#11 mars 2021
empirearchives · 6 months
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19 mail vignettes from the age of Napoleon, ft. different departments and regimes
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lunchcase · 2 years
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Honey Cardamom Latte
Location: Dark Horse
Price: $5.25 CAD for grande (medium?)
It’s got a spice kick to it! It’s not as sweet as I usually drink, but it’s good to try new things. It’s definitely very warm and filling, but I like really milky and much sweeter things than this, so I probably won’t get it again. Glad I did, kind of situation, knowledge is power and all that. Maybe one day my sugar tastes will grow more subtle.
Shout out to marianne for her collection of cafes for us to visit!! Very much appreciate how my exploration for new drinks complements your exploration for new cafes. Even though you always drink the same vanilla latte.
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fatliberation · 9 months
they have a point though. you wouldn't need everyone to accommodate you if you just lost weight, but you're too lazy to stick to a healthy diet and exercise. it's that simple. I'd like to see you back up your claims, but you have no proof. you have got to stop lying to yourselves and face the facts
Must I go through this again? Fine. FINE. You guys are working my nerves today. You want to talk about facing the facts? Let's face the fucking facts.
In 2022, the US market cap of the weight loss industry was $75 billion [1, 3]. In 2021, the global market cap of the weight loss industry was estimated at $224.27 billion [2]. 
In 2020, the market shrunk by about 25%, but rebounded and then some since then [1, 3] By 2030, the global weight loss industry is expected to be valued at $405.4 billion [2]. If diets really worked, this industry would fall overnight. 
1. LaRosa, J. March 10, 2022. "U.S. Weight Loss Market Shrinks by 25% in 2020 with Pandemic, but Rebounds in 2021." Market Research Blog. 2. Staff. February 09, 2023. "[Latest] Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Market Size/Share Worth." Facts and Factors Research. 3. LaRosa, J. March 27, 2023. "U.S. Weight Loss Market Partially Recovers from the Pandemic." Market Research Blog.
Over 50 years of research conclusively demonstrates that virtually everyone who intentionally loses weight by manipulating their eating and exercise habits will regain the weight they lost within 3-5 years. And 75% will actually regain more weight than they lost [4].
4. Mann, T., Tomiyama, A.J., Westling, E., Lew, A.M., Samuels, B., Chatman, J. (2007). "Medicare’s Search For Effective Obesity Treatments: Diets Are Not The Answer." The American Psychologist, 62, 220-233. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2007.
The annual odds of a fat person attaining a so-called “normal” weight and maintaining that for 5 years is approximately 1 in 1000 [5].
5. Fildes, A., Charlton, J., Rudisill, C., Littlejohns, P., Prevost, A.T., & Gulliford, M.C. (2015). “Probability of an Obese Person Attaining Normal Body Weight: Cohort Study Using Electronic Health Records.” American Journal of Public Health, July 16, 2015: e1–e6.
Doctors became so desperate that they resorted to amputating parts of the digestive tract (bariatric surgery) in the hopes that it might finally result in long-term weight-loss. Except that doesn’t work either. [6] And it turns out it causes death [7],  addiction [8], malnutrition [9], and suicide [7].
6. Magro, Daniéla Oliviera, et al. “Long-Term Weight Regain after Gastric Bypass: A 5-Year Prospective Study - Obesity Surgery.” SpringerLink, 8 Apr. 2008. 7. Omalu, Bennet I, et al. “Death Rates and Causes of Death After Bariatric Surgery for Pennsylvania Residents, 1995 to 2004.” Jama Network, 1 Oct. 2007.  8. King, Wendy C., et al. “Prevalence of Alcohol Use Disorders Before and After Bariatric Surgery.” Jama Network, 20 June 2012.  9. Gletsu-Miller, Nana, and Breanne N. Wright. “Mineral Malnutrition Following Bariatric Surgery.” Advances In Nutrition: An International Review Journal, Sept. 2013.
Evidence suggests that repeatedly losing and gaining weight is linked to cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and altered immune function [10].
10. Tomiyama, A Janet, et al. “Long‐term Effects of Dieting: Is Weight Loss Related to Health?” Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6 July 2017.
Prescribed weight loss is the leading predictor of eating disorders [11].
11. Patton, GC, et al. “Onset of Adolescent Eating Disorders: Population Based Cohort Study over 3 Years.” BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 20 Mar. 1999.
The idea that “obesity” is unhealthy and can cause or exacerbate illnesses is a biased misrepresentation of the scientific literature that is informed more by bigotry than credible science [12]. 
12. Medvedyuk, Stella, et al. “Ideology, Obesity and the Social Determinants of Health: A Critical Analysis of the Obesity and Health Relationship” Taylor & Francis Online, 7 June 2017.
“Obesity” has no proven causative role in the onset of any chronic condition [13, 14] and its appearance may be a protective response to the onset of numerous chronic conditions generated from currently unknown causes [15, 16, 17, 18].
13. Kahn, BB, and JS Flier. “Obesity and Insulin Resistance.” The Journal of Clinical Investigation, Aug. 2000. 14. Cofield, Stacey S, et al. “Use of Causal Language in Observational Studies of Obesity and Nutrition.” Obesity Facts, 3 Dec. 2010.  15. Lavie, Carl J, et al. “Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease: Risk Factor, Paradox, and Impact of Weight Loss.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 26 May 2009.  16. Uretsky, Seth, et al. “Obesity Paradox in Patients with Hypertension and Coronary Artery Disease.” The American Journal of Medicine, Oct. 2007.  17. Mullen, John T, et al. “The Obesity Paradox: Body Mass Index and Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Nonbariatric General Surgery.” Annals of Surgery, July 2005. 18. Tseng, Chin-Hsiao. “Obesity Paradox: Differential Effects on Cancer and Noncancer Mortality in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.” Atherosclerosis, Jan. 2013.
Fatness was associated with only 1/3 the associated deaths that previous research estimated and being “overweight” conferred no increased risk at all, and may even be a protective factor against all-causes mortality relative to lower weight categories [19].
19. Flegal, Katherine M. “The Obesity Wars and the Education of a Researcher: A Personal Account.” Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 15 June 2021.
Studies have observed that about 30% of so-called “normal weight” people are “unhealthy” whereas about 50% of so-called “overweight” people are “healthy”. Thus, using the BMI as an indicator of health results in the misclassification of some 75 million people in the United States alone [20]. 
20. Rey-López, JP, et al. “The Prevalence of Metabolically Healthy Obesity: A Systematic Review and Critical Evaluation of the Definitions Used.” Obesity Reviews : An Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 15 Oct. 2014.
While epidemiologists use BMI to calculate national obesity rates (nearly 35% for adults and 18% for kids), the distinctions can be arbitrary. In 1998, the National Institutes of Health lowered the overweight threshold from 27.8 to 25—branding roughly 29 million Americans as fat overnight—to match international guidelines. But critics noted that those guidelines were drafted in part by the International Obesity Task Force, whose two principal funders were companies making weight loss drugs [21].
21. Butler, Kiera. “Why BMI Is a Big Fat Scam.” Mother Jones, 25 Aug. 2014. 
Body size is largely determined by genetics [22].
22. Wardle, J. Carnell, C. Haworth, R. Plomin. “Evidence for a strong genetic influence on childhood adiposity despite the force of the obesogenic environment” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Vol. 87, No. 2, Pages 398-404, February 2008.
Healthy lifestyle habits are associated with a significant decrease in mortality regardless of baseline body mass index [23].  
23. Matheson, Eric M, et al. “Healthy Lifestyle Habits and Mortality in Overweight and Obese Individuals.” Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 25 Feb. 2012.
Weight stigma itself is deadly. Research shows that weight-based discrimination increases risk of death by 60% [24].
24. Sutin, Angela R., et al. “Weight Discrimination and Risk of Mortality .” Association for Psychological Science, 25 Sept. 2015.
Fat stigma in the medical establishment [25] and society at large arguably [26] kills more fat people than fat does [27, 28, 29].
25. Puhl, Rebecca, and Kelly D. Bronwell. “Bias, Discrimination, and Obesity.” Obesity Research, 6 Sept. 2012. 26. Engber, Daniel. “Glutton Intolerance: What If a War on Obesity Only Makes the Problem Worse?” Slate, 5 Oct. 2009.  27. Teachman, B. A., Gapinski, K. D., Brownell, K. D., Rawlins, M., & Jeyaram, S. (2003). Demonstrations of implicit anti-fat bias: The impact of providing causal information and evoking empathy. Health Psychology, 22(1), 68–78. 28. Chastain, Ragen. “So My Doctor Tried to Kill Me.” Dances With Fat, 15 Dec. 2009. 29. Sutin, Angelina R, Yannick Stephan, and Antonio Terraciano. “Weight Discrimination and Risk of Mortality.” Psychological Science, 26 Nov. 2015.
There's my "proof." Where is yours?
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lazarusemma · 8 months
Nov 6 - Cas is
Nov 11 - He’s
Nov 18 - Sam says Mia says journaling helps. Sure.
Nov 19 - Should’ve been me.
Nov 20 - Sam, if you’re reading this thing, I’ll kick your ass.
Nov 21 - Spaghetti for dinner. Cas still dead. Journaling still stupid.
Nov 24 - I should’ve said
Nov 25 - Should’ve told him.
Nov 26, Thanksgiving - Not a whole lot of thanks around here. Thanks for dying in front of me, man. Thanks for saying all that. Thanks for disappearing again before I
Nov 30 - C not back.
Dec 5 - 1 month. C gone. J quiet. S annoying.
Dec 6 - Least Sam’s alive.
Dec 8 - [drawing of Castiel, half sketched]
Dec 10 - Not much of a friggin’ artist huh.
Dec 26 - No miracle.
Dec 31 - Gonna be another year without 
Jan 1, New Year’s - Midnight alone. You should be here. You should
Jan 2 - I should’ve
Jan 5 - 2 months
Feb 5 - 3 months since I should’ve fucking kissed you.
Feb 28 - If this was a leap year man I bet you’d be back tomorrow you always did shit like that surprised the hell out of me.
Mar 1 - So it goes.
Mar 2 - S thought the library here had Vonnegut. Didn’t.
Mar 5 - 4 months Went to get a library card in town.
Mar 11 - “And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep.”
Mar 30 - Sam might have a hunt for us. Don’t know if
Mar 31 - Turned it down. Passed it to Jody’s crew.
Apr 1, April Fool’s - Real funny C. Joke's over. Come back already.
Apr 9 - There’s things I can’t say things I’ve never been good at saying but you gotta know
Apr 29 - He didn’t know he didn’t know he didn’t know he didn’t
May 5 - You died not knowing, you asshole. 6 months and you’re not back so I can’t tell you.
May 6 - You missed Star Wars day, you know.
May 7 - Didn’t even Han you. Well I didn't know did I.
May 8 - Did I?
May 9 - Maybe I
May 26 - “How nice — to feel nothing, and still get full credit for being alive.”
June 5 - 7
July 5 - 8
Aug 5 - 9
Aug 6 - What if you don’t
Aug 10 - You missed my birthday. S’s too. J’s.
Aug 11 - If you can hear me
Aug 12 - What would he even
Sept 5 - Nearly crashed the car today. S had to drive. Banged up my head leaning on the window in the backseat like a kid. 10
Sept 6 - Researching.
Sept 7 - Ain’t fair you missed a whole year. Gonna have a lot of catch up to play when
Sept 8 - …when we get you back.
Sept 18 - Been 12 years. You believe that, Cas? Since I came back. Since you brought me back. Guess I hoped today would be the magic bullet to getting you back. Like you’d tip your head at me and say Hello Dean. And I’d tell you how I raised you from perdition. Whatever. Just a day I guess. Universe doesn’t care it’s our anniversary
Sept 19 - Still gonna say it though. When it works.
Oct 5 - 11. It’s gonna work
Oct 31, Halloween - Never got to put you in a dumb matching costume. Next year though.
Nov 4 - Can’t sleep. Sam says time is powerful magic or some shit like that. Says an anniversary can have echoes. So we’re trying it tomorrow. God, this better work. Cas, you hear me? We’re coming for you. I’ve been praying all year and I’m hearing nothing back. I’ll tell you tomorrow. Gonna get this stuck mouth of mine to make good. It’s just the words, even on paper, they don’t—Tomorrow though, tomorrow I’m telling you everything. Promise.
Nov 5 - Today.
Nov 6 - !!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
^ heh. check out this dork
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pillowspace · 1 year
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heywriters · 4 months
I'm definitely going to downsize the account with the intent of eventually deleting it—Pinterest has been a thorn in my side for years. However, I do have some big collections of quotes, creative ideas, character face claims, and other things there that I feel are useful.
First collections to go will be the external links & resources since many are dead or weren't good to begin with. I will keep those up until end of this poll (week) for anyone who wants to fave them.
Collections on the immediate chopping block are linked below!
Also, in part, I would like to remove as much art from my inactive accounts as possible. I know I can't stop Big AI from scraping Pinterest, but I can at least not leave a ton of unprotected (and often uncredited) stuff out in the open. It's simply a sentimental thing at this point.
Save whatever you want and support the artists if you can!
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captainelliecomb · 4 months
2023 Fic Stats
February 2023, I decided to start tracking the amount of fic I read. I travelled a lot last year, quite a bit more than normal. I read a lot of fic when I travel.
I did a half year update at the end of June 2023. Between February and June, I read just under 13 million words.
February through December, I read just over 30 million words and 2,049 individual fic (though several are the same fic on a reread).
Some stats:
First read: Head, Hand, Heart by ddagent (@ddagent) (GOT canon divergence, Jaime/Brienne) (04 Feb 2023)
Last read: Other Brother by AlynnaStrong (ASOIAF canon divergence, Tyrion/Brienne) (31 Dec 2023)
Top 5 Most Read Authors
By number of fic. I reread frequently, so this is number of times I read a specific fic, not the author necessarily having written that number of fic.
ddagent, 78 fic (@ddagent)
Aviss, 72 fic (@aviss)
winterkill, 62 fic (@thebrimmingheart)
Lady_in_Red, 61 fic
chrkrose, 58 fic (@chrkrose)
By word count.
cardinalgirl75, 1.8 million words
winterkill, 1.3 million words (@thebrimmingheart)
sdwolfpup, 1.1 million words (@sdwolfpup)
angelowl, 1 million words (@angelowl-fics)
Aviss, 900,000 words (@aviss)
SeeThemFlying, 900,000 words (@seethemflying)
Top 5 Most Read Completed Fic
This includes number of times I read the entire fic while they were works in progress, which skews numbers. I'm doing something different in 2024.
so all the world can see by EllisJay: 12 (ASOIAF, Jaime x Brienne)
Simple by languageintostillair: 11  (GOT fix-it, Jaime x Brienne)
when the sun shine, we shine together by cardinalgirl75: 9  (Modern AU, sports, Jaime x Brienne)
Runaways by greenmtwoman: 7  (@greenmtwoman) (ASOIAF canon divergence, Jaime x Brienne)
Undisclosed Desires by Roccolinde: 7  (GOT fix-it, Addam x Jaime x Brienne)
Top 5 Longest Fic Read
The Keeper by PalyGirl, 532,733 words (GOT canon divergence, Aegon (Young Grif) x Brienne, Jaime x Brienne) (WIP)
Heart Full of Gasoline by sdwolfpup, 406,767 words (@sdwolfpup) (Modern AU, sports, Jaime x Brienne)
Diamond in the Rough by cardinalgirl75, 374,333 words (2x)  (Modern AU, sports, Jaime x Brienne)
Honor Compels Me by angel_deux, 335,399 words (@angel-deux-writes) (GOT canon divergence, Jaime x Brienne)
Truth and Measure by Telanu, 271,584 words (Devil Wears Prada, Miranda x Andrea)
Fic Over 100,000 Words Read More Than Once
Brienne-centric Kinktober 2021 by dancinginthecenteroftheworld, 101,177 words (3x)  (@dancinginthecenteroftheworld) (Brienne x all sorts of people and settings)
let's exchange the experience by cardinalgirl75, 116,080 words (3x) (Modern AU, Kimi no Na wa, Jaime x Brienne)
None But the Lonely Heart by OccasionalAvenger, 121,079 (3x) (ASOIAF, Jaime x Brienne) 
To Reach for Spring by Kadi219, 173,394 (2x)  (GOT fix-it and canon divergence, Jaime x Brienne) (WIP)
when the sun shine, we shine together by cardinalgirl75, 126,951 (2x) (Modern AU, sports, Jaime x Brienne)
Anima Dannum by motorbike_on_the_avenue, 121,021 (2x) (Modern AU, soulmates, Jaime x Brienne)
come on now, baby girl by angelowl, 119,957 (2x) (Modern AU, Veronica Mars, Jaime x Brienne)
Cubs and Gemstones by ddagent, 113,073 (2x) (Jaime x Brienne in all sorts of settings)
Brienne Pairings
I am here for Brienne of Tarth stories, and I will read her paired with almost anyone. Jaime x Brienne is my favourite, but here are several other Brienne pairings I read in 2023.
old Jaime/young Jaime/Brienne
Aegon (Young Griff)/Brienne
Arthur Dayne/Jaime/Brienne
Brienne & Brienne
Cersei & Brienne
Dothraki OC/Brienne
Leonette Fossoway/Brienne
Melara & Brienne
Multiple people/Brienne
Olenna & Brienne
Pevensies & Brienne
Podrick & Brienne
Renly & Brienne
Robb & Brienne
Sansa & Brienne
Tyrion & Brienne
Almost 1,000 fic were marked alternate universe. Various AUs include:
Apocalypse and dystopia
Fairy tale
Historical (including 1920s, 1940s, 1950s, 19th century, Regency, Victorian, Vikings, WWI)
Modern (including actors, artists, bikers, bodyguards, celebrities, doctors, chefs, farmers, firefighters, mafia, models, museums, photographers, politicians, reality tv, royalty, sports, students, superheroes, teachers, veterinarians, wedding planners, and writers)
Canons Used in Crossovers or Fusions
Belinda Blinked
Blade Runner
Dungeons & Dragons
Dragon Age II
Fight Club
Full Metal Alchemist
Fury Road
Ghost and Mrs Muir
Kimi no Na wa
Mountain Between Us
Old Guard
Only You
Pacific Rim
Ponyo and Dory
Romancing the Stone
Ted Lasso
MCU Thor
Veronica Mars
When Harry Met Sally
What We Do in the Shadows
Canon settings and divergence
Canon: 303 fic Canon divergence: 747 fic Fix-it: 666 fic
Most of the fic I read last year was Jaime x Brienne. For GOT, I consider canon divergence any story that diverges from Jaime returning to King's Landing in Season 8 and fix-it any story that deals with that return.
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bubbloquacious · 8 months
Effortpost registry
Recommendations for learning category theory; 28 mar 2024
The hairy ball theorem and stably free modules; 11 feb 2024
Topological connectedness and generalized paths; 24 nov 2023
Graphs as presheaves 3: subobject classifiers; 19 oct 2023
Effortpost registry; 18 oct 2023
Graphs as presheaves 2: limits and colimits; 11 oct 2023
Hydrogen bomb vs. coughing baby: graphs and the Yoneda embedding; 7 oct 2023
Extending the D ⊣ U ⊣ I adjunction sequence; 23 sep 2023
The Riemann rearrangement theorem and net convergence; 18 sep 2023
Thoughts on the axiom of choice; 18 feb 2023
Topological spaces and simple graphs as neighbourhood spaces; 15 feb 2023
What is a space?; 10 jan 2023
The exponential function applied to sets; 24 dec 2022
On nilpotent eigenvalues; 23 dec 2022
But IS the empty space connected?; 11 nov 2022
Monads monads monads; 8 nov 2022
Calculating what the triangle identities mean for a bunch of adjunctions and being amazed when it works every time; 7 nov 2022
Defining the Lebesgue integral as a net limit; 27 jul 2022
Rambles about describable sets; 28 oct 2021
Functions with cycling derivatives; 30 aug 2021
Why the rationals have zero length; 31 may 2021
An infinite cardinal valued random variable; 30 may 2021
A field-based functor; 20 mar 2021
Generalized sides; 13 mar 2021
Rambles about metric convexity; 22 feb 2021
Wiggle function convergence; 28 jan 2021
Rambles about infinity; 5 sep 2020
Generalized golf; 24 jun 2020
Rambles about continuousifying series; 10 may 2020
Rambles about being closed under exponentiation; 7 may 2020
Rambles about the groups that come with fields; 3 may 2020
A compilation of donutified functions; 17 mar 2020
Rambles about arithmetic functions; 24 jan 2020
Graphing real functions on a torus >:); 29 nov 2019
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People love Pedro Pascal
2023 - Gabriel Luna tells the story of the rafting trip - SXSW - Mar 10
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2021 - Rafting in Calgary - BTS TLOU crew bonding - Nico Parkers IG deleted - July 11
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aricastmblr · 10 months
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BTS (방탄소년단) Facebook Official (1era)
Álbumes de BTS (방탄소년단)
19th Fantastic Jimin's day
랩몬스터형과 함께 자전거 라이딩 ❤️ in 한강
12 de octubre de 2013  ·  
BTS (방탄소년단) Facebook Official (2da foto)
12 de octubre de 2013 ·
지민이의 vV. 뒷자리에 타실 분 모집 중입니다.
BTS (방탄소년단) '호르몬전쟁' Official MV
(War of Hormone(호르몬 전쟁))
BTS (방탄소년단) BTS Facebook Official
Álbumes de BTS (방탄소년단) [스타캐스트 비하인드] 스타캐스트 방탄룸 11-12회 [스타캐스트 비하인드] 스타캐스트 방탄룸 11회
<후속곡 <호르몬 전쟁> 촬영 현장!> http://me2.do/x8zF8DVG <방탄소년단 콘서트 대기실로 드루와~> http://me2.do/GYtjNqSk 13 de noviembre de 2014 ·
BTS (방탄소년단) Facebook Official (Jimin carrito de juguete)
noviembre de 2016  
marzo de 2017
[BANGTAN BOMB] Bike Rider - BTS (방탄소년단)
BTS Bon Voyage Season 1
La primera temporada se emitió el 5 de julio de 2016 y tiene lugar en el norte de Europa.
BTS (방탄소년단) 'Euphoria : Theme of LOVE YOURSELF 起 Wonder'
BTS_twt 12:32 a. m. · 11 mar. 2019
오랜만에 지미니랑 😄😄 #RM #JIMIN
BTS_twt 7:02 a. m. · 11 mar. 2019
형이랑 3년만에~ #JIMIN #RM
Trans) Con Hyung por primera vez desde hace tres años~ #JIMIN #RM transmisión de vídeo) JM : ( Respiración) RM: Jimin-ah tu vas primero (Ultima foto K-Media)
BON VOYAGE Season 4 Ep.6 Story Untold New Zeeland 2019 (191226) jimin nombra a su bicicleta chikorita
ptd merch 2021 - permission to dance on stage (cr. a MYJIMNIE twt)
SamsungMobile twt 22 Agosto 2023 Take selfies anywhere and everywhere hands-free, with the #GalaxyZFlip5 FlexCam – just like #Jimin of@BTS_twt .
bt21_official tiktok CHIMMY is spreading positivity today🌼🍋💛
j.m instagramstories 27 Agosto 2023
j.m instagramstories muestra póster de namjoon este es un póster instalado en la parada de autobús frente a Nine-One en Hannam-daero.(//twitter.com/artistkiru/status/1691767190876197339)
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
To Be a Family
Natasha Romanoff x PlusFem!Reader
To Be: Cherished | Mine Forever
18+ | Minors DNI ‼️
Warnings— "Fat" / "Tubby" used offensively, Schoolyard bullying / violence, brief homophobia.
Smut—Face Riding (N), Fingering(R), Marking(N/R), Doubled Strap, Teasing (!!) Overstimulation(R), Orgasm Denial(R), Hair Pulling, Blindfold, Silk Bonds, Roughish, Daddy (N), Good Girl(R).
Top!Nat, reader briefly tries 😂 ‼️
Nearly 11K, and the final piece, making this a trilogy 🤪🥵
Mostly though, it's some whore shit(Nat is a whore for reader, reader is a tease first, whore second) and fluff.
Clarifying information (I’m a Virgo):
Eliza-6m, Sam-4, Avery-5 (adopted 11/2021)
Respectively 1(Mar), 5(May), 6(Sep) by end of the story.
Mama-Y/N, Mommy-Nat
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The house was suspiciously quiet, and the mattress was shockingly barren of the usual intruders as Natasha's eyes surveyed the bed. "Moya lyubov, wake up...," she lightly shakes your shoulders, and with clear struggle you peak one eye open, "Natty, is everything okay?," she strokes your cheek lovingly as your words soften her resolve, but then her need returns.
Her hips not so subtly buck into your bare thigh, eyes of emerald green visibly darkening, and you now see her intentions, "You absolute horn dog, I was sleeping peacefully, get away!," a raspy chuckle fans across your skin as she shifts to be hovering above you, lips press to your shoulder before sliding across your chest; sucking your flesh between her lips, her teeth lightly nibbling at your plush skin, whimpers of need betraying your previous sentiments.
"I've missed this..." you hum your agreement, fingers tangled into her short red locks to keep her lips on you, but just as you were melting into the mattress the sounds of encroaching footsteps stops you from enjoying the bliss that is your wife's lips., "Natty..." The redheads fingers dig into your hips, "No" her growls ignored as you throw her off just in time for the door to swing right open.
"Mama!" Avery shrieks, "Mommy!" Sam follows, both kids jumping into a set of corresponding arms, nuzzling into your warm embraces, and your heart bursts at the seams. Natasha however feigns annoyance, mouthing 'I'm calling the adoption agency' to you over your sons shoulder, and you just roll your eyes then greet your tiny ones. "Good morning angels, did you sleep well?," Your question seemingly enough to open up pandora's box as the energetic duo tell you tales of their dreams, the both of you listening with rapt attention.
"Alrighty now, how about you two run along to get dressed, then clean your rooms while I go make breakfast for the sleeping birthday girl." Natasha smiles at the switch to 'focused' mom, "What about mommy?," You smirk at their call out, "Easy, she'll get dressed too, then go get the little one ready for the busy day ahead." They run along, content with your answer, but the redhead huffs, realizing her dreams of continuing your previous actions were fruitless.
Breakfast was plated up the exact moment everyone had began to file into the dining room, Natasha settled Eliza into her chair then made her way over to 'help you.' Strong arms wrapped around you from behind, hugging you tightly, placing a kiss to your cheek to 'distract' you from seeing the bacon she thieves, and you let it slide because it was her own plate anyway.
The kids were scarfing down the pancakes, "Slow down angels, your food isn't going anywhere.," you playfully reprimanded them, keeping your eyes on the infant shoveling the scrambled eggs into her mouth and smiling at her when she'd clap some between her hands, "But mommy's doing it too.," Sam snitches over his mouthful, and you gaze over to see your guilty wife who just shrugs her shoulders, then her fork expertly steals a pancake from your stack, and you suddenly realize this is why your mother always ate while she cooked.
Within a half hours time you'd managed to load everyone into the Subaru Outback, but you couldn't help but notice your wife's gaze shifting towards the stingray corvette, drowning in longing, and it's in the moments like these that you wonder if you might've rushed her into all this before she was ready.
You can't exactly fit a family of five into the sports car...
Motherhood was a shared dream, mentioned from the start, but Natasha herself didn't seem to understand just how much sacrifice follows. Lack of personal space and sleep didn't bother her, but the having to share you actually did. She had never been able to claim anything as truly hers, but after acquiring your love she finally knew what it was like to have it all. Married life was truly blissful, but the call from the agency came almost just as quickly, you were ecstatic, and in the moment so was she. Now she's a mom of three, and at times she does find herself missing the freedom that came without the title.
Natasha was pulled from her trance when she saw a set of keys flying at her face, then she looked up to see your sympathetic smile, and her feet were shuffling as soon as she saw you trying to enter the drivers seat of the wagon. "Detka, what do you think you're doing?," the door you'd opened suddenly closing, and your body was being leaned against the car, "Natty, you can meet us at Wanda's, go for a joyride my love.," You'd pecked her lips in closing, but she had stopped you once again., "No detka, we're a family, and we'll travel as such, now hop into the passengers seat, we can't be late."
The look in her eyes told you she appreciated your sweet gesture, but the underlying fear led you to see she was afraid to lose all of this, "Natty, Wanda isn't that terrifying.," you choose to tease her, silently changing the subject, and noticing her clear appreciation in the way she playfully nudges your arm, then slaps your ass while shoving you towards the passenger side, because for as long as she's available you'll never be made to drive.
Wanda was literally right at the edge of her lawn when you pulled up, "Auntie Wanda!" the kids squealed, quickly running into her open arms, their excitement only growing at the sight of a very special blonde, "Auntie Lena!!!" The redhead playfully scoffed as they dropped from her hold, she swiftly turned to pull Natasha into her arms, then as she pulled you in she stole the baby from you with a kiss to your temple as an offering.
Natasha grabbed your hand before you could follow the crowd, using it to spin you into her for a loving kiss as everyone else walked away., "I love you Y/N/N, thank you for earlier, but I need you to know I'm all in.," Your arms tightly wrapped around her waist, head settling down on her chest as you sighed., "I know you are Natty, but I also can't help but to think I might've rushed you into motherhood."
"Oh moya lyubov', I wanted this just as much, I just have to admit it really sucks sharing you..." You pull back to catch a rare look at your wife up close, "Yeah, I too miss the days when I could have you all to myself, now Eliza-bear takes all of your time..."
Natasha giggles as she leans in to kiss you once more, making sure to linger for her own selfish needs, "Just say the word detka, I have their case worker on speed dial...," She laughs loudly as you glare at her, "Natty!! Stop it, they're going to hear you one of these times." Her inappropriate laughter just continues as you drag her into Wanda's backyard so you decide to leave her with Yelena.
Wanda truly planned a perfect party, there was a petting zoo and a clown all manifested by her powers, the decorations fit the baby shark theme perfectly, the goodies were pastry chef level, and the kids were having an absolute blast. Tireless hours spent running around in fits of laughter had your lips in a constant upturn, and you could see the same was to be said for your wife's as she and Yelena played along with them.
Wanda was equally as happy, the precious baby having grown tired was napping on her chest, and you were just silently observing the joy until Natasha snuck up from behind you., "Detka! Come play with us...," you lurched forward, your wife quick to catch your terrified form, "Jesus Nat..." She placed a kiss to your shoulder in apology, your hands clasping over hers as you worked to pull yourself together, then your eyes dropped to the sad little girl.
"Mama, Mommy..." Avery's shaky voice calls out for you two, Natasha quickly moves around you to scoop her up, and you move to join the embrace, "What is it honey?"
She sniffles lightly, then her sad eyes travel between the both of your concerned ones, a tiny smile then etches onto her features in a truly confusing manner. "Thank you for being our mommies, and giving Liz a birthday party." Natasha's face contorts almost angrily at the unnecessary gratitude, and you too fight the tears that threaten to fall, her obvious pain blanketed by her innocence truly hurts your soul, but for Natasha the incident is a uniquely clarifying one that helps to heal her inner child.
"Oh sweetheart, you don't have to thank us, we're just doing what we're supposed to do.," You coo, hand lifting to wipe the tear from her eye line, then shifting to wipe away at Nat's, who sighs at the comfort your touch offers her.
"Avery, I know you're probably scared, but I promise that this is a forever arrangement.," Natasha proudly relays to the brunette in her arms, "Yeah?" she asks, her voice uncertain. "Ave, you're our angel, and you're here to stay." You place a kiss to her cheek, then leave her alone with Natasha once she'd settled down, collecting your remaining brood and saying your goodbyes.
With Natasha retiring from the Avengers, and only remaining available for end of the world threats she had a lot more time for frivolity. Summer proved to be the perfect time for the both of you to take the kids out to experience the world like they truly never had before. So, you'd taken an entire month off from the group home, and July became the month to make core memories, and unbeknownst to Natasha it would prove to be a challenging one for her.
Natasha was stood behind the grill, hand tightly flexed around the tongs that were meant to be flipping the chicken over, but she was far too entranced by you, the goddess currently sat on the steps of the pool as your children surrounded you in various floatation devices. Your smile innocent as can be as you watched Eliza splashing at the water so aggressively, just to be shocked every time it hit her face. The older kids found amusement in the act too, but they were soon over it, and began traveling around the entire pool by means of the wall, with your warning to be careful on their minds.
Natasha hated that during this wholesome event her predatory focus was on you, but not enough for her to look away though, she couldn't help it when you looked that good. You were sat there in a bright pink one piece and she wondered why she'd never seen it before today, she had a delicious view of your cleavage, and the sides over your hips were tastefully cut out. It's like your body was calling to her, screaming to her that it was perfectly crafted as a place to rest her hands, all her mind can think of is gripping you by your exposed skin and shoving you against a wall.
"Mommy, is the food almost done? I'm sooo hungry!" Sam shouts from the poolside, your gaze finally meeting that of your wife's, and it's then that she notices the mischief beneath them. Natasha meets your smirking face with a scowl, her gaze dropping to the near to burning chicken, then slowly shifts over to your sons expectant face., "Five more minutes honey, how about you all get out and changed, yeah?"
Natasha sneaks a glance at you once more, eyes falling to your bottom as you step out of the pool, wetted swimsuit clinging to your every curve, and the months of sexual frustration causes a painful pit to form in her stomach. Your luscious hips swaying about teasingly not helping her one bit as you dance around to keep the shivering baby content, then she freezes once you make your way over to her.
Quickly she works on looking busy, removing the chicken from the grill, covering it up with a layer of aluminum, and pretending that you didn't catch her previous stares. When she can't avoid your presence any longer she looks up to see your smiling face right before her, and then over to the adorable baby with her unicorn hood covered head against your chest babbling nonsense as she slips into dreamland.
"Smells so good honey, thanks for manning the grill tonight, you're a trooper.," your fingers lightly trail across her heated skin leaving behind a trail of goosebumps, "Oh my baby, you're so hot, let me help you cool down...," Natasha gasps when your wet body leans into her supposedly dry body. "I'm sorry honey, I didn't intend to make you dripping wet..." Natasha's hand quickly settles on your hip to keep you firmly against her, plump lips smashing to yours for an obviously needy kiss, tensions both rising and fading all at once.
Her tongue slips into your mouth, and her grip is so tight you're sure it'll leave behind bruises. You'd only intended to tease the woman, but this outcome wasn't something you were all that opposed to. You'd begun to melt into her until the sounds of giggling ruined the moment and you expertly slipped off indoors to change, winking back at your flushed wife, and purposefully swaying your hips for what she can only assume was a means to torture her.
Natasha had forgotten that she agreed to help Clint fix up his barn, so your fun summer was interrupted by an impromptu trip to the farm. The kids were happy to be together again, having run off towards the horses with wide smiles as soon as their feet touched ground. Then Laura had beamed at the sight of your cuddly baby, so you guys weren't feeling all that guilty for having brought them along.
It wasn't all a waste for you either as you find yourself gawking at the sight of your wife, her strong arms effortlessly hauling the trimmed pieces of oak over to Clint as he nailed them in. The beads of  sweat dripping down her face that she wipes away with the bottom of her shirt, exposing her dewy, toned abs to you, followed only by her knowing smirk that has you turning away as she playfully winks. Natasha's attempt at payback was working out well, but her celebratory pat on the back was unknowingly short lived.
Laura just came back out to the patio, passing you over a lemonade, "I'm shocked you're all here, Nat had told us you guys were busy this month, then she called back the other day agreeing to help, but I'm not complaining.," she says while cuddling the one year old closer, you look back to see your wife already staring at you, she waves before making a show of removing her shirt and you catch on to the cheap play at hand. 
"Well, when she mentioned it to me there was no reason to say no when the kids get along so well...," you nod in the direction of the spies, "...plus, Sam and Avery missed all of you.," Laura snorts at your jab at your collective spouses, then she goes to pass over Eliza in favor of serving those hard at work some fresh lemonade., "Oh no, enjoy your baby snuggles, I'll take this down to them, it's no problem."
She lazily rebuttals but quickly ends up giving in to your offer, and so you set off to bring lemonade to your dearest wife and her shady partner in crime. Natasha smiles when she sees it's you approaching, but then she sees you'd taken your baggy shirt off to reveal a red tube top and booty shorts, flashbacks of your first time together flooding her mind, and her need for the ice cold drink had steadily increased.
"Hiya Natasha... Clinton.," you tightly greet, the retired archer quickly retreats with his drink before he could be wrapped into the clear stand off between you and his best friend. Natasha too tried to snatch up the drink, but as quick as she was, you were quicker—perks of working with young children you suppose.
"Moya lyubov', may I please have my drink?," Natasha pleads with a gentle smile, and soft eyes full of deception., "I'm not sure, the walk over here left me rather parched myself honey, may I have a sip?"
Natasha sees the look in your eyes, and it's obvious your intentions were anything but pure, but she's also never found it within her to be able to say no to you., "Of course detka, you don't even have to ask.," Your genuine, warm smile was enough to make her momentarily forget about the unofficial war of teasing you've found yourselves engaged in this month.
Beautiful green eyes full of want watch you with an unwavering attention, your tongue poking out to wet your lips, her cup slowly rising to meet them, a small sip you gently swallow down, the moan of pleasure you release as the taste hits your tongue, all of which leaves her in another stupor that she now realizes she can't even handle on her own since she's trapped herself here for a weekend.
With a clearing of your throat her eyes lift from your lips, and then she's reaching forward to grab her cup, but with her skewed attention she accidentally nudges the drink, spilling over half of the sticky contents onto your exposed chest., "Oh shit, detka, I'm so sorry.," she panics, her eyes however are locked on the way the pale yellow droplets trail down over the top of your breasts, lines of sugar left in their tracks, and finally soaking into your top.
Clint was cringing at his best friends inability to even function, so he took some initiative, he balled up her discarded shirt, then with a bit too much strength he threw it at the back of her head, receiving a middle finger as thanks. Natasha pointlessly wipes at your dried skin, nervous face never rising to look at yours in fear of your reaction, but you give her no choice as you lift her face by her chin.
"My love, I'm fine, it's just a little lemonade.," You chuckle, then to her shock you lean in to kiss her, your tongue briefly entering her eager mouth., "Thought I'd give you a little taste since you sort of lost your chance there..." Natasha's a bit out of it as you pull back, even more so as you place a few light kisses across her jawline on your journey to her ear., "Well, I'm off to shower now Natty, you seem to have left me a sticky mess..." You chuckle as her breath hitches, and entire body tenses under your departing touch.
Natasha watched you leave while desperately trying to bring herself back to her own body. Huffing and cursing herself for ever thinking teasing you at the Barton's farm was a good idea, then when she finally turns she sees her far too amused friend already looking at her., "Jesus Nat, you're down bad..." The archer laughs out as she returns to helping him, then Natasha accidentally knocks the man over in the process of handing him another piece of wood., "Sorry..."
Natasha has been frustrated ever since you'd become mothers, a long ten months of being left high and dry, reduced to nothing more than a quickie in the shower, she's desperate. The summer shenanigans furthering her need. You've enjoyed every bit of teasing her too, she's seen the glint in your eyes, and now she's more than excited to punish you for it today. This stint of relentless teasing will finally be coming to an end as she's gotten an idea, and the ball had already been set in motion.
"Detka, fill me in again, what are we doing this weekend?" You hummed thoughtfully, racking your brain while transferring the pancakes over to the lined up plates from the griddle., "Natty, I have no clue, I'd thought we were staying in." She smirks at the desired answer, excitedly spinning you around by your hip, and a pancake goes flying across the kitchen, but she leans in to kiss you, temporarily cutting off your scolding, "Right answer detka..."
The sultry tone isn't lost on you, "Natasha...," her smirk widens at the warning in your tone, and your heart stops when she leans into your ear, "Lena's on her way to pick up the kids, enjoy being able to walk while you still can." Pulling back she sees the pure terror for what's to come in your eyes, her lips peck your frozen pair, then she walks away in a fit of laughter.
Her cheeky threat nearly had you crumbling, because as much as you've enjoyed teasing her, you missed the trysts of the past just as much. Flashes of when she'd bend you over the couch and rail you stupid from behind as she would answer along to jeopardy roll through your mind, or all those long mornings you spent warming her cock while she took her time finishing up her paperwork, whispering steamy phrases into your ear, and once you were a squirming mess she'd fuck you senseless.
To put it simply, you just hid your frustrations better, and leaving Natasha in a fit she couldn't quite resolve without you was kinda enticing. Feeling how desperately she needed you now had your heart beating out of your chest. Sounds of tiny feet pitter pattering across the kitchen floor brought you back to yourself, and with a shaky resolve you met your family at the dining table with their plates, Natasha took in your obviously bothered state, winking over at you while securing Eliza into her seat, and expertly ignoring your glare.
Natasha had just finished sending Yelena off, turning around she noticed you'd left her, and with a lust driven pep in her step she entered the unusually silent house in search of you. Natasha slowly traveled through the house, this game of cat and mouse absolutely thrilling her, leaving her an opportunity to ponder just what she wants to do to you, and the longer she's on the hunt, the more her devious thoughts run. "Detka, you can run, but you can't hide from me, I will find you and have my way with you.," her harmonious taunting traveling down the hallway and through the bedroom door, a pang of arousal shooting straight down to your lace covered core, and the doorknob turning had you desperately shaking in your place.
The retired Avenger pushes the door open in the most nonchalant way possible, trying to keep an unbothered composure, but then the sight of you leaves her breathless; a bright red lingerie set clings to your body deliciously, your breasts pooling over the top of the lacy bralette, thick thighs fitted with matching rings of red, and your delicate belly held in place by the high waisted fabric concealing your dripping core. After anticipating a day like this was on the horizon you'd purchased a beautiful lingerie set while out on one of your grocery shopping trips, and it seems to have done the trick.
She smiles tenderly at you, an overwhelming sense of pride flooding her chest at the way you now exude such confidence, as perfect as you are, she's just happy you're finally seeing it too. The woman's eyes widen when you move to take thoughtful steps to lessen the offensive gap, calloused hands reach out to grip you by the hips but you stop her, pushing them away. An eyebrow raised in challenge doesn't seem to deter you, her interests piqued as your hands fall to her hips, fingers sliding through the loops of her jeans you suddenly pull her flush against you, "You know Daddy, I was kinda hoping I could have my way with you first..."
Natasha groans as your low tone serves its purpose of riling her up, "Go on then detka.," With confidence at an all time high you use your hold on her to slam her against the wall, her breath hitches at the unexpected impact, emerald eyes swirling with a mix of shock and need as they anticipate your next move.
The answer comes as her shirt and bra are flying across the room, and your lips were quick to attach themselves to her own, your tongue slipping into her mouth, while your hands fall to her exposed breasts, massaging the skin and pinching at her sensitive nipples. Her whimpers of immense pleasure transfer over to your mouth, then as her hips start to move on their own accord you're pulling away, lightly giggling as she attempts to chase you.
Natasha observes your eyes twinkling with a unplaceable mischief, "Patience is a virtue love, and it seems to me you don't have any of it..." your fingers slip through the loops once more. Natasha nods as you stare into her eyes, slowly dropping to your knees you take her pants with you, and the woman is already struggling to regulate her breathing at the sight of you, just so pretty, and obviously ready to please, with those doe eyes of yours, swimming with a faux innocence that drives her up the wall.
Natasha leans against the wall, bracing herself as you drag her panties down her body next, leaving a trail of her slick behind on her legs that you use you're tongue to eagerly clean up. Your tongue sliding across the skin of her thigh, then as you began to leave your marks you heard a buzzing. Natasha's head was reeling, her ringing phone not even registering in her mind until your tantalizing touch left her skin entirely.
"Detka, don't you even dare think of stopping.," her hand gripping your hair tightly, darkened eyes searching yours, then she finally hears the phone, groaning loudly as she does.
Once she relinquishes her hold on you she reaches for the phone, and while she answers it you return to working her up., "Hello?", Yelena on the other end begins to ramble about something the baby was doing, Natasha was struggling to keep her breathing steady as her irritation steadily rose., "Listen you little shit! CALL KATE OR WANDA, but leave me alone!", Yelena gasped as the phone clicked in her ear, shuddering as she realized what was likely taking place on the other end of the line., "That is disgusting..."
Natasha's hand returned to your hair, fingers tangling into your locks and forcefully slotting your face before her glistening cunt., "Detka, don't even think of making daddy wait any longer, your teasing will not go unpunished...," and with that she shoved your face into her, a loud moan leaving her as your nose nudged her engorged clit, your skilled tongue working her over, and not even a minute into riding your face is she releasing into your mouth, body shaking as her beyond overdue orgasm rolls through her, hips continuing to fuck your face while you graciously accept every last drop of your wife's addicting arousal as it rolls over your tongue and down your throat.
Natasha uses her grip on your hair to pull you away when it becomes too much, peering down at your shining face through her hooded eyes she enjoys the way your chest heaves as you're desperately sucking in air after pleasing her. Your blown out irises, and plump lips a sight too hot for the woman to handle, a new wave of arousal bringing her back to her original plans.
The previous months of want for you send her absolutely feral, the grip in your hair being used to pull you up, and into her for a bruising kiss, giving you no time to adjust before she's shoving her tongue down your throat, and moaning as she gets a taste of herself, the desperate need to taste you has her throwing your body onto the bed by the way of your hips, hovering above you and smirking at the healthy fear residing in your eyes.
"I'm going to destroy you...," she whispers as she bites into your neck, "...all these months of teasing me...," her tongue licks over the fresh mark, slightly soothing the pain caused, "...and you thought you'd just get away with it did you?," Lips continuing to travel across your collarbones as they leave no skin unmarked., "Well detka, you thought fucking wrong."
"Fucking hell detka, you're so fucking hot in this little ensemble of yours, sad it's got to go.," her hands then yank the lingerie off of your body, and then the next thing you know you're being plunged into a world of darkness as she uses the leg rings as a blindfold., "Natty..."
A harsh slap is laid to your cunt, your body jolting as you loudly moan in response, "That's not my name detka, and you know better..." Your teary eyes look to her, and in the moment she thinks you've never looked more beautiful., "I'm sorry daddy, I was just a lil confused..." Nat's resolve briefly softens, not that you could see., "I know detka, now, you know what to say if it's too much, so is it?" ... "No, it's okay."
"Good girl." She teases, before taking away the warmth you'd grown accustomed to, a dark chuckle leaving her as you whine and thrash about., "Ah-aht detka, don't make me regret my words.," your thrashing ceasing as her menacing tone leaves no room for brattiness.
Natasha sorts through her box built for nights like tonight, the thick layer of dust on top lending her to realize just how long it's been since she'd been able to have you like this. Settling on silky bindings, and a thick, cum filled strap she steps into the harness, slipping the attached end into her eager cunt, then she's returning to your side, and tying your hands together., "No touching daddy, or seeing her, only letting me use your body as I see fit, do you understand detka?" You nod, "Words moya lyubov'... Color?"
Natasha's lips meet yours with ferocity, fingers trailing down your body as soon as you mutter your understandings, pinching at your nipples before continuing on their path to your core. Teasingly stroking through your folds, her fingers collected your abundant arousal to smear over your clit, rubbing in tight circles, and your loud moans were swallowed by her.
While her tongue explored your mouth, nimble fingers traveled even lower, and as she sucked on your tongue two fingers pushed passed your entrance, being greedily sucked up into the warm space, and she groaned at just how tightly your walls gripped onto her digits., "You're always so fucking tight for me detka..." Natasha had no intention of getting you off yet, in the moment she's only here for her relief, so she thrusts into you at a slow pace, enjoying the feeling of your walls pulsing around her, and wanting nothing more than to taste you.
Just as you were nearing the edge she pulled her fingers out, your adorable whines thrilling her, she pulled away from your bruising lips, moaning in appreciation as she slipped her fingers into her own mouth, finally getting the chance to taste you after months of waiting. Natasha's walls flutter around the strap that resides within her, her hips buck reflexively, and you whimper when the strap nudges you. Your sounds spurring the redhead on, and with ease she slams the cock into you all at once.
"Fuck, fuck, daddy that feels so good...," Natasha hums in agreement against the soft skin of your neck, taking a few deep breaths before pulling out and slamming back into you. She fucks into you without relent, your low toned moans and hot breaths fanning over her ear have her walls fluttering like crazy, tipping her over the edge once more, "Shit detka, you're so fucking hot...," and her pace only increases as she wishes to drag her orgasm out, and push you into a dizzy state of your own.
"Daddy... I-I please, I want to see you... I need to see you, to feel you, I can't cum if I don't," Natasha's heart beams at your confession, but she's not done with punishing you for teasing,"I don't remember saying you could anyways detka, if you want to cum, why don't you beg for my forgiveness then."
Natasha picks up her pace, laughing into your shoulder when your almost pleads fall short as she continues to hit that spot within you that always leaves you breathless. "Daddy, I-.," she smirks, "Yes detka?," slowing down ever so slightly as she wants her to hear you begging, "I-I'm sorry for teasing you, daddy please, I need to cum so bad... I need to see you, to feel you, I'm so sorry... Won't do it again!"
Natasha mockingly laughs at you, your obvious lies not convincing, because you're not sorry, and she knows you will do it all again, plus, the need to tease you is still prominent. So, her hand slip between your sweaty bodies as she firmly presses her thumb into your clit, sending your body into a fit of despair; your legs trembling, a harsh scream painfully rips through your dry throat, and the pit in your stomach tightens to a place of unbearable pain, but even if you wanted to disobey her, you can't come until she lets you see and feel her, you've already tried...
Natasha's heart aches after your scream fades into a string of whimpers, so even though you're not muttering 'red,' in an act of silly contrition she slides her hand back up your body, skillfully untying your bonded hands, and they reflexively fly up and wrap around her, your fingernails digging painfully into her shoulder blades.
Her soft lips gently land upon yours as she slowly pulls the makeshift blindfold from your face, then pulls back to stare into your eyes. Natasha smiles down at you with a teasing glint and you return it with a goofy one of your own., "Go on then, cum for daddy, be my good girl.," Her hips then pick back up to the previously dizzying pace, your hands grip her by the nape of her neck, and lower back, pulling her in for a needy kiss. Pushing her in that much deeper, and with one final press to your clit you're falling apart, and it's not long until Natasha falls with you as the sight of you losing control always has a tendency to do that to her.
"I hope you're ready detka, you're free to cum as you please now, but there's no limit for how many I plan to pull from you tonight..." You squeal once Natasha's threat registers as she flips you onto your side, then she fucks into you from behind until you're uncontrollably shaking, and cumming hard, drenching the sheets with a loud scream of "daddy."
Then without much reprieve she's flipping you back onto your back, pulling you to the edge of the bed as she lifts you by your thighs, resting your legs against her own body, and leaving your hips raised as she's fucking you from an angle that has you immediately gasping for air, and gives her a view of your blissed out face. The pace at which she fucks into you bordering animalistic, and with the added stimulation to your nipples she's able to draw another two orgasms from you in rather quick succession. Lowering your trembling body back onto the bed, and kissing every available inch of skin as she waits for your breathing to return to an acceptable rate before continuing.
Even in your state she's able to maneuver you onto your knees, the sight of your your stretched hole pulsing around nothing while your arousal drips onto the sheets beneath you has her totally awestruck, then a quiet 'green daddy,' has her sliding back into you with ease. Leaning her front against your back, her own breathing becoming labored as the intensity catches up to her and you're not fairing much better, the babbling mess that you are shaking beneath her as you are blinded by your fifth orgasm of the night, both of you collapsing at once, and your wife lays on top of you until her stomach rumbles with a different type of need.
Natasha pulls out of you slowly, whines of confusion tumble from your smushed face, and she smirks at your beyond fucked out state., "They'll be with Wanda tomorrow night, and at Tony's most of Sunday, so get your rest now detka, because I'm far from done with you. You're all mine for the weekend sweet girl." Her words break through to you, well in partiality, "No, for forever..." Natasha chuckles at your delirious mumblings, feather light kisses are placed all over your back in hopes of providing reassurance, "Forever sounds perfect to me moya lyubov', now get some sleep while I make us some fuel for round two."
The weekend was long indeed, come Sunday morning your legs were immobilized, and Natasha beamed at the hilarious revelation. The love making wasn't over either, because she meant it when she said all, but today's experience had been different from the last two, it was soft, there was no rush as she took care of you, and you in turn did the exact same.
Then come afternoon she was tending to your every little need, and that night she handled everything; takeout was ordered, kids were fed, bathed, and then were put to sleep with ease. Natasha returned to your shared room and gave you an all body massage, working out the deep tensions she herself had caused, your groans of relief sounding like music to her ears. "Goodnight detka..." She lovingly whispers, soft kisses placed over your cheeks, and her heart flutters as your lips naturally quirked up in your sleep, and your sweet snores filled the empty space around.
Summer was officially ending, and Natasha was pleading with you not to enroll the older two into the private school. "Detka, we are more than capable of teaching them the abc's, 123's, and the fundamentals of life.," you had rolled your eyes, continuing on with the application process as planned, "Yeah, please, try your curriculum on me then, persuade me.," Natasha's smirk is quickly falling when you send her the stare that reads 'not like that,' so she tries to use words to convince you.
In a patronizing way she sings the child's educational songs to you, to which you equally as pettily clap for her., "Murder is bad, unless they've done horrible things and deserve to be shivved," your eyes widen, "If someone tries to threaten you, give them fucking hell, and if —." Natasha's brows furrow at the hand you've now placed over her mouth, "Natasha, it's settled.," her eyes light up, "They're going to school."
Her shoulders instantly deflate, and she falls against the couch in an exaggerated huff, arms folded over her chest. "Oh my sweetest Natty, I know you're worried, but they'll be safe. Tony wouldn't send Morgan there, and recommend it to us if it wasn't a secure front..." Natasha's mask falls as you straddle her lap, tears fall down her cheeks without stop, and you pull her face into your chest to allow her the comfort. Strong arms wrapping around your waist to keep you there, and she breathes you in, the woodsy undertones of your cologne and your skins natural scent effectively soothing her.
"What if—?" Your soft lips cut her paranoia off, a soft engagement of kisses shared, "Natty, it's normal to be worried, especially with your former line of work, but sheltering them will just as likely harm them." Natasha nods against your chest in silent understanding. "Plus, Morgan's been there for three years now, and she's had no run ins, and let's be honest here honey—Tony's got a lot more enemies." Her light giggles calming your anxious heart, "They're going to be okay because their mommy is their fiercest protector, and I'd like to thank their mama is a close runner up."
"You definitely are, but you know, you're an even greater personal pillow..." Natasha teases, using her strong hold she suddenly shifts your bodies until your back is flat on the couch, her body settling atop of yours and her face buried deep within the crook of your neck.
Natasha was right, it wasn't safe there, but the culprit of your daughter's afflictions came in the form of her fellow six year olds, more specifically Camren; the blonde boy with deep dimples who has been taught that his actions have no real consequences if he just cracks a smile, and bats his thick lashes.
He's been harassing your daughter since school started about a month ago, you only just found out over the phone via the principal's aide. Apparently him harassing Avery was easy for them to overlook, but once she punched the boy square in the face it became a 'problem of safety,' and a 'means for suspension.' Natasha is still none the wiser being that she's off at the compound training her body, and because you're not too sure she wouldn't come to finish the job that Avery had started.
Upon making it to the school the receptionist was waiting for you in the parking lot with her arms crossed over her chest, and a scowl meant to intimidate, but really she just looked rather constipated. "Mrs. Romanoff?," You nodded, keeping your unbridled anger at bay, but still feeling it simmering from within, "Follow me."
Avery was sat in a chair with her knees pulled to her chest, her tear stained face resting on them, and her lip quivered when seeing you., "Mama?.," Your heart broke at the sight of the distraught girl, and as the door closed you took in the rest of the room. The principal was sat behind his desk with an ominous expression, to the right sat a slender woman in a suit with an obvious set of worry lines, the little boy beside her with the shiner fills you in on as to why that may be, and she looks pretty pissed.
"Mrs. Romanoff, so nice of you to join us, please do take a seat.," the principal booms, startling you from your observations, and you settle besides your daughter, a comforting arm wrapped around her as you do., "So, as you can see, your daughter Avery here did quite a number on Miss. Jones's son. We'd like to offer a respectful discourse of the next steps with you for your daughter's expected punishment."
The smile on the little boys face pisses you off, the matching one upon his mother's has you on the verge of seeing red. "Well, if we're talking punishment, what is it he'll be receiving then?," His mother scoffs, turning her body to face the man behind the desk, incredulously shaking her head and awaiting his expected defense.
"Well, as you can see your daughter is fine—." Now it's you scoffing, "Fine? My daughter who is shaking like a leaf, and who's sobbing is fine? Camren's apparently been bullying her for over a month now, your school never once did a thing about it, and once she retaliates you seem to care? Yet still, only she's up for suspension?"
Silence filled the tense space, the principal processing his next step, but the other parent cuts him off as she loses her temper., "Your daughter had no right to touch my angel, Camren said nothing that wasn't true, that's hardly classified as bullying if you ask me."
"It's a good thing I wasn't asking you then... Ave's, can you please tell mama what's been happening?" Her head lifts from her knees, you quickly pull her trembling form into your lap, and scratch up and down her back for comfort., "Well, he keeps calling me 'Tubby,' and 'Fat,' which makes all the other kids laugh at me and that makes me really sad. Then today he called you fat, and it just made me so mad Mama, so I punched him just like Mommy had taught me how, and then he shoved me to the ground, and said 'You're just a stupid fatty with two Mom's, you're such a freak.' After I got back to class they came to get me, and I was so scared because they wouldn't even let me call you..."
Your head was absolutely spinning, the words she'd stuttered out far more informative than the previous phone conversation, and the last bit tipped you over the edge of your fury., "Alright, I'm ready to talk, and I'll even be quick. Avery will receive no punishments, but Camren over there will be expelled effective immediately." The woman beside you gasps, and the principal stammers, "Ma'am, with all due respect, that's just not—."
"I'm going to stop you right there, had you actually respected me you'd have never let it get this far. I hope you know I have no problem making all of your lives a living hell, this school's existence is dependent upon the elite is it not? You know, such as Tony Stark, and The Black Widow, messing with them sounds like a PR nightmare to me, but what would I know right? Not like I'm married to one, and have the other on speed dial or anything."
The horrified looks on all parties present leaves you feeling accomplished, the reluctance on the man's face as he nods has you ready to laugh. "Miss Jones, it seems your son will have to find a new school, we here at Baxter Academy don't tolerate bullying of any kind, and upon further investigation it's clear your son had instigated it all, and Avery here was defending herself."
Camren and his mother jump up, scarily so, mirroring one another to the tee, and you fear for the boy's future as he never stood a chance., "Careful there Miss, my wife is a really talented lady, might blink and wake up in Heaven..." The pair leave in a huff after your clear threats, you stand too, prepared to leave yourself.
"Avery is not being suspended, but we will wave her need to attend for the week to allow her a chance to recuperate. We're truly sorry for all of these misunderstandings ma'am." You nod in appreciation, but little does he know his days here are equally as numbered, anyone who didn't protect your angel will be replaced before you even consider bringing her back.
Avery was attached to your hip when you left, quiet sobs still leaving her, and breaking you. Yelena already had Eliza, so she had no issue agreeing to pick up Sam after you'd briefly filled her in, Russian curses flying out, and you had no intention of translating so you hung up. "Angel, would you like to get ice cream with me and mommy? She's going to meet us there." She nodded against your shoulder, but still said nothing, and you were feeling a bit worried.
The car ride is silent at first, soft music playing while you drove around the city, giving her the moment to process, and for you to calm down. "Mama?" You hummed, "Are you fat? Am I? Was Camren and his mommy right then?" You'd expected the questions, but the rate at which they flew, and the brokenness in her tone you couldn't have been prepared for.
"Come here angel.," You gently command as you're now sat in the parking lot, and she climbs into your lap. You cup her chubby little cheeks, giggling as she further scrunches her face up when you kiss her little nose. "Well, yes, Mama is fat honey, but no, you're not fat at all lil lovey." Avery looks to you inquiringly, "Mama, why is being fat so bad anyways?"
You sigh, "There's nothing wrong with being fat honey, it's not a basis of someone's worth, and it's not even an accurate measurement of someone's overall health. Even if someone like Camren or his mom says otherwise, he was just trying to hurt your feelings. Nobody has a right to shame you for your weight, and if it ever happens again you come straight to me okay? All that matters in this life honey is that you're happy and healthy, and I feel like you're both."
"Oh, I'm so very happy mama! I am sorry he was trying to hurt your feelings, that's not very nice... You're the bestest, most beautifulest mama ever! He's just a little shit." You snort at your daughter's words, "Honey, that's a bad word...," She smiles mischievously, "I know, but mommy said it's sometimes okay to say when you're telling the truth, she says it a lot when we are out with Auntie Lena."
"Well, then I'll let it slide this time honey, but I will be talking to mommy..." She giggles, as if she knows she just stirred the pot, then she cuddles further into you as when you step out of the car, "I love you mama.," you kiss her forehead, "I love you too angel, now let's go enjoy some delicious ice cream!!," her squeals bring your heart a sense of peace as her spirits been successfully lifted.
Natasha's already sat at a table inside when you enter, you observe her pained expression, and when she looks up at you all she gives is a small smile that doesn't really reach her eyes. "Angel, I think mommy could use some love.," you settle her down, and she runs into Nat's open arms while you go to order the ice cream. Natasha's quickly smiling over her shoulder at you, the former assassins heart settling as she realized that you'd already taken care of it all as Avery excitedly talks her ear off.
Doesn't mean she won't handle it her way too, she's got her own skillset and lots of free time on her hands...
"Natasha, absolutely not!" You shriek as her phone is shoved in your face yet again, a horrid baby costume on display, "I don't see why we can't be a family of murderers, Halloween is for the spooky, you're being no fun!" You sigh, she drives a hard case, but you just refuse to relent here., "I'm not sending my family our first Halloween photos with Eliza dressed as the horrifying child from the Seed of Chucky!," a quiet correction following you, "Glenda."
You have to give it to your redheaded wife though, her Amazon killer wishlist is perfectly crafted; a gender bent Chucky costume for her, paired with a gorgeous Tiffany for you, and then your precious baby girl was in line to be the hideous Glenda. Avery and Sam were going to be enemies from her third favorite franchise, Nightmare on Elm Street. Sam was going to be a truly terrifying Freddy meant to go up against Avery's creepy Jason.
After hours spent pointlessly bickering with you Natasha caves, as she was always going to. So, while the kids spent the Saturday with the famed archer, you, Laura, and a reluctant Nat went out on the town to prepare for the month's festivities, and after hours of shopping you'd both returned to decorate the house.
Natasha's soured mood suddenly gone as she giddily creates a murder scene in the guest bathroom, while you set up a beautiful harvest wonderland on the front porch, oddly shaped gourds lining the banister, pumpkins on the steps, and faux hay bales replacing the year round seating.
Natasha comes barreling out of the front door, "Detka, come look at my masterpiece!," you retreat from her when red stained hands try to grab you by the face, "Oh, sorry detka..." Sheepishly she shifts her gaze to the porch, "This looks amazing honey, but you really need to come check mine out, it's an exact replica of one of Lena's and I's best assassinations. Don't worry, he was a literal scumbag."
"Even then, please do keep this information between us."
Natasha's hands are holding you by the hips, both of you stood before the mirror in your costumes., "Jinkies detka, you sure look hot.," her face falling against your shoulder, loudly laughing as you nudge her for using your catch phrase as a come on, "Velma and Daphne, the secret sapphics, sure you would've looked hot as Tiffany, but fuck, is it bad that I want to just rip this ensemble right off of you?"
"Of course it's bad, seeing as how the entire mystery team is downstairs waiting for us.," You tease the woman, turning around in her hold and squealing when she just pushes you up against the mirror., "Not even a quickie?" Natasha smirks as you work to shove her away, "No Nat, not even a quickie, now let's go..."
When you made it downstairs your special brood was already loaded up and ready to go. Eliza was in her Scooby Doo get up, sitting in the Mystery Machine wagon eating her peach Gerber puffs, Avery was taking on a gender bent Shaggy, and Sam was dressed as Fred. Everyone's costumes having been hand made by Wanda, and you're almost certain Natasha is the one who convinced her that Velma's skirt was this short as you had to pull it down again.
"Look who finally decided to join us..." Wanda knowingly teases as she's stood before you in her Hex Girls costume, and as you roll your eyes at her you land your gaze on the other two members, Yelena and Kate., "Sorry, I was having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction." You tease right back, seamlessly dodging the flying pumpkin, and heading straight out the front door with the wagon and baby in tow.
After getting a bunch of group photos together you'd driven off towards the rich neighborhood of Tony Stark. Natasha and you were walking hand in hand, smiling widely whenever your kids would beam to you about the full size bars, and then gasping when they returned with a wad of cash from another. Their innocent little smiles were enough to warm your entire being. Then you almost broke when all the little kids who were able to recognize your wife were running up to her in their Black Widow costumes, completely enthralled by meeting their actual hero, and she wasn't shy about the tears when they left and she leaned into you.
"My glasses! I can't see without my glasses.," You shriek as you flop onto the bed, throwing the prop glasses to the side table, looking up to see your wife smirking and shaking her head., "You are just so fucking cute detka...," She coos as she moves towards the bed, hands settling on your legs, inching up slowly as you squirm until she reaches the apex of your thighs.
"Jeepers Y/N, it seems you misplaced your panties too, but no worries, I'm on the case..." She gasps, soft hands bunching your skirt up, "And I'd have gotten away with this earlier, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!" You laugh at her petty play on words directed at your children's rights to their festivities, slowly relaxing into the bed as she moves down your body to successfully solve the reoccurring mystery of your missing panties.
Christmas was only a week out, and the older kids were finally on vacation, so you had found the time to go ice skating in the city today. Natasha was apparently an expert so she was currently teaching the older two how it was done with an excitable Eliza strapped to her. You on the other hand were clinging to the wall for dear life while Yelena skated around you., "Y/N, it is not that hard, stop the dramatics.," "Give me your hand kiska, I will protect you.," (Pussy)
"Y/N, look up! It's the kissing plant!" Yelena smirked as she now stood before you, blocking your route, looking over your shoulder to her sister, who then followed her eye line to the mistletoe hanging above the both of you. "Y/N, we don't have much time! Kiss me, it will make Kate jealous enough to stop being so shy, and we both know Natasha will destroy you in bed." Yelena takes initiative as you stare her down in shock, leaning in her lips nearly meet yours, but just before they make their mark she's flying over the wall of ice by means of a booty bump., "Cyka..."
Eliza's giggles bring you back to see your wife's angry face now staring back at you., "Natty—." Her lips brutally smash into yours before you could defend yourself, only ever retreating when the smushed baby starts to fuss., "Mine!" A gentle smile thrown her way resolves her anger, "Natty, Lena was just being an idiot, and I was completely thrown off, I'm all yours..."
Yelena had kept her distance for the week so that Kate could nurse her 'back to health' after Natasha had severely bruised her buttocks. But since it was Christmas Eve, and you already made it up to your wife, forgiveness had been given to the blonde for the sake of the holidays.
You had just settled the excited kids down in bed, then made sure Kate and Yelena were comfortable in the guest room before meeting your wife in the living room to play Santa. "Detka, why does the jolly man get to give them the Nintendo Switch, and we're giving them stuff like books?," You settle beside her, taking the wrapping paper roll from her and get to work., "Well, because Santa would never give them books, and we value their education so we would."
She looks to you completely unconvinced, "Natty, it would be lame to tell the kids at school Santa got them 'Junie B. Jones' or 'Harry Potter,' but we both know they will also be held up in the book nook we built for them as soon as they're unwrapped. Plus, we also have the very special delivery coming with Wands, remember?"
She beams widely at the reminder, her initial excitement being the only reason you'd agreed to such a gift in the first place., "Detka, are you ready to go to bed? If my sources are correct they'll be waking us up soon, Avery being the source..." You settle the last of the kids gifts beneath the tree, then with her help you get off of the floor, and settle snuggly into her arms.
"I'll be up in ten my love, I have to run grab a couple of gifts from the car, and nibble on some carrots and cookies for the imagination of it all." Natasha grumbles but concedes, lips pressing to yours for a sweet kiss that neither of you want to pull away from, but in the end she does.
As soon as she's gone, aka the coast is now clear, you settle another set of gifts beneath the tree, a silly smile on your face as you do, a bit too excited for tomorrows reactions. Then you begrudgingly nibble on the sugar cookies, eat a bit of the reindeers mix, throwing the rest to the ground before scampering upstairs to get a couple hours of sleep.
"Wake up! Santa has come!" Your eyes flutter open expectantly at the excited voice, "Yelena! What the fuck? Where are the kids?" Natasha is annoyed, but honestly you're rather amused., "Don't be stupid Natalia, it's only 5:30 in the morning, they're still sleeping!"
Natasha chases her sister out of the room, and you use the time to stretch out before making your way down to start breakfast, ignoring the pained screams coming from the backyard, even looking away when Yelena's pleading eyes meet yours through the window.
The kids eventually come running down the stairs as the smell of cinnamon wafts through the house., "Mama, why is Auntie Lena holding peas to her cheek?" You stifle your giggles at your son's question, "She fell down the stairs.," Natasha is quick to answer him with a half lie "Oh no, are you okay?" He sadly asks, tiny hands moving to cup her good cheek, and she softens at the tenderness., "Yes malen'kiy." (little one)
Breakfast was a smooth experience, you getting the baby up and ready as you'd already eaten. Meeting everyone in the living room where they'd patiently been waiting, handing a tired Eliza to her mommy so that you could hand the gifts out one by one. Everyone was pleased, their squeals filling the space telling you so. The kids had already hugged everyone in the room, screamed their thanks to Santa Clause; Sam settled into the cushy reading nook, and Avery began setting up the switch.
"Looks like Santa had another gift to give." You beam, a big box wrapped in penguin paper in hand: To Yelena & Natasha | From: Santa written onto the pre-made sticker.
Natasha quirked her brow, while Yelena shook with anticipation in her seat as the box was settled between them., "Go on then, open it!" Yelena tore right into her end, while Natasha gently unwrapped her side like it was her job. "Oh my gosh! I've always wanted this since I saw it for the first time three seconds ago!" Yelena shrieks appreciatively, you giggle at the stark honesty, then within an instant your breath is gone as Natasha collides into you.
Fresh hot tears soak through your Christmas pajamas, and you just hold onto her tightly, because you didn't expect such a reaction from your wife, but it's also a totally acceptable one. "Thank you detka..." You smile as she speaks, "It wasn't me love, it was Santa..." her wet chuckle in response warms your body, and then there's a knock on the door.
Natasha pulls back from you with a wide smile, "It's time!" She sprints to the door, and you regather the kids, placing blindfolds over their eyes, and watching as your wife and best friend enter with adorable white cats with black tipped ears, and noses in their hands. Natasha lifts one up high showing it off in all its glory, and you smile warmly back at her excitement.
"Are you two ready for the surprise?"
"Auntie Wanda?! Are you our surprise?!" Wanda smiles at Avery's excitement for her, "No silly, but I did bring the surprise with me." Sam pipes up, "I'm ready! Please show us!" Natasha and Wanda step forward, gently settling the furry babies into their laps, and you uncover their eyes as they gasp at the new sensation.
Both kids squeal, "Oh my gosh!!!!" Sam pulling his into a loose embrace, while Avery nuzzled her nose to the bewildered cats. "This is the best gift, thank you so much —." Avery paused.
"I picked them up, but your mom's got them." Wanda answers her silent question, and both kids jump up to hug all the adults present anyways. 
Wanda headed towards the kitchen to start the Christmas dinner, her supposed gift to you, and so you settled down with Eliza to help her understand the new toys she'd just received. Sam took 'Liho' to the reading nook with him, and the cat happily slept at his side. Avery spent her time explaining the game she was learning herself to 'Tigger,' who just stared at her as if he understood her completely. Natasha and Yelena, with the help of Kate began to use their Easy Bake Oven from Santa. Testing their treats out on unsuspecting victims all day, and everyone had pretended to like it for the sake of their feelings.
Natasha and you'd happily settled into your bed after the long day of Christmas festivities. Sleep consuming your mind the minute your body had hit the mattress, but Natasha found herself wide awake, the joy today brought her had kept her mind running a mile a minute. Liho was lying on her legs, purring like crazy, while Tigger was asleep upon her greatest accomplishment in life's tummy.
Holidays tended to be a time of reminiscing, and that's exactly what she was doing with her fingers in your hair, and a smile on her face. Everything good in her life is because of you, and her heart fluttered wildly at the thought of what could've been had she never gone into the Glory Hole all those years ago.
The peace you brought to her when all she ever knew was chaos, the pure love you give to her so freely and unconditionally, or how the beautiful family you blessed her with would just cease to exist, and the more she ponders she realizes that's not a reality she could bare to face, so she settles herself into bed, allowing your scent to calm her nervous system, and sighing as the exhaustion starts to set in.
Just as soon as she'd laid her head down on your chest though the door creaked open. Three sets of little eyes stared at the redhead, and she silently beckoned them over with the wave of her hand, and they quickly obliged. Avery passed Eliza to Natasha, then crawled in between the two of you, Sam settled between your legs, with his hand atop the cat already sleeping there, and the other loosely in yours.
Natasha falls asleep just as soon as everyone's breathing evens out, "Ya lyublyu tebya moya prekrasnaya sem'ya.," the last words she utters as her eyes fluttered shut.
(I love you my beautiful family)
10,968 Words
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daitoshi · 2 years
Timeline of the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, for clarity:
January 2021: Trump is stepping down as president and is ordered to return all documents to NARA before leaving office.
May 2021: NARA officials contact Trump's team after realizing several important documents were missing.
Fall 2021: NARA has not received the documents. NARA lawyer Gary stern reaches out to Trump attorney to intervene, asking about several boxes of records apparently taken to Mar-a-Lago during Trump's relocation.
It's been nearly 12 full months since he's been ordered to return all documents, and 7 months since NARA told him directly that they know documents are missing. He has not returned the documents in his possession during this time.
January 2022 - After months of discussions, NARA retrieves 15 boxes of Trump white house records. Some of them are torn up, some reconstructed with tape. NARA says in a statement that the boxes contain some SAP documents - Special Access Programs that severely limit who would have access to that information.
February 2022 - NARA asks Justice department to investigate Trump's handling of White House records, and whether he violated laws related to classified information.
April 2022 - NARA publicly acknowledges that the Justice Department is involved, and news outlets report that prosecutors have launched a criminal probe into Trump's mishandling of classified documents. Around this time, FBI agents begin interviewing Trump aides about the handling of records.
May 2022 - News outlets report that investigators subpoenaed NARA for access to the classified documents already obtained from Mar-A-Lago. This indicates that the Justice Department is using a grand jury in its investigation.
June 2022 - Four investigators, including a Justice Department counterintelligence official, visit Mar-A-Lago seeking info on the classified information Trump had taken to florida. During this meeting, federal officials serve a grand jury subpoena for some of the sensitive national security documents found on the premises. They take those documents with them when they leave.
Trump's attorneys then receive a letter, from federal investigators, asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. Trump aides add a padlock to the room. Federal Investigators serve a subpoena to the Trump investigation, demanding surveillance video. Trump's company turns over the footage.
August 8, 2022 - FBI executes a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, focused on the club area where Trump's offices and personal quarters were located. Federal agents remove 'about a dozen' boxes of materials from the property after this search.
August 11, yesterday, Attorney General Garland revealed that he personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant.
And today the warrant dropped. You can read it here: https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/mar-a-lago-search-warrant-and-inventory/5144e66f50896998/full.pdf
Federal agents who executed the warrant did so to investigate potential crimes associated with violations of the Espionage Act, which outlaws the unauthorized retention of national security information that could harm the United States or aid a foreign adversary; a federal law that makes it a crime to destroy or conceal a document to obstruct a government investigation, and Section 2071, which covers the unlawful removal of government records. None of these laws differentiate information that has been declassified or not.
The Espionage Act in particular, if violated can carry a penalty of up to 10 years in prison per offense.
The search this past Monday seized 11 sets of documents in all, including some marked as “classified/TS/SCI” documents — shorthand for “top secret/sensitive compartmented information,” according to the report. SAPs like TS/SCI are created when the sharing of specific information represents a heightened threat of damaging disclosures, or when a “secret” or “top secret” classification is not deemed sufficiently protective. Documents marked thus are meant to be viewed only in secure govt. facilities.
The Washington Post also revealed an anonymous tip from individuals 'familiar with the investigation' that the FBI agents were looking for classified documents relating to nuclear weapons, though did not say if said documents had been recovered.Per the Atomic Energy Act, the president has no authority to declassify documents relating to nuclear power or weapons.
The last folks in the United States who violated both the Espionage Act and the Atomic Energy Act were executed!
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Top 20 Most Popular Post
I love statistics, so here are the top 20 most popular writing posts from my blog.
Masterpost: How to write a story (Nov 5 2020)
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Master Prompt List (Feb 12 2021)
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To all the writers who haven't written in a while (Jul 9 2022)
Touches Ask Game (Apr 7 2021)
You are allowed to like your own writing (Oct 18 2022)
Touching (Mar 25 2021)
The amount of creativity I possess (Jul 15 2023)
Romance Masterpost (Dec 3 2020)
Your writing will always feel awkward to you (May 7 2022)
What I hate about writing (Jul 2 2023)
I never had people draw fanart (Jul 10 2023)
Hand-holding (Feb 17 2021)
Another kind of diversity (Dec 30 2022)
Kisses (Feb 25 2021)
For anyone worried (Jun 11 2023)
Fanfic and fanart are bonus content (Apr 28 2023)
Advice for writing relationships (Aug 27 2023)
Deepest apologies for the well-thought out characters (Jun 25 2023)
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hartz-penny · 1 year
in follow up to my timeline (for those who haven't seen it / want to reference: https://www.tumblr.com/hartz-penny/705740236884508672/after-celinas-its-2022-comment-in-510-i), i wanted to jot down some info on the relationships in relation to it!
Met in 1.10 "Flesh and Blood" and agree to go out by the end of the episode, by my timeline (1.01 being ~ March 2019 and 1.20 being 6 months later aka ~ September 2019), let's say this is June 2019 since its half way through the season
They break up briefly between 1.12 and are back together by 1.18, they fight in 1.20 but are firmly together by episode's end, again per my timeline this is approx. Sept 2019
They have moved in together as of 2.01 which is still ~ Sept 2019
Wesley is stabbed in 2.06 "Fallout" which we'll assume is Oct / Nov 2019
Wesley proposes - which Angela accepts - in 2.16 "The Overnight", as this is after DOD (09Dec2019) but before 2.20 (the rookies' "one month push") we can guess this is Jan or Feb 2020; they have been together for about 7-8 months total (including their breakup)
Wesley discovers Angela is pregnant in 3.01 "Consequences" by finding her pregnancy test, I'm going to assume Angela was between 3-7 weeks pregnant - wide range I know but I can't imagine her being any more far along than that and *not* have taken a test prior - here which is approx March 2020
Season 3 takes place over the course of two months since it begins right when the "one month push" begins, Lucy and Jackson graduate to P2 in 3.14 and Nolan becomes a P2 in 4.01 after completing his one month extension
This would mean that Wopez's first attempt at a wedding in 3.14 takes place in May 2020, they have been together for about 11 months; Angela is also kidnapped by La Fiera in this episode
Jackson "Jack" Lopex-Evers is born after the 3 month time jump that happens at the end of 4.01, putting his DOB in approx. Aug 2020
Wopez get married offscreen between 4.01 and 4.02 - which would still be Aug 2020, they have been together for just over a year
5.10 is apparently "2022" which per my timeline is Jan 2022
TL;DR Wopez has been together for 2 and a half years as of 5.10
HARRAY / JYLA (Nyla x James):
Met in 3.02 "In Justice" which takes place in approx March 2020
Had their sparring class in 3.11 "New Blood" which we'll say is when they first get involved, this in approx. April 2020
Nyla is dating both James and that hot dad in 4.03 "In The Line of Fire" and by the end of the episode is dating just James, this is approx. Sep 2020
Nyla sleeps with Donovan in 4.05 "A.C.H" (31Oct2020)
In 4.11 "End Game", Nyla discovers she is 6 weeks pregnant - I assume this to be mid-Dec 2020 - at this point Nyla and James have been dating for 8 months, exclusive for 3 months
Nyla and James get married in 4.18 "Backstabbers" - approx. Apr 2021; they have been dating 12 months, together exclusively for 7 months
Leah Harper-Murray is born in 5.02 "Labor Day" which takes place in ~ Jun / Jul 2021
As of 5.10 "The List", Leah is 5 months old and per Celina it is "2022", most likely January
TL;DR Jyla has been together for a year and a half as of 5.10
I'm not doing John and Bailey because I do not care about them.
Get ready folks because we'll cover a lot!
1.01 "Pilot" - estimated Mar 2019 per my timeline, "Bradford, you get our hotshot", Tim is assigned Lucy as his rookie
Tim & Isabel
In 1.01 it's revealed that Tim hasn't seen Isabel in a year
Tim and Isabel met as rookies, and Lucy states in 2.08 "Clean Cut" that Tim is a 12-year veteran; as S2 takes place from month 6 to month 12 of Lucy's rookie year, we can estimate that Tim and Isabel were together for about 11 years at the time of their divorce, if 2.08 takes place in Oct / Nov 2019 (it occurs between 2.01 which is approx. Sep 2019 and 2.11 which is established 09Dec2019), Tim and Isabel met (and were rookies in) 2007
We don't know what year Tim and Isabel were married
Based on the LAPD guidelines, rookies become P2s after their 13-month probationary period, become P3s after 3 years as a P2 - based on this Tim and Isabel would've reached this point in 2011
I can't remember where I saw it, but I believe to test out of P3, you need to have put in 1 year, and since Isabel was a UC in Narcotics, we can assume she was a Detective I, and let's say it took her 3-4 years to get there from P3 since Armstrong said he was the fastest to get to detective and it took him 4 years (I'm assuming he meant from P2 to Detective I) bringing us to 2014-2015
Let's say Isabel started the addiction spiral around 2016-2017 since Tim ignored it for a while at first and she was probably able to hide it for a bit before it got to the point where Tim was starting to pick up and thought she was having an affair and that Isabel left around late 2017 / early 2018 to match the "I haven't seen her in a year" of 1.01
Isabel is shot in the head in 1.08 "Time of Death" by Vance
Tim and Isabel agree to divorce in 1.12 "Heartbreak" which apparently is Valentine's Day but I choose to ignore bc Feb 2019 ruins my entire timeline and doesn't make sense with any other established date so we're going to say that its 3-4 months into Lucy's rookie year and is May-June 2019 (we don't know when the divorce is finalized specifically but Lucy says "since the divorce" in 2.03 "The Bet", which is approx. Sep / Oct 2019)
Lucy and Nolan 🤮
Are "together" as of 1.01, and have been dating / sleeping together / literally doing the nasty bc seriously I hate them together so much since the academy
Based on how casual they're both treating it, lets say its been going on for 3 months as of 1.01
They break up in 1.04 "The Switch", sleep together again in 1.08 "Time of Death" and end it for good (thank GOD) in 1.09 "Standoff" - this is approx. April / May 2019, putting their entire length of relationship at 6 months
Tim and Rachel
Set up on a date by Lucy in 2.03 "The Bet" - approx. Sept / Oct 2019
Tim considers moving to NYC with Rachel in 2.19 "The Q Word" but ultimately does not, they do not break up - approx. Mar 2020
Tim and Rachel break up offscreen at some point in S3, definitely before Angela's wedding when Tim openly checks Lucy out and S3 is 2 months long, so the max length of Tim & Rachel's relationship is 7 months
Lucy and Emmett
Meet in 2.17 "Control" and start dating despite Tim's belief that Lucy can do better - approx. Feb / Mar 2020
Break up in 3.08 "Bad Blood", as this is right before Lucy's final shift as a rookie (which is approx. Apr 2020), we'll say that they break up in Mar / Apr 2020; their relationship is about 2 months long
Tim and Ashley
Meet in 4.06 "Poetic Justice" and begin officially dating between here and 4.08 "Hit and Run" as Tim tells Genny that he is not single - approx. Nov 2020
Are planning a trip to Hawaii in 4.21 "Mother's Day" in which Lucy initially assumes Tim is going to propose, Tim & Ashley have been together for about 6 months at this point as it is May 2021; Tim finds out Ashley does not want marriage or children - a thing he very much does want - and for some reason stays in this "magic" relationship (srsly Timothy???)
Finally break up in 5.05 "The Fugitive" literally 10 seconds after Tim gets out of SPINAL SURGERY because Ashley remembered that Tim is a cop and being a cop is dangerous and I know Tim is pretty but like what did you expect? Just because he was telling your dad to retire meant he secretly wanted to too? This is late October 2021 as its right before 5.06 which is confirmed Halloween
Total length of relationship: ALMOST A GD YEAR...
Lucy and Chris
Meet in 4.10 "Heart Beat" and they are not fans of each other
Set up on a double date with Tim and Ashley by Tim in 4.12 "The Knock"; have their first real date at the end of the episode - approx. Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
Chris calls Lucy his girlfriend in 4.15 "Hit List", Lucy defines Chris as her "work in progress" - approx. Mar 2021
Chris is targeted by Rosalind in 5.01 "Double Down" (and sadly survives) - approx Jun 2021
After Chris gets Tim to convince Lucy to go to UC school, they are still together when Lucy comes back in 5.03 "Dye Hard", ~ Aug / Sep 2021
Chris asks Lucy to move in / buy a house together in 5.08 "The Collar" she is very on the fence, Lucy has not said I love you but Chris has because they "haven't been together that long" (it's been almost a year Lucy, he's just not Tim!!); Lucy and Tim confess their feelings after Tim confronts Lucy about staying in the relationship because its safe, Lucy decides to break up with Chris
Lucy and Chris finally break up in 5.09 "Take Back" ~ Dec 2021, making their total length of relationship between 11-12 months
Time as TO & Rookie: 13 months (1.01 - 3.14)
Time as Sergeant & Sergeant's Aide: ~ 9 months (4.04 - 5.02) [~ Oct 2020 to Jun / Jul 2021]
Length of time to first kiss: 2 years, 1 month (4.22)
Length of time to feelings confession: 2 years, 6 months (5.08)
Length of time to first date & first official kiss: 2 years, 7 months (5.10)
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asukaskerian · 6 months
monthly word count + year total
TOTAL FOR DECEMBER: 3 844 words. ..hhghgb i thought it was moooore
POSTED: nothing.
IN PROGRESS: -madatobiizu ABO cherry wine verse (979 words) -bleach pack fuckening ABO verse, baby cuteness (450 words) -bleach suburban ot4 (1 414 words) -bleach psychic wolves (377 words) -bleach bloodsport (624 words)
jan: 4 700 feb: 6 014 mar: 4 512 apr: 4 889 may: 1 719 jun: 1 184 jul: 2 271 aug: 1 615 sep: 3 026 oct: 2 109 nov: 4 272 dec: 3 844 TOTAL: 40 155 AVERAGE: 3 346.25
yeah so the downward trend is getting obvious. HHHHHH.
2010: 136 235, average: 11 353/month. ... :X :X :X 2011: 167 675, average: 13 973/month. :X 2012: 332 396, average: 27 700/month. eeeeeeee. 2013: 396 917, average: 33 076/month !!!!!!!! 2014: 315 332, average: 26 276/month ... :X 2015: 206 403, average: 17 200/month. 2016: 127 495, average: 10 625/month. >:( 2017: 80 828, average: 6 736/month. .__. 2018: 128 033, avergage: 10 669/month. FUCK YOU 2017. 2019: 159 609, average: 13 300/month. huh! 2020: 105 791, average: 8 816/month. ... hhghhrhhhhhhhhhhhhhh flops. 2021: 101 776, average: 8 481.33/month. =__= 2022: 73 461, average: 6 121.75/month. hhAHHJZVB WORSE THAN 2017 2023: 40 155, average: 3 346.25/month. this used to be three months' worth. hgh.
-Howling Outside Your Door : Grimmichi pack fuckening : Chapters 5, 6 and Epilogue -Cherry wine chapter 8 (madatobiizu ABO) -Ichigo centric sequelette to Howling Outside Your Door (grimmichi pack fuckening ABO)
I did work on suburban ot4 and STILL don't wanna post it in public but otherwise it's still all half-dying fics trying to crawl back to the surface. no new ideas or anything. this *sucks.*
have some teasers anyway.
-- cherry wine --
"Don't joke. The cheeky omegas are already coming out of the woodwork as it is."
"Ah… Yes? Your fault for reacting to that girl the other day. Now they think that's your type."
Madara didn't truly change his posture but suddenly he looked a little more tired. "I thought that was why Raiha's niece seemed to have had a personality transplant."
"Aheh." Izuna hadn't even been sure he had noticed. "Mmh. Yes."
Huffing, his brother leaning on one elbow, fist mashed against his mouth grumpily, and glowered at the Lightning envoys who were doing nothing to ask for it.
"I didn't even want her, I just thought she was amusing. Who even wants to take someone to bed that they could break in two sneezing too hard?"
Izuna tried not to look too amused as the Lightning envoys went to sit and the Water ones started up the alley, lest they take it personally.
"Hm, yes, let's not tell people you like dangerous shinobi better, if that's all the same to you. They'd have a much better chance of assassinating you."
Madara threw him an irritated glare that became a watchful glance over Izuna's shoulder. Izuna fanned himself absently and took his time turning to see which of the Water Country envoys had --
Why was this little blond brat dragging behind to grin at Tobirama.
bleach pack fuckening ABO
Ichigo feels so stupidly nervous watching Grimmjow's pack investigate his apartment. His apartment with the huge bath he never uses and the sunken living room-couch area and fuck, all his pillows and blankets are in the cupboards after the grueling wash they all needed last time his pack stayed over. Renji makes a mean cocktail but by god they stain.
He's going to look like he's trying too hard if he gets out the cushions now, isn't he.
"You, uh. Need--"
"You going to close the wards, Shinigami?"
Ugh. Ichigo makes a face at the blond one. He seems to remember he's an asshole.
Wait, they're all assholes. They hang out with Grimmjow. Have to be just to survive him, no doubt.
As he turns to seal the wards again, he catches a glimpse of the man himself, standing wih shoulders loose and hip cocked as he surveys the place. In the crook of his arm is the b-- his -- Ichigo does up the wards.
suburban ot4
"Ichigo made a pretty big decision on his own, and he didn't talk to me. He shared it with this other person as a, a done deal thing, and he didn't even talk to me about it."
Grimmjow whistles low and quiet between his teeth. "Yeowch. I'll dig a hole behind the gazebo."
Orihime blinks. "To put his--"
"Corpse, yeah, I'll make it square so it doesn't pop up too much, we just gotta fold him up a bit."
"… Pff."
"Plant some flowers on top to make it look legit with the loose soil. Gorgeous blooms."
Orihime presses both hands against her mouth, and still cackles. "Mean!"
"Or hey, tomatoes, some peppers. Delicious."
She giggles some more. Ah, it fixes nothing, and yet it's like being tickled out of a heavy coat. Freeing, like she can breathe a bit better as it drops around her feet.
"Sounds -- hehe, sounds good. Adzuki beans? Mm, I could make my own paste."
He smirks, just a little bit.
"… Haaaaa. I should probably try talking with him before the… gardening."
Grimmjow-san scoffs. "Quitter."
"Yeah, yeah, maybe. I mean, you're giving up an occasion of growing his namesake on the corpse of the guy who wronged you, which is the coldest, most badass shit, but you do you. Tch'."
… She'll feel a little bad in a minute that she laughed, because strawberry jokes are the lowest of -- hahaha -- hanging fruits.
bloodsport (ichigo, charlotte, luppi)
"… What's your names, anyway," he mumbled a fifteen minutes' bullet train ride later. "And do I, um. Pronouns."
Being laughed at was almost more of a relief than it was embarrassing.
"Listen, home is just kinda -- hngh. I mean? Gay people exist--"
The small one's face spasmed; their emotions -- yeah, Ichigo didn't want to notice that howling disbelief or the edge of hysterical hilarity that went with it, thanks.
"They still have to marry and have children. I mean, if they're echt. Duty to the blood. Whatever. So gender stuff is, uh. Yeah. Not really. Fuck."
Askin concealed a grimace a beat too late. The tall one grinned genially, leaning toward Ichigo and Askin with their hands linked sweetly behind their back. "You poor deprived chickies! You confused sweethearts. I am going to open your minds so wide--"
"Ugh," the small one cut in, rolling their eyes, and got a toothy, brilliant smile aimed their way along with a sharp threatening I-will-cut-your-neck gesture.
"To start with! Arrancars have been known to reproduce asexually. In the first couple generations, or maybe when the blood is very strong, but!"
"Didn't Starrk bud out a little girl ten years back."
"That guy's a freak though. Leading to! Two, the gender binary is for squares. Still with me, chickies?"
"Uh. Yeah."
"Three, I'm the womanest woman who has ever womaned."
"Oh." Yeah, good thing Ichigo had asked. Her voice was, uh. Deep. And the contrast between her mannerisms and makeup and her T-shaped frame, thick with muscle--
"But also, transcending the restrictive gender binary inherited from our caveman ancestors back on Earth is excellently beautiful and I am, naturally, first place at it."
grimmichi psychic wolves
"So he just… decided to ditch us."
Yylfordt said nothing for a few seconds, and then all at once grabbed a chair and flung it to the floor, along with the clothes and books piled up on it. Nakeem watched the books scatter, sliding along the linoleum.
"What the fuck! What the fuck?! Why would he do that? We're the best, baddest fucking squad, we're fucking black ops at the top of the game, what fucking reason would he have to fucking leave?"
More silence, out loud. Inside their minds everyone was buzzing incoherently, tidbits of denial blurring past.
Makes no sense, what about his pride, we were gonna be so great--
"He hated the sex," Nakeem said.
He got stared at.
"… The heat sex?" Di Roy asks eventually. "But he always said it was the best sex of his life."
Nakeem considered it. Not wrong, but. "Also the worst."
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pillowstorm03 · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
[Splatoon Manga Colored]
Lol no biggie. Anyways, more old art, apparently I got stuck in the N-Zap, oh if I knew E-Liters would be harder. Looking back, the line art was thin, so lenient. For reference my newer art is more bold and thick. Not to mention vibrant.
OH- That's another thing I should notify you guys about, my coloring is from the canon art (Digital manga covers, anything I could get my hands on). However, it's been adjusted to my coloring style, so colors may fluctuate overtime depending on how “dull” I deem the colors to be (Mainly Ink and clothing.) Gonna weird to have an Inconsistent art style here even when I already found mine lol
Anyways, thank you all for being so nice, I enjoy reading the reblogs 🙂
Original Post Date: Mar 11, 2021
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