#(or god forbid the SHOW)
mycorrhizastar · 10 months
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The most creature ever
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She did nothing wrong
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derpycatsu · 1 year
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ohhh so hes pathetic. ok. got it. Deploy The Hyperfixation
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vanveronicango · 5 months
it has been 1,374 days since the old guard. 1,374 days since we met our gay immortal found family. so hey netflix! i know you hit a new rock bottom every day but why isn't the sequel on the 2024 list
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dollarstorefern · 4 months
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*cough* if you hate amber volakis i hate you *cough* (just kidding!) (i’m not.)
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mischas · 4 months
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The O.C. 1.02 The Model Home
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spookberry · 6 months
Uncle Iroh and Rose Quartz are very similar characters from similar backgrounds and follow similar journeys, but the people arent ready for that conversation
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tea-cat-arts · 1 month
You know what, I've read enough fanfic. I'm confiscating Madame Yu from you guys
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Free my girl- she did the things she's being accused of, but not as frequently or severely as the fandom pretends, her actions are being taken out of context, and her depth is being reduced to that of a Colleen Hoover antagonist
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bookshelfdreams · 11 months
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That is certainly - a statement.
What about Jim, who both metaphorically and literally discovers a path for themself beyond what they were raised to be? What about Pete, who learns to overcome his toxic masculinity, his posturing and self-importance? What about Ed, whose entire story is about deconstructing the performance that is expected of him?
What about, oh, idk, our main fucking character Stede Bonnet, whose arc starts with him literally breaking out from the hetero marriage he was forced into despite never fitting in? Who tries (and initially fails) to build a community where he can be himself? Whose entire story is about discovering his own queerness! He starts out not even able to put a finger on WHY his marriage made him feel so suffocated, and then journeys through s1 until he reaches the emotional climax - "His name is Ed"!
Contrast that with Izzy, who has to be dragged into a supportive community kicking and screaming. Who rejects care and compassion, even at his worst, who has to be forced to accept help. He receives the leg and calls the crew a homophobic slur for it, ffs. Only after that, only when people refuse to let him push them away, is he able to poke his nose into something approaching positive human connections. And that's a powerful narrative, sure, in it's own way; but it's hardly the Ultimate Queer Experience, and it's definitely not the "only queer arc".
And Izzy never lets go of the old ways. He never abandons the Blackbeard-era pirate lifestyle for something more positive, not fully. And that's okay, because ultimately, his arc isn't even about himself.
It's about Ed.
Ed keeps repeating toxic relationship patterns, and Izzy is a part of that. He's linked (on purpose, and I wish it had been done more explicitly) to Ed's father; because Izzy represents the poison that was instilled in Ed from a young age, and that has become so entrenched in his system that he can't imagine a life without it. He keeps Izzy around despite being hurt by him because Izzy is predictable, and in that, is safe, even though he hurts Ed; at least it's a hurt Ed is familiar with and can rely on.
When Izzy slowly changes it's to show that Ed is growing beyond the little voice in his head telling him to reject softness, that he can never be loved, that We're just not these kinds of people. If Izzy can evolve from someone spitting boyfriend at Ed like it's a slur to someone congratulating him on getting laid by that same person, Ed can overcome his inner demons telling him the same thing.
That's the point of Izzy's arc. And this is why he has to die, because Ed can never be truly free as long as Izzy is around. So Izzy goes, quietly, peacefully, and releases Ed of the poison; apologizes to him, tells him I was so wrong, and I am so sorry, because that's what Ed needs to hear to move forward.
And that's such a kind, positive way to end the story of Izzy Hands.
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cinnamin-is-a-star · 6 months
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Tumblr absolutely refuses to let this show up in the tags, apparently.
Anyways! Villain Sif doddles!!! They're so silly
(pssst, also, btw, chapter 6 is done you should go read it okay byebye)
Closeups under the cut ↓
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bonkalore · 25 days
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Had a nice intimate moment shared between Jayce and Daniel too post-transformation. At least if there's anyone who understands a bit what it's like to go back and forth, it's Jayce! A lot more gentle than Daniel ever gets to experience, esp with another tracker, but it's nice. Jayce is showing a bit more of a vulnerable side too so think he'd eventually switch back to being casual again. Trackers hardly ever show a softer side, but by now they realize they both have it, even if they don't admit it. Also don't think Daniel cries very often at all, and certainly not in front of others so... this is all kinds of levels of vulnerable atm.
Also hold friend like cat, yes lol
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atlasisnothere · 3 months
one of the most wild things about rolling into the torchwood fandom a good fifteen years late is scrolling through the popular works on ao3 and seeing the sheer amount of hatred and vitriol that so many people held for gwen cooper. like??? fighting for my life here having to filter out multiple variations of the gwen bashing/anti-gwen-tag and even then some writers have such an unconscious dislike for the character that they'll slip nasty OOC characterisation in anyway. and it always seems to stem from this idea that she was 'stealing' jack's affections away from ianto but like. did these people not notice that the insane-straight-baiting-codependent-thing gwen and jack had going on was two-sided. did they miss the fact that literally every relationship in this show is toxic to at least some degree. some of these fics were rendered almost cartoonish in their going out of the way to point out how terrible and whiny they saw gwen to be. it all seems as yet another case in the epidemic of taking the woman perceived to be 'getting in the way' of a popular mlm ship and exaggerating or simply fabricating negative traits in order to justify shoving her to the wayside by proclaiming that she's a terrible person but. my god. gwen cooper my messy and flawed woman you will always be famous to me.
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cowboylikesel · 4 months
where did the idea come from that everyone that likes buck and tommy together must’ve just started watching the show or doesn’t really care about the characters? like no?? many of us have also been here for years and just because we enjoy and connect with a storyline that you don’t like doesn’t make us any less of a fan or disloyal to the show/the characters/a ship or whatever the argument is supposed to be. not everyone has to engage with art the same way you do. different people like different things and that’s okay!!! there is no “right way” to watch this show, just stick to what you like and let others do the same - this isn’t a competition, it’s a tv show.
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starliteonearth · 5 months
I swear the funniest thing antis will do is say "how can you ship Ghoulcy when he did xyz to her" and then in the next breath will turn and be like "anyways he sees/treats her as a daughter and he's gonna be her father figure." Oh I'm sorry, The Ghoul? You mean the same person you were just saying was so horrible to her? That Ghoul? You're cool with his actions now?
Like the things he did only get brought up when we ship them, as if it's not the same person they champion as her new dad. I understand if personally you don't like it when one half hurts the other in a ship (or when both do), that's completely fair, but I'm pretty sure no likes it either when a parent/parental figure does the same to their (surrogate) child, so like what's the math here 🤨
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weggggs · 4 months
73 yards was absolutely peak, which is why it's no surprise that people are already complaining about it
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thebookbutterfly · 9 months
I can’t get over the idea of girl-dad!Simon Riley showing up to work with pink glittery nail polish on his fingers, because his little girl wanted to paint his nails.
This man kills people for a living but saying no to his daughter is something he just is not capable of. The thought of getting rid of her hard work? Unacceptable. Ghost would 1000% put down anyone who said anything about it.
Over time I think the 141 would just get used to him showing up with a new, equally outrageous, colour on his fingernails or another sticker somewhere on his gear. All because she missed him and “Wanted daddy to have it because it’s good luck.” They know by now that anyone who so much as looks at them the wrong way has to offer up their life as forfeit.
Also, Ghost bringing a sheet of stickers in one day for the members of 141 because somehow his daughter figured out that her uncles don’t get any good luck stickers so she decided to fix this. Everyone gets a sticker and no, Ghost will not be taking any arguments.
I’m weak—
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kronoscythe · 8 months
ik people have spoken about it before but this specific genre of fans that defend the show like rick is personally holding their families hostage is sooo...
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