#(so it doesn't make any sense to portray her as such a big deal)
ayakashibackstreet · 2 years
It just hit me, of course I like Eichi, I'm a professional Lanzhu apologist.........
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stainedglassthreads · 11 months
I feel like the four leads of Deltarune--Kris, Susie, Ralsei, and Noelle-are just. Somehow two different levels of queer-coded.
(Edit: Just to be clear: not saying any of this to disparage or insult shippers of Kralsei, Suselle, or Kriselle, I've just seen a lot of cool analysis about tropes, romance, and lack of choice in Deltarune and wanted to chime in with some of my own thoughts. If you ship any of those ships in Deltarune--fantastic! May you find a lot of content precisely to your taste.)
Like. On the one hand, if you're looking at tropes, they are very neatly set up into two romantic partnerships. Noelle is very blatantly interested in Susie, and Ralsei's feelings for Kris are often portrayed similarly. On a surface level, both pairings appear very clear. Noelle is a girl in love with another girl, while Ralsei is a very effeminate boy in love with a teen who doesn't appear to use pronouns. And a big deal isn't made of either pairing, there's nothing really in the way of Suselle or Kralsei on a societal level we've encountered so far. At least in terms of gender and sexuality. But if you look a little closer, it's kind of...'these are a very straight idea of queer ships', y'know?
Noelle and Susie are both girls, but one is very effeminately coded, anxious, uses magic, and is more traditionally cute, while they other is crass, crude, intimidating, and physically strong. Ralsei and Kris are gender-noncomforming, but Ralsei is a sweet pacifistic healer who bakes cakes while Kris uses a sword, and keeps being mistaken for a boy by much of Youtube and Reddit. The active one and the passive one, the fighter and the mage, the one with cute hobbies and the one who eats moss, the one in pants and the one in a dress.
And here, I start thinking of some posts I've seen analyzing how, in Deltarune, romance is used to explore how Kris doesn't really get choices. Kris has been cast as the leader and knight, and Ralsei has been cast as the healer and Princess, even if he is a boy. The leader often ends up with the healer. The knight often gets the princess as a happy ending. But Kris doesn't seem to like this! Their reactions to Ralsei are constantly lukewarm at best, and that's not getting into how Ralsei seems to be in love with his idea of Kris, while being very. Asriel-coded, who the game describes often as Kris' brother, in sharp contrast to how ambiguous Chara and Frisk's relationships with the Dreemurrs were.
If we and Kris reject Ralsei as a love interest, we can a different romantic partner in Noelle...but this choice has a bodycount, traumatizes Noelle, doesn't seem to leave Kris any happier, and it's still a kind of straight-coded ship. Now it's the knight being paired up with the apocalypse maiden, for the doomed codepedent toxic tragedy lovers out there. But it kinda makes sense too, right? If Kralsei is the expected RPG romance, then Kriselle would be the expected romance if there were no Dark World and Ralsei weren't an option. They're childhood friends and neighbors in a small town, their families used to be very close, Rudy is still very fond of Kris. They're even extremely angel/devil coded.
But the most interesting part is. It's implied that there IS someone that Kris is very interested in, either platonically or romantically. It's Susie. Kris never seems frightened by Susie when they're bullied by her, and rejects Noelle's offers to switch seats. They seek comfort from Susie rather than Ralsei after the Spamton fight, they call her their friend when Toriel calls, they share moss with her, they refuse to think about her during Snowgrave when Ralsei prompts them, they make it clear that out of all the people they COULD go to the Carnival with, Susie is the one they'd ACTUALLY want to choose.
And this is the part that drives me crazy. Because while Kris is so tightly controlled by genre and narrative, and those things would usually push them towards Ralsei or Noelle, and Ralsei keeps encouraging Kris to stick to the narrative. Susie is the one who refuses to be bound to the narrative. Susie is the character of Deltarune who is most unapologetically herself--and isn't that a very queer thing, refusing to be anyone but yourself despite everything? She says no thanks to the prophecy, until she comes around to it on her own terms! She makes herself and Ralsei learn to take their own actions, and drags Ralsei off to have fun with him instead of letting Kris choose who to with! She doesn't stay in her box of the damage-dealing fighter, she insists on learning Healing magic, even if she's not particularly skilled at it at first! Even Ralsei is forced to admit that it's wonderful that Susie is Susie, and not anyone else!
I think Kris likes Susie a lot. And part of it may be admiration. That while Kris is controlled by the player and the narrative and the prophecy and humanity and divorce and a dozen things outside their control, Susie refuses to ever be bound by anything. And Kris and Susie together happen to be the two more masculinely-coded party members, the two melee fighters, the two troublemakers. It honestly makes me wonder a little if Susie and Kris might be able to make their own ending beyond the bounds of gender expectations and romance expectations together? It would be cool. And I think it would make Kris very happy to break free like that.
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junimo-plushie · 2 months
I just got my Stardew cookbook and I absolutely love it!
Except for one thing. TW: addiction, suic*de
Let me say first:
We know Pelican Town has two alcoholics- Shane and Pam.
Pam is hot tempered and selfish. We don't really know why she drinks. She clearly has a problem managing personal relationships and funds as a direct result of her addiction. A lot of fans hate Pam and are largely unsympathetic to her, which is a reflection of people's view of alcoholics in real life: lazy, mean, self centered and at sometimes even repulsive to the senses. Even after getting her job back and a big beautiful house, Pam can't let go of her pride or stop drinking. She is so deeply ashamed of herself she would be overwhelmed if she took away the crutch that allows her to numb herself to it. I say all this to demonstrate that Pam is an incredibly well rounded and thoughtful character.
She doesn't get a redemption arc. This is who she is in Pelican Town forever.
Shane is a different story.
As we get to know him, we find another extremely well rounded character. We see him struggle with his addiction to the point it almost kills him. His internal battle with depression is exasperated by his addiction and he expresses that to us in a way similar to Pam. Neither of them want this, they don't like how their alcoholism makes them treat their loved ones, they want to change but don't know how-very common issues alcoholics deal with.
The point im getting to is this:
Stardew has given us two extremely well thought out and realistic characters. While alcoholics ( as is the case with most addicts) are often thought of as "lazy" "too dumb to stop/see addiction is destroying them" "unsalvageable", etc., Stardew very clearly RESPECTS these complex characters. Pam doesn't need a redemption arc to be well written, she's realistic.
Respectful is the main word here.
I'm an alcoholic. A lot of people don't know how bad it was and I'm getting better. It's so normalized to shit all over addicts, it's incredibly refreshing to have two relatable characters that are respected.
Ok let me get to my complaint.
This from the book:
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From the writers credits it seems like CA was not the only one who wrote villager's lines in the book.
It's like they looked at Shane's Stardew wiki page and said, " ah yes alcoholic. His brain just be soup and he must have no practical instincts." In my opinion, nothing about Shane's character would suggest that he wouldn't have the good sense to go to a sink to wash his eyes out.
It just seems disrespectful. Something that media REALLY struggles with is showing addicts that are dynamic and have any shred of dignity. They usually can't even portray them as humans giving them zombie like qualities.In my opinion, Stardew never had that problem, which is why this so deeply upset me.
Id really like to get some other opinions on this. Is there something in Shane's dialogue lines that I over-looked that would make this make sense for his character? Am I being way too sensitive to this because it's an issue that I'm too close to(probably)? Other addicts in particular, how did you feel reading that?
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
Lucerys went to Storm’s End to deliver Rhaenyra’s message, he insisted he would bring Borros’ reply to the QUEEN, Lucerys basically died for his mother’s claim and she repays him by trying to make up with his murderers ? That’s sociopathic.
Rhaenyra agreed to send her son as an envoy for the sake of her throne which she apparently doesn’t want and then she begs his murderers for peace ? Why did she let him go then ? Did she sacrifice him ? For what exactly ? She spat into her dead son’s face, she worries about her PR but not her son's sacrifice.
This ask accusing Rhaenrya as being sociopathic is part of why I simply don't emotionally/morally engage at face value (as in these are "real" or well realized character) with this show as much as a lot of other people in the asoiaf fandom do. I do engage as critically (analytically) as I can AND use some scenes as evidence against fandom sexism. The clear misunderstanding and trying to fix characters into roles that don't make sense for their arcs in this story of the Dance undermines too much of the HotD story for me to remain Watsonian about it.
Bec it is not "Rhaenyra" that is sociopathic. It is the sexist writing breeding inconsistency after inconsistency for the character as well as the entire list of circumstances--how kinslaying seems no big deal and how it seems no big deal that Aemond commits this taboo and thus removing a critical layer to why the blacks go to war to answer such a tragedy (this layer that is already on top of how they usurped her).
Though she'd be a valid character if she had been adapted/created for some other appropriate story, FOR THIS ONE and for the relationship she has w/Daemon, she simply doesn't make any sense (the reasoning for war, her kids dying and little response or exploration of that versus her trying to do what Viserys thinks...the guy who ruled pretty poorly, etc.) and is horribly, sexistly written so that they can get as many people--who are not really weighing what the point of her character was in the Dance story or truly care to understand the very basics of misogyny--to like her character. Which itself tells us something abt our world--women over male characters of fiction and perhaps real life need to be morally upright in order for the sexist violence to matter or even be defined as sexist. (Catelyn Stark of ASoIaF is a character who has her flaws but also her valid reasons for how she acts. Margarey of GoT is not sincere to smallfolk, but we can't count her as evil for it. ETC.)
That the motive behind her usurpation and eventual murder was greedy sexism. Then entire reason why Viserys is king is bc of sexism and the Targs succession rules not having been solofoed in terms of which royal has a superseding claim than the other since Aenys and Maegor. Many Targ men actively blocked their female counterparts or children or others' children to strengthen their own claim in the eyes of the Andal-Westerosi descents they were ruling and assimilating into for the ease of said rule.
Therefore yes, the Dance happened bc of misogyny/you can never remain that misogyny played a small role in it happening.
Part of the reason--but not the only reason--she fights for the throne is bc she wants payback for her sons' deaths/punish the greens/not have Luke-Jace die from nothing at all.
This is the same woman who marries Daemon Targaryen bc she is like him in the ferocity, prideful way as well as wanted him for his loyalty and willingness to go that far for her, their family/kids, and her crown. It was actually rather cheap for HotD to portray a Rhaenyra who is conflicted over: some sort of payback for Luke's death thru Blood & Cheese vs the horror of Helaena's grief and pain as a mother herself. A sort of reckoning that she may or may not accept and how far does she actually "accept"? THIS, I argue, would have been far more interesting bc of the layers to it all that reminds me of ebing close to any other Gothic narrative...and this is more of a Gothic couple than they aren't.
This also goes into how the focus of her distrust of him is somehow whether he's trying to rule through her instead of self control. It appears a fine line--bc some might think if she actually cared to follow directions or lead, he wouldn't fly off the handle or go behind their backs or do stuff like "heir for a day", so it has to be him wanting the throne for himself sincerely, and that is all...no love. Again, that is what she was arguing he was trying to do in the actual S2 E2 episode, when she says that he is just trying to use her name to do what he wanted against the Hightowers/Otto/his enemies.
When we have already hashed this bit out AND Rhaenyra (if we say she is very careful and deliberate when it comes to her kids' safety) would not have endangered her 3 boys if it were obviously true Daemon was gunning for them for himself...also, his daughters were marrying those boys so he does have stake in the line even with Jacaerys ruling bc he'd have ruling grandkids through him. So no, it didn't make sense, her concerns.
Not unless we reason that:
this Rhaenyra is simply not the same Rhaenyra as the book canon, and thus her relationship with Daemon simply makes no sense on screen as the writers wrote her/them
we recognize that the writers contradict epi 2, epi 7, epi 8 (all where she obviously understands him and puts trusts him not try to get the throne from/through her or harm her again NOT abt his emotional control) while remembering Daemon suddenly choke her out in epi 10 (which didn't make sense itself bc of those episodes I listed)
*7/14/24* I guess we could argue that Rhaenyra was more trying to address his tendency to leave her when things get too hard by accusing him of cold ambition (as an expression from the fear that he only wants her for power since he didn't bother to help her out at least 2x before, so this is her taking an opportunity to draw him into it and express that fear)...again, this doesn't make much sense when this show has made us believe that they had rather very peaceful and happy and fulfilled days on Dragonstone from S1 E8! This is a pre-marriage argument or at least an argument had either before Rhaenyra proposes to him--thus the argument is her confronting him before she ties herself to him--OR it's had in the first two years when he does something nasty or sus and she confronts him. It's not an argument that one has 6 years after marriage and raising 6 children and seemingly completely satisfied with one's partner WITHOUT HAVING ALREADY WRITTEN MULTIPLE SCENES SHOWING/ESTABLISHING SOMETHING LIKE A MISUNDERSTANDING THAT HOLDS A LOT OF TENSION BETWEEN THEM BEFORE THIS ARGUMENT! It should have been built into to make any modicum of sense. *END*
So yeah, even though I liked the acting and energy of the fight, I didn't care for Rhaenyra's argument w/Daemon. and it isn't actually Rhaenyra nor does their Rhaenyra make any sense, so I don't care to actually engage with this show that much or take it as a serious project. It's their cluster fuck of a character they made to draw in people who can't handle dark or morally questionable female character OR genuinely don't grasp what an unreliable narrator is:
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asksythe · 1 month
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I want to write an LB6 Oberon x Gudako x PHH Vortigern story.
The other day, I told @erimies that I wanted to try my hand at writing a dark romance story.
I don't often write romance, and even when I do, I view it less as shipping and romance and more as the continuation of characterization. So, if I feel this is how this character would behave or potentially change in a certain direction, I would follow that logic to its conclusion no matter how I personally feel about it.
But the thing is... despite how Oberon Vortigern would like to portray himself, I don't personally think of him as a truly evil kind of character. You see it in the way he conducts himself in canon LB6. There was a lot of things he didn't have to do, but he did (like teaching young Castoria and giving her a short time of respite from her loneliness and ostracization).
There were also a lot of things he could have done were he truly evil, but he never did. I'm talking about his relationship with Riri during the early part of the Lostbelt. Almost every night in the early part of the story, they were alone with each other. Almost every night. Whether it was him climbing in through the window of her room in Mike's tavern, or when he sent Castoria away to gather woods or create a bounded field, leaving him to sit alone with Riri by the fireside. They didn't do anything. They just talked.
I don't think it's possible to overstate how emotionally vulnerable Riri was at that time before she met Mash again in Norwich. Someone as smart and socially savvy as Oberon should have been able to twist Riri's heart and mind like a pretzel in that situation. He might not have been able to pull the wools over her eyes for long, but he absolutely could have done devastating damage or primed her in a way that would benefit him more. I'm fairly sure there are some kinky hentai doujins out there that explored this very scenario. But the fact that Oberon never even tried spoke volume.
Then there's his wet sock of a fight at the end of LB6. Like, sir, can you be more half-assed in your big villain speech and fight?
Summer 2023 on JP server more or less cinched the deal. Oberon is just... a wet cat... and really really really (embarrassingly) down bad for Riri.
My point is, I don't think regular Oberon cuts it for a truly dark romance kind of story. Not against someone whose heart is so resilient like Riri. So I thought of exploring the Vortigern side.
As it so happened, I acquired the novella Garden of Avalon, in which PHH Vortigern is featured as the villain.
Having read it, I... have thoughts. PHH Vortigern seems to exhibit the same kind of put-upon, enforced evil as LB Oberon. Again, his actions gave him away. He usurped his brother Uther's throne via violence... and yet let Uther go with his life and limbs fully in tact. And that's how we arrived at the canon Artoria, who is a dragon in human form... because Uther took one look at Vortigern's dragon aspect and thought. I would like me a big freakin gun just like that and he went on to do really skeevy-sounding human experimentation (via way of Merlin), resulting in Arotia....
And people wonder why Artoria felt so inhuman as king... Well, if her purpose of existence was only to defeat Vortigern and never to succeed Uther as King, then it kinda makes sense, doesn't it?
Even when he was defeated, Vortigern still worried about the fate of the world and his own niece (in the usual tsundere snarky way).
Well, I guess Oberon really is an alternate version of PHH Vortigern. There's a good bit of similarities between them. Implied and not. In any case, that's where the PHH Vortigern x Riri comes in. Because I thought, there are things worth exploring here.
Nineveh 2461
... is the name I gave this story idea.
On the eve when the two brothers, splintered now in blood and heart, part from one another, the aggrieved people of Albion proclaim. 
We do not want to be fought over by either dragons or wyrms, for whichever one prevails, the little men will lose regardless. 
And so a plan is hatched alongside Uther’s dream to birth a dragon in human form. Is it not customary to proffer a greedy dragon with a virgin? A tribute shall be gifted to Vile King Vortigern, so that he would be sufficiently distracted and thus turn the worst of his evils from them. This shall be no ordinary virgin. Nothing that the Vile King himself could clutch from the populace. 
This one shall be crafted to specifications. A vessel shall be made. A ritual shall be enacted to call forth that which he desires but may not touch. 
One who can withstand his savagery. One whose burning hurt will endure even the Vile King’s frozen embrace. 
Ritsuka is summoned into a ‘vessel’ during the Arthurian cycle in PHH, singularity style!
Core story is a flip on the classical wicked dragon and imprisoned princess tale. 
An exploration of what book Vortigern means by a ‘dark paradise where humans cannot step foot on.’
It’s less that Ritsuka is imprisoned and more that she’s enjoying domestic life, taking care of cantankerous dragon man Vortigern.
This tragic, weirdly domestic romance is doomed because, regardless of how she feels, she has to resolve this singularity and return to Chaldea.
The climax is Ritsuka’s servants aiding the local Artoria and coming to her rescue. 
Oberon Vortigern is among the rescue team, spearheading it. 
Final battle involves Oberon Vortigern against himself. PHH Vortigern against a version of himself. 
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tessatales · 10 months
The Sins of the Winter Soldier Chapter 1
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Notes: slow burn romance
Warnings: none really, hinted past issues with reader?
Authors note: Hey guys! If anyone has a better idea for the fic name please drop them below! Honestly pulled this title out my butt and I don’t really like it. But it’s better than ‘Bucky fic’ so at this point I can’t complain 🤷🏻‍♀️
Chapter 1:
You wake up to the unnerving sound of silence.
The compound was silent.
In the year since being rescued, and the six months since you'd been moved into the avengers tower, you were pretty sure it had never been silent.
Feeling the familiar sensation of dread creeping in, you sit up, thankful for falling asleep fully clothed.
Slipping on a pair of trainers, you padded out into the empty corridors, your steps silent as you listened out for signs of life.
Biting down on the inside of your cheek as you walked, you tried your best to remember what your therapist said about dealing with panic.
"Remember Y/N, your emotions are currently directly linked to your power. Panic equals power surge"
"Good morning Y/N" Agent Peters said as she appeared from around the corner, her eyes trained on the communicator in her hands.
Relief floods your body as she approached, making you feel a little light headed.
"Morning, where is everyone?" You ask, hoping the shakiness you feel doesn't portray in your voice. Agent Peters doesn't stop, continuing on her way through the building as she speaks.
"They're all in the Pit"
The Pit?
There was only two reasons they'd all be there, and as you haven't been shipped off somewhere in the middle of the night because Hydra had found you, it will be the second option.
They've caught someone.
"Who do we have?" You ask breathlessly as you make your way to the front of the observation deck, only to be held back by several pairs of hands.
"Are you out of your mind Y/N? Who told you we were here?" Tony demanded through gritted teeth. The panic in his gaze obvious. Sensing you were about to get Agent Peters in trouble, you decided to be vague.
"Just some Shield Agent I passed in the corridor, I got scared when I couldn't find anyone so they told me you guys were down here" You reply sheepishly, hating having to admit as a grown adult that you were afraid. The remaining hands drop from where they held you, one or two squeezing you affectionately before doing so.
"Sorry kid, we didn't think about what it would be like for you to wake up and find no one, but this stuff is sensitive." Steve said, making his way to stand in front of you.
"Is it bad?" You ask, anxious to know whos down in containment.
"He wasn't when I knew him. But that was a long time ago now"
"You've caught the Winter Soldier?" You gasp. Steve nodded.
"Though I knew him as Bucky"
Gesturing for you to follow, Steve made his way towards the edge of the deck.
"It took the Big Guy removing his robotic arm to detain him. But we did it.” Tony said over his shoulder as he worked on the holograms in front of him.
“Found him in Siberia." Steve continued as he lent against the railings above the Pit. You hovered just a step away from it, scared of what you'd see when you peered over.
"Don't worry, he cant see you from here" Natasha said, coming to place her hand reassuringly on your shoulder. With a nod, you stepped forward, holding your breath as the Pit came into view.
The man you could see below didn't look like a deadly assassin. He didn't really look real. You'd seen the affects the serum had on people, you'd read every file you could on Steve and everyone else on the team since arriving at the compound. But this man looked different.
He stood motionless in the middle of the shielded cell, his body perfectly placed for any oncoming threat. He seemed to lean heavily to one side as if unsure how to balance himself without his metal arm, and even from this height you could see the angry red scars that wound around what remained of the metal appendage.
"He looks sad" You mutter, staring down a the Winters Soldiers profile.
"That's one way to look at it, I think he looks damn angry" Sam said, crossing his arms as he leaned over to take a look.
"You’re bitter because of the car thing" Tony commented, his eye never leaving the hologram before him.
"And you wouldn't be?" Sam countered, eyebrow raised in question. Tony didn’t reply.
"What are you going to do with him?" You ask no one in particular, barely managing to tear your eyes away to look at Steve when you get no response.
"Tony and Bruce are looking into the arm, making sure there's no trackers imbedded in it. While the Shield team are convinced that the longer he is away from Hydra, the more likely it will be for us to be able to deprogram him." Steve replied as he moved away from the edge.
You felt the surprise flood your body at the decision.
"They're not going to try to use him?" You half whisper. Steve shook his head but said nothing.
"Not like this.” Natasha answered for him, looking between you and Steve.
“Once upon a time, Bucky was one of us. Shield hope that if they can get him back to pre-programmed Bucky, he might offer his skills willingly." Steve said, his gaze unfocused as he looked down at his friend.
"But what if he doesn't?" You say with a frown, looking again at the man in the cell.
"If he doesn't, he'll be free to go wherever he likes. Hydra and Shield free" Steve said, a hint of a smile on his face. Although he was trying to hide it, you could hear the bittersweetness in his voice as he thought about it. Because if Bucky said no and left, he’d be leaving Steve behind.
"You'd get your best friend back" You say with a small smile, trying your best to pull him out of his melancholy thoughts as you hugged him around the middle.
"I would" Steve said with a laugh, hugging you back.
"Until that day however, we’re going to have to ask you to stay away from here." Nat said as you pulled away from Steve, turning you by the shoulders. You felt yourself pout.
"Why? Surely him being locked down there can’t affect me?" You ask with only a little annoyance evident in your voice.
"We don't know. All Hydra know about you so far is that we have you. The last thing we wanna do is broadcast your whereabouts via their deadliest asset." Natasha continued turning you to face the rest of the team. Scanning the teams faces, you could see they all felt the same.
"Here, stayed up to finish it when I found out they were bringing him here" Bruce chimed in, handing you your very on comm bracelet.
"This way you can talk to any of us whenever you need to without having to come down here." Nat said with a smile.
"Don't worry, I’ll stay away. This is the longest I’ve stayed in one place. I'm not jeopardizing that." You reply, slapping the bracelet on and looking at everyone. This was your new family. You weren't going to mess that up.
A/N: Chapter 2 can be found here
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 6 months
The Rookie Series Thoughts (Major Spoilers seasons 1-6!)
So due to health reasons I have spent the last couple of weeks bedridden, which has sucked, but to pass the time I decided to watch the entire series of the rookie, I'd seen some gifs here on tumblr and thought it looked interesting and turns out it really was, I love this show, its got it all, action, emotion and sometimes pure goofiness.
So here are some random thoughts I had about the series as a whole I am going to stick the rest under a page break because I had more thoughts than I realised, just be warned there are spoilers from here on out.
I really liked the concept in the first season of Nolan being this older guy starting out as a rookie and how this is unusual, it was interesting to see him navigate being the oldest rookie and seeing in what ways that put him at a disadvantage but also how in many ways it was actually an advantage to him and how his life experience meant he was able to connect with people, he knew how to talk them down. I also thought him becoming a TO was a good move for his character and I love the dynamic between him and Celina.
I also love all of the characters in this show. I've really enjoyed seeing them grow over the seasons and seeing the relationships strengthen and change, they really do seem like a family. The group chats they sometimes have over the radio our always hilarious. I love how Grey is like the dad of the group and is constantly trying to get his kids to behave.
Tim very much has that protective oldest child about him, he might seem gruff but as Lucy always says, underneath he's a big softie who always has his friends backs, I loved the scene when Angela is wedding dress shopping and calls Tim because she's upset that her bridesmaids said she has to hide her baby bump, he gave her the best response and the scene was funny but it also showed a softer side to Tim and he was so supportive of her, show off that baby belly Angela.
Angela, Nyla, Lucy, Tamara, Bailey, Luna and Talia are all badasses, I love the sisterhood between all the ladies, I also love how different they all are but how they are all awesome in their own ways. I think the show does a good job of portraying strong women without falling into the troupe of just giving a woman typically male traits, like yeah she's a good fighter and doesn't like girlie things so that makes her a badass trap, they are still allowed to be women. Hope I am making sense there, there are all allowed to be there own person instead of just a cookie cutter 'tough chick' but are all also 'strong women' in their own right.
Jackson was also a really interesting character. I thought it was interesting how they explored how his father being this well respected cop had an effect on his own journey as a cop. Both the good and the bad sides of it. How he never really had any other dream than being a cop and how he had to explore whether that was really his own dream or whether he just went with that because he comes from a cop family. Also showing how he had to deal with the expectations of everyone knowing his father was this almost legendary cop along with his father's expectations for him. I was so upset when Jackson was killed, like I was so shocked by it and it took me a hot minute to accept that he really was gone.
It was also a shame to see Talia leave the show earlier on but at least she is still alive and just at another station. Still I really liked her character and wished we could have gotten more time with her.
Aaron and Celina are both really great additions to the cast as well. They both have these dark tragic backgrounds, Aaron being falsely charged with the murder of his friend and Celina having to go through her sister being abducted and murdered. It's interesting to see how this effects how they do their jobs and how they see police work. For Aaron I do think it helps him relate to those calls involving people who have been incarcerated in the past because he himself has experienced being in prison, it gives him a special edge. I also really like Celina's intuitiveness and how she is into the psychic stuff, aura's and dreams etc, I also like that although it throws Nolan he doesn't dismiss it, he helps her use it to improve her police work, its an interesting element to add and I think it makes sense for her character. I also really love Celina and Aaron's relationship, I love their friendship but I do wonder if they will eventually become a romantic pairing, they have kind of teased it but it also looks like they might chalk it up to being a result of the trauma they went through together. Honestly I am happy either way, like I said I already love their friendship so if they decide to keep them as friends that's all good, but if they do decide to shift them into something romantic I wouldn't hate it.
What I really love about all the characters is that they aren't perfect, they all have their flaws. You might not always agree with them or like what they are do but they are all growing and these flaws make them seem more real.
I also really enjoyed those special episodes where they are filming a documentary, there have been three so far, the cult one, the one covering Aaron's case and them solving Patrick's murder and the one with Jake and Sava. They are weird but in the best way possible. I don't think I'd like for every episode to be like that but they are fun as occasional one offs, like if they did one a season or every other season going forward I'd be happy. I love how goofy they are but also at the same time they are really engaging and suspenseful, like you are along for the ride just waiting for the next twist in the tale. I also love how they have those interviews with the police officers, those episodes are just really fun.
Ok so we have to talk about the ships, my favourite part of watching a new show is adding to my ship list and I am pleased to announce that there are some really good ships in this show.
I love Angela and Wesley, their dynamic at the start was really funny to watch because it was that kind of enemies to lovers type arc with the whole lawyer vs cop thing, I thought it was really funny when they are both arguing with each other and the criminal Jackson was arresting was like 'man they really dig each other.' They had a very passionate and fun dynamic and I really loved watching that grow into a steady loving marriage. Seeing them navigating marriage and parenthood, Jack is the cutest lil one, I love that they named him after Jackson and I am sure their new daughter is going to be just as adorable, have we been told her name yet, because I don't think we have? Anyway, I also like that it isn't also smooth sailing and that they do hit bumps in the road but that it is clear that they still love each other.
I also really enjoyed Nolan and Bailey's relationship, loved seeing them finally tie the knot in 6x02 and of course their honeymoon turned into a murder mystery type situation because its Nolan the bad luck magnet, but I do love how playful they are with each other and how they have that competitiveness. Similar to the Lawyer vs Cop thing that Angela and Wesley have going on, Nolan and Bailey have the whole Firefighter vs Cop thing which they play off as another fun dynamic between them. I like the whole, she runs into fires and he runs towards bullets line that they had, I also like that while they both worry about the other because they both have dangerous jobs, they both still respect that is part of the other's jobs and understands that they are capable and have been trained to deal with that aspect of their jobs. They have professional respect for each other as well as respect within their romantic relationship. I am excited to see more of them.
Nyla and James are also a really cute couple and their baby girl is the cutest but maybe its just me but I don't think we see this couple as much as the others, I wish we could see more of them. But I do enjoy their scenes together and I love that James' character isn't like a lawyer, cop or firefighter and how he's a community worker, its interesting seeing the perspective of someone who is a community member and is outside of the justice/service if I am making sense there. I just think James adds a new and interesting perspective to the show and I wouldn't say no to seeing more of him and of him and Nyla together.
Ok but now we have to talk about my favourite ship in this show, because they have taken over my heart and I am obsessed with them. Chenford, Tim and Lucy, I loved them from the very beginning and I have loved seeing their dynamic change and grow over the seasons and how they went from TO and Boot to literal soulmates who are deeply in love with each other.
The interesting thing about Tim and Lucy's dynamic in the first couple of seasons is that you could almost see Tim as being a bit of an asshole with all these Tim Tests he does on her, like he's just being mean and messing with her for the sake of it, but when he gets a new rookie and he's being really nice to her so Lucy confronts him and he explains that he trains his rookie's according to what they need. His new rookie had just got out of the military and needed help recognising that not everyone was the enemy and that people could be nice and kind. Lucy on the other hand kind of saw the world as sunshine and rainbows, she sees the best in everyone, she really is the sweetest, which is great in many ways but Tim had to show her that the world wasn't always a nice place and sometimes people do bad things and she should be on her guard sometimes. As much as the Tim Tests weren't fun for Lucy every one of them held an important lesson. The one where he said he's been shot and she had to call for help where was she, showed that it was important for her to always be aware of her surroundings and it pays off when Tim really is shot later and she saves his life, taking her duty belt when she went to the toilet taught how important it was to make sure the toilets were floor to ceiling or the belt wasn't secure and how important it was to make sure her gun was always secure so it doesn't end up on the street, the flour bomb taught her that using a radio near an IED can cause it to go off. So it wasn't just him being an asshole because, he had valuable lessons to teach her.
But I also loved that their relationship wasn't just about what he could teach her but that he learns from her too. I really do think she softens him and helps him heal from the trauma from his abusive father, she helps him to become more open about how he is feeling. Watching them pull pranks on each other is also really fun, like Lucy doesn't just lay down and take it, she gives back as good as she gets. Like when she takes his money clip, or leaves him the bar tap or puts the booties in his locker.
When they do start getting into the romantic era of their relationship their scenes are just so so good, there are so many golden moments like right from their first kiss where they are practising being a couple before going undercover and then realise that it didn't feel all that fake. Got to love the fake dating turns to real feelings troupe. What I really loved about this plotline was how it was actually Tim who was more open about his feelings which was unexpected. Like he was the one that confronted Lucy in the hotel room when undercover and said that it didn't feel like pretend whilst she was still in denial and went with 'its just basic biology' sure Lucy sure. It was also Tim who asks Lucy out first and I love that whole scene, it is definitely one that I rewatched more than a few times. I love how vulnerable but intimate it was. How Lucy is scared to take it further and admits that Tim is the most important relationship in her life. How she says its not worth the risk but Tim says what if it is before taking that deep breath and asking her out. They are both just all smiles and you can see how happy they are with each other. I love how that conversation about it being worth the risk parallels with the conversation they have about how Lucy deserves someone who is worth the effort.
Other stand out scenes are their first dates in 5x10, both of them (though I would still argue that their first date was that double date they went on with Ashley and Chris because lets be real those two might as well not have been there Chenford were so wrapped up in each other), their first time in 5x12, their breakfast scene in 5x20, they are just so domestic, their 'I love you' scenes in 6x02 and the trophy scene in 6x03, but honestly I love every one of their scenes and I can't wait to see more of them.
I love seeing how supportive they are of each other, like how happy Lucy is every time Tim gets a promotion and how she reassured him that he wasn't like his father, how he supports Lucy with her undercover work even though he has issues due to his past with Isabel and how he tells her she could never disappoint her, which I think is really important for Lucy because she has always felt like she has let down her parents so I think its great that she has that support and reassurance from Tim.
Anyway I could talk about Chenford forever but I think I have rambled about them enough so I'll stop now and move on.
If there is one plotline or scene that really stood out to me over the whole series it has to be the one with Rosalind and Lucy's abduction. The show has alot of really great plotlines and covers some really important issues throughout the series but this one really is one that got me in the feels, like it wrecked me. I think Rosalind was a truly terrifying villain not just because of the crimes she committed, which are horrifying in themselves, but because of the way she relishes it, the way she gets enjoyment not just out of committing the murders and inflicting pain on her victims but because of the way she also gets pleasure from seeing her victim's loved ones pain and suffering too, its just so disturbing. Also how she continues to kill even from her jail cell by taking on acolytes to do her bidding like Caleb.
The one scene that always gets me no matter how many times I watch it is the one where Lucy is in the barrel buried alive and is singing dream a little dream, there's no background music or any other sound, its just her voice and they show clips of the team all searching for her. It's just such an intense and emotional scene and it gives me goosebumps and makes me want to cry every time, it just never seems to lose its impact no matter how many times you watch it.
The moment Tim finds her burial site and the whole team are just digging with their hands trying to get her out in time, when they get her out and she isn't breathing and again there is very little sound just a few notes of sorrowful music here and there, then she wakes up and just breaks down crying whilst Tim holds her, its just as heartbreaking and suspenseful and I cry, every time. I just think the whole team did an amazing job with that episode.
That whole plotline is terrifying, suspenseful and heartbreaking. Just the idea of being buried alive is horrifying to me, also the whole idea of her day of death being tattooed on to her is another thing that is psychologically terrifying. I do love what Tim said though about how Lucy can choose to see it as a mark of her biggest failure or what it really is a mark of the first day of the rest of her life and that it shows that she is a survivor. I do wonder whether she kept the tattoo or not because I don't think we are ever told in the show whether she went through with the removal or not.
I would like for the trauma this left on both Lucy and Tim to be brought back up again at some point. Whilst they did explore some of Lucy's trauma over what happened and some of Tim's guilt I do think there is even more to explore there, because it really was so traumatic. Like is that song still a trigger for Lucy, are small dark places? It could be interesting to see her working through some of the lingering trauma. Also I do feel like Tim is traumatised by what happened but in a different way, like during the episode where Lucy was abducted you really did see how it effected Tim in particular, he felt responsible for Lucy and was frantic to find her and I think it effected him more than he realised and that it stayed with him and now that he and Lucy are together and she is exploring undercover work I do wonder if some of his issues are also connected to what happened with Rosalind as much as his past with Isabel, but that is just speculation on my part.
Anyway going to wrap this up now, overall I really did enjoy this show and now that I am all caught up I am looking forward to seeing what's going to happen next with all of our beloved characters. I am also officially declaring myself a huge Chenford shipper and if you follow my blog then fair warning I am going to be reblogging every gif set I come across for the foreseeable future, sorry not sorry.
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back2bluesidex · 1 year
Cruel summer for jimin 😭
Cruel Summer - PJM
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Pairing: Jimin X Reader
Theme: Little angst, Fluff, Drunk confessions, F2L au
Song: Cruel Summer
Word count: 1082
Warnings: mention of drinking, mutual pining, drunk confession, reader is so in love.
A/N: This song is literally one of my favorites! And Jimin is the most suitable member to portray. Thanks for the request anon! Hope you like it. This is not proofread so forgive any mistakes.
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Everything is too much for Jimin right now. Especially because it's 4 am in the morning, he hasn't slept all night (he only came back 2 hours ago), and now somebody is being way too aggressive with his doorbell.
He somehow opens his eyes and grips his phone to make sense of the time. He was right, it's eight past 4 in the morning. There's no way he would have a visitor during this hour. But it could be a neighborhood emergency? Maybe a fire broke out? Or a robber entered the apartment complex? Either way it's better to open the damn door. So, he gets up.
His heart does a flip as he spots that similar white dress from the party through his peep hole. But then his mind goes numb. What the fuck are you doing here? At 4 am? Is this even you or is he daydreaming about you yet again?
He finally opens the door after a moment of brooding to himself, and you almost fall on his body.
"Jimin" you smile, words slurred.
He holds you tightly in his arms, somewhat steadies you and then opens his own mouth, "Y/N? What are you doing here? At this hour?"
"I- I had to see you, Jimin." You reply, your breath stinks of alcohol but that doesn't bother him a bit.
"How did you enter the complex? The security is tight here?" He questions.
"I snuck through the garden door, baby." You reply as if that's no big deal.
The nickname brings a flush of red on Jimin's cheeks. But he's fast to push his racing heart down, his concern should be the reason you're here at the dead of the night.
He pulls your body towards the living room and settles you down on the couch.
"Sit here. Let me bring you some water." You nod at his words innocently, which makes him chuckle at your cuteness.
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"So tell me what brings you here, Y/N?" Jimin questions you, tugging some loose strands of your hair behind your ears.
You complete chugging down the water and then speak up, "What's going on between you and Soo-hui, if that's her name, that blonde?"
"What? Excuse me?" Jimin visibly tenses.
"You were busy taking care of her the entire night. You didn't even look at me. That h-hurt." Your eyes glisten.
Jimin's heart starts racing again, is it what he thinks it is?
"She's my cousin Y/N and she's a lightweight, so I had to take care of her." Jimin reasons softly.
"What- she's your cousin? Are you tell-telling me the truth?" You're giving him one of those puppy eyes and he can't resist those.
"Why would I lie to you? Hmm? But tell me why did it hurt you? Seeing me with her?" Jimin scoots closer to your body, so much so that he feels warmth radiating from you.
"As if you don't know? As-as if you don't understand that I-" you pause, your body tenses.
"That you?" Jimin presses.
"I love you, Park Jimin! I fucking love you!!" You scream at his face.
Jimin's face takes up a devilish grin, as he tries to tease you more, "Oh you do? Are you sure it's not the alcohol?"
"Alcohol? It's fucking Alcohol? Yes! I kept on drinking, and didn't wanna come back home from the bar. Jungkook and Sol-bin had to peel me off from the bar stool to get me in the car because you, you didn't pay me attention during the entire night!! And you say it's Alcohol? I cried like a baby sitting at the back of the car, Jimin!" A lone tear rolls down your cheek.
Jimin quickly wipes that with his thumb. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't know."
"Why didn't you know, Jimin?" You sniff. "You are a bad boy and I know I have to pay the price but… but… why don't you understand I'm always waiting for your texts, I'm always looking forward to seeing you waiting below my apartment to pick me up for a random long drive. Why can't you see the way I admire you even when the vending machine lights illuminate your beautiful face? How much obvious do I have to be for you to understand that I'm in love with you?"
Jimin is awestruck. He knew you liked him but he was just testing your limits since you're one of the most stubborn persons he has ever encountered. He wanted to see if he was another of your shiny toys or you actually felt something for him. Taking care of Soo-hui and paying you no attention was one of his plans but he didn't expect you to break down like this. He didn't expect you to confess that you fell for him.
"Y/N, I-" he tries to say something but nothing comes out.
"I know the reputation I have doesn't suggest that I can be in love with someone so pathetically. But Jimin, it's new. The feeling that I have got, it's new. I can't quite explain… you, you are different from others. You.. you… I don't fucking know!" You growl.
Jimin understands your frustration. Not being able to put your feelings into words is frustrating indeed.
"All I know it's that I'm ready to try. I'm ready to dive into the unknown with you. If it's a breakable heaven, then let's make no rules. Let's just go with the flow. I- I probably don't make any sense right now. But it's been a cruel summer with you. Cruel enough for me to want you to know what I feel for you, how much I feel for you, wondering if you feel the same or not. I just- I can't take it anymore."
Jimin holds both of your hands on his. He brings those to his lips and kisses both of the back of your hands, "I never imagined for it all to happen like this but I am happy. I waited for you to finally come out of your shell and tell me what you feel, Y/N, because I feel just the same if not more. I love you too. I always have. And it's been a cruel summer for me too. Now let's make it better together, okay?"
You smile through tears, leaning down to reach Jimin's chest. He holds you close making up for all the times he made you pine after him when he clearly loved you back just as much.
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amerricanartwork · 5 months
Part two of this! Felt like I should get around to finishing these. I've already answered the second, but a lot of my thoughts for these go hand-in-hand so I'll kinda answer them as one here.
Also, I apologize if these seem a bit scattered. The questions are pretty broad in their interpretation, so I'm more just using this to get out some loose character thoughts I probably won't end up saying in other posts I plan to make.
8. What are your opinions of Looks to the Moon (character)?
9. What are your opinions on Five Pebbles (character)?
To summarize what I said about Five Pebbles last time, I basically see him as another example of what I find to be a fascinating kind of tragic villain, where their bad environments combined with their own major character flaws essentially create a vicious cycle undermining all of their successes and worsening their failures more and more until they meet their demise in some way. But like I said before, I stated I also like the idea that Pebbles's own personality flaws and bad decisions, while still being the ultimate problem, were not the only things to blame for what happened to him, and as of now I think Looks to the Moon takes 2nd place in making the worst mistakes when dealing with him, only topped by Seven Red Suns.
I plan to go into it more later, since it's pretty crucial for an iterator off-the-string AU story I've been working on for a while, but I basically believe Moon's biggest flaw is being too selfless and making decisions based solely around what others seem to need while neglecting herself. In this regard Pebbles could actually be seen as more virtuous than her, because he's extremely committed to doing what he believes is right and follows through pretty much unconditionally, whereas Moon can only pursue her goals if it doesn't appear to do anything bad to other people.
Again, I'm gonna go into this more later, but for now I wanna give some out-of-universe thoughts and say that I would like to see more content showing off Moon's flaws and Pebbles's virtues. I feel like both of them can be a bit flanderized from time to time, with Pebbles being portrayed as overly mean or uncaring and Moon being cheery and caring with no flaws. So to help balance out their sibling dynamic better, I'd like to explore the idea of Moon making her own big mistakes, yet hiding it behind politeness and selflessness, and her eventually having to realize that Pebbles has some merits she could probably learn from!
Even despite that though, I really like Looks to the Moon as a character, and she's probably one of my favorite female characters in any story thus far! Firstly, I really feel for her struggle, not just in being collapsed by her own brother, separated from her friends and drowned constantly, but in (at least my headcanon idea of her) how much she enjoys in the world around her, yet doesn't feel like she can enjoy it fully. I get the sense that because of how old and broken down she is, she feels like "her time has passed" more-or-less, and it's no longer her right to exist for much longer. And that's just so sad! Like, poor girl's gone through so much and doesn't feel like there's anything she can do about it!
But on a more positive note, I think Moon is conceptually a really cool character, albeit in a different way to Five Pebbles. Rain World has always seemed to be largely about the feeling of existing in a strange world with a lost history far older and more complicated than you can ever understand, and I think no character symbolizes that idea of civilizations being lost to time than Looks to the Moon. Her primary utility is giving the player lore about the world, and with her broken down state and age old enough to probably have seen a good deal of Ancient society change over time, it feels all the more like I'm talking to one of the last remnants of a lost civilization. And on top of that, she literally is a broken down massively complex artificial structure, the pinnacle of Ancient civilization slowly returning to the natural ecosystem. And I especially mean that last part! Submerged Superstructure is one of my favorite regions conceptually because abandoned architecture being reclaimed by the wilds is a trope I find so beautiful and poetic, and I think it makes this region speak to that theme of Rain World even more so than Five Pebbles's Metropolis. Whereas Metropolis is still relatively barren and unchanged besides the dust, scavengers, and other occasional creatures, Submerged Superstructure is almost entirely flooded, filled with all sorts of flora and fauna, and yet you can still clearly see the identifying architecture of old sections like the Memory Conflux and Abstract Convergence Manifold. Looks to the Moon, both as a region and a character, is just so cool and beautiful in her ability to evoke such sadness to see this strange and fascinating world be lost to time, yet also a deep love of nature knowing that life goes on anyway!
Lastly, I just wanna mention how I love Five Pebbles and Moon's relationship and how central it is to the "story" of Rain World. As much as I love good romance, deep sibling bonds can be so heartfelt too, and it's continuously fascinating and melancholic and beautiful to see these two mechanical gods get humbled from their high status endure so much tragedy, yet still reconnect with each other in the end, if not physically then by mending their relationships and forgiving each other. Throughout everything we see happen to them they seem so interconnected, and yet, at least in my interpretation, they eventually come to learn that isn't such a bad thing after all! Once again, it serves as a reminder than even in this seemingly hopeless and dying world love goes on, like a great cycle! This is honestly part of why I've been hesitant to write my thoughts on this, because their story's ending in Rubicon threatens to make me cry every time I think about it because it's just so poetic!
So, in short, I like the idea that Looks to the Moon is pretty flawed as well as Five Pebbles, I empathize with her a lot, I adore her symbolism as a fascinating relic of a lost civilization, and I honestly think the story of her and Five Pebbles is perhaps one of my favorite parts of Rain World!
Thanks again for the questions, @tanyabadtime159!
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chemicalarospec · 3 months
my dad invited me and my brother to watch Firefly with him and it's actually really good??? (idk why I expected it not to be-- probably because the last time I tried one of his old Spaceship Shows (the one with the puppets) it was too sexist and too slow to get through.) First of all it should have been ILLEGAL for them to not have a single Chinese character in this show, but as a Chinese person I do like the aesthetics of the show and how they mashed up traditional Western and Chinese styles. The pronunciation is hilariously bad (IF ONLY THEY HAD A CHINESE ACTOR, HUH), but I like it because it's funny. (Me and my brother do laugh out loud every time.)
But the characters are actually so good?? First of all we got THREE FOUR (I didn't count right lmao) female main characters, no smurfette principal here! One of them doesn't even have any implied romance so far okay technically River doesn't but I was thinking of Kaylee and she has a crush on Simon lol. Kaylee, my favorite -- I LOVE how her appreciation of girly feminine stuff is portrayed as something that should NOT be mocked and does not negate her more "masculine" role as the mechanic and that she can nerd out WHILE being feminine. There's also how Mal, the main character, and Zoe, his first mate, have a longstanding and deep connection that's entirely platonic! Men and women CAN just be friends! Do note, Zoe (who is awesome btw) is married to another man, the pilot who is honestly so far the most boring character, and Mal is interested in Inara. Who, speaking of, I also love how so far Inara's profession as a (unionized it seems!) sex worker is treated with respect. River is the most ~okay~ in terms of sexist writing as a weak and mysterious and mentally unwell but sexy woman, but since she's not the only woman it doesn't feel like a big deal. (I feel like she's going to become more grounded, at least I hope so because I want to see more of her personality!) Misogynistic comments are challenged when made! Of course the writing isn't perfect but it's a LOT better than what I expected (and if a modern show didn't do the things I'm praising here I would be offended btw).
Also River's brother Simon is a complete dandy (I think it would be stereotyping for me to call him gay lmao), I love that for him. Episode one he bleeds from his mouth like a dying c-drama boy-- I just had a Vision of the resemblance and now I can't get it out of my head, all he needs to do his open his eyes super wide and then he'd be a dying c-drama boy. He cares for his sister so much, it's super sweet even though he REALLY sucks at dealing with psychosis(? would that be the term to describe her episodes?). Book is an instant icon of course, he's just there forcibly being the moral compass lol. Christianity in space smh. Despite being mr sexism I also love Jayne's character - he's funny (love a guy who's always trying to kill) and the question of his loyalty is intriguing. Mal is a kind of a Generic Protagonist Man but his backstory is solid enough that means his brooding attitude actually makes sense. The "Badger" side character is funny/interesting too, and my bro says he looks like Captian Sparklez haha. (Wash (Zoe's husband) is there. Sometimes he's funny.)
Going back to the design, I am partial to Victorian or whatever aesthetics, so I love how they threw that in along with the cowboy thing, and there's a lot of individual pieces merging Chinese aesthetics with that that I think do a great job. It speaks to my mixed heart <3. The costuming is actually so fun (mostly speaking to crowd scenes), so many characters get to wear distinctive outfits . Also kind of Killjoys vibes because they say "shiny" haha. I respect how space shots have no environment noise, only cowboy music lollll. Visual effects are interesting; you can always Tell but it does seem to me the best they could do at the time.
Wow this post turned out longer than I expected. So a recommendation for Firefly I guess! Forewarning, the parts with the "Reavers" are pretty dark/grotesque -- actually, there's significant violence throughout the show, the Reavers are just the worst.
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What makes Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan from Bones the autistic girlie ever of all time? Here's what the people have to say:
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Bones-related asks/reblogs: x This post will be updated after each round!
Image ID in alt text and under the readmore.
[Image ID. White slide with a screenshot of Dr. Brennan, portrayed by Emily Deschanel, on the right. She is surrounded by several text boxes which read,
"- doesn't understand social cues/expectations - low empathy (at the beginning of the show) - got a job in her main interest - show's creator confirmed (post-series) that she was written to be autistic!!!"
"According to show creators, her character was inspired by an autistic woman"
"oh she so autism"
"have you seen her"
"brennan is kind of the CLASSICAL womanautism character. poorly socialized. very literalminded. indifferent to consuming media. a hyperspecialist in her field. bad at dealing with her emotions. finds it difficult to accept perspectives outside of her own in any respect but especially in science and religion. very kind and caring but it's filtered through layers of pragmatism! bones is the autismcoding show and she is the queen of it. her special interest is bones. i don't know if she's gonna get many submissions because i'm pretty sure tumblr isn't a very big Bones Fandom website but. she was based on a friend of the show creator who was diagnosed at the time with Asperger's 'cause this was 2005!! but the network didn't want to canonize it so that the show could still appeal to a larger audience. anyways. Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan is the Autism Queen"
"In the classical sense she is a genius, but also along with that she has almost zero personal skills. At first it seems it's done to keep people at arms length, but as that desire fizzles away it becomes quite clear that she just doesn't understand. She doesn't pick up on social cues or sarcasm or jokes usually. She also at times attempts to joke around like she's seen others do and does it incorrectly making people upset instead."
"Saw the ask about her and yeah I think she should get in because she's my mom's blorbo and my mom is pretty cool :)"
"All you have to do is watch a single episode and you'll see it. I'm not super aware about what makes people autistic but just going off what I think I know: Brennan is not very good with interpersonal relationships, but each unique one she has is completely unique in her interactions. The way she speaks and her movements and her mannerisms make it clear she sees the world differently. She was the weird kid in school (more than just being a foster kid). She has found her Topic: anthropology-specifically human bones. She is very detail oriented in this matter and uses her observation skills to solve huge mysteries from hundreds years ago or last night. I believe she has been repeatedly coded as autistic and I am like 90% sure I read an article where her actress (emily deschanel) confirmed that was how she approached the character." End ID.]
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eyesanddragons · 2 years
Gonna, talk a bit more about Blue actually. I try to not talk a lot about Arc 3 cause I don't like it, compared to Arc 1 and Arc 2 where there's elements of it I find enjoyable and I just wish it was done better so it's fun talking about it. Arc 3 is bad and just not as fun to talk about. That and also I haven't read and I'm not planning to read Dangerous Gift and Flames of Hope, but I don't think that's a big deal considering Blue is mainly a "focus" in the first 3 books and then get hivemined. Also it's been a bit since I've read Arc 3, and Also I'm not White or American, putting this here cause I'm sure someone will attack me if I don't. This is my personal opinion as a Not White Not American person.
But anyway I don't think we talk enough about how messed up Blue's writing is, because Blue is the main Silkwing Protagonist, theoretically, really he's a love interest first, character second. He's Cricket's Love Interest and that's really it for him after his book (and even In his book)
Not to say Blue doesn't have any characteristics. He's empathetic and anxious and afraid of being hurt. He's a doormat, he's willing to let people order him around if it means not getting hurt. It's just that after his book he doesn't get much depth outside of that, Blue is not really a well fleshed out character. The thing is...Blue is The Main Silkwing of This Arc, and Silkwings are the oppressed enslaved minority of this Arc. So it bothers me that Blue is mainly Cricket's Love Interest and not a character in his own right, it's bad for any character really to be relegated to just being The Love Interest but it's particularly bad in Blue and Cricket's case.
Because Cricket is a Hivewing and making the main Hivewing-Silkwing relationship be one where the Silkwing is relegated to being the Hivewing's love interest and advance her character development while the Hivewing is trying to save his own race is...a choice alright.
Blue's agency, in telling his own story and saving his own race is ignored to focus on Cricket, a member of the race that is oppressing him, and how great and wonderfully she is for being so kind to him.
(I don't want to call this White Savior because Cricket is not White or Human and it feels wrong to do so but I do think it's important to mention that this emulates a lot of key components of this trope.)
Blue's lack of agency does make sense characterization wise though. Blue has internalized the abuse and horror he suffers as a defense mechanism. He doesn't question the status quo even though he suffers under it because questioning it beckons danger and Blue has already been hurt so much. Blue has no agency because Blue is not a person in Hivewing Society, and Blue has internalize that for his entire life.
Really Blue thinking about how other people's lives and how there doing feels like an attempt to distract himself from the horror of his reality. If he thinks about how other people are doing He can't think about his own life.
Luna's being functionally kidnapped snaps him out because That's His Sister and it became personal. But also because Luna did nothing wrong and yet she got hurt anyway, it forces Blue to confront that no matter what he does there not going to stop Hurting Him. It's the catalyst to Blue theoretically gaining agency in his own situation and confronting that there is Something Wrong with his society.
Except he doesn't, he gets relegated to being Cricket's Love Interest. His story is left untold, left to Cricket who is his savior and Sundew.
Who actually her whole thing makes this even worse. Sundew is portrayed as too violent and while that can be discussed with nuance and has been discussed with nuance by Better Shows. I would like to mention that it's really uncomfortable that the ideas of the Hivewing are considered more reasonable than the Leafwing (who's people who were killed in a genocide) and that same Hivewing gets the agency that the Silkwing (part of the enslaved race) should have and is more important than either of them in there own revolution. I...don't even know how to unpack that.
My point though is that Blue is not just bad writing, it's mishandling the sensitive subjects of racism, colonialism and Slavery in a children's book series.
I...don't have a way to end this, I just really hate Arc 3.
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9leaguesofmirrors · 1 year
My Favourite Steve Characters
It's September 1st, also known as Steve Pemberton's birthday! I did one of these lists for Reece's birthday, and I wanted to do one for Steve too because I feel like not enough people talk about his amazing acting
These are in no particular order
Tony Martin - The Interrogation Of Tony Martin
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This film was originally on Channel 4 and can now be found on Netflix. It's a verbatim piece about the true story of Tony Martin and why he killed two young boys that intruded on his home. Steve manages to be both cold and unsettling and surprisingly sympathetic in the role, everything he does is subtle and refined to produce an incredibly realistic performance
Trevor - Love's Great Adventure
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I don't think I'll ever stop singing the praise of Love's Great Adventure, people overlook it because it doesn't have a dark twist but it's honestly one of the best episodes of the entire series! Steve Pemberton delivers such a raw performance that it left me wishing there was a spin-off series! The entire episode is beautiful, and Trevor is a huge part of the reason; I could praise Steve's ability to dig up such pure, unbridled feeling in every character he plays for ages!
Dr Bessner - Death On The Nile (2004)
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I'm a sucker for a good Agatha Christie, especially Poirot, so finding out that Steve Pemberton was in one of the remakes made me very excited - and, as always, he delivers. Dr Bessner is a character which may end up fading into the back of people's memories, but Steve Pemberton managed to make every scene he was in very entertaining. It goes to show that he knows how to pull focus without taking away from other cast members, a credit to both his dedication and kindness
Len - Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room
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I mean, he won a BAFTA for this one, that says it all! When we first meet Len, he's portrayed as a sweet, funny man with plenty of charisma. However, as the episode continues, Steve manages to show this façade break more and more until we see to the core of a man that's ruined his life and lost his way. Steve managed to perfectly portray Len as a flawed character while simultaneously making the audience sympathise with him and want him to get the help he needs
Galen - Thinking Out Loud
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NOBODY can deny Steve Pemberton's range, not after watching Thinking Out Loud. He's positively frightening as Galen, using stillness and a measured delivery to create an unnerving character - at one point, he leaned forward and I actually jumped backwards!
Pauline Campbell-Jones - The League of Gentlemen
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This list wouldn't be complete with the iconic Pauline Campbell-Jones! Steve's comedic timing and delivery skills makes her one to watch, but there are also moments where we see another side to her that's unexpected yet surprisingly heartwarming. Yet another example of Steve's fantastic range giving even the most comedic characters depth
Joe - The Last Weekend SPOILERS BELOW
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Like Thinking Out Loud, this episode has a very controversial ending. But I want to step away from that for a moment (might make a post about it at some point, I'm not sure) to appreciate how incredible Steve was in it
At first, you sympathise with Joe; he has to deal with having a terrible illness and, on top of that, his partner doesn't exactly treat him that kindly. Steve's ability to pull at the audience's heartstrings really comes into play here... but, even before the big reveal, there are subtle moments where you get the sense that something isn't quite right
And that ending! Steve completely transforms and we're left with a Joe Madison that we've never seen before - and hope we never see in real life! It's perfectly sinister and 100% one of his best acting moments in the series
Of course, these are just a few of his roles and, like Reece, he's a real chameleon that can truly play any part (even if, sometimes, it's just Pauline). Benidorm is on my watch list so I'll be getting to that as soon as possible! I hope Steve's career continues to be full of opportunities!
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purgemarchlockdown · 10 months
for the milgram ask game!!! i looked through your answers but if anything repeats im sorry😭
9,10,11 - kazui
15,16 - amane
9,10,15,16 - muu
Its alright! Everytime someone sends me an ask for an ask game my power grows...
9. do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
Hm, well, gonna be honest I'm not super sure what his crime is now. I know what I find the most interesting storytelling wise but Kazui is also a Lying Liar Man.
If were referring to specifically lying to his wife...I think id forgive him...I think.
Like its a horrible fucking thing to do but...I understand that "if you just lie it'll be Fine Eventually" mindset pretty well. I see how he got here. Still: Horrible thing to do! Im a bit conflicted here! I should have an easier time with this considering characters who I've forgiven before but damn, me not being really sure what he did is Getting To Me.
Though its also (presumably) NOT ACTUALLY MURDER and I know law isnt a big deal here but ALSO I dont think he should be tortured and possibly given the death penalty for this, yknow? Bit Much I Think.
10. is the answer to the previous question different from your vote(s) on the character themselves (do you vote them based on anything else aside from the crime)?
My forgiven gets a bit stronger if thats the case? I vote him forgiven because of a lot of things. For example: Even if I didn't like his character so much Id have forgiven him for Amane's sake...
11. what are your favorite points about their story and the narrative surrounding them?
I Love It When Characters are Horribly Resigned To Their Situations!!!! "Tragedy Enjoyers when The Tragedy Happens" Moment Fr. Kazui's super interesting to me since he's basically...given up. He's given up on getting anything he wanted and he has horrible self-loathing and is just resigned to never being really Happy, and yet he still Wants and that Wanting is already "bad" no matter if he acts on it or not.
Jupiter: But if it's only what I feel inside that matters, what am I supposed to do? I can't stop that kind of touch.
(this is an ask I get to put in appropriate quotes from Jupiter)
He's unsatisfied and disillusioned and self-destructive and it be so much easier if he was just...not "like this". Whatever This is. His family seems to be very traditional overall too and there's a lot of discussion going on about societal normal and standards.
Also also! His relationship with love fucks me up, both him and Mahiru's. It's like an obligation of sorts. Something that makes them more marketable and presentable. Their love can feel so...impersonal as a result if that makes sense. Like it's just a quota they need to fill.
Even Mahiru's actually! It's weird to think about considering how loud Mahiru is about it but there's something so vaguely impersonal about Mahiru's love. Like "This is how to be in love with you" as a title plays off that in a way. The other person doesn't get to put any input into it, this is how your Supposed to be loved.
Kazui's relationship with love is so interesting to me as a result, it's so performative and is used for his own Marketability as a person. I'm still obsessed about how Kazui and Mahiru portray love as something that is sold to people-
Plus all of this gives him some Fun Parallels with the other cat person he's paired up with. It's interesting to see how both of them deal with being perceived as inherently sinful in some way and against societal norms.
I dunno I just think Kazui is super interesting! He's an interesting fella!
15. what do you think of their voice?
I love how she sounds so much! She can sound so happy and cheeky and sweet in one moment and then ominous, angry and downright terrifying the next. Her VA is great, Tanaka Minami does such a fantastic job as her. Amane can sound so very different and yet still sound like Her. Compare Animal to Positive Parade or Magic to Purge March and even though they sound so different they still sound like Her! Magic's mostly consistent tone and emotions making it feel restrained and carefully presented vs Purge March's various different emotions and tones and just how Different it can sound depending on the part is So cool! She can go from angry to sad to bitter to defeated to joyfully ecstatic and all of those at once!
Like at the end of Purge March, Amane always sounds like she's at the verge of crying to me. The emotional catharsis was so very real there!!! It's so good!!! It's so good!!!!
16. how do you think they actually sing in regular life?
Once again directing people to how Amane seems to be in Choir.
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I know people who were in choir those people can Sing Alright. Out of everyone in the cast she is probably the most likely person to know how to actually sing properly. Plus I always think it's funny that Amane quietly calls the cult's music boring in an interrogation. I choose to believe she can Sing Really Well and that when she gets out of the cult she gets Really Into Metal.
In the wise words of my dad: "Metalheads are the happiest because we let out all our anger through the power of METAL!!!!!"
9. do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
I Do Not Forgive Her! Sorry Muu but the Consequences of your Actions are here! I know you have a lot of problems and that the murder seems actually pretty impulsive overall but like...sorry Muu can't really forgive you if we're judging my your crime alone.
10. is the answer to the previous question different from your vote(s) on the character themselves (do you vote them based on anything else aside from the crime)?
Hmm, maybe? I still want to not forgive her honestly for some personal reasons but I do know that not forgiving her might not be the best decision overall...I dunno very conflicted I guess.
15. what do you think of their voice?
Kouri Arisa is a wonderful singer and I'm incredibly impressed with her vocals and acting. I don't have much to say on her compared to Amane but I love how she sounds so much. There's something kinda...floaty about it I guess? I dunno how to describe it, it's just sort of airy and whispery like, Muu is telling you a secret. I think it's really cool and it makes the parts where she sounds more confident and loud contrast really well.
It's so good I love it hhhhh-
16. how do you think they actually sing in regular life?
Decently I think? Like average overall. I think she knows a few songs by heart though and for those in particular she sounds really good.
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lanatusnebula · 3 months
Megaman Ships
Don't read this if you're expecting me to mention Classic or Starforce at all.
My ships... I have art stashed but it's really weird. The environment of the internet has shifted drastically over the years, and I think some people take things too seriously. But... I ship things. I'm not trying to make a big deal about it, just want to gush about the stuff I like. :) (and don't like)
The X series
I really love the X series to bits! I actually don't ship any of the characters here. I think they're all precious in their own way, though. X and Zero, as a kid, I never really shipped.
But I guess things change over time.
Some people make some wondrous content showing how close the two could actually be. It's endearing...
I don't like Iris's writing or how some people insist she's The One To Ship With Zero. Even if it's suggested like... in minute ways, I just... dunno. It feels like the devs wanted people to ship X and Zero but it was too GAY so they made a female X and said "have at it." Which... is so weird? Everything Zero could've liked about Iris, we see X exhibit those exact traits, AND MORE. It could be the "Zero just might be a heterosexual so he isn't into X", but I mean, if Dmmd taught me anything, it's that seeking out female versions of the guy you're totally not into doesn't work out.
Alia is a cool character! Reducing her to simply X's flat and 2D love interest was... depressing. I loved how she had a kill streak in x6! It made her super interesting. Idk what happened in... was it x8? Like, get that game away from me.
Axl is a cutie pie but he's more husbando material than he is shipping material for me. He just wants to sit at the cool kid's table and managed to nab a seat...
I dunno.
Layer is hot tho ha
The Zero series
I lost my fucking mind with this series. I went from "I don't ship robots in this cool game" to just mix and matching everyone in every which-way.
Some weirdo freaks got me into shipping Omega Zero with Copy X. Do not ask how that is logical or what could possibly be their dynamic. I just like the aesthetic. It makes no sense. They didn't coexist in the same room. Ever.
Ciel x Fefnir is like my guilty ship. Most of my AUs seem to naturally form some sort of organic bond between them subconsciously. Fefnir, though a hot head, seems like the kind of guy who's a good sport. I like the idea of little ol' Ciel crushing on the football player lookin guy, and he thinks that she's adorable in her own right. You know - X's whole inherent love of humans or whatever I probably made up. That's my justification.
I obviously ship Harpuia and Zero.
Where some people find cyberelf X and Zero to be top shelf, I raise the offer "yes but he can actually touch Harpuia without absorbing him like every other cyberelf". (I will admit I love shipping Cyberelf X with Zero in that very strange maternal-esque "I will embrace your corpse so that you may rest forever" edgelord shit. I snort it daily don't worry.)
Harpuia rescuing Zero for no Fucking Reason in z2 fucked me up. Why'd you do that? What'd you do that for? You picked him up and rode on your shitty little bird to drop him off at the correct address, so you even knew where Ciel and friends were staying? Right after Zero off'd your beloved X? Yeah? You did that why? (I know it's probably related to that whole chapter where Harpuia is nearly a better ruler than Copy X and just makes all the right choices in contrast to his previous ruler blah blah blah) But what if it's because he has programmed into him the same unbreakable love for Zero (platonically) that X had? We know that the guardians get some sort of weird high when fighting Zero so... why not further fuck up that interpretation of X and Zero's relationship?
I really like portraying Harpuia as being the only one who didn't completely cave in and go bonkers from battling Zero. He just sort of kept it inside. Poorly. And it comes out in small amounts via weird actions. Leviathan I portray mostly as a kid with a magnifying glass over some ants, Fefnir as the kinda guy to just be an adrenaline junkie, and Phantom thought it was a flaw in his programming so he blew up.
Cyberelf X and Copy X is GOOD SHIT MM THAT'S SOME GOOD SHIT 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
My only justification of it is either Cyberelf X hates his guts or is Copy X's only friend. And Copy X's emotions are already fucked up like every other inch of his programming.
Ciel and Copy X though I ship them in a familial sense. He's obsessed with protecting her and Ciel is like "I made him! :)" I've got some pics lying around (they're gone) of Ciel reading ancient books to Copy X while he lays in her bed at night. She says it's to help him sleep, but since that isn't How Reploids Work, he's really there to pretend to fall asleep when he notices Ciel is about to. Then when she passes out he stares at her all night, stroking her hair. Like a freak. But please, it's not romantic; I do not want it to be at all. I just want him to be weird.
ZX series.
Get your tomatoes ready. I'm finna make an ass outta myself. ;(
OG Prometheus and Aile is a new ship. I can't... explain this one? I don't know.
The AU I'm writing has Grey retreive the original body plans for Prometheus and Pandora from the lab he was made in, near end game before Prometheus and Pandora bite the bucket. Presuming that Flueve and friends aboard the Guardian can make bodies themselves (fuck you I don't think Ciel was making new bodies for everyone solo), Grey asks Aile if they can give Pandora and Prometheus a second chance, since they're likely controlled by Model W. She says "what are you smoking". I just like Grey to be selfless in the dumbest ways imaginable.
Pandora and Prometheus dies. I think it is stupid that they get left behind, so I imagine that he used model F megaman form thing to drag them out (like how Aile should've done herself in the first game) flops their corpses at Aile's doorstep and is like "I got the EC to pay for this." And shenanigans happen. They rebuild their old bodies, do some wacky techno shit with their DNA and put it in the new bodies akin to how reploids age in canon (assumption). Prometheus and Pandora wake up as normal ass people.
But they're also lowkey enlsaved by the Guardians because like uhh um uhh ummm "you owe us. but forever" and they're ok with this and something about duplicating model w don't ask It's fucking stupid I'm insecure about it but they can megamerge into their old forms but aren't allowed to go ape shit and prometheus and aile become sorta close in that antagonizing way because she has to watch him closely while pandora hangs out with grey like a little brother and it's all warm and fuzzy and they have no problems (i stole the idea from the stupid japanese site's weird little roleplay things) that's her little buddy you know and don't worry about it i just ship aile and prometheus
My Girouette ships are off limits. I'd be sentenced to death.
I ship Siarnaq and Grey because my AI roleplay partner shoved it onto me with rose prose and I was like "... you know what? this will work". My ship count is being dominated by the sheer number of AUs and oneshots I've written about those two. Ask and I will divulge
of them. But otherwise I'm mmgngngjghgngmgnggnmgngm Really Grey being an unaging kid complicates things. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a life span, and I do not subscribe to the "reploids naturally grow" head canon because it's pretty stupid to think technology got that far when it was stated in-game that it isn't. that's like Legends shit.
I ship Thetis one-sided with Aile because it's Extremely Funny. No other reason.
Legends series
I don't really ship anything I just think everyone is precious and adorable. I Guess I like the dynamic between Tronn Bonne and Volnuttsack. It's neat. I don't think about it beyond seeing it on the screen though.
Exe Series
Uh. Hm.
I just really like Megaman.exe himself. I don't ship anyone consciously...???? I think I just admire them all from afa-
I ship Zero.exe with Zero.
I ship it really bad.
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silver-wield · 4 months
even if she does assimilate all the memories of different Aeriths, her resolution line still makes No sense 😓. If so, she should know already that he Wouldn't "fall for her" what's the need for her to put her hand on his face?? Tbh you can see in his expression how much he wants to say "you're being Weird" but devs made sure to prioritize that he gets pissed off that she's not letting him talk as usual. So he gives up because he doesn't think this is a big deal and just tells her "hey, we'll save you" yey.
You can say she's salty but tbh while the devs most likely don't wanna portray her like so, it's the only one that make sense. Anyway, if it's not her at the altar, is it possible that it could have been the resolution aerith instead? Maybe they meant "it's not her at the altar" as in it's not the rebirth aerith, the alive one.
Regardless, it's a Nonsensical line overall. Especially the reactions some has of it in remake. Like how many hours, yes hours, not days (because they don't interact all the time) has it been lol and they read him like that orz (they make him into this flakey, Lame, and easy two timing POS). But even after days, it still doesn't make any sense either. She even gets Rejected time and time again since Remake.
If she's "not" arrogant and salty, what is this supposed to be lol. Can I visit nojima in his dream and interrogate him because this is just me wanna ask him "do you understand how normal people should act? Do you not see how your statements doesn't add up??"
At least nomura didn't disagree when a folk said to them in a conference "i Wouldn't trust her if I left my bf with her". He just said "people are allowed opinions". He could have said otherwise and then said that but he didn't, he just let her BURN.
Anyway, I'm so SICK and TIRED of her BS. They better not make me hear nor see that Bitch even as a ghost, mention, or hallucination. I'm SO DONE. For someone so "important", she sure do have the most impeccably HORRIBLE narrative and characterization I've ever seen in my whole life. Includes how the devs seem to not believe she needs a redemption arc where we see her fix her BS frame by frame CONVINCINGLY because her words in resolution Ain't showing that tbh. That Ain't learning anything, that's her making things Weirder for her and everyone including us the viewers.
They do make sense because Toriyama revealed she wished things were different so she was telling herself it wasn't real as well.
The devs just outing her as this two faced bitch who goes behind Tifa's back like that's something to be applauded 🤬
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