Bobby's Goddaughter
Summary: Bobby’s Goddaughter decides to move to LA and makes a visit to the 118.
A/N: so this was supposed to be short and sweet but apparently I got way too carried away. Apologies for any mistakes! Hope you enjoy :)
Word Count: 1.7k
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As you stepped of the plane in LA you let out a breath you didn’t realise you had been holding. Which you then realised was probably the most cliché thing you could have done in that moment, causing a smile to land on your face for the first time in months.
The anxiety of uprooting your entire life to move closer to your godfather, who you hadn’t spoken too in what you were beginning to realise was getting close to years, let alone told that you wanted to live closer to him, was starting to hit you harder by the minute. It wasn’t that you hadn’t wanted to speak to your godfather but since he had moved to the 118 your contact with him became sporadic, especially living in another state.  Your parents had both passed away shortly before Bobby had moved and although he was the closest thing you had to a dad, a name you had often attributed to him, after he moved it was easier to distance yourself from the man you suddenly became petrified of losing. Which with hindsight, and the help of a great therapist, you realised was your way of attempting to minimise any connection so you couldn’t get hurt, only to cause yourself pain by isolating yourself.  But if you knew one thing about Bobby it was that he would understand, he would forgive you and he had proven time and time again that he was always there for you.
The move to LA, and to your godfather, had been prompted by a series of events. Firstly, you had quit your job, deciding that law wasn’t your calling, and instead retrained as a firefighter. Then your boyfriend had cheated on you, leading to a prompt breakup. Which was followed by the nail in the coffin, or what you liked to refer to as the final straw in a fuckin mountain of straws, you lost your sobriety after being called out to a fire and a bag of white powder was thrown in your face, which you later found out to be opioids. Your addiction had started after your parents died and Bobby moved to LA, not that he knew that, or that you had any desire to ever let him know. Despite not seeing him in a long time you knew your godfather and he would only blame himself and you were not about to burden him with any more guilt than he already carried.  
So, when you saw that the 118, which you knew was Bobby’s firehouse, had a position open you instantly requested a transfer from your current house, figuring that a fresh start could only do you good and it was about time you stopped being scared to care for people.
As Bobby and Athena kissed the four firefighters stood slack jawed, unable to remove their eyes from their captain. Once the kiss had broken apart, the room remind silent for a minute until a whistle from the other side of the room caused the firefighter’s gazes to land on you. Bobby froze momentarily at the sound of your voice recognising it immediately before a small smile slipped onto his face as he walked towards you.
‘Didn’t know you had it in you old man’, you stated after letting out a whistle at the sight of your godfather kissing a police officer.
‘Are you sassing me right now?’ he asked as he made his way over to you. You feigned confusion as you quickly darted your eyes around the room.
‘Am I?’ you asked innocently, before the faced slipped and your face morphed into the biggest smile you had smiled in months. As soon as Bobby was near you his arms were wrapped tightly around you and you sunk into the hug, you head nuzzling into his shoulder as he placed his hand on the back of your head while he placed a kiss to the top of it.
‘I’m so sorry’ you whispered into him, ‘I’ve missed you so much’.
Matching your volume, acutely aware that his team and girlfriend were watching, Bobby whispered back to you, ‘I missed you too sweetheart, and you have nothing to apologise for.’
‘But, I…’, you began to stammer as you moved your head from his chest while remaining in his embrace, so you could see his face, which looked just the same as it did the last time you had seen him except he looked happier, so much happier. Before you could finish what you were about to say, that you hadn’t contacted him in years, Bobby continued.
‘y/n, I would never hold that against you, I should be apologising to you, I haven’t contacted you either, but none of that matters right now because you’re here.’ He paused slightly before chuckling, his eyebrow quirking upwards, ‘why are you here?’, this immediately made you start to laugh too.
‘Not that I’m not happy to see you’, he quickly added. Seeing you laugh made Bobby’s laughter intensify and the smile on his face grew wider, not only had he not seen you in years but he hadn’t seen you smile like that for almost twice as long.
The laughter emanating from you both was, however, interrupted by a sudden cough. Turning towards the group of firefighters who were now averting their gazes despite the sound having come from them, Bobby put his arm around your shoulder and walked you towards the police officer first.
‘Athena’ he began addressing the woman with a soft smile, a smile which the woman returned, ‘and everyone, this is y/n’ he paused, ‘my goddaughter, we haven’t seen each other in years’. The faces of the team where a picture, as they were stunned into silence, a silence they evidently kept trying to break as their eyebrows furrowed and
‘It’s lovely to meet you’, you began, ‘and just so you know I’m the one who didn’t reach out to Bobby, and I haven’t seen him in so long if he hasn’t mentioned me or anything…’, but once again before you could continue your nervous ramblings to the woman who you had taken an immediate liking to, she interrupted you.
‘Oh, Bobby’s told me all about you’, she started causing you to swallow, ‘and it is a pleasure to meet you y/n’ she smiled, instantly calming you and allowing you to release a breath you didn’t know you were holding. The next emotion to take hold of you was confusion as you turned towards your godfather.
‘You have?’ you questioned softly, turning to look to him while his arm remained around your shoulders.
‘Of course I did. y/n, you’re my family’, those words caused your eyes to well up. Part of you, the small child who had grown up around Bobby new he would say something like this, but the adult who you had become, plagued by doubt and a self-worth that was, although rising, not at its highest, well that adult didn’t even comprehend the possibility of this. The image of Bobby talking about you to Athena only made the tears fall faster.
‘Sorry’, you mumbled into Bobby, who upon seeing your tears had pulled you back into him, ‘I didn’t think I’d get this weepy, oh and’ to turned to the firefighters, ‘it’s really lovely to meet you all’, you smiled to the group who all smiled back and came over to greet you, giving you time to stop the tears from falling.
‘So y/n, what brings you to L.A?, here to visit Bobby?’, asked who you had just learned was Eddie.
‘Its funny you should say that’ you began laughing slightly but beginning to internally panic, ‘actually I just moved here, today actually.’
“Really?’ asked Buck enthusiastically, ‘My sister just moved here too, I bet you two would get along. I can give you her number if you want?’
You were taken aback by the kindness the firefighters were showing you right now. ‘That would be wonderful actually, thank you Buck’, you smiled at him.
‘No problem’, he responded, ‘so what is it that you do?’ he asked.
‘y/n is a lawyer’ Bobby began, but the face you made caused him to stop., ‘Or not?’ he questioned.
‘yeah’, you began slightly awkwardly, ‘I was a lawyer, but it wasn’t right for me, I always felt like it was too late, you know, like the damage had already been done. So I re-trained’ you paused mentally preparing to say the next part, ‘as a firefighter, not that long ago actually.’
‘you did?’ Bobby asked, smiling and you could tell in an instant that he was proud of you.
‘There’s more actually’, you continued, ‘I was working back home as a firefighter for a while when I saw that a spot opened up here and well, I uprooted my life. You should get the paperwork for my transfer on Monday but I asked the fire chief to keep my name of the paperwork until tomorrow so I could tell you in person.’
‘You’re going to be working with me?’ asked Bobby, his eyes tearing up slightly, ‘and you’re living in LA?’
‘I am’ you softly confirmed, nodding your head as you watched his reaction.
‘Hang on, how did you manage to get the fire chief to keep your name of the paperwork?’ asked Hen, ‘they’re not the easiest people to deal with at the best of times.’
‘Let’s just say the fire chief owed me a favour after shall we say’, you paused moving your hands slightly as you searched for an appropriate phrase, ‘an incident occurred, and he was more than happy to do me a favour if I promised not to sue the department’ you concluded your story. Laughter came from the entire group of firefighters and Athena.
‘I bet there’s a story there’, added Chim, obviously angling to hear it.
‘Oh there is’, you nodded, pausing momentarily, ‘you wanna hear it?’ you smirked at the group of firefighters, Hen and Buck quickly guiding you to the couches with Chim and Eddie following quickly behind as you laughed at them. This was going to be the best decision you had made in a long time.
Part 2?
(taking requests :) )
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guhitsaglit · 2 months
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For season 8 I want a call back to the what a man scene and that's how buck realizes he has a crush on Eddie.
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tigresslily · 3 months
Maddie: Just be yourself. Buck: 'Be myself'? Maddie, I have one day to win Eddie over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me? Chimney: Couple weeks. Bobby: Six months. Hen: Jury's still out Buck: See, Maddie? Buck: 'Be myself'. What kind of garbage advice is that?
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menace-behaviour · 3 months
*In their home at the end of the day*
Jee-Yun: There was a motor close to my school today.
Maddie: A motor- a motorcycle? Did you see a motorcycle at school?
Jee-Yun: Ah sorry, no. It was a murder.
Maddie: Howie, get my purse. The blue one.
Chimney: Or, first, we could confirm this with someone that doesn't get their news updates from Paw Patrol?
Maddie: Are you suggesting that our daughter is a liar?
Chimney: No, I am suggesting that she's 6.
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daily118 · 1 year
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Hen and her proposal with Karen
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reqvlvs · 6 months
chim: you're gay
eddie: im not gay
hen: you're literally in a romantic relationship with buck.
eddie: you got me there.
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bisexualrapline · 2 years
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"we seven mates, mates; 잘 봐 we got us" 🥺😭
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iamharryhale · 1 year
Chimney: Hah, got your phone! Now let's see what's on it…
Eddie, panicking: I promise you, Chim, you really don't want to do that!
Chimney: Shhh Shhh! It can't be anything that bad—
Eddie's phone: *the smuttiest, raunchiest, dirtiest, nastiest, nsfw text conversation between Eddie and Buck, with whole descriptive pictures attached*
Chimney: *horrified into silence, regretting his life decisions*
Eddie, sighs: I did warn you. I'll take my phone back now, thank you very much.
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buckslafdhoodie · 3 months
I have a vision of family game nights at the Buckley-Han household.
Buck is in the kitchen, actively cooking dinner and making snacks and being a little mini clipboard Buck out of love for his little extended family.
Maddie and Chim are sitting in front of their bookshelf FULL of boxes, dozens of board games from the classics to some niche ones Chim picked up along his way across the country, trying to decide on one no no avail.
Chris is sitting at the counter, listening to Buck’s stories from work that week and drawing out the scenes in colored pencil, as handheld video games are banned from game nights (he has been begging for Buck to propose a Mario Kart championship and is winning that battle).
Tommy is sitting on the end of the sofa, Jee-Yun running at him from the other end of the sofa and tackling him, squealing in delight when he gently tosses her back to the other cushion so she can do it all over again. There’s a smile on his face and an easiness in the way he interacts with her that everyone realizes is the same as Buck is with Chris.
Eddie sits in the armchair beside Tommy, chattering on with him about the work he’s been doing on his place, little fixes and quality of life upgrades and the Great Ikea War of 2024, a beer in hand as he hops between his conversation with Tommy and bickering playfully with Chris when his son teases him for being the only one fully banned from entering the kitchen.
They’re all happy and content and together.
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incorrect118buddie · 11 months
Chim: I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter “s”.
Hen: *looks over at Eddie and Buck*
Hen: Is it “sexual tension”?
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maxandkon · 6 months
CHIM in a nutshel
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guhitsaglit · 2 months
How is baby jeee???
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🔥🔥🔥👉 Ask the 118! 👈🔥🔥🔥
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the--anarchists · 22 days
Anytime I see 118 in any context I'm like 👉 that's the special firefighter number! That's my blorbos' number! That's my special little guys (gn) number! It's a special little moment of "oh!" that gives me enrichment in my enclosure (capitalism)
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Chim x Autistic!reader - little shiny rocks
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Hi your writing is incredible!! Could we have a 911 imagine where Autistic Reader has a crush on Chim and Eddie and Buck jokingly told her to give Chim a shiny rock, (they don't know she's autistic due to her medical records being sealed up) and she takes them seriously? Ending with Chim actually liking the rocks and Reader gives Eddie and Buck a thumbs up causing Hen who's super protective of Reader like a big sister to find out who told her about the rock thing as Reader doesn't usually explain why or how she was told she would just said what she's doing to Hen. - Anon💜
You looked at Chim from upstairs, he was doing something by one of the trucks and you were just stood there admiring him.
“You actually gonna talk to him?”
You turned to look at Buck and shrugged a little bit.
“Can’t… I don’t know how…”
“Come on, you’ve been crushing on him for ages.”
You shrugged again and went back to watching, and Eddie walked over, standing on the other side of your.
“Why are we watching him?” Eddie asked.
“Because (Y/N) really likes him but won’t tell him.” Buck said.
“Why not give him a shiny rock?”
You looked up at Eddie a little confused.
“Oh yeah, a shiny rock that’ll let him know how you feel.” Buck laughed.
You looked at Buck and nodded your head walking away while they giggled to themselves.
They weren’t actually expecting to do it, so when you walked away they just though you were off to go do something else.
You walked past Hen and she stopped what she was doing to jog over to you.
“Where you going (Y/N)?” She asked gently.
You smiled a little, looking at her and then to the locker room where your bag was.
“I’m going to give Chim a shiny rock.”
“You’re… going to give Chim a shiny rock?” She asked.
You nodded and she followed behind you as you began to rummage through your bag.
Hen knew you kept a handful of shiny rocks in there, to make you happy when you had a hard day because you loved them.
Pulling them all out, you held them in your hands and you turned to her, holding them out.
“Which do you think he’d like?”
Hen hummed a little bit before picking up a shiny pure white one and you nodded, putting all the rest away you were practically bursting with happiness.
You ran away, running over to Chim, and you stopped right in front of him.
“(Y/N) hey, what’s going on?” He asked.
He sat up from what he was doing and you held your hand out, taking his hand you placed the rock in his palm.
“Woah, isn’t this one of your favourite rocks?” He asked.
“It’s for you.”
Chim laughed a little, putting it in his shirt pockets.
“Well thanks, but I don’t have any rocks to give you.”
“That’s okay.” You smiled.
You wondered away happy, and the next day you came back with another rock.
Chim happily took it and added it to his pocket.
And soon enough every day you would come back with more rocks for him, and he began to keep them all on a shelf in his locker, but he took that white one everywhere with him.
“They really enjoy this don’t they?” Bobby laughed.
“They do. Chim loves getting the rocks, and (Y/N) apparently loves bringing them to him. But I can’t figure out who told her too.” Hen said.
Bobby shrugged a little.
“God knows, but come on, look how happy they both are.”
“Bobby she’s doing it because she thinks it’ll make him love her.”
Bobby glanced down at Hen with a small frown.
“Do you think he does?”
“I don’t actually know, but I’m going to find out.”
Hen made her way over to Chim and stood in front of him arms crossed.
“Oh full name that’s not good.”
“You’re my best friend, you know I love you right?”
Chim stopped what he was doing to look up at his best friend.
“If you break her heart, I will break every bone in your body.”
“Woah, Woah, who said anything about breaking hearts?”
“(Y/N) is giving you rocks because she has a thing for you idiot!” Hen hissed.
“I know.”
“You know?”
Chim nodded his head and grinned a little, reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a little chain, with a dark red rock on it.
“She told me red was her favourite colour, so I found this. It took a few weeks for it to be made but it came this morning.”
Chim put it back in his pocket and looked around.
“I’m going to ask her to dinner when she brings me my daily shiny rock.”
Hen smiled a little bit and nodded, sitting next to him.
“So you’re not going to break her heart?”
“No! Of course not! She’s a little different I know, and maybe in her own time she’ll explain why. But I like that she’s different, she’s just… so pure and bright and happy.”
“She really is, isn’t she?”
Chim nodded his head and smiled to himself.
They both looked up and you padded over, holding your hand out and he held his out, letting you drop the little stone into his hand.
“I found another.” You beamed.
“I love it, thank you.”
Chim stood up, adding it to his pocket, he pulled the chain out and kept it hidden in his hand.
“Can I give you something?”
He smiled, and took your hand, pressing the chain into your palm and he let you look at it.
Gasping softly, you jumped from leg to leg excited and beyond happy with the chain he had given you.
“It’s so pretty!”
“Just like you.” He smiled.
You looked up at him.
“I think you’re absolutely beautiful, and wonderful, and I wanted to know if maybe you’d like to get dinner with me tonight?”
You put the chain into your pocket and you quickly nodded your head.
“I would really like that.”
“So would I.”
You quickly hugged him, and he laughed, hugging you back.
Pulling away you turned around, giving Eddie and Buck and thumbs up and Hen stared at the two of them.
“You two told her to give him rocks?”
“Oh crap…” Buck whispered.
Eddie and Buck ran, and Hen chased them around, and you happily stood next to Chim watching, and he smiled softly down at you.
Yeah, you were a little different. But he loved you all the same
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eddiesbuck1 · 1 month
I dont see their supposedly main character. Where is he?🤔
By the way, they are adorable. How are they getting Oliver to do all of these?
#bobby #peter #oliver #buck #ryan #eddie #chim #kenny #hen #aisha #allison #buddie
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daily118 · 2 years
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