#*shrieking while drawing this and kicking and squealing and dancing
blee-bleep · 11 months
When Diana wants cuddles, there's nowhere Akko can hide where Diana won't find her.
i love u sm anon
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omg tanev makes me omg kicking my feet wiggling my toes twirling my hair giggling out of my vagina tears in my eyes clapping my hands buckling my knees losing my mind screaming at the top of my lungs pulling my hair screaming and shouting gasping running squealing creaming my balls off rolling around on the ground batting my eyes popping my pussy flexing my titis nodding my head stuttering rolling my eyes to the back of my head levitating cheering nutting taking a leap of faith singing gospel pacing back and forth doing summersaults cartwheeling pissing and shitting and sometimes cumming pitter pattering sipping my water while doing backflips hopping on one foot looking through a peep hole posting on reddit hopscotching sprinting faster than sonic punching my balls shaking my asschecks yodeling yelling like a goat being murdered sucking on someone’s fingers nipping at their toes dying my hair going on tumblr and reading smut whispering and crying parachuting singing a beautiful song in the most orgasmic voice you’ve ever heard dancing drooling tippy tapting learning how to limbo doing the splits climbing into my lamborghini tesla mix breed petting my chickens flying an airplane to london gelping being annoyed but then twerking buying frozen yogurt making my bed leaping twirling jump roping laughing my balls off shrieking springing like tigger from winnie the pooh while snickering sending selfies to random people on snap pooping my pants popping a tit sprinting in circles running a mile swimming across the ocean slurping dick drawing a smiley face to represent me rn biting my fingernails curing all diseases because im spinning in circles because i’ve never been more joyous than right now shrieking into a pillow smiling so wide it’s scary blocking howie mandel because i have better things to do than look at his friends booty hole swirling into oblivion squirming leap-frogging hogjsofjeifhissgiwgdiwd-ing moaning and yelping holding my hands praying spitting and sneezing ripping my posters off the wall cackling blushing hiding my face getting a bullseye in darts shaking my head (not in a bad way) doing back and front flips while skydiving and landing on a bridge then jumping into a lake creaming my jeans because becafseisuiwhshehe like damn gravy you so vicious you so clean so delicious because oh my fuck doing parkour singing else will rock you whilst stomping my feet so hard they bleed slamming my hands into the table cracking my knuckles playing crack the egg slutting myself out driving off of the grand canyon punching my mama in the throat karate kicking my daddy in the chest wtf squealing like a baby panting like a dog frothing at the mouth jumping into a trash can knitting a blanket climbing onto my roof i wanna crash my car into a telephone pole with no seatbelt on so i fucking die only to come back from the eat so i can slurp pussy and run up the walls and jump off of new york city rooftops until the cops taze me oh my god #krakentanevaugh
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Sibling Bonding (My Hero Academia)
This fic was purchased from my Coffee Shop Wish List by a generous supporter. Thank you!
Primary Universe
Summary: Spring break has arrived, and Todoroki heads home to spend some time with his older siblings since Endeavor is out of town. When he accidentally reveals that he's ticklish, things take a giggly turn very quickly!
A/N: YES I'm so excited to share this one! Earlier this year somebody suggested a Todoroki siblings fic, which I declined at the time because I didn't feel like I'd be able to do it justice. Later I felt more confident and put it on my Wish List, and now it's been purchased for your reading pleasure! Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 1,915
“I’m here,” Todoroki announced without flourish as he entered his home for the first time in months, kicking off his shoes in the entryway.
Fuyumi poked her head around the corner from the kitchen where she was working on dinner. “Welcome back, Shoto.”
"Thanks.” Todoroki shrugged off his backpack and entered the kitchen, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He felt awkward, but did his best to ignore it. “It smells great. What is it?”
He blinked at her. “You…didn’t have to go out of your way for me.”
“It’s no trouble at all. It’s your favorite food, right? I wanted to make today special. It’s the first day of your spring break and you’re spending it with us!” Fuyumi smiled at him. “I want you to have a great time.”
Todoroki nodded at her. “Thank you for cooking.”
“Of course. Natsuo should be here any minute. You can take a seat in the dining room if you want. We can talk easier that way.”
But instead, he leaned against a counter she didn’t appear to be using, putting his hands in his pockets. His first instinct was to cross his arms, but he didn’t want to come across as grumpy or ungrateful. He was truly happy to be here, finally able to spend time with his siblings without the presence of his father to ruin his mood.
It had been Fuyumi’s idea. Endeavor was out of the prefecture on business, which left her and Natsuo home alone for the first time in a while. That, and it was spring break for U.A., which meant Todoroki was free to come over and hang out with them without having to get permission to leave the campus. Fuyumi had quickly arranged for this first day to be spent having dinner together.
“So…” his sister said after a brief pause. “How’s school going?”
A couple of hours later, dinner was over, the dishes were in the dishwasher, and the Todoroki siblings sat around in the living room staring at each other awkwardly. None of them really knew how to proceed.
Still, Natsuo tried. “So, uh, Shoto. What kind of stuff do you like to do?”
Todoroki knew what he meant. What should we do now that dinner’s over? He thought for a moment. “Well…my friends and I play Mario Kart a lot, I guess.”
Fuyumi perked up. “You like video games?”
“They’re fine.”
“Well, we don’t have Mario Kart,” Natsuo said, “but we do have the latest Mario Party game. Do you want to try that?”
Todoroki helped his siblings set up the game, then selected Yoshi as his character and proceeded to inadvertently dominate both of them as time went on. He won several mini-games and always seemed to get to the star first, no matter the circumstances. He honestly couldn’t tell if he was really good, or if his siblings were just really bad. Or both.
“Jeez, Shoto!” Natsuo finally exclaimed after the youngest sibling got his fifth star – three ahead of Fuyumi, who had two. He nudged Todoroki, his elbow pressing into his ribs. “Give us a chance to catch up!”
Todoroki giggled.
The room went silent for a moment.
“Shoto?” Fuyumi asked, staring at him incredulously. “Are you okay?”
Todoroki knew he was blushing and he wished desperately that he could have held in his reaction better than that. But it was too late now, and he knew it. He sighed. “Yes, I’m fine. Natsuo nudged me and it…it tickled. That’s all.”
Natsuo’s eyes lit up. “You’re ticklish? Really?”
“Nat,” Fuyumi warned.
Todoroki hesitated. Game forgotten now, he glanced between his siblings on either side of him and struggled to decide how he wanted to proceed. He knew they wouldn’t touch him without permission – knowing what he’d gone through with their father kept them from doing that much, at least. But he didn’t want to brush them off, either. As it happened, he did enjoy being tickled to an extent, but he’d never been tickled by family before.
“I…um…” he swallowed, heart racing. What would they think if they knew the other half of it, too? That he enjoyed doing the tickling?
Fuyumi reached out as though to put a hand on his shoulder, then stopped herself. “Shoto, it’s okay. We won’t tickle you if you don’t want us to. Right, Nat?”
“Definitely not.” His brother was surprisingly emphatic, nodding. “I was just surprised to learn you were, that’s all. If you don’t like it I’m not going to tickle you just for the sake of it.”
“I…I do like it.” Todoroki mumbled, setting his controller down, hoping that would be enough invitation for them. “My friends tickle me quite a lot, actually. It’s fun. As long as you stop when I ask you to.”
Natsuo grinned, setting his controller down, too. “So you don’t automatically say ‘stop’ when you’re being tickled, huh, Sho? That’s interesting.” He poked him in the ribs again. “Cute, too.”
Todoroki smiled, pulling away only the tiniest bit.
“Fuyumi? I think we have some long overdue sibling bonding to catch up on.”
She beamed. “I totally agree.”
And that was it. The next thing he knew, Todoroki had been tackled to the floor, fingers digging into his ribs and sides and belly in rapid succession, giggles bubbling up out of him quicker than he had time to process. He squealed and curled up, but did his best not to push them away. He also never said a word of protest.
“Aww, you really do like it, don’t you?” Fuyumi cooed, wiggling her fingers up into his underarm. “Tickle, tickle, tickle~”
Todoroki yelped, his whole body jerking when she found one of his hot spots, and his squirming became near-thrashing when she realized what she’d done and continued to do it. Natsuo laughed, grabbing his wrists and pulling them above his head with little resistance, giving their sister full access to his armpits.
Fuyumi dug in, smiling wide as her youngest brother tossed his head back and laughed freely, eyes squeezed shut and teeth showing as he beamed happily, legs kicking behind her. “Aw, is this a good spot, Sho? Does it tickle really bad here?”
“YEHEHEHEHEHEHES!!” he cried, arching his back as she raked her nails from his underarms to his hips, searching for another hot spot. “GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! CAHAHAHAREFUL!!”
“I will be,” she promised.
“I want in on the fun, too!” Natsuo declared, shifting so he was sitting on Todoroki’s arms, pinning them above his head while he leaned down to pinch at his ribs and sides, sometimes scribbling along his neck and ears as well.
Todoroki dissolved into giggles, flustered beyond belief but still enjoying himself. Then Fuyumi squeezed his thigh experimentally, and he screeched with a new round of fresh laughter, shaking his head. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“Ooh, another bad spot?” she teased, squeezing gently, drawing loud laughter from him every time. “You’re really ticklish, aren’t you, Sho?”
“I KNOHOHOHOHOHOW!!” he laughed, digging his heels into the carpeted floor. “PLEASE, IT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES A LOHOHOHOHOHOT!!”
“Are you still okay?” she asked. “Do you want us to stop?”
Todoroki whined but shook his head. “I’M FIHIHIHIHIHINE!!”
“Fuyumi, I want a turn!” Natsuo complained, releasing Todoroki’s arms and shuffling down to join her. “Let me try some spots! Don’t take all the fun of experimenting away from me.”
“Fine, fine, you big baby,” she shot back playfully, scribbling lightly over Todoroki’s sides and belly. “Go on, try his knees and feet.”
Todoroki couldn’t help the sound that escaped him at the mention of his feet being one of the next targets. He slapped his hands over his mouth the instant it was out, but it was too late.
“Oh? None of that,” Fuyumi admonished gently, pulling his hands away from his mouth and down to his sides, straddling him, pinning them in place as she danced her fingers over his ribs, occasionally sneaking into his underarms as well.
“I’m not getting anything here,” Natsuo said, squeezing Todoroki’s knees but not getting any kind of twitch or extra giggles for his efforts.
“Then try his feet.”
Todoroki couldn’t help it. He pleaded, “Behehehe careful, plehehehease, I’m reheheheally ticklish there!”
“Oh?~” Natsuo grinned, pulling off his socks and scribbling wildly over his bare soles. “Are you, now?”
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! CRAP, PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Todoroki shrieked, tossing his head back and unleashing loud, uncontrollable bouts of laughter that had both of his siblings staring at him in shock. He squirmed uselessly, trapped under Fuyumi’s weight and – following that outburst – Natsuo’s as he straddled his legs and went to work tickling him like crazy on his worst spot in true brotherly fashion. “NONONONO PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHEHERE!! NAHAHAHAHAHATSUO!!”
Fuyumi grinned. She’d never seen Shoto look so happy in his life, and despite his ticklish distress and the pleas falling from his mouth, he never once said stop, never once looked to be truly panicked. He was loving this, she realized, and it made her heart so full she thought it might burst.
Laughter was truly the best medicine.
“AAAIEEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO!!” Todoroki suddenly screamed, laughing so hard his hysterics went silent. He shook his head desperately, trying to gasp for breath. “NO MORE NO MORE PLEHEHEHEHEASE NO!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Fuyumi climbed off of him. “Nat, get off, he’s had enough.”
Natsuo complied, but he was laughing just as hard as his younger brother had been moments ago. “Dude, your laugh is the best thing in the world! You know that? Got a serious sweet spot on your arches, don’t you, little bro?”
Todoroki curled into a ball, still giggling, still smiling. “Y-Yeheheah…thanks f-fohohor stopping…”
“Of course. Wouldn’t want to go too far.” Natsuo ruffled his hair, beaming down at him. He and Fuyumi shared smiles with each other.
“Are you okay? Let me get you some water,” she said, hurrying into the kitchen and returning a moment later with a glass.
Todoroki took it gratefully, taking a few sips after he sat up. Then he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “You guys probably think I’m such a child.”
“Shoto, sweetie, you are a child.” Fuyumi smirked, winking at him. “You’re the baby of the family, remember? But that doesn’t matter. Liking tickling doesn’t make you any less of a man. Or a pro hero.”
“For sure,” Natsuo agreed. He nudged his shoulder. “If anything, we think it’s awesome. Right, Fuyumi? It just means we have a guaranteed way to make you smile.”
Todoroki never imagined his first time really spending time with his brother and sister would wind up like this, but he wasn’t complaining. Not in the slightest. He smiled, unable to contain his relief and happiness. “There…there is one more thing, though.”
“Yeah? What is it?” Fuyumi asked gently.
He bit his lip, then glanced between them. “I like doing the tickling more.”
They went quiet.
They looked at each other.
Natsuo jumped to his feet. “Crap, Fuyumi – we’d better run!”
Fuyumi took his hand as he offered it to her, and they began to disappear from the living room.
“Wait!” Todoroki cried, worried he’d ruined the happy feeling from moments before. “I won’t do it unless you’re okay with—”
“Well, what are you waiting for, Sho?!” Natsuo called from somewhere in the hallway. “Come get us, tickle monster!”
“You can’t catch us!” Fuyumi sang teasingly.
That familiar fire flared up within Todoroki, and he beamed and leapt to his feet, chasing after them.
Sibling bonding went both ways, after all.
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Surprise! {XiaoVen}
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A/N: SHEESH i like speedwrote this during school and a bit afterwards LMAO uhh i completely spaced on his birthday until yesterday but i was swamped (last week of school homework lmao) so I had to write it today so it’s kinda cruddy but oh well it’s my kins birthday so i had to do SOMETHING. Hope y’all enjoy! :D
Summary: Venti and Xiao are hanging out at Windrise during Venti’s birthday, and when Venti figures out that Xiao has a surprise for him, how will he get it out of him?
Word Count: 1.2k (under the cut)
“Hey, Xiao~! You know what today is right?”
Venti pouted, but he knew that Xiao actually knew what today was. It was Venti’s birthday, and they were currently spending some time together just outside of Mondstadt at Windrise, where Xiao was collecting crystalflies.
As he collected them he handed them to Venti, and soon his hands were full of little crystal cores. He chuckled, looking at Xiao who was still chasing after one more as Venti sat down at the tree's roots. 
Xiao came back over, last crystalfly in hand as he sat down next to Venti, placing it in the pile that Venti currently held. 
“I always knew you liked crystalflies, but isn’t this a bit excessive?”
Xiao turned his head, biting his lip in mild embarrassment as he folded his arms across his chest.
“I think they’re pretty,” He said softly, and Venti chuckled, setting the crystal cores down and curling up next to Xiao.
“Not nearly as pretty as you, Xiao~”
Xiao playfully shoved Venti off of him with a whine as Venti laughed, immediately clinging back onto Xiao as he whined, cooing at Xiao.
“Xiaooo you can’t be mean to me today! It’s my birthday!”
Xiao pouted and Venti laughed again, wrapping his arms around Xiao’s waist and looking up at him expectantly, making Xiao raise his eyebrow.
“So… what did you get me?”
Xiao immediately looked away from Venti, who grinned deviously as Xiao spoke.
“I… got you some crystalflies. Surely you enjoyed them?”
Venti clicked his tongue, glancing back at the pile of crystal cores that Xiao had collected for him earlier, knowing it wasn’t his birthday gift. Venti yawned, pressing his head into Xiao’s chest as he hummed.
“Xiao~ Are you suuure you don’t have something else~?”
Xiao opened his mouth to speak, but shut it shortly after. Venti chuckled and Xiao started again, speaking this time.
“If you want we can always go to Mondstadt and get something from the tavern… but I don’t have anything planned,” Xiao lied, and Venti hummed, pulling his hand away from Xiao’s waist and placing it on his hip to support himself as he sat up. Xiao flinched, and Venti stopped for a moment before an idea popped into his head and a grin crept up his face.
Xiao looked at Venti with wide eyes, knowing immediately what he was up to. He shook his head, and Venti only held Xiao tighter, making sure he wouldn’t be able to wiggle away.
“What do you have planned, dear?”
“I already told you, it’s just the crystalflies, Venti-”
A sharp inhale came from Xiao when Venti squeezed his hip, grinning as Xiao squirmed, giggling softly in anticipation as Venti pinched up his sides to his lower ribs.
“Well if you won’t tell me,” Venti cooed, lightly poking Xiao’s lower ribs as he snickered, trying to control himself as Venti grinned. “I’ll just have to tickle it out of you!”
“Venti, no-!”
Xiao could barely protest when Venti threw himself on him, immediately wiggling his fingers on his ribs, digging in and prodding in a way that he knew would easily draw laughter out from Xiao.
Xiao’s peals of laughter were immediate as he collapsed against the tree’s roots, flailing his arms in an attempt to shove Venti off of him, squirming as he giggled frantically.
“Vehehenti! Wahahahait, not thahahat!”
“Not what? What’s wrong, can you tell me?”
“It t-tihihickles!” Xiao whined and Venti rolled his eyes fondly.
“That’s the point, Xiao,” He chuckled, climbing up his ribs until he nestled his hands under Xiao’s arms, curling his fingers in a way that made Xiao positively squeal as he threw his head back, clamping his arms down in an attempt to nullify the sensations, only trapping Venti’s hands as he clicked his tongue.
“Xiao-Xiao, now I’m stuck!”
“Dohohohon’t call me thahat!” Xiao laughed, squirming frantically as Venti puffed his cheeks, digging his fingers deeper into the hollow of Xiao’s underarm, making him shriek.
“It’s my birthday, I can do what I want! And I want to know what kind of present you have for me!”
“I dohohohon’t!” Xiao wailed, giggling hysterically as Venti sighed, pulling his hands out of Xiao’s underarms and began to lightly trace circles on his tummy, making Xiao jerk before grabbing onto Venti’s wrists, who grinned.
“Venti, dohon’t you dare-”
“Tell me and I might not. But I’m sure you wouldn’t like if I stopped, now would you?”
Xiao flushed red and shoved Venti, making the bard laugh as he clung to Xiao, pinching up the sides of his tummy as Xiao shrieked, dissolving into frantic laughter as he squirmed, kicking his legs behind Venti. Venti chuckled along with Xiao, scratching his lower tummy as Xiao threw his head back, whining.
“Yes, Xiao?”
Venti hummed and shook his head, grinning as he dug into Xiao’s tummy, ditching the light tickles as Xiao squealed, squeezing his eyes shut as he cackled, trying to wiggle away from the evil birthday boy, but to no avail.
“Alrihihight! Vehehenti, no mohohore!”
“Are you gonna tell me what my gift is?!” Venti exclaimed excitedly, and Xiao nodded quickly, overwhelmed by the tickly sensations that were shooting on his every nerve as Venti danced his fingers across his tummy.
The sensations stopped after a few moments, Venti clearly wanting to get in a few extra tickles before halting. Xiao caught his breath for a few minutes, a few stray giggles still escaping his lips as Venti sat on his lap, fidgeting impatiently.
“I-It’s in Mondstadt,” Xiao said, still catching his breath a little bit as Venti jumped up excitedly, much like a little kid as Xiao followed him, heading through the gates of Mondstadt, Xiao staying close to Venti in hopes of avoiding stares from the locals.
They walked into Angel’s Share when Xiao pointed it out, and Venti was greeted with a sudden toss of confetti and a cheer.
“Happy Birthday Venti!”
Venti looked around excitedly as he was greeted by Aether, Lumine, Jean, and Diluc, all standing around Lumine, who held out an apple pie, just for Venti.
Venti turned to Xiao and pointed at him.
“You planned all this for me??”
“I-I had a bit of help from Aether and Lumine…” Xiao said sheepishly, not being familiar with all of Venti’s friends, that it was helpful when Aether and Lumine had offered to help. Venti smiled, throwing his arms around Xiao.
“I’ll get you again later for keeping this from me for so long, my dear Xiao~” He whispered, making Xiao go red and sputter.
“I needed to keep you busy while they set up though,” He protested, but Venti only chuckled as Xiao grumbled, Aether walking over and asking if he had a fever because of how red he was, only further embarrassing him.
“Make a wish, Venti!” Lumine said happily, holding the apple pie up to Venti, a single candle burning in the center of it. Venti blew it out and his friends clapped, Jean cutting into the pie and putting servings out for everyone, giving an extra big slice to Venti, who cheered.
Venti looked back at Xiao, who sat in the corner, silently eating his pie. Venti pulled him to the center of the room happily (also slightly drunk) and made Xiao sing with him as he strummed his lyre, Xiao more mumbling as Venti hollered. Lumine and Aether rolled their eyes as Jean and Diluc clapped supportively despite the performance being far from good. It didn’t matter though, because Venti was having fun, and he was happy to have spent his birthday with all the people that he loved.
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matching tattoos
warnings: none
word count: 1.8k (the longest i’ve done in a while whoo 🎉)
"Stevie, I don't think your mom will be too happy with me if I let you do this," Harry said, eying his two year old daughter. She had been asking about it for weeks, but so far he'd been able to distract her before you caught wind of their conversation.
"Pleeeease, daddy?" She pouted, looking up at him with wide eyes. 
"Why don't we have some cookies instead, love?" 
"Ummm... oh! I know what we can do! Why don't we go in my studio? You can play the piano, or the guitar, maybe sing a song for me..." He trailed off.
"I want to do this! Please?" 
Harry's heart melted in three seconds flat. How could he say no to her? He tried, he really did. He opened his mouth to say "no, mommy will really kill me, why don't we do something else?" but one glance at her sweet face left him speechless. He couldn't do it. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
"Alright, we'll do it... but!" He cut himself off, raising his voice slightly to be heard over her excited cheering. "But! We only have two hours til mommy gets home." She nodded eagerly, bouncing on her feet. 
"And if we do this it has to be our secret, mommy can't know. Can you keep this secret?" He said, making a very serious face. 
"Yes!" She squealed, giggling. 
"Pinky promise?" 
She beamed, holding her tiny hand up to his. He wrapped his finger around hers, squeezing for just a second before releasing her. 
"Go get the markers then, we have to work fast!" 
Stevie screamed in excitement, running as fast as her little legs could carry her. He heard her digging around the art room, probably making a huge mess, before he heard a scraping noise on the wood floor. She was pushing a box of markers that was nearly as big as she was, groaning dramatically. 
"It's... too... heavy," she panted.  "Please help!" 
Harry smiled, leaning down to pick up the box. He scooped her up too, settling them both down on the table. 
"Alright, Miss Styles," he said, adapting a posh accent. "This is a proper tattoo parlor, so we shall do this properly, hm?" 
She laughed, kicking her feet. 
"I want the mermaid!" She said, pointing to the ink on his forearm. 
"Patience, Miss Styles," He smiled, wetting a paper towel under the faucet. "First, we have to get your arm ready!" 
She held out her arm, tracing her little fingers over his other tattoos as he wiped her wrist with the cloth. 
"So, the mermaid, hm? You have excellent taste, Miss Stevie," he joked, throwing the towel back to the sink. "What color?" 
"Black, like yours," she said, smiling sweetly. 
He felt his heart squeezing as he reached for a black marker. She was so precious. He would do anything, literally anything, to make her happy. He knew it was probably dangerous, how much power this two year old had over him, but he didn't care. He had been in love with her since the day she was born; since the first time he had looked at her. 
"We can match, look at that!" He said, beginning to draw on her arm. "Did you know that I love you sooooo much?" 
"I love you too, daddy," she giggled. "And that tickles!" 
"Oh, it tickles, does it? Should I stop?" He hovered the marker over her skin, glancing at her teasingly. 
"No!" She yelled. "I want to match you!" 
"Alright then," He said, laughing as he went back to his task. "Why don't we listen to some music?" 
"What should we listen to?" 
"Your song, the fire!" 
"The fire?" Harry looked up, confused. "None of my songs have fire in them, bug." 
"Yes," she said stubbornly. "And the fish!" 
Harry thought for a second before it clicked. "Do you mean Adore You?" 
"That one!" 
"You're right," He laughed. "That one does talk about fire. I'll get it, yeah?" 
He set down the marker, picking up his phone. After a minute, she was dancing in her seat to the drums of Adore You. When the chorus came on, she sang "walk through fire for you" while looking at Harry triumphantly. 
"Did you know this song is about mommy?" He said, focusing on his drawing. 
"Really?" She asked incredulously, eyes wide. 
"Really! It's about how much I love her." 
"Yucky," She said, scrunching her nose.
  "Yucky? That's not yucky!" he exclaimed. "It's nice!" 
Stevie hummed, kicking her feet along with the music.
   "It's yucky." 
"Stevie, you're hurting my feelings!" He said, gasping and clutching his chest dramatically. "I can't go on," he sighed, throwing his other arm over his forehead. "I'm sorry, daddy," She giggled, reaching up to pull his arm back to her. "Keep going!" 
He smiled, adding the finishing touches to her drawing.
"And... there we go! One mermaid, just for you." 
She beamed, holding her arm next to his to compare. 
"Daddy... your mermaid has no clothes. She needs some." 
"How about you draw her a shirt?" Harry laughed, handing her the marker. She furrowed her brow, focusing intently on her task. 
"Good job staying in the lines, love!" He said, ignoring the scribbles around the outline. "And you were right, it does tickle." 
"I know!" She laughed, giving the marker back. 
"What now?" 
"The... the heart!" She said, pointing the the small filled in shape on his upper arm. 
"Sure, that's an easy one." 
He proceeded to give her at least ten more matching "tattoos", including a cross, an anchor, a poorly drawn rose, and the green bay packers logo. 
"Daddy!" She gasped. "I have a idea!" 
"What's your idea, princess?" 
"The butterfly! On my belly!" 
"You want a butterfly on your belly?" He asked, lifting his shirt to show her his. "Like this?" 
"Yes!" She clapped. "Like that!" 
They were having the time of their lives, drawing and singing as loud as they could to all of Harry's songs. He loved watching her face every time he finished drawing. Her eyes would light up and she would pull his arm to hers, showing him how they matched. Every time a new song came on she would squeal and kick her legs because "it's my favorite song!" 
They had just finished making silly noises together at the end of "Sunflower" when Harry heard a noise. He froze with the marker on her arm, looking up quickly. 
He reached over to pause the music, holding a finger to his lips when she whined at him. He glanced at the clock, hoping he was just imagining things. You weren't supposed to be home for another hour. But no, that was definitely the sound of the front door opening, followed by your voice calling out a greeting. 
"Mommy!" Stevie shrieked, launching herself off the table. 
"No!" Harry hissed, grabbing her before she could run off. "Stevie, we have to wash this off!" 
He scooped her up, running up the stairs to the bathroom. 
"Harry?" You called out. That was weird. You could have sworn you heard them in the kitchen. "Stevie?" 
"We're- we're upstairs, love!" Harry yelled back. "Just cleaning up!" 
Cleaning what? You wondered, but didn't dwell on it for too long. It had rained recently, so they had probably gotten muddy outside. 
You made your way to the kitchen with the grocery bags, beginning to put everything away. Then you saw the box of markers. You narrowed your eyes, confused when you realized there was no paper around. What had they been drawing on? 
Up in the bathroom, Harry was starting to panic. He had set Stevie up on the counter while he was rubbing at the ink with a washcloth. 
"It's not coming off! Why isn't it coming off? The box said washable!" 
"No, don't take my mermaid!" She cried, pushing his hands away. 
"Stevie, love, I'm sorry, but we can't let mommy see these. Remember? They're secret tattoos." 
"Mommy will like them! They're nice," She pouted. 
"No, I don't think she will," Harry said, laughing nervously. "Maybe if we..." he grabbed the bottle of soap, dumping some onto the cloth. "There we are! Whew," he sighed in relief. "Good thing that worked, or daddy might have been sleeping on the couch tonight." 
Just as he was lifting her off the counter, he heard a knock at the door.
  "Harry? What are you doing in there?" 
He swung open the door, smiling charmingly. 
"Just a little cleanup! We... spilled some yogurt. Right Stevie?" 
She nodded, looking up at you innocently. 
"Ok... why were there markers all over the table, but no paper to use them on?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him. 
"Uh... we were going to color, but then... the... yogurt explosion..." 
"Oh, I see," you said, still suspicious. "Stevie," you said, kneeling down to be at her eye level. "Is daddy telling the truth?" 
Harry held his breath. Stevie was notoriously bad at lying. Usually, Harry was thankful for this, but right now he could do with a little fib.
"Yes mommy, yogurt went everywhere," she said, eyes going wide as she mimicked an explosion with her hands.
You smiled, straightening up. 
"Well, I'm glad you got it cleaned up. I'm going to go put the rest of the groceries away." 
Harry exhaled as you got to the bottom of the stairs. He quickly lifted Stevie up, spinning her around. 
"Thank you, Stevie. You're such a sweetie," He said, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She giggled, wiping her face and wiggling in his arms.
"Let's go see what mom bought us!" He said, bouncing her as they ran downstairs. 
Harry thought he was in the clear. He really did. He had managed to scrub off all traces of the marker, including the scribbles drawn over his own mermaid. Luckily, Stevie was true to her pinky promise and didn't say a word. She told you about how they played outside and what books they read, but said nothing about the makeshift tattoos. She was good at being sneaky.
By the time Stevie was yawning, Harry really though everything was fine. When you went to change her into her pajamas, he settled into the couch to find a movie. 
Everything is fine, he thought. You had no id-
"Harry!" You yelled from down the hall. 
He hopped up from his seat, rushing to Stevie's room. 
"What is it?" 
"Harry," you said, turning towards him slowly. "Why does our daughter have a huge butterfly drawn on her tummy?" 
So close.
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH17
The queen has arrived ;)
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Chapter 17: Kings and Queens
“Look out!” Chloe shoved Marinette out of the way of a red beam of light. Her knees buckled, and Marinette scrambled to catch her.
“What a shame. I missed.” Black boots climbed long legs, kissing the hems of a ripped dress at the top. A dark tiara crowned flowing red curls, framing the dark green eyes glaring at them from behind a black mask.
“Gabrielle?” Marinette gasped.
“I go by Heiress now, but don’t worry, Marinette, your stupidity has bought you a free pass. I just wanted to make sure my powers were working, and it looks like they do.” She nodded to the girl coming to in Marinette’s arms before strutting off.
Chloe sat up with a groan, rubbing her head. “Ugh, what was that?”
“Chloe, your-” Marinette clamped a hand over her mouth.
Her once shiny hair hung dull and stringy at her shoulders, now resembling straw more than soft silk. Perfectly manicured nails had shriveled into dirty stubs, and her Gabriel-original dress was replaced with a knock-off.
“What?” Chloe’s shoulders heaved, escalating until a shrill scream echoed through the hall.
“You saved me—I think.” Marinette winced. “It looks like Heiress’s power made you-”
“Poor!” Chloe screeched. “Oh, Ladybug better get here soon and fix this! If I see that akuma, I’ll teach her to put me in off-brands!”
“Wait, you saved me. You saved me!” Marinette realized. “Aw, you do miss me.”
“No, I don’t!” Chloe’s cheeks flushed. “I didn’t even know what was happening. I just reacted, okay?”
“Please, you don’t have a selfless bone in your body. You saved me because you miss me,” Marinette said.
“Do not.”
“Do too.”
“Do not!”  At Marinette’s smug grin, Chloe folded her arms over her chest with a huff. “Whatever. I’m going after that akuma to give her a piece of my mind. You can go get help or… go buy some shoes that aren’t awful!”
“I don’t think you’re one to talk about awful shoes right now.” Marinette pointed to the ratty sneakers on Chloe’s feet.
“Just go,” Chloe said through clenched teeth.
Marinette raced up the hall, a smile tugging the corners of her lips. She hated to admit it, but in a weird way, she did miss Chloe Bourgeois. Wow. She never thought she’d say that.
“You’re changing a lot of mean girls today.” Tikki remarked when Marinette ducked into a closet. “I think that was Chloe’s way of protecting you.”
“I’m not holding my breath. She probably had too much wine,” Marinette said. “But never mind that. Transform me!”
Ladybug sprinted back up the hall, palming her yoyo in one hand. She should have known Gabrielle would get akumatized once her secret got out, but now wasn’t the time to play blame games. There was an akuma to catch.
Rounding the corner, she collided with another person, scrambling to catch their hand before they both fell backward. “Sorry!” she gasped, but when gorgeous green eyes locked with hers, her heart took off into a sprint.
“Ladybug?” Adrien blinked in surprise. “What’s going on?”
Why did she have to find him now? Even if she defeated the akuma quickly, she needed to be there for Gabrielle. Lisette would have to help her look cute for him another time.
“There’s an akuma on the loose. You should find somewhere to hide,” she said.
“Right.” He flicked his gaze down to their hands, still twined.
Ladybug let go, cheeks burning. “Um, stay safe, okay?”
“Good luck, Ladybug,” he said before running the other way up the hall.
She watched him go with a longing sigh. What she wouldn’t give to be a normal girl right now. Then they could snuggle up and hide together, and maybe he’d finally kiss her. They could get married, buy a house, and-
She patted her cheeks to snap herself out of her trance. There was no time for that now. Akuma first, then Gabrielle, Adrien later.
Terrified shrieks signaled that Heiress had found the rest of the party. Thomas was the one who outed her, so he was likely Heiress’s first target. Ladybug needed to get to him first, even if he was one of the skeeviest people she’d ever met. It wasn’t her job to pick who needed saving. Why did she have to be such a good person?
Bursting into the dining room, she skidded to a stop as Heiress zapped Thomas before she could even draw her yoyo.
The tall boy transformed in front of her. Perfectly combed brown hair shriveled into shaggy clumps, and a once flawless complexion broke out in angry, red zits. Stylish clothes turned to tattered rags as Thomas became a shell of his former glory. He scurried away from Heiress with a squeal, and she turned to Ladybug with a triumphant smirk.
“Too slow,” Heiress said, “but don’t worry. Now I have plenty of time for you.”
Ladybug dodged the red beam. She might have been too late to save Thomas, but there was still time to save Gabrielle. This battle was far from over. She just needed to focus.
“I know you think there isn’t a way out of your situation, but teaming up with Hawkmoth isn’t the answer!” Ladybug pleaded.
“Please, I’ve lived among these people long enough to know that they don’t appreciate what they have. I know I didn’t…” Heiress lowered her gaze, jaw clenched. “My family lost everything, but now I can take it all back!”
Ladybug flipped out of the way of several blasts, taking the time to examine her opponent closely. The barcode scanner shot red beams of light that stripped its victims of their fancy clothes, jewelry, devices—anything expensive. Gabrielle wanted everyone to feel the pain of losing everything, so she was taking all of their wealth for herself.
A metal baton struck Heiress’s hand, skewing her next shot, and a black-clad feline cast his partner a smirk. “Having a party without me? I’m insulted.”
“Your invitation must have gotten lost in the mail,” Ladybug said. “You and I both know it’s not a party without your sweet dance moves, kitty. Care to show us how it’s done?”
“It would be my pleasure, LB.” Chat Noir winked.
Heiress pointed her scanner at him. “I wonder how much that cat suit is worth.”
Chat Noir dodged her attack easily. “This cat’s style is one-of-a-kind. All the money in the world can’t buy this swagger.”
“We’ll see about that,” Heiress growled.
The heroes took turns charging in, dodging and weaving around beams from her scanner. Ladybug hooked her yoyo around Heiress’s legs, swinging her around into the China hutch. Realizing she was outmatched, Heiress retreated to the living room where more party guests were hiding, but Ladybug and Chat Noir were hot on her trail.
“Run!” Ladybug ordered, and terrified teens scattered.
Heiress ducked out of the way of Chat’s baton, scanning anyone who passed her between blows. Lisette’s older brother raced from behind the couch, and Heiress wasted no time scanning him before he reached the door. She caught Chat Noir’s staff on the next swing, a grin curling on her lips.
“Looks like someone’s watch was worth a lot. I wonder how much this costs?” She scanned Chat Noir’s baton, leaving him with a plastic copy.
“Hey!” Chat Noir gasped.
Ladybug snagged her yoyo around Heiress’s wrist before she could scan him, but Heiress kicked him through the large window with one long leg instead. Before Ladybug could react, Heiress gripped the string of the yoyo and spun her out after him.
Chat Noir braced as she landed on top of him in the bush, her yoyo bouncing onto the grass beside them. They rolled over with groans, untangling their limbs, and Ladybug grasped for her yoyo.  
“Everything she scans makes her stronger depending on its worth. We need to think of a plan,” she said.
“I’m all ears, Bug.” Ladybug eyed him. “What?”
“You haven’t called me m’lady or Bugaboo all evening. I think it’s a new record for you.” She flicked his bell with a smirk.
“Well, I- you hate it when I call you that,” he said pointedly, cheeks flushed.
“That’s never stopped you before. Has another lady finally stolen your heart?” she giggled.
“Ladybug!” Chloe shouted. “What are you two doing out here? The akuma is turning more people into dried up peasants. Have you seen what she did to my hair? Bring me my Miraculous, so I can beat some sense into her!”
“Chloe, this isn’t the time for revenge.” Ladybug sighed.
“I’m not out for revenge,” Chloe said matter-of-factly. “The faster we defeat the akuma, the faster I go back to looking fabulous. So bring me my Miraculous, and let me help you, please?” Chloe pressed her palms together, and Ladybug pursed her lips.
Chloe was right. They needed to defeat the akuma quickly and save Gabrielle, but did she really want to give Chloe her Miraculous back? With her identity blown, Chloe was in even more danger every time she became Queen Bee. Not to mention trusting Chloe in general was risky, but after she sacrificed herself for Marinette earlier…
Something was different about Chloe. Sure was still the same bratty, primadonna, but her blue eyes were steadfast and sincere. Ladybug once believed that giving Chloe a Miraculous would help her be better, and part of her still believed that.
There was only one way to settle this.
“Lucky Charm!” Ladybug caught the record as it manifested and turned it over in her hands.
“Now isn’t the time to practice your DJing.” Chloe scoffed.
Ladybug glanced between Chat Noir, Chloe, the plants surrounding them, but nothing stood out. A record. What was she supposed to do with a record? Unless…
“I have to go. Chat Noir, keep an eye on Heiress until I get back, but be careful. I don’t want you getting scanned. We don’t know what will happen to our powers if she scans one of us,” Ladybug said.
“Got it.”
“Are you going to bring me my Miraculous?” Chloe perked up.
“Do you promise not to do anything reckless while I’m gone?” Ladybug asked.
“Oh, yes, yes, yes! I promise, Ladybug.” Chloe bounced excitedly, then cocking a hip added, “But hurry up! These shoes make me physically ill.”
Ladybug rolled her eyes and dashed up the lawn, leaping through the very same garden she and Adrien had walked through an hour before. The mansion was far from Master Fu’s apartment, but her yoyo made short work of the trip. Her mentor was enjoying his bedtime tea when she entered, sitting cross-legged on the mat with Wayzz on his shoulder.
“Master, there’s an akuma, and I think my lucky charm wanted me to come here.” Marinette flicked her gaze to the phonograph resting on the chest in the back.
“Then there is no time to waste,” Master Fu said. He set his tea aside and retrieved the Miracle Box from its hiding place. “Who do you have in mind?”
Marinette surveyed her options with pursed lips, then resigned herself and reached for the bee. Chloe was different tonight, and if they were going to stop Heiress, they needed an ally they could count on. Never in her life did she picture that to be Chloe, but given the present circumstances, she didn’t have any other options.
“Are you sure, Marinette? Choosing her is risky.” Master Fu cautioned.
“It’s a long story, but…” Marinette smiled. “I’m sure.”
“Then best of luck.”
When Marinette changed schools, she intended to leave everyone behind and start over, but the most unlikely people had found their way back to her. Adrien took her by the hand and refused to let go. Chloe begrudgingly kept one foot in the door, constantly threatening to close it for good, but something told Marinette she never would.
To Ladybug’s surprise, Chloe actually listened to her instructions to stay out of trouble. When Ladybug found her, she was dutifully ushering other raggedly dressed teens out to the garden. She really could behave when she wanted to.
Chloe spotted her on the balcony, and when Ladybug waved the small box, Chloe raced up the stairs faster than she’d ever run in gym class. She held out her hands expectantly, but Ladybug held up a finger.
“I’m trusting you this time, Chloe, but you don’t need a Miraculous to be a hero, ya know. You can be nicer to those around you all the time,” Ladybug said.
“Yeah, yeah,” Chloe groaned. “Can I have my Miraculous now?”
“Do you promise to be nicer to people?”
Chloe’s cheeks flushed, and she crossed her arms over her chest. “Alright, fine.”
Ladybug tossed her the box, and Chloe ripped it open, completely unfazed as Pollen materialized. She fastened the comb into her hair and smiled. “Pollen, transform me!”
Ladybug didn’t wait for Queen Bee’s transformation to finish before they hit the ground running. Chat Noir had been holding Heiress back on his own, and it was time to bring him some backup.
The two heroines kicked in the front door, leaping straight into action. Ladybug shielded Chat Noir with her yoyo while Queen Bee snagged Heiress’s leg with her spinner and tossed her through the door to the living room.
“You sure kept me waiting,” Chat Noir said.
“It was kind of a long trip, but I thought we could use some help,” Ladybug said as Queen Bee fluffed her ponytail.
“Let’s show this wannabe who the real queen is.” Queen Bee readied her spinner.
“So, what’s the plan?” Chat Noir asked.
“If Queen Bee can sting Heiress with her Venom, then you can Cataclysm her scanner. Avoid getting hit at all costs. There’s no telling how powerful a Miraculous will make her,” Ladybug said.
Heiress was kicking debris from the cabinet she’d crashed into when the heroes found her. They didn’t waste time as she righted herself, taking turns charging in. With a growl of frustration, Heiress flipped back into the foyer, scanning the crystal chandelier in the process. Ladybug’s yoyo wasn’t far behind, snagging her wrist again. Queen Bee bound her legs with her spinning top, but Heiress absorbed enough power from the chandelier to break the stone fountain beside her. Tossing a large chunk at Queen Bee, Heiress freed her legs, using her free arm to sling Ladybug into the staircase. Chat Noir grappled with Heiress while his partners recovered, but Heiress parried his blows easily before taking his wrist and tossing him across the foyer.
Ladybug sat up with a wince, rubbing her back where it had collided with the smooth marble. Her yoyo had bounced to the base of the stairs, too far for her to reach as Heiress closed in. She braced as Heiress raised her scanner, but a flash of yellow shot across the foyer.
“No!” Queen Bee leaped between Ladybug and the red beam.
Vibrant yellows dulled, long golden curls shriveling to dried husks. The bee comb in her hair lost its shine, transforming into a powerless, plastic barrette. Queen Bee collapsed at Ladybug’s feet.
“A noble sacrifice, but even your Miraculous has given me enough power to end this fight quickly,” Heiress said.
Heiress turned as Chat Noir slid past her, dragging his claws across the tile. The ground crumbled and gave out under his touch, plunging Heiress into the wine cellar below. He raced over to Ladybug, kneeling beside Queen Bee as she sat up.
“She really saved your skin, LB,” he said.
“She saved all of us,” Ladybug corrected. “That was really selfless of you, Queen Bee. Thank you.”
“If she hit you, then things would never go back to normal.” Queen Bee took Ladybug’s hand, pressing the yoyo to her palm. “You’re the only one who can fix all of this, so don’t you dare let me getting hit by that freak twice be for nothing.”
Ladybug nodded, gripping her yoyo tightly before issuing the call, “Lucky Charm!” She caught the small black card as it materialized, turning it over in her hands. “A credit card?”
“Well, she’s certainly got enough money to take you shopping,” Chat Noir remarked.
Ladybug pursed her lips, flicking her gaze around the room. With Chat Noir’s belt, her yoyo, the credit card, and Queen Bee…
“I know what to do. Chat Noir, I need you to lure her into the dining room and be ready to use your belt,” she instructed. “Queen Bee, come with me.”
“But I don’t have any powers.”
Ladybug offered her a smile and pulled her to her feet. “Remember what I told you. You don’t need superpowers to be a hero. Trust me.”
Queen Bee searched her expression, then smiled, and the two heroines retreated up the hall.
“So, what’s the plan?” Queen Bee asked as they entered the dining room.
“How fast can you swipe a credit card?” Ladybug turned to her, and Queen Bee cocked a hip.
“Please, I can swipe one faster than my daddy can realize how much money I’m spending,” she said. “Why?”
“Chat Noir and I are going to subdue Heiress, but we need you to swipe this across her scanner. It’s maxed out, so it’s basically worthless. With any luck, it will short-circuit her powers long enough to get the scanner away from her,” Ladybug explained. She placed the card in Queen Bee’s hands. “I’m counting on you.”
Queen Bee squared her shoulders with a nod. “Okay, Ladybug!”
Footsteps pounded in the hallway, growing closer, and Ladybug signaled Queen Bee to her position. When Chat Noir burst through the door, he removed his belt as Ladybug readied her yoyo. Heiress was hot on his trail, and the two heroes engaged her the moment she stepped through the door.
“Chat Noir!” Ladybug called.
He slid across the floor on his knees, looping his belt around Heiress’s legs and pulling tight. Ladybug lassoed her torso with her yoyo, immobilizing her limbs. Queen Bee slid in, swiping the credit card across the scanner with practiced precision.
Heiress shook them off, but when she raised her arm to scan Chat Noir, no red beams flashed.
“What?” She banged it against her palm.
“Oops, looks like I’ve hit my limit,” Queen Bee said.
Chat Noir kicked the scanner from her grasp, and Ladybug snagged it from the air with her yoyo, slamming it against the ground. The casing shattered, and the black butterfly fluttered free.
“No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to deevilize!” she recited. Queen Bee handed her the credit card, and Ladybug tossed it into the air. “Miraculous Ladybug!”
Her magic spread around the mansion, repairing broken cabinets and missing objects, and most importantly, everyone’s fancy clothes. Chat Noir kissed his baton as it reappeared in his hands. Queen Bee twirled in delight as her Miraculous regained its power.
Gabrielle stood up, averting her gaze. Ladybug approached her, but before she could get close, Gabrielle stalked from the room. A speech from Ladybug wasn’t what she needed—Gabrielle needed a friend.
“It feels so good to be fabulous again,” Queen Bee said with a contented sigh.
“Thanks for your help. You can be really selfless when you want to be,” Ladybug said. “Imagine how much of a difference you could make if you were nice all the time.”
Queen Bee’s cheeks flushed. “Okay, okay, whatever!” She flipped her ponytail over one shoulder. “I’ll think about it.”
Chat Noir joined in, and the three touched their fists together.
“Pound it!”
“Well, I hope this is a lesson to Hawkmoth. If an akuma ever ruins my hair again, he’ll have Queen Bee to deal with.” Chloe removed the comb from her hair and handed it back to Ladybug. She headed for the door with her head high but paused with her hand on the frame. “Thanks, Ladybug. For trusting me.”
Ladybug smiled as she sauntered off, turning to Chat Noir. “Thanks for your help, kitty.”
“We’re partners, aren’t we? I can’t let you have all the fun,” he said, shifting when Ladybug pursed her lips at him. “What?”
“Are you okay? You’re quiet today. Usually, you talk my ear off,” she said.
He eyed her with a pensive frown and shook his head. “It’s nothing. I’ll see you next time.”
He raced off without kissing her hand or even a parting flirtatious remark on how beautiful her hair looked in the light. Something was off about him, but she couldn’t place her finger on what. This wasn’t one of his usual pouts when she refused to go on a date with him, and it had been a while since he’d even asked for one. Was he finally moving on from her?
Ladybug shook her head to clear it. There was no time to worry about him. She needed to find Gabrielle.
♪♫♪ Old Scars/Future Hearts ♪♫♪
 “Gabrielle!” Marinette skipped down the stairs.
The red-head slumping for the front doors turned over her shoulder with a scowl, but her face softened when she saw Marinette—slightly. “What do you want?”
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Thomas told everyone about your family, then you got akumatized,” Marinette said.
“Ugh, you’re such a goody-two-shoes.” Gabrielle rolled her eyes. “You shouldn’t be seen with me. If they catch you being nice, they’ll throw you under the bus just as quickly as they did me. Trust me, it’s better if you just ignore me from now on.”
“But what about you?” Marinette asked.
“What about me?” Gabrielle grunted. “I’m done. Now that everyone knows my family’s out of money, I’m the school laughingstock. As far as they’re concerned, I deserve it. Don’t waste your time on me. It’s more trouble than it’s worth.”
Marinette remained quiet, eyebrows knitting together before she finally muttered, “I’m sorry.”
“For what? It’s not like you spent all of our money,” Gabrielle said.
“Yeah, but I know it must be hard for you.”
“Why do you care?” Gabrielle asked. “It’s not like I’ve been nice to you. I dragged you here against your will, then wouldn’t even let you socialize with me. You shouldn’t care about me.”
“Well, you don’t know me very well,” Marinette said, “but you could. We could be friends if you wanted.”
Gabrielle opened her mouth as if to say something, then shook her head, red curls bouncing against her shoulders. “No. I don’t think we could be. Even if I wanted to be your friend, it’s social suicide for you.”
When Marinette frowned, Gabrielle rolled her eyes and added, “Look, forget about me, okay? Forget any of this ever happened. We’re not friends, and we never will be. Just leave me alone!”
Marinette watched her climb into her town car, a sinking feeling weighing her stomach. Gabrielle was right. She shouldn’t care. But she did. Maybe she was just a goody-two-shoes, but Marinette had seen a more vulnerable side of Gabrielle—one that she likely didn’t show many people. After everything, Marinette truly believed that Gabrielle Burton wasn’t a bad person. She just needed someone to show her how to be good.
“Marinette?” She turned to find Adrien approaching from the living room.
“Hey,” she said lamely. Because what did one say to the love of their life after an almost-kiss in the garden?  
“I saw you talking to that girl, and I didn’t want to interrupt,” Adrien said. “I don’t know exactly what happened, but isn’t that the girl who was picking on your friend the other day?”
“Yeah,” Marinette said, and when Adrien tilted his head to the side, she added, “it’s kind of complicated.”
“Right,” he said. “So, I guess you need a ride home then?”
“Earlier you said that girl brought you here, and now she left, so we can take you home if you want.” Adrien offered. Was it possible for him to be any more dreamy?
“Oh… I guess, I do need a ride. Thank you,” she said. And maybe they could pick up where they left off in the garden. Did she dare even think about it? But what if he tried to kiss her again? Oh, the stories they could tell their kids one day.
“Hey!” Chloe called from the base of the stairs.
Oh, right. Chloe.
“Didn’t I separate you two earlier?” she growled.
“Marinette needs a ride home,” Adrien said, and Chloe cocked a hip.
“She’s got legs.”
“Chloe.” Adrien scolded. “She’s riding with us.”
“No.” Chloe whined, but after a stern look from Adrien, she sighed. “Fine, but we’re dropping her off first. I don’t want to be stuck in a car with her for any longer than I have to be.”
“Well, aren’t you sweet,” Marinette said.
“I’m only doing this because Ladybug told me to be nicer to people, so I can still be Queen Bee. Don’t think for a second it’s because I like you.” Chloe retorted.
“Don’t worry. I’d never imagine that you like me.” Marinette rolled her eyes. “I haven’t missed you.”
“Well, I haven’t missed you either!”
“Maybe you two just shouldn’t talk on the ride home.” Adrien suggested gently.
“Fine, I don’t want to talk to Dupain-Cheng anyway.” Chloe flipped her ponytail over one shoulder. “You and I can have glowing conversation, Adrikins.”
“Why do you get to talk to Adrien?”
“Because I’ve known him the longest, so ha!” Chloe stuck her tongue out.
Adrien sighed and fell into step alongside Marinette. “Sorry, I know it’s not ideal, but it beats walking.”
“It’s fine. I don’t get to argue with her much anymore, so this is filling up my quota.” Marinette shrugged.
As Adrien reached to open the door for her, another voice called out from the front door. “Leaving already?”
Marinette’s spine stiffened, and she spun around to see Thomas pacing down the front steps like a predator stalking his prey; however, he wasn’t approaching her.
“I saw you fighting that akuma with Ladybug earlier. Being a superhero is pretty cool, huh?” He looked Chloe up and down. “You’re the mayor’s daughter, right?”
Chloe eyed him with disinterest, her nose wrinkling in disgust. “Didn’t Dupain-Cheng turn you down earlier?”
“Well, she and I didn’t exactly hit it off-” Chloe held up a hand to silence him.
“Save it,” she said. “I’m not anyone’s second-choice, and I’m sure as heck not taking home Dupain-Cheng’s scraps. Buzz off, loser.”
Marinette hated to admit it, but she was actually proud of Chloe. Thomas was sleazy, arrogant, and greedy—just her type. Maybe Chloe really had changed.
“Absolutely not. Move over.” Chloe wedged her way between Adrien and Marinette on the seat.
And maybe she hadn’t.
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
A/N: Thank you to the anon who gave me this prompt! I couldn't write the little sister in the perspective of the reader so I hope it's okay making her a separate character!x
Summary: Steve's little sister throws a strop when Bucky won't play with her.
Word Count: 919
“Weeeeee!” Ruth giggled out as she soared around the room. Bucky was holding her up high and spinning her round like an airplane.
“Commencing landing sequence.” Bucky said in a robotic tone. He jolted his arms so she bounced up and down as he lowered her. She kept giggling as he placed her gently on the sofa. She hopped off and ran round to him.
“Again again again!” She chanted. He laughed.
“You’ve flown 11 times today already, don’t you think that’s enough?” He chuckled.
“Nooooo I want to go again….pweaseeeeee” She pleaded with her big eyes.
“No more Ruth, Uncle Buck’s tired now. How about we have a little dance? You can hop onto my feet if you want!” He tried to compromise with her. Ruth pouted.
“Airplane.” She demanded.
“I promise we can airplane again later on when my energy is back, Uncle Buck is an old man, remember!” He said, trying to make her laugh. She pouted again and sat down on the sofa.
“What have you done now?” Steve teased Bucky as he entered the room.
“Uncle Buck won’t airplane me.” Ruth sulked, folding her arms. Steve chuckled softly.
“Why won’t you airplane her?” He asked Bucky nicely.
“I have 11 times already, it’s just I’m a little tired now. I’ve promised I will again tonight once I regain my strength!” Bucky informed Steve. Steve turned to Ruth and knelt down in front of her.
“Now you, Uncle Buck promised he will later. So why are you upset?”
“I want airplane now.” She sulked.
“And what have I told you before? I want…” He started. She sighed.
“Doesn’t get.” She mumbled out.
“Good girl. Now come on, I’m sure there are lots of fun things we can do together! We could play Peggity or play with some of your dolls or...ooh I know! We could do some drawings with your new crayons!” Steve said, excitedly. Ruth looked down and shrugged.
“Come on darling, don’t be like that. We can still have fun!” Steve said. She didn’t respond.
“Ruth sweetheart, I hope I haven’t upset you. I just got tired after a while. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to play with you still!” Bucky chimed in, hoping to cheer her up. He didn’t get a response either. He looked at Steve for help and Steve thought for a moment before a smile crept onto his face.
“Hey Ruthie, I know something that will cheer you up…” He sang. Still no response. He lifted up his hand and tickled gently under her chin. She instantly recoiled and giggled.
“Steheheve,” She giggled as he kept tickling her.
“Are you gonna cheer up now?” He asked, she shook her head.
“Hm. Alright then.” With one swift motion he sat on the sofa and scooped her up into his arms.
“You better cheer up now or this tummy is going to get it…” He teased. She squealed and grabbed hold of her dress, trying to cover her tummy.
“Nohoho” She giggled.
“No? No?!” He asked, raising his eyebrows at her before shaking his head.
“Right, well then, looks like this poor tummy is going to suffer the consequences.” He said before bowing his head and nuzzling into her tummy. She instantly shrieked and tried to protect herself but her little arms were no match for Steve’s head, who was now nomming loudly on her tummy. She squealed and giggled and kicked her little legs out.
“STEHEHEHEHEVE NOHOHO HAHAHAHA” She cried. He switched between nuzzling into her tummy and blowing multiple raspberries. He placed her gently on his lap and started spidering one hand over her tummy.
“STEHEHEHEHEVE” She screamed. Steve laughed along with her but briefly stopped to let her breathe.
“Are you cheered up now?” He asked. She giggled and shook her head, a cheeky grin appearing on her face.
“Still no?!” He boomed out. “Right, this calls for backup. Uncle Buck, if you please.” Steve said turning to Bucky. Bucky laughed and approached the pair. He sat down next to Steve and grabbed hold of her feet.
“Nohoho Uncle Buhuhuck” she giggled. Bucky had a habit of tickling her feet because he knew it made her laugh the most. He gently gripped one foot and played “this little piggy” with her toes. Ruth instantly squealed and kicked with her other foot.
“Excuse me miss, I’m trying to tell you a story about the piggys. Do you mind not interrupting me.” Bucky teased, starting the nursery rhyme from the beginning again. She giggled and squealed as he gently tickled each toe but before he got to the end she accidentally kicked him again. He stopped and slowly turned to her.
“Oh now you’re in trouble.” Bucky said sternly before scribbling his fingers over both of her soles. Ruth shrieked and laughed even louder. She started flailing her arms until Steve grabbed one and held it up so he could wiggle a finger into her armpit. She shrieked again and tried to twist away from him.
“HAHAHAHAHAPPY I’M HAHAHAHAPPY!” She screamed out, laughing loudly. They both stopped tickling her and Steve cuddled her close.
“So you’re cheered up now?” He asked. She giggled out a yes.
“Good because I think I have my energy back!” Bucky said. He jumped up from the sofa and picked her up. She cheered as he turned her back into an airplane and continued to fly her around the room. Steve watched in awe as his best friend played with his little sister.
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cantsaythetword · 3 years
Let Nature Take It’s Course!
~A/N  - HALLO!
Damn I’ve been back to writing a lot today. This one is from a while back when me and one of my best friends (thegirlIhavebeencrushingonforlike2yearsnow) were at her place watching stuff and started messing around with one of those head massager things 
(these things
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you know the ones)
So of course I turned it into a fic, with a little added bit at the end for something I nglreallywishhappenedbutohwell...
Also this is my first MJ and Peter fic (i think)! So lemme know if y’all like it. 
Love you all, I am proud of you, you are doing great <3
- Enoy! ~
When Peter had agreed to a late night study session, he never expected this.
To be at MJ’s house, 5 hours later, watching wild, wacky, and wonderful youtube videos at 3 O’Clock in the morning. 
Yup. They had entered a spiral into the weird side of youtube. And they weren’t getting out of it any time soon. Sure, the first few hours had been productive. They had snacks, laptops out, tea, everything they needed for a night of assignment writing and content memorising. But now, well... They had just finished a video about the Pompeii explosion, and the youtube algorithm had decided that the Bermuda Triangle would be next.
Of course. That’s a logical progression. 
In preparation of the next 10 minutes of mind blowing conspiracies, MJ had decided to get comfy. Meaninglessly lying back against her best friend’s chest.
The best friend in question, however, found this anything but meaningless.
Peter’s heart began to race. Having MJ so close to him was both comforting and exhilarating. His hands grew sweaty, knees weak (arms are heav- ok I’m sorry I’ll stop...), and he just couldn’t concentrate on the video playing in front of him. His thoughts and eyes would just continually drift back to the girl beside him. Something about her kept her in his head, over and over again she ricocheted in his mind like a game of ping pong. And nothing he could would stop it.
In an attempt to stop himself staring at his crush, he let his eyes wander around her bedroom. Not in a creepy way, of course, just to distract himself enough so he didn’t disturb her (or draw attention to himself). It was only the second time Peter had been in MJ’s house, after all, and he couldn’t help but have a bit of a look around.
There was the regular things - posters, pictures of family and friends, jackets, etc. etc., all stuff you’d expect to find in someone’s room.
Then there was the slightly stranger stuff. Like the toy cat they had found for a Halloween costume a year earlier. Or the giraffe onesie that matched Peter's which she had found for a PJ party.  
But none of that was what interested Peter, oh no. As his eyes locked on to a rather interesting object in MJ’s hairbrush holder, he nonchalantly reached over to grab it. It was time for some fun, and thankfully MJ didn’t realise what he was up to. 
With the poise and grace of a... graceful person... he slowly brought his arm back towards him and held the head scratcher over MJ’s relaxed form. Lining up the spokes around her head, he brought it down slowly onto her. 
Oh this was even better than he had imagined.
Her body seemed to seize up immediately, eyes scrunching shut in an adorable grimace, and he could tell there was a threat of giggles gathering in her throat. He gently raised and lowered it a few times, each movement causing her to jerk and shudder in a more entertaining and endearing manner, the smile never leaving her face. 
“Peheh- Pete...” She winced and gasped with each tickly motion. “Cuhu- cut ihit- OUt!”
Eventually he gave her a moment of repose, and she shoved his hands away and gave him a glare.  
“Peter.” She said in a threatening tone, but the boy was way too giddy with himself to notice. 
”What?” He grinned. “It can’t be that bad, can it?”
“Oh, how about you try it then?”
Peter’s face morphed from a teasing smirk to a nervous, open-mouthed smile. He shook his head repeatedly, continuously moving the hand holding the head scratcher so MJ couldn’t grab it off him. The shit-eating grin returned, however, when she gave up and sat back upright to face him.
“Not so brave now are you?” She huffed, giving him a jab to the ribs.
Uh oh.
With the singular small squeak and dramatic flinch, Peter had just signed himself up for a whole world of trouble. And from the look in MJ’s eyes, she wasn’t looking for a further invitation.
She dove onto Peter, forcing him onto his back against the mattress, and began to squeeze her hands into his sides.
He gasped and shrieked, making every effort to stay quiet and not give in to his bubbling laughter, the last thing he wanted was to wake her parents. 
“Come on Peter!” She teased in a sing-songy voice. “It can’t be thaaaat bad.”
“Shuhuhut uHUp!” He squeaked, giggles pouring out of his mouth despite his best efforts to stop them. 
Her fingers were like little tickle machines, perfectly dancing over his ribs in the most torturous way possible, and there was nothing Peter could do about it. Sure he could fight off 5 bad guys at a time with his hands behind his back, but the second anyone wriggled a hand at him he was curled up in the fetal position laughing his head off. 
Ribs, tummy, sides, hips, they all blended into one agonisingly sensitive zone as MJ continued her relentless attack. Once she felt Peter was sufficiently tickled out, she grabbed the head scratcher out of his hand and held it in front of her threateningly. 
“Nononono MJ please!” Peter begged, giggles still getting out of his system. “I can’t tAKE IHIHIT!” 
MJ wasn’t going to take no for an answer, 
Managing to scratch at his head, causing hilarious sputters and squirms out of Peter, she let out a chuckle of her own. Bringing his hands up to block another onslaught, she resorted to another target.
Oh boy was that a good choice.
If Peter’s head was ticklish, his knee was even worse. His leg kicked out and spasmed with every slight movement, and she had managed to land herself on top of his thigh so could easily keep him pinned while torturing him.
Through his teary-eyed laughter, Peter latched into MJ’s armpits, sending her tumbling to the side of him and giving him the opportunity to grab the massager of doom. 
“My turn!” He said through gulps of air, laying on her legs and slowly trailing the scratcher down the sides of her knee. 
She squealed and thrashed behind him but he refused to let go. When her arm got caught underneath him, he moved on to her elbow. Sawing the spokes up and down the length of her arm. While it wasn’t as bad as her knee, it still tickled like crazy, causing her hand to flail around as he moved. 
“Got you now!” He grinned cockily.
Perhaps a little too cockily. 
In his over-confident state, he released some of the pressure keeping MJ trapped, giving her the opportunity to escape his clutches, grab the scratcher, and shove it down onto his shoulder. 
The tingly, tickly sensations shot down his chest and over his back, his body practically vibrating like she had just shot him with a tazer. He collapsed into her and giggled helplessly as she cooed down at him.
“Awwww, someone a little ticklish here huh?” She smirked, adding her fingernails against his neck to increase the sensation. 
His head slammed down towards his shoulder, but it couldn’t block out the sensations. It was just too much, and he was just lying there taking it. He had to act fast if he wanted revenge before he was too tired to do anything. 
Quickly spinning himself around, he sat himself up and readied for battle. Both of them with hands outstretched in claws, waiting for the right time to strike. Peter went first, aiming to tickle all over her exposed neck. She squeaked, shoving her hands into his now wide-open armpits. The two were locked in a tickly tangle, both fighting to ensure the other’s surrender. 
As MJ reached with one hand for the head scratcher, Peter kicked off the bed to get a better angle of attack, and the pair of them went tumbling off the side of the bed.
Landing with a soft “oof”, Peter looked down to realise he was now on top of a still giggly MJ. 
“Sorry...” He blushed, frozen in both embarrassment and infatuation. He broke eye contact for a while, wondering how best to approach the situation. Before he had a chance to think, however, something grabbed at his shirt. The collar tugged his neck downwards, head lowering towards the ground, his eyes turned to face the girl below him and OH MY GOD...!
MJ’s lips met his.
Though it lasted for mere seconds, Peter could feel his body exploding like fireworks. Electricity zapping through his veins, fogging up his brain and relaxing every bone in his body. As she pulled away and he opened his eyes, it was like the room had been blasted with a bright light. There was a shine in his gaze, adoration reflecting through his pupils. He gently brushed the hair from her face and smiled down at her, before lowering his head for another soft kiss.
He fell right into her trap.
As their lips connected, MJ slowly reached for her weapon and plunged it through Peter’s soft, mossy brown curls. She could feel his mouth contort into a helpless giggle of betrayal as he pulled away and fell to her right. He playfully batted her hand away and sat upright to recover.
“You jerk.” He laughed, giving her a playful shove.
“You started it, asshole.” She smirked, shoving him right back. 
The pair locked eyes for a moment, a spark flickering between them, before launching into another round of tickle attacks again.
Ah, young love.
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sillyfeathers · 4 years
Fight Scene (Jade West x Reader)
Fight Scene Prompt: "I'm not going to say this!" / "Oh, I see now. You're just ticklish." Characters: Jade West, reader (romantic) Summary: When you are partnered with Jade for a drama project, things were always bound to get interesting – and it doesn’t help that you’re definitely probably crushing on her. Warnings: fluff, mentions of breakup Words: 1946
A/N: for the gays :’) I have been binge watching victorious in quarantine and falling back in love with jade west so welcome to my very first romantic fic! I really enjoyed writing this and there will probably be a part 2. I hope you enjoy!
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“I’m not going to say this!”
You glared at Jade, the script you two were supposed to be working on scrunched up in your right hand. 
“Boring,” she replied, indifferent. You scoffed, straightening out the piece of paper.
“Maia says, ‘Look, Valerie, it's Trek Boliver, that horrible criminal that ruined my life!’ –”
“I don’t see what’s so bad about it!” Jade cut you off.
You gave her a pointed look, continuing, “And then Valerie says, ‘Wow, Maia, we should kill him!’” You crushed the paper back up.
Jade hesitated, then shrugged. “What’s the problem?”
You knew she was just trying to get on your nerves, but you had an entire scene performance due tomorrow, and you were getting frustrated.
“Come on, West, you’re obviously trying to get back at Beck.” Jade let out a loud, sarcastic laugh.
“I dumped him, Y/L/N, why would I be trying to get back at him?” 
“Because you miss him? You guys were together for years – you know you’re allowed to miss him, right?”
For the first time since you’d started this project, Jade fell silent. Her eyes were locked on the ground in front of her.
After almost a minute of silence, you decided to speak.
“I know you’re a great writer, Jade, and I’m not so bad myself. If you actually put some effort in, we would totally get a higher grade than Beck and Robbie.”
You saw her head tilt slightly, and she raised her eyes to meet your gaze.
“Instead of making him feel bad by killing a metaphorical version of him, we could outsmart him.” She spoke slowly, musing over what you said.
You nodded along, afraid to say anything that could jeopardize the somewhat-amicable conversation you two were having right now.
“Alright!” she exclaimed suddenly, making you jump. “You’ve convinced me! Let’s make this the best damn scene Sikowitz has ever seen.” 
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Almost 4 hours later, the two of you had successfully put together and rehearsed a scene that had just about everything, and you were damn proud of it. It had a plot twist, a fight, a moment of potent pathos, while still keeping in a tiny bit of shade towards Beck – you couldn’t fully convince Jade. There was pretty much no doubt in either of your minds that this would beat Beck and Robbie. Hey, they didn’t stay up until 2am writing theirs!
“We did it!” you yawned, half-heartedly punching the air. Jade grinned as you collapsed onto the couch, scrolling through the script on her laptop.
“Actually, Y/N – Y/L/N,” she corrected herself, shaking her head. “Can we go over that fight scene again?”
You groaned, throwing your arms over your face. “Whyyyy?”
“Because, as funny as it would be, I don’t want to actually hurt you.” She started to pull you off the couch as she spoke, and you felt your heart skip a beat when her hands closed around your wrist.
“Fine,” you grumbled, yawning again. “From, what, two lines beforehand?”
She nodded, and you couldn’t help but smile slightly as you watched her morph into character.
You cleared your throat. “Valerie, this isn’t you!”
“Oh, Maia.” As per the blocking, she began to slowly walk towards you, and you had to force yourself to stay in character.
“This has always been me.” She finished the line, and so the fight scene started.
It was well choreographed, Jade’s intensity pairing nicely with your more placid style. You went through the steps as if it were a dance: swing, catch, turn, kick, duck –
“Wait, hold on.” Jade stopped, and you kicked out at nothing, stumbling. She chuckled as you regained your balance, rolling her eyes. “Can we change that part? It’s awkward to grab you by the shoulder.”
You shrugged, nodding. “What would be better?”
She paused, her hands moving slightly as she gestured out the motions of the fight.
“Okay, like –” She reached forward and grabbed at your waist, surprising you. You jumped backwards, gasping slightly.
She squinted at you. “What was that?”
You tried to keep your cool. “Nothing, sorry, you surprised me.”
Jade seemed doubtful, but let it go as you returned to her. She demonstrated the move again, only making it a couple of seconds longer before she felt you flinch.
She had her arm locked around your waist for the next move now, pulling you close to her, and she glanced down, her eyebrows raised.
“Seriously, am I hurting you or something?” She would never have admitted it, but there was a hint of concern in her voice.
You shook your head, pressing your lips together. “No, no, it’s fine.”
She let out a light laugh. “Alright then – we just have to figure out how to get from here to the end.” Her brow furrowed in thought. Just like before, she began to gesture the motions with her hands, her fingers gently flicking against your skin as she puzzled it out in her head.
You froze, looking down at her hand that was still firmly secured around your waist. Her fingers were in constant, absentminded motion, her nails tapping along your side and hip. A tiny squeak escaped your lips. “W-West!”
“Huh? Is something wrong?” She looked down at you again, her fingers still moving. You tried to splutter out a coherent response, but all that you could get out was a mumbled, “No…”
For the first time, Jade seemed to notice what she was doing with her hands. She shifted her gaze to her fingers, which were still marking out patterns on your skin. Your head was pressed to your chest, and you were squirming almost imperceptibly in her grip, not wanting to alarm her. But, alas, it wasn’t enough.
“Oh, I see now.” She spoke slowly, drawing out the words, and to your dismay you felt the tickling at your side become more deliberate. “You’re just ticklish.”
Before you could speak, she’d spun you out of the hold and had reached both hands down to scribble at your sides. You let out a surprised shriek, biting back laughter.
“Jahahade!” You batted at her exploring hands, refusing to meet her gaze. “We need to figure out the scene!”
She was grinning now, finding it all too easy to pin you down onto the couch and straddle your waist.
“Yeah, but that was before I discovered this.”
Despite your valiant efforts to stop her, she managed to wrestle both of your wrists into one hand, pulling your arms above your head.
“Wait!” you squealed, shaking your head madly. “This – don’t – I swear – please –”
You were cut off by a determined scratching between your ribs, and the giggles finally spilled out. 
“WEHEHEST, LET ME GO!” you shrieked, squirming around as much as you could.
“West? I don’t know a West, I’m Valerie Sinclair, and I just love to tickle my dear friend Maia Lahey!” She had put on that stupid southern accent you loved so much, and as she tickled down to your stomach you felt your face heat up.
“That’s not how Valerie speaks!” you managed to squeal amidst your laughter.
“Well, that sure as hell ain’t how Maia laughs but look at you go!” She released your wrists, but you were so weakened by the tickling and teasing that you didn’t get a chance to fight your way free before she started to knead her thumbs up your sides. You threw your head back in mirth, and even though you couldn’t see her, you could hear the smirk in Jade’s voice.
“My oh my, I do declare we’re discoverin’ a tickle spot,” she teased, fluttering her torturous nails under your arms. You squealed again, clamping your arms to your sides.
Jade gasped, wiggling her trapped fingers at a frightening speed.
“My goodness, that’s not how I remember this scene goin’!” she exclaimed. You were beginning to lose your breath, and you could only let out a half-whine, half-hysterical-giggle as she relentlessly tickled you, nails scribbling across your stomach and sides with no indication of stopping. 
After a few more unbearable minutes, your laughter began to turn silent, and she decided to let you go. You kicked her off the couch, curling onto your side, giggles still streaming from your lips as you tried to get rid of the lingering sensation. When you finally worked up the courage to look up, you were met with a very smug Jade West, the corners of her lips upturned and her eyes crinkled.
“Well that was fun,” she remarked, tilting her head at you. You glared back at her – and if looks could kill, this one probably wouldn’t have been that effective, what with your small smile and red face.
“You sounded like Tori,” you eventually grumbled, pushing yourself up off the couch. You were startled by a loud clap, followed by an even louder cheer.
“Because you said that, Y/N, and only because you said that, I will not exploit your weakness for the rest of the night!”
You raised your eyebrows at her.
“What?” she defended herself. “She doesn’t think it sounds like her.”
“Just the rest of the night? That’s it?”
“Don’t push it, Y/L/N.” She wiggled her fingers menacingly, and you blanched, shooting her another glare.
“So, um –” you cleared your throat – “Where were we?”
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“Valerie, this isn’t you!”
“Oh, Maia. This has always been me.”
As the fight scene began, you could see Cat in your peripheral vision on the edge of her seat – just the reaction you and Jade were hoping for. It had only taken one more hour to perfect the scene last night, and it had ended with the two of you sleeping at awkward angles on the couch, so now your neck was sore and your arm hurt if you bent it the wrong way – but it was worth it.
You felt Jade grab your waist as she pulled you into the next move (you were prepared this time) and you made eye contact. She tilted her head ever so slightly, and you felt the slightest twitch at your side before she let go, and the scene continued.
By the time you were on the last few lines, you could see your entire class clearly engrossed in the story. 
“Maia, I’m sorry, you were right. I let all of this get under my skin. I should never have hurt you.”
“No, I’m – I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have rushed you like that.”
And, finally, the end was upon you. You took Jade’s wrist and went to pull her into a hug (her idea, it mirrored the opening tableau), but suddenly, you felt her stop, her hand on your shoulder.
Before you could register what was going on, she was moving even closer, and her hands were cupping your face, and your eyes were closed, and she was kissing you – and you were kissing her back.
You were pulled from the moment – the so, incredibly perfect moment – by the sound of applause, and Cat’s cooing. You both pulled back, smiling at your classmates as if everything was normal, but she squeezed your hand as you took your bows.
The rest of the class was a blur, and you couldn’t remember anything that Sikowitz said, or if Beck gave you an odd look as you left the stage. All that mattered to you that was by the time you left school that day, Jade West had her arm around your waist, and as she gave your side a pinch, her lips were pressed against your forehead.
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Makayla Part Three
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Sam Winchester x Reader
Words: 2149
Part One; Part Two
Summary: Tensions are high in the bunker as you make a plan of attack against the vampires. Sam tries to make up for lost time. Everyone bonds with the newest Winchester. 
Notes: Okay, writing Sam trying to figure out how to be a dad is sooooo fun. Also, Uncle Dean is possibly my favorite thing ever. I hope you guys enjoy part three to this series! I’m having a blast!
Special shout out to my amazing beta reader Sarah, @suckmysupernatural​ . I love her so much and honestly, she’s helped me so much in getting these imagines out for you and she has some absolutely killer writing of her own!
Want more Supernatural? Find it HERE
“Mom!” You woke up to the sound of your daughter screaming. “Mommy!” Makayla was kicking at the blankets, her little fists swinging at some invisible monster. Another nightmare. You grabbed her and pulled her into your arms. 
“It’s okay, baby. Wake up. I’ve got you.” You rocked her back and forth until her eyes opened, fat tears spilling onto her cheeks. “You’re alright, Kayla.”
“It was the monsters again. The shadow man.” 
“He isn’t here, baby.” You ran your fingers through her hair. “He can’t hurt you.” Your door flew open and Dean and Sam rushed in, Mary peaked out behind them. 
“What is it? Did it hurt you?” Sam rushed to the bed while Dean checked every corner, both holding their pistols. Mary even had a machete at the ready. 
“It’s okay, guys. She just had a bad dream.” You explained, groggily getting out of bed with Kayla still trembling in your arms. “Do you guys have any milk? That usually helps her calm down.” Sam thought for a moment, but Dean responded quickly. 
“Chocolate or white?” Sam turned and gave him a strange look. “What? That stuff is the nectar of the gods, Sammy.” Sam shook his head. 
“I can’t believe you're older than me.” 
“C-can I have chocolate milk, daddy?” Kayla sniffed.
“See, the kid gets it.” Dean scoffed. Mary smacked his arm. Sam was still processing being called dad. 
“Come on, I’ll take you to the kitchen.” Sam held out his arms to take her and you hesitated. Then you remembered that you had been doing this for four years and he had missed all of it. You tried to give him a peace making smile, but he ignored you. Makayla buried her face in his shoulder, trying to hide her tears like a tough girl. Sam sat her down and went over to the fridge, finding the chocolate milk hidden behind a case of beers. 
“I woke everybody up.” Makayla cried, covering her face with her small hands. Sam poured the milk and hurried back over to her. 
“Hey, no, it’s okay.” He soothed, gently pulling her hands away. “Here, have some of this.” He held up the glass of milk to her lips and she drank slowly, her tears eventually stopping. “Better?” She nodded slightly. Sam pulled up a chair beside her, setting the now half empty cup on the table. 
“I bet you never get scared.” Makayla looked at him, her big blue-green eyes filled with awe. Her eyes looked like his. Sam smiled. 
“I get scared all the time.” 
“Really?” She gasped. 
“Oh yeah. In fact, I have nightmares too.” Her mouth fell open and Sam continued, his tone sweet and caring. “I used to be really scared of my nightmares, but you know what I did?” She leaned forward excitedly. “I told myself that I can face anything as long as I remember that I’m not alone. So the next time that you get scared by the…”
“The shadow man.” She shivered. 
“Okay, the next time you get shared by the shadow man, you just remember that you’ve got me and your mom and your Uncle Dean and Grandma Mary. You’ve even got an angel on your side.” Her eyes widened.
“An angel?” Sam couldn’t help but laugh at her excitement. 
“That’s right, sweetie, Uncle Cas is like your guardian uncle.” Cas could barely guard himself most of the time, but she didn’t need to know that. “You can always fight your fears when you remember that you are never alone.” She hugged his arm, her cheek pressed against his shoulder. 
“My mom is right.” She beamed. “You are a hero.” And just like that, Sam Winchester’s heart melted and not just for the little girl clinging to him. Yup… he was in trouble.
Sam stayed up most of the night getting Makayla back to sleep so he slept in a little longer than the rest of the bunker. Mary got up first and made the coffee, followed by you and then a very disgruntled looking Dean. You were curled up in one of the chairs, looking over your journal. There had to be some way to connect all of your research to find the vampires’ nest. 
“It looks like that girl has got Sam wrapped around her finger already.” Mary smirked, looking at you as she sipped her coffee. She wasn’t your biggest fan, of course, but heart breaker or not, you still gave Sam what she had always hoped for him- a family of his own. Dean made a sound, but he was still only half awake. 
“So I’ve pinpointed the area of the nest, but not the specific location.” You slid your journal across the table to him. “During slower hunting seasons, they’ve stayed near home in Springfield, Colorado. As far as I know, there’s fifteen, maybe seventeen.” 
“Perfect,” Dean grumbled. You were about to add something when your eyes went wide.
“Dean!” You shrieked, pointing to the doorway. He turned around in confusion. 
“Oh god,” He jumped out of his chair and rushed to Makayla, who had somehow found his pistol and was now pointing it at his mother. “Hey kiddo, I’m going to need you to give that back to me.” He laughed nervously, holding out his hand. 
“How did she get that?” Mary exclaimed. 
“Hell if I know.” Dean kept smiling, hoping that Makayla would calmly hand over his very lethal weapon. 
“That’s a bad word, Uncle Dean.” Kayla scolded, shaking the pistol at him. Dean’s eyes widened frantically. 
“Makayla Mary Y/L/N, give him that gun. You know that it’s not a toy.” Your mom voice instinctively kicked in and Makayla pouted her lip, giving you her classic puppy dog gaze. You could tell that Dean’s resolve was failing to her cuteness, but you were holding strong. You put your hands on your hips. “Now.” She handed Dean his pistol and he quickly tucked it into his waistband. Mary was looking at you, blush spreading on her cheeks. 
“What did you say her name was?” She gasped. You hadn’t even realized that you said her full name. 
“It’s um, Makayla, after my best friend. And Mary… after you.” Even if Sam didn’t know when she was born, you still wanted his family to be a part of her. For the first time since you’d met, Mary looked at you without glaring. She looked really touched. 
“Piggyback ride!” Makayla squealed before suddenly jumping onto Dean’s back. 
“Son of a-” He started until you gave him a stern look. He glared back at you, but underneath his annoyance, he had a tone of affection in his voice when he spoke to his niece. “Alright kid, but only for a few laps.” You looked on with an amused smile. Dean even made a few horse noises, making Makayla giggle. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. It was Naomi, probably just calling to check in and make sure you were alright.
“Miss me already? How sweet.” You snarked. Your smirk dropped when it wasn’t her voice on the other line. 
“We’ve been looking for you for a long time.” The man drawled. Your heart dropped. You knew that voice. That night flashed through your head. That fake southern sweetness singing your name as they hunted you, your best friend’s blood still dripping from their lips. Montgomery. 
“Where’s Naomi?” You snapped, your changed tone catching Mary’s attention. 
“She was delicious.” He laughed. You tried to focus on your anger to cover up the pain that shot through your chest. 
“I’m going to end you, you bastard.” You said through gritted teeth. He just laughed. 
“We know all about the little team you’ve assembled. It’s touching really. To think I’ve inspired a family reunion.” The vamp mocked you and you could feel the hot tears blurring your vision. “Make no mistake, Y/N. They’ll all die. Starting with that handsome tall one, the one that knocked you up all those years ago. But don’t worry, I have bigger plans for you.” His voice changed to a terrifying growl. “I’m going to turn you, Y/N. Turn you into the thing you’ve hated for so long. And that brat will be your first kill.” 
Montgomery hung up and you looked at the phone with a shaking hand. Don’t let him get to you. Don’t let him get to you. You threw the phone against the wall, watching it shatter on the floor. You didn’t even see Sam standing there. You were lucky you missed his head. Dean put a frightened Makayla down. 
“Hey Kayla, why don’t you go with Grandma Mary for a little while?” Dean gave her a little push towards his mother and Mary took her to the other room. His flashed back to you. “The hell was that?”
“They killed Naomi.” You said, resisting the urge to wreck anything you could get your hands on, especially since Dean was the closest. “They killed her because she helped me.” Naomi was a good friend. Whenever you needed someone to watch over Makayla, it was Naomi’s place that you took her to. No questions as long as you came back in one piece. 
“I’m sorry.” Sam sighed. His kind tone nearly made you break. You needed someone to yell, to blame you for letting this happen. 
“We’ve got to take this sons of bitches out.” Dean was itching to kill and he knew you were too. 
“We need a plan first, Dean. We can’t just go in swinging machetes.” Sam scoffed. “We don’t even know where they are.” 
“We can always draw them out.” You suggested. “They want me, they can come and get me.” 
“What? No.” Sam exclaimed. “That’s not even remotely an option.”
“Sam, it might be the only way to get to them.” You refuted. “They’ve been hunting me for too long. If Montgomery wants to dance, then I say ‘let’s dance’.”
“Did you suddenly forget that this isn’t just about you?” His jaw clenched and he crossed the kitchen to you. 
“I’m doing this for Makayla.” 
“No, you’re doing this for you!” Your faces were too close together and the look in his eyes made you take a step back. “You’ve gotten that sweet girl messed up in your fight for revenge when she should have grown up playing with teddy bears and Barbies.” That was the last straw. This wasn’t just about you. 
“I am not John, Sam.” You spat. How dare he stand there and call you a bad mother? Sam just glared. 
“Really, cause it seems to me you’re just like him. Makayla is growing up just like I did. A parent obsessed with vengeance, no regard for how screwed up they’re making their kid!” He barely finished his sentence before you slapped him.
 Nobody said a word. Sam jerked his head back towards you and Dean was ready to step in before this got ugly. The moment was interrupted, however, by the quiet sound of crying. Your heart dropped and a wave of guilt washed over both you and Sam. Makayla looked up at her parents. 
“We’re supposed to be a family.” She bawled. “Why do you have to fight?” Before either of you could say anything, she took off down the hall. 
“Makayla!” Sam yelled, feeling absolutely awful. 
“Kayla, honey come back!” The three of you went after her, but it was a big bunker and she was a pretty small child. “Makayla!”
“Damn that kid is fast.” Dean muttered. You stopped. 
“Okay, Dean, you go check the dungeon, I’ll go check the bedrooms, and Sam you can look in the garage.” You suggested. Sam nodded, your fight put aside, but not forgotten. His cheek still stung a little. 
“Makayla!” He called out, hearing you and Dean depart for your designated areas. He opened the door to the garage and was surprised to find the door open. “Makayla, come on out.” A cold breeze blew in and he noticed a little huddled form just outside the garage door. He took off his flannel and slowly peeked outside. “Sweetheart, what are you doing out here?” He draped his shirt around her. It might as well have been a blanket. 
“I-I don’t like yelling. The shadow man always yells.” She cried. Sam sighed. He had made his daughter cry because he couldn’t just face his real feelings for you. 
“I’m so sorry sweetie, you’re mom and I were having a disagreement. We won’t yell anymore.” 
“Why did Mommy hit you?” 
“She didn’t mean to.” He gave her a convincing smile. Makayla peeked over his shoulder. 
“Who’s that?” Sam’s brows furrowed together. 
“Wh-” His head was slammed into the ground before he could even turn around. 
“Leave my daddy alone!” Makayla cried and a person in all black picked her up. 
“No…” Sam said hazily, his consciousness slowly fading. “Makayla…”
Continue to Part Four
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado
Supernatural: @desimarie12; @deandreamernp; @vicmc624​; @halesandy​ @livshaes​;  @d-whinchestergirl87​;  @mrspeacem1nusone​
Sam Winchester: @theamuz;  @adeliness​
Makayla Series: @rhiannon-the-troublemaker​; @hoboal87​
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ticklygiggles · 3 years
A Snow War
by @im-absolutelee-ticklish for the lovely @tickle-bugs. I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you enjoy it! Also wanna do a quick shout out to @ticklygiggles for hosting and putting in so much work, you’re amazing. As well as @amazingmsme for helping me out when I was stuck, couldn’t do half the stuff I do without your creative mind and support. 
Word count: 1,936
Summary: Jaskier, Geralt, snow, mystery, mischievousness and tickles. Sounds like a wonderful combination that can only go well for everyone. 
Pfft. Went the snowball when it hit Geralt’s back. Pfft, pfft. Another two came flying in close succession and hitting their target. Geralt finally turns his head to see not what he had expected. There was Jaskier walking along and humming as he played his lute. Looking around at the scenery seemingly lost in thought. The witcher had expected to see a giant grin or a smirk and a playful twinkle in his companion’s eyes ready to assault him yet again with the cold stinging yet fluffy weather ball that he created. His hands were not even wet and there would be no way he would be playing his lute if the snow had touched them recently. He cared about that instrument like a parent cared for their child. Hell, like Geralt cared for Roach. Not seeing any of the signs of mischievousness or playfulness from his friend he looked ahead and patted Roach on the neck.
Time went on and nothing seemed to be happening. Geralt could not get a thought out of his head. Who had thrown the snowball if not Jaskier? And had he been the only one that was hit. Knowing how dramatic Jaskier was, he didn’t believe that Jaskier could be hit with something and not cry out as if he had been stabbed with a knife and was dying. He couldn’t come up with any solutions. It had had to be Jaskier. But how could he have seemed so collected so quick after. It didn’t make any sense. And why was this infiltrating his mind? A lot of what Jaskier did he didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to. Especially after the fact, especially something like this. But this stumped him. He rode a while longer lost in thought.
Suddenly it hit him. At the same time another frigid ball hit his neck and slid down his shirt. He cried out and arched his back. Jaskier came up beside Roach and looked up. “Geralt? What is it? Did a winter beetle fly into your shirt again?” There was that smirk.
“No” He deadpanned. Squirming where he sat as the icy ball started to melt, dripping down his spine.
“What then?” He asked. Face serious but there was that twinkle in his eye.
“How is it that you could be throwing snowballs at me yet when I turned around you showed no signs of doing so?” This made Jaskier laugh. Bright and full. Geralt loved that laugh, he wished he could hear it all the time. It was much better than his almost constant chatter about who knows what. Although he would hate to admit it. But he would miss the chatter if Jaskier suddenly stopped for a long period of time.
“I think the answer is I am not throwing snowballs at you. Perhaps the trees are giving you kisses?” He suggests with a giggle.
“Trees giving me kisses?” He raised his eyebrow in a high arch.
“Oh, you know. Depositing their love in the form of little snow droppings. All for you. I guess you could say that last one made-out with you.” He snickered. Catching on to what had happened to Geralt based on the question he had posed. The witcher just snorted and rolled his eyes. Facing forward again. Leaving Jaskier to chuckle quietly to himself and fall back. This allowed Geralt to finish the thought he had started before he was so rudely interrupted. The reason why he could not seem to let this go was because Jaskier was at the centre of a mystery. One thing he loved about Jaskier other than his laugh was the fact that he really wasn’t much of a puzzle. He wore his heart on his sleeve and even if he might try to hide something, Geralt could usually figure it out quite easily. Of course, he wasn’t completely an open book and there was a lot he didn’t understand about Jaskier. But the stuff that really mattered, he knew. And it puzzled him greatly that if Jaskier had in fact pulled one over on him. How had he done so without there being any signs at all. He had played the moments in his head trying to find something that showed what he knew. But there was nothing. And it was driving him crazy. He wasn’t like this. He wasn’t used to this. He had to know. But if he was going to find out. He felt like he would have to catch the bard off guard.
With the day finally ending. The sun setting and their dinner caught and eaten Geralt looked over at Jaskier plucking away and trying to figure out the chorus for a new winter song he was creating. Good, he was thoroughly distracted. Just behind where the witcher was leaning against a tree was his arsenal. He had prepared them while Jaskier had done the dishes. He took a snowball about the size of a bumblebee and flicked it. Hitting Jaskier on the shoulder. He would have to do better than that as Jaskier didn’t even flinch. He grabbed a couple in his hand. This time he flicked it higher into a bit of an arc and it plopped on his head. Still in the zone Jaskier continued to work on his song. Geralt waited a moment before flicking two more one landing on his head causing him to stop what he was doing. One to land on the back of his head and plop into his shirt. Jaskier didn’t realize the snow was in his shirt until it was too late, and it already started melting at the base of his spine. He let out a shriek and jumped up. Hopping around and crying out.
“What?” Geralt asked innocently. He had been fortunate that it was dark, and you couldn’t really see what Geralt had been doing. He had sat far enough away from the fire to be in darkness from watching eyes, but close enough for warmth.
“SNOW! COLD!” Jaskier yelled out still dancing around. Geralt finally allowed himself to chuckle.
“Not so nice is it?” He asked with a knowing smirk clear in his voice. Jaskier stopped and stared at him. A smile forming. While Geralt had been out hunting Jaskier had made his arsenal of snowballs. And because Geralt was at that perfect distance of warmth and not being seen. So had Jaskier. As they looked at each other they both knew. They stared at each other like two cowboys waiting for the other to make a move to signify the dual would start. Muscles twitching with readiness. And suddenly. Pfft. Went a snowball followed by a deep cry and Jaskier diving to the ground to hide himself and grab his snowballs. Geralt had been hit from behind. A perfect shot right at the base of his neck. He was the one who had cried out. And the snow war began. Jaskier was the first one to throw hitting Geralt in the side. Grinning he threw a couple back at Jaskier, one hitting him in the face and the others hitting his torso. Back and forth they threw. Jaskier yelping each time he was hit and Geralt smiling widely. It quickly became apparent that Jaskier had been ready for an all-out war while Geralt had only been ready for a piece of the battle. Out of snowballs he tried to find cover, but it was no use. So, he did what Jaskier didn’t expect and charged at him. The poor bard hadn’t seen it coming. To preoccupied with what felt like his sure-fire victory he wasn’t paying attention until he was tossed in a snowbank and straddled. Large icy hands found their way up his shirt scribbling along his ribs. Shrieking from the cold, surprise and the obvious tickling Jaskier thrashed around and cursed. Already laughing hysterically.
“Geheeeheeralt, noohoohooo. Thiihiis ihiiiihiiisn’t a snoohooowball fiihiiight.” Geralt smirks at Jaskier’s reactions and plea.
“You’re right. Don’t you know that a tickle fight always concludes a snowball fight?” He teases.
“Tihickle fihiight?” Jaskier screeches out trying to wiggle his fingers into the offender’s neck. Geralt barks out a laugh but simply leans back. As he continues to rake his blunt nails along the sensitive ribcage.
“Yes, tickle fight. And the winner gets to tickle the loser for however long they want.”
“Am I now? Hmmm, I didn’t think I was creative enough for that.” He lifts one hand up into the squealing man’s armpit and the other goes down to knead his hip. Jaskier is in hysterics kicking and pounding the snow and Geralt’s arms. Cursing and snorting. Geralt grins down at the man being reduced to a ticklish puddle in his hands. “You know. There is one thing you can do for this battle of ours to become a draw.” He baits.
“WHAHAAHAAAT?” Geralt kneads into both hips now and he leans down to Jaskier’s face and whispers his hot breath into his ear.
“Tell me how you threw those snowballs while we were walking and how you threw the one that hit me in the back of the neck as we were sitting here.”
“I dihihiiidn’t….” And that was all the answer he got out before a scream cut him off. He screamed because Geralt latched onto his thighs and blew a raspberry in his neck.
“No, tell me the truth or say nothing at all.” Jaskier shook his head and thrashed around. “Okay, that works for me.” He turned Jaskier onto his tummy and grabbed his feet into a head lock, bending his legs at the knees, but not before squeezing the backs of his thighs and scribbling the backs of his knees. The boots and socks came off and blunt but effective nails scrapped along the bottom of his soles.
“You didn’t seem to mind before. Why are you only complaining about it now?” those fingers were now under and between his toes. Jaskier screamed and pounded the ground with his fist. It was not satisfying or helped, only made things worse because it hit the snow and the thud was just a pfffff, as it slowly allowed his arm to sink in.
“IT WAHAAHAAASN’T MEEHEEHEEEEEHEEEE, IT WAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAS A SNOOHOOOHOOOOW PIHIIIHIIIIHIIIXIE.” He yelled, hoping Geralt would believe him. The tickling stopped but he was not released.
“What was that?” Jaskier panted for breath. Giggles still pouring out of his mouth.
“I made friends with a snow pixie. She was willing to help me out for a bit today. I just wanted to see how you’d react. And she blocked my sight so I couldn’t see when she was doing it. She told me you turned around and was watching me for a while. That’s why I wasn’t showing any signs.” Jaskier knew his witcher well to add that last part in.
“Is that so. And where is this pixie now?”
“She had to leave, it was a one day affair. After she threw that last snowball she left.”
“I see.” He paused. “ready?”
“ready for what?”
“someone has to be punished for what they started and seeing how she isn’t here and you were the one who put her up to it I think this calls for a nice long wrecking, don’t you?” Jaskier stutters and starts to squirm.
“Noooooo, waaaaaait a…” That was all he could get out before he was quickly lost to hysterics again. And that was the start of what they called the snow war.
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lilacivories · 4 years
caught red-handed
characters: Diego, Klaus, Allison
pairing(s): none
summary: Diego and Allison catch Klaus going through Allison’s things again and decide that a suitable punishment is in order
word count: 1979
When Diego passed by Allison’s room, what he didn’t expect to hear was thumping, shuffling, and swearing in a voice that definitely wasn’t his sister’s.
His curiosity successfully piqued, Diego backtracked.
Of course, the villain in question was Klaus, who was squirming around in Allison’s closet like a fish out of water. From the looks of it, he was struggling to detach one of the skirts from its hanger. Among the cursing, Diego was able to hear some mutterings, presumably towards Ben.
“You’re gonna tear it if you keep pulling like that, y’know.”
Klaus yelped and spun his head around, his hands remaining on the hanger. “Diego!” he said with a grin. “What a surprise! Oh, and what a prize I’ve found here. Won’t you give me a hand, oh dearest brother?”
Diego moved closer, wondering what could possibly be hindering him (besides the height of the clothing rack, which was honestly ridiculous). It was only then that he saw what looked like a pair of handcuffs attached to the clothing rack that had Klaus’s wrists in their grip, hidden between two of the skirts Klaus had been attempting to pilfer.
Diego couldn’t help but smirk. “What in the hell did you do to yourself?”
“It wasn’t me!” Klaus insisted. “Allison must’ve set up some damn booby trap and now I’m stuck!” He pulled again on the cuffs, but they held fast, and effectively kept his arms restrained above his head. “Diego, help me!”
“I dunno, man,” Diego shrugged, unable to wipe the smile from his face, “you kinda deserve it. Allison did tell you to stay away from her stuff.” He took another look at his brother. “Are you already wearing one of her skirts?”
Klaus shimmied his hips so that the knee-length skirt swung around invitingly. “Yeah, but she’s loaded! She can afford a million of these, and I’m out here having to steal to get by in the fashion world! It’s a capitalist scheme, is what it is!”
“I don’t think you’re in the position to be making claims like that.”
Klaus kicked a leg out at him. “Oh, shut up and let me out of here.”
Thanks to years of practice, Diego deftly caught the offending leg and held it by the ankle. “You’re also not in the position to be threatening the only person who can help you right now.” Klaus was only wearing socks, so it certainly wouldn’t have hurt Diego in any case, but the idea of tormenting his brother was always on the table.
“No no no!” Klaus struggled to break Diego’s grip in vain. “Let go! Ben, he-elp!” The last word broke off as a squeal when Diego squeezed the spot just above his knee over and over.
“This is almost too easy,” Diego gloated over the laughter pouring out of his brother. “I’m barely doing anything to you!”
“Shut up!” Klaus struggled for footing on the one leg he had at his disposal, and that combined with his high-pitched laugh and scrunched nose had Diego laughing, too.
“Looks like my idea was a success.”
Diego dropped Klaus’s leg at the voice from behind him. Allison was standing in the doorway, eyebrow cocked and arms crossed, looking very pleased with herself.
Feeling a bit abashed at having been caught, Diego cleared his throat and changed the subject. “I’m kind of impressed, they’re holding really well. Where did you get them?”
Allison walked in to stand beside Number 2, sparing Klaus an amused glance as she replied. “I told Pogo that a certain someone was sneaking into my room and going through my personal things. He seemed particularly interested in catching...” She looked pointedly at Klaus, “...whoever it is, so he and Mom made those for me to attach to the inside of my closet. Pretty hi-tech, huh?”
Klaus took the opportunity to try and weasel his way out of the prison of his own making. “Allison! Please, save me! All I wanted was to bond with you over our mutual love of fashion, and Diego’s been torturing me!”
Diego and Allison caught each other’s eye. “Is that so?” Allison asked.
“Yes, it’s been just awful! You’ve got to get me out of here!”
Allison feigned innocence. “What was he doing that was so awful?”
Diego almost laughed at the sight of Klaus, strung up and helpless, open and close his mouth like a gaping fish at the question. “What?” he finally squeaked.
“What was Diego doing to you?”
It was always a pleasure to see Klaus at a loss for words, and this time was no exception. All he could answer, after a short silence, was: “Nothing!”
“Nothing?” Allison asked. She took a step towards him; the click of her heels on the floor was intimidating all on its own. “So if Diego wasn’t doing anything, that means that...you lied to me.”
“I– I– I mean–”
“And it means,” she continued, “that you have not yet been properly punished for going through my things without permission.” Her smile was pure evil. “So I think that this calls for a double punishment. Don’t you, Diego?”
Diego’s grin matched hers. “Couldn’t agree more.”
“W-wait, we can talk about this– Nonono, not that!”
Diego looked over to find what had Klaus so riled up and panicky. He was thrilled to find that the source of his brother’s fears were Allison’s long, pristine yellow nails that she was hovering dangerously over his bare sides.
“Looks like your crop top backfired this time, bro,” Diego chuckled, giving him a warning prod at his ribs, which Klaus shrieked at.
Allison considered this. “Or maybe he’s exactly where he wants to be.” Then she grinned at Klaus. “Any last words?”
“Yes, I’d like to exact my right to filibuster–”
The moment Allison’s nails touched down on his sides, he was gone; he threw his head back and laughed his heart out. Her technique was gentle and slow– yet unrelenting, following Klaus’s desperate twisting with ease.
“I didn’t know you’d like my nails so much!” she taunted. Klaus responded with a loud snort when she dragged her nails over where his sides met his lower back and tickled there. “Oh my god– Diego, you gotta look at him.”
Diego left his position from behind their victim, where he had been pinching his upper ribs, to see what she was talking about.
“Oh my god. You’re blushing?”
Klaus, still laughing, shook his head. It was too late, however, as it was very clear to everyone that his ears and cheeks were a glaring pink that only grew darker with the attention.
“He definitely is.”
“Shuhut the hell uhup!” Klaus insisted. “You’re so meaheahean!”
“Ooo.” Diego clucked and shook his head. “And we were even thinking of letting you off easy.” He considered it, and then decided to go for the kill. “Say, Allison, I think you could put those nails of yours to good use right...here.” He gave Klaus’s belly a poke.
The reaction from both was immediate. Allison’s eyes filled with a maniacal energy that neither of them had ever seen before; she flexed her fingers at Klaus in warning, letting that one action do all of the talking for her.
Klaus, on the other hand, was begging, as if for his life. He thrashed in his bonds, tried to back up as much as possible with his legs, but one push from Diego behind him brought him right back to square one.
“Nonononono, Allison, wait, don’t– wait! Ahallison, this isn’t fair! Do you want a new skirt, I can do that! I just need some time– AAH!”
He couldn’t have been more vulnerable to her every move. Her long nails touched down on the soft skin of his belly and dragged themselves up to his ribs, then all the way back down and around. Allison looked very proud of herself indeed when she discovered that spidering her nails into his belly had Klaus caught between hiccuping, snorting (which he seemed to get bashful about, because he turned a new shade of pink every time he did so), and cackling hysterically.
Diego, meanwhile, had found a home at that horrible, awful spot under his arms just above the tops of his ribs, and dug into it with vigor. Klaus’s writhing was sometimes so vehement that he had to duck out of the way, but he always came back to it because he knew how much it wrecked his poor brother.
After some time, they gave him a break.
“So,” Allison prompted, “are you sorry?”
Klaus, to his credit, recovered faster than expected, and after a minute was able to respond, “You know I can’t apologize for art.”
Allison quirked an eyebrow at him. “Would you like to apologize for breaking and entering?”
Klaus considered this. “Well, really, you never close your door, so in a way, it’s kind of your fault!”
Diego scoffed. “You’re really asking for it this time, huh?”
“I’m just saying, I think she should be okay with sharing if she’s not even gonna shut her door all the way!”
Allison was finished listening, however. She put an arm around Klaus’s waist; her oversensitive brother jumped, and was already biting back a smile as she effectively kept him from wriggling away.
“That was the wrong answer,” she said. Then, with just her pointer finger, she started drawing maddening little circles around his navel, occasionally moving to tickle inside of it before returning to the outer edge.
Klaus pretty much went ballistic at this, writhing so much in her grasp that Diego had to step in and attempt to keep him still while she continued.
“Oh my god,” Allison laughed. “You are actually the most ticklish person on the entire planet.”
“Nohohoho!” Klaus wailed. “Dohon’t! Stohohop it!”
“Don’t stop?” Diego teased, and gave his sides a few squeezes where he was holding him still.
“Please don’t stop,” Allison corrected. “Good to see he’s finally learning some manners, at least.” With her free hand, she spidered her nails on the underside of his belly, at the oversensitive strip of skin between his hips; she and Diego both laughed at the full-body thrash Klaus did that looked like more like a weird dance move than anything else.
“Okay! Okay!” Klaus cried. “I’m– I’m sahaharry!”
His sister only continued, putting on a faux-confused look. “I don’t think I know that word. Do you, Diego?”
“Can’t say I do.”
Klaus shook his head wildly. “Nahahaa! I cahan’t! I can’t! I cahahan’t!”
At long last, the two relented.
“So, what was that you said before, Klaus?” Allison prompted.
Klaus panted, still giggling. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I swear I’m sorry!”
“Damn,” Diego chuckled. “I think you actually broke him. I’ve never heard him apologize before.”
Allison made a show of blowing on her nails. “These bad boys never fail.”
Diego checked on their victim, who seemed to be loopy with unending giggles. “You alright there, man?”
“That...was wild.”
“Oh!” Allison jumped up. “I just remembered one other thing that drove him wild when we were kids.”
Without so much as a warning, Allison blew a big, silly raspberry into Klaus’s ribs. Klaus snorted and shrieked and kicked his legs, and then it was over.
Allison pulled a remote control from her jacket pocket and pressed a button; the cuffs released Klaus, who would have collapsed on the floor if not for Diego standing by to catch him and help ease him to lie down on the bed.
“You had that the entire time?” Klaus demanded, though it wasn’t a very serious inquiry with his absurd smile.
She shrugged. “Of course I did. I just needed to remind you who’s in charge here.”
Klaus swore and fell back on the bed. He couldn’t wait to see if he could find anything else in Allison’s closet in a few days.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
My Hero Academia Sentence Starters #91-100
A collection of the MHA sentence starters I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
91) Lee Momo, Ler Todoroki
Todoroki stopped mid-step to look at Momo with concern, frowning. “Did I hurt you?”
“N-No, sorry, just…” She blushed and averted her gaze, still with both hands on his shoulders. “I’m a little…ticklish there.”
He blinked. One of his hands was placed at the small of her back, the other between her shoulders. They’d been slow dancing in his bedroom after quiet hours, finding all the little moments they could to be together. Todoroki’s lips twitched up in a small smirk. “Ticklish? Where, exactly?”
Momo suddenly looked flustered – a cute look on her, he decided. She tried to wiggle away from him, but he only held her tighter, refusing to let this opportunity go by so easily. “N-Nowhere. Let me go—”
“Was it here?” he asked, pressing his fingers into the space between her shoulder blades. Though she struggled, she didn’t seem to react much. He then did the same with the fingers at the small of her back. “Or here?”
This time Momo squeaked again, arching into him with a tiny giggle. “Don’t, please—”
“Really? There?” he teased, doing it again, allowing her to squirm away and think that she’d escaped just before grabbing her around the waist and tackling her to his bed, digging his fingers gently into her sides and belly. “What about here? Are you ticklish everywhere?”
“Shohohohotohohoho!” she squealed, giggling in his grasp. “Nohohohohoho! Ehehehehehehehe!”
“I never knew you were ticklish, Momo.” He smirked, continuing to gently tickle her until she was pink in the face. Finally he let up on his soft attack, allowing her to catch her breath. “You’re cute when you’re all helpless like that.”
“Shut up!” she laughed, grabbing his pillow and smacking him in the face with it. “Jerk.”
“Ohoho~” he ripped the pillow from her hands and grinned wickedly down at her, going for her ribs and underarms this time. Once again her musical laughter filled the air. “You’re going to regret that, my dear.”
92) Lee Aoyama, Ler Bakugou
“It’s too far!” Aoyama whined, crumbling to the ground in a dramatic heap of defeat.
Bakugou – who happened to be jogging next to him at the time – stopped dead in his tracks and glared at his fellow blonde. “Seriously? Man up, sparkles!”
“I can’t make it! I’m not built for long-distance sprints like this!”
“Get your butt off the ground now or I’ll make you get up!”
Aoyama eyed him. “Since when do you care whether your classmates do well in their training?”
Bakugou bristled, let out a huffing sigh, and reached down to grab Aoyama’s arm and pull him roughly back to his feet. “Let’s go, idiot.”
“Unhand me,” Aoyama demanded, trying to wrench himself free. “Leave me behind! It’ll only be better for you, you know.”
“Oh, shut up, already!” Bakugou yelled, grabbing Aoyama around the waist with the intention to hoist him over his shoulder and carry him the rest of the way. But when the sparkly blonde let out a shriek and a few giggles, the atomic teen smirked wickedly and continued squeezing up and down his sides and hips, drawing surprised, uncontrollable snickers from his classmate. “Heh. You know, maybe this will work even better, giggles.”
“S-Stohohohohop! Unhahahahahand me!”
“What are you, a villain? Nobody uses the word ‘unhand’ in everyday life. Get with the times, you moron.”
“Bahahahahakugou, plehehehehease! Stohohohohohop!” Aoyama squealed, squirming and kicking to no avail. “Lehehehehet me go!”
“You gonna finish this sprint?”
“I cahahahahahan’t!”
Bakugou suddenly let up, then raised his wiggling fingers into Aoyama’s field of vision. “What if you had a tickle monster chasing you the entire way?”
Aoyama’s eyes went wide and he yelped, taking off with renewed energy as a laughing, teasing Bakugou chased after him, fingers wiggling all the way to the finish line.
93) Lee Todoroki, Ler Hawks
“Hey, cheer up, kid,” Hawks teased easily, brushing one of his wings against Todoroki’s neck and ears, making the younger boy squeak and stumble back, eyes sharp and wide. “Don’t look so glum. It doesn’t suit you.”
Todoroki just stared at him.
Hawks shrugged. “What? Tokoyami informs me that you and your friends tickle each other all the time, and that you especially are really sensitive. He wasn’t lying, was he?”
Todoroki’s face flushed red. “No, but…”
“Then cheer up.” Hawks used his feathers to brush along his neck again, and when the half-and-half hero twisted out of the way again, Hawks darted forward to grab his sides and squeeze.
“Gah! Nohohohohohoho!” Todoroki couldn’t help the flood of giggles that poured from him, bright and bubbly despite how embarrassed he was. “Hahahahahahawks!”
“Feeling better yet?”
“I’m gohohohohohoing to k-kihihihihihill him!”
“Who? Not your father, I hope.”
“No! T-Tohohohokoyahahahami!” Todoroki arched his back when Hawks found his underarms, bursting into loud laughter. “GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!”
“Well, I can’t have you doing that. He’s a valuable asset to me,” Hawks teased. “Promise you won’t kill him, okay?”
Hawks let him go, smiling as Todoroki caught his breath, still shaking and giggling a little bit. He chuckled. “Don’t kill Tokoyami. But if you feel like tickling him to near death for ratting you out, I would completely understand.”
Todoroki chuckled, then grew serious. “Does…does my father know about this?”
“What? That you’re ticklish?”
“No, that…that my friends and I…”
Hawks caught on right away and softened. “Nah. I haven’t told him, and I don’t plan to. You’re good, kid.”
Todoroki breathed a sigh of relief, blushing and smiling despite himself. “Thank you.”
94) Lee Bakugou, Lers Kirishima and Shoji
“STOP!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Bakugou screamed through his laughter, kicking and struggling against his attackers, going nowhere fast. The fact that he couldn’t touch the ground with his feet was definitely not helping him feel any better about this situation.
Shoji held him up off the floor with one pair of arms, using another pair to tickle his ribs while Kirishima – that traitor – tickled his belly and hips, grinning all the while. “Aww, is our little thief a little ticklish?”
“I’M NOHOHOHOHOT A THIEHEHEHEHEF, YOU JEHEHEHEHEHERK!!” Bakugou snapped as best he could manage, twisting when Shoji got a little too close to his weak spot. “IT WAHAHAHAHAHASN’T YOHOHOHOHOHOURS!!”
“Uh, it was mine,” Kiri argued, grabbing his thigh, pressing in deep, making him shriek. “Who else in this dorm would have purposefully bought a banana crème protein shake?”
“Bakugou, apparently,” Shoji replied.
“Yeah, apparently.”
“Don’t drink it when you know it’s obviously mine!” Kiri shot back, but he was smiling. Playing with Bakugou this way was always a lot of fun. “Since I can’t get it back now, you’ll have to make up the price I paid for it in tickle torture. Deal with it, Baku-bro.”
At that moment Shoji switched tactics and went for his underarms, digging and scraping like he was mining for gold, making the angry blonde toss his head back and let out a shriek of laughter, followed by even more kicking. Kirishima took the opportunity to slide up to his ribs so both of his worst spots were being tickled at once.
“NONONO STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Bakugou finally begged, laughing so hard tears sprang to his eyes. “KIRISHIMA, PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
But Kiri just smiled and shook his head. “Sorry, bud, but I’d say you’re only halfway through paying me back for stealing my drink. You’ll just have to take a little more to make up the difference~”
95) Lee Bakugou, Lers Deku and Todoroki
“Aw, what’s the matter, Kacchan?” Deku teased into the blonde’s ear, fingers digging into his side. “A little ticklish?”
Bakugou growled around his giggles. “Shuhuhuhut up.”
“Big, bad Bakugou can’t take being teased when it’s his turn to giggle his cares away,” Todoroki added, grinning, tickling his ribs on the other side. Both he and Deku held one of Bakugou’s wrists around their necks to keep him from bringing his arms down protectively. “Can you, little Katsuki? Hmm? Can’t take a little tickly teasing, huh?”
“Shuhuhuhuhut up!” Bakugou tried to snap, though it came out as more of a whine. He squirmed between both of his boyfriends, giggling uncontrollably and blushing down to his neck. It was true he couldn’t stand being teased, but he had to admit, being given so much unabashed attention from both of his partners made him feel really good. “S-Stuhuhuhupid extras…”
“What did you just call us?” Deku gasped dramatically, sliding up to his ribs and digging in harder. “I know you didn’t just call us extras!”
Bakugou jerked sharply, a bark of laughter escaping him at the sudden harsher tickles. “Gah! Y-Yeah, I cahahahahahalled you extras – whahahahat are you gohohohohonna do about it?”
Todoroki hummed, scratching his fingers in his underarm. “Do you really want to know, babe?”
Bakugou whined on purpose this time but stayed resolved despite knowing he’d regret it in about five seconds. “I’m nohohohohohot afrahahahahaid of you lohohohohosers!”
Deku tsked. “So much name calling today. What should we do about it, Sho?”
“Hmm…” Todoroki pretended to think about it, then quickly shot his hand down the space between Bakugou’s ribs and underarm. Deku followed his lead, and suddenly the blonde threw his head back and laughed openly, not even bothering to try and hide how badly this spot tickled him as he thrashed in their holds.
Todoroki chuckled, sharing a smile with Deku. “Oh, but Katsuki…you did ask for this, after all~”
96) Lee Kirishima, Ler Bakugou
Wham! The pillow smacked into Bakugou from behind, making him whirl around and glare at his redheaded boyfriend.
“Do you want to die?” he growled.
Kiri flashed him a boyish grin. “Fight me, bruh.”
Bakugou groaned. “You did not just say ‘bruh.’”
“I did.” Kiri giggled, smacking him in the shoulder with his pillow. “What are you gonna do about it? Come on, fight me!”
Bakugou scanned the bed for another pillow, but the closest one was positioned behind Kiri, and he had a feeling the redhead knew that. Instead, he grinned wickedly and started wrestling to claim possession of the pillow, determined to take it and whack it right in Kiri’s stupidly cute face.
After several long moments and failed attempts to grab the pillow, Bakugou let out a grunt of frustration and grabbed Kiri’s ankle instead, scribbling his fingers over the bare sole. “Give me that pillow.”
“Eeeeek! Nahahahahahahaha!” Kiri squealed, immediately bursting into giggles, trying to wrench his foot away. When that failed and he attempted kicking Bakugou with his free foot, his boyfriend quickly took both feet captive and dragged his nails up and down the arches, making Kiri lose composure quickly as he flopped back onto the mattress and laughed helplessly. “Kahahahahahats!”
“Hand over the pillow or suffer the consequences,” Bakugou demanded, voice playful as he grinned at his partner. “I’m taking no prisoners today.”
Kirishima only gripped the pillow harder and clutched it to his chest. “Ohohohohover my dehehehehead bohohohohody!”
“Oh, really, now?” Bakugou smirked lazily at him, quickly flipping him over so he was on his stomach and therefore more helpless than before. He straddled his ankles and went to work digging and scratching and raking all over Kirishima’s bare soles, making his boyfriend screech with laughter, already pounding the bed from how ticklish it was. “I’m sure that can be arranged, my love~”
97) Lee Kaminari, Lers Bakugou and Kirishima
“Knock it off, dunce,” Bakugou snapped, shoving Denki into Kirishima’s lap, glaring at the TV screen. The three of them were watching an anime together, but Denki seemed determined to be a distraction. “I’m trying to watch.”
A moment passed. Zap.
This time it was Kirishima who let out a squeak and jolted to the side with a giggle. “Seriously, bro, quit it! We’re trying to watch our show.”
Denki smirked, waited a bit longer this time, then grabbed both of their sides at once and used his tickle-shocks to make them both screech out a laugh and squirm away from him.
Bakugou was the first to recover, glaring at his fellow blonde. “You’re asking for it, idiot.”
Kiri chuckled. “No, man – I think he’s asked for it.”
Denki was unaware of the exchange happening between the two until it was too late. In the next moment he suddenly had both of his arms pinned to the couch cushions on either side of him, Bakugou and Kiri leaning on him as if settling in to watch their show more comfortably, all while tickling his exposed sides.
“Eeee! Nahahahahahahaha! Guys!” Denki squealed, struggling but going nowhere fast. He bucked and kicked his feet, but they never let up, and he could never get away from the gentle but persistent tickles. “Plehehehehehease!”
“Do you hear something, Kiri?” Bakugou asked, never taking his eyes from the screen.
“I think it’s just some static in the background. Old TV set, you know?” Kiri played along, grinning wickedly.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. Oh, well. We’ll just have to get used to it.”
“I suppose so.”
Denki was laughing for a long, long time.
98) Lee Momo, Lers Jirou and Todoroki
Momo was totally adorable when she was being tickled. Todoroki smiled fondly down at her as he gently sat on her arms, pinning them above her head to get at her armpits while their girlfriend Jirou scribbled lightly at her stomach and sides.
He had to admit, when Momo had asked if he’d be willing to be in a poly relationship with the punk rock girl, he’d been a little uncertain. He liked her well enough, sure, but he’d never thought of her that way…at least, not until he’d gotten to know her a little better. Now he considered himself incredibly lucky to have two amazing girlfriends.
He was even luckier that Jirou was just as much of a tickle monster as he was, and that Momo never seemed to mind being the victim of their constant attacks.
Right now she lay squirming and giggling on the ground, her cheeks pink and smile wide as her body reacted on instinct more than anything, trying to get away from the agonizing yet playful ticklish touches both of her partners were inflicting on her.
“Coochie coo, little Momo~” Jirou teased with much more ease than Todoroki could ever seem to manage; when he was the one being ganged up on he always melted at her words within seconds. He constantly marveled at how Momo seemed able to handle it. “Aw, does this tickle? Are you a little ticklish, babe?”
“Ehehehehehehehe!” Momo squealed, digging her heels into the carpeted floor. “Plehehehehehehease!”
“Oh? You want more?” Jirou looked up at Todoroki and winked, and he felt his heart flutter at the simple teasing action. “I’m sure that can be arranged, can’t it, Sho?”
Todoroki blushed but smiled and nodded all the same, tickling along with his one girlfriend while resolving to reduce his other girlfriend into a puddle of helpless cackles. “Definitely.”
99) Lee Deku, Ler Mina
“Your dance moves seem to be improving, but you’re still much too stiff,” Mina observed Deku with a hand to her chin, humming thoughtfully. “You’ve got to loosen up, Midoriya.”
Deku caught his breath after performing part of the dance he was learning for Mina, having asked her for some pointers. “I don’t know how,” he admitted. “I get so focused on learning the moves and doing them exactly that I tense up without realizing it. I can’t seem to relax.”
“You don’t have to do the moves exactly right,” Mina encouraged. “It’s good to know how to do them, sure, but dance is about self-expression! You should add your own flare to it, too.”
“I…I don’t know how.”
“Hmm…okay, how about this?” Mina fussed with the iPod they were playing the music from. “Start from the top, and I’ll jump in now and then to help you loosen up and add your own moves to the mix. Sound good?”
Deku nodded. “Sure! Thanks, Mina.”
“Of course! Now show me your stuff!”
Once again the music started, and Deku began dancing. To his credit, he had the moves down pretty well at this point. But there were definitely moments when Mina could tell he was focusing a little too hard. That’s when she stepped forward, pinching his sides gently to make him break form on purpose.
“Eeep!” Deku squealed, whirling on her. “W-What was that—”
“Keep dancing!” she instructed, smiling. After a moment he did as he was told, and about a minute later, she scribbled her fingers along his back to make him arch forward and break his step pattern again.
“Mihihina!” he whined, turning to look at her with a blush on his cheeks. “Why are you doing that?”
“It loosens you up, doesn’t it?” She winked. “Makes you do the dance a little differently than scripted, right?”
“W-Well…yeah, but…”
“Then consider it training.” Mina wiggled her fingers in his vision, and this time just the threat of more tickles made him twist away as he danced, creating his own flare even without being touched. “You’ll be dancing like a star in no time!”
100) Lee Todoroki, Ler Bakugou
“Stop squirming, I’m only holding you,” Bakugou grunted for what felt like the hundredth time after he shifted position and made Todoroki squeak and shift as well. They were cuddled on the couch, Todoroki on top of his blonde boyfriend while a movie they’d both seen several times before played almost soundlessly in the background. They mostly were just enjoying each other’s company.
“You keep tickling me,” Todoroki huffed, settling in once more. “I can’t help it.”
“You’re ridiculously ticklish, icy-hot.”
“Thank you for stating the obvious, hothead.”
Bakugou chuckled, tightening his grip on Todoroki’s waist, and suddenly the peppermint-colored boy’s heart skipped a beat. He could feel the wicked mischief radiating from his boyfriend, even if he couldn’t see his face.
“Are you really getting sassy with me right now?” Bakugou curled his fingers inward, purposely digging into his boyfriend’s sides. “That’s rather bold of you, don’t you think?”
“W-Wahahahahait,” Todoroki pleaded, already helpless with giggles. “I’m sohohohohorry!”
“Oh, you will be.” Bakugou moved so fast his boyfriend had no chance to adjust and recover. Soon Todoroki was lying on his stomach on the couch, his face pressed awkwardly into the armrest while the blonde sat on his calves to pin him down, slowly peeling off his socks.
Todoroki shrieked in excited terror, trying to roll over or buck or kick or something, but it was all useless and he knew it. His only hope now was to beg for mercy. “Nonono, please not there – not my feet, please, Kats – plehehehehehease! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
Bakugou scribbled relentlessly over his bare soles, focusing on his arches, which always made him scream with laughter. “I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over all this racket. Quiet down, icy-hot! I’m trying to watch a movie here!”
Bakugou laughed along with his boyfriend, enjoying their time together immensely. He knew Todoroki was enjoying it, too. “You’re just so astonishingly ticklish, babe. How can I resist making you laugh a little more?”
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indianamoonshine · 4 years
solo’s copilot ♡ chapter three / “velvet things”
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summary: she huffs with amusement, shaking her hand. "You're gonna get dicked down so good tonight." | the process of sex isn’t easy. and you had no idea what you’re doing. how the fuck do you avoid razor burn?
rating: m
"Ben Solo, don't you dare drop me!"
You try to sound as assertive as you could, but it was nearly impossible with the cackling erupting from you. It was the flirtatious kind of laughter - the giggles that only a partner could conjure from their lover. You squealed playfully and protested weakly by thumping your measly fists against his back. Once or twice he's had to settle you into place, grabbing ahold of your hips, and tugging you forward from eating dirt.
He's been walking leisurely back to base while tottering you over his shoulder, snickering also coming from him in a throaty way. "I'm not gonna drop you!" he returns and swats your ass for the third time. It evokes a yelp and a heated blush. He knows it, too.
"You don't know that!" you simper. "How many drinks have you had?"
Ben scoffs. "You do realize I have reflexes better than anyone you know, right?" he pauses, pleased with himself. And while you can't see his expression (from facing the ground, which very unfortunately obstructs your view), you can tell he's smirking. His voice becomes more lazy when he does and an octave lower; it's his ace-in-the-hand, but you'd never tell him that. "And besides, I'm gonna need you to be in your best condition tonight."
This elicits an instinctual whimper.
"Oh ho oh," Ben teases. "What was that?"
You pout, coquettishly of course, and wriggle in his arms. "You're making me blush."
"I intend to," he hums.
The hangar of the base is pitch-black, the only light illuminating from it from the hallway leading to the quarters. Everyone on base slept in a dormitory which was a little too crowded and, thus, woke everyone up from the slightest bit of noise. Maybe this wasn't the most ideal place to have sex - maybe this is why they made it so congested. Sex wasn't against regulation, but pregnancy got you kicked out of the Resistance and the majority didn't want to risk it. Not to say they didn't wander into the woods, disappear for a few hours, and then come back with flushed face.
Ben must've been thinking the same thing. "Should we go to the Falcon? Is that okay with you?" he pauses. "I mean, it being your first time and all..."
You try your best to swing forward to face him, but after a few attempts you give up with a sigh. He tries to contain his laughter while swinging you around and then lifting you against his chest. His forehead presses to yours and he kisses you slowly, deeply. It takes a lot for you to pull back and answer him.
"I just want you," you whisper against him.
You swear you feel his breath catch before he presses a kiss to the tip of your nose. "That's what I wanted to hear," he mumbles, voice thick and skin burning beneath you. His hands grip your thighs more firmly, surely pressing his fingers into the fat so roughly that you'd bruise. Good.
You smile against his mouth. "I need to use the shower really quick."
He nods. "Of course," he breathes, heart accelerating in his chest. A wicked part of you hoped he was picturing you naked, skin wet, and flushed from heat.
"Don't take too long."
♡ ♡
"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit."
As soon as you'd entered your dorm, you've stripped of your clothing and abandoned them on the floor while sprinting to the refresher. No time to waste. If you took too long you feared he'd loose interest and save it for a rainy day. Time was of the essence and that time was ticking away so loudly that you swore you could hear it. If you cracked open your head while sliding across the tile, so be it.
The shower was hot and it melted all the grime and grease you've accumulated throughout the day. You tried to focus on cleaning every crevice of your body. Every nook, every cranny - even the spots that were pretty much impossible to reach. You prayed that the sweet fragrance of the gel might cover any kind of hidden body odor you might not notice. You'd even used the gel strictly used for vaginal purposes, despite how many times you convinced yourself it was bad for you. And maybe it was, but the idea that you could smell there was almost unbearable.
The razor was taunting you as it lay on the shelf. Maybe Tasha was right - maybe you should shave. You weren't a stranger to the process, but it was a pain in the ass to deal with. You'd always gotten some sort of rash or bumps that made the entire ordeal simply fruitless so you vowed to stay away from it by whatever means. But you had this urge - this desire - to impress Ben that you were willing to go through the painfully detailed process.
Maybe Tasha had a way of avoiding razor burn. So you did the only thing you could think of.
Once stepped outside of the shower, you search for Tasha's contact on the commlink with fumbling hands. It takes a moment to connect and each beep sends a jolt of fear in your abdomen; what if she didn't answer? Who the fuck could you go to if Tasha wasn't available?
You almost give up just before she sounds at the other end of the line.
"Hey, you okay?" she asks, concern etching her tone. In the background is the raging noise of the The Water Hole. She probably thought you and Ben decided not to go through with it - at this point, you weren't sure if you'd be more disappointed or she would.
You groan, hands covering your face. "Tasha, I need help."
"What's up? Are you guys still..." she begins.
You cut her off. "Yes, yes. I'm trying to get ready and I have no idea how to avoid razor burn or whatever."
She can tell you're terrified by the way you interrupt her, your words stringing together so quickly that it was nearly impossible to understand what you were saying. She knew you well enough to know you were probably having the biggest panic attack of your life so she doesn't ask anymore questions.
"I'll be right there."
♡ ♡ ♡
Tasha has the passcode to your room so she waltzes in without buzzing.
She immediately gets to work, rummaging around your drawers and shelves as you sit in the center of the room, knees brought up to your chest. The towel is now dripping wet from your sopping head of hair, causing you to shiver from the dampness. Once she finds a bottle of oil, she tosses it to you and you manage to catch it as she fetches a jar of lotion, bacta gel, and the razor.
She kneels in front of you, presenting the two items. "Pirum oil stops bumps. Bacta gel avoids rash. And lotion makes it smooth." She sets the items on the ground. "Draw a bath real quick and shave underneath the water."
"Okay..." you say, heading to the tub and turning the knob. When you find her leaving for your bedroom you fearfully shriek, "Where are you going?!"
Tasha yells from the other room. "Do you have a t-shirt of Ben's?!"
"Uh..." you think for a minute, slipping into the water and begin to prep like she said to. "I don't think so."
You hear her groan a little, drawers slamming shut, and the mechanics of your closet doors opening. "What about a.." she stops short and then chuckles manically.
"What?!" you ask, cringing as you begin to shave. What a mess.
Tasha says cheerfully, "You're such a fuckin' liar!"
Any and all ideas as to what she means swim through your mind. What the hell was she talking about? "I don't...what?!" Maybe you did have a t-shirt of his?
"Ah ha!" she jubilantly exclaims. "You're more of a minx as you let on!"
You're becoming annoyed by how she dances around her mysterious finding. You growl, "Shut up and tell me!"
Footsteps quickly sound about the room and she returns with a pair of panties and a bra you'd never seen before in your life. They were brand new too, the security tag hanging limply and the price on it proclaiming a whopping 229 credits. It was a matching set, emerald green, with the thick straps holding up the cups graced with delicate lace. The panties were high waisted, lacy as well, but velvet and incredibly soft. By the cost alone you knew it was high end, but the fabric was stunning - you knew the difference between cheap and...well...not so cheap.
Your jaw drops and you almost cut yourself with the blade in your hand. "What the fuck."
Tasha giggles with excitement as you sit still in the water, body paralyzed with something you've never experienced before, and heart thumping violently against your ribcage. Were you having a heart attack? Is this what cardiac arrest feels like? She hands you a piece of parchment paper that's folded neatly with your name written on it by a skilled hand. Parchment. Calligraphy. Ben.
You blush. It creeps on your cheeks before you can even control it. You take a deep, unstable breath and carefully peel open the letter. You bite your lip as you read his message, his handwriting flawless and legible:
For when the time is right.
As you stare at the letter, you gulp and pray that Tasha can't see the drool of your pussy beneath the water. You fold the note closed and give it back to her with trembling hands as your way of giving her permission to read it. She does, eyes scanning the simple promise, and raises a hand to cover her mouth in awe. It takes a lot to impress Tasha, so you know that you're not overreacting when she raises her eyebrows and chuckles under her breath.
She huffs with amusement, shaking her hand. "You're gonna get dicked down so good tonight."
You want to interject but you can't. She's right and there's no use in denying it. Your fear has risen to inhumane levels and you imagine sirens going off in your head, your nerves alighting with an all consuming fire. He's about to give you a fucking orgasm and he hasn't even touched you yet. How could you possibly live up to his expectations? His experience was way out of your league and his ability to swoon you by just a handwritten note - something that wasn't ever practiced in society anymore - was overwhelming. He'd taken his time out to pick out this lingerie, to sit down and write you a goddamned letter, and you're, what? Shaving for him?
Tasha urges you with the wave of her hands. "Come on! Hurry up! You cannot keep this man waiting any longer."
So you do. And, strangely enough, you're satisfied with the result. Tasha's hoe-tip had actually worked and you were smooth as baby's bottom. Before she left, she picked out the perfume you "absolutely had to wear", kissed you on the cheek and said, "Tonight is gonna turn you into a slut and I cannot wait!" while walking out the door.
And then you were alone.
All is silent. Tasha can't hype you up anymore - that was solely up to you now. You stare at the lingerie laid out on the bed in all its exorbitant glory while feeling ridiculously inadequate of putting it on your body. You wanted to wear - really. But could you pull it off well enough to alight something in Ben? You try to convince yourself you could - that he bought you this with you in mind. He'd never seen you naked before, so how the hell would he know? What if his idea of you was way off? It probably was. Ben's laid with many women, including Rey, who had the kind of body that one saw in Twi'lek porn.
"Don't be a fucking coward," you scold yourself, reaching for the set.
You slip it on carefully to avoid any kind of rip in the seam and it hits you then that Ben had guessed your size and he'd guessed it...perfectly. Had he figured out your measurements just by watching you move? Had he gawked over you enough that he did the math in his head until he was satisfied? Did this mean he was aware of what you may look like underneath your clothes? Surely he had. And you didn't know what to think of that; how Ben's eyes have wandered and studied the way your ass curved or how your breasts filled out your tops.
Oh, gods. He knew your fucking body before laying bared hands on it.
But this swells you with pride. Suddenly, you felt more beautiful than you had in your life, like you were some sort of ethereal being that he worshipped silently. You tug on the bra as quickly as you can without damaging it and, sure enough, your breasts fit perfectly within the cups; no spillage or tightness that caused overflow on your back. The mirror against your wall reflects back at you a woman you didn't recognize because she looked confident. Satisfied. Even your skin glowed, all imperfections seemed to have disappeared along with the damage of your hair. It was luscious, full, and rich in color even after drying it on the highest temperature. Your eyes sparkled bright and bushy tailed as you gawk over your own reflection.
You couldn't wait anymore. You grab your robe (which is literally the most inconspicuous piece of clothing you wore, as it was littered with holes and frayed string) and sprint out into the hangar.
It was there where The Falcon sat alight, glowing with warmth, and waiting impatiently for your arrival.
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oliviaischillin1204 · 4 years
t2eb, day 22: “tickly massage”
“Logan, you really need to relax.”
Logan could not relax. He’d been stressed for days, and even though he hadn’t said anything, it appeared that Virgil had picked up on his true feelings (which did make sense- if anyone was going to figure out how anxious Logan was, it would be Anxiety.)
Logan huffed a sigh, flipping to a new page in his notebook and continuing his messy notations.
“I don’t have time to relax,” he replied sharply. “I have to get these notes transcribed into the longterm memory files as soon as possible. I have to keep working.”
There was no response from the other side, although because Logan had refused to stop working to face him, he couldn’t be sure if that was because Virgil didn’t know what to say, or he had left the room.
His question was answered as he heard Virgil stammer, “Can I- um, can I try something?”
Logan barely paused in his writing, merely giving a half shrug. “As long as it doesn’t interfere with my work, then I suppose.”
“Okay, um, can I- can I put my hands on you?”
That was... an odd request. Coupled with the fact that Virgil’s voice now sounded much closer than before, Logan was thoroughly confused. His pen stilled, and he stared at the wall in front of him with a furrowed brow.
“I suppose-?”
Before he could finish, Virgil’s hands were on his shoulders, and the logical side cut himself off in shock. After a second, he felt the two hands squeeze his shoulders in unision.
Logan tensed intially, but after a few moments of Virgil massaging his stiff muscles, he felt himself gradually relaxing.
“A massage?” he asked in surprise.
Virgil hummed lightly. “I know you’re probably sore as shit from sitting at your desk for hours, so. Thought I could do this, while you could do that.”
His thumbs hit a particularly sore knot in his upper back, and Logan fought back a groan at the feeling. Instead he nodded, picking up his pen and continuing his work.
They did this for a few minutes, Virgil massaging Logan’s shoulders and upper back while the logical side wrote. Logan hadn’t realized he’d been carrying so much stress in his body. But Virgil’s hands were strong, and his touch was firm, and after a while it became harder and harder for Logan to sit up straight in his desk chair. Instead he found himself slumping over his desk, careful not to smudge the fresh ink on the paper before him.
He heard Virgil laugh lightly. “Good?”
Logan nodded as Virgil dug his fingers into the top of his spine, relishing in the relief he felt. “This is... very satisfactory, yes.”
“Good,” Virgil replied, his hands moving lower. “Because just looking at how stiff you are was making my back hurt-”
His thumbs pressed below Logan’s shoulder blades, and the logical side went ramrod straight in an instant, a shocked laugh exploding from his mouth.
Both sides were silent for a moment. Logan realized he was gripping the desk in... in fear, or anticipation, or maybe (although he’d never admit it) excitement.
“Logan...” Virgil said slowly, and Logan swore he could hear the grin in Virgil’s voice.
“I- I- um. You surprised me.”
Oh, it was such a weak lie, and Logan knew it. He just prayed that Virgil would go back to what he was doing before, and they could go on with their night, and his outburst would never be brought up again-
Virgil repeated the motion, this time wiggling his thumbs in the muscle. Logan bit his lip to keep from laughing, but he couldn’t stop his body from jerking forward, desperately attempting to get away from the touch.
“V-Virgil, please!”
“Please what?” Virgil asked, his hands wandering lower down Logan’s back. His thumbs continued to prod on either side of his spine, while his fingers fanned out to scratch over the back of his ribs.
Logan kicked his legs, gripping the table to attempt to distract himself. “Please-”
“Please tickle you? Yeah, I guess I can do that.”
With that, he began gently clawing his nails up and down Logan’s back, sending the usually stoic side into sleep-deprived giggles. He wiggled in his seat as Virgil spidered around the bones of his shoulder blades before dragging his nails down his skin.
“Virgihihihihil! Plehehease!”
“‘Please tickle you more’, yes, Logan, I heard you,” Virgil filled in helpfully. His fingers danced down the backs of Logan’s ribs, really focusing on the spot as Logan squealed at the touch.
“Huh, it sound like you have a lot of tension right here,” Virgil taunted. “I’m gonna have to spend a lot of time at this spot. Sound good?”
He wiggled his two index fingers at the spot where Logan’s waistline met his back, and the logical side’s laughter went high pitched and frantic, shaking his head.
“Plehe- noho- somewhere else!” he managed through his laughter.
“Somewhere else?” Virgil repeated. “Where, like here?”
In an awkward movement, Virgil shoved his hands even lower on Logan’s back, scratching and skittering his fingers all over the small of Logan’s back, right above his pantline. Logan squealed, giving into his instincts to press his back against his seat, effectively trapping Virgil’s hands against the spot.
“Uh oh!” Virgil said cheerfully. “I’m stuck!”
“Yohohou ahahare not stuck!”
“Well, obviously I am, because I can’t move my hands.” He sighed, acting put out. “Looks like they’re gonna have to keep tickling and tickling and tickling-”
“Okahahay! Okahahay!” Logan screamed, forcing himself forward to ‘release’ Virgil’s hands.
“Hey, thanks, Specs!” With that, Virgil spidered his fingers all the way up Logan’s spine, stopping at the top to draw delicate circles around his shoulder blades, before returning his fingers to the back of Logan’s ribs.
Logan groaned, writhing in his seat. “Vihirg- Vihihirgil! Nohohot there!”
Virgil tsked. “Well, now, I’m confused. Did you mean not here, or not here?”
As he spoke, he switched his hands from the back of Logan’s ribs to the small of his back, sending him further into desperate laughter.
He gasped as Virgil, of course, began attacking both spots at once, relentlessly scratching the skin in just the right way to drive Logan completely insane.
Logan shrieked, hands finally coming off of the desk to spin himself around, grabbing Virgil’s dangerous hands to make him stop.
“En- enough,” he gasped. “I cahan’t take anymore.”
Virgil pulled his hands from Logan’s weak grasp, placing one on Logan’s shoulder as the other gently lifted Logan’s chin.
“You’re not stressed anymore,” he commented. Logan huffed.
“I suppose not,” he muttered without malice, “because I was incredibly distracted by your- your- tomfoolery.”
“Well, you seemed to like my ‘tomfoolery’, seeing as you never asked me to stop.” Virgil leveled him with a smug smile.
Logan blushed. “I- I was distracted.”
“And the way you kept your hands on the desk the whole time,” he added. His hand trailed down to lightly scratch underneath Logan’s chin, sending him into little titters.
“I wahahas tryihing to work.”
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “And the way you’re not stopping me tickling you right now?”
Logan’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, his blush deepening as Virgil laughed at him again.
“B- behehe quiet,” he hissed, finally pulling Virgil’s hand away from his chin. He tried to keep a stern look, but the softness in Virgil’s eyes made him forget any feelings of irritation he had.
“If I stop working now,” he said, wanting to duck his head but refusing to drop Virgil’s gaze, “would you... be open to staying with me tonight?”
He didn’t know what he thought Virgil would say, but the smile he gave him as he nodded was all the answer Logan needed.
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marvelgiggles · 4 years
Take On Me
(Bucky Barnes x Reader)
HI MY FRIENDS! I hope you are all staying safe with everything going on right now. You and your families are all in my prayers and I hope this fic brings a little light and happiness to all of you right now! I love you all! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@seblimeartisanpeachpie! Thank you so much for challenging me writing a prompt to lyrics of a song. *Lyrics are italicized*
Up Next: ???
(I don’t have any requests right now so feel free to send some in)
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You needed this right now. You needed something to help distract you from the upcoming mission that everyone you loved was going on but you. One of the best outlets to take your mind off of something was to have a private dance party in your room while singing at the top of your lungs. 
Currently, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper was playing through your speakers and you were jumping up and down on your bed with your back to the door, so you didn’t hear knock on your door. 
Bucky wanted to make sure that you were doing okay after letting you know that they were leaving in the morning. As he made his way to your room he could hear the music playing through the sound system in your room. He figured that you couldn’t hear anything but he still knocked out of politeness. Once he opened the door he was pleased to discover a little show. He immediately broke out into a small grin enjoying you dance around your room without a care in the world. 
You jumped around and saw Bucky grinning at you in the door jamb. “Buck!” You screamed as you clutched your chest with both hands. You stopped jumping which caused you to fall down on your bed.
“Nice moves Y/N/N.” He smirked at you walking toward you.
“Shut up.” You mumbled into your hands, as you tried covering the embarrassed blush that your face was most definitely reflecting. You curled into a fetal position trying to disappear from this situation.
“How’d that one move go?” Bucky asked as he tried to mimic a dance move he must have seen you do. You groaned and flipped onto your side so you were facing away from him. “No! Y/N I need to know how that move went.” Bucky grasped your side to flip you over and you squealed. 
The both of you went silent which allowed you to hear the next song play through your speakers. It was Take On Me by a-ha. 
Suddenly, you were flipped over onto your back with Bucky sitting on your waist. “Seriously, Y/N how did that dance move go?” He said as he starting poking your stomach and sides, which made you squirm away from his devilish pokes. 
“Buck! No!” You said while trying to cover up the giggles that tried to escape you. 
“No that’s not quite how you did it!” Bucky exclaimed as then started to squeeze your hips. This caused you to squeal and breakout in giggles, while you tried to squirm away from Bucky’s evil hands. Suddenly you heard Bucky start to sing.
“Take on me. Take me on.” You’ve never heard Bucky sing before but since the lyrics sounded more like teasing, which made tickling even worse for you, you couldn’t help but blush and try more frantically to get away from Bucky.
“What? Do you not like my singing Y/N?” Bucky asked in mock hurt. He then reached behind him and started to tickle your knees both above and below them. You shrieked and started to kick your legs away from him. “But Y/N. I’ll be gone in a day or two!” Bucky continued to sing as he continued to torment you. 
You covered your face with your hands to try and muffle the peals of laugher coming out of you.
“Oh come Y/N. Sing along and show me that dance move.” Bucky said as he pried your hands away from your face and pinned them above your head with his regular arm. You saw the devilish smirk on his face and his face coming closer and closer to you.  While his face was coming closer to yours, you didn’t see his metal arm drift towards your armpit and draw light circles in your left armpit. 
You squealed in Tickle Me Elmo like giggles and you turned your head try and push at his hand away with your head, but that only opened up one side of your neck so he could bury his face there to nuzzle his beard there and blow the occasional raspberry. You were convulsing with laughter, especially after he started to scratch at your armpit and would switch to the other when you were least expecting it. 
Finally Bucky had mercy on you but didn’t quite let you go yet. He sat up but continued to hold your wrists above your head. “Okay Y/N, last chance to show me that dance move.” 
“Okay. Let me go.” You cried as remnant giggles still left your lips. Bucky let your wrists go and you immediately sat up trying to push him off of you. 
“Y/N!” Bucky scolded you as he pushed you back down and immediately started to vibrate his fingers in your rib cage. You started to frantically get out of his grip by squirming around and hitting his arms to knock them off of you. “There it is! But you were so rude to try and push me away, this will continue until you can count to 24.” 
“NOHOHOHOHO!” You cried knowing that was impossible. You were quickly loosing energy and effort, it wasn’t long before you just lie still and took the tickling Bucky was administering to you. 
Bucky stopped tickling you and climbed off of you. He lie next to you and pulled you into his side and cuddled you to his chest. “Okay, I took it too far I know.” He said as he rubbed your back up and down. You both just lie there for a while, your energy was still depleted from the torture you just endured, and with Bucky rubbing your back, you were quickly falling asleep. Bucky sensed this and pressed a longing kiss to your forehead and right before you drifted off you heard him continue to sing, “I’ll be gone in a day.” He also added afterwards, “And I will come back to you.” 
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