#2023 transits
cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
Scorpio♏ in 2023
Job and workplace could change until Oct 2023 as north node and Jupiter in 6th brings new opportunities.
You might take a big loan during this year.
There can be opportunities for foreign travel with Jupiter aspecting 12th house.
Your income and salary could rise significantly.
One of your past relation may return back to your life or someone from past life may get into your life with south node in 12th.
Your mother and family may be under some stress. You may change your residence now.
There may be a theme of ending and completion with south node in 12th. Sleep could be disturbed.
Mental dejection could be there with Saturn moving to 4th house.
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moonastrogirl · 2 years
For all Cardinal sun/moon/rising/ mercury/venus/mars + Cardinal dominant/stellium
Pluto in Capricorn had fucked us over and over again for 15 years. Now she is gone. BYE BITCH ! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Do you feel relieved ????
I do !! I feel lighter 🥰
(Okay well yes transits say that Pluto in Capricorn will be back in few months before Pluto stays definitely in Aquarius but it’s only 3 months -update for 2024- and Pluto is a slow moving planet so no crazy effect on us thus WE’RE GOOD)
(Just do not have kids while Pluto is back in Capricorn it will be crazyyyy 😭)
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iamcosmicseeing · 2 years
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Venus ingresses in 2023! When is your Venus return this year?
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My prediction for Pluto in Aquarius, especially while Saturn is in Pisces, is that society will be experiencing transformations around technology and what it can be used for, but we will have to learn how to discern the truth from the illusions.
Something about AI and deep fakes, it is critical for humanity to learn to pick out the relevant truth out of a world where you cannot trust the authenticity or accuracy of most of the information you receive.
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black-lake · 2 years
I just loved this video and I wanted to share it with y’all to spread more awareness about the upcoming astrological events. 🔭🌌 I loved the idea of encouraging us individually to stay in those higher vibrations of love, gratitude and peace to accelerate the birth of new earth, since clearly so many astrological aspects are indicating massive changes and us as co-creators in this universe have the power to accelerate those changes. Right there will be many triggers and we can rather keep it running smoothly more often than not by choosing to stay calm and at peace, since it will all pass. 🌍
Now especially with pluto going through the very last degrees of cap (28° to 29°), it’s going to be intense before it finally enters aqua in March to June, then back in cap and back again in aqua in 2024 until possibly 2043. And I’m so excited about this evolution and freedom but also kinda scared. For one, pluto in aqua is about to mess with us in social media big time, expect to be 👀 or controlled somehow, but either way those pluto themes will play out strongly in social media. I also have my mc in aqua and although they won’t conjunct obvs since it��s at later aqua degrees, I still dk how heck that will play out.
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tinaballest · 1 year
planets and transits
jupiter: jupiter’s transits are an opportunity for expansion, to enjoy life experiences, to organize socially, to plan, to study philosophy and religion, to travel and learn other languages and cultures. depending on the planet it touches.
saturn: saturn's transits are an opportunity for contraction, to structure (do things responsibly), to do few things but do them well, to put an end to what you have left over, to do practical things, to give "death".
uranus: uranus transits are an opportunity for changes, to enter into consciousness, to be independent, to tell the truth, to be in solidarity with others and the environment, to open yourself to innovation.
neptune: neptune’s transits are an opportunity to dissolve the "fog", to dissolve all fears, insecurities, indecisions, doubts, escapism, illusions, deceptions, victimization, dependent and sacrificial love. It is an opportunity to feel love for oneself and for others, and awaken to compassion.
pluto: pluto’s transits are an opportunity to deepen human relationships, for transformation, for purification, to kill and be reborn transformed.
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iastrobeing · 2 years
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astrology-manna · 2 years
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octolingrendezvous · 6 months
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there are no strings on me
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mutantmayhems · 11 months
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orallech · 10 months
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Games Played In 2023: Part 1 of 2
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moonastrogirl · 2 years
Venus in Leo transits my “8th house venus in Leo” this summer. The natal houses ruled by this transit planet are my 5th and 10th house. What does this mean for me?
Venus in Leo transit 8th house
A Venus transit in the 8th house means that you feel deeper, you will search for deeper connections too. You will try to make your relationships go to the next level. Connecting truly with people you know and already like. It also means more passionate and deep sex with your sexual partner if you have one. You will feel a deep and emotional bound while having sex and you will be very selective with who you have sex with. Not everyone will satisfy your need for depth. You won’t tolerate superficial connections no more. You will want to feel and connect deeply with people.
The 8th house is also the house of shared ressources so you might receive money or assets through others. It’s also the house of our inner power and sexual nature, so the more you will show that side of you the more you will receive attention. As Venus is in Leo here it’s exactly how it will be satisfying for you during this transit and you can make the most out of it.
As it’s impacting your 5th house it means the way you have fun or casual sex will be different. 5th house is the house of joy, lightness, playfulness, so that will get deeper for you. (Also the house of Tinder so maybe more hot dates for you 👀 tho be careful with who you hook with you, protect yourself).
For the 10th house it means you will want a deeper meaning when it comes to your career, goals and ambitions. You will want to do more meaningful tasks and connect more with your public. You will want people to connect with your public image in a more meaningful way.
Thanks for your question, let me know if you resonate with my answer by liking my post or sharing it 💜
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caelanglang · 1 year
Gravity’s Gentleness...
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Wooly Sunflowers (Eriophyllum lanatum) symbolize “Gentle Strength” 
source: Flowerpaedia by Cheralyn Darcey
This is heavily inspired by Story and Nawy’s (i’m too shy to tag them ><;;) ramble about Chuuya knowing (or not) how to be gentle... please read it! It’s so rich of brainworms and vitamin C(huuya)!!
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caintooth · 1 year
Happy Trans Day of Visibility!
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click here:
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Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has signed a bill that is aimed at fighting homelessness.
Called “Home IL,” it will bring state agencies, nonprofit organizations and other advocates together. The bill focuses on an equity-based approach, which includes the voices and contributions of those who have experience homelessness.
It codifies the collaboration to move Illinois to “functional zero” homelessness by bolstering the safety net, targeting high-risk populations, expanding affordable housing, securing financial stability for unhoused individuals and closing the mortality gap.
“Every person deserves access to safe shelter and the dignity that comes with housing,” Pritzker said. “This is a first-of-its-kind multi-agency cooperative effort — bringing together state agencies, nonprofit organizations, advocates, and people with lived experience to prevent and end homelessness. I’m grateful for their dedication and believe that together, we can prevent and end homelessness once and for all.”
Rockford has already taken strides in this aspect. In 2017, it became the first community to reach “functional zero” levels among veterans and the chronically homeless.
Illinois’ Interagency Task Force and Community Advisory Council works across 17 state departments and agencies, as well as over 100 processes, programs and policies, to develop a comprehensive plan to combat homelessness.
The goal of the plan is to prevent shelter entry or ensure that shelter stays are limited and lead to quick transitions into stable living situations.
Pritzker has also committed about $360 million for the initiative in his FY24 budget. These investments include:
• $118 million to support unhoused populations seeking shelter and services, including $40.7 million in the Emergency and Transitional Housing Program.
• $50 million in Rapid ReHousing services for 2,000 households, including short-term rental assistance and targeted support for up to two years.
• $40 million in Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Capital funds to develop 90+ new PSH units providing long term rental assistance and case management.
• $37 million in Emergency Shelter capital funds to create more than 460 non-congregate shelter units.
• $35 million for supportive housing services, homeless youth services, street outreach, medical respite, re-entry services, access to counsel, and other shelter diversion supports.
• $21.8 million to provide homelessness prevention services to approximately 6,000 more families.
• $30 million for court-based rental assistance.
• $15 million to fund Home Illinois Innovations Pilots.
• $12.5 million to create 500 new scattered site PSH units.
“People experiencing the trauma of housing instability are our neighbors and community members who deserve to be treated with humanity and dignity. With this cooperative effort, Illinois is ensuring our state agencies can continue to collaborate, and that stakeholders are at the table with us, to support our most vulnerable in living healthy, well, and with dignity.” Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton said. “Our state is making it clear that we will continue to work together so we can all move forward, and we will focus on holistic strategies that bring us closer to ending homelessness in our state.”
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mwebber · 1 year
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