#(not that I don't love apollo he just takes after his father sometimes)
jokey05 · 5 months
Luke Castellan is still the best tragic villain/ fallen hero of all fiction. And I don't like how the show is doing him, he is too nice, he should be angrier. The Book character is perfect. I don't even think Uncle Rick knows what a masterpiece of a character he created. The only thing that should be changed is his last line to Annabeth, and even that I always read it in a platonic way. But the thing with Luke is that it hits you later. You are so angry with him after the betrayal, after that he is the main villain and does terrible things, and you want him gone, until he is bleeding on the floor still asking for others. Until he dies and you think of May Castellan alone in her kitchen waiting for a kid that is already gone. Until Percy asks for the drape.Until you read the secret diaries and realised how much he cared. Until you read the sequels and see that despite everything Zeus still acts the same. That when it gets you. That where I think the pjo show failed, too much explaining, we need to SEE this character arch. He should be scary right know, I still think the betrayal scene in the books is PERFECT. Percy is 12, Luke is 19 there is no way they are on the same level, that was a major point in the books. Also another major plot point I don't see enough is how Luke and Percy weren't friends. Maybe Luke had a sorta of mentor role for Percy in the first book, but the fact that they weren't superclose and Percy only got to know him through others is really important for the phrofechy and also what allows Percy to make the choice at the end of the last olympian. They have a much more complex connection that simply hero Vs villain and I wish more people could see that.
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crxss01 · 1 year
hi!!! could i pls request a god!apollo x goddess!reader where ur just cuddling each other after a long day? :) tysm!!!
— Serenity
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pairing ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ god!apollo x goddess!reader
summary ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ after a long day of driving the sun chariot apollo is happy when you arrive home.
warnings ✧˖ ° fluff, kissing, cuddling.
m. list, main m.list.
a/n . . ◟੭ hey, sweet anon! i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it!
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you sighed finally getting to your place in olympus after a long day of your godly duties. the only thing in your mind was to have some much needed rest with apollo by your side.
you never expected to marry the womanizer, but he did a really good job at sweeping you off your feet and you did a better job than him because for him it was love at first sight with you.
"my loveeee!"
suddenly you weren't standing on your own two feet but being spun around in the air, two strong tanned arms wrapped around your waist, and pair of lips kissing all over your face.
"i missed you so much, you should've come with me today." he pouted, looking at you with those beautiful eyes that were shinning like the sun.
"sorry, love." you apologized. "but if i keep neglecting my duties as a goddess, your father won't hesitate to zap me."
apollo put you down and nodded, "you're right, he can be overbearing sometimes."
thunder shook the place.
"umm... i take that back."
you laughed placing a kiss on his lips. "you took a bath yet?" you asked him.
"no, i was waiting for you."
even though gods do not need baths, you and apollo liked to take them together most of the time. it gave you both a sense of intimacy and tranquility.
after taking a bath together you and apollo went to bed and now were laying on bed with your arms around each other with you being on top of him, your head on his chest. you could hear and feel his ichor pumped heart beating against the side of your head.
"you know maybe we can make a godly duty that we both can do together, so that my father can't be mad about us not doing our other duties."
"apollo, go to sleep." you mumbled tiredly.
"but listen, darling. we could work with plants—"
"that's demeter's thing and i don't think that you even know how to water them."
"hey! i learned a lot as lester." he complained. "but you're right, demeter wants nothing to do with me so no plants. how about divorces? i don't know of any god who specializes on that."
you looked up at him, raising a suspicious eyebrow. "are you trying to tell me something?"
apollo chuckled, shaking his head. "you can never get rid of me, sweetheart. so no, i'm not trying to tell you anything, i just want to send some of those papers over to aphrodite and hephaestus."
you laughed at that, "even though she doesn't love him, aphrodite would never divorce him. it would bring shame to her name."
"i think it has enough shame already." apollo shrugged.
"be careful, you don't want eros to hit you with another arrow do you?" you questioned, grabbing his face in between your hands. "it would be a shame if he made you fall in love with an animal this time."
"not even one of his arrows can make me fall in love with someone who isn't you." he smiled.
you rolled your eyes, but your cheeks heated up. "i guess you are the god of poetry for a reason."
he lean up trying to give you a kiss, but ended up kissing your cheek when you turned your head and moved off of him to lay beside him.
"let's sleep, we have another long day tomorrow." you said. "in the morning before you leave, i'll give you all the kissed you want."
apollo took a hold of your waist, pulling you to him and making you the little spoon. "i love you..." he told you.
"i love you more.." you answered.
"not more than i do." apollo said back, then covered your mouth so that you wouldn't fight back. "good night, my sweet."
you licked his hand and he yelped, taking it away from your face. "goodnight, sunny."
"and i love you more than you do." you just had to add.
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ reblogs are really appreciated
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just-an-enby-lemon · 12 days
"When Hector died I felt anger." His sister looks at him skepticaly. The scars on her face a scary reminder, it should not be possible for them to hurt like that, to feel so much, to almost die, but their dad, their king could do it. "Even before the war the achaeans were your champions, yours, dad's, Hermes, Ares's, even Hera's. Hector was mine."
"You ruined his sister in pettyness." She finally says cold and almost unafected. He knows her way to well and they are long past that, he has no idea what she is thinking but he knows she'll never forget today, he won't either, he just hopes she forgives.
"Aren't mortals there for us to ruin?" His conviction about it used to be stronger, more honest, he didn't care for Cassandra but mayhaps he should have.
"Did you knew they existed before us?" His sister answers never one to refuse a debate. Ares was better at this types of conversations, Ares for all his faults was better at being a brother to all, Apollo was a good brother to Artemis, his other half, maybe to Hermes, sometimes, but he still didn't knew how to be with the others. "They were there with the old gods and with the Titans... they'll likely be there after us."
He wants to say it won't be an after them. But this aren't his words and the lightning never stroke him (it had never stroked Athena either, what's the point of being the favorites when you can still be hurt?).
"I love the sirens."
"You already made that point."
"I could not raise Hector and his clan as a reason. It was the gods will, dad's will, that made Odysseus kill Hector's son, and I already had my permited vengeance when I helped Paris kill Achiles."
She nods serius.
"Hector was my champion but I would never have his death be a reason to fight with dad. I would never have protected his child. I didn't."
"Are you here to blame me?"
"No... I... your mortal, you call him friend, it's true isn't it? He is not just a champion."
"I was never one for lies." But she smiles, a mischivous glint in her eyes, she was always one for lies, but she was also always one to tell truth when it actually mattered.
"Was it worth it?"
"Be more specific, dear brother." She knows what he wants to ask but she also knows how hard it is for him and how frustrating it is for the god of poetry to lose his words. This is her smaller, pettiest revenge and it fills him with relief that maybe things didn't change irreparably between them.
"All that happened today, all your suffering, not only the physical pain but the knowledge, was your friend worth it?"
She looks at him pondering the question before answering resolute. "Yes. Absolutly."
He smilles soflty.
"In this case I hope Odysseus makes home well and recovers from all his misfortunes. He must be really exceptional to have your friendship."
"He is."
"I heard he is a marksman. I don't think he'll need it but I'll still do my best to garantee his arrows do not miss a single target." It's the closest to an apology he'll ever be able to say. He hopes she takes it.
"Apollo, what you said about knowledge, I always knew we weren't really imune from father just cause he called us his favorites." His eyes grow bigger, she must really love her mortal, a small part of him thinks, Zeus will end us all one day the bigger part says in a small panicked realization. "Goddess of knowledge." It's a small jest, a way to take him out of his own fears, she'll never say she forgives him but now he knows she does.
"Silly of me to ever have forgotten it." He answers. More because he fells he has to say something. "Now if you forgive me, I have new bands to find and you have a long list of concerned sibblings to listen to and a mortal to save. Good luck, Thena."
He didn't really nicknamed his sibblings, there was always 'sweetheart', 'darling', 'honey', 'girlie' but never nicknames. Those were for Artemis and Hermes only. He should start changing that.
"See you arround, fanboy."
Athena never ever nicknames, she isn't soft, she isn't silly and her jokes are always dry. 'Fanboy' sounds like Hermes. THIS is the actual closest to forgiviness he'll have. He laughs musically as he leaves.
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sunny-mercya · 9 months
Ordinary Godly
Apollo x Male Reader
Fandom -> Percy Jackson Series
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Percy Jackson, who has fought a variety of Monsters and argued—even battled at some point—with the Godly deities of the mighty Olympus, had expected everything—when stepping into the home of Jason and Will, with the rest of his little friends troop—but nothing like this.
Seeing you, the deity of tranquility and slumber—another brother of Hypnos—for the very first time in actuality—was a weird experience of meeting for Percy.
You had emerged from the Kitchen, baggy clothes—consisted of a large tee with the print of some band name and lyrics quote and pyjama pants—covered in what seemed to be flour and cocoa powder.
Your voice was loud, filled with thrilling excitement of joyfulness. Taking Jason and Will into your arms, hugging them tightly against you and giving each of them more than just a few kisses to the cheeks and head. Nico had been pulled into this as well, suffering through much affection as well.
You're radiating more hyperactivity energy and child like behaviour off, than the emotions you're meant to send out.
Walking into a home, in which Jason and Will had grown up with their two godly parents, which looked so damn mundane humane—that Percy had to take a double check on that Cookie Tin-can, filled with sewing stuff.
It confused him. If they all had learned one thing of being Demigods—half children of godly blessings, which sometimes could be seen as a curse though—that none of the gods and goddesses—their other parentally half—live like a ordinary human.
Always exotic enormously flashy, expensive, but never dare to boring and dull—than a god whose dull and pathetic unnoticeable, could not be worthy for eternity of mighty existence.
Yet, Percy thought, both the house and you are a stark contrast to what they have been told. Simple and ordinary.
»Are we sure this is really a deity?« asked Percy in a hushed whisper, leaning down to Annabeths ear and elbowing her in the side.
»I haven't seen Demosonos personally, but I highly doubt Jason and Will wouldn't recognised their parent.« she whispered back, keeping wary glances at them—some Gods can't be trusted.
Nico who had managed to free himself from the suffocating hug of love, stepped back to them and hissed in the same hushing voice of whispers;
»Do you two have any death wishes? Don't upset them.«
I mean, Percy thought—letting his gaze wander back to you—if we do so, what would happen? Ares, Zeus, Hades, Athena and his own father—Poseidon—are much more scarily and worthy of being called merciless fighters.
You on the other hand, looked—truthfully—weak. Percy could for sure, probably, take you down in seconds.
After all, from what he could gather, you're more than just a minor god—even less than minor, a subcategory inside a subcategory—unworthy to be mention with the same breath of saying Nxy, Hypnos and all the way to Morpheus.
Still, Percy is after all confused to why their Prophecy and Quest is, to seek you out and ask for your help.
Lesser Gods aren't helpful, they're more a nuisance.
»And this must be your other friends? Right? Perseus and Annabeth?« the question was more towards your sons.
You stepped towards the two teens, Will had already pulled Nico away to the Sofa and Jason had gone to the Kitchen, greeting loudly his other dad.
Percy and Annabeth felt both a bit uncomfortable with your vacant stare and the friendly smile on your lips.
»Uhh, It's Percy actually, I don't liked to be called Perseus« Percy didn't know, why of all the things he could say, decided to say this—but he did, mouth being faster than his brain again—and Annabeth elbowed him hard in the rips, a tiny gaps of breath intake left her lips.
The friendly smile never wavered from your lips, nodding at them—they couldn't tell if you had even listen properly, vacant glint still in your eyes—head dropping a bit to the side.
»Aah! You want some tea and Sweets? C'mon, c'mon, now don't be shy you two, take a seat. Will be a dear and help me« clapping your hands, you ushered the two teens to the Sofa, skipping already to the Kitchen.
»I will explain later a bit,« with that being said, Will stood up as well.
Neither of the three said anything, looking around the living room with more interest than addressing the current situation—or more issues perhaps?
»I thought you knew what he is like Nico....I mean with you being Wills boyfriend, you are prone to meet his parents«
»Hey hey, don't come at me now Chase. I only have met Mr. [Surname] like three times and that was in the city.«
»Small tip of advice, don't be so stiff. Relax a little or Pa's gonna worry again« they hadn't noticed Jason, who have come back from the kitchen with a tray of Tea cups and Kettle.
Will following soon after with a Tray of sweets and pastries, setting it down on the coffee table. They both getting comfortable on the sofas—Jason on the main big one, while Will had sat with Nico on the right mini sofa and Percy and Annabeth on the left—again.
Nico instantly following Jasons advice, relaxing his body and sliding just a bit down.
When Apollo had entered the living room, Annabeth and Percy gasped loudly in surprise. Standing up they bow their head or more like, Annabeth forced Percy to do as well.
»Lord Apollo!«
»Since when did you become a Lord? Aren't you a God?« you asked in amused surprise, taking a seat as well.
»Apparently just now, love« Apollo shrugged, Will started to laugh and Jason sighed in disappointment, shaking his head—so much for giving advice to his friend, to not be so formally stiff and causing tension.
The hours passed and Percy and Annabeth had relaxed over the times. Coming to the conclusion that you aren't one of the tricky gods—like Ares—who likes to use them as soldiers.
You asked them various questions, be it about the quest or some daily things; like what's your favourite TV-Show.
It wasn't long till you slumped, actually passing out from something akin to exhaustion and sleep, body leaning against Apollo—who had long wrapped an arm around you in a protective manner.
Jason stood up, taking your legs and moving them onto the couch. Getting a blanket from the footstool—where are tower of them was stacked—and covering you a bit to the hips with it.
Percy couldn't help himself but to stare at the marks—he first took notice of them when you handing him a gummy-bear—which covers your arms, starting from your wrist and ending somewhere at your neck or collarbone.
He had seen these types of Marks before. Racking his brain for the information he had read about or being told from.
Percy jumped up, snapping his fingers and pointing—accusingly—at you. Head turning to Annabeth and again his mouth had been faster than his brain.
»That's THE DEMON OF OLYMPUS!« he had shouted it so loud, that your body jerked up—stirring awake is what you begun, already mumbling something sleepily out of context.
Apollo moved you quickly into his arms, shushing you gently back to the dreamlands and humming a little tune of it.
A mess had started to erupt between them all.
»I know! It's still highly disrespectful to point that out, seaweed brain!« Annabeth slapped him hard against the shoulder.
»Do you have a death wish, Jackson? Do you want us get killed?« hissed Nico, giving a glare, sitting uptight again and body going absolutely rigid stiff.
The worst part for Percy was probably the disbelieving disappointment frown on both, Jasons and Apollos—though his frown looked more like concealed bubbling anger—face.
Apollon stood up with you in his arms, ready to walk out. Will was about to stand up as well, wanting to go with his father.
»I'll take it from here boys. I expect from you two to inform your friends properly now, to ensure that such outrageous behaviour won't happen again.«
»Wow, way to go Percy. Upsetting one of the kinder gods in just one go.« Will wanted to laugh, to make it seem that it wasn't that bad, but his laugh came more like a strangled cry out.
»How many times did we, did I, told you to keep your mouth shut in more than just one occasion?!« chastised Annabeth, giving him another shoulder slap.
»No, honestly Percy, be fucking glad Pa had another slumber episode of his or you would....I don't know, but it wouldn't be nice.«
»But he's the Demon of Olympus! Isn't he not? The marks of Zeus's banning are a clear sign of it. I don't get why we need help from an evil deity who also deceives everyone to believe he's being known as a lesser god«
»Even for you Perseus, that's a new personal low! How dare you to say such horrible things about my Pa.« Jason stomped off, the anger radiating off and his face slightly red from it.
Will had decided to inform Percy properly about his dad's complete and historical story. He didn't want his parents to be offended—or feel upset and angered—after all they need their help and support for the upcoming—already starting—quest.
You're the brother, a child from Nyx, of Hypnos. It is true, your actual deity personality, form and power is akin to one of chaos—you're a personification of weather—raging storms to be exact—and a sneer of demonic vileness petty violence.
During a darker time in history, Zeus had strikes you with lightning—sealing your actuality, banning them for a balance—and splitting you into what you are now; god of tranquility and slumber.
The splitting had also caused a turn in personality itself. Making you more childish, airhead and forgetful. Kindness from you, comes not completely naturally—feeling more forced without meaning to, though you do love and this was a genuine one.
»Yeah okay, but why is Demosonos—uh, [Name], with your father, Will?«
»They're married?«
»You're officially demoted from Seaweed brain to dumbweed brain.« muttered Nico, pinching the bridge of his nose.
»They married for like years and that's because out of actual love and I'm not gonna tell you their sappy love story.«
»Still I don't get how like Lord Apollo, who blends like the sun, is being married freely to someone like him, a actual demonic person«
»I–oh my fucking god, Percy. My dads are married because they love one another, completely smitten they are, how hard is that to understand?!« Will groaned in desperation, taking a handful of biscuits again—had he almost eaten the whole bowl.
And Nico thought, how a great way to upset a God and already dooming their quest in the very beginning.
Jason felt hesitant, as if he were five again and didn't wanted to disrupt his parents sleeps because he had a nightmare, to step into the bedroom.
Respectfully he knocked a few times on the door, before opening it and stepping inside.
The bedroom was almost shrouded in complete darkness, except for the dimmed nightshade next to the bed.
Apollo had acknowledged his son, didn't say anything though—to occupied to lay in bed next to you, hand supporting his head as he drove his fingers through your hair.
A cooled washcloth was placed over your face. You hadn't started to sweat, sign of upcoming fever, but Apollon didn't wanted to risk it—doing a prevention beforehand.
What most, be it his own kind or humans, didn't know is that Zeus lightning strike to you has caused more than just a split personality—created a rift in your health, leaving you vulnerable and weak and prone to sickness.
Apollo couldn't do much about it. Not even with his powers of healing, leaving him a pit of despair and self-hatred whenever you got sick.
»Do you know the actual, not that stupidly outrageous idea of us gods being unfaithful, I mean some truly are, reason, why we have decided to let you and Will and all your other siblings been born from Humans?«
»No,« Jason shook his head, debating with himself if he should sit or lay down next to you, in the end he chose a mix of both.
Jason had sometimes wonders why it always had been that way—being born from humans and a deity—even though gods and goddesses could bear children just as well.
When he had been younger, wasn't all that long ago in his early teen years—memory still fresh in mind and sometimes upsetting him—he had accused his father, they had another argument that day, he never had loved dad in the beginning and being unfaithful to him—cheating with woman's and only seeing you as some kind of trophy.
That day was the only day and time where Jason had seen Apollo with actual anger on his face. The kind of anger which bubbles in you till it turns into hatred and pettiness.
»It's because your dad wouldn't survive the procedure of giving birth and I mind you, the whole explanatory of the aspect itself of how we gods and goddesses giving birth and the many various ways to do so, is chaotic complexing on its own.«
»You mean, dad would die? But you are immortals and immortals aren't meant to die«
»Yes and no. Even though we're immortals of eternity, there are still ways—ancient barbaric ones—to kills us or at least in a sense of us being dead. No, no, Jay, the reason isn't death, he just wouldn't survive.«
Jason furrowed his brows, not understanding what his father meant or trying to tell him.
»You well aware of what happened to your dad, his history. Zeus had strike him down, leaving him in the few hours of unconsciousness—which had caused a spurt of utterly violent storms throughout the land—vulnerable and unable to defend himself against any sort of danger and hostile.«
»Are you trying to tell me that, Zeus had, you know—with dad?«
»Dear lord! Jason! Absolutely not! Don't ever think of such disgusting scenarios and manners again.«
Apollo sighed deeply, not having expected his Son to come to such conclusions. You stirred again, your hand coming up to your face and taking the washcloth off.
Bleary you opened your eyes, trying to make out where you are and who you are.
Apollo, praying silent apologies already, leaning down to you—pressing a soft kiss onto your lips and with a quick whisper of humming lullaby, brought you back into the grips of slumber. Unconscious you rolled onto your side, over to him and into his arms.
»You put him into force sleep! Didn't you told us to never use our powers of sleep in such forceful ways? It's a rule number one!«
Apollo raised a brow at his son, who looked absolutely mortified for a good minute and turned into distasteful disappointment.
»Now now, my son, don't give me such gaze. I too am not proud of what I did, but it had to be done. It's still a sensitive topic and I don't want to cause a distress, disturbance or even distrust perhaps. Now, where was I? Aah yes—«
»So like I said, during the hours of unconsciousness, a wave of sickness rolled over—custody of Pandora's box being opened—and infected painfully your dad. Leaving him, once he had woke up, in a whimpering withering anxiety filled mess.«
»And that's how you meet Dad then, right?«
»That's a story for another, but yes. Anyways, to what I'm trying to say is, your dad is still too vulnerable and weak—sickness prone, to be able to handle the whole procedure of giving birth. I mean we tried it once and only, but.....let's just say, dad still has scars from it. And thus the reason why we and perhaps most of us gods, decided to let our children been born from humans.«
Jason gulped, trying to not choke on his tighten up throat. He hadn't been aware of it, how the true story had happened, but it all makes so much sense now.
The times you got so bedridden, unable to do anything but sleep, that Will cried for days and nights thinking you're about to die from incurable illness.
Or when Will had been still a child, having gotten a nasty flu and you had to take care of Will and him—Jason himself had been in some bad mood the whole week to even consider to help you out as he was the older brother after all—all on your own, because his father had been away for business trips—and you looked so exhausted and ready to pass out any minute, that Jason hadn't even question back then why you took pills after pills and chugged cups of coffee.
Jason understands so much better now, why you never got angry—like he had been, when founding out—when Apollo had intercourse with yet another woman.
He understood why you're so prone to sudden collapse of exhaustion and slumbering sleep during the day or in the middle of doing something.
And then he felt a rush of rage through his blood.
You didn't deserve to be treated like this, to be frowned upon down or with that false kindness the other deities treated you with.
You didn't deserve to either called a demonic being or naively dumbling of airy forgetfulness.
Jason hated it. Hated them, the ones above and those below. How dare they to make you feel so unwanted and filling you with seeds of self-hatred and anxiety—when you give nothing but pure love to him and his siblings.
Jason wasn't blind, his father neither—though the man chose to completely ignore it, when you once again had puffy red rimmed eyes—when you had cried in the bathroom during nights and mumbling things to yourself, Jason didn't want to repeat.
Jason decided, this prophecy wasn't worth it to bring you once again pain and remind you of the haunting past.
If it meant to sabotage the quest, he would do. After all his loyalty and love belongs to only you and not to the greater ones above, who hadn't even the slightest fuck to give about their children.
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pumpkinbxtch · 5 months
Thanks for doing that Lester x Non Binary Dionysus reader! I really loved it and I'm sorry for being so vague about it I wasn't sure what exactly I wanted. But it made me think, what would happen if Dionysus found out that Apollo and his child were dating? I think it would be fun. Take your time, I love your oneshots <333
oops, father found out ˚ ༘ ⋆
— apollo x child of dionysus!reader
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previous part (no need to read it)
Warnings: none!
a/n: hi again! I'm glad you liked the last part and don't worry sometimes it's hard for us to know what we want. Here you go, I hope you like it ❤️ And thank you for your support 🥹🫶🏻 I hope i did well on this one too.
— What? Did you lose your mind, kid?! — You chuckled at the obvious reference to your father's powers. Usually, you'd be scared out of your wits, but with Apollo by your side, things just seemed easier. If that wasn't love, then what was it? — Don't make me punish you!
Apollo sighed. — Brother...
— Exactly, you're my brother! It's your—
— Stop! — You pleaded as you brought your hands to your head. You looked at Dionysus, his nose getting redder when he got angry. — You don't have DNA, father.
He snorted.
— I don't care, this can't happen.
— But it's already happening — your boyfriend defended. To your surprise, Apollo stood up straighter, more convinced, determined not to let you be separated, not after all the eons he spent searching for the love of his life. — And I love them. Be sure of that, brother. My intentions are not to hurt them.
Dionysus gritted his teeth and looked at Pollux, who had his gaze fixed on some point, thinking gods only know what. You, who knew him better than anyone, thought he looked surprised but not angry, because he had already lost a brother. Clearly, he didn't want to lose another sibling... but things were different, different situations, that's what he thought.
The room remained tense for different reasons; you couldn't believe the stupid reason you had been caught. Maybe it would have been better if your father had caught you kissing behind the cabin or holding hands, but you never imagined it would be because of the trace of your perfume on Apollo's clothes.
"I gave it to you!" your father said when he shook your boyfriend's shirt in your face, and you let out nervous giggles.
The question that haunted you was whether your father would take all this seriously and not let them be together because sometimes he could be strict and stubborn.
— You know what it is...
Apollo's voice filled the room of The Big House, and you could see Chiron discreetly pacing to catch up on the gossip. Dionysus raised an eyebrow and leaned over his brother, who, holding his brother's fleeting gaze, never faltered.
— What are you saying, Apollo?
— Falling in love — he replied, and you stopped feeling the situation funny; instead, a warmth spread across your cheeks. Pollux glanced at you sideways, and a small smile formed on his face. Things were getting better and better.
— Don't talk nonsense, Apollo.
— I'm not, brother. You and Ariadne—
— No! — the other exclaimed with a growl, his eyes bubbling with fury.
Apollo sighed again and approached his brother even closer, almost touching noses.
— Don't forget how you felt every time father scolded you.
— It's not the same!
— No, but you know what it's like to love someone so much that you lose the reason for your being, brother. — Apollo stepped back, his eyes shining with confidence. — I won't make them feel less than a deity or part of royalty I'll adore them with my soul until the ether dissipates. You know I've changed, brother, and for them, Me, a god, would die.
Dionysus wanted to intervene; however, Apollo kept speaking, pouring his heart out with every word.
— I would vanish and all humanity with the absence of my light before I even think of disappointing your child.
Pollux slid until his shoulders bumped, and you looked at him amazed. He smiled and hooked his pinky with yours. "I like him, I accept it," he wanted to say.
The place filled with silence, and your father looked away from Apollo for the first time to fix his gaze on you.
— Leave, I need to talk to my brother alone.
And although you would have liked to contradict him, you obeyed because you finally noticed the emotion he was hiding behind the anger in his eyes; there was nothing but fear, and you would have to endure until he let you know because despite how tough he could seem, he was your father. The same one who raised you with love and affection.
Before walking further from the porch, you could see through those curtains a hug, and you sighed. Everything would be fine.
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bones4thecats · 9 months
Hi, hi~ Could I ask headcanons for Leonidas if he has a child who wants to match him with Geirölul and how would he and Geirölul react? (Reader can be gn or fem <3)
Kisses kisses~
– Mel🌙🩵✨
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Leonidas and Geirölul Name: Leonidas' Child! Reader Tries Matching Him and Geirölul Up Requester: @m3l-moony
A/N: I don't personally ship these two, but their friendship is something I find so cute, since they're so similar to one another. For this, they're not feeling romantic, rather, they're just friends, this is also an AU where he defeats Apollo. I hope that's alright!
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🚬 You were the heir of Sparta, the only child of King Leonidas I, and it only happening because he found you during one of his many conquests against the Persians
🚬 Leonidas would watch as you mess around with his army members' children with the largest smile plastered on your face and your adorable laugh echoing through his ears
🚬 When he was called for Ragnarok, you protested, saying how you didn't want to lose him again, like how you watched him die in the Battle of Thermopylae
🚬 He sent most of his army away, and they tried taking you with them, but your stubbornness conflicted them and you died alongside your father
🚬 Now, hearing you may have to watch him die again? You were breaking down fast
🚬 Assuring you that he would win against the arrogant and selfish God, Apollo, you watched as the Sun God erupted into shards of glass and smiled as Humanity cried victorious chants for your father, making you smile and run to meet him at the entrance
🚬 Leonidas was happy when you finally got to meet his Valkyrie, Geirölul, because they were so similar in personality, you assumed that they should be more, which leads us to her part...
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❤️‍🔥 When Leonidas' army cheered for him, she heard a large cry out happiness and the sound of small footsteps approaching her and Leonidas from behind
❤️‍🔥 She turned around and saw Leonidas reach out and hug a small child, looking at them with the most adoration she had ever seen someone look at another in her entire lifetime
❤️‍🔥 Geirölul and you got along very well, since she and your father were so similar, and that made you bond with her a lot faster than you did with any of Leonidas' fellow Human Fighters
❤️‍🔥 She would watch you whenever he was busy, and after a while, you began to see her as another parental figure, and when you voiced that to her sister, Alvitr
❤️‍🔥 Leonidas and Geirölul looked at each other when her sister voiced the conversation you had with her earlier that day and they laughed, saying you were a kid and this was normal
❤️‍🔥 Oh boy, were they wrong!
❤️‍🔥 You would hold Leonidas' hand and then hold Geirölul's, allowing them to swing you around, as if they were the parents and you were the only child in the perfect family troupe
❤️‍🔥 She and Leonidas eventually understood you actually wanted them to be together, but, they only saw one another as friends, sometimes siblings whenever they bickered or bonded with you, nothing more
❤️‍🔥 It was unfortunate to break that to you, but after handing you a small bag of sweets for you to enjoy, if you managed to catch them
They both have different reactions when it comes to this scenario;
" I love my child, and I do want them to feel like they have a real family, but, Geirölul and I are only very good friends. Though, it is still nice to see how understanding my youngster is, despite the situation. I'm happy the two of them still get along, Geirölul's a good influence, to me at least. "
" They are the sweetest thing I have ever met, but, much like Leonidas, I do not view our relationship as anything other than platonic. I adore how understanding his child was, even though we did kinda crush their goals with a few words. They're a good kid. "
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schmorpthe · 10 months
I see a lot of debate on this fandoms found family obsession and I want to add my two cents and headcannons that no one reaaaallllyyyyy cares about.
I think there's a balance of it that's good. For example, I think interpreting Maya and Phoenix as siblings is just as valid as best friends. Siblings can be best friends, my own sister is literally my best friend. It works with the dynamic of them both feeling like they're taking each other in after Mia's death, and I see their banter and can relate it to how my sister and I treat each other.
On the other hand, I don't like it when people give Phoenix and Apollo the father-son dynamic. I think there is a level of protectiveness from Phoenix, coming from seeing some of himself when he was younger in Apollo, as well as knowing he's Trucy's brother. But Apollo is an adult who looked up to Phoenix when he was younger, just his trust betrayed. At first it's a case of never meet your idols for Apollo. He also finds him irritating. I think there is a point where those two can get on good terms and Apollo forgives Phoenix, but they aren't family. It's a different type of love and care. They are mentor and mentee. Apollo will always find Phoenix annoying too, he just gets used to it and that irritation no longer is from a place of resentment, just Phoenix pushing his buttons.
As far as Athena goes, I haven't played much of DD yet because I started as the new trilogy got announced and decided to wait, but I think it's another case of Phoenix being protective but not quite in an adopted kid sense. He sees a young girl who needs some love, care, and guidance. You can love and care for someone a bit like a daughter without going all the way into they are my daughter territory. Trucy and Athena? Best friends. You know how so many of us have best friends that are basically like a sibling but we don't literally feel like siblings? That's them. They are an unstoppable duo.
As far as Edgeworth and Kay goes, I haven't finished AAI but I do see a little bit of adopted father-daughter dynamic, but not as intense. Kay is very self sufficient and made it through her teen years without her own dad or Edgeworth in her life. They are bonded over the shared trauma of losing a parent at the courthouse and Edgeworth is protective of her and his door is always open for her in the good and the bad. The paternal instinct is there and he would help her through anything. I feel like Kay called him Dad by accident one time and that did make them more like family, but apart from emotional times or jokes, he is Mr Edgeworth.
On the note of Edgeworth, I'm not keen on the adopting basically the entire prosecutor's office. I just don't feel like that's Edgeworth. I do think he softens yes. I do think he cares about his employees, but it's the vibe of a good boss being on professionally friendly terms. They can go to him for help, sometimes not work related. He can be a mentor. But he's their boss first and foremost, and in a more Edgeworth sense than Phoenix. More by the book. So yes he cares about them and can sometimes be protective, but not in a family way.
I do like Edgeworth eventually becoming Trucy's other Dad, but it takes time. For a long time he's Uncle Edgeworth and it takes him a long time to adjust to that even. Eventually he starts treating Trucy like a daughter, Phoenix pulls him up on it, he has a bit of a crisis. This is after the 7yg when Phoenix no longer has to live in the shell he did before getting his name cleared, therefore being able to officially be with Miles. Point being it's not immediate. He does immediately live Trucy but his instinct isn't familial for a while.
Honestly me explaining this hasn't completely gotten what's in my head across about I hope you get what I mean.
Also, at the end of the day everyone can have their own interpretation of the game. People will make it what they need it to be and that's okay. As long as what you are going with isn't illegal or straight up gross, go ahead. These are my own conclusions I've come to and it's these interpretations I look for in the media I consume, but whatever fuels your love for this series is what matters ✨
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raaorqtpbpdy · 8 months
Why Are Seers Always Cursed? (1)
Wesley Weston is a son of Apollo with the rare gift of prophecy.
Written for @crossoverdanuary Week 2024, Day three: Percy Jackson | Lake
Takes place shortly before Luke, Annabeth, and Thalia's arrival at Camp Half-Blood and while Wes is in middle school, so before the primary canon events of both series.
You can also read it on AO3
Chapter 1: Family Troubles
Next Chapter
[Warnings for implied/referenced infidelity]
Wes couldn't remember a time when his parents didn't have marital troubles. His eldest brother, Easton, claimed that their parents had been completely happy together once. Even though their mom's work as a flight attendant meant she wasn't home much, they were still happy and in love. Dad was holding down a job back then, and Easton had just started school. Kyle couldn't actually remember it, but he claimed to, nevertheless.
Then Mom came home pregnant with Wes, and everything changed.
They tried to salvage their relationship, keep the family together, but in the end, rather than staying together despite Mom's job, they only managed to stay together because she was away so often.
To his credit, Dad never took it out on Wes.
It wasn't until Wes was eight that he even knew Walter Weston wasn't his biological father. Kyle had let it slip when he was mad at Wes for winning eight games in a row of Guess Who.
He'd gotten angry and shouted, "I don't have to take this! You're not even my real brother!"
After the initial mess was sorted out, Walter took Wes aside and explained that he was his brother's half-sibling, that they had the same mother, but that Wes had a different father. He'd made sure to emphasize that he was still Wes' father, too, and that it didn't mean he loved Wes any less. And Wes had just nodded.
Everyone seemed surprised by how well he'd taken it, but subconsciously, Wes felt like he had always known.
Things settled down after a while. As Wes got older, as he learned more, he finally started to understand the real reason for the tension between his parents whenever his mother came home. Dad had forgiven her for cheating, but she'd still broken his trust, and no matter what happened, he couldn't help but wonder if she'd been unfaithful again while she was away.
Sometimes, Dad would get drunk, at a New Year's party or something, and he would get all sad and cry about losing the love of his life. Wes would help him to bed, and he would cry about how good a kid Wes was, and how he wished Wes really was his kid and it wasn't fair. And he would cry about Easton being so good in school and about Kyle having so many friends. 
It was embarrassing, but there were worse things for a drunk guy to be than sad and sentimental. At least he didn't get that drunk very often.
It wasn't until Wes was ten that he finally worked up the courage to ask his mom about his real—his biological father.
As long as he could remember, when his mother came home, she would sleep in the guest room. So one night after she finished her nighttime routine, he went in to ask her in private. Her face was covered in a pale green mask, and her hair was tucked up in a ring of curlers around her neck to preserve the shape.
"Wes," she noted when he came in, closing the door silently behind him like he thought he would get in trouble. "Hey, hon, what brings you here?" she asked. "You can't have had a bad dream already, you haven't even gone to bed yet."
"No, I... I wanted to ask you something," Wes told her. "I didn't want to do it earlier because I thought it might upset Dad."
"I see," she said.
Wes could tell already that she knew what he was going to ask, but she was waiting for him to say it.
"What... I mean... who.... Who's my real dad?" Wes finally got out. "Will you tell me about him?"
"I knew you were gonna ask someday," she said, a sad expression falling over her face.
"Will you tell me about him?" Wes implored. "Please?"
She sat on her bed and Wes sat down next to her.
"He told me his name was Apollo," she said. "But he was a musician, so that might've been a stage name. I never did get a last name from him. When we met, he said he saw me crossing the sky, following the path of the sun, that he'd seen it almost every day, and that I'd caught his eye.
"I still don't quite know what he meant by that. At the time, I thought he was clumsily trying to compare me to an angel, but I'm not so sure now. What I do know is from that moment on, I felt like I was under a spell, completely charmed by him. 
"We met a few times. I didn't mean for them to be dates, but he clearly thought they were. He would sing for me, and write me poetry, which would sometimes be good and sometimes not so much. His haiku was especially bad. Then one night... well, one thing led to another, and you were born. I never saw him again after that, so clearly he was only after one thing and once he got it he was done with me."
"Sounds like a jerk," Wes said with a scowl.
"I didn't think so then, but hindsight is 20/20," Mom replied with a nod. "In any case, my little foray with him wasn't worth the damage it did to my marriage. I regret everything about those meetings with Apollo." 
She looked down at Wes, all tense and nervous in his Transformers pajamas, and wrapped an arm around him to squeeze him into her side. "Everything but you. You were the only good thing to come out of it."
"Is it okay if Dad can be my dad instead of that guy?" Wes asked. "I don't want him to be my dad."
"It's more than okay," she said.
From then on, Wes' biological dad never got brought up. When Kyle got mad at him, he would sometimes, petulantly, refer to Wes as his half-brother, but never aside from that. Slowly, their parents finally started to truly patch up their relationship.
Then, one day, a few weeks before Wes' thirteenth birthday, he had a dream.
He dreamed that he was laying on his back in a field, soaking up the sunlight, and then the sun came closer and closer, and slowly, the sun turned into a man with golden blond hair, and tan skin, and a guitar on his back, and he knelt down next to Wes and kissed him on the forehead.
"Tell your mom I'll see her soon," he said.
Wes always woke up with the sunrise, but that morning, he awoke in a cold sweat. He waited until he could find a chance to call his mom without anyone overhearing and hoped to God that she wasn't in the air. He was pretty sure her flight had landed by the time he called.
"Hi, Wes, what's up?" she asked when she picked up. She sounded confused.
He couldn't blame her; he was confused too. "I just wanted to tell you..." he trailed off. 
Now that he was finally doing it, it seemed supremely silly to tell her that she was going to meet his bio-dad again soon. What would he even say? It came to him in a dream? That answer was funny in response to a math teacher asking how you reached a certain result, but it wasn't the kind of explanation anyone took seriously. Still, Wes felt like he had to tell her.
"I uh... I just have this really strong feeling that you may end up meeting my bio-dad soon," Wes bit out. "I don't know why, I just... felt like I should tell you."
"Honey, I haven't seen him in thirteen years," his mother reassured. "I don't think either of us has to worry about me running into him again after all this time."
"I'll tell you what," she said. "I'll make sure to keep an eye out for him just in case, and I promise if I see him, I'll turn the other way. Okay?"
"No, you need to talk to him!"
There was a stunned silence on the line. Wes didn't even know why he said that.
"I... I don't... he has something important to tell you." Why was Wes still talking? Where was this coming from? Why couldn't he just shut up?
"What are you saying?" his mother asked. "Have you heard from him? Did he contact you somehow?"
"No it's just... I can't explain it, okay just... please mom."
After another long pause, she finally said, "Alright... if you say so, hon. I trust you."
The next time his mom came home, the day before Wes turned thirteen, she walked in the front door with a tight smile. She spoke only in short sentences. It seemed like her mind was far away, occupied with something else.
That night, Wes and Kyle heard yelling from their parents' room for the first time in a long time. Mostly their father. Walter Weston rarely lost his temper, so for him to be yelling like this, it had to be about something serious.
"Don't tell me she did it again?" Kyle said with a sneer.
Wes didn't dignify that with a response. He pressed his ear to his own bedroom door and tried to make out what they were saying. The words were muffled, and he didn't catch most of it, but he did hear a few things.
"... my kid, not his!" in his father's voice. And, "He doesn't get a say!"
Then his mother, whose voice hadn't been loud enough to hear up to this point shouted back, "But what if Wes is in danger!?"
Wes' breath hitched. Was something going to happen to him? Had his mom actually met his bio-father? Had he threatened Wes in some way? 
Wes strained his hearing to listen, but the voices had gone silent. When they picked up again, it was at a much lower volume, and he couldn't make out a single word of what they were saying. That night, he laid awake worrying, unable to sleep. When dawn broke, he gave up on trying and got out of bed.
He wished basketball season wasn't over. That would give him an excuse to leave the house and go to school for early morning practice. He scored the most three-pointers of anyone on the team, and getting praise from his coach and teammates was always a morale booster. He could really use something like that about now, rather than just stewing in his anxiety while he got dressed.
When he left his room, his mom and dad were already awake, sitting on the couch in the living room.
"Wes, honey, we need to talk to you," his mother said gently.
Wes' first thought was, 'You're getting divorced and it's my fault,' but he knew instinctively that that wasn't the case. He also somehow knew that the real reason they wanted to talk would be arguably worse.
"Why don't you have a seat, son," his father said.
He called me son, Wes thought as he cautiously sat down across from them, whatever this is must be really serious.
"I don't know how you knew," his mother began, "But as it happens, I did run into your biological father again, the day after you called me, in fact. And he did have something important to tell me. It was a warning."
"What kind of warning?" Wes asked. "Did he threaten you or something? Did he threaten me?"
"No, no... well, not quite," she said.
"He told her you were in some sort of danger," his father cut in. "I don't know if he has enemies or something and he's worried about them finding you, or what, but he said that he was sending someone to come get you and take you to some kind of, I don't know, protective custody or something?"
"He said it was a private summer camp in Long Island," his mother clarified. "Somewhere where you'd be safe and protected. He seemed very serious about this, it was unlike him. I did some research already, and it's definitely legitimate. I arranged a flight to New York for you and whoever he sends already. They should come for you as soon as the school year is over."
"That's it?" Wes asked. "Nothing about what kind of danger I'm actually in, or why? Man, if I thought this guy was a jerk before, I know he is now."
"Are you saying you won't go?" his father asked. His voice was hopeful, but his expression was conflicted. He didn't want his son to leave, but he didn't want him to get hurt either. "There's no real evidence you're in any danger aside from this random man's word."
"I don't want to take that risk," his mother said pointedly.
"I'll go," Wes said. "It's just for the summer, right? Then I can come home again?"
"That's right," his mom said.
"Then I'll go."
School ended three weeks later, and a lanky man came to pick Wes up at the end of the day. He wore baggy slacks, a dark striped button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and an unbuttoned gray vest. A flat cap covered his curly brown hair. He looked like he belonged on a street corner selling newspapers. He stuck out like a sore thumb in front of a school. 
His eyes zoned in on Wes the second he stepped out of the school building.
"Wesley Weston, right?" the man said once Wes was close enough to hear him. "Name's Melvin Barkley, your father sent me to get you."
"Don't call him that," Wes grumbled. "I didn't realize you were gonna come get me right when school ended. We gotta stop by home and pick up my bag."
"Can do," Melvin said amiably. "Lead the way."
Wes wasn't sure if he'd been sent as a sort of guide, or as a body guard, but he was particularly laid back for someone in either profession. When he walked, he walked with a strange gait, and his eyes darted around every few seconds before fixing solidly back on Wes.
School ended early on the last day. When Wes got back home to pick up his bag, the place was empty and all the lights were off. He didn't turn them on. It felt like it would be wrong somehow. 
Kyle had gone to the skate park with his friends the second the final bell rang. Easton wouldn't be coming home from his first year of college until tomorrow. Mom was on a flight to Germany right now, and wouldn't land for another eight hours. And Dad was still at work.
Wes wasn't going to get the chance to say goodbye. Instead, he wrote a note and ended it with, See you all at the end of summer! Love, Wes
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ivorys-back · 7 months
New TWOF prequel incoming!
Okay, so you know how I've been infodumping a lot about Luzbel lately? Well, it's not for no reason because I'm making a new prequel that's all about him! It's called "Hymn of the Gods", and it's focused on Luzbel's growth as he struggles to fit in amongst the gods of the Skylands, all while facing the growing threat of the Underworld.
I just finished the Olympian's designs, and soon I'll be working on the Egyptians.
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Let's kick things off with Zeus, the God of Thunder and the king himself! While he is a womanizer and has fathered many children with many mortal women, he still loves his wife Hera. He would split a planet in half for his children, and is very protective of his subjects, both divine and mortal.
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Speaking of Hera, here she is! She's the goddess of marriage, and while she did always get mad at Zeus for cheating on her with mortal women, she just accepted that that's just how he is and she's calmed down about it. She's even friends with a lot of his spouses like Leto (Artemis and Apollo), Alcmene (Hercules), Semele (Dionysus), and many others.
Overall, she's very motherly and kind towards her children, but can also be very strict if they misbehave or are cruel to each other or other creatures.
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Poseidon, the God of the Seas! Not much to say about him except that the sea reflects his mood, typical of an ocean god. On days when he's calm, the sea is calm and sailors can go by effortlessly. On days when he's pissed, the sea is tossing and turning with storms and tidal waves; he could drown a whole city if he wanted to, but he's not that ruthless. He's an excellent brother to Zeus and Hades, they make a great trio.
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I've mentioned Hades a few times on this blog, and here he is in the flesh! He's the God of the Underworld, and despite him having a bad rep when it comes to underworld gods (I blame Disney for taking so many liberties with the Hercules movie; don't get me wrong, I like it, I just don't like how inaccurate it is to the real story), he's a nice guy and is always willing to listen if any of his subjects have something to say.
He loves his wife Persephone deeply, and would do anything for her. He's also became good friends with Orpheus after he died (he had to sit through at least an hour of tearful apologies of how stupid Orpheus was to look back at Eurydice), but now that Orphie and his beloved are reunited in the afterlife, all is well.
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Demeter is the Goddess of the Harvest, and is easily the most strict and motherly of them all. She's very protective of her daughter Persephone, and while she had her complaints when Hades took her to the Underworld (they had been meeting in secret a few weeks prior because Persephone didn't want to be constantly controlled by Demeter all the time, and because Hades was the only one who treated her like an adult), she's alright about it now and even invites Hades over sometimes.
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Hestia is the Goddess of the Hearth, and the oldest of her siblings (well, technically also the youngest since Kronos threw her up last since she was the first child he swallowed).
She's one of the more solitary gods, preferring to watch over and mingle among mortals since she enjoys their theatrics and culture.
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Athena is the goddess of wisdom, and the oldest of the demigod Olympians. As we all know, she was expelled from Zeus' forehead after he swallowed his first wife Metis (who, in my AU, was expelled from him later in the same fashion), and as we know she came out full-grown and ready to kick some ass.
She's very smart and is well-read on all sorts of subjects, but she's also very smart and strategic when it comes to battle, which is where her association with war comes from.
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Ares is the God of War, and exactly what you'd expect of him: brash, reckless, cruel, all that jazz. He's actually the real reason why Hephaestus is crippled the way he is.
In most stories, it's either Hera or Zeus that throws Hephaestus off of Mount Olympus after he's born, but in my AU it's Ares who pushed him when they were kids because he was jealous of how well-treated Hephaestus was compared to him (not that Ares wasn't treated well, he was just too much for his parents to handle). He was punished after this, and his ego only grew as he got older.
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Hephaestus is the God of Blacksmithing, and is very calm and rational and smart. He brought the gift of machinery to man, and he made the first robots, which were made of bronze and given life so that they could move and do things all on their own.
He's very gentle as well, and despite the stories, he and his wife Aphrodite are a fabulous couple. He treats her very well and showers her with jewelry that he crafts himself, and her most prized treasure is the girdle he made for her as a wedding gift.
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Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love, and that title is not lost on her. She's very sweet and gentle with everyone, and is more than willing to help out others with their relationships, whether it's romantic or not. She's deeply in love with Hephaestus, and hates Ares with a passion (the bad kind). The reason she married Hephaestus was because Zeus was afraid that the male gods would get into a fight over who would be her husband, and that someone would get hurt, so he asked her who she would like to marry and she chose Hephaestus.
As for the time when Ares got tricked and was caught up in chains, Aphrodite was sick and tired of Ares' constant advances and mistreatment toward her, so she and Hephaestus came up with a plan to trick him and expose his misdeeds to the gods. So Hephaestus created a net of chains that were so thin they were nearly invisible but were very strong, and strung them all around his and Aphrodite's bedroom, and instructed Aphrodite to wait for Ares to try and sneak in while he pretended to go on a trip. When Ares arrived, once he was within three feet of the bed he was suddenly caught and trapped in the net, and Hephaestus came back with all the other gods in tow. After that, Ares steered clear of Aphrodite and Hephaestus and just didn't even bother with them anymore.
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Apollo is the god of the sun, healing, and music. He's very gentle but also kind of a wisecracker, and is one of the more laid-back gods. He runs an infirmary on Olympus, where he takes care of the injured after a battle or if there's an accident, and makes no exceptions to whoever he's healing.
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Artemis is the goddess of the moon and the hunt, and is Apollo's twin sister. She's a bit of a tomboy, not even bothering with men (except her friendship with Orion), and spends a lot of time with her nymphs and dogs in the forest.
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Hermes is the god of travelers, thieves, and messages. If anyone has a message to go to the other Skylands, they go to Hermes. That's partially why he's the smallest of the Olympians; his small size makes him faster, and he's mostly found hovering in the air or relaxing.
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Last but not least, we have Dionysus, the god of wine and merrymaking. He's either too drunk or too sober, either way that's how you've got him. He's always one to host and go to parties and get-togethers in the Skylands (especially if there's booze, he bee-lines off to Asgard for those). He has a pet leopard, and looks after a grapevine that's grown so much it's all over the inside of his temple on Olympus now. Overall, he's a chill guy and good to hang out with.
And that's all I've got for the Olympians! I'll move on to the Egyptians, and then the Asgardians.
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wrongcaitlyn · 3 months
Shel is so unbelievably relatable, like the whole thing with her friends and her struggle to find new friends, AND HER TRYING NOT TO FREAK OUT IN FRONT OF FREAKING PIPER MCLEAN
THE HEART TO HEART NICO HAS WITH DREW???? Drew is so right but I can 100% see why Nico finds it annoying especially when he hasn't had anyone care about his reputation (someone that wasn't Apollo lmao)
MEG???? JUST MEG. IT WAS SO BRIEF BUT I LOVE HER SM LIKE SHE'S SO DONE WITH APOLLO 😭 also the whole "You peaked in 1989" HILARIOUS especially since Apollo corrects her too 😭😭 like who's gonna tell him 2002 was like almost 2 decades ago BUT HE'S GONNA BE BACK RELEASING MUSIC AND A LABEL AND I'LL BE DAMNED IF HE DOESN'T GO BIG AGAIN
AND LASTLY THE EXCERPT??? AGHHHHHHHHH YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART OVER HERE APOLLO WAS JUST A BABY 😭 and the fact that he admits to wanting fame, to wanting the attention, but that the difference between choosing it and being pushed into it made it feel like a chore AND WHO TF IS LETTING THIS 16 YEAR OLD GET DRUNK OFF HIS ASS
That just makes his sobriety that much more important bc this man was codependent on alcohol from the age of SIXTEEN and now that I'm thinking about it I'm terrified of someone taking advantage of this man bc he's SIXTEEN going to house parties and clubs filled with adults AND THERE'S NO ONE TO MAKE SURE APOLLO IS OKAY
Man and we all know why Apollo craves the attention and fame like his father probably never gave him any attention that wasn't in the form of screaming matches and lectures about his work as a celebrity :( Leto probably overcompensated and probably showered Apollo in affection when he was tiny child doing child actor things but now that he's older she can't be there for him and AHHHHHHHHHH
I got more write but I'll probably put it in another ask THIS IS SO LONG IM SO SORRY AHH TYSM FOR THE UPDATE
Have a good day 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
truly apollo just grabbed the reigns for that scene. like i genuinely did not expect to write all that, it was meant to just be abt delphi records, but then he DID and ughsdlkfj😭 i love them so much omfg give me their father son dynamic in every universe <33
THANK U FOR NOTICING THE "you peaked in 1998" "it was actually 2002" LKSDJGFSD I WAS CACKLING WHILE WRITING THAT FOR SOME REASON meg will never not take a chance to point out how old apollo is (he really isn't that old)
and genuinely i get so upset thinking about apollo from this au. like. i know that i pushed this all onto him and i created the story and the lore and whatnot but GOD HE WAS JUST A TEEN. HE WAS JUST A KID. AND😭😭😭😭
literally everything you said is perfectly accurate and i couldn't say it myself. like he just deserved so much more. he had no one to truly look out for him, no one to actually show him right from wrong, every step he turned was just bad influence after bad influence - and being exposed to those kinds of things at the SCALE at which he was... that's literally traumatic. and GOD i just. aghlskdfjsdlfr. he's literally top 3 characters in talk your talk. i think about him sometimes even more than nico and willDSJLKF
NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR THE LONG ASK I LOVED THISSDFJ <333 i look forward to more of your thoughts (esp apollo related, writing apollo scenes and excerpts has got to be one of my favorite parts of talk your talk)
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buoyantsaturn · 9 months
C.J. buoyantsaturn's 2023 year in review
But I can't help getting caught up in it all [12,446 words] summary: Nico, Leo, and Will are living their happily ever after - until an old friend moves back into town.
Then you hold life like a face between your palms ... and you say, yes, I will take you / I will love you, again. [4,718 words] summary: “You’re still going to marry me someday, right?” Nico’s head snapped up, drizzling paint across the floor as he lifted the roller from the pan too early - which was exactly why they’d chosen to finish up painting first. Nico snorted, a gorgeous sound that sent Will’s heart fluttering. “Of course I am. What kind of question is that?”
crocheted mushroom [1,618 words] summary: It had started off with something Will had mentioned in passing - a specific plant that only grew in the Underworld with its own magical healing myth. The next time Nico had gone to run an errand for his father, he returned with the flower, pressed and fragile, blandly announcing to Will that - according to Persephone - the myth was bullshit, even if the flower was pretty.
How many kinds of love might there be in the world, and how many formations might they make [5,908 words] summary: Nico turned toward his husband with a smile, crossing his arms over his chest. He took a second to admire the work that Will and Annabeth had done - she’d designed a coop that was a perfect scale replica of the Apollo cabin back at camp, complete with nesting boxes where the bunk beds were placed. Nico called back, “Where do you think we’re going to find magic chickens in the middle of Texas?” Or, five friends who come to visit Nico and Will, and one who doesn't.
Work and play, they're never okay to mix the way we do [77,579 words] summary: “We don’t have an appointment,” Reyna stated without greeting, lifting her eyes from her computer screen to look at them both, though her hands stayed where they were on her home row keys. “We shouldn’t be long,” Jason replied as he took a seat in one of the chairs opposite her desk. When Nico didn’t move to follow, Jason glanced back at him and nodded to the other open seat. He didn’t speak again until after Nico had sat down. “We want Will Solace to open for Lost Heroes when we go out on our next tour.”
Put the Car in Drive (don't stop running 'til you're long gone) [17,487 words] summary: Because, no matter what, Will would always come home to Nico. 
lemon drops [3,753 words] summary: "Um. Did you ever do the whole…law school…thing, like you said you wanted to? Because I think I might need a lawyer.” 
Doctor Doctor, Give Me the News (I've Got a Bad Case of Loving You) [29,023 words] summary: As he started out from behind the reception area for the first time in four hours, Leo called out to him, “Hey, by the way, Apollo’s doing that thing again where he talks about adding more staff members. Just be prepared, ‘cause you know he’s going to ask your opinion. Since you’re his favorite, and all.”
(all i really want is to be your) Boyfriend [2,941 words] summary: “Nico, you’re never going to believe this!” Hazel exclaimed. “CPR got back together!” Nico turned his face toward the ceiling, wondering what he could have possibly done to deserve this.
yet i need to talk to you [4,116 words] summary: “Being away from you just makes me think about how I never want to be without you, and--” Nico snorted. “Are you asking me to marry you? Haven’t we done this already?” 
Remember nights we spent on hard wood floors [67,859 words] summary: A sudden, tense silence passed between them. “Is it really this easy to start a band?” Lou asked. “Probably not,” Nico replied, “but we should meet up sometime to see what we can do.”
bear skin rug [1,077 words] summary: Nico spun back around, a bright smile on his face as he said to Will, “See? How cool is--” Black spots danced in his eyes, and before he could say another word, Nico passed out.
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robbiefischer · 10 months
i p r o m i s e i will send you more of these tomorrow after i have slept but for now... what about 📚 🚫 💘 🎂 for my boys alexei and elijah????
Aaaaaah tysm for sending me this for my boys (and for all of your lovely asks) ily! I welcome anything else you want to send me about anyone.
📚 BOOKS — what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)?
Alexei got his bachelor's degree in English Lit, then completed a teaching credential program. A couple of years after he started teaching, he went back to school to get his M.Ed because he's crazy like that. That's the last thing he's done although in the future he's going to do an MFA in creative writing. He enjoys being a student. Yeah, I don't know where he gets it either.
Elijah got through undergrad and got his bachelor's degree. He wasn't especially interested in going to college (he'd managed to build his streaming stuff up really well throughout high school, and was signed to a pro esports team), but his parents insisted and he wanted to shut them up. He majored in art partly because he's actually really interested in it and it would make the four years tolerable, and partly because he knew it would drive his parents up the wall (they really wanted him to major in something more serious and "grownup", and kept trying to push him into premed like his sister) and make his father's forehead vein pop.
🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
Neither of them are big drinkers. Elijah may have the very occasional hard seltzer if he's doing a fun, chill stream, or something if they're out on a fancy date night but he's just not a big fan of it overall. Alexei's pretty similar - might have a cocktail if they're out on a date or if he goes to a happy hour with his co-workers. If he does have a drink, he likes his sweet, fruity and preferably with a tiny umbrella.
Neither smoke, but they both enjoy edibles on occasion. It's usually a weekend thing - Elijah will make them some fancy snacks, they'll both have a gummy and spend the day catching up on a favorite show or watching movies together and just hanging out. Sometimes they'll go out for a walk in the park near their apartment and commune with nature, do a little people-watching, grab lunch together and chill.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
Elijah's absolute favorite people in the entire world are Alexei, and his older sister, Lucy. He's also ride-or-die for all of his teammates (Jude, Apollo, Omar, Flora, Nico and Noelle) and his boss, Rosa, who's basically a second mom to him (he's been working at her coffee shop since he was about 15 and she adores him).
Alexei is very family-oriented and, next to Elijah, his moms, younger brother and older sister are the most important people in his life. After that, it's Chase and Reiko. Chase is a teacher at the same school, and they've become incredibly close friends. He took a few of Reiko's classes in undergrad (and is going to take more with her when he goes back to get his MFA), she really took him under her wing and mentored him as a writer and they've developed such a close friendship.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
Alexei's 29 years old, and his birthday is on July 19th. He a Cancer sun, Libra moon with a Virgo ascendant. He embodies his big three traits pretty well. He's very family and relationship-oriented, is nurturing and compassionate, hates conflict and is a natural peacekeeper. He tends to be really well-liked no matter who he's around - he's just got fantastic, soothing energy and tends to be very diplomatic so he can get along with almost anyone. He's hyper-organized, especially at work. He's absolutely that teacher that has weeks of sub plans stashed away if he needs them, and they're all incredibly detailed. He can be a bit fussy sometimes, and a little indecisive when he's stressed. He can definitely be prone to having some very Cancerian big feelings, but the Libra moon tamps those down a bit and mostly keeps them on the inside.
Elijah's 26 years old, and his birthday is on November 18th. He's a Scorpio sun, Leo moon with a Gemini ascendant and he's classic. Think all of the Scorpio intensity and emotional depth, with the charisma, creativity, desire for recognition and self-confidence of a Leo. Throw in a twist of restlessness, curiosity, adaptability and such a way with words and you've got Elijah. Those traits can definitely clash a bit sometimes, and he has to keep himself from flitting from one thing to the next rather than being focused on one big goal, but he usually manages to strike a good balance and make it all work together cohesively.
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ofgoldrushes · 1 year
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*・。゚ ━ (rafael silva, cis man, he/him) the fates have spotted lucca santos walking along the streets of ogygia. the 28 year old has been here for two years and currently lives in delos cottages. word on the street is that he is friendly & understanding, but can be pretty reckless & impulsive. i’ve heard he is a karaoke bar owner, which is pretty fitting for someone who was apollo in a past life. on the night of the murder he were supposedly out with a friend, but who knows if that’s true or not. 
FULL NAME: lucca gabriel santos
ALIAS | NICKNAMES: luc, mostly by those that can't be bothered to use his full first name; dumbass by many.
SEXUALITY: bisexual, but leans heavily towards men
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: english, spanish, portuguese
OCCUPATION: owner of the lyre (karaoke bar)
before lucca was lucca, he was apollo. ggod of music, healing, prophesies, song and poetry, archery, plague and diseases, and the protector of young men. a younger twin to artemis and the son of zeus and a titaness leto. defeated python at just four days old, but then tricked by a three day old hermes by a shiny object that later became one of his sacred items. had a bunch of lovers that ended up turning themselves into trees to avoid him, or "accidentally" killed by another god (looking at you zephyrus).
lucca is still the younger twin, this time being born to a father that wanted nothing to do with the twins after their birth. raised by a single mother that worked tirelessly to give her kids whatever they needed and some of what they wanted. school was hard for lucca, never being able to fully sit still and focus on what his teachers wanted him to do. he was later diagnosed with adhd, but tried to hide it later on because it lead to his classmates picking on him. eventually graduated and wanted to go into medical school but couldn't afford it. his grades were also not good enough to really get in. tried being a paradmedic but had to leave the job after the first accident he came to with the death of a child. lived in a van for most of his early 20s, because he wanted to travel the world and just vibe. it annoyed his mother and sister but it made him happy enough. eventually his van broke down and he found himself needed a new, fresh start somewhere. ended up taking whatever job he could to afford his bright yellow cottage by the sea and has been living in it for almost two years now. somehow managed to become the owner of the lyre (don't ask him how, it just seemed to happen) and often hosts karaoke contests and absolutely forces his friends to participate.
Exes: lucca, like apollo before him, is terrible at love. i want exes that ended on awkward terms, exes that absolutely hate him, etc.
A drinking buddy who gets him into trouble/he gets into trouble.
Another dumbass buddy, listen, sometimes you just have to have a friend that you can be absolutely dumb with and won't judge you for it.
more coming soon.
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dinosaurtsukki · 3 years
gamer!kenma + taking care of his pregnant wife
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anon: so i’m obsessed with ur pregnant!reader hcs and i was wondering if i could get one for Oikawa or kenma?
a/n: god i love both of them but the thought of kenma as a dad really won it for me
oooooh boy i missed writing these hc's and ofc i'll start with how you guys met <3
you and kenma were neighbors in the same apartment, in fact he moved into the unit across yours (this was before he became really rich btw)
ofc you took notice that he rarely ever leaves his apartment and whenever you see him downstairs or checking his mail he's always tired
it did make you a bit worried so you decided to be the nice neighbor and bring over some cookies that you baked to his apartment
poor guy has been living on convenience store food for weeks and gone delirious from that #gamersleepschedule that the moment he saw the cookies he just stuffed two of them in his mouth before realizing you were standing there holding the plate
*cue coughing and almost choking and kenma being embarrassed about the whole situation that he tries to hide from you for about a week*
finally he musters up the courage to thank you for the cookies by buying strawberry apollo candies with a little note on them
the two of you have some conversations every now and then when you see each other in the lobby or at the door and kenma doesn't mind talking a bit longer than thirty minutes around you
eventually you start inviting him over to your place whenever kenma wants a home-cooked meal and the two of you become really good friends
of course it develops to something a bit more and kenma knows that he feels something stronger for you but he has no idea how to go forward with it
he probably needs some help from kuroo who ofc steps in to help his bestie out
i think kenma would probs ask you out by putting a box of (you guessed it) strawberry apollo candy in your mailbox with a 'would you consider going on a date with me?' sticky note attached to it
your dates when you are together are mostly of you hanging out at home and watching movies together. he's definitely someone you can pull into baking with you if it means he gets to eat something sweet after
since you guys already live across from each other, the 'moving in' never officially happened. the two of you tend to sleep over at your apartment more with kenma's apartment as both your workspace
i don't think he's the type to think of marriage as a really big thing but if you wanted to he'd be alright with it
okay but when he starts gaining more popularity (and money) the two of you officially move into together and you bring up the idea of maybe raising a kid
when you mention it to kenma at first he's like 'you mean... in Sims?'
please you have to spell it out for him
he needs some time to think about it and even though he doesn't know how confident he'll be as a father, kenma knows that he would love to have a child with you
outwardly, it doesn't quite *seem* that kenma is emotionally invested in your pregnancy and having a child with you but you notice him switching up his streaming and video editing schedule to be able to take care of you
he's awake during the early to late hours in the morning and fully expects and attends to your morning sickness
sometimes you're not sure if he's staying awake on purpose or he just happened to be
kenma also happens to be surprisingly VERY invested in decorating your nursery
after all, he's the one who designed and created his gaming/streaming room
okay but he gets so frustrated building the crib. like, he built his own PC himself how tf did he get the screws wrong making a CRIB??
you walk into the nursery and see LED lights along the walls and wrapped around the crib and you're like 'uhh, kenma what's this?' and he shrugs and says 'looks cool'
kenma also noticed you had a thing for wearing his hoodies (and tbh so does he), even more so in the earlier months of your pregnancy
world cold and hard, kenma's hoodie warm and soft
but they started not fitting on you with your belly growing larger but kenma didn't want you to feel bad so he started buying hoodies in larger sizes
against his will, kenma's former teammates throw a baby shower for the two of you in his house
omg imagine the baby shower gifts you'd receive from kuroo, yaku, and lev
actually they try to top each other's presents and you have to stop them at one point because 1. what would your baby do with a gucci pacifier and 2. does gucci even make pacifiers??
lev bought a giant teddy bear that you can't even get through the front door and kenma decided enoughs enough and sent them all home (he also just wants you for himself)
kenma's fans are often quite invested in your pregnancy and kodzuken as a father to be
sometimes they drop question in his chat when he's doing livestreams and kenma loves answering them
someone from chat: mr. kodzuken, would u defeat lady dimitrescu and all the other bosses in resident evil to save your child?
kenma: i don't think i'm capable but my girlfriend sure is
wouldn't it be funny though if you went into labor right during one of kenma's livestreams
you have to message or call his phone cause you're in your room and he can't hear you calling when he has his headphones on
but as soon as he sees your message he's just like 'guys i have to go baby's coming' and drops the stream even when he's still in the middle of fighting a boss
twitter is just going crazy with the #dad!kodzuken tags while kenma is calling his driver to take you guys to the hospital
you guys are in the backseat and you're squeezing his hand as you suffer through the first contraction and kenma is trying very hard not to freak out for both of your sakes
don't worry though kenma probably paid for the best doctors to take care of you also the VIP room in the hospital which is basically a hotel at this point
i feel like he would want to be there in the delivery room with you just to give support but when he sees the actual baby delivery he's fainting
a few of the nurses kinda know kodzuken and find it kinda funny to see kenma sprawled on the floor but they do take care of him
he wakes up hours later in your hospital room and then sees the baby in your arms and his brain just short-circuits for a good minute until you realize he's awake
the soft smile on your face when you say "would you like to hold them?" has kenma in love with you all over again
he's too scared to hold your baby yet but when they hold his finger with their tiny hand kenma just chuckles at them
he'll definitely treasure the both of you
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist):
@laure-chan​​ ​​ @kirakirasaku​​ @atsumusdomain​​ @goodfoodxoxoxo​​ @kei-ya​​ @guardianangelswings​​ @definitely-yours​​ @loisuke​​ @whootwhoot​​ @liz-multifandom-hotel @kac-chowsballs​​ @procrastination-lady​​ @miyakiyo0mi​​ @duhsies​​ @alittlesimp​​ ​​ @shybooks2 @sage-brick
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teawiththegods · 2 years
I am the Hermes anon and thank you so much for replying 💕.
My father helped glue it back and it looks like it was never broken .Your response me calmed down a lot thank you so much! I just got triggered because I am from Greece and I ordered it from a Greek and I just found it bizzare the fact that it broke because it didn't come from another country to say pass many places etc.But I must say that it came way quicker than the others I have ordered so there is that too.But anyways thank you for reading my stressed af message.
(some of the links don't work for some reason and I think it probably has to do with me being in mobile 😅)
Hello, love!
I’m so happy you were able to fix it and that my response eased your worries a bit!
I’m also really glad you sent in another message because there was something I wanted to add! So I was talking to @theoi-crow last night and I brought up your message (mainly bc I wanted to tell him about Hermes giving his finger to Apollo as a keepsake 🤣) and he brought up a fantastic point I didn’t even think of!
So really if anyone is to blame for his broken finger it’s himself! Why didn’t you take better care of yourself, Hermes?!? This is why you can’t have nice things! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
On a less humorous note, Hermes being the god of shipping means he knows that there is always a possibility that items break or get lost. So he’s def not gonna hold it against you especially now that it’s been fixed!
Also in my experience, Hermes often likes to mess with my packages as a form of entertainment. So I would either look at this as just something that sometimes happens when you ship fragile items in the mail or as a fun little prank from Hermes that now gives you a neat story to tell and associate your statue with! Pranks are his love language after all! 🤣
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Sometime ago, I drew James Lunagazer for an Caduceus ID Tag made by @theblueskyphoenix following Manga Chapter 8's completion, but figuring that the old one was rather outdated, I decided to redo the ID Tag but this time I actually did two versions for James, one for when he's at Caduceus USA during UTK/SO, and one for after he transfers to Caduceus EU at the end and remains there for the start of UTK 2's storyline until probably around either Chapter 2, 3 or 4 of the UTK 2 game story for those familiar, he ends up returning to USA out of certain circumstances which I'll probably later share in an double post since I think this bio would be too long otherwise!
Also I'd like to think there's an Reserve team for treating G.U.I.L.T outside of the main Counter Measure Team just in case, like say one of the main doctors or nurses was ill, someone from there would take over.
(And yes, James is definitely not the most photogenic person! Which is ironic given his father was an amateur photographer, but don't worry! I'm sure he'll get better...! Probably, Maybe. )
Anyway I should probably do an bit of bio for James here, given I gave one to his assistant Nurse Bentley Toby:
James Lunagazer was born on 23rd May 1998 in Scotland, UK as an child and teenager he would be quiet most of the time, but also rather hyper, reencating scenes from Star Wars Prequel Movies and Clone Wars episodes, even watching anime such as Fullmetal Alchemist, Assassination Classroom, Naruto and so on alongside his father who he was very close to as an child especially after he divorced his mother, however it tragically was never meant to last.
As one fateful December night when he was 16, James' father sadly passed away in hospital due to an cancer being discovered far too late, this traumatic event had quite an major effect on the young boy, who could only watch as he felt his father slip away right in front of him, and even now it still haunts him to this very day, he also silently resented certain other doctors for in his eyes if they had bothered to look harder and weren't incompetent asides from one his dad would still be alive.
After his father passed away, James was sent to live with his Grandparents, where he struggled to recover from his father's passing, and it's believed that this is what led to him being more socially withdrawn in later years, but in all that dark grey an little angel seemed to come to him, for shortly thereafter, the family would adopt an certain young girl that had no relatives, as you've probably guessed, that was Kira, honestly the whole idea of being an big brother was rather... alien to James, but eventually he grew to love the little one for being there when he needed it, even though she can be mischievous sometimes.
But this would also lead to James developing an overprotective attitude around the little one especially for if Kira was ill and after treating her one time, James finally found his answer, ("I'm going to become an doctor to make sure that no one suffers like I did!")
In St.Francis medical school/Hospital, shortly after leaving high school James worked incredibly hard, just determined to be an doctor as soon as possible though this did mean that he hardly dealt with his own stunted social skills, and would only speak with teachers leading him to be called teacher's favourite and other nasty rumors, especially around strange occurances surrounding him, which unknown at the time was actually Apollo lending him an hand though subconsciously.
All that led to James being practically shunned and mistreated, and it probably would have made him give up, if it hadn't been for an lucky visit from Nurse Bentley Toby who also had the same powers and sensing the potential sleeping within brought him to Caduceus USA.
This would be around the time the G.U.I.L.T War started, and after showing his potential during an practise operation, James was assigned to the Reserve Unit which was formed for just in case any of the Main G.U.I.L.T Counter Measure Team was either absent or ill, initially James would only talk with Bentley due to him being his main assistant and mentor but after Dr. Tyler Chase and Nurse Leslie came over to help him out with an patient one time, James would finally begin to soften his shell and enjoy others company even coming to view Caduceus USA as his second family.
He still has much, much to learn and emotional obstacles overcome once he becomes aware of his powers, but all in all, James definitely has an lot of potential now it's an question of whether he can achieve it or not.
Additional information about him:
-He would idolise Dr. Derek Stiles in the same manner as Adel Tulba at the beginning and strive to be like him, only to later grow into his own person, but out of all other doctors at Caduceus USA, Derek is definitely the bigger brother figure he's closer to.
-While James is by no means an terrible thinker, in fact some of his improvised on the fly ideas have saved many lives time and time again, he can unfortunately be rather oblivious to meanings of certain phrases and is often the butt of an lot of Tyler's antics due to being gullible.
-It takes an lot to anger James, but if he is you'd better brace yourself, though this can be an double-edged sword as when someone is in the wrong, he would try to make said person see sense, but he's often prone to misreading the situation and can unintentionally make things worse, he does admit when he's in the wrong and will try to fix his mistakes though.
-He and Nurse Angie Thompson do not get along with each other at first, though it wouldn’t be as bad as when Derek and Angie were enemies at Hope.
It all started when James misjudged her for being rather intimidating and bossy just from overhearing an scolding she gave Derek one time when he was late with paperwork as usual, and after an rather embarrassing teasing by James' sister Kira when she was an patient, Angie ripped into him hard verbally out of frustration telling him to set an much better example for Kira, his pride wounded James snapped right back and they were pretty much on thin ice with each other until an time when he panicked during an intense high operation and Angie helped him pull through it, afterwards the pair apologised for misjudging each other and even formed an alliance of sorts.
("It's like what Gordon once said to Thomas after he saved him from falling down an mine, "United we stand, together we fall, you help me and I'll help you!"
"Um...Well, while I may not understand what you said, it sounds good to me, Dr. Lunagazer!"
"Just call me James or Luna! I'm not sure if I'm even good at being an doctor yet, I'm only twenty after all...")
-He has many hobbies outside of work, such as drawing sometimes, and if he gets the chance even craft something as he was an cosplayer in the past, but his favourite hobby is sometimes practicing with an toy lightsaber, claiming it helps him focus and get in the zone better if he imagines it like an operation, even holds it like an scalpel for good measure, he's pretty much an champion being able to best Tyler most of the time, but when he came up against Angie....oh boy.... he quickly regretted being incredibly cocky thinking she would be easy, however he didn't count on her being an trained Aikido fighter!
("She's got no weapons to fight with, Surely I'll win thissss---AAAHHHH!!!!!"
"O-Oh my goodness!!! I am SO sorry!! Are you alright!? I must have put too much force into that throw!"
"Whooooaaaa.....no worrieeeeeesss..... just spinnnning.....urghhhh, are you aware you have now three heads Angie...???")
Yeeeah, pretty much after that James made absolutely sure to NEVER get on Angie's bad side afterwards, he's still traumatised from that event to this day, if someone even so much as mentions aikido, he'll just freeze up and shudder!
-He quickly gets attached to Nurse Leslie Sears, viewing her as an older sister after he learned she joined Caduceus at 20 much like he did, and even later on learns how to braid his ponytail from her when learning that Amy, Tyler's younger sister her hair that done by Leslie once.
-On another topic, while he might be gullible, shy and even some what of an airhead when it comes to love matters, he might sometimes sneak an tease or two here and there once he gains confidence and for when Tyler goes overboard with teasing Derek about his relationship with Angie later on, he along with Kira definitely enjoy embarrassing Tyler an lot on the subject of Lesile Sears!
("Soooo~....when's the day Amy's going to have Lesile as an sister-in-law Tyler? Hehe!"
"Sh-shut up kid!! Jeez... I think I might be rubbing off on you an bit too much it sometimes, And you just wait as you'll probably have someone like that too someday!"
"H-h-hey!! At least I'm not as uh....uh....um...doh bother!"
"Word of the wise young one, never try to tease someone about love unless you've got an good witty comeback! Whahahaha!"
"Yeah, sure... for if and only IF you'll ever be successful as an wingman in these matters....I'll be sure to take your advice then Dr. Chase!"
"Oh hoho! Now you've asked for it kid! Get back here!")
-He definitely would freak out seeing Apollo in the astral plane for the first time, he thought his heart would stop and that he was going insane from talking to an god in his head, thankfully Derek and Asclepius managed to ease James into it, and now on occasions they let Asclepius and Apollo chat as Father and Son.
-Also due to growing up in the UK for most of his childhood, he would often struggle with American terminology at times, particularly around train services given he watched Thomas the Tank Engine as an young child and read the Railway Series too, and yes he's an massive train lover, even got to ride on Thomas during an Day out with Thomas event for his 3rd birthday and has been to the National Railway Museum in York!
("Oh sorry! Didn't mean to call the Conductor the Guard, Spent most of my early life in Britain after all!")
-He would have an bit of Scottish dialect mixed with Japanese due to watching some anime at times, but not very much he's incredibly rusty at German but can probably understand some of it if he tries, he's mostly British though.
-He wanted to be an Firefighter when he was younger, but ultimately chose the path he has now, even did an Firefighter course in High School once!
And I think that pretty much covers James' bio at least at current time for UTK/SO Manga wise, and phew it was quite the long one, and probably much more to come once I cover his Caduceus EU ID Tag and his UTK 2 story (Or at least general plot ideas for him during those events.) Also given Naomi was moved to Hope in the Manga, I'd figured maybe James could replace her for those scenarios, If you've made it this far through my massive lore dumping, thank you very much for sticking around!
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