#(screaming crying throwing up you don’t realize how happy this just made me)
antihcroes · 1 year
i’m so used to giving and now i get to receive
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hazbinwhoree · 8 months
Ok SOO THE NEW EPISODE JUST CAME OUT RIGHT, I was wondering if you could do a part 3 of the Adam x sinner fic where the sinner finds him in the aftermath of the fight and brings him back to their place. And like yk how sir p was redeemed, what if Adam comes back as a demon‼️ u write Adam so well, thx💜 
Adam’s Sinner
Part 3/3
A/N: “Adam is dead” Nuh uh.
When Adam had told her about his plan to attack the Hazbin Hotel, (Name) had told him it was a dangerous idea.
As he lay dying, Adam realized she’d been right. He was alone now, his exorcists having flown back to Heaven and Lucifer and his bitch daughter and her friends had left him to go take stock of the damage the fight had caused. Until suddenly, he wasn’t alone.
(Name)’s face appeared in his line of sight. For a moment he thought he was hallucinating, but he could never imagine the scream of pure agony she let out.
“Adam,” she sobbed, pulling his head into her lap and placing a gentle hand on his cheek. Adam closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. “Sorry,” he mumbled.
“This is the first time I’ve ever seen you without your mask,” (Name) realized through her tears. Adam smiled weakly. “Like what you see, babe?” He coughed up blood and (Name) cried harder.
“You can’t die, you can’t, please Adam, please,” she rambled through tears. “I think my fate is sealed. I’m sorry. I love you.” He closed his eyes and completely stilled, his chest no longer rising and falling. “NO!” (Name) screamed. “ADAM!”
She shook him gently but he was gone. Through heavy sobs, (Name) gently put his head back on the ground and threw herself across his body. She lay there crying for a few minutes before kissing Adam’s forehead and rising to her feet.
Adam’s body disappeared in a flash of gold before her eyes. At least she wouldn’t have to bury him.
With a heavy heart and tears still flowing, she made her way back to her apartment. When she opened the door, someone was standing in the middle of the living room.
“Welcome home, sugar tits, did you miss me?”
Adam had two spiral horns protruding from his hair on the top of his head, his wings were black, and he had a tail, but it was Adam. Without a second thought, (Name) rushed him, throwing herself into his arms.
“You’re here,” she cried. “You’re alive!”
“Reincarnated as a demon,” Adam agreed.
“Thank fuck,” (Name) sobbed into his chest. He smiled, holding her tightly. When (Name) pulled back, she looked up at Adam with an indiscernible look. “What?” he asked.
“Your face,” she said softly, reaching up to hold it. Adam melted at her touch. “Your real face. My handsome boy.” Adam blushed. “Shut up.”
(Name) just smiled. Adam leaned down to press his lips to hers. Her lips tasted salty from tears. She ran her fingers through his hair while they kissed.
“I love you,” she breathed when they pulled apart.
“I love you too.”
Adam lifted her up so they were face to face and reconnected their lips. (Name) kissed desperately, like Adam may disappear at any moment. When they finally pulled apart again, they rested their foreheads against one another.
“You’re here,” she whispered. “I’m here,” he confirmed. “Now we can see each other every damn day. Hope you don’t get sick of me.” (Name) hadn’t even thought about that. She laughed happily. “I could never.”
So it turned out that while Adam had reincarnated as his least favorite species, the pros heavily outweigh the cons.
He was happy.
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chrissv4mp · 2 months
ok I js followed but I was wondering if you could do a fic where your Billies partner and your in the front row and js says “c’mere y/n! Come up here babe!” Or smth like that and the fans go wild because the don’t know you two are dating. If so pls tag me in it🤍. love youuuuuu!!
౨ front row seat ৎ
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authors note: HII BBY!! i literally love this idea so i just had to write this immediately it's literally so cute😭 I LOVE UU TOOO🤍
billie master & taglist // main masterlist
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☆ the whole stadium sings along together to one of your girlfriends songs, and you join in, knowing every lyric from heart as you scream. she's walking on the stage right in front of you, and and you reach your hand out like a crazed-fangirl as you call out her name. billie continues to sing, not noticing you as she mistakes you for another fan and just waves, laughing to herself as she begins to jump around the stage some more.
you smile as you watch her make her way around the stage, waving at her fans and even blowing kisses to some lucky ones. you stare up at the big screens in adoration as you see her beautiful face, smiling as she hits every note perfectly. as she comes back to your side, you grab onto the metal rail that seperates the stage and the pit, screaming her name once again.
this time, she notices, and she almost stops singing as shock washes over her entire being. you told her you weren't gonna be able to make it, but somehow, your meeting got canceled, and you made it right on time. you waved again, this time mouthing, "i love you," as you watched her stare at you in awe.
the fans behind and around you are confused as to why she's staring at you in particular, but they just take it as an opportunity to try and get her attention, screaming and crying her name as they all wave. the girl on stage mouths, "i love you, too," and you giggle, knowing that there will be several fan edits of this exact moment.
when the song ends and billie finally gets to take a breather and chat with her fans, she runs back over to the side of the stage that you're in front of, crouching down and moving the microphone up to her mouth, "come up here, baby! y/n, c'mere, get up here with me."
the crowd begins to scream louder at the pet names she's throwing out, and you hear several fans behind you screaming both yours and billies names, "hey! can we get her up here?" she calls at the security guards standing in front of the stage, and they shrug, walking over to the rail and helping you get over.
as you get over, you quickly run up the stairs and jump into your girlfriends arms, moving back to press a kiss to her lips lovingly in front of the whole stadium. the crowd goes wild, jaws dropping left and right as the realization comes to them, "well, this is very random, i know. but this here, is my girlfriend of 1 year, y/n y/l/n."
in that moment, she doesn't care about the media and what they'll think. all she thinks about is how happy she is that you were able to show up and surprise her. she grabs your face with both hands, looking you in the eyes with the biggest smile before pressing her lips to yours in an affectionate kiss again.
"i love you so much." is all she mutters before pulling away, and the crowd gets even crazier as the microphone picks up that short sentence.
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539 words !!
@mseilishmwah @devynscomet @mxqdii @sophlovesmeangirls @livialifesblog
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pretty-red-garnet · 10 months
Daryl Dixon x fem! Reader • Quarry • Fluff
This took so long and I am not happy with it at all. I am so sorry to the anon who requested this! I don’t know what’s gotten into me, I just could not figure out what to write for this request. Again, so sorry. I hope to get back into writing more soon!
Part 2
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     Chaos. Everything was complete chaos. Gunshots, groans of walkers, the kids screaming in panic, Shane shouting orders. A rifle thrown in your hands, fingers trembling as you took shots, walkers falling to the ground. Lori, Carol, and the two kids were hustled into the RV, and you stood guard by the door.
     Rick and the group came back from Atlanta suddenly, yelling and shouting and putting more guns in more people hands. Your eyes kept flicking to your brother, Shane, as he took down geeks. Everything was going so fast and your head was spinning.
     And then, silence. It was eerie, how so much panic and chaos could turn quiet so shortly. The once bustling camp enjoying a fish fry now was now nearly half the size. The earth beneath your feet was covered in blood, some red and fresh from the people, some was almost back, the walker blood.
     Andrea dropped down to her sister and let out a cry, and that's when you finally turned away, opening the door to the RV and letting them know it was clear. A hand dropped to your shoulder and you flinched, the tips of your fingers brushed the knife at your waist before you realized.
     "You good?" Shane asks, and you give him a jerky nod. He pats your shoulder once more and parts from you. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and survey the camp.
     There's bodies everywhere, both human and undead. You can't stand looking at it, you can't stand Andrea's cries as the background noise. You turn on your heel and begin walking away, towards the woods. Maybe it wasn't safest, but you needed a breather away from everything. They were beginning to stab the brains of the dead, and you couldn't watch them put down the people you once considered friends.
     You sit heavily on a overturned tree, the rifle you swung on your back makes a metallic noise when it hits the wood. You sigh, bringing your elbows to rest on your knees as you bury your face in your hands.
     You're only alone for a moment before you hear footsteps and you shoot your head up, heart racing and eyes glancing about before you spot Daryl. You huff out a breath and take your eyes off him, hastily brushing a stray tear from your cheek.
     "You're getting sloppy, heard you from a mile away," you tease, your voice teary. Daryl scoffs and plunks himself down on the trunk beside you.
     "Didn't wanna scare you." You nod, because you knew he had purposely made himself known. You'd been hunting with the archer enough times to know he was never sloppy.
     "Did my brother send you?" You ask, still staring down at your shoes out of embarrassment that he'd seen you like this. All teary eyed and pathetic looking.
     "Nah, too busy starin' at Lori and Rick," he says. It's your turn to scoff now. "You alright?"
     "Yeah," you answer, risking a little glance at the man beside you. He was biting his lip in a way that made you believe he was worried, so you force a little smile. He doesn't look convinced.
     "No Merle?" You ask. Daryl shakes his head, breaking his gaze from yours. "I'm sorry." Daryl throws you a little glare out the corner of his eye, but it lacks any sort of real anger. "I am."
     "Sure," he says, sarcastically. You narrow your eyes and bump his shoulder with yours.
     "Ok, I know me and him weren't exactly besties," your emphasis on the word makes Daryl give you an exasperated look. You just smile. "But I can still be sorry, I know how much you care about him." Daryl hums. "Besides, I don't think anything will take down that man. I'm sure he's fine."
     "Yeah, probably," he says with a huff of air escaping his lips. You're both quiet for a moment, and Daryl eyes you worriedly. "You sure you're alright?"
     "Yeah," you say with a shrug. "Just... worried. About everything."
     "I get that." You get silent again, and Daryl starts to bite and pick at the skin on his thumb. "But you don't gotta be."
     "I don't?" You ask, brows pulled forward and looking at Daryl intently. "Why's that?" Daryl shrugs and decides that the ground is more interesting than looking at you.
     "'Cause I'll always look out for you," he answers, quietly. You smile and place your hand on Daryl's shoulder in a gentle manner. He flinches just a bit before turning his blue eyes to you. He has a soft expression on his face, the one that's reserved for only you
     "Thank you," you say, in a sincere and soft way Daryl's never heard directed at him before. He nods, shakily. "I'll always look out for you, too."
     "I know," he answers, standing up. "Come on, ain't safe out here."
     You aren't completely sure when the unlikely friendship of you and Daryl began. A cop and a loud, brash redneck wasn't exactly an expected duo. Although, you do know a much different Daryl than most. A much kinder, softer version of himself, one he keeps locked behind a very tall, very solid wall.
     You're sure the only reason Daryl has shown this side of himself to you was because you're the only one to treat him like a person, not like some ticking time bomb. Not like some untamed animal or uncontrollable being, just a person. You had shown him a kindness he wasn't used to, and even after a few attempts at keeping you at arms length, you're closer than ever with the man.
You’d admit that maybe your feelings for the man weren’t completely platonic. But that’s to be expected considering you spend so much time with him. He’d taught you some hunting tips, so you hunted with him most days. All that time together, it wasn’t a complete surprise that a little crush would form.
Daryl leads you back to your tent, avoiding the mess of the dead loved ones. It seems most have agreed major cleanup can wait until morning, and have returned to their reserved tents. Dale stayed on watch, mostly for Andrea's sake, just incase she wouldn't be strong enough to take out Amy, you assume.
Daryl lingers at the opening of your tent. You have a unsure, nervous look to you. Your hands wring and fumble with themselves, and your bottom lip in firmly in place between your teeth. He's not fond of your anxious presence.
"I don't want to be alone," you whisper. You grimace, eyes screwing shut briefly before they open again. "Sorry, that makes me sound so pathetic." You let out a breath of air that's supposed to resemble a laugh, but it falls short. "I'll be ok, I'm not even really alone anyway. Shane's tent is right next to mine—"
"Wanna stay with me?" Daryl asks, before he can even think. The words just escape him, embarrass him, and he's about to take it back before you answer.
"Would you mind?" Daryl wants to say absolutely not, of course he doesn't, but what comes out is a grunt and a shake of his head accompanied by a shrug. Daryl turns towards his tent and juts his chin at it.
"Come on." You follow behind him to his tent. His and Merle's are beside each other, both farther from everyone else's tents. They have their own small fire pit and some tree stumps for chairs. Not far behind is a string of cans, a perimeter for the campsite.
Daryl leads you into his tent, holding the flap open for you to climb in behind him. It's small inside, some clothes and spare bolts for his crossbow laying about. A thick blanket is splayed out to act as a barrier from the hard ground. It's Daryl's turn to be nervous and fumbling, watching you take in the small space.
"Cozy," you say with a smile, laying down on the blanket. Daryl hesitates, sitting near the closed entrance and as far as possible from you. You frown. "Lay down. There's room for both of us." You pat the spot on the blanket beside you.
Daryl's eyes flick from yours to the space beside you. He eventually obeys after seeing your unrelenting gaze and lays down beside you, kicking off his boots and keeping them close.
You watch as Daryl does so. His muscles are tense, even as he lays down. He's stiff as a board, arms crossed on his chest as he stares up at the ceiling of the tent. He's ridged, and you feel the tension radiate off his body in waves.
"Am I making you nervous?" You ask, a teasing tone to your voice. It’s mostly to cover up your own anxiety over being so close to him. Daryl scoffs and turns his face away from you.
"Yeah, right." You laugh softly, and Daryl feels a smile twitch at his own lips at the sound. "Just ain't used to sharin' the covers, better not be a blanket hog."
"I'm not, I promise."
It gets quiet, both just laying beside each other, sleep not catching up with either. The gears in your head spin at a million miles a minute, and Daryl glances at you every few minutes, his own thoughts racing, until finally, you speak.
"Do you ever think..." you pause, and Daryl watches you carefully. "That you just aren't good enough? No matter what you do?" Daryl's brows furrow. Where did that come from?
"Plenty," he replies. "Have I ever thought you weren't good enough? Nah, never." Daryl adjusts so his arm is resting behind his head, he keeps his gaze straight to the ceiling even as he feels your eyes burn into him. "Where's this comin' from?"
"I don't know." You shrug. "Been thinking about it a lot lately. About if something happens and I can't save Shane, or Carl. You." Daryl's heart flips.
     "Took out a lot of walkers today," Daryl says. "I think you'd be right there if anyone needs your help."
     "I'm not strong enough."
     "Stop," Daryl snaps, he whips his eyes to yours.
     "I'm not. I'm not my brother, and I'm not like you or Rick. I'm not strong, I'm not meant for this." Your voice grows weaker as you go on.
     "You're a cop, you helped people, right? You took out, what? Ten walkers all on your own? I saw you." You let out a humorless laugh, tears spring at your eyes.
     "The only reason I became a cop was because Shane did," you admit. "I felt like I had to follow him, to do something."
     "Don't matter." Daryl's brows furrow. He isn't sure where this is all coming from. Sure, he'd seen you seemed to always be behind Shane, following whatever he said to do. It bugged him a little, how he always bosses you around. He didn't think it ever bothered you.
     "It does matter," you say with a scoff and sit up. Daryl follows, slowly sitting up next to you. "I was never meant for it. I could barely even take statements sometimes without wanting to cry."
     "Just means you care 'bout people." You shrug.
     "It means I'm weak." Daryl shakes his head and nudges you with his elbow.
     "Ain't weak. And you ain't pathetic, neither." You hang your head.
     "I wish I was like Shane, he's strong, he helps people."
     "Yeah, well I like you just like this," Daryl admits, even as he feels his face heat up.
     "Yeah?" You finally smile, shyly, turning your head just slightly to peek at Daryl. Daryl clears his throat and lays down, turning his back to you.
     "Ain't saying it again. Go to sleep." You laugh, actually laugh, and lay down.
     "I like you just how you are too, Daryl," you mumble, before sleep finally overtakes you.
Everyone is up early the next morning, you suspect nobody really slept. You had kept waking up every hour, and Daryl was still up staring at the ceiling when you'd glance at him. Footsteps and movement around the camp began right when the sun came up, and you and Daryl followed right after.
Everyone is bustling around now, burning the walkers and burying the dead, as Glenn had insisted. It isn't long before panic shouting is heard from Jacqui.
"Jim got bit! Jim's bit!"
Even more panic, angry shouting from Daryl, and arguing ensues. Daryl wants to kill Jim right then and there— which earned him quite the glare form you— thankfully it quieted him down a little. Rick wants to head to the CDC for a potential cure, and your brother is adamant Fort Benning would be the best bet. You were little ways away from their discussion, chatting with Carl.
"Y/N, what do you think?" Shane asks, suddenly. You sigh and take a few steps closer, away from Carl. You were hoping they would just figure it out and leave you out of it.
"Well," you begin, and Shane's slight narrow of his eyes doesn't go unnoticed. He wants you to go along with him. "I'm sure if there's a cure, Fort Benning would know. They are military, must have doctors."
Daryl scoffs, and you glance to him in surprise. He holds your gaze, but you can't place his expression. Your brows knit in confusion.
"There you have it, Rick," Shane says cockily, breaking you from your trance. You look away from Daryl.
You walk away, leaving the boys to argue further. You honestly don't care where you end up. From the looks of the city, there's nowhere safe, not the CDC, and not Fort Benning. It doesn't matter to you where they decide to go.
"Hey," Shane says, approaching you where you're taking down your tent. You drop the pole you're holding and stand up straight. Shane has a pissed off look on his face.
"CDC then?" You ask. His expression darkens.
"You could've had my back a little," he whispers angrily, getting closer to you. You turn away to hide your rolling eyes. You return to your task.
"I don't care where we go, Shane. It's all the same to me." He grabs your upper arm, not tight enough to hurt, but it's enough to pull your attention back to him.
"Yeah, as long as you get to follow your boyfriend, right?" You narrow your eyes, reeling away from Shane slightly out of shock. His face is close to yours. "Saw you come out of Dixon's tent this morning."
"So what, Shane," you say, yanking your arm from his grasp. "You aren't my father." He exhales heavily through his nose.
"Stay the hell away from that guy," Shane demands, his finger coming up to point at your face. You set your jaw, a fist balls at your side, and you smack his hand away from you. And then, for maybe the first time ever, you don't just do whatever your big brother tells you to.
"Leave me the fuck alone, Shane."
You drop down heavily into the truck's car seat. Daryl glimpses at you from the drivers seat, and he looks at you questionably. You don't say anything, instead glaring out the passenger window so viscously, Daryl's surprised it doesn't shatter.
"You ain't goin' with Shane?" He asks. You scoff.
"No," you answer, shortly. Daryl shrugs, mumbling an 'ok' and starting the engine. He takes off towards the CDC, and you continue your angered glare.
"So, you got your own opinion on this whole thing, or do you always just follow along with whatever your brother says?" Daryl suddenly asks, making you whip your eyes to him. He's staring straight to the road, and you scoff loudly.
"Oh, that's really something coming from you," you say sarcastically, letting out a sharp laugh. "You followed your brother around like a lost puppy, but I'm the one always going along with my brother? Bullshit."
You regret bringing up Merle as soon as you finished your sentence, but anger is clouding your judgment. Your frustration at Shane mixed with Daryl's unwarranted comment is just about too much to handle.
     Although you feel a twinge of guilt, Daryl's comment was ridiculous coming from him. He always would follow his brother around, do whatever he said to do. He never even seemed to care whenever Merle went on racist, sexist, something just plain mean tangents, even if Daryl never agreed or joined.
     But still, Merle was his brother, no matter how awful, that you understood more than anything. Shane was one to ruffle a few feathers too, and you understand better than anyone how oppressive it can be to forever be in the shadow of an older brother. Never getting your own opinion, or word in, forever just following along.
     "You're right," Daryl says. You turn your head to him quickly in surprise. He doesn't face you, his eyes looking at the road in front of him. "I've always gone along with Merle, no matter how shitty he was, or what trouble I'd get in."
     "You're right, too," you admit with a loud sigh, your anger fizzling at Daryl’s sincere tone. "I've never really done, hell, even said what I've wanted. I always just followed what Shane's doing."
“Think it’s about damn time we do what we wanna do,” Daryl says, after a few moments pause.
“Yeah, yeah you’re right!” You exclaim, smiling brightly. “Screw Shane!” Daryl laughs, and you turn your head to fully look at him.
He’s biting at the skin on his thumb, and he gives you a small, crooked grin when he notices your eyes on him. The sun cascading through the window of the truck makes him glow, and you can’t help but think that he looks just beautiful. His bright blue eyes sparking, how his light brown hair looks almost blonde in the yellow light. You’d never noticed just how handsome he is.
“The hell you starin’ at?” He asks suddenly. Your face flushes violently at being caught ogling, and you whip your face towards the window.
“Nothing,” you fumble out, he just hums an unconvinced noise of acknowledgment.
You bite your lip harshly to stop the grin that threatens to split your lips. You sneakily take another glimpse at Daryl, taking in his calm expression, the way his eyes narrow to block out the brightness from the sun.
Maybe it was just a crush, or maybe you’re head over heels in love with him. It doesn’t matter now. All you know is that Daryl understands you like no one ever has, and you aren’t letting that go any time soon.
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tomkaulitzssgirl · 1 year
i need to get fucked by tom when he realizes how turned on i get from him humping his guitar 💀
live every second | Tom Kaulitz
you stood behind the scenes, your arms folded against your chest as you smiled brightly watching tom run around the stage and jump.
he kept inciting the fans to scream as a grin spread across his face. they were all rocking it.
the show had been amazing, everything was impeccable, and the crowd was CRAZY. i had never seen such a turned up crowd.
they were singing “live every second” now and of course, the fans knew every word. i found myself singing too as i danced with my best friend, jessica, she was gustav’s girl.
finally, the part that i think everyone was waiting for arrived. tom and georg stopped playing as gustav’s drums accompanied bill’s singing as he said “live every second”.
your heart began to beat faster knowing what tom was about to do.
“he’s doing it. he’s doing it.” you repeated to jessica as she laughed, grabbing you arm.
tom took his guitar and as usual, he began humping it, his hips going back and forth. the crowd screamed even louder than before and you just wanted to join them, even though he was your boyfriend.
“oh girl, that’s what he will do to you tonight.” your friend said while she kept giggling at your expression.
your jaw was literally about to touch the ground. why did this turn you on so much? you saw him do it at every show but it never failed to make you want him right there.
it didn’t help that tom turned to look at you and winked with a smirk on his stupid but handsome face.
you shook your head at him while pressing your lips together. he knew what he had done.
right after the song ended, the band took a break. they came behind the stage, trying to get some fresh drinks.
tom walked towards you, kissing you as soon as he got closer, his hands on your waist, stroking the skin with his thumbs. he found his way to your core, rubbing over my panties and you gasped, looking around to see if anyone was watching.
“tom, you’re crazy.” you stopped his hand movement and intertwined your fingers together.
“i saw how you looked at me.” he whispered with a cocky smirk on his face, “we’re not done. just wait until we’re over, i’m gonna make you cry.”
was all he said before going back on stage. you stood there, speechless.
“what a good fucking show!” bill exclaimed as they all came back. the concert had finished and they were all sweaty and tired, but happy.
all the staff and of course you and jessica clapped your hands and hyped them up.
tom took a bottle of water and drank it fully. you watched as his adam’s apple went up and down.
“i messed up a bit.” he said right after he finished the bottle, throwing it away.
you could see he wasn’t that satisfied with himself and it made your heart ache. “what? you were amazing.”
“yes tom, you know i would make fun of you if you messed up.” bill said laughing.
you went up to him ready to hug him but he stepped back, “baby, i’m all sweaty. i look fucking disgusting.”
you rolled your eyes and hugged him anyway, resting your face against his chest, not caring of what he was saying. he wrapped his arms around you.
“why don’t we finish what we started earlier?” he whispered in your ear. you looked up at him with a sly smile and nodded.
“guys, we’re going to sleep a bit.” tom said taking your hand in his.
“yeah…sleep.” jessica held back a laugh while side eyeing you two.
he took you to his changing room, slamming the door behind him before pushing you against it making you yelp.
his lips kissed yours hungrily, his hands traveled roughly across your body, removing quickly your top, leaving only in your bra. he squeezed your breasts as he watched them in his hands, biting his lower lip.
“fuck. so hot.” he continued to squeeze them and massaging them gently, making you let out small moans. your hands went inside his big shirt, he understood you wanted it off and he quickly threw it away.
you observed his toned chest, stroking it and feeling his muscles beneath your hands meanwhile he took off your jeans.
his big hands cupped your ass and he kissed your neck, leaving marks on your skin.
“p-please tom.” you just wanted him, feel him inside you.
“what? use your words.” he teased as he took off his belt and baggy jeans, remaining in his underwear that clearly showed how hard he was.
“i want you in me.” you took your time, stroking every part of his upper chest and arms, giving attention to his biceps, abs, back muscles, everything.
tom revealed his length, taking it in his hand and stroking it a bit. “take off your panties.”
you did as he said, showing him your most private part. you always got shy as if it was the first time.
his hands went under your thighs, picking you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist. he could feel the heat coming from you against his skin.
his teased you sliding up and down his tip, making you squirm against him. “c’mon tom! please just fuck me.”
“was it so hard to say?” he smirked and put him himself inside you quickly, making you arch your back against the door.
“shit! you always feel so good around me.” tom groaned beginning to plump in and out of you.
“mmh, i’m so wet for you daddy.” you moaned kissing his neck, making him hiss when you found his spot right beneath his ear.
“fuck fuck fuck. i know you are. shit keep doing it.” his pace became fast as his fingers were deep inside your skin.
you continued leaving wet kisses on his neck, loving hearing him groan in pleasure. you moaned on his skin when he hit your sensitive spot.
“mmh, you were wet even before. you’re such a slut for me even seeing me with my guitar turns you on.” his hand wrapped around your neck, plying with your ability to breath.
“you know i-i am, just for you daddy.” you loved making him feel like the only man in the world, because he was at least for you.
“i know baby, you belong to me, say it.” you could hear the door creaking and slamming as he kept pushing you against it with his pace.
“i-i’m yours! oh my god!” you almost screamed, tears forming in your eyes for the pleasure you were feeling and he had to cup your mouth so that no one heard you.
“shh. look how deep i am inside you.” he watched as his dico went in and out of you, seeing a little bump in your lower belly. he pressed on it, making you roll your eyes back and moan against his palm.
he kept pushing, rotating his hips causing more friction before starting with his previous pace.
you clenched around him as your nails scratched his back, letting him know you were so close and you felt him twitch inside you. you were both ready.
“fuck! i’m coming inside you!” tom groaned and you nodded frantically, not being able to say something coherent.
you came before him, pushing your hips forward against him as your mouth hanged open, only moans coming out of it.
his juices coaxed your walls and he kept pushing, riding out his high.
“fuck-king. slut.” he said with the last pushes before stopping, his head falling between your neck.
he let you down, your arms still wrapped around his neck for balance because of your trembling legs.
neither of you said anything, you just tried to catch your breath as you guys gave each other small pecks.
“i love you.” tom said after awhile, placing a lock of your hair behind your ear.
“i love you too.”
little did you guys know that everyone else heard you.
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idle-daydreams · 8 months
Hi I hope you're doing well I'm not sure if you do these types of requests but can I please ask for a yandere Demon King chuuya with a pregnant darling
Sure thing!
Tw: Yandere, forced pregnancy, mentions of abortion, mentions of blood, cannibalism and violence.
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You were three months along before you realized you were pregnant.
It had been easy to ignore the signs in the beginning. Time moved strangely in the demon world, and it wasn’t the first time you’d missed your period since you’d gotten there. You’d assumed that the rest of it - the exhaustion, the mood swings, even the changes in your body - was due to whatever otherworldly food and drink Chuuya gave you, to say nothing of the effects of living in proximity of the Demon King himself.
It wasn’t until Chuuya had pointed out the slight swell of your stomach that the horrifying realization had dawned upon you.
You would have gotten rid of it had you any means to do so. But Chuuya had figured it out just as soon as you had, and had locked you down even more stringently than before. Gone were all the little freedoms he’d granted you over time; he refused to let you out of his sight, insisting on taking care of you himself. He practically forced you into bed-rest, waiting upon you hand and foot so that you wouldn’t stress yourself out. It would have been nice, were it not for the fact that you were carrying Chuuya’s child.
The Demon King’s child.
A demon itself, taking root inside you.
It made you want to tear yourself apart with your bare hands. The thing was strong, leeching vitality from you until you could barely walk. You found yourself hungering for raw flesh and fresh blood, wanting to kill and gnaw and bite and tear things apart, until you could see their entrails and their oozing blood. Chuuya indulged you, bringing you wild animals and letting you sate yourself; you hated it, but you hated him even more, for putting you into this position.
Not that Chuuya seemed to mind. From the moment your pregnancy had been confirmed, the red-headed demon lord had been deliriously happy. He would spend hours resting between your legs with his head on your belly, talking or singing to “the baby”. He would patiently bare your tantrums, all the crying and screaming and general hysteria, even letting you vent your frustrations by throwing things at him. It was only when you tried to hurt yourself did he tie you down, claiming that your safety was more important.
“I don’t want to do this, love,” he said, stroking your hair. “But you’ve got to take it easy. All this stress isn’t good for either of you.”
“Chuuya, I’m begging you, please, end it,” you said, tears pouring down your face. “This pregnancy will kill me, I know it will. I can’t carry a demon child, please.”
Chuuya frowned, tracing a thumb over your cheek. “You’ll carry the baby all right,” he said. “This isn’t the first time a human’s carried a demon child. And you’ve drunk enough of my blood to be part-demon yourself, so this ain’t that big a deal.”
“I don’t care.” You tugged at your restraints, cursing yourself and your miserable life. How had you ended up like this? What had you done to deserve any of this? Why was this happening to you, of all people? Weren’t there worse people in the world, who deserved to suffer more?
You flinched as Chuuya kissed your temple, before settling on his haunches before you and putting his hands on the swell of your belly. “I can sense them, you know,” he said. “They’re a strong one.”
“I know,” you said through gritted teeth. “I’ve never been this uncomfortable in my entire life. I’m nauseous, my body hurts, and my bladder feels l-” you scowled as Chuuya grinned- “why are you laughing?”
“Because you’re pregnant.”
You flinched as he swooped down to hug you tightly. “You don’t know what it’s like,” he said happily, gazing at you with contentment. “Demons don’t really get pregnant; it’s something to do with the way our bodies work. I never thought I would have a family, I never thought I’d ever have someone like you. I love you, I love you so much, you’ve given me - you’re giving me - everything that I’ve ever wanted.”
“And you don’t care if I die in the process,” you whispered.
His expression momentarily soured, before he mulishly shook his head. “That ain’t gonna happen. I told ya, there are ways to make sure this whole thing goes well.” He put a hand on your stomach again, gently tracing its curved with one blackened claw. “You’re not gonna like it, it’s going to be a bit uncomfortable, but I swear to you that you’re both going to come out of this alive. I promise you, on my honor as the Demon King.”
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avenging-fandoms · 1 year
i see the “your song” post and raise you
pedro would take you to a elton CONCERT and romantically dance with you when it comes on
he would take your face with both his hands and sing it to you while swaying
got carried away but only bc i was able to see him live at metlife ahh!!
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i saw him at gillette!!!! i too got carried away. my elton experience was magical and to have had one with pedro would be a dream come true.
“I’ve never seen Elton live before, I’m so excited!” You squeeze Pedro’s hand and he smiles as the worker scans your tickets. “Do we have good seats? I’m sure any seat is a good seat, I’d be happy with anything.”
Pedro’s eyes smiled as he looked at you. His fingers pressed against the back of your hand as he stops at a merch booth. “You’re too sweet, hermosa. Grateful. One of the things I adore about you. Get whatever you want. One of each, I don’t care. It’s your first and only Elton concert.”
Your husband winked at you and you kiss his cheek. You pick out a few shirts and a jacket with a bag, poster, and light up sunglasses for you and Pedro. He paid for everything you got, and it made you want to cry.
You two walked away from the booth and you hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Pedro. You don’t know how much this means to me. My dream of a husband bringing me to an Elton John concert.. my dream concert..”
Your sentence trailed off once you realized where you were. “First and only Elton concert. Gotta make it count.”
Tears flowed. “Floor seats?” He kissed your head as he held your shoulders to guide you to your seats. You got closer to the stage. Closer. Closer.
You were basically playing Elton’s piano you were that close. You sat in the seat and sobbed in your hands, shaking your head as Pedro wrapped his arms around you.
“You deserve this. And because I could do it, I did it. Happy anniversary sweetheart.” You looked up at him with sticky cheeks as you kiss him softly.
“Best present ever.” You had been waiting 4 long months since the day Pedro surprised you with the tickets, and he didn’t let you look long enough to search where the seats were.
He went to get some food and drinks and some girls started chatting with you. They asked about your show and how you and Pedro were doing. They were the type of fans you loved to encounter, the ones you wish you encountered every time.
You snacked on a pretzel as you tapped your toes, Pedro eating his as he took in the arena. After finishing your food and throwing away the wrappers, you and Pedro played some rock paper scissors with the girls behind you until the lights dimmed.
It felt like your first concert all over again. You stood up and screamed even before the cameras turned on, Pedro beaming with a hand on the back of your thigh as he thumb rubbed over your exposed skin.
Tears streamed down your face as Elton came on stage, and the little girl that sat in the backseat bopping her head to “Bennie and the Jets” started screaming.
Pedro stood up and you leaned into him and covered your mouth, in pure disbelief that you were inches from your childhood musical hero.
You and Pedro danced in the open area in front of you, careful not to bump into anyone or block their view. You two would laugh at stupid dance moves and exaggerated singing faces, falling in love again like it was day one.
“Your Song” came on and Pedro immediately turns to you. Your eyebrow rises a bit as you wait for what he’s going to do, smiling as he caressed your face.
“It’s a little bit funny.. this feeling inside..” he sang, and you melted in his eyes. It was just you two and Elton in the room as you two away.
Screams erupted and you look at the screen, and there were you and Pedro. You laugh and tell your husband to look at the screen, but his eyes are trained to your face as he sings.
He hated singing. He hated karaoke, he hated other people singing. But this was different. This was his heart on his sleeve with the blood dripping down his fingertips. This was worth the big screen. This was worth the embarrassment. You were worth it.
You looked back at Pedro with your hands holding his wrist, bringing your face closer to his. The tip of your nose brushed passed his as the crowd still cheered, your moment still very much public.
The fan from behind you guys held up her sign in front of the camera and it switched back to Elton. You blow her a kiss and she nods.
“See how wonderful the world treats you when you treat the world?” Pedro mumbled with his hand smoothing over your back.
“Life is wonderful because you’re in it, my love.” You kiss him softly and he holds your face tightly, rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks before pulling away.
“That’s gonna be our new song. For when we want to dance in the kitchen. Or the backyard. ‘Your Song.’ So we always remember this moment.”
His hands fell to your hips with your hands on the back of his neck. “I don’t need to play this song to remember this moment.” You lay your head on his chest, his humming and his heartbeat made you close your eyes as you two listened to the rest of the song.
You two cheered when it ended and you gasp. You reached into the bag and pulled out the glasses, holding a pair out to Pedro and smiling.
“Princesa they look beautiful on you but I don’t-” You kissed him as you slid them on his face, the flashing lights accentuating his displeasure.
“I think they look beautiful on you, Pedrito.” You grab his hands with a shit eating grin as you twist your body to ‘Crocodile Rock” all while Pedro regrets telling you you could get any merchandise you wanted.
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forever-rogue · 2 years
could you do more about single dad!steve and daisy mae w stepmom!reader - literally the cutest stories ever
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AN | Steve’s running late, so you pick up Daisy by yourself for the first time 🥺🥰
Warnings | None
Pairing | Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.2k
Masterlist | Steve, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you had gotten the call, you were internally freaking out. Cool and collected on the outside, but screaming on the inside. But he had sounded so desperate, so worried that you weren’t able to say no. Because not only had you been Steve’s first resort, but because he had trusted you with his daughter. If that wasn’t the ultimate sign of faith and trust, you didn’t know what was. 
That’s why when you were done with work, leaving your own classroom for the day, you headed over to Daisy’s daycare to pick her up. You’d never once gone to pick up a child; you were usually the one waiting with the children after school until their parents came up.
A part of you was nervous - what if she wasn’t happy to see you? What if she only wanted Steve? What if they didn’t let you take her? So many questions caused your mind to spiral, and made you feel like throwing up from nerves. Realistically, it wasn’t a huge deal; it was like a babysitting gig. But in reality, it was a huge step in your relationship with Steve. You’d never been alone with Daisy like this.
The two of you had been dating for a few months, and things had been wonderful, but this was something new. You knew, you’d known for almost as long as you’d been dating at this point, that you loved Steve and his daughter. You could only hope that they felt even a fraction of the same about you.
But when you arrived at the daycare center, any worry or fear that you had remaining dissipated. As soon as Daisy Mae Harrington saw you, she squealed in excitement and ran to you, almost causing you to stumble backwards from the sheer force of her small, happy body wrapping your legs up in a hug.. 
“Hi Daisy,” you crouched down and beamed at her, brushing some unruly waves out of her face, “I know you were expecting me, but I hope it’s okay that I’m here. Your daddy asked if I could pick you up because he’s running a little behind at work.”
“That’s okay,” her pretty brown eyes were glittering with excitement, “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Really?” your heart softened as you pulled her into your arms, moments away from crying when she fiercely hugged you back, “I’m glad I’m here too, baby. You always make my day better, Miss Daisy.”
Without even hesitating, you picked her up and set her on your hip, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her head when she clung tightly onto you. It was almost strange how quickly and easily this had come naturally to you. 
Once you grabbed her bag and sweater, you checked her out, relieved that Steve had made sure to leave you as an alternate pick-up person. You wondered if that had been an addition he’d made today or if he’d made it some time ago. It didn’t matter, really, but you were happy either way. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“I hope you don’t mind coming to my house,” you realized she’d never been here before. Steve had been over on a growing number of occasions, but Daisy had yet to come over. A moment of panic settled in your bones as you realized how utterly unprepared you were to have a child in your house. You had no toys, no clean clothes, or anything; you’d make it a point to change that in the future. 
“‘s okay,” she smiled at you from the backseat of the car. At least you still had a booster seat from the last time you’d gone out with Steve and Daisy and he’d nonchalantly told you to keep just in case. It was almost like he knew, “I’m excited. Can we bake cookies?”
“Cookies?” you parroted as she nodded, her eager little gaze trained outside at the passing scenery. It was a rainy, chilly mid-winter day; and all you wanted to do was change into comfy clothes and to get under a warm blanket. But you weren’t opposed to a change of plans, “I think that’s a brilliant idea. Its perfect cookie making weather!”
“And maybe we can watch a movie too?” she caught your eyes in the mirror before sheepishly smiling, her ruddy cheeks growing rosier with each passing moment. But how could you deny her? She might have been the sweetest and kindest little girl, and she’d had your heart from the day you’d met her in that cafe that you came to love. If you could help it, you’d never say no to her. 
“We can definitely watch a movie,” you agreed happily, “and maybe daddy can join us too.”
“Yay!” her pouty little lips pulled into a huge smile as you matched her. It was easy to imagine a lifetime of movie nights with the Harringtons. It was easy to imagine a forever with them, “you’re the best!”
“No,” you shook your head, “that’s you, princess.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your entire house, although small, smelled of delicious, warm spices, and the distinctive notes of gingerbread. Once you’d gotten home, you’d made her a snack and upon her insistence had drawn her a bath and changed her into some fresh clothes she’d had in her backpack. You were glad Steve had enough foresight (or perhaps experience) to pack a change of clothes, otherwise she would have looked hilarious in your oversized clothes. Mr. Beans, your companion in the form of a big, black cat had been drawn to her as well, coming and weaving around her legs without hesitation. 
After her bath, the warmth and bubbles must have gotten to her, because she crashed as you put her in your bed and was down quickly for a nap, Mr. Beans curled up next to her, purring softly. You’d called Steve at his office, and let him know everything was okay and that you both looked forward to seeing him soon. The fact that he said he couldn’t wait to see his girls wasn’t lost on you, and that fluttery feeling in your tummy bubbled up. 
But now, refreshed after her bath and nap, she was going full speed ahead, excitedly helping you to decorate the cooled cookies the two of you had made.
At her insistence she’d help every step of the way, and you didn’t even find it within yourself to be annoyed at the mess. A mess could be cleaned, but the memories you’d made were forever. Daisy was sitting at the kitchen table, concentrating on putting frosting on the cookies and making them ‘happy snowmen and gingerbread men.’ She wasn’t even phased when a few beats of knocking came at the front door. 
“I’ll be right back,” you ruffled her hair affectionately as you padded towards, taking a moment to breathe before opening it. You knew it would be Steve, but that didn’t stop the wild beating of your heart at the sheer excitement. You slowly opened the door and found Steve standing there,  a pretty smile on his handsome face, “hi.”
“Hi baby,” he stepped inside and wrapped his arms around you without a moment of hesitation, kissing you in a way that made your legs feel like jelly. When he pulled back, he nudged your nose with his before pressing a few more saccharine kisses to your lips, “you’re so beautiful.”
“Hi Stevie,” you positively beamed at him, radiating golden warmth despite the cold night, “you’re not so bad yourself.”
“Hmm,” he hummed contently before kissing you again, “you’re a lifesaver. Thanks for getting Daisy. I hope she’s been good.”
“You know when I’ve told you that she’s my favorite kid?” you pulled him inside and out of the cold, enveloping him in delicious warmth, “I wasn’t lying. She really is; she’s a bundle of chaos, but she’s a good girl. We’ve had a lot of fun and we have a surprise for you.”
“You’re an angel…angel,” he kept an arm wrapped around your shoulder as you led him to the kitchen. As soon as Daisy heard him, she stopped what she was doing and slid off her chair, running over to him. The love and adoration the two of them had for each other was immeasurable, but it made you beyond happy, “Daisy Mae, my baby girl!”
He scooped her up in his strong arms and held her tightly against his chest before peppering her in featherlight kisses, which only made her giggle, “hi daddy! I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” he promised, “I miss you whenever we’re apart. But it sounds like you still had a pretty good afternoon?”
“Yes,” she grinned that pretty little smile before looking at you, “it was lots of fun! I got to play with Beans! And we had pizza for dinner and we made cookies! They’re for you, daddy!”
“Pizza and cookies,” he made his eyes wide as he pretended to be shocked. For a moment you worried that you shouldn’t have given her pizza or allowed her to make sweets, but the way he looked at you reassured you that you’d done okay. More than okay in his mind; to him, you were perfect, “I think I showed up just in time!”
“And we’re gonna watch a movie,” she clapped her little hands happily, “is that okay? Can we all watch a movie?”
“I think that’s okay…but we have to make sure we’re not overstaying our welcome. Hopefully you haven’t been too much of a menace, huh?” he turned to you and laughed softly, “is that okay with you, sweetheart? We can go if you need or it’s getting too late.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” you winked at him, “I’m forcing you Harringtons to stay here and watch a movie with me while we eat some cookies.”
“See!” Daisy wiggled so he’d put her down and immediately went back to her cookies, “told you so!”
“You did,” his hand found yours as he tenderly laced his fingers through yours, “what am I going to do with you, huh? She’s got you wrapped around her little finger.”
“So does her father,” you kissed his cheek quickly, “but I’m not complaining. I love you, Stevie.”
“I love you, sweetheart.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Daisy didn’t even make it halfway through the movie before she was fast asleep, snoring softly as she laid on Steve, her head burrowed in the crook of his cheek. The sight was enough to make your heart constrict; he really was a wonderful father.
He caught you studying him, and turned his head slightly before reaching up and brushing his knuckles over your cheek, “it’s rude to stare, pretty girl.”
“Can’t help it,” you scooted closer so there was almost no distance between the two of you, “appreciating the art.”
“Mhmm,” you were both whispering so Daisy wouldn’t wake up, “I didn’t think she’d fall asleep so soon.”
“Because I gave her all the sugar,” you offered up a sheepish smile, “we can put her in my bed so she can sleep a little before you have to go? Seemed like she had a good nap in there earlier.”
“You don’t mind?” he asked as you shook your head, “alright, let me get this one settled and I’ll be right back, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you watched as he slowly stood up to keep her situated and walked down the hall to your bedroom, her new best friend Mr. Beans trailing after them. You heard him whispering softly to her before he shut the door part way and came back to you. As soon as he got comfortable, he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and tucked you into his warm frame. 
“You know…if you wanted to stay the night, that might be easier since it’s so late…but I-I know I don’t have much for her, but I’ve got the spare bedroom she could sleep in or she can stay in my bed. But I totally get if you want to take her home. I just thought since it’s Friday, it would be okay, but you know, I-I don’t want to make it weird for either of you or overstep my boundaries or make her uncomfortable. It’s just..an idea.”
“You want us to stay?” he asked softly, his brown eyes big and bright as you nodded shyly, nerves easing at this happy response. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, “I’d love that. I’m sure she would too. You know, if you’re not too tired of us tomorrow, maybe we can stop at ours in the morning to change and then we could get breakfast and then there’s that farmer’s market that should be fun…as a thought.”
“I don’t think I could ever get tired of either of you,” you promised softly, “I’d love that, Steve. Really.”
“Good,” he grinned happily, his heart feeling like it was full to bursting, “I know we’ll never get tired of you. I…fuck. I love you, baby.”
“I love you too,” you sighed softly, “and Daisy. More than anything.”
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reneeluv154 · 9 months
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I hope you enjoy it!!!🤍🤍🤍
In this imagine you made it to the safe haven and newt helps you through your emotions while your still struggling with the loss of the others.
(More on my profile if you enjoy this one.) 🫶🏼🫶🏼
⚠️Tw: mentions of suicide⚠️
I stared at Newt, glaring at him through the flames of fire between us. We were finally in the safe haven and everyone was happy, everyone but me. I couldn’t remember the last time I truly smiled, or really felt anything for that matter. How could they be smiling and laughing?
We lost so many wonderful lives and they were just over it? I didn’t understand. Having Gally back was relieving, he was never the nicest person, to anyone, but he had grown, and it showed.
“Y/n, you good?” Minho questioned, Newt’s eyes locked with mine and I quickly looked away. “Yeah.” I sounded cold and mean, I held a little bit of anger against them, I just didn’t understand how they were okay. It was selfish, the others would have loved to be here. Yes, we carved their names on the rock but it just didn’t feel like enough. They deserved so much more.
I stood grabbing one of Gally’s drinks while walking towards the beach. I made it to the shore leaving the dancing and laughter behind. I sat down and stared out upon the endless ocean. I wished I could dig deep into my heart, take my pain, and let it drift out into the sea.
“I miss you guys, It’s not the same without you here.” I scoffed, taking a swig. “I’m so fucking angry, why not me. I wanted to die.” I said looking from the sky to the ground.
I whispered, “I still wanna die.”
“Pretty isn’t it?” I jumped hearing the all too familiar voice of a brown-eyed blonde-haired boy. He sat down beside me staring up at the starry sky.
“Yeah, gorgeous.” I agreed.
“I heard you talking.” I was drowning in embarrassment and grief.
“I just want them to know.” He nodded now it was his turn to take a swig. “They know Y/n, they're watching us every day.”
I shook my head.
“That’s supposed to make it easier?”
He shrugged, “Maybe a little, yes. I’m not saying you can’t mourn, because you can, but you’ve gotta learn to move on.” This made me angry.
“Like you? Five fucking day’s after they were gone.”
He looked at me, clenching his jaw, his eyes were angry. “I had to stay strong for you and the others, I’m bloody hurt Y/n. I’ve been hurt for a long, long time! You don’t get to tell me I was a bad person when I was just trying to keep you and the others alive!” He blew up on me, his voice louder and bolder than ever.
I couldn't look at him, the tears in my eyes rolling down my cheeks. Maybe I should kill myself, He would stay strong so the others would be okay, right? They wouldn't miss me, not like I bring anything good to the group. I would get to see the others as well. “I know that look Y/n, I can see it in your eyes, I’ve seen it in your eyes for a long time and I promise you it won’t make anything better.”
How did he know…
“I’m sure y'all would be fine.”
He shook his head. “Nope, we wouldn't.”
“I’m just so angry.” I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. I sat for a minute looking at the sky when I realized. “It’s like I’m the moon and the stars are everyone in my life.” “
“I think you’ve had a tad too much to drink Y/n.”
“No. The moon and the stars adorn each other. Without the stars, the moon is just the moon.”
“Follow me.”
He stood and began walking, I walked up and stood beside him in front of a cluster of rocks. “I want you to throw that bottle as hard as you can, letting it shatter against those rocks.”
“What?” I asked
He nodded, “Scream as loud as you want, you can even cry if you’d like. Here I’ll give you my glass too.”
I shook my head. “The others will think something is wrong.”
“They can’t hear you from here.” He handed me the glass and backed up sitting on a log behind him.
“Go on. Let it out.”
Taking a moment I took the glass throwing it as hard as I could at the biggest rock there was, it shattered.
A tear ran down my cheek as I grabbed the other glass watching it fly through the air and shatter just as the other one did.
It felt too good tears now pouring down my face, I searched for anything to throw picking up smaller rocks and shells.
“Aghhhhhhh!!!!” I screamed as loud as I could feeling a sharp pain through my head, but I couldn’t stop,
“They should be here!!!”
“I loved them!!!”
“I should have hugged you when I had the chance!!!” I sobbed, still throwing whatever I could find before I ran out of breath and fell to my knees. “It should have been me!” I felt a gentle hand on my back, another on my cheek pulling me into himself.
“Shhh, that's not true love.”
I cried for a long time, even after Newt carried me back to my hut and tucked me in before he sat down in a chair beside my bed to keep an eye on me and calm me down.” I eventually fell asleep having a strong headache but also a sense of emotional relief.
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yanderederee · 11 months
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It’s October 31st, therefore my moodiness made me write it!! I hope this is okay, I’m just sad all over again♡ final timeline hauntings.
It was that same dream again. No, calling it a dream would be too nice. It was anything but.
It was dreadful, and it felt so, so real…
It was daylight, broad daylight. You were running, even when you felt your lungs burning. You couldn’t stop. You were already too late.
Just as your rounded the corner into the construction zone, your stomach fell into a pit. Everything was moving so slowly.
Boys of black and white uniform scattered the area. Atop a bleeding Kazutora was Mikey, ramming his fists over and over into his face. Death wouldn’t be far at this rate. Yet amongst the onlookers, a bleeding Baji hobbled over.
The exact words were deaf to your ears.
A knife, raised high in the air.
“You won’t be the one who kills me.”
And with a sharp stab, into his own gut, Baji’s expression twisted with sickening pain, yet somehow still grinning. As though to say it was all alright.
The late October weather did nothing to ease the chill that froze your being still. How did this happen? Why was this happening?
“Keisuke!” You screamed with everything living inside you.
“Baji!!” Chifuyu yelled in unison, sprinting to his friends side. Unable to get in close, you felt as though you were a ghost looming over Takemichi’s form, looking on in horror.
Baji’s dying words were left with them, they were his whole world, his treasure. You couldn’t deny him that. Yet when his blurry eyes wondered to you again, his expression was unreadable. Was he happy to see you for the last time? Was he upset because you saw him like this? Could he even tell it was you?
“I’m starting to hallucinate shit.” He chuckled when the tears ran down his face. “Kei!” You yelled, and fell to your knees, crawling to his limo form. “Please… don’t-“ you sobbed out, the tears you held back were unstoppable now.
“Not a hallucination, huh…” he sighed, and reached his hand out for you. Quickly, you took it into your own. He was so cold.
“Y/n… I’m sorry.”
And that was it. All that were was of Baji left. His final words, before all was no more.
A final gutteral scream deafened all else around you, hunching in on yourself with Baji’s cold dead hand in yours.
—-just like that, you would awake to reality, the same scream ripping the silence around you.
And suddenly, you realized. You were awake. A dream? A memory, right? It felt so real! But- it wasn’t, right?
“What the fuck!” Screamed a familiar voice.
Looking around for your new surroundings, you realize you were in a familiar bedroom too, Baji’s room. Laying by your lonesome in his barely made bed. And sitting along the floor, your study materials scattered all around, Baji’s wide eye expression started back at you.
“What the hell?! What was all that about?!” He yelled back, clearly startled.
Oh, that’s right, it was a dream.
No, a nightmare.
“You…” you croaked softly.
“You’re alive..!” You couldn’t help as you cried out again, welled up tears falling helplessly. In the same movement, you jumped from the bed, and rammed your entire body into his own.
“What the hells the matter with you?! No shit I’m alive!” Baji coughed in reply. Gently, he ran his hand flat and firm against your back, once he realized you were genuinely crying.
You held him so tightly against you, with every push of strength in you, you hugged all the life that was Baji Keisuke.
“I was so scared you really- t-that you really died!” You sobbed into his chest, weakly throwing your fist at his chest.
“W-what day is it?” You asked, wiping yourself as best you could before starting up into Baji’s eyes, wide and worried. “Uh, F-Friday?”
You hugged a chuckle, and looked over at the calendar he had hanging on his wall. “October 25th…” you sighed. “Have you seen Kazutora?”
Baji’s nerves tensed a little bit, but caught himself of the random question quickly. “I mean, yeah, we had a meeting yesterday, so.” He shrugged. “Why?”
“Didn’t he, like, just get out of juvy..?” You asked softly. “Juvy? What for? We’ve don’t some bad shit, but we ain’t gone that far! Well, at least we weren’t caught…” Baji flicked your forehead affectionately. “Really?” You asked, looking confused. Baji rose an eye brow in suspicion.
“You seriously had some weird dream, huh…” Baji asked, before holding you close. “…i think… I might have had the same dream, before…” he whispered, like he didn’t want to believe himself. “I see Mikey, and Kazutora fighting. I feel weak, like I’m bleeding outs and … I always end up sta—“ he tried to relay back, but you made a somewhat whining noise to dissuade him from finishing his sentence. He chuckles at you for that. “But it’s just a dream… a weird as hell one, but that’s all it is.” He said affirmatively.
“I ain’t going anywhere,” he said, almost like a promise. “Then..” you shuffled, and pulling away just enough to grin up at him, snot and all.
“What are we dressing as for Halloween?~”
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tiajk · 2 years
Through the lens
Jake sully x sister reader
Italic and bold means flashback
Warnings: jake realizing he's old asf, fluff, a bit of angst if u squint, tsu’tey being risen from the dead
a/n: This takes place before all the kids had gone to the hallelujah mountains
So you and your brother were having some sibling time him being the leader of his clan (i was too lazy to write the na’vi title) your kids and mates were there with you as well happy to see you smiling and laughing you and jake loved to embarrass each other with absolutely everything at this exact moment that is what you guys were doing sharing embarrassing stories of each other to your mates while your children were well being children
Jake had just finished a story about how you wherein highschool and you had slipped on the stairs and had been suspended for breaking the handle in your defense the handle was old asf you rolled your eyes while tsu’tey chuckled “you are really a klutz ma y/n” you looked offended “like i said the handle was old as hell” you finished with a chuckle
You suddenly recalled the memory and hit jake on his shoulder a habit you had while you were excited “Jake you remember that camera we took it everywhere with us” he nodded “yeah do you still have it i remember you took it out of the lab” you had rushed to you and tsu'tey’s shared home looking everywhere your kids do their chores very well thankfully so it was easy to find you grabbed it and ran back to your spot and sat down “This thing has to be at least 100 years old” jake said neytiri smacked his shoulder “do not be dramatic ma jake” jake pouted but obeyed tsu’tey had called the kids over and sat them down around you so they could see your past memories of your life
The first one being you in a bathing suit bottom at the beach and a surfer top (it's like the elastic ones) jake on your right and tommy on your left you sat the camera down on the ground “okay im y/n this is jake and this is tommy” you looked so young back then while you were a teenager jake had pushed you playfully “ i think we know who we are n/n” you stuck your tongue out and went to pick up the camera you were making silly faces as your brothers went back to there surf boards getting them ready nice and smooth you went to bother tommy first “whatcha doingggg” dragging out the end “your mom” you made a face at him “we have the same mom idot” (if you wanted to be adopted then the next parts for you) “I don’t know my mom dumbass” jake had been out of camera but you could hear what he said “tommy just likes milfs” you had busrt out laughing almost dropping the camera and going into a small state of panic “oh fuck oh shit” you said as you coaught the camera in a secure hold again tommy being the little asshole he is said “thats why your the klutz of the family” you gave tommy the side eye “this is why mom doesn’t like you” tommy had taken the camera out of your hand and switched the settings to the camera was facing the opposite end (bascially not showing him on screen) “say something funny” you responded to him by saying “bffr be fucking for real” tommy had put the camera in one had and picked up some sand “if you don’t ill throw sand all over you” “do it pussy” you were always all bark and no bite growing up when he pretended to throw it at you you screamed “ okay okay chill!” “alright i'm waiting” you had looked up to the sky to think you were naturally a funny or goofy person so you came up with something and looked back at tommy and the camera jake now sitting besides you “brothers will you remember me in 4 minutes” “yes” “4 hours” “yes” “4 years” “yes y/n” he said while losing patience “knock knock” “whos there” then you screamed “you don't remember me!!!!” and had busted out laughing jake looked at you like you were crazy which caused tommy to laugh then caused jake to laugh you all laughed so hard you started crying you came back and face the camera towards you and siad “this is what happens when you live with crackheads god save us all
The clip ending you had smiled softly you missed your days on earth sometimes only for your mom,jake, and tommy your daughter being the first to speak “mom i think you were on something back then” you shrieked “Back then you calling me old!” everyone started laughing jake saying “damn sis we kinda are getting old” “Boy whose we this ain’t french”
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blankat · 2 years
How about "i can't do this without you" Larissa Weems x Reader :) something fluffy, maybe pregnancy related or angstyish with one of them being seriously ill but happy ending, man, I'm here for the happy endings. :P
love that we had the same idea about this line lol, connecting it to my previous one-shot, i've made the preggo one, hope you like it! *not proofread as always bc im an asshole*
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15. I can't do this without you - Larissa Weems x fem!reader
warnings: pregnancy, giving birth, fluff, little bit of angst(kinda)
words: 1.9k
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In the comfort of your home and the arms of your wife, you barely registered the warm liquid between your legs and on the bed. Slowly looking down, you barely saw anything besides your 9-month pregnant belly, and suddenly you just knew.
“Uhm, Larissa?” you turned to look at your wife, who was just about to close her eyes for the night and you felt a little guilty to disturb her peaceful almost-sleeping.
“Yes, Darling?” she barely said the words, when she felt something wet under her bare legs. With widened eyes she looked at you and cupped your cheeks, wiping the silent tears that escaped your eyes.
“I think my water broke.” you whispered smiling at her, hiding the fact that you would rather throw yourself off of Nevermore’s roof, you were so scared.
“Okay, baby. It’s okay. You stay here, lay down a bit. I’m going to call the midwife and get you some wet towels, okay? Do you need anything else? Something to eat or drink?” she hurried to the other side of the room to grab her phone and dialed the midwife’s number.
“Hey, Rissa, calm down. You won’t faint, right? I need you next to me.” you chuckled lightly and saw Larissa’s face soften. She smiled at you and as she opened her mouth to tell you something, you heard your midwife at the other end of the line.
“Claire, hello. Hope I did not wake you, but it seems it’s finally time, Y/N ‘s water has broken.” she said into the phone, not once taking her eyes off of you. “Thank you, lovely. Thanks!”
“You know, a cup of tea would be nice.”
You don’t really remember how did you get here, or how much time has passed since the phone call, but you were lying on your shared bed after a rather heated argument with Larissa about how you don’t want to ruin the covers but she insisted on you being the most comfortable you could in this situation, so you gave up and allowed her to help you on the bed. Meanwhile Larissa was quite overwhelmed with the fact that you are going to birth a literal baby, her baby, your baby and you are going to be a family finally. She was so excited about it up until now, when she heard your quiet profanities and the glistening sweat on your forehead, starting to damp your hair. She was scared, no, petrified that the baby is going to get hurt, or worse, you. She wouldn’t be able to live without you, she was picturing the worst scenarios in her head, having to raise your child alone, without you by her side. She wasn’t able to do that, you were the motherly type in this relationship, she was just the utterly lucky fool who got chosen by you, as an angel sent from heaven, and now you were going to push your child out of your vagina, a rather painful and traumatic experience. To Larissa, for sure. She felt dizzy, she got hot and she wanted to throw up, having no knowledge in childbirth.
“Larissa, are you with us, dear?” she heard Claire say and suddenly looked up, realizing that by now, you were in incredible pain, crying your heart out, maybe even already pushed a few. You were looking at Larissa, begging with your eyes to hold your hand or your hair or something. Begging her to be there. “She needs you.” the midwife whispered to Larissa, smiling faintly.
“Lar-Larissa, I-” you abruptly stopped, feeling another contraction coming, making you scream out in pain. “I can’t do this without you. Please”
Larissa grabbed your hand, brushing your sweaty hair out of your face, kissing your forehead.
“I’m here darling, I’m so sorry.” she whispered into your ear, and you finally, finally relaxed a bit, fresh tears streaming down your face.
“You are doing amazing Y/N, just a few more pushes I promise.” Claire said to you, and you gave her the faintest smile that night, taking a deep breath, waiting for the next contraction. 
“Can-can Larissa sit behind me in the bed, may-maybe?” you stuttered, desperately wanting to be held by your wife.
“Of course.” The midwife gestured Larissa to sit behind you and she did so, holding you close, massaging your temples and whispering sweet nothings until the awaited contraction came, earning a murderous scream from you and your wife held you even tighter, kissing your face every now and then for comfort.
“Oh, God! Fucking hell!”
“You are the most amazing woman in my life Y/N. So strong and so beautiful. The best mother I will ever know in this life.” Larissa whispered, making you cry even more.
“Larissa stop, I’ve been crying for so long that by now I’m eating my snot and I’m all sweaty and smelly, and I’m just screaming, I know you don’t like when I raise my voice and I promise I tried at the first few pushes but, hell, this is worst than anything I’ve ever experienced in my life.” you said, voice a little panicked but your wife just grabbed a clean wet towel and started wiping your face then combed your hair a little with her fingers.
“Eating snot or not, you are amazing. And our baby is going to be the most beautiful in the whole World.” Larissa’s words almost made you forget why you were eating your snot in the first place but then another contraction came, making you feel like you are being ripped in half, making you so vulnerable you could only yell and scream in agony.
“Okay Y/N, one last push and she’s out.” Claire smiled and Larissa’s eyes widened at the revelation of the gender of your baby.
“She?” you cried out, wanting to talk a little more about the matter but you were unable as the last contraction came, making both you and your wife scream. Suddenly you felt a huge wave of relief washing over you. Smiling, you looked at Larissa, who kissed you tenderly, only breaking apart when you finally heard the shrill cries of your newborn daughter. You both looked at Claire, who was holding the tiny human in her hands.
“She’s beautiful and healthy, just like her mommies.” she smiled, handing you the baby and you heard Larissa gasp above you, her hand gently laying next to the baby, afraid to touch her.
“Aren’t you gonna touch your daughter, Mommy?” you asked her, grinning heard in your voice but she didn’t comment on it, like she usually would, she just ran her hands over her daughters thick hair carefully.
“I think I am going to faint” you heard Larissa whisper, her hold loosening around you.
A few hours later, early in the morning, around 6am, you got up to get a cup of water from the kitchen when your phone buzzed on the counter. You quickly grabbed it, a message from Wednesday appearing on it. Odd, you thought.
‘Heard you gave birth. Literally. Congratulations.’
You chuckled to yourself, typing a quick reply to the girl.
‘Indeed I did. Thank you. But you should be aware that it was the type of pain even you wouldn’t enjoy Ms. Addams, nevertheless, thank you for your kind words.’
‘Bet you are just exaggerating as the fragile human you are Ms. Y/N.’
You smiled, not replying to the raven haired girl, instead you finished your water and returned to your bedroom where you were beyond surprised to see your wife sleeping on her back, an occurrence that rarely happens, with your daughter on her chest, her arms protectively around the infant. You let out a happy sigh as you climbed back next to her, careful not to wake them. Pulling the covers over your body, you just watched them for a while, thinking about the amount of happiness you felt, which was unknown to you. Up until now.
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jade-kyo · 1 month
RvB 20th rewatch: s10
An end of an era… god I love this season… I love this story
“I think I just got dumped by Caboose… this is un-fucking-believable”
Washington commits identity theft
Wash and Carolina interaction my beloved
Also I feel like the animation really improved between seasons
“Let’s just say you know a lot of women with quick tempers… you got a fetish or something?” // “I guess yeah you could say… apparently…” Church a sub confirmed
Trocadero my beloved
Carolina my babygirl you will discover your lost silly soon don’t worry
I’m a fucking moron how have I never noticed that the ship in the junkyard was the staff of Charon
I mean I knew it was a part of Charon but I just never made the connection that it was THE staff of Charon
I love that Sarge is the one who vouches for Wash. Sarge character development my beloved.
I SWEAR Wash says “yeah but yours is green” but in this version he says “yeah but yours is really shiny, so it looks more substantial”
I kept thinking some of the dialogue was different on the dvd version from what I was used to but I kept second guessing myself
Man sometimes the Director says things and I’m just like… that was a kind of Church thing to say my guy. Feral.
Carolina cares so much akahskshfusgjsgdkshdkd
“Don’t tell me how to lead my squad” bro the first time I watched this show I got SO MAD at Carolina, I straight up did not like her… man I was a dumb bitch
Theta falling off his skateboard is so cute omg
Carolina embrace your inner silly
“Usually I would agree with Simmons but in this case that would also cause me to agree with Grif therefore I will simply grunt ambiguously… *ambiguous grunt*” quoted line
Love that Tucker is the one who usually points out the difference between Alpha and Epsilon… taking notes
Also love how chill Tucker is about Church being multiple people
Wash is as silly as his straw
Why does he have so many FRUITS
I love Carolina and York fucking with Wash
Hey remember when I did that guess the fake fact poll and everyone thought there was no way Elijah Wood was in the show? Good times
Caboose messing with Church my beloved
“Friendenepanion” line quoted
God they establish so many parallels between Tex and Carolina
Rip CT
“How the hell am I supposed to trust a ragtag team of idiots when I couldn’t even trust the people closest to me” THATS WHY YOU CAN TRUST THEM!!!! BECAUSE THEYRE IDIOTS!!!!!!!! DONT WORRY BABYGIRL YOU WILL UNDERSTAND SOON!!!
G o d Yorkalina you will always be famous to me
Screaming crying throwing up
“I mean we are friends” // “… friends…” SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP
Wyomings mustache is the sexiest character
The show: angst agony pain // me: giggling kicking my feet because I just love the show so damn much I can’t help but happy stim when I’m watching it even when it’s pain
It was so real of them to just have Carolina have this one sided beef with a copy of her dead mom. Absolutely insane. I love it.
“No because I’m pissed off!” That one line really made me love Tucker even more. I remember being floored by it and suddenly realizing that oh shit this is fr getting tense like- he’s ACTUALLY mad. Just such a good subtle character moment
So like was Sheila just… left in that crashed pelican… forever
York is such a cringefail king
“Thanks I won’t need it” THE PARALLELS
Church being defensive of Carolina AGSKGDKSHSKD
Tex is very small compared to North
Sarge continues to have the best character development
Wash’s implantation, Tex learning the truth, Allison reveal IM AKJSKAHSKHDKSJ F E R A L
The fact that the director was gonna send Carolina to find Tex is INSANE
“You and Wash are taking your relationship to the next level, I knew it the writing was all over the wall” Caboose was the first carwash shipper
Fun fact: everyone walking out on Church and Carolina was the first scene that actually made me cry
Tex just wanted to save them… she just wanted to save Alpha and Carolina auuuuhjajahjshajsjkshdjsjjsh
“Cheesy forgiveness speech later” and I like to headcanon that they held Church to that
G o d Chex you were always doomed…. Agony
I literally have no words for what the Carolina and Director and Church scene makes me feel so I will simply summarize
“Better is good enough” I’m gonna be sick
Putting the full Allison video at the end of the credits was FOUL
I really wish I was better at putting my thoughts into words cause G O D does this show make me feel things. I unlock 57 new emotions every time I watch it… truly I love this show. Especially the freelancer storyline. There’s something really special about all of this… just beautiful.
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chaotic-super · 1 year
Live With Me - Chapter 18
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Read it on AO3 here!
“I don’t think that’s going to work.” Cat huffs, watching as Kara fruitlessly squirms in her seat in an attempt at getting out of the too-tight cuffs as she strains against the zip ties holding her legs against the chair.
Kara sags in defeat. “There has to be a way out for us. We both know what will happen if we don’t, and frankly, I don’t want to see the inside of a coffin any time soon.”
“Obviously I don’t want that either but tiring yourself out in a futile attempt to break free from that chair isn’t going to help us, is it?” Cat peers over at her, exasperation clouding her features. “We might have to fight and scream and cause a ruckus at some point. We can’t do that if you’re in need of a nap because you’ve already been fighting some handcuffs for hours beforehand.”
Kara sighs as she tries to stretch out her wrists. A quick wiggle of her fingers tells her that the cuffs are definitely cutting off her circulation somewhat. Her fingertips are slightly numb and that’s pretty worrying. “I wish they hadn’t put these cuffs on so tightly. Can prolonged blood loss to a limb cause permanent damage?”
“Do I look like a doctor to you?”
Kara meets Cat’s eyes. Her words might be harsh but her worry is palpable. “Point taken. Do you have any ideas on how we could get out of here?”
The resounding shake of her head has Kara sighing a second time, and she indignantly throws her weight back into the chair to show her displeasure at the entire situation. As she does, a faint crack can be heard.
“Was that…?” Cat barely dares utter the words.
“I think I just broke the chair.” Kara’s mouth hangs open as she looks over at Cat wide-eyed.
Cat shakes off her initial surprise quickly. “Don’t just sit there then. Break the thing. If you can break it, you might be able to get up, and if you can get up, getting out of here will be a hundred times easier, come on.”  
In an attempt to recreate the effect she just had on the chair, Kara leans forward before shoving her weight back once more, but it’s tentative. She does it again, reserved because she’s afraid of falling backwards.
“Kara, for the love of God, please put your back into it, quite literally, because if I have to stay here longer than necessary because you’re afraid to chip a nail, I’m not going to be very happy.”
The sharp tone cuts through Kara’s worries and puts her back into the correct headspace, getting her to try a bit harder and come back to the realization that her need to get out of here is a lot greater than her fear of falling backwards.
First, she rocks forward as much as she can and then she shoves herself back into the chair with as much force as she can muster. It sends both her and the chair toppling over, and her face scrunches as she prepares for the landing.
Her arms hit the floor first with a dull thud, muffling the sound of wood on wood. She has to press her lips together tightly to stop herself from crying out and, in the process, inadvertently ends up biting down on her tongue. She winces as the taste of copper floods her senses, making her nose scrunch up.
“Are you ok?” Cat’s worried voice calls out to her.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” Kara coughs, swallowing harshly and doing her best to ignore the pain in both her tongue and her arms from falling directly onto them.
“Can you get up?”
Kara tries her best, swinging her legs as much as possible to get her momentum to force her onto her side. Her feet are still attached to the legs of the chair but she has made progress. She’s managed to snap the back of the chair off completely.
 Pushing her arms back and wiggling as much as she can in an awkward sort of side shuffle, Kara manages to ditch the useless chair back, immediately giving her more room to move.
“What now? My legs are still trapped.” Kara strains to look back over at Cat, who is watching her closely, the cogs evidently turning in her head as she tries to figure out a way to get Kara off the floor and get the pair of them out of there.
“Uh…” Cat hesitates, and that doesn’t fill Kara with hope. If there’s one thing Cat Grant doesn’t usually do, it’s hesitate. “Can you reach your feet?”
With a bit more awkward twisting, Kara manages it, tapping her fingers against one of the zip ties to show she can. “Yeah.”
“Take your shoe off and bring it closer to you so you can get the laces out, then you’re going to thread it through the zip tie. Once you’ve done that, you need to create friction, pull it back and forth as quickly as possible, and it should snap. Got it?”
“Yes, I think so,” Kara grumbles, doing her best to ignore the aches and pains from being in such an uncomfortable position for so long.
From there, Kara attempts to follow the instructions she’s been given, the task achievable yet nowhere near easy to accomplish. She’s forced to wriggle and squirm to reach her hands around to her feet and contort her body in ways her joints don’t particularly appreciate.
“You look like a caterpillar that has been cursed by the universe to never turn into a butterfly. Hurry up.” Cat rushes her, aware that Kara has made a lot of noise and unsure if there are guards around or someone in the building who is supposed to be watching them.
“Thank you.” Kara grunts, forcing the lace of her shoes through the practically non-existent gap between her ankle and the chair leg.
As soon as it’s through, she starts trying to saw her way through the zip tie, her leg kicking against it to try and weaken it. It’s only on one particularly strong kick that she rips the zip tie down the leg of the chair and realizes that she could have just slid it off all the while without the added stress of trying to break it.
“Oh, I’m kind of dumb.” She mutters, sliding the other one off and forcing her shoe back on, minus the lace, which she just shoves deep into her pocket.
Now that she’s not attached to the chair, she flips herself onto her knees, using her hands as much as she can while still stuck behind her back. She clambers to her feet and steps towards Cat. “Ms Grant, I have an idea of how to get you off the chair, but it’s not going to be pretty.”
“I don’t care about pretty; I care about you getting me the hell out of here.”
Kara takes a deep breath before cracking on with her plan that she admits isn’t the best thought out but is the only one her brain is giving her in this pressing situation. They don’t have time for her to try and find another solution. She just has to try it and hope for the best.
Shuffling behind Cat, she turns her back to the chair before grabbing the top of it with her bound hands and slowly tipping it back, lowering Cat to the floor as gently as she can. Once she’s safely on the ground, she tips her onto her side as delicately as she can, which is not very.
“Hold on, I’m going to help you shuffle down to free your legs, and then I’ll help you off the back of the chair.” Kara murmurs, her hands scrambling to find purchase against Cat’s body to arrange her in a way that will make the escape possible. She’s never before wished that she was friends with David Blaine, but there’s a first for everything.
“Hurry up, we need to make this quick and we haven’t even touched on the handcuffs yet.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that part,” Kara whispers.
“You forgot?” Cat whisper-yells back at her.
Kara nods, focused only on getting Cat’s feet free, which isn’t too tricky. Once that’s done. Kara moves to get Cat out of the rest of the chair but falters and changes tactics. It will be easier to pull her up if she can see what her hands are doing.
Totally overestimating her flexibility, Kara attempts to pull her legs through her joined arms. There’s a struggle as she crouches down and tries to shimmy her wrists over her butt so she can kick her first leg over, and in doing so, she falls directly onto Cat, her face smushed against her stomach and her shoulder digging into her boss’ boobs.
“Ugh, can’t you do anything delicately? Jesus, Kara.” Cat can’t do anything to push Kara off her. Still, the sharp tone is enough to get her pulling herself together and trying again, this time a little further back from where Cat is lying so if she falls, it won’t be onto the woman that would totally file a sexual harassment claim against her with HR just to inconvenience her before revoking it after a day.
This time, Kara gets further. She gets her wrists over her ass and manages to get one leg through her arms. The problem comes when she can’t get the other leg through. She’s essentially now just stuck with her hands handcuffed between her legs. At least she can see them.
“That is entirely unhelpful, Kara. Now you’ll have to put your crotch next to my body, and I don’t appreciate that.”
“This is better. I can actually see where I’m grabbing you now.”
“I would prefer an accidental boob grab to having something Lena Luthor has spent too much time buried in lingering right beside my head.” Cat sneers.
Kara’s face flushes a deep crimson at the words, not expecting her boss to come out with something so lewd, yet somehow, she feels as though she should have expected it on some level. Making a choice that will most likely get her further away from the statement and the further tongue lashing she could potentially open herself up to, Kara stays silent, instead manoeuvring around Cat so she can hook her fingers into her armpit and drag her up and off the chair completely.
“Ok, now what do we do about the cuffs?” Kara asks.
Cat answers right away, a plan already formulated in her head. “I need you to pull out the hairpin in my hair and then pass it to me. I can get myself out of my cuffs and then I’ll get you out of yours. Ok?”
“You know how to pick the lock of government issues handcuffs?”
“I dated a senator once.” Cat offers up as Kara digs through her hair for a hairpin.
Kara’s face scrunches in confusion as she hands the hairpin over, her eyebrows furrowing and her lips pulling down as her nose scrunches up cutely. “Why would a senator—”
“Shut up. I have to focus.” Cat snaps, her face the epitome of concentration. It’s also the exact same face as the epitome of constipation but Kara doesn’t dare say anything. She doesn’t have a death wish.
It takes her a few minutes, but it works. Cat pulls it off, displaying the opened cuffs to Kara like a trophy with a smug smile before it drops with her eyes. She’s looking right at Kara’s hands with a level of disdain usually reserved for board meetings.
“I really wish you hadn’t put us both in this position.”
“I’m getting that.” Kara breathes, rolling her eyes.
“I’m going to kneel in front of you. Please remember I’m not your girlfriend, so if I see those hips so much as twitch in my direction, I’m going to leave you like that. Actually, I’m sure Ms Luthor would probably like that. You look like the kind of couple to be into weird shit.”
Kara’s jaw is practically resting on the floor at this point and settles for leaving it that way. At least then her tongue can’t get her into any trouble. Any more trouble.
Cat works away for a minute or two, her eyes laser focused while Kara looks anywhere other than at the kneeling CEO. She would like to erase this moment from her brain forever and feels much dirtier than it actually is because of the uncomfortable air left in the room from the comments made.
As the handcuffs unlock, Kara feels the rush of pain to her wrists as the blood flow is restored. She brings both hands up to her chest and tries to rub some of the feeling back into them.
All signs of her previous snark gone, Cat rests a tender hand on her forearm. “Are you ok?”
“I will be once we’re out of here and we’ve found Lena.”
“Then let’s go find her.”
That decided, they first take a look out of the lone window over on one side of the room, taking in the wonderous sight of nothing but a dirty alley and no way to get down from what is very clearly either the third or fourth floor. There’s no climbing or dropping their way down without breaking their ankles, and if anyone were to try it and fail spectacularly, it would be Kara.
Cat flicks her head towards the door. “That’s our only way out. We can’t get down.”
“That’s the way they’ll expect us to try and escape through, in any case. There might be a tripwire or something.”
“A tripwire?” Cat looks half disappointed and half amused at how Kara’s brain works. “I don’t think there’s a tripwire.”
“Wait,” Kara calls out softly as Cat starts making her way over to the door. “We might not be able to get down, but I think we can get up.”
“Please tell me that doesn’t mean what I think it means.” Cat folds her arms, her usual strong stance faltering from a mixture of exhaustion, fear and stiffness from being trapped in one position for so long.
Kara looks up and out of the window, judging carefully to see if her idea is feasible. “I think we can do it. We climb out, and I’ll give you a boost up. There’s a balcony right above us. If you can get up there and help me up once you’re there, we can get out through that room upstairs instead.”
“Do you think I’m stupid enough to try and climb out of a window to a balcony attached to a room that could be filled with a bunch of assholes that handcuffed us to chairs not too long ago?”
Kara shifts her weight, her hands wringing in front of her. She stretches out her back, cracking it softly. “No, but I am, and I think it’s our best chance. I’ve just got a gut feeling that if we go up there, it will work out for us. I can’t explain it.”
With a huff, Cat pins her with a look Kara has never seen before. “Then let’s follow your gut. Maybe it will lead you to a buffet on the way to Lena.”
“I care more about Lena than a buffet,” Kara argues, prising the window open as much as she can, grateful it’s old and only has a catch, not a lock that requires a key.
“Then today is the day hell freezes over.”
“Is now really the time for you to be making snarky comments? This seems like a time where you should be giving me time to think so we can make the best decisions possible.”
Cat sneers in response. “The best decisions possible? Kara, you just told me to climb out of the window and risk falling to my death.”
Kara’s nerves are fried and she can’t keep her mouth shut any longer. “Would you prefer a bullet instead? I’m sure that can be arranged if you really want that.”
“You’re spicy,” Cat complains, but there’s a hint of something in her eyes that Kara can’t make sense of, her brain too busy figuring out how to get them out of this mess to try and work out the inner workings of Cat Grant’s mind, a hefty task if there ever was one.
“No. I’m scared, and you’re not helping.” Kara answers. “Plus, my head is killing me.”
Cat had somewhat grown accustomed to the dried blood smeared across Kara’s face, but at the mention, it’s like seeing it for the first time all over again. “Let’s get out of here then. You need to get that looked at.”
“Exactly. So, do you want to climb up there or what?”
“No, but let’s do it. I once climbed a basketball player like my life depended on it. This can’t be much different.”
Kara climbs through the window first, keeping one hand inside to clasp onto the wall just above the window and keep her balance as she teeters on the thin window frame. She holds her other hand out in offering and sighs in relief when Cat takes it without a word, climbing out and facing Kara.
“Stand on my knee first and then work your way up to my hip. Then, I’ll brace my arm against my chest, you stand on my hand, and I’ll boost you up. It’s not that high up to the edge of the balcony. You should be more than high enough to grab the railing and have enough leverage to pull yourself up.”
Humming her understanding, Cat gets right to work. She’s not putting off the inevitable. If this fails, it doesn’t matter if she goes splat on the pavement now or in two minutes.
Kara grunts, doing her best to stay as still and as steady as possible as she’s used as a jungle gym. She has to give it to her boss, she’s actually pretty good at climbing. She’s scaling Kara like she’s nothing more than an average staircase. Impressive.
Cat grips the railing and starts pulling herself up. The metal railing is cold against her palms, the chipping paint helping her grip, something she needs because her palms are so sweaty. She tips herself over the edge as soon as she can, her heart thumping quicker than a hummingbird’s.
“Are you good?” Kara peers up as much as she can, her anxiety increasing now that Cat is out of sight.
She doesn’t get an immediate response, but then, through the gaps in the railings, two legs appear, swiftly followed by Cat’s sharp voice. “Grab on and get up here.”
Kara has a feeling that she’s either going to slip or break Cat’s legs, she’s not sure which it is. She wraps her hands around Cat’s ankles first, and a small part of her revels in the hint of stubble there. She’s found an imperfection in the Queen of All Media. Lena is going to love hearing about this later.
If she wasn’t determined before, she certainly is now that she’s got an image of Lena in her head. She has her head thrown back in laughter and a cheesy grin etched across her face. They’re at home and they’re safe. Kara’s going to get them home.
Climbing her way up to the balcony, her arms gripping Cat tightly and her feet scrambling for purchase against the wall, she almost slips as the unexpected sound of the door slamming open shocks her out of focus.
Someone is in the room they have barely stepped a foot out of and there’s no doubt that her legs are currently hanging right outside of the window right now. There’s no way they don’t know where she is.
“Get down, now!”
The voice is so demanding and strong that Kara has to fight every instinct that she has not to give in and obey, but they can still make it. She’s sure of that.
One final push and a little bit of dumb luck and she’s got her hands around the railings, Cat is standing up and she’s being pulled up onto the balcony fully.
It’s just a shame that by the time she’s safely on the right side of the railings, they’ve already been blocked onto the balcony by a group of agents.
“Hands where we can see them!”
Cat doesn’t fight them, and if Cat isn’t fighting them, Kara knows she sure as hell shouldn’t and follows suit.
“Catherine Grant? Kara Danvers?” One of them confirms – a woman with a stern face, heavily wrinkled despite looking moderately young.
“That’s us.” Cat answers for the pair of them.
“Agent Captyn, CIA.”
A badge is held up for them both to see.
“Agent C—”
“Spelt with a C-A-P-T-Y-N. No jokes at this time, please. We’re here to protect you in the name of national security. Follow us.”
A brief glance is exchanged between them before they shuffle in from the balcony. They’re a little shocked to see what has to be close to twenty agents in the room, some kind of office with a fancy desk and a large monitor in one corner.
“Agent Captyn?” Kara hesitantly tries to get her attention, not willing to risk tapping her on the shoulder. She’d like to keep all of her fingers; Lena would be upset if she didn’t.
Steely grey eyes meet hers. “Yes, Ms Danvers?”
“Have you found Lena?”
Those eyes soften just a smidgen. “We’re working on it, I promise. There’s another team out there right now on their way to a possible location.”
“Is it a hotel?” Cat rushes her steps to keep up with them, the pace a little too fast for her liking. She’s not one to be left behind in any capacity though. “That’s where I last saw her. We were initially taken there together.”
“It is.”
“Excellent.” Agent Captyn faces off with her, not liking the air of superiority Cat is exerting. “Now, we’re going to take you to a safe location and we’ll have someone look over your injuries, Ms Danvers. It looks like a possible broken nose from where I’m standing.”
Kara nods. “Yeah, they got me good. Where are they? The FBI guys sort of just left us there. Did they just leave after?”
“Either that or they got a tip that we were on our way. Our priority is your safety right now, Ms Danvers. All you have to worry about is following my orders and you’ll be back in National City before you know it.” She directs them to the fire escape and they start making their way down to where there are several non-conspicuous black cars and a few plain vans ditched haphazardly outside of the building. “Come on, you’re safe now.” She reassures them one last time.
Climbing into one of the cars, Kara feels Cat’s hand slide over her wrist. The pressure is grounding and helps calm her, but a sly glance over at the woman sitting on her left has her realizing that the touch isn’t for her. Even the mightiest of people falter under too much pressure and need a little reassurance.
Looking away to not make her self-conscious, Kara trains her eyes out of the window, the pain in her face now more evident since she’s got time to sit in the moment. She hopes that whatever doctor they set her up with gives her some pain meds because it’s getting less bearable by the second.
They have no idea whether these people are actually going to take them somewhere safe, but Kara finds that she doesn’t really care so long as she gets reunited with Lena. She needs to know she’s safe. That’s her number one priority.
Lena taps her fingers against the table impatiently. She was sure she wouldn’t be waiting long, but here she is, still waiting. At least a couple of hours must have passed, and she’s been alone ever since. It’s making her uneasy. She was so sure that she handled General Lane well and came out on top, but the longer she sits, stews, worries and waits, the less certain she becomes.
As much as she understands why she can’t have her phone with her, she wishes she kept it with her so that she could play one of the dumb games Kara insisted on downloading there months ago so she would have something to do in her downtime besides check her emails. She’ll never admit to Kara that she plays them occasionally, but she’s relatively sure Kara knows anyway. She always knows.
She sighs, weighing up whether or not to just put her head down and see if she can rest a little while she waits. It makes her feel awful that she feels she could sleep even though she doesn’t know where Kara and Cat are but she’s mentally and physically exhausted. She’s half ready for the government to just make them disappear at this point just so she can rest. Albeit, that would be a more extended rest than she would like. A nap is a nap though.
The door opens just as she’s about to throw caution to the wind and get some shut-eye. The person she was expecting isn’t the one standing there though. In place of General Lane, there’s instead a group of agents, guns drawn and in full tactical gear.
One steps forward and raises his mask. “Ms Luthor, follow me. We’re getting you out of here.”
“And who are you?”
“Say no more.”
He looks confused as she stumbles to her feet. “You don’t have any questions.”
“Not currently. Just take me to Kara and I’ll be happy. That is where we’re going, correct?”
“Wonderful, let’s go.”
Lena strides through the building like she owns the place, her fatigue and exhaustion pushed aside as she’s directed to a motel room by a couple of agents. They hand her the key and nod to door number twenty-seven. “You’re safe here. You’ll be well guarded, I promise.”
“Thank you.” She forces out, eager to get to her girlfriend. She slides the key into the handle and pushes it open, barely remembering her manners. “Good night.”
“Good night.”
She rushes inside, letting the door swing closed behind her.
The motel room is split into two parts, a living area and then a bedroom area. Given the quiet emptiness of the living area, she knows where her people should be.
Rounding the corner, she holds her breath, terrified that she’s not going to be there.
She is.
“Lena?” Kara’s voice is filled with excitement and relief, but that’s not what Lena’s focusing on. No, her eyes are instantly drawn to the bruising and swelling across Kara’s face. She has sutures across one cheek and her forehead.
“You’re hurt.”
“I’m ok.”
Cat clears her throat from where she’s sat in a massive terribly-patterned armchair, the thing practically engulfing her. “She’s not fully ok, but she got signed off by a doctor. As you can see, those assholes really did a number on her face. Believe it or not, this is much better than it was before.”
Lena’s feet draw her closer to Kara, even when her mind isn’t all there to direct her. Her body knows where to go, or rather, who to go to. As soon as she’s within reach, Lena’s hands cradle Kara’s face, turning it gently so she can get a better look. “I’m going to kill them.”
“That’s easier said than done. I think a lot of them have run back to wherever they hang their bad-guy masks at night. They ditched us at the office building where they were keeping as soon as they knew the CIA were getting close.”
“And the CIA came and let you out?”
“We were already halfway out by the time they got there. We would have managed it.” Kara brags.
“By ‘halfway out’, she means halfway out the window. We were in the process of successfully scaling the building when they arrived. It was all very dramatic and very impressive. I could have done without it though.”
The story is almost too much. Lena’s had enough for the day—more than. “I can’t take much more of an explanation tonight. Think we can save the story for tomorrow?”
“Of course.” Kara takes Lena’s hands from her face and gently guides her down to sit on the bed beside her.
“She says as though she hasn’t been fighting sleep for the past hour because she wanted to be awake when her girlfriend finally arrived.” Cat snickers.
Lena can’t help the fond smile that falls into place. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Kara nudges her. “Now, there’s three of us and one bed. How are we doing this? I don’t mind taking the couch so you can rest properly. I hear CEOs can be particularly grumpy if they don’t get enough rest.”
Cat raises herself up from the chair, straightening out her clothes as best she can despite them being heavily rumpled from the day’s events. “That’s quite alright. I’ll take the couch. I’ve been far too close to you today, and I don’t want that same experience with your partner. I don’t know if I’ll ever recover from being forced to be that close to your crotch. In fact, I might need therapy.”
“You’re not the only one,” Kara mumbles as Cat flounces off.
Lena pins her with a look of utter bafflement and Kara rushes to explain as she realizes that her boss just told her girlfriend that she was close to her crotch. That’s not something that any girl wants to hear about her girlfriend.
“I uh…I got my hands caught around my crotch.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
“It’s not as sexy as it sounds. I had my hands handcuffed behind my back and I tried to get them around to my front. I got caught like this.” Kara mimes out how she got herself trapped. “Cat had to pick the lock while I was like that.”
Lena nods slowly. “You’re a disaster.”
Kara is about to argue but loses the words as Lena practically dives onto the bed. “Come cuddle.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Read the final 2 chapters on Patreon here!
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yandere-sins · 2 years
The Price of Happy Ever After
Anddd the end! I honestly didn’t plan for such a tragical ending, and I did intend to leave it open a bit if anyone ever wants to request the stepbro again that there can be a continous timeline, but it’s still sad. Or maybe I am just sad my storyline is over? Who knows. Thanks everyone for reading and loving the stepbro series, up to the bitter end ♥
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Stepbrother x GN!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Violence (Killing, Death (on screen), Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide implications, Murder (implications), Death mention, Blood mention, Corpse Mention, Knife Mention, Stabbing Mention), I actually took this prompt very literally, Abusive Relationship, Forced Affection, Darling breaking, Massive Trauma, Darling being manipulated/gaslit prior
Prompt: @sintember Why did nobody listen? - A threat ignored, the devastation wrought. Will you survive it alone, to remember their folly? Or will it consume you as well?
»»———————— ♡ ————————««    
Your voice was breathless as you stared at the mangled corpses lying before you, the scream you wanted to release stuck in your throat. Aside from the obvious indications like your mom’s bracelet on her wrist and your dad’s glasses lying crushed in a pool of blood next to what must have been his head once, you had no doubts about who these bodies were. Funnily enough, your first idea was how realistic this Halloween decoration looked. It wasn’t unusual to find something so gruesomely arranged like this at the time of the year you were in, the end of October just around the corner.
Pushing his face into the back of your head, your brother took a deep breath. Blood-smeared fingers crawled onto your shoulders, squeezing the tense muscles in them. “Happy Birthday~” he hummed melodically, the weight of your life crushing down on you as he added, “Sweet 21, my Darling. I hope you like your present.”
There were a lot of things to do—screaming, crying, gripping your head as you sunk to your knees. Perhaps throwing up would have been a good idea as well. But you couldn’t. You were simply numb. Even if you wanted to turn your eyes away from the fleshy pulp in your living room, you couldn’t. You couldn’t, knowing it was your fault. Or was it? Maybe partially… Had your brother already gotten so much into your head that you considered all of this your own failure?
You began to shake, at least some reaction to the horror unfolding before your eyes. No amount of therapy would be able to save you from the nightmares this would cause. Your brother wrapped his arms around you from behind, and you noticed his white sleeves turned red from the blood, the kitchen knife still in his hand as he pressed you tightly against him, squeezing you and nudging you side to side.
“Finally you’re old enough that we don’t have to keep up a facade anymore. I told them about us this morning, and they weren’t happy about our relationship. So I made them disappear. No need to thank me.”
“You–” It was a feeble try to reply as your vocal cords simply gave out while you tried to mouth your thoughts. There were so many screaming at you, sad ones weeping over your parents, and angry ones yelling, “I told you so!” But what did it matter now? What did it matter how many times you tried to tell them about their wicked adopted stepson? It only mattered that they didn’t listen. They waved you off and shrugged their shoulders, only for them to end up dead. Only you were left behind to realize your stepbrother must have had one hell of a time stabbing them, too, the wounds uncountable.
“I did it, yeah. For us. For you.”
Gripping your chin, he turned your head to face him, the true horror of everything going on reflected by your expression in his eyes. Urging your chin up, he had you stretch your neck to meet his lips, a tender tongue lapping out to lick over yours while he breathed out a sigh in seemingly relief. It wasn’t long until he captured your mouth with his, moaning into the kiss despite there being no reaction from you at all. The blood splatters across his face were such a harsh contrast to the adoration in his glazed-over gaze. Your stepbrother never even allowed himself to look away or blink, wanting to capture every second of the sickly expression on your face. The only thing tearing you out of a complete trance—you couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, couldn’t focus—were his teeth nicking at your lower lip, drawing even more of the wide-spread red fluid from you despite him being covered in it from head to toe.
“You said you wouldn’t,” you finally whispered, a naive feeling of betrayal taking the upper hand. But not seconds later, the hiccups started, the heavy reality settling in, tears flooding your eyes as you let out a soundless gurgle. Your knees grew weak, the tension in your body replaced by being unable to stand any longer. Though the thought of sinking to your knees before your stepbrother, falling into the blood of your parents, made you want to throw up, you weren’t concerned about him still holding the knife or what he obviously could do with it. Because he wouldn’t hurt you. Not now that he had you all to himself.
“You… You… You…” Trying to voice your thoughts only ended up in you hyperventilating, your brother catching you with one arm around your hips as you began the ungraceful descent. He helped steady you, kept you close with his eyes widening too. The sound of the knife handle falling to the ground couldn’t even register in your head as he cupped your face instead, hushing you gently. “Shh, shh, I’m here! I’m here. Everything is fine.”
But what was really fine? Were you fine? Was this situation fine? You barely matured legally, but you weren’t an adult yet who could control anything in your life. Was it even your life anymore?
“Look at me, look- look at me. I am right here,” he tried to calm you, bumping his forehead to yours and capturing your eyes with his. In his delusion, he must have thought you’d react differently. He probably expected you to be overjoyed and tell him to shower while you prepared the table to eat cake together. You, barely holding back from passing out, hyperventilating, and losing your grip on reality, wasn’t how he thought it would go. You could see the warped disappointment in his gaze, the desire for you to get a grip, but maybe just because it was your birthday, he didn’t force you through the slap of his hand or choke you like he did in the past.
But the past was no longer a concern. With your parents gone, the future seemed much darker than you wished it would be. How would you keep on living with the shame and terror of letting them die? How would you stop thinking about ways you could have prevented this? What were you going to do now? Could you still move out and start over, far away from this psycho? Be free of his torture?
“Babe!” he called out to you, once more tearing you out of your thoughts. “Stay with me, please! It’s fine, I promise! Everything will be fine!”
Following his words with another kiss, you sensed the hot tears running down your cheeks. These constant kisses and denial about the terrible things that happened just inches away from you were so terrifying you almost felt like you were going to mess your pants. He was a killer. You had known this for a long time now. But a part of you hoped he wouldn’t go this far. That he’d leave you and your family alone if you left him, that he’d find enjoyment somewhere else. Or at least, that he’d leave those people you loved and protected by enduring his psychopathic tendencies with your own body and mind behind when he followed you elsewhere. God, why did nobody listen? How could you ever dream of a life away from him now, knowing he did this and would do it again in a heartbeat? How could you pretend that you’d be able to function with no support and no one to listen to you now?
How much more could you endure before you’d just break?
You knew you were close to breaking. There was little left that could keep your sanity on the right path, and no kiss, no gentle touch, and no caress would be able to save it. No one could save it. No one would save you. There was no one left who believed you over your stepbrother, no more family, no friends, not even the police. So… did that mean you’d just have to accept it? Bear with it?
“I already emptied all accounts. We’ll be out of the country and live somewhere far away from everyone by the sea. Or maybe a cabin in the woods? Wherever you go, I will go with you. No one can stop us now, Baby. You and I against the world forever.”
His words were but a constant buzzing ringing in your ears as he told you about his plans. You swallowed, your limbs feeling too heavy to move, too tired to act on your commands. Why did you even try? Why did you even imagine and question things that would never come true when he had already planned much farther ahead than you ever did? You just wanted to get out as soon as possible. He wanted to go across the globe and settle somewhere like a couple in love. Then again, how could you have planned when you foolishly believed in him, trusted him even.
Or maybe… there was one other way.
Your gaze fell from his, and you weren’t sure if he knew what you were looking at or if his panicked calls of your name meant he thought you were losing conscience. However, you fixated on one object intently while your stepbrother shook you in his hold, yelling for you to snap out of it.
There was one other way. One that would either let you live your life alone, ruined, broken, but free. Never to forget the tragedy as you’d forever run from responsibilities and your own nightmarish thoughts. You already knew no one would believe you. But you didn’t need anyone to believe you. It would be better to be alone in case your stepbrother didn’t die from your attack. So that he wouldn’t harm anyone who came too close to you. Alone and free, and the last person this unhinged murderer could ever harm again. Especially harm in your name.
Or you could end it on your own terms. You had no idea what he had planned. If you were lucky, being locked away for all eternity, only for his amusement, was the most merciful punishment for not saving your family from this fate. Surely, there could have been something else. Something you could have done to save them! But it was too late now.
As he sat you down, the wet feeling of blood soaking into your clothes and against your skin, you didn’t know where he was going. Maybe he was fetching his beloved ropes again, or he was getting a cold water bucket to try and pull you out of your living stiffness from being so far cut off from reality. Maybe he was getting the bottles of poison for you two. Who knew.
The knife, bloody and warm after being held and lying in the liquid, still had its sharp, cold edge to it, despite being worn down from use. You thought of the irony of your brother loving you. The feeling consuming him as much as your hatred for him did for you, pushing you towards making these ghastly choices about his and your life. It consumed you as much as the sadness about your parents’ death did. Love, a feeling so pure and beautiful, yet so wicked and deadly. For every happy ever after, it demanded a horrific price from someone else. A price higher than any living being could pay. This time, it was three lives.
And if your stepbrother really did love you…
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thebigqueer · 10 months
"The Privilege of Later" - Percy Jackson - One-Shot
Summary: Percy shares a cute moment with his mom & sister, and also unpacks some of his trauma a little bit. Word Count: 3327 Read on AO3
It’s 1:47 in the morning, and Percy is seriously considering dropping out of school and living in the forest. 
He’s been dying at the hands of his English essay since he came home from school. He really should’ve worked on it throughout the week, but between swimming practice and general procrastination, he hasn’t been able to get it done at all. 
Percy wishes Annabeth were here with him right now; he probably would have made her read the essay and make sure it made some sort of sense. But she’s somewhere else in the city right now, probably sleeping happily because she doesn’t have any English papers to write, and Percy has no choice but to pray for the best on this assignment. 
He groans. He just wants to crawl into the comfort of his blankets and fall asleep. As much as he’s been just thoroughly enjoying the grind of senior year and making up for all the work he missed in his semester of junior year, he’s ready for high school to just be over.
He heaves a sigh and drops his head into his arms. Maybe he should just accept the late points on this one. After all, he’s already into his second semester of senior year; who’s going to care that much? 
He’s in the middle of considering throwing a drachma to wake Annabeth up so she can suffer with him when, suddenly, a piercing wail shatters the air. The exhaustion drains right out of him and he sits up straight, ears ringing in surprise. It takes him a second to realize it’s just Estelle, being her best baby self - that is to say, screaming and crying at ungodly hours of the morning. 
Same, Estelle, he thinks.
Outside, he hears the padding of footsteps and sees the shadows of feet crawling along the floor. Percy considers staying in his room, but he doesn’t think it’s worth it. Besides, his mom would probably appreciate the help, and he’ll get big brother points. 
He stands and makes his way out the door, following the splice of light to the nursery. He can hear his mom murmuring gently, her words floating in the air, and his ears warm just listening to them. Something about listening to his mom sound so happy, so fulfilled with this small thing who only ever poops herself every few hours makes him feel… safe. 
He wonders if this was how she felt when she had him. If she ever talked to him this sweetly.
Percy knocks on the door gently. “Hey, Mom, it’s me.” 
His mom smiles at him as he comes in, but he can’t miss the exhaustion weighing on her face - the dark circles inking across her skin, the new gray hairs poking out of her sleepy bun, the slight stoop in her posture as she bounces Estelle on her shoulder. Estelle looks the utter opposite - too awake, and still crying. Her cute little face is screwed in, bursting with red as she wails with all her energy. 
“Hey, honey,” she says, settling herself down in the rocking chair in the corner. “Why are you awake?”
“Couldn’t sleep.” 
Sally raises a brow. “Or did you just not do your homework again?”
Percy grins shyly at her. “Same difference.”
“Hm,” she responds, but she lets the matter drop.
“So,” Percy says, stepping closer so that he’s standing next to her on the rocking chair. He crosses his arms across his chest and shrugs. “What’s wrong with the little crybaby?”
“You know,” Sally says, sighing, “the funny thing about babies is that they don’t know how to express their feelings. So you can try everything in existence and they’ll still be crying.” 
“You’re suddenly making the future sound very bleak for me, Mom.” 
“Sorry, honey. Just being honest with you.” She pats his leg gently. “Anyway, I just changed her and I thought that was it, but she’s still crying. So I think I’ll just have to sit with her for a bit.”
“Need company?”
She raises her eyebrows at him. “I don’t know… I really don’t want to cut in with your sleep time.” 
“No, it’s fine. I think I need a break anyway.” 
“How much of that essay have you got done?”
“About two paragraphs.” 
Sally makes a face, then sighs. “Okay, fine. Five minutes, though. Then right back to being my scholarly son.” 
“You know me,” he says, plopping down onto the carpet in front of her, “all about that scholarship.”
Sally laughs and leans her head back. Percy and Sally sit in silence for a minute - or at least as much silence as they can muster, as Estelle continues whimpering. But Percy doesn’t mind much. In fact, he even enjoys it - a moment with his family, just sitting together at two in the morning. It’s nice. 
Then Sally sighs, and Percy looks up. “I’m sorry if all of this is a lot for you, honey,” she laments. “I know this was a little badly planned, having a baby in your senior year just as you’re getting ready for college and everything. And on top of that having to adjust to just normal life after, you know… not being here for a long time.” She holds her hands out, and Percy grasps it. “I can imagine this must be a handful for you.”
Percy lets his mouth tilt into a slight smile, but it probably looks more confused than reassuring. Probably because he is confused. Not in a bad way, though - just overwhelmed, maybe. A good kind of overwhelmed. 
“Don’t be sorry, Mom.” He runs his fingers along the lines of her hand, feels the rough calluses against her hands. “It is a lot of change, but I like it. It gives me something to look forward to everyday. Going to college, trying to live a normal mortal life, getting to have family dinners every night. It’s a change I can get used to. Besides, doing homework at two in the morning beats the alternative, which is fighting monsters and running the risk of dying.” He frowns. “But it’s still just as deadly.” 
Sally laughs. “Welcome to being a mortal, kiddo.” 
“Thanks.” Then Percy holds his arms out. “Let me try holding her. Maybe it’ll do something.” 
Sally shares an apprehensive look with him, but eventually relents. She leans forward and gently passes Estelle off, and Percy feels a little bad about the fact this seems to cause his mother even more wrinkles. He draws Estelle closer to his chest and tries swinging her gently, but his arms are so shaky and Estelle is still wailing and he’s totally convinced he’s going to drop her. 
Great, he thinks. I can fight monsters but I can’t hold a baby?
“Oh, I wish I had a camera!” Sally says, leaning back in her chair, her smile now stretching with relief. “This is too cute.”
“Um,” he says, his eyes trained on the crying child in his arms. “I don’t think this is working.” 
“Maybe just give it a minute. At this point you have as good a chance as I do at calming her.”
Percy huffs a laugh. He continues swinging slowly, watches Estelle sink into them, and he has to admit, he likes the feel of this. Not that taking care of crying babies was at the top of his things to do at two in the morning, but he likes the warmth of feeling his sister in his arms, looking up at him with her big, new eyes, absorbing the world around her. Despite the crying, he can almost see the wonder reflected in her green irises. 
He wants to tell her to keep it as long as she can. Or better yet, he wants to be the one to keep it there, so that she never loses that awe. 
This was something he didn’t expect when he first found out he was going to be a big brother. Sure, he was excited to feel some sort of responsibility for her, but he didn’t expect the kind of power that would take over him. It was almost stronger than any sort of trance any of the gods could have put on him. And better, too. 
Ever since he first laid his eyes on her, first held her, all he could think about was how he wanted to make this world as good for her as possible. That’s what he was living for - not to save the gods, not to save people who could barely thank him for helping them survive, but to make sure the ones he loved could live a life where they didn’t have to worry about the outside dangers of the world. It was to make the world a better one, just for them.
But thinking about that makes him sad, too. Because he knows eventually Estelle is going to grow up, and no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries, she’ll end up having to learn about the bad things in the world. There’ll come a time where the wonder in her eyes will have flickered out, a time where she no longer will be looking for the newness in everything, and he knows it’s going to break his heart because she’ll finally realize the truth about the world. 
But maybe that’s the other side of making this life worth living. To make sure he’s there for her when she does.
“Mom?” Percy asks, and he looks up again. But this time his voice feels jagged, thready, like it’s been shaved off the edges. He has no idea why. 
“Did you ever… I don’t know. Was I ever as good as Estelle when I was a baby?”
Sally raises her eyebrows. “This is your definition of good?”
Percy scoffs, but it dissipates as soon as it leaves his lips. “That’s not what I mean. I just mean, like… Did you ever feel weird about having me? Or, like, scared? Knowing I was the son of a god?” He looks away. “Was I ever too much for you?”
“What?” Sally leans forward in surprise, frowning. “Where is this coming from, Percy?”
“Nowhere,” he promises. “I’m just curious.” 
“You were never too much for me,” she says. “Did I make you feel like you were?”
“No. Just… I know it’s been a lot for you. Like, knowing all you did for me… marrying Gabe, knowing you were at risk since you had a son with a literal god. And the fact that I wasn’t home for a full eight months, or probably more.” Percy shrugs again. “I don’t think those are lengths normal parents would have to take, you know?”
“I think it’s sad that you call them lengths,” she says. “It makes it sound like something I was doing just because I had to. And in a sense I did have to, but not because it was just some parental expectation. I did all that because I loved you, not because it’s what was expected of me.” 
“Oh.” Percy looks down. 
“I don’t know if that made sense. What I mean is, when it comes to loving someone, Percy, you’re willing to do anything you can to protect them. And I think if that love is strong enough, you don’t even consider them ‘lengths’; you consider them as just simple facts.” Sally laughs a little. “I don’t know, maybe it’ll make more sense if you ever become a parent.” 
Percy looks down at Estelle again. “I think I get it. Sort of.” 
“Well, Percy, you definitely weren’t Estelle. But you were never too much for me. You being a different experience never made you a worse one.” Sally smiles. “And yeah, I was scared before you were born. But not because you were a child of a god. I think it was just a general fear of being a first-time parent.”
Percy nods, but his head moves tightly, like a weight is attached to it. 
“Mom?” he asks, and his voice cracks at the end. He takes a deep breath and touches Estelle’s nose, if only to distract himself. “I’m really sorry. About not being here last year. About making you worry so much. About not being...” He doesn’t finish his thought: the son you deserve. 
He thought he was speaking just simply off the tip of his tongue, but he’s surprised to find tears rushing down his cheeks, so light and easy he barely realized they were even coming. And he tries to stop them, but he only manages to suck in a dramatic breath, which does nothing to help him convince himself he’s fine. 
Sally’s brows crawl up her forehead, pulling on her eyes so they pop open. She frowns. “Percy, where is this coming from?”
“I- I don’t know,” he mutters, wiping a tear from his eye. This is so embarrassing. Why is he even crying? “I just know you’re always worried about me, and I really wish I could just, like, tell you not to be, but then I’d be lying to you, and it makes me really sad to think about the fact you’re always going to be there for me but for some reason I just can’t be there for you. I mean, I literally wasn’t home for a full fucking year. I couldn’t be there for you for anything.” He shakes his head. “I’m more sorry than you could ever imagine.” 
Now Estelle is fidgeting again, and her eyes are scrunching in a way that assures him she’s about to start crying, too, and he just fucked something else up. 
So much for being the strong big brother.
Sally pops out of her chair and sits next to him on the floor, her hand gently smoothing his hair, and he can’t help it - he drops his head against her shoulder. 
“None of that is your fault, honey,” she says. “I thought you knew that. I know it wasn’t your decision to leave. You have nothing to be sorry for.” 
“I know,” Percy murmurs. “I’m sorry, still.”
“Don’t say that. You are not responsible for any of that.” She scoffs, and the way her voice rattles in her chest, Percy feels almost scared of her as she says, “It’s only the gods to blame.” 
Percy doesn’t say anything. 
“Look,” Sally says, now drawing her fingers through his hair, “I understand why you might feel this way. But you have to understand, I do not blame you for a minute. Yes, I’ll be honest, I do wish I didn’t have to worry so much, and I do wish you could just be safe and sound at home. But none of that is anything you have to be sorry for, Percy. You’re here for me as much as you can be, and that’s better than I think a lot of moms can ask for. I don’t regret for a moment you being a demigod, or even having you; I don’t know how I ever could, knowing how much you’ve accomplished.” Sally smiles, and the sight of it feels like the sun dripping on him on a summer’s day. “I am so immensely proud of you, Percy, of everything you do to keep me and everyone else in this world safe. Maybe you can’t always be here physically, but you are there for me in ways that you don’t even understand.”
Percy smiles, but it’s drowned out by the remaining tears trying to escape his eyes. He wipes some away. 
“I don’t ever regret having you, Percy, and I don’t regret for a moment not having a ‘normal’ life with you, whatever that is.” She cups Percy’s face in her hands and brushes her thumbs over his tears, burning them away. “I knew you would turn my world into a life of adventure and love before you were even born. How could I ever regret that?”
Sally’s attempts are futile. Now Percy’s tears are running down even faster. “Mom…,” he murmurs, but his tongue only gets tied up trying to finish whatever it is he was going to say. So he gives up and just lets this silence warm them.
“I’m not trying to diminish your feelings,” Sally murmurs eventually, “but does any of this have to do with Estelle? Do you think she was meant to replace you, Percy?”
“No,” he says immediately. “Not at all. I’m so happy she’s here. It’s just… I think having her here has just made some old thoughts come back. Not that that’s her fault. It just happened, I think. And after everything last year… maybe they’ve just grown more intense.” 
Sally frowns, but she offers a nod in confused understanding. “Well, just know, Percy, she was never meant to replace you or give me some sort of life that I’d always hoped for. She was another beautiful gift, just like you.”
As if in response, Estelle blubbers. When she catches sight of them watching, she blinks, opens and closes her mouth, and throws her hand into her mouth.
Then smiles.
It’s funny, Percy thinks. If someone had told the twelve-year-old him that this was where he’d be at eighteen - finishing high school, taking care of his new sister, preparing for college on the complete other side of the country - he would never have believed them. People had told him how dangerous being a demigod was ever since he first found out, and while he didn’t believe that he’d never reach adulthood, he didn’t keep his hopes up, either. Even before he found out he was a demigod, when his mom was still living with Smelly Gabe, he never really knew where they’d go from there. A part of him always believed he’d be stuck with him until he moved out, if he’d be able to move out at all. 
But here he was, almost eighteen, about to live the very future he never thought he’d be able to have for himself.
Realizing this, his heart stings a little. He knows he’s just a lucky case - there are so many people out there that have it much worse than he does right now. People who’d been in his situation but, unlike him, weren’t able to escape theirs. 
But that doesn’t bring him down. Instead, it only makes him feel more grateful for what he has now. A loving family, a caring girlfriend, the bestest friends in the world. There could have been a million ways his life went, but he’s glad it went this way. 
Sally kisses his cheek, and then stumbles back onto her feet. “Whew,” she mutters, rubbing her hip. “Not as young as I used to be. Anyway, it’s getting late, honey. We should head back to sleep. Sorry if me and Estelle woke you up.” 
“It’s all good,” Percy says, offering his sister up to her. He wipes the remains of his tears and jumps to his feet, too. “Actually, I think… I think I really needed to hear all that, Mom.” 
Sally smiles. “Of course, honey. And… I’m sorry if I ever made it seem like you couldn’t tell me any of this earlier. I really didn’t mean to give you that impression. I want you to be okay with telling me anything, Percy. I love you.” 
Percy smiles and offers his mom a one-handed hug, careful to not squish the baby. “You didn’t. And I love you, too.” He widens his eyes at Estelle, who giggles at his expression. “And I love you even more. Even if you are really loud.” 
Estelle squeals.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” he tells Sally, padding towards the bedroom door.
“Don’t be up too late!”
Before he closes the door, he turns around again and smiles at her. “See you later, Mom.” 
Later. He likes the taste of that word, like cotton candy, like clouds he can reach. Something he never thought he’d get the privilege to say.
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