#batboy brothers
shallyne · 2 years
Batboy Family Portrait
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Artist: Tonyviento
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luca-is-a-pengu · 1 month
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The real reason why none of the bat-boys are allowed in the kitchen
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 month
Duke: Would you slap your favorite brother for a million dollars?
Damian: Yes.
Tim: Yeah. Sorry, Dick.
Jason: I would slap Dick for free.
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cardinalcheerio · 4 months
Tim: Hey dick?
Dick: yeah?
Tim: Sooo... if someone were to hypothetically steal a sculpture called "The Hand". Would they call the heist, "The Hand Job"?
Dick *grinning and searching sculptures*: be a worse crime not to name it that
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sodamnbored · 6 months
Damian, entering the living room: Oh, Drake. I didn’t realise you were here too.
Tim, distracted on his phone on the couch: Yeah, best WiFi around. Keeping busy?
Damian, looking in cupboards and chandeliers for acrobatic older brothers: Looking for Dick.
Tim absently, not looking up from Grindr: Mm, me too.
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91-1lover · 6 months
Dick and Damian- *Fighting using an incredible strategy and hours of training*
Jason- YEEEET *Throwing Tim at bad guys*
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rusomnia · 1 year
Jason, pointing at Tim: that child is morally grey at best
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ashoss · 10 months
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dick and jason being asshole older brothers because i think its funny
dick: what do you think we should do, jaybird?
jason: i've got an idea, dickie.
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mikeluciraphgabe · 2 months
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Part 20 masterpost
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biancabi · 10 months
Dick: *Forcing a smile* Being an older brother is a wonderful and surprising thing. You can always find yourself in situations you never thought you would happen!!!
Dick: *Freaking out* What was the only thing I said not to do??!!
Duke: *Guilty* Create a cult for the second time.
Duke: ....Create a cult for the second time.
Duke: ....
Duke: In my defense it was completely accidental.
Dick: Hey Dami, have you seen-WHAT IS SO???
Damian: Grayson keep your voice down, your screams will alert everyone.
Dick: *Deep breath* Dami, babybat, my little brother. Why is there a giraffe hanging out on your balcony?
Damian: Her name is Macbeth and I think that's obvious, she's too big to come into my room.
Dick: Where did you find a giraffe in damn Gotham???No, don't answer that. Does Bruce know about this??
Damian: No Grayson, you're the first to hear about Macbeth joining the family.
Dick: Okok, This is all Bruce's fault and I refuse to deal with this now.
Jason: Hypothetically speaking, how bad would it be if during the patrol I dropped my bombs that explode when touched on the wrong side?
Dick: ....I'm sorry? What?
Jason: Just a hypothetical situation, it doesn't mean he dropped bombs there.
Dick: What the fuck, Jason!? Really What the fuck?!
Tim: *With zero hours of sleep and 5 boxes of red bull*. I HAVE DISCOVERED IT!!
Dick: I don't want to ask, god knows nothing good comes of that, but what have you discovered, Timy??
Tim: *Jumping with excitement* I have discovered the identity of the criminal mind we have been investigating.
Dick: I take back what I said, that's good news. Who is it??
Dick: ...
Dick: Did you know?? I said nothing. What made you think it's Bruce Wayne?
Tim: *Fretically moving hands* Just think about it, whenever Bruce Wayne leaves events early there's some big crime or breakup of Arkham, plus he always reappears with suspicious injuries and attributes them to his clumsiness. One part of his money mysteriously disappears from his boxsafe, his segurity is too good to be a theft or mistake, it must be your financing at evil ends and-
Dick: Tim, Don't you forget that Bruce-
Dick: What could-
Dick: *Looking for the sedative and sleeping pills* Are they?? Tell me more.
Dick: Everyone should feel the joy -suffering- of being an older brother -it's all Bruce's fault, I must have been an only child-
*Voices of Tim and Damian fighting in the background with Jason cheering them on*
Dick: Above all I love my brothers.
*Sound of breaking glass and Duke's surprised scream*
Dick: *Trying to convince himself* I really, really love them.
*Gliter bomb explosion*
Dick: ....
Dick: *Whispering* I don't get paid enough for this. Damn Bruce.
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Dick: Hey, Jas- why the hell are you wearing a bucket hat indoors?
Jason, who wanted to copy his big brother's mullet but accidentally lopped too much hair off: Hey, bucket hats are cool, okay?!
Dick: Alright...?
*4 Years Later*
Jason: 'Sup, Ti- why are you wearing a hat indoors?
Tim, who thought Jason's white stripe was cool and tried to imitate it but accidentally bleached way too much hair: Hats are really cool, Jason
Jason: *realises* oh. Oh my god...
*2 Years Later*
Tim: Hey, brat, did you- uh, why are you wearing a hat at dinner?
Damian, who secretly thinks Tim's eyebrow notch is cool and tried to copy it but accidentally shaved off half an eyebrow: Because hats are cool, idiot
Tim: *softly* oh. I get it now...
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dc-and-damirae · 2 years
damian : [creeping behind jason to stab him]
jason, loudly : I hope no one is about to attack me from behind because I'm thinking about making cookies later.
damian pausing :
damian : ...what kind?
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luca-is-a-pengu · 1 month
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If Tim and Damian would have lived at the masion sooner.
I firmly believe that Tim was a bowl-cut kid.
Tim is 3 and Damian is 1 in this one
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with motion blur cause I felt like it
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 month
Jason: You're right, sometimes extreme violence isn't the best answer.
Dick: You beat that man with a crowbar.
Jason: We all hit people with sticks.
Actual canon interaction btw.
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thealtoduck · 8 months
BatCat!Bro: In my neighbourhood there was a saying ”Love is just around the corner”…
Dick: *smiles warmly* That’s such a nice way to think i’ll keep that with me *Gets up and leaves*
Damian: *Looks at BatCat!Bro suspiciously* What’s the catch?
BatCat!Bro: I come from a neighbourhood with a lot of prostitutes…
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cardinalcheerio · 5 months
Tim doing something tim esque (fucking idiotic at best)
Tim: I'm thinking outside of the box!
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