#10/10 should have asked off the whole weekend
jessicaloons · 2 days
Chapter 46:
You play stupid Games, You win stupid Prizes
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"Did you read that?" Charles asked and I looked at his phone.
"He's still gambling? He should just take that Williams seat and this whole mess is over... but no, he and his father are still talking about my goddamn seat like it's vacant!" I rolled my eyes and Charles chuckled a little.
"I can't wait for you to step out in your race suit, Doetterer 2027 on your back, right in his face that your seat is taken for the next 3 years." he sat down on the edge of the bed, and I sat up.
"I honestly don't care about him or his father... I just want to have a good weekend, perform well here at home. I want to make Germany proud. It's been a long time since a German driver won the German GP..." I sighed a little.
"Was Seb the last winner?"
"No, that was Nico in 2014. 10 years ago. Seb wasn't that lucky with Ferrari at the German grand prixs..."
"Oh yeah, true... but this year a German driver from a German team will win." Charles sounded determined and I smiled at him "I have a feeling."
"Yeah? Then let's hope you're feeling is right." I kissed his cheek and got up "And now let's go. I'm hungry." I put on Charles hoodie and we went downstairs, a loud hustling and bustling already awaiting us. Mum, Pascale and Sissy made breakfast, while Dad, Arthur and Daniel, sat at the table talking away. Benji and Liam sat on the floor playing with Arlo.
"Good morning sleeping beauty 1 and sleeping beauty 2."
Daniel was the first noticing us, right as Arlo turned around, over excitedly wagging his tail.
"Morning." I bent down, ruffling Liam and Benji's hair before I scratched Arlos head
"Sit down, sit down, breakfast will be ready any minute." Mum said from the kitchen and I plopped down next to Arthur.
"I guess you've seen the latest chapter in the never-ending Sainz to Audi saga?" Dad asked and I sighed a little.
"This weekend it will be over. He can watch Lizzie walk out in her race suit, announcing her contract renewal, Audi will put out the statement and he has to say yes to Williams, if he doesn't want to be seatless next season." Charles said and Dad nodded.
"I honestly don't get what Carlos problem was with you, Lizzie? Like seriously? He was a funny bloke, one of the guys? Nice one. But you and him? That just didn't work out." Daniel said and I shrugged my shoulders.
"He didn't like that Lizzie was better than him." Charles stated simply but I shook my head
"No, I think it all started when I was speaking out against Ferrari, mostly Mattia's way of handling you guys. And that I openly said that you are the better driver and fight for the championship and your team should fully support you. I think that was what made him furious... and from then on... well we all saw what happened."
"Yeah but everything you said was true!" Arthur said and Daniel nodded slightly.
"He's playing a dangerous game though, publicly talking about the Audi seat, not even mentioning the interest of the other teams? Basically saying he only waits for the right offer from Audi? He'll end up with no seat for next year."
"Is it a dangerous game or just a stupid game?" Charles shrugged his shoulders.
"I guess we'll see..."
"Nervous?" Elijah asked and I hesitated for a moment.
"I honestly don't know. I mean, it's Hockenheim, I know this track better than any other track. I raced there so often, I tested for Audi there so many hours, that would fill 10 full races. I raced here in F3, F2. The WSeries. Not to mention all the times I tested various cars there... but this time I race here in Formula 1? My dream comes to life... so yeah, sure I'm kinda nervous because I want to win this race and put myself under a lot of pressure. But I'm also super excited, because it's my home race that I race in freaking Formula 1." I replied, watching Dad joke with Charles, Daniel and Lorenzo.
"And today you're kicking off the race week with a nice family barbecue?"
"Yeah kinda, it's been a long time that we've all been here together. And now we added Daniel to the family, which means it's getting even louder around here." I joked right when said driver joined us at the table.
"I heard my name from my little sister?" he wiggled his eyebrows, pinching my side and I rolled my eyes laughing.
"I just said the neighbours will complain now that we added you to the family and our little backyard hangouts will be way louder than before." I chuckled and he nodded.
"Big possibility, not gonna lie."
"They survived all of you screaming and shouting after the world cup final 2014... I guess they can handle Daniel." Mum laughed and put down a salad bowl.
"Oh come on! We just won the title! Of course we freaked out a little bit!" Dad said from the barbecue and I nodded.
"A little bit? You and Hervé had fireworks! Fireworks! In July! In Germany!" Mum said and I laughed, thinking back to that day.
"It was an amazing evening! Come on!" Charles threw in, as he sat down next to me.
"Two semi-drunk men handling firework, they probably purchased illegally, in a backyard full of people and flammable things?" Pascale looked at him pointedly.
"We were careful!" Dad stated.
"Oh yeah? You two lit up one of these stick things and then, while it was already burning you read on it that you're not supposed to hold it in your hands but stick it in the ground!"
"Well... that was unfortunate. But nothing happened! We just shot these sparkly fireballs at each other." Dad shrugged.
"Seems like you guys had some good times together in the past?" Elijah smiled and I nodded.
"The best! Dad and Hervé always came up with the craziest, most random things out of the blue." I laughed and squeezed Charles hand under the table.
"They said they were brothers from another mother." he said and Pascale nodded.
"Yeah. Both grown ups with the mind of two little boys sometimes."
"Not gonna argue with that." Dad mumbled and we laughed.
"Good old times." Lorenzo said and I nodded.
"Yeah. Good old times indeed."
The moment we arrived at the Hockenheimring my mind was blown. A sea of German flags were waved everywhere. For the first time ever there where more fans waiting for me than for Charles. I was overwhelmed with the amount of people chanting my name.
"Look how they love you." Charles said, opening the door and I got out of the car.
"This is crazy!" I mumbled.
"No, its not. It's what you deserve! You deserve to be here, now and forever. This is your home. These are your people.
And look at how much they love you." he took my hand and pulled me towards the fence "Come on. They're all waiting for you, cara mia!"
I didn't know where to start, who to look at first, the amount of people cheering me on was overwhelming. I took more selfies than at all races combined before as it felt, signed team kits, flags, poster, caps and what not. My wrists were full of new bracelets, hands full of gifts.
"Thank you so much!" I hugged the girl who handed me a scratch book, after explaining to me that’s it’s a book with fan letters from girls around the world, thanking me for being their role model and writing how me being in F1 changed their life’s "This means so much to me! What’s your insta name! I want to post it and tag you! I mean if that’s okay for you?"
"Yes! Of course! I made it together with my best friend, she can’t be here unfortunately." the girl replied, typing down her Instagram name in my phone "We both hope that you’re winning this weekend! And if not you, then Charles!"
"I will try my very best!" I chuckled and took back my phone, when Charles tapped my shoulder "Thanks again for the book!"
I waved one last time to the crowd and then followed Charles to the gates, the book pressed tightly to my chest.
"Cara mia." Charles nodded towards a little girl, covered in Audi merch, hiding behind her father's legs.
I handed Charles the book and several other gifts and slowly walked towards the father daughter duo.
"Hi." I smiled at her and she gripped her dad's leg tighter.
"Maddie, come on, say hi to Lizzie." he cooed and the little girl, Maddie, carefully stepped around his legs. I immediately kneeled down, smiling at her.
"Hi Maddie, my name is Lizzie." I said, stretching out my hand and she hesitantly shook it.
"I know who you are." she said quietly "I'm a huge fan."
"Thank you, that really means a lot." I smiled.
"Maddie started karting 2 years ago after she saw you debut in F1." her dad said, and I looked up at him "She said if you can make it into F1 with only men, she can start karting with the boys."
"And you are absolutely right! Just because you're the only girl doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it! When I started karting, I also was the only girl, for a really long time actually, but it never stopped me."
"And now you're in Formula 1." she said.
"And now I'm in Formula 1."
"I think you will win this weekend, or at least I hope so."
"I will try my very best." I smiled and Maddie poked her dad's leg.
"Oh yeah, umm- can I take a picture of you two?" he asked and I nodded
"Of course." I smiled waving the girl over.
"Can you sign my cap as well?" she asked as soon as her dad gave us the thumbs up.
"Sure." I took the sharpie from her dad's hand and signed the cap "Here, all done."
"Thank you! And good luck this weekend!" she smiled and I nodded.
"Can I get a good luck hug?" I asked and she nodded excitedly and hugged me "Thank you." I got up and waved her and her dad goodbye when Charles lead me away, towards the hospitalities.
"You're so loved here, I honestly wished it was like this everywhere..." he said and I nodded a little.
"Yeah, it's really a total new feeling."
"You deserve it." he kissed my cheek and we stopped in front of the Audi hospitality "See you later? I'll pick you up and we can go together to the press conference."
"Alright." I took my gifts from him and kissed him goodbye, then walked inside where Julie was waiting for me.
"The crowd loves you!" she smiled and I put down the gifts.
"They really do, I have a feeling that this weekend we'll shoot something special." Elijah said and I flinched a little.
"I completely forgot about you." I mumbled and he laughed.
"We stayed behind, just filmed you without you even knowing we were there."
"Can you do that the whole weekend like that?" I asked and Julie laughed.
"That’s our plan. You’ll not even know that we’re here." he said and I sighed a little.
"Well, yeah, let's hope so."
"Welcome to round 13 here at Hockenheim, home gp of two of our drivers and teams. Today we're having hometown hero's Lizzie Doetterer, Audi and Nico Hülkenberg, Haas, with us, as well as Charles Leclerc, Scuderia Ferrari, Max Verstappen, Red Bull Racing and Daniel Ricciardo, Racing Bulls. I start with you Lizzie. First time racing in F1 on home turf, how are you feeling?" Tom Clarkson started the press conference, and I took the microphone.
"I'm excited, nervous, overwhelmed, yeah too much to put into words. When I was younger I watched some of the best drivers race this track and dreamed that one day I would be one of them and here I am." I answered and Charles next to me smiled.
"How does it feel, seeing all those German flags being waved, all those people in Audi merch?"
"It's just amazing. I never felt this much support ever before and it makes me more than excited to finally race here."
"You always said that Hockenheim is the track you know the best, the track you race better than any other track. Do you think it gives you a little advantage, that you know this track so well, raced here more often then most other drivers on the grid?"
"It's no disadvantage, that's for sure, but honestly, on other tracks I only raced once before I had to do it in F1, on others I've never raced before. It's like this in F1 sometimes. And nowadays with the simulators you can race as often as you want on every track, so yeah."
"Alright, let's continue with you Nico, another hometown hero." Clarkson looked at Nico and began his interview with him, then continued with Max, Daniel and lastly Charles.
"Charles, you said that Lizzie will make a big step forwards this weekend and will be one of the main threats."
"I've seen her progress over the last races, she was always close to the win, collected podium after podium, and now we're here at Hockenheim, the track she can race blindly... which she did, by the way, and Audi brought a new set of updates? Yeah, she definitely will be one of the main threats this weekend."
"You raced here with a blindfold?" Max asked me and I laughed.
"No! It was only in the simulator, a couple of years ago!" I replied and he laughed.
"And? Did you make it?"
"She did, she was only 3 seconds slower than me." Charles answered and Max looked impressed.
"Not bad."
"Alright. Let's open this up to questions from the floor. As always, please state your name and publication first." Clarkson looked into the crowd of reporters and picked the first question.
Most of the first ones were for Nico and me, how we felt about finally racing back in Germany. If Hockenheim should be permanently on the race calendar. Then the questions switched to Max and Charles and their close battle for the championship.
"Question for Lizzie. You brought a whole set of updates, how do you think they will be working?"
"Well the weather got a bit in our way to fully say how they will work out with heavy rains on the forecast for the whole weekend. So we will have to wait what we can do under this rough conditions." I say honestly.
"But you're usually really good in the rain and love a rough track?" he countered and I laughed.
"Well, yeah, but I’m usually liking it not that rough." I answered.
"News to me." Charles mumbled, not directly into his microphone, but still loud enough to get caught and the silence was loud in the room.
I looked at him with wide eyes and he sat there, petrified. The shock what he just had said evident on his face.
"So a freak in the streets and a freak in the sheets. Lucky you, Charles" Daniel laughed and I blushed.
The whole room erupted in laughter and Charles just facepalmed and mouthed a 'sorry' to me. I silently prayed for Clarkson to end the press conference and when he did I was the first one to leave, taking a deep breath as soon as I was outside.
"I’m so, so sorry, cara mia! I swear I didn’t expect the microphone to catch that." Charles followed me and held me by the waist, looking at me "It was more a joke to myself and… god I’m so sorry."
"You‘re not… you‘re grinning!" I pushed him off and he chuckled.
"Because it was kinda funny! Freaking embarrassing, but funny!" Charles pouted a little and I rolled my eyes.
"Everyone laughed and had a blast, come on mate." Max laughed, appearing right behind Charles and I glared at him "Okay. Sorry. I’m scared of your girl…" he then whispered to Charles.
"Kids, kids! Come on. It was a joke, we all laughed. Nothing bad happened." Daniel said and Charles nudged my shoulder a little "Well, nothing bad happened yet… if I’d be you, Charlie boy, I’d be scared to walk back to the paddock, where Pops will wait…"
"What?" Charles stopped grinning in an instant and swallowed hard.
"What you said? About his perfect, little girl? His princess? I wouldn’t want to be in your skin." Daniel walked off with a satisfied smile on his lips and Charles looked at me.
"Pops will laugh about it, right? He knows it was a joke?"
"I don’t know… not so sure…" now I chuckled and grabbed his hand "Come on, let’s see."
"Lizzie!" he whined and I laughed even louder.
"Oh come on, it was just a joke, you said it yourself…" I pulled him with me and as soon as we spotted Dad sitting outside the Audi hospitality, playing with Arlo, Charles slowed down.
"Look who’s there!" Dad unbuckled the leash from Arlo’s harness and he bolted off, straight into us and I bent down, scratching his ears.
"Hello my good boy. Did you play with Pops a little?" I cooed and followed him back to where Dad was sitting, Charles staying a little behind.
"So, how is it being here?" Dad asked me and I sat down, shrugging my shoulders.
"It’s normal, I guess?" I said, watching Charles take a tentative step towards us, still looking at Dad.
"Pete is confident that the upgrades will work out."
"Yeah, they all are, I guess we have to wait and see, no?" I picked up Arlo, sitting him down in my lap, when Dad turned to Charles.
"And what about you?"
"Me?" Charles asked nervously.
"Yeah, your car was lacking straight line speed in Silverstone? Did you fix that problem?"
"Oh… umm yeah, yeah, the team is confident that they fixed this issue." he sounded slightly relieved, letting out a deep breath, sitting down next to me, still a little fidgety.
"You okay there, Charles? Rough night?" Dad asked and Charles eyes widened.
"It was a joke! A stupid joke! I’m so, so sorry!" he blurted out and Dad bursted out laughing.
"Boy, I never saw you sweating like that." he shook his head, still laughing.
"I’m really sorry." Charles mumbled and Dad got up, patting his shoulder.
"It’s alright, Charlie boy." he said and walked inside.
"Why do I feel like he’s secretly planning something?" Charles mumbled and I shrugged.
"Because he probably is…"
"Very comforting, thank you."
Another day, another sea of German flags, Audi shirts and caps and poster of me were greeting us when we stepped out of the car and I couldn't stop the big grin forming on my lips. I zipped my jacket close and put the hood on, trying to stay dry.
"Excited?" Charles asked and I nodded.
"I think I was never this excited for FP1 ever before.. " I laughed and he pulled me to his side, kissing my temple.
"Same, same." he chuckled, dropping me off at my hospitality "Have a good session."
"You too." I smiled, climbing up the stairs.
"Lizzie?" Julie held the door open for me and I walked inside, the whole team standing around a table and I followed her inside.
"What's going on?" I asked when Pete and Valtteri stepped aside, revealing a cake.
In big red letters DOETTERER 2027 carefully piped on.
"Congrats on your contract renewal!" Valtteri said and I hugged him.
"Thank you, Valtteri! But where are you going? I mean... with Nico coming?" I whispered.
"It's all good, little one. I talked to Felix the moment I got a new offer, that’s when he contacted Nico…" he said and I looked at him "I’m going back to Mercedes, for one year and then it’s time to retire."
"Wait… what?"
"Toto called me as soon as Lewis told him. With Kimi Antonelli Mercedes has a good driver for the future, but he needs more experience, 2025 is too early for him, so I’ll take over for one year."
"But why retire? You still have some good years ahead of you!"
"Because it’s time. One day, you just feel it." he nudged my shoulder a little and smiled "And now come on… let’s have a piece of cake and then go into the car!"
"Okay…" I nodded slowly and stepped closer to the table.
"Speech! Speech! Speech!" Matt and some of my mechanics began to chant and I chuckled, shaking my head.
"Okay, okay, okay! Honestly I don’t have much to say, just that I’m grateful for every single one of you! You are the best team I could’ve ever ended up in. You always believe in me and have my back, support me no matter what. Today we celebrate us, this team. Thank you guys!" I said, smiling at my team and Felix pulled me close to his side.
"Alright everyone! Let’s have some cake!" he said and then turned to me "And then get out there and have some fun."
I sat on the sofa, mindlessly scratching Arlo’s head in my lap, not listening to the conversations around me.
"Cara mia?" Charles squeezed my thigh and I looked up from my lap "Come on, eat something."
"I’m not hungry." I mumbled, looking back down.
"Hey, look at me." he scooted closer, gently grabbing my chin, turning my head "It wasn’t your fault… you couldn’t do anything. You were amazing in FP1, okay? We all saw how good you were! And what happened in FP2? It was out of your hands, until the crash you were the fastest on mediums! No one could match your pace, not even on softs!"
"Yeah but I crashed out, Charles!" I groaned and he sighed.
"No you didn’t! Logan crashed out and took you out as well an-…"
"I could’ve reacted quicker! Go around him, just do something to avoid the crash!" I interrupted him.
"No, no you could not, okay? Stop bashing yourself. It’s not your fault, end of the story." Charles looked at me pointedly and after a moment I sighed and nodded a little "Now, would you please eat something?"
"Yeah…" I sat Arlo down next to me and grabbed my fork.
"Thank you." Charles kissed my cheek and I took a bite of my salad.
"Tomorrow’s a new day, don’t beat yourself up too much." Dad said and I nodded again.
"I just wanted this to be the perfect weekend, you know? No mistakes. Good results. So that when the contract renewal is announced on Sunday no one doubts it…" I sighed.
"And you still can do it! Today was unfortunate, but it wasn’t your fault! Tomorrow you’ll come back stronger." Charles looked at me determined.
"I hope you’re right…"
"I am. You’ll see…"
Pole position. Freaking pole position. I cheered into the radio. Not understanding what Pete said for the first few seconds.
"You did it, little one! P fucking 1! Wooohooo! We’re all so proud of you!" his voice rang in my ears and I laughed.
"Let’s fucking go, guys! The car was on fire!"
"It really was!"
"Where’s Charles? Valtteri?" I asked, hoping to hear some good results.
"P2 and P4. Amazing job from you guys!"
I parked my car in the P1 spot and jumped out, running towards my team, celebrating our first pole in a while.
"Amazing job, little one!" Pete patted my back.
"What a lap!" Felix shouted.
"Thanks guys!" I high fived everyone when a pair of arms engulfed me from behind.
"What an amazing lap, cara mia!" Charles muffled voice behind me.
I turned around and opened my visor, his eyes already on mine. He pulled me towards the tables and I took my helmet off, followed by my balaclava, wiping my face.
"POLE SITTER!" Daniel yelled, storming our way, hugging me tight "Good job, Lizzie!"
"Thanks Danny." I smiled, seeing Pierre making his way to us.
"You so going to win tomorrow!" his first words as soon as he pulled me into a tight embrace.
"Don't jinx it!" I laughed and slapped his arm.
"I don't! It's just an honest opinion!" he chuckled and walked off.
"Lizzie?" an F1 official smiled at me and I nodded, taking the microphone from him.
"Lizzie! Congratulations on your pole! What an amazing qualifying session! Talk us through your pole lap." Nico Rosberg smiled his 10.000 mega watt smile at me and I took a deep breath, seeing all the Germany flags being waved behind him in the grandstand.
"Honestly, I just pushed, pushed, pushed. I knew that the rain would come any minute back and thought to myself that I just have to go full throttle. And it worked out perfectly."
"That it did. What do you think is possible in the race, can you win tomorrow, as the first German driver in a long time?"
"You mean as the first German driver after your last win here?" I chuckled and he nodded laughing "I think if we can maximise our race pace, have a good and clean start, a lot is possible."
"You're driving with a special livery this weekend, and I noticed a very interesting detail on your car and helmet..." Nico pointed at the hood of my car and I smiled, looking at the large 7.
"I wanted to pay tribute to not just this amazing track, because it's a shame that we don't have this track in the race calendar every season, but also go a little deeper. Germany and F1 belong together, and that's because of the amazing German F1 driver's of the past, but also the present. After waiting for this race for so long, I wanted to have every single German F1 driver with me, so yeah. I wanted to pay tribute to the guys who represented Germany so well in Formula 1, so yeah there's you, Seb, Timo, Nico but also some less known names, but still important. And of course, the Schumachers. Ralf and Michael, who was my hero growing up and I'm sure of so many others as well, he gave so much to this sport, he’s a legend, and also Mick, who should be driving on this track with me tomorrow, he didn’t get the chance he deserved back in Haas and I hope that changes in the future." I said proudly and Nico nodded.
"What a beautiful gesture. I think I speak for everyone who's on your car and helmet, when I say thank you so much, it means a lot." his voice was wavering a little and I squeezed his arm.
"I hope you like the photo of you that I chose." I laughed, to brighten the mood again and he smiled.
"I have to check it out, but honestly, every photo would be great, just because of the gesture. For now, I wish you all the best and good luck for tomorrow."
"Thanks, Nico." I handed my microphone to Charles who smiled brightly at me, then walked off to Julie, who was already waiting for me.
"Good job, Lizzie." she smiled and I followed her to the media pen "I need to take some pictures of you in your new race suit for tomorrow."
"Okay..." I sighed and she chuckled.
"Just a few quick shots, that's all I need."
"Okay.." I repeated and she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Thank you! And now smile, your on pole for your home race!"
"Yep, that I am." a big smile on my face again, when I read the text from Seb.
I woke up earlier than usually. Got up and took a quick shower, getting ready for the day. Then I waited for Charles to wake up. Breakfast went by in a blur and the drive to the track was even faster. All the fans around cheering for me, wishing me good luck, telling me that I would win, made me smile. I was getting more and more excited and when I walked inside my drivers room and looked at the race suit, the excitement bubbled up even more. The German flag in stripes down the arms and legs, my name on the back as well coloured in the German flag, paired with the 2027. All black. It looked dangerous. Our designer team really did an amazing job.
"Come on, fireproofs on and then let me braid your hair…" Mum smiled at me and I nodded, going on with my usual race day routine "We’re all so proud of you, Lizzie. So incredibly proud! Pole position, new contract, high chances of a win. And that all here at Hockenheim…"
"Oh Mum stop! Don’t cry!" I chuckled and she wiped away a tear, smoothing down my hair, combing through it "It’s a weekend like any other!"
"But it’s not! I’ve never seen so many people supporting you! Screaming your name! Finally you get the recognition you deserve." a soft smile on her lips "It just makes me so happy to see you happy."
"Oh Mum…" I turned around and hugged her.
"Okay, come on now. Silly me. Let’s get you ready and then present that beautiful race suit!" she wiped her tears away and braided my hair.
I checked as always that they weren’t too tight, moved my head around and gave her the thumbs up.
"Alright. I’ll wait outside for you." she kissed my cheek and left.
I turned around, grabbing the suit from the hanger and put it on, leaving the top unzipped pooling around my waist.
"Liz? You decent?" JK knocked at the door and I opened up "Ready for a little warm-up?"
He walked inside, a big grin on his lips, looking at my race suit.
"I'm so freaking excited to see Sainz' face." he laughed, and I chuckled a little.
"I just have to deliver as well... then it's a lethal punch in the guts." I shrugged my shoulders a little and he nodded.
"You'll do great, and now come on, let me get you ready." he clapped his hands, and got up "Okay, first your back and then some agility."
We started the warm-up routine and JK watched me carefully, every little hiss or frown was noted, and the exercise immediately adjusted. After 30 minutes I got up from the mat on the floor and took a big sip from my water bottle.
"I think I can win this today…" I said after a while and JK nodded.
"I think so too. You worked so hard the last weeks. You’ll start from pole. This is your win today." he smiled "And now let’s go, it’s time to show the world who‘s driving for Audi the next 3 seasons to come."
"Who‘s that? Oh right… ME!" I laughed and he chuckled.
"Come on now."
"Aye, aye captain." I saluted and he rolled his eyes, pushing me away gently.
I looked outside, the sky grey, light rain falling.
"Lizzie? It’s time." Pete looked at me and I took a deep breath.
"Alright, let's do this." I took one last sip of water and then turned to Julie, a big smile on her face.
"We'll let you walk out, stand with Nico in front of the entire grid, everyone will see the 2027 and right then I will post the official announcement." she said and I nodded, pulling my race suit up.
"How does it look?" I asked her and she gave me the thumbs up.
"Freaking amazing." Charles said behind me and I turned around "You look gorgeous."
"Oh stop. I'm just wearing a race suit..." I chuckled and he grabbed me by the waist pulling me into him.
"Yeah, I can see that, but it's your smile that's so captivating..." he kissed me, and I heard some of my mechanics hollering "Ready to kick some asses and let some jaws drop to the floor?"
"Hell yes!" I said and he smiled, taking my hand, leading me outside.
The first moments nothing much happened, but with every step I took further down the grid, a murmuring was going around. I saw the cameras filming us, Charles grinned, and some mechanics from other teams pointing at my back. And then I looked up at the big screen, showing my back, flashing the message out for everyone to see and the crowd cheered even louder.
"Seems like the crowd likes it..." Charles nudged me gently and I nodded, looking up at the screen again, where I looked in my face, a big smile on my lips.
"Urgh...stop filming my face." I chuckled and turned slightly, looking for the camera man.
"Stop whining, this is your moment!" Charles whispered and pushed me towards Nico, who already waited for me.
"Ready?" he asked and I nodded, walking in front of the rest of the grid to stand on the marked spot for us.
"It’s so weird… I’m used to stand somewhere behind… not in the middle with all eyes on me, or us…" I mumbled and he chuckled.
"It’s just for the anthem, you will survive." he said, then grinned "Oh, and congrats, team mate." he nudged my shoulder and I chuckled a little.
As soon as we both stood on our designated spots and Nico took off his cap the German national anthem started playing and we both sang along. For the first time today I felt the nervousness overcoming me, felt the tingling in my hands. This was it. This was it. The day I dreamed of for so many years. I would race in Formula 1 at Hockenheim. I saw the marching band preparing for the anthem and closed my eyes, for a moment, soaked it all in. With the beginning of the anthem I opened my eyes, starting to sing along. I never felt this pride in my life and the atmosphere was buzzing.
The next moments all happened in a blur. I walked back to my garage, did some last stretches, looked over the data once more, then it was time. Mum, Dad, Sissy, Liam, Marcus and Benji looked at me. All smiling. All looking proud.
"My sweet girl, we're all so, so proud of you!" Mum hugged me and I smiled
"We had that already today, Mum." I chuckled and she pulled awa, sniffling lightly.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry!" she whispered and managed to smile a little.
"Come here, my little owl." Dad pulled me in another bear hug "Kick their asses, Lizzie. Show them how good you really are." he whispered and I nodded.
"I'll try my best." I whispered back, then he pulled me away and next Sissy, then Marcus hugged me.
"We're proud of you."
"You'll win this."
"Only if my two little lads hug me!" I smiled at my nephews and both hugged me in an instant.
"Good luck, Lizzie!" Benji chirped.
"I know that you'll win!" Liam smiled brightly.
"Thank you guys so much!" I kissed their heads and then waved one last time.
Then I turned around, following JK out on the grid.
"Lizzie! Lizzie!" Martin Brundle caught up to us and I smiled at him "Woman of the hour. Pole setter, contract renewal, maybe race winner?"
"I will try my very best to achieve it." I replied and he smiled.
"3 more years with Audi, what a way to announce it, here, in front of your home crowd."
"They don't say for nothing there's no place like home, you know."
"Very well said. And I'm being honest with you, I'm rooting for you today. No better way to celebrate your contract renewal than with a home race win. Good luck out there!"
"Thanks, Martin!" he squeezed my shoulder and then hurried off, right when we arrived at my car.
"This is it. The moment you've been waiting for." JK smiled and I looked up at the sky for a moment. Watched the clouds brighten up a little.
"This is it. Indeed." I smiled and saw Charles coming over.
"Ready for it?" he smiled.
"Baby, let the race begin."
Charles chuckled and then hugged me one last time, kissing my temple.
"You can do it. We all believe in you. You'll win this race today!" he whispered and I nodded.
"I see you next to me then?"
"Oh hell yes." he nudged my chin gently and then walked back to his car, getting ready himself.
I turned around, taking my balaclava first and then my helmet from JK, putting both on. Then I climbed in the car, got buckled and strapped in, put my gloves on and waited lastly for my steering wheel. A sense of calmness was washing over me and I felt myself smiling. This was my home. This was my win.
"Ready?" Matt signaled me and I gave him the thumbs up.
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I never felt this at one with my car. It was almost like the car and my brain were connected and whatever I thought, the car reacted immediately. I was like in a tunnel, my whole surroundings faded away and it was only me, my car and the track. It felt like I heard Pete for the first time in hours when he told me that I should bring it home.
"Last lap?" I asked, almost flabbergasted.
"Last lap, Lizzie." he radioed back and I couldn't believe it.
"Already.. you were flying." he chuckled.
I breezed past Sachs, into turn 13 and 14, next into turn 15 and lastly into the Südkurve, watching the grandstand, a sea of black, red and yellow. I spotted the checkered flag and it was done. I won. Hockenheim.
"I won..." my voice barely a whisper.
"Yes you did! You won!"
"We're all so proud of you, little one! Amazing race!"
"Thank you guys so much! This is our win. All the hard work every single one poured into this made us win today!"
"It was you, who won today!" Felix radioed "You drove brilliantly, Lizzie."
"Thanks Felix, for everything."
"We're so proud of you, little one."
"Where's Valtteri?"
"P4. We earned a big chunk of points today. Well done!" I was overwhelmed. I won. Hockenheim. My mind went into autopilot. I parked the car in the middle spot. Unbuckled my seatbelt and headrest. Unclipped my steering wheel and climbed out. The crowd chanting. My name. Unbelievable. On shaky legs I jumped into my team. Celebrated our victory.
Watched my family celebrating my win.
"YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT! YOU WON!" Liam and Benji chirped and I hugged them both, jumping up and down.
"We're so proud of you. You were amazing!" Dad patted my helmet and I saw Mum wiping away some tears.
"Mum! Enough tears, come on!" I chuckled and she nodded.
"Go! Celebrate!" she smiled, looking behind me and without even turning around I knew who she was looking at.
I pulled my helmet off and turned around, Charles. Helmet already off. Wearing his biggest, most adorable smile. His eyes sparkling, looking at me. I pulled my balaclava off and sprinted towards him, not caring for a single moment what people would say, and jumped into his arms.
"You won, cara mia! I'm so proud of you!" he whispered, hugging me tight and the moment he pulled away slightly, I captured his lips in a searing kiss.
The world faded to nothing. Only Charles and I. And after what felt like ages my head started to feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen and I slowly pulled away.
"I love you." I breathed out and Charles smile made my heart go faster.
"In front of everyone? What's gotten into you?" he chuckled and I smiled sheepishly.
"I don't give a fuck anymore. I have a seat for the next 3 years in the best team. I won my home race. I have the best family and friends. And I have you. Why would I care about anyone else anymore?"
"I love you, my crazy girl." he whispered against my lips and kissed me again, right when someone cleared their throat, making us pull away.
"I really don't want to interrupt..."
"No, its fine..." I laughed, taking the microphone.
"Lizzie! Congrats on your win here today! What a race. At no time your win was in danger. How do you feel, after winning your home race?" Nico Rosberg asked and I took a deep breath, looking up at the crowd, the sea of German flags, the people chanting my name.
"I'm speechless. Seriously. I'm overwhelmed with it all... I was the whole race like in a tunnel. Just kept doing my thing. I think I never spoke this little with Pete during a race."
"You were genuinely surprised when your race engineer told you that it was the last lap?"
"Yeah, because I was so freaking focused. I swear I don't even know anymore when I pitted! It was all one big blur." I chuckled a little.
"You did amazing. Congratulations. You made all of Germany proud today, am I right?" Nico turned to the crowd and the chanting got even louder "Congratulations again, Lizzie, what an unbelievable race!"
"Thanks Nico." I smiled, handing Charles the microphone and followed the F1 official to the cool down room.
I put my helmet down, grabbed a bottle of water and sat down, closing my eyes. All the emotions almost bubbling over. I still couldn't believe it. I won Hockenheim.
"There she is, my race winner." Charles walked in and I smiled "How does it feel? Winning your home race?"
"Umm... freaking amazing? Overwhelming? Fucking awesome?" I laughed and he nodded "You kept Max behind you then?" I looked at him, when a replay of the race start was shown.
"Yeah, wasn't easy though." he shrugged, right when Max walked in.
"There she is. Home GP winner." he smiled and hugged me "What a race. I think I saw you at the start the only time the whole race."
"Our pace was out of this world today." I nodded when I watched another replay on the screen. Sainz going wide off track. I couldn't stop the grin from forming.
"Come on now, lets get your trophy!" Charles pulled me out of my chair, then he grabbed something out of his helmet and threw it around my shoulders, I looked down. A German flag.
"It's your home race! Let's go, don't let your crowd wait." he pushed me towards the door and I braced myself one last time, then stepped outside.
I climbed up the highest step, the sun breaking through the cloudy sky, the crowd chanting my name. I did it. I really did it. I watched Michael, one of our head strategists walk outside, hugging me again, taking his place on the right. Next came Charles, then Max. I took off my cap and looked up in the sky as the German anthem played. Charles smiled up at me proudly and I couldn’t contain the smile on my own face. The crowd singing along our anthem. Dad, Pete and Felix all together screaming it from the top of their lungs. Liam and Benji waving and clapping. I felt invincible. The moment the anthem stopped I prepared myself to lift up the most important trophy of my life so far. I held the German flag together, taking the trophy from Stefano Domenicali, who congratulated me and stepped aside. The moment I lifted the trophy over my head the crowd erupted. It was almost deafening. I sat my trophy down, waving at Liam and Benji when Les Toreadors started playing and I felt myself getting soaked in champagne from 3 sides. I managed to grab my bottle and spray a little champagne myself before we toasted our bottles together.
"Cheers to Lizzie!" Charles smiled at me and I took a swig of champagne, immediately scrunching up my nose.
We all huddled together to take the photos and I felt like I would never stop smiling. All the way down the podium, back to the garage where every single one of my team hugged me, to my family doing the same. The smile on my face only getting bigger and bigger. I even enjoyed the interviews and the press conference for once, even joked around.
"Go back to your team now, and later on, we’re going to celebrate!" Charles kissed me one last time and I cocked an eyebrow.
"Where are we going?"
"You’ll see. And now go!" he pushed me up the stairs of the Audi hospitality, laughing when I turned around and stocked out my tongue "GO!"
I shook my head and walked inside, the team already celebrating.
"I heard that Charles planned a party?" Felix looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I have no idea. Honestly."
"There is still one last race before the summer break next week…" I could see how he was fighting off a big smile and made my best puppy eyes.
"Only a ittle partying? Pretty please?" I pouted and Felix laughed.
"Just a little!" he said and I cheered.
"Let’s fucking gooo!"
It was like I was floating on cloud 9 the next days. After a big hangover for the half of Monday, the big smile on my face returned immediately back. I won Hockenheim. My home race. One more race and it was summer break. Life couldn’t be better. Only the weather didn’t pass the vibe check. Still heavy rains. Still grey skies. Spa would be another battle in the rain.
"Lizzie, how do you feel? After winning your home gp, seeing how good the updates worked?" Lawrence Barretto asked.
"Honestly, it still feels a little unreal. I mean it was an incredible, unbelievable feeling. The atmosphere was great, the fans were amazing. It was overall one of my best weekends in F1 so far for me." I replied with a big smile.
"Spa is, after Hockenheim of course, one of your favourite tracks, do you think the updates will work on this track as well?"
"I’m confident that the car will do great here as well, yes."
"There has been a lot of… different opinions about your contract renewal, what do you say to the people, thinking you don’t deserve a seat in F1?"
"I did the talking on track. I won a race, three in total in my third season in a midfield to slightly top team. While others in top teams won their first race in their sixth season. That’s all I have to say."
"Thank you Lizzie and good luck this weekend."
"Thanks." I smiled and walked off,
"Subtle." Julie chuckled and I shrugged.
"He could’ve just shut the f up and not comment on it. I just won my home race and instead of saying that he’s happy for me. Or just laugh and say good for her. No he had to say that it leaves him worried for Sainz, because he hoped that he would get my seat to make him stay in F1… he can fuck right off." I said, raising my voice at the end when I spotted the very person of my rage.
"Yeah, he should’ve just kept quiet. But you know him…" Julie sighed and we walked towards the exit.
"Yeah. Doesn’t make it better."
"I know. Let’s go. Ignore him." she lead me outside and for a brief moment Norris looked up, his eyes on mine, but I looked away and kept walking.
"I guess I have to do the talking on track again this weekend." I mumbled, and Julie nodded.
"That you do! And you show everyone that you deserve this seat more than Sainz does. Period."
"Oh 100 %."
"Hey Mr. Pole sitter." I smiled at Charles when he unlocked the car, ushering me inside "Not gonna lie. That lap was sexy."
"Oh come one, silly girl." he laughed, starting the engine.
"What? Max had all purples and was this close setting a new lap record and then you chimed in with all purples beating his time, even closer to a new lap record and then just casually top your won times with again all purples and really set a new record?" I looked at him and he shook his head "That was sexy. So. Damn. Sexy."
"Okay, okay!" he chuckled and I smiled "It was a good quali, I’m just sorry for you."
"The rules are the rules. He set the time first, so he’s in front of me." I shrugged my shoulders a little and Charles sighed.
"I know, it still sucks. You’ll be in a Lando and Carlos sandwich at the start."
"Ewww, don’t you dare ever saying that again!" I punched his arm and he laughed.
"Sorry. But seriously. Be careful."
"I will be, don’t worry." I said, looking out the window, watching how the rain kept pouring down.
"Let’s just hope for better weather tomorrow. Spa and that rain? That’s a red flag fest." Charles said and I nodded.
"Yeah, let’s really hope for better weather."
But all hopes and prayers were for nothing. It was still raining cats and dogs and when we arrived at the track, we were soaked down to our bones.
"I’ll see you later, cara mia." Charles kissed me and left.
I walked inside, taking my rain coat off, watching a few team members sit huddled together in the corner.
"That’s just sad. Both cars? I mean, better than the whole Australia incident, giving the driver who crashed out the other one’s car… but still…" Matt said and shook his head.
"What happened?" I asked and they turned around, greeting me.
"Williams won’t start the race. With both cars. They had to withdraw. Chassis and PU problems. They didn’t get ready in time because the spare parts were missing." Matt said and I looked at him with big eyes "Yeah, it’s sad…"
"Fucking hell, both cars? Damn." I mumbled, taking my phone out to read the official F1 article.
I finished reading when Charles texted me, saying he overheard the biggest news. When I asked him what it was he replied to wait and enjoy. I groaned and JK looked at me questioningly.
"You good?"
"Charles said A but not B…"
"Sorry, what? Is that a weird sex code?"
"What the fuck? No! He hinted at something but then didn’t tell me what it was about and I want to know!" I looked at him with big eyes.
"Oh, okay. So you mean if you are at the ball, you must dance. The saying goes who says A must say B in German?" JK asked.
"Better than if you’re at the ball, you must dance? That’s weird? And so long!" I defended and he held his hands up.
"I forgot, German efficiency."
"Exactly. German efficiency."
"Will you tell me now what you heard?" I asked Charles when we got ready after the anthem and he chuckled, grabbing my hand "Charles!"
"Patience, cara mia, patience!" he pulled me with him, looking around, searching for something.
"What are you looking for?"
He shook his head and then spotted Sainz, pulling me towards him.
"Carlos. Hey. I overheard the big news earlier, congrats on your new team. Looks like they all can’t wait for you to come, in fact, they were this excited that they completely forgot to get their car’s ready for the race." Charles said and I looked at him with big eyes "Let’s go, cara mia."
"What the…" I began, looking at him.
"He signed with Williams. I heard him, his father and cousin and Sylvia talk about it. The way they want to announce it." he chuckled and then turned around, grinning at Sainz who looked our way.
"You’re evil." I whispered, following his look.
"I know… but you love it, no?"
"Not gonna lie, it’s hot. Scary, but hot." I chuckled and he laughed.
"What is scary but hot?" Andrea asked and JK just shook his head.
"Do we even want to know." he rolled his eyes and I laughed.
"We were just talking about our good friend Sainz."
"What about him?" Andrea asked and Charles wiggled his eyebrows.
"He has a new team… sadly that team has no car on the grid…"
"He sighed with Williams?" JK asked, his head snapping around, watching Sainz "On the weekend where both cars have a DNS?"
"Williams. One of the worst team on the grid…"
"You know, like a really famous poet once said: You play stupid games, You win stupid prizes." I shrugged and all 3 looked at me for a moment.
"Taylor Swift." they said in unison and I laughed.
"I’m proud of you, my fellow Swiftie."
"Let’s get you guys in the car." JK rolled his eyes playfully and I pushed him away.
"Good luck, cara mia. Be careful. They both are ruthless at the start! I want you on that podium with me." Charles pulled me close, then kissed me gently "Drive safe. These conditions allow zero mistakes. I love you."
"I love you too, go and win this race." I smiled and he nodded, pecking my lips again, before he walked off with Andrea.
"Alright. Let’s get you in the car, come on." JK said and I nodded, turning around and preparing for the race.
When I sat in the car, everything was checked and ready, I took a deep breath. Looking to my left, spotting Norris who looked my way. I had to fight off Tweedledee and Tweedledum right at the start. Great. One last radio check and the formation started, the spray from Max making my vision practically non existent. As soon as we were back in our grid boxes I focused on the lights and accelerated the moment they went out, gaining massive momentum, almost instantly overtaking Norris. I inwardly cheered a little, pushing the throttle full through, focusing on what was happening in front, while trying to stay ahead of Norris and Sainz.
"Red Flag. Red Flag." Pete radioed and I cursed.
"What happened?"
"Daniel, Pierre, Ocon, Stroll and Alonso had a little something."
"Everyone okay?"
"Yeah, looks like Ocon and Alonso won’t be able to continue."
"Safety car."
The track was clear surprisingly fast and we all left the pits again, following the safety car.
"Standing start, Lizzie, back in P4."
"Of course." I mumbled hoping for another good start like the one minutes ago and was pleasantly surprised when I breezed past Norris for the second time today.
The rain was slightly getting lighter, the sight was still bad though and the first laps I had to focus more on seeing something than on driving fast. But that soon changed and I saw Sainz coming closer and closer.
"What lap are we in? I can’t read it."
27 more to go. I could do it. I could stay ahead.
"Weather update." I radioed after another 3 laps.
"No change for the next 6-8 laps."
"And then?"
"Heavier rain."
"Okay." I sighed.
The track was slippery and I felt my car slide from left to right, right to left in every turn I took. Charles and Max in front were having the same issues, fighting each other hard. I slipped and hit a kerb hard, feeling how I was losing the rear, but managed to keep the car on track, giving Sainz the opportunity to come even closer.
"Check the floor."
"On it."
I waited anxiously for Pete’s reply, while trying my best to stay ahead of Sainz.
"No significant damage."
The next 4 laps Sainz caught up to me, trying to overtake me and I had to fight him off more than I liked. The rain was slightly getting heavier, my sight was getting worse. 20 more laps to go. And Sainz was now closer than ever.
"I don’t think I can fight him off much longer." I radioed.
"Lizzie, let him pass… you can catch up to him again. But with your tyres now, it’s too dangerous."
I didn’t answer. Giving up my position wasn’t what I wanted. Especially not to him. But destroying my tyres by fighting him off, having no grip in these conditions was indeed dangerous.
I clenched my jaw and drove to the left, making space for Sainz to overtake me, which he did immediately. I had a bad feeling when I saw him breeze past me and as if on cue his car was wavering, losing grip, his left rear tyre, touching my front tyre and I felt my car sliding to the left, trying my best to keep it on track but it was already too late. I lost all control, losing the rear entirely, spinning out, the wet track didn’t slow me down and by the time I reached the gravel my car was already spinning to fast and I prepared myself for the impact. The moment I hit the wall, pain erupted in my back and I screamed out. Panting heavily.
"Are you okay?" Pete radioed and I tried my best to calm down my breathing "Lizzie?"
"I- I ca-…" my voice broke, breathing staggered.
"Lizzie? Hey! LIZZIE! Can you hear me? Are you okay!" Pete shouted in my ear.
"I’m okay." I pressed out, hearing my blood rushing in my ears.
I was heaving. Hands shaking. A pain raging through my back like a wild fire. The pain in my neck and shoulders, mind numbing. I looked ahead, saw what was left of my car stuck in the wall, front tyres, hood, all gone.
"Stay put. The medical car and marshall’s are on their way."
"Yeah, little one?"
"I can’t feel my legs."
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Chapter 46 - winning a home GP is something special and making Lizzie win hers was one of my favourite things in this whole fic, as a German myself I miss having a German GP and most importantly a German driver in a big team who can actually fight for wins (sorry Nico 🙈) … what else happened? Oh, yeah… Belgium… 😬 I guess I’ll leave you hanging for a bit…
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
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Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @shimmermotorsport @janeh22 @kahhorri @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09 @fangirlforever2000
All the images I’m using are from Google, Pinterest and Instagram (or self made).
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obsessivevoidkitten · 10 months
Animal Farm: Mondays
Male Yandere Harpies x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Noncon, harpies, general yandere behavior, captive reader, spit roasting, cum in hair, aftercare, male harem, brief mention of being used as a cock sleeve by bull men.) Word Count: 500 (Here it is! I have had a solid wave of productivity lately answering old asks and now there is this, something I said I would do a long time ago. I said I would make a mini-fic/drabble with every group of monster men from my animal farm fic which can be found HERE.)
You sighed. It was early on Monday morning, the sun starting to stream into the window enough to disturb your sleep. You glared at your alarm clock and preemptively turned off the alarm that would go off at 10:00. It was 9:53. You wanted to cry. You had not fully recovered from Rory, Sev, and Bruc swapping you between them as a communal cock sleeve all day on Friday. You lamented your decision to be a monster man farmer with so many different species. You should have stuck to one or two. Oh well… no use crying over it now. At least you started the week off easy after your weekend break. The harpy men had pretty forgiving cocks. Ugh. Was that what it had come to? Judging how not awful your day was by the brutality of the cocks you were about to encounter? You scarfed down a quick breakfast then enjoyed your last few minutes before you were swarmed by the three harpies that called your farm home, Zan, Xilra, and Elry. They all looked similar, green and blue feathers in their hair, emerald green eyes to match, dark skin, with large angel-like wings sprouting from their backs and their legs ended in the way any bird of prey’s did. Sharp. Talons. When you stepped into the aviary your watch read exactly 10:30, you weren’t giving them a second more than you were forced to. It was like your one shred of resistance, even though it didn’t really matter very much. You also were too scared to be late after what happened the one time you were. You were sniffed out and fucked. Swiftly. As soon as you stepped into the large greenhouse-like domed building, it was like a miniature forest complete with all sorts of trees and plants, you were instantly pounced upon by the three monster men. They wasted not a single second in taking off your clothes and tossing them aside on the dirt while pinning you to the wall. “Hey come on! Those were just cleeeEEEEAAAAAANNNED. H-hey!” Two of them were biting, licking and nuzzling all over your neck while the third was using his mouth between your legs. “W-w-why do we always have to start the d-daaaay like thiiiiis??” “We love you little starling~” “Yes! And we must show you!” “We haven’t been inside you for a whole week love! It was torture~” “We must make up for the lost time sweet bird.” And that they certainly did. A week's worth of the pent up libidos of three tall harpy men unloaded on you and in you within hours. They spit roast you while you were on the ground before taking you in mid air. By the end of their breeding session with you you were exhausted. And this was supposed to be the easy day. At least they let you rest afterwards, washing the cum out of your hair and off your sore body before cuddling you and petting you while they sang sweet little bird songs and praised their darling little starling~
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"Guess I'm Just Good With Them" - 2
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PAIRINGS: James "Bucky" Barnes x SingleMom!Reader
WARNINGS: Slight insecurities about being a single mom, extreme fluffiness
*not proof-read*
Sinking into the couch, you groan. It's been an hour trying to put Leila to sleep. And with consistency, you finally have achieved that goal. You run your hands over your face trying to get the drowsiness to evade your eyes, you need to do some more chores. And you know you won't be able to get to them in the morning, with work and the babysitter coming to sit Leila.
Your phone pings. That's weird, it never pings.
It only does when it's your co-worker asking to cover their shift, or it's when your boss is telling you the unfortunate news of you having to work overtime.
But it is neither of those situations. It's an unknown number.
UNKNOWN: Hey there, this is James from Walmart.
You stare at the electronic brick in your hands. You tap on the notification and see the actual message.
Your jaw drops. He actually texted you. James actually texted you.
Your heart races slightly as your thumbs do that little dance over your screen. Biting your lip, you think about what you should write about.
YOU: Hi James! How are you? :)
You groan and tip your head back, thinking your reply is similar to that of a fourth grader. But, that thought instantly vanishes as you see the texting bubble on his side jump in a pattern. While they do you save his name in your contacts.
JAMES: I'm doing alright. How are you, and Leila? 🙂
You let out a deep breath and type again.
YOU: Oh! We’re doing well, thank you. YOU: Happy to hear that you’re doing well too! :)
What’s with you and that smiley face, you whine in embarrassment and throw your phone to the side. “God, why am I like this?” You whine as you run your hands down your face. You never thought twice about texting.
But when it comes to James, you had to. You don’t know why, but you feel flutters in your belly when your brain strays to think about him. You don’t force your brain to do so, it’s just a second nature, an unconscious habit.
You can’t help but think about his charming smile that was on display the whole time Leila looked at him, the way he let your baby girl play with his metal arm, the way he would coo at her when she became fussy.
Your phone pings. Reaching for your phone, you inhale and open the text.
JAMES: That is great to hear. 🙂
You push out your lips, wondering what to reply with.
YOU: :)
You internally groan at your teenage-like response.
JAMES: I just wanted to know if you and Leila are busy this weekend.
You’re heart races again, is he going to ask you out?
YOU: We're not :). Why?
Ok, you were really bold with that response.
JAMES: There is this thing at the Zoo a friend told me about, thought it would be a good idea for Leila to see it?
You are in shock, he really thought about your daughter when his friend mentioned a Zoo.
YOU: That’s a great idea :)
There’s a smile on your face when you hit send on your reply. The bubbles pop up again on James’ side.
JAMES: What about her mother? 🙂
Your heart does a loop. You re-read the message at least 10 times, repeating the words out loud just to make sure if you read it right. And you did.
He, kind of, asked you out.
YOU: Her mother would be happy :)
The shade really did nothing to cool you off from the summer sun. You adjusted the battery powered fan to face Leila completely on the arm rest of the stroller.
Getting up from your bent position you see James approaching you with a backpack on his shoulders. He gives you that sheepish smile he gave you the first time you met. You raise your hand and wave at him, and he returns a two fingered wave.
“Hey,” he smiles at you again, before squatting and caressing Leila’s cheek with his finger. “Heya, peanut,” he smiles, and Leila giggles and grabs onto James’ finger.
“Ah, Leila. We don’t grab fingers, bubba,” you say slowly at your little girl. Leila slowly lets go of James’ finger but still smiles at him.
“She’s learning to listen,” he chuckles, adjusting the baseball cap on his head. You laugh and respond, “only because you are here, James. Otherwise, it’s a cryfest.” James laughs at your statement, nodding his head.
“Please, call me Bucky. My fri-people who know me do,” he clears his throat, and you nod smiling. “Of course, Bucky,” she smiles, and it immediately is pulled into a frown when Leila starts to whine. You’re quick to pick her up and carry her at your waist.
“She was fussy during nap time this morning, I'm sorry,” you explain, your insecurities of being not a good enough mom started to kick in.
Bucky gives a sympathetic smile and he nods along. He puts his hand on the stroller, “I can push the stroller.”
"Really?" You ask in shock, bouncing Leila in your arms. Bucky chuckles and nods, "yeah, it's not a problem for me."
"Thank you," you give a downward smile, and he smiles back.
“Shall we?” He asks with a small grin, ready to push the stroller.
You smile and nod, this man really is the nicest thing that has happened to you in a while.
TAGLIST <3: @toffeacademia
Here is the part two lovelies!!!
I will be transferring this to a series, so yay!
(if you wanna be tagged in the series, pls comment here 🤗🤗)
The next thing I'm most gonna be posting is the first chapter of "Infinite Solutions"
Till' then,
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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kittykattysstuff · 1 month
When mom's away, it's time to play!
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Warning: Stepcest.
Stepdad!Toji x fem!Reader
WC: 2.2K
Summary: Your mother won't be home during the weekend due to a business trip. With her gone and the entire house to yourselves, you and your stepdad Toji get to know each other in more intimate ways.
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"Bye, dear. I'll be back Monday morning." Your mom gave you a kiss on the cheek as she left the house.
"Keep Toji some company, will you? This can be a great opportunity for you two to have some father-daughter bonding time."
She smiled, giving Toji a peck before she climbed into the driver's seat of her car. You gulped. Sometimes you wondered if your mother was either too oblivious to notice the furtive glances Toji threw your way whenever you were in the same room, or if she actually noticed them, and simply didn't care, confusing his inappropriate behavior for affection.
Well, it didn't matter what your mom thought. Her opinions wouldn't change the fact that you would be spending the whole weekend alone with Toji.
"Don't worry, love. I'm sure Y/N and I will have a lot of fun together."
You pretended not to notice the sexual innuendo behind your stepdad's words. God, this was going to be a long weekend. You and Toji waved as your mom started the car and drove away.
"Finally home alone. "Toji smirked, following you inside the house. You didn't need to turn to know he was shamelessly checking your ass. "Any plans for the weekend?"
He asked before you walked up the stairs to your room.
"Not really." You shrugged. You were more than ready to get this talk done and over with, but it seemed like Toji wouldn't let you off so easily.
"I intend to study for my upcoming exams."
That was a lie and Toji knew it. He knew you had already finished all your exams and didn't have any more classes until the next semester, since your mother had told him before you arrived from college at the beginning of the week.
"That's lame. Even Megumi's going to his friends' house. You should live a little, doll. How about we follow your mom's suggestion and have some father-daughter bonding?"
Toji's smile was so sweet, you could almost mistake him for an angel if you didn't know him. However, you did know him, and you knew that behind that sweet smile, were actually the most evil intentions. You felt yourself getting hot. You didn't want to admit it, but ever since you met Toji Fushiguro, you felt attracted to the man. His broad shoulders, thick thighs, and captivating emerald eyes made him look like a Greek god.
"Well, what do you have in mind?"
Against your better judgment, you indulged in his ideas.
"We could binge watch some of those rom-com movies that you like so much."
"You? Watching "girly" movies?" You asked, quoting the way he always complained about the films you and your mom liked to watch.
"Anything for you, doll."
Oh, you were definitely screwed. It took all your willpower not to jump him right then and there. Instead, you found yourself agreeing to his offer.
"Sure, why not."
Two hours later, the credits of "10 things I hate about you" appeared on the TV screen.
"This one wasn't so bad."
Your stepdad commented, stretching his huge arms, which were conveniently bare, given he was wearing a tight black tank top. You watched him put an arm on the back of the couch, getting dangerously close to you as he adjusted in a more comfortable position.
You were starting to seriously regret your choices today. You'd been doing a decent enough of a job trying to avoid Toji ever since he and your mom got married, almost one year ago. Because as soon as he stepped into your home in all his glory when they were still dating, two years ago, you knew you were in trouble.
The man was literally sex on legs, all your teenage dreams personified right in front of you, and the worst part is, he knew the effect he had on you. He knew it and he purposely took every chance he had to get closer to you; from accidental touches that started to linger more each time you both were in the same vicinity, to the hungry looks he sent you, not even trying to hide them.
You thought that once Toji and your mom got married, things would stop. But it was quite the opposite. Taking advantage of the fact you wouldn't be able to actively avoid him, since Toji and Megumi moved in with you and your mom after the wedding, Toji was everywhere. And he was driving you insane.
Your only solace was college. Your college was considerably far from your home, so as soon as you were accepted, you opted to live on campus rather than commute back home. The reprieve was great, especially because now you could be alone with your thoughts, without your step dad's presence everywhere you turned. If you didn't see nor think about Toji, then you were safe from the ever growing attraction between you.
However, now that the semester had finished and you wouldn't have classes for three weeks, your feelings were more and more difficult to ignore. Especially now that it was only the two of you in the house.
"What's next?"
Your step dad asked, though he didn't really seem interested in the answer whatsoever.
"Legally Blonde." You replied, selecting the next movie.
For the most part, things were going well. You were so concentrated on the film that you almost forgot about Toji's presence. That is, until his hand started to softly caress your shoulder. You held your breath as your step dad started rubbing circles on your skin delicately.
In hindsight, you know you should've stopped him instantly. But you were tired, Toji's touch was warm and honestly, you were craving some affection lately. So yeah, you let him touch you. After all, parents and their children touched all the time, that was normal, you rationalized. Except, there was nothing innocent in the way your step dad was getting closer to you.
His hand was now on your hips, massaging them expertly. You could feel his thigh pressed to yours. Before you noticed, a low moan fell from your lips. From your peripheral, you could see your step dad smirking.
"You're so far from me. Come closer, angel, I won't bite."
He didn't expect an answer from you, already pushing you to sit on his lap.
"This okay?"
Toji asked, his chin on your shoulder, his hot breath on your neck. You moaned again.
"Yes." You managed to say in a whisper.
"Y'know, this movie's getting boring, dontcha think?"
Toji said before sucking on your shoulder. Your breath caught in your throat.
"Toji, we shouldn't..."
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to touch you, doll."
Before you could protest, Toji captured your lips, giving you a bruising, passionate kiss. You opened your mouth, and he wasted no time to shove his tongue down your throat. He nibbled your lower lip with deliberate boldness, hearing a soft moan of pleasure in response, making his arousal sensually painful. As you kissed, Toji wanted to drink in your moans in sweet tremors of sinful pleasure.
Toji and you separated briefly, his sharp gaze locked on yours as you both struggled to regain you breath. Before things could get even more physical, he pressed his forehead to yours, inhaling deeply. You caressed his soft dak locks, reveling in the texture against your fingers. For a man as big as he was, Toji could be surprisingly endearing when he wanted to.
"Do you want this?" He finally asked, moving so that you'd be able to see each other in the dark room illuminated only by the dim light of the TV.
"If you say yes, I won't be able to hold back."
You knew that if you went further than this, there was no going back. You nodded, smiling. You had made your decision. You had wanted him for so long, you wouldn't miss the chance of having him all to yourself.
"I do, Toji. Fuck me."
"Damn. You're gonna drive me crazy."
Toji didn't waste time, ripping off your white buttoned shirt and your tight shorts to reveal your underwear.
"So perfect." He muttered as he unclasped your bra, immediately latching his mouth on your nipple, while he played with the other.
"All for me."
He said reverently, before sucking hardly, which elicited a gasp from you due to all the pleasure he was giving you. You kept your hands on his hair, in a tight grip. Toji's mouth and his finger kneading your tits felt magical.
"Yes, daddy, l'm all yours."
You didn't even notice what you had said until Toji stilled his movements, looking at you like a hawk. Instantly, you felt self-conscious, a blush on your cheeks as you mistook his sudden halt in his movements for rejection.
Toji mumbled, licking his lips and watching you with a lust-filled gaze.
"Say that again."
Your shyness gave way to pure pleasure, the carnal desire consuming the two of you.
You repeated, feeling his arousal as his dick twitched. Your step dad looked an animal, his expression was so filthy you almost came on the spot. He changed positions, laying you down on the couch, his firm, muscular chest pressing against your body.
You took his black tank top off, and kissed every inch of skin you could find. His shoulder blades, his abdomen, his chest, everywhere. Toji moaned, fueling you to continue.
"I know you're eager to play, baby, but I can't wait."
Toji took your hands off his body as gently as he could. Understanding what he meant, you moved your hands to his pants, ubuttoning his leather belt. Toji wriggled out of the fabric of clothing, throwing it away haphazardly. You could see the white patch of precum in his black boxers.
"I've dreamed about fucking your tight little pussy for so long, you've no idea."
Toji kept muttering as he got rid of the rest of yours and his underwear, the last remaining clothing between you two.
"Whenever I fuck your mom, I imagine you. I have to keep myself from moaning your name".
"Daddy, please, I need you."
"You want daddy's cock, little girl? Don't worry, daddy's gonna make you feel so good you won't want any other dick anymore."
"Yes, daddy, please, I need you so badly! Fuck, me daddy!"
Your stepdad kissed you again as he entered you without warning, giving you no time to adjust to his size. Toji sucked your mouth, bit your lips, swallowed your taste as if it were the last kiss he would give in his life. The kiss made you forget the slight discomfort you felt when he first penetrated you.
Toji buried himself to the hilt inside you, making you moan loudly. You wrapped your legs around his waist, so that he could reach even deeper.
"So tight. Perfect little pussy, was made for me."
"Only yours, daddy."
The position allowed him to explore all the curves of your body as he moved frenetically inside you. God, he was amazing. You couldn't fathom why you tried to resist your stepdad in the first place. Now that you had a taste, you would certainly become addicted.
You pressed your hands on his taut abdomen, feeling his strong chest, buffy arms and prominent collarbone. Holy shit, his body was a masterpiece. You moved in sync, lost in the pleasure of the skin to skin contact. Toji started rubbing his fingers over your clit, sending you over the edge.
"D-daddy, I'm close."
You mumbled, breathing heavily.
"Cum, baby. Let it all out for daddy."
You felt all the tension explode from your nerves, relaxing all your muscles at once and clouding your mind in the most genuine relieved ecstasy.
"Will you let daddy cum inside you baby?"
"Yes daddy, please! Cum inside me, need you!"
Your words made Toji cum inside you in full force, your insides creaming his cock deliciously. Toji pulled you to his side, letting you lay on top of him.
"That was amazing."
You smiled, turning your head and resting your chin on his chest. He smiled back at you, stroking your cheeks lovingly. You leaned on his touch, letting yourself enjoy this rare soft side of his, knowing that this could very well be the first and last time you two were so intimate.
"Well, I'm glad. Now stand up."
He urged you, leaning forward on his elbows and creating some distance between you. You tried to hide your disappointment with a fake smile. That was the problem. You held back so much because you knew that when you caved, you wouldn't wanna let him go. Swallowing, you reminded yourself that it was only natural. After all, he wasn't yours to begin with. He was your mother's. Putting on a brave face, you finally stood up, gathering your clothes and attempting to cover your body the best you could. Before you could stray too far, however, you felt a tug in your hand.
"What is it, Toji?"
You asked, feeling irritated. He told you to go, but still kept bothering you. Classic Toji.
"Hey, I thought it was daddy. And where do you think you're going? I was gonna ask you to take a bath. It's only the beginning of the weekend, darling, we still have lots of time for father-daughter bonding moments. And I intend to enjoy it as much as I can."
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roosterforme · 7 months
Adult Education Part 10 | Hangman x OC
Summary: The rest of the weekend at Jake's place felt like a dream, but Jessica's fraternity fundraiser was quickly approaching. She crashes back to reality on Monday when she has to face Brian again. But just maybe she finally has the right people on her side. 
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst, swearing, 18+
Length: 4500 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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Jessica took a few minutes to get cleaned up in Jake's bathroom. She felt flushed and warm, and when she looked in the mirror, her cheeks were bright pink. Even after taking off her glasses and splashing some water on her face, she looked flustered. 
She sat on the closed toilet lid for a moment. She was completely naked, and she could hear Jake in the kitchen, and she didn't know what she was supposed to do. "Oh god," she moaned, running her fingers through her messy hair. Was she supposed to change back into her clothes from earlier? Or dress in her nightie even though it was only mid afternoon? What had Jake changed into after she ducked in here?
After a few deep breaths, she opened the door and walked out into the living room and peeked into the kitchen where Jake was arranging things on the counter. She took in his broad shoulders and the fact that he was only wearing his underwear. "Can I borrow a shirt?" she asked, and he spun to face her with a huge smile. 
Maybe she should have been a little self conscious with the way he was looking at her. This was honestly the first time she's been exclusive with a guy before sleeping with him, and now she felt a little foolish for walking around his condo completely nude. "Of course," he replied softly. "Don't want you getting cold. Plus maybe you'll let me take it off of you later."
Okay. So he still thought she was desirable after they had sex and when her hair and makeup were a mess. "There's a good possibility," she whispered, thinking about his body above and beneath hers. 
Jake kissed her cheek and took her by the hand, leading her back into his bedroom. "Help yourself to whatever you want," he told her, opening a few of his dresser drawers. "Undershirts. Shorts. Longhorns shirts."
She laughed as he squeezed her hand. "You have a whole drawer full of Longhorns shirts? Seems kind of crazy you didn't even want to watch the game earlier." She reached into the drawer and pulled out an orange tee shirt as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah, well... you were on my lap. Rubbing on my dick. What the hell else was I supposed to be focused on?" He looked a little flushed too as she pulled the shirt over her head and then adjusted her glasses. 
"Nothing else," she said softly. "Just me."
With his hand wrapped around her waist and his lips close to her ear, Jake showed her everything in the remaining drawers and his closet. "You can wear anything you want, whenever you want. And you don't have to ask me again. You just go ahead and take it."
"Okay," she replied, looking up at him. She noticed all of his expertly pressed uniforms hanging up, and she was a little curious how the blue and white ones would look on him. She was about to mention them when he pulled her a little closer. And then he kissed her, and it was soft and sweet as she wrapped her arms around his waist. She felt good when she was with him, like she could take a break from worrying about Brian and tenure and failing students. Like Jake was someone who wasn't going to make her life harder.
"Wanna check out that Super Hornet spec sheet with me?" he asked, and she knew she must look ridiculously excited. 
"Yes," she sighed. And if she thought that was all he had in store, she was very wrong. A minute later she was perched on one of the stools at the kitchen island, and she grinned as Jake slid a single sheet of paper across the granite. It was upside down, and he kept his palm on top of it as she tried to turn it over.
"Not so fast," he drawled. "This is top secret, highly sensitive information I'm about to show you. Do you promise you won't turn me in and get me court-martialed?"
"Jake," she whispered as she looked at his pretty green eyes. "I'm a little turned on just thinking about the math. Please. I won't tell a soul."
"Fuck," he groaned, flipping the paper over for her. "I can't say no to you when you tell me that."
She gasped as she looked at the schematics of his aircraft along with some information she never dreamed she would get access to. There were a few redacted bits of information, but it was still exciting. "Oh my god," she moaned as Jake held out a sharpened pencil and a graphing calculator for her. "Where did you get this?" she asked, completely stunned as she opened the calculator that cost several hundred dollars. It was exactly like the one she kept in her desk drawer in her office.
"Bradshaw's wife told me which one to buy," he muttered, but she cut off his words as she pulled him closer with her hands around his waist. She felt the desire to take him back to his bed now that both of them seemed to have got past the jitters from earlier. But as she kissed him, she realized he made it a point to bring home exactly what she wanted, and he even bought her favorite kind of calculator. More sex could wait until after this foreplay.
"You're so sweet," she said against his lips as she spread her legs wide, letting him stand between them. 
He was drawing little circles on her bare thighs with both hands as he smiled against her lips before pulling back a few inches. He kept one hand on her leg and tapped the page with his index finger. "You're gonna need the new velocity values right here and right here," he said, moving his finger down the page to the redacted parts. "Lucky for you, I'm a little quicker than the Admirals. I memorized them from the projected lecture notes."
She liked it when he sounded a little cocky and smirked as if he was too good to be true. Maybe he was. As he continued to rub along the top of her thigh, Jessica asked, "Will you tell me? So I can work out the math?"
He licked his lips. Why was she so turned on? He kissed her, and she wanted him to take her on the kitchen island. "Yeah, I'll tell you, Smart Girl," he promised, his voice sounding a little harsh as he whispered two different numbers to her. 
Jessica scribbled them down and whimpered softly. When she opened the calculator and started to solve some elaborate formulas, Jake stood behind her and watched with his chin resting on her shoulder. She filled the margins with her calculations, and the occasional brush of his lips on her neck left her needing to recheck her math. 
After working at it a bit, she was close to solving for the maximum speed of the aircraft versus the speed of sound. And Jake's kisses were growing more persistent along the collar of the Longhorns shirt. "Oh," she sighed softly. 
"You almost done, Reedy?" he whispered. "As much fun as this is to watch, I'd like to get my hands on you again."
Her eyes fluttered closed before she could enter her final calculation and solve everything. "Are you turned on right now?" she asked him.
Jake grunted, his hands soft on her shoulders as his lips found the shell of her ear. "Been a little turned on since I first saw you in a pair of high heels being smarter than everyone else in a lecture hall full of physicists."
All she could feel was the clench of desire when his lips barely moved along her skin. Her limbs felt too heavy, and everything was moving in slow motion as her brain finally figured out what to type into the calculator. "Mach 2.0587," she moaned. "That's how fast you'll safely be able to go with the new interface updates."
Jake spun the stool around, and she had to brace her hands on his abs while he devoured her mouth. She wasn't nervous now, and he wasn't hesitating this time as she slid off the stool, her body rubbing along his erection. In an instant she had her hands inside his briefs, still amazed by how thick he was, and her lips brushed his chest hair. 
The sound she made left her blushing as she tugged down his underwear. Jake stepped out of them and got his hands underneath the Longhorns shirt and on her butt. She had to grip his shoulders as he easily lifted her up. "On the couch?" he asked. 
"Yeah," she agreed with a needy moan as her clit pressed snug against his cock.
With Jessica's knees planted on the couch cushion and her hands on the arm, Jake could fully appreciate the freedom afforded by skipping a condom. He was kissing along her ass and lower back, his Longhorns shirt pushed up nearly to her shoulders. "Please," she whined, leaning further over the couch arm and wiggling her rear end enticingly. 
He bit her gently, and she squeaked for him before turning her head and gasping. He'd been thinking about a horny couch quickie for a week, and now he was about to get it. Well, maybe not too quick. 
"Jake," she whined when he ran his fingers through her slick and then coated up his cock.
His hand was wet and sticky as he placed it on her lower back and slid himself slowly inside her tight, little pussy. "Wouldn't have taken you for the impatient type," he muttered as her back arched beautifully for him. He went slow, watching the way she gripped his length and listening for her gasp of breath when he bottomed out. "Shit." He pushed a little harder and then stayed put, brushing his fingers along her ass. She took him so well, her hands scrambling on the couch upholstery for purchase as he asked, "Ready?"
"Yes," she whispered, her voice already sounding broken as he leaned over top of her and braced his hands next to hers. 
With a soft kiss to her cheek, he murmured, "Okay, Baby," and then he withdrew a few inches and thrust hard. The snap of his hips had her arching her back again, the back of her head pressed to his shoulder. He rocked into her a few more times just like that, pleased when she got louder. 
He fucked her hard, gasping and moaning her name, and she didn't back down at all. Her body met his each time. At first, he thought this was something he needed to get out of his system, but her body was made for this. Made to be bent over the couch or her desk or his truck tailgate. Taking him hard. He could imagine it everywhere, always feeling this good as he fucked her with his lips on her ear. 
"A little harder?" he managed to ask when his balls started to grow tight. He knew he could make it sweet later, but she was responding beautifully to this. 
"Yeah," she grunted, and he caught her swaying breasts in both hands. The feel of them in his palms, bouncing in time with his quick thrusts left him with a smile on his face as Jessica came for him. Her face was buried in her folded arms, and her pussy was clenching. 
"Holy shit." he pushed himself deep and let her milk him until he was shaking and grabbing her tits a little harder. She whimpered, still fluttering around him as she lifted her head and looked at him. Her glasses were crooked, she looked shocked, and he was about to be rewarded with another pretty creampie to look at. He could get used to Saturdays like this.
He withdrew, his cock still hard as she panted to catch her breath, and he watched his cum ooze and drip, catching it with his hand. "Jessica," he whispered, bringing his palm up to meet her pussy and rubbing gently. She bucked and made a sound. "So pretty." 
He could tell that her body was still a little sensitive as she curled up on his lap with her cheek on his shoulder. He rubbed his sticky hand along her thigh as she played with his chest hair. When she kissed his neck, he whispered, "I hope I wasn't too rough."
"No. Not at all. It felt good."
He let his head tip back. "Been thinking about that for a week, and my imagination must fucking suck. Or you're just that good for me."
She laughed softly. "I'm probably just very good."
Jessica had never had bruschetta chicken before. When Jake pulled it out of the oven, she tried to eat it right away, but he told her to wait while he grated cheese on the top. He'd been catering to her all afternoon and evening though, so they ended up eating it right out of the casserole dish while standing at the counter after she said she was hungry. 
"It's so good," she moaned between mouthfuls. 
"I'll send the rest home with you tomorrow. You can take it for lunch on Monday."
The weekend wasn't even over yet, but it was getting a little late as she ate another bite of dinner. She wanted to know if their routine would keep going. "Are you planning on stopping by my office hours this week?"
Jake tipped her chin up and kissed her lips softly. "How else am I gonna get new journals to read and visit my girlfriend at the same time? Or are you going to be too busy skateboarding?"
She kissed him back. "Luca wants me to go surfing next."
"Luca wants to see you in a bathing suit," he replied with a grin. 
"No! I'm his favorite teacher!" she protested with a laugh. 
"Yeah. I'm sure you're his favorite teacher for a whole variety of reasons, Baby." He ran his hands up and down her body as she ate another bite of dinner. "You're a good teacher and you're fucking hot as sin."
Jake was trying to playfully lure her away from the casserole dish, but she kept slipping out of his grasp to take another bite. "As soon as I learned you could cook, you were golden," she murmured as she took one more bite before he carried her to the bedroom over his shoulder. "I haven't had a boyfriend in so long, because what's the point if you're not getting fed after getting fucked?"
"That's a valid question," he said, taking her into his bathroom. He turned on the shower and walked around collecting fresh towels with her draped casually over his bicep. "But I will say, there's an excellent chance that I'll cook you anything you want for breakfast tomorrow. Even if we don't fuck again. You could probably even get a midnight snack out of me."
He set her down gently and patted her butt before she handed him her glasses and stepped under the warm shower spray with a little shiver. "You want me to get something out for you to wear to bed?" he asked, but she shook her head and reached for him. 
Jessica pulled him in the shower with her as she said, "No, I want you in here." With soapy hands, they explored each other's bodies, and it didn't feel overly sexual. Sure, Jake's hands were everywhere, and his cock was halfway at attention, but his hands weren't rough like when they had sex on the couch. And he wasn't pushing for more. She just made out with him and then let him wash her hair. 
"Feel good?" he asked, massaging his strong fingers along her scalp as she melted back against him. 
"Yeah," she whispered in the softest voice, afraid to break the spell they were under where he kept kissing her and calling her his Smart Girl. Once they were finally out of the shower, only because it was starting to turn cold, Jake wrapped her up in a towel. 
"Sure you don't want something to sleep in, Jess? It's a little chilly in here."
"I brought pajamas," she murmured, kneeling to dig in her overnight bag. "Pick a color: blue or pink." When he didn't answer right away, she turned to look up at him as she wrapped her towel around herself a little tighter. "Do you have a preference?" 
He looked like he was in a daze as he watched her fingers glide along the two lace and silk options in her bag. "Blue," he whispered, and she stood with the royal blue nightie in her hands. Jake watched her every movement as she towel dried her hair and then slipped into her pajamas for the night. "Can I see the pink, too?" he asked, his voice strained. 
"Maybe next time," she replied with a smile. 
"Did you pack those just for me?"
She threw her towel at him and climbed into bed. "I always wear things like this to sleep."
"You do?" His cheeks looked pink as he tossed his towel and hers into the hamper. Then he was in bed with her, pinning her wrists above her head in one big hand. "And they all look like this? With little bows and lace all over?"
"Yeah," she whispered, turning her head to the side when he nudged her cheek with his nose. 
"I thought you just bought that little green set to hide under your work clothes and tease me with." He kissed her ear as she sighed. 
"Well, I kind of did, but I collect lingerie," she replied, and instantly Jake was flat on his back next to her with his hands over his eyes. "What?" she asked, sitting up as she laughed. "Is that weird?"
"Weird?" he croaked. "No, weird isn't the right word for it." He rubbed his eyes and groaned before peeking through his fingers. "I won't survive this."
She looked down at the soft blue lace and then looked back at him. "Why not?"
Jake tugged on her arm until she was laying on top of him. He rubbed his hands up and down her back and over her butt. "Because it's like wrapping paper, Baby. It's like the gift I've always wanted to receive is all wrapped up in the prettiest paper and then given to me to unwrap and enjoy."
She looked down at him with one raised eyebrow and softly parted lips. Nobody had ever described her like that before, not in such a beautiful way. Her closet was filled with lace, satin, silk, leather and chiffon, but she hadn't really shown it off before. Not like she wanted to right now. She wanted to let Jake dress her up how he liked, and then she wanted to take absolute control over him. He ran his fingers through her damp hair and looked up at her, his pupils blown wide, and she sat back on his cock to find him hard.
"Again?" she asked softly. 
When he nodded, she positioned herself to take him while he started to unwrap his present.
Monday morning came too early, and when it did, Jessica woke up alone in her bed and sighed. Jake dropped her off late last night. Like very late. And after spending the night in his warm bed with him on Saturday, last night had been a restless sleep. She wanted to invite him in to play dress up in her closet, but she knew they both needed some sleep for the work week. So he only came inside long enough for a tour of her apartment and a hot little makeout before he filled her refrigerator with individual containers of leftovers. And then she sent him home with the containers from last week's food that she'd washed and set aside for him. 
But she knew she wouldn't see him again until Tuesday, so she phoned in her hair and make up on Monday morning. What was the point? She was already dreading her agenda for the day. There was a faculty meeting run by Brian and then another damn meeting about alumni weekend which was just a few days away. And then she had to finalize everything for the fundraiser by making five phone calls.
Once she dropped her things in her office, she made her way to the faculty meeting with one minute to spare. She could tell that Brian desperately wanted to call her out for being late, but when Dr. Leeland came hustling in right behind her, out of breath and sweating, Brian turned away from her. 
"Morning, Benson," she said to Dr. Leeland in a pleasant voice as she held the door open for him. 
"Jessica," he grunted with a half smile as he headed for a seat in the front. Jessica slipped into the back row and sipped her coffee while forcing herself to focus on Brian's words instead of daydreaming about Jake. She couldn't afford to draw too much attention to herself since she had the second meeting about alumni weekend with Brian right after this one. 
She just sat very still, and whenever his eyes landed on hers, she braced herself for him to make a comment about skateboarding with Luca and professionalism in the workplace. But it never came. She let out a sigh of relief as the meeting ended and everyone else filed out. She remained in her seat, waiting for everyone else from the science department who was involved in alumni weekend to filter in.
Brian was pretending to ignore her as she flipped through the red notebook of lecture notes she brought with her. He was standing at the podium silently when the door opened up and one of his teaching assistants rushed in. Jessica recognized her from the classrooms and the occasional meeting, and right now she was calling out Brian's name and running right to his arms. 
"Not right now," Jessica heard Brian say, his piercing eyes landing on her as he pushed his TA away from him. 
"But my lab is about to start, and I'm not going to see you later," the younger woman whined playfully as Brian tried to back away from her. Jessica felt sick as she loudly cleared her throat. Then she had two sets of eyes focused on her and her red notebook. The other woman looked a little frantic, but Jessica kept her expression completely neutral. There were already enough rumors circulating about her, and she certainly didn't want to propagate any more by stirring Brian up. 
"We can discuss your lab schedule later, Miss Turner." Brian's voice was filled with so much finality, the other woman left the room without another word. 
Jessica literally had to bite her tongue as she looked at him, and just when Brian opened his mouth to say something, Dr. Jenkins from the biology department walked in wearing one of his hideous sweater vests, and she couldn't have been happier to see him. 
On Tuesday, Jessica took a deep breath as she held her lunch container filled with bruschetta chicken in one hand and her fork and water bottle in the other. She thought it was okay to just stop by, but maybe she should have texted first? She knocked on the door before she could change her mind. Then she heard clamoring inside followed by more than once voice, and it sounded like someone was dragging furniture across the floor. 
When the door opened a few inches, and she saw her friend's startled eyes, Jessica said, "If you're busy, I can come back."
"Oh. It's you," Advanced Calculus sighed deeply with a look of instant relief on her face. Then she opened the door wider and glanced behind her, and Jessica's gaze shifted to the interior of her office where Bradley was quickly tucking his uniform shirt into his uniform pants. His cheeks were flushed, but he had a grin on his face. 
"Hey, Jessica," he murmured, grabbing his keys and phone from the desk. "I was just leaving," he added before bending to give his wife a filthy kiss. "I'll pick you up after your last lecture, Sugar."
"Bye," she replied softly, gently pushing her husband through the door as he nodded at Jessica. 
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea I was interrupting-"
"You weren't," the other woman said as she tried to hide her smile. "He just had his lunch hour free today and.... wanted to visit."
Jessica still stood frozen, unsure what she should do. She gestured behind her and said, "I could just go back to my office."
Her friend scoffed. "We're done now, so you might as well just come in."
"Okay," Jessica replied with a smile of her own. "I just didn't know I was going to be interrupting a quickie. I'll text you next time."
Instead of responding, Advanced Calculus just sat down with a coy smile and asked, "What did Jake make you for lunch today?"
Jessica held up the container that she just heated up in her office. "It's the bruschetta chicken from Saturday night."
She laughed and held up a container of her own. "Bradley made the same thing. Should we compare recipes?"
"Oh! Absolutely," Jessica agreed right away. A few bites in, and both of them were looking from container to container, unsure which one was the winner. "I like both of them."
"Me too," she replied, taking another bite of Jake's. "Does he use panko breadcrumbs?"
"I think so. Does Bradley use oregano and rosemary?"
"Probably. I can't really tell them apart." 
They both erupted into laughter. 
"So are you ready for your fundraiser on Saturday night?"
Jessica finished the last bite of lunch and sighed. "Almost. I'm going to the fraternity house to meet with the boys tomorrow night. They rented the tuxedos. The culinary students are making the food. Bradley's bringing the kegs. Dev emailed me and said he'd donate things for the silent auction. I'm just nervous."
"You shouldn't be," she replied. "It'll be perfect. You spent a lot of time on this."
Jessica shook her head. "I just feel like my future at this school depends on it. Like if I fuck this up, I'll never get tenure."
And then Jessica felt a bit like she was under a microscope. "And Brian Conley is in charge of your tenure?"
"Yes," she replied softly as she looked up at the other woman's gaze.
But she was only met with kindness in the form of sympathetic eyes and a soft smile. "So what's the deal with you and him anyway?"
Jessica knew there had been rumors circulating for months, but maybe now she finally had people in her life who would believe her when she told them what happened. "How much time do you have?"
She's confiding in Sugar! And both girls had the quickie of their dreams with their dream guys. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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carringtonsgf · 2 months
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based off of this
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-he definitely freaked out when he found out you were expecting twins even though he knew it was possible since hes a triplet. he was in shock but he couldnt be more excited for his twins.
“WHAT! hows this possible!”
“chris you’re a triplet.”
“OH. i know but still TWINS?”
-he cried when he found out he was having twin boys.
-when you were pregnant with the twins he always loved going to see their faces on the ultrasound screen.
“look theres theo!”
“oh gosh! look theres oliver!!!”
“can you give birth already wanna hold my boys”
“chris!we have 10 more weeks til theyre here!”
-he constantly laid his head on your belly and talked to the twins when you were pregnant.
-lowkey freaked out when you went into labor. kid sped the whole way to the hospital and rushed you inside once he got there.
-he criedddd when he heard his boys cry out when they were born.
-once you got home from the hospital he was by your side constantly helping you with the boys. he just wanted to be by you and the boys at all times.
-when oliver and theo were newborns chris had a bad habit of falling asleep holding them both on his chest so you had to always get them and put them in their bassinets.
-OVERPROTECTIVE over his boys.
-always has dad and son days with each twin separately on the weekends he wants them to be unique in their own way and be their own person aside from being a twin.
-cant ever say no to his boys.
“daddy! can you get me this!” theo said holding a 50 dollar racecar set
“of course bubba put it in the cart.” he smiled
“daddy! can i get these!” oliver said holding a variety of different toys
“put em in the cart son you got it” he said
-occasionally would let them join a few videos on his youtube channel with his two brothers. not much though because he wanted to keep them safe from the internet.
-the twins favorite uncle is definitely both nick and matt.
“uncle nick! tell me funny stories about daddy!”oliver asked
“you should tickle your dad he screams like a girl!”
“nick you’re gonna get them in trouble”
“its true though isnt it”
“uncle matt are you tickilish too!” theo giggled
“dont let him fool you he is!”
-his whole world revolves around you and the twins.
-he definitely lets you sleep in in the mornings just so he can spend time with his twins.
-mans not checking the closet or under the bed if the twins think theres a monster. he’s definitely having you do it.
“y/n baby! help!”
“whats wrong baby!”
“oli and theo think theres a monster in the closet!”
“chris just check the closet.” you said opening the door and checking
“its scary”
“see theres nothing!”
“still scared though!”
-definitely has matched outfits with oliver and theo a few times.
-he made freshlove in mini sizes so oliver and theo can also wear fresh love.
-constantly spoils you and the twins both.
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TAGLIST: @eupiasworld , @sturniolosloves , @mattslovelygf , @smittensturniolos , @hauntedxchris , @hearts4tatemcrae , @bernardsbendystraws , @jo-777 , @wurlibydominicfike , @meerkatzthings
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spider999sposts · 1 year
...while I kept you like an oath. —Miguel O'Hara
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🕸previous writings: part 1
🕸synopsis: miguel is done keeping you his secret
🕸tags: fem!reader × Miguel O'Hara
🕸warning: suggestive dancing, but that's about it.
🕸authors note: wanted to make up for the asshole miguel in part 1!
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It's been a full week. 7 days, 9 hours, and 10 minutes ever since what had unfolded at his birthday.
And not a single day passed without Miguel watching you.
He had his eyes glued to the monitors every night. Watching you in your own universe. You stopped being a superhero, and surprisingly that did not break the canon, everyone was allowed to take breaks after all.
Everyday he watched you. He watched you go back to your boring job as a photographer in that horrid journalism job some of your variants' kind share. He watched you grab your coffee in the afternoon, and he watched you interact with your co-workers. It made his blood boil whenever he saw one of them flirting or trying to make a move on you, and yet he could do nothing about it.
Events of the last day he saw you played in his head. The words 'I don't want to be with a man who is so horrified to be with me.' played in his head over and over, like it was some broken record. You just didn't get it, did you? Perhaps he was being too rough too. He might be standoffish and harsh, but he was self aware. Once he got over his pride, guilt washed over his senses. He spent two days of the seven trying to convince himself that nothing would happen to him if you never saw each other again.
And now here he was. At 2 AM. Staring at his monitors with blood red eyes. You'd realised early on that he would be watching you through your gizmo, so you turned it off. When you did, he asked Jess to go and set up a small device to make him be able to see you. Jess told him to just talk to you, but he somehow thought this was the better idea.
He rubbed his eyes. In your universe, the time was the same. It was the weekend tommrow, you were watching that god-awful hispanic soap opera you used to watch with him. You had dozed off on the couch, while the TV was still on.
"Um, boss, this isn't healthy.." LYLA chirped. Miguel rolled his eyes and got up, waving her away. She zipped to his other side to avoid having her hologram glitch. "You should speak for once."
"I am just saying. You can't keep watching through monitors like a creeper! Do you know what we do with creepers? We gouge out their peepers—"
"Spare me." He moved away from her, getting off his platform. He knew his little assistant was right though. How come a man who is so obsessed with fixing things in the whole wide multiverse, cannot even muster up the courage to love you as loudly and proudly as he could? And to admit that he's wrong?
He needed to do something. And he needed to come up with it, quick.
Hobie visited you queit often after what transpired. You cried on his shoulder for a while, and he did everything he knew to do to comfort you. In his odd little ways.
Today was no different. You were sitting on your couch, eating some ice cream, when Hobie portalled in. It was an odd way to enter but you've gotten used to his antics.
"Hey, Hobie. Come sit, the show is about to start—"
"Oi, listen.." He sits next to you, his colours changing then finally setting on yellow. "Let's get ya out today, huh? I have a little something planned for you."
"I don't want to go to your punk concerts, Hobie, I get too overstimulated by all the—"
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't worry, it ain't that," He couldn't believe he was doing this. Following orders. But he wouldn't do it if he knew it wouldn't help. "Just a little something. Some people in HQ miss you, ya know? We planned a little get together, thats all." That was half the truth at least.
You were a bit suspicious of him, but you put your ice cream aside. "Are there gonna be drinks?"
"Lots of em."
"The Unnamed?"
" 'M starting to think I got you addicted." He laughed, "Come on, get off your bum."
You 'got off your bum' and walked over to your room, changing the oversized shorts and tee to something a little more presentable. You returned after making sure your hair looked well and your face looked okay, noticing Hobie had already opened the portal.
He moved before you both could enter it, putting a blindfold around your eyes. "What's this for?"
"A kink of mine." He joked.
"I am older than you, y'know?"
"Age is a conceptual idea...unless you're a child, or something, then age is good...—I'm saying that children cannot mingle with adults even if age is—"
You laughed at his stumbling, and you patted...his chest? His shoulder? You couldn't really see. "I've got it, Hobie."
You heard him murmur under his breath, then he led you through the portal. You haven't felt this nauseous before, and it wasn't the universe-jumping.
When Hobie said some people in HQ miss you..he couldn't possibly mean him, right?
Your thoughts were intruppted when you felt the cold summer breeze on your bare skin. Hobie's hand left your shoulder, and you felt him move behind you. "Pretty chilly." And queit. A little too much.
When he removed the cloth from around your eyes, you got ingulfed in a tight embrace. By multiple people.
You could see tufts of blonde hair at your shoulder, and a pregnancy bump pressed against your side. There was also something..crawling.
When everyone loosened their grip, Mayday slid right into your arms. "Ah, that's where the crawling was coming from." You chuckled, giving her a little hug. "God, It's been a week and we already miss you." says Jess. She looked glowing. As she has the whole period of her pregnancy. A hand slung around your shoulder, "Yeah, Mayday and I missed you! Mayday especially. You know how she never eats her vegetable puree except when you feed it to her." You chuckled at Peter's comment. "I've missed you too, guys." You reached over and messed up Gwen's hair. After you caught up with your friends, a few other people came over and talked to you.
It was after a few moments that you realised that you were, once again, on the roof of the Spider Society HQ. It was a casual party it seems, like the ones you had every weekend. You looked over at Hobie and raised your brows. He grinned at you, and even though he was trying to play it cool, he knew you had him figured out. His colour changed from the usual grey to a pinkish hue.
"Hobie Brown, did you lure me here just to bring me back to the HQ?"
"A man never tells his secrets."
You chuckled, but took a long pause after. Your eyes met his for a moment.
"Did he tell you to bring me here?"
Hobie's colours went a deeper shade of pink, but he still had that stoic look on his face.
Before he could answer you, Gwen and Pavitir pushed him into the dance floor. He looked at you, almost remorseful. Just almost.
You did not see Miguel anywhere, so you just retreated to the bar, seeing that Lego Spiderman was bartending. You asked for Hobie's drink but he looked clueless to what you just ordered, so you just told him to grab you a soda. When he asked for what kind, you just set your head on the counter.
You could hear him trotting away.
You didn't want to be here. You didn't want to see him, and you knew Hobie probably has good intentions but you didn't want to return. At least this soon.
You sighed, but as soon as you raised your head, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. Your senses were going off. Someone was watching you, and you had a pretty good idea on who it might be. Yet when you looked behind you, you saw nothing but the dancing crowd.
Unknown to you that Miguel was just a few steps away. Dodging your gaze as much as he could.
"Breath unregulated. Heartbeat rate is getting higher—"
"Give it a rest, LYLA."
"Maybe I will, but you need to go before you experience a stroke."
Bothered, he shooed her away, but she just appeared on his other side.
"Rude." She mumbled, adjusting her crooked glasses. "Come onnnn, the hard part was getting this whole thing planned right? And it's going so smoothly."
For an AI built by one of the multiverse's greatest geniuses, she had no idea how hard it was. For a man as prideful as him, admitting he is wrong is the hard part.
He just cleared his throat, and held his head up high as he made his way towards the counter.
He noticed the soda can you were sipping on, and a hum came out of him.
"No odd drinks today, It seems."
You chuckled. Sarcastically. And you didn't look at him.
'Comienzo brillante.' He thought.
He leaned on the counter, trying to get a look at you. You weren't even paying any attention to him. It bothered him, there was a feeling in his chest, clawing at him. He knows he deserves this, every action has its equal opposite reaction.
"You came back to my little club-house." That came out meaner than he meant it to be, but it was not his intention. It got you to go at him though. His features softened. Your eyes had a red hue around them, from all the crying, he presumed.
"I didn't. Hobie dragged me here."
For once in his life, Hobie listened to him. Maybe only because he realised how truly misrable Miguel was when he walked in on him watching you through the monitors.
"But you still came."
"I did not know where he was taking me." You replied shortly, putting down your soda. Miguel hummed, "I told him to bring you here."
That made you shoot a glare at him. Thank god, any reaction to his words was enough for him. It showed him that you still cared.
"Yeah, I guessed."
He raised his leg on the foot of your bar chair, and he leaned closer. This was odd. He was at a very close proximity to you, infront of everyone.
"We need to speak." He said firmly, tilting his head at you. "Do we only need to speak when you decide? What if I don't want to speak with you?" Oh, you were trying to get back at him. He couldn't lie, it irritated him. He was a patient man once, but that was long ago.
"But you do." His red irsis glanced at your lips. He was so close that you could smell his musky cologne. It took every muscle in your body not to react to him. You were furious with him, but you could not help it. Your body gave in naturally to him. Put both of you in the same room, and no matter how much you feel like you hate him, no matter how much he upset you, your attraction to Miguel was almost animalistic. Resisting him was like resisting the tides when the moon was closest to the earth.
Almost impossible.
"I–I don't." You didn't like faltering infront of him. You didn't want to show him how he has this hold on you.
Miguel reached up to your face, pushing a few strands of stray hair behind your ear. It was a gentle gesture, and a very obvious one. You pulled away, "What are you doing–"
"For God's sake–" He sighed when you pulled away. "–I...I'm trying to. I'm trying to do something."
"Do something? Miguel, it's been a week since you saw me and—and—" You stood up, your head at level with his chest. "You tell Hobie to bring me here just to play these mind games—"
"¡Dìos Mìo!, I am trying to apologise!"
That was a little too loud. He slammed his hand on the counter and the clap sound it made made some people turn their heads towards the both of you. But their stares didn't last long, Gwen had quickly moved to change the song as to distract them.
You were both staring at each other now. You were panting. His chest was heaving, you could feel his hot breath on the top of your head.
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose, a habit he only did when he was so stressed he couldn't think straight. He took in a deep breath, calming himself down. You could see it. How his face contorted and how the veins in his forehead stopped protruding.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled, his fingers brushing against yours. "I'm sorry I called you childish, and made you feel naïve when that is not the case." He looked geniune, as geniune as the night he told you he loved you. "You were pretty reasonable. I was the one who.." He struggled a bit to spit it out, but when he did, a smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. "...who was wrong."
You weighed his words for a moment.
"Okay." is all that came out of your mouth. Miguel felt like that was not enough.
"Yes, okay."
"¿Quieres volverme loco?"
[Do you want to drive me mad?]
You laughed at his question. His harsh features softened at the sound.
"I accept your apology. Is there anything else you wanted to say?" He did not acknowledge your biggest concern. If you were to return to him, you were going to do it on your terms now, not his. And so far, putting aside the face–touching and the finger–brushing, he had not came front with how your relationship was to resume.
Miguel looked across the dance floor, and Hobie gave him a small nod. A song, very familiar to the both of you began playing.
Your eyes widened but you said nothing. Miguel, though, extending his hand to you.
"I owe you a dance,."
"Ah, no, sorry, I can't. You know we can't."
"Aye, Deja de ser terca, hermosa."
[Stop being stubborn, beautiful]
His eyes were practically pleading you. And maybe, just maybe, you couldn't keep up with this tension anymore.
You let him lead you to the dance floor. You felt the eyes of everyone on the both of you. The music got louder.
Miguel's strong arms wrapped around your waist, securing you near him. You both swayed to the beat. His head was lowered enough, you could hear him mumble the lyrics, "Y hemos de darnos un beso...Encerrados en la luna"  He twirled you, then brought you back to his chest. "You're a good dancer." You mumbled to him, and he chuckled. "Thank you."
"And a good singer. Didn't know you liked to sing."
"I don't." His arms tightened around your waist, as his lips brushed against your ear. You gasped, your hand holding onto his bicep. "You can just say, I really like this song."
"Andale, eres secreto de amor..." He twirled you again, his hands seemed to get lower and lower by the minute. First they found the small of your back, then, you felt them around your hips. The beat of the song seemed to have changed completely. It was much more sensual now.
Miguel picked up on that, and he turned you around, hips grinding against yours. The friction made your legs wobble. You set your back against his hard chest, and when you did, he bucked forwards, still very much grinding against you. You could feel everyone's eyes on you, you could see how they were staring. Whispering.
"Miguel, they're watching u—" You felt his lips on your neck. He left a tender kiss under your ear, "I know." He whispered. "I thought—"
"You speak too much." He rasped out, his voice strained. You felt his hands roam around your hips again, and before you could register, he turned you around and set his forehead against yours. "I can't control myself around you. I don't like that." He began, closing his eyes. "I don't like not being in control."
"I know."
"But," His eyes opened, and this time, that look in his eyes that you couldn't decipher from last time was present. But you know what it was now.
Desire. Utter and pure desire.
"I'd rather not lose you over my pride."
That was it for you. You cupped his face, and he instantly knew what to do. With one hand pulling you in by the waist, and the other on your cheek. Your lips collided, and when they did, you forgot about space and time. He kissed you dizzy, like his only mission was to make you forget what he'd done, or at least, to make up for being such an asshole, and by the time he was done, you had already forgiven him.
"Swear on my mother, you need to get a room." came a sound from behind you. You laughed at Hobie's comment, but Miguel did not. However, he flashed you a playful, boyish grin. "For once, he is right."
"Scientifically, it would make us feel better." His large palms squeezed your hips, and you squealed a little. "And you know, we should do it to make sure there are no negative underlying feelings."
"It would break the multiverse if we don't do it."
"And of course, the.." You imitated his voice, making it sound deeper than it actually is. "..'fate of the multiverse' is more important than everything, no?"
He cupped both your cheeks again, this tenderness was new. You could get used to this. "Not everything." He whispered.
There was a cold metal against your warm skin, you took a glance at his hand and smiled.
"You kept it."
"Ah, yes, my 'fucking' birthday gift." You shared a laugh, continuing to sway. He pulled a similar box to the one you gave him from his pocket, and handed it to you. You furrowed your brows, "What for?"
"Consider it an apology."
When you opened it, there was a ring similar to his. A promise ring just like the one you gave him.
Engraved inside was today's date. There were words engraved inside of it as well.
'Till the multiverse do us part.'
"You don't like it?"
"Very corny for a man like you."
"You're the one who gave me a promise ring first. We are not 17."
"And yet, you still wear it."
He chuckled at your remark.
"And yet, I still wear it."
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twinklelilstarkey · 1 year
Tutor: Control
Words: 5.6k+ Type: Angst & Smut Summary: It's the day after the fight, and you've been avoiding Rafe, so, he decides to take matters into his hands. Warnings: Fem!Reader. Arguing/fighting. A lot of crying. Overthinking. SMUT [risk of getting caught, as always, and kind of teasing each other for it; piv; no protection (she takes the pill); on the softer side; fluffy at the end].
Tutor Masterlist
I do NOT give you permission to repost my work. If you’d like to read my stories on other platforms, you can find them on my Wattpad and AO3.
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“So, you think we should talk to her now?” One of the girls asks.
The girls all sit around in the living room comfortably. Some are on the couch, others on the floor to make a perfect circle. Kristy holds her mug close, warming her hands while listening to their words and questions.
“Not now.” She says.
“Why not now?” Another one of them asks.
“Well, for starters,” Kristy checks her phone mid-sentence, “It is past 10 PM, and I am not about to wake up her parents to go over and talk about this.”
The girls contemplate her words in silence. They stop sitting upright, acting like Kristy destroyed their whole mission of saving you instead of simply delaying it. They look around each other as the TV stays in a soft murmur that fills the room in times like this.
All of the girls are dressed in their pajamas, as tonight had been a plan to sleep over at Kristy’s home since her parents are off the island. It used to be something that all of them always did as a group, including you.
They could’ve gone to a party instead, and some wished to. Yet, after much talking to the avid partygoers of the island, the girls didn’t exactly like their options for this weekend, especially after hearing what happened yesterday.
“I’m worried for her.” One of the girls breaks the silence.
“We all are.” Kristy tells her.
They contemplate their hypothetical reality, making horrible images pass through them. Those same images always prove every warning they gave you regarding him, and they all end with you hurt in some way - physical or emotional.
“Do you guys know the details of yesterday?” Kristy asks out of nowhere.
They all look around each other in silence until one of them speaks.
“I only heard that it was near the end of the party.” She says, getting the attention of everyone.
Everyone on the island knows how yesterday's party ended and who got taken to the hospital. But truly only a handful of people know what actually happened. Or, better, no one is actually giving out any details about what happened, only the outcome.
“Has anyone talked about how long Aiden needs to stay in the hospital?”
“I don’t think his parents have said anything.”
A little more silence.
“Do you think they’ll press charges?”
“Not if Ward Cameron hears of it. You know how it is…”
Kristy looks at the girls in silence as they speak.
“Nothing happens to people like them.”
“And to think she probably watched the whole thing…” One of them whispers in realization.
“She could’ve been home when it happened.” One of the girls tries to ease the tension. “She never liked parties.”
Kristy doesn’t believe that, but she doesn’t say anything.
On another note, one of the girls does seem to be the most worried of everyone else. She looks around at the gloomy faces, all of them imagining what happened at a kook party, and she can't but feel the same.
“He wouldn’t do anything to hurt…” Another one of the girls whispers but fails to say it out loud, “Right?”
They all look at each other in silence, fearing to answer. Not wanting to seem too negative or too positive. As they all just want to be wrong.
“We’ll talk to her tomorrow,” Kristy says. “As soon as we see her coming into school.”
“But she has been getting in late.”
“Then at lunch.” 
“If she wants to have lunch with us.” Another one of them adds bitterly.
Kristy bites her tongue to not say anything, as she seems to be the only one in the group who sees the true reason why you have grown quieter and more distant.
This whole plan was supposed to lead you to them and to talk to them, not the opposite. Not this. The plan wasn't for you to be mistreated by your own friends when you could be in such a sensitive situation.
“We’ll talk to her tomorrow.” Kristy ends the conversation.
You sigh while turning off the lights in your bathroom and stepping into your room. The room has grown colder than you remember when you stepped out, but you do have your wet hair to blame for the chills.
You go over to your bed, throw your phone onto the covers and turn on the light on your bedside table, illuminating your room ever so slightly. Your phone lights up with a notification, and you stare at it in the distance, not daring to reach for it and simply letting the call go to voicemail.
Letting out a long breath as you walk, you look over at your bookstand, scanning through the options of your night read. Your finger traces the spine of a book as your eyes stay on the next.
A few seconds go by and all you can hear in your bedroom is the whistling of the wind outside, as tonight has to be one of the coldest nights in the past few days.
You cannot choose between two books after much looking around, and as you're about to give up something grabs your attention. It was a sound, a soft one. You look away from your books to look around your empty room. It could’ve been the wood of the furniture cracking, but it sounded like something else.
It could’ve been your parents if only they were awake. They have been asleep for the past hour after telling you about how exhausted they felt. All of it was due to running around about something you did not care to ask about. They were so tired, they didn’t even annoy you too much about spending your Sunday in bed. They just let you do it.
You look back at your books and finally choose a random one. You eye the cover while walking over to your bed, and suddenly freeze when hearing that sound again.
It was a light sound, nothing too loud. And it was something you’ve heard before but can’t exactly understand from where.
As you’re about to take a seat on your bed and ignore it once more, your window opens, startling you.
Your curtains fly with the strong wind, and a figure gets inside your dark room with absolutely no struggle.
He doesn’t say anything when he gets in, he simply turns around to close the window without making much of a sound. You watch your curtains hide him from you as they fly gracefully, and your heart drops.
You do not want to see him, let alone talk to him. But you cannot bring yourself to even open your mouth.
You should’ve expected this. You had been ignoring his calls and his texts all day, especially last night after the party. How had you not seen this coming?
The curtains fall back to the sides of your window as it closes, and he is completely visible to you now. You look at him up and down, watching as his body could move towards you at any second.
His hair is messy and falling into his eyes, and he's wearing a simple striped t-shirt and gray pants. His eyes take a bit to find you, but when they eventually do, he doesn’t move.
You snap awake from whatever trance you were in and shake your head at him.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” You tell him in a whisper, so soft he almost didn’t hear you.
Rafe looks at you entirely, not missing an inch of you. He turns, and you can tell that he is upset. He isn’t smiling like he usually is when he sees you. His face is not serious either. It is something different.
“Just give me-”
“No.” You interrupt him. “Leave.”
You two stand quietly, staring at one another in complete silence. Rafe attempts to reach for you, but that only leads you to move further away from him.
“You have to listen to me-” He whispers with you.
“Rafe, I am serious.” You tell him, already feeling your eyes pathetically begin to sting.
“So am I, please,” He pleads, his voice becoming breathier than before. “Just let me talk to you.”
You shake your head at him, and he takes a step towards you.
“You can’t be here.” You tell him. Your voice, in a whisper, sounds shakier, and you hate every bit of it.
He comes closer, and you step back. 
“You aren’t picking up my calls-” He starts.
“Because I do not want to talk to you.” You interrupt him, backing away yet again.
Rafe moves closer to you, and you refuse to be near him by taking another step. His face is hidden from your only light, and he continues to move, closing the distance between the two of you.
“Do not do this.” You whisper shakingly at him. “I do not want to see you. And I do not want to talk to you.”
Rafe pauses, faceless due to the lack of light, and you simply stare at him, waiting for him to give up and just abandon your room, leaving you to be in your silence and peace. But he does none of that. He just stands there, watching you with the advantage of the light still lighting your face.
He can see your saddened eyes, and how you are holding yourself back to not cry. He does not wish to leave, nor does he wish to let the silence between the two of you go longer than a day. This is fixable, he knows it is.
“I just want to explain-”
“There is nothing to explain.” You tell him with the most heartbreaking tone on the planet. You stare at him in complete distress, “Nothing could explain yesterday.”
“I’m sorry.” Rafe says quickly.
“I do not want you to apologize, Rafe.” You whisper at him, letting your eyes fill with tears. “He’s in the hospital… Everyone knows about it. Everyone knows how horrible you hurt him.”
“Do not say anything.” You plead to him, voice shaking, “I am begging you, don’t.” 
He does what you ask him to but he does stay near you. Your tears begin to fall down your cheeks while images of the prior night hit your mind from every direction. Your heart is beginning to race, and you struggle to calm it down.
“God, you can go to jail for this.”
“I won’t.” He tells you, awaiting you to silence him, but you don’t.
You sniffle and bring your hands to your cheeks, cleaning your face of the tears that have been repeatedly wetting your face for the past day. He notices the way you are shaking but stays quiet.
“Just... Why did you have to do it?” You whisper to him, as your eyes come back to his faceless figure.
Rafe hesitates to answer you.
“I get that he is a bad person and that he shouldn’t have said what he did, but you went beyond every… every limit,” You tell him.
Rafe tries to reach for you, but you simply move aside and walk away from him before he can corner you.
“I know,” He tells you while turning around. His face is illuminated now, and it just makes everything so much harder for you. “I’m sorry.”
“I am not the one that you should be apologizing to, Rafe,” You practically sob out your words.
His face twists as if you struck him. He tries to reach for you again, and, this time, you do not move.
“I am not apologizing to him,” He whispers to you.
You stare up at him in disbelief and try to pull away from him, but he is too close to let you escape his space. You breathe out a long breath, and another tear slides down your cheek.
“I lost control. You shouldn’t have seen it-”
“It shouldn’t have happened, Rafe,” You tell him with impatience thick in your tone. Your frown worsens, and you know that you are seconds away from crying your eyes out as you look at him. “You went too far.”
Rafe isn't sure why, but he grows defensive at your words as he says softly, “What he said-”
You send him a glare of pure betrayal, making him tense up and shut up.
“Do not try to justify what you did.” You say, even when lost in tears, with a harsh tone.
“I was trying to protect you… I only fought him because of what he said to you,” He lays his hands on his chest, sounding and looking sincere with his words.
“Aiden’s in the hospital,” Your breath hits his face as you are so close to one another.
He tells you, “I know. But what he did-”
“Do you hear yourself?” You whisper out a yell at him while mentally cursing at the tears that keep on falling. “Rafe, you could’ve killed him! This isn't normal.”
Rafe stares at you in silence, his face beginning to twist with sadness. His eyes stay on you and bites his tongue or tenses his jaw to try and get a hold of himself.
“Was there nothing else you could’ve done?” You ask.
He lets some seconds go by in silence and decides to not answer you. Your eyes disconnect from his and look around the room, trying to find something to ground yourself with. Rafe continues to look down at you, watching you get more and more hurt by the conversation.
“You could’ve ignored him.” You say with a shrug, faking a smile to emphasize your point of how easy the other options were. “You could have simply walked away with me.”
He doesn't answer you, so you continue, “You only proved him right by fighting him. He wanted to piss you off, and you did exactly what he wanted.”
Rafe's eyes fall to the ground, feeling as if he was back to being a small child. And he almost felt like one as he spoke, “He insulted you.”
“You think I don't know that?” You sigh the words. “I just didn’t take much offense to what he said because he was drunk and practically failing to stand straight.”
Rafe looks up and answers you. “I didn't know he was that drunk.”
“You...” You let out a breath, “You shouldn't have fought him...” You await his answer, but he clenches his jaw.
You shake your head at him and try to move away, but he does not let you. He follows your movements, never reaching for you, but stepping to the side and not letting you move. You take a step back again and sigh. He stares down at you.
“You are uncontrollable, Rafe.” You tell him, “You do not fight like a-”
“A normal person?”
“Yes,” You nod. “You fight as if you want to kill a person. And that is not normal. That is… terrifying.”
He watches you closely as your eyes tear up again at the last word. He knows you do not like to be mad at him, but he cannot bring himself to lie to you and say that he understands, because he still does not.
You let out a breath, and it’s so shaky, Rafe could hear it clearly, making him question it to himself. He does not wish to make you afraid of him, of course not. What happened on the night before had been reckless, yes, but he did not... he did not think it had been this bad.
Your cheerless eyes stay on him, and it hurts him to see it. You, someone who is always so sweet and caring towards him, have seen him in a completely different way than what he had always tried to be. He hurt you, of course, he did. Rafe had always promised you that whatever he showed you or wherever he brought you to, you would be safe. Because he would keep you safe. And, after all this time, he was the first person that made you feel unsafe. Not Aiden. Rafe.
All because he could not handle seconds of arguing with a drunk. And in those seconds, he went from being loving towards you to pushing you to the side to fight someone you know. And the only justification he could think of was how Aiden had offended you. He beat him up, and from the flashes of last night, he can't blame you from feeling this way.
Rafe hurt you, and now you are standing before him with shaking hands and a face covered with tears. It is his fault. His own fault. No one else's.
“I'm sorry.” He tells you, even when he knows that you do not wish to hear it. You simply look at him, and your hands come back to wipe away your tears. “You're afraid of me,” He concludes, making you pause.
You scan his face and notice how he tenses up as you stay silent.
“You-” He goes to repeat himself, but you stop him.
“No. I am afraid of what you will do,” You say. “To whoever else crosses you…”
Rafe looks at you, watching as yet another tear falls. 
“I can't do it, Rafe.”
His eyes study you as if the words didn't make any sense to him. Your hands wipe the tears away again angrily, and you sniffle before speaking again.
“We can't-” You whisper to him, so, so softly, and with a voice so broken.
“Don't,” He whispers back to you.
You shake your head, feeling the tears come up again. Rafe moves his hand to come closer to you, and you practically jump when it lays over your waist, holding you like he usually does.
“I can't.” You tell him.
“No.” He whispers back at you once more.
“I need to, Rafe.” You tell him, watching as his face changes expression. “I can’t be with you.”
His eyes scan you in a panic, and his mouth opens to say something, failing repeatedly. Only after a few seconds is he able to say something.
“I’ll try-”
You look him in the eyes, pausing him.
“I don’t believe you.” You say to him, voice above a whisper, hurting him further.
Rafe stays silent, and you try to calm down with a very shaky deep breath. He comes closer to you, and you watch him as his face twists in further sadness. “Let me try.” You shake your head, and you see the growing glistening of his eyes, “Please.”
“You will hurt someone else.”
He shakes his head to emphasize his words, “Please, let me try.”
Rafe pulls you close to him as you watch him, and your heart squeezes tightly. You hate this.
“Please.” He whispers breathily. “Please. Just one more chance.” His thumbs caress you over your shirt as he awaits your answer.
“I don’t know.”
“I promise,” He tears up further, and you watch him. “I promise I will do my best, just… Please don’t leave, okay? Please.”
Your hand comes up and lays over his cheek. His skin is familiar, and his warmth is more than inviting. You stare into his eyes and think, even when you know which one would be the right answer for you.
His arms wrap around you, and he pulls you close to him. And for a few seconds, everything pauses, and you aren’t sure what to do.
Your heart is still rapidly beating in your chest, knocking against your rib cage in some sort of panicked song, afraid of what could come next. Not that you don’t trust him. You trust Rafe. But everything in you feels uncertain after yesterday. After what he did. How much he seemed out of his own body, and seeming as someone completely different from who you know as him.
Your fingers caress his cheek as he holds you, and your mind never stops. You have no clue if what you'll do the right thing. Everything tends to feel better with him. But your gut is beginning to tell you otherwise.
How strong can his words of promise be if he gets drunk or high? It isn’t that you even condone him of being any of those things, and you can't help but feel uncertain.
Rafe looks at you, quickly noticing the hesitation and the slight agitation. He knows you aren’t comfortable, and he isn’t sure how to feel about it.
“Tell me.” he whispers softly.
You don’t speak at first, but Rafe doesn’t back away, he simply scans your face for answers.
“I’m scared that you don’t mean it.” Your voice comes in such a faint whisper, you’re scared you might have to repeat the words because he couldn’t hear you.
“I mean it.” He whispers close to your face.
There are some seconds of silence.
“I mean it.” He repeats.
“Swear it.” You whisper, and he nods before saying it.
“I swear it.”
“You promise.”
“I promise.” He repeats after you, leaning close to your touch.
“I’m serious, Rafe,” you pause, and he nods, his eyes still filled with tears.
“I know.”
Your heart squeezes at his tone, and you scan his face for anything that could mean something else. You won’t find it.
“You’ll have to talk to him.” You whisper faintly, eyes half closed. “You’ll make sure everything is fixed with him. You’ll apologize.”
Rafe hesitates, but you hold the back of his head softly.
“You will apologize. Even if he doesn’t accept it…” You whisper to his lips, “Which is fair if he doesn’t.”
“Apologizing won’t do anything.” Rafe whispers back to you, holding you tightly and closer to him.
“It might not.” You shrug, “But it will matter to me.”
Rafe does not say or do anything for a bit, and you know he is fighting it in his head due to how much he does not want to do it. You watch him closely as he stays quiet, practically already knowing the answer that you’ll get just by the way he is looking at you. 
Your hand moves over his cheek, which now you notice has a small bruise at the top, and Rafe then finally nods.
“I’ll do it.”
You slowly reach up and kiss him. The kiss is so soft and so loving that Rafe swears that it pulled all the air from his lungs. His arms tighten around you, and you melt against him, missing his touch and his kiss as if you had been separated for longer than a day.
You are led by Rafe to bed, and he takes a seat, bringing you to his lap. His arms let go of you, but his hands grab onto you. He grabs at your exposed thighs, at your waist or hips. And only after some moments, do his hands travel into the inside of your shirt, holding onto your skin and touching it as if it is the first time.
You separate from the kiss, and Rafe pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it to the ground. He then helps you take off yours, which also ends up on the floor. Your lips reconnect, and you’re pulled to lean in closer to him.
The bedroom is so silent, yet, with the new buzzing in your ears, you can’t hear the wind whistling anymore.
The kiss is slowly becoming rougher, and with a simple movement made from your hips, controlled by Rafe’s hands, a small moan comes out of your mouth. Rafe, with it, kisses you harder, and you’re left to try and tell your own body to shut up, due to how risky all of it is.
You two separate again, and Rafe’s lips lift from yours to lay on your neck, leaving a trail of kisses that leads to your shoulders and eventually to your chest. Your long breaths and breathy moans make Rafe’s body react instantly, from his hands grasping onto you tightly to the growing tightness in his pants. All from sounds.
Your hands move from Rafe’s hair to his wide shoulders, grabbing onto him as his warm kisses continue to be displayed all throughout your skin. 
With your fingers back through his hair, you pull his head back up and bring your lips back together. The gesture alone made Rafe take hold of your hips again and move you on his lap, causing yet another sound leave your lips.
In the midst of the kiss, you feel Rafe touch the fabric of your underwear on your hips, and you bring your hands down to his lap. He grabs onto you tightly again, and you undo the button and zipper of his pants. With a swift move and with one of his hands away from your hips, Rafe pulls your underwear to the side and touches you.
A sound begins to leave your lips as his finger touches you, and Rafe brings his other hand to the back of your head to make sure you won’t pull away from the kiss, muffling your noises. His wet digits begin to move and reach your clit, worsening the fire beginning to burn at the bottom of your stomach.
Your hands, now laying over his chest, remain agitated, and your hips begin to involuntarily move against Rafe’s fingers. You forcefully pull away from the kiss, and your hands move over to Rafe’s pants again.
He doesn’t stop you, if anything he helps you push down his pants and boxers just enough.
“Come here.” He whispers at you while bringing his hand back to your hip and pulling you upwards on his lap.
You don’t answer verbally, but do it by doing as told. Rafe moves his hand away from your pussy, and helps you align perfectly before you begin to sink into his lap again. Both of you seem to stop breathing, and his cock slides inside you. Your eyes stay on his, as your mouth stays slightly open and his lenched shut.
You sit down, and Rafe can’t help but let out a small groan. Your breathing is heavy and is the only thing you can actually hear now. You peck Rafe’s lips softly, and his arms wrap around you as you do it. The next kiss is the same but longer and impossibly more loving than the one before.
When pulling away, Rafe kisses your neck once and then your shoulder, and his arms relax around you. With your knees on the bed as you straddle him, you begin to move upwards and downwards slowly and, as you do it, Rafe swears he will go insane with the speed you’re choosing to go at. But he remains quiet.
You begin to gain speed after a few movements, and Rafe lets go of you, bringing his arms behind himself to lean back and hold his torso upright. His eyes stay on you, watching as his cock disappears inside of you, and he can see, even in the dim lighting of the room, how wet you are.
Your hands move to his torso, and you feel like you cannot keep looking at Rafe, as his stare is way too intense for a moment where you need to be so quiet. Your nails on his skin bring chills to Rafe, yet all he could do was tense his jaw and stay silent.
As you keep on going, Rafe watches you without ever reaching for you and observes as you grow wetter and wetter with each movement. And the burning at the bottom of your stomachs seems even more intense at the sight of each other.
You can now see how your nails are leaving reddened trails on his skin. Nothing that would leave much of a mark, but, still, something that is getting a reaction from him - much to your amusement.
Rafe lifts one arm as he holds himself with the other, and his hand reaches for your hand on his stomach. He pulls you towards him and that pauses your movements for just a bit. Your lips touch again, and you let out a small sigh. Rafe’s hand moves in between your bodies, and, while in the midst of the kiss, his fingers find your clit.
Caught off guard, you moan against his lips due to how sensitive your body feels, and Rafe smiles at you, ending the kiss. Your hips begin to lift from his lap again, and his hand does not stop, only making it harder for you to keep quiet.
Your eyes are closed, and your faces are still so close to each other, you could practically feel each other's breathing.
The fire of pleasure is beginning to spread all throughout your body, making it harder and harder for you. And all Rafe does as a response is to shush you with his mouth against your own lips. 
With it, you try to pull his hand away from you to make this position more doable without a risk of you moaning, but he doesn’t let you. In fact, he puts down more pressure into your clit while he circles it, making you pull away from his face and sit back down.
“You want to switch?” Rafe whispers at you as you do so, and you can only shake your head as a response, knowing that if you dare to whisper, the risk of sound doubles.
Your hips continue moving up and down, seeming to take his dick deeper and deeper with absolute no sense. You bite your own lips whenever the pleasure increases due to him hitting a certain spot, and Rafe is left to watch without doing close to nothing.
His finger keeps circling your clit watching as it affects the way you move on top of him. You never seem to leave your rhythm, even when he speeds up as a test. He is sick.
Your thighs begin to burn at the movements, but you refuse to ask to switch positions, even when it sounds like an amazing idea. So, you speed up. Rafe’s fingers stop for just a bit as you do so, and you watch as that seems to affect him now. He can feel the way your pussy clenches around his dick, and he's the one that struggles to not make a sound this time.
He reopens his eyes, and the look he gives you just tells you everything. You just started an entire game.
You know this isn’t ideal given your circumstances and fear of making a sound, but you have to admit, it feels good to do it.
Rafe responds by speeding up his fingers, and that sure does make you pause for a second. Again, you try to pull his hand off, and the fucker thrusts upwards, causing you to let out a quick high pitched squeak. And that does make Rafe stop, probably remembering how much he should not make you moan.
After some seconds to breathe, you lean towards him and push down his chest, making him lay down on the bed. You hover over him, and his other hand is now free to roam your body.
He kisses you as his hand pulls away from your pussy, and both of his hands go over to your ass, squeezing it hard and causing you to whimper against his mouth. 
“You need to be quiet, baby. Come on.” He whispers against your lips, holding back his laughter.
And as he says it, he holds you in place and thrusts up into you once. Whatever words you were about to say to him were lost in your mouth, and, for your safety, your hands come up to his chest to you pull yourself upwards.
Whatever teasing smile Rafe had quickly fell due the view he gained from his joking around. As you begin to ride him all over again, Rafe feels the absolute need concentrate.
Your movements are quick right as you start, and Rafe’s hands stay on your thighs as you move. You do your best at not making any sounds, even with possible smacking of skin. Gosh, but it does feel good, even when your thighs are already burning.
Up and down, you continue, and you slide your hands over to your legs, holding onto Rafe’s hands and making sure he does not do anything.
The burning of your body worsens by the seconds, and Rafe’s hands squeezing your flesh is just an indicator that he too is close. You look down as your hands smooth over his muscled arms, starting with his forearms, and you continue to do your best at not moaning.
Your movements get slightly quicker, and Rafe hears you whisper out some sort of curse word as you do it. He wishes he could tease you for it, but he knows damn well that he is no place to do it. With your soft hands over his, gripping onto each other as his dick slides inside of you with ease due to how wet you are, yet so tight at the same time. Rafe swears that he has never focused so hard on a task as this one.
When getting so close to finally coming, you let go of one of Rafe’s hands, and he automatically knows what you want from him. His hand moves over to your clit and does the last needed movements. And your orgasm feels stronger than you would ever expect it to.
Rafe helps you ride it out. Your movements are sloppier as you continue to move, and you finally let yourself breathe. Your breathing is shaky and Rafe could hear the very small whimper after that breath.
When it ends, you slowly lay back down onto Rafe’s chest for a break. He brings the hand he had on your hip to your face, moving your hair back as your hands stay on his arms.
After seconds of silence, you look up at Rafe, lifting a bit off his body and still with him inside you. You know he hasn’t come yet, therefore, your night is nowhere near complete.
You pull at his other hand, the one that had played with your clit all this time, and he watches you as you bring it up to your face to lick a finger at a time. Your eyes stay on his as you do it, and the look he gives you only makes you smile as one of his wet fingers slides over your tongue.
“Fuck you.” He whispers at you before pulling his hand away from you and kissing your smiling mouth, muffling your giggles as he does so.
As you holds you tightly and flips you around, your smile disappears as you know he won't gloss over what you just did.
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Hope you liked it <3
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midnight-talescape · 8 months
𝐿𝓊𝓈𝓉 (𝒜𝓈𝓂𝑜𝒹𝑒𝓊𝓈 𝓍 𝒮𝓊𝒸𝒸𝓊𝒷𝓊𝓈 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇)
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Kinktober Day 10: Machine + Praise
Okay why is Asmodeus actually a adorable lover tho? Why do I suddenly understood the appeal of him?!?!
Warning: fucking machine, ooc etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
Word Count: 2158
You sat up from your bed, hunger burning through your body Reminding you that you haven't eaten in a while.
Sighing and getting up, deciding that you should probably get some food before going back to doing whatever you were working on, honestly, you can't remember.
You open your door only to see a giant demon outside grinning wildly, before you immediately tried to close the door on him.
Asmodeus stuck his hand into the room, stopping you from closing the door on him, before slipping into your room saying,
"Woah woah, calm down there doll face. No need to lock me out now.”
You sighed and pinched your nose bridge before asking,
"What do you want, Ozzie?"
Asmodeus walked into your room and lifted you onto his arm before saying,
"I just want you to test out a new machine for me, you're my favorite technician after all,"
You balanced yourself on his arm and looked up at him annoyed,
“You know damn well I don't work on the weekday, Ozzie.”
Asmodeus gives a shrugging gesture as he moves you closer to him. Your faces were inches apart as he said,
"Well, my dear, what if I told you I'd give you the whole weekend off from work? Besides, wouldn't you love to play with the latest machinery, I know you do."
Asmodeus tilted your face up towards him, leaning in so close it looked like he might kiss you, as he continued,
“Just a simple test run. It will be fun I promise, satisfaction guaranteed." Asmodeus grins, his fluorescent yellow eyes sparkling with excitement,
"What do you say, dearest?"
You sighed as you agreed, after all having the weekend off is a tempting offer,
“A quick test run, then I get next week off too,”
“You got it, dollface,” he said as he wrapped both of you in smoke, by the time it dissipated you were both in his home.
In front of you was a giant machine that looked like a saddle with two protrusions on it.
You stared at it for a second before saying,
“That's a fucking machine, that's just a fucking machine, I don't even think it's a new type…”
Asmodeus laughed before turning towards the machine. You could see how excited he was by the potential thrill it might bring his yellow eyes shimmered with anticipation as he looked at you.
"Oh, sweetness, this machine is sooooo much more than just a regular, boring, fucking machine. Trust me, there are a lot of surprises hidden in its mechanics. The pleasures you could eaen from doing this simple test, well… it'll catapult you into a realm of pleasure that most demons may never touch."
Asmodeus moved closer to you, his fluorescent yellow eyes staring at you hungrily, as he traced his fingers along your hip, and letting his warm breath flicker over your ear.
"And as always, I expect nothing less than earth-shattering pleasure. So give it your all, baby doll. You know how much I love the sight of you screaming and writhing in ecstasy."
Sighing you begin to walk toward the machine pulling your panties off on the way there, as you attempt to climb on the saddle.
Asmodeus's eyes darken and he licked his lip at the sight of your bare cunt on display, before walking to you and lifting you onto the saddle,
"I think it's time we get started, don't you?"
You bit your lip as you settled on the saddle, the two protrusions pressing perfectly against your two holes.
As you sat there Asmodeus's hand slipped under your dress and begin kneading your ass, his talon digging into your flesh as he placed a gentle kiss on your horn.
He whispered hoarsely, his voice low and intense, "You better believe what I've told you, little one, this machine will push you to your limits. It’s not just another toy for playing with, it's an inexhaustible source of torment and ecstasy. You will be begging for me to stop by the end of tonight, dollface…”
With that, he turned on the machine and your eyes flew open in surprise, as the protrusion opened up to two giant metal cock with what you're assuming is bumps, started thrusting inside you. You orgasm almost immediately, the cold metal a harsh contrast to your warm inside.
Grinning, Asmodeus hold your trembling body to the machine, making sure you can't get away as you begin to pant and moan, your body shaking from the intense pleasure as the metal cock thrusts inside you relentlessly.
His cock strained against the restraint of his pant as he forced your body down. Taking pleasure in watching your eyes roll to the back of your head, as your body convulsed and shuddered around the metal cocks. Your moans echoed through the dark room, making the air thick with lust.
“Darling," he started, his voice gentle, a stark contrast to how roughly he’s handling your body, “forget about the silly notion of work. Why don't we spend the entire week indulging in our wildest fantasies?”
With a loud cry as another mind-shattering orgasm ripped through you, you glared at him, your body shuddering from pleasure as you said,
“Y-you did this… haaa… on purpose… f-fuck… so full… t-this was ne-never about… gahhh… testing the machine…”
Asmodeus chuckled as he watched your body convulse from the mind-breaking pleasure. His phantom lips pressed against your neck, leaving a faint imprint of passion, as he spoke, an air of clinical amusement in his voice,
"Maybe I did, maybe I just want to watch you fucked stupid on my machine. But can you blame me? You look so beautiful when you’re fucked dumb, it's a shame I don’t get to see it more often…"
He placed kisses on your back as he remembered your protest against working on weekdays, he added smugly,
"Mind you, I'm keeping my promise. No work next week, just us creating some lustful memories together ~"
You let out a whimper as the metal cock started spinning inside you, the bumps on them hitting every single sensitive spot inside you. The cold metal slowly warmed up from your body heat as it brutalized your inside.
“Ozzie, f-fuck you… you are a fucking asshole…”
Asmodeus laughed as he wrapped his hand around your throat pushing your head back into his chest as he said,
“I have heard worst from your mouth before, doll,” his giant hand wrapped around your waist as he pushed down on the bulge that shows up as the metal cock thrusted into you, drawing a loud gasp from you, your eyes wet with tear as you panted, “And just look at how well you're taking this, doll~ Your body is meant for this..”
“S-stop… O-ozzie can't… too much… huahhh… s-stop…” you whimpered as your body was overstimulated, your tail curling around Asmodeous's hand as he pushed down on your stomach,
Asmodeus chuckled as he placed a kiss on your tail,
“Dollface~ I told you to work on your stamina, didn’t I? Your brethren can go on for days and here you are tired after only an hour…”
“Y-you know I’m not… a-as addicted to sex… FUCK!” You swore as the metal cock started sending electricity into your body, your body shaking as you squirted onto the saddle,
Asmodeus watched in amusement and kissed your forehead gently, as your body writhed and shook on the machine. The saddle wet and sticky with your secretion.
"What do you think we should do to improve your stamina? More frequent sessions? Less rest between them? Better lubrication perhaps? It's okay, baby doll~ we have all week to improve your stamina~”
You let out a choked sob as the machine drew out a final orgasm from you, before coming to a shuddering stop.
You leaned back onto Asmodeous’s chest shuddering, your body still sensitive from overstimulation.
Asmodeus carefully removed your body from the machine with a soft pop, before holding your trembling body to his chest.
He couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadistic satisfaction, when he saw the way tears fell down your face, but it was quickly overcome by his worry for you. Pushing down his sense of lust and ignoring his raging cock, he begins carrying you to his bedroom.
“There you go, sweet thing… you did so well for me, Let take you to bed okay?”
As he lay down in bed with you, your body managed to calm down. You look up at him with teary eyes,
“Are you.. are you gonna do anything about that?” you ask pointing at the raging erection he’s been having the entire time,
Asmodeus chuckles softly as he traces a finger over your stomach and covers your face with soft kisses.
"Oh, don't worry about that silly girl," he whispered, his voice carrying a mixture of tenderness and surprise at your question,
As he removed his coat revealing his body and heart-shaped nipple, he smiled down at you.
"Your comfort is more important to me right now, darling~”
You sighed before forcing your tired body up and pulling him into a kiss. His eyes widen at your sudden movements.
Asmodeus felt a faint blush creep onto his cheeks at your sudden and unexpected kiss, but he didn’t hesitate to kiss back and slipping his tongue into your mouth.
After a while you guys parted, panting he asked,
“I thought you don't do kisses, sweetheart, something about it being too affectionate and borderline romantic for a succubus like you?”
You sighed as you held his face in your hand,
“It's a reward for being nice to me… once I ignored the fact, you lied to me so you can watch me get fuck stupid.”
Asmodeus smiled fondly as he held your hand and kissed your fingertips affectionately.
“I just can't resist seeing your body trembling with pleasure, darling…”
You couldn't help but smile at the giant demon prince in front of you, he was a sweetheart despite being so powerful. Well, a sweetheart as far as you were concerned.
Flipping him onto the bed and climbing on top of him, you look down with a mischievous grin,
“Well I think we should first take care of your cock, big guy”
Asmodeus looked up at you both concerned and aroused,
“Are you sure about this sweet thing?”
You looked at his huge erection and hesitated before saying,
“Go big or go home?”
Asmodeus chuckled softly before carefully grasping your waist as his other hand slipped under your shirt grasping your boob gently as he ask again,
"Alright, sweetheart if you're sure. But remember, it's always you who calls the shots, okay?"*
You nodded before allowing him to move your body above his erection. Your body tensed as he pushed his cock inside you, letting out a painful gasp as your body was stretched open.
Asmodeus hissed softly as he felt your body clenched tightly around his cock. His grip on your waist tightened as he began thrusting his enormous cock into you, moaning loudly,
“You’re beautiful, darling~ So fucking beautiful when your tight little body is taking in my cock… Fuck! I need you!”
You whined loudly as you felt your inside being rearranged by Asmodeus's cock. Your hand slips onto his muscular ab as you try to hold your body steady.
Asmodeus's face contorted into a mix of pleasure and pain as you took his cock in, his fingers tracing over your spine and shoulders, as both of you get utterly lost in the pleasure and pain.
He swore under his breath, as he watch his massive cock thrust into you. His forehead was covered in sweat, and despite your pained sob he could see the pleasure in your eyes as he fuck you.
Eventually with a loud moan from both of you, he came inside you. Your body shuddered as he begin to fill you with his cum, until it was uncomfortable for you.
Panting he lifted your shuddering body off of his cock, his neon blue cum spilling out of you like a river. Holding you to his body again, he begins peppering you with kisses as he moans,
“You look so beautiful with my cum spilling out of you, taking my cock like a champ… fuck I love you…”
His body froze and his eyes widened as he realized what he said,
“W-wait, I mean-“
You buried your head into his chest sleepily as you covered his mouth with your hand,
“Shut up, Ozzie…” your tail curled around his waist, “…I love you too…”
Hearing your answer his face flushed and with a laugh that shook his large frame, he removed your hand before holding you closer to him, feeling a warmth in his chest for his silly little succubus.
"Sweet Dreams, baby doll," Asmodeus whispered as he let out a deep sigh. His heartbeat returns to normal as he finally closes his eyes…
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samaraannhan20 · 4 months
Austin Butler Imagine: College AU! Yes to the Dress
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Warnings: College! reader, Agegap! (About 10 years)
“What time are your friends arriving tomorrow?” Austin asks me as we lay down in bed for the night. I curl myself up into his side before I respond. 
“Well Kyra is driving in and will get here around 6 pm. I have a girls day with the whole group on Saturday. Tara and Alice are flying in and we need to go pick them up at noon. Oh and my mom and sister will be here by 6 as well.”
“What are you doing for your girls day on Saturday?” he asks as he reaches over and turns off our lamp which in turns places us in the dark, with only the glow of the background movie still giving us light. 
“We’re going to brunch, and then going dress shopping. I’m going to ask everyone to be my bridesmaid after they all get here tomorrow night, so we’ll also look for bridesmaid dresses while we’re dress shopping probably,” I say as I turn the tv off. 
“Are you excited?” he asks me as we turn and face each other in the bed. 
“I am. I am so excited to have a wedding and end the day married to you. Although, as much as I love weddings I could probably just go to the courthouse and marry you right now.”
“I would do the same. But there is no reason to rush it. It won’t be a huge wedding anyway. Family and friends,” he says with a small smile. 
“Yes. Family and friends. I hope Baz and Catherine can come. I miss getting to see them,” I say as I close my eyes. “And Miss Priscilla. I’m already trying to figure out a way to wear the bracelet she gave me at the premiere on our wedding day.”
“No one will even notice if it doesn’t match. If you want to wear it and it's important to you, wear it,” he says, placing a kiss on my forehead. “Now turn around so we can cuddle and go to sleep. We can keep wedding planning tomorrow,” he says, and moves away so I have room to turn over. 
“Hey Aus?”
“Yeah darlin?” he asks as he rounds the corner to the living room where I am seated. 
“Mom said she should be here in like an hour and a half. Is that guest room ready?”
“You mean the one on the exact opposite side of the house than our room? Also known as the room we only use when your family is in town?” he says with a small laugh, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he comes up behind me. “Yeah, it’s ready.”
“And what about Ella’s room? Right next to it?” 
“Yep. Both rooms that are the farthest away from us are ready, in order to stop family members from being scarred by the fact that we have sex,” he says with a laugh and then starts massaging my shoulders. “Baby you need to loosen up. It’s not the wedding weekend yet. We’re ten months away from that.”
“Yeah I know, but I’m asking the girls to be my bridesmaids this weekend, and asking Kyra to be my maid of honor, and not all of the parts of the gifts are here yet and I need them to be here before Kyra, Tara, and Alice get here because I don’t want them to see it before I give it to them later tonight.”
“You could always give it to them tomorrow night,” he says as he continues massaging my shoulders. 
“No, because I want to look at a few bridesmaid dresses while we’re dress shopping tomorrow,” I tell him, bending my head back to look at him. 
“Oh right,” he says, and lets go of my shoulders, choosing instead to walk around the couch and sit down, grabbing my arm and pulling me into him. “Speaking of dress shopping, there’s a credit card on the counter for you.”
“What? Why?” I ask him, pulling a little away so I can look into his eyes. 
“Because you’re still paying student loans, you shouldn’t be worrying about how you’re going to pay for a wedding dress. It's as much for me as it is for you, so I want to pay for it. And for the bridesmaid dresses so that no one has to worry about how they’re going to pay for it.” 
“Austin, no. If the tabloids learn about that they’ll call me a gold digger. Again,” I say, enunciating the ‘again’ because I have been accused of that at least three times in the past.
“So what if they do? You and I both know that is not why you’re with me. Along with our entire group of family and friends. I want to take care of it, please let me,” he says, whispering on the last part. I launch myself into his lap, and pepper kisses all over his face and neck.
“Hey everyone! Dinner is ready!” I holler from the kitchen where I stand with Austin. He drops a kiss on my forehead as he walks out of the room, heading to the living room to avoid the chaos that is about to ensue. I wait silently as my closest friends and mom and sister walk into the kitchen. They all start to reach for plates, but I stop them. 
“Actually, there is one thing I would like to do before eating. If you would follow me,” I say with a smirk and then walk into the dining room. I walk to stand next to Austin as they all walk in the room, and notice the different boxes with each of their names on it. “Please find your name and then sit down at that spot. Do not open your box until I say to open it,” I tell them, and they all follow and sit down in their seats. When they are all sitting and settled down I speak up again. 
“You all already know what this is,” I start with a small laugh, and they all laugh and cheer in agreement. “However, there is an order I would like to do this in. Starting with Kyra, you can go ahead and open yours,” I say, and she immediately opens her box. She tears up when she realizes what it is. 
“You want me to be your maid of honor?” she says with tears in her eyes, looking at me. I nod, also tearing up. She stands up and walks over to me, giving me a hug. When she pulls away she looks from me to Ella and then back again. “What about Ella? She’s your sister,” she says, concern washing over her face. 
“We talked. We both agreed it was more of a job for someone who was old enough to drink legally when I turn into bridezilla,” I say with a laugh, wiping my eyes. Everyone in the room laughs, and I give Kyra one last hug before shooing her back to her seat. “Okay, everyone else you can open your boxes now,” I say to them, and they all rip open their boxes. “Mom there is also one for you, but just a gift. Not asking you to be a bridesmaid,” I say with a laugh, and watch as she rips into her box as well. 
As they get into their boxes they jump up and down and start crying, before swarming me into a group hug. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Austin standing in the corner taking a picture of us, and I start to cry even more. 
“Okay wait though, do you guys wanna see what I got Ashley’s daughter to ask her to be my flower girl?” I say after a few minutes when we all pull away and are wiping our eyes. They all cheer yes, so I go over to the hall closet and pull out the box that I got her. I bring it over to the table and open the box, causing a loud chorus of ‘aww’.
“That is the cutest thing I have ever seen,” Tara says, and we all just laugh. As I close the box up and go put it back in the closet I shout over my shoulder “there’s pizza in the kitchen!” I laugh as I hear everyone stampede into the kitchen. While they’re all distracted I walk to Austin and wrap my arms around him. 
“I love you,” he says as I lay my head on his chest. 
“I love you. And I can’t wait to be Mrs. Austin Butler,” I say, pulling my head back to look up at him. He leans down and kisses me, and as he does we hear another chorus of awws and pull away with a laugh, turning to look at the doorway to the kitchen where all of the bridesmaids stand. I feel him press a kiss to the top of my head as he pulls out of my arms, and takes my hand to lead me into the kitchen for food. 
“You know, you never told me how you and Austin met,” Alice says in the middle of brunch on Saturday. 
“Really?” I say around the mouthful of food I just shoved in my mouth. Kyra laughs with my little sister as little bits of food fly out of my mouth. 
“Graceful,” my mother mutters with a small smile coming across her face. 
“Yes, really. You just called one day and told me that I would never believe who you were dating before blurting out that you were dating Austin. And then you said you had to go call some other important family members because an article would probably drop before you had the chance to tell them if you didn’t tell them right then. And we never discussed it again,” Alice says, looking at me expectantly. 
“I know the story,” Kyra and Tara say at the same time, before looking at each other and laughing. 
“So do we,” my sister says, pointing at herself and my mother. 
“Oh. Well I guess you only got to know the full story if I lived with you,” I say, looking at Tara with a laugh. “Well mom, Ella, and Kira also knew because they have known everything since the start. Kira knows more than anyone else, because I had many anxious discussions with her leading up to us officially getting together three years ago,” I say, taking one last bite of food and then pushing my plate away, before diving into the story. 
Flashback to May 2021
“Okay. You guys have two hours of studio time to get this take today,” the executive says to the choir as we all stand in the recording studio. Our director nods and then gets our attention to start the singing. 
It takes probably an hour and a half before we have a couple of solid takes, and then the executive walks back in. 
“I think we got it guys! Now, can the soloist stick around? Everyone else can head home, and I’ll let you know if we need to find another day to try again, but I’m pretty sure we got a good take today” he says, and my choir director looks at me, before turning to everyone else and telling them it was time to go home. I shuffle forward as everyone else leaves the room, and then shoot a shy smile towards the executive. “If you will follow me I have a couple of people who want to meet you,” the executive says, and I nod with a smile, and clasp my hands together to hide the shaking. I follow him down a different hallway where no one is around, and then enter a room. I look up from my feet when I hear people stand up and see people who I never expected standing in front of me. 
“Hi, Y/N?” Baz says as he steps up to me and holds out his hand to shake. I reach out and shake his hand, hoping that my shaking isn’t too obvious, and mutter a small hello. “I’m Baz,” he says, and I shoot him a small smile. “Of course, you probably already knew that,” he says with a laugh, and I laugh along with him. “And this is Austin,” he says, motioning towards the person standing next to him. I mutter hello to him, blushing as he takes my hands in his and clasps them together. 
“You sounded amazing,” he tells me, and I blush even more. 
“Oh I’m not even the best singer in the choir. This just happened to be the solo I was assigned for the semester. I don’t even think I should have been the one it was given to,” I say, looking away. 
“Oh nonsense,” Priscilla Presley says as she steps forward, immediately pulling me into a hug. “You were amazing. I am so glad that you were chosen for it,” she says, and then presses a kiss on my cheek. 
“I had a question I wanted to ask you,” Baz says, and then motions towards a chair and asks me to take a seat. I sit down and Priscilla sits next to me, with Austin and Baz sitting across from me. “There is one song that we were wanting to put on the soundtrack that we hadn’t quite found the right voice for,” Baz starts, and I get a questioning look across my face. “After listening to you sing the solo with your choir we wanted to ask you if you could do it,” he says with a small smile. “Of course, you can say no. I know that not everyone would be comfortable with something like that, especially if they didn’t want to be thrust into the fame spotlight,” he says, and I shrink down in my chair. 
“I’m really sorry,” I start. “I am so thankful for the opportunity, but I have to say no. I really didn’t even want the small solo on the song we just recorded, but since I’m a music major my director told me I couldn’t say no. I don’t want to be famous, I just want to teach music to little kids,” I say, and everyone around smiles. 
“That is completely okay,” Priscilla says, and takes my hands in hers. “I think you should do what you want to do, and if this isn't it that is okay. The world needs good teachers. And I can tell that you are going to be one,” she says, and I flush. Austin mutters something in agreement, and I flush even more. 
“I do know someone that could do it,” I say, and when Baz asks me who it is, I give them the name of someone else in my choir whose voice is like mine. They tell me thank you, and that they will get in contact with her. We all talk for a little bit longer and then Baz stands up as his phone rings. 
“I need to get this, but it was so nice to meet you, Y/N,” he says and holds out his hand for me to take. I take it, thinking that this would just be a hand shake, but he pulls me up from my seat and into a hug. I hear small chuckles come from the others in the room and laugh myself as I hug Baz. “You will make an amazing teacher,” he says as he pulls back, and then answers the phone waving goodbye as he steps out of the room. The executive that had been sitting in the room with us the entire time stands up saying he will lead me out, and I nod, and turn to Priscilla and Austin. 
“Thank you for asking me. It means a lot,” I say, and Priscilla stands up and pulls me into a hug. 
“While I wish you had said yes, I fully understand why you did not. I hope you succeed in everything that you want to. And I hope we see you at the premiere,” she says, and I nod.
“If I get an invite I will be there,” I say as I pull away, and then turn and hold out my hand for Austin. “It was nice to meet you,” I say quietly, and he takes my hand in his.
“It was nice to meet you. I can walk you out,” he says, turning to the executive looking for a nod of approval, and then dropping my hand and walking towards the door. I follow behind him, not sure what to say or what exactly is happening. We walk down the hallway making a bit of small talk as we walk down the hall. When we get to the door that leads out to the parking lot. 
“Well this is my stop,”  I say with a small laugh, and he laughs as well. 
“I guess it is. Can I get your number?” he asks, and I freeze. “I mean, just to make sure you do get an invite to the premiere,” he says quickly, trying to calm me down in some way. 
“Oh yeah, that makes sense,” I say as he pulls out his phone and hands it to me after opening the contact app and starting a new number. I place my number in his phone and then hand it back.
“It was nice to meet you,” I say and then wave goodbye before pushing the door open. I walk out into the parking lot to my car, and get in and start it. I pull my phone out to start music and notice I have a text from an unknown number. 
Unknown number
I hope you gave me your real number because I would love to get to know you more.
I drop my phone in the seat next to me, and then quickly grab it, shooting a text back. 
I never give out fake numbers, there’s no telling who’s phone number they are. I would also love to get to know you more.
“And the rest is history,” I say as I finish my story, smiling absently as I reminisce on how Austin and I met.
“I totally forgot that your choir sang for the Elvis movie,” Alice says. 
“Yeah. I think if I wasn’t with Austin because of it I probably would have forgotten too. Other than meeting him and Miss Pricilla it was almost just a normal recording experience, and we do that every year,” I say with a shrug.  
“You guys literally had a real-life meet-cute,” Ella says, and we all laugh. 
“You’re not wrong. Some days I wake up having a hard time believing that this is my real life,” I quietly say. “I mean, I love Austin with everything that I am, sometimes it’s hard with his fame though.”
“Yeah I don’t think I could ever get used to that,” Alice says, Tara and Ella nod in agreement. 
“I wouldn’t change it for the world though. This is how it was meant to be. And I’m so excited to spend the rest of my life with him,” I tell them, a blush coming across my face.
“Going to the chapel and I’m gonna get married,” the three of us sing off key as we walk to the bridal shop, my arms interlinked with Kyra and Tara’s arms. We all laugh as we hear the laughs of the rest of our group behind us. 
I remove my arms from Kyra and Tara and open the door of the shop, holding it open for everyone. My mom is the last person to walk in, and she holds her hand out for me to take as we enter the shop. 
“Hello, welcome!” the owner exclaims as she walks up to our group. “Do you guys have an appointment?” 
“Yes,” I say. “It’s under Y/N,” I tell her, and she unlocks the ipad she had been holding and looks at her calendar.
“Oh, yes! It’s so good to see you! I’m Sarah and I’ll be helping you today! Do you know what you were wanting to start with today?” she asks, and I look at the girls. They all shrug in response, so I turn back to Sarah.
“The main goal for today is to hopefully find my wedding dress, but I was also wanting to look at a few bridesmaid dresses, just to get an idea,” I say to her, and she nods in understanding. 
“Okay! Do you want to start with the bridesmaid dresses?” 
“Yes please!” I say, and she guides us over to a section of the store that has bridesmaid dresses. 
“Do you know what your colors for the wedding are?” she asks as the girls split up to thumb through dresses. 
“Darker pastel colors, kind of dusty colors. Leaning towards dusty purple and colors like that. The wedding is October 28th, and I thought that dusty colors went best with that.”
“Is the wedding indoors or outdoors?” she asks. “So I know if we should be looking for things with sleeves or the option to add sleeves.”
“Indoors. I didn’t want to have to worry about weather conditions or the paparazzi’s ability to hide in a bush and take pictures.”
“Paparazzi?” she questions, and I can see in her eyes that she is trying to figure out if she knows who I am, or if she has seen me somewhere before. 
“Um, yeah. My fiance is Austin Butler,” I say quietly, and I see the recognition in her eyes the moment she connects the dots. 
“Oh! Well we run a shop that focuses on the privacy of our customers, so you won’t have to worry about anyone finding out. We were actually the shop that Ashley Tisdale found her wedding dress in,” she tells me and I quietly laugh.
“Yeah, she recommended it to me. She would have been here today, but she had some meetings happening,” I tell her. She nods and then turns to a section of the shop. 
“Okay, well, we are so glad that you chose our shop. These dresses over here come in whatever color you want, and you should be able to get sleeves added onto most of them if you want. Were you wanting your bridesmaids to all wear one color?”
“No. They can all wear whatever color they want as long as they all look good together. I think I just want them to try on one each while we’re here, just to start getting some ideas,” I explain and she nods. 
“While they look at these, why don’t you and your mother go and start choosing some dresses you might want to try on today,” she says, and motions to where the wedding gowns are. I nod and take my mom’s hand and walk over to that side of the store. My mom and I shop side by side, pulling things that I would like to try on for about twenty minutes.
After that time, Sarah comes over to us. 
“Your bridesmaids are ready to show you what they found, and then we can start trying on the dresses you chose. I also pulled some that I thought you might like based on what you had told me when you scheduled your appointment and what you had been pulling today,” she tells us, as she points us in the direction of where the girls are trying on dresses. 
“We all originally had different ones,” Kyra calls out from the dressing room. 
“But then we saw this one and thought it looked better than all the others,” Alice shouts from her dressing room. “Let's go girls!” she continues, and they all three step out of their dressing rooms in the same dress. My eyes well up as I take them in. 
“Guys. This is perfect. How did you find it?” I ask them as I wipe tears off my face. 
“Kyra found it,” Tara says, and I turn to Kyra. 
“Yeah. We’ve been discussing your wedding for years, and when I saw this I knew it was what you would want. And it looks good on all of us,” she says, and I run to her and pull her into a hug. 
“Already going above and beyond in your maid of honor duties,” I whisper, and she laughs. 
“What can I say? I’m good at my job,” she says, and I laugh before pulling away. 
“Well,” I start, turning to Sarah. “We found our bridesmaid dresses.” 
“Amazing. I will get Rosie,” she says, and then motions to another worker standing a few feet away. “To write down the style and everyone’s sizes while you and I head into that dressing room and get into your first gown,” she says, and then turns towards everyone else. “I will make sure you are all back out here and comfortable before I bring her out in her first dress.” They all smile and nod, before the four girls head back into their own dressing rooms. My mom sits down on the big couch as I head into my huge dressing room with Sarah. 
“How do you feel?” she asks as we slip the eighth dress onto my body. 
“Honestly, starting to feel a little discouraged. I really wanted to find my dress today and be able to go home and tell Austin that I found it,” I tell her as she clamps the back up. 
“Well, don’t get too discouraged because this one looks amazing,” she says, and then taps my shoulder, which I have discovered throughout the last hour  means to turn around and look in the mirror that is taking up the entirety of the wall behind me. 
“Oh…” I gasp as I turn around. Tears well up in my eyes as I look at myself in the mirror. “Sarah, did I grab this?” I ask her as I stare at myself in the gown that was meant to be mine. 
“No, I think your mother did, or maybe one of your bridesmaids,” she tells me, resting a hand on my shoulder and handing me a tissue with the other one. 
“I think… I think this might be the one,” I tell her as I continue to stare at myself, taking the tissue from her hand in order to wipe the tears off my face and running my other hand across the fabric. 
“Hurry up!” we hear come from the waiting area, and I chuckle, wiping a spare tear that is falling down my face.
“Are you ready to go show them?” Sarah asks me, and I nod, allowing her to walk out of the room before me. “Ladies, I think this might be the one,” she says as she walks out before me, and I hear them all gasp as I turn the corner and walk into the room, looking at my feet as I walk. 
“Oh, Y/N,” I hear my mother mutter as I stop in front of the mirror that surrounds almost the entire area. I look up from my feet and out at my family and friends, and tear up when I see tears in their eyes as well. 
“Y/N, please tell me that’s the one,” Kyra says, and I smile. “Please say that’s the one, because you look amazing in it. And you look so so happy.”
“It’s the one,” I say, with another tear falling down my face. “This is the one. Mom,” I say, looking at her, “did you pull this one from the rack?”
“I did. You brushed past it, but I saw it and knew you should at least try it on. It looks so much better than I could have ever imagined. You look radiant in it,” she says, trying to hold her sobs in as she takes me in. 
“Thank you Mama,” I respond, tears streaming down my face, as well as all my friends' faces and my sister's face. Everyone jumps up and gives me a hug, resulting in a huge group hug. “I love all of you. I can’t wait to be able to celebrate this big day with you,” I say and then squeeze my arms a little tighter around everyone. “Okay, you’re all suffocating me now. And we’re going to mess up the dress,” I say after another minute or two, with a slight laugh. They all laugh and pull away and I turn and look at myself again. 
“Were you wanting to try a veil on with it?” Sarah asks as I stare at myself in the mirror. 
“Oh! I hadn’t even thought about that. Yes I would love to,” I respond, and everyone chuckles as she heads off to grab one that will look good with it. She comes back with a few, and I try a few on before deciding on one. I stare at myself in the mirror a little longer, and notice my friends taking pictures of me in the background. 
“Okay. I think it’s time to get out of this dress until the next time,” I say, turning to Sarah. She nods and we go back into the dressing room.
“Okay, before we get you out of this dress I need to take some measurements so we can make sure to get it altered correctly,” she says, and I nod in understanding. For the next fifteen minutes she takes some measurements and then pulls back after the last one. “Okay, now we can get you out of it,” she says, and I laugh. She helps me out by unclamping the dress and helping slip it down over my hips. I step out of it and over to my clothes, slipping the dress I had worn back on quickly. 
“Is there a certain place for me to pay for everything?” I ask, and she laughs. 
“Actually, your fiance called about an hour ago and gave us his information to have us charge your dress, anything else you may want, and the bridesmaid dresses to his credit card. He asked me to tell you he found the conveniently forgotten credit card you had left behind.”
“Dang it. I was hoping he wouldn’t find that until after I got back,” I say with a small laugh. She also laughs in response, and then we are back in front of my friends and family. 
“Do you want to take an ‘I said Yes to the Dress’ picture?” Sarah asks as we all gather our things. Everyone cheers yes, and she ushers us together before grabbing the sign from somewhere nearby. I hand her my phone, and she takes multiple pictures of us before handing it back. “Okay, Y/N, I will see you back here in about a month to try on the dress after alterations.”
“Awesome! Thank you so much for all of your help Sarah,” I tell her, and then pull her in for a hug. 
“You’re welcome! I’m so glad you were able to find your dress today,” she says as I pull away from the hug. We all say our goodbyes and head out the door. We laugh and talk as we make our way down the sidewalk to my car. 
“I’m so excited!” Alice says, and I laugh. 
“Believe me, no one is more excited than I am.” 
“Honey I’m home,” I call out as I walk in the door. Everyone had taken my car and gone out to see a movie in order to give me some time alone with Austin after finding the dress.
“I’m in here,” he calls from the office, and I toe my shoes off by the door before walking over to it. 
“Hey sweet boy,” I say as I walk in the door and see him looking over a script at his desk. 
“Hi darlin’,” he says, pushing back from the desk and opening up his arms for me to walk into. I sit down on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a small kiss. “Where is everyone?”
“They wanted to give us some time alone so they went out to see a movie. They’ll be back for dinner later. I think their movie started like five minutes ago,” I tell him, laying my head on his chest. “You’re sneaky, you know that?” 
“Hey you’re sneaky too, trying to hide that credit card so I wouldn’t find it,” he responds, pressing a kiss to my forehead. 
“Yeah I guess so. And I mean, how would anyone even know that you paid for it, not me?” I say, and he smiles.
“Exactly my point. Now, how was dress shopping?” he asks. A huge smile breaks out on my face and I lift up and kiss him again. “That good huh?” he says as I pull away again, and I laugh.
“Not only did we find bridesmaid dresses, but I also found my wedding dress!” I exclaim, and he squeezes my sides where his arms are wrapped around me. 
“That’s amazing darlin’,” he says, and then pulls me in for a kiss. When he pulls away he asks, “I know I don’t get to see the winning wedding dress, but can I see some of the other ones you tried on and the bridesmaid dresses?” I laugh and nod, pulling out my phone and plugging it into his computer so he can see the pictures I had been sent. No one had sent me pictures of the winning dress, because they knew Austin could get onto my phone at any minute and they didn’t want him to find the picture. 
“Okay, so these are the bridesmaid dresses,” I say as I pull up a picture of all of them in their dresses. 
“Those look great!” 
“That’s what I said! And they perfectly fit the theme I was going for,” I tell him, placing a kiss on his cheek before turning back to the computer. “Okay, so this is the first dress I tried on. Everyone cried simply because it was my first time in a wedding dress, but we all agreed it wasn’t the one,” I tell him, and he laughs. “This one we thought looked good, but there wasn’t an immediate connection. If I hadn’t found another one I would have tried that one on again, but probably would have left empty handed. This next one I hated but I tried it on to appease my mother,” I tell him, and he laughs. We sit like that going through all the dresses until I get to the last one. “This is the one where I was starting to lose hope, because I felt like I wasn’t going to find one today. If you look at my eyes you can see how tired I am and how much I was hoping we could just call it quits soon. But then, they convinced me to try on one more dress, and sure enough the next dress was the one that was it.”
“Do you have any pictures anywhere of that one?” he asks with a sly smile on his face. 
“They do. I don’t. They wouldn’t send me any because they knew you would know the password to my phone and would try to find it. I think I’ll have someone post it early on the wedding day as a throwback of sorts, to show when I got the dress,” I tell him, and he nods. 
“And that will work because neither of us will be on our phones that day. We'll be so busy,” he says, and I laugh. 
“Yep. With a 2 o’clock wedding we’ll be busy all morning. And then all evening. Honestly I probably won’t be on my phone or checking social media until we’re on the plane on Sunday morning. And even then I might not. I will have to be texting my parents though when we leave here and arrive in Paris.” 
“Speaking of, I finalized those flights earlier. And booked the hotel rooms.”
“Yay! I go back in a month for a fitting to make sure the dress fits correctly, and if it does I can bring it home that day. Except I might take it over to Ashley’s because I love you, but you are a snoop. And I don’t want you to see it before the day of,” I say with a small smile, and he laughs. 
“You know me too well. Oh! Ashley called earlier and asked what night you were wanting to have dinner this week?”
“Oh right! Gotta ask Jupiter to be my flower girl,” I say, laying my head on his shoulder. “Whatever day works best for you honey. I’m taking Mom and Ella to the airport really early in the morning, and when I leave to take them Kyra, Tara, and Alice are going home. So even tomorrow night would work, but only if I get a nap. If I don’t get a nap I will be going to bed at like eight.” 
“I know. I know how you function sweets,” he says. 
“Speaking of, can we go lay on the couch for a bit? I want to change first, but then I want to cuddle with you before my family comes back. I’m exhausted,” I say, sitting up and looking at him. 
“Of course,” he says, and then pats my leg to get me to stand up, before heading to the couch as I head to our room to change. 
“One last thing,” I say when I get into the living room after changing. “Was that script you were reading any good?” 
“Maybe. I need to finish it in the morning while you nap, but it seemed promising.”
“Jupiter,” I call out as I sit down in the living room at Ashley’s house. I laugh as I hear her little feet come running from the room she was in. 
“Aunty Y/N!” she exclaims as she jumps into my lap. 
“I have a present for you Jup,” I say as I give her a hug, smiling over her head at Ashley, Christopher, and then next to me at Austin. She wiggles out of my arms and slides down to the floor to stand in front of me. 
“Give it,” she states in her little toddler voice, and I laugh. 
“Jupiter! Ask nicely!” Ashley exclaims with a small laugh. I wave her off and grab the box from the table behind where Jupiter is standing. 
“Jupiter Iris, will you be my flower girl in Uncle Austin and I’s wedding?” I ask her as I open the box for her. She immediately takes the sunglasses out of the box and puts them on her face. 
“Can I wear these sunglasses?” she asks and I laugh. 
“Yes Jupes, you can. But you have to take a picture with me tonight before you run off again.” 
“Yes Aunty Y/N,” she says with a small nod. I laugh and gather her into my arms holding the box as best I can as Ashley grabs her phone and takes a picture of the two of us. I place a big wet kiss on her cheek as everyone laughs, including her. “Gross Auntie,” she says as she giggles and tries to wiggle out of my arms. I loosen and let her go, and she bolts out of the room. 
“Well,” I say as I slide over on the couch into Austin’s arms. “I guess we have a flower girl.”
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apomaro-mellow · 18 days
Hot for Teacher(s) 11
Part 10
The smell of a pup was usually a fresh, neutral scent on their own until they officially presented and it ripened with the unique scent of adolescence. It was why scenting one’s child was important. A way to mark them as your own for the whole world to know. And it was typical of parents to do this before seeing their child off somewhere, particularly school.
Shawn never really noticed before now how sometimes his classmates would smell just a little different, depending on who scented them. He wasn’t the only one with one parent but Daniel got to see his mom on weekends, and Elodie still talked to her dad. Shawn was the only one with a single parent with no contact with his other. And he wasn’t complaining. But now that he noticed, he wondered if other people noticed his single note of a scent.
No one had ever made him feel bad about it but maybe they were just being nice about his situation…
Eddie greeted his students in the morning, usually with a high five or a fist bump. “Warm up’s on your desks, make sure you have a sharpened pencil.”
Elodie got to her desk before unpacking and looked at the worksheet. “Do we get to color?”
“What do the directions say?”, Eddie asked, encouraging her to read.
“‘Color…your fa…vorite food’. Yay!”
Eddie told her good job before seeing to the other students and making sure unpacking by the cubbies went without any drama. It all seemed to be going well, so he turned his back. Of course, that was when he heard shoving and the beginnings of a wailing cry.
Shawn was at his desk while Mr. Munson tried to soothe Yasmin. She bumped her head against his leg like she was much younger than six, a move that would normally get an adult to scent her and assure her she wasn’t in trouble. Mr. Munson just gave her a pat on the head and reminded her that the cubbies had names and she couldn’t just put her things wherever she wanted, but also Daniel shouldn’t toss other’s belongings onto the floor.
Mr. Munson was really nice like that, giving head pats, and high fives, but he never scented any of the students. That would be weird. But would he scent Shawn? Where did they stand, now that he was dating his dad?
After school, Steve came and he rubbed Shawn’s cheeks. “You’re like my cute mochi thing. What do they call it? The white thing?”
“Cinnamoroll?”, Eddie and Shawn said in unison.
“No, the other thing. The rabbit.”
“That’s Cinnamoroll, Dad. Now please release my cheeks”, Shawn said.
That just made Steve squish them together more. “No, there’s something else. And I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be a dog anyway.” He let Shawn’s face go and looked up at Eddie. “We still on for tonight?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world”, Eddie promised.
Shawn waited until they were in the car before asking. “What’s tonight?”
Steve smiled. “He’s coming over for dinner.”
“What’re we having?”, Shawn asked, trying to look nonchalant as he played with his seatbelt.
“I was thinking cockroach legs and frog’s eyes”, Steve said, snickering at the look of disgust that he caught in the mirror. “Well what would you serve then?”
“Make your own tacos. I saw you taking out ground beef earlier.”
“You know what, that could work”, Steve agreed. Nevermind that Shawn also would’ve seen the different vegetables on the counter, as well as various sauces which could only be used for tacos. Christopher Nolan, eat your heart out.
Eddie would be spending the evening with them as it was decided that he should do so without it being a date. He and Steve knew they worked well together, now it was time to add Shawn to the mix. He would only be his teacher for a few more months after all. And then in a few years, he would probably be Steve’s. So keeping them apart for that reason was about to be null and void.
Steve had Shawn finish his homework at the table while he started cooking. Eddie arrived about half an hour later, knocking at the door. Steve sent Shawn to get it only because he was washing his hands from touching raw meat and he recognized the roar of Eddie’s van by now. 
“Well, if it isn’t the man of the house”, Eddie smiled when Shawn opened the door.
“Are you here to sell cookies?”, Shawn teased.
“Hmm, no cookies, only pie”, he said, bringing one from behind his back.
Shawn shrugged. “That’ll work.”
He let Eddie in and they joined his dad in the kitchen. Eddie greeted Steve with a kiss, who smiled when he saw the dessert Eddie brought. 
“You didn’t have to.”
“I didn’t. Safeway did.”
Dinner was a fun affair. Probably the only low point for Shawn was when the two of them randomly broke out into a song that he didn’t know and even danced along to it. Did they not see how embarrassing they were? The tacos were good though. Shawn liked to put a ton of cheese on his. 
“Hey, you got something there”, Eddie said in the middle of eating.
“Where?”, Steve asked, trying to look at his own face.
Eddie put a swipe of sour cream on his nose. “There.”
Shawn laughed enough to shake his own taco (#3) and make half the ingredients spill out onto his plate. After eating, Shawn helped by bringing the dirty dishes to the sink and helping Steve wrap up the leftovers while Eddie got to washing. Shawn got to take his slice of pie to the living room so long as he ate at the coffee table, leaving the two adults alone.
They were shoulder to shoulder as they washed and dried. At one point, Steve put his head on Eddie’s shoulder and they paused for a moment, soaking it all in. It was only one night but this one night boded well for their future. Once the dishes were done, they joined Shawn, who had taken up the middle of the couch. Without a word, they sat on either side of him. Shawn had it on a kids’ sitcom, but honestly it didn’t matter what they were watching. 
Steve and Eddie’s arms were across the back of the couch so that they could touch, leaving Eddie’s side open for Shawn to lean into. Shawn let out a yawn, full and tired. Then he bumped his forehead against Eddie’s chest. His eyes bugged out, looking at Steve for a sign, approval, something. He didn’t want to spook Shawn by using his voice though. Steve’s eyes were glistening a little as he nodded. 
Slowly, Eddie brought his arm down and rubbed his wrist against Shawn’s hair and cheeks. Steve could just barely hear the coo of contentment. When they were sure he was asleep, Eddie gathered Shawn in his arms and carried him to his room, Steve leading the way. 
“Wait for me in my room”, Steve whispered so that he could give Shawn a bit of privacy while dressing him down in his pjs.
Eddie waited faithfully, sitting on the edge of the bed when Steve finally came in. They spent the night sharing slow kisses, building each other up while using just their hands to finish the job. It was still a school night, after all.
From then on, Eddie took some time to scent Shawn while he was fully awake, sometimes even at school. The other students didn’t think much of it but the week after just happened to be the school-wide spelling bee. A few parents were in attendance. Steve couldn’t make it, as it was the middle of the day, but Eddie promised him pictures.
Shawn took first place, almost stumbling on the word ‘lightning’ but pushing through. The awards were given and parents congratulated their kids, getting pictures as well. Eddie kept himself available, only about half of his students’ parents showed up. Shawn showed his trophy to a friend who was standing by their dad.
He knelt down by Shawn. “You want me to get some pics for your dad, kiddo?”
“Mr. Munson’s gonna text my dad, right?”, Shawn beamed.
“That I will”, Eddie promised.
It was such a benign interaction that Eddie didn’t think a thing of it. But in that moment, the other parent caught a whiff of Shawn, who smelled too similar to Mr. Munson. And texting a parent? On its own, not strange but he’d been careful not to give out his personal number to anyone. He communicated mostly through emails. Sometimes a flyer in the kids’ folders. It was all just adding up to something fishy in his opinion…
He voiced as much to his wife when he got home and she just didn’t see it.
“Are you trying to say Shawn’s dad slept with the teacher so he could win the spelling bee?”
“I mean I’m not saying that exactly, but it seems kind of rigged, doesn’t it?”
She called their daughter down from her room. “Is your friend Shawn a good speller?”
“Yeah, he can even spell some second grade words. They ran out of first grade words to give him.”
“Well, your daddy didn’t mention that.”
“I just think we shouldn’t rule it out.” A lot of the parents knew each other, at least in passing. So it was no secret that Steve was single. Of course, most would never suspect he was dating his son’s teacher but considering the scent he was carrying…
As this was brewing on Eddie's side, from Steve's past a familiar face approached closer and closer.
Part 12
Fun fact: that actually happened at my school's spelling bee. Two of my first graders spelled so well, they had to move on to second grade words. Don't praise me though, they came to me that smort.
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @gregre369 @attic-cat-blog
@hippieg1rl420 @spectrum-spectre
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dronarryfest · 3 months
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What an incredible first week of dronarry! Here is the roundup of all the amazing works we’ve shared so far. We’re giving you the Sunday off to catch up if you haven't yet! And we want to send a huge THANK YOU to our wonderful readers for all the comments and kudos you’ve been sending. Keep them coming and stay tuned for week two!
[FIC] Some Nights || E || 23k || by @thecouchsofa
Ron fucks up his Silencing Charms in the dorms one night. Then Malfoy does. The rest, as they say, is history. 
💭 Came for the filth stayed for the feels. And the filth. Scorching hot, funny as fuck, got me curling my toes so hard my whole leg cramped. - emsuemsu
💭 This is so incredibly perfect, like the smut is perfect but Harry’s cluelessness and excitement is amazing and Ron just rolling with the punches…needless to say I’ve already read it more than once - marebear723
[FIC] Hear Me Out || E || 5k || by @rainstormradish
“I know this is all just a big joke to you,” whispered Draco, his lips inches from Ron’s ear, his breath on his neck, his hips pressed against him, Merlin, “but I need you to fucking commit to the bit here, Ron.”
💭 I am burning UP. i love how distinct each of their characters are. And the tension???? God, they’re all so sexy. - lostinyourcostellation
💭 Scorching hot! Absolutely love this premise & the way you carried it out here felt sooo good. Wonderfully done :) - thestarryknight
[ART] Signing The Forever Bond || G || by @digthewriter
No fanfare adorned their sacred moment, no gaze of a world eager to witness, for they sought not the spotlight's glow but rather the quiet dance of shared hearts. And some paperwork.
💭 I adore long hair Dronarry! What beautiful patterns and color, and I love their comfortable closeness and contentment. adore long hair Dronarry! What beautiful patterns and color, and I love their comfortable closeness and contentment. -schmem_14
💭  This is so gorgeous! I'm obsessed with ALL the details. Bearded Draco! There isn't enough Bearded!Draco content, honestly. - sleepstxtic
[FIC] Permanent || M || 14k || by @citrusses
"Harry's always been fixated on older men. Have you ever noticed that, Ron?” Granger asks. “Have I ever noticed—Hermione, we’ve lived with the bloke for years! He doesn’t bring them home much, but I’m not blind. I see who he’s shagging.” “And David, an older man, tells Harry ‘Saviour Complex’ Potter he needs him to save the world?” “He didn’t stand a chance,” Ron agrees. “Fascinating,” Draco says, in a strangled voice.
💭 I love this so much. I can't wait to reread it. What a gorgeous fucking fic with beautiful, agonising detail and introspection. - TheGoblinMatriarch
💭 Omg I don’t want to be that person BUT I COULD READ 300K OF THIS it was brilliant! - Moonflower_Rose
[FIC] These Foolish Little Games || E || 8.5k || by @schmem14
Thanks to a falling out between Harry and Ron, Draco can finally get together with Harry, have the most spectacular and inappropriate office sex, and enjoy Weasley-free weekends out. Life is perfect. So why does he have the nagging feeling he should get the estranged best friends to patch things up?
💭 Incredibly steamy, love the setup of a Ron/Harry fight and Draco’s scheming ❤️❤️❤️❤️ - citrusses
💭 yesssss - i am always here for the under the desk shenanigans. Lol at how easily they convinced Ron. There was no hope for him 😂 - MaesterChill
[FIC] Edging into His Heart || E || 5k || by @chelsiewhitlock & diplobeanz
Stuck on a long stakeout, Draco has reached the end of his patience with Ron Weasley's rule. In an effort to make the best of the situation, he decides to push the boundaries and past the edge of propriety. Shenanigans ensue.
💭  THIS is the Draco Ron dynamic I’m here for 😍 this story was fucking hot, and that tantric spell thingy oh, my… 🥵 - schmem_14
💭 wowww the dynamics you have going on here!!! 100/10 will be thinking about forever.  - fluxweed
[FIC] People Are Boring || E || 14.3k || by @starquestingfordrarry
“Alright, what’s your terrible news?” Draco braces himself on Harry’s desk. “Weasley’s hot.” “You’ll have to be more specific, there are a lot of hot Weasleys.” Draco makes a strangled, groaning sound in his throat. “The Weasley. Weasel. Weasel-by. Your Weasley.” Harry’s heart jumps to his throat, and his stomach drops to his shoes. “Ron’s back?”
💭 THAT.WAS. DMCJSKDKCJDH. I was excited, my heart ached at one point, I cried, then screeched, this really did have it all 🔥 - Jaqie
💭 So softly angsty then so tender then so sexy. This dynamic just works beautifully, and your Ron is 🔥🔥🔥 - gr8k8
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
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10. Getting a visit from him while you're sick and thinking it was a dream.
I really really hope you like this friend, I am very grateful for your support <3
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, typical best friend pining for Deuce, references to fainting from exhaustion for Jack. Check out the other requests on my masterlist here.
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"Golden hour" is a funny term when you are forced to think about it under the influence of Twisted Wonderland Benadryl. Which is to say that you feel very grateful to be hallucinating an image of Silver and not the hat man. Rook would be much too willing to entertain this line of thought.
"I just think that it's kind of funny," you try to justify to not-Silver who has kindly allowed you to rest your head in his lap "that your name is Silver and you sort of look like that y'know." He blinks, an intense look of concentration knitted over his lovely face.
"Not really." He says, genuinely remorseful. "I'm just not that imaginative I'm sorry." He idly strokes your hair, the ghost of a smile growing the longer he looks at you. It flutters into your heart and briefly halts your train of thought; you don't know if you should be happy it's the weekend so this can't interrupt your classes or mad you can't enjoy your day off. But then, what about this dream? Silver doesn't really go out of his way to hang out with you, if you had not been running a fever...
You had been reaching for him, pausing only when you realize in a desperate effort to stay in the illusion. What had you been talking about? You wonder ignoring the way Silver leans to follow your hands. Oh right, golden hour.
"It's super pink and purple," you mumble "and it's just- it's supposed to be the prettiest thing in the whole wide world and there it is trapped in your eyes." Sliver takes a deep breath, almost like he is trying to restrain something, before slowly, gently, caressing your eyelids in an effort to convince them to close.
"I think you need to go back to sleep prefect." You want to tell him that's a silly suggestion because you are already asleep, but something about finally closing your eyes makes you just that much more comfortable. As you drift into the darkness, you feel someone pick you up, cradling you bridal style as they begin to walk up the Ramshackle Dorm staircase.
"The prettiest thing in the world, huh. I wonder what that says about you, when you are what's reflected in them?"
Today was not a good day for the only plot relevant members of freshmen class A. Both of your friends had forgotten to charge their phones last night, and while Ace had been smart enough to slip his into his pocket, Deuce had left his charger back in their dorm room. That hadn't really been anything other than an inconvenience at first, but then the rain had started.
"I'll be fine, you two should worry about yourselves, I know Varags isn't canceling your club practices for this."
You really should not have said that. Maybe you haven't been feeling well for a while now or maybe the rain + no central heating + no parental figure had been what put you down. It didn't really matter what caused it, you feel like death and none of your text messages are making it through to either of your friends. At least Grim was kind enough to bring you a bunch of blankets and pillows from your room, there was no way you were giving him free reign in Sam's with your wallet no matter how badly you needed medicine. The only thing left to do is try and sleep it off and that's what you do, tossing your phone onto a chair Grim had propped up next to the couch.
Deuce had been sitting in the library before Trey kindly told him that you were out sick. He had not bothered asking where Ace had gone off too, assuming that by the time he made it to Ramshackle he would already be there and laughing at him. But that was not the case and now that he is sitting here wondering if he should try to wake you up or just let you sleep he can't decide if he is angry at Ace or happy to be alone with you. He does know he feels disappointed for even needing to ask.
"Yuu?" He decides to try and whisper, that way if you're deep asleep you won't react. You are curled up on the couch so tightly you might as well be a cat, the way you nuzzle into his palm when he tries to take your temperature does not help. You open your eyes but don't say anything at first, you just... smile? Smile and reach to hold his hand with a contended mrrp. Every muscle in Deuce's body is painfully tense, he desperately wishes he knew what he was supposed to do in this situation.
He knows what he wants to do, but that has to be the one thing he is not supposed to, right? You are his best friend, there is nothing more than that. It's with friendly intent you reach to hug him, it's with friendly concern he pulls you into his embrace and holds you tightly so you don't crash onto the floor.
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He whispers and you shake your head into his chest before looking up into his eyes with pure friendly adoration.
"I wish you were here," your eyes close, sending you back into sleep and Deuce into a spiral "I want to wake up in your arms just once."
"Me too..." he relaxes, gently moving you back to your couch before you can do more harm. "I- I hope you can remember I want that too."
Jack adjusts the position of your arms around his neck and makes sure he has a firm grip on your thighs.  He has given piggy backs before but never to an unconscious person.
"You need to be more realistic about your limits."  The words taste like sandpaper on his tongue, for someone so invested in the opinions of his seniors Jack sure had been determined to ignore them when it came to how hard he pushed you.  He couldn't, well he could have helped it.  He could have done some research about how to safely start working out, or asked you if you were even interested in training with him.  But no, he did neither of those things, instead he just told you that your stamina was pitiful and that you were going to start training with him immediately.  Knowing him he probably threatened to leave you alone if you couldn't keep up, some friend he was.  "Sorry," he expected the word to feel heavier, maybe sting a little, but his pride doesn't feel any worse than it had when you fainted "I don't like seein you hurt."  Maybe it's because you're asleep and he doesn't actually have to worry about coming off too soft, or maybe it's because you stir in that sleep to bury your face further into his hair signaling that you still feel safe with him on some subconscious level, but he feels like he can just... talk.  Like even though you aren’t awake your heart will listen.
"I know I talk a lot about how if you're weak you'll get left behind, or that I don't need friends but that's just second nature y'know?  It's not like I don't want to be around you, and I definitely don't want you to get sick."  Again you move, but your steady breathing confirms you are still asleep as Jack nears Ramshackle with his precious cargo.  “When you wake up I’ll say sorry the right way, and make sure to get you some water… ha I wonder why you even came out today in the first place?  I’ve been a pretty shitty friend-”  
You take a deep, deep breath at the back of Jack’s neck, exhaling as your arms tighten around his neck in a way that could choke him if you had been angry but now feels more like a hug.  Hot air tickles him from his neck all the way down his spine as his stupidly keen ears pick up on a sleepy murmur he knows has to come from somewhere deep in your dream-addled mind.  Don’t be stupid, I wanted to spend time with you.  Why?  You know why!  And even if you don’t-
“It’s a secret~”  You actually say out loud, speeding up Jack’s heart rate and his steps.
If he doesn’t put you to bed soon he’s going to be the one who’s dehydrated. 
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Just Pretend (Gavi x reader)
Part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Epilogue
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Warnings: SMUT!! MDNI or if you're uncomfortable! Profanity!! Swearing!! Ferran and Martin (based on the reactions I think they deserve their own warning)!!
Word Count: 11.2K (fun fact! If you've read the whole story, you've read 46 pages!)
[Incoming Facetime call from: Gavi]
"Gavi, you're going to have to learn to live without seeing my face 24/7. I don't want you experiencing withdrawal symptoms while I sleep."
"I just had a question about- is that a jar of pickles?"
"Yes. I felt like having a snack."
"You're disgusting."
"Listen, I brought several things back from university life in America, and a pickle addiction was one of them. Let me have little joys in life. What did you call me for? Besides to shame me for my midnight guilty pleasures?"
This was the 7th time in two weeks that Gavi had Facetimed you at odd hours. After your little heart-to-heart while drunk in the club, and him covering for you at work the next morning, he caved into the impulsive thoughts and called you, wanting to make sure you were okay.
"Gavi it's 10pm. If you want me to help you hide a body, call me during working hours."
He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding at the sound of your voice. You were okay. Like actually okay. All of the distress in your voice, the shakiness, the panic - it had all disappeared. You were back to your cool self, and it filled him with a warm and gooey sense of relief. He kept you on the phone for about 10 minutes before his internal monologue told him it was enough, and he went to bed with a strange tightness in his chest.
For the first three weeks, it had been strictly texts and phone calls. Gavi was still sending you his daily little updates, some relevant, most not.
[Gavi]: Compression socks are really tight on my shins. Feels like they're cutting off my blood flow.
[Gavi]: pedri keeps telling me to eat bananas to help with my back cramps. Fact or cap?
[Gavi]: saw someone on tiktok make a Joao Felix thirst trap. Anything you want to confess?
This texting remained constant, and then he supplemented with phone calls. After the check-up call, he had to find new excuses to call you. He started scheduling his early-morning sessions over the phone instead of over text, asking about your life in the meantime. He started "forgetting" things in your office, calling to tell you he would be there before practice to pick them up. It hadn't annoyed you, per se, but confused you. Why was Gavi so comfortable calling you and just talking about random things on the phone? Initially, you had joked with him to stop calling you so frequently.
"Gavi, personal number. Personal. You should keep all work related stuff to emails only. I don't get paid to listen to you ramble about Game of Thrones."
"I know you well enough by now to know that if you didn't want to hear my voice, you would hang up."
He wasn't exactly wrong. You were not one to shy away from hanging up in someone's face if you were irritated (you had done it to Ferran the one time he called you from Gavi's phone). You also didn't really have anyone else to talk to. Angelika, despite acting unemployed, worked for a design house in the city, and her designs had been approved as part of the new line. She now spent every waking moment working on the spring/summer collection that needed to be shown in February. She had even stopped bugging you to go to the club. The only times you heard from her were when she sent "Hey I'm alive just busy" texts, or on the weekends when she begged you to drive her to the far fabric stores. There weren't many other people that you wanted to talk to. Your friends in the US were several hours behind. Your friends in Barcelona were kind of exhausting, and not who you wanted to hear from after a long day of work. And Martin?
Martin was ... interesting. You definitely liked being with him in person. Your dinners were romantic. Martin always picked you up and took you to the nicest restaurant, allowing you to order the expensive plates that would actually make you full. He always complimented your dress and your eyes and the way you looked despite having a long day at work. He was a theoretical great boyfriend. You liked going out with him every 3-4 days. You liked getting good morning and good night texts and the hot pre-game selfies whenever you checked your phone between shifts at work. But in those late nights when you were bored and lonely, and your TV shows were all boring you, Martin was not the first person you thought of calling.
While he was great over dinner, he wasn't the most entertaining or comforting presence. He had a habit of downplaying a lot of the things you were feeling or going through.
"Baby, people make sexual comments all the time. Just look at how people on Twitter talk about the players. You should be more flattered than anything that he complimented your ass."
That was the last time you ever called him after a long and tiring day of work. Your text messages were filled with only pleasant conversations. A good goal he scored in practice. Praise you received from the rest of the medical staff for your progress. Never your frustration with your job or your life or the sad boring things that regular, not famous not football players went through.
"It's like 7pm this is not a midnight snack."
The sound of Gavi's voice brought you back from your abstract thoughts. You looked at his face lit up on the screen. His hair was a little wild and still slightly damp from his shower. He was in a white t-shirt that hugged his shoulders. He placed his phone down so that he could show you his complaint.
"Remember how we were talking about my knee and thigh tightness? I've been trying to work out the muscle for a while but it's not helping."
He moved back from the camera, letting his black gym shorts and legs come in to the frame. He lifted his left short leg, showing off the pronounced muscles in his thigh. You brought the phone a little closer to your face, focusing on his leg. He flexed the muscle, and you swallowed hard. You had seen some of the best legs in football laying in front of you - so why was Gavi's slightly blurry form on FaceTime overwhelming you?
"Have you been doing the routine I gave you to improve blood flow? It looks like you haven't."
"It's hard to do! I tried multiple times and I'm just in pain every time. We just have a match tomorrow and like it's kind of uncomfortable. It's fine I can just play through it if you don't have any other recommendations."
This made you sit up. If there was one thing that would get both of you in deep shit, it was Gavi playing through a known and documented discomfort.
"You're not going to do that. If you get injured during the match then I-"
"Awe doctora, you're concerned about me getting injured?"
He got up close to the camera, smiling cheekily and feigning shyness. You rolled your eyes.
"If you get injured in the match I will get in trouble because your muscle tightness is in your file. So you have two options: do the blood flow massage I told you to, or I need to email Xavi now and tell him you should be playing a maximum of 60 minutes in tomorrow's match."
This statement made Gavi sober up, looking instantly more serious.
"We're not telling Mister Xavi anything. I actually don't know how to do the blood flow stuff without feeling like I'm peeling off my own skin."
"Would it kill you not to play all 90 minutes tomorrow?"
"Yes." There was not one indication, neither in his tone or on his face, that he was kidding. Gavi's love for football was evident, but it was deeper than most people saw. Barca wasn't just his club - it was the air he breathed, the blood in his veins. It was his family, his brotherhood since he was a child. It was the greatest love he had ever experienced, and he was honestly willing to lay his life down if it meant making Mister and the boys proud. He would die for this club.
"You know what doctora? You can just do it for me tomorrow morning before the match."
"You can't play right after we literally batter your muscles to increase blood flow. You have to do it within the next few hours to have enough time to rest. I wish you told me this morning, I could have..." Your sentence trailed as you looked at your front door. Your car keys were sitting in the dish. You had been thinking about going out to get some dinner, too tired to wait for chicken to defrost.
"Hello? Can you focus on the crisis at hand instead of daydreaming?"
"What if I came over and did it for you now?"
Gavi's eyes got wide and he stared at his screen. He was trying to process the information that had just slithered into his brain. You? At his house? At night? Alone???
"Wait." He said, and then hung up the call. You looked at your screen in confusion.
He stabilized his hands enough to find the contact.
*Calling: ~banana king pepi~ *
"Pick up pick up pick up pick up-"
"Help. Me."
Pedri paused his game, much to the dismay of his brother, who was about to score a virtual goal.
"Pablo I know you didn't go to regular school, but you should know that in an emergency you should call the police."
"Y/n asked to come to my house."
Pedri bit back a laugh, removing the controller from his lap and putting the call on speaker so Fernando could be a part of the drama.
"You finally confessed that you're in love with her and want to kick her boyfriend's teeth in?"
"I'm not in love with her, we're just friends. That second part you might be right about." Gavi summarized your reasons for coming over quickly, asking Pedri for some sage advice while he and Fer raised their eyebrows at each other in amusement.
"As long as you have condoms, invite her over Hermano."
"I don't like her like that."
"Then why are you nervous about her coming to your place?" That was a good question. He didn't know why the idea of seeing you outside of work put all his internal systems on high alert, but it did. His hands were sweating at the prospect of opening the door and seeing you standing there in something other than scrubs.
"I'm not. I'm just going to tell her to come over. No need to make a big deal about it."
"Have fun Pablito." Fernando chimed in. Gavi scoffed and hung up. He called you once again.
"Where did you go?"
"Pedri called me to make sure we were going to the stadium together tomorrow. So, are you going to come here?"
"You never gave me an address. Or a yes for that matter." You laughed out. Your heart beat began to pick up. Did Gavi not want you at his place? Did he have another girl there? 'Why would he be calling you if another girl was there?' I don't know, brain, men are weird.
"Oh. Yeah. Yes. To coming over. I want you to. I'll text you the address right now." Something in your chest tightened at this statement. Your phone dinged, and you looked at the address Gavi had sent you.
"Cool. I'll be there in 20."
The drive to Gavi's place was calm. Old One Direction played over your car's aging speakers. The chilly night air came through the rolled down windows, winter finally making its first appearances in the middle of November. As you got closer to your destination, the surroundings started to look familiar.
Gavi was looking at the street from the window of his bedroom. In his La Masia shirt and black shorts, he had perched for all 18 minutes that it took you to drive over, right after he tidied the house. He didn't want you to think he was a teenage slob. If Gavi really thought about it, he would have admitted: all he wanted was for you to respect him - see him as a man. Someone put together and capable.
You parked at the bottom of his building, texting that you had arrived. He tried not to, but he ran down the whole staircase, swinging the door open before you had gotten out of the car.
"Hey. You know you live like walking distance from Martin?" You said, approaching the front door. Gavi's face soured at this news. He was never subtle about his distaste for Martin. After that night at the club, he had made it very obvious that he thought you should break up with Martin, or at least give him a stern talking to for leaving you to stumble around drunk and alone - especially since he was the one forcing drinks on you.
"Wonderful. I'll make sure to go and give him a nice neighborly gift."
"Like what? A black eye?"
"I was just thinking of pissing in his bushes but now that you mention it I really do think "bruised" is a good look on him..." He lifted his hand to his chin to look like he was thinking. You shoved him off balance, walking towards the door.
"Lets go, Gavi. I get cranky if I don't get all my beauty sleep."
He walked into the house first, holding the door open for you. You were honestly impressed: the place did not look like a teenager's house. The bottom floor was a spacious living room and dining room, with the kitchen connected by a low wall. The tan walls had vintage Barca and Spain National Team posters hung on them. There was a large TV mounted on the wall, a PS5 placed on the shelf beneath it, a pile of games stacked high. His couch was a long L shape. black leather wrapping around a black coffee table.
"You have a Barca coffee table book?" You asked, giggling slightly as you picked up the massive picture book.
"I've been with the club since I was like 11. Everything I own I have it in Barca colors."
You looked over at the stairs and the soft glow from the top of them. Something in you was dying to know what Gavi's bedroom looked like. How many hoodies he owned, what color his sheets were, how many pillows he slept on...
You shook yourself from this line of thinking. Despite the two of you getting closer and friendlier, Gavi was still technically just your coworker. You shouldn't want to know all these things about him.
"Ok where is the stone I gave you?" You put your hand out expectantly, and he dropped the black massage gua sha in it. Gavi moved to lay on the couch, mimicking what he would do in your office.
"Before you sit down, what have you been using as lubricant?"
He snapped his head at you, cheeks and the tips of his ears turning pink.
"I, I, um, lub- why do you need to know what kind of lubricant I use? That's a really personal question?"
You stared at him in confusion, wondering why he had gotten shy and stuttery at the question.
"So I can use that lubricant on you now?" He stood up, swallowing hard. He took several deep breaths before saying:
"y/n, I didn't invite you here to do anything sexual. If this is a joke that Pedri asked you to play it's-"
"Pablo you brainless bitch. I meant what have you been using as massage lubricant, because you're not supposed to scrape the stone across your dry skin."
You both stared at each other for a long moment. You had one brow raised, smirk playing on your lips. You were holding back a laugh at the thought: Gavi was thinking you wanted to know what he used to jerk off. Or sleep with someone. That second thought made you slightly nauseous. Gavi's eyes were wide, his mouth still open in shock. You had the courage to speak first.
"I see that the reason you have been feeling pain is because you have been giving yourself microabruises. Go get some oil or lotion so I can do this for you, and I expect my gas money in full tomorrow on my desk."
"Can you, uh, turn around?"
"I don't... I don't want you seeing where I got the lotion from."
"See now Pablo, if you had just gone upstairs, I would have thought it was from the cabinet or the bathroom. But since you've made it weird, you've confirmed that it's from your bedside table. Just go before you make this situation more sexually awkward."
“No but I-“
You held up one finger to your lips to silence him, then pointed in the direction of the stairs. He shuffled past you awkwardly and then took off, taking the stairs two at a time. You laughed to yourself. It was always funny seeing glimpses of innocence and youth in Gavi, especially since he was always pushing himself to act older and more mature.
Pablo was not having a good time. He ran to his bathroom to splash cold water on his now violently blushing face. He thought you would be able to see the mess of clothes in his bedroom if he opened the door. Now the conversation had shifted into an oddly sexual realm, and he didn’t know how to deal. The idea of sex didn’t usually embarrass him - it bothered him when the guys would talk about nothing else, but he thought he had finally reached a level of maturity where he could say “pussy” and not giggle. So why was he so damn shy right now? Why was he embarrassed to his core that you had mentioned him jerking off?
Pablo would describe his masturbatory habits as efficient. Once he and his teammates at La Masía turned 14, the medical staff had all sat them down for “the talk”. Obviously there was the parental stuff about safe sex and all that, but from a sports aspect he knew: sexual frustration is bad for performance. So a couple nights a week he would rub one out hoping to ensure optimal performance. Lately, however, he has lessened his “alone time” significantly. Since Ferran had shown him that picture of you, since he started daydreaming about holding your hand, the feel of your skin, he was borderline afraid to jerk off. He didn’t want to see your face. Coming to terms with the fact that he liked your company was already too overwhelming. Pablo was convinced this was a waiting game: you were just new and exciting. Eventually he would see another picture of another girl, and you would go back to “that one girl physio”, and he could jerk in peace.
He came back downstairs, sheepishly handing you a tube of lotion, and then quickly laying on the couch, hoping to avoid your line of sight.
“Lotion for Men? Gavi, you know that your skin won’t melt off it the product doesn’t say ‘for men’ right?”
“We had a media intern last year that saw a tube of strawberry chapstick in my bag, and she sent the picture to 3 or 4 gossip instagram pages, saying ‘look! Stuff for women! Gavi has a girlfriend!’ So now I only use stuff that can’t be mistaken as something for my nonexistent girlfriend.”
“What if they think you have a boyfriend instead?”
“That might be ideal actually. Then maybe I could go home without being mobbed.”
You smiled at Gavi, who was now more relaxed and far less red. His arms were crossed behind his head, legs stretched out and shorts rolled up slightly so you could access the upper parts of his thighs. You placed some lotion on his legs and began rubbing it in.
“Wow. Does the rest of the team know you offer private massage services?” He asked, resting his head and looking up at the ceiling.
“Obviously not. You think Ferran would ever leave me alone if he knew this was an option?”
Gavi laughed loudly at this. Watching you reject and diss Ferran on an almost daily basis was the highlight of training. Sometimes your responses were so creative that he would run to write them down before the end of the break. His personal favorite was when Ferran asked when you two were finally going to go on a date, and you replied with ‘After my lobotomy next week so my brain is immune to mind numbing conversation with you’.
But as he looked down at you, Pablo noticed that your face was twisted in distain. You began moving the stone around his thighs, working in sweeping downward motions. The frown lines etched hard into your skin, eyes narrowed in concentration and slight disgust.
“Does Ferran make you uncomfortable?”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“So the answer is yes he does.” Gavi’s voice was lowering with genuine concern. He and the team, the coaches, and even the rest of the physical staff only really laughed at or brushed off your daily interactions with the player. He hadn’t realized how deeply the comments were bothering you. But now it was evident as you swallowed and started working his thigh a little harder.
“I don’t want to speak ill of your friend.”
“If he’s bothering you, you should have told me. Or someone else on the team. We could have made him stop.”
“But why wasn’t me telling him I didn’t like it enough to make him stop?”
You pressed harder into Gavi now, stone running alone the muscles in his calf. You should have been using a lighter hand, but emotion you had been suppressing for months was all bubbling to the surface.
“You’re going kind of hard on my leg…”
“Why does it have to be you or Xavi or Dr. Gonzalez? Why do my words hold so little weight? So little value?”
“Okay this is painful now-“
“Why does it have to be one of you to say ‘hey, you shouldn’t make sexual remarks to someone on staff’? You think he tells anyone else their ass looks good in scrubs? Or that he’s glad their office has a door with a lock? No. It’s just me. Because I’m a girl he can talk about fucking me in broad daylight around the whole squad, and I have to shut up and keep him happy or I lose my job. It’s just so-“
“Ay fuck y/n!” Gavi yelled out, grabbing your wrist and tugging it forcefully to get you to stop your abuse on his leg. You grabbed his other thigh with your free hand, digging your fingers into the flesh. He looked you in the eyes, and finally noticed the tears starting to form.
“I know how you feel.”
"No you fucking don't, Pablo!" You yelled back, hand digging into his thigh, the other still in his grasp. This is when the first tear finally fell. I had been weighing on you for weeks - the slow realization that you were never going to respected in the way you deserved. A part of you knew that Martin was contributing to this burden as well. The arch of his brow when you talked about sports medicine terms, the mocking smile that played on his lips. The way he had adopted Ferran's disgusting little pet name of 'nurse'. You were disintegrating from the inside, and knowing that the others thought it was a joke, that Pablo thought it was a joke, was the final straw.
Gavi could do nothing but stare. His eyes softened, taking in your slumped form. It was like watching Hercules fall to his knees. Like watch the stars were falling from the sky and hitting the Earth in a fiery blaze. Watching you, who was normally so cool, so confident, so self assured, shake with silent tears was breaking something in Gavi. The way you said his name made his heart physically ache. You rarely diverted from his nickname to use his first name. 'When you did, it usually indicated a serious tone 'Pablo' meant there was something serious, something heavy. Now that heaviness was against your throat, suffocating you, and you were tired of carrying it.
Gavi stopped thinking. He acted on impulse only. He tugged the wrist that was in his hand, pulling you in. Your head met with his hard chest, and you felt one arm circle your shoulder. You remained like this for a long moment: up against Gavi, his arm pressing you into his chest, his shirt soaking up the wetness on your cheeks.
"'m sorry. I wont let him talk to you that way anymore."
You composed yourself, pushing yourself off Gavi and wiping your eyes. You looked away, embarrassed that you'd made him comfort you - that you'd broken down in front of him.
"It's okay. I can deal with Ferran."
"But you shouldn't have to."
"It's not your job to protect me, Pablo."
You finished the rest of your job in silence. Your fingers moved expertly around his skin, working out the muscle and pressing into his flesh, a soft gasp or hiss from Gavi being the only sound to fill the room. Your anger was irrational, but you couldn't quell it. You had gotten this far in life without the protection or defense of anyone, and you weren't prepared to be coddled now. You finished quickly, wiping your hands on your pant legs and moving to grab your bag.
"I'm going to go now. Get some sleep for tomorrow's match against Betis. Good night." You tried to walk past Gavi without looking up, but he blocked your path.
"You're in my way."
"You're not leaving while you're upset."
"You want me to stop being upset? Stop pretending you give a shit about my feelings. You want to look like a man? Telling off Ferran so people think you're a good person?" You shoved past Gavi once again, and once again he moved in front of you, blocking the door completely.
"Just because you're older than me doesn't mean I'll let you disrespect me in my own house. I'm not pretending to give a shit. I do give about your comfort and your feelings because last I check, we're friends. I've been waiting to break Ferran's shins for weeks, I've just been waiting for you to say so."
"You think it would make me feel better for you to hurt a teammate? Could you be any more juvenile?"
Gavi took a step towards you, arms crossed over his chest, breathing more heavy. He looked you straight in the eye, not allowing you to break from the gaze.
"You can yell at me all you want. You can be angry at the fact that I care about you. You can punch me," he hit on his chest, "right here if you want to. But I am not a child. Don't refer to me as one. So you can go an be upset and pretend that everything I do is selfish, but you know deep down that no matter how much you push me away, I'm looking out for your best interest." He opened the door and stepped aside.
"Drive safely, doctora."
You walked to your car, turning to gaze at Gavi, who leaned against the door frame, watching you intently. You were the most confusing person he had ever met. You were stubborn and easily irritated. You refused to accept help. You were fucking frustrating. But as he watched you walk to your car, something warm filled his body. He didn't want you to leave. He wanted to rush after you, pull you into his chest again, and take you upstairs. He wanted you to see the mess in his bedroom. He wanted you to lay on the couch. And the drive didn't feel like you were going home. It felt like you had left something important behind.
The next morning you were up before your alarm. You couldn't find sleep or peace. Your words to Gavi had eaten you alive all through the night. You knew you had been too harsh, projected too far onto him, but you hadn't been thinking straight. It hurt differently to think that he was laughing at your expense. The guilt followed you around all morning as you prepared yourself for the match. You slicked back your hair, pulling it away from your face, and dressed in the slacks and pullover that all the field medics were regulated to wear. But as you sipped your lukewarm coffee, the guilt still sat in your stomach, swirling and festering and making you nauseous. So you swallowed your pride with your last sip of coffee and pressed the call button.
"Uh, hello? Am I late?" Gavi's voice asked, raspy and dripping with the remnants of sleep. He sounded like a child who was woken up for school.
"Oh no, you're not late. I'm up early... couldn't sleep."
"Why not?" Gavi was now fully awake after processing that you had called him. His heartrate elevated slowly, the sound of your voice helping the tiredness slip away from his very being.
"I... I feel guilty about yesterday. I shouldn't have taken out all my anger on you and your thigh tissue. I really appreciate you looking out for me. I guess I just wanted to say I'm sorry."
Gavi was leaning against his sink, swaying back and forth and smiling stupidly. You were thinking about him. You appreciated him. It made him swell with pride. He listened intently to the rest of your apology, hypnotized by the sound of your voice.
"There's no need to apologize doctora. I understand that you were upset."
"But I still feel bad. I was.. pretty mean to you yesterday. I want to make sure that you're not still upset with me."
Gavi looked into the mirror, smiling and dancing at your response.
"If you really want to make it up to me, I would like to cash in my favor."
You were in the process of grabbing your keys when you paused, eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
"Favor? I don't remember owing you any favors."
"La doctora, you don't remember? Let me refresh your memory. You go home drunk and don't set an alarm. I come up with a wonderful and convincing excuse for Dr. G so that you don't get in trouble. You owe me, and I quote, anything I want. Ring any bells?"
You scrunched your face and groaned in distain. You remembered rather vividly now the promise you had made.
"Alright Gavi, hit me with it. I can take it. How am I repaying you saving my job?" You heard a low chuckle from the other side of the line.
"You'll be driving me home from the stadium starting today until we break for Christmas."
"You'll be driving me home. Pedri is working with Adidas for several campaigns over the next month, and it'll be a pain getting home after practice. Since you know the way now, you can get there easily. And hey, you can even visit Martin afterwards."
You started your car, thinking about the ask. It was on your way home anyways to drive by Gavi's neighborhood. And it would probably make you both even after your missteps.
"Fine. We will discuss further in the stadium when I see you. Go go, prep for the match. I want us to win today."
"We are going to win for sure. Give us a harder goal."
"Don't be arrogant Gavi. See you at noon."
Matchday at the camp was always extremely hectic, but especially for the medical staff. Meetings started at 9am despite the game not beginning until 3pm. All the equipment had to be approved by La Liga through inspection. Your wardrobe was inspected as well, and once again you were told off for not removing your rings. You pulled them off your fingers begrudgingly, hearing once again the lecture about rings tearing gloves. You were already over the match by the time the players started to arrive.
You made your way to the locker room to do some checks on players with pre-listed discomforts, making suggestions to prevent injury during the game. You were greeted warmly by the players as you pulled out your clipboard and pen. You made your way around, telling certain players to wear compression socks, and instructing others to stretch in certain ways. You made your way over to Pedri and Gavi, pulling out your notes.
"Pedri, how is that right thigh?"
"Amazing, y/n. I've been using resistance bands nightly like you instructed. I feel as flexible as playdoh."
"Always great to hear. Also congrats about the expanded Adidas contract." Pedri lifted his shirt over his head and looked at you somewhat confused.
"Ah thank you but... which contract specifically?"
Gavi's eyes were wide in panic. He had forgotten to fill in Pedri about his little white lie. It was true that Pedri had some filming with Adidas, but it would take about 3 days max. There was no reason that Gavi could pinpoint that would make him lie to get you to drive him home for 4 weeks. But he did it anyways, and now he needed to make sure it didn't collapse because of a lapse in communication.
"Gavi told me you'd be filming with Adidas, so I'll be driving him home until the Christmas break."
Pedri shot a look to the younger boy, one eyebrow arched, and found the expression of desperation on his face. The smile crept onto Pedri's face, proud of his friend for finally making some sort of move with you, even if he was yet to admit it was made because of the crush he was harboring.
"Oh that's right! They have us filming a lot of content at night to show off the color of these new boots, so it's really helpful that you'll be taking little Gavi home."
The sigh of relief was almost a little too loud. Gavi would fill Pedri in later, but for now, he was glad that he hadn't been caught in the lie.
"Anytime. Now onto little Gavi himself - how is the thigh tension?" You worked on Gavi, evaluating his physical form.
"I didn't know the nurse was making house visits today!"
Your jaw clenched and eye twitched at the sound of Ferran's voice. You took a deep breath, calming your nerves, and continued to check for signs of bruising and distress, crouched close to the ground to inspect Gavi's thighs.
"Wow Pablito, got her on her knees for you? You'll have to tell me the secret."
"Ferran, you couldn't get a dog to love you if you were covered in bacon. Be quiet and get changed so you can sit on the bench for 90 minutes."
You looked up at Gavi, shocked at his response. You squeezed his thigh, causing him to meet your concerned gaze.
"Gavi, tell me to shut up again and you'll be preparing for a prolonged hospital stay."
"I'd like to see you fucking try, Torres." Gavi moved from his place, approaching Ferran, before a hand from Pedri gripped his shoulder. One of the assistant coaches noticed the argument and rushed over, eager to prevent his players from killing each other.
"What the hell is going on?"
Ferran looked at Gavi with disgust, and then turned his eyes to rest on your chest.
"I think y/n is creating an uncomfortable environment in the locker room. I'd prefer if she wasn't here." He said, smirk playing on his lips. Your face paled, the colors draining and nausea bubbling. The last thing you needed was a complaint from a player.
"She wasn't doing anything except looking at my leg. She didn't even speak." Gavi responded, voice high and a touch too loud to be respectful.
"y/n, it may be better if you leave for field inspection. Send in Antonio to continue current problem rounds."
You nodded and walked out of the locker room, feeling utterly embarrassed. All you ever wanted was to make a good impression and be respected, and it seemed that no one paid your wellbeing any mind. You bit back your feelings and went to find Antonio. Gavi was not as merciful.
"What mental deficiencies do you suffer from that would make you say that? What if she loses her job?"
"She won't lose her job. She'll get a warning because of player complaints, and then she'll come to me and do whatever I ask to get the complaint removed. Just want to watch her bend over that desk just once before they realize she's incompetent."
"Say nasty shit about y/n in front of me again and I'll kick your fucking teeth in."
Ferran wanted to laugh, but the sound died in his throat when he saw the look in Gavi's eyes. His eyes were angry, cold-blooded, and murderous.
"You wouldn't dare." He retorted, trying to regain some confidence by calling the bluff.
"We play football for a living. I can make it look like a fucking accident." With that, Gavi left the locker room, ready to be away from Ferran and his punchable face.
Normally, you loved being on the sidelines for matches. You got to watch all the action as it occurred, and you got hands-on experience with the Barca players and the visiting teams (maybe it was bad, but you prayed Joao would need medical attention when Atletico was at Camp Nou). You got to enjoy every aspect of your job, and feel like you had come a significant way in your journey. Normally. Today, you wish you were at home or in your office or anywhere but the sidelines. Word had gotten back to both the coaching staff and the rest of the team about the little disagreement in the locker room, and now all eyes were on you. Xavi gave you the normal courtesy head nod, but gave you specific instructions to stay away from the bench and the players. It was a mortifying experience, and you prayed this game would end quickly and painlessly.
Your wish was granted in the first half. The team was playing cohesively and relatively safely, with a couple fouls here and there but no injuries requiring any attention. Lewandowsky scored a goal in the 34th minute, putting the team in the lead 1-0 at the half (during which, you were asked not to be in the locker room or the tunnel). This only made you feel worse. Player complaint were the kiss of death for any aspiring professionals in sports. You get into a disagreement with a player? You're gone. Why? Because there are thousands of physios and photographers and water boys, but only onw left forward worth 48 million Euros.
In the second half, however, you did not get your wish. Areal collisions came one after the other, requiring you to rapidly check players for any sort of head trauma. In the 67th minute, Gavi assisted Pedri with an amazing goal from deep in the box. You jumped when you saw the ball hit the back of the net. Pedri did his signature goal celebrations, and after he pulled away, your eyes locked with Gavi. He raised his eyebrows at you and you returned the gesture, and then he resumed the aggressive attacking. At minute 70, you were contemplating packing your things. The intensity of the match had died down significantly. Barca were passively looking for a third goal, and were not as prone to injury. This all changed in minute 72, when the midfielder decided he hated Gavi. Dribbling with the ball, Gavi was trying to turn to give him more options to pass or dribble, but he was surrounded by three people. As he tried to break free, the Betis player's knee collided with Gavi's groin. Hard.
The sound of the collision and then the fall to the ground sounded like it was heard in the entirety of the stadium. Your jaw went slack and eyes went wide. Gavi was on the floor, unmoving. You didn't even think, using enough brain power to grab the medical bag at your side, and then sprinted across the field to Gavi. There was a crowd of players surrounding him now, creating a tight ring of people. You approached the group, placing your hands on the nearest person, and then shoving.
You finally go the bodies to disperse, and laying there was Gavi, tears in his eyes and whimpering from pain. He had one arm slung over his face, and the other gripped his shirt in immense pain. When he saw you approach, he looked at you with pleading eyes, begging for anything that would stop the throbbing pain he was experiencing.
"Gavi, where did you get kneed exactly? Where is the most intense pain?" You asked, kneeling to the ground and pulling on your gloved.
"My... my dick. I got kneed in the dick and it feels like hell." He replied. He was in too much pain to be shy. His dick fucking hurt, and he wanted anything to soothe the pain as quickly as possible.
"Gavi, I'm going to touch you now, okay?" You asked, hand hovering over the area. He nodded, not fully processing what you were saying or what was happening. You placed your hand over his dick and his eyes shot open. You began to massage the area slightly, moving your hand around, trying to prevent receptors of pain from activating and working to increase blood flow to the area.
And increase blood flow you did. Gavi felt the blood begin to pool in his shorts, and now that the pain was subsiding the embarrassment was returning, he took in what was actually happening. You had one hand on his cock and balls, moving them around slowly, and one on his hip, making sure the area wasn't sensitive. You looked up at Gavi, who was still in somewhat intense pain.
"Here, give me your hand." You placed your hand atop his, guiding it to his injury.
"Keep moving your hand around where you got kneed, and we'll get you on the bench. I would give you ice but I don't think that's idea here. Can you walk alone?" Gavi nodded, and you and the medical staff cleared the field. Gavi walked to the bench himself, earning cheers and love from all the fans in the stadium. He sat on the bench, continuing to massage his bruised genitals, and trying to make his blush subside by the end of the match.
After a stunning 3-0 win, you were ready to go to bed and never wake up again. Your whole body ached, and you had gotten dizzy from the sun exposure mixed with the biting chill of late November. You were barely able to drag your body to the players area - which you still could not enter. You received an email on your phone saying that Dr. Gonzalez would speak to you personally regarding the player complaint. Just as you were ready to burst into tears, Gavi emerged from the locker room, Pedri trailing close behind.
"Enjoy the game today?" Pedri asked, pulling you out of your trance.
"Loved it. I just wish Gavi could stop running into people so I could have a better viewing experience."
Gavi took this as an opportunity to enter the discussion, groaning on about how the other teams bullied him and were extra tough on him as the three of you walked to the garage.
"See you tomorrow, Pedri." You waved, unlocking your car and climbing into the driver's seat. He waived at you, and approached Gavi to hug him goodbye. As he pulled the younger boy in he whispered in his ear.
"I don't know how you thought of this little lie, but now you're going to be alone with her every day for four weeks. Ready to admit that you like her?" Gavi let out a fake laugh, playfully slapping Pedri on the shoulder.
"I don't like her like that. I just want to relieve some burden off of you, Hermano."
"Mhm yeah I'm sure. Just try not to get hard watching her drive on your first ride home. Wait until day 4 or 5." With that, Pedri walked to his own car, getting ready to call Fernando and update him about the circus that was Pablo's love life, and enjoying only being mobbed by 1/2 the normal amount of fans.
Gavi walked to your car quickly, climbing in and tossing his bag in the back. He tried not to think about Pedri's words. He was perfectly capable of sitting next to you, his friend, without being aroused just because you were a girl. At least he hoped he was. He was not hunched over and thinking deeply. Why did he decide that this was the best way for you to repay him? It's not like Pedri had ever complained about chauffeuring him around. And it's not like he didn't enjoy rides home with Pedri, listening to Quevedo and making idle conversation. But lately he just wanted to be around you - make sure you were okay.
The ring of your phone broke Gavi's train of thought. You answered on your car's speaker.
"Hola Martin. How are you doing?"
The sound of Martin's voice twisted Gavi's intestines, making him nauseous and fatigued. He hated the sound of his voice, the thought of his face, the words that he strung together and decided to say to you.
"Hola sexy. How are you doing this evening?"
You rolled your eyes. You knew exactly why Martin had chosen to call at this time. You had texted him earlier in the day, asking if he would be home that evening so you could drop by. This had led to a brief inquisition, with Martin wondering why you wanted to see him suddenly, and why you would be in his neighborhood. Once he found out it was because you would be in a car with Gavi alone, something in his behavior switched. He suddenly wanted to be a doting boyfriend who called and checked up on you.
"I'm doing well. You're on speaker in the car. I'm driving Gavi home right now."
"Are you still coming over afterwards? I've missed you so bad." Martin whined out that last part in such an animated way that it made you want to laugh. You knew what he was doing. He wanted to assert his dominance over Gavi, and make it think that you were going to swiftly go get railed by Martin right after you delivered Gavi at his doorstep. the truth was, despite dating Martin for several months now, you two had yet to go all the way. There had of course been kissing and some heavy petting, but no articles of clothing had never his the floor.
"I'll see how I'm feeling after Gavi leaves and call you then. Bye Martin." You said quickly, hanging up the call once you took a quick look at the disgusted look Gavi had plastered on.
"I'd mock you if I didn't think I would throw up." He said, trying to be lighthearted but failing. You didn't reply, feeling slightly embarrassed that he had to listen to your boyfriend's weak attempts to prove his manliness.
"No it's okay, go ahead and mock my boyfriend who moans on the phone when other people can hear." Your laugh was also stiff and forced. The call had made the air thicker and the mood more tense. You handed Gavi the phone, instructing him to play some music so that you weren't sat in the awkward silence that Martin seemed to always create between the two of you.
"This is a lot of pressure now on me. I'm never on AUX." He says, scrolling through his music. He pressed the song, and the sound poured from the speakers.
"Enrique Iglesias? Isn't he before your time?" You asked, smiling from ear to ear. You loved Cuando Me Enamoro, and the familiarity helped release the tension from your shoulders. As the song played, you started softly singing along. You opened the cover of the moon roof, allowing more of the street light to enter the car.
Gavi turned to look at you, examining your features. Your eyes were soft, focused on the road ahead of you. Your fingers drummed against the steering wheel to the beat. You had one leg up as you drove, leaning into the door slightly. Your lips moved along with the lyrics, singing contently. Gavi could not move his eyes from the sight. Your lips forming every letter were drawing in his focus, hypnotizing him. He never wanted to look away from the soft pink flesh. His thoughts began escaping his control. He wanted to hear you sing louder. He wanted to hear you speak, watching those lips talk about anything your heart held a passion for. He wondered what they would feel like against the pads of his fingers. He imagined what it would be like to kiss them - softly at first, just to feel their warmth and softness. Then harder, to interlock with his own, to bite them, pull them, have them stretched around him, make them cry out his name.
He snapped up, giving himself whiplash. Gavi had not noticed that he had rested himself on the center console, leaning against his palm and daydreaming so deeply it drowned out the sound of your voice calling his name.
"Sorry to disturb your deep pondering, but we're here." He looked up at you, vision still rose tinted from the deep dive he had conducted on your lips. His mouth hung open, wanting to say something, but the words would not form in his head. He wanted to touch you. He wanted you to be closer. But he couldn't say it. So instead he extended his hand for a fist bump, coupled with a quick mutter of 'goodnight'. He grabbed his bag, quickly closing the door and digging for his keys.
He looked back at you. Your eyes locked for a moment. His hazel eyes conveyed an emotion that you couldn't understand. You didn't want to look away from him.
"I'll see you tomorrow, right?" There was a plead in the question that didn't escape either of you. It was a request. You wanted to see him. His eyes softened, crinkling at the sides as a smile spread across his space.
"Of course, doctora. Drive safe, and let me know when you get home."
Your eyes remained locked until Gavi shut his front door. He leaned against it breathing deeply, as you leaned your head against your steering wheel. You both felt a deep longing for the other, the feeling of "I miss you" sinking in as soon as the door clicked. But he got off the door, and you turned your engine back on, and you both ignored the feeling that something was missing.
Gavi was proud of himself. He was only half hard after leaving the car, despite the most sinful and inappropriate thoughts about your lips festering in his mind. He tried to eat, but he had no appetite. All he wanted to do was call you, text you, read your old messages. He threw his phone on his bed. He didn't understand why you now took up so much of his headspace and thought. He went to shower for the third time that day, hoping to relieve the tension permanently etched into his limbs.
You knocked on Martin's door for a third time. You had called him from Gavi's to let him know you were coming. He answered the phone out of breath and rushed, telling you to just come over, and hanging up quickly. It was night and day from the concerned lover that had called earlier. On the drive over you rationalized his behavior. Did you really have time for a boyfriend that wanted to talk to you often and be with you and have sex and sleepovers? No. You were busy and focused on advancing your career. So maybe Martin and his distance and indifference was actually perfect.
He finally opened the door after three rounds of knocking and two phone calls.
"You're here sooner than I expected." He said, cheeks slightly pink and breathing fast.
"Yeah Gavi lives really close by. Can I come in?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at his form, which blocked the entryway entirely.
"Uh," he looked over his shoulder before responding, "yeah sure. Come in." You entered his house, removing your shoes at the door. Martin had called you "backwards" the first time you did this at his house. As a person in medicine, you couldn't comprehend tracking the entire bacteria ecosystem onto the floor of his house, but it was one of those things you just agreed to disagree on.
"Making sure the other girlfriend left before letting me in?" You laughed, and he spun around quickly, grabbing you by the shoulders and leaning down to look at you.
"I know you make a lot of jokes, but this can't be one of them," he said, his tone somber and serious. "Don't ever joke about me being a cheater. It's not who I am and I am a better person than that." You were shocked by his sudden change in mood, putting your hands up in surrender and apologizing.
Gavi laid awake in bed, legs tangled in the sheets, moving from one side to the other, unable to find a single moment of rest. He checked the phone on his nightstand every couple of minutes, waiting to see your name light up the screen. Why weren't you home? It had been over an hour since you had left his house. Martin was definitely not interesting enough to keep you at his place for so long, especially after a match day. The longer he thought about it, the more the sweat pooled on his brow and the dread seeped into him. Maybe you two were having sex. Maybe you would be spending the night at his house, and Gavi would never get the "I'm home" text. He tried to calm himself, but everything irritated him. Why did you have to leave him to go to your stupid boyfriend's house? Why did he want you to tell Martin to fuck off and lay on the couch with him? Why did he want to know so badly if you two were having sex?
As with most news he got about your relationship, he heard the tip from Ansu who obviously heard it from Ferran: after three months together, you and Martin had still not had sex. After the initial 'why the hell are you guys talking about this', Gavi started to listen to Ansu's gossip as he packed his things after practice. He heard about Martin's complaints.
"Apparently, he told Ferran that she will kiss him and touch him and make him hard, then she will pull away and go home. He said first it was like exciting - ya know, being teased, playing hard to get. But now he's kind of getting impatient ya know. Ferran told him to get another girl."
"To break up with y/n?" Gavi asked a little more enthusiastically than he intended. Pedri looked up from his phone and raised an eyebrow at Gavi, but refrained from making a comment. He wanted to go home, and he knew the longer this conversation continued, the longer it would be till he could sit in front of his TV and play FIFA.
"No not to break up with her. Ferran was like 'oh you know she's wife material like she is good in front of cameras and will look nice for your Wikipedia page. But if you want to have sex just go to a girl in a club and sleep with her and then do the couple shit with y/n when you feel like it. You already set her expectations low."
Pedri swears to this day he saw the smoke rise from Gavi's ears at the suggestion that Martin cheat on you. In football and in life, Gavi hated cheats. He wanted to tell you, but was advised against it.
"Unless we hear that he is actually cheating on her, there's no need to hurt her feelings or add stress to her life."
So now he sat in bed, frustrated in more than one way, as he thought about you and Martin having sex. He closed his eyes, hoping to conjure up a new mental image, but all he saw was you. You were in the same sweatshirt and leggings that you had come over in the other day. Martin was nowhere to be seen. You were in the living room, laying on the soft leather of the couch, beckoning Gavi over.
He felt the blood begin to pool and his cock start to harden. He threw one arm over his eyes, groaning loudly. It had become a common occurrence for him to get horny when thinking about you, but usually he could will the image away by reminding himself that you two were friends and would not be anything more. Usually. Today it wasn't working. The image of you on his couch, licking your lips and calling him over refused to disappear. The tighter he closed his eyes the stronger it got.
He moved his hand to palm his aching erection through the fabric of the boxers he had worn to sleep. The you in his head was standing now, playing with the hem of your sweatshirt. The sight of skin (imaginary as it was), encouraged him further, and set his very skin ablaze. He pushed down his boxers, stroking himself slowly now. In his head now, you had slowly stripped away your sweatshirt, leaving you in a bra and tight leggings that cupped your ass in the most sensual ways. He was panting now, breathing heavily, switching between stroking his cock and playing with the head. In his mind you stripped off your leggings, leaving you in just your bra and panties for him to stare at, taking in the sight of your body. Beads of precum formed at the head, which he spread around, teasing his most sensitive nerves. He knew once he came you would disappear, and he didn't want to be without you.
The real you was in a similar position: seductive and shirtless. You were currently under Martin, shirt having been discarded somewhere in the living room as he pressed you into the couch. He broke from you to pull off his shirt, then captured your lips once again. You move fervently to match his pace. He kneaded your breasts between his hands. Rough. Everything Martin did was fast and rough. And you tried to keep up, but the only sounds leaving you were heavy breaths from exertion, not arousal.
The scene in Gavi's head switched perspectives. He was now on the couch, legs spread open, inviting you in. You walked towards him slowly, and he drank in the sight of you. You crawled onto his lap, straddling him, and rested your forehead against his. Your eyes, your lips, your breasts - the image of all three sent shock waves through his body and straight to his cock. He gripped it now. He wanted to turn to his nightstand, grab something to lubricate with and stroke in earnest, but he was afraid he would lose the vision of you.
In Martin's house, the real you was searching for an escape. Martin was kissing your neck, grinding into you like a dog in heat. After a few minutes he noticed that you had gone silent, even your breathing relaxing now. He came up to look at you. What kind of girl didn't get turned on from activities like this? He decided to switch positions so that you were laying on top of him, and he dug his fingers into your hips and ass pressing your clothed core against him. He was unmistakably hard, but you felt nothing. There was no pool in your panties or heat in your loins. You were kissing him hard but felt, well, indifferent. Like you might rather be doing laundry.
In Gavi's head, you were a puddle. He had captured your lips between his own, kissing you deeply as you rocked against him, the kiss only breaking when he hit your sweet spot, causing you to moan out. He let his hands roam your bare skin, and he could almost feel the warmth. Fingers resting on your waist, he moved with you, rutting against each other and chasing your release. He looked down at the two of you, watching the wet spot on your panties grow as you ground your clit into his hard-on. He moved to your neck, kissing and suckling until little marks bloomed on the skin. You whimpered out, and now Gavi wanted to do everything in his power to make you moan in earnest. You were looking at him with those gorgeous eyes, begging, pleading, imploring Gavi to do more. And he wanted to do so much more.
The action ended for the real you rather quickly. Martin was pushing you against him, bruising your pelvic bone as he chased his own orgasm, almost forgetting that you weren't a sex doll. You decided to help finish him off quickly and go back to your place. Maybe you would still have time for that laundry. You placed your hands on either side of his head, his face basically buried in your breasts, and you started to grind into him earnestly, rocking your hips in a way that you knew drive men crazy. Within 45 seconds he was cumming in his pants, moaning loudly, and pressing into you so hard you were worried it would leave marks. You gave him a quick kiss and tugged your shirt back on. You both exchanged words about seeing each other soon, and you walked out of his house to your car alone and unsatisfied.
Gavi was almost in pain. His cock was angry and throbbing, begging for him to stroke himself in earnest. But he couldn't do it dry, and he would rather remove his cock entirely than lose this dream of you. You were now in front of him, on your knees, touching his upper thighs. He felt the ghostly sensation on his skin as he remembered every time you pressed your fingers into the muscular flesh in your office (or on his couch). You pulled down his boxers, and his cock sprung free. You leaned over and let your tongue hang from your mouth, your drool flowing on to his cock. Gavi brought his hand up and spit in his palm, pretending it was you. He brought it back down and began stroking, long fluid motions from base to tip. You were also stroking him, looking up at him with those big innocent "fuck me" eyes, and he couldn't stop himself from moaning out.
He wanted you. He wanted you to be on your knees for him, on his lap, under him in bed. He wanted you. He had never been harder in his life. And then he got to those lips. Those pink perfect lips that spoke to him so gently, teased him, called out his name - in his mind he watched them stretch over his cock. His self restraint snapped. He brought his hand up again, spitting into his palm multiple times, and beginning to stroke his cock rapidly. He wished it was you. He wished it was your smaller hand wrapped around him, so he could guide you to stroke it in just the way he liked. He was playing with the head of his cock now, imagining your lips sinking deeper and deeper over him, looking up at him with tears in your pretty eyes.
There was no more pretending and no more care. The sheets were thrown off, the room filled with heavy breaths, groans, and the squelching sound of Gavi pumping his cock. His dream you had pulled of and was now leaving gently kisses on his cock, licking the head shyly. Your lips were red and swollen, a product of his passionate kisses and his member. Gavi was almost there. He squeezed his eyes shut as hard as he could, trying to see you, imagine you more clearly. You were alternating licking at his slit and sucking on his head. He was gone. Moans of your name mixed with "please" filled his room. He wished you were there. He wanted to feel your skin, the smooth warmth under his finger tips. He wanted to hear your voice, soft and silky and telling him how good he was going. He was so, so close. He had never edged himself this much in his life, but he wanted to keep watching you.
The dream you pulled off of the head of Gavi's cock, placing a kiss on it, before crawling back up his body. He tried to capture your lips in yet another kiss, but he couldn't. He felt you drape yourself over his thigh, grinding into the muscle there as you pumped his cock for him. He fisted his own cock at a bruising pace. He would deal with the consequences afterwards. Now he was ready to cum to you, for you. You leaned into his ear, still riding his thigh, one hand wrapped around him, and you moaned out,
His orgasm washed over him in a tidal wave, knocking the air out of him. He moaned your name out loudly, filling the whole house with his sounds of pleasure. Cum landed on his chest, and he continued to pump himself through the orgasm, thinking of you and riding out his high. When it was over, he calmed himself and worked to slow his breathing. His eyes were still screwed shut, but you weren't there anymore. He was alone and covered in his own load, and he was still thinking about you.
Once he had composed himself (and his legs were stable enough for him to walk, he went to the bathroom and cleaned himself, donning a new pair of boxers to actually sleep in. Once he returned to his bed, he saw his phone light up.
[Doctora]: I just got home. Have a good night Pablo
His chest got tight again as he laid in bed, staring at your words to him. You hadn't forgotten. He set his alarm and laid down, the exhaustion from his orgasm settling in now and making his eyelids heavy. When he closed his eyes, he saw you again. This time you were fully clothes - in one of his hoodies and a pair of his sweats. You were in bed next to him, arm stretched out, beckoning him to come closer to you. Gavi hugged one of his pillows close to his chest, imagining it was you sleeping in his arms, and drifted off.
[Gavi]: Have a good night, doctora. Dream of me
A/N: not proofread because I don't feel like it. I hope you al enjoy this part! I think this is the last part of 'exposition'/ setting up their dynamic, so relationship building will start in the next chapter, so I hope you all stick with me for the rest of the story! I love hearing all your reactions in the comments, so please don't be shy to comment! Or if you're a little shy, feel free to send me an anon ask!
Also please comment if you want to be added to the taglist ok bye
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saintescuderia · 3 months
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welcome to the mini series of the random, mindless thoughts had by a poet disguised in an orange jumpsuit watching cars speed by all weekend. enjoy!
--- note: 5am starts, 7pm finishes. all four days. gotta love formula 1!
thursday: media day!
i want the ferrari jacket
there are school kids here?
i don’t want the ferrari jacket
$7 for a small can of red bull is THEFT
especially since they broke the cost cap
me walking through the “accredited personnel” gate and tapping my special lanyard is a CORE memory
i think my uber driver dropped me off on the opposite side of the track
*stressing about being unable to admire the sights of albert park bc i’m stress-running from the opposite end of the track to my station*
pls don’t be a dick and say i’m late - i know
how is a 5am wake up not early enough HOW?
“last year i was stationed at the corner where charles spun out.”
sole thought = 💀💀💀💀
i. fucking. love. cars.
the whole SENSORY experience of a race ffffffffffffuuuuuck
“be careful taking pictures because that security camera is on us and is straight to race control and the FIA.” is such a cool sentence to hear
a porsche gtr should not be covered with branding idc
i’m definitely going to abuse caffeine this weekend
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friday: FP1 / FP2
the sun is rising over the lake as i walk on the albert park track and i’m happy to be alive
especially as i found a toilet that isn’t a port-a-loo
ah, a cafe that does good decent coffee thank GOD
am i going to pay $10 for a croissant?
i'm going to pay $10 for a croissant.
i lived in paris but this one fresh lune choc croissant has topped it all
no like there will never be another croissant experience to beat me eating a fresh pain au chocolat on a f1 circuit as the sun rises over the water with the melbourne skyline in the background
aramco engineers are walking behind me as i shit talk about f1, nice
“it is an increasingly unique experience peeing in a port-a-loo beside a formula one track as cars race by.”
120’000 is a LOT of people
how has the float not broken yet?
metro boomin has released an album as i stand before live formula one. life has PEAKED
fernando alonso is the first F1 driver i ever saw live
there is a shift in formula one as the heritage fans of motor racing are on the out as the next generation of fans absorbed in driver hype and social media takes over and we see this in how F1 has created the new US tracks and made them all into spectacles and fans are here because of it being “cool” instead of caring about cars
… maybe i should buy the redbull jacket instead?
bonus: sole thought during the pitlane walk for the marshals
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saturday: FP3 / qualifying
the relief of thinking you’re late and then seeing someone you know HA
commentators are now contractually obligated to bring up saudi arabia every time they talk about ollie bearman
jesus they’re as bad as the f1 girlies
i have to watch the grand prix replay after all of this i have no idea what’s actually going on
kimi spinning out has me actively wanting to cry
a safety car FROM THE PIT EXIT
welcome to F2 everyone 👏👏👏
not me lying to the cute irish guy hitting on me about @saintescuderia
a big fat ha at the eshays holding their puffer jackets - even they can’t stand the heat
don’t flex on me that you’re here at F1 when you don’t even know what’s going on yourself bruhhhh
to the red bull fan telling me i’m “dramatic” for rolling under the fence (it’s how marshals have to do it) pls get help
$7 for a calispo is a JOKE
recording F1 quali isn’t even worth it bc they're TOO FAST
i’m very lucky for my team of marshals :))))))))))
i’m only going to eat half my muffin
*finishes the whole thing*
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sunday: race!
do i ask for a photo?
*every photo of charles leclerc being abused flashes through my mind*
nah leave him be
five minutes later: i regret not asking him
the group of aussies dressed as lance stroll drunk at 9am have my heart and my respect
i need a coffee
seeing kimi walk right by me has now made so much invested for f2
i really need a coffee
yep they screwed kimi with all those safety cars
i really, really need a coffee
we get to go ON TRACK? for the DRIVERS PARADE
*starts practicing “get well soon” in spanish*
my heart is BEATING
lol jokes carlos didn’t even look at us
*checks footage to see that i accidentally just recorded guanyu zhou next to carlos the whole time :))))*
lol are they putting lewis and charles together all the time?
every marshal: “that was the shittest parade ever.”
i need a drink
pls don’t talk to me for the next two hours
don't meet your heroes kids
but also why the fuck did they do the float in one big car? and do INTERVIEWS? this is legit the one time the drivers can be there JUST for the FANS
race start = okay it's happening
nevermind i love him
"race control has asked that you calm down, marshals are supposed to be neutral."
lol at the entirety of albert cheering that max is slowly coming to a DNF
mclaren swapping oscar for lando is DISGUSTING fuck zak brown
somehow, i've forgotten that charles is just there
(this is all because i told you que te mejores pronto!)
daniel ricciardo....man..... aus gp can't market you like this.......
damn yuki got HANDS
ferrari and mclaren having the top 4 places is just *chefs kiss*
lewis just had to stall just pass my sector like i hope ur okay but couldn't u not be ok in front of me?
red bull deserves this after all the FLACK i've copped from red bulls fans ("dramatic" MY ASS)
wait george russell ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
singapore all over again. i can already see the memes.
somehow marshalling a gp has you closer and more removed from the whole thing i have no idea what's going on
(literally the only time i used my F1TV live timing)
finishing after the safety car means i can't stick my head out and clap for carlos FUCK OFF
wait, he came up right UP TO MY SIDE OF THE TRACK TO WAVE
... do you think he noticed me?
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