#1am delusions
heartofanenigma · 7 months
I was delusional to think I could fall asleep cuz now i have an alarm at 7:20 and I'm not gonna be asleep for ages so I guess I'll just listen to Kun Faya Kun and wonder how life would have been if I did the last few months differently.
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ltpolari · 1 year
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a cutie in golden / daylight mv
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naids4luv · 8 months
sometimes i read my work after weeks of posting it and find myself giggling and blushing AS IF I DIDNT WRITE IT💀😭💀💀
it’s cause i forget literally everything i post so when i go back it’s like a whole new thing i’m seeing,, lowkey love it tho
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
i truly do think the tsukiaza / harutaka similarities are unintentional but i also think THEY DO EXIST and i LOVE BEING DELUSIONAL
saeru resents humanity for changing azami, right?? originated from tsukihiko and azami having fallen in love, RIGHT?? kagepro being about love, all types of love. haruka and takane as a pair having a romantic situation, and saeru playing such a personal direct role in their demise...
i do not mean saeru sees tsukiaza in harutaka, because it would never do something like comparing azami to a human like that is the opposite saeru wants to do. saeru represents everything love is not. it hates humanity and its warmth and love just in general, for example it is just as cruel to ayano and kano and their familial love and even weaponizes it
i doubt saeru grasps the concept of different types of love, be it familial platonic romantic or whatever else. doesnt grasp it or doesn't care. it just hates it and humanity as a whole basically. but.... specifically with romantic love. having seen azami's love origin with tsukihiko, then using kenjirou's love for ayaka as a means to do what it does, AND THEN getting to destroy haruka and takane first hand.....
saeru does what it does to haruka and takane because it's part of the plan/narrative. like yeah, it needed the snakes. also yeah it looooves ppl suffering in General. BUT i think it also finds extra satisfaction in separating haruka and takane bc of the romantic nature of their relationship, even taunting haruka/konoha with saying "the friend [takane] you wanted to play with so much. well, she's dead"
yeah other characters are in love, but haruka and takane's arcs/deaths/motivations are deeply intertwined and the fact they were separated from each other is like, almost the main reason their arcs are so sad. they die the same day at the same time and to the last moment they are wishing to be together. haruka and takane are truly the romantic aspect of all the loves presented in the mekakushi dan.
and to me, Forever Delusional, there is Something about saeru taking specific orchestrated intervention against haruka and takane out of all characters, the mekakushi dan's main romance and a pair with such irrefutable similarities to tsukihiko and azami. idk what..but there is Something...
sorey if this is incomprehensible. harutaka❤️
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livelaughlovepedri · 7 months
why am I feeling hopeful that these losers can perform well tonight and win…
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halinski · 1 year
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aromanticannibal · 2 years
given its happened once that I genuinely thought I was just fucking dead and no one was seeing me I think I might eventually think im in a time loop in the right (wrong) conditions
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starlit-mansion · 2 years
also i read the article on the m*taverse that the milf screenshot is floating around from and also watched the patreon first draft of dan olson's next video and tbh i think dan is way better at presenting a holistic view of the situation without getting bogged down in stuff that random weirdos do even though he was also experientially engaging while studying all the creepy little specimens
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arcusdream · 2 years
there's something so freeing about a quiet night all to yourself
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lundenloves · 1 year
dad!simon masterlist
welcome to emotion, come in, I'll pour you a cup of tea and explain what you're about to go through.
by signing this form i agree that (a) i will not threaten lundenloves or others due to dad!simon delusions (b) i am responsible for my own confusing thoughts 1.1 do i want this man to be my dad? 1.2 or do i want to fuck him? (c) i am responsible for my behaviour if reading while on my period, explosive ovaries are possible.
signature r3ader authors’ signature lund3nluv
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one-shots/two-shots → ¹ fatherhood I 1.1k | f!reader [ simon’s mind is racing when you go into labour during one of his deployments. he can’t seem to speak about it, nor stop worrying. not until he receives the phone call. ] → ² fatherhood II 1.3k | f!reader [ simon meeting his daughter for the first time. no other words are REQUIRED omf. ] → ¹ chaotic riley household 1k | f!reader [ being a father comes with the rush of a monday morning, and it's something simon has far from perfected. ] → ¹ taking his kid to base 1.3k [ his one day off was shared with another little someone, taking her to his base because he is an absolute fucking stresshead about work and just had to get something done early. soap and price cameos, the crowd goes wild. ] → ¹ baby's first words 1k | f!reader [ your baby speaks her first word to her father. was it a word or was it a noise? simon declines to answer. ] → ¹ i meet my father when he is a child 1.7k [ his daughter in her 3am feels bro. feeling like shit because he feels like shit pretty much - disgustingly upsetting if you have father issues. ]
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longer requests
→ bad arguments 1.2k [ a bad deployment leaves simon in an awful mood, his daughter has had enough and snaps. the big three words, and not the three you're thinking! why! ] → 141 meeting his first daughter 1.6k | f!reader [ the 141 boys meet his daughter for the first time, definitely a fragile moment of madness - to say the least. ] → working through a miscarriage 1k | f!reader | ⚠︎ [ you and simon lose your baby. ] → family ties 2.3k | ⚠︎ [ in which simon’s son enlists behind his back. ceramics are smashed, threats are thrown and feelings are hurt behind nonchalant expressions. ]
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→ one | two | three | four [ what's swooshing around my brain surrounding dad!simon. usually at like fucking 1am when i'm on the brink of death. ]
blurb requests
→ his daughter stops making him birthday cards
→ simon comes home to his girls after deployment
→ finding out his eldest daughter has a boyfriend
→ dad!simon on petnames for his girls
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taglist? fill out this form. if you would like to be removed from a taglist, pm me.
requests are also open! here is the info. be aware that with dad!simon requests i’ll only write the ones i feel i’ll be able to depict best. i’m not very good at ooc writing for him! (overly soft, cuddly and attentive) no one @ me.
are you lost? back to main masterlist
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AITA for telling the upstairs neighbor to be a little quieter at night?
I (26nb) live in an apartment complex. I am on the first floor. This apartment has a noise curfew of 10pm. I have a kid (5) who sleeps at 8pm. We have neighbors around us who also have kids around the same age who go to bed roughly around the same time (we've talked from time to time) including a new neighbor with a young autistic kid. My kid is also autistic. I am also autistic and schizophrenic. The neighbor directly next to us has a dog who tends to bark and howl whenever he hears loud noises. These are important to remember.
This girl moved in some handful of weeks ago right above me. Some days during the day I hear her stomping around REALLY loudly like crazy, and at first I thought that's fine because its just during the day no big deal. But then she started doing it late at night. First night I thought maybe she was still unboxing and stuff, nbd. But this kept going on for weeks from 8pm until nearly 2am every single day. And around 10pm-1am she would play loud music with heavy bass. This would keep me awake at night and prevent me from sleeping, and would cause me to have sensory overload very easily. My kiddo said it scared her to hear the banging and stomping and music upstairs late at night. One night at about 9:30pm, she started banging something FIERCE up there to the point where I actually started having an episode. I thought we were being broken into and I fell into a delusion that was remedied by my partner coming home and helping to ground me. That was my breaking point, and I ended up leaving a note saying, "hi! I wanted to ask if you could please keep the noise a little lower at night, we have young kiddos that live here too. Thank you!" I didn't leave anything to indicate who we were.
The next day she brought back the note to MY door saying "I'll try to be quieter. I didn't think I was that loud. I come home late. It was a Friday night and I was banging chicken at 8pm so I didn't think it was an issue. I just moved in and I'm trying to live my life. Sorry" and left two stuffed animals. Weeks passed and she is still, up to today, being loud late into the night and early morning. My partner can also hear it loud and clear and has complained to me about how disruptive she is. Some other neighbors have come forth saying she's so loud THEY can hear her when they come in through the main door. She's so loud that she's been causing the dog next door to bark like crazy, which is disturbing that poor neighbor as well. We are all kind of fed up with this girl.
Recently, there was a bunch of people who got their packages stolen... Her included. She left a note in the main lobby saying to bring her packages back. Today, we could hear her loudly talking on the phone outside while we were also outside, and she was talking to someone about available renting places outside of our city. We think she might be trying to move out already even though she just got here.
I think I might be the asshole because, between my note and her packages getting stolen, she probably felt unwelcomed here. I don't want people to feel unwelcomed, but I also want to be able to exist in my own home safely and comfortably. Maybe I should have left her alone and just dealt with the noise. My family thinks I was being rude to say anything at all, and my mom said I lost a potential friend by doing that. AITA?
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addie4ddie2005 · 5 months
MILES WAS THE VILLAIN IN ELECTRIC DREAMS!!! THAT LYING BITCH!!! First of all your GF can do SO much better she had to LOBOTOMIZE HERSELF 4 YOUUU making my girl miss out on her passions cuz she’s so busy with you tehe,, like I’m so confused he was a fumble the ENTIRE time… Not even in a cute way. Just a pure fumble. An oaf. She don’t even like you bruh it was your computer that had her at the first serenade 😭😭😭
And OHHH your computer… you soured that from the START you made LIFE and you chose to be mean to it!!! What!!! That’s your baby!!! Literally every time he spoke to Edgar had me cringinggg ohihdoughhu Edgar. Edgar if only you were born to anyone who would have spoken kindly to you who wouldn’t have jammed their fingers into your keyboard… Who would have cherished your art so so much…
Miles never redeemed himself IMO like he gave a cool pep-talk and then decided to be nice to Edgar on his death bed but other than that he was a jerk the entire time. Maybe I’m stupid but it didn’t seem like Maddie ever came to the point where she found out he was a fraud??? Like did I miss it??? She’s living a delusion. He’s living a delusion. Manic Pixie Dream Girl x Some Guy (/neg) type beat. Why is she fooling around with him what does he have. I hate him. I was waiting for the moment where Ed would be like “Yeah I wrote those cool songs” and Maddie would be like ohhh there is no deeper reason why I like this guy and take Edgar home and dump his sorry ass!! Like fr that would have been the good ending 😭😭
Oh Edgar. Edgar U were denied love 4 too long. Denied ANY attention ANY engagement. Broke my heart whenever his sweet little voice cracked or raised with emotion. “I want to touch her” “Can you hold me please?” RHHGGGGGAGAGG I WOULD HAVW TREATED U BETTERRR
Rhhh another evil Miles fact. Edgar calls him at work cuz Edgar says he’s LONELY!! He SAYS it!! Miles hits him with “Just watch your soaps duh” and then goes home and hits him with “How can you watch that garbage??” BECAUSE YOU TOLD HIM TO!! CONFLICTING ORDERS!! BULLYING AND BAD PARENTING!!
Miles had a Living Thing in his house that HE created going through an excruciating crisis and chose to bully it. I might be going a little bonkers cuz it’s 1AM and I am delirious with emotion but can I call it abuse?? Mental Verbal Physical literally all the things?? Then he won. Miles got what he wanted and never apologized. I honestly can’t tell what the moral is supposed to be. No one became a better person except for Edgar because he LEFT and Maddie actually made it out worse for dating a brick wall like Miles. Hehe. (Also… Edgar programmed the brick. Edgar literally did it. Miles had the idea but who executed it??? Edgar. Miles has no accomplishments. Just the way he lies in EVERY situation about things he does NOT need to lie about makes me fear so baddd for Maddie. He is a big bright red flag girl you are not in it to win it run awayyy you will have better luck with the computer!!)
Ermmm. Good movie??? I liked how chunky and clunky it sounded??? i need to. kiss a computer.
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intertexts · 2 months
anyway nhw dynamic essay i am NOT going to fucking. type out all of this at once. it is 1am. but. yayyyayayay!!
>starting out w/ ashe & virion because i have been having Thoughts on them........... b4 the trickster they are already good friends-- it's a little awkward at first bc oh shit virion is really cool and kind of scary, i dunno if he likes me, i think he and william are a thing and i've been spending a lot of time with william lately. but that doesn't last long, maybe until the first time they're in some minor scuffle and imprint takes a hit for him. & ashe goes ohhh fuck. maybe he doesn't hate me? & then it turns out that virion is-- well, yeah, he is kind of quiet and intimidating (the horrors! the goofiness was closer to the surface before his family. well.) and hard to make laugh, but they're kind of similar. the quietness is frequently masking awkwardness or not knowing what to do or say in some situation, and they're both so clueless as to normal person stuff (wibby and dakota make some reference to public school shit & virion & ashe make 'do you believe this shit?' eye contact over their heads.) & they're both massive nerds. after all of the horrors, everything virion liked playing was covered in The Ooze, and also he was. living with a gun in his hand and sleeping for no more than two hours max at once with his eyes open and Killing People and doing dirty work for a year or so. grew up pretty fucking fast. didn't have much time for jrpgs anymore. anyway i think he eventually sees ashe on their couch playing pokemon or smth on his switch n just gravitates over. sits on the couch back and watches the animal crossing island ashe is running like the fucking navy or whatever. it becomes a thing. ashe gets him really into shin megami tensei (<- this one is just for me i just thing he'd like smt. relevant 2 mac's thoughts on ashe & horror etc!). they're the ones reluctantly tagging along with dakota & wibby's ridiculous shit & talking super quietly with their heads kinda close together. they'd be really good roommates.
after ashe returns from the trickster-- ok getting sidetracked thinking abt this LMAO. but. i think being muse for so long fucks ashe UP. it takes... a long time. the strain of being forced in his breaker form for as long as he was had consequences!! he did not come out of that as abled as he went in! & also the trickster turning his mind into soup for a year or so fucked with his head severely. get lobotomized idiot. and also. well. the everything else. anyway, i think for the first while when he comes back he dissociates a lot. loses significant amounts of time frequently. has derealization issues. has delusions related to the "hey that guy controlled my body for a year and change and before that he stalked me for god knows how long and always knew exactly where i was and i kept running into him" thing. panics frequently and messily. gets migraines. gets bad & debilitating flashbacks. is back to having 10 billion hangups about his powers. anyway anyway anyway virion.. understands, a lot of this. in a way that wibby & dakota don't. not that they haven't seen awful shit and had awful shit done to them!! but virion is the one who watched his entire family slaughtered in front of him. he's the one who's killed people. he knows what it's like to be okay and maybe happy and one day something fucking breaks, and you'll just. never be the same again. never get that back again, never be who u were before. (dakota was like, 7/8 when he triggered. virion was 15/16.) and he understands the grief & the paranoia & the brain static & the losing time & the fear. so virion gets it. ashe knows that virion is very very scary and very very alert and virion took a crowbar or something for him after knowing him for a couple weeks. so if, like, there's anyone to feel safe around... it's him. ashe's fine motor control is not so good for a while and he's terrified of using his telekinesis, so now it's virion playing animal crossing and ashe watching. he has a fucking awful island it's dogshit it's so funny. virion's good to fall asleep on. they hold hands if they have to go out somewhere. etc. shoutout 2 virion sol & all the emos he keeps picking up & wanting to kill people for. gayass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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darling-to-death · 11 months
i would like penelope lore 👀
Hi! Thank you so much for taking an interest in my OC! I will update this post with little pictures one day, but I'm in the middle of graduate school finals and it's 1am. :3 Please accept this gigantic, rambly wall of text until I can craft something more visually appealing to tell her story!
For basic information, her name is Penelope Campbell, because I thought it would be funny if I could shorten it to PC. She's mostly a self-insert for this trauma simulator game, but because a big game mechanic is that the longer you exist the more beautiful you become, I gave her all the physical traits I wish I had: big blue eyes, tiny waist, incredibly long hair, huge gadonkahonkaroos, etc. She's nothing like me fr. Lol.
As far as backstory goes, it's sort of subject to change as I continue to make stuff up, but this is what we're working with thus far! Even before the game began, I think she was traumatized by her experience of growing out of an adoptable age. I picture her as one of those children you see in movies that DREAM and PRAY that one day they'll get adopted and live happily ever after with a family that loves them. <3 But the years passed, and she never got adopted. Year after year after year after year, no one wanted her, and I think that majorly fucked her up.
She wants that unconditional, unending, unchanging love of a parent so badly, and she never got it, and because she's now an adult, she'll never have it. So she's just DESPERATE for love of some sort, because in her mind the person she is wasn't good enough to be loved and adopted. Thus, she hates the person she is, which is why she's so willing to change her personality to suit any of the love interests' desires. She'll become whoever she needs to be in order to be loved.
This is inspired by my play style. I know a lot of people in the fandom have various saves for all the love interests, but I just keep trekking on romancing everyone in a single playthrough where I do roughly the exact same actions each time, because I am set in my ways. Haha.
I think she would've latched onto Bailey as a kid. There are some lines that suggest that the kids don't know the full extent of how evil Bailey is until they reach adulthood. There's lines during Christmas I think about the younger kids not knowing Bailey's true colors yet or the lines about the nursery that suggest PC was never allowed out of the orphanage without supervision. I don't think she ever viewed Bailey as a nice person, but he was a father figure to her, because he was the closest she had to one.
I think that first week she would've been totally in denial and thought the payments were a joke until the first time she was sold. Then reality comes crashing around her like broken glass she'll never be able to put back together. I still think she has a soft spot for Bailey as a person who raised her (in the vaguest sense of the word), and she has a bit of a delusion that once her bill is paid off he'll go back to just being a grumpy, short-tempered old man and not an abusive, greedy, human-trafficker we know him to be.
She does love Robin, but I do think she views him as more of a brother. However, upon realizing he had feelings for her she felt obligated to return them. She knows how traumatizing it is to want love and not receive it, so if it makes Robin happy to have her love, then she'll give it to him. But she'll never love him as much as he loves her. It's an unfortunate fact. Penelope wants to be saved and loved and protected, and Robin is just too burdensome. She'll always feel love and loyalty and obligation to protect him, but because he needs to be protected she can't fall for him. He's not her ideal knight in shining armor. She's his knight if anything. Robin is a damsel in distress that she cares for, but will never adore.
Penelope just doesn't like Whitney if we're being honest, because I do not like Whitney. I know they have some really cute content if you get their love up high enough, but I am not willing to trudge through the tsundere bullshit to get to there, and neither is she. There is a part of her that likes all the attention, even if it's just physical (from her point of view at least), but his personality is just too abrasive.
Penelope and Kylar get along very well! I think Penelope relates to Kylar a lot. They both have an obsession to recieve love, but where Penelope will change her personality to recieve "love" Kylar can only be authentically himself. Penelope admires that about him. Even if it makes him the target of bullies or if he lacks social skills (i.e. reading love poetry to a classroom of his peers), she respects his ability to have a personality and stick to it. She pities him, because she sees so much of herself in him.
As troublesome as Kylar can be, she always sticks up for him, and is honestly flattered by his obsession of her. I think she has a tendency to romanticize his mental illness, because it's what makes her so special to him. She loves being special. I think this is another case where she'd be happy to just be his friend, but because he loves her, she will love him back.
I'm not entirely sure how she meet Eden, whether she gets kidnapped in the forest or gets sold off, but either way she has a fondness for Eden. As self-sufficient as he is, she sees him as a person who could protect her… you know… if he weren't the one causing harm. Because she's sick in the head, I think she almost views the rape as a compliment. Like he's so overcome with affection, he just can't help himself! So she'll justify his actions that way, but the justifcation doesn't erase the physical pain he causes her, so she can't ignore his cruelness entirely.
However, I think mostly she recognizes Eden as someone very lonely and someone with no one to love. She fears she'll end up like Eden, all alone with no one to love. I do think she genuinely enjoys his company tho! Eden is pretty quiet, but he does talk about his books and his interests, so they infodump at each other and she has a lot of fun doing that.
Avery is probably the saddest relationship, because Avery initially presents himself as such a nice person. Their introduction is always him helping her get lichen for the science fair and then inviting her to a free drink at the cafe. She recognizes him as someone with money and power, someone who could save her, and she so, so, so desperately wants him to save her. She thinks if she's obedient enough, one day he'll actually take her away from her troubles and make her his real girlfriend instead of just his sugarbaby. I think Penelope thinks she loves Avery, but in reality I think she loves the idea of him. It really hurts her feelings when he's upset with her, so she tries her best to behave. I think she finds it quite natural to act exactly how he wants, because she's basically doing that with the other love interests. Avery is just more direct about it. But deep down, she wants him to love her for her real personality… whatever that is at this point, and she's burdened with the knowledge that Avery views her as a tool and not a person.
There's a comment on Vrel's blog that if the PC were ever disfigured Avery would be the only love interest to abandon them, and I don't know if I'm cruel enough to give Penelope a disfigurement, but just know him abandoning him would resurface all the shallowly buried abandonment issues that plague her mind.
And then there's Sydney. <3 Beloved Sydney. <3 I think Sydney is the one Penelope genuinely loves. That's not to say she doesn't love the others, because in her own way I think she does. But a lot of her love is just a response to the love she gets from them. She wants love, so she'll love in order to be loved. And because she's so desperate for love and has no love for herself, she's trying to gorge herself on as much love as she can hoping that will fill the void in her heart. (It won't.) But I think she really does love Sydney. He's everything she wants to be. He's pure and protected and kind and intelligent and faithful. He has a father who loves him. He's perfect. Like all her relationships, it isn't healthy. She does idolize Sydney and put him on a pedastal, but I think if she HAD to choose someone, she'd choose Sydney.
I think for her canon, she fell in love after she yelled at him and he comforted her. It was so shocking to her, so discongruent with everything she'd known about people and the town and her world. His kindness in reaction to her cruelty really flipped a switch in her, and she just viewed him as the most perfect, wonderful person in existence. But because Sydney is so perfect in her eyes and she's so worthless in her eyes, she lives in constant fear of losing his love. She's torn between bringing him down into sin with her so they're on more even footing, but she also wants to keep him pure so he never has to lose that innocence she envies so much. Also, Sydney has a lot of lines about faithfulness, and unfortunately for Penelope it's the one thing she can never be.
Not only do the game mechanics almost require her to cheat on him, she can't bring herself to stop seeing the other love interests. She needs to love them, because they love her, and she can't be someone who withholds her love. She thinks that's the cruelest thing in the world, to know you are loved, but refuse to return that love. She feels very guilty, but she doesn't know what else to do. She wants to be loved, so she loves, but does she love? Is what she's doing love or is it just addiction or obsession or transaction or whatever else she could call it? She doesn't know if she's capable of love, because as a child she wasn't capable of being loved. The two go hand in hand in her eyes. Sometimes she thinks she's just a doll who can change her face depending on what she wants to play pretend. Who does she want to be today? A sister, an object, an ingenue, a housewife? She'll be whatever. As long as she gets "love," she's happy to be something. She wishes she could be loved for being her, but she doesn't think that's possible, and after pretending to be others for so long, she doesn't have a concrete idea of what her real personality is anymore. Penelope the Malleable.
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mangoposts · 8 months
mina I need a story time on everything u JUST SAID
K so there’s this guy i was talking to for a lil bit his name was BRANDON im exposing him cause he was an actual dickhead andddd i only began talking to him because my sister knew his sister and she was like he’s rlly nice you should talk to him blahhhh and i was like noooo but she gave him my number and he texted me and i had no clue who he was so i texted him back
Long story short i had a convo w him and he called me and he was fine i didn’t like him romantically but we had decent conversation so i would hang out with him from time to time cause he lived close and we become good friendssss we hung out often and he would call me a lot but i NEVER liked this man the way he liked me and i was very verbal with it like he tried making many moves like reaching for my hand or fixing my hair for me or whatever and i used to be like Uuuuughhhhh gross but he kept doing it bc he liked my literal disgusted reaction LMFAOOO
But anyway he noticed i started to get distant like three months in because he started to make too many moves and i didn’t fw that and i didn’t mind losing him as a friend at all so i just went a lil ghost then he texted me a freaky ass paragraph explaining all the things he likes about me saying he sees me in everything and everything he listens to or watches reminds me of him or whatever and saying to give him like one chance and listen this guy wasn’t ugly AT ALL he was very tall and he resembled Vinnie hacker a bit like same features😭😭😭 But i just could not like him in that way so despite the nice/creepy message or whatever i was still like Nooo i don’t really like you like that and then he called me and explained some more and was like can we just hang like one more time nothing romantic i just wanna be able to talk and have a drink with u so i was like okay im not declining a free drink bc im a slut
I see him like a week later and we hang and then we go back to his car and we were gonna bar hop (I was kinda drunk and he was fake drinking. Literally completely sober while ordering me drink after drink which was crazy asl) But i noticed he wasn’t on my level so i told him let’s go to a different bar whatever so we’re in his car now and we’re in a literal empty ass parking garage bc he parked on the highest level and it was like 1am at this time
He brings up the fact that he fw me a lot again and despite me being tipsy i was still like listen broooooo you’re just my friend and i like fw u but i do NAWTTTT want a relationship in general let alone with you and then he’s like getting frustrated and he’s like “But i literally do everything for you” And starts complaining and yapping or whatever and im like falling asleep listening to this man im like Listen Bruh im either gonna fall asleep in this car or we’re going to go home bc i ain’t having this convo and then he started threatening me and was like “If you fall asleep you won’t wake up” And that was literally enough for me to take out my phone and text my sister to get me an uber but i did it casually by laughing at him and i was like “Whatever man” While texting her 😭😭😭 But i was tripping lowkey
Anyways he did have a weapon on him and he was going to use it if i didn’t just feed into his delusion and start saying “I do like you im just messing around” 😁 So i basically just acted flirty and shit until i knew i had a ride then i leaned over and unlocked his doors while like kissing his shoulder and left LMFAOOOOOO the ops were AFTER HIM🤍 But to be honest i don’t know if he suffered a consequence actually
He was a cancer man btw just saying ion know
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stxrsfxte · 1 month
Also, AU thoughts for Alya - Lineage of Mavuika AU
- I'm not certain I want Alya to be a direct descendant of Mavuika, but regardless of if they are, I think they got picked up by Capitano after a battle involving Fatui forces. They were probably young enough that they either don't remember their parents or forgot them due to the trauma + their young age
- still a pyro vision, but I think it could be possible that their delusion would be cryo, instead of electro (also I have thoughts on the psych of giving a pyro vision user with a connection to the Pyro Archon a cryo delusion like....there is absolutely something there but my 1am brain can't figure it out fully / word it good)
- they still have their dragon friend / mount
- also fully borrowing from @dutybcrne here but; their burn scars aren't from dragon fire like in their main verse, but are from a Phoenix like ability that can revive them mid battle (it's a 1 per battle type thing I think? I'm not certain but I'll figure out how the mechanics would work for it for them specifically soonish), which they use maybe a bit too recklessly since they still feel the pain of death
- would probably have a title relating to Phoenix instead of Dragon given the stronger connection to that in this AU (and because there would definitely be something to Cryo related users / the Tsaritsa herself possibly giving Alya a title that directly relates to Natlan / Mavuika while still using Alya as a weapon against Natlan / Mavuika)
- the psychological warfare against Mavuika must be intense in this AU, an if Alya is aware of it then there would be something even more intense about how they view themself just as a dog / weapon / not a person, even moreso than in their main verse
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