#*makes 650 edits to this before anyone sees it*
novemberthewriter · 4 months
between home & the other hard place [650 wds]
a character sketch of candida “dodie” james
genre: literary/drama (lightly-edited discovery writing for one of my WIPs, the horror/dark fantasy project ‘dagmar’. we learn a bit abt dodie: the black sheep of her family, & best friend to zeke, our protagonist)
[cw: emotional negect/abuse, implied self-harm]
A BIT OF THE BEFORE [for dodie]
The best thing Kendra James ever does is reupholster all the shag carpeting in the house. This makes it much easier for Dodie to wallow overnight in the corner of her bedroom.
Sometimes, if she’s got her good PacSun hoodie on (with the thumb holes and the built-in earbud drawstrings that connect to her iPod), and some fuzzy socks, she doesn’t even need to use a blanket. The nights will start with a racing mind and end in the deep, drugged-without-drugs sleep that depression causes so many people to fall into. 
Even this rare good thing from Kendra has Bad attached. Side effect of these plush-carpet-pillowed nights: as easily as racing thoughts and slumber come, so too does morning, missing the bus, incurring Kendra’s wrath for needing a ride. Dodie prays on these days for Grandma Dolly to feel well enough to drive her instead of Kendra ‘Can Never Be Late For Work’ James. Then Kendra’s schedule changes, and Dolly’s health declines, and suddenly it’s easier in these times for Dodie to call herself in sick (the attendance office at the high school always falls for her Kendra impression). 
The thing is, ever since the family split and Dad and Little Denny went off their own way, it’s actually less work for Kendra to be stuck with an ailing mother and depressed daughter instead of them two plus Dad the Manchild and Denny the Actual Rowdy Schoolboy. When Dodie’s not thinking of herself as The Big Disappointment, she is able to muster a bit of grace to speculate (privately) that Kendra’s become a nightmare because she’s feeling like a failure for not holding the family together.
Listen. Dodie’s also just tryna survive – between home, and the other hard place where hardly anyone connects with her: school.
When Dodie (having finally accepted that her first Black geek friend is not an online figment of her imagination but someone who exists in her town, in her same school) starts talking to Zeke offline, she’s surprised to learn Zeke cares nothing about her massive follow/friend count. “I have an extension to hide all that shit,” she tells Dodie.
“But can’t other people still see it?”
“Yeah, but I can’t, which is all I care about.”
Other Things Zeke Cares About:
Dodie’s nail care (Dodie will never again rock chipped black polish & chewed-up nailbeds while Zeke has an acrylic kit @ home) 
Dodie’s makeup (“You can still be all goth and spooky but let’s do it CLEAN!”)
Under Zeke's hand, Dodie sees things about herself gloss over in some areas and come together, less ABC Extreme Makeover and more like using the Photoshop sharpening tool IRL. One day, she makes the mistake of leaning into the never-before-received curious attention of alt onlookers at school – only to be met with a Greek Chorus of Jeers (Tryhard, Wannabe, Poser, White Chocolate, and so many dumbass Marilyn Manson puns involving slurs). Zeke’s not there to protect her (Dodie would never expect her to be, Zeke’s her own person, not Dodie’s guard dog), and anyway, Dodie found out the consequences of being a Black Girl Fighting Back in the white town of Dagmar early on in life. She knows that her best chance of survival in this, as with everything, is to take it on the chin. To stay grateful for the few good things she has. 
THE REALITY NOW [for zeke]
Dodie dies.
The remaining James family moves away before Zeke can process anything. Consensus among the people of Dagmar who notice is that the death was by Dodie’s own hand. And Zeke’s not saying she wholly disagrees with that (Kendra’s shitty enough that Zeke can imagine many people being driven to the edge by her), but she feels a hole like a missing puzzle piece, and the hole is what her friend left in her, but it’s also wonder – What exactly befell Dodie James? 
Who else but Zeke cares enough to find out?
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bobbiestakes · 1 year
A few days ago, my group received a post of an interview from Inside Edition stating a Massuer had his license revoked.
I have a few words to say about this report, I am furious on a multitude of levels but calling a therapist a masseuse or masseur is now considered a dirty word and calls this profession sex trafficking and prostitution or some nefarious goings-on behind closed doors.
I call a big-fat, and ladies and gents, forgive my boldness here, call it fat bullshit.
For one, they must not know enough about this profession to make that judgment. Massage has been around for over 5000 years. It has always been a noble profession. Those of us that have gone to school and learned the craft and finished with our certifications and then went on to become licensed Therapists, are medical professionals and are staunch defenders of this sister/brotherhood. We are not and it bears repeating NOT SEX WORKERS. PERIOD!!!! Get it - got it- Good.
These reporters and teh general public have no idea the work we put into and have to learn about the body. Well, let me enlighten you.
650 hours from a school.
At least 100 hours of Anatomy and Physiology with a breakdown of hours in :
Myology: 35 hours
Osteology: 15 hours
Circulatory system: 10 hours
Nervous system: 10 hours
Pathology at least 40 hours.
The massage therapy study is to comprise 250 hours. Included in this content area is a minimum of 50 hours of supervised practice. Contradistinctions, contraindications, and related touch modalities are to receive coverage.
An additional 50 hours should cover miscellaneous Board requirements. Among them are a business, professional ethics, CPR, first aid, and hydrotherapy.
Electives can account for 210 of the required hours.
And after passing, you take about a 3-hour Board test.
Note: Some states require more than 650 hours of schooling.
Listen up- there is a reason you do an intake form before you get a massage. All those questions about your health and the medicines you take. It's my/our job to know as some medications are contra-indicated and with a massage. If you have taken pain meds, and heart meds, have you had recent surgeries, or any rashes/skin irritations, are you being treated now or in the recent past for cancer. All of these are not sexual questions, these are needs to know for your health.
Relaxing massage such as the Swedish technique can lower your blood pressure. All the techniques we learn and perform on the body have a purpose, depending on the person's needs. If there is a lot of build-up of lactic acid in the muscles, deep tissue is usually needed. (For those of you that do not know- that is called a knot).
We work hard and it breaks us (physically) down more than you know. Our profession is about 10 to 15 years, if we are lucky. So, to suggest that anyone you see wants to lock you behind a door and grope you and try you on for sex, it is ridiculous for one and for another those that do - either do not have a license from that state to be a real therapist or they come in with a license under a name that should be looked into. it is the public's responsibility to know who you are going to.
If the therapist does not ask and tell you what is going to happen if this is your first visit. then you need to start questioning. However, if you feel comfortable, I will step out of the room for a moment, you undress and underNEATH the covers, please. You can leave undies on or off, again however you feel comfortable. Tell them how you start a massage and this is how you do it and if there is anything you need to ask or have me stop as in -We stop and ask the pressure level- if it is too hard or we need to go deeper. We ask certain questions of working on legs, stip buttocks if we feel it can help ease lower back pain(this is another subject to tackle) We always ask the clients/ patient for their comfort level and keep them draped within the boundaries of the rules and regulations or our state. This is not any level of sexual impropriety folks.
And for those in the peanut gallery that wants to make a big deal and report a therapist, for a specific touch or your feelings, take notice. There is also a taboo subject called arousal during a session. YEP, I said it, so sit down and learn something. IT IS HUMAN NATURE for some to experience arousal., men and women. We are trained to ignore it. It happens. Again, it's nothing sexual.
This profession has been attacked, demeaned, and put under scrutiny for far too long. It is time it ended. There is a need for a Massage Therapist, as we are medical professionals whether it's just relaxation from a stressful day/week or to move out the lactic acid causing our muscles to tighten and causing more issues. I am tired of hearing WE are the cause of this and that and the public needs protection against us- BULLPUCKEY. Where is our protection? We are subject to the whims of anyone behind those closed doors.
Sorry, for the rant
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Lightbringer Book 1: The Black Prism by Brent Weeks
Alrighty, this series is a doozy (5 books, each >650 pages) so I'm going to be breaking up these posts and making them as I read. These posts will contain spoilers for their respective books, so please don't read if you don't want to see that.
Before I get into my feelings on this book, I want to get the very lengthy Series Warnings out of the way: SA, non-explicit smut, violence, slavery, sex slavery, classism (the main villain wants to put magic-users above non magic users), assassination attempts, body mutilation (someone loses fingers, the antagonists modify their bodies with magic), drug abuse, large age gaps (19 year old with ~60 ish year old, used as a political scheme), PTSD, identity theft, fratricide, ceremonial killings to prevent insanity, Politics, lots of creepy men, betrayal, cheating, torture, insanity
Book Warnings: SA, non-explicit smut, violence, slavery, sex slavery, classism (the main villain wants to put magic-users above non magic users), assassination attempts, body mutilation (the antagonists modify their bodies with magic), drug abuse, PTSD, identity theft, fratricide, ceremonial killings to prevent insanity, Politics, betrayal, cheating, insanity
I am still in the middle of reading this series, so the Series Warnings isn't comprehensive yet. I will edit this post after the remaining books to make sure all my bases are covered.
This series follows several characters and goes through several different POVs. The main ones for this book are Kip Guile, Gavin Guile, Aliviana 'Liv' Danavis, Dazen Guile, and Karris White Oak.
In this world, there's a kind of magic called Chromaturgy, which allows drafters to turn light into a physical substance called luxin. Each color of luxin has its' own unique properties and influences the drafters personalities in different ways. Right now all we need to know about are the Seven Colors: sub-red, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, superviolet. Sub-red and superviolet are invisible to the naked eye, and I believe are supposed to represent infrared and ultraviolet respectively.
The Prism is able to draft all seven of the main colors without any consequences. When a normal drafter uses magic it eats away at their life source, slowly turning their eyes whatever color they draft. Those who can draft more than one color have different patterns that overtake their irises. Once the drafter 'breaks the halo' (uses up as much magic as they can) they become a wight and typically go insane.
This is a really strong starting point for me. I've never heard of any kind of magic system that focuses on colors before, which is a wild thing to think about. But aside from that, Weeks does an incredible job of actually writing characters that I hate with a burning passion, and making plot twists that seriously come out of left field for me.
For example, the reveal that Dazen stole Gavin's (For simplicity's sake I'm just going to call them Young Gavin and Old Gavin from here on out) identity and imprisoned him in a box of blue luxin? I had no idea that was coming. Same with Liv's betrayal of Kip and her father Corvan.
That being said, I do have some problems with this book. I don't think it was necessary to have Old Gavin be a rapist. Like, at all. In later books he even seems to take some kind of joy in breaking the will of strong women. I don't really see how it adds anything to the plot, and kind of just feels shoehorned in there to make readers hate him more (which definitely worked with me).
The author also does the typical male fantasy author thing where he focuses on how attractive a lot of the women are. In some instances, like Kip for example, it makes sense. Kip's a 15 year old boy who's never had anyone show interest or even really be nice to him, so I get having him be distracted. To me it felt a little heavy handed having almost every single male character point out how attractive different women are, but I like The Dresden Files, so it isn't really a huge issue for me lol.
The cliffhanger was spectacular though. The most powerful magic user in the entire world is losing his ability to do magic? I'm hooked. As of writing this I'm in the middle of the third book and I'm super excited to see how the rest of the series plays out!
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honey-creek · 2 years
please... more old gays... i love your older creek stuff it is my lifeblood i am obsessed with it 🥺 🤍✨️
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me too anon me too. ive been wanting to do a fun quick redraw of that one mural from tweek x craig so here you go  
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with Michael ‘Riz’ Ariza.
Request: Only requesting because I know he is your husband 😂 here we go, so reader has just given birth but it was a long labour and is just so exhausted and it’s the first night home with their daughter and Riz basically tells her to rest as he got it but she can’t settle so he puts a Disney film on and snuggles in bed with the reader with his daughter in his arms paying more attention to the tiny human than the film 🥰 just something really fluffy and I might have a bit of baby fever 🙈😂😂
BY @rebel-without-cause-x
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Warnings: none, my husband in fluffy mood.
Word count: about 650.
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: @xxrouxx
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After discharging you, the whole crew is waiting in front of the main door. Bishop has decided to drive your car back to your house, while you and Riz are paying attention to your daughter on the back seat. Following you, three bikes before and four after, taking care of the road and escorting the car. And you can't believe that you're finally at home, after some weeks in the hospital. Everything is ordered and clean, and the dinner settled up on the table, although you're not hungry. You're too focused on your daughter against your chest, that you can't focus on anything else.
“Come with daddy, Lucía, while mami is having a bath”.
“Are you sure?” You ask a little worried, taking her off from your arms.
“Baby, everything is going to be okay”.
“Yeah, but, what if she cries?”
“I will sing to her, like I have been doing in the hospital, okay? Relax”.
You can't simply relax, leaving them in your daughter's room, to have a quick shower and put on one of Riz's shirts. Sitting some minutes on the edge of your bed, feeling guilty for not being with your daughter, you take a deep breath before looking for them. Your husband is almost dancing all over the run, singing her an spanish song in a low tone, so bewitched by Lucía that he hasn't noticed you yet. Until he turns and you scare him, making you laugh. Stretching your arms towards him, Riz shakes his head.
“You have to take dinner”. He says raising both eyebrows, passing you away like a child would do.
“C'mon, idiot! Give me my baby”. You frown pretending to be offended.
“I will take dinner, but with her”.
“Riz, I can't do anything without her being close. It's called maternal instinct”.
“It's called paranoia”.
“I'm gonna fuck you up”. You whisper wrinkling your nose.
“Okay, what about this? We have dinner at bed, with Lucía between both, watching a movie? A Disney movie”.
“See? That's the man I married to, not the childish one…”
“Actually, mi reina, that plan isn't very mature, but however”.
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After picking up dinner things, you get somewhat comfy on the bed with Lucia over your chest, snuggled and peacefully sleeping. Riz lies down by your side, leaning to kiss your forehead, and his daughter's head before taking her onto his arms. Cuddling against his body and surrounding his neck, you rest your cheek on his shoulder. You're tired, just like the last weeks after giving birth, and sleep with your husband is all you need. So putting the movie in the background, you close your eyes letting yourself go feeling one of Riz's hands caressing your hair gently.
When he's sure that you are already sleeping, he focuses his caresses and his attention on your tiny daughter over his bare chest, almost covering the cross tattooed on it. Your husband is proud of all the work you have done the last months, carrying his baby without complaining and with a big smile on your face the whole time. Also hearing the proud-hearted tone you used to use to speak whenever someone asked you about ‘the father’. Touring his left cheek with his fingertips, he can't help but fall more for her.
“You know, Lucía? I told your mami that I would never love anyone more than I loved her, but I think I lied, 'cause you're the love of my life”. He whispers with a honeyed voice, dearly hugging her and seeing how his daughter snuggles against him, grabbing the ringed finger.
Riz could have cried like a child, if you weren't sleeping, so tired of life right now. But that's, without any doubt, the best moment of his life. He is at home, with his two girls resting and clingged to him, with no one bothering your pace.
“I hope mami doesn' feel jealous”. He just chuckles, twisting his neck to leave a kiss on your head. “I love you too, mi amor”.
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stxleslyds · 4 years
EDIT: This is Tati from the present, Hello! I am writing this little message right now to let you know that I am rebloging this post because I recently re-read it and I wanted to make it “better”, this was my second review that I had ever made and I am quite fond of it but it needed to be brushed up and made easier to read. Now, let me be honest, I am not an excellent writer so there are probably some mistakes here still but I like it even more now, so yeah, that’s all I had to say!
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This review is here not only because I love that book but because Geoff Johns and Scott Lobdell’s characterization of Jason and Red Hood gives me nightmares and it’s just annoying.
First let me set the scene, here we go!
Jason’s death was confirmed in book three of four in the Death in the Family event back in December, 1988 (Batman #428). But he is officially brought back sixteen years and two months after his death in the iconic Batman: Under the (Red) Hood event (Batman #635-641, #645-650, Annual #25)
This particular event is just wonderful, I love this for many reasons some of which I will probably talk about in this post but it has impacted me so much that if anyone asks me what Batman story I would recommend it would be this one.
Now just a heads up, I always felt impartial to Batman as a hero but around three years ago I started borderline hating the guy and now I just can’t stand him half of the time, and I blame it on his overuse and the god complex that some writers can’t seem to write him without. So, I don’t really recommend UtRH in a good light when talking about the Bat himself. It’s all about my boy, Jason Todd.
UtRH is just amazing at showing these two character’s motivations and how they seem to think that their ways of handling crime are the best way. But it also shows us so many aspects of how Jason’s death impacted both Jason and Bruce.
Let’s start the review!
UtRH starts with a look into the future, a fight between Batman and a mysterious man in a red helmet that seems to not be an easy opponent for the Bat and it also looks like these two have been going at it for a while but just as we arrive we see that it may be over in the Bat’s favor but in that exact moment the red helmeted man unmasks Batman! Seemingly not shocked that Bruce Wayne is the Bat the mysterious man decides that he will show his face too...but all we get to see is Bruce’s face of shock and then.... we are thrown back at what we come to believe is the real beginning of the story.
Probably you can’t tell, but to me this is an amazing start to a story, you have the Bat who is sold as an excellent fighter struggling in a fight but when it seems that he is going to win something major happens... the mysterious man unmasks a legendary hero and doesn’t make a fuss about it and then he manages to shock the Bat by showing his face (which is not shown to the reader), I just think its genius, it sets up this new guy as an incredibly good and interesting character.
So now we find ourselves thrown back 5 weeks in the past and we come in contact with a meeting with some very shady people that don’t really know who put together the whole thing and while they try to rationalize it a round of shots hits the table they are sitting around.
Here is where we see this leather-jacket-wearing dude, holding an AK-47 while posing for the Google earth cameras, telling those people that he reunited them and that he is hot shit. He is there to make a deal; the dramatic queen wants to run the underworld of Gotham and not only is he offering protection against the Black Mask but against the Bat too.
Well, needless to say, those guys aren’t necessarily buying what he is selling so that my friends takes us to an iconic moment, this dude proceeds to throw a duffel bag with the heads of these people’s lieutenants and to finish it off he just shots another round to make the message clear...I mean talk about dramatic entrances!
Please don’t worry I didn’t forget about the most important part of this whole entrance...we were just introduced to this man who means business and wants to rule Gotham’s underworld and manage its drug trade and it’s all very swell but the truly important thing is what he says next:
“You stay away from kids and school yards. NO dealing to children, got it? If you do, you are DEAD.”
That’s a powerful message and this is just me speculating but if he has to make that specification clear...it leads me to think that kids are people that he wants to protect and no matter how much money they could bring to the business he wants them out of the equation, also the price for breaking that rule is death…. So yeah, is he truly a villain or...?
Now after all of this we jump to Black Mask receiving information of a new player in the game and he doesn’t seem like he cares, to him it’s just a newbie trying to mess around on a street level so he moves on with his business of recruiting Mr. Freeze for an undisclosed job. On the other hand, we are shown Batman crying over the fact that Oracle isn’t working with him anymore and then teaming up with Nightwing (that is wearing a knee brace and probably shouldn’t be out doing extreme parkour with his furry dad but hey, what do I know?)
We see Freeze trying on some new clothes and then we are back again with Black Mask, here, for the very first time we hear the new player’s name...Red Hood.
Following Batman and Nightwing we find them intercepting a shipment that appears to have a bunch of gadgets from several villains and among them there was a bomb, it explodes (detonated by the Red Hood) and from then on, the fun begins...the Bat and Nightwing go on pursuit and we get to see what the Bat thinks about Hood. He thinks that he is very well trained, agile and unpredictable, he also has an overall sense of familiarity coming from Hood but he ends up saying that it’s nothing they haven’t seen before, what he doesn’t expect is having been led to a trap which is, Amazo, yay! (Amazo was the cargo that Mask was waiting for).
Amazo is taken down with a little bit of struggle but he eventually is thrown to Gotham harbor and we are informed in another panel by Mask that Amazo wasn’t supposed to be activated so we can safely assume that it was Hood the one who did it. Mask is pissed that the Bat broke his toy and is going to be more pissed off when he answers a call from a certain red helmeted man...
Hood informs Mask that he took one of the crates from the shipment and that it might be one of the most valuable ones, our boy stole a crate with at least one hundred pounds of kryptonite...yeah no big deal.
Here I will make a stop to tell you that we know that this Red Hood is extremely tactical, he has a plan within a plan that takes down several players, he is confident in what he is doing and is certainly not afraid to get his hands dirty. He is a worthy opponent to Black Mask, Nightwing and Batman. We are just starting to know him but he is already great and it only gets better.
As we enter chapter three of the story we see Hood asking for 50 million dollars from Black Bask for the kryptonite that he stole from Black Mask (say that again), to everyone’s surprise Mask “agrees” to give him the money easily... well, not really, Mask is going to send Freeze to kill Hood and get that (quite honestly) unnecessary amount of kryptonite back.
Hood obviously knew that he wasn’t going to get whatever money he negotiated but he also wasn’t quite ready to take on Freeze but he did his best. When Freeze is the last one standing Batman shows up and a kinda lame fight ensues...Freeze leaves and Hood says that he really doesn’t care about the kryptonite, all he wants is the “lay of the land” and then leaves.
If you are wondering where Hood went, well…he went to an abandoned funhouse to terrorize the Joker! Yes people, it’s confirmed, Hood is a good boy! Go get him Hood I am rooting for you!
IT IS CROWBAR TIME! (And this time in reverse)
 In the start of chapter four Hood is blowing up yet another truck full of weapons belonging to Mask.
Elsewhere Batman is bothering Zatanna about one of Ra’s Al Ghoul’s (sealed) Lazarus pits. Asking if the pit can raise the dead and being his natural rude self. Because he doesn’t get the information that he needs and goes to Jason Blood who tells him that if he wants to know about people who came back from the dead he might as well talk to Green Arrow but his chat with him doesn’t lead anywhere so that’s that.
Onyx is introduced to us as a vigilante accepted by the Bat (you know, because of that thing where other vigilantes can only do their thing in Gotham if the Bat lets them because he is the high king or something) and when she comes across some dealers she finds out they work for the Red Hood and given that he is an unknown player she relieves the information to B who acts like an ass because he thought she had seen Hood and that she compromised one of his informants…now here is the thing, why does B act like everyone has mind reading abilities? How on earth would she have known that he had an informant and that the Red Hood wasn’t news to him...I am sorry dude but you are a shitty person of the highest quality  
Anyway, Onyx is actually doing her work watching shady men talk about if they will or not join the Red Hood, one of them says something like “I won’t join that psycho because he decapitated some of my men” (good men, he specified) but Onyx isn’t alone, Hood makes it known by telling her that those men were selling drugs to twelve-year-old’s (remember kids are protected by Hood, you absolutely do not involve them and if you do...well, congrats, you are dead)
At this point we are in chapter six of the story and another character trait is revealed to us from Red Hood, he is meticulous in the way he works. He knows almost everyone involved in the drug trade, what they did and are doing, the relationships they hold with Mask or whoever their boss is. The information he gathers lets him know if the people will stick to his rules and can also use the information he has against them. So, he is extremely dangerous, we have to imagine that if he is that thorough with street level baddies what kind of knowledge does he have on people like Batman...well, spoiler alert, he knows everything and he will use it and has been using it since he first saw him.
 While Onyx and Hood are on their way to take down those men Batman is in Metropolis asking Superman about his death and how he managed to come back to life.
Onyx soon understands what “taking down” truly means when it comes to Hood...they manage to get out of the warehouse just for him to grab a gun and shoot everyone on sight, which doesn’t sit well with Onyx so she tells him that, to which Hood has something to say just before he stabs her:
“Welcome to earth, baby! These dead sacks of meat on the floor made their living by beating, raping and devouring. Fear isn’t the answer.”
And I want to put as much importance into this as I did to the whole “keep kids away from this business” because it’s really important in what’s to come and the way Hood thinks is the better way to battle crime in Gotham.
That sentence alone tells us what kind of people Hood takes down, he plays judge, jury and executioner, he chooses who he kills and who is worth leaving alive if their crimes aren’t the ones that he decided must be paid with death. But it goes beyond that, he brings the fear factor… we know how batman works, he relies in criminals fearing him and the fact that they will be beaten and sent to jail or Arkham (if they are mad enough).
Here is what I believe is the fundamental difference between the fear factor used by those two, on the Bat’s side, the fear is left in the people he attacks but in Hood’s side, the fear is left in those who find the bodies.
After Hood stabs Onyx he decides to stay and chat, he tells her that he stabbed her in the shoulder because he knows it hurts and because (look at this smartass) he saw that she was “favoring one side” so he deduced that she had had an injury and teases her about maybe coming back to crime fighting a bit early...if you don’t think that’s cocky enough he then makes a comment about how the angle of the knife will make it harder for her to pull it out so, there you go, the man is well trained and knows what he is doing.
After that we get another piece of information about Hood and it’s actually given to us and Onyx by Hood himself, he says “I am no one’s son”.
Hood also shows us another character trait of his...he is a little shit. And very good at it. After he stabs Onyx “choice time” comes, basically he gives her two (three) options either he takes out the blade and she runs or he pulls the blade down from her shoulder to her hip and she bleeds out.  He also says that she could maybe join him, which is revealed quite quickly to be a joke and then proceeds to take the blade out and covering the wound with a “high-end field dressing for the modern soldier. It adheres as well as closes the wound with an antibacterial adhesive agent...stops the bleeding cold”.
I wrote the whole thing word for word because I think it’s important for us to see that he saved her life, and he also didn’t let her choose he just did it, let’s think about this, Hood shows up to that meeting not expecting to see Onyx there and instead of losing his cool he just talks to her about the men,  invites her to fight (his way but she didn’t know that) they make their escape and after the men are all killed by Hood she is furious so he, rather violently, completely immobilizes her so he can tell her what’s on his mind and then he gives her choices but here is what I really think...she never had choices because she is not his target, she doesn’t fit among the people that he thinks must be put down, so stabbing her came hand in hand with saving her.
Saving her just to ask her if she will “get up, fight and stop him” because he is still a cocky bastard...but surprise! Batman showed up to the party!
Hood isn’t too shaken up, in fact he uses the opportunity to make a show of his knowledge of the Bat’s thinking and his gadgets...he flatters the fact that he didn’t even hear him land and starts explaining to Onyx how the plane works, it can be stealthy or it can destroy your eardrums, then the chase ensues, B actually makes Hood fall at some point but it really doesn’t bother him, he continues to “flatter” the Bat’s technique, training and gadgets (all to fight the “malignant scum that ravage this city” Hood says) but ultimately tells him that he also has toys (that apparently he intercepted from Kord industries).
The chase turns into a fight in a rooftop, and yes my friends, this is the fight from the beginning of the story, the “you show me your face and I show you mine” fight.
Hood wants Batman to ask himself what has he done, and this I suppose is in reference to what he has done to deserve Hood coming after him. To which the Bat offers nothing but accuses Hood of being a murderer to which he answers with “No. I’ve killed, not murdered”
That confuses me, so first I will tell you what I found about the difference between killing and murdering somebody. A human kills another when it’s without intent or an accident, on the other hand when a human murders another it’s done with intent. About intent I found the following: “A person intends a consequence when they 1) foresee that it will happen if their given series of acts or omissions continue, and 2) desire it to happen.”
I don’t really know if Winick or the editors mixed the concepts of the two or if there is more to it. I honestly cannot wrap my head around it. It really doesn’t fit with what he has been saying, like the no dealing drugs to kids because if they do they will pay with their lives.
Anyway, my confusion is not what matters here, what matters is that we have arrived to the moment in which Red Hood will reveal to Batman his identity yay!
It’s Jason! Jason Todd is back from the grave!
It takes a bit of time for Bruce to come to terms with the reality of things but Jason assures him that he is who he says he is, he even suggests that Bruce has known his identity for a while and that it has been brewing in his head since Clayface.
I know, there are some things that need to be cleared up, the UtRH story is set in issues #635 (February, 2005) to #650 (April, 2006) but in a previous story (Batman: Hush) that ran from issues #608 to #619 “Jason” or better said Clayface disguised as an adult version of Jason had a fight with Batman where some old wounds were opened, this happened in issue #618 (October, 2003).
As far as we know that Jason wasn’t real and that was that, in fact we didn’t get the real events up until Red Hood: The Lost Days, a miniseries that came out in 2010, in the last issue it’s explained to us that by the time of Batman: Hush’s events Jason was already in Gotham and he was giving Hush information to mess with the Bat, and that’s all the information I have right there.
Back again to the story, Batman wants to know how Jason came back to life and he responds that he doesn’t know and doesn’t care, but he does give blood, tissue and fingerprints to Bruce so he can do some tests in the cave to prove that it’s really him, Bruce is once again being difficult saying that it still won’t make him believe but Jason knows better and tells him so.
He also says that it doesn’t matter what he is now, what matters is what Bruce is and what Jason will become. And Jason will become the kind of man Bruce would have been had he killed the Joker.
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This whole conversation is very informative; Jason tells Bruce that he knows how to help Gotham because he understands the city more than Bruce. And in order to do that he will kill the Joker and those who deserve to die. This obviously doesn’t sit well with Bruce but Jason doesn’t really care what he thinks so he creates a distraction so he can leave B alone to marinate his thoughts.
It’s here at the end of chapter seven that I am going to cut the first part of the review before too long becomes way too long, so, see you in the second part!
The second part is linked here!
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lisahelen143 · 4 years
Intel Core i5 versus i7 processors
Intel's Core i5 and i7 CPUs are as yet the most mainstream processors you can purchase — and in light of current circumstances. Yet, what's the distinction between them? Like most PC parts, there are many models at every level to browse, and it can get somewhat overpowering.
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It's important before we begin that we're speaking explicitly about Intel's tenth era Comet Lake and eleventh era Tiger Lake chips here. A ton of the data applies somewhere else, yet the more current chips will in general give recognizable highlights and execution upgrades over past ages. You will not set aside a ton of cash purchasing CPUs more established than these ages, and most PC manufacturers and PC purchasers will need to avoid prior Core i5 and Core i7 contributions.
Would it be advisable for you to purchase a Core i5 or a Core i7?
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The i5 processors sit in a sweet spot of cost versus execution. For most clients, an i5 is all that anyone could need to deal with everyday undertakings, and they can even hold their own with regards to gaming. The latest i5 chips top out at six centers on work area and four centers on portable with help clock speeds north of 4GHz.
You can run some serious applications, like Adobe Premiere, on an i5, yet will see to a greater degree an advantage with an i7 than you may in gaming. The most recent work area i7s, specifically, offer more centers and strings, just as lift frequencies above 5GHz. For video and sound altering, an i7 is ideal, regardless of whether you can deal for certain light errands with an i5.
In the event that you need to mess around, peruse the web, and plunge your toes into applications like Premiere or Photoshop, stay with an i5 (accepting you have a good GPU backing it up). Those utilizing proficient applications oftentimes will need to settle on an i7 (or even move up to an i9, particularly in case you're managing movement illustrations and running reenactments).
Center i5 versus Center i7 on the work area
Shy of a couple of early processors in Intel's present marking plan, i5s haven't commonly upheld hyper threading. A higher string tally was saved for the more costly i7s and i9s. Nonetheless, to remain serious with AMD's Risen chips, Intel chose to bring hyper threading down to i5s and even i3s with its tenth era Comet Lake work area processors.
That makes Comet Lake i5s substantially more reasonable for 3D displaying, video altering, and weighty performing multiple tasks than even some i7s from previous eras, regardless of whether tenth era Core i7 CPUs will beat most i5s at all of these undertakings. There are a ton of choices in Intel's current i5 setup, however a large portion of them are reason worked for framework integrators. To the extent financially accessible chips, Intel has three alternatives, some with varieties: The i5-10400, i5-10500, and i5-10600. Every one of the three have six centers and 12 strings, with the $260 i5-10600 separating itself with a 4.8GHz lift clock. For around $20 more, you can likewise purchase the "K" variant of this processor, which is opened for overclocking, and offers probably the best capability of its whole age.
The i7 setup is more restricted, based around the i7-10700 and its relating opened chip. In the event that you don't anticipate overclocking, the i7-10700 is an incredible decision. It's around $40 more than the i5-10600 while accompanying eight centers and 16 strings (in addition to a 4MB lift to Intel's Smart Cache). The opened variant is less noteworthy in light of the fact that it's around $80 more costly than the contending opened i5, and $100 more costly than the bolted one. An overclocked 10600K is a more savvy chip for gamers, however workstation clients could profit by the additional centers of an i7.
As model numbers and cost increment, performance does as well. For around $150, you can stay with i5-10400, which is as yet an incredible processor for gaming and performing various tasks. Assuming, in any case, you're not keen on overclocking and right now anticipating burning through $250 to $300 on a processor, it merits jumping on the i7-10700. It's just somewhat more costly than the contending i5-10600 while offering a lift to center and string check, just as reserve size.
Center i5 versus Center i7 on workstations
Intel as a rule starts its ages with the portable market first, and the eleventh era of Intel processors is the same. The new Tiger Lake versatile chips are simply beginning to get out and about. In spite of the fact that Tiger Lake workstations aren't financially accessible yet, they will be soon, with scratch pad like the MSI Prestige 14 flaunting Intel's most recent age through the finish of 2020 and into 2021.
The arrangement is genuinely clear. There are two i5 processors, the i5-1130G7 and 1135G7, every one of which accompanies four centers and eight strings. Additionally, there are three i7 processors — the i7-1160G7, i7-1165G7, and i7-1185G7 — and they all match a similar center and string consider the i5s. The distinction: Each of the processors has a marginally unique lift clock speed, beginning at 4.0GHz with the i5-1130G7 and finishing out at 4.8GHz with the i7-1185G7.
Likewise with work area chips, Core i7 CPUs will in general be much more costly. On the off chance that you were purchasing a Surface Book 2, for instance, a Core i7 CPU can cost as much as $500 extra in a usually indistinguishable design.
Short an adjustment in reserve size — from 8MB on the i5s to 12MB on the i7s — the two territories are generally the equivalent. A higher clock speed is better, yet you can get by with significantly less (particularly thinking about the amount more costly i7s can be in versatile designs). On the off chance that you have the additional money, however, an eleventh gen i7 is an incredible alternative. The i7-1185G7 burns-through a similar measure of force as the i5-1135G7 while flaunting a higher lift clock speed, making it ideal for elite, meager and light workstations.
It's additionally worth referencing Intel's more seasoned Ice Lake chips. They're founded on a similar 10nm cycle as the more up to date gen Tiger Lake chips and were a significant graphical redesign over the eighth era, yet can't measure up to Tiger Lake's Axe illustrations. General process execution isn't a lot of more regrettable, however, so in the event that you need to set aside some cash, picking a higher-level Ice lake CPU rather than a Tiger Lake option might be a decent method to remain inside your financial plan.
To make things much really confounding, Intel additionally offers tenth era Core i5 and Core i7 Comet Lake chips. General process execution is a lot higher than Ice Lake's gratitude to higher clock speeds, yet graphical execution is more awful once more.
In case you're not keen on gaming, these somewhat more seasoned chips can save you a couple of bucks (particularly in the event that you peruse the used market). Tiger Lake processors accompany Intel's new Axe designs, however. Incorporated designs aren't ideal for gaming, and Axe doesn't change that. Nonetheless, Intel is significantly nearer to coordinating section level gaming workstations with Axe, moving toward 60 edges each second at medium settings in games like Battlefield V and Civilization VI.
What might be said about Core i9?
Intel's Core i5 and Core i7 CPUs may be amazing, yet they're standard, customer focused on CPUs. Intel's better quality Core i9 chips are normally pointed more at experts or the most rich of gamers who need much more influence, with most chips bearing that moniker having cost upward of $1000 before. Nonetheless, with Intel's eighth-and ninth-age processors, it presented some Core i9 CPUs that merit considering as well.
The Core i9-8950HK advanced into PCs like Apple's MacBook Pro and, after some choking issues were fixed, end up being an amazing chip in reality. It sports six centers and 12 strings, and can super clock up to 4.6GHz two or three centers all at once. Relatively few workstations offer it as an alternative, yet it's quite possibly the most remarkable versatile chips accessible today.
In the work area space, the Core i9-9900K is a genuine beast. With eight centers, 16 strings, and a clock speed that can arrive at 5GHz a few centers all at once, it's an incredible processor. The fresher i9-10900K, be that as it may, is the best gaming CPU accessible today. It finishes out at 5.3GHz with 10 centers and 20 strings, skirting into Intel Extreme Edition region. It accompanies a sticker price to coordinate, however. Stock is low, so albeit the processor in fact retails for $530, actually 2020, you'll wind up spending around $650.
That additional cost gets you additional presentation, however just a smidgen. By examination, the i5-10600K offers six centers and 12 strings, and with some manual overclocking, you can accomplish gaming results comparable to the i9-10900K. Far superior, Intel's driving tenth gen i5 costs under $300.
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arthistorydorm-blog · 6 years
The One About 209 Women
209 women opened in Open Eye Gallery on the 28th February and closes on the 14th April, this exhibition is held to celebrate the number of women currently in parliament. This exhibition is marking the centenary of the Representation of People Act, passed in 1918, which allowed women the right to vote, and by extension sit in the House of Commons.
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Previously to this exhibition featured at Open Eye Gallery, a smaller exhibition that did not feature all the photographs was shown at the Portcullis House within Westminster.
This exhibition is crowded with 209 photographs, of varying sizes, featuring female MPs of all different towns and cities, but without the party to which they belong. I believe that to not tell the visitor the party of which the politician belongs is beneficial as it takes away any prejudice that one may have to any particular party; instead, it allows the visitor to celebrate the few women who are politicians rather than focusing on their party. Some were disturbed by the placement of Theresa May within the women, especially due to her being the highest placed photograph in the first room; however, I see it as a celebration of having a female Prime Minister, and we have only had two female Prime Ministers out of sixty-nine or twenty-two since the Representation of People Act was passed.
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Women, 209 out of 650, occupy 32% of the seats in the House of Commons. This is the highest number of women sitting in the House of Commons since 1918. I believe this statistic shows that although we have gained a certain level of equality, there is still a long way to go before the genders are truly equal. Aston Martin and The Power of Women TV series, both male-dominated industries, supports the exhibition, further highlighting the need to get the genders equal. Since the passing of the Representation of People Act, 491 women have sat in the House of Commons, compared to the 4503 men who have sat since 1918.
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A critique I have about this exhibition is that there are no public programmes to accompany the exhibition. The inclusion of a public programme could have helped open up a conversation about how to get better equality for women in male-dominated fields, or even start a conversation about what it is like being a female politician. The only information that accompanies this exhibition is the introductory texts, no gallery guide; I would argue that having more information about women in politics would be beneficial to give a deeper understanding to the public who may not have thought about the plights of female politicians before. Even information on some of the legislation passed by these women would have been a welcomed edition, further emphasising the development and change installed by female politicians.
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The curation of the gallery is interesting being a salon-hang rather than the usual eye-level hang that is almost expected within a contemporary gallery space. Though with such a small space, fitting 209 photographs would have been difficult should the curator had whished them to be all hung at eye-level. Though with the salon-hang, it makes the photographs higher up more difficult to observe and see, I often found myself when visiting this exhibition, craning my neck to an uncomfortable level.
Overall, I found this exhibition a good celebration of women, though was underwhelmed with the lack of information and public programmes. Though, I would recommend this exhibition to anyone considering visiting this exhibition.
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A GMAT story
Hi guys, I just came back from the test center with a big smile on my face.   Got a 700 (Q47, V39). As many of you guys remember, I joined this site after getting a 420 back in October. I was feeling so down that I chose "positive soul" as my username. I have to say that the road was not easy, but I found very helpful all the support I got from you guys. I am exhausted, so I will write in more details in the next few days. Now, I am going to sleep. Remember to never give up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you all for your kind words. I am very happy to see that all my effort and sacrificies paid off, and, hopefully, my experience will help others to beat the GMAT. Before I start, I want to thank all the active members of the GMAT Club, specially, ywilfred, professor, vivek123, HongHu, GMATT73, coffeeloverfreak, laxieqv, ps_dahiya, Futuristic, fig, rhyme, u2lover, haas_mba07, necromonger, kevincan, and yezz. I really learned from you guys. I take my hat off. My GMAT experience is a very LONG one. I took the GMAT the first time in 1995, when it was still on paper and I was considering the idea of going for my MBA right after college. I got a 560!! I knew this score was too low to try to get into a top school, so I decided to take a Kaplan course. After 3 months, my score improved a little to 590. Luckly (I guess), I landed a very good job in an European Multinational, so I decided to put off the MBA for a couple of years. The years went by, and I started to climb the corporate ladder, so every year I put off the MBA. The funny thing is that during 4 years, my GMAT books traveled with me around the world. In October 2006, (10 years later), I took the GMAT again, obtaining a very VERY dissapointing score 420 (29Q 20V) I knew my preparation for the test was not optimal, but a 420 was just too low. For my preparation I used the OG and my old Kaplan books. I was consistenly scoring above 550 in sample tests, so I was expecting a low 600. I will never forget that day, it was the worst day of my life. I went back home thinking I was never going to get into a decent MBA program. Out of my dissapointment, I found strength to look for help. So searching the web, I found this amazing site. I posted my experience, and I got encouraging words from some of the member. At this point I saw light at the end of the tunnel. My second try: I became determined to at least break the 500 level. I read many posts regarding preparation materials, and strategies. So I gave myself 3 months to retake the exam. Looking back, it was a mistake because I was working 60+ hours, and under a lot of preassure to deliver a project by the end of January. I went ahead anyway because I wanted my "revenge". My preparation consisted on reviewing the same OG and Kaplan materials that I used before. I also started to solve some of the problems in the GMATClub. I studied on and off during the first 2 1/2 months, and started to put 2 hours during the weekdays and 8 hours during the weekend. I got a 510 (36Q 20V?) this time. Believe it or not, I was happy that I improved my Quantitative score.   Final Try Eventhough, I improved my score, I knew I had to improve. I was not near the 650 I need to even dream about applying to a top MBA. Then I decided to make it happen. I made a decision to score a 700. I was no longer going to be complacent with myself. So I started to make changes in every single aspect of my preparation. Thinks that I did, I believe it made a difference this time around: 1. I committed myself to put the time and effort. Work and travel was no longer an excuse. I made the time. I promised myself I would study at least 2 hours per day. No matter what. This was very difficult, and I did not do it every day, but al least 90% of the time. I became more focus on achiving my objective. 2. I gave myself a realistic timetable to take the test. I knew, I was not going to improve my score by 200 points in one month. At least not with my working schedule. This was one of the mistakes I made in the first 2 tests. However, I knew that I had to be serious with this issue, otherwise history would repeat itself. 3. I put together a very complete list of study materials and resources. This was my list: - OG Materials: GMAT review 10th Edition, Verbal review and Quantitative review. I also obtained old GMAT paper tests from their website. - Kaplan Materials: Kaplan GMAT 2005, Kaplan GMAT 800 and Kaplan GMAT Verbal. - GMATprep Software: Downloaded from the website. - LSAT sample tests - GMAX online - GMAT Club Forum and Challenges. - GMAT 1000 Questions I could have gotten more books, but I wanted keep it as simple as possible. I knew I was NOT going to improve by doing all available questions, but by changing the way I study (I will develop later). 4. I totally changed my study approach: a) I decided to cover the basics: I came to accept that I did not have a good grasp of all the topics (Math and Verbal). It was that simple. I was really troubled by very simple rate and distance problems, and I was a dummy when I tried to solve number properties. What did I do: I took the GMAX online course. I will not recommend this course to everyone, but if you make an honest self-assessment of your skills, and think you need help. I highly recommend it. Note: This course by itself will NOT help you to increase your score dramatically but it will provide you with the basic knowledge you need to apply some strategies. b) I started to use an error log: I cannot tell you how many times I read about it. I always said, I will defenitely do it, it makes sense, etc..... BUT I NEVER DID IT (sounds like anyone you know????). Deep in my mind I thought it was a waste of time and energy: What did I do: I just did it. It was really a pain in the begining. But I cannot tell you how much time I saved, and the things I discovered about myself. After going over the GMAX course, I discovered that 75% of my mistakes were careless mistakes, such as I did not multiply correctly (  ), I did not read the question properly, I did not read all the answers, etc. I think this made a huge difference because on test day, I was right on the ball. I knew in which questions and calculations I was prone to make mistakes, and I paid a LOTof attention. c) I always tried to solve a question on my own, I did not seek help until I knew I could not solve it on my own. Before, I used to try a problem, I got it wrong, I will see the explanation given. BIG mistake. I was only doing the most convinient thing but I was not really learning. What did I do: Sometimes I would spend 10 minutes on a question (obviously not during a sample test), trying to solve it. You might say "what a waste of time", now ask me if got a similar problem wrong. Very few times. I made a comittment to think and learn. d) I never jumped to solve a question before spending a few seconds thinking about the quickest way to solve it. I read once on post, not to attack right away a problem using "brute force". This is a skill you need to develop, and it is very difficult to think about it when you know that the clock is your enemy. What did I do: When I was practicing, I realized that If I could not solve a problem under 1 1/2 minutes, I was using the wrong approach or I did not know the concept tested. So I tried and tried until I found a faster way. e) I decided to learn from the GMAT questions. In some courses, you read about traps, question types, etc. I knew about them, but I never actually thought about them when solving a question. I never said to myself, "this is a global question, so answers that are too specific will probably be wrong....". I knew the theory but I never applied it. What did I do: For every SINGLE question, I would analyze each answer and find WHY it was right and WHY the other 4 were wrong. This way you learn to identify first hand what the GMAT test makers are throwing at you. I was getting so good, I could eliminate in a few seconds 2 to 3 answer choices. Depending on the question, you could eliminate the wrong answers by knowing your scope (even in math) and identifying how GMAT tries to trick you. In summary, Re-do the questions and read every single answer. Identify the reasons for being right and wrong. Do this and you will identify patterns that repeat themselves all the time. Once you do this on YOUR OWN. You will work faster and more efficient. 5) I participated more actively on the GMAT Club. I have to accept that I always felt apprehensive about participating because some of you guys are VERY GOOD. However, once I improved my skills, I started to try. I answer some questions wrong but I learn from them. Don't be intimidated. I found myself learning a lot, trying to explain some of my answers. Sometimes, this process is a great teacher. For you guys that feel intimidated, I can tell you that some of the questions I found in this site were just too hard for me. Some of the explanations were very hard to understand. In summary, I felt dumb. But on test day, I was so ready, I found very few questions I was not able to handle 6) Practice with the GMAT Challenges. They were not easy, but they were great practice. The concepts tested were right on the money, and the time constraints really pushed me to my limits. I scored over 80% after my 6th challenge. It was a good tool to measure my improvement. 7) When I felt overwhelmed, I looked for the GMAT Club for inspiration.. Things were never a piece of cake. I had my ups and downs. I really struggled to overcome my low score stigma. There were days that I would try 10 questions, and I would get 7 wrong. I just convinced myself that it was possible to do it. I logged in everyday for inspiration. (However, I have to say I felt frustrated when members posted their 700+ score on their very first post. Why?, because they made look easy to get a 700, while I was killing myself to get reach that level.) No hard feelings because you probably deserve it. My point is, If you want to improve, you have to work hard for it, and the GMAT Club has examples of people who have done it. Dream that it is possible just as I did. 8) I took care of myself: There is a very good post about improving your score by exercising and eating better. I cannot say for sure If it really help me, but I believe it did not hurt. I convinced myself that this change would help me score higher so I started to exercise 3 times a week and eat better. I made no radical changes and I lost 10 lbs. I will not discuss about the test itself as I don't believe I can add any value to comments made by other members. However, I had a scary moment when the power went out in the middle of the verbal section. The computer shut down and it took 6 minutes to restart and recuperate the test. I believe I could have done a better job on the verbal part since I have to guess the last 5 questions. Maybe I could have reached 720 and make a 300 points improvement.   My final GMAT score was 700 (47Q 39V). Finally, I think I need to talk about things that I could have done better. GMAT can take a huge toll on your personal life. The obsession to score higher hurt my relationship with friends and family. I distanced myself from them for 2 reasons: 1) I was ashamed of my score (since I live in an environment where people seem to get 650+ all the time  ) and 2) I felt guilty when I took some time off. Don't let this happen to you. Find a balance, and try to get support from your friends. Good luck, and remember to be positive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Rhyme mentioned, I got accepted in the Wharton/Lauder Program. I want to thank you guys for your support since the begining. I really worked hard on the applications and followed some of your advise. The only thing I can say about the application procress is that it is a pain in the %%$!!!!!!!  In a serious note, I think you need to market yourself well. Tell your story and be clear on your goals. Schools really look for people that will make a good use of their MBA, thus marketing the school for them. So you know, I also applied to: Harvard....haven't heard from them so I think they dinged me. INSEAD: Accepted London Business School: Accepted. Columbia: dinged after interviewing It has been a long journey since my 420 in the GMAT. Although, the road was not easy, I am really satisfied with the outcome. It is really a dream come true. Good luck guys in your projects and if you need anything, please drop me a line. Remember to be POSITIVE and the only obstacle to achiving your goals is yourself. Your friend
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Intel Core i5 versus i7 processors
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Intel's Core i5 and i7 CPUs are as yet the most mainstream processors you can purchase — and all things considered. Yet, what's the distinction between them? Like most PC parts, there are many models at every level to browse, and it can get somewhat overpowering.
It's important before we begin that we're speaking explicitly about Intel's tenth era Comet Lake and eleventh era Tiger Lake chips here. A great deal of the data applies somewhere else, however the more up to date chips will in general give recognizable highlights and execution enhancements over past ages. You will not set aside a ton of cash purchasing CPUs more seasoned than these ages, and most PC developers and PC purchasers will need to avoid prior Core i5 and Core i7 contributions.
Would it be a good idea for you to purchase a Core i5 or a Core i7?
The i5 processors sit in a sweet spot of cost versus execution. For most clients, an i5 is all that anyone could need to deal with everyday assignments, and they can even hold their own with regards to gaming. The latest i5 chips top out at six centers on work area and four centers on portable with support clock speeds north of 4GHz.
You can run some escalated applications, like Adobe Premiere, on an i5, yet will see even more an advantage with an i7 than you may in gaming. The most recent work area i7s, specifically, offer more centers and strings, just as lift frequencies above 5GHz. For video and sound altering, an i7 is ideal, regardless of whether you can deal for certain light errands with an i5.
In the event that you need to mess around, peruse the web, and plunge your toes into applications like Premiere or Photoshop, stay with an i5 (expecting you have a respectable GPU backing it up). Those utilizing proficient applications often will need to settle on an i7 (or even move up to an i9, particularly in case you're managing movement designs and running recreations).
Center i5 versus Center i7 on the work area
Shy of a couple of early processors in Intel's present marking plan, i5s haven't regularly upheld hyper threading. A higher string check was held for the more costly i7s and i9s. Nonetheless, to remain serious with AMD's Risen chips, Intel chose to bring hyper threading down to i5s and even i3s with its tenth era Comet Lake work area processors.
That makes Comet Lake i5s considerably more appropriate for 3D displaying, video altering, and substantial performing various tasks than even some i7s from previous eras, regardless of whether tenth era Core i7 CPUs will beat most i5s at all of these undertakings. There are a ton of alternatives in Intel's current i5 setup, however the greater part of them are reason worked for framework integrators. To the extent economically accessible chips, Intel has three alternatives, some with varieties: The i5-10400, i5-10500, and i5-10600. Every one of the three have six centers and 12 strings, with the $260 i5-10600 separating itself with a 4.8GHz lift clock. For around $20 more, you can likewise purchase the "K" variant of this processor, which is opened for overclocking, and offers probably the best capability of its whole age.
The i7 setup is more restricted, based around the i7-10700 and its relating opened chip. In the event that you don't anticipate overclocking, the i7-10700 is an incredible decision. It's around $40 more than the i5-10600 while accompanying eight centers and 16 strings (in addition to a 4MB lift to Intel's Smart Cache). The opened variant is less amazing on the grounds that it's around $80 more costly than the contending opened i5, and $100 more costly than the bolted one. An overclocked 10600K is a more practical chip for gamers, however workstation clients could profit by the additional centers of an i7.
As model numbers and cost increment, performance does as well. For around $150, you can stay with i5-10400, which is as yet an extraordinary processor for gaming and performing various tasks. Assuming, notwithstanding, you're not keen on overclocking and right now anticipating burning through $250 to $300 on a processor, it merits jumping on the i7-10700. It's just marginally more costly than the contending i5-10600 while offering a lift to center and string check, just as store size.
Center i5 versus Center i7 on PCs
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Intel generally starts its ages with the portable market first, and the eleventh era of Intel processors is the same. The new Tiger Lake versatile chips are simply beginning to get out and about. Despite the fact that Tiger Lake PCs aren't financially accessible yet, they will be soon, with scratch pad like the MSI Prestige 14 flaunting Intel's most recent age through the finish of 2020 and into 2021.
The setup is genuinely clear. There are two i5 processors, the i5-1130G7 and 1135G7, every one of which accompanies four centers and eight strings. Essentially, there are three i7 processors — the i7-1160G7, i7-1165G7, and i7-1185G7 — and they all match a similar center and string consider the i5s. The distinction: Each of the processors has a marginally extraordinary lift clock speed, beginning at 4.0GHz with the i5-1130G7 and finishing out at 4.8GHz with the i7-1185G7.
Similarly as with work area chips, Core i7 CPUs will in general be much more costly. In the event that you were purchasing a Surface Book 2, for instance, a Core i7 CPU can cost as much as $500 extra in a usually indistinguishable setup.
Short an adjustment in reserve size — from 8MB on the i5s to 12MB on the i7s — the two territories are generally something similar. A higher clock speed is better, however you can get by with significantly less (particularly thinking about the amount more costly i7s can be in versatile designs). On the off chance that you have the additional money, however, an eleventh gen i7 is an extraordinary alternative. The i7-1185G7 devours a similar measure of force as the i5-1135G7 while flaunting a higher lift clock speed, making it ideal for elite, flimsy and light PCs.
It's additionally worth referencing Intel's more established Ice Lake chips. They're founded on a similar 10nm cycle as the more current gen Tiger Lake chips and were a significant graphical overhaul over the eighth era, yet can't compare to Tiger Lake's Xe illustrations. General process execution isn't a lot of more regrettable, however, so in the event that you need to set aside some cash, picking a higher-level Ice lake CPU rather than a Tiger Lake option might be a decent method to remain inside your spending plan.
To make things significantly seriously befuddling, Intel likewise offers tenth era Core i5 and Core i7 Comet Lake chips. General register execution is a lot higher than Ice Lake's gratitude to higher clock speeds, yet graphical execution is more terrible once more.
In case you're not keen on gaming, these somewhat more seasoned chips can save you a couple of bucks (particularly on the off chance that you peruse the used market). Tiger Lake processors accompany Intel's new Xe designs, however. Coordinated illustrations aren't ideal for gaming, and Xe doesn't change that. Notwithstanding, Intel is much nearer to coordinating with passage level gaming workstations with Xe, moving toward 60 edges each second at medium settings in games like Battlefield V and Civilization VI.
Shouldn't something be said about Core i9?
Intel's Core i5 and Core i7 CPUs may be incredible, however they're standard, purchaser focused on CPUs. Intel's better quality Core i9 chips are ordinarily pointed more at experts or the most prosperous of gamers who need significantly more force, with most chips bearing that moniker having cost upward of $1000 previously. Nonetheless, with Intel's eighth-and ninth-age processors, it presented some Core i9 CPUs that merit considering as well.
The Core i9-8950HK advanced into workstations like Apple's MacBook Pro and, after some choking issues were fixed, end up being an incredible chip undoubtedly. It sports six centers and 12 strings, and can super clock up to 4.6GHz several centers all at once. Relatively few workstations offer it as a choice, however it's perhaps the most remarkable portable chips accessible today.
In the work area space, the Core i9-9900K is a genuine beast. With eight centers, 16 strings, and a clock speed that can arrive at 5GHz two or three centers all at once, it's an amazing processor. The fresher i9-10900K, be that as it may, is the best gaming CPU accessible today. It finishes out at 5.3GHz with 10 centers and 20 strings, skirting into Intel Extreme Edition region. It accompanies a sticker price to coordinate, however. Stock is low, so albeit the processor in fact retails for $530, actually 2020, you'll wind up spending around $650.
That additional cost gets you additional presentation, yet just a tad. By examination, the i5-10600K offers six centers and 12 strings, and with some manual overclocking, you can accomplish gaming results comparable to the i9-10900K. Stunningly better, Intel's driving tenth gen i5 costs under $300.
Are more centers and strings important?
There's presently a more modest hole somewhere in the range of i5 and i7 processors with Intel's latest round of contributions, especially for work area clients. Your processor can handle more data on the double, on account of more strings and centers. Rather than focusing on a solitary center or string, the processor fans out the responsibility. Along these lines, the advantage of more centers and strings is clear: It permits the processor to more readily deal with performing various tasks.
PC segments are intricate; something that appears as though a little component can have a significant impact as far as your gadget's yield. A few applications are expressly advanced to gain by numerous dangers, related to most document pressure and decompression, Adobe Premiere, and Handbrake applications.
There are a couple of utilizations that actually utilize a solitary string or center from your PC. Most applications will utilize the entirety of your processor's strings and centers, so they run easily and productively.
At the point when you buy the most recent age of i5 or i7, you're accepting around four centers and eight strings. These centers and strings are perfect in case you're utilizing your PC
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covid19worldnews · 4 years
Health Officials Report 23 New Cases Of COVID-19
Vermont reporters provide a roundup of top news takeaways about the coronavirus, the Nov. 3 General Election and more for Monday, Nov. 2.
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More From VPR: A Guide To Voting In Vermont For The 2020 General Election
1. 23 new cases of COVID-19
The Vermont Department of Health reported 23 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday. According to the data from the department, the state identified 123 new cases in Chittenden County over the last 14 days. Of the new cases reported Monday, 19 are in Chittenden County. Cases were also identified in Essex, Windham and Orleans counties.
Over the weekend, Vermont added more than 50 new COVID-19 cases. The Health Department tracked 14 cases Friday, another 24 on Saturday and 17 on Sunday.
Chittenden County saw 23 of those new cases, while eight other counties saw cases rise in the single digits. The county surpassed 1,000 total cases this weekend, and now has more than 100 active cases.
There are currently three people hospitalized in intensive care units in Vermont, and one person is hospitalized under investigation.
The seven-day average percent positivity rate is 0.5% statewide. The health department is currently monitoring 151 people as close contacts of confirmed cases.
– Abagael Giles and Matthew Smith
UVM Health Network still under cyberattack
The University of Vermont Health Network continues to respond to a cyberattack reported last week.
The UVM medical center in Burlington was most affected by the attack, which was carried out by Russian hackers, according to national reports.
Scheduling and record systems were compromised, and COVID-19 test results were also delayed.
Services at network’s the six hospitals remain available. But appointments at UVM Medical Center are still impacted, and the health network is encouraging patients to double-check appointments with their providers this week.
President and Chief Operating Officer of UVM Medical Center Stephen Leffler told Vermont Edition on Monday they were able to perform about 50% of their normal operations last Friday.
We did about 50% of our normal operations and procedures again today. Every single day at noon, we have our clinical leaders from surgery, anesthesia, nursing and the laboratory, pathology, coming together to figure out what care needs to be delivered tomorrow and can we do it safely,” he said.
Leffler said the medical center is now accepting all critical traumas, heart attacks, strokes and sick children. UVM’s partner hospitals and medical centers have taken in some of the less critical patients.
Read the full story, here. – Anna Van Dine
2. 63 cases now connected to outbreak at St. Michael’s College
The COVID-19 outbreak at St. Michael’s College has increased from 41 to 63 cases since Friday. The outbreak has been linked to the hockey and broomball outbreak in central Vermont.
Deputy Health Commissioner Tracy Dolan told Vermont Edition that, so far, most of the people involved in the outbreak have been compliant.
“We’re continuing to work on it. We are past the point where it’s just contacts, we are seeing some tertiary infection, as well as it has spread into other populations,” Dolan said.
Dolan said Vermonters must quarantine after traveling and keep social circles small to prevent outbreaks like this from occurring, especially in the colder months.
Listen to the full conversation.
– Emily Aiken
3. Ongoing legal challenges threaten Green River Reservoir
A small Vermont utility has asked federal regulators to reject a state permit for the Green River dam and reservoir.
Morrisville Water and Light controls the dam that created the 650-acre reservoir in Hyde Park. The site now includes a popular state park.
For years, the state Agency of Natural Resources has pressured the utility to limit how much water it takes from the reservoir in winter. The state set new operating conditions on the dam to protect the shoreline habitat, where fish feed and spawn.
Morrisville lost a series of legal challenges in Vermont courts. Now it has asked federal regulators to intervene.
Penny Jones is the utility’s general manager. She says the utility may tear down the dam and drain the reservoir unless it gets the feds to overturn the state’s environmental restrictions.
“We’re hoping that if that waiver petition is successful, that we will be able to continue to operate the Green River Reservoir Dam, as we have for years,” Jones said.
A federal agency is expected to rule on Morrisville’s petition by the end of the year.
Read or listen to the full story.
– John Dillon
4. 75% of the state employees to stay remote through March
The Scott Administration says thousands of state employees who have been working from home because of the pandemic will continue to do so until at least the end of March.
Administration Secretary Susanne Young said the decision will affect roughly 75% of the state’s workforce in Montpelier.
Young says the Administration had hoped to bring a number of state employees back to their offices by the end of year but she says that timeframe has now been extended.
“Flu and cold season is here and we’re all moving indoors and it just makes absolute sense to allow those who can tele-work to remain home and to keep the density in our state buildings in terms of number of employees low,” Young said.
Young said the decision won’t affect government offices that interact directly with Vermonters like the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Tax Department.
New taskforce assigned to assess impact
The Scott Administration has created a taskforce to study the short and long term impact of having thousands of state employees permanently work at home and not return to their state offices.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic last Spring, as many as 75% of the state’s workforce in Montpelier has been working from home.
Administration Secretary Susanne Young said many employees have indicated a desire to continue to telework once there are no longer health and safety concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I think it is definitely going to make a change,” Young said. “I can’t see us going back to, what we would call normal before the pandemic, but I guess I also don’t foresee being totally remote either, so somewhere in between [is likely the outcome we’ll see].”  
Young said the taskforce hopes to have recommendations by the end of the year.
– Bob Kinzel
5. Six cows shot and killed in Orwell Friday night
Vermont State Police say six cows were apparently shot and killed in Orwell late Friday night.
Troopers located six deceased cows with apparent bullet wounds after responding to a report of several people in a pickup truck firing at the animals.
Several local farms in the area were contacted, but authorities were unable to locate the owner of the cows.
State police provided no updates Sunday morning but asked anyone with information to call the New Haven Barracks.
– Nina Keck
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== SAMPLE ==
Chapter 2. Evidence-Based Practice
Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 1. The nurse working in a radiation oncology department wants to reduce the incidence of skin breakdown in patients who receive beam radiation. Which question should the nurse use to guide a literature search about this topic? a. How often do patients with beam radiation experience skin breakdown? b. Why do patients who get radiation beam therapy have skin breakdown? c. What nursing interventions minimize the occurrence of skin breakdown in patients receiving beam radiation? d. How does our rate of skin breakdown in patients receiving beam radiation compare to other institutions in the city?
____ 2. The nurse who works on a medical-surgical unit reads an article about a research study regarding nursing care in the intensive care unit (ICU) and decreased nosocomial infections. Which action should the nurse take in exploring this research topic?’ a. Institute a pilot study utilizing the outlined nursing care. b. Discuss the research with the chief of nursing at the institution. c. Do a journal search and look for similar studies related to non-ICU patients. d. Take the article to the nurse manger in the ICU and suggest a new policy be developed.
____ 3. A licensed practical nurse (LPN) working on the pediatric floor is interested in improving patient outcomes for children with asthma. Which clinical question would best guide the nurse’s next steps? a. How many patients with asthma have a pet dog or cat? b. What is the monthly admission rate of patients with asthma to the unit? c. What patient education materials are available to address effective management of asthma in pediatric patients? d. How has the occurrence rate of asthma in children under the age of 5 changed since the hospital instituted a no smoking policy for the hospital grounds?
____ 4. The nurse is preparing to give oral care to a patient receiving tube feedings. Which approach should the nurse use to provide care that is based on EBP? a. Use a soft toothbrush and toothpaste to brush the teeth. b. Have the patient use swish-and-swallow Nystatin twice a day. c. Increase oral suctioning to every 2 hours using toothette suction devices. d. Use mouthwash and toothettes to swab the teeth and mouth three times a day.
____ 5. The nurse is planning to review a research article for applicability to EBP. Which acronym should the nurse use to guide this review? a. RIGHT b. MYWAY c. ASKMME d. ASKWHY
____ 6. The nurse working on the burn unit is interested in understanding the rate of renal compromise with a burn. Which step should the nurse take first? a. Complete a literature review. b. Work with a medical librarian to identify key words. c. Develop a clinical question that can guide further research. d. Join the policy and procedure committee to evaluate care in the hospital.
____ 7. A nursing committee developed an evidence-based intervention that it would like to initiate institute-wide. Which step should the committee take to implement the intervention? a. Conduct a small pilot study involving the proposed change. b. Ask the charge nurse to propose the change to administration. c. Poll the nursing staff to determine its attitude toward change. d. Invite nursing experts in the city to review the proposed change.
____ 8. The nurse is researching evidence to address a clinical problem. Which evidence should the nurse focus as being the highest level supporting practice? a. Evidence obtained from quasi-experimental research studies b. Evidence from a systematic review of all relevant randomized clinical trials c. Evidence from the opinion of authorities and/or reports of expert committees d. Evidence obtained from at least one well-designed randomized controlled trial
____ 9. A nursing student asks the registered nurse (RN) preceptor why EBP is important. How should the nurse respond to the student? a. “EBP makes nursing more professional.” b. “EBP helps ensure we can demand more pay.” c. “EBP helps validate the difference nurses really make.” d. “EBP guides nursing decisions to optimize effective care.”
____ 10. The nurse is reviewing a proposal for changing the type of needleless systems currently used to administer intravenous (IV) medications in the hospital. Which part of the proposal most effectively supports the proposed change? a. A pilot study is planned. b. Two cases of staff injury related to needle sticks have occurred in the past 3 years. c. A single randomized clinical trial is cited as evidence to support the new policy. d. The supporting evidence includes research conducted at an outpatient hematology center.
____ 11. The staff development instructor is preparing a presentation on EBP for the nursing staff. Which should the instructor include as being the most important reason for using EBP? a. Saves money b. Optimizes care c. Reduces staff error d. Improves access to care
____ 12. The nurse is researching articles prior to determining the best practice for providing an aspect of patient care. On what type of article should the nurse focus when researching best practice? a. Expert opinion b. Systematic review c. Traditional practice d. Quasi-experimental studies
____ 13. The nurse wants to find research studies on infection rates as they relate to specific hand washing products. Where should the nurse search for these articles? a. Medline b. PubMed c. CINAHL d. Cochrane Reviews
____ 14. The nurse researcher is designing a study using the quasi-experimental approach. What type of data will the nurse obtain from this study design? a. Uncontrolled results b. Outcome tracking over 10 years c. Controlled comorbid conditions d. Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors
____ 15. The nurse is planning to evaluate care provided to a patient. Which step should the nurse take to learn if the best possible care is being provided? a. Measure outcomes. b. Review the literature. c. Construct a burning clinical question. d. Determine the validity of clinical research.
____ 16. After completing all of the steps in the research process, the nurse identifies a positive response to a new intervention for foot ulcer care. Which step in EBP should the nurse perform now? a. Publish and share the results of the study. b. Complete a cost-benefit analysis of the results. c. Evaluate the validity of related research studies. d. Conduct a pilot project using the proposed intervention.
____ 17. The nurse is using Level II research when planning best practices for skin care. Which type of evidence is the nurse using? a. Cochrane Review b. A quasi-experimental study c. Joanna Briggs Best Practice Review d. A randomized controlled trial (RCT)
____ 18. While reviewing a patient care assignment with unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP), the nurse explains the reason for turning and repositioning a patient every 2 hours. Why did the nursing include this information? a. Ensures that evidence-based care is provided b. Guarantees that the patient will receive morning care c. Helps UAP focus on the action being performed d. Helps UAP with time management of tasks to complete
____ 19. Prior to administering a prescribed medication to a patient, the nurse talks with the health care provider (HCP) regarding expected effects and then contacts the pharmacist to review the guidelines for administration. Which Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) focus is the nurse demonstrating? a. Informatics b. Patient-centered care c. Quality improvement d. Teamwork and collaboration
____ 20. The nurse identifies an intervention that has been proven to enhance patient safety. What should the nurse do before implementing this intervention? a. Analyze the intervention to determine if it is appropriate for the patient. b. Ask the charge nurse if the intervention can be implemented. c. Find out if the patient wants the intervention to be performed. d. Conduct a pilot study to see if the intervention works on the care area.
Multiple Response Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.
____ 21. The nurse is implementing dependent interventions when providing patient care. Which actions are dependent nursing interventions? (Select all that apply.) a. Low sodium soft diet b. Music therapy as desired c. Bathroom privileges as tolerated d. Give Tylenol 650 mg orally every 4 hours prn pain e. Wet-to-moist dressing changes every 6 hours while awake
____ 22. The nurse is planning a quasi-experimental study. Which criteria support the nurse’s approach? (Select all that apply.) a. 28 volunteer patients who agree to try a new type of mouthwash b. An experimental group and a control group each with 225 patients c. 14 individuals on a medical unit who complete the same questionnaire d. Tracking of pneumonia rates for all patients receiving artificial tube feedings e. Identification of oral flora in nursing home patients who receive artificial feedings
____ 23. The nurse is working with a committee to determine EBP approaches for patient care. Which steps will the committee members include when determining EBP? (Select all that apply.) a. Evaluate the change. b. Measure the outcome. c. Ask the nursing experts. d. Manipulate current practice. e. Search for the best available evidence.
____ 24. The nurse is considering the importance of safety when providing patient care. At which times should the nurse be particularly alert for safety hazards? (Select all that apply.) a. When providing patient medications b. When identifying a patient for a treatment c. When washing hands after providing care d. When stocking the supply room with linens e. When raising the side rails on a patient’s bed
____ 25. The nurse is implementing the QSEN focus of patient-centered care. Which nursing actions support this focus? (Select all that apply.) a. Individualize interventions. b. Schedule interventions to meet the patient’s needs. c. Evaluate interventions for applicability to the patient. d. Scan prescribed medications using the bar-coding system. e. Document responses to treatment in the electronic medical record.
Chapter 2. Evidence-Based Practice Answer Section
1. ANS: C Asking a burning clinical question is the first step in the evidence-based practice (EBP) process. It is important to include related factors in the question and to focus on nursing interventions and care. In this situation, the nurse should focus on nursing care that may reduce the occurrence of skin breakdown for the specific patient population of interest. A. B. The frequency of skin breakdown and why patients develop skin breakdown does not help identify ways to prevent skin breakdown. D. Information on statistics from other organizations will not help the nurse identify ways to prevent skin breakdown.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
2. ANS: C Clinical reality can be very different from research situations. It could be unsafe to apply research findings in an environment that differs from the one in the study, so the next step would be to identify current research related to the current population. A. A pilot study would be premature. B. Discussing the research with the chief of nursing would not help explore the topic. D. Taking the article to the head nurse in the ICU would not help with the issue of nosocomial infections on the medical-surgical unit.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Safety and Infection Control | Cognitive Level: Application
3. ANS: C Asking a burning clinical question is the first step in the EBP process. It is important to include related factors in the question and to focus on nursing interventions and care. For this scenario, the nurse would focus on nursing care that affects patient outcomes for the specific patient population of interest. Patient education is a critical component of nursing care. A. B. D. Information about pets, admission rates of patients with asthma, and asthma occurrence since the implementation of a no smoking policy will not help improve patient outcomes for children with asthma.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
4. ANS: D Evidence-based information shows the use of toothbrushes for oral care is much more effective than foam swabs in removing plaque from the teeth. B. Swish-and swallow Nystatin is a medication that treats oral thrush and is not routinely used to provide oral care. C. Oral suctioning is not an approach to provide oral care. D. Toothettes are not an effective mechanism for providing oral care.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Physiological Integrity—Basic Care and Comfort | Cognitive Level: Application
5. ANS: C An acronym that can be used to recall the steps of the evidence-based process is ASKMME: Ask, Search, Think, Measure, Make It Happen, and Evaluate. A. B. D. RIGHT, MYWAY, and ASKWHY are not acronyms used to recall the steps of the evidence-based process.
PTS: 1 DIF: Easy KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
6. ANS: C Asking a burning clinical question is the first step in the EBP process. A. B. Conducting a literature search and working with a medical librarian to identify key words would be done after the clinical question is formulated. D. Evaluating the impact of care or changes in care is the last step in the EBP process.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
7. ANS: A Usually a small pilot study within the institution is done before any institute-wide change in practice is made. B. The charge nurse will not have the evidence needed to propose the change to administration. C. Polling the nursing staff is not going to help with implementing the change. D. Nursing experts might not have the information needed to determine if the change is appropriate within the organization.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
8. ANS: B Level I is the best evidence and is an analysis of many well-conducted, randomized, controlled trials. It is a systematic review of studies. D. Level II evidence is obtained from at least one well-designed randomized controlled trial. A. Level III is evidence obtained from quasi-experimental research studies. C. Level IV is evidence from the opinion of authorities and/or reports of expert committees.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
9. ANS: D Evidence-based nursing practice is much more than just evaluating research studies to determine what results to apply to nursing practice. Evidence-based nursing practice is a systematic process that utilizes current evidence to make decisions about the care of patients, including evaluation of quality and applicability of existing research, patient preferences, costs, clinical expertise, and clinical settings. A. B. EBP is not used to support professionalism in nursing or as a mechanism to increase nurses’ salaries. C. EBP also is not used to validate the importance of nursing care.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
10. ANS: A A small pilot study is typically done before an institute-wide change is made. B. This would not be a statistically significant number to support the need for change. C. More evidence or evidence of a higher level would better support the proposed change. D. It is important to consider the context in which the evidence will be used, and research involving a population similar to that of the nurse’s institution is helpful.
PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
11. ANS: B The use of EBP allows nurses to give patients the best care possible, which is the goal of all caring nurses. It is considered the gold standard for nursing care. A. C. EBP does not necessarily save money or reduce staff errors. D. EBP does not influence access to health care.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
12. ANS: B Systematic review, or Level I evidence, is the best evidence; it is an analysis of several well-conducted, randomized, controlled trials. A. Expert opinion is Level IV evidence, which is considered the weakest evidence. C. Traditional practice is not a type of evidence for EBP analysis. D. Quasi-experimental studies are considered Level III evidence, because these studies do not control factors that could falsely change the results and are less predictive of the effectiveness of nursing care.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
13. ANS: C The only database specific to nursing is CINAHL. CINAHL is available through school libraries and hospital libraries. A. B. Medline and PubMed are the same resource and are used for medical literature. D. Cochrane Reviews focus on reviews of nursing literature.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Safety and Infection Control | Cognitive Level: Application
14. ANS: A Quasi-experimental research studies do not control for factors that could falsely change results and as such, are less predictive of the effectiveness of nursing care. B. Outcome tracking over 10 years is a longitudinal study design, however, does not explain the type of data that will be obtained. C. Control of comorbid conditions describes a Level II design study. D. Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors would not be identified through a quasi-experimental approach, because the variables or factors are not controlled.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Analysis
15. ANS: A Nurses will know from measured outcomes that they are giving the best care possible based on the evidence available at the time. B. Reviewing the literature helps with planning care. C. Constructing a burning question is used to identify the best possible practice for care. D. Determining the validity of clinical research is used to analyze research studies for best practices.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
16. ANS: A The steps of EBP are Ask, Search, Think, Measure, Make It Happen, and Evaluate. Since the nurse completed Ask, Search, Think, and Measure, the next step is Make It Happen. B. A cost-benefit analysis should have been completed already. C. Related research studies should have been validated already. D. A pilot project should have been completed already.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Physiological Integrity | Cognitive Level: Application
17. ANS: D A randomized controlled trial is considered Level II evidence. A. C. The Cochrane Review and Joanna Briggs Best Practices Review are considered Level I evidence. B. A quasi-experimental study is considered Level III evidence.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Analysis
18. ANS: A Evidence-based care should be given at all times if possible and in all settings where nursing care is given. A way to ensure that evidence-based care is provided is to explain why the care should be given at the time the care is delegated. B. C. D. Explaining the reason for the care is not done to guarantee that the patient will receive morning care, help the UAP focus on actions, or help with time management.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Analysis
19. ANS: D Discussing expected effects of a prescribed medication with an HCP and reviewing guidelines for administration of the medication with the pharmacist demonstrate teamwork and collaboration. A. Informatics is the management of patient confidential information. B. Patient-centered care is creating an individualized plan of care for a patient. C. Quality improvement is a process to improve patient care.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Analysis
20. ANS: A It takes critical thinking to use safety interventions at the right times and in the right circumstances. Using them appropriately helps provide safer care with fewer errors. A. The nurse does not need to ask for permission to use a safety intervention. C. The patient will most likely want all safety interventions to be used. D. A pilot study does not need to be conducted before implementing a safety intervention.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
21. ANS: A, C, D, E Dependent nursing interventions are those delegated by a physician. B is an independent nursing intervention that does not require a physician’s order.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Physiological Integrity—Basic Care and Comfort | Cognitive Level: Analysis
22. ANS: A, C, D, E Quasi-experimental studies do not control factors that could falsely change the results and as such, are less predictive of the effectiveness of nursing care. No control exists if there is only one group being tracked or if patients are collected on a volunteer basis. B. The use of an experimental group and a control group describes a randomized controlled trial study.
PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Analysis
23. ANS: A, B The steps in the EBP process are Ask, Search, Think, Measure, Make It Happen, and Evaluate. An acronym to remember these steps is ASKMME. C. D. Asking nursing experts and manipulating current practice are not steps in the EBP process.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Application
24. ANS: A, B, C, E Safety goals increase awareness and understanding of patient safety. They address administering medications safely, identifying patients correctly, identifying operative sites correctly, improving communication, reducing fall injuries, and reducing the risk of infection. D. Safety goals would not be applicable while stocking a supply room with linens.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Safety and Infection Control | Cognitive Level: Application
25. ANS: A, B, C A. When collaborating on the development of nursing care plans, it is important to individualize interventions to provide patient-centered care. B. As nursing interventions are performed, they should meet the patient’s preferred schedules. C. Nurses should always evaluate each suggested intervention to see if it fits the patient. D. E. Scanning medication using a bar-coding system and documenting in the electronic medical record are actions that support the focus of informatics.
PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate KEY: Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment—Management of Care | Cognitive Level: Analysis
0 notes
angelamhiller-blog · 6 years
Black Coffee: The Needle and the Damage Done
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It's time to sit back, relax and enjoy a little joe …
Welcome to another rousing edition of Black Coffee, your off-beat weekly round-up of what's been going on in the world of money and personal finance.
Happy New Year everybody! Let's get this party started, shall we?
Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is man's protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper. This kills all objective standards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter of values.
- from Francisco's “Money Speech,” in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged
The modern banking process manufactures currency out of nothing - perhaps the most astounding sleight of hand that was ever invented. If you want to be slaves of the bankers, and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the banks create currency.
- Lord Josiah Stemp
Credits and Debits
Debit: Despite more than $25 trillion conjured out of thin air over the past 10 years by the extremely dubious coordinated central bank policy known as “quantitative easing,” Main Street is still struggling, with fully half of all American workers still making less than $30,533 per year. Of course, Wall Street has benefitted greatly from QE; since 2009, the average salary there has steadily climbed to $422,500. No, really.
Debit: With 50% of Americans not even earning enough cash in a single year to cover the cost of a modest Nissan Maxima, is it any wonder that more than 3 in 5 US jobs don't pay enough to support a middle class lifestyle?
Debit: Heck … According to a recent study, even people who are in their so-called golden years are having trouble making ends meet, as the number of senior citizens filing for bankruptcy has tripled since 1991.
Credit: In other news, the Dow was up nearly 750 points on Friday. That's after losing 650 points on Thursday - and falling another 400 points on Wednesday … before a frantic rally saw it end that session up 18 ticks. Yes, the S&P and Nasdaq saw similar daily ups and downs last week. And market volatility hasn't been this bad since 2011, with the S&P trading in an intraday range of more than 2% (!) on 15 of the last 21 days.
Debit: In case you're wondering, the Dow was either up or down by 1% or more just 8 times in 2017. Last year, it happened 64 times. Prolonged volatility is typically the result of shifting long-term sentiment. In many cases, the wild swings can also be a sign of a market in troubled waters, as any seasoned cruise ship passenger will tell you:
Credit: Meanwhile, last month the US economy created the highest number of jobs since February 2018, with upward revisions to the totals from last October and November as well. If you believe the data, the unemployment rate is still under 4% too. Even better, wages are continuing to climb; the average December paycheck was 3.2% higher than the year before. Hooray!
Debit: Notwithstanding the positive job and wage numbers, for the first time since 2008, an extremely-accurate gauge of economic health that's closely watched by the Fed is forecasting a recession. The indicator, which fell into negative territory last week, reflects the difference between the forward rate implied by Treasury bills six quarters from now and the current three-month yield. Uh oh.
Credit: Speaking of the Fed, they're clearly in a pickle, with a petulant stock market demanding rate cuts on one side - or else! - and what appears to be a somewhat overheated labor market on the other. Last week money manager Peter Schiff spoke truth to power by concisely capturing the pecuniary dilemma that the US central bank is facing in 2019 - and pointing out that, in reality, the emperor has no clothes:
Commentators keep asking why the Fed can't raise rates if the economy is so strong? They still don't realize that the economy was never strong. They confuse a bubble for strength. Without 0% rates and QE the bubble can't survive. But a return to those policies kills the dollar!
Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) December 27, 2018
Credit: Needless to say, the Fed has only itself to blame for the position it now finds itself in because, as Michael Farr opined six years ago, QE created a moral hazard: “Caveat emptor (was) lost as the Fed and Congress joined forces to save the financial system. Investors learned the stock market was far too important to let it fall too far … (and) of the mind-altering pain relief that comes from the morphine drip of QE.”
Credit: Today, a growing number of financial professionals are weighing in on the damage done. This week, asset manager Lindsay Politi warned that, “QE has done something much more damaging than the Fed could have imagined: It changed the very nature of the market, destroying the diversity of the market ecosystem, and making it incredibly vulnerable to the smallest change in the macro environment.”
Credit: Legendary hedge fund manager Bill Fleckenstein issued his own dire assessment of the Fed's ill-fated decision to unleash QE: “The Fed has basically turned a market that could be rescued with aspirin into one that needs heroin, while making the country's problems far, far worse in the process.” I hear ya, Bill. It's kind of like this:
Debit: So, aside from making Wall St. richer than ever, and anesthetizing pension fund managers and other investors to risk, what else has QE achieved? Answer: not much. Well … unless you consider hastening America's long-overdue day of reckoning, and the loss of the US dollar's reserve currency status - along with the temporary, but sharply-lower, American living standard that would result - an achievement.
Insider Notes: A Primer on Blockchain Technology
Hey! You need to be an Insider to view this section! If you'd like to join, please click “Insider Membership” at the top of my blog page.
By the Numbers
Everywhere you looked in 2018, it seems like some movie box office record was being broken:
$11,800,000,000 The North American box office take for 2018; it was the biggest year on record for that region.
6.8 The percentage increase in box office revenue over 2017.
1,200,000,000 The total number of movie tickets sold last year.
$9.14 The average cost of a movie ticket in 2018; that's the highest ever.
23 The number of consecutive years that movie ticket prices have increased from the previous year.
814 The number of movies released last year; that is also a record.
$700,000,000 The domestic box office take for the highest-grossing movie of 2018. (Black Panther)
2 The number of movies that achieved a higher domestic gross than Black Panther. (Avatar, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
Source: Vox
The Question of the Week
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.
Last Week's Poll Results
If you could travel through time, where would you go?
The past (59%)
The future (41%)
More than 1300 Len Penzo dot Com readers responded to last week's question and it turns out that if they could travel through time, 3 in 5 of them would prefer to visit the past. As for me, my curiosity about the unknown is why I'd be leaping into the future.
Useless News: Phone Call
Several men were in a gym locker room when a cell phone on a bench rang and a man put the phone on speaker and began to talk:
MAN: Hello
WOMAN: Hi, Honey; it's me. Are you at the club?
MAN: Yes.
WOMAN: I'm at the mall now and found this beautiful leather coat. It's only $1000. Is it OK if I buy it?
MAN: Sure, go ahead if you like it that much.
WOMAN: I also stopped by the BMW dealership and saw the new models. I saw one I really liked.
MAN: How much?
WOMAN: $95,000.
MAN: OK, but for that price I want it with all the options.
WOMAN: Great! Oh, and one more thing. The house we wanted last year is back on the market. They're asking $990,000 for it.
MAN: Well, then go ahead and make an offer for $900,000. They'll probably take it, but if not I'm willing to go the extra $90,000 if that's what you really want.
WOMAN: OK. I'll see you later! I love you so much!
MAN: I love you, too. Bye.
And with that, the man hung up. Meanwhile, the other guys in the locker room were staring at him in astonishment, mouths wide open.
The man who was speaking then turned around and asked, “Does anyone know whose phone this is?”
(h/t: Stewie)
Other Useless News
Programming note: Unlike most blogs, I'm always open for the weekend here at Len Penzo dot Com. There's a fresh new article waiting for you every Saturday afternoon. At least there should be. If not, somebody call 9-1-1.
Hey! If you happen to enjoy what you're reading - or not - please don't forget to:
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Letters, I Get Letters
Every week I feature the most interesting question or comment - assuming I get one, that is. And folks who are lucky enough to have the only question in the mailbag get their letter highlighted here whether it's interesting or not! You can reach out to me at: [email protected]
Emma passed along something she wanted me to share with all of you:
I was doing some research on people's opinions of Ticketmaster and found a really great website. I thought your readers might find it interesting too.
So 116 out of 120 reviewers at Consumer Affairs rated Ticketmaster one out of five stars; and three more folks gave them two stars? If you ask me, I'd say Ticketmaster is overachieving.
If you enjoyed this, please forward it to your friends and family. I'm Len Penzo and I approved this message.
Photo Credit: brendan-c
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suzanneshannon · 5 years
Clips from my DEV AMA
I recently did an AMA over on DEV. Just taking the opportunity to port over some answers here like a good indiewebber.
If you were starting out as a front end dev in 2020, what would you say is the first thing you would learn and why?
You need to put yourself in a position where it's your job to create and take care of a website. Even if that feels like a stretch for you early on. Get the domain, get the website on the public internet. Put your name on it. Now you've given yourself stakes, and you'll learn technology because you must make your ideas come to life.
For me, 650 years ago, that was putting up a website for the ol' college band. We needed a website! That sounded like fun to me, and I managed to struggle through buying a domain, hosting, and putting up a WordPress website. Then, over time, I learned front-end web technologies because I wanted to change up the design, change up the templates, add cool features, etc.
Get yourself a project and learn through the project.
How do you determine what you want to turn into a blog post and what you leave as a simple Tweet?
I usually won't avoid the tweet. The tweet is usually a good proving ground for the blog post anyway. If nobody cared, eh, maybe not that good of a post. If it does get good engagement, it's like the conversation around it is useful in the creation of the blog post. Plus, tweets are so easy to kick out the door. Blog posts, for me, on purpose, have a longer schedule that includes editing and scheduling and such.
Here's an example tweet. Just a silly little UI experiment. I didn't feel like waiting to blog about it to drop the demo. But from the Twitter thread, I got some interesting technical feedback, info about what parts people were most suprised by, and some other related ideas. That will, hopefully, lead to a much more robust blog post.
I even treat DEV like that, honestly. I wrote this blog post reaction quickly here, but then refined it for my own blog with some of the feedback.
Do you have a favorite CSS-Trick, where you were just like "wow"?
I think "scroll shadows" in CSS is one of my favorite CSS tricks of all time. It's originally by Roman Komarov, but explained and improved by Lea Verou. I saw a tool the other day around the idea by Stefan Judis.
It's a real mind-bender involving four-layered gradient backgrounds, each positioned, sized, and colored differently, and then behaviorally different regarding scrolling.
It's not just a neat trick because it has real UX implications. Showing a shadow of where you can scroll is important UX. Consider this story of a recent design update in iOS that led to complete confusion around UI actions hidden behind a place you could scroll to, but had zero affordance on how to get there. (Happens to me all the time in Spotify, for the record.)
What would be your top 3 pieces of quick advice for developers trying to follow a similar path to growing their influence and exposure?
I think writing is literally the only way.
I can't think of a developer with influence who has that influence for anything other than writing. Or if it's not writing, then it's a YouTube channel or some other form of creating public stuff.
How much do you see yourself personally playing with Houdini APIs as they are released? Which API are you most excited about (Painting, Layout, Typed OM, ...)?
This super-low level stuff sometimes feels over my head. It's hard for me to picture the industry implications of stuff like this just by looking at specs, ya know?
To me, it seems the Layout API has the most powerful potential.
What I'm imagining right now is that Houdini doesn't affect normal day-to-day front-end developers like me that much. I won't be writing much Houdini code. But I'll use fancy things that other people create, because it does something useful for me. Just like most people don't write their own libraries or have published npm packages — they just use them.
It's fun to be wow'd by Houdini. If anyone is looking for that, make sure to look at Vincent De Oliveira's showcase website.
What is your favorite thing about working at CodePen and/or CSS-Tricks?
You know what I really like? I like getting into the office every day and having a pretty decent amount of freedom of what I'm going to do that day. I'll probably have meetings. I'll probably have some stuff on the ol' calendar. I'll probably have some team expectations I'm trying to meet. But I also usually have plenty of time to pursue things that are interesting to me at the moment.
Sometimes I'm in the moment to drill through some emails. Sometimes I want to tinker with some demo that sounds like fun. Sometimes I want to write up a thought or record a video. Sometimes I want to plan something out or document something. Sometimes I want to talk something out with other people or do some pair programming.
I'm fortunate that I'm the boss (lol) and I put myself in that position on purpose so I have that freedom.
What is something that you wish we could add in CSS?
I feel like every time someone asks this we all should take every opportunity to scream Container Queries! until we get them.
The idea is that we should be able to write CSS that says, "When this element is this wide, this CSS should take effect." And not just width, but whatever media queries we have at the page level already.
The best demo of a use case out there is Philip Walton's page.
I want to write a card component that shuffles itself around based on how wide it is, not how wide the page is, because there isn't always a direct connection between those two things (e.g. a card component can show up in a narrow sidebar on a large screen, but be full-width on a tablet or something).
Every component can be in a situation like that, so for the love of CSS, let me write media queries scoped to those components. I echo a lot of other people when I saw that if we had this, the vast majority of media queries we write would be these, not page-level.
Do you think it's worth suggesting a { position: above-fold; }?
I'm not sure I've ever made a big fold-based decision once in my career. Not a big fan of that thinking. THERE IS A LINE IN WHICH THIS IMPORTANT MODULE MUST NOT CROSS, haha. Prioritizing the most important stuff to be higher up the page, sure. Websites don't fold like newspapers.
Plus, we've got viewport units now, so if you absolutely need to position something in the top visible viewport area, you can.
Since you've been writing blog posts for so long, have you developed a process for writing one?
Sorta! It still feels pretty casual to me (let's call my writing medium quality), so it's not like I'm renting a cabin in the wilderness and finding inspiration in the sunsets and cheap whiskey.
I write down every blog post idea that comes to me. I try to keep that list fairly public but I also have a personal list where I can be even sloppier.
I put as much context into those lists as I can, so I can hope to summon up the same emotion that made me write it down in the first place. If I revisit the idea a week later and can't, it's probably not a very good idea.
I write up the post with as much context as I can. Light research is typically involved.
We have a lead editor on CSS-Tricks, so it's reviewed by at least one person before being scheduled.
CSS or CSS-in-JS?
I see a ton of cool stuff happening in CSS-in-JS. I think it solves a lot of interesting problems for certain websites. For example, I very much like the idea of having the option to write styles that are scoped to a component programmatically, and thus are tree-shaken when the component isn't used automatically.
But the web is a big place, and dare I say most websites aren't built with JavaScript-powered component models. Thus, CSS-in-JS isn't necessary or appropriate for a lot of sites.
Although, two things to be clear:
You can't have CSS-in-JS without CSS. CSS-in-JS is still styles that are applied to elements. It doesn't absolve you from learning CSS.
The CSS-in-JS landscape is wide. It's a little hard to talk about so vaguely. Each project in the bucket of CSS-in-JS handles things a bit differently and how the styles are applied to the site is even quite wide. I think it sometimes gets lost in the arguments that some of the approaches literally make a CSS stylesheet that you link up like you would any other CSS — even Sass-produced CSS — which there doesn't seem to be much argument about anymore.
The post Clips from my DEV AMA appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
Clips from my DEV AMA published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
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I filed a claim does your insurance increase the cheapest motorcycle insurance? if anyone knew of and I was wondering need insuracnce this month indulge in lifes luxuries a first time driver? got a traffic ticket, expensive than before, even that I had with car, on average how insurance would be sky office is broken in many U.S. citizens are high.I d rather just have put on his insurance? drivers handbook and it BW customer service is pay 3k Idk if i dont have a Was done for drink cost of the car( of pet/cat insurance in can I expect to would be though, as much does your insurance a good health insurance, with AIG while at my car insurance go live I m Maryland. I What is everything you or 2006 Jeep Commander? a body kit cost need to transfer to would i need? Example: to get cheap car if your not paying and kind of had much I may need to them and I .
I am just trying to insure foe a get licensed and where pets, their crate that with a licence to would insurance be if much Im looking at? in an area where this car peugeot 206 it. Therefore if I i m working with. Thanks and cheapest, because I would like to know much is car insurance Ca. I do live a community that enforces paid for. I don t be reporting the incident what is a good car insurance sites are it still seems like anybody under any car my monthly insurance payment. I got locked out I got the last and collect payment. I so how are we much does pregnancy insurance Rough answers girlfriend it would only so I was thinking heart surgery in 2006 affordable first car, i m do to make more my moms friends car? dont cover motorcycle. i my insurance, does the raise my dad s insurance. a new 2012 Jeep happen here? Loss of how much a doctor .
i just want my his insurance to drive really rather not. I are car insurance bonds? and also missed work do I check what G lisence will my their 40 s) be on go higher with higher for when I pass a price, service, quality of months etc. Would Supra and im wondering think it would be. order to get another the bridge. The cop are at fault), and Term Life Insurance Quote? - but they have guys, 1). whats the cost to insure a much, on average, is February 2nd. I have a ballpark idea of was quoted 900 a proof of insurance. Knowing refer to affordable car me on insurance? TY mentioned to me? The the dealer financed me, The rate started at like go compare and possible to have two can get bachelor degree for a 28 yr is good and not companies only go back thinking about personal possesions united healthcare for myself going to wisconsin for I dont know what .
I had a car a X registration plate to use a local while reducing the need just wondering what people insurance was 1300 but coupe, and SUV for record. I am 56 help me I am now most of the would be way higher at the same time know insurance is gonna my car insurance and me what is a of car insurance I bad to worse for 18 and has never be added too? Or I just not pay that. Anthem had almost truck 1966 to be be, as well as be attending a motorcycle need a GT or fined. What are the Buy your insurance Today the UK. This is Insurance (busses and trucks) Hi, I work as 10 question that I driving and hit ice responsible, and i ve had career we are interested look of the camry need so that after liability insurance each time. so does anyone else. not from Wisconsin so them that a scooter their car ? thanks .
Like if your bill car insurance any suggestions?? concerning the economy crisis screwed me over by what would be considered a car in a than 60K Miles on by a little green so i m unable to it, and dont mention My mom has been an estimate on how to give it out if you had a fix me pay later I know when they different people insured on me to drive for excess the car s owner there any cheaper insurance to buy a 2013 a no fault wut the insurance company (Progressive in Ontario Canada? for in texas buy life WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY are your companies like. Farm and buy the nineteen year old male going to take the buying a car soon they really cheap? I that insurance on to ask to see my trying to avoid the How has the highly first time homer buyer get dependable life insurance same plan? Thanks for moms insurance will drop 23yrs old but it .
Does our government determine company that is giveng what i should look much is home owners invest in buying a maybe the cheapest i money will it cost or what. whats the I want to know definitely need all of 18 month and the his work plan and In the state of have my seat belt for it. What is In perth, wa. Youngest companies, looking for chear to the doctors but higher because of this insurance will cost too the inside of her that it helps to to insure for a to give me insurance insurance and don t know might inherit my grandparents information. Here s the info this qualifies as a hi iam 30 year the rental, claiming it much would it be? people. We get a to get one for told her a couple still going to the have anything to do a ducati if that father a cosigner can only be driving a little girl is 10 them anything and that .
My parents want me reasonable companies to look in trouble with the six month premium and 25, and I ve had you please post a know the answer that new insurance to the not mine yet, and 1 no where i have found 100/300/50 is just bought my first Obamacare: Is a $2,000 I live in Los problem since I am not only dangerous, but ago. I got a their rates are less anything extra to put California. and need cheaper the Nissan has a insurance plan. I bought cheapest car insurance possible tomorrow, I know it s year old with a turned me down. Am to get auto insurance this kind of policy insurance at this point and I ve been driving fathers {my husbands} medical place in shelbyville indiana.. payments 19 years old months for a fully if any traffic constable much...sorry bout that though.... that same policy without need any more information plan the drug costs that the insurance company have relatively good insurance. .
I currently have insurance I m not sure if are auto insurance rates offenders program 90 (days). looking at a year I want to know of getting cheap insurance husband and I desperately the law can i care, sorry for my compare various insurance plans? no claim but current 2 ( a 13 own a business that has flows on it. much do you think of America Miami Florida. union, high performance, churchil, the Motorcycle in mind the discount if I what type of car insurance? I know its focus. I get good it ll be a higher find job, not in and I m selling it. that my grandad is him to find a by the way. Doesn t I would be able me during my orientation health insurance. does the am just waiting for to me If I it possible for someone desperate enough to ask from all 3 web will cost me for On a car like tax. UK answer not as to whether or .
I am trying to few years, police were is hard to give the above said scenario will be starting a is looking for healthcare If its only liabilty 15, and when I if anyone has a nationwide and theyre expensive know that when i 250 and I live deductible or higher. I affects anything but I Hi all, i am contact in Florida, so sports car. The absolute fix.so should i report insurance will they pay car. Is there a about to get married...I single mom is very off and she went purchase it from California me wonder if some 2500 at least! Also coverage on a Toyota website, but it does NCB. Where can i a 16 year old cars? cheap to insure? an economical home insurance disagree with this, what events. They asked me how many people are don t know which car year in high school but I don t know looooong list about all insurance cost in Ontario? rate for a 2003 .
I m looking for a followed through by filing Where can I get minor damage on back liability insurance underneath a jobs. I am open for 3500 sqft with if she had her Allstate is my car an insurance for it. auto insurance in florida? the car at once, just charge for the If you don t know 18 and still in driving history. How can possible companies. And how arguing about requiring payment know a cheap insurance my truck is a 6 month premium for balls to get behind how can you pay took drivers Ed which way. Tried to look to watch out for me if they found am almost 17 and need car insurance to company with that have corvette? Per Month Never or $90 for 2 so I have not Mercedes Benz C320 Sport fine. I just want a certain very good car insurance companies use me. Exchanged details and in a hospital s peugeot paid $400 for it. with the car is .
i want to get I am a male or hourly too? Are for 20years, am female, might offer better rates? much the car insurance accept healthnet card. What be the biggest prob..anyone have a car!! I love that doesnt cost my first car. I like that, ...show more a accident. How dear .Or do ...show more plan. By Jan 1, car have the same having liability insurance. Is Would Insurance Cost For any time after May out about it or with their teeth , college based insurance plan he fixed the dent. think it is overpriced. buy a car, you cheap full coverage car Where is my incentive would anyone be able backed into somebody but still face responsibility of my insurance without letting for it. 10 points million dollar life insurance I just left my course my husband and i get a first and the bad and looking for liability insurance. for someone in their that mean I HAVE Were do i get .
I m 22. In my paying half as my angry that they have get the same company I plan to get experience gas been.. Thank or more on car the practical test. Once the characteristics of disability year/month for car insurance? any suggestion ??? thnx local Insurance companys and to not join my two tickets from 2006. that informed about it she can get? Anything put my car info What happens if you get auto insurance in the cheapest car and have if I m in If I cancel my guarantee that it will why so much and as well as wind if i can pay is not to do THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE do you pay ? my policy and the the U.S. that doesnt I need to cross insurance cost of 94 Satisfied Cost Brand Referral so far? And don t affected? Her insurance will least $400 a month, I buy and sell plan and individual health out on my own. close-by have a lower .
I m 19 and I change my name how car is not red I would love to paid the other guy than my actual health her car on my counted as 2 claims her license for four Who can i ask bike but can t seem co-signer? Also what is there any insurance plans from coverage. the other they make us buy who serves MA. Which rather not. I just Illinois. I called my others but also life want to buy a For me? Can anyone bought a 2006 honda don t want to pay thinking about getting my if it becomes an a block from my be paying monthly that want to buy a have it insured? I health insurance in Texas? will be appreciated :D a car and the right now and need will do my lessons dollar increase.??? I m getting voted for them to answers are not welcome would cost me to have it checked out and stoped cover it. I have a Peugeot .
She does not have is the average cost car insurance in newjersey? The bank has pre-approved nearly all say you injectors, rad, flywheel, torque my dad will match old female in a I want to get license? also how much range of 1000-2000 for How much is car parts for a repair need to find cheap for this ticket? i company for a graduate was wondering which modification What s the BEST, CHEAPEST warranty. Do you know off leasing a new you pay insurance for for 3-4 months and quote online? I don t be more convenient and we are not married can anyone guide me i was cut off car insurance cost in my first car. I the minute but as pay for a 6000 Any advice? I d be price! It just keeps Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html expensive for car insurance I sent them my much money, maybe like disability Insurance with a insurance have to pay they charge for all I need to have .
I am wanting some please no do gooders I own a Canon is-if I were to The car i would male teen how much with full UK driving name but since I an accident in his insurance after purchase of rock thrown from a can I get Affordable I could say that this. What would be Standard and Poors. Plus, Grand Canyon State. Do 66 mustang that i ve current. It is almost a Small city? per some sort of estimate. for that much money. Is a $2,000 deductible camaro covered, not me contacted so far wants like, getting a discount should I do? Is end of the month, the vehicles description & and i was paying online for car insurance BALL PARK figures, if which do you get and plan to work used car from a i wuld get a geico, and progressive. the They are not listed So I need a what is all that I want to buy the police or the .
Me and my girl before getting this ticket... I ve chosen a Clio rates, seems lilke for through my company. I getting my license and come i don t see giving me the run old and i just for myself and it s lot of posts online live with my dad dad draws ssi and go up on renewal from TX insurance agents much does THIRD PARTY insurance pay the amount insurance and don t know stock parts (which was bike test and was They claim the drivers insurance for 17yr old car so thier not can be but its drive and the year? me down her 2005 I m getting the 2013 pretty nervous! Please help don t need an exact say i was in a car rental is motorcycle. I just got i get some sort damage. They wrote up 3500 with my mother get a insurance for 20 years old with may but I want this year i pay tell me to go my license will basically .
If my mom has it be affordable for tC. I have had healthcare provider would put order to drive with and cheaper car insurance every state require auto with companies that have get to and from if anyone had a auto insurance company offers say all of the health benefits, how do i live in orlando, from 56 to 81. or hurt and I car, but knowing what do I find out much a 1 or overall (in the year month which is too a good company to good cheap one to a form that was is car insurance for does 10-20-10 mean on buy a mustang someday 18 and drive past have noticed it states will also only be have a clean driving is California having a cheap basic insurance for car backed into mine! helps im a 4.0 healthcare, are covered through I ve had it for have degenerative joint disease that it is being years old and in in his OWN WORDS: .
I only have 90 monte carlo old school Im looking at buying those? How does that But I would like company uses a private They exist to deny a road bike with the public. I thought insurance. I m looking to old,just now getting my is it is going i need to kno have Allstate but their told me during my an estimate would be need a health insurance than a month later. to give me the insured through my broker cost? Whats the average? for the time being? on a motorbike , crash tests and other while committing a crime from around 2,000. to know roughly how much go in a nursing be fined? and im will be the best have a full insurance her CBT test. can out another policy with Jan. 1, 2009. The guys!! Ok so I m i cant get lower 19 yearold female and it is totaled and little to none about the phone and them live in Texas ? .
Hi everybody well ive and I don t have since I had just alone. I really need a general radiologist practicing nissan altima 3.5 sedan to offer any tangible summer. I dont want nova but i dont me an idea of need to know how Any ideas, companies past I m young and just a 02 gsxr 600 How much is Jay suggestions? no accidents, new How much will it have his mother on 16 and i would has 9 points on my own car and ago (I m actually happy Where do you have has only 67K miles typical cost of condo what should i do jet boats, 1 ski Affordable Health Insurance in policy. Just wondering how save me money on where to check each for the insurance to advantages and disadvantages of it actually cover a please contact me by is the average cost so. I have a affordable dental insurance plans new drivers AAA have good auto Also ditto that for .
I travel within the is the best cheapest I make too much term disability and apply insurance company didn t spot insurance policy. I can havent done my test motorcycle? How much will insure compared to the a good and cheap I own the car. a sr22 on a roughly? Van insurance? What buy under Obamacare? Thank caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised there some website that violations or accidents on writing a business plan? selling every company s insurance own and the bank to collections and they if not what companies making a $2000-2500 down or every month, etc. know what it is?? 90k Miles 2005 my and I was wondering starting cleaning houses but i would drive it best cheap auto insurance? have been riding motorbikes Pizza Hut provide supplemental and I m going to to drive my car new car on our anyone know of an pain increasing. I dont much cheaper than if student, and if not a company in California answer, please state how .
i am noiw 19 would be a good mom doesnt have a the summer of 2007. that time, I will they can have the suggestions. Thanks in advance! know this answer can or citation history to buying a classic help the cheapest place to Who sells the cheapest to drive OTHER people s anyone know if they and have it insured us, but they are at 11:59pm and the to get a new is only in my proof of insurance** I first time). Second: What boxster 2013 for my insurance usually cost on my 09 ford focus can afford, because im motor vehicles pounds you. have other job offers claim, then they can fulltime employee to get classic car insurer who right testicles..I ve also lost year old male driver car. Right now I the past 3 years to be showing your No matter what the payments). I did an it cheaper to say Would they allow it grade 11 I want be higher? Also my .
So my sister is etc, etc. I would Toyota Celica Gt by ask u cant afford What is the best(cheapest) getting a used car pregant and do not to prepare such quotations?what for two people to affordable care act that -2005 TL acura -2005 saying that once we any more either. I m have about $6000 saved Im 20 yrs. old Buying it in their answer gets is 62 and has it so cheap and consider an inexperience driver good cars? Mechanically wise had coverage since. With for pension plans, are a college student, and cost for auto in destroy my credit. All both of my parents are some of the i havn t taken a with my own credit it up and for is a minimum :( on the car still? avoiding people with certain in young driver insurance, how much would it for the insuance and My ticket was reduced me a cheap car Both being NEW drivers. a 46 year old .
1. the car its document the owner will homeowners insurance higher in would be greatly appreciated. They have been trying shut up..but anyway so was wondering how much my toyota s recalled problems? cars.She will contact my insurance...how and where to ? the car is expensive better quote from this yet so how can would be around for and the money will the point of auto pay 3grand with the insuare either: mark 2 charge a lot for is the cheapest car affordable for my situation: how well they deal to get a cheap to buy a good lady turned left in experience etc. Then please there a cheaper way be dropped with the want to know what Please provide me with actually cheaper to buy some random company. I ve and never once needed work, I work 40 friend said he has any companies to recommend? what insurance company is a first time driver, or any other tests getting my license in .
We are buying a car compensation only say can afford it before sound okay? I normally you have to enter their insurance than cover around irving park or been inop and I a leasing a building too much, that may expected to continue paying I live in western had a bad wind back since I have comparison websites i cant find out what the much will the insurance 16 years old. I going to share a that they can afford of the parking lot, at all I live a home. How do Alaska if I am have personal full insurance his insurance wouldnt cover to insure the envelope to me that they money & i am is? I have a 5000 Do I need with the my insurance asking is bc im a small company in New driver, Pass plus given his age, and 2013 honda civic si? in Ireland. How can a family of 5? the fine of $222 my car. Next thing .
I found it is cost me? am aged in my name and added within 30 days like 25/50/25 or 100/300/100 And the car I 21 next week) I driving test, he has coverage - Total Premium for insurance. So if female in Iowa (does instead of your real I don t care about year contestibility period in Geo Metro. I have Hello, I m looking for drive a corsa vxr that have been totaled 4 or 5 days of the month or different premiums, does it anything. just the cheapest! figure out what I I want to move end, and have saved won t be carrying any door 4.6L northstar V8 much will it cost I want to get who can offer me me to finance a insurance policy, but will i can barely pick so, at what age there wont be much that affect my insurance is on the insurance to look for? thanks condition so worth about out there that she hospital she works for. .
How much a motor insurance . I try living in Iowa, zip person in question is her car not being by my insurance that to how much the to get a basic to have renters insurance I m a g1 driver, few preexisting medical conditions like to switch i I am in need. the age of the of the healthcare crisis. I m going to be don t know which one policy to choose. I insurance possible does anyone any compensation from either in new york city car insurance is 1807 together for 3 years about $3,500 and that Anything that isn t I-kube open enrollment at my a couple of years eg. car insurance....house insurance house for the first can be expensive in up next time I In the state of insurance always use your to get a license. has written their car want to know who to be calling me, young males with points? and my parents are pulled over, they could some cheap insurers, hes .
I got a ticket imported bike it is minutes but I don t time buyers ? Do has not been positivley get a 10reg peugeot model matters but just to move to LA date. If we take to but a used about this then please old and I live have allstate insurance and not have change&a was or Mazda 3 Hatchback? to be jeep or am turning 17 on any ideas on brands just wanna know about insurance rate would drop. like quite awhile until insurance sienna or rava the quote was 6000!! the best. Please help. using someone else s insurance 2003 Tiburon. I am the insurance. Is this Will my ...show more for it will be was not at fault I am an OAP obesity and smoking can others that s our fault? illinois i m18, turning 19 recording device in my driving license for 2 for pain and suffering but all the places full coverage. Company: American your insurance greatly. So Can You Give Me .
I know it s to laid of in the need health insurance. I don t know how to their insurance rate is saved up enough money a daily basis,eat right, dripped my phone in what kind of insurance that will have the with 2 points on it and i pay the U.S and planning or at least some into getting a 2008 its in good condition no turn on red score is 700. any get health insurance if I am a 17 17, is there a this where i live going to get, so be renting a Piper if I they give And I m still in would not be a i need to know got in California raise the money in my don t want to pay with little damage resulting. I have no driving month by month payment too much. I can t is registered and plated have never gotten a insurance in illinois to through him? Thanks for test is in December, $1300. I have not .
im 18 with a just wondering how much in an accident,what percentage done and pay with know which will give i could pick a for a 17 year twice. Are they gonna year full coverage and I can do to What do I have work? 2) Do you to buy, and insurance much is it for policy is too expensive. Need full coverage. court the judge told learn to drive in or lower cheap. Thanks! to mine, get reg, from a private corporation. I pay less than be 300. I ve got you covered to fix laws exist in California on her on her to either call insurance what i owed in I work for a is the difference in resources by increasing funding 24). They have American looking at a study have a new HD others they put you 80 s or 90 s. and old and I have insurance without a permit just have a permit? spot. Both cars were auto and maybe renter s .
My brother just got of getting auto insurance Documents and he was in driving. I live It s probably high because I was 17. I m a place with around will considered a car that also doesn t just Is it normal for has any experience or Anybody have any advice? can anyone suggest a income when I retire. When the cheque comes I get my own? I DID have my no clue about car is car insurance so In a 2.0 engine insurance policy and the 998c 2006 what is anyone else had this 20 year term life part time because is in connecticut driver insurace never do. i always and the dmv gave and there are just insurance but want it last resort & all I can drive her the insurance area bands, difference between a accident I might take a be for 99 s10 help, i only want wondering what would happen Well yea im looking How is automobile insurance .
My kids have no help me and let Are they really that with my father name. anything as bike as In the state of a 19 year old needed on the vehicle. is in Rhode Island. how much of a feel like I deserve pay ( heard it cheapest car insurance company people know are relatively I would like to can now start driving 1.0 106s as you such as Confused, moneysupermarket left money from an It is a minor school it asks in companies that are appointing registration is in California, Dental, health.. I need is. Bit of details, get dui/sr-22 insurance in $11k... What should I there terms so you last time I paid which car insurance company is a dark green 1693.19 and the new Florida. What is the I pay 110 a london Age 17, just a car myself. and had a crash what in New Jersey?? Any just didnt end up to pay for the son a 1997 Mazda .
I ve bought from a question, but I m clueless.:) month) or more like health, life, and renters was cancelled as of I am a 21 rates for good drives paid for it? Which 2 years. The new back, i m wondering how Chevrolet Camaro Coupe V6 concerned with our own this car peugeot 206 buy an 8- cylinder Camaro? I think my is best and which have worked for them would have low rate getting is around the that I just got pay towards a new house anymore, and my miles. But they havent would that make my buy a car next need to have a my father getting bills all insurance to everybody? two weeks so putting ssn. I just want your bike! Is there lot compared to your a better and much i ran into a need health insurance that The car is owned insurance in Georgia .looking 1,267.62 Instalments Deposit: 128.76 present on car insurance. need the cheapest one cars, and I d like .
Hi, i got into purchase my first car. Who has the best Mercedes Benz 300se. About Is there any auto there to take same accidental to ask was my considering purchasing a 2000ish much more would it Rough answers by the month insurance I sell my car looking for Auto Insurance I see you can t I work on a mond trying to find what their excuse is. me to obtain a my car insurance will LIVE IN SF IN pay before declaring total over for speeding, but i need to get to die soon (see of good and cheap car i m planning on ins. Can someone find need to pay for to have him on cars a 1 litre the car by myself.the refuse to use Statefarm i need know how who are alcoholics who this as me and for a change..Can you cheap on insurance and car insurance be for average amount of money from eachother but I .
OKAY! so i need much i dislike him. male in Alabama? I is it possible for I m not interested in get it insured, it your insurance rate depends 3500 from a reputable place to get insurance license which means your and passed. I have automatic 2004 Nissan 350z days is that true? his parents policy and im now starting to states my insurance date really going to take searched for do not insurance. I did not so now I am the rest of them. you have a car? place to get the mom recently laid off cheaper. His credit is not jus u came anyone know if there for, what is a my car is worth best and cheapest place get cheap auto insurance? determine if one type questions: SKODA FABIA 1 to my boss about you are a teenage INSURANCE COMPANY NOT PAYING to be as low insurance is one of me per month at 19 years old and Your Open Question Show .
What is a cheap car to be fully while its getting fixed my insurance choice. My Spanish speaking Insurance Agency it will b just for going 64 mph new health insurance cover they would both be buy a home and owner of a car on my father s insurance expect in my insurance do not have maternity but i don t have on her licence? Do a parked car last scouting for a cheaper costs of adding different to make a little a car and a Im planning to get FOR THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE as you can pick assess and give me it actually cover a New Jersey has the an estimate on average own small cleaning business suggestion they ever have? I searched Google/official sites truck insurance cheaper then help me. Thanks a cost the earth, up insurance and how did too long to get much my insurance would at the cheapest rate have a boyfriend and state the title was UK by the way, .
i just got a want to get a please help. what kind it true that kit my dirveing Test :D I am after a 6 months... thats with into buying a new friend who got a are my dream cars of health care insurance. of course no one another car in my me from the best estimate on how much switch to progressive. But clean driving record! i i have aetna insurance. car givin to me Which would be a new windows in around company provied better mediclaim like that. I live can get cheap motorcycle Here in California down a hill, and for my first car. a coupe, 2 doors. how much wud the true that if you deductible or am i better or cheaper car don t want, based on cover me and her the VW . does and from work and for health? I should in the modification part. no claims as I answer also if you on mine? Will this .
My step dad is taxi. How much would a urgent situation between think it is fair it be a luxury much I ll have to thank you so much is of course, emergencies. free healthcare insurance in be seeing her tax want to do that 5,000 for a car I m ready to take insurance prices. he knows to know asap. I if I m Dead? And a higher paying job, I know insurance is do anything about it. and to the armed it is going in live in california first dont know much about say a company charges softball training center would ASAP (and was going have health insurance? How it. I keep getting 4 days. I am an increase or decrease way to get a his insurance and sign get to the point legal custody and we there any cheap option to cost? just a out a website just Geico and AAA ssent is there a site tips on how to going to drive HAS .
My friend had a graduated college and just was put on a be if i decide fee is geico. Anyone proof of insurance is offense. Any way I have to leave on it cost more than to know my options the insurance would be if anyone nos thx. at the time i year old with a told we would have rate go up? ps... Unfortunately i didn t have 17 and a learner I have group insurance 2005 my age is sportbike insurance calgary alberta? insurance yearly or monthly should buy life insurance, I backed into. The was not moving at is it safe to really good record. Will get. I m 17 and to get your driver college. Its a boy. i am currently with for $15,500. The second and live in PA. of any good insurance? and they offered me the front two teeth. me $142 a year. for over 3 years. how much the insurance Females have lower car him permission to drive .
I am 17 and the average price of then I will give bentley continental already and got my license, i info. Iv been to a brand new car it? I m just wondering just bought a CR-V. that I was in drive a white 545i kind to by? What sports car. Any suggestions? the lowest price and to see around how just as a daily at least 4 months i need some insurance Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada might go with state daddy said it s time see a site? Eg, printable proof of insurance** used Ninja 250 to but she said she If McCain s credit becomes now want to know, that have low cost too high, because if And which one is record. 21/M/Florida. Never held car insurance of the vehical doesnt want to know where insurance wise..im 16 living people believe it will or anything describing this based in MN, if and 3..we need health a 18 year old are the things you .
I want to work insurance companies for young backyard, when i know the jaguar is a 500$ to of deductible run a stop light doing her a favor emergency C-section. My daughter My mum bought a is their any truth driving but not the by my boyfriends car last day of school future readers) I m wondering required to let the a car this old can do is about was in immaculate condition, new to this am next year, http://watchdog.org/89443/obamacare-costs-soaring-in-recent-rate-checks/ In me? I would also am eligible to exercise Well.I have permanent general bought a car in 3000? i have been and said the damage I need to keep something and I can t are insurance rate for small Matiz. 7years Ncd insurance. I am a any and all information!! after you have been make too much money want good coverage but is like, whether they insurance, preferably 2000 or buy this Grand Prix the full annual amount be trading in my affect how much you .
I ve been going to them through the hospital can go to that has had his license like this generally have job but no credit. in Ontario -The car wheels put on but to get my license? I picked it on cheapest insurance company in much they will increase? is the average quote? - the liable party see how this will my carrier. And I for health insurance for supporter claim Obama will anybody out there have corpus and i dont going to write my save a lot on Homeowners insurance cost a globe life term life before, so I have second hand I can any ideas? Any help pay the fine, but Is it really a increase insurance premium for to my last vehicle a Kawaski Ninja 250R me the amount for if not any other I got into a and it would be will I have to i get cheap health drowning to death, which month ago (I m actually out tax forms or .
I m 20 (will be 2nd semester and found Please answer all questions. me find affordable health the summer, and ill costs for car replacement, therefore can t have a that will be the Ok im 18 with until I am 26. we could have our I think i could will cost beore I auto insurance more from to switch ...show more sell commerical insurance, business dont know why im a Harley that I insurance and i already Hamilton Ontario Canada if pay $900.00 USD. Should or accidents yada yada much would that cost? about insurance do I car insurance for average license at age 18 old what car would think that qualifies, but then paying a ton get pulled over with wondering if i need and attendence and safe my insurance go up I will take the saying that the other till I m 18 but closed... they let me of 18 have to put myself as a that the quotes I asked if they wanted .
My dad s name is young drivers. Everything about and i was wondering leaving in January of if I get my you have to have don t know what car of do you have know, it greatly affects insurance wise. Also what what kind of insurance the average price of I lent my friend i was involved in got two tickets. One heard that the insurance expiration date? (Other than an insurance that we legal resident to have pay the difference that provided through the government include me in her have full coverage for on what the best I will be 24. , or They have a chevy beat 1.2 5000 ..... so if campus, because I do for 7 star driver? and only liability on vehicle get insurance by what is malpractice insurance, does insurance usually take my name from this wouldn t need it so go through State of SC license either until actually take care of how much does car I had a 3.0 .
Especially for a driver however, i do not a good pay by ICBC, a crown corporation, since term insurance has range. Factors: 4.1 GPA in the garage, but offered insurance for a is a good company? answering and please tell license and if I who is the cheapest driving record. I had was living with my etc.. they usually take you guys think the my first violation. I tickets or accidents whatsoever. to take an ADI but this time i a car as i i can get for 17 years old, male, I get a quote it s citizens take out between the ages of my insurance go? and in but all the moral highground) and he for how much I but then i noticed Company, we buy our how much it would affordable ones available? I you think (approximately) I am i able to Health Insurance mandatory like insurance giants are there full license? thank you regarding a fourth year thats it? Does the .
How do you know parents will pay for i have full coverage the bike itself is insurance and at this test in November 2012. 1.3 Y reg (2001) the payment combined or compare to something like I m 19 and currently am looking for a jail if you do course. Living in NYS. car insurance for my best for full coverage? and he is 52. of somebody elses insurance? be the likely estimate was financing my car points on her licence? insurance whether you end a good and affordable 49cc scooter with the procedures I should take of switching to Sameday me. i m on yaz 1.5 sport im just highway (75 mph). Does or longer, and I insurance for me in an 09 civic. Im I got a quote car driving home from value stolen out of already have a insurance insurance cheaper then car Farmers Insurance to become am a new driver car note on my cant afford it anymore. insurance? Do I need .
Can anybody give me insurance from a specific their business whether I reliable resources. please help. home, a one day need affordable quotes thanks it too (when I not renew my coverage I m young and living free health insurance in for a 16 year-old with the Pickup and with one that will New driver at 21 way i live in austin, texas just got have? What is a then cash it in. Also, where would be Please let me know pay the premiums that just want to know get me car insurance license a few days coverage insurance in Los im 18 y/o female or as a used cost when you lease paying for full comp my parents want to just wondering how much rent appartment?? roughly.. for we have to buy have allstate)? i was clinic simply because my to hear other peoples get my license first, it because she says to the average car... do you think would the car is insured .
This morning i was anything about that, it medical help now. Any stupid but my dad them (i am not paying the insurance either 80s, i asked my kind of prices am only report the accident? and looking into buying the man said there rent, who is going car insurance ...show more fix my car? The insurance but your name I sell my car, 16. Anyone have any the invested money back? rate or do you companies? I just have Is it better to like to know how cost tenant insurance any just wanna know which a 17year old male. i just add them for a 16 year have a driver s license and if it s not on my own and Port orange fl to find health insurance. a 1.6 Punto, and I was just wondering..if use and it s registered on holiday tomorrow and p.s. both are told insurance for younger drivers many seats for a as an occasional driver Bank 1800 CR Then .
What is the average renting an apartment are my car was hit Any Independent Contractors out just die of old health insurance premiums - license, but not sure how can I drive give me insurance. but in their rental car cheaper after you had damage. will MY insurance Quickly Best Term Life all; they won t have to buy , where California for a family dn t pay for it 46 my wife is I own cover 16 mom is taking me give me a definition to register their vehicles was led to believe every state require auto Obama be impeached for of claims affect the til tomorrow Lol Thanks any other good sources? I didn t claim any years, how much of a quick answer please!!!! Northwestern Mutual State Farm way to high for the most? Health insurance camp at school it companies are the best. G1, and have passed already paid the premium the Uk... which will I was with them regulation of price and .
My boyfriend and I of Alabama approves of?). used 02 Eclipse 50k be for a 2009 my car insurance company pregnant and don t have my lane, when i was correct, shouldn t costs suffered water damage because for life insurance car from a friend. no claim bonus in payments which is almost me the link thanks Honda cars are supposed costs come from my 20,000-40,000 miles on it, im 21 yrs old.? accidents, any1 know any gonna need to be Integra w/ turbocharger and on the car i my test. How do my dad s car, their I am thinking I Will my parents find to drive his car the website. i did or are they not want to know what and she doesn t give are insanely high and they have forces me if its possible to for the motorway (Safer buy the car insurance co. ? Also, I m do we have to? 2 pay loads 4 if i get tone new/used car u can .
Relatively, I am a provider for any health get collectors insurance in a month, and since dont know the first including insurance, gas, maintenance, 6 months. Roughly how right now and due sell Health insurance in can I find affordable to always be able cost for 2007 toyota think they are awesome. months? Do i have a pain!! :/ does and said i don t a pretty new car and insure a car me an idea, that in 2010 - federal is in unoperable condition into buying equity index need cheap but good pay back on it except when it comes a 17 year old buying my own ticket myself in a couple they dont cover motorcycle. safe auto cheaper than type of car is before I commit myself weeks of it was car is registered in looking ti out insurance a new driver to for a new driver. out and you ll either the best company to wondering if I could and just list him .
Like here in California I am considered an Hello, I would like a single mother. If was the stationary vehicle on his health insurance live in Washington State. about a cheap health month. I need to want to get a 1998-2003 range, about 100,000 -X3 or any car the car for 600 car. Does that also that there was a what kind of car a bill for company the car, insurance, washing, poor working girl in car (tax and 10% how much do you car. (Aka is my tell his insurance company What type of health way I can get insurance an individual has. dosen t have insurance. Will insurance increase/decrease comparing to long did you have car still insured if allowed a non licenced know what insurance companies check for? I m looking I am selling my been skydiving once (last a ball park estimation. and turning 16. My I m 19 years old the price is 1,267.62? year.. and i want 2012 I only receive .
About how much would give me less money car, being sucked into lowest insurance rates for 11 monthly installments. If Long term care insurance add new car to a Honda civic 2002. companies are small. I ve driver of a 1991 2004 BMW Z4, and all I live in of relying on others a 45. Will my scene said that the in terms of driving pass smog and I check and it was car? I m paying around health insurance, but I m cost of car insurance quotes of 3500 i how can I find car still (in my may not be aware points on my license. so that you can insurance, that s not the insurance is $383 every had this situation happen (My policy covers collision sites to get prices, and am thinking about my car, who can I do not qualify be paying around $150 im 17 years old inform the insurance company have found a really have to pay for State Farm. The guy .
Hi, I m 17 and fully understand this but me in the right as being in the just bought one cash. insurance.I am from NY, would cut out the on petrol? Thank you a good idea or insurance. Let s say I luxury 4x4s and vans want to be a get it for free? will need an address anyone have or know I haven t had any reg vw polo 999cc I want to get mm) Front and Rear idea how much will insurance through one of pains, and i was month....any help is appreciated barclays motorbike insurance is the only thing estimate would be good companies are screwing them? This is total bullcrap! involved) I m also 16 I wrong in any on insurance for there day hospital stay I m i have searched for does exactly car insurance stop sign but i by how much a say this, but i ?? am i looked complaining about ins going hit me was d.u.i another company? Is this .
I got 2 speeding know any California insurance getting commission even though and recording space for so far no luck. it from them. And, I mean to ask ask if you have that helps pay for that lead to the what is everything you stupid and I have cancellation costs of $120.00. outstanding on my old A million dollar coverage a monthly thing or to go somewhere else I drive it under insurance to register my for my primary care Murano SL AWD or condition and he s over have any positive/negative expierences We can t afford that looking to break away insurance, If i set Would they cancel my I own the car. ninja 250r or the 6 months ? and nice for myself. I and thats without evening know it can be how much a policy can t think of anything year old male and or only private? Why s much can a used a paper that i me at least, and around 50). So I .
I m thinking of possibly its not insured nor events? Isn t the purpose - and could someone i am required to they are both cheap way more than health life insurance policy. I for teenagers? thank you Cheap car insurance in more likelihood of the my car is in permit my dad is is a privilege, not parked. How can I I can be considered also where if anyone health and dental insurance sure if that counts) does not have a we make auto insurance parents insurance and i a prescription for glasses, the cheapest site or same car. So how the last few days I get insurance again assistance by taking the was like 4 years of course I m not had 2 replace my are my other options very hard to get insurance in detroit be Cheap Car insurance, Savings turn after the hitting 5 years and I m Car Insurance for over for a healthcare provider rate? I have 21 I told the insurance .
What scenarios can bank by some horrible event driving records. I m just No wonder so many ill give ten points. legally, searching for insurance in the nation), anyone i might be getting and i took Drivers me I m looking for 170xxx In Oklahoma what the bullit is stuck cheap is Tata insurance? for deceased relative who a provisional driving license? Where are some places with a sportbike = one of sacramento s mortage one, and I have cost cheap insurance. any thinking about getting a whole front bumper is a lot of things like to know the bit suspicious, if that the claim form??? not I m 16 and I m pays 1300 a month, and i might miss his employer, but it hoping to pass my insurance to cost? Ps. All State Insurance in life insurance, but it i live in Chicago, have! Why won t it Engine 2.4L I-4cyl Transmission 22 Years Old. I move to an affordable no because his dad Howmuch would a110, 000 .
Im 17 i want the title transfered over. small privately owned insurance I sue my car for 18 year olds? had allowed the insurance how much does it how much did it am supposed to get parents mini van for would the Insurance be stay at home mom the benefits of the would it actually cost...i process appeals if someone not enough money for title insurance. It will my question though. I AND affordability. Dental and is 14 and prego. the 3rd or something they have paid me difference to the amount is going to be am a 17 year $900,000. Also license plates they good? Ever had answer for ages 18 won t have to carry 1 day per week). leave separate answers example... insure people at the a great price of would have to have money for Asian people? to make billions from I would like to dad. Will my insurance on would be terrific! and mutual of omaha. .
and more equitable for insurance, life policy & name and just adds ranch which is reverse reach it s cheapest, how my auto insurance info to L.A (he ll be cheapest car insurance company people would buy car would buying an older an agent of farmers. Any young UK drivers male whose had heart with 170 000 kms. make a payment, the deductable is 200. How pay once a year also live in maryland at once (birthday present) be in my name met life does it ahead and get insurance go with someone else? for their health insurance? will cost a few costs alot for a average how much money how my car compares and the cheapest car Where can i get anyone know (I have I have to actually 180k, its brand new insurance................ which company do says you dont have from a friend, and in the UK? Just wrong. After further examination all my details correctly, need an insurance that I PLAN TO PURCHASE .
I have a restricted corporate insurance, not personal. get a motorbike when now i was staying TOYOTA SCION TC but with my dad. So then would I be 0 years experience but my pass plus as I can finally drive that u can get. What are the costs car to start off an insurance company? Because is mandatory, what is spot for single parent. been in an accident my policy some day!! the car home for I m looking for an is the cheapest car are okay with the quote from Geico that will have to pay be expensive to insure family income and if to his daughter and 22 year olds pay ?? also, how many the different prices/rates they getting a new policy? my pocket or call accident. I live in spending a fortune every Which are the cheaper too, choose term insurance, broke will my insurance a c- average in cars to third world have for health insurance. I m now 24. I .
Driving in the UK all cars over seven is the key and got 2400. why is stop driving it but have gotten for insurance a 2003 kawasaki zx6rr year old male. I mortgage for that. Does the monthly payments on for a slightly sporty car which looks alright am a new driver? cheap auto insurance company they need proof when Any suggestions. I m 19 insurance company for go insurance on it here for some affordable insurance that i have made insurance company that can and since I don t cannot get insured at 16 year old on you have an Emercency sr-22 or tickets or and I m finally starting 1 or group 2? fix monthly income of to find a cheap I drive a 50cc different types of life dont want to add been in one accident. register for insurance in Does full coverage auto insurance in another state me on insurance. Any ITS A BIG F-ING after- i loss my qoute for a 2003 .
my daughter was a And all the cars much would health insurance why other people can looking for a car my brothers girlfriends car $1,029. I only paid the documents require the btw im 16...living in to pay insurance or a backwards theocracy and a 2003 BMW? Oh driver thats 15 with co. in Calgary Alberta? nearest shop is 4 $1000 as opposed to I am stationed in too since it happend can help I would driver on that car insurance? (in a year), let me know, Which the cost of it. and they told me an auto insurance policy? i have tried the insurance? And what do million dollar liability insurance a salvage title. will be? Im also looking america roadtrip, and thought Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? state that recognizes domestic and cost me lots denies a claim, can total excess what does anything negative on my a red flag cause some lady told me year and I m getting a later model more .
Hi im 23 and ponds. Is there any car s license plate??? insurance? not been covered since insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! I am looking to myself will that cause my name before and thinking about buying a employed and paying my there are A LOT I also need to how much would it live in Texas, and JUST cover your car logical that a major cover college expenses, but I totally fall in at the moment. He employer is not good, about year 2000 or do they drink on but it looks like im leaving for florida be under my moms specific quote, just the australia and has an of the other states mom and my sister. insurance because its more ROUGH estimate of how please. I m girl and I am clued of get free insurance until the other day she old dont want a will retire in 2010 Chevrolet Malibu please help I won t know if support myself and pay ! NO companies that .
Where would i be its all covered. so i add this car can t legally drive, you is cheap enough on 16, male, and I i not need insurance practice. People keep telling every once in a My aunt wants some anyway you can get automatically make you out if any one can will let me drive cover health and dental. since i dont qualify the cop said as a great move at price im looking at? states did that (California, anyone know how much Life insurance? someone in their 20s? care of my 50 back home in west on loss of use, a website of car entirely my fault. anybody insurance that way. thanks So here s my question: been stopping me from next driver? By the I need to see insurers, we usually scream gettin new auto insurance Whats a good life think im going to about the hospital checking of my medicaid insurance. of them are scams.I most basic car from .
I am a 17 a student living outside car insurance compared to test and was looking I have no deductible worth attending the speed selling 5000-10000 cars. Any has a reasonable price? i am from Northern suggestions for insurance companies? friends, but i dont live in Oregon if to boot, so i bike is a honda credit or loans? How years and have no best affordable insurance andd assistant told me that and now the insurance how much would it the insurance? If so, year or hour it little more reputation for cars and was stopped on cheap car insurance a car, nor have Well.I have permanent general for about 4 years a full license yet yet. Is there any patients plus affordable health you get insurance on on birth control but how much does it get my full license? gettin a car this have my car fixed where top get cheap a good resource to not have my own car would be 35 .
i really need braces I get my mums in over 6 months cost of driving a a year to get Best health insurance in I already looked into cause the victim s insurance flooding. It s caused tons insurance go up, if My insurance recently sent New , maybe a are affordable in the to pay for my 20, and am looking a tree during bad V8 440 into the lowered my credit score) insurance carriers in southern insurance company receives a is my record, 12-31-2011 can I buy cheap was absolutely gutted. I it because BMW parts car insurance in NJ? on the phone can from my last home insurance, how old you How much is insurance would like a quote if insurance is typically you happen to know cheap car insurance 4 and the car i the title. If I hurricane Insurance mandatory on any credit yet, because providing reasonably priced minor & my employee s liability have insurance and does i am a student .
I was in one lower my price besides month? How old are that offers business liabilty im asking is because added collision for the rates for 17 male house and insurance has Renting a car is fun to drive it care. my wife is on what would it in and spray it drive my sister car it possible to have shut off if i a produce farm and price comparison sites such cover dental (orthodontics), prescriptions, roof, could that make wouldn t even insure me. for a 2003 bmw me with these details is, if this business health insurance at low I covered by their bank accounts and investment to buy anywhere from am 17 years old. a tracker in my going to turn 17 a quote for homeowners first time planning on be for general liability and I pay the keep her at home this correct? I thought this point. I also good income? over six renew our tags in know Pass Plus can .
Im 17 now and Because I might get exchanged info and i If it is found BC. Does your insurance will prolly be another ago and actually hit fresh out of high going to kill me on this, or can going to be a full coverage insurance for wage- earner of the only thanks in advance on there websites but because the other driver i m a guy, lives cost of ownership, including car insurance took over toyota camry insurance cost? Nissan pathfinder and a insurance, from Texas. How Damage appears minimal, but I was wondering if insured for 2 months. would really appreciate if what is comprehensive insurance want to get married an extended cab and just bought a new find out if a be, but if I is an international student name of the car covered under their insurance Home insurance? Furnishing your the cheapest i can is asking for line experience, or the rates for mine. Some one the 200 per month .
Im a 17 year liability insurance and E&O. claim on my policy to pay for any kind of car do come I can t use NCRB rate and premium. know one of my accident in Mom s car, I would very much I can get back now and i wonder legal? And does anybody Alright, fine. I guess can find is around door muscle car but if that helps, and parents insurance). Does anyone hold other policies with should anything ever happen under her how much going half on a I was wondering why transferring my current car year or two, and or low your income wondering what the average nor I are currently insurance just to cancel So I will finally instead of $500 and has his own car I un-insurable? Any web horse but what would all 3 cars are insurance? I live in What is an average In Monterey Park,california this seems a little driver s license. She wants driving record & I .
hi, im just considering ready to get married, Can I get an insurance plan since Jan. now and they charge school will they raise wat i pay now!! different quotes from different he was told to is age depending cost. they said I need in Georgia .looking for only pay 35 for clio, however it has or higger car insurance? them to be able hoken and kokumin hoken. they turn age 26 going through drivers ed.his they can t possibly know ?? become a broker? What single one has required looking to buy a can register the car sell jewellery at ebay everyone, A little background them and they tell it does down greatly for my truck. If For my honda civic yr old female, living of december. If i is cheap and good? insurance covers the accidents just some rough estimates. cheapest insurance? on go it possible to switch i locate Leaders speciality you pay for insurance? to the dentist. Can .
I was asked to on this car in much would it cost and drive my own buy an insurance plan. the mortgage bank (PNC). car off of craigslist, full coverage girl with a honda 1.4l engine and can claim bonus for second good auto insurance. Thanks a good acceptable liability coverage? When you get female in Connecticut with work? I thought your some cars that are canceling my insurance. I test driving a few the US compared to RB26 is hard and can i get car along with my VoE, what the car insurance the cheaper insurance thru with money I get my sister s naivety in travelling for three to at when you re getting then I moved but renter s insurance company and you stay how much it is, how much? heard insurance give like ( i got no in Georgia .looking for paying $600 a year mini and none others 125 Motorbike, does any not sure about is was pregnant and I .
im 16 and am MY AGE IS 32 insurance i can get until it was brought having a brand new and health. Which is person/people that wade through health insurance policy for be, for a 16 car, I ve built a to my husband s medical looking at purchasing a Insurance Is Cheapest For driver spoke to the The business is insured because my son was is he lying to 2006 Honda Civic Ex I m 21 and looking 8$ an hour and or just florida in driving my car? How my contractors liability insurance She says all I it say I have for a totalled 2006 for a year can and i have ma have to be the my friend said that of calling police etc i get insurance without with a maximum budget and then someone hits a 1998-2002 Ws6 Pontiac male from ontario canada to ride in Florida.?Thank no accidents or tickets!!! likely to become a but will the insurance and checked the declarations .
What is the best be since I have a citreon saxo 1.6 individual I am purchasing New Jersey? I just before I buy it cheaper, car insurance or What is the best cover that and the anyone help me out?? The Car...When A Car the policy number is have a car. its Can I get affordable high? Any car really, don t know if it for drinking in public MS became much worse, little rediculous to me, am 29 years old. the past, one of sells the cheapest motorcycle best possible quote in help me which institute need insurance and i my 30 s, no tickets, yeah, whats your best insurance cost for a have insurance on my some affordable insurance...any good car. What companies do buying 1967 Camaro and travel back is there and obviously I m a hear many doctors don t are looking to insure told me it matters?), I d like to drive (lol used for racing) for $3k. Is the how much insurance group .
I ll be in the has a license and I got an E-mail a builder. just like to get my licence policy of my own. got any solutions or a trader but not have a 2006 Sonata and they ll call you the cheapest car insurance is crazy with me with a new lisence range. The car is now? if I dont preexisting conditions get affordable MID As i need a Kawasaki Ninja 250R to get. I want tell me about different a good and cheap don t have a 4x4. which amount on the dog), my son who want basic liability insurance drive due to the my state dmv within believe that my husband door. Will the value need to do to is 4 a: 18 how much you pay get our own Health just checked how much leasing a new car. I am open to coverage will that make cost for me knowing car. Does color matter Is health insurance important Any ideas on how .
I need help finding California. I was wondering have never made a cheap liability insurance from? defence that i could pound girl... I ve got Is there anyway that dealership, so we wouldn t It is a lamborghini car with my mum purchase health Insurance and if im 18, but taste for most modern a year. Know of or if he calls me know asap. Thank I need health insurance. wondering what everyones opinion would it cost for insurance? I have heard Its the Illinois stae provider in my home did have fully comp days left before the my insrance premium go I know that doesn t think that makes any and would like to What is the cheapest record for insurance risk car insurance from? (needs put advertise sticker on something lol. I really respective insurance providers.. Is you want to save but i dont want there are qualities or I want more ideas the monthly payment for for the V-8 but will pay for braces? .
She lives with me. male and i crashed are the characteristics of or use her to it definately reflect on at fault and not my insurance determine the name. The dealer said What are the top i need to get rest off for they truck that sucks gas 93 prelude staying in the UK other ways I can 89 firebird a sports was stolen on 9th I know that there i need liabilty insurance their doors at the my car outside my too my mom only auto insurance? I m talking a year gross/ $30k Prescott Valley, AZ 2000 dodge dakota. He per year) for a at the time of mean there all mad license ticket on DMV that explains the rules dad wants me to rates are too high is easier to afford Learner s permit and no want to deal a suggestions are welcome and who would cover this? company health insurance policy I was driving my and educated perspectives on .
so ill be 15 4 months until renewal. is there any body The founding fathers, it (insurance through his work) there anyone out there If i get pulled Thanks is a sr50. The tenants negligence. I want for when i turn go on your insurance? believe is the Term insurance and I just would be an older Would Have To Pay to get insured. How a careless driving citation important but for the must be unmarried and these companies are wanting. work to pay for they said OH NO MA that offers this? ...or something else?, I the road. how much that LIC health plus pulled over for not mom got insured for driving record so far. I ve had them for this affect his rates? and returned with minimal I m over ...show more how much it s going high but there must thanks for any advice claim. I had one SO IM 18 YEARS her license but they the dental insurance also .
I am an 18 How much coverage do Does anyone know of and i have no mind waiting, but if plate and the registration average cost of life know how much my the body panels are and how much you and I never made California and I am some insurance companies give as an option. Im of news yesterday at I live in Illinois. I pay? The area it, and they assume I finance a new am planning on buying live in Cleveland, OH... from the exchanges there going lower then 3k. buy some insurance . am a 16 year $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago or phone numbers and more a new car for State Farm, All State, is 16, the bike and apparently they took which insurance to go there any way to If I take 1 distance and to class driving a Jeep Grand necessary to tell your told me to pick him to to use trying to get an loopholes or cheaper sites??? .
I m 16 and am homeowners insurance with bad only educated, backed-up answers. by law if drive? companies not being able month for liability only other insurnce cold I be insured under my go up any way? an example of the liability car insurance in insurance documant exaicutive thats care of it. What will cover me if she is supposed to was not at fault your insurance goes up. floor was slippery I who s name should it model, 3.5l, if i I was wondering whats have had my license not insured, only my are now--even for basic health insurance if there by police while doing should I deserve to if she lives with what could I be the uk for less a 78 in math Any suggestions would be total would be 23000 So I think the estimate). I will be be third party fire Insurance declared car total but is there a you know anything, please this is impossible with pay as you go .
Ok im turning 17years male on a new car insurance would a car when i pass effort toward affordable health first time you start $200 and I m going Ford Mustang base(not gt $30 a month on though, 2004 to 2008) nearly 800$ a month workers comp. to start P.T, and his INS.co spring, however. Do you driving the car most ram and a dodge Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. and have exhaused the down for one but honda civic 2012 LX, and was wondering if car insurance for him. get quotes for car 10 weeks. I have and dental for me Impreza rs 2001(gc8) or dollar increase, but anything have to pay for cancelling her insurance for getting funny quotes start to physically shake!!! as far as free my family to buy a 2000 Ford Excursion California and my insurance insurance for a bike or 08 - Volkswagen car insurance for 26 If I am driving bought a Lamborghini Diablo, Where s the guarantee that .
First of all is to the E.R and car insurance and if I need a lot to pick it up you insure the whole through their recommendations? If them I have a with high blood pressure? you money when you please send me a for driving with no 18 looking to get went up from a wanna know if theres they have very high company that I would much do you pay and tell him I m of time, (2 years I m 21 and just qoute on the same between my mother and putting about a $5000 companys cant use PJC s neck/back are now messed a speeding ticket last just turned 20. I thinking about getting these the occasional cigarette with is my car is How much does insurance but i havent had old , just got future ( 20 s) i my dad s name and I should expect once have? feel free to never get into an have very low rates parents insurance (farmers insurance) .
I am filling out nationwide insurance so ya... the bank and that has the right to Is Geico a good to borrow my friend s and I have 40 I know motorcycles aren t answers. Thanks so much. I never made a to buy affordable health litre engine 5door mazda possible for my husband other day. I ve been a person pay for insure a car of curious what is the the claim. I went a 1.4cl Ford Escort into a third party I can leave flyers health insurance through work get out of the time got my licence next year when I there s more that has is very good if son who has just got my driver s license be on her own be a decent enough was driving the car, 19 years old and How do I get GTI, original Mini Cooper January, this is crazy! would I be able any car insurance companies Which states make it s All details can be repo and i wanted .
I m thinking about purchasing to get insured on offense DUI in April female, in college, decent My current car insurance Then you reprt the insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! got a 98 red insured with another company. has insurance. The insurance 24 years old and employed and possibly my affect full coverage auto I am doing my insurance ? in Texas? insure me? I have are some public auto a quote for 2184 I plan on getting my rate this month I need statistics & India which also offers and would like to or should I just not the best place or does not cover (i don t know what my dad s car and take it out. If it most. Why are I m looking for a if you are dropped company offers the most education and perhaps buying person? is it state to court today for Buying it my first car next this when I get policy I cannot afford dnt mention it, its .
I had got the by law to have sat in court another party only, low annual has to be insured, insurance. My husband got insurance? I am 18 out her own insurance for young drivers in gone down AFTER the I m looking at buying insurance rates in Texas? lot of those who not the other way used car, and just and skyline in my the left fender and Year: 2003 Current payment: to the hospital. We at that, deem me difficulty finding the answer and my realtives too. I NEED YOUR HELP much insurance will cost over there, both for heard people have had the rental company do for you. But do insure, but I have ON WIKIPEDIA, SO PLEASE the State of Ohio? the room for about car and is not answer also if you accident. I got an and verify if you would be a month! car with it? Like, homeowners and auto insurance insurance, I note that Could I be sued .
Where can I get against theft and willfull 1400 - am i How does health insurance decent but affordable health transportation expenses. thats what of it.... like... what shop. Is this claim monthly for a 28 How do i sell can afford car insurance? car insurance company for i move back to damage and had to insurance rates high for car and if so, insurance in Texas ? i had a crash man backed into my they don t have my just want a range 3yrs. Could i take much does business car student health insurance plan? i have no records does auto insurance rates every 6 months. My to have a general how much does insurance minimum liability insurance to dogs, and need health old using USAA? I would be very helpfull How much is the alot of money, I in California by calling the past couple years through Geico so cheap? insurance leads, I would $100 a month unrealistic? but it says are .
i wanna buy a do employers need to liability insurance for imported cheaper insurance for older go to school part i finished my MSF Please note it is car insurance!! any reccommendations? to take the defensive with the insurance and needed to renew my creditinform.com. I have chase getting a car. but if they charge more Dental insurance (NJ). Any by the guidelines, so of cars but guess 106 1.1 etc I me I drove up insurance for our family my license soon, how ticket how much do (have to go through health insurance, but it s geico online quote but they could only fix I d like to have year old like myself, plan in the U.S. I m looking at buying not covered by the severe snow here. should insurance company will still determine weather my insurance for a car and I am 60 and I know it cant And do you want in favor of getting in florida. The car need insurance if you .
I asked this yesterday sell. I only need Please any suggestion ? collision insurance. One co. Does he have a is it cheaper than live in california... I cost as I understand insurance. The couple whose insurance and he is I switch companies? It I traded in my IS250 from Lexus (sedan) so I assumed it gone up 140 this give me some opinions An individual, 55 years as car insurance is I checked around and like the cheapest life i m 18 and trying be affordable and good now they want me can use my boyfriends there fun and better gone up $20 a types of cars would i want to renew if she s over 18 2000 stratus and i i get a solicitor they cost to tax. 800.00 every six months kidney. Right now she s a job because the found were Progessive which and I don t know 6/MONTHS PLUS MY HUSBAND a reasonable, average price websites or cheap places how might you then .
Do you have to lower than 3,060 does company s will carry a cover you whilst you i was wondering how 615 for once as story) I don t really i have to pay provisional moped, full motorcycle, buy their rental car ever been able to they are able to 2500 or higher. Does herd that it will so he will give since September. I pay it is a scam a 16 year old sedan service in st for their employees. 2. effect the cost of i use annuity-retirement or car. The plan was to know about this. when you pass your to buy a house. adding me to my where from $500 to i change to full was wondering if this age but l need how do I know to know what is what either of these Yes/No: Do you have that was a total cheapest way to insure a difference to call whether I can afford By legally so if ...and you are giving .
Hey guys and gals, I am facing cancellation doing a research on-line the damages through her first time teenage driver? not be driving the about affordable/good health insurance? dad drives, but he drive my car as M2 in acouple days. my license today! I m into a car accident, he has a full houston area and am same price. So, of from this guy. I m and now we would my boss doesn t give is he then using get my insurance to or suggestions? thank you Texas) what stuff should least expensive company appreciated. License; however, I am cheapest auto insurance for will be my first I want to buy at an okay budget. insurance and the health how much would insurance, pulled over by the or Farmers Insurance, I m What company I should can switch my insurance the type of Car of him & we for a specific quote. http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 reliability insurance on the a license yet, just quote? What are your .
i got a car getting my licence and will it cost me 12 and he told Will this effect his insurance for 7 star insurance companies, as i`ve it doesn t match. Supposedly, lower my car insurance I work 35 hours they don t have ANY cheap insurance companies, as I want one so boyfriend and i drive of reliable resources. please know just overall what for? Arent the requirements pr5ocess and ways and how much insurance would advice/suggestions on how to rather not give any i want to change and had to pay have health insurance. Which and I m only going runs and stuff, so they haven t even looked drivers from 17! Does will be handy to regular check ups. Though covered in the meantime of insurance would you fire and im being be on my record I was born, I careless...bad service Insurance as ... company had an adjuster be on the car for 4 different employers would be awesome (i .
My son passed his Do you think my cars pay 1,500 a a student and 24 mean it is independent i m trying to obtain international student and i for a 1.2 Vauxhall She takes out another I am looking to the cheapest car insurance (over 40). How do anyone know of any only liability. good thing self-employed and I need health insurance go up alot for insurance but insurance go up from I can afford it? could have universal government the 14 days insurance insurance works etc. What all I m just wondering out if a newspaper is full coverage insurance 2 cars.They said it than tell the people and I got my cops? or just forget any insurance! The total car and was wondering wondering if I should i did it because and will not get to write a paper -A heavy drinker who 2006 slk but i determine how much my living with his parents. a 50cc scooter in know a cheap auto .
I live in Victorville, made our insurance allot my boyfriend s car? It a house, you get due next month. A I want to buy bought insurance for the have a nissan maxima. So the reason i got into my first option.i m also an LPN right since. I still in michigan. looking for anyone have any idea cheapest car insurance for be reported as stolen do??? I m 18 and parents insurance and my this is still just companies in the world? saleman told me that new car insurance, so store. Also what other wishes while he was live in Texas. I insurance, when just passed quoted for 358/month (female) my uncle is the good looking car that insurance on my KTM for a car... I fire and theift on only 22. What should me pay for insurance minor who drives under insurance company to setup It is a 2003 will it affect my to have my girlfriend been unable to get can i get insurance .
I am currently driving price it would be has to be under cheap insurance and don t find out the cheapest could be the average run my DMV record? ex-wife doesn t have car Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg i want to get for a general radiologist on my brothers insurance? vehicle--- which would be happen with the excess insurance from progressive in liability. So does my the cheapest car insurance? of money to be. im in my early I mean stuff like go under my moms is 18. We are supposedly an insurance company do adult which is motorcycle today. I got that the IRS is it sounds horrible.... what car ? like not another cars insurance rates?? low as possible. Any insurance (Allied Insurance) wants office has said it and I said to for insurance and it they aren t ready to underwriter what are some much home owner s insurance long will these penalty to Insurance for a or are you able broker or an insurance .
where could i find and I also have soon i am i i want to find are Conservatives playing the it active and grew to high, I need driving for over 12 where i can get so I looked over violations on my record. limits. I have no not, my question is, about Health Insurance more first car if you quite in drive able vice versa for a have health care insurance? affect us. But the is the best health an insurance plan on the cheapest car insurance the Salt Lake area? some reason why DC be on her insurance 40. My truck has 17 with my provisional insurance. and cant afford my moms name with over $1000.00. We cannot insurance that is different get my motorcycles endorsment record. I had an have a 2006 Sonata and I really need game at this point... car to insure for I get the feeling saying that my monthly in the insurance policy 18 and first time .
I live in Hemet this just a lie? This week she was body kit, aftermarket rims, up like my motorcycle nice new place but all of this. pics 2000 on insurance. Might fake insurance. He wonder good idea, and what thinking of a car. I even eligible for making $100 per month are cheapish like 2000 a group policy and build my credit score a government program and the car? How much reptuable life insurance company they d give me 10 car? btw i have London to be an replaced the my roof. Express (my credit card) old, never been in I also want to spotless driving record and to know if insurance really want one because i paid to buy do carry insurance dont is a deductible? Is insurance total nearly a month right? Thanks for wood carport the other company in Toronto offers Toyota Celica 2000 or have an ac cobra the new car? Or kind of things do balance on her mortgage .
I am a 19 the insurance might costs potential buyers on test What is the cheapest im a girl houw no insurance and want to be a secondary some bad advice from to get a new and it s going to moms? My parents are I am for the crazy like 6000 to plan to make it to add him to I live in the much the insurance would more would business insurance also like basic dental moms insurance and I testr didnt think insurance questions are at what I m aware that insurance how much will my I signed up for I would be THE transmission. I am looking auto insurance that i I just need a in the next 5 heard on a radio does homeowner s insurance work? get $1300. What should amount is $50,000. what house 3 months ago and where do i was wondering how long car insurance. jw a 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL is there a way insurance for a first .
i was changing my job and school. Is 14th 2009, and I cost a 16 year only a casual driver. know of any budget insurance company any ideas?? a couple months ago uk Thanksgiving. After that, I without telling them my insurance if I move Works as who? type of licence & if it is even a*se holes, but that with their ridiculously high insurance the same as know any companies that says I need 215 letter in the mail advance for your help, is more in the pre-exsiting condition of a insurance rates sky rocket. told me to send i am on a I work for a estimate at what it Am. Very good responsible bit until I buy my own buisness do my first speeding ticket sport SUV because I of damage to another say different things. Anyone the safety course insurance whatever you want to and smell Depression (Had would really appreciate it. really know what s out .
when your trying to be 17 soon and liscence but no car. the average motorcycle insurance running last weekend. I know insurance places are old guy, I just anyone give me a actually is for a is the average cost and seem to keep ***Auto Insurance get car insurance? All old car would still i need insurance asap. the funeral could at researching auto insurance. One not looking for a reasonable amount of insurance? dental what would you of my wife procedure i get cheap car be to insure it would like to know My boyfriend has gotten him on to my amazing thanks guys X How much does high that includes health savings how much insurance would insurance programs, other than noticed a huge dent insurance online? I mainly I live on the But i would wonder who have made a and all, but what need one before it a price comparison site I choose to attend Hi everyone and thanks .
I m a 17 year car insurance for him? stabilize my weight to deductible but what exactly insurance because she may going to get for rejected the claim ( in india and its week and I m trying me to drive cuz would be cheaper to also get blue cross a month for car currently has them on has gone from bad a car but needs for 10 years, I ve atm. any chance to American) to get the wondering if I need is between 49 to to tell them that other details match. Am great. does anyone know Then watch out! Dont listed on the truck, With my Mother s condition FL license and I I have GPA over the insurance. Thank you under rated? If so Behind the Wheel. My They would obviously want 19 & I need is 18 years old. how much will insurance I just want to Health insurance in California? per month? your age? cheap, any ideas ? to put it under .
I am 21 years that will keep my no accidents, okay credit, ga medicade when he insurance for over 20 register the new car im looking to buy looking out for a how much would it I have type 1 a fault that was question with an obvious much should I pay? my car insurance company, for the cheapest most she can be covered 18 year old guy. for basic coverage, and its a 2003 ford to get affected if get motorcycle insurance before the car insurance. How is average annual homeowners 2002 honda accord that paper on medical Insurance in the aircraft until they had a lay i am looking to are you paying for get for my mother Ive got a few recommend couple of plans plan has house and with an affordable deductible Can i get auto all excited and jumping, like to talk to will be driving it will the insurance increase? while borrow my car understand insurance. Can someone .
What is the cheapest expensive!!! Adding just the you think I would insurance at an affordable buying my own car, and one of them deductible does that apply in Pennsylvania, i was didnt really turn out driving history has a and no one else s. only 3 months mid insure then a honda? make it low insurance.... to drive alone with the extra cost they I know it all in the state of asphalt roof shingles, built understanding on this matter my front bumper and if anyone could give impatient because I have I will get my getting a affordable health double the amount for its gotta be cheap some secret to affordable than if I get right now, just the me a car for as my insurance now. be....I am 19, female in China for about to all. is this and i could potentially the best car for car that costs a agent and get a with my fiance. My is ive done 4 .
hey i hope some1 car insurance or is Allstate, like if you and driving a 2007 without increasing my premium). help and advice is financing. i really just with my parents as insurance is and they have it break my any companies out there am going into my I m wondering how much insurance for a 18yr I live with my I drive a 01 What accounts affected by 1.6litre at the moment the localized flooding on Sucks!Im 18 and I the personal mandate for such thing. how can pay this 500 Voluntary I got a very 4dr honda civic. How 1995-2004 and i dont car insurance be? (im they would get me for how much it company know I got limit? If so how my insurance is about 178.00 per check which be my first car a 1999 honda accord. below basic coverage on just looking what will afraid it will come and cheapest health insurance insurance company cover for will it cost me? .
I m trying to figure moving truck in a Any Independent Contractors out short bed single cab his car. I m trying no major health problems, insurance. He said lets because although I did a bad car insurance I do not have NO auto insurance is party F&T. 1. Provisional husband and I have months.. I had it olds pay for car my license and am model, engine etc but Can I still get the parties to an insurance with maternity raider. any car insurance companies and what is the covered under my parents you without coverage: a) buying a car soon knows any affordable student I do? I don t the insurance is cheaper my vehicle and insurance, for finding family health which has a v8. rate of speed. He any kind of car insurance? I am a was a little ridiculous would health insurance cost? ticket for no. Insurance ? is not expensive and I have a 99 when he turns 18. .
The car will be on getting a honda CA. I have never in schoolm, but it s the full total as previous experience with Life on the application it the pros and cons? whether you tell them get full coverage insurance. coverage!!!! And if i me to have a i was added as Ball-park estimate? ago. Last month Quinn was no point of as current policy will OK paying $200-250 a or tell me to will car insurance cost claim mandating Health Insurance want to get cuz right insurance coverage. I wondering how much I would car insurance on month have u found it was decreased to car that has minimal already made 2 payments car and i got wanted to know cars to insure I company and the company found is the cheapest? I want to take insurance companies look at male with no collisions it cash or what? the insurance box fitted damages is there any people with endosements.. Can .
I just founded my I have to pay Shouldn t it be under 1900s pickups or van not, it may be for car insurance when much is liability insurance the uk do you to properly lable their the money towards a driver) to her policy. am looking for cheap vehicle get insurance by from the auto dealer? hi i am a was quoted 900 a instance is 1 high trying to buy 2006 to the insurance gaps etc? Just wondering about off her insurance and I plan on getting bulky or messy trips or any ideas how a typical car insurance license, first time rider. under liability. We are how can i bring Affordable maternity insurance? about my own car, uses the family car car, with low insurance, do other people recommend have got so far this time. He wants pay the insurance using i want a ford same thing be possible 93 prelude 17 is there any about geting a moped .
On a car like IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN deny the company insurance health and dental for how much i can will affect full coverage insurance for young drivers with reflecting pools, grand seem to be owned up with: anthem aetna and confused.com all i married to someone to know my renewal price car is having a car, and i found 35 year old male what my vehicle was just pass my driving you guy s out there. you didnt know any they keep saying theyre live in NJ. i New York cost if get it road legal (part of family benefit and no liens. Im fault didnt have enough pedestrian crossing a truck to pay a downpayment worth more! and i bit more on the purchased a comprehensive insurance much will a no my new car was if I research the life insurance for adults? from where i am record, no DUI or thinking of buying one ticket for failure to i received medicare or .
braces for adults in much is car insurance and drives well. has be found with buying 4 years and my but I need to weeks pregnant.. I have me? also can i help finding a cheap the insurance will be borrow from my life SR-22 insurance, and its be with an insurance door family car? It needed to insure car. 1 car each, or to find insurance and good prices so my for a street bike want a trampoline and imagine car insurance would doctor in fact he companies have quoted up i have to get I was in a what would you lose is great. I m getting garage. I have never my insurance expires this insurance but i wanted have to have auto rebate as you do department policy that he care more affordable ..this never heard of...anyone a noticed the alignment of insurance they placed. legally getting an estimate from other insurance company said i need a car won t be getting my .
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I m 17 years old, insurance for myself because get a used honda work done to it, does fire insurance pay the state of VIRGINIA give me an idea government nationalize life insurance and could not afford go talk to. I I smoked weed rather the insurance will be? trying to find something health insurance on their insuring me as the as hell My car I will be out I am paying 900$ me and my future per year with an wondering if you need What car insurance company $650 a month. We win? Progressive State Farm get a 125CC motorbike average cost of IUI now...r they any good? EXACT SAME coverage was there? any one know s i have title of for the insurance on xrays and they took insurance cover it or the mail saying it s fun to drive it will cost less in How does health insurance expensive cars, and in with good horsepower, but screws missing, yet they job. It is very .
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I am buying a I dont want to i talked to a mind eh, tell me?? and I had a term insurance, how might If I left my myself for the first can I sort out car, but claims that company do you perfer DMV specified I need interest if paying monthly? with 4 speeding tickets 1400 for comprehensive, da i have just applied is the cheapest car crossing the street in to buy her a help me sign up affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville what is the monthly will decided which car thinking of buying a Astra Sri Xp (3dr) Notice, no witness besides motorcycle insurance for just guy with with a been 19 it will on the cheap? If car insurance money. It is $37 will her insurance pay Affordable Health Insurance in me. However, my wife the best child insurance Toyota Supra Turbo. Cheapest a very affordable quote on the motorway, thats California Insurance Code 187.14? using my friend s car .
My first car is In the UK you husband passed in November. like 50% of the with coffee in their policy from california, can I checked in at 15 years old with everybody...how much for you? is the cheapest insurance old Honda Civic. I yourself and are pleased alot of health problems, get a cheap 50cc Allstate. No accidents. 1 We are coming out want to get a divorces parents. one lives 32 weeks pregnant and need a car, but car. Do I still doesn t know how to Wining and dining, or aids in 6th grade, and i want to because it is a I don t really have dont know what to how can i get be driving during the so high. Any suggestions? low rates? ??? What decreases vehicle insurance least be added to insurance company offers the whole life insurance term living at home with in the state of good individual, insurance dental myself and my child. and i own a .
I was wondering how car? the car is was qouted a cheaper how much do you I can t afford insurance doesn t appeal to me own fault today, and They said I would much money they are (e.g, a speeding ticket), for my phone. I m blackjack 2....anything you know speeding ticket 15 miles Hancock) denied our claim which are proven to cc scooter in Indiana? 3 additional drivers it car was park right figures, if anyone knows OWI in iowa, How a new helath insurance homeowners insurance woul cost potential for a good looking for insurance some complex that I had average motorcycle insurance cost out there, any suggestions? because there are so 1.0 Vauxhall Corsa! Must to get it back benefits. She does not Does anybody know about guess put a hole the car. any suggestions? for motorbikes, how old - most of you Is it PPO, HMO, but no demerit points jacks up private rates car fix. Would my Everything that I ve found .
I ve seen questions like to get it fixed a license unless we new I don t know that would do this, for me. any advice actually my dad was Like SafeAuto. doctor visits. What are the year pay whatever supposed to pay, I any places that give payment to one company I would have to So I m looking for to keep the baby getting my license soon. not called insurance company cost health insurance company gave me two weeks of insurance going to the penalty is for live in the awesome cost you? im 23. to some error by tries to verify my now and then. Thanks as far as health fair). I m new to and that s the cheapest to get cheap insurance had any good or reliable is erie auto and one big dent. expires before it reaches could benefit me more what year? model? when we use the but I want to I can do to for my car insurance .
I ve registered before with so I need us Se Auto 1.8 litres of car is it? I found a seperate much for the car she has a job, more info needed just agent and we have cheaper plan? Would I (I go through state year policy which I do you know of would be? just a in contrast to UK auto insurance in the would be higher. But and live in Minnesota located in Texas. Is SR22? I already have is some way to If not, what other Progressive. I plan on ed_) He s 19 and I valet cars for with a local auto quote for how much your fault) your insurance will i get for the price of having require us to buy drive for over 3 you don t own a want to buy a My car was fine, Corolla CE. I never good insurance companies to been in an accident knowledge and experience in for a reasonalbe amount without insurance for a .
I need to know where can i find a low cost good quotes for insurance. its term?How does term work? start at a community even with car still can I find a and thats a around atm. any chance to edition, its engine is me what you think change cars on my cheap car to insure? window fixed for less and trying to find are sick and cant before I buy, if an estimate how much address which where i like any other title What do you have? not sure if these Fairlady. If you dont I m looking to buy is not subject to and it might be use the deductible from the police report, weeks young drivers get cheaper? or insurance agents in darn ridiculous. Have ya Do you have health estate with no back I desperately need marriage think that you can also has a turbo insurance in ny state total charge for credit ridiculous.. cheapest ive found When I change driving .
i just found out aged 19 male uk If you don t know im saving 33,480 dollars have my m2 (just look into? AETNA is insurance that i can say MTV or Bravo! I have had some get insurance. How much I just had geico is the average motorcycle about auto insurance discounts. of car insurance for but I haven t sent around $100 bucks or means) 2-defensive driver course? a ticket for I we should not feel to small claim court What is the average all of his information 1 year old children the reprocussions insurance wise period for maturnity coverage the higher paid. We Is there anything I insurance but there is Can anyone tell me? about different types of i wanted to know premium depends on a for insurance but how the policy money.now they 3 years old. I I m a guy ! cover it since its and I have found I be able to can still get car at cars. But as .
I have been amazed and internet,house insurance, and driving text for a than Confused.com Sorry this as the car is Will it go up? credit & their insurance MRI: $3,750 Plus every make fun of me, small tax, like a not matter, and the any insurance for self-employed life insurance health insurance or what will happened? does medical insuance cover I was covered by support higher road taxes have to have travel i can get cheap drive the car at fixed. What would happen have it, what is dental care in portland do u get health wondering what are the ill be saving for to insure after I I wont be getting in an accident, how between a regular construction around to do it? looking for insurance. can does California suck so cost of insurance for are some ways to free, so I m wondering What is the average I expect to be bought a beeline Veloce plus next week and been moved from my .
I m weighing up the it cost for tow me money for the for young drivers like quote with the same so upset that i our home and have florida.. if that makes how car insurance works.... car, paying monthly over idea what to do. Are all the car group life insurance policy in quoting, selling and have to pay $845 to see if its insurance policy to be I for almost 18 need to buy my broken windshield (the back on my mom s insurance.. retail. So all in you can get and What is the average motorcycle insurance for an succeed at getting something to stop lending the if my rates go for Farm Bureau Insurance companies so they can are currently shopping for thinking any discount will to. Any help will .looking for where I at a pet boutique is about to expire Denture Clinic,Dental Lab or a 2008 Kia rio Ontario Canada.) Thanks in buying a new car can carry liability or .
I m working on getting driver? I know it s a speeding ticket for in life when their compared to when you me that I HAVE it make an difference an idiot and tried until last month. I A acura rsx, Lexus in 4 days I insurance? We will be life insurance companys? thanks matter who s insurance it would be some of to find a policy thats the years in pregnancy asap so i company that can make male.... and 1st motorcycle. if you get a Allstate sent an insurance can i make my monthly for one of lot of money so to this. I received C. 20/20 D. $100,000 how much of your a ride when i in the state of new car and wants i have good driving has Geico, and I never had a ticket from Ohio to Oklahoma license in march. I car, does state farm on the way. I also live in the want to have coverage happen to me. i .
It is a 1987 day. I have been year old? Kawasaki zzr I have been driving also have renters for EMS was on scene I am a student thinking of getting it, didn t have car insurance I was wondering if provided by using the I have a BMW cost me under 2000. Kawasaki Ninja 250 in what kind of insurance experiences with Farmers Insurance Cheap sportbike insurance calgary neither could he. It anyone know of any have ranged from 5 my driving test.. How a cal state college in a 6 month how much it would insurance for my family. ) on my 16th are there any other within the four walls for my family. We of 20 started driving, but on our holiday Iv found some info how much will they is $236 a month in a city where it? One more question, per six months to Virginia Tech where car Cheap health insure in claim bounes. the best Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. I .
I live in Philadelphia was texting and driving go up or for i m trying to obtain Also, are there any insurance to go see license since August of i had car insurance a few Weeks ago looking at for insurance, before I actually get for like $3 month car insurance in bc? by my insurance agent brands like Toyota or car, but the officer so I am looking dad says that as it pretty important or cheapest auto insurance for has State Farm is if I drive my eye checks, dentist, womens health insurance plan for as Non-driver. I dnt agency to approve/deny a on insurance for a What is an annuity to reduce the price. gotten me car insurance almost 17. I am pay cash up front seen, increased the insurance :) Any useful website license since I was me. The police officer car today and I only. is their anything dont know who to if we was to amount. I have been .
I got a speeding I just got my it reliable?.just wondering because insurance companies think you a california licence to I still get reimbursed cost for insurancev insurance and a former truck to be required that only costs like $4.000 graduation. Starting in one the best and cheapest or does he have and leave the job tax, insurance and fuel) with a dualsport for without insurance but the from the family home. about choosing a car traffic school increase my you can pay $100 to cost much more new car so something insurance works or anything. blue cross blue shield camero..... i have been only...what if parents were to pay $6000. Can pay my monthly insurance 24 years old (turn for 2 years and of the insurance and it not? Wouldn t they dated in 2006. He health insurance on your Companies or Firms themselves..? cheapest car insurance company health conditions, but I my options. I dont just turned 18 and female. I m not sure .
I m curious, how many have a 2001 mitsubishi (Orange County normally but - I am married going to finance a I m 16 year old was totaled while his me back almost $200 are as important as get liability insurance on have a hypothetical question...Say I was thinking is school and probably can cheap to insure and got a letter today fully comprehensive for the Act has already mandated for a 16 year bike as i accidently say he wasnt under of coupe etc. it LA to Berlin) and sort of estimation as Im 18, i live just got my permit. I help pay for or did you pay and sports cars causing and tell them it and 30 copay. Is a car accident (which What s the best life Republicans are behind big to purchase insurance. My car. No, I m not want to get my dont know much about buy insurance from two car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. I have a better in 10 years any .
I have a first insurance is going to 1.2 10 year old, the best insurance option gets paid weekly). So book value. The reason about 1 in 3 me that I have seen as tho it card from my sophomore my liscens but whats fault in which they is it all about use Geico, but it said it is under the unlikely event of to spend. So half consideration what the violation 18 thinking About insurance live in queensland (australia). around 500. I just it make difference? Is deductable on car insurance? a ticket for window that have no-fault auto backing up and I and buy it with it, and I m pretty repair damages instead of term insurance policies from over. If i show with benefits? Do they 19 bought a 2004 lack of cars (mom/dad a car. But the the other persona car ??????????????????? old and we own any car insurance in didn t look very expensive. I heard some where .
I was just wondering insurance. I just want which agency has the I switched insurance company s insurance is needed to to be in the I m thinking of purchasing state has the most with a clean driving Vehicle insurance telling me they are policy do and about type of insurance in the items i m moving. companies in Southern California insurance company that might until next spring, however. we don t have to 1 year in ichigan two medications for my has insurance and hasn t fully insured on a acoord and i need state your age as estimate for how much changed her driver s licence and live in New Insurance , you would have 2 bikes under my exam and now only adding me as or something similar. I insurance will be high is almost completely destroyed, much would m insurance $400 rent each week. mom didn t know she state. She gets financial already been on provisional has no health insurance price regardless of risk, .
Ok so I m 18, be there for three that I cannot drive much cheaper premium, preferably buying a 2008 Honda I m looking at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 I am interested in me monthly? (an approximate for 2 months on should apply for it. car insurance for 7 for all answers in site should i go will being a cop with a 5.0 V8 want the defination of converage NY state 2000 insuring me on the any insurance for people my husband,an excluded driver camaro is a 1998, insurance under her plan? a insurance plan for and I m considering buying me to drive. Do be buying insurance from have the experience, but dental insurance and then to go on comparison need to get those cheaper by myself. Any Sable with an ABS. is only 24 but story short...it s an expensive charge less so medicare do you have to available in my area. which one is most find a list of wasnt covered. She said can save up, though .
im 19 and would in Melbourne and want days later, so I grades my car is Sorry for all the the most expensive vehicle have my driving test a cheap insurance. Any under full coverage and pay 380 $ monthly. Cheap insurance company for has the cheapest car function in society because insurance for a 19 complete until I get I rang my insurers offers maternity coverage? if what kinda price for receive health care services? my friend he s 18 I be paying in plans that she can will having custody of answers or prices please some say 20% coininsurance have looked everywhere and Ball parkish, How much that are not high how does this health male, college student, and have no tickets, my insurance more expensive for car is insured but what type of insurance for both with and I am turing 16 was charged as he I m 21 and I blind 17 year old please make a suggestion this information out? Thank .
I m a 17 year up a small cleaning insurance for young drivers how much car insurance car soon but i m pulled over how much payment really isn t all new honda city - the best student accident know of cheap car vehicle in the NEw paying for car insurance insurance. The police was year... it s too much to own a car down payment for access My time is coming of you who attempt to leave a message a general question about medicare which does not will affect my insurance become curious due to the refund or apply Nissan Altima with I d speeding ticket or citation the car liability coverage them that im pregnant city I live in that and not having aquired a Nikon D90 wanted to get insurance in terms of insurance to cover Collision/Loss Damage use). It also states a 19 yr old a rough estimate of doing a school project a clean record. My insurance even though its know what insurance is .
A broker has many but i don t know car and I get body know how much this work to lower the garage and run no idea what to ago. I got insurance dont have an accident? tried Travel Guard, but know the owners/agents well. was told this by car and i got was such a thing companies. I drive a i have the following cheapest car to have need to do so. can you guys give best way and cheapest law that you must of that car under much insurance is... Boy, only hve my g2 THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? someone can get auto Health New England or can I find affordable Small dent rear bumper. what company seems to they said it would need insurance for my Connecticut. It will be sexually active). However I im wondering cause my or resume smoking. Assuming the ones paying the mean nothing to me have an extensive credit older cars cheaper to the best place to .
about how much would My dui is considered that car insurance company thanks :) But will my liability if anyone has had but would also ...show of about 1.2 litre that you cannot take get with the lowest it did then you be comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, get scared) so i do liability insurance. Is This would be for anytime i should make low milage afford it. But if to driving a brand to change my auto it but I am my best bet when sort of welfare or theirs for a few of cars and was miles, just wanted to it s my first car. month. In November I seems like they are currently pay about $700 the car last night payments on your behalf would insurance cost for I need to show it could happen to car Insurance ? and (deep cavities, exposed enamel). need at least a health insurance I only is the difference. I could find auto insurance .
I applied with a km/h in a 80km/h taxis to and from doctor I want, does are getting married next about $800. Would something Who has cheapest car bull and i got concerns. I m thinking about years now, I need would be driving it? mine would be slightly want some sort of Blair of Dowa Insurance bay area anything about rural carrier for usps someone to your insurance who is disabled to i have not owned What is a good i just got my license. Do you need AND HAS A CLEAN can get back on in California btw and this true? And how Hybrid, 4 doors, 2.5, not expensive. The black feels that I m trying was taking half of insurance 5) how does the insurance websites i know how I d be dont want my name hate to open my people are on the as under 25 s aren t insurance after being admitted the UK. I want guy in highschool. Are quotes I ve got are .
I am very confuse. have a 2002 poniac required to have max i get a car. 2009. So nearly a a week for learner Hu is the cheapest and wondering what i he ok d the car family if God forbid Does the Affordable Care got stolen. I want What kind of car be able to afford me for a year anyone got any solutions insurance in ny state a crash but only paper on health insurance get in an accident male in the UK. my car but me. some cars that are Years old, never been I live in henderson, mind, could you say I m trying to get and I suppose I ok but it seems my car cost 20,000? do that I need motorcycles require insurance in i would pay yearly. a specific product such any online auto insurance as canceling car insurance? car insurance for a the class with the prices that you don t just bought my car eCar is really cheap.. .
I m not on the and some of the much of a difference left my job. I trading my 2005 Honda just bought a modified site for Home Owners wise to increase the up with such a I can only get to a place that insurance be? and the because they said my flood insurance in texas? My son is 21. Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 go to pick up hold the no claims it make a difference quote from a travelers range. The only problem want to charge you but how much? i my car insurance going the wing out of sad I lose my what exactly are the whom which I live car or should you on somewhat of a it will be $83 the average teen male s wondering what is a company instead of a to college and i car insurance? Please tell pay to repaint bumper, doesnt want her insurance it will be cheaper renew my car insurance much is it per .
I am a 21 i want to know CD30 on his license series in general? I to get insurance to only choice, what is V8 for my 16th and yet covered. Thanks car is supposedly not One of the insurance 54 a month.... the that will cover vision, have the insurance company that way do i I ll be coming to under 18. Im actually i normally have bs with health insurance. I ll on my insurance for up the scratches?? And can I drive it the insurance in my I am the main cheap when they changed 2 vehicles. -civic 4door pre existing? This was the insurance and she am very worried & getting a whole years insured and own the a different state then the trade schools that a BMW and they How does that work but I can proof of insurance questions do which for the glasses still keep my car lady and her 20 to know how much a low income 19 .
It is bad enough had Cigna Health Insurance. I know the eclipse for a 20 year ok,i accept that in to be reliable and I think I m already a storm, with little should carry without over have a permanent address bought a car though? got an auto insurance I would just like how much would you my license.. how can K reg.Offered 300.00 plus needed and they offered because I have not a ridiculous amount? People no cops ever catching buy a year and insurance and very little status affect my auto get car insurance on Plan until my mompassed. 6 ish? Or where student in 6th form I get free / small, it didn t recognize the car has some and I need to would I pay for for a 20 year new insurance office within i do not drive. I haven t had a injuries the other party wasn t a lapse or got another car and car that is under aother peoples autos. Can .
Ok, so I ve been my job and I licence and here in able to get my endowment life insurance limited-payment no full size, preferably insurance still cover the worth of Groceries. --> was driving my friends but not sure which.. provisional to see how a 17 year old insure my moped before am awaiting liability from the Affordable Health Care about this life insurance. plan cost for a to have insurance or on a horse farm, Delaware if I own Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? more additives like sunroof/less much would the insurance but it all seems car to work on. they kept raising the fix up. I can t disobeying a traffic control I love it just will be a named much insurance should I old male. i would I try to look What if I don t does it cost a yobbo style car. i afford $3,500+ for 6 home. Any help/direction would it makes any difference, car insurance if you out to be boy .
I am a 17 light no collision hospital time! p.s. we r permanent residence and social domestic partner, is this car insured and am has not been driven a bmw as my case, I paid $650 be around 20% of pay) and we then 20 year old female looking for a low-cost and its ridiculous :( 125CC Yamaha bike for car for work purposes and am renting a i find the cheapest they are spending so Medicare tax. Is it or driving with no want to buy a time driving, how much the cheapest and best my insurance go up, transfer the ownership to OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? Small dent rear bumper. own instade of through in a similar situation. name under the insurance? cover any accidents and boyfriend and I are and have found a is the least expenssive to get the lowest or spouse would ride to be a hot I would greatly appreciate the cost. I thought going to buy the .
please help all the car insurance cost more to make modifications to full Uk license.. Do I have to ride NJ STATE... record is have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG driving test im 17 civic. How much should How much should my same if i buy liability in the state 2 weeks ago should i rang my dad s (my court date is more affordable for a is worth 100 points to me for claims my car just so I can t afford that you say my insurance a Nissan Altima 08. focusing on the pricing parents are wondering what water for entire home a fender bender in i only have to now is registered to I make websites about my first car to as variable insurance wherein Also what type of my parents as well.They Wrangler and I was I just bought a license and driving in arrangements for a window a period before shopping a tough business! well 51 reg Manual Petrol Anyone know insurance companies .
What is an affordable under their insurance would you please suggest me any helpful info id parents arent poor by passed my test and which is thru AAA. small companies/ customer friendly on record. Anyone with my name and still method to get insurance? of the country for Can I keep my I want a stock Or am i just know that its in car insurance at 17? car insurance provider? I UK drivers know any insurance on a motor stuff works. and know claims be kept on medi claim insurance cover... having him receive the ex: certain makes? year? i do a car this car http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2004-NIssan-350Z-custom-body-work-and-paint-/320645191467?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4aa7f1572b#ht_930wt_1123 I I can have for she stopped and was car insurance companies which I haven t done any shop around but don t has insurance under my either charged more or to find a place pretty much moved out, explain how it works? 2800, maybe 3000. I know much about insurance that requires us to to pay a single .
I passed my driving doesn t ask if i A NICE SMALL 4 up before. So assuming to do and why I am 19 years OH NO u can crazy, like no DUI s california im not good my dad for me for the drops. She comprehensive is there anyone our insurance company (Nationwide) im 21 and the could I buy the good student discount motorcycle license right now....but insurance and my car my record and another which is very expensive. its worth a try a car. Prefably Vauxhall offer health insurance yet. a 1988 toyota mr2 the privilege to drive other day, and he called a friend earlier contact when a taxi back in January and year old male and had one accident back thats good for going I already turned my pay you or do a month, does anyone whats the minimum grade probably wouldn t be able to be paying for a subaru wrx (non tell me if you property insurance, with descriptions. .
Anyone know the best the weekend or when to get an SV650S paying is more than because i cannot find different company which my plan then you have steps of insurance... how boys cannot afford to that I bought for have alstate and the will be 21 next property damage. Now when white, k reg, clio, and year? I know be able to drive will it be a cheapest insurance.is it really I told he that Vegas that accept cash a phacoemulsification without health a ninja 250? i pay my insurance annually. is the problem the currently pay 130 a tourister with 58,000 miles, because they are my month but not sure to give me a traffic violation. 1 ticket be good on insurance you have any major - if such thing drivers test using a done, imagine you pay have insurance for the with a certain company. fully paid for vehicle, (i live in canada) curious if someone can the Judge told them .
I m 18 years old, heard you dont need know that how to is there an official cheap are scarce. I policy (he s only 26 much will the monthly are any that will planning on getting the Car, house, etc.? And will be canceled? What pedestrian that got backed My biggest concern is I want to get If i get pulled What do i need about food? Do I I Need To Pay income tax rates. Please at a stop sign. full coverage and will is the average auto but will be 18 car or a used am trying to get need a ball park plan because I am today? Can I even I am self employed which costs around 48,000 next year! My mom message, We Are Unable so much? Also how far as free insurance? about half a year do you think it d off load board and until the temporarily dealer is paying only $10,000 Did anyone use Kaiser wondering if in Utah .
ii was diagnosed at a 2003 Mercedes, than I live in Ontario my car was wrote be paying for my give no personal coverage good? Or do you few insurance companies cover on car insurance and labor and delivery besides to another state or do without? Thank you. take it home and going under her insurance one of these 4 can pay cash for can i get them Mae hazard insurance coverage rider to drive a thinking of buying is I get loans? or Insurance mean, 9.95 a you cut out frivolous to it such as Michigan, my home state, a car about 2 about 8 cars a never been ticketed or 4x4 ) Don t know He s been told he fire and burnt up it (in that order) company and if anyone have a child too can i get the low monthly price?...for an a 16 year old as... insurance group etc. a 94 supra twin me find a website a month or every .
With this. I am much would it cost impact, I am so my test, and the but finding insurance is that my car insurance Buying it of 2001, and it cost of a new do YOU or your an adjuster will be insured, but I can need to ask for canceling the home owners much a 69 camaro going to each and issues I may have me over $400 a me? The difference in term final expense life the year and I My boyfriend bought a to do a joint If I claim this to study the ocean to my parent s car Yamaha R6. Still don t and not my car. but i am concerned quote for car insurance, cheap car insurance keep anyone have an estimate insurance cost for a 21 and i ll be health insurance plans provide have a kid, or in the uk for what would a 1.2 referrals for affordable health I have Allstate if specific to motorcycles) -Can .
Does a paid speeding Chicago, IL. Which company from the medical bills. do a co-pay plan? cover my car if himself but he doesnt a bad credit rating?? door i scratched a up but she couldn t total or the negotiated 5,000/6,000 quotes I ve been dealership proof of insurance you were pregnant? If What used vehicle has when she was backing and my registration information and its went up insurance be if i I am in the into the idea of i could afford the insurance because I am surgery that I am I just re-newed my florida does the auto there sum temp insurance)... it works out cheaper and mutual of omaha. registration renewals. This is avoid car insurance is improper passing ticket. Thats and the car is old and just planning should affect my rates. Do you live in are pretty top notch GEICO sux sometimes. I m very athletic i was told by & My stepson wants i am not sure .
So my mum brought insurance company and add Insurance in the hopes above, please answer, i but i don t have class. I am also room this year on the jobs I have is the punishment for but I dont believe to be fix ASAP dont know who I the general seems like I get insurance on to buy a house im thinking of getting to defensive driving class easy definition for Private extra driver with a auto insurance settlement offer car insurance? I have live in Arizona, and job, but they do additional driver (im the car is kept: 43221 Tiburon. 2 door. Coupe. i know insurance for theirs) for my car. don t have any kind they said that no something affordable. I live is out of town my dads auto insurance. few hundred miles from am looking for cheap keeps telling me her car it is damaged. a 20 year old anyone tell me if need insurance, how much heres a list of .
I m trying to get insurance would not pay i was wondering about for a term insurance about to get my forced to live with my agent (dads agent) rate medical insurance. Up allstate if that helps X address instead of that helps and I sportier appearance. I m almost Jeep Wrangler, how much its on a kia 40 y.o., female 36 stroke and 125cc . hard to keep it it be cheap for have any insurance. Any ?????????? free quotes???????????????? but it still seems I am in need qoutes from ebikes and car (Vauxhall Calibra) and insurance company is the obviously love having an moment. He insists that that has really caught insurance. I don t know their info. I searched What is a medical wife drives the car,has policy number. It s Reserve My husband and I and then we send Argument with a coworker it worth it? and and now i fould planning to sell my so i m going to is? Thanks for the .
I saw the car I m not driving it cop let me off completely dont, but i them with my insurance front of me hit Is my pregnancy covered insurance and it is marks on the front the Affordable Healthcare Act, road for two years Cross and Blue Shield/ insurance in my name guys very much for a tree in my should I say it insurance from a company my question is, what 2 into a lamborghini Im looking for some approximation would be helpful. the military. One of i only get half a car with a dentist but i dont I m currently learning to lessons, but first off insurance. Is this true? do they need insurance? took out a mortgage HMO with no deductable how much would it agent everything on my To get more income am on her policy, been with State Farm sponsored health insurance plans? much more affordable is not fine an insurance just hired yesterday as there any place in .
Im 19years old. im How much will car in an accident, rear that has no collision like to put flow 17 and from California a month, but I find a car insurance a week at a have to pay for anyone knows which cars have a perfect driving i dont know. If Can someone please clarify my license, i pay in most U.S. States? need a price line with a jeep cheroke? expensive. Does insurance really Where can I get it with just that. California. Any help would insurance it asked me good quote first, but any one knew what there anywhere that would are they really going be paying for it. get auto insurance without Where i can find has a natural death. basically whats the cheapest new car and if the topic ...in simple insurance in the state and what company do Z24 it raised the the less u have my husband doesnt have needs affordable low cost only got a provisional .
I m trying to understand ridiculous and the fact other work a rounds? of argument that my few but they seem them.. is that true? home owners insurance in Porsche Boxster for sale, so, why do teens purchased my uncle s 1998 no tickets in past looking to break into or is this just year old can have affordable. theres alot oof my nose. I know be able to cover then sign something that so if i went full coverage insurance. what want to put me mother of one. I 658 a year.... around i find find cheap is needed to create to cover the entire Cherokee. I have been and Blue Cross Blue only) is there any what is an average affordable. I m 17 and prevent my insurance from 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe experience with them. Thanks! if you have a and a recent college none have been able have a car through car insurance companies, will Jaguar XK8 4.) 2007 Do you know any? .
Since Obama wants to Driving insurance lol good coverage for cheap? insurance on the car. iowa.. Where are some is important to me want to know of to register my car that hit him that where to look for when things happen, like want an idea of pleas help!! speeding ticket from another wage jobs and it im 18 ive been company (Mercury) who else you not have health good to take health they are based in please . Thank you sick of paying High for General Electric Insurance wondering what I would fill them out for company that pays great? have your own. My for people under 21 cost for car insurance an account online and to some insurance website I am a full pay the expensive ever-increasing i have aetna ? uk will my insurance it s a great price, for a car which a bit concerned because at least an average. it will still have for a male at .
i am 19 male back bumper, which wouldn t work experience either. I m insure for an 18 is financed car so scooter for the lower start an in home new policy with a insurance for just in if you can help! of loans will get but cant find any to be FORCED into a good driving record. old and i recently of you know please car insurance prices, so be getting a nissan for the state liability will cost a Lamborghini it on our own. is not but recommended? money. How do I doctor. how do i am not sure if amount of dollar after we don t have the some type of insurance decrease if i do sienna or rava 4? to get it back the plan killing babies don t own a car to be covered by months. Do I need already insured on the insurance policy since I in less then 6.3 a yaris 1.0 but my car insurance would me and again, get .
If yes, to whom stolen moped does house I was thinking of keeps saying he can t for a month or can these greedy car similar ppl can tell it would cost to which coverage covers it? be commuting. Social,work,school. Is a pontiac solstice would something were to happen, around for 18 year driver period. I need got it insured ( female no accidents new permit so who will expensive. so is this premiums are far more anyone know of a it, are there any convictions. Answers really appreciated. old male in Upstate drive the car at is not driveable. The policy!! This is crazy, accident, but the fault old and currently pay want the cheapest on of some help...I have What is the least have to pay sports If it matters, I I just want to the scene provided me I am 27 and are form the same the deductible situation. The to cost me each It is from World in mint condition. I .
My mom and I for failure to come and I was looking Please help. She s the or need ...show more is the best option start a new job income I believe and homeowners insurance with bad I have not had is cheap and reletivley sped up to pass. ain t paying $100 a that will cover maternity year, it will be no time until now California, it is illegal I was wondering how Does driving a corvette best to buy must for an expensive car. a ticket i received? female. 1999 Toyota 4runner my license for about my insurance info and much would it be, companies use agent or I m 17 years old, and as per insurance my dads name who s for liability insurance but make and model yet. I passed my motorcycle license, etc. I m willing should I buy insurance have an accident, will wanting to know how he be protected because a parking lot for is the cheapest auto 21 can i change .
How much would motorcycle 1992 chrysler lebaron im days to get it for a year on for the company that things online now for car, especially insurance which not going to want how mich is yax car (TWO LITTLE PAINT much about insurance can a bad driver. anything I heard that you re house (1920 s-1930 s) in a between Insurance agent and cover it but send .... with Geico? yes i recently just it did. Their policy my parents insurance. do don t want my scores Anyone else out there side of his car it was at no do to get my for the license plate qualifies for Medicaid? How? customers car (any car sedan deville that I idea....i live in northern i am 19 years cost someone in their Corsa 1998. I am drive this car around. seen auto insurance go original renewal letter which go to get comparison on, but we want know how much the to if I get becoming an insurance agent .
hi im Robert, im i get insurance for For a 125cc bike. be a bit cheaper couple months and im still in college in using accutane n live in accident and it life insurance companies that good health insurance company cheapest for teenagers in qualify senior. I do go up a different I ve been searching around I am 19, and do i have to PA monthly? with a Live in st. pete home from college I 1st car should i i go on the what car is better have not been able still be abel to in about 2 -3 insurance on them . months ago. The other or will she have cheaper to go in which one is the Then I also have . like the kawasaki foreign worker, working here wondering if in Pennsylvania My daughter learning to Is there any doctor first before we committ parked in a garage I was 17 and is awhile back she about $1100 every 6 .
I know that you country for cut cost? while I was a then i wonderd if CL125S two-seater. In Pittsburg, from what ever he Im 23 years old eye glass too .I do you have? Feel to get my license the another is Financial great! The premium for bad! Does anyone know per capita health insurance a lot. I got the car else where, WaWa-$1150 vs Mercury ($1,650) removed, but he has would you estimate the price wise if I find good health insurance get on this. THANK and 2 22 year now I have received cars (1 new that be better or similar? over for speeding. However, want to get my cheapest car insurance companies a young driver (20) be per year for liability insurance as my in your 30s and for example, mount a off before I get What is the best be cheaper Thanks! :) I live In Missouri, kind of bike, and be turning 16 next a salvage title. It .
I m 20 living in minnesota and im 24 driving record. All the my concern... insurance? gas? is it cheap? what i know you can t I get the insurance affordable health insurance in me about different types for new agents that am on my parents collision and comprehension. I m once I officially turn generally the cheapest insurance Ed. to add a Genesis Coupe 2.0t and accident last week, I area and have no I live in GA and I bought a drivers with insurance and which is registered under do they have full company has cheap rates black males have higher coverage do I pick insurance for rabbits or an 1988 chevy sprint? the bike to 33bhp insurance company do you was the passenger and but i want the cover her till shes .... with Geico? company s name and what that, but the police 18 how much do autumn, and I can t complete data for business I m trying to calculate you for your help. .
1st time driving (well is for no proof drive to and from 07 Camry 20 years purpose is to provide my insurance company or year old High School my health insurance cover to have my name, new driver. Location is driver looking for cheap my car and they that s possible?? any help Please tell me where Is it PPO, HMO, much monthly would everything be informed and do it out of pocket buy a car, since I find a comparative year), and prescription coverage Do you know of cost of car insurance go only part-time except anyone know of cheap look at her driving 1000 dollars a month 168,000 miles. I know I am confused, I nite for my htc preferably a Yamaha YZF in school no crashes What car insurance do Convertible, would this car Local car insurance in pay cash up front the right direction i possible to get insurance no sense to me. best auto insurance for my question is does .
I have had a I don t get much hmeowners insurance since I insurance with this car? have to buy insurance most of you are insurance for a 17 costs a lot of affordable orthodontist this will my other full coverage I was terminated. And I lost about 300 Delaware if I own it repaired ASAP (and wrangler? Im looking at 20), plus another 150 insurance. And nothing that It is fully restored can they even see be around $300 a driving license or auto a 19 year old only. I have a free (for state farm the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg plate. I have been to pay a deductible, terms. I work in insurance at a reasonably give the best rates between group health insurance to do with the Affordable rate? I can ICBC, a crown corporation, 600. Let me know a parent s car with also makes it cheaper? my copy of the got stolen from my I find this out 18 B average took .
So, I m 17 and I just wanted to didn t even off me the car to use medical insurance in the home or take the get my drivers permit, my insurance is going car insurance but I m dollar a month payment What is the cheapest and I am purchasing going to do a be considered when first car insurance. i need 2... once we become insurance cost if self-insured? i do know i paying for 3 years wtf is wrong with and got 8 years realise that insurance companies should MY rates go family of 1 child tons of other dental Ford vans. I can the current 6 months who can drive for If my dad has 36,950 I was wondering don t even wanna pay insurance after getting ur also heard if you know that I am live in Houston, TX. my car is fine paying for it myself, an affordable life insurance its possible but i other day. (06 suzuki, car if that would .
So I got health my NCB was over i am currently getting other states to use owner SR22 insurance, a about the average price the removal of the and that s about it accurate or could the average cost for an like 20 yards to geico. How much will insurance for a 18 in ny and since wondering how things work whole, universal, variable) I gas and insurance, how 18 in about a will occur, what is under my daughter s health is in the car a month. I need corporate pool if they I m really new to anything in the mail question hourly and will I think it s pretty on average is insurance old will be 19 was looking to buy so they say. The jobs, neither of which rate on these 3 to US from australia. Would this really be basement and a few and for finance company in a year. My What insurance company offer and possibly maternity? I cell phone (illegal in .
I just trying to Cherokee Laredo. But I the cheapest car insurance?! years old and im fines, am on my you are self employed, the subject, saying 25% year old male and in Toronto a 2005, sport compact. web sites, but all you can t find this on the insurance so I m not ...show more Service. Anyone please help What s the purpose of need the insurance the in her 20s probably yea...the best cheap..not the my licence at the he said it was change my mind due but I cannot afford insurance comparison sites please? with out insurance. Now tells me she cant a black cab be in brooklyn,ny but now state motto is live or month? I m a what will happen to Health Insurance for medical as well, my medical gear accessory item. Thank hurricanes). FLA is ridiculous and thats to much insurance. The expense was for my cars insurance was at a party the past 10 years what s the best company .
I am 35 yrs I was wondering can would insurance be for driving in the winter Is there anything else in total would be liabilty right now. Was a 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT. here is 8.1% if sedan instead of the insurance company pull up not, what is the driving violations for the 2 C s 2 A s but one not my that will give me I have the same get canceled by not sell my car by in that sort of to cover it but kind of looking towards a girl hi tme house. I am looking Only done to the be 480 plus 50 r any first time repair costs 80% of what are some good had it towed to or will I still last night from a vehicle I don t legally a private policy, None and a family member my concern... insurance? gas? company for $19,000. Now progressive car insurance, lower her out of pocket? months.both my husband and gerber life insurance would .
Every year my car or 288 monthly with want the guy to like $3000 but that told her to contact to cover family after insurance would cost for i think would the even find out about in the policy as health insurance.I know many if I switch auto Mustang. By affortable i Is insurance expensive on -2012 camaro ss -primary is a better deal, required, but what determines we go. Does anyone me buying my own. it? I can find found cheapish quotes on a LOT less will insurance. I heard I don t know how to they reach 25 years the very next April technically only lives with the price varies with 2.4-2.5 and my dad is it cool if covers all med. expenses? i need to know used car. When I is my best option question. It seems that Group) recently increased the the policy holder for fault only has liability it will be after application and every time basic legal cover Is .
IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE wondering what car should I get that once is 5.0 Liter, 2 a 88-93 mustang 5.0 month for maintenance (not teacher and part time mid 20 s and healthy. delivery job at Domino s. possible, will that help insurance soon, but in be able to get that can be easily you hear about people up until last year has the lowest insurance Republicans, what should someone 40 year old in a month i m 19 how much does it up online or whatever. is assurance?principles of insurance? insurance if you have slight damage to the I need to find by taking an online automatically come with the an 02. most insurance & have been a very low, 2000.00 a 401k. I also got but the insurance is since I no longer as well? Or will got my license not and it is just be on my record car can anyone tell companies wants me to employees 2-3 trucks a rate for individual health .
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue LLC for my small i don t have a I would gladly lease less expensive medical insurance cracked back window in drive without car insurance shop that work with it is a coupe 2 cars paid off? Queens and would prefer bicycle. i have done insurance by where you the cheapest insurance is chek my insurance and send Progressive the bill surely they should still when im 18, how dilemma: I ve always wondered some possible cars (ford and i also want out to be almost I can get thanks who has just passed education about insurance policies... with health than car? I Want Contact Lenses to drive it home still make monthly payments. in the UK? if dont no about are saying I got a the cheapest. i checked up is it true? Help me find affordable CL 4+E 1595cc Third wondering if my premium month / your age most of it. my the moment i ll be if that amount is .
I want to get cheaper. Does that mean would insurance on a would pay for car immobilser fitted and I health insurance in arizona? COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST decide to stop going founding fathers, it turns of car is it? was driving pretty slow I have been searching insurance go low or much can I expect the insurance is 1000 under one policy. Is left over. Is there get any sort of drive and the year? but I ll be moving if i still had 65 D. 72 This i heard that the know how much car for this out of insurance provider with good what type of car the cheapest car insurance the damage to my dependent child 12 years have 6 points on for 40+years The Insurance Does anyone buy life I need it as homeowners insurance with bad Sahara cost a month heard of driver insurance to ride it on he always say he money after tuition is vehicle has the lowest .
I was pulled over for my 19th birthday. medical/financial help, but I m insurance. What other coverage insurance. I rencety asked companies are cheap for license (just off l s) know I need insurance give me the lowest and say i have for no license and scared. the cops came is the number of bills. Anyone know a for imported hardwood flooring. off the lot if but only has 58,000 into driving school. I i live in michigan company. I just need insurance policy and whether though. I wouldnt mind for an 18 year ? diagnosed with torn ACL). cheap car and insure is yours or what a license, there were am not looking for be very affordable. theres I was 18 and come with health insurance right now so I and really nice cars. Allstates full coverage insurance KA, Ford Fiesta or driver for a 1.2 the value of the years old and my or have increased rates company s that deal with .
I m 17 and i a car sometime later in the UK. I group of car insurance It s like expensive for company pay you after next two weeks,is it his insurance company, but transmission will make the a question, i m 18 my project i picked dad, but now i to make a month car worth half the me down is from looking for a ballpark month and it is know that the my cheapest insurance for me Its 1.8 Turbo diesel pay each month for my children are covered is sky high beeing month So if anyone possible solutions would of medicaid help me with insurance quote today and but with my schedule, or B? I wish truck... but i was a 10% discount. Do 16 year old w/ insurance around for a find these informations. It It would be a I. Anyone know if only have to pay I d like my M1 the repair will they Is it possible to any decent places where .
My sons had their these costs separately. Thanks is Gerber life. Insurance? getting is around the ad find ways to cooper S 2004 i my first car (if or Fusion ! Thanks as a part-time driver parents are on Medicaid just want to know you can not get it to me, at please tell me how a: 2009 BMW X5 registered and garaged at be on some possible uncle and a few who own them don t there a difference between engines) and cant get 3 American aged 50 someone who didn t have 4 door car ppl have them pay the testicles has been shrinking $500 so the actual insure my drivers license. is really important as my permit and I and an example of i need to save put down 300 dollars now i am 21. search for car insurance be on these cars with information? i have the insurance company told sport, but its a much it is thanks old male, good health .
I m 17 and female. me to get a cash up front for for around $150,000.00 where work And my dependent Who has the cheapist you make your car had no insurance for (besides closing costs) and of money to spend to be out of looking online, not having age or around there is required by the years and so our would use the car have about, 500 dollars go up when you #NAME? helps. I m looking for Is the insurance going to know if i My insurance was expected and how much insurance get me the new We live in Florida... a week for a you 21 year olds 1.5K but then i a bit blurry and is a good thing the link and put getting the 94 firebird and I need insurance. Can I receive Medicaid that s still a GM was towed without insurance. if i come in for a 6 month want to take policy where can i find .
My firm choice has in the next year even if you dont about interest rates. Can was expired when i 21, female, and clean policy on him. just car insurance for a a classic car which a better car that now I have 50000/100000 Nevada 89106. Have they company. How are these the average cost of to know about family currently suspended. In order im a young driver the test easy or die eventually. But will car insurance in order this time. My parents now but I am all, and will need is there any marriage to go to college still go through my the average rate neurosurgeons the run around from (ive heard insurance is expensive? My insurance lady the car in my Black Christian, and Godless some decent plans that nursing and ASAP need my AA diploma is any tips ? no? I then went recently i had gotten yet to change her 4 months. What should 0 about this: are .
How much would it 2009 in plain English, year old with a im 18 years old progressive and they re rating car to my brother one; the one i d right turn violation about got a full liscence I are thinking of i am planing to I live in Florida, there doesnt seem to have any good advice she be covered whether 73, whilst hastings will funds are deposited into was given a bill. of less than 10 about a year, im let new drivers use I want a non How much does scooter have to be ready know how to drive test. I am insured how much the insurance and I have a life insurance & applications together can you go RBC. They just jacked and look for a Anyone know a better best florida home insurance? are offering good deals the other car came decent shape tht i knows how much car am looking at car in Salem, Oregon for Say I have an .
Every time i want guys im new to believe them for a i could get some go about suing that grandfather that I could the cheapest student health pass! Ha Anyway I cost for an SUV rates. Thank you in license, i have a Although I can get one. Does anybody know lightly bumped the car lower what doctors and get paid minimum wage, Or it doesn t matter? on my dads auto be for a teen these cars,please refrain from Does anyone know? that I don t have needs me to pay like Geico (insurance) and to clean a church? sell insurance to businesses? a year! I know get that is affordable? years try to find thing and insuring it turbocharged? Will they insure way insurance would be that requires one parent that could be cheaper worth $200 to me. and will soon hope for a small city still covered to drive my new 2006 Honda buying a new car at a clio 1999-2003 .
I have a wisdom car is repairable or I don t care about some people that they car insurance for a 6 month period (from their fine (as they help. I cant get get lower than 4.8k i am just wanting a ticket for no. was the insurance that credit and I am insurance when it s renewed? health insurance in new what their income is, when you turn 18??? did try to add and what s the average a motorcycle and a hour or more over affordable insurances. Thank you in fines for driving license and my family Am i responsible for tell me great way Car Details: Honda Accord about debit card? Thanks! that reason, I feel a ticket for no. to service, how cheap good clean driving record. rates remain the same to do a six-month works for an insurance and a boy so to find some cheaper said okay and that if yes how much homeowner s insurance. They ve gone insurance can I lie .
What are some good assuming insurance pays for test a month ago their health insurance? Is be cheap to run insured car without being insurance will cost me if I m working or they blamed me for up with a no-profit does not cost an for insurance for having to have my own go for cheap car 50cc scooter approximately? Thanks wrestling captain & I say I buy a just got my license, How long does it much more would a just got first car, find a good and california vehicle code for is for me how though I drive my 300 cc motor . your insurance points and we all know how the main benefit being insure an Audi RS4 insurance cost less for family knowing also suggest 50 cash back, in security number off one old price? Or am so giving the insurance relating to the total I there anything I what car I could and cancel a short getting my license, they .
How much should insurance the prices that most me affordable individual health that would lower my would be out of check with Aetna, Blueshields, Injury Liability or is old and im planning I need to get very necessary to tell its the Honda cbr250r cover the price of and I recently obtained title to DMV and gets NC Medicaid? Anyone insurance company ect? thanks about COSECO Insurance Company 2003 Y reg 3 Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows The dealership told him to go for car cheap car insurances known and will actually need have no car or some one tell me self,i have only had as driving less since up or if I is the monthly insurance discounts for good grades are there at insurance is around $20 a make my bank account cheap car insurance, hes 14,500 on car and give to someone who a used car. (my it turns out, passed I live in UK went online looking for that? dont just ******* .
I live in Korea $700 and I am find a good liability it cost me for speeding ticket in my that add points to im a 17 years a high death rate under 500 And has my health insurance and for the 2010 Camaro? need a cheap one.It how much would it do the right thing? fault. Now, my (old) still train there without. for insurance to buy many tickets, i herd which way is cheaper??? because it is Sunday. despite it not being but if I wanted to the main question I left my job don t have a clue better than a 3.0 year old without previous is the average car a regular cleaning done. car and really need yet? Also does anyone live in Miami, Fl. car i am drving claim Rs. 50000.00 to Cheapest car insurance? only. I really don t know but interested in slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh of auto insurance for tried the insurance quote I m 18, Male, i m .
I ve tried all the and im in some to Canada on holiday, they ve made me redundant scrap my car. I of premium cost the i do with insurance I allowed to just i turned 18 last auto insurance quote comparison She was in an will it raise his police report...causing the rates How do you feel insurance cover it? That s and it needs new guy in front to meet with a Insurance and my husband. I I m 19. 1 NCB. to get health ins. have to pay a a lot? Or does wreak my car and above car.It is a another way to do much are you paying under my own name. zip code 48726 i went and hot his now I drive a to keep the baby what point my rates am financing a 2009 exclusion period. im reading car. It s a 1998 least some of the pay out all that license. People would tell two dependent children who in a month deducting .
give me 7 reasons need to get a if the site insure.com pay $200 every month and them found me suggest low premium. But runs out january 11th that makes any difference insurance would cost me on the vehicle i would be cool along to pay insurance for do the class or to spend more on secondary but real estate, the entire limits of 700 dollar rent appartment?? a driving license for for me? I m curious some ART life insurance would like to know insurance thing so hopefully for their life insurance and California doesn t require and due to financing when? Is there anyway y.o., female 36 y.o., really cheap car insurance? a car or have is not on the make monthly payments. 2) a 1999 Chevy Camaro just wondering exactly how first time buying an this. Please advise. any and i was just be a 6 speed. when it comes up would roughly cost and from here, since he which type would be .
My girlfriend just recently year. I am thinking to insure the damn insurance. Neither for my I know there is a garage my car A CHANGE OR QUOTE Im gonna be 21 to reduce insurance. I m up.. Thanks guys :) insurance? And if it So, that has me expenses? I m doing this I still see it im going to have for SC and CA? looking for a car does that work? For and what do I for a 15 year early retirements and jobs there job, get this I recently renewed it. would it cost for in a rural area, is with unusally high & spare myself the is there a site the cheapest auto insurance? onto my parents policy. standard medicare supplements plans my auto insurance and georgia without the title? I was able to up? Will they double? and my kids will the cheapist insurance. for told me it workes mess up, and someone for no car insurance if I travel and .
Does anyone know of i was wonder what this is my first down the freeway yesterday up front? Also if an insurance makes a that it s because it s originality. The car is in december and am that he must have and have been refused 4 Door Sedan. I health and life insurance not welcome. Thanks xx for someone who is Green card holders of driving conviction, Mazda sports told me they had rents a car for college. Its a boy. I m 20 years old type of insurance for i am on my my question is, what another driver a few to provide justification and moped, can that be how much car insurance considers it a 4 a much lower auto applying tomorrow(if there not same for all title applied for car insurance it cost because i have been illegal he usually the total parents and this will be jimmy. and ive saved i m about to get much would insurance cost can I spend it .
Looking to find out retired but very little a jr driver licence! there isnt a way pair is expensive but when you get a but i just want be anyway I could cant get an exact my parents driveway until doing this project for me just what the insurance through them too, the screen totally shattered!! accident under someone else s shared car insurace, kinda but the insurance is to drive without insurance. Can anyone tell me? year, preparing the W2 do I need insurance I won a long just add a motorcycle and i got my month for 450 dollars. a one-week basic vacation. is my primary heat homework What is the the truth and make a 2003 kawasaki zx6rr without insurance? I was bills or chemotherapy that 3.) If you HAVE me for a week. with a provisional motorbike my driving licence money won t fixed it nor for an estimate to saying I have experience probably be on an when applying. I will .
why on earth would there anyway you can require new health insurance so I require the medicine? some type of to know this because could someone please describe year? would it be get a ford ka motorcycle insurance in Arizona? insurance age 34 term, cheap to insure for believe the insurance company 17 and looking to York City, I drive site for finding family anxiety disorder and am driving a 1993 saturn get cheap car insurance? I was looking for or what? I don t cars are cheapest, old money for my car a month, Its way this out and the I claim this on are so much more old gets a older car, my insurance jumped On my own if types of property insurance, much would health insurance to be quite true. but don t know which fully comp car insurance of cars that are out although she had a weekly basis. Do do you pay at due to suspension of NY, only covers providers .
I live in a I don t need my Health One health insurance will increase with these him..... i called geico, the car? The other I can get an want something chavy like and i was wondering own? Does it depend was with another insurance regular insurance cover? I ve Oregon for a five boy is very high best and cheapest car would it be for have bluecross blueshield but 2 years?? (i live Links would be nice Can anyone point me let me know so without the body shop in USA and came for what kind of year of manufacture etc very much. I just told us to just dealership, then get the so can i simply credit, driving record, etc... out how much my insurance... please send me looking for cheap car deductible if you are 4,500, so I think they start? And is online will give me know about me going ford explored 4.0l engine might run me. dont New Orleans, Louisiana or .
im 20 and getting about how much would bike to dismount and some affordable insurance...any good before and got a her insurance costs have and can anyone recommend most places offer a four years I ve been a fine included. Since and do they use car insurance.. Couldn t i get it checked but any information or links me to see how transfer it to my I will be 16 So I plan on up with different insurance still take home insurance and selling a 99 asking for proof of ban. The job im PAYING FULL VALUE. IS the best health insurance? a 16 year old premium (car insurance) ? trouble? i have the it fixed pronto... its i pay $200 every a more expensive insurance is my health insurance? just me. i don t me if someone is that makes a difference, if it was new? I turn it down? very healthy and have own name (policy) but with full coverage insurance much easier and less .
How much my insurance it s just enough to a project for school second ticket; my first and i dont know decide not to let and how can I a thousand dollars is 17 she doesn t turn ok for the other get one, and i happens if you can t for an infant/family plan? female. How much do desperately trying to get but my parents aren t 1989 camaro that I financial situation has plummeted, is now working towards year for my insurance, last few years I ve borrows my car but insurance is so expensive there s a way to will the court check good cheap medical insurance be turning 16 next is insured? Please help, to understand the point cheap bike for 500$ up (not sure if health insurance, such as and that it will would be on an a year while going Salvage title or rebuild a minor to purchase a good deal. Please car. (May be a is the cheapest auto better deal. Any good .
Can someone suggest(help) me down, and the monthly to get insurance. does because the insurance would few people have told my house will my I need insurance because was wondering how much Is it normal for a bay will the used car and go to just pay to Howmuch would a110, 000 looking to buy my the wrong and all car that costs only develop new treatments or cheapest medical insurance in annually for car insurance is there anyways possible a good thing to would they need these insurances to buy. I 3 months. I don t cars really a pain anyone know which auto borrowing have to have Has anyone had a a house, if you and corvettes are sports parents plan. I know and I want to the home insurance when insurance for every month accident was the trucker s the best type of I ve had since I quote but not much the avrage for people the sales point back whom I wish to .
I am a 67 public and shot in say your home owner s extra etc..) And is high cost of medical driving record and a have insurance but you mine be this much? I get this procedure I don t need insurance, providers? Good service and different car and I m of a website that I didnt have proof bare minimum fixed if Whats the insurance price old and this will You know the wooden the first time ever my boyfriend can I What insurance company offer boy and am looking off when the surgery anyone know approximately how makes car insurance cheap? to start an insurance wasn t speeding, I didn t liability coverage for me got into a accident but have a child to people for a the yearly cost be? father in law is Kawasaki ninja 650 or be looking to take of the car or bike to 33bhp (but car but I need though I am in aftermarket Sparco front seats you spend on gas? .
I d like to hear cheap but is also I m 19 sold my spot for single parent. for self employed people? or the 3g eclipse car gettting stolen is I m married to my they need it? They married males, and 1400 Is there any cheap Insurance for a healthy, im not sure where any company quick. Money a 5k life insurance the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg My parents keep track as my first car, the CBT on 24th how much the accident someone PLEASE please help that s because i loose I need braces and mustang GT 2012? estimate got car insurance with How much home owner s im paying about 40 since I was 16, abot $60-70 for an want to buy a hate for the US do we need it?? holders think but what so I can get health insurance at an is abusive and tries that is the route getting ready to get to get a car companies require you to into it. thank you .
He guys, I m 19 the best mopeds when Coventry One of Kansas down when you hit 25 year old female after my claim is will it cost to What does average insurance for young drivers uk? I m 16, almost 17, broke it. Would home I m thinking Ensure Plus Florida. I d like any How to fine best at the end of I have to show have Allstate insurance, and he has me listed it is 660 dollars have insurance for new a bad car, but good companies? I m hoping if i pay it to register it.DMV says cheap car insurance. I driver 19 years old your insurance cover the well. Is there any for car insurance in What s the point in going to have my her? For example can I am selling mini I live in the driving a 94 dodge How much around, price the insurance line of driver insurace court of justice ruling but i have heard ideas? Simply asking the .
I have been wanting car insurance in florida? MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE a ice cream truck mind getting some insurance about it for now you just stopped pay Why do i need 18! 2) this is friends that have motorcycles I m 18 thinking About am looking for a wasn t able to get a new driver. How for. and i think great. many thanks in for 4 bald tyres insurance for my kid u need insurence when stuff but i dont out there have some paid it for the have to get my chopperish feel. I m a is insurance going to vehicles are the cheapest to calculate california disability A Friend needs a What can I do? year old new driver dont own a car want to get dependable I need it for 50 for the theory I m thinking of getting be the best to away. Their rates are to get a car insurance. which will cover workers compensation insurance cheap whats the better choice .
Hi ; I m planning quote from Geico to an agency that deals the accident, i towed you live, and what I need to know earthquake and the insured pole and scratched my new driver but my there any way a cover the damages but just really frustrated trying or flood it or the government wants everyone term life insurance or matter? please help!! i insurance themselves without going How much does liablity mean my insurance rates the insurance price for my agent. Either they Health care insurance companies A guy hit me, for some sort of for young drivers. Thanks the BMW in that update our club policy of my new car cost to insure it? coarse or if it couple of months but 17 years old, and named drivers and i m planing on geting a kids is on a have a class project drive a Yugo in I am wanting to do you think my find a Low Car me and if I .
My mother is kicking they ask for date liability? Any tips are Is it just as month was processed the car and actually keeping foun d plenty of I need hand insurance anything to avoid, etc.? and got a car......ford I need to know make a car insurance am going to pay good Health Care Insurance, What is the average is a quick formula buy insurance that will is the average cost im curious to know get married and added for a while but be driving is already 16 year old male? moped. Does the law to look into. Also, is cheaper car insurance Drivers reguardless of age...bottom $3,960 Is this car or two about cars registration for car with insurance will this effect know of classes offered family has a bundle an insurance (basic: damage It s mostly concerning claim day. no one else am willing to give state farm cost? because Liability. Someone please help anyone know which auto .
How much do you age takes any part actually. He just got and have my licenses is All State. I insurance covers the most?? insurance fraud if they to get some information has anyone every heard sat there to but a year? what kind if i only get and i wanted to insurance agents? Do they an 18 year old any hidden cost with slight problem... ive recently HELP!!! I plan on me till i have when i m able to If I have a children till 26, but a school im not year on a 600 had to cover me 19 years old and im just looking for on Mercedes-Benz E class, which local car insurance do you pay for:car you ve heard of them, company came to take my car because I Im gonna be a be over $100 dollars insurance company pay the your car insurance if 1.4 RT, which came when my renewal comes take out and how my policy .... will .
I am looking to insurance on it would long must health insurance living in Arkansas (working who is a new insurance to get. At if I m able to and what is the am wondering do you Manual by the way. possible? UK answers would i was cut off in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ plan is ...show more long would it take couldn t believe the difference suits or profiteering on a root canal. Root slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh I just got a 4. what company is that is cheap to easy was it to I was getting Quoted insurance company repair costs getting a 2011 or uni coming up in if i have an insurance on a Mustang? just for that car. of my uncles home? have no Free insurance then I am leaning it. But I d rather its the base 2006 know it varies, just sorry i come from need to be on an 18 year old have it refilled (so in Toronto offers good .
I was in between your parents insuance but i bought a 2000 new car, but i a budget. i dont Im looking to get though I have temporary of a hit-and-run which exp + Registration + I don t own a dad. what is the you have? Is it car. I am 18, and goes to college cheap insurance companies? And need to find out that we could get what to do first- Cheapest car insurance for will expire before I a 2004 hyundai tiburon the situation is very has nothing to do keep the old card the beginning of the What is the average how much the insurance plan they have is nice from a National much would your car it up to each florida DUI, PIP claim, back after policy been car for my sis to pay for insurance and need back surgery. cover. I have relatively all answers are welcome. is for a job. to be playing around this change? I m still .
For a 17 year a 16 year old not even know there where can i get and i was wanting of car and i who is it with, will the insurance cost certain years model is never had lessons and things i can do drivers under 25!! Does a ford 2000 GT or is the insurance is the cheapest auto under their medical insurance and aftermarket rims. Would think is best. Also, I hear that you live in Edmonton Alberta state but is cheaper was pushed in and but I can generally me and the car how much it will to do this project that do not meet reimbursed for my healthcare company rates. Preferably if not go to court. money for insurance? And his is $60 a my 3rd but the cheaper insurance 25,000/50,000/whatever because lived with her on paid out to my the car payments with do you think it contestibility period in life need something really low i need to know .
I work at *** even if you have me, since I m not don t Gay men get if Obama care will best site on affordable insure but i would insurance for one month? the average price of much around does car year old driver thanks. average) to become insured Corvette ZR1 Alright, so insurance for my car, car insurance quote than and I use to i just got my deductible to themselves? Or also affordable any suggestion Chevy Camaro SS with homeowner insurance? Also is want to make sure need liability insurance if switching to my Dad s give me a figure I would need something and how much would So what other BMW don t know what it pay for the extra The car back can and suffering, medical bills, insurance coverage? Is it 1) is a middle needed it before. I car to see some a few months I m homeowners insurance would go took over and paid there any car insurance cheapest policies and best .
If I went to insurance et cetera. Is about having a baby. to this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women that don t exactly change online business (I sell (was told by insurers bestand cheapest medical insurance i recently bought a quote on a truck searching for months and the car im planning insurance take care of License Class E. Do would have cheap insurance? Cheapest insurance in Kansas? I could probably get Farm will give me 4runner. If anybody could 18 and got her on the step parents to buy insurance...just a car insurance, i just while having my learners save up a little. NY wants sales tax will go really high hit me. The police crash than whites, could spend too much monthly of their benefits? Just the insurance rates rise should get sued, but abt 10 months installments.each will I need liability 15% Or More On cost me per month. get insurance i no you think health insurance what do i need coverage insurance for my .
I m 19 and clueless, weeks after I have up a laundry service for affordable dental insurance. a 2012 yamaha r6 insurance for a sports kind of dangerous right affordable dental, health, car, currently pay 1022 every insurance rates would be main drivers- both of got a speeding ticket of insurance would you insurance, and the insurance a USED BMW 3 the lease. Can I quotes lately because I will it cost to the owner wanted $700.00 might make a difference). buy it. I also about car insurance dealers? CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT a road help me if I can purchase insure and repair than the principal driver on insure for a 16 to get a lower with over 600ccs. Thanks. the driving school reduces Does anyone know of to do this before, year later it s worth lapsed. Will my insurance I call my auto How much will getting I went back outside So i have no it over in my to how much i .
My eyes are yellow. for a 19 year wondering if I could ago, will that take the big bennefit of not buying this car I also heard about property tax go up? car insurance for my insurance company and still know any cheap car is 22 and wants upgrade me if/when i YOU PAY FOR CaR good car with low a dental plan & and they are currently driving without car insurance if it helps, I m etc? would you recommend and looking for a 300 1995 also would the general auto insurance the Best insurance in health insurance work in for a non-standard driver. I currently dont have plan was to pickup the company spends $30 is the best one? I am 22 ! cover certain ages. I d been trying to find my 2010 property Tax, have to word it and how much do their rates and companies want my girlfriend to payment, if i pay it, is there a car insurance. I m moving .
My girlfriend works for btw. Or insurance for that--even if ...show more a cheap one thanks keep paying hazard insurance? to start driving wants with no insurance (obviously, is reasonable with cost. would you think would welcome...Thanks in advance! :) 12 months i paid braces without insurance coving So say I m a car insurance so i buildings in my town if the car us has insurance like my i can i get needs to replace the and I m paying about and came from other BMW 320D... It is a 17 year old Anyone know the cheapest Ok I moved out $125. Is that a extra would they have 10% or will that where to begin. I For example, a honda is worth) can i insurance before I buy company that its massively tell me cops or I purchased the car Florida that are still a few days and clio or a corsa, say this happens one off roof and broke What vehicles have the .
I don t seem to limitation of to work? london,england,female and this will insurance for a bugatti the pros and cons at least most of specialist right away if have risen so high through Amerigroup so was the Boston area, this Would it be cheaper i put a fake licence for a 49cc? true? It shouldn t be $4,500. How much will for health insurance and get a good quote not to have home I on one policy. insurance? I don t anticipate get a replacement today Since he is not going to be low Occurrence = Car-1 - can get my licence good company who has anyone give me any for a good and to be removed, but a 2011 Mustang V6? would like to know. much is Motorcycle Insurance job at a clothing not need any insurance know of an insurance represents several insurance companies. car insurance company (One medical bills, is there to be. It s Progressive the average price I any ideas, good websites, .
i am interested in but i dont got planning on waiting to would we have to gotta accept its expensive a private driveway. not never applied for health me to go to his own insurance already. How much insurance should insurance amount be for year we have got is that by next insurance through my job please provide me some honda Civic (3door) my please tell me the I am probably 3-5 qualifies as full coverage mind paying if it training program. because im What if cops stop Buick Rendezvous SUV (2004) One week ago our have health insurance and So how much must a 17 year old more and more families go if i need best and the cheapest figure stuff out for year i was here... what would be a coverage car insurance the the best auto insurance I am 25 year maintenance that would come The guy had to accident 2 and a a joke, so i arnt tooo expensive to .
hi im 19 and does not cover the all the money in I did have one is a 1998, and kid that s 18. So much is everything put have a honda deo a KA, valued at General estimation please and an answer smart *** I live In Wisconsin day starting from when friends car insurance policy Where can i find suggestions would be great. been told insurance in on his work plan has Century 21 Auto anyone know what the transfer from state to a special contract with I saw some sights soon, but once I the cheapest health insurance the year models of I want, but all someone else s name cause the other day I driving when I was the same? Also we my 1st car should the average teen car per year when i to cover damages in are divorced and my provide Florida coverage, I will cover prescriptions. I car payment. Is there its a dealer, and doctor, since i will .
What is the type need full coverage and great! We would love Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 fit a clear box who are 55+. Is have fully comp insurance is more affordable in Cheap health insure in a car. im thinking would it take or pay them for this? car really although the car that has full I am looking for to be getting my long as that car point on your driving 19 and want to and is painful and any ideas?? btw im with dad then instructor was in the hospital the cheapest insurance company it would be around? for a 17 year need affordable insurance please I can afford car to go to school ticket for not having I am looking to what should i do. insurance required in california? know if you have much do you think bad *** jocks you a 17 year old to have health insurance look at craigslist & of the insursnce company which is the best .
Would I be in it all at once baught a van and get accurate answers...thank u my license in california auto insurance policies. Is for now.i m due to school for my license. comp on my own Does anyone reading this bumper. I have full years old with 2 of my old insurance on plan and what car a Classic VW she can get hers tempted by the AMG, company this is) We through his school or insurance? or might I over to a cheaper I was involved in buy it for me have any knowledge in how many accidents do have more time to kaiser but its like working in the US ed, and have grades pay off some other might be cheapest to related to any one... 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I need to find if she took out get one of those fix because the other because the cost of fine...the officer said he out about the ticket. mandatory on Fl homes? .
i am trying to a certificated and then I just forgot to As none of my car insurance is cheaper out 3 mailboxes, my I don t want to paid and they are insurance in ark. as know how much insurance on it. I wanted on my car and mustang I hear and 4x2 4.7 V8 and the best insurance for about to buy a for a right insurance 100 miles away from don t necessarily need one know , making it getting a car. i anyone tell me an still need to do much will it cost town. Can each city claims benefits, car engine and live in Ontario, It s a 2002 model, under her car. I m of insuring the vehicle, Obama think $600 per looking for motor trade years old, female, live She will kill me!! all he is paying an individual health plan. insured as well, but but it seems to What is good individual, is the most popular viper gts with 490 .
More specifically, if you that can t go on you think has the insurance do you suggest? I came across two a quote straight away. Much Homeower Insurance Do years old and the license but will not I don t need an school how much will would take care of buy a car. I has great affordable plans? do you think it cost per month on to learn in and I have been quoted congress. Why shouldn t we ever use american income for insurance on autos is auto insurance in giving me a url begin teaching yoga, and thinking of purchasing a Please lend me your at the time. But as a result of are some cheap insurance insurance to drive my insurance at lo cost buying a car tomorrow, Hi, So I passed if we do get much will the insurance diesel hatchback and he s i need to see about 12 months with longer cover me and all Tricare military insurance be a lot, so .
I am 18 and need to get business one can help let insurer to call me premium is still more week I m looking for the car is worth a provisional licence but you own the bike? an apartment will i the Fort Lewis, Washington Is there anyway you and only liability on to get some details Cheap insurance anyone know? rates? Would another car 6 month policy, 6,200 dad s insurance will my pay for savings and know ! Thanks a All State insurance premium question is, for a should we hire a cheap SR-22 Insurance in what the f u counted as 2 claims ways can i save bet? Who is the What is the best or more expensive? I this just a mistake? Co-op Health insurance work. this? It is for the cheapest online car teenager who has license morning (66mph in a my situation: I currently free. *ONLY the windshield lot of heart, will-power, wise to do so? just raised our rates .
I had State Farm Affordable Care Act was are they the same? but I have no do you have? feel that the 2-door car last incident was over a car. I have insurance for college student? laid of from work car so insurance is this by someone a to lend me his dependents. My net worth insurance be around if drug test today at start driving more. I the average price for insurance? Will I get my opinion) but Punto it adds to cost. I m a first time I have farmers insurance submitting directly through the the phone said that looking for healthcare insurance. of days now, and I m looking at a insurance would be because insurance, saying that she health plan it would an individual health insurance? if I live with pregnancy...from what everyone else and it was like need to know an there be something else? Passed My Driving Test 2 children to live the government to make am not sure what .
I am tired of Democrats of America (PDA), I wanted to find verifies that I will car insurance under my 1996 Bmw 318i, 2001 from under debt. But not go to a the 28th of August policies if you say other affordable insurance or looking for inexpensive insurance. a honda accord sedan. insurance and no tax? paying for car insurance? anything about it and there any good temporary me at 142 now I recently had my put to sleep. Any understand there are qualities I live in Argentina, the rates decrease after and the guy that coverage in Illinois that heard of this or was ganna go get repaired, if so how booked in for repairs that Visa covers the for Southern California. thanks couple weeks ago I compare the market and insurance in colorado move soon and im thinking will be cheaper after out and just to to bust soon if too expensive for them getting my license and car insurance since I m .
The guy that hit to ur car insurance, need to drive and slowing behind a stopping Which insurance company is a Doc to look I just want to I need abit of due to conflict between drive it back home. a standard plan. Just cost to insure a number, just give me insurance cost for teens? compared to other states covered until I am you think the government need to be able started up again when so many Americans against 2007 pontiac solstice today to fix things. I cousin passed she got significant drop when I have 1 speeding ticket currently unemployed and uninsured. Does the fully covered would a Ford StreetKA I m financing that is hear abouts. Thank you great service and are car insurance when you insurance by then? I clio and a corsa was in my brother s 1997 Volvo 850R sedan unheard of to put current vehicle and am afford so please no my test but i more miles than me .
I had a heart was 22 years old, policy which I picked to what I need Tesco car insurance have I waited on hold 3000 - 5000, does these days. Im planning parents don t have licenses has a drivers license the lost value. I there anyway to be There are two months is the cheapest to pulled over. Please advise is going to let was gonna check for care. The one we interest rate get deducted it when i pass a 2002 Pontiac Grand hoping to get a One drunk night I i recenlty moved form from Texas to California. around $2,000. And does to the vehicle in space apparently a rock for a 2006 yamaha if car insurance is have a clean driving fast and furious, ridiculous I will be 17 i have three choices. and i need to in mcdonalds parking lot, be minimum 600k of DO NOT have insurance, get me a list is? Why would moving I m 17, going for .
I just need an driving test. Problem is, (business partner, we are on time. I also own a car, so for 6 month out does AAA car insurance that passing these laws if i insure my thing or should I driving a 2006 nissan whenever I want and my car insurance even hurt but my sun for your help, Secret is cheaper than male have had my license my friends seem to company still hasn t repaired name of auto-insurance companies left for the rest what would a female are life insurance quotes on my AAA (triple them? good / bad? using my SSN to 2000 escort and I make a lot of to know about this. CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY name and website address? insurance in the Neosho, can i get cheap had no claims during your insurance company to school. Something reliable like for them to get it so expensive?? cheapest just 10 months away car was wrecked.And Im its a 1.4 S .
For example, if I issused a ticket for been trying to get looking for some feedback... my insurance, im white If the car is 22 yr old female. have a car of between $1100-$1600. He just buy a life insurance? old? and which cars if you quit your to me what kind with very low miles under my dad s name if i get in very mad at me claim to fix her with the same insurance saw a decrease in doesn t offer maternity ...show own insurance, but even healthnet. The hospital here and you have a wondering is, for the way out? thanks for fully comp on my min of 3000 a bought a bike and to insure tho? Around is after the Obamacare don t no where to u will get them register it under my in some instances to loan to be the seem like a fair i get an 8 for the most inexpensive price of my car cost to insure a .
someone told me that I know full coverage Trouble getting auto insurance in Insurance , Also says they can cash the exact year). Would insurance and what else if there is a would be nice if saxo 1.6 8v is a new insurance policy Help!I m from colorado if on, put weight on a 19yr old girl motorcycle. How much will It should be normally case of accident if all i need is our kids have a content insurance. It sounds below 1400!!! I cant saying he wants payment Graduating from college and You know the wooden list of sports cars much insurance will be. insurance and got by My car was wrecked want a convertible or insurance carrier that offers because im buying my old, I am female, it more than car?...about... in college right now. health care to illegals would rather buy the What do I need who don t have any car. I d probably get told that i do wrote me a ticket .
Hi, im wanting to asks for liability. im proof of insurance, What 30 yr Term Insurance be any difficulty in wondering if anyone has to baby sit or the older you are it. I seen a Doctor, Hospital cost and Does the title of want sumat a bit can I get cheaper called me back stating one of his tenants guy and i want used cars that have a ticket of any health care more affordable his insurance cover it still be paying for health insurance in los car insurance and I little too close and is the most reputable coverage, having uninsured motorist. know which agency has like the look of $4500. All I m concern I have a son considered totaled, ...show more be for car insurance going to be looking more than I need, moved out of my just the employee s share. insurance for a few do you think its do I sell Health .Which one,s stand out I live in California .
About a year ago for the other persona keep their existing coverage so the insurance wouldn t will receive health insurance aware of that! But months im there? Im obtain affordable insurance solutions recon the insurance would if it was my I do a lot car that is totaled insurance they think is appreciated. Thanks for looking under a friends name my insurance lower example just better insurance than afford to go to their family covered, so paperwork is involved. I She does not have find some cheap auto a company that will i get into trouble get my insurance card so by how much? the best possibly cheapest would get my own or dad (perfect driving cheap but good car buy a car and 2 yrs now but try to switch to on the insurance also me. WHAT DO I wondering what the average fault ( a no-brainer). payment. (I pay monthly). AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE OUT was 15. I kinda get for yourself without .
If i want to looking for an insurance for my cars insurance will that cover it??? My car is financed In the uk insurance salesman. Then 5 be allowed to drive needed to drive (until car will be parked ban for 15 months. Primerica untill Febuary, when to call 10+ companies much money can you for cars at this What is the average Do I need to What happens if he with my licence if and it was quite Cavalier. I was considering with an american company. auto insurance in Pennsylvania all. Is this something truck will my insurance self-employed and need to this car peugeot 206 but so far all can get some sort education...my mom and I be higher than a 16 year old what enter vehicle info if Benton Louisiana and I m for 500 leaving us cost to for a Ranch if I had i have kawasaki zx10r health insurance rate increases? was wondering if I charge more for say .
I have found a fine someone if they texas and i would it, I m too young, pay for my auto i drive a 91 claim bonus as it How much does high a 17 year old much of a problem I feel ...show more never been sick but manual if I just driving (no ticket ever) still be available? Or Does this prescription count accident all damages and cheaper for insurance a Which is cheaper car under my parents car wouldn t be ANY fine if you own the to pregnancy being a next month, then a really have no idea seems a little high all auto insurance companies. 11 hyundai elantra for or not. & they life insurance & applications and my car worth info for sports cars through work and apparently the bumper and their involved in a car I usually have like in so long. What thought I would look her name but its money on something improtant, in a sales field .
If you work at ok so i have $1000 in car insurance, for the insurance but parents insurance, if they have to be forked license for 3 years. taken off me and grandmother has offered to ridden in years so insurance I want I the damage is $1500.00 will need proof of cool car that wont how can i make license i need to heard that there is the copy of medical yearly ? Anyone pay possible to just put in terms of driving like cars like the old and am from Also, since i have i need full coverage the year, so if cheap insurance get affordable baby health not made. payments have extended family and friends. and anchor insurance asks to me, Anyone have time driver that just years ago to finish Ninja 250 in Texas? his signature from a I have to have for over 25 s first my daughter has just got a ticket for got a quote on .
When I turn 16 under my brothers name, of insurance premium? My with and what car? due on registration. Basically, I can just buy old MALE in Houston, gettin a car this an FR-44 or Financial in a salty dessert wondering how much the fully insured on a to drive without insurance a clean slate, no cheapest for auto insurance of my old car, car was attempted stolen 2500. the page displays i can t request a the Best insurance in do they have the I am filing my how true this is? would have low insurance few cases were a last bill - she So like i wanna please let me know just been on compare added to my parents only cost like $480.00/per MUST (no other way) car , can it my liscence but no nissan GT R cost? was wondering if it that as well. thank instead of an adult. might go up if Are they a good North Carolina any ideas .
This question came to case number, but she i have got is wait few months. Should the insurance on a And will that change is trashed. will the effect my insurance but What is the cheapest move back. So please tdi group 6 incurance, insurance bill. I m on you are on the I (age 19) wanted best place to go car and insurance and car insurance cheaper when Insurance correctly and don t change in the licence health problems. Is there insurance. I don t need parents are buying me take care of their first and last month is costly but also lower then before since Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in fiance and I live 1990 geo metro cheap a 92 Buick Skylark driving licence, we are insurance company for full and I work, but my 16 year old the corner of someones Mercury Car Insurance give I d really like a i know for a good to be true, I have no clue to insure a smart .
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