#(please ask questions)
questionsforpossums · 5 months
what is your opinion on sharks
possum approves of sharkies, sharkies get demonized too much
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Welcome to Interviews! An Ace Attorney AskBlog!! Send in your questions and the characters will respond! This will be an entirely in character blog, so any and all questions to the CHARACTERS may be directed to this blog. Any questions for the artist are to be directed to @habibibasket and answered on that blog as opposed to this one!
At this point in time we are only able to interview Phoenix Wright, however we are expecting some extra participants later down the line so stay tuned!
Rules and Notices for asking:
Please be appropriate. Swearing is permitted but questions of a s*xual nature are not permitted. [Makes the admin uncomfortable
Keep it in the basic timeline. No questions about AUs or anything. [I love AUs too but we're dealing with strictly the main story here]
We are going by the lore and characters of the first trilogy for the most part. Any questions about anything after Trials and Tribulations are less likely to be answered.
This blog will have instances, allusions to, and references to Narumitsu/Wrightworth and Franmaya, as well as potentially some others. Questions about such are allowed but preferred for later while the blog is still setting up.
Thanks and enjoy, Interviews!
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naathanuwu · 4 months
First (finished) concept drawing of my hazbin hotel oc!!!
I have been so busy with school that I couldn’t goof around with his design more :’) If I got the time I’ll definitely redefine him and all
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I think my biggest struggle is the colour palette and the outfit is kind of meh
I like the idea behind it but the way I out it together just doesn’t work out :((
As an apology I shall drop some lore:
He died in the 1960s there is a lot that led up to his dead but it ultimately ended with a shot
Back in the days he used to work for Vox’s company, in their marketing department, before leaving to become an artist
To his surprise Vox left behind 1/4 of his money when he died plus a letter
When he died he avoided Vox for over a decade before accidentally stumbling upon him
This will be it for now! I’m keeping most of the big-ish things secret for now, because I wanna do drawings/ comics to some of the important stuff (like his death and relationship with Vox before hell)
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ferretwhomst · 10 months
OKAY!!! since people seem interested in the blood brothers au i will explain the premise. if i say something dumb sounding it's because i'm tired as hell. also putting everything under the cut bc it's kinda long
(tw: suicide mentions + suicide ideation)
basically, the blood brothers au combines the parallel universe mentioned in journal 3 with the portal stan au, except it gets a bit. Dark
in the parallel universe, instead of fighting ford and pushing him into the portal, stan agrees to hide the journal somewhere far away and is never heard from again. his fate is entirely unknown to ford, who assumes the worst (and is correct to do so).
as described in j3, ford becomes world-famous and starts his institute of oddology in gravity falls. on the surface, he's a cheery man, always eager to help others, cordial towards everyone no matter what. he has everything he ever wanted in life! but ever since he lost stan, he can't bring himself to enjoy it, let alone believe he deserves it.
in the main universe, ford accidentally pushes stan into the portal and weeks later is driven to suicide by bill, who takes over gravity falls soon after.
stan keeps himself going for the next 30 years by thinking about his brother. one day he'll return and they'll reconcile, and they'll never be alone again. maybe if he's lucky they'll fulfill their childhood dream of sailing the seven seas together. in the meanwhile, stan hides these tender feelings under a tough exterior- as much as he misses ford, he can't afford to have a moment of weakness or slip up, especially with his status as a multidimensional criminal. and after 3 decades of biding his time, when he sees an opportunity to return to what seems like his universe, he takes it.
parallel ford sometimes spends his nights in the basement, sitting in front of an activated portal. he stares into its depths and thinks about what would happen if he entered it right now. he could die a thousand awful deaths. he could find a world where stan is still around. of course, he wouldn't dare, not with an entire institute to run and children in his care, but it doesn't hurt to indulge in those thoughts.
one night, the alarms on the nearby machinery begin to go off. it's late at night, and ford is at a low point. for all he cares, the portal could blow up and take him with it. he doesn't budge
what he doesn't expect is for his very own "brother" to emerge from the portal soon after, looking positively furious.
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buggyrulez · 3 months
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hi ash everyone say hi ash
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lunarrosette · 1 year
Ok I have some of my owl house AU stuff now
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I like Hermie and oakworthy if can’t tell
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tttewolves · 14 days
Give me a TTTE Character, and I’ll tell you 3 random facts about them for my ‘The Girl and The Wolves’ AU!💖🐺
There’s three OCs, Faylen, Glen, and Kirra!😁
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muffin-gods · 8 months
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As Halloween approaches I probably will be drawing a lot more of these 3 :)
Also I drew a background!!! Again! What is going on loll?! Though honestly I think it's just because I feel way more comfortable drawing on my new tablet so it's making me want to try more things.
Alts under the cut-
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noattentionsstuff · 2 months
if you ask questions about my au's I will elaborate
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questionsforpossums · 6 months
Possum has question for frends. Y hooman keep making me burrito, send halp
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a-flux-uchiha · 9 months
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Meet Spiderwoman!Nametsu Mai! I happen to think she’s really cool, and hope you do too. She’s from my new fic How Far Did You Think We Could Take It
Which, yes, is a song lyric, that’s fine. It sounded cool and it fits.
Let's start at the beginning, one more time.
My name is Nametsu Mai. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last two years I have been the one and only Spiderwoman. Aside from the nearly weekly larger supervillain attacks, regular nighttime random disasters like fires I help put out, and the standard patrol stuff like muggings, robberies, and the other miscellaneous things in a big city, it’s been pretty chill. The spider that bit me has been hanging out in her comfy 2.5 gallon enclosure in my apartment and since I tell people she’s venomous, no one has gotten close enough for her to bite yet. I have two boyfriends, and while neither is particularly fond of my spidery roommate or the mask I put on every day, they know its important to me and to the city.
Things are going pretty great, even if sometimes I know there are eyes on me…
It is rated M, but that’s cuz I don’t actually know whether it should be T or M, and I decided to play it safe and went for M. It gets pretty oof for Mai.
Some close-ups under the read more.
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clowndogvibes · 2 years
Hey look, it's an OC of mine!!! This is Lotus!! She's a trans retired pokemon champion turned flower shop owner and botanist!! Want to learn more about her? Feel free to ask! She's happy to share!
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dearmagenta · 1 year
i was about to write a whole slimariana au but you know what?
tumblr ate it. So now i just tell the basics Charlie made a deal with angel Mariana and they hate-love eachother and its deal with angel because 1 its sounds sexy 2 its sounds sexy 3 its sounds sexy so now Charlie cursed technically to suffer with his pretend-to-be-someone-cool-like-biblical-angel-but-actually-just-wet-kitten wifesband mariana also its just two of them on unknown flee in the sky island and a little grave at the corner,
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papersnarl · 6 months
Yall I wanna draw gimmie some questions p l e a s e
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AU where c!Dream is possessed by dreamon but Nightmare is actually kinda nice. Or as nice as dreamon can get
Dream can't properly remember how long it's been since he met Nightmare (as the dreamon named himself). It's been long before he was adopted by Puffy or met Sapnap and George.
At first their relationship wasn't very good. Nightmare kept on trying (and failing) to take over Dream's body while Dream was rather annoyed with this other presence that just wouldn't leave him alone. He wants to get some sleep not fight off a demon possession at 4 Am! Dream, despite being an admin is too young and inexperienced to rid himself of the dreamon and Nightmare is far too young and weak to possess an admin. In conclusion they are kinda stuck together.
Eventually they found a way to get along (it's worth mentioning that the two of them are mentally the same age). Dream had no friends or even kids of his age where he lived. And while the dreamon was annoying bitch 90% of time it turned out he's kinda nice company when he isn't trying to take over his body or convince him that murder is a nice way to start a day.
Over years Dream got skilled enough to exorcise Nightmare but at this point he can't imagine being alone, without that comforting presence in the back of his mind. Nightmare is his oldest friend, they've aleays been together. If Nightmare to leaves for a few hours it's enough to get Dream anxious. Although it doesn't happen often that Nightmare separates from him, he prefers to stick around his host. When Nightmare leaves Dream's body he's invisible to everyone but Dream and few picked people. To physically interact with anything aside from his host he needs to take Dream's energy. He doesn't deem it worth the effort. Usually he only leaves to check the area around and warn Dream of potential threats.
Things got a bit rocky when Dream met Sapnap and George and suddenly Nightmare had to share Dream with them. Dreamons are rather possessive beings and it took Dream a shit ton of explaining to get the point across. Just cuz he has new friends it doesn't mean he's abandoning Nightmare.
For a longest time dreamon was jealous. Not only at Sap and Gogy for getting Dream's attention but also at Dream because he can make friends and really live while Nightmare is just a parasite. Sure Dream lets him to control the body once in a while but it's not the same! Nightmare wants friends of his own, not Dream's friends.
And then Dream makes the server. It drained a lot of energy from him and he needed time to recharge. And since he knew about Nightmare's desire to make a friends of his own and how much the dreamon likes being able to truly interact with others Dream decided to leave Nightmare in charge while he rests.
What's the worst thing that could happen?
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Identity and Gender in the Green Sea Part 1: An Introduction
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Pictured Above: Priestesses of the Goddess Fokisa whose grandest temple is located in the Korithian city of Atamis, at any given time and for the majority of the temple’s 400 year history upwards of 18% of the order’s priestess were trans. Read further below.
Note: This is Part 2 of a post that I made some time ago addressing sexuality and the nature of some queer sexual orientations in the Green Sea. To see that post please click here.
Kobani is a world of hundreds of lands, cultures, and religions, as such the nature of identity and how gender and sex is thought of, and what is acceptable varies wildly from region to region, even from house to house. Attempting to provide a cohesive and comprehensive description of the intricate nature of gender in the myriad of cultures which exist in Kobani would be as arduous as doing the same for our own world. For this reason this post will be limited to the areas of the Eastern Green Sea, namely the cultures of  Kishetal, Apuna, Korithia, and Ikopesh. The examples given are in no way meant to represent the full scope of gender identity in these regions but to supply some small examples of Gender Queerness as it exists on a cultural or societal level in these regions. 
1. Terms and Language/The Basics of Gender and Sex
2. Trans People and Their Roles
3. Gender Fluidity
4.  Non-Binary and Agender People
Terms and Language/ The Basics
The role and function of gender and its precise relationship with biological sex varies from region to region. It should be noted that with the exception of Ikopesh, and some Forest Folk communities which possess an unusually egalitarian view of gender roles, the lands of the Green Sea are predominantly patriarchal. However, the form and function of this patriarchy are not immediately comparable between cultures and certainly not with our own. 
The Kishic understanding of gender primarily maps onto a binary with masculine and feminine being the primary elements. Kishic language in its designation of terms is unique in its language family for the use of four distinct genders used in conjugation, these being masculine, feminine, neutral, and omnigender, that is to say, a conjugation which may be used to simultaneously refer to all three of the previous genders. This form is typically used when the precise gender of a person, thing, place, or action is unknown, and is also used to describe certain deities, spiritual entities, and the clerical figures of specific cultic orders. 
There are four terms primarily used to designate the gender of individuals in Kishic culture. 
Unu: Man 
Ma: Woman
Bishiah: Fluid or Non-Binary
Nakaz: Agender
When describing an individual typically each of these terms is used in the form of a compound noun i.e. kiunu: masculine identifying child, kima: feminine identifying child, kibishiah: a child who is genderfluid or nonbinary (rarely used), zunu: old man, zuma: old woman, zunakaz: old agender, ekiun: horseman, kiframa: priestess (Kifra:Deity), kifranu: priest, etc.
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Note: Kishic women blessing beer meant as an offering to the Grain Deity, Fepaha.
Gender roles are largely dependent on region and economic status. In almost all cases men are expected to work and function outside of the home, working and arranging agreements with other families such as marriage, whereas women are charged with the running of the home itself, following a fairly typical patriarchal system. However, in most households, women are the financial and spiritual head, responsible not only for the use and preservation of money but also for the practice of religious rituals. It is considered a sign of poor quality in a wife if she allows her husband to go to market without either herself there or else a slave sent in her place. Similarly, it is believed that a man should not come into contact with sacrificial materials. Women are in general viewed as being closer to the divine, which stems from the fact that women are approximately 20% more likely to be able to practice sagecraft than men. As a direct result of this, the ratio of feminine priestesses, plantbrews, and other mystical and religious functionaries to their masculine or agender/non-binary peers is approximately 2 to 1. Women sages are almost always expected to join a temple and may be forced to by family or law, with the exception of seers. Men are not typically expected to do the same. Thus, though women are more likely to develop sagecraft abilities, they are less likely to be acknowledged as sages or scholars.
While women are typically expected to work in the house performing domestic duties alongside ventures such as weaving, there are exceptions. It is not unusual to see women in the fields or sailing on riverboats in the central regions of Kishetal. Throughout Kishetal, beer has traditionally been brewed by women both in and out of the house. This beer may be for household consumption or to be sold. Labisaj alone has 19 taverns or beer halls run by women. If a husband is unable to provide his wife with the ingredients to make beer, this is often seen as grounds for divorce. Because of this connection between women and beer, wine is viewed as a traditionally masculine beverage in Kishetal. 
Marriage Marriage is typically determined between the heads of families, being in most cases, arranged. Most girls are wed between the ages of 17 and 24. It is considered taboo for a girl to be wed to a man over ten years her senior. As such most pairings are made for men between the ages of 16 and 34. Cultural traditions in the Mountainous Eastern regions believe that children should be born no less than one year after marriage. As such for the first three months of an Eastern Kishic marriage, it is not unusual for a cousin, parent, or sibling to stay with the newlywed couple to ensure that no accidents happen. This period is referred to as “Tilling the Field.” The day when intercourse is finally permitted is often the subject of much celebration, almost acting as a second wedding in and of itself. Such practices do not appear in other regions of Kishetal and are often the subject of ridicule.
Warfare is almost entirely the purview of men in Kishic culture. The practice of including women as warriors and raiders as seen in surrounding cultures such as the Macur and Ikopesh is seen as barbaric. Despite this, the Macurian heroine, Seha, companion of the Founding King, Tamel, is a beloved figure in Kishic folklore. 
Boys are expected to start working with their fathers outside of the house starting around the age of 6. Depending on their father’s work what these children are expected to do can vary wildly. Boys will typically only begin to receive pay for their labor around the age of 13, around this same time a boy may be sent to work for another family or business such as a ship maker, potter, or in special cases, a scribe. Such arrangements may also in time form the  the basis for marriages between families.
Formal schooling for boys and girls alike is not present. Most children are taught by their parents, grandparents, and older siblings. In wealthier families, slaves from regions such as Apuna and Korithia may be purchased for the express purpose of teaching children languages, mathematics, and the natural sciences. The wealthiest families may hire scholars to teach their children, primarily boys, to read and write. Poetry halls are spaces designated for the reading of poetry and other scholarly and artistic pursuits. Fathers will bring their children to such places to listen to the scholars and may even pay through barter or service to have the scholars address their children directly. 
Starting around the age of 15, commoner boys are added to conscription records and if ordered, are expected to take part in warfare both on land and at sea as members of levees or else as members of a city guard. Weapons and armor are expected to be supplied by the family, as such many boys receive arms and armor as fifteenth birthday presents. Men may be exempt from military service due to a number of reasons, namely disability, religious service, and age with men being taken off of royal conscription records between the ages of 50 and 60. Nobility and commanders may stay on far longer with the legendary, Uridush the Gray, serving until the age of 104.
NEXT POST: The Basics of Gender in Apuna and Korithia
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