#...I think there was a scene or something with doc and no not the hospital scene that had upset me a lot when I watched it--
chaos0pikachu · 2 months
4 Minutes and the Cinematography of Nipples
I said before that I thought 4 Minutes was pretty instantaneously the best looking BL on the market for 2024 after one episode. Which, not gonna lie, is a pretty big fucking claim. There’s been a lot of BL that’s come out that’s looked good, and I do think there’s been a steady improvement overall in the market in the last few years. Personally I think Japanese and Korean BL have a stronger production quality over a majority of Thai BL but like, if that’s a hot take I guess I prefer my food spicy. 
The point being~ if I’m gonna make such a hyperbolic statement, well I better back it up right? 
So I’m gonna break down a few scenes from the first episode, what I liked about them, why they worked for me, and why on a technical level I think 4 Minutes has just got it going on.
For better readability you can also check out this essay here.
Sidenote: my google docs kept trying to autocorrect “Bible” to “the Bible” and idk how to teach google I mean the hot Thai actor and not the book of Jesus. 
To start, I’m going to break down this scene featuring Great and his nepo baby cat: 
I thought starting with this scene would be good because it’s such a low-key scene and honestly making these simplistic scenes visually interesting is very difficult! But if you have the basics down, the foundations of cinematography and film making, these simpler scenes can be really memorable. 
Like yeah we’re all gonna remember this scene because shirtless Bible and oh my god Akira!? - I have only recently learned who Akira is; why is this cat getting a bigger bag than me? - but beyond that, what makes it cool to watch? What makes it interesting? What information does it showcase to the audience? 
One thing I added to the video was a grid for the rule of thirds. 
Rule of thirds is a shot composition technique applied to both film and photography. It’s the grid you see if you film a homevideo and helps a Director and Cinematographer figure out where to place the subject or subjects of the shot. The idea is the gridlines show you where you “should” place the subject(s) of said shot. 
Like everything, the rule of thirds is a guideline in filmmaking, not a hard and fast unbreakable rule. Filmmakers like Wes Anderson like to play more with central composition shots, rather than ROT. 
Anyway on to the opening shot, right after our credits and we’re moving into the shot. 
To start, the first thing I notice is the scene’s color grading. Color grading in film is the manipulation of raw film footage to create specific color tones throughout a project. Sometimes this grading is more pointed and obvious, think The Matrix, while in other films it’s not as obvious but still very prominent, think Killers of the Flower Moon. 
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It’s not that the before credits scene looks entirely, jarringly different from the opening scene, but the hospital scene is surrounded by whites and blue tones, it’s darker, and only a single source of light exists. It gives the entire scene a much more frantic, uneasy aesthetic but it’s not so far off from the darker muted tones of the next scene that it feels jarring or out of place. 
The second big thing I noticed in the episode is the use of aspect ratio. I’m not 100% sure what aspect ratio the production used exactly, but the use of widescreen as opposed to full screen in my opinion, gives the episode a more cinematic feel to it in comparison to other Thai BLs. 
Example, if you look at Century of Love (2024) it appears to be filmed in the standard full screen - which I believe is 16:9? - while 4 Minutes is widescreen (thus the black bars at the top and bottom). Widescreen can give a show a more “movie like” quality to it which is part of the vibes I get from 4 Minutes. 
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Onto Great’s actual introduction scene.
We’re not starting the shot with static movement, but with a camera panning right. I’ve talked about camera panning and such in BL before and it’s something I’ve found doesn’t happen as often as it should. Which is a shame! It’s such a simple technique but it adds so much. 
Imagine if we entered the frame with a static center shot, and then a cut to Great sleeping and turning off his alarm clock, and then another cut to above the bed. Think about how much more boring that could be visually. 
Instead, we enter the scene with movement, panning over and creating some interesting visual framing. 
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So here’s our opening shot, do you notice anything interesting? To start, what I like about this shot other than the panning movement in, is that we don’t see Great’s face yet. In fact we don’t see his face in full until about 30 seconds into the scene. This builds anticipation, yeah we all know what Bible looks like, but for the audience who doesn’t this helps build anticipation. 
Who is this character? What does he look like? What’s his deal? 
It also engages the audience more, if you notice part of the composition of the shot has Great in the mid-ground slightly blurred out, while the foreground emphasizes the things on his desk. He’s distant from us, the audience, sleeping off his hangover not yet ready to “join” the world yet. 
Here’s another two more things I like about this shot:
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Using lines and shapes can make a scene more visually interesting and invoke different feelings to the viewer. In this shot, I get a sense of symmetry, the camera panning right, lightly drags across the screen alongside the lines below and above Great, almost creating a frame within a frame effect. As if Great is boxed into a clock in and of itself. 
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You can also see the use of balance in the scene as well, connecting back to that visual theme of symmetry as well as blocking our view of Great’s face. The lava lamb and champagne bottle are almost the same height, which helps create balance in the shot. The champagne bottle informs us Great has been drinking or does drink since it’s positioned so close to his bed, whilst also continuing to hide his face away from the viewer. 
I also like that the lava lamp is a bright spot of color. The tone of the scene is mostly muted greens, and gray, but the bright orange lava lamp and even the pink champagne bottle draw our attention but don’t overwhelm us either. It provides the scene with some warmth but doesn’t offset the overall tone of the color grading. 
And then, the last bit of this shot:
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We have Great knocking over the champagne bottom, and turning off his alarm clock. Notice that the alarm clock and the champagne bottle hit those ROT dots almost exactly. There’s also the use of lines by the length of Great’s arm - I just forgot to add a line I’m a failure, a fake, fml - we see him knock over the bottle, and then we follow the line of his arm directly to the alarm clock which is also a shape, a circle. 
I like that they used a clock with a specific notable shape, since by the end of this scene the clock is relevant to the story as a whole. Using a shape makes the clock more visually noticeable and memorable to the audience. 
So in the next cut we’re above Great - just like Great’s gonna be above Tyme, fuckin hell I’m corny - in a medium-full shot and there’s a couple things I really like here. 
I really like the use of lines here with the bed going in one direction but Great’s body going another. It’s disconcerting, and off kilter a bit. 
The use of patterns plus the opposing symmetry, whereas in the previous shot the lava lamp and champagne bottle were providing balance, here one side of the bed is patterned, while the other isn’t. This creates a sense of imbalance and makes the shot more visually interesting.
This medium-full shot at a high angle makes Great smaller, and continues to showcase his dishevelment, keeping him distant from the world itself. Also notice the lack of color here as well. 
What could this say about Great as a character? Or his story? 
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So this next cut is the one that actually inspired me to write this essay to begin with and know what I’ma eat some crow here. I originally said it was a great ROT shot but I was wrooooooong. It’s definitely a center composition shot. 
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Notice as well, the bed itself is its own shape - rectangle - center in the frame, and yet the shot almost looks unbalanced again because of that singular patterned rug. It’s the only pattern in the entire shot, not even Great’s pillows have noticeable patterns on them. 
The above view camera angle in a full shot creates almost an omnipresent feel, as if the audience - or something else? - were looking down upon Great. Whose face we still haven’t seen! It makes him smaller, less powerful, and almost vulnerable. Shots like this are often used in horror films like James Wan’s Malignant (2021) where the horror spector will be looking down above the would-be victim. 
Another thing I like about this scene though is we have Great moving. It would be simpler and easier to have his phone just by his alarm clock, or under his pillow, but think about how much more visually interesting it is that he has to move down the bed and reach for his phone. It creates action in an actionless low stakes scene. 
And now, 30 whole seconds in and we’ve finally seen Great’s face! 
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Fun fact, with the ROT grid the gridlines fall right across Bible’s nipples. That’s not a film analysis, just something I noticed entirely intentionally. Thanks Madam Director Ning Bhanbhassa Dhubthien.
The actual shot is in center composition again, as Great rolls over and reveals his face the camera begins to zoom in. 
This creates movement in the scene instead of leaving the camera to statically observe it’s now, finally, inviting the audience to meet Great. Pulling us in towards him whereas before we were kept at a distance. Great’s awake and, well as ready to meet the world as somebody with a raging hangover can be. 
I also like how Bible is moving constantly in this scene; he rubs his eyes and nose, he twitches his fingers, titles his head back and forth, etc it’s nothing revolutionary but it’s appreciated. 
When the scene cuts, we get this shot: 
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I didn’t put the red dot on his nipple, it just landed there. This is all Madam Director Ning chepie. 
But you can see how Great’s body is landing on all those gridlines pretty solidly. Also in the background we see his alarm clock again, a bright blurred circle in the distance. I also like the angle of this shot, as it creates depth in the frame, with Great’s head being in the foreground his lower body in the mid-ground and the background blurred out. 
What follows is Akira appearing in frame. Which was really difficult to capture so I don’t have a screenshot. But what I really like is Akira entering the frame out of focus. They could have just cut to Akira, but instead they opted for Akira to enter the frame which is more interesting. 
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When we do cut, Akira is firmly on one of those dots so we don’t miss them in the frame. I think it’s also interesting that we’ve pulled out again, into a mid-full shot, hanging above Great, and we see that clear symmetry line again between the patterned rug and the regular carpet. 
I also really love that when we got to Great sweet-talking Akira and feeding them we’re not just doing a cut, we’re panning downwards which continues to add movement to the scene. And we get that moneyed sponsor shot! 
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Durex can’t pay for everything okay?
So in the final bit of this scene we get focus on Great, who’s in focus, before he gets up and leaves the frame where the camera then focuses on the clock behind him. 
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See how in the first frame the background is all blurred out, but once Great walks out of the frame - again, great that he walks out, movement!! Y’all don’t understand how boring 1000 Stars was for me to watch because of the lack of this stuff okay? - and then the focus shifts to the clock. Which is round. 
God I know that sounds so dumb, but imagine the clock without that ring light bit on it, it’s just a tiny little rectangle. Not as fun or interesting to look at right? Or as noticeable especially from a distance? 
This shift in focus also tells us “this is important” whatever “this” is. The subject of the shot goes from Great to the alarm clock but they are positioned as equally important. We’re meant to pay attention to this seemingly innocuous item, which we learn later in the episode is time. We’re meant to remember and note that time will be important to the story - I know with a title like 4 Minutes you’d fucking hope time would be important but have y’all ever read Youtube comments? It’s rough out there for visual comprehension okay? 
So all in all this scene is only 1 minute and 40 seconds give or take. It’s very short, but I don’t think it was boring at all. I think it’s a really solid introduction to a main character. Think, Korn didn’t get this much time to showcase his introduction, his scene is shorter - though also well done - which showcases which character is more of a story priority. 
This scene eases the audience into the story, inviting us to wake up into the world like Great is. It uses techniques like lines, shapes, symmetry, color and focus to make what could be a very boring scene into an interesting one. 
There’s so so much I probably and certainly missed, I’m far from an expert, but I hope I was able to articulate what I liked about this scene, and why I think it looks good. 
Stay tuned for more if I can manage to focus long enough to breakdown more scenes lol
Also red dots on Bible’s nipples are just funny to me it be what it be. 
Further Reading: 
Composition in Cinematography / THE LAST OF US
Center-Framing vs Chaos-Cinema: Mad Max vs Transformers
Camera Framing: Shot Composition & Cinematography Techniques Explained [The Shot List, Ep 2]
The Ultimate Guide to Camera Shots (50+ Types of Shots and Angles in Film)
Color Grading 101 - Everything You Need to Know
Mixing Film And Digital Footage: Killers Of The Flower Moon
In Praise of Subtle Cinematography
249 notes · View notes
neoarchipelago · 2 years
And they were Roommates (part 9)
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A/N: and i'm back. I'm trying to finish this big moment of the story before going back to molre fluff, smuttyness and calmer stuff. I'll alternate between that. Thanks to everyone who gave me feedbacks, it really helps. Also i'm just shocked how this taglist grows everyday. I see all your comments, i'm sorry if i don't answer all of them, i love ya'll!
WARNINGS: 18+ CONTENT, violence and smexy scenes, bewaree!
You blinked your eyes open. Your head was pounding. The bright lights weren't helping at all. Voices..you could hear voices. You turned your head to take in your surroundings. You were in a hospital room. You could recognize the medical care area. You tried to remember what happened. You were… attacked at the base? Fuck. Your eyes shifted to the voices the whole squad was there. Laswell was here too. Your eyes filled with tears. They came for you. 
You looked at the couch next to the bed. 
"Reaper…" you tried in a rasp. 
Everyone turned to you in a flash. 
That simple word had felt like you were ripping apart your own throat. 
"Fucking hell Y/N!" Simon growled. 
Everyone rushed to your side. 
"Are you alright?" Kate asked, worry clearly tainting her voice. 
You nodded slightly.  
"Let me call the doc." Price said. 
You wanted to roll your eyes. Your eyes shifted to Simon. You smiled at him. 
You came… you mouthed.
"You called." 
The doc walked in, stepping towards you. He checked you up, giving you some medicine for your head and throat as you had tried your best to describe where it hurt and some water. You were fine. The squad had intervened very fast. You had to rest though. You wouldn't be able to speak for a little while. The angry bruises on your neck looked quite bad, but fuck it, you were alive. You had to stay in the hospital for a few days to make sure everything was fine. 
Talking was a no for a little while, probably a few days, so you got creative.
Did you guys catch the guy? You wrote on your phone before showing the screen to the team. 
"Yes." Soap answered seriously. 
"Ghost shot him on sight." Gaz said in the same tone.
You turned to look at him as he stood, arms crossed looking at you. You smiled at him. It could have been a good source of information. But you understood his move. You even found peace in his violence. He didn't hesitate a second to kill for you. 
What are we going to do? You wrote again. 
"Right now you do nothing." Laswell answered. You had never heard such a tone in her voice. 
"You rest. You do nothing. This time squad 141 had been tasked to keep you safe and I won't take no for an answer. It's an order and it's already been acted." 
You looked at Ghost. He was unreadable. But you could still feel how uneasy he was feeling.
You sighed and nodded. You weren't going to complain. 
Soap and gaz left a bit later, going to rest before taking their shift in your room to watch over you. Ghost was staying obviously, he hadn't even sat down yet. 
Laswell and Price hovered over you like hawks. Laswell looked absolutely torned. 
Kate it wasn't your fault. You wrote 
"Y/N. You are under my responsibility. Putting aside the contract, you matter so much to me and I've failed to keep you safe."
You wrote furiously, hating the fact that your voice would burn your throat. 
This isn't the first time, you can't always protect me. 
"I know I can't always protect you. But fuck you are literally on a military base, and someone tried to kill you. Our part of the contract with you is to keep you safe and away from harm as you put yourself on the first line against the worst." She said, her eyes glistening softly. 
You took her hand in yours, smiling at her. You didn't want her to cry. You'd cry too. 
"We were right there. We were supposed to keep you safe too. Everyone's on edge." Price added. 
You looked at him. Something flashed through your mind. Simon. He probably was feeling furious, thinking you disobeyed him and this happened. This time you tried blinking the tears away. You took back your hand, typing something on your phone. Your eyes then searched Simon's ones, and he immediately walked to you. 
You turned the screen towards him, a heartbroken expression on your face, a tear escaping what should have been their prison. 
I'm sorry
He frowned. 
You bit your lip. 
"Don't you dare apologize, you hear me?" He growled. 
"No, Y/N, this isn't your fault…" Kate added. 
You nodded frantically, of course it was. He was after you. You were causing such a mess. 
"No, no hey, you're ok, don't beat yourself up for someone else's actions. You are being hunted down." Price softly said. 
You were fully crying now. You felt so bad and so guilty. Ghost looked absolutely out of himself, you could feel his hands softly shaking on your leg. You caused this. 
"Hey, hey. Look at me. Bunny. I said, Look at me." 
You finally gave in. His hands rose to your face, cupping it softly. You noticed the obvious bruises and blood on his knuckles. 
"It. Is. Not. Your. Fault."
You blinked, letting tears fall again. 
"Do you understand? No one. And I say NO ONE. Is holding you accountable for this situation."
You closed your eyes leaning into his touch. He wrapped his arms around you, you buried your face in his chest, trying to ignore the ache coming from your throat. He softly brushed your hair, calming you down. 
You took a deep breath gaining composure. You separated, wiping your tears away. 
"Rest now. Alright?" 
You nodded. 
"Lieutenant Riley and I will take the first watch." Price said. 
Laswell nodded. Price walked her out of the room. You remained with Simon. You looked up at him as he glanced at you. A hand rose to hover over your jawline, eyes fixated on your bruised throat. You grabbed his hand, rubbing your cheek against it, trying to comfort him. 
"I fucked up. You got hurt while in my care." He said. 
You shook your head softly. 
"Yes. You were."  He took a deep breath. 
"Listen to me now. You are my mission from now on. Do you understand?" 
You frowned. 
"I'm going to keep you safe, even if I have to burn this base down." 
You shivered. 
"But I'm also going to be very professional. Do you understand?" 
You look puzzled. 
"No more bunny. No more Simon… I'm gonna be cold. Tactical. Don't take it personally please." 
You pouted. 
He smirked under the mask. 
"I promise. I'll take care of this, and then we'll enjoy each other." 
You rubbed your cheek against his hand again. 
"Darling… look at me. Do you understand? From now on, it's going to be Ghost. You're gonna have to be a good girl, and obey. Alright?" 
You looked up at him, nodding. 
You grabbed your phone, typing up. 
Can I still wear your hoodie… it comforts me… 
He chuckled.
"Yes. You can wear my hoodies. I'll still be here, I'm not leaving, ever. I'll just… my head's going to be focused on a target." 
You nodded. You were understanding that. You weren't going to fight over this. You still felt absolutely guilty and terrible. You just wanted for this to be over. Usually, when you were the target, you often ended up in almost similar situations, though this time you had been careless. You truly would have been dead if it wasn't for the squad having your back. 
You had let yourself go on the fact that you were on a military base and you thought you were perfectly safe. 
"Come on, rest now. Price and I are here." 
You smiled at him and nodded. You let yourself fall back into your pillow. He brushed a few strands of hair away from your face before turning and walking to the door meeting Laswell and Price outside. 
You looked at the ceiling thinking about the events. You were trying to remember everything that happened during the attack, something that might bring a memory, a piece of information. But the more you thought about it, the heavier your eyes became. You were exhausted. But also frustrated. The ache in your throat was a reminder of what was wrong. Was that guy's darkends? No. He wouldn't have put himself in danger like that.
You had to find darkends. You had to get to him. But how? Especially now that you were being watched constantly by squad 141. 
You closed your eyes. Swallowing felt really painful. You were thankful for the medication who was starting to numb the pain. You tried to stay awake but we're slowly being lulled to sleep. 
Did they walk back in? You were sure you could hear their voices… Did they put Reaper next to you? You could hug something fluffy now. You weren't sure, you were tired. You fell asleep. 
During the night, you woke up, feeling something heavy on you. You blinked looking down. You were absolutely shocked, Simon was cuddling you, his head over your stomach and his legs in between yours. He was hugging your waist. Price was outside, you could see his shadow through the blurred glass window. You smiled, letting your hand fall on Simon's head, softly caressing it through the mask. His grip around your waist tightened. 
"Hush… go to sleep Y/N." 
You smiled. You wanted to ask what happened to being professional? But you couldn't. Though he seemed to read your mind. 
"Let me just stay like this a bit… you're here. I almost fucking lost you-" 
You let your hand go to his cheeks caressing it and the other on his forearm. He sighed. 
You smiled, closing your eyes again. It felt warm. Amazing to have him against you like this. You were falling back asleep, trapped in between the land of dream and reality. The world around you was a blur… 
My little bunny
After a full week you were discharged. Kate had completely refused to let you return to your apartment. Instead, a small space right at the center of the base had been converted into a living space. The small building had been made so the higher sergeant or lieutenant could catch a break and had a small kitchen and a bathroom and two small rooms that were previously offices. The two small rooms had been emptied and a bed, and a few other pieces of furniture were occupying the space. One of the rooms had bunk beds and a single bed so the boys could sleep. 
Soap had nicely brought things from your apartment, though Simon was the only one to touch your clothes… because… underwear. You had some blankets, your laptops, chargers, Reaper obviously, some hygiene products and mostly, Simon had brought you a few of his hoodies. 
You were bored. The boys wouldn't let you do anything on your own except go to the bathroom and shower. 
The doctor had run multiple tests, luckily, the strand of plastic that had wrapped around your neck had mostly cut the flow of air, bruised and burned your skin thanks to the fabric laced around the cable. The boys had very luckily found you fast enough and made sure that you were breathing. The bruises were still very visible, you tried to hide it  but it was pointless. Your voice was slowly coming back but talking was still a challenge so you kept using your phone to talk to the team. 
You wanted to do something, maybe walk around. You kept searching on your laptop, sending any bit of information to the rest of the IT team. Laswell kept nagging you, she wanted you to completely withdraw from the mission. You had refused, after all you were the one being hunted. 
After a few days, they had finally found the identity of the attacker, a soldier from base. He had no particular link to you or the mission, so you asked Laswell to bring his electronics. You spent hours on the small table in the makeshift living room, searching through his phone and laptop. It didn't take long to find evidence. 
Pictures, messages, videos, all from missions he had been on. Missions that turned wrong. All used to mentally blackmail and wash his brain into complying. You froze in place when you read one of the messages sent by darkends. 
And the little bird kept singing to everyone,  and the cat, jealous, made sure it would no longer sing.
That motherfucker. He had completely used that poor guy, just to taunt you? Just to send a message? Fuck, that guy's dead now! You felt incredibly guilty, closing the laptop with a snap, attracting curious looks your way. 
"Is everything ok?" Soap asked. 
Simon eyed you from a corner of the room. 
You grabbed your phone typing something. 
My throat hurts, I want to speak and I can't. I'm very frustrated. 
You lied. You tried to write something they would accept. 
"Oh, would you like tea?" He offered with a smile. 
You softened your features playing pretend and you nodded, mouthing thank you. 
You, on the other hand, grabbed your own laptop and immediately got to work. You had to secure the team. Their files were confidential, but you wouldn't put it past darkends to manage that exploit. You knew the boys wouldn't betray you, but you'd be damned if they were thrown into a fire you were causing. 
It took a few minutes to get into the protected system and find the files. You knew by now the IT team had been alerted by a breach of security because you weren't being careful. You wanted to encrypt the files until no one, no, one, could open them. You had very little time before someone came rushing through your door, probably Laswell, scolding you. 
You had managed to encrypt everything, living your signature imprint. Soap had given you a warm tea with honey in it and you smiled, this time a true one as you felt relieved. Little over a minute after, the door swung open, startling Price and Soap. 
"What the fuck?!" Laswell yelled. 
You were expecting it. You took a sip of your team, the warmth of it making you feel good and in slight pain. 
"What happened? " Price asked, following her glare straight to you. 
"You hacked the military?! What for??" She was slightly furious. Slightly. 
You opened the soldier's laptop, opening the message wide. You turned the screen to her. Everyone walked to it, reading it. You took this time to write on your phone. 
He's using people against me. I'm not letting him use my friends. 
She read your phone, the boys taking a glance too. 
"Damn right we're friends!" Soap cheered, earning a 'shut up' from Ghost.
"You protected their files?" She finally understood. 
You nodded typing again. 
Sorry I didn't ask, I wanted to do it fast.
She sighed. 
"That's going to be a lot of paperwork…" 
You smiled apologetically.
"You know, we'd never hurt you." Soap said, looking at you. 
You frowned sadly. 
"I know… he'd hurt you…" you tried with a low, shaky voice. It still burnt your throat to speak. But you felt like you needed to say it out loud. You needed to tell them you trusted them with your life. He smiled, running to hug you. You smiled too. There wasn't a doubt in your head, these men would protect you with their lives. You would be fucking damned if you wouldn't protect them at all costs. 
It had been almost three weeks now you were stuck in this little house. Sure, it was fun to spend time with the boys, playing poker or the switch. Unfortunately, as Simon had warned, he was cold. He was very professional and wouldn't participate in the games. It made you sad. You wanted to be in his arms. And in all honesty, you were slightly annoyed, and pouting. One hug. It wouldn't kill him! 
You could feel his eyes on you sometimes. Ghost really had seemed to be taking full control. His gaze was darker. It was thrilling. And you played with it. Especially now that you were bored and annoyed. You wore a tank top, sometimes without bras, your nipples showing through the fabric. He would look absolutely furious. The poor boys were the one paying for your taunts as he threw murderous glances to everyone. You had given up, taking pity on the boys. You'd talk back, you'd be a brat. But he kept it professional. Much to your dismay. 
It had been extremely peaceful. Your bruises were almost faded, but your voice was still shaky. You'd speak a bit more often. But no yelling, no laughing out loud. At least you didn't have to type anymore. 
Nothing had happened. Nothing. Darkends had been silent. You were even wondering if he hadn't given up. It was, however, calm before the storm.
Laswell walked in, three soldiers behind her. Everyone turned to the newcomers, attention on them. 
"We have a problem." 
Price stood from the small couch. 
"Your apartment has been trashed." She continued.
This time she was talking to you. You jumped from the chair. 
"No. No. You are not coming." She warned.
"What..?" You hated how weak your voice was. 
"Ghost, Soap and price, you're coming with me, Sparrow you'll be staying with these recruits for the next few hours. Gaz and Konig will also join them soon." 
You frowned. That was ridiculous! You were going to say it out loud before Ghost spoke. 
"No. Stay." 
You looked at him. You wanted to scream but you just looked angrily at him. 
"Get mad if you want. Wouldn't change shit." He fumed. 
You gasped, shocked. 
You flipped him the bird, earning a terrifying glance from him and a laugh from Soap. You ran to your room, locking the door behind you. God! Your blood was boiling. They wanted to protect you, sure. But it was your mission. You wanted to be part of it. 
You heard them as they left. You needed to do something. You needed to go there with them. It was your house! Your home. Your eyes stopped on the window. This was a long shot. A very long one. But fuck you needed to try it. You opened it, taking a look outside. You could see the cars not too far. The gears in your mind were turning. Was there any way you could run and hide in the trunk? 
Fuck. It was either staying in your room, or giving it a try. The worst that could happen is Ghost finding you and… who knows. 
You slipped through the window, thanking whatever you could that the ground wasn't too far from your feet. Walking to the corner of the building you took a peek. Laswell was having some kind of pep talk. You looked at the car in front of you. You had to run, hide behind it, open the trunk as discreetly as possible and hide in it. 
You took a deep breath, hunching down and making a run for it. 
You couldn't believe it. It worked. You were behind the jeep. Now was not the time to get cold feet, you had to act fast. You slowly unlocked it, cringing at the lock's noise. You opened it slightly just enough to roll your body inside. Now closing it was the hardest part. And then there it was. Price and Laswell barking orders loudly. Loud enough to cover the sound of the trunk closing. So you did, not wasting this chance.
You exhaled. God. You couldn't believe this. The car shook as the doors opened. You froze, eyes widening. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck. 
People got in. By the voices, Soap, Ghost Price and someone else. 
The way the car rolled out of parking, you knew Ghost was driving. It was going to be a long ride. 
And it had been. You were sure to have a few bruises when you'd get out. When the car finally stopped you almost thanked the skies for it. The guys got out. Now you had to get out. An idea popped in your head. You took your phone out texting Soap. 
Soap. Trunk. Don't tell Ghost. 
You waited. It was long. What was he doing?! 
And suddenly the trunk opened. Soap looked absolutely horrified. You would have laughed.  But also looked horrified when he closed the trunk right back. What the…?! 
You knocked on the trunk repeatedly to make him open again. And he did, still wide eyed and now looking around to see if anyone was looking. 
"What are you doing here?!" He said in the loudest hushed whisper ever. 
"I'm going to see my apartment!" You answered in the same tone, glad to be talking in a low voice. You rolled and jumped out of the trunk. 
"Nonononononono…." He whispered-yelled again. 
"Yes. Yes. Yes." You claimed looking straight at him. 
"LT is going to kill us! You for disobeying and me for hiding you from him!" He hushed again. 
You rolled your eyes. 
"You're fine!" You whispered-yelled too. 
You passed right by him heading straight to your building. 
"Sparrow! No!! Fuck!" 
You kept heading up, now fully visible to everyone Soap running up to you. He looked visibly unwell. You promised yourself to take the fall for him. You were climbing the stairs, every soldier now noticing you and looking a mix of shock and terror as you passed by. It made you uneasy. You started to worry about Ghost's reaction too. But now was no time to worry. You were here, you were going to investigate. 
Finally reaching your apartment door you stepped inside. The first one to see you was price. And the first thing you noticed, was that the place wasn't trashed at all. 
"Y/N!" Price reprimanded. 
You stopped. Fuck. He could have said anything. A 'why are you here', or 'what the fuck' or anything else. But your name? It attracted him. He almost came running from the hallway. When your eyes locked, the only thing you wanted to do was run. He immediately rushed to you picking you up, throwing you over his shoulder. 
"No!" You tried.
You pounded on his back, though he clearly didn't seem to care. He started heading towards the door. In a last attempt you grabbed someone's arm. Laswell. 
He stopped. You closed your eyes, sighing with relief.
"Please put her down." 
He took a second, his breathing had quickened, but he put you down, not softly, you had to get your balance back. 
You frowned at him. A staring match starting. 
"Sparrow." Laswell reasoned. 
You looked at her. 
"Why are you here? How did you even?" She asked. 
"It's. My. Mission. My house Kate." You explained. Your voice kept at a normal level, even though rage coursed through your mind. 
She opened her mouth but your cut her off. 
"It's my life on the line." She looked taken aback. "Don't keep me out of this." 
She seemed to think for a second. Finally, she nodded slightly. You relaxed your shoulders, turning to look at Ghost. He truly looked furious. But so were you. You stuck your tongue out at him. 
"You little-" 
You turned your back on him turning to Laswell. 
"The place was supposed to be trashed." You noted. 
For a second hey eyes faltered. You immediately understood. Your room. You headed down the hall, stepping inside your bedroom. You weren't prepared for what you saw. The tags on the walls, the room completely trashed. Your belongings everywhere, on the floor, broken or ripped apart. You didn't even have to guess. The words 'you're mine birdie' had been spray painted all over the walls. You looked to the floor, kicking the head of one of your stuffed animals that seemed to be missing his body. 
"Are you alright?" Kate asked, showing up next to you. 
You shrugged. 
"It's just some objects. I'm fine. It's going to take forever to fix it though." 
You walked to your built PC, completely broken. 
"This, however, breaks my heart." 
She chuckled. 
"We'll pay for a new one. I promise." 
You smiled at her. You checked the broken components. Your hard drive was still there. Nothing had been stolen. This was just for show. 
"Anything?" She asked. 
"Nothing. Nothing's been stolen. This was on purpose, to send a message." You said. 
She sighed. 
"The question now is, was it him or did he have another puppet?" She wondered.
Ghost walked in. For some reason. You knew you were fucked. And not in a good way. 
"May I take her now? I'd like to have a chat with her in the bathroom" He asked. 
You looked panicked, looking at Kate for help. She grinned. 
"Absolutely. She's all yours lieutenant." 
"What?" You said, voice barely above normal. You tried not to force your voice and you hated it.
"What? You thought we'd leave you unpunished?" She asked. 
"What the fu-" 
You didn't have time to finish, in two steps he crossed the space in between you two grabbing your wrist and dragging you with him. Kate pretended to look away at something much more interesting.
"Traitor!" You threw as you exited the room.
Your heart beat rose as you approached the bathroom. You felt everyone's gaze as you were shoved inside, Ghost behind you. You turned around to look at him, mouth gasping as you saw him lock the door.
When his eyes met yours you shivered. You didn't exactly know if it was fear or anticipation.  He crossed his arms over his chest. He had rolled up his sleeves, his muscles flexing. 
"You don't fucking listen." 
You gazed back into his eyes. 
"For the past week, you've been bratting non-stop." He stepped forward, now inches from you. 
You frowned, trying to have some kind of composure in front of him. 
"What's wrong bunny? Cat got your tongue?" 
God you felt yourself melt. Bunny… the last time he called you like that was in the hospital. 
"I'm sure I saw it moments ago in the living room though. Such a big mouth yet very little action. Once it's only the two of us, you melt down"  
That motherf-
"Fuck you Ghost." You spat, mouth running faster than your brain.
He chuckled. A very dark one. He grabbed your wrists, made your arms fold behind your back and twisted you so you were back to him, staring into the bathroom mirror. He was right behind you staring right back at you. Your cheeks burned. Fuck… 
"You want my attention. That's what you fucking want." He spoke in a low grunt, right next to your ear. You closed your eyes. 
"Eyes on me." He ordered. 
You opened them looking at him in the mirror.
"Good girl." He praised. "If you want attention, now you have it. You have my whole attention." He growled. 
He held your wrist with one hand only. Fuck he was so big compared to you. His other hand rose to your mouth. 
"Bite it. Take off my glove." 
You frowned. 
"If I have to repeat myself, you're going to regret it." He warned. 
You opened your mouth slowly. His clothed fingers touching your lips. You grabbed the fabric in between your teeth and he wiggled his hand out. He grabbed it as you let it drop. 
"See. You can be such a good girl. But no. All you wanted was my attention. You couldn't fucking handle seeing me right there not touching you." 
The more he spoke the warmer you felt. What was he doing? What was happening… 
"S-simon…" you let out. 
"Wrong. Try again."
"Ghost…" you whined. 
"Yes. Ghost. I told you it was going to be like this. That I was going to be professional." He explained.
His naked fingers reached your lips again. 
You blushed, eyes widening a bit. 
"Bunny." He warned. 
Your lips parted slowly. 
"Stick your tongue out. Go on. You seem to like doing it in front of everyone, so do it for me." 
You obeyed. Two of his fingers touched your tongue, softly applying pressure. The rest of his hand enveloping your chin.
You whined. 
"I told you. I warned you. And yet you walk around half fucking naked in front of my men just to rile me up." He hissed. 
His hand lingered there. The more your mouth was open, the harder it was to swallow, his fingers getting wetter by the second. 
"My mind is fucking stuck in killing mode. And you rile me up bunny? Congratulations, you might be the only one to manage to fucking turn on Ghost." 
You couldn't believe it. You had turned him on. You had been torturing him. Fuck, the way he looked at you. 
"Do you know how many times I wanted to bend you over the table and fuck you in front of everyone? Just to fucking show them who you belong to?" 
You bent your back, trying to grind unto him, his little confession having much more effect on you than you wanted. However he didn't allow it, backing off without letting you go. 
"Oh no little bunny. Do you like that thought?" He chuckled again. 
You were obviously drooling all over his hand. Not that it seemed to bother him. 
"Fuck… look at you little one. So fucking pretty for me. So obedient. The only reason I'm not deep throating you with my fingers, that I'm not wrapping my hand around your pretty neck, it's that it's too soon. I don't want to hurt my little doll." 
Ok. Now you were wet. That asshole was torturing you just like you did to him. You closed your eyes, whining again. 
"Look. At. Me." He ordered again. 
You obeyed. You looked at him, pleading. You didn't even know what you were pleading for.
"Are you going to be a good girl now? Are you going to behave for me?" He asked in a vanilla voice that contrasted a lot with the way he was holding you. 
You whined again, trying to nod your head. 
"Fuck. Look what mess you made of my hand… go on. Suck on my fingers." 
You looked a bit shocked again but he held your gaze. Your lips wrapped around him as you retracted your tongue. You sucked softly, using your tongue to lick your saliva off his fingers. 
"Fuck bunny… such a good girl." 
The way he praised you, his own voice laced with desire. This situation had escalated quickly.
He took back his finger, wiping your chin. He sighed. His now free hand traveled to your waist, his arm now wrapping around it. The other let go of your wrists, letting you bring your arms back to your chest. He hugged you tightly from behind, hiding his face in your neck. 
"I-I'm sorry…" 
You blinked. Did you really hear that? 
"I'm sorry… I… got off track." 
You smiled. 
"It's ok… it was… nice" you tried. 
He looked back up at the mirror. 
"Really. I trust you. You… can do those things to me…" you looked away. You couldn't hold his gaze anymore. What the hell were you saying? 
"Don't say shit like that bunny… I'm gonna loose my fucking mind with you. I'm on mission fuck." 
His embrace tightened, his hands traveling a bit closer to places you craved. You had been wanting this. His arms. Being in his hold. This was even more than you had wished for. 
Your phone buzzed. You couldn't see the screen but he did. And whatever he read there, brought him back to reality. 
"God fucking damn it!" He cursed. 
That woke you up too. He let go of you and headed out of the door. You blinked. You took your phone in your hand. 
Hi birdie, I'm coming.
What the? You opened the message log. How? How did he get so close now? Another message showed. 
The little bird, no longer singing, was sad. The wolf took pity and swore to protect the birdie. The cat, growing even more jealous, swore that he'd take her from him. 
You shivered. You had to be honest. That guy was frightening. A complete psycho. And he just ruined your moment so fuck him. You walked out, everyone was already running everywhere. 
"Sparrow, you're going back to base right now." Price announced. 
You nodded, not wanting to discuss this. You choose your battles and this wasn't one you wanted to win. Laswell walked to you, hand forward asking for your phone. You gave it to her for her to read the message that clearly Ghost had already told everyone about. She cursed loudly. 
"Hansen, Soap take her back to base." 
Hansen? Peter was here? You looked at him smiling a bit as he clearly looked anxious. 
"Wait. I'll take her." Ghost interrupted. 
"No. I need you somewhere else lieutenant. They can perfectly bring her to safety." She refused. 
Ghost looked annoyed, his hands turning into fists. 
"I'll be with her LT. I'm keeping her safe." Soap said. 
It warmed your heart. Peter simply nodded, still looking on the verge of having a panic attack. 
"Good. Now go!" Laswell ordered. 
You smiled at Ghost as you followed Soap and Peter out. 
You headed down the stairs to the parking lot, the two men closely watching you and your surroundings. 
"We can take my car" Peter offered. 
Soap frowned but nodded. Peter unlocked his car, opening the backdoor for you. You hopped in as he closed the door. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. You wanted this to end. You needed your calm, boring life back. You wanted to enjoy Simon and continue whatever was happening between the both of you. You also wanted to finally sit down with him and ask him what he truly wanted from you, hoping that he wanted you to be his officially. You needed to hear him say it. 
You opened your eyes back as the car shook a bit. Peter had sat in the driver's seat, turning the car on. 
"Where's Soap?" You asked. 
"The lieutenant called him back." Peter said. 
Really? That was weird… Ghost wouldn't have let you alone with Peter. 
The car moved as you started to head out of the parking spot. You turned in your seat watching through the back window. You felt your heart fall into an abyss when you saw Soap lying on the ground. 
"What the fuck?!" You yelled, too loud for your sore throat. 
You turned back to Peter. He looked different. A new confidence in him that was unfamiliar. 
"Don't worry. He's not dead. Just napping." 
You were confused and suddenly terrified. Did darkends also blackmail Peter ?
"Peter, whatever that guy is blackmailing you with, I can help you. Please." You tried to reason him. 
He laughed. 
"You're adorable. Really. I can't wait to have you all to myself birdie." 
And it clicked. The puzzle pieces finally fit together. How was this even possible? Simon was right. You didn't recognize your own voice as you stated the obvious.
"You're darkends."
A/N: my foreshadowing is shit, and ya'll are too smart
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tinesleftnipple · 5 months
After combing through all the trailers, here's my ep 10 prediction
Post shower nosebleed scene. Maybe because of the trauma of what happened earlier. His condition is getting worse
Wei qian comes out from the bathroom and yuan helps him blow dry his hair, and then pulls him down to sleep. Qian lets yuan hold him
Wei qian goes to see doc lin. Some backstory on doctor lin and Le ge.
Doctor lin tells him to go get treated at a bigger hospital. Wei qian continues to keep it a secret from yuan and yuan notices something is up. He tries to confront wei qian about it but to no avail. Convo at the dinner table where yuan takes his hand and asks, in your heart, what am i to you?
San pang comes over and they have a man to man convo. San pang now realizes how important qian and yuan are to each other, and how precious yuan's feelings are. He's trying to talk wei qian through it. "Unless you really can't accept being with a guy, otherwise yuan is the only one in this world who stands by you unwaveringly" "Would you okay with it if you weren't a part of his future?"
Wei qian thinks it's a hard decision to make - he needs to worry about the future, yuan's future (and also probably his Mystery Condition plays a significant role in making this decision). He knows if he accepts yuan's love it will be for life.
San pang leaves and wei qian goes upstairs but realizes yuan was there the whole time
Yuan leaves the house and qian chases after him
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Yuan asks if qian is having a hard time dealing because he feels guilty or because he cares. He never asked wei qian to take responsibility for his feelings
Yuan goes to leave and qian grabs onto him. Qian tells him he's terrified. "I really can't wrap my head around it, what kind of love I feel for you"
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drea-ms · 1 year
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ "Maybe falling in love with you was a mistake." "Maybe it was." Connor regretted saying that, he regretted not saying I love you to you.
warnings. heavy angst. no happy ending. reader is a detective. deviant!connor. fights. hospital scene, reader getting shot. reader is from New York. no use of yn. grammar mistakes.
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You wondered how you got in this moment, before this, you were in the precinct chatting with Gavin and Hank. The next you were called in for a homicide along with Hank and Connor, and now you were chasing the suspect who was running away. You were lucky you got a head start because the guy was running at a fast speed, Connor behind you, was catching up, while Hank was slow, he was old. That's when time stopped and the suspect turned around and tried to shot one of you guys and notice that he was aiming at connor. It felt as if time stopped, maybe it did because by the time the gun went off, you went running in front of connor, the bullet hitting you in the ribs. Then, your eyes closed.
The next time you woke up it was two weeks after that chase, you were in the hospital, your android partner, was sitting there, sleeping or what androids called sleeping. His brown hair a mess, his chocolate covered eyes closed and his clothes a mess, Hank came to visit you once you woke up, the android still asleep. The older man looked at you then at Connor, then began to talk, "He's been here since you were shot, the poor kid was worried sick" he stated taking his coat off and putting it on the sleeping android before continuing, "He was mad at everyone, at himself mostly, mad at the fact that they couldn't help you faster, mad that he couldn't help you, he was scared." He said turning around and taking steps to the door, "I'm going to tell the docs that you're awake, you should wake up sleeping beauty before they get here" he said and left. You smiled, grateful for the older Anderson.
Once he left you turned to look at Connor, you shook him awake until he woke up, when he did, the first thing he did was yell, "What the hell were you thinking?! You could've died!" he said standing up straight and tidying himself up, with wide eyes and an aching feeling in your chest you managed to say a couple words, "Geez, no thank you?" you sarcastically said, looking at him with a deadpanned face, "You could've let me get shot! I could be repaired in an instant! You can't!" he once again yelled, making you look at him with a sadden look, "He was aiming your heart you shithead! You could've died" you stated tears welling up in your eyes, almost choking on your own tears, "You're human! You only get one chance to live, I could live up to the end of the world! I can be replaced! You Can't!" he said repeating the last part, you looked at him, full on crying now. "What part do you not understand?!" he said once again, "I don't want you replaced, I don't want Hank to lose another son, Everyone doesn't want you replaced Connor! That's why! What if CyberLife does something to you and replaces you with a non deviant version of you?!" you yelled, you're voice hurting when you did, "I can assure you—" "That's not the point Connor! While I can live once without a copy of me, You can live on forever! And It wouldn't be the same if the original version of you is replaced by some other kind!" you interrupted him, him now standing in place quietly before he stated the words you never wanted to hear,
"Maybe falling in love with you was a mistake" he muttered but loud enough for you to hear him, "What?" you whispered looking at him, your vision becoming blurry due to your tears, "If falling in love with you caused this many problems, then I regret falling in love with you, I don't regret not being able to tell you that I do." he said, looking at you with a straight face, "Maybe it was.." you whispered not loud enough for him to hear, "I'm sorry?" he said, wanting you to repeat what he said and you did loud, "Out. Now." you shakily said, pointing at the door, "I will, hope you recover well enough detective." he said not calling you your name anymore, and he left.
It was a couple of weeks after that incident and once you felt better you went back to your job and avoided the android with all your heart, not wanting to see him, that was until you had an idea, if he didn't want to see you again then you would make it happen. You were in Fowler's office when you told the captain that you wanted to transfer to New York, the angry looking captain ask you why, "I don't think I can handle this.." you said lowering your head so you can't see his reaction, "I thought you loved it here," he said looking at you with a concerned look o his face, "I want to be home for a while," you said sadly smiling, and as a surprise he let you transfer, and when you saw that Hank and Connor left the precinct, you started to pack your stuff up from the desk, it was late at night and almost everyone left beside those who were on the night shift.
Since it was friday you were transfering back to New York until monday so you had enough time to leave everyone with out trace, but you didn't, you left each one of your friends and letters, you left two on Hank's and Connor's desk before leaving the precinct and looking at at for one last time and you left. Not trace on your desk left of you on there.
When Connor came back to work on Monday, he saw that your desk was empty and you weren't sitting there, he thought that maybe you switched desks, until he went through his cabinet in his desk, looking at the letter you left him.
Connor regretted letting those words come out of his mouth. He regretted not being able to finally love you like you did to him.
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VALs NOTES : guess who's back!!!!!! i'm sick though and i though of this while shaking at 2am with the worst cold EVEREEEE though i have two fics in thw works!! one is a saiki k x reader and the other is a 707 x reader both are fluff!!
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allthingsfangirl101 · 4 months
Worst-Case Scenario – Joe Keery
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"I'm telling you, Mr. Gary," I sighed, not bothering to look up from the chart in my hand, "you do not have Onchocerciasis."
"Are you sure, Doc?"
I sighed before forcing myself to look at him. "I'm sure, John. For starters, you're not blind. And you haven't been around blackflies of the genus Simulium and haven't been repeatedly bitten by them. So, no, John, you do not have Onchocerciasis."
"But I think it's. . ."
"You're a hypochondriac, Mr. Gary," I cut him off. "So my prescription? Stay off of WebMD."
After he left, I finally took my 30-minute lunch break. I went into one of the breakrooms the hospital had and sat on the couch. I leaned back and the second I caught my breath, my phone started ringing. When I grabbed it, a smile spread across my face.
"Hey, you."
"Hey, gorgeous," Joe's voice came through the phone. "How's my favorite doctor?"
"Tired," I said with a small laugh. "How's my favorite actor?"
"Tired and misses his wife."
"Well, his wife misses him too," I said as I lay down on the couch.
"You're off later tonight, right?" He asked.
"Yep," I sighed. "I only have two more hours."
"Great," he chuckled. "I have about three more hours."
"No," I whined.
"I know, I know," he sighed, "but I'll bring home dinner. What are you feeling?"
"Italian," I said instantly, making him laugh.
"If my wife wants Italian, I will get her Italian."
"I love you," I said softly.
"I love you too, baby," he said, sounding a little different. "I know we both have crazy jobs and we love them but. . . We never see each other anymore."
"I know," I whispered. I thought about it for a second before coming up with a plan. "When are you done filming your latest season?"
"We got about two more months," he sighed, not catching on.
"Well," I elongated, "I have some vacation days that need spending."
"Oh?" He chuckled, finally seeing where I was going.
"Mhmm," I hummed. "I can talk to my shift coordinator and get some time off once you finish filming."
"I like that idea," Joe said in a teasing tone. "How many vacation days do you have?"
"In total?" I had to think about it. "About two weeks, I think. Maybe more."
"Wow," Joe chuckled. I could hear the smirk.
"I really haven't taken that much time off," I sighed. "In fact, I was talking to my supervisor the other day and she practically begged me to take some time off."
"Well, even your health matters, Doctor," he teased. "Would it be crazy to suggest you take the whole two weeks off?"
"Absolutely not," I chuckled. "It sounds amazing."
"Perfect," he said gently. "We'll plan it all out over dinner tonight."
* * * * *
An hour into the second half of my shift, I got a patient I never wanted to have in the ER.
"Doctor Keery," one of the interns hesitated.
"I have a patient that just came in," he stalled.
"Okay," I said, slowly looking at him. "And is it a tough case? What's up?"
"I think you're gonna want to take this one."
Before I could ask what he meant, he turned on his heel and walked away. Sighing, I put down the file I was holding and grabbed the one for the new case. I walked into the room without looking at the file.
"Joe?!" I dropped the file on the ground and ran to him. I stood in front of him and gently grabbed his face. As I scanned him, he had bruises, a busted lip, and what looked like ash.
"What happened to you?" I panicked. "Did something happen on set? Were you in a car accident? I'm trying to remember what scenes you shot today."
Joe reached up and grabbed my wrists, but didn't pull my hands away from his face. "Baby," he said gently, "I'm fine."
"But," I stuttered.
"I'm serious," he said, finally pulling my hands away from his face. "It was just a small stunt explosion."
"A what?!" I yelled. I grabbed his file off the ground and started scanning through it. Without a word, I instantly started attending to his wounds. He watched me the entire time.
"Y/N," he whispered once I had finished cleaning the ash off his face and neck. "Can we. . . We should probably. . ."
"I need to finish dressing your wounds," I said almost emotionless. We were quiet as I finished cleaning and bandaging up his wounds.
"Baby," Joe sighed.
"There," I said quickly. "You're done. I'll get you cleared to leave."
"Y/N. . ."
"I want you to go home," I cut him off. "I mean it, Joe. I don't care what your director says. Doctor beats director. So please, go home and get some rest. I'll bring home dinner and check to make sure your wounds are healing."
"But Y/N. . ."
"Doctor's orders," I said firmly. I closed his file and left the room. I handed it to the nurse and let out a shaky breath.
"You okay, Doctor?" The nurse I handed the file to asked sweetly. She looked at the file and her face dropped when she saw the name. "Oh," she said under her breath. "How is he?"
"He'll be fine," I said, forcing myself to push down my anxiety. "I need. . . Can you get his paperwork through the system so he can go home?"
"Of course, Doctor," she said with a small smile on her face. "Would you like me to tell you before he leaves?"
I hesitated. "No," I said under my breath. "It's okay. Thank you."
I went through the rest of my shift with my heart in my stomach. I wasn't sure when Joe went home. When my shift was finally over, I got takeout on the way home.
The second I walked into the house, Joe appeared in the hallway. "Hey, Doctor Gorgeous. How was the rest of your shift?"
"It was fine," I said as I walked past him and hung my keys on the wall. I kicked off my shoes before walking into the kitchen and putting the food on the table.
"Y/N. . ."
"Did you get any sleep?"
"A little," he said, the tone of his voice slightly weird. "Y/N, baby, we need to. . ."
"I brought home dinner," I cut him off. "You need to eat something."
With that, neither one of us said anything as we ate. Once we finished, I stood up and started cleaning off the table. After putting my plate in the sink, I walked back to grab Joe's plate. As I reached for it, he grabbed my wrist and stopped me.
"Y/N, I know you're mad," he sighed. "But we need to talk this through. I'm sorry I scared you today. I didn't mean to. We were running through a fight scene and we were off. It ended with. . ."
"You don't understand!" I cut him off as I tore my wrist out of his hold.
"You're right," he said oddly calm after I just exploded. "Please help me understand."
"You being a patient in my ER is my worst-case scenario."
"What do you mean, baby?" He asked as he stood up and grabbed my hand. He led me over to the couch and we sat down.
"I see a lot of horrible things," I said, my voice breaking. "I see people who come in and end up fighting for their life. I see those same people not survive the fight. And I am the one that has to tell their families they're gone."
"It was an accident," he whispered.
"It's always an accident," I said, the tears close to spilling. "It's the accidents that end suddenly and badly."
"Y/N. . ."
"I can't lose you, Joe." My voice broke as the tears finally started streaming down my face. "You're my world. You're my everything. You're my husband. Having you come into my ER and me not being able to save you is my biggest fear."
Joe sighed as he pulled me into his chest. I tried to stop the tears as he kissed the top of my head.
"I'm sorry, baby," he whispered. "I should've called you and given you a heads up. It would've been better than surprising you. But I really am fine, Y/N. We got a little too into our fight scene and ended up getting too close to an explosion that happens in the scene. We had the set medics check us out, but our director wanted us to get checked out at the hospital just in case. Next time, I promise to call you first."
"How about there is no next time?"
My question made Joe laugh. He tightened his arms around me and relaxed into the couch.
"I will try not to have a next time."
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fiveredlights · 5 months
there's glitter on the floor after the party: the deleted scenes
i'm sure it'll make someone happy because i think we all need it! just as a note, this is all unedited so some of it might make no sense and that's okay.
(i recommend the google doc for easier reading otherwise the whole thing is under the cut)
Chapter one: 2023
I don’t have anything to show…anything I did cut has already been long deleted. My bad. The first two are very sparse because I was cutting unwanted things as my Google docs was lagging whenever I opened it. The only thing I remember writing that chapter was that it was meant to coincide with Daniel’s return to COTA in real life but I ran out of time so I pushed it back to Las Vegas. 
Chapter two: 2024
CUT: Daniel winning the championship
WHY: Felt too rushed and easy. No emotional pay off, you were only just introduced to Daniel in RBR again. Also don’t ask me what happened to Max for him to not just clean sweep 2023-2027. Also don’t ask who won the championship in 2026. I declare that your favourite driver won it and I definitely did not forget to give a championship. 
DANIEL: Oh my god, it’s just surreal like I don’t know how to describe it. Especially after the past couple years, it’s just—yeah. And to do it with Max too, it’s just something special for me and the team. 
73 Questions With Daniel Ricciardo | Vogue
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Vogue 4M
DANIEL: Hello Vogue, didn’t see you there. Welcome to my home away from home.
PRODUCER: One sentence you could tell your younger self? 
DANIEL: Doors are meant to be opened. 
PRODUCER: Worst thing about racing in Formula 1?
DANIEL: Accidents, hands down. It’s horrifying as a driver to watch someone crash, because that’s when everything sort of gets a reality check in the cockpit. Like we are racing around at three-hundred kilometres an hour, and there is a real chance that something could go wrong. I’ll never forget Max’s Silverstone accident, just—yeah it just a horrible thing to witness.
not daniel fidgeting with his necklace when he talks about max’s silverstone crash… you ain’t slick boy
#yes i have deluded myself into thinking it’s from max #i’m already depressed i don’t want to hear it #join team emotional support redbull delusions
348 notes
qu'est-ce que tu sais, espèce de salope française qui aime l'érable et qui parle bizarrement ? sors avec ça (What do you know you maple-loving weird speaking French bitch? Come out with it)
#je ne veux pas te traiter de salope #ou peut-être que c'est le cas (#i don’t mean to call you a bitch #or maybe i do)
392 notes
(i promise i wrote this before he decided to rear end daniel in china. i pinky promise.)
daniel “doors are meant to be opened” ricciardo
#what is my man on #doors are meant to be opened 😭😭 #he didn’t open a door one time and it’s haunted him for life
78 notes
Chapter three: 2025
CUT: Red Bull marketing video
WHY: Chapter was already very long. Also I couldn’t find any good questions.
Daniel and Max play the F1 newlywed game 💒💍
827K views 10 hours ago #Gives you wings #F1 … more
Oracle Red Bull Racing 1.58M 
MAX: Hello everyone and today we are playing the newlywed game. 
DANIEL: Are you excited? 
MAX: I mean I have to say yes otherwise I look like I’m in an unhappy marriage. 
MAX:—Also the name doesn’t even make sense. Newlywed? That isn’t us.
DANIEL: [To off screen] Guys, I would get someone to approve your overtime, we’re gonna be here a while. 
OFF SCREEN: Who is more likely to overpack for a holiday?
DANIEL: Don’t look at me!
MAX: We have three suitcases. 
DANIEL: It takes effort to look this good. 
MAX: Three suitcases every single race weekend.
DANIEL: What’s the next question? 
CUT: Lucinda’s vaguely threatening email
WHY: Broke the fourth wall. Glitter on the floor is meant to be solely a third POV view and I couldn’t justify it. 
From: lucindasalzar@/press.redbull.racing
To: maxverstappen@/redbull.racing, danielricciardo@/redbull.racing
CC: christianhorner@/redbull.racing, teamdaniel@/press.redbull.racing, teammax@/press.redbull.racing
Date: 21 Nov 2025 at 3:04am
Hi all, 
Please see attachment below for finalised details regarding your press strategy and talking points this weekend. Media have been advised to not ask any questions about the ring and we’d like to keep it that way. Remember to keep it vague if you do get asked, and if you don’t feel comfortable a simple no comment will suffice. 
Please email for any further clarification or questions and good luck this weekend. (And please no spur of the moment Las Vegas—Elvis impersonator weddings you two.) 
Best regards, 
Lucinda Salzar (she/her)
Head of Communications, Red Bull Racing. 
E: lucindasalzar@/press.redbull.racing
P: +44 ** **** *****
CUT: The chaotic Abu Dhabi super seat swap
WHY: I had to cut this because I altered the timeline, Las Vegas was going to the second last race. In an earlier version Max and Daniel were gonna come back in 2026 and also drop the Matilda news at the same time but I wanted more content just out of Maxiel so I had to leave this on the cutting board. Some of it made it into the published fic but the original thing was more chaotic. (Also I changed the Red Bull junior driver at least once a week because they kept dropping them. It went from Hauger, to Crawford, to Maloney and then I just gave up because I could not keep up.)
red bull needed to replace two drivers and they did in THE MOST CHAOTIC way possible. okay, just listen: 
the official red bull reserve driver is liam lawson (of alpha tauri, so he obviously gets pulled up)
alpha tauri then call on zane maloney to replace liam (alpha tauri’s reserve driver)
BUT, daniel’s car still needs to fulfil the mandatory rookie free practice session (max’s was completed in mexico when maloney drove)
red bull can’t get zane in daniel’s car again cause he’s got to drive liam’s… so they’ve got to find someone who has the super licence points … we’ll come back to this
so right now car 3 is being driven by liam lawson, car 40 is driven by zane maloney. i hear you ask… who is driving car 1? it’s none other than yuki tsunoda (of alphatauri)
I KNOW, but red bull have quite literally run out of contracted reserve drivers and i believe because every driver is technically employed by red bull (whether they drive for RB or AT) they’re able to pull them up or down without the FIA kicking up a fuss
i’ll wait for why red bull pulled up both AT’s 
this means yuki tsunoda’s alpha tauri will be without a driver and once again, red bull call Pepe Marti
#i don’t even know if this is 100% correct i could be so wrong
13,482 notes
David CROFT: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our final race of the 2025 season, to our first free practice session under the blistering sun of Abu Dhabi and if this is your first time watching, welcome along cause this will certainly be an interesting race weekend. Now, eagle eyed viewers may have caught that AlphaTauri driver Yuki Tsunoda is in the Red Bull, and his team mate is sitting in the next garage over not in a car. Anthony Davidson is with me—Ant, care to explain to our viewers at home the driver seat swap chaos that’s happening down at Red Bull? 
Anthony DAVIDSON: Hello everyone, wherever in the world you may be watching and yes, chaos is the right word for it isn’t it? I’ve got about five pieces of paper and I’m going to do my best to explain, what I think, is the most complicated driver situation in F1 history. 
CROFT: Yes, for those who didn’t join us last time out or who may be new to F1, I promise driver seat talk usually isn’t this complicated but we’ll do our best to make sense of it all. Now we’ve got to start at the last race for it all to make sense. Red Bull driver Daniel Ricciardo had a nasty crash with Enzo Fittipaldi of Haas that left him with a concussion and bruised ribs, which is why presumably he isn’t racing today, and we wish him well in his recovery. Red Bull’s other driver Max Verstappen was also not able to race this weekend for an unspecified reason, so Red Bull are left with two empty seats.
DAVIDSON: We know that Red Bull’s official reserve driver is Liam Lawson, so that’s no problem there. He’s driving Daniel’s number 3 car, but here’s where the trouble starts. Car number 3 still needs to complete its mandatory FP1 session, which Zane Maloney was planning to do this session. But you’ll notice that Zane is in Liam’s car right now, the Alpha Tauri—and this is because he’s Alpha Tauri’s reserve driver. 
CROFT: Still following everyone? So far, car number 3 is being driven by Liam Lawson, car number 40 is being driven by Zane Maloney. But Liam Lawson isn’t even in car number 3 at the moment, it’s Pepe Marti, who is currently racing in Formula 2 and part of Red Bull’s junior academy. He’s competing the mandatory rookie FP1 session for car number 3.
DAVIDSON: So now we move onto Max Verstappen’s car, which is being driven by the other AlphaTauri driver, Yuki Tsunoda. Which now means AlphaTauri needs a driver to replace him and it’s Red Bull junior driver, Isack Hadjar who is in car number 22. 
CROFT: Right, so it’s Yuki Tsunoda and Liam Lawson in Red Bull for the race, Zane Maloney and Isack Hadjar in the AlphaTauri’s and Pepe Marti in Liam or Daniel’s Red Bull for FP1. Confused? Don’t worry, so are we so bare with us if we accidentally get names and teams wrong because I believe this is possibly the biggest driver change in F1 history.
DAVIDSON: Yes and because I know people will be asking, “Why didn’t Red Bull just put Maloney in Daniel’s car for the whole weekend?” and we have an answer and officially, it’s because of contracts. Whatever behind the scenes isn’t allowing him to drive that Red Bull which is why they called up Yuki instead. Maloney has also said he feels more confident driving the AlphaTauri all weekend rather than the Red Bull, so that also may play a factor in this. 
CROFT: But also this is a perfect opportunity for Red Bull to compare both drivers, should the opportunity for one of them to make the move into Red Bull when the time arises. 
Chapter four: 2026
CUT: Netflix Drive to Survive script
WHY: Once again, I was lazy and didn’t want to write a script. I kinda wish I did though, I think it would’ve given Las Vegas 2025 more substance, especially because you only see it through a fan perspective whereas DTS allows you to get the driver’s perspective, but I do plan to finish this off…. eventually….
Netflix- Drive to Survive
Season 9, Episode 3 “Redemption”
The Las Vegas Grand Prix is back in town but it’s not all good fortunes for those driving. The biggest paddock secret is unveiled.
We see scrambled eggs on a frying pan. 
OFF SCREEN:  Daniel? Where is my jumper? The blue one? 
The camera zooms out from the eggs to see Daniel, wearing a light blue jumper, grimacing at the camera. 
DANIEL: (Under his breath) To be fair it was my jumper first.
The camera swings to Max in the doorway, arms crossed as he narrows his eyes at Daniel. 
MAX: I heard that. 
(In the garage, during the crash.)
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #1: Has anyone told Max? 
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #2: We’re not telling him.
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #3: Seriously? 
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #1: He thinks his husband is dead, we’re telling him!
PRODUCER: Do you have some fears about allowing the world to know about your relationship? 
DANIEL: God, of course I have. We both have. But we spent so long being—not scared, but worried let’s say about the consequences of us just being together. But then Las Vegas happened and all I wanted was Max to sit by my bedside and make a stupid joke about me being in hospital again. And it was when Christian literally had to fight multiple people to get Max into that hospital I realised that what we were doing was unsustainable. 
PRODUCER: Unsustainable? 
DANIEL: Are you married? 
DANIEL: Have you ever watched your partner crash into something at three hundred kilometres an hour and no one telling you if they were even alive? Because I’ve done that. We’ve done that. Multiple times. 
Montage of different Max & Daniel accidents. 
DANIEL: And then you have to go on with your day, going to debrief, doing press but all you really want to do is go to them and make sure that they’re even alive? 
DANIEL: So yeah. Unsustainable. 
333 update account @/official333
📺 | Drive to Survive (Netflix) 
Daniel talking about his relationship with Max on and off the track: 
Q: Do you think it’s been challenging to balance out the relationship given your unique relationship with Max? 
Daniel: No, and I think people over dramatise the complexity of it all. I mean sure, it has been somewhat difficult, especially at the beginning but in the end it is just racing, you know? We’re both aware that we are something different from the other drivers, but I like that. Not many people get to do what they love with their partner right next to them, so I definitely take every race we do together for granted. 
476 replies 88 reposts 8,372 likes
CUT: Alternate ‘M’ reveal
WHY: I genuinely spent like half an hour thinking if fictional Max and Daniel would show Matilda, I had earlier drafts where they hide her face until I was like okay, this is fictional. Bad things do not exist in this universe, so it’s fine. Plus, Matilda is so cute I can’t hide her.
[Video: Daniel, standing in front of a door. 
DANIEL: I know a lot of you guys might have noticed that I’ve been dropping clues towards who this mysterious M is and it’s finally time to reveal who it is. 
He opens the door and pans the camera to Max. 
DANIEL: M stands for Max. Sorry to break the news, it’s not that exciting. Wait, who’s that? 
The camera pans further down to show Max holding a baby, she’s sleeping soundly in Max’s arm.
Photo: A baby. She’s wearing a light blue onesie, and her hand is wrapped around a mini honey badger soft toy.]
Liked by lucsalzar and others
danielricciardo Everybody meet Matilda. Matilda, this is everybody. 
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georgerussell63 They learnt what hard launching is and said we’re going to do it for everything… Congrats 🙌 
landonorris be prepared for the onslaught of driver themed onesies coming your way… 
1 March
CUT: The half-completed TIME article about Daniel
WHY: I did not have it in me to write another 1000 word article. I spent around a week just writing Daniel’s The Players’ Tribune article. But what I did write, I did like. Was also around the time TIME named Taylor Swift as their person of the year, so that’s where I got that inspiration. 
How 2025 was the year of the Honey Badger—Daniel Ricciardo on winning his first Formula 1 Championship during a historic year.
by Tylda Rune-Liberi for TIME
February 15, 2026 9:33AM EST
It’s 2017 and F1 driver Daniel Ricciardo was asked in a press conference what race he would like the new owners of F1 to host. His answer? Las Vegas. In 2023, five years on, his wish was granted. Two years later, in 2025, the race he had proclaimed as a dream race would turn into stuff of nightmares. 
Leading the race and looking like he would take a first win at Las Vegas after a podium in 2023, it looked like everything was going Ricciardo’s way until a bizarre accident with Kick Stake Sauber’s Theo Pourchaire causes a major accident, leaving Ricciardo wedged in the cockpit for over half an hour. 
Pourchaire had given way to Ricciardo as he was being lapped, before attempting to unlap himself, choosing the wrong moment as Ricciardo was heading into the pitlane. Radios released after the accident have Pourchaire admit he “didn’t think he was going into the pit lane.”
It’s a horrifying crash to watch—even with the knowledge that both drivers would be okay, and it would soon be clear that no one felt it more in the pitlane than Ricciardo’s own teammate: Max Verstappen. 
Formula 1 drivers all drive with the knowledge that a crash could happen at any given moment, but this accident was different. 
[Photo: Daniel, in a dark navy denim blue overshirt and jeans.]
Ricciardo and Verstappen have had a long and varied partnership throughout their career, first starting in 2016 where Verstappen was brought up mid season from then-Red Bull junior team Toro Rosso (now Visa Cash App RB), winning his debut race with the team, where it looked like the win would go to Ricciardo instead. They would go on to be teammates for another two seasons, before Ricciardo announced a shocking move to Renault (now Alpine). 
One thing that stood out about their initial partnership was how their off track friendship never seemed to waver, even in their most turbulent of times (see Hungary 2017 or Azerbaijan 2018). In an era where friendships between teammates seemed to famously end in failure, in the likes of fan dubbed ‘Brocedes’ (Nico Rosberg & Lewis Hamilton; best friends growing up who’s friendship ended in rivalry fighting for a championship) or former Red Bull teammates Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber (Multi-21 Seb?), it was an outlier that the two remained such good friends, even after Ricciardo had departed Red Bull. 
Even Ricciardo mentions that Lewis Hamilton had gone up to him to ask how Verstappen and Ricciardo had managed to keep their friendship going even though they had tussles on track. “I don’t really know,” Ricciardo says. “I mean it’s definitely all in hindsight now, but I think it was because we—or at least I—knew that our friendship was really important. Like it was no matter what happens I don’t go and screw up this friendship I have with Max.”
Ricciardo would go through a bumpy time in his post-Red Bull career, going through two seasons at Renault, two seasons at McLaren before a 6 month break where he was named ‘Third Driver’ for Red Bull, a 6 month stint in Red Bull sister team AlphaTauri (formerly Toro Rosso, now Visa Cash App RB) which was marked with Ricciardo missing 5 races due to a hand injury during a free practice session in Zandvoort before returning back to the very seat he left six years earlier, Red Bull announcing Ricciardo’s return at the 2023 Las Vegas race. 
A move that was then deemed as a surprise move by many pundits, all was put to rest when Riccardo finessed his AlphaTauri in the podium position, grabbing the team 3rd place and their first podium since Pierre Gasly in 2021. 
Something was different about this second stint, and it wasn’t the journeys they’ve both gone on since they both parted ways. There was something different about them together. 
[Photo: Max and Daniel laughing in the Red Bull garage.]
Nine years on since their first race together, it was oddly reminiscent of their first. Verstappen crossed the line to win a race his teammate had been poised to do so. Only this time, the celebrations were much different. 
With Ricciardo in hospital, Verstappen quickly left the race track after a tuned down podium ceremony, skipping out on mandatory post-race media duties, where competitors and team can attract fines for doing so. (The FIA opted not to fine Verstappen and Red Bull in this instance.) 
Even during the red flag it was clearly Verstappen was antsy, with his radio calls after finding out his teammate was in an accident conveying his state of worry. Leaked video from inside the Red Bull garage has Verstappen mention not finishing the race, wanting to be by Ricciardo’s side instead. 
“I remember I posted the post and people were like ‘Oh, maybe he meant it in a friendly way’ and I was like f***, I’ve got to actually spell it out for them.” Hence, the iconic post that broke the F1 world was born. 
[Daniel’s tweet.] 
It’s 2020, and the Australian Grand Prix has just been cancelled due to COVID. 
All the drivers and teams are left scrambling to try and leave the country before the borders close, and Daniel Ricciardo has just invited Max Verstappen to stay over at his house in Perth. 
“I don’t think I can even call it a friendly gesture, because as much as I like the other guys on the grid, there’s no way I would’ve invited them over.”
“Yeah, I won a championship. But I’m still the same person.”
Ricciardo’s often been somewhat of an open book, he says—whether it was for the better or for the worse. Every aspect of his life has been so highly publicised, from winning races to what it looks like when he’s not, it’s remarkable how he still holds nearly the same candour, even if his name and career has seemingly been dragged through the mud a thousand times over by the media. 
Last year he publicly came out in a F1-related podcast, to what he says was very unplanned. “I didn’t plan to come out, let’s say, it just kind of happened. 
“I didn’t even plan to come out, let's say, it just kind of happened? I was recording a podcast and I was talking about 2022 and how it unfolded, the support systems around me and I said “my partner”, and a part of me went Oh, shit! I hadn’t talked about my relationships at length before that, and I knew people were going to absolutely run with it and then I was like—well, might as well just go the whole nine yards, so then the second reference to my partner I very deliberately dropped in he. And that was it.”
“I remember so vividly, I went home that night and I told Max, oh I think I did something stupid and his mind immediately went to me accidentally leaking like team secrets or something big like that, and I was like no, I may have accidentally came out and within like three seconds you could see is brain just switch. 
“There is no we found the elephant in the room or whatever. The elephant has always been in the room and it’s just decided to make its presence known.”
“Look, I definitely understand some of the criticism that some people may have with F1 or Red Bull or us capitalising on our relationship or whatever, but I think now more than ever there’s a need to perhaps know who the drivers are when they aren’t driving.” Ricciardo adds. 
“Because it’s all fine and good if John Smith is winning races and driving amazingly, but if you know next to nothing about the person because it seems like they’re packed up and shipped race to race, you’re not going to root for the guy because they’ve made no connection.”
Ricciardo quickly clarifies that it’s not a negative for sports people or celebrities to maintain their personal lives, but he sees it more as a way to express or show what he wants to show in his own lives. “We spent nearly five years it near complete secrecy from the outside world and whilst I’m not saying that we should’ve just been public right from the start—we probably wouldn’t have survived—I was just wanting to post a photo of Max burning dinner or something and not have gossip magazines or Instagram accounts dissect every pixel of it.”
Did Ricciardo get pushback from the FIA or his team? It’s a difficult question to answer, he tells me. NDAs and whatnot. He says, “The team was wonderful about it, though. Had multiple team members come up to us willingly to fight the higher powers if needed which was very sweet.”
“Let’s just say there were conversations that I had been made aware of that had made me feel like we weren’t even allowed to look at each other when we were in the paddock. I felt like they were asking me to only refer to him as my teammate, stuff along those lines.”
“One of our friends told us at our wedding something along the lines of for F1 drivers, you did move pretty fucking slow in your relationship! And Max was like yeah, did you know who we were in 2018?” Ricciardo laughs loudly, scaring one of the cats who seemed ready to take a nap. 
“I used to rely so much on what other people thought of me, it wasn’t enough that I thought I was the best guy out there, you also had to think I was the best guy out there.”
Racing has always been part of Ricciardo’s life, but he doesn’t want it to be the only thing now in his life. He wants you to ask about things not related to racing, like how much he loves his family or how he thinks the Buffalo Bills are the greatest NFL team on earth. 
“I’m not going to do this forever, you know?” He says, finishing the can of Red Bull he’d been slowly sipping throughout the course of this piece. “I hope when I look back at these years of my life I’m going to be equally proud of what I did in the car and what I did outside of it.” — With reporting done by Tylda Rune-Liberi and Nicolas St. Revelate. 
CUT: Max and the team getting called up to the FIA
WHY: The FIA seems like an organisation who might send me a cease and desist if I wrote them as quietly homophobic. I don’t have money for a lawsuit. Also wanted to keep the universe happy because the real one is not. Still think my Mad Mex reference is funny.
Autosport @/autosport
Breaking: Max Verstappen summoned to the stewards after allegedly breaking parc ferme rules. 
12 replies 90 reposts 821 likes
Q: Sorry, Daniel just coming back to you now. We’ve just received word that Max Verstappen has just been summoned to the stewards for breaking parc fermé conditions, any reaction on that? 
Daniel RICCIARDO: For what? 
Q: Uh, we think it might be related to post race procedures around weighing. Not entirely sure yet, his meeting is at 6:15pm.
DR: Well there goes our dinner plans. To be fair our dinner plans were literally just Mad Mex in our hotel rooms before flying to Perth, but still. 
Jack DOOHAN: Mad what? 
DR: Mad Mex? You know, the Mexican fast food place. Surely you’ve had it. 
JD: Oh, I thought you said Mad Max and I was like, “He finished P4 that doesn’t seem too bad.”
DR: Did Max not do the weigh in or what? 
Q: He did, after your podium. Sorry mate, even more bad news for the team, they’ve been summoned to the stewards as well.
DR: If I find out I’m going to lose another podium about ten years on after the race here I’m gonna be pissed.
Q: This one is related to Article 26.13 b, where “Unless authorised by the FIA, no one under the age of 16 is permitted in the pit lane at the following times: b) The period commencing fifteen (15) minutes before the pit exit is opened to allow cars to cover reconnaissance laps and the time when the last car enters the parc fermé after the sprint session or the race has ended.”
DR: What cause we had our daughter with us at the podium celebration? 
Q: Quite possibly, yeah. 
DR: That’s interesting. I—yeah, I’m just gonna say that’s interesting.
Oscar PIASTRI: Kevin had his kids with him in Monza twenty four, didn’t he? 
DR: Yeah, I’m sure the team will have a lot to say so we’ll just leave it at that. 
CUT: Reaction to Australia winning
WHY: Timeline changes. Original timeline was Australia 2026 being their first race back after Las Vegas and relationship/kid reveal. I apparently also cut the all Australian podium. Can't remember why.
[Photo 1: 
Photo 2: 
Photo 3: 
Photo 4: Lucinda holding the constructor trophy on the podium, Daniel giving a big grin next to her.]
Liked by jackdoohan and others
danielricciardo Never thought I’d be able to share a podium with two other Aussies but what better time than at our home race. @/jackdoohan @/oscarpiastri @/redbullracing 🇦🇺❤️
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ausgp Surely this gets us a public holiday?! @/auspm 
oscarpiastri We’re about to get even more annoying… 
Oracle Red Bull Racing @/redbullracing 
Don’t mind us, we’re just in a puddle of tears over how cute @/Max33Verstappen and @/danielricciardo are 😍😭🫶
[Video: Taken from behind the parc ferme barriers, Daniel holding Matilda as Max hugs him, one hand around his waist and the other around the back of his neck.]
jeanie 🤠 @/COTADANIEL
flabbergasted about how well max and daniel hid their relationship from the world because man that he looks at daniel like he hung the moon stars and the sun and we’ve just been blind to notice
jake @/381racers
Maxiel admin logged on today thank you universe 🙏
DANIEL: Yeah, I just didn’t think I was able to have this, you know? If you had told me like seven years ago that hey, “You’ll be winning again and Max and your kid will be right along with you”, I would’ve laughed in your face. There is still absolutely more work to do, but I’m just glad I get to have my little moment without like some of these outside factors screaming and kicking at us. 
CUT: Jake @/381racers meeting Daniel
WHY: Felt too indulgent. Loved it, but I think the idea pushed the boundaries/fourth wall maybe A Little too much, even for my low standards.
jake @/381racers
Only felt right that I get this signed 
[Photo: Jake’s infamous tweet “Max Verstappen can you fight?” printed out and framed. Max has signed it and wrote “Yes he can.”]
jake @/381racers
First photo really Daniel did you have to shame me further . I thought we had a promise. Anyways, here's the video of me meeting them.
[Video: Jake meeting Daniel, in Red Bull hospitality. They’re both sitting down in chairs, and Jake has his hands on top of a frame placed face down on the table. 
JAKE: Do you remember like two years ago in COTA you wore a leather jacket outfit and basically the internet blew up because of how good you looked? 
DANIEL: Yeah, with the cowboy hat and everything! 
JAKE: And there was a tweet that trended on that weekend—
Daniel sits up in his chair, eyes widening in realisation of who Jake is. 
DANIEL: Oh my god you’re “Max Verstappen can you fight?” guy?!
JAKE: Embarrassingly, yes. 
DANIEL: (offscreen) How did you find him?! 
OFFSCREEN: Remember when I said I was going to bring my boyfriend this race? 
Daniel looks back and forth behind the person offscreen and Jake multiple times before bending over and laughing hysterically. 
OFFSCREEN: Yeah, I’m not happy about it either. 
DANIEL: Oh my god did I like cause you two to meet? 
jake @/381racers
No I too am not happy about my internet history coming back to bite me 
CUT: Interview with Lawrence Baretto
WHY: I ran out of time. I had planned to post this at the end of Jan, but since I didn’t post that NYD bonus fic, I didn’t wanna go a month without an update so this got culled. Also my vague illusions to Max’s dad felt a little weird.
Exclusive: Daniel Ricciardo on retirement, 15 years of F1 and family with Lawerence Barretto
When I ask about his daughter and if they have any interest in making her follow in her parents footsteps, he shuts down my line of questioning pretty quickly. 
“No,” he immediately says. “I’m not going to write out a path for her to follow, or put expectations for her to go into karting because of a family legacy. I think Max knows it a little bit more than me, how the expectations of someone who’s meant to take care of you can tarnish the thing you love.” 
Jos Verstappen, Max’s father and former F1 driver hasn’t been seen in the paddock since 2023. Both declined to comment when asked. 
“If she wants to start karting, then we’ll probably have a very long conversation about how it’s important that she finds it fun and if she doesn’t then she doesn’t. It’s not important to me that she wins or whatever, I just want her to enjoy it.”
Chapter five: 2027
CUT: Drive to Survive script
WHY: I did not have the energy to write a full script, and I felt like there were too many events to write about and I could not do it justice. Also I would like idk if Max and Daniel would show Matilda on DTS which is crazy because Matilda is not real…
Drive to Survive
Season 10 Episode 10 “One final rodeo…”
After fifteen years in the sport, Formula 1 says goodbye to Daniel Ricciardo. 
PRODUCER:  We don’t have to talk about Las Vegas. 
DANIEL:  No, it's fine. Probably should. Uh—yeah. 
PRODUCER:  We can take a minute. 
DANIEL:  Yeah, thanks. I didn’t talk about it last year did I? 
PRODUCER:  No. Okay, we’ll cut. 
Sound of car crashing into wall, before it fades in to show the Red Bull in the pitlane wall. Cuts to people reacting—Red Bull employees, fans in the grandstands and then a birds eye aerial view of the crash, showing the medical and extraction crew. 
PIERRE HAMLIN (V.O): Daniel, are you okay? 
Cuts to Max’s T-CAM footage, him driving past the car. 
MAX (V.O): What the fuck happened? 
PIERRE: Daniel, please just press the radio button so we know you’re okay. 
Cuts to Daniel’s T-CAM footage, his helmet leans against the left side of the halo, indicating he’s unmoving. 
PIERRE: Daniel, can you hear me? 
Cuts to showing the Red Bull pitwall, everyone looking at each other worried. 
DANIEL (V.O): The first thought I had was: Shit. This is really bad timing. Second thought I had was: Max is going to kill me.
Cuts to Daniel's forward facing cockpit onboard, him moving his head and looking up and down the cockpit.
PIERRE: Daniel?
DANIEL: Yep. Fuck. My chest, fuck. Shit, is um the other driver okay?
PIERRE: Yes, he's okay but don't worry about him. Do you think you can get out of the car?
DANIEL: Yeah no, I don't think that's happening with breaking something. Fuck, my ribs. Oh god. I think something's broken.
PIERRE: Okay Daniel, the medical team are nearly there but do not move if you think it will cause more damage. The car is safe, so do not worry about anything else.
DANIEL: Yep, okay. Um, will someone tell Max I'm okay? Just, don't freak him out yeah?
PIERRE: Copy Daniel, it will be okay, it will be okay. Just keep radio on please.
DANIEL: Okay. Fuck, this sucks.
TEXT: Max Verstappen, Red Bull Racing driver
MAX VERSTAPPEN: Been a while. 
PRODUCER: Didn’t think you were going to agree. 
MAX VERSTAPPEN: Would be a big thing if you made it look like we hated each other again! 
PRODUCER: We asked Daniel what his first thought was when he had that accident. He said “This is really bad timing” and that you were going to kill him. Why? 
MAX: Well, because of Matilda.
 Long shot of Port Hercules, Monaco, filmed from a balcony. It’s peaceful, quiet—the city sounds filling the background before we hear a baby scream in joy. 
DANIEL: Matilda! 
Matilda is on the floor in the living room, on a playmat and she plays with wooden blocks. Max is next to her on the ground, with his back leant against the couch, Daniel is on the couch. 
DANIEL (V.O): Yeah, she’s one of the best things to happen to me. For a long time my whole life was just racing, but now she’s my whole life. Like it’s okay if I have a bad race or whatever, I’ve got to move on quickly because she’s there at home waiting.  
MAX: Having a kid does change you, I think. Daniel will not say his driving has changed, but it has. 
PRODUCER: In what way? 
MAX: I think now he is more focused on winning every race, not that he wasn’t before. But because maybe he knows that every race matters more now. You hope that the others around you will not be too reckless so that you can go home after the race. 
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #1: Hey, welcome back Danny! 
DANIEL: Thank you, thank you. Hope you didn’t miss my handsome face too much. 
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #1: I didn’t know Jake went on holiday! 
DANIEL: I’m gonna crash the car just for that.
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #2: No, we’re just kidding. So how’s the baby? 
DANIEL: She’s great, do you wanna see a photo? 
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #1: Oh, she’s adorable. Matilda was her name? 
DANIEL: Yeah, yeah. We had a list but I think Matilda was the only one that stood out to us. She just looks like a Matilda you know? 
The camera swings to the right, as Daniel’s head sticks out from the door. 
DANIEL RICCIARDO: You aren’t talking shit about me, Maxy? 
MAX VERSTAPPEN: Of course I am. 
MAX: I have raced with Daniel in every single year of F1. I think it will be weird.
DANIEL RICCIARDO I think I was a pretty good darn car mechanic. 
CUT: Max’s interview with GQ
WHY: If you haven’t learnt by now, I am very lazy. Honestly, I just wanted this chapter out and I knew I didn’t have the time to write a whole article. Also I don’t think Max would be this open about this relationship but maybe Daniel made him more open in this universe. I still stand by the first sentence, it is possibly the truest thing to come out of the fic.
You can’t talk about Max Verstappen without eventually talking about Daniel Ricciardo, and you can’t talk about Daniel Ricciardo without eventually talking about Max Verstappen. This was a true statement in the earlier part of Verstappen’s career, but now perhaps even more so. “He’s made me a much better person,” Verstappen comments when I ask him about his husband. “I maybe wasn’t the best person to be teammates with when I was first in Formula 1, but he stayed friends with me. Even after he left and I was not being nice to him, he still stayed. That was very important to me.”
There’s a certain aura of happiness that comes from Verstappen when he starts talking about Ricciardo, and he says it’s probably one of the most documented love stories of F1. 
It started in the early morning after the final race of the 2018 season, and a drunk voicemail to Ricciardo kicked things off. “I was still mad that he was going, and I had too many gin and tonics and I called him at like 12 am or something. Obviously he didn’t answer because he was sleeping but I said really embarrassing stuff in that voicemail.” He left one more a couple hours later, asking Ricciardo not to mention it. 
“He really took that to heart.” Verstappen laughs. “I don’t really know why, we would talk when we saw each other on race weekends and pretend that everything was fine between us.” 
They were seemingly friends only when it was the race weekend, but off track they had never been further apart. There was a lot of resentment and unsaid conversation from Verstappen’s side, self proclaiming that his stubbornness had put a pin in their relationship. “It’s easy to say now looking back, but I thought Daniel leaving Red Bull was also leaving me. And I didn’t take it well.”
But a little bit of push and shove from his fellow friends made him realise that having Ricciardo in his life was more important than whatever feelings he had towards him leaving. 
Verstappen proposed two years later in December 2022 at that same house. “Coordinates of the house and everything on the ring,” Ricciardo comments when he drops in to grab something from the office. “Cried like a baby when I realised.”
Deleted Epilogue:
WHY: I still can’t decide if Matilda would go down the F1 path. If she did, she is definitely a Ferrari driver. Just to mess with her dads. I think she would sign with Red Bull in the junior seasons, maybe do two seasons with Red Bull then switch to Ferrari. A Sebastian Vettel if you will…let’s hope it turns out better for her than him. 
[Photo 1: A Ferrari car crossing the chequered flag.
Photo 2: Matilda on the third step of the podium, holding the trophy in the air, the Australian flag wrapped around her shoulders.]
Photo 3: Matilda hugging her parents in parc ferme.]
Liked by danielricciardo and others
mvr one home race down 🇦🇺, one more to go 🇳🇱 😉
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scuderiaferrari 👏🎉
23 March
David CROFT: And Matilda Verstappen-Ricciardo absolutely sends it down the inside and makes it stick, and what a move! Gosh, I was not expecting her to pull it off but she absolutely does and gets a roar of a cheer from the home crowd, Verstappen-Ricciardo is currently in P3. 
Jenson BUTTON: I mean, we should not be surprised. Daughter of Max Verstappen, a six time World Champion and Daniel Ricciardo, another World Champion. A lot of racing talent in that family, I thought the last of the late breakers was Daniel but she has really put a new meaning on late!
DC: And speaking of there is Max and Daniel Verstappen-Ricciardo, who I imagine are probably the most nervous parents in the paddock right now! A lovely nod and clap of encouragement as we watch the reaction of Matilda’s overtake for P3. 
matilda verstappen-ricciardo @/MVR 
if you’re wondering if it’s embarrassing to have your parents show up at work to congratulate you just wait till one of them interviews you in front of the tv…. thanks dad i’ve never felt so uncool before
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Daniel RICCIARDO: Matilda! 
Matilda VERSTAPPEN-RICCIARDO: Oh my god, please be cool about this. 
DR: Just wait till I convince F1 to let me and Max double host it. 
MVR: This is actually my worst nightmare. Like maybe three other people will understand what I’m feeling right now. 
MVR: I mean I’m not worried about a legacy, if people think I’m here to start or continue a legacy then they can think that, but I’m here to race. Not carry on whatever my parents did. 
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fandomtherapy44 · 3 months
Castiel x reader Chapter 16
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Summary: SEASON 5 WHOOOO!!!!!!!! LET's GO! So I am so excited for this season so many great episodes. There are going to be a lot more Cas and Y/n scenes. And more chapters too. I do recommend that you read my first book so you get the full Y/n Winchester build-up. Okay with out further due enjoy the second book of Love War and Grace.
Paring: Castiel x reader
word count: 4.4k
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season five of Supernatural, Guns
AN/ Hey Ya'll so I did notice that it's been a month since I've updated this series sorry for that. This is the longest I've written in a while so that's part of the reason why it took so long. Anywho hope you enjoy especially Cas's and Y/n Renion.
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Chapter 16: Good God Ya'll
POV: Y/n “Alright, it looks like you can go home.” The doctor said while putting her supplies away. “Great thanks doc.” She stops and seems to peer into my soul. “You know I have never seen a heart attack like yours I mean you're twenty-four, fit, don’t smoke it just doesn’t make sense.” Yeah I know but it's not like I can tell her that Angels exist and that they all pretty much hate me. “Uh yeah crazy.” I walked to the door. “You must have a guardian Angel.”  She jokily said. Oh, you have no idea.
I stepped into Bobby’s doorway to his room he was in his wheelchair just staring out the window. “Hey, what did the Doc say?” Sam asked me. “All good thanks to Cas.” Speaking of him where the Hell is he. Dean comes to us carrying an envelope. “It's been like three days now?” Sam and I both sighed. “We got to cheer him up. Maybe I'll give him a backrub.” “Dean” Again Sam and I both said. “Look...we might have to wrap our heads around the idea that Bobby might not just bounce back this time.” I mean he’s right this kind of news you don't just get drunk and forget about it.
“What's in the envelope?” I nod at the paper. “Went to radiology.” He pulls out the X-ray. “Got some glamour shots.” It was his ribs and it had Enochian engraved in his bones. “Is that why I feel like I have the worst heartburn ever.” I pointed to the picture. “Yup, curtsy of Cas apparently no demon or Angel can find us” Okay does not mean him too? Then Sam’s phone rings. “Hello? ...Castiel?” CASTIEL! “Speak of the devil.” “Ah, St. Martin's Hospital. Why? What are you—Cas?” Cas had hung up on Sam. And the Angel walks up to us. “Castiel…” I just got lost in my thoughts staring at him.
“Y/n I'm glad to see that you're doing well.” That’s it! He must have something on his mind. “Cell phone, Cas? Really? Since when do angels need to reach out and touch someone?” Dean questioned. “You're hidden from angels now—all angels. I won't be able to simply—” He tried to explain. “Enough foreplay.” Bobby announced from his chair. “Get over here and lay your damn hands on.” “I can't.” What? “Say again?” He spun in his chair.
“I'm cut off from heaven and much of heaven's power. Certain things I can do. Certain things I can't.” What about me then? “You're telling me you lost your mojo just in time to get me stuck in this trap the rest of my life?” I can see Castiel is sad that he can’t help. “I'm sorry.” “Shove it up your ass.” I feel terrible for Cas and Bobby.”At least he's talking now.” Dean commented to Sam and me. “I heard that.” “I don't have much time. We need to talk.” Cas directed to Dean. “Okay.” “Your plan to kill Lucifer.” “Yeah. You want to help?” “No. It's foolish. It can't be done.” Cas does really not have any fucks to give.
“Oh. Thanks for the support.” “But I believe I have the solution. There is someone besides Michael strong enough to take on Lucifer. Strong enough to stop the apocalypse.” We are wondering who he’s talking about. “Who's that?” “The one who resurrected me and put you on that airplane. The one who began everything. God.” Okay God right I mean why not. “I'm gonna find God.”
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Dean closes the door so people don’t think we're insane. “God?” “Yes.” “God.” “Yes! He isn't in heaven. He has to be somewhere.” Cas sounded so sure. “Try New Mexico. I hear he's on a tortilla.” Dean said and poor sweet Cas did not get the joke. “No, he's not on any flatbread.” “Listen, Chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either dead—and that's the generous theory—” “He is out there, Dean.” “—or he's up and kicking and doesn't give a rat's ass about any of us.” Cas just glares.
“I mean, look around you, man. The world is in the toilet. We are literally—at the end of days here, and he's off somewhere drinking booze out of a coconut. All right?” “Enough. This is not a theological issue. It's strategic. With God's help, we can win.” he really believes. “It's a pipe dream, Cas.” Cas gets very close to Dean. “I killed two angels this week. My brothers. I'm hunted. I rebelled. And I did it, all of it, for you, and you failed. You and your brother destroyed the world—and I lost everything, for nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself.” Damn, I don't think I've ever seen Cas like that before.
“You didn't drop in just to tear us a new hole. What is it you want?” Bobby voiced. “I did come for something. An amulet.” A necklace? “An amulet? What kind?” “Very rare. Very powerful. It burns hot in God's presence. It'll help me find him.” “A God EMF?” Sam questioned. “Well, I don't know what you're talking about. I got nothing like that.” Bobby shrugged his shoulders. “I know. You don't.” Cas turns to Dean. He looks down at Dean’s necklace. “What, this?” “May I borrow it?” Cas asked politely.
“No.” “Dean. Give it to me.” Dean is silent, he looks at me and I nod my head. “All right, I guess.” He takes it off. And hestionly gives it to Cas. “Don't lose it. Great. Now I feel naked.” Cas now has the necklace. “I'll be in touch.” He goes to walk out of the room. “CAS wait up!” 
He is very quick on his feet I guess having wings would help with that. I caught up to him and grabbed his wrist to pull him into a room ironically it was the chapel. We just stood staring at each other a little. I couldn't believe that he was here. I finally shake out of my trance-like state. And go to hug him tight like he would disappear in my fingers. And he does the same. “Cas were you really …. Dead?” I say right next to his ear. An answer came that I never hoped to hear.
“Yes.” A tear slips down my cheek and I squeeze him harder. We let go of each other slowly. We sat down on the pews. “So do you really think God will help us?” “I'm here aren't I” I sigh and process everything. “Ok, we will get God’s help then.” “Y/n do you really believe in this plan?” He wasn't just asking as a tactic to win this war but as my friend.
“I believe in you Cas yes God brought you back but you are the one who is fighting actively with us so no matter what remember that.” “Thank you Y/n, I must go start the search.” “Ok but now that you can’t just pop in where I am please use your phone that I gave you for that very reason” I finish with a smile. He gives me one back and files off.
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When I was gone Rufus had called Bobby sounding really in trouble and something about Demons. We drove up to this bridge in Colorado and it looked like a tornado had walked through. “This is the only road in or out.” Great. “Looks like we're going to put those scout skills that we never learned to use boys. Let’s Go!” I grabbed my pack and gun and we were off.
We walked into the town slowly and lets just that tornado had walked over and full on ran through. Cars flipped over store doors open … blood in lots of places. Sprilikers on for hours. I had been in haunted places before but I have never felt a chill in my body like this. We are checking out this car when we hear a gun cuck and we turn around. It’s Ellen.
“Ellen hey!” I go to hug her but she raises the gun to my face. Dean gets in between us. “That’s far enough.” “Ellen, what the heck's going on here?” And in response, she throws holy water at Dean. I have to hold back my snicker. “We're us.” He says annoyed, whipping off his face. We walked to a church where the survivors of whatever happened held up. When Ellen knew we were safe she threw herself onto me first for a hug. When she hugged Dean and she pulled back she slapped him.
“You can't pick up a phone? What are you, allergic to giving me peace of mind the only one to call is Y/n. I got to find out that you're alive from Rufus?” Dean seems surprised by her care. “Sorry, Ellen.” “Yeah, you better be. You better put me on speed dial, kid.” “Yes, ma'am.” All of us go to the church basement and theirs a demon trap in front. “What's going on, Ellen?” I ask. “More than I can handle alone.” “How many demons are there?” Sam asks in almost bewilderment. “Pretty much the whole town, minus the dead people and these guys.” Holy shit Demons are having super bowl parties.
“So, this is it, right? End times? It's got to be.” Ellen states. “Seems like it.” Sam replies back. Ellen knocks on the door and the makeshift peephole cover gets moved. “It's me.” Someone opens the door and we're let in, the people in here look like they've been through… war. They all look normal and one of them is pregnant. Peachy just peachy.
“This is Sam and Dean, Y/n. They're hunters. Here to help.” A guy who looks like he's the most confident out at of everyone comes up to us. “You guys hip to this whole demon thing?” “We have some experience.” I answered laughing inside. There was another man in glasses sitting at the table who looked especially like he had seen something. “My wife's eyes turned black. She came at me with a brick. Kind of makes you embrace the paranormal.” Yeah, I would too.
“All right, catch us up.” Dean told Ellen. “I doubt I know much more than you. Rufus called. Said he was in town investigating omens. All of a sudden, the whole town was possessed. Me and Jo were nearby—” What? Now that’s a surprise. The last time I knew she would rather have Jo be a Barmaid than a hunter! “You're hunting with Jo?” “Yeah, for a while now. We got here, and the place—well, the place was like you see it. Couldn't find Rufus, then me and Jo got separated. I was out looking when I found you.” Well, that’s great.
“Don’t worry Ellen we’ll find her” I touched her arm in a comforting way. She gave me a small smile in return. “Either way, these people cannot just sit here” Sam said looking at everyone. Especially the pregnant woman. “We got to get them out now.” “No, it's not that easy. I've been trying. We already made a run for it once.” “So we just reverse the plan-” Ellen stopped me. “Sweetie we used to have twenty.” My eyes widened. “Well, there's four of us now—” Dean tried again.
“You don't know what it's like out there. Demons are everywhere. We won't be able to cover everybody.” “What if we get everyone guns?” Sam suggested. “Sam you want to give walking nursery over there one she won’t make it five feet without going into early labor.” I said to him hoping to slap some sense into him. “More salt we can fire at once, more demons we can keep away.” Of course, it didn’t work when did my brothers ever listen to me!? “Fine everyone but her I'll carry two guns” I could tell Sam was ashamed but he was right, unfortunately. Dean broke our tension.
“There's a sporting goods store we passed on Main on the way in. I bet they got guns.” “All right. You stay. We'll go.” Sam said to Ellen. “What about—” I pulled Ellen into a hug. “Ellen if she’s out there I promise to bring her back.” She had tears in her eyes but kept them back to be strong. “Thank you Y/n.” I squeezed her arms and followed my brothers. 
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We stop outside the door well Dean stopped us. “Why don't we just go?” Dean directed to Sam about him and I. “What? Just you and N/n?” Sam clapped back. “Well, yeah. Somebody's got to stay here and start giving them Shotgun 101.” “Yeah. Ellen.” Sam starts to go but Dean stops him again. “No no no. It's gonna go a lot faster if you stay and help, okay?” “While you and Y/n split up to go get guns and salt and look for Jo and Rufus? That's stupid.” “Dean We’ll be okay.” “Thanks N/n.” But Dean was stubborn. “You don't want me going out there.” Sam realized. “I didn't say that.” “Around demons.” “I didn't say that.” “Fine, then let's go.” Sam stopped upstairs and Dean gave me an uneasy look.
Dean and I had gone to go look for Guns while Sam was getting salt. “Ok come on let me have it.” Dean said to me. “I don’t know what you're talking about.” I looked at the shotguns not looking up at him. “Y/n I know you, your silence speaks louder than your words so spit it out.” “Dean, I can't tell you how to feel about this.” “But you're judging me.” “No, I'm not.” I put the bag of guns on the table and filled it. I could tell he was still thinking that.
“Dean I think you're feelings about this whole demon blood situation is right but Sam deserves our sympathy with him.” “But he!-” “I know what he did I was there. But he’s our brother and I am going to choose to believe that he can handle this and if he can’t then I'll be with him every step of the way.” I stopped to take a breath. “I hope you choose that too.” I picked up the bag and walked out.
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We went to the store to check on sam and when walked in the scene was not good. Sam was bent over a body looking at the blood dripping off the blade like it was liquid drugs. “Sammy?” He drops the knife. 
The basement air had grown stronger with tension more and more the longer we were stuck down here and now seeing Sammy Dean was on edge. Teaching everyone shotgunning quickly is harder than it sounds. “Miss, can you show me?” It was the pregnant woman. “Mahm what’s your name?” “Caddy.” “Caddy, do you know the gender and name?” she smiled looking down at her bump, and that right there I knew I wouldn't be able to live if I let her out there. “A girl and her name will be Andra”
“That’s a beautiful name and Andra is the reason why I can't let you go out there.” She looked shocked. “But I can fight.” “I know you can Caddy but if you got hurt then you may never know your kid and I won't allow that.” She sat down tears in her eyes. “I'll fight for you double-fisting it so don’t worry the demons will get it no matter what.” I tried to add a little humor to it. “Thank you.” “Don’t mention it.”
“I'll be back.” I overheard Ellen say. I got straight up. “Where are you going?” “I can't sit here on my ass. My daughter's out there somewhere. I'm not back in half an hour, go. Get these people out of here.” Before I can say anything Sam speaks up. “No, wait. I'll go with you.” “Whoa, hold on. Can I talk to you for a second?”  My two brothers walked out. And I could hear the arguing. Suddenly the door pops open. Dean is up against the wall and Sam is holding him there. “If you actually think I—” Sam was getting emotional and they were talking about the demon blood.
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With Sam and Ellen gone the pastor was reciting prayers like crazy. And Dean was thinking, walking back and forth. Someone pounds on the door Dean goes to open it and there is Ellen. “Ellen, what happened Where's Sam?” I asked, seeing her state telling me that she had taken a punch. She doesn't answer me and just sits down.
“They took him? Demons took him? Oh my god. What if they're in here? The demons?” Caddy got very worried. “Caddy don't worry they can't get past that door.” I pointed. Dean grabbed a shotgun and was going to leave. “Everybody sit tight. I got to—” He glanced back at everyone and saw their faces and knew he couldn't leave them like this. “Okay, we need to get a plan together. Tell me everything.” He sat down and tells the pastor and he gave me a nod of his head like, don’t worry.
“Guys, one of them's in Jo. We got to get it out without hurting her.” Well, now it's personal. Ellen snorts, laughing at something. “It called me a bitch.” “Ok no offense Ellen but I've been called worse because I took the last hot dog at seven eleven,” I responded. “No, that's not what I meant. It called me a black-eyed bitch.” Dean and I hear and either these demons are looking in mirrors or something fishy is going on.
“What kind of demons are these? Holy water and salt roll right off. My daughter may be an idiot, but she's not stupid. She wears an anti-possession charm. It's all kind of weird, right?” Ellen commented putting the pieces together. “The whole thing's off.” Dean finished. “What's your instinct?” Mine would be call Cas but I know he’s trying to look for God or whatever. “My instinct? My instinct is to call Bobby and ask for help. Or Sam.”
“Well, tough. All you got's me and N/n, and all we got's you. So let's figure it out.” “You know I agree with Ellen Dean.” “All right.” “Ellen do you know why Rufus came was there a specific sign or?” I asked. “He said something about water. That's all I know.” Water? “Padré, you know what she's talking about—the water?” Dean asked the pastor. “The river. Ran polluted all of a sudden. Last Wednesday. And the demon thing started up the next day.” Interesting. “Anything else anything at all?” “Maybe, but it's pretty random.” “Trust me Austin in this life nothing is random.” he takes in my own words. “Shooting star—does that count?”
The three of us look at each other in knowing. “Real big. Same night. Wednesday.” “That definitely counts.” Dean goes over to the bookshelf and grabs one of the many Bibles. And flips through the pages till he finds the right one. “"And there fell a great star from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell upon the river, and the name of the star was Wormwood. And many men died."” I leaned down on the table thinking about it.
“I don’t know about you guys but that sounds like a giant ass warning sign of the apocalypse.” “Y/n’s right.” Dean agreed with me. “And these specific omens, they're prelude to what?” “The Four Horsemen.” The pastor responded. “And which one rides the red horse?” Dean questioned. “War.” war!? War. “Dean that sweet ride that was parked on main street the red Mustang.” I pointed out and he shook his head in agreeance. “If War is a dude and he's here, maybe he's messing with our heads.” “Turning us on each other.” Ellen concluded. “You said Jo called you a black-eyed bitch. They think we're demons, we think they're demons. What if there are no demons at all and we're all just killing each other?” I asked everyone in general to everyone. 
“So now you're saying that there are no demons and war is a guy.” Austin vocalized and he was right, our lives sound like they were ripped from a cheesy early two thousand TV show. “You believed crazy before.” Dean voiced back. Then there was another slamming on the door. It was Roger which is weird because I don't remember leaving.  “I saw them, the demons. They know we're trying to leave. They said they're gonna pick us off one by one.” “Wait wait wait. What?” Dean proclaimed our thoughts.
“I thought you said there were no demons.” “Austin there's not, okay.” I told him. “I thought someone should go out and see what's going on!” Oh come on! If I did not know about the supernatural world I would be pissing my pants right now! “They're gonna kill us unless we kill them first!” Roger responded in panic. “Guys please hold on!” “No, we got people to protect. All right, the able-bodied go hunt some demons.” Austin said straight back at me. He grabbed the shotguns.
“Whoa whoa whoa. Slow your roll. This is not a demon thing.” Dean tried to stop him.  Out of t the corner of my eye, I see Roger twist a ring on his finger. Fuck it's him. “Look at their eyes! They're demons!” He pointed at us and I'm sure we looked like demons. Caddy gasps. No no! “Caddy!-” But before I could get another word out Dean pulls me out of the room and a gunshot almost hits us.
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“Okay this is plan you and Ellen get Jo and I'll get Rufus.” Dean whispered to us. We nodded and went to them.Ellen sets off the bomb. Jo walks a little close to window and Ellen grabs her and pins her to the wall. Of course she tries to fight. “Now you listen up, Joanna Beth Harvelle.” Ellen pulled the full name card. “Jo its us!” “Get off of me bitches!” “Jo if we were demons we would have disaboled you by now!” I try to reason. She listens. “N/n?” “Yes!” 
Now both of them didn’t want to kill us we could talk. “We all on the same page?” Ellen asked. Rufus and Dean nod. “Good.” “Hi, Jo.” “Hey.” Ok sensing tension between these two I'll pin that for later. “Okay, we got to find War before everybody in this town kills each—” Gunshots. Everyone ducks. “Damn it! Where's Sam?” Dean yells. “Upstairs.” I let him go, I had a feeling that Caddy needed help. They have the horseman and I have the people.
Ellen and I tried to sneak out to the battlefield but it was pretty hard with bullets flying through the air. “Caddy! Caddy, you have to get out of here!” “No, you're a demon!” “Caddy if I was a demon I would want you out here!” she was going to say something else but I saw a person behind her holding a handgun.
“CADDY!” I push her out of the way and a bullet goes into my arm and I'm pushed back on the ground by the force. I don’t even have time to look at my wound before the guy gets on top of me with a knife. He’s about to stab me in the heart but I catch his wrists before he can slam down. I'm slowly losing strength and the knife is slowly going down. I’m sorry guys, Cas.
The blade is about to go in my chest when the guy stops. “What the fuck!!” He gets off. “Yeah me too dude.” I breathe deeply. “Y/n! Are you okay?” CAddy asked me. “Nothing a little dirt won’t fix.” I simled to hide my pain. “You saved me.” “It was nothing.” She pulls me into a hug. “Yes, it was.” 
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It feels surreal to be at such a wonderful beautiful place when the day was so ugly and stressful. I was sitting at the picnic table with my brothers twirling the ring in my hands. “So, pit stop at Mount Doom?” Dean broke the silence. “Dean—” “Sam, let's not.” “No, listen. This is important. I know you don't trust me.” Dean looks away and I nudge him to bring him back. “Just, now I realized something. I don't trust me either.” We both look at him.
“From the minute I saw that blood, only thought in my head...and I tell myself it's for the right reasons, my intentions are good, and it, it feels true, you know? But I think, underneath...I just miss the feeling. I know how messed up that sounds, which means I know how messed up I am. The thing is, the problem's not the demon blood, not really. I mean, I, what I did, I can't blame the blood or Ruby or...anything. The problem's me. How far I'll go. There's something in me that...scares the hell out of me, Dean Y/n. In the last couple of days, I caught another glimpse…” “So what are you saying?”
“I'm in no shape to be hunting. I need to step back, 'cause I'm dangerous. Maybe it's best we just...go our separate ways.” I think he's right if he needs time. “Well, I think you're right.” Dean responded and Sam and I were both surprised. “I was expecting a fight.” “Me too.” “The truth is I spend more time worrying about you than about doing the job right. And I just, I can't afford that, you know? Not now.” I feel like Dean is still avoiding his feelings but that's up to him. “I'm sorry, Dean.” “I know you are, Sam.”
“So Y/n which one of us do you want to go with. I thought for a minute and then I came back with an answer. “I think a little separation will be good for us all to sort through our own feelings without anyone else's opinion mixing in our own.” I want Dean to really think by himself. “Where will you go?” They both ask me. “With Ellen and Jo if they are okay with that.” Sam stands up and hugs me. “But you better still call me that threat could still happen.” I tease. “You too Dean.” “Yeah, I know my little sister can kick my ass.” He said as he hugged me. 
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Jo and Ellen are packing up a truck. “Hey, N/n came to say goodbye?” Ellen asked. “Um actually the opposite and I totally understand if you don't want to but I was wondering if you had space for an extra hunter for a while.” Ellen throws me a pack in response. “Well come on we just got word on a possible vamp nest in Texas.” Jo smiles and we get in the truck. I roll down the window and just hope that this time apart will bring us together. 
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AN/ Hope you all enjoyed and don't worry the siblings will be back together soon enough. See you Ya'll next time Xoxo Gossip Girl:)
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reallylilyreally · 2 months
The Man on the Mountain
A little something I wrote last year (here on AO3) about that Webgott scene in Points... Working doc title was "Skinny was there too, morons".
If you look at it closely, this isn't actually just Leibgott's story, or Webster's. No one seems to realise that.
Once upon a time, three men drove a truck up a hill to kill a bad man.
Joseph Liebgott is there because Captain Speirs wants to give him something nice to do. David Webster is there because Leibgott is a codependent sadomasochist. Skinny doesn't really know why he's there. Probably because Shifty is home free and Hoobler is dead.
It's been a while, and the loss of the boys in Bastogne still doesn't feel real, mostly because he wasn't there when it happened. Somewhere, way deep down, he thinks Hoob and Muck and Penkala are all just off the line, riding out the war in a hospital somewhere with Joe and Bill.
He doesn't look at it too closely, because he knows better. Just like he knows better than to look too closely at why he's here, because deep down he knows Shifty isn't home free at all. Speirs gave Joe carte blanche, and Leibgott tapped Skinny because he knows he'll fall in line. Unlike David. It's ridiculous that Web's even here. Who do they think they're kidding?
The drive up the mountain is beautiful, all hills and fields, just like every other bit of Austria he's been in so far, and it would have been a very enjoyable experience if it hadn't been from the incessant bickering from the passengers. Joe, all biting caged fury and the latent rage that's been simmering hopeless, reckless, dangerous since Lansberg, the fragility to him that's had Speirs keeping him close, on a tight leash, safe, quiet. Until now. Joe vs David, who is watchful and careful and utterly incapable of keeping his mouth shut. Joe's got his orders and is happy to follow them. Webster, with all the reticence of a man who was not at Foy, regards orders from Speirs to be inherently worth questioning, and wants to know if Winters knows.
Skinny is fully aware that Major Winters has no idea about any of this, that Speirs got this intelligence off someone who isn't Captain Nixon, and has given it to Joe because he thinks it will help.
It becomes very obvious very quickly that this isn't going to help. Joe kicks the door to the chalet down and storms in like he's clearing buildings, like he's assaulting a position, even though he's got nothing on his six but Skinny and Web. Skinny covers him, can't not cover him, but Webster is radiating discontent and reticence. He's ethically opposed to killing Nazis while they eat breakfast, apparently, and no amount of "Speirs said so" is enough to override it. The Nazi is unarmed, and so Skinny leaves Joe to it. He's not any help. Joe doesn't want help.
Webster is sulking outside, smoking a cigarette, and Skinny is suddenly fucking sick of the pair of them. They're this close to the end, this far through an unmitigated pile of utter fucking shit and the pair of them are acting like one told the other he's not invited to the party. It's exhausting, and Skinny was tired enough already.
There's a shot, just after Skinny starts his valiant attempt at bringing Web in line, and the Nazi runs out of the house bleeding but obviously not dead. Joe's behind him, Web standing there fucking useless with his mouth open like he's never seen combat. Joe is basically foaming at the mouth as he shouts at Webster. Webster won't shoot the man.  Joe can't shoot the man. Skinny just wants to go home.
He shoots the Nazi right between the shoulderblades, a perfect shot. As good as Shifty, if Shifty was here. Better than Hoobler, if he hadn't killed himself.
They get back in the truck and dead down the mountain, the two of them so caught in their rage they don't even speak to him. Speirs asks Joe how it went and Joe says "it got done" and Skinny wonders to himself how he could have killed a man in cold blood, in front of two witnesses, and have absolutely no one seem to notice that he'd even been there.
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S1:E3 Occam’s razor
Okay first of all, what did I just watch? A guy is coughing, and than He and this girl start banging and than one of them passes out,
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Woohoo! Here comes Greg and James!
James and the giant peach is like, “So there’s a person in the emergency room.” (The guy form earlier) and Greg Heffley is like “Alright.”
James: How was that so easy? Gregory: You know why ;)
James: Blood pressures not responding to IV fluids? Gregory: Yeh
James: *Smiles*
Gregory: That’s just WEIRD.
(What does this even mean? 😭)
So the House named Greg says “This guy has too many symptoms.”
He shows the other docs all the symptoms the guy has on a whiteboard.
The girl doc with a pony tail is like, “No condition accounts for all the symptoms.”
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and Greggy goes, “Oh good, I thought he was sick, but it turns out he’s not!” Than says they need to treat the guy with a bunch of big doctor words I do not understand.
So now it cuts to a scene where the kid is coughing up a storm, his girlfriend is like, “Stop testing him, start treating him!” A doc says “Erm, actually we need to test him before he make him better sooo….”
Then Greg house guy introduces himself to a waiting room full of people, and says “Hi, I’m stoned, who wants me?” And then proceeds to look at the people like this….
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Then the guys girlfriend goes up to the Australia doctor and says, “did I give that guy this sickness?? Me and that guy were having sex, and I was very rough.” And he looks at her, very concerned.
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So now a lady is with Greg and says, “My mucus was pale golden rod a week ago, and I don’t like being told what to do.” Greg says “We’ll do a full body scan later this week.”
so than the Australia doctor, says to two other docs “That girl thinks she rode him to death.” and the girl doc says, “I hope you got some specifics! If she thinks it could kill him, It’s worth knowing about.”
and he goes “have you ever taken a life??”
*Super epic realistic blood cell CGI*
“Our treatment isn’t making him better. it’s killing him.” *Dunn Dunn duuuuuunnn*
Gregory tells a guy he thinks his tie is ugly
The patient Guy’s parents arrive. He tells his parents “Hi. This is my fiancé.” And shows them the girl who Rode him to death.
The tests show the antibiotics didn't cause the kidney failure. Greg tells them the patient is getting better.
Greg is with a patient, but he’s busy playing on his game boy. ”My THRoAT HUrTS.” Says the patient
“Yeah, so you said.” Greg rolls his eyes. “HoW LOng Do I HAVE to WaIT?” ”Two minutes less than when you asked me two minutes ago.” 🙄
Australia is pouring coffee, but spills some because he was staring at the doc girl. Then she starts talking to him in very very graphic detail about talking about what sex does to the human body. “Did you know That WomEn Can HaVE An HoUR lOnG OrgASM?” Australia man just stares at her.
than this just happens:
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Greggy boi meets with the family. He accuses them of giving the patient the "cough medicine" (He thinks the patient was taking an illegal drug instead of cough medicine) after he arrived at the hospital. The mother admits to it and finds the medicine bottle. Australian doc goes to the pharmacy. The guys mom says “Yas, those are the SAME pills I gave my son.” It turns out they did give the patient the cough medicine after all not illegal drugs.
Gregory says,
“I was not wrong everything I said was true, it fit! It was elegant!”
James: “so reality was wrong?”
“Reality is almost always wrong.” Greg says before he downs a ton of pills.
They start to prepare the patient for surgery. Then the patient goes crazy, and almost dies, They get his heart started again, But, they have to cancel the surgery. The patient now also has pain in his fingers. A doc guy tells Greggory, and he starts thinking of something.
Greggy goes into the clean room without preparation. He still thinks the patient was poisoned because of a new symptom, the guy is losing hair 🫨He thinks the kid has been using illegal drugs contaminated with Colchicine and orders treatment. The patient starts getting better.
But Gregory is STILL not satisfied - he still can't figure out the source of the poisoning. the patient guy starts coughing again. They give him cough pills, and he realizes they aren't the same as the old pills he was taking; the new pills have the letter "L" on them but the other pills did not.
Australia says to girl “wanna get some food?” but she cuts him off right away and says “Nah.”
It ends with a scene showing Greggy Pooh in the pharmacy after hours, he’s sitting on the floor searching through the bottles. He holds two similar-looking pills, they both have the same shape, only one has writing on it and one does not. He smirks, He was RIGHT. *happy music 🎉🎊🎉🎉🎊🎊🎉*
This show is the bomb.com guys 💯 🔥
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hi, can I ask for an angst with Larissa like maybe some sort of fight that ends with some accident like idk maybe a car one or sth and reader is in bad state at the hospital and Larissa cries and begs unconscious reader to not leave her and that she is sorry etc? And maybe the doc enters and says that reader had more luck than they think and she and the baby should be fine. And Larissa cries more with mixed feelings of guilt and happiness because they tried for a kid for a long time? I leave the ending for you ;* thank you ❤️
Don’t leave me| Angst
*Authors note~ my heart I sincerely apologise for what lays ahead.*
Trigger warnings~ angst car crash mentions pregnancy loss
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
Arguing with your lover was something you always hated, your anxiety would go sky high and your abandonment issues would flare up. But you'd had your fare share of arguments with Larissa but she'd always stayed. Never had she left during an argument, maybe another room but you always knew she would come back. And she always did until tonight.
You'd had the worst fight ever, really your missed your wife's presence but understood her job yet missing your anniversary was the last straw. You lots your cool and decided on a drive. You only wanted to clear your head but realistically getting in the car so upset wasn't the best idea. Of course rational thoughts weren't occurring for you so you indeed got in the car and drove from the shared house.
You don't remember what happened exactly but you remember the sounds of horns, and a blue car slamming into the drivers side of your car. The windows smashing around you as you lost your consciousness. Perhaps this was how it was meant to be. You didn't even get a chance to talk to Larissa, to give her the surprise but now you had killed your self and your daughter.
Larissa Weems went to find her lover, after all she didn't want this to happen, she didn't mean to hurt you. Wednesday Addams was causing her no end of grief and unfortunately you suffered the consequences of this. She knew you were in the right here but as soon as she heard the door slam shut she couldn't help the guilt eating her alive. Maybe that's why when you didn't return she began to pace and attempt to control her panic until her phone rang.
"Your wife's been in a car accident, unresponsive at the scene and is currently being taken to Jericho Hospital" replayed through the blondes head as she drove to you on autopilot. The last words she said wouldn't leave her brain and that's the last thing she wanted you to hear. And what about the baby? Oh god she couldn't lose the both of you. God what had she done? The what if situations driving her insane as her heart ached in the unknown. And the disappointment in herself rising with every passing second. If she just didn't spend so much time chasing after Wednesday Addams or if she made you feel special and loved more often then this wouldn't be happening.
Larissa wasn't known for patience, her status as headmistress of Nevermore often gained her access to things she typically wouldn't have, and that her connections with the mayor made it much more easy for her to obtain. It was no surprise that when the beautiful six foot three woman came barging in the doors that she was immediately directed to the room in which you lay unconscious and pretty badly bruised but no other signs of massive damage. The monitor attached to your beautiful bump showing that your precious baby was alive for now.
"We aren't sure if she'll wake up, and if that's the case then we need to operate and save the baby" the nurse informed your wife while you lay there willing your body to work. "I'm sorry baby! I love you so much. Please don't leave me. I'm so so so sorry sweetheart, you're my world. Our little sunshine is okay, their hearts beating away. Fight angel please I can't lose you. I'm so so sorry" she sobbed clutching at your hand as if it would some how make a difference.
God knows how long she sat there like that, crying and apologising to you, but the moment your eyes fluttered open and you immediately drew your attention to her hands on yours. "Ris?" You croaked out before your eyes found the monitor. "Sweetheart! I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to love, I can't lose you." She rambled as she grabbed some water to hopefully soothe your throat. After a small sip you couldn't help but murmur, "is she okay?"
"She? It's a girl" Larissa whispered which had you nodding with tears in your eyes, "it's what I wanted to tell you tonight, on our anniversary, that we are having a beautiful little princess." Larissa's hand soon found its way to cradle your daughters bump, "our little Dahlia Rae? I'm so in love with you" she murmured as you nodded in response, "I'm in love with you too baby, I'm sorry for fighting and driving upset. I'm so glad we are okay, to be with my favourite human ever."
You'd spent the past few days in hospital just for precautionary measures, but Larissa never left your side for a second. You thought maybe she'd relax once you made it home, but no you and Lia were treated like queens and even the night you gave birth, Larissa vowed to never make you feel anything less. She stood cradling the beautiful newborn, looking down at her with such and adoring smile you felt like your heart grew twelve sizes. One silly argument would never defeat the love you shared.
Word count~ 984
Tag list ~ @enchantressb @fortheloveofaproditesblessings @medeaswifey @scream-queenlover @larrisalessopet @briennethebeautysstuff @xx-state-of-mind-xx @i-write-sometimes-maybe @farahtissaiamyloves @just-your-casual-nerd
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becauseimanicequeen · 5 months
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Unknown ep. 11
I’m just going into this episode wanting Qian and Yuan’s first kiss. That’s it. That’s all. Now, hit me with it!
Qian grabbed Yuan’s wrist. It was all the confirmation Yuan needed. I have a feeling that he will be even bolder now than what we’ve seen so far. And I love it.
Well, damn! That went from 0-100kph really fast. Yuan was starving, and I don’t blame him. He’s been starving for a loooong time. Even dreaming about it at night, it seems.
I love that Qian took the first step with the kiss. Yuan was straightforward and honest about his feelings and what he wanted (to be more than a brother, to be someone Qian could rely on, to be with Qian for the rest of his life, etc.). But Qian took the first step with the kiss. He’s finally “in his feelings” rather than trying to think it through or analyze it.
One thing I have to say I didn’t quite like about this scene, though, was the editing. I don’t mind the flashbacks (as in the flashbacks of some of their past moments) because it shows their story and adds emotional weight to the whole scene. I love that. But the buildup wasn’t there since the sequence of Yuan making his feelings clear and the kiss was chopped up and strewn here and there. For me, it would’ve been much more effective if it happened in chronological order (or if the confrontation from the previous scene had been in the same episode). The editing here fell a bit flat for me and it’s such a shame considering the potential it had of being an incredible climax of the whole series, that they were finally together. Ahhh, I don’t want to feel disappointed…
Look at them being cozy in bed! It’s Yuan’s neck kisses that do it for me…
Btw, this is probably the first time Qian has smiled when anyone has mentioned Lili and San Pang in the same sentence.
The way Yuan sneaked into his own room… lmfao!
The way I CACKLED because of Lili’s bonkers story.
A dating game? I’m getting Our Dating Sim flashbacks.
Here’s Qian, in the middle of a meeting at work, getting flashbacks of his night having sex with Yuan. 1. Absolutely understandable. 2. He’s completely whipped. So, again, understandable. 3. There’s no doubt he wants to have sex with Yuan again. And again. And again. So, once again, understandable.
The way he hit that figure and caught it before it hit the floor… Qian was clearly rattled by his daydream. And who can blame him? My legs would be shaking. (But this is not about me…)
So… The Doc and Le are fucking, right?
You know, Le is damn fine… when he doesn't look like a crazy person. Eh, who am I kidding? He’s sexy as hell when he looks like a crazy person. (I know, it’s a me-problem…)
OMG! Their date. The way I fucking laughed through the whole scene. Yuan accusing Qian of not being romantic, Qian proving the opposite, Qian’s reaction after the kiss, Long being funny as hell with the candle. Every moment was fucking golden! Excuse me as I rewind that a handful of times.
Of course, Qian’s trauma would come back up again at some point. It’s not like he’s dealt with it or been magically “healed”. I’m honestly wondering how the series will deal with his trauma (both the trauma around his childhood and his head trauma) considering there’s only half of this episode plus the next one left.
It doesn’t surprise me one bit that Qian went to the hospital by himself. I get that he doesn’t want to worry Yuan. But he isn’t even giving Yuan the chance to choose for himself.
Hitting yourself on the head won’t help…
It’s come to a point now that Qian has to tell Lili about his health. I mean, surgery seems to be the only option to get better, but the risks are too big to keep it secret.
Qian is talking as if he’s already set on dying. This is so unlike the fighter and survivor he used to be. And, of course, Yuan notices that something’s off.
Seriously, hasn’t Qian learned his lesson about not keeping something like this from Yuan?
I usually love miscommunicating (or non-communicating) characters because of the misunderstandings and drama it usually stirs up. And I love the misunderstandings and drama (in fiction, not real life, btw). BUT! This is riling me up. This is about Qian’s life. His health is in serious danger. Is it in line with his character? Yes, to a certain point. But how many times has he shown how important his family is to him? MANY! Practically the whole series so far. Why would he not want to prepare them for the possibility that he might not be around much longer? This isn’t the time to stay silent. This isn’t the time to avoid the topic. Come on, Qian. Don’t do this to Yuan. Or Lili.
Did you hear that, Qian? The Doc said to discuss it with your family.
The stress Qian is under has made him hide in an ally and start smoking again… If that blood clot in his head doesn’t kill him, the stress surely will.
Excuse me as I weep for a minute or two…
I only have one thing to say about that moment in the alley… Qian is so fucking lucky to have Yuan in his life. We’ve often talked about how lucky Yuan was that Qian found him (which is more than valid because he most likely wouldn’t have survived without Qian). But Qian is just as lucky to have Yuan in his life. Yuan single-handedly reignited the spark in Qian and brought the fighter in him back to life. And Qian needed that. He needed it to at least have a possibility to survive this.
I know I said I only wanted to mention one thing about that scene. But I have to mention Yuan biting Quan’s wrist as well, for the reason that I loved that detail. And because biting is my kind of kink. Not that this was kinky. But it does show that biting can prove a point at times.
Lili is so fucking sweet. And that hug at the end, between all three of them…
I really liked this episode, even though I felt disappointed with the editing at the beginning. But, they’re finally together and Qian has gotten his fighting spirit back.
Now there’s only one episode left and it feels bittersweet. I really don’t want this series to end…
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So lately i've been rlly interested in Nancy Drew
and i am obsessed with Nace- i love them so much so i decided to write a fic.
Also why did they not give us a scene at the hospital with Ace in a coma ????
My friend @drewslegacy also made a piece for this fic
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Hope someone out there enjoys this- You can also read this on ao3
"It's Ace he was in a car accident"
As George uttered those words out, all the blood drained from Nancy's face.
Her mind was in a whirlwind of emotions - shock, fear, and disbelief. How could this be happening? Ace was always so careful, so cautious behind the wheel.
When she arrived at the hospital, she was greeted by the sight of Bess and Nick, their faces pale and strained with worry.
Bess was sobbing as George rushed to hug her whilst Nancy just stood there, her face blank.
"I-i don't know what to do, they took him to surgery and what if- he can't die" Bess breaks into sobs again and it breaks Nancy's heart.
To see her usually happy, annoying friend crying and looking so helpless.
As she sits down, she spots a white bag on the chair next to her.
"Is that Ace's?"
Nick nods sadly, "Bess didn't want his mum to see"
Nancy starts looking through the bag.
"What are you doing?" George asks.
"The last time we talked.. Ace and I had a difficult conversation"
How am i supposed to trust anything you say
"He felt like he was letting us down"
I'm gonna fix this
"He wanted to prove something, find out if Laura is connected to Tiffany's death"
Nancy sighs as she finally finds Ace's phone. She felt a wave of nausea wash over her as she looked up to Bess.
"Bess can you unlock this please"
Bess just cries harder as she takes the phone from her with shaky hands.
She unlocks it before giving it back to Nancy.
Nancy finds the voice recording.
"Laura slow down!"
"I-i can't it won't stop Ace!"
"Stop the car!"
"I-i can't control it!"
"What the hell who was in control of the car?" George asks as she sits next to Nancy.
"Somebody who wanted Laura dead"
Nick sighs," I'm gonna get some coffee- this.. it's too much".
Just as he leaves McGinnis and a doctor walk towards them- they both have a frown plastered on their face.
Nancy and George exchange a fearful glance as this could only mean one thing- whatever the doc had to say it was bad.
"I'm afraid I have some difficult news to share with you. Ace, is in a coma"
Bess cries out" What do you mean... a-a coma"
Nancy place a hand on her shoulder as she tries to calm her own breathing.
It' all her fault- she got angry at Ace.
She made him think he had to prove something.
"C-can I see him"
The doctor tries to object but McGinnis beats her to it.
"Just let her have 5 minutes"
The doctor gives the girls a sympathetic look and nods.
Nancy follows the doctor as she takes her to Ace's room.
The sight that greets her was one she would never forget - Ace, her calm and vibrant friend, laying motionless in the bed, his body battered and bruised from the crash.
Tubes and wires were attached to his body, beeping and whirring with every heartbeat.
Nancy feels a wave of grief wash over her, but she pushes it back, as she took his hand, her heart aching with love and concern.
"Ace, it's me, Nancy. I'm here, I'm here for you. You're going to be okay, I know it."
The machines beeped and whirred, but there was no response from Ace.
Nancy's heart sinks as the tears finally roll down her face.
I'm gonna fix it
How am i supposed to trust anything you say
Nancy sobs, placing a gentle kiss on Ace's cold hand.
She's gonna fix it all, she's gonna get her friend back and show him that he is worth something. That he is enough.
This was rubbish but i hope at least one person likes it.
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duskkodesh · 3 months
Dusk Reviews: Lisa Trusiani 90's Morbius #2 (Issue 26)
Here we go again. Hopefully in reading these you'll get a nice overview of the plot without having to suff... read it yourselves.
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So we open with Morb still standing with Lena post rescue. Getting wayyyyy too close to her despite her REALLY not liking him.
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Oh ya'll thought I was joking. No, he goes full creepy stalker IMMEDIATELY. Anyways she tears into him about taking lives again, he says he was defending her, she realizes she's hurt, He follows her for a while despite her yelling at him to leave. The sun chases him off FINALLY after he says to go to Morgan Michaels for injuries (While touching her AGAIN. DUDE stop touching her!). We're all brushed up on that. Back at Morb's apartment Martine is sitting and thinking to herself that he must be late and that MUST mean he had a breakthrough in the lab with her condition. She decides to do something nice for him.
Guys at the club Lena escaped from get yelled at by their boss to find the missing girl pronto. Morb comes home and starts kind of acting like an ass to Martine now too.
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So Lena finds food. narrates that the men at the club have her purse and that she put all else she owned somewhere safe. Guys at the club same page find a locker key. You know where this is going. Morb and Martine talk over breakfast. She eagerly asks about the lab. He admits he wasn't in the lab last night. They argue but Morb is tired AF and waves her off to crash. The scene is very waspy and awkward and just doesn't fit them and she's supposed to be dead inside so why so angry? Lena buys some clothes while a creepy dude sexually harasses her outside. These pages serve no fucking purpose and flow more like it's Lena's comic rather than Morb's. We could have easily just cut to her with 'Poof' new clothes. Guys are at the locker. Lena's now headed to the locker. WE GET TWO PAGES OF LENA BEING LOST ON THE SUBWAY and this 'darling' diatribe.
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Can we focus less on Lena and how 'hot' she is? Jeezy Creezy. It's like every damn page! We get it. She shows up at Port Authority and argues about her locker but has no key. The dudes go 'boo'. She runs. Morbs heads into St. Judes for work, Lena grabs a cab and evades the two doofs. Lacking anywhere else to go she goes to St. Judes. He promptly acts like a CREEP.
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He x-rays her, she has a cracked rib. He presses her for details about her life then invites her to talk over dinner. She spills her tragic past and he lets her use the room in the hospital the docs nap in on long shifts. She gives him a peck on the cheek for it and thanks him. THEN HE IMMEDIATELY CALLS MARTINE TO TELL HER TO GTFO. He goes home, they argue.
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It escalates when she rightfully deduces he's been hounding after another woman. Martine goes for the hits, like she does NOT mess around.
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but an ill timed leap sends her flying through Morb's window.
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Dude, she's a vampire! She's not freaking dead! Well.... you know what I mean. We get a to be continued and that's the end of the issue. You see what I mean about it being a crime drama and Morb being insufferable? It only gets worse from here.
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lavendertownsghost · 5 months
RvB Restoration incoherent liveblog, then more coherent thoughts at the end
spoilers of course
Kai!!! God I hope she's in more than one scene
Why do I feel like something's up with Wash?
Wait when did they get Sheila back??
Hey they actually mentioned O'mally and how Doc perceived that
Like how they kept Grif being absolutely done with everything like in season 15
Simmons stop being mean to your boyfriend
I just realized that Epsilon's armor is from a different game than the others
Oohhh wow the Great Destroyer prophecy is actually relevant
wait how is Felix part of the Meta 2.0? I thought they just couldn't get Elijah Wood back for Sigma and that's the orange AI talking to Delta, but it's actually a version of Felix??
Yep, totally expected the Reds to nope out xD
OK that's totally Sigma with a different voice actor (Miles?). Or was Epsilon was implying that Felix and Sigma merged somehow.
This is also a real good look into how Maine was tortured
Tucker noooooo :(
Wash go save your boyfriend
Also wait why is Wash in a hospital again? he was fine at the end of season 13. Unless this is a hallucination and he had a mental break
Surprised Grif went along with this
479er!!!! My girl!
Also did Sarge forget for like the 3rd time that the Red vs Blue fight was fake?
Ahhh yes, the classic Sarge plan of 'Kill Grif'
Love how they glossed over the actual fight at the end of season 13
Oh god the zoom class flashbacks
oh shit that's Tucker in the armor
hey you know what would be real fucked? if Junior shows up
oh wow didn't expect the Reds to straight up leave Caboose to die
wait Sarge don't do a heroic sacrifice
hell yeah Sarge badass moment!
oh no Sarge in front of that door
fuck, if anyone from Blood Gulch was going to die it would be Sarge
aww Sarge finally saying he's proud of Simmons legitimately has me tearing up
People are going to say that Sarge being nice to Grif is out of character, but honestly I think it fits
why do I think Doc is a hallucination of Wash's?
oh wow Simmons
Grimmons moment? Run away with me, just the two of us.
aww Grif, choosing to stay of his own volition
So they're retconing Private Jimmy again? Church was in a robot for Blood Gulch?
Church gets a body again?
aww memories :) someone better draw fanart of Caboose, Grif, and Simmons and reminiscing around a campfire
Where is Carolina in all this?
I'm wondering if this is to bring Tex back instead of Church?
oof Simmons' robo arm
Simmons badass moment
hey wait Simmons better not die
Car moment!
also is Wash just unconscious somewhere?
oh there he is
ooohhh he's calling Carolina with he beacon?
oh shit are we going to get a Tex and Carolina team up!
yeah Carolina!!!!!
wait Grif and Simmons don't know she's Allison's kid xD
mother daughter team up for the ages
you know, if Tucker was still conscious in there he would absolutely make a joke about getting double teamed by two badass ladies
You know, I don't think Tucker is surviving this
Oh fuck yeah Tex!
wait what how can she use the sword?
oohhh Tucker was still holding it
Theta baby boy :(
awww Tex and Church are finally together
now someone get Tucker to a hospital
I feel like the best plan would be destroying it- oh there it goes
oh Doc is totally a hallucination
oh Doc is dead :(
oh it's all the Freelancers :(
Yeah I can definitely see that conversation between Wash and Carolina as either romantic or platonic, everyone wins there
is One from season 18? I don't recognize her
oh the shot of them on top of the base :(
Grif goes home... alone :(
aww the credits with everyone's faces. that last shot of the four of the OG RoosterTeeth crew:(((
I think that was a good end. I wish Wash would have actually talked to Tucker, and I'm sad we didn't see Donut and no canon grimmons but that was a long shot. I wish there was a bit more of Tucker as himself, but he's been the main character for a while so it was nice to focus on the others. the actual ending after the fight did feel a little rushed, I would have liked a bit more of Blue team recovering. also is it now just Simmons and Lopez vs Caboose, Tucker, Wash, and Carolina, or are the Freelancers going to leave?
I'm making a separate Grimmons post
All in all I liked it :) I think the most important thing was the everyone was in character. I know people are going to nitpick it and tear it apart, but it honestly could have been way worse.
Bow Chicka Bye Now
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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In My Time Of Dying
Previous Chapter / Masterlist / Next Chapter
*3rd Person POV*
Bad Moon Rising was playing on the radio of the Impala as the demon-possessed-truck-driver steps out of his truck and walks over to the car. John, Dean and (y/n) were unconscious but Sam, on the other hand, swallows as he starts to wake up. The demon pulls the driver's side door off its hinges to reveal Sam pointing the colt at him.
"Back. Or I'll kill you, I swear to God." Sam threatens. "You won't. You're saving that bullet for someone else." The demon said and Sam cocks the gun. "You wanna bet?" Sam asked in a threatening tone. The demon smiles and then the black demon-cloud pours out of the man, who collapses. Sam uncocks the gun, drops his head back in relief.
"Oh my God!" The man said, in a panic, as he looks at the scene before him. "Dad?" Sam said but he looks over to see John was not moving.
"Did I do this?" The man asked. "Dad! Dean? (Y/n)? Guys!?" Sam shouts, frantically.
As the sun rises, a rescue helicopter descends to the site, and all four people were loaded onto stretchers. John, Dean and (y/n) are still unconscious, but Sam was awake. "Tell me if they're okay!" Sam shouts at the paramedic as he looks over at the three people he cares about the most being loaded up into the ambulances.
"You have to stay still!" The female paramedic instructs him. "Are they even alive?" He asked but they don't respond as they load him up and take him and the others to the hospital.
Meanwhile, in one of the ambulances, (y/n) starts to open her eyes but her vision was so blurry she couldn't tell where she was but she could see a figure of a person. "D...D...De..Dea.." she mutters, groggily, as she starts to move then one of the paramedics turns to her. "Miss, you need to stay still." The paramedic said. "Wh-What...happened?" (Y/n) asked, weakly, her head feeling foggy. "You were in a car accident..." the paramedic said and this makes (y/n)'s eyes open wider and her mind clearer.
"What?! T-The men I w-was with...a-are they okay?" She asked, in a panic. "Ma'am, you need to calm down." The paramedic said and (y/n) leans her head back and tears started to pour out of her eyes.
Dean, wearing a white t-shirt and blue hospital pants, sits up in a panic then works his jaw and gets out of bed and goes into the hallway. "Sam? (Y/n)? Dad? Anybody?" He calls out. Then he goes down the stairs to the front of the hospital and finds a nurse's station. "Excuse me. Hi. I, uh, I think I was in a car accident, my dad, my brother and my friend, I just need to find them." Dean said to her but she was unresponsive
"Hello?" He said then he snaps his fingers but she acts like he's not there. He goes back upstairs, panicked, and sees his own body on the bed, intubated and dying. He stares at it in shock then he turns around to see Sam and (y/n) enter the room. The two stop at the door and stare at Dean's body, breathing heavily. Both of them looked battered and bruised, but other than they were fine and walking.
"Sammy! (Y/n)! You guys look good. Considering." Dean said, relieved. "Oh, no." Sam whispers as he stares at Dean's body and (y/n) begins to sob. "Man, tell me you guys can hear me." Dean pleads but the two don't respond to him. "How's dad? Is he okay?" Dean asked but no response, once again.
"Come on, you two are the psychics. Give me some ghost whispering or something!" Dean said just as the Doctor comes into the room
"Your father is awake. You can go see him if you like." The doctor said to Sam. "Thank God." Dean said, relieved. "Doc, what about my brother?" Sam asked the Doctor. "Well, he sustained serious injury: blood loss, contusions to his liver and kidney. But it's the head trauma I'm worried about. There's early signs of cerebral edema." The doctor explained.
"Well, what can we do?" (Y/n) asked him. "Well, we won't know his full condition until he wakes up. If he wakes up." said the doctor.
"If?" Sam and (y/n) asked, raising their eyebrow.
"I have to be honest —" The doctor started to say while Dean shouts. "Oh, screw you, Doc, I'm waking up." He yells. "Most people with this degree of injury wouldn't have survived this long. He's fighting very hard. But you need to have realistic expectations." The doctor explains to the two.
"Come on, guys. Go find some hoodoo priest to lay some mojo on me. Guys?" Dean pleads as Sam and (y/n) stare at Dean for a moment then they leave the room.
John was lying in a hospital bed, his arm in a sling. Awkwardly one-handed, he pulls a card out of his wallet. "Here. Give them my insurance." John said as Sam takes the card, smiling as he reads it. "Elroy McGillicutty?" Sam said. "And his two loving sons." John said then he looks over at (y/n). "What about you, (y/n)? You covered?" He asked and she nods as she pulls out an insurance card. "Yes, sir." She said then she puts away the card.
"So, what else did the doctor say about Dean?" John asked. "Nothing. Look. The doctors won't do anything, then we'll have to, that's all. I don't know, (y/n) and I'll find some hoodoo priest and lay some mojo on him." Sam said to John, who looks at him in disbelief.
"We'll look for someone." John said. "Yeah." Sam and (y/n) said. "But kids, I don't know if we're gonna find anyone." John said.
"Why not? I found that faith healer before." Sam said to him. "All right, that was, that was one in a million." John said and (y/n) sighs at this.
"So what? Do we just sit here with our thumbs up our ass?" She asked him, annoyed. "No, I said we'd look. All right? I'll check under every stone." John said then he let's out a sigh then looks up at the two.
"Where's the Colt?" He asked. Sam and (y/n) give him a look of shocked disbelief. "Your son is dying, and you're worried about the Colt?" (Y/n) asked him, angrily. "We're hunting this demon, and maybe it's hunting us too. That gun may be our only card." John said to her, angrily, and Sam sighs. "It's in the trunk. They dragged the car to a yard off of I-83." He said.
"All right. You've gotta clean out that trunk before some junk man sees what's inside." John said to them. "We already called Bobby. He's like an hour out, he's gonna tow the Impala back to his place." (Y/n) said. "All right. You two go meet up with Bobby. Both of you get that Colt, and bring it back to me. And watch out for hospital security." John said and the two young adults nod.
"I think we've got it covered." Sam said and they get up and start to leave, but John said. "Hey. Here." They turn and see him pulling out a piece of paper. "I made a list of things I need, have Bobby pick them up for me." He said as Sam takes the paper and reads it.
"Acacia? Oil of Abramelin? What's this stuff for?" He asked his dad. "Protection." John replied. "Hey, Dad? You know, the demon, he said he had plans for me, (y/n) and children like us. Do you have any idea what he meant by that?" Sam asked him. "No, I don't." John replied. (Y/n) raises an eyebrow at him but her and Sam leave, shutting the door.
Dean, who had been leaning behind the door, stares at his dad in suspicion. "Well, you sure know something." He said as John was looking down, in somewhat despair.
At Bobby's place, Sam and (y/n) look down at the mangled Impala, Bobby standing near them. "Oh man, Dean is gonna be pissed." Sam said. "If his head doesn't explode first." (Y/n) jokes and Sam let's out a playful scoff as he shakes his head.
"Look, kids. This...this just ain't worth a tow. I say we empty the trunk, sell the rest for scrap." Bobby said but Sam shakes his head. "No. Dean would kill me if we did that. When he gets better he's gonna want to fix this." Sam said and Bobby looks at the car. "There's nothing to fix. The frame's a pretzel, and the engine's ruined. There's barely any parts worth salvaging." Bobby said.
"Listen to me, Bobby. If there's only one working part, that's enough. We're not just going to give up on..." Sam said to him but he stops as he swallows and (y/n) places a hand on his shoulder. "Okay. You got it." Bobby said to Sam, quietly.
"Oh...Here, uh, John asked for you to get this stuff for him." (Y/n) said as she hands the paper, which Sam gave to her so she could look it over, to Bobby. He looks at it, frowning.
"What's John want with this?" He asked. "Protection from the demon?" Sam said, shrugging, but Bobby gives the two a look.
"What?" Sam and (y/n) asked.
"Oh, nothing, it's just, uh..." Bobby stammers but (y/n) walks up to him.
"Bobby? What's going on?" She asked him, firmly.
Back at the hospital, John was sitting by Dean's bed; while Dean's spirit was standing nearby. "Come on, Dad. You've gotta help me. I've gotta get better, I've gotta get back in there. I mean, you haven't called a soul for help. You haven't even tried. Aren't you going to do anything? Aren't you even going to say anything?" Dean asked, angrily, as he starts walking around the bed. "I've done everything you have ever asked me. Everything. I have given everything I've ever had. And you're just going to sit there and you're going to watch me die? I mean, what the hell kind of father are you?" He asked, angrily.
But he pauses once he heard something. "What is that?" Dean said and he goes into the hallway just as a spirit whooshes past him. He jumps back then turns to John. "I take it you didn't see that." He said before he stalks the spirit down the hallways.
He sees it go into a back hallway where a woman is lying on the floor, choking. "Help! Help!" The woman pleads and Dean Dean around. "Hey! I need some help in here!" He shouts but no one responds. "I can't...breathe!" She pants loudly, trying desperately to breathe, then goes silent. Dean leans over her then looks around, helplessly.
Sam and (y/n) stalk into the room with a duffel bag in Sam's hand; Dean meets them at the door and starts trying to talk to them. "Sammy! (Y/n)! Tell me you guys can friggin' hear me, man, there's something in the hospital. Now, you two have got to bring me back and we've got to hunt this thing. Sam! (Y/n)!" He shouts but they don't say anything.
"You two are quiet." John said. Sam and (y/n) turn, both of them fuming, and Sam hurls the bag onto the bed with a crash. "Did you think we wouldn't find out?" Sam asked, through clenched teeth.
"What are you talking about?" John asked. "That stuff from Bobby, you don't use it to ward off a demon, you use it to summon one." (Y/n) said, firmly, and John looks between the two. "You're planning on bringing the demon here, aren't you? Having some stupid macho showdown?!" Sam asked him, angrily.
"I have a plan, guys." John said. "That's exactly my point! Dean is dying, and you have a plan! You know what, you care more about killing this demon than you do saving your own son!" Sam shouts at John.
"No, no, no, guys, don't do this!" Dean said over Sam shouting at John. "Do not tell me how I feel! I am doing this for Dean." John shouts. "How? How is revenge going to help him?" (Y/n) asked, angrily. "You're not thinking about anybody but yourself, it's the same selfish obsession!" Sam spat.
"Come on guys, don't do this!" Dean said to them.
"You know, it's funny, I thought it was your obsession too! This demon killed your mother, killed your girlfriend. And (y/n), it told you it killed both of your parents. And you, Sam, begged me to be part of this hunt. Now if you'd killed that damn thing when you had the chance, none of this would have happened." John yells. "It was possessing you, Dad, I would have killed you too." Sam argues.
"Yeah, and your brother would be awake right now." John growls and Sam looks at him, shocked but also angry. "Don't you dare put that on him!" (Y/n) growled at John.
"Shut up, all of you!" Dean shouts.
"Go to hell." Sam spat at his dad. "I should have never taken you along in the first place. I knew it was a mistake, I knew I was wrong —" John said, angrily.
"I said SHUT UP!" Dean screams as he smacks a glass of water off the table and it goes flying, crashing to the floor. Sam, (y/n) and John look at each other, confused, while Dean looks stunned. 
"Dude, I full-on Swayze'd that mother." Dean said but then he crumples in pain, flickering.
Nurses and doctors start running by in the hallway. "What is it?" Dean asked as the three look out the door. "Something's going on out there." John said then he jerks his head to the two and they run out of the room.
Monitors were beeping as a doctor and some nurses were surrounding Dean, resuscitating him. "All clear." The doctor said while Sam and (y/n) enter the room. "No." Sam whispers in tears. "Dean, no." (Y/n) cries, softly, as she puts her hands over her mouth while the tears pour down her cheeks.
"Still no pulse." The nurse said. "Okay, let's go again, 360." The doctor said. "Charging." The nurse said as they charge the machine. Dean comes up slowly behind Sam and (y/n) just as she clings onto Sam, who holds her to his side.
Dean sees a ghostly figure floating over his body lying in the bed. "You get the hell away from me." Dean yells as he runs to the bed and faces the thing down, yelling. "I said get back!" He shouts while (y/n) blinks and looks around, confused, as if she's heard something. She looks up at Sam, who didn't seemed to notice.
Dean grabs for the spirit; he latches on momentarily before it hurls him back and then soars out of the room. The monitors then go slow and quiet. "We have a pulse. We're back into sinus rhythm." The nurse said as Sam sighs in relief and (y/n) let's out a small sigh and hiccups. The two hug each other for a few more minutes as Dean runs into the hallway, looking for the spirit but it had vanished.
Sam and (y/n) pull out of the embrace and walk into the hallway as Dean comes back and stands by them. "Don't worry, guys. I'm not going anywhere. I'm getting that thing before it gets me. It's some kind of spirit, but I could grab it. And if I can grab it, I can kill it." Dean said while (y/n) and Sam look around to where Dean was, confused.
The two couldn't explain it but it was almost like they felt a familiar presence around them. "You felt that, right?" (Y/n) asked Sam. He nods and they start to make they're way to John's room.
Dean wanders the halls, then hears a girl yelling. "Can't you see me? Why won't you look at me?" The girl's voice asked in a panic. "Now what?" Dean asked himself as he goes towards the front and see the girl running around the lobby of the hospital.
"Somebody talk to me! Say something, please!" She pleads. "Can you see me?" Dean asked her and she looks up at him. "Yeah." She said as he walks up to her. "All right, just, uh, calm down. What's your name?" He asked her.
"Tessa." She replied. "Okay, good, Tessa, I'm Dean." He introduced. "What's happening to me? Am - am I dead?" She asked him, scared. "That sort of depends." Dean said.
Dean and Tessa stand outside a room, watching what is apparently Tessa's body, hooked up to tubes and machines. A woman sits by the bed, holding her hand. "I don't understand. I just came in for an appendectomy." She said, confused. "Well, I hate to bear bad news, but I think there were some complications." Dean said.
"It's just a dream, that's all. It's just a very weird, unbelievably vivid dream." Tessa whispered, frantically. "Tessa. It's not a dream." Dean said to her. "Then what else could it be?" She asked him.
"You ever heard of an out of body experience?" Dean asked her. "What are you, some new agey guy?" She asked him. "You see me messing with crystals or listening to Yanni? It's actually a very old idea. Got a lot of different names: Bilocation, crisis apparition, fetches... I think it's happening to us. And if it is, it means that we're spirits of people close to death." Dean replied to her.
"So we're going to die?" She asked. "No. Not if we hold on. Our bodies can get better, we can snap right back in there and wake up." He said to her.
"What do you mean, you felt something?" John asked Sam and (y/n). "I mean it felt like, like Dean. Like he was there, just out of eyeshot or something." (Y/n) said as she shrugs. "We don't know if it's our psychic thing or what, it...But do you think it's even possible? I mean, do you think his spirit could be around?" Sam asked John. "Anything's possible." John said.
"Well, there's one way to find out." Sam said and he starts to walk out of the room. "Where are you going?" John asked him. "I gotta pick something up. I'll be back." Sam said. "You want me to come with you?" (Y/n) asked him. "No, it's okay. But if you can...watch over Dean." Sam said and she nods at him.
"Wait, Sam." John said and Sam turns to him. "I promise I won't hunt this demon. Not until we know Dean's okay." John said. Sam nods and leaves just as (y/n) looks over at John and the two share a look, a silent conversation between them, before she walks out of the room.
"I gotta say, I'm impressed." Dean said to Tessa as the two walk down the hallway. "With what?" Tessa asked. "With you. Most people in your spot would be jello right now, but uh, you're taking this pretty well. Maybe a little better than me." Dean pointed out. "Don't get me wrong. I was pretty freaked at first. But now, I don't know. Maybe I'm dealing." She said.
"So you're okay with dying?" He asked her. "No, of course not. I just think, whatever's gonna happen's gonna happen. It's out of my control, it's fate." Tessa replied. "Huh. Well, that's crap. You always have a choice. You can either roll over and die or you can keep fighting, no matter what —" Dean said just as the PA system started to play out.
"Room 237, code blue. Dr. Kripke to room 237, code blue." The voice said and Dean begins to run. "Where are you going?" Tessa asked him. "Just wait here." Dean said and he runs down the hallway to another room in crisis. The same spirit is hovering over a little girl, who is being resuscitated. It reaches a hand into her face. 
"Get away from her!" He shouts and he lunges at the spirit, which vanishes. The nurses stop resuscitation once the machin let's out a long beep. "All right, let's call it." One of the nurses said. "Time of death, five eleven p.m." the doctor noted and they all look down at the little girl.
"At least she's not suffering anymore." The nurse said in a sad tone while Dean stared at this, stunned that he failed.
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mikuni14 · 7 months
The Sign - Ep 12
If you are a fan of The Sign and enjoyed the last episode, please do not read any further. Believe it or not, I don't want my negative opinion to affect your good mood 🤗
Okay, so I hated the finale 😆 The series ended exactly as I feared it would. With what was also the worst thing about the Last Twilight finale and why I hated CharlieBabe's relationship: namely, when one person call the shots in the relationship, makes all the decisions on their own, including the most drastic ones, and lies to the other a person "for their own good", and the series shows this as something positive and romantic. I hate these tropes, i.e. forced separations, fake deaths, making decisions for two without talking about it, and noble sacrifice without informing the other person about it. I hate showing it in a romantic light as the ultimate proof of love because it IS NOT proof of love. This only proves that 1) you don't trust the other person, 2) you don't believe that he or she is a rightful member of your relationship 3) you don't believe that you can talk to this person, that this person will help you, advise you, support you 4) you subconsciously question their intellectual and emotional abilities 5) you think that this person needs to be babied and you are the only adult in this relationship 6) this person does not deserve to make a decision in their OWN CASE, their OWN LIFE. Tharn decided to "save" Phaya and grandma by leaving with Chalathorn, he made the decision thinking what was best for them, but never considering IF THEY WANTED IT. The sight of grandma fainting, and later clutching her heart and losing strength as Phaya cries in the hospital scene, the sight of Phaya's utter despair as he is unable to function normally, go to work, live, who spends every waking moment looking for Tharn - yes, THIS is it the "life" that Tharn had so nobly sacrificed for. THARN NEVER EVEN THOUGHT TO ASK PHAYA AND GRANDMA IF THAT'S WHAT THEY WANTED. HE MADE THE DECISION FOR THEM, LIED TO THEM UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT AND LEFT THEM ALONE TO DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES.
What I ABSOLUTELY HATE is that Tharn has NEVER even wavered in his decision, even though Phaya MANY TIMES, including on their last night, tells him, begs him not to leave him and to trust him, that Phaya will always be by his side. And I also ABSOLUTELY HATE the fact that when Tharn returns, Phaya tries to explain to him how hard it was for him, what a traumatic experience it was for him, and Tharn doesn't even let him finish. How can I support such an unequal relationship? How could I trust Tharn if I were Phaya? Our Dating Sim showed how such separations affect people's mental health. However, Lee Wan realizes this and when Shin Ki Tae breaks down, he lets him talk about his fear and then comforts him. And he doesn't shut him up.
I admit I lost it when Tharn said to Phaya and Doc "Please stop killing each other" lmao what? Are you equating your boyfriend who had to fight for his life and the guy who tries to kill him in every incarnation, including when he is still a child? What about this sick symmetry? 😆 Of course, nothing compares to the fact that Tharn stayed with Chalathorn for a whole year because he felt sorry for him, while his grandmother (the heart-clutching one, you know which one) may have had a heart attack, and both she and Phaya are in agony and losing their health ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I loved Tharn, he was my favorite character in The Sign. And in the end he became the worst.
What was really funny was that in the end, NOTHING depended on Tharn and Phaya, it was Chalathorn - a murderer, manipulator and kidnapper - who made them happy 😄 And finally, they even thanked him and Phaya promised him to take care of Tharn, as if the doctor were the father of the lovely girl, who was being given away for marriage. Just kill me now 👌 Their love turned out to be completely pointless, because everything was decided by CHALATHORN, and everything related to their relationship took place offscreen and was actually a result of coincidence. Chalathorn even gave life to Tharn, gave him his soul. Thus proving that Phaya was useless to Tharn. Amazing 👌 Their love is based on fear, death, and separations and making the same mistakes, instead of taking action together, trust, faithfulness to each other, and mutual support. In their relationship, only Phaya makes an effort, I stopped feeling Tharn's love a long time ago. Tharn has always just surrendered to what is BAD happening around him (because Tharn/Wansa always surrenders to Chalathorn, not relies on Phaya/Garuda). The worst thing is that Tharn from the beginning of the series WAS NOT LIKE THAT 😤
THE POINT OF THIS SERIES WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THAT THIS TIME PHAYA AND TAHRN WOULD OVERCOME KARMA TOGETHER. They were to break this cycle with precise instructions from the abbot. Not only did they not overcome it, but they repeated it exactly to the letter. This raises the question: what was the point of all this, if Phaya and Tharn repeated the cycle of love, despair and death and got out of it thanks to someone else's decision? Is this a series then… about Chalathorn? 😂 HOW CAN I SUPPORT THIS RELATIONSHIP AND BELIEVE IN THIS LOVE WHEN ULTIMATELY NOTHING DEPENDED ON THEM AND THEY DID NOTHING TO SAVE THEMSELVES AND SAVE THIS LOVE. Oh, by "they" I meant Tharn.
What else was weird:
how is it that Doc is suddenly so sacrificial and willing to let Tharn go when he was willing to destroy his own soul just to kill Phaya and take Tharn like 5 min ago???
where are the Chart scenes? Khem and Thongthai?
random scene with Phaya's sister and Dao who is in France? Anyone interested in this?? So there was time for THIS, but not for Chalathorn and Tharn?
The finale otherwise had no emotional impact in the most important scenes:
Tharn joined the police to solve the mystery of his father's death, Akk had his entire agenda in this matter. However, after the killer is arrested (with Chalatorn's help lol) it doesn't feel like it has any major impact on either of them
Chart almost died. He didn't even deserve a single scene with Akk, who would thank him or just talk to him (I don't care about it, just to close this thread)
Khem almost died. We only see him once more after that. He's fine 🤷‍♀️
there are no scenes of Tharn reuniting with Yai, grandmother, or even the abbot
the sex scene is boring, repetitive, with weird music at the beginning that doesn't match the mood, the sight of them kneeling on the bed with pixelated butts, their dicks touching, with their pants around their knees is nothing but ridiculous. The whole scene is overshadowed by the fact that Tharn is lying to Phaya, that he's giving him something nice before he leaves (pity fuck) and taking fond memories with him (selfish fuck), and basically we all know it's a goodbye fuck. That is, everyone knows except Phaya, who, like Babe and Mhok, is oblivious at this point and happy to have it all taken away from him by someone he loves.
Actually, the last time this show was nice was when they still called each other bolster and jellyfish 😄 Also, if I'm not mistaken, all but one of the flashbacks in this episode were from episodes 1-5, plus the sex scene from ep. 7. Because back then the series was still good and it was about PhayaTharn. How could such a perfect series fuck up so much?
What was good about the finale? Just like in Last Twilght: the hets. Thank you Yai for being there and maintaining your integrity from start to finish 💖
To sum up:
I love The Sign ep 1-5 and the pink scene
I don't like The Sign ep 8-11
I hate the finale (I won't even write about how two weeks ago the finale with an unhappy ending was shown for free for peasants, and for money you could watch the finale with a good ending lol).
Everything that was wrong with The Sign is summed up in these words:
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