#19 is a bit serious im not that ill
jesterguy · 11 months
ACNH is like. a dress up game for me. I call my pc Lil Cam and I change his outfit every day, and change his hair to match mine when I can + his house colors to also match my current hair color. I also have a gyroid room i change the song for daily
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omg pls write more of what you just posted of rafe with that age gap it's sooo hot 😭 like something about the reader being bratty on purpose and sassing him
cw: dark!rafe x younger!reader, 29 and 19, non-con/rape, drug use, intoxicated reader, talks of free use and public sex, abusive relationship
note: is this too dark, yes or no
rafe HATES when you disobey at parties. ever since you two have started dating, you have a bad habit of misbehaving at parties to get more attention from rafe. whether that be overdrinking, snorting coke, smoking weed, or flirting with other guys. all of these being things that you KNOW rafe disapproves of.
tonight, it happened to be a mix of all of them. you went to the restroom and came back to rafe talking with one of his ex girlfriends, sofia. you completely being oblivious to the fact that he was telling her off. you huff and head back into the room where topper and kelce sit.
they're doing lines and drinking, sitting on opposite sides of a loveseat.
"hey, y/n, have a seat," topper politely greets you, gesturing to an empty chair beside the loveseat but you smile and sit inbetween topper and kelce. they give eachother a look but say nothing.
"whatcha guys doin?" you ask, looking over toppers shoulder as he sets up a line.
"coke, nothing you should concern yourself with."
"yeah rafe would kill us if he knew you were anywhere near this," kelce comments.
"hes too busy bein up sofia's pussy to care. can i do a line?"
kelce and topper both look at you at this comment, a little shocked. they knew rafe and how loyal he was to you, he never even so much as entertained another girl.
"you saw him up her pussy?" kelce asks, confused.
"well no but- it doesnt even matter, just let me do a line."
"sweetheart i dont think-" topper starts.
"pleaseeeeee?" you beg, giving him puppy eyes.
topper sighs and glances to kelce who shrugs. eventually topper responds, "okay fine, sweetie, but you cannot tell rafe."
"i won't, promise! ill even pinky promise if you want!"
topper stares at you for a moment, finding your innocence both endearing and hot at the same time. too bad you aren't his. topper sets up a line for you and gently guides you onto your knees in front of the table. he gives you the dollar bill and guides you as you snort it. you let it sit for a minute, not feeling anything, then it hits. and you want more.
"again!" you say, looking at topper, feeling your brain begin to buzz.
"yeah no i don't-"
"what the fuck are you doing?"
your eyes shoot to the doorway. rafe stands there, arms crossed, hair messy, blood on his knuckles, and he looks pissed.
"rafey!" you greet him, trying to pretend you didn't just snort cocaine. you stand up, swaying, and subsequently falling back onto the couch.
"what the fuck guys?" rafe questions, walking over to you. he looks pissed, "how much did you give her?"
"just a line, man, she asked for it. quite literally," kelce speaks first and topper agrees.
"i didn't know you don't let her do that man, im sorry-" topper defends himself and rafe shakes his head, calming down a bit.
"nah you're good, man. it's her fault. come on, princess, we have some business to discuss." rafe says through gritted teeth, roughly grabbing your arm and heading to his room. once you're upstairs and away from people, he starts scolding you, "what the fuck were you thinking? you know so much better than that."
"you were talking to Sof-"
"yeah i was telling her to go suck a fucking dick. then i beat the shit out of her boyfriend for calling you a whore. but maybe he was right, you don't think about anyone but yourself, huh? always just assuming. saw the way you were staring at top." rafe speaks with no sympathy and you two slip into his bedroom. he presses you down onto the bed, holding your hands behind your back as he flips your little skirt up, "no panties? you fucking serious? god what is wrong with you? you stupid little whore."
you hear his belt unbuckle and your head continues buzzing from your high. soon enough, you feel his cock, pushing into you. it's immediately too much.
"rafe-! no no no-"
"don't tell me fucking no, bitch. act like a whore, get treated like one. maybe i should've just fucked you downstairs," rafe starts, setting a fast pace with his thrusts, not hearing any of your protests, "or maybe i should tie you up down there, let all these drunk men use your holes since you wanna disobey. i think that's a fair punishment, huh? i try to be nice and defend your honor and you make eyes at two of my best friends. fucking bitch."
"rafe i didn't- i don't want this- stop!" you beg but rafe doesn't care. he simply tugs your hair in response as you start crying. your head is pounding and it's all too much.
"that's it, cry for it, bitch. this is my fucking pussy and i'm gonna use it when i want. now whine one more time and i'm gonna make this pussy free use to the entire island."
you whimper and stay quiet in response. you think about leaving rafe, but you can't, you love him and maybe you even secretly loved being fucked against your will.
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sierice · 8 months
the longer i sit here the longer this list grows.. ill just have to come back next time (threat)
HI HELLO HIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope this is for that pjoverse ask game thingy bc if not this is gonna be uh. a little bit awkward but whatever here we GO
3. Favorite character
meg..........lester.......... explodes and dies (they are a package deal do not SEPERATE !!)
11. Favorite scene
oughhhh uhhhhhhh there is a lot tbh. im a very impressionable person you make a scene even slightly cool and i'll be like WOAHHHH WOOOOAHHH WOW. anyways i hope top three is fine instead
the scene from tdp where apollo shields meg from chaos and then they both come back out alive bc they both remembered that they need each other. this was only in the second book rick was insane for this
sorry 2 be cringe on main but. the bit in tlt where percy gets claimed. idk that changed my brain forever i loved it. the way it was shown how much of a serious and insane and never seen b4 event so ppl were both in awe and in fear and percy could tell that his life was never going to be the same. chills literal chills
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12. First pjo book you've read?
THO !!!!!!!!! i saw one of my classmates reading it and i was curious so i borrowed it for a bit and i was HOOKED. i WAS super confused who this 'percy' and 'leo' he was talking about so i decided to start from the beginning XD im pretty sure i was caught for reading in the middle of class that day lmao
13. Favorite minor character?
SO SO SO MANY. i collect minor characters like pokemons i adore them with all my heart. favorite is probably felix philip from tkc though. i love him and his penguins and his tendency to demolish bad guys with basketballs and also shoes
19. Favorite Olympian
APOLLO. claps and nobody joins in
23. Opinion on TSATS?
i couldn't even FINISH it i just couldnt. it was that bad like im sorry but i simply could not bring myself to like any bit of it 1/10
27. Scene that makes you cringe the most
oh the TTT reyna rejection scene for sure. and then the bit where he pees himself in TDP and TBM like girlie what 😭😭😭srsly why do subject me to this lester why do pee yourself in every single book without fail
37. 3 hcs about you favorite character
OOOOOOOOH DIFFICULT QUESTION. this one is a definite one though:
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2. meg teleportation powers !!!!!!!!! (yes i know its basically canon BUT. it was used like one (1) time and then never again i need to see MORE OF IT NOW)
3. lester meg empathy link is REAL. to me. and also kind of to canon but whatever
4. basically everything in the headcannons channel in the toa discord LMAOOO i read it and then i forever incorporate it into my psyche its like my daily ritual at this point
44. Favorite rareship
apollo x happiness. apollo x therapy. apollo x revolutionizing against zeus. lester x some f*cking good things happening to him for once in his life. why are you dragging me out of the building
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kasonkodd · 1 year
more jayroy because everyone seemed to love my first one hehe hoho
ok so i have my own little canon of the whole batman timeline that ill… probably make a dif post about cause.. boy is it a lot. i know the basics timeline of how everything came to be but since I dont know all of it, i hc’d and filled in some gaps! (im SO able to adjust to real canon- i wont be a lil whiner if anything i made up doesnt fit or make sense. FEEL FREE TO EDUCATE ME… nicely.)
ALRIGHT soOO the reason I say all that is bc i feel like at one point, BABY Jay and Dick became close. I KNOOOOW I KNOW in the comics they had NNNOTHING to do with each other.. but like. imagine how cute???
so one day, Dick comes over to the manor with the intention of scooping his baby brother up. Maybe they were planning on getting a bite to eat somewhere. But then, Dick kinda springs on the idea of Jason maybe coming over to meet the titans! and at this point, I think hes with Cyborgggg, Starfiiireeee… Raven, BB.. YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE. anyway. So Jay, oF COURSE, agrees because??? meeting Dicks team??? thats the coolest thing ever?? SO they grab their food then head over to the tower and on that day… Roy decided to show up…
now PAUSE. I know this is wack aging.. bbbut I put a lot of time and brain energy into making sure this makes sense. in current day. dick is 22 and jason is 19 (i think this is WFA logic but…) so back then.. jason was like roughly 13 making Dick 16ish?? so ROY being a bit older than both of them, would be aaabbbooout imma saaay 18? ok cool ya lets go with that.
resume. jason sees roy and is all woh!! awooga!! who is this handsome stud!!!??? and roy OBVIOUSLY doesn’t entertain this tiny baby puppy crush because?? thats a child. LMAO. Roy shows ZERO interest back. i need that to be VERY VVVERRRY clear. NONE. NO INTEREST. Dick sees this and teases Jason- which Jason protests that he doesn’t like roy like that cus ew!!! liking someone!!?? gross!!!
fast forward to like- Jason coming baaack, settling in as himself and red hood.. yknow. he already has done some team-ups with the bats,, eventually he has to do one with Arsenal.
this is the first time they’ve interacted since Jays been back. Roy’s got word of Red Hood- Jason Todd, being alive and… kinda well. at first Hood was scary, intimidating, rough and kinda mean? but once they got into that hotel room they had to have because they were outta town, he got to see Jason all soft and not as scary. and truthfully? He liked it a lot. He found more and more reasons to spend time with Jay.. have team ups and missions..
then, outlaws happened and those two were together almost 24/7. They were kicking ass- and this opportunity lead to them getting to actually know each other a loooot better. Roy found himself swooning. Jason was witty, charming and so funny.. not to mention how HANDSOME he was. he felt dumb. this was dicks little brother,, he couldn’t like him? thats weird right? though.. Jay was an adult who can make his own adult decisions on if he wanted to date Roy or not… and truthfully, Jay seemed a to still be a little into him... So, jokingly, one night- the two were doing their annual playful banter and in the middle Roy decided to pull that, “You wanna kiss me so bad.” card and. Yea. Maybe they DID end up making out… and lead to more… (kori was out dw, she didn’t witness this)
from there, Roys little feelings kept growing.. and even Jasons. Jay was completely head over heels. He felt like a moron- as if his puppy crush from years prior was clawing its way back…. but every meet up, every hotel room- every trope where there was one bed… every ki..kiss.. every.. naked cuddle-
LORD!!! What were they DOING. Even if it hurt to think this, Jay assumed they were just fuck buddies. He didn’t think Roy even liked him any other way.. but HOOOO did Roy want something more. and eventually, he brought it up. he asked what they were.. jason was like YOU TELL ME??? but then they had a serious talk and by the end of it? they were boyfriends EEEE!!!
then… the domestication began… but thats for another time UH WINK.
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yanderespamton78 · 3 days
im not great at stuff like this and ive kinda changed my style of writing at diff stages, so some bits are more lighthearted, some bits are more serious some bits are all shoved into one post, ect ect ect. sorry about that!! also this doesnt get updated often on tumblr, but if you want the link to the word doc just ask and ill DM it to you :DD
APR 16 :
 6:32 am : Turnons blog opened :D
APR 20 : 
8:35 am : Turnon makes the poll about whether he should investigate smth weird addons doing (this shows that addon has been slightly suspicious since the start)
8:35 am : First morse code!!! With the poll 
4:39 pm : “I miss my past” post (possibly relevant??)
4:53 pm : Maskons first post
4:54 pm : First interaction with maskon (through a comment on a post - he didn't yet have a proper blog)
7:24 pm : Addon makes a blog
8:01 pm : First interaction with the morse code entity
8:10 pm : Addon first translates what the morse code entity is saying
8:15 pm : the giftday party incident (i added this bc it makes me laugh a lot)
8:37 pm : rainbon mentioned. Possibly significant? 
9:24 pm : We find out the morse code entity is actually turnon (im guessing right after the acident but i could be wrong)  (the addisons never find this out)
9:47pm : First time the alphabet code entity speaks through turnons posts. Says “i think that's enough. you're scaring him. he's hurt, you wouldn't want him to dust would you?” presumably referring to the morse code entity. Right after this the morse code entity disappears, and any further interactions respond with “but no one came”
9:57 pm : Second interaction with alphabet code entity who says “stop talking to him you're giving him a headache”. Turnon complains about a headache. This is the first signs of a decline in his health. In the next post he says that hes going to go.
10:04 pm : Addon has been translating bits of the morse code for a bit now. The forth analysis ends up being corrupted, and all the characters are just black blocks. 
APR 21 :
9:26 am : First post says that he got a nosebleed and passed out on his desk the previous night. He also mentions that when he woke up there was a cup of tea on his desk which he presumes is from addon but it was never confirmed.
10:59 am : Mentions that the strange people are back (mentioned in the poll) and that hes getting a nosebleed. Mentions in the next post that he feel really dizzy and is going back to his desk
11:34 am : Turnon describes a building pressure in his head like bugs. 
11:50 am : Turnon says that the nosebleed stopped. Alphabet entity gets accused of being slick. It ignores the question and instead tells us to leave turnon alone as he’s stressed with work.
12:00 noon : This post from maskon? Not sure the relevance of the song. definitely creepy tho.
6:14 pm : Here addon confirms that turnon is in the medbay. This is later contradicted by addon himself.
6:14 pm : “turnon” says that he woke up and has no idea where he is. At 6:23 he tags addon for help.
6:19 pm : Addon says that he opened a zipped file and it shut down his pc. This is presumably what causes the medical documents to get leaked.
6:29 pm : “Turnon” says that he knows where he is and isn't happy about it. What??
6:52 pm : A few posts later “turnon” tells addon that he got hurt really badly. He says hes going to try to walk home against addons advice.
7:42 pm : Something happens and “turnon” starts making disturbing posts. They are in english but don’t have spaces. He seems frantic and scared and at 7:54 pm he doesnt respond to his own name, despite the fact that he mentions his goggles and crypton, which are obviously things that are unique to him. 
7:50 pm : Addon responds to the first spaceless post and comments on how turnon couldn't be making the posts as he is unconscious in medbay 
8:03 pm : When not-turnon is questioned on his name he says it is presson and seems confused. He says he found the phone in queens palace (if he is telling the truth, it would make sense why turnon was unhappy about where he was. Obviously he fell into the acid lake in queens mansion so its unsurprising that he would be on edge.)
8:20pm : Presson denies that it was him who typed the weird spaceless posts. 
9:34 pm - 9:59 pm : Presson comments on how dark and run down seraphim is. When questioned on it addon says its probably something interdimensional or timeline based. At this point, his text starts glitching out. Addon tells presson to put the phone in the big machine, but presson says that it looks dangerous and he doesn't want to. He seems genuinely worried about dying, but addon insists he returns the phone. Finally, he puts it in the machine and you are no longer able to contact presson.
10:52 pm : when questioned on the weird glitchy text, he again chalks it up to interdimensional lag
If we go by addons version of events (which he talked about a few days later on the 24th) at about 6-7pm turnon went out and got badly injured. At about 8 pm some kind of entity (presson) took his phone, who addon electrocuted. At about 9 pm Turnon was found in an alleyway with some kind of black fluid gushing out of his nose. 
APR 22 : 
5:37 pm : confirmation that Maskon is Slick
8:28 pm : The first leak of Turnons medical documents. 
9:07 pm - 9:53 pm : this whole saga. An asker accuses Addon of experimenting on turnon and Addon denies it. Id recommend reading it.
10:06 pm : Maskon refers to Turnon as his husband
APR 23 : 
11:04 am : Turnon wakes up!! In a bad state but alive :3 also at 11:08 am he says that hes missing a few parts
4:08 pm : turnon is told about the (made up) debt issues
4:37 pm : turnon is shown his medical document. At 4:57 pm hes told not to tell addon about it.
5:24 pm : Turnon is told about presson. He also says that his last phone is blown up.
5:25 pm : Turnon talks about maskon
5:42 pm : Turnon mentions his legs feeling numb D:
7:20 pm : Turnon secretly spells out help !! wow !! 
7:47 pm : second Turnon medical document leaked!!  (at 8:23 pm i made fun of addon for being bad at stopping important docs from getting leaked)
8:34 pm : we find out about the hats
APR 24 :
12:51 pm : Click gets a blog!!
10:30 pm : Turnon makes a post asking how long is legs are supposed to be numb, and asking why his fingers are turning black. Click reblogs the post and says that hes coming over. After that turnon starts typing his posts really,,, bad,, theres no better way to describe it. After a minute Surf (ambyu-lance) takes the phone and click demands to speak to him and addon
APR 25 : 
6:57 pm : the third medical document leaked. This hasn't been decoded yet, but the first bit seems to be in nihilistic cipher. IMPORTANT : instead of having Patient 25 : Turnon.G. Addison at the top, it has Patient 24 : Crimson.K.Addison. This means that there could’ve been other addisons that Slick infected.
8:16 pm : Turnon makes a post, a picture he drew of himself with the caption “im a little sad, i'll get better”. When questioned on it he says that hes not used to the feeling of being useless.
9:15 pm - 9:37 pm : Clickon is questioned on whether he talked to Surf and Addon. He says that he did, and no one is completely sure whats up with Turnon. Clickon says that Turnons condition is worsening. Hes paler than usual, his fingers are black, and Clickon accidentally pulled out a clump of his hair. Click says that Turnon is a survivor, but even this makes him worried. After this, Addon reblogs the post saying that he didn't talk to clickon last night and theres no footage of Click entering the building. Click is obviously confused, to which Addon tells click to wake up and to stop living in his fantasies. After this Clickon says he feels weird.
9:20 pm : cool lil drawing. Not really relevant but i thought it was neat lol
9:35 pm : TURNON STANDS!!!! He mentions that his legs are black and hurt like hell but hes standing!! (at 9:53 pm he falls over D:)
9:37 pm : Click makes a post that simply reads “Somethings wrong.”
9:57 pm : When questioned if he's ok, clickon replies saying he never made it, before a wall of binary. It reads “Everything feels stuffy, Shadows I'm in my car, I think I'm being watched”. At 10:02 pm Addon reblogs the post saying “get out. Now.” before a string of numbers that haven't been decoded. At 10:09 pm Clickon reblogs the post again with another binary code, this time reading “I don't know where I'm going, My eyes, My eyes, I can barely see, Is it following me”
10:15 pm : Maskon makes some kind of post about Cotton candy. It translates to “i do like cotton candy dont you?”
10:23 pm : someone asks maskon / slick if he did anything to Clickon. Slick said he didn't want yellow to hang out with someone like that, but he deserves his freedom.
10:40 pm : Clickon makes a post in binary. It reads “The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars"
APR 26 : 
7:35 am : Ice cream blog opened
2:07 pm : The runner of the Ice cream blog says that he uses the alias pinup (but for some reason, he can't disclose his real name. Could be for privacy reasons though.)
2:32 pm : Pinup gets a coat!! He comments on how it doesn’t have a tag for some reason
5:12 pm : Pinup mentions addon. He says that he sees addon as a friend but he isnt sure if addon feels the same.
3:39 pm : Clickon mentions he just woke up in the woods with a massive headache. He doesn't know how he got there. 
3:42 pm - 4:26 pm : Complaining about various things. He mentions having frozen joints, so he probably slept in the woods all night. He says “at least hes alive” which means he probably thought he was genuinely going to die (or hes just being dramatic)
4:33 pm - 10:11 pm : lots of things happen in this thread. Firstly, Clickon says that it was him making the posts in binary. He says he vaguely remembers typing something out on his phone, and that he was very scared. The first two are relatively self explanatory, he was scared. The third one he said he remembered looking up at the stars. He describes everything feeling trippy and disorientating as he was running, and feeling like he was being chased. He ends up being told all about Slick and all that. He isnt actually too surprised?? He says that he is nearing the city and he can see buildings in the distance. Anyways Important Shit Happened Go read it
11:38 pm : Its confirmed that the reason why Turnon didn't post anything is because addon took away his phone.
APR 27 : 
6:37 pm : Clickon updates us saying he got back to the city and after a rough night and is driving to seraphim, presumably to check on turnon
6:44 pm : Turnon makes a post saying hes going to walk home and addon doesnt know. At about 6:55 pm he passes out in the middle of the road. At this point he is disoriented from the pain medication and thinks he is back home.
6:58 pm : Clickon finds addon in the road and mistakes him for roadkill. By 7:04 pm turnon is in his car and they were going back to seraphim. At 7:14 pm he says that turnon is speaking gibberish. 
7:15 pm : Addon says a taskforce has already been sent out to try find turnon
7:29 pm : no matter what turnip says, addon finds out that clickon has turnon and sends out a bunch of shit to stop him, presumably not realising that he has good intentions.
7:36 pm : Clickon gets fucking SHOT !! 2 mins later turnon also presumably gets shot. NICE!! Later addon confirms it was a tranquiliser dart.
7:51 pm : at this point both clickon and turnon have been captured. Addon refers to them as ”two ominous individuals” at 8:04 pm Addon reports that they have been hooked up to an experimental piece of darkner equipment that hurts them when they move. 
8:19 pm : Clickon makes a post saying he doesn't want to die. Addon replied a few minutes later with what is essentially a threat (8:22 pm) and at 8:28 pm he ends up confirming that he knows about Slick
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variablejabberwocky · 12 hours
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @texasdreamer01. been a while since i did one of these so i guess imma do one again.
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? no. which i've learned the hard way is a good thing rn. i am A Mess and i need to be less of one before i can contribute to a relationship
02) What was your dream growing up? i'm assuming this a "what did you want to be?" question and not something else ( i may be too autistic for this). in rough order: a paleontologist, an archaeologist, an astrophysicist. alas i was born chronically ill and Shit Happened so none of that panned out.
03) What talent do you wish you had? i have adhd. there are a LOT of "able to take care of self" skills/talents that elude me because i have the attention span of a concussed goldfish.
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? non-alcoholic. could go for a french vanilla icee or a chocolate shake tho
05) Favorite vegetable? none. they don't like me and the feeling is mutual. (due to Weird Health reasons they rip me up inside so i have to be VERY moderate with them and plan in advance for Misery Time)
06) What was the last book you read? i've been reading online stories almost exclusively for so long now that i don't actually remember. i THINK it was either a dresden files book or a godstalk series book.
07) What zodiac sign are you? *cackles* cancer sunsign, leo moonsign, geminai ascendant. so yes my sunsign is THE moonsign and my moonsign is THE sunsign. and my ascendant is very "this malarkey might as well happen". its very funny.
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? no, unfortunately. i tried a long time ago to get my ears pierced and was only given the option of the little stand at a grocery store or not at all. so i HAD pierced ears (badly) and let them heal up because no earrings would actually fit (they pierced SIDEWAYS wtf)
09) Worst Habit? no clue but from what others in my life tell me one of the most annoying/funny habits is getting uppity when the color of the food clip doesn't match the color of the food packaging its used on. *false innocent tone* why yes my family DOES have a history of ocd, why do you ask?
10) What is your favorite sport? i am not a fan of sportsball. but to watch: ice skating. to play: badminton
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? both. both is good. (no but seriously im usually an optimistic pessimist. in that i plan for the worst and hope for the best. considering my... everything thats actually progress for me)
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. *looks down at my autistic ass* where do i even begin???
13) Do you have any pets? no, unfortunately. i used to but then my allergies got worse.
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? both? depends on the clown. they all have a bit of Creep to them but some also have some cute thrown in. and i like cute and creepy so...
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? *stares flatly at you in Trans* take a wild guess
16) What color eyes do you have? internal heterochromia green and brown. which means genetically they count as a Weird Green. and i have the most common type of heterochromia. so like Spicy Normal.
17) Ever been arrested? no. i did get escorted by the cops to a suicide watch place once tho. that was...not a great experience.
18) Bottle or can soda? neither, unfortunately. (same health issue that makes vegetables a pain also makes carbonation the bane of my existence)
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? give it to mom to pay the bills. i'm unemployable and rely on freebe shit so i can't use the money directly. (and i live with her so its not like it won't benefit me in some way either)
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home. creature comforts and all my meds are here in case of Health Issue Flairups
21) Do you believe in ghosts? *shrugs* eh. i'm kind of in a similar place to joy bibliosphere on this. check your carbon monoxide detectors and house for mold and shit first.
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? *~*WORLDBUILDING*~*. either reading about it or figuring it out myself. other people's settings or my own original settings. canon adjacent or full on aus. worldbuilding WORLDBUILDING WORLDBUILDING!!!
23) Do you swear a lot? *cackles* not as much as my teen years but yes. i'm still compared to a sailor at times.
24) Biggest pet peeve? hypocrisy, yes even in myself
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? alien
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? ??? like believe in? like think its real? buddy im not about to shit on other people's experiences just cause mine might be different. i LIKE romance but im not good at it and unsure if i'm somewhere on the arospec or not. doesn't mean its not real tho goddamn
27) Favourite and least favourite food? CHICKEN! i very much had a liaos moment when in my lifetime they were all "yeah all birds are dinosaurs" and realized my fave food was also one of my fave types of animals. least fave: greenbeans. i will throw up if i so much as smell them. even in a can i can detect them. not sure if its an actual allergy or just a truama response but its STRONG and NOT GOOD.
28) Do you believe in God? i'm an agnostic athiest (please for the love of fuck be chill about this. i WILL block even longstanding mutuals if they give me hell over this. do not test me.)
29) What makes you happy: special interests, good sleep, good food, fun time with people i care about, a break from health flairups, nice interesting weather, a well told story with a premise/characters i find interesting, unexpected good news
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: uhhh. in general? a boatload of asmr white noise videos. music wise? a shortlist of 80s songs from my very early childhood (heads will roll, in for the kill, anything eurythmics, that kind of thing)
31) Favourite place to spend time: bed. im an insomniac. i HAVE NO CIRCADIAN RHYTHM. i don't GET rem sleep except in tiny less-than-a-minute bursts. any time in bed that im not in pain is blessed blessed REST time. and i need all i can get since i don't get as much out of it as most people do.
32) Favourite lyric: ??? at the moment no clue. i'll come back and change this if i think of something.
33) Recommend a film: the mummy movie with brendan fraser in it
34) Recommend a book: the coldfire trilogy (its fantasy! its scifi! there are two key ladies and a little girl with speaking lines and Very Important To The Plot powers! its got a gremlin of a man! it takes a cold hard look at some fantasy tropes and turns some on their head! it talks about the importance of redemption and the price you have to pay for it! it doesn't let a bad guy just DIE to get redemption! an asshole faces the consequences of their actions! there is a fairly strong Colonization Is Bad thread to the whole story!)
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: you're gonna make me choose??? fuck that noise. in no particular order (and just going of of music): eurthymics, my chemical romance, matchbox twenty, imagine dragons, enya (if you want soothing), loreena mckennit (for soothing and narrative)
36) Recommend a TV show: i dont really watch tv. i cant handle all the ads, much less the noise difference is overwhelming.
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? SoCal. still live here. have only lived here. but i have visited a few spots on the coast and in nearby states.
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? not at the moment, but i used to. grandparents had an oldman bastard cat i adored as a kidlet. had guppies there for a while no clue where we first got them, they were cool but not really my interest (and was sad to watch them eat their own babies). had a dog i didn't want that bit me there for a short while (gave them to a good home). had a snake that died and we suspected foul play so stopped with the pets until we were somewhere safer. now im too sickly and prone to allergies to afford a pet.
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? a cursed mixture of peanut butter, chocolate milk mix, cheeseitz and something else i forgot (garlic powder maybe?). i think i had some kind of nutritional imbalance because it actually tasted good to me for the first several bites and then it tasted like garbage. thank fuck that particular craving never happened again.
40) How did you 'find' fandom? looked up ferngully (it was new at the time) on the early internet and found my first fic (lol, oh boy!) got a little traumatized by not understanding what i stumbled upon and not knowing how to even begin to process it and backed off. a couple of years later went looking for gundam wing official art because that was my fave anime at the time and found a webring by accident. they had official art, fanart, and FANFICTION! they also very helpfully TAGGED THEIR SHIT so i learned what stuff meant and had in it and could make choices on what i could handle. and i've been in "fandom" ever since. although the current hyperfixation has changed several times since then. part of why finding a gundam wing fic from that era on ao3 (that DID NOT EXIST AT THE TIME) kind of jumpscared me, but in a good way
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. phone, tea, stim toys, pill cutter, mints
42) How do you style your hair? i don't. i buzz it to less than a centimeter when i get annoyed by it then wait for it to grow out. when its long enough to annoy me i buzz it again.
No pressure tags: anyone who wants to do this.
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transexualpirate · 1 month
serious post ew look away but i need to vent for a second
it's infuriating how fast i can go from feeling amazing to feeling like actual garbage. just this week i was happy that things are looking up for me and mulder and my little petsitting business was taking off and i was doing good at college only for things to go bad again because it always feels like im not allowed to enjoy feeling happy for too long
i know i sound super dramatic right now but i can't help it thats my natural reaction to things. im dramatic. its who i am.
my roommate is moving out possibly this week and im glad because we haven't been getting along well recently but also the bills are piling up and i was already on the edge of it as it was but i could still maintain things. but i just learned that my landlord wants to raise rent 10% unexpectedly and i know it isn't a lot and i can probably still pay it but it's still scary. it'll be my first time living 100% on my own and i have a cat to care for (thank goodness because if i had to live actually alone i dnt know what id do lol but with a cat relying on me i know im safe) and it's just. i dont know. it kind of feels like a lot. i dont know if im ready for this if ill do well if ill be okay and i hate that so much. everything is so expensive and im looking for a job but it's so so hard to find one i can do while still having time to spare for college and im scared that my grades will drop because this semester has been really hard and I'm really insecure about my own intellectual abilities. and keeping an entire apartment clean by myself. can i even do that. i struggle with keeping my room liveable sometimes what if i fuck up and the house gets super dirty and it's embarrassing and i can never bring anyone over in fear of them finding out what a fucking mess i am. not that my friends come over a lot obviously. i dont know if my friends like me very much. one of them drifted away from me after i fucked up twice once by sleeping with one of her friends and making things super awkward because he fell for me but i dont like him that way and twice because my roommate and i aren't that good right now and my roommate is also a close friend of hers. and i have other friends but i always feel like i cant keep long lasting meaningful friendships if we see each other often because i fucking suck. i think im just a little bit of a mess right now and it's. exhausting. im scared. im scared and money is running thin and i can always ask my parents for more but im scared of doing that too because my mom always makes it seem like i own her something when she gives me money. which i guess i do so it makes sense. but im tired of owning things to people and i was trying to go by without depending on her so much but i guess im not ready for that. im almost 19 and i feel 13 when things started crashing around me for the first time and it's a little more than a month to my birthday which is often a shit time because of bad things that happened there and i dont know dude i dont fucking know i think im just overwhelmed i wish i could go to therapy again but i don't have the money or the time really. at least i have mulder. ill always have my cat. i love him so much. at least i have him. i have to hope things will get better. i have to hope and work for things to get better and i know this because i worked before and it worked. but god im tired and i just wish i could go to sleep and not wake up to bad news for once. i wish i could go to sleep. fucking hell
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the dilf poll: voter voices
the votes are in, and hakoda has emerged victorious! but i've been paying attention to a far more important measure of public opinion: the tags!
Hakoda has 19 mentions in tags, winning in this category as well. lots of #hakodasweep, which is funny bc i specifically engineered this poll to prevent sweeps. inigo montoya you keep using that word etc. but i love the energy.
#I’m sorry but Hakoda is THE dilf of the avatar world#in the whole franchise#fuck it you could include every adult man on this list and they will not beat Hakoda (@louisloulouie) #hakoda is the biggest dilf of all time#he is the sexiest man alive in the atla universe#PERIOD#I literally made a PowerPoint about this#I have CITATIONS (@themoons-ex) (i would like to see that powerpoint) #hakoda dilf supremacy (@truthsinwhispers) #mister watertribe chief himself (@sunset-diamond)
In a shocking/delightful upset, Piandao comes in a close second at 18 mentions. I'm going to give credit here to @bisexuallsokka - most of the piandao tags came from people who reblogged from her, and he went from 13% to 14% on the last day, coincidentally right after she reblogged the poll for a second time. he was my pick, so i very much appreciate your efforts and enthusiasm.
#where are all the people who botted the twitter poll we need you now 😩😩😩#piandao stay with me stay with me (@bisexuallsokka) #come on guys piandao could get it (@fearthevest) #you fucks need to go all in on Piandao right the fuck now#sorry… got a little heated there#but Piandao… my beloved (@stalksships) #piandao is so fucking hot (@kieran-rules-zara-drools)
Iroh has 6 mentions, and since he was in second - and very close at points - there were some #irohsweep tags. again i refer to inigo montoya.
#iroh could get it (@capitola) #okie i know its been yearrrs since i watched atla but who this other guy and why is he beating Iroh#oh.... i still vote Iroh but akxhsj;; apologies sir (@cozy-fish-crow) (these made me laugh thank you for sharing)
Bato has 4 mentions, 2 of which are about how hard it is to choose between him, Hakoda, and Piandao. fitting, considering that they're all Sokka's dads. also, he and Hakoda combined got exactly 50% of the vote. bakoda rights!
#BATO IS BEING SLEPT ON!!!!!!! (@matthew-mcjohncenahey) #bato my beloved (@unliikelylovers)
Ozai has 3 mentions, 2 of which are about how he shouldn't get votes. he is the only contestant to receive negative feedback, as he deserves.
#not ozai getting votes while arnook and tyro flounder in obscurity (@minimum-anenome) #who the fuck is voting ozai#i'm concerned about you (@forestberryteaplease)
(two more mentions have come in since the poll closed, but they don't count. you had your chance!)
Arnook and Tyro each have 2 mentions, all relating to them not getting votes.
#arnook having zero votes is crazy im sorry baby (@bisexuallsokka) #lmao RIP tyro tho (@lizardlicks)
The Mechanist managed to get 1% on the poll itself, but has no mentions in the tags. I suspect it's because he wasn't losing hard enough to merit comment (like Arnook and Tyro), but wasn't popular enough to have dedicated fans cheering for victory.
#d..does jee not appear more than once#I thought.. he did#nauuurrrrr jeeeeeee 😭 u were in my heart first but alas ill pick..#piandao why not (@gloomybirdie)
Jee is on the borderline, in the sense that I think people often write him as a father figure for Zuko in fics. It's a pretty logical extrapolation from him learning Zuko's backstory in canon, but it's not actually canon so I don't think he'd qualify. I'm also not sure he meets the two-episode criteria - he was probably in the background but I only really remember him in "The Storm".
I also definitely remember someone mentioning Chit Sang but they seem to have deleted their tag. Was it because I posted about how not all older men count? I meant it to be kind of jokingly serious, Committing To The Bit, but that's hard to convey online. I'm not actually offended, and lord knows I have no room to judge when it comes to liking minor characters. Plus Chit Sang probably DID co-parent teo & haru & the duke when he and hakoda escaped so it's also a borderline case.
thank you all for voting and sharing your opinions! this has been fun :)
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night--heart · 2 years
just finished reading sky and here are som of my thoughts <3 probably a lot so . yeah . spoilers for sky obviously
am i the only one who finds frostpaw and splashtail's relationship weird. because is splashtail not, like, a grown man. a full warrior. and is frostpaw not, like, what, 7 moons old? 8 at the latest? of course they arent mates but am i the only one who finds that weird because i feel like im the only person talking about it. hell i even saw one person say they thought it was cute. maybe its just me
also frostpaw's whole thing at the moonpool when she's trying to reach starclan and being liek "maybe i should be a warrior apprentice instead. that way i can become mates with splashtail and i can be happy with him and we can become mates and have kits together and ill name one of them after my mother" and i just...... eughh...? i mean i think it'd be so much more gross if splashtail was the one talking about being mates with frostpaw, a child, and sure it could just be written off as a silly kid crush where she isn't actually being serious about it but... y'know... the erins are weird like that...
also. not a big fan of how sunbeam was written because it feel like for the whole book she's just being such a lil bitch to lightleap and lightleap is being nothing but nice to her. rowankit DIES and sunbeam is like "oh well at least blazefire, an adult who has much higher chances of surviving greencough (or whitecough, whichever one it was) than a kit, survived". and then not comforting lightleap and like SEETHING when she even so much as SEES blazefire and lightleap... sitting next to each other???? it could just be that i havent read river in a while but genuinely i dont get why she's so sour towards lightleap and blazefire all of a sudden. i get lightleap was reckless, injuring both sunbeam and blazefire and even confining blazefire to the medicine den for some time, but... as far as i remember, that was it??? idk man.
also the... the whole... "clan-swapping" and "clan-swapper" thing. im sorry but berryheart's whole posse of people against "inter-clan relationships" (which is what they call it in the book) really just. uhh. doesnt sit well with me? all of them saying that fringewhisker of skyclan brought greencough to their camp and them saying that "clan-swapping" should have never been allowed since fringewhisker bringing the sickness to shadowclan led to rowankit's death genuinely reads to me like they're the kind of people to think that people from china brought covid-19 to the u.s.
also also i.... really don't like nightheart that much in this book. im sorry i think he was great in the previous book though a bit, yknow, angsty, but i feel like in this book it must have been written by a different author because he's nothing BUT angst now. sure in the last book he was edgy but that could totally be seen as him being edgy because, y'know, he had a reason to be edgy. and angsty and upset. he failed his warrior assessment 3 times. of COURSE you'd be embarrassed and upset and angsty about it all. but idk, in sky it just seems like he's angsty about. really nothing besides "oh my grandma squirrelflight is making me do APPRENTICE DUTIES because theres NO APPRENTICES IN THUNDERCLAN RIGHT NOW. i guess ill just be STUCK DOING APPRENTICE DUTIES for the REST OF MY LIFE!!!!!" n its like dude....... chiiiiiill.....
frostpaw though is probably my favorite character so far but i don't know, something was just off about how she was written. somethnig was just OFF about this book in general, it very much seemed like it was written by someone who wasnt familiar with the characters of the previous book and accentuated their personalities to the point where they're all just one-note now. nightheart is angsty. sunbeam is selfish. frostpaw is............i dont really know acutlaly SJDKKJG but. i do like frostpaw's pov the best but mostly because i just really want to see what happens. little baby frostpaw, as far as we know, doesn't have a connection to starclan and riverclan is just in SHAMBLES becauyse of it. but i just love that. i hate the whole "we can't tell any clan about this" thing though, but ig that just comes from a pacing standpoint. i never liked it in media in general when something happens n characters are like "we cant tell anyone about this or else we'll be seen as weak" or something.
though the confrontation at the gathering between the leaders (mostly tigerstar n leafstar) and owlnose is really funny SKJDKJJKG i like it when tigerstar is like "....so reedwhisker became leader and then got sick and all of his lives were just taken away like that? he got greencough so bad it killed all 9 of his lives?" and owlnose is liek "it was REALLY bad-" idk thats just funny. this book does have a few funny things in it . i laughed a coupl times JKSDLKJJKG...
but uhhhhhhhhhh overall i think this book was. uh. interesting, to say the least. looking forward to the next book though :]
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leclercenjoyer · 7 months
tagged by my beloved @ayceeofspades thank u 💖
tagging @wolfiemcwolferson @duquesademiel @river-ocean @gaslybottoms
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
11 (10 under my username and 1 on anon)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
30,363! my goal for the year was to hit 20k total so ive already smashed that
3. What fandoms do you write for?
f1 babyyyyy
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
something borrowed (my first fic which im genuinely quite proud of)
tip of the tongue (literally just pwp)
treat with care (girl brainrot)
no poor substitute (my a/b/o unwellness which was. shockingly well received)
helping hand (esteban hand propaganda)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i WANT TO but i always feel so awkward and i never know what to say 😭 i dont know how to adequately express my emotions so i just end up. never getting around to it and i feel BAD ABOUT IT
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
muscle memory... its like. my singular angsty fic. the ending is nice and hopeful right up until i shatter it with a hammer but it Had to be done. its simply how it is.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i think all the other ones!! possibly no poor substitute or treat with care because they both end on an "oh this is a New Relationship now" while something borrowed and tip of the tongue are both more like. we were already hooking up but i guess its serious now.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no and if i ever did i would cry forever
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
almost exclusively jdkjhdkjhs it is my Favored Terrain. i feel like my smut is. emotional and grounded? or at least thats what i hope.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, not that im aware!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
non! but i would be delighted if anyone did.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but i hope to one day!!!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i have been thinking about pierresteban literally non-stop for the past 14 calendar months i am so fucking sorry to everyone who knows me
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my singular wip on ao3 is on anon and... i dont know if i'll ever finish it but i hope i will at some point. and as for unpublished wips... i have a lot. i dont know if ill ever get around to finishing most of them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i have consulted the gang and i have been told that i am good at tying the physical and emotional together (which is something i do Deliberately try to do as much as i can) and that i am very meticulous with what words i choose to use to carry a mood
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
DIALOGUE GOOD GOD. every single bit of dialogue ive ever written has been like pulling teeth. the thing is i dont know how to talk like a human person and i dont know how human people talk so it is my worst nightmare. one of my eternal wips is one i started and got like 3k words into before realizing that the dialogue would have to do the heavy lifting for the rest of the fic and then i was like "oh god damn it im an idiot arent i". also sentence structure that isnt subject-verb-object. but im kind of leaning into it tbh.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
my honest to be honest opinion is just. write the dialogue in english and if you NEED to specify what language the character is speaking just be like "he says in [language]" UNLESS the pov character doesnt understand what theyre saying. literally simple as that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
f1 baby!!! this is literally the first fandom that has broken through the barrier in my brain thats kept me from writing fic my entire life. not even amc's the terror 2018 could do that.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
honestly? something borrowed. it was the first fic i ever completed literally in my life and i have such a soft spot for it and people were so UNBELIEVABLY nice to me about it!!!!
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aveunalliv · 1 year
you guys so much has happened since ive last been on here
i graduated high school in 2019 and went to college three states away. my freshman year the boy who all of my posts were ab came back into my life for a short time and promised me everything i’ve ever wanted. my mom even gave me letters that he had been writing that she had intercepted and kept from me for years. just like the notebook, can you believe it?
and during our reconnection i realized that he wasn’t what was meant for me anymore and i was at peace with that finally. shortly after he met his future wife. they got married last year and im friends with her on facebook. a part of me mourns for the future that 16 year old me was hoping for with him, but i feel so happy knowing that we’re both where we need to be.
second semester of freshman year i met my second serious boyfriend. covid happened and i moved back home for a bit, and we fell in deep love. it was magical until it wasn’t. looking back it was the most toxic relationship but it helped me grow more than anything else ive been through. when they say that you meet the worst person you’ll ever know when you’re 19, they mean it.
december of 2020, i dropped out of my dream college. it was incredibly hard and i don’t know if ill ever really recover, but the sun still rises every morning regardless.
toxic boy and i broke up march of 2021. the first time i could feel my heart physically breaking in my entire life. between this and being a college dropout, i was at the lowest point in my life ever. no one knows how broken i really was.
met my best friends in february of 2022, and life really changed. i was 21, worked all the time, and went out constantly. made some character developing bad choices and made some really incredible memories.
summer comes around and i got the opportunity to move to the college town near where i grew up with live with one of my best friends from high school. i decided to go for it, applied back to college, and one of my best friends who i made a few months prior moved with me. we went out way too much and i broke up with my very casual boyfriend who i had met that summer. and for the first time since i was a teenager, i finished my semester with a 4.0. i cried genuine happy tears when I checked my final grades knowing that i wasnt allowing myself to give up on my future.
so fast forward to now, i just finished another semester living in the town i said i would never live in, going to a school i said i would never go to, and embracing the fuck out of my plan b. ive officially cut off toxic boy (yes, the one from two years ago) for the final time and ive never felt better. im living by myself for a month while i try to find a new roommate since mine graduated and moved. it’s scary but im finally getting to build a space that i truly love for the first time ever in my life with all of my own stuff. the best friend i moved here with started dating a boy that she met at the place that we work at together.
im sad that i didn’t get to graduate at the college i started at and the time i was “supposed to” but im trying to find the best bits of my life that i get to experience and that i wouldve never gotten if i didn’t make the exact same choices that i have made up until this point.
i don’t know if anyone will even read this, but i hope you had fun getting a glimpse into my life for the past 4 1/2 years.
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bunnygal7 · 1 year
uhhh hi?
hello this is kinda my first time on tumblr and i guess ill tell you about myself a bit?
hi im bunnygal im 19 and i like to read romance novels i also enjoy romance manga and fanfics i like anime AND kpop and i have a serious addiction with stress eating....or eating in general lol well...bye
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msclaritea · 1 year
Tumblr media
“We really need to modernize the Family and Medical Leave Act, so it really serves everybody in this country. I think there is more of a recognition, especially with so many women in the workforce, that when you have a child, you need to take time off, if you have a serious illness, you should be able to take time off and you shouldn’t have to lose your job to do that,” said Leiwant.
“It makes an incredible difference for a worker who’s having a child, for a worker whose parent is dying, for a worker who has a serious illness that doesn’t want to lose their job, and just wants to take the time they need and then go back to work.”
She cited the fact that many workers are currently left out of the legislation because it only applies to large employers and requires a minimum amount of time at work to be eligible which doesn’t account for workers who work multiple part-time jobs or in industries where turnover is kept high.
In 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic ignited a push for federally mandated paid sick leave to pass as an inclusion with the Build Back Better Act, but the bill never made it through the US Senate."
This headline is what I mean about the Guardian playing both sides. 'They don't care about us". Who specifically is they because it's not the entire U.S. Congress but again, the Republicans and turncoats like Manchin and Sinema. Democrats HAVE fought for Paid Leave. Another thing that's never discussed is the fact the John Roberts SCOTUS has been giving away our rights bit by bit to Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Roberts himself has made over 90% rulings in favor of corporations in cases. That's a serious problem. Sidestepping the searing fact that we have fascists in our Congress is also a complete joke like some of the media calmly discussing what DeSantis will need to do to win the Presidency.
"The Supreme Court of the mid-twentieth century led a First Amendment revolution, turning a rarely enforced constitutional provision into the crown jewel of our Bill of Rights. While these rulings protected the speech of all Americans, they most frequently came in cases involving disfavored or even despised litigants, from Jehovah’s Witnesses to Nazi sympathizers.
The Roberts Court is leading a free speech revolution of its own, but this time for the benefit of corporations and the wealthy.
This revolution is unfolding across a wide range of First Amendment provisions and doctrines, from Citizens United v. FEC, which protects political speech by corporations to Sorrell v. IMS, which makes it easier for corporations to challenge laws that regulate commercial speech. Today’s bitterly divided rulings in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and Harris v. Quinn continue this trend by turning the First Amendment’s protection for the free exercise of religion and freedom of association into a sword to free corporations and other powerful interests from government regulation. More than the Court’s earlier First Amendment revolution, this series of deeply divided rulings resembles the aggressive, divisive, and now overturned rulings of the Lochner era, named after the infamous 1905 case Lochner v. New York, one of a number of cases in which the Supreme Court of the early twentieth century that struck down laws designed to prevent the exploitation of workers. During this era, the Supreme Court repeatedly expanded the constitutional rights of corporations and other businesses while dismissively treating the government’s interest in economic regulation. Today, we are seeing a revival of Lochner in the name of protecting free speech and free exercise of religion..."  
"The Supreme Court’s conservative bloc delivered yet another 5–4 decision helping corporate interests this week. You may not have heard about it, as these 5–4 pro-corporate rulings are now issued like clockwork. A distinct pattern has emerged among the court’s “partisan” rulings, where the Roberts Five render a 5–4 decision attracting no support from the more liberal justices. This one comes at the expense of American workers.
This latest partisan 5–4 decision—which came in the case of Lamps Plus Inc. v. Varela—used the Federal Arbitration Act, a law governing how parties can resolve disputes through private arbitration proceedings, to deny a defrauded worker a chance at a class action. Again, if you missed it, you’re not alone. Partisan decisions from the Roberts Five choking off the rights of workers and consumers and protecting corporations from accountability have become so boringly predictable that they’re hardly news anymore..."
While Right-wing and Leftists keep embroiling the country in culture wars, the Supreme Court under Roberts has been chipping away at decades of hard fought protections for American workers.
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mortuaest · 1 year
Ive been suffering and I dont want to be alive on new years eve, and if I dont stay too long at a friends house, my plan of possibly overdosing on a shit ton of pills will happen.
I lost a friend at the start of 2022.  I was never informed until I found out through FB then I was never informed of their funeral. I lost the job I had after 10 and a half years because Supervision and management. I got a new job, and within a week of that I had someone who was 87 years old blast through the red light they had while I was turning left.  Because of that Im now having more serious health issues.  Period for five and a half months.  My first severe concussion.  Staples in my head, broken bone. 
I lost my Emotional support animal.  Ive had him since he was five weeks old.  I was fifteen and a half.  He got me through so much abuse because of my egg donor not wanting an autistic child and an autistic adult as a child, and someone who’s Queer (I’m non-binary and asexual) and his cancer in his cheek got worse, fast.  He helped me through the medical rape I went through at 19 years old and he’s the reason why I lived for so long and stopped trying to take my life for so long. 
I expected to be dead by 14 years old.
Not even three weeks after loosing the light of my own life, I lost another friend.  His father didn’t really tell us the cause of death but it was an accident, and it wasn’t by his own hand which we’re happy that it wasn’t.  
Then I lost the last bit of family I thought I had on Christmas because of the fact that my father cannot accept the fact that I’m not his daughter, Im his offspring, and I havent been his daughter since around 2016 and havent used my Deadname unless its for legal reasons, since I dont have the time or money to legally change it since October 2018.  And my sister thinks that just respecting my pronouns and new name is all I need, and that whatever issues with my father I have with his severe transphobia is between him and I and not her issue, with her knowing full well Im dealing with so fucking much.
Friends JUST finally started giving a shit, not even a week ago.  A ton of them know and knew about my plans of suicide once my ESA passed, I cant last without him.  People know that he’s gone.  Im someone who has two sexual assaults, twenty plus years of physical, mental and emotional abuse, PTSD from that, PTSD from working during COVID-19 being immune comprimised and therapists not taking me seriously because I only have medicaid and I’m autistic and part of the LGBTA.
Im so, so tired.  I dont know if Ill be surviving this year and if I do its going to get even worse mentally and emotionally for me.  I don’t have a support system or anything that I know I need to survive and keep going and live.  I cant keep going.   Im so broken I don’t deserve to be fixed, and Im having my probably 30th or more mental breakdown because Im just so fucking tired of this year.
So if I disappear, and if I do survive this year, I’m sorry if I take a two week hiatus or something.  I don’t have replies barely ever to do anyway, so I doubt people will miss me.  Ill let people know.  I just, need to get this off my chest and I know my friends are tired of me ranting and bitching on FB.  They probably think Im over reacting on everything that happened.
I have a queue lined up to post memes once a day and I feel Ill be adding more as a just in case I do last past today.  
Im sorry if Ive disappointed anyone as a roleplay partner, Im sorry Im a shitty person.  Im sorry Im weak.
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akalegos · 3 years
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draven-kondraki · 6 years
i fucking. hhhhh
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