#(yes i will use he/him for chihiro because the game presents that as what he eventually wants to use
aparticularbandit · 8 months
Debating having a second, parallel fic to dr1 end rewrite that's just. memories.
And then sometimes posting one of those instead of a main fic update to show what memories Kyoko's recovering as time goes on, while also giving a better look (albeit out of order) of stuff that happened prior to the Killing Game.
The first chapter would be the first all girls sleepover that Kyoko goes to. Because I think that's apt.
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funishment-time · 1 year
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UTDP/Summer Camp: Miu Iruma
in-game info from v3's UTDP Mode and Danganronpa S: Summer Camp AU, for fanart/fanfic inspiration etc. note that this is a "nice" universe where v3 goes to Hope's Peak and Junko never Junko'd.
this post details Miu Iruma's scenes with others, as well as insights about her that these bits provide. there's a Lot, so jump on down under the cut.
(i hope to do all characters over time, so Hang Tight for your fave!)
> more UTDP/Summer Camp character databases<
NOTE: As stated, in the UTDP/Summer Camp universe, the v3 kids go to Hope's Peak, likely as Class 79. Regardless of their backstories in v3, they are "played straight" in this universe, e.g. Shuichi and Kyoko are both the Ultimate Detectives, etc.
Made the Jabberwock Island VR world in which Summer Camp takes place, alongside Kazuichi, Chihiro, Gekkogahara, Matsuda, etc (Summer Camp, Intro)
In this universe, Miu is the co-inventor of the Hacking Gun, using Byakuya's blueprints (Summer Camp, Miu & Byakuya & Genocide Jack)
Completely unfazed that there are other skilled engineers out there, like Professor Idabashi and whoever made Monokuma. She believes herself the best [if only because of her boobs] (Summer Camp, Usami & Miu & Kazuichi)
"The power of beauty is absolute, y'know." (Summer Camp, Usami & Miu & Kazuichi)
Gets banned from using her WLD inventions in the camp kitchen after hot fried rice lands on her [and turns her on] (Summer Camp, Summer Festival 3)
"Telling ghost stories?...In that case, I'ma tell sex stories! Steamy tales are like kryptonite to ghosts, or so they say!" (Summer Camp, Campfire Intro)
[Re: selling her underwear] "Hell no I won't! No matter how much I'm offered. I'm looking for a guy who would never throw me away." (Summer Camp, With Swimsuits)
Confuses Kazuichi on whether or not she wants him to be attracted to her (UTDP, w/ Kazuichi Soda)
However, notices Kazuichi tries to dress well (UTDP, w/ Kazuichi Soda)
Also uses Kazuichi's suggestion to build an invention that lets you invent while sleeping (Summer Camp, Miu's Potential of Talent 2)
Builds a massage function into Keebo so he can help Professor Idabashi relax. Keebo pleads for her to understand he wants just a "normal" back massage function (UTDP, w/ K1-B0)
Wants to "remodel" Teruteru into a cooking machine (UTDP, w/ Hiyoko Saionji and Teruteru Hanamura)
Hiyoko thinks she's "a lowly, gross pig woman." This of course turns Miu on (UTDP, w/ Hiyoko Saionji and Teruteru Hanamura) + (Summer Camp, Potential of Talent 3)
Byakuya's insults also turn Miu on (UTDP, w/ Kaede Akamatsu and Byakuya Togami)
Nickname for Byakuya: "Bigcockoyeah" (Summer Camp, Miu & Byakuya & Genocide Jack) + others
Uses her inventions to help her team with the Sports Festival, but only Celeste is at all grateful (UTDP, Sports Festival)
Though Celeste also ignores Miu at every opportunity (UTDP, Celeste's School Festival 3) + (Summer Camp, Celeste's With Swimsuits) + others
Amazed/embarrassed at Mikan's result on her "Hookup Counter." We are not told what said result was, so use your imagination (UTDP, School Festival 1)
Makes an invention that "will punch you if you say something unfunny and perverted." It hits both her and Teruteru repeatedly (UTDP, School Festival 2)
Makes a ray gun that "teleports your underwear." It does not work on Gundham (UTDP, School Festival 3)
Makes pink Christmas lights that cause you to "kersploosh" if you stare at them long enough. It's her present to "all the lonely bastards who got no one to spend the holidays with" (UTDP, Winter 1)
Wants to give Keebo holiday lights. He refuses, saying it's beneath her and uninspired (UTDP, Winter 2)
Made sex toys for Teruteru in return for a Christmas dinner. Yes, really (UTDP, Winter 3)
Gundham's nickname for her: "the enchantress who seals her evil eyes" (UTDP, Gundham's Sports Festival 3)
Asks Keebo to move in with her, so she can take care of him (UTDP, K1-B0's Winter 1)
Has a "useless invention that can perfectly predict the next day's weather" which interests Yasuhiro, monetarily (UTDP, Yasuhiro's School Festival 3)
Also accuses Yasuhiro of being a peeping tom (Summer Camp, Miu & Yasuhiro)
Nicknames for Kaede: "Kaediot" [as in v3] and "Guy-a-day" (Summer Camp, Miu & Kaede) + others
Hates that Toko actually has friends but she doesn't (Summer Camp, Miu & Kaede)
Nicknames for Toko: "Slowko" and "Brokeko" (Summer Camp, Miu & Kaede) + others
Finds out she and Mikan have similar kinks [specifically, being written on], but Mikan creeps her out (Summer Camp, Miu & Mikan)
Is convinced Montaro is her son and gaslights Monomi/Usami into thinking the same (Summer Camp, Miu & Monomi) + (Summer Camp, Usami & Miu)
Offers to teach Jataro how to make her Eating Popcorn While Lying Down Machine, but he also creeps her out (Summer Camp, Miu & Jataro)
Nickname for Ryoma: "low rider" (Summer Camp, Ryoma & Miu & Monokuma)
Nickname for Mondo: "Hell on Wheels" (Summer Camp, Miu & Mondo & Hiroko)
Makes Mondo's motorcycle silent in the VR world, in return for him remodeling her lab when they leave (Summer Camp, Miu & Mondo & Hiroko)
Can't turn Monomi back into Usami without a detailed description (Summer Camp, Miu & Kazuichi & Monomi)
Doesn't know who made Monokuma, or why (Summer Camp, Miu & Kazuichi & Monomi)
Taka thinks Miu is lazy (Summer Camp, Potential of Talent 1)
Considers making an invention to let her work out while sleeping, to get to Sakura's level (Summer Camp, With Swimsuits)
Has a sleepover with Kaede to test some new While Sleeping inventions (Summer Camp, My Future)
Develops anti-crime tools with Kyoko's advice (Summer Camp, Kyoko's Potential of Talent 2)
Leon says Miu isn't his type; she uses a flamethrower on mosquitos. This is in the same scene and related, somehow (Summer Camp, Leon's Campfire 1)
Gave Chiaki a phone (Summer Camp, Chiaki's With Swimsuits)
Believes Shuichi to be a "card-carrying fap addict" (Summer Camp, Kaede's With Swimsuits)
Tries to make Kirumi do maintenance on the VR world in her stead, but Kirumi refuses (Summer Camp, Kirumi's With Swimsuits)
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starryoak · 10 months
One thing I really notice about Chihiro in discourse is just how, regardless of what side you are on the gender debate, absolutely incurious people are about their chosen stance. I know it was inevitable that the discourse would exist because of how radioactive canon is in its transphobia, but it’s just frustrating how little anyone engages with the implications of their stated position, regardless of what that position is.
People who say he’s cis are fine, I fundamentally understand just not wanting to unpack all that shit and taking what canon says at face value. The thing is, though, if you’re going to say he’s cis and portray him as such, you have to, y’know, actually grapple with that! Why is a cis boy who doesn’t want to be seen as unmanly or weak dressing as a girl? Is that even really cis, then? Like. There’s inherent gender fuckery to Chihiro’s entire premise that can’t be avoided.
Then you have the side I tend to agree with, who say Chihiro is trans, but honestly, I find the way most people portray her when depicting her as trans… incredibly boring. People just go “ah, ok, she’s trans. Therefore, she’s already happy as is.” and that’s it, they’re done. And in my opinion that just fundamentally misses the point of almost all of her characterization and what makes her potentially interesting!
The thing is, Chihiro is very clearly uncomfortable with how she presents herself; she’s upset she isn’t strong enough, she wants to be more manly, it’s unavoidable to her arc in game… yet, as said before, she is presenting to the world as female despite this! To me, grappling with that internalized hatred and fear of weakness without denying her gender is what makes her interesting as a character, and by ignoring that contradiction entirely, you’re throwing away most of her potential as a character!
Of course, I fundamentally get why people just want to write her as happy and trans, and I’m not objecting to that specifically, it’s more that I feel like there’s a certain level of… incuriosity in how people go about it? Like, instead of depicting Chihiro Fujisaki, a teenager in 2010’s Japan with complex feelings and relationships around how she is presenting to the world but who is happy nonetheless, people depict Chihiro Fujisaki, trans girl who’s up to date with (implicitly) American 2020’s online culture and has no conflict at all with her gender presentation and neither does anyone else.
You can see what I mean, right? It’s just frustrating to me, how it used to be that fans of Japanese media would make an effort, however weebish and uninformed, to actually try and portray Japanese culture in their works, and now it seems like people prefer to treat American online culture as universal and in some ways the only valid culture. It’s about respecting that the world outside America exists and is worth depicting, and the fact that I’ve seen fandom devolve from earnest and genuine, if slightly fetishistic depictions to “lmao what’s japan?”, like, I have genuinely seen fics that just had all the background OCs have English names for some fucking reason? It’s genuinely appalling, frankly. Yes, fanfiction is for fun and I can’t stop you from putting that little effort into your works, but have some goddamn self respect, for Christ’s sake. this is fundamentally just “old woman yells at cloud” except about fandom, feel free to ignore, lmao
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
And to think that Chihiro was the most controversial character. Then again that character probably still is because at the very least the Hiyoko drama is limited to one person. Chihiro involves multiple people.
//Someone came to me about this a while back, about how their friend hated Mondo for what happened in Chapter 2, and I feel bad I never responded to them. I'll do my best to try and explain it here, since we're on the subject:
//Much of the controversy with Chihiro really comes from a misunderstanding about his personal identity, which I don't blame Western audiences for not getting, since it's a Japanese thing.
//Yes, how it's presented does come off as uncomfortably transphobic, especially now in 2024. However, nothing in the narrative ever suggests that Chihiro is trans. I have gone through DR1 several times, and I can tell you that everything points to Chihiro himself identifying as male.
//While it would be easy to dismiss that as poor handling of a serious topic, the fact that DR never even references Chihiro's gender outside of judgements about him not being tough and manly, and explaining to Makoto at the end of Salmon Mode that he's actually a boy, all lend credence to the idea. He never says he wants to be a girl, never uses different pronouns, and distances himself from other girls while they're trapped, such as turning down Sakura's offer to have them workout together.
//It's also important to keep in mind that the DR1 cast are all based on different Japanese subcultures- Junko's a Gyaru, Mondo's a Bōsōzoku, Sayaka's an idol, Hifumi's an Otaku, etc.- and Chihiro is no different. He's a reference to Otokonoko, a male who engages in crossdressing and presenting as female.
//This actually has a long history in Japan, even as far back as onnagata, where male actors would portray female characters in kabuki theater. Crossdressing is not seen as culturally strange in Japan, hence why it's also very common in manga and anime.
//Furthermore, Japanese has more of a loose relationship with gendered words than English does, and there's always going to be translation gaffs when something is localized and given a more literal meaning. That's why a lot of games from Japan can have such awkward line delivery when removed from their cultural context.
//And most importantly, Chihiro's story isn't about transphobia, it's about unreasonable expectations about him being a man. He was bullied because he was very weak growing up, told that's not what a boy is supposed to be like, and so to escape that, he started crossdressing. It's a bit out there, but DR is no stranger to ridiculous plot points and this is at least a more grounded one.
//Meanwhile, Mondo was subject to the same but from the other end. He internalized the idea that a man has to be strong, which means burying all his feelings of sadness and guilt over his brother's death, which only festered over the years and probably fed into his rage issues.
//Mondo doesn't kill Chihiro for being a boy who dresses like a girl, but because Chihiro being willing to confront his own perceived weakness with the desire to change made him feel weak by comparison. That set off a moment of blind fury and, without even intending to, he killed Chihiro. Both of them were victims of toxic masculinity, which was and still is a pressing issue in Japan and the West as a whole.
//I'm not saying it was presented perfectly, but in that cultural context, it explains that a western localization doesn't properly convey and has thus given people the wrong impression.
//I can understand anyone who still wants to assign Chihiro a status as LGBTQ as part of their headcanons, and that's totally fine. I personally like shipping him with characters like Makoto and Kazuichi.
//The problem is, when we don't examine the cultural context that characters like this emerge from, it can give us the wrong impressions. Impressions that have lead many to read Mondo's actions and Spike Chunsoft's writing in this Chapter in bad faith, which does far more harm than good when dissecting its flaws.
//I hope this at least manages to clear some things up.
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The Hunt Begins.
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So wait...lemme get this straight. You’re saying you want us to go all the way to New York City? Now?
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Is that a bad idea?
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Well, it’s kinda awkward to just...up and leave, isn’t it? After everything the Freedom Foundation have done for us, can we really just ditch them at a moment’s notice?
*Makoto, Komaru, Toko, Kyoko, Byakuya and Hina sit outside the cafe and discuss the information they have currently.
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What does going to New York even achieve?
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I didn’t mention this to you guys, but it relates to a discovery Chihiro and Miaya made while investigating Uchui’s lab.
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Apparently, he had been in contact with the ERR0RM3SS4GE group, and we believe they may have lent him assistance against the Foundation.
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ERR0RM3SS4GE...An infamous group of underground hackers slash phantom thieves. Or so they say.
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What, we’re dealing with secret societies now!? How much more ridiculous is this situation gonna get?
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Still doesn’t explain why we’ve gotta up and go to New York so suddenly. 
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The reason is pretty simple. Alter Ego did a national scan of some of the group’s most recent calling cards and events.
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The agent Uchui was in contact with went by the name “404″ and apparently, there’s a graffiti sign that says his name in New York City. Plus, it seems to fit ERR0RM3SS4GES moniker.
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So you mean this 404 guy is in the states with us?
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I see...if there’s ever a chance to catch him, it’s now.
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We don’t know for sure whether or not ERR0RM3SS4GE are good or bad. Before we do anything like catching 404, we’ll need to validate whether or not he or she is an enemy or an ally.
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If they helped Uchui get into Zetsubou, then isn’t it pretty obvious that they’re bad?
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That kind of rash thinking with no evidence is exactly what Makoto is trying to avoid, Komaru.
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Thank you Byakuya. Apologies accepted Komaru.
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Stop it. Now is not the time for this.
???: No, it’s not.
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*Everyone turns to look in the direction of this new voice.
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Sorry to intrude, but would you all mind coming with me?
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Whitecloak, hey, it’s been a-
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Hey, where are you going?
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What’s the problem?
*Whitecloak floats down the trash alleyway to the side of Maya’s café. The group all follows her.
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Rgh...Pretty tight and cold down here...
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What’s the problem Whitecloak? Where have you been for the past few days?
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...You don’t need to call me that anymore.
*She suddenly lowers her hood.
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Akane is fine.
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What the hell is this!?
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Taira, what are you-?
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Trust me Kyoko. There is good reason for this.
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Hold on...Akane...as in Akane Taira? The Mastermind of the Kibougamine Gakuen Killing Game?
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The very same.
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Thanks for keeping it on the down lo for so long Kyoko.
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You knew, Kyoko?
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Yes...She revealed her identity to me not too long ago.
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I had begun to suspect that it might have been Mukuro under that hood, just as you did Makoto. However, I was wrong.
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...I see...
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Sorry for putting that thought into your head.
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I’m a detective. I investigate and interrogate. It’s what I do.
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Still, Akane had her own reasons for keeping her identity secret. Which is why I’m so confused that she’s unmasking herself in front of the rest of us now.
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Let’s just say that I wanted to do it before anyone else had the chance to. If possible, I’d like you all to keep my identity a secret from anyone else who shouldn’t know.
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“Before anyone else has the chance to?” What do you mean? How many people know that you’re alive?
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In fact, how ARE you alive!?
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Sorry, but that’s not something I can just tell you. I can answer your first question though.
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Before I presented myself to you just here and now, only 4 people knew of my current status...
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And 404...
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Agent 404 knows about about you?
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Chances are, all of ERR0RM3SS4GE does...
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The reason I’ve been absent is because shortly after the Emilia Feng situation ended, I tried looking into Organization Zetsubou’s other contacts here in the USA.
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On the way, I ran into Agent 404.
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Have you met him?
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Not in real life? I infiltrated a sort of...sci-fi get-together, to look for information.
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You went to a con!?
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Not that sort of sci-fi get-together. Just a bunch of computer whizzes who hang out in internet cafe’s.
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I found evidence of that group poking around in some of Zetsubou’s contacts over here...But when I dug deeper, 404 caught me.
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And what happened after that?
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He told me he knew everything about me. My history, how I came back to life, what I’m currently doing...He knew EVERYTHING that I tried to cover up. Every last piece of personal info.
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How can that be? Do you have that information on file?
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Not even on paper, much less anything digital. But anyway, he threatened to expose me to the Kisaragi Foundation if I tried to do anything else against him.
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I’m sorry, but I couldn’t take the risk.
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What the hell? This guy’s a real jerk, looking into a girls privacy like that!
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Wait...is he gonna do the same to us!?
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I was just thinking that. If he could get most personal info out of Taira, imagine what he could do with us?
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He could blackmail each and every one of us, and stop us from talking.
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He might even expose hidden controversies the Foundation might have covered up in the past...!
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Which is one of the main reasons why I’m showing you my face, and why I’m here now; To let you know that from this point on, I can’t help you guys. I can’t let 404 find out anything else about me...Unless of course he already knows the details.
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And the other is to warn you guys. ERR0RM3SS4GE are far more powerful than you think they are, and they’re planning something here.
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Be that as it may, we can’t leave this alone.
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Organization Zetsubou need to go. If these ERR0RM3SS4GE guys are in cahoots with them, we’ll need to take care of them first.
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And even if they’re allies on our side, we’ll still need to squeeze them for information on Uchui Kamukura.
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*Akane glares at Makoto.
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And what will you do if you find our 404 is evil? You gonna set Kuripa on him like you did with Emilia Feng?
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You know what? I just might...
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That a problem?
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Komaru! I said not now.
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Never mind...It’s none of my business what you do.
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Just...watch that boy, alright? He hasn’t been taking this well. Anything else happens that he might not like, I think he could snap.
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...You don’t know what you’re talking about. Kuripa’s not the insane maniac you think he is.
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Well, think of it how you will. This is where we say goodbye anyway.
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Thanks a lot.
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You’ve saved my life countless times. From Otonokoji and from Fang Inc. too.
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Sorry I mistook you for Mukuro, and...thank you for everything you’ve done up until now.
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N-No problem...
*Akane lifts her hood.
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Sorry I got your hopes up.
*Akane leaves the alleyway down the other side. Everyone else leaves the alleyway the other way.
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Are we sure it’s wise to just let her go? She has a lot to answer for.
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Do you even know what Taira’s role of Whitecloak is? She’s Yuki Maeda’s partner, and she goes around the world with him helping people in need.
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She’s saved our asses on countless occasions too, like Makoto said. She might have been bad at one point but...clearly she’s not the woman she was.
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I agree. Taira saved my brother and my daughter from getting caught by Fang Inc. I trust her.
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But it looks like for now, we’ll have to get by without her help. 
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Do we have a plan at this point?
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Yeah. Let’s tell the Freedom Foundation we’ll be heading out ASAP. We’ll grab all our things and begin the hunt.
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So...is that a wrap? Are we really heading to New York?
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[Meanwhile, Airport, London, Gatwick...]
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Are we really heading to New York!?
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We’re at the airport, aren’t we? 
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Kaede...Are you sure you’re ok?
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Huh? Why wouldn’t I be?
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Just a couple of days ago, we were arguing about me putting myself in danger while I’ve got nothing better to do.
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And now, here we are, flying to an unknown country to meet with this mysterious person, who hacked my phone and found our location, and approached us with a “deal”
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Does it not occur to you this might be a trap?
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Even if it is, we can’t just let this go. This could be the breakthrough we need to get back at Shirogane and Zetsubou. If this guy’s really willing to help us, we could save Maki and Himiko!
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Besides...didn’t you say that we needed to find a way to distract ourselves?
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This isn’t exactly what I meant...
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And by the way...are you sure it was a good idea not to tell anyone else where we’re going? If anything happens to us, they won’t know we even left.
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I trust all our friends. Really, I do.
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But you know something? I really DID think this could be a trap.
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And if it IS a trap...I don’t want to be the one who leads us into that trap.
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...That’s what happened during the Killing Game with the Death Road.
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This and that are different. Seriously, what’s gotten into you?
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I believe Kaede intends to protect everyone by snuffing out this threat before it can spiral out of control.
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404 is not to be trusted, but if he can provide the information needed for the Future Foundation to win over Zetsubou, it’s worth a go.
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Thanks Mii-Yu. See? She agrees with me.
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Well, I guess you have a point-
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*They suddenly both look in the back seat.
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Before he left for Japan, BeeZero left me a set of instructions.
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“Please look after Kaede while I’m gone, and help her with any task she may require in my stead.”
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That is my directive. Thereby, I will follow it.
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Oh boy...I think he meant with my training...Guess she misunderstood.
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I did?
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Well...we can’t just send her back, she’ll tell everyone what we’re doing!
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We’ve got no choice. Guess we’re taking her with us!
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How the hell are we even gonna get her through the metal detector...?
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Analysis of the murders in the first two Danganronpa games (from the perspective of a law school student) - part 2:
Most likely to be acquitted/given a reduced prison sentence:
Chiaki Nanami. Not only does she have the least serious charge (involuntary manslaughter), a really good defense attorney could push the narrative that Nagito Komaeda is more at fault. He’s the one who was pushing for Chiaki to kill him and created the circumstances that led to that result. This would make Chiaki look really good for the jury and would cast a negative light on the prosecution. Plus, Chiaki’s sweet and loving character would endear her to the jury, which is a another boost to her case.
So gamer girl stans, go ahead and rejoice since if Chiaki were to go on trial for Nagito’s death, she’d most likely be either acquitted or given a short sentence. 
Least likely to be acquitted/given a reduced prison sentence (also most likely to get the death penalty or multiple life sentences):
Junko Enoshima. This one’s a no-brainer; Junko intentionally killed her sister and organized the entire killing game. The first degree murder is enough to put her away but if I were the prosecutor, I’d throw in all of her other crimes as aggravating factors. False imprisonment, torture, kidnapping, duress, solicitation to commit murder, and so on.
Also, aside from the mountain of evidence and crimes stacked against her, Junko’s character would ruin her in the courtroom. She’s extremely rude, she loves abusing people and she has contempt for nearly everyone around her. I doubt she’d have a single juror on her side by the end of her case. The best defense attorney in the world wouldn’t be able to endear her to any jury or judge. 
Most likely to get the insanity defense:
Mikan Tsumiki. This one’s difficult to prove but I’d say Mikan has a shot at the insanity defense based on what we know of her mental state. She’s been abused her entire life, then had her worldview warped by Junko. So if I were her defense attorney, I’d raise serious questions regarding her state of mind.
It’s really going to come down to whether Mikan was aware that what she did was legally wrong or morally wrong. If she wasn’t aware, then she could get the defense. It’s a definite longshot but you could make the argument that because she was solely focused on appeasing Junko, she was behaving in a manner that indicated she wasn’t aware her actions were legally and morally wrong. 
Will that argument succeed? Eh...maybe? But compared to the other killers, I’d say Mikan has the only chance to succeed at getting this defense. 
Killer who would have the most difficult trial:
Mondo Owada. Oh boy, this is the only killer who I would say the defense and prosecution have their work cut out for them. It’s mainly because I could see arguments from both the defense and prosecution.
For the defense, they’re gonna have to go in hard on the PTSD/mental health defense. Mind you, it’s not the “insanity defense”. Mondo wouldn’t get that since he’s aware the killing is both legally and morally wrong. Instead, it’s using his trauma to put his actions into context. Yes, him striking Chihiro can be considered an unprovoked and inexcusable attack. However, the defense could argue that Chihiro unknowingly triggered Mondo, thus putting the strike into context. 
Also, a plus to arguing trauma; Mondo says that he blacked out from rage after he hit Chihiro. That could be read as a sign that Mondo’s trauma did factor into his actions. 
Now how would the defense argue this? They’re gonna have to put in the money and hire an expert psychiatrist/mental health expert to examine Mondo and testify to the court. They would then have to hope that the expert’s testimony is enough to sway the jury that Mondo was acting in the “heat of passion” and that his violent response to Chihiro accidentally triggering him was “objectively reasonable” in context to his trauma. If successful, this would lower Mondo’s charge from 2nd degree murder to voluntary manslaughter.
However, for the prosecution, they would absolutely rail against this. For one, they could argue that the trigger that started this is unreasonable. “Heat of passion” is more used to refer to incidents where it was obvious that the defendant was acting out in rage. For example, a parent killing a guy who was trying to kidnap their child. Still murder, but perfectly understandable. For Mondo, all the jury would be presented with is Chihiro opening up to Mondo, then Mondo freaking out and killing him in response. The prosecution would argue that the response was way out of proportion to what a reasonable person would do.
Also, the prosecution could go after Mondo’s character. Remember, he’s a biker gang leader. The prosecutor could easily argue that violent responses to his problems are normal for him considering that he’s a criminal. Then, there’s the trauma itself. Although the defense could prove that Mondo was suffering some sort of trauma, the prosecution could counter by pointing at the source to this. Mondo felt extreme guilt and stress...from accidentally getting his brother killed in an attempt to prove his manliness and that he could take over his brother’s spot as biker gang leader. Just saying, this would absolutely ruin Mondo in the eyes of the judge and jury. It makes him look unsympathetic since his guilt and stress came from him committing a blatant power grab from his brother.
And last note, even with all of this...the PTSD/mental health testimonies and evidence could be left out of the jury instructions in case the judge believes them to be irrelevant to the case. Not saying this would happen, I’m just saying it’s a possibility. 
All this said, this is why I feel Mondo’s case would be the most difficult. There are several ways the prosecution and defense can argue their case and it would really depend on the judge and jury. 
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hopeymchope · 3 years
I don't know how well you know Dungeons and Dragons (if at all), but if you can answer this, what races and classes would each character in THH pick for their characters in a given game?
Do I know anything about Dungeons & Dragons? ... Aside from the classic Alignment Chart, no. I don't know much of anything about it.
Or at least I didn’t know much about it. Because: Will I do a bunch of unnecessary research into the current version of D&D just so I can try to answer this question? YES OF COURSE.
So I dove into the various classes available and the various races that are playable (including current expansions), read the official descriptions for them all, verified which race/class combos were allowed, and finally came up with a list. Obviously, I don't have the depth of knowledge that a legit D&D player might have, but based on just the base descriptions available in the official materials, here's what I came up with.
Makoto Naegi – Human, Paladin. It makes sense that Naegi would go for the most commonly played race in the whole game. You might think he’d go for the most common type of class, too, but nah — his passionate sense of justice lures him towards being a Pally.
Kyoko Kirigiri – Half-Elf, Artificer. Artificers are the class that most values knowledge and intelligence, making them easy for Kiri to respect. And the Half-Elf is a being of two worlds who is said to be curious, inventive, and ambitious. Those traits are certainly present in Kiri.
Celestia Ludenberg – Elf, Rogue. We know Celes loves the physical appeal of thin, pale, otherworldly figures, and we also know that she’s hardcore into playing games of deceit. Ergo, this is perfect.
Aoi Asahina – Gnome, Ranger. I think the gnomes’ joyous embrace of life and all its pleasures would really grab the cheerful Hina. Plus she’d like how cute they are. Obviously, we’ve seen her bond with a fellow athlete quickly in RL, so for her class, I think she’d be drawn to a physical type — one better known for dexterity than raw strength. That brings it down to Monk or Ranger, and I think Ranger allows her to be less self-serious than the focused studies of a Monk.
Toko Fukawa – Tiefling, Bard. The bard is a primarily a storyteller, after all. It fits with her talent, and besides, it’s not like she’s inclined towards direct violence. The Tiefling is what fits with her personality. The constant abuse and suspicion that the Tieflings receive really reflect how Toko feels in her daily life.
Genocide(r) Jack/Syo – Half-Orc, Rogue. If Jack/Syo is in charge during the selection process, a Half-Orc who feels that inexorable pull towards her inner bloodlust is natural. I waffled on whether to go straightforward Fighter or Rogue, but I think the Rogue’s sneakier aspects and tendency towards smaller blades has to speak more to Jack/Syo.
Chihiro Fujisaki – Halfing, Fighter. A combination of what Fujisaki would clearly relate to (the small, peace-loving halfing) and what Fujisaki most wants to be (strong in both body and mind) resulted in this unlikely pairing. I think the evident dichotomy between class and race also hspeaks to 
Sakura Ogami – Leonin, Monk. As the Ultimate Martial Artist who is constantly training to be the best, she’d see herself reflected the Monk that constantly strives for physical and spiritual perfection. But what wins out when she picks a race – her noble warrior side or her girly side that loves cute things? I found myself waffling between the noble, physically imposing Leonin and the adorable Gnome. But ultimately, her combatant side has to win out, because she’s prone to hiding her girlier side.
Mondo Owada – Dragonborn, Barbarian. Dragonborn are loyal to their clan above all else, which is something Mondo can get into. Barbarians value strength, obviously, but they also have the ability to explode into a powerful rage. Mondo might not even be aware of why that speaks to him…
Kiyotaka Ishimaru – Dragonborn, Wizard. I think Taka would feel lost and perplexed when faced with a choice of what race to take, so when Mondo takes “Dragonborn” because he thinks it’s rad, Taka is just inclined to stick close to his bro. Then he chooses Wizard because it’s said to be the most scholarly of the various classes, and he wants to make sure he’s taking his studies seriously in every possible version of his life.
Mukuro Ikusaba – Leonin, Fighter. Leonin are mostly concerned with their own race and are nomadic. They’re a proud race of warriors and tend to keep to themselves. Mukuro has lived a similarity nomadic life, and the one person she usually lets close is her sister. Besides, mythical beasts like a Leonin sort of fit with the iconography of Fenrir. And then the Fighter class is… just obvious.
Junko Enoshima – Elf (Drow), Warlock. I think it’s extremely Junko to choose the most beautiful and noble of races and then pick the most chaotic/psychotic possible sub-race within it. The Drow are a group of subterranean elves who murder and enslave however they see fit, typically killing entire families if even one member stands in their way. Perhaps she’d try to disguise herself as a Wood Elf for most of the game, only to reveal her true nature once they’re deep into play. Furthermore, I can see her choosing a Warlock that has sold their soul to a demon or a dark god in exchange for power because of how incredibly despairing that sounds.
Hifumi Yamada – Dwarf, Bard. Given his own stature AND how much pride Hifumi takes in his “craft,” I think he’d identify with the skilled craftspeople who are stout in build. Hey, he already has shown a preference for characters with a similar build to his own body if you take his love for Princess Piggles into account. I doubt Toko would appreciate him sharing a class with her, but he’s even more overtly proud of being a storyteller than she is, so it’s a natural choice.
Leon Kuwata – Human, Ranger. With an eye for speed and precision, I picture Leon being drawn to the Ranger class. I also see him finding most of the fantasy races too weird/goofy and preferring to go Human, which actually fits nicely given that Humans in D&D are known for their ambition. Leon is definitely big on that.
Byakuya Togami – Refuses to play because it seems so foolish and frivolous, of course. But if he somehow is sweet-talked into it: Elf, Sorcerer. The Elf is a being of otherworldly grace with a larger perspective on world events that other races can’t gasp. The Sorcerer is a character with a magical birthright thanks to their powerful bloodline. Everything about this speaks to how he sees himself.
Yasuhiro Hagakure – Satyr, Druid. Satyrs are gregarious and just want to enjoy life’s pleasures, which sure sounds like our boy. But a Satyr Druid? The way I see it, Hiro will be put off by the typical magic-wielding classes, which’ll mostly make him think of his hatred of the occult. But the Druid derives all his power from nature, so Hiro will somehow figure that’s totally ok in the same way that his own weird powers somehow aren’t occult to him.
Sayaka Maizono — Half-Elf, Bard. OH CRAP I ALMOST FORGOT SAYAKA. I think the push and pull of the two worlds that Half-Elves feel, which often leave them feeling like they belong to neither one, is something that Sayaka would find understandable given the pull of her industry vs her desire to live a more “normal” life. And the Bard thing isn’t just because it’s typically a musical role — it’s also because of Maizono’s desire to be someone’s sidekick/supporting role and step out of the spotlight. 
..........and there it all is! Sorry that this took so long to reply to, but as you can see, I’m a wordy bitch. I wound up with quite the variety across the cast, actually. I used almost every class and almost every race (no Clerics and no pure Orcs, but that’s all that got ignored). 
Now, the typical D&D party is recommended to consist of 4-5 players, so this is obviously waaaaaay too many characters for a single session to contain. But if I were to pick the 4 or 5 people I think would most easily get drawn into a single D&D game? I’d think it’d be Hifumi, Makoto, Celestia, Chihiro, and Hiro.
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the-peak-of-despair · 4 years
Chihiro x Reader - Reader reacts to Chihiro’s death
anon said:  I hear you're good at angst 👀 could I please get a Chihiro x fem reader where the reader is there with Makoto and Byakuya when they discover Chihiro's body and then the events of the trial, in which the reader has to be held back by her classmates when it's revealed what Byakuya did and that he did it for his own entertainment? (like honestly, what the fuck Byakuya??) Sorry if this is too long 😅
Nonnie you hit the right blog because the second I started writing this I did not stop and I think I went legitmately feral on this one. I might be a bit off with the request because I’ll be real I think I got possessed by Edgar Allen Poe during this but I do hope you enjoyed! Get your tissues and say a prayer for the poor souls in the danganronpa-x-reader discord server who got to see snippets of what I was writing before I posted -Mod Akane : )
“Come on, let’s check in the girls locker room first.” Byakuya commands (Y/N) and Makoto, both of them muttering something about why we had to specifically check the girls locker room… (Y/N) notes how the door seems to already be swinging open, but the thought is quickly put away as she follows along into the locker room.
Everything fell in an instant.
Everything fell apart. 
“GAAAAAAH!” Makoto basically screamed at the top of his lungs, falling backwards and nearly knocking into (Y/N) as he fell to the ground. When she avoided him and saw what she saw…
“CHIHIRO!” (Y/N) screamed, nearly damaging everyone in the vicinity’s eardrums. The horror set in as tears welled up in her eyes, pouring over and blurring everything from her vision to her very mindset. Chihiro.. Chihiro, her lover, her best friend.. He… he was dead? Someone.. someone killed Chihiro? 
Ding - dong! 
“A body has been discovered!” Monokuma calls, way too cheerily over the monitor, sparking a rage within (Y/N). Chihiro was dead, and this- this son of a bitch saw it as free entertainment. “Everyone, please gather in the girls locker room!”
The monitor flickered off.
(Y/N) stood in shock, right between Byakuya and Makoto. It was only a second of hesitation before she darted towards him.
Byakuya snagged her by the sleeve. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” He asks, impatient.
“It doesn’t matter who or what happened.” Byakuya grimaces. “This is a crime scene. You cannot alter the evidence. Unless you would like to be seen as the blackened, I suggest you restrain yourself from touching the scene.”
Byakuya let go of (Y/N)’s sleeve, his iron grip nearly having torn it. “So? Do you still want to get her down?”
(Y/N) grimaced at him, before choosing to look away. “Asshole..!” Tears filled their eyes once again. 
(Y/N) spent the entire investigation crying into Sakura’s chest and being held back from the crime scene, clearly too much of a fury of emotions to be able to do anything. How couldn’t she be? Her best friend, her lover, ripped away from her by some selfish fucking asshole who didn’t want their secret exposed.
She didn’t seem present for the first half of the trial.
Everyone noticed.
Within minutes, maybe even an hour she looked so much worse for wear. Eyes that were dead and longing and barely having moved or spoken almost the entire trial. When questioned about Chihiro’s gender, (Y/N) just nodded. 
Of course she had known. That’s what most of her classmates thought.
There’s this thing about death. You become so close to someone, you pour your heart into them and they do the same. They’re there for you almost everyday. And then one day, sudden or not.. They’re just taken away.
Of course, it’s inevitable.
But nothing on this Earth could prepare someone for that feeling. That feeling of loss, that feeling of calling someone’s name just out of habit just to end up crying on the floor because it comes crashing down all over again that they’re gone and you’d never see them again. It was a horrible, soul crushing despair that seeped into every neuron and part of your brain and would take forever to let go. It’s a feeling that breaks you down and holds you there.
Of course, (Y/N) was aware of everything happening the entire trial. It was like taking off your glasses or unfocusing a camera. Everything’s still there and if you focus really hard you might be able to see what happens. But the crushing weight of coping with that, the fact that she’d never see Chihiro again, the fact that she’d never kiss him again, never get to hug him, or cry into his shoulder, the fact that one day she had seen him for the very last time and she had never known.
Hindsight is always 20/20.
It didn’t feel like the glasses were put back on, like everything came into focus again, until Byakuya had spoken. 
“I tampered with the crime scene, yes, but I am not the culprit.” He states, plain and simple. Not a sign of emotion in his speech or his eyes.
And something about that broke (Y/N). 
She slammed her hands on her podium, the noise echoing through the trial room it had been so hard, snapping all surviving eyes on her. “What the fuck is wrong with you!?” (Y/N) screams.
“...Elaborate.” Byakuya states simply. It wasn’t a request, or out of confusion, it was a fucking demand. 
(Y/N) took a heavy breath. “You are so fucking intolerable! YOU ARE A SOCIOPATH! CHIHIRO IS FUCKING DEAD, AND THIS IS WHAT YOU’VE DONE!?” She begins to scream, and the two on either side of her- Asahina and Sakura- look at her with concern. “I DON'T CARE IF YOU KILLED HIM OR NOT, WHO ARE YOU TO DO SUCH.. SUCH A HORRID THING?!” (Y/N) screams, her throat scratching and voice cracking all as her eyes began to swell with hot tears, making everything blur just a bit more. 
“Your senseless screaming has no affect on me.” Byakuya states simply. “I don’t care to listen to someone too clouded by her pitiful emotions to think straight.” 
“It is a game.” Byakuya shoots back, irritated now. “Your senseless screaming gets us nowhere. If you can’t keep your emotions together, then you will be the next to go. If you crack under the pressure, that is not my problem. I intend to win.”  “YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING SCUMBAG!” (Y/N) screams, and it’s clear she’s ready to hop over the podium and choke the very life out of Byakuya’s eyes. To just.. rip away all signs and life of humanity, to do everything he fucking deserved to have done to him. 
What kind of human could be so corrupted to play with a corpse like a fucking barbie doll? What kind of person could be broken, so fucking demented to enjoy watching people, living breathing people who they knew personally who had families and friends and lovers.. What kind of asshole would enjoy watching them die, enjoy the flurry of emotions and pain that comes with it, enjoy the loss, the despair, the grief, the emotional fucking storm that rips your heart in two until it can’t fucking beat anymore? 
“(Y/N), you must calm yourself.” Sakura sets a hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder. 
“HE TOOK AWAY MY ONLY FRIEND!” (Y/N) screams, snapping away at the touch. “I DON’T CARE WHO THE KILLER IS, HE’S THE REAL MONSTER!” She steps back, like she’s about to hop the podium, but Asahina grabs her from behind, hooking her arms under (Y/N)’s to hold her tight.
“(Y/N), you’ve gotta calm down! We’re not gonna ever find the blackened like this!” Asahina shouts, struggling against (Y/N)’s rapid fighting as she begins to break down all over again.
“I DON'T CARE!” She screams, trying anything to fight against Asahina. “I-I’d rather be dead than al-alone..!” She begins sobbing, before finally losing all the fight in her, slumping over in Asahina’s grip. “I-I want Chihiro back…!” She sobs, the tears flooding her vision and pouring out, gasping for air as if Chihiro’s death itself took away her ability to breathe, her executive ability to function. 
(Y/N) finally stops screaming and fighting. Nothing stops her sobbing though, her relentless crying as she falls to the floor like a pile of rags when Asahina finally lets her go as the trial continues. Even through Byakuya’s mockery, nothing can get her back up off the floor. 
Chihiro was gone. 
It’s so hard. To cope with a loss in such a short time. In a place like this- this fucking nightmare- there was no time to mourn. It was loss after loss with no breaks in between. An academy of nothing but death and despair and pain, where when you lost someone it was game fucking over and you’d never get them back.
(Y/N) didn’t even know if she voted. She didn’t even know if she really saw the execution, or if she saw the blackened, or if she heard what snippy bullshit Monokuma had to say. She only really knew that Chihiro was gone, and that was all that mattered.
She didn’t remember how she got back to her dorm. Her legs certainly wouldn’t hold her up well enough to carry her all the way there. All she remembered was crying, crying like she’d never felt pain before, clinging to pillows that still just barely clung to the scent of Chihiro, like vanilla and coffee, pillows still left with the imprint of when Chihiro would sleep in (Y/N)’s bed. 
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exclamaquest · 4 years
I have some more... you guessed it! Questions.
1. Who’s controlling monokuma? (Pretty straightforward idk)
2. Does kyoko have a “final stand” like Sakura did in-game? I know she doesn’t kill herself, but does she still end up rebelling against makoto? She has more direct contact with the mastermind, so I feel likes it’s different from Sakura.
2.5. Kinda relates to the last one, but does kyoko like agree with what makoto is doing? Is she willingly being a traitor, or is she being forced for some reason (you mentioned her being his ex?? Is it a guilt thing?) Does she even have a need for a final stand like the previous question states, or is it more like what happens to mukuro in game. Betrayed by the master mind.
3. Does the sauna scene happen? (With ishimondo) or, what is it that causes them to grow so close. If it isn’t a specific event, is it just the communal coping with trauma that did it?
4. So while I was writing number three for the last one, “Echo” by Crusher-P came on and it reminded me of Mondo. Specifically the beginning (first chorus really). “What the hell’s going on? Can someone help me please? Why I’m switching faster than the channels on tv. I’m black and I’m white, No something isn’t right.” Etc etc. I don’t wanna write the rest of the words. I feel like I’m literally hallucinating his back story and confusing it with another?? I feel like Im thinking of chihiro?? I think I asked if this (or another crusher p song) was a chihiro song?? I’m sorry I’m rambling on this question. Anyways, give me a mondo song... and maybe a refresher on his back story, really need it
Anyways my memory is shit and I need to get my brain straight (*lesbian intensifies* haha) . I’m gonna go re-read the outline you made. Bye
-Dumb As Shit Anon™️ who can’t fuck8ng think rn
1) Makoto dkjfKSJF
HOWEVER Monokuma is mainly an AI in this! Since Makoto is present in every trial he needs to be
2) Yes! It's part of the reason that she is killed. She decides after the first trial that she can't take this anymore, seeing her friends die, and that she'll do anything to get Makoto to stop. He realizes he was about to take her up on that, so she has to go.
2.5) Kind of? She does at first, that he needs to bring his sister to justice--hell, she helped him plan it, thinking that it was all a hypothetical. Then he recruited her, using cherry-picked memories to convince her to join him. It's high-key a betrayal too, though, like...
She's bargaining with Makoto, and she wants so badly for him to just let her and her friends go, and he's like fine. if you stand here. then he kills her in whatever way, and sets up the locked room to frame Mondo with.
3) For Ishimondo it's general trauma, Chisaya has the equivalent! it's that they can't seem to agree, and challenge each other to a sparring match, roping Junko in to referee. They fight in the gym, and Junko dips because she gets bored. They come into breakfast the next morning and Chihiro has a broken finger and bruises on her face and Sayaka has a gash down her arm and another scratch on her cheek and they're best friends (and also kiss) fJSDKFSKS
4) JUST LISTENED TO IT AND YOU'RE RIGHT!!! also a BIG mondo song in this is I'm So Sorry by Imagine Dragons. Literally all the lyrics fit him SO WELL...
A refresher on his backstory: He's from a middle-class family and, due to anger issues, hit his brother hard enough to put Daiya in a coma when he was around 13. After that, he was sent to juvenile detention, where he found techniques for calming down etc and quickly became known for his knowledge of ethics and philosophy, eventually earning him the title of ultimate moral compass. When he was released, he was invited to attend Hope's Peak Academy.
also TY for sending in questions these are so fun to answer & i'm so sorry for this taking so long GBDBGD
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commentaryvorg · 5 years
Danganronpa V3 Commentary: Part 6.9
Be aware that this is not a blind playthrough! This will contain spoilers for the entire game, regardless of the part of the game I’m commenting on. A major focus of this commentary is to talk about all of the hints and foreshadowing of events that are going to happen and facts that are going to be revealed in the future of the story. It is emphatically not intended for someone experiencing the game for their first time.
Last time as we got even deeper into the fiction reveals of trial 6, I tried probably too hard to justify the auditionees’ nonsensical ideas of how any of this even works, those assholes were nonetheless not the same people as our friends in here in any meaningful way, Tsumugi’s claim that she scripted Maki’s feelings for Kaito was total bullshit but still hit Maki right in the issues about being her own person, her similarly bullshit claim that Kaede and Kaito were never real hit Shuichi right in his own dependency issues, the audience completely stopped being even remotely believable human beings in their reactions to this, and Shuichi broke down and needs to reboot.
While we’re waiting for that to happen, we’ll have to make do with Keebo.
Keebo:  “Is this the end? Please tell me. I’m asking you.”
I suppose we’re meant to believe that the Bad End message is something that Keebo sees? Which seems kind of odd. Or maybe it’s just something that the in-universe audience were shown through Keebo’s eyes.
But it also kind of reads as more of an out-universe thing, since we the players are the only ones playing this as an actual game that could potentially have bad endings. This kind of gives this the effect that Keebo is also speaking to us, the out-universe audience, and that we’ve been his inner voice this whole time. Which doesn’t actually make sense – if we’ve been anyone’s inner voice it’s been Shuichi’s, but that’s obviously not really an in-universe thing.
This is probably for the sake of trying to fool us into feeling like the in-universe audience is a force for good, just like Keebo is going to still naively believe for a while. Not sure how convincing that is after a proportion of the audience last time had absolutely zero empathy with Shuichi’s despair, though.
Keebo:  “Whenever I was in trouble, my inner voice would always guide me. That guidance is what brought me here. I don’t believe that’s a mistake.”
His inner voice’s guidance has done fuck all to bring him here. He’s here because he was lucky enough that nobody happened to try to murder him, and sensible enough not to kill anyone himself. I would like to give Keebo enough credit to think that he didn’t need his inner voice to talk him out of murder (…well, at least until this chapter, apparently). All the voice has done is make his actions a bit more proactive and optimistic, but that has meaningfully affected basically nothing of note that’s happened here.
Save this situation?
-      No
Remedy this situation?
-      Yes
It is perhaps a little confusing that you’re meant to say no to the first prompt, because one might have already realised that it’s not necessarily a literal save-the-game prompt and is instead talking about saving Keebo’s friends. This probably works better in Japanese, in which the first word is the English loanword “save”, which I don’t think has any meanings other than the save-the-game meaning, and then it changes to an actual Japanese word for save/rescue/ etc.
Keebo:  “My inner voice is telling me I need to… remedy this situation.”
Apparently this is very much not the same part of the audience that was just mindlessly and sadistically laughing about Shuichi’s despair last time. Since Keebo’s inner voice is an audience survey, it must be a majority that wants this instead, which means we have to assume that those comments we saw before were deliberately cherry-picked to be all the despair-loving ones.
At least this does a decent job of actually making the in-universe audience feel like the good guys, then, since they don’t want Shuichi and friends to be in despair. It makes them seem that way for now, at least.
Oh hey, here’s the music from Danganronpa 1 that was essentially Makoto’s “objection” theme. Of course that’s showing up in this game now. Keebo is basically supposed to be playing Makoto’s role, after all. (Emphasis on supposed.)
Keebo:  “We can’t give up. No matter what, hope is always within reach. We must keep our heads high and search for hope, even in the deepest despair.”
Aaaaaand it’s meaningless buzzword time! You can’t search for hope itself. The act of searching is hope, but only if you’re searching for something that will meaningfully, tangibly make your situation better!
Shuichi:  “Hope…?”
I wonder if Shuichi’s realising that what Keebo’s saying doesn’t mean anything and is wondering why he’s throwing this word around so eagerly for no reason. Nothing is going to give Shuichi hope without actually addressing the reason he’s in despair, encouraging him to believe that he’s not all just fictional and his friends weren’t just empty lies. Without that, Keebo is just spouting meaningless platitudes that won’t solve a thing.
Keebo:  “…You said so yourself – this killing game is the Ultimate Real Fiction. If this is both real and fiction, then logically it can’t all be fiction.”
This is an actually useful argument he’s making, at least. But he really shouldn’t need to use logical deduction from Tsumugi’s words to realise that obviously they’re still real in the sense that they exist and have physical bodies and will really die – and therefore that all of that applied to their friends who died, too.
Tsumugi:  “Oh, your inner voice? That’s the voice of the outside world.”
It should be a huge risk for her to be telling him this. Logically this should immediately lead to Keebo refusing to listen to anything his inner voice is saying to him. He won’t for a long while, though, because he’s apparently kind of an idiot. Or just very, very brainwashed. Or a bit of both.
Tsumugi:  “I know cuz I wrote your plotline, too.”
That’s not a “plotline”, that’s just a neat audience-participation feature. The actual plotline that Keebo would follow based on that is entirely up to the audience.
Tsumugi:  “You’re the audience surrogate.”
This might partly explain why Keebo’s character has always been rather vaguely defined and they never did much with all the interesting potential of him being a robot who’s trying his hardest to learn to be human: because he’s supposed to be a blank-slate self-insert for the in-universe audience to see themselves as. They’re obviously not going to be able to relate his thing of being a robot. Makoto and Hajime were both pretty ordinary guys without anything too overly distinctive about them because they were basically audience surrogates, too.
(And Kaede and Shuichi have far more distinct personalities and characters because they’re not audience surrogates like the previous two games’ protagonists were.)
“Hifumi”:  “That function exists to keep the audience entertained.”
Yes, because clearly they’d all have been super bored by this whole killing game if they hadn’t been giving Keebo meaningless nudges to be a little more optimistic from time to time. Nothing else about this game has been remotely entertaining without him, right!?
The hints earlier that Danganronpa might have been getting stale and on its last legs by now do support the idea that this is something they did to try and keep people interested, but Tsumugi is still giving herself way too much credit here.
“Chihiro”:  “It’s two-way communication that lets you participate in the program from home.”
Oh, boy, is this the line that’s supposed to justify how Shuichi will ultimately change the outside world by yelling at them a bunch – because he does it through Keebo’s nebulous “communication” feature? Yeah, because that’s totally so different from them simply listening to him because they’re watching this trial.
Tsumugi:  “The outside world has been watching from your eyes the whole time! It lets them feel like they’re really a part of the Danganronpa world!”
This cannot be the whole truth. For one thing, if they’ve only ever seen through Keebo’s eyes, then outside of trials, the audience must have been really, really bored? All of the interesting character interactions – all of the watching Shuichi grow and develop which was in-universely meant to be one of the main plotlines of this story – happened nowhere near Keebo. The audience should have been poking Keebo to hang out with more people, maybe get closer to Shuichi, so that they could actually see any of that.
(Although the fact that Keebo apparently spent more of his time with Miu than anyone else is… unfortunately probably quite an accurate representation of what an audience would do. I have seen way too many LPers of this game hang out with Miu for reasons that completely elude me because why would anyone ever want more of her than necessary unless they’re shallowly taken in by the fanservice. I feel very bad for the sensible minority watching through Keebo’s eyes who were fed up with her but didn’t have enough of a majority vote to do anything about it.)
But that collage of illustrations we had a while ago that Tsumugi presented as part of “Danganronpa V3” rather proves that Keebo’s camera is not the audience’s only viewing option. Why would they want to limit the viewers to just that when they have Nanokumas everywhere and could be giving them the choice to follow whichever character they want? And since the Nanokumas are so invisible and mobile that they can get any angle, watching via them would also make one feel as though they’re really in the Danganronpa world anyway, even if it’s not literally through a character’s eyes.
Tsumugi:  “That’s why I’m so glad you survived all the way through!”
What the hell were you planning to do if he didn’t? Did you not even have any kind of failsafe in place to try and make sure nobody happened to murder him?
“Junko”:  “If the audience surrogate falls into despair, then the audience does, too. By making you fall into despair, I can make the entire world fall into despair!”
That’s, uh, not how audience surrogates work. The audience only feels the same thing their surrogate characters feel through the power of empathy and imagination, but that’s not the same thing as actually being in despair when their character is. If anything, seeing Keebo fall into despair should just make the audience cheer more for him to not give up and keep having hope. You know, just like they should also be cheering for Shuichi and his friends to not despair right now, if they were a halfway reasonable and decent audience.
“Junko”:  “My despair will turn from fiction to fact and destroy reality itself.”
However, Tsumugi most likely knows that this doesn’t make sense and is really just saying this to try and pander to the audience and make them feel like this matters. While it’s kind of half her fault for practically telling them herself, the characters in this story have completely messed up her script by figuring out how fictional this all is. But hey! Never mind them (who cares about them anyway they’re not real, right), this is totally all about you guys in the audience! She’s trying to make everyone ignore the fact that her story has gone completely off the rails and is no longer remotely about what it’s supposed to be about by enticing them with the idea that it’s now the audience’s story. You’re the ones in danger now! You’re the ones who get to fight and defeat Junko! Isn’t that just so fun, you guys???
Which, A, doesn’t even make any sense in the first place and, B, is horrendously bad storytelling to suddenly abandon the characters this story was supposed to be about like they’re irrelevant. But it’s going to work on this audience, because apparently they never really gave a fuck about any of this story’s characters in the first place, even though that’s the exact opposite of how an audience should act!
Maki:  “Is that why… you want the world to fall into despair?”
Maki Roll, don’t fall for it! That’s not what she’s trying to do and she doesn’t care about any of that! Maki has always been the most subsceptible to manipulation, and it seems like that one Flashback Light that brainwashed them into thinking that “despair” is always bad and that they are symbols of “hope” who must always defeat despair is still affecting her in ways she doesn’t realise are manipulation.
Himiko:  “Th-That’s… messed up!”
Himiko also briefly comments on this here like she might be buying this. Shuichi does not. He’s just staying quiet and watching.
“Nekomaru”:  “The outside world wants to see horrible setups and payoffs!”
That should be the case, because those are the kind of things that make a good story. But suddenly yelling about despair taking over the world in a way that makes no sense and is unconnected to any of the setup we’ve had this whole time? Not a payoff for anything. Should not be something the audience wants. They should want actual payoff for the characters they’ve been watching all this time.
“Nagito”:  “What could be more horrible than a fictional despair eroding the real world?”
“Junko”:  “No one could’ve imagined an end this hopeless.”
Yes, look, you guys, this is totally a super awesome plotline she’s come up with and it’s one that lets all of you be the heroes! please keep watching don’t change the channel just because things have gone off-script help
Keebo:  “…No. I won’t give in to despair!”
Tsumugi:  “Huuuh?”
Tsumugi has a gleeful “oh, I’m so surprised!” face here. She is making it quite obvious that Keebo’s reaction is exactly what she was going for. Keebo, no.
Keebo:  “If that’s the voice of the outside world, then the outside world actually wants hope!”
At this point, now that Tsumugi’s veered things around to totally be about the audience’s despair because who even cares about these people who aren’t real, is Keebo even talking about “hope” for Shuichi and the others? Or is this just “hope” for the audience to protect them from the evil despair that’s totally going to be inflicted on them? Almost certainly the latter.
K1-B0 – Ultimate Hope Robot
This is so clearly trying to rip off the ending of DR1. Which the audience is going to lap up because they’re raging genwunners. But this doesn’t work anything like that, because that hope was used to inspire the rest of the characters that the story was actually about. This is very emphatically not going to be that.
“Junko”:  “What is this?”
Keebo:  “This is the power of hope!”
It’s really not. It’s one guy who doesn’t have a clue what’s really going on yelling a bunch of meaningless words.
“Makoto”:  “The final battle between hope and despair!”
It was never a fucking battle! But no, of course it was, that’s definitely always been what those two words are about.
“Nagito”:  “The class trial is in disarray because Monokuma broke a rule…”
Himiko:  “You’re the one who broke the rule…”
Hah, I like that someone calls her out on that. Tsumugi’s still running away from all responsibility, because of course she is.
(“Smiling, putting on a mask, never saying what you really think. That kind of cowardice is just like Monokuma!” Kaito was really talking about the mastermind hiding behind Monokuma rather than Monokuma himself when he said that – and now she’s putting on even more literal masks than ever before.)
“Sayaka”:  “How about we start over and have a special vote?”
Keebo:  “…A special vote? But you’re the one who broke the rules in the first place—”
Keebo is quite right to point out that Tsumugi does not have the right to do any kind of life-or-death vote now that she’s broken the rules and messed everything up. Tsumugi, of course, completely brushes off his protest and does it anyway… and the audience lets her.
Trial 5’s whole premise of “Monokuma can’t do what he likes once he’s provably broken the rules” only works because the audience was supposed to agree that it’s unfair and cry foul, but… it turns out the audience is actually a bunch of mindless idiots who are totally okay with a meaningless vote and meaningless deaths to get them their hope fix. So… Kaito’s attempted best-case outcome in trial 5, which he was going for in the hope of saving his friends’ lives and ending the killing game, would actually have saved no-one and ended nothing anyway??? And what Kaito did achieve – letting Shuichi know that Monokuma can’t get things wrong because of the audience, which is why Shuichi went into this trial to prove Kaede spotless in another attempt to end the killing game – is also meaningless? Kaito faked his death and lied to his friends for a whole trial for nothing?
Out-universe writers, no. Why would you ever think this is okay? How can you just completely undermine the best case of the game like this?
(They’re also clearly not trying to go for a deliberate gut-punch of making Kaito’s efforts pointless, because the narrative isn’t acknowledging this at all. Apparently the in-universe writers are not the only ones who have no idea what they’re doing here.)
“Kazuichi”:  “Let’s just do one last vote!”
Monokuma:  “Cuz that’s what Danganronpa’s all about!”
The fact that DR1 and DR2’s stories happened to work fairly well with a final vote does not mean that it should be taken as a necessary part of a Danganronpa storyline to the point of shoehorning one in even when it doesn’t work.
The final vote in DR2 worked because that wasn’t decided on by Junko and was just a result of the way the world had been programmed. And the final vote in DR1 may have been also forced through by Junko when she didn’t really have the right to do so any more – but she was never entertaining her audience, she was forcing them to watch in order to make a point. Her vote continued that theme, because it was essentially Junko making Makoto stake his life on the belief that his friends would agree with his philosophy of hope (in her attempt to prove that they wouldn’t). Only Makoto’s life was on the line in it, and it was for a reason that was relevant to what had been happening and what he’d been advocating, so it didn’t feel especially unfair, at least not more so than you’d expect Junko to be given she wanted lives to be at stake for everything.
The vote we’re about to be forced into here is almost nothing like that. Oh boy.
Tsumugi:  “Between Keebo and I… Which of us should get punished?”
If that was all, that’d be fairly analogous to the DR1 final vote, and fairly acceptable. Keebo and Tsumugi are (supposedly) having a clash of philosophies, so this would just be them staking their lives on that. If it was only their lives on the line.
Himiko:  “To end in hope…?”
Maki:  “To end in despair…?”
Shuichi:  “We decide…?”
Yeah, why should these three get to decide? I thought this story was suddenly all about the audience now, not them! They’re not even real people, right? Why should they get to determine which out of hope or despair the audience wants to see?
But the vote they’re about to have doesn’t have anything to do with this whole deal of “bringing despair to the outside world” or about which one the audience prefers. Because Tsumugi doesn’t have a goddamn clue what she’s doing with any of this nonsense and might as well have not even done that whole bit in the first place. I hope this is out-universely deliberate at least, but at this point my faith in the out-universe writers is slipping.
Tsumugi explains that the “Despair wins” choice will result in everyone except Keebo continuing to live in the school, technically continuing the killing game but presumably never actually killing each other any more now that they know all the motives will be lies.
Keebo:  “No! That’s no way to live! Imprisoned in this school, living lives of despair—”
How exactly would that be a life of “despair”, Keebo? They’d be stuck there, sure, but at least the three of them would be alive, and they’re friends (minus Tsumugi, who would hopefully fuck off and leave them alone), so they should be able to find some semblance of happiness in it. You’re only saying it’d be “despair” because Tsumugi has arbitrarily slapped that label on it and therefore it must be nothing but bad, because “hope” is always good and “despair” is always evil, right?
“Toko”:  “E-Even if you went outside, there’d be n-no point.”
“Byakuya”:  “As I said, all your memories are nothing but fiction.”
“Imposter Byakuya”:  “Your hometowns, your families, your friends… they never existed in the first place.”
Wow, Tsumugi, you sure are making the option where they get to escape look more despairing than the one where they stay inside here and never have to face any of that stuff.
…Which actually is kind of analogous to the first game in that they’d be going out into a hostile world where they’re going to struggle to find their feet, and they’ll have to hope that they’ll be okay in that world despite everything. If the narrative was going to present it that way and have Keebo encourage them to still try and live in that world even if it’s scary because it’s better than being boringly trapped in here forever, this’d be acceptably similar to DR1. But nope, that’s not remotely what we’re going to be doing here.
Himiko:  “Th-Then at least put us back how we were!”
No, Himiko! Admittedly we didn’t see Himiko’s audition so she didn’t see what she “used to be” like, but the auditions they did see should make it very clear to all of them that the people they “used to be” weren’t them. None of you want to go back to being those people, guys; you should be able to see that! The people that you are now would stop existing if you did that! For all intents and purposes, you’d die!
Tsumugi explains that that’s impossible because Flashback Lights don’t actually retrieve lost memories and can only overwrite existing memories with fake ones. But it being impossible should not be the point anyway. None of them should even want this in the first place.
Shuichi:  “So… we can’t go back to the way we were?”
Shuichi, you saw the person who used to live in your body! You can’t possibly want to be him! You’d forget everything about Kaito and Kaede and become someone who wants to get executed in a killing game!
Apparently Tsumugi’s insistence that they’re all entirely “fake” has got to them so much that, despite all the evidence, they’re just clinging to the idea that “real” has got to be better, and nooooooo, guys, snap out of it!
Buuut it’s the “hope wins” outcome of the vote that’s the really stupid part. Tsumugi is punished and they get to escape, except…
“Taka”:  “However, you must follow the rules! The game will continue until the final two!”
Tsumugi:  “So only two of you can graduate.”
And why, pray tell, the absolute fuck, is this remotely necessary? The only reason that two-person rule exists should be as a minimum, because it’s not possible to hold a class trial with only two people left. If it’s also a strict maximum, then that means that this game is designed to kill fourteen people no matter what, even if there aren’t enough in-game murders for that. The point of this killing game is supposed to be that the participants brought all the deaths upon themselves (even though that’s not really a fair assessment at all when they were manipulated into it). Executing more people anyway even when it’s not prompted by someone becoming blackened in the first place is arbitrarily cruel and not in the spirit of the game at all. This rule should have completely ceased to apply any more, now that we’re in “endgame” mode where clearly nobody is going to commit any more murders. Killing two of them at this point just to adhere to this pointless rule is meaningless as fuck.
Plus, what right does Tsumugi even have any more to insist that they adhere to the rules when she broke them first? Oh, right, because the audience are mindless morons who don’t actually care if she breaks them despite the entire point of trial 5. (Geez, even Kokichi expected better from the audience than this.)
So, the bottom line is that this “hope wins” ending is… two of them get to escape into an outside world that doesn’t even see them as real people, after watching two more of their friends get completely pointlessly and arbitrarily killed. Such hope! Such meaning! Such narrative!
(Okay, they won’t get killed, as we’ll learn later on, but still. It is no less arbitrary.)
Shuichi:  “… We got this far… and you’re telling us to sacrifice more of our friends?”
Shuichi is crying and I don’t blame him. Why? Why should he have to lose even more of his friends for no reason? This isn’t fair! At least Kaede and Kaito’s sacrifices happened because they tried to make a difference, but this would be nothing like that!
“Gundham”:  “However… even if you do escape to the outside world, you will find it most unwelcoming.”
Keebo:  “…No! As long as we never give up, there will always be hope!”
Keebo. Dude. If you were trying to reassure everyone to stay hopeful about things that actually mattered, namely the idea that the outside world wouldn’t welcome them, or the thought of losing more friends, then maybe this would kinda sorta work and be a bit like Makoto was in DR1. But you’re just spouting meaningless platitudes! Stop it!
Keebo:  “If it will bring hope to everyone and the outside world, I will gladly sacrifice myself.”
You dying for completely arbitrary reasons is not going to make your friends hope for anything, Keebo! And you especially shouldn’t give a fuck what the outside world that’s gleefully watched your friends die wants from you!
I don’t hold it against Keebo, because he is genuinely well-meaning and trying to do a good thing here, but he is so, so deluded and misled.
“Makoto”:  “In order for hope to win, there needs to be one more sacrifice.”
That sentence doesn’t make any sense! That’s not hope! In the real Makoto’s story, hope winning didn’t sacrifice anyone except the mastermind! Makoto himself would have called total bullshit on the idea that pointlessly sacrificing his friends would be for the sake of any kind of hope!
“Sonia”:  “Do you understand now? Even if you choose hope, you will still suffer.”
Okay, so, look, I’m not saying that hope doesn’t involve suffering. Remember when I talked about my first-time experience of Kaito’s trial and how the rekindled hope that he might be alive was utterly terrifying? Yeah, hope is scary. But real hope is scary because it’s uncertain, because of the constant possibility that you might not get what you’re hoping for and fall back into despair. Being forced to feel completely arbitrary separate pain that has nothing to do with what you’re hoping for (in this context, they’d be hoping they can fit in in an outside world that doesn’t see them as real people) is not part of the reason that hope itself is difficult and scary and is completely beside the fucking point.
Tsumugi using Sonia here is the beginning of a sequence of her cosplaying almost all of the female characters (plus Chihiro) and having them be all “won’t you stay here with us~? *blush*”. Which is obviously deliberate pandering.
But, like… who is this pandering to? Isn’t she supposed to be persuading Maki, Himiko and Shuichi right now? There’s no evidence that Maki and Himiko are into girls, and while Shuichi apparently is, why should he care about these people that are, to his fake memories, historical figures and nothing more? Why would he be that shallow just because they’re girls? And if this is for the audience, first of all, why, they can’t influence this outside of Keebo’s one vote, and second of all… does she not fucking realise that only about half of her audience is even going to be into girls, and only a proportion of those people should be shallow enough to be swayed by this? Female characters are more than just objects of fanservice and romantic fantasy! There are plenty of people who enjoy this franchise who aren’t here for that, you know! Tsumugi is a girl, she should have more respect for her own goddamn gender than this!
Really, if Tsumugi was properly trying to persuade Shuichi, Maki and Himiko, then the best (cruellest) move would be for her to suddenly start cosplaying Kaede, Tenko and Kaito and being all like “hey, if you stayed here I could be them for you!” (the cospox thing was dumb and there should be no reason she couldn’t do that). Which would of course make all three of them do an immediate huge revolted NOPE, a lot like the time Maki thought Exisal Kaito was Kokichi pretending to be him except worse – but it’d be an impactful moment, at least. Honestly, Tsumugi cosplaying the dead V3 characters here would make this whole part of the trial far more viscerally uncomfortable, like it’s clearly trying to be, than just seeing the DR1 and 2 characters be the face of the villain when they’re not a part of this actual story.
(Man, imagine her doing the part last time where she reminded Shuichi of Kaede and Kaito’s inspiring lines by actually cosplaying them and reciting those lines in their voices, that would be awful, I would hate it and love it at the same time. It’d hammer home the supposed idea that they were always just lies even more.)
Keebo:  “Despair won’t end this killing game! Only hope will!”
Keebo says this just before we get dragged into a Mass Panic Debate in which Keebo’s only available bullet is “Hope”. When the only weapon you have is hope, every problem’s got to be able to be solved with it, right? No, Keebo.
This Mass Panic Debate is the worst and the reason I equipped Librarian’s Glare at the beginning, because then all the loud voices get silenced automatically and all I have to focus on is firing. If you don’t hit every single statement’s worth of “despair” in one round, you have to do it all over again, and a bunch of them have loud voices getting in the way. It’s far, far more mechanically difficult than any other debate in the game, which is not at all deserved on a narrative level when what’s happening right now is such a ridiculous mess.
Story time: when I got to this Mass Panic Debate on my first time through, since I was watching not playing and therefore had a little break to let my thoughts flow without having to pay as much attention to what was happening… I was really upset. I had loved almost everything about this game up to this point, and I really wanted it to have a good ending worthy of the rest of it. But this was currently presenting itself as that ending, and this was just bad.
This is supposedly analogous to the part in DR1 where Makoto fired bullets of hope at all of his friends, and I liked that part. It was refreshing and inspiring after a whole game supposedly all about despair to realise that it was actually about hope as well. But here, first-time-me just felt vaguely insulted at the idea that I was supposed to like this as much as I did that. This is just a cheap imitation of that which completely misses the actual point.
The protagonist is supposed to be meaningfully inspiring his friends to not give up and to face the hostile outside world with the hope that things will work out okay. But this “hope” choice they’re being given here is arbitrarily cruel, and Keebo’s words are not even addressing his friends, let alone any of the actual problems that his friends are despairing over. He’s just shooting the “hope” at Tsumugi’s “despair” like this is some kind of good-versus-evil battle. This is exactly the kind of one-dimensional, meaningless hope the characters were filled with when they saw the Flashback Light in chapter 5 – empty platitudes that don’t even remotely address the actual reason for their despair and therefore don’t fix anything at all. And that reason for their despair right now isn’t just the thought of the outside world but also simply the notion that they’re not real, which was pretty compelling when it came up and first-time-me wanted them to get back to that and address that more and hated the fact that it’d apparently been completely forgotten like it didn’t matter.
Of course, I don’t hate this part nearly as much now, because this isn’t the real endpoint of this trial, and with that in mind, Keebo missing the point like this is very out-universely deliberate. This is showing the “battle between hope and despair” that the outside world apparently craves that is the reason they’ve been watching these killing games for fifty-three seasons. Shuichi is going to figure this out quite soon, and then things will get back on track with the characters we’ve actually grown to care about properly addressing the question of how real they are.
But I’m still not super happy with this. Keebo is so obviously failing at presenting any kind of actual hope or compelling story here that it’s a stretch to believe that a sensible in-universe audience would want this either. Shouldn’t they care about the characters they’ve been watching this whole time and be frustrated, like I was, when the story abruptly veers away from being about them into this empty nonsense? Shouldn’t they be calling bullshit on the arbitrary unfair sacrifices for the vote, especially after Tsumugi broke the rules and had no more right to even punish anyone at all? (That was literally supposed to be the point of trial 5, dammit! Kaito deserves better than this!) Heck, shouldn’t the characters be calling bullshit on the vote rather than accepting it? (I can let them off a bit more though, since they’re still mostly in despair and not quite thinking straight.)
This would work a lot better if it was still trying to be mostly about the characters, and Keebo was actually trying to inspire them with hope. Instead of shooting at Tsumugi’s despair, he should, like Makoto did, be shooting the hope at his friends and trying to reassure them that surely they’ll find a place in the outside world that’ll accept them, that surely whichever two of them survive will be able to overcome these last deaths as well and find happiness somehow. That would be a kind of hope that would be reasonably believable as making a satisfying if bittersweet ending. That way, it’d be a lot easier to believe that the audience wants this, and to therefore realise that this is why the killing game has gone on for so long and will still continue if they let this ending happen here.
The fact that this isn’t what happens when it easily could have been makes me wonder how much of this part’s one-dimensionality was deliberate, and how much is the out-universe writers not actually realising that the situation they’re presenting here isn’t “hope” in any meaningful or compelling way at all. My faith in them on this particular front is not very strong, I must admit.
“Keebo! Keebo!”
“Keebo’s on fire!”
“gooooo Keebo!”
The audience has been there in the background throughout all of this – probably as what Keebo’s hearing in his inner voice – but up until now they’ve just been saying “Hope” or “Despair”. As this debate finishes, they finally start saying something of more substance, most of them cheering Keebo on like so. It sure sounds like they care about him as a character, which is what you’d expect if they’d been experiencing this game through him as the protagonist. But they don’t; we’ll see that very clearly later. They only care about him representing their own voices and nothing else.
“i wanna see the color of shuichi’s blood <3”
Wow, fuck, geez, okay. That “fan” of Shuichi’s from before has gone from “somewhat realistic if rather creepy considering that he’s real” to “absolute sicko”. What the hell.
“Now this is Danganronpa.”
Apparently we really are supposed to believe that this kind of meaninglessness is what people have come to like from this show over the years. It so incredibly shouldn’t be, though. What about all the actual class trials before the endgame? The characters struggling with the pain of watching their friends die or realising that their friend killed someone? Isn’t that more compelling than just yelling about hope being better than despair? Apparently not to these idiots.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 5 years
Their Hero Academia – Chapter 39: Call Me Hero
Presenting the next raw and unedited chapter of my on-going, next-gen, My Hero Academia fic, Their Hero Academia!
Earlier chapters can be found here
Back in school after two days off, Isamu Haimawari was still riding a pretty good high.  While a part of him still refused to believe that he’d won the Sports Festival, hearing the congratulations of so many people, both those in his neighborhood and people who had just seen him on TV, along with all the discussion and replays being shown on the news, had helped to cement it in his mind.  He was going to take pride in what he’d done, while still acknowledging there were several times it could have gone either way.  If Midoriya hadn’t come up with the plan for them to cooperate or if some of his matches had been different people or gone just a little differently, he likely wouldn’t have done as well.  
Still: he actually felt like a winner.
He looked up to see Kirishima-Bakugo standing in front of his desk, muscular arms crossed in front of her chest.  Her red eyes narrowed as she looked him over, everything about her body language reading as a challenge.  But there was something else there too, some subtle sign of acknowledgement that wasn’t there before, as though for the she was seeing him as worthy of her attention for the first time.  She did seem to respect strength and skill, after all.
“Yes?” Isamu asked.
She stared him down for a moment longer before speaking.  “You did good,” she said.  “Seems I underestimated you.”
He definitely wasn’t expecting that, but he quickly found his voice.  “Ah, thanks,” he said.  “You did good too.  Pretty impressive fight against Izumi.”
“Izzy kicked my ass is what she did,” Kirishima-Bakugo replied.  She moved to take her seat.  “But believe me.  I won’t be underestimating you again.”
Well.  That wasn’t worrisome at all.
At the desk next to his, Mineta turned so she could talk to Kirishima-Bakugo.  “What?  No congratulations for me?”
“I still can’t believe you came in second,” Kaminari told her, rolling her eyes.  
“What, like it’s hard?” Mineta replied.
At her desk, Kirishima-Bakugo fumed.  “I’m acknowledging your victory while refusing to acknowledge you, Horse-Girl.”
Mineta shrugged.  “You know what, I’m going to take that as a win here.  On top of my actual win.  Which I had. And you didn’t.”
Kirishima-Bakugo started rising out of her desk again, rage twisting up her features.  “I swear, I will I will blow those damn horns right off your head…”
“Can I get out of the way first?” Kaminari asked, Extension Cords up in the air.  “Or maybe just tase you both?
Kirishima-Bakuago growled, but sat back down.  A quick glance around showed that Izumi had turned around in the front row and was watching them.  Thank goodness for small favors.  “You’re still an idiot, Horse-Girl.  I’m not gonna underestimate you either.  So keep up or get out of the way.  And don’t think you can rely on provocation all the time.  It won’t save you from me…”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Mineta said, rolling her eyes.
“How did Uncle Minoru take how you won?” Kaminari asked.
Mineta shook her head. “He called it ‘great use of psychological tactics’.  My innocence is his eyes is safe.”
“Talk about blindspots…”
“On the other hand,” she went on, “he did threaten Shinji when Mom invited him and his dad out to dinner to celebrate my win after the festival…”
Isamu did remember a large teen in a Shiketsu school uniform embracing Mineta after the Festival, twirling her around.  He hadn’t gotten his name then, but that must have been Shinji.  Who’d have ever thought someone like Mineta would have a friend like that?  And apparently as a boyfriend?
He wasn’t sure if he should feel sorry for the guy or not.  At the very least, it didn’t look like it was restraining her personality any.  She was still Mineta, still hitting on everything that moved (which included him).
Of course, he had his own potential for a girlfriend on the horizon too.  He’d spent a decent amount of time over the break texting with Kana Tetsutetsu, even video chatting with her for a little while.  She’d turned out to be a pretty fun person to talk to and seemed a lot like a less scary version of Kirishima-Bakugo.  Intense and dedicated, but not ready to go off at a moment’s notice.  Plus, they’d turned out to both be fans of the cheesy martial arts flicks from the early days of Quirk-based films, which gave them a lot to talk about.
If all went well, they’d try and watch one together before the internships started next week.
The internships.  He’d tried hard not to think about that over the two days.  As the winner of the Sports Festival, he was likely to get a lot of offers.  How would he know who to choose?  And there was still the possibility of being overlooked. His win would give him a lot of cache, but considering how many kids of important Heroes were in his class and the others, he wondered if people wouldn’t be more likely to scout them instead, trying to network or curry favor…
Around him, everyone in the classroom was talking about their Sports Festival performance, some happier than others, some lamenting how early they’d been knocked out.  The noise was only broken when Aizawa’s sleeping bag clad form suddenly appeared from behind the lectern.
“So.  Let’s talk about the Sports Festival.   Pretty cute, the way you used teamwork to get past the First Stage.  A nice exploitation of a loophole, since it’s not against the rules.  And Heroes should be able to work together with anyone.”
You could have heard a pin drop in the classroom.  Aizawa as a teacher as perpetually waiting for the other shoe to drop.  He didn’t hand out praise easily, so where this was leading, no one seemed to know.
“Which means I’ll just have to make sure All Might and the others ride you harder to make sure your individual skills don’t atrophy.”
There it was.  That was the other shoe.  Heroics Classes already were pushing them right up to their limits and beyond… how much worse could it get?!
Aizawa continued. “With that being said, we can discuss the Internship offers that have come up.”
He tapped a button on the lectern and the results of the Internship offers appeared on the board.  “These numbers are not necessarily reflective of the total number of offers you received. All Might, Midnight, Principal Nezu, and I spent a considerable amount of time reviewing your offers and eliminating any offers that appeared to be made simply to take advantage of who your parents are.”
Toshinori Midoriya: 4007
Isamu Haimawari: 3546
Mika Mineta: 1451
Izumi Torodoki: 400
Kimiko Ojiro: 203
Asuka Tokoyami: 106
Katsumi: Kirishima-Bakugo: 73
Sora Iida: 40
Chihiro Kaminari: 8
Takuma Sero: 7
Tensei Iida: 6
Shota Shinso: 5
Takiyo Aoyama: 4
Daisuke Shoji: 3
Kenta Sato: 2
Akaya Koda: 2
“Hey!” Mineta cried out. “I did better than Midoriya! Why’s he got so many more offers than me?”
“Maybe because Toshi’s not a lunatic nymphomaniac?” Kirishima-Bakugo said.  “Who sexually harassed her opponents on live television?”
“…Besides that!”
Isamu was pretty sure his heart had just stopped.  How had that many people noticed him, thought he was worthy of their attention?  Maybe not as many as Midoriya, but way more than he would have ever expected.  He couldn’t help but feel bad for some of the others though, who hadn’t gotten nearly as much attention.
“Alas,” he heard Aoyama say. “My radiance did not draw the attention it deserved.”
“You shall have other chances,” Koda assured him.  “And if your internship goes well, it will already open doors to further notice.”
“I suppose so, Mademoiselle Koda, but still…”
“Congratulations, Sister!” Tensei Iida said.  “You do the Iida Family line proud by your successes!”
“Do not be so quick to dismiss your own, Little Brother,” Sora Iida replied.  “With two of us, the honor is twice as large!”
“Go Kimiko!” Sero said. “I’m totally tagging your videos with “Sports Festival Finalist” now.  Our hit count’s gonna be through the roof!”
“Sorry you two didn’t do better,” Ojiro said.
Sato waved it off. “Always next year.  And apparently somebody liked what they saw with me…”
“Oh, man, everybody was so awesome,” Shinso squealed. “You all did so great!  Toshi was all bouncing around and Izumi was throwing all that ice and Tokoyami did that super-cool armor trick and Haimawari was all ZOOOOOM and…”
“Breathe, Shota,” Tokoyami said.
“Still, an impressive accounting by all of you,” Izumi said.
“Guess stretching by Cords out wasn’t all for nothing,” Kaminari added.
“I suppose it’s an honor just to be noticed, even by three people,” Shoji said.  Isamu didn’t know him well, but he didn’t sound particularly depressed by it.  Little seemed to faze the six-armed young man.
“Thirty-five hundred people,” Isamu said quietly.  “Still don’t believe it.”
“If you’re all done?” Aizawa snapped, impatient working its way into his voice.  “I’ll be distributing the requests that go with those numbers shortly.  As I expected, there was significant coordination on the part of your parents. Technically, a logical exploitation of a loophole in the rules I issued them against scouting their own children. So not unexpected.  However, in the meantime, we need to discuss your Hero names.  I’m sure most of you have had these planned for a while, but Midnight would try to murder me if I didn’t indulge her little games.”
“Oh, don’t sound so judgmental about it, Eraser,” Vice-Principal Midnight said, standing in the now open classroom door.  “I love listening to what these fresh young minds have come up with…”
Koharu struggled to still the shaking of her hand as she pushed open the door to the door to the school’s office.  She’d been abruptly summoned from her Homeroom class to come to come to there and her mind raced with possibilities about what it might entail.  The two days since the Sports Festival had passed quickly, but with plenty of congratulations from family and friends and even total strangers.  Already, the rest of her Class was treating her like the second coming of Shinso.  
Inside, one of the school secretaries, a woman pale green skin and blonde hair, looked up.  “Can I help you?” she asked.
Koharu gathered her wits. “I’m…  I’m Koharu Kocho.  I got a message saying they wanted to see me down here?”
The woman nodded and pointed to a door marked with the name “Nezu” on its nameplate.  The Principal’s office.  “In there,” the secretary said.  “They’re expecting you, so no need to knock.”
Taking another breath to steady herself, Koharu crossed the room and opened the door to the Principal’s office.  Inside, the strange mouse-bear-dog that was Nezu sat behind a massive mahogany desk, with All Might on one side of his chair and Water Spout on the other, all of them pouring over papers strewn out across the desk and a paused video of some kind of an angled computer monitor.
“Ah, Miss Kocho, welcome!” Nezu said, gesturing towards a chair in front of the desk.  “Please, have a seat.  May I offer you some tea?”
The hyper-intelligent animal was spritely, despite the small but thick glasses that rested on his nose and the grey around his muzzle.  Koharu didn’t know how old he was, but he’d been the principal for well over twenty-five years, even before Heroes like Deku and Ground Zero graced the halls. He had to be well past the life expectancy of… whatever it was he was, exactly.
This wasn’t the first time she’d been in the presence of All Might, of course, having received her medal (and a hug!) from him at the Sports Festival.  But here, away from the cameras, he seemed just a little more serious, a little more subdued.  Water Spout was a new one, though.  
“I, ah, yes, thank you,” she said, as she took a seat.
“Very good,” Nezu said, nodding slightly.  “If you wouldn’t mind, Water Spout?”
“Of course, Principal,” the dark-haired Hero said, moving to the corner of the office where Nezu kept a tea service.  “It’ll be just a few minutes.”
“I must congratulate you on your win again, Miss Kocho,” Nezu said.  “You nearly set a new record for the General Studies department.  Of course, there are those who do not count Akamine’s first place victory of a few years ago, since all he did was endure the attacks of others based on his invulnerability.”
Koharu shook her head, slowly, so as not to overly agitate her antennae.  “I wouldn’t.  He used his Quirk and his head and won fair and square.”
Nezu nodded. “Mmm-hmm, my assessment as well. His path may have lead him elsewhere, but in that moment, it was surely his victory.”
“Young Kocho,” All Might began, his deep voice kind and encouraging, “how would you describe your performance at the Sports Festival?”
Koharu closed her eyes for a moment, taking in a breath.   She accepted the tea that Water Spout handed her.  “Sugar?  Honey? Milk?” he asked.
“Honey, please,” she said, then, when that had been added, extended her proboscis into the tea and took a long sip.  It was warm and sweet, perfect to her taste.  If any of the three adults seemed disturbed by her drinking method, it didn’t show on their faces.  She appreciated that.  Wings and antennae were one thing, and while they brought her plenty of attention, they didn’t bring her much bigotry.  But when she started to drink, that’s when the looks of disgust usually came out.
The long drink gave her a moment to formulate her answer.  “I did alright during the Obstacle Course.  Middle of the pack.  My Quirk was pretty good at bringing down the drones and I was able to fly around a lot of them.   Quirkball… I survived.  Barely.  My Scales and my String-Shot were good at taking people down so they could be hit, but it was a lot to keep track of.  I didn’t always do that good a job, didn’t always realize just how big a target I was.”
All Might and Nezu nodded.   “Good,” All Might said.  “Please, go on.”
Koharu drank some more of her tea before she continued.  She’d come this far.  They deserved nothing less than her total honesty.  Besides, she was fairly certain this was some kind of test in and of itself. She’d heard rumors about the Principal and all the wheels within wheels he spun.
“I got lucky in the Tournament.,” she said.  “My first match was Monoma.”  Once I got out of the range of that Binding Cloth of his, there wasn’t much he could do to me.  It was just a matter of time before I got him with my String-Shot or my Scales.”
“Nothing wrong with having a Quirk your opponent can’t match,” Water Spout said.  “That’s why I get called in to fight fire and flame villains, even though I’m a Rescue Hero.  Not much most of them can do against a few dozen gallons of water. But it still takes strategy.”
Not a bad point, now that she thought about it.  
“You should know Monoma speaks rather highly of you,” Nezu added.  “He’s sent no less than a dozen e-mails to myself, the three Hero Class Homeroom teachers, and several of the other teachers insisting that you be added to the Hero Class.”
He looked down at a printout in his hand. “Ah, yes, and “preferably in Class 1-B.’”
“Against Ojiro, though, she was faster on the move than he was.  She got up close instead of trying to go from the distance.  Plus, you know, the whole invisibility thing.  So I had to use my antennae to find her, but once I did, I could take her out with my String-Shot.   I took a lot more of a beating in that one though.  Much more of a physical fight.  Not totally used to using my wings like that.”
“And you still emerged victorious,” All Might said.  “Young Ojiro is an extremely skilled fighter.  You did quite well to overcome here.”
“If you would talk about your last fight, Miss Kocho?” Nexu prompted.
“Against Mineta?” she said. “Yeah, okay.  I wasn’t prepared for it.  Not really.  I watched her other fights and she’s pretty hard to get a read on.  One minute, she’s fighting or brawling, the next she’s trying to get in somebody’s head.  Add in her ability to fire off those balls, she was pretty dangerous.  I figured I had the best chance if I got airborne and just took her out with a Sleep Powder or a Paralysis Powder, but she was just all over me, shooting those balls everywhere.”
She looked down at an empty teacup.  Nezu, All Might, and Water Spout gave her the moment to gather her thoughts.  “They got all over my wings.  Pinned them to the ground.  Maybe I could have kept fighting.  Even if I was pinned, I still had my String-Shot.  But I was afraid to tearing my wings.  I don’t know… I don’t know if I could heal from that.  So I gave up.  Not very heroic, really.”
“You understood your limits,” All Might said, gently, coming around the desk.  He got down on one knee next to her chair and put a hand on her shoulder.  “There is nothing wrong with being afraid.  Even the mightiest of us have felt fear.  But if you’re to join the Hero Course, you’re going to have to learn to surpass that fear and find new limits.”
“I… what?”  Nothing in that last sentence made any sense to her right now.
“We’ve been viewing your Sports Festival footage, as well as your performance during the Entrance Exam,” Nezu said.  “We’ve also spoken to your physical education teacher, and several of your other teachers. What happened to you during the Entrance Exam was a rather tragic accident.  Based upon your initial performance and your performance during the Sports Festival, I was able to extrapolate a probable score for you if you hadn’t been knocked out.”
Nezu pushed his chair back and hopped down, slowly walking around the desk with the aid of his cane. “You should have passed with flying colors.”
“I… what?” Koharu repeated.
Nezu offered her a hand. “Miss Kocho, if you are willing to put in a, frankly, considerable amount of work to get caught up, we are pleased to offer you a place in the Hero Course for the second semester.”
Isamu wasn’t surprised that all of his classmates had names ready to go.  And he probably shouldn’t have been surprised that Aizawa had opted to hide himself in his sleeping bag in the corner while Vice Principal Midnight ran the show.  He had a habit, from what Isamu had seen, of doing that to avoid anything he didn’t want to be bothered by.  
He was, however, definitely surprised by the outright hungry look Vice Principal Midnight was giving much of the class.  Wasn’t she in her fifties?  And in a committed relationship with Present Mic (the tabloids were always speculating on whether or not they’d get married or if she was cheating on him behind his back)?  Of course, given the first time he’d met her, he’d nearly run head first into her cleavage and she’d just laughed it off, he really shouldn’t have been surprised.  Currently, she was perched on Aizawa’s desk, her short skirt giving everyone a good view of her legs.
Honestly, half of being in this school was learning not to be surprised by things.
Midoriya had volunteered to go first, which wasn’t surprising.  He was pretty much always leading the way or taking charge.  “Okay,” he said, “so maybe this is a little simple, but I really wanted to honor Grandpa Might, so I’m going with The Gravity Hero: Gravi-Might!”
“You are such a dork, Toshi,” Kirishima-Bakugo groaned.
“A bit direct,” Midnight said, “but appropriate in your case.  I’ll allow it.”
Kirishima-Bakugo took the stage next, wearing one of those grins that usually preceded her punching something.  “So, how about Queen Explosion Murder?”
Midnight pinched the bridge of her nose.  “…No, kid. Just no.”
The explosive girl laughed at that, a harsh, barking sound.  “Aw, don’t be so serious.  I’m just yanking your chain.  Call me… The Explosion Hero: Bombshell!”
“…I’m going to approve that just so you sit down,” Midnight said.  She looked across the room.  “Question, Mineta?  Or do you want to volunteer?”
“Oh, it’s a question. I just want to know how Kirishima-Bakugo thinks she can be a bombshell with boobs that sma…”
A glare from Kirishina-Bakugo quickly silenced that.  Mineta and Kaminari both scooted their desks closer to his when Kirishima-Bakguo took her seat.
Izumi took to the lectern next.  “Shoto gave me a bit of help with this, but I rather like it.  The Ice and Fire Hero: Thermo-Dynamic!”
“Oh yeah!” Shinso cheered. “You used my idea!”
Midnight let out of a laugh. “Well, at least you picked one,” she said.  “But it’s got passion!  I love it!”
It was a good name, Isamu had to admit.  Maybe a little bolder than he expected of Izumi, but she’d shown herself to be pretty bold at the Sports Festival too.
Tokoyami took to the front of the room next.  As she opened her beak to speak, Frog-Shadow appeared.
“The Froggy Hero: Super Frog-Shadow!”
“We are not calling ourselves that!”
“I get a say in this!  That’s my vote!”
“You don’t get any say!”
Frog-Shadow crossed her arms, looking like she was pouting.  “Fine,” she said.  “You’re no fun!” She disappeared back inside Tokoyami with a slight popping sound.
Tokoyami just shook her head, staring at the floor.  “I must apologize for her.  But I have chosen the name Bright Side Hero: Amaterasu!”
“You just made that up!” Sero said.  “No one said we could just make up words!”
The bird-headed girl shook her head.  “Perhaps it is presumptuous.  Amaterasu is the sun goddess, counterpart to my father’s moon god, Tsukuyomi.  But it seemed fitting.”
Frog-Shadow appeared again. “Can I change my vote to that?  I like being a goddess!”
“Make it three votes,” Midnight said.  “You’ve got confidence, Tokoyami.  I love it!”
The Twins went next.  “While we are certain Father would one day like for one of us to carry on the Ingenium name,” Sora Iida said, “now is not the time for that!”
“He still has an illustrious career ahead of him,” Tensei Iida added.  “So therefore, we have come up with names of our own!”
Sora posed, flexing a bicep. She wasn’t as muscular as Kirishima-Bakugo, but she was certainly in good shape.  Midoriya was a lucky guy.  Okay, so maybe he shouldn’t be thinking that about a friend’s girlfriend.  But he was only human.  “Therefore, I shall be The Speedy Flying Hero: Jet-Red!”
“And I,” Tensei said, arms weaving a chopping motion through the air, “am The Flying Speedy Hero: Jet-Blue!”
“Really,” Kirishima-Bakugo groaned again.  “Twin-themed names.  You’re really doing that?”
“It is a show of familial solidarity!” Sora snapped.
“We are united as siblings in science and in heroism!” Tensei added.  
“A bit flat,” Midnight said. She placed a hand to her face, tapping on her cheek with one long finger.  “Still… it will do, I suppose.”
Sero sauntered up to the front next.  “Just call me The Acid Tape Hero: Stick ‘Em Up!”
Midnight sighed.  “Seriously, Sero?”
He gave her a grin.  “I focus tested it with all my ViewTube followers. Eighty-five percent positive approval.”
“No changing your mind?”
She waved a hand in the direction of the desks.  “Fiiiine.”
Ojiro was up next.  “So, um,” she began, “I’ve been talking with Doc Clock and she’s really suggested I could be a great Medical Hero someday, so… this isn’t the name I thought I’d use, but I came up with it a few weeks back.  I’m going to be the Paramedic Hero: X-Ray!”
Sato and Sero let out a cheer.  “You got this, Kimiko!”
“You go, girl!”
Huh.  Isamu knew Ojiro was a martial artist and a gossip fiend, but this was new.  She’d probably be good at it, now that he thought about it.
“How uplifting!” Midnight squealed.
Then Sato’s turn.   “Ah…  So, I was thinking the Hungry Hero: Chomp!”
“Now that’s a name with bite!” Sero shouted.
“Puns, really, Pinky?” Kirishima-Bakugo groaned.  She gave a quick look to the front.  “Still… not bad, Lips.��
Midnight seemed to approve as well.  “Short, to the point, perfectly encapsulates your Quirk!”
And then Shiso.  As usual, he was practically vibrating with excitement.  “Before I go, I just wanna say thanks to Kirishima-Bakugo!  She’s really the one who came up with this!”
“…I did what now?”
“I’m gonna be… The Octave Hero: Loud Kid!”
“You cannot be serious.”
“Well, you always call me that, and it’s such a good name, so I really hope you don’t mind if I use it…”
“Knock yourself out, Loud Kid.”
At that, Midnight nodded slightly.  Even she seemed inclined to tiptoe around Shinso.  “What youthful vigor!”
Then it was Aoyama’s turn. “Please, please, silence all conversations and give me your attention.”  He posed theatrically, as though whipping around the cape he wore with his Hero costume.  “And now, set your eyes on The Dazzling Hero: Radiance!”  He let loose a small flash of light at the same time, forcing Isamu to look away, blinking furiously.
“You do bring a certain sparkle to things, Aoyama,” Midnight said.  “But next time, lay off the special effects.”
Koda followed him.  “My own choices are not quite so spectacular or outlandish as some of yours, but I hope that they will suffice.   You may call me the Gardening Hero: Nurture.”
“Well said, young lady,” Midnight added.  “Simple… but I think it fits.  And if you ever need any help on “nurturing” the boys…”
Isamu could have sworn he was Koda’s rocky face blush slightly.  “I am quite all right, Miss Midnight, thank you.”
Then it was Shoji.  “Nothing fancy,” he said.  “the Well-Armed Hero: Octo-Punch.”
“Not bad at all,” Midnight said.  “I wouldn’t have expected anything fancier from you, Shoji.”
“Hey!” Mineta piped up. “You said you were going to go with my idea!  The Hentai-Hero: Tentacles!”
Shoji gave her a flat look. “I lied.”
After that, Kaminari took her own turn.  “Been thinking about this one for a while, but figured I’d go with something that combines my Quirk, which is electricity with my Cords, with something about me, music. So from now on, I’m going to be the Plug-In Hero: Shock Jock!”
“How electrifying!”
Mineta followed after that. Before she could even speak, Midnight interjected.  “Now, I love a good double and triple or more entendre as much as anyway.  And I’d love it just as much as you to see some of these boys and girls squeal and squirm.  But I must insist that your Hero name be at least somewhat family friendly.   The Hero Commission is really cracking down on R-Rated Heroes and Heroines these days.”
Mineta looked somewhat deflated by that, but she pushed on.  “Okay, fiiiiine.  I used to think you were cool.”
Midnight looked offended by that.  “Oh, child, I am still “cool.’”
“Anyway,” Mineta went on, “I’m going to be the Cavalry Hero: Purple Rein!”
“That’s… surprisingly subdued for you,” Midnight said.  “Are you feeling all right?”
“Right as Rein,” Mineta said.  “Nothing? Anyone?  …Well, it’s a lot funnier in English.”
Finally, Isamu went to the front.   He tried not to wither under the gaze of his classmates.  Midoriya, Tokoyami, Shinso, and Izumi: encouraging.   Mineta: Looking like she was sizing him up to eat him.  Kirishima-Bakugo: Glaring at him like usual.   Midnight: Also sizing him up in a way that was probably really not appropriate for a women in her fifties.
“So…I’ve been thinking about this one a lot,” he said.  “And I want something that tells the world who I am.  I’ve got a simple Quirk, but I learned a lot about how to use it and make it work for me.  So I’m going to be the Three-Point Hero: Slyde!”
“Spoken like a true champion!”
So much paperwork to prepare for the transfer.  Private lessons after school and during her gym periods, lots of coursework to study, it was all happening so fast, Koharu thought her head was spinning.  She’d have to design a costume, get that fitted and made…   And if she did well enough preparing, she’d even get to attend the Summer Training Camp. They were still apparently discussing which Heroics Class she’d get into, but it was a real, tangible thing now.
“One more thing for today, Miss Kocho,” Principal Nezu said.  “Since I know you’ve had aspirations for the Hero Course for some time… Have you considered a Hero name?”
She nodded at that. She had for a long time, ever since she’d decided she was going to try out for the Hero Course.  “I have,” she said.  “the Lepidopteran Hero: Yamamai.”
“A, ah, bit on the nose, isn’t it?” Water Spout asked.
She shrugged.  “People with animal Quirks like mine get looked down on a lot.  And called a lot of names.  I’m not hiding from who I am.  I’m embracing it.”
“Well said, Young Kocho, well said,” All Might said.  “The perfect beginning to your hero academia!”
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kimmysfandomblog · 5 years
Kamunami, NanaMiki, Izuru x Kaede, KomaMiki and ChiMondo. You don't have to answer all of them if you don't want to.
Thank you so much, Kibou ^^ Glad you put some interesting ones in there!
From here!: https://kimmysfandomblog.tumblr.com/post/184813268322/send-me-a-ship
10 = One True Pairing (OTP). I will fight to the death for this ship.
I know I just don’t make a lot of content for this ship and I don’t talk that much about it, but KamuNami is really one of my favorite pairings in the series! It’s one of my top pairings because of how important it has become to me! I think their dynamics can be SUPER interesting, and I also think they just look good together (whether it’s their human or AI forms). It’s a really important pairing for me, and I wish I had the energy and capability to actually show it more ^^; And I’m glad the antis have lost their energy, too. It was exhausting looking at people complaining about it and I’d always have the urge to fight back hahaha)
4 = I could see why others like it, kinda cute I suppose.
I don’t really ship it, but I do find it cute! If Nanami and Mikan had more interaction, I’d like to see Mikan increase in self-esteem and also taking care of a Nanami who is for sure neeglecting her own health to play video games XD In general, I see why people like it, but it doesn’t resonate with me that strongly. I don’t have any really strong ships with Mikan, though, so technically this is the ship I find the strongest involving her.
Izuru x Kaede
6 = Nice ship, I ship it but as a side ship to other ships.
It’s something I ship in a very small way, because their interaction in UTDP was actually really good! And someone made a comic where Izuru kinda nods in acknowledgement to Kaede in the hall and she’s kinda shocked/lovestruck by it XD It’s kind of adorable! But I do ship other pairing involving Izuru and Kaede more.
1 = NOTP, Disgusting.
eheheh... no thanks ^^; I guess I might be able to see why people would ship it? But I can only think about what Tsumiki says to Komaeda right before her execution, and then Komaeda seems to have some kind of grudge against her in his dream world and in Hope Arc XD I’m not a fan at all, and I feel like sometimes those that ship them together it is partly because they are among the most hyper-sexualized characters in the game. I can see in some Alternate Universe where Despair never happened that Tsumiki becomes Komaeda’s nurse or something, but even then I just don’t see Komaeda ever liking her? Even if Tsumiki liked him? And obviously it isn’t because of whatever their perceived sexualities are, I just think that Komaeda wouldn’t be comfortable with Tsumiki’s more destructive personality hidden behind her willingness to help. Feel sorry for her, yes, but there’s got to be a limit to what is and isn’t okay, even for Komaeda, right?
7 = I like it, would read a fanfic with them if it was well written.
I think it’s really adorable! Mondo, if he’d had a way to talk out his aggression rather than use physical force, would have probably been a great friend to Chihiro, and he always blushes because Chihiro is really cute! Even once he realized what he’d done, I don’t think he was ever disgusted that Chihiro was born male and only presented himself as female for protection. He was more ashamed at his own weakness and what it caused him to do to someone as innocent as Chihiro. He tries to prevent Chihiro’s secret from being revealed by switching up the locker rooms, but he still unconsciously slips up and calls Chihiro a “dude” because at the time of his death, Chihiro wanted to be seen as male again (taking steps to eventually get there). I can’t remember if they had any known interaction with each other the year before the world fell to Despair, but I bet they were close! I can see it happening given time, time they didn’t have unfortunately.
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funishment-time · 1 year
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UTDP/Summer Camp: Hajime Hinata
in-game info from v3's UTDP Mode and Danganronpa S: Summer Camp AU, for fanart/fanfic inspiration etc. note that this is a "nice" universe where v3 goes to Hope's Peak and Junko never Junko'd.
this post details Hajime Hinata's scenes with others, as well as insights about him that these bits provide. there's a Lot, so jump on down under the cut.
(i hope to do all characters over time, so Hang Tight for your fave!)
> more UTDP/Summer Camp character databases <
CANON NOTE: Izuru Kamukura still exists. I will cover him in a separate post, as he's treated like a separate character. Strangely, though, from text alone, we can't confirm Hajime's relation to Izuru in the UTDP/Summer Camp AU. Considering Hajime and Izuru have similar scenes with different outcomes (much like Junko and Mukuro), it could be that they never exist at the same time (that is, we actually have two timelines going in this AU). It's up to your interpretation.
Hajime is still in the Reserve Course here (UTDP, w/ Aoi Asahina) + (UTDP, w/ Ryoma Hoshi) + (many others)
Was invited to the Summer Camp VR trip, though it's never explicitly stated why [just because of his "connections"] (Summer Camp, Prologue) + (Summer Camp, Taka's Campfire 3)
"I can't just stay a kid forever. Examining yourself and the reality you live in...That's how one moves ahead." (Summer Camp, Monokuma & Hajime)
"I'm cool with animals. A pet would be a bit too much for me, though." (Summer Camp, Ryoma & Hajime & Nagito)
Impressed by the Summer Camp VR world, and it piques his interest in things he never considered before (Summer Camp, Leon & Hajime & Chihiro)
"I'm just used to all the trash talk about being in the reserve course by now." (Summer Camp, Potential of Talent 3)
Makes balloon art for the Summer Festival, though with practice he can only make a dog and a flower (Summer Camp, Summer Festival events)
[Monomi:] "Hehehe...Hajime, you've become a full-fledged member of the class." (Summer Camp, With Swimsuits)
Reads a lot during the events of Summer Camp: "I feel a need to expand my horizons. I'm surrounded by specialists..." (Summer Camp, My Future)
In this universe, Hajime still hangs out with class 77 a lot [notably Kazuichi, Gundham, and Chiaki] outside of school (UTDP, w/ Aoi Asahina)
Discusses talent with Ryoma, and Ryoma tells him: "You can choose any path you want, but be sure to think carefully about where it will lead." (UTDP, w/ Hajime Hinata)
In another discussion, Hajime tells Ryoma to treasure the days he has with his friends, even if he has to go back to prison after he graduates (UTDP, Ryoma's Winter 2)
Nagito finds Hajime mysterious, especially how he's drawn to main course students. Hajime doesn't understand him in return (UTDP, w/ Nagito Komaeda)
In fact, Nagito seems to hope Hajime will see his point of view about being a "stepping stone" for other students. Hajime does not (UTDP, Nagito's Sports Festival 3)
But Hajime does force Nagito to be his friend (UTDP, Nagito's Winter 1)
And to be a normal human being to the rest of his class (Summer Camp, Campfire 3)
Talks to the other male protagonists about giving [and receiving] presents (UTDP, w/ Makoto Naegi and Shuichi Saihara)
Feels that others rely on Chiaki because she's helpful. Chiaki feels the same right back to Hajime, noting he's helped many in 77 come out of their shell (UTDP, w/ Chiaki Nanami)
Often asked to join in on main course activities (UTDP, Sports Festival events)
Kazuichi considers Hajime a "soul friend" [though full disclosure, this may have been to convince Hajime to invite Sonia to his birthday party] (UTDP, Winter 2)
Asks Sayaka if she'd still be an idol regardless of Ultimate status, and her answer is yes (UTDP, Winter 3)
A little unimpressed with Keebo, but realizes that sometimes being an Ultimate is "who you are, not what you do" (UTDP, Keebo's School Festival 1)
Gets advice from Gonta about having fun in the future, rather than worrying about talent or even passion. Then they bond over bugs and it's cute (Summer Camp, Gonta & Hajime)
Monokuma tries to "bond" with Hajime over their "outsider" status. It does not work (Summer Camp, Monokuma & Hajime)
Monokuma also tries to make Hajime upset about being in the Reserve Course. It does not work (Summer Camp, Potential of Talent 3)
Hiyoko asks Hajime for help picking out souvenirs for her father. Hajime is not helpful (Summer Camp, Hajime & Hiyoko)
Doesn't know what Monokuma and the other Kumas are, but neither does anyone else, really (Summer Camp, Leon & Hajime & Chihiro)
Prevents Mahiru from accidentally getting an embarrassing shot of Mikan falling [probably coochie out] (Summer Camp, Hajime & Mahiru & Mikan)
Encourages Mondo in his endeavors to become a carpenter (Summer Camp, Potential of Talent 1)
Considers helping Taka reform Hope's Peak (Summer Camp, Taka's Potential of Talent 2)
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noodle-girl1 · 6 years
A review of everything we've got so far...
(Dammit. I posted this on Reddit like a month ago but forgot to post it here. Sorry!)
Hi everyone! I thought it’d be good to summary all the small Kabaneri news we have gotten so far in one single post. After all, we have been given a lot of those and it’s always good to have everything properly explained. In this post, I’ll be talking about the new and old characters, trains, weapons, kabane and scenarios. Oh, and about the countdown on the game’s website too. If you want to go straight to that part, you can just go to the bottom of this post.
But before I actually get there, it’s important to clear some things up. I’ve seen a lot of people saying that all the recent news are for S2, others saying they are for the game, and others saying they are for the movie. So let me make this clear: so far, there isn’t any confirmation of a second season. Yet. Back in 2016, after the anime aired, a 2018 project was confirmed by the official Twitter account. Turns out that 2018 project was the game, even though people said it’d be S2, back in 2016. All we know is that there’ll be a new Kabaneri movie, and a Kabaneri game. No S2. So put that idea aside, for now at least.
Now, even for the movie, there isn’t much information to mention here. All we were given regarding that topic was just a very poor PV, and that’s about it. This means that all the information I’m leaving below is about the game (though that should be obvious enough since it’s the Kabaneri game Twitter account that has been posting all of it…).
Here is the trailer for the Kabaneri movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvIVRc_yg0E
And here’s the trailer for the Kabaneri game (directly linked from the game’s official YouTube channel): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuF46TqOpTM
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Now that this is all cleared up, I’ll be talking about everything that was revealed so far for the game “Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Revolt- Beginning Tracks”. Reminder that most of this information was revealed on Twitter, which means there isn’t really much to say. This obviously leads to a lot of speculation, but for now I’ll just leave what we objectively know. With that being said, I’ll start by talking about the new and old characters.
New and old characters
New characters
Kaname 要(カナメ)(声優:小松昌平), voiced by Shohei Komatsu
Kaname is one of the main new characters for this game. I’d risk to say he’s the protagonist of this game, judging by the main visual, but then again, I won’t go ahead speculating in this post. Kaname is an orphan from the Katsuki Station(勝木駅). He treasures his family the most, and it is said by the official game Twitter account that he’s going to be an important character.
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Haya 葉矢(ハヤ)(声優:黒沢ともよ), voiced by Tomoyo Kurosawa
Just like Kaname, Haya is an orphan from the Katsuki Station. She plays more of an older sister role, and she’s very good at getting along with everyone.
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Chihiro 千尋(チヒロ)(声優:梅原裕一郎), voiced by Yuichiro Umehara
Just like Haya, Chihiro does play an older brother role. Again, being from Katsuki Station, he valorizes his family and would do anything to protect them, even the worst things possible. He’s described as a gently and strictly watching presence, as well as being absolutely fine to trust in.
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Yatori 八鳥(やとり)
There isn’t much information about Yatori, other than that she’s a new character and clearly has a function related to the stations and Hayajiros. The staff mentions how beautiful she is, but that’s about it.
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Kouhime 香姫(こうひめ)
Just like with Yatori, there isn’t much information about Kouhime. Other than saying she’s the most beautiful Kabaneri character, the staff only mentions that she’s a princess. Princess of Mikawa.
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Kanou 狩能 (かのう)
This one character doesn’t appear in the game PV, and all we know is that he’s the owner of that new pile bunker weapon (which I’ll be talking about in the weapons section). He’s apparently a samurai, and is a man of big body and heart. Other than that, it is mentioned that he’ll be an important character in the game. Notice that he holds a master key…
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Blondie (let’s call her that…)
Now, this character... She does appear in the game PV, but we literally know nothing about her. Not even her name.She does appear in the game’s main visual, and right in the middle of it, so I guess it’s safe to say that she’ll have an important role in the story. She also appears in the game PV standing right next to Kaname, holding a gun, on top of a train surrounded by kabane, so she clearly fights the kabane too.
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2. Old characters
Nothing really has changed for the old characters, other than their outfits. Some of them… Aren’t as good as S1’s, but they’re not bad by any means! Well then, let’s get into it!
Maybe some of you didn’t know, so let me clear that up for you right now. Yes, Ikoma has now a mechanical arm.And if that doesn’t sound cool enough to you yet, be ready because there’s more. He’ll also be able to switch from his mechanical arm to his weapon. Isn’t that, like, REALLY cool? I personally love the idea!
As you can see, only thing that really changed was her jacket, which I honestly think that exploded with Biba’s Kokujou. Mumei still looks damn good though.
Remember how Kurusu partially destroyed his outfit after falling off that train with the green haired scientist (IIRC his name was Souma)? Right. As you can see, the staff basically tried to fix his clothes without giving him new ones. Ayame is broke and can’t even get her boyfriend some new and even more badass clothes.Shame!
Well, there isn’t much to say here. She looks exactly the same. What a beauty!
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Shunjou 駿城
So far, this is the only Hayajiro that we have information of. We know there are at least two new Hayajiros for the game: this blue one, and the other red one (both seen in the game PV). So we’ll have information about the other one soon or later. For now, let’s talk about this Shunjou. Here we can have a look at both its inside and outside. Looks cool!The main Kabaneri game squad will be riding on it.
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1. Ikoma’s piercing gun (1)
As you can see, nothing really has changed. Ikoma is still going to be using the spring to fire his gun, which means he only needs to extend his arm to do it. Again,reminder that he’s going to be able to switch between his mechanical arm and his piercing gun. That’s so cool!
2. Piler bunker (2)
This weapon belongs to Kanou, the character presented above, and it’s called a piler bunker. "Tool or weapon composed of a pneumatic or hydraulic piston connected to a spiked shaft and recoil springs. Uses rapid compression to drive the piston forward which in turn drives a spike into an object, in a matter similar to that of a pneumatic hammer (jackhammer), only the spike goes far into the object and then retracts quickly, readying itself for another strike." This is all we know about it, but oh well, it looks cool.
3. Haya’s guns (3)
There isn’t much to say about her guns. I personally like how small they are, which matches with the cute vibes Haya gives us. I guess they are a smaller version of Mumei’s guns…? I wonder.
4. This… Needle thing? (4)
Honestly I’m not sure if this should be put in the guns section. Honestly… Don’t ask me what this thing is, because I don’t know either. It’s so weird… There aren’t any tweets talking about it (so far at least), but this thing is right at the center of the game main visual, so it’s got to be important. It has also appeared in the game trailer, but it’s still hard to tell what it really is. What do you guys think?
5. Kaname’s guns (5)
Apparently called "Steam Knuckle Derringer" (correct me if I'm wrong). They’re meant to be shot at long distance targets, and the knife used for short distance targets. Kinda similar to Mumei’s gun, I’d say.
6. Holsters (6)
Nothing much to say here, other than both Haya and Kaname seem to use this type of holsters for their guns.
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Well… I think the first thing we can all point out here is that all these new Black Smokes are insect shaped. Image number 2 being a spider, 3 a grasshopper, and 4 a frog. As for the other images, we can see some other weird Black Smokes… Truth is that all of them lead to huge speculation!
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As for the scenarios, I tried to divide them into two different categories. First one being battle fields and destroyed stations, and the second one being actual functional stations. Let’s start with the former.
As you can see, most of them are totally messed up by the kabane. We can even see a kabane nest in the first picture…Which is terrifying. We can also see images with Mumei apparently exploring these same abandoned places,and not only through her clothes but also through the images themselves, we can tell it’s Winter season (though that a six month time skip happened in the Kabaneri recap movies already…).
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As for the latter category,
Katsuki Station's foreground. This station is known for being a poor one, where people even have to resell the garbage they find around. Kaname, Haya and Chihiro are from this station. (1)
Again, we can see Katsuki Station and its garbage collecting work, in some mountain. (2)
The actual reselling of the garbage found in the mountain, and a man evaluating it to know how much it is worth for. (3)
“Katsuki Station – Night Stand”. The group is having a juicy night meal. The original tweet mentions it’s certainly not rice, since that’d be a treasure considering Kabaneri’s world. (4)
Market of Sanashita Station, a lively and happy station. (5)
Station in the historical province of Hida. (6)
Sanashita Station. (7)
Sanage Station. Sanage is a medium-sized station in Mikawa. (8)
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As you all may image, some of the station names might be wrong, if not totally wrong. All of them. Who knows… It’s hard to translate Japanese station names. XD
I’ve been collecting most of this information from the Kabaneri game account’s tweets, as well as picking some references from Inner Chorus (on Tumblr) https://innerchorus.tumblr.com/ and many other big Kabaneri fans who are thirsty for news and details and all that. Apologies if there are any mistakes above, and please let me know if there are any so I can correct those.
For now, all we can do is to wait. A countdown in the official game website had started something like a month ago. Once that countdown ended, we were all expecting a new Kabaneri game trailer, but nope. All given to us was just even more information...: the Kabaneri game will be exhibited at the Tokyo Game Show 2018 event, happening from September 20th to 23rd. Additionally, more information is expected to be revealed in the middle of September. For now, there's new merchandise that can be found on the game's website.
Here’s some of the information added to the website regarding the TGS 2018 event:
WIT STUDIO's animation opening to be first publicly revealed
Gameplay pre-release
Kabaneri of Iron Castle - Ran (the game) final information release
"Kabaneri of Iron Fortress ~ Unato Kessen ~" information release
This is all we have for now. Can’t wait for the news coming at the end of the month! :D
On a side note, if you want to get all the updates on first hand, feel free to join our Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Discord fan server. We post there all the news as soon as they are released, and we even have a few leaks, sometimes. :P
Here is the link to join it: https://discord.gg/dVFxjbs
You can also find this post on both Reddit and YouTube. Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/koutetsujounokabaneri/comments/9a2yg5/a_review_of_everything_weve_got_so_far/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQPQmDzmNcM&t=8s
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the-apocryphal-one · 7 years
You don't have to respond to this, but I was curious. What are your opinions about this TheStoryteller's opinions on the first DR game on YouTube? He gave some legitimate arguments against it and I'd really like to hear your take on it, if you don't mind stirring up a little bit of controversy.
I’m gonna keep this really brief.
I do find the one about the mysteries being easy fair. I remember successfully figuring out three of the four killers at the start of the trial, Chihiro’s being the only one I struggled with--the real mystery for me was putting together what happened, rather than finding out “whodunit”.
The part about the characters being bland is frankly ridiculous. Yes, there are some stereotypes, like “angry loud guy being a biker”, but digging into their FTE’s reveals more depth than just that. Heck, even without FTE’s some of them are still developed beyond stereotypes--to stick with what I just said, Mondo’s got his whole deal with his dead brother and feeling weak and envious. And in some cases the stereotypes are used to bait-and-switch you, like Sayaka being the obvious love interest only to end up dead right away, or Junko being an air-headed model only to be the big bad.
I can see where he’s coming from on the minigames, but I think they still contribute to solving mysteries. Panic Talk Debate is maaaaaaaybe the only one that feels a little pointless since by then pretty much everyone is set on the culprit. But the others serve a purpose, whether it be surmising everything (clearing things up for the player if they’re still confused) or finding answers you don’t necessarily have in your Truth Bullets.
The point about disliking the plot is personal, but some of it is nitpicky. He takes a problem with Junko doing evil “just because”. Fair enough, that’s an opinion on her character. Byakuya's sympathy card seeming unearned, or Toko's obsession eclipsing her character in the plot? Also fair. But stuff like Makoto being the Ultimate Hope is foreshadowed with his effect on everyone around him, and the hope-despair conflict is present throughout even if not in explicit words (just “do we give up and resign ourselves to our fate, do we kill to leave, or do we try and fight?”) His qualm about simplifying characters to Ultimate being stupid is kind of missing the point--it is stupid, and the series has frequently shown how harmful it is to focus exclusively on being an Ultimate. There are things to them beyond being an Ultimate, but society has defined them by their talent (ironically, he’s doing the same thing by not acknowledging the traits and FTEs). And in doing so, that led to the state the game's world is in. The focus on their Ultimate talents is part of the theme.
So basically some of it is fair, but a lot of it seems mired in misunderstanding and personal bias.
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*During the early morning, Sayaka sleeps. She is slightly restless in her snoozing, and is easily awoken when someone suddenly starts rattling on her bedroom door.
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Ngh...*yawn* *sigh* coming...
*The rattling continues.
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*yawn* I said I’m coming...!
*She growls and eventually gets to the door, and opens it to greet the person on the other side.
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What is it?
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Yes. It’s me.
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I have a favor to ask you...Please...follow me.
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*Worried, Sayaka follows him.
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H-Huh? Everyone?
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*Sayaka and Byakuya eventually arrive at the lobby. The former is surprised to see that the rest of their class (with a few obvious exceptions) are already present.
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I understand this is at rather short notice, so I am sorry if I cut you off while you were busy with other stuff. I’ll make this quick. 
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What is it now dude?
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Just hold on a second. We’re waiting for one more.
*As soon as he says this, another person steps in.
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I’m here. Sorry, I had to use the bathroom.
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Hina! You’re ok!?
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What, of course I’m ok? It’s not like they locked me up to torture information out of me.
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Indeed. I’m not quite so barbaric. I know you already know the gist of things Hina, but take a seat.
*A few of the 78th are sitting on the sofa in the lounge, and Hina plops herself right down next to Chihiro. Byakuya stands in front of everyone so that he is clearly visible.
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Just quickly, because I have to ask this...This sudden meeting with the rest of us...
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Is it...about Mr Naegi? Or Miss Ikusaba’s recent disappearance?
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Wow, what an accurate guess for such an obvious topic of discussion.
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Although, there’s not an awful lot to discuss. I already know Mukuro’s wherabouts.
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You do? I-Is she ok?
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Somewhat. It seems that she went chasing after Makoto and Kuripa, and has now joined up with them.
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Ever since the incident at the hospital, they’ve eluded capture, and after that was done, I recieved word from Munakata that Mukuro had rebelled.
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Even with Protocol Noel? 
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*Chihiro suddenly stands up, and attention is diverted onto him.
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Byakuya...I’m sorry, but I can’t allow you to initiate that protocol.
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I...For the sake of Kyoko and the rest of the Future Foundation, I went along with the idea of your manhunt. I didn’t actively take part, but I didn’t stop it.
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And yes, I was the one who confirmed that the security footage Munakata gave you was unedited and not fake.
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But...I can’t take it any longer.
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Hm...You’ve certainly grown a lot since the killing game, standing up to me. 
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I-If I don’t stand up to this, I don’t know who will! Even with all the evidence we’ve got, I can’t believe it for a second! Makoto is innocent!
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I KNOW Chihiro.
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What did you just say?
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*Byakuya nervously fiddles with his glasses.
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I know that Makoto isn’t the traitor, nor is he the one who set off the bomb. In fact...I’ve had a feeling right from the very moment this all started.
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I’ve worked alongside him for long over 8 to 10 years now. I know he doesn’t have it in him to give into Despair, and he’d never work with Zetsubou or try to harm other people.
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Then why did you send a full armed battalion after him!?
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Because I wasn’t sure!
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As Celeste said before...so long as there is a non-zero possibility that Makoto IS the spy, I have to act on it, even if I don’t believe it.
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And when Munakata provided me with that physical evidence...I-I didn’t know what to think.
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Which is why I went to his apartment after he’d left. I had only intended to bring him back for questioning, and I had never intended to allow Munakata to lay a finger on him.
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And even then I had believed in his innocence, and all I wanted was to bring him back with the hope of debunking the footage...But...then...
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Kuripa struck you...!
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Oh god...! And that made you think-!?
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It made me think that Kurafto was a co-conspirator, and that I’d been lured into a trap.
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But the more I think about it, the less likely that seems now. His dedication to Makoto is just far too intense. Thus this misunderstanding.
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Ok, then...why employ Munakata’s help?
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I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. His determination would have served as a valuable asset.
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However, personally...I’ve been trying to keep tabs on him as much as I can, but it’s hard to do that without attracting his attention.
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You don’t trust him?
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I don’t trust him as far as I can spit! But I can’t openly say that, else I lose some good opportunities.
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When this is resolved...IF it gets resolved, I’m going to get to the bottom of what he’s planning.
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Good. I’ll assist you.
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So easily swain Taka?
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Do you not understand what this whole meeting is about yet?
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Byakuya has gathered us to ask us for forgiveness! And he wishes to take his actions back.
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It’s not easy to take back what I’ve already done, but...yes, that’s the bottom line of it.
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Though, I’m not necessarily expecting you to forgive me. I’m just letting you all know that I don’t intend to hunt down Makoto to arrest him and throw him away.
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So...does this mean you’re going to abolish the manhunt?
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No, not quite.
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Why not?
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Probably because it’s working? I mean, they haven’t caught him, but having the Foundation constantly looking out for him...That’s a good way to find him isn’t it? I’m not wrong am I?
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You most certainly are not. But I understand how terrible it sounds, so I’ll clarify it’s not my intention to harm Makoto.
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This is all well and splendid and such, but there’s something I have to ask.
*Sayaka takes a step forward.
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What changed Byakuya? You said that as long as the possibility remained, you couldn’t believe in Makoto. So why have you changed your mind...?
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Because of what happened after the hospital chase.
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Which was...what?
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I spoke with Kyoko in her firm. And she told me what had happened.
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Had Makoto been the traitor, and had he been working for Organization Zetsubou, then by that point, he already had a target in sight.
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Of course! Survivor!
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When the bomb hit, and Kyoko and Hina were badly injured, I eventually came to a conclusion.
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Whoever the traitor was, they had set off that bomb with the intention of hurting them.
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Because then they’d be hospitalized and defenseless. And they could scoop them right up for their planned killing game. Yui’s murder was just collateral damage, and it’s likely they tried to kill Celeste too, to get her out of the picture.
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Shit...that actually makes sense.
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That’s why I had Hina and Celeste here at Future Foundation, and put Kyoko inside an undisclosed location. To prevent the traitor from finding her. 
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This isn’t me trying to imply some of my friends and classmates matter to me more than others. It’s simply that if Kyoko falls, the Foundation falls with her.
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Of course, Hina somehow found out, and then told Makoto.
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I get that there was a chance that he was the traitor, but she’s his wife dude. You can’t just-
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Don’t explain yourself, I’m sure everyone understands. But that’s the thing that sets off my radar.
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What is?
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Makoto, who I believed was the traitor, found the location that I hadn’t disclosed to the Future Foundation.
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And all he did was talk. He didn’t attempt to break Kyoko out, nor capture her, when he had the perfect opportunity.
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Of course, I should’ve seen it coming, but I couldn’t let faith blind me to the reality we were in. Even though they were married, I had to be safe rather than sorry.
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I just...No, I just bare repeating myself, do you at least get my point?
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The point is that Kyoko remained untouched. Which has given you enough reason to believe in Makoto again.
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Not fully...but yes...enough.
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Why didn’t you tell us this Byakuya? Earlier I mean?
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What do you mean?
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I understand that you’re trying to make up for your slip ups, and how much of a wet blanket you’ve been since this incident started...
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But...I hope you realize that all of this could have just been solved with just some simple, NOT one-sided communication?
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She’s right you know!? All you had to do was collectively get our opinions in line on the incident, and this could all have been avoided!
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Well? What’dya say to that?
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You...are absolutely right...
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But...to me, asking for help from you guys...it felt like I was admitting to it...
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Admitting to what?
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Admitting to how I wasn’t capable of handling the position of chairman...admitting that Kyoko was always going to be better in the seat than me.
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Oh, we all already knew that.
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I know! As did I! It’s painfullu obvious how inferior I am, but admitting it is another thing entirely!
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*Hina stands up too.
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Byakuya. You know that’s not true, right?
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Kyoko is only as good as she as the Future Foundation chairwoman BECAUSE she communicates with us and always seeks our opinions and help!
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She’s not like you who tries to deal with everything by himself to prove he’s worth something! And she’s not like Munakata who’s willing to make sacrifices, including the lives of others, to suit his own ends.
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I could stand to be more like her...
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You just didn’t want to show weakness. Right?
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*Byakuya nods his head.
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Wow, look at you being honest with us for once.
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Don’t tease me, this is hardly the time to.
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You’re right. Just...listen.
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No one’s saying that you’re bad at being the Acting Chairman. But let’s just say that you need to do better. Try...I dunno? Getting our thoughts on the matter instead of deciding everything by yourself?
*Everyone else nods and some smile.
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...Alright...Then what would have me do?
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One thing...
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Give us back our friend.
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*The mood is cut short when someone suddenly steps into the room.
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Byakuya Togami.
*As soon as Munakata appears, the mood gets tense.
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What is it?
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Makoto Naegi. I know where he is.
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...! Really? Very well, get the troops ready and I’ll be with you in a moment. I just need to finish up here.
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*Munakata nods and exaunts.
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We’re still going through with this guy?
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I don’t like it either, but if it makes you feel any better, my troops have already been given a command.
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If he tries anything funny, they have permission to turn their guns on him.
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Good. Now...
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Go be a hero.
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