empresskadia · 5 months
But I was thinking about taking John on a date, what would happen? How would it go down? Then I know for a fact I would call him love, I don't care for the babe or bae stuff but love? Darling? Dearest? I'm dead.
But let's just say it slips out of his partner one day, the setting doesn't have to be them having dinner, it could be after a battle, after training, them laying in bed together, and then you absentmindedly call him 'love'
John.exe has officially stopped working, he hopes to all gods that his helmet is on because it shows and Blue team would give him shit, even the Mjolnir freezes and the rest of Blue get an 'error' status from him.
and even if he's not in armor, you can feel him freeze, he has such a visceral reaction that you almost ask him if he's okay, the chief might not even be breathing at this point.
Like just the thought of him being someone's love? Him? Of all the people? Him??? It's something that would have never crossed his mind as possible.
Being a supersoldier? Yes
A team leader? Absolutely
But, being his partner's love? This is a snag he wasn't prepared for.
He knows he's comfortable with you, even adores you since starting to understand the meaning. But this opens up something entirely new for him, because if you love him, then he has to make sure he doesn't dishonor that.
But oh gosh, he almost wants to hear it again, maybe he didn't hear you right the first time,
and then, like you read his mind, you call him "love" again and somehow the word "really?" escapes from him, because he can't believe it
It's not what he was made for.
How could he be his person's love?
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
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lvlystars · 1 year
trying to watch 'hot' mv at night while your parents are asleep is a whole other level of the quiet game.
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god rio & kat mentioning the hellshow just makes me think about how deeply traumatic that experience was for matthias again :)) as bad as the whole time as prisoner was - matthias has a deep love for animals & killing them is perhaps the worst part for him. the wolves in the actual scene are a special kind of cruelty with the reminder of trassel ever present & he'll never truly forget that moment or be over it.
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thornheartless · 2 months
I just had to stop myself from crawling out of a window to go fight someone, whilst hissing and growling, isn't life great? Just saw my reflection and my pupils are like pinpoints, I am barely blinking, I can't stop shaking and overall I just look like a walking stereotype of instability. Anyway, I will be fine, I am just often very responsive to triggers and major ones get quite an intense response. I do not like to hear someone screaming at someone else outside my house.
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bluebeary-jay · 1 year
clouded judgment / clear mind
Joel Miller x f!Reader
Summary: it was a long time since Joel had felt a maddening rage like this, but he weren't about to let anyone who dares to hurt you get away with it (based on this ask)
Tags: Joel goes apeshit, angst, a bit of comfort at the end, established relationship, protective Joel (REALLY protective lmao), basically he goes feral
Warnings: uh. VERY graphic descriptions of violence (I'm not good at writing action sequences but it is graphic), swearing, kinda torturing 😬
Word count: 4.5K
A/N: this one was really challenging, but i hope yall will like what i came up with :) i really didn't expect it to be so difficult to write buuut i tried to focus on the "giving-his-brother-nightmares" side of Joel and i think i succeeded. anyway !!! happy reading ❤️
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He should have never left you alone.
Which was a ridiculous thought, of course, because how are you supposed to patrol efficiently if the other person refuses to leave your side even for a moment? Besides, he didn’t want you to think he didn’t trust you – he saw multiple times what you were capable of first-hand and he knew you were able to take care of yourself.
He put it forward once – to not split up and patrol the same area within the eyeshot of each other. You sent him a crooked smile at that, saying something about him being a little too overprotective before you gave him a kiss and went on your merry way, leaving him alone and slightly annoyed (but with a faint, stupid grin on his face).
So he tried to rein in this ‘overprotectiveness’ you mentioned. He never brought it up again, even though a cold shiver ran up his spine every time he lost sight of you beyond the safe walls of Jackson. Each time you two went on a patrol, he had to take a second to calm down and remind himself this is not one of his dreams when he loses you.
That’s why at first, when he heard your voice screaming his name from a distance, he wasn’t sure if it was really happening.
The instinct, however, kicked in the next second and he rushed back to where he saw you last, to the interior of a resort around which he was scouting. This was supposed to be one of the safest options for patrolling – no one ever saw any signs of life here besides occasional infected, and Joel was never that worried when you went inside alone to check the place.
He had a feeling his cautious (he really didn’t want to call it ‘overprotective’) nature was gonna become a nuisance again after this incident.
The goddamn downpour outside made listening for any noises aggravatingly difficult. Joel yelled for you, but he didn’t hear any answer and the driving rain beating against the windows of the resort absorbed all the sounds.
He made his way inside the building and up the stairs when he noticed your hat lying discarded against the wall. A wave of ice-cold dread washed over him. The stairway was dark but even with the little light he had he could see a couple of wet, almost black droplets on the dirty floor.
What he felt next reminded him of falling asleep – his shoulders relaxed and from head to toe a cool, silent equilibrium crept over him. Joel gripped his rifle firmly and pushed on soundlessly. It didn’t seem like you were stabbed or shot – there would be much more blood present – but you were hurt. Someone must’ve laid in wait to ambush you, and now…
It didn’t matter. Whoever it was, they made a grave mistake.
Joel reached the second floor, listening intently for any clues as to where you might be or how many people are in the building with him, but he didn’t even have to check the rooms one by one. A faint light, which couldn't have been left by the previous patrol, was spilling out from underneath the doors at the far end of the corridor . He did consider the possibility that it was a decoy and your attacker was hiding in one of the other rooms, but the closer he got to the sliver of light on the dusty floor, and the more doors he passed, it became clear that whoever got you, they weren’t that cunning.
And then he heard it. A sound of a blow from the other side of the door, and then a strangled cry.
It was you. Your voice.
Joel took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and kicked the door open, bursting into the room with his rifle held high – only to find himself surrounded by six men, five of whom were holding him at gunpoint.
The sixth one, a ragged-looking blond, stood over you and the second he saw Joel, he grabbed you by the hair and pressed a knife against your neck, making both you and Joel freeze.
“You’re from this town nearby, right?” asked the man with a heavy accent Joel couldn’t place. “The one that fucking shoots off any newcomers.”
Joel didn’t answer. Didn’t even look at this man. All he could see was your bruised and battered face and the blood running freely from your – probably broken – nose and down your chin. You had a black eye and a split brow, but your gaze was sharp and alert when you looked back at him.
He felt like his insides were boiling.
“Hey, dickhead!” the leader of the group yelled, gripping your hair tighter and making you hiss in pain. “You deaf or something?”
Joel finally managed to take his eyes off you – your blood and your bruises, and the concealed fear on your face – and glared at the man standing over you. His jaw was clenched and nostrils flaring, but he quickly collected himself. He couldn’t let his emotions get the better of him when you were in danger.
He lifted his hands slowly, showing that he was no threat to them. The thug tilted his head at one of his friends.
“Put down your gun and slide it over.”
Joel watched you following his movements with your eyes as he carefully put his rifle down and kicked it in the direction of one of the men. The blond holding the knife nodded twice.
“Now. You two are from the town, aren’tcha?”
“Let her go,” said Joel, trying to remain calm and not use – quoting Ellie – his ‘asshole voice’. “Then we’ll talk.”
The man shook his head and chuckled.
“Oh, no, no.” He pressed the blade harder against your throat. “We have the upper hand here. You understand?”
The man was looking at him expectantly but Joel’s eyes were nailed on the trickle of blood now running down the column of your neck. He remembered kissing that same neck this morning and tickling it with his nose, and the thought of this fucking bastard cutting your soft skin and leaving such a mark on it made him feel like he was about to burst.
“Fine,” he ground out with his jaw set. He looked over at the leader of the group. “What do you want?”
Had any of them been smarter, they would have picked up a dangerous note in his voice. But just like he suspected, they weren’t that bright.
“You go back to your town and bring five more horses here,” said the blond.  “And ammo. My buddy here,” he used his chin to point at another guy, standing behind Joel, “will tell you what kind. You try anything or come back with someone else, and I’ll slit her throat right open.”
“She will go get that shit for you and I will stay,” Joel negotiated strongly, but the leader of the group shook his head again.
“No. No way. You go and bring back everything we ask for, and I’ll let your little friend go.”
Joel’s eyes once again shifted to your form and something inside his chest twitched. You noticed it – of course you did, you were always able to read him like no one else – and tried to offer him a half smile.
“I’ll be fine, Joel,” you reassured him. “Nothing I haven’t–”
“Shut your trap!” The shorter man standing to your right yelled and raised his hand, making you flinch.
Joel could almost feel fire burning in his veins and through his skin, peeling it off his bones.
“Hey! There’s no need for that!” he said louder, taking a step forward, but the gang lifted their guns higher. He stopped and spread his arms wider. “I’ll get you the stuff you want. Just leave her alone.”
“You better hurry, then,” said the blond with a nasty smile, and Joel nodded while trying not to look too desperate. He looked at his friend. “Tell him what we need.”
Joel didn’t give a shit what they were saying – it was him who needed to think of something, and fast. He had a suspicion as to who these men were – he heard from Tommy about a larger group trying to gain entry to Jackson several times. Apparently they threatened the patrol which found them when they were denied permission to join their community. It was before Joel came to the small town for the first time with you and Ellie, but the word around was that any rogue group around this terrains wasn’t to be trusted.
And everything from the description Tommy gave him fit: ragged looks, traveling on foot, low on ammunition.
While one of the men listed what kind of guns they had and how much supplies they wanted, a motion in Joel’s field of vision caught his attention and his eyes darted to you – or more specifically, to your left hand.
You stared right back at him, moving your fingers slightly so the others didn’t notice.
N… O… A… M…
No ammo.
None? That’s probably why the one standing next to you wasn’t holding you at gunpoint but with a knife to the throat. The rest of them must’ve had their pistols drawn just for show. Joel had no idea how you figured it out, but a thought struck him and he surveyed the members of the group. He remembered which one held onto his rifle, but you were armed, too…
As if reading his mind, your fingers started to twitch again the second he looked back at you.
U... Left… B, E, H, I…
Suddenly the man to your right bowed over you again and punched you square in the stomach, knocking the wind out of you.
“Fucking bitch,” he snarled with contempt and glared back at Joel. “No funny games, you hear me? You come back with a gun or anyone else, and I won’t hesitate to fucking kill her, man.”
Joel’s heart was pounding in his chest. All he could see was your face contorted in pain, all he could hear were your coughs and grunts.
Two of the men came forward – the one on his left had a loaded gun from what you managed to convey to him in sign language – and pushed him towards the exit. Joel shifted his icy stare at the man standing next to him, and then at the two situated near you.
They were all going to die.
When he gets back, he’s going to kill every one last of them, and he’s going to enjoy it immensely.
Joel sent you one last look before turning around and slowly walking out of the room with both men close behind, pointing their guns (and only one of them loaded) at him.
It was going to be alright. He had a stirring of a plan and when he comes back, maybe with Tommy or someone else…
You gasped and coughed again behind his back after the sound of another punch.
Joel came to a dead stop, not registering the gun barrel digging into his back, and he felt like his jaw was going to snap if he kept clenching it like that.
You murmured something he didn’t quite catch and Joel turned his head slightly just in time to see the short man kicking you in the ribs and your form lying on the wooden floor, spitting out blood…
“You think you’re so clever, huh? I swear to fucking god, if you pull something like that again…”
Joel didn’t even let the man finish.
In a split second he elbowed the man behind him, grabbing his hand holding the gun – the one they took from you – and shooting the blond standing over you. He fell backwards and the knife fell out of his grip. Taking out the guy Joel grappled with was embarrassingly easy, and once he had a good grip on the pistol belonging to you, he spun around to face the other thug with his gun, standing on the opposite side of the room.
The ragged man fired at him, but Joel didn’t even need to duck, for the bullet missed him by half a meter at least. The man was lying dead soon after, shot twice in the head, and the remaining three took out their weapons, ready for a fight.
None of them reached for Joel’s rifle, lying under their friend’s corpse.
“That’s even better,” he murmured to himself, unloading the gun and throwing it against the far wall.
If looks could kill, they’d already be lying on the ground and writhing in agony. But Joel was more than happy to do it himself. And with his bare hands.
He strode with confidence to the nearest man who swung a machete at him. Joel avoided the attack and pushed him back, quickly darting to the side and decking the other man coming at him.
A sharp pain ripped through his body from the back of his arm when the third thug cut through his clothes. Joel blocked the second strike and twisted the opponent's arm, applying so much pressure that the bone in the forearm snapped and the man’s scream pierced the air.
He lurched back to dodge the machete aimed at his neck and picked up a knife dropped by the previous guy. He surged forward, driving the blade into the thigh of his current attacker, which made the other man lose his balance. Their friend, the last one still unharmed, managed to punch Joel’s jaw, making something crack and reverberate inside his skull, but he only wiped the blood from his face.
When the last thug came closer, Joel used his own momentum and grabbed the back of his skull, bringing the guy's face down onto his own knee. After that his movements were practically automatic when he grabbed the dazed man from behind and broke his neck in a swift motion.
Breathing heavily, he made his way to the first man he knocked out and took your gun from, picking up the machete en route. That son of a bitch wasn’t even conscious, but it didn’t stop Joel from bringing the weapon down and through his head.
The next one was the bastard with the broken arm, but his screams quickly died away when he, too, received a deep and lethal wound from Joel – this time aimed at his chest, almost cutting it open.
Your yelp ripped through the roar of blood in his ears and Joel turned around just in time to see the blond he shot in the shoulder sitting on top of you, trying to stab you with his knife. You managed to dodge it and before that idiot could try again, Joel came up to you both, grabbed the man’s hair and all but threw him off of you and onto the floor.
The blond was still holding the weapon in his hand, but didn’t get another chance to use it – with all his strength Joel brought the heel of his heavy boot down on the injured man's fingers. The man screamed when the satisfying crunch of the bones in his hand breaking echoed throughout the room and Joel couldn't hide a smirk.
He deserved it. All of them deserved it.
He again saw before his eyes the way this motherfucker kicked you and how his friend threatened to cut your throat. Again he saw red.
“You piece of shit,” Joel whispered, still blinded by rage, and gave the man a taste of his own medicine by kicking him in the stomach as hard as he could. The bastard coughed and yelled in pain but it wasn’t enough.
Joel’s focus was sharp and clear when he stood over the battered and bleeding man, staring down at him with hatred. He thought the blond tried to say something – his lips were certainly moving – but he didn’t concern himself with any begging or threats the thug had to offer. Instead he gripped the front of his sweater and punched him in the jaw, letting the limp body fall to the floor and relishing in the sounds of his curses, his grunts of pain, his blood dripping onto the floor…
Not enough.
Joel did that several more times – grabbing the idiot’s clothes, hair, whatever – to pull him up and hit him in the jaw, temple, nose and wherever else his fist landed. The face of the man was bloodied and he was barely conscious at this point and still all Joel could see was the look of sadistic glee on this man's face after finding an excuse to hurt you.
Joel didn’t have much strength anymore, but he ignored the biting pain from the cut on his arm and the raw wounds on his bloody knuckles, and straddled the lying man. The survival instinct must've kicked in and the blond started to tussle, reaching with his not-broken fingers to Joel’s face, scratching his brow and cheek.
And just like the glee he saw in the thug’s eyes earlier, Joel was more than happy that he gave him an excuse – and an idea – how to hurt him more.
“I saw how you looked at her,” he said in a low tone to the unlucky man, holding his left arm in place with his knee and pressing his own thumb to that fucker's swollen eye. “You like hearin’ people screamin’ in pain? Because I just know this is going to bring me great joy.”
Blood was flowing from under Joel’s finger and down his hand when he gouged the blond’s eye out and the man was shrieking. He was writhing and struggling under Joel's weight, and his voice became guttural and hoarse soon after when the dark blood started to flood his mouth. Joel pulled his hand away, panting heavily, and soaked in the suffering of that bastard whose face now resembled a smashed, bloody goo.
Not enough.
It was unfortunate that the blond was the only one left Joel could take it out on, but he couldn’t find any compassion in himself at the moment. So he punched him again, staining the floor with the scumbug's blood.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Joel turned around sharply, grasping the thug’s knife. He could still feel rage churning inside of him and he was breathing heavily, trying to contain the fury filling him without screaming out loud. His hands were covered in blood – not his – and he subconsciously knew that the man lying motionlessly under him was long since dead, his face completely destroyed, but he wished that son of a bitch was still alive so that he could feel the suffering Joel longed to inflict upon him.
Everything because he hurt you.
The ringing in his ears stopped suddenly and the knife fell out of his hand when he ran up to where you were still lying on the floor. You were curled up on your side with your arms wrapped protectively around your stomach and your face twisted in pain.
Joel’s breathing got quicker, now for an entirely different reason, when he noticed that the cut on your neck was bigger than he originally thought, and still bleeding. Your face was bruised and he knew your whole torso will probably turn green and purple soon, too.
“Oh, babygirl,” he whispered tenderly, his trembling hands hovering above your body, but not touching it. “It’s…” It’s alright, he wanted to say. Or maybe, where does it hurt the most?
He had trouble finding his voice, though. In his fury he completely forgot that you were still here and in need of his help.
You took a deep breath and turned your head ever so slightly to look at him in the corner of your eye. A sad smile appeared on your face.
“Hi, Joel.”
Joel breathed in. Out. In again.
For fuck’s sake, what was he thinking?
He quickly wiped the blood of the people he killed on his pants and cursed at himself mentally.
“Hi, darlin’,” he murmured in response, focusing back on you. “You’re gonna be alright. How are you feeling?”
“I think I might have a broken rib or two,” you breathed while Joel pulled out a clean piece of cloth he carried in his jacket for cases like this one and pressed it against the cut on the side of your neck. You winced and he felt a pang of pain in his own chest.
“Can I check?”
You let go of your stomach with a strangled gasp. Joel started to gently feel your torso, trying to discern if he could feel any broken bones or signs of internal bleeding. He kept his touch as delicate as he could, not wanting to hurt you even more, or worse – scare you.
He couldn’t stop his hands from shaking, though, no matter how much he tried to calm his breathing. He wished he could hold you as securely as he held his gun, with a quiet heart and sharp focus, but the fear of accidentally hurting you made his fingertips recoil at times.
Although you two knew each other for years now, you were never a witness to this cruel side of him. You knew about it, of course, of horrible things he’s done before he got to Boston and met you. A couple of times you even saw with your own eyes snippets of these primary emotions of fear or anger overtaking Joel’s mind and body.
But never like that. Never with such ferocity, hatred and satisfaction from hurting those who did the same to you.
He just really didn’t want you to be afraid of him. You were so precious to him and often he thought those brutal hands of his, which he knew were guilty of inflicting unimaginable pain and suffering, weren't worthy of touching someone who in his eyes was so delicate and pure.
But it never stopped you from seeking his touch, and although Joel could be stubborn and tough at times, he didn’t have it in himself to ever refuse you anything – even when he knew better.
That was always the case. His judgment and mind were clouded when it came to you.
“I don’t think anythin’ is broken,” he finally said in a quiet voice, cupping your cheek gingerly and turning your head to look at it better. “But the nose probably is. How did it happen?”
“They jumped out on me in the hallway,” you answered, not meeting his eyes while he gently touched the base of your nose. Then you looked to the window against which the still pouring rain was beating. “One of them punched me when I shouted for you. I thought you might have not heard me.”
“I heard you,” he murmured and sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. You came for me pretty quickly, so–”
“Not that. M’sorry you had to see… this.”
To that, you didn't say anything. Joel felt his heart clenching on itself and almost stopping from the wave of terror that washed over him.
His treacherous mind was rushing him to defend his actions or make excuses – because if he doesn’t, if it turns out you’re scared of him and the things he’s capable of…
You might leave him. And if you leave, Joel won’t survive that.
But he didn’t give in to those cruel thoughts and silenced the voice in his head.
“I’d do it again,” he said quietly, making you lift your head. “In a heartbeat. I’m really sorry you had to see that, darlin’, but I… just know I’d never hurt you. And if I can help it, no one else will either.”
“Hey.” Your knuckles brushed his cheek and you looked at him with sad eyes. “You don’t need to explain yourself. I know you did it to protect me.”
“I wanted them to suffer,” he continued as if you didn’t say anything, but at the same time he soaked in the feeling of your soft touch on his face. “I don’t know how much you saw–”
“Joel.” You sat up with a wince after interrupting him, and your gaze turned sharp. “Why are you telling me this?”
Even though the bloody, battered mess that he made of the blond man seemed to push itself into Joel’s field of vision, he refused to look away from you.
“‘Cause you need to know. I feel like I’d be lyin’ to you if I didn’t explain that it wasn’t an accident or a one-time thing,” he answered, his eyes flickering from your neck to your face, and down to his own stained hands. “Couldn’t think of anythin’ else after I saw you like that, on the ground and…”
“Listen to me.” You took his head firmly in your hands and your gaze was unwavering – like you wanted to make sure that your every word will reach the depths of his soul. “I’ll say it again: you don’t need to explain. I get why you did that. And don’t even think you’re gonna drive me away because of that.”
You knew him too well. Sometimes it was slightly annoying, sometimes even scary.
This time, however, it felt reassuring.
You looked to the side where the body of his last victim lay, and Joel grimaced, gently touching the edge of your jaw and tilting it back to him. “Don’t look,” he whispered, realizing with surprise, as well as a horrible lump in his throat, that he felt almost ashamed.
Your bright eyes met his again and he briefly wondered if your gaze always was so scrutinizing.
“I’m not scared of you,” you said sternly, like always knowing what was going on in his head. “I'm not, so stop thinking that.” You shook him by the arm a little and when he didn’t answer, the corner of your lips tugged upwards in a teasing manner. “I’ve seen you multiple times in the morning. I know you’re secretly a big softie.”
Joel really didn’t deserve this kind of kindness and understanding from you. That didn’t stop him from craving it, though.
He didn't say anything – just leaned in and kissed your cheek tenderly, lingering there for a moment but paying attention not to brush your nose. You exhaled and closed your eyes, your eyelashes tickling his skin, and he decided not to drag this conversation on any longer.
“Come ‘ere, sweetheart. I’ll help you up.”
He stood up and held out his hand. It was rough and covered in blood, but even after you saw what he did to those men and heard their screams, you didn’t hesitate to take it.
“Joel,” you said gravely after standing up. There was no trace of your previous smile on your face. “If you were the one in danger, I’d do the same thing.”
You were looking at him expectantly, clearly waiting for an answer, and after a couple of seconds he nodded slightly. Apparently it was good enough for you, because you just squeezed his hand and tugged him after you and out of the room.
Joel didn’t know if he believed you.
But your words made him feel calmer and cleared his clouded mind nonetheless.
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thetxtdevil · 3 months
The Bat and the Wolf
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Vampire Beomgyu x Werewolf Reader
summary: You just celebrated becoming a full fledged adult wolf. Spending a few nights with Beomgyu causes your wolf to come out.
content: smut, best friends to lovers, vampire/dom gyu, werewolf/sub fem.reader, heat sex, breeding kink, praising, missionary, mention of doggy style, a lot of sweat and blood sucking, let me know if i'm missing anything
word count: 2.7k
running with the wolfs,
in the dead of night, gusty breeze flies through the thick fur of the giant cainines, one tiny vampire bat flutters above them following the pack on their journey. the journey being a sweet meadow, a perfect place to curl up for the night.
the pack of gray wolves start to change, bulky bodies turn into smaller human ones, fur vanishing from their skin. the little bat on top flutters in circles quickly landing on the ground transforming into a man. one female werewolf walks up to the vampire, stopping to look at him.
"a little messy tonight aren't we?" you giggle at the vampire's dried bloody lips.
"yeah i was running late, i had to take a small drink before i lost you" beomgyu says while rubbing his thumb on his lips.
"well, i'm glad you made it" you say as you walk back to your pack.
beomgyu has known you for awhile ever since you were older pup. he's become accustomed to the werewolf world, always intrigued by their nomadic lifestyle. beomgyu walking into your circle of the pack with open arms, he smiles and looks at you. you were being nonchalant but you were grateful for your families acceptance of the vampire.
you met on a foggy day, the land was so thick with clouds a vampire could go out with the sun out and not get burnt and thats what beomgyu did. recently learning a new power of his, he swooshes through the black forest trees in his bat form. zooming, zig-zag patterns around the tall pines, he soon becomes tired. with his bat claws, he latched onto a branch, looking at the world upside-down until his eyes closed.
pointed ears twitched by the snapping of twigs. beomgyu ignored it until he heard the whimpers of a wolf. gyu opens his little bat eyes, clawing at the branch so he can see right-side up. there it was, the source of noises, a not so fully grown wolf, shiny silver fur tarnished by specks of mud. the head of the wolf was low, sniffing the path, looking up every once in a while obviously trying to find their way. beomgyu studies the wolf, intrigued by the personified movements it made. de-clawing the branch, gyu drops from the tree landing as his vampire self. silently walking towards the lost wolf, snap, gyu winces at the sound as the wolf turns around and growls at him.
"i'm sorry, sorry" gyu raises his hand in surrender.
your wolf stopped, looking at the flinched man. his long lashes brushed his cheeks as he squints, his teeth shown a set of long vampire teeth. your wolf head tilts making your perked ears flop to one side to the other. if this was a feral vampire wouldn’t he already attack me instead of flinching like a dork? you thought to yourself. beomgyu unravels himself from his cautious state looking at the hesitant puppy. he couldn't help himself but to crouch down reaching his hand towards you. even your wolf eyes showed signs of judgment.
"are you lost?" gyu asks "my name is beomgyu, i'm friendly i promise" he smiles barring his sharp fangs to you again.
"can i pet you?" he asks
you moved closer to him, he finally touches the silky fur of yours, satisfied with the softness. you smirk to yourself, finally deciding to change into your human form.
"if only i get to touch your long pretty hair" you say, close to his face, noses barely touching. gyu silently screams and falls on his ass. you laugh at him, standing up and grab his hand to pull the vampire up from the ground. gyu now has gotten a good view of your human form, finding similarities in your eyes and your wolf's eyes.
"unfortunately i am lost, but i'm happy to have a companion" your small smile fills the vampire's non-pumping heart. he nods bashfully and walks with you.
it's safe to say that you guys became best friends from that day, so your disappointment was valid when your pack decided to have your birthday party during daylight. you pout as your mom goes wild preparing your party.
"mom you know beomgyu can't stand in the sun why did it have to be during the day?"
"y/n this is a very important milestone for your wolf so a lot of your family is coming and they probably don't want to travel back home all night"
today was the day when you celebrate your birthday and your wolf celebrated adulthood. you shake at the fact that you were getting older. even more so for the fact that you're going to start your heats. the horror stories you've heard, when you don't have a partner to help you along through the aching days. you feared the day it would come because you had no one.
even though beomgyu wasn't there to make you laugh and make fun of you in your party hat, you had a good time. later that night, as the party settled and your extended family left, you relaxed by the fire with an empty plate where your cake used to be. you look out in the distance, everything glowed by the crescent moon, surrounded by trees that swayed by a comforting wind. then you spotted something, a figure of the night. you look over to your mom and tell her that you’re gone for the night.
you walk up to the shadowy figure with a small smile knowing who it is. finally arriving at the start of the forest, you look behind a tree. no was there, maybe your mind was playing tricks on you. am i missing gyu that much? suddenly your feel a shocking poke on your sides making you jump. turning around you see the toothy grin of the handsome vampire.
"don't scare me like that" you say while you hit him.
"sorry, but you're too easy" gyu says rubbing the spot you hit him "i was thinking of taking the birthday girl to the old cabin by the algae lake since i couldn't be with you today."
you smile, agreeing with his plans, but you had a gut feeling that you should stray far. beomgyu pouts at your hesitation, there was no way you could say no to his cute pout. you roll your eyes saying "yes" and he drags you through the woods. the cabin was like your guys' grownup version of a tree house. the wooden shelter was run down, mold and insect infested when you first found it on your hikes. the two of you decided to make it your fixer-upper making it yours.
arriving to the algae lake, you were in awe to see already lit tiki torches that lead the way to the cabin's entrance. beomgyu held your hand like you were a princess leading you to the cabin. inside was a lit up fireplace and a nest of blankets. you squeak at the sight instantly diving into the plush softness. gyu gets your attention by shaking bags of your favorite chips, you look over as he shows you a table full of your favorite snacks.
wow i really am getting the princess treatment
you wake up the next morning with a pounding headache, you're not feeling good. rubbing your eyes you look over to gyu on your shared bed. he was reading in the dark seeming relaxed. your faint illness made you want physical touch, you snake your hand for gyu's hand and he accepts it. cuddled up, you were grateful for his cold temperature it felt nice against your burning one.
after a while you decided that it would be best to get ready for the day. face washed, fully clothed, with a coffee in your hand you sat on a chair on the cabin's porch enjoying the musky scent of wood. closing your eyes, you begin to daydream, what would vampire/werewolf mixed children look like? more specifically what they would look like with gyu's facial features. maybe one would have his handsome round features adorned with his signature wolf-cut matching your wolf side and the other one would have your plush cheeks that would scrunch up their eyes hiding their red irises.
fantasy cut short when you got a whiff of the vampire's rose scent. you look through the screen door of the cabin to see beomgyu lurking trying to stay out of the sun's rays. you smile at the clingy man, looking down at you empty mug, maybe it's time to go back inside.
back inside of the cabin, you sit on the couch having music playing in the background. gyu's head laying on your lap, you watch him as he talked, watching his prominent adams apple move, and his lips curving into a smile when he was recalling a story about his clan. you played with his hands noting every bulging vein and how long his fingers were. has his hands always looked this enticing? before you knew it the sun faded away causing the house to get cold. oh how badly to wanted to get closer to the vampire. your ill feeling hasn't lightened up, in fact, it has gotten worse. you have a burning sensation in your throat, even though you felt like you should lay down you also felt restless. you tell gyu that you were going to take a shower hoping it will make you feel better. walking away, the vampire stares lasers into you. he knew something was off, he could smell you so clearly.
heat rushes through your body, thighs rubbing together, your cunt aching, breasts hurt. you moan yourself out of sleep, launching your back off the bed. you sat there drenched in sweat, you whimper at the sensation, splaying your hand on beomgyu's side of the bed looking for the vampire. gyu was gone and worry bubbles up in your mind. you felt lonely, even though you have the power and knowlege to easily get out of the woods, you don't think you were in the right mindset for that right now.
light sounds of footsteps come closer showing gyu with a big bottle of filtered water.
"hey, y/n you were whining and twisting a lot in your sleep, is something wrong?"
you aggressively tore the bottle out of his hands, thanking him, and then gulping it down in one breathe. the vampire lays on his side next to you watching you in worry. still thankful for his kindness you grab his face and smash your lips against his. beomgyu had no complaints, he honestly been wanting to do this, however he never thought you'd be in this condition. beomgyu deepens the kiss as you went ahead and straddle his hips. sloppily making out, you didn't realize that your soaked cunt was grinding on him so hard there was a wet spot forming on his trousers.
you part yourself from him "sorry i-" gyu's big rosewood orbs stares at you "i think i'm in heat..."
gyu knowing somethings since being friends with you, he understands what you mean by being "in heat." thinking of all those times your werewolf brothers would brag about their bitch in heat. he never understood the pleasure that came from a wolf to be so needy and hot until he looks at you in this moment. you were always beautiful to beomgyu but now you were glistening in sweat, as your hair sticked on your face making curl designs, framing your scrunch up eyebrows above your big round eyes. your boobs looked perkier than usual, and the way your legs straddled him, and your scent. your scent was so strong it made his eye roll into his head making gyu think you were made for him.
"i'll give you what you need only if you let me have what i need..." beomgyu smirks.
"anything PLEASE i neeeeed you" you've become needier and needier by the second, humping gyu without a care.
the vampire lays you down, stripping you away from your clothes "i didn't specify what i needed" he bends down to your ear "i'd like to feed from you"
you shiver from his breathe brushing against your skin and aggressively nod.
"will you agree to anything i say?" the vampire chuckles.
you moan at the feeling of his knee slightly against your cunt. you nod furiously, beomgyu's eyes widen when you wrap your hands around his head just to push his face to your neck. the vampire was stunned by your willingness, all those times he has asked to sink his teeth into you, you'd flee. round nose grazing the column of your sweaty neck, gyu shivered at how vulnerable you were right now.
a few licks here and there, he stretches his mouth open. you were already a whining mess, but right as you felt beomgyu's sharp fangs dig into your flesh you screamed in pleasure. you didn't know that the pain from a bloodsucking would balance the pain of your heat. while engulfing your blood, gyu massages your sore boobs causing you to lift your hips into him.
"gyu just breed me already"
beomgyu retracts his fangs from you, stripping off his sweats. thinking to himself that he's never really considered you a domestic type but he shivered at the thought of you carrying his baby wolfbats. freeing his cock, he watches you eyes locked, you spread your legs further apart. your pussy lips shining from a great amount of juices, your hole clenching around nothing welcoming anything to be stuffed into you. gyu licks his lips, pumping his dick a few times before inserting himself into you.
it felt like fireworks were going off in your heated mind "f-feels s'good"
clawing your long nails into beomgyu's lower back to have him go deeper inside you. the vampire grunts at how amazing your cunt feels around him, he felt like your horny mind was spreading onto him. he couldn't get enough of the arousing sensations of your gummy walls, the sounds of your moans and bodies slapping against one another. kissing your shoulder a few times he gives into your scent again biting and sucking your shoulder. the pain and pleasure fuels you, the heat has taken over your vision and awareness. all you know that you were feeling good being filled up.
"cum inside"
beomgyu licking the blood off your shoulder, he moves his hand to your clit rubbing it, determined to have you cum with him. millions of pleasurable "yes" fly out of your mouth. your back arched as you came, in return having gyu letting his seed fill you up. your back plops back into the bed, laying there breathless. you look into his red eyes and his long hair sticking to his sweaty skin. gyu witnesses your simple state change as your pupils dilated and breathing from shallow to a fast rate along with hearing your heart pounding so fast he thought you may explode.
"need you again"
"alright, but i'm going to have you turn over this time"
you kneel up to get into beomgyu's face, kiss and smirk at him before you twist your body bending down. ass in gyu's face you wiggle it in front of him. if vampires could die you would be his cause of death.
after three days of no-stop sex, your wolf was finally satisfied with the full load you had in your belly. you laid there in the messy bed desperately in need for a wash with a small smile on your face and rubbing your tummy. a shirtless vampire, showing off his faded back scratches, enters the room smiling at your contentment,
"you need a shower or bath or something... you look like shit"
your best friend always knew what to say. you lift your torso up and look at him with your infamous puppy eyes, "can you help me, i don't think my legs will allow me to get up"
beomgyu chuckles as he walks towards, kneeling in front of you between your legs. massaging the weak limbs, he gives you sweet pecks on the lips. your fingers brush his long hair to expose more of his face,
"thank you for a great birthday"
check out my vampire diaries -> link
A nuisances,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
McFoord x Baby!Reader
Summary: You're definitely Katie's child
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Hiding the pregnancy had been difficult.
Caitlin had picked up an ankle injury around the same time as she started to show so it was easy to write it off as long-term, hunkering down in the house like some kind of hermit.
Hiding you away for a year had been even harder.
Some fans were eagle-eyed and as a result, you were never posted on any social media. You didn't even come to training. You'd never met any of the Arsenal girls in person at all even though you were approaching eighteen months.
Which was why it was so shocking for everyone involved when Katie got out of the car for a home match against Manchester City with a child on a backpack leash.
As soon as you are on your feet, you attempt to escape but Katie tugs on your leash to stop you in your tracks.
You give her a foul look in return before you're plucked into Caitlin's arms.
The crowd watching the players arrive all scream out questions as they walk inside.
"It's nice to finally meet the little one," Kim says pointedly as the two of them arrive in the locker room.
"You've seen her before," Katie replies.
"Over the phone doesn't count," Kim says," She's a little cutie. You must be proud."
Caitlin watches you from the corner of her eye as you methodically rip everything out of her cubby and throw it on the floor. "Something like that."
"She's just like me!" Katie's been waiting for ages to be able to brag about you so she's lapping up all the attention.
"She has a bit of a temper," Caitlin confesses when Katie runs off to show you to everyone else in the changing room," Definitely gets that from Katie.
"We didn't expect to see her today..."
"Babysitter cancelled. There were no other options. We'll probably just tie her leash to a post and call it a day. She'll wander around otherwise."
"She's restless?"
Caitlin winces. "Feral might be the word. I love her but...Katie calls her a gremlin sometimes."
Kim looks past Caitlin to where you're now chewing on Katie's fingers, methodically biting down on each one as she introduces you to everyone.
"Well...she's certainly Katie's..."
Caitlin laughs. "Don't I know it."
You're being surprisingly tame today, for what it's worth, even as you try to make another break for it. You're yet again pulled back by your kiddie leash and Caitlin is left to marvel over just how steady you are on your feet.
It had been hard hiding you from the fans and even harder to not fold and continue to keep you away from their teammates. That second one wasn't even planned but you'd come out a little sickly and spent a few weeks in hospital.
It was enough to cause Katie to put the entire house on lockdown for months after your birth when getting chest infections became your norm.
By the time you were healthy and fit and coming into your own personality, it was too much of a risk to bring you to practice with all of the cameras around.
Either way, it's all ruined now because Caitlin knows the videos of you walking in on your kiddie leash are all over Twitter.
The cameras are all pointed towards you as Caitlin walks out onto the bench to start the game. Katie crouches down next to you, littering kisses all over your face as you giggle.
"I'll see you in a bit, gremlin," She says," You be good for your Mummy."
You garble out a few noises that Katie repeats back to you with a soft smile.
"You know," Steph laughs," Now that she's been spotted in the wild, you don't have an excuse for Sam and her kid to meet her. I hear her Chook's getting bored of waiting."
Caitlin sighs deeply as you slam two of your blocks together to show Leah the noise they make. "I don't think the world could take it if Sam's Chook and our Gremlin met. It's too much rough play for any pair."
"I think you underestimate Sam's Chook. I heard she's been very helpful and careful since Sam hurt her knee."
"It's not Chook I'm worried about." Caitlin tilts her head towards you where you've started to amuse yourself by kicking Leah's shin, giggling every time your little foot makes contact.
You head whips around as your watch your Mam get tripped nearby, landing with a thud.
You screech loudly and go to march towards her, grumbling and frowning as you go. You're stopped by a tug on your leash and a pointed look from your Mummy.
You recognise that look and point over at where your Mam is dusting herself off. "Fell," You say to Mummy," Mam fell."
Caitlin has to suppress her laughter. You've got a curious blend of hers and Katie's accents. Sometimes you sound fully Australian like Harper when you speak but other times it's like Caitlin gave birth to a mini Katie because your inflection is exactly the same as hers.
You sound like Katie now. You look like her too, hands on your hips and face like thunder.
"Your Mam did fall," Caitlin says as she pulls you closer," But she's gotten up now. She's fine."
You don't look convinced as you throw a nasty look over at the referee who did nothing against the clear foul.
"Do you remember my friend Steph? You met her on the phone before? Can you say hi?"
"Hi!" You chirp, giving her a beaming smile that shows off the teeth you have.
It's kind of funny to reconcile this beaming, happy version of you with the one that was screeching at the ref just minutes ago.
"Hi," Steph coos," It's very nice to meet you in person."
You're still smiling as you nod, bouncing on your feet as Caitlin digs around in your backpack. You seem to know what time it is because you turn that beaming smile from Steph to your Mummy.
"Bottle?" You ask hopefully and Mummy rewards you with a bottle full of milk that you hastily shove into your mouth.
You sit down at her feet as you chug your drink. Mummy runs a soft hand through your hair as you take a break and lean into her, wiggling back until you hit her legs.
You turn to smile at her and she smiles back.
Your drink is all empty in a little bit and you focus back on the football match in front of you. You clumsily climb to your feet in outrage when the referee shows your Mam a yellow rectangle.
You don't exactly know what it is but you know it's bad and you don't like it being shown to your Mam. You screech and throw your bottle, stamping your feet.
"No!" You say loudly and the bench behind you bursts into laughter," No! No! Bad! Bad referee!"
Caitlin buries her head in her hands as she tugs firmly on her leash when you attempt to run onto the field to give the ref a piece of your mind.
"She's definitely Katie's," Steph howls through her laughter.
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jennifer-jeong · 7 months
Smut | Xavier x AFAB!Reader Innocent Valentine
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SUMMARY Xavier is no so innocent this Valentine's day
CONTENT NSFW, 18+, smut, afab (assigned female at birth) reader, feminine reader (he calls you a "good girl"), oral, penetration, creampie, orgasm, spanking, CHARACTERS ARE 18+
AUTHOUR NOTES I'm very late to the Valentine's day idea but whatever LOL Yes I mildly plagiarized the last lines of dialogue from my own post please don't roast me.
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Xavier being the innocent gentleman that he is brings a condom on valentines day for you two to use after the banquet. He’s such a sweetheart and doesn’t want to put any pressure on you so he asks you so many times if it’s okay for him to kiss you. Little does he know what’s in store for him.
You immediately have your hands all over him and he thinks it’s because of the alcohol, but you know it’s because you fucking want him right now.
You skip the formalities and quickly have his cock down your throat. “Mmph! F-fuck!,” you hear him moan above you as he sits on the couch while you’re on your knees. Your throat making sinful noises as you stuff yourself full of him, your cheeks flushed, and your core aching with need.
Xavier didn’t want to be too rough with you, your relationship was just getting started and you haven’t been intimate too many times yet. But, with the way that you were acting, he gave an experimental buck of his hips into your mouth and you immediately grabbed his hands to tangle in your hair. He paused, a little confused, as you stopped bobbing your head on him, but quickly figured it out. He pulled at your hair to give you some delicious pressure on your scalp. With barely any delay, he starts fucking your mouth, relishing in the warmth, enjoying your moans, and the ungodly wet sounds your throat is making.
Xavier takes control from here since you’re too drunk and fucked out already, he moves you to the bed but lays you on your stomach on the edge so you’re still half standing. He moves to start to finger you to get you ready for his size but pauses as he remembers the condom in the pocket of his pants he took off. You quickly speak up before he can go find it.
“I can’t fucking wait anymore, please just fill me up baby,” you say, looking back at him with intoxicated eyes as you spread yourself open with your hands. Your slick glistening and creating sticky strings on your thighs.
“Fuck…” He doesn’t hesitate to bottom out and you nearly scream. He pulls all the way out and starts a relentless pace as he slams back into you.
“Yeah? Mm- This is what you wanted right?” He says as he grips the plush of your ass while pounding into you at a ridiculous speed. Xavier was much more feral for you than he let on and you didn’t mind it one fucking bit.
“Y-yes! Please- mmphhh fuck!~ feels s‘good baby…” You moan in response between sobs. His raw cock drags so deliciously against your walls that you continue to drip arousal all over your pretty boyfriend.
“Such a fucking good girl for me,” he says in a deep voice you don’t usually hear and it makes you clench on him. His hips stutter for a second as he moans. He plants a firm slap on your ass and you let out a high pitched sob, enjoying the stinging pain left behind.
The sound of skin slapping and your mixed moans fill the room as he builds both your orgasms. As he feels his near, he flips you onto your back wanting to see your face, wasting no time in folding you in half to fuck deep into you.
“Y’fill me up so good- nghh… thank you baby,” you say as he kisses your cervix with his tip. He swears he can see hearts in your eyes as he kisses your legs in response.
He wraps an arm around your leg to reach his thumb to your clit, you gasp at the extra stimulation and claw at the sheets, feeling yourself quickly reaching your high.
“Ah- ah! Nghh- I’m fucking cumming baby please keep fucking m’like that.”
“Mm? Yeah? Cum f’me, pretty girl, wanna feel you cum on me.”
And with that, your waves of pleasure wash over you as your body shakes. Your moans are uncontrollable due to how good it feels from him still pounding you at the same pace while his thumb toys with your bundle of nerves.
You’ve made a ring of cream at the base of his cock at this point and he tumbles over the edge with you as your pussy twitches as you cum. His thrusts irregular as you say “cum in me please- wan’ it so bad…”
A few more thrusts and he stops, fully buried inside you, both of your arousals flooding out of you.
“Fuck… Since when did you want to become a mom?” He jokes between catching his breath.
“Your fault you fuck me like you want to be a dad,” you joke back.
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|| MASTERLIST ♡ || Thank you for reading! ||
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artemisgrayy · 6 months
Okay but I don't think anyone here would mind if you wrote some Alastor aftercare as well!
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Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Tags: Fem!Reader, NSFW, BDSM, drawing blood (teeth/claws), breath play, creampie, Alastor's shadow, rough sex, aftercare
A/n: I've been so busy with Real Life™️ but I can't stop thinking about Dom Alastor and his aftercare routine 👀 thank you so much for this prompt! 🥹
I'm also trying a new format? So feedback is VERY appreciated.
✨ Masterlist ✨
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A big huge shout-out to @vielle-art for the proofread/copyedits 💖
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18+ - Minors DO NOT INTERACT
Dom!Alastor will bind you to the bed, his shadow tendrils like icy shackles against your wrists, ankles, and throat. The radio demon will circle you, a wicked smile on his face as he looks down at you through half-lidded eyes, watching you struggle helplessly and begging to be let go. His wicked laugh overshadows your gasp when you come close to freedom only for them to pull you back down again.
Dom!Alastor has no hesitation when it comes to sinking his teeth into your inner thighs. The sound of your scream when he draws blood triggers a primal growl to escape from his throat. He likes to hold your gaze while his tongue licks the blood off your skin, edging closer to your exposed heat, and stopping just shy of it.
Dom!Alastor takes safe word usage very seriously but It's a game to him. The demon will push you right to your limit, teetering on the line. He loves to see you squirm, whimpering and on the brink of breaking beneath him.
Dom!Alastor likes to use his claws to gently trace along your clit, basking in the noises you make when he applies just enough pressure that you're writhing in a mix of pain and pleasure.
Dom!Alastor will wait until you're breathlessly pleading, your chest heaving with such desire that you can't take it anymore -- and he'll wait just a bit longer. Your pathetic whimpers and bargaining remind him of someone begging for their life, and nothing ignites his desire more than that.
Dom!Alastor uses his shadowy tendrils to pin your neck down, forcing you to lock eyes with him when he climbs on top of you. He's consumed by the ecstasy painted across your face when his cock pushes through your folds. His maniacal chuckle rings through your ears as your vision blackens. He loves the expression you make when you're robbed of oxygen, overwhelmed by his monstrous length stretching you out, inch by inch.
Dom!Alastor only allows you a moment to gasp for breath when he loosens the hold around your neck before he starts fucking you relentlessly, feeding into your desperation.
Dom!Alastor wants to hear you say who you belong to, over and over again. He grows more feral with each "I belong to you, Alastor" as you fall further and further into subspace. His eyes blacken, the horns on his head jut out violently, and his radio-filtered snarls echo off the walls of the room.
Dom!Alastor gets enthralled by the way you submit further for him. He'll use the shadow to flip you over so he can take you from behind - his favourite position. He wants to fuck you like the animal you are.
Dom!Alastor loves the way you cry out when he sinks one set of his claws into your waist, intentionally carving through the skin. He'll use his other hand to pin your head to the pillow, hair ripping from your scalp as he hungrily bucks his hips against your ass.
Dom!Alastor will grab your wrist when he catches you massaging your clit, chasing your own release. "Ah ah ah," he barks, "you'll cum when I tell you to."
Dom!Alastor gets driven wild by the way you beg, plead, and bargain for your release when you're right on the cusp. His thrusts become more aggressive as he feeds off of your desperation.
Dom!Alastor will pull you up by your hair to hold you against him. He wants to see your face when he whispers "cum, my doe."
Dom!Alastor growls violently as he feels the walls of your pussy clutch his cock when the orgasm rips through you. It pushes him over the edge, his seed spilling inside of you. He loves the idea of filling you up and marking you as his own - physically laying claim to his possession.
Dom!Alastor doesn't take long to shift into aftercare mode when he notices you trembling. When the tendrils release their hold, he'll pick you up and pull you under the covers, cradling you against him.
Dom!Alastor will summon a gramophone, playing soft jazz that echoes through the vastness of the room as he runs his fingers through your hair. You sit like that for a few minutes while you bask in post-orgasm haze together.
Dom!Alastor confirms your boundaries; he ensures that, despite everything, you feel safe. It doesn't matter to him how long he's known you - he'll check in with you again and again. He'll listen to your words, your feedback, all while cradling your face as you look up at him.
Dom!Alastor Cleans and bandages your lacerations, apologizing when you flinch from the acrid bite of the antiseptic. He's captivated and almost giddy by the way you let him leave his mark on you. He'll whisper to you- only you - about how beautiful your body, your flesh, and all of you looks, as he gingerly runs his claws against your skin.
Dom!Alastor materializes your favourite pyjamas and puts them on for you, careful not to disturb any of the still-raw injuries he's decorated your body with.
Dom!Alastor drifts his claws through your hair, your head on his chest. "Good girl," he whispers, his mellifluous voice coating your ears like the sweetest honey as you surrender to sleep.
✨ Masterlist ✨
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A linguistic analysis of tumblr hyperbole in the tags
This post expands my previous analysis of hyperbolic reactions to cluster tags by themes. There were too many themes, some of them overlapping, to create a cohesive graph. Instead, I present several overarching themes from a data set of 50 tags observed and documented in various corners of tumblr.
1. Feeling Normal™️
Tags within this cluster profess Normal feelings (read: extreme excitement, enthusiasm, obsession, derangement, etc.).
#mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #absolutely not rending my clothing #feeling very normal and not feral at all #i will simply never recover #gif sets sent to personally destroy me #i can't cope #the eyes #i'm a puddle #i am INCONSOLABLE #i am DISTRAUGHT #IM NOT OKKAAAAAAYYYYYY #FEELING TOTALLY ONE HUNDRED PERCENT NORMAL
2. Feralness
The following data points conjure animalistic behavior. There’s a non-zero amount of biting and chewing involved.
#chomping biting barking #biting my arms off #rattling my cage #[incoherent biting noises] #chewing glass #chewing through wood #*shaking the bars of my enclosure* HELLO!!!!!!!! #climbing the walls #biting gnawing chewing #im gonna rip off my front door and eat it
3. Noisy Emotional Outbursts
These tags encompass crying, screaming, yelling, and other loud reactions.
# shaking sobbing crying #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #*no thoughts only wailing* #i am SOBBING #IM CRYING LIKE A BITCH #*just fucking yelling* #S C R E A M #screeching into a pillow #brb sobbing for 5-7 business years
4. Throwing
All of these tags except the last one involve being thrown instead of throwing things. I, personally, am entertained by the range of places/situations people are throwing themselves into.
#i am going to THROW MYSELF into the SEA #hurl me into the sea #hurl me into the sun #trebuchet me into the sun #hurl me straight at europa #vent me out of an airlock #slam me against a wall #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #throwing myself into traffic you know? #just defenestrate me already #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass #i'm going to start tossing furniture
5. Bodily Harm
There’s a good deal of overlap with the previous theme. Nearly all of the tags involving throwing would result in varying degrees of bodily harm. Here are the tags outside of the Throwing subgroup.  
#im going to throw upppppp #tearing my hair out #banging my head against the wall #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #biting my arms off #microwaving myself #crumple me up and microwave me
6. Absurdism
My personal favorite cluster. The imagery conjured and resulting comedic hyperbole is just [chef’s kiss].
#im gonna rip off my front door and eat it #crumple me up and microwave me #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass
7. Keysmashes
These tags center less around meaning and more around style, so they form the last group. A handful of these could fall under Noisy Emotional Outbursts because they represent reaction noises. In my linguistic judgment, keysmashing increases the hyperbole – consider augh versus aughfhghghghhh – the latter reads as prolonged and more intense emotionally.
#aghdjakgsjadhjaka * #hrhrhrhgnnnghhhhh #aughfhghghghhh #mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #waughfhghghh #oughhhhghghhh
*one digression in a friend discord server was how people interpret keysmashes in their minds. Some hear the first couple letters and then some sputtering, others hear static. It’s a common joke that you need a minor in linguistics to understand conversations in this friend group. Such is the nature of things when the chaos linguist energy is strong.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
God, I want Bruce to snap so badly. Some would argue it happened a long time ago, but oh no, -- no no, it's still simmering in there.
I'm not talking snapping for himself, -- why would Bruce care about himself? But it just so happens when he's in cowl, protective dad mode after one of his children gets hurt.
"...Really? Really. You're doing this to me again. Again."
They're truly not sure if he's speaking to himself, or monologuing, or to one of them.
Jason curled up all of his 6'5 self behind Damian when Bruce speaks to the Lilliac tinted Gotham sky.
" Is it not enough? All the blood and the pain and tears? You need more? You want more, you fucking worthless piece of shit,--"
Clark, who's quietly floating around, whispers to a frankly frightened Dick. " ...Is he...Okay?"
" Is he ever?"
"What happened?"
"Jason fell and scrapped his knee."
Its when Bruce screams that they get startled. Their dad barely raises his voice on his worst day, "You FUCKING soul aucking, -- I HATE YOU, I hate you, I hate you, fuck you, FUCK YOU-"
He screams for 10 minutes, just random, feral noises, with enough hatred to drown an ocean whole and anger so powerful it smokes the sun.
But he takes a deep breath, smooths his hair back, throat raw and scrubbed, " Okay. Let's go to a hospital."
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daenysx · 1 year
writing nsfw concepts for the characters i'm in love with will make me go insane one day. until then, enjoy!
my masterlist
daryl dixon loves giving you pleasure.
just any kind of pleasure. anything that makes a soft whimper fall from your lips and closes your eyes. anything that makes you want to be closer to him. anything that creates a lovely ache between your legs.
he loves it when he has the time to fuck you deep and slow. no need to rush, he just takes his time. he can focus on the sweet wetness of your cunt and your legs wrapped around his body. he can kiss you when he thrusts inside you and look into your eyes as the pleasure he gives you makes your back arching to him and his name falling from your pretty lips.
he loves it when there is just a little time to give you a release. he can be fast and take all his frustration out with sex. he knows you like it too, you try to keep him close until you can feel all of him. he can rub your clit and tell you encouraging words to make you come faster. he can bite your neck and leave marks. he can hold onto the surface he fucks you, anywhere really; the bed, the table, the wall, the floor. he loves how you try to stay quiet but it never works, you scream his name as he makes you see the stars.
he loves it when you are sleepy and needy, he can give you everything then. he always wakes up earlier than you and it gives him the perfect opportunity to watch you without looking away. you seek his warmth, his muscular body, his hard cock. he feels you start getting wet and he turns you around, slowly fucks you from behind and you moan to the pillows. he kisses your neck, your shoulder, your hair. he loves giving you the pleasure you want to make a perfect start for the day.
he loves it when he doesn't just fuck you. he can do lots of things to give you pleasure. he can lick you until you are crying from the pressure his tongue gives you, he can put his fingers inside you which are thick and streching you perfectly, he can suck your clit and give you a soft smile. at the beginning of your relationship, he was a little bit hesitant but now he knows everything about your body and uses the knowledge to make you go feral.
not just anything sexual, he can give you pleasure with his hands on your body. he is too strong and he loves it when you ask him if he can give you a massage. he rubs the sore spots on your body, listens your intense sounds, makes you sleepy under his hands.
and he fucking loves it when you get turned on just by his voice. especially if he's praising you or teasing you. when he calls you 'his pretty girl', it's almost impossible to stop rubbing your thighs together. when he calls you 'princess' you can only close your eyes and stop looking at him to calm down. and his noises when he fucks you? deep, intense, and lovely. he can make you come just by his moans and whimperings.
daryl dixon loves giving you pleasure.
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ya-zz · 11 months
Can I request some headcanons with Cassidy, Hanzo and Reaper? Of them holding their newborn baby for the first time? The baby fever is going crazy feral for me rn
I thought I would've gotten to this sooner, but hello, it is finally here!
This was such a cute concept and I'm really glad I got to do this and to finish it! Thank you for the patience ♥
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He panicked when you mentioned you were going into labour, words fumbling out his mouth in incoherent sentences that made you question whether or not he was okay.
He was there with you the entire time you were giving birth, holding your hand, moving the stuck hair from your face, wiping the sweat off of your forehead.
He never once let go of you, wanting nothing more than to soothe you throughout the entire process. 
When the moment arrived, a screaming and crying baby in the nurses hands, Cassidy immediately felt the relief run through him. 
“I am proud of you, honey.” 
“You’re okay. Everything is fine.” 
When the nurses eventually handed the small infant over to you, he witnessed your features getting soft, tears pricking your eyes once more. They weren’t painful tears, but rather tears of love. 
The baby continued to cry for a minute or two longer as the conversation around the room continued.
Cassidy sat on the edge of the bed, hand still holding yours, watching you as you admired the soft bundle in your arms
When you turned to him with a smile on your face and asked if he wanted to hold his child, his heart almost stopped. 
He had felt overwhelmed before, but this time it felt different. 
His child was in his arms, bundled up in a soft blanket.
The cries had stopped, soft noises being made and when their eyes opened, looking at the cowboy, Cassidy felt the entire room spin. 
Finally, another reason to fall in love all over again.
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Hanzo was careful throughout every stage of the pregnancy. He’d listen to you, and get you everything and anything had wanted and needed. 
The moment Hanzo saw you grimace in pain, he knew exactly what was coming.
He was quick on his feet to get you over to medbay, hand never leaving yours as he helped you settle onto the bed.
The entire time he would whisper to you, sweet little words and praises to flood your mind and to take it off of the pain you were experiencing. 
“Stay calm, sweetheart.”
“My love… You are doing amazingly.”
He would keep his fingers laced with yours all throughout the birth of your child. 
The moment that new life was brought into the world, your hand squeezed your partners hand tightly, the relief flooding through your body.
His heart fluttered as the nurses brought the newborn over to you and him. 
Every emotion was heightened when he saw you hold the small bundle and when you offered for him to hold the baby, his eyes widened. 
His hands were gentle as he took the bundle to his chest, gently rocking his arms. 
He was almost a natural, and when the cries calmed down, he chuckled. 
Hanzo saw the pride within your face as you turned to look at him. The love for you and his child was overflowing.
The archer had another reason to keep fighting. To keep living.
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Everything changed rather quickly the moment you became pregnant.
The cold demeanour was suddenly calm and caring, something of which was what you needed during the pregnancy. 
When labour came around and pain was surging, Reyes moved fast, carrying you to the medbay.
He was worried and rightly so as you cried out in pain. 
Reyes kept his hand on your forehead, soothing what pained emotions you were receiving and letting out. 
Your body was on fire for your partner did what he could to make sure you were pain-free as possible.
“Stay calm, You’re doing good.”
“Almost there, don’t worry, you’re doing well.”
He listened to your cries and it pained him, but the moment that it fell silent and another cry was heard, Reyes felt warm.
His heart felt bigger as he watched you hold your newborn baby.
Tears spilled from your eyes, Reyes moved his hand to cup your cheek, thumb caressing the warm and damp flesh.
When you held out your newborn to your partner, he hesitated, but his arms opened up and accepted the small bundle of newborn joy.
His eyes softened and he smiled, a genuine smile that made your own heart flutter with joy. 
Reyes was happy. He was in love. 
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 10 months
I’m just thinking about tiger hoshi with his little bunny gf and how he would treat her. Soft and gentle or rough and pining her to the bed?
😘 kbye
wifey i love your brain so much
tw: tiger hybrid!soonyoung, bunny hybrid fem!reader, mentions of heat, mirror sex, rough sex, unprotected sex (pls stay safe), breeding kink, choking, manhandling, use of petnames, squirting, power dynamics, established relationship!AU - minors dni.
@horanghater @the-boy-meets-evil @wooahaeproductions
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There are lots of things Soonyoung takes pride in - one of them being his extraordinary sense of smell. Then again, he's a tiger hybrid, so it's expected for him to have one.
But that doesn't make it any less fun for him to spot you just from the sweet smell of your pussy during your heat.
As soon as you walk out of the shower to alleviate your raging hormones, your boyfriend is standing right in front of the door, catching you off guard.
"Fuck - Soonyoung, it's not that hard to knock on a door!" You clutch your bathrobe with your hands.
"Aww, did I scare my pretty little bunny?" He pouts his lips in fake pity, his striped tail swishing back and forth.
"Well yeah! I was peacefully taking a shower and you just appeared in front of me without proper warning!"
Soonyoung pins you back on the wall of the bathroom, his face mere centimeters away from yours.
"Tigers don't alert their prey before striking, bunny."
"S-Stop it with the tiger quotes." You stutter, pussy producing more slick.
"Nah, I don't think I will." He purrs against your neck and his hands untie your bathrobe, letting it drop on the tiled floor.
He runs the tip of his nose over your pulse. "You smell fucking delicious. And it's not just your skin, bunny."
"Soonie, can you fuck me?" You plead him, hand rubbing his nape.
"Can I fuck you in front of the mirror?"
"God, yes."
You walk over to the foggy mirror and swipe it clean with your hand, bending down to present your holes to your boyfriend, a soft growl echoing in the small room.
He glues his body on your back, wrapping one hand around your neck and the other lifting one of your legs up to the sink, giving him enough space to admire your wet hole before slamming his cock inside you.
He enters you with one swift thrust and sets a very unforgiving pace, a mix of feral noises and moans coming out of his mouth.
"I love your pretty bunnycunt so much, it's always so wet and warm for me in your heats." He ruts his hips, slapping your ass as the grip on your throat starts tightening. You can feel yourself getting lightheaded, but just enough to have your senses intact and watch yourself becoming a mess for Soonyoung.
"Look how beautiful - Wish I could make you see how wet and messy your pussy has made my cock," his tongue laps up the skin of your nape, "Makes me want to breed it so bad."
"Please breed me, Soonie, my pussy needs your cubs, baby." You whine and bounce your ass back on his dick, wagging your fluffy tail excitedly.
He changes the angle of his hips just enough to hit the spongey spot in your cunt and you scream in bliss as you squirt all over your legs and the floor, skin covered with your clear fluids.
"That's my little messy bunny bitch." He breathes in your ear as he cums, not halting his thrusts even during his orgasm. Droplets of semen mix in with the remnants of your own orgasm, soiling your legs again.
Once his thrusts slow down, your breaths have already fogged up the mirror again and Soonyoung relaxes the grip on your neck. He takes his cock away and whistles when his eyes fall on the mess of your lower half.
"Fuck, I have to shower again." You pant, running your hand over your folds.
"We can always shower together." He back hugs you, tail wrapping around your legs.
"You're just looking for an excuse to fuck me again!"
"Are you saying you don't want me to?" He raises his eyebrow.
"Soonie, I am a bunny hybrid and I'm in heat." You protest and push your ass back on his half hard dick.
"That's what I thought too, pretty bunny."
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shu-box-puns · 26 days
A sneak peak into the dynamic of a Tsu'tey x Reader fic I'm working on:
Tsu'tey to his Spirit Brother after surviving being washed up on a deserted island: I fear the feral human has decided I am a pet.
The Feral human in question: A tired military deserter that hauled his ass out of the sea, who is now currently sharpening a big stick to fish for dinner for their new friends.
Later that day:
Tsu'tey: *feral cat noises and screaming in Na'vi with his tail thrashing* STAY BACK DEMON! LEAVE ME ALONE!!
Human!Reader who is lonely and just wants to check on his wounds: LET ME LOVE YOU!!
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