#(so that I can work on something else. crocheted.)
kirby-the-gorb · 17 days
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medieval-canadian · 6 months
so i'm crocheting a temperature blanket this year. my initial instinct was to say it's for my 32nd year but that's not actually how birthdays work so instead i'm awkwardly going with "the year i'm 32" and shortening it to just 32 mostly. anyway, that's besides the point.
i have the colour palette/yarn, i have the pattern (toni lipsey's linen stitch pixel temp blanket), i made a gauge swatch, i've started tracking temps (i've recorded hi/lo starting on dec. 8).... but fuck, i'm having so much trouble figuring out the temperature gauge!!!
i can't decide what the intervals should be, i can't decide if i want purples to be warm temps or cold temps or where to put the neutrals, i can't decide if i want to fiddle/tweak(/cheat?) and use the lows for the cold temps instead of the high which was the initial plan.... i just don't know!!! ugh.
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yeetbean · 10 months
job acquired i have been unshackled from the hot stove
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monsterbroth · 1 year
i woke up early today and am way too energised my brain is like spilling in circles but I still have not the right energy to be coherent or focus on actually doing anything with it
#thoughts#horrible feeling!#like tired but also way way way not.#the direct was fun. mario fans must have had a blast wow#not a bad thing I look forward to learning more of the peach game and the art style they went with for wonder is neat#uuuuh. oh I love the design of the glow pikmin they appeal to me very much. i haven’t played a pikmin game properly before but#I’m excited for 4 I’ve been wanting to get into it for a while now. uuuuhhhhhhh! silent hope seems neat ? dragon quest monsters too I like h#how it looks visually .wario ware is silly I don’t know if it’ll actually work but I like that it’s silly ?? I’m rambling to try to get#my energy to a manageable level I think it’s working talking takes So much energy#oh the the . i looked it up pennys big breakaway that seems cool I also like the visuals of that a lot#yeah this worked back to spacing out for me#wait the splatoon segment was weird that’s the last thing like. why’d they do that#maybe not back to spacing out exactly but definitely an improvement to when I started I’ll think of something else#oh I’ve been trying to learn to program in godot! it’s going slow since it’s a lot of reading and takes me energy pretty quick but#i think I’m doing well even if I can only do a little a day like I’m understanding it easy so far. don’t think I’ll be able to make anythin#anything for a while but making it feel less impossible to make something one day is nice#i made the tutorial turtle do a little dance : ) ! and I’ve been working on some crochet on and off. doing a bit more digital art though#just like sketching. i need to clean a bit so I can get my sewing machine set up I want to make little bags so I can carry more things#when I’m out. love having tiny bags for specific things in a big bag#oh and I’ve been reading about gardening a bit I need to map out the garden if I want to plant anything which I don’t know if I’ll be able t#to do any time soon but it’s still fun to think about and I hope I’ll be able to do it some time#ok words over I promise <3 back to art maybe goodnight
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milkweedman · 2 years
so. almost done with the heel turn of the second sock (meaning just another hour at most of knitting left) and just realized that i knit the second sock with one stitch more per needle than i did the first. last pair of socks was 14 stitches per needle, this pair was supposed to be 13. the gauge is 7 stitches per inch (3 stitches per cm) so this is an extra half inch larger in circumference.
#was wondering why the heel turn numbers seemed a little off#but i was only working on this at work and its a lot more acceptable to be knitting than to be on my phone#so i never ended up checking my notes bc i kept forgetting to during breaks#also was not confident that i had actually taken any notes to begin with#or where i had put them if indeed they existed at all#im just gonna keep knitting it. id rather risk the last hour of knitting ending up with a still wearable pair of socks#because 8 more hours of work is just as annoying as 9 more hours of work#im also wondering if i can do some sewing to bunch up the top a little or maybe a crocheted cable#if that ends up drawing the sock in. will probably experiment#im not actually worried it wont fit me (i knit socks for myself with a lot of negative ease)#but im extremely sensitive to pressure on my feet and the lack of it from socks is very uncomfortable#so if one sock is looser than the other i will start to lose it#(like in the Fork Theory ? uneven socks is a hundred forks. my tolerance for anything else unpleasant becomes zero#so ! it might not be perceptible (these both have ribbing and that may distract from the size significantly#we will see.#always something these days.#i will admit most of those somethings are caused by my brains inability to hold a stable memory#everything is all blended together and i cannot remember when anything happened or the context of it#i wonder somewhat if its gabapentin symptoms. i was doing fine for a while but ive been taking more than the usual dose#to try and combat symptoms but like good god i feel like my brain has been stuffed full of wool#not even in a fun way#eesh. anyway i will continue to knit this sock i suppose#knitting#sock knitting#woes
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transgaysex · 1 year
crocheting is so fun i love remembering how fun it is
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violetclarity · 9 days
started last night online shopping for new bras/bralettes because mine have gotten gross af, ended it looking at crochet bralette patterns so I could make a rainbow top for pride. I solved a different problem??
#here is my issue. here. is my issue.#I want the bra(lette) to be *not hideous*#I also have larger boobs. apparently.#like I don't think they're large tbqh esp. compared to my general body size/shape#I don't find it painful or especially annoying to go braless at home but it probably wouldn't be appropriate to do so at work#(it seems like a lot of people I know who do have large chests do *not* go braless which is why I said they don't seem large to me)#so I don't need something that is like miraculously supportive or whatever#I just need it to FIT my goddamn CHEST#I cannot stand the weird line/bump where the bra ends and you can see it through my shirt which is my issue with my current bra(lette)s#so even though I probably *should* try to find a better brand I think I'm just gonna buy the same brand again in a larger size this time#and hope for the best#(I went to get a proper bra fitting last year because I was more annoyed about how bad my bras looked then)#(and they fit me into an underwire bra that at the time I thought looked/felt good)#(except when I got it home and tried it on it was SO PAINFUL)#(like cannot wear for more than ten minutes painful. save for special occasions painful.)#(sometimes I put it on thinking I'll try to wear it for work and give up before I leave the house)#(it would have been okay if I'd only bought the one bc I could suffer through for the occasional special even but I bought two)#(and didn't return the second one in time and it. was. EXPENSIVE.)#(also can't ask my mom for advice again bc I don't want to admit to her that I did that lmao anyway)#why does she suddenly care about her bras again? haha well. um. well.#if someone *else* is going to see it I don't want it to be stained y'know??#I have some standards. minimal. but they are there.#anyway wish me luck with my crochet rainbow bralette for pride#I'm walking in the parade this year w my sports league so I gotta look Extra Cute y'know#if one of the men in charge tries to tell me we all need to be fully dressed I will simply bite his head off#bras cw
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nevisiity · 8 months
FAMA (408)
Fama Definition: Fama(408) means to be popular or well known, having reputation FAME!!! Personal interpretations of Fama in the houses below!! Please let me know if you relate or care to share anything else! Thx for reading <3 post 1/4 
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 1ST HOUSE. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ The 1st house is LITERALLY the house of your physical body, how you look, how you are seen by the general public, self image surface level identity. Approach to life, this can also represent early childhood. So, In my own personal interp of this sign I have concluded that girl… YOU ARE THE MAIN CHARACTER. Like BIG star energy, You might have been popular in childhood, if not then you have no problem getting attention. It may come to you naturally, even if you don’t want it…you have it.. And here they come “I never get attention 🥺” PUT. YOURSELF. OUT. THERE. Cause you got it! Don’t be afraid to flaunt it ;) This also reads to me as a natural star, actors, musicians, artists even just big personalities. 
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 2ND HOUSE. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ The 2nd house relates to personal finances, money, mula, green. It also reminds me of the earth…”natural energy” mother nature. Anything green. The second house also contains personal possessions(jewels, cars, houses, etc) and emotions. Fama in the second house gives off “that girl”(IFYKYK) vibes. Natural earthy beauty. Maybe you prefer less makeup and may get complimented more because of that. But a way you can achieve fame is through hard work, getting money and showing off jewels. Showing off cars. Flaunting your wealth may not be a bad thing after all…Kind of Glamorous if you ask me. If I had this placement I would adorn myself in jewels…try a more natural style, you are beautiful just the way you are…enjoy getting that attention.
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 3RD HOUSE. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ The 3rd house is COMMUNICATION. Writing, speaking, conversing, editing, and translation. Perhaps you are excellent at communicating, Your voice is most likely really nice. Fama here to me indicates a good songwriter…maybe even a poet. You could probably write a nice script as well. Fluency in languages. You can get famous for these skills. Maybe you can even sing! Wouldn’t  surprise me :) Go on and let your voice shine then! 🌟Let your writing speak…you never know who could be listening! If you have this placement and want to write a book..write and publish poetry, music, any of that. Do everyone a favor and WRITE IT or SPEAK IT!! Your words are your superpower. 
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 4TH HOUSE. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ The 4th house represents family, roots, old age but also physical structures, our homes (houses, real estate). Fama in the 4th house could mean your whole family is popular or well known where you live, especially if it's in a smaller place. Maybe some of you could get famous from where you come from… how you grew up, childhood, etc. This could also mean a family business that could get you fame or recognition. Reminds me of Tabitha Brown and her daughter (Tik Tok). Or you could get famous later in life. Maybe you could create a future of fame for your family. Maybe you could be a famous interior designer as well. 
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 5TH HOUSE. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ The 5th house rules creativity,(The house of PLEASURE)  hobbies. something you enjoy doing! This can be anything from painting, music, sketching, tattooing, crocheting, any-damn-thing!!  Your hobbies are where you shine. If it puts a smile on your face and a fire in your belly DO IT!! And post it on social media! I didn’t want to mention zodiac signs yet but hun…this is the house of leo…and what is leo known for?? BEING SEEN!!The sun shines bright and you can’t miss it…The attention-getter of all the signs. Just remember to post it online! Especially if you are passionate about it. This is really the all encompassing house. Fama SHINES here. It takes a little work, but not too much..enjoy what  you are doing first though. To add, if you enjoy working with kids, want to start a business having to do with children you are sure to succeed. You could really just do your own thing and shine though.
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 6TH HOUSE. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆The 6th house represents health, wellness, daily routines and odd jobs. Now FAMA in the 6th house reads to me as a health influencer, Your daily routine will help you shine. Maybe you pretend to have a youtube channel in the mirror, showing your routine. Whether that be skincare, a day in my life, makeup tutorial. Maybe some of you are gym-bros or are really into fitness, maybe you will have a famous social media based on fitness, or healthier meals. You may even be into clean beauty, no real leather, vegan, etc. Your health is your strong suit and maybe people even ask you what they can do to be healthier. Maybe you are more on the fit side and people inquire about this too. You could be really well known personal trainer! Or chef 🧑‍🍳 Reminds me of famous chefs Gordon ramsey and Raechel Ray. 
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 7TH HOUSE.. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ The 7th house represents partnerships, beauty, fairness, legalities and even enemies!! If you have FAMA here, You could be a very famous model one day!! Probably very beautiful, whether that's unique or conventional. Besides physical beauty, I feel this also relates to art. I feel we have some amazing artists here. You could also be a great judge, family or relationship type therapist. Just anything ruling beauty and fairness. Maybe you are even a muse for some people. They want to paint you, write about you, etc…this can bring you fame. Famous fashion designer as well, beauty influencer, jewelry maker, etc! 
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 8TH HOUSE. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ The 8th house represents taboos, death, debt, other people's resources, sex. I read that it can also rule over legacies and wills! FAMA in the 8th house means you would get very famous doing astrology, tarot, spiritual guidance. Some of you may even be witches and could get popular doing that. Some of you may be into sex work….could get very famous that way! Whether that's stripping, only fans, DOMINATRIX. May be a good accountant or personal financer (idk what the profession would be called sorry).  Some good tarot accounts to look into if you’re interested would be (kino tarot, firefly tarot, lexi the leo, The gem goddess) You remind me of them a bit…
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 9TH HOUSE. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆The 9th house rules over philosophy, religion, higher education, I also feel good careers for this asteroid in 9th are psychics, export/import business. Just a search for the truth. You could be a very popular philosopher, this reminds me of all the greek philosophers (socrates, plato, apollodorus of athens, aristotle) Religion! You could get very famous being some type of pastor or spiritual guru. Maybe a very famous, sought after teacher. You could be a travel influencer. Love to learn about different cultures and could get very famous doing that. Very smart people here and that is your starshine. 
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 10TH HOUSE. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ The 10th house is at the peak of your birth chart, it rules over professional career image, Public image, business relations and career achievements. I feel you could be a very famous business man/woman. You could even own a company one day!! Giving boss energy. The 10th house also rules over positions of power/authority. FAMA here could mean you even start your own business from square 1! From nothing! CEO’s with this placement. Directors, photographers, superintendent, managers. ALL things BOSS. Maybe even popular overseas due to business relations, lavish lifestyle because of riches here. Could be very popular for work ethic. 
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 11TH HOUSE. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ The 11th house rules over The friendship of the collective, social media, friendships and groups, and HOPE. as well as idealism. FAMA in this house can indicate big social media fame. You just shine on social media. Like I said with the first house. PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE. Giving alien vibes. Reminds me of the theme of Beyonce's latest “renaissance”. Very modern, maybe even futuristic, Reminds me of fit checks I see on my TL and they have thousands of views. Maybe you yourself represent things people can’t understand, maybe with the way you present yourself. You def keep up on all the trends and memes. Maybe you could get very famous with a commentary type channel, expressing your opinions especially on pop culture. 
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆FAMA IN 12TH HOUSE. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ The 12th house rules over dreams, rest, BIG SPIRITUALITY, traumas, addictions, all that is below the surface.  FAMA here I think is very beneficial for people who want to speak about things that happened to them. Best spiritual gurus, psychics. You could CHANGE LIVES with this FAMA placement.Reminds me of FKA twigs song “Cellophane”. Most of you here could write a novel about things that happened to you. Or how you connect with god(s), spirit, whatever you believe in. You are magical, like a crystal ball.  Also may be gifted with clairaudience, channeling, mediumship, etc. Maybe you could see dead people/talk with them. You are stardust ☄️
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Thank you for reading!! FAMA in the signs is next. Stay tuned <3
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devoutekuna · 8 days
First gifts
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He doesn't care for gifts, he doesn't even think they're necessary. Sat at the dining table messing around with your daughter's lips as you wiped the reminisce of milk off them. "Here" motioning towards his son, a fat limb from a turkey sat Infront of you. "What's this for?" Knowing that you couldn't eat all of that, nor your baby. "A gift, for him" a whole turkey leg for his son who couldn't even eat food yet?
"He can't eat food Ryo" sighing in defeat as you pushed it back. "So what does it want then?" Practically ordering you to tell him, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
"Get him something he can wear Ryo." Motioning to the new clothes he needed since he grew so fast.
He makes it an effort to work overtime so that he could save up for the gift he wanted. Wanting to buy his daughter a crochet clothes.
Sat on the bed as you tried to burp your baby, seeing your husband walk in with a new hat which he recently brought made a smile appear on your face. "I wonder who that's for" smirking at him as he sat beside you, making the bed dip down a bit. "For my daughter" face peeking out from behind your arms as he put it on her, pushing it down so it didn't slip off. Handing you the small socks which could be out on later. Giggles heard from her mouth as she toyed with it, hands trying to rip it off her head, she always wanted to put something new in her mouth.
Geto has been planning building blocks and blanket designs for a few months, you had always been craving physical touch during your pregnancy, always sleeping next to him as you had the blanket wrapped around your bodies.
Sitting next to his baby girl as she babbled on about something, toying with his robes and the blanket, I was starting to get on his nerves. "Do you want something to play with sweetheart?" Noticing the words coming out of her father's mouth but not knowing what he said she impulsively nodded. Taking out a few blocks with letters on one side and shapes on the other from the bag beside him. "Here" handing them towards her, already trying to stuff them in her mouth, before throwing it at him when she realized she couldn't. Sighing in response, nothing would ever satisfy such a spoiled girl. She must've gotten it from you.
Handing her the blanket which spelt her name and had different patterns on it, the main one being a patchwork. "How about this?" Eyes shining up as she saw it, her favourite characters underlining the bottom of it. Pointing to them. Trying to say the words 'papa' but nothing came out other than weird noises she made. "You like that?" It was clear that she liked it, already falling backwards onto the plush pillow.
He take such pride in himself, knowing he's the strongest and bragging about it every time his name is mentioned, so when he saw his beautiful baby boy for the first time, of course he had to give him something, your gift was the fact that you had a child now, that's what he said as he joked with you, till he saw your reaction, of course he was joking with you as he handed you your proper gift straight after. When it came to giving his son his first gift, he pulled out a plushie from his back, squeezing it in his face. White hair matching your son and him, matching dark blue uniform and a black blindfold, and probably bright blue eyes hidden underneath. You can guess who it is from the looks. "It's a plushie of me!" Seeing the disgust in your eyes as he displayed it, "In case he misses me whilst I'm away" trying to defend his actions as he placed it in the cot with him, fortunately he was sleeping or else he would've been crying from the mini Gojo.
He hadn't planned a gift yet since he didn't think it was necessary. He was naturally warmer than everyone else, so whenever it was cold in the apartment you always snuggled up to him, laying on his warm body as you slept, glancing over at his baby, fully awake as she tried to twist and turn in the swaddle, noticing how cold it would be for a baby in here, he threw his clean zip up on him, he wanted to hold her and comfort her but was too scared that he'd crush her with his strength, opting for the safer version in his mind as he made sure it was tucked in.
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riaki · 6 months
an excuse to touch | suguru geto x reader
pt.2 of christmas event! cw: reader is kinda drunk, u and him have a bunkbed but he always sleeps w u on the lower bunk :3
not proofread
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"su— guru!"
he knows that pitchy voice; a lilt to it that tells him you've been drinking. a slur that links your breathy words together like the taut strings of a spider's web that's so imperceptible that it would've been impossible to pick up, unless you were him. because suguru knows you better than anyone else.
you say his name weird, which means you've indulged on the bottle of liquor your next-door neighbor brought you that morning, wrapped in a pretty festive ribbon with a snowman drawn into the cork. "my son drew it," your neighbor had explained, and suguru wonders how good of a parent he is, to be letting his 6 year-old doodle on a bottle of wine.
he doesn't have time to concern himself with other people's lives, however. he has his hands full making sure you don't topple into the christmas tree you'd both worked your asses off to decorate last weekend when you stumble into the living room like you're walking on two left feet, threatening to trip over the cord connecting the soft yellow lights to the outlet in the wall. he distinctly remembers the argument you had last night— you thought rainbow lights would look nicer on the tree, but he liked just yellow. in the end, he'd gotten what he wanted— but there wasn't much to gain when you had stolen his sweater and refused to give it back as a vengeance. and now, he couldn't find it.
"right here," he calls, looking up at you from where he's seated on the couch in your living room. the little tv screen plastered to the wall has a fake fire playing over the screen; he knows you love the immersion, even if your apartment complex doesn't have a fireplace or a chimney.
you make your way over to his chair and promptly fall into his already-waiting arms. he pulls you flush to his chest, tucking your head beneath his chin and letting you snuggle up to him in his lap. his callused hand immediately snakes up your back to slip beneath your shirt, massaging your back. his embrace is warm; soft. and he smells good, like pine needles and something gently sweet, a little smoky.
soon, your hands find his hair, winding a trail up his neck to thread into the dark strands and pull out the tie. before you can move any further, though, a hand darts out to catch your wrist, and the other moves to tilt your chin up and force you to meet his stern gaze, warm like amber resin on the tree bark.
"[name], where's my sweater?" he asks, raising an accusatory eyebrow. just like that, you shrink away, and he smothers the snicker of amusement that threatens to spill out like hot cocoa with a hand over his lips.
you blink, and he watches your eyelashes flutter. they catch the fake firelight, glowing like billowing reeds under a bright sun in lakewater that reflects the summer sky. "i dunno." a blatant lie; obviously, you do know, because a bit of the red string has tangled in your hair. it was crocheted for him by a friend; you'd think a doctor would have good needle skills, but operating on a patient might be easier than operating on a DIY crocheting kit and a bundle of old string. nevertheless, he took the ugly christmas sweater and cherished it; the scent of cigarette smoke and faintly sterile tiles that clung to it.
but suguru was pretty sure that would soon be replaced by the scent of you, if you kept it much longer. not that he minded, of course.
"i, uh. dropped it. in the fire." you said bluntly, stubbornly weaving your hands into his hair and pulling out his hair tie insistently. a few strands caught; even as drunk as you were, you still took the time to smooth out the tangles so you didn't accidentally rip out a patch of his hair. crude as it was, suguru appreciates little things about you like that. not the fire part, though.
"you dropped it in the fire." he echoes, raising an eyebrow. it feels condescending in a very suguru (read: affectionate) way, so you look away, lower lip sticking out. he thinks that just makes you cuter, though; you look like something straight out of his dreams. he can barely bring himself to be irritated.
"um, yeah."
"so.. it burned up?"
"you don't have it anymore."
"no, i don't."
"the fire isn't real," he reminds you quietly; softly if you strain your ears.
"but it's so warm over here. and nice, and cozy. what else could it be?" you protested, flailing your arms as if hitting him would force him to reconcile with your beliefs. suguru just opts to lean away from you, an amused and easy smile on his lips. like he's looking at you in adoration; like you're still the one who was molded from clay to fit in his arms even though you supposedly 'burned' his sweater up.
"not sure," he hums, watching as you stand up on two shaky legs like a newborn doe away from its mother's side; the soft glow from the light of the christmas tree gently illuminating your frame. he wishes he could tug you back by the wrist and kiss you breathless, run his hands over you ever lovingly. "you're just like my personal little space heater." he chuckles, soft smooth and melodic, and it snaps you from your tipsiness as you glance back over at him. “fools me into thinking the fire’s real.”
his hair is loose, tumbling over his shoulders and framing his face like a renaissance prince under the soft light; the brown of his eye shines a gentle caramel, soft and smooth as butter and syrup. there’s an easy smile that curves his lips up; he looks unfairly handsome. he thinks he can catch sight of his reflection in the void of your pupil; it looks like there's a birdnest on his head. he frowns, reaching a hand up to muss the tangled black strands. the windows in the living room are vignetted by a frosted glass, a cold world of white waiting outside. it's almost enough to make him shiver, but here, in the warmth of your presence, the snow melts away with the sunshine of your smile.
his fingers catch in his hair and he lets out a pained grunt. he's straightening his bangs when he looks up from his comfy seat on the couch; you're across the room, sitting on the soft wool carpet. there's a stain on the bundles of fluff, constantly hanging over the both of your heads to remind you of how you'd been enjoying a shared cup of hot cocoa with candy cane chunks when your nasty feline sauntered over and promptly jumped into your lap yet again, knocking over the mug and pouring its terribly sweet and sticky contents onto the wool. it had haunted suguru's domestic household nightmares for days after. your evil cat is curled up in your lap, fluffy mitten paws tucked beneath its head as it naps, and suguru doesn't like the flare of jealousy that springs up in his gut.
you catch the look of disdain on his face and shoot him a lazy smile, tilting your head. it's an invitation if he's ever seen one-- deserved, he thinks to himself. that should be him with his head in your lap, your hands in his hair, smoothing out each individual knot, gently massaging his scalp in the way you knew he loved.
he shakes his head and stands, brushing the lint (and cat fur— always a pest) off his sweats and saunters over to you; there's that familiar gait in his step from always walking hunched over during his earlier years of youth. sometimes, you'll build a little pillow fort on your bunk bed and settle in his arms between his legs and listen to him tell you stories from a time that seems so long ago but so fresh like new mint leaves in his memory. he'll play with your clothes, bury his nose in your hair and breathe in the scent of home and something like apples and cinnamon in your shampoo. those fun little story nights are always enjoyable, only because he has the best audience.
he squats down, balancing his elbows on his knees as he peers down at you. your cat in your lap lifts its head, looking like the very dictionary definition of judgmental as it squints at suguru. you just laugh, like silver bells clear in a snowstorm, parting the howling wind as if it's the red sea. paving a path straight through the center of his heart like some cursed cupid's arrow.
he doesn’t mind, though, when you scoot your cat off your lap and open your arms wordlessly. he scoots a little closer before settling into you, back flush against his chest as your arms lock around his waist. you rest your chin on his shoulder and he can’t help the rush of butterflies in his stomach; suguru’s never been the type for this sort of girlish, giddy love. but you always bring new things to the table, don’t you? he loves that about you.
suguru settles into your arms, tilting his head to intercept the kiss he knows you’re about to plant to his cheek to instead meet your lips with his, and he swallows and relishes the little surprised gasp that leaves you when he does. a moment later, he hears a pretty little giddy laugh, and he can’t fight the smile that spreads over his lips.
"you're so soft," he whispers, and it's much more exhausted than he thinks it has any right to be, on such a comforting night like this when your laugh smells of sweet liquor wrapped in chocolate and you serve as good of a sweater as any clearance sale item could.
and soon enough, your fingers slide into his hair, separating soft dark strands like you're organizing a collection of seashells. it takes him a while to notice, but he soon realizes you're braiding his hair. the wind howls outside and the fake fire doesn't provide any heat, but your gentle touch and warmth feel like a cozy throw blanket hanging around his shoulders. and he feels okay now; with the way you run your fingers through his hair, delicately gathering the strands from his hair and running a thumb down the length to smooth the knots, weaving them together like a natural crown of holly flowers.
you brush a stray strand from the nape of his neck, and he shivers when your fingertips brush against the tip of his ear. he can't help but smile when you notice the goosebumps on his bare arms and free one hand to reach for his, tangling your fingers together while you untangle the mats in his hair. it's far too cold for him to be wearing that simple, worn white cotton shirt, but he doesn't mind if you'll be the one to keep him warm through this cold season.
it's all fine and dandy until he speaks up again, when you're nearly falling asleep over his head and your arms drape over his chest, toying with the sapphire necklace around his neck. your little cute breaths tickle the top of his head; you've finished the braid. it's a little messy and stray hairs stick out here and there— but at least you didn't settle for pigtails.
when he speaks, it's not directed towards you, though— he's speaking to your cat, with a stern tone you only recognize as the one he uses with you whenever your clothes end up on his side of the drawer or when his jewelry (or hairties) go missing.
and when you open your eyes groggily after suguru shifts to sit up, feeling the dreary loom of a mini hangover after you fall asleep in his arms tonight— you're blessed with the sight of your beloved house pet— a shredded chunk of tacky fabric from suguru's sweater in its mouth, and the death glare that you can only imagine contorting your handsome boyfriend's face.
needless to say, your cat will be nowhere around the two of you when you decide to share a therapeutic cup of hot cocoa again this time.
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my (riaki) stuff. don’t repost and/or plagiarize !
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cameronspecial · 2 months
Neverending Texts
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: Rafe's small crush on his tutor definitely doesn't lead him to text her a little too much.
A/N: Insipred by this post.
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Rafe’s education is not a responsibility Y/N ever expected to have on her plate. However, tutoring seems like a no-brainer for the girl who likes teaching and it is not like she could say no to Ward Cameron. Plus, Ward offered her an insane rate and even though her parents are rich, it is still nice to make her own spending money. Rafe and Y/N’s relationship is odd, to say the least. He always seems to have an interest in her, while she would rather be kept out of his social circle. This dynamic is only intensified by Rafe getting her number to set up tutoring sessions. He’ll often send her random texts that are so out of pocket, but she knows he is trying to invoke a conversation between the two of them. During all hours of the day, she will randomly receive jokes, facts, or gossip from the boy. Her responses were always a single word, not inviting the discussion to go any further. It never deterred him from trying every day though. Her hand shoves the hook through the stitch and the hook grasps onto some yarn to be pulled through. The buzz from her phone freezes her hands. She picks up the device and lets out a breath with a shake of her head. What is your ideal date? Normally, his texts would allow her a one-word answer; however, this one can’t be answered as such and she feels bad if she ignores it. 
She takes a second to think about her reply. Baking pizza with extra mushrooms and a movie night. Maybe watch rom-coms. She sets her phone back on the desk and goes back to her crochet project. 
He is pleasantly surprised she gives a thoughtful answer to the text. It seems his tactic of open-ended questions has worked. It doesn’t shock him that her idea of a prime date is something more intimate. Y/N has always been more reserved, so it makes sense she would prefer one-on-one time with her date. He likes that. That sounds like the perfect date, except for the extra mushrooms. We’ll have to only put it on half of the pizza.
Who said you were invited?
He chuckles at her retort and shakes his head. Why is there someone else you are dying to go out with? He holds his breath at her reply, not wanting her to say what he thinks she might. The little bubble with three dots displays her effort to rejoin. It stops eventually and no new words appear in a new bubble. He bites the corner of his lips as his thumb hovers over the button. He decides to bite the bullet, bringing the phone to his ear. It dials three times before she picks up. “Wow, moving on to phone calls to tell me your random thoughts. You really are getting more persistent, Cameron,” she teases. He can hear something clatter on the other end, “Can you blame a guy for wanting to hear your voice, Teach?” She giggles with a sigh. “What did you need?” she urges. He shrugs, “I told you. I just wanted to hear your voice. I also wanted you to answer my question and to hear if you are lying.” “Why do you care so much?” she questions, rolling her eyes. 
“Because if you don’t have anyone else on your mind, then I was hoping I could be the one to take you on that date.” 
“I have no one else, but why me? What makes me so special in your mind?”
“You just have this je ne sais quoi to you that I can’t get out of my mind. We just click, Teach, and I know you can’t deny it.”
She traces the surface of her desk with her crochet hook as she tries to focus on his words. “I know you can’t deny it.” She would never admit she felt the spark he was talking about. It’s been something she tries to bury deep inside of herself because their personality dynamic would not make sense. Rafe likes all eyes on him and to be as loud as possible, whilst Y/N enjoys a quiet night in. The more she thinks about it, the faster her heart starts to beat, telling her to say yes. Yes to a chance at love. Yes to opening herself up to someone else. Yes to stepping outside of her comfort zone. “Okay, let’s go on a date.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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cannellee · 7 months
It’s 🌺anon here! If you’re okay with it, I’d love to hear about what your genius brain comes up with about the Toman boys with an omega who loves to do domestic things- such as cooking for them, maybe crocheting or knitting them cute sweaters, whatever! I’d love love to hear your take on it, if you’re comfortable! Keep taking care of yourself and keep up the good work✨
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୨୧ alpha! Tokyo revengers x omega! Reader
— their reactions to an omega who loves to do domestic things (pairing (not in right order): mikey, draken, baji, chifuyu, taiju, sanzu, inupi, kisaki, hanma, kakucho, kazutora, takemichi)
my masterlist : ☆
(of course!! absolutely anything for you 🌺anon!!<33 (≧▽≦) I hope it isn't too repetitive!)
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now we all know mikey would be so happy if his omega loved to cook.
he would brag about it to his friends, rubbing it in their nose that only he can have fresh homemade meals and snacks everyday.
he'll feel so lucky! he will have a clear sense of purpose and accomplishment if you tell him that you like to take care of him in this way. no because his omega is a good cook and a cutie? an absolute win.
he thinks your cooking is the best and won't eat anything else, luckily that's your hobby so it doesn't feel like a chore.
always praises you for how well you cook, he expresses his contentment in such an exaggerated way just to show that's he's really appreciative of your efforts!
thanks you after each meal and asks you if you can also cook him lunchbox. he's practically begging you, so you can't say no<3 but of course if you refuse he won't force you, he'll insist every time he sees you and will get a bit pouty for a while but that's about it.
alpha kakucho is so sweet he feels so moved by your gifts:(
like yes of course he'll wear anything his adorable omega made for him. you're so skilled he's always in awe.
buys you more stuff so you can always have materials if you want to sew or knit something.
he's scenting every single piece of work, and whenever you throw away an item you're disappointed with, he'll secretly grab it back whenever you're not around. because none of your work is worthless in his eyes!
he's very admirative of what you do in general, seeing his omega so immersed and passionate about an activity melts his heart!!
and when you shyly gift him a sweater for his birthday he's ecstatic, thanking you with wet kisses and a slight blush across his face.
in sanzu's mind, this is the way things should be anyways.
but fuck, when he sees you cooking for the both of you he feels so great. especially if you do take into consideration his taste before yours.
he wants to marry you on the spot.
your need to take care of your alpha makes him really appreciative, although a bit cocky at times.
like, you're just so eager to please your alpha:( it's socendearing and makes him a tad bit more protective.
teases you a lot, he thinks it's really cute of you. he'll wrap his arms around your waist and give you kisses, but there are times when he'll just straight up slap your ass. he loves that you're too busy, hands full of utensils to actually hit him back or anything.
when you don't cook for him he's usually eating trash, so he actually feels really grateful (not that he'll admit it).
when he discovers you love cooking during your free time, he thinks that's really cute of you<3
obviously his interests are very opposed to yours and he loves to find a bit of sweetness and delicacy in his omega.
now kisaki is protective, so he's a bit restless when you start to use a knife or anything that could burn you and harm you.
kindly demands you to step back while he gets the tray of snacks out of the oven while praising you for being a good girl and listening well to what he tells you.
nothing tastes bad when it's you who cooks. but if you ever did mess up a recipe and didn't catch on it yet (because you always make kisaki taste it first) he will politely and gently tell you it probably lacks a bit of salt.
you chuckle a bit when you finally taste the food and it's just awful, kissing your alpha for being so sweet with you<3
taiju is just really pleased and satisfied by his omega.
like you're so perfect for him and his stereotypical lifestyle (sorry).
you cook, you clean and overall make sure your home is well maintained. taiju thinks you fit your role so well and he couldn't be any more pleased with you.
and when he sees you knit items and blankets for your nest, he can't help but think you'll make a wonderful mother for your future pups.
you'll make warm clothes for them, make sure they eat well and keep them healthy.
you just don't know how much you trigger his instincts which command him to protect and provide.
in his eyes, you only need to stay at home while he takes care of everything else. just be that sweet and submissive omega he fell in love with<3
hanma always knew you had a thing for decoration, always buying small stuff, curtains, lamps, carpets and other furniture to embellish your home.
he knew that as an omega you liked it cozy and warm, and seeing you walk around the house with a serious and focused face always made him smile.
he likes to observe you while you replace the same vase for the ninth time. he doesn't really see the difference but you seem to take this to heart.
you're always moving things around, needing to find the perfect spot for each item. you like your home organised, you often apologise for never stopping until you're satisfied, but he waves you off saying he doesn't mind at all.
gives you his opinion once in a while about something, you think it's because he wants to take part in the process but it's actually because he knows you won't stop pacing until someone decides for you.
he'll sometimes walk across some store which sells the type of furniture he knows you like and deliver it to your place.
you give hanma a call to thank him, he acts like it's no big deal but you know he likes to spoil you.
later asks for a repay though. if he doesn't ask for something sexual, he'll force you to cuddle him. it clearly depends of your mood, he's really good at reading you.
your nest is really well adjusted and despite being an alpha he likes to spend his time here when he's over at your place.
he's also the best!!
when you tell him you like manual activities, he's super involved and admirative of your dedication.
he can watch you for hours in silence while you do your thing.
you repair his damaged clothes, sew back buttons which have fallen off, you literally do anything and inupi feels so grateful to have you.
how could such a dedicated and loving omega fall in love with him? he's forever thankful and constantly showing you his love.
although you love to cook, he sometimes insists he does it too so you can actually rest. like, let your alpha take care of you the way you deserve it, inupi is more than happy to look after you.
whenever you're cooking, he's the first to taste and he actually gives great feedback so you can improve.
you like his honesty and praises whenever you do something for him.
kazutora is in love with whatever you do. so it's not surprising when he's the first to encourage you into doing what you want.
he'll gladly let you do his hair if it means you'll let out happy purrs.
you've recently started to craft small pins and jewelry. having long hair and the ears pierced, kazutora was the perfect guinea pig.
and of course he lets you test out your creations. you tie up his hair, adorning it with a handmade ribbon full of beads and flowers. you also decorate him with beautiful pink earrings and take countless pictures of the end result.
kazutora never complains and even asks you if you have anything you want him to try.
he loves the attention you give him but most of all he's really proud for having such a skillful omega.
you always drop by draken's work place whenever it's lunchtime to give him his homemade meal.
you're quick and you're back home as soon as he thanked you but you wouldn't stop this little ritual for nothing.
you really like to do things for your alpha and turns out you love cooking, it's only natural you bake the most delicious food for him!
as for draken, he absolutely loves it. sometimes he has to fight for his food because mikey keeps trying to steal it but he's overall really thankful.
but he doesn't take your kindness for granted and really often takes you out to get icecream or to places you want to visit.
you're always so thoughtful you bring him his gloves whenever it's winter, you also bring him the wrench he forgot at home...
and when he praises you for being so good to him you feel complete and aligned with your primal instincts, that's the effect draken has on you<3
baji likes that side of you.
even if he appears a bit grumpy, you always manage to lift his mood up.
you leave little notes all around the house and he loves it, even if they're cheesy as hell. they're all decorated, colourful and well made.
he collects them, puts some of his favourite inside his wallet and reads them sometimes when he's feeling down and you're not here.
your sweet words about how much you love him are endearing and he teases you about it.
he shows you as well how much he loves you when he gets back from work, he needs to make sure his omega feel that her love is reciprocated!
he also loves it when you give him goodbye kisses, helping him get his stuff ready and giving him a sweet smelling meal you made after waking up.
he knows your love language is act of service, so he likes it a lot when you do stuff for him. but he doesn't fail to show his appreciation even though he's not very verbal about it most of the time.
he'd rather shower you with his smell or let you choose the restaurant each time you go out!
why did his omega have to be so cute??
you absolutely love plants, always taking a look at every flower shop you see and not resisting the urge to bring some to your house.
the first time chifuyu bought you flowers was because he knew omegas liked sweet and soft smells. he was courting you and chose his gift diligently. however he didn't expect you'd be this overjoyed.
then he learnt about your absolute love for plants and that was it. he's now bringing you flowers every time he goes out, either a big bouquet of roses, tiny succulents, a bunches of dried flowers or vases that suit your tastes.
he's more than happy to do so and even helps you place them around the house, giving you his well appreciated opinion.
he will also try and learn the name of plants and flowers, especially your favourites, so he can hold a conversation about your favourite topic!
he'll take you to parks and huge glasshouses because his omega deserves the best! and he loves to make you smile<3
it's soo calming to takemichi, he loves it.
when you're both cuddled into the warmth and safety of your nest, your hands are rapidly working on a knitted scarf without a word. it makes takemichi so sleepy, watching you so focused.
he scrutinises every expression of your face, the comfort of it all making him spread more of his pheromones so you both smell like him.
it brings him a homely feeling he can't get enough of.
he watches you silently, occasionally rubbing his scent glands all over you or your work.
once you're done, he's always admirative of your work.
he sometimes asks you to teach him the basics of knitting. he wants to get closer to you by trying out your hobby.
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tac-the-unseen · 18 days
Hey how are you doing 👋🏽
I have a request, can you do a Thomas Hewitt x pregnant reader, just pure fluff
I bet that man would be a good father idk
Thomas Hewitt x pregnant Reader Headcannons
CW: Pregnancy Difficulties, Child birth, Minor misogyny, extremely minor mention of Abortion (Like it's not said but implied)
Minor Angst and Fluff (It gets better I promise)
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•When you found out about your pregnancy the first person you told wasn't Tommy, it was Luda Mae
•You told Luda the news and she was delighted
•You were panicked
•Not only was this your first baby, it was an unplanned one
•Your family has a history of trouble-some pregnancies and with the nearest hospital being hours away, this possibilities really frighten you
•Luda had to calm you down and stop you from almost stress vomiting on yourself
•She sat with you as you sobbed and tried to collect yourself enough to make some kind of plan
•You talked about your options and while she was trying to sway to one way, she said it was ultimately your choice
•You both decided to wait two weeks before telling anybody
•You didn't want to get anyone's hopes up just in case something happened to you or the new-comer growing inside of you
•after the two weeks have passed you waited for Thomas to get done working for the night so you can tell him
•When he walked through the door to see you sitting in a rocking chair he was slightly confused
•Normally you're upstairs or in the kitchen
•He wasn't worried it was simply just out of the ordinary
•You got up and guided him up the stairs and into your shared bedroom
•You sit him down and slowly introduce the topic into the conversation before making your rehearsed announcement
•He was silent for a few seconds, just long enough to let your panic sleep into your bones
•A cool chill runs through you and you begin to back petal
•You tell him how long you knew and all the options you have
•You’re quickly to ramble on about how you don't need to have right this minute and you could wait for later down if that's what Thomas needed
•Thomas listens to your quickly and panicked speech for a little bit before gently grabbing your shoulders and turning you towards him
•He leans over and softly kisses your forehead
•He runs a hand down to your stomach and gently rubs the side
•His one gentle kiss turned into multiple fast pecks all over your face.
•He was excited
•It took him just hours to already make plans for what he wanted to do with his future child
•He was comforting you at every turn and freaked out Everytime you bumped into a countertop or a wall.
•Thomas practically stood over you all day everyday
•He wants to always have you in his sights, for his peace of mind and yours
•He brings you drawings of what crib, rocking chairs, and wood carved mobile he wants to hang over the crib
•He lets you watch and values your opinion over everyone else. When asked by other family members why, Thomas points to you as if to say ‘They’re the pregnant one.’
•When you started to show he would occasionally gently lift your belly to relieve you of the weight the baby puts on your back.
•He never really liked leaving the house and normally left that up to his brothers, but he wanted to help with the baby shopping
•he gently holds out baby blankets he thinks you'll like, but keeps in mind that Luda-Mae has be fiercely crocheting baby blankets and sewing baby clothes
•He actually cries when you hold up the little baby booties and compares them to his huge palm.
•He carries all the bags to your car and lets you drive him home with the yellow booties still in his hands.
•You fought hard to let the other Hewitts know you were giving birth in an actual hospital
•Everytime the birth was brought up it turned into a huge argument. “Every Hewitt was born in this house and they will continue to be born in this house!” Charlie and Monty argued
•You kept bring up your side of the family's history and how you're not willing to die and leave the baby with a house full of psychos no matter how much they tried to deter you
•When you eventually went into labor Luda was quickly to Hussle you and Tommy into the car
•Both of them respected your wishes and understood your concerns and allow you to give birth in the hospital a two hours away
•By the time you got there you were 8 cm dilated and every nurse was scrambling to get you a room and a doctor to deliver your baby safely
•It was bloody, tiring, and the most pain you've ever been in but by the time the baby was out you passed out
•They rushed to stitch you up and stop you from hemorrhaging and had to use their hands to assist you delivering the placenta
•When all's said and done your baby was safely in your arms
•Luda brought a camera to take birthing pictures and Thomas was clutching all the baby blankets
•Thomas was terrified by your body seemingly giving out and when informed you easily could have died, He was relieved he actually listened to you and not his noodle brained brothers
•while it was great to have your baby in your arms, you were in desperate need of sleep, so the baby was pawned off to Luda so she could help Thomas hold his new-born for the first time
•That moment was magical for him, and even though his mind was already made up, he knew he would die for this child if it ever came to that
•Luda left the room briefly to use the bathroom and That left Tommy with the smallest human being he's ever seen wrapped up in the hospital’s white with pink and blue striped blanket.
•The quiet of the room was what made him sob
•His sleeping partner and sleeping child all together as a family was enough to break him
•The car ride home a few days later was also silent
•He sat in the back seat with the baby's car seat watching as the hum and the vibrations of the car lull the child asleep
•He did leave that baby’s side for a second
•He was there when the baby cried, when the baby slept, when the baby needed a diaper change, he was there for every moment
•Until His brothers bitched at him to start working again
•Thomas, while wanting to stay with you and the baby, did understand he was the muscle of the house and he had work to do to maintain it
•He worked as fast as he could so he could be with you two again
•You had secretly been teaching your baby to say Dada because you know how hard Thomas is working and how dedicated he is to his family.
•When the child did say their first words ‘Dada’ Thomas actually ran around the living room as a victory lap.
•All that made better by your Child giggling
•Thomas has made toys out of bones, yes they are properly cleaned, he doesn't want to get his baby sick
•Nobody but You, Thomas, And Luda are allowed to hold the baby, He knows how harsh and clumsy his Brothers are and refuses to let them touch the baby
•Thomas isn't normal one to argue with his family but he made a vow to protect you and his children and by God he will kill Monty if it comes to it
•It really won't, But now Monty and Charlie know his serious
Thanks for reading <3
I wrote this fic with a little angst because I feel like every Leatherface x Reader is pregnancy related. I didn't want to re-write what many before me have written so I added minor Angst to at least make it different/Stand out.
Also I'm just not a huge fan of Pregnancy fics in general. Kinda gives me the ick, but I'm not one to disappoint someone who wanted my take of a fic!
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𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Summer Glow up: creating new habits 🎀⭐️ *࿐ ࿔*:・゚!
Hi Dolls!! Welcome Back 2 Dollies 2 Months of Summer Glow Up !! 🎀⭐️ Today im gonna talk all about implementing brand new habits in my life !!
> Hobbies !! 🎀
> Academics !! 📒
> Beauty Care !! 🧖‍♀️
> Scheduling !! ☀️
> Taking Baby Steps !! 🛼
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❤︎ ໋𓈒 Hobbies!! 🎀
…: This Summer I Plan on Taking up Some brand New Hobbies to keep my self busy and learn about brand new things bc everyday is useful!! and so i can use my time more wisely some hobbies i have in mind are…
- Yoga
- Painting
- Creative Writing
- Learning Japanese + Spanish
- Reading
- Puzzles!
- Blogging
- Learning To Code
- Doll Collecting
- Book Collecting
- Sewing + Crocheting
- Digital Art
- Piano
and obvii im already a blogger but i still added it anyways i will watching videos on how to get into these hobbies and videos on learning Spanish and more Japanese, also fun fact i’ve actually been studying Japanese sine 2021 but i stopped bc it got to hard but im starting back up!! anyways, after i watch the videos im gonna set up a financial list bc i have the fund all of these but its okay bc i can easily get money!! 🎀
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❤︎ ໋𓈒 Academics !! 🎀
More Goals of mine are to raise my grades in an academic space bc i do have decent grades but i wanna aim higher and have PERFECT Grades so in turn that means i must study more and have more discipline and not so irresponsible with my time!! and i also wanna study subjects outside of school bc its always good to learn something new!! now for learning tips so far i have..
- Flash Cards
- Practice Methods
- Teaching Someone Else
- Trying to explain it to a 5 yr old
- Study a Week Before
- watch ted talks on topics
- write out notes
Now i Also Have a list of subjects i want to learn about!!
- drawing facial expressions + bodies
- Sewing Stiches + How to Hem and Crochet
- How 2 Draw Bodies + Poses
- Full Anatomy 4 Both Genders
- Japanese + Spanish + French + ASL
- Color Theory
- Learning Cursive + Improving Handwriting
- Expanding Vocabulary
- Religious Cults
- Case and Law
- Poison and Toxicology
- Astronomy
- Medical Surgical Instruments
- Matriarchal Societies
- Socialism Societies
Now i definitely won’t be able to do all of this all at once bc it would definitely we too stressful so im gonna choose as least 2-3 to start with and study them and just learn! 🎀🧁
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Beauty Care !! 🐬
📧: Now I already have my regular beauty care regime skin,hair,eyebrows,eyelashes etc. but im also more focused on getting weekly treatments & weekly beauty care habits like…
- Nails
- Hair
- Eyelashes
- Face Mask
- Hand + Foot Mask
And i wanna try and find people in my city that can do this especially for nails bc i would go to the nail salon but i feel like they won’t be able to do it exactly how i want it to be !!!
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Scheduling !! ⭐️
Now That im gonna be so busy i need to make sure i also stay organized with my time so it doesn’t lead to stress so ill have my regular school classes on my regular schedule then making dedicated hours to studying Things i wanna learn about + Language Learning!
My Workouts are always early morning before school in the evening hours before i got to bed so i won’t have to worry about that affecting my academics. With my Hobbies i feel like only some of them really need scheduling so ill also make time dedicated to those as well !!!!
Beauty Maintenance will probably always be on weekends for the stuff that weekly/bi weekly like face masks,manipedis,hair etc!!
and last but definitely not least!!
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Taking Baby Steps !! ⭐️
This whole process is still all new too me so i’ll definitely only be doing a little at a time and working my way up and i get more familiar with the change in my daily life and i won’t pressure my self to complete everything extremely quickly and just take my time with everything! bye bye dolls tysm 4 keeping up with me while doing this kisses 4 all of u!!! 🎀⭐️
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idyllic-affections · 11 months
general friendship headcanons (sumeru).
summary. what is it like being friends with some of sumeru's citizens?
trigger & content warnings. brief & hypothetical mentions of people being creepy towards you.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. alhaitham & reader, collei & reader, cyno & reader, kaveh & reader, nahida & reader, nilou & reader, wanderer & reader, tighnari & reader. 0.9k words. no pronouns for reader.
author's notes. just a lil filler post while i continue working on requests <3 should i make this into a series? i think i will HSKDHDLD sometimes i need things to post in between requests, especially when i get a wave of longer requests.
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alhaitham is the kind of friend you can just... sit in the silence with. it's not uncomfortable silence whatsoever—it's, on the contrary, rather comforting and calming. he'll let you sit right up against him if you so please as he reads a book of his. you want to take a nap on him? go for it, he doesn't mind. i like to think that alhaitham finds the weight and pressure to be soothing (neurodivergent alhaitham my beloved...). you want to read your own book? that's fine. maybe you're doing something else—crocheting, knitting, drawing, writing... he really doesn't mind. whatever it is you choose to do, you're welcome to curl up against his side while you do it.
collei is another one you can sit in comforting silence with. she finds it nice just to spend time with her friend! if either of you aren't really interested in doing anything in particular, or if one or both of you aren't feeling great mentally or physically, she's totally cool with sitting in the calm quiet and cloud-gazing together. if you do want to do something, however, she's up for that too! she would also take you on patrol with her, i think, even if you need special accommodations. she'll figure it out. if you want to go with her, she'll find a way c: she's also the kind of friend that would enjoy trading easy & convenient recipes with you.
cyno is definitely the card game friend. you will learn to play tcg. you have no choice. it is your fate. /lh but i also like to think he's a considerably protective friend! he's the one to ask all the questions if you let him know you're planning on going out. he wants to know all the details. are you going with someone? yes? who is it? where are you planning on going? he literally just wants you to be safe, so sometimes it might come off as overbearing or infantilizing, but he really doesn't mean it that way! he genuinely just wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to you that he could have prevented.
kaveh is the kind of friend you could stay up until atrocious hours of the night talking to. also 100% the gossip friend. he'll sit there doing your hair, makeup, nails, or skincare routine—regardless of your gender, whatever you're comfortable with! kaveh genuinely doesn't care as long as you're happy and content—and tell you all of the terrible awful drama he overhears. he's also somewhat protective, but not to cyno's level. he'll inquire about your plans and will then tell you to be safe and have fun! he would feel really bad if something happened, though. really bad. will definitely, 100%, without a doubt tell off any creeps bothering you. he can pretend to be your brother or your boyfriend, whatever you need. he'll do it.
nahida is the therapist friend, in a way. she doesn't completely understand human emotions and thought processes, but she is totally happy to listen to whatever you need to get off your chest! it helps her understand you and other people better, and it (hopefully) helps you feel better. her advice is a little difficult to understand, admittedly... she tries her best though! if you don't understand, feel free to tell her. she'll try to be clearer. it may or may not work, and she has a chance of making her point even more confusing, but she really does try.
nilou is the kind of friend who's happy to do activities with you. she's happy to do anything as long as it's with her friend! she'll take you out to the shopping (only for you two to inevitably return with a ridiculous amount of free gifts for nilou, namely from the grand bazaar vendors...) if you'd like, or she can get you guys tickets to some of her favorite performances! she'd also love to teach you her style of dance if you'd be willing to and are able to learn. if you're not able, though, that's okay! she really doesn't mind. i like to think she'd also be super supportive of you and all your pursuits.
the wanderer is, quite simply, the begrudging friend. he will NOT admit that he cares about you and will claim the exact opposite. he'll say that he absolutely does not care whatsoever (but will then, in the same sentence, berate someone for so much as glancing at you in a way he deems to be wrong). he's a bit emotionally inarticulate—and rightfully so—but he really does care. his ways of showing it are just a little odd and unconventional. he acts like every display of affection ever is such a terrible burden that should not have been put on his shoulders, but secretly really loves holding your hand or giving you a hug. also really likes being held. like. he would die before admitting that but he... he just needs to be held, you know?
tighnari is the kind of friend who tells you all sorts of things—he shares his knowledge so freely with you, it's sort of like a love language. he'll tell you all about the local flora, explaining what plants you could eat in the case of an emergency and what ones you should never even touch. also as his friend you are allowed to touch his ears and tail. imagine habitually fidgeting with them while tighnari doesn't even flinch because, as long as you're always careful and gentle, he trusts you enough for that kind of thing. i bet he is very soft. anyway, i can't explain it, but i just know his hugs are warm and comforting and protective. he definitely gives really good hugs.
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milkweedman · 2 months
One of my coworkers keeps commenting on how I'm always working on some craft or other and they've literally never seen me without something next to me, and it's like... what can I tell you; each crochet or knit stitch or bit of fiber drafted out puts an extra centimeter of distance between me and the flesh eating snail that's been chasing me my whole life, and if I stop it WILL catch up within the fortnight, and it promised the first thing it will eat is my hands, so if nothing else I want a stock of socks and bags and my gloves mended and stuff. I mean you know how curses are.
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