#*fighting style
xerith-42 · 9 months
MCD Fighting Style breakdown
for @gonedreaminggg as a treat. I took your initial list, added a few ideas I came up with, had a breakdown, Bone apple teeth!
- Laurance: As seen in canon Laurance mainly uses a single large sword, though in his early appearances he uses a sword and a shield. I feel like Laurance has trained in multiple styles of combat to varying degrees. He's really good with a single sword of any size, and he can fight sword and shield. His dual wielding is lacking and he can tell every time he watches Dante fight. A lot of Laurance's movements are very basic forms of sword combat with slight variations and flare. Laurance is really light on his feet, so much so that when he really gets into a fight, it almost looks like he's gliding sometimes.
- Garroth: An absolute tank. Fuck what canon says here, Garroth has trained exclusively in fighting with a sword and shield. It is his bread and butter. His ass would not know what to do with a second sword, and nobody really tried to train him in anything else because he's so good at what he does. Garroth can and will always take the hits, he's a barbarian who manages to suppress the rage until he's forced to multiclass into paladin thanks to the relic. Always on the front lines, so good at throwing himself into danger, he wants to die a warriors death and go to Valhalla and both Aph and Laurance are like "Garroth please stop."
- Dante: Dual Wielding jack ass my beloved. Dual wielding isn't a super common style of combat just because it requires so much coordination and there's definitely a quantity over quality problem with guards in Ru'aun. Dante studies an unconventional style of fighting to stand out, and it works. He's super limber and flexible, at least when he's a teenager, and he's fast as fuck. Dante will absolutely be the one getting insane hit combos and doing like 8 attacks per round. He loves bragging about this so much, even though he has to slow down a little as he gets older and his body can't quite move the way it used to.
- Aphmau: Oh Aphmau... Can I call you Aph? You poor thing. In my brain Aph is partially trained by Garroth and Zenix in her early days, but she also just has some really good instincts from being Irene's reincarnation. She learns basic archery from Zenix, and a lot of basics in sword fighting from Garroth. She tends to prefer one lightweight weapon, though she does learn to get comfortable with larger weapons. She's shorter than a lot of her opponents so she likes having a lighter weapon that let's her move fast and go for the fucking knees. She does not fuck around in a fight, she will go straight for the kill. All the guards have some sort of honor/respect for their opponents. She doesn't. She will fucking kill you.
- Travis: Travis is the jack of all trades. You put a weapon in his hand and he knows how to use it. He's not particularly great with any one weapon, and he never has a preference. He was taught to always have his guard up and always be able to defend himself, so Travis is much more comfortable with being given a weapon and using it instead of having a preference. He carries a long sword with him everywhere he goes, but that's just in case he can't get his grubby little paws on something else. He also uses potions a lot more in battle than anyone else thinks to, so he's able to make up for any shortcomings in his fighting.
- Katelyn: Punch people at the perfect weak points of their body. Katelyn has done a lot of study into human anatomy and medicine, and she knows all the weak points of the body for taking someone out in a certain way. Want a quick knockout? There's a pressure point on the back of the neck she can hit while blindfolded. Want to make someone winded? Hit them in the solar plexus. Katelyn has honed her body for this style of fighting, she is ripped as fuck, and while she isn't the fastest fighter, mostly due to her still wearing armor, her strikes are powerful enough to make up for it.
- Lucinda: Evil!! She uses her witchcraft obviously, which I have a lot of thoughts about. I think it's basically being a prepared/component caster, so how well she does in a fight depends on what components she brings into it. But Lucinda literally has like three bags of holdings, she can always whip up something to kick your ass. And if she can't, her staff is definitely made out of some ancient tree and she'll just sweep people off their feet with it and then concuss them with the giant curved end of it. She prefers to take people down non-lethally if possible, especially because witchcraft is very susceptible to accidentally killing people, but if you hurt her friends, it's on sight,
- Zane: Despite his high position, Zane isn't particularly good with any large weapons. I always envision Zane to be somewhat lanky in his stature, and definitely the weakest out of his brothers. He doesn't want to be seen as a threat initially, and as shown in the series, he'd much prefer to find a non physically violent way to kill you. If he has to, he's always got knives hiding on his person, in his robe, in his belt, in his boots, man's always has a way to kill just in case.
- Nana: Magic in this universe is spontaneous casting, where most spells don't need active prep work, and fewer components. Like she needs her dolls as vessels and some magical energy that's naturally present in her body and she's good. I don't think Tu'la was always a safe place, and she likely learned to defend herself from a young age. But Nana isn't really good with conventional weapons like swords or bows, no, she knows how to dent your brain with a frying pan. She doesn't like being violent, but if you threaten her friends or family, she will absolutely demolish you with a cutting board.
- Vylad: The archer!! I like to think Vylad tried to spar with Garroth like once and hated it so much. He hates eye contact and getting close to people, so instead they learn how to be an absolute master of ranged combat. Vylad knows how to stab someone with a short sword in a desperate situation, but he'd much rather be perched on a tree above the battlefield and rain arrows from above. Vylad is also incredibly stealthy and faster than anyone else. So people see his perch and try to get there to take him down or have their own archers fire back, but he's already gone.
- Sasha: Sasha moves so gracefully, so fluidly, and almost enchantingly. For her fighting is a performance, she's gonna kill several people and she's gonna look good while doing it. Even when she was a trained guard she made herself stand out with an affinity for smaller curved blades that naturally assisted her fluid movements. She makes fights into an endurance test, cutting people up and whittling them down. But if she needs to kill, she knows how to do it in a single swipe and knows the weak points that guards are taught to protect, and the ones they aren't. She's such a menace :)
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yearningforunity · 6 months
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Salvador de Bahia
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wildissylupus · 11 months
I see people joking about how, despite being one of the best snipers lore wise, Widow always seems to miss her shots.
And I know this is a joke but I thought I'd actually analyse this.
Cause that's what I do.
I look way too far into dumb bullshit.
The times we see Widow in an active sniper role is in three cinematics. The ones in question being The Overwatch Cinematic Trailer, Alive and Infiltration.
Let's start off with the cinematic trailer, now the first thing to point out is the fact that Widow misses several shots on Winston;
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Now this.... is just kinda embarrassing. Winston was standing still, he doesn't have a helmet on, and he's fucking huge, Widow, honey, you need to stop drinking before missions-
Jokes aside I can justify her not getting a headshot for more reason then just "lack of aim or skill".
For one this is what happened before hand;
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And I don't care how genetically enhanced she is, she isn't Jack or Gabe, she's going to need some time to recover from that. Soe her missing headshots and even some body shots in this moment is understandable. However, she does have time to recover when this happens;
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Lena is right on her, she wasn't even that quiet, and she was startled by that. She doesn't even realise that Lena is there until she starts talking.
This isn't even the first time she had to deal wither Tracer sneaking up on her, and the first time she actually handled it better. This brings us to Alive.
Where this happened;
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Through out the fight in Alive, though she does fight against Lena well, she doesn't land a shot on her until the end. Not only that but we see that she already had a clean shot on Mondatta, she had time to shoot him then but didn't.
In Infiltration, she doesn't really do much on screen, and she never really got a clean shot due to Sombra. In the times she is active Reaper is the one doing the killing, not her.
Now what does this have to do with Widow missing her shots? You might notice that I never use the comics as an example, that's because most of her time in the comics is in positions where she is in her element. In all these examples there are common flaws that other sniper characters like Ana, Hanzo, Cassidy and even Ashe don't have. Widow, as a sniper, lacks the ability to land a shot when doing sudden movements/repositioning, and lacks spatial awareness when trying to take a shot.
Despite what fans and Widow herself thinks, she was not trained to be a sniper in active combat. She was trained to be an assassin, a hidden threat, the backup plan. So her being in these active fights where people are aware of her, are her weak spot.
Let me pull up the examples again and compare them to how other characters who were trained to be in the full blast of combat react.
In the Overwatch Trailer we not only see Lena sneak up on her, but an untrained kid steal Doomfists gauntlet without her noticing;
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Compare this to Cassidy in Reunion and there is a very big difference;
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Not only that but if you actually look at Widow's fighting style compared to the other snipers, it lacks personality. Lore wise if you genuinely look at Widow fighting, she is very precise and is always focusing on the target but there is no movement she does that feels like her own style.
Let's look at the other snipers, both Ashe and Ana are very still when sniping, however Ana uses a lot of swift movements and tends to reposition herself regularly. She's always aware of her surroundings to the point where we have never really seen her be snuck up on. As for Ashe, her stance is much the same as Widow, however, you can tell the reason she stays a lot more still is because she is a very team orientated fighter, not only that but in Deadlock Rebels she does move around a lot more.
There is also the fact that both of these characters have fighting habits, both tend to do back-to-back fighting when fighting along side another person, Ashe tends to either use B.O.B as cover or just tends to look for cover in general. Again, Ana tends to reposition a lot not only that but an over the shoulder shot when someone is sneaking up on her is something specific to her and Cassidy.
Speaking of which I could make a whole separate analysis on Cassidy and Hanzo's fighting styles. If Ashe and Ana's fighting styles have personality then Cassidy and Hanzo's are swimming with it.
Hanzo uses a mix of long and close ranged fighting, often combining the two, he also moves around frequently, not staying in one place for a long time. Another thing he does is if one angle doesn't work he instantly changes the trajectory of his arrows. And I won't get into it too much here, but he also uses his bow as a melee weapon more then in necessary.
With Cassidy he's a lot more improvised, as well as he's a lot more aware of his surroundings then any other character. Meaning he ends up using the environment a lot more then the other aim orientated characters. In "Train Hopper" he uses a tunnel to his advantage to take out several Talon agents, in Reunion he uses several environmental factors to throw off Deadlock members, he also is very much a close ranged fighter when in active combat.
I am telling you all now that I am holding back a lot because this is a Widow post but I REALLY want to talk more about Cassidy and Hanzo's fighting styles. I find them so interesting.
The thing is with Widow is that she fights on a technical standpoint, she fights like a Talon member, not like herself. She fights like a sniper, a basic level of what Ana and Ashe do, but considering what her gun actually does, I think she would be a better sniper if she fought more like Cassidy and Hanzo, using a combination of long ranged and close ranged techniques.
I also think that if she added more of herself when fighting she's have a better chance of handling herself in a 1v1. Which is something I hope happens in her redemption. I would love to see her use dance techniques when fighting, or use the fact that she would be a lot more flexible then a lot of other characters to get into positions that other couldn't.
I think that her being emotionless and her only using the skills taught to her by Talon is actively holding her back from being a better sniper. It's something I really hope is pointed out in canon. It's something I genuinely hope is a big part of her arc and how she bonds with other characters.
And I think I need to re-iterate this, Widowmaker is still a great shot and a great sniper, she is just not really as skilled as she thinks she is. She was trained to be an assassin, which I believe she is the best assassin in the game, but as a sniper in an active battle field she is not as good as the other characters.
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timaeuslover001 · 2 months
Raditz Headcanon (possibly not but a cool observation) AU
Raditz and Bardock both have the same fighting style. Very fast and uses their legs a lot.
So it’s hard for opponents to really get their hands on him or even land a punch because he’s so fast.
Raditz has the same fighting style but uses his legs even more than his arms and uses energy blasts more as well.
Bardock spotted this when he was young and even though he wasnt as fast as his father
(Idk if this was conscious on the creators of the game or not but if it was that’s AMAZING Japanese game makers always add in the details that just are it so much more fun! But I’ve noticed in the games Boudekai tenkaichi and others that Raditz is pretty fast as well as usese his legs a lot during fights and so does Bardock but Bardock also uses his arms too while Raditz mostly used his legs. So I thought it was a cool detail to show the connection between father and son lol)
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dndspellgifs · 1 year
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Blind Fighting
class ability - fighting style
Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
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captain-lessship · 1 year
I am about to let you all in on a writing tip/secret I kept for myself:
When writing a fight scene, watch actual fights. No not what they do in tv. But actual fights. MMA, Wrestling (Not WWE, we know that the E is more important that’s the Second W for them) and videos on weaponuse.
This may help you visualize how you want a fight to go and if it is actually possible, even if it’s a fantasy (you can add magical elements but there’s always a good point to have it mildly grounded in actual physics and body mechanics.)
For Example, I am writing a lil scuffle for the third part of His “Side Kick In The Chair” No Longer. Pavitr’s movements are inspired by an Indian Martial Art (Kalaripayattu) canonically*.
That led me on a journey to find a weapon that is Spider Man-like, Symbiote- like, adds a pizzazz to a fight like the movements of Pav would already bring and keep the user on the ground (it’ll make sense when I post and you read the fic). And that’s when I found it:
Note: I don’t really count the webs or Pav’s bracelets as weapons because while the webs can inconvenience someone, it can’t really hurt them without the aid of another object i;e at the end of Andrew Garfield’s second spider man move, when he lifts the man hole cover to fling it at Rhino. And imagine getting whacked by a bracelet, I would be too stunned that I got hit with a jewelry store exclusive to put up a fight.
A Rope Dart.
This video is extremely helpful because it shows how the bones and muscles will have to move to make it work and thus, easier to write.
*I thought I read or watched it somewhere so don’t take that as gospel.
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dragonsoftheeast · 1 year
HotD Dragon Bestiary
With the help of @strawberrycordate​ I have made a bestiary of the dragons in House of the Dragon! You can find it here.
It includes the dragon’s history, design choices, and my analysis of their fighting styles. I’ve also charted those fighting styles out in a political compass sort of situation down.
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Jaw vs. Claw on the x-axis refers to the dragon’s preferred weapon. Grappler vs. Striker on the y-axis refers to how they prefer to contact the enemy- whether they like to wrestle or to strike and move away.
I’ll update this based on new information from the show as it releases, but I hope you guys would like to use this as a resource!
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juustalexx · 1 year
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day 71 of drawing spider-man until beyond the spider-verse is out
my sona’s fighting style
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Class Feature Friday: Bombard Fighting Style (Soldier Fighting Style)
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(art by Alexander Moskalenko on Artstation)
In a wild and wooly science-fantasy setting which takes more than a little inspiration from westerns and other genres of fiction, there’s still a few things that you can only get in such a futuristic setting, and that is, looking at really big guns.
Ok, sure, you can get that in other media too, but where else but sci-fi do you get railguns built for personal use, or plasma cannons, or a rapid-fire laser cannon built to emulate the same effect as the heaviest machine guns, but in photon-laced form?
Regardless of your stance on violence, there is something awe-inspiring about seeing powerful weapons in action, a demonstration of mortal ingenuity in creating something that can leave a very literal mark on the landscape and even the odds against beings that would otherwise outmatch us.
Admittedly, there is an aspect of the “gun nut” fandom that gets a little, well, icky. But we can’t make blanket judgements on people based on what they like. That would be like judging someone for having a sword collection, or for having lurid art on the walls of their home.
In any case, today we’re looking at a fighting style for soldier which is focused on big guns and big explosions. More specifically, the bombard style is all about big guns that cause big explosions, or otherwise unleash powerful attacks. If you’re looking for one that focuses on the “relentless onslaught of constant firepower” side of big guns, you’ll probably want to look into the bullet rain style, which we’ll be covering on the next go around.
In any case, these soldiers are most likely exactly what their class name implies, actual soldiers, since those are the most likely to have access to this kind of firepower. However, mercenary companies, private contractors, and explorers in hostile regions of space can all make use of such training, to say nothing of those who retired from any of those careers and took their guns with them (or acquired new ones). Heck, some of them might even be self-trained enthusiasts, though their reasons for doing so may vary.
In any case, if you’re looking to play a soldier, and big guns are your thing, you probably have at least considered this style, for it offers some impressive and bombastic rewards.
Though most prefer heavier fare, every bombard masters the arts of thrown explosives as well, able to pitch them further than most due to an intimate familiarity with their heft. What’s more, they can improvise an explosive device from leftover materials with a few minutes of work, meaning as long as they have a little time, they always have at least one grenade on hand, albeit an unstable one that most shops would not accept.
A steady hand is needed to make best use of heavy weapons, and by leveraging that strength and focus, they can squeeze out a little bit of extra harm on foes, though naturally this only really works with automatic, explosive, or unwieldy weaponry.
The impact of these weapons can also leave foes deafened, stumbling, or otherwise debilitated as well, and these gunners can leverage that when using explosive and conical blasting weaponry.
Their knowledge of where to place an explosive to maximize harm and minimize collateral is also impressive, making it harder for foes to avoid and minimizing danger to themselves.
Finally, the most powerful of them can scatter foes with their big guns, knocking them away from themselves or an explosive central point.
If you’re considering this style, you’re likely wanting to play with the biggest, most unwieldy guns in the game. Now, due to the size of such weaponry, unless you’re using power armor you’re unlikely to be holding all of the different types of guns that can make use of this style at once, but it should be fairly obvious that this style is all about playing the role normally performed by blasty mages but with flamethrowers, rocket launchers, and other exotic weapons of considerable size and firepower. Naturally, this style pairs well with armor storm, bullet rain, mine menace, and shock and awe, and you’re probably going to be building to heap on damage and debilitating effects on your foes. Have fun.
I feel like it’s very hard to not have a smile on your face when wielding a really big weapon unless you’re going through some stuff, so I can imagine that a lot of characters with this combat style really, really like their job. That being said, it takes all types to fill a battalion, as they say, and the silent type that lets their guns do the talking is just as much an archetype as they guy whose booming laugh and lust for life is only drowned out by their weaponry.
While it’s tempting to assume that the crystal-crafting psacynoids rely entirely on magic, they have their fair share of technological marvels too, though many are hybrid devices utilizing the magically-reactive crystals as a core. Mercenaries pay well for heavy lasers crafted using these crystals, but they regulate their sale quite thoroughly. As such, when a shipment of the weapons goes missing, the party are hired on to investigate.
An insectile mantis-like predator with curious ability to put their molecules out of phase for offensive and defensive purposes, has invaded the mining colony of Ackban, preying upon the miners. It always retreats when it takes sufficient harm, so they have not been able to finish off the mordaghast. A specialize with heavy weaponry, however, might be exactly what is needed to pierce it’s phasic defenses.
The war in the Algon sector is not going well for the natives, and their forces find themselves repeatedly pinned down by withering onslaughts of heavy firepower from the invader’s fire teams. A change in tactics are in order, and if one can’t be found soon, death will come for them all.
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antvnger · 1 year
BOLD  what consistently applies,  italicize situational  /  not always. repost, please do not reblog!!
fight honorably  / fight dirty / prefer close - quarters / prefer range /  chat during /  go silent  /  low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily  /  go for the kill  / aim to disarm / fight defensively / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease /  get visibly frustrated /  shout while attacking  / use strategy  /  focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle  / rush in recklessly  / try to read their opponent before fighting  / fight wildly  /  fight calmly and/or apathetically / fight with anger  /  fight with excitement /  fight because they have to  /  fight because they want to  / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds  / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade  /  prefer a gun  / prefer to use their ability / prefer a bow / prefer a shield  /  prefer a pole arm  /  prefer a personalized weapon  /  prefer magic or spells  /  prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical  /  their greatest weakness is mental  / their greatest weakness is emotional  /  transform for battle (I mean technically) /  fight as they appear  / rely on strength / rely on speed  / use everything they have / hide their full potential /  exhaust quickly  / high stamina  /  doubt their strength  / proceed with caution  / behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit /  belittle their abilities  /  use psychological tactics  / use brute strength  /  avoid civilians   /  strike down civilians  /  damage surroundings  / avoid damaging surroundings  /  signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork /  sloppy footwork  /  messy fighter  /  elegant fighter /  accept defeat  / refuse defeat /  beg for mercy  /  compliment their opponent  / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements  / move efficiently /  barely move  / prefer to dodge / prefer to block  / defend their blindside  / has no blindside  / use all available advantages /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  / hold back / fight ruthlessly  / show mercy  /  wait for opponent to be ready  / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death  /  fear pain  /  fear killing  / has ptsd /  avoid fighting  / has lost a fight /  has won a fight / has killed (technically we thought he did) / refuses to kill  / want to die standing  /  would succumb slowly
((whew! This was harder than I thought lol and I feel like I missed something in here.
Thanks for the tag Mun Bro @stxrksarc
No pressure tags: @askyelenabelova @guardian-rocket @sergeant-bucky @ask-kurt-wagnerandrpwithhim @asktvaloki @unbeatable-squirrel-girl @thewsvp @og-ant-man @ask-spider-man @inz-lokisdottir and anyone else who wants to play
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lapontoart · 1 year
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Your OCs fighting style in a gif (based from a twitter post)
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sakurastarkey · 1 year
Water bending 🌊
☆ Artwork created and owned by @anushpaint. 🎨
☆ Motion and effects done by @sakurastarkey. 🌸
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rottmnt-hc · 1 year
I think the turtles will expand on their fighting knowledge after Shredder but applied to it after Kraang.
Raph: Judo, Aikido, Wrestling, and Jujitsu
Donnie: Tai Chi, Krav Maga, Bartitsu, and Muay Thai
Leo: Tae Kwon Do, Kendo, MMA, Bujutsu, Dambe
Mikey: Karate, Angampora, Budokon, Enshin Kaikan, Hojojutsu
Raph and Donnie will probably learn another: Kuntao or Kyudo (ETB)
April will definitely be doing Kyudo
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marune2 · 2 years
Fight Move/weapons of my oc’s
@loosesodamarble got my on this idea whit her last post
Heinrich Faust
Use just magic
He can fight in disdains whit he’s illness magic there he shot it right in the direction of he’s enemy
And can make one at one fight whit he’s deformation Magic there if he tush you your are death there he just deformed you organs so mush this you die immediately
Weakness: asta he’s magic don’t work on Asta and if Heinrich can’t use magic you can beat the shi€ out of him
Ida Faust
Can use magic/dagger/body fight whit out weapons
Magic use her Grimms too kill you ore she get you in one of her pocket dimensions and let you there die
She can use body fight’s whit out weapons she use her claws ore foot‘s too attack In her mana skins you she can capoeira and use it fully
Ida can use a dagger in a unusual way she hold the weapon back and front she can switch it really fast and can move whit it really fast she use the capoeira whit it
Weaknis: Person whit a really strong defense of the body ore disdain fighting
Capoeira is a fighting style you can goggle it if you want
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simply-goblin · 2 years
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lesser-mook · 1 month
White Canary Fight Scenes - Legends of Tomorrow Seasons 1 - 3, Lost Cana...
Should've had her do more pressure point oriented combat, ain't  no way a woman that size is putting down  a guy that big (beginning bar fight) with punches like that.  ESPECIALLY if her form is so stiff, if she had boxing form, that's different. A woman can easily floor a dude with a few punches and good boxing form. 
 But she's just upright, barely crouched, very little proper footing. You have to get the details right especially with women in fight scenes because they have extra hurdles to sell the fight properly, it's easier if they have weapons but hand to hand? 
They  need grappling, crit strikes, boxing, joint locks, elbow strikes to the jaw, Wing chun (Ip-Chun punch combos) and pressure points. Otherwise looks too fake, he's going to feel a punch yes, but a dude that size just drop to the ground from that, nah. 0:04 Not unless she a super soldier 
 The reason why Cassie Cain sells so well despite her little physique, is she's drawn to always take people apart in less than 2 moves in all the places a human body can cave-in from. 
 This is entertainment vs believability, director wanting flashy movements not realizing the cinematic logistics matters. And that White Canary doing that is not the same as Batfleck doing that.
19:12 This shit is pretty good, combos. Crit strikes, that knee finisher was beautiful.
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