#16 dead 57 wounded
luckycl0ve · 1 year
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so here we are
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d1xonss · 7 months
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Desert Rose
Series Masterlist ~ Seasons 1-5
✧ Media : The Walking Dead
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x OC
✧ Status : Ongoing
Warnings : Mentions of blood, death, gore, swearing, sex, violence, etc.
Prologue ~ When a zombie apocalypse breaks out and wipes over half of the population, Rose is left alone to take on this new world as it unfolds. She knew it would be difficult, for things to not work out the way they once did, turning in ways she never would've expected. But what she really didn't expect was to come across more survivors like her. Not only that, but the journey that would come right along with it.
Disclaimer ~ This is a fan fiction I wrote that follows the TV show The Walking Dead, Seasons 1-11. This mainly follows the entirety of the plot of the show, but there will be little changes here and there that I've added on my own. There may be some disturbing topics in some chapters, but there will always be a warning at the top before you read. I don’t own any of the characters in the series except for my OC. As of now the story is not complete, but there will be weekly updates. Let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist!
Hope you enjoy!
Character Moodboards
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Season 1 ~ Moodboard
Chapter 1 - Introductions
Chapter 2 - Who the Hell are You?
Chapter 3 - Opening up
Chapter 4 - One Long Day
Chapter 5 - Decisions
Chapter 6 - Metallica
Chapter 7 - Overthinking
Chapter 8 - Panic Room
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Season 2 ~ Moodboard
Chapter 9 - Sophia?
Chapter 10 - Darkness
Chapter 11 - The Farm
Chapter 12 - Cherokee Rose
Chapter 13 - Hey Stranger
Chapter 14 - Thank you
Chapter 15 - Heart Attack
Chapter 16 - It ain't like that
Chapter 17 - Guitar lessons and confessions
Chapter 18 - Gone
Chapter 19 - Goodbye
Chapter 20 - Stay
Chapter 21 - Randall
Chapter 22 - Scars
Chapter 23 - Broken
Chapter 24 - Good Mourning
Chapter 25 - The Herd
Chapter 26 - Reunited
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Season 3 ~ Moodboard
Chapter 27 - New Beginnings
Chapter 28 - Stranger Danger
Chapter 29 - Shit happens
Chapter 30 - Three little words
Chapter 31 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 32 - Avoiding Me
Chapter 33 - Woodbury
Chapter 34 - Come with me
Chapter 35 - Hey Jude
Chapter 36 - The Attack
Chapter 37 - Welcome Back
Chapter 38 - Worries and Apologies
Chapter 39 - Going to War
Chapter 40 - The Deal
Chapter 41 - Peace
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Season 4 ~ Moodboard
Chapter 42 - Wildflower Wildfire
Chapter 43 - The Honeymoon Phase
Chapter 44 - Little Things
Chapter 45 - All Good things Must come to an End
Chapter 46 - I’m Here
Chapter 47 - Infected
Chapter 48 - In Sickness and In Health
Chapter 49 - Blood runs Thicker than Water
Chapter 50 - Bring me to Life
Chapter 51 - Liar
Chapter 52 - We’re Okay
Chapter 53 - The Pretty Purple Clip
Chapter 54 - Claimed
Chapter 55 - Moonshine and Memories
Chapter 56 - Alone
Chapter 57 - Found
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Season 5 ~ Moodboard
Chapter 58 - As Deep as a Wound
Chapter 59 - The Priest
Chapter 60 - Just Married
Chapter 61 - White Crosses
Chapter 62 - Deafening Cries
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sorendeimos · 6 months
✮ Things Severus will never say ✮
↳ a look through his diary
The pain I feel is wholly insignificant in the face of your betrayal. Oh sure, we have fought and hurt before but this time the pain I feel at your hand is so raw, so visceral, that the only way to soothe it is understanding that you are smiling. Your happiness trumps the pain I feel… I just wish you hated him like we used to so that it didn’t hurt so much when that smile was directed at him.
—after the rejected apologies
They scream and yell today. And yesterday. And every day since. Father doesn’t like when I do magic, Mother says it’s normal for My age and to just not show Father what I can do.
—age 8, 7 months after his first accidental magic
— after his father hit him for the first time, age 8
—after his father hits his mother the first time, age 8
I met a girl today that’s just like me. She had hair like fire and eyes like spring. I want to be Her friend.
—after meeting Lily, age 9
I told Her she’s like me. She seemed relieved. I hope She isn’t like me entirely.
—after telling Lily she’s a witch, age 9
Lily and I spend almost every day together, but never at my house. She’s too good for that place.
—on spending time with Lily, age 9, almost 10.
Petunia is the worst. I hope She gets a bee caught up that horrid upturned nose of hers.
—on Petunia, age 10
Mother has told me about Hogwarts today. She says I will be sorted Ravenclaw for my mind and thirst for knowledge. I want to be in Slytherin, to follow Her footsteps.
—on going to Hogwarts, age 10
I’m unsure what hurts more. My pride or losing my first friend. The person on whom I could depend. Who I was changing for. Who looked at me and still believed I had some semblance of good inside, even when I’d proven time and again I don’t. And now I don’t have Her so what, pray tell, is the fucking point. I’ll write to Lucius in the morning.
—after the Assault
The Malfoys, while newly-wed, are gracious hosts. I find comfort in Their home unlike anywhere I’ve ever been before. The future seems promising, and Lucius intends to speak with a benefactor on my potions skill. I shall have word back before Easter on career prospects under the sponsorship of this benefactor. If all goes well, my mastery funding will be secured, a job for after lined up, and I will no longer worry about feeding myself in the off season. Things are looking up for once.
—after Christmas, age 16
Joseph Aston - 25–34 Emily Aston - 24 -35 Joseph Aston Jr - 8–36 ••• Marie LeBlanc - 12–57 Damien LeBlanc - 45–56 ••• Charity Burbage - 37–158
I wish that the love he feels for me didn’t exist some days. He smiles at me and it feels like the sun on my skin after months of winter. He touches my hand and my skin feel alight and ablaze. It will hurt when he leaves me.
—Severus on Remus, age 15
The wolf has some fucking nerve attempting to lecture me on how to teach my class. As if he isn’t a beast in a man’s clothing. As if he isn’t a predator waiting to strike me dead.
—Severus on Remus, age 35
Potter and Black hate me, and I don’t know why. They just do… just like Father then. I suppose it's par for the course.
—musing about the marauders, age 11
I miss you. God, how I miss you. It’s been several months and it still hurts so much. So very much. Harry is safe, Dumbledore will not tell me where he is, but he is safe. Cared for. I hope he is loved. I wish I had not chosen this path. The one that took you away. But I am here now and I will work harder now to fix my mistakes. There’s clean-up to be done, people to put away. Wounds to heal, I only hope that if you look down on me, it is not with scorn with which you do it. Albus thinks this war is not over. If it isn’t… I’ll protect him. I’ll protect him with my life, I swear this. I will do for him what I should have from the beginning with you. I will change. I will be better. I will keep him safe.
—6 months after the Potters’ deaths.
He is more like his father than I expected. This will be tying. I will keep my promise but it will… be a trial.
—after Harry comes to Hogwarts
Give me patience, Lily, your son is every bit your husband and I regret to say I rise to his taunts every time. Patience, for strength, will send me to Azkaban and him to an early grave.
—sometime in Harry’s third year
This is my last entry. It has been years since the war began, longer than expected, and I will likely not make it out. I only pray the souls I doomed forgive me, but I don’t blame Them if not.
—the final page, day before the Battle.
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On the 22nd of November, 1718, Blackbeard would be killed off the coast of 'Ocacock' Island, along the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Robert Maynard and his men had arrived the evening before, the fifty-seven men hidden aboard two chartered merchant sloops, and would wait for sun up before approaching the anchored sloop, Adventure, at Springer’s Point.
Blackbeard and his men were unaware of what was coming that morning, as reports state that in the aftermath of the battle that it was obvious that they had spent the night carousing, with the shoreline littered with campfires, sailcloth tents and awnings, and remnants of their last haul (consisting mostly of sugar and cocoa). Its been estimated by some that this was a temporary stop, another night on dry land before plans of heading to St. Thomas to pick up a letter of marque, enabling Blackbeard to once again perform legal privateering in the Caribbean; but this assumption is often disputed by historians as an addendum to make the reader want to sympathize with the villain.
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The Ranger and the Jane, the outfitted merchant sloops, would make a hard turn larboard and make their way to Blackbeard’s anchorage. As for Blackbeard noting it, it would still be hard to tell what the intent was as the ships approached in the early light, as the island was a common stopping point for many travelers in need of fresh water. It would become apparent though once his crew would spot the glint of muskets and cutlasses and a number of men swarming the upper decks.
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The Adventure sloop had nine mounted guns, but Blackbeard’s crew of sixteen men was severely outnumbered, three to one. According to accounts, Blackbeard reportedly would call out “If you shall leave us alone, we shall not meddle with you.” to which Maynard would reply “It is you we want and we will have you dead or alive.” The approaching ships would fly the British White Naval Ensign, but its authenticity would be questionable, as in theory anyone could fly any flag they had managed to have gotten a hold of.
Blackbeard was cornered in shallow water with no wind to escape. As a result, the order was given and the Adventure let loose a broadsides of “swan shot, spick nails, and pieces of old iron,” killing 11 and wounding 9 of Maynard’s men aboard the Ranger, lowering Maynard’s forces to forty-six. The ensuing battle would take an hour, a series of sailing maneuvers and gunfire, concluded by a final six minute battle of hand to hand combat, once the crew of the Adventure approached close and boarded the Jane.
More men rushed up from below to meet the boarders, and shortly afterwards, Blackbeard and nine of his crew laid dead on the decks, while Maynard and 11 of his men would only suffer injuries. The remaining six pirates would surrender, now that Blackbeard had fallen. These crewmembers would later be taken to Hampton, Virginia, by early 1719.
The fall of Blackbeard is a tale that many historians have taken artistic liberties with, many embellishing the story of the battle with many colorful tidbits, such as Blackbeard being a savage opponent, that he had been shot multiple times and cut repeatedly before finally going down in battle. The tale of the battle could also be fabricated with other claims, stating that he was a vicious foe, making their success all that more impressive. Or, its more likely those additions to the story were added in by Charles Johnson in his General History of the Pirates in 1724 as yet another colorful addition to help it sell. A number of times, Blackbeard had been shot before falling in melee combat.
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The facts are that Maynard and his men had killed Blackbeard on November 22nd, with Blackbeard outnumbered, 16 to 57, and his broadside was able to reduce their numbers by 11 before boarding, where he and 9 others went down. The amount of re-tellings of this event are staggering, all with new ideas proposed, what was going through Blackbeard’s mind, what his intentions were, and many more minute details to the battle that could be fabricated. Chances are though, that someone is right about something.
Blackbeard’s head would be severed from his body while lifeless upon the deck, and displayed on the bowsprit as a trophy for the return trip back to Hampton, Virginia. His body would be tossed overboard. Folklore would even go on to state that the pirate captain’s headless body swam around the Ranger three times in search of its head before finally sinking to the depths, and rumors would persist of Blackbeard’s skull being used as a drinking chalice later on before dissappearing into someone’s private collection.
In any case, the waters around Ocracoke became the permanent resting ground for arguably history’s most famous pirate, the waters of which are now home to a multitude of legends regarding Blackbeard’s unresting soul seeking both his lost head, and his fabled “buried treasure.” Some folklore claims that his headless body later washed ashore Ocracoke and became buried on land.
Some would state that Blackbeard’s demise on this date brought about the end of the Golden Age of Piracy, or the beginning of the end - the loss of such a character striking the morale of other pirates out to sea, knowing that they were not in fact invincible. Accounts of piracy however would carry on well into 1730, with some more famous pirates who had yet to even begin their careers.
(Pictured is Blackbeard as portrayed in Black Sails by Ray Stevenson, a depiction of his final battle [from Netflix’s The Lost Pirate Kingdom, although they have depicted Maynard’s vessel too large], and an illustration of the Jane and Ranger’s angle of approach by Kevin Duffus in his 2008 book “The Last Days of Black Beard the Pirate”)
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 11 months
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|| Jason x Aubree Marin || PLL Rewrite || TAGLIST ||  • AUBSON🎶 • SHIPS OF TGWP •
Season One
Chapter 1 - I'm Still Here
Chapter 2 - The Jenna Thing
Chapter 3 - To Kill a Mocking Girl
Chapter 4 - Can You Hear Me Now?
Chapter 5 - Reality Bites Me
Chapter 6 - There's No Place Like Homecoming
Chapter 7 - The Homecoming Hangover
Chapter 8 - Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone
Chapter 9 - The Perfect Storm
Chapter 10 - Keep Your Friends Close
Chapter 11 - Moments Later
Chapter 12 - Salt Meets Wound
Chapter 13 - Know Your Frenemies
Chapter 14 - Careful What U Wish 4
Chapter 15 - If at First You Don't, Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
Chapter 16 - Je Suis Une Amie
Chapter 17 - The New Normal
Chapter 18 - The Badass Seed
Chapter 19 - A Person of Interest
Chapter 20 - Someone to Watch Over Me
Chapter 21 - Monsters in the End
Chapter 22 - For Whom the Bell Tolls
Season Two
Chapter 23 - It's Alive
Chapter 24 - The Goodbye Look
Chapter 25 - My Name Is Trouble
Chapter 26 - Blind Dates
Chapter 27 - The Devil You Know
Chapter 28 - Never Letting Go
Chapter 29 - Surface Tension
Chapter 30 - Save the Date
Chapter 31 - Surface Tension
Chapter 32 - Save the Date
Chapter 33 - Picture This
Chapter 34 - Touched by an 'A'-ngel
Chapter 35 - I Must Confess
Chapter 36 - Over My Dead Body
Chapter 37 - The First Secret
Chapter 38 - Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares
Chapter 39 - A Hot Piece of A
Chapter 40 - Let the Water Hold Me Down
Chapter 41 - Blond Leading the Blind
Chapter 42 - A Kiss Before Lying
Chapter 43 - The Naked Truth
Chapter 44 - CTRL:A
Chapter 45 - Breaking the Code
Chapter 46 - Father Knows Best
Chapter 47 - Eye of the Beholder
Chapter 48 - If These Dolls Could Talk
Chapter 49 - unmAsked
Season Three
Chapter 50 - It Happened 'That Night'
Chapter 51 - Blood Is the New Black
Chapter 52 - Kingdom of the Blind
Chapter 53 - Birds of a Feather
Chapter 54 - That Girl Is Poison
Chapter 55 - The Remains of the 'A'
Chapter 56 - Crazy
Chapter 57 - Stolen Kisses
Chapter 58 - The Kahn Game
Chapter 59 - What Lies Beneath
Chapter 60 - Single Fright Female
Chapter 61 - The Lady Killer
Chapter 62 - This Is a Dark Ride
Chapter 63 - She's Better Now
Chapter 64 - Mona-Mania
Chapter 65 - Misery Loves Company
Chapter 66 - Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno
Chapter 67 - Dead to Me
Chapter 68 - What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted
Chapter 69 - Hot Water
Chapter 70 - Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Chapter 71 - Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
Chapter 72 - I'm Your Puppet
Chapter 73 - A Dangerous gAme
Season Four
Chapter 74 - A Is for A-l-i-v-e
Chapter 75 - Turn of the Shoe
Chapter 76 - Cat's Cradle
Chapter 77 - Face Time
Chapter 78 - Gamma Zeta Die!
Chapter 79 - Under the Gun
Chapter 80 - Crash and Burn, Girl!
Chapter 81 - The Guilty Girl's Handbook
Chapter 82 - Into the Deep
Chapter 83 - The Mirror Has Three Faces
Chapter 84 - Bring Down the Hoe
Chapter 85 - Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Chapter 86 - Grave New World
Chapter 87 - Who's in the Box?
Chapter 88 - Love ShAck, Baby
Chapter 89 - Close Encounters
Chapter 90 - Bite Your Tongue
Chapter 91 - Hot for Teacher
Chapter 92 - Shadow Play
Chapter 93 - Free Fall
Chapter 94 - She's Come Undone
Chapter 95 - Cover for Me
Chapter 96 - Unbridled
Chapter 97 - 'A' Is for Answers
Season Five
Chapter 98 - EscApe from New York
Chapter 99 - Whirly Girly
Chapter 100 - Surfing the Aftershocks
Chapter 101 - Thrown from the Ride
Chapter 102 - Miss Me x100
Chapter 103 - Run, Ali, Run
Chapter 104 - The Silence of E. Lamb
Chapter 105 - Scream for Me
Chapter 106 - March of Crimes
Chapter 107 - A Dark Ali
Chapter 108 - No One Here Can Love or Understand Me
Chapter 109 - Taking This One to the Grave
Chapter 110 - How the 'A' Stole Christmas
Chapter 111 - Through a Glass, Darkly
Chapter 112 - Fresh Meat
Chapter 113 - Over a Barrel
Chapter 114 - The Bin of Sin
Chapter 115 - Oh What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me
Chapter 116 - Out Damned Spot
Chapter 117 - Pretty Isn't the Point
Chapter 118 - Bloody Hell
Chapter 119 - To Plea or Not to Plea
Chapter 120 - The Melody Lingers On
Chapter 121 - I'm a Good Girl, I Am
Chapter 122 - Welcome to the Dollhouse
Season Six
Chapter 123 - Game On, Charles
Chapter 124 - Songs of Innocence
Chapter 125 - Songs of Experience
Chapter 126 - Don't Look Now
Chapter 127 - She's No Angel
Chapter 128 - No Stone Unturned
Chapter 129 - O Brother, Where Art Thou
Chapter 130 - FrAmed
Chapter 131 - Last Dance
Chapter 132 - Game Over, Charles
Chapter 133 - Of Late I Think of Rosewood
Chapter 134 - Charlotte's Web
Chapter 135 - The Gloves Are On
Chapter 136 - New Guys, New Lies
Chapter 137 - Do Not Disturb
Chapter 138 - Where Somebody Waits for Me
Chapter 139 - We've All Got Baggage
Chapter 140 - Burn This
Chapter 141 - Did You Miss Me?
Chapter 142 - Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars
Season Seven
Chapter 143 - Tick-Tock, Bitches
Chapter 144 - Bedlam
Chapter 145 - The Talented Mr. Rollins
Chapter 146 - Hit and Run, Run, Run
Chapter 147 - Along Comes Mary
Chapter 148 - Wanted: Dead or Alive
Chapter 149 - Original G'A'ngsters
Chapter 150 - Exes and OMGs
Chapter 151 - The Wrath of Kahn
Chapter 152 - The DArkest Knight
Chapter 153 - Playtime
Chapter 154 - These Boots Were Made for Stalking
Chapter 155 - Hold Your Piece
Chapter 156 - Power Play
Chapter 157 - In the Eye Abides the Heart
Chapter 158 - The Gloves That Rocks the Cradle
Chapter 159 - Driving Miss Crazy
Chapter 160 - Choose or Lose
Chapter 161 - Farewell, My Lovely
Chapter 162 - Till DeAth Do Us Part
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rotten666bones · 7 months
An very incomplete list of trans murder victims in 2024
(this list includes people that identify as non-binary and/or gender-nonconforming)
Samantha Gómez Fonseca: A 37 year old transgender activist and politician who was shot multiple times in a car in Mexico City on January 14. The murder was planned
Miriam Nohemi Ríos: Killed (shot) on January 11 in the central Mexican state of Michoacán. She was a trans human rights activist.
Nex Benedict: Beaten in an Owasso High School bathroom by three other students on February 7. He later died due to his injuries at just 16 YEARS OLD!
Gaby Ortiz: She was a renowned stylist and reported dead on January 6 in the state of Hidalgo. Her body was found on the road along with a cardboard written message next to her containing threats. Her body showed visible signs of violence.
Parsa: The the 17 YEAR OLD Iranian was stabbed to death on January 30 by their father for "not conforming to traditional gender norms".
Amanda Soares (Mandy Gin Drag): She was a trans singer known as Mandy Gin Drag and found dead February 1 in São Gonçalo. Witnesses reported stab wounds on her body.
Kitty Monroe: (because of conflicting information on their preferred pronouns I'm going to use they/them) On January 1 they were run over by a truck driven by a man who was chasing them (Phoenix/US) . It is assumed that they were targeted for being trans. After their death they were deadnamed and misgendered by the 'Republic'. In a YouTube video of the previous year Monroe said: “I’m not afraid to exist, but I’m afraid of what other people would see, I’m afraid of what their perception of me is.”
Bunitinha: A 57 year old trans woman beaten and suffocated to death by her partner on January 13 in São Paulo.
Its barely been two months.. jesus fucking christ
Sources: usatoday.com, amerika21.de, cbsnews.com, translivesmatter.info, article19.org, bnews.com.br, jornalfloripa.com.br, azcentral.com, advocate.com
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shestandsontruth · 2 months
And the morning that You rose All of Heaven held its breath 'Til that stone was moved for good For the Lamb had conquered death And the dead rose from their tombs And the angels stood in awe For the souls of all who'd come To the Father are restored And the church of Christ was born Then the Spirit lit the flame Now this gospel truth of old Shall not kneel, shall not faint By His blood and in His name In His freedom I am free For the love of Jesus Christ Who has resurrected me — King Of Kings by Brooke Ligertwood and Hillsong Worship
"And the morning that You rose"
Matthew 28:1-6: "After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. The angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; He has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where He lay.'"
"All of Heaven held its breath 'til that stone was moved for good"
Matthew 28:2: "There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it."
"For the Lamb had conquered death"
1 Corinthians 15:55-57: "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
"And the dead rose from their tombs"
Matthew 27:52-53: "The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus' resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people."
"And the angels stood in awe"
Luke 24:4-5: "While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, 'Why do you look for the living among the dead?'"
"For the souls of all who'd come to the Father are restored"
John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
1 Peter 2:24: "He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed."
"And the Church of Christ was born then the Spirit lit the flame"
Acts 2:1-4: "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them."
"Now this gospel truth of old shall not kneel, shall not faint"
Matthew 24:35: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."
"By His blood and in His name In His freedom I am free"
Ephesians 1:7: "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace."
John 8:36: "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
"For the love of Jesus Christ Who has resurrected me"
Romans 6:4: "We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."
1 Peter 1:3: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
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wen-kexing-apologist · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever: Episode 12- Squicks and Triggers
Busy day yesterday so sorry for the delay on getting the squicks and triggers post out for Episode 12. Any blue colored time stamps are plot relevant moments and any red colored time stamps are any potential seizure triggers I was able to catch (I didn't see any in here, but it is totally possible I missed them). If there is a trigger or squick that will prevent you from watching a plot relevant moment, feel free to reach out to me via DM or ask and I will tell you what happened during that time stamp :)
00:00-2:47  Recap 2
04:47-05:15 -Intro
06:14-06:18- creepy mask on screen 
06:20-7:08 - character with bloody face
07:08- 07:32- character stabs his eyes with needles, this is intercut with other characters very bloody faces, quick cuts, etc. no needles remain in the eyes after the deed is done
07:32-7:45- close up of character’s face with blood running down his cheeks from his eyes, pans down to bloody needles in his hands 
07:56-8:00- jump scare
8:08-8:38- character being strangled leading to his head being bashed repeatedly against a hard surface with blood dropping on his face
09:35-9:51- character choking, seizing, being threatened with axe
09:51-10:17 character being strangled, then a different character being strangled, then both characters being strangled 
10:17-10:19- sound of bones breaking over a black screen 
10:20-10:31- Mangled bodies visible on stairs
10:47-13:20-  general underlying thread of character suicidality/character asking to be killed
12:22-12:33- blood pool on ground 
12:56-13:00- characters struggle fr knife, grabbing the blade, hands covered in blood 
13:18-13:20- character stabbed
13:22-13:40- characters shown with knife in chest, bloody 
14:22-14:40- character dying from knife wound to chest, blood, emotional distress
15:57-16:33- interspersed imagery of sex between teacher and student, while others watch and film. 
17:10-17:34- suicidality, character jumps off building 
19:42-20:03- character repeatedly bashes their own skull with a rock, blood, interspersed scenes of character falling from building 
20:26-20:31- character cuts their own throat with box cutter, shown on screen
20:53-21:00-  character slipping, unconscious underneath blood soaked water in a bathtub, interspersed with character falling from building
21:08-21:24- character slashing wrists repeatedly with box cutter 
21:45-22:02- character dead in bloody bathtub, character slicing throat, character jumping from building, etc. 
23:08-23:28- character repeatedly stabbing hand with scissors, wounds are visible, sound of metal piercing flesh repeatedly played over flashback 
25:04-25:07- decapitated head 
25:07-25:12- character shown with knife in chest, blood
25:24-26:15- character hangs themselves, shown multiple times throughout the scene
26:15- 26:29- bloody hand visible on screen 
26:41-26:50- hanged character shown on screen 
26:55- 27:15- character being strangled
28:32-28:37- character shot
28:37-29:21- blood visible on character’s head, character shown with knife in chest and blood all over 
30:10-31:02- all the dead characters shown on screen in a continuous shot, mangled bodies, stabbed, blood, etc. 
32:16-32:50- severe emotional distress
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asahicore · 2 years
100 kisses - prompts
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1 - prompts that have been written 2 - free prompts, you can still request! (esp for trsr but also enha, p1h & tbz) 3 - prompts that haven't been written yet
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1 - prompts that have been written
4. breaking the kiss, your lover instantly pressing their lips back to yours - heeseung 13. pulling your lover closer by the waistband - jake 19. “if we're caught kissing we're most likely dead but let's risk it anyway" - heeseung 22. smiling in-between kisses - junghwan 26. “i was supposed to take a shower, alone, but go ahead jump right in” - heeseung 35. a kiss leaving you breathless - jake 45. “we shouldn’t do this” but they do so, anyway - heeseung 61. surprising your lover from behind, smacking a kiss on their cheek - junghwan 70. an accidental kiss that confuses you both, but only a moment pass before you crash your lips back against each other's - junghwan 72. accidentally bumping noses - junghwan 78. pushing your lover onto the bed, kissing down their stomach - heeseung
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2 - free prompts
1.whispering "kiss me" to your lover 3. kisses traveling from your lover's nose to their lips 16. “welcome home” kisses 25. good night kisses 27. brushing lips together, lingering for a moment, catching your breath 30. hard kisses, wanting and needing them to feel what you feel 32. jumping into your lover’s arms 40. kisses that start out passionate but grow more delicate 52. “i can't believe i’m kissing you right now” 57. brushing your lips against your lover's, wanting to savor the moment 65. soft shoulder kisses 67. leaning into your lover's touch, their fingers tracing down your stomach, their body pressed against yours 74. kissing someone you'd promised yourself you'd never kiss again 81. “we just broke up, but let's kiss one last time”
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3 - taken prompts
heeseung trying to deny your feelings, but attraction gets the best of you, and you push them up against the wall (84)
sunghoon surprise kisses, your lover wasn't prepared but responds immediately (10) / grabbing your lover by the collar (18) / kitchen counter make-outs (31) / wrapping your legs around your lover's body as they lift you (43) / kissing your lover's wounds after having bandaged them up (59) / your lover pinning your arms above your head, telling you to stay quiet (83)
jungwon caressing your lover's cheek (24) / a kiss shared during a game (truth or dare, spin the bottle, etc) (28) / a possessive kiss that is meant to stake a claim (46) / whispering “i love you” in-between kisses (82) / smiling in-between kisses (85) / using your lover’s tie to pull them into a kiss (94)
jake forehead against forehead (7) / playful kisses, such as, “i’m not going to kiss you.” “why?” “because if i do, i don’t think we’re getting out of bed today” (58) / not being able to unbutton your lover's shirt, their kisses are everywhere and too distracting (95) / kisses in which, we've already said goodbye for the day but i can't help stealing another one (29)
jay a kiss on the cheek that turns into a kiss on the lips (37) / trying to concentrate on a task, but your lover kisses your neck, making your head spin (63) / hungry kisses and ripped apart clothes (99) / “it's always been you” kisses (100) / your lover pulling you into their lap, you straddling their hips (56)
junghwan sharing a first kiss (5) / soft kisses while cuddling in bed (33) / “i've had a terrible day at work so just kiss me” (48) / throwing your lover over your shoulder, carrying them towards the bed (79)
jihoon a tender kiss on your lover's chest (68)/ crashing your lips together during an argument (80) / kisses in which “i’ll kiss you right now to prove i don’t feel anything for you” but the kiss proves the opposite (88) / a kiss between two people in a fake relationship trying to make others believe they’re dating (90) / sliding your hands down your lover's chest (17) / legs wrapped around your lover's body, hands tearing their shirt off (77)
haruto running your fingers through your lover’s hair (8) / spinning your lover into a kiss on the dance floor (51) / tucking a strand of hair behind your lover's ear (53) / kissing your lover so gently, worried that if you pull away for just one second, they might disappear (69) / your lover kissing your forehead, then bending down to meet your lips (73) / standing on your tippy toes, frustrated you can't reach your lover's lips (75) / a kiss to reply to a confession (86)
doyoung wrapping your arms around your lover's neck (2) / a kiss to wake your lover up in the morning (39) / telling your lover you want all of them tonight (91) / sliding your hands down your lover's chest, unzipping their zipper (93) / passionately making-out against a wall (97)
jeongwoo kisses under a light waterfall (12) / hand kisses (20) / stopping a kiss when it gets too heated (36) / a “practice” kiss to get ready for the real thing (62) / unrequited love that is now requited, and a kiss that proves it (76) / kissing your lover's tears away (96)
asahi i missed you kisses (34) / a kiss attempting to convince the other to stay (48) / kissing the corner of your lover's mouth (54) / a kiss only meant to last a moment, but when your lips meet, you can't pull away from each other (66) / grabbing hold of your lover's collar, begging them to kiss you (92)
yoshi kissing under the stars (14) / a kiss that happens after one too many drinks (49) / mistletoe kisses (60) / a kiss to celebrate the new year (42) / light kisses scattered across your lover's face down to their collarbone (55)
hyunsuk soft kisses that grow more passionate each second (6) / a kiss that says “we're late for work, but let's be later” (11)
junkyu unbuttoning your lover's shirt, pressed against the wall (9) / holding your lover by the jaw to kiss them (15) / a goodbye kiss except neither can let go (44) / “let’s just kiss to see what it’s like” then pulling away, lingering for a moment, then going in for the second kiss (98)
jaehyuk exploring each other’s lips (22) / looking deep into your lover's eyes, before dropping your gaze to their lips (64) / not being able to focus on anything during a conversation, you're too busy staring at your lover's lips (87) / waking up to your lover's kisses (89)
juyeon a kiss cam kiss between “friends” (23) / trailing kisses from your lover's lips to their neck (38) / pulling away from a kiss to look at each other, smiling as you dive in for another kiss (41) / lingering forehead against forehead, consumed by each other and barely having enough strength to breathe (71)
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list by @/screnwriter (deactivated) with some changes - works by me! © asahicore on tumblr, 2023. please do not repost, plagiarize or translate my works! feedback and reblogs are always appreciated :)
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permanentreverie · 2 years
books read in 2023
1) get a life, chloe brown -> talia hibbert: jan 1 - 3
2) the night circus -> erin morgenstern (reread): jan 9 - 11
3) lost in the never woods -> aiden thomas: jan 6 - 15
4) on earth we're briefly gorgeous -> ocean vuong: jan 12 - 15
5) clap when you land -> elizabeth acevedo: jan 17 - 18
6) comfort me with apples -> catherynne m. valente: jan 18
7) not here to be liked -> michelle quach: jan 19 - 23
8) night sky with exit wounds -> ocean vuong (reread): jan 25
9) time is a mother -> ocean vuong: jan 27
10) anatomy: a love story -> dana schwartz: jan 28 - 30
11) babel, or the necessity of violence: an arcane history of the oxford translaters' revolution -> r.f. kuang: jan 24 - feb 2
12) next of kin -> hannah bonam-young: feb 3 - 4
13) tokyo ever after -> emiko jean: feb 5 - 6
14) once upon a broken heart -> stephanie garber (reread): feb 2 - 6
15) the ballad of never after -> stephanie garber: feb 7
16) tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow -> gabrielle zevin: feb 7 - 11
17) tokyo dreaming -> emiko jean: feb 11 - 13
18) the cruel prince -> holly black (reread): feb 15 - 16
19) the no-show -> beth o'leary: feb 17 - 20
20) time is a mother -> ocean vuong (reread): feb 20
21) sweet bean paste -> durian sukegawa: feb 22
22) before the coffee gets cold -> toshikazu kawaguchi: feb 24
23) the wicked king -> holly black (reread): feb 23 - 24
24) the queen of nothing -> holly black (reread): feb 25 - 26
25) tales from the café -> toshikazu kawaguchi: feb 26 - 27
26) daisy jones & the six -> taylor jenkins reid (reread): feb 28 - mar 2
27) before your memory fades -> toshikazu kawaguchi: feb 27 - mar 4
28) ninth house -> leigh bardugo: mar 3 - 6
29) hell bent -> leigh bardugo: mar 7 - 9
30) a good girl's guide to murder -> holly jackson: mar 10 - 11
31) portrait of a thief -> grace d. li: mar 12 - 15
32) good girl, bad blood -> holly jackson: mar 15 - 18
33) the last children of tokyo -> yōko tawada: mar 19
34) tiny pretty things -> sona charaipotra & dhonielle clayton: mar 20 - 21
35) the youthful you who was so beautiful -> jiu yue xi (reread): mar 22
36) shiny broken pieces -> sona charaipotra & dhonielle clayton: mar 23 - 24
37) the scarlet pimpernel -> emmuska orczy: mar 25
38) as good as dead -> holly jackson: mar 26 - 28
39) addicted to you -> krista ritchie & becca ritchie: mar 29 - 30
40) one of us is lying -> karen m. mcmanus: mar 30 - 31
41) kill joy -> holly jackson: apr 2
42) carrie soto is back -> taylor jenkins reid: apr 1 - 3
43) human acts -> han kang: apr 4 - 6
44) tender is the flesh -> agustina bazterrica: apr 6
45) this time it's real -> ann liang: apr 6 - 10
46) idol, burning -> rin usami: apr 11
47) i'll give you the sun -> jandy nelson: apr 12 - 14
48) the boundless -> kenneth oppel: apr 14 - 17
49) the great gatsby -> f. scott fitzgerald (reread): apr 17
50) beautiful little fools -> jillian cantor: apr 18 - 19
51) schoolgirl -> osamu dazai: apr 20
52) the witch haven -> sasha peyton smith: apr 22 - 23
53) the witch hunt -> sasha peyton smith: apr 24 - 27
54) a little life -> hanya yanagihara: apr 28 - 30
55) beach read -> emily henry (reread): may 1 - 2
56) no longer human -> osamu dazai: may 2 - 3
57) my dark vanessa -> kate elizabeth russell: may 3 - 4
58) the setting sun -> osamu dazai: may 5 - 6
59) the bridge kingdom -> danielle l. jensen: may 5 - 8
60) king of pride -> ana huang: may 8 - 10
61) happy place -> emily henry: may 11
62) the vegetarian -> han kang: may 10 - 12
63) the red palace -> june hur: may 14 - 17
64) the traitor queen -> danielle l. jensen: may 13 - 22
65) the sky is everywhere -> jandy nelson: may 22 - 23
66) beartown -> fredrik backman: may 24 - 25
67) deathless -> catherynne m. valente: may 26 - 28
68) notes on an execution -> danya kukafka: may 29 - 30
69) once upon a k-prom -> kat cho: may 24 - 30
70) almond -> sohn won-pyung: may 30
71) the white book -> han kang: may 31
72) my mechanical romance -> alexene farol follmuth: may 31
73) a room with a view -> e.m forster: jun 4
74) the poppy war -> r.f kuang: jun 5 - 6
75) the dragon republic -> r.f kuang: jun 7 - 10
76) the drowning faith -> r.f kuang: jun 11
77) the burning god -> r.f kuang: jun 11 - 15
78) emma -> jane austen: may 30 - jun 16
79) greek lessons -> han kang: jun 16 - 18
80) when marnie was there -> joan g. robinson: jun 18 - 20
81) bandstand -> richard oberacker: jun 21
82) white nights -> fyodor dostoevsky: jun 21
83) twisted love -> ana huang: jun 20 - 22
84) twisted games -> ana huang: jun 27 - 28
85) the bloody chamber -> angela carter: jun 28 - 29
86) my deepest secret -> hanza art: jun 22 - 30
87) coraline -> neil gaiman: jun 30
88) twisted hate -> ana huang: jul 1 - 3
89) sadie -> courtney summers: jul 4 - 5
90) twisted lies -> ana huang: jul 5 - 6
91) take a hint, dani brown -> talia hibbert: jul 6 - 7
92) better than the movies -> lynn painter: jul 16 - 17
93) act your age, eve brown -> talia hibbert: jul 18 - 20
94) beyond the story: 10 - year record of bts -> kang myeong-seok & bts: jul 17 - 20
95) love and other words -> christina lauren: jul 19 - 22
96) diary of a void -> emi yagi: jul 23
97) in five years -> rebecca serle: jul 24
98) us against you -> fredrik backman: jul 24 - 25
99) sirena -> donna jo napoli: jul 26
100) small things like these -> claire keegan: jul 26 - 28
101) exit, pursued by bear -> e.k. johnston: jul 28
102) red, white, & royal blue -> casey mcquiston (reread): jul 29 - 31
103) conveniance store woman -> sayaka murata: jul 31
104) the hurting kind -> ada limon: aug 2
105) one true loves -> taylor jenkins reid: aug 2 - 3
106) the deep -> rivers solomon: aug 6 - 7
107) all the lovers in the night -> mieko kawakami: aug 9
108) caraval -> stephanie garber: aug 6 - 10
109) we hunt the flame -> hafsah faizal: aug 16 - 18
110) we free the stars -> hafsah faizal: aug 18 - 19
111) i'm glad my mom died -> jennette mccurdy: aug 20
112) the ballad of songbirds and snakes -> suzanne collins: aug 21 - 22
113) kim jiyoung, born 1982 -> cho nam-joo: aug 22
114) legendary -> stephanie garber: aug 11 - 24
115) king of wrath -> ana huang: aug 23 - 24
116) the sisterhood of the traveling pants -> ann brashares: aug 27
117) out on a limb -> hannah bonam-young: aug 29 - 31
118) the winners -> fredrick backman: aug 1 - 31
119) the second summer of sisterhood -> ann brashares: aug 28 - 31
120) girls in pants: the third summer of the sisterhood -> ann brashares: sep 4 - 5
121) forever in blue: the fourth summer of the sisterhood -> ann brashares: sep 5
122) strange the dreamer -> laini taylor: sep 3 - 9
123) crying in h mart -> michelle zauner: sep 9 - 10
124) sisterhood everlasting -> ann brashares: sep 7 - 11
125) finale -> stephanie garber: sep 13 - 14
126) little thieves -> margaret owen: sep 11 - 16
127) les misérables -> victor hugo (reread): apr 3 - sep 18
128) business or pleasure -> rachel lynn solomon: sep 17 - 19
129) out there -> kate folk: sep 23 - 24
130) wuthering heights -> emily brontë: sep 18 - 24
131) painted devils -> margaret owen: sep 20 - 27
132) the foxhole court -> nora sakavic: sep 24 - 27
133) the raven king -> nora sakavic: sep 27 - 29
134) the hate u give -> angie thomas: sep 29 - oct 2
135) the king’s men -> nora sakavic: sep 30 - oct 3
136) the dead romantics -> ashley poston: oct 4 - 5
137) a discovery of witches -> deborah harkness: oct 6 - 12
138) mexican gothic -> silvia moreno-garcia: oct 13 - 14
139) the haunting of hill house -> shirley jackson: oct 15 - 18
140) the girl from the other side (vol. 1 - 11) -> nagabe: oct 19
151) fourth wing -> rebecca yarros: oct 22 - 26
152) king of greed -> ana huang: oct 26 - 29
153) yellowface -> r.f. kuang: oct 30 - 31
154) a curse for true love -> stephanie garber: nov 1 - 3
155) a study in charlotte -> brittany cavallaro: nov 5 - 7
156) dracula -> bram stoker: may 5 - nov 8
157) the joy luck club -> amy tan: sep 9 - nov 9
158) the murder of roger ackroyd -> agatha christie: nov 9 - 10
159) the last of august -> brittany cavallaro: nov 10 - 12
160) kamila knows best -> farah heron: nov 12 - 13
161) the case for jamie -> brittany cavallaro: nov 14 - 15
162) a question for holmes -> brittany cavallaro: nov 16 - 17
163) howl’s moving castle -> diana wynne jones (reread): nov 17 - 18
164) if we were villains -> m. l. rio (reread): nov 18 - 19
165) masters of death -> olivie blake: nov 20 - 22
166) jane eyre -> charlotte brontë (reread): nov 22 - 29
167) the name drop -> susan lee: dec 2 - 3
168) divine rivals -> rebecca ross: dec 6 - 7
169) the lightning thief -> rick riordan (reread): dec 9 - 11
170) the sea of monsters -> rick riordan (reread): dec 12 - 13
171) the titan’s curse -> rick riordan (reread): dec 14
172) the battle of the labyrinth -> rick riordan (reread): dec 16 - 18
173) the last olympian -> rick riordan (reread): dec 18 - 19
174) a study in drowning -> ava reid: dec 23 - 29
175) little women -> louisa may alcott (reread): dec 21 - 29
176) shadow of night -> deborah harkness: nov 1 - dec 30
177) the upside of falling -> alex light: dec 30
178) slade house -> david mitchell: dec 31
179) much ado about nothing -> william shakespeare: dec 31
180) romeo and juliet -> william shakespeare (reread): dec 31
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thepringlesofblood · 1 year
Major ACOC Spoilers
so, there are a few posts out there pointing out two math errors in acoc ep9 - Liam’s damage to Ciabatta being miscounted as 67 instead of 77, and Jet’s riposte for 13 damage not hitting Ciabatta when it should’ve. this is true. this might lead one to wonder, “well, if those extra 23 points of damage were counted, would Ciabatta be dead? would Jet have lived?”
I wanna clear things up for all of yall who are watching ACOC for the first time after the ravening war, so i did the math (under the cut) by counting his hp in the finale as he took damage.
Ciabatta had 118 hp
it wouldn’t have made a difference. if both errors were fixed and he was dealt the full 77 + 13, he’s still walking out of there with 28 hp.
to be clear: absolutely no shade on the intrepid heroes/brennan. no one clown on this post about whether they should’ve done this or that. it was 3am in a warehouse in Hollywood on a wicked messed up shooting schedule. Jet’s death was a beautiful, emotional scene, and it’d be weird and narratively dissonant to go back and redo it bc some math was wrong.
i did this math bc my logic brain just needs to know how the numbers do for my own personal peace of mind. given the several other posts I’ve seen trying to calculate this same thing, others have the same problem. so. enjoy.
Ciabatta doesn’t physically appear in the finale until pt 2
“The last Ceresian force musters, appears at the front of the wall with Imperator Ciabatta” is at 1:33:00ish
first damage done to him is by Saccharina, when she Cone of Colds his whole force in front of the castle for 41 damage (1:37:08). it hits him and the forces he was leading, and they do not save for half.
after that we have this exchange:
Zac: Ciabatta's-
Brennan: Ciabatta is still very much alive.
Emily: Okay. He's very much alive though, he's doing really well?
Brennan: Yes.
Emily: Okay. Then just to fuck with him, I'm gonna fire breathe on him.
and she does. Cinnamon uses his breath weapon to deal 57 damage, demolishing the rest of the forces
Brennan: He does not save for half. He goes from looking wounded but okay to injured, badly injured.
then of course the final damage is done by Ruby w the water-steel dagger
Siobhan: It's 4d6.
Brennan: 4d6, he just rolled a natural 4 on his Constitution save.
Siobhan: Great, it's actually three Constitution saves. It's 12.
Brennan: 12 damage, but you also add your sneak Attack.
Ally: Oh!
Brennan: Yeah.
Siobhan: 12, 14, 16.
Brennan: More than 20?
Siobhan: Yeah.
Brennan: Standing in the burned and frozen remains of his soldiers, what happens to Imperator Ciabatta?
[as a 7th lvl rogue, Ruby has 4d6 sneak attack dice]
so, presumably, Ciabatta had 20 hp left before being stabbed.
41 + 57 + 20 = 118
now, I highlighted those exchanges for a reason. It is technically possible that Brennan was using a similar mechanic for Ciabatta leading his troops as the PCs leading theirs- being attacked as a troop by another troop does deal the commander as an individual some of the damage, but not all. so, the Cone of Cold may not have dealt all 41 points of damage to him. here’s how he’s described after the Cone of Cold
“very much alive” “doing really well”
after breath weapon “He goes from looking wounded but okay to injured, badly injured“
so it is possible that the Cone of Cold did not do full damage bc of troop mechanics. however. personally I feel like since Saccharina is not attacking as a troop but as an individual (with a dragon), it’s not troop v troop action.
fun fact: Saccharina’s breath weapon attack + Ruby’s finishing blow is 77 damage - the same amount of damage Liam (should have) done to Ciabatta in episode 9 (that didn’t take him down)
so as long as Saccharina’s Cone of Cold did more than 13 damage [Jet’s riposte] to Ciabatta (which I’d fucking think it would even w very unlikely troop mechanics), then it wouldn’t have made any difference.
and bc we know he took at the very least a non-zero amount of damage from the Cone of Cold (“wounded but okay”), nothing would’ve saved Jet. the other assassins had already hit, and even with the math fixed on Liam’s damage 77 would never have taken him down. the only difference even possible is that her 13 damage riposte might’ve downed him, but even that is extremely unlikely - Ciabatta would’ve had to take less than half damage from Cone of Cold, and he did not save.
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Hannibal S1E4 Timestamp List
And we’re back in the saddle!
0:00 opening credits 0:21 cut to black 0:22 Recap 0:52 cut to black 0:53 text on screen: Baltimore, Maryland 0:56 Exterior of H's house 0:59 W and H in H's chairs in profile H leaning forward W talking about walking at night and looking back at his house in the night 1:09 Exterior of W house lit up in the distance at night 1:16 Medcloseup on Will - I't really the only time I feel safe 1:21 H leans forward in profile - you stood in the breathing silence of GJH's home 1:27 W listening in profile - H - the very spaces he moved through 1:30 mecdloseup on H in quarter profile - tell me will did they speak to you? 1:33 silent flashback to w entering hobbs's kitchen 1:36 W very intense - with noise and clarity 1:40 H still staring intently - you could sense his madness like a bloodhound 1:44 W - I tried so hard to know GJH 1:47 flashback to GJH with knife to Abi's throat 1:50 W - to see him 1:52 flashback to W shouting - GJH, FBI! 1:54 W remembering unhappily 1:55 flashback of GJH slitting Abi's throat 1:56 flashback of GJH stumbling backwards as he's being shot 1:57 flashback of W continuing to fire at GJH 1:58 W past the signs and vials 2:03 flashback of w putting pressure on Abi's wound - beyond the lines on the police report 2:05 the pixels on those 2:07 flashback of W putting pressure on abi's wound 2:09 w - printed faces of sad dead girls 2:13 flashback of terrified w looking over to see GJH in the corner looking back 2:17 flashback of bloodspattered w looking toward GJH 2:18 w subtley shaking his head 2:21 H staring at w - how did you feel seeing melissa impaled in his antler room (is he hoping for w to admit to the same level of congruence?) 2:26 w staring at h in a daze 2:27 flashback to ms hanging from the antlers 2:29 w blinks out of the daze - (quietly) guilty 2:35 H - because you couldn't save her? 2:37 w - because I felt like I killed her 2:40 flashback to W examining marissa 2:42 closeup on w examining marissa 2:43 wideshot of w and h facing each other, w leans forward in emphasis 2:43 w - I got so close to him, sometimes it felt like we were doing the same things 2:54 h listening to w talk about feeling synced with GJH 2:56 W - showering or sleeping at the same time 2:59 H - even after he was dead? 3:00 closeup on W considering the question 3:02 flashback to GJH dead in the corner of the kitchen 3:04 W nods and confirms 3:06 H - like you were becoming him? 3:10 W remembers his nightmare of killing Abi 3:12 closeup of W killing Abi, while insisting he knows who he is 3:14 W - I'm not GJH, Dr Lecter (oh Will, you weren't empathizing with GJH, you were empathizing with Marissa's killer) 3:16 closeup on H considering W's statement 3:19 Opening Credits 3:39 Cut to black 3:40 closeup of maggots on moldy food 3:44 medcloseup of maggots on moldy food 3:46 closeup of bloodspattered family portrait 3:48 blood on individual family pictures 3:50 medshot of corpses at moldy dinner table 3:56 zoom in on closeup of W looking into camera, half light half dark on his face, shift into warm colors of pendulum time 4:05 cut to black 4:06 pendulum swinging over black background 4:08 wideshot of pendulum reversing flies on moldy food 4:11 pedulum reversing flies, then mold on Christmas Ham 4:15 zoom out from closeup on W now in pendulum time 4:19 blood on Christmas table reversing 4:23 zoom out on W continues to medwide shot 4:24 reverse bloodspatter on individual portraits 4:26 reverse bloodspatter on group family portrait 4:28 medcloseup blood fully reverses on mother, she begins to sit up 4:31 Entire family sits up from the positions where they died 4:32 closeup on Christmas ham 4:34 zoom out from closeup on W as he begins to narrarate the murder scene, finish on wide shot of entire family at table 5:02 W points to little girl and tells her to eat her "growing foods" 5:06 little girl immediately eats forkful of broccoli 5:10 zoom back in on W as he cont to narrarate with smug/stern expression 5:35 closeup on W as camera flashes 5:35 camera flash on W's face 5:36 closeup on W's eyes as camera flashes 5:36 camera flash on W's eyes 5:37 extreme closeup on W's eye with camera flash 5:40 closeup on W staring 5:42 wideshot on W and mother sitting at the table with the rest of the family slumped over dead 5:47 W turns from table to mother 5:50 mother looks sadly at W 5:53 W looks regretfully at mother, aims a gun at her 5:59 W pulls trigger 5:59 W shoots mother 5:59 mother is shot in the forehead 6:01 blood spatter from mother on group family portrait 6:02 blood spatter on individual portraits 6:03 mother falls forward onto table while W continues sorrowful thousand yard stare 6:05 Jack watches W as he mentally recreates the scene, then interrupts to ask what W sees 6:18 medcloseup on J - Who's family values? 6:23 J watches W - no answer 6:26 H's bentley driving along a country road 6:32 H drives up to W's house 6:40 H exits car, framed by W's porch 6:48 W's dogs look up toward fron of the house 6:49 H looks in through windows to see W's dogs waiting at the door 6:52 H walks up to W's door and pulls a chain of sausages out of a paper bag 7:03 H enters W's house, holds sausage out to dogs 7:14 med shot on dogs catching sausage bites 7:17 med shot on H begining to walk between the dogs 7:18 H walks across the room to W's piano and tries a note 7:34 medcloseup on H standing up from W's piano and looking down toward the dogs 7:37 medwideshot on H in front of W's fireplace and bookshelves, turning and considering the room 7:41 closeup on a boat motor on a stand 7:43 H pulls open a drawer to reveal undershirts and socks 7:47 medwideshot of H closing the drawer and continuing to look around 7:52 H approaches W's fly tying station and leans down to look through the magnifying glass 7:56 closeup of H's eye through the magnifying glass 7:58 H sits down at W's fly tying station 8:00 H moves the magnifying glass away from the fly in progress 8:03 wideshot of H in profile sitting at the fly tying station and petting one of the dogs 8:05 closeup of H considering the fly tying equipment 8:07 H pulls a feather out of a tray 8:09 closeup of H positioning the feather onto the fly in progress 8:10 H winding a thread around the addition to the fly in progress 8:12 closeup of H's hands adjusting the fly in progress 8:15 closeup of H winding the thread around the fly in progress 8:17 medshot of H continuing to wind the thread 8:18 closeup of the thread being wrapped the last time 8:20 closeup of H looking closely at the fly in progress 8:21 closeup of the fly being tied off 8:23 H sets down the tool while holding the thread on the fly in progress 8:25 closeup on the thread being snipped off the completed fly 8:28 medshot of H stroking the completed fly 8:29 closeup on H stroking the completed fly and removing it from the tying station 8:31 medshot on H removing the completed fly from the tying station 8:32 closeup on H pressing the hook of the completed fly into his thumb until it bleeds 8:38 closeup on the fly being lowered to reveal the bead of blood on H's thumb 8:40 closeup on H putting his thumb to his mouth to suck off the blood 8:47 bloodspattered group family portrait from the opposite angle as before 8:50 camera flash on the blood spattered group family portrait 8:50 medshot of W in profile listening to J describe the family while CSI takes pictures 8:53 J walks along table describing the family 8:56 medshot on W off center pointing out that one of the children is missing from the tabeau 8:58 J continues walking while looking at notes to confirm missing child 9:00 gloved hand picking up blood spattered picture of young boy 9:03 W looking down in classical painting pose looking down toward picture while cameras flash 9:05 00:09:05:11 9:05 camera flashes as W looks at child's portrait 9:05 medshot on J - possible runaway probable abduction 9:08 medshot on W - or both 9:08 camera flash on W saying Or Both 9:09 J - when misery rains, it pours 9:11 camera flash on J - when misery rains it pours 9:11 closeup of blood spattered picture of family's children including missing boy 9:13 W looking down on pictures, saying they depict layers of lies 9:16 camera flash on W looking down at children's pictures 9:18 J listening to W looking uncomfortable (I should start numbering that description 9:20 J crouches to take a picture - Norman Rockwell with a bullet 9:22 first camera flash as Jimmy says Norman Rockwell with a bullet 9:22 second camera flash as Jimmy says Norman Rockwell with a bullet 9:25 B - no broken windows or torn screens 9:27 camera flash on B - no broken windows 9:27 wideshot of J listening to B, gestures - they probably rang the front door 9:30 first camera flash on J looking toward front door 9:30 second camera flash on J looking toward front door 9:30 B looking to side - bullet holes 9:31 wideshot of whole team around the table as B points out bullet holes 9:33 camera flash on wideshot of team around the table 9:33 second flash on wideshot of team around the table 9:34 W still in rennascence martyr pose, looks back at table of portraits 9:37 closeup of bloodspattered picture of mother kissing the missing boy holding a stuffed octopus 9:40 medcloseup on W as he looks down at picture 9:43 wideshot on team standing around table as Z describes evidence 9:46 wideshot on Z describing low angle of shot as J looks closely at the table 9:48 medcloseup of W turning to side - when did jessie go missing? 9:50 J stands up - a little over a year ago 9:53 meshot of W nodding and turning back to pictures 9:55 closeup on mother kissing missing boy picture again 9:58 W back in martyr pose looking thoughtful 9:59 exterior of abi's psych facility 10:04 mirrored shot of Abi running her hand over her scar then covering it with a scarf 10:18 extreme wide shot of Abi and Alana walking through outdoor corridor 10:21 Alana walking next to Abi - sharing will help normalize 10:24 Abi looking skeptically at Alana - I'm not normal, not anymore 10:30 landscape shot of other patients at the facility with a and abi walking in background 10:37 A and Abi walking - trauma can arrest vocal development 10:44 medwideshot of A and A from front - victims can broadcast victimhood / not me / that's not necessarily true 10:52 Abi looks irritated and curious at Alana 10:53 Alana to Abi - your victimhood has a high profile 10:55 Abi - a celebrity victim, somone asked if I kept my stained clothes 11:02 Alana - how did that make you feel? 11:04 Abi - like I want to go home, but I don't have a home anymore 11:10 Alana - you will, I'll help you find it 11:14 Abi looks skeptical 11:16 Alana - give the support group another chance 11:20 Abi, angry - support groups are sucking the life out of me 11:21 Alana - isolation can suck just as much 11:25 Abi looks stubborn 11:28 Alana - you have to find someone to relate to in this experience 11:32 medwide shot across H's desk, H looks up at knock on the door 11:36 H opens office door 11:38 Alana gives H chirpy Hi 11:39 H looks stern - do you have an appointment? 11:40 Alana - do you have a beer? 11:43 H's stern expression cracks, smiles, moves aside to invite Alana in 11:44 Alana smiles and accepts invitation 11:45 Alana walks by H, H closes the door, they're comfortable with close proximity 11:49 wideshot of H bringing drinks to sit next to Alana on settee, A thinks Abi might have low-grade depression 11:56 H and A toast their drinks 12:09 H watches A drink his beer and smirks (you little shit) - she? 12:12 Alana to H - nothing wrong with a little self-medication, right doctor? 12:16 H toasts the statement and drinks as A takes in a deep breath 12:20 camera begins to circle around the settee as they discuss keeping abi in the facility 12:25 camera cont to circle as H suggests releasing Abi 12:30 camera conts to circle as they argue 12:37 camera slows as they argue 12:42 camera comes to a stop, Alana - Abi's in no condition to tackle real-world issues 12:45 H - I'm not suggesting abandonment 12:50 Alana - this is a girl who was very attached to her parents 12:53 H listens as Alana says Hannibal stepping in would be a crutch 12:56 Alana - Abi needs to figure things out in a clinical environment 13:04 H bows to Alana - I defer to the passion of my esteemed collegue 13:09 Alana looks like she thinks H is teasing 13:10 H - passion is good, it gets blood pumping 13:13 H and A toast each other again - no clink 13:16 wideshot of W looks on from foreground TSS processing bodies in the lab 13:18 medshot of J looks under a blanket at a body on a lab bench 13:22 wideshot with J looking at another body 13:24 medshot on J looking through a file folder 13:26 wideshot with TSS turning to look at W 13:29 medshot on Will starkly backlit  - why do you say that? 13:31 med closeup on Z - because family friction is a catalyst for personality development 13:35 medcloseup on W starkly backlit 13:37 medcloseup on B, smiling toward W and glaring at Z 13:39 wideshot on TSS with J walking toward black blanketed body 13:43 medwideshot of W looking uncomfortably toward J 13:45 medshot of J looking under black body blanket 13:47 medcloseup on Z smirking at W and looking away 13:49 medwideshot of J and W standing on either side of body on lab bench 13:52 medwideshot of Jimmy and B listening to Z talking 13:53 medcloseup W starkly backlit 13:55 Z turning from away from camera toward camera, smile falling 13:57 med wide shot of W walking from corner of room toward lab benches 13:59 Z looking irritated and frustrated as W walks past 14:01 med wide shot of W walking by B and looking back to Z - or lousy onese 14:03 med wide shot of Z giving irritated grin and nodding at W's comment 14:05 med shot of J handing photo printout to W across body blanket 14:07 W in martyr pose facing J 14:08 closeup of mother with bullet wound lying on dinner plate 14:11 medcloseup on J discussing photo 14:14 W listening to J, turing back to photo 14:19 closeup on mother's corpse with bullet wound in forehead on lab bench 14:21 medcloseup on W looking up at J in sad realization 14:23 J nodding at W in sad realization 14:24 cut to black 14:27 closeup on H looking almost directly to camera - Tell me about your mother 14:30 closeup slight zoom out on W - some lazy psychiatry Dr Lecter, low hanging fruit 14:34 closeup on H - I suspect that fruit is on a high branch, very difficult to reach 14:39 closeup on W - so is my mother 14:43 closeup on H - an interesting place to start 14:45 medshot on W - tell me about your mother, let's start there 14:50 med shot on H with an "I see your shit" expression - both my parents died, orphan until Uncle Robertus adopted me 15:00 med shot on W - YOU have "orphan" in common with Abigail Hobbs 15:03 medshot on H - WE have a lot in common with Abi - she's already demonstrated an aptitude for the psychological 15:11 medshot on W - something so foreign about family, never connected to the concept 15:22 wideshot on both - you made your own family - I connected a family of strays, thank you for feeding them 15:32 H nods - I was refering to Abi 15:37 medshot on W, who's smile falls and he looks away 15:41 medshot on H, stares at W - tell me about the turner family, were they affluent? 15:46 medshot on W, looking annoyed - they lived like they had money, we were poor, moved from one boatyard to the next 16:01 medshot on H - always the new boy at school, always the stranger 16:03 closeup on W - always 16:05 H - what grudge was this mother's killer harbouring against her? 16:09 W, shakes head, thinking - motherhood 16:12 H - not motherhood, a perversion of it 16:17 W looks up, thinking 16:20 buiscuit with assorted veggie looking things 16:26 wideshot on J starting to eat before H has sat (bad manners, Jack) and smiling up at H's description of the food 16:28 wideshot on H - you promised to deliver your wife to my dinner table 16:31 wideshot on J - we'll have to polish up our act, what am I about to put in my mouth? 16:39 wideshot on H - rabbit 16:39 wideshot on J holding up fork and laughing - he should have hopped faster 16:41 wideshot on H grinning - yes he should have 16:43 insert of man wearing black and red plaid running through trees in a panic and tripping 16:44 closeup on large piece of meat being butchered 16:44 closeup on chunk of meat being flambe'd in a skillet 16:45 H grinning - fortunately for us, he did not 16:52 J chewing and talking with his mouth full (is he suicidal??) - our friend will seems haunted today 16:55 H - we don't know what nightmares lie coiled beneath will's pillow 16:58 medcloseup on J - children killing other children is not that unfamiliar a concept to Will 17:03 medcloseup on H - you still suspect Abigail? 17:05 J - maybe the nightmare under will's pillow is that he was wrong about her 17:11 wide on H - children transport us to our childhoods, will may feel the tug of life before the fbi and you 17:18 closeup on J 17:19 closeup on H - simple times fixing boats with dad - that time is an achor streamed behind him in heavy weather 17:27 J nods thoughtfully 17:30 night falls over building obscured by trees 17:32 wideshot on the front of W's house as he lets the pack out 17:43 dogs snuffle around the base of a tree 17:48 W watches the dogs run around, not happy but content 17:55 extreme up angle of sun obscured by the FBI building 17:59 medwideshot of Z examining mother's bullet wound 18:00 Jimmy and Bev at a lab bench describing evidence 18:02 Bev and Jimmy in foreground at bench with Z in center background at body tables 18:08 medwideshot of Z walking around body table discussing asymmetries cause by puberty 18:14 medshot on B and Jimmy in profile saying no one's seen Jessie Turner in over a year 18:17 medwideshot on Z saying he extrapolated from measurements at time of abduction to establish height/weight limits 18:20 medwide on Bev and Jimmy at bench zooming in facing camera 18:22 medshot on Z - he'd be four foot eighty pounds tops 18:25 return to over Bev and Jimmy's shoulder, Jimmy examining a game controller - god's gift to trace analysts 18:27 medshot on Jimmy at bench examing game controller, saying there's no matches 18:32 medshot on Bev going through papers at bench 18:34 Bev and Jimmy in profile medwide, ruled out family's prints 18:36 fingerprint analysis on computer screen 18:38 medcloseup on J and B J looking quarter profile to camera, B looking to bench in profile 18:40 fingerprint analysis on computer screen 18:41 medwideshot on Z looking thoughtful and sad - the Lost Boys 18:42 Jimmy stands up and walks to the computer screen - I think I found on of them 18:46 tracking shot through W's classroom as he lectures on hickeys, saying in their current case the bite marks don't have suck bruises 18:59 wideshot on Jack storms into lecture hall announcing class is dissmissed and telling everyone to get out 19:02 medwideshot W behind his desk holding papers looks up toward J 19:03 medwideshot as J approaches desk and turns around to look at students 19:04 medwideshot on J and W as J yells at students to leave 19:06 wideshot on students shuffling and packing their things 19:09 medwide on J and W, J glowering at students and W dropping papers in frustration 19:12 J crosses arms and sits on edge of desk as students file out 19:14 medwide on J and W - You're making it hard to provide an education Jack, we found a match for another missing kid 19:27 tracking wide shot on J and W at desk 19:31 W realizes how many similarities there are between the families 19:41 J stands and turns to face W - we're ready when you are and you're ready now so let's go 19:43 W looks grim - you're expecting a crime scene 19:48 Balcony and railing in nice suburban house with Christmas decorations, panning down to living room with bodies of the family 20:01 medcloseup on adult man with bullet hole in forehead lying on the ground 20:03 medwide shot on blonde woman with bullet hole in forehead slumped over on sofa surrounded by wrapped presents 20:05 shot of fireplace surrounded by detrius of Christmas morning 20:07 charred and blackened body of child curled up in the fireplace 20:09 swat team passes garlanded staircase followed by team visibly reacting to a bad smell 20:19 medcloseup on swat, J and W entering living room, still flinching from the smell 20:21 wideshot of team entering living room and seeing the dead family 20:24 medcloseup on W with Jimmy in background looking grim as he surveys the scene 20:27 cut to black 20:30 exterior of FBI 20:32 wideshot of team in the lab surrounded by new set of bodies, saying the mother was killed last again 20:38 medwideshot on J listening to W 20:41 medwideshot on W - not exactly the same, something went wrong 20:43 Bev and Z looking at mother's body - not single present under the tree for mother 20:45 J turns around to look, W in background - they took her presents they took her motherhood 20:48 up angle on Z saying she was shot multiple times 20:51 Z facing away from camera pointing out that the first bullet didn't kill the mother 20:53 W listening to description of crime absorbing the imagery 20:56 Bev pointing out that the bullet would hav caused brain damage 20:59 W - her body went into convulsions 21:00 Z - shot her again to put her out of her misery, but with a different gun 21:04 medshot on Jack and Jimmy - so someone else shot Connor's mom 21:06 W still processing 21:08 wideshot on full team, J asks who the burned child in the fireplace is 21:09 J pulls back blanket to reveal the burned body 21:11 W looking at ceiling says he thinks it's connor frist 21:13 J and J turn to look at w 21:15 W - he'd been prepped to shoot his mother, not watch her suffer 21:16 wideshot on everyone looking at the burned boy again 21:17 J talking to Jimmy - connor couldn't put his panic back in the bottle so he got shot too 21:20 W - whoever shot him, disowned him 21:26 camera looking at RV through diner window, pulls back to see a woman and three boys sitting at a table looking sad 21:37 medcloseup on teenage boy looking toward woman 21:39 medcloseup on woman and small boy - I couldn't make him understand, the family you're born into isn't really family 21:45 medcloseup on second small boy listening to woman 21:47 closeup on woman - we're making our family 21:51 second small boy - what happened to your family? 21:53 teenager - we are her family 21:55 medcloseup of teenager and second boy in profile, tense - I meant your other family 21:59 woman- the family you think is family is just a stepping stone 22:04 teenager and second boy look up at woman 22:06 woman looks at second boy with concern - you feeling okay sweetie pie? 22:10 teenager insists "he's fine" angry at second boy 22:12 woman - CJ - gentle scolding 22:14 teenage looks back at his milkshake 22:16 woman looks toward teenager with exasperation 22:18 second boy looks down at the table warily 22:19 woman smiles and takes a deep breath - are you excited to go home? 22:23 second boy keeps eyes down on table 22:25 closeup on woman - even if it is to say goodbye, because we're your family now christopher 22:28 second boy looks up toward woman 22:29 closeup on woman with gentle smile - you can only have one family 22:33 wideshot of W sitting at his desk in his empty lecture hall 22:36 wideshot with W in foreground, Bev opens lecture hall door 22:39 wideshot as W continues to stare at his computer 22:42 medwideshot on Bev walking into the lecture hall with coffee, smiling 22:46 W continues to stare at the computer 22:48 Bev smirks - ever hear of Willard Wiggin? 22:50 tracking shot of Bev walking toward W - he's an artist who does micro sculptures 22:56 W continues to stare at computer, Bev walks around the desk - he's so focused he works between his heartbeats 23:00 W stares stock still 23:03 Bev walks up to W's side and looks at his computer 23:07 missing child posters on a computer screen 23:12 medwide shot at Bev leans over to look closer 23:18 W in profile with Bev looking at him - ritalin etc can delay growth 23:22 W rubs forehead as he describes medical side effects 23:26 B stands and smiles - Willard Wiggin had a lonely childhood 23:33 W looking up at Bev sitting on the edge of the desk - who is Willard Wiggin? 23:36 Bev laughs and says Price got a match on the bullet from a murder involving a 13 year old boy 23:43 W leans back listening to Bev, catches on to the connection 23:49 Bev describing the old case 23:53 W looking apprehensive - 13 year old milk carton material? 23:58 CJ's missing poster on the computer screen 24:08 medshot on full team looking at computer screen, saying CJ was too nice a kid to become a sophisticated murderer and kidnapper 24:27 tracking shot on CJ walking through store aisles and coming around to stare at Christopher 24:41 Woman finds money in her purse and hands it over to the cashier with a smile 24:46 CJ stares menacingly toward Christopher 24:48 Christopher so frightened he wets himself 24:55 woman accepts change and turns to notice Christopher's accident 24:57 medshot on woman and cashier smiling then looking worried as they realize what happened 24:59 Christopher snaps away from CJ to look at woman 25:02 woman looks worried an checks Christopher for fever 25:08 Christopher watched woman as she stands to get napkins 25:09 woman grabs a bunch of napkins, mops up puddle, and apologizes to cashier 25:19 Christopher looking down passively as woman cleans up 25:21 Woman stands up to reassure Christopher that he shouldn't be embarrased because accidents happen, smiles sweetly 25:27 Christopher looks back at CJ 25:29 quick zoom in on CJ continuing to stare threateningly 25:35 Hannibal opens the door of his office - good evening Will 25:38 W stands up looking especially grumpy and carrying a bag 25:40 H steps aside to let W in, looking interested in the bag 25:42 wideshot of W walking into H's office with agitated body language, throws bag onto setee 25:44 closeup of bag landing on settee, a wrapped gift showing in pocket 25:45 wideshot as H closes the office door and turns to look at W 25:46 H nods and points at the bag and gift 25:47 medwideshot on W taking his jacket off and saying the gift was for abigail 25:50 H still standing by the door - was? 25:50 wideshot - I thought better of it, I was upset, maybe still am 25:57 closeup on H carefully tucking the gift into the pocket - what is it? 26:00 W in profile H in foreground stands up 26:03 H walks toward W, turns to sit in his chair - you want to teach her how to fish? 26:08 H sits, leans back, crosses legs, links hands, and looks at W questioningly - her father taught her to hunt 26:10 W figeting with the stuff on H's desk - that's why I thought better of it 26:12 H stares at W's ass - feeling paternal Will? 26:14 W turns harshly to H - aren't you? 26:16 medcloseup on H looking up toward W - yes 26:17 W nods strongly and continues to look around 26:19 H continues to eye W - Dr Bloom advised against taking too personal an interest 26:23 W turns away from H 26:24 H looking lusty at W's agitation - tell me, why are you so angry? 26:27 medwideshot of W turned away from H - I'm angry because I know I can't help those boys 26:31 medcloseup on W - I can't give them back what they just gave away 26:35 medcloseup on H looking thoughtful - family 26:36 wideshot with W in foreground trying to calm down - yeah 26:39 H looks back up and listens to W 26:41 wideshot with W in foreground walking into the shadow of a cabinet - we call them the lost boys 26:47 H still looking contemplative - it's our responsibility to help Abi find her way 26:55 exterior of Abi's psychiatric facility 26:59 Abi closes book, camera zooms out to reveal H sitting next to her - I don't think I'm allowed to leave after I climbed the fence 27:09 medshot on H explaining that he's one of Abi's guardians and he made arrangements 27:12 Abi - where are we going? 27:14 H - my home, I'll cook and bring you back before bedtime 27:23 medwideshot on Abi and H - can I spend the night? I don't like sleeping here 27:27 medcloseup on H - you have to sleep in your own bed - this isn't my bed - tell me about your bad dreams 27:36 slow zoom in on Abi looking down and describing a dream of Marissa sending her pictures of NB gutted 27:52 H - how you left him 27:54 Abi looking up at H in distress and aprehension 27:56 H looks back patiently 27:59 Abi - even though she's dead I worry she's going to tell everyone and they'll think I'm just like my dad 28:06 H continues to listen 28:08 closeup on Abi as she sits up - sorry can't talk about this in group 28:15 H - you don't have that luxury 28:17 Abi nods and steels herself - I'll just have to get used to lying 28:20 H smiles proudly 28:22 wideshot of Abi standing up and goes to her dresser as H turns to stand up 28:24 H stands - you only have to lie a about one thing, and when you're with me you don't have to lie about anything 28:32 tracking shot - Abi puts on jacket as H returns book to dresser and squares it up - in my dream I wonder how I can live with myself, when I wake up I know I can 28:51 medshot on Abi - does that make me a sociopath? 28:54 H - it makes you a survivor - opens door for Abi and closes it behind them 29:05 cut to black 29:08 exterior of H's house 29:10 extreme closeup of mushrooms at the bottom of a glass kettle as water begins to fill 29:13 mushrooms in kettle as water fills again 29:15 mushrooms floating at surface of water in kettle 29:16 closeup of glass kettle with mushroom tea turning from upside down to rightside up 29:22 closeup of mise en platz in steel ramikens 29:23 closeup on H's hands cutting into white round vegetable 29:26 Abi watches H cooking 29:28 medwide shot on H cooking and Abi standing across the counter - have you thought about applying for schools? 29:30 medshot on Abi - my dad killed girls at all the schools I applied to 29:35 H, blinking - perhaps that can wait then 29:38 medshot on Abi looking at H with determined expression - I want to work for the FBI 29:41 medcloseup on H, smiles - I would certainly feel safer if you were in the FBI protecting my interests 29:48 Abi, knowing exactly what he means - they wouldn't let me because of dad 29:54 medcloseup on H - only if they believe that's in your nature too 29:57 Abi - nature vs nurture 29:58 medshot of H looking up at Abi - you're not your father's daughter, not anymore 30:02 Abi, upset, looks down 30:04 medcloseup on H, looking compassionate and speculative - what if it weren't painful anymore to think of him? 30:12 Abi confused shaking her head - my dad? 30:15 H - yes. Have you ever tried psylocibin? 30:21 med two shot, Abi - mushrooms? that's what's in the tea? 30:26 medshot of H - yes 30:27 medwideshot of H  walking around counter to pour out tea -  you need to supplement your traumatic memories with positive associations 30:40 medcloseup on H leaning over the tea - no more bad dreams abigail 30:42 closeup on H's hands pouring tea from glass pot into gold rimmed cups 30:44 medcloseup on Abi in profile looking skeptical - you want me to do drugs? 30:46 medwide shot on H finishing pouring the tea - I want you to do this drug with my supervision 30:52 medcloseup of H handing Abi the teacup - do you trust me? 30:56 medcloseup of Abi in profile looking at H like are you kidding, but takes a deep breath and reaches for the teacup 31:00 closeup of Abi taking the teacup from H 31:03 medwideshot of H watching Abi accept the teacup 31:05 Abi sips the tea, looking up at H 31:09 H watches Abi drink and smiles 31:10 closeup on evidence board tracking the murders down the eastern seaboard 31:17 medwideshot on J and Bev looking at the evidence board 31:19 very wide shot of tss listening to J with W against the back wall 31:22 medwideshot of J listening to Jimmy 31:24 medwideshot of Jimmy over J's shoulder, turns to listen to Z 31:26 medshot on Z - trying to construct a geographical pattern when the murders are weeks apart 31:30 medwide on W - we have other patters, middle children from traditional affluent families 31:37 closeup on Bev looking concerned at W 31:39 very wide shot on whole team with J walking back to the evidence board 31:42 closeup on pictures of missing boys on evidence board 31:45 slow zoom in on medshot of W - what kind of kid follows a kid who does this? 31:54 J and Z looking toward W - there's no indication these kids came from abusive families 31:57 slow zoom on closeup of W - capture bonding, a passive psychological response to a new master 32:20 sausage and eggs on brioche in a skillet on H's stove 32:22 medshot on H tending to stuff on the counter and stove, looks up and smiles at Abi 32:25 Abi looks down with disoriented and queasy expression 32:27 autumn trees shaking and warping in Abi's drugged memory 32:29 Abi sighting the deer with her rifle beside GJH 32:30 closeup on Abi pulling the trigger 32:32 medcloseup on deer looking toward camera with bloody ear 32:33 crane shot of Abi firing her rifle among autumn leaves beside her dad 32:34 Abi back in H's kitchen looking down in a daze 32:36 GJH and Abi in the cabin, GJH walking Abi through butchering the deer- remember just like we talked about 32:37 closeup on Abi's hunting knife 32:38 closeup on Abi's hand stroking through the deer's fur 32:40 closeup on Abi as she begins to butcher the deer 32:41 medshot on Abi and NB as she stabbs him 32:41 medcloseup on NB as he looks down in pain at the knife 32:42 closeup on Abi's frightened and horrified face as she pulls the knife through NB's torso 32:43 medshot on Abi in H's kitchen, she lets go of the teacup, which falls 32:44 teacup falls to the floor and shatters with heavy blur and some slow motion 32:47 H looks up from the stove to look at the broken teacup as Abi looks down at her hands, distracted 32:48 Abi still watching her hands, tilts head and asks if Dr Bloom approved thisr 32:52 medwide shot of Abi walking stiffly off screen while H walks forward to assess the mess 32:56 closeup of Abi in profile as she walks through kitchen, her attention caught on something else 32:58 closeup on fruit in a wooden bowl wavering from the drugs 33:00 medshot of Abi in profile selecting an organge fruit 33:03 closeup on H kneeling and picking up the shards of the teacup - you and I will have many secrets 33:07 Abi drops into the armchair in the corner, examining her orange fruit 33:09 H turns away from looking at Abi, back to the floor where the shards are 33:11 closeup on orange fruit being fiddled with in Abi's hands, smearing slowly from the drugsr 33:14 medshot on Abi navelgazing at the orange fruit 33:17 medshot on H kneeling in profile- it can be a spiritual experience for patients 33:19 medcloseup on Abi putting her fruit down and turning to concentrate on H 33:22 medshot upangle of H walking toward Abi - psychological trauma is an affliction of the powerless, I want to give you your power back 33:26 closeup on Abi looking dazed and nauseaus - I don't feel so good 33:29 H knees in front of Abi with reasurring expression - That will pass, let it wash over you 33:33 medcloseup on Abi with an intense expression as H cradles her face 33:36 closeup on H - through you, let me be your guide 33:40 Abi looks over to the kitchen counter - you're making breakfast for dinner? 33:45 closeup on H as he grins at Abi 33:46 medwideshot on H standing up and walking back to the kitchen counter, Abi grinning happily 33:49 medshot on H walking around counter talking about the history of breakfast for dinner 33:53 medwide shot of H catching a peeled potato on the edge of his knife 33:54 medshot on H holding up the speared potato with a showy grin 33:55 medshot on Abi making an exaggerated impressed expression 33:56 medshot on H continuing to cook - taste is not only biochemical it's also psychological 33:59 medcloseup on Abi looking from the potatos to the stove 34:00 closeup on sausage and eggs in the skillet 34:02 medcloseup on Abi - sausage and eggs was the last meal I had with my parents 34:04 medshot on H with reassuring smile - it's also the first meal you're having with me 34:09 medshot on Abi smiling with wide eyes 34:11 Alana, Bev, and Will in the lab around a table covered in paper evidence 34:15 closeup on Alana holding a folder with a missing child printout on the front 34:17 medwide on W over A's shoulder, speculating on the personality of the remaining Lost Boys 34:29 medshot on Bev reading description of one potential Lost Boy 34:39 medshot on Alana - what makes these boys susecptible? 34:43 they're isolated from their brother - a brother without a brother 34:50 medshot on Alana - brothers looking for a mother 34:52 medshot on Bev listening to Alana 34:54 Alana - they're killing the mothers last 34:58 W looks up at Alana and processes the idea 35:01 pan up from desk covered in neat stacks of files to W entering 35:03 medwide shot on J looking up from the computer on his desk - yeah? 35:05 medwide on W - not just CJ, there's a woman a mother figure 35:11 medshot on W - looking to form a family 35:13 medcloseup on J thinking it through - family can have a contagion effect on some people 35:18 medshot on W, with a well yeah expression 35:20 medcloseup on J - it can influence them to adopt similar behaviors and attitudes 35:24 W walks toward J from medshot to medcloseup - this woman wants these children to burst with love for her, she has to erase their families 35:35 medshot on J - she convinces them no one can love them like she does then makes sure of it 35:38 medshot up angle on W saying a security camera caught Christopher close to his family 35:55 wideshot Christopher approaches the front door of a house, rings the bell, looks around, then goes back to the door 36:11 medcloseup on Christopher as the front door opens to him 36:12 wideshot on brunette woman recognizing and grinning at Christopher 36:15 med wide zooming to med of brunette rushing to hug Christopher while he doesn't respond 36:18 medwide on woman hugging Christopher then pulling back to kneel and smile up at him 36:21 medcloseup to closeup of Christopher unresponsive to his mother's reaction 36:28 cut to black 36:31 nice suburban home framed with autumn leaves from across the street 36:36 black SUVs with police lights speeding through the suburban street 36:38 wideshot of SUV's approaching the house 36:40 low up angle of swat teams' boots running through leaves on the lawn 36:42 very wide shot of SUVs pulling up to the house and the team exiting with weapons 36:48 medwideshot of swat approaching the front door and preparing the ram to breach 36:51 swat rams open the door from the perspective of the door 36:52 cut to black 36:53 swat team enters the house and begins to sweep 36:56 swat swarms through house with TSS coming in behind them 36:58 wideshot of swat exiting from the back door3 36:59 wideshot of TSS running through the living room, armed, toward the back door, passing through the wall and panning out to the team arrayed on the patio 37:02 medshot of Christopher standing beside CJ, still impassive 37:03 wideshot of Lost Boys facing off with Christopher's family across an idyllic backyard, CJ raises gun 37:04 wideshot of mother and father panicking and trying to sheild other children 37:06 medshot of Swat firing rifle 37:06 closeup on bullet hitting CJ's shoulder from the back 37:06 medcloseup from back of CJ falling and mother turning toward other children 37:07 wideshot of CJ falling and everyone else running toward center 37:08 wideshot of Christopher running away from the group along walkway 37:09 wideshot CJ falls from grill to ground, Swat gets other Lost Boys to kneel on the ground 37:11 very wide shot TSS and swat swarm off the patio toward family and LBs 37:15 Christopher pushes through white picket gate into pool area, followed by Will 37:21 medwideshot on Christopher turning and pulling gun on Will 37:22 medshot on Will pulling a gun in response 37:23 medwideshot of W gesturing for the Swat member to hold fire 37:24 wideshot of Christopher and Will holding each other at gunpoint, W raises gun off Christopher 37:27 medshot on W with hands in the air telling Christopher to put the gun down 37:29 medshot upangle of Wendy exiting the pool house, patting Christopher's head, then wrapping an arm holding a gun around him 37:35 medshot of W reacting to the situation getting a lot worse 37:37 medshot of Wendy looking intense and Christopher looking resigned 37:39 medshot of W kneeling down, still talking to Christopher 37:41 wideshot of Wendly holding a gun to Christopher and Christopher holding a gun on W kneeling with hands up 37:43 medcloseup of Will putting gun on the ground - please 37:45 medwideshot of Bev screened by trees, firing a gun 37:46 medcloseup of Wendy being shot in the shoulder and falling away from Christopher 37:46 medcloseup of W ducking away then looking up to see what happened 37:48 medshot of Bev running in front of autumn leaves 37:49 medwide shot of Christopher turning away to look down at Wendy 37:50 medshot of Bev continuing to run toward C and W 37:52 medshot of W walking past Swat looking grim 37:55 wideshot of Bev leading Christopher away while Will and Swat look down at Wendy 37:57 med closeup strong upangle W looks down toward Wendy 38:00 medshot slow zoom in on Wendy bleeding on concrete 38:03 medshot up angle Will looks down on Wendy, blinks, and turns away 38:04 closeup on Christopher in the back of a car, zoom out to see Jack get in the driver's seat and looking back at Christopher 38:14 closeup on Christopher - can I go home now? 38:16 medshot on Jack looking back at Christopher - you're not going home for a long time 38:19 closeup on Christopher looking down sadly - you came here to kill your family 38:22 J looking back at Christopher - that's all anybody knows 38:27 closeup on Christopher looking away - I wasn't going to do it 38:30 closeup on J looking back - you're going to have to talk to a lot of people about it 38:38 closeup on christopher - she told us we had to make our own family, asks J if he has a family 38:55 closeup on Jack - I don't have any children, no 38:58 closeup on Christopher looking down, shaking head - then you don't know what it's like 39:04 closeup on J looking up and nodding in acknowledgement 39:08 closeup on Christopher looking down - can I talk to my real mom? 39:14 closeup on Jack, nodding - in a little while, but first I need to to talk to me 39:22 closeup on Christopher looking down sadly 39:25 exterior of Hannibal's house 39:27 medwide shot on Hannibal looking down feigning apologetic expression 39:30 medcloseup on Alana dressing H down for taking Abi out of the facility without consulting her 39:33 medwide on murder puppy getting smacked with a newspaper 39:36 wideshot pan of Alana confronting H 39:40 medcloseup on H looking down apologetically and nodding 39:42 medcloseup on Alana over H's shoulder - I'm not a professional scold, don't put me in this position again 39:48 medshot of Alana walking away from H angrily, H apologizes 39:52 medwide on A over H's shoulder - RUDE! SHOCKINGLY RUDE! 39:56 medwide on H - you have every right to be upset 39:58 medwide on Alana with don't fuck with me expression - where is she? 40:02 medwideshot on H - she's in the dining room 40:04 Alana with a I'm Not Done With You face, turns toward dining room 40:07 medwide on H with abyssal eyes watches Alana walk toward dining room 40:09 wide to med wide as Alana walks around counter past H - Alana, you were right 40:16 medcloseup on Alana - often am, be more specific 40:20 medcloseup on H up angle - she wasn't ready, had anxiety, I gave her a sedative 40:27 medcloseup on Alana looking further enraged - what did you give her? 40:29 closeup upangle on H - only half a valium but she may be hazy 40:34 Abi sitting alone at H's table, looks up sluggishly and looks to side 40:36 wideshot as Alana walks in, smiles and greets Abi, notices a third place setting 40:45 Abi looks up to H 40:47 wideshot of Hannibal pulling out chair from third place setting for Alana 40:50 A sits down to table, Abi dazedly asks if she's hungry 40:59 Alana smiles stiffly - I could eat 41:03 Abi continues to stare vaguely at Alana 41:05 H pours orange juice and notices Abi's focus on Alana - what is it? 41:10 closeup on Abi's creepy dazed smile 41:12 medshot of Alana and Hannibal looking concerned into the camera, shifting out of focus and into Abi's parents and back - what do you see? 41:21 closeup on Abi's creepy smile - I see family 41:29 wideshot of all three at table, H turns to look at alana 41:31 closeup on Jack wearing pajamas and readers in bed, turning and smiling 41:35 wideshot on J sitting in bed - hello 41:37 wideshot of Bella approaching the other side of the bed, avoiding eye contact 41:42 closeup on J putting his readers back on as Bella settles into bed 41:47 medcloseup on J taking the readers back off again - you think it's too late for us to have kids? 41:54 closeup on Bella blinking and turning to Jack with a frustrated expression 41:56 medshot on Jack looking lovingly at  Bella, she blinks at him, thinking 41:58 closeup on Bella withdrawing and turning away 42:01 closeup on Bella faced away - it is for me 42:09 wideshot of J looking over at Bella as she reaches up to turn off her light 42:12 closeup on J turning away from Bella and turning off his own light 42:23 exterior of Will's house with red white and blue lights flashing across it 42:26 wideshot of will's dogs arrayed on beds around a space heater in the fireplace 42:32 med to med closeup of W settling down for sleep 42:45 fade to black 42:46 end credits 43:12 DDLC logo 43:14 Living Dead Guy Logo 43:16 AXN logo 43:19 Gaumont Logo
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gayforthesun · 2 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 type it all out
i hate you. but fine:
1. Jupiter 4
2. Jupiter 4 (marika hackman ver)
3. Calm Me Down (2020 top song)
4. Can't Run Forever (hembree)
5. The Woods (cosmo sheldrake/erin robinsong)
6. It Tore Your Heart Out (dirt poor robins)
7. Free
8. Cranium (slothrust)
9. Burn Butcher, Burn (this is so embarrasing)
10. FUNGUS (narcissist cookbook)
11. Baby Don’t Dance (im getting tired of using capital letters)
12. time’s been reckless (marika hackman)
13. B. I. T. M. siames
14. conquest of spaces 🥺
15. no one to nothing
16. murky waters (autoheart)
17. Hell and You (amigo the devil)
18. 81 (marika hackman)
19. crane your neck (lady lamb). this song is five minutes long and still. 19th
20. Two
21. Marrow (thao)
22. Functional poetry (2021 top song, narcissist cookbook)
23. i’ve got a bulletproof heart, you’ve got a hollow point smile, me and your runaway scara got a photograph dream on the getaway mile, LETS BLOW A HOLE IN THIS TOWN!
24. like real people do
25. the garden (happy fits)
26. send my love (marika)
27. temple (thao)
28. skeleton key (margot and the nuclear so and sos)
29. the bargain store (<3)
30. bath is black (marika)
31. slash/burn
32. The Heart Is A Muscle (Gang of Youths)
33. pure love
34. twin human highway flares
35. eastbound train (marika)
36. in the room where you sleep (dead man’s bones, which i found out recently is 50% ryan fucking gosling. i hate it here)
37. karma - acoustic
38. knife fight (nitw soundtrack)
39. The Universe is Laughing (the guggenheim grotto)
40. Apple (The Narcissist Cookbook)
41. To Die Today (caroline rose)
42. The Great Unknown (Ezra Furman) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
43. Cardiac Arrest (bad suns) (brainrot song of all time)
44. Seven
45. Oxford blood (autoheart. how did THIS song get up here)
46. You’ve got time
48. the stand (mother mother i feel the need to specify on this one given my past with the jojos)
50. the Pattern (narcissist cookbook)
51. Joseph (autoheart)
52. Breathe (its funny that the only recent mm i have on here is the creepy and wet. the rest simply sucked)
53. Harbor Me
54. Weary Traveller (stick and poke) 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
55. Cinnamon (marika)
56. Oleander
57. Human Heart (thao)
58. Love Me More
59. Movement <3
60. hang on to yourself (WE’VE GOT LOVE’S ELECTRIC MAGIC) palaye royale… self proclaimed glam rock genre…
61. The Absolute Best Feeling (joshua bond)
62. Go Dumb (happy fits)
63. Resitance (muse)
64. I split my ribs open (left at london, open mike eagle)
65. Rule #21 - Memento Mori (fish in a birdcage)
66. Godhunter (aviators)
67. Well Dressed (hop along)
68. providence (poor man’s poison)
70. Wolf (first aid kit)
71. I feel so weird (cheekface)
72. Death with Dignity (sufjan stevens)
73. Till it kills me (montaigne)
74. it’s alright
75. Furthest Star (Dirt Poor Robins) 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
76. Work Song (#2 last year)
77. Bolt (trocadero)
78. bloom (the paper kites)
79. Unperson (nothing but thieves)
80. skin and bones (CtE)
81. Sleepwalk (forrest day)
82. Marauders (thao)
83. I’ll Borrow Time (marika)
84. Grow Back (happy fits) (love you sappho charmer)
85. Into The Woods (autoheart)
86. Suck The Blood From My Wound (Ezra Furman) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍🏼❤️❤️👍🏼
87. Stronger Than Dead
88. Deep Green (marika)
89. When They Show Their Teeth (Doll Skin)
90. Nuclear (shamir)
91. Drop For Every Hour (amigo the devil)
92. 99 (elliot moss) (man i wish this had gotten 99th place)
93. Pain (3 days grace LOL)
94. Getaway
96. Muck and Mire (brown bird)
97. For Your Love (montaigne)
98. Cherry Wine - Live
99. Heart of a Dancer (happy fits)
100. Ghost Stories. I was here first. I had this before the spn tumblrinas. i’ll die on this hill
101. My Hallelujah (autoheart)
i am goinf to chew on you like a dogbone for making me do this btw
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regulus-blacks-lover prompt list
Just finished the last few requests for previous prompt lists, moving forward I'll be using this list. I pulled inspiration from a few different posts, but mostly I referenced this compilation made by linwritesif, pulling the prompts I was interested in writing for.
Send 1-3 prompts per request please! I'm interested to see what people mix and match. I mainly write Marauders era, but am open to writing Golden Trio era characters as well.
Prompts I have filled will be linked to the fics I wrote for them. You can find links to all my work on my masterlist.
ANGST 1 "please, just tell me you're okay." 2 "go! run! get out of here!" 3 "get behind me." 4 "stay here." 5 "hey. no, no, no. stay with me, just a little longer. you'll be okay." 6 "i'm so sorry i couldn't save you." 7 "i'm not ready to lose you." 8 "you were dead. i watched you die." 9 "i love you, but you're not mine." 10 "i'm sorry, have we met?" 11 "it was all i had left of them." 12 "please don't make me do this." 13 "because i care about you, okay??" 14 "i can't help you." 15 "you can't help me." 16 "you can't protect any of them." 17 "it's too late for me." 18 "i will kill you if i have to." 19 "you ruin everything you touch." 20 "just go do as you're told, like you always do." 21 "why would i believe you, after everything you've done?" 22 "whatever this is, it's over." 23 "i don't miss you like i thought i would." 24 "i know i fucked up. i know i did, but don’t shut me out anymore. let me in. please, let me in." 25 "i'm not what you think i am." 26 "i guess i never really knew you." 27 "you had your chance." 28 "you're nothing to me." 29 "it should have been you." 30 “why didn’t you kill me when you had the chance?" / “you know why.” 31 "just do this one thing for me and i promise you'll never have to see me again." 32 "i wouldn't do that if i were you." 33 "i didn't know where else to go." 34 "you deserve better than me." 35 "close your eyes, you don't need to see this." 36 "you were the one good thing left in the world." 37 "going home isn't an option anymore."
FLUFF/COMFORT 38 "i won't give up on you." 39 "of course i came back for you." 40 "i'll keep you safe." 41 "don't be afraid, it's just me." 42 "i don't think i've ever seen you cry before…" 43 "i'm right here. right here with you." 44 "my door is always open to you." 45 "don’t worry about it, i was already awake." 46 "you were crying in your sleep… you wanna talk about it?" 47 "i broke the lock. you were screaming." 48 "let me stay, please? i can make you breakfast in the morning." 49 "i just came to make sure you're okay." 50 "please don't leave me alone." 51 "it wasn't your fault." 52 "i knew you'd feel guilty; you do understand that i'd take a thousand wounds if it meant keeping you safe, don't you?" 53 "why are you really here? to mock me?” / “no. none of that. i came to be a friend, because it really looks like you need one right now.” 54 “i wish i never acted the way i did towards you. i’m sorry.” / “i know.” 55 "it's my job to keep you safe, yes, but you could work with me a little to make it easier?" 56 "no one is meant to be all alone. that’s not how humans are built. you don’t need to do all this on your own." 57 "you don’t deserve the bad things that happen to you. you never did." 58 "you're the best person i know." 59 "you’re a good person. good people deserve to be safe." 60 "don't say that about yourself." 61 "making you laugh is the best feeling in the world." 62 "let's just stay here. grow old together." 63 "we're not at war anymore, you can come home now."
SMUT 64 “you know, you’re really hot when you’re angry.” 65 "listen, i’ve wanted to get you in bed since you first smiled at me, but we don’t have to do this unless you’re sure." 66 "i love it when you moan my name." 67 "let me give you a reason to stay in bed." 68 "can i help you out of that?" 69 "oh, i see what’s happening here. you’re bored. you want a little attention, huh?" 70 "what's the matter? you look a little flustered." 71 "you don't have to be so gentle with me." 72 "i just didn’t like the way they were looking at you. like you weren’t mine." 73 "we're in public, you know." 74 "if you don't stop teasing me like that, i'm gonna end up bending you over the couch and taking you right here."   75 "come on, i think you have one more for me." 76 "will you be good for me tonight, or do you plan to be disobedient?" 77 "if you don't stop trying to touch me, i'll tie you down." 78 "aw, you can be louder than that, can't you?" 79 "if you want to come, you'd better beg." 80 "i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck." 81 "can you feel what you're doing to me?" 82 "do you want [insert character] to join us?" 83 "more, please, i need more." 84 "stand still. keep this book balanced on your head. if it falls we start again." 85 "you stopped counting. start again from one, and this time no crying." 86 "did i say you could speed up? fuck me slowly or i’ll make you stop completely."
SCENARIOS 87 you and your friend are learning how to dance and are frequently paired up. the close proximity is really doing something to you 88 you’re clasping my necklace for me as i look into a mirror and woah, have you always been that hot? you’re behind me and your breath’s warm on my neck… 89 you looked miserable so i asked you for a dance and we’ve been dancing ever since 90 you’re so beautiful you infuriate me but our parents want us to dance 91 someone’s been giving me strange looks all night, will you pretend you're with me to get them off my back? 92 you're my arch nemesis but we have embarrassingly good sex 93 we shared a drunk kiss at a party and now i'm trying to figure out if it meant anything more than that 94 i think you're falling for my best friend and it's killing me 95 i know you always loved me when we were younger… am i too late to return the feeling? 96 i'm trying to memorize every line of your face in case this is the last time i ever see you. no matter what happens, i'll remember you 97 you accidentally fell asleep so i tucked you in 98 we bump into each other in a place neither of us is really supposed to be 99 your mail got mixed up with mine and now i'm wearing the sweater someone sent you for christmas 100 we find ourselves unexpectedly caught in a storm… want to share my umbrella as we rush inside?
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grumpygreenwitch · 2 years
The Fairy and the Prince #35 + #36 + #37
Part 1 - Part 2 - Parts 3 & 4 - Part 5 - Part 6, 7 & 8 - Part 9 & 10 - Part 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 - Part 17, 18, & 19 - Part 20, 21 & 22 - Part 23, 24, 25 & 26 - Part 27, 28, 29 & 30 - Part 31, 32, 33 & 34 - Part 35, 36 & 37 - Part 38, 39, 40 & 41 - Part 42 & 43 - Part 44 & 45 - Part 46 & 47 - Part 48, 49, 50 & 51 - Part, 52, 53 & 54 - Part 55 & 56 - Part 57, 58, 59 & 60 - Part 61, 62, 63, 64 & 65 - Part 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 & 72
In which we learn that even Adam knows what an edgelord is, and is not impressed.
I have added the links to all the available parts of the story (so far) to all the posts back to the beginning. 85K+ words and counting!
Adam and Dane came back nine days after their departure, and found the palace no more interesting than when they'd left. The young prince was given the news of William's death almost belatedly; compared to some of the fates that had befallen the other princes, William's seemed to have been an almost discreet affair. Adam was fairly certain that everyone thought so only because they hadn't been close enough to hear the prince scream. There were questions, of course. Too many people knew what Adam would not admit out loud, that he had friends among the Folk In the Woods. Too many people also knew that William had tried his hand at courting a fairy-maid, though no one knew the details. But in the end Needlemaw's reasoning stood: Adam hadn't been there, and blame couldn't rightly be laid at his feet.
He should have cared, he knew, but he was distracted. Once again he felt as if he were being watched, and this time Dane had confirmed it for him. The black bird, sometimes a crow, sometimes a raven, sometimes something larger still, had followed them on the trip there and back. At home, trying to make sense of strangers that claimed to be family to him, Adam kept on running into a black cat indoors, with mismatched eyes. Dane had glimpsed the large black dog a few times, enough to readily identify as a dog and not a wolf. On the last night before reaching the palace they'd both seen a black stag in the woods, but it had been late and they'd not been able to swear that the color wasn't the light coming from behind it and wounding their eyes.
He made his greetings and told his tales, and gave small traveling gifts to Culli and to Beli. The next morning he dug up his painting supplies and tromped determinedly into the woods, setting up his work area before climbing up the linden tree to see if he could catch sight of his friends. "You know," he told the tree conversationally as he waited. "My family has six linden trees. None of them are anywhere near as gracious as you. All they did was make me miss you."
"Adam!" The cry came across the woods, and he nearly threw himself off the branch in his eagerness to see his friends.
A branch snarled on the back of his shirt and he had to recoil to untangle himself. "Alright, alright, I'll be careful!" Who needed the language of the trees, they made themselves heard loud and clear, the whole pack of nannies of them. Laughing, he slid recklessly down the ancient trunk and sprinted for his friends, taking Linden and Needlemaw both down with glad shrieks and much laughter. "Oh, I missed you all! Where's Boul?"
Boul, profoundly stubborn as only a troll could be, had insisted on waiting for Adam every day, 'just in case', even after both Linden and Needlemaw had repeatedly explained that such trips usually took a week - more, in Adam's case, because that week didn't cover time spent going there and coming back. It had, eventually and unsurprisingly, made him sick. But Boul had grown nervous after Adam's previous, year-long absence. Trolls, Adam was told, didn't actually go into sunlight at all; it burned away their substance until they were nothing but cold, empty, dead stone. Boul's resilience was unheard of among his people. Unfortunately for most of them, Boul also remembered why he'd developed that resilience.
Clinging like laughing scarves from the redcap maid as she galloped through the woods and howled in glee, they ran off to visit their friend in his cave, and by the end of the day it was if William had never happened.
Much later on in his life, whenever Adam came to a moment of doubt, when a mistake or a hard decision chased away his sleep, the memory of William would often haunt him. In the quiet of his sleepless nights, in the silence of his home, he would pace and wonder if there were anything he might have done differently. If perhaps he should have gone to the prince himself, rather than the redcap. If reason, or warnings or appeals to his honor and his higher nature might have changed his fate.
In the end, he would always come to the same conclusion: William's fate had been for William to choose, and he had chosen. It had been a choice born from cruel circumstances, and it had been a selfish choice, but it had been William's. In his place, Rickard had chosen to live; in his place, Adam had chosen to be true. In the end, William had chosen Needlemaw, and the redcap had done the only thing she could do with that choice: she'd been true to her nature.
They carried on through that last golden summer of childhood, sharing stolen bits of honeycomb and endlessly harassing the long-suffering creatures of the woods, sharing trout and rabbit cooked over merry campfires. Adam found himself a teacher as much as a student, Needlemaw eager to learn of tactics and strategy, though she readily admitted her people were unlikely to ever rely on such things. Borrowing Arditty's jewelry with the promise of bringing her even more beautiful pieces, he'd allowed Boul to examine them and duplicate them, watching in awe as the young troll thrum-called gold and silver and gems to the surface, polishing the later against the rough coolness of his fingertips, making wonders no human artisan would ever duplicate by following fantastic patterns no fairy could have imagined.
Linden asked him for iron.
Under Needlemaw's and Adam's worried eyes they examined the old, plain ring and slender, ivory-handled knife that the young prince brought. "Boul learned to live in sunlight. It took him years, but he's stronger for it than any troll twice, five, ten times his age. How long do you think it would take to grow used to iron?"
"Iron's poison, Linden. Always has been, always will be," Needlemaw protested.
"You count iron your finest trophy," Linden countered.
"Because I bled to take those buttons! Even in death my foe balked me for them, that's why!"
"Well..." Linden looked at them, and frowned at their fear and their concern. "Oh, fine. But can I keep these, Adam?"
"I suppose," the prince agreed warily. "As long as you don't hurt yourself with them."
"I'll be careful as a tree with them," Linden assured him, and Adam couldn't help but smile to be reminded that at all times they were surrounded by the fussiest of nursemaids, a whole woodland's worth of them.
As summer grew into autumn, Linden sat and watched Adam struggle to paint his friends on canvas, muttering at himself and his perceived lack of talent, until they had to laugh merrily at his struggles, tipping against his shoulder and staggering him sideways.
"What are you even painting, Adam? You're trying to put down the things no one but you can see. It's no wonder it never comes out right!"
"Wait, what?" Adam stared at his canvas, and then at those many-colored eyes full of laughter.
Linden grinned. "It's like my eyes. You're not meant to see them, you never were. But you do anyways."
"Well, they're your eyes. I wouldn't ever want to not see you, Linden."
The young fey sapling beamed at the mortal prince. "I know. I would know you anywhere just because you see me truly, Adam." They turned and gestured at the clearing where Needlemaw had clambered over Boul and was challenging the young troll to peel her off, tickling him merrily when he threatened to give up. Where threats might never have worked, Boul gleefully took on the challenge with that good-natured urging, laughing in his crackling, coarse bullfrog voice without shame. "You see the truth of us. But your hands keep trying to paint the glamour, the light and lie that hides us and protects us from your people. You're going to have to get them to agree with one another before you can do much painting."
Adam stared at his canvas. On the clearing, Boul went down and efficiently squashed the redcap, who squalled and called foul while tickling him mercilessly. "Would you let me paint you, Linden? Maybe that way I can learn. But it's awful boring, sitting there still for it. I'd understand if you didn't want to."
Linden stared at him, the shattered eyes a glory of colors where none could match the depth and richness of the blue in Adam's. "I think I'd like that." Then they leapt into the wrestling knot with a wild and gleeful yowl, and there was nothing for it but that Adam would follow.
It grew too cold to swim, but they still occasionally snuck out to the kelpie's pond. As far as they could tell the water horse had not returned, though the palace staff had eventually come and removed the chain and repaired the old and tiny pier. They would sprawl among the branches of the cherry trees, sometimes nestled between their roots. Adam brought blankets, and they would make a small fire and heat up tea. Needlemaw had brought a bottle of spirits once, and Adam had gone pale at the mere sight of it. The redcap had never brought them liquor again, looking profoundly amused.
At some point they ended up watching Boul wade across the pond, carrying Linden on his shoulders; the troll was the only one of them who didn't feel the bite of the cold water, and Linden used him to dig for water chestnuts and sweet cattail roots, treats that they coveted no matter what the season.
Needlemaw, watching her charge and their stalwart companion root about in the shallows, smiled indulgently. It was an odd sort of clan to end up with, sharing no burrow or blood, but still she knew them for kin. When Adam, wrapped up in a blanket, suddenly moved to press close to her, the redcap automatically lifted an arm to make room for him, and felt the angry buzz of his emotions just under his skin. "I was wondering if yui'd noticed," she said quietly.
"It's him, isn't he. The Prince Beyond the Woods."
Adam sighed. The black bird haunted their every other day together, following them by leaping from branch to branch; at night the black dog prowled at the edge of the palace grounds, lambent eyes on Adam's windows. "What's he want with me? I thought it was Linden he wanted."
"Aye, an' he does. But I think by now he's figured out that he cannae get to Linden without going through ye."
"I don't tell Linden what to do, no one does."
"That, I think, he'll have to figure out on his own, because in his world that is how it works, Adam. He speaks and others obey."
"Well, I think he's -" Adam bit down what he'd been about to say, mindful that the boughs above them might hide a black bird that wasn't a bird. "- not very clever if he can't figure that out," he clipped out, "after all the watching of me he's done."
Needlemaw snorted inelegantly in laughter. "Perhaps this is how he'll learn," she suggested, her tone making it clear she didn't expect it to actually happen.
"I can't tell him to go away, can I? I can't get him to leave me alone, because he's not really doing anything."
"Aye, I'm afraid so." She sighed. "Will you be alright?"
"Yes. He can follow me all he wants. Linden belongs to Linden alone, and he'd best be figuring that out quickly. If this is how, then whatever. I don't care, it's just annoying."
Needlemaw, who rather believed the Prince Beyond the Woods would take infinitely more offense to being called 'just annoying' than to actually being threatened, laughed wildly and ruffled Adam's hair.
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purplecraze · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast AU 5
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 1:40 PM
He waved at thr birdy as it vanished, before laying back in bed, sighing.
Was there a world to say 'im fucking curious but also dont want to die'? Because thats how he was feeling right now
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 1:41 PM
Well, considering the ruckus that was invoked about half an hour later, it didn't sound like it was worth the risk.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 1:55 PM
Indeed but...
He got close to the door, and while he wasnt that stupid to open it, he took the key away and tried to peep from the keyhole, if he could see something of what was going on
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 2:03 PM
it was too dark to properly distinguish anything. And from what little sanity the monster had, it seemed to avoid this side of the castle. But it still passed by 2 times, throwing a chair and breaking it against the door.
Whatever out there was completely broken loose, worse than the 2 nights he had witnessed of it before.
And even though Narancia couldn't tell what it looked like, there was one thing he could discern from the limited view and abundant sounds:
Whatever it was, it was in pain.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 2:08 PM
He scoot over as the chair hitted the door. Ok, new rule; dont go too close the door.
He sighed as he put the key back and layed down in the bed.
Narancia didnt really knew shit about curses or magic, but still he felt sorry about his host; being in pain like that sure was a bit too much of a punishment for only tired to fuck around a bit with magic right?
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 2:11 PM
The chaos quieted down after some time. Maybe it had exhausted itself? But the anguished screams and pitched squirms lasted throughout the night, resounding through the castle.
Once sunrise came, it was dead quiet once more.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 2:15 PM
Nara managed to fall asleep after the sun was up; waking up kinda groggy and still sleepy, after all, even after all that noise, the bed was so soft snd confy...
"Nh...Ah! Shit is almost lunch time-!" He murmured taking off his nightdress and starting to wear the clothes for the next day, making sure to look good. He got in front of the mirror and combed his hair and made sure che cravat was not loose.
He did a little spin and giggled; the stuff sure looked fancy, no wonder rich people usually have maids to help them dress
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 2:27 PM
By the time he arrived in the dining room, someone was already there, sitting on the far opposite side of his usual spot.
He looked to be about his age, maybe a bit older. At first glance, he didn't seem very abnormal.
But he was very pale, and thin. It was clear to see he suffered from chronic lack of sleep and nourishment.
Also, what could be seen of his skin showed marks of wounds that recently closed. Most notable was that his arm was broken.
He held a complicated looking book in his good hand, looking up from it as the other approached.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 2:31 PM
Holy shit that was a kid
In his head he imagined him young, dunno he 'sounded' young from he would write to him, but not a fucking kid of his age.
"Good morning!" He chirped, trying to not point the arm...God he hoped he knew some medical magic too
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 2:40 PM
"Good afternoon..." he replied, correcting him. He looked him over from his seat as well, as if he hadn't been able to do so properly until now with his little bird's help.
"You look disappointed. Expected something scarier?"
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 2:41 PM
"Ah- no just...h-how old are you??" He asked sitting down
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 2:42 PM
He blinked for a moment, considering how much time had passed since he bothered keeping track of time.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 2:57 PM
"...You are younger than me??" He asked a bit shocket "Im 17!"
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 3:00 PM
"........" Fugo looked a tad skeptical, swallowing some words along the line of 'you don't look a day over 14'.
In stead, he cleared his throat.
"I'd like to apologize to you once more in person, for the inconvenience this place has caused you. If I had realized sooner, I wouldn't have given you those items... Was it the emblem? I suppose there's rumors about me, then.."
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 3:03 PM
"Ehy, to be fair im the one that got inside your house and stole your stuff, guess i kinda deserved it" He murmured taking a big bite then
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 3:04 PM
"No you didn't..." he spoke timid.
he didn't eat a lot more than some bread.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 3:21 PM
"Mh..." he observed him
"Umh...does it hurt eat?"
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 3:26 PM
".......? err.." He considered for a moment. "No. no, not exactly. uh.... in a way, perhaps...
Please, don't mind it. More importantly, mr. Ghirga: If you don't mind me asking, what has life been like for you? How are things outside this place?"
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 3:51 PM
"Ah- Narancia its just fine really!" He laughed awkardly
"And outside? Well i guess the same as always? If you ask about politic stuff i dont really know about it hah"
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 3:53 PM
"Alright. Narancia....
I want to know about the every day life, it doesn't matter how insignificant."
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 4:11 PM
"Mhhh well its winter so there is not really a lot of interesting, but some shops have started to decorate for chirstmas! Its nice at least is not everything gray now; also the air is really dry so maybe it could even snow soon!"
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 4:15 PM
"I can know the weather from around here too, it will probably snow in a few days.... Do you like the snow? What do you usually spend your day with?
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 4:33 PM
"Kinda? I mean im sure its better when younare inside haha...and well, i guess i just try to survive? In summer i find some jobs time to time, but in winter is a bit of just not dying in the streets kinda of game"
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 4:34 PM
"And just when you think you've got it made, you're chased out for being cursed, huh?"
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 4:35 PM
"Guess im not really lucky haha, but i least i got some nice clothes for the winter!"
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 4:39 PM
"The merchants who will deliver supplies in 4 days are.... not entirely sympathetic to my situation, but they at least know that it's not infectious. and they're in my service. They'll take care of you from next week forward, rest assured..."
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 4:45 PM
He took another bite and looked at him
"...why are you helping me?'
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 4:47 PM
"......" he pushed his fork around, not looking back at him. "...I don't get many visitors."
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 4:48 PM
"Mhh...Yknow i havent talked to someone of my age in a while too" he giggled
"Is kinda hard to make friends in the streets"
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 4:50 PM
".........." The boy stared back at him. His eyes looked.... confused, almost panicked. and starved.
He stood up. "I should take my leave."
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 4:51 PM
"Uh ok--- You should do do something for that arm, and try to rest- im not gonna steal or touch stuff so dont worry and sleep a bit"
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 4:52 PM
"That's not what I'm worried about... Again, take what you like, there's nothing I'm particularly attached to."
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 4:53 PM
"Umh ok-- anyway see you...umh, Tomorrow maybe? If you want we can keep eat lunch together!"
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 4:55 PM
He glanced at him. there was something cold to his look.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 4:57 PM
"Why not? You keep talking to me with the bird, why not just chat face to face! Makes more sense to me"
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 5:01 PM
He walked a few paces towards him. Glancing over the table, he took a silent breath and lay his hand on a still untouched melon.
What first looked like a very appetizing piece of fruit turned into a shriveled pile of misery within the blink of an eye.
"........Does it make sense to you now?"
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 5:03 PM
Ok that was...creepy...And kinda explained why henlooked so perished
"Well as long we dont get too close i dont see the problem!" Sorry, he dosent give up easly
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 5:05 PM
Fugo turned off and left without any word aside from "Idiot."
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 5:08 PM
"See you tomorrow then!" He insisted, finishing his lunch before thinking about what he could do...mhh, the library seemed like one of the best option to spend time
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