#(maybe he does)
strayheartless · 19 days
Alternative meeting between Tifa and Cloud in FFVII.
This is so unbelievably stupid. Her and her big mouth were going to get her in trouble one day she swears to shiva “oh, what’s that miter Lexington? Your car battery died just outside of Midgar and you need it jumpstarted! I have cables I can do it.” What the hell was wrong with her! Not only did the old coot abandon her at the gates with a “bigger emergency” but to add insult to injury he’d slapped her ass and Tifa was STILL helping him!
… maybe she’d ask Barret to shoot her next time she decided helpfulness was better than self respect. Fuck it’s warm out here.
As she pushes on past the 200 mile sign for Kalm she wonders if the car is even out here. It’s a pain in the ass to see past the waves of heat radiating from the ground and last time she was out here she’d gotten sunburned everywhere but her ass. It has been unbareable. This time she’d taken the precaution of a long duster coat and what little sunscreen she could scrounge up from Jessie’s last tour in Costa-del-sol. She’s regretting the coat now, but whatever.
Off in the distance she sees the lookout point on the Cliff and a tiny moving yellow dot told her there was a truck coming towards her from the high roads. When it approached a gentleman in a red bandana and large moustache pulled on the hand break and rolled down the window.
“Where you headed little lady?” He said and it didn’t sound snide but Tifa didn’t let her guard too much. Rule one on the ground floor: people aren’t nice for free.
“Oh just jump starting a car. I’m not in any trouble. Thanks for checking though.” She smiles disarmingly.
“Well shoot, that’s alright. You just be careful though. Was driving some boys up this way but something damn near shot out my tires and the tallish feller told me to scram. Recon there’s gon-be a shootout around these parts.” He sniffed and whipped his nose on his sleeve, making Tifa cringe internally. But he didn’t have to stop and warn her. She felt bad for being grossed out.
“Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me. How far back did you drop them off?”
As she asked a few dozen shots rang out and the sound of fast moving metal hitting metal zinged through the air.
A voice rang out from the cliff top. Tifa couldn’t make out what it was saying though.
“Cliff top… got it. I’ll stay away for now. Than you…”
“Thank you Benny”
When the man had driven away Tifa eyed the cliff top, watching for a second as a figure began to back up onto it. They were going to fall if they weren’t careful. She shook her head looking up at the sky. A helecopter was coming. Shit, whatever was going on was shinra business. Maybe she’d steer a little more clear than intended…
Mr Lexingtons car was only a little further in a ditch (which he hadn’t warned her about.) but after a few good pushes and a bolt of power she was good to go. The engine was pretty much full, and with a Jerry can in the back full of Gasoline she was confident there wouldn’t be anymore problems. As she jumped into the passenger seat though she couldn’t help but look at the cliff again.
There had been a distant rumble of gunfire for a good twenty minutes now, and at some point the clang of metal had stopped and the figure seemed to have crumpled to their knees. She watched in morbid curiosity as what looked like an infantry soldier smacked the butt of their gun into the persons head.
The figure crumpled onto their back and Tifa heard another shot and watched horrified as the Infantry guy went to take another shot.
Surely the guy was dead?!
Against her own better Judgment she gunned the engine and made a U turn towards the Cliff. If she could just get there. Just a little further…
The last shot rang out. Fuck fuck FUCK!
She pushed down hard on the accelerator, hoping behind hope the person could hold out a little longer for help. But about two miles up the road sand blew back against the truck as that same Hellicopter that had circled took off again back to midgar. Had they shot the person and just left them there?!
The rain had started, fast and heavy now. The trucks wipers were pretty much useless against the onslaught. It was bouncing off of the parched earth like halestones on a tin roof. The sound was almost deafening.
At the top of the Hill Tifa kills the engine and hops out, pulling her Coat closer against her. It did very little to ward off the rain but it was something.
“Hello!?” She yelled into the murky air.
“Hello?! Are you out there!”
There was someone at the edge of the cliff. They looked like they were wearing shoulder pads or paldrons. A soldier maybe? She hesitates for a second when a hand reaches up from the ground and pulls the other person down to their chest. It’s the guy who was shot. She can’t hear them. Not even a little. Maybe they can’t hear her either.
Before she can think better of this oh so stupid decision she keeps moving forward towards them. The body on the ground moves again, lifting something from next to them. A pipe maybe? No a sword. It’s a sword… fuck it looks bad. The hand slips and falls and Tifa tries to fight against the rain and the mud that is churning under her boots.
“Hello-“ her second attempt to call out is cut off by a scream from the second figure who’s head is tilted back towards the sky. Something is seriously wrong here and Tifa starts running as the second figure crumpled and clings to the body on the ground.
She drops to her knees when she’s there but thinks better of touching the perso-
“Cloud?! Oh gods Cloud is that you?!”
The person climbing to the body has spikey blond hair that Tifa would know anywhere, simply because it was so unique. He’s small and looks sickly, his face drenched in blood. It’s not his blood she thinks it’s-
She’s going to be sick. She’s going to throw up because the body on the ground is someone she knows. She knew. Fuck whatever! The body on the ground is First Class Sooldier Zack Fair.
“Oh gods Cloud what happened to both of you?!” She reaches out to touch him and Cloud Flinches clinging to the body harder. He’s scared she realises. Whatever happened to them… it must have been bad.
“Cloud it’s Tifa. You know me. Cloud? Im so sorry for your loss but we can’t stay here, those people might come back we have to-“
“NO!” Cloud cages the body under him and snarls at her almost feral with grief. Gods he really is covered in blood. There are morbid tear and rain tracks down his face like a terrible kabuki mask and it makes her shiver.
“Cloud… it’s me. It’s Tifa. You know me. Please Cloud. It’s me.”
He manages to look like he’s a stray dog with his hackles raised as he stares at her. The longer he stares the lower his shoulders seem to drop… the more confused and afraid he seems.
“Ti- Ti-fa?”
“Yes! Yeah Cloud it’s me. It’s Tifa Lockhart. You remember me? From the village?”
He nods hesitantly.
“Good. Okay good. That’s great. Do you trust me enough to get in my car?”
Cloud clings to Zack again, and Tifa swallows the bile rising in her throat as the sick squelch of blood on skin seems to echo.
“He… Zack… He… comes… too.”
Fuck, she’s so not getting paid for this. Blood in a truck that’s not even hers? Does it even matter? This was her friend. The only person from Nibelhiem who had ever been unaccounted for.
Did he know about that? Did he know about his mom? About her dad? That Zack had been there? That his hero sephiroth had killed them? Killed them all!
She holds out her hand and telegraphs her movements taking Zacks pulse…
Holy mother of Minerva this guy is still alive!
“Shit! Okay, yeah! Okay We can take him! Can you walk on your own? I can’t carry him and you. I’m strong but aim not two dead weight supersoldiers strong.”
Cloud shifted and blinked. He was still Gripping the sword.
“We can bring that too.” She offered gently. He didn’t look like he was about to let go of it any time soon.
“I’ll…. Be… his living…. Legacy….”
“Oh cloud…”
Tifa gets to her feet, her knee highs covered in tacky red clay mud. Bending at the knees she lifts Fair bridal style, trying not to agfitate his wounds. His head lolls back limply. She really hopes they can get back in time to save him.
“Alright Fair, don’t die on me. You owe me for bringing that psycho to my village, and I’ll be pissed if your too dead to say sorry…”
Zack doesn’t react, but a pale bloody hand reaches for his face. Cloud wipes the blood away the best he can.
“Live…. Please….”
Tifa chews on her lip nervously. They needed to get back to midgar. Now.
Getting them both in the Truck Tifa guns the engine and steps on it.
Gods she hopes this is enough.
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untilyouremember · 3 months
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You Got Me, Sempai
Available digitally
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salemsweats · 5 months
Do you think if I bite him he’ll squeak like a chew toy
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My sister: Where does Rocket Raccoon get shoes?
Me: I don't know
Sister: How does he get shoes small enough for his raccoon paws?
Me: *imagining Rocket in those light up Lightning McQueen shoes you get from Walmart*
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ohnotom · 8 months
i'm looking to buy an automatic card shuffler and by the looks of them and some youtube reviews they're all almost the same.
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kyros-tha-soldier · 2 years
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*blushing at a compliment and calling him strong*
What did Oda mean by this? 🤨🤨🤨
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
Why is Saejima still wearing the outfit Kiryu got him months later?
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me every day to my lil doggy: I love you. Mommy loves you so much. Do you understand what I mean when I tell you that I love you? I know you must understand love because you show it to me every day. How can I properly communicate the depth of my love for you? I will feed you and house you and cuddle you and play with you every day of your life and it will not have been enough. Not enough to express just how much I am willing to do for your health and happiness. Mommy loves you so much.
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amburgundy · 2 years
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"Studying" for Mastering Laser Mazes by spending time at the gym with Knox, who seems to live there
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spintergem · 2 years
You can’t tell me Wade doesn’t listen to this song thinking about Spidey
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swan2swan · 3 months
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Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.
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tuttle-did-it · 3 months
David Tennant for Prime Minister, please.
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edit- Since this is getting so much attention, edited to include descriptions of screenshots.
This woman has lost her fucking mind.
Jo, are you okay?
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platoapproved · 2 months
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What was that you said about memory? "A monster," was it?
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a1sart · 8 months
if there's one thing this last episode has affirmed for me about Alastor it's that he FUCKING HATES being reminded that he's not the most powerful creature in hell.
Like, he hates being ignored by Carmilla when she says she doesn't care why he was gone
He hates Lucifer ON SIGHT
He threatens to KILL Husk when he dares to mention that Alastor is working for someone more powerful than him
and now this.
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Alastor freaking out because he almost died. Something almost killed him. He can fucking die. There is something more powerful than him out there. And it's not something he can ignore or brush off because it almost killed him.
Alastor hates the reminder that he's not as powerful as he tells people he is. He isn't indestructible, he isn't invincible. And he fucking hates that.
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 3 months
My favourite underrated thing about Louis de Point du Lac is that he truly is the least curious vampire to ever be made and he does not give fuck about vampires despite being one.
Its Claudia who goes to libraries, reads the folklore, tries to learn as much as she can and pushes Lestat for answers about who made him and where the others are. Claudia says Vampire Pride and Louis says hmmm Vampire Tolerance.
And Louis...truly does not care about vampire history,law, culture. He's never even thought to ask. There are vampire laws?...ok...Lestat never cared about them and he's not going to either, lol. He's broken a few and he will continue to do so. Oh you have a coven? he's not gonna join it, he's gonna do his own thing. but good for you good for you.
the 500+ year old Coven Leader, he's gonna call Louis, Maitre, actually.
He has fire powers? thats kinda cool. he'll learn that but only cause it lets him vent his feelings about Lestat.
Lestat and Armand say the name of the vampire queen in front of him and Lestat straight up says, "Louis has no idea who that is" and do you think Louis cares, outside of the fact that for some reason it means he can't kill Lestat? No! Do you think in the 77 years he's been with Armand he ever took 5 minutes to ask a follow up question? No!
Do you think he will care about Akasha in season 3? Doubt it! Outside of her obsession with Lestat, who is the only person left on the planet he seems to be able to filter Caring About This Shit through
He blatantly breaks the 3rd law and publishes a book about being a vampire and when the other vampires get pissed not only does he not apologise he literally sends them his location and says 'you wanna fight? lmao don't miss'
I love him. Daniel Molloy is gonna need to bring his A game because Louis will not be solving a single mystery next season, nor would it even occur to him to try.
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