#* &. sunny barnes.
strangerathecinema · 7 months
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i need them all to meet so badly actually
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weedpoop · 3 months
redditors will be like “erm does anyone else think abed is a bit of a dick 🤓” as if their faves aren’t a disbarred lawyer who sees women as objects, a future cop who drugs her friends with amphetamines, a white feminist who equates virtue signaling with political activism and thinks animal abuse is worse than racism, a pro-life fundamentalist christian, an arsonist, and pierce
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how to abide by the law of bros before hoes when bro happens to be my hoe?
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totallystable1 · 9 months
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gay people (/pos) vs gay people (/neg)
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avengerdaisy · 1 month
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Beau Arlen & Jenny Hoyt (with Sunny Barnes) in Big Sky [401/∞]
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navybrat817 · 9 months
A very horny Monday to you!
On this fine day let's think, thirst and talk about... OVA with your tattoo artists 😏
And it only took me until Wet Wednesday to respond. Hehe.
O - Andy Barber
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We know Andy is a bit of a grump. No one can really blame him after losing his son and divorcing Laurie. So when you burst into his life, all smiles and brightness, it's almost blinding. But he'd be lying if he said he wasn't thinking of you when you left his shop.
He wonders if you'd smile when you drop to your knees for him. Or if you'd moan at the first touch of your tongue on his cock. Picturing those pretty eyes of your filled with tears because you're so full on him is almost enough for him to lose it as he strokes himself. But it isn't just your mouth he thinks about.
He wonders just how sweet you taste.
He sure as hell can't taste the sun, but he wants you to burn his tongue with your essence. He wants to feel your fingers twist through his hair as he has his fill. Wants his beard soaked with your release. After being along for so long, he's knows he's going to be a bit of a selfish lover and indulge. But he'll make it good for you.
Until you're begging for him to stop. *****
V - Steve Rogers
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You were done for when you walked into the shop. If you weren't so afraid of getting your first tattoo, your panties would've been drenched from the smirk Steve gave you. He sensed it, too, since he ended up taking you home and having you as his own personal birthday present.
He isn't one to grab, but he's a big boy and knows he is. He takes pride in ruining your pretty pussy and he swore he never felt anything so warm, wet, and tight before you. He doesn't have to tell you that you're ruined, but you both know it. And the moans you let out as filthy praise falls from his lips as you take him is enough to make him wonder why you hadn't walked into his shop, and life, sooner.
He asks himself the same thing again in his mind when he fills you up.
You may be a sweet teacher by day, but you're his Rose now and a slut for his cock. But not just a slut. HIS slut. That's important to differentiate.
A - Bucky Barnes
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Bucky is a little possessive of Sugar. He can't help himself. It isn't like Richard though or any other asshole. Bucky respects and cares for you. He only wants the best for you.
He also wants to make you feel good.
You've never had your ass fucked. You didn't want that with Richard or, really, any other guy. But the thought of Hottie wrecking your holes though and claiming every single part of you? That's a different story.
And Bucky knows it's another display of your vulnerability and, fuck, is he going to make sure you remember how good it can feel. Another big boy, he's going to take his time stretching you and easing himself in when he knows you're ready for him. He'd take it slow and whisper how well you're doing for him as he plays with your clit, wanting you to know that he's going to put your pleasure first.
Practically sobbing as you tighten around him, he keeps his mouth against your skin as he talks you through it. That he's there. He's got you, Sugar. You're so good for him. And thanking you for trusting him to take care of you.
He always will.
Love and thanks! ❤️
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beaujensen · 1 year
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5ummit · 2 years
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Rumlow & Bucky threatening people with a custom SIG Sauer P226 SCT
At first glance Bucky's gun in TFATWS may not look particularly special or appear to have any narrative significance, but I’m here to tell you that’s almost certainly not the case, whether intentional or not.
I already thought the parallel was fascinating when I first noticed these guns looked similar, but the deeper I dug the more compelling the story got. They aren’t just similar, they’re the exact same gun. Which ordinarily wouldn't be that all that special either, since many people use the same type of gun, but this isn’t some generic off-the-shelf model. In fact, I now think this custom P226 SCT is so unique as to be intrinsically linked to Rumlow, and I’m going to make the case that its reappearance in TFATWS is so remarkable that the gun (and therefore likely Rumlow himself) must hold some sort of significance for Bucky.
Buckle up, I’m about to overanalyze the shit out of this gun.
First, let’s look at the facts:
Out of the dozens of guns seen and used in CATWS, the only person to use a P226 is Rumlow. Even after he loses his customized SCT in the scene above, he's seen with another standard P226 in the next scene, which suggests he heavily favors this model. Side note: Knowing this, my new headcanon is that Rumlow is a former Navy SEAL since P226′s are famous for being beloved and carried by SEALs. Plus, everything we know about him lines up perfectly with that background.
Excluding the Winter Soldier’s P220, no one else in CATWS is seen carrying any SIG handgun model. All other SHIELD and HYDRA agents pretty much exclusively use Glocks, which further confirms this custom P226 SCT is undoubtably meant to be Rumlow’s personal handgun (he’s also seen with this same gun in the scene where they’re hunting Steve down at the mall).
Out of the dozens of guns seen and used in TFATWS, the only person to use a P226 is Bucky. Yet again, no one else in the show carries any SIG handgun model with Glocks by far the most common.
This is the only gun Bucky uses in the entire show. The only other gun Bucky even briefly holds is the submachine gun he takes from one of Selby's goons before dropping it seconds later. Additionally, the fact that Bucky has this gun in two completely different scenes, set days apart in different locations, confirms this isn’t just some random gun he borrowed temporarily in Madripoor, but his own personal gun that he purposefully chooses to carry.
Not only are Rumlow and Bucky’s guns the same basic model, they’re specifically the Super Capacity Tactical (SCT) variant, which is already fairly uncommon, but on top of that and more importantly both guns appear to have the same very specific, very unique customizations to the point where I’m almost certain it’s the exact same prop. While the standard P226 SCT is pure black, multiple parts on both of these guns (hammer, takedown lever, magazine release, decocker, etc) have a silvery finish instead, which you may be able to see a bit more clearly here and here. Some of the parts are reminiscent of the Equinox version of the P226, but it’s not a perfect match and notably the SCT doesn’t seem to have ever been made in an Equinox variation anyway. The most interesting features to me though are the bare-metal front and rear cocking serrations, which again are reminiscent of the Equinox except the rest of the slide is still all black. In all of my research that’s not something I’ve been able to find on any other P226 and is not just a part you could potentially buy and swap out. To achieve that look the slide would have to be very deliberately hand-sanded or machined. This detail, combined with the other custom parts, undoubtably makes this gun one-of-a-kind.
Now some may try to argue that if we look at other Marvel movies we might find that this particular prop has been reused before and this gun is not as unique in-universe as it might seem. Don’t worry, I’ve looked into this too. At least according to IMFDB’s current records, not a single P226 SCT, much less one with these customizations, has ever been identified in another Marvel property. Rumlow’s gun in CATWS and Bucky’s gun in TFATWS are the only instances this gun, or anything like it, has shown up.
Maybe the reappearance of this gun was just meant to be a cool Easter egg for eagle-eyed gun enthusiasts. Maybe it’s meant to be something more. I don’t know and I honestly don’t care. Because here’s the thing, regardless of what was originally intended (death of the author and all that), the facts remain and they paint an undeniably compelling picture of something that has actual narrative weight.
Whatever Doylist reasons this gun may’ve been chosen for Bucky out of the dozens, if not hundreds, of potential options, if we just look at the facts and try to make sense of them in-universe one thing is clear: there’s no way Rumlow and Bucky would both have this exact gun by pure coincidence. It’s not standard issue for SHIELD or HYDRA and it’s not some run-of-the-mill, off-the-shelf weapon Bucky could’ve easily picked up somewhere on a whim. He made a deliberate choice to acquire and carry this gun. And given this custom P226’s extreme uniqueness paired with Rumlow and Bucky’s likely history, there are really only two possible scenarios that I can see:
Bucky sought out and somehow recovered Rumlow’s gun from the wreckage of the Triskelion at some point, making it quite literally the exact same gun.
Bucky tracked down the same already uncommon model and specifically customized it to match Rumlow’s favorite gun (which he would’ve had to have been very familiar with to get all of the details just right).
Either option is intriguing, to say the least. It certainly brings up more questions than answers, namely: What is the significance of Rumlow and/or his gun to Bucky/the Winter Soldier, and why does Bucky care about it so much that he took the considerable time and effort to either recover the original or recreate an exact copy?
[Disclaimer: By no means am I a gun expert, but I did try to be thorough in my research. A lot of my conclusions are based on info pulled from IMFDB, though not all of it. While IMFDB isn’t perfect, as it’s just a publicly run database and not an official source, I’ve found it to be quite comprehensive when it comes to popular shows and movies and its contributors are generally very skilled at identifying weapons. However, if any gun experts think I’ve made a significant error, let me know!]
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sparklingspidey · 28 days
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Immerse yourself in a world where fictional characters come to life through the power of words. Whether you're seeking solace during challenging times, celebrating a special occasion, or simply yearning for a touch of whimsy in your day, our letters are tailored to evoke feelings of joy, encouragement, and companionship.
Whether you're gifting a letter to a loved one or treating yourself to a moment of self-care, these comfort character letters are a timeless reminder that you are never alone. Let me guide you on a journey of healing, inspiration, and joy as you embrace the magic of storytelling and the power of human connection.
Fandoms: Disney, Marvel, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Stranger Things, Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, Hannibal, Community, It's Always Sunny, Dr.Who, Sherlock, Super Natural, Dead Poets Society, The Hunger Games, Little Women, Legally Blonde, High School Musical, Avatar the Last Air Bender, Mythic Quest, Steven Universe, and more.
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i'm starting a collection
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girl-interuptxd · 1 year
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strangerathecinema · 7 months
i love me some sitcoms where the core found family is just the worst group people you’ve ever seen in your entire life. and they’re all gay
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its-tortle · 1 year
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💛 wakanda husbands feat. alpine the cat 💛
a 1k celebration moodboard for @andrea1717
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on-my-contrarian-sh1t · 11 months
speak now - can you do something with mine and bucky barnes? maybe like an au or smth?
You begrudgingly pulled your eyes out of the book in front of you as the bells above the bookstore door jingled. The man that just walked in was tall and muscular. His hair was entirely tucked under a baseball cap and he had a rock-hard, surly expression on his face.
“Hi,” you said, not bothering to stand up. “Every book is 20% off. That doesn’t include stationary, pens, bookmarks, or anything that’s not a book. You don’t look like an idiot but you have no idea how many people have gotten pissed because they thought that the entire store was 20% off.”
“People are stupid,” he replied, glancing at you before glancing away.
You nodded in agreement and murmured a “yeah.” You heaved a sigh. “Well, happy browsing. Let me know if you need any help.”
“Actually, I do,” he said. He strode over to the counter you were sitting behind and just barely leaned forward on the surface. “See, my friend told me that I needed to get a hobby. He offered sports ’nd stuff but that just seems entirely too boring. Painting was a no go for me, I have zero creativity. My next best go was reading. Do you have any recommendations?”
You, now intrigued, put your book down and stood up. “What are you looking for? Thrillers? Romance? Classics?”
“I don’t really know,” he admitted.
“Classics are usually pretty fairground for everyone,” you told him, leading him to an aisle. You scanned it hastily before grabbing The Picture of Dorian Gray off the shelf. “The Picture of Dorian Gray, man sells his soul for eternal youth and beauty.” You handed it to him before picking another. “Little Women, follows the lives of four sisters as the go through life.” You stacked that book on top of the first. “Treasure Island, pirates.” You continued to stack more books in his arms until you had given him at least ten.
“Wow,” he said, surprised. “You certainly know a lot about this.”
You nodded before smiling. “It’s my job, you know.” He smiled back and met your stare. You inhaled as you looked away. “You get the 20% off discount plus a new customer discount.”
“Really? That’s cool.”
You beamed and nodded at him. 
“You have to let me know what you think of those books,” you told him as you began to check-out the books. “You know, some people really love ‘em but others don’t.”
“I will let you know,” said the guy with a grin. “I’m Bucky, by the way.”
“Bucky? That’s a cool name. I haven’t heard that one before. I’m Y/N,” you answered warmly.
“Y/N? I like that,” he said.
“Thanks. Well, here you go, I hope you enjoy them,” you told Bucky with a wide smile. 
“I appreciate it,” Bucky responded, reciprocating your smile. He gently took the books out of your arms and walked out the door, the bell jingling above him. 
When he left you couldn’t help the gut feeling that crawled up your stomach and spread throughout your body like a disease. You fell for him, you realized, somewhat shocked. The shock wafted away and become a feeling of contentment. He was a good person to fall for.
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avengerdaisy · 27 days
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Beau Arlen & Jenny Hoyt (with Sunny Barnes) in Big Sky [406/∞]
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puppyboywinger · 5 months
here is a list of fictional characters/ships i think would be better if they were yuri/lesbian. i do not take complaints
jeff winger, community
redstreet/jeff x britta, community
troy x abed, community
brad bakshi, mythic quest
baksbee/brad x david, mythic quest
charlie kelly, it’s always sunny in philadelphia
lip gallagher, shameless
gallavich/mickey x ian, shameless
jung x shannon, kim’s convenience
todd chavez, bojack horseman
zach stone, zach stone is gonna be famous
scott pilgrim, scott pilgrim takes off
scott x ramona, scott pilgrim takes off
scollace/scott x wallace, scott pilgrim takes off
matthew patel, scott pilgrim takes off
freddie x sam, icarly
starlord, guardians of the galaxy
chidi x eleanor, the good place
michael mell, be more chill
byakuya togami, danganronpa THH
byakuya x makoto, danganronpa THH
if you think of any more that should be on this list, please rb :-) i love dykes and you should too
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