#(she disappears for weeks then drops in to the college to see whats going on (she is the archmage) they hook up and she leaves again)
electoons · 4 months
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fuck it. ulothir moodboard
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
Stan and the reader as best friends since they knew Ford from college and when the twins are born, they go with him to see them at the hospital. Probably took a while before they could get a turn holding them.
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For those not in the know, mason is dippers actual name.
The moment you were about to take a sip from your much needed morning drink to properly prepare for the day ahead, you were grabbed by your shoulders by your lifelong friend Stanley, which made you drop your cup and watch helplessly as it smashed into a million pieces on the floor between you both.
‘Stan! What the actual-‘
‘TWINS!’ Stan exclaimed, gripping your shoulders tighter as he smiled gleefully.
‘Twins?’ You questioned, no where near mentally ready to do any thinking this soon in the morning and just wanted him to be more straightforward.
‘The babies! They’re twins!’ Stan replied as he lets out a laugh of disbelief as he let one hand off your shoulder to run through his hair. ‘Guess it does run in the family after all.’ He adds and it only took you a minute to realise what he was going on about as you gasped, grabbing your friend by his arms, smiling widely.
‘They’re born? Already? You’re a great uncle Stan! A grunkle Stan if you will!’ You cried as you couldn’t help but feel happy for your friend who only looked at you as though you had grown a second head. ‘Grunkle?’ Stan tested out, ‘I’m not calling myself that.’ He adds. you shrugged, having seen this outcome from a mile away. ‘Worth a shot though, but back to what really matters, and that is the fact that we’re still standing here like idiots when we could be meeting the two new additions to the family!’ You shouted as you pulled yourself away from Stan in order to get ready to leave, but before you did you looked back at Stan. ‘Oh and make sure to put some pants on this time.’ You added with a smile before disappearing up the stairs to get changed.
Stan, confused about what was said and mutters to himself as he walked towards the door, impatiently waiting for you. ‘What are they talking about- oh.’ He abruptly stops when he catches himself in the mirror of the hallway to see that he was still wearing his white shirt and blue striped boxers. ‘Now the pants comment makes sense.’ He then says as he too rushed back to his room to grab the nearest pair of pants that he could before you could finish changing.
For as long as Stan knew you, you never seem to let him live it down whenever you get ready before him. So much so that it had became a weird competition of sorts between you to see who’d finish first to claim bragging rights over the other for the rest of the week. Was it stupid? Yeah but it was something that just to two of you shared and understood, so who cared if anyone else thought it was stupid, especially if it was something that made you happy.
Unfortunately for Stan, you won as his pants didn’t want seem to want to get on his legs at all and the moment they did, you were already stood in the hallway dressed and ready to go. ‘Took you long enough.’ You teased as you followed Stan out to the car, wanting nothing more than to meet the cute little baby twins and spoil them rotten.
Stan only glares at you from the corner of his eye as he starts the car. ‘I hate you.’ He said.
You smirked. ‘You wish you could but you know you can’t. Now shut up and drive we’ve got some cute babies to see and I’m not wanting to be late because you were having a fight with your pants.’ You said as the long and arduous to the hospital began.
‘What’s their names, do we know?’ You asked softly as you watched the twins -one girl and one boy- as they slept soundly in Stan’s arms. ‘Mason and Mabel.’ He tells you and you couldn’t help but smile when the girl- Mabel- reached a hand out at the sound of your voice as you gladly let her grab your finger and squeeze it in her tiny baby hand before she let go. The twins were both so cute and adorable and something deep down told you that you wouldn’t be able to tell them no even if you tried; These little babies will have you hook, line and sinker every time and you’ll have no problem with it.
‘Mason and Mabel pines. Oh I can tell they’re going to be quite the dynamic duo.’ You said as you gingerly trace the big dipper like birthmark on Mason’s forehead, ‘especially this one if he’s going to become anything like Ford.’ You added as you gently booped mason on his little nose, chuckling when Mason scrunched his little face up, already wanting them to grow up so you could teach them on how to prank their grunkle Stan. You missed Ford dearly and wished he could’ve been here to witness this moment with you and Stanley but you’ll take what you could get, however you get it.
‘Do you want to hold them?’ Stan asked after a period of silence.
‘Are you sure? I don’t want to drop them.’ You said, suddenly feeling a little anxious at given the test of holding a small, fragile baby.
‘You’re their godparent for Christ sakes of course you should get to hold your own godchildren.’ Stan says as he reassured you, knowing how often you got into your own head sometimes that he had to be the one to physically pull you back into reality, something he didn’t mind doing now and then.
You took a deep breath. ‘Okay.’ You said as you fought to control your nerves, ‘just let me hold little Dipper here for the time being-‘
‘Little Dipper?’ Stan asked.
‘Yeah cuz of the dipper constellation on his forehead, while yes it’s technically the Big Dipper but he’s a baby so I’m calling my godson Little Dipper until he’s far older, I’m talking 20 at least.’ You told Stan as he only scoffed playfully. ‘God help these kids if they’re ever stuck with you.’ He retorted while you stuck your tongue out at him as you took Mason off of him and cradled him close to your chest, cooing when he seemingly tucked himself closer to you and gripped your hand with his tinier one. The small action alone was enough to make you a little teary eyed knowing that they’ve barely yet opened their eyes and yet they’ve already found comfort in your presence.
‘Hello little guy.’ You whispered to Mason as he shifted at the sound of your voice. ‘I’m y/n and I’m your godparent and I’m going to spoil you both absolutely rotten little mister.’ You continued with a little break in your voice as you never thought you’d see the day where you’d become a godparent but a godparent to two cute little twins nonetheless? You were truly blessed with this opportunity and you wouldn’t dare ruin that trust bestowed upon you by Mason and Mabel’s parents. ‘That I promise you and little marvellous Mabel over there. So I hope that’s okay with you.’ You added as you looked over at Stan who looked down at Mabel with soft eyes and a softer smile.
Mason made a little sound, it was soft, so soft you almost missed it but you swore you saw a smile appeared on the sweet boys face. You kissed his forehead once, twice, three times. ‘Thank you little man, I promise I’ll teach you all my tricks on how to get under your grunkles skin.’ You whispered cheekily.
‘I heard that and don’t listen to them kid, they’ll only lead you astray and teach you really bad jokes.’ Stan replied with a smile as you pretended to cover little mason’s ears with your hand while holding him close to your chest. ‘Don’t listen to your grunkle Little Dipper, he’s a big meanie who never puts on pants and fyi my jokes are awesome, I’ll write you a joke book and give it to you when you and your sister are twelve.’ You retaliated, unable to contain your excitement for the future and getting to see two beautiful babies grow in to exceptional people.
‘Wanna hold Mabel next?’ Stan asked.
‘You just wanna swap babies so you can tell Little Dipper to not follow my example.’ You quipped but felt yourself melt when you saw that Mabel was actually reaching out for you with her little baby hands before you look at Stan with a deadpan look. ‘Gimme my sweet little Mabel.’
Stan smirked as you gave him Mason while he gave you Mabel in exchange as you both coddled the twins in love and affection, knowing damn well there wasn’t anything neither of you would do for the sweet bundles of joy in your arms.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 4 months
Route 666 | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual)
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, j e a l o u s y, d e n i a l
Word Count: 4325
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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After your conversation with Dean about why you couldn’t lose him, a nagging want was tugging on your heart. 
Dean explained to you that the father of an “old friend” of his was killed last night. Your stomach dropped; knowing exactly what “old friend” meant. 
Sam did, too. “By old friend you mean...?”
“A friend that's not new,” came Dean’s gruff response. His eyes never left the road.
“Oh yeah, thanks,” Sam deadpanned. “So her name's Cassie, huh? You never mentioned her.”
“Didn't I? Yeah, we went out.”
You felt like you could throw up.
“You mean you dated somebody? For more than one night?” Sam commented.
“Am I speaking a language you're not getting here? Dad and I were working a job in Ohio, she was finishing up college. We went out for a coupla weeks,” Dean explained.
Sam pressed further, but you silently begged him to stop. You hoped his mind powers would kick in long enough to read the way your heart was begging for mercy in the backseat. “And...?” 
Dean shrugged. 
“Look, it's terrible about her dad, but it kinda sounds like a standard car accident. I'm not seeing how it fits with what we do. Which by the way, how does she know what we do?”
Dean shifted uncomfortably.
‘He told her.’ You were definitely going to throw up now.
“You told her. You told her the secret! Our big family rule number one. We do what we do and we shut up about it. For a year and a half I do nothing but lie to Jessica, and you go out with this chick in Ohio a couple of times and you tell her everything? Dean!” Sam was getting angrier by the second.
“Yeah, looks like,” Dean grumbled. 
This job would undoubtedly be an incredibly painful one.
You saw a beautiful dark-skinned girl arguing with two older men in the newspaper office you and the boys had arrived at. You silently pleaded for it not to be Cassie. She was stunning; nothing but long legs and slender curves. Her dark hair curled tightly, framing her face beautifully. The girl sighed and turned around as the two men walked away from her. She seemed taken aback. “Dean.”
You recognized the fondness in her eyes; it was the same fondness you were beginning to look at Dean with. 
‘Of course, she’s fucking gorgeous. Wouldn’t expect anything else from Dean,’ you thought.
“Hey, Cassie,” Dean grinned. The two stared at each other for a moment before he cleared his throat. “This is my brother, Sam, and this is my friend, (Y/N).”
You tried your best to smile at her; the girl had done nothing wrong. It was Dean you were beginning to get upset with.
“Sorry ‘bout your dad,” Dean said.
“Yeah. Me too,” Cassie muttered.
The two kept staring at each other. 
You cleared your throat awkwardly, and Cassie seemed to snap out of it. “Sorry,” she laughed. “Let’s take this somewhere a bit more… private.”
Cassie took you back to her home and brought you a tray of tea and cups. “My mother’s in pretty bad shape. I've been staying with her. I wish she wouldn't go off by herself. She's been so nervous and frightened. She was worried about dad.”
“Why?” Dean asked.
She gracefully poured some tea into a cup. “He was scared. He was seeing things.”
“Like what?”
“He swore he saw an awful-looking black truck following him,” the young woman explained.
“A truck. Who was the driver?” Sam questioned.
Cassie handed cups of tea to each of you. You took one, thanking her as you did so. “He didn't talk about a driver,” she continued. “Just the truck. He said it would appear and disappear. And, in the accident, Dad's car was dented, like it had been slammed into by something big.”
“Now you're sure this dent wasn't there before?”
“He sold cars. Always drove a new one. There wasn't a scratch on that thing. It had rained hard that night. There was mud everywhere. There was a distinct set of muddy tracks leading from dad's car… leading right to the edge, where he went over.” The girl took a second to get her emotions back under control. “One set of tracks. His.”
“The first was a friend of your fathers?” Dean had discarded his cup on a side table. The sight almost made you smile; you knew tea was a bit too fancy for him. 
“Best friend. Clayton Soames. They owned the car dealership together. Same thing. Dent. No Tracks. And the cops said exactly what they said about dad. He 'lost control of his car.' “
“Can you think of any reason why your father and his partner might be targets?”
Cassie shook her head.
“And you think this vanishing truck ran them off the road?” Sam furrowed his eyebrows.
“When you say it aloud like that…” Cassie breathed deeply. “Listen, I'm a little skeptical about this… ghost stuff… or whatever it is you guys are into.”
Dean huffed. “Skeptical. If I remember, I think you said I was nuts.”
‘Uh, oh,’ you thought, beginning to feel uncomfortable.
“That was then.” Cassie and Dean stared at each other again. “I just know that I can't explain what happened up there. So I called you.”
A middle-aged woman entered the room. Cassie rushed to her. “Mom. Where have you been I was so…”
Cassie’s mom forced a smile. “I had no idea you’d invited friends over.”
“Mom, this is Dean, a… friend of mine from.... college. And his brother Sam and friend, (Y/N).”
“Well, I won't interrupt you.” Cassie’s mom went to leave the room.
“Mrs Robinson. We're sorry for your loss. We'd like to talk to you for a minute if you don't mind?” Dean stopped her.
The woman seemed slightly affronted. “I'm really not up for that right now.” She left the room, and Dean and Cassie continued to stare at each other.
The next day, Dean informed you of another killing that happened in a field beside the main road. Another one of Cassie’s father’s friends had been murdered. You met the beautiful woman who was bravely berating the mayor for not closing the main road; heavily suggesting there was a racist undertone behind the mayor’s motives. You admired the woman’s bravery, and wished you had those kinds of balls in certain situations. Had the circumstances been different, you probably would have been good friends with her.
You and the boys learned from a friend of the deceased that the town once was home to a family with an incredibly racist history. In fact, the big black truck the victims had described seeing was one that many black men disappeared in back in the 1960s. You and the boys walked away from the men you learned this information from and returned to the Impala.
“Truck,” Dean noted.
“Keeps coming up doesn't it?” Sam added.
“Yeah, kinda like the flying dutchman,” you continued.
“Yeah, that ghost ship, infused with the Captain's evil spirit. It was basically part of him,” the younger Winchester finished.
Dean nodded. “So what if we're dealing with the same thing? You know, a phantom truck, an extension of some bastard's ghost, re-enacting past crimes.”
“The victims have all been black men,” noted Sam.
“I think it's more than that. They all seem connected to Cassie and her family,” Dean suggested.
“Alright, well, you work that angle, go talk to her,” Sam said.
“Yeah, I will.”
Sam stopped his brother before he could get down into the car. “Oh, and you might also wanna mention that other thing.”
‘Stop talking, Sam,’ you mentally pleaded.
“What other thing?” Dean asked.
“The serious, unfinished business?”
The older brother remained silent, and for that, you were thankful.
“Dean, what is going on between you two?” Sam huffed out a laugh.
Dean seemed uncomfortable, as were you. “Alright, so maybe we were a little bit more involved than I said.”
“Really?” you said, unable to help yourself.
“Okay, a lot more. Maybe. And I told her our secret, about what we do. And I shouldn't have.”
“Ah, look man, everybody's gotta open up to someone sometime,” Sam shrugged.
“Yeah, I don't. It was stupid to get that close. I mean, look how it ended.”
The younger brother smiled. 
“Would you stop!”
Sam just kept staring and smiling.
“Blink or something!”
The brunet simply said, “You loved her.”
You nearly choked on your own spit as Dean grumbled and turned to the Impala.
“You were in love with her, but you dumped her.” Sam paused a moment before realizing, “Oh, wow. She dumped you.”
“Get in the car. Get in the car!” Dean ordered you and Sam.
You refused to continue to let Dean have that effect on you. There was no room for feelings in this profession, and you would not let them get in the way of your friendship with Dean or Sam. The former dropped you and his brother off at the motel before speeding away to Cassie’s house. You and Sam decided to get takeout and have a carpet picnic in the brothers’ motel room.
You chowed down on fried rice while Sam eyed you curiously. “What?” you asked through a mouthful of rice.
“Nothing. You just seem off,” he replied.
“I don’t know, honestly. After… everything that’s happened, I—” you couldn’t finish your sentence. “Nevermind. What’s your thoughts on this case?”
He gave you a bitchface at your change in the subject, but went along with it nonetheless. “I think our theory about the flying dutchman’s right. I’m just waiting for Dean to fill in the missing pieces.” He paused before continuing. “Speaking of which, I don’t think he’ll be back for the night? You wanna crash here?”
You smiled. “Sure. Wanna get some cheap tequila and ride the bus?” 
“You’re on,” he grinned back.
The two of you played with your deck of cards for a bit, joking and laughing about previous hunts and memories from Sam’s school days. After getting thoroughly hammered from your card game, you just talked for hours.
“My parents weren’t always… crazy supportive of me,” you explained. “I get your whole thing with college, though.” 
“You do?”
“Yeah,” you responded. “I wanted to go to school as a teenager, actually. Was dead set on it.”
He grinned. “Really?”
“Yeah, but after my parents passed, I decided I’m better at hunting,” you replied, flopping back on the ground. “You’re hella argumentative. You’d be an exceptional lawyer.”
He chuckled at you, slurring his words together. “You really think so?”
“Yeah! Duh!”
“You’re not ever this giddy, (Y/N), how much did we drink?”
The two of you looked over at the mostly empty bottle of tequila before exploding into a fit of giggles. 
“I don’t think I’ve been this drunk ever,” you slurred.
“Yeah, ne meither,” Sam said simply.
You burst out laughing again. “Ne meither?!”
“Oops,” he giggled boyishly.
“Wait, wait, wait. I have a question. You went to school with a full ride, right? How’d you get a full ride and hunt at the same time? That’s fucking crazy.”
He nodded. “Yeah. My dad took me on hunts every once in a while between AP Bio tests.”
“Holy shit, you’re smart.”
He sighed. “Not as smart as you’d think.”
“Cut the humble crap, you’re crazy smart,” you replied, turning to him. “You give me a run for my money sometimes. Trust me, that’s rare.”
He shrugged. “I guess you’re right.”
“Seriously, dude. You gotta be crazy gifted. You’re a great hunter and really smart. That’s a wild combination.”
“Yeah, well, so are you,” Sam replied. 
You grinned, barely holding your eyes open. “Thanks.” You paused a moment. “You ever smoked weed?”
He snorted. “Of course.”
You mock-gasped. “Sammy, never thought you were the type!”
“Pfft, I’m not a total prude, (Y/N).”
“Well, forgive me, you don’t exactly scream ‘I chase my tequila with mary jane,’ “ you jested.
“College, man. Whole new world.”
“What was it like?” you asked.
“Meh,” he squeaked, voice breaking drunkenly. “Lots of studying. Jess was the one who got me into partying a little.”
“Yeahhh, Jess!” you cheered. “She sounds cool as fuck.”
“She was.” He suddenly got sad and sniffed a little.
You crawled over to him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring bad shit up for you.”
He sniffed again and shrugged. “‘S okay, I jus’ miss her.”
“I know.” You laid your head on his shoulder and let him cry as the two of you sat next to each other in silence.
The next morning and thoroughly hungover, you and Sam headed to yet another field; where this time, the mayor’s car had been found. And it was in a different location than the main road. Dean met you a short time later once you’d finished talking to a cop on the scene. 
“Where were you last night? You didn't make it back to the hotel,” Sam questioned, although the subtle smirk on his face told you he already knew the answer.
Sam grinned smugly. “I'm guessing you guys worked things out?”
“We'll be working things out when we're ninety. So what happened?”
“We got really drunk,” you muttered.
“What?” Dean looked down at you. 
Sam shook his head. “Every bone crushed. Internal organ's turned to pudding. The cops are all stumped, it's like something ran him over.”
“Something like a truck?” Dean asked.
Sam nodded and explained there had been no tracks. He went on to say that the mayor had bought the property he was murdered on a few weeks ago; which was odd given he was white and found off the main road.
Cassie and Dean were considerably more chummy after their eventful evening, and it made your stomach turn a little. He insisted on being dropped off at the newspaper office Cassie worked at while you and Sam did research on the property the mayor had purchased at the library.
You discovered the mayor’s land was where the Dorian family had lived for over one hundred years. Apparently, their incredibly racist and firebrand son had disappeared just after the string of murders back in the 1960s. Cassie explained how the Dorians owned pretty much everything in the town before Cyrus, their son, disappeared. Weeks after the mayor bought the property, he knocked the house down. The very next day, the first killing started.
Amidst your throbbing headache and the research you'd done, you parted ways with the brothers to rest in your motel room. You settled on reorganizing your duffel bag to keep your mind occupied, but it still wandered to Dean and Cassie. You knew you'd been cold to Dean all day, and you just hoped he was too preoccupied with his fling to even notice.
Of course, that was simply wishful thinking. A knock on the door broke you out of your thoughts.
Dean opened the door a moment later and stepped into your room wordlessly. He began to pace a little.
"Are... you okay—?" you started to ask, but he cut you off.
"What's your deal?"
"What?" you pretended to be dumbfounded.
"I caught what you said about getting drunk with Sam last night. Did you... fuck my brother?" he asked, voice teetering on rageful.
"God, no, Winchester," you scoffed. "Not everyone's intentions are sexual 24/7. We literally just played a drinking game and talked."
"Then, what's with your fucking attitude? You've been a bitch to me all day," he replied, shoulders tense.
"Have not, first of all," you began. "Trust me, if I was upset with you, you'd know about it."
"What, then? Is this about Cassie?" he questioned pointedly, staring you down.
"Dean, has it occured to you that not everything has to do with you?" you spat, becoming incredibly defensive. "I'm pissy because I'm hungover. And right now, you are making my headache a thousand times worse."
"Sorry that I was concerned about you, then," he responded flippantly.
"You weren't concerned," you laughed coldly. "You came here looking for a fight. Well, now you've got one. I like Cassie a lot, actually. Different circumstances, we'd be good friends. What I don't like is how unprofessionally you're acting."
"We fucking hunt monsters for a living, (Y/N)," Dean argued. "There's not exactly a code of ethics."
"Well, you should have some desire to conduct yourself in a professional manner. Because your main motivation on every fucking hunt doesn't seem to be hunting, it seems to be getting your dick wet," you berated, even though you knew your words were not reflective of your true thoughts of him.
"Sorry that I'm not a stuck-up bitch like you are," Dean scoffed. "You are completely miserable to be around. You always have something to be angry about. Don't you ever get tired of sucking the life outta everyone?"
You cut your eyes at him harshly, rage boiling under your skin. "Get the fuck out of my room, Winchester," you said evenly.
When he didn't move, it just added to your anger.
"I said get the fuck out!"
You and the Winchesters were called to Cassie’s house later that evening when she’d called Dean in a panic about the truck appearing outside of her home. You hated the way Dean sat with his arm protectively around Cassie, especially after your incredibly awkward car ride to her house where he couldn't seem to bare looking at you. He acted like you weren't in the backseat at all.
You handed Cassie a cup of tea, which she took with shaky hands. “Maybe you could throw a couple of shots in that.”
You snorted. “You didn’t see who was driving the truck?”
“It seemed to be no one. Everything was moving so fast. And then it was just gone. Why didn't it kill us?” Cassie questioned.
“Whoever was controlling the truck wants you afraid first,” Dean grumbled. 
Sam turned to Cassie’s mother. “Mrs Robinson, Cassie said that your husband saw the truck before he died.”
The older woman was shaking, pulled away from reality into her own thoughts. When her daughter’s voice brought her back to earth, Mrs. Robinson began to explain. “Oh. Martin was under a lot of stress. You can't be sure about what he was seeing.”
“Well, after tonight I think we can be reasonably sure he was seeing a truck. What happened tonight, you and Cassie are marked. Okay? Your daughter could die.” You knew Dean cared about her, and selfishly, you wanted him to be that worried about you; not her. “So if you know something, now would be a really good time to tell us about it.”
Cassie went to silence Dean, but Mrs. Robinson took in a shaky breath. “Yes. Yes, he said he saw a truck.”
“Did he know who it belonged to?” you asked her.
“He thought he did,” she nodded. She began to get upset. “Cyrus. A man named Cyrus.”
“Cyrus Dorian?” you questioned.
“Cyrus Dorian died more than 40 years ago.”
Now, you had her. “The paper said he went missing, Mrs. Robinson. How do you know he died?”
She refused to answer.
“Mrs. Robinson, please,” you urged.
She began to talk again, getting visibly more upset. “We were all very young. I dated Cyrus a while; I was also seeing Martin. In secret of course. Interracial couples didn't go over too well back then. When I broke it off with Cyrus, and when he found out about Martin, I don't know, he… changed. His hatred. His hatred was frightening.”
“The murders,” Sam noted.
You saw tears forming at the edges of the woman’s eyes. “There were rumors. People of color disappearing into some kind of a truck. Nothing was ever done. Martin and a... Martin and I, we were gonna be, uh, married in that little church near here, but last minute we decided to elope as we didn't want the attention.”
“And Cyrus?” Dean prompted.
“The day we set for the wedding, was the day someone set fire to the church. There was a children's choir practicing in there. They all died.” Mrs. Robinson clapped a hand over her mouth and shut her eyes.
“Did the attacks stop after that?” Sam asked softly.
She shook her head as she continued to sob. “No! There was one more. One night, that truck came for Martin. Cyrus beat him something terrible. But Martin, you see, Martin got loose. And he started hitting Cyrus and he just kept hitting him and hitting him.”
“Why didn't you call the cops?” Dean questioned.
Mrs. Robinson looked at Dean like he was crazy. “This was forty years ago. He called on his friends, Clayton Soames and Jimmy Anderson, and they put Cyrus' body into the truck, and they rolled it into the swamp at the end of his land, and all three of them kept that secret all of these years.”
“And now all three are gone,” Sam said.
“And so is Mayor Todd. Now, he said that you of all people would know he is not a racist. Why would he say that?” Dean asked.
“He was a good man. He was a young deputy back then investigating Cyrus' disappearance. Once he figured out what Martin and the others had done he— he did nothing, because he also knew what Cyrus had done.”
Cassie spoke up for the first time in a while. “Why didn't you tell me?”
“I thought I was protecting them. And now there's no one left to protect.” She put her head down in her hands.
“Yes, there is,” Dean said, looking down at Cassie. Mrs. Robinson looked at her daughter as well before breaking down crying once more.
You and Sam left the home shortly after to get to work on finding the truck and disposing of it. Dean paced in front of you, waiting for Cassie to come bid you goodbye. You leaned against the Impala, picking at imaginary dirt under your nails. You just needed something to focus on that wasn’t Dean and your jealousy.
“Ah, my life was so simple. Just school, exams, papers on polycentric cultural norms,” Sam spoke up next to you.
“So I guess we saved you from a boring existence,” Dean smirked.
“Yeah, occasionally I miss boring,” he grinned down at you.
“So, this killer truck—” Dean began before getting cut off by his brother.
“I miss conversations that didn't start with 'this killer truck'.”
Dean laughed a little. “Well, this Cyrus guy. Evil on a level that infected even his truck. When he died, the swamp became his tomb, and his spirit was dormant for forty years.”
“So what woke it up?” Sam questioned.
“The construction on his house,” you shrugged. “Or, rather, destruction.”
“Right. Demolition or remodeling can awaken spirits, make them restless.”
Dean hummed. “And the guy that tore down the family homestead, Harold Todd, is the same guy that kept Cyrus' murder quiet and unsolved.”
“So now his spirit is awakened and out for blood,” Sam nodded.
“Yeah, I guess. Who knows what ghosts are thinking anyway.”
“You know we're going to have to dredge that body up from the swamp, right?"
Dean grinned, and you smirked despite the swirling emotions inside you. You hated how easily those green eyes and freckles could make any negative feelings you had dissipate.
“Man,” Sam groaned.
“You said it,” Dean continued to grin. 
Cassie approached your group from her house, and Dean turned to face her.
“Hey. She's asleep. Now what?” she asked Dean.
“Well, you should stay put and look after her, and we'll be back. Don't leave the house.” Dean held up a finger at her, standing way too close to her for your liking.
“Don't go getting all authoritative on me. I hate it,” she said seductively.
Dean glanced behind himself to you and Sam. You both averted your eyes while you held back the bile rising in your throat.
“Don't leave the house, please?” Dean mumbled. Suddenly, the two were kissing. You looked up at them and leaned over to Sam.
“It’s like watching a car crash,” you whispered. “With, like, kids burning in the backseat.”
Sam laughed at you and cleared his throat. Dean simply held up a finger back to you, urging you to “wait a minute.”
“You comin' or what?” Dean awkwardly rubbed his neck after he pulled away from Cassie, and you envied her ability to make Dean blush the way she had.
The drive to the Dorian property largely consisted of Sam teasing Dean about Cassie while you said nothing. Dean used a tractor that was on the property from the construction to pull the submerged truck out of the water.
Sam continued to tease Dean about how he was definitely still in love with Cassie while you continued to focus on your work. You doused the corpse in Cyrus’s truck once you’d gotten it on the ground with kerosene and watched as it burned.
“All business tonight, huh, (Y/N)?” Dean taunted, still clearly upset with you.
“You’ll have to forgive me, I’m not particularly interested in who or what you choose to put your dick in,” you responded coldly.
You turned to him, eyes hard. “Seriously. Let’s focus, please.”
Sam eyed you curiously while you continued to watch the corpse burn. Suddenly, the truck appeared behind you and the brothers, revving its engine.
“So burning the body had no effect on that thing?” Sam questioned, panicked.
“I guess not,” you shrugged.
“Sure it did. Now it's really pissed,” Dean snarked.
“Great! He’s fused with the fucking truck,” you huffed. “Where are you going?” Dean was retreating to his car.
“Goin' for a little ride,” he responded.
“Gonna lead that thing away. That busted piece of crap: you gotta burn it.”
“How the fuck are we supposed to burn a truck, Dean?” you argued.
“I don't know. Figure something out.” He threw the duffel bag in the trunk at you before getting in and taking off.
“What the f—” you watched his retreating form.
“You sure you’re okay, (Y/N/N)?” Sam asked you. “You seem pretty on edge.”
“Yeah, I’m fine, dude, let’s focus.” You thought for a moment before getting an idea. 
“Hey, you gotta give me a minute,” Sam said to his brother who had called him. “Let me get back to you.” He hung up.
You turned to Sam. “The church where Cyrus butchered those kids.”
He grinned. “Hallowed ground. That should work!” He called Cassie and had her tell him where the church had once stood.
Sam then called his panicking brother back and instructed him on exactly how far to drive to hopefully demolish the ghost. “Dean. You still there? Dean?”
He breathed a sigh of relief when his brother spoke to him again. “Dean, you're where the church was. The place Cyrus burned down. Murdered all those kids. Church ground is hallowed ground; whether the church is still there or not. Evil spirits cross over hallowed ground, sometimes they're destroyed, so we figured, maybe that would get rid of it.”
Even though he wasn’t on speaker, you could hear Dean’s panic. “Maybe? Maybe! What if you were wrong?”
Sam smirked. “Huh. Honestly that thought hadn't occurred to me.”
You didn't make it back to the motel until almost two in the morning. Dean was still completely ignoring your existence, and he was beginning to follow Sam into their room. You stopped him just before he could.
"Dean, wait," you called out after him, resolve breaking.
"What," he almost growled, turning back to you.
"Can we talk?" you asked, eyes pleading.
Dean didn't say anything in response for a moment, and you held your breath while you waited for him to talk. Finally, he nodded slightly.
"I'm sorry," you said earnestly. "For everything that I said earlier."
He nodded. "I am, too. You're not completely misreable to be around. Only sometimes when you get bitchy." You could see the slight smirk on his face illuminated by the moonlight.
You rolled your eyes with a small smile. "You can never take anhthing seriously, huh?"
"Hey, this is a chick-flick-moment-free zone."
"Seriously," you laughed, "I didn't mean what I said at all. You're... actually amazing. As a hunter, I mean," you quickly corrected yourself. "I know your first priority on hunts isn't sex."
Dean rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Eh, you weren't one-hundred-percent wrong. Sorry about that."
You shrugged. "Makes no difference to me. Who or what you choose to fornicate with is your business. Even if it is the Magic Fingers machines at those nasty ass motels." A smile tugged on your lips.
He chuckled. "Well, anyway... goodnight, sweetheart." Dean turned on his heel and walked away from you, leaving you in the parking lot with a pounding heart and butterfly-filled stomach.
The next day, you and the brothers were leaving town. You and Sam waited in the car while Dean stood talking to Cassie. You, once again, couldn’t tear your eyes away from the horror show in front of you. He kissed her deeply before climbing down into the car. You had never been so thankful to leave a town in your rearview mirror.
The car had been mostly silent for the last thirty minutes before Sam broke it. “I like her.”
Dean grumbled, “Yeah,” in response.
“You meet someone like her, doesn't it makes you wonder if it's worth it? Putting everything else on hold, doing what we do?”
You watched Dean with bated breath, waiting anxiously for his answer. Instead of replying, he just took out his sunglasses and smiled. “Why don't you wake me up when it's my turn to drive?” He slouched against the window and sighed.
You shook your head and looked back out of your window, mulling over everything you’d felt during your time in Columbus. You knew feelings were not allowed in your line of work; certainly not relationships. You refused to let them interfere with your job any longer, and convinced yourself you would be perfectly content with Dean just being your friend.
After all, you'd already made it incredibly apparent that he was too much of a playboy for you. You would never be able to stomach a relationship with him because of how jealous of a person you were. And so, you decided that as long as you were with the boys, you would never, ever date Dean Winchester.
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @davina-clairee @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @stephshaww @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @here-for-the-extravaganza @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @rei0812 @isla-finke-blog
quite a few tags are broken :( sorry lovebugs!!
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Eddie moves away from Hawkins and opens a tattoo/coffee shop with Robin and Steve. There's a small apartment above their cozy shop that the four of them live in; Nancy moved away with them too but she's in college and only stays a couple nights a week, to Robin's dismay.
Steve runs the coffee side of things at the front of the shop, sometimes with the help of Robin, but she's in the process of learning how to become a professional piercer so she spends a lot of her days at another shop a few blocks down. Eddie's promised her that once she's fully trained, she can turn the spare back room into her piercing studio and decorate it however she likes.
Eddie spends all day tattooing. He loves it. He loves that people are willing to wear his art forever and he makes sure to take pictures of everything he does to add to the wall of tattoos (instgram isn't a thing yet, he has to show off his clients' tattoos somehow). The whole front wall of the shop is covered in polaroids of his art on people's bodies. It's a collage of his life's work. There's a few photos of Steve and Robin in there showing off their matching bff tattoos and one of Steve shyly standing there with no shirt on, the bat tattoos on his ribs on full display.
Eddie isn't supposed to have favourites, he's supposed to love and appreciate all his works of art equally, but that one is secretly his favourite. He runs his fingers over the ink on Steve's ribs every night.
They got a surprise visitor in 1990; Will Byers. Normally, the kids ring in advance to let them know they're coming so that they can organise the spare room upstairs and save a booth in the cafe for them to sit and chat to Steve while he works. But Will came unannounced and he looks oddly nervous standing in front of Eddie's desk in the back of the shop with a folder clutched to his chest.
"What can I do for you, baby Byers?" Eddie's wearing his thick rimmed glasses and organising paperwork as it's the one day he doesn't take clients. But if Will's come in for a tattoo, then he'd drop everything and set up. He's been waiting for the day the kids come in and ask for a tattoo from him.
"Uhm, I'm sorry I didn't call first -"
"Psh, it's fine. You're always welcome here." Eddie says with a wave of his ring clad hand. Will eyes the fresh ink on the top of his hand, and Eddie grins. "Are you here for a tattoo?"
Will looks over his shoulder at Steve, who had spoken to Will quietly when he first came in, and he is met with an encouraging nod from the older man. Steve makes a shooing motion with his hand as if to say, 'Go on. You can do it.'
Eddie waits patiently and watches closely as Will sets the folder in his arms down on the desk. "I was actually wondering if you were looking for an apprentice. I-I want to be a tattoo artist like you."
Steve watches anxiously from behind the coffee counter as Eddie flicks through Will's portfolio without saying anything. He's the one that encouraged Will to bring his art in and if Eddie said no, which Steve doubts, Steve would feel so bad. He'd even paid for Will's bus tickets because the kid still doesn't know how to drive.
Eddie gently closes the folder and levels Will with a blank stare, "You're hired." And then he breaks out into the biggest smile ever and runs around his desk to crush a very stunned Will into a hug. "How long can you stay? I've always wanted an apprentice! Ah! I have so much to show you!"
All the nervousness and tension in Will's body disappears and he hugs Eddie back just as tight. He meets Steve's gaze over Eddie's shoulder and feels like crying when he sees the proud smile on his former babysitters face. He wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Steve's encouragement. He'd stayed on the phone to Will the night before for hours comforting him and reassuring him it'd all be fine.
And it is fine, it's more than fine.
They turn the spare room upstairs into a bedroom for Will; they no longer need the extra room for Nancy as her and Robin have finally sorted their shit out and spend nearly every night together. Steve sometimes has to bang on their shared wall to tell them to stop giggling so loud.
By the end of the year, nearly everyone in the party has made their way through the doors of the shop to get a tattoo from both Eddie and Will. Steve's also been training Mike in the coffee shop because, "If you're gonna be in here all day, you may as well help out."
The photo collage is now overflowing with new photos from both Eddie and Will, who has been dubbed Eddie's successor.
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achaotichuman · 30 days
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Fanfiction Rec Masterlist
This is my personal list of fanfiction recommendations. It's easy to get lost in the abyss of mindless, droning hate, and Pro-IC content in this fandom, and this is a safe space away from all of that.
All of these fics are free of Tamlin hate, and all of them are utterly beautiful, well-written and I love them.
Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra
A Court of Threads and Daises by @shi-daisy
Tragedy almost struck the Spring Court when Tamlin Evergreen tried to take his own life. Lucien Vanserra manages to save his former Lord, but not his power.
Now that the Spring Court has a new High Lord and the horrors of war are behind them, both Tamlin and Lucien agree to help the new heir navigate court life and attempt to rebuild the broken Spring Court, along with healing themselves.
They weren't expecting to fall back in love in the process.
A Second Chance by @goforth-ladymidnight
Modern ACOTAR AU – There is a reason that Tamlin disappeared from Lucien's life seven years ago. Lucien just doesn't know what it is. They were more than college roommates; they were best friends. Now, a chance encounter in a bookstore leaves both of them wondering if they can pick up where they left off. A new year is right around the corner, but there is no wiping Tamlin's slate clean. Featuring Jurian and Vassa in supporting roles, this is not a story of redemption, but of finding love—and forgiveness—in the most unlikely of places.
Lovely and Lonely by @praetorqueenreyna
"In hindsight, Lucien thinks he fell in love with Tamlin the moment he first laid eyes on him."
Lucien Vanserra must come to terms with his sexuality, and his complicated feelings for High Lord Tamlin.
A Court of Choices Made by Anonymous
Lucien decides to go after Tamlin to pick a fight after his first Winter Solstice with the Night Court.
I see red, I see nothing by AngryRamen
Lucien travels to Amarantha’s domain to try and bid for peace between her and the courts of Prythian. It doesn’t go well.
Still Beautiful, Still Mine by @goforth-ladymidnight
\Vanserra. ACOTAR AU - In the weeks following his visit to Amarantha’s Court Under the Mountain, Lucien is still recovering from the loss of his eye. Nuan has made him a replacement out of gold, but the scars on his face are there to stay. When Tamlin comes to see him, Lucien cannot help but relive the events that brought them to this point, if only he could focus on what's standing right in front of him...
A Sunbeam Shining Bright Into the Night by @nocasdatsgay
After the Great Rite ritual is completed, Tamlin always goes back to the Manor to see if Lucien is waiting for him. This year he is.
Forbidden by @nocasdatsgay
Calanmai has come once again, but Tamlin isn’t focused on the females waiting for him.
Breezing on by Sprighnt (SliPuP_Slit)
His focus was shattered when Feyre dropped onto the bench next to him with a dramatic sigh, “You won’t even say hi after you ditched us last week?”
Lucien rolled his eyes at her antics, “I didn’t ditch you, I was studying for math. The exam of a subject that I need days to prepare for, remember? I didn’t think you’d even notice me gone, what with all the ogling that takes up your time in our practices.”
“Shut up!” She shushed him, glancing around wildly for any eavesdroppers, “what if he heard you?”
——— Lucien has settled into a routine now. He’s finally able to go back to competing after an accident that had him wondering if he’d ever be able to skate competitively again, he’s out of his hellish childhood home, and has friends that make him happy.
By the Fountain by Sprighnt_(SliPuP_Slit)
Tamlin is tired of stuffy dinner parties, luckily, he has his best friend, Lucien, to make things more interesting.
Tamlin took the time to look at Lucien, who was staring at an elegant fountain nearby. He examined the dip of his nose, the scrunch of his brows, the slight part of his lips that indicated he was contemplating something. Then Lucien’s mouth set in a firm line, meaning he’d made up his mind on whatever the issue was.
Lucien glanced back at him and Tamlin startled at being caught watching. He placed his hand gently on Tamlin’s arm, “I don’t think my father will plan one for me either.”
New Springs by Sprighnt_(SliPuP_Slit)
“I can’t be here for as long as you,” she clarifies, gesturing to the forest around them.
“You’re leaving?”
She shrugs, “It’s nice here, but my sisters, my father, they’re my only family. Even if they’re, a little difficult at times, and I don’t want to hurt Tam. I was really in love with him, but, to put it plainly, I’m not like you.”
“Like me,” Lucien repeats, confused, “what do you mean?”
In another universe, an alternate timeline, Feyre says “I love you”, before she’s sent off and therefore breaks the curse the way it was supposed to be broken. Things are different.
absolution by @praetorqueenreyna
Things didn't work out between Feyre and Tamlin. Years later, they both find love in unexpected places
Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free by franklinarchive. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
Tamlin heals and then he moves on.
Or, what if Sarah J. Maas hadn’t committed ‘character assassination’ against Tamlin?
When The Sun Came Up (I Was Looking At You) by pansexual_intellectual .
There was a slight choking sound from the Night Court side of the room, but when you looked, Lucien was expressionless, adjusting his doublet.
It was the worst idea you had ever had. In the shreds of your manor you dropped to your knees. He was gone in the morning, as you knew he would be.
a bridge between us by @yaralulu
“In less than a year, they’d already lost so many people, and yet they had to send another sentry beyond the wall today. And as they left, so did Tamlin. He’d once again left Lucien to tend to his wounds, and deal with his upcoming grief all his on own. He’d once again left Lucien alone in the manor, sorrowful and bitter and bubbling with worry he could no longer contain.
It’s why the sound of Tamlin winnowing back filled Lucien with relief like no other. Like releasing a breath he’d been holding for too long. Tamlin being home made Lucien feel like he could breathe again. No matter how hurt Lucien was by Tamlin, he’d always find himself standing outside his office, his need to see Tamlin overriding his common sense.”
Amidst the ruins of their fractured relationship, Lucien and Tamlin grasp for the fragile threads that once bound them together, desperately seeking solace in each other as they battle the curse placed upon Spring.
The Fox and The Hound by @samhatch
Every Fire Night since Lucien joined Spring Court, Tamlin has always sought him out to help release the last of the spirits that possessed him. But now that he's mated with Feyre, Tamlin won't need Lucien's help anymore... Or will he? ********************************************************** “I thought you wouldn’t come.” I admitted. I tried to keep my heart from beating too quickly, knowing his heightened senses could hear it. He said nothing in reply, and walked slowly toward me. As gently as the morning dew, he pressed his lips to mine, but I could feel the hunger behind it barely kept at bay. His scent filled my nose, trampled moss and lilac. “What about Feyre?” I asked. “She’s asleep,” he said as he crawled into my bed.
Wildflower by @mathiwrites.
Five hundred years before Feyre’s arrival in Prythian, the humans fought against Faeries, led by the King of Hybern, for their Freedom. Tamlin is only seven years old when the war begins, but his family’s involvement and a fated friendship with a handsome young Lord from the Night Court will change his life forever. This is the story of how he becomes the High Lord you know and love, and the redemption story nobody asked for.
TL;DR - before they were enemies, they touched butts.
A strange thing happened the night of the High Lord meeting by @umthisistheonlyusernamenottaken.
Tamlin shook his head, a small smile on his full lips. “You forget that we were closer than friends once. I know your face. Even when you think you’re being so clever, hiding behind that mask of impassivity, I see you.”
He snarled, even as his heart began to beat faster as the other male approached him.
“You think I didn’t see you? You couldn’t stop looking at me during that meeting.” He took another step closer, and his next words were tinged with playfulness, a hint of the Tamlin he’d used to know.
“Were you thinking of that night too?”
He froze. “What?”
In the Eyes of My Beloved by Alynaw66.
I promise, Rhysand sighs into his mouth; Then down onto the slight curve between his neck and shoulder. Tamlin shivers, feeling dazed. Overwhelmed.
“Another offer,” he begins, one hand sliding down to grip Tamlin’s narrow waist.
(Also fun fact about this fic, I was brought to Tumblr because of a link in the notes, so without this fiction I wouldn't be here)
Stay or Go? by SoulOfStars.
Both of their families are dead. Rhysand decides to stay. They fuck in the second chapter.
Burning Batter by Sprighnt_(SliPuP_Slit).
Rhysand comes over to make cupcakes with Tamlin for Feyre’s upcoming New Year’s party.
A Court of Lies and Resurrection by @ashintheairlikesnow.
AU: Feyre is dead, torn apart by Amarantha when Tamlin did not send her away in time. Tamlin, forced to submit to Amarantha's terms, finds himself looking for help (and finding affection) in places he never expected, while Lucien allies with an ancient enemy (and one of Rhys's closest friends) to save him. WARNING Extensive explicit adult content, sexual situations, violence, MA
Colors in a Dead Garden by @fourteentrout.
"It is not just an ancient enchantment that they’re dealing with, it is not just an incompetent, broken High Lord that never even asked for his position. It is the fall of the Spring Court."
With the fate of the mortal lands--and possibly the rest of Prythian--at stake, Rhysand has to confront the Court that has caused so much of his pain and suffering. The male whose claws have sunk into Rhysand's life time and time again over the centuries.
For Prythian, Rhysand finds that he has to reckon with parts of himself and his past that he's been burying for hundreds of years, and find the cure to a curse from another time in the process.
The Solution by @fourteentrout.
Nyx attends his first formal Courtly event as a grown Faerie. Well, as grown as a nineteen year old can be. His parents' past with their host remains shrouded in mystery, and Nyx finds that he develops a somewhat unruly attraction to the High Lord of the Spring Court.
It does not go how he expected it to.
AKA Nyx is unbearably horny and nothing works out in his favor. Tamlin, on the other hand...
no one left to grieve by @praetorqueenreyna.
A month after the tragedy that made both him and Tamlin High Lords, Rhysand returns to the Spring Court to finish the job.
For Tamlin Week, Day 1: Heir of Spring
To have, to hold by @flowerflamestars.
“You picked the wrong one,” Tamlin laughed.
you up? by @praetorqueenreyna.
Tamlin accidentally texts a "personal" picture to Rhysand
Nighttime in Spring by star_stealing_girl.
A longing was in Tamlin’s green eyes, and his fingers twirled in the dark strands of Rhys’s hair. Rhys wondered if he, too, was remembering that magical Calanmai, so long ago that it was like a dream. Rhys seemed to feel the pulse of the drums in every beat of his heart. The singing and carousing was like a chant in his blood.
Rhys tries to convince Tamlin to participate in Calanmai this year, and the music and magic awaken old memories. Will it awaken a renewed desire between the two old friends? This fic is set a few years after the events of ACOSF, and is a short romance between Rhys and Tamlin.
Lay Me on the Cold Dark Earth by @witch-and-her-witcher
Maybe the whiskey had been spiked. Maybe Tamlin was hallucinating on faerie dust right now and Rhys wasn't actually asking what he thought he was.
Rhys snarled with the darkness of his powers behind it.
Tamlin snarled right back, the beast instinctually roaring beneath his too-tight skin.
"I'm asking for that," Rhys said, unrelenting. "I want you to unleash that beast begging to stretch its legs."
Darling by @lifeisabiscuit
A different view of what could have happened when Rhysand visited Tamlin in fas.
A Court of Chaos and Darkness by @witch-and-her-witcher.
Fate isn't done screwing with Tamlin's life, but this time the collateral is his ex-lovers son.
The heir of the Night Court knows something is wrong with him that his family won't tell him and Nyx is ready to come out of the dark.
Cosmogeny by @highlordofkrypton
The world is in ruins. Humans and Faeries pick at each other’s teeth until the bone is whittled from flesh and all that is left is blood in their wake. They had been created equal, once. To think, they’d all fall prey to their own hubris. This is not what the Goddesses wanted. To Prythian, they are sending scouts to decide whether their world is worth saving, or whether it should be devoured and remade anew.
This is a dark fantasy, eldritch horror fic that may end up being unserious more often than not.
Tamlin/Eris Vanserra
The longest Day of the Week by Yooijo.
Now, Eris grew up in what could only be described as a heteronormative society. And while he had his fair share of escapades, he tended to follow the rules and stick to tits and slits, with the occasional fumble between friends where he put the emphasis on being fumbled with and never touching another man’s dick.
So, instead of mauling Tamlin’s junk with his teeth, he sat there, stiff like a board in every aspect, eating his soup and looking at Tamlin like he wanted to burn the world and dance naked on the ashes.
What Eris and Tamlin are up to after the evil, very bad, not good king of Hybern is defeated.
heaven sent a hurricane by @praetorqueenreyna. Vanserra. After his family is killed and he is crowned High Lord, Tamlin struggles to keep his Court under his control. (Un)Luckily for him, Eris Vanserra steps in to help.
A Court of Beasts and Chances by M4r0u_Mar.
About a Beast who must be prince and a Prince who wants to be beast. About a Prince who learns of second chances and a Beast who learns of redemption. About looking for love and finding it in the journey rather than the destination.
Or the one where I rewrite ACOTAR to make Tamlin and Tarquin mates.
Tamlin/Feyre Archeron
The Gown by @goforth-ladymidnight
"I really, truly hated my wedding gown. It was a monstrosity of tulle and chiffon and gossamer, so unlike the loose gowns I usually wore: the bodice fitted, the neckline curved to plump my breasts, and the skirts… The skirts were a sparkling tent, practically floating in the balmy spring air." ~ A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas
A somewhat canon-compliant look at what Tamlin might have said or done when he sees Feyre in "The Dress" for the very first time. Inspired by a prompt on Tumblr.
Nesta Archeron/Tamlin
A House of Flame and Flower by Mellowenglishgal.
“Spare me the self-righteous lecturing, Feyre. You and your new family believe yourselves superior: that anyone who is not deemed worthy by you must bow or be eliminated. I refuse to bow to those I do not respect: and I owe none of you any such obligation. Nor am I obligated to remain where my autonomy is threatened,” Nesta sighed, gentle yet commanding, her voice low and steady and unyielding. “I renounce all ties to the Night Court. From now on, you are no longer my sister.”
“Where will you go?” Feyre snapped, but Nesta saw it: the sudden realisation that Nesta meant every word.
“That is no longer your business. Goodbye, Feyre,” Nesta said softly. She rose to her feet, elegant as an empress despite her unkempt clothing. As she stared down her youngest sister, Nesta caressed the delicious power shimmering like slumbering embers deep in her heart, until her veins sang with silver fire, pure light, blistering heat, deadly yet silent.
Flame was silent: everything it met shattered and snapped, disintegrating, unable to withstand it.
She was flame. She was undiluted, unrefined, unapologetic power.
She told Feyre, “You will not hear from me again.”
Nesta Archeron/Eris Vanserra
A Court of Blaze & Sorrow by @shi-daisy
(Sequel to A Court of Threads & Daisies)
Nesta Acheron had known from early childhood she'd be wearing a mask. She thought she'd wear it for the rest of her life. Until she tore it off on the eve of her wedding. Intending to stop Rhysand's plans to become High King, she takes to the Autumn Court, where she finds more that she bargained for with the Vanserra family. Particularly Eris Vanserra.
Eris wore his mask to keep everything and everyone in place hoping that one day he'd inherit the Autumn Court from his cruel father and changed it for the better. He didn't know fate had diffrent plans for him when Lady Nesta Acheron sought him out to end Rhysand's tyranny.
Free from Night's grasp the pair must navigate Court life, family drama and romance, hoping to mend both their lives and hearts.\
With a Sense of Poise and Rationality by @kateprincessofbluewhales
Nesta finds herself, yet again, with her life turned upside down on her and Cassian's wedding day. One shot exapanded!
In This Peace Series by @trshtffc, the first fiction in the series is completed The Sorceress . Tamlin/Original Female Character.
Seven years after ACOWAR, Spring Court is struggling to keep from falling apart completely. A mother tries to move on and keep her daughter safe in this chaotic world, but when the young female most needs a friend, she'll give the disgraced High Lord a chance to attone for the pain he has caused, and, perhaps, to finally heal.
TW for - mentions of suicidal thoughts - mentions of loss of a pregnancy - mentions of sexual abuse - mentions of emotional abuse (toxic relationships and toxic family dinamics) - colourism - LGBT+phobia
Needle & King by @highlordofkrypton. Rhysand's father/Rhysand's mother.
Before A Court of Thorns and Roses and before Wildflowers, Needle & King is a story of survival and of love. We all know how it ends for Rhysand's mother and his father, but how did it all begin?
Everyone feel free to add to this!!!
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The Art of Humiliation (M)
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Part two of Pathetic series (you guys responded so positively to Pathetic I cranked this out as fast as I could 🫡 and I think it is of good quality)
Simplified tags: 7.7k words, Porn with Plot, frat boy!Jeonghan, college student!y/n, best friend!Jeongyeon, soft!dom to hard!dom Jeonghan, mean!Jeonghan (and y/n loves it), submissive!y/n, female!y/n (sorry gender-neutral friends), heavy degradation, light masochist!y/n, sadist!Jeonghan, mild pain kink, vaginal fingering, cunnulingus, creampie, spitting, slapping, spitting, mentions of safe words but they’re never used, big dick!Jeonghan, blowjob, slight public play, phone sex, y/n has a humiliation kink, mentions of aftercare but I don’t write it happening he just says what he’ll do
Officially dub con but off the book I think the consent is pretty explicit, again just tagging it so because it is an intense fic.
Guys I didn’t think I could outdo the filth that is Pathetic, but I really think I did and I don’t think I’ll be able to top this.
“Yoon Jeonghan?” Jeongyeon blurted, dropping her burger onto her tray. You shushed her not wanting the entire University cafeteria to know exactly what you had gotten up to on Friday night.
“Sorry, it’s just…” Jeongyeon whistled. “Jeonghan sleeps with a lot of people but not just anyone. And you- you don’t ever sleep with strangers.”
“It was a frat party,” you grumbled. “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do at frat parties?”
“That’s what I do at frat parties,” Jeongyeon corrected. “But you? I don’t know it’s just uncharacteristic.”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “Maybe… Can we just focus back on the food?”
Jeongyeon sighed and picked her burger back up between for fingers. She went to take a bite but stopped.
“Are you going to see him again?”
You choked on your sprite.
“See Jeonghan?” You blurted. Your head dropped, your face burning red. Now you were the one too loud. “I highly doubt he’ll want to sleep with me again. Doesn’t he… Sleep around a lot?”
“Yeah,” Jeongyeon agreed, nodding her head slowly. “I don’t think he’s ever slept with anyone twice.”
You shook your head in disbelief.
“Imagine being so attractive that you have that many people at your disposal willing to sleep with you,” you said in awe. “I bet his one night stands beg him for a second turn.”
“Is he actually that good?” Jeongyeon asked, her eyebrows briefly disappearing beneath her bangs. “I always assumed that the rumors were dramatized.”
You snorted.
“No, not dramatized at all,” you said with a shake of your head. “I never thought a man would make me come.”
“See, that’s the good thing about Jimin,” Jeongyeon said. “As much as I hate to say it- He uses his fingers very well.”
You rolled your eyes at the mention of Jeongyeon’s enemy but that was all the commentary you placed on it.
“I suppose if he reached out and wanted to…” you trailed off, one of your fingers subconsciously brushing against one of the bruises that he had left on your hips. On the bright side of the whole night, he hadn’t left any visible bruises on you.
You swallowed a little too hard, remembering the way that he had looked at you as he drilled into you.
Maybe the lack of visible bruises was a con.
“It doesn’t matter,” you said dismissively. “Everyone knows that Jeonghan doesn’t fuck the same person twice.”
“You look troubled,” Seungcheol observed. Jeonghan sighed, a bit dramatically he would admit, and rested his head on his hand.
“I guess.”
“Last night’s girl not up to your standards?” Jihoon observed. Jeonghan shrugged.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but, my already boring escapades have felt even more boring since our party last week,” Jeonghan admitted. Jihoon’s eyebrows shot up.
��Really? Since you stole y/n from Chan?”
Jeonghan nodded, not even bothering to argue the statement that he had stolen you. Even though it wasn’t remotely true.”
“She…” He trailed off. “Well, she was everything I wanted and more.”
“Romantic,” Seokmin commented, knowing full well it wasn’t that.
“Well? Are you gonna sleep with her again?” Seungcheol pressed. “Is she the long awaited…” He took a deep sigh of regret before saying: “Whore?”
“I don’t sleep with anyone twice,” Jeonghan dismissed. “She’ll be out of my system by the time I get the next girl in my bed.”
The room groaned.
“And here I thought our school population was finally safe.”
Jeonghan rolled his eyes, his thoughts turning back to you.
He wondered what he would do if he were to find himself in the same room as you again.
“Alpha Mu, Alpha Mu, Alpha Mu,” Jeongyeon chanted, running around the small dorm room excitedly. You rolled your eyes at her, trying to bat away her hands.
“Come on, can’t I have one Friday night of peace?”
“Jimin was-”
Your threw your hand over Jeongyeon’s mouth, your eyes wide.
“I’ll come if you just promise not to tell me whatever dumb thing Jimin did.”
Jeongyeon’s tongue darted out to the palm of your hand, making you squeal in protest. Jeongyeon just smiled sheepishly at you.
“Alpha Mu!”
You didn’t really understand why Jeongyeon insisted on inviting you to these parties, because she almost never actually spent any time with you at the them. Jeongyeon dragged you into the party, tugging down your short skirt, fluffing your hair and readjusting your crop top before dropping you off with Kim Mingyu and rushing to Jun’s side.
Mingyu was a nice guy. Fun to be around at parties when you were drinking, but you weren’t in the mood for a hangover when you knew you had to work tomorrow. You ended up just wandering away from him.
There wasn’t anyone at this party that you knew- that was practically immediately noticeable.
Sure, there were familiar faces, but aside from the Alpha Mu boys, you couldn’t really name anyone. You couldn’t even name all of the boys in Alpha Mu.
You had been at the party for about an hour, considering just leaving before your eyes fell on just the person that you had been hoping you would see.
Jeonghan was standing, a water bottle in hand as he tucked his dark hair behind his ears. He smiled at Soonyoung, saying something that you couldn’t make out.
You looked away from Jeonghan.
This was why you hadn’t wanted to go to the party. You knew that you would see Jeonghan and you knew that you would want him all over again. Just looking at him you felt your core begin to heat, wondering what he would do if he put his hands on you again.
It didn’t help that you had stupidly avoided touching yourself all week. Your thought process had been something that you could only blame on mind break. You were so drunk on the idea of Jeonghan’s dick that you had refused to do what he should be doing yourself.
You risked a glance back at Jeonghan, hoping that no one would notice the look. You were desperate for his attention and at the same time terrified for him to notice you.
But you supposed you weren’t doing a good job of hiding the fact that you couldn’t keep your eyes off of Jeonghan. You felt someone nudge into you, shooting you a sharp glare.
“Are you looking at Yoon Jeonghan?” The girl snapped. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“Maybe,” you said. You felt your chin tilt up slightly, trying to show this girl that you were obviously much taller than her. You weren’t really sure what she wanted, but you could tell by the way she was looking at you that she was ready to fight you if needed. “Why do you care?”
“Because I’m going home with him tonight,” the girl said back. “So stop eyeing him up like you have a chance.”
You scoffed, unable to help it.
“I think you’d break in half if you went home with Yoon Jeonghan,” you insisted. “There’s no way you could handle him.”
“Oh, I get it,” the girl replied, not even hesitating between responses. A small smile crept on her face. “You’re one of his used toys. He tossed you aside because you weren’t good enough and now you want what you can’t have.”
The girl laughed, and flipped her long dark hair out of her face, hitting yours with it.
“Well, at least one of us will be of use to Jeonghan tonight. After all, everyone knows...” She leaned close to your ear. “He doesn’t double dip.”
She turned away from you and began to walk away from you. You watched her, your chest heaving as you tried to calm yourself down. Your face was burning red, and your fingers were balled at your side.
You watched as she walked up to Jeonghan, placing her hand on Jeonghan’s chest. She slipped her hand beneath the collar of his shirt, getting on her toes so that she could brush her lips against his cheek.
Jeonghan didn’t seem upset by the touch but he seemed surprised. His arm came around the girl, his hand falling on the small of her back. He murmured something to her, his eyes trailing around the room as if to try and find the reason for her sudden affection.
His eyes stopped when they fell on you.
You cleared your throat in surprise, turning your attention away from the two to try and make it seem like you weren’t looking and like you weren’t jealous, but when you glanced back towards him, he was still staring at you.
His eyebrow quirked when your gazes met and he tilted his face down so that his lips were against the girl from before’s ears.
He whispered something to her, something that made her look embarrassed and glance over at you. You looked away quickly, but you could feel eyes still on you.
You needed to disappear.
You wandered over to the punch bowl, picking up a cup. You looked at the liquid in the bowl, unable to help the way that your fingers tightened around the cup in frustration.
God, how pathetic were you to be wet? Jeonghan hadn’t even done anything to you. He was spending all of his time paying attention to that dumb girl and yet… If he asked-
“Someone looks frustrated.”
You glanced over your shoulder, surprised to see a man you had never seen before. You squinted at him, trying to place him even as someone you passed in the halls but he was ringing no bells. He seemed to notice your confusion and held out his hand. “Yongtae.”
Your nose wrinkled slightly.
“Not interested,” you commented. Yongtae laughed in surprise, throwing his hands in the air.
“I hadn’t even proposed anything yet.”
You sighed. He was right, but still. You didn’t really want Jeonghan to see you talking to someone else. It was stupid but if he did, it might dissuade him from fucking you again. You furrowed your eyebrows in frustration.
“I suppose not.”
Still you put a little bit of space between the two of you.
“Your boyfriend must be pretty possessive for you to be so closed off to a guy talking to you at a party,” Yongtae observed. He took a cup from the table and lifted it towards you. “I mean as he should be. Look at you.”
He gestured towards you.
“The short skirt? The crop top? People are practically fighting to keep their eyes off of you,” Yongtae continued, turning his hand to wave and to the crowd. “I hope I don’t sound too much like a pig.”
“I’ll certainly complain about this conversation to my best friend,” you commented. He nodded, scrunching his nose.
“Deserved. Sorry.”
He was silent for a moment.
“But if you have a possessive boyfriend that makes you not even want to talk to other people at parties, why is he making you stand alone?”
“Have you ever thought that maybe I don’t want to talk to you for my own reasons?” You snapped. Yongtae’s eyes widened slightly.
“Okay, okay, sore topic,” he agreed. “Look. I’m just super bored. The Alpha Mu boys are practically untouchable. I don’t know anyone here.”
“Look, I-” You sighed. “You seem... Better than most people here.” That wasn’t saying much. “But I’m not looking for company tonight.”
“But... We could talk another time?” Yongtae asked. “I’m new to school, I don’t really know anyone. Genuinely just need a friend to talk to.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at him but you couldn’t really find malice in his eyes. Yongtae proceeded to produce a sharpie.
“Have a paper?”
You shook your head, offering him your arm instead.
“I’ll just lose a paper.”
Yeongtae seemed surprised by the suggestion but didn’t hesitate to take the sharpie and write his phone number on your arm. You looked down at the numbers and nodded.
“Okay, cool. I’ll call you.”
“What do you want to do?” Yeongtae asked, leaning on the table beside him.
“Get lunch or something... I don’t know...” You trailed off. “I need to keep moving.”
“Who are you worried about seeing you anyways?” Yeongtae’s eyes trailed through the room. “The only one looking at you right now is Yoon Jeonghan.”
Your eyes widened, and you tightened your grip on the cup.
“Fuck can I-” You looked down at the drink in your cup. “Can I throw this on you?”
Yeongtae’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
“Well, I guess-”
You threw the drink in his face practically instantly.
“Now stop talking to me!” You said loudly. Then, a little quieter: “I’ll text you or something.”
You turned away from Yeongtae on your heel and once again pushed through the party before stopping in the corner. Your face was hot with the stress of having been caught talking to Yeongtae. You were so screwed.
If Jeonghan had been even considering sleeping with you tonight, those thoughts were in the dust now. You hadn’t been good enough. You wanted to scream. Jeonghan was going to go home with that stupid bimbo and she was going to be just like you were the week before: Desperate and begging for his cock.
“What are you doing here?” You looked up, your mouth going dry when you realized who was standing in front of you. You stepped back, eyes wide.
“Je-Jeonghan,” you managed to get out. Your eyes dropped to the ground and you cleared your throat. ”Jeongyeon brought me.”
“Ah, yeah, I thought I saw her earlier,” he agreed. You looked back up at him, noticing that he had you fixed under an intense gaze. “She always finds someone to take home. I suppose you’ll need a place to stay tonight.”
“I’m practically used to hiding underneath my comforter,” you said with a sigh. “What about you? I saw you hanging out with that girl.”
“Who?” He asked, his eyebrows raising. “You mean, Chaedom? She was in the books. But she seemed to think she had some competition... What do you think? Do you think she has competition?”
As Jeonghan spoke he stepped closer to you, his arm wrapping around your body. He tugged you up close to his chest.
“I don’t know,” you said quietly. “I think... I think that you shouldn’t take her back to your place.”
“You sound jealous. Do you think I’m yours just because we spent one night together?” Jeonghan sounded amused as he spoke. “Don’t you know?”
“You don’t fuck anyone twice,” you replied immediately. “I know.”
Your eyes dropped back to the ground, obsessed with the feeling of Jeonghan’s hands on your exposed back. You cleared your throat.
“I just... Haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, is all.”
Jeonghan hummed.
“Do you think you even deserve to be fucked again?” He asked you. “Do you really think that you deserve that?”
Your face was burning all over again.
“I mean...” You trailed off. “I would try my best to make it worth your while.”
Jeonghan’s fingers dipped underneath your shirt, searching for your bra. You looked up at him, just as he realized what you knew he would.
“You’re not even wearing..” He interrupted himself with a laugh. “Why’d you turn down that guy earlier, huh? He seemed like he would have taken you if had let him. That’s all you want isn’t it? Just a little bit of cock to fill that stupid cunt.”
A shiver wrecked through your body. You started to feel even more of your body warm, your fingers itching to touch Jeonghan the way that he was touching you.
“I didn’t want his cock,” you murmured. “I want yours.”
Jeonghan snorted.
“Beg for it.”
Your eyes widened at the request, but you weren’t above doing so.
“Jeonghan, I really want you to fuck me,” you spoke immediately. You hesitantly raised your hand to his chest. “I’ll do whatever you want me to. I’ll take you however you want. I just need you. I’ll be better then that stupid bitch would be in a million years. And-”
You raised yourself up a little so that you were closer to Jeonghan’s height. You lightly breathed in his face.
“Not a drop of liquor-” Jeonghan interrupted you by raising his hands to the back of your neck, smashing your lips together. You immediately melted into his touch. “Please, choose me,” you mumbled into his mouth. “I’ll be so good, anything you want-”
Jeonghan raised his grip to your hair, pulling back sharply.
His eyes trailed down your body before suddenly stopping.
Jeonghan’s eyes darkened as he grabbed you by the forearm, sharply exposing your arm for him to see.
“What’s this?” He demanded. “You were being good all night but clearly I missed something.”
“That’s just-” You stammered over yourself trying to find your words. “He just wanted to be friends. I told him I wasn’t interested in anything else.”
Jeonghan didn’t look very convinced.
“Get it off.”
Your eyebrows shot up.
“Get. It. Off,” Jeonghan repeated.
He didn’t have to say it again. You were quick to rush through the party, desperately searching for the kitchen. You rummaged through the cupboards, trying to find something that would help get it off. Why had you let that man write in sharpie on your arm? Why hadn’t you just taken his phone number in your phone? Where you stupid?
You found an alcohol wipe and grabbed it, rubbing frantically at your arm. The color faded but, unfortunately, didn’t completely disappear. You rushed to the sink and grabbed a sponge and some soap, rubbing your arm desperately with the sponge under some hot water. You scrubbed at it quickly, but despite your efforts the most it did was smudge the numbers.
You felt frantic but before you could try even more you felt yourself get roughly grabbed. You turned around to find Jeonghan standing there.
He exposed your forearm to himself and snorted.
“Stupid slut.”
He pulled you close to him again, looking down at you with narrowed eyes.
“You want to be fucked tonight?” He hissed at you. Despite it all you nodded eagerly.
As Jeonghan dragged you through the party he mumbled to you a few things, the most important of all those things being a safe word.
“If you use it at any point of the night I will stop immediately. No shame in my actions being too much for you, okay? No matter what I won’t be upset at you.”
You nodded. He made you promise that you knew what the word was, making you repeat it at nauseam before finally you were in his room and he was slamming the door shut behind you two.
“Now strip.”
You practically ripped your clothes off, excited to find that once you had turned around Jeonghan’s clothes were off too. You tried to hide your excitement but your core was burning in a way that was practically uncomfortable. You needed to be touched so badly, but you had to be patient.
Jeonghan wandered to his bed, sitting at the edge, with his legs spread wide.
“Come here-” You took a step forward but before you could get far, Jeonghan raised a finger in the air.
“No, no, no,” he laughed. “Crawl.”
Your eyes widened but you dropped down to your hands and knees, crawling over to Jeonghan. He laughed at you again, shaking his head.
“You’re so pathetic,” he said. “Don’t you have any sense of shame? You’d really crawl for me huh?”
Once you had closed the distance between the two of you, you situated yourself in between Jeonghan’s knees. His eyebrows furrowed at you and he roughly grabbed your chin.
“I spoke to you,” he snapped. “I expect an answer, or I will force an answer out of you.”
“I would do anything for you,” you replied immediately. “Ask me to do anything and I’ll do it, I will, I just need you to touch me.”
Jeonghan snorted, pulling his hands away from you.
“Then prove you deserve it,” he stated. “Come on, show me how good you can be. Can you take my cock like you did last time huh?”
You nodded.
“I can, I will-”
You wrapped your fingers around the base of his cock, your mouth practically drooling as you looked at his long thick cock. You whined, as you raised your eyes back up to him.
“Can I... Can I please suck your cock?” You begged. Jeonghan’s hum was guttural.
“You better be good.”
You eagerly sucked the tip of Jeonghan’s cock into your mouth, and began to tease the slit on the tip of his cock with your tongue. Your could feel wetness seeping out of your pussy as you sucked his cock into your mouth, but you did your best to ignore that agonizing urge to be fucked. You began to work more of his cock into your mouth but Jeonghan sighed.
“I appreciate that you are trying to be a stupid little tease, and I admire the fact that you are trying to be good and patient but every other girl I’ve slept with has been so fucking unsatisfying.”
He tightened his fingers in your hair, ripping you off his cock.
“I’m going to use your throat like a fucking flesh light. You think you can handle that?”
You nodded excitedly, your fingers curling and uncurling against his thighs.
He smiled.
“And what should you do if you need me to stop?”
“Tap your thigh twice,” you replied immediately.
“Good girl,” he said, his voice airy. “You remember so well.”
He guided your mouth back to his cock and you opened your mouth obediently.
Jeonghan roughly pushed you all the way down on his cock. You gagged immediately but reminded yourself that you needed to breathe through your nose. You were quick to gather yourself, but just as you were getting comfortable Jeonghan was pulling you up on his cock and practically slamming you back down. He placed his hands on the sides of your face so that he had a better grip and true to his word began to use you as if you were nothing but a toy. His grunts filled the room, tumbling out of his mouth in a way that only made yourself leak more on Jeonghan’s floor.
“I want you to touch yourself whore,” Jeonghan said. “You want that don’t you? Your stupid pussy needs some attention. Go on and touch yourself for me.”
You lowered one of your shaking hands between your thighs, your fingers pressing on your clit. You moaned out at the feeling, and began to rub your clit in small circles, careful not to stimulate yourself too much, knowing that it would just make you cum.
“I don’t want you to just play with your clit,” he snapped. “I want you to fucking fuck yourself as if I’m fucking you.”
Jeonghan pulled your face off of his cock and you gasped for air, nodding.
“Right, I’m sorry,” you mumbled. Jeonghan’s hand lowered to your chin, his fingers spreading your spit all over your face. You looked at him, panting as you slid two fingers into your pussy. A whine left your lips at the feeling.
“You sure this isn’t too much?” Jeonghan asked, his voice soft like it had been after you two had finished last time. “Your mascara’s running.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized. You raised your free hand to wipe away the tears that you hadn’t even realized were running down your face but Jeonghan’s hand caught yours.
“Don’t apologize,” Jeonghan said. “I like how it makes you look. Pathetic.”
You felt your face heat at his words, knowing that it wasn’t necessarily a compliment but it felt like one anyways.
“Get up on the bed,” Jeonghan said after a moment. Your eyes widened and you pulled your fingers out of yourself scrambling onto the edge of the bed. Jeonghan hummed, getting down on the floor himself.
“My biggest regret from last time?” Jeonghan asked, his voice low again. “Not getting to taste your pretty little cunt.”
Jeonghan situated himself between your knees this time, pressing your thighs apart with the palm of his hands.
“God, your cunt is gorgeous you know that? For a slut you are so fucking beautiful. Impossible not to stare at you at a party,” Jeonghan mumbled. “Can’t imagine how many boners men must get when they see you.”
He reached forward, his fingers sliding between your leaking folds.
“And if they knew how dirty you are? I would have trouble keeping you to myself,” Jeonghan commented. You moaned as two of his fingers slipped into you. He pulled them out and slid them between his lips. A smile crossed his lips. “And if they knew how good you taste?”
Jeonghan leaned forward, his tongue darting out to flick over your clit. You whined, leaning back as his lips attached themselves to your clit. He sucked hard on it for a few seconds before his mouth trailed down.
He always criticized you for being sloppy but he wasn’t any different. He practically devoured you, his fingers digging into your ass as he held your pussy as close to his mouth as he could. He dipped his tongue into you and flicked your clit, and practically sucked you dry.
You couldn’t help the tears that sprouted from your eyes at the pure pleasure.
“Jeo-Jeonghan,” you stuttered out. “I can’t- I’m going to-”
You panted hard, forcing yourself to keep focus.
“I’m going to c-cum. Can I? Can I-”
Jeonghan growled against your lips.
“You want to come all over my face?” He murmured against your pussy sending vibrations through your core. “You think you deserve to be the first to come?”
You shook your head no, even though Jeonghan couldn’t see what you were doing at all and he didn’t really seem to care.
“Come all over my face baby,” Jeonghan mumbled. “Let yourself go. Don’t think about anything. Just think about how much you love my mouth on your cunt.”
Your fingers clenched tightly at the bed sheets as your thighs shook around Jeonghan’s head. You felt your pussy clenching as you came all over Jeonghan’s mouth.
You were sure he would be mad at you for it but instead he wiped his lips with his hand and then pressed two fingers into you.
“You’re so messy,” Jeonghan mumbled. “Can’t help your cunt leaking out everywhere. I make you like that don’t I? Desperate and wet.”
You mewled as he slowly worked those two fingers in and out of you, the sensitivity at having just come starting to disappear.
“Fucked stupid and I haven’t even actually fucked you yet,” Jeonghan mumbled, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked at you. Your brain was already starting to feel a little hazy but you tried your best to focus on Jeonghan’s face, on his eyes.
“You know this is your fault right?” He asked you softly. “You’re fault that your making a mess all over my room, your fault that I’m hard, your fault that I have to punish you for being such a slut and letting another man write on your arm.”
As he spoke he accentuated each word with a deep press of his fingers into you, curling them deep inside of you. You moaned loudly in surprise, your fingers clenching the sheets so tightly you felt like your fingers were gonna break.
“Jeonghan,” you murmured, your face burning. “I don’t want your fingers.”
Jeonghan’s expression darkened and he roughly thrust his fingers into you. You cried out.
“You think you get to decide what you get? Are you about to tell me you want my cock? Pathetic whore thinks she deserves to get off on my cock?”
Your toes curled as Jeonghan pushed his fingers impossibly deep inside you.
“I’m s-sorry,” you managed to get out. “But pl-please. I want to make you feel good so badly.”
You felt tears of frustration sprouting in your eyes again as you tried to fight your own hazy pleasure to focus on the overall goal you were trying to achieve.
“You think that a little cock sleeve like you is good enough for me?” Jeonghan asked. “I could fuck anyone at the party and come to the same outcome… What makes you think you’re special?”
“I don’t,” you responded instantly, your thighs shaking. “But please Jeonghan, I’m here. I’m the closest. I’m the easiest. I’m currently at your disposal, use me, please. I’m yours.”
Jeonghan’s fingers came to a still inside of you and your eyes widened, worried you had said something wrong. He leaned forward, dragging you into a hard kiss.
“I like hearing you say that… You’re mine…” He pulled back, slipping his fingers out of you and giving your pussy a smack.
“On all fours. Now. Before I find someone else to finish me off.”
You didn’t think you had ever turned around so quickly. You pressed your head down into the sheets, shifting your knees apart so that you were spread out for Jeonghan. He hummed, one of his hands rubbing over your ass.
“You’re so lucky that I’m wasting my time on you,” he mumbled. He slapped your ass, so hard your whole body jolted and then rubbed his hand back over the spot. Before you could think too much about his words he was sliding his cock into you: fast and hard. “Thank me for my cock.”
“Thank you,” you gasped out. “Thank you so much Jeonghan, I need this so badly.”
“It’s almost disgusting how desperate you are,” Jeonghan chided. He slowly pulled his cock out of you and then slammed it back in. Again your whole body jolted, and you struggled to keep yourself upright. “Are you finally happy? Finally sated with my cock in you?”
“Yes,” you admitted desperately. You could hear the smile in Jeonghan’s chuckle as his fingers dug into your hips.
“You’re such a good little slut.”
If you had thought Jeonghan had fucked you hard last time, he was a literal animal this time around. His thrusts were sloppy but they were so hard and deep that it was making tears roll down your cheeks with every thrust as your body buzzed with pleasure.
You couldn’t think about the party you had abandoned, or think about the pride that you had certsinly left at the door. No, all you could think about was Jeonghan’s grunts and moans and practical growls as they filled the otherwise quiet room.
Suddenly, Jeonghan grabbed something. He thrust his hands forward, holding out a phone.
“Call him.”
Your eyes widened.
“What?” You blurted.
“Call the guy who you let write on your arm,” Jeonghan hissed. You failed to take Jeonghan’s phone fast enough and his fingers buried in your hair, pulling you back by it. “Your orgasm depends on this phone call, so you better make your decision fast.”
If you were thinking clearly, you would have probably safe worded and gotten out of the phone call. You would be crazy, after all, to willingly call someone you had just met while getting railed by some frat boy.
But you weren’t think clearly. You were with Yoon Jeonghan.
You clumsily took the phone in your hands, heavy pants leaving your lips as Jeonghan relentlessly pounded into you. You looked down at your arm, the smeared numbers barely being intelligible. You typed in the numbers with shaking hands, putting the call on speaker phone.
The phone rang and you silently begged for him not to answer. Jeonghan was in no way easing his pace on you. His hand still fisted in your hair as he bounced you on his cock, driving so deep inside you that you were once again barely able to think, much less able to hold the phone to your face.
Unluckily for you, the phone rings stopped and a “hello?” Echoed out from the phone’s speakers.
“Tell him who it is,” Jeonghan instructed. You nodded the best you could.
“It’s uh, it’s y/n from the party,” you managed to get out trying to keep your voice steady. The effort was not lost on Jeonghan, his hand came down on your ass and you yelped.
“Tell him what you’re doing,” Jeonghan continued. Your eyes screwed shut as your face blazed with embarrassment.
“I’m getting f-fucked,” you stammered out.
“Uh…” Yeongtae was at a loss for words it seemed. But then again, that was fair. You had no clue how you would react if you were to get this phone call. You hoped that he would just hang up.
“Tell him why, tell him who.”
“It’s by Yoon Jeonghan. I’m getting fucked by Yoon Jeonghan and he made me call you because I was bad for letting you write your number on my arm.”
Tears sprouted at the corners of your eyes. Not because the call was too much but because you were so desperate to come. Desperate for Jeonghan’s approval in your actions.
“It’s my pussy I’m fucking, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” you cried out in agreement. “My pussy belongs to Yoon Jeonghan. I belong to Yoon Jeonghan.”
“What a little slut,” Jeonghan chided with a few clicks. “Tell him how much you enjoy this, hm? Tell him how you get off on me hitting you and telling you how pathetic you are why don’t you?”
“I-I-“ You tried to get the words out but you were so blissed out you could barely keep your head straight. “Jeonghan, Jeonghan, please.”
You were babbling nonsense at that point, and it earned you a slap across your face.
“Do what I tell you to,” Jeonghan reasserted.
“I’m sorry, I love this so much Yeongtae. I love it when Jeonghan humiliates me and hits me and treats like a whore,” you blurted out. “It’s all I could think about tonight. I need his cum so badly. I-“
Before you could finish Jeonghan hooked his fingers into your mouth.
“Shut up.”
His grip in your hair loosened and you fell forward on the bed, gagging around Jeonghan’s fingers. He sighed and with his now free hand took the phone from your hand.
“You can be friends with y/n all you want,” Jeonghan said suddenly, his voice gruff. “But she is mine to fuck. Only one person is good enough to make her like this and that’s me. So if you have any other intentions with her you can fucking forget about it.”
You heard Jeonghan toss the phone to the side and he grabbed you by your forearms.
“Aren’t you even the least embarrassed of what you just did?” Jeonghan taunted. “What do you think Yeongtae is going to think of you now? He isn’t going to think you’re some innocent little girl is he?”
You didn’t respond. You didn’t physically think you could anymore. You just let moan after moan leave your lips, your head hanging at the pure stimulation.
“But he will know that you are a very good little slut.”
He lowered one of his arms, his fingers pressing firmly down on your clit. You cried out at the contact.
“J-Jeonghan I need to come, please let me come today,” you begged lightly. “I haven’t come since the last time we fucked.”
Jeonghan leaned forward, pressing his chest to your back. He hummed against your cheek.
“Really?” He asked, a pleased tone leaving his lips. “Not even when you were alone? Touching yourself?”
Your face blazed hot.
“I didn’t...” You trailed off. “I didn’t touch myself all week.”
Jeonghan’s hips stuttered against you, his breath hitching.
“You’re lying,” he whispered.
“I’m not!” You cried out. “I needed you to tell me I could. I need you to let me or else I c-can't.”
Jeonghan scoffed.
“Stupid whore,” he mumbled but even as he said it. You felt his cock pulsing inside of you. “Can’t do anything unless I tell you to. Can’t do anything without me to help you do it. Go on then, come you stupid whore. I guess you deserve it.”
You felt yourself go limp against Jeonghan as pleasure washed over your body. For a few seconds you felt like you had stopped breathing, only able to blabber Jeonghan’s name on repeat as you quite literally milked Jeonghan’s cock. Only a few seconds after you had regained sensation, you felt Jeonghan’s cum begin to squirt deep into you. You arched your back in pleasure at the feeling, expecting Jeonghan to ease up on you, but instead he just pushed your face down in the sheets, his palm on your cheek.
You whined, your body shaking at the over stimulation but instead of safe wording, your fingers tightened in the sheets. You began to mumble thank you’s, defaulting into the mode of making Jeonghan cum.
Jeonghan’s grunts filled the air as he pummeled your pussy, only lasting a minute before he spilled his cum in you all over again. Jeonghan’s thrust started to slow down, but the feeling of being so full of his cum was absolutely intoxicating. Jeonghan slid out of you, sitting back on the bed, his hands holding him up but before he could completely relax you straddled him, lowering yourself down on his cock.
“I know, I know,” you babbled as you sunk down on his cock. Your breath hitched as his cum got push deeper into you again. You pressed your hands on his shoulders and began to shakily raise yourself up before dropping yourself back down on his cock. “I just n-need more cum. I need you to feel really, really good. I need to be better than every other person you’ve ever slept with I-”
Before you could finish Jeonghan’s fingers gripped on your hips and he stilled your motions. For a second you thought you were going to really get it. You tentatively raised your eyes to Jeonghan’s, only to find that they were glossed over, and a small smile was on his lips.
“No one I’ve ever fucked has taken three loads from me before,” he said.
He began to raise you up and down on his cock, his fingers digging bruises back into your hips. His movements were hard and rushed and a little clumsy but your moans and incoherent begging dragged a third orgasm out of him anyways.
“I know you want to,” Jeonghan mumbled in your ear as he fucked you. “Go on- Come again. You deserve it.”
You obliged instantly, unable to believe that you were given a whole third orgasm. Your arms wrapped around Jeonghan’s chest as you came again, pure bliss warming your body.
You and Jeonghan were silent for a while, your chests rising and falling against one another. After a few minutes Jeonghan lowered the two of you down in his bed, his limp cock still keeping his cum from seeping out of you.
You weren’t really sure what you were allowed to do. With former boyfriends, there was no question that you would cuddle into them. Maybe even fall asleep. But this was Yoon Jeonghan and you had managed to even exhaust him. What was the protocol?
You unsurely tilted your head up, intending on glancing at Jeonghan. Maybe you needed to suck it up and get out of his bed? But you were startled to find that he was looking down at you with a surprised expression on his face.
You blinked.
“What?” You asked him, suddenly acutely aware of everything that you had let Jeonghan do.
“Just wondering what to do with you,” Jeonghan replied, his voice soft. One of his hands lowered to your face and he closed his thumb and index finger on your jaw. He moved your face from one side to the other.
You didn’t do anything to stop him- Honestly feeling the pit of your stomach coil at being so casually toyed with.
“You’ll just let me do anything to you, won’t you?” He asked.
“I have limits,” you insisted with a roll of your eyes. “You’ll just haven’t pushed me there yet.”
Jeonghan loosened his grip on you his thumb brushing your bottom lip. He pulled your lip down.
“Can I hit you?” He asked.
“We’re alone,” you replied. “You don’t have to ask.”
Jeonghan’s hand came across your cheek, but it wasn’t as much of a slap as it was a sharp pat. He squeezed your chin again between his fingers.
“Good girl,” he mumbled. “You’d do anything for me wouldn’t you?”
You wished you could look away from Jeonghan but even if you wanted to, his grip was tight.
“Jeonghan, you’re embarrassing me,” you murmured, your voice quiet. Jeonghan laughed and his grip loosened on your chin so that you could look away.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just genuinely surprised. I’ve never slept with someone who let me do so much to them and liked it so much. I’m starting to think you don’t remember our safe word.”
You repeated the safe word under your breath, just to prove that you still knew it.
“Where does the control stop?” Jeonghan asked. “How often can I do this sort of thing to you?”
That earned Jeonghan your gaze back.
“How often...” You trailed off. “Like, we’re going to do this again?”
You couldn’t keep yourself from being surprised.
“But you never sleep with anyone twice?”
“We’re not going to be dating really,” Jeonghan said. “If you agree with it, I mean, but I want to see you at parties. I want you to be my eye candy. I don’t want you fucking other people.”
You nodded.
“Done, done, and done,” you agreed. “You can be controlling in public. I don’t mind the way that you physically move me around, and I like it when your grip is tight on me because you don’t like the attention I’m getting...”
You trailed off.
“But you can’t hit me in public. You have to let me talk to who I want to. The reaction with Yeongtae was...” You cleared your throat. “Hot... As long as you don’t actually mind me talking to him.”
“You’re going to talk to Yeongtae after that phone call?” Jeonghan asked, his voice high.
“Absolutely not, I’d rather die,” you laughed. “But you know what I mean.”
You glanced away from him.
“I... You...” You sighed. “I don’t think any man has ever made me come before,” you admitted. “I’d do anything to still be your fuck buddy.”
Jeonghan stared at you for a little bit.
“Give me a phrase for if I’m doing too much in public.” Jeonghan stated. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable in a way that you don’t like.”
“I think Jennie texted me,” you replied instantly. Jeonghan nodded, his eyes drifting to the side for a moment in thought.
Jeonghan’s hand slid down to your neck, his thumb pushing up your chin. His nose brushed against yours and he pressed his lips to yours. It wasn’t chaste like you were used to after sex. It was heavy, controlling, almost as if Jeonghan wanted to turn you back on all over again.
But before he could do much his lips pulled away from yours and his thumb rubbed your neck.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been so drained by a partner,” Jeonghan said with a laugh. He shifted, slipping his cock out of you. You whined in protest, but Jeonghan completely ignored you. He pulled away from you, stretching once he was standing upright.
“Don’t fall asleep,” he said. “You have to take a shower.”
You groaned in protest.
“I don’t need it. I’m fine.”
Jeonghan rolled his eyes and without warning dipped two of his fingers into your pussy, pushing his cum deeper inside of you. You mewled at the feeling.
“So you just want to keep this inside you, huh?”
He withdrew his fingers, shaking his head.
“I’ll come back for you, so you can get in the shower,” he said. “What do you want to eat?”
“I’m not really that hungry,” you stated, but that wasn’t really true. You were starving.
“Don’t care. What do you want?”
You sighed.
“Mac and cheese?”
“Done,” Jeonghan said. He smiled at you. “Now be a good girl and put on one of my shirts.”
Waking up before Jeonghan, you decided to just let yourself out. Jeonghan hadn’t really told you when he wanted to see you next but regardless, you didn’t want to find yourself in an awkward post one night stand situation. You weren’t really sure how to act around Jeonghan if you weren’t being railed by him after all.
You didn’t quite escape without being sighted. You sent an awkward smile to a tall boy sitting at the kitchen table, shooting you a scrunched nose look.
“You can walk after that night?”
Your face blazed, and all you could manage to murmur was an apology and a good bye.
After a second shower and a breakfast with Jeongyeon recounting your night in as little details as possible you went to work at your job on campus. By the time your shift was over, your memories of the night before were hazy at best.
“...Y/n?” Confusion riddled across your face and you turned around, taking one of your airpods out of your ear. You searched for the source of the voice and when you found it, your face paled.
“Oh my god-”
And yet, those memories weren’t nearly hazy enough.
Yeongtae smiled at you, raising a hand to rub the back of his neck.
“It’s good to see you,” he greeted. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes ran over the part of your body that he can see. “I’m surprised he doesn’t leave bruises on you that people can see. He sounded possessive on the phone.”
“I-” You weren’t entirely sure what to say. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what comes over me when he’s in control but I just can’t help but do whatever he wants me to and-”
Yeongtae raised his hand in the air.
“It’s fine. People have their own things they’re into,” Yeongtae said. “Some of the things... Weird and disturbing, but their own things nonetheless.”
“Have you had lunch yet?” He continued. “Would your boyfriend care if we got something to eat?”
“Jeonghan and I are not dating,” you denied with a roll of your eyes.
“You know that makes the phone call I received worse right?”
“Why were you on the line for so long?!” You snapped back. Yeongtae laughed at your quick clap-back, and the smile on his face actually made a smile appear on yours. “You’re fucking weird Yeongtae.”
“Weird, and hungry. You down for a lunch date or what?”
You thought over the invitation, but the decision ended up being easy when your stomach grumbled in protest at the lack of food.
“Yeah, okay but cool it on the weird shit.”
“Says the one who got off to telling me they were a slut over-”
“Okay, what did you want to eat?”
Part Three: Not a Friend
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the-offside-rule · 6 months
Paul Aron (Hitech) - Pick and Choose
Requested: yes
Prompt: 47) "Wow, you look amazing."
Warnings: none
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As the clock ticked past the appointed time, Paul Aron's patience was put to the test. He sat on the couch, tapping his foot in a rhythm that matched his racing heartbeat. Tonight was supposed to be special. They had been planning this evening for weeks, and yet, Y/n was nowhere to be seen. He glanced at his watch for what felt like the hundredth time, trying to quell the rising tide of anxiety. Paul understood that Y/n had been swamped with college assignments lately, but he couldn't shake the worry gnawing at his gut.
Just as he was about to give in to panic, he heard the faint click of the front door. Relief flooded through him as Y/n stepped into the living room, looking frazzled yet undeniably beautiful. "Sorry, I lost track of time," Y/n apologized, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Paul stood up, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "It's okay. I was starting to think you'd been abducted by aliens or something." Y/n chuckled, the tension in the room easing slightly as they shared a quick kiss. "I wish that were the case. College has just been overwhelming lately." Paul nodded sympathetically, reaching out to gently squeeze her hand. "Well, you're here now, and that's all that matters. But we better get going if we don't want to miss the event."
Y/n nodded, her expression turning thoughtful. "I just need a few minutes to change. I couldn't decide what to wear." Paul's eyes sparkled with mischief as he teased. "Well, I can't wait to see what masterpiece you've chosen." With a playful roll of her eyes, Y/n disappeared into the bedroom, leaving Paul to wait anxiously outside. He settled back onto the couch, his mind buzzing with anticipation. Minutes felt like hours as Paul listened to the muffled sounds of Y/n rummaging through her wardrobe. He couldn't help but smile at her indecision; it was one of the many things he adored about her.
Finally, he decided to go and check up on her, peeking in the door to see the room once so tidy and clean now look like a bomb had just been dropped. Paul leaned against the doorway, watching her with an amused smile playing on his lips. "Y/n, we're going to be late." He reminded her, his voice gentle but tinged with amusement. "I know, I know." Y/n replied, her voice slightly panicked as she rummaged through her closet. "I just can't find the thing I wanted to wear!"
Paul chuckled softly, stepping closer to her. "You always look beautiful, no matter what you wear." Y/n paused, looking up at him with a grateful smile. "You're too sweet, but it's not helpful right now." She said, feeling a wave of warmth wash over her.
As the minutes ticked by, Y/n finally settled on a dress, slipping it on with practiced ease. She hesitated in front of the mirror, nervously smoothing down the fabric. "Wow, wow, wow." Paul approached her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. "You look amazing." He whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple. Y/n felt her cheeks flush at his words, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Thank you." she murmured, leaning back into his embrace.
With one last glance in the mirror, Y/n took a deep breath and turned to face Paul. "Ready to go?" She asked, her voice filled with anticipation. Paul nodded, hooking his arm with hers. "Absolutely." He replied, a bright smile on his face. "After you."
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☆ I have a secret to tell you ☆— Han Jisung
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word count: 2.3k
paring: Jisung x afab!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: afab!reader, best friends to lovers, college!AU, Roommate!Minho, some cursing(Fuck), pet names (sweet girl), bestfriend!Jisung, comfort, if I left anything out tell me, kinda proof-read
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Jisung and you are honestly quite inseparable. No matter what one of you was doing, the other was there to “support” the other, if that's what you'd call it. The two of you were always up to something, whether it was helping him with his papers or simply reminding him to eat, you were right there.
With that being said, today was no different. You were currently in his apartment, reading over the essay on his laptop while he was making some food when you were interrupted by his roommate Minho opening the front door. He looks at you, used to you being there, basically their third roommate at this point, before looking around.
“Where's Jisung?” Minho asks, dropping his bag by the couch before pulling out his own laptop and working on his own papers. You hum and point into the kitchen where your friend had disappeared to about 10 minutes ago, eyes never leaving the screen. This paper was due at midnight and it's currently six o’clock.
“Ji! Are you aware of how many typos you have in this fucking paper?” you yell towards his direction, just to hear him laughing, coming out of hiding with two bowls of ramyun. “That's why I'm having you look over it Ms. literature major.” he says while putting the food on the coffee table in front of you, greeting Minho finally.
“You know that's not what my major is about. And it's definitely not for being your auto correct.” you spat at him before fixing the last of the mistakes that you've found, sitting on the couch with an ungodly hump in your back while working, only for Minho to sigh and take Jisungs laptop from you. Minho, the anatomy major, hates when he sees how terrible both Jisungs and your posture is, to the point that when you're not here, he'll lecture Jisung on how to properly sit and keep his back straight.
You look up at him as he's giving the laptop back to Jisung, shaking his head when he sees the other male pouting. “Do your own work after you eat, I'm sure she's got something that she's supposed to be doing as well, that isn't your homework.” Minho says to him before handing the food that Jisung had brought you now that it's cooled. Minho looks over to you now, putting his hand in the middle of your back, tapping it softly, “sit up straight, you're too young for back problems.”
You do as he says, eating your food as you watch Jisung, unsure if he is looking over the things that you've changed in his paper but once he sighs with a smile, you know that he's happy that you're helping. Your face suddenly feels warm as you look down while continuing to eat your food. Was Minho right? Yes. But have you been putting off this project since last week even though it's due in a week? Also yes.
The look you give him seals your fate before he starts going through your bag, finding the book and syllabus for your paper. The look on his face is udder shock before looking at Jisung, who's too engulfed in his paper to notice the two of you. “Y/n..” is all he can say before you're cutting him off, shushing him and standing up to walk into a different room. Minho follows you when he realizes you want to talk to him in private.
Once out of earshot from Jisung, you run your hands through your hair, looking up at Minho. “Listen, I know what you're thinking, but I've still got a week on that project. His paper is due tonight. I'm just trying to help him.” You say, rubbing your temples, the dull feeling of a headache creeping up on you. “Y/n I get that but you need to do yours as well. If you keep doing this for him, he won't realize that you're struggling." Minho says and you know he's correct.
The conversation continues but in the living room, “Chan never said majoring in music theory would be so-” Jisung starts but suddenly realizes that you guys are gone. He quickly stands when he can still hear your voice in the apartment, walking towards it, wanting to make sure you're okay. He gets closer to the door, your voice becoming clear making his eyes widen when he hears you say “yeah because I'm totally gonna walk up to him one day and say ‘Han Jisung, I'm madly in love with you and want to spend the rest of my life with you’ Minho.” 
“Why not?” He thinks to himself, but before he can let his thought wander any further, suddenly it sounds like you're walking towards the door that he's currently leaning against to listen to you talk. Panicked, he runs to the bathroom right beside the room that the two of you are in and slams it shut wanting you to think that he'd just made it back there and has heard nothing.
It's about ten o’clock now, Minho had put a movie on for himself to watch, Jisung had submitted his paper and you're currently reading through the book your professor had given you for this report. Your legs are curled under you, Jisung using what he could of them as a pillow and you're using his back as a table to take your notes when suddenly his arms wrap around the small of your waist, signaling that he's fallen asleep.
This is quite normal for the two of you but after finally vocalizing your feelings for the boy in your lap to the one across the room, you can't fight the blush that floods across your cheeks. Putting your book down, you slowly run your fingers through his currently bleached hair with dark brown roots, humming softly when you can feel him relaxing more against you.
You let him stay like this a little longer before slowly patting his shoulder. “Ji, you need to go get in your bed.” you say even though your words fall onto deaf ears. You shake him a little more when you hear Minho from across the room. “Call him that name you only use when you're sleepy. That sets a fire under him anytime you say it.” Minho says, voice just barely above a whisper, fighting a laugh when your cheeks turn red.
Minho points his finger to his mouth, tongue out and fake gags before switching his attention back to the movie. You look back down at Jisung, taking a deep breath before you whisper to him, “Sungie? Are you asleep?” This time, he's up and tense against your legs, realizing his arms are wrapped around you making him sit up quick enough that he almost falls off the couch.
His cheeks are fiery red when he rubs the back of his head, feeling your hand fall onto his bicep, he looks up at you quickly with a small smile. “Sungie, I think that it's time to go to bed.. Do you have any classes tomorrow?” you ask him only for him to shake his head, trying to wipe the sleepiness from his eyes.
“Are you staying over or do you have morning classes?” Jisung asks, not realizing the time until he looks down at his phone. It's 2am. His eyes suddenly show panic as he gets up quickly to let you get up. “Oh my god! It's so late! How come you didn't wake me up to walk you home so that you can get sleep?” His voice is full of panic, making the other man in the room cringe, doing another fake gag even though neither of you can see it.
“Easy Ji, I don't have any classes in the morning. Plus if I did, how could I wake sleeping beauty in my lap?” You say to him trying your best not to giggle, not knowing what's come over you, making you flirt with him so obviously like that but it gives you confidence. He looks over you quickly, before sitting down beside you again, leaning his head onto your shoulder, closing his eyes with a hum.
“So.. sleep over.. I can't remember the last time we cuddled.” He says to you, you'd both been so busy that you couldn't do the one thing that the two of you love to do the most, just cuddle. It never led to more, even if sometimes the both of you wished it had (unbeknownst to the other). You simply nod your head before pouting slightly. “I didn't bring anything to sleep in though..”
His eyes light up when the new option hits him. “You can.. Um.. you can sleep in one of my shirts if you want. Use my boxers as shorts since I know you hate basketball shorts..” He says as his face is bright red and staring at you. You stand up and nod before going to his room, changing into one of his black shirts and just a random grey pair of his boxers. Once you've stepped out to get him from the living room, you've met Minho in the hallway, looking at you laughing softly. 
“Keep the noise to a minimum, yeah? I’ve got lunch with some friends tomorrow and I reeaaallllly don't wanna tell them I’m tired because I had to listen to my roommate fuck his best friend all night.” The words fall from his lips so sadistically it causes you to become a bundle of nerves. 
Had Jisung said something like this to Minho? Does he normally do that type of thing? You push the thoughts away remembering that the only girl you'd seen Jisung with in the past couple of months was yourself. Pushing past Minho, you walk into the living room, finding Jisung on his phone waiting. “Sungie? Ready to go to bed?” you ask him.
His eyes meet the skin of your thighs first before looking up at the shirt that you'd picked out. Normally, he wears that shirt to the gym with Changbin and Chan but he'll now have to find a new one since you look much better than he does in it. The sleeves had been cut off, making it a muscle tee, the collar stretched from how often he pulls on it.
Finally his eyes meet yours but before he can blink, yours are glued to the floor while your hands play with the hem of the shirt you have on. Quickly he stands up, walking over and taps your chin to make you look up at him. “You look.. Really pretty in my clothes, sweet girl.'' After this he takes you back to his room.
Silence fills the room as you lay down in the bed while he gets undressed, putting on just some shorts before crawling into the bed next to you. He turns to face you as you do the same, smiling up at him as you feel the butterflies filling your stomach, heart racing when his hand comes to you and slips some of the hair out of your face and behind your ear. This has happened in your friendship so many times why does it feel so different this time?
You close your eyes just wanting to take in his warmth and the smell of him filling your nose, instinctively making you move closer to him. This causes him to get nervous about what he was going to say to you. Since he heard you talking to Minho, he's been thinking about what you said and it made him realize that he felt the same way that you did. 
“I have a secret to tell you Y/n..” is all he can manage to say in a low whisper as he pulls you closer to him. You lay your head against his pillow, putting your hand on his shoulder. “And you can't tell anyone, okay?” His eyes fixed on your face when you simply nod, jestering a lock over your lips and throwing away the key. It makes him laugh before taking a deep breath. He looks at you to find the confidence in what he needs to say, pulling you closer to him. “I think I've fallen in love with you..” He says voice just barely above a whisper but it runs through you like a scream. 
The man that you'd just said you were in love with hours ago is now telling you that he's in love with you? You quickly sit up looking over at him before climbing out of the bed with a pained look. “You listened to my conversation with Minho.. Don't pull this joke.. It's not funny, Jisung.” you say, hands desperately clinging to the hem of your shirt.
“But I'm not joking, I promise. Hearing you say it made me realize what this feeling I couldn't address was. Y/n, I'm in love with you and I really mean it.” He stands as soon as you do, walking over and taking your hands into his to help calm his own nerves and hopefully yours as well. You both stare at each other in the silence before you wrap your arms around his shoulders and hug him as tight as you can.
“I love you too, Sungie. I have for a while but I came to realize it when a month ago Minho said that you might find your someone soon if I didn't make a move..”
“As if I'd ever choose anyone over you, love.” he says, pulling the both of you back into the bed. You curl up into him, making him hum as he plays with your hair. “Never leave my side, yeah? I love you.”
You hear a bang on the wall making you both quickly look over before you can hear a familiar voice. “Y/n, I swear to god if you guys get any louder, I’m gonna lie to everyone tomorrow and tell them what I said to you earlier!”
You giggle when Jisung gives you a confused look, shaking your head before kissing his cheek. “Don't worry about that okay? I'll tell you about it tomorrow. For now, let's get some sleep before he outs us.” You say as you lay your head back down on his chest and fall asleep.
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©️ dearestaussiechannie, all rights reserved.
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slafkovskys · 1 year
Telling mark you’re pregnant but you’re 19 and he’s 21
warnings: little angsty, mentions of pregnancy
“did you finally remember to bring me my water?” you call out to your brother after hearing the sound of the back door opening, then closing. your statement is followed by silence so eerie for a bright, midsummer day, that it causes you to push yourself up on your elbows and call out his name. only the person standing on the back deck isn’t your brother. no, it was the person whom you had gone to great lengths to avoid for the past two months. your mouth is suddenly dry as it tries to formulate a sentence, “mark-”
“so it’s true,” his words are almost like venom as his zero in on your midsection. in just a bikini, there was no way of hiding the four month swell that had really begun to pop in the last few weeks. he stands on the stairs, almost like he was scared to come down, “you just weren’t going to tell me? were you just going to disappear and think i wouldn’t ask any questions?”
you push yourself off the ground and wrap the towel around your body, a form of protection, “who told you?”
“nobody. you may have blocked me on everything, but he didn’t,” he nods his head towards the house and you swear that you see your brother poking his head out of the kitchen window, spying on the two of you. “he put something on his story a few days ago, the dress you were wearing made it obvious. why didn’t you tell me, y/n?”
“i-” your voice breaks as you’re forced to finally confront the reality of the situation you had been avoiding since late march. his face softens as you use your thumb to wipe a tear that slips from your eye, “i didn’t want you to be mad at me.”
“baby,” his shoulders drop as he rushes down the four steps and crosses the yard to you. it was easy to fall into his arms, to inhale the faint scent of his cologne, to fist his t-shirt in your hands as you gripped so tightly because you were scared that at any moment he would slip away. “i need you to breathe, okay?”
“mark,” you whisper, “please don’t leave.”
he shakes his head, rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks, “i’m not leaving. you’re not leaving. we’re going to talk about this, okay? i just need you to breathe right now. i’m not mad, i just want to understand.”
“can we sit down?”
he guides you back into the house and down the hallway towards the safety of your bedroom. he closes the door behind him and you hear a sharp intake of breath. you don’t have to question that he’s looking at the crib nestled in the corner that already had baby clothes accumulating on top. he doesn’t say anything as you take a seat on your bed and he makes himself at home in your desk chair, rolling it over to be in front of you. you kept the towel wrapped around you tightly, “i meant what i said out there, i’m not mad. i just want to understand.”
“i found out right around the time that you were going to the championships and i didn’t want to distract you. you needed to focus on that, so it sounded fine for me to keep it to myself for a little while, but i- i got in my own head. it seemed easier to just disappear and not tell you about, about us,” you gesture at your stomach and his eyes follow, “you have a life, mark. a good one. friends, hockey, school. this would just throw a wrench in that-”
“you’re part of my life too, y/n. did you ever consider that?” he questions. you swallow, “i made you part of my life. i told my mom that i was going to marry you after our first date and she told me that i was crazy. i never felt like that, you have never made me feel like that. i went to college not wanting a relationship and then there you were in econ always giving me the notes and taking granola bars as payment even though you hate them. everything in my life for the past year has revolved around you, honey. that’s not stopping now.”
“i’m giving you an out, mark.”
“and i’m not taking it. i don’t want an out, i want you and i want this baby. i will spend the rest of my life proving that to you,” his fingers gently run over the seam of the towel and you loosen your grip. he pulls it open and his fingers splay over the taut skin. you let your hand rest over his, “i- um- how many- how far- i don’t know how to say it.”
“it’s fine, mark. eighteen weeks tomorrow,” you move his hand more to the side, “they just started moving a few days ago. if you press your palm down right there, sometimes they’ll nudge you back.”
“they?” there’s a sudden alarm in his voice, “is it more than one? that doesn’t change anything, i just- is it?”
“no,” you giggle before running a hand through his hair. admittedly it was a feeling you had missed and he seemed to as well, judging by the way his eyes flutter closed at the feeling, “i can find out the gender at my next appointment, but i think i won’t. i kind of like the surprise factor.”
“you do have a thing for surprises.”
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huenation · 1 year
how are you true / kth
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word count: 4,062
genre: silliness (fluff), angst, college au, “enemies” (friends) to lovers
warnings: breakdowns, homesickness, mc is shorter than tae (minor detail but just a heads up), loneliness, ur prof is so mean
synopsis: you’re homesick while at uni and instead of making friends, you have beef with this guy in your class, but it can’t be all that bad, can it?
soundtrack: hug by seventeen
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when you started your first year of school, moving thousands of kilometers away from home, it proved to be the scariest thing you’d done, but not once did you ever try to make it known.
for your sake as an always independent, calm, non-emotional person that you’d been dubbed as by your family, for your said family, and overall the new community of students like you.
from not sharing your bedroom to suddenly having a roommate, at least she was kind, but she was never home, so it’s like she wasn’t even there. (it made ample opportunity to release your emotions when you couldn’t hold them in anymore.) from waking up to the singing of your mom or your siblings and smell of delicious food to waking up every hour in cold sweats, constantly looking around for some recognizable feature that told you where you were just to sit there in a weird sort of grief that you weren’t home.
it was hard. you tried to make friends in each of your classes, even trying to join clubs or societies in hopes of boosting credits for your future resume, and it worked to some point, but at the end of the day, you always felt so lonely.
the first few months are the worst, but you keep paddling through with your head held high.
when you meet taehyun, things start off rocky and you struggle to float. all this is because right away, he doesn’t like you. you’re kicked out of your group for the class you share together, and instead of forcing you to stay, your professor drops you in another with taehyun.
you had met the first time on a particularly chilly morning, you both showed up for your first class to see that class was cancelled and you both were at a loss for words, seemingly as the only two people who hadn’t gotten the memo. funnily enough, taehyun didn’t say a word, just scratching his head and rubbing the back of his neck, sighing at most. you were the one who opens up their mouth to ramble about how dumb you feel. his nose and ears were still red. you never quite noticed him before despite sharing the class for a month or two now. you weren’t aware of his name at the time either. one of his hands moves down to grip at the book bag strap on his shoulder. you blinked at him, too, falling into silence.
it was there that you got to see firsthand how he possibly had the largest pupils ever. big brown eyes that hypnotized you a little more than they should have.
it was a wordless conversation you didn’t realize you stepped in, seeing as his eyebrow arches and he scoffed. easily, your expression flipped in offense.
“i’m going home.” “what’s your name?”
both sentences were spoken at the same time. instead of answering like a normal person, taehyun simply walked past you, jaunting like if he doesn’t haul ass, he’d die.
“hello?!” you shouted out, watching his back and him disappearing around a corner. that had been the first encounter. so, you rolled your eyes and just walked away, back to your dorm.
that became the first of many times: many instances in which taehyun really didn’t want to be there with you, but seeing as you had no other way out, you tried to make the most of it. he liked fighting it. after refusing to even speak to you for the first few weeks, it quickly turned into constant bickering. you needed the document for the group project? sorry, he can’t share it with you. he wanted to present the simplest part of the presentation? whoops, you already claimed it. your group mates sucked, so it was always you two meeting outside of class to work on it. you gave each other a hard time, on purpose definitely.
it certainly hadn’t helped that you befriended his own best friends, who forced the proximity even more. you didn’t even get the hype of how they, the sweetest beings, could be friends with him — until one day, you stayed too late at the library and as you were leaving, you caught him walking a very important looking gentleman out the door. taehyun listened carefully to every word the man spoke, every word revolving around theories and fissions, scientific properties you hadn’t a clue about.
taehyun conversed with him like it was nothing. easy words that sounded to you like physicist or engineering jargon, but to him, he did it all with an intrigued smile. a smile. he looked so charming. those big pupils were so captivated. you found him so enchanting.
the man had simply said that they’ll see each other soon and he walked out of your grand library lobby. all while you remained standing behind him. he was quite passionate, a side you didn’t know he’d possessed. his tone soothed you and his eyes lit up.
after that, you quietly started crushing on him. blushing while having to talk to him, though it wasn’t a chore for you. you had to fight tooth and nail to not show the invisible excitement at seeing him. except that you avoided him and avoided the normal arguing. playful arguing that made you both seem childish. it became civil suddenly.
taehyun caught onto it pretty fast, but not the crush part. he only suspected that you were hiding something. the core to every argument had been that you thought he was stuck up and he thought you were annoying. you’d reverted back to where you started.
yeonjun, his roommate, would point out that you both seemed like an old couple who squabbled all the time. taehyun never said anything but simply rolled his eyes. the only time he ever took action was when someone would say that you two fought like siblings.
who knew why that above all seemed to get to him?
taehyun was cold, irritable, always in a rush, wanting everything to be perfect, but he never did anything to hurt you, if anything sometimes he’d go out of his way to make sure you weren’t hurt, despite all his claims that you annoyed the life out of him. that certainly didn’t seem to help your feelings for him that were building and boy, were they building fast. you assumed they were nothing more than attraction to his appearance, his hidden passion, his quick wit, his understanding of boundaries even in this weird frenemies thing you both had going on, and the fact that you were spending more and more time together. practically every night, you came home seething with a very late comeback to what he said, already ready to go to sleep, no time to even realize how homesick you are.
taehyun getting forced to sit next to you and to eat next to you and to hand you everything, by the guys, slowly became something you liked. even if you felt a little guilty and selfish that you enjoyed it despite taehyun not liking it. it was like pulling the hand of fate into your favor.
one night, after taehyun had reminded you to get home safely, with a begrudging attitude, yeonjun pulled you aside to tell you that your little crush on him was pretty obvious and that you needed to do something.
the news of this being obvious hit you like a truck. and the truck turned into a train once you looked over yeonjun’s shoulder to see taehyun’s back, walking away and disappearing over the corner of the living room. he’d heard you most likely.
you didn’t tell yeonjun about this, trying to convince yourself he hadn’t heard a thing. no need to make a big deal out of nothing!
there was no room for this when the next day, taehyun tried to avoid you, just like how you started. when you finally got his attention and forced him to talk to you, after your shared class, he sighed deeply and looked you in the eyes, telling you something that made you shut up instantly.
he had a tight grip on his book bag strap, eyelids lax, but tense in his jaw and brow.
“look, y/n, you need to stop trying so hard. i don’t know how, or even why, you haven’t gotten the memo yet, but this little crush you have on me… you shouldn’t bother. maybe you liked me before we started working together or whatever. you’re so stubborn and insistent, and it’s not going to get you anywhere. i hate to break it to you, but you ought to stop trying with me. just get your nose out of me and my business, alright?”
your eye had twitched, lips had parted, and you wanted to unleash buckets of anger, all that you could do was let out a little, quiet yelp. he blinked at that before walking past you. a part of you felt like he left something out of his little monologue at you, and on purpose. his tone had seemed more of a warning and almost like he was trying to be nice, but like every time he tried talking to you, it always came off wrong.
you didn’t let him off the hook this time though, running after him and blocking his way, almost tripping but letting him catch you.
“what?” taehyun asks a little belligerent and impatient. those big eyes and focused expression could make you swoon. but, you don’t. what you do is put your palm in his face, laughing softly, with “look, buddy. if you’re uncomfortable about me thinking you’re cute, just say that. you don’t have to preach to me about whatever the hell you were saying earlier.”
you miss the way his eyes enlarge, pupils dilate, adam’s apple bobs, and ears tinge like a cherry.
“did you not listen to me? i’m saying — ”
“no, i heard you the first time, kang. no need to mansplain at me,” that makes him laugh in amusement. it’d be a lie to say that you didn’t find that attractive. “what i’m saying is that all i think is that i think you’re cute. not like i like you like that. so don’t get so cocky. besides, we’re working on a semester project, not our vows. so, let’s just continue our work so we can finish strong and not see each other after this, alright?” you’re spouting lies and phrases fused from denial, feeling your stomach twist, still so unaware of how loud taehyun’s heart is pounding in his ears.
“that’s not what yeonjun hyung said last night,” he tries to fire back, but you brush him off, stepping back ready to run off.
“i don’t want to hear it. i’m not arguing with a man with big brown eyes like you. so, i disagree or you’re wrong, or whatever you say, gorgeous, but i think we’re done. i’ll see you next class or at your dorm if the guys invite me back.”
you do your best to saunter off with your chin up high, turning the corner to fall apart, while taehyun is still reeling from what you said. it’s one thing for someone to be so sure of themselves and call him cute, but it’s another for you, who’s borderline never sure, to say that about him to his very face.
after that, taehyun stops showing up to class and you stop getting texts from the guys to come over. it was a jumble of your worst nightmare.
you do try to message, disguising your fear as curiosity, and soobin replies, telling you that you all can’t hang out at the dorm because it’s too messy but can hang out outside. the excuse felt a little off, so you don’t bother. you don’t even have taehyun’s phone number.
why should you hang out with them when they’re his friends? why should you do whatever you want and be fake when you’re just lonely and are trying to distract yourself from everything?
things go static after that.
you regret trying anything at all in the first place.
fall break comes around, the week before finals prep then actual finals. you had purchased a round trip ticket to fly back home to be back with your family, since you couldn’t find inexpensive flight tickets for the holidays. this would be your only chance to see your family until spring break, or summer break at the latest.
of course, right when you’re ready to go, your professor emails you to tell you that none of your group mates posted the work that was due right before break. it was up to them to have done it. this is the same group you and taehyun shared, so the fact that no one did anything killed you. if nothing was turned in by tomorrow night, you would be dropped with a fail as your grade. your flight left tomorrow morning but with layovers, you’d be on a second flight at the scheduled time. you hadn’t even packed and it took hours to get to the airport. not to mention it was four weeks worth of work.
it wasn’t even the final, but it still was a quarter of your entire grade. you always showed up and did every assignment, but you had failed a few tests. you were alone in the dark.
despairingly, you realized what you were up against. you didn’t stand a chance. not when you didn’t understand the material to the depth needed to complete it before this quick deadline, thoughts full of taehyun and insecurities long pushed that room away.
so, instead of taking the night to pack and get ready to go see your family, you simply leave your dorm with your book bag, trudging over to the vacant library. through blurred vision, your thumb finds the contact you’re looking for easily and your breezy, little walk that you are used to taking everyday becomes one full of regret and guilt. it’s worse because your mom doesn’t let you get a word in, all too excited, going on about what she’s done to prepare for your arrival, how your siblings are getting your room ready, how everyone is cooking your favorite foods, and how everyone is getting ready for the drive to pick you up.
when you make it to the corner of the library, the little nook you always gravitate to, not a soul in sight, you find that you can’t bear to let this go on any longer and, painstakingly, you tell her the truth. your voice sounds unfamiliar to you: hoarse, confused, uneven, broken. your mom’s silence buried daggers in your heart.
your dear mother does her best to pretend like she isn’t too saddened, but you know the truth. she apologizes deeply, asking if you’re okay and taking care of you when that shouldn’t be the case. you’re the one who disappointed their mom and entire family. it’s difficult saying goodbye to each other, but you manage. the wind is howling outside, fog setting over the field and empty parking lot from your window view. you’re utterly completely alone.
you let your hand that is gripping onto your phone dangle by your side. there’s no words or movements, even any thoughts, you manage, too overtaken with the tide of frustration, anger, guilt, and sorry you feel. after a few long minutes, a cry erupts from your throat, magma comes forth in the form of hot, thick tears, a runny nose, and the most broken wail you try but overall fail to suppress. you double over from the pain of it all, dropping your phone and hunching over the chair. you’re not sure whether it’s because it’s so quiet or you’re so loud, but the ringing in your ears run over sharp, white noise. everything is so loud.
the rapid breaths you draw in to stay breathing sound so far away, like you’ve got water in your ears. your hands are clammy, fingers numb, and looking foreign the more you look at them. it all seems like the tunnel you’ve been trying to get through is never ending. where’s the light? you can’t breathe anymore, let alone hear them.
something in the distance all of a sudden shuffles, and you feel the shift even from inside.
there it is.
you lift your head, film of your eyes too thick and blurry to push through to see the one person you never thought would willingly appear before you. your ears take him in for you. taehyun.
footsteps tread closer and with them, you feel his warmth despite the slight chill to his clothes from having been outside. he stands beside you now. you must look so concerning since you’re gripping onto the chair as you fail to remain steady over it. taehyun swallows down the fear and other mess of emotions he’d been feeling. seeing you this way is much too painful. he doesn’t know what to do internally, but his body knows before him, making his way over to you, trying to grasp everything in spite of your silence. your sobs settle, but you’re still crying, face dropping back.
“ — i miss my mom so much,” you say through choked words, fingers shaking. “i wanna go home…”
taehyun gently guides you to stand. it’s a gesture you comply to without a care, accepting the way he seamlessly shifts you up to now lean your body in his embrace. his arms wrap around you, rubbing your shoulder with his rhumb and the other moving in soothing circles on your lower back.
he doesn’t know what to say, but he doesn’t think anything needs to be said. your hushed down cries seem to agree, now diminished to muffled sniffles and quiet sobs. it’s enough. it’s more than enough.
“use my sweater as a tissue, why don’t you?” he mutters, feeling your fist of his hoodie loosen, your head pulling away, before he squeezes you: his way of reassuring you despite his ill timed joke.
taehyun lies his cheek on the top of your head, closing his eyes with relief when you quiet down.
“you’re okay, i promise. i promise,” he offers in a whisper and you mirror his actions, hands fisting his clothes a little more in agreement.
minutes pass. neither of you are sure how many, but neither of you seem to care until you do.
your hands slide down now to your sides as you’re the first to slowly move away, taehyun hesitating to let go. those large, round eyes bear right into yours. he doesn’t shy away from you even if you think that it might have killed him to have had to comfort you like that.
“sorry you had to see that,” you apologize, rubbing your cheeks and corners of your eyes with the back of your hand hastily. he doesn’t say anything. “and that you had to deal with me like that, too.”
taehyun draws the line there, scoffing quietly, and you pause.
“i didn’t do it because i felt obligated. you think i, kang taehyun, spend my time with you, bickering, struggling, working together with you because i feel like i have to?” the seam of your eyes, nose, lips are either swollen or red. your eyelash framed sclerae are hued in pink from your cry, but even in this moment, they astound him.
you might have commented on his pretty eyes once or twice, but your expressed thoughts have nothing on the way he thinks about yours. they shimmer, glow, and somehow never tell a lie; taehyun thinks your eyes are one of the most beautiful things about you.
you blink at him and he sighs. doubt and maybe a little insecurity flows through his veins. for a braniac like him, the things that taehyun says to you never come out the way they’re supposed to.
“i do everything with you because i want to.”
you say that much, shy for the first time that he’s seen.
“a-anyway,” taehyun’s stutter makes your heart do the fifth backflip it’s done since he arrived. “i got the email from our professor, too. don’t think the other jackasses did, and i went hunting for them, but looks like they’re gone.”
it’s implied that he looked for you. you remember his previous statement and try to fight the blush.
“yeah, they beat me to it,” you comment, sniffling a little, sinuses still fresh. he nods.
“were you planning on doing all the work, y/n?”
you manage a nod, moving to sit down, still facing him.
“i was supposed to go home for the break, which reminds me, i’m shocked to see you’re still here.” your tone lights up when you mention him and taehyun brushes that off with a hand. “and then? you decided to stay to do it all?”
a moment of silence falls and you nod again, wordless so suddenly. he doesn’t say anything for a moment either. he stays still, arms crossed, pensive.
“we should probably — ” “go.”
“huh?” “i said to go. you should go home.”
you move to stand now, confused.
“taehyun, i’m not leaving you to do it all. i can help you at the very least — ”
“no, y/n, go. i know it’s a lot, i know what exactly we have to do, i know what i’ve been missing since i was skipping class, i know what to do, which is exactly why you have to go.” you’re too caught in the lull of his voice, the intensity of his gaze and words to realize the meaning behind them. you blink before you give a big grin.
“so, you were skipping!”
taehyun rolls his eyes at that, ready to retort but softens once he sees your teary eyes.
“are you sure? it’s so, so, so much work. i can’t let you do all of it.” he smiles a little and his dimples spring to life.
“and i can’t let you stay here to do it,” you both stare at each other for a bit before you have to look away, all too shy. “we’re going to be okay, i promise.”
even if this change in character is giving you whiplash and it’s feeding into your delusions from some time ago when your crush was bad, your heart still manages to beat something quicker, touched at his courage and will. you feel evil in going forth with something like this, something he told you to do, but it feels so meaningful, your heart is so full.
you nod again, stepping forward to give him a hug with an arm around his shoulder (or what you can reach) and the other around his waist. maybe it’s too intimate. maybe he’ll be grossed out by how forward you are with this. maybe —
“i’ll be right here when you get back.” he whispers and you shiver.
“okay,” is all you say, pulling away with a smile, thanking him to infinity, rushing through your discussion of what you wanted to accomplish before he’s nearly pushing you out of there and you have to actually run to do what is needed to to go back home. taehyun watches you leave before settling in to work on the project.
while you’re away, you finally get to relax for just a little at being with your family. taehyun manages to get your number, texting you a picture of the graded response: an a minus and a selfie in which taehyun looks exhausted. he later adds, ‘i took 6 shots after this’.
(the other groupmates received f’s in their entire grade for the class, once taehyun did as much as he could and have the explanation that was much needed.)
you thank him in every possible way, even trying to send him money, but he shoots it all down. so, when you beg the question, ‘isn’t there anything i can do to thank you?’
well… there is one thing.
taehyun takes you out on a date. it takes you five of those days to figure out that he’s liked you all along.
not bad for your first semester away from family. you find a new one in your made friends and a second in taehyun. he was right. it was all going to be alright.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ੈ✧̣̇˳·˖✶ ✦  
ending note: so this is soooo bad but i had this idea or rather scene and it sorta got away from me and i think it’s pretty obvious that i wrote this backwards but 😄 anyway i hope you liked it at least :< please have a good day!
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Hi! Can you do LizziexGN!reader? When Lizzie's sisters have horse riding lesson and Lizzie is going with them 'cause she wants to see her partner that works there as someone who cleans horses' boxes (i think that how it is called). Can you do that the twins don't know about their relationship and they are suprised that Lizzie started going with them to their lessons?
Stable Hand
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Elizabeth Olsen x GN! Reader
Warnings: None. Just fluff and teen love.
Lizzie met Y/N when they had dropped off one of the twins' bag, which they had left at the stables. The two soon got talking as they were close in age range. Also knowing that they go to the same school. They soon started dating, even as the twins tried to get it out of her, she never told them.
They even found it weird when she would tag along to their horse riding lessons. Although she would disappear to the stables and watch as Y/N would clean the stables, replacing the hay.
"Hi." She smiled as they turned around to greet her.
"Hey." They brushed their hands on their bottoms. "I'm sweaty." They told her as she approached them.
"I don't care." She smiled before she pecked their lips, smiling as they pulled away. "That is definitely my favourite thing whenever we come here."
"I'm glad." Y/N smiled before they changed the water and food before the horses came back. "I would be offended otherwise."
Lizzie remembered the conversation to had regarding their futures. Although Lizzie dreams of being an actress when she finishes college, Y/N wants to become a vet. Their love for animals has been one of the reasons Lizzie was drawn to them. Besides their gentle nature.
She even pictures seeing them being married and having their own farm together. Y/N teaching their children how to ride as Lizzie taught them how to garden and grow their own fruit and vegetables.
She had a whole dream of what their future could be and they were barely finishing high school. 15 and in love.
"Lizzie!" They heard the twins yell as she sighed.
"I have to go." She whispered kissing them once more before they smiled at her.
"I'll see you at school." They told her before she left the stables, just before the twins approached.
"What were you doing in there?" Ashley questioned as MK looked passed her, hoping to find something.
"Nothing, I just needed some shade. It's too warm." She told them as they nodded. Not sure if they believe her.
As the week went by, both Y/N and Lizzie were inseparable at school. The twins wanted to know why Lizzie insisted on going with them, and why she disappeared into the stable. So the two concocted a plan. Wanting answers and they were only going to get them as they snuck around. So instead of calling for her when they had finished, they walked to the stables in silence. Smiles on their faces when they saw her making out with Y/N. The stable hand.
"Lizzie." Ashley spoke sternly as the two broke apart.
"So this is why you insist on coming with us?" MK raised a brow, the two fighting to hide their smirks.
"I can explain." Lizzie told them frantically.
"I'm sure you can." Ashley stated as MK pointed to Y/N.
"You can explain why you're sucking face with our sister?" MK said as Ashley fought back a laugh.
"Lizzie and I have been dating for months." Y/N confessed. "We go to the same school and I work with my father here. Just to earn money for college."
"So why are you with Lizzie?" Ashley pressed on as Y/N gazed at Lizzie with a gentle smile.
"She's beautiful and kind. Just being in her presence makes me happy and I feel free whenever I'm around her." They confessed as the twins smiled at the two. "I guess she is the dream I never knew I had."
"Aww. You guys are too cute." MK squealed as Lizzie apologised to Y/N.
"Young love is in the air." Ashley sang as Lizzie blushed.
"Can you please leave?" Lizzie groaned at the twins.
"We will wait outside." MK told her as she dragged a singing Ashley out.
"I'm sorry about them." Lizzie whispered as Y/N smiled at her.
"They love you and want the best for you." They told her softly. "So I guess this is see you later."
"Yeah." Lizzie kissed them once more, never getting tired of the feeling she gets in her stomach everytime. Smiling as she endured the twins teasings as her mind was on her person.
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monzamash · 2 years
the good, the bad and what could’ve been — lando norris (part one)
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summary – nine years. an age gap that you didn’t know would cause so much heartache. you tell yourself that it’s fine, he tells you that he could give you the world but this was a cautionary tale of what could’ve been if you just let love win. pairing – lando norris x you (female reader) chapter rating – mature (sexual references, language, age gap/older woman) word count – 7k inspired by charlie puth's song called boy. masterlist
part one | part two | part three
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Drenched rat was the only way to describe your appearance as the late evening downpour rained all over your parade. It had been one of those days that seemed to go on forever and there was nothing you wanted more than to see that last client waltz out of the studio and into those glorious Friday night shadows. Thank god it was the weekend.
"Any plans for the weekend, lovey?" Rae, your friend and closest co-worker asked from across the room, cleaning up her station for the last time this week.
You shrugged, not really having the mental capacity to even respond but she was being polite and the least you could do was answer.
"Maybe... My little brother's turning 21 and has reluctantly extended an invite my way so just loose plans at this stage. You?"
Rae went on to detail her jam-packed weekend with her husband, who like her was the life of every party. They were freshly married – only 3 months or so but they had been endgame since their college days apparently, which now seemed like a lifetime ago. Positivity exuded them wherever they went and you hated to admit that there was a pang of envy whenever they rocked up to after work drinks together or he dropped off her lunch that she'd left at home. Smitten by each other even after all these years.
All those little things festered away and created a small pit of jealousy in your stomach that you resented. You were happy, right? You had a successful career, a cute apartment and suitors 'round the block waiting for you to make up your mind and just fucking pick one of them. Anyone.
What Rae had was a once in a lifetime kind of love, you thought as the overhead lights were turned off and Patrick motioned for you to grab your shit and go home. The studio was cloaked in darkness as you squeezed through the small door, locked and loaded with an umbrella and a backpack filled with sketchbooks and diaries. And all you could do was pray that they were waterproofed enough to make the journey home.
"See ya Monday – and try to be on time, yeah?" Patrick arrogantly jabbed your way before disappearing out of sight and hopefully out of your life for the next 48 hours – or longer if you could get your shit together.
"Fucking arsehole," You muttered as Rae huddled under your umbrella, brushing your back with understanding.
"He doesn't know how to treat you because you intimidate him," She shook her long, black hair and rubbed her hands together, attempting to generate enough heat to keep warm as the thick fog rolled through the streets.
You shrugged, knowing that she was just trying to lighten the mood and send the week off with a positive – something she always liked to do for you, especially after a week filled with the same old bullshit. You were overbooked, overworked and wishing you were anywhere but here.
"It's nothing a really expensive bottle of wine can't fix," You half-joked and made sure Rae was sheltered before bidding her goodbye, "See you in hell on Monday."
Rae sent you a sullen wave, no doubt wishing she could've cheered you up just a little before going home to her seemingly perfect life. There wasn't much point trying when all attempts fell on deaf ears – nothing could pull you out of the perpetual cycle of drink, sleep, work, repeat. That was how it was and how it would always be and you had come to terms with that.
The short walk home from the studio was a miserable one, which was to be expected strolling the streets of London in the middle of December. But the glimmering lights reflected in the evening downpour and the smell of food cooking – sizzling kebab if you had to really hone in on the smokey, chargrilled scent wafting through the cool air, made it a little more bearable than usual. That didn't mean much considering nothing had brought you joy for months. Not even the discreetly packaged vibrator your best friend had left in a box on your doorstep with a sticky note saying, 'you deserve it'. Tragic.
You grumbled quietly to yourself, noticing a nosy neighbour standing beside the entrance to your building, waiting for either you or a cab. It was always hard to tell. She was an older lady who loved to pry and nothing gave her more pleasure than to bundle people up and have a chat. She was harmless and meant well but the last thing you needed tonight was an ambush.
"Sorry Effie, I have to get upstairs and get out of these wet clothes."
You got in first with the excuse and she simply smiled and waved. Effie knew the trials and tribulations of a London winter since she'd lived here all her life, simply wishing you a wonderful weekend and making you feel bad for brushing her off.
The apartment was cold and dimly lit as you flicked on the kitchen light and chucked your backpack down on the couch with a huff. You hoped it would feel better being home after a long day but you knew you had no food, no company and a cold bed waiting for you upstairs. All things that made it impossible to look on the bright side.
"Fuck. My. Life," You groaned into the fridge and slammed it shut, internally wishing past you had organised something for dinner.
You did as you told Effie and went upstairs to change into something comfier and less wet – a tracksuit set, combat boots and new beanie to cover the bird’s nest you called a "hairstyle". The floor length raincoat you should've taken to work was waiting for you at the front door – almost taunting your never-ending brain fades. You scooped up your keys and scarf and headed downstairs again, hoping that Effie had left to wherever the hell she was going on a Friday night. The fact a 70 year old woman had more of a social life should've worried you more but you were too tired to care.
By now it was a quarter to midnight and there was really only one option to get anything resembling food this late since the closest Waitrose was a 10-minute walk away. You had already burnt your bridge there by rocking up at closing time, forcing them to keep the tills open so you could buy emergency ice cream. You couldn't show your face there ever again.
The bright blue and red lights spilling into the puddles that were still filling from the rain was a welcomed sight. It was the only sign of life for miles, besides yourself and you were grateful having a 24-hour Tesco Express right around the corner. Capitalist convenience was in working order. The florescent lights were not as pleasant as you walked in and triggered the bell hanging over the automatic doors.
A familiar voice sang out your name, greeting you from behind the counter with a half-arsed smile adorning his kind face. You grabbed a basket and gave him a wave.
"Hi Kev," You meekly returned and continued on your way down the aisles, hoping to find a few things that would tide your hunger over until the sun came up.
You stopped at the confectionary section and perused for a second, debating whether a sugar hit this late in the night was the responsible adult thing to do. Your mum's authoritarian voice rang in your ears as you reached out and grabbed a bag of skittles, smiling to yourself as you dropped them into the basket. That smile had been the first of the day, maybe even of the week and it felt nice for a split second to feel the weight lifting from your shoulders.
"Late dinner?"
The voice came from a few steps away and belonged to a smirking stranger. He was taller than you, even hunched over the bargain bin he was rifling through. His hair was curly and sopping wet and it was hard to tell if it was just dark because of that or naturally, but your confused gaze connected with his and the smile that had just been on your cold face had disappeared.
"Excuse me?" You quietly asked and stared into his icy blue eyes, prepared to strike with a snarky comeback or two.
"The skittles," He pointed to your basket, "That used to be my evening meal a few years ago until I realised I was an addict and had to get help."
The kind smile on his face softened your stern expression, "Oh, right... Well I'm glad you found the help you needed. Maybe I should too," You tried to muster a joke and he laughed – loudly.
Nobody laughed like that at anything you had said lately because most of the things you did say were either dripping in sarcasm or laced with self-deprecation. Both weren't cute or endearing the longer it became apart of your personality. But he liked your joke enough to give you a boost of serotonin and your smile was back –even brighter than before.
"I did but you should definitely level it out with something else – maybe something chocolaty," The mystery man nodded towards the rows of chocolate bars lining the racks in front of you, now openly encouraging your bad habit.
His accent was different to what you were used to – British, kind of upperclass, kind of not but laced with something else and you were intrigued. Maybe even a little mesmerised by the way he stood his ground, making small talk to a complete stranger in the middle of the night. He looked cozy too, tracksuit clad like you, giving zero fucks about how you fashionable you looked, or really what anyone thought. Comfy, friendly, warm – he was different.
"Great suggestion but I think this will do enough damage," You replied, making him chuckle again.
"I'll live my junk food fantasies vicariously through you," He said before he turning on his heel and making his way to the register at the front of the store, humming to himself.
You could hear his boisterous yet kind voice as you grabbed a pre-mixed salad and lined up behind him, "Thanks man – have a great night," He said to Kevin who no doubt appreciated a friendly face this late in the night.
The stranger sent one lasting smile your way and said 'hope you do too' before he exited with his bag of almonds and a coconut water. Simple and nutritious – which was more than you could say about your late night dinner choices.
With a genuine pep in your step and your items safely tucked under your arm, you left the shop feeling a lot lighter than you did when you walked in and that was something unexpected. A polite run in with a stranger was an unlikely mood-booster but you were clinging to it while it lasted. That was until you noticed a shadowy figure walking up ahead as you rounded into your street and slowed down, but the person heard your footsteps loud and clear.
Internally cursing yourself for wearing the loudest boots you owned, you relaxed a little when you realised it was the man from the store, who had thrown a thick puffer jacket over his orange hoodie. There was a short pause as your eyes met and a puzzled look flashed across his flushed face, wind blown.
"I'm not stalking you," You said in hopes of easing his confusion, "I live here."
You pointed to the large wooden door that led into your apartment building as you tugged your jacket closed, trying to trap any warmth left in your body. The man turned around and looked to where you were pointing before spinning back with a soft chuckle, "And I live there."
He gestured to the building across the small side street you were both standing in, looking as bewildered as each other. It was your turn to laugh as the penny dropped – you were neighbours.
"Small world," You humorously replied and took a few long strides past him. As cute as he was in the darkness, you were frozen solid and needed to thaw out as soon as possible otherwise you'd be asking him for a ride to the hospital.
"See you around?" He asked more as a question than a statement and you nodded with a small, chattering smile.
"Yep," You simply replied and buzzed yourself into the building, shivering beneath all the layers you'd put on before leaving. Even though you were smiling through gritted teeth and feeling warmth from the fleeting conversation, the several layers of clothing and a genuine smile from a stranger weren't even enough to keep you from hypothermia. You couldn't wait to get upstairs and sit by the heater, wishing you were in some quaint country cabin far, far away.
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"Yep... Just keep the peel on until tonight and then wash your thigh with that soap I gave you... Yep, warm water is perfect and make sure you put on a thin layer of cream after that... It’ll probably be a little red but I promise you’ll heal perfectly so don't stress," You reassured your client who had gotten her first ever tattoo yesterday.
Your work was rewarding in so many ways but the pressure of working for someone else came with it's unique challenges. There was nothing you wanted more than to open up your own little tattoo shop with Rae and live your life the way you wanted to – not the way some washed up muso envisioned. With a few more words of encouragement, you managed to reassure your client and begin your Saturday, doing a whole lot of nothing.
The sun was shining at least and you figured you might as well enjoy some of what the day had to offer before your night out later this evening. Your brother had given you strict instructions on when and where his birthday drinks were going to be and you knew then that making an appearance at this thing was now a non-negotiable. You couldn't be seen as the flaky older sister again and you didn't want to let him down – that relationship was one of very few that were sacred in your life and turning 21 was a big deal.
It wasn't long until you were strapping on your heels, sticking a couple more bobby pins into the messy bun you were trying to tame and trotting down the staircase, ready to mingle. You had been single now for much longer than you would've liked and although there had been moments of weakness, nothing had amounted to more than a shitty one-night stand. And it was infuriating.
A complete exodus from dating apps hadn't helped your cause but you couldn't handle another ghosting, especially not from some grubby dude who had no right being anywhere near you. You had standards that were high and there was nothing wrong with that – until a couple of gin and tonics are consumed and you forget you were even human. All of a sudden your standards have left the building along with you and said grubby dude.
"Hey!" A voice echoed from across the street as you closed the building door and glanced around with furrowed brows, wondering who was calling out your way.
That's when you spotted him – the man from last night who you couldn't stop thinking about, even if you didn't want to admit it. He looked different in the daylight and definitely lived up to parts of the vision you'd conjured after your random meeting in the street. The curls were there, as were the light blue eyes that caught your attention but he was younger than you first thought, a lot younger which was an important detail that you'd missed in the darkness. One you wished you had of noticed before summoning those late-night thoughts.
"Hi again," You greeted with crossed arms, trying to cover the somewhat revealing dress underneath your jacket.
You quickly clocked his athleisure wear and concluded that he was probably going to the gym with his friend who was trailing closely behind him. They were both full of smiles as you crossed the road, figuring you had to wait for your cab anyway so you might as well have company.
"I realised after I went in last night that I didn't even introduce myself – I'm Lando," He said and held out his hand for you to shake.
"Well in our defence it was super late and my brain was definitely mush," You replied and grasped his warm hand, introducing yourself.
You'd be lying if you didn't say there was a small, flash of something resembling a spark as you shook his hand. A little buzz of excitement that in the moment you chalked up to being super alone and outrageously horny. Desperate didn't even begin to describe the mess that was your sex life and with that in mind, your snap reaction of having undeniable chemistry with him was probably not accurate. But whether it was a figment of your imagination or not, it was still a valid feeling and you were going to have to bury that shit.
"Nice to put a name to the face," Lando smiled and turned to his friend who up until this point had remained quiet, "This is my father, Carlos."
You knew he was pulling your chain, or at least you hoped he. His friend shoved him in the side, fervently shaking his head, "Clearly not his father but Hola," He sheepishly greeted, voice laced with a thick accent and a smile that would make any sane individual with two eyes and a pulse melt in place.
"I was gonna say that's a little suss but I don't judge without context."
You glanced between the two men with a smirk and held your hands up – making them both chuckle quietly. They also eyed each other, a silent nod following that you couldn’t quite decipher. It was fleeting, almost so much so that if you blinked, you would’ve missed it. Maybe you wished you did because now you were cursing yourself for not taking that body language class at university all those years ago. Pointless and too bohemian for your liking, you thought at the time but now, standing on a rain gutter, you regretted passing such haste judgment. Their unspoken conversation infuriated you internally as Lando looked back at you with an awkward smile.
"Nah, I'm an appropriately aged guy and definitely not a child..." Lando trailed off and clumsily scratched the back of his neck, "Don't know what I mean by that but um yeah, not his son obviously." He was fumbling, frantically trying to change the subject but instead looked down at his dirty white sneakers with a grimace, internally face-palming himself.
You bit down on your mauve coloured bottom lip and tried to conceal the smile threatening to reveal itself. He was cute. Awkward? Absolutely. A little dorky with his oversized hoodie and boyish grin? You could say that but he was still kind of cute nonetheless.
"Obviously," You replied sweetly and noticed your uber pulling up outside your apartment building, ready to take you somewhere you could drown your shitty week away.
"Nice to officially meet you and your dad – see you around." You winked and maintained eye contact with Lando before strutting across the street and jumping in your uber.
You wondered what they said once you were gone and whether you looked better in broad daylight or in the shadows of the night. Your intrusive thoughts were quickly pushed aside when you realised he was more than likely taken, or not interested. Or more importantly, way too young for you to even be having these thoughts about. The good ones never were right for you – there was always something. It was like a curse that you'd picked up somewhere along the way – a curse that forbid any man with a job and their shit together to look your way twice. You were invisible to those men lately and you couldn't help but blame yourself.
With a mission to find someone to take your mind off those negative thoughts, you ordered your first drink, and then your second drink and you guessed it – your third and fourth in quick succession. You swore the dance floor was falling out from under your feet as your brother and his girlfriend scooped you up and called you an Uber. The night was over before it had even begun and you knew you'd be filled with regret in the morning. But right now, you were just lucky to be standing upright.
"Will you be okay?" Your brother asked as you flopped into the back of the car, giggling like a schoolgirl.
"Pfft, I'm a professional drinker," You hiccupped and covered your mouth, "I'll be fine – driver, take me home!"
The uber driver mumbled something under his breath and punched in the address your brother had given him, no doubt sick of trashed girls on the brink of vomiting, flailing around in the back of his car. You were a mess and attempting to cover that up by drinking wasn't doing you any favours. In fact you knew it was only going to make you feel worse – especially tomorrow.
"Alright, you're home," The driver said loudly, waking you up from the quick nap you decided to take in the backseat, blaming the warmth for lulling you to sleep.
"Make sure you grab everything."
A scoff slipped past your lips as you gathered your bags, "I know what I'm doing," You retorted, not realising that you were probably slurring every word and most definitely making absolutely no sense to someone who was stone-cold sober.
You closed the door and nearly fell forward over the gutter doing so, trying to balance in the heels that had caused your feet to go numb. The black car drove off and you waved like a maniac, thinking you were hilarious before rummaging through your handbag for your keys. You could barely see through blurry vision and the cold air made every inch of you exposed skin tingle as you stumbled into the brick wall of your building. At least you were home.
"Fuck," You hissed to yourself as you dug through the bag and saw nothing but a dark void. It was an impossible task without the flash on your phone to light the way.
The sound of a car door slamming shut across the street startled you out of your intoxicated rage, causing a few items to tumble from your handbag, including your phone. And there he was again, dressed smartly this time – the mystery man who's name you couldn't quite remember in your drunken state. You turned away and frantically started looking for your keys again, hoping to God he wouldn't come over and see you looking like a complete mess. Famous last thoughts.
"Early night?" His innocent question echoed through the empty street and you closed your eyes, knowing there was no way you could avoid him now – especially since you were locked out of your apartment with nowhere to go.
You bashfully looked up through your fake eyelashes and sent him a lazy smile, "Yeah, didn't quite uhm, end up – end up the way I expected," You managed to stammer through your sentence, hoping he could understand some of what you were saying.
"Well we've all been there... Do you need help?" He asked and looked down at your hands that were full, "Because you've dropped a couple of things in the gutter..."
You looked down and realised you'd dropped not only your phone but also your purse, a powder compact and a small sketchbook, "I'm – I'm a real fucking idiot and I've lost my keys... I think... I think I left them in the uber," You confessed and conceded the obvious. You were locked out of your apartment in the dead of an English winter, dressed like an expensive escort. A disaster.
"Ah, crap. Have you given anyone a spare key?"
The glimmer in his eyes as you looked up from your bag made your heart skip a little in your chest. He was handsome, the curls you’d clocked falling onto his forehead as he stood up, and you couldn't stop staring until he snapped you out of your trance, your name falling effortlessly from his chapped, shivering lips, breath causing a thick fog to form in front of your confused face.
"Oh... uhm, my – my friend... ah shit what's her name?... God, what is wrong with me," You grumbled, breath mingling in the cold air as you rubbed your face, "What's your name again?"
"It's Lando," He kindly replied with a soft chuckle and tucked away the objects he’d picked up for you, knowing there was no way you would be able to do any of that in the state you were in.
“Lando,” You repeated quietly, “Like the star trek dude? I’ve never seen it but… that’s right, right?” Even you could hear your incoherent mumblings, making yourself physically cringe because he was too polite to correct you, “Just stop talking, idiot.” You whispered to yourself, or at least you hoped he didn’t hear you. He did.
"Definitely named after the dude in star trek,” He chuckled softly and scanned the empty street, wondering what the hell he was going to do with a drunk, helpless woman.
He couldn’t leave her like this but he also had plans – a blind date that had been sprung on him and set up by Carlos at the gym. Sure, he had been regretting saying yes to it but he hadn’t been out on a date in months, maybe longer and he was sick of the late night hook up that had become too much of a regular occurrence, though completely random. He wanted more than that, something worth his precious time and he didn’t need the drama that came from the one-night stands. It didn’t even matter how good it felt in the moment. Occupied sheets and empty promises didn’t keep him warm at night. It made him physically ill.
But now he was faced with what was obviously a challenge – a beautiful mess of a rescue mission. 
“Look, why don't you come in out of the cold and we'll call your nameless friend who has your spare key?"
Your eyebrows furrowed and you blinked a couple of times before looking at the locked door beside you, "I can't go inside because *hiccup* I've lost my keys... I think I left 'em in that uber... But he was just here, I swear..."
Lando stifled a giggle again and slowly nodded, "Yep, we've been over that but I meant my place. Not sure if you remember this but I live over the street from you... Right there," He gestured towards the opposite building and you rolled your eyes.
"I know that, buddy," You sarcastically retorted, "I'm not stupid." You were slurring up a storm and he simply smiled in response – his patience was commendable.
"My apologies... But I'm freezing and you're turning blue so come on – I promise I'm not a weirdo," He held out his hand and nodded towards his building, blue eyes glimmering under the dim streetlight.
You sighed and linked your icy fingers with his, "You better not be a weirdo..." You rasped and let him guide you over the road, silently enjoying clinging to his muscular bicep and watching his ringlets blowing in the wind.
As you let your entire body weight brush against his arm, you felt something sharp digging into your ribs, a foreign object that you swore wasn’t there before. You stopped in your tracks, leaving Lando confused as you reached into your jacket pocket and pulled out a set of keys – "Wow."
“Oops,” You grimaced, goofy grin instantly sweeping across your face when Lando looked down at your hands, chuckling at you as you stumbled out of his grasp, “Guess you don’t get to murder me tonight, Lawrence!”
“Not even close,” He shuffled back with a smile and observed your every move, ready to swoop in if you did stack it in the middle of the street. You were like a baby giraffe, clomping across the damp asphalt in your heels, giggling to nobody. “You know where I live if you need anything.”
“Yeah, yeah!” You shouted back, trying your best to smoothly exit the situation and from your perspective, you were killing it.
But reality was a cruel, unforgiving beast – and you were failing miserably to play it cool as you toppled through the building door and nearly face-planted into the couch nestled in the foyer. It was a miracle that you didn’t fall, Lando thought as a smitten grin surfaced on his frost bitten cheeks while he walked upstairs to his own apartment, drafting the dreaded ‘sorry I can’t make it' text but feeling no regret at all.
You were all he could think about for the rest of the night – a beautiful hurricane rolling through his life for the briefest of moments, a burst of long wavy hair, trench coat fluttering in the wind and for a second he wished, deep down that maybe you had lost your keys. As quickly as that thought crossed his mind, he shooed it away – knowing already that you were out of his league, hell, you weren’t even playing the same sport. What the fuck was he going to do if he did get you up here, away from civilisation where it was just the two of you? God help him.
From a distance, you seemed sophisticated, witty, chaotic fun – all traits that had him staring at his ceiling, soundlessly wondering when he would see you again. Soon, he hoped.
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“Six tequila shots, Jen! We’re celebrating!” You yelled over the loud EDM music blasting through the club, the smell of testosterone and Acqua di gio aftershave mixing in the already thick, humid air.
“Of course, girl! What are we celebrating?” The bartender asked smiling from ear to ear. Jen, who by day was a barista at your local café, had become one of your closest friends in the city and was always cheering you on from the sidelines while serving you the best coffee in London.
“I quit my soul sucking job and told Patrick to shove it up his arse!” You shouted, waving your arms in the air along with your best friend who had insisted on helping commemorate this magnificent occasion, “I finally bit the bullet and did it, Jen and I feel bloody amazing!”
Jen leaned over and grasped your forearms, “Super proud of you, sis. ‘Bout fucking time you did something for yourself.”
You couldn’t argue with that. She was right.
It had been a week since your drunken run in with your neighbour. Humiliating was the first thought that came to mind, head thumping for days following. You hadn’t seen him since that ill-fated night and there was a small part of you that searched for him whenever you left for work, eyes quickly glancing across the street in case fate was working your favour and he was leaving too. Happenstance.
But you were never that lucky and the week had gone from bad to worse at work – your boss had finally lost the plot and you were done, once and for all. No amount of love for your craft was worth being berated by a self-righteous, egotistical arsehole. He’d pushed too far and you were out of there, rucksack haphazardly slung across your shoulders and a smile bigger than the moon on your face. You were free – until the reality of unemployment hit.
London was your home and it had been for the better part of a decade, working at different tattoo parlours, building a solid client list along the way until you’d reached the top and now, finally opting out of the cruel, unrelenting torture that was working under Patrick. Life was too short and your thirties were well underway, that biological clock forever ticking while everyone else seemed to be settling down, buying that dream house with a picket fence. That wasn’t for me, you told yourself so you could sleep at night.
So much of your life was based around career goals and aspiration, so many of those things had been ticked off before your thirtieth birthday last year and it left you wondering where the time had gone. Your twenties had whizzed by faster than your teens and it made that hole in your heart, where you presumed personal goals were supposed to live feel emptier than ever. Especially when those friends you’d stayed in touch with since high school were having their second or third baby, getting married, some for the second time. Where had the time gone?
It was passing you by and even though you gave yourself that pep talk late at night, looking up at your ceiling, questioning whether you would ever find someone to share it all with or if you even wanted that, time continued to tick. Fleeting memories, first dates, and awkward one-night stands – they were all you really had in terms of a love life. The term ‘love life’ was probably over reaching, because if it was a life, it was fucking tragic.
But it was all you had. That and a kickass group of friends who had your back, setting you up with their husbands cute friends, until they turned out to be misogynistic arseholes, or worse – secretly married. In a population of 9 million, you would think there would be a plethora of kind, sweet men but you couldn’t seem to find one. And that led to the one question that did keep you up at night – maybe it’s me. Am I the problem?
“Babe, you’ve got it all. A gorgeous apartment, a beautiful puppy, you’re going to accomplish the dream you’ve had since you were 14 years old! There’s so much going for you that having a guy means nothing. And fuck men, honestly. I’m so glad we’re out here doing this because I’m one wet towel away from killing Jamie,” You couldn’t help but laugh at your best friend, Winnie.
“I’m serious!” And she was, the deadpan expression never faltering as you put your hands up for protection.
“I got you, I’m with you,” You defended, “I guess I just see everything else falling into place, even though my career path is a little murky right now but I’ll work that out… Love is the one thing I can’t figure out. What am I doing wrong?”
Winnie laughed and gripped your shoulder endearingly, “You are hot, like super hot. They are the issue, not you! Okay…” She trailed off and pushed another shot in your direction.
“Tonight’s the night. We are going to find you a cutie, someone fun. And it might just be a meaningless fuck like the rest but let’s deal with that in the morning,” She hiccupped, already tipsy from the shots.
You smiled and sweetly nodded, knowing that her intentions were coming from a good place but stomaching empty promises had become a regular occurrence. You’d lost count of how many guys she’d set you up with or found through dating apps when you went to the bathroom and came back to find her scrolling through, squealing every time a guy she liked matched with you. It all just felt pointless – and a little desperate. Okay, maybe a lot desperate but you appreciated her trying to help.
So you let her pull you through the crowd to where the rest of your friends were standing, all pouring shots down their throats and getting “wild”. A group of women in their early 30s, most with a kid or two or hadn’t been out to a club in months, some years. It was carnage but you appreciated them all coming out to celebrate you. It gave you something to hold onto even when the rest of your personal life was slowly sinking like the titanic, no safety boat in sight.
Until – you heard your name, loud and clearly from behind your friend. The voice was familiar, oddly so, like you’d imagined it somewhere along the lines and it wasn’t real. Lando’s face bobbed up from the side, smile adorning his sweet face, enthusiastic wave quickly followed and you returned it, the same smile too. His cheeks were flushed and eyes slightly bloodshot. You could tell he was tipsy.
“Hello stranger,” You greeted shyly, not knowing how to approach and apologise for the shameful display you showed last weekend. But before you could even get another word out, you were being pulled into a hug, a loose, one arm kind of hug but a hug nonetheless.
He was warm, perspiring ever so slightly as your cheek brushed across his damp neck, no doubt caused by the high humidity inside the club that was pumping. The lingering scent of Dior Sauvage mixed with a woody scented shampoo were notes you picked up on as your arm slipped around his waist, gently giving him a squeeze before you pulled away, half-heartedly.
“Glad you’re alive and well!” Lando shouted over the loud music, still beaming as you leaned in a little closer, “I am so, so, so sorry about last weekend… I’m not usually – well, no sometimes I get a little too heavy handed with my good friends gin and tonic but that was next level and not at all who I am typically… Just yeah, super embarrassed!”
Lando nodded empathetically, “Don’t be. You were, and I mean this is the nicest possible way; you were the most entertaining part of my week… So you’re drinking gin and tonic, yeah?” He asked, glancing down at your empty hands before turning to the bartender and hailing him over.
“Just a gin and tonic and a corona, please mate.”
Lando swivelled back your way, still grinning while he took in your surroundings, “Girls night out?” He asked, curious as to why you were out with your friends.
“Sort of,” You began to explain before graciously accepting the drink he had bought you, “I quit my crappy job and they insisted we celebrate – but between you and me, I think they’re just bored of their husbands and kids." Your whisper made him laugh, that serotonin boost lighting up your senses again, just like it did a week ago when you first met. Sparks flying.
“Makes sense," He nodded with a furrowed brow, looking serious before cracking a smile, "Congrats on quitting your shitty job, I’m sure your boyfriends here celebrating with you too, no?”
There was a glint in his eyes as they scanned the room and landed back on yours, eagerly awaiting your response. You didn’t give it to him straight away, letting him stew on that question for a couple seconds longer than humane, until he took a sip of his beer, finding something to occupy himself with while you left him there hanging.
“No boyfriend.”
Your answer was simple – to the point and Lando appreciated that as he let go of the deep sigh rattling around in his chest. Was he being nosy? Absolutely but he was also hedging his bets, knowing that if you did have a boyfriend and you looked like that then he wouldn’t have his two front teeth by the end of the night. He had to know for certain before he bought you another drink. And definitely before he asked you to dance.
There was barely a millimetre, if that between your body and his, only losing the warmth of his embrace when he twirled you around, giggling like teenagers who were superficially falling in love for the night. Your friend was the one who broke up the party, insisting that she said goodbye to you before leaving to relieve her babysitter.
“Everyone’s gone home and I think I’m gonna head off too,” She yelled before tugging you closer, “But have fun with your boy toy,” She whispered into your ear, her smirk telling as you pulled back and rolled your eyes.
“Stop it. It’s just a bit of harmless dancing,” You scoffed in return, but she’d known you since you were knee high to a grasshopper, practically experiencing all of life’s milestones in tandem – until she found her prince charming and had his babies, a betrayal like no other.
“Sure, sure,” She winked because she knew that there was a 90% chance that you wouldn’t make it home, or if you did, it was only because your place was closer than his, “Call me tomorrow morning when you get home.”
The cheek, you thought as she strutted off into the crowd, disappearing into the stormy London night. You were at a crossroads, standing in the middle of the club and searching the room for Lando. He’d given you space to speak with your friend, a subtle sign of respect while he rushed to the bathroom and splashed his face with water.
Get it together, he muttered, cursing his rosy cheeks and uncooperative curls, the bundle of ringlets gathering like a nest on the crown of his head. He didn’t want to look shabby in front of you, especially since he'd identified your expensive perfume and had noticed the red-bottomed heels adorning your feet. You were the uptown girl they were talking about in that song, the tune now on the tip of his tongue as he pushed through the bathroom door, whistling along to the silent song stuck in his head.
And there you were, lost in the crowd, searching. He wondered for a second whether you were looking for him or if your friend had just come over to tell you something and she was coming back. But when your eyes met, you smiled big. Grinning and relieved to see those bright blue eyes drawing you in from across the room, a familiar face to ease your nerves. You glided to him like a magnet magically pulling you both to the halfway point, hands immediately reaching, needy to feel the others touch again.
Winnie’s words rang in your ears, so sure of herself and what she knew about you. Your bad habits. You wanted to spite her and bid Lando farewell but when you watched his tongue swiping across his pouty bottom lip and that boyish smile tug at the corners of his mouth again, you were done for – hook, line and sinker.
“Do you wanna get out of here?”
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click here for part two
a/n – i really hope you enjoyed the 7k word introduction *facepalm* to this mini-series – it got away from me a little bit but i'm excited about exploring long form writing on tumblr so follow for updates and lmk what you think so far!
572 notes · View notes
mepuppy · 1 month
Let It Ride - Supernatural rewrite
A.N.: I do not own the characters, nor the storylines. I'm simply adding a twist to the episodes. Please feel free to help me out with constructive criticism on the story or the writing. Sorry for the mistakes, not proofread and english is not my first language. Here's the secon episode, I hope you like it.
1x01 1x02
Word Count: 8k
1x03 - Dead in the Water 
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The Impala is parked in front of a building with a sign that says THE Lynnwood INN, with the Harley next to it. Inside the restaurant Dean is sitting with a basically empty plate in front of him while he circles obituaries in a newspaper.
“Hey, look at this one” he turns the paper and shows Y/n the one circled saying: CARLTON, SOPHIE - The Carlton family is sad to announce the death of their beloved daughter in a tragic swimming accident. Sophie Carlton, 18, was having her [...] Lake Manitoc WI, an [...] suddenly [...] 
The girl tries to think where she heard about Lake Manitoc before, because the name sounds familiar. “Where did I hear this name befo…” She starts but a waitress approaches.
“Can I get you anything else?” she asks, looking only at Dean who looks up and grins around the pen he's chewing on. But before anyone can say anything Sam comes over and sits down.
“Just the check, please.” He says and the waitress nods and walks away, once she’s out of earshot Dean drops his head, then looks at Sam.
“You know, Sam, we are allowed to have fun once in a while.” As Dean points to Wendy walking away; she's wearing short shorts, y/n gets up and grabs her crossbody bag. “That's fun.”
Sam looks at him then at y/n, who hands him the newspaper rolling her eyes. “Dean found something.” She turns around and heads outside. Dean follows her with his eyes before turning to Sam.
“Here, take a look at this,” he says with the situation passing right over his head “I think I got one. Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin. Last week Sophie Carlton, eighteen, walks into the lake, doesn't walk out. Authorities dragged the water; nothing. Sophie Carlton is the third Lake Manitoc drowning this year. None of the other bodies were found either. They had a funeral two days ago.” he explains handing the waitress the credit card when she approaches.
“A funeral?” Sam asks when she leaves again.
“Yeah, it's weird, they buried an empty coffin. For, uh, closure or whatever.” Dean makes a face and looks through the window seeing y/n getting on her bike with the helmet still in her hands.
“Closure? What closure? People don't just disappear, Dean.” he looks up to his brother 
“Other people just stop looking for them.” he raises one eyebrow.
“Something you want to say to me?” he asks when the waitress brings the receipt back and they head outside to meet with y/n.
“The trail for Dad. It's getting colder every day.” Sam looks at Dean like he doesn’t understand english.
“Exactly. So what are we supposed to do?” the older brother asks, looking at the Impala next to the Harley.
“I don't know. Something. Anything.” he throws his hands in the air as they approach the girl waiting for them.
“You know what? I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think I wanna find Dad as much as you do?” he turns to the youngest and his brows come together.
“Yeah, I know you do, it's just… ” he starts but Dean continues.
“I'm the one that's been with him every single day for the past two years, while you've been off to college going to pep rallies…”
“We will find John, okay? But until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there. Right?” Y/n cuts Dean off and looks at the two men with her helmet in the air, halfway to putting it on. “C’mon. Wisconsin, right?” she asks and puts the helmet on. Sam rolls his eyes. “How far?” she turns to them as they get in. 
The Impala drives past a sign that reads ‘Welcome to Lake Manitoc, WI’. Dean puts his arm out the window and points at the sign, and the girl holds a thumbs up.
They drive until reaching the Carlton house. The engines stop and they get out of their vehicles. Dean knocks on the door and a young man opens it.
“Will Carlton?” Dean asks 
“Yeah, that's right.” Will answers nodding his head.
“I'm Agent Ford. This is Agent Hamill and Agent Clover. We're with the US Wildlife Service.” Dean holds up an ID. “Can we ask you some questions?”
“Uhm, sure.” Will says and closes the door behind him heading to the lake. Bill Carlton, the father, is sitting on a bench on the dock. Will brings the trio around to see him. “So I guess you want to hear the story, right?” he looks at Sam who nods. “She was about a hundred yards out. That's where she got dragged down.”
“And you're sure she didn't just drown?” y/n asked.
“Yeah. She was a varsity swimmer.” Will says with a sad chuckle “She practically grew up in that lake. She was as safe out there as in her own bathtub.”
“So no splashing? No signs of distress?” Sam asked him and he looked over at the tallest man.
“No, that's what I'm telling you.”
“Did you see any shadows in the water? Maybe some dark shape breach the surface?” y/n stepped around Sam to look at Will.
“No. Again, she was really far out there.”
“‘You ever see any strange tracks by the shoreline?” Dean tries.
“No, never. Why? Why, what do you think's out there?” he whips his head to Dean and asks worried.
“We'll let you know as soon as we do.” y/n tells him and turns around. She and Dean started head back to the car.
“What about your father?” Sam asks, pointing with his head at the older man. The other two stop and turn back. “Can we talk to him?” 
Will turns to look at Bill, then turns back. “Look, if you don't mind, I mean...he didn't see anything and he's kind of been through a lot.”
“We understand.” Sam nods and turns around heading to the car. 
“So, now what? Police station?” Dean asks.
“I think is our best option right now.” y/s says, mounting her bike again.
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Inside the police station the Sheriff is talking to them. “Now, I'm sorry, but why does the Wildlife Service care about an accidental drowning?” he sounds confused.
“You sure it's accidental? Will Carlton saw something grab his sister.” Sam explains to the sheriff what was told to them.
“Like what?” They walk into the Sheriff's office, he motions to chairs in front of his desk “Here, sit, please. There are no indigenous carnivores in that lake.” They all seat “There's nothing even big enough to pull down a person, unless it was the Loch Ness Monster.”
Dean looks at his brother and best friend, but then scoffs to the sheriff “Yeah.” He laughs. “Right.” the two glance at Dean
“Will Carlton was traumatized, and sometimes the mind plays tricks. Still…” Sheriff Jake sits down. “We dragged that entire lake. We even ran a sonar sweep, just to be sure, and there was nothing down there.”
“That's weird, though,” y/n starts “I mean, that's, that's the third missing body this year.” she says, tilting her head.
“I know. These are people from my town. These are people I care about.” he tells looking at her and she nods. “Anyway…” Jake sighs and leans back “All this...it won't be a problem much longer.”
“What do you mean?” Dean asks, getting confused.
“Well, the dam, of course.” the sheriff looks at Dean. Sam nods.
“Of course, the dam. It's, uh, it sprung a leak.” Dean tries to save looking at y/n and back at the sheriff.
“It's falling apart,” Dean nods “and the feds won't give us the grant to repair it, so they've opened the spillway. In another six months, there won't be much of a lake. There won't be much of a town, either. But as Federal Wildlife, you already knew that.” he looks between the three hunters.
“Exactly.” Sam nods.
There’s a tap on the door and a young woman enters. “Sorry, am I interrupting?” The trio stand up.”I can come back later.”
“Gentlemen, Madam, this is my daughter.”
“It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Dean.” Dean shakes Andrea’s hand.
“Andrea Barr. Hi.”
“Hi.” y/n says waving at her with a tight smile. Ans Sam raises his hand to give her a little wave too.
“They're from the Wildlife Service. About the lake.” Jake tells his daughter and she nods with an understanding in her face. A boy walks in, around Andrea.
“Oh, hey there. What's your name?” Dean crouches to be at the little boy’s height. He walks away without speaking and Andrea follows.
“His name is Lucas.” the sheriff says looking at Lucas and Andrea as she gives him some crayons out of a box e he starts drawing.
“Is he okay?” y/n asks the officer looking at them too.
“My grandson's been through a lot. We all have.” he stands and goes to the office door. “Well, if there's anything else I can do for you, please let me know.” They all leave the office
“Thanks. You know, now that you mentioned it, could you point us in the direction of a reasonably priced motel?” Dean asks looking more at Andrea than the sheriff as he asks
“Lakefront Motel. Go around the corner. It's about two blocks south.” she says smiling and pointing in the direction.
“Two—would you mind showing us?” he asks, pretending to be confused, Andrea laughs.
“You want me to walk you two blocks?” she retorts, resting one hand on her hip.
“Not if it's any trouble.” he tries one last time, smiling charmingly. Sam looks at y/n from the corner of his eye and sees her rolling her eyes softly.
“I'm headed that way anyway.” Dean’s smile spread even wider. She turns to Lucas placing a kiss on the top of his head, looking at her father and saying “I'll be back to pick up Lucas at three.” then looking at the boy again “We'll go to the park, okay, sweetie?”
“Thanks again.” Sam says following Dean and Andrea. Y/n smile and go after them.
Andrea is leading them through the street, with Dean by her side and the other two following behind. The car and bike left around the station. “So, cute kid.” Dean says smiling at her.
“Thanks.” she answers as they cross a street.
“Kids are the best, huh?” he throws back at her. Sam and y/n look at each other. Andrea glances at him and ignores him. They keep walking, until stopping in front of a building that says LAKEFRONT MOTEL.
“There it is. Like I said, two blocks.” she motions to the building.
“Thanks.” Sam says and she looks form Dean to Sam smiling, then looking back.
“Must be hard, with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” she leaves, calling back over her shoulder “Enjoy your stay!”
“'Kids are the best'?” y/n asks looking at the older man with a mockingly smile on her face.
“You don't even like kids.” Sam continues.
“I love kids.” Dean retorts back
“Name three children that you even know.” Sam teases 
Dean thinks and comes up empty. Sam waves a hand and walks into the motel with a laughing y/n following him. Dean scratches his head. “I'm thinking!” he follows the other two.
Inside the motel room, y/n gets out of the bathroom drying her hair in a towel, wearing a tanktop and some jeans, while Dean goes through his clothing. Sam works on his laptop. “So there's the three drowning victims this year.” he says changing tabs.
“Any before that?” Dean asks, grabbing a shirt and smelling it.
“Uh, yeah.” he skims through the article he has opened  “Six more spread out over the past thirty-five years. Those bodies were never recovered either. If there is something out there, it's picking up its pace.”
Dean tosses a pair of pants onto a bed together with the shirt he separated before. Y/n goes behind Sam to look at the screen. “So, what, we got a lake monster on a binge?”
“This whole lake monster theory, it, it just bugs me.” Sam shakes his head as he says it. Dean comes over to read over Sam's shoulder standing next y/n.
“Why?” she asks looking at the back of Sam’s head.
“Loch Ness, uh, Lake Champlain, there are literally hundreds of eyewitness accounts, but here, almost nothing.” Sam looks at the Tribune homepage “Whatever it is out there, no one's living to talk about it.” he scrolls to the comments section of an article. 
Dean points at something. “Wait, Barr, Christopher Barr. Where have I heard that name before?”
Sam reads from the page. “Christopher Barr, the victim in May.” he clicks a link, opening a new page. 
The trio read the article: LOCAL MAN IN TRAGIC ACCIDENT. The picture loads: it shows a police officer with Lucas.
“Oh. Christopher Barr was Andrea's husband, Lucas's father.” y/n says leaning over Sam’s shoulder to look at the man on the screen, her bare shoulder pressed against Dean’s, that looked in her direction and encountered the low neckline of her tank top.
“Apparently he took Lucas out swimming. Lucas was on a floating wooden platform when Chris drowned. Two hours before the kid got rescued.” Sam skims through and clicks the picture for a better look, then scratches his head. “Maybe we have an eyewitness after all.”
“No wonder that kid was so freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn't something you just get over.” y/n say looking back at Dean, who hurries to meet her eyes, swallowing.
“Okay, let me just hit the shower and we can go to the park and meet them, what do you say?” he asks her and Sam who nods.
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Kids are laughing and playing. Andrea sits on a bench and watches Lucas, who is at another bench coloring and playing with toy soldiers. “Can we join you?” Sam asks, looking at her.
She looks up at the trio. “I'm here with my son.” she answers.
Dean looks over at Lucas. “Oh. Mind if I say hi?” he doesn't wait for an answer and goes over to Lucas.
“Tell your friend this whole Jerry Maguire thing is not gonna work on me.” Sam sits next to Andrea, while y/n walks a bit and stops looking at the other kids, closer to Dean than to Sam.
“How's it going?” Dean kneels down next to the bench where Lucas is coloring; when the boy doesn't even look up, Dean picks up one of the toy soldiers. “Oh, I used to love these things.” He imitates guns and explosions, then tosses the toy soldier down when the boy still doesn’t look at him. “So crayons is more your thing? That's cool. Chicks dig artists.” y/n smiles and shakes her head looking down.
Lucas has a pile of drawings on the bench. Dean takes a look. The top one is of a big black swirl; the second one is of a red bicycle. Dean holds the bicycle one up “Hey, these are pretty good. You mind if I sit and draw with you for a while?” he picks up a crayon “I'm not so bad myself.”
Dean sits on the bench, picks up a pad of paper, and starts drawing. “You know, I'm thinking you can hear me, you just don't want to talk.” he glances quickly at the boy “I don't know exactly what happened to your dad, but I know it was something real bad. I think I know how you feel. When I was your age, I saw something.” he pauses “Anyway. Well, maybe you don't think anyone will listen to you, or, uh...or believe you. I want you to know that I will. You don't even have to say anything. You could draw me a picture about what you saw that day, with your dad, on the lake.” he stops drawing and looks at Lucas “Okay, no problem. This is for you.”
Dean holds out to Lucas the picture of stick figures he drew. “This is my family. That's my dad. That's my mom.” Dean chokes a little when showing the woman in the drawing which makes y/n look at them “That's my geek brother. That’s my weird best friend, and that's me.” he says pointing at each figure as he speaks. after a pause he continues “All right, so I'm a sucky artist. I'll see you around, Lucas.”
Dean heads back to y/n.  “You okay?” she asks putting one hand on his arm and he nods, motioning for her so they can go back to Sam and Andrea.
As they approach Andrea and Sam they hear Andrea speaking “Lucas hasn't said a word, not even to me. Not since his dad's accident.”
“Yeah, we heard. Sorry.” Sam answers her and she nods.
“What are the doctors saying?” y/n asks curiously.
“That it's a kind of post-traumatic stress.” as the woman answers y/n sees Lucas looking at the picture Dean drew for him.
“That can't be easy. For either of you.” Sam looks at her.
“We moved in with my dad. He helps out a lot. It's just...when I think about what Lucas went through, what he saw…” She trails off
“Kids are strong. You'd be surprised what they can deal with.” Dean says, trying to comfort her, and his eyes meet y/n’s for a second. She turns her head and sees Lucas leaving the bench and heading for the group.
“You know, he used to have such life. He was hard to keep up with, to tell you the truth. Now he just sits there. Drawing those pictures, playing with those army men. I just wish…” she stops short when Lucas walks up, carrying a picture. “Hey sweetie.” But Lucas doesn’t look at her, instead he hands Dean a picture.
“Thanks” Dean looks over and y/n and Sam, then back to Lucas. “Thanks, Lucas.” It's a picture of a house, and the boy heads back to the bench.
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Inside the motel room again, y/n is crossed leg sitting on a bed cleaning up guns and Dean on the edge of the same bed putting the clean parts together again when Sam opens the door and comes in, making the other two look at him. “So, I think it's safe to say we can rule out Nessie.”
“What do you mean?” the girl asks him. He sits next to them.
“I just drove past the Carlton house. There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead.”
“He drowned?” Dean frowns
“Yep. In the sink.” Sam explains making y/n widen her eyes.
“What the hell?” she asks shifting in the bed “So you're right, this isn't a creature. We're dealing with something else.” she shakes her head looking at the youngest.
“Yeah, but what?” he turns his body to her who gets up and starts pacing in front of the bed.
“I don’t know. Water wraith, maybe? Some kind of demon? I mean, something that controls water…” Dean tries to elaborate. After a short pause realization hits Sam and y/n at the same time Dean continues “Water that comes from the same source.”
“The lake.” “Yeah.” the girl and Sam say at the same time. “Which would explain why it's upping the body count. The lake is draining. It'll be dry in a few months.” Sam finishes his trail of thought
“Whatever this thing is, whatever it wants, it's running out of time.” y/n looks at both the men sitting in front of her. “And if it can get through the pipes, it can get to anyone, almost anywhere.” 
Dean stands up. “This is gonna happen again” he goes to the chair close to the door and sits down to put his shoes on. “soon.” Y/n gets closer to him and he hands her one of her boots between putting his on.
“And we do know one other thing for sure. We know this has got something to do with Bill Carlton.” Sam says, looking at them.
“Yeah, it took both his kids.” Dean hands y/n her other boot and goes back to the bed to grab the gun they were cleaning.
“And I've been asking around. Lucas's dad, Chris—Bill Carlton's godson.” he follows his older brother with his eyes.
“Alright. Let's go pay Mr. Carlton a visit.” y/n grabs the door handle and looks back at them. They head to the Impala and get on.
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Arriving at the lake they head to the dock, where Bill is sitting with his back to them. “Mr. Carlton?” y/n says softly. The older man looks up. 
“We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind.” Sam asks tilting his head
“We're from the, the Department—” Dean starts but Bill cuts him off.
“I don't care who you're with. I've answered enough questions today.” he looks back at the lake, looking tired.
“Your son said he saw something in that lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there?” y/n tries looking at the man with a worried expression, Dean looks over at her.
“Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Will's death… we think there might be a connection to you or your family.” Sam continues
“My children are gone. It's...it's worse than dying. Go away. Please.” Bill says, choking on the words.
The trio respect the man and head back to the car, knowing they won’t be able to get much from him.
“What do you think?” Sam looks back at the other two.
“Aw, I think the poor guy's been through hell.” She says looking in the distance to the man sitting on the lake “I also think he's not telling us something.” she turns back to them
“So now what?” He leans on the Impala.
Dean passes his hands through his hair turning around and goes still facing the Carlton house.
“What is it?” the girl asks him.
“Huh.” he tilts his head and pulls something from his back pocket. “Maybe Bill's not the only one who knows something.” He unfolds a piece of paper and shows her the picture Lucas brought him at the park. The Carlton house is drawn. Dean looks at her when she turns to examine the house and Sam comes over to see the drawing.
“Okay then. To Andrea’s house.” she looks back at him and meets his eyes. After a couple of seconds she turns and heads to the car. The two men follow her to their respective seats.
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On the way to Andrea’s house, the boys dropped y/n back at the motel. She went into their room and sat at the small table on the corner opening up the laptop to do some research. She typed and while the page loaded she grabbed one of her packages of chocolate chip cookies to snack on. She struggled a little to focus on the articles about post-traumatic stress on children that popped up, skimming through the abstracts that were showing and opening some every now and then.
“What is happening to you?” she asks out loud thinking about Lucas, what he's been through, and what he was, still, experiencing with his drawings. She thought about what she went through when she lost her parents for that nest of vampires when John saved her. She though about how she could always talk to Dean and Sam about everything, including when the grief and sadness were suffocating, and how, Dean especially, understood a little what she was feeling.
The older man was always her rock, and she tried to be the same for him. She could always see how John left all the responsibility of Sam safety on his shoulders, and when she arrived in the small family he instantly took her safety in his own hands too, so she would do everything in her power to help him with Samand their chores. They both had to grow up so fast and not too long after he started trusting that she would everything to protect Sam from harm's way and from the truth.
When her phone rang and Sam’s name flashed on the screen, pulling her out of her thoughts about the man that was the main character in her thoughts for so long and the family she found after losing her own.
“Shoot, Sammy.” she says after answering the call.
“I already told you two. Sammy is 12. It’s Sam now.” he retorts and girl can picture the younger man rolling his eyes.
“Dream on, Sammy.” She smiles “Did you already leave Andrea’s?”
Sam sighs “Yeah, so Lucas gave Dean another drawing.” 
“The kid draw another house.” y/n heard the other brother’s voice in the distance. “Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died.” 
“I was doing some research.” she gets up and goes to her boots to put them on “There are cases… going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions,” she puts the phone between her shoulder and her ear, putting her right boot on “psychic tendencies.”
“Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow? I mean, it's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns.” Dean’s voice sounds anxious.
“All right, we got another house to find.” Sam says into the phone and describes the drawing to her “He drew a yellow house with a red bike in the front. With a white tall church by the side.”
“The only problem is there's about a thousand yellow two-stories in this county alone.” Dean replies quickly
“Yeah, but see this church? I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here.”
“Okay, yellow house, red bike and tall white church, right?” y/n jumps into the conversation again but doesn’t wait for an answer “I’m leaving the motel going north, whoever finds it first calls the other. Bye.” and she hangs up, not wasting any more time.
After some 30 minutes driving her Harley, looking for the house Sam described her phone rings with a message.
Found it, come find us.
And another one with an address followed. She asked the woman that had just passed her the directions and headed the way the latter pointed.
She spotted Sam and Dean approaching a white church while Dean held up a drawing and looked at it. Dismounting the bike, she whistled making the two brothers turn to look at her. After catching up to them she holds her hand to Dean grabbing the picture he hands her. And the church is exactly the same.
“Nice job!” She smiles at him, looking at Sam before heading to the house with the two following her. Sam knocks at the door and a elderly woman opens up.
“We're sorry to bother you, ma'am, but we’re with the newspaper, writing a story about local kids. Does a little boy live here, by chance? He might wear a blue ball cap, has a red bicycle.” Dean asks the oddly specific question.
“No, sir. Not for a very long time. Peter's been gone for thirty-five years now.” the lady knits her eyebrows at the trio, and after a pause goes back inside leaving the door open and they follow her. There’s a picture of a little boy on the table by the entrance. “The police never… I never had any idea what happened. He just disappeared.” She stops at the living room and turns back to them. 
Y/n takes a look at the room and nudes Dean showing the toy soldiers on the coffee table. “Losing him—you know, it's...it's worse than dying.”
They all glance at each other remembering Bill’s words from earlier.
“Did he disappear from here? I mean, from this house?” Sam asks the older lady.
“He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school, and he never showed up.” she answers
Dean walks over to a wall and picks a picture off the mirror. There are two boys in the picture, one with a bicycle. He shows the back of the picture, that reads: Peter Sweeney and Billy Carlton, nineteen seventy.
They thank the woman and head straight to Bill Carlton’s house. Inside the Impala y/n reassess the basic points. “Okay, this little boy Peter Sweeney vanishes, and this is all connected to Bill Carlton somehow.”
“Yeah, Bill sure as hell seems to be hiding something, huh?” Dean says sternly.
“And Bill, the people he loves, they're all getting punished.” Sam half ignores his brother
“So what if Bill did something to Peter?” Y/n looks through the rear view mirror to Sam
“What if Bill killed him?” He answers her question with another question
“Peter's spirit would be furious. It'd want revenge. It's possible.” Dean states making a turn.
Arriving at the Carlton house, Dean pulls up. The trio go to the house but stop short hearing an engine on the back. Turning around they see Bill Carlton going out on the lake in his boat. They start running to the end of the dock, yelling at the same time.
“Mr. Carlton! You need to come back!” “Come out of the water! Turn the boat around!” “Mr. Carlton!” But Bill ignores them and keeps going. The water rises up and flips the boat over. And both the man and the boat vanish, making the three stop. 
They head straight to the police station, needing to talk to the sheriff. Inside Lucas is sitting in a chair, rocking back and forth. Andre is sitting next to him, holding a paper bag and a plastic container in one hand and letting the other hand rest on her son’s back. When the two brothers and the girl entered the stations she looks over
“Sam, Dean, y/n.” she stands up leaving the container and bag on her chair “I didn't expect to see you here.”
“So now you're on a first-name basis. What are you doing here?” the sheriff comes from his office.
“I brought you dinner.”  Andrea turns and grabs the container handing it to her father.
“I'm sorry, sweetheart, I don't really have the time.” he says taking the container anyway.
“I heard about Bill Carlton. Is it true? Is something going on with the lake?” she says, lowering her voice.
“Right now we don't know what the truth is. But I think it might be better if you and Lucas went on home.” he looks from his daughter to his grandson with worry in his eyes.
Lucas looks up and whines, looking stricken; he jumps up and grabs Dean's arm. “Lucas, hey, what is it?” he tries to hold the boy’s hands “Lucas.” his mother goes and tries to pull him from Dean but his hold is tight “Lucas, it's okay. It's okay. Hey, Lucas, it's okay. It's okay.” 
Andrea manages to pull Lucas away from Dean and leads him outside. The boy doesn't look away from Dean. Jake throws down his jacket and goes into his office. The three hunters follow. “Okay, just so I'm clear, you see...something attack Bill's boat, sending Bill—who is a very good swimmer, by the way—into the drink, and you never see him again?”
Dean glances between Sam and y/n. “Yeah, that about sums it up.”
“And I'm supposed to believe this, even though I've already sonar-swept that entire lake? And what you're describing is impossible? And you're not really Wildlife Service?” y/n opens her mouth surprised but doesn’t say anything. “That's right, I checked. Department's never heard of you two.”
“See, now, we can explain that.” Dean starts but Jake raises one hand.
“Enough. Please. The only reason you're breathing free air is one of Bill's neighbors saw him steering out that boat just before you did. So, we have a couple of options here. I can arrest you for impersonating government officials and hold you as material witnesses to Bill Carlton's disappearance. Or, we can chalk this all up to a bad day, you get into your car, you put this town in your rearview mirror, and you don't ever darken my doorstep again.”
“Door number two sounds good.” Sam says while y/n narrows her eyes
“That's the one I'd pick.” Jake answers and turns around. The trio leave.
They leave the station and head for the Impala. Dean begins driving, and y/n sees him trapped in his own thoughts. They go straight to the motel and start gathering their stuff. “I need a ride to go get the Harley.” Y/n gets out of the bathroom with a case that holds her toiletry things and looks at Dean.
“Sure, let’s go. We’ll be right back.” he says looking over his shoulder at Sam.
Once in the impala she turns her head to look at him. “You know, what Sam said yesterday yesterday. About you not liking kids. You have to know I can see right through that bullshit, right?” she smiles playfully at him.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” he replies but she can see the tiny smile trying to break his features.
“Yeah, right.” she turns back to the street and after a pause continues “I don’t like how this case ended. I don’t know…”
“I know. Me too.” he steals a glance at her “It just still feels weird.” he stops the car right by her bike and she gets off.
“Thanks” she mounts her bike and he follows her back to the motel. After loading everything on the vehicles the moon was already high on the sky and they took off. Getting to an intersection, Dean stops by a traffic light and y/n comes up to the drivers side and stops there. There’s a sign that says I-43 North to Milwaukee is to the left. When the light turns green after a few moments, and the car doesn’t move the biker honks at him “Green.” Y/n looks at Dean.
“What?” The man blinks and frowns at her.
“Light's green.” She repeats and points to the traffic light.
Dean starts driving and turns right. Y/n chuckles a little and follows him.
“Uh, the interstate is the other way.” Sam says looking at his brother.
“I know.” He replies 
“Dean, this job, I think it's over.” Sam’s eyebrows pull together trying to understand his brother.
“I'm not so sure.” He tells the youngest
“If Bill murdered Peter Sweeney and Peter's spirit got its revenge, case closed. The spirit should be at rest.”
“All right, so what if we take off and this thing isn't done? You know, what if we've missed something? What if more people get hurt?” Dean looks over at Sam quickly.
“But why would you think that?” Sam frowns confused.
“Because Lucas was really scared.” He tilts his head a little “Look, I just don't want to leave this town until I know the kid's okay.” He tells his brother, and steals a glance from the bike behind them.
“Who are you? And what have you done with my brother?” Sam asks, a playful tone in his voice.
Dean looks at Sam through his mirror again and rolls his eyes. “Shut up.”
When they arrive at the house Sam asks one more time as they walk to the door. “Are you sure about this?”
“It is pretty late, cherry pie.” Y/n looks him in the eye. He rings the doorbell. A heartbeat later, Lucas opens the door, desperately afraid.
“Lucas? Lucas!” He tries but the kid runs back inside with the three hunters following him.
Water is pouring out from under the bathroom door and down the stairs. Lucas starts pounding on the bathroom door. Dean pushes him over to y/n and kicks in the door. The boy grabs Dean, so Sam runs into the bathroom and sticks his arms in the tub, trying to pull Andrea, who’s submerged completely in a dark water, out. She is pulled back under, but y/n helps Sam pull until Andrea is all the way out. She starts coughing up water.
Y/n grabs a towel and covers the woman when she starts panting. Sam and Dean take Lucas to the living room and y/n helps Andrea up, holding her by her arms to steady her. They go to her room and the hunter looks at the woman one more time “You okay?” When she nods y/n turns and steps through the door, stopping in the hallway “I’m right here, alright?”
After a couple of minutes, Andre meets her in the hallway and they go to the living room, where the others are. “Honey!” Andrea goes and hugs Lucas, who was standing by Dean’s side. Y/n gets closer to the other two hunters looking between them. 
“What now?” she whispers, frowning. The two brothers look at her “We can’t leave them here. This thing is clearly still after something.” she continues. 
Andrea takes Lucas to another room to put him to bed. The hunters try to speculate on theories but can’t come up with much and after a while the mother comes back and sits down at the table sighing. Sam goes to sit by her side. Y/n and Dean look at each other and she asks the mother. “Do you mind if we take a look around?” she asks getting closer to the table and looking at Andrea.
“No, go ahead.” she looks up at the girl and answers. Dawn is breaking outside. 
“Can you tell me?” Sam looks at her when his brother and best friend start looking around the things on 
“No.” she shakes her head looking at her hands. The other two start  looking through notebooks on bookshelves “It doesn't make any sense.” the woman started crying “I'm going crazy.” She puts her face in her hands.
“No, you're not. Tell me what happened. Everything.” Sam reassures her
“I heard...I thought I heard...there was this voice.” she starts unsure.
“What did it say?” he asks, curiously. Y/n taps Dean and shows him some scrapbooks on the side.
“It said...it said 'come play with me'.” she sobs “What's happening?”
Dean pulls out a scrapbook that says "Jake – 12 years old" and opens it, flipping pages while she looks at it with him. When he turns the page she spots a lot of kids and points at it. He closes it again and they go to Sam and Andrea; he puts the book down in front of the woman, open to the picture of the boys. 
“Do you recognize the kids in these pictures?” he asks her.
“What? Um, um, no.” she looks quickly through the page “I mean, except that's my dad right there. He must have been about twelve in these pictures.” she shows one of the kids in the corner. Moving her finger over to another picture of Jake as a child, one where; he is standing next to Peter. Dean looks at the other hunters.
“Chris Barr's drowning. The connection wasn't to Bill Carlton. It must have been to the sheriff.” he states.
“Bill and the sheriff… they were both involved with Peter.” y/n points out.
“What about Chris? My dad… what are you talking about?” the woman looks concerned.
Dean looks sideways and spots Lucas in his pajamas looking out the window. “Lucas?” he turns around to look at the boy and so does the rest. “Lucas, what is it?” the boy opens the door and walks outside. Everyone follows.
“Lucas, honey?” Andrea tries to get his attention but the boy only stops after a couple of seconds. He then stops and looks at the ground, then at Dean.
“You and Lucas get back to the house and stay there, okay?” Andrea pulls Lucas back to the house. Sam goes back to the impala and fetches some shovels from the Impala, before they start digging. Y/n's shovel clanks against something. They dig with their hands.
“Peter's bike.” the girl says when Dean pulls out a red bicycle form the ground.
“Who are you?” they hear a voice and turn around to find Jake, pointing a gun a them.
“Put the gun down, Jake.” Sam says carefully. Dea drops the bicycle.
“How did you know that was there?” he asks eyeing the bike on the floor.
“What happened? You and Bill killed Peter, drowned him in the lake and then buried the bike?” Dean starts narrowing his eyes.
“You can't bury the truth, Jake. Nothing stays buried.” Y/n tells him when Andrea starts coming in their direction.
“I don't know what the hell you're talking about.” he looks between the two and shifts the gun in her direction. Dean takes a tiny step in her direction.
“You and Bill killed Peter Sweeney thirty-five years ago.” Dean accuses the sheriff “That's what the hell I'm talking about.” he says when Andrea gets to them.
“Dad!” she exclaims.
“And now you got one seriously pissed-off spirit.” Dean finishes his train of thought.
“It's gonna take Andrea, Lucas, everyone you love. It's gonna drown them.” y/n tries to explain to the man. “And it's gonna drag their bodies God knows where, so you can feel the same pain Peter's mom felt. And then, after that, it's gonna take you, and it's not gonna stop until it does.” 
“Yeah, and how do you know that?” he narrows his eyes and tilts his head.
“Because that's exactly what it did to Bill Carlton.” Sam tells him and he looks back at the youngest.
“Listen to yourselves. All of you. You're insane.” he looks exasperated.
“I don't really give a rat's ass what you think of us.” Dean starts and and y/n hear the annoyance in his voice.
“And if we're gonna bring down this spirit, we need to find the remains, salt them, and burn them into dust.” she explains trying to give Dean time to calm down.
But Dean didn’t chill and started again “Now tell me you buried Peter somewhere. Tell me you didn't just let him go in the lake.” 
“Dad, is any of this true?” Andrea looks at her dad worried.
“No. Don't listen to them. They're liars and they're dangerous.” he doesn’t take his eyes off of the hunters.
“Something tried to drown me. Chris died on that lake. Dad, look at me.” she comes closer to the older man and Jake finally looks at her “Tell me you… you didn't kill anyone.” Jake looks away and doesn't answer “Oh my God.” she turns around.
“Billy and I were at the lake. Peter was the smallest one. We always bullied him, but this time, it got rough. We were holding his head under the water. We didn't mean to. But we held him under too long and he drowned. We let the body go, and it sank.” he explains looking between the hunters and his daughter. “Oh, Andrea, we were kids. We were so scared. It was a mistake. But, Andrea, to say that I have anything to do with these drownings, with Chris, because of some ghost? It's not rational.”
“All right, listen to me, all of you. We need to get you away from this lake, as far as we can, right now.” Dean starts and y/n looks at the lake, spotting Lucas going down to the lake. She gasps and starts running.
“Lucas!” she yells. They all run up to the dock. Lucas is leaning over the side, reaching for a toy soldier in the water.
“Come play with me.” a voice of a little boy echoes through the lake.
“Lucas!” Dean exclaims when he comes closer to y/n.
“Lucas! Baby, stay where you are!” Andrea tries yelling. Then Lucas gets pulled into the water.  Y/n reaches the edge of the lake and jumps in the water. Jake stops when he sees Peter’s head visible above the water. Dean and Sam keep running to the end of the dock and dive in after y/n. “Oh my God!” She takes off her jacket to jump in.
“Andrea, stay there!” Sam tells her when he sees her preparing to dive. Y/n comes up again to catch some air and goes under again. Andrea prepares to argue but Sam continues “We'll get him! Just stay on the dock!” Sam dives under again. Dean comes up. A minute later, so do the other two.
“Sam?” the woman asks and he shakes his head. “Dean?” he does too looking around the water.
“Lucas, where are you?” Andrea asks desperate while Jake takes off his jacket as the other three dive back down. Jake wades in and Andrea looks over.
“Peter, if you can hear me...please, Peter, I'm sorry. I'm so… I'm so sorry.” He starts looking at the water as he goes in.
“Daddy, no!” Andrea screams at him.
“Peter. Lucas… he's, he's just a little boy. Please, it's not his fault, it's mine. Please take me.” the older man cries. Y/n, Dean and Sam come up for air again.
“Jake, no!” Dean yells at the man entering the water. Peter surfaces.
“Just let it be over!” he begs the little boy and Jake is dragged down.
“Daddy! Daddy! No!” Andrea yells and the trio dive down again. “No!” Sam comes up shaking his head and Andrea mouths another 'no!'
Dean comes up, holding Lucas, who isn't moving. Y/n comes up after a minute and looks at Lucas in Dean’s arms. 
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The three hunters leave the motel room that they went back to take a shower. Dean opens the car door and Sam tosses a duffel in. 
“Look, we're not gonna save everybody.” Sam tells them when he sees both their expressions
“I know.” “Yeah.” they answer.
“Sam, Dean, y/n.” They turn around and spot Andrea walking up with Lucas.
“Hey.” the trio says to them.
“We're glad we caught you. We just, um, we made you lunch for the road.” She tells them and Lucas is carrying a tray of sandwiches and hands them it. “Lucas insisted on making the sandwiches himself.”
“Can I give it to them now?” Lucas asks his mother and the hunters widen their eyes.
“Of course.” Andrea smiles and kisses the boy’s head.
“Come on, Lucas, let's load this into the car.” he says taking the boy back to the impala.
“How you holding up?” y/n ask Andrea, still looking at the two.
“It's just gonna take a long time to sort through everything, you know?” she answers looking at the girl’s profile.
Y/n nods, looks at her and gives a tight smile resting a hand on her elbow before turning and heading to the Harley to put her bag on the back seat. Sam sighs. “Andrea, I'm sorry.” he tells them and she shakes her head.
“You saved my son. I can't ask for more than that. Dad loved me. He loved Lucas. No matter what he did, I just have to hold on to that.” she says going to the car with Sam. 
They hear Dean talking to Lucas when they get close “All right, if you're gonna be talking now, this is a very important phrase, so I want you to repeat it one more time.”
“Zeppelin rules!” the boy say, and his mom smiles.
“That's right. Up high.” Dean holds his hand up for a high-five and the boy obliges, grinning. “You take care of your mom, okay?”
“All right.” the boy says looking at his mom and y/n turns and leans against her bike.
Andrea goes closer and kisses Dean. Y/n’s stomach drops, but she holds her stance. “Thank you.”
Dean’s expression is stunned, he thinks a minute, then scratches his head and goes around the car stealing a glance at y/n’s direction, who’s already mounted on her bike looking at the display. He can see her sighing.
“Sam, move your ass. We're gonna run out of daylight before we hit the road.” he tells his little brother and gets in the car, followed by Sam. They start the engine and follow the Harley that’s already leaving honking when she passes the mom and son. Sam and Dean smile at Andrea and Lucas waving goodbye. They all drive away.
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emeritusemeritus · 10 months
86 Baby! [Eddie Munson x Reader]
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Part 1
Title: 86 baby!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader (friends to lovers), Implied Steve Harrington x Reader
Timeline: S4, set two weeks before graduation. Some Canon has been altered to fit the story; no Vecna, Byers never moved and Hop is alive.
Summary: In two weeks, you and your best friend Eddie would be graduating, taking your planned road trip and riding off into the sunset to leave Hawkins behind, until one little secret throws everything down the drain.
Warnings: it’s a little angsty, swearing, implied fake relationship, standard tropes, Eddie gets a little mean in part 2, drinking, deception.
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"Sooo..." Eddie draws out as he takes his usual seat next to you in the cafeteria, none of the other regulars appearing yet.
Eddie had met you outside of your classroom to walk with you to the lunch room, appearing outside the wooden door suspiciously early before the first bell sounded, a tradition that had begun on your first day of high school. He'd paused briefly as you approached the usual table and gestured flamboyantly for you to sit down first, sliding your chair in for you slightly before taking his own seat at the head of the table.
He sits awkwardly with one leg up on the plastic chair and one dangling next to you outstretched, but somehow for Eddie, that's what is comfortable.
“Tonight. I'm feeling a really crappy budget slasher and too much pizza," He says with a grin, placing down his metal lunchbox and absently pulling out a baggie of trail mix, which is mostly pretzels, navigating the array of suspicious paraphernalia inside.
"Oh," you reply, brain working overtime as you fight to think of a feasible excuse to avoid your weekly ritual, having forgotten all about it under your current stresses. "I'm sorry I totally forgot to tell you!" You giggle awkwardly, the little chuckle sounding absurdly fake to even your own ears. "I've got to help my mom pack tonight, she's going to see her friend from college over the weekend, I said I'd try and spend some time with her before she left, she's actually picking me up early tonight so you won't have to drop me home." You shrug gently, not quite meeting his eyes as you feel his curious gaze lingering upon you as he takes in your words. Okay, not a complete lie but also not the complete truth either.
"Oh, okay," he mumbles, sounding so dejected that you immediately feel the tugging weight of shame at your avoidance of him.
"Maybe we could do it another night instead, maybe Thursday?" You ask quickly, lifting your eyes to his, seeing that his face portrays every ounce of disappointment that his words did.
"On Hellfire night?" He asks sharply, his tone clipped and rudely sarcastic. "What's going on with you?" He asks brashly, eyes squinting as he examines your face, knowing that something isn't right.
"What do you mean?" You ask, trying to feign innocence.
"What do I mean? Lets see princess, firstly you forget our Monday movie night, a tradition unbroken since the dawn of time within the realms of our friendship, you disappeared on me last week, not warning me that your mom was picking you up early so I waited in the car park for 40 minutes. You didn't show up to our gig last Tuesday, and now you're forgetting Hellfire meets?" You can almost feel the twist of the knife with each of his words, his accusatory tone only increasing the guilt within you. Hearing all the examples together made you feel awful; all the evidence laid bare before you as to why you were a shitty friend recently.
"So come on, what's the jig princess?" He leans forward in his chair, eyes still squinting as you fight not to squirm under his intense gaze.
"Nothing! I told you I wasn't feeling well last week at first break, and I left a message with Miss Thomas to let you know I was going home!" You reasoned, still lying through your teeth at the motive, though you had thought to ask the office administrator to pass along a message to let him know you wouldn't be riding home with him, though they clearly had never reached out to him. "And Tuesday I had to take an extra shift at Benny's," you shrugged, trying to deflect the blame. “You know my car’s fucked, I’m trying to get it fixed.”
Mercifully, Gareth and Jeff were quickly making their way over to the table with their lunch trays and you visibly deflated with relief. Eddie shot a look towards the approaching party and turned once more to glare at you, fixing you with a look that told you that this conversation was far from over.
More of the Hellfire group began to spill in and you were thankful for the distraction, seeing that Dustin was hyped up over something that dominated the conversation you were barely listening to. Eddie was tense throughout the lunch, offering little to the conversation as he sat back and ate his pretzels, glaring about the room and huffing under his breath. The guys knew better than to provoke him when he was in this mood, knowing he was volatile at the best of times and so they carried on their conversation around him, trying to include him every now and then but not pushing.
When the bell rang, you quickly gathered up your bag and the lunch you'd only picked at, having found your appetite severely diminished by the tension and lingering guilt from the conversation with Eddie. Luckily, your Monday afternoon schedule did not coincide with Eddie's and you wouldn't have to see him for the rest of the day. You felt guilt and uneasy at lying to him, having never done so before, but you reasoned that it was for a good cause, even if you did feel conflicted.
The afternoon dragged on as you sat in History class, not paying a single ounce of attention to Mrs Click as you jotted down plans and lists and notes in your little notebook as ideas popped into your head. When the bell rang, signalling the time to head to the last class of the day, you all but sprinted out the front doors of the school and out into the car park where a car was waiting for you. Specifically, a burgundy 1983 BMW 733i.
You turned your head quickly to try and see if anyone was looking and quickly slipped into the passenger side, throwing down your bag into the footwell as you turned to greet your chauffeur.
"Hey," you smiled, looking up at the driver, who offered you a warm smile back, before you nervously look around once again to check that no one was watching.
"Hey you," Steve said with a wide smile, running his hand through his hair as he rested his elbow on the open window.
"Drive! I don't wanna get caught!" You prompted, quickly securing your seatbelt as you ushered him to drive away quickly. He chuckled, shaking his head but did as you requested and immediately began to drive out the parking lot and onto the main road.
"You know if you're ashamed of being seen with me, we might need to have a little chat," he grins, not looking at you but instead focusing on the road in front, a grin tugging at his lips at his own sarcastic comment.
"Oh hush, Hair-ington," you joke, rolling your eyes. "Simply thinking of you. You sure you wanna be seen collecting a kid from high school after you graduated last year, old man?" I joked, trying to push his buttons just a little. His face instantly scrunched up on displeasure until he shot me a disbelieving look.
"Pretty sure your boyfriend is older than me," he grumbles. I immediately know whom he's referring to.
"Eddie is not my boyfriend for the hundredth time," I say quickly, perhaps a little too defensively. "Plus he's still at school, so it's not creepy." You chuckle.
"Yeah because that makes it better," he adds sarcastically. You playfully blob your tongue out at him before nudging him gently by the shoulder.
"Not for much longer though," Steve says after a few moments, referring to our upcoming graduation. A pit of nervous excitement settles in your stomach as you think of your plans for graduation, glad to be rid of Hawkins High.
"I know, less than two weeks!" You babble excitedly, earning a laugh from Steve at your apparent elation.
"You know it's really not all it's cracked up to be, the adult world," he reasons, suddenly looking downcast as he thinks to how his life has turned around.
"Hey, just because you didn't go to college doesn't mean you're a failure you know," I protest, knowing that his lack of college education was always a sore spot with him, having spoken about it at great lengths only last week.
"I know it's just, not really how I thought I'd end up. Always figured I'd be able to leave Hawkins and branch out, broaden my horizons and all that, or I'd get stuck working for my dads company. Never thought I'd be working in a rental video store 40 hours a week and still living at home with my parents at 19," he mutters, grabbing his nose with his hand as you'd observed him so anytime he was upset or stressed.
"Yeah but at least you're free," you counter, adding more before he could protest, "the way I see it, you're making money, that money can go on a deposit or the start of a college fund, whatever you want to do more. Then when you finally get where you want to be, you have the satisfaction that you made it all by yourself, no help from mummy and daddy, just your own accomplishments."
He's quiet for a few seconds as he ponders over your words, nodding gently as he processes them.
"When did you get so wise?" He chuckles, looking over at you, earning a laugh in return.
"I've always been wise, you just never chose to listen." Both of you laugh as you watch the tree line get denser and denser as you pull away from the main roads, out towards the Byers' house.
The Byers house was the perfect place for your secret little meetings. It was hidden away at the ass end of Hawkins, tucked away behind the lab, a fair drive from the centre of town and away from all your friends houses, including the furthest place from the trailer park, (not counting the Wheeler house but that was too risky incase saw you and Mike opened his big mouth). The Byers' house was close enough to Harrington's that he could park up at home on Cornwallis and walk across to the Byers' on Mirkwood through the woods and no one would be aware of anything out of the ordinary, should they come round poking their noses in.
Joyce was a gracious and willing host and had offered you her house for your little meetings, keeping you away from prying eyes, something both of you were thankful for.
Approaching the Byers' house, you climbed out of the BMW and gave a little wave as Steve drove back to his house to park the car; he would join you in 5 minutes after walking the little path that lead him out directly facing Castle Byers, ready for your meeting.
Your little meets had been happening more and more frequently in the past couple of weeks and you were almost sad that they would be coming to an end, both because you were enjoying your time spent with Steve and because it was fun to sneak around. Joyce had naturally been sworn to secrecy and true to her word had not told a single soul, except maybe Hopper. Jonathan had run into you accidentally one day as he arrived home early from dropping Will off somewhere but it really hadn't been too hard to cover up as Steve jolted out the back door and you had stuck around for dinner with Joyce and Jonathan, something not entirely unheard of.
The only issue was Eddie, as proven by your little set-to in the cafeteria today. He was becoming increasingly paranoid and suspicious of your whereabouts and your sudden flakiness, which was alarming. You'd called off your meeting with Steve Thursday in order to sit in on Hellfire instead, trying to prove to Eddie that you were still there for him, though you felt torn once you realised what you'd rather be doing.
The rest of the week came and went and you'd been entirely successful in hiding your rendezvous with Harrington, even seeming to put Eddie's mind to rest once you arrived at Hellfire, much to his surprise. He'd put on quite a show for you that night, his eyes flickering over to you frequently as you listened intently to his stories, the DM telling the cult of Vecna campaign so eloquently that you had been mesmerised by his performance the entire night.
You were never an official member of Hellfire, instead choosing to observe and assist rather than play. Sure you had a few Hellfire shirts gifted by Eddie, some you even used to sleep in that been printed with faults and some practice prototypes on different shirt silhouettes and you'd devised campaigns and character sheet with him occasionally but you never actually joined in the campaigns unless you were acting as an emergency sub. Eddie liked to call you his glamorous assistant, likening you to a magician's right hand lady but you always opposed this, stating you were more like the dungeon master's puppet, pulled by strings for his own means.
With your mom gone, you two had hung out at your place after Eddie had driven you home from Hellfire. You'd ordered a pizza and watched an old horror movie that Eddie loved, hoping that it would make it up to him.
Everything was going well until the following Tuesday came around.
Tuesday: the weekly ritual of Corroded Coffin's scheduled gig at the Hideout, 8pm til 10:30pm, never to be missed. You'd missed the previous week and you knew that you couldn't miss this one, after seeing how hurt Eddie had been, not to mention the offhanded comments from the rest of Corroded coffin at the lunch table. You thought your plan of ditching Phys-Ed Tuesday afternoon and having Steve pick you up around the corner from the school would be flawless; you'd even gone as far as timing your departure with his shift finishing at family video so it would look like a coincidental meet on Cherry, near the church plaza as no one would think twice about him seeing you across the parking lot from the video store and offering you a ride home. Eddie usually skipped that class anyway and had a few deals scheduled in during his self made free period, so he would be conducting business at the bench in the woods, far out of sight of the entire school, and more importantly, your exit route.
All had gone to plan right up until you checked the clock hours later and saw that it was 7:45pm and you were going to be late to the show.
"Shit!" You cried out, throwing down your stuff and quickly reaching for your backpack stuffed on the side of the sofa. You frantically dug through your bag to fish out the handmade corroded coffin shirt that you'd stuffed in there earlier today and quickly threw it on over your bra, which you had stripped down to earlier that evening so avoid getting your shirt dirty.
Steve, who lay on the floor beside you only moments ago looked on with a shocked expression, confusion littering his features as he watched you dress.
"Can you give me a ride to the hideout?" You asked quickly, running to the bathroom to quickly fix your hair and makeup, checking that nothing had smudged.
"Uh yeah, sure," he says, throwing on his shirt from earlier, grimacing as he slips the button up over his sweaty body. He runs a hand through his hair, attempting to smooth it out as he watches you flutter around in a rush.
You appear a moment later, quickly shoving things into your backpack, careful to avoid any liquids from spilling as you try to straighten up Joyce's living room. You all but run out of the door only to exclaim profanities again as you realise you forgot your borrowed keys, knowing that they'd probably been thrown to the bottom of your bag in your haste.
"Relax, I've got it," Steve says, twisting the key in the door that Joyce had graciously had made for both of you for times exactly like this.
"Thanks," you said gratefully, trying to calm yourself but it was a pointless endeavour. Your heart was pounding as you entered the car, eyes never leaving the little digital clock that seemed to taunt you the entire journey. You were thankful that Steve never commented on your frantic demeanour, nor the reason behind it and even more thankful that he'd chosen to drive quickly, just barely on the right side of the law.
You're luck has officially ran out.
With minutes to spare, Steve pulled up to the Hideout and into the parking lot, only to be right in the line of sight of Eddie's van, and more importantly, Gareth. He peered over in curiosity, leaning against the van as he smoked a cigarette, his usual ritual just before they took the stage. He seemed to say something to himself briefly only to be joined by Jeff a moment later, who had jumped out of the van clutching his guitar. You could see their lips moving, both of them looking directly at you, no doubt running their mouths about the curious sight of you in the car with Steve Harrington. You sighed, defeated, knowing that they would never let you live this down and your stomach dropped an inch further with the realisation that there was no was in hell they wouldn't tell Eddie.
"Thanks Steve, I'm really sorry about this," you mumbled, not really knowing what exactly you were apologising for but feeling a level of embarrassment at your actions. You begin to open the car door and grab hold of your bag until he replies, keeping you sat inside the car for a moment longer.
"Hey don't worry about it," he says, running a hand through his hair. "Want me to walk you out?" He asks, his eyes peering into yours as he tries to offer support. 
"No that's okay, I-" you begin to say, only to be cut off by an obnoxious shout.
"Harrington!" Jeff calls out, acknowledging the man in the car as both his and Gareth walk towards you, each with curiously smug smiles on their faces.
"H-hey guys," Steve stammers slightly as he greets them, stepping out of the car as he gives them a small restrained wave with his right hand, whilst holding on to the door.
"Y/n, didn't think we'd be seeing you tonight," Gareth says curiously, his words holding an air of suspicion which made you nervous.
"Well I'm here," you shrug, trying to downplay your panic, "just like always."
"Except last week," Jeff adds quickly, immediately grimacing as he shoots you a remorseful look at his quipped tone.
"So Harrington, what?" Gareth begins to ask, only to be cut off by a figure moving out from the back door.
"Guys what the hell, we're on in- oh." Eddie says as he thrusts his way out of the back door, immediately coming to realise what he was seeing. His face drops instantly, a harsh glare forming in his eyes as he looks between you and Steve, each of you clearly having just exited the car together.
"Harrington," Eddie nods once, clipped and unpleasant as he stares at you, trying to understand why you would be in the car with Steve.
"Munson," Steve replies, though his tone is lighter and more polite as he nods back to the man who still appears shell shocked.  There's a tense silence that washes over us all for a few moments, with both Gareth and Jeff shooting glances at Eddie who's face seems thunderous.
"I should get going," Steve suddenly says, turning to face you with a look in his eyes that shows his discomfort.
"Yeah totally, thanks for the ride," you reply, trying to keep it short and sweet, not wanting to disclose any information to the 3 boys stood watching your every move. Steve smiles in return and ducks his head back into the car as you walk away from the passenger side, over to where the boys are stood.
"What, no kiss?" Eddie says venomously as he watches Steve drive away. You immediately frown at his words and sudden bad mood, trying not to let his words affect you.
"Yeah because I kiss every guy who offers me a lift when I'm too broke to get my car fixed," you sarcastically reply, hoping to deflect away the insinuation.
"I could have given you a ride," he says, eyes still fixed on the car as it drives away onto the north Highway, back into town. "If you'd been around lately."
He then walks off, not once turning to look back at you. The guys wordlessly follow him, knowing it's time to go on stage, but not before shooting you sorrowful looks of apology, neither of them realising that Eddie would be so wound up.
You follow them through the back door and instantly turn left instead of following them right towards the stage area. You stalk over to the bar, Eddie's bad mood clearly rubbing off on you as you throw yourself onto a high bar stool and order a double vodka and coke, hoping to ease some of the tension in your body with alcohol. The hideout was notorious for forgetting to check ID, and you used that little fact to your satisfaction tonight. The night didn't really improve at all, except that you'd had enough vodka in your system to numb the ache ever so slightly, freeing you from the overwhelming discomfort of conflicting emotions brought on by Eddie's venom. Their set was good but not great like usual, no doubt on account of Eddie's tenseness and vile mood which prevented him from playing as well as usual, his entire body seeming tense as he avoided all eye contact with you throughout the show.
You were in two minds to stick around after the show, not knowing if Eddie would offer you a ride like normal or whether you'd have to hitch a ride home some other way. Walking would be too dangerous and frankly too far to walk, given your alcohol consumption and overbearing weariness, plus calling Steve seemed like a really bad idea, like adding fuel to any already burning fire. You could call your mom but you knew she'd smell the alcohol on you straight away and you'd be lectured until the end of eternity. Maybe Jonathan would come for you ?
When you walked up to the guys after their set, offering to help load the van just like normal, Eddie virtually ignored you and instead hoisted the heavy equipment by himself. Gareth and Jeff had tried to make small talk, trying to diffuse the tension and Richard, the bass player, had looked on in complete confusion at the tense exchange.
"Gareth can you take her home? Got some shit to do," Eddie states blankly, nodding his head towards you, never once allowing his eyes to drift in your direction. He couldn't even use my name. Had seeing me with Harrington really hurt him that badly?
"Uh yeah sure man," Gareth replies, looking at me with what can only be described as pure pity. Eddie doesn't wait around for anything other than a confirmation before he climbs into the van and drives away like a maniac, leaving all of us standing out in the cold.
It's quiet for a few moments, no one really knowing what to say. Do they comment on it or do they avoid the elephant in the room entirely? Either way, you weren't waiting around to find out.
"Y/n, you can-," Gareth begins to say, gesturing towards his car parked a few spaces away.
"Thanks Gareth but it's cool, I'll just call Jonathan, he owes me one," you shrug, trying to downplay the hurt you were feeling, embarrassed that you were left to be a burden on the other members.
Gareth tries to protest but you wave your hand dismissing him, silencing him in the nicest way you could as you begin to feel the tears prickling at the corner of your eyes, willing them to disappear.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow, great show," you manage to say before walking back inside the hideout, tears making their way down your face as you can finally hide away from their view. You walk to the pay phone and freeze, thinking of your limited options before dialling an all too familiar number.
"Hello?" The voice answers, sounding sleepy as if you'd probably just woke him up. You check the clock on the way behind you and fight back a sigh, not realising the time.
"I'm sorry, I've just woken you up haven't I," you said sympathetically, feeling guilty of the fact.
"It's fine, honestly, Y/n, you okay?" He asks quickly, sounding concerned. You can hear a faint rustle in the background and you can envision him sitting up in bed, covers falling at his waist as he runs his spare hand through his hair.
You sigh, willing the tears to go away as you fight to take a shaky breath, not really knowing how to answer.
"I- no not really," you fight to get it out, lip wobbling slightly in your pathetic state. "Could you pick me up? I'm alone and I didn't know who else to call, I'm really sorry Steve," you all but whimper, babbling.
"He left you?" Steve sounds outraged, immediately knowing that something must have happened between Eddie and yourself.
"Kind of, he took off," you said, sounding small, not really wanting to go into detail.
"Stay right where you are, I'm on my way. Don't let anyone talk to you or give you a drink or anything okay? I'm coming." He immediately goes into protective dad Steve mode as you hear him bolting around his room for clothes.
"Thank you, so much," you say pathetically.
"I'll be right there Y/n okay, stay safe, I'm coming."
Steve hangs up the phone and you sink down into yourself on the little phone booth, feeling utterly broken and pathetic. The vodka in your system had all but dried up, the actions of tonight sobering you up quickly as you were left alone to deal with the consequences of your actions.
Steve arrived in 7 minutes, which you were sure must have been some sort of record. He immediately burst out of the car after throwing it into park and enveloped you in a tight hug as you cried once again. He pulled back and ran his eyes over you, checking for any signs of you being hurt but then gave you a sad smile when he realised you were only hurting on the inside.
"Come on," he says gently, pulling at your hand as he leads you back to the car, opening the door for you. "Milkshakes make everything better." He gives you a warm smile and closes the door, before walking quickly to his side and climbing in.
"Steve you really don't have to, I already feel bad enough that you had to come get me," you protest but he shushes you quickly, a serious look falling across his face.
"I'm glad you called me, you should have never been left alone."
"He dumped me on Gareth but I knew he didn't want to get involved or really drop me home so I didn't know what else to do," you confessed.
"He should have taken you home, mad or not. You made the effort to be here, he should see that."
The two of you talked in the car for a little while longer, with Steve being the ideal shoulder to cry on, both figuratively and literally and by the end of the night you did feel better.
"I just don't know why he was so angry," you said honestly, finishing the last of the milkshake he'd bought you from Benny's.
"You really don't see it?" Steve replies, giving you a sad smile.
"See what?" You ask naively, unsure of what hr was talking about.
"He's jealous. He probably thinks we are together and that you hid it from him. Not because he thinks he's being replaced as your friend but because he thinks someone else swooped in and took a shot before he could."
"That's... crazy. Eddie doesn't have any intention of 'taking a shot' with me, believe me," you say quickly, feeling as if you'd disclosed too much already.
"So you want him to?" Steve asks curiously, though his question isn't laced with sarcastic undertones or any hint of teasing.
"Yes," you answer quickly and honestly, needing no time to think.
"He drives me crazy, he's so smart but so fucking stupid sometimes. When it started we were just friends then all of a sudden one day I started noticing things about him, stuff I'd never thought of before. I noticed how often he'd look at me or reach out for me, always checking if I was there or if I was paying attention before he'd burst out into dramatics, smiling and laughing with me when it was over. Then the butterflies came each time he'd do something like that and I'd think wow what if he's feeling this too. A few times I was sure he was going to make a move, it all seemed so intimate at times, the looks and the gestures but then, nothing. He'd change the conversation or he'd look away and I'd be reeling thinking of why. I guess he just doesn't see me like I see him."
You couldn't help but babble your way through a monologue Shakespeare himself would be proud of, hardly even pausing for breath as you reeled off your thoughts and emotions into Steve's listening ears.
"I think he does," Steve says calmly after a few moments of quiet. You look at him with sad eyes and he offers a little smile. "You're beautiful, funny, caring, he'd be absolutely blind or crazy if he didn't realise that." You blush at Steve's words, wanting to hide your shy smile but you persist. "I can promise you that the only reason guys aren't lining up at your door is because Eddie has either scared them off or they already think you're a couple. Hell, I'd have shot my shot at you if it weren't so apparent that you were inseparable with him, well, that and your horrible taste in music," Steve jokes.
"Hey! Judas Priest are metal gods and you can't deny that! But thank you Steve," You laugh, along with Steve who's expression had warmed.
"You'll get through this, you and Eddie. You just have to give him some time to come around."
So that's exactly what you did. Problem was, that wasn't what Eddie was doing, he was giving you both space and time.
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beewritesstuff · 9 months
Hydrapples Live in Packs
He wanted to retreat from her, needed a chance to think...but it seemed like she needed to retreat too.
Needed some time to think too.
A love story.
(M-rated Kieran/Juliana. Follows cannon events roughly.)
Author's Notes/Cannon:
Blueberry is a university. DLC Kieran is a softmore. He's 19, Juliana is 18. Terapagos disappeared and went back to doing magic crystal things after the Crystal Lake scene.
These two are very cute to me. Yay, college relationships!
Ao3 Link
Chapter 1- Bad Weather
The return trip from Paldea to Blueberry Academy was awkward, Briar's constant chatter filling the uncomfortable space between the others. Lacey latched onto Carmine upon arrival, leading her away to what sounded like an *intense* overnight gossip session.
Kieran yearned with every cell in his body to get away from this place, even though they'd just arrived. It was too loud, too...childish, somehow. He made it three days hiding in his dorm before showing up at Cyrano's office, somehow at the exact same time Juliana did looking just as haggard and sick as he felt. She was the last person he wanted to see, but their united front was an undeniable success. Juliana's final and tearful exclamation that they "-needed a BREAK for God's sake!" at his side overrode any other discussion by students or staff alike.
Finally, they met on the bridge. After a few moments of awkward silence he'd suggested Kitakami, and she'd nodded...and that was that.
The trip home was a frustrated daze of emotions- happiness to be beside her, annoyance that he couldn't hide from her like he wanted, frustration that she was so easy to be near. They'd both immediately passed out on the flight back, the young woman beside him waving some special Paldean league card that got them passage without any further payment at all. The bus trip to Kitakami was equally quiet, both of them watching the pouring sleet at midnight as the driver informed the last two passengers that this was his last trip here until after the storm passed. It was winter in his home town, the temperature dropping quickly, and Kieran's spirits were dropping with them by the second as he realized the predicament he was in.
Juliana was here. With him. When all he'd wanted to do was run from her, get some space after the bizarre week they'd had in Paldea. And judging by the weather forecast on his phone, she'd be there for the foreseeable future....and it was his fault. HE'D suggested Kitakami, after all.
As if knowing his sour thoughts, she was almost silent at his side, speaking only to release her Miraidon. They rode it tandem back to his grandparents, squinting against the weather, where his grandmother greeted her like a long lost granddaughter.
Woefully, Juliana stared at her bag. The contents were soaked from the freezing rain, but his grandmother hushed her and took it from the younger woman's hands. They'd both gone to bed with little more conversation than that, Juliana being hustled into his sister's room.
He woke the next morning feeling sour and irritable, creaky from a night of broken sleep. He went downstairs dodging his grandparents suitcases- suitcases? -to find his grandmother and Juliana seated at the kitchen table.
Three things locked into place in his mind all at once.
First, that his grandparents had previously mentioned plans to go away this week, visiting friends in Unova.
Second, that Juliana was still here, that he'd basically invited her back, had allowed her to come with him even as he retreated from her to lick his wounds...and there was no one to blame but himself.
And third, that she was sitting at their kitchen table, her hair tied back with his grandmother's kerchief, making...kimchi. He leaned against the stairs, baffled with growing irritation as his grandmother blended the seasonings and rattled off household instructions. How to relight the pilot light, which faucets to leave dripping to prevent the pipes from freezing. 'Like she was moving in, for God's sake!'
Juliana was smudged, nodding in rapt attention with a streak of chili down her cheek and a puff of flour dusted across her t-shirt...his t-shirt, clinging to her chest as she giggled politely. His t-shirt??
He must have made a noise then, some sound of indignation (or satisfaction) leaving his chest, because both women turned to look at him. Juliana's eyes got wide and she gave him a nervous smile before turning back to scrub a new head of cabbage with salt. His grandmother, not noticing the girl's sudden anxiety, beckoned him over.
Kieran shook his head. His feet felt awkward and clumsy, unmovable. Finally she flapped a hand and turned back to Juliana. "These men do anything to get out of kitchen work, don't they? I hope you don't mind Kieran, but your sister is too skinny for any of her clothes to fit your lovely friend here. The bus is canceled until after the snow stops, so Juliana can stay here for a few days! We'll be in Castelia by then anyway." Of course. Of course she'd stay. It was unavoidable.
Still, something in the back of his mind glowed with amusement as the lovely friend in question choked, frowning and wringing the cabbage with sudden fervor as a blush crept over her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry Kieran, your grandma really doesn't take no for an answer..."
Her voice was tiny, almost...sad?
Well he didn't like that either. He didn't like any of this damn situation. After his overly dramatic apology at Blueberry, caught up in a moment of victory and fantastical experiences, he'd hoped to have a friendly goodbye and retreat to comfortably sulk for a while. Avoid her for a while. Not have her live in the damn place for three days, sleeping in his sister's bedroom with the door scant inches away from his.
But he didn't like seeing her sad, eyes downcast and lips pressed tight together. It rubbed him in a raw spot. "It's...it's fine. Don't worry about it. You can't help the weather."
"I can stay at the community center-" She was immediately cut off by his grandmother flicking her arm with the towel. "Hmmph, I think not! It's closed for the weather, you'd be the only person in an empty building. It's too dangerous! You'll stay here."
She turned with a grumble, holding her back, and handed him a plate of waffles. "Here, eat something already! She made them for you." She began heading slowly toward the rear of the house. "We'll start loading the truck. Put the cabbage in the fridge to pickle until tomorrow, dear."
Juliana waited until the hall door closed behind the other woman before she looked up at him. "I get it, I do. I...I'll stay at the center once they leave, or I'll make it to the next town and find a place there. I shouldn't have come here with you, I'm sorry...and I'm really sorry about the shirt. Everything I brought is in the dryer.
Suddenly, he could walk again. Five steps brought him beside her, shading her face from the meager morning light. "No. S-stay here. It'll be nicer, you can use my sister's shit. I'm not...I'm not mad at you Julie." Inwardly he smiled to see her brighten slightly at the private nickname, one he'd first used accidentally on that scavenger hunt the year before. His heart was still raw, his fingers still aching where he'd clenched them for the past week and half straight, but none of that was her fault, not really.
"I...okay. I'm glad." She gave him a little smile then. "Kieran, I-"
"Kieran! Come help your grandfather carry these bags, we need to leave before the roads snow shut! We can make it to Shikai Village before 11 if we leave now!"
Whatever she'd been about to say, it died in her chest. She turned back to the kimchi with a sad smile, and Kieran left the room feeling even shittier than he'd felt going in, the plate of waffles still in one hand.
Juliana was polite and friendly, but distant. She disappeared into Carmine's room the moment his grandparents left, and the house felt emptier than if it had just been him there.
He made himself a sandwich and fucked off in his room, playing a game for a while, then scrolling mindlessly through his phone and playing with his pokemon. Carmine and the others had blown up his phone; he ignored most of them, only answering Lacey in a few short messages. Yes, he was fine. Yes, Juliana was with him. No, neither of them got hurt in Paldea. Everything was just...too much back at school.
Arceus bless her, all she said after that was, 'Try to rest, Kieran. You need it."
His Hydrapple was anxious, butting its heads up under his palm and churring in its throat with discontentment. Again and again it turned to the door, whistling soft questions. He could almost hear it asking where Juliana was, why she wasn't here to admire it more? Why wasn't she here with him, safe in his den?
He couldn't even answer the imaginary questions, sad and dark in his heart. After some time it fell asleep, two heads on his leg and the others curled into its beloved apple as he pet it, fighting guilt. He'd pushed this partner so hard, trained with it competitively, harder than any of his other 'mon. And still all it had in its heart for him was affection.
Why did that hurt?
Finally, he dozed for a few restless hours before waking late at night uncomfortable, sweaty, and desperately thirsty. He ripped his shirt and league jacket off all at once, then jerked his bedroom door open. Hydrapple snuffled in the corner, grumbling at the disruption. He whispered an apology as he crept past.
Of course she was up, visible in the dim kitchen light pouring hot water into a mug. He padded down the stairs, shirtless and silent...and the words burst from him before his brain even realized he was speaking.
"I don't get you." His voice sounded flat in the dark kitchen. She stared at him over her cup, startled out of contemplation. Somehow suddenly embarassed, he stalked forward out of the shadow of the staircase, cutting past her to yank the fridge open and grab a Fresh Water. The coolness and acrid minerality helped clear his mind, making him pause and question this strange, fey mood that the late hour and her (wanted, needed) intrusion into his home had brought on. He set it down, took a deep breath, and turned toward her. "I don't get why you can do everything, and I can't."
To his immediate surprise, Juliana scoffed quietly, gripping her mug tight with both hands."You don't know what you're talking about."
He frowned. It was unlike her to push back like this. "Are you serious?"
"Oh sure, I can do everything, yeah. Which one of us has an international league sponsorship?" She huffed out a sad laugh. "Which one of us is attending a specialized university full time, by special invitation? Which one of us is drowning in offer letters, endorsements, apprenticeship requests, god! The things your sister has told me about you! You're on track to be a celebrity!"
He blinked in the face of her sudden frustration. She turned away then, pressing her back to the counter, but not before he saw tears rise in her eyes. She stared at the mug like she was angry with it. "Yeah the stupid ogre pokemon wanted to come with me, I don't know why. Yeah I beat you one time in a battle, barely! But you-you..."
Her breath caught slightly in her chest. "When I got to Blueberry, you told me to do my best...and I hadn't seen you in a year." Her voice cracked. "Maybe I wanted to fucking impress you!"
"Why would you want to impress me?!" It was the most honest question he'd ever asked her, pulled from the deepest, nastiest feelings about himself in the bottom of his heart.
"Because I LIKE you!"
It was such a juvenile way to say it; her jaw was already working, she was already stuttering to try to backtrack, or fix what she'd said. But the meaning was obvious enough.
Something posessed him then, he'd swear it. Kieran moved without thinking, walking over and gently taking the mug from her hands. Sitting it down, he turned and fenced her in against the counter, the dull orange glow of a streetlight outlining the window behind her and the frizzes of hair escaping around her face. They were so close he could hear her breathing, could feel the warmth of her body in front of his. They'd sat close many times during the first adventures in Kitakami, warming up into close friends before the ogre situation had reached its critical point.
This felt different.
A car drove by, a last brave soul as the snow thickened, and he watched her eye fall across his chest and down to his bare arms as its headlights passed over his form. A deep part of his brain chortled as she lingered over the hard-earned muscle; it had been a struggle to add what little bulk was there to his slim form. Getting up even earlier than his earliest classes to work out, drinking whatever disgusting pre-workout Drayton had ordered each week...it was all worth it in this moment, the shadows working to his advantage. He wanted to say something but his tongue was tied, brain shorted out as all the negativity of the last week, the last year, raged against sudden butterflies in his belly.
Juliana was visibly nervous, her gaze finally lifting to track over his face, his hair, and down to his chest. Then quickly enough that he flinched, she reached out to press her hand to his sternum, her fingers splayed out. She chewed her lip, then glanced up at him only a moment before looking away again. "I...don't like how your sister treats you." Her hand stayed, as warm and soft as her voice. "I don't really like how she talks to you either."
The non sequitur threw him for a loop, drawing out honesty. "I don't really like it either." Juliana sighed, her hand shifting up to his shoulder, holding onto him there as if to keep him close. "I think she makes you feel a lot smaller than you are. I think you don't see yourself clearly."
He could only nod. "P-probably true."
She looked up into his eyes, shifting to wrap both arms around the back of his neck as her eyes sparkled. "I really missed you Kieran."
He couldn't help but kiss her. It was gentle, Kieran going in again and again for more and more sips against her lips, a wordless way for him to express the sudden blooming in his chest as every frustrated emotion and bitter memory shifted. The feeling of her mouth opening under his was the missing piece, her soft exhale the culmination of what had drawn him back to her again and again and again. He'd slept with a few other girls and none of them compared to how it enflamed him when her tongue touched softly to his. Breaking away for a second, panting hard with the sensation of her gasps and little noises against his lips, she moaned breathily as he let his kiss fall on her jaw, then down her neck. "I wanted to kiss you at the festival. I was going to..."
"You should have." He didn't recognize his own voice, low as it was in his chest as he leaned back to admire her, stroking his hands down her waist as she thoughtlessly squeezed at his shoulders, his arms. Feeling the hardness there. "I wanted you to. Even then."
"Even then." She repeated it, a wondering smile on her lips as she leaned in to kiss him again. The rollercoaster of emotions made him feel half-mad and he licked into her mouth, sliding his tongue along hers until she mewed. Her breath came hard when he let his grip fall to squeeze her ass, the trust he had for her in battle carrying over now- she'd stop him without anger if he did something she didn't want.
Bold hands fell to trace his chest, dipping lower and lower until they grazed his waistband. She broke away again, gasping, and the sound made him achingly, immediately hard. "Is this... too sudden for you? Are we okay?" Her voice was small, and the questions made him smile. He nodded, pressing his nose to her temple. "We're okay. And I really missed you too. We...-" He hesitated, searching for the words. "We should have seen each other before this."
He'd have stayed by her side, fought to have her at Blueberry with every ounce of influence he could summon, if he'd known. They could have trained together, learned together. This all could have been left behind, the stupid ogre and the stupid turtle and everything dim in the presence of the person he clicked with better than anyone else in the world. It was affection and desire and friendship and more all at once, the emotions finally slotting into place like they'd been waiting for him to realize them.
She turned to kiss his cheek. "I thought about staying over with you." Her eyes were bright, a flush riding high in her cheeks. Her nipples poked out hard from the thin fabric of his t-shirt, brushing his bare chest. "I thought about texting you almost every day, or asking you to come stay with me, I have a dorm apartment..."
"I was so stupid Julie." It felt good to say it, in a way. "We could have been...this...all along." He raised a hand to rest lightly over her breast, giving her room to pull back if she wanted to. To his delight she leaned forward with a coo, pressing impossible softness into his palm. "I'm really glad I came back here with you, Kieran."
What else could he do in the face of her affection but touch her? He plucked at her nipple, drawing an immediate gasp. His mouth was practically watering for it, and for the way her hips ground forward into his. Desire made him bold. "B-baby do...do you want to go to bed?"
Her answering smile at the pet name and the question was as brilliant as it was smoldering. "Yes please."
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frazzledsoul · 6 months
Probably preaching to the choir here, but I find the constant revisionism regarding Christopher Hayden's sporadic attempts at fatherhood rather frustrating.
I often see his fans argue that Lorelai "kept Rory away from him and refused to let him participate" and that "she made it uncomfortable for him." But did she? She declined his marriage proposal because he was uninterested in Rory from the beginning. She left home and moved thirty minutes away, worked her way up to a middle-class life, and made it clear he was free to do whatever the fuck he wanted. We're told he calls Rory every week (I find this unconvincing, but whatever), he sees her on holidays, he knows how to find Rory and Lorelai when he finally visits them 14-15 years after they move there. It sure doesn't sound like Lorelai hid her away and didn't tell Christopher where they lived or refused to allow him to visit her. Not to mention that we are explicitly told in season 1 that she's "always held the door open to her, you just never wanted to use it" and he agrees.
The other thing she tells Rory in that S1 episode is that "he's going to come and go as he pleases, hon, you know that." Contrary to the belief that she kept Rory away from him, she actually is super accommodating any time he wants to show up and contribute and she never rebukes him for all the times he didn't feel like it. She doesn't appear to ever ask him for money or criticize him for being a bad dad and of course, she keeps sleeping with him any time he does anything half-decent. She's raised Rory to think that it's inevitable he's going to treat them like crap and only show up when it's convenient for him and that they can never be mad at him or hold it against him because she didn't marry him when he offered so long ago. The idea that he had a responsibility to Rory regardless of whether Lorelai was willing to be in a relationship with him is not a reality in their world. It doesn't help that both sets of grandparents seem to blame the entire situation on Lorelai and don't expect Christopher to contribute in any way.
And of course, Christopher doesn't really care about Rory. He's mostly eager to act like a dad when there are cracks in Lorelai's relationship with Luke and he senses an opportunity to get in her pants (he usually succeeds at this). Once that opportunity goes away, he disappears. He drops out of Rory's life once Gigi is born. He doesn't appear to be in contact with her after he and Lorelai divorce until it's time for her graduation. After Lorelai stops talking to him once she reconciles with Luke in the post-OS period, he stops talking to Rory, too. Even the offer to pay for the second half of Rory's college education only comes when he inherits a bunch of money he didn't earn and offers to buy *Lorelai* anything she wants until Rory reorients his offer towards something practical. Rory is a means to get to Lorelai and not much more. And of course, we know from AYITL that he sends Gigi away to her mother eventually as well, giving up on her too.
This is not to say that Lorelai always behaves perfectly. She avoids telling Rory about Christopher requesting to make holiday plans with her for a few days and she does a lot to poison Rory against Christopher/Sherry in S3 because SHE'S mad at him for rejecting her and Rory feels she has to take her side. Still, I don't feel this is equal to all of Christopher's neglect and at any rate Rory is a big girl now, a legal adult, and can develop a relationship with her dad beyond her mom if she wants. Christopher doesn't appear to be terribly interested.
(Oh, and the aforementioned S2/S3 behavior is why you shouldn't be best friends with your daughter, as it's inevitable that your hurt feelings will get in the way of what's best for her and her relationship, however frayed, with her other parent. That is another topic, though).
In the end, all this does have a profound effect on Rory. She's often submissive in her relationships (especially with Dean) and lets problems fester instead of dealing with them because that's what's been modeled for her. She also regularly cheats with old boyfriends because her parents taught her that you always have a claim on your first love and that overrides whatever commitment you're currently making. And of course, in the AYITL era she seems to have copied his life patterns a bit too much, as she's got no real incentive to change at this point.
Lorelai wasn't too hard on him. She was way too easy on him and put up with too much of his shit over the years, and that had its own reverberations. Both Lorelai and Rory should have been allowed to be angry at him for his neglect. It never happened.
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