#(or it did in sirius' case but certainly it wasn't a time for celebrating)
loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
headcanon that james swore that he's never going to die during a holiday. back on the 31st of october, he was celebrating diwali, a holiday that brought him close to his natal lands, to his blood family, for the first time with his wife, the woman he'd love forever, and his newborn son, hari, the boy he loved like the light of his eyes
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myriadparacosm · 8 months
Black Beats Black - IV. Dentelle de la Reine Anne Part 1.
Part 2. (Sorry Tumblr can't handle the size) Chapter I. - II. - III. Read on my AO3
“I really doubt that he wants love from me.”
“Of course he does,” Pandora argues. “You’re his brother and he adores you.”
Emmeline, who has stayed quiet, sends him a tense look. “Sirius is literally dying because of unrequited love. I agree that it’s certainly what he needs the most in any shape. From you or anyone else…”
Regulus shakes his head. They are heading toward the Room of Come & Go before breakfast to fetch his brother. It’s not a surprise that Sirius didn’t show up to watch the Quidditch game yesterday. Where would he stand? By Lupin and Pettigrew’s sides? They were there to watch and support their team with the rest of their friends, Sirius’ team, but he probably wouldn’t have been able to handle it.
He isn’t angry at him for not coming but the door didn’t open up last night. Regulus had celebrated his team’s victory a bit with his friends - the game finished rather quickly and if he honest it feels like the Gryffindor’s seeker was nowhere to be seen. Although everyone in their team wasn't as good as before; James managed to lose the quaffle two times which Regulus had never seen happen to him before.
It had been boring but at least easy on his lungs considering that he coughed three times during the game. So far, it has only been petals compared to Sirius who has full flowers but it hurts. Pandora’s potion prevented most of the time from anything spilling out and thankfully in the middle of the Quidditch game he could let them fall into the wind. His throat feels full and scratchy most of the time and if he takes a deep breath he can almost feel the petals rustling with it.
Sirius never truly complained about it but he can imagine that the pain must be far worse. Emmeline had mentioned before the game how Sirius not being on the team really changed their dynamic for the worst and Dorcas, who believed they shouldn’t underestimate them in any case, quickly agreed before even the first point.
Regulus should offer to fly with Sirius. After the break it might be too cold and Sirius’ lungs too burdened to be safe or enjoy it. Dorcas and Emmeline already flew with him - Regulus has stayed behind with Pandora and Evan to look for a cure for the Hanahaki. They have written to people who came across Hanahaki: healers, curse-breakers, spouses. They haven’t found, nor does he think they will, anyone who might have survived the Hanahaki. Regulus has felt guilty that he didn’t spend time with Sirius considering that he found no leads but he is pleased that his friends and his brother are getting along. Never would he have considered that an option in his life.
“Did you hear Barty leave?” Evan asks.
Regulus frowns. These two are always running after each other like a duo of hunters always switching who is the prey and neither appear to notice their eternal dance. They are strangely synchronized. Both of them got jealous over the other being too close to Regulus; as if he is a moron who can’t understand that they somehow want to eat each other and be eaten at the same time. Evan loses all his decorum for Barty, which has been a shock to Regulus who grew used to the well-mannered and calm facade he used to wear, and Barty— Barty is more Barty than he should be.
“No. I was probably sleeping.”
It took him a long time to fall asleep because of a lack of news from Sirius. Emmeline has told him that she stayed with him since she didn’t go watch the game. They have apparently chatted about arts but she assured that Sirius is fine, probably only tired.
“Why? Was he noisy?” Dorcas asks.
Evan shakes his head, clearly unhappy and Regulus doesn’t understand how he can be sad over not starting a day with Barty’s babyish manners when he wakes up. It’s always the worst, as if he regresses during his sleep and loses all basic intelligence.
“No. But he took his bag. So he didn’t plan to drop by our dorm again— so either he is with someone or couldn’t sleep,” Evan complains with a rough voice.
Dorcas snorts and outright chuckles at his glare. “Oh come on, breathe. With whom Barty would go? He probably went off musing or brooding somewhere. You know how he is.”
“He likes to be moving,” Emmeline confirms.
“Don’t worry Evan,” Pandora says, slipping at his side for their arms to cross and hands to join. “Barty won’t stay lost too long without you.”
He frowns at her before scoffing. “I don’t worry.”
Regulus stays quiet but his mocking eyebrows are noticed by Emmeline who chuckles quietly behind her hand with a pointed look at Evan. He smirks in return - there is no need to insist but they all know that Evan is actually jealous, probably a bit worried, of whoever might be with Barty. His possessive streak can be impressive.
Because he hasn’t gotten a real sign from Sirius, Regulus decided to check on him before breakfast but all his friends followed without really asking - Pandora as always joining them despite their different houses. He is glad that Sirius isn’t mad that they all know about his curse. It could have been a deal breaker but Regulus is convinced that his brother only cares that none of his Gryffindor friends learn about it.
He can not picture what Sirius could have done to cause such a break, especially with James. But it’s probably for the better, for Regulus at least who is better off as far away as he can be from James.
The door to the Room needs a minute before appearing, which is a bit surprising as Regulus has barely needed to even stop to enter it before. It only takes him a second to realise why it might have hesitated to open up when he spots Sirius’ bed.
His brother is there, no mistake whose long dark hair is on the white pillows. What shouldn’t be here is Barty snoring beside him, looking as dishevelled and as naked as Sirius.
“Oh bloody he-”
“Barty?!” Evan screams and Emmeline jumps to Regulus’ side with wide eyes.
Sirius startles, straightening up for a bit which only shows more of his chest— tattooed? That’s not something Regulus was aware of. His brother squints at them before widening his eyes. Regulus throws him a deadpan for the gesture of it.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” Sirius blurts out, almost falling out of bed as he clumsily leaves it with the blanket to cover himself.
Barty is completely naked, just like Sirius, and appears to wake up because he turns on his back with a groan.
“Bloody— Pandora don’t look for Merlin’s sake,” Dorcas blurts out.
“Why not?” She asks, voice rising in amusement despite the hand covering her eyes.
He only cuts Emmeline’s words by casting a nasty jinx at Sirius, who ducks right in time to avoid it.
“Careful!” He spits before hiding behind his bed when a stinging jinx flies close.
“Evan stop!” Regulus shouts, stepping in but he is rudely pushed aside.
“For Morgana’s sake, shut up!” Barty screams as he curls up on the bed.
Dorcas groans. “Why do I even try?”
Sirius sneaks a peek from his hiding spot and he seems to fully catch on what is going on when he spots Evan’s face. Regulus knows better than to come in between Evan and Barty but he slips his wand out to at least salvage what he can. Emmeline looks weirdly pleased by what’s going on despite her wide eyes.
“Evan, mate,” Sirius articulates as his face falls when Evan rushes toward them. “It’s n-”
Regulus tries to follow but his protego is too slow for Evan’s levicorpus. Before he even blinks, Sirius is dangling in the air by his ankle, thankfully with the blanket still in one hand to cover his groin.
“I’m dealing with you later,” he growls and throws another spell.
Sirius’ hair flips despite the gravity and morphs as snakes which start biting at him.
“Bloody hell stop that and put me down you arse!”
He tries to push his hair out of his face but the snakes don’t stop and attack anything to their reach. Barty suddenly sits up just as Sirius’ curses are silenced by another swift cast of Evan. This one, Regulus lets it pass and only sighs when his brother mutedly turns to him, revolted.
“You deserve that one,” he mutters but casts a spell to cushion the floor below the glaring Sirius just in case.
“Oh cra-”
“You’re dead Bartemius!”
Barty’s reflex is good but not enough to jump away from Evan’s reach. He rolls out of bed at the second stinging hex, this one missing, but his arse is already aching red. Regulus spots Barty’s wand flying to where he is hiding before he stands up with a shield charm bouncing off Evan’s furious spells.
“Stop that Evan!”
“Cover yourself!”
Emmeline probably didn’t mean to distract him but Barty glances down to see that he is fully naked in front of all of them. It’s enough for his Protego to be broken and for him to be hit by Evan’s sharp flipendo. Before he even hits the ground, ropes are shot at him and tighten around him. It’s clearly painful by his slight grimace but Barty quickly leers at Evan with a wicked look as the latter straight up walks on the bed to stomp over.
Regulus quickly takes that as a sign to put Sirius back to his feet with a miffed glare. The snakes try to bite him and almost manage to get his wand.
“Really? Barty?” He whispers without holding back the slight anger at the unfolding drama. “You didn’t think that perhaps Evan would have a problem with that?”
“How could I know?!” Sirius hisses out as he keeps the blanket on his lap, naked arse on the ground.
“If you wanted to tie me up you could have just asked with a pretty please Evan,” Barty says.
“You shut your mouth before I burn your tongue!” Evan hisses. “So that’s why you were playing nice with him?! Just to snog him!”
Regulus quickly muffles out Sirius’ indignant shriek with his hand. The snakes made out of his hair snap at him with furious bites as he tries to figure out how to cancel them since Finite Incantatem doesn’t work.
Barty rolls his eyes at him. “Oh please, you always hated him! What are you upset about?”
“Oh I’m so done with you, I swear Barty— I’m sick of you and your blasted mug!”
Sirius nudges Regulus’ leg with a frown at Evan grabbing Barty by his hair to put his wand at his throat, the latter only grins with a wild glint in his eyes.
“Are they together or not?” He asks. “Because it’s him who came to me, I swear.”
“I wish,” he mumbles. “Barty just likes playing with fire and Evan is stupid for him.”
“Jealous much?” Barty sneers and chokes when the wand digs a bit too far but his smirk stays strong. “What can I say, I’m fond of long hair.”
Barty did do it on purpose. Evan only started actively hating Sirius in third year because Barty commented on how his hair had grown - that it looked nice and soft enough to make him want to touch it. Before that, only Regulus truly complained about his brother but Evan started to add up on all his complaints with his own as he tried to grow out his own hair; which he angrily cut when Barty was found snogging a girl from Hufflepuff just at the start of this year.
“For Merlin’s sake just stop you two before I lose it!” Dorcas snaps. “You’re both endlessly teasing each other so just get it done once and for all!
“You freaking wanker-”
“You make me blush Evan.”
“I knew you would try to get in bed with him, you bloody slag!”
“Hey I resent that!” Sirius shouts just as Dorcas throws her hand, giving up.
Evan turns to him with blazed eyes and his wand pointed on them. “You-”
Barty makes him trip and traps him to the ground with his whole body. “Got y-CAZZO! Le mie palle!”
So Evan is ready to hit where it hurts.
“Alright that’s it, let them kill each other,” Dorcas says and throws Sirius a look. “You, dress up so we can get breakfast.”
His brother grunts when one of the snakes bites his cheek, he slaps it. “Does it look like I can go out like that?!”
Regulus sighs and accios his uniform and bag, hoping that he prepared everything for his class today. “Evan isn’t going to help any time soon so let’s just go.”
Sirius thankfully doesn’t try to be more difficult, hastily dressing up behind a folding screen that the Room conjures, before following them outside as Evan and Barty keep on fighting and insulting each other.
“Please Room, keep them in here until they start making sense,” Dorcas prays as they walk out of it. “For my sanity and peace for us.”
“Are you—” Emmeline side-steps Sirius when she comes too close and a snake tries to bite her. “Alright?”
“He cursed my hair!”
“You deserve it,” Regulus reminds. “What were you thinking?”
“Barty is the one who came up saying that it would be sad dying without having sex. I don’t bloody know what happened!” Sirius argues with his voice starting to sound shrill. “And how did you even get in? I would have never wanted for you to walk in.”
“He obviously did it on purpose,” Dorcas says. “Barty always wants to get any kind of reaction from Evan so that’s probably why the Room let us in.”
“Are you saying he used me?”
Emmeline looks up in surprise at Sirius’ cold tone. “No— well, in a way, yes. But Barty wouldn’t do that now that we are friends. It’s true that with Evan he is a bit unruly but he couldn’t have predicted that we would come here this morning. It’s an unlucky coincidence.”
“It’s true,” Regulus confirms. “They followed me but I was going to see you by myself. How did that even happen?”
Sirius sighs and slaps the snake that tugs at his collar shirt. “Barty showed up at the crack of dawn to knock at my door. The Room probably thought he was homeless.”
“You were awake?” Regulus frowns.
“I was planning to take a walk before breakfast, for the sunrise and all,” he quickly answers but it comes out a tad bit too oblivious that it’s a lie. “That’s how I found Barty offering to have sex with me and I certainly didn’t know Evan and him were a deal.”
Pandora hugs him as they walk toward the Great Hall. His brother relaxes and smiles, wrapping an arm around her like it has naturally come to happen with her never-ending hugs.
“They have been running after each other since forever,” Dorcas complains. “Evan is frighteningly jealous and possessive which Barty knows. That’s probably why he even mentioned your hair, even if he likes it, but since you’re Reg’s brother it’s more effective than anyone else.”
“Evan tried to grow his hair at that,” Emmeline recalls. “Still is actually but I think he likes it, even if it’s not as long as you, but Barty never said anything. Which doesn’t help.”
“To torture him,” Regulus points out. “But Evan definitely returns the favour. You have no idea how many times he faked being drunk to cling to Barty or how he teases him with the smallest thing.”
“That’s why I try to not eat with these two around,” Dorcas grunts out. “How did you not catch up on that Sirius?”
“I mean, I saw that they often get into each other’s space, teasing or fighting but you always cut them off so I figured they were really at each other’s throats.”
“They are but for the wrong reason.”
Regulus frowns at Sirius. “So you really did it?” He sighs at his indignant blush. “Well good luck with dealing with Evan now that’s done.”
“Was it worth it at least?”
“I’m this close to obliviate everyone then myself,” Sirius says, snorting with them.
“Barty’s cock is smaller than I thought,” Pandora admits.
Emmeline chokes a laugh while Sirius snickers. Dorcas holds her stomach as she starts to wheeze to Regulus’ amusement who shares a sly look with Pandora.
“Tell me how I can convince you to say that to Barty’s face,” Emmeline requests with a beautiful wicked smile.
Pandora purses her lips against Sirius’ arm. “Hum… If you try the potion I’m brewing, the effect will be random.”
“That’s fair,” she agrees. “I risk my life and you too.”
Despite the joyful scene, Sirius looks deeply tired and Regulus wonders if he couldn’t sleep or something else kept him awake. Despite the full moon, the sky was too cloudy to stargaze so it’s probably not for that. He will need to ask if the flowers got any worse. They reached the Great Hall so he can’t ask him yet. Usually, he likes to be a bit early to enjoy some quietness before everyone comes to eat before classes start but they got a bit late thanks to his brother and Barty.
“If I knew I would have kicked him out, I swear,” Sirius babbles even though no one pokes him. “I don’t want to— botch-”
“It’s fine Sirius,” Regulus promises as he can clearly read the guilt brewing in his eyes. “It’s not the first time.”
“And I would rather keep you than Evan,” Dorcas says.
“Not Evan,” Pandora gasps. “I love him!”
“Alright, one vote to keep Barty and one for Evan. Em’?”
“Evan. Barty bite me.”
“Love, it was first year.”
“And I got a scar.”
“Fair enough.”
Pandora frowns at her. “Didn’t you give him that burn though?”
“That was an accident in potion!”
“Kick them both out.”
“I get a vote?” He asks, slightly surprised, as he sits down with them - Pandora letting go of his arm to sit at his side and Regulus on Sirius’ left.
“Yes of course,” Dorcas says with a smile. “We’re friends.”
Regulus hides a smile and picks up the pot of coffee to fill Dorcas’ cup, Sirius’ and his. Emmeline picks the one for hot water as Dorcas brings Pandora’s and Emmeline’s favourite teas closer. He can see his brother trying to think of an answer but he notices the sudden silence in the Great Hall before that.
“Where the hell did I just sit,” he realises with eyes only widening when he catches on all the Slytherins around them.
“Let me braid your hair,” Pandora cheers, taking out the small precious comb from her shirt’s pocket - a birthday gift from Evan - to start while the snakes completely let themselves be handled without a fight.
Of course Evan’s magic wouldn’t harm Pandora. Sirius shoots her an astonished look before focusing on Regulus.
“Does it matter?” He answers to his bewildered face. “You already sat down, it’s too late anyway.”
“One of us,” Pandora whispers menacingly. “One. Of. Us.”
Regulus has no idea if his brother has given up, too tired or because of everything else, but he stays put at the Slytherin’s table. Even if Sirius tried to walk out discreetly, everyone’s eyes are already buried into him as if he is some kind of mirage.
“Is that Sirius Black?”
“Is he cursed?”
“I thought his brother hated him…”
Perhaps no one pays attention to his state, the eye bags and the newborn thinness in his limbs, since the spectacle is Sirius Black at the Slytherin table. They must have noticed that he has been avoiding the Great Hall for a while now, how the Marauders kicked him out, so it’s quite the come back.
“What is the meaning of this, Black?!” A seventh year hisses out, standing up from his seat not far from that. “You can’t sit-”
Regulus’ wand barely moves but the Slytherin’s meal jumps to her face. Students scoot away in haste with a wary look at Regulus while she screeches about the hot coffee, butter in her hair and porridge in her clothes.
“Stuff your mouth before I do it again, Carrow,” Regulus warns and sips his coffee.
Sirius is weirdly exalted as she storms out with two of her followers. Snape is seething with his worthless eyes throwing daggers at him but thankfully his brother appears to be far too happy to play the scandal to notice as he fills his plate. Pandora is a regular trespasser at their table, which at first many people complained about even though there isn’t a real rule forbidding people to go to another table, but because she is brilliant at potion Slughorn doesn’t really feel up to the task to tell her off.
Regulus still checks on their house’s head who talks restlessly with McGonagall, who almost smiles when she meets Regulus’ eyes, but they don’t appear to do anything. Dorcas is pleased and starts a conversation about their upcoming Potion essay. Emmeline slightly shifts in her seat, innocently scooting closer to her and she vaguely signs with her eyes at Regulus. It’s not hard to see what she means.
It’s a wretched feeling that catches him, despite completely expecting it, as his eyes are hooked to James Potter. It has always been like that but before Sirius was always on Potter's side which had always helped Regulus to keep his soul in check from the foolish earning. Now though there is nothing to pain him, not when his brother is at his side, or to confuse his eyes from feasting.
Potter isn’t looking any different from last time, a bit worn-out and clearly worked up. The rest of his friends are around him with the same confused and speechless expression that feeds Regulus with a twisted satisfaction: yes, his brother is with him. Lupin isn’t here and he hopes that he died somewhere in a ditch. Evans is trying to talk to him. They don’t appear angry at Sirius but still agitated about it, whether it’s positive or not, Regulus has no idea and quickly tries to cover any of his thoughts that might appear on his face when James Potter’ eyes fall on him.
He holds his gaze despite the distance and how McKinnon cuts his sight by shifting in front of Potter to talk or turn to her friends. His eyes stay sharp, glimmering behind his glasses, and unmoving even when he answers to someone. It doesn’t feel like a fight but Regulus considers it as good as one. It’s a bit disappointing that James’ warm brown eyes appear unaffected. There is no anger that he lost Sirius or even one drop of judgement— the rest of his face is also unaffected but his shoulders slowly rise before falling down with the grace of a breath. Potter tilts his head slightly to speak to Pettigrew but his eyes, slightly hooded by his eyelashes, are still on Regulus.
His body is far too weak and he quickly focuses on his cup to ignore this new picture. Many thoughts come to his mind, enough to write a heavy book with only curses dedicated to every single part of James Potter. Regulus needs to forget about all that. Their relationship is resumed as rivals for Sirius, even if Potter would probably laugh at that, and Regulus has never been prone to give up on what he likes. That’s how Sirius was thrown down the stairs at 5 years old when he tried to steal Regulus’ favourite blanket; a reaction he still wouldn’t change if it ever came to happen again but hopefully Sirius has learnt from his mistakes.
“I have a sudden headache.”
Regulus blinks up just in time to see Barty kiss the top of Dorcas’ head, who only painfully sighs out another time, and Evan sitting down completely dishevelled at his side. Loud whispers from the start to the end of their table, and others’, erupt as Barty stretches with no shame the hickey of the size and colour of a niffler on his neck. Regulus quickly holds back his imagination when he spots a tad of blood on Barty’s collar.
“What is wrong with your lot?!” Mulciber shouts.
“Never seen what pleasure looks like eh?” Barty sneers, not sitting down yet beside Evan.
“Don’t try me, you barmy fag,” he hisses.
Emmeline glances coldly amongst them as Dorcas glares at him. Pandora still braids Sirius’ hair but her face has fallen to scowl at people at the other side daring to be pleased at Mulciber’s words. The table is broken with different kinds of tension and a lot of wands are definitely at the tips of their fingers. The whole Great Hall is still watching their table even if it is moved from Sirius to his two friends who might have shagged and fought at the same time.
It’s thankfully broken by a ringing clink when Evan empties his glass of juice in one go before, with no mercy, hauling Barty down to kiss him. A loud clatter explodes and Sirius almost jumps out of his seat, blocking Regulus, with a protecting hand on Pandora’s shoulder.
“Mulciber!” Slugghorn shouts as he rushes to their table. “A word.”
“Look at them! That’s disgusting!”
Regulus would agree because he can clearly see Barty drinking from Evan’s mouth. He lists spells to become blind in his head to distract himself. Slugghorn grabs Mulciber’s lot, dragging them outside with a grim look at their table, which shifts to anxious when he walks past the salacious kiss. Emmeline watches with almost no shame and Dorcas is clearly coming up with a murder when Barty moans, pushing Evan against her to deepen the kiss.
They let go of each other at last and Regulus rubs his eyes as he mourns his innocence.
“We should try that with everything,” Barty says, breathless, and his tongue flying around his lips.
Evan’s lips twitch, softly taping Barty’s cheek away, and checks over what food is near them.
“I’m not sharing more of my pumpkin juice with you.”
“Don’t say it Barty,” Dorcas hisses before he even opens his mouth. “I know what you will say and I will bury you right here and now.”
He snickers and Evan blushes but ignores his nudge. She throws them a glare just to be safe and offer the same to anyone else watching them. Regulus glances at his brother to see him completely speechless but thrilled.
“Evan, I prepared your tea,” Pandora says with a smile, still braiding black hair. “Can I have mash please? Also congratulations to you both.”
Sirius feeds her a spoonful and a snake tries to bite his hand. He throws a look at Evan drinking his tea.
“If you’re happy now just cut that crap with my hair.”
“Feel lucky that you still have hair,” he hisses before straightening himself and brushing his own. “But I’m not mad at you anymore. So I accept your apology.”
“Hard to be mad after that, uh?” Barty whispers.
Emmeline chuckles, buttering her toast. Regulus suddenly realises that they are all mad. It shouldn’t be a surprise but this morning has tired him out and he isn’t quite sure of what to think at this point.
“Please,” he articulates. “Don’t restart this show.”
“I’m done!” Pandora says, letting go of the fantastic, intricate and impossible-looking braid she made out of Sirius’ hair.
The snakes barely have the chance to move because of the braid and some start to attack each other. Dorcas whistles at her work and Pandora pushes it on Sirius’ shoulder to show it off.
“This is beautiful.”
“Thank you Pandora, it’s amazing,” Sirius says with a pleased grin, quickly withdrawing his hand when the snakes try to jump at it, before frowning at Evan. “Why am I the one punished and Barty is still in one piece?”
“Who said I’m done with him?”
Sirius squints at them with a curious look before glancing around - thankfully he doesn’t appear to be able to see his group of friends behind the wall made of Emmeline and Dorcas.
“Look, if I had known I would have kicked Barty out-”
“Rude,” he says. “I even brought a potion for you.”
Regulus notices his brother’s panicked look at Barty’s words and glances between them two.
“What potion?”
“Do we need to speak about that?” Evan huffs out.
“This madman,” Sirius hisses and lowers his tone even further, “brewed Polyjuice.”
“Out of—?”
“I thought it could have helped,” Barty defends himself.
His brother coughs horridly and his throat sounds like worn-out glasses rubbed together. Whatever manages through his mouth is hidden in his hand and he vanishes it under the table. There is no need to figure that out considering Sirius’ condition: it can only be Polyjuice out of Remus Lupin. Regulus indignantly looks at Barty.
“How did you even get something of his?”
“My fingers are very skilled,” he says with a smile. “Aren’t they E-”
“Are you insane?” Dorcas asks.
“Look, I figured it doesn’t hurt anyone and maybe it would have solved this mess. Plus I wanted to check what’s in his pants.”
Regulus blankly stares. “You have a bloody problem.”
“That’s what I said!” Sirius agrees.
“Wait, that’s why our dorm’s bathroom smelled?” Evan suddenly turns to him. “And why did you even brew it in the first place?”
“Don’t spoil the surprise.”
“So that’s it?” Emmeline asks. “You’re finally together?”
“It’s still a curse,” Dorcas mutters.
“Do you need help, Meadowes? There is someone we could as-”
“Don’t play with the speck of patience I still have.”
Sirius laughs but something bothers him by his slight forced smile. He glances at Regulus who tries to ask what is his problem without a word, but it only spurs him to look back at their friends.
“Aren’t you worried about what your father will say?”
“Hope he chokes and dies miserably,” Barty replies with his fingers crossed and Pandora laughs, copying him.
Evan understands that the question is meant for him, mainly, as a fellow Pure-blood. Whatever animosity he kept up trickles as he shares an almost excited smile.
“Whatever happens, I’m not alone so it will be fine,” he declares. “Plus, Barty brought up excellent arguments.”
“Please, as if you talked,” Regulus says. “I’m even surprised you are out there.”
“You either fought or shagged.”
“In my room?!” Sirius realises.
“We did talk.”
“Someone’s mouth was rather busy but we mana-”
Evan stuffs Barty’s face with a toast. A lot of people stare at them, even when they have finished their breakfast and are leaving, which helps them realise that the classes are starting soon and they have barely started to eat. Regulus doubts that Sirius will be fooled again to join them for a meal in the Great Hall. His posture isn’t completely relaxed and his eyes jump to avoid any glimpse of the Gryffindor table.
“Barty,” Pandora calls, “your cock is smaller than I thought.”
“Panda!” Evan almost shouts as Emmeline giggles with no care of her volume.
“Did you mistake me for Sirius?”
“We are going out tonight,” Dorcas announces, ignoring the three of them starting to argue back and forth, and Regulus frowns in question. “Do you want to stay in your shared dorm with them two tonight?”
They have the decency to eat, not snog, but it’s not hard to notice that one hand is missing from the table and one of them is half-sitting on the other. Regulus completely forgot about their shared space and he is sure that Barty will forget the silencing spells just to annoy him.
“Sirius, you too,” she says. “We’re going to a special place.”
He groans out but nods. “I will need to sleep before that.”
Regulus studies him. “Are you alright?”
Sirius smiles at him and it’s annoying how the braid suits him even when he looks awful. “Of course.”
Regulus has many things he wants to say to him: like the mandrake leaf that he put last night after Sirius’ door never opened or asks whether he received a letter or not. What about his tattoos? He has seen them but Sirius never hinted that he has some. Emmeline apparently knew but not Regulus? He has the perfect right to be jealous.
The day flies too fast to do any of that and Sirius is nowhere to be seen at lunch. A lot of students stare at them, whispering, and he even catches the disgusted and furious look of Snape several times. It’s only because Sirius looked dreadfully tired or that Regulus might walk on something horrid if he goes back to his dorm that he finds himself at the Quidditch field.
He likes to play with the team, thanks to Barty and Dorcas, or his friends outside of anything formal but there is a different pleasure to be alone up in the air as the sun slowly dips in the horizon. He flies after the snitch once before relaxing with some stunts to stretch himself.
The only other stop he made was to the Owlery to send a letter to his parents with the usual hidden code meant for Kreacher. It’s not an obligation but perhaps the elf might help them by preparing some of their affairs so they don’t leave empty-handed. Plus Regulus wants to have a proper word with him, even if it might be a farewell. Kreacher won’t be happy and definitely confused at his sudden departure but there is no other way.
It’s a weird feeling to picture himself running away and perhaps never coming back home. There are more bad memories stocked there but it’s still a part of him. Regulus is surprised by the speed of all of this and he wonders what it means for Alphard. His initial reaction to Regulus’ letter where he told that Sirius and him have reconnected, never meant to be broken up again, and that they need to get out of there. Their uncle accepted their request with no amount of hesitation, despite the 10 years if not more without any contact, and even celebrating the news. It’s still a shock to Regulus but it’s probably a good sign; if Alphard happens to read between the lines that something else is brewing then they will figure that out later. Regulus won’t speak in Sirius’ name, except when he is an idiot hurling flowers down a toilet.
The petals are surprisingly tasteless compared to the mandrake leaf. It’s a risky challenge to keep it in his mouth when he regularly coughs but Regulus doesn’t want to wait. The easiest way to prepare this potion is at Hogwarts, he has his ways to brew it here whilst at Alphard’s the break will only last a week. They have a little more than a month so hopefully he manages to do everything before waiting for a storm. Sirius has given him tips on the mandrake leaf and told him he knows where to find the dew and a perfect spot for the moonlight. Still they haven’t talked a lot about it but the sticking charm for the mandrake leaf to not slip out is smart.
He lets the broken petals trickle down the drain of the shower. Pandora’s potion is effective but only temporary, enough to be at peace during classes. Compared to Sirius, his own Hanahaki appears to only happen at precise moments but stubbornly whilst just the thought of Lupin triggers a fit to his brother. Thankfully, it’s only petals which means that they can keep the bond. The curse is probably aware that it can’t feed from Regulus but can’t fight the nuptial bond which ensures its development in him too. It probably throws its energy at once, causing the sudden petals, but can’t stay regular enough to grow in Regulus.
It takes him a moment to recall where he is, water cascading down his shoulders and cleaning him off the adrenaline from his time on the broom, as he stares at the thin golden ring on his finger. Regulus has spotted Sirius looking at his own from time to time, even touching, and he is almost disappointed that he doesn’t feel it when it happens. Hopefully, his brother can still feel his love even if touching the rings means nothing.
Dorcas told them that they will eat together at the pub where they have been before. Sirius still doesn’t know where they are going but agreed without a fight. They must almost be ready to go. He better hurry back to the castle so they can sneak off without any trouble and he has come prepared with clean relaxed clothes to change here directly. Who knows the state of his dorm now that Barty and Evan were unleashed.
Winter is already creeping up to chase autumn away before it’s even its time. Dinner should have already been served. All that should have not made James Potter wait at the door of the locker room at the Quidditch’s pitch.
He is still in his school uniform and to an impossible degree his hair is even more rumpled with one side almost completely flattened. His presence here is obviously planned by the scarf on him, clearly not to play Quidditch, but it doesn’t explain how he knew where Regulus was. He would have definitely spotted him coming down to the pitch and he only flew down when the sun completely disappeared.
“What are you doing here?”
There is no mirth in his eyes but a careful and almost soft appeal as Potters’ lips move void of words before his eyebrows fall almost miserably.
“I need to talk to you… and we both know it’s hard to get privacy at Hogwarts, especially if one avoids the other.”
Regulus glares at him and starts to walk toward the castle but he is followed closely. He has noticed a few glances from Potter here and there but completely ignored them. There is no use for them to talk and he fears that he might be dazzled enough to lose his focus.
“We never had anything to talk to each other about and it hasn’t changed.”
“You’re not getting rid of me,” Potter says and even manages to walk ahead to look at him. “We do have common subjects: Sirius for a start.”
“Don’t talk about my brother,” he hisses, frustrated that his glare doesn’t surprise him. “I can curse you here and no one will find you before you're frozen to death.”
“I know you’re hiding him,” he exclaims and stops in front of him. “Don’t-” Regulus’ hand is grabbed before he can properly have a hold on his wand. “Please. Regulus, just hear me out for a moment.”
He tries to retrieve his hand but Potter’s easily covers his, surprisingly warm, but it only pushes him to try harder. Regulus’ gasp is thankfully swallowed down when it tightens but his mistake is meeting those earnest warm eyes; all the people who turn a blind eye to brown eyes are absolute fools but Regulus wishes he was one of them to stop his heart from beating like a newborn snitch.
“Why should I?” He whispers.
Potter stares at him, gaze travelling from his eyes to his lips before falling on their hands. He weakly squeezes it and Regulus tries to not swallow too loudly.
“Because I’m scared,” he answers, pushing up his glasses with his free hand. “I want to talk to Sirius but he avoided me all day.”
Regulus is a bit surprised but it’s stupid of him to assume that Sirius can fight off his guilt to accept any crumb of attention from his old friends.
“And rightfully so.”
Potter watches him and slowly pushes their hands down, taking a step closer and frightening Regulus’ skin like a kissing sting.
“It’s complicated. I’m not the only one in the story but never did we kick him out of the dorm.”
“You also didn’t try to tell him that, did you?” Regulus glares. “I don’t see how I should even consider you honest. You two have always acted like each other’s shadows and now suddenly you want me to believe that you didn’t notice how he disappeared?”
“I knew,” Potter argues with a scowl. “It’s jus-”
“Complicated?” He scoffs. “Same stupid excuse.”
“Look, I’m not exactly the one who Sirius hurt so I can’t decide for everyone.”
Regulus jerks his hand with no success and he considers crushing Potter’s foot. “How convincing. I simply don’t care though. If Sirius won’t speak to you then it’s your problem and not mine. Let me go before I cut your hand.”
Potter sighs, slowly letting go but he abruptly tightens his grip around his wrist. Regulus tries to step back but he is only dragged closer to his dismay.
“Reggie, please I need to talk to Sirius,” he begs.
“Don’t call me that!” Regulus shouts, hoping that the night shadows his sudden blush. “Let me go! I’m not going to do your dirty work!
“I know that you’re hiding him somewhere!” He argues and only keeps his hold on him even when Regulus tries to shove him away. “Which, and believe me, makes me really happy to see that you two are talking again considering how much he worries about y-”
Regulus throws his whole weight on him, finally shaking off Potter’s steady stance, but he is dragged down because his hand is still trapped. Potter is an imbecile because he catches him as if Regulus is the one who fell in the first place and his other hand falls on Regulus’ waist.
“Let me go!” He snaps as he quickly tries to stand up to run away. “What is wrong with you?!”
“Wha– you’re the one who pushed me!” Potter argues and grunts when Regulus starts choking him with his scarf. “Argh! Re-”
They are too close. He has easily felt the muscles straining Potter’s uniform, as if he even needed a reminder of their existence, but he isn’t going to be fooled any longer. His foot finally manages to find the ground underneath them and he stomps the first part he can feel.
Potter hisses in pain, taken by surprise by the look of it, as he lets go of Regulus with his head tilted against the grass with a pained grimace.
“I warned you,” he hisses and quickly stands up with a disgruntled huff. “Sombre crétin.”
He blinks up at him with his hands still on his ankle. “Wait, wait! Regulus for Merlin’s sake just listen to me!”
“No!” He snaps and quickly heads toward the castle, using a lumos to guide him.
“Tell Sirius I need to talk to him!” Potter shouts.
Regulus’ jaw tightens and he turns to spot where Potter is still laying on the ground, almost hidden because of the night. Their eyes meeting cheers him like a firework and Regulus is quickly reminded why he shouldn’t be anywhere near this– ridiculous fool.
“Stay away from us if it’s so complicated, you arse!”
“Don’t make me force you to listen, Regulus!”
He ignores that and storms into the castle before he can catch anything else. His hands anxiously work on his clothes, checking if they are clean, as he tries to keep his heart and mind under control before they are both thrown into a loop of feelings he simply can’t deal with for now.
Potter probably woke up from his nonsense because Sirius sat down with him and his friends - Slytherins. He doesn’t even have the guts to even talk to his brother himself and if Sirius is really avoiding the Marauders then good for him. It’s better like that. Far easier to deal with the Hanahaki too. Lupin doesn’t appear to care for his brother but if Sirius is thrown back into their group of friends then who knows how he will handle this. He doubts Potter will not force them to talk.
“Reggie, are you alright? I was coming to fetch you.”
Pandora walks up with a curious look, hair up in two cute buns, dressed with a long dark blue coat and wide pants with an abstract shirt. Regulus quickly joins her and grabs her elbow to turn them toward the Room of Requirement where she must have come from.
“Bloody Potter is pestering me about Sirius.”
“James? Isn’t that a good thing? Sirius loves him and you t-”
“Panda,” he cuts. “This is everything but positive. They were his friends who threw him out, haven’t they? Why should I help him talk to my brother when he has stolen him for years?”
She nods with a slight frown. “But if James is honest then I don’t think you can stop him from trying to be friends with Sirius again.”
Regulus sighs but he certainly won’t say that he will fight as hard as he can. It’s Sirius’ life in play. Moving on from Lupin is an option but it’s a crazy solution as he sincerely doubts it might even happen at this point. They can’t exactly throw their chances away though so Regulus would rather have a list of crazy cures than none.
They walk in the Room to notice Emmeline sitting in front of Sirius on his bed, frowning as she slowly applies makeup on him, wearing an embroidered pink shirt with a brown skirt and dark tights while Dorcas appears to try on a large-sized jean vest above her short top and purple jeans. Sirius turns to greet them but frowns.
“You alright Reggie?”
“I’m fine.”
“Hum, no you’re not,” Dorcas says, frowning at him from the large mirror. “Not dressed like that. I told you that we are celebrating, didn’t we?”
“How are we celebrating when the couple isn’t even invited?”
“Because they are a menace.”
“And it gives us a second reason to party with them,” Emmeline points out. “I think I'm done, Sirius but I'm not sure if I did a good job. I'm not trained for makeup.”
“Barty told me he is going to serenade Evan,” Pandora whispers in his ear.
Regulus grimaces at the idea of walking on that. Plus he doubts either of them want to be apart when they finally get together. At least they give them some alone time for now.
“I will let you borrow something of mine,” Sirius says and walks to his closet. “Even if I still don’t know where we are going!”
“I’m not ruining the surprise. But you will love it,” Dorcas promises.
“I’m not changing.”
Even if Sirius doesn’t know that they are going to slip in a pub full of music and people, he seems quite ready for that. He wears tight black pants with a few patches of different tissues and a loose sleeveless shirt with some drawing he can’t recognize with a ‘BOWIE’ red and blue crossed by a lightning bolt. Just like the girls he wears make-up and the pale pink small heart at the corner of an eye must be from Pandora’s. His hair is now free, also from the snakes, and more wavy than usual thanks to the braid.
“I can borrow this? You’re sure?” Dorcas asks, putting some of her long braided hair on the front of the vest.
“As long as you don’t spill anything on it,” Sirius says and walks up to Regulus with his leather jacket. “Put that on and– well your hair is alright, did you fly? They are nicely tossed.”
“What?” He startles when the jacket is pushed in his arms. “You want me to wear it?”
It’s hard to not think of Sirius Black without his leather jacket; he probably wears it more than underwear and likes to strut around to show it off ever since he got it in his third year. Regulus can’t remember if he ever saw anyone else wearing it. By Emmeline’s look, probably not.
“It will keep you warm,” he reassures as if he didn’t drop a bomb in Regulus’ hands and he comes back with a pen. “Let me just put a little bit of that.”
Regulus lets him grab his face and quickly closes his eyes when he realises what’s happening.
“Do we go to the usual spot?” Emmeline asks.
“Relax, I’m not stabbing you,” Sirius whispers and snorts when Regulus scrunches up his nose at the unusual feeling on his eyelids.
“Yup. I’ve got a bit of money,” Dorcas confirms.
“Let’s go!” Pandora cheers.
Sirius leads them once Dorcas explains to him that her portkey is hidden in one of the trees bordering the Forbidden Forest. It does seem like he knows the castle flawlessly because they take two hidden passages that they had no idea of.
Dorcas climbs up a tree at the border of the Forbidden Forest and sticks her hand in one of the tree’s nooks. She retrieves her two portkeys and jumps down. They have casted warming charms on them but Regulus had to admit that Sirius’ leather jacket keeps him quite safe from the cold which sleeves are just a tad longer like he enjoys them.
“Portkeys?” Sirius asks, wearing a loose coat. “I thought we would go to Hogsmead or something.”
“That would be far too easy,” Dorcas says with a chuckle and offers the handkerchief for them all to take a hold of it. “We are going to have fun without any risk of anyone following us.”
Before he can ask anything else, they are teleported by the handkerchief. The first time they took the trip, it had been more than weird. It had only been last year when Dorcas offered to bring them somewhere to party; at first they were confused at the offer but it quickly became a small habit to go to this young pub in London. Regulus mostly watches with Emmeline, sometimes Evan, whilst the rest of them danced and sang to Muggle songs they have not one idea about.
“Are we– no way,” Sirius blurts out when he takes a peek out of the empty, sad and smelly, alley to face the Kelpie’s Dance, already full of life. “Are we in the Muggle world? How?”
“Surprised?” Dorcas grins as Emmeline takes out her wand and casts a minor metamorphosis charm on the posing Pandora. “Thought the Marauders were the coolest, huh?”
Sirius laughs and shakes his head. “Is that the surprise? A muggle pub?”
Regulus nods. “We only need to appear older so they let us pass but Em’ is great at that.”
He watches her cast the spell on Dorcas before nodding and crossing his arms. “Alright, fine by me. It’s not my first time though. We went to one for Mary’s birthday last year.”
“But this time it’s with us,” Pandora says with a smile, looking taller but still with her baby cheeks.
“Right, you’re right,” he chuckles and watches Emmeline cast it on Regulus. “How do we come back though? The other portkey? How did you even get them?”
“Gifts from my mum,” Dorcas answers. “One for getting out and the other to come back to Hogwarts. The Forbidden Forest’s border is the last place to apparate without alerting the castle. My dad is worried about that, maybe because he’s a muggle, but it’s not like we are going to drink more than glass. Better not risk that if we apparate.”
“Damn, Marlene would have loved to come.”
Dorcas’ confidence flatters a second before she brushes her hair behind her shoulder. “Of course she would. I have great taste.”
“Your turn Sirius.”
Sirius sends a quick amused look to Regulus. His only request is for Emmeline to get him a moustache, saying that it will be sexy, even if Regulus finds him completely ridiculous.
They pass the doors of the Kelpie’s Dance without a hitch and the guard even greets Dorcas like a regular. The music is not too loud to Regulus’ relief but enough to disrupt his thoughts from gravitating around James Potter’s. Seeing Sirius excited and enjoying his time, seemingly healthier than this morning, also helps with that.
As usual, they only take one drink each to stay on the safe side for apparating home. It’s not like they drink a lot in the first place even back at Hogwarts. Sirius can’t decide on one drink among the long choice so Emmeline tries to guide him as Pandora and Dorcas are already off trying to find a table. Regulus is carrying the plate of snacks, cheese, chips and dips.
“From now on, I will have to be careful in any room I come in but at least,” Dorcas says, amber drink raised, with a solemn look once they sit down. “Barty will stop sighing in my ears about ‘how I wish I could pamper Evan’s hair!’”
Emmeline laughs and joins her tone, glass of shades of warm orange. “And ‘you can’t imagine how I need to hold back whenever Barty comes up with the most insane yet intelligent idea!’”
Regulus raises his dark red, purple even, glass after swallowing his chip. “No more angry tantrums when one looks the other way or whining before they attack each other in some weird courting.”
“I can stop brewing Amortentia!” Pandora cheers. “No more ambushes into rooms together or spiking their drinks!”
Sirius bursts out laughing. Dorcas spits out and wheezes as Regulus turns to her.
“You what?!”
“That was you?!” Emmeline gasps. “I thought they were insane! Barty kept complaining that the castle was trying to trap him and Evan was sick every now and then out of nowhere!”
Pandora nods wisely before sighing. “I will actually miss that now.”
“You drugged your own brother?”
“Fairly easily too.”
Sirius hasn’t stopped laughing despite how breathless he sounds and how his eyes are brimming with tears.
Just as Regulus expected: Sirius fits right in beside the dancing people screaming at the tops of their lungs the lyrics of some Muggle music. Dorcas is right beside him, hair swishing, as she twirls with Sirius, pulling or dragging the other. Pandora quickly hurries to their side, coming back from the loo, and catches on the rhythm before she even reaches them.
Emmeline is at Regulus’ side, more comfortable sitting and eating, but she bobs her head to the music and comments about them. Both of them know how to dance but neither are comfortable around such a crowd. Although he does enjoy one song from a band called ‘Queen’, Dorcas has gifted him some of their records and promised to give him what he needs to listen to them. Maybe he can do that once they are out of the house.
Sirius does force him on the dancefloor with him though, cheeks still smiling and red from the excitement but he hasn’t coughed at all during the night. The leather jacket on his shoulders also softens him enough to amuse him. He stays at his side and pokes him until Regulus properly dances, ‘as silly as a duck’ Sirius says, while managing to glare at his brother without blinking.
Regulus wonders if they would have ever reached this point. Whether he would have pictured running away, disregarding all his responsibilities, if not for Sirius dying. He would have never forgotten about his brother but they would have never managed to cross the bridge especially with the war looming over them. There are so many ways that life can go but Regulus wants this one; forever and ever.
Without Dorcas or Pandora, literally falling on him when she tried to use a broom the first time back in first year, Regulus fears that he would have never realised how his family’s politics are anything but good. He feels utterly stupid that he had believed at some point in his life that he was better than all these people in this pub; superior to his rebellious brother.
There is nothing greater than seeing his brother breathless– frozen, completely rocked by the crowd with a terrified face?
“Sirius?” Regulus frowns at his reaction and looks where his bloodshot eyes are stuck.
There is nothing but their friends who stare back curiously upon Sirius’ reaction. He is staring at something further in the back though but it’s only the wall.
“Sirius!” Emmeline gasps and rushes toward them.
Regulus barely has the time to catch the direction where Sirius fled like an erumpent. Some people complain loudly but Dorcas only pushes them again another time so they can rush after him. A small crowd runs out of the bathroom, complaining about someone sick in there. The retching almost has the strength to cover the music in the bathroom and Regulus finds his feet stuck at the cubicle toilet’s door.
Sirius has his head in the toilet with his back disturbed by every noise that comes out of him. Emmeline immediately steps in to tuck his hair back with a panicked look at the rest of them while Pandora grabs Regulus’ hand.
“This is bad,” Dorcas croaks out.
Flowers fall around the toilet, clearly overflowing, and Regulus shakes himself off when Sirius starts choking.
“We need to pull them out.”
“Let me do it,” Pandora says, pushing his wand down. “You are shaking Reggie.”
Emmeline helps her although he can’t really recall what they are doing. Dorcas holds him back when he keeps swaying on his feet, squeezing his hands, as their words become a rushed buzz. Sirius is turned with his mouth full of moonflowers and wolfbanes and his eyes full of tears.
They somehow manage to fit in this small cubicle despite the flowers covering the floor. Regulus is guided to sit down but he still can’t move and watches the rapid wands gesturing around his helpless brother’s face torn apart by more and more stems, leaves and petals. A large clump made of hideous bouquets finally gets out with a slick spell.
The leather smell doesn’t cover the stink of blood and these cursed flowers. Sirius looks dead and Regulus feels like it. His eyes spill more pain and he digs his fingers in his eyes with a shaky breath, exhaling blood on his lips.
“I’m sorry,” he croaks out. “I’m so sorry, please Moony-”
“That’s his pet name for Lupin,” Dorcas whispers.
“Please, please, please,” Sirius sobs, curling up on himself as he wheezes his lament. “Don’t be mad at me, I’m so sorry.”
His whole body is shaking, jerking with sudden strength before it falls flat, and his violent coughing restarts.
“What colour is his tongue?”
“I need to see it!” Pandora grabs Sirius’ jaw and grabs his tongue after the path is cleared from a garland of flowers that Emmeline tugs out.
“What is it?” She asks when Pandora holds his tongue with two shaky fingers.
Sirius doesn’t fight it, barely moving. Regulus tries to reach out but his knees are wobbly and the floor is wet with flowers.
“It’s blue,” she articulates with wide eyes and a pale face. “He isn’t breathing and is hallucinating.”
“He is seeing Lupin,” Dorcas realises. “How is that possible? He only started coughing just now!”
“The flowers!” Emmeline shouts. “Wolfsbane and moonflower are poisonous!”
“My potion!” Pandora gasps, panicking. “He didn’t cough them out so they must have-”
“Panda, breathe,” Emmeline cuts. “We need an antidote so we need to apparate right away. A basic one should work.”
“Regulus,” Dorcas calls, shaking him and forcing him up on his feet. “We need to get out of here now. Apparating here would be too dangerous and people are trying to get in the toilet.”
He manages to stay on his feet outside of the toilet cubicle where Dorcas and Emmeline grab on Sirius as Pandora cleans it with a spell.
“Moony forgive me, please,” Sirius painfully articulates as petals climb to his lips. “I didn’t mean to do that, I love yo-”
“Dormitum,” Pandora whispers with her wand brushing Sirius’ cheek who falls slack in their friends’ arms. “It will be safer that way…”
Dorcas nods and adjusts him against her. “Let me deal with what we say to the Muggles.”
The music comes back like a merciless wave and Regulus never knew how to swim. It stinks of blood. He wants to go back to Sirius smiling but his eyes can only see the death in his grey eyes. There are many voices that finally leave them once the cold bites them. Regulus wants to bury his face in Padfoot’s fur like he did but he sees the cute cat he made the mistake to bring home, who ended up bleeding and crushed before he received a slap from his mother for bringing a wasteful parasite in their home. Regulus opens his eyes when he smells the leather and hears a fire cracking. Before he can stand up, he is softly pushed down and a hand goes through his hair before scratching where he likes.
“It’s alright Reggie,” Pandora whispers. “Sirius is fine, sleeping. We’re back at Hogwarts.”
She smiles at him and he quickly glances to his left to spot Sirius peacefully sleeping. This time she lets him sit up and her hand returns to the notebook perched on her thigh. They are in the Room of Requirement with no mistake: Dorcas and Emmeline are both sleeping nearby on their own beds and one is free but Pandora stays in her seat at their bed’s side.
“What happened?”
“We gave Sirius the antidote once we came back here,” she explains with a soft voice. “He hasn’t woken up but he is fine, checked his eyes and tongue.”
“It’s my potion’s fault,” she interrupts and smiles sadly at his surprise. “It holds back the petals and flowers from trying to get out but they are still alive. His magic must have tried to eliminate them but the poison– it was probably too much.”
“He hallucinated Lupin?” Regulus shakes, finally getting a grasp on his limbs, and he digs his nails into his palm. “We can’t stop him from coughing completely because these blasted flowers are poisonous.”
Pandora nods and quietly sighs. “I will try to brew another potion. If Sirius doesn’t cough them out regularly then it will probably happen again… I’m sorry I didn’t think of that.”
“I knew the flowers,” he argues and rubs his face. “And I didn’t move! Barely-”
“You were in shock Reggie, it’s alright. Sirius is alive too. It’s a normal r-”
“It’s not,” he hisses. “It’s not. I should have done something. I could have– I knew but I didn’t think they would be poisonous in this case.”
“We were all more worried that they would choke him,” Pandora confirms and squeezes his hand. “But we know better now. That’s why you need to rest Reggie because I will need your help for the potion tomorrow. Please rest.”
“Sleep Reggie. Sirius won’t be happy tomorrow if you’re exhausted,” she insists and pushes him down, smiling softly. “I will watch over. I promise.”
Pandora is a sly witch because she perfectly knows what spot of hair she needs to scratch, completely relaxing. Regulus has no strength to fight it and he closes his eyes after grabbing Sirius’ hand in his. The next day is more than awkward. Somehow Regulus overslept, only finding his footing after recognizing too many voices around him, and he finds everyone sitting around a table with a copious breakfast.
“Good morning to you lazy bum,” Barty greets.
“Shut up,” Sirius replies, turning to look at Regulus. “You slept like the dead Reggie.”
His brother looks as fine as he was yesterday: thinner, paler, worn-out than usual with vibrant eye bags. A soft smile is on his face but it’s fragile.
“The food is warm and delicious,” Dorcas says. “Hurry up.”
“I saved you some coffee,” Sirius adds.
They don’t talk outside from commenting on the food and Regulus doesn’t think he can break this moody peace. Pandora slips outside as soon as her tea is done, whispering in his ear that they will start brewing this afternoon, and the rest of their friends follow soon after. Evan and Barty are thankfully staying chaste albeit a small complaint about a party without them; that they could have moved their own party to the Kelpie’s Dance. Regulus opts to ignore the picture he gets from that.
Sirius stays quiet, playing with his cup, knees up against his chest because he can’t sit normally. Regulus breathes out and swallows his last bite.
“Did the room bring all that?”
“No. I woke up when they were preparing it. Evan and Pandora brought everything.”
He nods before turning to him but Sirius avoids his eyes. “Sirius.”
“Are you alright?”
His brother coughs wetly and puts a hand over his lips but it doesn’t stop his spewing. Regulus immediately stands up to get closer except that Sirius walks away with a shake of his head and signs with his other hand.
“Wait,” he croaks out and shuffles to the toilet.
His breath is shaky. He tries to focus on that but his hands are aching to be useful so he piles up the empty dishes on the table even if it’s useless considering how the Room works. Thankfully Sirius quickly returns, wiping his lips with his hands. Regulus wants to hug him but he stays put.
“Do you remember?” He weakly whispers.
Sirius looks after before nodding with an empty smile. “I saw him… In the back.”
“You don’t have to talk about it,” Regulus quickly says, stepping closer with a cold sweat that forbids him to truly reach out.
“Remus looked at me exactly the way he did last time we talked,” he whispers. “At first I felt it but I thought– I was imagining it. He wouldn’t put his eyes on me anymore.”
“That’s what caused the flowers.”
Sirius coughs and hisses, taking out the flower from his lips to throw it on the ground. “I’m sorry I ruined your night.”
“You didn’t-”
“That’s what your friends said,” he chuckles, voice worn out and void of emotions. “But still, I’m sorry.”
“I thought you were going to die,” Regulus gasps out.
Sirius blinks at him. His lips wobble as he reaches out with wide arms, tears falling from his eyelashes. “Don’t cry Reggie.”
“I’m not crying,” he sobs out, hugging his brother. “You are.”
“Yes,” he chuckles and sniffs. “I am because you are.”
Regulus almost falls asleep, standing in Sirius’ arms still with his clothes and sweat from their outing.
“You can’t die.”
“You can’t,” Regulus orders. “Because I-I will die too Sirius, with you,” he sobs out. “You can’t leave me alone. Not when I have a mandrake leaf in my mouth because you need to help me or else I will shave your head.”
Sirius hardly laughs but he still tries through his increasing sobs, swaying them together even if it’s clumsy because they step on each other’s feet. He kisses the top of Regulus’ head, needing to pull him down a bit because their height isn’t that different, and rubs his back with a hand.
“Heard you loud and clear,” he says and a smile almost echoes from it.
Regulus buries his face in his neck, restraining himself from squeezing because his brother is already sick and damaged enough.
“Thank you.”
Sirius only shushes him before cuddling him aggressively. “You’re a soft little bastard, did you know that?”
“Why does it sound like a compliment and an insult at the same time?” Regulus huffs out, wiping his nose.
He is surprised when hands settle on his cheeks and he is brought to be face to face with Sirius who has a wide smile.
“I love you so much Reggie. You’re the only thing good that came out from our blasted parents, you know that?”
“I want you to remember that. You hear me, you wicked genius?” Sirius insists, eyes brewing with a tender love, leaving Regulus weak and his throat feeble. “When were you going to tell me we are running away to Alphard?”
“He… He wrote to you?”
“Yes, told me how you reached out and basically that he is planning everything for us. Also slipped his pocket watch in there that will be a portkey for us.”
Regulus looks at him. “And..? What do you think of it?”
“I was surprised and we haven’t seen him for ten years at least since they stopped inviting him to any family gathering,” Sirius muses and tries to put his chin on his head but he is shaken off. “But he was the best uncle we ever had, probably why no one in our deranged family likes him but we also have no idea how he-”
“Just say yes or no for once.”
“I’m all for it, of course! I would have never thought of it to be honest.”
“One of us needs to use his brain,” he drawls out and grunts when the hug shifts to a sideway one.
“What would I do without you, hum?” Sirius asks, pinching his cheek until he slaps his hand away. “You know we should plan what to do.”
“At Alphard’s?”
Regulus frowns lightly and watches his brother walk to his discarded bag at the foot of the bed to take out a piece of parchment. He joins him curiously as a quill and a pot of ink is put down on the bed.
“I thought about what Pandora said.”
A small line is traced in the middle, near the top, of it and Sirius writes his name above it but quickly writes after a second of hesitation ‘Résurrection de’ before it.
“Are you making a bucket list?”
“No. The opposite. It’s literally written Sirius’ resurrection.”
“Now I wouldn’t ask that from you,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “The bucket list is in case I die, right? But if you don’t want me to die then we need another one.”
Regulus swallows and shuffles closer. “A list… of things to do if you live?”
Sirius grins. “Am I not a genius? But resurrection is a much cooler name than ‘in the case Sirius lives or whatnot’.”
“I don’t really see the difference,” he says as he sits down at his side. “But why not. What are you writing there?”
An uninvited lull slips in and he frowns curiously at Sirius who is staring right back at him.
“You know you don’t have to do it,” he says.
“Do what?”
“What I like to do or what I usually do,” Sirius explains. “Like last night, I put some makeup on you, my leather jacket and you even danced.”
“You didn’t force him into anything, trust me.” Regulus lets himself fall against his brother, biting on a smile as he adjusts his head to still have a clear view on the parchment. “Now, what are you putting on your list?”
“They will probably have the same ideas but that doesn’t matter– first item is sixteen years worth of sleepovers. Second is hugs.”
Regulus snorts. “Hugs?”
“Don’t you laugh because Pandora promised me to kick your ass if you don’t give me hugs.”
“Oh my soul shakes in fear.”
Sirius elbows him with a smile. “You can’t disrespect the list’s wishes! Help me fill it or I'll sic Pandora on you.”
“Fine. Put on your list: ‘get his ass kicked by my funnier brother’.”
“We have another one?”
They spend the day but also the whole week-end together before even noticing it. Regulus isn’t sure if his friends are letting them alone on purpose or are just busy; even completely forgetting that Pandora planned to brew this afternoon. He gets lost in their words as Sirius and him recall the few memories they have of Alphard or speculate on what Regulus will be as an animagus. His brother mostly shares his own experience and is cautious about it even though it’s easy to understand that the rest of the Marauders probably are too– ‘Padfoot’ is an obvious give away and they all have some sort of nicknames. Except that he holds his promise and tries to not think more than necessary as Sirius asked. His brother is convinced that Regulus will be a hedgehog because he is apparently a sweet but prickly and biting snare. Whatever he is will probably look more proper than the Grim appearance Padfoot has.
Regulus asks him about his tattoos and Sirius seems to have almost forgotten them because he is used to everyone knowing about them. Most are alchemical symbols and even norse runes, which surprises Regulus but Sirius only wants to tell why he picked them if he spills about ‘your little crush that made you queer’ which will only be out over Regulus’ dead body. At least, he shows him a notebook full of sketches - which shouldn’t surprise him as Sirius loved to draw since he could hold a quill - and Regulus wonders if a tattoo would fit him but he keeps that thought to himself.
As predicted, Sirius stays away from the Great Hall and barely appears to attend classes since he is always in the Room. Regulus can’t help but think that it’s related to Potter. Dorcas has mentioned to him on Monday that it seems most of Sirius’ friends are meaningfully staring at him or trying to talk, thankfully she always gives him a distraction since his brother doesn’t appear up to the task. Potter also appears to have understood Regulus and leaves him alone. It’s a bit bittersweet but he has enough resentment to push any positive thoughts away.
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sliebman10 · 2 years
The Perfect Gift
(In which Sirius celebrates his 40th birthday with Remus, Harry and Andromeda.
Wolfstar bingo prompt: Gift Giving.)
They stepped back out to the veranda. Sirius had his back to them, and he turned when Harry gestured toward the door. He grinned when he saw his favorite cousin coming toward him.
"Happy birthday, Sirius." Andromeda said, kissing his cheek.
"Come join us." Sirius said, offering her a blanket for her lap.
"Can I offer you some tea?" Remus asked.
"That would be wonderful." Andromeda said, smiling. Remus went in to put the kettle on.
Once the tea was ready, Remus made his way back outside. Sirius and Andromeda were laughing and Harry looked bemused, like he didn't know what to make of them.
"And then, remember you set my mother's cloak in fire." Andromeda said.
"Well…" Sirius's eyes slid toward Harry, but then seemed to realize Harry was an adult who they didn't need to hide their bad behavior from anymore. "I did do that, didn't I? Sometimes…accidental magic happens."
Andromeda snorted, an odd sound from such an aristocratic nose. "You mean it wasn't safe to antagonize a young wizard who has no control over his magic?"
"I mean…I did have those records I wasn't supposed to have."
"Sirius, everyone needs Queen and David Bowie." Andromeda drawled with a dramatic eye roll.
"You try telling the Blacks that."
"I did. And I was much happier afterwards." Andromeda said, laughing again. She fumbled a little with the blanket and drew out a package, that was clearly a bottle of something. "This is for you."
Sirius unwrapped it and drew out a bottle of amber liquid. He turned it around in his hands.
"Forty year scotch from Grandfather's cellar." Andromeda said. All of the Black properties had wine cellars, but their Grandfather Arcturus's cellar had been especially impressive.
"Wow, it's still there?"
"It's well hidden enough with magic that no one really knows it's there." Andromeda said. “None of the vultures would have found it,” she said, referring to some more distantly related people who had been swirling around the Black assets before Sirius was pardoned and could firmly chase them away.
"Would you like some?"
"I certainly hope you don't think I was nice enough to bring it all for you and Remus," she sniffed, good naturedly.
Remus obliged and summoned four glasses from the case in their dining room. Sirius poured and they raised their glasses in a toast. "Many more happy birthdays, Sirius." Andromeda said, clinking his glass. They sipped from their glasses. Harry blinked at the strength of it. Sirius swirled his glass and drank deeply.
“Lovely. Thank you, Andi.”
“Of course. You only turn forty once.”
“Or not at all. I’m pretty sure both of our mothers turned twenty nine multiple times.” Andromeda laughed.
“Well, I’m also twenty nine permanently, so I understand.”
Read more here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39176454/chapters/98016891
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