#10min mushroom
silverislander · 1 year
i got my hair cut today which was so needed but i am going to be honest. i have been trying to make the most of it all day but frankly its not good i will be at least slightly embarrassed to be in public w my head lookin the way it does rn
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picnokinesis · 6 months
What are your three favorite family recipes?
Oh man, okay so this has been in my inbox for AGES (I'm so sorry!!) because I was like damn, this is such a cool ask, but honestly I wouldn't say my family has any 'family recipes' so to speak, at least not anything that I'm aware of as something that's been passed down, y'know? I think this is mostly because my mum is a fantastic cook, and generally found/came up with her own recipes rather than doing anything my gran taught her haha. I learnt pretty much everything about how I cook from her, which is what I would describe as 'a vibes-based approach', where rather than precise measurements, she'll say 'oh a bit of that, a bit of this', and also ignore half of what the recipe says and do her own thing. She makes roux sauce without measuring anything and by pouring all the liquid in at once, and just whisking it like a mad thing to get rid of the lumps hahaha
So then, following on from that, I figured actually whilst I don't really have any passed-down family recipes (other than like, my mum's amazing quiche, which I do not know how to make myself rip), I do have recipes that I've made up, based on other recipes! So I'll quickly tell you about those!
Courgette Pesto Pasta Ingredients:
Pasta (I use 50g of penne per person)
1 onion (or half if you're only cooking for one person)
Mushrooms (like. a bunch. follow your heart)
Bacon (2 slices per person)
Lemon Juice
So you'll need to chop up everything before hand (or, if you're like me, time it with how long it takes the kettle to boil, but I have a gas kettle that takes 5-10mins to boil, and also screams at me). So: chopped onions, sliced mushrooms, sliced courgette, and cut the bacon into little squares. Then - kettle boils and pasta goes on. By the time you're done with cooking everything, the pasta should be about ready.
Put the courgette in a small pan, and add a lump of butter, some lemon juice and a bit of some of the boiled water left over from the kettle. The aim of the game here is that the water/lemon juice is gonna boil off and leave the butter behind to fry the courgette a little before adding it in with everything else, so only have enough liquid that it doesn't quite cover the top layer of courgette. Then whack that on the heat. Grab a wok, throw some oil in and start frying the onions. After a few, throw in the mushrooms. Then, add the bacon. I personally like my wok-fried food a little seared, so when it's getting crispy, the courgette will hopefully be beginning to fry in the other pan. At this point, I usually tip the courgette AND whatever liquid is left in that pan into the wok, and start frying it all together. By now, it should have been about five or ten minutes, so test the pasta, see if it's cooked. When it's ready, drain the pasta, turn the heat down on the wok and then add the pasta. Then mix in a healthy teaspoonful of pesto for as many people as you're making it for, and that's it!
Potential variations:
So my mum makes this one differently - no lemon juice, no courgette, no pesto. Instead, she cuts up a red bell pepper and adds that into the wok after the bacon, and adds in a ton of Philadelphia cream cheese for the sauce. It tastes incredible haha. I've also made a variation on this where it's the same as my mum's version, but I add in a couple of teaspoons of sun-dried tomato pesto as well, which was glorious. And then the other day I made up a new variation, which takes my version of the recipe as outlined above, but uses grilled vegetable pesto instead of normal pesto - and then, before serving, beat one egg per person in a mug, and pour that into the wok and stir it in throughout. That was AMAZING
Quail Egg Carbonara Ingredients:
Quail eggs (5 per person)
Pasta again
Single cream
Parmesan cheese (1 hearty tablespoon per person)
Bacon (again, two slices each)
Okay so you don't have to use quail eggs. However, I get quail eggs for free from work because we have like, six or seven quails HAHAH so we get a ton of eggs and most of my co-workers don't eat them so I make the most of it. This recipe is based on a recipe from a cook book that I have, but the proportions are kinda whack, so I riffed off it, and I use quail eggs because the yolk to egg white ratio works out better, I think? However, you can absolutely try and use a chicken egg - my mum tried this the other day and just used one chicken egg per person, and she said it was fine, just a lot more liquid than my version haha.
Anyway. This one is so simple. Make the sauce first: beat all the eggs together in a large bowl, then add a lump of butter and the single cream (I'm so sorry. It's like - okay, last time I made it, I wanna say I used about 100ml cream to cook for three people, and a healthy sized lump of butter. But it's a vibes based approach. Follow your heart) and then 1 hearty tablespoon of parmesan cheese per person. Yes, it's a lot. That's because this recipe is good for the soul. Anyway - important note, do NOT MIX the ingredients together. Just throw them into the bowl and let it stand. Put the pasta on to cook, and then fry the bacon in a frying pan (oh, the bacon and the mushrooms should be chopped). After the bacon is getting on, add the mushrooms. Again, we love these slightly seared. THEN. When the pasta is cooked - do NOT turn off the heat, but turn it down, and then drain the pasta and return it to the pan. Add the mushrooms, bacon and pan juices into the pan with the pasta, put it back on the low heat, and then pour everything in that bowl into the pan and mix it together. The og recipe was like 'turn the heat off, the heat of the pasta will cook the eggs!!' but I don't trust that lol so I do keep it on the low heat as I stir it for about a minute or so, and then I take it off the heat and serve it immediately. With more parmesan on top, of course.
The other three main things that I cook that are actually pretty decent/interesting come from some recipe books that I have, but they are: Sausage and Bacon Casserole, Chicken in Cider (this one is AMAZING and also so easy but looks very impressive haha), and Pork in Apple Gravy (also amazing, but less simple - you kinda make a roux sauce but use apple juice rather than milk!). I also like a lot of vegetarian food, so my mum and I work together to make a really lovely nut roast from an old recipe book, and also stir fry with cashew nuts fried in soy sauce, and I'm actually hoping to try and make a vegan version of that first recipe with pine nuts and cashews rather than bacon for my vegan friend who makes her own pesto at some point!
Anyway!! Hope the person who originally asked me this sees this lol, and if not I hope it's interesting for other people! I'm always interested in new recipes that don't involve spices because I'm very weak when it comes to heat in food (like......peppery sauces taste spicy to me RIP) so if anyone has any recommendations, send them my way!
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heyyitsbe · 4 months
Day 2 of 28 days to lose all my weight
I copied this diet, the first week of a diet it's the worst for me but this was fulfilling.
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So here are the recipes
Breakfast (10am)
Matcha chia pudding (mine was a smaller portion than the photo)
500ml of water with lemon
-1/2 cup of almond milk or water (I used unsweetened almond milk)
-1 and a 1/2 tbsp of chia seeds
-1/2 tbsp of matcha
-A dash of Stevia because the matcha can be bitter
-2 toasted almonds
Mix the milk and seeds and leave overnight, before serving take half of the mixture and mix the matcha.
You can top it up with almonds and cashews or granola.
(the picture seems to have yoghurt too but I don't eat dairy, it seems as a layer of chia pudding with milk or yoghurt, chia pudding with water, matcha yoghurt with chia, granola, matcha yoghurt, granola, almonds and cashews)
Morning workout (10:30am)
I did the 30min cardio but y'all can do the 10min one
500ml of water + multivitamins after the workout (I got the care/of ones)
Lunch (2pm)
Pumpkin with stir fry veggies (I see some mushrooms in the stir-fry on the picture but I'm not sure what's the other thing... Some veggie or meat or something like tofu skin???)
A cup of green tea while I was cooking
500ml of water during the meal
-A quarter of sweet pumpkin
-1/4 cup of cabbage
-1 mushroom
-A quarter of onion
-garlic clove
-garlic powder, salt, pepper, soy sauce, coconut oil
So I put the pumpkin on a steamer with a bit of garlic powder and salt for 30min (it could be less just check when it gets soft)
I diced all the veggies and with coconut oil spray I stir fry them for a bit, after they cooked I added the salt, pepper and a bit of soy sauce.
Midday workout + Snack (3:30pm)
I needed to do some errands so I walked the whole time, it was till 5:40pm that I got home
750ml of water
10 green grapes
Dinner (9pm)
Miso soup Pak Choi with tofu instead of the egg
2 cup of green tea while I was cooking and after dinner
-1 small Pak Choi (you can use spinach)
-1 cup of water
-1 tbsp of miso paste
-1/4 cup of tofu (I believe I bought Sainsbury's firm tofu and cut it in 8 pieces)
Cut the leaves off the Pak Choi then the ends in quarters to boil in the water, when they get soft mix the miso paste and add the leaves and tofu just boil them for a minute or less.
Night workout (11pm)
I don't count calories anymore because it feels like a waste of time but I do control my portions that why I detail it more this time. I kinda have a vegan gluten free diet BUT I eat fish time to time so I'm not strict about it
I'm making this types of post because this was what inspired me the most and don't see it often..
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tymberwolf02 · 1 year
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Made an Orange Chicken Stir-Fry for dinner. Kinda like how tangy it turned out.
1 lb. chicken breast
2 medium stalks celery
1 navel orange
1 lime
1 tsp. soy sauce
5 oz. can bamboo shoots
5 oz. can water chesnuts
4-5 oz.* crimini mushrooms
Olive oil
Dice the chicken and place in a skillet on the stovetop. Drizzle olive oil and stir to coat chicken. Turn stovetop heat to medium-high and cook the chicken until browned (~5min).
Juice the orange and the lime and combine their juice in a single container. Add the soy sauce to the juice. Turn heat to medium-low and add the juice mixture.
Chop and add the celery, the mushrooms, the bamboo shoots, and the water chesnuts. Cover and cook for ~10min, stirring occasionally.
Remove from the heat and let stand for 3min to cool. Serve with a side of rice (the rice shown here is Lotus Foods' White Jasmine + Forbidden Rice)
*For the crimini mushrooms, I did not measure out the number exactly. I just estimated the number I needed based on what "felt right" for this recipe.
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bristolianbackpacker · 4 months
Day 23 - The Peruvian Amazon
We are being picked up at 9:00am for our tour. Breakfast is complementary at the hotel but I just need some oats. 
Our cold symptoms have pretty much cleared up but now I have a cough developing. Marco our guide for the next 5 days picks us up and we go via a pharmacy to get some cough syrup and lozenges. 
We head to the HQ to drop some of our stuff off and we start the 90min drive to the lodge. It’s fairly unusual that we can access our lodge by road as most lodges are accessible by boat only. Our lodge would take 5 hours to reach if we were travelling by boat. Once we arrive we just need to take a short boat ride to the other side of the river and we get an intro from Marco, meet the other guests properly - there are two couples from UK and one from US/Canada.  We then get shown to our rooms where we have a little downtime. The room is a bit basic but it’s exactly what I was expecting. 
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The site is big and they are building more lodges, the gardens are so well maintained with flowers and fruits growing - plenty of bananas on the trees. 
It takes us quite a while to walk from our lodge back to the lunchroom as there is so much wildlife to see - butterflies, two types of monkeys.
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Lunch is served at 1:00pm and it’s really good considering we are in the middle of nowhere. Beetroot, potatoes and carrot salad as entree and vegetable curry for main followed by some watermelon. 
Eating together in the group at set meal times makes it feel a little like boarding school but the group are really nice and we are getting on well so it’s nice to sit together. 
More downtime before we go on a walk later. We need to get adjusted to island time - especially given the limited internet access!
We meet back up at 4:00pm to go on a short 10min walk to a lookout tower. 
The lookout tower is 38m high and is a little scary for me as it gets quite wobbly at the top but it’s easy to get distracted with wildlife spotting. Marco brings his huge telescope so we can zoom in on things - it really puts out Temu binoculars to shame. We see lots of birds - a few types of vultures (3 king vultures were perched in the top of a nearby tree which Marco said was very rare - they were absolutely massive!), a few types of toucans and the olive crested oropendola.
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After spotting for a while, it starts getting dark but we stay at the top whilst Marco gives us some information about the area. The lodge is situated on 30 square hectares of private land and it borders Tambopata National Reserve which is 205,000 square hectares. The national reserve is protected land but there is plenty of other land in the Peruvian Amazon that isn’t protected where mining is allowed. He also says that during COVID gold miners started illegally mining in the park because it wasn’t able to be monitored effecting by rangers but this has since been cracked down on. We also find out a bit about native tribes that do not have contact with other humans (plus some that do). 
By the time we get to the bottom it’s really dark and we need our phone torches to get home. 
On the way back to the lodge we see spiders (incl. a deadly spider - I think it was the wandering spider but can’t remember 100% plus a tiny little spider that uses other dead insects to form a big fake spider in its web), a lizard, leaf cutter ants (so cool) and army ants (bad), some frogs plus a cane toad (we know all about this one!)
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After the trek we get stuck into dinner - chicken with a creamy mushroom sauce, roasted potatoes and veg. So yummy! Also another older American couple have joined us. 
It’s an early night for us, we have to be ready for our excursion tomorrow at 4:45am! Also the electricity goes off at 10pm and I don’t fancy our chances walking along the uneven/non-handrailed boardwalk in the dark.
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lemonflowercat · 6 months
75 soft: day 2
[x] morning walk/run/yoga x6/w
20m full body yoga
i've been negotiating with myself to get out of walks for almost 3 weeks now.
[x] meditate every afternoon for at least 15m
[] evening wxo x6/w
had to skip for plans w friends
[x]study 28h this week: 2h 12m 4h 12m down
I have a very weird headache today that seems to intensify when I study?
[x] [x] [x] raw veg/fruit for 3 meals/d
- spinach banana smoothie w my very loaded mushroom omelet for breakkie
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- i'd meal prepped a salad the other day: cukes + tomato + jalapeños + green grapes w a sunflower oil + honey + lime + splash of vinegar + chilli flakes dressing; I made a wrap-which-doesn't-wrap with said salad, cowpea hummus and pan fried tofu
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- handful of green grapes and 2 cherries for mid-study munchies
[] 1400cal x6d/w
social night, drank lots of urrak and couldn't stick to this! i really want to figure out a way to maintain my calorie limits while eating out and a very sad realisation is that it will definitely involve choosing b/w food & alcohol. i'm not big on getting drunk, but i love Goan feni and urrak (like literally how they taste) and i will miss it so much T-T
[x] 3L water/d [x] progress picture/d
[x] brush before bed
[x] no media consumption on PMS/freeze days
i had a ball of a day! a friend was conducting a cyanotype workshop which i was super excited about!!!! printing looks like SO much fun. i've been meaning to dabble in some cyanotype and linocut for ages, but i just can't get my you-should-be-studying-self to get on any big projects rn. this little workshop was perfect! i went there with another friend - she overslept and was late to pick me up, then we got lost on the way and finally arrived with 10min left to the workshop, just when they were putting their prints out in the sun |:
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but we did get a run through of the process! ugh i can't wait for my exams to end so i can do the 101 things on my list T-T
the workshop was part of this queer community mixer. after the workshop they screened five short films, curated under the Five Films for Freedom program. all the films were really cute - i don't have a lot of close friends who are queer, so it was really nice to get this little peek into what their world is like. Ili-ili made me cry and Compton's 22 had me in sheer awe of the beauty and power these queens possess.
after the screening, there was a panel discussion featuring prominent queer artists/storytellers that mainly centered around authentic uncensored queer expression in media. what struck me the most was that the younger people on the panel were leaning towards putting their queerness out there for the world to see - in terms of how unique they are, their struggles, their stories - vs the older people who seemed to be more like, paraphrasing] 'my queerness isn't what defines me. i'm just human too, and i want my art to underscore that. i want it to be about the little moments of mundane life that you and i feel, queer or not.'
this was followed by a whole bunch of us ending up at a homely Goan bar called "XL Bar" haha and 10/10 urrak, pork and all the fish you can think of! //for the 100th time, worships Goan food//
v fun night, so grateful to have shared an evening with such a cute community (':
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juan-carlos-pareja · 11 months
CALBUCO from Martin Heck | Timestorm Films on Vimeo.
Volcano Calbuco erupted on April 22, 2015, for the first time in four decades. Located close to the cities of Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt in southern Chile. We spend the prior couple of days on the neighboring volcano Osorno (~20km linear distance) shooting timelapses. After an amazing night under the nightsky we took the cable car downwards after a delay caused by repairs. Already late we headed south to catch the ferry on Routa 7 down to Patagonia. After 10min on the ferry we noticed a massive, almost nuclear looking cloud boiling upwards just were we left a few hours ago. Frenetically looking for a good outlook we then rushed to the only non-forested place to get a decent view of the show. We quickly put every bit of camera-equipment we could find on the constantly growing mushroom-cloud. We shot timelapses in 8K and 4K with a Pentax 645Z and Canon 6D. On the A7s we shot 4K video to the Shogun. We filled almost all of our memory cards in the prior night so I had to do backups while shooting all this stuff. This was for sure the most incredible show I've ever seen. I think this is a one in a lifetime event and I am so happy that we were able to capture it in all its glory. We will also release a timelapse video of our 6 weeks trip to Patagonia soon. FACEBOOK: facebook.com/TimestormFilms | TWITTER: twitter.com/martinheck WEBSITE: timestormfilms.com/
4K/UHD-Version: youtube.com/watch?v=rVcTPfBxOPU Soundtrack: We wish it was never light - Anamog
All footage is available for licensing (video in 4K, timelapses in 8K&4K). For professional inquiries please contact me: [email protected] FOOTAGE GALLERY: app.nimia.com/presentations/7388/calbuco-4k-volcanic-erruption-footage/
GEAR LIST: -Sony A7s + Atomos Shogun 4K recorder -Canon EOS 6D -Canon 70-200mm f4 L -Canon 24-105mm f4 L -Samyang 14mm f2.8 -Pentax 645Z -Pentax 55mm f2.8 -Pentax 25mm f4
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kathyklonecke · 2 years
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Tofu Frittata
You'll need an instant pot and a cuisinart. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
In instant pot add 1c dry garbanzo beans and 2c water. Seal and press beans. Drain and reserve liquid (called aquafaba) Set aside when done.
2. Microwave in glass pyrex large measuring cup: 1/2c chopped red onion, 1/2c chopped shitake or button mushroons for 3 min on high. set aside
3. Grate a med to large zucchini. Reserve 1/4c for spreading on top (or reserve thinly sliced zucchini for top) Set aside.
4. Make crust:
In cuisinart blend 1c of cooked garbanzo beans w/2 T tahini and 3T aquafaba left from garbanzo beans. Spread in a round pie pan sprayed lightly with cooking spray. I wear gloves to spread and pat evenly in a 9x9 silicone baking dish. Bake for 10Min at 350. Cool
5. Combine in med bowl:
16oz firm tofu and 3/4c of the cooked garbanzo beans first blended in a cuisinart until just smooth but coarse.
1 small, peeled, cooked and chopped russet potato
1 1/2t Italian seasoning ( or a combination of spices similar to Italian or Mexican)
1/3c chopped parsley
pinch of red pepper flakes
1 T. maple syrup
1/4c grated parmesan cheese (I do eat some hard cheese. But never the soft ones) You can use a plant based shredded cheese also.
1/2t black pepper and salt
1/2 t smoked paprika
1/4c unsweetened soy milk
6. Fold in onion, zucchini, and mushrooms
7. Pour and evenly spread filling on top of cooled crust. Spread remaining shredded zucchini on top (you can also put decorative sliced thin zucchini on top). Sprinkle smoked paprika on top. Bake 30-40 min
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recipes: dinner
vegan/ vegetarian: ☘️
fish: 🐟
meat: 🍗
warm: 🔥
tried by me:
Chicken Quinoa Bowl (3/5) ❄️🍗; 25min
Pumpkin soup (5/5) 🔥☘️; 45min
Zoodles with Salmon (4/5) 🔥🐟; 10min
Honey garlic Salom (5/5) 🔥🐟; 15min
Sesame Noodles with Chicken (4/5) ❄️🥩; 30min
Beef Burrito Bowl (5/5) 🔥🥩; 30min
Satay Chicken Noodle Salad (10/5) 🔥🥩; 30min
Sesame Tuna Steak (5/5) 🔥🥩; 35min
Cauliflower Bake (4/5) 🔥☘️; 25min
Vegan Bolognese (4/5) ☘️🔥;65min
Spaghetti Puttanesca (3/5) 🐟🔥; 30min
Chicken Quinoa Salad (4/5) 🥩❄️; 30min
Pumpkin Haloumni Salad (4/5) ☘️❄️; 40min
Salmon Tacos (5/5) 🐟❄️; 20min
Tofu Wrap (4/5) ☘️❄️; 30min
Greek Baked Salmon (3/5) 🐟🔥; 30min
Buffalo Chicken Wraps (5/5) 🍗🔥; 30min
Caprese Pasta Salad (5/5) ☘️❄️; 10min
Smoked Salom Egg Bagel (3/5) 🐟🔥; 5min
Teriyaki Salmon Poke Bowl (4/5) ����❄️🔥; 25min
to be tried by me:
Salom Onigiri ❄️🐟; 40min
One Pan Orzo ☘️🔥; 30min
Flatbread Pizza ☘️🔥; 25min
Salmon Alfredo 🐟🔥; 30min
Vegan Chilli con Carne ☘️🔥; 35min
Haloumni Salad ☘️🔥; 40min
Tofu Fried Rice ☘️🔥; 30min
Fish Bowl 🐟❄️; 25min
Tofu Skin Salad ☘️❄️/🔥; 17min
Chicken Noodle Salad 🥩❄️; 20min
Miso Soup ☘️🔥; 5min
Garlic Tofu ☘️🔥; 20min
Spicy Korean Rice Cakes ☘️🔥; 30min
Mushroom Soup ☘️🔥; 30min
Chicken Lo Min 🍗🔥; 25min
Satay Tofu Skewers ☘️🔥; 30min
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missguomeiyun · 2 years
An acquired taste for sure. .. so I don’t expect many ppl to like this but . .. it’s ok!
Here was my 1st attempt (current one is my 3rd): https://missguomeiyun.tumblr.com/post/686690229237727232/sundae-guk-by-me
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I used the Knorr chicken soup as my broth base again - mixed with water. I added minced garlic that has some oil content (usually I use fresh garlic).
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Add the aromatics & seasonings, which include: green onion, onion, gochu powder, Korean fermented/salted shrimp sauce, perilla seed powder, & for the 1st time ever, I added black pepper. 
Let it cook in low-medium heat for a while; like ~10mins.
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Add veggies. I kept it simple & just used beech mushrooms & napa cabbage.
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Once the cabbage & mushrooms are almost cooked, add your sundae.
* The sundae I buy/have are frozen. I microwave them to defrost but it’s not like completely hot. I’m sure the middle is just like lukewarm.
Cook it till the sundae is completely hot.
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& then serve~ I cut my sundae in my bowl or else the filling just leaks out. Some ppl may prefer that *shrugs* I added extra perilla seed powder & also a small spoonful of gochujang (Korean chili paste).
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kaehunterart · 5 years
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🍄 99: Laetiporus
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I Love being friends with my areas professor, I get access to research paper sometimes months ahead of public release and the research coming out of the Titomoth region is insane. We might have our first case of ParaNecro-Evolution. Evolution brought on by the habitation of a living organism in the corpse of another between Shroomish and Parasect.
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Researchers have found that through unknown predation Parasect are killed by an organism that eats only the The fungus components of their body , leaving the insectoid part untouched but dead. Upon further observation it was found that if a Parasect body was uncompromised within roughly 10mins of its death and found by a Shroomish , it would embedded itself on the parasects back and begin releasing substances similar to penicillin. It is believe they do this to stave off rot and other potentially infectious agents in there Parasects body while the shroomish begins taking over the Basic life functions the original mushroom on its back Did. Generally to an outside observer it will appear as though the Shroomish has gone dormant for a feeding/reproductive phase as mushrooms will begin to grow around and on the body of the Parasect. During this roughly 3 day Periods it was observed that occasionally the Parasect body would twitch as though reacting to stimuli around it. On the final day it was noted that the parasect and shroomish’s body began to glow Much in the same way a Pokémon going through evolution would changing shape and dimensions as it continued on. Upon the diminishing of the glow it was confirmed that together the Pokémon had evolved.
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Currently dubbed Paraloom research is still on going into The behavior and environmental niches they fit into. They have so far been observed as mostly scavengers ,feeding on the remains of other dead Pokémon or decaying plant matter such as fallen trees and rotting fruit. When threatened they generally respond by launching clouds of poisonous spores and when directly engaged deal powerful striking moves from their claws.
@dragonofthenorth Rexi have you seen any of these?-Alexander
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birdslime · 2 years
So! I went on a journey to try some slightly more uncommon schmeats!
In my list is offal of course! Because i have already tried something akin to chitlins in tacos which is Delicious, and beef lung too, and amongst others i Do loooove tendons in pho as well~
So the first one was:
Big reason too is im cheap and i love cheap meat
I spent time wondering, trying to work out a recipe that would make this Singular, Giant, $4 dollar kidney Fantastic and i came up with:
Searing the kidney on both sides, seasoned with beef bouillon and white pepper on a stainless steel pot
Add some oil and hella yellow onions to the same pot, let them cook down a bit until a bit past translucent and add butter, then fancily chopped garlic. Add some salt or beef bouillon, then covered the bottom of the pot with this Really acidic white wine i had and let it reduce. Add some worcestershire sauce.
While onions cook and sauce reduces, chop the seared kidney, cover pieces lightly with flour and then add to the pot, add 2 giant bay leaves.
Let that cook together a bit, added some dill and some oregano, it happened to need no more salts.
So! The taste was fine at first, hella strong. I think this may ne what is considered a "gamey" taste but the only gamey meats ive had are pigeons when i was like 12.
So a bit of metallic taste, perhaps gamey...? Taste lingers and so does the smell, very strong taste but fine overall.
The Texture though, is another story. See, i did Not chop the kidney horizontally because i didnt think about it, and i Really feel like smaller, bite size pieces would've helped a LOT. So, the texture... hooooo boi
It felt like a thick-ass shiitake mushroom, which sounds Fine, but its The Weirdest texture ive ever had in my mouth. Plus, seemingly i overcooked it (didnt stew/braise long enough to be tender, just enough for it to be hella chewy...) and the outer part was chewy and the inside... sandy..??? Hellish.
I wanted So bad to like it. I tried So hard to make my kidney taste fancy. My kitchen looked like Hannibal Lecter's. I planned this recipe for like 2 weeks....... and what do i have to show for man... Grayest dish ive ever made in my life, texture the Bane of my life,,, taste is quite like fancy dogfood,,,,,,,
This one was Not a win bois.
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-Yes, yes i rested the damn kidney!!! It was chilling there for like a good ~10min before i even cut it it just bled itself.
-Apparently youre supposed to cook them to like, rare or so
-A pâte made of this could probably taste pretty good! But ive never made a spreadable meat product before.. perhaps ill chop it even finer and mix those bits with some rendered tallow and it will be palatable then
-No meat tastes like a kidney, in both texture and taste it was fairly unique!
-The fat part the suet was the best part for me!
-The cat Really liked the smell so at least Someone enjoyed something about this!! (didnt give him any though because alliums >.>)
Overall, though i aint willing to try this again anytime soon, perhaps this will not be the end! Definitely wanna try something else next though..
I think it was a brave first shot :}
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nuaghtylilgirl · 2 years
Crab,cream cheese, mushroom and blue cheese stuffed mushroom
360°F for 10min.
Omg it's so good
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myketoideas · 5 years
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The Best Buttery Garlic Mushrooms | You will love this easy and delicious 10-min… The Greatest Buttery Garlic Mushrooms | You'll love this simple and scrumptious 10-minute facet dish that pairs with something! Low carb and Keto accepted! #keto #lowcarb #vegan | foodgasm.membership
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strawberrystarcake · 3 years
Hello, tis I, nciko, scrolling your blog like a newspaper because I'm bored and don't have time to actually log in. (Hence anon. The bus will be here in like 10min agjsldpdj) anyway! 💌 . Perceive me <3
hello, nciko, friend of mine who's not automatically logged on to the hellsite for some reason
anyways, you have been perceived!
mushrooms; half-wilted roses on cluttered desks; burnt paper; old web; cryptidcore; white dandelions; vintage soda cans; passive aggressive wit; comfort; snow; hot chocolate with marshmallows; chaotic cramming behind presentable grades; hazelnuts; lemons; the colour red; ghosts; alarm clocks; the inherent poetry in a black hole
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