#. study (luna lovegood)
ren-studys · 3 months
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ravenclaw moodboard
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stargazingtranquility · 9 months
Barty recognized Luna because he saw Pandora in every step she took, that’s a fact. But what about everyone else?
Do you think he saw Regulus when he looked at Draco? Do you think he hated it so much that his punishments for Draco were really just him punishing Regulus and himself?
Do you think he looked at Harry and saw James and Lily? Do you think he looked at Fred and George and recognized Gideon and Fabian? Do you think he looked at Neville and regretted hurting Alice and Frank?
How many times did Barty have to stop himself from calling out their names when their children wore their smiles?
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cosmic-occurrences · 2 years
randomly generated incorrect harry potter quotes
Ron: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it. Hermione: Ron, no. Harry: Mistlefoe. Hermione: Please stop encouraging him.
*when ron was a toddler* Fred/George: Hey Perce? Percy: Yes? Fred/George: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Percy: Percy: Where’s Ron?
Molly: I know you snuck out last night, George. Fred: Play dumb! George: Who's George? Fred: NOT THAT DUMB!!! ~~~
Harry: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. McGonagall: Wasn't Dumbledore with you? Dumbledore: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised. ~~~ Draco, trying to start up a fight: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold? Harry: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house. Ron: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million. Harry: Good thinking. ~~~ Neville: Luna, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Luna: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Neville: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Hermione. ~~~
*Harry and Ron sitting in jail together* Harry: So who should we call? Ron: I’d call Hermione, but I feel safer in jail
Ron: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death? Ginny: How am I supposed to know? Fred: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult. Ginny: *sighs* Ginny: You wouldn't be trapped.
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silverscript · 1 year
We base a lot of Pandora’s personality off of Luna, but Luna was raised by her dad as her mum was absent (aka dead) so a lot of how she acts is probably closer to her dad (and also from watching her mum die at a young age). All we know abt Pandora as an individual is that she was an inventor and that she participated in experiments dangerous enough to kill her. From this it’s easy to assume she’s quite a reckless person. So I reckon instead of her being the calm reasonable one in every situation, I think that Regulus is 90% of her impulse control and she’s absolutely feral. She’s constantly doing things that could get her severely injured. They have to stop her from doing stupid things multiple times and always walk in on her being strange. She understands the consequences of her actions and can be very wise when it comes down to it (Ravenclaw) but in the end curiousity is her hubris and if she sees something that sparks her interest, she’ll drop everything to chase it. She reminds Regulus of Sirius; part of the reason they’re so close.
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sankiago · 2 months
Productivity Challenge 2/14
Today's goal is to work with no hurry and no pause. Last night, I spent more than an hour on that unsolved problem (still unsolved, HAHSD). So tonight, I will dedicate only half an hour to it and then move on to another problem because I still have that illness called NEED OF SLEEP (just kidding, embrace your finitude).
In my 5 hours, I will:
Finish Integer System Construction (Set Theory) - 2 hours
Solve Problems 3, 4, and 5 from the Discrete Distributions Problem Set (Probability) - 1 hour
Finish Array e-Lectures and Start with Sorting (Algorithms) - 1 hour
Try the Unsolved Problem and Move on to Easier Codeforces Problems (Competitive Programming) - 1 hour
I'm so happy because I just finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, understood the last probability class, and I'm writing all of this while listening to "Cuerpo y Alma" (super sad song, in my opinion). Let's go!
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moreaithusaplease · 2 years
Soulmate au with Merlin and Arthur but they reincarnated on Harry and Draco, in that point it changes the way both interact
What change would be more noticeable?
Also Draco would be more likeable to befriend Harry's friends in that situation probably, maybe starting to see similarities between Good/Young!Morgana and Hermione and Ron as Lancelot/Gwaine.
The sorting hat would be laughing hard analysing their past lifes, Arthur a Cleary Griffinnor/Hufflepuff taking a place on Slytherin; Merlin a Slytherin/Ravenclaw on Griffinnor.
Blaise, Pansy, Ron and Hermione don't know what to do but they're finding out how bear each other and even befriending!
Of couse the racism between Pure bloods and Muggleborns would decrease in many houses where this crazy group our be included, Draco isn't a asshole and this is a Complete AU
(let's suppose that Merlin did die someday because him waiting is sad and need me wanna cry so a reincarnation AU can happen)
Draco would find studying with Hermione pleasant, they make a study group every single time there is tests with Snape as the teacher.
Harry have more training with magic duels with the Slytherins help
Draco magic would be weak, yes, Weak to a pure blood but strong to a Born, he finds Harry's ease with magic amazing
Luna comes to the equation too because she is adorable and i love her, Harry thinks fondly of her, He's makes hi remember something but he isn't quite sure of what (Maybe Gwen, Maybe Freya)
Blaise and Ron become friends so fast when they start to actually hang out
Pansy and Draco find a crazy lake in middle of a afternoon flying training, Both try to take the whole group there but they couldn't find the lake again
Imagine Harry spiting medical knowledge when a incident happens, all the group is staring straight to his eyes, Harry arches his eyebrows, Draco laughs like he remembered something funny.
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The Silver Trio as Study Moods: Luna Lovegood.
In love with astronomy | would rather be studying outside | either a polyglot or studying to become one | color-coded notes | hard cover, hand painted notebooks | soft lofi while reviewing | constantly wondering | flowers used as bookmarks.
Ginny | Luna | Neville
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amberton05 · 11 months
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nehpihcs · 2 years
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saw this hairstyle and had to draw Luna with it
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faithrose6 · 2 years
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Luna Lovegood Pixie Parasol version for Funguary 🍄🪄
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fanfictionforest · 2 years
stories for the ladies of hogwarts, who cry, waver, giggle, trespass, and who deserve our respect all the same
My first time posting a series, this is about the women who didn’t get explored enough in the books. Several character studies involving Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Parvati Patil, Ginny Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, and Andromeda Tonks.
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theostrophywife · 1 year
kiss with a fist | chapter three.
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masterlist 💋 chapters 💋 playlist
pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: high enough by k. flay.
author's note: we're well on our way. this is a shorter(ish) chapter, but that just means that you might get the next one sooner rather than later. as always, please enjoy the banter and sarcasm.
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Angel’s Trumpet was going to be the death of you. 
You were convinced of it.
The multiple failed attempts to brew the wretched draught hung over you like a pall and followed you into your second week. When Wednesday night finally rolled around, you were in a proper foul mood. You couldn’t even bring yourself to take more than one bite of lasagne, which was usually your favorite. 
Beside you, Luna set the latest copy of the Quibbler down and looked over at you with concern. “Still having trouble with potions?” 
You nodded, sighing in frustration. “It’s this bloody Angel’s Trumpet. I’ve read over the recipe so many times that it’s practically ingrained into my subconscious, but I just can’t seem to get it right.”
Your roommate smiled faintly. “I know,” she said in her breathy voice. “You do come up with some rather creative curses when you’re studying.” 
You smiled sheepishly. “Sorry Loons, have I kept you up with my late night ranting again?” 
“No need to apologize. The wrackspurts are truly doing a number on everyone, not just you. They’re especially rampant during the start of term.” Her dreamy eyes sharpened into something that resembled mischief. “And how are your sessions with Theodore going?” 
The faint smile on your friend’s face told you that she definitely knew more than she let on. Besides you and Theo, Luna was the only person in Hogwarts who knew about your secret little dalliances. She had figured it out rather early on last year when you and Theo kept mysteriously disappearing at the same time. It was a shame that everyone underestimated her. Luna Lovegood was the most astute person you knew. 
You had absolutely no doubt that your secret was just one of many that Luna had uncovered by simply being observant. After all, teenagers weren’t exactly covert even if they were witches and wizards. 
“Miserably,” you finally answered. 
Much to your annoyance, Theo had not let up since the weekend. Day after day, he dragged you into the potions lab with varying disastrous results. Just the other night, the damned cauldron spewed magenta liquid like a geyser, effectively soaking you and Theo in pepto bismol pink like a demented water park ride. No amount of scourgify could wash away the shame. 
Luna laughed. “Pansy said that Theo spent hours scrubbing potion off of his fancy leather shoes.”
“Pansy?” you asked incredulously. “As in, Pansy Parkinson? Since when are you two the best of friends?” 
Your friend shrugged nonchalantly, but you clocked the slight flush in her cheeks. “Don’t worry, I’m not trying to replace you. Pansy and I just have a few classes together, that’s all.” 
You narrowed your eyes in suspicion. “Is she being nice to you? I swear to Godric if she even says one mean thing I’ll stick a broom up that witch’s ar—“ 
Luna held her palms up. “I appreciate the concern, but I assure you Pansy is very nice.” 
That wasn’t entirely convincing, but you trusted Luna’s judgment. As protective as you were over your friend, you knew that she was perfectly capable of handling herself. 
“I just worry,” you said, patting her shoulder. “Those little serpents have teeth.” 
“Oh, I think you’re more familiar with the Slytherins and their teeth than I am.” 
She smiled unapologetically. “Speaking of which, here comes your serpent now and he does look poised to bite.” 
You turned just in time to see Theo marching down the aisle with two of his housemates. The curly headed one, Mattheo Riddle, swaggered on his right and winked at you. Flanking Theo’s left side was Enzo Berkshire, who gave you a polite wave. He was by far the most tolerable out of the lot of them. You wholly ignored Mattheo, but acknowledged Enzo with a nod. 
Theo, on the other hand, you openly glared at. “To what do I owe the displeasure?” 
Every head at the Ravenclaw table turned towards your direction. Though your housemates liked to think they were above the petty drama, Ravenclaws were some of the worst gossips in this school. Three Slytherins walking amongst their midst was as juicy as it got. 
Completely unfazed by the attention, Theo slid in next to you on the bench. “Someone’s got their wand in a twist.” 
You flashed him a saccharine smile. “I’ll twist more than just your wand if you don’t leave me the hell alone, Nott.” 
Mattheo smirked. “Oh, I like her.” 
The glare you shot his way was full of venom. “The feeling is not mutual.” Enzo fought a smile as Mattheo gaped. You ignored the both of them and turned back to Theo. “Who are they supposed to be? Your cronies?” 
“Merlin, she never truly lets up, does she?” exclaimed Riddle. 
Theo grinned. “You have no fucking idea, mate.” His expression faltered when he saw the ire dancing in your eyes. “Right, I know that look. Leave us before she decides to turn you two into toads.” 
The boys reluctantly backed away. Beside you, Luna followed suit but winked behind her shoulder as she left the Great Hall. Luckily, Theo’s back was turned to her. 
“What do you want?” 
“Glory, riches, power. The usual,” he deadpanned. “What do you think I want? I've been waiting for you at the lab for half an hour.” 
“I can’t,” you said dismissively. “Not tonight.” 
“Oh, yes you can. I’m too invested to give up now. I am going to teach you how to brew Angel’s Trumpet even if it kills me.” 
“I’d prefer to skip the brewing and get right to the fun part.” You didn’t even notice that your bantering had stopped every conversation at your table. Everyone watched as you menacingly twirled your wand. “Shall I buy a new dress for your funeral?” 
Theo smirked, seizing your wrist. He lowered his voice and spoke quietly so only you could hear. “I’d rather see you wear my jumper again.” 
“Let go of my hand and I’ll be sure to turn up to your wake donning your beloved jumper.” 
He sighed in frustration. “I’m serious about the draught, diavolina. We’re trying again. Tonight.” 
“Was my last try not humiliating enough?” 
“There’s definitely room for improvement. Avoiding turning the lab into a slip and slide would be my first suggestion.” His mouth quirked in amusement. Prick. “Aside from that, I think I finally figured out the missing ingredient.” 
“And that would be?”
“Relaxation,” Theo answered proudly. “You’re way too uptight and it’s feeding into your magic, hence all the explosions.” 
You scoffed. “You want me to relax? I have literally never relaxed in my entire life. I came out of the womb stressed about taxes.” 
Theo snorted. “That’s exactly why I’m here. Let the expert teach you, sweetheart. Being relaxed means being confident and being confident means success.” 
“You do know that confidence and arrogance are two different things, right?” 
“Do you want to brew the bloody potion or not?” 
The fact that Theo was the one motivating you to do school work was only slightly despairing. “Fine,” you conceded. “Teach me how to relax, oh Great Master.” 
“Tucking that away for names I’d like for you to call me in bed.”
“Don’t slut shame me, Y/N. We all have our kinks.” 
“Great. Mine is committing acts of violence against snarky Slytherins.” 
“This snarky Slytherin rather enjoys your acts of violence. Especially if it involves your smartass mouth on mine.” You flushed in response, which only made Theo smirk in satisfaction. “Now, come. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.” 
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The Astronomy Tower was the last place you expected Theo to take you to. He didn’t really strike you as a stargazing type of guy, but then again, you probably didn’t strike people as the type of girl who slept with her academic rival out of spite. 
Maybe you both had layers. Layers upon fucked up layers. 
The thought almost made you laugh hysterically as you silently watched Theo transfigure his robe into a blanket. He laid it gently across the wooden floor and beckoned you over. “Sit,” he said simply. 
“This is awfully romantic of you. You take a lot of girls up here, Nott?”
“Only uptight little Ravenclaws who’d rather vex me to death than enjoy a stunning view of the stars.”
You snorted. “Sorry to disappoint.” 
He rolled his eyes and patted the spot next to him. “Sit. I won’t ask again.” 
To be fair to Theo (a statement you never thought you’d make), the stars were stunning tonight. You sat cross legged on the blanket and watched as constellations twinkled in the horizon. If you were up here with anyone other than the present company, you might’ve found it rather nice. 
But alas, this was Theo you were talking about. It was only a matter of time before he ruined it somehow. Probably with a lascivious comment. 
“Why are you sitting like you’ve got a stick up your arse?” Bingo. “Even more than usual, I mean.”
“Maybe you’re the stick up my arse.” 
“Don’t joke, darling.” Theo quipped, placing a hand over his chest. “You know I’ve been asking for months.”
“Do not make me push you over that railing, Theodore.”
“Jokes on you, I find your threats incredibly arousing. I’m pitching a tent in my trousers just thinking about it.” 
You rubbed your temples. “How is irritating the shit out of me supposed to be relaxing?”
Theo grinned, reaching into his pocket. “Because, I have this.” 
With a proud smile, he produced a tightly rolled blunt. 
“That’s your big idea?” you asked, wrinkling your nose at the joint. “Taking me to the highest tower in the castle and getting higher than a hippogriff so we can potentially fall down the stairs and break our necks?”
“It’ll help with your nerves.” 
“The only thing wrong with my nerves is that you’re always on them.” 
He smirked, sticking the joint between his lips. “You’re deflecting. What’s the matter, diavolina? Scared to partake in the devil’s lettuce?”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh for fuck’s sake, give it here.” Theo’s eyes widened as you took the joint from his mouth and stuck it in yours. “Well? Are you going to light me up or not?”
He shook his head in mild disbelief before pulling a lighter out of his pocket. You squinted at the silver Zippo, which had initials engraved on the front. The writing was too faded for you to read.
“I got tired of Mattheo stealing my lighters,” he explained. “This way I don’t lose track of it.”
The initials weren’t what surprised you. It was the fact that Theo even had a lighter in the first place. Most wizards just used magic to conjure fire. They certainly didn’t go around carrying muggle inventions in their pockets. It almost made you feel like you were back home in London, bumming a cigarette off some drunk after a night out in the pubs. 
“Why not use incendio?”
Theo shrugged. “An irritating know-it-all once told me that not everything has to involve magic.”
It was strange to hear him echo your words. 
None of it made any sense. Theo would’ve had to venture into a muggle shop to buy that lighter, which was unheard of for a pureblood. Especially not one whose family was part of the now disbanded Sacred Twenty-Eight. The idea of Theo walking around Camden Market to purchase a Zippo was more disorienting than the drugs. 
This little discovery did not line up with what you thought you knew about him. You squinted at him in the dim light, inhaling deeply. The smoke filled your lungs and clouded your senses. Yet one question remained even as you exhaled. 
Who the hell are you, Theodore Nott?
Sensing your gaze, he watched with a small smirk as you passed the joint over to him. It seemed impossible for the drugs to be taking effect so soon, but you found yourself mesmerized as Theo took a long drag. Smoke curled around his mouth as he leaned back on his elbows, tipping his head back to gaze up at the moon. 
“Why the Astronomy Tower?” you asked after a few moments. 
Theo shrugged. “It’s nice up here. Quiet. It helps to get away from the noise.” 
“Strange. I’d become convinced that you sometimes speak just to hear the sound of your own voice.” 
A set of dimples appeared on Theo’s cheeks. On anyone else, it might’ve been endearing. “Close. There’s also the added bonus of annoying you.” 
You didn’t try to stifle your laughter. “Yes, I suppose that sweetens the deal.” 
The two of you sat in silence, passing the joint every so often and quietly contemplating the stars. The absence of noise was jarring. You couldn’t remember the last time that you weren't surrounded by noise. Ravenclaws were a chatty bunch. Whether you were exchanging the newest piece of gossip or bragging about academic achievements, there was always this constant exchange of information. 
Your brain was hardwired to process input. Without it, you felt sort of like a toddler who had just gotten their comfort blanket ripped away from them. 
“Stop fidgeting, Y/N,” Theo commanded with his eyes closed. “You’re supposed to be relaxing.” 
You frowned, picking at your nails. “I don’t think it’s working. Either your drugs are rubbish or my neurosis is canceling it out.” 
He opened one eye lazily. His body language was languid, like he was floating through air. You envied him for it. “Just take a deep breath and empty your mind.” 
“I know that may be easy for someone whose thoughts are typically vacant, but I’m not wired that way. I can’t just turn off my thoughts.” 
Theo sighed and propped himself up on his elbows. He stared at you for a second before his eyes lit up with realization. “Of course. I’m so stupid.” 
“No argument there.” 
He rolled his eyes in response. “I’m trying to get you to relax the Theo way when we should be doing it the Y/N way.” 
“What does that even mean?” 
“Think of the one place in the castle where you feel most at peace.” 
You cocked your head, contemplating. The answer came to you in an instant. “Okay. I’ve got it. What now?” 
Theo rose to his feet and offered you his hand. “Lead the way, diavolina. Show me how the chronically neurotic unwinds.”
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Taglist: @annaisabookworm@marina468@yaraasthings @the0doreslover@bubybubsters@moony-artemis @natasha887@lucyysthings@criesinlies @bunnymallowo@niktwazny303 @letmedownslows @siriuslyalovergirl@wordsarelife@clairesjointshurt @daydreamingabthar @mishtay @cherry-hoe  @littlebookbengal @maybefoxysouls @nomup  @aliensknowmyillusions @cinderellawithashoe @starsval @kalulakunundrum @lucyysthings @siriuslysmoking @purplegirls-posts @unstablereader @lqclercs @whatsupb18 @rikirritated @psychedeliccc @jetblackpayne @clairesjointshurt @ama1a2 @omwtkydttfym @cinderellawithashoe @xeqr @txzii @goldenmagnolias @ilikefictionalmen @xxpeachyxo
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ellecdc · 8 months
Grounded (for til college)
CBBH-verse: Harry and Ron are read their Miranda Rights after the Flying Car Catastrophe of Second Year as requested by fans of the CBBH series 😊
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Over the past eleven years, there have been many family meetings amongst the Potter, Black, Lupin, Weasley, Longbottom and Lovegood tribe.
A family meeting was called when a five-year-old Draco and Harry began fighting over who got to perform the big brother duties for Jasmine Potter, and then again a year later for Aurora Black.
A family meeting was called when every glass, vase, pot, and basket in the manor were turned over to 'stop nargles from hiding in them' (it was Luna).
A family meeting was called when someone moved all of the pots and pans in the house onto the roof (it was Harry). 
A family meeting was called when someone started drawing moustaches on all of the pictures and portraits on the walls (it was James). 
A family meeting was called when Fred and George pranked Neville by hiding his toad, Trevor. Each member of the household spent three hours looking for him – Lily later found him hidden in her underwear drawer. 
Another family meeting was called for going through people’s underwear drawers.
Family meetings were called quite frequently, what with the number of members these families had within them. They were called for fights, for updates, for announcements and for check ins. 
But there are two things that have never happened since these families began calling family meetings:
Never, not once, has James Potter ever called a family meeting. And never once has a family meeting been called whilst the children were away at Hogwarts.
Until today.
“Is it really necessary I’m here?” Regulus drawled as he leaned against the wall behind you in the headmaster’s office as he studied his nails. “I mean, I don’t even have a spawn to punish.”
“Sshh,” Remus spat loudly from his spot beside you standing at attention like a soldier. “You’re gonna get us in trouble.”
“Dad’s mad guys...” Sirius mumbled from your other side. 
“Is it bad I kinda feel sorry for Harry and Ron?” you asked your husband quietly.
He shook his head in response. “Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so mad.”
“Please, 10 galleons he doesn’t even give them a warning.” Regulus added from his place.
Sirius scoffed. “Oh, you’re on.” 
The murmurings were interrupted when the two twelve-year-olds were ushered into the office with Dumbledore and McGonagall trailing behind them. 
Before anyone could make sense of what was happening, Molly Weasley stood from her seat beside her husband and began screeching.
Ron’s face brightened to the likes of his hair as he tried to hide behind Harry. James stood beside Molly with his arms crossed. 
“Okay, I know now’s not the time.” You whispered to your husband, “But James’ arms look really good when he stands like that.” which was met with an exaggerated nod of his head.
“When he’s less mad, we’ll tell him.” 
“It was the platform! It was charmed or something and wouldn’t let us on and we missed the train!” Harry tried to argue.
“So, you opted to steal the Weasley’s car and drive it across the country!?” James asked incredulously. 
Harry instantly deflated.
“It was reckless, it was stupid, it was dangerous.” He continued as he started to pace the room, eyes never leaving the forms of the two second years. You gulped loudly on their behalf. 
“You could have been seen. You could have been hurt. You could have died.” He carried on. 
“Your father is now going to be facing an inquiry at work and it is all your fault!” Molly added.
Remus’ eyes furrowed as he leaned into your side. “Well, I mean his father did illegally charm a muggle vehicle...” But you elbowed him hard when the death stares of Molly and James turned towards you. 
“You have absolutely no idea the kind of trouble you could have caused. That you have caused.” Molly continued as she returned her attention to the boys.
“You two have always been mischievous, which I feel I have taken in stride because you are, after all, the product's of Marauders. But this? This exceeds mischievous. This borders insanity.” James said severely. You and Remus exchanged a wide-eyed gaze.
“Mr. Potter and I have discussed your punishments, young men.” Molly stated as she considered the two boys in front of her. But it was James who read them their sentence.
“You will spend the entire summer working at Uncle Moony’s bookstore.” 
This was met with a “what!?” cried out from Ron, Harry, and Remus.
“Why do I have to be the bad guy?!” Remus cried in distress.
“I don’t think you are, Moons.” Sirius said with a chuckle. He turned to regard his friend when he saw a look of understanding cross your features.
“I think it’s Regulus.” You clarified for the werewolf with a smirk.
Sure enough, the three of you turned to see a disturbingly wicked grin spreading across Regulus’ face.
“They’re just lucky Lily was at work and couldn’t be here for this.” Sirius muttered as you all turned your attentions back to the boys. “They’d be working for Regulus ‘til college.” 
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A Rocky Start - S.Snape
Summary - The new librarian and the potions master spend so much time together until they don't. They start off rocky but things get better.
Pairings - Severus Snape x Librarian!Reader
Warning - Fem reader, use of Y/N
Based off a request by an anon
Expect delays in my posting! My semester has started and I am taking 4 classes! Please be patient with me!
My requests are open!
my masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
If the students couldn’t find their potions professor in his classroom or store, they knew just where he was, the library. The boys didn’t blame him and neither did the girls, not only was it quiet and serene but the new librarian was breathtaking. The boys swooned over her and the girls in pure awe of her beauty and kindness. She was never one to kick a student out of the library, nor scold them for talking, in fact she encouraged them to talk, dedicating a section of the library just for study groups or students who wanted to chat with each other in between studying. Even going as far as allowing the students to call her by her first name rather than Madame Y/L/N, that just made her feel old.
It didn’t take much to realize the feelings the potions master had for this new librarian nor the librarian with the potions master. It seemed that the only two who hadn’t figured it out just yet were themselves. The pair spent as much time together as their schedules allowed, either at the library, in his classroom or the astronomy tower. She had a knack for astronomy so the tower was one of her favorite spots in the castle.
After the students had returned to Hogwarts after the Christmas vacation, they were met with an odd sight. The librarian alone and the potions master sulking in his classroom. The students were shocked to see the pair of them avoiding each other, even going as far as skipping meals just to keep to themselves. 
“Y/N, are you okay? You haven’t seemed yourself since holiday,” Luna Lovegood asked one day.
“Oh, I’m fine honey, I promise,” She replied with a gentle smile on her face.
“Are you sure? Even Professor Snape hasn’t seemed like himself either.”
“That’s not good, but I’m sure. Did you enjoy your holiday?”
“Yes, I got to spend a lot of time with my father, I even helped him with the next issue of The Quibbler. Did you?”
“That sounds fun! I’ll have to check it out once you guys release it. Mine was pretty boring, just putting books back and fixing some of them up.”
The two continued to chat until they were startled by the sound of the door opening and a cloak swishing in the breeze created by the door. The potions master made his way to the desk where Luna and the librarian stood.
“Can we talk? In private preferably,” He requested.
“Of course, we can catch up later, Luna,” She told the student before heading to her office right behind the desk, Severus right behind her.
“I’m sorry,” Severus said wholeheartedly as she was shutting the door.
“What for? You were just telling me the truth,” She shrugged off, trying to act as if his offensive words didn’t hurt her.
“I was lying. I don’t think you’re stupid, I don’t think you’re desperate, I don’t think you’re clingy. I think you are so smart and beautiful and kind and loving and exactly what I want in my life. You are my favorite person here and you always will be, I have so much admiration for you.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not, I brought veritaserum just to prove to you that I’m telling the truth. I made amortentia for the 6th year’s and all I could smell was you. I was scared of how I felt for you so I tried to ruin it.”
“How do I know you’re not lying to me? Just trying to make me feel better?” Severus dug into his pocket and poured some veritaserum into his mouth, swallowing it down.
“Ask me,” He told her.
“How do you feel about me, truly, Sev?” She asked him shyly.
“I love you, I think of you so much it drives me crazy. I care about you so deeply, I’d do anything for you. I think you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, inside and out. You are so kind to not only me but everyone. You drive me crazy in the best way,” he ranted to her.
“You love me?”
“I do. If you’d like, I want to take you on a date this weekend.”
“I’d love to.”
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seaskate · 2 months
I know that Ravenclaws are supposed to be the ‘smart ones’ and ‘always in the library’ or whatever, but Luna Lovegood was the most Raveny Ravenclaw to ever Ravenclaw and I will stand by that.
Do I think she did well in school? Yes. Hermione or Draco level exceptional? Not even close.
Luna loved creatures, they were like a hyper-fixation for her. I feel like she woukd sit down and try to study for charms and then remember some obscure fact about Thestrals and automatically an hour of studying is lost as she wanders deeper and deeper into the creatures secretion of the library looking for every book that she can find to answer all of her questions. And once she had read all of them all she wandered into the forest itself, always hungry to know more, so long as it was something that had caught her attention.
If we’re being honest here it’s the hardworking Hufflepuffs and academic ambitious Slytherins that all but haunted the school library like ghost, actually studying what they were supposed to becuase they weren’t putting in this much effort to not come out on top of whatever class they are the best at and to do amazing in all the others.
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sopheadraws · 2 months
Describe yourself with five fictional characters!
aka Four, Blonde, Autistic Girls (Older Sisters) + Spock: A Character Study
I was tagged by @spaceacekid <33 (I don't know if I've explicitly said this before, but I love being tagged in tag games, and I almost always actually do them. If you don't know who to tag, please tag me. Okay, thanks.)
Alice Liddell - Alice in Wonderland
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Elsa of Arendelle - Frozen
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Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter
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Matilda Moss - Everything's Gonna Be Okay
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Spock - Star Trek: The Original Series
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I'm tagging @hoodiedmenace @snek-of-eden @lesbian-of-nine @grey-edges @thelog33 and @spocks-got-a-glock :))
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