#... honestly I'm not excited (i feel kinda neutral) but come on! i try to see the silver lining in things! shitty week but at least I'll
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the way she looks at him here... goodness...
#ash rambles 💚#a heaven full of stars 💙❤️#the emotions..#but also#gah#IT SHOULD BE MEEEE#I WANT HER TO LOOK AT ASH LIKE THAT 😭😭😭😭#the way she's crying but her eyes are filled with nothing but love and admiration??#GAAAHHH IT SHOULD BE MEEEEE#she should be looking at her best friend of over a decade like that! the red to her blue! fire to her water! those ten years without her#were the most painful part of ash's life and i know she'd cry too seeinf a.qua again#i think a lot about how fucked up ash is mentally after the events of her game. her buddies t.erra and v.en? gone. her adopted father? gone#her best friend who she had fallen in love with? ash had to watch in horror as she fell into the darkness screaming and sobbing and begging#to just take her instead. you see ash punching at the ground a lot. the combination of all that + the fire spells she casts really did a#number on her hands and she keeps them wrapped up for over a decade since her scars are just another reminder of her not being good enough#man. what a character. i cooked.#anyways#my wife! i adore her so much! i spend so much time thinking about how I'm not good enough for her that i tend to forget that i love her#i love her with all my being and thats what matters#teehee i even have my plushie of her next to me rn!#man shes so perfect#just wanna wrap my arms around her waist and hold her close all night and tell her that i adore her#i should probably go to bed now lmao#another week of wondering if it's even worth it but hey! we persist! it's my birthday soon too!#... honestly I'm not excited (i feel kinda neutral) but come on! i try to see the silver lining in things! shitty week but at least I'll#have an excuse to eat cake!#... ive mentioned c.yberpunk p.hantom l.iberty so often around my sister in hopes she'll get it for me- i feel bad and honestly i dont even#need a gift but i cant deny that I've had this whole in my heart after i finished c.yberpunk sjshajdjw i need another fucking game to play#nothing is scratching that itch!!! and i tend to be picky about my games too#i mean if you have any recs for ps5 games feel free to lay them on me but like. still
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Okay okay, so I don't know if you know what a boudoir photoshoot is, but if you do, I just booked one for the first time. I have my consultation call in 5 hours. I'm super super excited but hella nervous. However, it got me thinking. I was wondering how my favorite boys would react to getting the pictures afterwards.
I think Solomon would be excited. I mean, sexy pictures of his partner? Sounds great!
I honestly don't know how Barb would react. I have such a hard time getting a read on how he'd react to a lot of things.
Satan I feel would be a bit flustered. He'd enjoy them of course, but he'd definitely be flustered.
They're the only three I have really thought of, but gosh. But just... every one of them (Luke excluded obviously) would have such good reactions.
Anyways, how do you think they'd react? Very curious on how you think Barb would react.
~ Solomon🤍
I do in fact know what a boudoir photoshoot is! I hope your consultation went well, I'm sure you'll love the pictures!
I agree with Solomon - I think he'd be excited about it. But I also think he'd be very protective of the pictures. Our man is jealous. He might keep them in a special photo album with a spell on it to curse anybody who tried to touch it! Or if they're digital, then then equivalent of that. Nobody gets to see your sexy pictures but him!
Ahh, Satan would be so flustered. I'm just imagining him blushing like crazy and wanting to look at them, but then also not sure if he should look at them lol. Especially if you're like... there with him at the time. Like if you send them to him so you're not sitting next to him, he'll still be flustered, but perhaps a little less than he would be if you were right there.
I think your presence would also have an impact on how Barbatos would react. For instance, if you were with him at the time, he would look through the pictures with a neutral expression. Making you think he's not affected at all. You're like waiting in anticipation for some kinda reaction. Turns out he's just really good at containing himself, but he can't hold it in forever. I think that'd make him lose control just enough that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from kissing you and kissing you and if you let him, he'll drag you away to his room~
But if you're not there with him at the time, like you sent him the pictures and he's just sitting there looking through them without you there, he's gonna have no one to help him deal with the pent up feelings he's got. Miiiiight just go find you wherever you are. Might wait for you to come to him.
I suppose either way, I think he's gonna be flustered in a "I am losing control of myself right now" kind of way.
After that first time, he saves them for when he really misses you. He knows what looking at those pictures will do to him, so he keeps them locked away in drawer somewhere. Only takes them out when you're off in the human world or for some reason he can't be beside you. It isn't the same as having you with him, of course, but they're a reminder of how much you care about him, how much you trust him.
Oh oops I got a little too dramatic at the end there, but uh... I think you get what I'm trying to say lol.
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ebonysplendor · 4 months
A Date with Death 💀💻💬
TL;DR: What's totally hot is that we are chatting with this major edge lord who is cosplaying as the Grim Reaper. What's even hotter is that this major edge lord actually is the Grim Reaper...pfft, yeah right.
Game Link: https://twoandahalfstudios.itch.io/a-date-with-death
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Notable Features: Customizable MC (pronouns, appearance, name, etc.), Customizable bedroom, Internet romance, Supernatural LI Spiciness: 2/5 -- It can get a little suggestive, but nothing unholy...unfortunately T_T LI Red Flags: 0.5/5 -- The guy's trying to kill us but I mean...it's kinda his job so...? Also! This isn't even a yandere LI so, just a heads up! We're changing gears a bit
Wanna know more? I didn't see a rating on it, but I wouldn't suggest anyone under 16 play this. But if you are over 16 or simply don't give a rat's ass about my warning, I can't effectively police ya, so let's get into it!
(Unrelated, but peep the additions and new section marker...thingies. Ahhhh~! <3 Okay anyways...)
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I found it. I finally found it.
I found a game that has me raving harder than Perfect Love, and those of you that read that review (or even some of my follow up posts) know how much I absolutely loved that game!
Even still, so far, Perfect Love is still my favorite visual novel with a yandere LI; in this one, the LI isn't a yandere. Admittedly, this was a totally foreign experience to me, because I honestly (and clearly) gravitate towards the yandere stories, not to mention just simply favoring and have a preference for them. Like I've mentioned in other reviews, it is just something about a man with an ungodly obsession for me that just draws me in...
Anyways, that's not featured in this game, but it was still just as good! I loved this! The story, the dialogue, the art, the little quirky features, the customization!! Gods, the customization. I loved that! The customization didn't even hugely matter, but it was just the fact that it was included and that I knew that that was what the MC looked like.
As a POC, it is so refreshing to know that my love interest "knows" that I have dark skin. Like, ahhhhh, my heart. Representation really does make a difference, even in adulthood. I love the games with the custom pronouns, or just straight gender neutral language, or even when they draw the character to be bald, grey, and faceless so it represents everyone. I honestly love it so much, and I do feel included, not gonna lie, and it's exciting that others can, too.
Anyways, I'll rant and rave and rant some more during the review. I've really gotta get into the amazingness that is this game, and I'm definitely going to keep the spoilers extremely light (like always) to ensure that you can play with a vague idea of what's going on but not knowing exactly what's going down.
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So, oh my Gods, boom.
The game kicks off with a little exposition on how we're pretty much living life final destination style. Some way, some how, death seems to always linger around us, but it just never seems to connect. Just picture a situation where we 112% should've died, but we somehow come out damn-near unscathed. No injuries, no long term scaring, no broken bones, nothing. Like...we're Gucci, and just straight up living our best life.
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So, we're chilling at home one day when our laptop keeps going off. Consistently and incessantly. It gets pretty annoying pretty fast, because:
Who the hell is trying to get ahold of us that damn bad?
What app do we even have on our computer that's making all of that ruckus?
So, naturally, we go investigate, and it's this weird ass messaging app on there. Never seen it before, never used it, and have no idea where it came from because we didn't download it. Delete. Immediately delete. Only issue is that, when we delete it, it comes right back, and we can't delete it anymore. Okay...what the hell?
Not having much of a choice, and just out of curiosity, we click on this app, and we just see a wall of text from what is likely either a bot or a scammer.
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Having nothing better to do, we confront this scammer bot, and we go back and forth with this totally not a scammer bot...thing...for a hot second. Basically the whole of it was that this basement creep was trying to convince us that he was the Grim Reaper and that he was after our soul. No, like, no lie. I have receipts. This man deadass said that he was the Grim Reaper and that he was coming for our soul.
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See? I wasn't joking.
We continue to go back and forth with this weirdo about how all of this is fake and ask him is this a cry for help, and he gets all pissy and says that we have a small and smooth brain and all of that jazz before it finally gets to a head. Mr. Edgy over here finally decides that he's had enough of our shit, and he sends us a request for a video chat. Still having nothing better to do, we enter the call, and well....
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....okay, definitely not how I'd imagine some incel living in his parents' basement that reeks of constant rejection and a middle school boys' locker room to look like. He do be kinda fine. Fake as hell and a major edge lord, but kinda fine. Hella fine, actually. Deathly fine, amiright? Ha, ha....haaaaaa. Okay, moving on...
So, now that we're in this call, admittedly, we're a little taken aback because, well for one, he's actually pretty damned attractive, and for two, he is still insisting that he's the Grim Reaper. Like, yeah, okay...
It gets to a point where we finally cave and start to play along, and we're just like "Okay, if you're really the Grim Reaper, then you should have no issue with reaping my soul before the week is up right? If you can get it, you can have it. No questions asked."
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Upon hearing this, he is clearly intrigued, and he arrogantly says "Lmao I only need an hour" and we're like "Lmao then why haven't you already taken it?"
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Silence. Exactly what I thought, "Grimmy".
Anyways, he agrees to being "honour bound" to the bet or whatever the hell his edgy ass said. Before the bet gets solidified, though, we establish what our winnings would be should we win, and you already know that we asked for...
I mean, come on: his own house, stable work, hot as hell -- this man is the full package. Fuck a soul, I'm trying to fuck him.
I mean, he...didn't really, like...agree to that, so we opted for his soul instead. Fair is fair, but apparently our soul is on the line so we can't screw this up. Oh noes! The big scawy weaper is gwonna come gwet mwe! Lol.
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...this is a very real bet with very real consequences, and we made a very stupid mistake.
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Where do I even begin?!
I loved this game! It made me laugh, it made me cry (not joking, it really did), it made me feel things.
Like, holy shit, I'm so used to the yandere games where you're essentially like "This man is hot, but he is fucking nuts, and I need to get away from him", that it really starstruck me when I was like "...I want to marry this man and live happily ever after". Like...there was nothing toxic this time around it and it was...huh? Kindness? Positivity? Boundaries? What is this?
It was deadass like being in a string of toxic relationships and finally finding the one. Not even just the one, but a legitimate healthy relationship. Like, I have no idea how to react to this, but it's such a fuzzy feeling. Grim literally got me over here giggling and kickin' my feet and shit.
Anyways, this visual novel was really, really good and an absolute chef's kiss. The pacing, the story, the humour, the customization, the art, the UI, the everything! Everything was so good! Like, if you couldn't tell, my favorite thing was by far the customizations. Let me show you what I mean:
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Like, how cool is that? The screenshots doesn't do it full justice, but from looking at the characters that I made, you can tell that you can customize quite a bit. Granted, it doesn't play a huge role, and there's not side sprite or CGs with the character that you customized, but I still like that there was an option so that it's like "Fuck yeah, he knows I'm Black" ya know? Not to mention, you can also customize...
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...your room and your household companion! You can even have a snake as your pet, if you choose to do so!
I'm sorry, I was just absolutely geeked about the customization options. Honestly, the overall art in the game was just absolutely stunning; however, I did wish that there were more CGs, but that's more of a personal thing versus a flaw of the game. I just wanted to see more of this sleek ass art, because, as I've mention, I am an absolute slut for CGs.
Anyways, much like the Perfect Love game, I could definitely ramble on and on and on and on some more about this game, but I'm going to demand -- not ask but politely, yet forcefully demand -- that you play this game and enjoy it so that you can see how edgy yet sweet this man can be. And like I said, the dialogue is so funny. Admittedly, my humour is kind've broken, so I laugh at just about anything, but I think the dialogue was legit funny this time around. And again, the way that it just switches over from being a total meme to something kind've serious to super sentimental and sweet and it's...like what? The transition was just so damned smooth. Like, the dev(s) absolutely killed that shit. No debate, and don't at me because outside opinions that oppose this idea will be ignored.
That being said, I cannot stress enough how much this game needs to be played. It's so good. It's so funny. It's so sweet. It's so sleek. It's so everything. Like, just play it. You'd be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't. Okay, okay, but that's enough gushing and rambling. Here's a link for when -- not if when, because I demanded it, remember? -- you play the game for yourself, and drop those supportive words of "This game is fire as fuck, dude" and maybe some monetary support if you can.
Anywho, I'm not the dev(s), so my transition to the end won't be as smooth, but I'm going to go ahead and end it here!
As always: Don't forget to drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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A Date with Death
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coeluvr · 7 months
I'm honestly kinda obsessed with this story. It's so fascinating and I have so many thoughts and theories rolling around in my head, I cant wait to see how things unfold!!
There is one thing I'd really like to see added, if possible, and that's just more uncertain or middle-ground options, you know? I feel like it would make sense for some MCs to be conflicted or have mixed emotions or just not know what to feel or think about certain things.
This stuck out to me the most when we had to choose whether or not we think our sister actually did poison the late consort. I had a hard time choosing an answer because i felt like my MC just wouldn't know. I mean, that's her sister. Nobody wants to believe someone they love is capable of something like that. And from a more logical perspective, if you actually look at the evidence, she easily could have been framed. At the same time, everyone thinks she did it, that is what MC's been told their entire life, and there's no real evidence to suggest she didn't do it. So... 🤷‍♀️
There were a lot of moments like that for me. Like when we had to choose how we felt about Helios coming back. Our relationship with him at that point is kinda complicated and weird no matter what you do. It'd make sense that MC's feelings regarding him/seeing him again would also be complicated and weird. Or returning to Vesphire, being torn between terror and grief from the trauma but also desperately wanting to go back for the chance to feel some semblance of home, to find a familiar face, or at the very least to lay a flower at their family's grave. And I could see some MCs going back and forth on whether they want revenge or not.
I know adding variations can be complicated and cumbersome to do, so I would completely understand if you didn't want to. Regardless I really appreciate all your effort in making and sharing this story!! You're doing incredible and I'm excited for what comes next 💕💕💕
Hello! I am happy to know you like this little story of mine. 🙇‍♀️💗
I can definitely try to add more variations regarding Helios' arrival + for how they feel about their future trip.
And while I can understand that a lot of people can't decide on a firm standpoint regarding Catalina, I can't add a neutral option.
No one is saying that what MC thinks is facts, it's just their opinion. I'm sure MC over the years has leaned toward one or the other and you simply have to pick the one that feels right to your MC. MC's viewpoint doesn't have to be "the correct one", MC doesn't even know the truth of everything, there's no harm in being wrong.
Just in case someone asks for a neutral option regarding the revenge or no revenge aspect of the story, I can't do that either.
Both the Catalina and Revenge choices will be set for at least a while but when MC gets new and more updated view of things, MC will be able to change it so don't stress.
Thank you for your kind words. 💗
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physicsfox7 · 6 months
So, I have to brag just a bit. As previously mentioned, I haven't ever been great at fighting games. Moreover, I was a notorious button masher.
But with the release of my beloved Elphelt on Strive, I am here to stay. I've been playing since about mid-December, and I am a slow learner as it is.
In the beginning, with my friends patented school, I learned a lot in a short amount of time. Then I practiced on my own, ran the arcade mode, and worked on tower. I of course grabbed fights with friends when I could. But about 5 weeks ago, I hit what felt like a plateau. Admittedly, getting my ass handed to me constantly was very disheartening as well. And I still wasn't very good.
I stepped away from it for a couple of weeks, proceeded to lose whatever edge I had developed, and lost interest. I bought Bridget in an attempt to reawaken the fighting spirit, and spent a very lovely afternoon fighting her computer on very hard. Then I stopped and didn't pick it up.
When they dropped A.B.A on Tuesday, I was very excited. I thought a new character to try out would help, and everyone else would be trying her as well, so I might have a chance to win a little bit while they learn the new controls.
With the new patch, suddenly I couldn't boot the game. I spent over a day trying to figure it out. I tried everything from verifying files to reinstalling to getting third party software. Nothing worked, I just couldn't get on the network. I missed out on pre practice, I missed out on hours of playing with friends. Finally, working with everyone, we figured out the problem. One stupid, simple fix (disabling my antivirus software, yes I know I'm an idiot) and it booted first try.
By the time I joined the lobby, I was shaking from being hungry and angry and frustrated. Everyone else was warmed up, and I was cold for three weeks. I sorta kinda held my own, got my ass kicked again and again, but it didnt feel oppressive. Instead, it was invigorating. Some of the techniques and combos I had practiced worked, and I even got complimented.
Then tonight, we had another Strive lobby night. And something clicked. I was playing. I didn't win every match, but I didn't lose every match either. I stood my ground against players far better than me. I won multiple rounds in a row, and most importantly learned a few new techniques and ideas. I implemented on the fly. Tonight felt good.
We had a random come into the lobby, who is high level with all characters, and coaches. They run tourneys, and was top 100 with a couple of their mains. I warned them before our match that I wouldn't stand a chance, but like everyone in this community, they were more interested in playing and helping than beating me down. I managed to take them down below half health in a couple matches.
After stream, I went back and watched some older videos of my gameplay, then some from last night and tonight and the level of improvement I've made is astounding.
I react faster, my combos are cleaner, there's less wasted space/time/movement, and I'm starting to feel which move is the right defense, allowing me to be proactive in defense and getting out of neutral. And I can see when to be aggreasive and when to wait more easily.
I was at a precipice, and I honestly felt stuck. The combination of time away, solo practice, and a more relaxed and patient attitude the last couple of nights has broken through. I feel positive about future sessions, and I'm looking forward to playing rather than dreading it.
I'm very pleased with myself, and I feel positive. Playing games with such skilled people is kind of dampening for both my confidence and my pride, so this was pretty great. Okay, no more bragging. K thx byeeeeeeee
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Oooh I want to ask as well... yandere cronus ampora oneshot? I feel like some time after being rejected by the others he decides he's not gonna bother with traditional pursuing with the reader. He's gonna jump straight to the kidnapping! They're his whether they like it or not <3 (at least that's the way I see him acting hehehe)
Here we go everyone, I'm writing for "Homestuck's Worst Character Ever™". Hope you enjoy me writing him as a delusional dude who snatched you.
Used a Homestuck typing quirk generator for Cronus :) THANKFULLY that exists- Admittedly, I started this to mess around with the generator a bit. Sorry if it was too short or not the best :( I'm experimenting on both the quirk and how to write Cronus. Kinda wish I wrote him better but idk how yet, I'll take feedback.
I think I successfully depicted him as gross, however.
Last Straw
Yandere! Cronus Ampora ♒️Short
Pairing: Matesprit ❤️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession at first sight, Delusional behavior, Kidnapping, Forced "affection", Possessive behavior, Clingy behavior, Forced "relationship", He gets a bit touchy while you sleep but it's brief, Swearing, Forced kissing.
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Rejection used to burn him like the fires of a human cigarette (which he still doesn't understand why you would waste such a thing). It used to hurt him, he was subjected to such a pain for a long time. Now he got used to it.
Being rejected still had a dull pain to it yet now he just felt frustrated. He tries so hard to gain the attention of others. He really does try to relate to others.
It never works.
Being alone was a constant in his life. Even when he died and became a ghost, immortality didn't change the fact he was alone. He was forced to be rejected, even when dead.
It got on his nerves.
Oh, but then he met you!
He didn't care if you were also a ghost or some fellow human or troll passing through Dream Bubbles. Cronus quickly became determined to have you. Clearly, the traditional means of courting wasn't going to work.
When was Cronus ever traditional anyways...?
He needed to use a method that would work no matter what.
He didn't care if others didn't like the idea. He was already seen as garbage. So, really, there was no consequence to knocking you out and tying you in a room by a bed.
No one was going to bother him anyways.
Honestly, he isn't sure why he didn't do this sooner. To be a nice guy? Maybe he doesn't want to be nice anymore... not when it won him you.
You looked adorable when asleep. He just knew you were going to be perfect for him. He knew you'd make a great Matesprit... or if you hated him, he could make that work! A Kismesis could work, too-
Red romance, black romance, Cronus didn't care.
All he wanted was you and whatever attention he could squeeze out of you.
Cronus treated you like you were his last shot at ever finding love. He made the room he kept you in look perfect, born from memories that were no doubt yours. He watched you as you rested with what would seem like a lovingly gaze... if his eyes were not glazed over.
While you rest off the blow to the head, Cronus is gentle with prodding at you. He lightly grazes his hand over your skin and hums to himself. Although he explores a bit, he tells himself to not wander far over your body. There's still time to wait. He's been waiting forever for someone to come into his life. Now here you were...
All his.
When you wake up, Cronus greets you with a smile. He's happy, excited even. You have no choice but to simply be his!
"I vwas wvaiting for you to wvake up! We may not knowv each other much nowv, doll... but vwe hawve plenty of time! Trust me... vwe're meant to be, baby!"
He comes off strong and it's one hell of a thing to wake up to. Due to his constant feelings of rejection, delusion has settled in his mind. Far as he knows, you two will be together.
He'll make it so.
"Where am I?" You ask, voice raspy due to the lack of use. Cronus simply smiles, shuffling closer.
"Your nevw home, doll! I set it up based on hovw you like it. You see... I'wve been looking for someone like you for a long vwhile."
Cronus doesn't mind getting up close and personal. Even when you physically recoil away from his hold on your chin, his delusions block it out. He caresses your cheek in a loving manner while sitting beside you on a bed eerily similar to your own from your old home.
"It hurts to be alone... luckily, wve hawve each other! I'vwe alvways vwanted a Matesprit of my owvn. No one paid attention to me evwen vwhen I tried to connect vwith them..."
Cronus then puts both hands to your cheeks.
"Yet you'll be different, baby. I just knovw you and I vwill be something great. I'vwe evwen come up wvith songs to shovw our lovwe!"
You try to pull away from him but his grip is strong. Panic is written all over your face but Cronus is blind to it. All he sees is you... and the potential between you both.
"I don't know you! Who even are you!?"
"Shit, sorry, baby. I forgot I newver gawve my name. Cronus Ampora, that's my name. I happen to already knowv yours." Cronus winks and you feel yourself convulse in disgust.
"We just met... I can't do this! You can't make me love you like that!" You cry, Cronus shooshes you and pulls you into his chest.
"Sure you can, babe. I picked you for a good reason. You'll like it vwith me, I just knowv it. Relax... I vwon't hurt you."
"Let me go, don't touch me!"
You push against him, shaking when Cronus squeezes occasionally. He appears frustrated when you fight him and wrenches your chin up so you're eye to eyes with him. Those dead eyes stare into you... angry.
"We're Matesprits, you can't fight that wvith me. Unless you vwish for our lowve to be blacker, you can't change this." Cronus growls, ghosting his lips over yours. "Ewveryone else already hates being around me. I'm used to that. Yet you vwon't leavwe me like them."
He pushes you on the soft bed, using his body weight to hold you in place.
"We'll be Matesprits. You'll lowve me..."
Cronus leans closer, grinning.
"If not, baby... I'll make you lowve me."
The troll kisses you with a need that catches you off guard, ignoring your screams of protest and instead focusing on his fantasies of making you his.
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kaija-rayne-author · 1 year
When I finally manage to get BG3, I think Astarion is probably going to be the big one for me, broken sex neg chaotic elf vampire? He could be custom crafted for my likes. Angst and snark? 😍 I really do love elves. And vampires, which if you've read my books you probably already know that about me. Oh and the angstier the romance the better as long as I eventually get my HEA/HFN.
More blathering 😅 below the cut.
I'm looking forward to playing it for more than the characters. I played and adored the first two, though I honestly preferred Champions of Norath for mechanics. I've been role playing in video games and ttrpg for most of my life. Role playing as a 'normal' person ever since I figured out that I was definitely not the same as neurotypical people. Reasonably sure many autistic/ADHD folks share the experience. I'm looking forward to seeing what they did with the city and story.
Buuuut, I also thought I'd love Fenris from DA2 and I really ended up almost loathing him.
I've got ptsd, it's some of the most ridiculous stereotypical rep I've seen, I don't even drink! Many people with ptsd don't! And of course they haaaad to go with the alcoholic shut in when he's not murdering people thing. Ugh! Fenris is also so freaking mean. I didn't romance him at all because of it, but if you can't see a character's growth without romancing them, it's not very good characterization. He's especially vicious to Merrill, who is just so sweet and doesn't deserve to be talked to like that. Honestly, no one does. Wonderful growly voice which would do things to me if the character weren't so objectively awful, but a voice, even to a voice slut like me, isn't enough.) Yes, stereotypes do exist for a reason, but it's also why stereotypical rep is bad!
So I dunno, maybe I'll be right and Astarion will work for me. I also love the meaning of his name. 'Little star' from the Greek. It's been on my list as a future character name for years.
But Karlach might work depending on her personality. Gale is just pathetic enough from what I've seen to make me like him.
I dunno who it'll be tbh. I'm polyam too, so being able to be polyam in that game is a huge attraction for me. (Unfortunately, apparently you can't do that with Astarion and Karlach.)
Honestly, I don't get why everyone is so excited about having sex with Halsin in bear form. Have you seen bear penis? Thin, not very short for most species, and they have a bone in them. A bacula is what penis bones are called and humanoids notably do not have them anymore. The largest bear we know of currently is the badly endangered polar bear, and their baculas are roughly 7 inches long. That doesn't exactly scream it's gonna feel great, y'know? At least, 😅, not to me. All y'all do you. I'm not trying to kink shame.
It's just not a factor of attraction for me. TBH, I haven't seen much about Halsin at all. Which is kinda surprising given the fuss about 'sex in bear form' thing.
And yes, I'm very well aware how odd it may be for an aro/ace person to enjoy romance novels and games so much. It makes sense to me (sometimes) in a game or on page. It doesn't make sense in real life for me. I'm a sex positive ace, I can enjoy it with the right emotional or intellectual (ideally both) connections.
I'm also autochorisexual, so it makes sense that way too. I'm far more likely to fall for a fictional character than a living person.
Ugh. I wish I didn't have to wait for this game. But my birthday is coming up and I'm hopeful someone will get it for me. If not, I'll have to keep wishing. I'm still looking for a job, but it’s really not going well very quickly at all.
Shrugs. Everyone seems to act like aro/aces all hate romance and sex but that's definitely not been my experience. Some of us are sex neg, I have good friends who are, but I've talked to far more sex neutral or sex positive aces.
I really wish people valued creativity enough to pay for it more frequently. Just a living wage. That's legit all most creatives want. Enough money to pay the bills every month.
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palialaina · 1 year
Everything is falling into place.
Well, mostly.
I have some questions I want to ask, but the town is so small, I don't want it to get around.
Maybe I'll ask Dad...
It's been calm since the ceremony, at least. People congratulated me, Najuma asked how I liked her fireworks (I loved them. Though watching them explode I got a memory of something like chalk in my mouth. Ew.), and no one's had any sort of requests or crises I needed to handle.
So I've been able to focus on what I've started calling the Sleepover Room.
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Coming along quite nicely, I think. I do want to fix up the colors of the other harvest bed, maybe go purple-blue... Not sure yet. And I definitely need a rug! I've looked a few times at Zeki's, but either he doesn't have any in stock, or I'm broke!
Mostly the latter. Zeki's prices are mean... Which is funny, because for a little conman, Zeki's actually pretty nice. He says Earth type personalities like his aren't anything like Water types (re; mine), but he's softer than he wants to let on.
It's kind of nice.
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Jel and I went out to Bahari again. Or rather, I told him I was going to go to Bahari because I needed some stuff, and he insisted I wait for him to get some things together.
He came back with a hat bigger and floppier than Uncle B's and his own version of a beach outfit. Honestly, he looked absolutely ridiculous, and it... it made me feel a lot better about the future for this relationship of ours. If he can wear something that makes him look super silly, and help me get a ton of oysters, then maybe me being a source of inspiration to him works out...
I hope so, anyways.
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Also, he unintentionally launched himself with that geyser, and when I'd stopped laughing, he decided to call it a day. A bit more excitement than he'd bargained for, but he did well, and I appreciate every last bit of effort he put in.
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I found this, and I swear it was singing to me. Sort of how the Night Sky Temple seems to sing when I step into it. (Caught a void ray! Just three more things to go! Also, Hekla told me that finishing what I did unlocked something under the water. I don't like that information Hekla.)
I wonder what it's tied to, and how it works. It's not too far from another door that looks like it needs a Flow battery, so maybe it's part of that? I wish I knew. Jina's told me a lot about these ruins, but there's so much that she doesn't know, and other people won't tell her.
And I'm no use, whatever these ruins are, they're completely unfamiliar to me. They sing to me, sure, but I don't have a clue as to why...
Oh, and my new friend Orion decided to write to me the way Lark does. So now I have two friends writing me letters!
Thanks for explaining stuff! I would’ve been super lost without you. Well, I’m still lost, but I would’ve been double lost, or something. But it’s cool. This place is really relaxing! I’m working on getting my house set up, but there’s so much to see and do I keep getting distracted. And people to talk to! Everyone’s so nice, or neutral at best (I still say Eshe’s putting on an act, nobody can be that unpleasant in real life). Foraging, mining, fishing, even catching bugs.
I feel like someday Jina is going to write something that will be The Definite Truth About Humans and everyone will be super impressed and it’ll be taught in schools around the world. I’m honored to help however I can. Elouisa, on the other hand, is going to write a hundred books, none of which have even the slightest truth to them, and I will happily read every single one and gleefully participate in whatever crazy experiments she cooks up.
I keep trying to get Reth to involve me in his practical jokes. He swears he doesn’t do stuff like that. I don’t believe him.
Soooooooo I kinda need your advice on something. Talking to Chayne is really relaxing, and thought-provoking. Which is a problem. After talking with him I spent so long thinking about the Phoenix and Paths and whatever I didn’t pay attention to where I was going, and wandered in to an unfamiliar shop. No big deal, right? Well it wasn’t actually a shop, it was a house. When I realized I was trespassing I ran the heck out of there as fast as I could. Which is why I ran into you. Sorry again btw. Anyway, apparently that was Tish’s house. Which, I guess I’m lucky it wasn’t Hassian or Celeri, but I still need to apologize to Tish. Except if I go up to her and say “Hey, sorry I snuck into your cute house and looked at all your neat stuff” I’m pretty sure I’d die on the spot. What should I do?
PS: Still have the carrot Nai’o gave me. First thing I got in this place, I’m never getting rid of it.
Nai'o still giving out carrots. He's gonna get in trouble again at this rate. Hehe.
I do love living in a place where there's not really locks on the doors. You can just poke your head in and look around, and no one gets bugged by that. It feels... like a novelty, I suppose, which I guess means that it wasn't common Before.
I'll see if there's anything Tish wants this week and maybe let him use that as a silent, non-specific apology so he doesn't die of mortification~
I have to visit Bahari again. Iron for sure, and once I wake up, I'll have more glow worms, so maybe I can finally catch that recipe!
Or that fish. Either one. Hekla's... concerning comments aside, I really want to know what'll happen once I finish opening this vault thing. I wonder if the door back in the hiding place next to the Phoenix temple will open? Or maybe something out in Bahari Bay?
I just need the sushi recipe, a giant goldfish, and a long-nosed unicorn fish.
And a whole lot of glow worms. Einar's probably going to induct me into his guild at this rate! Sheesh!
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
I’m so mixed on the get along/hate thing because I feel like characters I wouldn’t like would like me whilst characters I do like would avoid me.
Like in theory I could get along with Ruggie, hes adorable and I’d love to pack extra snacks for him when making my lunch. But I know that I’m pushy and that he’s skittish so it’d take awhile to get him to be my friend.
Idia and I could be friends in the liking games/otaku department but he’s so negative and mopey that I’d either get annoyed or inadvertently let him ruin my own mood/excitement.
On the other side I would ignore Jade who would initially seem so boring to me until I see him in action and go “Huh he’s a pretty funny guy.” and then start to hang out with him. (Which is literally how I treated him in game so when I finally got around to raising his viginette levels and his voiceline said HE thought I was boring I cackled so loud. He’s now my number 1-3 as Leona and Floyd rotate spots with him) Floyd would be a somewhat friend as he causes too much trouble to hang around 24/7 but I’d still want to see some carnage. Just a little.
I feel like Riddle would kinda want to be my friend but hes way too strict for me to actively want to hang out with. Same with Vil.
Leona and Jamil would tolerate me in a “Some days I like you. Some days you annoy the shit out of me” sort of way but I imagine that they’d be wholly neutral towards me and I to them.
I would definitely be best buds with Epel and Jack though. Epel because I would encourage him to go full country boy whenever Vil isn’t around and Jack because he seems like the type to fold to people that persistently try to befriend him.
As long as Ruggie doesn't steal my food, he is safe.
Seriously though, just because Mr. "I need someone to put the spoon in my mouth" Leona wants my meaty sandwich doesn't mean I'm going to give it. Fuck off Ruggie. And if he does take it, you bet your bitches I'm chasing that fucker down. And if he manages to run away, I'm going to go to Vargas and tell him that Ruggie took away my lunch. Why Vargas? Food is a very important component of muscle building. You must have plenty of it if you wish to be of the physic that Vargas is. And I have many a mental problem that keeps me from eating as much as I should. And now I have an extra burden of having a student starving me of my lunch? Vargas will not like it one bit, especially if I add the bit of wanting to build up my stamina with meaty meals.
But if Ruggie doesn't, cause my meals are small so that sandwich would be all I have, then we're good. And skittish? Hmm, doesn't strike me as skittish so much as cautious. Ruggie has the patience of a saint for having to deal with Leona's lazy ass so having another pushy person in the group would probably be a bit much for him. Another headache to deal with. But, he will never say no to snacks and eventually his patience will grow to be able to deal with that.
Idiaaaaa, yeah he's a Debby Downer, and bitter. Real bitter. Like, he puts himself down a lot but he also puts people down. Idia's dug this hole into the ground and when anyone takes the chance to peer in, he hisses or grabs people and puts them in the pit he's in. Spiteful man. I know people like to categorize him as this sad, weepy little man full of anxiety, and he is, but he's also so protective of his ego he has to insult people to make himself feel better. Hence why he'd rather talk to people online rather than real life cause online you only ever see a sliver of what they're actually like. Because of the limited scope of time, you can shove your best qualities to the forefront while letting the rest be hidden behind. And most of the time, people are distracted by their interests so that helps Idia even more to hide away from his problems.
Riddle...I'd feel wouldn't take much notice honestly. Especially since he clearly comes from a place of both privileged and high expectations. I still remember his whole thing, looking down on our background and the insults to my family. Thing is, I'm...okay so I do have some issues with my anger. Not in the sense I yell and and throw destructive fits often, but in the sense that when it comes out, it's a whole fermentation of bottled up bitterness, little annoyances and horrid intrusive thoughts.
By that, I mean I would probably choke Riddle to get him to shut up. Which would probably trigger Riddle's memory of his own mother cause she is just that suffocating of a mother. You know, I should write that one day. I'll add the warnings obviously.
But yeah, same on that front, it be hard to hang out with him. And Vil.
Leona and Jamil, gotta catch them on a good day to deal with any antics.
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incorrectinfinity · 1 year
Ok I haven't seen the new ovenbreak update yet but. Like as someone of middle eastern descent with Muslim parents it concerns me personally from what I've heard.
And honestly so far: ...I'm not really that offended? Yeah it's definitely in poor taste for lack of a better word but I'm gonna wait until I see how they handle it before I really come to a conclusion. 'There's definitely gonna be other middle eastern people who have different opinions on this but personally im just... kinda neutral, for some reason. Tbh I'm kinda excited to see it because I genuinely like yogurt cream cookie a lot and some more content with him would be nice to see, if he ends up being featured.
like idk if any of the people complaining about this update are also middle eastern and if they are then they are of course entitled to their own opinions on this but if they are then so am I.
That's valid but there's a lot of things I am thinking about this update.
I think the bomb motif is INCREDIBLY disrespectful to display for an update that revolves around a place heavily inspired by the middle east and during Ramadan.
Yogurca and the cookies around it typically rely on stereotypes and appropriation which I feel like I cannot support. Along with that most of those characters wear revealing clothes which fetishizes people living in those places and is an unfortunate pattern in a lot of uneducated media with an focus on those places.
Lilac'a entire design is a piece of work and proves that point undeniably in my opinion.
And along with all of that, it's the trend I've been seeing in Ovenbreak overall.
What they did to the lab, the last update getting rid of the gacha and making it even more pay to play for beginners, the overwhelming number of sequel updates and lack of fresh ideas, Raid Runs, the NFTs, and the unfortunate situation with Rose. It feels worrying, it feels like they're beginning to focus more on Kingdom and leaving Ovenbreak to rot. Either that or they're trying to make Ovenbreak into a money making machine.
This situation was the last straw for me. Devsisters has proven again and again and AGAIN that they don't care about the players of Ovenbreak. It's really disheartening.
You are always entitled to your own opinion and I will respect that, I won't hate anyone who still plays Ovenbreak. And I am a white American teenager who doesn't know shit about what it's like living in the middle east or being middle eastern so if you don't view it as disrespectful I will respect that.
But a lot of the people I have seen who are criticizing this update are also middle eastern, and I do not appreciate the repeated appropriation Devsisters has been pulling for years with Yogurca.
If you like the characters and story of Yogurca more power to you, but I don't.
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wily-one24 · 1 year
Ask meme: 6, 9, 16, 30 & 50 😊😊😊😊
6. What are you excited for?
Oh, we're starting with the hard questions right out of the gate, are we? Hmmm... I am excited for summer. I guess. I do so much better in the warmer weather than the cold. The last two days were beautiful and I got to break out some cute summer dresses. I love it. I really cannot wait for the real long lasting heat to begin.
I want to say I'm excited for Christmas, but... I guess I am kinda neutral about it? Like, it's a good thing, but the stress, omg. I *do* have a brand new cute christmas dress though, it's very swirly. It *is* a bit more low cut and thin strappy than I had planned for, so I am going to have to invest in a strapless bra sometime soon.
9. Is confidence cute?
Omg. Confidence is hella sexy.
Although, there is a difference between confidence and arrogance and arrogance is defintiely not.
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
I mean, I don't *expect* to change that drastically in the next three months, but how can anyone ever be sure? I am noticably different now than I was 12 months ago and people have remarked to me recently that I look very well. Which... I haven't noticed?
But, I have recently completed a round of dentistry which has greatly improved my confidence, so that's always a bonus and has to effect how I am coming across.
I, personally, don't expect to change. My life is stable, my job is stable, my kids are honestly (although sometimes frustrating, bc teenage boys, omg) the light of my life... I don't really see any of that changing. I'm returning into fandom activity after several years of nothing, which feels good, and I don't see that changing.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
You really come out swinging, don't you?
I want to say yes. I want to say that people grow and can change and they deserve the chance to do that. And in most circumstances, I would definitely say yes.
But there are some things that are unforgivable and some people do not deserve to be in society.
I am a pretty forgiving and tolerant person. It takes a lot to upset me to begin with and I will usually get over it when I do. That said, my patience only goes so far. There is a line and once it is crossed, I will cut you out so badly it's not even funny.
(For instance: I have forgiven and remain friends with my ex-husband, the man who cheated on me when I was in the hospital trying not the die while giving birth to my youngest child, so I can forgive almost anything if you try to make up for it... but I have a sister that I was very close to growing up that I refuse to speak to, I won't go to her house, and give her only the briefest of cursory responses when I am forced to be in the same room with at famly functions, because she has crossed the line too many times and has reached into irredeemable territory).
I guess, second chance, yes, but when you start getting into third/fourth/fifth chances then obviously some people aren't going to change. They're set and that's who they are. You know the saying, when people show you who they are: believe them.
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Used a bow and arrow? Yes.
Mastered and/or been good at a bow and arrow? No.
I have been on school camps where archery was a thing and I liked it. I have been to a few places where archery is a thing as an adult and I've tried again there (like adventure parks, or Kryal Castle).
Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be doing that again, my shoulder has a tendency to weakness and I can't push it. And shoulders are very necessary when pulling back that string. The tension and strength to hold and focus it, I just don't have that anymore.
But, yes, I have done it before.
@rowark, you picked some interesting questions. Yikes. Thanks for playing!!!
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leffee · 1 year
Ranking from little angel to little devil?
I'm glad you asked! Let's try going from angel to devil. All those lists are like a continuum scale huh? Great, I like a good continuum scale, it's like ambivert personality continuum scale mmm, anyway:
To no one's surprise on the heavy end of little angel is Penny Ling. She's just the goodest girl among them, what can I say? She still has her devil moments, don't get me wrong, but compared to the rest of them she has the least amount of them. Overall a good, compassionate soul, bless her. Follows the rules, likes helping others, but will sometimes use her nicness it to sway others her way (like in that one highschool ask I answered when I said that since she's so nice teachers really like her and if she asks for example to watch a movie that day instead of a normal lesson they will usually agree. A good few times when she really didn't feel like studying she was like "Eh, I'll just ask the teacher to postpone the test until nest week." and went to do her own things. Yes, she was just that confident about it, for a good reason too.) Closest to lawful good.
Russell - well, it's Russell. He's a good person too of course, but another big reason why he's here is his tendency to follow the rules and just overall good manners. He tries to take everyone's needs into account (like in the beggining of the Fun Russell episode) and does genuinely like helping, though more from a leader position. It gives him innumerable fulfillment to see something get done, the harder it was the better, no matter if it was for his or someone else's sake. However, he can be quite stiff when it comes to his rules, because he thinks his own internalized ones are the best. However, it doesn't apply to insitutions like museums or pools, he won't fight with whatever rules are there unless they are genuinely ridiculous, but to other things it does apply. Somewhere between lawful good and neutral good.
Minka - he's kinda in a weird place honestly, because I didn't get to the morally grey ones on this scale, but she juuust a bit is in this area. She can do things that are questionable, but she genuinely mostly does them out of just her easily-excitable personality, so things like violating others' personal space or being overwhelming for them. But as I said, it's not her trying to be rude or anything, it's just Minka being Minka. Besides, her goodness really overshadows all that in the end. She can genuinely be such a cute, kind angel, accepting towards everyone and doing that with fervor. Closest to chaotic good.
Sunil - he's a good person but damn, he can sometimes get really grumpy or impatient, just not in the mood at all to do the right thing. In those moments he just lets whatever is going to happen, happen. He doesn't make the situation worse but doesn't make it better either. That's only sometimes though, he can and absolutely will be very kind and understanding most of the time. He is a pretty patient guy after all, but will roll his eyes every now and then. Just, when he hears about someone's problem etc and from his perspective this problem is completely unimportant or very easily solvable, he will help but be sarcastic about it the entire time like, "Oh yes, I can definitely see why it's such a big problem that I had to abandon my lazy afternoon and get here instead." Somewhere between neutral good and chaotic good, closer to the latter.
Vinnie - now we're getting more into morally gray characters, at least in my headcanon. So you can see that Zoe and Pepper will be here as well. But I'm getting ahead of myself. On a morality scale Vinnie is a pretty good perfect middle because he can be an absolute angel but also complete opposite. The main reason for it are his double standards. He looks completely differently at his friends or just people he likes and differntly at everyone else. For example: if Zoe was to date someone but break up with them for no other reason then that she was bored of them (so the person was not bad to her in any way) he fully supports it, you go girl, get the best for yourself, but if it was that someone breaking up with her for the same reason then how dare they and they should die. Ok, maybe not that much, haha. If something's not too harmful to others but beneficial to him or he just wants to do it then he will (i.e. cheating on a test or eating a couple of grapes in the grocery store). But at the same time he also is a good guy who will help strangers and seeing someone's wallet fall out of their pocket he will return it to them, no doubt about it. Honestly idk where to put him, I think he's the closest to lawful neutral but it's hard to judge with those double standards.
Pepper... oni - the thing about her is that generally she's not the most empathetic person and can care more about her own enjoyment than others' feelings or rules and often doesn't think about them at all. Straight up won't play by the rules, granted not necessarily because she disagrees with them, often she will do it just to annoy someone and see their reaction because it's funny to her. If she is to help someone and it will take a lot of time and effort then she has to at least feel a connection with them, she won't do it for a complete stranger. Still, the thing about her is that she does all that not because she wants someone to be upset, but because she wants to enjoy herself. If it has longer or bigger consequences she will feel bad, so she's not evil or anything. Closest to chaotic neutral.
Zoe. Zoe, Zoe, Zoeeee. Look, I say that with love, but she is kind of a bitch and that's why out of the pets she's my least favourite. I still love her, don't get me wrong, I just love her the least. Even in my 'softened' version she can be pretty arrogant and absolutely self-centered. If you play by her rules and admire the things she does when she wants them to be admired you're fine and dandy, but if you say that you disagree with her, or worse yet dislike her singing or anything else she will NOT be happy. And I don't mean disagreeing in a rude way, just simply having different opinion. Yes, that includes her friends, though to a lesser extent. As long as you agree with her she's a sweetheart. She's prone to revenge though. Not a bad person but out of 7 of them she's the closest. Also chaotic neutral. Also everyone from Vinnie to Zoe would genuinely enjoy seeing someone who wronged them suffer.
Idk how that took me two hours... Ta-da! I know nobody asked for the whole neutral lawful stuff but I couldn't help myself.
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vbecker10 · 2 years
Hi love
I’ve got a request:
Loki x y/n (gender doesn’t matter)
Loki tries online dating and meets someone (age 18+) and they start chatting away. At first it’s more just like something silly and both don’t think much about it. But then Loki decides he wants to meet them. Only problem: They don’t live in NYC. In fact, they don’t even live in the States. I’m more thinking about something like Iceland, Norway, Finland. When Loki visits it’s in Winter (due to him being Jotun) and they fall in love. He even shows her his real form. Lots and lots of fluff. Maybe a bit angst when it comes to the meeting. Smut, if you like. Ending: Not fussed. Something that fits your story. Thank you 🖤
@juulle987 thank you so much for the request!! Sorry this took so long 💚💚 (I know I kept promising I was almost done but it got away from me... and it just kept getting longer, so I made it two parts) I really hope you like it! 🤞🤞
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I'm Here (Part 1 of 2)
Part 2 here
Pairing: Loki x gender neutral reader
Warnings: self doubt, angst, kinda fluff... it's coming in the next part (so is Jotun Loki)
POV: Y/N pov & Loki pov
Summary: After a string of terrible blind dates, Loki is pushed into trying online dating and despite his doubts, he meets you. The two of you become fast friends and soon you find yourself falling for him completely. After a few months, Loki begins to ask if he can visit you but every time he does, you come up with an excuse to keep him away. Eventually, Loki decides it's worth the risk and goes to Norway to see you, but will you be excited to see him?
Word Count: 3k words
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"Come on brother, you can't give up just because of a few bad dates," Thor says.
"A few... you and your idiot friends have set me up on a blind date almost every Saturday for the last three months and each one has been worse then the one before," you tell him as you turn on the stove then fill the kettle with water.
"They weren't all bad," Rogers counters and you groan in response.
"Yea, what about the one who worked at the bookstore?" Barnes suggests.
"You mean the one who texted the entire time we were at dinner and then took home my leftovers?" you ask.
"Right... that was weird. Well there was the one you went to the play with?" Barnes tries again.
"They left during the intermission," you remind him.
"That's an honest mistake... I think," Rogers says hopefully but Thor shrugs.
You shake your head and take a mug out of the cabinet. "I'm done," you tell them flatly, not wanting to talk about it any further. You keep your back to the three of them until you finish making your tea and then you head back to your room.
"How was your date?" a cheerful voice calls from behind you and you turn. You shrug at Peter and continue on your way down the hall. He catches up to you and you sigh, he's not as easy to brush off as Thor and some of the others. "What happened?" he asks, sounding almost more let down then you feel.
You reach your door and pause, knowing the boy will follow you inside whether you invite him to or not. You open the door and he quickly takes a seat on your couch, still waiting for you to answer his question. You take a seat opposite him on your arm chair and set your tea down, rubbing your eyes.
"It was that bad?" he asks.
You nod, "Honestly, I don't feel like talking about it right now, Peter. I've told them to stop setting me up with people." You avoid eye contact with him while staring into your mug. For Thor and his friends, you acted as if this was just a game, something to keep you occupied when you had a free night but something about Peter made you tell him the truth. You didn't enjoy being alone as much as you claimed to and he had since become invested in the idea of you finding your perfect match. "I just can't keep doing this," you tell him, hoping you aren't disappointing him as much as you are disappointing yourself.
"Aww, really? I thought for sure this time would be a good one," he says, he sits back against the couch and looks mildly annoyed.
"I'll admit, it would have been nice to find someone but... I feel more alone now than I did before this all started," you tell him, feeling defeated. "Its my fault, I never should have gotten my hopes up," you say. Maybe you were meant to be alone, it had been that way for so long you should just accept it, you thought to yourself.
After a moment or two of silence Peter leans forward and you are confused to see him appear so excited. "I think I have an idea..." he tells you with a wide smile.
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(LOKI POV - a few days later)
You walk into your room and close the door with a loud thud then throw yourself onto your couch. To say the mission didn't go as planned was an understatement, you just wanted to shower, eat and sleep but you couldn't decide what order was more important. As you sit on the couch with your hand over your face, your phone begins to vibrate on the coffee table. You barely used the device, Thor would call once in a while and Peter tried to text you but you disliked using it, you almost never remembered to take it with you anywhere. You look at it curiously and then remember the app Peter installed for you right before you left. You sigh when you open it and see you have over 30 new messages. Too tired to read them all, you start with the oldest and scroll up through your inbox, skimming the first line or two from each.
One of the more recent messages catches your attention but you think twice about opening it. Peter had told you to avoid profiles that didn't have pictures but there was something about this one that seemed different than the others. You open the chat and sit back against the couch to read it.
"Hi Loki, we've never talked on here before so this might seem weird or random but I just wanted to see if you were ok. I was watching the news earlier and they said you had gotten hurt during the hostage situation in Paris. It looked like it was really a rough mission, not that any of them are easy I'm sure. I know we don't know each other and I'm sure you have tons of messages from people who are way more interesting then me but if you ever want to talk, I'm here. I'm sure when you get back you'll be really tired, so I hope you sleep well (and maybe get to rest tomorrow). - Y/N"
You find yourself smiling at the message, and then going to Y/N's profile to read about them. Once you finish, you go back into your inbox and delete all the messages except that one.
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You hit send on the message and toss your phone as far away from you as possible on the bed. You honestly can't believe you did that, you just sent an Avenger... no a freaking prince... no an actual god a message on a dating app, why did you even bother? You groan and bury your face in your pillow, already deciding that he would never message you back. Why would he when he had so many better options, you think as you roll over and turn off your light.
Eventually you fall asleep and your woken by a loud chime, it takes you a minute to realize its your phone. You grab it, roll onto your back and hold it over your face, eyes half open you click on the app. You nearly drop the phone on your face when you see you have a notification that Loki replied to you. You sit up, suddenly fully awake and open the chat.
"Hello Y/N, I'm feeling much better than I did a few hours ago, thank you for asking. I heal fairly quickly so I will be fine by morning. You're right, I am exhausted but honestly, I feel a bit better after seeing your message. You're the only person who has ever checked on me after a mission, to see if I was ok and I really appreciate it. I'm sorry we won't be able to talk more tonight but hopefully we can tomorrow. I should eat something quick before I try to sleep. Thank you again for worrying about me. - Loki"
You read the message three more times to make sure it said what you think it said. Your message made him feel better? And he wants to talk to you? That actually happened, you think as a smile spreads across your lips. You are in such shock, you almost forget to write back to him. You debate telling him you are glad you made him feel better but instead you simply say him you are happy he's ok and then you wish him a goodnight. You sigh, putting your phone on the bed next to you. Well, it was fun for five seconds but he was probably just being polite, you think as you close your eyes again, you don't have too much longer until your alarm goes off. Your mind immediately starts to come up with a very long list of reasons why he won't respond again but it is interrupted by your phone altering you to a new message. You open the app quickly and smile wide again when you read his reply.
"Goodnight Y/N, I look forward to talking to you tomorrow."
The next day you argue with yourself about whether to message him, even typing out several different things then deleting them quickly. You sigh out loud and read his profile again. When you saw him pop up on here, you could barely believe it, why would someone like him need an app to meet people. You shake your head and try to push any thoughts of Loki from your mind as you settle into the couch.
A few minutes later your phone chimes and you open the app, assuming it's another useless notification but it's not. You instantly smile when you see there's a new message in your chat with Loki.
"Good morning Y/N, or afternoon possibly, your profile didn't say where you lived so I'm unsure the time at the moment. I have quite a few meetings today unfortunately but I would love to talk to you for a bit now if you are available."
"Hi Loki, it's afternoon here. I hope you slept well. I have weekends off so I'm here all day, just doing nothing." you reply. Oh good, tell him you have no life, you think to yourself, very smooth.
There is a long pause and you find yourself staring at the three floating dots as they blink on and off. You can't be sure if whoever created those was actually evil or not. The dots stop for a while and you feel let down but then a message comes through almost ten minutes later.
"Sorry, I'm not very good at typing and all this I'm afraid, it's still fairly new to me. I needed someone to help me turn off the sound of the keypad beeping when I type. And good afternoon it is then, Y/N. I slept very well actually thank you, I hope you did too. I feel like it's been ages since I've had a day off to do nothing. Most of the team thinks its better I'm kept occupied, I've been known to take my boredom out on them."
"Well I can do my best to keep you occupied, I wouldn't want you getting yourself in trouble," you smile as you text back.
"I appreciate the offer, I've been told I can be quite a handful at times so you'll have to distract me fairly often," he messages.
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(Y/N POV - 3 months later)
"Hi Loki, are you still awake?" you text him as soon as you wake up, just like you have every morning since the two of you started talking.
A few minutes later your phone chimes and you smile. "Good morning love, I'm here," he replies.
You feel yourself blush at the pet name just as much as you did the first time he called you that. "What are you doing?" you ask him.
"Missing you like always," he responds quickly.
You text back and forth for the next two hours and then you look at the clock. "You should get some sleep Loki, I know it's almost 2am in New York," you tell him. You don't want to stop talking to him but you are worried enough about him when he goes on missions, you didn't want him to be too sleep deprived if he was called away.
He replies, "I have no doubt I would sleep better if you were in my arms, Y/N."
You smile at the thought and say, "I wish I could feel your arms around me, that sounds perfect." You often find yourself imagining what it would be like to rest your head on his chest while he holds you tight as you fell sleep at night.
"Y/N, I would never let you go," he says and then you see him typing again. "You mean so much to me Y/N and I love talking to you, its always the best part of my day."
You smile so wide it almost hurts, "I love talking to you too, Loki and I care about you deeply."
There is a short pause and then you read, "There is something I want to talk to you about. Y/N, I want to see you, I want to be with you. I would love to visit you."
As soon as you read the message your anxiety starts to rise. All you want to do is say yes as quickly as possibly but your mind starts to race. You begin to worry that he won't feel the same way about you when he sees you in person. You have no reason to believe that's true but you can't seem to stop the negative thoughts from pushing their way through. You suddenly feel yourself making up an excuse about being busy with work for the next few weeks without even meaning to.
"Its ok love. I will talk to you in a few hours, you were right about it getting late," he replies.
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(LOKI POV - 6 months later)
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you smile to yourself when you see who the message is from.
"Reindeer Games, are we interrupting you?" Stark asks and you sigh, putting your phone away before you can respond. As soon as Stark is finished, you get up to leave with everyone else. Taking out your phone, you type a message back to Y/N when you step out into the hallway.
"I didn't even know he had a phone," Barton jokes as he leaves the conference room with Natasha. "Lately he's on that damn thing all the time."
She shrugs in response and Thor laughs, saying, "He must be talking to Y/N."
You keep walking, acting as if you don't hear them. You had been away for a few days on a mission and you were excited to talk to Y/N again. You always missed them a great deal when you were away and you loved how they always let you know they missed you.
"Who's Y/N?" Natasha asks as they follow you down the hall to the elevator.
"I would tell you but that's literally all I've been able to get out of him," Thor says and you laugh a bit at how much it annoys him.
Just as you are about the turn the corner at the end of the hall you see Peter and Barnes coming towards you. Barnes nods at everyone then disappears into one of the conference rooms. Peter waves and joins all of you by the elevator.
You say hello to him and open your phone again to respond to Y/N's question. "Oh, tell Y/N I said 'hi', and they were right about that movie. It was really good," Peter says and you nod but then you look up slowly.
"Wait, Parker knows Y/N?" Thor asks and you cringe as the elevator arrives.
Natasha and Barton laugh as Thor grabs your arm and pulls you into the elevator, followed by Peter who mouths 'sorry'. You roll your eyes and put your phone back in your pocket. Since Peter had signed you up for online dating, he had been the only one you talked to about Y/N.
"So..." Thor says, "Are you going to tell us about them?" You shrug and he sighs loudly. "Come on brother, it's been what, three or four months-" he starts.
"Six," you can't help but correct him. "Y/N is a friend, we talk," you explain in the briefest way possible although you aren't sure 'friend' is the right word. You desperately wanted to be more then Y/N's friend and most of the time you think they feel the same. If you were being perfectly honest, you wanted Y/N to be yours and you wanted to be their's entirely.
"Mmhmm... and what does this 'friend' look like?" Natasha asks, raising an eyebrow.
"He doesn't know," Peter answers without thinking and you give him a silencing look, he quickly puts his hand over his mouth.
"What?" Natasha, Barton and Thor ask at the same time. Peter presses his back against the wall of the elevator as if it will help him dissappear while the others look at you questioningly. Y/N's online profile didn't have any pictures when you first started talking and although Peter thought that was odd it never bothered you. What did bother you sometimes was that they never wanted to talk on the phone or video chat (after Peter explained to you what that was). Of course you were curious to know what they looked like and sounded like but mostly you just thought it would easier to talk to them without having to constantly type.
Thankfully the elevator reaches your floor and you step out, making your way to your room quickly. You are almost to your door when you realize Peter is right behind you. You turn and he gives you an apologetic look, you tell him it's fine and he follows you into your room. He makes himself at home like always, hanging his backpack on a hook by the door and taking a seat on your couch.
"So..." he asks excitedly. "How did it go?"
You pace slowly in front of the couch with your phone in your hand then sit heavily on your armchair. "They said no... again" you tell him, tossing the phone lightly on the couch.
"Again?" Peter says almost in shock but you aren't surprised, you're hurt.
You had been asking Y/N if you could visit roughly once a month and every time they had an excuse as to why you couldn't. It was painful to know they were lying to you and you were confused because they were truthful about everything else. They sounded so sincere when they told you they cared for you and missed you and wanted to be with you but the second you mention visiting, they became closed off. You stared at your hands, thinking when you hear Peter say something.
"What?" you ask him to repeat himself as you look up.
"I said, you should just go there," he says, he waves his hand in the vaguely general direction of Norway.
You sit up straighter and look at him. "I could do that," you say to yourself.
"Oh, wait no... I didn't actually mean that," Peter says, his eyes wide as you stand up.
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Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list 💚💚
@michelleleewise @ace-of-gay @high-functioning-lokipath @poetic-fiasco @soubi001 @lokisninerealms @lulubellea13 @lovingchoices14  @justasecretwriter @theaudacitytowrite @klaushargreeves420 @coffeeorsomething-irl @lokisgoodgirl @xorpsbane @avoliax @lokiprompts @talesofadragon @lokiandbuckysdoll @animnerd @juulle987 @lokiprompts21
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated 💚💚
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craigslistdiavolo · 4 years
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Requested by @otome-scribbles
Anyway I love this idea sm 😳💖
Obey me boys x gender neutral reader
Warnings - Language
Sees the baby and has to do a double take
It's too early for this, it's always too early for this
Feels like his soul has left his body when he sees you holding a baby
Who's is it?
Where did you get it from?
Who the fuck gave you a baby?
Dies a little when the baby smiles at him
Is immediately reminded of when he was taking care of his brothers
Lowkey wants to start a family with you now
Lucifer sighed and gripped his coffee cup. "MC what is that?" You smiled at him and grabbed the baby's hand to make it wave at Lucifer. "A baby." Lucifer sighed and put his head in his hands. "I can see that's it's a baby. More importantly where did you get it from and who would trust you with a baby?" You faked a hurt gasp. "Are you trying to say that I'm not responsible enough to take care of a child." You laughed a little. "The baby is my friend's and I'm babysitting, his name is Tatum. Say hi Tatum." The baby giggled and smiled at Lucifer. You laughed at the baby and began to walk away. Lucifer put his hand over his chest and sat down. He had no idea that a baby's smile would make him so emotional, he also had no idea why it gave him the sudden desire to have a family with you.
Why do have a baby?
Why are you holding a baby?
Who's baby is that?
That baby seems suspicious you probably shouldn't be loving on it
Stop laughing, he is not jealous of a baby (he totally is)
Okay but that's a really cute baby, he could probably make some money off of it
Please do not let him profit off of the baby
Mammon was sitting on the couch in his room when you walked in with a baby. "Oi human, where'd ya get a baby from." You glanced at Mammon as you sat down on the couch next to him. "Oh he's my friend's baby and I'm babysitting." Mammon looked at the baby you were holding and cooing at. "Hey, you shouldn't be lovin' on that baby so much, you don't know where he's been." You laughed at him. "Mammon are you jealous of a baby?" Mammon started blushing. "NO, where'd ya get that idea from?" Mammon turned away from to hide his blush as you laughed at him. After you finally stopped laughing and his blush settled down, Mammon glanced at the baby. The baby looked up at Mammon and smiled brightly. He was pretty cute, and people love cute babies, just then something clicked in Mammon's head. "MC this baby could be a model and we could make so much money off of him." You gasped, "Mammon, I'm not gonna let you make profit off of my friend's baby." You got up from the couch and left his room. Mammon got up and chased after you. "MC please it's a full proof idea!"
Levi glanced back at you when he heard you walk into his room
"Oh hi MC."
Takes him a second to process the fact that you're carrying a baby
Get it out of here now before it destroys his precious anime merch and collectables
Please explain to him that the baby has no interest in his stuff omg
Levi was in his room wondering if he should text you or not to come check out the new game he got. He heard his door open. "Hey Levi." He glanced back at you, "Oh hi MC, I was just about to text to ask if you could come over and chec- IS THAT A FUCKING BABY??????" You laughed at Levi's reaction. "Yeah I'm babysitting for my friend." You placed that baby in Levi's lap. "Isn't he adorable?" Levi sputtered as the baby smiled up at him and snuggled into him. "Get him out of here before he ruins everything." You looked at Levi a little offended. "Levi, he is a 7 month old and can't even walk. He's not gonna ruin your stuff." Levi blushed, a little embarrassed. "B-But what if he chews on things." You laughed at him and took the baby back. "Trust me he won't, but if you want us to leave that badly then I guess we'll just go." Levi quickly gets up from his chair. "MC wait don't go, you guys can stay as long as he doesn't mess up my stuff."
Satan looked up from his book when you entered his room and immediately noticed the baby
"Why do you have a baby?"
You put the baby on his chest and he kinda just looked at it like :/
It's not a cat so not worth it 🙄💅
Just put cat ears on the baby or smth and then he will literally help you take care of it for the rest of the day
Who know babies could be so cute when they're dressed as cat
He will have or adopt a child with you right now as long as he gets to dress it up as a cat
"MC, why do you have a baby?" You smiled down at Satan and placed the baby on his chest. "I'm babysitting for my friend, isn't he a cutie?" The baby happily smiled at Satan and began cooing. Satan picked up the baby and sat up. "I suppose he's a little cute." You rolled your eyes and then pulled a cat ear headband out of the baby's diaper bag and placed it on his head. Satan gasped, "MC, why didn't you put the cat ears on him from the very start." He picked the baby up and began to walk off with him, saying something about needing to show the baby the library. You grabbed the diaper bag and ran to catch up with Satan. "SATAN WAIT I'M THE ONE WATCHING HIM!"
What is that?
Why did you bring a baby into his room?
Babies are gross and dirty
Okay he does look really cute when he smiled though 🥺
"Asmo~ look what I have." Asmo turned around excitedly from his vanity, but his expression soon dropped. "MC why are you carrying a baby?" "Oh I'm babysitting for my friend. Isn't he such a cute baby?" Asmo glanced down at the baby. "Babies are gross." You gasped, "Asmo don't bully him he's only 7 months old." The baby smiled up at Asmo and started making grabby hands while babbling. Asmo gasped, "Oh my gosh, why wasn't he being this cute from the start???" Asmo quickly whisked the baby away from you and started carrying him around his room. You sighed and sat down on Asmo's bed, at least he wasn't bullying the baby.
He's just in the kitchen when you walk in with a baby?
Thinks the baby is very adorable
Please let him hold the baby
And feed it :)
Is very soft with the baby
A little scared to hold it at first but when he does hold the baby he just 🥺💕
Please have or adopt a baby with this man right now, please he's so soft and just wants a little domestic life with you now
Beel was in the kitchen grabbing some food when you walked in carrying a baby. He quickly smiled down at you and the baby. "MC why do you have a baby?" You looked at Beel. "Oh I'm just babysitting my friend's baby, isn't he adorable?" Beel's eyes light up when the baby smiles at him. "Yes! Is he hungry? What do babies like to eat?" You laughed at Beel and grabbed something out of the fridge. "Here you can give him this." Beel fed the baby until he didn't want anymore. The baby yawned a little bit. "Looks like it's nap time, you know Beel, you can hold him and rock him if you want." Beel looks a little nervous but nods and takes the baby from your arms. It honestly felt like the three of you were a small, happy family.
Not as enthusiastic as Beel, that's for sure
Just :| is the best way to describe his reaction
Glances at you with the baby and is like "oh cool baby"
The baby: (◍•ᴗ•◍) Belphie: :|
Will 100% take a nap with the baby though and think it's very cute but won't admit it
You walked into Belphie's room carrying a baby with you. "Hey Belphie look, I've got a baby." It was clear that he was getting ready to take a nap when you had walked in. The baby smiled at Belphie and began babbling random baby nonsense. Belphie yawned and glanced at the baby. "Oh cool baby." You laughed. "Really that's it? I bring a random baby in here and all you have to say is cool baby?" "Yeah pretty much." You jokingly rolled your eyes. "Well it's his nap time anyway so we might as well stay and take a nap with you." Belphie sighs kind of annoyed but let's you hand him the baby and get in bed next to him. You all take a nap together but end up getting woken up when the baby cries. The moment was nice while it lasted through.
Woah a real life baby
Is shook
Would like to hold the baby
Thinks you look very lovely carrying a baby
If you weren't married before, you are now because after seeing you take care of a child he would like your hand in marriage and to start a family with you
You walked into the Demon Lord's castle and began looking for Diavolo. You wanted to see how he would react to you carrying a baby around. "MC, is that you?" You turned around and saw Diavolo. "Oh hey I was jus-" You were cut off by Diavolo's gasp. "What a cute baby! May I hold it?" You passed the baby over to Diavolo. "Yeah you can hold him, just be really careful." Diavolo smiled at the baby and bounced him a little before handing him back to you. Diavolo blushed, the way you gently took the baby from his arms and held him made him think about having a family with you. The baby smiled at him and babbled, you laughed. "I think he likes you Dia." Diavolo smiled at you and the baby. "MC let's get married." "WAIT WHAT?"
Has a somewhat reaction to Lucifer
Will hold the baby if you ask him to
Thinks the baby is pretty cute
Will give the baby some cake
Ok but what if you guys started a family jkjk..... unless 😳👉👈
"Oh MC, you have a baby, why?" You walked up to Barbatos carrying a baby. "I'm just babysitting him for a friend, isn't he a cutie?" Barbatos looks at you questioningly, "Why did someone trust you with a baby?" You gasped, "Barbatos! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of a baby!" Barbatos laughed at your reaction. "I was just teasing you MC. Is he old enough to eat cake?" You looked at Barbatos, "Yeah, he can eat cake without a problem." Barbatos goes and retrieves a small slice of cake for the baby, who was clearly very excited about getting cake as he smiled and giggled at the sight of it. After the baby was done with his cake, he made grabby hands at Barbatos. You looked at him. "Barbatos will you hold him, he clearly wants you to." Barbatos sighed and took the baby from your lap. It was nice to share a small domestic moment like this with you, he can only hope for more moments like this in the future.
Will literally snatch the baby from you
Is so soft
Does not put the baby down
Loves the baby
Please don't take the baby from him, he really likes holding it
Marry this man and start a family with him rn
"Oh my gosh MC, is that a baby? Can I hold it?" Simeon just about cries when he sees you carrying a baby, and when the baby smiled at him he swears he died. You laugh at Simeon's reaction to the baby that you're carrying. "Yeah you can hold him." Simeon quickly takes the baby from your arms and begins cooing at him. You smile at Simeon, you didn't think he would be so happy to see a baby. The two of you plus the baby spent the rest of the day doing cute domestic things. Simeon cried every time the baby smiled at him. He had forgotten what it felt like to take care of a baby, so this was nice.
Doesn't really care
The baby smiles at him and he's just like 😐
Annoyed if you make him hold the baby
Thinks you look cute holding the baby though
"Solomon, I'm babysitting my friend's baby, isn't he sooooo adorable?" Solomon looks up from his desk and glances at the baby. "Yeah he's cute I guess." You roll your eyes, "Try to be more enthusiastic." Solomon jokingly glares at you. You walk over and sit on his bed. Unbeknownst to you, Solomon blushes a little because you look very cute when you're carrying a baby.
A/N - The first time I started writing this I accidentally posted it so I panicked and deleted it 🧍‍♂️ Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this and I'm sorry if there's any mistakes, I was just trying to get it done as fast as possible because I was frustrated with the fact that I accidentally posted it. Feel free to follow me on the instagram that I created a day or two ago, the @ is the same as on here, craigslistdiavolo. You can also find it by clicking the link in my bio.
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The match ups seem open, sorry if I'm wrong tho! I was hoping for one myself if it were the case?
About me...
- in general my looks are pretty average, but I probs need to take better care of myself. I think I have pretty eyes, big with long eyelashes. I'm build pretty sturdy and I put on muscle quite easily whenever I manage to exercise consistently. I also have unruly thick wavy hair (lots of it ;0-0)
- On the bright side, I'd say I'm pretty smart, and a honest hardworker, I can be very versatile, open minded and understanding, and I'm amazing at words an communication when I'm trying to be
- On the downside, I'm a walking contradiction... I can get overwhelmed or distracted very easily, i can be lazy and indifferent and I usually either care too much or to little, and I have a hard time opening up to people (many think I'm odd ;-;)
- I like interesting and exciting things (and people) i love playing and having fun but also appreciate quiet relaxing bonding
- I'm very much a INFP (although I also share many similarities with INTP and ISFP at times), my moral alignment would probs be chaotic neutral (many have the impression I'm lawful good), I'm Gemini and a dragon in the Chinese zodiac
- I think it'll be hard to match me up with a diaboy because while I'm very gentle, carefree and not really conventionally dominating, I'm not a sub or a bottom ;-;
Not that is bad to be, its just not my thing, makes me uncomfy x0
- also.. I'm nonbinary, ace and panromantic
Sorry for the long text, i don't usually do match ups (I'm nervous but kinda excited 0w0) but I'm sick and bored :'0
And thank you in advance if you do decide to take my request, if not, don't mind!! thanks for sharing your wonderful work!!!!
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“You want to do something exciting together? Well then, do you happen to have anything in mind or shall I decide? The weekend ham market in town seems rather lively, after all.”
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  ❈  Carla will be sure you do, in fact, take good care of yourself. He wouldn’t dare to allow you to let your well being go unchecked for the life of him. Mama Carla is in the building.
  ❈  He is quite the fan of your eyes, considering how elegant one can look with long eyelashes. He will be sure you use all sorts of oils and things, too, to keep them long and healthy looking. 
  ❈  Honestly, Carla doesn’t mind that you can easily put on muscle whatsoever! He thinks that is it, in fact, for the best so you can remain fit and healthy. Don’t push yourself too hard though, or else you will be getting scolded for it.
  ❈  Ooh, plenty of unruly thick wavy hair? It’s not going to be unruly for very long. Carla is going to suggest how you style it, brush it on your behalf and ensure you keep it tidy most of the time. He has long hair himself, so trust him... he is all over hair care!
  ❈  It’s a wonderful thing that you are hardworking and smart for Carla! He enjoys having someone that can keep up with him academically as well as mentally. Your way of being open minded, too, and understanding is very enlightening for his older mind. You complement him quite nicely whenever working together.
  ❈  Communication!! Whether you mean that relationship wise as well as literally, Carla strongly values this! 
  ❈  Seeing as you can be overwhelmed, though, this is a big reason he feels the need to be “in charge” in your relationship no matter how equally matched you truly are mentally. He is a big help though, and is quite the guide when it comes to getting yourself together.
  ❈  You’re very much like him when it comes to being lazy and indifferent at the best of times. He doesn’t fault you on that though since he doesn’t enjoy being a hypocrite when he doesn’t have to be. The say can be said as you both are hesitate to be open with others.
  ❈  Shin is a good middle ground for the two of you to slowly pry yourselves open though! He seems to be able to lure the conversations out of you both when you’re a little bit reluctant.
Your Interests:
  ❈  Carla is interesting, he promises! He may be a little behind with the trends ("fish eggs in muddy water” flashbacks) but he’s open to learning and trying out new things, so that is a big thing for the two of you to do together which can be very exciting!
  ❈  Quiet, relaxing bonding his more his style though! Good thing you’re open to both these options in the end! 
Other Possible Matches: Azusa Mukami, Ayato Sakamaki.
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . hello since your requests are open may i request vbc teams (karasuno, nekoma and shiratorizawa) + shy manager with anxiety and asthma? i rlly am hungry for some team dynamics and your work is amazing so if you may? YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO IT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DO IT THOUGH!
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ nekoma vbc <3
[ trigger warnings ━ none ]
[ other parts coming soon . . . ]
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➜ after finding out about karasuno having TWO managers now,
➜ like they  m u l t i p l i e d ✖➗➕➖
➜ and with taketora's failure of recruiting one,
➜ kuroo was PRACTICALLY BEGGING YOU to be their manager
➜ his reasons being and i quote; “ giving more motivation to the team ” and of course “ to show those bastards the sanctity of nekoma ”
➜ and rooster boi was a determined person, once he sets his mind to something ─ he will do everything to attain it
➜ you knew kuroo ever since you first started first year with him, the both of you quietly competing against each other on your collage preparatory class but soon grew closer to be called friends
➜ but he'd always call you his rival even though it was lowkey one-sided
➜ and after hearing that the club you joined in this year, just for the sake of joining; disbanded, and kuroo was UNASHAMED to ask of you to be the manager of their team
➜ it's been two ever since nekoma had a manager and he was TIRED™ of not having one and it was already his last year playing
➜ you having no other reasons to object, you agreed, but not without asking in a small voice to help you introduce yourself to the team
➜ you were shy to new people ─ hell, even after knowing him for three years you would still get shy around him
➜ and because of that, kuroo was already one step ahead of everything;
➜ talking to the reliable third years ─ kai and yaku, about looking out for you explaining your slight anxiety and asthma problems
➜ homeboy would have a team meeting just to discuss and announce about a new female manager
➜ the third years weren't shocked, since kuroo already had a word with them seperately
➜ kuroo knew that lev would be ALL UP ON HER FACE if he doesn't do anythibg about it, so he threatened on benching him if he ever does something to scare away this ONE CHANCE of having a real girl manager
➜ fukunaga was curious to say the least, he wondered how it would be like to have a girl manager helping them around since it's always him and yaku
➜ inuoka, being the bubbly boy he is, was excited to have a female manager, since it is his first year in the vbc
➜ kenma was just straight up vibin, he already knew alot about everything he needed to know about you because of kuroo
➜ but still listened as he played with his psp
➜ shibayama and tamahiko were neutral about it honestly, satisfied because their team needed a bit more motivation if they wanted to win nationals
➜ kuroo just wanted to make you feel comfortable and safe with the team
➜ genuinely, the team didn't know how it would honestly flow with actually meeting their manager
➜ scared of scaring her off, they remained uncharacteristically toned down abit right before they meet you
➜ kuroo opened the metal doors to the volleyball gym, while peaking your pretty little head out to see where the members where; you were shocked to see them straightening their backs the second they saw your head peaking out from behind kuroo
➜ it was . . silent, and it was weird since, you've once secretly dropped by on their practices and they were evidently chaotic just by the sounds of their voices which echoed around the gym
➜ your palpitations slowed down a bit as you fully showed yourself to the members before flusteredly bowing at them
➜ it was quiet for a second, before you hear sobbing as you lifted your head up to see yamamoto trying not to cry
“ this, this is my first time having a female manager . . . ” with snot drooling from his nose
➜ being the worried sweet senpai manager you are, you hurriedly took out your unused napkin from your pocket which you packed for the sole purpose of avoiding smoke; offering the napkin to him as it only made him burst into TEARS streaming down his face
➜ like that scene where the third years and second years bursted in tears when kiyoko put up their banner?
➜ yeah that
➜ but it's just taketora LMAOO
➜ before their captain could tell him off, a small laugh came out of you and kuroo just looked at you like
➜ 👁👁
➜ kuroo : ma'AM DID YOU JUST ─
➜ cue kuroo also dying inside because YOU. RARELY. LAUGH.
➜ since you're more on the reserved side
➜ kai and yaku almost had to put their foot down because now you have broken their captain until you spoke out
“ i was honestly anxious when you guys were quiet, since i've never seen you guys as serious whenever i try and drop by to look. ”
➜ in the end of the meeting you've got acquaintaned yourself with shibayama and inouka, though the former seemed a bit flustered.
➜ you've also hold a small conversation with kenma, the both of you kinda clicked right away since both of you were a bit shy aswell. while you listened to lev rambling excitedly, not noticing your slight trembling figure
➜ after meeting them, the team had already attached themselves in your heart
➜ baby girl you are ATTACHED
➜ though it was subtle but you've noticed how the boys really cared about you ─ bruh even coach nekomata since he has noticed that you are a great asset to the team
➜ if not yaku, kai would always remind you of taking your meds for your asthma if you ever have been prescribed one
➜ kenma would always be the first one to notice if you were ever tensed up or your anxiety was acting up
➜ since he's very perceptive and observant
➜ he'd grow a soft spot for you and if he ever sees you stressed, he'd let you borrow his psp
➜ shibayama, inouka, fukunaga and tamahiko would ALWAYS help you carry stuff around because they don't want your asthma to act up or else tHEY WILL ACT UP
➜ fukunaga would always tell you his jokes since now he finally has someone to tell them to whenever he's in the sidelines watching the others play
➜ yamamoto would PROTECT you from any dangers, like literally, mans knew he was done for the day you gave him your napkin 👁👄👁
➜ you're literally one of the first girls he isn't shy to talk to and one of the first girls to not scurry away whenever he's near
➜ as i said, yaku would BE YOUR MOTHER, he'd one step ahead with having extra masks for you on his bag and an extra inhaler he borrowed from you in case you have forgotten yours
➜ period. periodt. periodism. periodic table.
➜ would not let any guy from other teams come your way and bother you while being the good manager you are
➜ and while doing so, shows you off as they are basically saying “ this is the sanctity of nekoma, you bastards wish you were us. ”
➜ these boys CARE FOR YOU like alot and they love it when you reciprocate their love
➜ whenever you surprise them every other day with their favourite snacks despite always being anxious of looking at the eyes of the guy on cash register,
➜ always having their towels and waterbottles ready for them to use after practice
➜ giving them clarity of mind before a match and whenever the non-regulars start to feel insecure
➜ overall, they'd be the sweetest boys of yours that would give and likely to give you the world to you as you would to them😡💝
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . i'm crying bubs, y'all had me at 200 last night ?? um okay i didn't even know people like me enought to even follow me 🥺 y'all cute or whateva😳✋ i'm not even DONE WITH MY LOVE LANGUAGE HEADCANONS FOR 100 FOLLOWERS HSJSJDJ but here's a manger headcanons mini series one of my nonnie's requested for to celebrate 200 of you guys !! <33
[ 📼 ] . . . I also know a bit of about asthma because i also had experience with it when i was young, and my little brother still has them while i've already grown out of it.
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