme stuff like letting explode half of the city in a shape of heart, literally nothing in between
His petnames for them: Firework, firecracker, spark, roo (kangaroo but shorter), koala (if his partner would be clingy), bombshell, ember, doll and more either sappy or creative nicks...
would end his first date with fireworks (which would get out of hand cough) or extreme gunfire as he thought it would be fun to piss off bunch of corporation omnics
Extremely overprotective, like if he would seen even small negativy towards them he would burst out in anger "How could ya even do this to my little gunpowder ya bloody dinkun?!" While yelling at waitress cuz she forgot on their order.
Gifts, all.the.damn.time. usually he either steals them because they reminds of them, including things he finds along the way, or he makes them himself which are either dangerous mess or super impressive
The only fancy thing he has for dates is one of those old black and white, short sleeves tshirt with fake smoking on it
Little spoon, even if they try to be the little spoon for once he just slides under their hands during the night
If they run out of energy they're just chilling in his super messy room/workshop, full of hardcore punk bands and Junker champions (including Hammond and Junker Queen ofc)/sketches of his explosives/stuff like his traps etc., blasting music in his old stereo while he's wobbling around or making one of his inventions, either way he wants them to be around him
If he finishes another invention he immediately run to find his partner to give him feedback, if its positive it gives him extreme ego boost and he starts proudly showing it to Roadhog
If they would praise him for his intelligency or his bombs he probably starts sobbing
Including if they fight for him when one of the overwatch teammates is mean to him after he tried to be friendly (blizzard why are u so mean)
If his partner isn't into the wild stuff as he is his second fav date is arcade nights and live shows (punk ofc)
Roadhog is still sticking around, especially during dates as theur bodyguard (he's actuallys Junkrats emotional support)
Do u remember that one meme from httyd 3? Yea that's them
He's not really good at words when it comes to serious stuff so if his partner is feeling down he waits until they stop venting and than gives them tight hug, after that he either continues with cuddles or quickly trying to build something from stuff thats laying around so he can cheer up them with a gift or he gives them sweet snack (that one Hanzo voice line ;-:)
Junkrat and Roadhog would be basically second family for Junkrats little firework, including travelling around the world, protecting each other, doing everything together etc.
That's all I have for now, I'm not able to make a short post fr
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lunaticsandidiots · 3 years
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long time coming
read on ao3  | gif cred @katanas5gfoamsword
synopsis: you find out about vigilante and it’s the final straw for something that was a long time coming.
pairing: adrian chase/gender neutral reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: smut, heavy angst, hurt no comfort, unhealthy relationships, break up, unhappy ending, explicit sexual content, explicit language, mentions of depression, mentions of violence
a/n: my deepest apologies for the following heartbreak. forreal this is the saddest thing ive ever written lmao, its lowkey a vent piece im not gonna lie to yall rn. anon requested some ‘therapy inducing angst’ so i said bet. i promise the next vigilante instalment will super duper fun
“They just kept me working late, babe, that’s all.”
It was an innocuous enough statement. At the time, you were proud of Adrian for finally knuckling down and working hard at something, even if it was just as a bus boy at Fennel Fields. You’d never known him to be the most reliable or logical, but that was the way he was, and you’d loved him regardless. Adrian’s nonsensical approach to life used to keep things fresh, constantly keeping you on your toes and ensuring your romance never saw a dull day. 
In a strange way, you had grown used to his chaos. Hence why his first half a dozen unexplained absences were forgiven by you without question. You knew him too well. You knew that poking and prodding to pry an answer from him wouldn’t help you in the slightest. And you’d known him long enough that you trusted him. If someone came up to you in the street at that time, they wouldn’t be able to finish uttering the question, ‘would you trust him with your life?’ before your head started nodding assuredly.
How you wished now to be that person on the other end. To warn that spellbound, ignorant you from the past. To take them by the shoulders and shake some sense into them, to admonish them not to ignore the warning signs.
Adrian’s lack of accountability was only the harbinger of the heartbreak to come. A subconscious theme of indifference began to wash over every interaction the two of you shared, so subtle and undetectable that you weren’t able to find an explanation for those nights alone you cried yourself to sleep, or why your motivation and self esteem seemed to be in some sort of never-ending freefall. You can still vividly recall the last date the two of you ever went on. 
Adrian took you to the same restaurant, where you both ordered the same meal. Afterwards, he took you to the same arcade, to play the same game, just to get the same score. He laughed that same, goofy, taunting laugh, picking you up and spinning you around the same way he always did to lighten the mood. After taking the two of you home on the same route, he hummed the same tune he always did as you stood in the same spots, brushing your teeth. 
Everything was the same as it always was. The only difference, the only factor that set this night apart from all those other identical nights was the all consuming feeling of solitude. The realisation hit you like a tonne of bricks. The once abstract, indescribable feeling of paradoxical loneliness was now perfectly clear to you. If you had called out for him, Adrian would have rushed into the bedroom and been mere inches away from you in a matter of seconds. But you realised that even if you did that, even if you were to close the gap and press your lips against him, even if you knotted your hands in his hair and held him that close to you for the rest of your lives, he’d still feel a million miles away. No amount of physical proximity could make up for the light-years of emotional distance you had both been unknowingly fostering the entire time. 
You were sat up in bed, your eyes starting to burn from how long they’d been harshly focussed on the bedroom wall in front of you when his voice shook you out of your daze. You wanted nothing more than to disclose your newfound realisation. To illustrate how isolated and confused you felt, to show him how detached the two of you had become. But you had no words. You had no idea how to rekindle the two strangers you had become. At that point, you didn’t even know if it was worth it anymore. To this day, you still don’t know if he ever noticed your anguish that night, or whether he did and just resolved to pretend he didn’t. Maybe he was going through the exact same thing in his own head; a prospect that brought an excruciating amount of pain with it.
Even more painfully, you can also still vividly recall the last fuck. The contrast of the glaringly obvious emptiness and your crippling sense of grief felt like it was stabbing you in the gut and twisting the knife with every one of his thrusts. You hid your gasps of sorrow behind every one of his grunts. Adrian knew you like he knew the back of his hand. His tongue knew the exact pattern and his fingers knew the exact angle to coax a blinding orgasm out of you. The tears welled in eyes as you felt yourself cum around his cock buried deep inside you, and they finally broke the seal, streaming down your face as you felt him pull out just in time, as he always did, to coat your stomach with his seed as he muttered empty praises into the crook of your neck with a laugh. Despite the absolute codependency, despite the complete and absolute knowledge of what made the other tick, it wasn’t enough to bridge the gap. You were strangers.
You remember when you found the mask. That stupid, god awful green mask with the obnoxious, red-tinted visor glaring back at you as you clutched it in your shaking hands. You recognised it from the news. All those pictures, all those stories of what the masked ‘vigilante’ had done. All the blood spilled and lives lost by his hand. All the constant danger he was in. All the constant danger he put you in. And he’d told you nothing of it. You couldn’t pinpoint how long he’d been fostering this second, secret life for, though you could recall news stories spanning at least a few months back. 
You realised you’d been doing this too; in your own, very pedestrian and pathetic feeling way. Adrian had no idea how much you’d been suffering. He had no clue of all the god awful thoughts you’d been thinking, all the shame-filled pity parties, the bland, colourless existence you’d been living. That was the one thing you could never bring yourself to put on him, not entirely. Adrian stopped opening up you, and you did the same. You shut each other out. 
You wondered if maybe your subconscious knew about his secret identity all along and this was its nonsensical, destructive way of protecting itself. Maybe it was your subconscious’ idea of some sordid, cataclysmic revenge plan, to get back at him for incubating this newer, cooler identity for himself in the shadows, waiting for it to hatch so he could climb on, leave you behind and never look back.
You tried to talk to Adrian one last time. To give it one more shot. You’d poured your entire being, your heart and soul into the relationship, and thought until at least a few months ago that he’d done the same. You wanted nothing more than for that to be enough to keep the fire going, even if it meant just blowing on a few, dull embers to keep them alive for a little longer. You can remember the moment he got home that night. His face was relaxed; it was neutral. Happy. Through your nervous haze, you could see his brown eyes crinkle into a smile. Through the ringing in your ears, you could hear his nasally voice chirping something to the tune of ‘How was your day babe?’. You couldn’t do it anymore.
Your feet carried you into your bedroom, you couldn’t hear the sliding of drawers or clinking of coat-hangers as you hastily shoved your most important belongings into a suitcase.
“Babe, what the fuck are you doing? What is happening right now?” he asked, arms outstretched in confusion. You could taste your tears as you swallowed them back, feeling them run down your throat.
“I know about Vigilante.” you replied curtly. A jolt of adrenaline coursed through your veins as you spoke your mind for the first time in months, compelling you to harshly sweep your arm across your nightstand, carelessly knocking all of it’s freight into the suitcase. You heard an exasperated sigh escape his lungs and tried to zip up your bag loudly enough to mask his poignant expression of frustration. When you turned to look at him, your heart broke into a million pieces. He looked angry. Perturbed. But behind the frustration, you could see the concern. His thick brows peaked in the centre of his forehead as he cautiously approached you, the same way one approaches a timid, stray cat.
“I have to leave, Adrian. Before this kills me.” you explained. You didn’t have the energy to explain in any more detail. Not then. You’d decided, for your own wellbeing, that in that moment, the only thing left for you to do was go. It only further broke your heart to realise that he had no idea what you really meant.
“Baby, I won’t let anyone hurt you. I’ll always keep you safe, you know that. You know me” he appeased, stepping closer with arms wide open, silently begging you to drop your bags and step into his embrace. Instead, you took a step back.
“I’m not worried about anyone else hurting me. It’s Vigilante.”
Adrian stepped closer, bowing his head to earnestly look you in the eye as he gently rested his hands on your arms that still held your bag firmly.
“It’s me, baby. I’m Vigilante. You don’t have any reason to be scared of me. You don’t have any reason to be scared of Vigilante. I promise I’ll always keep you far away from all that,” Adrian explained, shaking his head and chuckling in an attempt to lighten the mood, “I mean, you’ve never even seen me with the mask on.”
You sighed, shrugging his hands off your shoulders. Your eyes betrayed you and took a moment to revel in the face before you. His beautiful face. The face you knew so well you could shut your eyes and picture every last detail of it, down to the freckle. The face you thought you’d get to look at every day for the rest of your life. The face that once filled your heart to the brim with love, and painfully, filled it with love no longer. Your eyes flitted briefly towards the front door, and your keys dangling from the lock, then back to his face for the last time.
“And that’s exactly why I have to go.”
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4x4girl · 3 years
I don’t know what the right thing to do is anymore… he doesn’t seem to care enough about me to change.. even though I’ve pleaded with him to do SOMETHING. Anything! But he just doesn’t care.. I’m torn on trying to make things work, try couples counseling.. but a little over a year in and it shouldn’t be this way.. should it? Aren’t we supposed to be in the honeymoon stage still? It’s felt so long since he treated me like when we first started dating. The caring doting bf. I never stopped being the caring doting gf.. but I can’t even get a happy birthday on my birthday let alone a card or even a small gift to let me know he was thinking of me. No valentines anything. In fact I had planned a date to a adult arcade where they serve beer and cider. He likes video games… I do not but I can handle an evening of playing frogger and trying to connect with him over something he likes.. but last night he came at me and belittled my accomplishments I’ve been proud of up until he basically called me a liar. I work hard to support myself and not need a man. I still feel that’s how I am.. I still am completely capable of doing things without a man to help me. That’s how it’s always been.. me against the world. And I feel that’s the case again. My only friends I talk to on a regular basis live on the other side of the country. I was going to therapy to try and find ways to cope/ make things work. But my job fucked me over and now I have no health insurance and $100 out of pocket every time is out of my budget. So I feel like I have no one to talk to. I don’t wanna type out my life story either. I just want someone to hear me and understand what I’m going through and how hard I’ve been trying. I’m exhausted and just broken feeling. I’m saving money as much as I can so I can afford to get a camper and live in that. But until then I’m basically stuck. I want to leave and go back to Montana more then anything. I dream of it every day. Literally.. I miss being on my own and living my life as much as I can. Right now, I’m not living at all. My depression and anxiety has me beyond frazzled and overwhelmed. I just want to curl up in a ball and cry and sleep and snuggle my dogs. Even snuggling with my dogs has changed. They’re rarely allowed on the bed, and when they are well Addie doesn’t snuggle normally. But montana is all about the bf. He’ll go to me sometimes but more often he goes to him. Which I don’t understand. I miss taking my dogs on spontaneous adventures. We can’t do spontaneous.. he doesn’t like it. Either way.. I’m unhappy. And I feel myself getting lost.. I’m terrified of that. So I’m holding on as tight as I can to what little happiness I have. Hoping I can make it to being happy again.. some way some how😔
This was a vent post.
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On Oases
An excerpt from Memoirs of a Flesh Eater, never published
Previous Excerpt
Next Excerpt
I’ve talked a lot about the importance of safe places, of how important it is for us to be able to be our true selves. I’ve talked about how our families and the Society provide us those spaces, but I haven’t really talked about those spaces themselves yet, or how they operate. I call them oases. Kestrel calls me dramatic. She needs to lighten up {Editing Note: Does that sound funny or mean?}. As ever, though, I’m an anthropologist, and I need my definitions if I’m going to explain things clearly, so oases is what I’m going to keep calling them.
While I’m being scientific, indulge me in some definitions. An oasis is any place run by ghouls that caters to ghoulish needs or wants. I’ll subdivide those further into open oases and closed oases.
{Editing Note: As far as I know, I’m the first person to formally classify this stuff. Am I naming them right? If this book is as successful as I want it to be, these terms are going to be used forever. Should I stick my last name on one of these? Would that be egotistical?}
Whatever you first think of when you hear “safe place” or “ghoul haven” or whatever, you’re probably thinking of a closed oasis. A closed oasis is a place for ghouls and ghouls only. No humans allowed, and usually no ghouls that haven’t been invited either, given our usual security concerns. These places are usually specifically social spaces, like bars or private clubs, places specifically designed for ghouls to unwind without having to keep our true natures hidden. These places are more varied than I’ve probably made them sound, to be clear. Like, I’ve been to an all-ghoul book club meeting before.
We were reading Dracula, in case you were wondering.
The closed oasis that I’m most familiar with is a members-only poker club, at least in name. Obviously I’m not going to name it here, but a lot more goes on there than poker. They keep a bit of flesh on hand, obviously, but it’s not really an eatery. The proprietor, Goji, has done a little of everything to hear him tell it. I know he’s a damn good card shark, and I don’t know if I actually believe that he was in an all-ghoul circus, but he can actually sword-swallow. And he’s a talented tattoo artist, if a little too willing to work on drunk teenagers. Scarlet’s Shakespeare tramp stamp is exceptional, but for some reason he doesn’t like it when we tell him that {Editing Note: That might actually be too much identifying information. I don’t think that’s a common tattoo}. Spatha, on the other hand, really likes showing off the sword he did for her. I kind of wish she’d gotten it in a less intimate spot, what with how eager she is to flash it.
{Editing Note: Clean that paragraph up. The fine line between relatable and rambling keeps eluding me.}
Other than that, Goji’s place has got some nice couches and beanbags, a pretty good tv, and even a few old arcade machines. It’s just a genuinely pleasant place to unwind. It even has a pretty decent bar. Given the rest of his clientele, I don’t think serving drinks to minors counts as much of a moral quandary for him. I do wish he’d cut Scorpio off sooner, though. He’s of age now, but he gets drunk fast, and when he gets drunk he gets weepy.
Goji’s an accepting guy, though, which is mostly a blessing. Being a ghoul doesn’t make us immune to human prejudices, so it’s doubly nice to get a break from the less instantly deadly kinds of othering. We’ve met a lot of interesting people at his place, a lot of ghouls from a lot of backgrounds with a lot of stories to tell and ideas to share. Not that I’m always entirely comfortable with what they have to say. One of the advantages of a closed oasis is that it gives ghouls a place to vent their frustrations with humans, which is important, but some of the venting from the ghouls less integrated into human society, like the Hunters, goes places that I’m not comfortable with. Even if it’s just hot air, I don’t like hearing about how much better things were when “humans were our cattle.” Especially not from people who choose to kill for their food.
{Editing Note: I don’t know if it’s safe to include that here. I want to present an accurate portrait of us, not an idealized one, but I haven’t even talked about Hunters as a group yet. That might be too much, too soon, too bluntly.}
Open oases, on the other hand, are an entirely different beast. Open oases cater to humans as well as ghouls. Obviously the humans don’t know that ghouls are part of the target clientele, and they aren’t places where we can typically be fully ourselves, but they have other advantages. Open restaurants or candy shops or bakeries give us places we can go with our human friends and not have to eat food that makes us sick. Open doctors can check our teeth and claws for problems, and they can check the rest of our bodies too, for that matter - we avoid normal doctors like the plague for reasons that I hope are obvious. I even know of a few open butchers, though I’ve never needed to go to one myself.
I have, however, spent a lot of time at one particular open oasis: my patron’s shop. She runs it as a small indie bookstore with a cute little cafe attached. The cafe will serve you flesh burgers or sandwiches if you know the right signal, which makes it a decent place to meet new ghouls discreetly. I know Yaga uses it to meet other influential ghouls that she considers dangerous, since it’s too public for them to start trouble. Other than that, the shop floor just operates like a normal book store. Yaga’s fond of her collection and she likes talking to customers and making recommendations.
It’s what’s off the sale floor that makes the bookstore special. In addition to the normal storage space, Yaga maintains guest bedrooms, which she lends out to any ghouls that need a place to lay low, or just to sleep. She’s had all sorts back there - lone fugitives, feral children, sometimes whole families waiting on some fake documents to be ready. She’s especially good at getting ghouls off the streets and integrated back into human society. Kestrel was living in one of those guest rooms when I first joined the household.
I met her the summer before I returned to public school - high school, specifically - and my mom and I were still in the early stages of integrating into the household. Yaga offered to watch me while my mom was at work, and she let me hang out in the bookstore and read whatever I wanted while she handled customers. My mom ended up having to work late, though, so Yaga kept me around for dinner, and introduced me to a girl who was staying with her for awhile. 
Kestrel’s about two years younger than me, we think, and her growth spurt ended up being more of a growth bump when it finally came, but even then she was tiny. She was also quiet, but I’d always wanted a younger sibling, so I didn’t let that deter me. I asked a lot of frankly insensitive questions. I wouldn’t get real answers to most of them until later, and the ones I did get aren’t really mine to share, but suffice it to say that she was a feral orphan before Yaga took her in. Yaga didn’t think she was ready to interact with the human general public unsupervised yet, but I promised to watch out for her like a really good big sister if she got to come hang out with me the next time I visited.
I didn’t get an answer that night, but when my mom dropped me off again a week later, Yaga went and got her. She didn’t really appreciate me trying to be her big sister, but she did want to be my friend. It was a little awkward at first, but I’ve always been pretty good at getting to know new people, and pretty soon she was joining me and Scarlet and Scorpio on our afternoon outings. Turns out she didn’t need the extra family anyway; Yaga formally adopted her a few years later. She’s still one of my best friends, and quiet or not, I swear she’s better adjusted than Scorpio.
Yaga isn’t the only patron out there using an open oasis as a halfway house. It’s not the most common thing in the world - it takes a certain kind of person and a fair few resources - but I think it might be the most valuable thing the oases do. No one needs a space to learn how to be themselves more than the ghouls who slip through the cracks. Kestrel is taking a gap year before she decides on college, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she takes over the shop once Yaga’s gone. I hope, one day, that I can help people like that too.
{Editing Note: I might just be paranoid, but I think that this draft makes it way too easy to find the bookshop, especially since Yaga’s masque isn’t exactly subtle. There can’t be that many indie bookstores/cafes owned by old Russian women with  much younger adopted daughters. I’ll need to do some serious rewrites.}
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alleycat-arcade · 3 years
*Just where is Temperance now? The arcade looks like its closed, with the lights off and the only sounds being the muted whirring of the air vents. You can't even manage to spot them lounging about like the last time.*
*The only room you hadn't checked yet was blocked by a door covered in colorful splatters, the knob ice cold in your grip. There is nothing but darkness as you peer inside, but you begin to feel lightheaded as the door shuts behind you.*
Ye who enter turn back now, lest thou see a most off-piste sight...
(While its likely a small minority of you that have seen this post from my personal blog, this set of rather crackish headcanons are based off of that idea. These ideas came to be after some lovely sleep deprived hours of working at a gas station, so please do understand this isn't meant to be taken seriously. Anyway, if you get some form of enjoyment out of this, let me know!)
Claws of Many Kinds(Some Leviathan and Satan Headcanons, from the Obey Me! otome game, featuring others and Mc)
Content Warnings: General crack headcanons, OOC content, canon divergence, out of context details from the book series(es? Seriesi? what is the plural of series) Warrior Cats and Wings of Fire.
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(I'll be splitting these up into a more digestible format, especially so its easier on the eyes.)
General Hc's
In secret, Satan and Levi meet up to discuss the novels, taking turns letting out however they feel about the most recent book/chapter. The two of them can get really into it somedays, leading to them almost getting caught a few times.
This odd form of bonding is actually rather beneficial to the two of them, and almost therapeutic. Whenever it was Warrior Cats night, Satan would vividly speak or rant just how he felt about certain characters and plotlines while Levi listened intently and added his own thoughts. Vice versa on nights in which Wings of Fire were being discussed instead.
Despite the level of secrecy the two had sworn or the amount of protective spells placed on the door, their brothers seemed to always find a way to slip through the cracks. Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Mc, and Solomon are the only ones who know about these meetings, and have also sworn to keep silent about it. Barbatos knows as well, but don't let them know that. Really, they just don't want Lucifer to find out about it for... obvious reasons.
When Levi suggested the idea of making sonas for the two of them, it quickly became a gateway drug for what is known as...........roleplaying.
The concept of roleplaying wasn't really anything knew to Leviathan, but while Satan knew what it was he'd hardly ever experienced anything close to it.
They usual stick to text based rps, in which they make up personalized stories that follow a narrative similar to their daily lives. There actually exists a short novella version of one of these in a paperback copy, which Satan had initially suggested as a way to start their own series of fanworks. The idea may have been abandoned, but Mc is known as the sole protector of this precious book.
There will never be a time in which they post any of their works online, as they were nearly caught by Mammon even though they used aliases and acted different to the best of their abilities.
When they've grown bored of the typical written roleplays, they branch out a little, leading them down a rather strange and magical path.
Whether it be via transformation spells or their own abilities, they engage in a strange form of supernatural LARPing. While it is mostly WC, as cats are far more stealthy and easy to hide, they do WoF whenever they know they'll be alone in a large, enclosed space.
The only person who allowed to watch and or join in is Mc, a rule they both agreed on.
Warrior Cats:
Though it took quite a while for Satan to agree to it, the characters they made all reside in the same clan for the most part, DeviClan. The only non-clan cats are the ones made to represent the exchange students, who are allowed into the clan to teach them the ways of becoming a warrior. Based on your Mc's personality they are either a rogue/loner, kittypet, or a cat from a far off other clan or tribe.
Satan would have much rather had Lucifer in any position other than deputy, but he had to admit the eldest would not make a convincing medicine cat.
60% of all of the plot is them bonding with and fighting over Mc. You would think that Mc stood for main character or something with how much their characters talk about them.
Speaking of which...
Satan would go for a cat breed thats known to be strong, with hair and eye color that matches his. His name would be something relating to being strong but smart, maybe even smart but wrathful. Something along the lines of Dewstrike or Hollyclaw.
Leviathan favors cats with a strong swimming ability and meeker demeanor. His warrior name is more based on water or his overall self expression. Something like Lakehaze or Twigpuddle.
As mentioned before, they are most likely to do their magical LARPing in their chosen forms, typically in forest-like places or the gardens behind the house late at night. They crash in Mc's room whenever they screw up and get stuck as little fluffballs for too long.
Belphie and Asmo were the first to catch them like this, but after a lot of bargining they kept their mouths shut. Except for telling Beel, since Belphie struggles to hide such large things from his twin, but Beel swears not to tell either.
They've returned home with a few bites and scratches some days, but have preplanned excuses for if their brothers or anyone else asks about it. Most of the time it's not very deep or heavy inflictions, but Satan has had to break out some healing spells when either of them got too into it.
Wings of Fire:
While not as popular and well known as the previous entry, it is one of Levi's favorite YA novels. Why? One word, Seawings.
Rather than having a custom clan, they try to adapt the novel's plot to fit their lives in a sort of reader insert kind of way, but if literally every character were to be replaced.
They follow the plot of the Dragonet Prophecy, replacing the main characters with their brothers. There is some added overlap of extra dragonets of each species that they spend writing around.
The exchange students and royals are worked into the story progressively, with Mc being the last to be introduced to the group for "narrative tension". Per usual, they are fighting for Mc's attention, but there is a lot more intense combat than the clan battles purely because they are dragons and not cats.
After a long back and forth, Satan settles on a nice golden Skywing, potentially even a Skywing-Nightwing hybrid to fully embrace his intelligence. They don't really switch names for this, but they stop themselves from calling out each other's names when playfighting/LARPing a battle scene.
Levi definately goes down the Seawing route, no matter how many times the online quizzes call him a Rainwing. With enough convincing, he might make his character a Seawing-Rainwing hybrid for an AU type situation.
Something they don't mention that they enjoy about LARPing in dragon forms is that both of them have the ability to fly in those forms. The two demons are typically grounded, unlike their brothers, except Belphie, who's demon forms can carry them high into the sky.
They have to be very, very careful about playfighting, otherwise they risk actually hurting each other. They stopped all similar activities for a month once after Levi received a nasty scorch to the shoulder and in response spat acidic venom that landed on Satan's leg. They also will not engage in combat should Mc be present, unless they are completely and fully sure of Mc's combat ability.
If they get stuck in those forms for whatever reason, Mc better have either booked the area for the next couple hours or learned some very strong shrinking spells.
*The lights flick on, illuminating the room in a bright light and revealing a lounge like area. Temperance is next to the light switch, with a puzzled expression.*
Hey uh, what're you doing back here? ...Looking for me? Oh, there was a blackout just a second ago and I went to flip the breakers and check all the lights. Are you alright? You have a rather, peculiar expression on your face. Why don't we get you some water or something?
(There we are, all done! Remember, these are not meant to be taken seriously and are just for fun lol. The warrior names were suggested by my roommates and discord friends, so if they seem odd, yeah. If there's any sort of grammatical errors or anything similar, let me know! I'm off to take a much needed nap now, before I wake up at 4 am again to go back to work lmao.)
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osorcanine · 2 years
Thank you so much for your advice . ❤️♥️I don't like to be a bother and I know everyone has their own struggles to go through so I'm even more grateful for your help. Sometimes simple words can help someone immensely and it's a shame my own family couldn't even give me that .
You're really cool and if you ever feel the need to talk with someone I will always offer a shoulder to vent on. ☺️
If I were to ever crush on a physical object they would need to have a cute face to project my feelings on. If it were a phone I would change his screen to a cute cartoon face. The same would apply to a pillow/snowglobe etc... It's the lack of a face that is kinda off putting to me. Another weird thing I observed about myself is this deep need to care for the objects of my affection, i imagine i cook for them, cuddle them etc etc and in general I'm hypersensitive.
And omgg i can't believe I admit this but I thought many times about buying myself a body pillow with my fav characters on it h♥️♥️but shame is what is keeping me away(I'm 19 and live with mom and dad) . It wouldn't even be sexual, just cuddly and sweet(ok I'm gonna jump now)
I'm sure this type of attraction is a lot more common than it's given credit for, it's just that there is a lot of stigma around it which is kind of a shame. :/ I personally don't care if others think it's strange, it's none of their business. If I were to choose between being "" normal"" and being myself I would still choose to be myself because of the fact people are fairly cold and I bet most wouldn't change themselves for me at all. And yes Yesman is a snack :D. Another machine I like is the arcade machine from danger planet (cartoon pilot.)
I'm logged on another tumblr account sorry about that 😅 i use a different phone right now.
I get that about needing a face on your object; it's kind of interesting, to see what kinds of objects each person likes and how much personification they like in their objects.
Caring for the object definitely resonates-- I have a pal who's also OSOR but doesn't perceive object sentience and he is more than happy to simply care for and upkeep his beloved.
You should definitely get a body pillow hehe...you don't have to get one with a face but I do think the ones of characters are more fun. Once you get out on your own, they make fine company! In the meantime you could get one that's just fluffy and has no face? They make excellent sleep aids.
Oh definitely re: being more common then it appears. People just don't know there's a word and they're not alone, and society really stamps in the shame.
I would also choose to be myself-- as much as this hurts and is hard sometimes, as much as I've considered therapy to change it, end of the day? This love is good and I am good the way I am. Shame and self hate are easy tho and sometimes it's hard to believe that this is real and ok and I don't need to fix anything, that I'm not broken or sick.
Arcade machines are 😍 I'm also fond of DDR machines!
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confetti-critter · 2 years
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1st fursona pls no flame
(text under the read-more just in case it’s hard to read)
this but more like how furries draw it
y’know standing on two leg-
(but it runs on all fours up the stairs)
-the antennae changes colour
-idk why I did a paw ref they are probs all different
-lives in an arcade/family fun centre place
-sleeps in the vents in the daytime and only comes out at night
-never leaves the building
-it eats the food and plays the games and uses the wifi in the building but doesn’t get caught because no one working there is payed enough to give a shit
-always smells like birthday cake, but it’s not known if that’s its natural scent or it’s just cuz it eats a lot of cake
-meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow m-
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nyrator · 3 years
Random updatess
Been in a weird spot mentally, lately...
I think it’s safe to say I’ve been single again for a long while, but lots of concerning stuff related to that has been going on which has me concerned- not much I should probably say publicly, but nothing I can really do about it except suppress my anxiety over it and hope for the best. People are complicated and impossible to understand.
Or maybe I should speak up about it a bit, since he’s gone and nothing really holding me back, but it’s a weird and long-going situation. In short, I’m not comfortable around people and am an extreme introvert, but he was someone who really latched onto me.. but he couldn’t stop needing me even after we stopped being together, a dependency in my eyes but maybe I was just assuming, and I had to force space between us in hopes he’d stop focusing on me so much. Too kind, too overbearing. Seems it worked, and now he’s almost completely vanished from everything before I could start up communication again. Maybe he just removed himself from anything that reminds him of me, or maybe it’s a sign of something worse. He has a lot of things he’s dealing with I can’t help with, and all I can do is just hope for the best I guess. But ultimately, I don’t think we were healthy for each other. I still consider him a great person, at least, and it’d be nice if we could have a semi-normal connection sometime in the future still.
I did get the RN site off of him before he vanished a few days ago, which was kind of him (he made it and paid for it, but I’m paying for it now), neither me nor any of our other friends have heard from him since. We’re apart, and he doesn’t owe me anything, but it would be nice if he communicated what he was doing and why with people more. Guess all we can do is see.
Anyway, I guess that’s enough about that. I know too many people with tough lives that weigh my own heart down too much.
In other news, I’ve been dealing with my “complex” again too much. Complex, personal issue, childhood trauma, whatever it is. It’s bothering me a strong amount, but I know most of it is in my head- I just can’t escape reminders of it. I don’t feel comfortable talking about it in detail in public, either. I’m starting to express it in RN, but I have fears that I’ll end up repulsing and alienating people around me because of it- like it’s sullying anything I involve it in.
It’s linked very much to self-hatred, my depression, and a lot of things in my life in general- and I’m given constant reminders of it from the moment I wake up, it’s controlling me, it feels like, and I don’t know how to cope with it properly. I have a private vent Twitter dedicated to venting about it at this point, but it doesn’t feel like it’s helping at all.
Otherwise- Life is dreadfully uneventful. I started playing No More Heroes to kill time- beat the first game again 100% on Bitter, and beat the second game on Bitter as well (didn’t do that boss rush mode or unlock Special in BJ5 game, though). First game is much better than the second game, by far. I’ll have to get back into TSA and then 3 someday, took a break to draw some Lave in pajamas.
I really like sleep aesthetics, but my complex is so interwoven with that too that I feel like it’s corrupting it. But Lave’s an autobiographical-ish character, after all, so I guess it’s okay to have it woven into them as well- I still feel like it’s going to drive people away from liking them, though, and probably fairly so.
Still haven’t even tried looking for a job, and I haven’t been moving much at all lately- treadmill’s just collecting dust. Only today did I finally get rid of about half of my mother’s things, and only because there’s an inspection on Friday and I’m embarrassed by how packed all this junk still is. It wasn’t a far or even stressful of a drive to the donation bin (it’s right by my grocery store), but my nerves still almost made me wet myself again. I can’t stand it. Part of me wants to drive my friends to an arcade for my birthday and see if I can better adjust, but that’s almost three hours away, there’s no way I can see myself making it reasonably.
It’s really hard, living without drive or purpose. I still have no urge to work on any of my projects at all, it’s like I’ve completely given up on myself to do anything.
It’s really nice hearing from friends on here from time to time, even if I do nothing to show my appreciation or make an effort to return the feeling. Tumblr’s been pretty inactive for me, but there’s still some familiar faces I always like seeing.
I really don’t know what to do with myself anymore. I have no energy to do anything nor any real reason to feel a need to. I can’t even keep the apartment clean from my cats, or stay on top of garbage or laundry.
The one thing I want to do is practice talking more and maybe stream, but it feels like a dead end, honestly. I want to train my voice to be more professional and to a certain standard I have for it that I’m not even sure I can reach, but I have no real way of practicing. Maybe get some nicer clothes as well, but I don’t even go anywhere. I just feel weird with how I dress and worry about embarrassing my friends by being seen with me or something, as silly as it is.
I apologize for the depressing Ny-rant-y stuffs, just one of those kinds of times lately. I haven’t had anywhere to vent lately, and I don’t want to keep bottling it all up, either.
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mirrorforevers · 4 years
get to know me tag (bc the reblog chain is quite long)
thanks to @nottuned for tagging me (e muuuuuito obrigada pelos biscoitos xuxu aaaaa ❤💕💞💓💖💝 fiquei mt soft com sua descrição e fico mt feliz msm que vc curta minhas fics hdskjsdhksd VAMO AMIGAR PELO AMOR DE DEUS JA ME PASSA SEU TWITTER OU VAMO TROCAR USER DO DISCORD, to sedenta em fazer mais amizades dentro desse fandom pfv sjehksdjk)
name/nickname: alanis! some people call me nanis, other just lanis......it varies
gender: female
star sign: a very, very disorganized and chaotic virgo
height: 5′4
time (of birth or current time?): if birth, 19:35, if current time, 01:17
bday: august 31st
favourite bands: abba, arcade fire, blur, daft punk, pre-2015 coldplay (NO SHAME IN ADMITTING THAT WHATSOEVER!!!!!!), the beatles
favourite solo artists: lady gaga, janelle monáe, graham coxon, fiona apple, weyes blood, david bowie, st vincent, marina and rufus wainwright
song stuck in my head: man’s world by marina........Lordt what a great song....................im so happy shes releasing bangers again
last movie: borat 2 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
last show: the crown fuck prince charles. fuck prince charles so bad
when did i create this blog: mid 2020, i needed to vent about my newfound obsession w blur somewhere n tumblr seemed like the perfect place to do so
what i post: mainly fics, aesthetically pleasing stuff and music-related stuff
last thing i googled: kim wexler leave me and my simp hours alone
other blog: i had two blogs in the past - one dedicated to supernatural n other dedicated to steven universe in its early days but that then became a multifandom clusterfuck. both are gone
following: 80
followers: 139
average hours of sleep: 7 when im working. 10+ when im not
lucky number: i dont have a lucky number really.....................,,,,,,,,never found a number to call mine
instruments: guitar, which i started to play very recently (aug 2020) yet made some significant progress. tysm graham and natalie mering for the inspiration!
what i'm wearing: a very bright pink shirt n some hippie pants
dream job: musician! a very famous singer/songwriter!! i believe in myself a lot in that aspect n when i make it big please dont bring my fics to graham’s attention i wanna be his friend
dream trip: SWEDEN god i want to go to the abba museum so bad. really. im gonna be the happiest person in the world when that happens
favourite food: sushi 🍣
nationality: brazilian
favourite song: life on mars by david bowie orrrrrrrrrrr knowing me knowing you by abba. orrrrrr andromeda by weyes blood. orrrrrrrr dreams tonite by alvvays. but i’ll go w life on mars
last book i read: thing of beauty, a book abt gia carangi. got really obsessed w her story for a while, still am actually
top 3 fictional universes i wanna live in: steven universe, star wars or hannibal which i know is the “real” world n all but what if everyone just talked that way n dressed that way normally all the time n mads mikkelsen was a sexy cannibal n hugh dancy his twink husband. what a blast we’d all have.
tagging ppl makes me feel pressured so everyone who sees this n feels compelled to answer: go off, say i tagged u if u werent tagged already. love u n take care
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sugabeaniee · 4 years
hi omg congrats on 100+!! I’d like to request a matchup pls if that would be ok 🥺❤️
I’d describe myself as supportive, understanding, and would definitely cheer u on no matter what. I‘m pretty funny and absolutely love to make people laugh. Also I’m a good listener and would have your back 24/7 (I sleep really late lmao). I’m always up for anything with my friends but at the same time stay reasonable enough to keep them in check and make sure they don’t get us in trouble 💀🤚🏼. I get lazy/ lose motivation a bit quickly so I need someone who can cheer me up and motivate me. I’m also pretty quiet/ shy when u first meet me and not that assertive so I wouldn’t be able to start a conversation on my own.
I love drawing, going to arcades, and sometimes binging shows. Also if you tell me about something you love, I’m definitely down to get into it so you‘d have someone to enjoy it with. I’m actually the opposite of how I act with ppl I first meet, meaning I’m sarcastic, talk a lot, and kinda loud when I joke around.
I’m bi, a gemini, and an INFP; 5’4 with brown eyes and medium length straight black hair that I love being played with. I have an average body with not much 🍒 but some 🍑 and thighs doe lmao. I‘d like someone who I can joke with/ fun + affectionate (I’m lowkey touch starved lol) + I can tease (I LOVE doing that as a form of endearment) + taller than me + and can keep up with the random goofy stuff I say and do HAHA. I give good hugs and would probably steal their clothes bc it would remind me of them. My love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. I don’t have an ideal date bc I’d literally enjoy all the times we’d spend together 😌. thank you!!
I made this gender neutral since I didn’t want to assume your pronouns! Ok so I literally thought about this while making my morning tea yesterday and like my whole drive to work, and I keep going back to the same character! I think you would match up well with...
𝓑𝓸𝓴𝓾𝓽𝓸 𝓚𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓸
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- I think you both could support and motivate each other! The fact that you’re a good listener I think would work well when he needed to vent about a particular game or about volleyball in general. 
- I feel that likewise he would be there to motivate you when you get low on life or lazy. He would constantly push you to be your best self. If you were behind on work for your job or school? He would sit there with you until you finished, pulling you into your lap and being ready to help when you got stuck. “It’s ok love, you got this! Just one more page to go and then we can go snuggle”
- Bo would also love your thighs. I firmly believe Bo is someone who appreciates all bodies, and he would 100% make sure you knew how in love he was with yours. He would always have his hands on you (with consent of course). Bo would run his hands through your hair while you cuddles in bed, running different patterns along your skin. He’d also be a firm believer of PDA, always holding your hand in public or having an arm slung around you. He’d want the world to know that such a beautiful person was his and his only. 
- Bo would adore when you stole his clothes. He would notice how his hoodies would engulf you and his tummy would do somersaults. He would lowkey begin leaving his clothing around in hopes you would take them, spritzing bits of cologne on them so when you wore them you would think of him.
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 𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓨𝓸𝓾- 𝓑𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓼
You and Bokuto loved to go on creative and active dates when you got the chance to go out. Don’t get me wrong, you both adored staying at home, lounging on the couch, watching your favorite shows and just snuggling. Nevertheless, Bokuto recently surprised you with tickets to your favorite bands concert. You both had fallen in love with this particular band’s music and it had somehow become the soundtrack of your relationship.
 When together you both felt as if you could let loose and show your true self. There was no need for a cool façade. Both of you were goofy and silly in your respective ways, which often led to you both cackling and out of breath from laughing so hard. Whenever this bands music played around the house you both somehow ended up dancing and flailing around in the living room together.
Attending the concert was no different. You both danced and hopped around in joy, singing along with the lyrics at the top of your lungs. You didn’t care about those around you who looked at you weird, you two were in your own bubble. Everyone around you seemed to meld into a blur and you could only focus on the adoring man in front of you. As you danced together you both stared into each others eyes as you sang the lyrics to your favorite song, “I really need somebody to call my own. I wanna be somebody to someone. Someone to you.”
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a/n: eep I hope you enjoyed this! This is my first matchup ever but I tried to make it detailed (╥﹏╥) Thank you again for your support and love for my work! I’m so so so so thankful <3 Also I was listening to this song when I made your matchup, which inspired the concert date! I highly suggest you listen to it while reading, it really adds to the mood hehe 
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Elmax Oneshot: Hurt/Comfort
"Where were you?" Billy demanded coldly as Max opened the door to the living room. Her mother and Neil weren't here, right now, leaving her alone.
With Billy.
With Billy.
"Uhm.." Max gulped. She'd been at the arcade with the rest of The Party, she decided on lying. "Skatepark." Billy sent a glare towards the skateboard under her arm, before glaring at Max again.
"You know what happens when you lie to me, Max." His voice was cold. He had just finished a cigarette.
"I'm not lying, Billy." She insisted. Billy grabbed her right arm, tightly, causing her skateboard to drop to the hard floor beneath them. Max's breath instantly quickened as Billy lit another cigarette.
"Breaking your precious skateboard ain't enough apparently, Maxine." He took a short drag, before taking the cigarette out of his mouth. Max's eyes widened. She knew what was coming.
"Billy," she pleaded, "Billy, don't—" Before she could get the rest of the words out, the burning end of Billy's cigarette met her wrist. Max tried to yell, but her step-brother just used his other hand to smack her. She silently cried, the tears burning at her ocean blue eyes and freckled cheeks hurt almost as much as the fire that was marring her skin. Billy only pulled away for a second, moving the cigarette to her other wrist. Billy only stopped fully after making more marks down her arms and when his cigarette was now only a stub.
"FUCK YOU!" She flipped Billy off, sobbing openly now. Max pushed her way to her room. She slipped a long-sleeved jacket on before quickly packing a bag, slinging it over her shoulder.She stormed back down the steps, grabbing her skateboard before booking it down the street.
Her speed continued its soft increase, scared that Billy might be following her. Scared someone would do worse. She just kept running where her thin legs would take her, hoping they wouldn't give out and she'd crumble. She felt so close to that, but then she saw a log cabin, running quicker to it, realizing it as a very familiar home. She finally got there, eyes threatening to spill over again as she knocked on the door.
She heard the noises of soft footsteps from behind the door before she saw the doorknob turn. There before her stood the tall-ish figure of someone so familiar to Max. Short, curly brown hair hanging just above her shoulders. Piercing, dark eyes and a soft smile playing on her lips. It was easily recognizable as Jane "El" Hopper, The Party's mage and Max's best friend. She hadn't attended the meet-up that started this whole mess, but Max had always turned to her brunette best friend before. This was no different. Sure, she'd never told her about Billy's abuse, but now, she could.
"Maxie...?" El cocked her head to the side, eyebrows furrowing. "Max, why are you here so late?"
"Um... I can't tell you out here." Max felt a tear slide from her now clenched shut eyes, before Max looked up at her. Max sniffled. "Can I come in?"
"Of course. Be quiet, though. Jim's sleeping." El gently grabbed the arm that didn't hold the bag and skateboard, (not noticing Max's wince of pain), tugging her into the cabin and then her room. El closed the door, allowing Max to settle herself on the bed before she sat beside the redhead.
"What happened?" El was gentle, wrapping an arm around the slightly shorter redhead's shoulders. The Mayfield girl pulled away, before slipping off her jacket. El noticed the cigarette burns on her arms, a small gasp tumbling out of her mouth. She gently took Max's arm, seeing the girl wince as she did. El gently ran her fingers across the girl's heavily freckled arm, now marked with dark spots that mingled with the red dots on her arms.
"Billy, my step-brother, got mad, Ellie. He decided to... he pressed his cigarette against my wrists and arms. Hard." Max was crying again, and it startled El. Max was the strongest person El knew, and she rarely showed any tears, or even a sad look. El looked at her friend with soft eyes, her heart hurting as Max continued to cry.
"God... I'm so, so sorry, Maxie..." El reached out, cupping Max's cheek with her hand, brushing the falling tears away. "It's gonna be okay, Max..."
Max just let out a loud sob, falling into El's arms. Her head burrowed quickly into El's chest, just laying there, her arms wrapping around El. El held Max up slightly with one hand, the other switching between stroking Max's hair and her arm.
Max continued her crying, and it mayn't have been a good time to notice, but she noticed she really liked- no, loved Max. It wasn't like she was attracted to Max crying, not at all. But, thinking back to how much she wants Max happy. Thinking how nice Max is to her, and how many times she'll let her vent to her with an easy smile. She wants to see Max and her smile, that cute smile that El loves to see. Her eyes, her soft red hair, the wrinkle of her nose while she laughed. El loved all of it, and she just thought of it as Max took a few breaths to calm down. She wiggled out of El's grip, giving a tentative smile.
"I'm better now." Max gave a soft smile, accompanied by a blush. "Thanks to you."
El responded with a bright blush. She then took a minute, watching Max with her head tilted. Her gaze was focused on the soft curls of the redhead's hair. Perfect chance for a compliment, El thought, before she reached her hand forward and tugged on a loose strand of Max's hair. "Pretty." El complimented softly, watching as the other girl's cheeks became tinged a color rivaling a color very much like the hair El was praising.
"Pretty? My hair? Thanks! Yours is.."
"No." El mumbled, moving her hand from Max's hair to Max's face, both of her hands now resting on Max's face. "You're beautiful, Maxie..."
El pressed her lips against Max's own. Max pulled back in shock, while El just questioned quietly, mentally, why she did that.
"Why-why did you do that?" Max questioned, hiding her flushed face by resting her head on one of her hands. El tried biting her lip to stop any answer from slipping out.
"Because I like you!" El blurted out, surprised that her vocal cords would betray her with a secret she had long kept hidden. Her master plan didn't work, she noted, mumbling a curse. The blush, now prominent on her face, darkened when she said this. Max's blush got somehow even deeper as she thought of what to say next.
"Are you gonna say something?" El asked, worried that Max doesn't like her back. If Max didn't like her, who would?
Max, not even thinking that much before doing so, kissed El, sparks immediately flying (figuratively) between them as El kissed back, surprised at the action of her companion.
Max's lips were soft, and they tasted like the cherry lipstick she applies almost every time she and El hang out. On Max's end, El's lips tasted of peach, no doubt from the chapstick El applies endlessly.
Max pulled away first, eventually, and smiled a bit, saying, "Was that an okay answer?"
El smiled as well and hugged Max tightly, relieved that the redhead likes her back. El's convinced that this is the best day ever. And El didn't even have Eggos!
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 6 years
Emo and Proud (Shinsou Hitoshi X Reader)
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Summary: You decide to give Shinsou some music therapy by encouraging him to sing along with you to vent out your stress and some deeper feelings are revealed. 
Hehe one of my headcanons is that Shinsou is a big-time MCR fan, in a way like Misty Day is a fan of Stevie Nicks from American Horror Story :3
Featuring: Our Favorite Purple Boy!
You sighed as you finished watching Aggretsuko for the 10th time on your phone.
It was such a cute show even with it’s 15 minute episode runtime. That poor little adorable red panda; you wondered if you would ever end up like that someday since you were going to be a pro-hero someday, and it wasn’t exactly a glamorous job for everyone.
If there’s one thing that show taught you, it’s that music is one of the most life-saving outlets to vent out your emotions. And boy was that true, because your music was pretty much one of your sanctuaries that let you feel and express yourself whenever you sang to yourself or just let all your old nostalgia come back to you in the comfort of your room.
But it was time to pull an Aggretsuko and use the power of music to relieve the stress you had been feeling after the Joint Training and training in general. You knew being a hero would be hard work, but damn, your teacher was starting to look more like a slave-driver at this point.
Thankfully, somehow everyone had managed to catch a break since nothing was really going on… yet at least. And to salvage this break, you secluded yourself from your friends, as much as you loved them, sometimes you needed some alone time.
So, you politely declined their invite to the arcade and stood behind in the dorms. Once you were sure that most of them were gone, you set up a TV you had brought since you couldn’t live without a large-enough television and for the movie nights for weekends.
You hooked it up to your phone and grabbed a brush to act as a makeshift microphone from your room and played up an old nostalgic song from the singer who rose up yet again. It’s a good thing nobody was here, because you were really rocking out and banging your head with the guitar solo. Not that you would have cared, but you didn’t care for some of the remarks you would get, especially from that jackass Bakugou or that snarky chick Jirou.
“Try to tell me what I shouldn’t do.You should know by now, I won’t listen to you. Walk around with my hands up in the air, ‘cause I don’t care… ‘Cause I’m alright, I’m fine! Just freak out let it go!”
Dancing a little bit and raising your fist, you sang as loud as you could and really let yourself cut loose, so much that you were oblivious to someone entering the room who had taken the time to pause and stare at you as you danced.
“I’m gonna live my life, I can’t ever run and hide I won’t compromise ‘cause I’ll never know. I’m gonna close my eyes, I can’t watch the time go by. I won’t keep it inside! Freak out let it go! Just freak out let it go!”
You were flailing your arms about, flipping your (H/L) hair as much as you could, shaking your butt as you pumped your fists to get back in tune with your inner Avril. The music was so loud you couldn’t hear the very quiet snickers coming from your audience.
“Gonna freak out let it go! Gonna freak out let it go!”
Banging your head as the final riff ended you threw your arms up vigorously, “WHOO!” You shouted, turning around with a big grin that dramatically and comically fell as soon as you saw the person you had no idea had been watching you just about the whole time…
“OH GOD! H-Hitoshi!!”
Wild purple hair and all, beautiful, tired purple eyes gleaming with such amusement as his lips were lined with a smirk. He slowly brought his hands up to give you a deliberately slow clap.
“Impressive…” Shinsou finally spoke up, his tone sounding casual and low-key as possible but you knew that this was clearly extremely amusing to him as your face involuntarily grew hot.
“How much of that did you hear… and see…?” You shouldn’t have asked that, but you were curious.
“Everything from ‘Try to tell me what I shouldn’t do’.” He answered you and you sighed a bit, shrugging your shoulders with your hands up in defeat.
“I didn’t think anyone else would be here… sometimes you just need time to yourself ya know?” Sighing, you almost felt embarrassed. Shinsou wasn’t even in your class at the beginning and yet you befriended him during the Sports Festival a LOT quicker than you did your own classmates. It all started when you asked for him to be on your team, which shocked the hell out of him since he didn’t even have to brainwash you like he did Ojiro and Aoyama. And from then, you two just clicked and stood in touch.
“I know. That’s why I didn’t go with the rest of the others.” He agreed with your sentiment, which made you actually kind of happy.
Shinsou was a complete introvert, and yet you managed to get through to him due to similar interests in music, especially when you discussed how the two of you were ‘permanently stuck in your emo phases’. And then you knew about his fondness for cats, which you found extremely adorable since you had a soft spot for cats yourself.
Finally, there was your quirks, and you knew all about the prejudice he got from people simply because his Brainwashing quirk gave him the ability to control people. You had gotten somewhat similar flak for your quirk since your quirk also allowed you to control people, except you had control over their bodies and not their minds.
Emo birds of a feather gloomed and listened to MCR together.
The more you two talked, the closer you became. Which is why you were overjoyed when he started training with Aizawa and finally got into the Hero Course with you and your friends.
But the problem was… now that you were closer to him, you had fallen almost hopelessly in love with him. And now you just embarrassed yourself in front of him even though the plan was to have some time for yourself. However, because you liked Shinsou so much, it was always okay for him to be around you; you could relate to him and you never wanted him to feel like he couldn’t be around you.
“Well hey. We can be alone together… you’re one of the very few people who don’t annoy me. And EVERYONE annoys me.” You smiled at him, and he couldn’t help but smile back at you.
“I can say the exact same thing about you.” Shinsou said as he took a seat on the couch, sighing heavily as you frowned a bit and went over to him. He’d been working extra hard since Aizawa took him under his wing, you were sure that he must have been exhausted.
“Dude you need to relax…” You said, setting your brush down and placing your hands on his shoulders that made him freeze ever so slightly from the unexpected touch. But he wouldn’t ever make himself appear flustered in front of you so he kept his cool.
“It’s not easy to relax when you’re constantly working… even on break-days like these…” He muttered a bit as you started to massage his shoulders a bit.
“Yeah but you can still try! You work too hard man… Aizawa’s really been kicking your ass ever since he took you up… I mean yeah it’s awesome that you’re with us now but you need a goddamn break dude…” You said gently despite your language, digging into his shoulder blades as he grunted a bit but then sighed quietly in content with how good your fingers felt on his sore muscles. Muscles he’d been growing ever since he started training that is…
“I might just sleep or something… that’s a smart way to take a break.” He said, but you immediately shut that idea down.
“Ugh, you’re training WITH Aizawa, not training to BE Aizawa, Hitoshi. Sleeping is great, but you know what else is great? Singing~.” You sang that to get your point across but that just served to irk the purple-haired boy even as he let out a small groan when you got another sore spot that helped him ease up a little bit.
He sighed again, “I don’t sing… I’m probably not even good at it…”
“I’m not good at it but I still do it! You ain’t gotta be good at singing to do it, it’s just fun! Plus you get to vent out everything in the lyrics of awesome songs! Avril Lavigne, Evanescence, Good Charlotte, Three Days Grace, Simple Plan, My Chemical Romance!” You exclaimed and listed out some of the many singers that you enjoyed during your emo phase and STILL enjoyed.
Shinsou didn’t flinch, but hearing those names nearly made him perk up since he DID like all of those groups and singers. Especially My Chemical Romance…
“I mean those guys defined our childhood and shaped up the emo phase that we grew up with and loved because we just didn’t give a fuck about anything and just sang the loser anthems that spoke of our existences at the time… It was a time to be alive because it allowed us to say ‘I am emo and I am proud’.” You somewhat dramatically explained and Shinsou gave you a look when you stopped massaging his shoulders and started talking nonsense.
“It’s who we are Hitoshi! We have all these feelings that we need to vent out! And remind people of the times we grew up in! Say it with me! I am emo and I am proud!” You threw your fist in the air, and naturally Shinsou didn’t follow you as he just stared at you.
”Did you watch Aggretsuko again?” He knew you loved singing, but he had a feeling that one of your favorite modern cartoons had something to do with this little idea of ours.
“Yes… yes I have…” You replied to him rather nonchalantly.
“You watch way too much cartoons…” He shook his head, trying his hardest to not smile or snicker at how stupid you sounded.
“Cartoons also defined my childhood because sometimes you needed a break from your emo phase bro… but my point is… just try it. I sang my heart out to Avril and I already feel a ton better! Aggretsuko teaches that and it’s an excellent lesson!’” You threw your hands up cheerfully, but Shinsou just stared at you with his deadpan look.
“Okay, you must have me confused with someone who does embarrassing things without a care in the world.” He snarked, trying to not show that this kinda thing made him feel a little… nervous. Especially with you here. He wasn’t ready to embarrass himself in front of you, not after you had to watch him lose to Midoriya in the Sports Fest.
And he nearly jumped when you suddenly put your arm around him. “Tosh… it’s ME. You know I’d never judge you. I mean you don’t have to… but I’m sure you’d be awesome at it… you’ve sung a few of your emo phase songs to yourself with the door closed whenever you got in one of those ‘fuck the world’ moods haven’t you?” You softly reassured him, giving him a choice even as you asked him a question.
Shinsou willed himself to not blush with how close you were and how you touched him like that, instead focusing on your words as he looked somewhat defeated. “Yes…”
He gave a heavy sigh. As much as he didn’t entirely want to, he couldn’t say no to you, especially when you were trying to just help him relax. Shinsou would only EVER sing for you.
“Okay… I’ll do one. But you’re not allowed to laugh.” Shinsou finally and reluctantly complied and you practically screamed from joy.
“YES!!! Let’s get out Emo on!” You hugged him suddenly , doing a bit of a dance when you finally got your wallflower friend to try this out with you.
So you gladly grabbed your phone to start looking up a selection of songs, as Shinsou sighed again, unable to believe that he was actually doing this. Well, he trusted you, and generally had fun whenever he did things with you. And although you were more energetic than he was at times, he didn’t mind. He enjoyed that you had more zest than he did.
“All right! Here’s one! Take it Toshi!” You suddenly tossed him your hairbrush, and he quickly caught it, giving you a look afterward.
“(Y/N)…” Shinsou was beginning to feel a bit of nerves even though he shouldn’t have, but it got worse when he saw the song you chose.
This was one of his FAVORITE songs.
“No I can’t… I can’t do Gerard any justice…” He muttered a bit self-consciously, but you just shook your head.
“Yes you can! No one’s a bigger fan of Gerard than you are! Now go on! I’m with ya Toshi!” You smiled wide at him to ease him up, and you took the floor when the song immediately started up
“Long ago, just like the hearse, you die to get in again… we are so far from you…”
Deliberately, you whispered that last part to imitate how the song went, and looked right at Shinsou to cue him to go next. He appeared unsure for a bit, until he took a quick breath.
“Burning on, just like a match you strike to incinerate… the lives of everyone you know! And what’s the worst you take from every heart you break… And like a blade you stain, well, I’ve been holding on tonight…!”
You nearly jumped as soon as THAT voice came out of Shinsou’s mouth. So much energy and passion as he became MUCH more expressive as he sang the song. His singing voice a lot louder and emotional than his speaking one, and yet there was something haunting and tortured about his voice too. It was beautiful…
However, Shinsou suddenly became more adorable in your eyes as he clutched the hairbrush close to him as he sung and and waved his arm about, as if to follow the way Gerard moved and sung in the music video.
As he sung, at that moment he remembered that you were here as soon as he saw your wide (E/C) eyes and agape mouth. You saw his cheeks beginning to redden as he nearly halted in the verse but you shook your head vigorously, wanting to encourage him to keep going!
“What’s the worst that I could say?”
“Things are better if I stay! So long and goodnight, So long and goodnight~!“
You jumped in, singing the first part before bringing your hairbrush over to Shinsou, and he gladly sang the rest along with you. Although you had to whoop when Shinsou got into it, running a hand through his wild hair and following Gerard’s every move from the video.
Crazy, passionate expression and everything and making the same hand gestures and you couldn’t help but dance just as wild as the dancers did and some air guitar, following Shinsou’s rhythm.
“Came a time when every star fall brought you to tears again… we are the very hurt you sold. And what’s the worst you take from every heart you break… And like a blade you stain, well, I’ve been holding on tonight…!”
“What’s the worst that I could say? Things are better if I stay! So long and goodnight, So long and goodnight~! Well, if you carry on this way, things are better if I stay… So long and goodnight, So long and goodnight…!” 
Encouraged, by your enthusiasm, Shinsou got on his knees as he sung the chorus with the loudest voice you had ever heard from him. Although he stood back up a little dramatically when the last bridge came.
He took your hand gently, pulling you in closer as he continued to sing, in a softer, almost whispery voice.
“Can you hear me…?”
“Are you near me…?”
Shinsou looked you right in the eyes, purple eyes luring your (E/C) eyes in an almost intimate moment as your cheeks flushed pink. It felt like this was just for you, and Shinsou made sure of it as he gently pressed his forehead against yours. Silently telling you that this was for you, and that only you could see him bear his soul like this.
You quietly gasped, for a moment you nearly felt like you were in his control because of how his voice just captivated you. But feeling extremely relaxed and yet fluttery with joy as you giggled a bit. When he pulled away, you saw his own face become bashfully flushed as you grinned when he started to sing again.
“Can we pretend to leave and then…”
“We’ll meet again, when both our cars collide!”
While Shinsou sung, you followed his lead, widening your eyes dramatically and pretending to fall backwards like the girl in the video as the chorus came.
“What’s the worst that I could say? Things are better if I stay! So long and goodnight, So long and goodnight~! Well, if you carry on this way, things are better if I stay…So long and goodnight, So long and goodnight…!”
Feeling more invigorated than ever before, Shinsou sang the chorus a little louder, yet still on-key as put his hand over his heart and bore the rest of his soul out.
And when he finished the song, he promptly dropped your hairbrush and you threw both your hands up in the air. “WHOOOO!! That’s my Toshi!” You practically screamed, almost like a fangirl as you quickly threw yourself into him, hugging him tightly and jumping a little bit as Shinsou’s eyes grew slightly wide and he felt his face heating up a bit. He was confident during the song, but now his bashfulness came back.
“That was AWESOME! I didn’t even know you could sing!”
Shinsou really hated his pale skin sometimes, because now he couldn’t hide how much he was blushing from all of your praise.
“I don’t do it much… just in private… I don’t think I’m that good…” He normally wasn’t timid, but you were complimenting him so much and he wasn’t used to that kind of praise. He liked it a lot though, it just made him feel kind of nervous, and yet validated.
“Well you freakin’ ROCKED dude! You totally did Gerard justice!” You continued the compliments, adoring just how red Shinsou was turning as he rubbed the back of his neck and coyly grinned.
“You’re just saying that…” He mumbled a little bit, and for once he flinched when he felt lips pecking his already hot cheek as you giggled and blushed, shaking your head.
“Nope! I mean it… and… I mean it when I say this but… Hitoshi… I think… no… I know… I uh… I like you… not even that… I like-like you…” There you said it, you finally admitted your feelings for the guy. You were a little unsure, but that song and seeing him unleash the soul you fell in love with just brought out the rest of your feelings for him.
Shinsou was taken by surprise. Nothing fazed him that much, but for once he was taken aback, his purple eyes wide and his expression that one of surprise and disbelief. He’s NEVER had this happen to him before. No one’s ever like-liked him before.
“W-What?” He didn’t mean to stutter, but he couldn’t really help it.
“Hee-hee… I’m in love with you…” Giggling shyly, your cheeks began to darken, “Don’t make me say it again, my heart’s like, beating out of my chest…” You shyly said, and although Shinsou was still blushing, he started to smirk a little bit when he saw just how flushed you were. He knew you weren’t lying, but he was still amazed that SOMEONE actually like-liked him. And yet he was also overjoyed that someone he felt close to and actually liked, like-liked him. And if he was being honest, he like-liked you too.
“Well... I actually like-like you too... you’re the only person I think I completely trust.” He admitted, still giving you his little smile. Shinsou wasn’t lying, he’d never show anyone what a dork he could be, except for you. Because you were just as big an emo dork as he was. You were his dork, and he was your dork. 
Your eyes went huge and you blushed heavily when he... reciprocated your feelings?! Was this for real? It had to be. Shinsou never lied to you, he layed jokes on you sometimes, but this wasn’t one of them... 
“For real...?”
“Yes. You’re a complete dork. But... you’re my dork.” Shinsou finally admitted, it wouldn’t be a common thing, but he had to get that across to you just so you wouldn’t faint from how red you were. And he almost jumped when you screamed and hugged him again, very much like a fangirl almost.
“AHHHH! You know it! And you’re MY dork too!” You happily exclaimed, hugging him tightly as Shinsou sighed a little bit, but found it in him to hug you back with a little smile. 
He’d never say it to anyone, but he loved his dork.
~~~Bonus Ending~~~
"We are not alone..." You suddenly perked up where you hugged Shinsou, and he sensed that too. Somebody else was around, and probably eavesdropping on the two of you. "I think I know who." He said lowly, albeit he wasn't entirely bothered; he wasn't happy, but he wasn't bothered either since this person was your friend.
"Ohhhh..." Giggling, you figured out who it was based on that alone. "Hey! Tokoyami! Come out dude I know you're hiding back there." You blatantly called him out, but of course Tokoyami himself didn't reply from the corner.
"No we're not!" Dark Shadow replied for him, and you could hear Tokoyami's annoyed, deep sigh.
"My apologies. It wasn't my intention to eavesdrop..." The crow-headed boy slowly came out of hiding as you waved to him, while Shinsou looked mildly annoyed, having assumed that you were his only audience.
"Oh really? Heh... let me guess... did you hear the song?" You raised a brow, as much as you could at least and Tokoyami looked downwards, almost as if he were a little embarrassed even though you knew he had the same tastes in music you and Shinsou did.
"Yes... I did. It was very impressive. Like Gerard Way was reawakened from his slumber." He somewhat dramatically said as you smiled wide and giggled, patting Shinsou on the back happily. "I know right?! See Tosh! You're AWESOME! And Tokoyami here is one of us! Let's let him hang with us!" You cheerfully suggested, which just annoyed Shinsou even more. However, Tokoyami was pretty harmless and didn't seem to have a thing for you. Even if he did, it was too late because you were his now.
"Okay. I don't see the harm." Shinsou shrugged his shoulders as you happily clapped your hands. "Ahaha! Tokoyami! Hope ya don't mind singing!" That made the similarly emo boy perk up ever so slightly. He didn't plan on singing...
"I'm not a singer." Tokoyami quickly replied. Much like Shinsou, he wasn't entirely willing to show off because he doubted his abilities, but you weren't going to let him feel so insecure as you started the next song.
"You will be!" You smirked, winking at Shinsou as you immediately started to sing the first lyrics. A song you knew no true emo like Tokoyami could ever resist.
"Oh, well imagine, as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor and I can't help but to hear. No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words~."
You got into it and picked your head up as soon as you sang the first part, running a hand through hair as you sang in your hairbrush, not so subtly flirting with Shinsou as he couldn't help but smirk as you gave him your brush to let him take the next part.
"What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding, says a bridesmaid to a waiter, and, yes, but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore."
Shinsou gladly sung, which surprised you a little bit because he was more comfortable when it was only you. And he was, but he knew that you and Tokoyami were just friends, even if the guy liked you it was too late. You were all his now. Still, he would let the fellow emo join in since he was very like-minded and wouldn't judge you both. However, you both just made him feel a little nervous, it didn't help when you gave him the hairbrush...
But Tokoyami knew this song by heart. Every lyric, every rhythm...
He couldn't help it.
"I chime in with a 'Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?' No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality!”
Now you and Shinsou were shocked, both of your eyes growing wide when the ever-so-stoic, dark prince-y bird boy Tokoyami, of ALL people, actually singing with an almost uncharacteristic enthusiasm as he held onto the hairbrush you gave him and sung into it.
But you couldn't help but smile wide, glancing at Shinsou as he shrugged with a small smile. The bird was shocking pretty good too. Might as well join in.
"I chime in with a 'Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!' No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of... poise and rationality! Again..."
Following Tokoyami's lead, you and Shinsou acted as his back-up singers by singing the chorus with him and you provided the crazy dances as the three of you vigorously rocked out.
Emo and proud.
~~~Extra Bonus Ending~~~
Meanwhile downstairs...
"Man it sounds like they're having fun up there..." Kirishima and the rest of the 'Bakusquad' had returned to Heights Alliance early, and you had pretty much put your music on full blast once you hooked it up to the TV. And didn't count on anyone coming back so quick...
"I kinda wanna go up and join em!" Kaminari was getting into the music he was hearing through the walls. "YEAH! Let's go and party with those guys!" Mina would never say no to cutting lose and dancing to awesome music.
"I'm sure (Y/N) will let us. Most of us..." Sero shrugged his shoulders with his casual smile, having known you fairly well but he wasn't so sure you would let ALL of them hang out since you and Bakugou never really entirely got along.
"Amateurs..." Bakugou muttered under his breath as he marched upstairs to go to the floor you were occupying. You were being WAY too damn loud, but at that moment he decided he'd show you how a REAL singer sings My Chemical Romance.
I own nothing :3
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kimjongdahhwae · 6 years
Crush Culture
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Pairing: Jaemin x Reader Genre: Fluff, High School!AU
a/n: When you listen to a particular song and a scenario just popped out of your mind HAHAHAHA. In this case, the song is Crush Culture by Conan Gray. Listen to his EP entitled “Sunset Season” , 11/10 would recommend!!! 
This is not proofread so I’m sorry for the mistakes. HSKHSKHSK 
Anyway, enjoy reading. ________________________________________________________________
"Jesus Christ Yeri, stop looking at your phone and finish this project!" you retorted at your groupmate who is also your best friend.
"I literally stopped for like 2 seconds to check the time y/n, don't overreact!" she said and continued to type your paper in History.  
"And you're literally using your laptop, why can't you just look at the time on your laptop, it's right there!" you grinned
"Shut up!"
"Obviously you're waiting for him to text you, well he won't," you said and continued to read other references on your laptop.
"This is why nobody likes you."
"Sometimes I ask myself why did we become best friends? Oh yeah right, because you love me," you said and made Yeri rolled her eyes and laughed.
High school is one of the shittiest moments in your life, with all the boys and girls trying to get noticed by their crushes or worse, being in a relationship. In high school, it seems like "who are you with" is more important above everything.
"Hey, sorry I'm late. I was up all night finding some more references," your other groupmate said while placing his bag on the table.
"Jaemin, we know you stayed up all night because you're playing video games with Jeno," you said, still focused on your laptop.
"I didn't say that," Jaemin said, opening his laptop while rubbing his eyes.
"You don't have to, because it's pretty obvious," you pointed at his laptop screen and his eyes widened when he saw the icon of the video game, still opened.
"See, this is why no one has a crush on you," Yeri said sarcastically.
"I'm too smart for them anyways," you joked.
It's a lunch break and you're currently eating in the cafeteria with Yeri.
"Why do they show their clinginess and affection here, IT'S A FREAKING SCHOOL!" you remarked, annoyed at the couple sitting on the table across you.
"Why are you so mad about couples doing their stuff, being sweet to each other or whatever. That's how they show their love for each other," Yeri replied and took a bite of her sandwich.
"I don't hate them, I despise them."
Minutes later, Jaemin arrived and took a seat in front of you while placing his backpack on the table.
"Did you print our paper?" you asked, he just nodded and yawned.
"You played video games all night again, why am I not surprised," Jaemin didn't answer and placed his face flat on his backpack.
You were surprised when Yeri slammed her left palm on the table while holding her phone on her other hand.
"Got to go guys! I just need to meet someone!" Yeri excitedly said and exited the cafeteria.
"Geez, what's up with people and their so-called crushes," you rolled your eyes and finished your lunch.
"What's up with you and your irritation towards crushes," Jaemin said, face still on his bag.
"They make me want to spill my guts out. People pursue their crushes but in the end, it will not work out." 
Jaemin lifted his face and looked at you.
"What if you met someone and I don't know, you fell for that person?"
"I doubt it," you laughed.  
Jaemin stared at your eyes.
"Just, what if?" he asked, and he seems serious.
"I don't know really, whatever happens, happens I guess?" you shrugged because the thought of you having a crush? Not gonna happen.
"Jaemin, where are we going again?" you lazily asked and letting yourself get dragged by Jaemin.
"There's this new arcade that opened yesterday, Jeno told me about it," Jaemin stopped at his tracks.
"And why are you dragging me there instead of Jeno?" you crossed your arms. You just want to go home and sleep, or watch Netflix.
"We already went there yesterday! So I thought, why not I asked you to go with me?"
"Okay first, you didn't 'asked' me, you just told me to come with you somewhere."
"But--" Jaemin was cut-off by you, shushing him.
"Second, I'm tired. PE drained me physically and mentally. Third, I left my wallet at home. I don't have any extra money."
"Fear not! I'll treat you so let's go!"
Seems like this boy will never give up, you let yourself get dragged by Jaemin once again.
When you both arrived at the arcade, it was packed with high school students around your age and some kids with their brothers or sisters.
You and Jaemin bought tokens, courtesy of him of course because you forgot your wallet. He dragged you to the basketball game first.
"Let's battle!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah why n--"
"--you're ready to lose?" you said while grinning.
"Oh, it's on!"
"The loser will buy pizza!"
You and Jaemin went to every multiplayer game and tallied your scores who won on that particular game.
"Guess I'm buying you pizza before going home?" Jaemin asked when the two of you went out of the arcade.
"Of course, told you-you're gonna lose," you smirked.
"Well, lead the way miss y/n," he said and made a gesture with his hand. 
You and Jaemin became close months after.
When you want to do something, go out or go to the library to study and Yeri is not available or busy, you text Jaemin. You two are always hanging out with each other's houses.
You're now waiting for Jaemin outside of the movie theater. It’ s Saturday so he asked you to hangout with him.
You [4:00 PM]: Wer r u? >:( Jaemin [1:03 PM]: omw, sorry :<
You sighed because you knew this would happen. Jaemin always wakes up late because of video games.
You smiled because you realized how you have gotten closer with Jaemin. Before, you two are just acquaintances. Now, he's like your second best friend. You thought of his mannerisms, his smile that makes your day, his deep laugh, his eyes that stared at your own pair whenever you two make a bet or debate about something.
Your phone buzzed again. You opened it expecting it was Jaemin, no it's Yeri. You're going to read Yeri's message, but Jaemin is calling you.
"Where are you?"
"I'm sorry! I'm walk--no running to get there on time, I'm buying fries to make it up to you."
"You better!" 
You suddenly had the urge to pee, so you went to the restroom. When you got out, you heard someone---a boy said Yeri's name.
"She's not even that pretty, She's the one who's pursuing me HAHAHAHA!"
"Dude, that girl is head over heels for you."
"Yes, she even tried to kiss me, who am I to refuse?"
"Then you dumped her the next day because you said she's boring. You're kinda cruel, man." 
The group of boys continued laughing, you couldn't resist yourself and punched the guy in the face.
"You boys are disgusting!"
"Who the hell are you?" he asked while holding his jaw.
"Dude, I think she's a friend of Yeri's," his friend whispered.
"Oh, that boring girl who likes me?" you punched him again at his comment.
"Just because you're a girl doesn't mean I'm not going to hurt you," he smirked and raised his arm but someone punched him first, and it's not you or his friends, it was Jaemin.
"Sorry I'm late, let's ditch this movie," he smiled and dragged you out of the scene. 
You went to the playground with Jaemin, you're both currently sitting on the swing set. It's already 5:30 PM and neither of you are speaking about what happened earlier. Jaemin doesn't like this, he doesn't like it when you're quiet and thinking about things that are making you sad.
"Hey, do you want to get some ice cream?" he tried to broke the silence.
"Can I say something....for like a second? Do you know the real reason why I don't want to have feelings with anybody?" you blurted out, having the urge to vent out suddenly.
"Yes, you said they make you want to spill your guts out."
"That's not just it, I hate the feeling of getting hurt. They will feed you beautiful lies, kiss you and then they will forget you because they found someone new," you said, and then looked down. 
"I really want to experience these things but, I can't bear the thought of someone leaving me for another. I don't want to experience this pain again. Just like what my father did," you said and looked at Jaemin, who is already looking at you.
You remembered the day your father left you and your mom for another family. You're 10 years old and just got home from school when you heard your mom and dad fighting in the kitchen, you faced them. When they saw you, they stopped but told you to go to your room.
Later that night, you were woken up by the banging of the door. You went outside to your room and saw your mother standing while crying in the living room, you saw your father already on the front door leaving. You called him and turned to you.
"Don't leave us, please. You and mom can fix this," you cried while hugging him.
"I'm sorry y/n, we can't," he broke the hug to take a look at you.
"Remember this, I love you both okay? I love you and your mom."
"If you love us then, why are you leaving?"
"I don't want to hurt your mother anymore. Give her the love I didn't give, take care of her," you father whispered while rubbing your tears away.
Then he stood up, went out and closed the door.
You told Jaemin about what happened, and how a year later you found your dad in a mall with another woman, holding a child.
"This is why I don't want to catch feelings for a person because, in the end, they'll fall out and will not catch you."
"Hey, not all men are the same," Jaemin said looking into your eyes, you didn't respond and just looked at your feet again.
"I will never do that to you. I will never hurt you," Jaemin whispered.
"What did you say?" you looked at Jaemin, shocked because of what he said.
You clearly heard him. You just don't know what or how to respond.
"Nothing," he shrugged. Once again, silence consumed the both of you.
Until both of you spoked at the same time but being the gentleman he was, he let you speak first.
"I want to go home, I'm worried about Yeri."
"I'll walk you home," Jaemin stood up and held out his hand for you. You took it even though you still feel the awkwardness earlier.
It's Sunday night, you and Yeri are having a sleepover.
"Are you sure your fine?" you asked her.
"For the nth time, I'm fine, he's not worth my tears anyway," he said and popped a chip in her mouth.
You're watching some horror film in your living room. You thought this sleepover because of Yeri, because of what that guy did to her but instead, you're the one who needs some advice.
"What's the deal between you and Jaemin?" she blurted out, making you jump because of his name.
"Uhh, we're fine? I guess?" you said and scrolled tweets on your phone.
"Y/n you're not telling me something. What did I miss between the two of you?"
"Nothing! We're just friends!" you said defensively.
"I know your lying," she smirked.
You gave up and told her the events that happened yesterday.
"Well, do you like him?" she raised her eyebrow.
"No? As I said, we're just friends."
"Well, in that case, you don't mind if he will have a crush on other people at school? or if I will have a crush on him?"
"Think of a thing you've always wanted to do."
"Then?" this time, you're the one who raised an eyebrow.
"Then think of a person who you wanted to accompany you in doing that thing," Yeri said and smirked at your reaction.
"You smiled, I know you thought of Jaemin first before me," she pointed at your face.
"No I DID NOT!" yes, yes you did.
"I'm going to sleep. Sort out your feelings. I know you're still scared of experiencing these things and thinking that men are the same but Jaemin is different and I can feel it. He likes you so much and It's very obvious. You're the only one who can't see it," Yeri patted your head and went to your room. 
You contemplated what Yeri said.
Yes, you thought of Jaemin first because he's the easy going type of person, unlike Yeri. You always want to hang out with him because his sense of humor is different. He's always making you laugh and sometimes it's the other way around. Seeing Jaemin's smile or laugh, and knowing it's because of you makes your heart flutter. He doesn't judge you at whatever you do and listens to your rants about life 24/7. He always walks you home even though his street is on the other side. He takes care of you.
Your phone buzzed, it's a text from Jaemin saying he's outside your house.
You still don't want to see or talk to him because you're scared to face him. But it seems like your feet has a mind of its own and immediately walked towards the front door. You opened it and saw Jaemin, wearing a white hoodie, sweatpants, and his favorite sneakers.
"What are you doing here this late?"
"I can't sleep."
"I've been thinking about what happened yesterday."
"Oh, Yeri's fine. She's sleeping in my ro--"
"No, the one when we're on the playground. About what I said. I really REALLY like you y/n. You're smart, and beautif--"
"I am smart but I AM NOT BEAUTIFUL" you really can't take compliments.
"Please let me finish first," Jaemin sighs.
"Riiiight, sorry."
"I know you're scared of these crushes and catching feelings stuff but I can't control mine. I really like you and I tried to change your point of view about it so I am trying to pursue you that is why I asked you what if there's a person and you fall for that person, and I tried to be that person so I'm always asking you to hang out with me or spend time with me but you still won't budge. I know you don't like me and you will never like me bu--" Jaemin is now fumbling with his words so you cut him.
"I hate to say this but,,,, I like you too? I guess?" there you finally said it.
"What?" Jaemin's eyes widened, slowly he's smiling.
"Uhhhh, what do people call it? Uhm,,, I have a crush on you gOSH this is so embarrassing!" you said and covered your face with your hands. Jaemin removed your hands and squished your cheeks.
"You're cute when you get embarrassed," Jaemin laughed you punched him playfully.  
"Shut up! I hate you!"
"No, you said it yourself, you like me," Jaemin smiled widely. That soft smile that made you fell for him.
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