#gahhhh i love mc so much
cloudcountry · 1 year
familiar soul
Genre/Tropes: Reincarnated lover with memory loss. Falling in love all over again!
Summary: in the past Lilia and mc are lover Lilia want to take her hand in marriage but unfortunately because of war mc died protecting him. Lilia regret and he live in sorrow even though he covered it up since he doesn't want to worry his son until the day when he saw mc show up in front of mirror with Grim in Crowley hand and he knew that she is his past lover and this is her new reincarnation so he decide to pursue her again and this time he won't let her go again. Mc doesn't remember her past lived but whenever she saw Lilia she felt like she know him but can't remember.
Bodies wriggling on the blood soaked dirt. Fire consuming buildings and the flesh of children. The realization that he couldn’t protect them all, no matter how hard he tried, flashing through his exhausted brain. Focus on the enemy and destroy them. That’s all he had to do. Blurs of fallen soldiers and the loud booms of weaponry firing. Was the person next to him a friend or foe? The stink of blood clogged up his lungs. The adrenaline kept him going, kept him pushing, kept him slashing and fighting deeper into enemy territory.
It kept him til the eventual end of a battle.
The collection of the wounded, the tending of their injuries. The searching for friends and loved ones among the chaos. His certainty that they made it out okay.
The confusion when they weren’t among the wounded.
The adrenaline returning as he rushed out into the battlefield, eyes scanning the piles of bodies frantically.
The burst of white-hot fear in his chest when he saw a familiar arm under an enemy soldier, the limb splattered with blood and unmoving. Subconsciously moving towards the pile, throwing off bodies left and right until he reached them. Their eyes, open. A knife plunged into their chest. Their lips, parted as if seeing the sun for the first time after an endless night.
The war, glorified.
The acceptance centuries later.
The confusion now, as a familiar soul stepped out of a coffin at NRC’s orientation.
Lilia Vanrouge had seen everything. He’d been through so much to get to where he was today, and he was sure nothing else could surprise him. Maybe it was conceited of him to think so, especially when he’d seen your eyes and the secrets they held and thought that he’d seen them before.
He had.
He almost shuddered in his seat as the little cat monster threw a fit, but made no move toward you. There was no telling if you remembered him or not, and he hoped you didn’t.
Days passed by.
It was only when Leona overblotted that he really got a chance to speak with you.
“Prefect?” he placed a hand on your shoulder, tilting his head to get a better look at your face, “May I talk to you for a second?”
“Sure.” you turned around, and his suspicions were confirmed.
Nobody else in the world looked at him like that.
You were indeed them, come back from the dead to grant him peace in this world that moved far too fast.
“I must thank you for getting involved when our Housewarden was in danger. You were very brave.” he said.
Too brave.
“Malleus is precious to Briar Valley as the heir to the throne, and you stepping up to defend him has earned you my gratefulness and deepest respect,”
You got yourself killed last time.
You blinked, a bit surprised at his sudden admission before smiling.
“It’s no problem. You should be thanking Cater though, not me. He’s the one that exhausted himself with this plan. I’m just glad it all worked out.” you laughed.
Laughing in the face of hardship. Never taking credit for your achievements. Always telling Lilia you weren’t as amazing as he thought you were.
It was taking everything in him to prevent him from pulling you into his arms.
“Do...” you snapped him out of his trance, eyes narrowing, “Do I know you from somewhere?”
Lilia couldn’t stop himself from laughing, the sheer joy in knowing that you also held a part of that time in your heart overwhelming him.
“You do.” he smiled, wishing he could reach out and touch you but managing to hold himself back.
“Weird...I don’t remember you at all but I feel like I do.” you sighed, rubbing your temples, “I feel like I know your name, too. Is that weird? I’m sorry if that’s weird.”
“What’s your guess?” he chuckled.
“L...Lily? Lils? Something like that.” you answered, and he couldn’t help but beam at the clear recognition you displayed.
“Lilia. Lilia Vanrouge.” he nodded, offering you his hand, “I’m delighted that you remember. We used to be-”
“Vice Housewarden Vanrouge!” Crowley called out, “We need you to escort Kingscholar to the infirmary!”
“I don’t need to go to the infirmary. I could beat them all right here and now.” Leona grunted, shooting Crowley a glare.
Lilia sighed, patting you on the shoulder.
“I’ll tell you everything later.” he hummed, “There’s one thing you should know, though. You were important to me a while ago. Now that I have you back, I’m not going to let you go again.”
That night at Ramshackle, you quickly discovered that you couldn’t sleep. Your tossing and turning almost woke up Grim on multiple occasions, but he was quick to drift off again.
If only you could do that.
Staring at the wall, you couldn’t stop fidgeting and kicking your legs. What did Lilia mean? You two knew each other? You’d never seen him before in your life—and you’d remember someone that eccentric. Except you did remember him. But you didn’t.
Sighing, you flung your legs out of bed and threw the blankets to the side. There was no use in trying to sleep if your mind was all muddled. Sliding your feet into your slippers, you crept down the Ramshackle halls and out into the front lawn. The night air was crisp and cool, a gentle wind pricking your skin with cold air. Ignoring the shiver that wracked your body, you sat down on the front steps and stared up at the sky.
There had to be some sort of truth to the strange student’s words. You didn’t feel like you were meeting a new person entirely—it felt like meeting a friend for the first time in a while.
That didn’t sound right.
You frowned, reaching up to rub your temples. Maybe you should wait for him to explain it to you tomorrow when you could ask him your questions yourself-
“I didn’t expect you to be awake.” Lilia hummed, hanging upside down in front of you.
You yelped, jerking backward as he landed gracefully on his feet.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that expression!” he laughed, sitting down next to you, “Now, I can only imagine you have a lot of questions for me. I’ll try to answer them all. Just let me know if I’m starting to freak you out too much.”
“Um…wow, you just cut to the chase. How did you get out of your dorm this late?” you asked, furrowing your brow “I thought we weren’t supposed to leave.”
“Is anyone going to catch me around Ramshackle?” he shot back, a smug grin on his features, “We’re safe. Don’t worry.”
Well, you couldn’t really argue with that.
“You’re right.” you mumbled, turning your gaze to the ground, “...How do you know who I am?”
“You were from...my past. You’re obviously not the same person, but you’re too alike...” he shrugged, chuckling when you shot him a baffled look, “You two have the same feeling...the same soul. You have the same mannerisms and facial expressions. I would have to be an idiot to forget how you were before.”
“What were we?” you breathed, meeting his gaze once again.
“Isn’t it obvious?” he pursed his lips, tilting his head, “We were in love. You loved me so much you sacrificed your life for me. I thought I’d never see you again.”
“...What?” you shuddered, a jolt of recognition coursing through your veins.
Obviously you died.
You died in the field of battle.
You died in an attempt to stop someone from stabbing Lilia from behind.
He didn’t find you until the battle was over.
There were so many enemies he didn’t even see you fall.
Your body had been trampled, and then buried under enemies and allies alike.
You clutched your knees to your chest, overwhelmed.
Tears leaked from your eyes.
What a horrible thing to remember.
A warm arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you into Lilia’s chest. He held you tightly, pulling the shattering pieces of you back together. He rubbed comforting shoulders on your back as flashes of memories overtook you, making your head hurt so badly you thought your skull was caving in.
“I’m so sorry.” he squeezed you tighter, “I’ll never let anything like that happen again. It doesn’t matter if we end up together once again or end up apart, I will always protect you. You have my word.”
“There was so much blood.” you whispered, clinging to his jacket with all your might, “How…? How did we end up fighting? What happened?”
“I was one of the royal guards. I had to. You never should have gotten mixed up in it. You were strong, but if I’d known…if I’d had a little less faith in you…” he laughed, the sound more bitter than it was before, “You were just too strong. I thought you were ready. I’m so sorry for letting you go out there.”
“It wasn’t your fault.” you sniffled, pulling away from him, “I don’t blame you, so don’t blame yourself.”
“You’re a saint.” he said, shaking his head, “But no. I can’t accept your forgiveness. I should have been more aware.”
“But I’m here now, aren’t I?” you tried to smile, shaking away the thoughts from your head, “I…don’t want to think about dying anymore. It’s…strange. Almost paradoxical. It makes me feel everything I felt before I passed and I’m not sure why but it’s a horrific feeling.”
“You’re dealing with it well. You’re just as strong as I remember.” Lilia said, lacing your fingers together.
“Well…I’ve gotten used to strange things happening. I kinda don’t…care as much anymore.” you shrugged, “It’s not like I’m chill with me dying, but I’ve gotten quick at coping with things.”
“You shouldn’t have to be.”
“But I am.”
“But you shouldn’t have to be. I spent centuries mourning you after you passed.”
You flinched, and he winced.
“Sorry. No talking about your death.”
“It’s fine. I…I know we’re connected somehow, and maybe you’re the entire reason I was brought here in the first place, but…” you bit your bottom lip thoughtfully, ���I don’t want to just go back to how things were back then, you know? I mean, I remember you, but I’ve mostly forgotten.”
“Don’t worry. I know.” he let go of your hand, turning his gaze back towards the starry sky, “I’m going to let you get to know me again. I’m going to help you through however many headaches and emotional breakdowns you get from remembering. You’re never under an obligation to spend time with me or feel the same way you did centuries ago. I’m content knowing that you’re safe, and if your fate in this life is finding someone else then I’ll live with that. But please, whatever you do, just let me protect you.”
“Of course.” you answered immediately, confident in your response, “I don’t know you at all, but something inside me knows I can trust you.”
He grinned, locking eyes with you again.
“And that’s all I need.”
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meyousing · 2 years
AAAAAHHHHHHHH THAT WAS AN AMAZING READ, i'm not joking when i tell you that it has me kicking my feet and all. sorry this will be long but it's just so !!!!!!@!@!@!@!@@ 🫣🫣🫣🫣
In part 1, i loved how you do the scene of : mc noticing chrollo's overall apathy when he saw someone spilled coffee (i feel like chrollo...is the kind of person who doesn't rly show his emotion unless he can gain something from it, like when he "helps" neon) until it sinks in his mind that mc is his soulmate that he's quick to move + when he's wayyyy too interested in the mc's reactions when he drugged her
also, you make use of chrollo's charm point and that's what make me go feral like AGHDSFHDFSHD, that man (canonically) knows he's attractive to some degree (not just for his looks) and he used it to his advantage, of course even if it can be considered as "against" his soulmate
and this line...LORD - “Now that I’ve found you, I don’t plan on losing you any time soon? (...)” i feel like it's not that he "found her" in a genuine sense of the word like yk a niche cliche serendipitous meeting in a cafe and all that jazz. the way he phrased this plus the "coincidence" of mc finding his contact in the pocket of his coat make it sound more of, that, maybe he's been watching her for a while and on the day he's maybe on a lil break of his stalkerish schedule, that's when he officially meets the mc
“She knows how this will end. Best to let her get it out of her system before we get to that point.” GAHHHH THIS IS REALLY THE TURNING POINT FOR ME
Following to part 2, he purposely give mc a slight reprieve from the whole situation by running away + making that as a "lesson" and then gaslit the mc because, really after all he's done for her, taking care of her whether it's financially, emotionally or even physically, this is the way to pay him back? He spins the narrative onto the mc into some kind of "the crazy runaway wife even though she had the best partner someone could ever ask for, not to mention that they're soulmates- that's really a no brainer move on her part, don't you think so?" not to mention the power dynamics
And if chrollo's love has not been genuine at all, a passerby who heard the twisted narrative might sympathize with mc but the love is genuine, just twisted but yk...it's because they're soulmates that the pair should know better of the ahem "shortcomings" of one another because they were bound together in this life...or maybe even the next
He knows, Mc knows, and the troupe understand too that at this point mc is not just a butterfly unaware of the danger when it unintentionally flies towards a spider-web, but more so that the web is built around the mc instead, there has never been a way to escape it. Most, if not all the parts where chrollo has been seen as loving is genuine but at the same time, rather calculated just to ensnare the butterfly. Except the butterfly will not be eaten, not quite so at least, but it will be always under the stare of the spider even if it still struggles to escape
i might have missed some points but for now this is what's on top in my head
(unrelated to the chrollo fic but your sukuna and geto fic are AMAZING TOO, LOVE LOVE THEM AND HOW DEMEANING THEY ARE BECAUSE REALLY MEN WITH POWERS, SUPERNATURAL OR WHATNOT, IN THE JJK-VERSE ARE BOUND TO BE COCKY AND YOU DELIEVERED IT) - same anon who requested the chrollo soulmate au
no bc,, you literally got everything EXACTLY how i wanted u to anon !!! reading this has me OVERJOYED, its my turn to be kicking my feet ◙‿◙ ◙‿◙
like fr, you got it down to the smallest details that i wanted to include and was thinking, hmmmm did i express that enough? AND UR ANALYSIS IS EXACTLY RIGHT HOW I HAD HOPED so THANK U!!
sidenote, chrollo is just so much fun to write for. delving into his charm and personality in yandere situations,,, he really is one of the best, he's my awful fave (∪ ◡ ∪)
im so glad i was able to do ur request justice, thank you so much for requesting and inspiring me. im also glad you enjoyed my other works as well !!! if you ever have another req do not hesitate to send it over, i had so much fun making this for you id love to make more!!
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konigbabe · 1 year
Graves anon here: I keep thinking about the last bit of your fic, 'the one time he surprises you', and about Graves when the reader got shot. Well, actually, Graves during that whole sequence has me clutching at my heart, but when he pushes the strands of hair from reader's face as they're bleeding out from a bullet that one of his own soldiers fired??? To save HIM from THEM? Like, the angst is beautiful. What was Graves thinking during that whole part? I think you mentioned him looking guilty when they were still in the car, and that his eyes looked lethargic after the reader got shot, but what was running through his head when he realized what had happened to the reader (and even better, why it happened in the first place)? Was there any resentment towards reader, the shadow who shot them, himself even??? Gahhhh I just love thinking about it.
Also, thank you for answering every single one of my asks. I know I've sent a lot in lol. All your answers are great, and I hope I'm not annoying you too much!
Hi!! Yes, I loved writing that part 😄
I intentionally didn't delve into his feelings to keep the quessing game strong but if I had to think about it 🤔 I'd say he was confused?? You know he knew this person, and he was (as stated before) starting to develop some sort of romantic feelings towards the reader/MC and now, he's ordered to restrain them...and later on, they're aiming a gun at him and I'd like to imagine that the look on their face shows determination, devotion to protecting their friends (aka Ghost, Soap and the rest of 141) but also Graves and them had a chemistry that undeniably could be going somewhere.
So yeah, I would agree that some sort of guilt or remorse was flooding Graves' veins when looking the at reader/MC with their gun aimed at him and later on getting shot. But I also added the last part.
He was trying to distance himself, that's also why he called reader "officer" (“I’ll need you to extend your arms, officer,” he commands formally.) instead of some petname. Later on, the 'distancing hinself' part becomes more daring with "face solemn, eyes dull and lethargic." and him saying: "Now that was a big fuckin’ mistake, sweetheart.". I tried to write it as him hiding behind a mask sort of thing (also in front of his shadows).
And to your "Was there any resentment towards reader, the shadow who shot them, himself even???" I think there was some kind of bitterness or condemnation towards himself mostly (he can't really blame his employee/shadow for protecting their boss, it's part of their job so...) - over his own actions.
I feel like there's more to Graves than the game let's out (mostly because it's a shooter video game so they don't really have any need to delve into characters' mentality and what drives them) so what I imagined when writing this Graves was that he was coerced into Shepperd's actions (could be blackmailed...), especially against the reader/MC.
(and for those curious, we’re talking about this fic ♡)
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ace-frog · 3 years
So like apparently the empire smp is a thing
And mf i cant do this to myself
I am tryung to watch evo for the first time from grians pov and his pov in s6 cuz ive nit seen it either. Which is ontop of watching all the hermits for s8. I already watched all of grians pov of s7 thank god
But heres the thing: gem pearl and ldshadowlady are on there. AND I LOVE LIZZIES STUFF. WATCHED HER THINSG ALONG WITH IHASCUPQUAKE AND F NOW I WANNA REQARCH HER OASIS STUFF BUT THATS LIKE 100 PLYS EPIODES TOO!! Also apparently one of the recap guys is on empires too and ive been meaning to watch them too cuz like why not and man this so much content TvT
Like i love it but also im struggling over here
Anyways i might just puy evo oasis and s6 on stanby while catch up on empires smp becuz like why not
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arofili · 3 years
I love reading what you write! It's always such good, easy writing no matter what it's about! Do you have any Russingon fic recs? I'm new to Ao3 and still figuring it all out.
Aww thank you so much <3 <3 that means a lot! and YES I have lots of Russingon fic recs! These are all taken from my bookmarks and I know there are other great fics out there, but these are ones that I have saved and come back to frequently!
(I’m also going to plug my Russingon fics bc I write them a lot and I’m pretty proud of some of those works!)
Blessed Hands Will Break Me by @absynthe--minded - WIP currently at 139k, lots of worldbuilding, from Fingon’s discovery of Maedhros’ capture to the Mereth Aderthad - Absynthe is an amazing Russingon writer, absolutely check her stuff out!
“whoso list to hunt” by vauquelin (elftrash) - 3k oneshot, post-Angband, 1st person Fingon POV - another incredible writer
“Old Pains” by @zealouswerewolfcollector​ - ficlet, post-reembodiment, Maedhros is unsure of reality
Did My Heart Love Till Now? by @absynthe--minded​ (with art by @felixwhetsel​ !) - 5k, Years of the Trees, masquerade shenanigans <3
“stay thy mind, and all the rest” by @mc-dude​ - 25k oneshot, get together, Fingon visits Maedhros in Himring, the ANGST and LONGING gahhhh !!!
“commit (to the bit)” by vauquelin (elftrash) - 4k oneshot, Years of the Trees, FAKE DATING FOR WORLD PEACE, this author has a GIFT for prose and the subtlety of interpersonal interaction
“cliffs of fall” by @arrivisting - 3k oneshot, nonlinear narrative but generally focused on post-reembodiment reunion with Complicated Feelings - another author with a truly inspiring talent for prose, I reread the wedding scene in this fic at least once a week and it never fails to make me emo
In Equal Measure by @siphilemon - WIP currently at 108k, time-travel fix-it, bullet point fic, not just Russingon but they’re the ones who time traveled and anyway their parts make me go insane
Your colors by @elesianne - 2 chapters, 3k total, Years of the Trees and then Beleriand, gift-giving and anniversaries and dirty talk, so tender and loving, Elle’s Russingon always hits me right in the heart <3
“Like the old season” by Tyelperintal - 1.8k oneshot, post-Angband, Maedhros and Fingon take a walk in the woods, super sweet
“Gifts of the Heart” by @wren-of-the-woods - 10k oneshot, Years of the Trees, really lovely get-together fic, gift-giving, just super sweet and fun
Our Houses Bound Together by @senalishia and @z-h-i-e - 5 chapters, 17.2k total, arranged marriage AU!!, mutual pining, lots of drama, very fun
“just one safe place” by sunflower_diode - 2.1k oneshot, post-Angband, homoerotic haircutting
“All About Your Heart” and its sequel “At Last Broke Silence, And The Ice” by @admirablemonster - first fic is 2k, second is 8k, modern AU ft. aspec Fingon and genderfluid Maedhros!!!, get together, family drama, ice angst <3
Life after Death by Sylanna - WIP currently at 69k, Fingon-centric post-reembodiment fic, slow moving and contemplative, the author is truly the sweetest person ever
What Is Wrought Between Us by @nikosheba - 90k series (with plenty of smut too), complete, canon compliant, ranges from the Years of the Trees all the way to after the Dagor Dagorath, a truly incredible work
“Kindness” by justonelastdance - 1.6k oneshot, Maedhros in a fucked up mental state post-Angband, hurt/comfort - this author writes a lot of Maedhros whump so if you like this check out their other stuff too (this one is just my favorite)
and under the cut, some smut recs....
smut recs
In a Jeweled Crown by @absynthe--minded - 3 chapters, 12k, complete, Fingon’s coronation and the aftermath - this one still makes me go nuts every time I read it
Reconnecting by nyromes - a series with 2 parts, 9k total, first time post-Angband + first time Maedhros bottoms post-Angband
“Bright Defiance” (1.7k) and its companion fic “Very Good” (800 word ficlet) by @edgeoflight - two oneshots, Fingon coaxes Maedhros’ story out of him post-Angband + some PWP - these are some of my favorites, I come back to them frequently
“all your perfect imperfections” by @stormxpadme - 1.8k oneshot, stumpfucking, I’m biased bc this was written for me but I do love it very much, Himring era
“These Games We Play” by @edgeoflight - 1.7k oneshot, the original stumpfucking fic, Himring era
A Surprise At Home by Findecutie and MayGlenn - 25k of pwp, Years of the Trees, newlyweds, crossdressing - part of the much longer Russ and Finno Verse but this was my intro to that verse and it’s good on its own!
“Fuath” by yeaka - 3k oneshot, first time, some truly disturbing manipulation by Melkor but the Russingon here fucking destroys me ;-;
“Rozanne” by yeaka - 2.8k oneshot, Maedhros recovering from Angband, I once saw someone use the phrase “lovingly described blowjobs” and that’s basically this fic
“Sleeve” by yeaka - 2.4k oneshot, trans!Maedhros, Years of the Trees, Fëanor invents the condom for Maedhros and Russingon are incredibly eager to try it out, they’re SO IN LOVE here it gets me every time
Passion and Anxious Care by LiveOakWithMoss - 12.5k total, 2 fic series, modern AU, oh my god they were roommates, get together and then first time, this is another one I return to frequently - this author is/was a BNF a few years ago but hasn’t been active recently
“For nimble thought can jump both sea and land” by TheLionInMyBed - 2.2k oneshot, palantiri foolishness that leads to video sex basically, Beleriand era - another BNF who is/was buds with LiveOakWithMoss
Treat me soft but touch me cool by LiveOakWithMoss and TheLionInMyBed - 4 chapters, 18k total, swoon kink/medical kink, relationship difficulties that are resolved, Beleriand era with a final chapter post-reembodiment, love this one
“Enthroned” by @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe - 4.5k oneshot, throne sex, fealty kink, King Fingon era
“A Disgrace to the House of Finwë” by @edgeoflight - 2.3k oneshot, get together/first time, Years of the Trees, they’re just super sweet together <3
“What Happens in Himring” by teasoni - 3.4k oneshot, reunion sex, Himring era, fealty kink, this fic is tagged “finally some dicks get sucked!!!!!!” and I think about that tag every time I write a Russingon blowjob jdkfhdkj
“a light in darkness, hope in woe” by @admirablemonster - 4k oneshot, trans!Maedhros, surprise baby Gil-galad in the middle of the Bragollach
“A lord and his prince” by @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe - 3.1k oneshot, early Beleriand era, reunion sex, super sweet and fluffy
“Made of Lava” by @edgeoflight - 2.1k oneshot, Years of the Trees, tender get-together fic with a kind of silly premise
Bend, bruise, beg by LiveOakWithMoss - 5 chapters, 13k total, part of a larger modern AU but tbh I haven’t read the main fic in that verse and this absolutely stands on its own, Maedhros discovering his kinks, chapters 2 (first time) and 4 (butt plug shenanigans) are my favorites
“in a field of stars” by Nacht - 3.4k oneshot, Years of the Trees, first time/get together, the writing style here is really unique and sticks with me
“a sword once sheathed” by @mc-dude - 3.5k oneshot, Beleriand era, reunion sex, the amount of horny longing is truly astonishing
Of Flight and Freedom by @admirablemonster - 2 chapters, 6.6k total, wingfic/wing kink, first time/get together, the Rescue and its aftermath
“Thorns” by yeaka - 2k oneshot, post-Angband, Maedhros with lousy self-worth, Fingon who punishes him with love, bondage
The Ice Between by angrymermaids (who has a tumblr but I don’t remember the url oops) - 7 chapters, 33.5k total, Beleriand era, piecing their relationship back together / trying to get back to being intimate, focus on Fingon and his trauma from the Ice
“much too tall for a boyfriend” by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor - 4.7k oneshot, fem!Maedhros x budding-transmasc!Fingon, Years of the Trees, I think about this fic ALL THE TIME I kind of want to write a sequel to it sjfdhdkjh
“the beat of your heart as my hand touches your skin” by @admirablemonster - 5.3k oneshot, part of the Elves in Pon Farr series, Years of the Trees, heat fic/mating cycles, first time/get together, Maedhros’ first heat catches him by surprise while on a camping trip with Fingon, accidental soulbond
“Beneath the Blanketing White” by @nikosheba - 2.3k oneshot, Himring era, pwp, cameo from little Gil-galad at the end
“What I Am (When I’m With You)” by @thatfeanorian - 5k oneshot, part of a larger modern AU, married fluff, Fingon with baby Gil, ends with some lovely smut, this was written for me so AGAIN I’m biased but I do very much love this one
“open your body and soul to me” by @the-quiet-fire-of-defiance - 2.3k oneshot, Years of the Trees, trans!Maedhros, pregnancy, exhibitionism, sex toys, they’re so in love that it drives me crazy, I can’t stop thinking about this fic djfhkjd
“Like the Golden Fire in Your Eyes” by @sianascera - 3.8k oneshot, Years of the Trees, Maedhros invents nipple piercings, extremely fun <3
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bbugyu · 2 years
Yesssssss… Chan is definitely my ult skz bias but I also bias Hyunjin and I’m always getting wrecked by Minho while occasionally being wrecked by Felix but yeah I just really love them all so much. My ult groups are definitely skz , svt, and atz but Got7 got me into Kpop so I will always love and cherish them.
If we’re talking girl groups it’s gotta be Dreamcatcher, Mamamoo, Billlie and Purple Kiss (possibly). What about you?
NOT US BOTH ULTING CHAN AND HAVING HYUNHO STRUGGLES JFBSJZB 😭😭😭😭 felix ... my lil yongbokie... i kiss his cheeks i am his protector ... nothing can ever harm him .
i also really like on/off (E-TION AKA CHANGYOON HAHA BEWITCHED MC'S FOSTER BROTHER CAMEOOOO i also love my japanese baby brother yuto <3) and pentagon (kino 🥴). i also managed to see ptg in seattle somehow 😳 i honestly dont know how that happened it was lk on accident LMAO
GAHHHH YOUR TASTE I ALSO ULT MAMAMOO 😭😭 solar <3 i also ult sunmi and somi!!! seeing sunmi in seattle for my first ever kpop concert literally made my life 😭😭 and my other fave ggs are weeekly (i ult jiyoon 💔 she just left the group but i have hopes that she's gonna continue writing songs for them because they never said she was terminating contract or leaving the company!! i also bias jaehee 😋), pixy (sua 🥹), twice (💞chaeyoung💞 sana 🥰 momo 😍), loona (🤩 olivia and kim lip 🤩) and itzy (💓LIAAAA💓)!!! i even flew to nyc the day after the seventeen concert in seattle (which i was also at) to see itzy in brooklyn for their debut showcase in 2020 😭 i've watched them grow up helppp
i love womenb <333 my kpop selection is 20% svtskz and 80% WOMEN.
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axwalker · 3 years
OTP Asks (right back atcha! :D) 2, 4, 5, 6, 15 (hard question, I know...), 20, 21
2, 4, 5, 6, 15 (hard question, I know...), 20, 21
2. Adore by Lewis
I just love that song and it has such an intense vibe. It mirrors perfectly the feeling Drake has for Lexie (my mc). 
I mean:
“Get me a drink, I get drunk off one sip, just so I can adore you
I want the entire street out of town just so I can be alone with you”
GAHHHH!!!! That’s so Drake! 
4. Do you prefer canon ideas or do you have your own headcanons for them?
I’m on the big minority but I LOVE canon up to book 3. I love the angst, the sneaking around, the stolen kisses, the moments in between. Every bit of it. 
At the same time, I do think canon falls short in a lot of aspects so I try to complete it. Specially when it comes to Drake’s personality. I have so many hc for him. I picture him as an equine veterinarian. I think he speaks at least three languages (and my Mexican descendant MC is teaching him Spanish). I think he loves to read —Paul Auster is his favorite author. And so many more … I spend more time that I’d car to admit thinking about Drake hahah
5. Favorite canon moment of them?
I answered this for another ask so I tried to think of another answer but I have the same one. I just love the stargazing moment so much. That’s when she started to fall for him, the first time he opened up to her, when they became friends and I could feel the chemistry for the first time! GAH! I love it. I’ve written a different version of it in every Au. I even canon that Drake built a skylight for Lexie in their room.
6. Least favorite canon moment of them?
How do I choose between the circus-media wedding and the moment where Liam practically stole their child?? On my last answer I chose the wedding but now I think the moment where they agree to give Liam their first born is worst. Completely out of character for the 3 of them.  
15. Which character of the pairing do you like more? (Would you ever pair yourself with them?)
Well, it’ not really a hard question for me. I know most writers would choose their Mc but for me is Drake. Always and forever. I mean, I love Lexie; I created her!  But if I have to choose, I’d choose Drake every time. Hands down!
Maybe it’s because I’m more similar to him than I’m to her.  I jut know I’m obsessed!
20. What made you decide to ship them?
Everything. I was never a Liam Stan. I tried to play his route the first time and everything seemed so … bland. And then coronation happened  and the scene where Drake asks you to kiss him before becoming Liam’s fiancé made me melt. Then Liam behaved like the biggest douche in the planet choosing Maddie and I was already sold to Drake so… 
In book 2, I didn’t pick any Liam scenes until later when I started writing fanfic and needed to get his character better. I love every second with Drake. 
21. Favorite genre for them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)
Angst. Completely. I write fluff to but I don’t enjoy as much as I do angst! 
Thank you for asking 💕💕
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char-lotteral · 3 years
I can understand why people would ship NS. In most cases, the tsundere always end with the MC .
Someone actually pointed out that SP was anti NS because they always abused the "tsundere punches the MC to get him out of his funk" trope. They painted her as abusive especially in the fillers where she always punches him when in reality that's not true. She barely punches in the manga. I feel like they did it to fuel anti Sakura people just so they point out and say look she's this she's that 😞 :')
Have you read the Sakura novel ?
Yea, I can see why some ppl ship NS, a lot of them mostly admire their bond and or think its the ship that wouldve made the most sense. Or they just rlly love that bestfriends to lovers sort of trope
And yes! Ive also read those criticisms against SP with the whole hitting thing. This is my MY MYYY perspective in that whole "SP is anti Sakura because of the hitting MC"
Its actually pretty common in shounen anime tropes for the tsundere female lead to hit the MC alot. FMAB. Winry literally hits Ed with a damn wrench from time to time. Black clover. Fairy Tail. Yu Yu hakusho and etcnsam.
BASICALLY, what Im trying to say is that I personally dont think SP animated those Sakura hitting scenes with ill intent, it was all for comedic effect. Basic slapstick comedy. I think it was the Studio's interpretation for Sakura's relationship with Nart and her character but I doubt they did that to attract antis on purpose. I also don't think they did it to put her in a bad spotlight. The Studio just happened to exaggerate the hitting joke from time to time that the fans used that joke against her character and the fans interpreted it the wrong way.
And I also dont think SP was "anti ns" because i promise you, there actually are alot of fillers about NS in shippuden. I watched most of the fillers because I was bored and every time i watched them, my nh heart just silently broke ;-; I skipped thru most of them cuz it hurt too much man. They also exaggerate Nardo simping for Sakura alot too, or maybe im just a bitter nh shipper lmao.
I mean, you cant tell me that SP is anti ns when ROAD TO NINJA EXISTS?¿
LIKE?? Have you seen that little birdal carry thingy and that filler episode where he talks about her smile, that other filler episode about mecha naruto (i read that Kishi made Mecha Naruto originally for the game and in the game, mecha dude liked hina :3 but in the anime, weeeeellll) Gahhhh too much NS in shippuden, my NH kokoro could not take it T^T.
The only fillers we had were when they were genin so stop holding that argument "Nh thrives off of fillers" against us okay?? T^T There were like 2-3 episodes of them going out on missions together as genin BUT THATS IT. THATS BASICALLY IT.
Stop slandering my comfort ship or else im gonna cry >=[
Okay but going back to the topic, i seriously doubt SP was anti ns. I dont think SP was anti anything. Theyre literally a group of different animators who provide for the fans. Now, Im not saying they dont have their faults with their interpretations and whatnot, IM JUST SAYING, i dont think the studio would be that childish to purposefully paint a character bad just to attract antis. Its just the fans misinterpreting it i guess.
The real villain here is kishimoto, whatre you guys talking about
I think it all boils down to perspective honestly. I as a viewer never held it against her tbh. Nart deserved it sometimes, so im not complaining ajdnks
And no, i havent hehe but ive read some snippets of it (mostly nh moments ;D) and i think i know the plot¿ im honestly too lazy to read all the light novels, i just skim through it sometimes hehehe
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cupofteaguk · 4 years
TRACI ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?! This characterization of Jungkook gets me so soft. I love the way you introduce him into the story. It feels so natural and a lil like fate bringing them together again after graduation. I was CHORTLING over coworker>friend jimin and their “fun time” hahahah you had me SWOONING with jk’s description “When he laughs, his eyes and nose crinkle and his lips spread into a wide smile- and brings out the dimple on his cheek. He looks like the embodiment of all your
hello the rest of this wonderful piece of literature art will be under the cut as well as me screaming about it: 
your ideal types mashed into a singular being.” YES x1000 all the most endearing physical traits!! But might I add: his adorable lil mole under his lip?? And the way she is so flustered about suddenly meeting him again is so endearing!! And the way jk scrambles to catch up with her and jimin to invite her on this road trip with him *clutches heart* AND THE WAY HE WALKS BACKWARDS A FEW STEPS?! He just wanted to see her for as long as possible. Ugh I know I’ve already said this, but I LOVED seeing this lil detail. Ok, but one thing I need to highlight is how AMAZINGLY you weaved in lil clues about jk’s mutual crush on her. And she was too oblivious to see it!!! “I’ve always been this charming- you just never noticed.” How he recognized Karly as someone she hung out with a lot- not something a mere acquaintance would notice. His desire to know about personal things like her family. OK but Traci, the way I SQUEALED during the scene where they take a walk to stretch out their legs and HE’S FILIMING HER LIKE ONE OF HIS GCF VIDEOS?!?!? The dialogue in this particular scene was def one of my faves in this whole piece. I FELT jk’s disappointment when she CLEARLY isn’t noticing his attempts at flirting. I need to know tho… does he end up using any of that footage for anything??? Another aspect I really enjoyed was the build up and pacing of the development of their relationship!! She and jk are clearly very comfortable and natural around each other, they just needed the lil extra PUSH for them to cross that inevitable line. I love that he asks her permission for a kiss, it had me big time uwu… UWU. And their lil hiccup with the Jennie miscommunication?! I FELT mc’s insecurity. How she was suddenly questioning the sincerity of his feelings. And I love that jk gives her space during the drive knowing something is going on but doesn’t pry. The way he handled their misunderstanding was so mature… bonus points for showing her the text convo with jennie “just go get ur dick wet!!!.... that is NOT the point!!! Just wanna love my new girl :(” ARE YOU KITTN ME?! THE WAY MY HEART JUST STUTTERED. And the ending lines tho… “I plan on fucking you in every hotel bed for the rest of the trip.” OMFG THE WAY MY COOCHIE STUTTERED THIS TIME THO. My gahhhh the drive home is gonna be WILD. Years of pent up desire from both parties is bound to make things… interesting. I’m sending up multiple prayers for her vag cus jk’s bout to tear it uppppp!!! Overall, such a fun read!!! I LOVE this couple, and I’m glad that they’ve found their way back to each other after 3 years apart!!! Thank you for sharing them with us. I hope you are well, and pls accept all my love!!
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mazojo · 5 years
Oooh Ria for the ship game do Kiro x MC, Victor x MC, Waltz x Lucette and Seven x MC and Ajay x MC (lol I think your Ajay love ruined me at least a bit ;) ).
AhHHHH Kateee!! thanks for the askkkk!! you know you send some of my biggest best boissss and I am here overthinking every single detail but I stannnn
Okay okay so here is my rankinggg (even though I love them all smmm I tried leveling them out with my favorites and all ;w;)
Kiro x MC - A
Okay okay so you know I ADOREE My boi Kiroooo, the only reason I dont give him the plus is just because I have no clue what is happening at the moment and I still love Victor and MC’s dynamic too so aHHhHHH
Victor x MC - A
Same with Kiro’s!! Even though I would personally go for someone like Kiro, I love love loveee Victor x MC’s dynamic xDD they complement each other really well and ahHH cant wait to read his chapter!!
Waltz x Lucette - A+
Waltz x Lucette is end game and no one can change my mindddd. Waltz is just so adorable and how he knew Lucette since they were little and just them meeting again and being witches together and eye- T H E M
Seven x MC - A+
I’ve said it a million times and I will never stop saying it, seven is my soULMATEEE lmaooo. But in all seriousness Seven is probably one of my favorite fictional characters and they way he is able to connect and love someone at the end of his route and just everything asdfghjk soft
Ajay x MC - A
gahHHH I LOVE AJAY TOOO, I was debating whether giving it a B considering the other ships but I still love it too much to rank it any lower ;w; they are a bit of opposites but I think those form the best dynamicsss
Thanks for sending me the ask twinn! <33 luv yaaa
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thirstyfortom · 6 years
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Not a shojo classic, but sitting with my crush is something I did a lot when I was a teenager, hehehe. Hope you like this! ^^
High School AU: Sitting together in the bus
“Hi, do you mind if I sit here?” “Sure, babe… make yourself comfortable!” he smiles slyly.
But internally he’s screaming. It’s you!
You’ll be staying by his side for the next two hours and a half. What should he do? What should he say?
Zen immediately fixes his posture, he doesn’t want you to think he’s one of these boys who sit with their legs wide open and don’t leave any space for people sitting next to them
“Are you excited for the trip?” you ask him. “Yeah, sure! It’s nice leaving the school once in a while…” “With authorization, for once?”
He blushes. Yes, his reputation as a bad student precedes him. But still… he didn’t know you knew about his little, not so little escapades.
“Yes, I… I’m just used not seeing you in the last period, it’s easy to tell you’re not there, since… you’re… a strong presence.” “Oh… thank you!” his eyes gleam.
“So… did you already pick your partner for the field trip?” “Hum… I have someone in mind, but I’m worried he’ll try to ditch this and just hang out in town…”
“I won’t! Here…” he offers his hand “You can hold my hand all the time so I won’t escape.”
Not that he had any intention to ditch this, he just wants to hold your hand.
He’s so tired from all the gaming last night he just wants to sit in the back and take a nap
But it’s impossible! Boy is fully alert since you’re sitting right next to him.
His knees bump into your legs slightly and he profusely apologizes, wanting to die when you just giggle.
Gahhhh, he knew he should have borrowed his father’s cologne just a little… what if he smells sweaty? He’s definitely sweating.
Then it happens: he yawns. Yoosung shakes his head to get rid of the sleepy state… and find you looking at him.
“It’s hard waking up this early, right?” you ask him. “Y-yeah, I never get used to it…” he would if he stopped pulling all nighters.
“Why don’t you take a little nap? I’ll wake you up when we arrive.” “N-no! You don’t have to! I am… *yawns* fine.” you giggle again. Gosh, he’s so pathetic!
“Rest a little. I promise no one will mess with you and take pics of you sleeping.” “I… guess… I should rest, yes…” he mulls over the possibility and gives in.
Only to find hours later that you really didn’t let anyone mess with him, but you messed with him yourself by drawing a small heart on his neck. And yeah, he should be pissed! But... w-why… why a heart out of all things?
She’s so glad it’s you sitting right beside her!
Because she knows  you’re very respectful and won’t try to start a conversation since she- you grab a book out of your bag and pay her no mind.
Oh… yeah, that’s good… probably.
So weird… that’s exactly what she would do if it was anyone else sitting with her, so why does it bother her that you’re not talking and laughing like other students are in the other rows?
You look ahead and slowly close your eyes, resting your back suddenly. Are you okay?
“Yeah, just a little car sick, I guess…” “Or bus sick…” huh? What is she even saying?
You look at her and start laughing. Whew… she’s so glad you’re feeling better…
“Yeah, that’s a better definition.” “Are you sure you’re okay? Should I tell the teacher?”
“No, I’m fine, just… feeling a little stupid, I guess…” “Stupid?” “Yes… I was so nervous for sitting next to you I just picked a book since I don’t know how to talk to you properly… and… I’m really stupid, because I just talked much more than I should.”
So does she as you both keep talking and barely notice the bus stops and you already arrived.
He hates the noise of school bus trips, so he isn’t exactly in a good mood
And no, you sitting next to him doesn’t make this any better.
Because even if he tries to start a conversation, you won’t hear him properly with so much noise
Or even worse, he’ll have to talk so loud other people will hear him, and he doesn’t want people meddling, of course.
So he sighs as he takes a book out of his bag, fighting the urge to glance at you.
But it’s impossible not to look when there’s a horn honking and the bus roughly shakes, making you lose your balance
He catches you, much less fazed than he would expect by getting to hold you by your shoulders with you basically landed in his lap.
“Are you alright?” “Y-yes… sorry.” “It wasn’t your fault.” he says, clearing his throat and adjusting his posture when you recompose yourself
“This wouldn’t happen if Driver Kim were here…” “Who’s Driver Kim?” “My personal driver. Well, technically, my father’s driver.”
“Oh… I see…” hum… it’s not that hard to hear you or be heard, he should keep talking to you. “Yes, you can meet him when we get back, I’ll give you a ride home, if you’re interested.” he smiles and puts his book back in the bag when you smile and say you would love that.
He’s stoked you’re sitting next to him
He prepared a few ride games to play with whoever would sit next to him, but he completely forgets about all the rules now that you’re here
Tsk… this wasn’t the way it was supposed to happen!
Why is he so nervous? Is it because he can smell your perfume? Or because his shoulder keeps bumping into yours? Gahhh!
Tsk… he’s being so weird, he should probably put on his earplugs and calm down a little.
“Oh… smart idea…” you tell him, smiling. “What… what do you mean?” “I forgot my earphones, so now I think I’ll have to… talk to people to kill time.”
“Talk to people? Oh, the horror!” he says dramatically. And you both laugh.
“You can, uhm… we can share mine… if you don’t mind my musical taste.” he fidgets the earplug, offering it to you.
“No, I’ve always been curious about your musical taste…” you take the earplug and smile.
Ah great… now he can’t focus on the song because he’s wondering what you meant by that.
He offered the seat next to him when you seemed to have a hard time finding one available
Little did you know he actually did all he could to keep this seat just for you hehehehe
But he didn’t think it would be this awkward… he’s so stiff in his seat, looking ahead and eyeing you from time to time
So he focuses on the view outside, the trees passing by… he’s almost feeling sleepy
Then he gets stiff for real when he feels a weight against his shoulder… and slowly look down…
You fell asleep! You fell asleep on him! Oh my God! You’ll be so embarrassed when you wake up! He should do his best on making this the less weird as it’s possible.
Should he wake you up? Clear his throat loud enough for you to wake up by yourself? Your hair smells so nice… wait, what?
You must be pretty tired to sleep so easily even with all this noise, should he really wake you up?
“Ohhh, looks like we have a sleepyhead!” Saeyoung beams, already fidgeting the pen in his hand to draw in your face.
“Hey, let her sleep…” he wraps his arm around your shoulder to protect you. Yeah, good job trying to make this less awkward, Jihyun...
He should not have taken the seat next to the window, he’s sure about that
Because now he’ll be trapped by the person who sits next to him and… oh, it’s you, nevermind…
Saeran looks around, noticing there are plenty of other empty seats and yet you chose to sit beside him, why would that be?
Should he say something? Most people are talking and having fun with their seat partners… you aren’t having fun, are you?
“Hey… it’s a little stuffy in here, can we open the window?” you ask him. He nods, feeling like it’s his fault this is so uncomfortable for you.
He tries to open it, but it’s a little stuck. Ah crap! Now he’s making a fool of himself in front of you!
“Here, let me try…” you lean against him. Close! You’re so close! His heart is thumping so hard!
“Let’s… let’s try it together…” he says, placing his hand over yours before you both pull, successfully opening the window and smiling at each other in victory.
“Uhhh… MC and Saeran are dating…” he hears one of your friends teasing you from a few rows behind. “So what if we are? Mind your own business!” you spat back, making his heart beat even faster. You… don’t have a problem by hearing you guys could be dating? That’s… surprising… and really good...
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on HSS: Class Act Chapter 4
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- It’s offical. I love the OG choices books, but after 4 chapters I’ve decided I like this book a lot more. A LOT MORE. Whoops....
- I love our twin’s outfit!!! Baby brother looking fresh in these streets 
- I think I’m gonna incorporate the photos thing from now on, and try to pick ones that hit highlights for the book. 
 - Girl MC’s outfit was cute, and I got Rory from Gilmore Girls vibes from it, but I don’t know if I liked it on Meghan. Weird. 
- AIDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (did I add enough exclamation marks?) I mean, yes it was great to see Sydney and Caleb and whatever, but like. Aiden. My OG choices MC is dating him. Like, I’ve been waiting to see my favorite band geek.
- We didn’t get to see OG choices MC, but my girl Denise is doing fine according to Aiden. Headcanon that the 2 MCs get along, #confirmed. 
-Ajay would be good at one of the few weird things I wish I could do. I always mange to smash a finger or two when I play pool. Also, that establishing shot looked a lot like the Lovehacks book 2 scene with MC and Mark and in this essay I will-
- While this quick thoughts is based off only one play of the chapter, and I only did Rory’s scene (which was CUTE btw), I love Ajay and Skye equally and I think I might go back and do their diamond scenes, seeing as we can pick romantic, friends, and the like. Gahhhh, I love it!
- Not even gonna waste my breath on Danielle. That girl is too much for her own good. 
- I love how Meghan and Rory are both space/astronomy lovers. Like, if you listen carefully, you can here the mother in me crying over her children. 
- .....the ice statue? Okay. Let’s talk about this. *Inhales* Hmm, okay. Amber is a sweetheart, I still think that. She’s also extremely excitable and I liken her to a love sick puppy (her and Malcolm actually). When baby brother reacted the way he did to the ice sculpture, and then we came full circle with Amber asking him to homecoming and saying she loved him, I literally felt like Erin, down to the words she said to Meghan. Y’all, I don’t like where this is going. Both parties are gonna get hurt, and I feel like I’m now watching a runaway train on a burning track....
- Back to Skye for a quick moment, I really do love that girl. I did not anticipate how much I would. Imma officially state here on this dumb post that Meghan and Skye will become the best of friends and you can’t convince me otherwise (Skye secretly already likes her soooooo)
- All in all, another great, lighthearted chapter and I’m loving how the story is progressing so far. Until next time! 
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lilith-fics · 6 years
all the content belongs to cheritz:
-prologue: day 1-
MC has entered the chatroom.
YOOSUNG: Failed my midterms fml T_T
707: Cuz u played LOLOL all night lol.
JUMIN: If you want to work for our company, you should take care of your GPA.
YOOSUNG: I’m still on the list?! +_+
707: Nice~ Can’t believe u get to work straight after college lol
707: In this day and age!
ZEN: Lame. It’s nepotism.
JUMIN: It’s called recruitment actually.
ZEN: It’s giving a free pass instead of actually training the worker.
JUMIN: Whatever. I couldn’t care less what you say.
ZEN: What’s the difference between recruitment and nepotism?
707: Thought they r the same? O_O?
JUMIN: It’s nepotism if you recruit a person you know and they aren’t of any help.
YOOSUNG: Oh… So you become a candidate for nepotism the same time you’re recruited!
707: Wait!!
ZEN: ??
707: Think someone entered the chat room;;
ZEN: Wtf. How did it get in here?
707: Hacker!
YOOSUNG: Hacker!? Therae’s a hacker in ouer room!!!
YOOSUNG: Sevnee do somethign!!
ZEN: Hey, typos. -_-;;
707: Wait a sec. I’m searching.
JUMIN: Who are you? Reveal yourself. Hey, Assistant Kang.
JAEHEE: Yes, I am here.
ZEN: You were so quiet I thought you went somewhere.
JAEHEE: Nothing was out of the ordinary so I was just watching
JAEHEE: but I see something has just happened.
JUMIN: Why is a stranger in our chatroom?
JAEHEE: No one can enter this chatroom without installing the private app we use… It seems someone has downloaded the RFA Messenger.
YOOSUNG: I thought Seven let only us download it?
ZEN: Maybe someone downloaded the app on two phones?
707: Maybe?
JUMIN: Who downloaded it twice?
YOOSUNG: Not me!
MC: Hello…
YOOSUNG: Gahhhh it’s talking!!
ZEN: So it’s not two smartphones.
JUMIN: Who is it?
YOOSUNG: Find out what it is!
JAEHEE: How did you find out about this place? Where did you download the application?
707: Oh… ^^; Wait.
ZEN: What is it. Hurry and tell me.
707: I traced the IP…
707: It’s from Rika’s apartment.
YOOSUNG: Rika’s apartment?
JUMIN: Where was it?
JAEHEE: The location is not revealed. I know it to be classified.
707: Anyways, someone must have broken into her apt.
707: It talked now, so it must be a person ^^;
YOOSUNG: So it hacked the program, Seven?
707: Yup
YOOSUNG: Who are you?! How did you get into Rika’s apartment?!
YOOSUNG: How did you get this app?!
YOOSUNG: Gah~ So scared right now…
YOOSUNG: I thought the apartment has a passworh lobk?
ZEN: Typo
JAEHEE: I assume it was a break in.
JAEHEE: Username “MC”, I recommend that you confess.
ZEN: Jaehee, would you voluntarily confess to everything if it were you?
JAEHEE: No. But it is good to ask first.
707: Lolol
JUMIN: Quit shitting around.
JUMIN: MC… Who are you?
JUMIN: Reveal yourself, stranger.
JUMIN: If you do not reveal yourself, you will pay.
ZEN: Stranger you will pay? Lmfao
ZEN: omg~*so scary*~
ZEN: It might be a girl.
707: That’s sexist lol. U should watch what u say now that ur a famous actor.
ZEN: I’m not famous;; just a bit recognizable.
YOOSUNG: Nah~ Look at the youtube hits~
ZEN: Dude. Stawp;;
707: lolol
JAEHEE: That video is still excellent no matter how many times I watch it.
YOOSUNG: Zen, when do you start your next piece?
ZEN: ;;Don’t know. It’s up to the director.
YOOSUNG: He’s a celebrity lol! I’m gonna tell everyone at school.
JUMIN: Don’t get distracted.
YOOSUNG: Oh, right. Username MC…
JAEHEE: … An abrupt stranger.
707: My hands r shaking as I hack.
JUMIN: Who are you? Reveal yourself right now.
YOOSUNG: Yeees! Who are u?!
ZEN: Use proper english please.
707: If it doesn’t say anything I’ll hack in and find out.
ZEN: …Maybe
ZEN: one of my fans?
MC: Reveal yourselves first. I’m the most confused one here…
JUMIN: How fierce.
ZEN: Are you a woman?
707: Zen. Be more serious, plz?
707: And wait a sec on the woman thing.
707: Looking it up.
JAEHEE: Such a search violates privacy laws.
707: Ya. I’m only saying I’m looking it up.
707: No evidence that I’m actually hackginh.
YOOSUNG: Seven, that’s obviously a lie. lol
YOOSUNG: And I know that typo’s on purpose.
YOOSUNG: Won’t it tell us about itself if we tell who we are first?
ZEN: To be honest…
ZEN: I agree with Yoosung.
JUMIN: More like you want to show off who you are.
YOOSUNG: Should we… introduce ourselves?
JUMIN: Are you serious…?
JAEHEE: I think it is a bit too early for that.
ZEN: Hi. I’m Zen. (24 yrs old) Musical actor… Don’t look me up on the internet.
ZEN: It’s embarrassing.
YOOSUNG: Zen, you’re so brave!
JUMIN: Guess he wanted to show himself off.
ZEN: No way~!
YOOSUNG: Omg… a photo too.
JAEHEE: My eyes have been cleansed.
JAEHEE: Wait. I can’t be like this…
JUMIN: I see that he has zero interest in his privacy.
707: Lolol
707: My nickname’s 707.
707: Real name is a secret.
707: Fyi, Zen’s real name is Hyun Ryu.
ZEN: Your name’s a secret but not mine?;
707: U don’t care anyways lol.
JAEHEE: 707 does have the strangest name so I understand the secrecy.
707:  The name’s too holy to be spread around~ I’m gonna pray after I finish hacking.
ZEN: Pray, yeah right;;
707: Just remember me as the 22yr old young hacker lol
707: Where I live is also a secret.
ZEN: So many secrets;;
YOOSUNG: I’m Yoosung Kim! I’m a college student… 21 yrs old.
JUMIN: I don’t know why everybody’s introducing themselves. You don’t even know who that person is.
707: So warm and fuzzy here
ZEN: Lol. Seven, you don’t have any selfies to show?
707: Nothing recent.
707: Oh and also!
707: Jumin’s the heir of a pretty famous corporation and Jaehee is his assistant. 27 and 26 yrs old respectively.
707: You have a better sense of who we are now, MC?
JUMIN: Why did you say that…?
707: Doubted you’d do it urself.
JUMIN: Stop shitting around.
707: Oh, fyi, Jumin has the cutest cat.
JUMIN: Why are we talking about Elizabeth the 3rd to a stranger?
707: The cat’s name is Elizabeth the 3rd.
707: Oh. U already said lol.
YOOSUNG: That info’s a bit useless…
YOOSUNG: We’re not even close with this MC person yet lol
JUMIN: Can’t believe he showed a photo of Elizabeth the 3rd to a stranger…
JUMIN: Idiot…
JUMIN: I know you came to my house the other day and harassed her. It’s all on CCTV.
707: My precious privacy!
ZEN: Yeah since you care so much about privacy.
YOOSUNG: CCTV screenshots omg
JUMIN: And Yoosung.
JUMIN: Is my Elizabeth the 3rd useless?
707: That was so funn~~
707: I want to see the cat again~
ZEN: Stop talking about cats. Giving me goosebumps.
JAEHEE: I suggest that we take care of this stranger first.
JAEHEE: Could it be that we have a security breach?
ZEN: True. MC, how did you get in here?
YOOSUNG: Is it really in Rika’s apartment?
707: Yup. It’s for sure…
707: How did it get the apartment password?!
ZEN: Where the hell is the apartment?
MC: I am flustered too. I was connected to a stranger through a messenger app and he sent me the address.
JUMIN: Chatting with a stranger…
JUMIN: How naive.
ZEN: So cute lol
ZEN: Went to an address from a chatting app lolol
YOOSUNG: Don’t listen to strangers~ The world is dangerous.
JAEHEE: I agree.
707: Wait.
707: Do u have that person’s username or chat record?
MC: The username was ‘Unknown’. And the record was deleted.
JUMIN: Does the username not exist? Why is it ‘Unknown’?
707: I made it impossible to log in without setting a username.
707: Nothing’s in the log…
YOOSUNG: What’s a log? Is it a job title for online games?
JUMIN: Tree trunk
JAEHEE: It refers topast records;;
ZEN: Tsk tsk everyone’s so dumb
JUMIN: Never thought I’d hear that from you
707: Omg lolol can’t believe Zen just said that
JUMIN: The world must be coming to an end.
JAEHEE: Everyone please calm down. Let’s look at the situation at hand.
707: Hmm. Good point, Jaehee.
JAEHEE: Who do you think that ‘Unknown’ person is?
707: Maybe…
707: A hacker…?!
707: A hacker! No way.
707: I have everything covered!
707: Hey, MC. So he told you the password for the door lock?
MC: Ya. I know nothing
ZEN: Cute lol
YOOSUNG: How did you end up chatting with that person?
JAEHEE: I see.
JAEHEE: Where did you download this messenger app?
JAEHEE: MC, you are quite strange as well.
ZEN: Do you think this person’s a creep? No way.
MC: I just wanted to downloaded the game and play it.
YOOSUNG: You like games too!
YOOSUNG: I love games.
YOOSUNG: Do you know this game called LoLoL?
ZEN: Dude. A girl won’t play that game;
ZEN: Don’t ask stupid questions.
707: Anyways.
707: I should trace the person who distributed the app.
JUMIN: If what she is saying is true.
JAEHEE: I think it would be a good idea to contact V.
707: Yeah. I think that’s a good idea.
707: I’ll call and explain everything.
JUMIN: I can call.
707: Already on it lol
ZEN: Fast.
YOOSUNG: Seven seems talk to V pretty often.
MC: Who’s V?
ZEN: V is… like our boss.
707: The evil mastermind.
JUMIN: …or not. He’s the person who has control over this chat room and the organization we’re in.
JUMIN: I hope V comes and takes care of all this.
ZEN: V’s too busy these days to come chat… We’ll get to talk to him because of this~
YOOSUNG: We’re all busy. I don’t like that V’s the only one not coming.
ZEN: Well… that’s true…
JAEHEE: V should know that MC is here so let’s just wait.
JAEHEE: Seven, are you calling him?
707: Ya.
YOOSUNG: But shouldn’t we tell MC what this chatroom is for first?
YOOSUNG: She has to know how serious it is that she’s here!
JUMIN: What’s more serious is that she’s in Rika’s apartment.
YOOSUNG: That’s true…
JAEHEE: I am always ready to call the police.
YOOSUNG: Jaehee’s scary T_T
JUMIN: Until we figure out who MC is
JUMIN: I don’t want to reveal anything.
JAEHEE: I agree.
707: Wecan.
707: Sorry callingvandtypingwithonehand
YOOSUNG: Type after you finish the call.
707: Lookedintoownerofdevice.
707: she’scutelol
YOOSUNG: You did a background check on her!? So MC is definitely a girl?
MC: You’re not violating my…
707: Itolduimahacker.
707: Butnoevidenceididit
JUMIN: What? It’s really a girl?
707: Ya.
V has entered the chatroom.
ZEN: Show me a photo
707: Nope~
707: How dare you try to violate someone’s privacy like that.
ZEN: Is that MC!?
YOOSUNG: omg I thought we were respecting her privacy?
JAEHEE: ;;;;;
JAEHEE: That is a photo of me.
YOOSUNG: Oh right! Sorry I was too excited;;
ZEN: So..sorry for not recognizing you;;
JAEHEE: Mr. Han, you can’t recognize me either?
JUMIN: Now what are we going to do?
707: V’s coming here soon. He just hung up.
V: I’m already logged in.
707: Oh, V! You’re here ^_^
ZEN: Finally he’s here.
V: Yeah. I guess I’m the last one to know about this.
JUMIN: Oh well.
V: How is everyone? Jaehee, you’ve been well?
JAEHEE: Yes. It’s been a long time, V.
V: Hey.
V: Well, I heard about a situation.
V: MC is currently in Rika’s apartment with info from a stranger and logged into this chatroom.
707: I told him everything through the phone.
JUMIN: Who disclosed the password for Rika’s apartment?
V: Well. No one knew the password. I don’t even know.
YOOSUNG: …Thought V knew.
YOOSUNG: She never invited me to her apartment.
JUMIN: It’s the same for everyone else.
JUMIN: No one’s been there before.
YOOSUNG: Tell us the address. I’ll go there… I want to check who MC is myself.
YOOSUNG: Seven, you know right? You traced the IP just now.
707: Uhm. Sorry but…
707: I can’t tell you that.
YOOSUNG: I’m her surviving family.
ZEN: Maybe because you’re just her cousin?
707: Not even her immediate family can go.
707: And the apartment doesn’t belong to Rika.
YOOSUNG: Then who?
V: Me.
YOOSUNG: You don’t even know the password!
V: I just respected her privacy.
YOOSUNG: …Were you really in a relationship with her?
JUMIN: I can’t believe you never knew the password.
V: I’ve never even been there. I just know where it is.
V: Anyways, the apartment is in my name.
V: Rika usually worked there. There are a lot of documents in there that must not be damaged.
V: I can’t reveal the address because all the classified information about this organization is stored there, plus other sensitive materials.
JUMIN: I didn’t know the place contained sensitive material.
YOOSUNG: You don’t trust us enough to let us go, right?
JUMIN: Don’t take it personally. It’s better to be ignorant sometimes.
V: Yes, for the reason that Jumin said.
V: Anyways, I can’t tell you the address. I’m sorry.
YOOSUNG: Then how did Seven know that the address he traced is Rika’s apartment?
JAEHEE: Since he’s responsible for the organization’s classified information.
707: Yup. That’s true, but also I’m the one who developed this app.
707: Rika wanted to take care of some work through this too.
707: I went to her place to link the app with some of the documents in her computer.
JUMIN: I see.
V: Only Luciel and I know the address.
V: I repeat, since the information must be protected, please do not attempt to find the apartment.
V: Do not ask MC about it and MC, please do not reveal the address.
MC: Luciel?
ZEN: That’s 707’s real name. ‘Luciel Choi’
YOOSUNG: omg Jaehee just said lol
JUMIN: I think it’s his baptismal name?
707: I’m going to go pray for a moment.
YOOSUNG: What do we do about her apartment?
YOOSUNG: Can MC stay there?
V: First…
V: No one here is going to go to Rika’s apartment, right?
V: Since the information involves everyone around us, there might be trouble if we are not careful.
JUMIN: Yeah yeah. You can stop explaining. Classified information. Got it.
JUMIN: But it is a mystery how a complete stranger could end up there.
V: If it’s someone who knows the password…
V: It might be someone that Rika trusted.
JUMIN: Someone Rika trusted?
V: I am only guessing…
707: So then that ‘Unknown’ person…
707: knew Rika!?
707: I can’t believe she trusted someone more than V.
YOOSUNG: I don’t believe that. She couldn’t have trusted anyone more than us…
ZEN: That is… a bit surprising.
V: It’s hard to believe myself… But we shouldn’t assume that we knew everything about Rika.
V: She…
V: had a deep world of her own.
JUMIN: …Anyways, V, continue.
V: If I am right.
V: MC being at her apartment right now…
V: Rika must have wanted that.
JUMIN: Rika called in a complete stranger from up in the sky?
V: I’m not saying she wanted MC to be there… but maybe…
V: Rika wanted someone to do the work she did before.
V: At the place she worked before.
JUMIN: What…?
ZEN: No way…
JAEHEE: The work Rika did before…
707: Hosting parties?
ZEN: You mean Rika’s party.
YOOSUNG: Do you really think… that Rika planned this?
YOOSUNG: If she made that decision when she was alive…
V: That’s my guess… but yes.
V: Since she didn’t leave a will.
V: According to the information Luciel provided, MC doesn’t seem dangerous.
JUMIN: I’m not sure about this to be honest…
V: Besides, she’s basically in the same boat now that she knows about this messenger app.
V: Whoever she might be.
707: But still…
ZEN: If that’s what V thinks…
MC: I just came here to find the owner of the phone… What is going on…
707: Owner of the phone?
707: You were phished lol
707: According to V’s guess, Rika… the person who used to live there
707: had the person ‘Unknown’ convince u to go to the apartment.
JAEHEE: I understand… that everyone values V’s opinion.
JAEHEE: This chatroom is strictly prohibited to strangers.
JAEHEE: If I may say so, I think that we must verify what MC has said.
JAEHEE: For all we know, MC could have simply made up that ‘Unknown’ person.
707: I feel like Jaehee’s glasses are glinting right now.
V: Thank you for your opinion, Jaehee.
V: But right now, I would appreciate it if you could trust me.
V: If MC is not to be trusted, we can deal with it then.
MC: Please explain.
ZEN: Okay.
ZEN: Rika is…
ZEN: V’s old girlfriend, and the person who created this chatroom.
YOOSUNG: Rika hosted parties regularly for a good cause.
YOOSUNG: She organized a group called RFA to plan the party and manage participants.
MC: Good cause?
707: She hosted a fundraiser to help those in need
707: and introduced the guests to one another to arrange business deals.
707: Rika
707: founded the organization called RFA four years ago and hosted two parties until so far.
707: The six of us who knew her personally joined the organization and helped her host the parties.
YOOSUNG: She was an amazing person…
YOOSUNG: She always sparkled.
ZEN: And Rika…
ZEN: is no longer here with us…
ZEN: She passed away a year and a half ago.
707: MC has to know this anyways…
ZEN: Anyways, we still haven’t gotten over that yet
ZEN: so please just keep it to yourself… MC.
JUMIN: I still can’t believe…
JUMIN: that Rika knew she’d pass away and planned all this.
JUMIN: But I’ll just consider it as true for now since V thinks so.
YOOSUNG: …I can’t imagine… someone else taking over what Rika did.
ZEN: But if we continue on like this, there’s no need for the party or our organization to continue.
JUMIN: We don’t even know who she is though.
ZEN: Just the fact that she’s in this chatroom makes me trust her a bit though;;
JUMIN: Not because MC’s a girl?
V: Everyone… I know that this is confusing. But…
V: Maybe MC was chosen by Rika.
V: 707 will look into that person called ‘Unknown’.
V: So for now, please just believe in me and wait.
707: I guess ur busy right now. Ur replies are really late.
V: Yeah, I think… I have to leave right now.
V: MC, it is best not to touch anything in the apartment.
V: It won’t be good if the alarm rings.
V: Everything that you have to do… will be linked with this app installed on your phone.
MC: I thought this is just a messenger app?
V: I know there to be other features.
V: Seven will know the details.
707: Yeah.
707: This app program is not just a simple messenger.
707: All the party related emails in Rika’s computer
707: will be transferred to this app.
707: U’ll be able to automatically receive the guests’ information as well.
707: And send personal messages to other members…
V: Then there’s no need for MC to touch Rika’s old things.
JAEHEE: All MC has to do is use this app.
707: I put in all those features so that Rika could work more comfortably.
707: Glad there’s a use for them lol
ZEN: Hey. My messenger doesn’t have any email checking thing?
YOOSUNG: Mine neither…
YOOSUNG: Can’t my messenger tell me if my LoL friends are logged in?
707: omg
V: I’m sorry…
V: But I have to leave.
707: Okay. See u later, V.
V: Jumin.
V: Please take care of things for me.
JUMIN: …Alright.
V has left the chatroom.
707: …V’s gone.
ZEN: Yup. What’s he so busy with?
JUMIN: None of your business.
707: Anyways, let’s do what V said. MC, u can log into this chatroom from time to time right?
ZEN: Yup. And come chat with us regularly.
JUMIN: Why doesn’t everyone stop stalking and Assistant Kang summarize everything for her.
JUMIN: And invite her to the organization.
JAEHEE: Alright.
JAEHEE: RFA is an organization Rika created so that anyone can freely make donations regardless of class or nationality.
JAEHEE: At the time, she hosted quite large parties once every two years, and they were very successful.
ZEN: Those were busy days. I thought people were going to trample me.
JAEHEE: This chatroom was used to discuss plans for the party.
707: I created this chatroom lol.
YOOSUNG: Everyone knows that already…
JAEHEE: Because this chatroom contained a lot of information that cannot be publicly released
JAEHEE: the app was distributed in secret only for RFA members.
JAEHEE: But ever since Rika passed away, we have not hosted a single party
JUMIN: Yeah… not a single one.
JUMIN: We wanted to, but without Rika, we couldn’t proceed.
JAEHEE: …And this chatroom became a place for us to talk about personal matters.
707: We check that everyone’s alive with this chatroom and literally just chat.
YOOSUNG: We shared our memories of Rika too.
JAEHEE: …MC, I think you were led to that place without any explanation.
JAEHEE: If V is right, it seems that someone sent you there to fill Rika’s position.
JAEHEE: Considering that you knowing about the existence of that place as satisfies the conditions for joining the organization, following V’s orders…
JUMIN: Fyi, currently there are six members. Me, V, Zen, 707, Yoosung, and Assistant Kang. Everyone in the chatroom.
ZEN: If MC joins, it will be seven.
YOOSUNG: Is she… really becoming a new member?
JUMIN: We didn’t hear from MC yet.
JUMIN: All we are trying to do is host parties, raise funds, gather people… and things like that.
JUMIN: Our organization has done a lot of good so far.
JUMIN: … You will never regret joining.
YOOSUNG: I thought Jumin was against her. Why the sudden change?
JUMIN: I am only following V’s decision.
ZEN: If you join the organization, we’ll be able to talk more. Not everyday we meet a pretty girl.
707: Uhm. How do you know she’s pretty? I didn’t even send the photo.
ZEN: Send the photo.
707: No.
ZEN: Damn.
JUMIN: Men will be men.
ZEN: And you’re not a man?
707: Heard somewhere Jumin’s gay.
ZEN: Omg…
ZEN: Go away. You scare me.
JUMIN: Not even worth responding to that.
YOOSUNG: But Zen, you have really low standards. You still care for looks?
JAEHEE: Famous people must not act that way.
ZEN: Gosh~ I’m not famous~
JUMIN: Everyone stop messing around.
JUMIN: I was talking?
JAEHEE: I apologize.
JUMIN: MC, will you join RFA?
MC: Alright. It looks fun. I’ll give it a go.
YOOSUNG: That’s a fast decision..
JUMIN: Ha. I like it.
JAEHEE: I wonder if you have thought this through.
ZEN: Welcome, MC. Oi, Seven. Register her info asap.
707: Ya. I have to register her before she changes her mind.
YOOSUNG: Even the processing is fast…
YOOSUNG: MC must be a positive person, seeing that she made her decision so fast.
JAEHEE: She may not be a careful person.
JUMIN: Assistant Kang, is there something you do not like about her?
YOOSUNG: Hey~ Jaehee, don’t be like that.
JAEHEE: It is not that.
YOOSUNG: …I’m glad we have a girl now! It was a hopeless sausage fest until now lol.
YOOSUNG: MC! If you have any questions, I can answer them.
YOOSUNG: Ask anything you need.
YOOSUNG: No need to worry about anything ^^
707: Good. I’ve registered her as a member! Oh. We don’t really need ur signature.
YOOSUNG: You’re going to collect all the info so she can’t run away, right?
707: ^^… Since it’s a verbal contract.
ZEN: …Don’t collect anything without MC’s permission.
707: Ya.
707: I’m gonna leave for a sec. Need to check sth.
ZEN: Background check on MC?
707: Nah~ It’s work. I have to make a living somehow.
YOOSUNG: Stop it. You get paid enough.
707: How do u know how much I get paid?
YOOSUNG: I saw your new car on fb…
707: Oh lol. Did u like the photo?
707: Good job lol.
707: I’m gonna peace out.
JAEHEE: Well, since she has joined, I think everyone can leave if they need to.
ZEN: Yeah?
JUMIN: Hmm. Let me check my schedule…
707: Anyways, welcome MC.
YOOSUNG: Welcome!! Good luck to us.
ZEN: Glad you joined, MC ^^
JUMIN: We’ll see how you do.
JAEHEE: For now, I look forward to working with you.
Jumin Han has left the chatroom.
ZEN: Oh… By the way
ZEN: I had a good dream last night. I think I saw you there…
ZEN: Or not. Bye~!
ZEN has left the chatroom.
707 has left the chatroom.
Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom.
Yoosung★ has left the chatroom.
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sparkylovesbooks · 7 years
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Some Random 5-star Reads!
These are all books that i have rated 5 stars in recent years, and I adore all of them to bits (obviously, since I gave them a full 5-star rating!), but for some reason I don’t talk about them very much! Some of these I’ve never talked about! So I thought I’d share some of them, and give a bit of info on why I love them so much.
My Name Is Memory by Ann Brashares
Written by the author of the Sisterhood of the Traveling pants series, this book tells the story of Daniel & Sophia, who have fallen in love time after time over hundreds of years of time. Daniel remembers all of their past lives, but Sophia does not. He manages to find her every time they are reincarnated though.
Basically this book is a good version of “Fallen” by Lauren Kate (minus the fallen angels). It is romantic, magical, emotional, and beautiful. The words are written lyrically and the story is inter-woven at the highest quality - which is impressive considering it’s a time-travel-esque book. Because of the nature of the story - what with it spanning hundreds of years and involving reincarnation - this book could have been cheesy or convoluted or many other negative things. But it’s not. it’s just beautiful and I LOVE it!
The Host by Stephenie Meyer
DO NOT JUDGE THIS BOOK BY TWILIGHT. This is in my top 20 favorite books of all time. For sure. It also contains one of my all-time favorite ships. It blends science fiction, romance, and great character building (of every single character too btw, like goddamn) in a young adult book and is just so freaking impressive. Stephenie Meyer takes her time with this book, not just building the scenery so that it is painted perfectly in your head as you read it, but also in the intricacies of her characters’ relationships & personalities. I am so in love with every aspect of this book. I re-read it all the time, and still swoon over so many lines and scenes. And Wanderer & Ian O’Shea are baes. (PS I don’t hate the movie adaptation of this books...)
The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly by Stephanie Oakes
This was the best book I read in 2016 hands down. If you want proof, check out my video here. Or my full review on Goodreads here. But seriously. This book is EVERYTHING. It is supremely well done, it is absolutely unique, and surprising in so many ways. I remember when I first picked it out from the library, I knew nothing about it at all and had no expectations; I just recognized the cover from Instagram. But boy am I happy I ended up reading it!
This book is technically a retelling of a Brothers Grimm fairy tale, but it just is so much more than that! It takes the original story and makes it better and poignant and fantastic. The plot, storytelling techniques, emotions, and writing will all take you by surprise, i guarantee it!
Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman
This book was my second favorite read of 2016! Similarly to “Minnow,” I went into this book with no expectations and bought it solely because of the cover, which is just so striking!
“Vengeance Road” is a YA western (the only ya western that I’m aware of at that, so if you guys know of any others please let me know!) that wayyyyy delivers! It is action-packed and the backdrop of the story is in the desert heat during the 1800′s. AND the MC is a female... and a badass heroine female at that yaaaaaas. I highly recommend this book, it’s just so fun and full of adventure and unputdownable.
Confess by Colleen Hoover
The only Colleen Hoover book I am a fan of out of the ones I’ve read so far. “Confess doesn’t have any problematic tropes or characters. It has a couple of evil (SO evil) characters, but they aren’t written as heroes. So they aren’t romanticized as good people. *cough*november9*cough*
This book is so addicting and angsty, and one of the only books I’ve ever actually physically cried while reading it. I just swoon over the love story and had all of the feels over the dramatic plot and gahhhh. Also the web series adaption of this is 10/10 would recommend.
Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys
Why why why why aren’t more people reading this book? I mean, I know a significant number of people are, but not nearly enough! “Out of the Easy” made me want to read more historical fiction that takes place in New Orleans... but I can’t find any others for the life of me!
So first of all, this book has a 4.09 rating on goodreads with nearly 29,000 ratings... that’s awesome in and of itself. This story is crafted so well with impeccable writing. I really think that Ruta Sepetys is one of the best authors I’ve ever read, she’s just so damn good at it. And this one in particular has just no bad qualities at all. It tugs at your heart and has real depth. But yeah, Ruta has an incredible gift. She does a fantastic job of writing dialogue, descriptions, and interior monologue. They blend together perfectly to make a very readable, deep, and touching book.
Red Rising by Pierce Brown
MAJOR AUTHOR SWOON ALERT. B/C PIERCE IS FINE AS HELL. Additionally, he is an absolute nerd, has an incredible vocabulary, is so well-spoken, and is such a freaking bookworm himself.
ANYWAY. His passion for science fiction and literature itself is so evident in “Red Rising.” He writes very carefully and every line has a purpose. The imagination of this novel is simply astounding. And the fact that this is his first publish work... is just... I cannot.
I have seen blurbs about this book that compare it to Hunger Games... NO. This is nothing like Hunger Games. imho it’s better.
This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
The YA queen! <3 I have read all of Sarah Dessen’s books except her newest release “Once and For All,” but “This Lullaby” is my favorite of hers. To the point where if I ever have a daughter, I want to name her Remy.
All of Sarah’s books are realistic and ground themselves in ordinary characters who are dealing with hardships that are yes difficult, but not crazy dramatic or out of the realm of possibility. They just feel like real life. With this book specifically, I personally felt like the focus was on the characters even more than her other works - which is saying something! but Remy and Dexter and all of their friends just jump out of the page for me. And I just really like how Remy in particular changes over the course of this novel; her story arc is a great one.
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ijungkooki · 7 years
Newlyweds with the RFA
A/N: right so I’m an idiot bc i accidentally deleted the ask but this was requested by anonymous so here’s some cutesy fluff hope you like it lolol Yoosung:
You wake up before he does
He looks so peaceful sleeping next to you
lololol of course he’s drooling a bit but that’s ok it’s cute
His limbs are draped over you like a freaking koala bear but you don’t wanna move and wake your new husband so you settle with a smol kiss on the tiny bean’s nose
He does that super cute thing where he crinkles his nose a lil and you giggle
Yoosung opens his eyes slowly and when his eyes come into focus he just sees you lying next to him with the prettiest smile on your face
He begins to remember the wedding the night before and now he gets to wake up to you every morning and
He’s just so in love
He doesn’t need to say anything but there’s this big goofy grin on his face before he kisses you and holds you even closer
You’re both just so happy and in love and neither of you can’t wait to start the rest of your lives together
He wakes up first after an *ahem* eventful wedding night wink wonk
As he brushes a strand of hair away from your face, he can’t help but just admire your beauty
He’s convinced you’re the eighth wonder of the world
“How did I get so lucky?”
You stir a little bit and slowly begin to wake up to see your new husband
Zen places a soft kiss on your forehead as he mumbles a “good morning, princess”
god kill me if I ever hear his morning voice UGH
You wrap your arms around him and snuggle closer
When you lay your head on his chest you can hear his heartbeat and it’s just so soothing and you nearly fall back asleep
Zen notices and lets out a small laugh you know the really deep sexy laugh and ah fuck
But his eyes are getting droopy again and he ends up falling asleep with you curled up to him and a small smile on his face
When she wakes up the morning after the wedding, she reaches over to your side of the bed
But for some reason, you weren’t there
Now she’s awake and wondering where the heck you are
But then she starts to smell something
She sees you in the kitchen with a mug in each hand and gahhhh
Her heart is fluttering like crazy and she’s got the cutest smile on her face
And you’re smiling too because omg look at baehee my wife with her bedhead and cute pajamas and akdhakhdks
You hand her a mug of her favorite coffee and a kiss on her cheek
Jaehee is just so overwhelmed with love and happiness and she just blurts out “I love you so much, MC”
lol you better considering you’re MARRIED smh what a dork protect her
You just smile and tell her you love her too
You wake up to the smell of pancakes the morning after your wedding
At first, you’re really disoriented because you aren’t at the penthouse and forgot you and Jumin immediately went on the honeymoon once the wedding ended
But once you get your bearings, you head over to the kitchen to see Jumin making your favorite strawberry pancakes
You wrap your arms around him and lay your head against his back
You can’t see but he’s smiling like a dork
“Good morning, my love. I hope you slept well.”
Jumin turns around to place a kiss on your lips as you hum contently
You both stay like that for a moment before you decide to help him make breakfast
The entire time you two are stealing glances at each other and pecking each other on the lips as you cook omg how cute
He’s just looking forward to a morning like this with you every day now
Okay so just like Jaehee he wakes up and sees that you aren’t in bed next to him
Poor baby goes into PANIC MODE
Seven starts to wander around the house looking for you
“MC, where are you?”
“What if she’s hurt?”
baby calm down she literally went to the bathroom to go pee lol
He practically engulfs you in a big bear hug and is going on about how scared he was
You’re just standing there like “omg you’re so dramatic jesus christ”
It's okay you love the child man anyway
You just go along with it and give him reassuring kisses and snuggles
He literally bridal-style carries you back to bed to cuddle even more
Seven is just super happy to finally call you his wife!!!!
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mazojo · 6 years
Monday Chapters Rant
Okaaay so I’ve written this two times due to Tumblr deleting my post so hopefully this one uploads correctly -.-. This are my reviews and thoughts on Monday’s chapters and you’ve been warned that I'll probs rant ahead and have some opinions on some (high school story: class act). Enjoy the reviews <33
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The Heist: Monaco - Chapter 5
Todays chapter was greattt! This book is so cool and refreshing that I love it and gahhhh the team dynamic is amazing!
So basically the chapter started with us being captured by Sonia and going away on her speedboat. A storm caught up to us and through mc ninja skills we are able to distract Ansel and also fall from the boat ;w;. We wake up later on an island rescued by Sonia and we start gaining her trust, so she definitely will be part of our team I am guessing. We spend the rest time on survival mode and get some diamond options to spend time with Sonia but I didn't take them. Later our crew rescues us and they are a bit on the fence about the Sonia issue but theres nothing much we can do at the moment. We get back on land and have the diamond option to go partay with the gang but didn't take it ;w;. The chapter ends with us arriving back to the warehouse only to find it on fire so thats great :)( I am guessing next chapter we will find a new safe house and the last member? maybe its a spy or something and we have the option to get Sonia? not sureee
Just as a final note, I love my team?? so much?? Jones and Anton are absolute baes? Like I am going for Fabian but I am playing for them?? Honestly one of the books with the best dialogue dynamic, gg Pb
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Desire and Decorum - Chapter 3
Today’s chapter of desire and decorum was honestly a bit meh and short in my opinion... 
Basically we are chilling with Briar in our room when we she gets the idea in order to but time and stuff we go to Grovershire (your hometown). We get the option to buy this outfit to hide?? but I don't get it and we just sneak around the house. We get to the stables and meet with Mr. Harper who is accompanying you and Briar in your journey and you find out he is putting his job on the line and we get to find out more in a diamond scene I don't acquire. In the road we meet some guys who try to harm us but Mr. Harper is able to reduce us (we can also fight if we buy a diamond sword -.-) and we find out they have some sort of pamphlet critiquing the monarchy (I think? I didn't really understand lol) and the chapter ends when we arrive to Grovershire.
Like I said, the chapter was okay, but really nothing grand happens. Hopefully things spike up next chapter when others find out we escape and hopefully we are able to see Mr. Sinclaire or the other love interests although I do admit Mr. Harper deserved the screen time ~~ I hope whatever his reasons of coming with us it doesn't affect him too much D:
High School Story: Class Act - Chapter 13
I think I've been vocal about how disappointed I was in this chapter through my previous post about the episode but I'll try to see the best parts of it in the review...
So basically the chapter starts with Rory telling us all about their mother being sick and how they money reunited in the school play was supposed to go for her treatment due to the economical situation in Rory’s household. Danielle finally sees good enough and guilty to confess so she does. Then while I hold my breathe for the grand apology from the fakes and Ajay I am left with a transition to some days going by and I ???? So no one really apologizes for bullying and not trusting mc but pb just brushes it off as not important. Ahhh also! Danielle resigns his role in the play and Skye is left to be the witch which is kinda awesome and was nice in the turmoil that the chapter was. At some point we have the option to spend diamonds to hear Danielle’s side of the story and I am still like ???? so I obioulsy saved my precious diamond and went on with my life. We also get closer to Rory and as I said before, he/she gets the emotional depth he was missing which was nice and cute. We also get the chance to spend diamonds to go with Rory to visit their mom but I am broke so I didn't pay for it (but seeing some screenshots I thought it was very nice!). Finally we skip some days and its finally the big day and as I await the momentt I can at least speak to Ajay, the chapter ends.
I am not going to rant anymore about it becouse all of you must be tired but sighhh.... I am guessing next chapter will be the play and we’ll have the kiss with our love interest before going on stage (probs mc having a small breakdown and they helping mc out) and in the finale there will probably be some party with the old gang and everything to celebrate the play ending... I am still an Ajay Stan because we haven't even gotten a moment to talk to him and I'll forgive him and his neediness while I watch Trevor’s beanie burn in the background :)))
Anyways thats all for the Monday chapters and I just hope next monday HSS:CA doesn't disappoint....
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