#*throws potted plant at the White House doors*
#*throws potted plant at the White House doors*#not Star Wars#I hope we hoodwink them soon and get the revolution we need and deserve#man FUCK the government#i’m just in a silly goofy mood#I say as I prep like it’s the god damn end times while I watch the prunes on the news strip the rights I have over my own body and life#and I’m on the less shitty part of the stick here because I’m white unfortunately#I can’t imagine what’s it’s going to be like for the poc in my country#all of the shady shit the government has done under the table like forcibly sterilize poc and indigenous woman over the years#that’s gonna be the shit that’s legal and normal#like?????#man does heinously unspeakable crimes and gets a few months with parole#women exist with body’s that create but they don’t want to risk life and limb to do it and suddenly get imprisoned for life#the gays just exist and want to marry the people they love and they get put on watch lists and harassed in the streets or are murdered#the poc would like to be treated equally and seen and heard and get wrongfully accused killed discriminated against you name it#but if they speak out again their unjust treatment their the bad guys somehow????#the governments foundation is built on the bones of the Native Americans and its walls made of the corpses of its people#the only morals they follow are ones of evil hypocrisy gaslighting and chaos#the only language they speak is one of a corporate like selfishness and lack of understanding#man fuck this life
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joehawke · 1 year
ever since watching this edit I can’t get the idea out of my head of Eddie coming over like he normally does, Eddie who stood at the door for a good 5 minutes with sodas and popcorn and an array of random junk food in his hands waiting to be let in. But Steve never answers the door. And Eddie doesn’t want to worry, just assumes Steve forgot about their normal Friday night ritual, just assumes Steve’s in the shower and lost track of time. But a deeper rooted part of Eddie, the part of Eddie that’s been stuck with him ever since Chrissy stuck to his ceiling, feels a gnawing sense of fear pooling around his gut.
Eddie carefully sets the multitude of snacks and drinks down on the concrete before rummaging around underneath the terra-cotta pots that hold dead flowers (and Eddie remembers a conversation in passing when Steve drunkenly mumbled out how his mother planted flowers and never came back home to water them and how he tried so hard to keep them alive, but how’s he supposed to keep a stupid plant alive when he can hardly keep himself and the kids alive? And yeah, Eddie never forgot that drunken confession, ‘thinks he never will either as his heart clenches at the memory) when he comes across the gold key he knew was there, a little “ah ha” falling out of his mouth with a hushed tone as his tongue sticks out of his mouth in concentration. Eddie goes to unlock the door quietly, only going back outside to collect all of the snacks. He throws the key in the key dish next to the door before toeing off his sneakers (new white ones courtesy of the governments hush money, and as much as Eddie misses his old broken in ones, he thinks maybe he doesn’t need a walking reminder of what his shoes had walked through). He makes his way to the kitchen and flicks the light on as he gently places everything down before finally taking a look around. All the lights are off besides the one he just turned on, and it’s eerily quiet. Eddie wonders if maybe Steve isn’t home, if he really did forget about their movie night, but Steve’s not one to cancel on any member in the party, is always present no matter the circumstances. His car was in the driveway though. Eddie makes his way to the living room to see if maybe Steve fell asleep on the couch waiting up for him, but to no luck it’s just as quiet as it is empty.
“Steve? If this is some sick joke you can quit it now okay? You got me. I’m here. Let’s just watch our movie!” Eddie calls out, gesturing out to no one. When he gets no response he makes his way up the stairs gingerly, careful to not step on the ones that tend to squeak (and yeah, Eddie’s been up these stairs enough to know which floorboards are loose and isn’t that truly something? If you had told Eddie a year ago that he’d know Steve Harrington’s house inside and out, he’d laugh in your face). Eddie turns the corner and let’s out a sigh of relief at the sight of Steve’s door closed, light cascading underneath the door and painting the floor yellow.
“I gotta say Harrington, ‘Was beginning to think you forgot about —“ Eddie goes to say, before he’s cut off with the sight of Steve and his room. There’s an array of trophy’s and what looks to be a few copies of his diploma laying hazardously across the carpet. Pictures of the party and newspaper clippings of his parents laying amidst it all. His one and only poster (“Seriously Stevie? A car poster? I expected so much more from you, I’m wounded” Eddie had said, a hand clenched dramatically to his chest. Steve had just rolled his eyes before getting off the bed and crawling down below (and Eddie seriously needed to get his mind out of the gutter if Steve on all fours had him adjusting his pants) before retrieving a rolled up tube and tossing it to Eddie. Eddie had just looked at the other man slightly confused before Steve motioned for him to unroll it. And lo and behold it was a shirtless picture of Rob Lowe. Eddie had sat there laughing for a good 20 minutes that night) laying ripped to shreds on the floor. And there in the center of it all, sat Steve, tear tracks drying on his cheeks, his hair a mess atop his head.
“Stevie?” Eddie asked, careful not to spook the man. Everything in him, every fiber of his being shook with energy prompting him to move forward, to rush to his Steve, but yet, he stayed with his feet planted forward. He remembers his uncle Wayne telling him once after a particularly bad nightmare Eddie walked in on him having to never approach someone who’s in distress, told him not to make them feel like a wounded animal, but not to startle them either by suffocating them. So Eddie stays put, taking in the scene around him. “Baby? Do you care if I come to you? Can I do that?” Eddie asks softly. If he wasn’t paying attention, he would’ve missed the slight nod Steve gives him. So Eddie carefully makes his way over to the broken and battered boy, careful to not step on the shambles of clutter surrounding Steve. Eddie clears a spot and gently sits down, not saying anything as he takes in Steve up close now. His heart breaks in his chest as Steve looks up to Eddie, tears gathering in his already puffy eyes.
“Babe. What’s wrong sweetheart?” Eddie gently coaxes, asking the question as if he were scared of the answer, and yeah, maybe he is. Steve’s bottom lip trembles ever so slightly before Steve sucks in it, a habit from years of having to hide his emotion coming into place. Eddie furrow his brow and tilts his head softly as if to prompt Steve to answer. Steve turns his head towards his window and Eddie thinks he won’t get an answer before Steve’s wrecked voice is making itself known.
“Do you ever see someone and think, wow God must hate me? Cause he spent so much time on them, and for me he got… lazy” Steve asks softly, a hint of bitterness hanging off his words like cloying honey. And what? Eddie never was one to believe in any type of God, never really put too much thought to it if he’s honest. He wasn’t one for the science or logistics behind it, but he also wasn’t one to question it. Don’t get him wrong, he’s prayed to a God he doesn’t know exists in times of crisis and need, and yeah, sometimes the thought of this being being the thing that controls what happens was a thought he’s let warp his mind sometimes, but in retrospect, he never really cared. He knew Steve’s parents were heavily religious, forcing Steve to attend Sunday mass and bible study as a kid, but Eddie’s still taken aback by the statement.
“Stevie what? Where’s this coming from?” Eddie asks, his brows furrowing as he moves his head to look at Steve. And bless his heart, Steve just shrugs softly before breaking into sobs. Eddie can tell Steve’s trying to hold it in if the wretched noises and breathing is to go by anything, and his heart breaks in his chest once again. Eddie scoops Steve up, laying Steve’s head against his chest. “Let it out baby, it’s okay, let it out.”
Eddie’s unsure how long they sit like that before Steve’s breathing begins to even out, a small hiccup or sniffle making itself known in the quietude of the room here and there, before Eddie carefully picks him and Steve up off the floor and moves them to his bed which thankfully is clean. He lies them down against the blankets, taking he and Steve’s jeans off in the process and throwing them on the floor before tucking he and the other man in. And yeah, they have a lot to talk about, but for now, Eddie holds his boy against his chest until Steve’s breathing evens out completely and he can feel his body go pliant against his own. It takes everything in Eddie to fall asleep that night, thoughts of the mess on the floor and that sentence racing around his muddled brain, but eventually his own breathing evens out with the safe knowledge that Steve is here, and he may not emotionally be okay, but physically he’s in no harm. And Eddie can live with that.
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nekkomaa · 21 days
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Warnings: Violence, inappropriate language, manipulation, toxic relationships.
Notes: I'm really surprised that I managed to write another chapter in such a short space of time. I hope this cheers you up a bit! Comments and reblogs are appreciated!!!
I'd love to know if you'd prefer a protagonist with a name, or a “reader” protagonist
Portuguese version published on Wattpad
Word count: 2038
“You know I love you very much, don't you, darling?” David smiles at you, a venomous smile, his gaze containing a silent threat, daring you to do something wrong while he's away.
“I know. I love you too.” You answer, it's disgusting to have to say it, you've hesitated many times before, but you knew the hard way that it was better to go with the flow of things, to let things go his way. Here, you're nothing. “Come back safe.” You say, as he waves to you and walks through the front door. Secretly you wish he'd never come back.
“I'll be back soon.” He replies, his voice muffled as the door closes.
You don't move, not until you stop listening to the sound of the car's tires against the gravel. Letting out a breath you didn't even know you were holding, you move towards the bedroom. You'd go back to sleep, it was late and you didn't even like the idea of playing the good wife and saying goodbye. At this point you were in an internal struggle, not knowing what to feel, but at the same time you felt nothing, you felt hatred for him.
You climb the steps slowly, the darkness of the house becomes gloomy, as you face the large corridor that extends to the end of the stairs, you take a moment to look at the white door at the end of the corridor, you think about trying to open it in a moment of courage, he wasn't home, he couldn't stop you from opening the door.
You give up when you remember that the door would obviously be locked, David wasn't stupid, he knew that someone could try to open the door while he was away, whether it was you or the maid.
Opening the bedroom door, you are surprised by a cold wind coming from the window, a strange feeling of fear and doubt comes over you. You're sure that when you left the room, the window was closed, as was the whole house. With hesitant steps you walk to the window, there is no light except the new moon shining outside. When you reach the window, you feel your body shiver, the sensation of being watched passes through you for a moment, you look down cautiously and discover that the guard who is always at the door is passed out and tied up in front of the jeep they use for work.
Your heart races, you hear his pulse in your ear, you're stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to take the opportunity to flee, or whether you should hide, someone has passed out the guard and tied him up, just when David isn't at home, and by chance the window is open, your window.
Your thoughts are racing, you know there's someone in the house with you, but how did he get in so quickly? David left a few seconds ago, could you have wasted more than half an hour just climbing the stairs?
With a quick breath you feel the need to look for any kind of weapon to defend yourself, whoever got in here certainly wouldn't spare your life. You look next to you, a tacky lamp is there, and next to it a medium-sized plant pot, you grab it without thinking too much, as you turn back you squint your eyes trying to see into the partially lit room, you notice something moving towards you and you don't hesitate to throw the pot in its direction.
You can see the silhouette of a person, the vase hits them and falls to the floor, apparently it didn't even have an effect, you're not sure where you hit it, but you knew that if you didn't hit a vital part you were screwed.
He kept advancing, the black shadow was fast, you dodged by reflex when you hit him the first thing you saw, a pillow was thrown and distracted him long enough for you to run towards the door. Panic filled your veins, you would be killed, you would die living a dull life shrouded in panic.
Anger fills your senses, you hate it all, you hate David, you hate this house, you hate looking in the mirror and seeing a shell of what you were with each passing day, you hate yourself.
You can only hear your quick steps towards the kitchen, you only hear the rustle of clothes behind you, whatever is chasing you moves like a ghost.
The sharp turn you make at the door seems to delay your pursuer by a few seconds, giving you time to grab the first pan you see in front of you to defend yourself, the kitchen is brighter than your bedroom thanks to the large windows it has, you can see what's chasing you as soon as you turn back, But you didn't even have time to register what it looked like, as in the blink of an eye he was inches away from you with something in his hand, without wasting any time you hit the pan on his hand and then on what you thought was his head, the sound of the pan hitting echoed in the empty house.
Your luck seemed to run out the moment that pot hit his head. You felt your throat tighten immediately afterwards, the air being cut from your lungs.
You could take a closer look at what was chasing you now, unfortunately it was in the worst way, and not with the chaser passed out from the pan.
Everything was incredibly black except for the white skull staring at you in the dark, you couldn't see the eyes through the holes, but you could feel them piercing you. The tightness in your throat loosened slightly as soon as he saw that you weren't squirming. The pan that had been in your hand was forgotten on the floor, the counter behind you was clean, there were no weapons to use, if you wanted to get out alive, you had to be smart.
Anger and fear were strongly intertwined with each other, but anger in a fragile body like yours wouldn't solve anything. Fear, however, only served to make you soft, the survival instinct seemed to work the other way around, telling you to stay still, as if your predator couldn't see you, as if your predator didn't have his hand on your throat.
“What…” Your voice comes out lower and shakier than you first intended, but you continue anyway. “What do you want from me?” The man in front of you brings his second hand into your field of vision, the knife glinting on the moon, his body trembling with anticipatory fear. He realizes this and lowers the knife until it is facing his face.
“No funny business, okay?” He says to you and carefully releases you, his gloved hand moves away from your neck and he signals for you to remain silent. You just nod back. There were no loopholes to escape, so collaborating at the moment seemed the right thing to do.
He ties your wrists together in front of you and uses them to guide you into the room where he entered. He sits you on the bed and faces you. He seemed big before, but now, this was much more than you first thought. That made it worse, he seemed much more indimidating with her.
“You're going to tell me what I want to know, if you lie, I'll take action.” He remains where he is staring at you for a while longer before signaling for you to speak. “Do you understand?”
“Yes.” His voice remains low, he doesn't seem to care, anyway, even if you were completely hysterical screaming and calling for help, no one would come, he's passed out the only guard in the house, and in the place where you live, so far away from everything, it's obvious that no one would ever hear you.
“Where's your husband? Where did he go?” His voice was harsh, to the point. He seemed out of patience.
“I-I… don't know” His voice faltered, he took it as a lie. The knife from before soon came into view again, he twirled it between his fingers like a threat.
“I'm sure we fought before, didn't we? No lies, or should I make it clear that I'm armed?” His voice showed a lack of patience, and you certainly wouldn't want to test his patience.
“I swear.” You tried again.
“Little thing, if you're going to lie you should try to be more convincing, anyone swears. Now tell the truth, where is your shitty little husband?” He takes a step closer, the knife still twirling between his fingers. The movement would be mesmerizing if it weren't for this situation. “Aren't you going to tell me that a good wife like you doesn't know where her husband is?” He teases, his voice now sounding sweet, a hint of amusement in it.
“I don't know where he is! You have to believe me!” You beg as he comes closer, the knife threatening you with every move.
“And why would I believe you, darling? As far as I know you're just pretending you don't know anything just to get your husband's fat ass off the hook.” The knife hovers inches from your neck, you swear you can feel the cold steel.
“I don't know who you are or what you want but if it's money or some kind of information I'm sorry you're talking to the wrong person!” You speak quickly, despair coursing through your veins, you're going to end up dead, and you haven't even had a chance to leave this place.
“You have to know something. He's not keeping you here for free.” He comes close to your ear. “Even if you are his pet, it's impossible that you don't know anything.” He steps back and watches your reaction.
Swallowing dryly, you remember the room at the end of the corridor, the place you never entered. “There is, there's a room at the end of the corridor.” You stutter as the knife lightly grazes your neck, stinging as he moves away from you.
“Yes? And what's in the room?” He asks.
“All the letters he receives are there, if there's any kind of information it's there.” You reply, the man seems satisfied with your answer.
“I said you knew something.” He comments, his voice now more amused, something like a mockery of I knew it! “You're coming with me.” He pulls you up and leads you into the hallway. The white door at the end faces you, you hope to escape from this house as soon as this man leaves with whatever he's looking for, if you stay, and David comes back, you're sure to be dead.
The man turns the handle and the door doesn't move. He snorts in annoyance and pushes you behind him.
“I don't have the key.” You say as soon as he pushes you back.
“Well, I never said I needed one.” He replies quickly. You watch him step away from the door and kick it, the door opens on the second kick and soon he's pulling you into the room with him.
“I told you what I know, you're going to let me go… right?” The uncertainty in his voice is palpable, you wince as he throws you a look. With the light in the room now, you can see his eyes. A deep brown stares back at you, if before he was intimidating even without seeing you properly, imagine now that those eyes pierce right through to your soul from across the room.
“I don't usually leave witnesses, you little thing.” That's the only thing he says to you.
Credits for the mask used in the second image: @Mcmorthern on twitter.
If you are the owner of the image and want it removed, please contact me!
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
a gift i made in like an hour don’t judge it too harshly it’s like midnight and i’m procrastinating studying for my finals 🙏
⚠️TW⚠️: CSA, incest, child abuse
*throws this and runs away*
the day started badly.
it was warm, and for the first time in a while there was some food in the fridge, leo wasn’t throwing a bitch-fit and the lair should still be clean from his duties last night.
but none of that mattered.
because dad was upset.
and when dad was upset, everyone was upset.
he tried to ignore it, tried to let the droning, mindless creature take control of his body, take control of his mind so he didn’t have to, so he could relax. but he couldn’t. every time the man’s footsteps dragged across the cool concrete floors, raph’s shoulders would tense.
his ears would tune in to any move, any noise that would clue splinter into a sudden rage so he could be a step ahead of him. the presence would drag him back to consciousness every time.
just another thing he’s forced to do.
the steam from the pot below him warmed his cold hands, defrosted the ice buried in the grooves of his fingers as he added ingredients and stirred with precision so natural, it might as well have been mechanical.
twice left.
once right.
the liquid boiled beneath him, softly bubbling against the confines of the walls the pot held it in. the heat pricked his fingers uncomfortably.
twice left.
once right.
someone was making noise. voices. the familiar words from his siblings were muffled behind the lairs doors.
mikey and leo. donnie wouldn't be out of his room yet.
twice left.
once right.
a heart beat quickly in the chest he resided in, pumping adrenaline through his veins. the voices were getting louder. they’d be yelling soon.
twice left.
how many times right?
green hands shook around the wooden spoon, no longer circling the pot. the soup bubbled fiercely beneath him, hypnotic to his eyes as he stared at the concoction.
the corners of his vision flickered hazily to static. his gaze didn’t move.
“-god, you can be such a dick sometimes!”
“don’t get upset because i take training more seriously than you!”
“training? you think this is about training?”
“what else would it be about? it’s not like you can contribute anything else of worth to this clan!”
“maybe i don’t wanna be a part of the clan! maybe i should just take MY brothers and leave!”
“oh, cause that worked so well last time! i know you have the IQ of a goldfish, mikey, but don’t you remember you got caught?”
“because you don’t want us to leave, but you don’t want us around either! leo, what the fuck do you want us to do? it’s not our fault you’re fucking psychotic! if you weren’t such an asshole then-”
“can you two SHUT UP!”
silence fell in the sewer. the air was still, charged with a current of anticipated anxiety. his breath left him in pants, hands shaking under the white knuckle grip against the lip of the counter.
his veins flooded with ice, jolting through his fingers and toes, melting down the nerves of his legs. his face was flushed red earth radiated from his cheeks.
he heard a door close somewhere in the house.
his breath caught in his throat, a quiet, struggled whine leaving his lips instead as the oxygen cut itself off.
a pair of footsteps dragged slowly closer, agonizingly slow. patient, like he had all the time in the world, like no matter how long he took, what he was looking for would still be there when he arrived.
he would. he knew he wouldn’t run even if he could. his feet stayed planted against the concrete.
his blood went cold.
“follow me.”
he could see leo and mikey in the corner of his vision, peaking around the corner of the door frame. mikey’s breathing was strained and subtle, watching with panicked eyes.
leo was silent.
he desperately tried to wrangle a breath into his constrained lungs, as he turned off the heated stove with shaky hands. splinters back was to him. somehow that made everything more demeaning.
he lowered his gaze to scowl at the ground. splinter walked casually, almost nonchalantly towards the dojo, and raph felt his heart freeze again.
the door slid open with a creaking ‘whoosh’, and raph obediently closed it behind him, much to his dismay.
splinter walked to the head of the room, his usual place in front of a faded mural depicting the hamato clan through the ages. the paint was dull and chipping, the faces too worn down to make out anything other than initial basic features.
it still made him feel watched.
raph knelt at his father's feet, face hot with rage and shame boiling under the surface of his skin.
he tried to let the parasitic creature in his mind dig it’s claws into his frontal lobe, stabbing a razor sharp tail into his hippocampus to blind his memory from whatever was about to happen.
he stayed in control.
“what,” splinters voice was low and dangerous, a facade of calm masking the brewing storm beneath the words. “was so important, you had to disturb me with your pointless whining?”
was raph supposed to speak? was that his cue? was this a trick question?
he opened his mouth to stumble over a useless explanation, but he was cut off sharply before anything could leave his beak.
“well? i’m waiting!”
“i just- mikey and leo were- “
a sigh quieted him instantly, his mouth snapping shit with an audible ‘click’.
“red, you understand you’re lucky, yes?”
“…yes sensei.”
“do you know what my father would have done to me if i did the same stunt you just pulled?”
trick question.
“he would have been much crueler with his punishment, sensei.”
a thin, clawed hand landed on his shoulder, the grimy fur felt rough against his skin.
the hand rubbed gently, back and forth on his scales, and he cut his airway off, closing his throat to stop the anxious, distressed churr from leaving his mouth.
“red. you’re a good student.”
“you’re strong, you have potential to serve this clan well. you could be a ferocious ninja one day.”
raph stayed silent. there was no manual for how to navigate this.
“do you know why i’m so hard on you?”
“…no sensei..?”
like a switch, the clawed hand dug into his flesh, and a whimper bubbled in his throat. he fought it down, along with the vomit churning in his stomach.
“it’s because while you have physical qualities the hamato clan prides themselves in, you are a disaster mentally.”
i wonder who’s fault that is.
“you are disobedient, your self control lacks anything of worth, you’re too quick to anger, and you are nothing this clan stands by. why haven’t you fixed this yet? why do you cling to the resolve of your flaws so desperately?”
“…sensei i- “
“and that’s another one of your issues! you’re impatient and disrespectful.” the grip on his shoulder loosened a fraction, sharp claws retracting from his skin. a shallow breath escaped his lips.
“look at me.”
the hand trailed lower.
ice clotted in his veins, his muscles tensed under pale, flushed skin.
“dad i don’t- “
“that’s your problem,” the rat hissed through his teeth, eyes narrow and daring. “you think you get a say.”
his claws hit the ridge of his plastron, and he lightly trailed his hand along the ledge.
raph was gonna puke.
he couldn’t do this again.
“you think you’re in control of things you can’t even comprehend,” splinter seethed, running his finger through the dip down the middle of his front, roughly where his chest would have been.
acid green eyes stayed locked on the ground, and he prayed splinter couldn’t feel the frantic drum of his heart in his chest. the man shifted, crouch down closer to the ground.
“tell me,” he demanded. “tell me who’s in control.”
“you, sensei.”
“tell me who you owe your life to; who gave you a roof over your head and food on your table, who you would be dead without?”
“you sensei.”
“and yet you act so ungrateful. all i want is one day of peace and quiet, but you can’t go one minute without whining and complaining, can you?”
“i asked you a question!”
he angrily blinked the tears out of his eyes, face flushing in shame and humiliation as his body lit a distressed fire through his skin, the furry hand landing roughly on the skin of his thigh.
“…no sensei,” he whispered. his voice broke pathetically as he futility attempted to steady his trembling breath.
his eyes caught sight of his other hand in his peripheral vision, before it settled on his chin, aggressively ripping his chin up, forcing their gazes to meet.
“i’m feeling generous today. you get one more chance.” his breath was hot and acidic where it hit leathered green skin. “don’t waste it. if you pull shit like this again, i’m going to pull you back in here, and show you who really has the poser here. is that what you want?”
he fought desperately to keep his eyes dry and connected with his fathers, pitifully steadying his shaking breath.
“no, sensei.”
“yeah, that’s what i thought. are you going to be good?”
“yes sensei.”
all at once, the hands left him, and his lungs took a greedy breath of grateful, relieved air.
splinter didn’t give him the time of day, casually walking towards the doors of the dojo. “i expect dinner on the table when i get back out there. you have five minutes.”
the door shut, locking the room in an oppressive silence.
his feet were shaky and unsteady beneath him as he stumbled back onto his legs, patting towards the door.
mikey didn’t meet his eyes when he saw him on his way towards the kitchen, but the sight of tears glistening along the path they dropped off his face set in an emotion raph couldn’t name a light in his chest.
leo glanced at him from the couch, expression blank and untelling. he said nothing, just pursing his lips and looking away from him, a fleeting, subtle look of guilt flashing through his eyes.
the soup was already dished out when he got to the kitchen. the dishes were drying on the rack.
he could have sworn his bowl was more full than it should have been.
he didn’t take the time to linger on the thought as the skittering sound of footsteps hitting the concrete floor bounced off the walls.
the rest of the night passed in a haze. only blurry images whipping through his mind at any chance of recollection he attempted to take.
the mattress under him was ratty and old, but the cotton inside of it provided a familiar comfort as he lay in the dip his body had worn over time.
the day started badly. the lair was warm with sunlight; the food was fresh in the fridge.
but the feeling of grime under his skin was just as present, and it would last far longer than some fucking food.
i don’t know how to write splinter man, all i know is that he’s a piece of shit who craves control cause he lost the control of his own life 😭
uh. ur welcome?
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7-wonders · 1 year
Christmas Traditions
Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x Reader
Though you haven't been to very many Christmas parties before, you have to say that the New Inn's staff Christmas party is setting quite the bar for all proceeding parties you might attend in the future.
Morpheus found it very important that he introduce the two humans closest to him in his Endless life. Lucky for him, you and Hob Gadling got on like a house on fire, so it was really no big chore when Morpheus told you that you and he had been invited to this event.
The New Inn is all decked out for the holiday season, but it's not the gaudy commercialism of modern Christmas decor. No, Hob's chosen to channel his over six hundred years of experience to decorate his pub. Dried fruits and winter foliage are strung up in festive lines across the ceiling, while the cinnamon smell of a simmer pot wafts through the building. A menorah sits in the window, candles light for the proper night of Hanukkah, and festive music plays lightly on the speakers.
Everyone that works at the pub is just as warm and hospitable as their boss, and you find yourself quickly welcomed into their group. You're more than happy to socialize a bit, and they're all very eager to ask you questions about Hob's "mysterious stranger" that they were shocked to see here tonight. You try your best to keep Morpheus an enigma, but you can't resist letting slip the (vague, of course, you're not about to mention years or anything) tale of their fight when Hob dared to call Morpheus his friend, only because you think it's cute.
You're pleasantly buzzed from the holiday sangria that's making your body feel nice and warm, so when Morpheus finally leaves the table that he and Hob always occupy whenever they meet here to come over to you, you're happy to lean into his chest and allow him to hold your weight.
"Hi," you say, looking up at him and smiling.
Morpheus kisses the top of your head. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Of course, Hob throws a great party! Are you two having fun...I don't know, talking about the wonders of electricity, or whatever old people talk about?" He shoots you a withering glare, and you laugh. "Sorry, I saw the opportunity and I had to take it."
"No, we were not talking about electricity. Rather, we were reminiscing on Christmases past."
"But you don't celebrate Christmas?" At least, you think he doesn't. Why would he observe this sort of holiday when he's quite literally as old as the first living thing that ever dreamed?
He shakes his head. "Dreamers tend to shape the Dreaming, especially with holidays that are so prevalent in the dreams of so many. For a couple hundred years now, the Dreaming looks like a Christmas village in the weeks leading up to the holiday."
You imagine the most picturesque Christmas movie you've ever seen, with fluffy white snow falling and blanketing the fir trees and lights strung up on all the houses. Carolers go from door to door, and there's a large town square with ice skating and Santa visits. With this in mind, you assume the Dreaming's version of this is a hundred times prettier.
"So while I do not celebrate Christmas, I am aware of certain traditions."
He looks up before smiling at you with just the slightest twitch of his lips, so naturally you follow his gaze to see what you're now competing against for Morpheus's rare smiles. Surprisingly, a sprig of mistletoe is tacked on the eave above you, one that you're pretty sure was not there just five minutes ago. The bright red berries shine in the dim lighting, nestled among the green plant.
"Mistletoe?" you question.
"So it seems." Oh, he's not subtle at all. Even with this lack of subtlety, you still find yourself flushing at the proud look on his face and the knowledge of what's to come from being under this plant.
"This is one of those traditions you're aware of, then?"
Instead of answering you with words, Morpheus kisses you. It's little more than a peck, Morpheus not being too fond of any PDA, but he's kissing you under mistletoe. Considering you've never had a mistletoe kiss before, you're pretty pleased you're experiencing one in the first place. By the look on his face when he pulls away, he's pleased as well.
And if you return to the Dreaming tonight to find a suspicious amount of mistletoe hanging up in the castle and the surrounding grounds, with a smirking Morpheus somehow under each and every one and ready to kiss you much more passionately than he did in the Waking, then surely it's just a happy coincidence.
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emeraldart · 1 year
We need more swap AUs with Willow as the human so I made one myself. Everyone stays the same but Willow and Luz switch places. The first episode is under the cut — it’s pretty long. I’ll probably be doing comics and and other random eps later!
Willow Park sat in the principal’s office, crossing her arms. Principal Hal briefly addresses her parents. She blew some dyed blue-green hair from her eyes, eyeing her science project wearily. So what if her robot malfunctioned? This wouldn’t have happened if she just got to study botany as she’d wanted. 
“Mr. Parks, your daughter’s project went disastrously wrong. Again,” Principal Hal said, bluntly, “Her grades have been slipping lately. I fear that if her grades don’t improve, we’ll have to send her to summer school.”
“That seems awfully drastic,” Papa defended.
“I don’t know, Gil, we do want her to succeed in life,” Dad countered.
“Don’t I get a say in this?” Willow declared. 
“This is the first of many incidents, Willow,” Papa said, “I think you should really consider this.”
Before she knew it, Willow was staring outside her house, waiting for the bus to summer school. She fiddled with her small cactus. She took her plants everywhere with her, despite her fathers protests that botany wouldn’t open nearly as many opportunities. 
“Don’t worry, Will,” Dad comforted, “You’ll be so busy learning mechanics… and doing math, the time will fly by!”
“But I don’t like any of that stuff!” Willow protested. “I like working on my garden and being outside!”
“This is all so you get better opportunities,” Papa said, “You’ll make so many friends, but you have to try and let this gardening stuff go.”
Willow threw away her cactus, frowning. Her dads left and she immediately started to dig through the trash for her beloved plant. It was gone. Willow looked up, spotting a small owl holding the little pot in its mouth. Owls weren’t supposed to be out during the day… and they definitely didn’t fish plants out of the trash. She chased it, following it through the old shack near her house through an odd door with an eye on it.
“Get back here you adorable little owl!” 
Willow paused when she realized she was in a tent. She fingered a strange blue plant. She’d seen weird plants before, but never like this. She was snapped out of her thoughts by a voice.
“Finally, you’re back.” 
Willow peered through the flaps of the tent, seeing a strange, old lady. She had gray hair and gold eyes. Her skin was so pale it was practically white. 
“Now, let’s see what we got here.”
The owl flies to the top of her large stick, and the lady spun it around. The owl turned to wood. Willow held back a gasp, readying herself. For what, she was not sure. 
The lady took out a phone. “Garbage.” She took out a ring. “Garbage.” She took out some brilliantly shiny chalice. “Garbage.” 
She took out some joke glasses with springs. “Now this…” The lady put them on. “This will make me rich!”
Willow gasps quietly as the woman grabbed her plant.
“This… eh, I don’t really have a use for this,” the lady gestured to throw out the plant.
Willow ran in and grabbed it, nervously mumbling an apology before making a break for it. She pulled the flap of the tent aside, running up to the weird door. It proceeds to fold up, disappearing into a small briefcase. Willow turned around, facing her strange pursuer.
“You’re not going anywhere,” she threatened.
Willow held in a shriek and dove under the tent. She skidded to a stop as she found herself at the edge of a cliff. Dragons flew through the air. Giant bugs functioned as buses. Disgustingly fascinating beasts roamed. Willow screamed.
“This… this is a dream, right?” she laughed, nervously. A fairy flew up next to her. “Oh… uh, nice fairy…”
“Give me your skin!” the fairy cried.
Willow yelped and swatted the fairy to the floor, flinching.
“Am I dead? I’m dead, aren’t I? This is the bad place then, I guess,” Willow rambled.
“You wish,” the same woman from before grabs Willow’s shoulder and drags her back to the tent, sitting her down on a stool. Willow clenched her fists, ready to fight back if she had to.
“I’m just here for my plant. Please, don’t eat my skin. And if you try… you’ll uh, regret it!” Willow threatened or at least tried to. 
“Eat you? Why would I eat… a potential customer?” Willow tilted her head, confused. 
“Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes?” she took out a green croc. “A bar of green human candy? Oh, oh! How about this black shadow box that reflects only sadness?” She grabbed a bar of deodorant, followed by an old-fashioned television. 
Willow laughed. “It can do waaaay more than that.”
She looked around the table before finding some batteries. She took the television from the lady and placed the batteries in, turning it on. An old exercise video starts playing. A crowd immediately gathered. People started to bid higher and higher amounts of money for it, asking unusual questions. 
“What did you say your name was?” the woman asked.
“...Willow, Willow Park,” Willow told her, hesitantly.
“Well, Willow, that was pretty clever… for a human,” the woman said.
“For a human?”
“Oh, dear child,” she began, removing her bandanna to reveal two pointy ears. “I’m not like you.” She jumped onto the table. “I’m Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!” 
“A witch?” Willow asked.
“I am respected, feared-” she continued before she was cut off by a masked stranger smashing the T.V.
“Busted!” the guard said, as customers started to scatter. “Eda the Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors.” Willow gasped. “You are hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformatoruium! 
Eda freed her arm. “Will you guys quit following me around? I haven’t done squat.”
The guard ignored her. “And you’re coming too,” he grabbed Willow, who yelped, “for fraternizing with a criminal.” 
“Hey!” Willow flailed around, uselessly. 
“Oh, all right, all right, you win,” Eda conceded. “Just let me get my stuff.”
She rummaged under the table, grabbing the staff from earlier. She swung the staff, hitting the guard. He hit the floor with a thud. Eda spun the staff, making all the contents of her stand float before drifting into a bundle on her staff. Willow shakily got up.
“Whoops, can’t forget this.” Eda pulled a key out of her hair, pressing a button. The door-turned-briefcase vanishes. 
“Follow me, human.” 
Willow ran after her. “This is crazy! I’m gonna die here!” 
“Ha! I won’t let them hurt you,” Eda said, cocky. “A human like you is more valuable to me alive than dead.” 
“Are you trying to be suspicious? I can’t believe-” Willow yelled as Eda cheered, pulling them both onto the staff and taking off. 
The guard ran in, seconds too late. “You won't get away with this, Owl Lady! Yeah, all right. You did. You got away with it. She got away with it, everybody! Typical.”
Eda flew through the skies, Willow keeping her eyes screwed shut.
“You can open your eyes now, human.” 
Willow gasped when she saw they were flying. “Okay, it’s just a flying staff, some monsters, and a witch. That’s a normal Earth thing.” 
Eda laughed. “This is the Boiling Isles. Every myth you humans have is caused by a little of our world leaking into yours.” 
Creatures flew by, including a strange lion with the head of a pigeon. Willow vaguely recognized it as a griffin from folklore, although more grotesque. It proceeded to breathe out a stream of living spiders, falling from the sky.
“Eww…” Willow murmured. 
“Yep. Griffins, vampires, giraffes-” Eda listed before Willow cut her off.
“Oh yeah, we banished those guys. Bunch of freaks.” 
Eda landed the staff and jumped off. Her hand remained. It moved, causing Willow to jump off the staff in shock. 
“Oops,” she said, screwing it back on, “That happens sometimes.” 
“Well… this has been, uh, interesting,” Willow said. “But I really have to get going. Mind helping me get back home?” 
“Only if you help me first,” Eda chuckled. “Ah, now come along, human.” 
Willow gasped as a peculiar house came into view. Owls flew around, laughing. She didn’t know owls could do that. The house itself was reasonably tall, with a tower and a large window resembling an eye. 
“I won’t have to fight off any guards, will I?” Willow worried. 
“Nope. My house has a state-of-the-art defense system.” 
A strange… owl… sits on the door, tilting its head. It was round with large eyes. 
“Hoot-hoot! Password, please!” it (he?) bellowed. 
Eda poked his eyes, making him shout.
“We got no time for this, Hooty. Let us in,” Eda grumbled. 
“All right, all right! Geez! You have let me have any fun! Ow! Hoot!” Hooty complained. 
Hooty opened his mouth to encompass the door. Willow winced as they walked in, although fascinated.
“Welcome to…” Eda snapped her fingers, “the Owl House!”
The candles lit up and Willow looked around in wonder. 
“Where I hide away from the pressures of modern life. Also the cops. Also ex-boyfriends.” 
“I really respect that,” Willow said, “So do you live here all alone?” 
“Actually,” Eda replied, “I have a roommate.” 
A shadow loomed from the hall. “Who dares intrude upon I, the King of Demons?” The creature stepped out to reveal a small, dog-like creature with a skull on his head. He squeaked a rubber duck. Willow scooped him up.
“You’re so cute! Eda, who’s this little cutie?” Willow cooed. 
“I’m not cute!” King whined. “Eda, who is this monster?” 
Eda pulled Willow away from King. “Oh, this is Willow, the human. She’s here to help us with our little… situation.”
“Oh, hooray!” King cheered. 
“Wait. I definitely don’t like the sound of whatever your situation is. I just want to get home,” Willow said. 
“Just… let me explain,” Eda sighed. “King was once a mighty king of demons, until his Crown of Power was stolen, and became… this.” Willow cooed at King again. “The crown is being held by the evil Warden Wrath and locked away behind a magical force field only a human can break through. A human like you. If you help us retrieve his crown, we’ll send you back to your realm. So whaddya say?” 
“It doesn’t seem like I’m being given a choice here,” Willow grumbled. 
“Nope. We got no time to lose,” Eda grabbed Willow’s arm and they walked off.
“Where are we going?”
“Somewhere super fun!” 
The group found themselves at an ominous building, lightning crackling around them. A selection of wanted posters covered the wall as the group stared up at the castle-like structure. 
“The Conformatorium. A place for those considered unsuitable for society,” Eda deadpanned. 
Willow peeled Eda’s wanted poster off the wall. “Woah. These guys really are after you, huh?”
“Yep. But we’re never caught because we’re too slippery,” Eda said with a wink.
“Try to catch me when I’m covered in grease. I’m a squirmy little fella. You and I will sneak up to the top of the tower, where they’re keeping my crown,” King squealed.
“And I’m gonna make sure the Warden’s distracted,” Eda added. 
“I didn’t bring a disguise,” Willow said.
“Eh, I don’t think you’ll need one,” Eda reassured her. “Just punch anyone that gives you trouble.”
“You get me, Eda, you get me.” 
Eda slammed her staff onto the ground, creating a disk that lifted them up. “Hang on tight. See you guys at the top of the tower!”
The disk floated up to the window, letting Willow and King reach the inside of the tower. The duo moved through the hall, eyes catching the cells.
“Hey, lady, how’d you get out of your cell?” a prisoner asked. 
“Oh, um, I’m not a criminal,” Willow replied. 
“Neither are we,” the prisoner grumbled. “The stupid warden likes to lock up people who don’t fit in. Like, I write fanfics of food falling in love. I like food, I like love… Just let me write about it!” 
“I’m here because I like eating my own eyes,” another prisoner added. 
“We are agents of fwee expwession! They will never siwence us!” a small prisoner cried.
“Yeah, she’s really into conspiracy theories,” the first prisoner groaned. 
“The world is a simulation! We are but playthings for a higher being!” 
“That’s… that’s not right. You guys just… want to be yourselves. Like me,” Willow murmured. 
Willow was briefly distracted by some footsteps, running into a cell and pulling the bars in front of her. She covered her mouth as a man, the Warden, she assumed, thundered in. His emotionless mask met the prisoners. 
“I can hear you,” he said. “Just what are you fools whispering about?” He picked up Eda’s fallen poster. “Ah, the Owl Lady.” The Warden’s arm warped into a hammer, slamming into Willow’s cell. “I’ll get my hands on her soon enough.” 
He briefly glanced into Willow’s cell, where she held King protectively. The small prisoner shouted defiantly, causing the Warden to open to cell and grab her. 
“Let this be a lesson to all of you. There’s no place for you in society if you can’t fit in.”
Willow waited as he stomped away, before clambering out of the cell. She approached the other prisoners. 
“I can still get you guys out… at least,” she smiled, weakly, opening their cells. “Good luck!” 
Willow ran off, reaching Eda. She flew through the halls on her staff. She told Willow the Warden was distracted. Willow grew uneasy at the thought of him torturing the prisoner she failed to rescue. They eventually reached a large door labeled “Contraband.” King eagerly ran up to the door, cheering about power. Eda laughed at his antics.
“Why are they locked up here? They’re just being themselves…” Willow said, more to herself than Eda. 
She snapped out of her thoughts to find King attempting and failing to break through a glimmering barrier. Willow took a breath before walking into the pillar, finding piles of confiscated junk. At the top, she saw a glowing crown. She winced. That couldn’t be it… Willow groaned as King eagerly grabbed for the Burger Queen crown.
“That crown doesn’t give him any powers, does it?” 
“Uh, no. Oh, look at us Willow. King and I don’t have much in this world, we only have each other. So if that dumb crown is important to him, it’s important to me. Besides, us weirdos have to stick together.”
Willow got caught off guard by the comment. She was used to avoiding her weirdness in an attempt to keep her grades up and keep bullies away. She always kept her head down. 
“Well, we owe you one. Let’s get out of here before the Warden finds out and loses his head.”
The Warden stormed in. “Too late.” 
With a sharp swing, he cut off Eda’s head. It fell into Willow’s arms, who shrieked in shock. 
“Ow. I hate it when that happens.” Willow fought the urge to retch. 
“Normally I’d question this but…” Willow groaned, “This really isn’t the weirdest thing to happen today.”
The Warden proceeded to give a speech to Eda, ending with… asking her out? Willow commented on the misogyny of holding someone hostage to ask them out. Wrath grabbed her, yelling to stay out of it. Guess he didn’t appreciate social justice. Willow wriggled to get free as Eda spit in his face. Taking the opportunity, Willow grabbed Eda’s staff and slammed it over the Warden. She grabbed Eda’s head and bolted. Eda’s body freed King and they all climbed onto the staff.
“How does this work exactly?”
“Gun it, magic stick!” Eda commanded. 
Wrath gave chase as they flew through the halls. Willow reached out and pulled as many levers as she could freeing the prisoners. Wrath’s tentacle-like arms got closer, and they all fell to the ground outside the Conformatorium. Willow tried to help but they waved her off, telling her to return to the human realm. She found the prisoners from before, but they had no desire to escape. 
“Don’t you get it?” Willow asked, “It doesn’t matter if you’re weird, or unconventional, or just do things differently. Sometimes success is being happy, not just doing what you’re supposed to be doing.” 
“Why are you helping us?”
“Because us weirdos have to stick together,” Willow cheered, “And no one should be punished for who they are!” 
The Warden had Eda and King cornered. Willow and the other prisoners tackled him, Willow using Eda’s staff in an attempt to knock him unconscious. The prisoners tied his tentacle arms together, rendering his attacks useless. Humiliated, he ran, and Willow cheered. 
They flew back to the Owl House, where, as promised, Eda got the door ready. King and Eda waved goodbye, and Willow looked at them wistfully. A magical world was right here. Summer school was back home. 
“I don’t know,” Willow began. “My dads want me to be happy, but I don’t want to keep learning stupid engineers. I want to study plants and learn how to help them grow. This place is full of magic to do stuff like that here.”
“What exactly are you proposing, kid?” Eda asked.
“I want to stay and become a witch, like you.”
“That’s ridiculous, humans can’t become witches,” Eda smirked.
“There’s a first time for everything.”
King climbed onto Eda’s shoulders. “Let her stay! She can make us snacks.” 
“All right. I could use some help keeping this goofball out of the cupboards,” Eda conceded. “I can teach you anything about spells or whatever plant nerd stuff if you work for me.”
So Willow found herself getting ready for bed in the Owl House. Her sleeping bad uncurled fully as she hit the ground and yawned. Her phone buzzed. 
Dad: How’s summer camp?
Papa: Are you having fun?
Willow looked up, to where King had entered the room.
“Your sleep cocoon looks fluffy,” he said, awkwardly. Willow patted it, gesturing him to come to sit. He curled into a little ball next to her. She smiled warmly.
Willow: I think I’m gonna like it here.
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thesmokingguns · 2 years
Tomato Plant
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Minors DNI 18+
Mentions of drugs and sex
When Duff moved into his new apartment he noticed that the neighbor had a green thumb. When moving boxes he had to be careful to weave through pots and plants that were growing. It reminded him of his mom back home and though the boys all grumbled that this was definitely not going to be a party house like they had wanted.
But when he saw her at 6am on a Sunday morning when he was waking up to throw up he realized just how wrong he had been about the girl next door.
“I’m Duff.” he had brushed his teeth and sprayed too much cologne on and got dressed in his semi clean pants. She looked up tuckin a stray piece of curly blonde hair behind her ear, looking him up and down, smiling at him.
“I’m Dani. So you’re the new neighbor who listens to The Clash at full volume at 3am.” she said it teasingly but the bassist felt the way she was easy to get along with. “I was going to bring you some cookies or something but my cooking doesn’t keep up with my gardening so I have a plant for you.” she was moving around, finding one of the plants in a big black pot and giving it to Duff.
He looked at it, vaguely thinking that it looked like a weed plant but not knowing enough about plants to actually say anything to her.
“You can tell everyone it’s a tomato plant and you harvest it when it blooms in September. If you need help with it let me know.” He nodded his head, not knowing what else to do, “I have to go to work soon. Have a good day Duff.”
When the guys came over that afternoon they all looked at the plant and at Duff, confused.
“Where did you get a pot plant?” Axl asked, looking at the plant that Dani had given to him. Duff looked at the plant confused.
“It’s a tomato plant.” Duff repeated what he had been told, handing out beers to the guys who all looked at him, wondering if he could really be that vulnerable.
“Where did you get a tomato plant?” Izzy asked, suspicious of this new development and wondering where he could acquire one as well.
But Duff was starting to realize that this plant was for him and not others and he was going to safeguard his secret now. His neighbor with the golden hair and those hazel brown eyes who was not the old lady that he had expected.
“Leave the plant alone, aren’t we here to work on the band?” He didn’t see them all exchanging looks at the plant that would never sprout a tomato in its life.
Duff saw her again two days later. She was on the back balcony, smoking as she sat back on a chair, eyes closed with an expression that let him know she was stressed about something. Dani was well dressed in a pair of suit pants, a starched white shirt with too many buttons undone and her curls falling out of a ponytail.
He could see her from his balcony and wanted to comfort her but he didn’t know what words to say to her. He had only talked to her once and that had been when she gave him the tomato plant that had yet to sprout any red tomatoes.
“Hey Dani.” the words came out of his mouth before he knew what was going on. He watched her eyes open and she blinked at him as if she was wondering how long he had been staring at her on the porch. “I ordered pizza and wings. Do you want to eat with me?” she smirked, putting out her joint as she pushed herself up.
“I had a really bad day, Duff. Really bad.” he wanted to apologize to her, ask her if she wanted to talk about it but she was morning closer to him, lips so close he could smell the chapstick she was wearing. “And the only thing that would make me feel  better is to get fucked so hard all I can think about is dick and not my problems.” She tilted her head as she leaned forward, the small barrier between them not giving enough space. “Can you fuck me?”
Duff nodded his head and Dani smiled, swinging her legs over the barrier and making it over to his side of the porch. She was grabbing his hand, leading him into his home as she sent a smirk over her shoulder at him.
The bassist was confused as to what was happening but as Victoria made her way into his bedroom and started undressing he became bery aware that she was serious about fucking him. She folded her shirt and pants, placing it on a chair and turned to him in a black lacy set, waiting for him to make a move.
He pulled off his shirt, stepping forward as Dani started undoing his pants. Neither of them are talking now as they just breathed in each other. His pants fell to the floor with a tug and Dani raised an eyebrow as she looked at Duff.
“Comando? I guess I’m wearing too much now.” Duff moved for her panties, tugging them down as Dani undid her bralette. Her small tits free as the bassist pulled her panties off and grabbed her thigh, pulling it closer to him.
Dani leaned into her pleasure, fingers tangling with his blonde hair as she felt his mouth on her body. Kissed on her thighs as she waited and anticipated the feeling of his lips higher to the split between her legs. A whimper came out of her mouth as his tongue came out, flicking over the wetness between her thighs. The way she whimpered and grinded against his face was driving Duff insane.
He hadn't been with girls who let themself just feel pleasure like this. The way Dani was so free with letting him see her enjoy herself. She was loud, whimpering as she arched against his face giving him access to her body.
“Fuck Duff, you’re going to make me cum.” his fingers slipped into her body and he had to catch her with one hand and guide her back onto the bed as he pushed her thighs back, his mouth devouring her.
As soon as Dani hinted at cumming he was making it his personal mission to make her cum as many times as humanly possible. Her back arched, hand tugging his hair as she rode her orgasm on his fingers and face. Duff licking and working his fingers inside her body as she pushed her knees together holding him there.
The doorbell rang, breaking Duff’s concentration as he pulled back from Dani who was still writhing in his sheets, panting heavily now in her post orgasms. She lifted a hand to touch her cheeks as she looked down at him, the doorbell ringing again.
“It’s the food.” Duff admitted, unsure of what to do. Dani smirked at him, pushing herself up as she grabbed duff, kissing him.
She could taste herself on his tongue and Duff was thinking of laying her back and holding her down as he made her cum around his cock this time. BUt as he tried to lay her down Dani shook her head, pulling away from the kiss with a wet smack of lips.
“You should probably get that. I think it’s going to be a very long night for us.” Duff groaned, grabbing his pants as he heard the doorbell ring again.
The pizza kid looked annoyed as he saw him but Duff could care less as he grabbed the pizza and wings, handing the kid the money as a teenager looked inside the apartment, eyes landing on the plant Dani had given to him.
“Cool tomato plant.” Duff looked at him, handing him a bigger tip before shutting the door, locking it and putting the food down. He had to get back to bed.
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deanmekel · 4 months
The house
Some days it feels like I am living in a house that is not mine
Like maybe I have rented it from a woman who has lived here for years
She might have the keys to the front door
And in the hallway she puts her coat on the coatrack next to all her other jackets every day when she comes home
In the living room, she might’ve put a grey couch in front of tv, with light pink blankets on it and soft cushions to fall into
Maybe I can find books on the shelves, that I have never read but that she knows well and picture frames I might see to be  empty
The houseplants here might be thriving and i’m scared they would die if I have to remember to water them
In the kitchen, I might find an oven that I think will blow up if I press the wrong button and a coffee machine but I do not know how it works for I don’t even drink coffee 
And if I open up the fridge, it will be filled with food I do not know how to prepare that might even be out of date
Through the window, I might look out in to a garden that she paved with stones
When my favourites are always overgrown
I think she only puts the patio chairs out in summer
Of all the potted plants I might only know the name of one
And when I might look further maybe I will realise she does not have a shed
And then if I were to go up the stairs
I might feel the grey carpet under my socks
I wonder what she would do if I spilled a drink here
Or if she can run up them without slipping for I am certain I would
Upstairs I might find the bathroom tiled white just like every other
Maybe I could still smell her perfume there
I wonder if she keeps her make-up in the drawer under sink
And maybe her shampoo has the scent of rosemary, a scent that I cannot stand
In the bedroom I would find myself last
Her sheets might be adorned with roses
Maybe there would be a photograph of a city I do not know above her bed
I might still find her clothes in the wardrobe and maybe some would fit me but I know most would be too tight on my body
I am thinking of selling this house to someone who might like it more
I would put a sign up in the front yard
But then again, is it really mine to sell?
I think I could change it tho
I would paint the walls a different colour,
Buy a new couch
The houseplants I would try to keep alive
The coffee machine is the first thing to be sold and replaced with a kettle
I will take all the stones out of the garden and throw seeds all around
I will rip the carpet from the stairs and empty the bathroom drawer
The picture above the bed would be a painting of a mountain in scotland
The wardrobe would now house woollen  sweaters and linnen shirts
This is what I would do if I knew the right people
If I had the rights to the house
If tomorrow I would find out she had gone and finally left everything to me
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
Ignorance is Bliss Pt. 6
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Warnings: fighting, angst, unprotected public sex
I wake up to the sound of a dog barking in the distance followed by laughter. I smile as I roll over to find my bed empty. I had no doubt him and the girls were outside on the beach, probably already swimming and chasing Blue. My body is sore but in the best way as I quickly pull on my swim suit and throw my hair up into a bun.
I go downstairs to find pancakes, sliced fruit, and coffee. As if I didn’t already love him enough. I sip my coffee as I watch them through the screen door. JJ is showing Ray how to juggle a soccer ball and Em is just as involved, only turning away to throw a ball for Blue. I take another moment to watch them as I drink more of my coffee then I step outside.
I sit down on the lounger and watch them some more, smiling at the neighbor on my left who is also watching. She was a sweet little old blonde woman who only came outside to tend to her flowers and check for shells but she also always said hi.
The one thing I loved most was that all the houses in OBX were a different color. JJ’s was green, mine was blue, and Mary’s was pink. All of our properties were separated with white picket fencing and sand. It was peaceful.
I glance up from my mug just as Mary makes her way over to my side of the fence, smiling as she glances at JJ and the girls.
“They’re beautiful.” She says. The woman had to be in her late 60s but she looked great. Nothing seemed to keep her down.
“Thank you.” I take another sip as we watch them.
“I never had any children so I don’t have any grandchildren. So if you ever need a date night, I’d love to watch them.”
“Oh, no, Mary I couldn’t let you—.”
“Hush it. I know what it’s like to be young and in love. Can’t hardly stay off one another. Your world can revolve around your kids but your relationship can’t. So you just let me know. I’m usually free in the evenings after church or Bingo.” I don’t know what to say. I’m so used to cruelty and judgement that I don’t know how to accept what she’s offering so I just smile and say thank you.
Mary goes back over to her potted plants just as JJ takes off in the water, the girls splashing and laughing behind him. It was going to be a good day.
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I can't help my coy smile as JJ presses his front to my back, his hands over mine as he helps me line up my pool stick. I knew how to play but I liked that he wanted to show me. Whatever kept him touching me. Goosebumps race across my skin when his breath hits my ear.
"Why are you so tense?" He whispers but I know he's smiling.
"Because you're touching me." I breathe, pressing my ass against him. JJ chuckles.
"Do you like when I touch you?" He growls in my ear, pulling the pool stick back before shooting it forward into the white cue ball.
"Maybe." I tease as we straighten, no longer caring about the game as we flirt with each other.
"Maybe?" He pulls me into his arms, kissing my lips before whispering, "You sure like it when my tongue is touching you." I shiver, desire burning deep in my stomach.
Suddenly, louder laughter draws my attention to the bar and my stomach drops. Tyler is standing there with a bunch of local off duty police officers, laughing like they're old friends.
"What the fuck is he doing here?" JJ snarls, not backing down from Tyler's glare.
"I don't know. I assumed he went back to New York but I guess he didn't." I scoff, turning JJ's face back to mine and kissing him. He melts but not completely. I slide my hands down and squeeze his ass with both hands, earning a smile.
"Let's just go home. We'll get the girls and have a movie night." I insist, kissing him again. He groans against my lips, hands palming my ass.
"You keep it up and I'm going to bend you over the first flat surface I find." God, he made me giddy. Like I was in high school again and sneaking around so my parents wouldn't find out. I wanted him to take control and put me in my place. Remind me that I was his.
"Take me out to your truck and you can punish me however you want." I tease. The sound of someone obnoxiously clearing their throat has me jerking, pulling back to see Tyler standing a few feet from us with a disgusted look on his face.
"You guys keep it up and you might as well mount each other on the damn pool table." Tyler scoffs. I open my mouth to respond but JJ beats me to it.
"Nah, I was thinking on the hood of your police car." Tyler's eyes darken as he takes a warning step towards JJ but he doesn't back down, keeping his arms around me.
"Watch yourself." Tyler growls and JJ smirks, not backing down from their little stare down.
"I've known guys like you my whole life. Take away the badge and what are you? Just another snot nosed bully. You get off on making yourself seem superior and that's why you push people down."
"Keep running your mouth. Guys like you are a dime a dozen. Bottom of the barrel. Scum. You were born here and you'll die here, knowing nothing about the world outside your little island."
"Guys, that's enough. Come on, J." I pull on his waist but he doesn't budge, his jaw clenched as he looks back at Tyler.
"And I get to do it with Lily. That's what pisses you off so bad. She found someone that loved her no matter what when you just wanted her to stay miserable with you." My heart flutters at his words even though I feel his body shaking with rage as they square off. I'd never seen either of them so angry.
"You and half the population, bud. There isn't anything to brag about there." JJ shoots his hand out and shoves Tyler hard in the chest. I gasp, wrapping myself around him tighter when a brunette with a shotgun jumps between the two of them, the barrel of the gun over her shoulder like a basebat. Tyler is pulled away by a few of the officers as the girl looks between the two guys.
“Not in my bar. You take that shit somewhere else.” The gun wielding brunette says as Tyler is forced out the front door, not without another murderous look our way.
Her narrowed gaze finally lands on JJ and then she smiles.
"Couldn't wait until my shift started before you start shit?" She shakes her head at JJ but he's no less tense, forcing a smile.
"Lil, this is Kie. I've known her my whole life. Kie, this is Lily." Kie and I shake hands and she gives me a warm, genuine smile despite how intimidating she seems.
"Nice to meet you."
"You too. I'm glad J finally settled down." Kie says, jealousy forming that I hadn't experienced. I never even thought about ex girlfriends.
"Stop. She's kidding." JJ grumbles, tightening his hold on me. I force a smile but it feels more like a grimace.
"I am. You're the only girl he's ever brought around. You're special." I still feel like she's teasing but I smile anyway as JJ presses a kiss to my forehead.
"Uh, we're heading out. See ya, Kie." JJ pulls me towards the back door where we parked and I quickly wave goodbye to Kie.
"She seems--." I don't get to finish my sentence because I'm suddenly pushed against the side of his truck, his lips smashed against mine. I sink into him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he kisses me so passionately, lifting me so my legs are wrapped around his waist. I kiss him hard as he walks with me in his arms before suddenly putting me on my feet and forcing me to bend over the tailgate. My shorts and thong are tugged down to my knees then he’s inside me, fucking me so hard the truck rocks.
“JJ, fuck, someone will see.” I groan, lifting my leg to open myself up more for him. I was so close already.
“I’m watching.” He grunts, hands digging into my hips as he pulls me back into every hard thrust. I drop my head down on my arms to muffle my moans as he grows more and more savage, sending me over the edge. I cry out, withering away until he finally releases inside me.
I pop my head up, looking back at him as he stays buried inside me.
“What are the chances of you getting pregnant on an iud?” He pants, chest heaving as he comes down. I chuckle, shaking my head.
“You should get it removed.” I smirk as he pulls out, righting our clothes and pulling me into his arms.
“I wanna see you pregnant with my baby. Your tits big and swollen.” I kiss him, running my fingers through his hair.
“We’d need a bigger house.” I whisper and he smiles.
“Fuck it. We’ll add on, connect our houses, and have double the space. That’s six bedrooms right there.” I throw my head back as I laugh, letting him kiss my neck.
“Let’s focus on the two we got but daddy can keep trying for now.” His lips find mine once more before he nods. Now it was time to get home to our girls. And figure out why the hell Tyler was still in town.
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callsign-magnolia · 1 year
Lost In Translation // Snake in the Grass
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Warning: Angst, cursing
Collaboration w/: @alltimereverie
Bradley Bradshaw as Noah
Bob Floyd as Harrison
Better Than I Imagined | Masterlist
He leaves in four days. Another deployment, another six months of wondering what to do with myself in my free time. I straightened out the navy tea length dress as I knocked on the door. It took a moment before it swung open, revealing Katy’s blonde hair and a large smile gracing her face. “Oh! Liz, we are so glad you could make it! Come in! Come in!” I stepped inside, feeling weird that I didn’t just walk through the door. I went to walk into the living room when Katy slipped past me, holding her arms out. “Ta-da!” 
Oh my god. She changed everything since she moved in. The entertainment center was no longer filled with movies Noah and I loved, and pictures of us and our friends. It had flowers, books and pictures of him and her. The only picture of us still there was in the back and it was from junior year of high school. He had just hit the winning home run for the baseball team and his mom caught a picture of us, mid hug. 
“Had to clean the place up a little, it was very… masculine.” I pursed my lips. It was his house, he was a single guy in the navy so of course it looked like a bachelor pad. I ran my hand along the floral throw blanket that rested on the back of the couch, the same place that his Philadelphia Eagles blanket used to be, the one I bought him. “You like it? I couldn’t bare to look at that ugly green and white blanket anymore.” My heart sunk a little at her words. “I love that blanket, it’s the one we share when we go to games in the winter.” Her nose twitched and I narrowed my eyes at her just slightly. 
“Liz! Thank god! Look I need your help in the kitchen, I’m trying to make mom's creamy tuscan chicken and it’s not coming out right.” I chuckled as he came out of the kitchen, apron on and in a panic. “Alright, you always needed help in the kitchen anyway.” I said before following him. “The consistency isn’t right.” I looked in the pot and saw it was watery. “You just need a little more flour.” He nodded and scooped some out of the bag. “A little at a time. There we go.” He added it little by little until it was perfect. I smiled at him and saw tears in his eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He shook his head, leaning back on the island in the kitchen. “It’s just… this is the first deployment that I’ll be gone on the anniversary of mom’s death.” My bottom lip poked out as I saw the tears fall down his face. 
“Oh, Noah.” I pulled him into a hug, one hand resting on the nape of his neck and the other rubbing his back. He sobbed into my shoulder as his arms encircled my waist. “I hate that I won’t be here. I usually sit out there all day and make sure she has fresh flowers-” “I got it.” I said leaning back. “I will make sure she has fresh flowers on her grave and I will sit out there. I haven’t been in a while, it’ll do me some good.” He pulled me back into him and I relished in it, his arms around my waist and his cologne invading my senses. We stayed like that for a moment before we heard someone clear their throat. We looked to see Katy in the doorway, her lips pursed in a thin line and her arms crossed over her chest. 
“I was coming to see if Liz wanted to see how I did our bedroom?” He nodded, wiping his face. “Go, I’ll pour you some wine.” I sighed and nodded, following her upstairs and into their bedroom. His black comforter had been traded out for a gray and white floral, a baby pink blanket laying across the bottom. Her jewelry box had been added to the top of the dresser, as well as another stack of books, all law related. There were plants in a few places around the room. In the corners, on his shelves and even in front of the windows. It was beautiful but not Noah. “Like it?” I nodded. “It’s pretty. Different but pretty.” She nodded, smiling at me. We headed downstairs, and I fell back onto the leather sectional, sinking into it. She sat down, crossing her ankles and giving me a stern look. “It’s not really appropriate to just flop onto someone’s couch.” Noah isn’t just someone. I went to open my mouth and retort when Noah came in. “Babe, what did you do with the riesling in the fridge?” Katy furrowed her brows, turning back to look at him. 
“I took it back to the store and got some cabernet. I don’t drink riesling.” Noah tilted his head back, groaning. “Babe, Liz can’t have red wine. It throws her into a migraine, that’s why I had the riesling. I always keep a bottle on hand for her.” Her eyes widened and she looked at me. “Oh, Liz! I’m so sorry! If I had known I would’ve left it!” Her lip twitched as if she was fighting a grin. “It’s okay Noah, I haven’t had enough water today anyway.” He gave me an apologetic look and nodded before walking back into the kitchen. “Sure you don’t want some red wine? Surely you can fight off a little headache.” I pursed my lips, fighting the urge to snap at her.
“My ‘little headaches’ tend to make me puke and knock me off my feet. So no, I’ll just have water.” I said politely and she giggled. “I’m surprised you wanted water. It looks like you don’t drink it anyway.” My eyebrows shot up and I looked at her. “I’m sorry?” She placed her hand over her heart and feigned surprise. “Oh, I meant no offense. I was just concerned for your health.” I scoffed, looking away from her. “Here you go. Water for my best girl.” Noah said before handing me the glass and kissing my head. “Thanks, Noah.” He smiled at me before he went to walk back into the kitchen, being stopped by Katy who reached up, her arm sneaking around his neck and she pulled him into a kiss. I bit my lip, sipping my water trying to ignore them. He pulled back, chuckling at her. “Later.” He said before walking back into the kitchen.
“Do you love him, Liz?” I furrowed my brows in confusion, looking at her. “Of course, he-” “He’s your best friend, but are you in love with him?” My mouth hung open. I needed to tell her no, but I couldn’t. “Yeah, I figured as much.” She huffed before scooting closer, gently putting her arm around my shoulders. I was so uncomfortable with her that close, I wanted the couch to swallow me into it. “Let me break this to you gently. If he wanted you, he would’ve made you his a long time ago, sweetie.” Tears sprung to my eyes at her words. “You’ve got to let this go. This pining for him is only going to ruin everything.” 
She was right, it was one sided. The unrequited love you hear about in stories, but mine will never be returned. “I can’t have you ruining this, Liz.” I stood, brushing her off me and grabbing my purse. “Okay dinner is-where are you going?” Fuck, I hoped I could rush out without him stopping me. “Home.” I heard a few things clatter on the table and feet rushing. “Woah, hey. What’s this about?” I shook my head as he grabbed my arm, turning me to face him, his other hand gripping my wrist to keep me from turning away. “Nothing I just, there are some important plans that I have to have turned in tomorrow morning that I haven’t finished. If I don’t finish them, I will lose my job.” He furrowed his brows, because he knows good and well I finish everything in the office. I never bring work home. “Liz, come on.” I shook my head and pulled back. “I’ll see you later.” I said before rushing out the door. “What did you say to her?” It was distant, I'm not even sure I heard him right but I just rushed to my car. I got in, once again sobbing as I cranked it and backed out of his driveway, starting the short drive to my house. 
“What did you say to her?” Noah asked, whipping around to look at Katy. “All I said was that you didn’t love her-” “What the fuck, Katy?!” Her eyes widened in surprise at his words. “So what? Do you love her?” He nodded, tossing his arms out. “Of course! She’s my best friend!” Katy ran her hands through her hair, almost pulling on it in frustration. “Oh my god! She’s in fucking love with you, Noah!” He furrowed his brows in confusion. “Where did you get that from?” She scoffed. “We were sitting here and I asked her.” He quirked a brow at her words. “And what did she say?” 
Katy stilled, realization hitting her. “No-nothing.” He pursed his lips, nodding. “That’s fucking low.” He said before marching upstairs to their now shared bedroom, grabbing his already packed duffle and an extra set of pajamas. “Where are you going?” He grabbed a few last things from the bathroom, shoving them into his bag. “I’m going over to Liz’s.” Katy sputtered over her words, trying to find what to say. “You’re leaving me?” He nodded. “At least for the night.” She followed him down the stairs. “But you leave in four days!” He nodded. “I do. But you decided to sit here and make up some stupid lie out of jealousy. So I’m gonna go and spend my night with Liz. If you want to fix this, you can call me in the morning.” He said before walking out.
Once I was home I threw my purse to the side and yanked off the combat boots I had on. She was right, he would never return my feelings. I can’t keep going on like this, breaking my own heart. I laid on my couch, sitting with those thoughts. “He’ll never love me like I love him. Who was I kidding?” I asked out loud. After a while of just crying in the dark I fell asleep, dreamlessly hoping that one day he would return my feelings. 
I stood and walked to the door, opening it for him and he engulfed me in a hug. “Oh, thank god. You weren’t answering your phone, I thought something happened to you.” He said and I looked at my phone, 911 still pulled up on my keypad. I looked at my recents and saw sixteen missed calls and nine texts, all with varying levels of concern. “No. No, I’m fine.” I said turning to him. “What are you doing here?” He furrowed his brows. “I’m here for you.” He said coming over and taking my hands. “I’m so sorry for what Katy said. She never should’ve said those things to you.” My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. “Wha-really?” My mouth went dry at his words. I had to be dreaming, there’s no other way this could be happening. 
I awoke with a start when I heard banging on my front door. I looked to the door, questioning if I heard it right. My heart pounded and I rolled into the floor, army crawling to where I threw my purse and digging my phone out of it. I heard it again and I quickly dialed 911. “Lizzy, please. I’m sorry about what she said.” I calmed when I heard Noah’s voice on the other side, letting me know it wasn’t someone here to hurt me.
But his thumbs rubbing over my knuckles told me otherwise. “Of course, Liz. I love you, you’re my best friend. I never expected another girl to understand our relationship but Katy said she’s willing to learn.” He said before pulling me into a hug. No, fuck! He came here to tell me how much I mean to him as a best friend. Tears slipped down my cheeks and onto his shoulder as he held me. “I hate to do this, but Katy and I got into it.” He said before holding up his bag. “Mind if I crash in the guest room?” I thought for a moment. He ships out in four days, I should kick him out and tell him to go back to his house and make her leave. But I wanted to be selfish, I want him to myself at least for tonight before he ships out for six months. “Yeah, of course.” I said, wiping my eyes. “She really hurt you, didn’t she?” I pursed my lips and nodded. It was the truth. “I’ll have a talk with her. You’re too important to me to lose you.” He said, kissing my forehead like always. “Let me get set up in the guest room and then I will order your favorite from the chinese place.” I smiled at him before he walked away. One night, I can be selfish for one night. What harm could it do?
Taglist: @dhwanishah09 @wkndwlff
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23sibylcake23 · 10 months
Sometimes I find a stomach and ask about, wander through the town, old wooden sign (one chain broken so it dangled and the termite eggs hang from the bottom as they are building houses), and knock on the doors. People come to messy hairdo hands busy pots and pans people; kids and husbands people; sex and drugs people; but no people with teeth. They answer their door unafraid to see a stranger, do not say I should’ve called ahead.
(Were you planning on eating that?) scrutinizing gaze like they’re trying to see what scheme I’m playing at (I’m talking to you) they shiver and shake in a way that I don’t think is a mistake to take for no. Front porch hole raccoon burrowed in greedy yellow eyes paws at the edges scratch marks even sunlight filtered through the cracks of the trees like river water through the sand; like river water through the sand; like waterfall breaking against the rocks; like a pond.
The crickets have begun to chirp outside of town when the last door closes holding hands people who also happen to have other body parts. I can see their calluses on the chicken coop, on the porch, in the paint, in the driveway, in the garden. (People who know a thing or two about rituals) and they scream inside, frightened. I can see their calluses in the broom they throw outside scare me off like a stray cat mange all filled vulture wings starlight guides me to the edge of town.
Crickets; pond, that bacteria grows in. Moving water cannot become sickly, moving body cannot become sickly. I have found something gross in her. Bite into the angels hip under the curve of the new moon. Watch it curl its sick lips into a sneer, turn its nose up at me. She and I haven’t been friends for a long time now; her she is so feminine I am just me I praised her then envied her then realized she is nothing without the grass watered by the blood of the open body all sickly green insides spilling over white wings and eyes like code onto a fresh page like ink dripping into linoleum
like the moss dripping into the surface of the lake on a white sky day. (The surface is all that matters) the termites leave home and burrow into the signs leaving egg sacrifices as if I care I pull the wings out and plant them in her eyes using her vision of the future as fertile soil. (The surface is all that matters) guttural laugh billow chuckle moon sneer darkness. Not a light. Not unlike the disturbed surface of a lake on a white sky day. The moon loses her silver as I do not care about a silver lady who only shines on the surface teeth crack hipbone bite down crack my teeth split in half on her body digs through her like a cat on the blankets of a homely lap teeth crack split open gold inside ichor drips lava seismic explosion of my mouth. I feel her intestines wrap themselves around my tongue like a guillotine’s preparative phase. Ribs drop down. Kneading her soul. My mouth is so full. I struggle to swallow another bite, pull my head up, use the force to tear.
Hands halfway into her sinking into the ground body only half exposed to the silent darkness of the inside room late at night starless moonless not a light to be found safe as shelter horrifying danger hairs on neck can feel but nothing else believes. Up to the shoulder. Down on my knees. Bowing down for her. My ichor and magma in her open wounds she is looking at me and I am feathery and light because she is (looking at my surface).
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pencil-to-paper · 11 months
The first time you deep cleaned your room, you stumbled through the steps
Wax cleaner on a mirror, your desk was so cluttered that your parents joked you couldn’t even see it was there
It took you a few days, but eventually you made room for homework and a plant pot
Now, you have a cleaning routine that’s become second nature
Start with the miscellaneous things - the clothes piled up on the chair, that random piece of paper you’ve been meaning to clean up
Then shelves, smaller surfaces, mirror and windows, but the honor of being second to last is reserved for the desk
Move everything off, dust, wipe, dry
Count the items you put back on one hand
Lastly, sweep the floors, go no further than the boundary of your doorway
Beyond the wooden frame there are disorganized papers, cabinets with forgotten contents, old toys that should’ve been donated years ago
Sometimes, when the boxes stacked in the living room become too much to bear, you hide in your sanctuary of white furniture and bright yellow walls, everything you’re not allowed to throw out hidden in wicker baskets and side drawers.
Imagine a future where you’re 25 with a fully developed brain and a clean kitchen. Reread those three lines on page 217, there will come a day when you too will have a small house that you can unabashedly call your own
The air free of dust, only peace and the scent of lemons
Mornings are slow but not boring, if you stay in bed another five minutes to pet your cat it’s not the end of the world
The house is warm, you can let yourself have a cup of tea before you go
In the evenings, when you come back from a day well spent, you leave your shoes and stress at the door
Go through the motions you love so deeply, daily patterns that are just flexible enough to keep you from going mad
Dance in the hallway on silent wooden floors, music as loud as you want because nobody’s asleep or working
When the weekend comes, sleep until the birds outside sing for your company
Pick berries from the garden to top your pancakes, sit and eat with your toes in the grass
You can clean or rest or create, whatever you do will be fulfilling because you chose what to devote your energy to
Look at yourself, your home, your life, and all you can say is “I love you, I love you, I love you”
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pentopaper23 · 11 months
Dipping my toe back into the Outlander fandom. Hope you enjoy!
The Boy at The Door
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Chapter One: The dark-haired boy
Claire sighed when she heard a knock at the front door, she was elbow deep into her medical textbooks. Said books were spread out over the dining table, random bits of paper covered the floor and ink stains marked her fingers and across her nose. She heard Frank grunt from his study when the person knocked again.  
“Brianna can you get the door!” Claire shouted not looking up from where she was coping notes into her workbook. There was a knock again.  
“Brianna Ellen!” Frank yelled, making Claire flinch.  
“Coming! Coming!” Brianna snapped as she stamped her way down the stairs. 
 With a huff she flung the front door open.  
“Wha...Oh hello”, Brianna said confused.  
Standing in the doorway was a young man. He stood several inches taller than Brinna, his face sharp and his nose straight. He had a dark mop of curly hair, not unlike her mother’s Bri thought. He looked young and old at the same time; he was anxiously wringing his hands together.  
“Pardon, I’m looking Claire Fraser?” the boy said, trying to see around Bri and into the house.
Bri jumped with a loud crash come from inside, and she turned around just in time to see her mother slide into the foyer, her socks slipping on the wooden floor.  
“Fergus?” her mother gasped, her voice cracking. The colour had drained from her face as she stared at the boy in the doorway. His own face a deathly reflection of her.  
“Mère!”(mother), the boy yelled, and Brianna had just enough time to step out of the way before her mother and the boy crashed together. The boy had a tight hold on her mother’s shirt, his knuckles white with the force of it and her mother was franticly touching the boy’s wherever she could reach. Her hands unconsciously feeling for injuries. 
“Mon garçon ! Que faites-vous ici?” (Oh my boy! What are you doing here?), her mother yelled pushing the boy away to look at him. Brianna noticed the boy was crying when her mother brushed a tear off his cheek. The boy started to quickly ramble in French, his hand moving with his words. Brianna only caught a few words, sickness, soldiers and Papa. When the boy was finished Claire was staring at him and then suddenly turned and threw up in the pot plant.  
“Mama!... Mère!...Claire!” Three voices yelled at the same time. Brianna had lunged for her mother and Frank had come out of his study. Brianna was holding her mother hair away from her face, but the boy...the boy was staring her father. Fear had completely overtaken his face; his hands were shaking as he pulled a knife from his pocket.  
“Le diable noir” (the black devil) he said, stepping to stand between Frank the two women.  
Claire had finally stopped vomiting and stood up wiping her mouth. Her eyes widen as she saw the stand-off between Frank and the boy. She was confused for but a split second, then her eyes flicked between them, and she gasped.  
“Fergus no!” she said reaching for his knife. “It's okay my love” she loosened his tight fingers and the heavy weight of the knife drop into her hand. 
“What the devil is going on!” Frank yelled, moving toward them. The boy tensed and moved to pull Claire behind him.  
“Frank stop!” Claire yelled throwing out her hands to stop him. He stopped as her hands pushed against his chest.  
“Take Brianna upstairs.” She said, stepping back towards Fergus. Frank looked at her confused.  
“Frank!” Claire snapped; shock covered his face at her tone. But he nodded and jerked his head up the stairs silently telling Brianna to follow him. Brianna whipped her head back and forth between everyone, trying to work out what was happening and who this boy was.  
“Bri” this time Frank snapped, “Upstairs. Now” he said before turning and walking up the stairs. Brianna took one last look at her mother and the strange boy, her mother had pulled the boy into another deep hug and the pair were whispering in French, this time she couldn’t understand what they were saying. 
She gave them one last looked and stormed out the backdoor slamming it behind her.  
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realtorjamier · 5 months
The 15+ (Forgotten) Things You Need to Clean!
You may be a neatnik, but are you really a clean freak?
Kudos to you for clearing clutter! Hats off for your regular cleaning routine! Now it’s time to clean those neglected places that may not require weekly maintenance, but a periodic cleanse to keep your house in tip-top shape. Tackle these projects to keep allergies and bacteria at bay.
Throw blankets, comforters and pillows
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We’ve all cringed at the thought that many hotels don’t wash comforters between guests, but our own bedding may not be as hygienic as it could be. And while you’re washing your extra bedding, be sure to grab linens from the family room sofa, too.
Pet bedding
Don’t forget your furbabies! As with most things, the more frequently you clean your pet’s bedding, the easier it will be. Accumulated fur can clog drains and dryer filters.
TV screen
Use a microfiber cloth to clear dust and smudges from your televisions and any other electronic screens. Avoid spray cleaners unless your manufacturer recommends one.
Coffee maker
Daily rinsing is great, but be sure to give both the pot and the appliance a good cleanse. Moisture and heat create the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Simply create a batch of half vinegar, half water instead of coffee. Allow your coffee maker to rest for 30 minutes so the mixture can do its work. Then make a batch of clean water to clear any leftover vinegar before making your next pot of coffee. This also will “descale” the machine to remove buildup, which is essential especially if you have hard water!
Washing machine
Check your manufacturer’s instructions, but most washing machines can benefit by running a hot cycle with white vinegar and baking soda. 
Remote controls
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Remove the batteries before cleaning with an antibacterial wipe.
This can be a tedious process, but is important for the health of your plants. Built-up dust and grime can block sun and lessen photosynthesis. Mist with water and carefully wipe down the leaves. Even faux plants should be cleaned periodically.
Curtains (including shower curtains)
A good seasonal cleaning will keep your curtains fresh. Check labels for directions.
Trash cans and hampers
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Changing out trash bags is great regular maintenance, but sticky, germy grime accumulates on the cans. Hampers can also become foul after holding dirty clothes.
Ceiling fan blades
This hard-to-reach surface needs a good, periodic wipe down. And while you’ve got the stepladder out, take a look at other high-up surfaces like the tops of cabinets and your refrigerator.
Under appliances
From major appliances like stoves, refrigerators and washing machines to the countertop kitchen gadgets, the surfaces underneath need cleansed.
Under furniture
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It’s a pain, but you might find some long-lost items under your sofa or bookshelf.
Under foot (carpets, rugs, bathroom mats, door mats)
Cleaning tools (toilet brushes, sponges, dust rags)
Consider periodic sanitation or complete replacement.
This might require time, instruction manuals and help. Here are some common household filters that should be cleaned and/or replaced:
Air conditioner
Air filters
Water filters
Range Hood
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caranelguild · 1 year
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November 3, DY 26
The first organized effort of the insurrection was a complete success - five guards slain and one taken prisoner, and no casualties from the rebels. In the reprieve before those upstairs would discover the failure of their breakers, our adventurers and their new allies make plans.
To form these, information is pulled with relative ease from their prisoner, a young wood elf named Tlaylok, who shares that he is an indentured servant of the private prison, working off his family’s debt to care for his gran and younger sister. When Lagoruth offers to help set them up away from the prison’s tenement housing, Tlaylok is fully on board with the insurrection. He offers to head up to report to a “Sir Cromarty” to give the rebellion more time, telling the story that the other guards were successful and are just spending a little more time making sure the prisoners fall back in line to mine. 
Trusting him to do that, our adventurers form the rest of the plan - namely, what to do with the prisoners and how to continue on the path of their own purpose, freeing Krell Hemmerling the union organizer? It turns out our friend-prisoner from the beginning of this prison break, who finally has a name (Indros), has a cell on the same floor and hall as the dwarf. He offers to accompany the guild.
The rest of the prisoners are shown the natural passage that brought our adventurers into the mine from the Pit, and the blonde wizard says that she can seal the opening with her magic. They offer to wait until dawn for our adventurers to finish their business inside the prison.
When Tlaylok returns, successful, this new party uses the relaxed vigilance above to creep out of the mine and into the construction site of what will soon be a new kitchen facility adjacent to the central executive building of the prison. Here, most of them elect to rest, but Zilybar notices that he can climb to the roof of this structure on its scaffolding, and from there perhaps gain sneaky access to the executive building.
He climbs up and takes stock; the roof of the kitchen has granted him two of three stories of the facility, and the third story has windows. He throws on an off-white cloak from his bag’o’costumes to keep him hard to see on the concrete wall, then climbs up to a window. Here, he uses the glass cutter from his thief kit to cut into a little record-keeping library.
Zilybar is unable to resist checking out a cabinet in the shape of a skull in one corner of the library. The kitschy storage unit is no match for his lockpicks, and he pilfers seven scrolls from its eyes and a handwritten journal from one of its teeth drawers, leaving behind the jewelry of its top set drawer.
He carefully exits the library onto an open landing that circumvents the interior of the building, an open space in the center looking down at the lower stories and featuring a large chandelier. The grand door of the room next to the library is not thick enough to entirely obscure a loud voice from within, clearly an executive speaking to a superior and badly explaining the situation. Perhaps this is Sir Cromarty himself?
Zilybar hides behind a potted plant beside the door until the loud one-sided conversation ceases, and then approaches the doorknob while hastily forming a plan. Whatever this was going to be is interrupted by a voice from behind him - 
“Ah, are you giving a report to Sir Cromarty, then?”
Zilybar half turns, sweating bullets, to observe a busty gnome witch with a magic staff stopped at the top of the stairs to the lower story. “Ah, yes - yes, giving my report.”
The witch hopes that he will join her on the lower story for a coffee or tea afterwards, and heads down the stairs. Luckily Zilybar had put on an outfit looted from one of the dwarven guards earlier back in the mine!
Nothing else for it, then: Zilybar darts inside the room and leaps over the large desk to land behind the red-faced and mustachioed executive pouring himself a whisky. The gnome puts his dagger at the man’s throat and demands a key to the wing containing Krell Hemmerling.
When Sir Cromarty goes for the panic button on his desk, Zilybar stabs the reaching hand with the glass cutter.
Ultimately, that attempt and stubborn bluster are all the executive has in in him; he draws a key sign-out form from his desk and fills it out.
Unsure what to do next, Zilybar sort of panics and just slams Sir Cromarty’s head against the desk once - then, as the man manages to trigger the panic button, clobbers him in the temple with his dagger, breaks the window with a paperweight, and leaps out.
When he gets back to the others, they are surprised he didn’t just kill the executive - maybe even make it look like a suicide. Lagoruth clambers up to the kitchen roof and teleports from there into the room with the broken window - and finds a first responder (well, an underling from the offices) already checking on the unconscious Sir Cromarty.
Well, there’s nothing for it (thinks Lagoruth) - he’s gotta kill them both now. He drops down from the space near the ceiling where he had teleported to and doesn’t hesitate, ripping half the underling’s head off with his whip, spraying blood everywhere.
He uses the surprise addition to his advantage and puts his whip in the executive’s hand, then writes up a quick note to this effect: “We are unionizing. Support us or pay the price”. This is left on the desk. Lagoruth smashes the whisky tumblr over Sir Cromarty’s head and places its shards next to the underling’s hand. He then picks up the paperweight from the floor where Zilybar had left it and hurls it out the window before following it - leaping down a story to the roof of the kitchen.
He clambers within the structure and finds his companions hidden in Roy’s force dome, which they’ve disguised with tarps and construction materials. Tlaylok was sent with the procured key form to fetch the key while Lagoruth was out, and the party waits with baited breath for his return . . .
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wwillowtrees · 2 years
Stop waiting for a fairytale to take you away, don’t wait for someday.
camilo madrigal x fem reader | fluff, confessions | sorry to all my gn readers, i’ll make it up to you all soon! this idea has probably been done before, but author is a simp and they could care less d( ・ω´・+)
i recommend on listening to the song to get context :D
as always, non-beta read, we die like pedro madrigal.
Camilo quietly stared at the saplings, head tucked between his knees as he observed the plant in silence. The boy reaches out to gently touch the newly grown leaves, fascinated by its soft yet oddly rough texture.
The shapeshifter blinked in confusion as a looming shadow blocked his prize possession from its much-needed sunlight.
“It’s going to burn into a crisp if you don’t bring it inside.” Isabella scoffed, leaning down to take the pot that served as a home for the growing flowers, blatantly ignoring her cousin’s protests.
“Ai callate-!” He yelps when he feels a vine smack his left shoulder. He turns to glare at the vicious plant while it simply slithered away.
He huffed, rubbing his shoulder as he moved his eyes to watch his oldest cousin placing the saplings on the ground. The woman smiled upon the magical house known as casita, who happily moved the flower pot to a nearby window sill.
“Carnations need 4 to 6 hours of sunlight, not a whole cook-out.” Isabella states, moving her hand in a circular motion as flowers began to bloom around Camilo.
“How did you know-“ Isabella sent him a dead stare, an eyebrow raised in amusement. Camilo mentally slapped himself for his idiocy.
“Oh, cierto, your gift.” The boy murmured, picking a flower off the ground in pure curiosity. He twirled it around with his calloused fingers as he inspected it.
“These are new, what do they mean?” Camilo asks, holding it out to Isabella. He tilts his head in confusion as the woman in question stifles a laugh.
“Those are Geraniums, they mean stupidity.”
Isabella cackled in response, hunching down at the sound of Camilo’s annoyed grumbles.
“Espera, it’s my turn to ask the questions!” She wheezed out, straightening her back as she flipped her hair to the side.
“I don’t want to hear another word.” Camilo muttered, throwing the flower at his cousin.
“Oh please, you tease me all the time.” The woman rolled her eyes at his antics, watching Camilo stand up from his spot “Now, mind telling me who you’re confessing to?”
Camilo coughed, pounding a fist on his chest as he nervously chuckled.
“I don’t know what you mean-“
“You and I both know what I mean mi primo.” Isabella retaliated, pointing to the saplings that gently swayed with the summer breeze. Look closely enough, and one will see a red bud beginning to bloom right before them.
Red Carnations, they symbolized pure love and affection.
“Well, it’s none of your business.” Camilo sassed, walking past his cousin. However, before he could enter the door, a hand on his chest makes him pause in his tracks.
“Don’t be a fool, tell her you think she’s cool.” Isabella interrupted, slightly turning her head towards the younger.
“This girl is clearly different if you aren’t even asking me to grow these flowers for you.” Isabella muttered, letting her hand fall to her side. He stayed silent, listening intently as Isabella placed a hand on her hip.
“Don’t be afraid, dreams aren’t found Camilo, or even foretold by tío Bruno,” She told, staring off to the sun that nestled behind the white clouds.
“They’re made.” Camilo’s breath hitched at her words.
“You’ve only got one chance kid, make it worth while.” She pats him on the shoulder before heading off to where she heard her mother call her name.
Curse his prima.
“Watch out!” The shapeshifter shouted, turning into a small child to dodge the townsfolk in his path.
He frantically looked down to see the saplings still intact, the plants bouncing up and down due to the speed he was going at.
Sighing in relief, the teenager continued to march his way through the crowd, eyes wide for a certain girl.
“Camilo?” There it was, your melodic voice. He skidded in his tracks, shapeshifting back into himself before he turned to you.
“There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Camilo exclaimed, his voice exasperated from all the running.
“I could tell.” You teased, smiling at him lovingly. Camilo chuckled nervously, fixing his posture.
Was his heart racing due to the running? Or was it because of your presence, he wasn’t so sure. Whatever the reason is, he feels like he could run for miles with how much energy your smile gave him.
“What’s that?” You pointedly ask, eyes on the flower pot he was holding. He bit his bottom lip, swiftly moving the pot behind him.
“I’ll get to that, but first let’s go somewhere private, hm?”
He watched as you furrow your eyebrows in suspicion, growing anxious at the fact you might say no. Though his worries were washed away like a tidal wave as you nodded your head slowly.
“I just might know a place.”
You’ve only got one chance.
Camilo took a deep breath as he followed you out of town. The boy looked around, enthralled by the natural beauty around him.
“We’re almost there!” You shout, jumping over the jagged rocks that crossed your path.
His gaze landed back on you, the grip on his pot tightening.
He really was about to do this wasn’t he? You two have been friends for nearly 2 years now, and within that span of time he fell for you deep.
He was cautious at first, all the meaningless winks and flirty remarks he shared with other girls were pointless when it came to you.
Every time he shared a laugh with you, every time you held his hand, every time you said his name with so much happiness laced in your tone, made his heart flutter each time.
Hell, even by just hearing your name in a conversation is able to make him smile wide.
He couldn’t help but gravitate towards you, something about your presence made it so addictive that he wanted a taste each time he hung out with you.
And when he saw you, giving him a hand-made chameleon plush with a shy smile on his 14th birthday, he just knew he couldn’t live without you by his side.
You were the sunshine that gave the light to his sunflower. He sighed, looking down at his still-growing Carnations.
Dios mio, he was absolutely hopeless.
“Anddd, this is our stop.”
He looked up to see where he was, eyes widening when he realized this was the same place where you took him to on his birthday.
He looked around for a bit, reminiscing the times when the two of you would run around the grassy fields till the day sets.
Laying on one the many flower patches that covered the area as you told stories to one another, still full of energy even after all the running and chasing.
“I’m guessing you still remember?” You say, eyes still on the enchanting environment around the two of you.
He scoffed, almost offended at your sentence.
“How could I ever forget?”
You hummed, standing on the soles of your feet. You turn to face him, nudging your head to the pot he held.
“Mind explaining what you got there parcero?”
This was it.
“Yeah.” Camilo said, shaking his sandals to get the nerves off his body.
“Princesa, there’s been something I’ve been meaning the tell you.”
You raised an eyebrow, puckering up your lips as a sign for him to continue.
“I like you, and not in a way that friends do.” Camilo said, his shoulders tensing at the words he plans to say next.
“Ever since I’ve met you I’ve been enchanted by your beauty, your energy, your- well everything!” He cringed slightly, hating how he stumbled on his own words.
“And- I know most guys would probably give out a bouquet right about now, and I should’ve prepared better to be honest with you.” He chuckled, holding out the flower pot to you.
“But if you’re willing, do you want to you take care of these flowers until they fully bloom with me?”
You’ve only got one chance.
You stood there, mouth agape in shock as you look down at the saplings that stare happily back at you.
“Are these Carnations?”
“Sí, red ones at that! They symbolize love and-“ He closes his mouth quick when he noticed you moving to go grab the pot out of his grasp.
He looks at you anxiously, waiting for your response. He freezes at the sight of tears brimming around the rim of your wrinkled eyes due to the wide smile you wore.
You sniffled, giggling slightly as you caressed the clay pot with your thumb, holding it with so much gentleness as if it would break within the moment it touches your hand.
“I’d love to take care of these flowers with you Camilo.”
“Really?!” His eyes lit up in excitement, stuffing his hands in his pockets. You nod enthusiastically at him.
Holy sh-
“Oh! One second.”
He turns around, pumping his fists in the air as he celebrated his small victory, screaming at the top of his lungs. You bark out a laugh, clutching the pot in you hands as you shook your head in amusement.
He swiftly faces you once more, eyes glimmering in excitement.
“May I mi sol?”
You scoffed, gripping his collar with one hand and pulling him in.
“Do you even need to ask mi girasol?” You teased, leaning in slightly.
Kiss her you fool.
A bud of a red Carnation sprouted that day.
girasol means sunflower- or so that’s what i’ve learned from my untrustworthy partner: google translate ;)
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