#-too quickly 99% of the time lmfao)
morphogenetic · 1 year
this readmore won't work without text here so there is text here
during this undergrad alumni dinner thing, there was a conversation I was only really listening to and not actively participating in, but two people were talking about how in order to make friends in new places you kind of have to share a common thing and then you'll form friendships and......while that's not NOT true, they were definitely talking about it in a casual friendship way and not a deep lifelong permanent friendship way and it was taking everything in my body to just go THATS NOT A FRIEND THOSE ARE CLOSE ACQUAINTANCES STOOOOP ITTT.
every time I listen to 99% of people talk I realize the vast majority of the humans around me have incredibly low standards for friendship &it just makes me sad. if you're not comfortable enough to just hang out and watch TV/random YT vids with each other then you ARE NOT FRIENDS. sometimes you're not even friends if you DO do that depending on the context (see : roommate).
maybe I just have super high standards lol but like. i don't even call some IRL people (who i've known for LITERALLY YEARS) who I think are cool my friends. we are definitely close acquaintances but would i willingly hang out w them on a weekly basis if we lived nearby? Doubt
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baddest-batchers · 5 months
More Than Life
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whew I have not written in a long time so I apologize if this is a little disjointed and slightly out of character for Tech. This is also my first time writing him like ever so pls forgive me 🙏🏼 I also deadass just came up with my own Jedi OC on the fly for this 😂 Fic is set before Order 66.
Anyway, I have major Tech brainrot right now and thought writing about it would possibly help me get it out of my system (update it definitely didn’t) and let me be so fr rn if I were a Jedi and I fell in love with Tech I’d leave the Order so fuckin fast lmfao
No real tag warnings, just angst and fluff, mentions of injuries.
Anyway, enjoy loves~!
(Divider by the lovely @stars-n-spice <3)
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“Tech, I—we can’t continue to carry on like this. I’m..a Jedi and attachment is forbidden…” Jayla forced the words from her mouth while looking everywhere but into Tech’s eyes. It was too painful to look at him. Her words were in direct violation of what her heart was screaming for her to say.
Over the course of several assigned missions with Clone Force 99 Jayla had become completely and utterly enamored with Tech, and he with her. They had been in numerous life threatening situations, survived so many battles with Separatist forces, and had countless private moments shared between them that the Jedi would most certainly not approve of.
Tech adjusted his goggles and sighed heavily.
“Yes, a fact of which I am painfully aware, ner cyar’ika.”
The Mando’a term of endearment made the lump that was forming in Jayla’s throat only grow. This was a seemingly impossible situation and one that made Jayla want to curse the Force for ever making her path cross with Tech’s.
Noticing the tears that were threatening her eyes, Tech raised a hand to Jayla’s cheek in an effort to make her look at him. He knew that all that had blossomed between Jayla and himself was in direct violation of the Jedi code but as time had passed and all that they had been through together made the code seem like something inconsequential. War was war and with war came danger, death, and the ability to see clearly what was worth holding onto and letting go. Despite his exceptional mind and against his own logic and reasoning, the Jedi that stood before him had nestled her way into his heart almost going completely undetected at first.
A particularly harrowing mission on some desolate planet comprised of mostly barren mountains and valleys had made Tech realize the feelings in which he harbored for Jayla. She had been injured by falling rock caused by Separatist blaster fire and before he could push her out of the way he had been shot in the shoulder plate, causing him to falter. Jayla’s brush with death on that mission brought all of his feelings to the surface while he held her head in his lap, trying his best to keep her still to avoid further injury to her head and other crush injuries.
Many missions later and the Jedi mantra of not having any attachments had considerably faded from the forefront of Jayla’s mind and in its place Tech had filled that space. They had basically been carrying on in secret, stolen glances became stolen kisses. Tender expressions of affection became tender touches. Nights had not remained just for sleeping or keeping watch, but instead became time for long conversations while Tech tinkered or worked on the ship while Jayla sipped tea in the copilot seat. Long conversations between them turned into secret rendezvouses when they both could sneak away from sleep and the rest of Clone Force 99. But a recent visit by Jayla’s former Master shoved the mantra back into Jayla’s mind. Her Master was not one that was easily fooled and quickly picked up on the secret that Jayla tried desperately to conceal. Pulling her aside, her Master had reminded her sternly of the importance of remaining free of attachments and what it would imply if she were to continue on with the second oldest member of Clone Force 99.
Her former Master had departed just hours ago and the reluctant attempt she was making to free herself of her feelings was only driving the wedge further between herself and the life she had only ever known since early childhood with the Jedi.
Tech’s eyes met Jayla’s as she finally brought hers to his helmeted face. With his other hand, Tech removed his helmet and set it gently down on the steps of the Marauder. He brought his other hand to the other side of Jayla’s now tear streaked face. He felt his own heart begin to sink but pushed his own feelings aside for his beloved’s sake. Tech was one to always put those he loved ahead of himself, regardless of his own desires and feelings. Seeing Jayla in such distress made his heart ache. She had always been a ray of light in the darkness for him. Navigating his own feelings and expressing them were not his strong suit, but with her he was somehow better able to make sense of things.
Tech decided in this moment that he would make the choice easier for Jayla, even if it meant breaking his own heart.
“I will not stand between you and the Order. I am fully aware that we cannot keep our secret forever and that with the eventual end of this war would only mean having to face this decision later on as opposed to now.” Tech tried his best to keep his voice steady.
“But that’s just it, Tech. I don’t..I don’t I think I want to stay in the Order. I know intellectually that I should break off our attachment and go back to Coruscant, back to the Temple…but I don’t think I’m capable of just walking away and letting you go. I care for you too much just to leave and never see you again.” Jayla’s words came tumbling out disjointed and choked by the sobs bubbling up inside her.
“I’ll forever wonder what this—we—could have been without all of the secrecy or threat of discovery. I know your brothers know about us and would never betray us but it was only a matter of time before one of the other Jedi noticed our connection. And of course it had to be my Master that figured us out.” Jayla reached up and placed her hands over Tech’s that were still held intently on either side of her face.
Tech dipped his head ever so slightly to one side as he caught Jayla’s teary eyes again in his own.
“If leaving the Order is what you want then I support you wholeheartedly. However, if you are uncertain as to whether or not this, us, is what you truly desire then I think we should take some time apart so that you may see things more clearly. After all, the Jedi are your family and have been your entire life. You and I have only known each other for a much significantly shorter period of time. I will understand if you choose the Jedi over me.” He had barely finished his sentence before Jayla dropped her hands and closed the small distance between them. She practically crashed into him and held him tightly with both her arms around his middle. His words were too much for her to bear or consider in that moment.
Sobs coming in full force wracked her entire form and Tech had to take a step back so as not to fall over from the force of Jayla’s body hitting his own. His arms found their place around her waist and shoulders, holding her close to himself without smushing her into his armor.
“T-Tech, no, I don’t want to take time apart. That’s just it, I don’t want to be apart at all! I’ll leave the Order, I’ll throw my lightsaber off of a cliff! I want to be with you so much more than I want to remain a Jedi.” Jayla wept into Tech’s shoulder plate, still charred from where he had been shot months ago. Hearing him say that she could return to the Temple, leaving him and he’d understand broke her heart into a million fragments. How could she be content with leaving him in her past? Leaving him to become a memory of lost love, a love that Jayla never dared dream or even think of before being assigned to his squad. The thought of leaving each other in their own respective pasts made the decision clear for her.
“I’ll leave the Order, Tech.” Jayla said firmly through her tears. Lifting her head from his shoulder so that she looked up at him.
Tech’s brows knitted together, searching for the certainty in her face that she was resolved in her decision. “Are you certain, ner cyar’ika?”
Jayla wiped the tears from her blotched face with the sleeve of her tunic and then returned it to holding Tech’s side.
“Yes. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.” A small smile graced her features, though her eyes were still wet with tears.
“I love you, Tech. I am so deeply in love with you. I could never leave you behind to become just a memory in my past.” Jayla said softly while her eyes drifted over Tech’s face, waiting for his reaction to her words.
Tech studied her face for a moment longer, warmth lifting his heart at her admission of love and decision to remain with him.
“Well, then, if you are truly certain then do I have your permission to kiss you here and now, out in the open?”
Jayla’s expression broke into a full on grin as she reached up to place her hands on either side of his face.
“Yes, Tech.” She said while pulling herself up onto her tiptoes to meet his height.
He closed the remaining space between them and pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss.
Jayla slowly pulled away from his lips and resting her forehead against his she whispered in the space between them, “I love you, Tech. I love you more than life.”
Tech closed his eyes and a small smile played across his lips.
“And I love you.” Tech lifted his head for a moment, “But I would ask that you refrain from discarding your lightsaber over a cliff, as I have seen you with a blaster and your aim leaves much to be desired.”
This drew out a laugh from Jayla and she playfully pushed off from him.
“Fine. You’ll just have to teach me then.” She smiled up at Tech.
He pulled her back in against himself and smiled.
“I will be looking forward to it.” Tech said low against her ear then drew her up into another kiss.
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jrueships · 4 days
Is there a reason why sauce refuses to follow more than 99 accounts on instagram ? He’s such a control freak lmfao
LOL yea ive always noticed that like wtf 😭 okay 😭
he only follows 99 people on Twitter too, and i think i remember seeing him post on his twit like during the beginning of his first season in the NFL abt who he should follow to reach 99 bcs I think he had 98 at that time? And he wanted 99?
And on his insta i think (less sure on this) he posted a story that said like 'ok... who to make my 100th following 😻' but i think he only wanted it to be a stupid idk a 'fellow famous internet influencer' like he is , so famous, so self-loving, so empath .
so like. he either didn't follow anyone or he quickly unfollowed to remain at 99
he is... so strange. Such an odd critter. but my guess is he's keeping 99 as his ideal number rn and will unfollow whatever normie/less famous person he needs to in order to keep his precious 99 when he has to follow a more famous person,
or he's just holding out for a special someone to make his 100th follower ( and then later unfollow someone else he doesn't care abt rn to keep his number 99) bcs he WANTS to make ppl feel special, but also. He is weird. And he likes the number 99. And he's weird. And im going to give him a wedgie
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miranda-mundt-art · 2 years
How did you get to where you are?
I know the easy and immediate answer- practice. Drawing often, drawing daily, and pushing yourself for years. It’s the answer every artist gives and that’s fair, because it’s true.
But how did you keep pushing through? I hate what I make. It’s so hard to just ‘keep practicing!’ when the results are so disappointing. It’s hard to keep at it when I look at page after page of work I’m not proud of. Did you ever feel like this? And what’s the answer if you did? How do I push through this frustration and inadequacy to be able to draw for my own enjoyment and for others’? I want to make comics, I want to make fanart, I want to make art for the sheer enjoyment of it. But I look at my reference and then at my creation and it’s so hard to keep at it.
Is there any advice you could give? Was there anything that helped you if you ever felt this way?
well first off - I don't recommend drawing daily. Tbh I don't. I don't think I ever have unless I was really excited to draw every day but if I don't feel like drawing I usually dont lmfao. You can try scribbling a bit and see if it sparks something in you but I wouldn't push it. You'll just burn yourself out over nothing. But tbh my answer might not be what you're looking for because it's not something that is necessarily healthy lol
WELL okay - one thing that might be helpful is just the concept of letting go of what you think is perfect and that "FINISHED is better than perfect" Because things will never be perfect. So you just gotta learn to work with what you got in that moment and try to do better next time.
But yeah - I feel like my work isn't good enough a lot (not always and not as much as I used too but that's just a thing for artist is the periods of time when your eyes are working better for you than your hands are.) I graduated from animation school in 2011, didn't get into animation, had a job at a call center and thought that was the worst thing that I'd ever done. Worked as a freelance artist for 10-ish years ( childrens books and graphic design) and 99% of that time I didn't draw fan art until Heather's literally took a chunk out of my brain for a year in 2017 and then I joined the WEBTOON contest for Muted in 2019. But if I didn't finish my work then I............ didnt' eat. lmfao. Not like I would starve myself but art was literally my job and i didn't have an alternative to NOT doing it- it was the only way that I got paid. If I spent time making everything perfect then I wouldn't be able to meet my deadlines - and I found very quickly that things that I overthought and tried to make 'perfect' were things that people generally liked LESS (this isn't always the case but I found that to be the way)
So I will say this- idk how old you are - but you're probably young. Even if you're 30 ... you're young. I think a lot of people don't really realize just how much time there is... and things will keep growing and changing the more you do them.
The downside of my method is of course that I can't NOT treat art like a job anymore. It's very rare for me to set time aside to draw "for fun" as opposed to drawing "for work" but I am in a good place now where my work-art IS fun art (i like drawing muted stuff)
I'll recommend an exercise I recommended to someone else the other day - just because I suffer heavily from over working pieces sometimes - try for speed for a while.
I'd encourage you to maybe just sketch a handful of your ideas between 10-30 minutes and then after you are done sketching pick which one you are most excited to work on to keep developing on in that moment key word being - the one you're most excited to work on- not the one you think people will like most. Work on it for an hour - still excited to work on it? no? Wrap up some finishing touches and call it done. DONE not "WIP", wrap it up and put a bow on it. There is always next time :) cuz even if you don't like how it looks now - if you like the concept?? you can keep it and come back to it in a couple years and redraw it and see how you've improved since then and see how you can build on your original idea!
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kingsshilling · 2 years
Do they have any artistic talent?
Have they ever been in a physical fight before? If so, with who? Who won?
If they could have one wish, what would they wish for?
What is something that they want but can’t have?
What makes them smile?
all @ both ned and bedwyr- hope that's not too much ghfhf
IT'S NOT TOO MUCH AT ALL you could send me a literal 20 page google doc of questions and i'd be like YESSS BRILLIANT
Do they have any artistic talent?
yes!!!!! bedwyr draws a bit (mainly people and animals) and he isn't bad at it either but he doesn't take it seriously and does it just for fun, éamonn however... he used to just do a little bit of sketching of landscapes and harbours in his downtime and thought little of it, but after about a year with the edwards, cedric (bedwyr's older brother who's an artist) sees one of the scraps of paper éamonn's been doodling on and gives him a lend of his paints and canvases and finds that he's actually really really talented with them
(FINALLY ned has a hobby. he does some really wonderful paintings of the scenery and when bedwyr sees his incredibly detailed paintings of landscapes in donegal from memory he realises just how much ned misses home even if he doesn't know it himself)
Have they ever been in a physical fight before? If so, with who? Who won?
bedwyr has been in too many to count but not serious ones KJNDG only fannying about... actual proper fights not really, he's thrown a punch here or there but never anything prolonged because that punch is usually the end of it. he does eventually have a proper punchup with kay but the details of that are a secret (ie i haven't written them yet) (i think it's fair to say he wins though cus it ends in kay being knocked out and having to be carried home unconcious)
éamonn's definitely been in a number of situations that SHOULD'VE ended in physical fights but he nearly always weasels his way out of it somehow. either he talks his way out or he'll just find a way to vanish into the crowd. if he needs to though he will absolutely fight dirty lmfao he knows his size is against him and he'll do literally anything to give himself an opportunity to finish it quickly and fuck off
If they could have one wish, what would they wish for?
oh THIS is a hard one.. i think bedwyr would wish he could fly which seems childish to some people (FOOLS) but he's like dead serious about it and has put thought into it. he loves birds and envies that they can just get up and go wherever... and as well as the sheer freedom of it he would just love to see so many places from above and see what they look like from above the clouds. if he'd been forced to fight in the war he would've wanted to be a pilot "'Cus then at least I'd get to see something beautiful before some fuck came and blew me up."
and éamonn... i don't think you'd ever get a straight answer out of him he'd say something different every time you ask probably and usually something cynical and sarcastic ("to be left the fuck alone") or the first thing that comes to his mind ("really fancy a 99 right now.")
but since i'm the one in his brain and aren't as held back by him as he is by himself i'll say that the very very first thing that i immediately thought of was radiohead.. a quiet life.. a pretty house and a pretty garden with no alarms and no surprises.. i think he'd also like to have a boat of his own though. that or to have been born in another time cus he thinks the future's a bit shite
(honestly though i think the most simple answer that the both of them would share would be just "to be happy")
What is something that they want but can’t have?
HAH we can repeat much of the previous answers here. i mean ned will probably get a 99 but he's not gonna get to be born in the golden age of sail. and bedwyr's not gonna learn to fly unfortunately.
there's a million things i could say for this... ned can't be the person he wishes he was and can't have the kind of "normal", simple life he wishes he had, bedwyr can't have the amount of friends and relations he's lost in the war back. i still don't even know if his oldest brother will survive or not let alone himself. i think generally it boils down to neither of them can change who they are and can't control much of what has happened, is happening and will happen around them but they can at least try to go towards a better future for themselves
What makes them smile?
animals immediately for bedwyr. he's almost always smiling when he's with them he just loves watching them and seeing all the little things they get up to... knows all their individual personalities and will often be seen having full on conversations with them.. especially the pigs they're his absolute favourite and could watch them all day
it is not at all difficult to make bedwyr smile though so if i tried to list everything we'd be here for a million years but generally besides animals being with his family (for the most part LMFAO) and his mates and seeing anywhere of natural beauty are the big ones.. like literally just being with people and being in nature and seeing beautiful things. a grand big dinner. tea and biccies. all of lifes Simple Joys..
funny little things éamonn does makes him smile as well. like literally just like observing all the little things his animals get up to that makes him laugh, all that man's funny ways of doing things get him the exact same be it cultural differences (which he is FASCINATED by and always wants to hear more about) or just the many many ways ned is a total weirdo. habits and things he has.. introducing him to new things he never would've seen before at home and seeing his reactions to them... (and ned takes notice of how bedwyr reacts to this and goes from slowly opening up to trying new things -> making bedwyr literally drop everything to come watch him do a live review of this type of tea he's never tried before or something)
then for éamonn it's an awful lot harder to think of things but they do certainly exist.. by midway through his third pint he's gonna be openly laughing at shit and by the fourth the stupidest things will have him in proper tears face down on the table in absolute bits laughing but if we IGNORE things where you have to get him drunk first...... hm.
he does love observing people and occasionally little things people will do will make him smile (like watching kids playing or two friends having a laugh), the animals on the farm make him smile too when he gets used to them and the times you'll REALLY see him beaming is when new animals are born (and it's within a month of living with the edwards that their lambing season starts and he's absolutely thrown in at the deep end of that and has to experience alll the grizzly bits)
like with bedwyr and his love of scenic spots a really gorgeous evening will often get him too and once bedwyr takes notice of this on clear days that offer the promise of one he'll find some excuse to drive them to the coast to watch the sun set on the irish sea. and maybe get some fish and chips too. like considering in that first year or two it was bedwyr's mission to make éamonn smile as much as possible to see what makes him tick i think you could really just simplify this answer to "bedwyr" but that'd be a bit sappy now
THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!! i know i keep saying it but i really really love answering these and it means the world to me that people wanna know anything about these guys :') i'm just sorry i always go on so long KJDNFG
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rjshepherd · 3 years
Ep 6. I'm loving this so far but don't think I don't have my fix the canon hammer ready at nys side for when my favs start to suffer.
I always worried about soft openings BC they're either really cool and important or really fuckin sad.
I do love this metal water oil effect.
Wait why are children in the dirty water????
Ohh is this sky that was flirting with Viktor earlier?
Baby no it's dangerous!
So like.
This is the dude that invented shimmer for silco yeah?
Why do some characters have accents if they all speak one language?
Viktor is dying???? Noooooooo
Ohh Mel is an artist?
Jayce really is punching above his weight.
This man really out here handing Mel the reins to his emotional well-being like she's his bloody mum or somethin.
Mel girl you can do better.
Ok back to Viktor.
Babe what you doin?
Is that powders sippy cup.
Jinx baby no chemical weapons in the damn house.
Ok sevika brought that one on herself.
Well he is good with kids.
Still that little girl is dumb for not askin some fuckin questions.
Is that joker looking doude from JoJo? Is he....ok?
Omg I love silco so much
Is he stooping BC the ceiling is short?
Omg ahahahha
"oops accidents happen" XD
Viktor noooo
Ok so. Vi with a blue haired girl hmm where have I seen that before.
Everyone hallucinating in this bitch
Ok someone explain fluffy fuckerstien's background. Now.
Shimmer is a mutagen? Why does silco take it? Won't it kill him?
Jayce is a dumb fuck.
Himbobimblenfluffyton looks sad but I don't care about him sorry
Still fuck the council tho
So why is there an empty seatat the table? Interesting
Oh wow this ep is not letting up with the feelies. Straight slap to the face pic of vi and powders mother damn.
Ok that's creepy as fuck silco. I mean well done with the Dracula aesthetic and all but still creepy
He do be talkin a lot doesn't he?
damnit silco run the fuck away what is it with you and freezing up???
Ok again damn this show is pretty
Hehhe I like Angy silco too
Lmfao vi is so fighty it's hilarious
Oh no what's happening to Reo?????
What even is Reo????
Actually I don't care just PROTECT IT
damn. Papa silco needs a fuckin drink.
He looks like like " oh Jesus fuck."
Sevika is not getting paid enough for this shit.
Reunion time
jinx needs HELP.
99% of this show would not happen if therapy was a thing in this place.
I love this fight scene but the lights are GIVING ME A HEADACHE
That went to hell quickly
Really not sure how to feel about that one. Good over all but prob not my fav ep?
I think I'll prob finish them tonight BC there's fuck all else to do rn.
Edit yeah I finished them and now I have a headache from the effects
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touchmycoat · 2 years
cnovel!anon: yeah, I have to turn off my reality filter when reading the police cnovels. Under the Skin was a little better, I thought, probably because of tv censorship, in that the police generally did things more by the book (e.g., got warrants and evidence) and didn't act with impunity (the way they would in the novels). Ofc it came with a side of "the police are to serve the people" propaganda.
cnovel!anon: cont'd: probably why I don't read too many novels set in modern times (also because the slang is often a lot harder for me in modern novels). Hm, the lawyer novel sounds interesting - how are you enjoying it? I'll put it on my read next list - I just picked up 將進酒 from another rec list. What doesn't your mom like about Priest's stories?
Ye ye. Oh the slang is SO interesting I wanna read 全職高手 just to get that gamer lingo. Just casually watching the drama had me picking up some cool terms lmfao. I was like "what the fuck is 刷本" for a solid four episodes.
Lawyer novel is very fun!!!! It's literally a Xie Wen/Wen Shi modern/sci-fi lawyer!AU and I don't mean that in a bad way lolol. Yan Suizhi is Xie Wen with the unflappable elegance, smiles-beautifully-as-he-pokes-fun-at-you manners, and immovable core of ethics. Gu Yan is Wen Shi as the ardent yet super repressed student who has YSZ's teachings centered at the core of his practice but is very much his own man. Peak sexy 悶騷. If you finished Panguan with an itch for Xie Wen's side of the story this is a very interesting version of it. Their dynamic is 互懟, very fun and very dry, and it's the good flavor of 強強 with all the unspoken mutual trust and respect.
Since we're also talking police procedurals, the cases in this novel are a fascinating counterpoint? They very much only take place within the courtroom and clearly "ends" with the ruling. It's very strange to read this after the GUNS-CAR CHASE-DRUG LORDS-MURDER energy of Po Yun 1&2 and Under the Skin lolol but it's a cool change of pace?? Like, I've only seen maybe an episode or two of Suits. I've never engaged with courtroom procedurals before. (and I finally understand the thing from Brooklyn 99 about cops hating defense attorneys lol)
So I'm only on chapter 117 of 215, but I will comment that they get together...surprisingly quickly?? And I don't really know how that affects the pacing of the novel as a whole yet. One of the strengths of Panguan for me was definitely the mutual pacing of the plot/cases and their developing relationship. I don't think the novel is going to get worse and I don't necessarily want her to dangle the relationship in front of me the whole way through, but I am wondering if the second half of this novel is all just going to be about the cases-slash-where their relationship is going to develop from here.
Re: my mom and priest, my mom doesn't like her writing style hahahaha, and I think it's priest's sense of humor? My mom really likes Huai Shang's and Wu Zhe's writing and has remarked that MXTX's style is simplistic but she's still a fan. My guess is that she really doesn't vibe with priest's "your mama's ass" style of sarcasm kjksjdfkjsdfk
將進酒!!!! that's caught my eye 'cause i'm a slut for the poetry reference lmao how is it!!!!!!!! eyes emoji eyes emoji eyes emoji
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the-littlefangirl · 4 years
TFATWS episode 1 rewatch commentary
The first scene was so beautiful. I loved that we didn't start directly with the fight sequence. It feels way closer to the quiet beginning of CATWS and I love it so much.
The title is also SO NEAT, music's on point too but hey it’s Henry Jackman the one thing I’m sure it’s going to be great overall is the score.
The choreography is AMAZING, really well shot. Sam shielding himself with only one wing was MA-JES-TIC.
I did feel so uncomfortable in regards to the military aspect of it. Not that I was expecting anything else, but both here and in Captain Marvel the military we're good guys < 3 propaganda is so blatant and ugh:/ At least there wasn’t a literal recruitment spot like with CM. 
The yellow filter in the Tunisia scene BYE please stop with the yellow filters 2k21
"I've been working with the Air Force for six months now" So, did Sam even catch a break at all after Endgame? Or did he just throw himself to work like SOMEONE did after being iced for 70 years. Hmmm? Sam????
"Essentially, these people, they want a world that's unified without borders" OH NO! HOW AWFUL, how evil of these bad guys smh
Joaquin: SO about Steve
Sam: :)))))) nope
"Moon stuff" SAAAM
#1 cry with Sam's speech, full on chills.. Fuck. Me. His voice about to break before saying thank you bYE.
Shady politician: "It was the right decision" (FUCKKKKK YOUUU)
Rhodey: *press any key to doubt *
I need someone to analyze the different curation of the two exhibits pretty please
NOT THE PHOTO POST-AZZANO JFC. That photo is my weakness, Bucky sweetie (also I find hilarious that usually when there are articles about Stucky and/or #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend they aaaalways use that photo LMAO)
In case someone wants to read the transcription of the texts about Bucky: "In 1944, while on a mission to thwart a Hydra weapon transport in the Alps, Barnes was thrown from a train and believed to have been killed in action. It wasn't until 2014, over seventy years later, that it was revealed that Barnes was alive, having been found by Hydra operatives. Captain America himself (i can't read) the effort to bring Barnes in only to later aid in a escape from custody having been convinced of his innocence. Steve's loyalty to his old friend, coupled with his refusal to sign the Sokovia Accords, led to the dissolution of the Avengers and drove the Captain into hiding with other like-minded Avengers including Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, and Sam Wilson. The current whereabouts of Barnes remains unknown, habing been labeled a fugitive following his escape from custody."
"current wherabout unknown" but not the government, interesting. Also, pretty good summary of CACW from the public's perspective, although one of the things I always wanted to see explored was the public's reaction of the fallout of them going into hiding after Civil War (which I'm hoping we'll get to see a little bit of in Black Widow).
Interesting point about the 70 years without having Captain America. Clearly the sacrifice play wasn't enough this time to fuel the nationalism so they went with a squeaky clean John Walker instead.
Sam saying the shield belongs to Steve I'm going to cry now excuse me. Sam. Sam sweetie.
The No. 1 Captain America comic in the display ugH fuck yes
See this is how you do a cameo that has actual meaning. Thank god for Malcolm Spellman being a competent writer. That scene was so well written.
HAVE YOU PRAISED ANTHONY MACKIE'S PERFORMANCE TODAY?? Holy shit that last shot fucked me up.
I'm loving the use of the wide shots, especially in the flashback. The camera movements are in synch with The Soldier's state of mind and mission focus, so good.
EVERYONE STAND UP FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM aka The Winter Soldier theme composed by Henry Jackman.
Without a doubt the most brutal TWS fight scene there has been, People involved in Punisher and John Wick are involved in this and it SHOWS. 
For the record, still stands that the only time we've seen him chocking someone with his right hand instead of the metal arm remains the Maria Stark assasination. I know it's probably because of blocking and the way the shot was composed but the implications are still bone chilling. God.
Uhhmmmm I'm very ambivalent about the "Hail Hydra". On one hand, it was 100% fanservice and the internet is probably going to go insane over it, and the dead way Sebastian Stan delivered the line. Good shit. Buuut what I love about CATWS is the way Bucky never, ever ever, mouths Hydra rethoric, and even when Pierce tries to gaslight him with it, it's just an empty effort. The Winter Soldier isn't doing anything because of ideological loyalty to Hydra, even if it's product of brainwashing, it's just sheer dehumanization. They don’t need him to say the words because he’s just An Asset. There are people who have put it more eloquently but yeah, I rather go with the fanon interpretation of that aspect.
The music growing louder with the shot of the keys. GOD.
I'm fine this is fine.
#2 cry with the therapy scene of fucking course.
The government monitoring Bucky is noooot going to end well lmao.
"We need to know that you're not gonna * slowmo stabbing motions *
Bucky: * nodding along slowly * 
I laughed out loud.
"It's passive agressive" I love him.
The way this scene just sucker punched me in the face, made me weep and then had me cracking up. Amazing.
Therapist: You can't do anything illegal
Bucky: yup yup check checkity check. What IS considered illegal tho?
*aggresive tablet finger pressing *
"Then why isn't it rule number one?" Bucky your Steve is showing.
I love the close up shot. I'll keep saying it. It's so good.
"I'm James Bucky Barnes" yeah you are🥺
That smile is nightmare fuel LMFAO I love it.
Uhm the way I'm kinning Bucky it's not funny anymore damn
That whole “are you lashing out at me” rambling is really reminiscent of the bar scene in CATFA and how he lashed out at Steve after Peggy left. Uhm yeah fuck.
"That is UTTER BULLSHIT" "You're a terrible shrink"
yeah ugly crying to ugly laughing speedrun for me
"You're free" "To do what?" jesus. That entire scene. #3 and #4 and #5 cries for moi.
Ugh that Brooklyn shot. Someone needs to do a gifset compairing it to the one in CATFA asap.
"It's like Monique but it's got a "U" in there for uniqueness" "That's absurd" LMAO
"You can't keep fighting with your neighbors" uHM * redacted redacted i'm shifting into 1940s mode abort abort *
"Nobody passed 90" "So young. Such a shame" FGADHGA
🥺🥺 yes flex those flirting skills good for you
"It's a dance to this things. You can't… you gotta warm up and I haven't danced since 1943. Feels like." #6 cry I completely broke down into tears with that.
This Yori storyline is going to punch me in the face with a metal fist. Great!
The TWS theme when he looks at Yori fuuuuuck.
Those shots of Sam in the car. Immaculate. Showstoping. Yes.
Marvel, what if instead of promoting the military industrial complex you put a lot of publicity about cars?
"Uncle Sam!" LMAO subtle.
Everyone trying to have the wings lmao same.
I've only had Sarah for a day but etc. Brooklyn 99 meme
Good mirroring about Steve and Sam family's legacy. Good shit. Goooood shit.
Sam is trying so hard ouch my heart. I can't imagine how painful the scene with them reuniting must have been. He 100% still feels a lot of guilt about being gone for those 5 years (and even longer before that).
"Maybe it is time for us to move on" uuuuuuuuuuh
"To the rescue" "Always" 🥺🥺 i love them so much already
That shot outside the restaurant is so beautiful. Can't wait to see the night scenes in Madripoor tbh.
"I tried the whole online dating thing. It's pretty crazy". Uhm well that is something that Bucky Barnes has now said. In canon. Damn.
"It's a lot" "You sound like my dad" LMAO
Every Bucky fanfic trope speedrun with this scene
"Wow you really can drink" OH you have no idea
Just realized we don't even know her name, well.
"You have any siblings?" "I have a sister" THE WAY I SCREECHED. We're definitely getting Becca
Well that escalated quickly. The important thing is to try?
I can't deal with this BUCKY SWEETIE #8 cry right there fuck
The wardrobe department is KILLING IT, there's such a difference between the outfits of the shows vs how ugly and generic it usually is.
"ThEre is NO such thiNg as on time. You're either EARLY or LATE . picK One" lmao the way he delivered that line
At first I thought the flag smashers had thrown two cars out of a window LMAO
"I don't know how jurisdiction works here, but I'mma have to place you under arrest" uhm yikes. The way they changed Joaquín Torres backstory to just random army nice guy #1 is not sitting well with me, what can I say.
Sam's wings motions I LOVE HIM YOUR HONOR
Fuuuuck this guy.
"Funny how thing's always thighten around us" "Look, I'm on your side. After all, he's a hero". This script is C R I S P as hell, great fucking job.
"I don't care, I'm not gonna quit" "What are you trying to prove? And who you trying to prove it to" SHIT HSIT SHIT!!! UGH amazing. Look it's not necessary to say the show's questions out loud but how they flow between the conversations is still very satisfactory without feeling in your face about it. Inner conflicts have been set up fucking perfectly everyone * claps *
Ugh here we fucking go.  I knew this was how the episode was going to end but my stomach still dropped like a rollercoster. God.
The score is on point. Damn. Damn.
God, Sam.🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
The captain america franchise's visuals in the credits are always so amazing.
Also, does anybody know why Mackie isn't first in the billing?  Uhm what's that about?
ANYWAY CONCLUSION THAT EPISODE WAS SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE HOLY SHIT. I love them so much. The balance between the personal conflicts and the political aspect (although the military aspect is still very much yikes) was on point and it was overall a joy to watch.
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kybabi · 4 years
hey hey!! woah, 7k is.. a lot 😳🎉 congratulations!! that’s so amazing!! i must mention, i truly love your angsty ones 😖 they always hit me straight in the feels and i love it nsnsn — if i could join this event that’d be amazing!! i bet it’ll be great for your first one! my pronouns are ( she / her / they / them ), but i tend to use the feminine ones more! ( apologies if it’s too much stuff below!! 🥲💀 )
my aesthetic: honestly? probably just lazy comfort. I tend to where a lot of hoodies and skinny jeans with vans, or tank tops with a flannel over top or smthn. every now and then I’ll wear something cozy like leggings boots and a cardigan. sometimes I’m a combination of just lazy grunge with hair thrown into a messy bun with oversized band-t’s that were stolen from friends or family, or are my own, with shorts or sweatpants ( I live in my black sweatpants with two thin white stripes running down the sides of the pant legs lmfao- )
my hobbies include sketching, singing, cooking or baking when i have the motivation, writing, spending time thinking about writing, procrastinating, and ig just generally doing academic activities, despite hating them! personality wise, on the outside i’m vv reserved and only speak when spoken to, “polite, courteous, & charming”, since i get really shy and nervous talking aloud or answering things ( idk why though, i think i’m just scared that whatever i say will be wrong and i hate looking.. dumb? ).but with people i’m comfortable around i tend to be stubborn, sarcastic, goofy, and allow myself to act more extraverted around friends in general ( despite being an introvert 99% of the time ).
my ideal / perfect date : i literally cannot stand the idea of dinner dates or movie dates, they make me wanna cry myself to sleep — so, my ideal date would either be something fun and chaotic or comfy and just casual ig. i have two versions; one is late at night / early morning, between 10 P.M. and 2 A.M., where we just go out and have fun, take car rides while blasting our favorite songs combined onto a quickly made playlist or listening to the radio, going to cool hotspots or to gas stations just to giggle and get snacks to go out and watch the stars !!💛😖 OR, the second, to just stay in and watch horror movies together, and on the chance that they get scared, i’d probably just try and take their mind off of it and point out the flaws or make commentary to distract them from jumoscares!! 💛‼️
i match you up with...
atsumu! + overdrive - conan gray
i think atsumu would love your shyness but also that openness and chaos that he’d be able to bring out! he would enjoy taking you out in the middle of the night to just go on an adventure!
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matchup event: OPEN!
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lihn asks: 1, 10, 15, 26, 30, 31, 37, 41, 46, 49
thanks for the asks and thanks for creating the ask list in the first place
1) Favorite song(s)? i especially like three failed escape attempts of sheila nail. it does A Lot re: like, introducing a character, but probably the biggest reason it is a fave is b/c It Is A Banger
10) Favorite line(s)? this is a tough one, i've been Thinking on it and there's no immediate standout answer coming to mind for sure......how about "she asked us to, so we did." great stuff
15) A minor character(s) you love? hmm i mean i guess clearly susannah and sheila are the main and next most main characters but from there it's like, is Everyone equally a minor character........well kitty is my favorite of course so i guess that's an easy answer, i also just like immediately enjoyed rat and i wish she had more content even though definitely other girls didn't have a world of Content either
26) Solitary or Masochist? well i think probably solitary Musically, seeing as i def actually remember it more for that reason, but maybe i gotta say masochist b/c a) you know, kitty is the fave, and b) even if i don't remember a ton of details i still enjoyed it and i enjoyed the scene overall a Lot and what role it has in the story / susannah's arc.
30) Scene(s)/concept(s) you would like expanded upon? hmm i do like dorothy and kitty's Thing being like. never really brought to the forefront / made Crucially relevant or anything but it also was not too Apparent at all lmfao although yknow, maybe it was more clear in person. i think i'd like it to have like. at least more Textual implications of the existence of the pairing. s/o to kitty again
31) What you would like changed if another production of the show happens? uhhh i think in its immediate aftermath i was sort of thinking how it's a bit weird that like. sure you can easily take some textual material in lihn and interpret girls as Not Nt informed by that, but clearly the focus is how their response to external societal factors is Pathologized (especially based on their identities, e.g. susannah as a black girl and kitty as a trans girl), and while of course miss asp having this extended breakdown basically over the course of the show lol *is* about her own Attempts To Cope With Society have failed her and are failing her, and she's having Bigger messy reactions as the show goes on as the girls sort of get themselves even more together, it felt like she was being given behaviors that are more like. "cues" that are associated with Mental Disorders like, her thinking the girls could be aliens is sure involved with the Metaphor in that, but from the perspective of her character being fairly earnest in that belief, that's like, More of an interfering Symptom than we've seen from any of the girls........idk like, feels like either her character could become at least Slightly more subtly handled or like, in the same way that the girls are here for different things and yet The Same Thing, it could be made more explicit that one or more of the girls is nd and that Just Might manifest in ways that are seen as going beyond "standard" "weirdness" like yknow. miss asp out here like "yeah she has delusions now" while with the girls it's like. yeah they have "undesirable / inappropriate Behaviors" but, not of that kind
37) Favorite fanmade media related to LIHN?
this fic by soph, this drawing of kitty by al, this drawing of kitty by an artist i know does other nicher iconis-content art, this drawing of kitty talking to susannah by an artist who i know i’ve Appreciated other lihn art from, and your galaxy brain video juxtaposing “i was a teenage delinquent!” with vimh
41) An anecdote about your experience with LIHN? lmao well i don't Personally have any great anecdote i don't think. i watched it along with soph which means i had to keep messaging them like "hang on pause, i'm Buffering again" every 6-13 min or so, and a fun coincidence was that 99% of the time the video paused at a timestamp wherein the Seconds ended in _9. someone else's anecdote: al's story of having gone to an actual lihn performance, having had been made to miss the intended train to the theater and needing to wait for the next one, and ending up sitting right in front of jason sweettooth williams on the ride / getting to make conversation lol. rights
46) Stupidest quote from the NYT review? lmfao fuck you i haven't reread this shit since it came out and it is SO hard to pick a stupidest quote. rereading it now i'm freshly Amazed at how stupid a quote i'd forgotten is. but ofc i Have to go with "...[Susannah]'s very much an everygirl. She is the black child of white adoptive parents, which she knows (ask answer editor's note: "????????? what aspect of this would she Not know"), and a lesbian, which she quickly discovers, but..." like lmaoooo never gets old. alexis soloski, everyone!!!
49) Bruce the Ocelot or Harriet II? well, again, Kitty, and i do like ocelots, they're cool, so: bruce. and it’s a really fun scene where the whole concept is introduced lmao
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snifflyjoonie · 4 years
🌸🕯👃 for our Mimi please :) And 📕 with the prompt: he gets ill on a plane (no emeto but basically anything else) and the boys dote on him :(((
Alright, let’s finish the last few of these!! edit because I completely fucking missed the candle emoji I’m a clown.
🌸: Are they allergic to any kind of plants? Flowers, weeds, trees? If yes, how bad are their allergies to those plants?
I definitely picture Jimin as someone who struggles when the pollen count gets high. His nose is so sensitive and his sniffles get really gurgle-y when he ends up walking by a freshly cut lawn. I wouldn’t say his allergies are debilitating per say, but they’re definitely a nuisance and persistent. 
🕯: Are they allergic to other things? Dust, animals, perfumes, certain fragrances? Anything that might be considered “out of the ordinary” to be allergic to? How bad are those allergies?
I’m like 99% sure Jimin has confirmed irl that he has animal allergy issues and y’all know me. that’s my shit lmfao. I genuinely hc as Jimin to just be sensitive overall, though. I don’t think it takes too much for him to be bothered or to get set off.
👃: In general, how sensitive is their nose? Can something like a certain flower or smell make them sneeze even if they’re not allergic to it? Do they sneeze a lot on average, or not very much? Does their nose twitch a lot, or barely ever at all?
I think the first half of this kind of got answered above, but in general I picture Jimin to be a pretty sneezy guy. He can’t go one day without sneezing at least once. (or more!) I definitely feel like he’s the type to have like...his nostrils flare a lot.
📕: Write something a little longer with them! (Asker can provide a prompt, or can leave it up to the one receiving the ask!)
Asker said sick on a plane, so here we go!
“hh’nxgt!! ‘NXG’tshiew!--huuh.” 
“Oh, Jimin-ah.” Seokjin cooed from his seat across the aisle. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well.”
Jimin sniffled thickly and brought a hand up to scrub beneath his stuffy nose, desperately trying to ignore the way the other members eyed him warily. “Mm. It’s okay, hyung. It’s just a cold. -snff-” 
The dancer barely had time to react as Hoseok -- the member he had been paired to sit with for this particular flight -- quickly slipped a hand tenderly against his forehead.
“I dunno, Jimin-ah...” He murmured, his voice uncertain as he slowly lowered his hand. “You feel a little too warm for it to be just a cold.”
A pout quickly crept onto Jimin’s face at his hyung’s words. He thought there was a chance he might be nursing a fever but hearing the confirmation only made him feel worse. Namjoon seemed to pick up on this from his seat next to Seokjin, and chimed in quickly with words he hoped would be encouraging.
 “We can get something to help as soon as we land. I’ll make sure of it.” He tried to catch Jimin’s eye and shoot him a smile. “Medicine will help. I promise.”
Jimin nodded meekly and brought a sweater-clad hand up to cup his nose and mouth. “Sure, hyung.” He said softly, resting his head against Hoseok’s shoulder. “Thank you.”
It was going to be a long flight, but at least Jimin had his hyungs to look out for him.
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robotslenderman · 4 years
So I promised @erlkonigstochter a few weeks ago a Maggie update!
Maggie now accepts pats from all members of the household. She may get tired of it very quickly, but she will allow it. If she gets too stressed she knows she can disengage and she’ll come to me for attention and soothing, instead of lashing out.
Maggie happily cuddles Dad whenever he is available, cuddles Mums in the morning only (Maggie is a creature of habit), and sometimes cuddles bro.
She very, VERY rarely goes for somebody now. She went for Mum last week, but didn’t make contact, and went for me a week before. Can’t even remember why.
I only hear her murder growls/barks now when I’m trying to drag her away from the front door when a postie is coming by. She still lets me drag her away without latching onto my arm, though, which is brilliant.
She is now mostly free range. I say “mostly” because she’s taken to shitting at the bottom of the stairs instead of in the garden for some ungodly reason, so she’s banished to my room each morning until she’s taken one outside. But other than that, she is a free range doggo. I now have a curtain over my bedroom doorway so she can come and go from my room without my room leaving heat. She spends 99% of her time with me but if someone is cooking food or daring to take a malteaser out of the malteaser jar, she can leave and go upstairs.
It took months for her to get used to being tied up upstairs, but once she got used to it we extended her to a double lead -- she was tied to a lead tied to another lead tied to the table -- and she adapted to that faster than she got used to being upstairs on the single lead.
After that it took only about a month for her to get used to being around the house free range. She needed frequent breaks and days off, during which she was kept in my room. She still needs a day off now and then to recover because being able to access so much space stresses her out too much sometimes. But it does her good.
Maggie will come out of my room if someone goes to the bathroom (next to my room) but she doesn’t play up when someone’s in the Death Zone any more.
Maggie still refuses to go on walks unless I’m there. Bro tried again the other night and apparently she sat down on the lawn, stared at the house, and refused to move, lmfao.
She’s very vocal. She doesn’t wuff as much as she used to, but she play-growls more, and we can tell the difference so while people might go “hang on a sec” if she growls, once we realise it’s a play growl we calm down. She growls a lot when she’s playing, but it’s definitely a play growl.
Oh, yeah. She plays a lot now. :) 
Overall, lately she has been a very safe dog. Mum and bro are still careful when they pat her but that’s fading and they’re not nearly as jumpy as they were. Dad is completely relaxed around her and was showing her off to his colleagues on zoom today.
It’s been 11 months but we almost have a normal dog. :)
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scarasenvy · 4 years
I wanna ask again if that ok haha 2, 18, 28 :))
GIRL yes thank u!! :’D i’m so sorry i’m late to answer this pls forgive me i have been quite busy 😔🤲🏼 AAAA BUT
2. (first anime crush): i think my first anime crush was kaneki ken from tokyo ghoul??? IDK I JUST REALLY THOUGHT HE WAS HOT BACK IN THE DAY AND WAS SO JEALOUS of him and toukas relationship even tho i shipped the hell out of them too lmfao
18. (10 worst anime you’ve ever watched): o god ok i don’t wanna shit on any of these anime because some i actually really did enjoy these are just my least rated on MAL (which btw if anyone wants to follow me on there my user is nadada 😌) so no hate but anyways here we go LOL these aren’t in order btw!
hametsu no mars (this is an obvious cult fav to hate on so i watched it just because it’s one of the worst rated anime on MAL and i just wanted to see why dhsh)
DEVILMAN CRYBABY IDCIDC the animation style is cool and the ending really fucked me up (which i liked, the plot twists were insane) however it was so sex and drug fuled which made me feel kinda nauseated n what not so i really did not like it as much as i wanted to if im being honest
jibaku shounen hanako-kun (i would DIE for the art style it’s so cute and the music and characters were cool but for some reason i just couldn’t get super invested in the story?? i felt myself wanting to finish this anime quickly for some reason)
BNHA season 4 (i’m so sorry i just didn’t like it it just felt kind of bleh to me except for the fight with kai as well as the ending which was epic, but comparison to season 3 WHICH BTW WAS HYPE AF i just didn’t feel super invested while watching it)
no game no life (just like JBSHK the animation was sick, but idk definitely not my fav anime. however the movie was good)
japan sinks 2020 (was really good the first like 5 eps and i liked how spontaneous and unexpected it was which made me super excited to see what would happen next, but then it just got confusing and weird and too expected also the animation was sloppy at times)
TOKYO GHOUL:RE need i say more
perfect blue (only putting this here because it messed me up for days afterwards)
akira (a classic and animation was clean however i just HATED the plot and it was so confusing and bad lmao sorry maybe i’m just not an intellectual)
THE HXH MOVIES LMAO (we all know i’m the biggest mf hxh stan HOWEVER these movies did not compare to the 2011 and 99 shows at ALL they were really disappointing in comparison sadly but still animation was good)
28. (most upsetting moment in anime and why): *BANANA FISH, HUNTER X HUNTER, AND SNK SPOILER ALERTS BEWARE* i have a few but the first one definitely has to be when ash died when he was supposed to go to japan with eiji or say goodbye to him 🥺 i was like ARE YOU SERIOUS i genuinely didn’t think that was the ending. i was really upset for like days. the second one would have to be in snk when levi had to choose between saving armin or erwin, as well as when everyone was giving their all to fight the beast titan but so many died regardless. the third one is in hxh when gon basically died and was on life support and killua was losing his mind as well as komugi and meruems death which hurt alot but yeah lol 😔✌🏼
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novathesheltie · 4 years
We went on a small hike w Laska & BC pup (Sushi) this morning. 
We've been working hard with Nova to tolerate Sushi, short encounters, lots of distractions, and +R has worked wonders. I'm no dog trainer, I have very limite knowledge on how to deal a situation like this, and I fully acknowledge that things could've gone wrong. But I took the precautions I thought necessary, and I wanted to see if Nova *could* learn to tolerate a dog over time. Nova was leashed during like 95% of the meet-ups we've had, and Sushi was distracted by Laska most of the time as well. Which made, to me, a good learning environment. If the dog Nova doesn't like is interested in him, I think that would've failed. Nova needs to approach the dog on his own terms and be slowly introduced to being the center of the attention.
At the beginning of our hike, Laska, the angel that she is, was the only one trusted off-leash. I let go of Nova mid walk, so he could decide whether to go to Sushi or not (vs. Sushi coming into his personal space). Nova didn't care at all and went to do his usual business while hiking (sniffing, licking pee, peeing, in that order). Eventually we let all three dogs go, and things could not have turned out for the better. The key was to continue on walking. There was no snapping, no anxiety from Nova, just fun and games. Nova and Sushi (as seen from vid I posted) even chased eachother (which has only occurred once before). While Laska quickly took over the play, and I think it was good that she stepped-in to limit the interaction to short happy moments, I saw the Nova that I see when he plays with Laska, Koa & other dog friends. And not the overly anxious, aggressive snarling dog that he was when we first met Sushi. I will be transparent and say, however, there was one snapping that occurred where I ended up getting bitten by Nova. We had stopped, all dogs still off-leash (wrong!), took water out (!!), and while Nova was sitting in-front of me, Sushi crept up behind me and Nova snapped. Nova resource guard his food & water to dogs that aren't Koa or Laska. We all said that we should've seen it coming, but no dog was hurt (only my hand lmfao). We agreed that next time, all dogs (ahrem, it doesn't matter if Laska is leashed but) should immediately be leashed and have Nova in a separate corner to let him drink etc. While this moment was disappointing, because we had gone through most of the walk without any issues and I was looking forward to calling it a win, it wasn't surprising and it further helped me understand the management tools I need to undertake even in a different environment with lots of distractions. And while this happened, there were so many times where Nova would've once showed teeth/snapped while food was given but instead sat and waited for his turn to get the treat. We're trying to minimize food exchanges, at least when Nova is around, but we're also trying to teach as many things as possible to Sushi (so he doesn't..you know, run off and kill himself with his actual owner.)
Also, before going on our walk, we met a lab mix. The dog was leashed, Nova said hi to Laska & Sushi and then the dog was let go and rushed to Nova (I only realized it when the dog was right next to Nova, as I was too far to talk to the owner nor did I know them) I, unabashedly, said to the owner that my dog very well could've killed his dog (dramatic I know). But turns out, Nova totally fell in love with her. Which, totally throws a curve-ball to my theory that Nova does *not* like it when other dogs rushes up to him, female or not. And I think that still stands true, but like 99% of the time and I guess this dog was among the 1%.
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Mighty Magiswords, A Show Horribly Mistreated by Cartoon Network
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So recently, it's come to my attention that Cartoon Network is cancelling Mighty Magiswords after only two seasons.
And you may ask, well, why?
Well, to be blunt, if your show isn't Teen Titans Go, then CN doesn't give a shit about it.
And I suppose we really should've seen this coming, considering CN has been blatantly mistreating this show for quite some time, let's look into that, shall we?
1: Long, unnecessary hiatuses, and Piss-Poor Scheduling
So in the above images I have some air dates listed, more specifically, the various hiatuses this show has suffered over it's 2-season run.
So the first hiatus starts with Grup Jam, we're not even halfway through the first season and we already have a hiatus, this'll be fun...
After this episode aired, we don't another new one for over 4 months, and if your show is already getting hiatuses during it's initial season, that's a huge problem.
The second hiatus is the absolute worst, we consistently get new episodes for 3 weeks, and then we get literally nothing for about 8 and a half months, this is pretty much twice the amount of time we waited last time, and despite premiering in 2016, for some fucking reason, CN decided to drag this shit out allllll the way into 2018.
The last hiatus, (which still hasn't ended, lmfao...) Takes place a fucking month, after the show just got back from this shit.
And also, no fucking reruns have been aired at all during this (so far, 3-month) hiatus.
Then CN decides to just dump all the remaining episodes on the app and website, almost like they're fully aware of how fucked up this whole situation is, but don't actually care enough to fix it.
Instead, they just wanna shut us up and pat themselves on the back, and be like:
"Yeah, we'll uh, get around to airing those... At some point...?"
And it's so easy for them to just dump it on the app and site because they think that'll satisfy us, and so they can say "HEY WE GAVE Y'ALL THE REST OF SEASON 2 NOW FUCK OFF". And hey, gotta make sure Teen Titans Go always makes up the majority of the schedule, right? Can't be having any other show have any sort of screentime at all, right? Nooo, that'd just be inhumane not to let fans get their daily fucking dosage of Toddler Titans Go.
The last one isn't much of a hiatus, but I just thought I'd point out how that small group of episodes aired in an extremely awkward fashion, kind of like on a bi-weekly basis, which was also bad.
And from what I heard, reruns that did air were around the 6am timeslot, and who the fuck is awake at that time, let's he honest.
2: Non-existent Advertising
The show was never fucking advertised, plain and simple, literally no publicity for this show, at any point in time.
Y'know how you see a commercial for an upcoming show, or new episodes for that show, and that's what initially grabs your attention and gets you to watch the show?
Yeah, that didn't happen for me, and probably not for you either.
I'm literally just flipping through On Demand's CN section, and I randomly stumbled upon Mighty Magiswords, literally never even hearing about it until that moment. And that's how I was introduced to the show.
Also, I'm not even sure if this show has had any proper marathons, at all? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm not asking for the show to take up 99% of the fucking schedule, all week, but a few short marathons would've been much appreciated, and would have given the show some much needed publicity.
3: Lackluster Merchandise
CN didn't even bother making much merch at all, literally all I could find was 3 books, a few generic t-shirts (and I literally mean 3 or 4) on the CN store, and I think I heard that the Pumpkin Magisword was made into a toy? Not entirely sure.
And please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that they have yet to release any of the episodes/first season on DVD, which is fucking obsurd.
Considering TTG already has all 4 of it's fully aired seasons on DVD already.
So there's just a lack of any merchandise at all, which is incredibly disheartening, because some of us fans would actually like some plushies, or comics, or proper DVDs to show our support for the show, but nope.
CN's too busy excessively pumping out TTG toys, books, water bottles, watches, shirts, hoodies, phone cases, Funko pops, DVDs, buttons, etc.
Truly sickening.
4: Cancellation
Unfortunately, this show died as soon as it started.
It was doomed to fail, due to airing on a network that only gives a shit about excessively jerking off their single cash cow.
Had it been picked up by Disney or Nickelodeon, it likely would've had a much better shot.
Fingers crossed that Neflix picks it up and continues the show, but the chances of that happening are about as likely as pigs gaining the ability to fly, unfortunately.
CN is legitimately hurting me at this point, I used to absolutely adore this network, but it's just fallen off so fucking much in recent years.
So, I'd like to give a personal fuck you to Cartoon Network, for completely neglecting one of their legitimately good, original shows, and just blatantly disrespecting the living hell out of Kyle Carrozza, and everyone who ever even worked on the show.
This has me incredibly concerned for any future shows to air on this network, as long as TTG is around.
Infinity Train is one show coming up that I'm absolutely hype for in 2019, but I am viciously afraid of how CN is going to handle this show, they'll probably just slap it into the 6am - 7am timeslot when most people are sleeping and never even advertise the show.
I'm so horribly disappointed in Cartoon Network, it's truly a dumpster fire, and doesn't care about any of it's other shows.
That being-said, I'd just like to quickly say how much I adored this show,
I loved everything about it, the characters, the voices, the setting, the Magiswords, the pacing (yes, I didn't mind the quickness), it never failed to give me a few good laughs per episode. And, to see something I loved so dearly, be ripped away from me, due to coporate greed and negligence, is absolutely devastating and disgusting.
It was a fun ride while it lasted, but it just ended too soon... :(
Mighty Magiswords
2015 - 2018
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death-noot · 6 years
1-116 👈👈😎
lez do this 
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? kinda just confused about whether or not im making the right choice moving back home idk 
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? sure do
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? of course not 
4: Do you find it easy to trust others? most of the time yeah 
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? trying to sleep 
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? deffo my pal madi, we’ve done this multiple times
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? i honestly dont know 
8: Are you close with your dad? sure am
9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? the human i kiss is 7 hours away from me so sadly i did not. 
10: What are you listening to? tell me that i’m wrong by future jr. 
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? fk me probably like juice or somethin 
12. Do you like hickeys? yess
13: What time do you go to bed? usually about 10ish
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? nah 
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? god no 
16: Do you always answer your texts? ya 
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? nope i love her quite a bit 
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? earlier today
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? multiple people 
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?i hope we’re okay 
21: Is anyone else in the room with you? nope  
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? definitely 
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? im much happier now 
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? nah 
25: In the past week, have you cried? nope
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? kinda a navy blue 
27: Do people ever call you by your last name? yep 
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? dont think so 
29: Do you have a best friend? ye
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? depends on the context of the kisss 
31: Who was your last call from? my sister 
32: Are you mad at anyone? nope 
33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? lol yes 
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? 25 
35: How many more days until your birthday? fk like just under a year 
36: Do you have any summer plans yet? kinda  
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? not really 
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? nope 
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? nope
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? yuP
41: Do you think age matters in relationships? obviously yes like if someones in their teens but i feel like past that its not so bad 
42: Are you available? depends on what that means 
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? 2
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? nose probs 
45: Do you believe exes can be friends? ye
46: Do you regret anything? REALLY regret leaving school 
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? my girlfriend bc im gay 
48: Did you ever lose a best friend? ye
49: Was your last kiss a mistake? no
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? she’s already mine but i never wanna stop trying to impress her 
51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? nope
52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? yes jesus christ 
53: What was the last thing you ate? a schnitty 
54: Did you get any compliments today? dont think so 
55: Where are you going on your next vacation? goin to see the girly 
56: Do you own anything from other countries? yep 
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? girls 
58: Where have you lived most of your life? always lived in the same small town 
59: When was the last time you took a long drive? today 
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? nope
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? nope
62: Who do you text the most? Rach 
63: What was the last movie you saw? the happytime murders i think 
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? hopefully a lot of things
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2010? none lmfao 
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you? only by a few months 
67: Do you curse around your parents? ye
68: Are you happy with where you live? fuck no 
69. Picture of yourself? i cbf right now i’ll post one tomorrow lmao  
70. Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? monogamous, i get rly possessive lmao 
71. Have you ever been dumped? kinda 
72. What do you most like about making out? all the grabbing and lil noises   73. Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with? mhm
74. When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? the other 
75. What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? eyes 
76. Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed? rach 
77. Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? nope 
78. Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name? nope 
79. What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? rach, jesus im soft 
80. Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? probably not
81. Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? ya 
82. Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? not really 
83. Do you miss your last sweetie? what does this mean 
84. Last time you slow danced with someone? nope 
85. Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? kinda 
86. How can I win your heart? be urself, make me laugh, do nice things for me
87. What is your astrological sign? scorpio 
88. What were you doing last night at 12 AM? sleepin 
89. Do you cook? not often 
90. Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? nope
91. If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? 
92. Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? i feel like i fall into monogamy pretty quick 
93. What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? funny, kind, considerate, 
94. Name four things that you wish you had: money, full licence, money, money
95. Are you a player? nah 
96. Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? nope
97. Are you a tease? I’ve been told i can be lmao 
98. Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? i think so 
99. Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? rn  
100. Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? platonic dates sure 
101. Hugs or Kisses? b o t h 
102. Are you too shy to ask someone out? usually lmao 
103. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? how tall they are or their hair tbh 
104. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? luv it 
105. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it? tbh probably i’m a dick 
106. Do you flirt a lot? not really 
107. Your last kiss? rach 
108. Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2011? how old is this 
109. Have you kissed anyone in the past month? ye 
110. If you could kiss anyone who would it be? r a ch 
111. Do you know who you’ll kiss next? guess 
112. Does someone like you currently? u kno it 
113. Do you currently have feelings for anyone? this is so repetitive 
114. Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? relationships
115. Ever made out with just a friend? no
116. Are you happier single or in a relationship? relationship
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