#.....but i refuse to touch the dsmp
akechi-if-he-slayed · 3 months
looked at some edits n analyzed a bit and ngl i lwk get why those teen girls were losing their fucking shit over dnf in 2020
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amor-brooklynn · 2 years
im kind of bored and i miss you guys so here are some hcs :)
[cw: all fluff and cute stuffs, jus mainly what it would be like to date some of the dsmp boys]
edit: I removed dream due to the true allegations against him.
george <3-
•likes to tease and mess with you a lot
•lots and lots of play fighting
•george is a tired person most of the time, but wont hesitate to play games with you late at night
•he likes to cook breakfast and dinner with you rather than just you cooking by yourself
•type of guy to come up behind you and hug you without saying anything,
“ah- jeez, george you scared me,” you would huff at him “do you need something?”
He would just groan, and nuzzle his face into your neck.
•stays like that for a while, and refuses to let you walk away until hes done hugging you
•george is an awkward person and doesnt know how to show love very well
•however, he likes to buy you small things like flowers or chocolates on occasion.
•likes to hold your hand a lot (idk i just feel like that would be something he would do)
•its almost impossible for you to annoy him
•if you tried to by being obnoxious or just messing with him a lot, he would just roll his eyes with a smug smile on his face, amused at your poor attempts to annoy him
•late night walks with you>>
•isnt the type of person to really tell someone off if theyre flirting with you or looking at you wrong, instead he’ll glare at them from afar (his glare is mean, trust me) he doesnt wanna seem like a jealous boyfriend even though he really is
•or… he’ll just take you away without a word.
•gets attached easily and is always by your side unless hes streaming or out doing something
•basically just a really caring boyfriend and loves you so much to the point it pretty eats him from the inside out
•you’re constantly on his mind <3
sapnap &lt;;3-
•hyper boyfriend
•always telling you how pretty you are 24/7
•adores your laugh and loves to hear it
•i feel like sapnap has low confidence when it comes to relationships so he needs to be reassured sometimes
•now, in some situations he really is big and tough, but in other situations he’s the biggest baby on earth (in a good way ofc)
•his favorite thing is just to be acknowledged by you. As long as you know he’s there and exists, hes pretty much okay
•he has a lot of trouble talking to you about his problems
•you would be a little housewife and he adores that
• “BABY! I love you!!” Out of no where.
•the most giggly boyfriend EVER.
•gets so flustered easily, even when you do the smallest things like give him a kiss on the cheek
•he likes to take showers with you and talk about his day while washing your hair
•will put you on his lap while hes gaming and wont let you get up until hes done with his game,
“babe, i need to cook dinner, let me up.”
“noooooo, just a little longer? Please?” he would beg, and you would end up giving in.
“fine, 10 more minutes and then you gotta let me up!”
“20 minutes.”
•wants to know where you’re going if you’re getting ready to leave somewhere, and wants you to bring him along (or vice versa, he’ll take you everywhere with him)
•now sapnap is definitely more of a speaker when it comes to dudes touching or flirting with you,
Literally will walk up beside you and pull you closer to him by the waist,
“hey dickhead, why don’t you find someone else’s girlfriend to hit on?”
•if it gets to the point where the guy who was flirting with you just wont back off or is being snarky to sap, it might get physical.
•then asks you a lot of questions,
“are you okay? What was he saying to you? Did he touch you at all?”
“sap… im fine! Calm down, love.”
•chaotic troublemaker
•if its a snowy day, he will sneak up behind you and probably stuff snow down your shirt
•snowball fights (he would go easy on you and let you win)
•literally so thoughtful, hes always asking you if you need or want anything when hes going out to the store
•even if you say no hes gonna come back with your favorite candy or flowers
•lots of cuddles and movie nights
•competitive bf, and DEFINITELY will destroy you in Valorant (goes easy on you for your first few games)
•the silent rager
•if you actually keep beating him he will get a bit frustrated and just sit there with a straight face in silence (when really hes yelling in his head)
•admires you a lot. Like, a lot a lot. <3
(i know sapnaps was long i just love him sm)
I know this only included the dteam but if i feel up to it i’ll make another one inluding karl, punz, and/or quackity
just a reminder that i miss you guys a lot, and i hope you all had an amazing christmas and happy new year. <3
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More DSMP Techno thoughts.
Technoblade is literally one of the most generous people on the server. Like, in fic, Niki is always the one most characterized as generous (which is still accurate), but Technoblade is GENUINELY the most generous. From Netherite Armor, to helping Connor even though he had no reason to. To going to see Dream, even knowing it was a trap because he needed to make sure he wasn't dead. His whole rational behind his Anarchism is that People over Government. Helping others until they can stand on their own. Literally the most generous on the server.
Techno's generosity is such an endearing trait of his not to mention very important in analysing him as a character since it actually ties into a lot of other aspects about him I really adore.
Firstly, there's his planning and how he never wants to be caught off guard (sometimes to the point of paranoia). Technoblade is a great fighter and some of that is his impressive raw skill - as demonstrated when fighting Quackity in the tunnel post failed execution with low gear - but he's also an amazing tactician and strategist and he knows coming prepared is half the battle (as Sun Tzu's teachings also invoke). cc!Techno found this important enough to highlight when he went over dsmp lore, how he hated it when people boiled down c!Techno to being a good fighter because he's just 'that cracked' and not because he spends so much time and effort on preparation. Techno gives very freely to his allies during Pogtopia and to those he considers on his side, because it's the smart thing to do. Being generous there is simply clever battle tactics.
Then later on we see his generosity become extremely relevant as Techno digs more into the theoretics of anarchism and how to effectively spread it on the server (cc!Techno did the research and by extension c!Techno shows the growth and changing perspective). Mutual aid is one of the main pillars of most anarchistic beliefs, with the idea that goods should be shared among people so everybody can be self-sufficient and there's no dependency on government. This also means no hoarding of resources and giving without expecting anything in return. We see this come to fruition in the Arctic commune and among the syndicate too, where people definitely own things but there's little care for going into other people's chests and taking stuff when needed. Sometimes even without asking (though often with asking because it's the polite thing to do). Techno does not seem to view his own actions as generosity but rather as self-evident.
Lastly, there's of course the fact that Gift Giving very much seems to be Techno's main love language. He clearly values gifts he gets from others, including those that have no practicality or 'worth' (ie the blue from Ghostbur he refuses to throw away). Getting the ax from Ranboo was one of the more significant shows of care and consideration anybody on the dsmp had ever given Techno and he was clearly touched by it, plus it's a turning point in their relationship. And he's prone to giving his loved ones gifts too. Tying in with the first point and with the fact that Techno is very protective of his friends, a lot of his gifts do serve a very practical use of being the kind of things that will keep them safe (armor, weapons, supplies,...). I think that's very telling for who Techno is as a person.
A last thing I want to touch on is that Techno's generosity is nicely contrasted with his disdain for people taking advantage of him (falls in the category of betrayal and 'using him' that Techno is particularly wary of). When Tommy took his gapples without asking repeatedly even while Techno told him to stop, Techno was clearly very annoyed. It was not the taking itself that bothered him as much, but the fact that Tommy refused to respect a clear boundary.
Funnily enough, he also got annoyed that one time somebody yoinked his foxes, though he was not annoyed somebody took them or even that they took them without asking.... he was annoyed because the person that took his foxes took the ones he could use to breed more. He even remarked that if they had yoinked a baby and an adult - leaving Techno with two breedable adults himself - he would not have cared. He specifically got upset because they took the foxes from him in a way that created a scarcity of resources. This is also very mutual aid/anarchy aligned and that amuses me.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 9 months
Heya, I don't plan to talk about it much but due to what happened with forever, who was my fav and really the heart of the project for me, I'm probably not going to post about Qsmp much anymore. Or if I do, it'll take a while. But please read if you're in the same boat as me, its kind of a ramble and you can skip certain parts but I'd like to hear your thoughts. The last couple of paragraphs touch on some stuff that I hope can help be worth your while, whether you're here for the Qsmp stuff or the mental health part.
Now this is absolutely not to say the rest of the project doesn't matter or that people should give up on it. The Qsmp is incredible and should be known for what it has achieved: breaking language barriers and uniting communities. Its wonderful, unique, and still has so much to offer in terms of content creation, so please don't let the whole of it be tarnished for what happened with one creator (we've seen that before already and it sucks). Personally, it got me back into streaming content/mcyt and I'd like to stay more present this time, its so much fun and its nice knowing I can sort of drift back and forth when new things pop up. If you're in the same boat, I encourage you to not feel like its all over immediately if you still feel a passion for this kind of work, maybe you won't get back into it but maybe you just need a bit of time. Whatever you feel, as long as you're happy and having fun you're doing it right.
So, personal feelings (which I suck at but its better than bottling my thoughts and I encourage others to do the same). I'm fucking devastated lmao. His character was my absolute hyperfixation, I'm talking 24/7 brainrot for months. I haven't felt this passionate for a character since dsmp, I honestly didn't know I could still do it. But there's another layer. I live in the U.S., and I'm Brasilian-American. In the U.S., you don't hear anyone saying shit about Brasil. You hear a lot about Mexico, but nothing really south of that, and if you do its usually about sexualizing Brasilian women or narcotics and gang stuff. Not the best representation for little me, admittedly. When you-know-who won the Qsmp Election, y'all I felt something in me spark to life that I hadn't felt since we won the Olympic soccer tournament in Rio in 2016. I'm proud to be Brasilian, I've always been proud of it, but its a pride that's been limited to sports and my own personal experiences. To see myself represented, to see Brasil naturally enter the conversation for a piece of media I loved that I didn't know would have us, and to see us win something, phew, shit got me higher than my wisdom tooth removal. We Brasilians banded together to secure the win, and what's more, my fav cc on the project was the one at the center. I felt so happy, for my country, my community, and for myself. And I know recent events might taint that memory for some of us, but I refuse to look back on my feelings from back then negatively. That was one of the best damn moments in my chronically online life, and I will always remember it with pride and joy, along with the many other moments when this wonderful server made me proud to be me.
So, naturally, when the news hit I was pretty fucked up over it. Still am tbh, but better now that I've had sleep (though it took me a while to fall asleep because of course my sleep gets ruined by bad feelings, bleh). All this to ultimately say it sucks. Like, it really fucking sucks. The anxiety, the disappointment, the sadness, and the uncertainty of "what now?". Might be sounding dramatic but again, 24/7 brainrot/serotonin supply for months that connected me to my culture abruptly cut off because of pedophile allegations. C'mon Satan, I already have to go to therapy, you didn't have to kick this horse while it was down. Joking aside, if you feel as absolute dogshit as I do and have that kind of anxiety where the world feels like its about to end because moments like these leave you with the rug pulled out from under you and the uncertainty leaves you not knowing what to do with your life after this... well, welcome to the boat, bathroom's on the lower deck and snacks are in the lobby. And also I'm here, and everyone else who's been left in the same crummy place emotionally. We're here together, and I hope that can help you, cause I know for me the worst part is feeling alone in it all, but I'm not, and neither are you. We're here, holding hands and cursing existence for putting us here and making us so sensitive and giving us something great only for it to end up hurting us. We're here, and if you wanna say anything, my DMs, comments, asks, whatever you'd want to talk through, are all open.
Now comes the hardest part: acknowledgement and playing the waiting game. Like I said, if you're feeling like me, this kind of anxiety and disappointment has you feeling like its all over. So now's when you gotta remind yourself that the only thing that's over is this moment in your life when you enjoyed a Thing. That Thing can have meant a lot to you, it could have gotten you out of really dark places, and it could be something you'll still think about down the line. It can be something like minecraft cube people that you (I) got way too emotionally attached to. And for whatever reason, that Thing could have meant the absolute world, whether other people would've understood it or not. Its not your fault it ended the way it did, life just does that sometimes, as unsatisfying of an answer as that is. But its true, and its an important lesson. The Thing is over.
You know what's not over though? You. You're life. Whatever the hell you are doing and will do in the future. If this was the best thing in your life you had going for you, I am so fucking sorry. You deserved to be happy with it, we both did. But I promise you, this Thing is a moment in your story, not the whole story. This really was the source of my joy for the past few months, and if its the same for you, I see you. We can feel like shit together, along with the rest of this wonderful community who understand it too. And you know what else we're gonna do? Live, and move on. Not now, maybe not for while, but we're human beings, we persist (sometimes that might look like you're dragging your battered self out of a trench smelling like depression and expired cheese, but you'll get out of the trench, we both will). There's too much to life for this to be what stops you from finding the rest, whether that's some dramatic life change that completely changes the world as you know it for the better... or just figuring out what comes next. Taking a shower, watching that movie you were waiting for the right moment to watch (I'd say this qualifies), setting up a therapy appointment maybe. Whatever you do to feel like a person again, you have that to do, and later down the road you'll have new Things that give it all meaning. So keep yourself going, hit up me or others who would get it, and do what you gotta do to let it pass. Because it will pass.
Deep breaths friend, I'll be cheering for you when it does
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sadtrashking · 8 months
the thing with the people who push family dynamics onto tubbo is that they’re not just fandom kids who were obsessed with sbi during their dsmp phase, it’s usually people who don’t want to see him as an adult who’s fully capable of having normal friendships even flirty dynamics with other adults. they’re so stuck with their perception of him as the wide eyed 16 year old boy with a squeaky voice who loves causing chaos and not much else. they refuse to see him as he is now, a 20 year old adult man who’s a create genius, who likes flirting with his friends for fun, and knows the ins and outs of almost every minecraft mod out there no matter how obscure it is.
This exactly. I didn't touch on it in my post because it's already pretty long and I wanted to focus on how it affects the characters specifically. But what you are saying is exactly where the main problem lies in infantilizing a 20 year old man. I could make a long ass post on this too and I might.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 2 years
i have a bad habit of dumping au or 'what if THIS happened!' bunnies onto people so i have a dsmp one for you, also its really long i am so sorry
what if cdream, in the back of his mind, always knew that XD had made him? His whole purpose was to bring together and maintain the peace and family like nature of the server. Too whatever lengths it took. The original Dream, the manhunter speedrunner the eight were close too became the server that universe, thats why its call Dream SMP. XD was created by the server to maintain it, XD created this puppet replica of Dream so his friends could live there, their friends could live there and their family and friends.
after the vault, cDream knows hes too damaged to keep fullfilling that purpose. Philza and Techno get the vibe that Dream's given up. They try to help him regain that, but Dream has accepted that as soon as he's in reach of one of XD's anchor points, such as the End Portal, XD will most likely undo him and remake him. A different version of Revival. HE doesn't tell Phil or Techno this at all, why? it doesn't change anything, and they would try make so it did.
Then Punz shows up, in a rare moment that Techno and Phil are gone (syndicate meeting? ranboo's still dead and dream is almost refusing to even try to get better) and takes Dream to that End Portal. Following Dream's instructions to his End. They show up, holding this broken puppet man and XD appears. Neither XD or dream speak, but XD lays their many hands upon dream, like a mother upon her child and says "Sleep, You Have Done More Than Earn It. I Will Take Care of Them All For You Now." and Dream nods and goes to sleep.
And all the Life leaves him, however you want to envision it. Techno will say like cooling corpse on a hospital bed, Niki will say like barely there steam from a fresh loaf rising and twirling away.
And Phil? Phil would say that even though Kristin stood over trying to catch the butterflies and dragonflies that left him, she couldn't. Those little creatures return to the server, along with rumors from the Artic of a Dream who's never known the rest of the SMP, who is exactly the same as the Dream the eight knew, before anyone else joined. Quietly, in the Void with the Dragon, a deity hopes that this time they'll find enough love in their to heal from the posions they fed themselves and the puppet man who had hurt them so much trying to protect them.
like an amnesia arc for only c!dream ?? am i reading that right ?
i’m picturing a dream who’s confused by the scars on his skin, who doesn’t remember losing any fingers, who’s frustrated by his trembling hands and the ache of his shoulders and hips.  he’s confused, and lost, but in other ways he’s still very much himself.  he’s sharp.  quick-witted.  he loves animals and insects and has read all of techno’s books about wildlife already.  he smiles more.  he doesn’t shy away from touch.  he has gruesome nightmares about lava and pliers and needles and infinite tnt falling from the sky and he doesn’t know what they mean.
philza would love him.  he’d teach him about history.  he’d show him how to heal, how to grow crops (not potatoes-- that’s techno’s job), how to cook, how to build.  phil already watched sam lose his memories and start a new life, so he’d surely grant dream the same freedom.  he’d be protective of this second chance, hiding him from the rest of the server because he Knows that the younger members won’t recognize what a rare and merciful opportunity this is.  at first, in the face of dream’s many many questions, he might say that he’s dream’s father or a similar arrangement.  in time, he might find a way to tell him the truth.
techno would mourn him.  at least at first.  all the inside jokes, the memories, the infallible Trust he worked so hard to build has disappeared.  losing that would be hard.  i do think he’d come to agree with phil, however, that this was probably the best option-- the kid was on death’s door anyway, so at least this way they haven’t lost him completely.  he’ll be grateful that punz had the foresight to see that.  he’d feel honor-bound to the new dream, determined to protect him, and, of course, to make him laugh.  he’s good at that.
niki finds it hard to look at his face and forget who he used to be.  it takes her some time.  punz feels the same-- there’s an ache in his chest that won’t seem to pass.  anyone else who comes to the cabins to investigate is chased away.
dream will wander off on his own, and when he finds the frozen body of a butterfly in the snow, he’ll take it home and preserve it.
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conarcoin · 2 years
connor’s smp fic recs, oct. 2022
This is just a big rec list for my favorite DSMP/SMPE/SMPL fics! Under cut:
Dream SMP
Finding Serenity by a_little_hazy - Michaelmcchill-centric, Oneshot, 2.2k. Michael joins the Syndicate.
smokestacks and neon lights by Chalalalala - HBomb-centric, Oneshot, 4.5k. Manberg era, Schlatt and H are friends.
Cross to Bear (Death to Spare.) by Nesanon - Fundy-centric, Oneshot, 2.1k. Fundy and Connor have a conversation about Schlatt.
i grieve with you, for our friendship is dead by Sobs_in_G_minor - Quackcicle, Oneshot, 977. Takes place after the latest Las Nevadas stream.
let them eat cake by fridgeza - Puffychu, Oneshot, 999. Baking fluff.
April Showers Bring May Flowers by HyperrTsuki - Quackity-centric, Oneshot, 11k. Dapduo focused fantasy AU.
panacea by rosewitchx - Schlatt-centric, Oneshot, 5.3k. Quackity revives Schlatt, but he comes back as a scared kid.
heels by softfrogs - Techno-centric, Oneshot, 2.5k. A grieving Techno has a chat with his new neighbor.
thirty-five leagues by thanotaphobia - SBI, 2 chapters, 27k. Pirate AU!
and the universe said you are not alone by witnessmarks - Hannah-centric, Oneshot, 4.6k. Hannah copes with the loss of her wings. Luckily, she doesn't have to do it alone.
dallas (just for him) by connor6Silly - Connor-centric, Oneshot, 1.1k. Character study featuring color symbolism!
just a touch of sanity by prismartist - Connor-centric, Oneshot, 3.6k. Connor knows of Karl's secret, and he knows how much it's hurting him. So he tries to fix it, however unfortunate the method is.
A Square Peg in the Round Hole of their Heart by Sparksnevadas - Quackcicle, 11 chapters, 40k. An exploration of Slimecicle and Quackity slowly developing and figuring out how to deal with their feelings for one another.
People Die Every Day, I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way by orojiratsu - Connor-centric, Oneshot, 2.3k. c!Connor typical grieving tbh.
break the cycle in half by rosewitchx - Karl and Connor-centric, Oneshot, 8.9k. Madoka AU with experimental formatting. Karl and Connor make the same wish at the same time and are tied together by fate as they go through a timeloop to try and save their loved ones.
The Friends We Refuse to Abandon by BeatrixGtheMaskedDogNoobsomeExagerjunk - Connor-centric, 4 chapters, 7k. Connor's journey in reviving his best friend.
There Are Answers Here by angeloncewas - Connor-centric, Oneshot, 4.3k. Canon compliant c!Connor character study.
Brutus is an Honorable Man by 2point5 - Connor and Quackity-centric, Oneshot, 1k. Two people with very different memories of the same person are forced to confront this.
Suits and Lawsuits by Bonfirefly - Tommy-centric, Oneshot, 2.9k. Tommy sues Dream and calls in the help of an old friend.
Dream a Little Dream of Me by Vampiric_Mage - Sophie-centric, Oneshot, 1.1k. Sophie and Niki share dreams.
The Stars Still Love You (They Always Will) by miscellaneousmoons - Tommy-centric, 40 chapters (unfinished), 62k. Tommy is sent back in time to SMPEarth and gets a chance to redo his past mistakes.
Before We Get Older (Let's Do Everything) by bonespell - Deo-centric, Oneshot, 2.9k. Deo is afraid of flying and his factionmates help him face his fears.
pots & pans (back in business) by connor6Silly - S&C, Oneshot, 2.3k. Schlatt comes out to his best friend a second time.
What Will Happen Will Happen by connor6Silly - Connor-centric, Oneshot, 8.3k. Five times that Connor cried, and one time he didn't.
Bonus - Epic SMP
don't spin me a lie by roundtriptojupiter - Sparklez & Swagger-centric, 2 chapters, 3.3k. Epic SMP has a void problem.
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flamedraco · 1 year
What fandoms are you in? And which genres do you tend to gravitate toward?
Okay so (and I apologize for the way too lengthy answer to this simple question) Fun fact about me: I have this nasty habit of always ending up in some of the worst possible fandoms. And yet somehow I've always managed to ignore the drama and bad stuff because I stuck closer to my own little corners of said fandoms (mainly focusing on memes and my own fics or favored fan content and don't interact with a larger majority of the fandom). But I actually have very few fandoms I can say I was actually "apart of" or are "in". Because really I don't...leave? Fandoms? I'll keep passive interest in them even as I get older but I won't actively participate or write fics for them anymore. And I have this thing where I aggressively hyperfixate on fandoms I'm in and I'll be part of them for years before I move on to another one.
So fandoms I'm in/have been interested in: MLP, FNAF, Undertale, Eragon, Warriors/Survivors (two series by the Erin Hunter team), Wings of Fire, Fairytail, Danganronpa V3, Persona 5, Assassination Classroom, BNHA, and nowadays DSMP. These are mostly in order btw. Some of these can be considered grouped together because I was in a couple of these around the same time. I consider MLP my first real fandom because that was probably the first thing I ever read (or rather listened) to fanfiction of. And it was my first exposure to dark fics and other things involving the internet.
As for genres it depends on if you mean books, movies, games, etc. I've always gravitated towards fantasy/fiction books and fantasy style series. I like action sometimes. Occasional horror (psychological kind usually). I've never been much of a sci-fi person but sometimes I can vibe with it. Again it really depends on the medium because I prefer action movies but I prefer fantasy books.
Now...an outlier here is fanfiction. Because that stuff depends entirely on the fandom. There are very few AUs that I simply refuse to touch across all fandoms (looking at you school AUs) ((specifically high school AUs)) (((I hate them))). And I have favored AUs depending on the fandom as well. My two biggest examples here are Villain AUs for BNHA (which span a massive genera of fan content in BNHA). And fae AUs/Superhero AUs for DSMP. A lot of the other fandoms on my list didn't have much in terms of "AU" content (except Undertale but I'm not talking about that mess). Hence why these are my two examples as my two most recent fandoms. Those are my favorites for those two fandoms. But there are always AUs I won't touch for these fandoms too. BNHA for example: I rarely touch AUs in that series that are "No Powers". I'm fine with AUs where Izuku doesn't have a power, but the entire cast not having powers? Ehhh. I'll pass. Because without the powers, without the hero/villain drama? It loses all kind of interest for me. It becomes just school drama at that point and I hate it. However I make exceptions for versions of the AU where they combine "no powers" with something interesting like "mafia". DSMP: Surprisingly enough, I hate how a majority of royalty AUs in the fandom is written and I won't touch them. That, and the super popular fics in the fandom. I haven't read Passerine, I haven't read Butterfly Reign, and I refuse to touch Accelerate or the other super popular DNF fics. The most I've read in terms of "popular fics" in the fandom was Tommyinnit's Clinic For Supervillains. But that was it. I liked the fic, don't get me wrong, but that was my limit.
I hope that answered your question in some capacity?
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official-big-q · 1 year
Heyyy papa idk why I am invading ur inbox rn DNFNFNFB I just wanted to say stuff about how for some reason I like hearing your memories maybe cuz I never had like those kind myself just the feelings of things that happened in cannon
So I like you talking about them or your wings and your HUGE nest in las nevadas I think I would have liked to be there just us sleeping and you wrapping your wings around me and me wishing to be able to fly around with you
I think I always liked the idea
Of being a big dragon and fly around with my wings and have fun and spend time with my family
I didn't make the entire revived AU for nothing dnfbfjr
If you want to ramble abt your memories idm I love hearing them :]]
That’s heartwarminngg hhhhh<3
I WOULD HAVE LOVED FOR YOU TO BE THERE IN MY NEST AS WELL - that nest was so cozy it made me feel so safe and it was SO MUCH BETTER THAN WHAT I HAVE NOW SOB
I was so very very vocal around you kids - dsmp and qsmp,, im just full of bird noises :]!! Coos, chirps, quacks, squawks, you name it !!! I had a large variety of bird noises I made towards you and your siblings <3 !!
In the dsmp i had a bad track record with love and was verY traumatized so the way I showed love at first was through gifts !!! I used to spoil Tommy rotten :]. (Tubbo wouldnt let me - he refused to take my gifts)
And then after I healed and realized I didnt need to hide my affection for others - I gave out words of affirmation and physical touch !!!
I WAS LIKE. PRETTY FUCKED UP ???? In the dsmp, after I got my injury to my eye/face, I had to take a couple weeks at least to be able to properly navigate again. Karl and Sapnap forced me into using a cane, which was something I very much needed if I didn’t want to walk into something or just fall over-
And just the eye thing in general messed me up permanently ??? Like I stopped using my cane and was okay most of the time without it - but my vision was really fucked and I couldn’t read cursive at all and needed bigger writing on documents to be able to read them, but the dsmp wasn’t a very accessible space so I just sucked it up and dealt with it.
I even learned braille because of it !!! Sam taught me braille !!! Sam also taught me some basic ASL and Foolish taught me more in depth ASL.
I remember Wil getting bad back pains and just aches after they got revived. I think it was just a side effect they had to deal with after it all. We couldn’t do much to help it, but I always made sure to give them a heating pad and some good pillows !!
Speaking of - I believe both me and Wil had chronic fatigue ? I think I just had it while Wil got it as a side effect from getting revived - either way it SUCKED
I remember playing with Fundy during Pogtopia and making sure he stayed fed and kept him company when I could :]
This isn’t a memory but in my head I always refer to Ranboo as the weird stray cat my kids decided to start feeding that never left lmao /lh /aff
Phil took care of me once ???????? I’m pretty sure I was grieving Wilbur and dealing with a whole bunch of feelings about that entire situation when he died - and I ended up on Phils doorstep basically completely shut down and he took me in and just started fully taking care of me. It was a weird experience- I don’t like the man for my own personal grudges but he’s still a kind soul.
Wilbur had a tendency to work himself or keep himself busy until he passed out - he hated sleeping after revival.
Schlatt but the bi in bitch - and other than that fantastic line I don’t want to talk about him lmao
OH I once panicked after I couldn’t find Tommy in the penthouse thing we stayed in in Las Nevadas and made various chirps and warbles while searching for them- they were simply in another room and I was panicked for no reason , Tommy did end up responding with quiet confused chirps hhdjdbd
I HAD SHARP FANGS AND TALONS >:D!!!! I think I also wore fingerless gloves too - sometimes just wearing plain gloves to hide the burn scars that I had on my hands
AND I DONT HAVE AS MANY QSMP MEMS BUT I remember feeling uneasy around Bad ????? He was a friend of mine n all but I remember avoiding him for a bit and feeling unsafe around him annnd I don’t quite know why
Jaiden and Baghera were / are like siblings to me, almost !!! I remember we were pretty close :D !! Jaiden and I were close friends and Baghera and I had more of a sibling relationship !!
I vaguely remember Maximus introducing me to his daughter !!! She was pretty cool and it was an awesome experience
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ladyddanger · 2 years
21 and/or 23 for our duck, plus any of the other/bonus prompts that you think will fit
ofc Aqua enjoy <3
(Authors notes)
Disclaimer: All Dsmp/rp about characters not real people.
21.) I think i'm traumatized
23.) I don't deserve this
Credit: Both the prompts and this au was made by @proudfreakmetarusonniku it's a wonderful person and my favorite c!primer so show them love.
c!Dream neg
Ok enjoy!!!1
Quackity almost fell as he backed away, his nails digging into his palms. His eyes darted around the room he had woken up in. It looked like a doll house, a lamp set to the left of a perfectly made bed. A low laugh sent his attention darting back to Dream who slowly stalked forwards, backing him farther and farther into the wall.  
Quackity bared his teeth. “ Let me go.” It was difficult to talk. He had not only woken up on the floor but with a fucking collar pressing on his neck. Dream smirked slightly and lifted his hand to show a lever with a simple red button on the top. “Quackity I think you need to calm down. You’re terrified. You’re a dumbass, you got in a bad place, it's  fine.” He moved closer as he talked, pushing Quackity closer and closer to the wall. Quackity’s veins filled with white hot panic. “Fuck off. Why don’t you shove it up your-” Dream pressed the button.  
Quackity’s last clear thought was “so that's what the collar was for”  before his brain was overode with pain. He crumpled to the ground unable to even scream, the skin of his neck feeling like it was being held over open flame. It felt like someone was ripping his bones out by hand. As quickly as the pain came it was gone and Quackity was left on the floor. He heard Dream’s footsteps and struggled to lift his head pushing himself upwards with hands. Dream laughed above him, stepping on his left  hand. The bones cracked and Quackity plummeted, his face almost slamming on the ground before Dream reached down and grabbed Quackity under his arms dragging him to his feet. Quackity shoved him away with his good hand. “Stop. Fuck off- Don’t you fucking touch me.” 
Dream laughed and removed his hands  dramatically as if to show that he could hurt Quackity again at any moment but chose not to. “Do you like your new room?” He asked casually if he hadn’t just been torturing him. Quackity stepped away, hurt hand tucked to his chest to protect it. 
“This isn’t my room.”  He snapped not making eye contact. Old survival instincts rose up and told him to not speak too loudly or make eye contact even as he shoved it down with anger. 
Dream laughed loudly.  “Your room is gone now Big Q. The whole server is! It’s just a handful of us now. A big happy family.”  He didn’t seem sad at all, smiling brightly as if the destruction of the server was a funny joke. Quackity hissed. “You’re not my family.” In answer Dream pressed the button collar.
Quackity managed to stay on his feet this time leaning on the wall. Dream just kept his hand on the button. A minute passed then a second. Quackity’s knees finally buckled and he fell to the ground, slumping on the wall. He bit his tongue hard, refusing to whimper or sob or make any kind of noise. After a moment his vision went black and spotty and he barely even felt Dream grab him and lift him to his feet once more. He carried Quackity easily, one finger still on the button. Quackity screamed between his teeth as the pain kept going. He was thrown into a chair, his ankles and wrists bound to a chair. Dream leaned forwards and gently patted his cheek brushing involuntary tears off. 
“Too much Big Q? You can dish it out but can’t take it?” Quackity hissed between his teeth. “Fuck off.” he gasped. Dream released the button. Quackity slumped backwards into his chair and would have fallen to the ground if Dream hadn’t bound his wrists or ankles.
“Don’t you deserve this?”  Dream asked. Quackity coughed spitting blood on the ground from where he had bitten his tongue “I don’t deserve this.” He snapped. Dream laughed. “Quackity come on now.” Quackity shut his eyes trying to teach himself to breathe once more. “I don’t deserve this,” he repeated. Dream’s playful smile faded and pressed the button once more.
Quackity had no idea how long it lasted. It could have been four minutes, thirty minutes or two hours until Dream stepped away. Quackity kept his eyes open, his body still shaking. He would not pass out. Not while Dream was still in the room. Dream laughed at his defiance. “So brave.” He  reached over and yanked a feather from Quackity’s wings. Quackity screamed before he could stop himself trying to pull away. Dream twisted the bloody feather between his fingers. “Anything you want me to tell Tommy?” Quackity swore at him. He didn’t see Dream swinging at him until it was too late. 
The next few days, weeks, months were a limbo. Dream visited randomly. When he wasn’t there Quackity paced the room trying to stay fit until he was too weak to move. Dream was a fickle host feeding him a feast one day and then starving him the next. Months, weeks, years after Quackity first woken up in the room he woke up on the floor once again this time to Dream shaking his shoulder.
Dream smiled when he saw Quackity was awake.  “Hey.” he patted Quackity’s shoulder and this time Quackity was too exhausted to flinch away. It felt good, the first gentle touch he had gotten in ages.
Dream’s hand traced down Quackity’s shoulder blade to his wing and tugged gently on the feathers.  Quackity froze. Dream twisted the  ax in his left hand . “These wings are so pretty, they would be a great cloak don’t you think?” Quackity panicked. He couldn't lose his wings. He shoved Dream away scrambling back too weak to actually stand. “I’m sorry ok? I’m sorry. I think I’m traumatized. Just.” Dream stepped forwards and Quackity moved backwards until his back hit the wall.  “I deserve this ok?” Quackity sucked in air. “I deserve this.” Dream leaned down, raising his hand. Quackity flinched but the other just patted his shoulder again.  “That wasn’t so hard right?” Quackity leaned into the touch, eyes shut so tight he didn’t see the ax raise. 
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demonstars · 1 year
brief sarah z lore that i know of: she mentions she'll never touch on dream/dsmfans in a video essay (but made an april fools joke about it anyway). i think she mentioned dream fans (or dsmp fans? i'm not sure on the particular) at one point on a tumblr ask and some discourse spun out of it and she got defensive before deleting and refusing to touch the subject again after. i think? i never followed up afterwards
that's breathtaking
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gaesnek · 9 months
13, 14, 19, 23!
13. How was your birthday this year?
Don't remember. It's in January.
14. Favorite book you read this year?
Also don't remember :/ If we count fanfics thou it would def be A Mockingbird In The Crows Nest by LilBitO_Sunny all of their work is amazing tbh
19. What're you excited about for next year?
June obv but also chilling with my friends more bc jesus christ I am touch starved
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be.
Strap in buddy pal you fuckin thought you had your sexuality all figured out HA. Also can't remember if you have or haven't refused to go yet but please for the love of god don't go to that fucking therapist ever again. You might not realize it but those couple of sessions fucked you up more than you could imagine. Also be prepared to have a few cinematic masterpieces thrown at you. Obv final episode of toh is in a week or two but there's gonna be one in june and then also you're gonna get into dsmp. It's not that bad i prommy.
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ace-frog · 3 years
So like apparently the empire smp is a thing
And mf i cant do this to myself
I am tryung to watch evo for the first time from grians pov and his pov in s6 cuz ive nit seen it either. Which is ontop of watching all the hermits for s8. I already watched all of grians pov of s7 thank god
But heres the thing: gem pearl and ldshadowlady are on there. AND I LOVE LIZZIES STUFF. WATCHED HER THINSG ALONG WITH IHASCUPQUAKE AND F NOW I WANNA REQARCH HER OASIS STUFF BUT THATS LIKE 100 PLYS EPIODES TOO!! Also apparently one of the recap guys is on empires too and ive been meaning to watch them too cuz like why not and man this so much content TvT
Like i love it but also im struggling over here
Anyways i might just puy evo oasis and s6 on stanby while catch up on empires smp becuz like why not
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“Who would Satan’s favorite DSMP character be?”
The Great Chat Debate of August 8th, 2022: Part 2
(For context, please see Part 1)
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duc-kie · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to ask you if you have any hp or dsmp hcs? Ive been craving them for a while 😋
Stay hidrated and dont overwork yourself!
hii! tysm for the request! I’m not sure if this is what you wanted but here are some random hp nsfw hcs. there’s not a lot of people included but I really hope you enjoy anyway. if you wanted something/someone else im so sorry. love you stay safe!! <33
(includes tom riddle, mattheo riddle, draco malfoy, cedric diggory and harry potter)
tom riddle
- he’s a VERY rough dom. no matter what mood he’s in you better listen to him and do what he tells you to or you’re in for a wild night.
- tom just gives off big dick energy and you can’t change my mind.
- he’s probably very experienced too. he’s not familiar with long term relationships (relationships in general) but definitely has a high body count.
-his aftercare wouldn’t be the best but he tries. he makes sure you know he loves you even tho he can’t actually say it.
- he has the most wild kinks ever. definitely has a thing for knives, bondage, spanking, spitting, slapping, BDSM etc. he would for sure carve his initials into your thigh.
- he’d love to receive head and face fuck you but I feel like he wouldn’t go down on you very often.
- he’s horny all the time. he’d fuck you anywhere and anytime he wants to.
- he would 100% tease you until you’re crying and begging for him to fuck you. likes to overstimulate you as well. he loves to see you squirm and whine under him.
- there’s not a single position you two haven’t tried yet. he loves to experiment, seeing which position makes you scream the most.
- his favourite places to fuck would be the chamber of secrets (idk I just feel like it makes sense lmao), his bedroom or at the astronomy tower at night.
- he would NOT go sub for anyone. no questions asked. he also wouldn’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.
mattheo riddle
- he’s a rough and a soft dom, depends on his mood. though he wouldn’t tolerate you disobeying him either way.
- his dick size is definitely above average.
- he is experienced and had quite a few relationships before you.
- I feel like he’s really good at aftercare. he’d make sure you’re okay, clean you up and cuddle with you. he’d even watch a movie or take a bath with you. baths with him>>>>
- he has a bunch of kinks and I feel like they’re the same as tom’s, maybe not as extreme (depends on his mood).
- he’s AMAZING at giving head. he’d go down on you pretty often just to see you squirm under his tongue. I feel like he’d eat you out for his own pleasure. he just loves the way you taste and how you try to squeeze your thighs together when he’s overstimulating you but you can’t bc he’s pinning them down. he wouldn’t refuse to receive head either. he loves how your mouth feels around him.
- he is the literal definition of a horny teenager. his hands are on your body 24/7.
- he’d tease you all the time, especially in class. he loves seeing you beg for him at the end of the day. it gets him impossibly hard seeing what a mess he can make out of you without even properly touching you.
- likes trying new positions and experimenting during sex.
- I know for a fact his favourite place to fuck would be the bathroom; in the shower or on the counter.
- wouldn’t go sub or do anything you’re not comfortable with.
draco malfoy
- he’s a soft dom unless you’re being extra bratty. loves to praise you but wouldn’t mind degrading the shit out of you either.
- his dick size is average but he knows how to use it for sure.
- very experienced. he probably casually dated a few girls before.
- he’s pretty good at aftercare, always making sure you know he loves you. he might be a bitch in the movie but he’s so sweet once you get to know him. would cuddle you until you fall asleep.
- pretty kinky. not as extreme as tom and mattheo though. for sure has a breeding kink.
- he’s so fucking good at giving head idc what anyone says. loves to receive head as well. he just can’t get enough of seeing you on your knees with your mouth around his dick. there’s definitely some oral action EVERY time you have sex.
- same as mattheo. he’s horny all the time.
- likes to tease sometimes but mostly doesn’t do it. he wants to give you pleasure and if you’re a brat he prefers overstimulation rather than teasing.
- experiments a lot at the start of your relationship. he just wants to find out and learn what gives you the most pleasure.
- I feel like he’d love to fuck you in a semi public place, where he knows no one is actually gonna see you but you still need to keep quiet. I also have a feeling he’d fuck you everywhere in the malfoy manner, like literally EVERYWHERE.
- wouldn’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.
cedric diggory
- soft dom. that’s all I have to say here.
- slightly above average sized dick.
- very experienced. had a few long term relationships before so he knows what he’s doing.
- aftercare king. he’d be so sweet and caring. he’d always clean you up, make sure you’re okay. he’d wrap you in blankets and make you hot cocoa, take a bath with you or do literally whatever you want. if you’re too tired he’d just cuddle you to sleep.
- he’s pretty vanilla but does have a big thing for praise and public sex. it just gets him so hard knowing you could get caught any second.
- I feel like he prefers to give head rather than receive but he of course wouldn’t exactly say no to receiving. he’s a pleasure dom so he’d do anything to make you feel good, so he does add oral into your usual sex life but not too much.
- he rarely gets horny during the day when you’re in class. he usually gets horny at night or in the evening and sometimes in the morning.
- he doesn’t usually tease you, maybe a little if he’s in a bitchy mood.
- does experiment a little just so he knows what makes you feel the most pleasure.
- hallway sex at night >>>>
- also wouldn’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.
harry potter
- I wouldn’t consider him a dom bc I feel like he’s pretty vanilla and doesn’t do sub/dom unless it’s a special occasion. in that case he’s a soft dom.
- average sized dick.
- he’s had sex before so he’s not a virgin but he’s not very experienced. he’d love to learn with you though.
- he’s pretty basic in aftercare. I feel like he gets pretty tired after sex so he’d be too tired to do anything other than cuddle but sometimes he does do other things with you; like watching a movie together or taking a shower/bath (I don’t really have any other ideas for aftercare so I’m just using movies and baths everywhere lmao)
- as I said he’s pretty vanilla. a praise or a breeding kink. does like to blindfold you sometimes; he likes that you trust him enough for him to do so.
- pretty good at giving head. he wouldn’t go down on you that often, he prefers fucking you. does like to receive head but not that much either.
- definitely gets horny a lot throughout the day.
- doesn’t tease you at all. maybe from time to time but VERY rarely.
- experiments at the start or the relationship until he finds a position that both of you like the most.
- he likes to fuck you in his bedroom the most. maybe shower sex from time to time.
- wouldn’t do BDSM or something like that because he doesn’t want to hurt you unless you really want to. also wouldn’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.
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ilyelan · 2 years
based on the song “why” by derivacat (yes, i know it was based on dsmp, but i still do not support them whatsoever, the song just fit with what i’m writing.)
@tiredsleep said they have nothing left to lose so i had to write some kaeya angst and prove them wrong <333
warnings: blood, stabbing, fire, mentions of beheading and putting heads on spikes
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Look at what you've done, is this what you call glory? Do you still believe you're the hero of your story?
You couldn’t believe what you were looking at. The city you’ve always loved, cherished, and put your life on the line to defend, destroyed within a day by the very person who claimed to love you. You felt disgusted, at both yourself, for failing to realize the threat you were laying next to at night, and him, for committing such a despicable act towards the city you both had lived in for decades.
I longed for peace, but you couldn't leave it be. Now you've played your part in this forever unfinished symphony
You looked around at the ruins of the city that had withstood centuries of attacks, and finally your eyes landed on the person that stood in the middle of all the pain and chaos, and caught eyes with him.
Was he seriously laughing at this?
He moved towards your bloody and bruised frame, and you reached for your broken blade.
Oh, it hurts, and it hurts, and it's getting worse. A promise you made, cut down by your blade.
You thought back on all the now broken promises, all the bouquets of flowers that eventually wilted, all the one sided hugs that you had brushed off, all the happiness that he had stamped out like it was nothing more than a worthless bug beneath his heel. And you finally felt the stream of tears that were falling from your eyes.
He reached out to your frame, and you hated yourself for instinctively leaning in to his touch.
Can't stand the rain, can't stand the pain. How it breaks my heart when you tear it apart.
He smiled while wiping away your tears, and finally spoke.
“You know, I did actually admire your spirit. It’s a shame Mondstadt fell so quickly, I would’ve loved to actually fight you.”
You gritted your teeth at that. “Mondstadt only fell so quickly because it was betrayed from within! If you hadn’t chosen the path of a coward and fought us head on, you never would’ve even made it inside the gates!”
So why? Why did you lie? Why did your words amount to nothing?
His smile disappeared at your words, and he moved his hand from lovingly cupping your cheek to gripping your chin and making you look him in the eye.
“If I were you, I’d stop making stupid excuses and start proving that I’m useful, or else I’d have to be disposed of, and no one wants that.”
The tears started falling heavier then.
“…….Was it all really just a lie? Did you really feel nothing for me?”
And why? Why did it fall? Why did you leave me here with nothing?
He laughed.
He actually laughed.
“Of course it was all a lie! Did you seriously think I was in love with you? I just needed someone to make the illusion seem real, and you fit the bill perfectly.”
You were sobbing at this point.
“So, what’s it gonna be? Are you going to prove your usefulness to me, or am I going to have to dispose of you?”
Look at what you've done, is this your happy ending? Look around and see, this is history repeating.
Your shoulders shook with sobs that refused to leave your chest.
“Why are you doing this? What did we do to deserve this?”
He scoffed.
“It’s nothing less than what happened to my home 500 years ago. Do you think we did something to deserve this then?”
Do you even care that you've left things beyond repair? It was by your hand, you've turned a masterpiece into a nightmare.
“If this is how you take revenge, maybe you did deserve it.”
You didn’t know your voice could sound so cold.
He narrowed his eyes and
He hit you.
He seriously hit you.
You could feel the hand shaped sting on your cheek getting worse by the second as he started talking again.
“You’re lucky I don’t chop off your head and put it up on a spike as a warning. I will tell you this one more time and one more time only. Watch. Your. Tongue.”
Oh, it hurts, and it hurts, and it's getting worse. You act like a judge, enforcing your personal grudge.
His eyes none of the love you were used to, only cold, painful hatred was left.
You met his eyes with a glare of your own, slightly less intimidating due to the caked on blood, dirt, and tears covering your face.
You couldn’t help but compare the Kaeya in front of you to the Kaeya that you loved.
The one you loved used to go on walks with you and discuss your future together.
The one you loved used to make breakfast and give it to you with a kiss on the forehead.
The one you loved used to take you on dates every night and promise he’d never leave.
And this one couldn’t hate you more.
Am I to pay for this war you've raised? Yes, it breaks my heart when you tear it apart.
He seemed to know what you were thinking about, since he made you face him again.
“It’d do you good to stop reminiscing on a past that wasn’t real before you end up dead.”
His words came out lacking their usual honey coating, this time dripping with venom.
So why? Why did you lie? Why did your words amount to nothing?
You tightened your grip on the hilt of your sword, and, for a single moment, all the emotions swarming around your chest parted and left only one.
Desire for revenge, desire for a home that wasn’t doused in flames, desire for a lover that actually enjoyed your presence.
Desire for a future without Kaeya.
And why? Why did it fall? Why did you leave me here with nothing?
With a newfound determination, you quickly moved your blade into position over his heart.
And, with only a single ounce of hesitation, you delivered what you were sure would be the final blow.
His eyes shot open.
And he let out a hoarse gasp of air.
And he looked at you.
Look at what you've done, you've brought upon disaster
And, as the world around you erupted into flames and disaster, it felt it was just you two again.
He said a single sentence before his eyes closed for the very last time.
“You haven’t saved anything.”
A sense of dread filled you while you sat there, covered in a gross mixture of both of your’s blood, and you felt the weight of your actions come crashing down around you.
What had you just done?
Do you still believe this is the justice you sought after?
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tags: @karmawonders, @daeruh
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