#Conner kent smut
a1307s · 6 months
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Kinks #2
(Conner Kent Smut)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to evinist]
Requested by: jasontoddloverblog
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 6,602
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Slight domestic violence
Oral (male and female receiving)
Hair Pulling
     "Conner, my guy!" Roy yells as he walks into Wally's bedroom. It's been about a month since our last 'boy's night' and Wally decided we need another one. I don't know why we need another one, or the first one to begin with, but I'm still here like I'm supposed to be. Even though I'd much rather be in Y/N's bed with her.
     We've been having the sex. Or sex. We've been having sex. Y/N doesn't like when I call it 'the sex'. She says it ruins the mood when I word it like that. We've been having sex a lot, almost every day.
     Sometimes, usually, when she gets into a fight with someone, we have sex more than once a day. When that happens, it ends up happening somewhere that's not her or my bed. Last time it was on the kitchen counter. I don't enjoy having sex outside of our rooms, but she does so I usually try not to worry about someone seeing us.
     Despite that, until yesterday Y/N wouldn't have sex with me. I kept asking her why and she only told me it would be messy. Her noes only lasted a couple of days so I don't think she was saying no because of me. Her reasoning doesn't make sense to me. It's always messy. We get stuff all over our legs and the bed sheets. I let it be though. Kaldur told me it's important that we both say yes and if one of us says no, then the other needs to leave it be.
     "Roy," I answer back, debating if I should also add a 'my guy'. I decide not to.
     "I hear you've been getting busy!" He cheers, almost singing his statement.
     I think over his statement for a couple of minutes, replaying the last couple of weeks in my head. I don't think anything extra has happened. I've had the same amount of missions and the same amount of repairs to do. "I haven't been any busier than normal," I finally answer, looking at the other hero a bit confused.
     "No, Sups. Busy," he repeats, singing the last word again as he pumps his arms by his waist and moves his hips forward. "You know, with Y/N."
     Once again, I think over his words. Y/N and I have been hanging out more. We watch movies sometimes after sex, or we'll take a bath together, or she'll just lay with me for a while. She calls it 'aftercare' and says it's important for our mental wellbeing. I don't see why it matters. As far as I know, after Robin and Zatanna have sex, Zatanna just leaves. But it makes Y/N happy, so I do it. It makes me happy too, I just don't understand why we need to do it. I like spending time with her, so I don't care what we're doing as long as I'm doing it with her.
     "I guess so. We've been watching movies together," I answer, assuming that's what he means.
     "You crack me up, Bud" Roy says, his words followed with a chuckle before he sits next to Kaldur on the ground.
     "Sup, my guy, my man!" Wally calls, walking up to me and placing his hands on my shoulders. "Roy is talking about you having sex with Y/N," he tells me, shaking me a bit as he speaks.
     "You guys know about that?" I ask, still being shaken around by my teammate.
     "Yes, we do. You're not exactly hiding it," Robin says, his usual smirk on his face. "Y/N's been pretty open about her hand necklace."
     "Her what?" I ask, confused once again. I'm starting to hate these 'boy's nights'. They also end with me being confused about stuff.
     "Bla, bla, bla. Enough pitter-patter. I want details!" Roy says, waving off my question. "Does she give good head?"
     "Does she taste good?"
     "Did she let you creampie her?"
     "Is Y/N your girlfriend now?"
     "Is she a moaner or a screamer?"
     "Does she look hot in doggie style?"
     "What's her body count?"
     "I bet her titties look good when she rides you. Are they soft?"
     Questions are thrown at me from all directions, and from all the teammates - well, besides Kaldur. All the noise is upsetting me. Their questions make no sense, making me even more confused. Besides, who gives them the right to ask those questions? To know the answers to those questions? Y/N is having sex with me, not them. That must mean something, right? Maybe she is having sex with them.
     More questions are asked as I stand up and walk out of the room. I don't have the patience for this. I need to calm down before I hurt someone. I don't like them asking those questions about Y/N. I don't like them wanting to know the answers either.
     I especially don't like the idea that Roy might already know the answers. The idea that Robin or Kaldur or Wally might already know. They want to have sex with her too, right? Why else would they care? Why else would they ask? It makes me angry to think about them doing those things to Y/N. Thinking about them making her sound the way I do. I have sex with Y/N, she makes those sounds for me, not them.
     Some of the guys call after me as I walk off but I ignore them. Canary's voice reminding me to take my frustration out on my punching bag fills my head. Punch the bag, not the people. Punch the bag, not the walls. Punch the bag. Punch the bag. Punch the bag.
      "Con?" Y/N's voice calls from the doorway. It's soft enough that the sound of my fist making contact with the leather almost drowns it out. I ignore her, hoping she'll go away. Hoping that if she goes away maybe some of my anger will go with her.
     She doesn't leave though. Instead, Y/N walks through the garage, stopping right behind me. Don't do it. Do not touch me. I swear, do not poke the bear.
     "Con?" She calls again, placing her hands lightly on my shoulders.
     Before I can stop myself, I turn around, grab a fist full of her hair, and snap her head back. Y/N's nails dig into my shoulders as she looks up at me, her eyes brimmed with tears as they look sharply at me. Her jaw is locked tight as she clenches her teeth.
     "What do you think you're doing? What? Did Roy, and Wally, and Robin, and everyone say no to sex so you're here to ask me?" I snap out, my anger bubbling over despite my attempt to take it out on the punching bag.
     "Conner, you're hurting me," Y/N says, her voice calm and even. Despite that, I can still hear the undertone of fear in her words. Her heartbeat is faster than usual in my ears and unwilling tears slide down her face, adding to the evidence of fear in her.
     We stay like this for a beat, her digging into my shoulders and me glaring down at her as I hold her in place by her hair. Once my senses come to me, I let go of her hair and gently slide my fingers over her scalp, massaging it softly. "I'm sorry," I murmur, glancing down at her before focusing on my fingers.
     As soon as she's released, Y/N grips my jaw, tugging my head down so I'm looking at her. Her eyes are still watery, but harder than before as she looks at me. Anger is written all over her face. "If you ever touch me like that in anger again, you will never hear from me. You will never see me again. It'll be like I never existed in your life; do you understand me? What the fuck is wrong with you, Conner?"
     I stay silent, blinking as I look down at her. Her words roll around in my head on repeat. The situation a second ago does so too. How could I hurt Y/N? How could I use something intimate between us to hurt her? How could I lay my hands on her? Yell at her for stuff I don't even know if she did or didn't do?
     "I... I'm sorry... I didn't... I got in my head."
     Y/N stays silent, her nails still digging into my jawline as she chews on the inside of her cheek. "That is not an excuse for hurting me... but, what are you in your head about?"
     "A lot... the other boys... they know we're..." I glance away from her face, trying to urge the words out of me. Even though Y/N and I are intimate, it's still difficult to talk about, even with her. It's especially hard to talk about it with others, even Canary.
     "Well, duh, Conner. You leave fingerprints on my neck, and I tend to leave hickeys on yours. People are going to know." Y/N's hand drops from my face, making me a bit sad. I like when she's touching me, even if she's mad.
     "Oh," I mumble, looking over her neck. She's right, my fingers have left dark outlines on her throat. "They kept asking questions... about you and... I don't know why. Are you having sex with them too?" The words make my stomach feel like it's filled with stones. I don't like asking that question, but I need to know.
     "That's just what guys do. They like talking about sex. It gives them new ideas of what to do with their partners or whatever. It doesn't mean anything. They're just acting like normal people. And God no. The only person I'm having sex with is you. Are you having sex with anyone else?"
     Y/N's face is hard once the question is out, making me worried. "No," I answer shortly. It's weird that it's normal for guys to talk about sex, but it does put my mind at ease. It's not because it's Y/N, it's because I'm having sex. Knowing she's not having sex with anyone else also makes me feel good. I'm still special to her. "I have questions," I add, watching her face soften at my answer.
     "What are your questions, Con?" She asks, walking past me.
     I watch as she heads over to my workbench and lifts herself onto it. She always sits on my workbench when we're in here together. It's another thing that makes me feel special.
    "What is 'good head'?" I ask, walking over to her. I gently push her legs apart, watching for her reaction. She stays still for a second but does end up looping her arms around my shoulders, letting me know it's okay to stand between her legs. I happily push my way against her, sliding my hands over her legs and holding them against my hips. Her vagina is pressed into my groin, making my head start to fill with the idea of sex.
     "Well, head is having your genitals sucked and licked and such. 'Good head' just means it's enjoyable," she answers, playing with the ends of my hair as she tightens her legs around me. Maybe she is thinking about sex too. The idea of having it here, on my workbench, feels nice. It's a weird thought since I don't like doing it out of our rooms, but the idea makes me warm up.
     "How would that work? You giving me head?" I ask, trying to make sense of her answer and push down my thoughts until all my questions are answered. "If I were to give you this head, would that be me knowing what you taste like?"
     Y/N giggles a little, tipping her head down and pressing kisses into my cheeks. "Yes, you would know what I taste like, and if you finish in my mouth, I will know what you taste like." The idea of getting to taste her doesn't help the thoughts stop. I really want to know what she tastes like. 
     "Oh, okay... what is a creampie?"
     Her lips stop for a second before she gently continues along my jaw. "A creampie just means you cum inside me instead of on me."
     "But that would get you pregnant."
     She hums softly, placing another kiss before tipping her head back up to look at me. "Usually yes, but there's pills and such you can take to stop from getting pregnant. There's birth control but that takes a month or so to work. Or there's Plan B but you shouldn't take it often."
     I roll the answer over to make sure it makes sense. It does. It's just medication to stop a baby from forming. That makes sense. I want to creampie her too. I want to see what it would look like. I want to do all these new things to her. I want to know even newer things I can do to her.
     "What's a hand necklace?"
     "It's just a kind of nickname for the bruises you leave on my neck," she answers, loosely twirling my hair around her fingertips.
     "What's a body count?"
     "The amount of people you've had sex with."
     I think of the answer for a couple of minutes, leaving the room silent. "What's your body count?" I ask before I can stop myself. I probably shouldn't have asked that. It'll only make me angry again.
     "Two, counting you," she answers, once again making me think. Who else has she had sex with? Was it someone on the team? Was it Roy? I don't think I want to know. No, I don't want to know.
     "What's doggie style?"
     "I'll show you next time we have sex." I don't like that answer. I want to know now. Why won't she tell me now?
     "Can we have sex now?" I ask, deciding to no longer ignore the growing pressure in my groin.
     Y/N's face snaps from being soft, back to being filled with anger. "You just put your fucking hands on me and still have the audacity to ask for sex? What the fuck Conner? Get the fuck off me," she yells, shoving me away from her. I obey, backing away from her, confusion swimming around my head again today. What did I do? I know I hurt her, but what does that have to do with us having sex? We've gotten in fights before and still had sex.
     I watch as Y/N hops off the workbench and storms out of the room. I made her really mad, I just wish I knew how I managed to do that. I probably shouldn't ask right now though. I glance around the garage, looking for something to work as a distraction so she'll have time to cool down. I'll fix up Robin's bike as I wait.
     It's been a couple of days since I managed to piss off Y/N. She's ignored me the whole time, which hasn't been easy. Well, until today. She told me good morning and let me kiss her cheek, so I thought we were making progress, but she did move away when I tried to hold her waist. Maybe I'm not making progress on her forgiving me.
     I've talked about the situation with Canary in my alternating sessions. I had a session yesterday, so I won't have another until tomorrow. Canary said when I hurt Y/N, I betrayed her trust. She also said I probably 'made Y/N feel used' when I asked for sex right after. That makes sense now, but in the situation, it didn't. I wish she'd just talk to me so I can fix it.
     We haven't had sex since the day of the blow-up, which has left me feeling very needy. Canary recommended 'doing it myself' but I don't like that idea. It doesn't feel the same as having sex with Y/N. Despite that, I'm laid in bed debating whether to do it myself. I need to let it out, but I want Y/N to let it out. I put myself in a bad situation.
     Just as I go to undo my pants, there's a knock on the door. I sigh a bit at the sound. I'm just going to have to wait for Y/N to make me feel good again. 
     "Come in!" I call, sitting up straight. I have to shift a bit to hide my personal problem, making myself a bit uncomfortable.
     The door swings open, Y/N filling in the now open frame, in an outfit that's not helping my situation. She's in a pair of PJ shorts and a tank top, showing the bruises I have left on her. I blink a couple of times, trying to figure out if I'm going crazy or if she just happens to be here at this moment.
     "I'm still mad at you," she hisses, her look pointed as she stares at me.
     "I know. I'm sorry," I answer back, trying to push down the tension in my pants and the thoughts of her on top of me. I probably shouldn't want sex this much, even if Canary says it's normal for my bodily age.
     "But," Y/N says, walking into the room and closing the door behind her. That doesn't help my situation either. It's getting really hard not to ask for sex again. "I am horny, and I want sex."
     "Me too," I race out a lot faster than I meant to. That gets me another pointed look, but her body stays relaxed. I'll take that as a good sign. "Can... we try head?" I ask carefully, trying not to upset Y/N any more than she already is. I want sex and she does too, I don't need her storming off when I'm finally getting what I've been craving.
     She thinks it over for a second before walking up to my bed. "I suppose so," she answers, her tone slightly softer but still a little pissed. Y/N drops to her knees on the side of my bed, shooting sparks of hormones up my spine. Her boobs look nice, all propped up as she kneels. "You're going to need to shift so I'm between your legs."
     I obey her, moving so my thighs are gently pressed on either side of her shoulders. I really like looking at Y/N like this. She looks so small, though that's more so me being built like a brick than her body type. I want to touch her boobs, see if they're soft like Robin asked. 
     Y/N's hands feel nice as they work on unbuttoning my pants and they feel warm as she gently runs her fingers across my boxers, her other hand laid against my thigh. I let my eyes flutter shut as I focus on my breathing, Y/N's fingers sliding up and down my clothed cock is not helping with that. After going so long without her touching me, it feels like I'm going to finish just from these small touches. She rubs me a few more times before my boxers are pulled down and pooled at my ankles alongside my pants.
     I slowly open my eyes again, noises stuck in my throat as Y/N starts running her fingers over my bare cock. Somehow, she feels even warmer now. I watch as she slightly parts her lips, her tongue sliding out as her head ducks down. It doesn't take long for her tongue to come in contact with me, the soft muscle running over the slit of my dick as her hand works up and down my shaft.
     Y/N's head tilts up some as she continues licking the head, her eyes soft as she looks at me. I open my mouth to say something, to beg her to not look at me like this or I'm going to finish too soon, but I get cut off. Her tongue slides further down, the tip of my penis pushing her lips open as she takes it into her mouth. Instead of my begs, a moan slips out, my head tilts back, and my hands ball up the bedding under me. Y/N's tongue circles around me, sliding up and down as she moves, but refuses to take more of me into her mouth. 
     Her mouth feels warm and smooth, just like the inside of her vagina, but slightly looser. Y/N moves up and down a couple of times before pulling away, her hand still working on pushing me closer to my release. I groin at the lost warmth and flip my head back up. "If you're not going to look at me, I'm not going to suck your dick, you understand me?" Y/N asks, a small smirk on her lips as she looks at me with those same big, teasing eyes.
     "Yes, Ma'am," I breathe out, my hands shaking as I reach for her. I go to slide my hands into her hair, but Y/N shifts away from me.
     "Absolutely not. You pull my hair once and you can jack yourself off," Y/N hisses, the teasing replaced by anger as she looks at me. I glance away from her, dropping my hands down to her cheeks instead before looking back at her face. Y/N moves her hand a couple more times, her eyes slowly shifting back to their teasing tone before her mouth is back on me. This time she goes lower, about halfway down me. 
     Groins and her name stumble out of me as Y/N bobs her head up and down, her hand following after her mouth over the next few minutes. Not once does her mouth pull fully off of me, leaving me wrapped in warmth. I rub soft circles into her skin, trying to calm myself down. It doesn't work though, all of it shoves me closer to my release faster than I want it to. Y/N's mouth, her hand, the feeling of her drool sliding down my shaft and pooling on my balls, the sloppy sound of me moving in and out of her mouth, is all too much, it's pushing me forward too fast. 
     Her eyes constantly scanning my face don't help either. They're watery but still soft, her pupils still blown out as she looks at me. I feel my muscles tighten, my hand automatically sliding down and softly wrapping around her throat. Y/N's other hand slides off its place on my thigh and dipping down to my balls. Her fingertips are soft as they massage me, this little act pushing me even closer.
     "Y/N..." I breathe out, my hand tightening on her throat. Her eyes stay locked on me as she slides all the way down my shaft. I can feel myself slide down her throat, new parts of me getting to feel the warmth of her mouth. Y/N's nose bumps into my stomach, her mouth and throat muscles working to suck on me as her fingers continue to massage my sack. When the sound of her gagging reaches my ears, it pushes me over the edge. It feels like she's sucking my cum right out of me. I groin again, my chest heaving, and my eyes snapping shut as I release down her throat.
     We stay still, my hand still around Y/N's throat and her throat muscles still wrapping and unwrapping around my penis resting down her throat, gags still spilling out of her. It feels like electricity is speeding through me as Y/N's muscles unwillingly rub against my sensitive dick. I slowly pull myself out of her throat, my gaze focused on her as she gasps for air. "That... that was... really good," I murmur, softly rubbing the skin I was previously squeezing.
     "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," Y/N pushes out in between huffs of air. Her head tilts down, her forehead resting against my thigh as she catches her breath.
     "Can you show me how to give you head?" I ask, gently patting the side of the bed. I want to run my hands through her hair, but she's not okay with me touching it yet, which is okay. I know she doesn't fully trust me after my actions the other day. I don't blame her for not fully trusting me.
     "Ya," Y/N answers shortly, staying on the ground for a beat before standing up. I watch as she crawls on my bed, laying herself on her back with her legs open. "Take your shirt off... please," she orders, which I obey, sliding my shirt off and kicking the rest of my clothes off my ankles. 
     "Now what do I do?"
     "You need to kneel on the ground like I was earlier."
     Once again, I listen, placing myself in Y/N's previous spot. When I'm set, she shifts again, sliding down the bed so her knees are resting on my shoulders and her legs dangling down my back. "So, now you tease me some. Kissing the inside of my thighs, running your fingers over my clothed pussy, all that stuff."
     "What's a pussy?" I ask, glancing up at her before littering soft kisses over the exposed parts of her thighs.
     "It's another word for a vagina," she answers, her hands sliding into my hair and gently twirling it around. 
     "Oh," I hum, glancing at her again before feathering my fingers over her like she did to my boxers. Y/N's thighs shift a bit, letting me know she likes my touches. "Can I take your shorts off?" I ask, slithering my tongue out and rubbing it against her flesh. Her tongue felt nice against my skin, so it should feel good against hers. I hope.
     "Yes," Y/N answers, her breath a bit heavier and her fingers tighter on the ends of my hair.
     Her answer starts my dick up again, a rush of blood running through me. I take my time, slowly sliding the material down her body. I have to move a bit to take them off, but I don't mind since Y/N's legs are right back in place afterward. Her panties have a small wet spot, another good sign. I let my fingers go back to their placement, this time rubbing soft circles into the spot. This gets me a few moans. I watch her attentively, rolling over her reactions at different spots I touch.  
     "I want to feel your tongue," Y/N says, a bit of a whine following her words. I like it when she whines, it means I'm making her feel good. I listen to her, going back to sliding my tongue over her thighs. "No," she whines again, using my hair to pull my head up some, my nose hovering over the growing wet spot. 
     I glance at her for direction, but her head is tilted back, giving me no reaction other than her chest pumping a little faster than normal. I continue my circles for a beat before sliding my tongue out again, this time sliding it over her clothed pussy. This gets me a sharp moan, a needy moan. The same moan I get right before I push myself inside her. I continue my licks, trying to remember what all the guys said about giving head and 'eating pussy' at the first 'boy's night' since Y/N isn't giving me much direction. I guess I'm going to have to rely on trial and error.
     Y/N's thighs get closer and closer to the side of my face before they're gently rested against my head. "I want to taste you," I voice, letting my fingers slide up to the waistband of her panties.
     This gets me a tighter grip of her thighs against me. "Please?" Y/N begs, her thighs releasing me a bit. "Please eat me out."
     I blink at her a few times, my fingers skirting under her waistband as I work out her words. I'm going to assume she means eat out her pussy. I'm pretty sure that's what she means. I tug her panties down, slowly, before moving around again to pull them fully off. Once Y/N is back in place, she shifts forward, moving her vagina closer to my face. It's hard to see it, so I gently push her legs open.
     I stay still, looking her over. I've never really looked at this part of her. It's weird to think this is the part of her that makes me feel so good. "Stop staring," Y/N says, gently pushing my head down. She must be really needy. I ignore her command, keeping my eyes open as I get closer to her intimate parts. 
     "What do I do?" I ask, now barely an inch away from her.
     "Lick me, fuck me with your tongue, suck on me, I don't care, Con. Just make me feel good," she whines, tugging on the ends of my hair. That's a little helpful, but not as much as I wish she would be. I slide my tongue out again, slowly moving it from her hole up the rest of her. When I get to the top of her vagina, Y/N lets out a low moan and tugs on my hair. That must be a nice spot for her then.
     I lick the spot a couple more times, Y/N's thighs tightening on me each time I do so. Yes, this is a good spot. I listen to another one of her requests, shifting closer so I can suck on her. "Fuck, Conner," she whines as I suck on her skin, her thighs permanently locked around me now. "You... I need... your fingers inside me," she pushes out, soft moans and heavy breaths breaking up her words. 
     That is a very vague statement. It takes a second for me to figure out what she means, but I do get to an answer. I walked in on Y/N's fingers inside herself before, inside her vagina, so I think that's what she means. I go to push three fingers in like I saw her doing, but she cuts me off. "Hey, hey, hey! Only one until I'm stretched a bit," she says, shifting away from me.
     That makes me a bit upset. I'm enjoying making her feel good, but I can't do that if she moves away. I work one finger into her, pulling her back in place so I can focus on sucking and licking her nice spot. I pump my finger in and out of her a few times before adding a second one. This gets me a buck of her hips and another hair pull. "Con... Con, Con, Con," she almost sings.
     I tug my eyes away from her pussy, looking back up at her. Y/N's back is arched a bit, pushing her boobs up and her head further back. I like when she does this, it means I'm making her feel good. It also usually means she'll start tightening around me. "Can... Can... you curl your... Con," Y/N starts her new request but cuts herself off by moaning my name.
     I try curling my tongue against her but don't get a response. Must be the wrong thing to curl. I go back to licking her good spot, which has started to harden a bit. This time I try curling my fingers. That gets me a good response. Y/N arches her back more, my name pulled out in a whine again. I continue curling my fingers in her, the feeling of her puffy flesh against my fingers instead of my penis for once. I go to pull my fingers out of her, but Y/N's hips move down after me. "Hey," she stutters out, the word drawn out, and her walls tightening around my fingertips.
     I smile a bit at that. When Y/N starts tightening it means she's going to cum soon, which means I'm going to get to taste her. I give her what she wants, my fingers curling against her. I keep my eyes locked on her chest, watching it heave for air as I make her feel good. "Conner," she calls again, her legs squeezing my face and her pussy squeezing my fingers. I let my eyes drop down, watching as her cum spills out onto her thighs and my bed. 
     This makes me happy. I get to taste her. I softly tug my fingers out of her, wrapping my hands around her thighs before dipping my head down to her opening. "Con, please, fuck," once again, Y/N cuts herself off when I dip my tongue into her. I circle it around her, licking up all her juices. My penis pulses as I slurp Y/N's cum up, letting the mix of salty and sweet overtake my taste buds. She tastes good, really good. I understand why I was asked how she tastes.
     "Please make me feel good," Y/N begs, trying to pull me up by my hair again.
     "I don't know how you want me to do that," I answer back quickly, going back to licking her clean. I would be content doing this all day long. Y/N tastes nice, she looks pretty arched up and wrapped around me, and she sounds pretty begging me to make her feel good.
     "Please fuck me. I want you inside me," Y/N whines, trying to pull me up her body again. Reluctantly, I let her tug me up her body. My dick is pressed against her thigh, my arms on either side of her head, and my chest hovering over hers. I want to feel her chest, I want to know if her boobs are soft.
     "I want to touch your boobs," I say, glancing at her before looking back at her chest.
     "Fine, fine, just get inside me," Y/N says, her hands dropping to my hips and shifting me over. My dick slides against her, the warmth from her rolling against me as my tip snags on her hole. Y/N's nails dig into me as she pushes me forward, trying to stuff herself full of me. Once again, I give in, letting myself slide into her as I work her tank top up and over her head. 
     Her boobs spill out, no bra under her top to hold them in place. I'm gentle as I cup them in my hands, her nipples hard against my palms. Her skin is soft under my touch, her pussy already squeezing around me. "I want to creampie you too," I tell her, dipping my head down to press a kiss against her lips.
     Y/N is eager as she kisses me back, her hands sliding up my back and her nails digging into my shoulder blades. I squeeze her boobs softly as our lips slide against one another. The feeling of them leaking through my fingers makes my dick pulse again. When we pull apart, I work on littering her neck with kisses, my fingers tightening and releasing her boobs time and time again.
     "If I say yes, will you fuck me?" She whines, trying to move her hips from under me. It doesn't work very well, giving her minimum friction and giving me a disappointed whine from the girl under me.
     "I'll have sex with you either way," I answer, dropping my hands from her chest to her hips. I move her slowly, helping her hips meet mine as I start thrusting in and out of her. "I just want to see what it'll look like."
     "Yes, yes, fine, cum in me, Con," Y/N answers, her chest still heaving, causing her chest to come in contact with mine when she breathes in. "Please move faster."
     I do as I'm told, picking up my past and moving her faster under me. Y/N's nails dig in deeper, sliding up and down my back as I move her. These touches hurt, but somehow also push me toward a second release. "I'm not... I'm going to finish soon," I murmur, letting my head rest against her shoulder.
     "No," she whines, tugging on me, her nails sliding to the sides instead of down my skin. "Con, I need you to move faster. I want to cum again."
     One of her hands slides down my shoulder, my arm, and wraps around my wrist. She tugs my hand off her hip, shifting it down. "I don't know what you want me to do," I tell her, slowing my movements and trying to focus on my breath. I want to last longer, I want to make Y/N feel good for longer, and I want her to release again too.
     "I want... I want you to rub my clit."
     "What's a clit?" I ask, dipping my fingers down and rubbing the good spot I was sucking and licking earlier.
     "That," Y/N breathes out, her hands back in their previous place. Oh, the good spot is called a clit. Whines tumble out of her, nails dug into my skin, and her pussy tightening around me. "Please move faster," she begs again. This time I listen, picking up the pace of my hips and my fingers. A few thrusts in, Y/N is singing my name again. I like it when she says it like this, when I'm in her, when she's whiney with needs I only fix for her. "Conner!" She whines, her back arching again.
     I look down at the spot where we're joined. Like earlier, Y/N's juices spill out, this time coating both of us instead of just herself. Her fingers go gentle against my skin, her arching falling back down. Her needs have been met so now I can focus on finishing inside her. It doesn't take long, another two or three thrusts. When I feel my release start, I thrust in, pushing every inch as far into Y/N as I can. "Conner," she whines, her nails digging into me a bit before going gentle again.
     "Y/N," I call back gently, letting my forehead rest against hers. Her eyes are soft, not the teasing soft but a sleepy, spent-out soft. We stay like this, even after I'm finished, the sound of our heavy breathing filling the space.
     After a couple of minutes, I shift, lifting myself off of her and slowly pulling out. Y/N's hands slide up me, rooting themselves in my hair again as I duck down. My head rests against her thigh as I tug her legs open, putting her on full display. Y/N looks so pretty with the white of my semen pooled in her and slowly spilling out. She goes to close her legs, but I tug them back open. "I want to watch," I tell her glancing up at her. 
     Her cheeks are bright red and her eyes a little wide as she looks down at me. Y/N doesn't say anything, just lays back down and lets her legs rest open. I turn my attention back to my mess and continue to watch it spill out. What doesn't spill out slides down deeper into Y/N, causing my dick to twitch again. "I think you should go on the baby medication," I say, glancing at her again.
     "Why?" She asks, sleepiness coating her words.
     "I like to creampie you. I like to watch it seep into you." 
     Y/N's thighs shift some, bumping against my face before falling open again. "Ya, okay, I'll go on the pill," she finally answers, bumping her legs against me again. I smile to myself, turning back to my new entertainment. I'm going to get to creampie Y/N every time we have sex. Maybe she'll let me creampie her again today. "I want to take a nap," she says, pulling me out of my thoughts.
     "Okay," I answer, looking at her pussy for another beat before curling up the bed. We'll take a nap, and then I'll have sex with her again.
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the-book-gnome · 2 years
Empty Warehouse
Pairings: Conner Kent x fem!reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: size kink, unprotected sex (do not recommend) p in v, pain implied, belly bulge, wall sex,pet names(baby, sweetie)
18+ only ! minors do not interact !
The first time you met him your first thought was that he’s massive. He had broad shoulder and was at least a foot and a half taller than you. His hands were huge too, they were also veiny and you often started at them whenever you two were around each other. Unfortunately for you, he never even spared you a glance, if you had to go on a mission together he was basically just your guard dog, and never spoke a word unless he had to. It upsets you a little, you want everyone to enjoy your company but by the looks of it he looks miserable around you.
Little did you know, the reason Conner never looked at you or talked to you was that every time he did he’d get a boner. And to not make things awake he decided to stop doing both seeing as no matter what you said or did it would always happen. It wasn't his fault, he can’t control his dick. You were just so tiny compared to him, you always sounded so sweet when you spoke and fuck when you looked up at him, he was so fucked.
You were currently waiting in an empty warehouse waiting on Jason, he was always late so it’s come expected now but that didn’t keep you from wanting to kill him. In any other situation, you wouldn’t mind it but unfortunately for you, Conner was also put on your team. It was fine since Jason could be the talker like usual but since he was late, the two of you were standing in awkward silence. Maybe that's just you that feels awkward but it’s still unbearable. His back was pressed against the wall adjacent to you, his arms crossed and eyes closed.
Your eyes trailed down his body, his shirt tight on his body due to how big his muscles were, he had huge thighs that you really really wanted to sit on. Everything about him was beautiful. He almost looked like he was asleep, his breaths even and quiet, a peaceful look on his face. You were tired of the way he treated you, well to be fair he didn’t really treat you like anything, kinda just acted like you were invisible.
“Why do you hate me?” You asked him, his eyes opened lazily to stare at you confused. “Who said I hated you?” Conner's voice was gruff, and his gaze made you want to crawl in a hole. “No one, you just act like it.” You were playing with your hands, noticing that they were getting sweaty. “No, I don’t.” He leaned his head back again and closed his eyes. “You act like I don’t exist, the only reason you would be like that was if you hated me. I’m not stupid, you’ve been doing this ever since we met.” Now you were glaring at him, why was he treating you like an idiot? He let out an annoyed sigh. He walked over to you, putting his hands on the wall behind you and bending down so his face was directly in front of yours, you flushed at how close he had gotten, if you leaned in you could kiss him.
“I already said I don’t hate you, I don’t act like it either so stop whining. Got it?” Conner was staring directly at you, he cocked his head to the side, examining the way you reacted to him. “Um, th…that’s not.. true.” You stumbled over your words, your brain not being able to process them right.
A cocky smirk grew on his lips, “Why so shy all of the sudden? Something making you nervous?” He licked his lips, eyes drifting down to your plump lips. “Have you noticed how tiny you are compared to me? How I can fit both your wrist in just one of my hands?” God he would do anything to kiss you right now. The look on your face was fucking priceless, bright red and shocked. Your eyes were wider the usual and all he could think about was what you would like on your knees for him. Conner took his eyes off you for a moment to look around, Jason won’t be here for a while, he knew that. So fuck it, you only live once. With that logic in his head, he slammed his lips against yours.
You gasped in surprise and Conner took that as his opportunity to slide his tongue in. He pulled your waist against him with both his hands, the span of them almost going around your entire waist, from and back. You felt the outline of his cock pressing into your stomach. Your wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him make just as hard as he did to you. His tongue touches every inch of your mouth. He felt so warm, so big, you wanted to feel every inch of him. He lifted you, pressing your back as against the wall, you tried to wrap your legs around him but he was too large, your legs just kept slipping, not that it mattered since he easily held you up. “Fuck baby your so fucking small compared to me.” He muttered as he started kissing down your neck, eager to taste every inch.
“Can’t we go somewhere else? What if Jason walks in or something?” You moaned as his hot mouth started sucking onto your skin. He dropped you down a little so your waist was right next to his. “No baby right here, we don’t have much time, okay?” Conner's hand went up to cup your cheek giving you another kiss before grabbing onto your wrists and pulling them above your head. He was right, they both fit into one hand. He started unzipping his pants and pulling his dick out. You gaped at him as you saw the size. Before when you felt it against you it did not feel that big. “Con that’s not gonna fit,” you whined into his mouth. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll make it fit okay? You’ll just have to handle it, can you do that for me?” Lust filled his eyes as he pulled back to look between the two of you. “I can handle it.,” Even if he tore you in half you would thank him for it.
Using one hand he ripped open your pants, pulling your panties to the side so he could see you. “Jesus fuck youre soaked, is that all for me sweetie?” Conner was rubbing his tip against your folds, occasionally circling your clit causing you to moan out and jerk your hips towards him. “Just relax for me okay?” You nodded, he pressed his forehead against you, and you followed his deep breaths.
As the tip of his cock breached your hold you squeezed your eyes shut and whimpered in pain. “Con I told you it wouldn’t fit,” a tear fell down your cheek as he pushed in a little more, giving you a little time to adjust. “Deep breaths baby, I need you to breath.” Conner moved the hand holding your wrist and cupped your hands, giving you a reassuring squeeze. Using the other one to wipe the tear from your cheek.
You relaxed your body, trusting him completely. He sunk in even more and it felt like he was splitting you in half. You tried focusing on your breathing, doing your best to ignore the stinging and relax yourself. Your walls squeezed into his thick cock as he bottomed out. Conner's breath ticketed your cheek. “Yeah just like that sweetie, I told you it would fit didn't I?” He grunted as his pleasure flooded his senses. “You’re so much more fucking tight than imagined, holy shit.” Conner sounded breathless against you, he was doing his best to give you time to adjust, but it was getting harder every second.
His pace started out slow, giving you time for the pain to wear off but when you started moaning at the feeling of his thick cock brushing against your cervix he lost it. Pounding into you relentlessly, each thrust going straight to your brain. “Aww is my little baby already fucked out? Too bad I just started.” Conner looked down to watch his cock go in and out of you but when he looked down his eyes widened. He was amazed to see a little bulge coming from your tummy.
His cock twitched and a grin spread on his flushed face. “Baby look at that, your so fucking small that your belly had to make room for me.” You practically screamed in euphoria as he used his hand to push down the bulge. Your orgasm crashes into you, your entire body shaking and your vision going black. You couldn’t hear anything he was saying but you felt it as his lodge, his cock even feeling into you and stuffed your pussy full of his cum.
Conner pulled out of you and relaxed your hands. He cradled you into his chest, your legs and arms were completely limp. You couldn’t even think straight. His hand was rubbing your back as he sat down against the wall completely out of breath. He was amazed he didn't collapse when he came to you.
“Damn con, when I told you o fuck her brain out I wasn’t being serious, how’s she supposed to be any use to us now?” Jason’s cocky voice filled the warehouse, Conner rolled his eyes, “thought I told you to wait 2 hours dipshit.” Jason laughed at him and sat opposite the two of you. Your body covers his dick, not like Jason would care either way. “I got bored of listening to the two of you fuck, guess I was a little late on the celebration huh,” Conner rolled his eyes again and leaned his head back still trying to catch his breath.
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butwhyduh · 2 years
Hello! I absolutely adore your stories! ❤️💖 I was hoping you could write a funny batsis (who is the biological daughter of Batman and is between Dick and Jason in age) story about her getting caught in one morning (or whenever) doing some "bedsheet sparring" with like Conner Kent or someone with powers that shouldn't be in gotham without Batman's permission (lol) and her entire family are who catch her because it's her birthday or something and they came in to surprise her with breakfast! I think it would be hilarious!
Warning cuz it has smut lol
Batsis x Kon kent
Conner pulled you on his lap, setting the pace faster than your hips wanted to go, pulling a moan from your lips. He quickly swallowed it in a rough kiss. He could feel the way you were clenching tight around him, 4th time that night (technically morning) to be exact, that you were going cum soon.
“Oh Kon!” You whimpered while throwing your head back and clenching him tightly. Conner groaned and thrust up to find his own high. You rocked together in pleasure. He could hear your heart pounding in your chest and feel the sheen on sweat on your body that this was the last round. You were only human after all.
A loud rapping at the front door made you jump. You looked at Conner confused. Who was at your door at 6 in the morning? You grabbed your robe as you climbed off Conner.
Conner used his x Ray vision to look thru the door, “babe, that’s your-“
“My baby sister’s birthday!” Called Dick thru the door. “Open up!”
You froze and looked at Conner who was clearly debouched and oozing sex from every pore and you knew you didn’t look much better. You tried to smooth your hair down and you grabbed a wet paper towel to wipe at the streaked makeup from the night before that you’d been too busy to remove. You hadn’t gone to bed yet.
You and Conner had gone partying and hadn’t gotten home until past 2 am and you both had gone to bed but certainly not to sleep.
“Answer the door! I know you hear me!” Dick called.
“Maybe she doesn’t want her brothers to bother her,” Jason replied. Fuck, both of them??
“Maybe she was actually out partying all night and is dead asleep right now,” Tim added. That was when you knew that Conner was going to die that day. Your birthday. The windows on the small apartment were all on one side that were visible from the front door so no flying away.
He was hastily throwing on his pants and shirt before moving to your bedroom closet. You pulled it close while calling to your brothers, “just a minute!”
A final look in the mirror caused you to blanch at the sight of a fresh hickey on your collarbone that you hurried to cover with your robe. There was no way that wasn’t going to be visible today. Your heart pounded like you were tracking killer Croc when you opened the door.
Dick, Jason, and Tim were standing there with balloons, a box from a bakery, and a present bag.
“Hi,” you said. You suddenly realized how much water you needed. You were just lucky to not pull something with everything Conner had done to you.
“Woah sleep head,” Jason teased while handing you the cupcake box as he walked in. Dick and Tim followed.
“Well it is a little early,” you admitted. “Wha-what brings you here? Now?”
“We wanted to tell you happy birthday first,” Dick said and you huffed out a laugh with a nod.
“Right,” you said. “And you figured the crack of dawn was a good idea because…”
“Tim couldn’t sleep and you didn’t reply to his meme so we came down,” Jason finally answered.
“Seriously? You do know I’m a big girl that can take care of myself, right?” You replied with a huff. You sat on the arm of the couch as exhaustion finally hit. It made sense. You’d been up 27 hours straight, danced at clubs for hours, and then bed acrobats for half the night with your literal superhuman boyfriend. And when was the last time you had anything to drink.
“We know but it’s nice to see you without the whole family,” Dick added.
“Without Damian, bruce, and Alfred you mean?” You said.
“Maybe,” Tim shrugged. “Are you hungry? We can go get food? A waffle house?” He suggested. It did sound good but so did spooning with your boyfriend until midday.
“I don’t know. I’m a little tired,” you said and that was a hell of an understatement.
“We’re all tired. Get dressed. Get waffles. And then take a nap before Bruce’s party,” Jason said, tossing you your bag. You caught it but your robe dipped down your shoulder.
“What the hell?” Dick said. They all stared at the mark clearly visible before you yanked it up your shoulder.
“Who did that? Is that why you’re tired? Did we interrupt a booty call?” Jason asked.
“Ew, booty call?” Tim said to Jason who pointed at you and shrugged.
“No! No one did anything. It’s none of your business,” you stammered.
“Is he or she going to the party tonight?” Dick asked. “Are they in here?”
Your eyes widened involuntarily. “That’s none of your-“
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” Jason called as he and Tim started looking over the apartment.
“Stop them,” you begged Dick.
“They’re really here now? This whole time?” Dick asked.
“Jason, don’t!” You called as he went in your bedroom. Tim followed him and you ran after them. “Don’t!” You gasped just as he opened the closet door to show Conner Kent standing beside your shirts. His shirt was on backwards and he definitely looked like he recently had sex.
“You?” Jason said roughly with clear shock. Dick blinked and froze.
“Wow,” Tim added. “You’re gonna die today.”
“Stop it,” you said pushing Jason from the closet. He moved with your shove but he wasn’t the one you should have watched. Dick shoved Conner in the closet and punched him in his face before you could act.
“Dick!” You gasped in shock. Dick groaned and shook his hand but to his credit, Conner rubbed his lip where he was hit too.
“I’ll see you tonight,” Dick replied angrily to you. He stormed out of the room.
“Hey!” You called after him. You turned to Tim and Jason. “I don’t even know why he’s mad. I’m an adult.”
“That’s just being a big brother,” Jason said patting you on the shoulder. “Come on Tim. We’ll see her tonight. Happy birthday.”
“Bye,” Tim said with a little wave before both left.
“Kon,” you said, looking up at him feeling lost. He simply pulled you into a hug.
“Let’s take a nap and we’ll fix it when they aren’t as mad,” he suggested. You let him pull you to bed where you hugged him tight. He ran his hands along your back before you finally fell asleep.
You woke a few hours later with a strong arm wrapped around you and you could feel your body hot and sweaty. Your robe was still on. The events of the night flooded back in your memory. You groaned and leaned into Conner who hugged you and kissed your temple, half asleep.
“Morning,” he said in a sexy husky morning voice.
“Morning. I can’t go to this thing today. I’ll cancel dinner and say I’m sick,” you said. Conner sighed.
“And hurt Bruce’s feelings that his little girl doesn’t want him around on her birthday?”
“Crap. What do I do?”
“If I could suggest,” he said, sitting up on his elbows as you still laid on his chest. “Bring me as your date. You didn’t introduce me because of your brothers, right? Now that isn’t a problem anymore.”
“That’s…. A good idea, actually,” you said after a second.
“That would sound insulting if I didn’t know you,” he muttered as you hurried out of bed.
“Bring you as my date and then Dick can’t get mad because you’re my boyfriend, not some random guy. We won’t have to sneak around anymore; even though that’s fun. Dad never needs to know any details because the boys telling him would just be weird. Conner,” you said, cupping his face. “You’re a genius!” You kissed him with a grin.
“And yet, I feel like a pawn,” he muttered as you tossed him a dress shirt.
“We need a shower,” you said, ignoring his commentary.
“Together? I’m interested in that,” he replied causing you to roll your eyes.
“We were ‘together’ all night. As long as the shower doesn’t lead to anything else then fine,” you replied.
“I mean, I also just enjoy seeing you naked so there’s that,” he said with a shrug.
The dinner was far from small. Your birthday party was a great event to invite Wayne Enterprise investors and frequent private donors to your favorite charities. Bruce had decorated the ballroom in your favorite color and theme. It was beautiful and full of people in fancy dress.
Conner adjusted his tie. “Shouldn’t have worn this stupid tie. That guy isn’t wearing one,” he motioned towards a man in the crowd. Jason had already flipped Conner off from across the crowd and Dick ‘accidentally’ knocked his drink from his hand with his own bandaged hand.
“He’s publicity. Not a guest,” you said quietly with an eye roll while straightening the tie. “And you want to make a good impression to my father.”
“I’m already preparing to get my ass beat by Batman,” Conner muttered under his breath.
“No. It’ll be Bruce Wayne and if you don’t take the hit and break his hand, then Batman will beat your ass later,” you replied. “But none of that will happen if you act like a polite journalist from Kansas.”
“I have many reason to hate that cover but it’s fine for now. Oh god, here he comes,” Conner said, standing straight as Bruce walked thru the crowd.
“Sweetheart,” Bruce said warmly, giving you a hug. “Kent,” he added, looking at Conner suspiciously over your shoulder.
“Hi Mr Wayne,” Conner replied. Bruce glared at him.
“Why is he here?”
“Dad,” you chided. “Conner is here as my.. date,” you said with a nervous smile. You watched Bruce Wayne go thru every emotion a man could have in 30 seconds.
“I see,” Bruce replied coldly. Your heart froze.
Conner looked between you both.
“Kent. You better treat her well or I’ll put a boot so far up your ass, you’ll taste kryptonite,” Bruce said calmly before walking away to talk to another guest.
“I’m gonna die,” Conner whimpered. “I had to date Batman’s daughter and now I’m gonna die.”
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girlkisser13 · 5 days
conner kent masterlist
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* indicates smut
dating conner kent would include
nsfw headcanons *
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acourtofidiots · 2 years
since I forgot Barbara last night, here’s what I would think Barbara would do when you touch yourself without permission
cw: smut, sex toys, dom/sub dynamics, semi-public sex, voyerism, exhibitionism
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Babs would definitely make you wear a pair of vibrating panties while you’re out and about with other Batfam member or another trusted friend (like Kon, Kory, Roy, etc., but let’s go with Kon for this scenario)
You would whine insistently when she hands you the panties and instructs you to keep them on but one firm look your way has you pouting but pulling the panties on under your dress. 
For the first hour, it’s not so bad. The vibrations are kept on low and you could easily tune them out while you’re at the club and grinding up on Kon. 
But when a stranger starts being overly flirty with you, you could feel the vibrations kick up a notch and it took all your willpower to stammer out an apology and stumble out of the club, with the Kryptonian in tow. 
Kon pushes you up against an alley a few blocks away, smashing his lips onto yours and grinding his hips into yours. You moan as you could feel your wetness soak your panties and drip onto his jeans, and your whining intensifies as Kon moves from your lips to nibble at your neck. 
“I know princess,” he hushes you, arms firmly keeping you planted against the wall. “I know what that slutty cunt of yours needs. But Oracle gave me strict instructions to not get you off. But she didn’t say I can have my own fun with you.” 
Which lead you to having your legs wrapped around his waist, nails digging into the supple leather of his jacket as he thrusts his thick length into you. 
“Kon, p-please,” you whimper, overwhelmed by how well he was hitting your g-spot. 
He grins at you, mouth opening to respond, but was cut to the chase. 
“Aw, what do we have here?” You both turn to see Tim at the entrance of the alleyway, and you flash puppy dog eyes at the vigilante. 
“T-tim, please, please let me cum,” you beg as he steps towards you, the whites of his domino mask hiding the mischievous sparkle in his eyes. 
“As much as I want to help you, Barbara gave us explicit instructions not to give into you, no matter how hard you beg.” His gaze lingers on your chest, on how your tits were bouncing within the confines of your dress. 
You're gave a frustrated growl in return, looking up at the wall behind the two men to see a camera pointed directly at you. No doubt it was Barbara who was behind that lens. So you decided to take advantage of it. 
“Please, miss,” you whine, biting your lip and flashing a sultry look at the camera. “Please let me cum. I-I’m sorry for disappointing you. I-shit I promise I’ll be a good girl.” You could feel your walls start to clench around Konner’s cock inside you, teetering on the edge of bliss. 
Tim hums before tracing a hand down below to rub slow circles over your throbbing bud. “Babs said..she thinks that you can come, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to be done when you get back to her place.”
And with that, you explode, waves of pleasure overwhelming you. The two men before you help you through it, never ceasing their moments until Kon’s thrusts become sloppy as his own orgasm courses through him. 
They pull back and help you regain your balance on your feet before turning you to face the fall and bend you in half before gripping your ass cheeks and pulling them apart, undoubtedly showing off your abused pussy to Barbara. You could feel the cocktail of your releases trail down your thigh, and all you wanted was for Barbara to clean it up, to lick you clean until you’re cumming once again on her tongue. 
“Fuck,” says Tim, as he circles a finger around your hole, and you twitch in their hold. “Such a pretty sight.” 
Kon hums in agreement. “She sure is. You guys are so lucky to have her.” He pauses as he helps you stand up once more. “Now, let’s go. You know how Oracle doesn’t like tardiness.”
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solar-wing · 3 months
⚣ Disobey 😠
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⚣😠 A/N → i... don't ask. just..don't. I'm so ashamed. WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI | Rough Anal | Orgasm Denial | Controlling Behavior | Dom/Sub Vibes |
⚣😠 Summary → Conner has had enough of Y/N disobeying him.
⚣😠 Words → 1.3K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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"a-ah, fuck ... ! Please let me cum!"
Conner pressed the young mage harder against the wall, laying another hard smack on his bottom while thrusting in and out of his quivering hole. He also held a tight grip on the boy's throbbing and red cock, squeezing at the base whenever he could tell the boy was about to cum.
The Kryptonian grunted in his ear while increasing the intensity of his thrusts, "Don't tell me what to do. I'm not ready for you to cum yet, got it? You're going to learn how to follow orders," He delivered an extra hard push with that sentence while squeezing down again on the poor boy's whimpering dick, pulling a needy whine from him.
Earlier that day, Batman briefed the team on a mission where they were to recover a powerful magical relic from some ancient ruins before a group of cultists found it and delivered it to their leader. When they arrived, the group split off into pairs to find the relic faster, Superboy ordered Y/N to come with him, even though some felt it'd be better if he and Zatanna went together.
Superboy instructed the young mage to stay close to him at all times and not wander off, sensing the place would have various booby traps. As they were looking through the ruins, Y/N got curious and wandered off to look at some interesting-looking markings on the walls, accidentally activating the magical defenses.
Thankfully, the spell to nullify it was simple enough. But it didn't make the Kryptonian any less angry with him.
Then, when they eventually ran into the cultists who had found the relic, Superboy instructed Y/N to run and grab help while he held them off. Of course, that wasn't the smartest idea since he was more vulnerable to magic attacks than the mage.
Y/N didn't listen though and had engaged the cultists himself, Superboy's anger doubling at the mage's disobedience. They were able to hold them off long enough for the rest of the team to show up and fight together.
Y/N managed to steal the relic back from the cult and the team successfully defeated them with only a few of the cultists getting away. Everyone congratulated the young mage for his quick thinking, but Superboy was still furious with him.
When they returned to the Cave, Conner roughly pulled the boy aside to his room before slamming and locking the door, proceeding to scold the young mage. The Kryptonian yelled at him for not listening to him and putting himself in danger, calling the boy reckless and irresponsible.
Y/N didn't take well to that and argued back, defending himself, turning it into a full-blown argument until the two were in each other's faces.
"You need to learn some fucking respect. You may be strong, but you're still new. I've been a part of this team from the start and have more experience than you, so you need to learn to listen to me." Conner growled, getting in the boy's face.
"I'm not a child! I can take care of myself, thank you very much. And last I checked, you aren't the leader of this team, Kaldur is, so back off. I don't have to listen to you and I don't need you to protect me." Y/N growled back, before shoving his way past the Kryptonian towards the door.
He didn't make it far though before Conner grabbed his arm and yanked him back, pinning him to the bed, "Where do you think you're going?"
"I'm leaving, I don't need to deal with this right now," Y/N said, struggling against the Kryptonian's hold.
Conner growled in his ear, "You're not going anywhere. I'm not done with you yet."
"Oh, fuck you, Superboy." Y/N snapped, glaring daggers at the Kryptonian.
Conner glared back before suddenly crushing his lips against Y/N's, forcing his tongue into his mouth. Y/N struggled and fought against the Kryptonian's hold, but couldn't break free from his grip. Conner pulled away and smirked at the mage, "You're going to learn how to listen to me, whether you like it or not."
That's how Y/N found himself currently pinned against the wall, his ass in the air with the Kryptonian's cock thrusting into him.
Conner continued to slam his hips forward, making sure to graze over the young hero's prostate every time. The squelching of his wet cock, the loud slapping of their skin, and the grunting from both of them filled the room.
The young hero could only take the pounding, his legs were starting to feel like jelly and he was sure he would've fallen by now if the Kryptonian wasn't holding him up.
"please ... I’ll beg for it, do whatever you want for it ... please ... " Y/N cried out, tears starting to form in his eyes.
Conner smirked and leaned forward, "I'm not ready for you to cum just yet."
"Please! I've learned my lesson, I promise! I'll do anything, please just let me cum!" Y/N begged, his voice cracking.
"Anything, huh? I don't believe you" Conner said, his hips not faltering in their thrusts.
"Please, I promise! I'll do whatever you ask, I'll listen to your every command, I'll never go against your word, just please let me cum!" Y/N sobbed, his cock was so hard and red, he needed release.
"Fine, but you're going to cum untouched, and you're going to take all of my cum inside you, got it?" Conner growled in the boy's ear, releasing the boy's cock and placing both hands under his ass, his thrusts becoming more erratic.
"I'm going to fill you up so much, you'll be leaking my cum for days. And if you ever disobey me again, I'll punish you even harder, understand?" Conner said, his tone stern and threatening., pressing their fronts together while burying his face into the smaller male's neck, his teeth scraping his skin.
"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir! I promise to be good from now on!" Y/N moaned, feeling the Kryptonian's thrusts become more powerful and the heat inside him build.
"Fuck, you're such a good boy for me, aren't you? My perfect little boy," Conner praised, licking a stripe up the boy's neck, "I'm so close, I'm going to fill you up so much, gonna fill you to the brim..."
"Please, please, please..." Y/N pleaded, his breath ragged and short as his cock dripped pre-cum, he was so close.
Conner suddenly grabbed his cock, squeezing it again, pushing down the boy's release.
"AH a-ah, fuck ...no, please !" The boy cried out from the overstimulating pain, punching his fists against the Kryptonian's sweaty back.
Conner chuckled darkly, his hand moving to stroke the boy's throbbing cock, speeding up his thrusts, hitting his prostate dead-on every time.
"Cum for me, baby."
The young hero screamed out, his body spasming as his release finally hit him, his cock spurting thick white ropes of cum all over the Kryptonian's hand and abs. Conner grunted as he continued his relentless thrusting, his balls tightening as his release came crashing down.
With one final thrust, the Kryptonian buried his cock deep inside the boy, shooting thick loads of hot cum inside him.
The two boys panted heavily, their bodies glistening with sweat as they tried to catch their breaths. Conner leaned up, using one hand to tilt the boy's head up before placing a final rough kiss against his lips.
"Hopefully this teaches you a lesson. Don't ever disobey me again." Conner said, pulling his cock out, his cum leaking out of the boy's hole and down his thighs.
Y/N whimpered from the emptiness, slowly letting his legs down to the ground before they were roughly pulled back up.
"Where do you think you're going? We're not done here, not by a long shot. You're staying here and we're going to have some more fun," Conner growled in the boy's ear, pulling his cum-covered hand up to his lips, "Now clean my hand, you made quite a mess."
Y/N obeyed, his tongue running across the Kryptonian's hand, licking off all the cum.
"Good boy. Now, on your knees."
The young hero knew he was in for a long night.
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☀️ | Conner Kent/Superboy | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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fragcc · 1 year
Kon: “Did you see the way I took out that robot with my TTK. I bet Tim did. He probably is dying for me to fuck his hot, tight, sweet bisexual ass.”
Bart, setting his drink down: “Is there… is there something you want to me tell me?”
Kon, lifting up debris like they weight nothing: I bet Tim is probably having very bisexual thoughts right now about how easily I could just wrap my hands around his tiny waist and lift him up like he's a doll or pin him down to fuck him through the mattress until there's not a single coherent thought passing through that genius brain of his and all he can do is moan my name and beg for sweet mercy–
Kon: why do I have a boner.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 17 days
Another one for the list!!
Fictional men I have fallen in love with who have gone to prison (or jail) who look infinitely hotter in a prison uniform:
Sean Cameron
Conner Kent Luthor
Dick Grayson
Spencer Reid
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a1307s · 7 months
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Kinks #1
(Conner Kent Smut)
[Art is not mine! Credit to kămenOWL ]
Request By: dogma0325
Y/N - Your Name
E/C - Eye Color
Word Count: 3,527
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Mild name calling/bickering/cursing
Hair pulling
Lost virginity (Conner)
Mentions of degrading
Thigh cum shot
Conner's POV
     The living room is super noisy this afternoon. Wally and Robin decided to invite Roy Harper for what they called a 'boys night' in. Apparently a 'boys night' is all the boys hanging out without any of the girls on the team around. In a counter action to this, Artemis invited Zatanna over to hangout with Y/N, M'gann and herself for a 'girls night'. I have learned that the only difference between a 'boys night' and a 'girls night' is the genders who are hanging out in what room.
     If I'm honest I would much rather be at the girls' night in Y/N's room than in the living room with the boy teammates - and Roy. The boys are loud and only talk about this thing called 'football'. I was interested in some of the conversation when Roy was talking about fixing his motorcycle. I like machines, they're understandable and unchanging; unlike humans.
     A whistle pulls me out of my thoughts, pulling my attention towards the direction it came in. "You're looking hot, Y/N," Roy - who I assume whistled - says with a smirk and a wink.
     My head snaps upward at the sound of Y/N's name. I'm not sure what I feel about her yet. When she's around it's hard to breathe and my stomach feels upset but when she's talking to Wally or Kaldur touches her back I get angry. I explained these emotions to Canary last week when she was here for our training and she told me it sounded like a 'crush'. After some research and an explanation from Robin apparently a 'crush' is when you have romantic love feeling things for a person. From how he explained it, it's supposed to make me feel good, but it just makes me feel confused and angry.
     "Keep your tongue in your mouth, Harper," Y/N says, a small giggle following her words. Y/N leans over Roy's chair, her chin resting on his red hair and her arms folded under her chest. From what I can see she's wearing one of my shirts along with her tight velvet necklace. Last month Y/N explained to me the tight necklaces she wears are called 'chokers'. Her conversation with Roy makes my nervous boil with anger but seeing her wear my shirt makes my stomach warm up.
     "Hurry up and get out of here! It's boys night," Wally whines, throwing a piece of his popcorn at Y/N. "What are you even doing out here?"
     "The girls wanted a snack and I lost the drawing so I got the great joy of seeing you boys pig out in the common room," She says, letting her feet fall back on the floor before walking over to the kitchen.
     "It's only Wally that is pigging out," Says Kaldur with a sweet smile. The smile makes my anger even more unbearable.
     "Suck my dick, Captain," Y/N mocks with a slupy salute.
     "You don't have one," Roy reminds her as if that's something a girl could forget. Maybe Y/N did forget she doesn't have a penis.
     "And yet my cock is bigger than yours," She snaps back at Roy, opening a cabinet and pulling out two bags of chips. "Maybe if you pulled some of your dick out of your personality you could keep a girlfriend," Y/N finishes before walking out of the living room and back down the hallway. Her comments towards Roy make my stomach even warmer, but this time it starts to tighten in a way I haven't felt before.
     "God it would be so fun to sleep with her," Mumbles Roy, getting a chuckle out of Wally.
     "Gosh not very humble, are we?" Wally asks, making himself chuckle even more. "Honestly Y/N is probably super vanilla."
     "Vanilla? As in the ice cream?" I ask, confusion over taking me. How can Y/N be an ice cream flavor?
     The guys laugh at me before Robin grabs my shoulder. "Big Guy, Vanilla is a term used for someone that isn't kinky in bed. Like you!" He explains, giving me more questions instead of answers.
     "Dude I swear Y/N is a hundred percent into choking," Roy says before taking a drink of his pop.
     "We are aware. Her chokers are a dead give away," Kaldur adds on before going back to his book.
     "I know she's into hair pulling," Robin says, catching the attention of Roy.
     "What makes you say that?"
     "I accidentally pulled her hair the other day and instead of saying 'ow' or being pissed off she said 'hey'," The youngest boy explains.
     "I'm still confused," I say as my confusion starts quickly turning into anger.
      "Ask one of the girls to explain it later," Wally says before going back to talk to Roy about Artemis's 'kinks'.
     A little after ten everyone left the mountain for the night. Well everyone that doesn't live here anyway, which leaves Kaldur, M'gann, Y/N, and me.
     The question from earlier still eats at my brain and after talking to M'gann it's come to my attention that Y/N is my only hope for an explanation. So, here I am, standing outside her door. My stomach is upset again and my lungs feel like the air is being forced out of them. Is my question really important enough to disturb Y/N?
     Before I can make up my mind her door comes swinging open. "You know, your heart beat is really loud right now and is making it hard to sleep," She tells me, but it's hard for me to focus on her words. She's standing in her doorway with nothing but my T-shirt from earlier on. The warm and tight feeling comes back from earlier.
     "What?" I ask, completely forgetting to register her words.
     Y/N sighs and rolls her eyes at me before repeating herself. "I said your heart beat is too loud right outside my door so I can't fall asleep, so what do you want?"
     My mind struggles to make sense of Y/N's words as I look at her. She has to have shorts on or something under my shirt, right? Right?! "Because of your super-senses?" I manage to push out as I focus on the ended hem of my shirt. It rests gently against her thighs. If there's even a gentle breeze it'll move and expose everything. That's very pervy of me to think, isn't it?
     "Good conclusion captain obvious," Y/N says, crossing her arms over her chest, causing her boobs to plump up on top of her arms. I'm definitely a pervert. "What do you want, Sups? I'm tired and want to go to bed."
     "Can I ask you some questions? The boys were talking about some stuff today and I don't really know what they mean," I ask, tugging my eyes away from her chest and nervously scratching the back of my head.
     "Sure," Y/N says, turning around and heading back into her room but keeping the door open for me to follow. "Close the door when you walk in," She says, plopping down on her bed. Y/N lays down on her gray bedding. Her knees are bent up, causing my shirt to pool as high up her thigh as possible without showing anything. Her arm is over her eyes and her hair is fanned out in all directions across her pillows.
     I walk in and softly swing the door closed. The click of the door closing and the view of Y/N causes that pressure in my groin to grow more. "What were the boys talking about?" She asks, not moving her arm from her eyes.
     "Umm..." I mumble, walking over to her bed and folding myself in a seated position at the foot of it. "I think they called them 'kinks'," I finish, willing myself not to reach out and touch Y/N's knees.
     "What?" Y/N's question comes out sharp as she sits up. She folds her legs under her in a criss-cross sitting position. Her underwear pokes out from under my shirt, exposing the red color of it. I quickly snap my eyes away from that area and decide to focus on her E/C eyes. "Do you not know what a kink is? Is that your question?" She asks, reaching her hands out to hold my shoulders. Her eyes are tense as they focus on my face.
     "No I do not," I say, taking a quick glance down at her chest before snapping my eyes to the wall parallel with us. "Roy and Robin said you have a choking and hair pulling kink. That sounds like it would hurt".
     Y/N's cheeks go red at my words and she quickly moves her hands off my shoulders. "They're not wrong," She mumbles, fussing with her hair like she usually does when she's flustered. "I mean, it does like hurt but like... it's a good hurt, I guess? I don't know how to explain it..." Y/N slides off into thought after she tries to explain it to me.
     The thought of wrapping my hand around her throat takes over my thoughts, I want to know how she'll react. I want to know what she means by a 'good hurt'. Before I can stop myself I reach out and gently wrap my hand around her throat. "Wh...What are... what are you doing?" Y/N questions, her cheeks getting redder and her pupils widen some.
     "I wanted to see what you meant by 'good hurt'," I answer, carefully watching how she reacts.
     Y/N wiggles around, moving herself into a kneeling position in front of me. Her hands reach up to mine, filling my head with worry. What if I'm not doing it right? What if I upset Y/N? "You're doing it wrong," She says, moving my fingers to a certain spot on the side of her neck and gently pushing my palm up and off her windpipe. "You're supposed to gently squeeze the veins next to my neck. If you push down on my windpipe you'll break it. For someone like you I strongly suggest being extra careful," She says, looking up into my eyes again when she's done moving my hand into the right spot.
     "Can... Can I squeeze?" I ask, glancing down at my hand before looking back up at her. She nods yes, biting the bottom of her lip. "I want to hear you say yes."
      "Yes," She says, gently leaning into my hand. I gently squeeze, afraid of hurting her, "You can squeeze harder," Y/N says, her voice soft and her eyes half lidded. I obey, squeezing slightly more. "Perfect," She says, her voice coming out husky.
     "Is this a kink?" I ask, my eyes raking down her body. Gently I place my hand on her thigh so my fingers barely touching the hem of my shirt on her body.
     "Mhm," Y/N hums, her eyes completely closed now. "A kink is something someone likes to happen to them in bed. My kinks are choking - obviously. I also like getting spanked, my hair pulled, and being degraded. Sometimes I dabble in being a submissive too," She explains, scooting herself closer to me. "Can I sit in your lap?" She asks quietly, opening her eyes to look at me.
      "Umm... sure," I say, reluctantly letting go of her throat. Y/N gently climbs into my lap, wrapping her legs around my torso and softly resting her arms over my shoulders. Her area feels warm pushing up against my jeans. "Can you teach me how to pull hair?" I ask slowly, waiting to see how she responds.
     "Sure!" Y/N chirps out, her pupils growing even bigger. "So you're going to want to take a good chunk of my hair in your hand. You can take all of it if you want," She explains, and I obey, taking her hair in my hand and making a sort of ponytail out of it. "Next you're going to want to pull it back until I'm looking up at the ceiling. Don't pull super hard though or you'll actually hurt me."
     I listen to Y/N again, using the same amount of strength as I did on her throat. A strange sound comes out of Y/N as her head leans back from me pulling on her hair. "Am I hurting you?" I ask, losing my grip on her.
     "N... no..." She murmurs, blanking her eyes a few times before leaning her head back again. "You're just... turning me on..." She says, focusing on the ceiling. "Can you pull my hair again?"
      I pull her hair back again, focusing on the skin on her neck. It's slightly bruised from where I had my hand before. "What does that mean? 'Turning you on'?" I ask, trying to ignore the hard feeling forming in my pants.
     "Umm... being turned on... it ahh... it's the feeling where you want to have sex. I'm not sure how it is for guys but when us girls get turned on it's... it's like this pressure around our stomach, I guess? When girls get turned on they start,.. Like... leaking? That's not the right word..." She mumbles, rotating her hips to move forward. The feeling sends chilling waves through me. "When girls get turned on we... we form these like... juices? I don't know. Our pussies just get super wet. When guys get turned on though their dicks get a rush of blood and that's how boners are formed."
     "I think I'm forming a boner," I mumble, slowly leaning down to Y/N's neck. Every nerve in me wants to kiss the skin on her neck. It's just so smooth and beautiful that I can't help myself. "Is that wrong?" I am worried that I'm crossing some imaginary line I'm not aware of.
     "No... no it's... it's not," Y/N mumbles, tapping on my arm. In response I let go of her hair. Y/N's head flips up and she looks at me, her eyes burning into mine. "I really want to fuck you right now, Conner." She tells me, making the boner in my pants grow even more.
     "As in like... wanting me to put my... in... in your?" I ask, awkwardly resting my hands on her shoulders.
     "Ya, but we don't have too! We don't have to do anything you don't want!" Y/N yelps, starting to push herself off of me.
     "No! I... I want to... to do the... the sex..." I mumble, pulling her back into my lap. "How's... how's it going to feel?"
     "First, never call it 'doing the sex' again. It's just 'having sex'. Second, Roy explained it as a like warm and tight feeling."
     The mention of Roy makes my anger bubble and before I can stop myself I have my hand back into Y/N's hair and her head snapped back up. "Roy isn't here so I don't know why you need to say his name. Is he here? Are you sitting on his lap? Do you ask him to fuck you?"
     Y/N's woman hood beats under me like her heart has fallen from her chest. "Fuck Conner," She mumbles, rolling her hips aginst mine again. "N... no he's not here right now."
     "I'm sorry," I mumble, finally giving in and letting myself kiss her neck. "How do we...?" I ask, releasing her hair.
     "Don't apologize, I like when guys say stuff like that," Y/N says, crawling off my lap. She positions herself on all fours in front of me with her ass sticking high in the air towards me and her weight leaning on her forearms. "Can you... um... spank me?" She asks, slowly moving her hips so her butt shakes in front of me.
     "Umm... sure... if you explain how to do that," I say, my eyes following her butt as it moves and my penis straining against my pants.
     "Just smack my ass. Just be aware of how much power you're using, I don't want to get badly hurt," Y/N answers back, turning her head to look back at me.
     I roll her words over in my head as I gently rest my hands on her waist. "Just smack it?" I ask, getting a humming yes from the girl exposed in front of me. "Okay," I mumble, settling her hips in place before taking a hand off of her. I draw back my hand before swinging it forward and connecting it with Y/N's behind. A soft mew spills out of her as she hangs her head. "Like that?" I ask, rubbing the redding spot.
     "Ya," Y/N breathes out as her legs start to shake. I take that as a good sign, drawing my hand back a few more times and connecting it back into the same spot. With every smack her noises get louder. By the sixth time Y/N's voice is shaky. "Please Conner," She whines, rubbing her thighs together.
     "Please what?" I ask, rubbing the tender skin. Y/N wasn't lying when she said women leak. Sticky clear liquid coats her thighs. Curiosity gets the better of me, causing me to stick my hand on her thigh and coat my hand in the watery substance.
     "Please fuck me," She whimpers, moving her hips back and rubbing her butt aginst my penis.
     "I don't... I don't know how to do that," I say, rubbing the liquid between my fingers. "Can you show me?"
     "Ya," She says, turning around and pushing me back into a seated position. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Y/N asks, starting to undo my pants.
     "Yes, I'm sure," I answer, watching her movements carefully.
     Y/N wastes no time undoing my pants. Her hand presses against my boxers when she finally manages to undo my bottoms. The touch is small but still manages to shoot sparks through my body. I clench my jaw, holding back noises as she gently pulls out my cock. It stands up on its own but that doesn't stop Y/N from running her hand up and down on it. "I'm going to sit on it," She says, letting go of me and wiggling her way out of her underwear.
     "Isn't that going to hurt?" I ask, focusing on the ceiling to avoid looking at her womanhood.
     "No it won't. There's this... hole? That your dick goes into so like I'm not sitting-sitting on your dick. I'll just be sitting on your lap... with you.. In me..." She explains, glancing to the side before she rests her hand on my face.
     Gently, Y/N pulls my face down so I'm looking at her. She's so close to me that our noses are rubbing. "I'm going to kiss you," She says, rubbing her thumb on my cheek.
     She takes her time to lean up and close the gap between us. When her lips touch mine they're soft and puffy against my own. The feeling of us kissing is a nice break from the heat and tension in the room. After a minute or two Y/N pulls away from me, dropping her hands from my face to my shoulders. "I'm going to put you in me now," Y/N mumbles, lifting herself and hovering herself over my dick.
     Slowly, Y/N settles herself on my lap. The feeling in her is exactly as she explained. It's nice and warm. Her insides wrap tightly around me which I take as a good thing because Y/N lets out a little gasp. "You're... you're so big," She mumbles, gripping tight on my shoulders.
     "Is that a bad thing?" I ask, settling my hands on her lower back.
     "Fuck no," She whispers into my ear, slowly lifting herself up before plopping back down on me. She goes slow a few more times before picking up her pace. "Fuck," She whines, sliding her hands up to my hair and gripping on to the strands. "You... you should... Um... buck your hips."
     I obey her wish, lifting my hips up as she falls back down. "God damn it!" She yells, tugging on my hair. I repeat the actions a few times, feeling Y/N's insides tighten around me, causing the tension in my groin to grow and making my dick quiver in her. "Y/N?" I ask when the feeling becomes overwhelming. "My... my dick... it feels-"
     "Like it's going to explode?" She asks, kissing the side of my neck. "When that feeling gets really really tense tell me to get off because you can't finish in me," Y/N says, bouncing on my lap some more.
     "You... you should get off... like now," I say, gently pushing her away. Just as Y/N slides off of me a white liquid comes spilling out. Unable to stop myself I let out a low growl and dig my hands into her side.
     Once the tension is all done spilling out I look down at Y/N. She stretched out on the bed with her knees still folded at my thighs. Her chest rises and falls fast as her heart beats faster than usual. Her hair is a mess and her thighs are coated with the juices from the both of us. "That was fun," She says, looking up at me with sparkles in her eyes.
     "Y... ya..." I say back, leaning down and gently brushing a kiss to her lips.
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tobias-robin · 9 months
Konner yet again has an oral fixation
Kon would literally eat Tim out for hours if Tim didn’t have that whole sensitivity from not having as much of ‘krytonian sexual stamina’ as kon does
They’re a switch I feel like Tim would develop a strap on that makes him feel it? Somehow. Kon would literally beg to help him try it out
Kon goes absolutely crazy for Tim’s strap on
Kon weirdly enough really likes feeling Tim’s too surgery scars he thinks Tim’s scars are pretty and make him Tim
Sometimes kon just begs to have something in his mouth even while being fucked all he wants is fingers or even just a gag
Tim against his own words loves being overpowered he loves being tied down and used until he’s screaming overstimulated
Kon loves when Tim rides him
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thief-of-eggs · 1 year
some sex pollen timkon for you all
words: 6,458
“That’s all,” Tim answers in a small voice. “You uh, don’t have to stay or anything-”
Kon cuts him off, placing his hand carefully on Tim’s thigh. He takes a breath, steeling himself-
“What if I want to stay?” He asks, surprising even himself with how husky his voice sounds. So much for not getting aroused.
or: Tim gets dosed with Ivy’s sex pollen, and calls out to Kon for help. Smut ensues
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ashersmut · 1 year
Sneak peak at what's cumming soon to Patreon.
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awhitehead17 · 8 months
Day by Day - Chapter 22
Chapter preview:
Friday went by in a slow haze. While Tim woke up Friday morning feeling slightly better than he had been during the night, he still felt lethargic and weak throughout the day and doing anything more than laying on the couch took up energy he didn’t have. He didn’t have much of an appetite and looking at screens, such as his phone, was difficult so he surrendered himself to a day on the couch napping and not doing much else.
Jason hadn’t been home when he woke up late morning. He did however leave Tim a note stating he’s gone to work and has called his school to inform he’s unwell and how he’ll be home late afternoon once he’s finished.
Tim can’t say being home sick was the worst thing in the world, if anything it could be a blessing in disguise although he could have done without the throwing up the previous night and the ramping headache. If Tim had gone to school today he wouldn’t have a clue on how to face the group about the situation with Kon. There’s no doubt that Cassie’s told the others what she’s learnt and Tim has no idea how the others are going to take the news. He feels slightly bad for leaving Bart to deal with the fallout by himself but he’ll be able to handle it, they’re more likely to listen to him than Tim anyway.
Being sick has given Tim a chance for avoidance for a little longer and he can’t be too upset by that.
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solar-wing · 8 months
⚣ Captor & Captive 🦍
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Check out Parts One💉 & Two🔥!
⚣🦍 A/N → The final installment! Fair warning. For those who read the original version, this one is going to be completely different. With my updating and revising the previous parts, this is the ending I originally pictured but decided to not go with at first so I hope you all enjoy it. As mentioned in the last part, the full NSFW version will be posted to Patreon. WARNINGS: MALE INTERSEX READER. Canon-Typical Violence. Bondage & Gagging. Manhandling/Rough Treatment. Emotional Feelings. Some Comfort&Fluff Vibes, etc! All NSFW warnings will be on the full version.
⚣🦍 Summary → The moment has arrived. Conner's finally got you where he wants you and is ready to tear you apart from the inside (literally). However, a timely arrival from your friends could offer itself as a last chance to escape his grasp before he is able to claim his prize. Are your teammates up to the challenge though with the Kryptonian's increased strength and full powers?
⚣🦍 Words → 10.2K
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
⚣ Full Version 🦍
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Today was really not your day.
How you ended up in this situation? No one knows, but what or who could you have possibly angered to have something like this happen to you? No punishment in the world you imagined could be as bad as that time you got in trouble for acting out in school and they called your dad.
He could be a frightening man when he wanted to be.
But nope, this outweighed that by so much. And the day started out normal as usual.
Well, as normal as possible for a young superhero with pyrokinesis who was part of an elite team of other young superheroes and vigilantes.
Usual shit, you know?
You woke up, got out of bed, and ate breakfast with your dad before running (flying) off to your university. Classes were boring, you and your buddies acted like goofy idiots all day, and you burned a few kids on the ass for being assholes to other students. 
At the end of the school day, you made up an excuse of why you couldn’t hang out with your friends before rushing off to the abandoned photo booth/zeta gateway in an alleyway of your city to meet up with your team. The second you got there, Batman called you all into the mission room to give details of Professor Ivo’s newest schemes before sending you all off in the bioship to discover what he was up to.
Arriving at the abandoned warehouse where Ivo was sighted, it wasn’t long before things had gone from calm to chaotic. The dusty and dirty building was filled with a bunch of brand new boxes that contained an army of laughing MONQI robots, Ivo’s annoying little robotic henchmen.
It was a trap, one you realized a little too late when you got nabbed by a couple of the laughing androids. Superboy came to your rescue only for you to realize the set-up was for him when he got injected with a purple serum. After you got your bearings, you managed to trap Ivo and take out the last androids, but Conner was out clean, and you had no idea what they had done to him. 
Red Tornado was able to deduce what the mysterious liquid was when Conner woke up after you all returned to Mount Justice and he began acting very aggressive and animalistic towards you. Let’s just say your scent was ‘desirable’ to him, and he was very keen on keeping it and you to him as long as possible along with other things. Details aren’t needed, but from many of his actions, the wind-controlling android figured the Kryptonian was injected with a hormone-boosting solution.
Its intended use was for him to turn into an angry, instinct-driven savage and kill you and your friends. Thankfully, you knocked the vial out of him before it could be fully administered, but his instincts were still amplified. Only instead of a murderous beast, he became the superhero version of a horny and aggressive brute dead set on fucking you stupid.
Thankfully, your friends and mentors intervened and managed to get you away from ‘Caveman Conner,’ as you dubbed this new persona. However, he did not make it easy for them at all as apparently, that serum made him extremely possessive as well, leading to him holding you captive on his shoulder like a potato sack while fighting your friends and mentors like they were world-class villains for attempting to get you away from him. 
Whether that was a Conner trait before the injection or one that was created after was something you didn’t think about though, considering he acted nothing like this when he was with M’Gann.
This entire ordeal led you to discover Batman’s apparent insurance policy for the Kryptonian, in case he or Superman were to ever go rogue. It made you wonder if the superhero had backup plans like that for all the other members of the league, your meta and magical teammates, or even you.
As far as you knew, there wasn’t anything that could counter your powers as long as you weren’t extremely cold. And it wasn’t like there was a member in the Justice League who shared similar abilities to you that Batman could test something out on. But, of course, as cruel fate would have it, the Dark Knight did indeed have an insurance policy for you which Conner had discovered and taken advantage of after shutting off the electricity and luring you to the garage hangar when you and he were alone after everyone had left out.
With the power and communications off in the Cave, your powers nullified and the dark-haired boy’s own amped up since he apparently unlocked his full Kryptonian abilities due to the effects of the serum, you were trapped inside, defenseless, and at his mercy.
Not only had he forced you back into the Cave after you almost escaped, but he smashed the panel that controlled the garage hangar door rendering it completely useless before proceeding to handcuff and gag you while giving a pre-show of his intended plans.
Now, you watched in anxious anticipation as the Kryptonian carried you down to the hall to wherever with plans to ruin your body for his own carnal pleasure.
Yep, normal shit.
Okay, you knew where you went wrong now; you got out of bed.
The tight pressure and soreness in your abdomen had become like a throbbing sensation with every step Conner took that would slightly cause a repeating push against your waist from your position on his shoulder. You did your best to keep your body upright to avoid the very familiar feeling of blood rushing to your head and swimming around in your ears, but it seemed Superboy was taking his good ole time and your upper body strength was getting weaker and weaker.
You also tried to keep your mind off the ache and tingles running up and down your arms as they rested against your back with the metal of the cuffs weighing them down. The Kryptonian chuckles at your futile efforts to escape his hold, with your weak squirming and struggling as he continued fondling the soft flesh between your legs with the same hand holding your thighs against his chest.
He loved the sounds of your muffled whines and cries, feeling like the most powerful person in the world as you were virtually helpless and at his mercy. You would not enjoy the boost to his ego that was guaranteed to happen, especially after his little preview of your night in the garage hangar which you prayed to whatever deity watching that the cameras throughout the base were powered down to and didn’t catch any of that on tape.
The last thing you needed was your friends reviewing the footage and seeing you get violently fingered against the wall and splashing a mess all over the floor.
Speaking of which…
Kal, M’Gann, and Zatanna had left on a walk around Happy Harbor almost 20 minutes before you decided to pack your things and head out. Your fight with Conner, including his little pleasurable fun with you had to also have been at least 20 minutes itself. So, if you were doing the math right, it’d been almost a little over an hour since they had left. What, did they decide to make a stop in Gotham too? 
What the hell were they doing and why weren’t they back yet?!
Who were you even kidding though? Conner virtually made sure there was no way to get back inside the base without him knowing about it. And of course, if they did manage to make it inside, he’d be alerted well in advance and have time to do whatever with you before going to deal with him. 
Of course, you could fight or melt your way out, but with this stupid cooling bracelet on your arm, that wasn’t happening either. You were trapped inside Mount Justice and the only way you were leaving was if the Kryptonian allowed you to.
Why was that low-key kind of hot though?
Despite how embarrassing this whole ordeal felt, you couldn’t deny how erotic all of this was. If it wasn’t for the emotional mess this would eventually lead to, you would have played the role of the innocent and helpless virgin, ahem, victim from the beginning, no questions asked.
His possessive attitude, treating you like the most valuable piece of treasure in the world and not wanting anyone else to have it. The aggression and dominance in how he handled not just those who dared try and take you from him, but how he dealt with you and your ‘bratty’ behavior.
What’s that purring sound?
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Suddenly, Conner came to a stop. You tried your best to turn and see where you were before everything moved in a fast blur as the dark-haired boy turned to look at the two companions that were following behind.
“Stay.” He commanded in a gruff tone.
Wolf nodded at your captor, before planting himself right next to the door you were facing, Sphere going to the other side of it. The Kryptonian entered the room shortly after.
It was dimly lit by the red emergency lights of the Cave, and as the door shut behind you two, it became even harder to tell where you were. However, when you saw a few piles of clothes, some workout equipment, and a bin of tools in different areas, you quickly found the answer: Conner’s bedroom.
Well, at least he was considerate in choosing a more private place this time to have his way with you.
A part of you was excited at the thought of getting to have sex with your crush. But, the other side where logic and rationality were still speaking kept you apprehensive. When all was said and done and Conner (hopefully) came back to his senses, where would you and him stand?
You didn’t want to risk losing your friendship with the Kryptonian if it turned out he didn’t harbor any romantic feelings for you and this was some sort of anomaly. How could you both even work on the same team together if there was an awkward air between the two of you?
He walked across the room before you felt yourself being nudged up, one of his arms coming up to your back as he gently lifted you off his shoulder and deposited you onto his bed, a slightly relieved feeling running through you from the release of pressure on your abdomen. It was a surprising change of pace from the rough antics you were used to.
Conner brought his face directly above yours, staring into your own pupils with an expression that made you feel as if you were in trouble, which considering the previous events, you probably were.
What you didn’t expect was for his hand to rub down the side of your face in a soft caress, his calloused fingers somehow feeling soft to the touch. His eyes slowly traveled across your face, seemingly taking in every detail they could while you definitely did not snuggle your face into his hand.
You know what, you could have this moment. Just for a little bit.
Your soft whimpers were the only sound that was heard as the Kryptonian stared at your shiny, wet eyes before he leaned back up while his hands moved down to the front of his pants.
This was it.
The moment you fought so hard to avoid had finally come. You couldn’t deny the many parts of you that felt excited, the anticipation at knowing you were about to get something you’ve wanted for so long. Well, a part of something at least.
You could recall times when Conner and M’Gann were still dating and you’d feel jealous at the sight of her lips upon his. The Martian getting to touch and caress the Kryptonian in ways you thought you would never be able to. It was a bittersweet thought.
In the end, you did get to have something she may have never had (at least to your knowledge), but at what cost? When all was said and done, and the serum was fully out of Conner’s system, who said he would still see you the way he does now?
He could end up resenting you for tempting him with your desirable scent. Of course, that would in no way be your fault, but it was still a possibility. 
Just as much as it was possible that he actually may feel some sort of feelings for you. It would explain why he was attracted to you out of everyone else, especially M’Gann, and why he’d act so aggressively when anyone else would try to take you away from him.
It was a nice thought, but in your mind, it was highly unlikely.
Just as he was about to unzip his pants, the sound of mechanical whirring and things powering on hit your eardrums. Your sight was blinded for a quick moment by the sudden return of the ceiling lights, illuminating the room where you could spot more details and items you couldn’t before.
‘Someone turned the power back on.”
It would seem Conner had the same realization given the enraged look on his face as he looked around the room. He hopped off the bed, you watching his tensed muscular back as he marched to the door before yanking it open and leaning out. He stood there for a few seconds before turning around, the look in his eyes even more irate as he stomped his way back over to the bed which could mean a lot of things, but more than likely one.
Your friends had returned.
The realization brought immediate relief to your body, but you didn’t have much time to celebrate as the Kryptonian lifted you into his arms in a bridal hold. You fought back as hard as you could with a renewed fight and energy.
Your goal wasn’t necessarily to escape this time (though it was still your end objective), but more so to create as much noise and commotion as possible to alert your friends to your location. And though he’d probably never admit it, the Kryptonian had a much harder time holding you still as he walked you over to his closet which was surprisingly tidy, unlike the rest of his room.
He had to keep your legs still with you kicking wildly while placing you gently on the ground in the closet. When you were fully inside, he gave you a stern look. His way of telling you to be quiet or else.
You had no plans to adhere to that warning. The second he closed the door, you swung your body around as best as you could and started kicking your legs against the door only to almost get singed by the red blast of the Kryptonian’s heat vision.
He was searing the door shut like he did with the garage hangar door to keep you trapped inside, and more importantly, keep anyone but him out.
You’d almost forgotten about his upgrade in power with the serum unlocking his full Kryptonian abilities. Now, not only did he have super strength and invisibility, but he could fly, had full x-ray and heat vision, and inhuman speed.
Your friends had no idea what they were about to walk into. Even though you held your own against Conner for the most part, it was easier to try to escape than fight him head-on, and that was when he just had his normal abilities. It’d be almost suicide to try and fight him if he was fully equipped, which he was in more ways than one…
Hey! No dirty thoughts!
You could hear him zapping his bedroom door closed, creating two fortified barriers in the event someone managed to figure out where you were. Even if you kept kicking and knocking yourself against the wall, all you’d do is manage to hurt yourself. 
The only one who’d be able to hear you was Conner with his super-hearing which you’d bet money was enhanced as well from the serum.
Trapped once again and left in darkness, the only hope you now had was that your friends could subdue Superboy long enough for them to find and free you. Potentially, with all four of you, there could be a good chance of taking him down or if need be, calling Batman to find out where his supply of Kryptonite was.
‘C’mon guys, don’t fail me now…”
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“Do I even want to know what that mess on the floor is?” Zatanna asked, pointing to the wet ‘spill’ on the floor and pieces of clothing scattered near the wall.
“Probably not. What I want to know is why the door panel was not only smashed to bits but the entire door welded shut and the power shut off.” Kal said while inspecting the crumpled piece of machinery.
“Who do you think could’ve done this?” M’Gann wondered.
“I have my suspicions, but we won’t know until we check the medical wing or at least find Y/N if he’s still here.”
“I’ll go check the mission room and see if the Zeta Tube logs show any transports to his city.” The Martian volunteered.
Kal instructed her to go in stealth, just in case whoever did this was still here and watching them. He and Zatanna started searching the different halls and rooms, hoping to find something, anything that could help them figure out where their friends were and what had happened.
When they reached the medical wing, Kal's suspicions were confirmed the second they spotted the empty medical bed.
“Great, so if this was Superboy’s doing and he still has the serum affecting his mind, there’s no telling where he could be.”
“What if he followed Y/N home? Red Tornado said Conner was focused on…mating with Y/N. If he left before or right as he was waking up, he could’ve followed after him.” Zatanna said, a visible disgust coming over her face at the mention of the mating part.
“Then, why was the door blocked and the power off? He couldn’t use the Zeta Tube if the power was down. And would he even know how? Red Tornado said Conner's mental thinking was reduced to that of a primate. I’m not sure how much they knew about computers and gateway technology back then.”
The two turned around to see M’Gann flying up to them with a distressed look while holding something in her hand. She was breathing hard while checking her surroundings before she looked at her two teammates and whispered something they couldn’t hear.
“Huh? Say that again.”
She huffed before checking behind herself. When whatever she was checking for was clear, she turned back and leaned closer, this time speaking a little louder but not loud enough for them to understand.
“I’m sorry, we still can’t hear you.”
The Martian girl rolled her eyes before they went wide with realization.
Kal and Zatanna covered their ears in shock before giving an annoyed look to the green martian, “Yes, we can hear you, which ow, by the way.” Zatanna retorted.
‘Good. Sorry, and don’t speak out loud! He can probably hear us. Use the mental link.’ She instructed.
‘What are you talking about? Who can hear us?’ The sorceress asked, now also using the mental link as well.
‘Conner! He’s still here, and so is Y/N. When I went to the mission room, I checked the gateway logs and found the last transport going out to Y/N’s home city failed due to a power outage. Plus, his backpack was sitting next to the console.’
Kal and Zatanna's eyes both went wide as they looked at each other with realization.
‘Okay, kind of a smart move on his part. What better way to keep your captive from escaping than to lock them in an indestructible powered-down fortress?’ Zatanna said before something down the hall caught her eyes.
‘Indeed, a bit too smart for my comfort level. But, then why would Y/N seal the doors shut? He’s the only one who could weld it to the wall and floors like that.” Kal pointed out.
‘Maybe Y/N managed to escape and melted the doors to keep Conner from escaping.’ M’Gann suggested.
“Um, guys…”
‘Possible, but why was the panel smashed and why didn’t he come to find us?”
‘Guys! All legitimate concerns, I agree. But, we’ve got bigger problems!’ Zatanna shouted over the mind link before pointing towards the entrance to a very shirtless, very pissed-off Kryptonian.
They barely had time to react when Conner charged at them. He swung a punch aiming for Aqualad but only managed to hit the ground before they each ducked out of the way.
‘M’Gann, try and establish contact with Y/N now!’ Kal commanded while pulling out his water bearers to create twin swords.
‘Y/N? Can you hear me? Y/N, this is M’Gann!’
Not even a second later, they heard your voice screaming into the link, ‘CONNER HAS HIS FULL KRYPTONIAN POWERS!’
It prompted them to look up just in time to see Conner shooting his heat vision at them. Zatanna muttered a defensive spell that blocked the crimson beams from hitting Kaldur just in time while they turned and decided to run back towards the garage hangar.
‘Thanks for the warning,’ Zatanna said in the link.
‘No problem. Conner locked me in the closet in his bedroom and he used his heat vision to sear both the doors shut.’
‘That won’t be an issue for me. I can use the teleportation spell I used to get us inside.’
‘Alright then. Zatanna, you go and free Y/N. M’Gann and I will do our best to hold Conner off as long as we can.’ Kal said just as they reached the hangar. They heard a shattering sound and an angry scream, meaning Conner broke through the shield. Zatanna muttered a spell before she blinked out of sight with a small shimmer of light. 
Just as she disappeared, Conner came flying around the corner looking more angry than before. Things were about to get serious.
The sorcerer appeared right in the middle of Conner’s bedroom, taking a moment to collect herself before she looked around the messy room.
“Ugh, boys…” She muttered before rushing toward the closet. “Y/N, are you in there?” She asked.
All she heard was muffled sounds and screams in response. She uttered another spell that would force the doors to fling open while hearing your warning screams in her head all too late before she got the shock of her life.
“OH MY GOD!” She screamed, before covering her eyes at the sight of your bound naked body.
The embarrassment you felt right now definitely exceeded what you felt earlier when your friends had to first rescue you from the Kryptonian. In your defense, you tried to warn her before she opened the door, but the girl didn’t listen.
You could hear her uttering another spell under her head before a new tank top and pair of shorts appeared on your body. When the dark-haired girl confirmed you were indeed clothed, she knelt down to untie the gag off your mouth.
“Not one word of this to the others,” You said the second you could spit the torn piece of your old shirt out.
Zatanna helped you out of the handcuffs before helping you to your feet. It took you a minute to get your balance back since you hadn’t been on your feet for a while with Conner always choosing to carry you every fucking where on his shoulder.
“What took you all so long?! Conner freaking shut off the power and trapped me in here, and then basically molested me in the garage hangar. He was just about to get his grand prize before you guys showed up. My therapist is gonna be banking off this for the next year.” You all but shouted while trying to get the cooling bracelet off your wrist.
“Okay first off, TMI. Second off, we would’ve been back a half-hour ago but we were stuck outside trying to figure out why the door wouldn’t open. Now, we know why. Speaking of which, why didn’t you just blast him or fly away and come get us?”
“Oh, you don’t think I freaking tried that?! Conner waited to surprise me with his new powers just as I got out and then as a bonus, decided to slap one of Batman’s insurance policies on me. This freaking cooling bracelet is blocking my powers, and I don’t know how to get it off!” You groaned while trying to pry the thing open.
“Ugh, hold still,” Zatanna said while grabbing your wrist.
You heard her speaking backward again before you saw the blue light on the bracelet suddenly turn green before it snapped open, falling to the ground. Just as earlier when Conner first put it on and you felt a rush of cold air, the second it was off, a familiar heat spread over your body as you conjured two fireballs in your hands.
“Have I mentioned how much I appreciate you?”
“No. But, if you order me my favorite takeout for dinner, I’ll consider it all forgiven.”
Just as you both began to make your way to the door, you could hear M’Gann calling out to you on the link.
‘M’Gann, what’s wrong? I just got Y/N and we’re about to be on our way back.’
‘Don’t. Conner’s on his way to you now. Get to the mission room and use the Zeta Tube to get out of here. Kaldur took some hard hits. He wasn’t as harsh on me as he was on him, but I think he figured out our plan.’
As soon as she said that, the door was blasted off its hinges as the Kryptonian made his way through. When he saw you weren’t in the closet anymore (pun not intended) and that you were free of your cuffs, you immediately knew you were in for it by the vicious snarl he let out.
Thankfully, you had no plans of letting that happen.
He pointed his finger at you before pointing at the ground in front of him, reminding you of earlier when you first broke out of his hold. When this entire mess began…
You moved Zatanna behind you while staring at the Kryptonian in his blue eyes, formulating a plan in your head.
‘Zatanna, when I give the signal. Teleport us to the mission room.’ You instructed.
‘What about Kal?’
‘M’Gann will take care of him, I’m sure. But Conner won’t even waste his time on him. He’ll be too focused on chasing after me.’
Just like earlier, Conner could somehow tell you were up to something. You were counting on the hopeful fact he hadn’t noticed you were free of the cooling bracelet, which was met with joyous truth as he reacted too slowly to you blasting your own heat vision right into his eyes as you did earlier.
He shouted in pain while you yelled “NOW” to Zatanna who immediately grabbed your hand while uttering the spell. However, he recovered faster this time than before and immediately tried to charge at you in hopes of snatching you back before you could get away, but was too late as you both blinked away, popping into the mission room in a flash of light.
“Nice one,” You said while immediately running for the console and punching in the coordinates for your city.
Just as you finished typing, you heard an animalistic growl from behind you, turning to see a flash of white fur before you were suddenly knocked to the ground. A pair of snarling teeth were in your face as you felt Wolf’s paws on your body while Sphere held back Zatanna from trying to help you.
“Ugh, I forgot about you two.” You groaned.
He must have sent them here to hold you off, probably knowing if you managed to get free, you’d try to transport your way out of here since the garage hangar was blocked.
Out of patience at this point, you mentally apologized to the canine before letting your body be consumed in flames to force him off your chest. Yet again though, as the day was proving over and over, you couldn’t catch a fucking break.
The moment you were off the ground, Conner rushed in and immediately charged for you. One second, you were standing free and ready to make a break for the teleporter, the next you found yourself slammed against the wall with him gripping both your arms while he pressed himself against you to prevent you from moving.
A familiar rush of cold air spread over you, the Kryptonian not wasting any time slamming your good ole wrist jewelry back on.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” You snapped while Conner had his arrogant smirk before tossing you back over his shoulder, not bothering to cuff your hands while making his way to the Zeta Tube.
“Zatanna, a little help!”
“I’d love to, but I’m kind of busy not becoming a bowling pin right now!”
You didn’t have time to throw back a witty remark before you felt yourself lifted and tossed into the open portal. The familiar tingle you always got when using the Zeta passageways came over but was stronger this time. Probably because your body was colder than its normal temp from the cooling bracelet, so it had more of an effect on you.
When the flash of light passed through your eyes, you found yourself inside the photo booth in the alleyway of your city. Knowing Conner would be right behind you, you figured one last-ditch attempt wouldn’t be too worthless. Maybe you could find a place to hide or catch someone’s attention to give you a hand.
Yeah, of course. Just grab the next random person’s attention and let them know a super-powered caveman Kryptonian is after your sweet little hole, and you need help escaping in their Toyota Prius or Nissan Altima even though he can move faster than the car.
Real smart idea. 
Well, actually the Altima may not be a bad thought. Those fuckers never obey the speed limit.
The moment you exited the photo booth, it lit up again with your captor promptly exiting and smashing the booth to pieces, preventing your friends from being able to follow behind.
Because why fucking not?
You barely had a chance to turn around and run before he had you back in his grip, his smug look returning to your sight before you were lifted into a bridal hold with him taking off in the air.
‘Oh, god, I’m so fucked…’
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The sound of waves crashing against land was the first thing you recognized when Conner finally landed somewhere. A salty sea smell assaulted your nostrils as you looked up and took in the deserted beach. The city lights in the distance added some illumination on the dark shore as well as the shine from the moon in the clear sky.
You could remember countless times when you’d come out here at night whether with friends or just yourself to fool around or listen to the sounds of the waves. It helped you relax, helped you think. It was where you made some of your biggest revelations and decisions, like when you first discovered your powers.
Ironic a person with pyrokinesis first thought was to run to a place filled with water. Actually, maybe it was kind of smart. If something went wrong, like you accidentally set yourself on fire, you had a quick way to put it out.
There were a lot of great memories with this place. It was comforting. It was peaceful…
He brought you up to a lone standing tree before setting your on your feet positioning you between it and him leaving you no place to move. He held your waist tight in his hands while pressing himself against you, staring down deeply into your eyes.
The shadow around his face made his strong chin and jaw look more prominent, but more than ever, his blue eyes seemed to shine brighter than the ocean right behind you two as he stared down at you with an adoring gaze.
Wait, adoring?
“Co-Conner? Is that you? Like, actually you in there?”
He stared at you quietly, his usual frown in place which only made you more nervous until the corners of his lips turned up into an all-familiar cocky grin, immediately putting you on high alert.
“Well, depends on your definition of ‘actually me’, but if you mean am I back to a regular state of mind, then yeah, seems so.” He responded.
“I- uh, I’m sorry, huh?” You stammered, words slowly escaping your mind.
“Think I can get a couple rounds in before the others show up?” He asked while taking a hand and palming around your stomach.
Bitch, what?
“Hold the fuck up!” You exclaimed, your hands fully planted on his chest as stared down at you with an amused raised eyebrow. “The hell you mean was that enough?! Were you actually conscious of everything this entire time?”
You may have sometimes been a little naive, a bit clumsy, and you often ran your mouth before you thought about what you were saying, but you were no fool. Boo-Boo was nowhere on your birth certificate last time you checked.
So, when Conner’s lack of confusion and surprise at the current ‘circumstance’ you were in failed to show, assumptions were made on your end. And they were not good, not in the slightest.
“Conner whatever your fucking middle name is Kent, I swear to whatever deity is listening to me right now, if you don’t explain what the fuck is going on right now, this whole beach is going to turn to glass in the next 10 seconds. Because if you’ve been playing games this entire time, pretending you were in some primal state of mind just to make a fool out of me, you’re going to realize that Batman is not the only one who has different ways of kicking your ass. And I promise you, that if-”
Your rant ended in a sudden ‘mmph’ sound when he pulled you into a sudden kiss. Out of all the times the hero managed to shock you into silence, this has to be one of the most surprising and satisfying ones.
There was a latent level of shock in your body, your wide eyes reflecting this, but the soft feel of his lips had them closing and you giving in to him within seconds. Despite his initial rough approach, there was a tenderness in the way he kissed you.
Before you even knew it, your lips were dancing right along with his. There was passion and longing in that kiss, leaving you more confused than 10 seconds prior.
The way he held and treated you was definitely different. The possessive grip he had around you didn’t falter at all. But, there was a newfound gentleness in his touch, like you were a prize to be cared for. Even if that was what you technically were earlier when he was in his conquest mode, this was not the same as that.
In those moments earlier, you were the kind of prize meant to be conquered. Here in this moment, you were rather something treasured.
Before long, your human lungs started giving you their red alert. Conner broke away the kiss not a moment later as if he already knew before you did. Your lips chased after his though, and he chuckled at your reaction before lifting a finger to your chin to tilt your head up toward him.
“Does that explain enough for you, or do you need a little bit more demonstration?”
Despite the blush written clear across your cheeks, there was a small smile appearing on your lips, as you took a few seconds to process what was going through your head and heart.
Satisfaction, physically speaking.
Nerves and adrenaline.
Ultra flamboyant giddiness.
Completely normal.
Yet, that nagging little voice in the back of your mind got louder with every fluttering heartbeat that pumped blood and butterflies throughout your veins.
What did this all mean?
“Hey,” You heard the Kryptonian speak, noticing the concerned look on his face, “What’s wrong? Did I do something?” There was a nervous tone in his words, almost vulnerable if you were listening hard enough which would be very different compared to the stark, smug confidence he showed you whenever he managed to toss you on his shoulder or dig himself inside your guts. Even before this serum fiasco, he may have been standoffish at moments and quiet, but rarely had you ever heard him talk like he was afraid of being hurt.
You felt for him in that moment, you really did, but you were also at risk of being hurt. And, rather than sit there and pretend like everything was clear and simple, you had questions that needed answering. For your own sake, and quite frankly, your own sanity.
“Conner, I-” The words seem to get stuck in your throat, with you trying to find the right thing to say, but what that exactly was couldn’t form a clear sentence in your mind. So, out of options, you just babbled.
“I don’t know what the heck is going on right now, and truthfully, I rarely ever do know what’s going on. Uh, wait, what was I saying? Oh right! This morning, we were friends, nothing more, then the warehouse happened, and started acting like a caveman and treated me like your prey or prize or whatever, not like it wasn’t super hot, because it definitely was and I shouldn’t have said that. Either way, you’re confused! No, wait, that came out wrong. I meant you’re confusing and I’m confused. Either way–
Conner shouting your name with a slight squeeze to your ass was an effiective way of shutting you up. Rude and hot, but effective nonetheless.
“I know. I was aware of everything going on.”
Now, that had you wordless.
“Well, actually, not everything. And I wasn’t in control of my actions at all. Well, not completely. Okay, now I’m confused.”
“You and me both.” You muttered under your breath. He responded with a light growl and a pinch to your ass.
“I’ll spank you.”
“Like you haven’t already done worse.” You said back with a challenging tone.
A stubborn grunt was let off before he gave you another small thrust as punishment for your smart quip, pulling a light whine from you. You could feel his cum dripping out of you slowly since his dick kept you plugged and everything inside, which you had a slight feeling he was doing on purpose.
“Alright, before any more smutty shenanigans ensue, can we talk about what exactly this is, and more importantly, why this even happened in the first place.”
Conner let out a sigh, looking down at you through his eyelashes before leaning down and giving your neck and shoulder light kisses. The giddy feeling in your stomach almost managed to cloud your rationality, almost being the keyword.
“Hey, don’t try to distract me.” You chastised him with a slight slap against his naked arm.
“I’m not distracting, I’m just enjoying the moment.” He said while giving you a few more light kisses.
Eventually, he moved you both over to the sand, setting you both down a little bit closer to the water while sitting you in his lap. However, you suddenly found yourself missing the warm contact of his skin pressing against yours.
When he finally had you both in comfortable positions, you resting against his chest and him nuzzling your hair, the intense beating in your heart that you had become used to from the day’s excitement had gradually started to slow down. You felt yourself nuzzling into his embrace more than you would admit out loud, but the man was comfortable.
After a few beats of silence, you heard Conner clear his throat. Though you didn’t want to move from the warm spot, you’d rather look the Kryptonian in the eyes as he explained himself. For your own sake.
“I was aware of what I was doing,” He started, which had your chest tightening and a sullen look appearing on your face which he noticed, “Only after you guys subdued me the first time, and like I said earlier, I still wasn’t in full control of myself.”
You could feel the confusion start to return to your mind, but rather than start rambling again, you just nodded to him to signal you were listening and let him continue.
“When I first woke up from the serum, Tornado was right. I was completely out of my mind and acting on pure animalistic instinct. All my senses were amplified even more than they usually are with my powers and all. So the onslaught of different smells and scents triggered me and I was about two seconds away from trying to kill you all, then I caught your scent out of everyone else’s, and the next thing I knew, you were all I could think about.”
Huh, nice to know you were what was stopping the team’s arguably most powerful member from murdering you all by just smelling good. Something you never thought you’d be thinking in your life, but there was a first for everything as they say.
“It started as a general curiosity, since at the moment, all my mind could think prior was anger and murder. But, of course, curiosity turned to excitement, and let’s just say I suddenly only had one goal in mind.”
“Doing me in front of friends?”
“I’d rather call it ‘mounting my claim.’ You know, animal terms and all that stuff.”
You rolled your eyes at his corny joke, before going silent again to let him continue.
“But, yes, for a lack of better words, all I could think about was shoving my dick inside you. You just smelled so good in that moment, you always have, but, the serum just suddenly made your scent feel almost irresistible to me, and all I could think of was capturing you in my arms and not letting anyone take you from me. Granted, I might have gone a bit far.”
“A bit? You call slinging me over your shoulder for half an hour while you leap, run, and fight our friends going just a bit far? Not to mention you choke-slamming Wally against the wall and damn near strangling him.
“Okay, one, you enjoyed that. I have the dried evidence on the shoulder of my shirt to prove it, spanking and all so don’t try and deny it.”
He got you there. Blushing cheeks (face and ass) and all.
“Second, I told you. Animal state of mind. In my head, I claimed you as my mine, and everyone else was a threat to that. What animal have you ever seen not defend their territory?” He asked, which you had to admit, he got you there as well.
Also, why was that kind of hot?
“You know I can still smell your arousal right? And the fact that you are in my pants and covered in my scent is not helping.” He said, to which you noticed the familiar feel of his throbbing organ below you wanting more action.
“Mind your business.”
“You’re currently sitting on my lap half naked while wearing my pants and covered in my sweat and cum. I think it’s safe to say you are my business at the moment.” He responded while tightening his hold around you.
Seriously, where did he get this smart (and hot) mouth from? That serum had to have more side effects than noted. But, you weren’t easily defeated in the sass factor. Conner may have you beat when it comes to raw strength and physical force, but wordplay? That was your forté.
“And who’s exact fault is it, that I’m even in this position?”
“Dr. Ivo.”
“Okay, well, after him.”
“Batman and Red Tornado for not making sure I was properly secured before leaving.”
“Okay! After them!”
“The others for not showing you the backdoor out of the Cave.”
“There’s a backdoor?!”
“Yeah, you didn’t know? M’Gann showed it to everyone on their first tour of the base. The garage hangar is considered the front door, and there’s a back door just in case. You didn’t think we’d only rely on the vehicle hangar or the Zeta Gateway if we had to make a fast escape did you?”
“I- … No comment.” You sighed in defeat, Conner chuckling at your tone while rubbing your back. You’d be having a word with your friends later when you got back to the Cave. Many words…
“It’s okay, I really didn’t give you many options either way. And even if you did manage to make it out the back, I would’ve just followed right behind as you already know.” The Kryptonian reassured you, which reminded you about the nagging question in the back of your mind.
“So, on that note, I’m assuming when you said you were aware of your actions, it was then?”
It was his turn to sigh after you asked your question, immediately knowing where this was heading.
“Yes. After Batman knocked me out with the Kryptonite, the serum lost some of its effect on me, but not as much as Red Tornado predicted. Kryptonite doesn’t just weaken my abilities, it affects everything in me, including my immune system. By the time I woke up, I was still very much under its influence, but I was slightly back to myself and could think and focus on more things other than sex and fighting.”
It made sense. You remembered the moment during your fight with Conner in the vehicle hangar when you realized how convenient and well-planned everything seemed. It was truly when your doubts and insecurities about everything started taking root, thinking all of it was just some game with you in the end being the actual loser.
Now, the time to find out if you lost was here, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to know.
Some would think that paying attention to Conner’s actions and words before this, would negate some of those concerns in your head, but, as life has proven many times in the past, things aren’t always as they seem.
But, that doesn’t mean it’s always in a bad way though…
“So, you were awake then, huh? When Wally and I were talking in the medical hangar…”
He looked down at you at that moment, his eyes softening as if he could sense the growing mental and emotional turmoil in your head and chest. You wanted to focus on his words, and his words only, but it was hard with the way you could feel him pulling you in closer, doing his best to comfort you as much as possible.
It was the fact that you couldn’t tell if it was for making you feel better in the moment to alleviate your worries or cushion the eventual blow that you were expecting to come soon.
“Yes, I was. I was actually up that entire time. The Kryptonite did weaken me enough to where I couldn’t react or respond like I would’ve if I could, but I wasn’t asleep or unconscious. Truthfully, after Batman and Tornado had left and it was just you and him in the room, I was planning to just surprise you both right there. Incapicate Wally in any way I could, grab you, and run for one of the exits.”
“What stopped you?”
All day, you’d been subjected to prideful smirks, arrogant grins, and cocky looks from the Kryptonian. An annoying, but definitely attractive sub-trait of his overwhelming confidence and stalwart courage. So, seeing his blushing cheeks and undeniable shy look on his face had you sitting up very suddenly.
Conner didn’t like it since it meant you could see his face more clearly, and unbeknownst to you, you were further away from him, and he liked the feeling of you cuddling against his body.
“Why are you blushing?” You asked, not letting him pull you back in his arms like he tried. It helped you were sitting on his still very erect penis at a slightly awkward angle which limited his movements. One wrong move, and he’d be in a very uncomfortable position.
“Would you stop it?” He pleaded, clearly already uncomfortable with the metamorphic spotlight that had been placed on him.
“Answer the question, and I will.”
“I thought actions spoke louder than words.”
“And suddenly, I can’t hear. Answer.”
“How will you hear the words?”
“I’ll read your lips. Answer the damn question.”
You were staring into his blue eyes by this point, fully waiting for your answer. The Kryptonian looked right back into your own before his hands grabbed the sides of your head, pulling you into another smashing kiss like the one against the tree earlier.
This was similar but still very different from the previous one. He wasn’t trying to shut you up (considering you weren’t even talking), but merely trying to communicate the words he couldn’t bring himself to say. Ironic how he has no trouble expressing how he feels in any other scenario whether it’s his anger about a mission or irritation with an order from Batman or your comrades, but this has him fumbling.
Yet, you were not complaining about how you moved your lips against his, bringing your hands around his neck. You could almost physically feel everything he was pouring into the kiss, and it was mind-numbing, to say the least.
Once again, your human lungs reminded you of their need for oxygen. Thankfully, Conner did the work for you and pulled away from your lips with you chasing after them. He placed another light kiss on them though, while opening his eyes to your closed ones, enjoying the pleasant view in front of him.
When you opened yours back up to him, he smiled at you, placing another peck on your lips while finally scooting you back closer to him, and re-adjusting himself into a more comfortable position.
“Does that answer your question?” He asked. Though there was no trace of sarcasm in his tone, you could still spy it in his face with the humorous glint in his eye.
“Maybe. I might need another one though just to be sure. I always like to double-check my answers.” You responded with your own smile.
He laughed at you before feeling himself nuzzling his face into your neck, taking in your scent which you now could admit was actually very comforting. Still weird, but you’d grown used to it by this point.
Your doubts had been quieted, and you felt you could trust his words without second-guessing or overthinking, something that was not an easy feat to do. That’s why when a few moments of silence passed, you decided to ask one of the other questions that had been nagging in the back of your mind.
“How long?”
“Since you joined the team. I was never good with my feelings, let alone expressing or even understanding them. It took some time for me to figure out what they were, and when I did, I was nervous and scared that you didn’t feel the same about me. I knew you liked guys, but I didn’t know if you liked me. And, even if you did, I didn’t know if you would like me for… well, me. So, I stayed quiet.” He admitted, immediately knowing what you were asking.
Thinking about it from his perspective, you could see his reasoning and why he chose to hide his feelings. If you were in his shoes, you’d probably do the same. However, it was clear neither of you was good at picking up signs considering he missed all the ones that showed you were into him. Not that you were trying to, but there were moments where it was plainly obvious, enough for Wally to pick up on them which led to him finding out.
Idiots in love, the both of you.
“When I heard you and Wally talking in the medical wing, and his little teases and performance, it was all the confirmation I needed. If it wasn’t for that, like I said, I probably would’ve just waited for the right moment to snatch you away from the others and find a way out of the Cave without alerting them. But, after hearing that conversation, I figured why not make it a little bit more challenging and fun. Didn’t expect you to put up as much of a fight though. Glad I had insurance.” He explained, his typical smirk returning to his face while he marveled at the accessory on your wrist.
Hold it.
“Back up. You mean to tell me you trapping me in the Cave, fingering me in the vehicle hangar, and locking me in your closet was all for fun and a challenge? I’m nervous to ask what your ideal idea is for a first date.” You stated. He gave you an unimpressed look while nudging his still-hard member against you.
“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy any of it. Remember, I could hear, taste, and smell your arousal through everything.” He teased while nipping at your ear. 
You ignored the horny pang in your stomach from that while pretending to be annoyed, “Whatever. Well, I hope you weren;t planning to try and do me raw. Last thing I need is to end up pregnant.”
“What if I want a kid? No better way to trap you with me than with a baby.” Conner mumbled while still giving you soft kisses behind your ear and neck. 
“Then you can explain to my dad what happened if I end up knocked up. And I gotta warn ya, Kryptonian powers or not, that man is scary.” You chuckled, turning your head to look at the superhero, who would never admit that slight nervous look in his eyes at the mention of your father.
A slight laugh bubbled up your chest before you turned looking out to the sea. The feel of the cold piece of metal on your wrist became prominent and the silence and you looked down at the device, still slightly shuddering from the chill running through your body.
“How did you even know about this thing in the first place?” You asked, pointing to the cooling device on your wrist.
“Dick let me in on a few little secrets about the Bat, though he never did tell me where he keeps getting and storing all that freaking kryptonite. Anyway, when I heard you and Wally talking about Batman’s insurance plans, I figured if he had one for me, then he had to have one for every meta on the team and in the league. While you and the others were in the lounge room hanging out, I went searching through the libraries and rooms and found some of Batman’s secret compartments.” He explained.
You raised an eyebrow at that. “Hmm, so is that when you discovered your unlocked abilities?”
“Actually, no. Right when you managed to make it out of the door, I originally was just going to do the same as I did before and well… leap after you. Even if you got away, I could track you down since your scent is alluring, but definitely not subtle. Fire powers and all,” He said with a smug little chuckle.
“Yeah yeah yeah, I get it. Heat makes smell more noticeable. Gosh, you and Wally sure love harping down that tree.” You retorted with an actual annoyed eye roll this time.
“Hey, I said you still smell good. Either way, when I jumped after you I noticed instead of falling back down to the ground, I was still in the air flying. It didn’t take much for me to realize what was going on and I just flew into action, literally.”
“So the whole welding the door shut and almost barbecuing our friends?”
“Yeah, I might have overdone it on that one, but animal instincts were still in control. There was only so much I could do to hold myself back. Every time you fought against me or got away or the others intervened was another boost to my aggression and anger, prompting my hasty reactions. And it wasn’t just my instincts fueling all this. Like I said, there was a reason your scent stuck out to me the most. Your conversation with Wally just confirmed it was returned and it made me a bit more crazy to an extent.”
“To an extent is a stretch,” You muttered under your breath. Conner let out an annoyed grunt while giving you another playful nip on your ear.
“Super hearing, remember?”
You were fully aware of his ability, but, for his sake, you played along.
“Right, sorry.” He gave a kiss to your neck as a way of saying he accepted the apology. With a little time to process everything, you felt most of your questions answered. However, there was one that was remaining at the back of your mind. Probably the most pressing one to be honest.
“So, is that why you and M’Gann…”
“We broke up because I realized that there wasn’t any real spark between me and her. What started between us was curiosity, considering I didn’t know what romance and feelings and everything else was. I just went with what I saw and observed. Sometimes it was nice, many times it was confusing, and many times, it felt wrong. So, I broke up with her. She was upset about it a little and figured it had something to do with you. She was always suspicious, but never had confirmation until this happened.”
Conner pointed his fingers between the two of you, and the reminder of your earlier indecent actions had you blushing and smiling all over again. You had to admit, it was a nice feeling knowing that most of your doubtful and questioning thoughts were for nothing.
Well, it’s better to be cautious than to fall in blindly and get hurt. But, the satisfaction and happiness you felt in your chest bloomed over all of those past feelings.
Thinking about the day's events and how everything ended up happening, you had to say you were fine with how it all played out. However, you definitely would admit you imagined you and Conner getting together in an entirely different scenario. 
Saving each other on a mission, getting into an argument and blurting things out, or even just the cutesy little moments where your friends stick their noses in and try to get you together were all ideas that came to mind. This scenario however with you sitting on the beach after he acted like a caveman and chose you as his new mate was not in the tarot cards for this category.
Though, the end result had you more than satisfied; both physically, mentally, and emotionally.
If there was anything to learn from this, you should listen to your instincts more, no matter how primal they are.
“So, are you going to take this off anytime soon?” You asked, once again pointing at the wrist jewelry you were currently wearing.
Conner smiled down at the item and you mischievously before running one of his hands over the device.
“Are you going to try and fight me again? I kind of like you being defenseless and helpless.” He joked though a part of you knew he was also partly serious.
Though, now, considering all that was said and done, it was your turn to have some fun.
“Well, considering you had to take away my powers to be able to catch me, I’d say your victory wasn’t really much of a victory at all.” You taunted while tracing a finger over his chest.
You could feel the vibration from his irritated growl under your fingertips, letting you know you hit the right button. Caveman or not, Conner both loved and hated being challenged.
“I mean, to me, it says that even with your full Kryptonian powers, you needed some cheap little trinket to be able to actually subdue me. Guess I’m just that tough of a prey to catch.” You continued your teasing, sneakily taking glances up at the Kryptonian, catching his hard and lustful stares at you.
“Is that so?” He gruffly spoke into your ear.
“It would seem so, at least to me, and anyone else watching. Don’t think you can say you claimed me if you couldn’t manage to beat me fair and square. But, it’s okay, I get it. Maybe you’re not up to the challenge. Maybe someone else will come along and prove their merit without needing to cheat.”
You barely finished the sentence before the sound of the clamp opening hit your ears. That familiar rush of warmth came over you again as your fire returned to your body. While you were distracted, Conner ripped the shorts off and his pants off of him before standing you both up, now fully naked to the world, minus your shirt.
“I dare you to say that again.”
You were really in for it now.
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☀️ | Conner Kent/Superboy | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
294 notes · View notes
fragcc · 1 year
Tim should call Kon to his room so they can discuss the details of their current mission, only to turn around and use his 'bed voice' to tell him to sit down on his bed. Kon's knees bend down immediately and he flops on the edge of the bed, mouth shutting up from his previous rambling about all the paperwork he had to read in favor of watching Tim as he positions himself between his legs.
"Don't move." He will order as he slowly, seductively remove each piece of cloth from his body to give his boyfriend a show. Kon will do just as he's told (because he knows what he gets when he's a good boy) and just stares with big, attentive eyes as more and more skin is revealed until his pretty, wonderful boyfriend is standing in only his tight boxers in front of him
Then, just as Kon feels all his blood running south and his mouth water at the sight, Tim is already turning around and dressing himself up with his battle suit with a speed that should be illegal to use after a strip tease. Kon has only time to frown in confusion before Tim is already at the door saying "now let's go" and leaving him alone in his room
And superboy can only bury his head in his hands, groaning to himself in self-pity because his super-good-boy-boner will not be rewarded this time
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