#1d account
savebylou · 2 months
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Niall's knees when he starts singing If You Leave Me [credit freepik].
[meme to share on twitter here].
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statementlou · 6 days
Zayn tickets sorted!!! Thank you everyone with codes and info and good lucks I'm zo excited🥺🥰
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purple--queen · 4 days
Just thinking about Clint defending himself "no I am not a mutant or inhuman or anything else I am simply just a human" & some people probably still thinking he is lying because "just a human can't have a perfect aim & being able to do all of this"
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larrylimericks · 2 years
This PR is cringey to witness; Hey, Louis, to stir up film interest Try that method of Wilde’s: Get papped snogging H. Styles, And leave Build-A-Beard over on Pinterest.
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arainbowmess · 1 year
I have been happily married for a few years now with my amazing partner, Spotify. And in all honesty I'm this was and still is the best years of my life. Spotify was always there for me, it didn't matter if I was happy or if I was sobbing. But along with all those very good things I want to stay honest and say, that yes sometimes we screamed at each other, yes sometimes we flirted with others and yes one time we almost broke up, but even after all of that I will never leave Spotify, I could never see my life without Spotify, who knows me the best, who will always help me and will understand me. So shortly I love you Spotify, you are my whole world. 🤍
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queerkuro · 5 months
reblog for more data 🫶
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homosociallyyours · 1 year
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I Couldn't Write You Off If I Tried by @homosociallyyours
Inspired by art from @becomeawendybird
11k Mature Girl Direction Marcel/Louis
Marcel is an accountant at one of the H&R Block offices in San Francisco. While she likes her job (and her life) just fine, there's no denying that it's a little bit boring and lonely.
Louis is a dancer at The Lusty Lady, a worker owned peep show in San Francisco that's not far from Marcel's office. When she sees a tweet from H&R Block's official twitter that claims to offer tax preparation help for exotic dancers, she's a little skeptical, but decides to call a local office to see if they're for real. They are-- or at least Marcel is.
Between the two of them, there's a little bit of taxes, a little bit of dancing, and a kind of chemistry that Marcel hopes is undeniable, because she's certainly not ready to write Louis off. Maybe just maybe Louis feels the same.
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mikeysgerard · 1 year
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yknow what. absolute travesty that guy. it's the library of alexandria all over again
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silverfoxlou · 3 months
Are they seriously only posting the festivals on LTHQ
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gothicastles · 3 months
my PEOPLE i've literally just found the date in which i joined tumblr dot com for the first time. buried under thousands and thousands of unread emails, the Holy Notification:
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2014. almost ten years ago.
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thetriangletattoo · 1 year
what do I do when someone asks to show my art and I only have fandom art like one single fandom art
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lakeglitter · 7 months
valentine's day? you mean my blog's 11th birthday
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foxyloueh · 1 year
I don’t really understand the dismissal of what Zayn said. Maybe he’s “lying”, but also, he didn’t say anything bad. He also didn’t say anything, as far I know or remember, that contradicts what has been said by others post-1D. And finally, based on what I saw as a fan back then, his account actually makes sense. 
Jeffery started hanging around Harry consistently as early as 2013. It’s is obvious, now, that wasn’t quite obvious as a young fan, what was going on there. And it is not a stretch to believe that Zayn in the podcast was talking about Harry when it came to potentially not signing future contracts. Jeff was literally following Harry around on their tour for a year…?? How as a bandmate are you supposed to understand that in a different way? (This isn’t a slam to Harry btw. At all. Harry had every right to want to leave just like Zayn did, like any of them)
Also with Louis and his talk about being mortified with the band ending, I’m not sure that means he totally didn’t know what was coming. Again, to me, it seemed they were all aware of an upcoming natural ending with contract stuff, and perhaps Louis thought there was a chance that some might change their mind. He could also mean that he just wasn’t prepared for the ending like the others were with post-1D plans. He didn’t mean he was clueless.
At the end of the day, there aren’t any villains in Zayn’s comment. Zayn’s not a bad person for leaving. Harry isn’t a bad person for preparing his solo career. No member is a bad person for discussing with their bandmates about how they want to proceed and having differing opinions. And imo, there is no reason not to believe Zayn.
Harry (and maybe others) likely wasn’t going to sign. He was prepared to go solo post 1D with Jeff and had been negotiating for almost a year and a half at that point. Zayn said under the awareness of contracts potentially not getting signed and politics, he wanted to be the first to go. One day he called his mom, who didn’t know up until that point he was feeling ready to leave and told her he was coming home. That’s it. Maybe something happened on that day, but I think it doesn’t matter without the context of the other stuff that was going on. Again, I don’t think there is any bad players here. The abruptness of his leaving I think was the main cause of tension post-1D more than anything else. And I think the fans that are trying to defend one member and blame another and vice versa are super lame. Nobody is bad here. They were kids. They’ve all seemed to have made peace post-1D and that’s beautiful. 
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nooradeservedbetter · 10 months
The thing is it is absolutely not a rumour that blouies harassed pocketsunshineharry. She was very vocal about her struggles on that regard, it was worse during the past two rounds, but even if it left off a little this year, it never stopped. So yeah, people are justified in saying blouies are shit, because this is not the first person they’ve harassed off the fandom.
Anon. I followed her, I could see everything that she posted. Idk what's your definition of "being vocal", but surely different than mine.
ALSO. She literally had the endorsement of the biggest bottom louis account in this fandom, who regularly supported the bottom louis fics from the aboficfest.
So, please, give me the evidence of these big blouie harassment campaigns, since blouies are shit. Give me the names, give me the accounts, give me the proof that it was blouies. I'm waiting.
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autumnrory · 2 years
i absolutely get where that “all your fave fics were written by middle aged women” post is coming from wrt how women are treated in fandom as they age but like having followed a lot of the writers i was reading stories by back in the day ik for a fact that at the time most of my faves were written by ppl who were like 25 - 35 at the time lmao
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maddy-ferguson · 11 months
i hope i'm not mutuals with anyone who's like 13 (i mean i think i'd know because they're not as slick as they'd like to think they are) because anyone is welcome to follow me it's not like i'm a nsfw blog i've been 6th grade friendly for like forever (and i actually remember making a tweet like this when i was 17 so yk A MINOR and it's funny to me now because if it had been like in english and in 2023 people would have been like umm of course you're 6th grade friendly are you forgetting that you are also literally a minor. which means that you have to wait six more months to find out what sex is. because my followers are/were normal they were just like this is funny and yeah you are) but as i've said before: my general rule is i'm not interested in following anyone younger than my sister and she just turned 18 (in january) so sucks to be a minor ig you will never be my favorite mutual who i love interacting with now... i can make exceptions especially when i'm following someone for fandom things not for omg you're so cool i want to know about you sooo badly and would love to know about your personal life things. but anyway. i don't remember where i was going with this
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