#1000 years later she’s still hurting…
squarecloud73 · 1 year
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Once upon a time
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sleepybugeyes · 3 months
I read through all of Elias/Jonah's dialogue (as you do) plus some relistening and mentions of him, so here's a big list of some fun things and behaviors I noted!
I thought he made a lot of eye puns/jokes, but he only does it once in mag161, however he does enjoy making jokes. "Creativity never was their forte." from mag80, "You want my account? My sworn testimony? My statement?" from 82, "If you die, I’m afraid you probably won’t be able to claim your expenses." in 116 and "I only have two eyes, after all." in 120. no one ever laughs at his jokes only he finds them amusing
His last words telling Jon a sarcastic or mocking "good luck" are mirrored earlier as he also tells Basira good luck the last time he sees her, and Martin, as he's getting arrested
He loves gloating. "I forget how new you all are to this." from mag92, "Coffee is not as good for disguising tastes as you might think." in 98, "She’s hoping that even if I see it coming she’ll still be able to overpower me. She’s wrong, of course," in 102, "A masterpiece, isn’t it?" abt his panopticon in 158 and of course his whole monologue in 160
He does his budgeting on tuesdays and his scheduling on wednesdays
He also likes getting lost in work
in mag40 he makes up proper incompetency (said he didnt know how the fire system works, while he later admits he was actively waiting) just that once, but more so he acts like he doesnt get the full picture (doesnt know whats in the tunnels, whats strange about the institute) or acts too late and apologises (not stepping into jon's stalking behaviour). Which makes me think he is quite fine letting people think less of him but unless he has something to hide hes not actively looking to give the impression
in mag92 elias slides the papers for basira across his desk, but you don't hear him take them out before, meaning he prepared and got ready for this before he called the police
in general he's a very preparing man, Lukas steps in when Elias is arrested so has has control over who'd run it. in mag118 he says he prepared something to hurt martin (my speculation is that he likely has some trauma that could hurt you prepared for any person that could cross him, just in case he needs it). When he gets arrested he has something prepared so he doesnt get killed and ofc s1-4 is preparing Jon for his grand ritual
Elias admits the idea for his ritual kinda fell into place after Getrude didnt do anything about the people's church in march 2015. He shot Getrude and appointed Jon shortly after so "when you came to me already marked by the Web, I knew it had to be you." is pure dramatics as Jon was hired 4 years prior
also he got his ritual in 2018 so he managed to acomplish his life's goal in only 3 years, love his grindset 🔥
We never get a number for how many people Elias has killed in his ritual, the real life millbank has held over 1000 people at once, but id imagine his one panopticon held less than a whole complex
its really interesting to me in mag92 that hes SO sure they all know he's talking to them of his own free will. is he just that dead set on being in control or making sure they take no credit for his confession
there is a clock in Elias' office (but it's only heard in mag98)
He has killed people but Elias is very much not a blood thirsty person. Getrude and Peter are both surprised when he results to that. He's very much just ruthless and does not care, if to get his way he has to kill someone. It doesnt seem like he's ever happy to do so, maybe this is a quirk of being eye aligned and getting rid of any type of knowledge is painful (he does for example never want Tim to die at the Unknowing), or he just finds covering those murders up a hassle
for the Unknowing Elias books them all hotel rooms, how thoughtful
something cute to me that Jon was too good at the Eye that Elias couldnt meet him face to face post coma
In mag158 he implies that even Institute employees not in the archives are tied to it, at least enough that they could suffer or die if it burned down
between finding other people just as tools to watch and discard and saying empathy holds you back he was definitely a very very lonely man
He is a very breathy person. He sounds breathy when he talks. He takes deep breaths to ready himself and before he uses his powers. And he often breathes through his nose before speaking or during pauses
He has said Jon's name 62 times, only twice calling him "Jonathan" and called him archivist 25 times (24 in the mag120 statement, 1 in mag138 and 1 in mag161)(he also kinda calls him The Archive in 160)
other fun amount of words: know (65 times), see (42), martin (35), detective (20), eyes (20) and eye (9), afraid (9) and "bullshit" (1)
its still insane to me they added all of those sound effects of Elias' cuffs in prison, thats something fun to appreciate. It also means its canon he gestures quite a bit!
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adventuringblind · 10 months
Breathe For Me
LandOscar x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Dialouge: "It's okay, you can rest. We've got you. Just Breathe."
Summary: Marks on your soulmates skin appear on yours. Oscar and Lando hope they find whoever it is before they run out of time.
Warnings: SELF-HARM, Alcohol, scars, blood, panic attacks,
Notes: This is Part of my 1000 follower event. Feel free to click the link and throw me a request!
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It's not every day you meet your soulmate. It's certainly not rare, but it also isn't an everyday event and is supposed to only happen once. If you're Lando Norris, then you get to go through it twice.
Originally he thought only one. I mean, maybe his souldmate is just clumsy. That is not the case however, because Lando has more scars, cuts, bumps, and bruises then anyone else he knows. He would be fine with it if he wasn't on national television all the time.
Max and Charles were lucky and found each other in Karting. Max had a bruise on his face from his dad and showed up to the race with it still getting darker. Charles had one to match. Now they're happily in love and the public doesn't now (is what they tell themselves).
So Lando finds himself stuck in between a soulmate who bruises every occasionally and on who gets scrapes nearly every day. He feels for whoever the first is because Lando is clumsy and is always running into things. Between himself and whoever the latter is, he probably is already exasperated.
Aside from his family, Carlos is the first person to notice. He double checks nothing is happening in Lando's own life that is causing all the marks. He assures happily that he's clumsy and the two soul mates certainly don't help.
Lando has heard of people carving names and addresses into their arms to find their destined partner. He lets it happen naturally. It's supposed destiny and who is he to rush it?
Daniel admits to an extreme worry of Lando. The older driver kept a close eye on him and Lando has to reassure him non-stop that he's clumsy, but it's not that bad.
He soon realizes that it's not the bruises Daniel is worried about, it's the scars. When his sweatshirt sleeves roll up the red lines are visible. It's something he's gotten used to over the past couple of years, but he dosen't think about it when he's not being filmed.
They cover a good amount of space on his body. Biceps, collarbone, thighs, stomach, and shins. It wasn't that bad until 2021 when it got significantly worse. It's stressing him out if he's being honest with himself.
He's is pieces when Daniel tells him he's losing his seat. No other driver lined up yet. Another teammate gone.
Daniel reassures him that Oscar looks like he'll make a good teammate. Lando is skeptical. Oscar is younger and a rookie.
The first time he meets Oscar is at the MTC. They shake hands, two sets of sleeves role up and Lando can't help but stare.
They match. Their wrists are completely identical.
They don't talk about it until a while later after spending the off season getting to know each other. They determined in Febuary they would be really close friends. It obviously escalated and now Charlotte keeps tell him to make it less obvious.
He's nit afraid to say he's weak for Oscar. A calm in his storm of emotions. The one person who can get him to actually rationalize his anxious thoughts.
In 2023, three rookies came to the grid. One of them being a female driver for alphatauri and a good friend of Oscar's. She then consequently became a friend of Lando's.
Which would be so terrible if Lando didn't know for a fact she's hiding something. She's shy and closed off to everybody unless it's him or Oscar. Mostly because he's forced his way under her skin.
"There is something about her, Osc. I can feel it in my bones."
"Are you sure it's not the cup of milk you downed getting to your head?"
Oddly enough, it's max who approaches them about her later. He'd gotten to know her through media things and race weekends and often asked Lando about her or vice versa.
He pulls Oscar and him aside early one morning in the paddock. Oscar is still half asleep and Lando doesn't know what's happened until Max slides their sleeves up.
The ones they decided to wear to the cameras didn't pick up the fresh scar close to their elbow on their forearms. Completely identical to each other.
"You said you have another soulmate right?"
"I think I might know who it is."
This is how Lando and Oscar find themselves in front of her hotel room door after the race. A DNF that wasn't her fault had ended her race early. Max had been about to go get her himself, but Lando and Oscar had said they would. If Max is right then they have a higher chance of getting through to the female driver.
Max sent them with the key card he has to her room. The one he forced her to give after he found her last night with a blade in her hand.
They knock out of curtosey first. No answer, as expected, but at least they tried. Maybe She’s asleep? Lando knows that’s probably not the case but he really doesn’t want to and see what is most likely happening. If the sting on his thigh says anything, it’s definitely not sleep.
Oscar keys the door open and hesitantly steps inside. Lando follows right on his heels. The lights are off and he would probably think it was empty if it weren’t for the visible blob of blankets in the corner that’s sobbing violently. to close to hyperventilation for Lando’s liking. He takes immediate action and pulls her out of the blankets.
Immediately, he keeps her body from curling in on itself so her chest is open and can get air easier. Oscar manages to find a lamp switch. She’s a wreck. So incredibly broken that Lando doesn’t know where to start.
“Breathe.” Is all he can come up with. "It's okay, you can rest. We've got you. Just Breathe."
Somehow he coax’s her to sleep. Him and Oscar combined manage to get her to bed, wrestle her shoes off, and bandage what they could see without removing clothing.
Oscar practically forces Lando into the be with her and he takes the floor. He’d said he’d take the floor with him, but Oscar claimed that Lando is the lighter sleeper and would know if she moved at all. Curse his soulmate and his logical thinking.
She manages to sleep until five in the morning. This time she just cries and huddles closer into Lando.
“I’m sorry you have to see me in such a state… I didn’t know you were stopping by.”
Lando maneuvers then int a sitting position. He then takes a pillow and throw it at his lover on the floor. Oscar stirs and groans.
“Must you.”
“Yes, It’s funny.”
Oscar makes his way up onto the bed and looks immediately like he’s going to fall asleep. Lando consequently throws another pillow at him.
“You should know something…” Lando starts. He doesn’t finish because the word are not doing what he needs them to. They jumble on his head and he can’t figure out where to start.
He’s entirely to grateful for Oscars presence. “Max thinks that the three of us are soulmates.”
Lando was thinking it would be like the first. Realization followed by smiles and laughs. This is not that. Instead it’s panic. She defends into the depths of her mind as she studies the match scars, even revealing her own identical one.
The pain, embarrassment and shame are written all over her features. She’s mumbling through some kind of an apology.
“Breathe.” He repeats. He says it over and over again until it’s all her own mind can hear.
Oscar looks gutted and lost. He’d helped Lando through many panic attacks, but this is completely different.
“I didn’t think I would ever find you. The doctors had tried to cut me off because it was a mistake since there were two. They said I wasn’t supposed to have one.”
Are the two boys shocked? A tad. Why would a doctor do that?
Lando doesn’t get time to ask as she pulls out a bottle of medication from the drawer in the nightstand. It’s stuff he’s heard of, but never actually seen. “This has been suppressed to sever the connection, but it hasn’t worked. They said to take it in higher doses at smaller intervals until it stops.”
She pops open the lid and pours a couple into her hands. Thank goodness for quick reflexes because Lando goes to get the ones in her hands, and Oscar goes for the bottle. She's too focused on Lando to notice the Aussie who manages to swipe it from her.
"Why didn't you ever say anything?"
"Didn't feel relevant."
"But this is incredibly dangerous! I've heard most people who do it end up -" Oh. It dawns on him why she's doing this to herself. The connection between them was already rough for her. She had been trying to 'fix' it like her doctors said. Had been told her entire life that the people who are fated to lover her unconditionally won't because she is nothing to them.
"How long have you been taking the meds?" Oscar's voice is so careful. The Brit would love to swoon, but it feels impolite at the moment.
"Years. They've tried everything. Put me on different kinds and change the dosage."
"Thirteen?" Lando whisper asks. His voice was barely audible. The small nod from the female confirms it. That's when the first scars arrived.
Lando places his hands on either side of her teary face. "You are not a mistake. You have never been a mistake. We've been aching for you. Scared maybe one day there wouldn't be any more marks and the implications of it. I've wanted nothing more than to tell you for years that you are loved and wanted."
He didn't even notice his own tears. Everything is just so overwhelming at the moment. They came so unexpectedly that it almost startled him. Screw Oscar and his ability to be amazing emotional support. The hand on Lando's knee is the only thing keeping him grounded.
They don't let her go until Max comes to get her. She's flying to do some filming with him. Neither of the males want to let her go, so they don’t. They end up flying with her since McLaren hasn’t filled their schedules.
But then they don’t leave. They spend every moment possible reminding her she is loved. That they want her. That nothing between them is a mistake.
Soon the scars start to fade.
But have no fear, Lando is clumsy enough to make up for it.
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cbrownjc · 4 months
Some spoiler thoughts for episode 2x05
I haven't done a rewatch yet, so these are just some initial thoughts on the episode (spoilers):
Daniel was so not let go after those 3 days. Bank on it.
Daniel already said it -- the drug den thing was a fabrication of his memories being rewritten. But, more to it, Louis' memories of that time were also rewritten. Between that as well as his extensive burn? Who knows what Louis even remembers of the 1970s either.
Neither Louis nor Daniel remember a damn thing of what happened during what would be the Devil's Minion period! (Particually because who knows how long it took Louis to even heal. With those types of burns, I'm going to say a few years at least.)
The show left things extremely open-ended for both Daniel and Louis' characters at the end of the flashbacks which can be filled with whatever the show writers might have ideas about that time period over how many whatever seasons. They haven't locked themselves into one single thing going forward leaving it open-ended that way.
Yeah, even if they want Louis and Daniel to have had sex sometime later. Because again, they both don't remember anything. 😏
But Armand -- Armand does. He remembers all of it. And oh you dear, f-ed up gremlin, I really did think you might not have been responsible for Daniel's memories, but now I'm starting to wonder . . . .
Louis, in 1973, doing what he does in Merrick. Because it was remembering Claudia -- how she manipulated him -- that sent him running into the sun. And even though he tried -- and failed -- to do it in 1973, he's going to fully remember it in the present day too IMO and, this time, he'll succeed at doing it.
Because yes, in Merrick, Louis actually succeeds in killing himself. It's only because of how vampire blood works, and a lot of it being poured over Louis' body, that he is revived. And I really think we are headed toward a "rule of three" wrt this. I think Armand clocked Louis was close to killing himself sometime directly after Paris because of maybe almost really trying so, and that is why Armand put a veil up over Louis' mind.
Because even back in 1973 it's clear that Louis actually didn't remember the bit about Claudia until he drank Daniel's drugged-up blood! Between that and Arman directly saying "She didn't love you!" (which yes, was a line taken directly from toward the end of the IWTV book that Armand says to Louis about Claudia), whatever cloud Louis was actually under in 1973 lifted for a bit . . . enough for him to run out into that sun and almost succeeded -- which I feel we'll learn/see was actually his second attempt.
His third (and final) attempt will be in the finale. And that time will be the one that succeeds. (And then he'll be resurrected/reborn).
"Am I going to be on suicide watch for the next 1000 years?" Yeah, Armand, it looks very well that you are -- will be.
I loved Luke as young Daniel! And I feel very sure we're going to see more of him. He and Jacob had such a bouncy chemistry.
And oh, the scenes between him and Assad as Armand -- so creepy and sinister! Just what it should be at this point in time between Daniel and Armand, at the beginning of things. They even had Daniel held prisoner in the house for three days, the same length of time he was held in the cage in the books. But everything Armand did to Daniel here was so much more unnerving, particularly the chair thing.
So . . . Armand really didn't know the Talamasca was watching then? Hmm, okay show but I'm side-eyeing that one. Because really, he should have IMO.
Though I did notice that Daniel strategically didn't show Louis the pictures of him and Armand taking Daniel out of the house. Which I still don't think makes any freakin' sense, them doing it the way they did, even with Louis being hurt like that. I supposed Louis wanted to make sure Armand didn't hurt Daniel still, but . . . .
And oh, Armand. I can see any and all attempts to defend you wrt what is coming have really slipped away much after this. I know why you are doing all of this, I get it I do, but . . . *sigh*
You should have told Louis that Lestat was saying, "I love you." But you are still so scared of being alone . . . this is all going to bite you back next season Armand. So, so much.
Would I say it's my most favorite episode of the show ever so far? Not yet. But I known it's the one of Season 2 that I'm going to rewatch over and over the most so far. Yes, I love it for the beginning of Devil's Minion that it gave us, of course. But I love that it also really started to show the friendship and trust that Rolin Jones kept saying last season was between Louis and Daniel. Louis and Daniel just being friends is something I never expected going into the show and has become such a favorite dynamic of mine too.
So yeah, it was a wonderful episode. I do think it was hyped up a bit too much in the "most disturbing thing I've ever seen" department because I actually did not find it to be all that disturbing in the horror department. But as far as character development and dynamic building goes it was stellar and revealed some great things, so I can ignore my little nitpicks.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 7 months
I have a Story Stuck in my Head!
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Hybrids Mafia Princess Series
I want to know if anyone thinks of something similar because this one has been running through my head for months. You know the story you tell in your head to fall asleep to? This has been mine for a while.
Mafia!Bucky Barnes and his girl have been together for years now and have a daughter, she has been the light of her fathers life since the day she was born, spoiled rotten.
As she got older though they grew apart, Bucky having no clue what to do with a teenage daughter, he still adores her of course, but she feels as if he has forgotten about her for years…
Cue Klaus Mikaelson!
Y/n meets Klaus at some party her father is forced to bring his wife and daughter to, schmoozing with all of the political idiots New York has to offer and Klaus (who has only recently broken his curse mind you) realizes that Y/n is his wolfs mate, one he has craved since the day he first killed and turned into a werewolf over 1000 years ago.
Klaus introduces himself, getting his girl a drink and flirting, barely noticing all of the looks he receives from the men around the room who all know better than to get that close to James Barnes daughter. They end up in a corner talking about anything and everything, both of them loving how honest they are able to be with each other for what feels like the first time ever, until of course one of her fathers men shows up. She quickly tells Steve to fuck off before pulling Klaus outside, insisting he leaves, giving him time to get away from her father and though Klaus doesn’t care about the man, he sees her fear and he does as she asks.
Later that night, after her mother scolded her all the way home for leaving her security (something that she’s sure was really her fathers issue but he had forced her mother to bring it up, making her feel like her father was avoiding her again) she hears a knock on her window and opens it to find her sexy Hybrid waiting for her to invite him in. They spend the whole night talking and Klaus tells her everything, knowing that his mate would be the one person that wouldn’t judge him or leave him. Y/n also told Klaus about her life, about who her father is and how she feels unloved by him and trapped in this house, and Klaus swears to save her, promises to give her a life away from her fathers business and cruelty (not that Klaus’ cruelty is any better but at least he won’t ever let her wonder whether he loves her or not, she will always know and that is a comfort to her in every way she needed).
One of Bucky’s men sees Klaus sneaking out her window before dawn and informs his boss, running a background check on the man and finding 5 different identities, this convinces Bucky that the man was sent by one of his enemies to hurt him by getting to his daughter. Bucky berates her for being so stupid to fall for this and though she knows the truth she can’t tell him about Klaus, she swore she would tell no one and she won’t break her promise. Bucky breaks Y/n’s heart, believing her so dumb and naive but she allows him to think this of her, already believing her father hates her anyway, which is why she does not hesitate to run away with Klaus later that night.
Bucky searches for her for months, his heart broken at the idea that his daughter thought she was unloved by him. He needed her to know that it wasn’t true and he was just an idiot who didn’t know how to care for a teenage girl. Eventually he finds a man who had been dealing with Klaus lately, clearly not knowing that he was a vampire and ending up injured beside Steve with the rest of his men all slaughtered.
It’s then that Y/n shows up, more beautiful than Bucky had ever seen her, screaming at the creature and demanding he explain why he believed he had the right to harm her family, shocking Bucky and Steve both at how terrified this man was of her. They quickly realized however that it wasn’t really Y/n that he was afraid of as Klaus shows up…
Honestly I have many different endings to that story at this point but it’s been rotting my brain for a while now so I thought ‘maybe someone else will like it too’ and here we are🤣
Mafia!Bucky’s Daughter is Klaus’ Mate Moodboard
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terraco-07 · 7 months
HSBC direction and character writing
So the team has released the writer's commentary early to the public most likely because they know how inflammatory the last update is/has been and wanted to get the reasoning behind it out there. Going to be going through it piece by piece here. Disclaimer: None of my opinions and thoughts are directed at the people as individuals and any criticism is directed at the writing itself. With that said, lets start off. Haven saying “this is the update where we’re gonna see if people are really rockin’ with us or not.” Lmao yep and I can assure you that I'm not one of them. I think we're seeing the end results though of a years bleeding fandom here though. Most people who enjoyed Homestuck either didn't read the epilogues or HS2 because they knew it was something they wouldn't like and didn't care for the direction of taking away the kids victory and giving them some new battle to fight while hurting each character. Those remaining are primarily people who are curious, neutral, or liked the official releases after Homestuck ended. Among them I'm sure a fair amount have liked this because this is already a work catered to them and what they want for better or worse. Anyways, moving on. So the next part just goes over everyone liking Yiffy and her getting a voice and all that, not much to comment on here. Which is a non issue except still making Rose and Jade call their kid a type of porn and keeping that was such a choice, but hey silly candy timeline right? Okay moving on to the conversation that matters. Okay starting with Floral: "Kanaya has long earned this confrontation and she’s not going to accept anything less than the truth." JAMES: This is the funniest line in Homestuck. This is so fucking funny because she gets cut off half way through and then the you fucked my wife being memed to hell in back both took any bite out of it and visibly made me cringe to read. Kanaya is mad here but there are other ways to write it. Would have loved to see a rant about "If you loved me so much Jade why would you betray my trust? Why would you not speak to me. Now you choose to spit in my face like this?" Etc etc. I may genuinely re-write every Kanaya part in this log at some point. I did do an alt version already but that's neither here nor there. Compliments for the art which deserve it! BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP GOING "Pretty art" AND EXCUSE BAD WRITING. I've had to read "I'm just using it as a picture book" and "I skipped through the logs" way too fucking much. JAMES: This one was for the sapphics. The most important demographic that exists. ... saying this while obliterating the biggest endgame sapphic romance? But hey guys!! Kanaya's hot right? This makes it all better :) Especially considering compared to Homestuck proper the epilogues and HS2 have just felt actively hostile towards sapphics FLORAL: This scene is also only one small part of the larger puzzle, bridging between what already existed in HS2 to what we want to do deeper into HS:BC. A puzzle that most of us aren't going to want to figure out. The question of if something is bad for the first 500-1000 pages is it worth consuming will always be no. Also points of expanding the border of Homestuck 1 BUT WE NEVER GET TO SEE THIS. I'm going to hit more on this later but Rose specifically there's so little or no direct foundational build up to her current character choices.
MILES: Yeah, seriously.  I felt viscerally going in that it was really important that Kanaya get some time to just be a stone cold bitch, both in the context of this particular marital fuck-up and in general.  She deserves it. So I'm on my hands and knees begging you guys to learn how to write badass powerful women that doesn't involve them just getting angry because their wife cheated. Hands and fucking knees. This goes for any writing in general but if you have to develop a character through purely negative experiences I'm not sure you should be writing. This whole entire scenario with Rosemary is such a cheap drama soap opera point to begin with (like a lot of HS2). Why can't we let Kanaya be her own fucking person and have shit going on, do something in the war, get to have moments like this in relation to Jane.
FLORAL:  Was so excited for this panel when we were first outlining the update. I had a lot of feelings about how we should move forward from the initial Yiffy reveal, but justification for these narrative choices only matter inside of the text itself, and this is only a tip of a much larger iceberg.
That said, what has always appealed to me the most about Candy in Beyond Canon is that it’s an opportunity to explore alt. selves to the max and start finding the missing “Meat” to Candy’s unbalanced and unsatisfying narrative. The irony for me on this is it was written about the fucking Jojo ass posing Rose which is in my opinion the worst panel in the update. Rose being turned into a comical villain for the sole reason of shaking things up in Candy. Justifications in the text is a great way of putting it and before this we had very very little. The idea of telling us afterwards well it was all apart of the grand plan when barely any time ago we have Rose thanking John for how happy she was to have her life the way it is here. Rose suddenly going ahh apathy my true love and going from a loveable and complex character to this flat cardboard cut out is the biggest crime of this update. The I knew you would forgive me part too. Just. GIRL HOW?? Rose Lalonde who first lost her seer powers in Candy, second the same girl who couldn't even see her friends all dying and her failing in game over. This girl? She saw 15 YEARS INTO THE FUTURE and knew Kanaya would just get it. Roll over like a good wife and be okay. I didn't know she was a seer of time now? This is the worst line in the entire update simply because it implies that Rose has gone off the deep end in the least interesting way and is now an unreliable narrator or that Kanaya is actually going to forgive her and holy fuck that would be the actual worst way to take this. Not beating the NTR kink allegations HS2 writers. Also spoiler alert it's unsatisfying because everyone in it gets fucked over by writing choices as baseless and useless as these. You're perpetuating the problem.
HAVEN: The world hasn't felt real to Rose since she was 16, this life is like a game to her. For her, a war is just “something to do.” Also man while this was a route that I didn't like for the epilogues either there are so many other ways to handle this than the one chosen. But that would require a rewrite from the start of HS2 which already put on this shit show. I still wholeheartedly believe that none of the things listed here justify Rose's behavior to Kanaya. As the one anchor point she's had her entire adult life. FLORAL: It’s a little sad that even during a Rosemary moment, it's never really about Rosemary, huh? Then later- "There really needed to be a joke here, too, to sell the emotional drop the next page brings" Kettle, meet pot. Whatever could be the cause for nothing ever being about them and the pair being relegated to background bullshit? Who's to say indeed. But hey! They're at the forefront now, and only for the most basic and cheap drama ways. Also I loathe this mentality about there needing to be a joke. You're clearly writing this for adults at this point a joke isn't required a real look at the situation is. The gag at the end where the convo gets ended is enough to break the tension for the reader.
FLORAL: There’s catalyst events, sure, but ask a few questions and it becomes apparent everything rides on the history of smaller fights, disappointment, sweeped away passive aggressions, miscommunication and unsaid hurt feelings.
This is why writing characters in their 40’s is great and why there is so much to do in Candy. Behind all the patented Homestuck misdirection and narrative unreliability, you’re left with an offshoot full of alternate selves at their lowest, layered in apathy and evidently not saying what they think Once again we aren't shown this. We just get told about it later and that's incredibly unsatisfying as a reader. Explaining it further down the line and doing more justification later does not help this either. I think also the idea that everyone in their middle aged years is jaded and apathetic is such a lame ass direction to go in. The idea that no one is allowed to be happy after everything they went through in the game is still one of the most frustrating things. I'm asking anyone why would someone want to read that? Why do you think the fandom imploded after this and that the people left mostly enjoy either soap opera trauma or torture porn (which HS2 is both)
like sitting down with a highschool friend you lost touch with 20 years ago and have only known about through concerning Facebook posts. So we're fully aware of the problem and just going this is a feature. Got it. So the commentary ends there and I'm just kind of left feeling as hollow and empty as before. I have zero faith that we can dig into any of these characters in a meaningful way but especially the more complicated women. This reads as coming back to them 20 years later so we can write them how we want or how we envisioned them without having to come up with in text validation. Reminds me of late season Game of Thrones writing. Guys how we got here is important. Anyways in summary HS2 remains a dour, unfun read of characters going through a perpetual state of torture and emotional suffering while we forever get told "Wait but there's more!" But hey. Happy Rosemary, glad they won that poll. Maybe the little thing James is going to do for the fandom is just kill them off to save them from this torment. As a writer myself it's just painful to read and I want to re-write it all times
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
𝐹𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑦𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑒╰🎀 . ִ ۫ ⁎ .
Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna, & Megumi with Chubby!Fem!reader who is a Fashion Fairy ᮫ׅ ๋ 𝆹 ׅ╰🧚🏻‍♀️ . ִ ۫ ⁎ .
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🧸 A/N : hey hey i'm just done taking a break for like 2 days so now i'm back writing again hehehe :) also i forgot to make the pt 4 of the baker series with gojo, but i already put him in here so i'm just gonna post this first, and then maybe i'll post the baker series pt 4 later. tysm! if you like my writings, please reblog & feedbacks me! ty!.
🧸 Warnings ; genoside mentions & murdering attemption include, Mocking/bullying (not from the jjk characters) and maybe some misspelled word. reader skin color is not announced.
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Gojo ʚ ₊˚ ᥀
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• Yuhh another fashion-enthusiast 👸🏽👓🤏🏻
• love your style so much that he sometimes buy clothes that match your style.
• really support your ethusiasm over fashion!
• every week after he had done his training or mission, he goes to where you lived, knock the door at your house, and ask you "Y/N lets go shopping tonight~!"
• if you refuse he will be a pouting baby, whining over everything. but if you accept him, this goofball will be Over the Moon 🌙🌬
• like, after you accept his invitation, he will goes to tell his happy news to his friends and his students in a rather exaggerated manner.
• Yuuji, Megumi, Nanami was exhausted at this point, hearing gojo mumbling "She accept it!" over and over again, at this rate they dont even know if this was a blessing or a curse.
• so mother fucking proud having you as his S/o. always mumbling and bringing it to others. but if some lowlife starting to mock you, he's going to act like an annoying offensed teenager saying "How could you say/do that to the love of my life!?" but... if that lowlife is taking it as far as wanting to hurt you or endangering you, well i suppose they're gonna have to encounter the Horrifying side about Gojo Satoru (although he'd still be in his Goofy attitude 💀)
Nanami ʚ ₊˚ ᥀
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• didnt mind it, in fact he really love it, but he just doesnt show it too much.
• we all know Nanami is some sort of stoic person, so its not so surprising hearing this. he really really love you, and would die & kill for you. but he's a Man that doesnt really show it out loud.
• he's showing his love with how much he want to spend his time with you.
• one of his favorite part is that, he really love seeing how confidence you are in your beautiful clothes & jewelry.
• theres nothing more entertaining for him than seeing you compliment yourself in front of the mirror. he really love seeing you happy, and he would want to keep your confidence forever.
• but theres a time where some pest trying to somehow.. trying to.. lower your confidence. trying to.. make you uncomfortable about your own self & body.
• and if nanami knew that his beloved s/o is getting mocked and look down by some pest, he's going to go straight to their home, knock at their door, and lecture them with the wisest yet cruelest words you could ever imagine for 5 hours straight until that pest is become a crying mess and begging for mercy.
• after he done with those pest, he's going to a gentle giant to you. he's gonna try to make you confident about yourself again.
• what do you need? cuddles? food? more dress? more clothing? jewelry? hair accessories? no problem, its all for you.
• Would kill for you if that means he can see you happy and being comfortable with yourself again.
• and that's just how Nanami Kento show his love and devotion for you in his own way.
Sukuna ʚ ₊˚ ᥀
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• oh my god this man.......
• he looks like a dilf but i'm telling ya this man is aged MORE THAN A 1000 YEARS OLD. so i'm just telling it may not go so well.
• he sometimes think millenials opinion and choice about their style and fashion are weird, but its not like he cares about them.
• hell he's the King of the curses! why would he cares about mortals fashion anyway? *pfft*
• but its all change when he meets you, the love of his life although he'd rather cut his tongue out than calling you this lmfao
• oh how he looove the the colors you put outside your skin, how they compliment your curves, giving you the best look, and the confidence. yes.. the confidence 🙌🏻 the way you compliment yourself in the mirror, also the way you gave zero fuck about some people who want to take down your confidence.
• but that doesnt mean that people can just get away. you may used to it but sukuna was far from it. he's going to go to that fuckface place and take their lowlife lives.
• he may even go as far as planning a genoside if it means keeping you safe & happy.
• but we all know he's a major tsundere, so he only would-to-never admit all of this at all.
• he probably would admit this in the most confusing way you could possibly imagine.
• but again, thats just how he show his love for you. he would kill for you, and he would even start a genoside if its necessary enough to keep you safe & happy.
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bubblesandgutz · 4 months
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Every Record I Own - Day 827: Shellac 1000 Hurts
This is a long and tough one, so I'll spare your timeline and force you to make the jump.
On February 21, 2001, one of my husband's closest friends was murdered by a man named Michael Gargiulo. She was stabbed 47 times.
Not surprisingly, my husband does not share my appreciation for slasher movies. I still feel like an asshole for dragging him to a midnight screening of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre on my birthday years ago. I was an idiot for not realizing that someone who lost a loved one in a brutal act of violence wouldn't find a film recreating that kind of violence entertaining.
"I don't enjoy the sound of people begging for their lives," he told me after the movie. I can't blame him. Even music with "tortured" vocals tends to get an immediate "can we listen to something else?" from him.
Transgressive art is a weird thing. People will always be drawn towards art that's shocking, forbidden, or taboo, but I also assume most people have a line they don't want crossed. I love Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I hate Cannibal Holocaust. As far as music goes, I have a much easier time ignoring the cartoonish violence of death metal than I have sitting though music laden with brazen sexism or homophobia in the lyrical department.
Content aside, art gets even trickier when the artist's life comes under scrutiny. Again, I assume most people have a line they won't cross. You might not have an issue listening to Michael Jackson, but you would probably have a major issue listening to an artist who assaulted a member of your family. Or maybe you do have an issue listening to Michael Jackson. Maybe you also have an issue listening to an artist because of their political alignments. And maybe you have an issue with an artist simply because of something they've said in the past. There's no shortage of music out there, so why give your attention and money to assholes? On the other hand, artists are human beings, which means they've inevitably hurt someone in the course of their lifetime, so if we blacklist every artist who's ever done something hurtful, we're eliminating art from our lives. Everyone has a line, but I think any rational individual understands that the line will vary from person to person.
I've been thinking about transgressive art a lot since the passing of Steve Albini. The public overwhelming seems to mourn his loss, but I've seen a few people weigh in online with some valid criticisms: he was in a band called Rapeman; he said some sketchy things about child pornography in a zine back in the '80s; some of his lyrics reflected racist elements of society without taking a clear stance against them. Albini addressed these incidents later in life, acknowledging that though he was not advocating for the kind of behavior he was portraying in his art, the ambiguity that made his songs feel dangerous could also be construed as promoting or celebrating the subject matter.
By the time Albini got around to forming Shellac, he seemed to have shed the dodgiest parts of his confrontational persona. That said, I know a few people who take issue with Shellac's most popular song: 1000 Hurts album opener "Prayer to God." True to the title, the song is a literal prayer to God asking for the Almighty to kill the singer's cheating lover and her partner. It's essentially a murder ballad without the actual murder. Or maybe it's more in line with The Beatles and Elvis singing "I'd rather see you dead, little girl, than to be with another man," except in Albini's case the majority of his ire is aimed at the male lover. It's a visceral song, and while it might feel cathartic for someone who's been betrayed by their romantic partner, it might feel too harrowing for someone who's actually dealt with a potentially dangerous jilted ex.
I played "Prayer to God" for my husband once. He wasn't a fan. To be fair, I don't think Albini's brand of minimalist tone-scrutinizing math rock was ever gonna be his cup of tea, but the lyrics certainly weren't going to help. Consequently, I reserve 1000 Hurts for times when I have the house to myself.
And ultimately, I would hope that his reaction to Shellac would be the kind of response we'd see in people who take issue with Albini. Simply put, it wasn't my husband's cup of tea, but he didn't try to convince me that I shouldn't enjoy it. Yes, Albini dealt with some ugly and uncomfortable themes, and by his own admission he took some of it too far. But his music was both a reflection and a reaction to the things he saw around him. Just as the slasher films of the '80s were a reaction to the era's conservative bent and puritanical attempts at censorship, so were Albini's songs (particularly with Big Black) a rebuttal of that decade's benign soft-rock FM radio staples, PMRC campaigns, and right-wing fundamentalist attempts to whitewash the media.
Much like those slasher films, Big Black has aged with an unexpected patina. Yes, there is something still "dangerous" about it, but that danger seems less rooted in pushing back at "the establishment" and more like it's picking at the wounds of the most vulnerable and injured parts of our society. Given even a minimal amount of context, I'd think the average person could appreciate its attempts to say "no, this world isn't perfect and we're not going to pretend that it is," even if those attempts are admittedly a little ambiguous and sloppy at times. But that kind of context doesn't arrive as a disclaimer on the album packaging, so its reasonable to understand how someone could find Big Black's unflinching first-person villain profiles to be a little problematic.
Consequently, I completely understand why someone would take issue with Big Black's "Jordan Minnesota" or Shellac's "Prayer to God." On the other hand, I want art to be uncomfortable sometimes, even if that unease is unintentional. There's no shortage of art out there that aimed to be progressive but aged to show the inherent biases of its time. Just consider the contingent of people wanting to change the racist language in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I'd argue that sometimes the shortcomings, biases, and outdated perspectives in an artist's work are as much a statement on the times as the actual subject matter.
Everyone has a line. And for a lot of folks, Albini probably crossed it a few times in the course of his career. For me, listening to Big Black or Rapeman or Shellac is like watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre---I don't need Steve Albini to explain his lyrics anymore than I need Tobe Hopper to explain that we shouldn't cut people up with chainsaws and turn them into human barbecue. But Albini also dealt with minor horrors that impacted a far greater percentage of the population, and that's something he had to reconcile and acknowledge later in life. For me, his charity work, fierce advocacy for marginalized people, and willingness to stand up to bullies in public forums offset any of his early artistic missteps, but I also understand that making art about human suffering is always going to elicit pain from people who have endured those particular trials.
Everyone has a line.
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mythtakens · 4 months
here are my Eddie Diaz specific wishes for the beginning of season 8 because the only way out is through and if I think too hard about where this season as a whole ended up and that bizarre lackluster finale I’ll have an out of body experience:
have this Eddie and Chris storyline actually mean something. if you’re gonna do this drastic traumatic thing in such a rushed way you have to do something with it. Could some time apart be good? sure! maybe! but don’t just have Chris gone and offscreen not speaking to his dad and never seen at all until they arbitrarily decide Eddie has done enough penance that he can be narratively rewarded by having his son back.
as good of a dad as Eddie is and as much as he wants to give Chris the space there’s still a big difference between not breaking down the door of a bedroom and a distance of 1000+ miles for months. let him go to Texas as the PARENT. bring Chris into the narrative. he’s older and more aware now, so have his decisions matter. have him face the reality of living with the Diaz parents who historically are probably not going to give him the freedom and respect he’s used to and let it become clear how different Eddie has always been in his approach to him… show us some flashbacks of Eddie’s own childhood, let Chris come to a deeper understanding of his father! let them actually talk about Shannon and what happened with Kim in a real way… let him fully realize his dad isn’t perfect but he tries so hard and let Chris recognize him as human and the value of what Eddie gives through that. if it’s about Gavin’s availability something like this can still be achieved in an arc of a few episodes if it’s given actual time and focus
let Eddie have a real confrontation with his parents about all of this. They flew from Texas to California in the middle of the night without a word to their own adult son and acted like it was their right to let a 13 year old make the call about his own parenting while Eddie was vulnerable and panicking. Without prior knowledge of the situation, without letting anything cool down. Let him tell them that was THE WRONG THING TO DO! Don’t have him get interrupted, don’t let them talk over him about how they know better, don’t let one of them drop dead while he’s letting his emotions out. Eddie always feels like he’s being punished when he does something for himself because, well, the narrative punishes him. DON’T PUNISH HIM.
let him tell Helena how deeply it hurt him when she said he was dragging Christopher down with him all those years ago and how this felt like a second instance of that, let him feel betrayed by the way Ramon handled this situation regarding HIS fatherhood and HIS son after all the time they’ve spent working on their own relationship, let him tell them they DON’T know better than him because he makes mistakes because they did too! let him tell them he’s a good father! let him feel like a good father! he is one!
if you want to explore who Eddie is when he doesn’t have Chris and only has himself to look after then actually do it. let him look after himself. For himself. don’t have him only be miserable and still feeling like a failure months later, don’t let him keep circling the drain just idealizing what he and Shannon had. Devin is great but my god… we need to let Shannon rest. As nuts as it was I tried to roll with the doppleganger storyline because I thought well, at least this will lead somewhere and ultimately be a catharsis even if it’s wild. but like then even that wasn’t fully formed and was twisted into a punishment and fresh trauma so?? whether he finally goes to some sort of grief group or gets to heal his inner child or whatever else, let him actually get something out of also making himself a priority in his own life and quit repeatedly destroying the ground under his feet and blaming himself with no end in sight
does Eddie deserve to get to a more mentally healthy place (especially after whatever the fuck all that was)? yeah! is healing linear? absolutely not, and I do love that this show doesn’t shy away from that with everyone’s respective trauma. but mental health is also not a game of punishments and rewards where keeping his own son around is what he gets for whatever passes for model behavior as decided by his parents and an emotional teenager. nobody has to earn the right to love or happiness or to keep raising their own child by sanding down all of their jagged edges and they’re usually very good about showing that so give him that same grace
okay this isn’t Eddie but literally fucking stop… repeatedly torturing Hen and Karen and their children. Stop it. stop. Right now. Stop.
kill Gerrard in a sharknado
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Obsession Rejected Part 1
Hi, I wrote again. this is about the rejected soulmate Au that I saw on @im-totally-not-an-alien-2
Warnings: Unhealthy behaviors, Yandere Danny, off screen character death, obsessive and possessive behavior. Let me know if I need to add more and I will be adding more as the series goes on.
Please read carefully and safely.
Word Count: 1000
Ao3: here
Tim Drake was only 10 years old when he made what was probably the worst mistake of his life. Who knew just one word could change everything.
He never would have written it if he had any idea of what would come of it. But he wrote it, and to be fair to Tim, he was under a lot of pressure. Between school never challenging him, his lack of friends his age, and most recently his promotion to Robin. 
Being a vigilante was dangerous work. Hell the main reason he was one was because another had died. Of course he didn’t want to hurt a potential partner by being forcefully ripped away from them by the cold hands of death, rather deciding to reject his soulmate. 10 year old Tim Drake thought it would be so much less painful. He knew cutting off a soulmate could be painful on both sides, but every account he found also said that rejection was better than the death of a soulmate
It was one account by an unhappy couple. They weren’t even really soulmates. They weren’t exposed until a week after the deed was done.
At 10 years old Danny Fenton decided that the universe must hate him. How else could he explain the pain? The pain stemmed from one little word between the constellations carefully and painstakingly drawn on his arm. It was the worst thing he had ever experienced, only rivaled by his own death; but even then the hole he felt when he woke up that night trumped his death.
It was so sudden too. Danny was asleep when it had happened and the only person who would have comforted him was away! Jazz was sleeping over at a friend's house that night! He went to his parents that night but they didn’t do anything. Just hugged him, and told him to go back to bed and that they would talk in the morning. They forgot. Brushed him off and went down to the lab to tinker with that stupid portal!
Jazz came home that afternoon to a sobbing little brother and held him. She tried to argue with their parents that this was a massive deal, but they brushed her off too. Said that Maddie was fine when she broke her bond with their uncle Vlad in college. 
She was fine. Vlad wasn’t. There's a reason he's like that.
Later when Danny was 14 the portal that sucked away his parents attention was completed and it didn’t even work. I practically ruined his and his sister’s childhoods and it had the audacity to not even work!
It did work. He made it work. He turned it on.
Danny had spent a lot of time down in the lab before the accident, back when he still wanted his parents approval their love. He listened to their ramblings, about how ghosts are not sentient, about how they are pure evil, about how they are only driven by instinct and impulse. They were so wrong about most things, but they did nail a few. 
Like how ghosts are prone to impulsive, and sometimes even intrusive thoughts. But it's not because they are so unintelligent that they don't have any higher understanding other than base needs, it's because they are beings of emotion. The same goes for Halfas like Vlad and Danny. 
Leaving his original haunt was not a part of Danny’s plan. He never thought it would happen. After all it’s his haunt. But when everything came crashing down he knew it was time. 
Jazz had died. She was caught in the crossfire of a fight between some ghost and the GIW. he didn’t remember, he was too lost in his grief to fully recall what happened but all he remembered was screaming. And that the other ghost didn’t make it out. He made sure of it.
Tucker and Sam had moved on. Both to larger cities than Amity Park. Tucker even found his soulmate there, some fancy IT guy. But eventually they lost contact with him.
He was starting to get unstable. They could see it but they had no idea how to help. He was starting to act like Vlad. To Amity Parkers they could see that Phantom was getting more and more irritated, that he wasn’t as kind as he used to be. The press always loved to rag on him and tell the public how dangerous he is.
So he left. He didn’t take anything, just turned off the portal and created his own and flew. He was unwanted.
But he knew he couldn’t fly forever, he needed a haunt. He had his lair in the Zone, but he needed a living world counterpart. Then he found it. The ideal universe for him. The world he found was situated relatively close to his keep so he had easy access to it and it felt right. Like Clockwork dragged it over there himself.
But in his special little universe he decides to make his Haunt. Nothing fancy, just his little space, in what has to be his favorite city he’s found. Gotham. The dark city was full of ambient ectoplasm, the gothic look reminded him of Sam, and Wayne Industries reminded him of Tucker. And it was full of empty buildings no one would think twice about. So he created his own little nest. But something was wrong. He was missing something. 
His obsession. He was missing his obsession. Jazz was the only thing he could reliably feed his obsession with, and with her gone it was only a matter of time before he started to fade. His gaze drifted to his arm, ‘Stop’ still engraved in black pen. His soulmate.
Danny rises from his curled form and fades out of visibility, core quietly humming as it searches for the ghostly claim of his soulmate. Danny refused to be alone again.
And nothing short of shattering his core would stop him from having his soulmate, rejection or not.
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alotofpockets · 2 years
Falling for your best friend | Florence Pugh
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Pairing: Florence Pugh x Reader
Prompt: “I saw that, you were checking me out.”
Warnings: none, just fluff.
masterlist | marvel masterlist | Words: 1000
You met Florence at Hailee's birthday party. You had been close friends with Hailee since high school, and her and Florence met while filming Hawkeye. It was a rather large party, so none of the people you saw there you got to see or speak to for long. Though you did seem to have an instant click with Florence and got to spend quite a bit of time with the woman.
The day after the party you got a text from an unknown number.
Unknown: Hi, this is Florence from the party last night. Hailee gave me your number after you left. It was really good meeting you, and I'd love to maybe hang out with you again some time, maybe grab some lunch or something?
You smiled at the message. Glad you weren't just reading into the instant connection you felt with the woman and decided to text her back immediately.
Y/n: Hi Flossie! It's so good to hear from you, I'd love to grab some lunch today if you're free.
Slightly tipsy Florence Pugh might have introduced herself as Flossie, before Hailee told you her actual name. You thought it was funny to call her that to see if she remembered.
Florence: Hm that nickname is going to haunt me now, isn’t it? Florence: Today sounds good, do you want to meet me at [restaurant] around noon?
You went out to lunch together and confirmed your great connection and immediately because best friends. Now two years later Florence was still your best friend. You hung out with her and Hailee whenever you could with all of your busy schedules. Sometimes the schedules lined up where you were only able to hang out with Flo, when Hailee was out of the country for a movie.
Now was one of those periods where Hailee was away, and you spend a lot of one-on-one time with Florence. You enjoyed the time you spent together, but you never planned to fall for your best friend. Especially not after having met her right as you got out of a relationship. You had decided you needed time for yourself, to figure out who you were without your ex.
Florence had made you realize how toxic your ex could be, even though she had never met them. It was nice being able to talk to her about the things that bothered you in your past relationship, and her telling you that you deserve more. Slowly, but surely her kindness and the way she cared for you and the fact that she was always there for you made you fall for her.
It was scary at first, not knowing if you were ready. You got hurt in your last relationship and didn’t want to get hurt again. But, as your feelings for Florence grew, you knew deep down in your heart, that Florence would never hurt you. So, you started showing Florence you liked her, even if it was while taking slow steps in doing so.
You’d compliment her, get her favorite snacks for the next time she would come over. You started texting her good morning and goodnight every day, getting to talk to her every day. You started getting closer physically, sitting closer to her and walking closer to her, your hands grazing each other from time to time.
Your thoughts get interrupted as the door of the restaurant where you first went out to lunch with Florence dings, as it opens. Looking up you see Florence walk in, she looked beautiful as always. You let your eyes travel over her body. Her blonde hair was down, the slight waves falling perfectly over her shoulders. She was wearing a tight black dress with an oversized black and green jacket. Her outfit matched with a pair of black boots. Your eyes make their way back to her face, that’s when you see her smile back at you.
Florence walks over to the table, you stand up and give her a hug. You notice a smirk on Florence her face, “What’s up?” You ask. “I saw that, you were checking me out.” She says, the smirk still present on her face. The heat creeps its way up to your cheeks fast, you thought you just looked at her for a second when she came in, but apparently it was longer than that.
“I, eh.” You start, trying to find words. Being flustered and nervous was not good for your vocabulary. You stop trying to find an excuse and decide to just speak your mind. “Yes, you’re right, I have no excuse. You look beautiful.” A warm feeling fills your chest as you speak your truth. Florence smiles and kisses your cheek. “You look quite stunning yourself, y/n.” She says with your faces only inches away from each other, as she’s moving back from the kiss on your cheek.
You can’t help yourself and move your eyes down to her lips. Florence notices the way you’re biting your lip slightly and moves a hand to your cheek. At the contact you move your eyes back up to hers, which are filled with love and adoration. You smile and lean into her hand slightly, closing your eyes to take in the moment.
When you open your eyes, Florence smiles and leans in, you do the same and meet her in the middle. You share a short, but sweet kiss together, as you are aware you’re standing in the middle of a restaurant. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Florence shares as she pulls away. “Me too.” You say with a smile.
It was safe to say that the rest of the day was considered a date. You enjoyed the lunch and went on a walk over the boardwalk. Hand in hand you explore the pier. Getting some ice cream for dessert and riding the fair rides. It was a day to remember forever. Both of you were taking many pictures and videos to keep the memories.
Turn on notifications for @pocketslibrary to be notified when I post a new fic! 
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Having watched the copa but only speaking a speck of Spanish is making my dash a delightful interpretation puzzle rn thank you for all the memes I’m sending to my friend who invited me to her watch party 🙏
Kcjdjc i'm glad you liked the memes. in conclusion:
La copa América was held in the us which was a TERRIBLE host. Horrible fields, horrible conditions. No respect for neither players or fans. They wanted to do a half time show like their superbowl with shakira and it fucking sucked. She sang in english at the argentina - colombia match. That is the biggest betrayal for us
Also there was sooo little security. Fans were fighting and no one was doing anything. People got in without tickets and they didn't know how to handle it. The final started an hour and a half later. Usians don't know how to handle latinoamericans who don't have 1000 USD but are still passionate about fútbol (this is like. something that happens every weekend in most parts here)
Then there was the final! It's always said that argentinians are always suffering and everyone hates us. And it's true! But that only makes us more powerful. The match lasted 1000 years but we made it and we're champions once again!
Some highlights:
It was Ángel Di María's last match. Fideo. He's a sweetheart and an amazing player. They won this for him.
Messi got hurt and had to be replaced. He was crying. They won this for him.
Dibu is a fucking wall. None shall pass. He's also incredibly funny and a does little dances. Everyone wants him carnally (except if you're not argentinian. In which case everyone hates him but that only makes him more powerful)
Lautaro got put very later on and made the gol. He was the jinxed one before the copa and then became the main goaler. We love you toro.
Shoutout to our defense players who gave everything.
The match had to be extended another half an hour and we scored when there were like 10 mins left. Everyone in argentina was having heart problems by that time (or they gave up and went to sleep. It was 1:30 a.m.)
And in the end. Having had all of latin america against us. Some fucking horrible fields. Unbearable heat. People killing themselves outside. No captain from the second half. A terrible and anticlimactic half time show. 120+ minutes playing. We still did it.
Once again. Campeones de América for the second time in a row 🩵⭐🌟⭐🩵
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adventuringblind · 10 months
Viva Las Vegas
Landoscar x Reader
Genre: Fluff? Crack? Idek...
Summary: Two boys can't get a hint, and the female in the middle is just waiting for them to make a move. Preferably with her ending up between them.
Warnings: spicy, kind of panic attack? Allusions to sex, alcohol consumption, mentions of Lando's crash, and him being on pain meds.
Notes: Reminder that my requests are open for the 1000 follower celebration! Also, a certain someone put this idea in my head so now you all have to suffer.
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Being the baby of the paddock really hadn't been that bad. A year younger than Arthur and having to put off with Charles was never on her top list of things she wanted to do, but she managed. Followed him around races like a lost puppy.
She was a perfect angel. Kind of. Not really, but she put on a good face when in public. Charles' perfect baby sister.
Lando Norris got to see a whole other side of her. The side that the cameras and public don't see.
The side that takes risks and tests the limits. The one nobody else has managed to pull out of her. The one Lando seems to make being so incredibly easy.
Charles adores the two of them. Lando would never hurt her. He may be impulsive, but he's loyal to a fault.
A couple of years later Is when Oscar comes along. Lando's new teammate. It's awkward for exactly two months into their work together.
Lando didn't like what happened to Daniel. He was still upset about it when word got out that Oscar had signed. It didn't feel real at the end of the year.
Then something shifted. Maybe it was the shared frustration of such a horrible start to the season? She may never know. But one thing is certain and it's that they like each other.
Oscar likes Lando. Lando likes Oscar. They both like her, and she loves them right back.
Yet she could not, for the life of her, forgire out why neither of them is saying anything about it. One can really only handle so much sexual tension before they explode. The sweet moments between the three of them. The fact she has attempted to get the both riled up with nothing to show for it except what Lando does to her later and Oscar's stupid smug face just playing alone with sarcastic jokes.
They are going to be the death of her. The two of them are attached at the hip, and she's excitedly making popcorn thinking it's going to turn into a romantic comedy. It doesn't, and she would like whoever is directing the movie to hurry the story along.
Both her and Lando are getting under his skin, and it's evident in every interaction they have. She takes it upon herself to invite Oscar everywhere with them.
They are happy all together. If they would just stop being so oblivious it would be perfect.
Then Vegas happens. The place where memories are made and forgotten. Lost in the music, lights, and alcohol.
The car isn't the best here. Both boys are frustrated. Lando crashes, and Oscar manages, but it's written on his face that he's disappointed with himself.
She goes to Lando at the hospital. Then, when he's released and thoroughly medicated, they head back to the paddock.
He's hilarious. Lando and his already unfiltered mouth are just saying everything. Including every feeling he has ever had for both her and Oscar. It started fine and then escalated Shortley after to the point where Jon had to promise he wouldn't ever mention it.
Oscar runs through media duties with an unholy speed. He looks relieved when he finds the two waiting around by his door because Lando didn't want to go to his own.
"I'm sorry it's been a lame birthday weekend." Sighs the Aussie who has collapsed onto the sofa.
"Well- it doesn't have to be."
Should the two not on any kind of medication used their clear judgment? Probably, but who are they to deny Lando?
They did decide on keeping it chill and just to go out for an hour or two after Lando at least napped off some of the meds. Neither of the sober minds had any intention of mixing alcohol with whatever Lando was on.
The Brit looked so excited to be out with them. He openly expressed he didn't need anybody else because his two favorite people were already with him. Oscar replied with a smile. She's going to have to force them to kiss at this rate.
Somewhere between three drinks in and Lando sipping on something not strong came blurred confessions. Whatever Lando had told Oscar he was drinking definitely was stronger than he'd made it out to be.
Her boyfriend keeps throwing her mischievous looks and suggestive eyebrow raises. What kind of game is he playing at? She would love if he let her in on it.
But alas, Lando does not, and she is left to her drink and her mind as she watches the two refuse to do anything about the tension they are creating. It's getting far too much for her. She either needs Lando to make a move on Oscar or to come help her because her imagination is going to places.
Somebody does kiss her, but it's not Lando. She would be concerned if Oscar hadn't just moved closer to her.
Everything goes fuzzy after that.
The next morning is met with ridiculous hangovers and a cramped position on the couch.
The couch? How on earth did she end up here? More importantly, why is Oscar using her like a blanket and Lando a starfish on the floor?
Her breath quickens. Something must have happened for them to end up here. She pulls herself up and almost passes out in the process. She would like to - no - needs to remember what happened. She finds her phone laying on the counter and opens it.
Her hand hits the counter and there it the sound of metal hitting granite. She shakily moves her hands into view.
Of all the stupid and impulsive things, she could've done, it had to be getting married in Vegas and being too drunk to remember it. Looks like George, Alex, and Lily were there, the three people who really should've stopped her.
But it's not that realization that makes her finally curl up on the ground, It's the name on the certificate.
Oscar Piastri.
She can hear both boys starting to stir and wake themselves up. The light hitting their faces drawing them back to the land of the living. Into what has become her nightmare.
She ducks behind the counter.
"What happened last night? My head is killing me and- why are you on the floor?"
"Well, we all started on the couch and then I needed water, couldn't find my spot again so I just stayed on the floor."
There is a pause. "What do you mean 'we all'?"
"The three of us? You know, it's bad not to sleep together on the night of your wedding."
There is a string of mumbled words from Oscar that she can't make out. "Seeing as I married your girlfriend, you seem way too happy about this."
"Mate, you were literally trying to fuck both of us last night and then went on this rant about-"
"Okay! I get it! No need to embarrass me more."
Lando is laughing hysterically. "I was wondering if you were ever going to do it. I was getting worried about your wife having a stroke if we didn't do something about this. She talks in her sleep you know."
She squeaks and then covers her mouth. She curls further into her hiding place, but it's no use. They boys find her and join her on the floor.
"You been awake long, love?" How can Lando be so gentle at a time like this? Like she hadn't just betrayed him! She stares in disbelief and then shakes her head no.
It looks like Lando is about to say something else when there is a knock on the door. He gets up and opens it to Charles and Max. The former of which is yelling in French.
"Looks like you guys also had a rough night." Lando is keeling over laughing which inevitably puts him back on the floor.
"What do you mean?" Max is standing there looking completely sober.
Lando is in tears at this point, and nobody understands what he's laughing at. "The matching rings, mate? Do you not remember getting hitched right after your sister?"
There is a set of identical screams followed by more frantic French.
"Speaking of that..." Max turns his attention to the little Leclerc and Oscar. "... You going to explain this one Lando? I remember this still."
Lando then blushes, and it looks like he considers running. "So listen - I may have talked you two into getting married." There is this innocent smile on his face that makes her jaw drop.
"This was you?! I'm panicking for nothing?!" She trails with French mumbling, and Charles joins in with her.
They look through pictures for a while and get water into their systems before Max and Charles go to leave.
"So, are you two going to get a divorce?" Oscar looks at Charles and Max who shrug.
"Maybe, but who knows? Maybe it'll come in handy some day."
"I knew you guys were fucking! Lando you own me now."
"How did you know?!"
"Little sisters know all, dear brother."
When it's just the three, a tense silence false between them. "So, what now?" She finally breaks. No longer able to handle the staring.
"We get a lawyer?"
"Or, hear me out, we keep it. We can always do that later!"
It's true, really. This a backward way of confessing, but it's not like they don't want to be together.
"Then Lando needs a ring also!" They laugh.
The Brit gets a hold of the certificate and finds a marker to write his name on it. "I fixed it."
Then he looks at the other two. Bright smiles on all of there faces.
"Shall we consummate the marage?"
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puer-aurea · 8 months
Mercenary AU - Species
a brief overview of the species in my mercenary au. this is the 'drabble' i said i had planned but i suppose it isnt really a drabble Humans: Martyn, Jimmy, Gem, Ren? Life Expectancy: 70-80 years Info: They're humans, not much else to include. They can do external forms of magic like potion making and enchanting.
Elves: Joel, Scar Life Expectancy: 4000-6000 years (not immortal) Info: There's two types of elves, normal elves and high elves. Scar is a high elf, they are one of the tallest species and their ears are longer and pointy like you'd expect from an elf. Joel is a normal elf, their height aligns with humans and their ears are shorter than high elves but still pointy. Both types possess mana and can do magic but it's quite weak for normal elves compared to high elves, tho still stronger than whatever humans can do (potions, enchanting). Marriage is magically binding for elves, the only way out is to die. So marriage is quite literally till death do us part. They don't physically age but they can die of old age.
Werewolves: Etho, Ren? Life Expectancy: 1000-2000 years Info: They work like other fantasy werewolves, becoming a wolf on full moons. Blue moons act the same as a full moon for them but blood moons give them a stronger lust for blood. When in werewolf form they are mostly controlled by their instincts but can recognize their friends and family and are less likely to hurt them. They age physically and can die of old age. They're also killable but they have hyper healing so you have to be swift if you want to try and kill them for whatever reason.
Fae: Grian, Bdubs Life Expectancy: Immortal|Killable Info: Again, they work like other fae. They are tricksters and will can steal your identity if given the chance. They're one of the only humanoid species capable of natural flight. Fae families are shown by their wings, which are based off of butterflies. Bdubs and Grian have Apollo butterfly wings. Fae also possess mana and can do magic but they're weaker than both types of elf. Marriage for them is similar to elves. They don't age physically and won't die from old age but they can be killed.
Vampires: Mumbo, Pearl Life Expectancy: Immortal|Killable Info: I did change this up a bit. Vampires in my AU can drink blood from any creature, not just humans. Garlic is more like a minor allergy, it won't kill or seriously harm them but they'll have some sneezes. They are more prone to sunburns but won't just like melt or turn to dust in the sun. Their beds are shaped like coffins for the aesthetic and they can turn into to bats making them another humanoid species that can sort of fly. They're immortal like normal vampires and can be killed by stabbing them in the heart. Doesn't necessarily have to be a stake/cross.
Zombies: Cleo Life Expectancy: Immortal|Killable? Info: Cleo is the only zombie in the little secret life village but not the only zombie in the world. She was killed and then reanimated a few years later by a necromancer. Zombie's bodies aren't capable of taking care of themselves so they have to occasionally replace decaying body parts. Besides the immortality and the fact they won't age, zombies are basically humans. They can be killed by destroying the brain.
Imps: Impulse, Tango Life Expectancy: Immortal|Unkillable Info: Imps are mischievous demons. I know imps are commonly portrayed with horns but Tango doesn't have horns while Impulse does. Imps possess mana and can do deceptive magic. Marriage and dating as a whole normally isn't something in Imp culture but it's not unheard of. They are immortal and unkillable but they can be sealed away.
Angels: Scott, Skizz Life Expectancy: Immortal|Unkillable Info: Out of the many types of angels, Scott is a Dominion and Skizz is a Seraphim. Seraphims have many wings and, for this AU, when they're in their full form they have many eyes as well. Dominions have one set of wings (and eyes) and are lesser than Seraphims. They both possess mana and can practice magic but Dominions can only do healing magic. anddddd checks notes looks like the file for lizzie and bigb was corrupted, guess we still wont know what they are!
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the-coffee-fandom · 1 year
✨ Nimona Fic Recs ✨
A good handful of Nimona fics I really enjoyed (I especially suggest the bottom three)
As The Rain Continued To Fall (Complete)
Rated G - Hurt/Comfort
Ballister x Ambrousois
It was the middle of the night, and it was dark, and he was Awake.
A night, after the end of the Movie. Ballister, alone with his thoughts.
Ashes Of The Hearth (Incomplete)
Rated T - Hurt/Comfort
Ballister x Ambrosius & Nimona
Nimona knows her power. Knows her limits.
Well, most of them.
Sidewalk Reinventions (Complete)
Rated G - Hurt/Comfort
Ballister & Nimona
Nimona, the Best and Most Renowned Shapeshifter in the World, or: a chronicle of the shapes Nimona takes through the years.
Happiness Found In You (Complete)
Rated G - Fluff
Ballister & Nimona
Here’s some fluff for that sad little man with the baby girl eyes
Following the ending of the movie!!
Not A People (Complete)
Rated G - Hurt/Comfort
Ballister & Nimona
Nimona always has a habit of getting injured during fights but nobody has ever worried about her, that is, until Ballister Boldheart came around.
(I’m) The Monster Under Your Bed (Complete)
Not Rated (G rating content) - Angst With Happy Ending
Ballister x Ambrosius & Nimona
Be it simple curiosity, or something deeper, one day Ballister asks Nimona a question
He's not ready for the answer.
Late At Night (Complete)
Rated G - Hurt/Comfort
Ballister x Ambrosius & Nimona
Nimona is still getting used to Ambrosius, it helps that Ballister loves him very much.
Twenty Seven Thousand Years Of This (Seven More To Go) (Complete)
Rated G - Hurt/Comfort
Mentions of: Panic attacks and PTSD
Ballister & Nimona
“Shhh, stop. Stop, it’s okay,” The voice soothes, now, hands hovering above her head, already formed into the shape of her hair, but doesn’t dare to touch her. “Nimona—listen to me. You’re home. You’re alright.”
Home. Noun. Four letters. Two syllables. But what the fuck does it mean to a girl who’s been a deer and a fish and a shark and a dragon and somehow in the end, despite all of that, nobody at all? What the fuck does it mean to a girl who’s seen the moons change its shape too many times over and brought fire to every valley where her baby feet steps?
or: violent nightmares aren't new to nimona. what's new is the pair of arms that holds her regardless, and a place that normal people call home.
Enough Courage To Trust (Complete)
Rated G - Fluff
Ballister x Ambrosius & Nimona
Nimona and Ambrosius don't really like each other, let alone trust each other. One of those days, they finally get a chance to bond - through kicking ass and having pizza.
Me And The Devil, Walking Side By Side (Complete)
Rated G - Hurt No Comfort
Gloreth & Nimona
On her seventeenth birthday, Gloreth sets out into the forest to finish what she started.
Or, one possibility for how the knights came to be.
Kiss It And Make It Better (Complete)
Rated G - Fluff
Ballister & Nimona
After Ballister removes the arrow from Nimona's leg, she decides she kinda enjoys the attention.
Stick Figure Stones (Complete)
Rated G - Hurt/Comfort
Ballister & Nimona
The first time Ballister came across the well, he was drowning.
Or; I thought "what if Bal found the well" and wrote this in like an hour and a half :>
A Glimpse Of What I Call Home (Complete)
Rated G - Fluff
Ballister & Nimona
Ballister realizes his dream of having a family has already been granted, after a minor slip up from Nimona during casual conversation.
Eight Months Later (Incomplete)
Rated T - Hurt/Comfort (but highlight the hurt)
Mentions of: Su*c*de, Panic Attacks, and PTSD
Ballister x Ambrosius & Nimona
Nimona’s alive. Ballister wants her to know how much people love her. He takes her to her memorial.
It doesn’t go great.
My Glory Is Yours (Complete)
Rated T - Angst With A Happy Ending
Ballister x Ambrosius & Nimona x Gloreth
Eight years after the fateful incident with Nimona, Gloreth makes a wish to fix things by the old well where they met. To her surprise, she finds herself 1000 years in the future.
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athetos · 2 months
Tw death, somewhat graphic details I guess
Been getting like 4 hours of sleep a night but I don’t feel the need to sleep even though I’m tired. I’ve been a little hungrier than usual, but considering the stress and circumstances I suppose that’s a good thing. The days seem to last forever, always a new person stopping over, always someone we have to call, someplace we have to visit, the coroner or florists or investigators or the funeral home.
Tomorrow is the ceremony for my brother and it’s gonna be long and hard and there will be a lot of people I don’t want to see and I’ll need to bring tylonel because I’ll get a migraine from crying too hard and I think that might be when this finally seeks in after a week I was doing alright then got to see the engraved urn earlier and the ‘prayer’ cards (in lieu of a Bible verse we put a quote my brother and his friends would say) and broke down again we all did and I fly home Sunday and I know I’ll be at work one day later this month just typing at my computer and it’s gonna suddenly hit me that “oh my god, my brother is dead” and I’ll start bawling and need to leave early. I’m really thankful my brother wanted to be cremated so we can carry a piece of him with us cuz idk what we would do if we had to lower his body I think my mom would ask to be buried with him. I mean my mom watched them bring him out of the house in a body bag on ring camera while she was in the middle of the fucking ocean idk how she did it that shit breaks my fucking heart. Me? I was 1000 miles away and too much of a pussy to do anything but text my family there that night because I couldn’t bear to hear them cry I didn’t even ask for details I knew he was dead and what fucking else was there to know?
We still don’t know what happened death certificate just says “pending investigation” and they said autopsy could take up to an entire year so it’s gonna keep going. I really can’t share details here but this whole grieving process is gonna be dragged out for months as we work with people to get all the details straight and my family wants me to join on zoom or fucking whatever when these decisions get made because they want my input and I have a bit of experience with these things but like idk this shit hurts so bad. My brother was a great guy he really grew up and I loved and admired him and I hope he knew that and I’m just glad he wasnt in pain and I hope wherever he is in whatever shape or form he takes that he’s happy and knows he was and will always be loved.
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