#10000 ships
horizon-verizon · 2 years
It is said that, amongst the Rhoynar who came to Dorne with Nymeria, eight of every ten were women ... but a quarter of those were warriors, in the Rhoynish tradition, and even those who did not fight had been hardened during their travels and travails. As well, thousands who had been boys when fleeing the Rhoyne had grown into manhood and taken up the spear during their years of wandering. By joining with the newcomers, the Martells increased the size of their host by tenfold. When Mors Martell took Nymeria to wife, hundreds of his knights, squires, and lords bannermen also wed Rhoynish women, and many of those who were already wed took them for their paramours. Thus were the two peoples united by blood. These unions enriched and strengthened House Martell and its Dornish allies. The Rhoynar brought considerable wealth with them; their artisans, metalworkers, and stonemasons brought skills far in advance of those achieved by their Westerosi counterparts, and their armorers were soon producing swords and spears and suits of scale and plate no Westerosi smith could hope to match. Even more crucially, it is said the Rhoynish water witches knew secret spells that made dry streams flow again and deserts bloom. To celebrate these unions, and make certain her people could not again retreat to the sea, Nymeria burned the Rhoynish ships. “Our wanderings are at an end,” she declared. “We have found a new home, and here we shall live and die.”
A World of Ice and Fire, pg. 25
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I mean, technically both right and wrong in this case, right?...
Depends on how you look at it.
Original Meme:
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trek-tracks · 5 months
Me: I am a mature adult with a professional job
Also Me:
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*snickering while taking a screenshot for posterity*
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travalerray · 6 months
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the kink got out of hand, sorry
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then what ARE the words you want to say
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I can't believe they really went with "antagonist gets amnesia, vaguely recognises the protagonist and decides that they are besties actually" trope
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I wore the new coat you gave me every day, until it wasnt new any more. When the collar wore out, i had it replaced. When the elbows tore, i had them patched. by the end of it, the bottom of the coat had been re-hemmed so many times, rolled up upon itself again and again, that it became as short as an undershirt. My Third Brother saw it once, and teased me mercilessly for being such an unfashionable miser. I just laughed along. I couldn't explain. I didn't want to. You were always better at words than I was.
Here at our barracks, we have a custom of passing on our old clothes to the junior officers. Over the course of several years, favorite coats would slowly make its way down the ranks, and if it was fortunate enough to avoid getting lost or destroyed at the end of its distinguished service, the men would split it among themselves to make scarves, turbans, and kerchiefs. (once those small pieces were too far gone, they would be turned into cleaning rags). The old, green battle-coat that my Elder Brother gave me now decorates the brows of my fellow men. It gives me the same warm feeling of contentment to see it on them, as i had once felt wearing it.
I never parted with the new coat you gave me. I wore it until it was no longer new, and kept wearing it long after. If the men noticed, they made no comment. I kept it on under the clothes my Liege Lord and Elder Brother gave me. It started out as the most beautiful thing I’ve ever owned, but strangely enough, I only grew fond of it after it became an unsightly mess of patchwork. More darn than silk. If you saw it now, you would have laughed, like you did last time. You might have tried to give me a replacement, and gone away looking so hurt and confused when i refused. You should know by now that i do not take gifts lightly.
One morning, several years after the day we last parted, the coat tore in my hands as i was putting it on. The fabric had become so thin. I folded it up, and kept it safe in my chest until evening. When the stars came out, I brought it out and laid it over the campfire, where the flames ate it up and the winds scattered the ashes far and wide.
Oh boy, it is officially 1 AM and I am having many, many thoughts and feelings tonight about cao cao and guan yu. Notes under the cut.
So the story is inspired by something my mom told me once about clothes recycling in 70s China. She would get hand-me-down clothes from her big sister, once those were worn out, they would go to her little brother, after that, it would be used to patch other clothes, and once those wore out they would be used for rags. Quite a lifecycle. For much of human history, producing textiles was a expensive and time-consuming process, and it made me think about what people do with their old clothes doing the Han Dynasty. In the novel it’s mentioned several times that people would get rewarded old clothes from their superiors, so there is some precedence to this.
Cao cao: oh, woe is me, the most miserable man in existence! My love is totally unrequited. Yunchang cares naught for me!
Guan yu: ^
I use the translation “coat“ for 袍, there isn’t really a one to one English word, (although it’s often called a “heavy robe”). I’ve decided to go with “coat” to keep it more localized, and because I think “heavy robe” is clunky. Idk how to really explain it, the word robe denotes this very specific style of dress from outsiders perspective, in a way that doesn’t come naturally if you are a native speaker talking about your normal clothes. Vibes vs accuracy, FIGHT!
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bonebabbles · 5 months
Having completed a rewatch of Avatar...
It is not as perfect as I remember it being
There is so much cool stuff I'd forgotten about
I have a much stronger appreciation for the female characters, especially considering the time period ATLA was written in
The series' flaws are especially interesting now that I am older and more critical of the stories I engage with
Jesus Christ they weren't lying; those arcs surrounding Hama and Jet are pretty rancid in hindsight
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chocol4tte · 21 days
Werewolf!Kakashi with creature!team 7 pt. 2
This is what it was owed, I apologize for the lack of activity for this silly idea! Here is the part 1 if you are confused!
So, Kakashi, unaware that the arrow he was shot with was filled with werewolf poison and was slowly becoming one himself, he finally drops the crying children when they are in a safer distance from any potential hunter following them and errases any tracks he left to delay them a little longer, knowing very well that they'll continue looking for them when the sun rises.
Kakashi starts calming the children, they were crying because the only person who was kind to them in that prison, abandoned his family and people for them. Kakashi knows that he is being consoled by the children and he calms them down, saying that he was doing the right thing. They continued to cry for the next hour or so.
Its just after the children are curled up behind him, sleeping, that Kakashi continues treating his wounds, when he takes the arrow out, he recognizes the point of the arrow's color liquid and fears the worst. He thinks it may be the exhaustion of the day and addrenaline lowering down causing him to missdiagnose himself... its not until he sees and FEELS the arrow wound closing. Well shit. Just what he needed.
Kakashi was close to have a panic attack, to stand up and commit what he was trained to do in situations like this, to end his own life for the sake of humanity from an aberration like him, yet, he was stopped by hearing the quiet breaths of the three children he risked his life for, that needed to go back to their own homes and families. For now he will live, until they were safe and sound back at their families.
They travel, of course they do, Kakashi does buy, and sometimes steal, some clothes and food for their survival. Kakashi just now has a higher sense of smell, rappid healing factor, and incredible hearing... for now. Its not until the full moon, when Kakashi hides them in a cave and waits for the worst, which, funnily enough, the trasnformation was just the worst thing that happened, from man to wolf, he just gained another form and hunger for bloody meat... but to his relief, he was hilself, a little wilder, true, but himself. He could protect the kids. However, this raised another question: all werewolves are as luccid as him every full moon? If that's so, are they hunting humans for their blood or for the sake of enjoying the human suffering?... or maybe something more was happening behind scenes.
The white furball of the man-now-wolf stayed the entire night adapting to his new body and try to hunt something, he can't help but think a little of what the fuck was his own village hidding from everyone.
Morning arrives, the children woke up to a bunch of cooked rabbit and some veggetables that Kakashi stole, and the man himself, with elongated ears and a new wilder smell. (Underneath his mask, he has sharper fangs and stronger sense of smell, now stronger than the first days, thankfully he is surrounded with little to human civilization smells).
The kids of course ask him why he was so different than before, Sakura and Sasuke get it before Naruto, who was told in 4 different ways how Kakashi is now a supernatural being like them and the different ways one can become a werewolf without being bitten by one on a full moon. They do feel guilty that the human who saved them now not only left his human group, but even stopped being human. Again Kakashi calms them down and said that things like that tend to happen to hunters like him... well, now Ex-hunter?
Anyway, they continue their journey, and Naruto is the happiest little fox in the continent! Kakashi not only saved them, but is also teachign them about survival skills and hunting skills than their own parents, who often said that they were too young to do adult stuff! He could see how Sasuke was also happy to learn more things that his older brother was stopping him to learn from until he was older. Sakura was still shy about it, but absorbing every sort of information that Kakashi provided to them. At some point of their journey, they began calling Kakashi, Sensei, much to his dismay.
As they travel, every full moon, Kakashi continues adapting to his wolf transformation and even his... companions/students(?) cuddle with him in those nights, even sometimes Naruto and Sasuke in their naimal froms wrestle around him, and sometimes, when he is up to it, he plays with them as well, being a wolf... brought some freedom that he never expected to have.
Not only in the full moon, but in some parts of the way, when they were taking their time to set up a small camp, Naruto and Sasuke used it to continue wrestle following their instincts. Sakura observes them, given that she is not a magical beast like them, Kakashi uses the time to teach her basic combat training... and eventually this gains her the ability to fight agains the other two kids... and heal them, thankfully.
Kkashi also learns more things from them as creatures, not much, given that they were too young when they were taken away from their families, but he learns enough to start questioning the reality that he had been taught.
There are closer moments where the hunters were closer to them and began notifying another hunter villages to keep an eye in their surroundings and forests, which, in fact they do multiple times, however when it became known that Kakashi, THE KAKASHI, was a traitor, some hunters paled enough to be compared as ghosts and just, ignored the message, thank you very much. Others saw it as a challenge, a way to prove that they were better than the so called Best Hunter and found this hunt as a way to obtain more fame.
Kakashi just took different and a longer way to their goal. Long enough that it took them almost 5 months to arrive at the border of their homelands. (I would love to put more adventures here and character growth but this ain't the platform for it).
It became something bittersweet for Kakashi, and the kids, Kakashi became to know them for the past 6 months and began seeing them as something similar to a family pack, while Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, couldn't think of a life without their teacher.
He has teach them things that eaither they were going to learn in the next years to come, or never, given that they were just a Kitsune, a panther and a fairy, why would they need to learn to hunt like humans and track like them if they had their senses, only to have an ex-human/ex-hunter teaching them that every sort of knowledge is essential, no matter the species and to not trust just one sense only when hunting. Or a different fighting style that they were accostumed to use or see. Every meeting must have its good bye though.
Once they arrive at the entrance of the creatures territory, Kakashi is surrounded by different creatures, threaten him with claws, magic and even other sort of sharp weapons made of wood and stone, while the kids were taken away from him. All three of them screamed in surprise and were hidden away from the werewolf.
Kakashi knew that they were being observed from affar, and yet the sight of having his students pack-cubs taken away from him, almost made his instincts jump and attack them. That would be a death sentence for him, and the last thing he needed.
As a hunter, there is something that is taught to every hunter, was that, different creatures do not ally themselves, and if they do, it only meant the worst possible news any human could ever have: they would be at war against humans, and right now? Kakashi could see different creatures than the ones he accompanied for almost half a year.
Some of them began yelling orders to call their leaders, while those who took his students pack, began looking at them to see any injuries or signs of poisoning, Kakashi in the meantime, just continued staying in his calm demeanor, fighting against any instinct to go see the kids and calm them down, as they continued pleading to let him go. In fact, Kakashi just says that everything was ok, and to calm down, all while ignoring how the sharp weapons got closer to him, enough to make him bleed, and yet, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke got to calm down... a little bit.
In a matter of minutes, a group of people of different species, just by the mere aura, clothes, and smell, they were the leaders of their packs, he knew of them by the reports in the hunter community and there were clear orders for anyone, including elite hunters: "Flight on sight."
With every step towards them, there was a clear expression on them, fury in its purest form, and all directed to Kakashi. Well, he was fucked.
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rigelnetical · 7 months
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i needed these two out of my brain and onto paper (didnt work get them out)
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nacrelysis · 1 year
billionaires when black water sinking ships sinks their ship
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animationmovieshipps · 5 months
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And to think it took my best friend to be enchanted by him for me to finally pay more attention to him, usually I'm the one that presents obsessions to her lmao
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
Higher on the Rhoyne, in Ny Sar, Princess Nymeria soon received the news of Garin’s shattering defeat and the enslavement of the people of Chroyane and Sar Mell. The same fate awaited her own city, she saw. Accordingly, she gathered every ship that remained upon the Rhoyne, large or small, and filled them full of as many women and children as they could carry (for almost all the men of fighting age had marched with Garin, and died). Down the river Nymeria led this ragged fleet, past ruined and smoking towns and fields of the dead, through waters choked with bloated, floating corpses. To avoid Volantis and its hosts, she chose the older channel and emerged into the Summer Sea where once Sarhoy had stood. Legend tells us that Nymeria took ten thousand ships to sea, searching for a new home for her people beyond the long reach of Valyria and its dragonlords. Beldecar argues that this number was vastly inflated, perhaps as much as tenfold. Other chroniclers offer other numbers, but in truth no true count was ever made. We can safely say there were a great many ships. Most were river craft, skiffs and poleboats, trading galleys, fishing boats, pleasure barges, even rafts, their decks and holds crammed full of women and children and old men. Only one in ten was remotely seaworthy, Beldecar insists. Nymeria’s voyage was long and terrible. More than a hundred ships foundered and sank in the first storm her fleet encountered. As many or more turned back in fear, and were taken by slavers out of Volantis. Others fell behind or drifted away, never to be seen again.
A World of Ice and Fire, pg. 23-24
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kakavashazz · 5 months
@ Veritas Ratio
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madman479r · 7 months
Ben 10,000 X Wonder Woman Gibslythe Ship Table
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Ben 10,000 from Classic series
Wonder Woman from Justice league Animated series.
For Ben, this is after Ben 10 Season 3 episode 1 "Ben 10,000", in which he has started to relax a bit though he still maintains a firm attitude, taking being a hero seriously.
For Diana, this is set during the Thanagarian invasion of Earth "Starcrossed".
During this Ben finds himself in a new dimension and Immediately recognises that he's in the middle of an invasion. He manages to free the Justice League and assist them in fighting off the invasion.
During the time the team pretended to be civilians to get to Wayne Manor, Ben went with Diana instead of Bruce, so the fake kiss scene was between them.
After they fight off the Thanagarians and expand the Justice League, Ben decides, if he can't get back home, he might as well stay to help keep this Earth safe. His time in the DC universe, he and Diana grow close and start to date.
Big/Little Spoon: Diana had never shared her bed with another, so imagine her surprise by how comforting it feels to cuddle with someone, a man no less. For Ben he was in the same situation, having been constantly patrolling his earth he actually didn't sleep much at all, so having Diana with him in his arms makes him feel less anxious and jittery about not patrolling the Earth for anything.
Lends/Borrows Clothes: I don't think there's much Diana has that Ben would wear, unless he wants to cosplay as her, but that's not likely to ever happen.
Doesn't/Does Use Pet Names: Diana mainly addresses Ben by his name, only referring to him as something like "My Love" in privacy, not wanting their business to be anyone else's. Ben does the same for Diana, wanting to respect her boundaries, plus he doesn't want to seem degrading to her after having heard of Themyscira's views on men.
Introverted/Extroverted: Both are a healthy balance. With Diana having been raised in a isolated island, she's eager to explore the world and what it has to offer. Ben is the opposite, having seen the world and beyond, but despite having and extroverted personality and life before adulthood, there are times in which Ben would just like to have some peace and indulge in his favourite things.
Affection Through Words/Actions: Despite his sometimes serious and stern attitude, Ben knows the right things to say and do to show his affection to Diana, be it complementing her abilities as a warrior or her beauty, or using one of his aliens to make her a gift or show her something, like going on a flight with her to see the world. Diana tends to show affection through actions such as pecks on Ben's cheek or deep and passionate kisses, pouring her love for him in the act. Another way to show it is through sparring with Ben, Diana is an amazon after all.
Confesses First/Waits For Confession: Back when he was being a hero 24/7, Ben found romance to be distracting and never really bothered with it, so he was no expert on how to confess to Diana. Diana on the other hand decided that beating around the bush wasn't her thing and confessed for feelings to Ben, knowing he just needed the push to show her that he loved her too.
Screams About/Squashes Bugs: One is hero who's seen the scariest monsters and aliens of the universe before his 15th birthday and the other is a near invincible warrior, so bugs don't really scare either Ben or Diana.
Drives the Car/Can't Drive: Ben is better with a car while Diana is better with a jet.
Can't Cook/Makes Dinner: Ben knows the basics to cooking but that's about it. (My headcannon is that Ben 10,000 never really ate much, instead transforming into Swampfire or Wildvine and basking in sunlight like photosynthesis for a few minutes to re-energise himself). Diana was taught how to cook so she knows whats she's doing.
Dislikes/Loves PDA: Ben isn't too wild about PDA, wanting to rather keep it when it's private while Diana is even about PDA, only going as far as small kisses in public, giving hugs or holding Ben's hand.
Overprotective/Chill Going: Having been the top hero back on his Earth has made Ben think he should be the one to take on the baddest of the bad, not out of arrogance or underestimating the other heroes, but because he doesn't want to risk anyone getting hurt when he could do it himself, regardless if he's the one in danger. Diana knows Ben can handle himself, especially after hearing his feats back in his universe, but notices that Ben has a tendency to put himself in unnecessary danger in an effort to keep everyone else safe, so she'll do what she can to fight by his side and keep him safe in return.
Has More/No Relationship Experience: Before he turned stoic and cold, Ben had some experience in dating, though they never worked due to his hero life style. Diana never really had a relationship, the only romantic interest having been Steve Trevor but that was another time.
Horny Levels: Both can keep it in their pants but there are times when they just find it hard to resist one another. Diana neve thought she'd be enticied by man or their bodies but Ben had a physique that gives Diana thoughts which would make Aphrodite blush. The same being for Ben, especially when her outfit leaves little to the imagination.
Awkwardness Levels: Neither feel awkward with each other though sometimes Ben doesn't want to risk making Themyscira's views on men seem justified while Diana can rarely feel uneducated about the world outside of Themyscira.
Jealousy Levels: Both have very little to feel Jealousy about but the ugly emotion can be there at rare moments, like when another man/woman tries to make a move on Diana/Ben
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doubledyke · 9 months
eddy flirting with kevin is such a power move honestly
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espresso-ships · 1 month
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girlscience · 1 year
finished opla and have truly shocked myself.... i think sanji might be my favorite. he is just a little baby. i want to squeeze him so hard.
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