#-window before jumping down and him catching her had me all ❤️❤️❤️
many-gay-magpies · 1 year
rewatched the princess bride with my family last night. these men are so fantastically bisexual
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sevcasejay1chicago · 7 months
I gotcha Partner- Jay Halstead
Summary: After chasing down a suspect, you have a bad asthma attack.
Warnings: none that I know of.
Authors note: Jay’s installment in the platonic asthma fics. ❤️ Enjoy!
You have been Jay Halstead’s partner since Erin Lindsey left 2 years ago. You had been friend prior to this partnership, having met at Molly’s as well, so the partnership was easy to fall into. You knew each others quirks well, but you also knew each other’s medical history very well given all the near deaths you two have experienced since being partners. You have never experienced more near death experience on the job before working with Jay Halstead.
Today, you and Jay, along with the rest of the intelligence unit, are sitting on a suspect’s house. This individual has been indicted for multiple counts of aggravated assault and battery, leading the unit to believe that he is involved in a string of assaults at a few night clubs he has been known to frequent. He’s smarter than most criminals. He makes sure not to hit the same club multiple times, but to randomly jump around to throw off any suspicion.
You and Jay were sat in his truck, idly chatting about Matt’s move into the apartment with you and Kelly, when the suspect pulled into his driveway. You both straightened up as Voight began to speak.
“Suspect has landed. Suspect has landed. Use caution. Don’t spook him.” Voight instructed through our radio.
Jay grabbed our tac gear from the backseat and handed me my own. We suited up before slowly pulling the truck to block the end of the driveway. Burgess and Adam came up one side while Voight and Atwater came up the other. You noticed blood on his door handle and quickly jumped out of the truck and rounded it to grab the guy.
“Chicago PD!” You yelled, announcing yourself before moving to grab the suspect. Unfortunately, he was quick to react and shoved you into Kim before running down the small alley way next to his house. “Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit!” You yelled, quickly standing to your feet to pursue. You were the smallest and the fastest, next to Kevin.
You heard Jay flip the sirens and say he was going to cut him off. Kevin was on your heels, cursing about how the perps always run but they can’t run from you all. You shook your head, pushing through the burning in your chest. You were still recovering from your attack a few days prior, so you definitely weren’t in top shape.
You saw the end of alley way, thanking God that this run was coming to an end. Just as the suspect reached the end of the alley, Jay pulled the truck to block it and held the suspect at gun point through the window.
“Put your hands up.” Jay growled, seeing the blood on the suspect’s shirt and knuckles.
You stopped running, coming to a halt at the back of the truck with your hands on your knees. You were having trouble catching your breath as an audible wheeze left your body. You dizzily grabbed the bumper as you sunk to the ground. Jay saw you and quickly jumped out of the truck as Kevin cuffed the perp.
“Y/n?!” Jay yelled, crouching down in front of you. “Jesus. Your blue.” Jay muttered, taking your face in his hands for a second. You were ice cold. “It’s okay. I gotcha partner. Up we go.” Jay muttered, pulling you into his arms and rounding the truck.
“She okay?” Voight asked, coming to open the door for Jay.
“She will be. She’s having an asthma attack.” Jay said over your wheezes. He dug around in the glove box until he unearthed your inhaler. “Alright sweetie. Let’s do this.” Jay shook the inhaler before helping you squeeze the trigger as you attempted to breathe.
“Here. I got a pulse ox from the first aid kit.” Kim said, jogging back from her and Adam’s car. She handed the device to Jay before moving back to give you and Jay some room.
They all waiting on baited breath as the pulse ox read. High heart rate and oxygen level fluctuating between 83-85. Their eyes grew wide at the reading, concerned given that your inhaler should have opened you up by now.
“I’m taking her to med.” Jay said, buckling you in and shutting the door.
“I will give you an escort.” Voight said, quickly running to his SUV that Kevin pulled around after placing the suspect in the back of a patrol car.
“5021 George to Med” Jay said into his radio, lights and sirens blaring as he drove.
“Go ahead for Med.” April said.
“April. Y/n is having a bad asthma attack. Cyanotic, high pulse, O2 is low to mid 80s. Rescue inhaler administered and not helping. ETA 5 minutes. ” Jay reported, glancing over at you as you shook. “Shhh. I gotcha partner. I’m gonna get you help.”
“We will be waiting at the door. Med out.” April said.
Jay put his radio back on the dash before reaching out to take one of your shaking hands in his own. “Almost there. You are doing great.” Jay encouraged, trying to hide his worry.
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
Hey loves! I love your page! Can you possibly write one where their little girl plays out in the rain and gets sick? 🥺
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for the lovely request and for being so patient to me!
I hope you like how I write your request ❤️
Enjoy <3
Warnings : Dancing in the rain, playing outside, sick little reader, playful day, cuddles, fluff, daddies take care of you
Pairing : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you didn't thought that you'll be sick after such a good day, but even if you had know, you would've still do exactly what you had done that day
They love watching you, they always have that sparkle in their eyes when they watch you doing things without knowing you were watched.
You had been playing outside during the entire day. It was sunny at first. You woke up because of the sun this morning and since then, you spend your whole day in your bikini, playing outside under the sun.
But to your surprise, it starts raining a few minutes ago, just after your daddies went back inside to start dinner and you immediatly start dancing and jumping around in the garden, under the rain.
Your Daddies are glued against the window, huge smiles on their faces as you laugh and fall on your butt before standing back up and starting all over again.
They didn't had the time to greet you this morning because when you came downstairs, you were already running to go outside. So they followed you and played with you as long as you wanted.
They chased you, they threw you in the aire before grabbing you back, they pushed you in the pool before jumping in it right after. It was suppose to be a relaxing day off and it became a playful and exhausting day outside.
And it was the best day off of their life.
After some minutes of you running around and rolling on the wet ground, your Papa went to check the oven and saw that dinner was almost ready so he asked your Daddy to come and get you, so he can dry you and change you before eating.
It was hard to bring you back inside but after a lot of compromise, you ended up following him, even though you didn't wanted to. But of course when your Daddy told you that if you would followed him, he would spend all the evening cuddle you under the stars with your Papa once the rain stop, you couldn't resist it.
So you walk, hand in hand inside the house. You were shivering even though you were hot with adrenaline. Before you could put a foot inside, your Papa come running and shouting "No no no no no!" he rushes toward you "do not put one of your dirty foot inside my clean house" he says stopping you.
You look up at him annoyed while Bucky is laughing beside you "come on Papaaa" you say "I'm cold" you make puppy eyes to him so he would let you enter. You knew how to coax them.
He sighs and looks at Bucky who smirks "you asked me to go and get her. That's what I did" He shrugs and Steve rolls his eyes "remove your shoes and socket. If one drop of water fall on my floor, you'll clean it" he warns before walking back toward the kitchen.
You look up at your Daddy who just shrugs and rolls his eyes at your Papa making you giggle. As your Daddy were about to fall on his knees to remove your shoes, your Papa turns around "after all, remove all of your clothes and let them outside"
Your Daddy laughs and looks back at your Papa "But Steve she'll catch a cold" he says "i'll clean if you really want"
"wrap her in a blanket" he yells as he walks in the kitchen without looking back behind him. Bucky sighs and wraps his hands at your waist, he helps you sit down on his laps, so you don't mess your Papa's floor, and removes your shoes first.
He puts them outside, beside the door and slides your socket in them. He then removes your bikini and throw it outside too before wrapping you in a warm blanket.
Now that you're a sausage and can't walk, your Daddy lifts you up and throws you on his shoulder making you squeal and laugh. He walks upstairs and grabs a few warm clothes he found and keeps making his way to the bathroom
"You want to take your shower alone or do you want Daddy's help ?" your Daddy asks as he unwraps you from your blanket. "Wis Daddy" you say holding his shoulder. He nods and kisses your nose before helping you entering in the shower.
The hot water is burning at first since your entire body is freezing cold but it's soon feel better and you sigh in contentment when you feel less and less cold. Your Daddy rubs your body with a sweet soap before watering your body a second time and then helps you walking out of the shower
He wraps you in a towel and quickly dry you. He helps you sitting down on the sink and takes your hands. He dries your fingers and palms who are red from the hot water, he then slides the towel down your legs and does the same with your feet. He dries your toes and in between them making you giggle a little. He smiles and squeezes your toes before putting your pants on and your pyjama shirt right after.
"All done" he kisses the top of your head "now let's go eat either way Papa won't be happy" he says making you laugh. Your Daddy lifts you in his arms and carries you downstairs. You sniff and rest your head against his shoulder, he strokes the back of your thigh who is resting against his chest as he makes his way down the stairs.
He heard your sniff but he lets it aside, it happens. It doesn't mean anything.
He sits you down on your seat and goes sit on the one across yours just as your Papa comes back with the food. Your mouth water just by the smell. You take a big breath to breath the sweet food but cough a couple times instead of finishing your breath.
Your Papa looks up at you as he cuts the food to serve you and frowns "you okay, princess ?" he asks. You sniff and rub your nose, nodding.
Your Papa doesn't say anything else, He gives you your food and does the same with his and Bucky's plate. While eating, he keeps an eye on you and catch a few time were you rub your nose or sniff or cough.
He can see that each time it happens, you try to stay discreet. They don't know if it's on purpose or not but they sure don't like that. "do you like what you're eating, sweetness ?" your Papa asks eyeing you
You nod "iz weally toot"
Now that they heard that your nose is blocked, they just have to check your temperature to know what to do after.
You didn't finished your plate, it was really good but way too much. You rest your back on your seat and close your eyes, you try to get comfy while waiting for your Daddies to finish.
You probably fell asleep for a little while because when you open your eyes, they were heavy. You feel a hand resting on your shoulder so you turn your head toward it and see your Papa kneels beside your chair "you feel okay, sweetie ?" he asks checking your cheeks
You sniff and nod, your head was heavy but it's probably because you just woke up. He frowns and checks your forehead, he waits a few seconds, his hand on your forehead before turning toward your Daddy "burning"
He sighs and stands up, he kneels on the other side of you and strokes your temple "we're going to lie down on the bed" he says and you nod. He lifts you in his arms and he hates how numb you feel when he lifts you up. He rests you on his hip and you don't even wrap your arms around his neck nor wrap your legs around his waist. The only thing that keep you on his hip is his own arms.
"we should wet her hair and forehead with cold water" Steve proposes, following you upstairs "it could be good for her fever"
Bucky shakes his head "no, it'll just make her move sick" he says entering the bedroom "you can wet a towel with cold water and we'll rest it on her forehead but that's all"
He lies you down on the bed and kisses your forehead. He sits down beside you and waits for Steve to come back. In the meantime, you start to sniff more and more so your Daddy helps you sit down on the mattress. He takes a handkerchief and puts it on your nose. You blow your nose and then you finally feel like you're breathing again.
That until it's blocked again. You whine when you can't breath by your nose anymore "do you need some nose drop, little one ?" he asks sliding his fingers down your hair.
He knows you need it but he wants you to make him understand that it's what you want.
You look up at him and nod. He mutters a little 'okay' under his breath and reach in the nighstand for the nose drop he has in. Your Papa walks in the bedroom at the time you finish with it and you lie back down on the bed.
Your Daddy lies beside you and your Papa lies down on the bed too. He puts the cold towel against your forehead and kisses your nose "close your eyes, sweetheart. You'll feel better soon" he whispers
"But we hate to cudde in ze tars" you mumble and through the confusion of your Papa, you hear your Daddy laughing "what is she talking about ?" Steve asks confuse
"I promised her that if she came back inside, we would cuddle under the stars tonight" Bucky says chuckling. He turns toward you and sees you're already looking at him "but baby, it's still raining outside" he softly says "we will cuddle tomorrow, I promise"
"but you aweazy pomited" you say sniffing "I know, beautiful, I know" he sighs "but today we weren't sure because of the rain. remember what I said ?" he points "I said that if it was still raining tonight, we will have to do it another night"
"Mh" you say signing "otay" You didn't really have a choice
The stars are really beautiful tonight. It's not freezing and the ground is dry so it's not uncomfortable when you laid on it. You love the feelings of being between your Daddies. You feel so small and so happy, it's where you feel safe and you love that.
"it's beautiful baby, isn't it ?" your Daddy asks, admiring the sky. You nod, your eyes full of your own stars as you spend your evening with your two favorite people.
You turn your head toward your Daddy to see that he was already looking at you. You blush and turn back toward the sky making him chuckle. "are you cold, sweetie ?" your Papa asks from your other side
You shake your head, you're hot with the amaze feeling who's burning inside of you. It's the most beautiful sight you've ever seen.
And even if you're still sick, and even if you'll probably be more sick tomorrow, you would've never have missed this evening with your Daddies
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butwhyduh · 2 years
Hello! I absolutely adore your stories! ❤️💖 I was hoping you could write a funny batsis (who is the biological daughter of Batman and is between Dick and Jason in age) story about her getting caught in one morning (or whenever) doing some "bedsheet sparring" with like Conner Kent or someone with powers that shouldn't be in gotham without Batman's permission (lol) and her entire family are who catch her because it's her birthday or something and they came in to surprise her with breakfast! I think it would be hilarious!
Warning cuz it has smut lol
Batsis x Kon kent
Conner pulled you on his lap, setting the pace faster than your hips wanted to go, pulling a moan from your lips. He quickly swallowed it in a rough kiss. He could feel the way you were clenching tight around him, 4th time that night (technically morning) to be exact, that you were going cum soon.
“Oh Kon!” You whimpered while throwing your head back and clenching him tightly. Conner groaned and thrust up to find his own high. You rocked together in pleasure. He could hear your heart pounding in your chest and feel the sheen on sweat on your body that this was the last round. You were only human after all.
A loud rapping at the front door made you jump. You looked at Conner confused. Who was at your door at 6 in the morning? You grabbed your robe as you climbed off Conner.
Conner used his x Ray vision to look thru the door, “babe, that’s your-“
“My baby sister’s birthday!” Called Dick thru the door. “Open up!”
You froze and looked at Conner who was clearly debouched and oozing sex from every pore and you knew you didn’t look much better. You tried to smooth your hair down and you grabbed a wet paper towel to wipe at the streaked makeup from the night before that you’d been too busy to remove. You hadn’t gone to bed yet.
You and Conner had gone partying and hadn’t gotten home until past 2 am and you both had gone to bed but certainly not to sleep.
“Answer the door! I know you hear me!” Dick called.
“Maybe she doesn’t want her brothers to bother her,” Jason replied. Fuck, both of them??
“Maybe she was actually out partying all night and is dead asleep right now,” Tim added. That was when you knew that Conner was going to die that day. Your birthday. The windows on the small apartment were all on one side that were visible from the front door so no flying away.
He was hastily throwing on his pants and shirt before moving to your bedroom closet. You pulled it close while calling to your brothers, “just a minute!”
A final look in the mirror caused you to blanch at the sight of a fresh hickey on your collarbone that you hurried to cover with your robe. There was no way that wasn’t going to be visible today. Your heart pounded like you were tracking killer Croc when you opened the door.
Dick, Jason, and Tim were standing there with balloons, a box from a bakery, and a present bag.
“Hi,” you said. You suddenly realized how much water you needed. You were just lucky to not pull something with everything Conner had done to you.
“Woah sleep head,” Jason teased while handing you the cupcake box as he walked in. Dick and Tim followed.
“Well it is a little early,” you admitted. “Wha-what brings you here? Now?”
“We wanted to tell you happy birthday first,” Dick said and you huffed out a laugh with a nod.
“Right,” you said. “And you figured the crack of dawn was a good idea because…”
“Tim couldn’t sleep and you didn’t reply to his meme so we came down,” Jason finally answered.
“Seriously? You do know I’m a big girl that can take care of myself, right?” You replied with a huff. You sat on the arm of the couch as exhaustion finally hit. It made sense. You’d been up 27 hours straight, danced at clubs for hours, and then bed acrobats for half the night with your literal superhuman boyfriend. And when was the last time you had anything to drink.
“We know but it’s nice to see you without the whole family,” Dick added.
“Without Damian, bruce, and Alfred you mean?” You said.
“Maybe,” Tim shrugged. “Are you hungry? We can go get food? A waffle house?” He suggested. It did sound good but so did spooning with your boyfriend until midday.
“I don’t know. I’m a little tired,” you said and that was a hell of an understatement.
“We’re all tired. Get dressed. Get waffles. And then take a nap before Bruce’s party,” Jason said, tossing you your bag. You caught it but your robe dipped down your shoulder.
“What the hell?” Dick said. They all stared at the mark clearly visible before you yanked it up your shoulder.
“Who did that? Is that why you’re tired? Did we interrupt a booty call?” Jason asked.
“Ew, booty call?” Tim said to Jason who pointed at you and shrugged.
“No! No one did anything. It’s none of your business,” you stammered.
“Is he or she going to the party tonight?” Dick asked. “Are they in here?”
Your eyes widened involuntarily. “That’s none of your-“
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” Jason called as he and Tim started looking over the apartment.
“Stop them,” you begged Dick.
“They’re really here now? This whole time?” Dick asked.
“Jason, don’t!” You called as he went in your bedroom. Tim followed him and you ran after them. “Don’t!” You gasped just as he opened the closet door to show Conner Kent standing beside your shirts. His shirt was on backwards and he definitely looked like he recently had sex.
“You?” Jason said roughly with clear shock. Dick blinked and froze.
“Wow,” Tim added. “You’re gonna die today.”
“Stop it,” you said pushing Jason from the closet. He moved with your shove but he wasn’t the one you should have watched. Dick shoved Conner in the closet and punched him in his face before you could act.
“Dick!” You gasped in shock. Dick groaned and shook his hand but to his credit, Conner rubbed his lip where he was hit too.
“I’ll see you tonight,” Dick replied angrily to you. He stormed out of the room.
“Hey!” You called after him. You turned to Tim and Jason. “I don’t even know why he’s mad. I’m an adult.”
“That’s just being a big brother,” Jason said patting you on the shoulder. “Come on Tim. We’ll see her tonight. Happy birthday.”
“Bye,” Tim said with a little wave before both left.
“Kon,” you said, looking up at him feeling lost. He simply pulled you into a hug.
“Let’s take a nap and we’ll fix it when they aren’t as mad,” he suggested. You let him pull you to bed where you hugged him tight. He ran his hands along your back before you finally fell asleep.
You woke a few hours later with a strong arm wrapped around you and you could feel your body hot and sweaty. Your robe was still on. The events of the night flooded back in your memory. You groaned and leaned into Conner who hugged you and kissed your temple, half asleep.
“Morning,” he said in a sexy husky morning voice.
“Morning. I can’t go to this thing today. I’ll cancel dinner and say I’m sick,” you said. Conner sighed.
“And hurt Bruce’s feelings that his little girl doesn’t want him around on her birthday?”
“Crap. What do I do?”
“If I could suggest,” he said, sitting up on his elbows as you still laid on his chest. “Bring me as your date. You didn’t introduce me because of your brothers, right? Now that isn’t a problem anymore.”
“That’s…. A good idea, actually,” you said after a second.
“That would sound insulting if I didn’t know you,” he muttered as you hurried out of bed.
“Bring you as my date and then Dick can’t get mad because you’re my boyfriend, not some random guy. We won’t have to sneak around anymore; even though that’s fun. Dad never needs to know any details because the boys telling him would just be weird. Conner,” you said, cupping his face. “You’re a genius!” You kissed him with a grin.
“And yet, I feel like a pawn,” he muttered as you tossed him a dress shirt.
“We need a shower,” you said, ignoring his commentary.
“Together? I’m interested in that,” he replied causing you to roll your eyes.
“We were ‘together’ all night. As long as the shower doesn’t lead to anything else then fine,” you replied.
“I mean, I also just enjoy seeing you naked so there’s that,” he said with a shrug.
The dinner was far from small. Your birthday party was a great event to invite Wayne Enterprise investors and frequent private donors to your favorite charities. Bruce had decorated the ballroom in your favorite color and theme. It was beautiful and full of people in fancy dress.
Conner adjusted his tie. “Shouldn’t have worn this stupid tie. That guy isn’t wearing one,” he motioned towards a man in the crowd. Jason had already flipped Conner off from across the crowd and Dick ‘accidentally’ knocked his drink from his hand with his own bandaged hand.
“He’s publicity. Not a guest,” you said quietly with an eye roll while straightening the tie. “And you want to make a good impression to my father.”
“I’m already preparing to get my ass beat by Batman,” Conner muttered under his breath.
“No. It’ll be Bruce Wayne and if you don’t take the hit and break his hand, then Batman will beat your ass later,” you replied. “But none of that will happen if you act like a polite journalist from Kansas.”
“I have many reason to hate that cover but it’s fine for now. Oh god, here he comes,” Conner said, standing straight as Bruce walked thru the crowd.
“Sweetheart,” Bruce said warmly, giving you a hug. “Kent,” he added, looking at Conner suspiciously over your shoulder.
“Hi Mr Wayne,” Conner replied. Bruce glared at him.
“Why is he here?”
“Dad,” you chided. “Conner is here as my.. date,” you said with a nervous smile. You watched Bruce Wayne go thru every emotion a man could have in 30 seconds.
“I see,” Bruce replied coldly. Your heart froze.
Conner looked between you both.
“Kent. You better treat her well or I’ll put a boot so far up your ass, you’ll taste kryptonite,” Bruce said calmly before walking away to talk to another guest.
“I’m gonna die,” Conner whimpered. “I had to date Batman’s daughter and now I’m gonna die.”
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miss-shawdowsinger · 2 years
Soothing Darkness - Azriel X reader fanfic
Chapter three
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Summery: Training continues for Y/N which only gets more intense.
Warnings: swearing!
AN: Okay so this chapter is a bit of a filler but trust me it will pick up in the next one! A bit more cute Azriel moments in this one! I hope you enjoy, let me know what you think ❤️
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A knock at your front door had you waking up bolt upright. You don’t remember falling asleep at all but now the light shone through your open curtained window and you checked the clock in your room. 8:30am on the dot.
“Shit” you through the covers off you and jumped out of bed. Quickly, you pulled on your clothes and tied your hair back. The knocking continued and gradually got louder as you hurried to get ready. You were pulling on your boots when a figure suddenly appeared at your bedroom window. Screaming in shock, you fell backwards right on your ass.
“Ahh you are here” Cassian laughed at the sight of you struggling to get ready in a rush. “Sleep in?” his wings kept him in place in the sky outside your window, peering into your messy bedroom.
“I could have been naked” you yelled before shutting the curtains in his face. His laugh was loud enough that even as you headed downstairs you could still here it. Grabbing your jacket, you left the shop and locked the door behind you.
“You could have been naked, or you could have been hurt. How was I supposed to know?” he shrugged faking innocence as you made your way over to where he now stood.
“Either way you should have given it another minute before spying” you gave him a rude gesture.
“You are the one that’s late” he crossed his arms, defending his actions. “Come on sleepy head” he held out his hand and you took it begrudgingly.
Cassian was shocked but impressed to find that on this flight you didn’t shut your eyes as tight as you could and hide your face into his shoulder. Instead, you looked out towards the sun rising over the mountains and the colours it painted on the Sidra.
“Not so afraid today?” he drew your attention away from the city below.
“What? And miss the view?” you still clung tight to him as the house of wind drew closer. He chuckled slightly, not questioning the sudden change.
You were the last to arrive at the training rings and everyone were already warming up. “Where have you been?” Nesta raised her eyebrows as Cassian put you down. “9am sharp every morning is what you said” she narrowed her eyes at Cassian.
“Don’t blame me” Cassian held up his hand in defence. “I was on time but someone forgot to get out of bed this morning” he gestured to you as you cringed. A slight blush of embarrassment creeping into your cheeks as Nesta turned her attention to you.
“I’m sorry” you winced.
“So, she gets an apology and all I got was a….”Cassian mimicked the rude gesture you had given him earlier. Nesta couldn’t help but laugh at the gesture.
“It’s fine Y/N. I was more hoping it was him who was late, he gave me such stick for being two minutes late a couple months ago and thought I could get my own back” she patted you on the back before turning her attention back to Cassian. You took that as your que to leave and headed over to your group.
The three priestesses were already going through their warm-ups with Azriel close by. You made your way over and finally noticed the strain of your muscles, remanence of the training the day before. You had a slight limp as the muscles in your legs had seized up so much that bending your knees seemed impossible. The startled wakeup call hadn’t give you chance to notice just how stiff you were. Azriel spotted you as you approached the group, his eyes met yours but his face showed no sign of emotion again.
“Sorry I’m late” you mumbled your appologise as you joined the group. Azriel just nodded for you to join in without a word. Your heart clenched slightly but you quickly started the usual warm up routine, stretching off all your sore muscles and raising your heartbeat. If you were trying to prove you wanted to catch up with the others, sleeping in wasn’t the best way to start.
“Lets go over the basics” Azriel instructed the group after we were warmed up. The priestesses started off the stances and movements and you followed along. Each stance you did you remembered what Azriel had told you the day before.
Elbows up. Heels down. Thumb placement. You needed to prove that you did listen and did want to improve. Now more than ever.
Each movement you performed you remembered how he told you to breath and clear your mind. Although, your muscles ached they held in place. You managed to hold each movement, only wobbling a couple of times but correcting it quickly. Everything was clicking into place. You could have sworn you saw a slight tug on the corner of Azriel’s mouth as you locked eyes with him during one of the harder balancing exercises.
An hour had gone by and you hadn’t fallen over once. Determination to prove yourself was forcing you to keep going and improve. Your heart was pounding and your brow was sweating but your body was strong. The priestesses seemed to notice the change in you. They smiled towards you as you performed each movement as they did.
“Good” Azriel said to the group as you took a quick breather. His Hazel eyes met yours briefly and you beamed shyly at the small accomplishment. “We are going to move on to core strength today”.
You soon realised you had little to no core strength. Azriel had you all doing sit ups, planks and v-ups on repeat for the last hour of the session. You felt like you could collapse as your stomach clenched with each repetition. If you thought you were sweating before, this was a whole different level. The longest you could hold a plank was only 13 seconds and each rep after that seemed to get worse.
At least you weren’t alone this time. The priestesses seemed to all be equally as unfit as you. The cramping was almost unbearable as you began your cool down. Azriel left quickly afterwards with no word. He hadn’t spoken to you throughout the whole session, and you couldn’t understand the sinking feeling in your stomach because of it.
Just because he helped you yesterday doesn’t mean that you would have any special treatment. He would have done it for anyone who was in need of the extra practise.
The rest of the week carried on the same way. Training was now increasingly more intense as you moved onto muscle and core strengthening exercises, the shop had the odd customers through the afternoon, and you would fall asleep very quickly each night. You didn’t make the same mistake of sleeping in again though.
Azriel didn’t speak to you at all during the week. Instead, he went back to instructing the group as a whole. You pushed that out of your mind, concentrating on the new exercises he would demonstrate before attempting yourself and failing miserably. He made everything look so easy, not breaking a sweat as he effortlessly demonstrated what he expected from us. It was an effort not to stare as his muscles flexed under his shirt with each movement. He completed each movement so perfectly and gracefully that even the priestesses watched from the other groups across the ring.
Your day off arrived quickly and you found yourself asking to stay again to practise. Nesta had told you that you are more than welcome and to stop asking for permission, but you still thought it polite.
“Can I have your green beans if you’re not having them?” Gwyn gestured to Emerie’s finished plate as we sat having lunch before your extra practise.
“Take them” Emerie scraped the beans onto Gwyn’s plate. There was only the three of you and Nesta at lunch as Cassian had some important business again.
“Y/N, have you heard about the ball?” Gwyn asked between mouthfuls.
“What ball?” you asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Cassian and I are hosting a ball here in three weeks’ time. I say a ball it’s more like a little party with a few people from Velaris coming to celebrate just before winter solstice” Nesta swallowed her mouthful. “It would be great if you could come. I was going to ask you with a formal invitation but thanks to Gwyn….” She trailed off.
“I’ll have to think about it” you smiled. “I’d have to find something to wear if I did but thank you for the invitation” you knew you had absolutely nothing in your wardrobe that would be nice enough for a party at the house of wind. You definitely couldn’t afford anything new either.
“Oh, the invitation is just being nice” Emerie giggled. “You are coming. No excuses” she pointed her fork at you in a fake threat. The girls all nodded in agreement.
“If you don’t have anything to wear, I can lend you something or we can go on a shopping trip. All four of us” Nesta offered. The other girls smiled widely at the thought “I know a great shop in town that would have something perfect for you”.
“Will the other priestesses be there?” you tried to change subject before you were dragged into a shopping trip that you couldn’t afford.
“They have been invited but the likelihood of them leaving the library is slim” Gwyn shrugged. “Speaking of, I best get going” she stood from her place. You also stood to leave and said your goodbyes to the girls as you went back up to the training rings.
The rings were empty and quiet yet again as you began your stretches. You kept an eye on the door to the house just in case but after half an hour you gave up.
He’s not coming. Concentrate.
You threw yourself into the training, pushing yourself to do one more repetition of each movement before you relaxed. You had just finished a set of sit ups and collapsed, laying on the ground looking up into the sky. The cold Autumn breeze cooling the sweat from your brow. There were no clouds in the sky as you took deep soothing breaths.
You pushed yourself to sit up and look out over the view of the city down below. Gwyn, had spoken of a technique called mind stilling. A technique that the Valkyries used to calm their mind, even during battle. She had told you the steps and you had memorised them. Looking out over the city, you thought there was no better time then to try it now for the first time. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath.
Each step was clear in your mind as you ran through them. It was a lot harder than it sounded, closing your mind to everything surrounding you. Your mind kept on wondering as you tried for what felt like a lifetime.
Clear your mind.
What would I wear to the ball?
Stop. Clear your mind.
Maybe if I used vanilla it would make the buns tase nicer.
“Useless” you grunted as you opened your eyes. You would sooner fall asleep then succeed at mind stilling. With a frustrated huff you stood from your seat and turned to begin training on your body again.
“Not easy is it” Azriel smirked as you came face to face with him. You jumped and swore at the male a couple feet in front of you.
“Do you make it a habit of sneaking up on people?” you held a hand over your heart, trying to steady it from the shock.
“That is my job” he scratched his head as he entered the training ring, shadows curling round his neck and hands. “Here again?” he came to stand before you.
“Today is my day off, I thought it was better spending my time being productive” you shrugged.
“How’s that working out for you?” his lips twitched as he looked you up and down.
“Fine” you lied.
“Looks it” he laughed as you let out a frustrated huff. You had been working for over an hour on mind stilling and now your mind was as tired as the rest of your body.
“I’m finished anyway, I’ll get out of your way” you strode by him, not daring to look at him but his hand reached out and caught your wrist before you could walk away. You instantly stopped and turned to look at his scarred hand caressing your small wrist. His hands were soft against your bare skin which sent a warm sensation up your entire arm. You looked up to find Azriel’s soft eyes on his own hand before turning his gaze to you. You could almost see his shoulders relax as you didn’t pull away from him, you didn’t shy from the touch of his scared hands on you.
He instantly let go of you. “I’m sorry” he cleared his throat. “I’m not chasing you out, if you want to stay please do”.
“I didn’t think you were. I’m just tired and frustrated” you half smiled. “But thank you” you carried on walking to the water station. You poured yourself a glass of water, drinking it in one breath.
“How are you getting back?” Azriel called after you, coming to your side yet again as you poured another glass.
“Ten thousand steps doesn’t seem too bad” you raised an eyebrow.
“Trust me, it is” he cringed slightly and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Cassian offered to take me once he got back” Azriel nodded with a hummed response. His shadows curled around him yet again. “Can I ask you a question?” you stared at the shadows surrounding the Illyrian. They floated silently over his wings and across his chest.
“Of course” his jaw tightened slightly waiting.
“They call you the Shadowsinger” you paused gaging his response before continuing. He raised an eyebrow but didn’t show any offence, so you asked “What does that mean?”.
“No one other than Rhys and Cassian have ever asked me that before” his face was unreadable as his eyes connected with yours. “and if I tell you, I’d have to kill you” his face remained stern. Your heart began beating faster as your breath hitched and you took a small step away from him. His lip quivered slightly before he laughed.
You stared at him unblinking for a second before realisation hit you. He was messing with you. “That’s not funny” you scolded at the male but his laugh was contagious and you soon joined in.
“I’m sorry” he controlled his laughter. “There isn’t a lot I can tell you but there is something I can show you” he came closer to you. “But you’ll have to trust me” he held out his hand. You looked at his outstretched hand and then at the male in front of you. His black hair sat lazily over his forehead, his hazel eyes soft as they stared into yours, waiting for your response.
The first time Azriel had asked you to trust him, it had taken your breath away. Opening your eyes to the world below for the first time. He had a small smile as you placed your hand softly in his. He effortlessly picked you up and flew up into the air.
Once you were about one hundred feet above the house his voice broke through the wind. “Whatever you do, don’t let go of me” he scanned your face as you nodded in response. Darkness encircled the both of you. Not darkness like night but darkness like shadows. They engulfed you whole, but you stayed holding on to Azriel. His hands still held you in place against his body.
The darkness wasn’t cold as you imagined it to be. It was like a warm caress, comforting as it blanketed the two of you. It kept surrounding you until no daylight broke through at all, just dark. The only presence was Azriel. You could no longer see him but you could still feel his arms around you. It didn’t scare you, you didn’t tense or shy away. This was Azriel and he asked you to trust him.
You were nothing but shadows for a split second and then the light pierced through the black. The shadows coiled back into nothing, seeming to fold back into Azriel. Your eyes adjusted to the light and you were still in Azriel’s arms. But Azriel was stood on a cobbled street. You quickly looked around to find you were outside the bakery.
“You can winnow?” you asked, gawking at how you had been in one place and then the next second you were somewhere else.
“Not exactly” He placed you down softly. “I can move through shadows” you released your grip around his neck.
“It’s a lot quicker then flying. Why didn’t you just do that last week?” you tutted as you rummaged for your keys.
“I wanted to help you overcome your fear of flying” he crossed his arms over his chest. You rolled your eyes at him but thanked him anyway. “I hear it worked” you quickly looked at his half smug smile.
“It may have done” you narrowed your eyes at him. “So, you and Cassian have been talking about me behind my back now?” you questioned. Instantly your mind flooded with everything they could have been talking about. How useless you had been so far.
“We talk about everyone we teach” he tilted his head seemingly reading your thoughts. “How everyone is progressing” he clarified. It did little for your mind, but you shook it off.
“Great” you sighed finally freeing your keys from your trouser pockets.
“You are progressing more than you think, Y/N” Azriel’s deep voice reverberated through you. That was the first time he had called you by your name. It sent your body tingling. You were beginning to think he may have forgotten it, but it sounded so sweet on his lips.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” was all you managed to say as you unlocked the door and stepped inside “Thank you for brining me back again” you smiled at him. He looked as if he was about to say something as his mouth opened. But he seemed to change his mind and instead bowed his head as you closed the door behind you.
Idiot. I’ll see you tomorrow. Is that all you could say?
The next two weeks went by exactly the same as the previous two. Each day at training Cassian would pick you up at 8:30am on the dot. Training was progressively getting harder but you began to notice small changes in your body. Muscles began to grow where you’d never had it before. Your legs and arms were stronger and you found your body didn’t ache as badly between sessions.
Azriel only addressed the group as a whole. He never spoke to you individually. You tried to ignore it, tried to understand that there must be a reason behind it. So, you didn’t question it and decided to ignore him too. Other than the instructions you followed, you pretended he wasn’t even there.
By the time it got to your days off, Azriel already waited in the training ring in the afternoons. He helped you run through everything that you had struggled with that week. The two of you making small talk before he took you back home.
You were grateful for the extra help that he offered you. Allowing you to understand your body and even your mind on a better level. You also began to enjoy his company rather then be intimidated by it, and you think he felt the same. During normal sessions his face was unreadable, a mask of no emotions. Only his shadows circling round him, keeping him hidden. But when it was just the two of you he smiled, answered questions and asked them in return. It made your heart warm each time you were able to make him laugh.
Surprisingly he had a wicked sense of humour. He managed to have you scowling or unable to breath through fits of giggles. It was quick how easily it became for you to be in his company. He dropped you off at the end of another day full of training. Each time he dropped you off you would offer him food or a drink but her would always have somewhere else to be. You didn’t let it bother you as you had already spent the majority of the day with him. He didn’t ‘winnow’ you back again though. He would fly over the city and you would soak up the landscape, each time finding something new to look at.
He bowed his head and took his leave as you entered the shop. As you closed the door you noticed a small envelope. You picked it up and opened it carefully.
'Dear Y/N,
Nesta and I were speaking about our shopping trip for the ball at the end of this week. We plan to go tomorrow.
We will pick you up at 2pm after training so don’t make plans.
You stared at the note and sighed as you had hoped that they had forgotten about the shopping trip. You hadn’t even fully accepted the invitation to the ball itself. Not that you had much choice in the matter. But how could you afford it? You went to the small safe you had in your apartment and looked at your spare funds. It was a meek pile of money but you took a deep breath and took a small amount from your savings.
It’ll be fun. You told yourself, justifying the cost. You had never been to a ball or a party. At least there will be people you know there. People you could now call your friends. If worse comes to worse, you can always leave early – you told yourself. One thing was for certain. You hoped there wasn’t any dancing, you had never been taught how to dance and it was a one-way ticket to embarrassing yourself.
Chapter 4
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Lee dutton
Reader and Lee are dancing in the middle of the feild one night and get caught by Mr Dutton " marry that woman already son " mr Dutton said
" working on it dad " Lee said
Marriage in Our Future
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I squealed like a child even though I am an adult as my childhood best friend chased after me in the middle of a field in the complete darkness. The only light was given from the moon shinning above our heads. I stopped trying to catch my breath until I screamed getting tackled to the ground by Lee himself. We rolled a few times until I was on my back and he was hovering above me. His dark brown cowboy somewhere else but we just grinned up at each other not a care in the world until we heard someone call out. "Marry that girl already, son!" Lifting my head up I looked around frantically until I heard a horse halt seeing his father John riding a horse pointing a flashlight at us smiling.
I felt my cheeks heat up a little at our current position. This wasn't the first time we would come out here and act like wild animals. When his mother Evelyn was still alive she would always have to come find us five minutes after she put us to bed during a sleepover. Only to find us out here since we snuck on his bedroom window. Lee ran a hand through his hair glancing down to me with a slight smirk on his face. "I'm workin' on it, dad...it needs to be special." John nodded turning his horse back towards the main house waving us to come on. "Well I'd like to have some more grandkids besides Tate. So could you make her a Dutton please. Now come on before the coyotes get ya." Lee pulled me to my feet and we both climbed on his horse following after his father.
John had went off to bed for the night where I leaned back in the porch swing just watching the stars. Lee comes back handing me a cup of hot chocolate with a smile sitting down beside me. Laying my head on his shoulder I threw out an idea in the air to him. "Lee if we ever had a girl I was thinking we could name her after your mom. What do you think?" Lifting my head up to meet his gaze I could see some tears forming at the mention of her name then he leans down capturing my lips with his softly. I kissed back smiling into the kiss until he broke it resting his forehead against mine. "That's a great idea. Dad will love it-" Suddenly we both jumped throwing our drinks in the air seeing Beth banging her fists on the window at us. "You know what we would all love for you two to get married already!" Lee and I slowly stared at each other before we couldn't stop cracking up in laughter where he draped an arm over my shoulder kissing my forehead watching the stars above.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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inafieldofdaisies · 10 months
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @adelaidedrubman ❤️
"Nothing like little arson to make a point." won the last WIP poll game, so I'm dropping the sentences for it below.
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"Ah, bud, I kinda wish my old man was here.", Calahan grunted out into the night air, sending a quick glance in Zorro's direction and finding him sniffing at something in the overgrown grass, "We used to joke about catching Ragnar before-" Just as a fish finally bit, the tranquility ruling over the small boat ramp dispersed with the appearance of a pair of headlight, accompanied by shouts and all-too-familiar pleas for help. "For fuck's sake, you fucking Peggies. We have company, Zorro.", he quickly got up, swapping the fishing rod for his gun and turning in the direction of the distressed calls. After putting a bullet or two between the eyes of unlucky cultists and cutting lose the group of kidnapped civilians that were chosen for a midnight Cleansing, he found himself gathering his things as his mood only soared by the idea another one of his favorite fishing spots was about to be polluted with Bliss and that maybe, just maybe he had finally hooked Ragnar. "Let's go, son.", he called for Zorro as he deposited his gear in the back of his truck, an idea carrying a promise of destruction forming while he helped him into the passenger seat, "It's about time I send Johnny a message he'd understand clearly, especially since he ain't taking the hint from my notes." The road ahead of them was for once empty when Hartley set out towards Fall's End and neither the cool air or the cigarette he had lit up helped dispel the anger bubbling inside him. Goddamn John Seed, why should I have peace for even one night, while you're sleeping in your fancy ranch and probably dreaming of Gray givin' ya some?! Tires screeched as he came to a stop in front of the Spread Eagle and jumped out, pushing his way in and coming face to face with a confused Mary May. "What in the hell, Rookie?", she asked in disbelief when he vaulted over the bar and grabbed the first bottle of booze he could, her complaints dying down the moment his lips found hers and he stole a kiss before heading back out. "Cal, where are you going?", she followed close behind him and into Gus' abandoned garage, heated gaze falling on him as he grabbed two jerrycans, "Calahan." He ignored her appeals, dropping off the gas cans in his trunk while his mind ran over the plan that was bound to result in John having a guaranteed shitty night. "You gonna give me an answer, or just steal my liquor and drive off?", Mary May probed again and rested her hands against the rolled down window, examining Calahan as he leaned back in the driver seat with an expression that screamed trouble. His lips twisted in a devilish smile when his baby blues met hers, "It's time to say 'No', Angel, and what a better way to do it than getting rid of that goddamn ugly sign?" "Give me a second.", she instructed sternly, breezing into her bar before he could argue how taking her along would be a bad idea and put her in unnecessary danger. A tired sigh left him as his gaze moved over to Zorro, "She truly is the one, ain't she, buddy."
Tagging, @chazz-anova @jillvalentinesday @poisonedtruth @madparadoxum @strafethesesinners @josephseedismyfather @g0dspeeed @florbelles @clicheantagonist @strangefable @corvosattano @euryalex @josephslittledeputy @voidika @trench-rot @theelderhazelnut @aceghosts @socially-awkward-skeleton @black-dragon-posting @simplegenius042 @direwombat @nightbloodbix @cassietrn @stacispratt @v0idbuggy @thesingularityseries @purplehairsecretlair and anyone that would like to do the tag ❤️
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mercurygray · 1 year
from the holiday prompt list: midnight and molly (and a side of tab perhaps?) it seems only right i put in my first request since declaring my new fav (sorry, eileen, i still love you) ❤️
Issie, thank you so much for this prompt, as it gave me an excuse to do something I've been meaning to do for a little bit here - a new AU! The War Ended And We Went Home To Other People. (Sadly, however, Floyd does not feature. I think you'll like the new guy, though.)
He would be glad to see the end of 1945.
Andy Haldane had been just this side of alive on New Year's Eve of 1944, doped up on more morphine than a human ought to admit to, but he was alive, if only just. He'd spent most of this year slowly climbing back out of the well of the war, out of this hospital and that rehabilitation ward, slowly moving eastward until his mother and father could come and visit on Sundays, take a walk with him around the garden.
He was ashamed of those Sundays. There wasn't a whole lot left of the son they'd sent to war now - the darling of the gridiron and the college dorm was happy enough to be shuffling along on crutches most days, and counted it a good day if he didn't have to take a nap after lunch. How he'd worked, before the war! His parents had saved so hard to get him to Bowdoin - first in his family to take a degree, to have their picture in the paper. A man who was going to go places, that's what he was - until that sniper made his position on the ridge.
He could remember where he was when they said the war was over - VE day and VJ both. Different hospitals, on different coasts. He couldn't get out of bed on VE day - some of the others jumped out of beds and ran down halls, throwing things out of windows and banging thier bedpans, just to make a racket. VJ day he'd been here, in Boston, with a lot of army types who'd been flown in from Europe to convalesce. It wasn't their war, and somehow that meant it mattered just a little less.
Some of those men were gone now, replaced with different faces and different voices. Different nurses, now, too, different volunteers on the wards. The young USO wives were mostly gone, to houses in the suburbs and returning husbands, probably, and in their place were mothers whose sons had not come home, trying to atone by mothering boys whose own mothers were too busy to come.
Which made her stand out in more ways that one. Young, for starters, but without that innocence that the young wives had all shared, the perfect nylons and dainty handbags and ladies home journal magazine cookies. She came in slacks, some days, with a bookbag that always seemed to be full of journals and notes, but useful things, too - the racing papers and the sports pages and comic books. Jokes, too, in the free and easy way of a girl who has had brothers. "Hey, Mahoney," someone or other would call, and she'd catch for the ball or lob the greeting back, delivering letters and newspapers and news of the world. She was a student, over at the college - a doctoral thesis on something historical. She didn't talk about it much with them - but never looked down on the guys who'd barely finished eighth grade and stumbled through reading the funny pages, either.
Andy wondered, a lot, about why she volunteered - but one day, when the weather had turned colder he watched her pull a fatigue jacket out of her bag and realized she was missing the war because she'd been in it herself.
"You're a woman of a lot of surprises, Miss Mahoney," he said, nodding to the jacket and the faded stripes on her sleeve. "Or was it Sergeant?"
"You sure it isn't my boyfriend's?" She asked, a slight edge to her voice, the syllables wrapped cautiously around the handle of a knife like she might have to slash out with it. How many people had made that accusation before?
"It fits you like you broke it in," he said, and meant it. He'd never had clothes that fit better than the dungarees he'd worn on the canal, sleeping day in and day out in them until the elbows and knees were just so. That was her jacket, lived and suffered in, and anyone who'd worn OD would know it to see it.
She nodded, smiling, and he looked closer, at the patches on the shoulder, the darns and repairs on the collar. "You were a paratrooper." That experimental outfit everyone talked about - with that famous woman. Jean? Jane? He couldn't remember the name.
She nodded. "506th Regiment - Company E. Two combat jumps, one purple heart, three campaign ribbons, combat infantry badge, expert marksman."
As decorations went it was quite a list. "Why did you never say? None of those guys in there know."
She scoffed. "We had a joke, in my unit. How will they know which company we are? Because the girls are Easy." She looked down at her hands, swallowed nervously. "It hit different when you were in a room full of people who knew you. Here, back home, I'm just…someone who didn't know her place - borrowed some other guy's chance at glory." She tried to smile. "Still miss it, though. That's why I come. Here I'm…the kid sister, or the girl down the street. No one questions how I know what I know, and I can…give back, a little. For the guys who didn't make it home."
"I'd like to hear about it, sometime. If you feel like talking."
She nodded, in the way that said she'd think about it, and he let he matter rest. The next week she brought bear claws from a bakery down the street, big and sweet and messy, and they sat in the courtyard eating them and getting thier fingers stuck to flimsy paper napkins. She told him about her brother, a navy man who'd died at Pearl Harbor, and leaving college so she could join the WAC. He talked about Bowdoin, and Parris Island. She talked about the guy she'd had some hopes with, and the news that he'd married a woman in England, that they were having a baby, and he found himself itching to fight. They both talked about food, about boats and being sick as dogs, about being cold and wet and scared. Andy found himself naming names he hadn't said aloud in a long time, stories that were still somehow funny even if they were also sad.
He asked his mother to bring stationary, on her next Sunday visit, to write to Ed's family, and find out what happened to Burgin and Sledge. "Who are you writing to?" she asked, looking hopeful. "A girl?" When he said no, her face fell a little. "You had a look in your eye, is all. Hadn't seen that there for a while."
Well, I'm not writing to her, he wanted to say. But there is a girl. A woman? A someone. Wishful thinking, though. She could do better than a broken down old Marine.
But new years were for new beginnings, weren't they? And he needed all the help he could get. So, here he was, a few minutes to midnight and ready to bid farewell to 1945. The crutches were mostly gone, now, and he did pretty well with his cane. He'd actually taken the time to get dressed for this one - no pajamas and robe for him, no sir. He found her in the dayroom over by the record player, keeping an eye on things while the candy stripers danced patiently with men who were still learning the use of their prosthesis, or braces, or what have you. And she didn't shoo him away, either - glad for the company, or the excuse to keep turning down dances she didn't want to do.
When the clock struck midnight he turned to look - she looked ashamed, almost, like she didn't want to expect anything, awkward in a room full of kissing couples and falling confetti and stray balloons and Guy Lombardo on the radio. "Molly," he said, and when she turned to look at him he kissed her, his nose bumping her own. She'd taken some pains with her hair and it hung in soft honey ringlets around her face, her skin soft with some scent he couldn't name.
For a moment neither of them spoke. "Sorry," he offered, practically shouting to be heard above the noisemakers. "It's been a while since I kissed a pretty girl, I'm a little out of practice."
She was blushing a little, but she didn't look angry, either. That was something, wasn't it? "No apology needed, Captain."
"Molly, it's Andy." You know it's Andy. It's been Andy for weeks now.
She smiled. "Andy. Happy New Year."
He decided to go further. "Maybe another for good luck?"
She rolled her eyes and smiled wider, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Oh, go on then."
He decided 1946 could stay, if it liked.
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Hello! It’s Winter! I wanted to bring Didier back! And Nemo!!
Watching Them
“I’m so sorry,” Brigitte laughed, “he must really need to go.”
Nemo continuously circled at her feet, a clear indication that he wasn’t playing around. Moments before, he had pushed open the office door with his nose, interrupting her meeting.
“By all means, go ahead. We can take him on a walk around the palace. I’ve seen what happens when he doesn’t go out,” Didier joked, referring to the infamous fireplace incident.
Allowing Nemo to lead the way, the two of them quickly followed the impatient dog through the corridors.
“That’s enough for today,” Emmanuel stood up from behind his desk, gesturing to his staff to leave the room.
Through the opened windows of the palace, Nemo’s sweet bark filled the atmosphere. Emmanuel turned to the glass, anxious to catch a glimpse of his beloved dog.
Instead, he saw something that disturbed him.
“Mr. President.”
Someone was desperately vying for his attention. “Sir!”
“What?” He turned his head ever-so slightly, never taking his eyes off Brigitte and Didier, who were casually scrolling around like lovers.
“I asked if you needed anything,” the staff member repeated his question for the 3rd time.
“No, I’m fine. Go.” Emmanuel waved him off, focusing his attention below. He felt a pit in his stomach as Nemo ran to Didier, playfully jumping at the soccer star so he could throw the toy ball.
Suddenly, he saw his wife trip over their hyper dog, screeching as she fell to the ground. In one quick motion, he watched Didier bend down on one knee to straighten her black Louis Vuitton stiletto, guiding her bare foot back into the expensive shoe.
Emmanuel wasn’t a possessive man, he understood his wife had male friends, but there was no question about it - he was jealous.
He continued to watch the scene below, not able to turn his head away in case he missed something.
When Didier and Nemo ran ahead, Brigitte was left trailing behind. He kept a watchful eye on his wife until the vibration from his cell phone snapped him back to the present. Pulling his iPhone out of his pocket, he read the text:
“I know you’re watching me. You have nothing to worry about. 💜. I love you.”
With a bright smile, he typed back: “I love you too. Nemo needs to pick better friends though. How’s your ankle?”
“It’s fine! As for Nemo, don’t kick him out of our bed tonight. He doesn’t know any better.” Brigitte continued to type. “He wants attention from everyone.”
“Well, he can’t stay all night. He shouldn’t see the dirty things I have planned for his mama.”
Emmanuel’s heart leaped out of his chest when he saw Brigitte’s reaction to his text. When they finally made eye contact, her eyes told him everything he already knew.
In response, he blew his wife a kiss and sent one final message: Keep your legs together, I know you’re soaked already. 😉
Helloo Winter! ❤️
And hellooo Didier and jealous Manu hahaha
Didier playing with Nemo and Emmanuel and Brigitte (kinda of) sexting each other hahahaha how not to love it 😂
Thank you so much, Winter! ❤️❤️❤️
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Hi, I would like to place an order, if it's not inconvenient, of course. These days I was sleeping and I felt something moving in my heel, I took off the sheet and there was a scorpion, I screamed my shit out of fright and fear. Soooo, how would our dear ones react with y/n screaming and having a scorpion near their foot. Please include zora in this, don't do any of this if you don't feel comfortable, kissing😚😚 (Your writing is perfect, please don't ever stop) I love you ❤️
Hello bby!! Aww, I love you toooo!! *big hugs*
And excuse me you're so cute, you placed an order. HAHA! Okay your order is coming right up~
Zora | Fuegoleon | Nozel x f! reader
TW: scorpion, profanities
Zora Ideale
"Stop it." you mumbled, half asleep.
"Stop stroking your hair?" Zora was confused.
"No, stop tickling my feet."
"I ain't tickling your feet babe?" his voice didn't sound like he was lying.
You pulled open the covers to see what was tickling you.
Your hurling scream sent Zora jolting up right, "Fuck!!"
He stared at the scorpion at your feet, "geez babe, I thought you saw a ghost or something.."
"Honey, I could have died!" you glared at him for his nonchalant attitude.
"Sweetheart," his eyebrows raised innocently at your hostility, "this scorpion will not kill you. Only a bark scorpion will."
He proceeded to catch the scorpion with his magic and tossed it out the window.
You heaved a sigh of relief as Zora held onto your hands, kissing your knuckles gently. "All gone now, sweets. Nothing to be scared of anymore~"
He pulled you into his arm, and with his gentle mumbles of sweet nothings, Zora certainly knew his way to calm you down.
You were fast asleep before you even knew it.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
"Ahhhh!!!" Your shrieks and screams had Fuegoleon come running into your shared room. He was finishing up some last minute paper work before you both prepared for bed.
"What is it love?!" there was panic in his low voice as he saw you curled in the corner of your bed.
"Scorpion! Scorpion!!" you pointed at the end of the bed.
Fuego had to take a step closer to see the tiny scorpion standing at the corner of your shared bed.
"Burn it Fue!!!" your face was as pale as a sheet of paper.
"No love," he proceed to find a cup to try to scoop up the scorpion to set it free.
"Fue, I swear if you trigger it to run and towards my direction, I will jump out the window." You warned your man.
"It's a baby scorpion, love. Don't have to be afraid~"
Salamander walked into the room, hearing all the commotion.
"Sal, there there!!" you pointed to the end of your bed.
"NO SALAMANDER N-" Fuego tried to catch Salamander.
Too late, salamander ate the little thing for midnight snack.
"Honey!!" he furrowed his brows at you as you smiled at salamander.
"Best boy, sal~"
Nozel Silva
Your scream made him jump in his seat as his head whipped around to look at you.
Initially, he was really worried that something had happened, but when he saw that it was a mere harmless (well kinda) scorpion, he raised an eyebrow at you.
"Screaming like that at midnight is very unbecoming of a royal, y/n."
"oh?" you rolled your eyes, "you royals have appropriate times to scream now?"
"No, I meant that you are disturbing everyone's rest, and that is very inconsiderate." your husband said as-a-matter-of-factly.
"Are you going to help me get rid of that thing, or is that also unbecoming of a royal?" you glared at him.
Nozel sighed, but he stood up from his seat nevertheless. At the end of the day, you were his wife and it was indeed a husband's duty to protect her from whatever small dangers she was exposed to.
He wrapped the blanket up, trapping the scorpion inside and he brought the entire duvet out.
He came back in with a brand new duvet.
"Did you just-"
"Yes. I threw the entire thing away. It's too much of a hassle." he simply said as he covered the brand new blanket over you.
Just Nozel flexin his rich ass, don't mind him.
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reddye23 · 3 years
Super irresponsible but can you imagine giving him a road head!! Like maybe its just a road trip or you are going up to his mom’s house but you are on that time of the month you cant get enough of him so you get all yo can take while you can before getting stuck in a house with his family, and at some point his hand slides down your back to your bottom perked in the air so her can finger your but he feels the jewel end plug in your ass that he didn’t knew you had on and start slowly pulling it in and out until he pulls of a side road and telling you to get to the back seat
Hi there! Thank you so much for sending in this request! I changed it up a wee bit...but hope you’ll enjoy it! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - m
The trip from London to Holmes Chapel isn't that long, but it feels like it's taking forever. You're antsy and unfocused. Harry is singing along to the radio and while you normally love to hear him sing, you can't really give his voice the attention it deserves. You'll be in HC for 4 days and it will be wonderful to see Anne and Gemma again and you know Harry is dying to see his mum after so long apart, but that's 4 WHOLE DAYS that you won't get to be with him the way you'd like and right now, you need it. You always get needy right after your period and you're craving his hands on you. It's literally all you can think about. He notices your knee bobbing up and down, but he figures you're just ready to be out of the car. He knows road trips aren't really your thing. He's finally cleared the London traffic and can relax a bit. His hand falls from the steering wheel to your thigh and you jump at the touch of his very warm hand. "Y'ok there?" He asks, chanching a look at you quickly. He smiles trying to lighten the tension in the car that he doesn't know is there. You shake your head no. "Wha's wrong love?" He asks, fingers slowly massaging your inner thigh and you feel like you're on fire. His brow is creased and he's trying to pay attention to you and watch the road too. You unclip your seatbelt and roll the window down a little bit, trying to get some fresh air to calm your burning skin. Then you move as close to him as you can and you start kissing the side of his face and down his neck, your fingers moving over the soft fabric of his t-shirt. He indulges you for a few minutes but when your hand snakes down his stomach to ruck up the hem of his t-shirt and find it's way to his bare skin, he can't take it anymore. "Love, really can't do this righ' now. I'm driving, aren't I?" He kisses your forehead. You whimper. He moves his arm so that it's around your shoulders and pulls you to him. "S'ok, love. You're ok." You look up at him then and he glances down at you quickly, catching your eye. He can see the tears of frustration in your eyes but he doesn't know what's gotten you so worked up. He moves his vision back to the road but gasps when he feels your hand slide over the front of his jeans. "Harry, pull over. Need you so bad." Your fingers are working the button and zipper of his jeans and he groans as your fingers wrap around his shaft. Your lips are on his neck again as your hand works up and down his cock. "Please pull over. I need my mouth on you now." He groans loudly. "Jesus, love. Righ' now?" "Now," as you lick a stripe up his neck. "Shit. Hold on. Lemme find a place. Shit." His eyes are searching for someplace to secluded to pull over. The thought of getting caught is exciting but also terrifying. Your hand is still slowly jerking him and it's all he can do to keep his eyes open and the fucking car in the middle of the road. He finally spots a gravel path next to a field with (he hopes) enough trees to keep this situation a secret. As soon as the car stops, he unlicks his seat belt and pulls your face to his for a frantic kiss. Your hand tightens around his cock and he pulls away from your lips. "Alrigh'. Ya got me here, didn't ya? Trying to get us killed so ya could get ya mouth on me." He pushes the button to make his seat go back and recline and pushes his jeans down past his hips. "Go on then." You smile and move up until your on your knees and lean over him, making eye contact as you take him in your mouth. You both moan out at the feeling. You start bobbing your head up and down on him quickly and he's a mess above you. "Shit. Gettin' righ' to it, huh?" You moan around him, the vibrations causing him to squeeze his eyes closed. His hand is on your back, rubbing up and down and when he feels your hand reaching under and caressing his balls, he sputters out a loud fuck as his hand drifts down to the material on your bum.
He greedily pulls up the cotton material of your dress, so he can grab onto your cheeks. His fingers dig in as you continue to suck the life out of him and then he feels something metal. His fingers dance over the metal and he lets out an animilistic groan. He didn't know you were wearing THAT. If you could smile right now, you would. You know he crazy it makes him when you wear the plug with the gold H at the end. You moan around him even harder when his fingers slow turn the plug. When he starts pulling it in and out, it makes you lose your focus and he pops out of your mouth with a wet pop, breathing hard. You move your head to look up at him, biting your lip. "My naughty girl. Didn't know ya were wearing your plug. Get in the backseat."
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It takes two - Leo x Isabella
A little fluffy Drabble for a Friday ❤️
Tag list: @lorirwritesfanfic @drakewalkerfantasy @itslaniquelove @kimmiedoo5 @rafasgirl23415 @rainbowsinthestorm @lorircreates @texaskitten30
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Isabella rolled her eyes to the point it began to give her a headache, “Leo…” she groaned as he kept putting his arm out as they came to a stop sign or when he had to brake, “You seriously don’t need to…” she pouted but Leo’s brow furrowed, “It’s important!” he momentarily turned his head to meet her gaze, his sea green eyes flickering with excitement, “You’re carrying our kid beautiful… you’re lucky I don’t have you wrapped in cotton wool!” Leo was always protective of Isabella but recently it was becoming overkill as she reached out to squeeze his arm.
“Mi amor…” Isabella sighed heavily, “I can sit safely in a car…” but all the former Crown Prince could do was shake his head, “Only the best for my kitten… I just don’t…” he held out his arm again, braking hard as someone cut him off, “…fucking trust these assholes!” before pressing down onto the horn, gesticulating with his hand a rude sign to the driver in front. “Hey!” the petite brunette protested, not wanting to draw attention to them but Leo didn’t care, patting her slightly rounded stomach, “We’ve got something special going on in there… so the next time someone cuts me off…” the sandy haired Cordonian grinned, “I’m gonna find them afterwards and run them over!”
Arriving at the doctors office, Leo jumped out of the car immediately to open Isabella’s door, her dark chocolate brown eyes narrowing, “I can still open a door, I’m pregnant not incapable…” the Laurentian Queen sucked in her cheeks as her husband laughed off her annoyance as he ran forward to catch the door from closing to the building, “Hey…” Leo smiled at the stranger in front of him, “Thanks!” as he held the door. “Nonsense…” his voice lowered sweetly, “I’d do anything for you…” Isabella pressed her index finger against her temple, gently moving in slow circles. She knew Leo was excited but it was overkill. “Hello…” he calmly walked to the reception area, “Isabella Sánchez-Rys to see Dr. Castellano…” he began to beam happily as the secretary asked what was the reason for the appointment. He continued excitedly, “We’re having a baby…”
“How far along?” The older lady asked without looking up at the 6’3” King of her Kingdom but as Isabella walked past her, skin pallor and tired, the Laurentian Queen roughly barked “three months…” She knew he couldn’t enjoy the first six months of her first pregnancy because of his Social Season, so now Leo was making up for lost time. His eagerness was a complete 180 to the Laurentian beauty’s nausea: Isabella swore blind it was Leo’s enthusiasm that was making her feel worse but he just laughed it off each time she complained. The newly crowned King of Laurentia was on cloud nine and insisted that he not miss one moment, “…but kitten…” he kept reminding her, “…you keep telling me it takes two for a baby so it takes two for the prep work…” and each time Isabella winced or felt nauseous, Leo was ready to call the obstetrician. “For the last time Leo…” the petite brunette growled from the bathroom most days as he ran to get his phone, “I’m fine, it’s only morning….!” having to remind him, this wasn’t her first rodeo.
“Your Majesty…” the Doctor opened the door with a smile. Isabella and Leo stood, but the petite brunette looked up at her husband sharply, “I’ll be five minutes ok? If I need you, I’ll call you…” The sandy haired Cordonian sat back down feeling slightly defeated, sheepishly looking around as he clasped his hands together nervously. Leo’s leg shook, each second felt like an eternity, his eyes fixated on the door watching carefully until it opened again. His hopes were lifted as he saw the handle pull down but it was only a nurse leaving the room with a chart. Trying to take his mind off of the door, Leo stared out the window hoping that it would calm his nerves, “Your Majesty?” He thought he heard something but ignored the sound, “Your Majesty…” Leo jumping as he felt someone place their hand onto his shoulder.
A young internist smiled warmly towards him, “Could you come with me please?” as she escorted him to Dr. Castellano’s office. “Your Majesty…” the Doctor extended his hand with a smile, “Congratulations!” Leo happily accepted the doctors hand before he sat down beside his wife who currently was lay down on a bed, her stomach exposed and Leo reached out, intertwining Isabella’ fingers with his own. As the doctor moved the probe from left to right, Leo’s sea green eyes lit up immediately as he saw the shape beginning to form, the soft beating of the baby’s heart made him smile as he looked down at his petite wife, “You’re amazing…” he sighed contently. “All looks great…” the Doctor interrupted, removing his gloves, “We should get you booked in for another few weeks if you want to know the sex…” before turning and ripping off the printed images handing them to Leo. Leo stared at the picture, that tiny little baby warming his heart, the Laurentian King fell in love immediately.
“I was thinking…” Leo looked over his shoulder as he began to reverse his car from the parking bay, “We might need a bigger car…” Isabella immediately raised her dark brow in confusion, “What?” she enquired, “Leo we…” but Leo wasn’t really listening as he shifted the gear stick into gear, “…and maybe we should break the girls out for the afternoon… get ice cream… go to the beach…” Isabella bit down onto her plump lower lip gently, shaking her head from left to right stifling a giggle, “Fine… fine…” she smiled, agreeing as Leo reached out, intertwining his fingers with hers, “We can finally tell the girls they’re gonna be big sisters today…” Isabella quietly spoke, “Do you want to tell them?” she rolled her eyes to the right, looking up toward her husband waiting for his answer. “But kitten…” Leo began to happily grin, “…it takes two for a baby… so we’ll tell them together…”
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plutoscosmoss · 4 years
The Little Spy (3/3)
aesthetictomholland said:
can you write an imagine where peter and the reader have been dating for a while but they haven’t told anyone and the reader is tony’s daughter and he catches them or something ?? i absolutely adore you and your writing ily ❤️
A/n: I hope this is okay. If you have any more requests let me know! (Y/N- your name.)
Pairings: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader,  Tony Stark x daughter!Reader
Warnings: Swearing (I believe that’s all, let me know if I missed something)
Word Count: 1014
Previous Parts: Part 1 Part 2
Months had passed, you and Peter both turned 16. You have been friends for 2 months and dating for 3 months. You both had your own issues, he was scared of getting close to you and then you get hurt because of who he was. You reassured him that if something was going to happen to you, you could handle yourself plus you were a Stark you weren’t going down easy. You were scared that once you got close to Peter he would turn around and leave you just like your mother left you on your father's doorstep, but he assured you that as long as he was breathing he wouldn’t ever leave your side.
You made the first move, of course, you both were playing video games at his apartment when you won and had a confidence rush and smashed your lips to his. Neither of you were ready, and you even initiated it. When you both separated you both turned red and looked away from one another. You both stuttered out apologies until you said that you actually have feelings for him and if he didn’t you both could go back to being friends and act like the kiss never happened. When you looked over at him his mouth was agape. He explained how he wanted to do that for a long time but hadn’t had the guts to.
Since then you both have been going strong, the only people who know are Natasha because its Natasha, Wanda because she read your mind and May because she was there sometimes when you were with Peter.
Your father has been on a mission for almost two weeks with Steve and Clint when you decided to have Peter over for a slumber party. Nothing was going to happen. You both agreed to wait until you were dating for at least 6 months then talk about it again and if one person wasn’t comfortable then you would wait longer. Both of you were in your pajamas, yours being black Spider-Man pajama pants and a black shirt while Peter wore the new grey Ironheart pajama pants and a corny science pun shirt on. He swung in through your window so none of the other Avengers could see. You went to the kitchen to get popcorn for the movie marathon you guys were about to have.
“You spend way too much time with my dad.” You gestured to the shirt as you walked into your room as you popped a piece of popcorn into your mouth. “What do you mean?” he said as he looked down at his shirt as you turned off the light. “Growing up my dad had hundreds of those shirts, he wore them in the workshop, to bed, sometimes even to parties under a suit jacket.” You said as he lifted his arm for you to settle underneath it. Deciding to have a Star Wars marathon you wanted to switch it up and watch it in chronological order. After Revenge of the Sith, you both had fallen asleep. Your arms were wrapped around his torso while your leg was draped over his, his arms circling your body holding you close to him. You both were out cold and didn’t wake to the sound of the quinjet landing on the landing pad outside.
Tony tapped his arc reactor and walked to his daughter's room as the nanoparticles went back to reside in the reactor.  He spent enough time away from her and while he didn’t want to wake her up he at least wanted to tuck her in and kiss her goodnight before he went to find Pepper who he knew was up waiting for him. As he opened her bedroom door, he didn’t just see his daughter's figure but the figure of a young man as well.
“Excuse me!” Tony yelled as he flicked the light on in Y/n’s room. You both jumped up out of sound sleep. Peter covered your body with his in case there was an intruder. When he looked over he saw something worse than an intruder at that moment. Standing in the doorway was a seething Tony Stark whose look could kill at this exact moment. “What is this?” Tony questioned loudly as he gestured to his young intern in his daughter's bedroom. “I’m just gonna….go,” Peter said as he ran to his bag and jumped out the window.
“Dad don’t overreact.” You said as you got up and straightened out your shirt, “Don’t o-overreact! Y/n there was a boy in your room. A boy who will be dead the next time I see him.” Tony seethes. “No, he won’t.” You said as you approached your father. “And why not?” Tony questioned Y/n thinking she was going to fight him over the young Parker. “Because you care about him and don’t want to see him hurt.” As the words flowed from Y/n’s mouth Tony slowly calmed down. “How long has this been going on?” Tony sat down on the edge of his daughter's bed. “ We’ve been friends for 5 months but dating for 3 of those.” You looked down at your feet standing in front of your father. “How come you never told me?” Tony asked as he removed his head from his hands, “Because I knew you would act like this. I promise we haven’t done anything. We were having a movie marathon and we both were exhausted and fell asleep.” Y/n said and gestured to the tv where the sound was muted but you could see Anakin and Obi-wan talking. “I believe you, but I’m still having a talk with him.” Tony said as he stood up and kissed your forehead. “That’s reasonable.” You said and you hugged him.
“Oh, and you’re grounded..for till college.” He stated as he walked out of the room. You stuck your head out of the doorway and yelled to him, “For till college?” He turned around while walking and shouted back, “For till College!” threw up a peace sign and turned the corner at the end of the hallway.
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kuldren · 6 years
S/O falling out a Window
Request: Images of everyone’s face when their S/O just appears in their arms (bc they jumped from a window)
Hi sweetheart, I’m sorry I didn’t do everyone but I don’t know who you mean by ‘everyone’ Meaning manga characters included. If there’s anyone specific that you wanted please request again!! ❤️❤️
(Btw I see you in my notifs all The time and thank you I love you)
Eren sighed, swaying his arm back and forth on the window in front of him as he desperately scrubbed the dirt off the thin glass. His arms were growing tired as the sun beat mercilessly on his back. Seeing as the vets weren’t around mainly the prying eyes of Levi, he threw the dirty rag in his hands into the bucket next to his feet. His head rested against the freshly cleaned glass, supporting himself upright against the window. Just as he was about to close his eyes he heard a small squeal. Concerned, his eyes shot open. He was greeted by a falling figure, plummeting towards him at concerning speeds. Eren instinctively caught them in his arms, trying his best to keep steady.
“Oh hey Eren” (Y/n) smiles awkwardly, cradled in Eren’s arms.
“… what are you doing?”
“Just hanging”
Mikasa stood startled, Her s/o Laying in her arms. Just moments before she had been walking peacefully towards the mess hall, only to be rudely interrupted by a falling figure. Only when she had caught them in her arms she realized it was her s/o. Confused, she looked at her questioning where she had fallen from.
“(Y/n)” she started “did you fall out a window?”
“Don’t tell Jean”
The poor boy didn’t see his s/o falling from a concerning height until they came crashing down on top of him. The book in his hands flew across the dirt path, landing a fair way away from them as both he and his s/o recovered from the impact.
“Armin? Oh my god are you alright!?” Armin held his head in his hands, letting his eyes adjust as he came back to.
“I should be asking you that. Did you fall from a window or something?”
“Ah.. funny story actually”
Sweaty and tired, Jean dragged his exhausted body towards his dorm. He had just completed an excruciatingly long day of training and wanted nothing more than to have a shower and rest. A small scream caught his attention, followed by a gust of wind and a large thump. Jean held out his arms in an attempt to catch whoever had fallen in front of him but fell to his knees as he wrapped them in his arms. Jean quickly looked down at the person caught in his awkward embrace and smiled.
“Did it hurt?”
“When you fell from heaven?”
“There’s a distinct difference between a window and heaven, Jean”
“Let me have this one!”
Unsurprisingly, Levi decided to spend his evening cleaning. He had found a few spots outside his office that irritated him and seeing as no one else would clean the damn place, he took it upon himself to rid of the mess. With a bucket and rag in hand, he scrubbed away at the stone walls, breaking away all the dust and grime that had built up over the years. Satisfied with his doing, he stepped back to admire his work. Oof what a freak. We love him it’s okay.
“LOOK OUT!” Levi looked up to his s/o falling with great speed towards him. Without a second thought, he caught them, bucket in hand. The water in the bucket spilled on the two of them as they landed safely in his arms.
“You’re cleaning this up”
It was a rare occasion that Erwin had the evening free. His paperwork had been all done and tidied, set aside for another time while the rest of his duties had been taken care of. Seeing as he couldn’t seem to find his s/o, he had decided to take a short stroll.  It’d been forever since he remembered walking around for his own leisure, so he took his time as he wandered around with no real destination.
A sudden Shriek could be heard above him, catching his attention almost immediately. Within seconds his s/o has appeared in front of him, awkwardly laying in his arms. Their breathing was heavy and their face was a deep red. They looked like they had just run a marathon. Erwin raised a glorious eyebrow, sending them a questioning look.
“If Levi asks, you haven’t seen me okay?”
She leaped from the window to see if her wings goddamn worked well. Obviously, she was delusional and never had wings in the first place, but the thought of owning her own pair of angel wings somewhat comforted her. For a few seconds, she swore she was flying, her wings working hard to keep her afloat. But just as quick as this happened, she dropped, falling into someone
That someone being Hanji. Good lord.
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