#...I guess murder?
gliphyartfan · 11 months
@yanderelinkeduniverse @stars-for-thought @imprisioned-in-the-hole @screaming-until-god-hears-me @crestfallenmermaidan @ice-cream-writes-stuff @linked-heroes @eternadreeblissa @justanerd1
Happy Halloween folks! You know me! Always have to make sure I give you all a treat!
I hope you enjoy! (I accept chocolate and gummies as payment)
"Is she still asleep?"
Warriors nodded, "Yes, from what we are seeing, she's mumbling, seems she's dreaming"
"Is that so..."
"At the very least, the Traveler believes she's not distressed, simply in deep sleep."
Time sighed quietly, arms crossed over his chest. "Have we discovered whose blood was covering the area?"
A sigh, "Not yet, though we are hastening our efforts. Wolfie senses bad weather rearing it's head."
"Then let us not wait any longer, for whatever the case, I am worried for her."
With a frown, Time asked, "What do you propose we do? She hasn't shown any signs of waking up since we brought her here."
Warrior simply grimaced, which told highly of how confusing this situation was."
With an irritated sigh, Time rubbed the bridge of his nose and closed his eye.
Warriors cleared his throat, "Perhaps we can wait until the search group returns, we can discuss out options then."
"...If you insist," Time answered tiredly, opening his eye once more, "We should also see if we are capable of removing her from this place soon, despite her state. Having her in such an open place with limited supplies does not please me in the slightest."
With another huff, Time moved to sit next to where (y/n) laid sleeping peacefully on the bedroll in front of them, resting his cheek on his hand as he looked at her.
A few minutes passed without either man speaking or moving, only the sound of her deep breathing could be heard filling the room.
It was all so odd. This whole situation.
Without a care, they had entered the newest town on their travels, finding an inn and deciding who would restore what items.
A small enough town, small enough that they had seen no harm when she announced she was going to wander the markets.
And now… here she was. Deeply asleep after going missing for four days.
They had been fortunate to find her curled up against a tree- luckily there was nothing that indicated she had been injured or sick in any way - and placed her on her bedroll in front of the fireplace, which kept most of the chill off the room while she slept.
Time could still recall the ice that claimed and pulled his heart down to his stomach when he saw the dangerous amount of blood covering not just the area, but also on her.
Hyrule didn't hesitate to drop to his knees and begin scanning her condition as the others surrounded the two and kept alert for any possible dangers.
So far, with immense relief, they had not found any sign of injury on her body. They were soaked with blood, and there was dried blood on her face.
Blood that was clearly not hers, given her unharmed state.
Time wasn't sure whether or not to feel relieved or angry. He was furious she had been taken, Yet utterly relieved that she was safe and unharmed.
"We may not know what the circumstances were," Time spoke up to Warriors, not looking away from (y/n). "But I am dearly grateful for whatever allowed (y/n) to return to us uninjured."
Warriors simply sighed with a weak smirk, nodding in agreement.
"Get away...Get away..!!" a panicked voice spoke as he ran through the cabin, his right arm bleeding profusely from the opened hole where his hand used to be. He had wrapped it as best as he could while he ran but he was dizzy from the blood he already lost.
He had thought himself fortunate when he spotted the empty cabin, yet it was a trap he foolishly fell into.
There were footsteps following behind the man, fast and heavy.
A shaking hand grabbed hold of the door and pulled, trying to force the door open. However, it wouldn't budge
"Nononono! NO!!!"
High-pitched laughter echoed around him.
"Come onnnnn~!" he heard a woman sing,
"Come herreee~!"
He shook his head furiously. His mind refused to cooperate.
"I said come onnnn~!"
His eyes flew open in panic when there was a sudden yank and something heavy hit him square on the back.
He coughed, gasping desperately as air escaped his lungs as he slammed against the wall from the force of the hit and falls to the floor against it.
As he coughed, something bangs against the wall above him.
Looking up, he sees a large portrait of a young woman.
Specifically the young woman he had planned to hold for ransom.
(She had obviously been a visitor of the town, it made it so easy to catch her off guard. Such unusual skin pattern. She must have been a noble with the quality of her clothes and the guard of armed warriors she had entered town with. He was sure she would fetch a pretty rupee.)
His vision swims, and suddenly pain shoots up his body, making him cry out and want to curl in on himself. It hurt so much. Yet he couldn't look away from the portrait. He felt nauseous and dizzy.
The young woman's portrait only showed her face, but her features were exotic enough to be recognizable, no matter the circumstances.
It was as if the pain coursing through him left him in a trance as he continued to stare at the portrait.
Suddenly, the eyes of the woman widened in surprised as they locked on to his, as if she were alive, than the expression quickly relaxed into a wide smile before laughing.
And suddenly, her image froze into that wide smile, the surface of the painting slowly ripping as if a water droplet had fallen on it's surface.
And slowly, a hand reached out through the rippling surface.
He watched as the hand began to reach forward, extending until the arm was completely through the portrait frame.
Then the hand grasped onto the wall by the side of the frame, elongating fingers digging into the walls surface, another hand clapped the frame beneath it's palm.
Then...a pumpkin with craved eyes and a grin pushed it's way out.
But what caught his attention was that it was attached to the neck and shoulders of the body hanging out of the portrait.
He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He didn't know if he lost his mind or not.
He couldn't move, couldn't breathe, nor did his gaze leave the figure that was currently emerging from the portrait.
The pumpkin headed...thing, laughed,
"Hello naughty man~!"
His mouth opened but no words came out.
All he could do was gape at the female voice that echoed within the pumpkin.
The monster titled it's head and it's craved smile seemed to grow a bit.
"You tried to take my friiieeend~!" the monster sang playfully, giggles escaping from it's mouth in bursts like a child that had too much energy.
It's voice, despite being soft and friendly, sent shivers down his spine.
"She's quite cute you know? Quite cute~"
The monster said in delight, its head twisted to one side, it's craved grin stretching stretching.
"But you can't take her~ No No No~"
it said, it's head turned to the other side, still smiling.
"Don't worry, you won't die~"
Then, it laughed again,
"But that doesn't mean your fate is to be freed either~!"
Then it raised it's arm upwards and slammed it into his face.
The hit seemed to snap the man out of his trance. He tries to scramble away, but the monster that hit him was quick. It's hand snaps forward and unnaturally long fingers wrap around his wrist as it dragged him towards the portrait.
He tried pulling her hand off, but it's grip was too tight.
"Please!" He begged, digging his other arm, the handless stump press into the floor to get some hold, only to leave a smear of blood as he was slowly pulled in. "I-I'm sorry! I never should have touched her!! I'll never do it again!"
His struggles only made It pull him harder, laughing gleefully.
"That's not what you mean~ You wanted to hurt her, hmm~?"
The naughty man, having covered Silly Home/Friend/Warm's face with a cloth of bad smells.
Silly Home/Friend/Warm was like a doll with no strings! Such a sad state for someone as wonderful as Home/Friend/Warm.
So They decided to follow the man daring to take their precious person.
It's grip on his wrist was getting tighter and tighter as It dragged him across the floor. The nails on his wrist dig in sharply to break skin, tearing flesh and drawing fresh blood.
They knew precious Home/Friend/Warm would be greatly upset if she woke up away from her Silly Sillies.
That's why They made sure to keep her dreaming happily! They knew Wolf Silly would find her, They made sure to leave a long amount of smells for it to find after all!
Precious Home/Friend/Warm's Sillies would take care of precious Home/Friend/Warm.
Which means They were free to take care this Naughty person!
"Naughty Naughty Man~" The monster sang, It's head twitching as the monster's craved eyes began to widen and it's 'pupils' dimming to the point of disappearing. It's grin stretching and it's 'teeth' grew more pronounced.
Naughty Naughty M̶͎̉͛ä̶̺̲͘n̵̘̝͋͘ ̴̗̌̑ͅ" It's voice, still somewhat feminine, sounded raspy, like a rusted saw attempting to cut into cracked glass. It gave a sense of rot as it spoke.
His increased struggles only caused the monster to giggle.
"D̴̘̈ô̷̘n̸̨̿'̷͍̿t̸̖͌ ̸̨̌w̵̰͝ó̷̰ȑ̵̯ȑ̶̭ÿ̶̰ ̶̳̒N̷̰͐a̷̰̚ủ̷͚g̷̙̑h̸̤̒t̶̖͌y̷̰͝ ̵̨̀M̵͉̌a̶̦͝n̷͔͘~̶̺͝ ̴̞̍I̸͉̚'̴͕̓ļ̴̕l̴͉̏l̵̢̔ ̴̲̏m̵̗̿a̶̞̔k̷̮̐e̵̟͊ ̵̞͛s̴̖͐ű̸̼r̸̻͠e̶̹͆ ̸̝̂ȳ̷̯ȏ̵̤ủ̶̱ ̵̮͝w̸̼͆o̸̮͝ṇ̶̐'��̳̈́t̸͔̆ ̴̌͜d̸̳̒i̸̢̛e̴̥̊~̴̰̈!̸̗͌"
It dragged the flailing man closer until he was mere inches from it's face, the carved expression that now sat on it's face was horrific compared to the rather innocent look it once more.
"I̴͕͆ ̴̯̐à̶̡m̵̗͗ ̸̜͂ă̸͎ ̶̩͂g̶̦̈́ô̴̟ö̸̬d̸̖͊ ̸͖̇f̶̰̐r̸͎̅i̷̥͝e̵͎̍n̵̞̓ḋ̸̠~̴̱̿!̶̦͒ ̴̠͑S̸̳̉o̶̡͊ ̶̧̔y̷̲̓o̴͚͊ū̸͎ ̶̹͂w̷͙͐o̴̦̍ṋ̷̈́'̴̻̾t̵̯́ ̸̫̀ď̶ͅi̴̺͌è̸͍~̶̳̈́!̴̝̒" It cooed excitedly. Its hand tightened even more, forcing him to scream as his wrist snapped under it's strength.
"A̵̲͋t̶͆͜ ̷̖̕l̴̩̒é̵̺a̶͈͛s̵͊ͅt̶̥̚,̴̮͐ ̵̤̍n̵̘̈́o̸̢͛t̶̺͠ ̸̠̓f̶̺̃ǫ̷̒r̷̘͂ ̸̢͋à̸͖ ̴̰̑w̴͍̎h̵̖͒i̷͉͂l̵̒ͅë̸̡́~̷̬̉" It sang.
His screams grew but he wasn't able to do anything to stop the inevitable, the pain coursing through him.
The trees surrounding the area were the only listeners to the sounds that came from the cabin. Screams that would eventually fading away as the cold touch of death eventually wrapped around him.
But not for a long while.
"We found a body. Rancher says the scent matches."
"...Seems someone took care of the problem before we could."
(y/n) woke up a day later, completely unaware of anything that had happened after she wandered the market.
Everyone was overjoyed.
Oblivious of the figure sitting on a tree branch and humming happily as They stared down at the now re-united group.
"Hee Hee~ I helped!" It mumbled cheerfully, soon gone along with the next brush of wind passing by.
(The Last Sight a Dead Man Sees Before The Bitter End)
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lazylittledragon · 25 days
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one of those 'only wine in the camp supplies' nights [X]
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loxleyo7 · 2 months
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it was stuck in my head
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umblrspectrum · 6 days
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part 4 of a lot funnier in my head than on paper
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pesky--dust · 10 months
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the "diagnosis" Chilton gave Will during his trial was the one closest to the truth ("Will Graham has never been diagnosed. He won't allow anyone to test him. He has carefully constructed a persona to hide his real nature from the world. He wears it so well, even Jack Crawford couldn't see past it. (...) There is not yet a name for whatever Will Graham is.")
unlike Alana Bloom or Jack Crawford, he saw what a manipulator Will was and that in front of them he played a poor, confused, wounded bird ("(...) A particularly-manipulative one at that. Poor, confused, wounded bird for Agent Crawford and Doctors Lecter and Bloom. And for me, well, I get the psychopath's triumvirate: charm, focus and ruthlessness. The charm, of course, being debateable.")
he believed Will that Hannibal may be the Chesapeake Ripper and said Jack Crawford: "Hannibal once served me tongue and made a joke about eating mine. It's hard not to at least consider it.". Jack ignored him. (I think Jack was already planning some large-scale action against Hannibal, but that's a topic for another post)
he called Dr Lecter "Hannibal the Cannibal"
he understood that Will Graham was alive because Hannibal Lecter liked him that way
criticized Jack for letting Will and Hannibal get closer to each other and then leaving Will alone ("You dangle Will Graham and now you cut bait. You are letting Hannibal have him hook, line and sinker.")
when Jack expressed hope that the relationship between Hannibal and Will was one of those friendships that ends after the disemboweling, Chilton told him: "I would argue, with these two, that's tantamount to flirtation. Will is going to lead you right to him." and let's be real, he was right.
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solroskajan · 5 months
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The solver is gone (?) They put Bizcuit in a normal worker body. They really didn’t expect him to grow sharp teeth or a tail. He doesn't need to drink oil to live but that won't stop him from trying. (cw: vomiting)
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(I actually drew most of this before episode 7, but I felt like cleaning it up a bit and posting it now)
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bananadramaaa · 7 months
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You thought you'd seen the last of me? Ha! No.
(First part Second part Next)
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nuzipilled · 2 months
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baby steps (commission for 90004377lunch on twt)
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reverienco · 8 months
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what the fuck am i doing. scheduling this at 1am.
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kaiserouo · 2 months
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swiftmitsu · 2 months
Part 6.5 of Missing Killer
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a little check in back at the castle~
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red-cicada · 2 months
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months
so catwoman au has stray!tim now in case no one knew that
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catocappuccino · 10 months
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umblrspectrum · 2 months
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i got lazy in the second panel
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pesky--dust · 6 months
You have no idea how big supporter of the theory that the fall from the cliff never happened I am.
Like— The first scene of the series didn't even happen because Will was so immersed in the story he was telling during the lecture. It was only his imagination; at the crime scene Will quickly receives confirmation of all his conclusions, such as the fact that the marriage was tapped and I truly doubt electricians would have been called immediately to the crime scene along with the police, ambulance and FBI. And then he is suddenly “magically” back in the classroom from the house of the victims, when he says, “Everyone has thought about killing someone one way or another. Be it your own hands or the hand of God”.
And since the first scene of the series didn't take place at all, why wouldn't it be the same with the ending? During the battle with Francis Dolarhyde, Will sees him with the wings of a red dragon, something that is unreal. He is also only imagining that.
And the fall is also from Will's perspective, so did it really happen? Or is this only a metaphor for his fall as a human being? He genuinely felt that the brutal pack hunting he shared with Hannibal was beautiful, so he finally accepts his dark nature — he falls as a good and moral man, descending into the depths of crime (ocean).
I love it so much. I'm sorry.
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